Full Copy - Tennessee Genealogical Society
Full Copy - Tennessee Genealogical Society
................. ....-..........................-------. I . Publi.81ledllyTHET~SSEEGENEALOGICAl. SOCIETY . . . .• MelllPbis, Tennessee . . . . . ._ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .- -. . . . . .111111111!11. . .. .. ' WINTER~ YOLUME·.27 NUMBER 4 ·.19.80 .... CONTENTS - OYER THE EDITOR'S DESK 151 • • • • • •• NEWS·AND·NOTES OF OTHER PUBLICATIONS c BOOK·REVIEWS • • 151 .. . . ..,' . . . . . . . . . . • 153 HOW·· HEJ.,P¥ULARE QUAKER RECORDS ? • • 157 FAMILY GATlIERINGS '.' ~ • • • • •• • 160 DEATH RECORDS •FOUND IN' MEMPllIS ~ TENNESSEE ... 1866 • • 165 FRANKLIN COUNTY ~>TEmtESSEEWILL BOOK~ 1808- 1847 • • • • • • • 171 INDEX .TO 1840 CENSUS , .I<NOX iCOUNTY , TENNESSEE • .177 ANCESTORS ARE WHERE YOU FIND THEM • •• • • • • 182 FAYETTE COUNTY ,TENNESSEE COURT .MINUTES .' - ··YOI.UME·· B 183 WILSON COUNTY , TENNESSEE DATA • "SOUTHERN STATESMAN" EXCERPT QtJERIES •• • • •• • • • .~ • .. • 189 . . . . . ., . . . . . 190 . . . . .. . . . 191 . . . . . . .. . . . . THE . TENNESSEEGENEAI.OGICAL SOCI ETY P. O. BOX 12124 Memphis, Tennessee j8112 OFFICERS AND STAFF FOR 1980 Presidi:!nt . Vice President Recording Secretary Correspondence Secretary Librarian Assistant Librarian Surname Index Secretary Treasurer Editor Associate Editor Director Director LIBRARY . STAFF Lucile Hendren Cox Pauline Casey Briscoe Lynn Hodges Craven Jessie Taylor Webb Helen. Culbreath Hamer Wi11lla Sl1t7on·C()gd~3..1 qanca.CooklfOll:l.s Marilyn Johnson Baugus R••.. F••. Simpson,Jr. LouiseTittswo~th Tyus Evelyn Duncan Sigler Betty Key Mrs Homer D. Turner. Herbert Ray Ashworth Eleanor Riggins Barham Laurence B. Gardiner EDITORIAL STAFF BUSINESS STAFF Betsy Foster West Myrtle Louise Shelton Herman L. Bogan Eleanor W. Griffin Sarah Duncan Blalock Jean Alexander West Amelia Pike Eddlemon Thomas Proctor Hughes, Jr. Elizabeth Riggins Nichols Henrietta D. Gilley Betty Cline Miller "ANSEARCHIN' "NEWS is the official publication of TIlE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY; published quarterly in March, June, September, and December; annual subscriptioll $8.00 •. All subscriptions begin with the first issue·of the year. Non-delivery ()f any. issue should be reported to THE T~NNESSEE. GENEALOGICAL .... SOCIETY withintwolllonths of date of usual delivery i f a second copy is to be supplieci freeofc:harge. Subscribers may submit onequerye~chyear fro free publication; aciditionalqueries will be accepted ona "space available: basis. Contributions .0f,.13, types ()f genealogical .1nformati()n .wilLbe accepted. We publishprcaviousl,.'l1IlPublished Tennessee-connected data, preferably that with pre-Civil .War dates. All lIlaterial for publication is subject ot edi,U.ng t.o conservcalJpa~e... E\TE!:ry effort will be made to publish. accurate material; however, neither T~SSEEG~OGIGAJ.SOCIETY, . "ANSEAACHIN' "~S, nor the Editor can as.sume responsib:i.lities. for e;rors on the part of contributors. Corrections of proven errors will be published. Publ.ishable and unpublishable contributions are put on file i1.1 our library for <the use of our members. Books donated to our library will bereyiewed in the earliest possible issue of the quarterly. Second class postage paid at Memphis, Tennessee. ISSN 110003-5246 151 Winter 1980 OVER THE EDITOR'S DESK There is a wide variety of news on the desk this time, but perhaps the most urgent is the announcement of an excellent opportunity for genealogists. It is the workshop THE SOUTHERN ROUTE TO MISSISSIPPI with MARY BONDURANT WARREN as speaker • • • • • • • • • 28 March 1981, Greenwood, MS. Mrs. Bondurant publishes FAMILY PUZZLER and is an expert on families of the southeast. The fee is only $10.00, and reservations m~y be made through the Greenwood-Leflore Public Library, Genealogy Dept., 405 W. Washington, Greenwood, MS 38930. If you have access to the book, HISTORY OF THE 13th REGIMENT TENNESSEE VOLUNTEER.. CAVALRY, by Scott & Angel, you will surely want a copy of the index which is recently published by Frances D. Rowan, 46~. Grove St., Bishop, CA 93514. The book was originally printed in 1903 and contains several thousand names of East Tennessee res7 idents. The index covers not only names of people, but also names of places, battles, regiments etc. You may order from Mrs. Rowan for $4.50. We thank her for a gift copy. ( Another of our subscribers has sent us a partial listing of inscriptions taken in 1978 from Phillips family cemetery at Rosedale, Anderson County, TN. Many of the dates are relatively recent for genealogists; but th~ area is a very isolated one, and the records it contains need to be preserved. The earliest dates are those of James Phillips (18261881) and his wife Emily Carroll Phi1lips( died 21 May. 1888, aged ca 57 yrs). There are Bunch and Byrge/Burge markers also, as well as other more recently connected names. Although she did not say so in her letter, I'm sure our contributor would reply to any interested person with the inclusion of a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Her name is Barbara Blankenship, 2383 Akers Mill Road, V-7, Atlanta, GA 30339. We will add her information to our library, and appreciate her consideration. Another gift to our library came in the form of microfiche copies of family group sheets on the Wi1son-Rutherman-Woodburn-McE1hattan families. Information on these forms covers the years from 1690-1850, for the most part, and the areas in which these Scotch-Irish and German families lived after coming to Augusta County, VA and Blount County, TN. Although we do not have a reader for microfiche in ocr library, we appreciate the availability of this information to our members in Memphis who can check it out for reading elsewhere. If you are interested in these fcmi1ies, you may write Newton A. Wilson, 25 79 Madrid Way So., St. Petersburg, FL 33712. * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** NEWS AND NOTES FROM OTHER PUBLICATIONS Prepared by Amelia pike Eddlemon ANCESTORS UNLIMITED INC., Genealogical Society & Library, P.O. Box 490336, College Park, GA 30349. Vol. II, No.1. lbis is a v~ry attractive 71 page issue with much factual information. Queries are set up in a format that is easy to scan for surnames. New members are listed with surnames they are searching. Each issue contains a number of ancestor charts. This issue contains an eleven page article on the Henry Phillips/Lavinia Atkinson family and their descendants. Also featured are Clayton Co. marriages (1870-1876), bible and cemetery information, as well as an index. A LOT OF BUNKUM, Old Buncombe Co. Gen. Soc., P.O. Box 2122, Asheville, NC 28802. Vol. 1, No. 1,2. $10 yr. ]0 newsletters and 1 annual volume. New genealogical society and new publication pertaining to NC counties of Cherokee, Clay, Macon, Jackson, Swaim, Haywood, Henderson, Buncombe and Madison. 152 "Ansearchin' " News News and Notes from Other Publications (continued) BULLETIN, West Central KY Family Research, P.O. Box. 1465, Owensboro, KY 42301. $8.00 per year. This issue contains a very informative. arti~le on census records and their use and value to genealogists. The balance of the publi~ation pertains to queries and book reviews mainly. KENTUCKY FAMILY RECORDS, published by the West Central KY Family Research also, features in Vol. 8, articles andinfQrmation on John Baxley from Ireland to MD; the Thomas H. Funk family bible; Stew.artfamilygraveyard in Ohio Co.; the history of the Artman (Erdman) family; Bidwell. family data; the index to Logan Co., KY will book "A"; and genealogical information on Presley and Susa.nnah Malin Moseley. CENTENNIAL INQUIRER, Custer County Historical Society, 255 Southl.0th Ave., Broken Bow, NB 68822. January 1980, Vol.l, No. l~ This is Bro~en Bow'scent~nnial year, and this is the first issue of the publication of. their historicalsociety~ They feature hietorical information and many pictures of pioneer families taken in front of their sod or long log hom~s. Families are identified by name. Other information includes map, pictures of early buildings, and other facts concerning the early days of Broken Bow. Although this publication is slanted more toward historical information, there are many names which could be genealogically interesting. SAMMONS FISHING LINES, Mary Lou Martin, Star Route, Box 196, Bishop, CA 93514. Published monthly, this is a three page family letter.with genealogical information, regarding the Sammons name and family. It includes~queries. Write for further info. YALOBUSHA PIONEER, Yalobusha County Historical Society, Rt. 1, Box 15, Coffeeville,MS 38922. $6.00 per yr. Vol III, No.4, Winter issue. Published quarterly. Most of this issue pertains to historical information, an article regarding the searching of land records, and queries. THE SEARCHER, Broken Mountain Gen. Soc., Box 261, Chester, Montana 59522.Subscription $2.00 Single membership $10.00. This first publication of this relatively young society is very attractive with many pictures and illustrations. Vol. 1, No. 1 contains cemetery and church r~cords, historical tid-bits, and queries. PELLISSIPPIAN, Pellissippi Genealogical Society, ClintonC:ity Library, 118 So. Hicks St., Clinto'n, TN 37716. $10.00 per year. This is the first publication ·cf a new genealogical group in East Tennessee. and their first issue is full of good factual information including cemetery information for Roane and Scott Counties, Salling and Butler family bibles, a Civil War letter written by A.L. Gammon, and an Iridian War letter by James S. Kennedy. Also featured are Anderson .Co. Court Minutes 1801-1809 with many names, and an 1840 census of Anderson Co. giving complete census details. Queries make up the balance of this fact-filled 48 page issue. CRAIG LINKS, Martha Nell Craig, P.O., Box 645, Twain Ha.rte,CA95383. Vol. 1, No •. ·.2 •. 4 issues per year , $8.00. This very gooci .source for people searching the Craig n81lle includes queries, family histories, lineag~s,and genealogical source information regarding CraigsinAmerica. This volume contains 20 pages. THE LILLY LETTER, The Lilly Family Association, 8800 State Highway 133, Carbondale, CO 81623. Published periodically. Gives information·pertaining to this family surnaJlle. Contact the above address for further information. THE HEYDON-HAYDEN-HYDEN FAMILIES, Bill Hyden, P.O. Box 35004, Tulsa, OK 74135 • Pub:" lished quarterly. $10.00 This' is a very attractive, professional.o.looking book. Its: 30 pages contain good genealogical information on these family names. Winter 1980 153 BOOK REVIEWS By Herman L. Bogan, Evelyn D. Sigler, Eleanor W. Griffin, Edith LeDuke HISTORICAL SOUTHERN FAMILIES, Volume XXIII, edited by Mrs. John Bennett Boddie. 212 pp. Indexed. Order fr.om Mrs. M. Boddie P~lling, 1980. Hard back. 305 Moreton Bay Lane, Goleta, CA 93017 $15.00 Thi.s :Is the latest volume in a series lon~ recognized for Us value to genealogists. It is compiled from documented evidence not previously published; source references are ~iven. Families included are: FORD (VA & KY), BRUNER (KY), ETHEREDGE (nw AL). EGGLESTON (VA), OVERTON (GA), RUFFIN (VA, NC, TN. MO. OK). CLEMENTS (NC), GRUBB (PA. DE), WRIGHT (AL). MILLER (SC) and related families AT~INSON and HUNTER (NC) and FARMER (VA), Thomas ROSE #3 (Surry County, VA). EWG JOHNSTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA LAND ENTRIES Soft back. Johnstpn 119 pp. Indexed. ~778 thru l80S,compiled by Weynette Parks Haun. 1980. Order from compiler, 243 Argonne Dr., Durham, NC 27704 $15.00 lochted in east central North Carolina. is the home of such places as Great Swamp, Gilbert's Neck, Goard Vine, Great Dismal. Great Contentney and other places equally as intriguing. The book was transcribed from microfilm records of the North Carolina Dept. of Archives and History. The index contains 21 pages of surnames and such places; if your ancestor was here in this time period and owned land, this could be a gold mine. EWG Gou~~y, Bu~hff~loe OLD ALBEMARLE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA - PERQUIMANS PRECINCT - BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS and FLESH MARKS 1659-1820, compiled by Weynette Parks Haun. 1980. Soft back. 108pp. Indexed. Order from Weynette Parks Haun, 243 Argonne Drive, Durham, NC 27704 ( $12.50 Every effort has been made to present a verbatim transcription of these old records. As usual, many problems were encountered; pages torn and missing, ink badly faded, and each recorder's version of the En~lish language created difficulties. The reviewer was relieved to learn that "flesh marks" actually meant brands for livestock. This book covers a period of nine years when information on births and marriages are difficult to find. This is a welcome addition to printed sources for this time period in North Carolina. EWG MINUTE BOOK, COURT OF PLEAS AND QUARTER SESSIONS, LAWRENCE COUNTY, TENNESSEE, 1818-1822. Reprinted by P-Vine Press. 1980. Soft back. Box 264, Columbia, TN 38401 $9.00 190pp. Indexed. Order from Mrs. Polly c. warren, Route 7 Mrs. Warren, closely associated with Lawrence County as a genealogical researcher and with close family connections, reprints a book which she feels will be a valuable aid to the researcher in that area. She mentions that many old books and papers were burned when the 1905 Courthouse was built. An alert County official retrieved this one from a bonfirel This minute book is referr~d to in Lawrence County as the "David Crockett Dockett." Many names are listed here in connection with juries, justices, court cases, road repairs and other court duties. Included in the minutes is an 1819 list of voters. Many of the residents of Lawrence County, including David Crockett, moved to West Tennessee. EWG \ LAWRENCE COUNTY, TENNESSEE 1840 CENSUS, 1860 CENSUS, PRIVATE ACTS, MISCELLANEOUS NEWSPAPER ABSTRACTS. Reprinted by P-Vine Press. 1980. Soft back. l79pp. Indexed. Order from Mrs. Polly C. Warren, Route 7, Box 264, Columbia, TN 38401$10.00 Second in a series of books to be reprinted by P-Vine Press, this one is offered by Mrs. Warren to make your search for your ancestors easier in this southern Middle Tennessee county. Take care to check all four indexes as there is one for each section. Of especial interest are the newspaper abstracts which make such interesting reading. EWG LAUDERDALE COUNTY, ALABAMA CIVIL WAR RECORDS, 1860 CENSUS, compiled by Polly C. Warren. 1978. Soft back. 234 pp. Indexed. Order from P-Vine Press, Rt. 7, Box 264, Columbia, TN 38401 $10.00 This is the first of a planned series of books on Lauderdale Co~nty, AL. Work on the 1870 and 1880 census records is already underway, and they will be pub1isbed in the future. This volume includes a census taken of Confederate soldiers in 1907, biographical sketches, ·known burials of Confederate soldiers in Lauderdale Co. and a miscellany consiting of notes taken from newspapers concernin~ the county, its residents and businesses. EWG 154 "Ansearchin'" News Book Reviews (continued) R~D RIVER SETTLERS, by Edythe Rucker Whitley. 1980. Hard back. 189 pp. Indexed. Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 111 Water Street, Baltimore, MD 21202 $15.00 O~der from This book deals with the northern half of Montgomery, Robertson and Sumner Counties in Tennessee, the area known as Red River. It consists of a collection of county, state, church and family records. It also contains genealogies of Red River families, some ninety-five. Besides the genealogies, this work contains valuable lists of' militia officers, pensioners and overseers of roads, as well as a lengthy chapter on Methodists in Middle Tennessee. There is a map of Tennessee in 1806 that will be of help ~o researchers in all of Tennessee at this time period. EWG PERSONAL N~ INDEX TO THE 1856 CITY DIRECTORIES OF CALIFORNIA, Volume 10 in the Gale Genealogy and Local History Series, edited by Nathan C. Parker. Published by Gale Research Co. 1980. 250pp. Indexed. Hard back. Order from the publisher, Book Tower, Detroit, MI 48226 $28.00 This index was prepared to help bridge the gap between the censuses of 1850, 1852 and 1860 and to help locate Californians during one year of the gold rush era. California's population had increased over 300% in this decade, but many of these miners had returned to their homes in the east before 1860. This index can be useful for a researcher who knows that an individual was in California, but who does not know the town of residence. Names were taken from directories of San Francisco, Sacramento, Stockton, Nevada City, Marysville and Tuolomne County. These represent all of the known 1856 California directories. Ethnic identification is included in the index. EDS YALOBUSHA COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CEMETERY RECORDS, VOL. II, EASTE~_ YALOBUSHA COUNTY, published by the Yalobusha County Historical Society. 1980. Soft back. 175pp. Indexed. Order from the Society, Route 1, Box 15, Coffeeville, MS 38922 $6.00 Although the mimeographing could be of better quality, this work definitely reflects a dedicated effort to preserve unpUblished records which are so badly needed for this area. Over forty cemeteries are recorded; many had been forgotten and overgrown when researchers, with the aid of old Corps of Engineers maps, searched long hours to find some of them. If it were not for the generosity of time and labor on the part of these people, some of our ancestral rec.ords could be lost. PASSENGER AND IMMIGRATION LISTS INDEX, Preliminary Volume, compiled by P. William Filby. 1980. Semi-soft back. 324pp. Indexed. Sent as a bonus with all orders: for the forthcoming three volume set to be published early in 1981. Order from Gale Research Co., Book Tower, Detroit, MI48226. Price for the 3 volume set is $220.00 This volume, the forerunner of the larger three-volume publication, gives a sampling of the mass of information which is to follow. It brings together in one alphabetical list the names of passengers who came to North America or the West Indies. during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. PILI includes names from many hundreds of lists, going far beyond the 262 lists used i~ Lancour's. It will Rive information regardiug the immigrant's place and date of arrival in the New World, names of accompanying dependants and relatives, their ages (when available) and the source of the record. The preliminary volume contains 75,000 such entries. GEORGIA CITIZENS AND SOLDIERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, by Robert S. Davis, Jr. 1979. Hard back. 227pp. Indexed. Order from Southern Historical Press, Box 738, Easley, SC 29640 $25.00 Georgia was the last and probably the most reluctant of the thirteen colonies to join the American Revolution. She was the only state completely conquered by the British and restored to colony status. She suffered tremendous losses during this period. One researcher has estimated that in what is now Burke and adjoining counties, the most heavily populated at that time, only some forty% of the families living there before the war remained afterwards. This book uses genealogically significant documents such as pension and lar.d records, military accounts, Loyalist records, petitions, etc., to describe the Revolution in Georgia. EWG CORRECTIONS OWEN COUNTY, KENTUCKY ABSTRACTS OF DEED BOOK C, 1827-1830, by Dorothy Merrifield should be ordered from Cook-McDowell Publications, Inc., 719 East 6th Street, Owensboro, KY 42301 GREENE COUNTY, MISSISS1PPI RECORDS, compiled by Ben & Jean Strickland should be ordered from the compilers at 72 Simpson Lane, Milton, FL 32570 . RAPOPORT FAMILY TREE; correct spelling of the published is Moretus Press. Winter 1980 155 Book_Reviews, (continued) THE FAMILY SEARCH OF CLARENCE RICE OWENS, collected by Clarence Rice Owens and compiled from his notes by Katherine Bruce Jones. 1975. Hard back. 349pp. Indexed. Order from California Genealogical Society, 2099 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco,CA 94109 $12.50 This is a family history and the story of one man's search for his family which should be a ~ro fitable guide for other searchers. The publication is divided into five parts. Part I concerns James Owens (Owen, Owings) of NC. Part II gives the history of Hiram Chambers of Madison Co., IN. Part III discusses Oliver Phelps Rice of NY and his genealogy, as well as Charles Rice, the Colton family of MA and Catherine Rosecrans, who lived among the Indians. Part IV is concerned with the histories of the Pattersons: Adam, Jonathan and William Berry of MA, NY and WI, and includes short sketches on the Failing, Chapin, Crawford, Closson and White families. Part V gives information on the Farnam, Sly, Wiltse and Choat families. At $12.50, this is a bargain. HLB ADAIR HISTORY AND GENEALOGY, by James Barnett Adair, M.D. 1924. Hard back. 330pp. Indexed according to various Adair lines. Order from Southern Historical Press, P.O. Box 738, Easley, SC 29640 $25.00 This book begins with the European background and biographies of British Adairs and continues with the immigrant and seven lines in America. The author makes no claim of giving all Adairs in a complete chart, due partially to lack of response from some of them, but he says, '~e did include most of the principle families and made them as complete as available data would permit." Many of the men and women in this unusual family helped develop our country, and those with Adair connections will find much helpful information here. Others will enjoy the fascinating stories of early America. SAMUEL FRAZIER OF TENNESSEE AND HIS FAMILY, by Virginia Knight Nelson. 1978. Soft back. 203pp. Indexed. Order from the author, 3520 Bluff Point Drive, Knoxville, TN 37920 ( $10.00 Samuel Frazier was a Patriot of 1776. He was one of the framers of the Tennessee Constitution of 1796 and the first state senator from Greene County, 1796-1801. His wife was Rebecca Julian. Her grandfather, Rene de Julien, was a Huguenot who came to America soon after 1700. Approximately 1000 people claim descent from this couple, among them James Barish .Frazier, who in 1903 became the C~vernoi of Tennessee and later U.S. Senator from the same state. The book has 44 photographs and 18 other illustrations. There are ten pages on the Julian family in the book. HLB MY HERN FAMILY, by Betty Hern Harrell. 1615 Bonnie Circle, Easton, PA 18042 1980 Hard back. $20.00 267pp. Indexed. Order from the author, William Hearne, ancestor of the author, and two of his brothers settled in Somerset County, MD by l6R8. He was born in England in 1627 and joined Cromwell~s forces in 1642, where he rose to the rank of Captain. Upon the death of Cromwell, William went to the West Indies and established a trade from England to the West Indies and America. He married twice and died in 1691, leaving Mary, his widow and two small sons, William and Thomas. A full account of these sons is given.The author's line is from Thomas, with connections to the Townsend, Rowland, Peterson, Mackey, Cleveland and Williams families. Their migrations are typical of many other pioneer American families. A ROTHWELL BOOK, Comprising The Descendants of Claiborne Rothwell of Albemarle County, Virginia, arranged and compiled by Myra Smith Fischer. 1964. Hard back. 434pp. Indexed. Order from The Tennessee Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 12124, Memphis, TN 38112 $20.00 An old letter retrieved from the attic was the inspiration that sent the author on a genealogical search for her Revolutionary War ancestor. Elizabeth Ann Rothwell Smith had written a paper headed "The Rothwell Family" which listed the names of three generations of her family back to her grandfather, John F. Rothwell, who was born in Albemarle County, VA in 1780. Research led to the will of Claiborne Rothwell which named his four sons, whom Elizabeth Ann had named as her grandfather and his three brothers. Mrs. Fischer has traced the Rothwe1ls in America through nine generations. HLB CEMETERIES OF NORTH PANOLA COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI, published by The Panola Hist. & Gen. Society, 1980 Soft back. 52pp. Indexed. Order from PanGens, 129 Panola Ave., Batesville, MS 38606 $8.00 This is the second cemetery record published by the Society, the first one in 1977 being a record of Batesville Cemetery. There are sixteen church and community cemeteries and several private 156 "Ai1sellrc"hi:ri· ,i' News Book Reviews (continued) burying grounds listed here. A map is included to show each location, as well as written dlrections with highway numbers and distances. A brief history of each site, taken from land records and church histories, precedes each listing. Some early dates will be found here, and all genealogical information on the stones has been copied. For example, "Elijah Hunt, M.D. 5/4/1791, Elbert County, GAl/7/l839 on his plantation in Panola Co. His wife Eliza pays tribute ••• " ELeD INDEX TO GEORGIA POOR SCHOOL AND ACADEMY RECORDS, 1826-1850, edited by MARILYN L. ADAMS. 1980. Soft back. 68pp. Order from the R.J. Taylor, Jr. Foundation, P.O. B~x 38176, Atlanta, GA $6.00 This book is an index to the pre-18S1 material contained in a group of poor (public) school and academy records which were submitted to the State of GA by local officials as a basis for allocating school funds. The index by no means includes all extant school records for GA; it includes only those which appear on two reels of microfilm in the GA Dept. of Archives & History. However, it does include name, county and year of enrollment for students in twenty-nine GA counties. In a few cases, a family's move to another county may be reflected in records covering up to 5 years. THE BROYLES FAMILY TIES, VOL. IX, compiled by John Kenneth Broyles, Sr. Soft back. 180pp. Order from the author, Rt. 3, Box 178, Clinton, TN 37716 $10.00 This book includes a history of the name of Broyles, additions to previous volumes, obituaries from East Tennessee, census records from TN, MO, VA, WV and marriage records of WV 1799-1965 for the Broyles name. The genealogy begins with the immigrant, John Broyle (Breil), b ca 1680-85 in Germany, who died in 1734 in Madison Co., VA. This is a most complete and comprehensive publication on this family lineage and a must for those researching this line. ELeD THE HOUSE OF JOHN JOHNSON (1731-1802) SALEM COUNTY, NEW' JERSEY AND HIS DESCENDANTS, by Mary Coates Martin Kupi11as. 1979. Hard back. 98pp. Indexed. Order from the author, 220 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 $13.50 (NY residents add $1.00 tax) After several years of research, Mrs. Kupillas has put together nine generations of Johnsons with a continuous historical record covering more than 200 years of the events of their time. Some of the related families are: Mahew, Coates, Swing, DuBois, Richman, McClung, Dailey, Greeman, Clarke Lambson, Hall, Elwell, VanMeter, Schade, VanDervoort, Walker, Martin and Blakeman. Residence of persons mainly involves New Jersey, but other states are DE, CT, NY and PA. EWG JOHN WOOLDRIDGE, BLACKSMITH, by Laurence B. Gardiner and William C. Wooldridge. 1980. Soft back. 55pp. Indexed. Order from Laurence B. Gardiner, 1863 Cowden, Memphis, TN 38102 $6.00 This little book is a very fine example of the art of putting together the story of a man's life from court records, deeds, newspapers, and bits and pieces of information gathered wherever possible. I felt as if Scotland Yard had been at work here! Starting with John Wooldridge in Henrico County, Virginia in 1699, the family of six children is described, dealing with each child in turn. In 1729, John moved his ~amily to his lands near the Huguenot settlement at Manakin and four of his children married Ruguenots. These line8 are Flournoy, Trabue and Salle. The footnotes and subsequent information make as interesting reading as the main body of the book. . EWG THE DEEDS OF AMHERST COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1761-1807 and ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1748-1763, by the Rev. Bailey Fulton Davis. Reprinted 1979. Hard back. 485pp. Indexed. Order from Southern . Historical Press, P.O. Box 738, Easley, SC 29640 $37.50 These records from Albemarle and Amherst were abstracted over a number of years by Rev. Davis, a retired Baptist minister. They were published separately and are now out of print; therefore, because of wide-spread interest in early Virginia records, they are.now re-published in one volume with a new, full-name index added. Also included a+e what the author terms "interesting items from Albemarle County Order Book 1744". They are such things as a list of persons for whom Joshua Fry, Gentleman surveyed lands, slave items, i.e. name, age and owner, children who were bound out, estates and heirs. The earliest extant deed book begins in 1748, and the abstract as given here is amplified in many cases by the author's perspnal observations. By far the largest section of this book is devoted to the Deed Books of Amherst County. They begin with Book A on 1 June 1761 and continue through Book K which ends 20 July 1807. Other books compiled and published by Rev. Davis will be reprinted in the future, so watch for these! EWG Winter 1980 157 HOW HELPFUL ARE EARLY QUAKER RECORDS? The Alexander Campbell Story By Lillian Johnson Gardiner "The average genealogist seldom thinks of hunting for Quaker ancestors in our Tennessee mountains," I thought, as I noticed a reference to the early Lost Creek Friends Meeting (Quakers) formed in 1797 in Jefferson County, Tennessee. My greatgreat-grandfather, Alexander Campbell had been a hard nut to crack on the family tree and it was only from Quaker records that I learned anything factual about him. When a knowledgeable woman in Knoxville asked me if I had looked into the Quaker records, I asked myself, ''Why?'' MyoId Scotsman was not a Quaker I Then one day with time to kill, my husband, Laurence, looked at the Cane Creek monthly meeting records of Orange County, NC. There was Grandpa I He was a recorder of the meeting and had put much family history down for posterity. All I knew of him was that he had married Nancy (McCarty) Reed on 3 Jan. 1813, probably in Sevier or Blount Co. She was the widow of Joseph Reed and lived with her four young children on the neighboring farm to old widower, Alexander Campbell. Two sons were born to this -marriage, Eli in 1814 and Levi (my great-grandfather) in 1816. The Cane Creek records showed: ( Alexander Camble (Campbell), s. Chas. & E1ender, b. 10-15-1759, Culpeper Co., Va. Margaret Camb1e, dt. WID. & Margaret Williams, b. 4-1-l750(?), Fairfax Co., Va. Ch: Elizabeth b. 2-25-1772, Chatham Co. Rachel " 11-27-1774, " " Elizabeth" 8-18-1776, " " Elic " 10- 2-1778, " " Owen b. 8-23-1779, Chatham Co. Margret "10-11-1781, " " Elender " 2-23-1784, Orange " William " 5-16-1785, Randolph" (The records of Lost Creek MM, Tenn., give birth of Margreat Campbell, w. Alexander, as 4-1-1755. Names of additional children & dates of birth are given as follows: Mary b. 12- 7- 1787. Alexander" 5-28-1790. Reache1 "10-13-1792. Nancey " 7-26-1796 Levi & Eli b. 4-20-1799. Elizabeth Campbell, dt. Alex & Margaret, d. lq-22~1772, bur. Belew Creek. Rachel Campbell, dt. Alex & Margaret, d. 9-31-1775, bur. Deep River. Elic Campbell, s. Alex & Margaret, d. 10-3-1778, bur. Deep River. Owen Campbell, s. Alex & Margaret, d. 10-22-1780, bur. Deep River. Elender Campbell, dt. Alex & Margaret, d. 3-15-1784, bur. Cane Creek. Isn't this great! We learn his parents names - her parents - their places of birth. From the children's dates and places of births and deaths, we can follow the family migration. By 1784 the Campbells are worshipping at Cane Creek, for daughter Elender was born and died in Orange County, NC that year. Cane Creek was established in 1751 in Orance Co. In 1771 Chatham was cut from Orange, and the dividing line was run a short distance to the south of this meeting house. Later ~his meeting was cut off into Alamance Co., NC, and it is now about 15 miles south of Graham, the county seat. I 158 "Ansearchin'" News How Helpful Are Quaker Records? (continued) These actions taken ~y Cane Creek Meeting are of interest: CAMPBELL. 1772, 9, 5. Margaret (form Williams) rpd moue 1783, 1, 4. Alexander recrq. 1783, 3, 1. Elizabeth & Margaret recrq of parents, Alexander & Margaret. 1796, 8, 6. Alexander & fam gct New Hope MM. [Tenn.] 1796, 8, 6. Margaret (with h) & ch gct New Hope MM. [Tenn.] September 1772, Margaret is reported '~arried out of unity". as she had a child born in Feb. 1772. The reporter is a bit late In January of 1783 Alexander was "received on request". These dates probably tell a much bigger story than the bare facts imply. Alexander, bei~g a Scotsman and a fighter, refused to join the Quaker church when they were first married as he wanted to take part in the Revolutionary War. After the war - and as my husband explains it - and after Margaret had dogged him for 12 years, he joined the church with her, and she was reinstated. In 1796 the family moved from North Carolina to Te~nessee. This was the year Tennessee became a state. Their letter was sent to New Hope Monthly Meeting in Greene County, TN established in 1795. This meeting was first called Nolichucky from the stream on which the settlement was located. In the early years many friends from Cane Creek were among its members, including Alexander and Margaret Campbell and their large family. In 1797 Lost Creek was officially established near the present town of New Market, Jefferson County, TN under the care of New Garden Monthly Meeting of North Carolina. For those who have misplaced ancestors from this area it is important to note that about 1803 to 1810 more than 25 certificates for families were issued by this church to Miami Monthly Meeting in Ohio and to ten other Ohio meetings. Beginning in 1810 to about 1830 the tide was flowing to Indiana - one third of which went to the northwest corner of Wayne County. So many Tennesseans moved there that it was called "The Tennessee Settlement", near the present town of Economy, Indiana. I found in the Lost Creek records the final chapter of Grandpa's Quaker Episode~ 1798, 2, 17 • Elexander & s, William & Alexander, recf Cane Creek MM, dated 1796, 8, 6. 1798, 2, 17. Margaret & dt, Elizabeth, Margaret, wary, Rachel & Nancy, recf Cane Creek MM, dated 1796, 8, 5. . 1798, 3, 21. Elizabeth Cloud (form Campbell) con her moue 1800, 12, 20. Margaret dis. 1801, 2, 21. Alexander appointed recorded. 1802, 7, 24. Alexander co. 1808, 3, 26. William dis. 1812, 6, 27. Mary Cowan (form Campbell) dis mcd 1813, 1, 30. Alexander, Sr. dis mcd. 1814, 8, 27. Rachel Pitner (form Campbell) dis mcd. Queer that the death of Margaret Williams Campbell was never recorded, at least I didn't find it; but it was prior to 1813, for on Jan. 30, 1813 Alexander, Sr. was dismissed for marrying contrary to discipline. On Jan. 3, 1813 he had married Nancy McCarty Reed. You will notice that most of his children married out l')f the church, too, and the ones I knew of were all staunch Presbyterians as became a good Scotsman. But I do thank the good· Quaker bretheren for keeping such good records. They helped me locate Charles and i . 159 Winter 1980 How Helpful Are Early Quaker Records? (continued) E1ender Campbell in Cumberland County, North Carolina where Charles died ca 1761. They left few tracks. Anyone who knows more about this family is requested to write me in care of this publication. We found so much about Alexander Campbell and his first wife and family in Hinshaw's ~aker Records. and it is only fitting that his second wife and family have their day too. Following is a nible Record given to me years ago by an excellent genealogist, the late Prentice Price of Rogersville, TN and Richmond, VA. "Names and ages of the children of Nancy Bowen, who was married to Joseph Reed Feb. 2. 1804: Alexander Campbell Jan 3. 1813: and to Bazzee1 Bowen the 21 Mav. 1820. John S. Reed b. 30 April 1805 Grace J. Reed b. 30 Aug 1806; died 1863. Mary M. Reed b. 19 June 1808; died 19 June 1852. Jeremiah M. Reed b. 4 March 1810 Eli Campbell b. 29 August 1814 Levi Campbell b. 9 July 1816 Nelson Bowen b. 4 Feb. 1821 Narcissa Bowen b. 7 Feb. 1823 Dianna E. Bowen b. 14 Dec. 1824; died 5 Mar 1853. Nancy Bowen, the mother of the above named children, was born on the 3rd day of Dec 1789 in Augusta County, VA - born Nancy McCarter. Died age 86. A good Christian." ( Other facts taken from Mr. Price's records and expanded by my own are: John S. Reed married Frances Reed (dau of John S. Reed Sr. of Greene Co.) Oct 1826. Their children were: William Ross, Frances Jane, Joseph, Grissy Anne, John S., Nancy, and James K. Polk, who died 13 March 1843. Grace J. Reed married Elisha Roberts of Sevier Co, T~. Their children were: Mary Anp, Levi Campbell, John Sevier, Nancy Emeline, Albert Gallatin. Jeremiah Reed married Prudence Shipley of Grainger Co, TN 16 Dec 1830. Their children were: Nancy, James, William, Joseph, Mary Ann, Willie Mitchell, Eliza and Cornelia. Eli Campbell married Elizabeth Borgus of Alabama. Levi Campbell married Lucinda Huffmaster of Hawkins Co, TN on 26 Feb 1838. Their children were: Alexander b 7 Jan 1839; Elizabeth b 23 Feb 1841, m G.A. McCarty; Mary Jane b 28 Oct 1842, m John N. Helton; Joseph H. b 3 Dec 1845; Eliza A. b 2 Dec 1847, m S.W. Lowe; Helen M. b 3 Jan 1849, m WID. A. Hammers; John Eli b 6 Apr 1851, m Jennie H. Hess; Wiley B.; Levi and Joseph H. who were twins. Narcissa Bowen married Henry Moody 183_. Their children were John Reed & Mack Parrot. ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ DANIEL R. WHITLEY FAMILY BURIAL PLOT Listed by C. A. McLennan 11 M~y 1976 Located on the Howard and Reeves "Redbud Farm" between Charleston and Mason in Tipton County, Tennessee DANIEL R. WHITLEY 15 July 1802 - 16 Oct 1856 SARAH W. WHITLEY, wife of D.R. Whitley 20 Sept 1810 - 20 July 1850 Edgar L. Whitley, son of D.R. and S.W. Whitley, 30 March 1850 - 1 July 1850 James H. Whitley, son of D.R. and S.W. Whitley, 17 Sept 1837 - 29 March 1838 Daniel A. Whitley, son of D.R. and S.W. Whitley, 26 March 1834 - 26 April 1834 / / . "Ansearchi; "'.News· 160 FAMILY GATHERINGS Compiled by Jessi~ Taylor WeJ;b WOLFE-ANTRICAN FAMILY - Information from Mrs. Howard K. Hansen, 6664 West Belmont, Fresno, CA 93705 (letter dated 1975 - Ed.) JACOB WOLFE, found in the 1830 and 1840 census of Hawkins County, TN, was a son of Charles Wolfe and his wife, Susannah __1__; he was named in Charles Wolfe's will in 1819 in Grainger County, TN. Jacob married Mary (believed to be McGINNIS) and they had the following children: 1. Elizabeth WOLFE, born 1811, married Thomas EPPERSON. Went to Greene County. MO with McCOY and McGinnis families. 2. Nathan WOLFE, b 1817, married Elizabeth ALLEN 3. Rosa WOLFE, born 1816, married Hezekiah MILLS 4. Susan WOLFE, born ca l820-25m married Nicholas ANTRICAN 5. Emeline WOLFE, born , married Hopper ANTRICAN 6. Andrew WOLFE, born ca 1825, married Mahala LIVESAY 7. Riley WOLFE, born 1834, married Jane McGINNIS 8. Martha WOLFE (believed to be of same family), married Andrew TRAIL The pension papers of Francis ANTRIKIN (ANTRICAN), Revolutionary Soldier, say that he lived in Green County, TN for 16 years after the war, then went to Hawkins County. He died ca 1845 in Grainger County, TN and had a daughter, Sarah, married 1817, Joel McCOY, son of Archibald McCOY and Phoebe (HILL), who came from Virginia to Hawkins County ca 1806. Their sons Joel, James and John were all born in Virginia. John McCOY married Barbara WOLFE, a daughter of Charles and Susannah WOLFE. THE CARDERS in SOUTH CAROLINA - 1790-1850 - Information from Mr. James L. Carder, 3411 Chancellor, Memphis, TN 38118 Mr. CARDER has written a study of this family because he believes that his greatgrandfather, GEORGE WASHINGTON CARDER, must be the son of one of these men. By taking the Federal census records of Abbeville and Pendleton Districts, Anderson and York Counties, and other sources, he has fabricated a very plausible family structure which is probably pretty accurate. He is able to account for names in Estate papers which coincide with census records. He has used Land Records from South Carolina and Tennessee Archives and biographical histories to find some pieces to the puzzle. Now he invites other members of this family to help him come up with documentary proof of it. His study ends with these lines. "Some main points that can be drawn from this study are: 1. 2. 3. CARDERS settled in South Carolina as early as 1790 with some of them being JAMES CARDER settling in 96th District (Abbeville County) and THOMAS CARDER, SR., GEORGE CARDER and NIMROD CARTER settling in Pendleton District (Anderson County). The Pendleton District (Anderson County) CARDERS were a closely related people who probably migrated to South Carolina from Virginia (possibly Culpeper County). Thomas CARDER, Sr. probably left Virginia sometime prior to 1784 as his son Thomas, Jr., was born in Tennessee ca 1784 and they may be closely related to a Godfrey CARDER who received a North Carolina Land Grant in Washington County, Tennessee in 1782. Winter 1980 161 Family Gatherings (continued) LATTA - GUTHRIE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - Information from Mrs. Charles Fiori 1516 Hillside Drive, Reno, Nevada 89503 Neal's STATE GAZETT~ of December 11. 1902 carried the story of an elegant golden wedding anniversary reception held in Dyersburg, Tennessee. It commemorated the marriage of Capt. S.R. LATTA, who had come from Pennsylvania to Dyersburg in 1850 and had married in D~cember 1852 Miss Mary Granger GUTHRIE of Gibson County, TN. Capt. LATTA was an able lawyer and a Superintendent of the Presbyterian Sunday School for 35 years. Gathered about them in the home in which they had spent fifty happy years, were their six children and 22 grandchildren. John G. ~TTA, his wife and 3 children; T.C. GORDAN and wife Kate LATTA GORDON and five children; Rev. W.M. ANDERSON of the First Presbyterian Church at Nash~ille, and his wife Sadie LATTA ANDERSON; and some of their children; Frank G. LATTA and wife and five children; S. Granger LATTA and wife and three children; J.P. GRIGSBY and wife Nell LATTA GRIGSBY and one child. For the occasion Mrs. Ella BRIGHAM, widow of Rev. D.F. BRIGHAM, read an original poem. In a letter to his niece, Florence LATTA COOMBS, Capt. S.R. LATTA wrote of his family cemetery in Dyersburg where his father, mother, brothers: John, William and James all lie buried. John was the father of Flor~nce. The letter was dated 30 December 1902. ( LEFTWICH FAMILY RECORDS - Copied by Dr. Louis Johnson, Jr., 729 Woodlawn, Cookeville, TN 38501 from two Bibles owned by Mr. Dallas Leftwich, Burgess Fall s Rd., Cookevill e, TN 38501. Lewis T. LEFTWICH, born 22 July 1823, died 19 Mar 1898; married E1iz~beth L.CROSS on 12 Feb 1845. She was born 24 Sept 1825, and died 20 July 1862 •. William T. LEFTWICH, born 18 Dec 1845; died 17 Jan 1880. Snowden Marshall LEFTWICH, born 20 Apr 1847, died 6 May 1911. Mary L. LEFTWICH, born 14 Sept 1848, died 7 Nov 1885;· married 11 Dec 1874, M.R.ANDERSON. Samuel Alexander LEFTWICH, born 18 Feb 1850, married Catherine ANDERSON 10 Jan 1875. Lewis J. LEFTWICH was born 25 Nov 1851. Martha E. LEFTWICH was born 18 Sept 1853. Ann T. LEFTWICH was born 1 July 1855. Joel A. LEFTWICH, born 17 May 1857, married Hariet C. EVINS on 1 Oct 1876. Virginia E1en LEFTWICH, born 6 Sept 1859, married 20: Jan 1876, Thomas JOHNSON. George M. LEFTWICH, born 20 Jan 1861, died 26 May 1906 Jasper LEFTWICH died 19 Dec 1911. . (All the LEFTWICH children were born at Buffa1Q Valley, Tennessee.) George M. LEFTWICH(1861-1906) married Annie F. HAGGARD on 10 Mar 1887. She was born 12 Sept 1870 in KY and died 1 Mar 1933. Their children were born in Buffalo Valle} Virginia E. LEFTWICH, born 12 Dec 1887, died 21 Feb f905. Mary E. LEFTWICH, ,born 9 Dec 1889. Lewis C. LEFTWICH, born 11 Mar 1892. Etta E. LEFTWICH, born 1 Sept 1894. Joe M. LEFTWICH, born 1 Feb 1897, died 4 Jan 1954. Martha E.T. LEFTWICH, born 5 Aug 1899, died 19 Nov 1959. William S. LEFTWICH, born 20 Apr 1902. Dallas C. LEFTWICH, born 26 July 1904. 162 "Ansearchin'" News Family Gatherings (continued) HARRIMAN - STONE - Information from Mr. James S. Harriman, 4030 Midland Avenue, Louisville, KY 40220 Mr. Harriman is the grandson of James Henry HARRIMAN, whose son Risedorf married Marion Eunice STONE, and of John Archer STONE, who was the father of Marion Eunice. He has sent us interesting details on each family, which makes individuals more than a name on paper. J.H. HARRIMAN was a constable in Nashville, TN when he wrote the following letter: T.C. HARRIMAN 9/25/03 Dear Sir: Your letter to hand and will try to comply with your request as far as I am able. My family consists of myself, wife and son. I was born in Tenn. Jan 17, 1869, was married Aug 1895 to Enuna HARRIMAN. My son, Risedorf HARRIMAN, was born Aug 2, 1896 at Nashville, Tenn. My father, John HARRIMAN, was born in Woodhouse Eves, Leicestershire, England, Dec 19, 1833 and died at Lawtey, Bradford Co., FL. My mother, formerly Mary Ann GREEN, was born in Woodhouse Eves, Leicestershire, England on April 23, 1835. She married March 10, 1856, set sail for America April 23, 1856, and is still living in Nashville. My father's family consists of myself and five sisters. Ann HARRIMAN born in Wisconsin Feb 7, 1859, Lucy HARRIMAN born Sept 29, 1865 at Murfreesboro, Tenn, James HARRIMAN born Jan 17, 1870 (sic) at Nashville, Ella HARRIMAN born Nov 7, 1873 at Nashville, Elizabeth C. HARRIMAN born Apr 3, 1875 at Nashville. Grandfather was born in Woodhouse Eves, Leicestershire, England in 1805 and died 1870 at the same place. Grandmother died at Leicestershire, England in 1871. My great grandfather, William HARRIMAN, was born at Woodhouse Eves, Leicestershire, England and died in 1839. Mary HARRIMAN was born in Woodhouse Eves and died in 1840. My father had three brothers: William, Tom and Charlie. William came to America in 1870 and we lost track of him then. Tom and Charlie both live in Leicestershire, England. Tom has eleven children, all grown, and Charlie has three. William has two sons in Lowell, Mass.; John and Joseph HARRIMAN - both married and have families. My sisters are all married. Anna HARRIMAN married Samuel R. HITT Dec 25~ 1891 and has three children, Albert, Pansie and Nellie. Lucy HARRIMAN married George W. HILL in Oct 1884 and has seven boys (a note in ink says she has one girl), James HARRIMAN married Enna KAUFMAN in Aug 1895. Mary HARRIMAN married John W• WILLIS .Sept 1888 and has three children. Ella HARRIMAN died Nov 11, 1896. Elizabeth C. HARRIMAN married J.R. GRAY July 18, 1897 and has no children. Hoping this will do you some good, I am J.R. HARRIMAN The STONE family information begins with Peter Wynne STONE of Sumner Co., TN who was said to be a Confederate spy and very active in TN. Four of his six sons were known to have served in the Confederate military services, WilliamR., Thomas E., Samuel S., and Don Carlos STONE. From Mr. Ra~riman's records and the 1850 census of Sumner Co., TN Peter STONE's family may be constructed as follows: Peter W. STONE, born 1804 in Virginia, thought to have come to Sumner County, TN ca 1831. Peter m (1) Sarah RAGSDALE who died in Tennessee and he m (2) in Virginia, Letty b 1814 (who may have been a WYNNE and a cousin to Peter). Winter 1980 163 Family Gatherings (continued) Peter STONE's children were: 1. William R. born 1830 VA 2. Thomas E. " 1832 TN 3. Martha A. " 1833 TN " 1835 TN 4. Peter B. 5. Samuel S. " 1839 TN " 1840 TN 6. Richard J. Don Carlos 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Lucy M. Carr P. John Archer Fate Durrett born " " " 1843 1846 1849 1854 TN TN TN TN " 10. John Archer STONE born 1854 in Sumner County, TN, died 1918 in Davidson County, TN. He married Nancy Susan ROBERTSON, daughter of William T. ROBERTSON ("Plum Bill") and Elizabeth MARSHALL of Sumner County. She died 1930 at the home of her daughter, Ivy Day Stone WILLIAMS. John Archer STONE and Nancy Susan ROBERTSON STONE (17 Feb 1860-8 May 1930) were the parents of Mary Eunice STONE HARRIMAN (28 Aug 1898-22 Feb 1956), the mother of our contributor. * kINSEY ( * * * * * * KINCY Bible Records ... Submitted by Mrs. Bernice Kincy Hight, Rt. #1, Lowell, AR 72745 Thomas James KINSEY was born in 1823 in Jones County, NC and died 9 June 1906 in Grayson County, TX. His parents are unknown, but Mrs. Hight is interes~ed in information on his brothers and sisters who lived in Dyer County, TN, namely: Ricbard KINSEY; Resin KINSEY, born 1820 Jones Co., NC and on 1850 Dyer Co. census; Franklin KINSEY; John KINSEY, born i830 and listed in 1870 Dyer County census; and Nancy KINSEY. The name of Thomas James KINSEY's first wife is unknown, but there were three children born of that marriage: Della A. born 25 Aug 1853 in NC, died young; Stephen J., born 20 Oct 1856 in NC, died young; and William C., born23 June 1858, died 7 Dec 1935 in Grayson County, TX. Thomas James KINSEY (1823-1906 married as his second wife, Mary BALDRIDGE, who was born in 1837 in TN and died July 1912 in Crawford County, AR. By her he had thir-. teen children, the first seven of whom were born in Dyer County, TN: 1. Charley B. KINCY, born 10 Feb. 1865, died 23 May 1945 in Caddo Co., Okla. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Thomas J. KINCY, born 15 May 1866, died 8 July 1939 in Caddo Co., Okla. Mary Elizabeth KINCY, born 20 Oct. 1868, died 1950 in Drumright, Okla. Margaret Ellen KINCY, born 26 Feb. 1870, died 12 Sept. 1947, Payne Co, Okla. Sam H. KINCY, born 10 Feb. 1872, died 20 Dec. 1947, Purce1, Okla. Virginia KINCY, born 26 Feb. 1873, died young. Sarah Ann KINCY, born 17 Sept. 1874, died 7 June 1953, Payne Co., Okla. Finnmore Cooper KINCY, born 18 Feb. 1876, Grayson Co., TX, died 25 Dec. 1947 Cheotoa, Okla. 9. Texanna Henretta KINCY, born 14 Nov. 1977 Grayson Co., TX, died 29 June 1932 Payne Co., Okla. 10. John Henry KINCY, born 19 Feb. 1879 Grayson Co., TX, died 1901 Ardmore, Okla. 11. George Hancock KINCY, born 4 Sept. 1880 Grayson Co., TX, died infancy. 12. James Franklin KINCY, born 11 Aug. 1881 Grayson Co., TX, died infancy. 13. Robert E. Lee KINCY, born 25 Dec. 1883 Grayson Co.~ TX, died 21 July 1946, . Benton Co ~, AR. 164 "Ansearchin'" News Family Gatherings (continued) THE SHERROD HORN BIBLE - Information sent QY Dr. Louis Johnson, Jr., 729 Woodlawn, Cookeville, TN Published by E. H. Butler & Co., Philadelphia, 38501 1855 MARRIAGES Albert V. HORN and Jane F. JOHNSON 8 Nov 1838 Melissa HORN and William Riley MILLIGAN 27 Nov 1904 Sharod HORN and Elizabeth NETHERTON 2 Oct 1862 (first marriage) Sharod HORN and Mary Ann R. GREEN 19 May 1870 (second marriage) David Edward SMITH and De1sena Ann HORN 13 Jan 1887 Bill ROWLAND and Thessa1ia HORN 2 Dec 1883 John Buynon CHANDLER and Thessa1ia HORN ROWLAND -- Sharod HORN (father of Albert V. HORN) b 28 April 1789 Albert V. HORN (son of Sharod & Jane HORN) b 13 Feb 1817 Samuel J. HORN b 9 Sept 1839 Sharod HORN b 14 Mar 1841 ·Mary Jane HORN b 2 Oct 1842 John Robert HORN b 16 Sept 1844 Farrneta HORN b 13 Nov 1846 Thos. Newton HORN b 22 Feb 1849 Mary Ann R. GREEN HORN (2nd wife of Sharod HORN) b 14 Mar 1852 Enoch Newton HORN (son of S. & E. HORN) b 31 Mar 1866 Mary Elizabeth HORN b 18 April 1871 Artimesie HORN b 30 March 1873 William Albert HORN b 22 Aug 1878 John Thomas HORN b 3 March 1884 Andy Elmore HORN b 23 Oct 1892 Albert V. HORN d Oct 1897 Sena SMITH d Feb 1968 Lafayette HORN d 11 June 1970 Enoch Newton HORN departed this life 4 Sept 1868 Artimesie HORN HENRY d 28 Aug 1897 Sallie Jane HORN ROWLAND CHANDLER d 8 July 1905 William Albert HORN d 18 Aug 1958 Andy Elmore Horn d 16 March 1962 BIRTHS Jane (SHIRLEY) HORN (consort of Sharod HORN) b 7 March 1796 Jane F. JOHNSON HORN (consort of A. V. HORN) b 17 Aug 1821 Thessa1ia HORN b 22 June 1851 Artimesie HORN b 23 May 1853 Nancy Elizabeth HORN b 15 Dec 1855 Albert HORN, Jr. b 8 Feb 1858 Me1issie HORN b 18 ,Aug 1861 Elizabeth NETHERTON HORN (1st wife of Sharod HORN) b 29 Dec 1845 Thessalia Jane HORN (dau of S. & Elizabeth HORN) b 18 Feb 1864 De1sena ("Sena") Ann HORN (dau of S. & E. HORN) b 27 March 1869 Farenettie Athalia HORN b 3 May 1876 Samuel John HORN b 23 June 1881 Ova Me1issie HORN b 17 July 1887 Lafayette Smith HORN b 15 June 1896 DEATHS Jane HORN d 9 March 1902 Melissa HORN MILLIGAN d 25 Oct 1968 Elizabeth NETHERTON HORN departed this life 2 March 1870 Farrnittie Otha1ia HORN d 3 July 1877 Mary Elizabeth HORN MILLIGAN d 28 Oct 1902 Sharod HORN d 19 Nov 1924 Mary Ann R. GREEN HORN d 1 Jan 1926 ~ohn Thomas HORN d 2 Dec 1960 Dr. Johnson sends these additional dates not included in the above Bible: Sharod (1789) and Jane HORN (1796) had three daughters: Elizabeth b 20 Mar 1813; Jane b 9 Feb 1815 and Mary b 17 Apr 1819. The maiden name of the wife of Albert V. HORN was Jane FULTON. She died 9 Mar 1897. Winter 1980 165 DEATH RECORDS FOUND IN MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE - 1866 Compiled by Elizabeth R. Nichols & Mary L. Nazor (continued from Fall issue) For a complete explanation of the sources and ~bbreviations used here, see page 58 of the Summer issue of this volume. Newspapers and their abbreviations are: Memphis Daily Commercial C Memphis Memphis Weekly Avalanche WA Memphis ~ily Memphis Avalanche AV Memphis H signifies the record books Daily Appeal AP Memphis Public Ledger Morning Post MP Memphis Daily Post Daily Argus AG Mortuary Returns of J. W. Holst & Bro. Funeral Home. DP MR Holt, James; 36y. CMR 4 Feb IH 31 Jani H).lnter, John; 26y. CMR 3 Jun /H bu Elmwood. 19 May bu Elmwood. Arr: Jacob Huster. Arr: Pete Hol t. Holt, N.B. (Infant of); 7d. CMR 24 June:/ H 16 Juni disinter 1 corpse, bury 2. Hood, Mollie Kate; 16 Sep,2y 3m; dau of Robt T. & Adelia Hood. AG 18 Sep / H17. Sepi bu Winchester (opening,2 graves). Arr: T. Kernon & J. Hood. ( L Hook, George; 35y. AVMR 16 Sep/ H 9 Sep bu Winchester-Masons Lot. Arr: Hamilton Lodge. Horner, Cornelia Augusta; 9 Feb on board Str Patrick; wife of James L Horner; dau of G.W. & Anna M. Carter, of New Albany, IN; Louisville & New Albany papers copy. Huntington, Dr. George F.; 46y. DPMR 30 Oct / H 21 Oct bu Elmwood. Arr: c. Phillips for S. Memphis Lodge-Masonic. ijyre, Randolph; I Sep, res of uncle, F.M~ Copeland, 20y; b Henry Co, TN; parents to Smith Co, TX ca 1854; Paris TN & TX papers copy. AV 4 Oct I H 1 Oct bu Elmwood. Irish, Henry; 30 Oct, 74y; father of Mrs. Dr. A.T. Shaw. DP 31 Oct. Isam (Ishm), J. (child of); 2ld. AVMR 16 Sep / H 9 Sep. Arr: Hebrew Benev. Soc. MP 13 Feb. Hotchkiss, Altahulah; MEMORIAM-by M.J.E. of Covington, TN; 19 May 6y 2m lId; services at grave by Rev. J.D.C. Collins Elmwood Cem. (Mother dec'd) AG 20 May. Howard, Willie; 4 y. CMR 25 Mar / if 20 Mar bu Elmwood. Arr: J. Rayaden (Reardon?). Hughes, James; 24 Jun, 86y; Jackson & Nashville Papers copy. AG 26 Jun. Hume, James A.; lOy. CMR 22 Apr I H 21 Jun bu Elmwood. Arr: father, W.A. Hume. Hunt, Mrs. 30 Apr, 64y. AV 4 Apr. ·Jackson, Albert C.; 1 Sep, l3y 1m; youngest son of Col. W.W. & E. Jackson; Chicago papers copy. DP 4 Sep H bu Elmwood. James, Mrs. Hannah; 12 Mar, 38y; native Maury Co; res Giles Co, TN before settling in Memphis. AP 15 Mar ! H 13 Mar bu Elmwood. Arr: husband, H.M. James. James, Mrs. Louisa; 66y. AGMR 2 Sep / H 27 Aug bu (Germantown?). Arr: Alex J.K~app.pd by C.S. Cameron. James" WIn. Blackburn; 32y. CMR 24 June H 21 Jun bu E1mwoodi Arr: P. Reiter. Hunt, Mary Eliza; 11 Nov, ca 7y; youngest (Jame~, ancestor of compiler Nichols~ child of Col. WIn Richardson & Mrs. Eliz. b GA 18 Aug 1833; md Tyler, TX 7 'Sep Hunt. AV 13 Nov I H 12 Nov bu Elmwood vault.1854 Louisa nu1cena Flowers. Anyone know ~is parents? 166 "Ansearchin'" News Death Records Found in Memphis, Tennessee - 1866 (continued) Jehl, Wm; 18 Dec, 27y; formerly of St. Louis; with wife & 1m old child, killed in fire of Specht restaurant. DP 19 Dec Josey, Col. J.E.; 31 Oct at Osceola, AR AV 13 Nov; H 2 Nov bu Elmwood. Arr: J.E. Rosser. H 20 Dec. Arr: brother, Chas. Jehl. Joyce, James; 27 Mar Jackson, TN; bro of Thos & Patrick Joyce. AP 29 Mar. Jenkins, Mrs. Jennettie Wm(sic}; d 6 Mar 28y 11m 23d; lost husband, 4d old infant & 3y old son. Huntsville (AL?) Advocate copy. C 20 Mar. Kane, Geo; 3y. AGMR 16 Sep I H 13 Sep bu Winchester Cem. Arr: Joe Caldwell. Johns~on, Saml N.; 27y; formerly of Greenbay, WI. DP 4 Sep I AVMR 8 Sep as S.W. age 30y I H 3 Sep (also ~ bu CMR 24 Jun; bu Catholic (Yard?). Arr: G. Steinwager (?) . " ~ Kannengel:ir (Karm:ingieser?), J.; Sly. Winchester Cem. Arr: G.O. Haywood. Jones, Lt. Gillison D.; (long obit) at Orange Springs, East FL. 25 Mar; b 5 Jan 1836 Savannah, GA; from FL to Memphis 1860 w/family; visited FL to see father & sisters. AV 24 Jul. Jones, Dr. Geo. F.; 23 Oct / L 24 Oct AV 25 Oct says rId 19th" I DPMR 30 Oct "age 48" I H 24 Oct bu Winchester Cem Arr: A. Jones. Jones, Ida Lavenia; 8 Jun, 16m 6d; dau of Judge L.P. Jones. AV 9 June. Jones, Margaret A.; 3y. AVMR 30 Sep I H Kehoe, John; axed to death, Galloway Switch, (TN?). AG 21 Sep. Kellog, Roger R.; ly, son of A. & J.E. Kellog. AV 29 Sep / H bu Elmwood. Kenney, Julia; infant dau of M.W. & Caroline Kenney. AV 27 Oct / H 27 Oct bu Catholic (Yard?). King, Mrs. M.; 23y. CMR 4 Mar / Arr: husband, A.M. King. H 24 Feb Kirwan, Mrs. E.M.; 13 Jul LaGrange, TN; wife of Col. A.C. Kirwan. AG 14 Jul / L 10 Aug as "Milly Emily" / H bu Elmwood. 24 Sep. Arr: Isham Jones & A. Warren. Jones, Clara Bell; 11m; child of Mr. & Mrs J.W.A. Jones. AP 14 Mar I H bu Klinck, Capt. H.I.; 30y; fun res Mr. M. W. Kenny. AP 6 Feb / H 7 Feb bu Elmwood Elmwood. Judge Lovick P.; 25 Aug, 33y; Native Tennessean; Lawyer in Somerville To Memphis 1862; leaves wife & child. Jo~es, DP 25 Aug. Kolch, Mrs. Sarah; 62y. AVMR 21 Oct / H 15 Oct. Arr: Hebrew Benev. Soc. Kortrecht, Jane; 2y; only dau of Chas. & Augusta Kortrecht. AV 4 Sep / H bu Elmwood • .::"ones, Shadrack; 30y; bro of Chas Jones Esq. AV 22 Sep I AGMR 23 Sef I H bu Elmwood. Lagorio. T.; 3 y. CMR 20 May / H 13 May bu Catholic Yard. Arr: J. Legorio. Jord&n, T. Watson; 28y. CMR 8 Apr I H 1 Apr. .ll.rr: Dr. McGavock. Lake, He~ry; 19 Oct; 7ly; native of Maryland; TN past 40 yrs. AG 21 Oct / H 20 Oct bu Elmwood. Arr: Royster. Jordans, Mrs. Ellen; 17 Aug,5ly; fun. from Calvary Church. AV 18 Aug I H 17 Aug ~u Elmwood. Arr: J. & A. Jordens. Latner, Mrs. Polly; 73y. DPMR 30 Oct / H 25 Oct bu Winchester Cem. Arr: G.W. Waldran. 167 Win ter 1980 Death Records Found in Memphis, Tennessee - 1866 (continued) Lauderdale, John; of Covington, TN; killed 3 Mar by C1ate Harris, Sheriff of Tipton Co, TN. C 6 Mar. Lavigne, Emile; ly. AVMR 7 Oct / H 4 Oct bu Elmwood. Arr: father, F. Lavigne. Lilly, Patrick; 2 Mar, 28y; son of Owen Lilly, Esq. AV 3 Mar / CMR 4 Mar. Long, Laura; found dead in outhouse in South Memphis yesterday; died some days ago. AG 15 Aug. Leath, Maj. Pat H.; 17 Aug, 38y; d Humbolt, TN; bu Elmwood. AV 19 Aug Lord, George P.; 11 Aug; 25y. DP 17 Aug Masonic notice same day reads Peter M., Esg / 1I 17 Aug. Arr: Saml B. Jones & ,7. T. Leath. Louis, E.D.; 10m. CMR 11 Jun / H 7 Jun bu 81mwood. Arr: (dau of) F.W. Louis. Lee, Maj. Pollock B.; (long obit); 35y; native NC; fun Pres. Church. AV 8 Sep Lucas, Peter, Esq.; 20 Mar, 44y 9m; at res brother-in-law Jno J. Berry, Esq.; in Fridricksburg, VA. AP 6 Apr. H Arr: Col. L.C. Haynes. Leftwitch, Mr. Francis Thorpe; 28 Feb; b 29 Jun 1828 Bedford Co, VA; d res 4 mi from this city: in attendance were Mr. Cash, his youngest sis. Miss Genie, family & J.T. Knott; bu West Union, Big Creek, former res; leaves wife & 6 ch. ( Leftwich, Laura Leah; ly; youngest ch of John W. & Gertrude A.; d res of Robt Widdcombe, Washington, DC. C 10 Apr. Lemaster,W.M.; 13 Jun, 11m; son of H.P. & O.A. Lemaster; bu Elmwood. AV 14 Jun H as "N.F.". Arr: J.J. Rawlings. r.; Lullman, Nettie ~furtha; 6 Oct at St. Louis, MO; only child of J.C. & Mary. DP 11 Oct. Lutz, George; 6 y. AVMR 30 Sep / H 28 AP 13 Mar. Leneham, Luby, Louis; 46y. AVMR 21 Oct / H 17 Oct bu Elmwood. Arr: wife, Mrs. M. Ludy. Sep bu Catholic (Yard?). Arr: father, Jacob Lutz. Lynch, Wm H.; 20 Feb; ca 23y; late steward of ill fated Str. Miami; bro taking body on Str. Alice Dean to moth~r's home in Ripley, OH. AG 21 Feb H 20 Feb. Arr: Geo. Wright. Lyons, Louis; 74y. DPMR 12 Nov / H bu ly. CMR 6 May / H 30 Apr. Beth E1Emeth Cem. Arr: Mrs. Leneham for son. Lenow, (infant); 10 Sep, son of John H. & Mollie E. Lenow. L 14 Sep. Lenow, Mrs. Mollie E.; 13 Sep; wife of John H. Lenow. L 14 Sep / H bu Elmwood. Leslie, A.M., Esq.; suddenly 30 Nov; forwarded on boat to St. Louis where his wife is ill. DP 1 Dec / H 30 Nov; Arr: McBain, John Gordon; 25 Aug, 10m; son of Mr. & Mrs~ J.O. McBain; at res Mrs. Geo. Arnold. :AV 26 Aug. McBride, Charles; 10 Jan, 29y. AP 16 Jan McCollum, Malcolm; 24 Jan, 53y; res. near Raleigh, TN. C 27 Jan / H bu County 25 Ja~. Arr: John F. Thomas. Andrew M. Leslie, Jr. McCarty, John; 35y, from Toledo, OH; taken from boat at levee. DP 13 Aug. Lewin, Julius; 8m. AGMR 2 Sep / H AV 19 Aug. 26 Aug. Arr: L. Levin. Lieber, Anna; 1 m. CMR 6 May / H 3 May bu Elmwood. Arr: A. Lieber. McCleary, Mary May; 4y 11m, inft dau A. & M.A. McCleary. AG 26 Oct. 168 Death Records "Ansearchin'" News Fou~d in Memphis, Tennespee - 1866 (continued) McClelland. W.R.; d today. AV 30 Mar. McConnell, Mrs. Susan; 26y. AG 15 & CMR 20 May I H 15 May, Arr: C.W.McConne11 bu Catholic Yard. McCormick, Phillip; 28y, died 3 Sep, brother of Owen. AG 4 Sep. McMahon, Mr Thomas D; 26y, accidentally shot by J.H. Brady Mon; d 2 Jan. C 3 & APMR7 Jan I Interred by Owen-Smith Mi McNabb; Children of Wm B McNabb; sons Jas 2y, Lobbins lly, Wm B l6y, dau ML 4y; all d of small pox & bu Elmwood. C 9 Jun I AV 28 Jul & 19 Aug I H 7 Jun 22 Ju1" 12 Aug. McCracken, Cyrus; formerly of Evansville (IN?), AG & DP 24 Aug. McCracken, Mr. Simon; 44y, d 23 Aug, native of KY; fun res bro John S. McCracken. AV 24 Aug. McCrosky, Levy; 76y, d Shelby Co. 15 Jun b (now KY) 1790; to Madison Co, TN; Marshall Co, MS 1836, elected 1st sheriff: then Shelby Co. AV 20 Jun. McGrath, Katie; 7y 7m, d 13 Sep; dau of John & Kate McGrath. AG & L 14 Sep. McHenry, Mrs. Donna M; 26y, d 14 Jul; wife of n.B.McHenry; d res Mrs Ruffin, Holly Springs Rd. L 16 Jul. McIntosh, Mrs Mary M; 77y, d 21 Dec 1861 res son-in-law H.C.Buckingham. AP 14 & 16 Jan. McKeon, Thomas; 54y 11m, res 63 Poplar, bu from St. Peters & St. Paul Ch. McSmith, Albert Sidney Johnston; 4y, d 25 Aug, eldest son of Kate & John Mc Smith. AV 29 Aug. Maddox, Fannie; wife of Henry Maddox; fun from 1st Meth Church. AV 23 Dec. Maddox, Mrs Sarah L; 6ly, res Market St AP 21 Jan. Magevney, Ellen (Nellie) T; 22y 11m; d 10 Jan; dau of Col. Michael Magevney. AP & AV 11 Jan I C 14 Jan. Mahan, son of Joseph papers Frank M; 8 m 24d; d 28 Jan; only Frank M & Kate H; St Louis, St & Palmyro, MO & Muscatine? copy. AP 30 Jan. Mahan, John; res Main & Jackson. AG as "Meehan" 18 Sep I AV 18 Sep. Malatest;a, John; 78y. AVMR 14 Oct H 9 Oct bu Catholic Yard. AV 10 July McKiernan, Judge Bernard F; d 11 Jul; Tuscumbia (AL) for bu. DP 12 Ju1 I H ~~loney, Joanna; AVMR 8 Sep I H 8 Sep bu Catholic Yard, Arr: Pat & James Maloney for sister. 12 ,Jul. McKinney, Mrs Catherine; wife of J.F. McKinney; res New State Line Rd. L 2 Jul I H bu Elmwood Cem 2 Jul,Arr:Husband Malpass,Hadley, Esq; 48y; d 31 Jan in Desha Co, AR; b Jasper Co, GA 18 Nov 1818; parents in AR 1830. Obit notice signed L~J.Carroll, Napoleon, AR 4 Feb 1866. AP 11 Feb. McLemore, Alex D; d 22 Sep. Spring Hill Middle TN; son of Late Col. John McLemore. AV 27 Sep. Manning, W.A.; 36y. CMR 14 Jan I H McLendon, Mrs Cornelia: d 15 Feb, wife of J .I.. McLendon: bu Elmwood. Aherdeen & Vicksburg (MS) papers copy. AP 20 Feb. ~~rks, 11 Jan; Arr: W.H. Whitsett for Mrs. E. Whitsett. Rosa D; 8m. CMR 24 Jun I H 11 Jun bu Cath.Yard;Arr:F.Marks for dau. 169 Win ter 1980 Marks, S; 2y. CMR Arr: fJ Apr / Mitchell, Mrs. Jane; 46y. AVMR 19 Aug / }[ 15 Apr Beth El Emeth. H 13 Aug. Martin, Jackson; 36y, d 8 Mar Bolivar Co MS; Nashville & Grenada papers copy. AT' 15 Mar. Mathieson, Mrs M Gill, Esq; 3 Charleston RR. Buffalo papers Jl Elmwood Cem. Grace; d 16 May res Geo mi out on Memphis & Richmond, N.Y.City & copy AV & AP 17 May / 17 Mal} bu Elmwood Cern; Arr: Geo M Gill Maydwell, Geo W; 2y. AVMR 28 Aug / H 20 Auq, Arr: Mrs C.C. Maydwe1l & L Anis (or Amis). Mitchell, W.B. (Infant of); Premature. AGMR 2 Sep / H bu Elmwood Cern. Moles; 1 Oct, Miss Lizzie Moles l8y; 2 Oct, Mrs M.J. Moles 45y; Shreveport, LA papers copy. AV 4 Oct. Monaghan?, Mrs Mary; d Fri. morn. in Chelsea. AG 2 Sep. Merchant, Miss Minerva; l6y. AVMR 7 Jan Monroe, Capt. Sam'l. H; ca 38y, d 29 Sep; pistol shot by young Ed Titus; b Canada, Scotchman by descent; believe md in Clarksville, TN; Leaves wife & children; bu Clarksville. AG 30 Sep / H 29 Sep; H 2 ,Jan bu Elmwood, Arr: Lewis Howes Co. Arr: A.J. Wheeler & J.H. Cameron, St. Andrew's Soc. Meek, Mrs (Addie M?); 45y. AVMR 30 Sep Sep bu Elmwood; Arr: Mr. M.J. Rassell, 371 Main St. If 28 ( Mitchell, Grace; little dau of M.R. & G.A. Mitchell APMR 24 Mar / H bu & Merrill, Wm. W.; d near Grenada, MS. Moore, James A (or H); 26y. CMR 6 May / AG 3 May d Tues / H 1 May bu Elmwood Cern; Arr: C.F. Chamberline & Co. H 1 May bu Catholic Yard; Arr:W.M.Moore Mickle, J.D. (Infant of); Premo CMR Jun 3 / H 29 May bu'Elmwood Cem. Moore, Dr. Wesley; d 21 June; late res near White Station. Old resident of this co. AV 24 June; also AP, C, & L; in AG as "Westley." Miller, Charles; 33y, CMR 20 May / H 14 May bu Catholic Yard; Arr: Dominic Zweifel, Germania Hse. Miller, Charles; took passage on Stmr in Memphis Sat & Mon was found dead in stateroom. Was necessary to inter remains at Wilson's Point, LA, opposite Skipworth's Landing MS. DP 17 Aug. Morgan, James; 2l/25y; brakeman on M&TRR; stabbed; no family. AG 17 May/CMR 20 May. Morgan, Mrs Mary; 26y, d Nashville; CMR 11 Feb /'H 5 Feb, bu Elmwood; Arr: Mrs Matilda W. Ca,ldwell. Morgan, WIn. C.; 30y; AVMR 7 Jan / H 4 Jan MIller, Ceo. A; ly. AVMR 30 Sep / H 27 Sep Jm E:lmwood Cern. Arr: S. Miller. Miller, (R or W) W. (infant of); 5 hrs b premo AVMR & AGMR 16 Sep / H 11 Sep bu Elmwood; Arr: John F. Sale. Mitchell, Geo. M.; SOy 2 Feb Arr: E.O. Fuller. CMR 4 Feb / H Arr:~. L. Daley. ,, Moriarty, Daniel: fun from res on Mosby St. AP 31 Mar. Morin, Bridget; 23y. DP 30 Oct/H 26 Oct. bu Catholic Yard; Arr:husband,John Morin. Morris, Calvin C; grandson of the late Col Geo Elliott & 2nd son of Walter H & "Ansearchin'" News 170 Death Records Found in Memphis? Tennessee - 1866· (continued) Cynthia Morris; d res of brother? "Pacific Place"; b 8 Dec 1829 Wall Spring near Gallatin? TN; never md. AV 6 Dec I O'Hearn? Mr Andrew, d 6 Apr? fun res Mr P.M. Winters, Sheriff. AG 7 Apr H 3 Dec bu Elmwood; Arr: Chas. F. Morris, brother. Oldham? Frances D; 30y, d 11 Jun her res Hayward Co? TN; wife of A.S. Oldham; also:teaves father, Hiram Partee, two bros? two sisters (long obit) AV 19 Jun Morrison? J.W.; d 26 Jun Louisville? KY AV & AG 1 Jul I H Arr: J.B. Robinson. Oliver, Maj. Simeon; 69y 4m 20d, d 26 Dec res near Hernando? MS; b Elbert Co, GA. AP 10 Jan. Morton? Wm; 25y, d 10 Aug. DP 17 & AVMR 19 Aug I H 17 Aug bu Elmwood; Arr: Mr. Scofield. O'Neal? Mary D; 2y. CMR 10 May. Mower? Wm; 32y? d 1 Mar? gunshot wound AV 3 & CMR 4 Mar. (Policeman) O'Neil? Mary Ann; 2y 9m? only dau of P. O'Neil & Catherine Londergan. AG 15 May. Moyers? Geo. D.; son of Col. & Mrs. Gilbert Moyers. Fun frm res. DP 9 Jul. Orne? Mrs Anna F; 66y? d 17 Feb res of son? WID. P. Orne; relict of late Richard E. Orne. AP 18 Feb I H bu Elmwood Cern. Moyston, M.M.; 62y AVMR 7 Oct I H 3 oct bu Elmwood; Arr: by sons. Moyston, Capt. WID A; 2 Oct. fun res. Mrs. Dr. Fawlkes; N.O.? LA, Baltimore Wheeling papers copy. AV 4 Oct. O'Sullivan, Mrs Catherine; fun res Poplar St. AP 24 Apr. & Mullanny? John; fun from res Patrick Conroy on Winchester. AG 25 Sep. Murphy, Katie; ly AVMR 28 Aug I H 19 Aug buCatholic Yard; Arr: C Murphy. Murphy? Annie; 34y? AVMR & AG 16 Sep I H 10 Sep bu Catholic Yard; Arr: Michel Murphy, husband. Murray? Celia; 8y d 25 Ju1? dau of Spencer & Tennessee Murray. DP 2 Aug. Nelson? John E; 34y, murdered 28 Oct; leaves wife & 4 daus. AV 3 Nov I H 31 Oct, Arr: J.W. Riddell. Newsom, Mrs Louisa; 65y? d 26 Mar at res of son in Chelsea. AG 27 Mar. Norris? Benjamin F; fun res son-in-law B. Phelan? Pigeon Roost Rd. AV 25 Dec I J1 bu Elmwood. Norton? A.T.; ly? CMR18 Junl,R bu Elmwood, Arr: A.T.Norton. Palmer, Edward G; b MO, left St Joseph 1862 to join Army of South in Memphis; after war studied dentistry & was practicing when he died; friends & acquaintences of H.F. Farnsworth & Capt F. ~han invited to attend fun. AV & C 12 June I H bu Elmwood Cern, Confederate Sect; Arr: Drs Wasson & Mahan. Parsons? Mrs Amanda; 25y AVMR 28 Aug I H 24 Aug bu Elmwood; Arr: Col. R.M.Balch. Parti110 (Patillo)? Miss Martha C? 56y. AVMR 7 Oct I H 6 Oct bu Elmwood Cern; Arr: W. W. Coleman. Peck? Jennie; 3m 8d? inft dau of John W Peck, Esq. d 18 Feb; St Paul & Milwaukee papers copy MP 19 Feb I H 18 Feb bu Elmwood Cern. Pengra11 (Pengree) W (or M) A; 25y; AVMR & DP 28 Aug I H 24 Aug bu Elmwood Cern; Arr: Gf;m' 1. A.W. Ri,ce & Col. A .H.Jackson. (to be conti-nued) 171 Winter 1980 FRANKLIN COUNTY, TENNESSEE WILL BOOK 1808 - 1847 Abstracted from microfilm by Betsy F. West Continued from Fall issue Again, I would remind readers that this abstract is taken from microfilm of a book which seems to be a copy of the original. Some of the interpretations are not mine. BFW. 34 - POMPHRET HERNDON: wife Patty HERNDON. negro woman Mary & boys Allen & Nero; to my son Pomphret ... to my dau Sally KIRKLEY. girl Lucy & negro boy Nathan ••. to my dau Jenny BURNUTT my negro woman Betty and girl Charlot ••• to my dau Patty KING. negro boy George & girl Amy ..• to my dau Polly POWELL. boy Lewis & girl Sooky •••my grandchildren John A. POWEL. Walter F. POWEL ~ Louise POWELL ••• negro woman Molly serve my wife during her life then to be liberated in care of my son Pomphret •.• to my grandchildren. children of my son Walter. dec'd •• seven dollars. to be equally divided among them .•. to my grandchildren, children of Alexander BURNETT. dec'd. seven dollars to be equally divided ••• to my son-in-law William STREET. one dollar ••• proceeds from sale of remaining property to be divided among my grandchildren. the children of Joseph HERNDON (?) dec 'd. and my great grandchildren. the children of Patsy PARKER, dec 'd. Executors, wife Patty and son Pomphret. 28 Oct 1820. Witnesses. L. K. C~ODMAN. Owen LOYD. ( 35 - EDWARD TANNER: to be buried on the place lately purchased by my son. John C. TANNER•.• to wife Nancy six (sic) negroes: Caroline. Ruth, Elizabeth. Jesse & Moses & one large family Bibl~.dau Susan B. Williams one Sillabulb glass (?) silver toddy spoons ••. to my son John C. TANNER, rifle., silver watch-; set of Nicholson's encyclopedia (12 volumes) & Marshal's Life of Washington (5 volumes) ••• to dau Martha A. TANNER, cattle, furniture. set of stamped curtains, two flowered pitchers. half~dozen Blue plates, other house furnishings & books, also negroes Judith, Joshua. Frances & Caleb ... to grandson. James Rust WILLIAMS pocket pistol. •• grandaughter Nancy C. WILLIAMS. negro girl Ruth; to grandaughter Judith WILLIAMS, negro Elizabeth. Executors. John C. TANNER & son-in-law Green B. WILLIAMS. 21 Nov 1820. Witnesses. Nathan GREEN. Wiley DENSON (?) John DENSON (?) 37 - ELI7ABETH GREENLEE (GREENLIE?): to grandaughter Elizabeth McCOLLOUGH. dau of Mathew McCOLLOUGH and Violet McCOLLOUGH, dec'd ••• son James GREENLEE ••• friends James Greenlee & William GREENLEE; 24 May 1821. Witnesses. John P. HOWARD, Lewis TARWATER. James HOWARD. 37 - DAVID ROBERTSON: to son-in-law Stephen DONATHAN ••• sdn Samuel, son David, ••• land of John DONATHAN••• son-in-law James DONATHAN••• son-in-law John BINGHAM••• sonin-law William LOGAN.•• son Mathew, son James ••• mywife (ndt named) ••• daughters & children of those now dead. Executors, son Mathew. 1 June 1821. Witnesses, James ROBERTSON, James F. GREEN. 38 - ANDREW MORRISON: 22 Aug l8l5 ••. frail in body .••wife ,Elizabeth ••• three daughters now living with me ••• son Anqrew S. in connection with Wm. ALEXANDER ••• my coopering tools ••• dau Elizabeth have $10 in place of a bureau once promised her in Carolina ••. dau Polly $30 to balance appropriations made to the other sisters ••• son George $20 for his trouble in collecting my debts in Carolina ••• son Andrew S. to manage affairs of wife "as respecting an interest in, an estate in Virginia ••• ". Executors. Capt. George DAVIDSON & Wm. ALEXANDER. Witnesses, James HARRIS, Matilda M. BRat-IN. 172 "Ansearchin'" News Franklin County, Tennessee Wills 1808 - 1847 (continued) 39 - BARNET HOWARD: My land to David and Samuel and Reydon HOWARD ••• stock to my son ... to Oleair (?) a bay mare .•• wife Sarah HOWARD ... monev owing to me in North Carolina, I desire that one of my sons go after it •.• 12 Feb 1821. Witnesses, Abner LASTER & John LOKEY. 40 - WILLIAM HENDON: wife Elizabeth ••• daus Keziah HERRING, Mary HERRING, Winney O'KELLY, dec'd ••• Winny's husband and his daughters Betsy D. O'KELLY and Cricy 0' KELLY ••• Executors, my wife Elizabeth & my sons William & Abner HENDON. 18 Jan 1822. Witnesses, Michal DECHERD, Reubin EMBREY. (Wm. HERNDON "authorized to assign my.father'sname".) 41 - ARTHUR MOORE: to wife Elizabeth, negro woman Sarah, girl Hannah, boy George, boy David, boy Isaac .•• to Anna GRAHAM negro girl Disa •••wife a life estate in property and at her death to be divided "between the following children: Alexander MOORE, Lodowick MOORE, Archibald MOORE, Martha JONES, Pennellope NICHLSON, Ann GRAHAM, Sarah HARTGROVE, MaryCORIGOR (7) ••• to dau Elizabeth HARTGROWN, negro girl Mary ..• negro girl Jane to grandaughter Dicy MILUS (7) Executors, sons Alexander, Lodowick & Archibald MOORE. 8 Dec 1821. Witnesses, John JONES, Stephen WILKINSON, James STANLEY. 41 - WILLIAM ARNETT: to dau Lydia PRI~E, negro woman ~sther ••• to dau Jane JONES, negro girl Doll ••• to dau Polly negro boy Joe ••• :five sons, David, Sandrige, Richard, Hansford, Granville, as they come of age ••• my negroes Kit, Isom, Oliver, Charles, Vilet, Rose & Bill to wife Marion ••• "my children viz: James, Thomas, William, Susan, Lydia, Jane, David, Sandrige, Richard, Hansford, Granville, Nancy & Polly. Executors, sons David & Sandrige & wife Marion. 11 Nov 1820. Witnesses, John MORTIN, William HENSHAW, Robert KNOX. 42 - JOHN GOODMAN: to wife Mary GOODMAN land and negroes Harry, George, Silvia & Horlot "to she and her heirs forever" ••• to son Solomon R. GOODMAN, son William GOODMAN land whereon he now lives by the name of the LOGAN Place ••• to dau Abigail BURROW••• 17 May 1819. Executors, wife Mary and friend John JONES. Witnessed 13 June 1819 by Pomphret HERNDON, Wm. FLOYD, John KING & John NORMAN. Codicile: to my four grandchildren, children of my son Henry GOODMAN, to wit, Andrew, Gethro, Patty & Abalina one dollar each; unto Polly HAWKINS' four children, to wit, Patty, Betsy, Benjamin & Polly one dollar each ••• to son Solomon. Witnesses, Barnnaby BURROW, John JONES. 16 Apr 1821. 43 - ELIZABETH HOWELL: 25 May 1822, to my grandson James E. JORDAN of Greene Co., N.C. my part of the land situated on Bear Creek in Wayne Co., N. C. which was formerly owned by Mary MADIN, also four negroes, Tamer & her three children, Cinda, Louders (7) & Luke .•• to my dau Winnefred WESTBROOK of Greene Co, N.C. negroes Melia and her children. David, Jesse, Sarah, David (sic) Judah, Sylvia. Executors, grandson James E. JORDAN and friend William W. STEWART. Witnesses, Benjamin THOMPSON, Thomas R. LANGSTON. 44 - WILLIAM FLOYD: to my son Alexander FLOYD, part of the land I live on ••• Rutledge's old corner ••• also negro man Ned ••• to son Elisha FLOYD, land & negro man George ..• to grandsons William and Elisha, sons of David FLOYD, dec'd, land ••• granddaughter Nancy FLOYD, sister to Wm. & Elisha, until she comes of age or marries ••• to dau Rebecca HAYSE, one fourth of the money I may have at death; to my dau Jean Winter 1980 173 Franklin County, Tennessee Wills 1808 - 1847 (continued) MOORE, negro woman Violet .•• to dau Elizabeth TUBB one fourth of the money, deductinp, $120. I lent to her husband .•. to heirs of Sarah MUCLEROY (?) dec'd one fourth of the money I may have at my death less $265.00 I lent their father ••• to the children of my son William FLOYD dec'd $5.00 each ••• to Elk River Baptist Church one acre of ground to include the meeting house ••• should said church become extinct to revert back to my son Elisha FLOYD.' •• one acre set aside for burying ground at the present place of burial ••• to grandson Wm. son of David FLOYD. Executors, sons Alexander and Elisha FLOYD. 4 Feb 1821. Witnesses, Benj. HOLLINGSWORTH, GeQrge FOSTER, John WILKINSON. 46 - JAMES HOLLINGSWORTH: wife Mary and dau Saline (?) to share and shar~ alike~ Executors, John JONES~I).d Benjamine HOLLINGSWORTH. 2 July 1822. Witnesses, p. HERNDON, James B9K., S. ~. GOODMAN. 47 - ROBERT BOX: wife Jane .•. to my seven sons John, Robert, George, James, Micajah, Goodwin, Neely ••• two daughters Ruth and Ann $100 each to make them equal to the other daughters that are married ••• to four daughters, Mary married to Vardman(?) JOY and Sarah, married to Charles McDANIEL, Ruth & Ann above stated ••• Executors, John JONES and George BOX. 7 May 1821. Witnesses, Benj. HOLLINGSWORTH, Jesse GOODWIN, Joicy HOLLINGSWORTH. ( 48 - JOHN MORTIN: to wife Susannah, negro girl Milly••• wife to raise my children and school them••• each of my boys underage ••• all my girls ••• to my children now grown. Executors, wife Susanah and sons Thomas & Big John. (no date given) Witnesses, E. TRAVIS, David D. HULEP (?) 48 - THOMAS GILLIAM: bro Lemuel GILLIAM, Executor •••wife Elizabeth and her orphan children Lemuel GILLIAM, John GILLIAM, Sarah GILLIAM, Andrew GILLIAM, William GILLIAM, Bleasant GILLIAM and Polly GILLIAM •.• joiner and turner's tools to be sold and receip-ts thereof to be "put to interest •.• for the use of Elizabeth and children" ••• Land I purchased of Col. William MORTIN ••• Geo. Allen BROOK's land. 9 Oct 1822. Witnesses, John GILLIAM, T. PEOPLES. 49 - ANTHONY BURROWS: to my three sons James, John & Josiah BURROWS ••• my son Samuel BURROWS .•• to my eight children Catorine, WilliamJThomas, Rachel, David, Cely, Russell, Anthony BURROWS Sunor (Jr.?) .•• children now single, James, John, Josiah, Thomas, Rachel, David, Cely, Russell. •• wife Elizabeth ••• "Samuel MORSE is not to have any privilege as a m (sic) in the land". Executors, friend John JONES, son James BURROWS. 25 Aug 1822. Witnesses, Edward BURROWS, Jphn WILSON. 57 - ROBERT BROOKS: wife Polly ••• four little daughters as' they come of age, Menting (?) Ursly (?), Betsy and Lucy ••• my sons Tira Mathew and William. 26 Jan 1821. Witnesses, Paul WILLIAMS, J. W. WILLIAMS. ' Polly BROOKS, widow of Robert BROOKS, declared that she preferred to break up housekeeping as provided in her husband's will and provide a home for herself, etc. 1 Sept 1823. 52 - JESSE PERKINS: my daughters, Everilla Millie, Rutha and Nancy ••• son Jesse PERKINS ...to son Lewis land in Ala .••wife Gracey ••• as m'1ny 0 f the children as remain with her ••• son-in-law George RUSSELL. Executors, friend Joseph MILLER and son-in-law Geo. RUSSELL. 22 Aug 1823. Witnesses, John W. HOLDER (?), Charles 174 "Ansearchin'" News Franklin County, Tennessee Wills 1808 - 1847 (continued) DUNCAN, Sarah MILLAR. 53 - JEREMIAH SMITH: to wife Margaret house, etc., and negro man Cook, one mare which is to belong to Charley BURNES at her death ••• having heretofore given the children Caty BURNS, Jane McKINZY in her lifetime and Margaret BELL Rachel McGOWER and James SMITH a larger amount of property than I have given to my oldest son Jere~iah SMITH. I leave him all my stock, etc ••• to Benjamin McKINZEY and his heirs ••• to dau Rachel McGOWER negro woman Rosa. Executor, friend Col. Benjamin HOLLINGSWORTH. 11 Sept 1823. Witnesses, John JONES, Jno. SMITH. 54 - PETER ANDERSON: wife Sinai ••• to raise the children (not named). Executors, Sin~ & John ANDERSON. 3 Feb 1824. Witnesses, Thomas S. BROWN, William PERRY, Jacob BARNES. 54 - ANTHONY SEAL: to wife Xeriba, entire estate; she executrix. Witnesses, John McMULLON, liezekial LASATER, Sen. 9 Jan 1824. 55 - CALEB BARR: "as it was never my intention to part my negro woman June and her children, I have sold them all to William NOBLET and have received part of the pric~ ••• my son William McCamy BARR ••• my son Joseph BARR••• my son Silox BARR •••my . dec'd son Samuel's children ••• all my daughters ••• to Hannah, to Morgan~ to my dau Juny (?) ••• but none to my dau Margaret ••• my grandson James H. BARR, rifle and blue broadcloth coat for his service to me in l822 ••• to Betsy HAYS. Executors, son-inlaw William NOBLET and son Joseph BARR ••• all my children but Jiny "and for her to get none of it, nor Betcy BOYS none ••• " 13 Mar 1823. Witnesses, J. GOODWIN, thomas GARDINER. 56 - WILLIAM S. KELLEY: to wife Mary KELLEY, negro woman Rachel and her two children ••• my grandchildren Selma M. LUEMAX (?) Smaida (?), John P. HALL, Benjamin C. KELLEY ••• each of my daughters namely Margaret BRAMFIED, Frances McCLEBON, Nancy WILLIAMS, Easter O"REAR's children ••• two sons Durha.mKELLEY and Sims KELLEY ••• to Durham, negro boy Henry ••• to Sims, negro boy Tom. 'Executors, two sons Kelley & Sims. 18 June 1824. Witnesses, James STANLY, Wm. STARNES. 57 - JOHN B. PALMER: to oldest daughter Margaret WEDDINGTON, negro boy Bruce in addition to two others heretofore given, namely Barbary and Rhody ••• to second dauEliza PALMER, three negroes, Mariah, Fanny & Jacob ••• third dau Hannah WEDDINGTON, negro boy Judson in addition to Bariet and Richmond, heretofore given her ••• to my grandson John P. WEDDINGTON, negro boy Joe ••• to grandaughter Sarah R. WEDDINGTON, a negro girl Mary ••• to wife Sarah PALMER, all the residue. Executors friends George GRAY, Esq. and William L. WEDDINGTON, and wife Sarah PALMER. 13 June 1825. Witnesses, John STAPLES, Lewis CLARK. 58 - JOHN GILLIAM: to son John $300 ••• to son Hinchea (Kinchen?) negro man David and also Jack ••• to the heirs of Thomas GILLIAM, "3 acres of land around their house as she chooses ••• and my boy ~eason equally divided" ••• to my son Lemuel, negro boy Wiley ••• to Nancy TURNEY and heir, girl Isabel ••• to Polly TURNEY and her heirs, negro girl Rachel ••• to Frances DELOACH and her heirs, Beck & Stephen ••• to Anny SNIDER $50 ••• to the heirs of Temperance CLEPPER,. negro man John sometimes called Orch .•• to son Lemuel, negro girl Caty and '~er child now at the breast" ••• to son Hinchey, negro boy Bill ••• all land except 3 A around the house of Elizabeth GILLIAM to be sold and divided among Hinchea, the heirs of Thos. GILLIAM, Lemuel,Nancy Winter 1980 yranklin County, Tennessee Wills 1808 - 1847 175 (continued) & Polly TURNEY's heirs, Frances DELOACH & her heirs, Temperance CLEPPER & her heirs. Executors, my son Lemuel GILLIAM and Jacob TURNEY. (no date given) John A. JOHNSON, Barnett FORSYTHE, George A. BROCK. Witnesses, 59 - I, JOHN GILLIAM, yet surviving & being in a perf~ct mind and memory ••• set off twenty-five yards square of land heretofore disposed of by me, to be a burying ground ... to be laid off near a walnut tree including Thomas Gi1.B.am' grave. 17 Aug 1825. Witnesses same as above. s 59 - THOMAS YOUNG: wife Susannah to have her choice of Lucy, Crisy, Sezer, Nup (1), Mahala, Nancy & Sampson ••• I desire that Enoch DOUTHIS have Annis PRIER's dowery & also Nancy MORRIS's agreeable to their contract ••• Executors, friends John ENOCHS & Andrew W. WALKER. 22 June 1824. Witnesses, James W. COOKE, Calloway DANIEL, Benjamin HASTY. 60 - JESSIE GOODWIN: wife Elizabeth ••• "if any of my daughters shall see proper to marry" they shall receive their share ••• my three little sons, Allen F., James R. & Joseph C. r~ODWIN .•• my property divided between (sic) all my children, deducting from Permelea (?) SMITH's share the amount I have already given her. Executors, Solomon K. GOODWIN (GOODMAN?) Benjamin HOLLINGSWORTH. 17 Oct 1825. Witnesses, John TONEY, Persons POE, John GOODWIN. ( 60 - BENJAMIN JOHNSON, of Lincoln Co., Tenn: wife Phebe JOHNSTON ••• all my children .•. my four boys ••• "those of the children that has not had a-horse beast & bed to have them of the same value as of those that have had. Executors, wife Phebe JOHNSON, my son Dudley JOHNSON and William TAYLOR. 19 Sept 1818. Witnesses, Z. H. MURRELL, Robert FRAME (?), William JOHNSON, Jorne (?) BRAZIER. 61 - GRACEY PERKINS: executors shall sell estate and collect debts due me, and use $400 to purchase a negro girl to be conveyed to my daughter Ararilla ••• the residue to be equally divided between the balance of my children. Executors, George RUSSELL & Joseph MILLER. 18 Mar 1826. Witnesses, John W. HOLDER, Joseph SEWELL. 61 - JAMES SARGENT: 21 Sept l825 •.• to children Phebe BOWERS, Frankey EVANS, Rebecca DAUUUU (it reaily looks like this-BFW) Johnson SARGENT's heirs, James SARGENT, Henry SARGENT, Temple SARGENT, Betsy JENINGS ••• my grandson William RUSSELL, negro boy Granville ..• wife Jenny SARGENT ••. "my two daughters Retty and Nicy and Martha BADGETT my Grand Daughter and Mary Jane my wife's Grand Daughter. Executors, wife Jenny, Edward RUSSELL & Francis A. OAKLEY. Witnesses, Joseph H. BRADFORD, John GOODWIN. 62 - JOHN COUNCE: wife Elizabeth .••whichever of my children takes care of her ••• each of my son John's three children John, Isaac & David ••• all my children. Executors, John SILAR and Mauldin REEVES. 27 July 1821. Witnesses, John McCALISTER, Henry COUNCE, Jacob SYLER. 63 - JAMES SISK: to daughter Betsy, negro girl Celey ••• my oldest son Alfred K. SISK, son William Jefferson, daughter Louise •••wife Nancy. Brother William to come and live on the plantation. Executors, John HANDLY and wife Nancy SISK, 8 Nov 1825. Witnesses, David AUSTIN, Andrew CAMPBELL. Proven November 1826 by both witnesses. 176 Franklin County. Tennessee Wills 1808-1847 llAnsearchin" News (continued) 64 - HUGH LUCAS: to wife Catherine "my new house", furniture,stock,etc ••• son Benjamin LUCAS & dau Ruthay LUCAS ••• son William Henderson LUCAS •• as I have several children which has left me, I think it proper not to mention them,only in this way whatever I (had) to give them they got it as they left me,and I am in hope they will be content with the same as it is out of my power to do any more for them. Executors, son Wm H LUCAS & David 0 ANDERSON. 2 May 1825. Witnesses, Jacob GRAVIS, Hugh A LUCAS, John KIMBROW. Proven Aug 1827 by GRAVES & Hugh A LUCAS. 65- SOLOMON K GOODMAN: to wife Elizabeth, negro boy Joe and negro Suckey •• dau Eliza ADAMS •• to dau Harriet JAMES $400 in nptes of Thomas KING •• son Madison GOODMAN •• son Solomon GOODMAN,negro boy Jack •• to dau Mary GOODMAN negro girl Caroline •• two negro men long Harry and John be hired out ••• my old negro man Harry I leave on the plantation to be supported by & assist his mistress. Executors, Pomphret HERNDON and wife Elizabeth. 23 May 1827. Witnesses, Benj. HOl~,INGSWORTH, Joseph WILLIS, Parson POE. Proven Aug 1827 by Benj. HOLLINGSWORTH & Joseph WILLIS. Pomphret HERNDON & Elizabeth GOODMAN, Executors,made bond with James BR~1)ON & Thomas KING as securi~ies. Recorded 12 Aug 1828. E.RUSSELL, Clerk by his Deputy,W.B.WAGONER. 67- MARGARET JONES: will proven in May t€~im of court in 1827 by oaths of B.B. KNIGHT & Jeremiah BLACKARD, witnesses. Recorded 12 Aug 1828. 6':1- SUSANNAH MARTIN-: "my children that are now living with me,namely, William, Mary( Susannah. Harrison,Hickman,James and Dianna ••• to my youngest dau Dianah the proceeds of my carryall wagon •• John S MARTIN & my son Thomas S. MARTIN,Executors. 20 July 1827. Witnesses; Richard BONGE 1, Benjamin SANDRIDGE. Proven, Aug term 1827, by both witnesses. George GRAY & James WOODS, Securities for Executors. Recorded 12 Aug 1828. 68- PETER FORMERS: very sick••• son Peter FO~~ER.Jun••. cSusan FORMER the wife of Peter FORMER,Jun~••• William M FORMER••• George T FORMER ••• Peter E FORMER. o James Wood~John T FORMER,sons of Peter FORMER,Jun •• my dau Catherine REED.ovl~cy SHIFFER, wife of Andrew SHIFFER. Witnesses: Jacob MILLER, John P DORIS (DAViS?). 7 Aug 1827 "The above will recorded through mistake not having been proven by only one witness therefore not recorded." Aug term l827 •• proven by oath of Jacob MILLER Recorded 12 Aug 1828. 68- MOSES RUNNELS: land on which I live, 200a of which Wt1.S conveyed to me by ~~mund RUSSELL and forty acres by Thomas WILLIAMS •• to wife Susannah, negro slave Ned •• Henry RUNNELS to be paid $470 which he advanced me and for which he has the use of land on which Thomas WILLIAMS now lives ••• to daughters Nancy. Lovina and Anna RUNNELS $40 in lieu of a horse,cow and calf which I gave my other daughters on their respective marriages ••• to son William RUNNELS ••. all my children, to wit:.-Sally SEWEL (1), Henry RUNNELS,Susannah HOPPERS (1), Kisiah MCKENSEY, Rebecca WILLIAMS, Polly MALONE, Elisha RUNNELS, Betsy PRESTON, Wi.1liam RUNNELS, Nancy, -Lovina and & Anna RUNNELS. Executors: son-in-law Joseph SEWELL. son William RUNNELS & friend Paul WILLIAMS. 31 July 1827. Witnesses, John W HOLDER and Joseph HUDDLESTON. Proved by oaths of both witnesses, recorded 12 Aug. 1828. ( to be continued) Winter 1980 177 INDEX TO 1840 CENSUS, KNOX COUNTY, TENNESSEE Copied from Microfilm by Thomas Proctor /lughes, Jr. Film M704 - Roll 527 Continued from Fall 1980 (Page numbers used are stamped numbers on right hand top of page.) (FC Page 39 (continued) James Mason James Long John Smith Wm. Bayless Hannah Mulvaine James Clifft Felix Brown Elijah Robison Wm. Evans Wm. Walker James Walker, Sr. ( Page 40 John Cunningham Henry Sherrod Sterling W. Smith James Johnson Adam W.K. Baker Dayid Adams Hn. Fulton James Walker, Jr. Saml. K. Walker Fred. Nichodemus James Vance Sarah Oglesby Elizabeth Kennedy Adam B. Blake Thomas Rogers John Campbell Saml. Kennedy Alex. Leek Mark Parker James Carpenter Harvy Walker Nancy Wilson Elizabeth Berry J ames Campbell Pleasant Smith Jerimiah M. Mondy Peter Merryman Sarah Thompson John P. Cole Geo. R. Houston Page 41 Bartlet B. Walker James W. Mondy Andrew Cunningham Aaron Cunninghem Antony Trippet (Fe) Wm.Mondy George McNutt Mary Kenne.!!dy Joshua E. Mondy Mary Carpenter = Free James Witt Elizabeth Tummins Obediah Roberts Keziah Brewer SamL Martin James Campbell Alex Campbell Thomas Alexander Adam Currier James Bell Reuben Cloud Wm. W. Nelson Bartlet S. Smith Wm. Haraldson James Watson Elizabeth Lucy Lucinda Roby Wm. Lethgo Elizabeth H. Wilson John Ramsey H. Smith Jacob Huffstadler Nelson Lowe Britton Dorton Henderson Estes Wilson Liles David Campbell Wm. Early Robt. McReynold Joseph Cox William Haggard Wm. ' Gardner Robert Smi th Geo. W. Grammar Albert Hill John" Dines John S. Campbell Wm. Wilkerson James D. Swan Geo. Rollin Page 42 Samuel Haskins Lucy Love John Raby Esquire Raby James Cox, Jr. Jessee R. Brock Sally Clark Ailsey K. Mobry Brice Rusl:lell Jane H. Swam Frederick Hickman Wm. J. Clark John Hickman John Little Anthony Hensley Andrew Ballard Samuel Harrison Issabella Swim Wm. Harrison Joseph Russell Wm. Dowlin Wm. Skates David Debusk Edward Rudder James Tyree Thos. McCahan John R. Johnson Robt. Johnson Joshua Roberts Mat. M. McClellen Page 44 Thomas Burgess James Campbell John Beane John Eubanks James Amos Antony Smith Johnathan Marley John Bean James Frost Fanny Beard Wm. L. White Jr. John Defrieso Mat. McCowan Henry Shinpock Silas Scott Jesse Mason Ninian Steel Alex. S. Coulten John P. Rus~ell Peter Scott, Joseph Lowham Jacob Lowe' Wm. Morefield Wm. Gilbrea,th John G. Smi:th Russell Gilbreath James CurriJer Marcelless Camp Nancy· Adams Thomas Hudiburg Margaret Geaslin Harvy Robenson Jona Frost Benj. C. Rose Page 43 Robert Grey Isaac A. Dawson Colored) Henj. Early Harmon Wroe (Rowe) Milley Lane Levi Wroe (Rowe) Page 45 George Dunn Thos. Smith Jeremiah S. Burnette James A. Goulld James Montgomery Alex Kenard Jeremiah R. Smith John Campbell Saml. M. Doak John Moore Abram Dockery Susan Harvy Elcanah Harvy(male) Wm. Hill James C. Davidson James Lethgo Marthy Futhy Wm. Coleman Edward Gound John Craig Robert Smi th Harland Fike John Gilbreath Rolfe Perkapile John Wroe (Rowe) Rufus Harvy John Logan John Ground Parmuth Lea Nathaniel Bird Page 46 Levi Sugarts Alford P. Beard David Gound Bennette Currier Mary Ann Clark John T. Smith Dan!. Derossett Alford Parsons Wm. Derossett Ruben Scott Nancy Bearden Wm. Lovelace Joseph French Jane S. Swan Wm. Gound Isaac Bond Britton Underwood Wm. Bearden "Ansearchin'" News 178 Index to 1840 Census, Knox County, Tennessee, (continued) Roylston Neeley Sarah Lea Jesse Moore James Ballard Rachel Vance Isaac L. Lowe Wm. Givins Wm. M. Smith John Scott Richard Bearden Wm. Watkins Nat. Medlock Page 47 Cornelius Shaver Jane Hobbs Elizabeth Dunn Thos. tlond John Greer Samuel Lowe Wm. Scott Isaac Medlock Washington Moore Williamson Marley Andrew Russell Gardner Tucker Gobnill{Gabriel?) Turner James Havens Wm. Petree (Peters?) John Kirk Robert Childress, J{S)r. Jeremiah Tyree Berry Warrick John Petree Curd Cox, Jr. Dolly Peters Henry Carns Wm. Childress Austin Jenkins John Turner Robert Weaver John Fowler Thomas G. Graham John Weaver Page 48 Purnell Ingram Richard Havens John Petree Saml. Williams Rawlings Carter Moses Sanders Rebecca Jackson Charles Curd Solomon Draper Frederick Fraker Wm. Hansard, Sr. Cle.1ton Davis Narcissa Anderson Nat Toalston Obidiah Hall Wm. Atkinson John Draper Dr. W. Nelson John Blackburn John Stanley Thos. J. Nelson Fanny Nelson Lindsey Wallace Andrew McHaffee John M. Nelson Joseph Hinds Thomas Draper Christopher Baker Alford Gentry Isaac Gentry Page 49 John Greer J ames Nelson Stephen Holbert Marvle Hill Thomas Bolton John W. Hansand Wm. Lewis James McHaffee John Kirk Wm. Mitchell Peter Ogg Robt. Trigg, (FC) Everette Knight John William John Julian Moses Cox Achilles Bradley Wyly Bradley Charles Tyndal John Chapman Wm. Conner Henry Carnes Jesse Rhodes Lavis (David?) Gammon James Mc:Clain Robt. L. Childress Geo. Lucus Philip Carnes Henry Cox Thomas Hicks Page 50 Mrs. Wilmut Lipford Jesse Gault (Gantt?) John L. Fowler John Childress ;oh~athan Williams Wm. Davis John Jt:.tr.: Elizabeth Keyhill Peter Nance Thomas Chapman John Wall Benj. B. McCampbell Joseph Larew Maj. L. Hall Wm. Smedley Elijah Pedigo John Mondy Osborne Beavers Wm. Solmon Jane McCampbell John Smith Silas Branch Elisha Ford Caroline Plumlie Harriett Atkinson Wm. Larew John Sherrertzs James Childress Saml. McKinley Washington W. Bounds Page 51 Mary McFarland Michael Ault James Bean Jonathan Houser Robt. H. McNutt John Morrow Mary J. King John Williams John Gault Joseph Schoolfield Wm. Garsh Jesse Hatcher Thos. G. Smith John Love John Allen Mat. Simpson Geo. Newman Francis L. Parker Sam!. Tillery John M. Davis Henry Hounne1 Bolin Smith Samuel Deigh Jamex Knox Samuel C.L. George Joseph H. Brooks Armisted Ayres Jane, a Slave David Smith Sam!. H. LOV;,e Page 52 Saml. Morrow James S. Haynes Alex McMillen John Nail Henderson Cliboun James Wall Nathan Harvey Wilmurth Conway James N. Turley Robert M. Murphy Jacob Natty (Nutty?) Wm. McCloud Robt. Meek James A. Murphy, Sr. Harvy D. Thompson Luke Wiles John Deatherage Irby Thompson Rolfe Everette Hn. B. Maggott Martin Bridgeman Aquilla Everette Wm. Mc Reynolds Obediah Tinker Mary Falkner Wesley Miller Robert B. Ault Wm. Sherrertzs Ahijah Portis Geo. P. Shanerberry Alex Murphy . Page 53 Henry Foster, Sr. Turner Branham Wm.Sullivan Margaret Briggs Edward Eppes Adam Shipe WM. Ferguson Calvin Harris Charles Morrow Stephen Harris Moses Lisbey Sarah Cliborne Nancy Packet James Lisbey Hn. Luttrell Martha Dilworth Moses Mowery John Mowery Lucy White Madison Comber George Clapp Arthur G. Crawford Nichilas Trout Elizabeth Humphreys Dan!. Cloninger David W. Nelson John Martin Be:lj. Roberts Robert Armstrong F. Luttrell Francis Bounds Page 54 Robert H. Luttrell James Lutrell Nancy ~llen Josiah Rhody 179 Winter 1980 Index to 1840 Census, Knox County, Tennessee (continued) ( Saml. Harvy John Bowman James Wood Wm. Hatcher David Sherrertzs Geo. W.C. Cox Elizabeth Wilson Robert Barnwell David Yearout Thomas Whitehead Jacob Mi ller Patterson Thompson Peter Burkart Abraham Stofle? Sam!. Love Saml. Hinds Wm. Jackson Lavina Cliborne H. 1. Jackson James Jackson H. F. Crawford James Anderson James C. Anderson Thomas Johnson Horace B. Houston James McCarty Benj. McNutt Page 55 Jacob Gibbs Wm. B. Carns James P. Sterling Henry Graves Duirette Everette Sampson Tellery Pleasant Miller Calvin B. Hansard Reess Bayless John T. Johnson Joseph Crawford Ma t. Thompson Danl. Howell Jacob Reed Edmu~d Hall Gord~n Mynatt Wm. R. Crippen James Roberts Absalom Looney, Sr. Thomas SUllllllers James Watt Preston H. Skaggs Walker A. Hoffer Demarcus Simpson Morgan Baker Wui. Malone Ri,chard Mynatt Wm. D.F. Smith Michael Davis Arthur R. Crozier Page 56 Jeremiah Johnson Saml. Flannakin Baker Hickey Jacob Massey Southey Nelson Thomas Kindrick John McNutt Lewis Luttrell Nicholas Gibbs Joseph Call Thos. McMillen Elij ah Walker Austin Fox Reuben Walker Wm. Rogers Charles M. Price Wm. Elliott Danl. Temple Bartin Hackney James A. Propes· Allen Johnson Abraham Keener Wm. P. Harbison George Bond Charles Rhea Michael Shutterley Jane Gibson Robert McComb Andrew Ferguson Benj. Wilkins Page 57 Willis Warwick Louis Foust Wm. Harris Leroy Carpenter Johnathan Coker Henry G. Roberts Peter Shaver John Pew Calvin M. Reed Benj. Underwood Wm. Walker Reuben White Geo. G. Hardin George M. Thompson Wm. B. Lucy Thomas G. Craighead John Brown James Simpson John F. Pate Wm. Smith Mat. Russell John Le!,singer Alexander Simpson John Longacre Geo. Taylor Richard Wilkins Frederick S. Heiskell John Shepherd James Wells Mark Gallaspie Page 58 John G. Hardin Kennedy Louergan Alex Gilbreath Jacob Gallaspie Thos. B. Odell Wm. Odell Fielding Ausburn David Thompson Wm. Packett Andrew Like Palatiah Shelton Allen Jack James Rogers Richard T. Murphy John Mikles James Cox, Sr. Stephen Julian Wm. Luttrell, Sr. Simeon Wood John Kidd James Corteney Andrew K. Nott James Trotter Sylvanus Howell Wm. R. Wear Wm. Brown Wm. Jett Wm. Nickol Isaac Hinds Robert Hinds, Jr. Page 59 Joshua Mondy Curd Cox, Sr. John Gibbs James O. Gentry John Reed Wm. N. Sharp John Mondy Wm. R.K. Hall Richard Leek Charles Smith Sam!. G. Bel~ Jeremiah Hen~erson John Flannaken John Leek ' Elizabeth Campbell Wm. Lane John King Henry Huffaker Nat. Chesney: George Huffal<er Stephen Georg'e Sam!. Widener Jeremiah Dotson Caswell Hick Wm. Widener Elizabeth Huffaker Abner Dikes James H. Green James Perry Jacob Huffaker Page 60 Wm. Palmer Danl. Covington Sophia Wrinkle Elizabeth Bell Andrew Wrinkle Judah Wrinkle Jacob Wrinkle Wm. Frazier David F. Dearmond Joseph Householder Jacob Pickle Susan Grisle Robert Hinds Johnathan Johnson Isaac Hinds, Jr. David Rogers Johnson Rogers Elvin Biddy Jonas Meeks Jonathan Finger James Wilhite Jacob Bean Wm. Bean Isabella Shook Luke Stansbury Geo. Woods Wm. Luttle Thomas Baker Josiah Jones Wm. Gallion Page 61 Nancy Julian Sally Julian James Wilhite Nancy Wilhite Richard Brown Allen Morgan Elizabeth Rains 1som Dikes Solomon Stansberry Charles P. Hackney Saml. Bowman Margaret Ward Wm. Dunlap Claborne Swaggerty Catharine Abbott Charles Mondy Tallifar Mondy John Hickey John Rose John Wrinkle Elizabeth McNutt Abraham Newman Edmond Payne James N. Julien Thomas Gibson- "Ansearchin' " Ne:ws 180 Index to 1840 Census, Knox County, Tennessee (continued) Geo. M. Burnett Zakariah Burnette Blackburn Burnette Richard Porterfield Wm. Julian Page 62 Richard Dunn Jacob Tarwater Elijah Dunn John L. Nelson SamI. Payne Joseph Payne Chesley Payne Susan Houser Robert Crews Talber C. Vineyard Sarah Baker Isaac Hedrick 'lhimothy Reagan Wm. Crews Polly Maxey Dan!. Anderson Joseph' Lane Harris Pryo.!!. John Lane John Slater Dan!. Simpson Wm. Mikles John Henderson Wm. Smith Jacob Reed Isaac Wilson Judith Burnette Benj. Burnette Joseph Elzie AlC!x White Page 63 Wm. Hickman Dicy Lyons Aron Hood Alexander Caldwell Mi.rk Leek Joseph Plumlie Lewis Perry Wm. B. Fran:·:lin John Luttrell Ani:.rew Baker John Johnson Solomon Irick Harrison I. Simpson Jesse Simpson Wm. Simpson Wm. Horne J Of" eph Ford Jetferson Griffin Sanford Simpson j',!1drew Bean CY_1thia Davis Dempsey Johnson John Anderson (FC) Thos. Scott Caleb H. Baker Elf. Dearmond John Dawson Richard Keyhill Francis Kirby, Jr. Wm. Walker James Walker Page 64 John Finger Thomas Rolland John Waggoner John Pedigo Thomas Walker, Sr. Joseph King James Crews Armister Hatcher Jacob Houser Washington Langly James Davis Willis Anderson Allen Wheeler Wyly B. Murphy Blufford Griffon Rebecca Rhea Gideon B. Rhody Michael Johnson BTightberry Haines James L. Potter Jane Johnson Benoni Johnson Ann Anderson John Ford Saml. McCammon, Jr. Lewis Stinnett John Rule Jeremiah Johnson John Goddard Labon Johnson :?age 65 Robt. Johnsor. Elizabeth Goddard Saml. Goddarc. Thomas J. Tipton Edwin Kerick George French Peter Fren(~, Sr. Michael fret) ~h Phillip Hou,>E',r Jacob French Geo. R~le Michael Rule Zachariah Haynes henry Rule Peter French, Jr. Wm. Tarwater Janes Tarwa"C.er Geo. Mainis Margaret Caps Frederick Rule Mary Porter Joseph Goddard Andrew Hood Jacob Horn, Jr. Jacob Horn, Sr. Thomas McCammon Wm. Pryor John Jourden Jacob Houser James P. Ford Christopher Handby Hesekiah Kidd Elijah Howell Edward Maxey James Ump~ Dennis Umphrey Sevier Wheeler Nancy Williams Mary King John F. King John D. Williams John McCarroll Jesse Wells John Henson, Jr. Peter Varner Page 66 Allen Anderson Frederick Spangler Wm. King Page 68 Geo. Varner Wm. Watt~nberger James M. Montgomery James B. Morphew James Maxwell Mat. King Elizabeth Wattenberger John Willoby John King Mary Summers Hardeman ~rews Andrew Willoby Wm. Johnson John Griffin David Houser David Doyle Jonathan Houser Martin B. Carter Mary King Robert Blain Robt. H. Snoddy Joseph Stewart Malachi Murphy Lemuel McBee Edward Poston Wm. Wright Charles Coker Pleasant M. Love Nancy Parsons Leonard Coker Michael Burnette Cumberland Coker Absolom Burnette James Coker Henry Baldwin Samuel Anderson John Pratt James P. Daile Jar:les Childress James Pratt John Daile Elizabeth Luttrell Paul Cunningham Hannah Bell And. J.D. Murphy Lucinda Parsley Robert Oglesby Danl. .F. Murphy Andrew' McCall James Luttrell Duke Howell Wm. Tass Wm. Wright David Griffin Abraham Reed James Pratt, Jr. Page 67 Wm. Keith James McMillen Burrett F. Badgett Page 69 JamesStennet Hannah Wright Robert P. Clayton Isabella Reed Jacob Kenne4y Wm. Davis Jeptha Ginn Johnathan Sh8~r.~tz John Mintgee David Like (?) Martha Boyd John Brown, Jr. Thomas Galliol' Elisha Dazarn Mary Watt Danl. Dairs Solomon l~rris (FC) John McMillen Andrew Cunningham Henry F. Ryon Wm. McMillen John Hal'l\lon Catharine Wells Wm. Gibbons Edmond Dav;ls Winter 1980 181 Index_ to 1840 Census, Knox County, Tennessee (continued) Thomas Anderson, Sr. Wm. Doyle John Owens Joel Gossett Obediah·Morphe~ Joel Coker James R.· Coker John Coker James Ferguson Saml.Cattrill David Tarwarter John Smith Dicy Smith Wm.Wells Wm. Clayton JamesW. Flannakin Thomas Henderson Joseph Burnette ( Page 70 Thomas W. Masterson Isaac Bayless Joseph G. McCarroll Wm. Pratt David Pratt Thomas J. White WI1l. McLemore Hiram TIndal Barclay M. Irwin James Wilson Gren McLemore Wm. Hooker Thomas Keyhill Calvin Gossett Thomas Johnson Hn. Brown Mrs. Susan McCammon John'W. Linghton Wm. Lyon, Esqt. Richard Bearden, Sr. John Alexander John P. Garner Jeremiah Gamb Ie James W. Craig Archibold Cobb Joseph Hardin Benj. Ezell Wm. Duncan Caliborne Carnes Samuel Flannakin Page 71 Samuel Hashberger Levi Mccioud Henry Smith Wm. Draper Ann Kirkpatrick Robert Kirkpatrick Benj. Hartley Wm. Warren Tandy Bolton John Hansard Wm. Wood Saml. Hansard Wm. C. Hansard Archibald Hale Wm. Legerwood Peter Anderson Saml.Johnson Saml. McPherow Nancy Longwith Isom P. Ally Obediah Tucker Pleasant W. Tucker Geo. W. Gibbs John Anderson Bruas Cox John Bayless, Jr. John Kirkpatrick, Jr. Joseph Stanley Wm. Delass Wm. Stanley Page 72 Richard Stanley Wm. McPherow, Jr. John Tucker Wm. McPherow, Sr. Eli Ousley Christian Ousley Vardeman Johnson David Graves Jacob Miller Coleman Cox Geo • Johnson Jesse Nichodemas Elizabeth Skaggs John Frost Moses Skaggs Solomon Skaggs David Smith Willis L. Pratt David Johnson Nancy Skaggs Jacob Graves James A. Skaggs James K. McPherow Abraham Hankins John F. Anderson David Weaver John Weaver David Gibbs Wm. Shell Haden Warrick Page 73 Maj. W. Wilkerson Dan!. Gibbs Peter J. Fallon Nicholas Clapp Solomon Clapp James Callison David Devoult John MI.ltabarger Noah Salomons Ezekial Falkner Pleasant Johnson, Jr. David L. Copeland Washington G. Fleming Saml. Tyndal Hn. Hall Wm. Copeland James M. Murphy John Murphy John Sterling Seth Lea John Currier John McDonough Colvin Jones Jos. McCarrol Josiah Mullens John Davis Allen Johnson Geo. W. Price Andrew Thomason John Loony Page 74 Henry Harmon Uriah Cummins Jesse R. Smith Wm. Currier Wm. Henson Hr. McCarn Elizabeth Price John P. Coker John Hall John Garner Benj. Wilkerson John Ferguson Jefferson Cotemy (?) Aron Pilkenton Sarah Stansb,!gY Washington Harris (FC) Carter Bowman Elizabeth Bowman Mary Badgett Sally Willia~s Rob t. D. Gordon Jacob Barger Benj. Ferg,~son Barbry Barger James Price Es ther Price Fred Barger Edmond Parham Benj. W. Parham Page 75 Ellen Hams (FC) Wm. Crawfor4 James Duncan Thos. Price Flemin Camp Benj. Bearden Danl. Parham John P. Bearden Mary McCampbell Jane McCampbell Eliza Scot.t Wm. Ross And. McCampbell John Kearnes Wm. McCampbell Hannah Carnes Nancy White Philip Smith John Weir Sarah Blalock Wm. Owens Es ther Morrow John Mc Carroll Delilia (a slave) James McNutt Robert Harvey Soln.D. Jacobs Wm. J • Keith, Jnr. Margaret Lindsay Wm. Rutherford Page 76 John Doherty Margaret Houston John Ault Mary Haynie Eady Nicholson (FC) John Mosier Geo.W. Churchwell Simon Johnson Wm. G. McNutt Edward Ruth Asst. Marshall, S.H. Love, Censustaker, Dc t 29. 1840 182 "Ansearchin'" News KNOX COUNTY, TENNESSEE, REVOLUTIONARY & MILITARY PENSIONERS, 1840 Pensioners Age David Penn (Fe) 80 Philip Titlow 57 Edward Smi th ca 80 Samuel Tarver 80 Thomas Dove 86 Perrin Cardwell 76 Absalom Rutherford 78 Vincent Jackson 95 Marcus Swadley 80 Th'!mas Sumpter 76 Joseph Brown 84 Mitchell Childress ·90 John Foy 85 David Folkner 83 Joseph Large 80 Living in home of: Lucilda Dabney (FC) Head of household Head of household Head of household Head of household Head of household Head of household Alexander Blain Ann DeFriese head of household Head of household Head of household Head of household Head of household Head of household Pensioner Age Edmond Newman 77 James Campbell 83 Harris Gammon 83 John Childress 81 Garnett Smith 78 Jesse Wells 91 Jacob Gillespie 86 Curd Cox 77 Luke Stans.bury 88 Richard Porterfield 82 Jesse Perry 83 James Crews 86 Ro?ert Johnson 81 John McLemore 85 Abraham Hankins 86 Living in home of: Head of household Head of Household David (1) Gammon Head of household Bolin Smith Michael Davis Head of household Head of household Head of household Head of household Joseph Plumlie Head of household Head of household Wm. McLemore Head of household ANCESTORS ARE WHERE YOU FIND THEM Contributed by R.F. Simpson, Jr. From THE WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER, published at Paris, Henry County, Tennessee October 28, 1870 Adam GARDNER of Henderson County is 106 years of a~e. He was born in N.C. in 1765; married and moved to Henderson County where he has been for 70 uears. They have raised 8 children, all married and gone. He and his wife are the sole occupants of their home. The old couple are as jolly as crickets, and the old man with the little assistance of the wife in planting, has this year raised enough corn to do them for 2 years. He has saved 1000 bales of fodder unassisted, and is now directing his energies to saving a tobacco crop. His hearinR is a little dull, but his promise of life seems good for years yet. The 1870 census of Henderson County, 20th Civil District, Lexington P.O. shows Family #I 46 - GARl!flR, Adam 103, Farmer b NC; GARNER, Sarah 88, Kps House b NC. From SOUTHERN ADVOCATE, published at Huntsville, Alabama Friday, July 8, 1825 State of Tennessee, Henry County - April Term 1825 Alex McCORKLE ) vs ) Peter WRIGHT and Jane his wife: Rachel J . ) ORIGINAl1 BILL OF EQUITY Andrew J., Robt. L., Thos. F., Marie L., ) Leander, James, Wm.F., and George TITUS; ) and Ebenezer FAZIER; Julius FAZIER & wife. ) This day came the complainant by COOK & McCAMPBELL his counsel, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court here by the return of the Sheriff that the defendants are not inhabitants of this county, and it also appearing that the defendants are inhabitants of the state of Alabama and Missouri whereby the ordinary process of this court cannot be served upon them. Therefore on motion of the complainant by his counsel, it is ordered by the court here that publication be forthwith made in some Gazette printed in Nashville in this state and in some newspapers printed in Huntsville, Ala. & in St.Louis, Missouri for 3 weeks, commandi~g s~id defe~dants to be & appear here on the 4th Monday in October next. A true copy. James JONES, Clerk & Master of Equity. ABSTRACT ~ The bill states that the defendants as the representatives of Robt. EDMONDSON, deceased, were entitiled to a certain land warrant # 1575, dated Sept 22, 1820 for 590 acres of land, and that James TITUS, Rebecca EDMONDSON, Isabella EDMONDSON, & George TITUS on the 5th day of Dec. 1820 sold the warrant to Rep. D. CHILDRESS dor a valuable consideration and bound themselves to have the warrant, plat & certificate transferred to him; that Peter WRIGHT authorized James TITUS to make a title to the part belonging to him; that Rep. D. CHILDRESS, sold the same to the complainant; that afterwards the defendants obtained a grant for said 590 acres and the complainant prays that the legal title be invested in him. Win ter 1980 183 h.-~ . . ~~~7~ FAYETTE COUNTY, TENNESSEE COURT MINUTES - Volume B . by Jean Alexander West and Ann Douglass Warren ~~ (continued from Fall issue) Con~ributed (p. 101) Mon. 1 Feb. 1841 - Court Met. Present, Wm. BURTON, Elijah HENLEY, Wilson C. LOVING, Nat. ATKINSON, J. KOONCE. Road overseers appointed: Ranson WHITTEN in place of Kinard BOYD on the Van Buren Rd.from Stage Rd. near John BOYDs to Thomas LEWIS. Dav1.d o. OWENS on Van Buren Rd. Hands: Thomas J. LEWIS, L. B. FAR~IS, A. FARRIS, D. O. OWENS, James B. WALL, Lafayette ROBERTSON, M. ABERNATHA, Jes~e ALLEN, Jesse S. TURNER, Robert TIDWELL, THOMPSON. John C. COOPER contract to repair steps and gates around Court House Square. Spencer JACKSON appted to list taxable property in Dist. 4, replacing J. W•.JARRETT. Adison H. DOUGL\S,21 iyrs of age, of good character, certified to practice law. ( (p. 102) To assist opening new part of road: G. CHAMBERS, Thomas TAYLOR, W. SULIVANT, lsiah CO~, David RIGGS, David ADAMS, p. BEARD and J. W. PULLIAM. John J. POTTS, admr. of the estate of Charles J. POLK, dec'd., asks for division of said estate among the widow, Martha n. PO~K and children Mary A. Francis, Henrietta, Emma W (?), and Charles. The estate consists of about 15 slaves and real estate. Elisha W. HARRIS, Thos. G. POLK, Thomas B. FIRTH, Thomas 1. POLK, Leonidas COTTON, Thos. J. WINSTON appted to divide negroes among heirs. Addition to sale of Estate of Charles J. fOLK returned by John G. POTTS. David JOHNSON, Admr. of Reddick ARNOLD, dec'd, returned estate sales. A. HARRIS, T. BRINBURY )?) by W. B. BEANS, Adms. of Duke WORTHAM, dec'd, gave list of sales of estate. Henry KIRK released from paying $4.12 due to error in his taxes for 1840. (p. 103) Court order: following persons released from paying taxes in given districts. Miss Mary Ann JAMS, Dist 1 $2.40, A DOUGLASS, Dist 5 - .50, Charles WOOD, Dist 3, $6.80, John CARRAWAY, Dist 12 & 13, $25.60, Briant CARRAWAY, Dist 12 & 13, $3.20, Charles S. MOFFET, Dist. 12 & 14, $3.40; Sam'l SLAUGHTER, Dist 7 & 8, .50. Wilson C. LOVING, Wm. BURTON and B. Y. TROTTEN appted to settle with Elijah HENLEY, admr. of estate of sam'l SIDDLE, dec 'd. Constable for Dist. 14 elected. B. BRANCH, Nathaniel CHAMPION and Callin TURNER,sec. J. C. DOVE elected Constable for Dist. 11, William BIRDSONG, Charles BROADWATERS, Robert K. CAVINISS and William W. THORTON, Sec. Mary URQUHART, exec. last will & Testament of James URQRART gave settlement. (p. 104) Will of Goodwin OVERBY dec'd presented. Proven by L. B. FARRIS, witness. Guardian settl~metlt received: William ISO~S guardian of Martha Caroline HENLEY, Orphan of Isaac HENLEY, dec~d. A. F. TUCKER, guardian of Martha Ann MYRICK, minor orphan of Nrowel(?) (Nowell?) MYRICK, dec 'd. A.F. TUCKER, guardian, Louisa MAHAFFEY minor orphan of Robert T. MAHAFFEY dec' d. Starke DUPREY, guardian to minor heirs of Littlebery ABINGTON dec 'd. George W. FISHER, guardian to Lewis S. GRIfFITH, minor orphan of Lewis GRIFFITH,dec'd. (p. 105) Guardian settlements with: James THOMPSON, guardian, Elizabeth L. Robert C. & Glasgow THOMPSON, minor heirs of James THOMPSON. dec 'd. M. M. WALLER, guardian of minor orphans of John B. WALLER. George H. WYATT, guardian minor orphans of Wm. BOOTH, dec 'd. "Ansearchin'" News 184 Fayette County, Tennessee Court Minutes (continued) Settlement with John J. POTTS, admr. estate C. J. POLK, dec 'd. Settlement with Leondas COTTON and Margaret COTTON, execs. of will of Robert COTTON, dec 'd. (p. 106) Tuesday, 2 Feb 1841 - Court met - Present WIn. BURTON, Elijah HENLEY, Wilson C. LOVING, Nathaniel ATKINSON, Sheriff, J. Koonce, Clk. Report of commissioners apptea to settle estate of Sam'l SIDDLE dec'd which was suggested by Elijah HENLY, adm. to be insolvent. Richard BRODNAX appted guardian of Alexander FIELD, minor orphan of Alexander FIELD dec'd in place of Thomas C. CRENSHAW former guardian. Bernard M. PATTERSON and Thomas C. CRENSHAW his securities. (p. 107) Monday, 1 Mar 1841 -Court met - Present - William BURTON, Elijah HENLEY, Spencer JACKSON, J. KOONCE, Nathaniel ATKINSON. Road overseers appted: Robert BULLOCK in place of John R. HENDIN (?), road from Somerville to Whiteville from J. SIDDALES lane to said BULLOCKs line. Kenard BOYED, Vanburen road ft.·om Stage Rd. near John BOYED to plantation of Thomas LEWIS, Isaiah CON, former overseer. J. C. COOPER asks for appropriation of ninteen dollars for partial repairs of cupala on court house dome to be made in favor of L. COOPER. Isaac F. BUCY petitions to appoint Jesse S. FLIPPIN, Pleasant WARD, Jesse HARRISON, John RHEA and John T. EDDINS comm. to divide the shares of Isaac F. BUCY for himself and Isaac F. Bucy, as guardian of William ASTUN , in and to 4 slaves which belong to said parties, as heirs of William ASTIN dec'd. (p. 108) George BOWERS, Stephen HUGHS, Bennett H. HENDERSON, Benj. COCKE, J. A. WINFREY appted to examine and report changing the Covington road. (Scratched through) John ARMOUR JR appted overseer in place of C. JONES. Rands of J(J~ln HAS, Joshua DARDEN, Pickney COWAN. John H. SMITH overseer, road, John O. ZIER (OZIER) former overseer. William MACON, Duke WILLIAMS, William E. HALL, William REVES and Spencer JACKSON 3~?ted to divide the estate of Alexander M. BOYLAN, deed; set apart to William T. BROWN his wife's portion. Sam'l C~~BERRY appted overseer of road from Macon to Reddick CROSS. Hands of D. ?IS~~R, John FISHER, Benjamin BELL, G. W. FISHER, Nelson CARTRIGHT, D. CROSS, C. COGBILL, Sam'l C. WILLIAMS. (p. 109) John MEWBORN, C. B. BULLOCK, J~W3 JORDAN, Ro~ert WALKER, Simon MILLER, ::dmon TAYLER to view rd. L·)m JARRETS('!) mill to Fayette corner and report to next .:,rt.l court. Duke WILLIAlViS, E. ;.crALL. ,J.:::..:.:.:,.:::s 'WILSON, WIn. H. MACEN, Nicholas LONG and ", "".1.:.. ...min WILLIAMSON appted to :,ay off &r~d mark a road from Somerville down Loose~atcht to Covington road inteTdecting land lately by Mrs. PUGH to Jarvis G. BOOKER where it ?????? (',,',r~e T. kAI~NWRIGHT appted O'h""seer road from JARRETTS Mill to Covington. Hands of .: JACKSON, Jarvis S. JORDON", Jesse THOIv'JAS, John H. WALKER, C. P. SIMMS (?), :':~lCI"aS J. ?GCKER, Jo.~.i:;S P.AJ."lL£TT, John POWELL, Joab MASSEY (MOREY?), George WAINWRI~HT, JC~l P. WILSON, M~3. SY}frIDNS, Calvin JONES, Grandberry HAMLETT, Asa VAUGHN, 1\, D. STAi'i(vBACK, WIn. E. DAVIS. ! A8b~~y RULLEN and Eliza WILKNS released from paying double tax for year 1841 in ~~jl;j·c. 13. Wlnter J 980 135 Fayette County, Tennessee Court Minutes - Volume B (continued) Re1eased from 1840 taxes; listed twice were John M. BERTON and' Jbhn BREVARD. (p. 110) - Henry MILLER allowed time to give inventory of his brother's estate. Wi11 of Thomas 1l1ATKINS dec'd entered; proven by William LACY, William HALL, Richard WATKINS. Frances WATKINS appointed executrix. F.B.KIRD (KIRK?) admr of estate of J.P.NEAL returnerl additional inventory. Wm.MUNCRIF returned inventory and sale of estate of Sam'l MUNCREF dec 'd. Lewis P. WILLIAMSON, Wm. E. HALL & Benja. W 1l1ILLIAMSON signed inventory 11 Aug 1840 at request of Bernard M. PATTISON, executor appt'd by will of Robert NEAL dec'd in accordance with the will of said testator to value at cash price all his estate. (p. 111) Israel S. PICKENS Admr of eRtate of Ann HERRINGTON dec'd returned sale of estate. Division of negroes in the estate of Charles J. POLK as made by Thos. I. POLK, Thos. G. POLK, I.. COTTON, Thos. J. WINSTON, connnissioners appted: Peter, Bowen'land John to the widow, Mrs. M.~ rOLK; Patty & child to Sarah Henrietta POLK;Old Polly & Margaret to Mary A. POLK; Peggy & children, Harrison, Juiia to Emma M. POLK; Jake & Esther to ehas. I. POLK; Serina, Olarlotte & Hetty to Frances A. POLK. ( (p. 112) John W.L. HARGIS, elected constable of Dist. 6, gave bond with William HARGIS. Jas. A. HARGIS & Jarvis ROARK, Sec. John A. WINFIELD, Admr of Sampson LANIER de'd, gave bond; Asbury WILLIAMS, Sec. John K. ORR, Admr of WIn. WILSONr,deC'ld, gave bond; A.C.J. PHILLIPS & W.T. AI.EXANDER, Securities. ' :Elizabeth WILKINS, Execrx of Robert WILKINS was qualified. Isaac LUCKEY, Admr of Hugh LUCKEY dec'd, gave bond; Edw. SMITH & W.A. MASK, Sec. (p. 113) Guardian settlements given by: L.K.RHODES for Marion HARGIS, minor orphan of T.V. HARGIS, dec'd HRrdy W. THARPE for minor orphans of Allen HEARN~. R.A. (smeared) guard:i.an of minor heirs of H.P. INGRAM dec' d. John McCARLEY for Wm. A. JONES, minor orphan. Francis H. AMMONS, for minor orphans of Wm. HARRIS dec 'd. '!'hos. C. CRENSHAW for Alexander, Roscoe & Martha FIELDS, minor orphans of Alexander FIELDS dec'd. Edward ELLINGTON, Adm... of estate of Williamson SULIVANT dec'd,gave settlement. (p.114) Return of Israel S. PICKES, gdn of minor orphans of Phillip HERRINGTO_, dec 'd. Review of Corom. of Fayette Co. who returned tax lists. (See p. 88 of this record with these additions) Dist. 4, S. JACKSON in place of J.W.JARRETT; Dist. 7, Isaac KILLOUGH in place of WILLS. John ARMOUR appted overseer on Stage Rd from Somerville to Bolivar, Thos. C. JONES former overseer; hands of John HART, Joshua DARDEN, Putney(?) COWAN work under him. Thos. C. JONES' hands added to Labon HOLT, overseer of Old Bolivar Rd. (p. 115) Tuesday 2 March 1841 - Court met - Present, Wm. BURTON, Elijah HENLEY, Wilson C. LOVING, Nath'l ATKINSON, J, KOONCE. On request of Dianah LUCKY, widow of Hugh LUCKY dec'd, Willie B. JONES, A. WHITTEN, L.B. FARRIS appted to layoff year's provtsions. Washington EDDINS & Wilson C. LOVING, Admr of estate of Lewis.P. EDDINS dec'd, returned inventory and sales. Court adjourned. 186 "Ansearchin'" News Fayette County, Tennessee Court Minutes - Volume B (continued) (p. 116) Monday 5 Apr 1841 - Court met. Present: wm. BURTON~ Isaac WILLIAMS~ Wilson C. LOVING, Elijah HENLEY, Spencer JACKSON, Lewis P. WILLIAMSON, Isaac KILLOUGH, wm. HARRELL, Doctor WOMBLE, John F. ROBERTSON, Sam'l J. NEAL, James A. HEASLETT, Curtis WINFIELD, Thomas ARNETT, Thos. B. FIRTH, wm. MORROW, W.P. PALMER; Justices. Nathaniel ATKINSON, Sheriff, J. Koonce, Clerk James F. BELL appted overseer of Clover Creek Rd. Hands of Franklin FLEMING, A.A. WALL, Robt. T. SHAW, Robert WILSON & his two sons, wm. HENDERSON, wm. PICKETT (PUCKETT?) , Thos. PINKETT, wm. BRIANT, Ruby J. STEEL, H. STEEL, Norman COFFY, _ _ MURPHY, SamI. MURY, 'WIn. AGEE, _ _DOPHIN, John SIDDLE, and hands on J. NEAL's land. Court Orders: Duke WILLIAMS, E.H. HALL, James WILSON, WID. H. MACON, Nicholas LAND & Benj. W. WILLIAMSON appted jury to mark road from ~omerville to Covington Rd. Hands living at Mr. HUNLEY's shall work Jack Rd; H.S. MOSELY, overseer. Benj. P. GRISSOM appted overseer on Hays Bridge Rd. from F.H. GILES Shop to Bridge. (p. 117) Overseers appointed: Madison PLANT on LaGrange-Memphis road from L. KIDDs to the west of James DOWNs (1) farm. Hands of H. GUYNNs , R.R. GYNNs, L. KIDD, Robert KIDD, B. WILLIAMS, E. WILLIAMS, James DREWIN (?) and John LANALINS (LANOI.F.N~?). Lemuel HARMMONS on LaGrange-Memphis Rd.from the corner of James DRIVER. Hands of Edward ALLEN. A. POLK. E.H.STIGER, I.R. LANDERS. John FAUST overseer of rd frnmLafayette to the new state line toward Mt. Pleasant. MS Hands of James MARSHALL, James R. BAILY, H.B. BROWN, and wm. GAlLER. Jesse OVERTON, John BOYD, Wilkins H. EDWARDS appted corom. to let out to the lowest bidder the repair of the Stage Rd through Bennett's Creek bottom. Eli M. MULLEN, Jonas W. BAKER & J.H. MAXWELL appted corom. to set apart a year's support for the widow of William WILSON and her family. (She was Mary Elizabeth Caldwell Alexander, dau of Wm. Taylor and Mary Shelby Alexander. They moved from Sugar Creek Church, Charlotte NC in 1832 -JAW) Robt. JACKSON, wm. REVES and Edwin WHITMORE appted corom to layoff year's support for the widow of Isaac T. GREGORY, deceased. (p. 118) Court Orders: Re changing the Somerville-Bolivar road, which runs through lands of Wilkes H. EDWARDS between Spears' tanyard and Edward·s dwelling house. David KOONCE, Josiah DELOACH, L.M.DELOACH, W.W. ELLIOTT, Francis HALL~,Alfred RIGGS. John W. MORELAND, E.W. TIPTON, Henry ANDERSON and MORRISON .released from double tax James HERRON, Sam'l WIGGINS, Benj. EDDINS, Henry HARRIS, Richard APPLEBY and Eliiah BLACKWELL appted to mark road from Eddins' mill to Concordia. Thomas FIRTH, Thomas BOOTHE, Richard PERKINS, Genrge ELDRIGE and A. BIGGS appted to mark a road from LaGrange to the Mississippi line towards Salem. MS. Amos PEARSON appted overseer in place of Robert KNOX on road from E.W. TIPTON's to the end of Douglass Lane. (p. 119) Court Orders: The road from LaGr~nge to the M~ss. line toward Ripley to be opened as a public road. Richard C. PERKINS, ~verseer, and hands of K.W. WELLS, George G. ELDRIDGE, A. BIGGS, S. MACLIN, Thos. BOOTH to work under h~s direction. Beverly ANDERSON, John PARHAM, joY;). W. BUB.TON appted to locate a bridge across Wolf River and the slough opposite LaGrange. Sam'l GRANBl:..RY, overseer of r.oad from Macon to Maj~ Cro$s, running along dividing line between BolynBELL and D_._..__FISHER~ Winter 1980 187 Fayette County, Tennessee Court Minutes - Volume B (continued) David DOUGLASS, John H. SMITH, Wm. RUFFIN appted to contract for a bridge over Bennett's Creek on Jernigan Rd. Wm. P. SUMMERS and Thos. AVETT recorded stock marks. (p. 120) Report of Edmond TAYLOR, Robert WALKER, James JORDON & Charles BULLOCK on road from Jarret's Mill to Fayette corners. Simon MILLER being summoned March II, 1841 agreed for the road follow present road. Mewborns & Millers line mentioned. W. B. JONES, L.B. FARRIS & A. WHITTEN report on supplies for Dianah LUCKY widow of Hugh LUCKY dec 'd. They swore they were no way related to her. Sam'} J. NEAL resigned comm to take census of free white male inhabitants over 21. (p. 121) Curtis WINFIELD elected comm. to take census. Josiah DELOACH, John W. MORELAND, Jas S. LOOP, A. G. HOOKS, L. W. DELOACH appted to view road from Collierville to Mt. Pleasant. David O. OWEN appted overseer of road from Van Buren to Sommerville. Hands: Thomas J. SIMS, L. B. FARRIS, A. FARRIS, H. FARRIS, D. O. OWEN, J. B. WALL, Lay_ROBERTSON, John P. ROBERTSON, M. ABERNATHY, Jesse ALLEN, Jesse S. TURNER, Robert TIDWELL, THOMPSON Sr. (p. 122) also when called on, G. CHAMBERS, Thos. TAYLOR, W. SULIVANT, Isaiah CONN, David RIGGS, Dan'l ADAMS, P. B~, John N. PULLIAM. ( (p. 122) Eli N. HOGG appted overseer on State Line Rd from S. P. GUYN to Fleming BATES gate. James MARSHALL, James R. BAILY, John FOUST, ij. B. BROWN and William GULLON are alloted to Mt. Pleasant Rd. B. DOUGLAS, S. JACKSON & H. S. DICKASON reported on division of negro property of William W. HAMMON dec'd, in order to set apart Emily K. LASSERTER"s share as one of the heirs. There being 10 children, Emily K. received one negro woman and her children - dated 2 March 1841. (p. 123) Jesse BOUNDS, Wm. SCOTT, John D. BRUSTER and M. W. EDWARDS report on building new bridge over North Fork of Wolf River on Sommerville-Moscow road. Robert KNOX allowed $127.31 for building said bridge. Nathaniel HENDERSON allowed $60.00 for care of daughter Alphea. PARKER & CARNES allowed $13.75 for record book sold to Simon A. WALKER, County Register. Report of Elijah HENLEY and Wm. D. WILKENSON, appted to examine map of this county made by Edwin WATKINS, entry taker. (p. 124) Court Orders: Edwin WATKINS, entry taker, allowed $300.00 for a map of this county. William H. MITCHELL, Circuit Clerk, allowed $26.87 for sundry bills of court. Jas. A. HEASLETT, Wm. BIRDSONG and Ozin ALEXANDER appoint~d to contract for repair of Hays Bridge. ' James A. HEASLETT, esq. allowed $26.00 for holding six terms of county court. Commissioners allowed $10.00 each for taking tax list, 1841: J. KILLOUGH, Jr, J. T. WINFIELD, J. ROAK, __WILLIAMS, __Pat __, S. G. NEAL, __FIRTH, _F. FLIPPIN, Jessee ALLEN, Doct. W. WOMBLE, JACKSON, RHODES. S. B. MARTIN appointed to receive and expend an allowance for Catberine COCKER. (p. 125) Mrs. _SLAUGHTER allowed $50.00. F. BATES appointed to receive and expend said money. J. W. BURTON, E. T. COLLINS, George G. CAPETT appted to inquire into situation of Mr. L. BOND report that Mr. BOND has 5 small chilqren and no means of 188 'Ansearchin' News !ayette County, Tennessee Court Minutes - Volume B (continued) support except by his own labor. We recommend an approiation of $50.00. 1839 tax, forgiven on land reported by A. W. BROWN, listed by mistake in name of Sam'l HENTON and Thos. J. HANNON (7) in 1839. Sheriff released from collecting double tax from G. W. BOBBITT. Mrs. Clary THOMAS allowed $50.00 to keep her from suffering. Silas M. BRYAN appted admis of Isaac T GREGORY dec'd. Robert TUCKER and Absolum HUMPHREYS, Sec. (p. 126) Sam'l H. WIGGINS appted Gdn. to Rebeca Jane, William, Susan and Gabriel PRESLEY & George W. THARP minor heirs of Gilum ~P, Hardy W. THARP & James a. HARRON, Sec. Court orders: George D. PERRY released from liability for William T. BONNER as Gdn. to his own children. BONNER gave bond with WID. P. PALMER & WID. McFERREN. J. W. SHAW appted admis of Willis SHAW dec'd; Thos. L. ARMSTRONG & E. H. SHAW Sec. C. B. POLK, apptd Gdn of Henrietta POLK minor orphan cf Charles J. POLK; Thos. 1. POLK, John J. POTTS by his atty, WID. B. HAMLIN Sec. (p. 127) Thos. I. POLK, appted Gdn of Mary A. POLK, Frances J. POLK, minor orphans of Charles J. POLK; C. B. POLK & John POTTS, Sec. John M. THO~~S appted Adm of WID. F. THOMAS, Daniel JOHNSON & Henry M. PITMAN Sec. Benj P. (7) BRIDGEWATER, appted Admr of Sam'l R. BRIDGEWATER dec'd; Joshua HAZELWOOD and Kimbrough JONES, Sec. Will of Stafford ANDERSON dec'd proven by Curtis WALLER and John F. THOMAS,Wits. Miles McCULLY, appted Exec, John W. BOARAUX (7), Jarvis B. CHAFFIN Sec. (p. 128) Will of Thomas P. WATKINS dec'd proven by Nicholas LANY, witness. Jos. B. OUTLAW, Henry S. TAYLOR & J. Y. YOUNG proved Nuncupative will of Stephen K. SNEED dec 'd. Additional inventory returned by F. S. JACKSON, admr of WID. C. GREEN dec 'd. Guardian settlements recorded: A. G. HOOKS for minor orphans of P. B. RAIFORD. Jonathan BURFORD for minor orphans of Fortunatus OWEN dec'd. Robt. B. PICKENS guardian to Elizabeth BRAMER minor of this county. (p. 129) A. M. CAMPLE for Margery E. NEALY minor heir of W. M. NEALLY dec 'd. Isaac F. BREY (BERRY) guardian to WID. OSTON (ASTON) minor of the county. Mary F. BULLARD, Guardian to minor heirs of A. T. BULLARD dec'd. James B. HERRON, Guardian to Edward M. HERRON minor orohan of this county. F. S. JACKSON, Guardian to Emily T.JACKSON minor orphan. Robert PEDEN, Guardian to P. H. MILLER, a minor of this county. Settlement with F. B. KERR Exec of J. P. NEAL dec 'd. (. 130) Ju:ors appointed for May term for the~~ districts: #1 - Robert A. PARKER, John COBB, Joel S. JONES. #2 - John R. HENDON, WID. D. PUCKETT, Dot. James WENGTY(~). 113 - Newton WALL, B. S. TATUM, James STEEL. #4 - George BOWERS, Macis STEWART, James O. K. REEVES. #5 - Richard REEVES, WID. ALLEN, James E. MASON. #6 - Joseph BRADEN, Jona~han FOLK Sen. #7 - Richard CLEVES, H. M. PITMAN, Robert JACKSON, #8 - Isaac F. BUCY. Jesse S. FLIPPIN, J~sse HARRISON. #9 - Alexander BLAND, Levi R. SIMMONS, John D. MAGGET!. #10 - Jacob W. STEGALL, John FAUST, David FORRETT (FOSUTT). #11 - Malico MORRIS, Thos. LOVING, G. FALLS. #12 - John CARAWAY (7), John J. WOODFIN (WOODSON), E. H. STEGER. #13 - C. MARKER (7), John PERNON (?), a 189 Winter 1980 Fayette County, Tennessee Court Minutes - Volume B (continued) C. B. POLK, Thos. B. FIRTH. #14 - Richard WATKINS, Crend P. HEALLY, Wm. M. MAY. 1115 - Wm. H. ARMOUR, Charles BAIRD, Wm. BAW (?). (p. 131) Tues, 6 April 1841 - Court met. Present: Wm. BURTON, E. HENLEY, W. C. LOVING, N. ATKINSON and J. KOONCE. Sam'l BRYANT allowed $20.00 for taking care of a free blind girl named Eliza BUSH. Road overseers appointed: John S. MAYFIELD in place of Sam'l MORGAN, Sommerville - Legrange Rd from Dan'l JOHNSON to Wm. GRIMES land. Josephus LOVING in place of John JORDON, Sommerville - Moscow road. Dan'l JOHNSON, Wm. HERNDON, John C. COOPER, E. HASKINS & Wm. D. WILKINSON appted to set a year's provisions for Mrs. Lucy THOMAS, widow of Wm. F. THOMAS, dec 'd. Sam'l J. NEAL, admin of estate of J. R. E. LIBCOMB gave additional inventory. (p. 132) - and thereupon court adjourned. With the end of this court session, "Ansearchin'" News will discontinue its abstract of Fayette County, Tennessee Court Minutes Book B which contains records up to Sept 1844. If sufficient interest is expressed, Jean West's abstract could be continued at a later date. ( * * * * * * WILSON COUNTY,TENNESSEE DATA From" The Lebanon Democrat", November 7, 1889 Contributed by ~homas E. Partlow THE BOYS (Below will be found a list of those who were once Lebanon boy~) Robert KIRKPATRICK is engaged in life insurance at Chattanooga, Tennessee. Albert COWAN is connected with the Missouri, Kansas Waco, Texas. ~nd Texas railway Company at Walter BRANTLEY is practicing law in Oregon, where he has built. up an extensive practice and good reputation. Brown PEYTON is in the lumber business in Texas. C. H. PICKETT is one of Albuquerque's prominent lawyers in New Mexico. Fred CABBOTT is engaged in the dry goods business at NatGhez, Mississippi. J. L. THOMPSON is one of Nashville's best druggists. Bailey CANTRELL is engaged in the manufacture of woollen goods at McMinnville, Tenn. Will and Walter PRICE are doing business at Jefferson City, Missouri. Jordan and Walter STOKES stand in the foremost ranks at the Nashville Bar. "Ansearchin u Ne"s 190 Wil.son County,Tennessee Data (continued) 'Will LAMOINE is a.prominent real estate agent of Oregon. Jack TRINUM is still engaged in the printing business at Nashville. W. T. WATSON is principal of Leddin's Business College at Memphis, Tennessee. Alexander BLACK lives at McMinnville, Tennessee and is a prosperous farmer. Bob BURTON's home is in St. Louis, Missouri. Woollen COmpany. He is bookkeeper for the Jo. M. Hayes John BURTON is in the lumber business at Murfreesboro, Tennessee. James BATES is an extensive lumber dealer, and resides at Nashville. Cling GRIBBLE is doing a good dry goods and clothing business at Woodbury, Tennessee. Andrew THOMPSON lives in Sheffield, Alabama and is now superintending the grading of the park drives. Harry HlLL is in the general merchandise business at Honey Grove, Texas and is meeting with success. Fini$ MOSELEY is engaged in the mercantile business at Honey Grove. Marshall YOUNG is now living in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is doing well. Will CARTWRIGHT is doing business at Fort Worth, Texas. Tom NORMAN is keeping books in Nashville, Tennessee. Al G. DUFFY is in the office of the Grand Keeper of Seal and Records of Knights Pythias at Nashville. Harry HAYNES is connected with the express office at Dallas, Texas and is doing well. Bob RUSSELL ranks among the best of Texas farmers. -Jno. L. MOSELEY of the Fifth District is chief machinist in a large shop at Gainesville, Texas. ***** "SOUTHERN STATESMAN" Newspaper - Jackson, TN March 5, 1831 Here. The heirs of AARON HARGROVE who emigrated some years ago from Hyde County in the state (No. Carolina) or from some county adj~ining or adjacent to it, to the state of Tennessee will hear of something greatly to their advantage by applying to Isaac Powell, Esq. on Waccomaw Lake in Columbia Co., N. C. It is hoped that the Editor of newspapers in Tennessee to whom the Recorder is ad~ dressed will give the above a few insertions gratuitouslY as such benevolent act ~y serve a worthy and perhaps a Buffering family who perhaps are ignorant of their claim to property in North Carolina. L~ok 191 Winter 1980 QUERIES Prepared for publication by Myrtle L. Shelton - Subscribers may submit ONE query of fifty words or less each year for free publication. 80-177 SHELTON: Nd pts & former res of E1iphaz Shelton; 1830 census Lawrence Co, TN; d 1834. Presuming he was father of Stephen Shelton b 5 Dec 1812; d Jan 1878 Lauderdale Co, AL. Jewel Adams Hill, 2911 Concord Drive, Apt. 202, Oxnard CA 93030 80-178 LITTLE-STEPHEN-STEVENS-SNEED-HUNTMAN: Nd pts both Thomas Stephen & Mary Little; m Carroll Co, TN 16 Sep 1848. Ch: Green Franklin b 1849; wm Robert b 1853; Benj C. b 1854, m Margaret Huntman 4 Feb 1874; Mary F. b 1859, mJas Sneed, ch: Mattie A. b 1878 & Troy M. b 1880; David b 1865. Sylvada T. -Burke, Rt 4 Major Lane, Hopkinsville, Kv 42240 80-179 YOUNG-BOREN-HUFF (HOUGH): Nd info Jacob Young b 18 May 1774 Essex Co. VA; m (1) Mary Boren ca l80b Springfield, Robertson Co TN; (2) Polly Huff (Hough) aft 1810. Nd hist, d date, wives, rec of all chn of ances. Mrs. Joy H. Clarke, 194 E. 300 N. , Manti, UT 84642 80-180 FINLEY-BRITT-PAILEY-SIMONS-SPENCE-KELLY-WRIGHT-DUPREE: Seek desc these TN Cos. Carroll Co: Brittain Finley left co 1839; Johnson Britt d 1820's Robertson Co; wm Paisley, did dauMary b ca 1800 m Thos Finley (?) Dyer; Martha E. Finley m 1865 C. A. Dupree; Mary D. Finley m W. H. Simons; Ada B. spence; Pauline Kelly; Della Wright minors in +872. Mrs. Hugh Finley, Rt 2 Box 439, Morristown, TN 37814 ( 80-181 BISHOP-WAYNATT-ROBERTS-GAMMON-CHARMICAL: Nd pts, bp1, date b Abigail Bishop m Nathan Roberts 10 Nov 1799 Knoxville TN. Were Geo & Wm Bishop who appear with Nathan Roberts on 1805 Anderson Co petition related? Were Lewis & Susan (Maynatt) Bishop of Knoxville, early settlers of Talladega AL related? What relation was Jacob Bishop m Anne Gammon 19 Dec 1797? Nd pts, bd, bpI Harris G Bishop D Isab'ella Charmical 14 Ju1 1825. Nd names ch. Will exchange information. Mrs. Anna Bishop Guedry, Rte 1 Box 6, Batson, TX 77519 80-182 BEASLEY-WINFREE-CROCKRILL-HICKS-ROBERTSON: Nd inf Robt E Beasley & wife Ann (Winfree?) Wmson Co TN; he d ca 1814 leaving, per will,his wife & ch:Phi11ip,John(son) W: Ephraim Wwho m Susanna Crockrill dau of John & Ann (Robertson) Crockrill; Jane Hicks. Ephriam mov Pike Co MO. Did others stay in TN? Mrs. Warren W. Davenport, 40l_Center St, Berea, KY 40403 80-183 BETTIS-LAWSON-CARMEN-LAWS: David Bettis m 17 Jan 1815 Jeff Co TN; Nancy d/o Caleb Carmen. Ch: John m Sally Slover; Samuel; Barton m Rachel Slover; Caleb m 1) Mary A Dose 2) Polly Blankenshi] Reuben Burgess; Bradley m Priscilla ? Andrew Jackson m Newton-Hays-Gentry-Shelton; Martha Alfred; Adeline m John Laws; Jessie Elmore m 24 Jan 1791 Annie Brann(Brand); Hardin Pruett s/of Elijah m Mary -1- , Ch: George, Randolph, Hampton, John, Nancy, Charles. Landrum Lawson m Marilda? All of the above of Bradley, Jefferson, Hamilton, Meigs & James Cos TN, NC, VA. Myra Swenson Bettis, 12117 Russell, Piper, KS 66109 m 80-184 DODSON-TURNER-WILLIAMS-HODGES-THOMPSON: Will exch info:Dodson mov fm Maury Co TN to Tipton Co, d 1906 Shelby Co TN; Benj Franklin Hodges b VA 1817 d ca 1900 Shelby Co TN. Marie Hodges Thompson, 9201 New Bethel Road, Millington. TN 38053 80-185 HENRY-GRANT-WHITAKER-HUDDLESTON-RIGSBY-THOMAS-PRYER-BARNES: Des corr desc these early White Putnam & Jackson Co fam. Nd info: John Henry b NC or TN 1788 d ca 1865 TN, wife Susanna ? b 1790 SC d ca 1865 TN. Ch: Lidgard F b 1820; Nancy b 1824; Elisha b 1828; Vinet Henry b TN ca 1793, bro John? Moses Grant b 1790-1800, liv White Co 1830-40 (wife Margaret?) Ch: Wm b 1827, James, Judith. Elias Lee Whitaker b TN, m 1824 Eliz Huddleston dlo John C & Eliz (Barnes) Huddleston. Benton D. Henry, 5207 N. Black Canyon B-5l, Phoenix, AZ 85015 80-186 COX-BISHOP-INGRAM-SIMPSON: Like to corr wlothers res. these fam in Hardeman Co, TN. Wynell Simpson, 5414 McCracken, Houston, TX 77032 80-187 KETCHUM-MEREDITH: Nd name hus of Mary Ketchum, Fayette Co TN-he was a Meredith. She & their son John Calvin Meredith in Memphis 1870's; mov to TX. Nd any info on this Meredith family. Mrs. Marilyn Johnson Baugus, 3700 Whitehorn Cove, Memphis, TN 38134 / "Ansearchin" News 192 ~ies (continued) 80-188 VON FAUSTNER(FORSTNER)-FREYTAG-WOOLUM-KRAMER(KARMER): Nd info Baron Von Faustner & wife Julia fm Stuttart GER: settled Morgan Co TN 1840-50; Francis Freytag & wife Mary fmGer, 1iv same Co 1840-50; B F Wollum same Co 1840-50; Dr Chas Kramer (Karmer), wife Ann same Co 1840-50. Jo Nell ¥reytag Scott, P~ O. Box 221, Ocoee, FL 32761 80-189 STRONG-NORMAN: Nd info desc: John Strong b ca 1835 TN & wife Martha Normanb ca 1842 TN, liv TN & AL. Ch: Henry, Geo & Alice res IN 1912. Edmund Strong b ca 1828 TN, wife PermeUa Elniline Norman b ca 1843 TN liv Giles & Maury Co TN. Ch: Eliz, WID, Lewis, Ida, Lemuel & AdelIa. Mrs. Thomas H. Miller, 610 N. Sylvan Dr., Brandon, FL 33511 80-190 HORNE-THRONBURGH-OGDEN: Des inf: Andrew Ogden Horne s/o WID & Sarah (Ogden) Horne,b 29 Mar 1793 Cocke Co TN,d 3 Jul 1876 Travis Co TX,m Eliz Thronburgh,b Jan 1792 VA,d 25 Feb 1865 same Co: mov frm TN to Lawrence Co Al ca 18l8-l9,to Johnson Co MO,then TX 1846. Ch: Dr.WID T:Dr. James A; Sarah 0; Malcom G; Archibald G; Mary E;A 0 Jr & Jonathan B. Zela Horne Sul1ins,Rt. 1,Box 42-A,Hillsboro,Tx 76645 80-191 YARBROUGH-RAYFIELD-GRAY-THORINGTON: Nd pts Joshua Yarbrough, Orange Co VA 1737; Amelia CoVA ca 1745; Granville Co NC 1755; wife Sarah ? . Nd wife & pts Thos Rayfield b ca 1789 SC; d 1850-60 Talladego Co AL; Humphreys Co TN Tax List 1812. Nd pts WID Gray b GA ca 1825; m Mary Ann Thorington 17 Mar 1849 in Tallapoosa Co AL; daft 1880 Coosa Co AL. Mrs. Pauline Gray, P. O. Box 428, Kingston, OK 73439 80-192 MEDLEY: Nd info John Medley, Sr; b 1746 MD; Fauquier Co VA 1770's; in'Rev War; Patrick ~oVA 1790-1809; mov TN: White Co TN Census 1820-30; wife Sarah __? _.Ch: John, Jr; Richard; Samli Joseph, Britton; Sally. Will exch info w/Medley or desc. James B. Medley, 45240 Paris Drive, Belleville, MI 48111 80-193 BALL-WILLIAMS: Nd pts, bros, sis, bpI: Alfred 1812; d TN 1898. Ch: 4 daus & 9 sons. Edith J. Hall, 105 Smith St., Newport, TN 37821 Ba~l b NC 1811; d TN; mMahala Williams b VA 80-194 BAKER-WARMACK: Nd info John G Baker; b ca 1813 TN; Davidson Co TN 1850, m Mary Jane Warmack? Benton Co TN 1860-70. Ch: Wm; Eliz: John; Joseph: Mary Eliza; Victoria; Jas; Isaac; Walter; EL & LW. Pa~sy Nanney Baker, Route 3, Martin, TN 38237 80-195 TALLENT-RENFROW-BREWER-BURNETT-DUNCAN: Nd info: Moses Tallent d TX, m Mary Renfrow d TX. Ch: Jim; Colonel m Letha; Bill; Houston m Amanda Brewer, 9 ch; Martha m John Burnett, Ch: Maggie;Claude; Posey; Hattie; Liz m Jim Duncan, Ch: Bill; John, Letha, Emma. Judy Maples, P. O. Box 916, Paris, TX 75460 80-196 DUGGER-HOGAN-BAILEY-BLANKENSHIP-APPERSON-TYREE-INGRAM: Nd desc: Alexander & Ann Dugger, VA 1777; Shadrack Dugger, m NC 1793 Sarah Hogan; David Dugger m 1804 Catherin~ Bailey. Nd pts: Alex. Blankenship b 1797, m Martha Apperson; James Tyree b 180i, m Mary Ingram. All Mid TN at same time. Virginia Dugger Tyree, Route 3 Keeble Road, Maryville, TN 37801 80-197 PINKSTON-THOMPSON-ADCOCK: Nd pts Mary "Molly" Thompson b 15 May 1863 Rutherford Co TN; m 7imothy Pinkston s/o WID Jackson & Josephine (Adcock) Pinkston, 7 Nov 1881; left Hoovers Gap area ca 1900; settled Fannin Co TX around Bonham. Both bur White Rock Cemetery. Charline Brown, 410 N. Jefferson, Seminole, OK 74868 80-198 BLACKBURN-MANEESE-BINKLEY-GOSSETT-JOHNSON-EILLODDOX-Glq.IAM: Nd info: Israel Blackburn Stokes Co NC; Robertgo~ Co TN ca 1811; m 2) Eliz ? ca 1819. Ch: Meridith b 1820 m Binkley: thn H m Caroline M3neese; Mary C m Jackson Gossett; James Mark m Eilloddox; Thos; E1iz: Francis Israel m Tennessee Maneese; Cave Johnson ~ Mary Gilliam;Josiaq;Lucy A b 1839. Mrs. C.B.Steave~son, 2016 Scarborough,Ola~he,KS 66062 ',b 80-199 LAND-.ZEITI/-DOS:':,: Nd pts E::-.')t,' Carroll ~nd. Where b in TN 1818 d 1889 MS, m 1842,where Almi::ah Keh;'" d;:;, Jeremiah Keith (17.:., /95 CA-1835 GA) & Louisa Haney Doster. Mra. Elizabe,:,:_ L. Julich, 334 Claws 0" Cove, Memphis, TN 38117 80-200 REAVES-HOLMES-OAKLEY-BENNETT-COLVETT: Nd info: Stephen Jerome Reaves b 1829 TN, m 1) '! ( Winter 1980 193 guerieG (continued) Margaret Ann Holmes 2) Suffrona M ?, 1iv Hickman Co TN; John Reaves b 1800 KY, m Jane Ok1ey b VA liv Hiclanan Co TN; Isham Bennett b1802 NC, m Nancy?, liv Carroll Co; Jas Colvett b 1818 NC, m 2) Ernaline Bennett b 1840 TN,liv Carroll & CrokettlCos TN. R.Thomas Harris,5384 Grandview Court,Ventura,Ca 93003 80-201 SLOAN -HAMILTON: Nd pts both: Joseph Sloan b 12 Apr 1775 VA; d 28 Nov 1843 Wabash Co IL; m ca 1800 TN Mary Jane Hamilton,b 14 Dec 1776 VA,d 20 Feb 1847 Wabash Co IL. Ch: Jas M b 1801; John H b 1803 both in TN,Ephriam P b 1805 KY; Elton b 1807; Louisa b 1810; Davy b 1812: wm Bradley b 1815: Franklin b 1817. Last 3 b Hopkins Co KY. Mrs. Walter H Pistole, RR 1 Box 81, Bone Gap,IL 62815 80-202 SINCLAIR(CINCLAIR)-HICKLIN-MCNEESE-WEALTHY-HORN-GALLOWAY-EDGAR: Nd pts: WID Fodst:-Sinclair b 1826 TN, m Nancy Ann Hicklin, liv Titus Co TX; John B Sinclair b 1817, m 1) Sarah McNe~s~,~)Mary Ann Wealthy Horn 3) Tabiathea ?, liv DeSoto Parish LA & Panola Co TX; Sis Dinah b 1823 TN m l)WID McNeese 2) J.W. Galloway, 1iv LA & TX; Sis Martha b 1831 TN, m Thos Edgar, liv Titus Co, TX; oth ch. T. B. Durham. 6110 McCommas, Dallas, TX 75214 80-203 DURHAM-MOODY: Nd pts, sibs, bpI & date of Daniel Durham b ca 1777 VA(?) & wife Gazille Moody b ca 1785 VA; m ca 1799 Pendleton Dist SC. 10 of their ch mov Blount Co TN ca 1835-50. Daniel d 1868, Gazi1le d 1872 in Pickens SC. He had bro Chas. Nd info other bros & sis of both. Dan Durham, 12909 Morningside Lane, Silver Springs, MD 20904/ 80-204 LONG-MARSH-WALKER: Nd pts & name wife Alexander Long, b 1805 GA; in Haywood Co TN Census 1850. Ch b TN. Nd pts Iredell M Marsh 1850 Tipton Co census age 50, b NC & of wife Jan!! M Walker age 39 b KY. Will exch info on both families. Mrs. James H. Webb, 10 West Point Drive, Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 ( 80-205 WELLS-l-fARTIN: Will exch info: John DWells b 1800 VA; m 182}-Maury Co TN Rebecca Martin b 1805 KY; liv Hardin Co TN 1850. Ch: Zachariah M came to TX----&--was circuit preacher; Geo W; WID C; Martha A; Mary J; James P; John B. Robert M. Wells, 212 Koberlin Apt. /152, San Angelo, TX 76903 80-206 RICHMOND: Nd pts a bpI Jonathan Richmond b 1824-25 TN; Ripley Co MO bef 1850; Bel. his fath. d 1838 TN or KY; had bros Ezekiel, Greenberry, Wm E; & sis Eliza B. Nd any info on fame Dorothy Morris, 10308 Longworth Ave., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 80-207 PRENDERGAST-COLLINS-KING-GREEN-WOODS~Nd info D.M. Prendergast b 1816 Bedford CoTN; slo John Baker Prendergast & Rhoda King; mMary Collins b 1829 Lincoln Co TN, dlo Geo & Mary Hudsepth Collins; liv Brazos & Limestone Co TX. Nd'name of Green who m Mourning Collins, dlo Capt Barbee Collins, b 4 Jan 1774 Albemarle Co VA, d 15 Jun 1843 Bean Creek, Franklin Co TN. m 1795 Mary Woods Madison Co KY. Did Mr Green & Mourning Collins hv ch? Sue Nite Raguzin. 5008 Briarbrook, Dickinson, TX 77539 80-208 BEATY-DODSON-HAVRON-HOWARD-MCCRACKEN-PIERCE-PORT·ER-REAGAN-SHAW: Will exch info: James Reagan d 1827 & son John d 1857 of Knox Co TN; Malcolm & Cynthia Shaw Howard, liv 1850 Lauderdale Co; Geo Pierce, David McCracken. Martha Dodson. Benjamin Porter all liv Lincoln Co 1810; John H Beaty liv Lincoln-Marshall Co 1830-50; John M Havron. liv Knox Co 1820's. later a State Senator. Arthur M. Reagan, 5101 Maris Ave., 101, Alexandria. VA 22304 ' 80-209 NIX-STRINGER: Nd pts, bpI, b, d & m dates of both: WID Hl!nry Nix b 1806 KY; m Brunetta Stringer b ca 1807 TN; liv Perry Co TN; in 1850 Hickman Co Census; mov TX aft 1858; in Parker Co TX 1870 census. Known ch:Carroll; Eliz; Rhoda; Nancy; John; Amanda; Mary; Indiana; Jane; William; Permilia; Rebecca; Adeline; Jefferson. George W•. Nix, 3560 Pershing Avenue, San Bernardino. CA 92405 80-210 HALE: Nd info WID Alexander Hale; b 1826; m Sarah Ann ? liv TN poss Hawkins Co 1850; 3rd ch WID Arthur Kenn Hale b 4 Mar 1851 TN; left soon aft for MO; settled Taylor Co TX 1870's. Jeanne Peterson, 1531 W. 13th St., Duncan. OK 73533 80-211 CHILDRESS-WHITE: Nd pts, bros & sis of: Richard Childress b 1797 TN prob Knox Co; m Rebecca White 21 May 1819 Knox Co; mov to IN ca 1840; to Edgar Co IL: d 1867 Goles CoIL; shed l887Ashmore. Jack L. Barron. 3200 W. 32nd St •• Topeka. KS 66614 194 "Ansearchin" News Queries (continued) 80-212 BYRNS-WATSON-VANCE-PRUETT-BAXTER: Nd pte. b& ddates both: John Byrns ltv Charleston Be 1789; m Eliz Baxter. wid Goins or Goyne; son John m Mary(Polly) Pruett. d/o Reuben Pruett, Sumner Co TN Dec 1817. Nd name her mother (Frances Alexander?) dates & pl. Ndinfo Sa1ll1 Wat80n b 1801, d 1882; m Mar 1822 Sumner Co TN Nancy Vanceb1804 d 1884. Lucile H. Sanders. P. O. Box 534, Buffalo, TX 75831 80-213 KYSER-SAINT: John H Kyser b TN 1825; m 1845-46 Sarah F Salntb TN ca 1829; his father b se ca 1800; his mother b NC ea 1800. John & Sarah d in Kaufman Co TX. ND Info & willxch Kyser data. Mrs. Eva Martin, 219 S. 9th, Aransas Pass, TX 78336 80-214 HELM-.TURNEY- LEWIS: . Nd pts Henry Turneyb 1785 VAL liv Maury Co TN 1810; m Mary Martha Helm ca 1819 TN;. d 1858 Panola-Harrison CoTX; dau Jemima m Jerome B Helm; seeking their dese thru ch: Florence m Dr Walter Lewis;" Albert; Henry; Lula,Mary, H.T. and Martha. Alice L. Vaden,P. O. Box 44, Marshall,Tx ?5f>70 ' 80-215 NOLEN-MCCOY: Nd pts Gen. Lee Nolen; b 1 Mar 1842-50 Nashville area; may hv been called30HN. Was called Lee in .Indiaa Terr; bro Wm may hv worked at 4th Natl Bank, Nashville 1885-90; m Lucy McCoy in Indian Terr9 Oct 1887. Thelma Nolen Cornfeld, 7144 Fulton 22, No. HollYliood, CA 91605 80-216 CHAMPLAIN-BAS INGER-S EATON'-B I RD... BARNHART-FELLERS : Nd info Alexander Champlain b 1815 TN; m 10 Oct 1836 Sarah Basinger, b 1816; father Michael Basinger d l853-mother unk. All fm Greene Co TN. Am working w/sumames Seaton, Bird,Barnhart & Fellers from Greene Co, TN. Joyce Mabry, 283E. Lynn, Tulare, CA 93274 80-217 GARRETT-PICKENS: Nd pts Edward D Garrett; m Mary E Pickens 3 Apr 1851 Maury CO, TN. Mrs. Paula Cleveland, 3433 Kings COurt, Yuma, AZ 85364 80-218 KELLER-MOSER: Nd pts Susannah E Moser; b ca 1824 Knox Co TN. Was the Nicholas Keller in Anderson Co TN 1830 Census bet 60-70 yrs old the father of Nicholas Keller b l801·NC? Would like to corr w/anyone having info on these fam. 66713 Mrs. T. J. Williamson, 415 Military Ave., Baxter Springs, KS 80-219 LAXSON-LAXON-LAXTON-DILLENDER: Nd info pts: WmLaxson b E TN 1800, Hickman CO 1820-25, MO 1830; wife Eliz. Jas & Thos Laxon 1811 White Co TN, Hickman Co 1820~30. Jas Dillender,wife Rebecca in Giles Co 1836, MO 1840. Will ans & exch info. F10sene Laxson, 607 Avenue H.:e Waco, TX 76705 80-220 BEAVERS-HEATON:Nd info both C.C. Beavers, b 14 Feb 1837; wife Margret Heaton b 5 Jan 1835: m 29 Jun 1856; Liv ETN poss James Co.Ch: John; Sarah Jane; Mary Eliz;Wm;Jas Robt. Theresia Beavers Harris, c/o Sally Droll, P. O. Box 150, Beal,.lsville, OH 4~ 80-221 BAKER-MILLER-AILEY-HENDERSON-FAIN-PARROT-GANN-BRIMER: Nd info this fam: Geo Baker b ca 1784 PAIvA; m Margaret Miller, Jefferson Co TN 1 Aug 1809.Ch: Joseph mEda Ailey 183JJefferson Co; Jacob m l)Amanda Parrot l8412)Eliz Jane Gann1859; ~ry Eliz m Thomas J Brimer 1838 Jefferson CoTN; James Elijah .m Mary.Henderson 1830 same Co; John mMary E Fain 1839 same Co; 1 son unknown. James E. Baker, Rt. 2 Paris Rd., Box 168, Louisiana, MO 63353 80-222 RAMSEY-GARLAND-GA~tLIN; Want to trade res. Nd Ramsey of Polk & Cocke Cos TN & Garland(Garlin) allover state, NC & KY. will res our local library in return. Irma Adams , 1815 Riverm6nt ,16, Lynchbtirg, VA 24503 80-223 BRUCE: Wm Bruce b 1791-4 Wilkes Co NC; s/o Ja~ & Lucy Gaines Bruce; mov to Sumner Co TN ca 1810. Does anyone hv knowledge of this man or his family thereafter? Thomas Bruce, M.D., 4 Hillandale, Little Rock, AR 72207 80-224 MART:.~-FUDGE: Ndinfo Lafayette F Martin; "b Feb 1857 TN; pts b TN; m 1881 IL Barbara Fudge, b July 1863 IL. Both d TX :938. Barbara Martin Mendenn".ll, 44285 Sage Rd., Hemet, CA 92343 80-225 SMITH-HUDSON-PULLrAMS-Nd info : JasThos Smith b 27 Nov 1853 Macon CO TN; Mali8$a Smithb Winter 1980 195 Queries (continued) 1855 same Co, m WID Louis Hudson of Edward Hudson line. Nd n~mes ch: 2 daus m Pull:lams, Ripley Co MO. Mrs. Virgil Crawford, Box 492, Maryneal, TX 79535 80-226 BLAKE-GREEN(E): Nd info pts, fam, b date & bpI, date & pI m: John M(?) Blake b ca 1810 TN & wife Sarah ? b ca 1812 NC. Also (A)Essenth Green(e) b ca 1804. All later mov IN. G. O. Blake:-3209 N.W. 37th, Oklahoma City, OK 73112 80-227 DEVINNEY-BARTON: Nd info Devinney fam of Hicktnan & Hardin Co TN. Was Robert on 1830 census Hardin Co, father of Evaline Devinney who m Abner Hamilton Barton ca l830? Ch: Samuel Jas; WID Henry; Mary Jane; Frances Lucinda; Jacob Lafayette, John Sidney; Martha Eliz; move to Farmington MO 1840. Mrs. Harry Farmer, 27080 Blue Hill Dr.,Sun City, Ca. 92381 80-228 KEEBLE-STONE-RHEA-MURPHY: Richard Keeble b 1852 Blount Co TN; d l897;m ca 1877 Martha Stone b 1857, d 1900. His father Manley Keeble b 1807, m l)Rebecca Rhea 2) Rebecca Jane Murphy. Who was Richard's mother? His grfather WID Keeble b 1755 SCOT; fought Rev War; m 1799 Mary Keeble (cousin?) Fauquier Co VA. Nd info on above family. Mrs. Wayne Warren, 3115 Albright Court, Indianapolis, IN 46268 80-2~9 SALE-O'NEAL-WOOTEN: Nd info Rev Henry Wortham Sale b 1785 NC, d 1845 Fayette Co TN; m ?; dau Mary Louise m Harris,cousin,m 2)__ Dickason; Fr~nces Virginia m Orville Yeager; Rev Sale m 2) Nancy Boyd Owen Brown. Ch: Martha Owen m R.C.Jones; Franklin Owen unm; Dr Henry Thonpson m Martha Jo Gillispie; Ann Allen m Robt Campbell Jones, bro-in-law; Geo Brock m Lola May Wooten dlo WID Wooten. Will exch info,especially Geo Brock line. Mrs Richard Bruce, 1903 Scenic Drive, Alamogordo, NM 88310 ( 80-230 HALL-HOOVER: Nd info: Jas Jones Hall b 29 Feb 1852 TN; d 13 Feb 1935 Marlow OK;m Eliz Hoover When? b 29 Aug 1853, d when & where? sd to be MO. Nd her pts. His mother was Elemena & 1 dau named Elemena Bell. Could this have been her maiden name? Will exch. Eloise H. Johnson. Rt. 1 Box 17, Marion, LA 71260 80-231 BROWN-TILLMAN-SHEPPARD-SKIPPER-STONE-OWEN: Nd pts & info of all: Calvin Brown m Martha Tillman ca 1840 MO or AR. Ch: John Wm; Mollie; Kate & others. Gustavus Sheppard m Margaret Skipper 1 Jul 1852 Marengo Co AL. Maggie BOwen m Wm "Buck" Stone ca 1862 Haywood Co TN. Jas Neal m Sallie Dodson ca 1805 WID Co TN. Nd pts, bros, sis, bpI, dates of Sudie Branch, White Co AR; m D.A. Neal 1882. Terrence Neal Brown, 4336 Faronia Road, Memphis, TN 38116 80-232 REED: Nd maiden name & dates 1) husband Mrs Sary J Reed; b VA 1798; mov fm TN to ShelbyCo TX; she appeared head of household 1850 census She~by Co. Ch b TN: John F b 1828; Sary b 1831; Lemuel C b 1832; Jessee b 1839. Martha Reed Parker, Rt. 6 Byrd Rd., Jacksonville, TX 75766 80-233 CHAPMAN-THURMAN-TIPTON: Nd pts Jabez Thurman b 1797 VA liv Knox Co TN d 1891. Nd proof of 1) m to Nancy Tipton & her pts. Ch: Joseph, Patrick, Preston, Reuben, Esther, WID, Mary Ann & Jas. Nd pts Elijah Chapman & wife Marion both b VA liv Giles Co TN; left 1840's toAR & TX. Mrs. Martha Schunke Lynch, 718 U.S. National Bank Bldg., Galveston, TX 77550 80-234 ROGERS-WEBB: Nd pts both: John Jefferson Rodgers b 25 Jul 1816 SC & wife Susannah E Webb b 28 Mar 1828 SC, in Giles Co TN 1850 census, mov Dunklin Co MO bef 1860. His mother (unnamed)b Ire. Jane Rogers, 401 N. Everett St., Kennett, MO 63857 80-235 LUTTRELL-LITTRELL-LETERAL: Res the above fam names Lincoln Co TN. Hv info on this family in other counties. Will corr & share. Joyce Delahoussaye. 206 Palm Springs Dr., Slidell, LA 70458 80-236 POPEJOY: Nd info on TN Popejoys: Josiah Wooden b 1866 in Red House; John H b 1845 nr Luttrell; Edward W b 1824 Grainger Co; Nathaniel 11 b 1779 prob Grainger Co. Will exch info. Mary E. Otten, P. O. Box 3307, Taos, NM 87571 . 80-237 CRAMPTON-HARRIS-TANNIHILL: Reward for copy Benj Harris Bible, serv Rev War, d 1820 Jonesboro Wash Co TN; m Jane Crampton. Des contact desc Tannihill fam fm ~ wlHarris connections. Will exch. Mrs. John R. Turner, 7605 Spalding Lane, Atlanta, GA 30360 "Ansearchin" New::. 196 Queries (continued) 80-238 ANDERSON: Bird Anderson 1860 Smith Co census; is he bro named a son wm Bird Anderson? Will buy or share info. VermeIl Anderson, Brust, 11307 Sinclair Ave., Dallas', TX 75218 wm Preston Anderson b 1825 TN who 80-239 STEWART: Wish to hear fm anyone having info abt desc Bart G Stewart; 1st Register of Hickman Co TN when it was organized in Apr 1808. Morris Monroe Stewart, 111 Masonic Ave., Monroe, LA 71203 80-240 RICE: Nd pts, date & co of birth: wm Henry Rice b 1826 KY Robert E. Rice, Box 1314, Duncan, OK 73533 d 1881 Obion Co TN. 80-241 PARKER-BAILEY-BRITT: Nd all info Griffith Parker, E TN. Ch: Jake; Sarah; Dasie: Mary; Margaret; Pleasant b 1849-53 Green Co TN; Chariot; Mahala. Wife Julinda Bailey Parker b 1820 d 1909 m a Britt ca 1864. Will ans all corr. Wanda Nowicki _, 342 Meadowlark Dr., San Clemente, CA 92673 80-242 STANFIELD-STANPHILL-JONES: Nd info Cornelius Stanfield; 1840 Lincoln Co TN census; wife Martha Jones of AL(?) Daus: Frances Adaline b 1 Oct 1831 AL d 22 Aug 1907 Johnson Co IL m Henry Roberts 1850 same Co; Lucinda b 1837 TN, m ? Norwood in IL. Prob more ch. Will exch. 62995 Mrs. Vivian Hester. P. O. Box 364. 'Vienna, IL 80-243 BAGLEY-FORBES-FORBESS-HIGH-JOHNSON: Wish corr with desc these fam: Jas S Bagley b 1816 Wake Co NC d 22 June 1859 Bolivar TN bur Grand Junction TN, m 14 Mar 1836 Bolivar TN, Mary A High (mother Gasquet) b 2 Feb 1816 Petersburg VA d 21 Apr 1904 Memphis TN bur Grand Junction. Robt S Forbes b VA 1800 d 1861 Bolivar m Ann Johnson b 1803 NC d 1876 Bolivar, TN. Miss Elizabeth F. Fisher, 203 E. Agarita Ave., San Antonio, TX 78212 80-244 WEST-HALL: Nd m & other info in TN both fam: wm West b TN 1824; wife Mary b VA 1837. WIn Hall b 1815 TN; wife Elbner b SC 1818. Joe W. Swafford. 1375 Jones Circle. Grenada, MS 38901 80-245 GILES-BEAZLEY-WHITE-TANKERSLEY: Where did Wesley A & Elenora Giles fam mov? On 1860 & 1870 Humphreys Co TN Census. Ch: Mary; Lucinda; Benj; Eliz; Rebecca; Rachel; Mathew m Sarah Jane Beazley 1865; Sarah (Jennie) Beazley Giles m 1) Jas White 1874 2) Benj Tankersley 1879; Giles liv Hurricane Creek south of Waverly TN. Mrs. Nancy D. Pope, 12304 Seymour Road, Montrose, MI 48457 80-246 HUGHES-LOVELACE-WILLIAMSON: Nd info: Thos Anthony Williamson b 30 Oct 1830 m Emily Frances Hughes; d 2 Jan 1902 Crockett Co TN: may hv been fm VA: sis m a Lovelace; had bro G.W.;only fam fnd •. Frances W. Pollard, 491 East Main St •• Alamo, TN 38001 80-247 MADDOX-WOODALL: Nd info: Jas Maddox b 1814 TN; wife Jane Woodall b 1815 KY. Ch: WIn M b TN 1837; Mary b 1839 MS; Jas b 1842 MS; John Harrison b 25 Jan l844.d 10 May 1919 TX; Jane b 1846 MS; Francis Marion b 1 Apr 1845 MS; Sarah C b 1850 TX; Malinda b 1855 TX. Denise Maddox, 3810 Cedar Lake Dr. 11110, Dallas. TX 75227 80-248 BUCHANAN-ANDERTON: Nd info pts & fam: Lorenzo Dow Buchanan b 1 May 1814 NC-TN? d 1 Oct 1882; bur Tullahoma TN m E1iz Anderton. Ch: John Henry; Mary A; E1iz Jane; Edw B; Nancy M; Jas A Buchanan. Robert J. Douglas. 402 Hartwood Dr., Alexandria. LA 71301 80-249 RHODES-MORGAN-MCEWEN-CURREY: Wish to corr w/anyone working on fam: Rhodes & Morgan of Carroll Co TN; McEwen of Henderson Co; Currey of Nashville. TN. Gifford Rhodes, 669 Creighton Road, Orange Park, FL 32073 80-250 MCCAULEY-CHEATHAM: Nd pts, bros, sis: John Henry McCauley b ca 1804 Ne; m ca 1835 TN? Sallie Cheatham b ca 1817 VA. Ch all b Mid TN: John Henry b 1837; Sarah Ann b 1838; Geo N b 1842; Jas Ro'"c b 1844 Benton Co TN; Wm T b 1849; Drusilla b 1853. All mov Ripley Co MO bet 1850-1860. Will exch. Mrs. Pat Buckley. Rt. 2 Box 184A. Lowell, AR 72745 80-251 HODGES-WAtwOOD-BETTES: Nd pts: F1emon Hodges ca 1818 & wife Ethel E1merine Watwood, Sumner Co TN; Moses W Bettes ca 1826 Wilson Co & wife Eliz ? Both couples mov to Fannin Co TX ca 1850. Mary J. Bettes, E1Valle k l Sol 228c. Mission TX 7"8572 £~·-252 hUTCHISON: Corr anyone wlinfo ances/desc: Sanford Hutchison b ca :760-70 VA d ca 1840 NeW~0~ Winter 1980 197 Queries (continued) Co MO; 1iv at fork of Red River, Robertson Co TN fm 1811-36; m Judah? b VA: hd 11 ch b bet 17921812. Nd info ch Micajah & Nancy (Robbins) Frost; came to Knox-Anderson Co area 1795 fm Wash Co VA. Miss V. Vern Hutchison, 1341 S. Osage, Bartlesville, OK' 74003 80-253 SPENCE-BAKER: Nd pts & grpts Francis W. Spence, b1824 SC; liv n. Miss until death in 1906. Nd pts & grpts of Rush Baker, b 1810 NC, wife of Thos. H. Baker b 1808 NC; liv Lafayette Co Miss 1860. C. W. Spence, 810 Washington Avenue, Apt. 900, Memphis, TN. 38105 80-254 CARR-RENSHAW: Nd pts of both: E1iz Carr b ca 1834 TN & John Perry Renshaw b 1832 Wilson Co TN; m 26 Nov 1856 Golconda, Pope Co IL. Will exch data. Virginia R. Lawrence, 105 Baylor Drive, Ventura, CA 9300~ 80-255 NEELY-WALKER: Nd pts & ch: Enos (Eneas) Walker b ·17 Mar 1787; d 21 July 1856; m 25 Dec 1810 Davidson Co Eliz Neely b 29 Nov 1794, d 1858; liv nr Beely Bend until ca 1855; mov AR. Connie C. Smith, Rt. 7 Box 110, Abilene, TX 79605 80-256 HALE: Wish corr w/desc: Jesse & Harriet Hale of Hawkins Co TN. Jesse's will filed 1 May 1871. Bel to be pts Wm Alexander Hale b 1826 d 1886 TX. Will return postage for all answers. Jeanne W. Peterson, 1531 N. 13th, Duncan, OK 73533 80-257 TUCKER-HALL-GLENN-GIBSON: Alden & Robt Tucker along w/Hillard & John Hall, Roane Co TN & Lincoln Co 1810. Was Alden s/o Robt? They were in Pendelton Dist SC l800.What kin was Wm C Gibson? Mrs. A. B. Thompson, 1024 Beechwood Drive, Bastrop, LA 71220 ( 80-258 TURNEY-NELSON-WALKER: Seeking husbands Eliz, Polly & Charlotte Turney, daus Peter Turney who d 1808 Smith Co TN. Nd pts both Zachariah Nelson b TN & Sarah Walker b 1804 NC; m 1824 Rhea Co TN. Carolyn Weekley, P. O. Box 1554, McAllen, TX 78501 80-259 MANSFIELD-RUSSELL: Nd names & bpI pts & d &pl m John Mansfield to Gemima Russell in E TN or NC; Ch: Thos Jefferson; Robt; Eliz; Nancy; Lucy; Norman. In Bledsoe Co TN in 1850. Lloyd C. Reynolds, 7703 Westland Ave., Stockton, CA 95207 80-260 MCVAY~GAINES-BRAIZER-SHAW-COX:Searching for: Joe McVay b Jan 1863 TN; flo Jno H McVay; mov to KY; then AR. Wms Gaines b 20 Jan 1827 TN; m 1) Martha Braizer 2) Delia Ann Shaw b 1840 TN. 3 bros: Isaac, Gabriel & Friend Cox. Daniel Jesse Cox b 1780 E Rowan Co NC had reI in TN. Lora Miller, P. O. Box 334, Nowata, OK 74048 80-261 BABB-AVERY-CATES-ROSTER-REVILLE: Nd info on all: Wm. Simpson Babb b 4 Dec 1854 (Gibson Co TN?); d 20 Dec 1891; m Minerva Frances Cates b 8 Oct l856~ d 14 Jul 1929. Sarah A Eliz Avery m Henry Babb 28 Nov 1842 Gibson Co TN. Richard Henry Foster b 1827 m Mary Eliz Reville b 1828. Diana Phillips, 5835 Palm Ave., Sacramento, CA 95841 80-262 LONG-COUNTS-SCRUGGS-CONNER: Nd pts of both; Henry Dixon Long b ca 1794 VA & wife Margaret Counts b ca 1808 VA. Daus: E1iz B b 1825 m 1843 Tishimingo Co MS Dr. Jno. H Scruggs; Mary Fish m JasCortner. 1850 Census Tishimingo Co gives H & Mw/ch: Richard ,Margaret ,Henry & Alabama. CH b AL. Mrs. E. A. Whitley, 1535 Wolf Run, College Station, TX 77&40 80-263 DAVIS-DOUGLAS: Nd bpI, md & pts both: Francis (Frank) M Davis b Nov 1785; York Dist SC 1827; Henderson Co TN 1840; liv Tishimingo C. MS, then Marshall Co MS; d 1 Jul 1851; bur Mt Carmel Seceeders Presby Ch Cem, Marshall Co; m in SC, Margaret (Marguerite) DOuglas b 4 May 1799 d 11 Sept 1870, bur Wheatley's Chapel Cem, Tishimingo Co MS. Mrs. John L. Dean, 157 Cooper St., Collierville, TN 38017 80-264 GUEST-MEREDITH-WILEY-MARTIN-HARRISON: Nd info & pts David Guest liv Bedford Co TN 1860 & wife Eliz Meredith b ca 1828. Dau Eliz m Joe Martin ca 1868 Bedford Co. He was killed train accident 187080. Any info Thos Wiley b ca 1832 TN liv Lincoln Co 1870 & wife Eliz Harrison. Mrs. Judy Farner, 138 E. Cumberland Rd., Enola, PA 17025 80-265 NOONER-DEAN-WALKER: Nd info Preston Nooner b 1810 Hardeman Co TN. Fam in NC 1800; Pope Co AR 1835. Nd info Elijah Dean b ca 1830 AL m Trissie L Walker b 14 Mar 1827 TN. Ch: Martha Ann b 1851; Frances Orlena b 23 May 1853; Rachel Cornelia b 23 Feb 1854 poss Shelby Co TN. Mrs. Billie J. Strode, 2301 50th Ave., Gig Harbor, WA 98335 198 "Ansearchin" News Queries (continued) 80-266 HYATT-PARKER-BIRCHFIELD-TIPTON: Nd info Shadrick Hyatt slo Rev Sol Edw & Hannah Parker Hyatt, Haywood Co NC; Blount Co TN 1840 census. Was Abednigo Benj who m Lucenda Tipton 1844 his son? Was Rosannah who m Sam1 Birchfield his dau? Sam1 wit land sale 1847. Marjorie Smith, Rt. 1, St. Paul. KS 66771 80-267 BLALOCK-DUDLEY-VAUGHN-ROBERTSON-RIDDLE: Nd info John Robertson b 14 Oct 1793 TN m 1) Nancy ? d 12 Apr 1828. 2) SURRnnR Riddle b 27 Ort lR?R (Air)~ l1v Hawkins Co ca 1830. Nd Dts & wife of Henry Blalock b ca 1804 NC Perry Co MO l830-40,d Graves CO 'KY 1884. Nd pts & bpI Abraham Dudley b 1806 m Eliz Vaughn in Caldwell Co KY in 1827. Elaine Allen, R# 2,Box 118 C,South Fulton, ~T 42041 80-268 BRAZELTON-MCKELDON-JACKSON: Wish corr wlany desc Wm Brazelton b 1792 New Market TN, d 1877. Dau Emily m Andrew McKeldon, Athens TN. Dau Julia m Richard Jackson. Knox Co TN. Mrs. Billy Trotter. Rt. 1, Hale Center, TX 79041 80-269 THOMAS-WATERS-GOSSETT-CLARK-PRUITT: Nd info Adonijah Thomas b 1814 Sevier Co TN m Nancy Waters dau of Ezekiel Waters & Nancy ? John Thomas b 1845 m Ellen Gossett dau of Johnson Gossett & Sar~h ? Isham Thomas b 1881 m Addie Clark dau of Wm Clark & Tamsa Pruitt from Surry 00 NC. Mrs. Bob~ Smith, 2804 Mockingbird Dr., Ceres, CA 95307 80-270 ARMSTRONG-FLIPPEN-PRATHER: Will exch data on ances of TN's who went to TX aft CW; John S Armstrong (s/o John. Steamboat Capt Ohio River. wife Pauline of Memphis & Louisville. KY) bel to be grson of John Armstrong. Claims Off NC. Wm H(arreson?) Flippen prob Shelby 00 TN; Wm Prather whose wife was an Edmondson. Mrs. Margaret Scruggs Carruth, 4524 Edmondson Avenue. Dallas, TX 75205 80-271 RUSSELL-COLEMAN-TARKINGTON-HARRINGTON: John C Russell b 1807 & wife Miranda (nd pts) left TN for Graves Co KY 1835. Was he son of David Russell b ca 1770 NC? Jas Coleman b 1827 & wife Louisa Tarkington b 1825 TN to Graves Co KY 1855. Nd d dates, both. Joshua Tarkington b 1802 & wife Julia Harrington b 1806 Chatham Co NC; in Hickman Co TN 1850. where in l860? 64110 Mrs. Dixie Russell Compere. 3938 Holmes, Kansas City. MO 80-272 LAWSON-CHAFFIN-STIGALL-MAYABB-FLINCHUM: Nd pts of both Elijah Harvey Lawson b 1818 m Ruth Chaffin b 1820. Ch b Jackson Co 1840. Chaffin book lists Harve Lawson Chaffin. how connected to above: Wm & Moses Stigall in Overton, Marion. Grundy Cos TN. How connected? Nd'Pts of John Mayabb m Eliza Jane Flinchum. Mrs. Audrey Stigall. 771 Tomahawk. Brookfield. MO 64628 80-273 CRANFIELD: Nd info Isaac Cranfield fam in 1860 census Meigs Co TN. Will corr w/relations. Daisy N. Raulston. Delaware. AR 72835 80-274 CRAWFORD-HOWARD-MURPHY: Nd pts Jas Murphy b ca 1823; in Robertson Co TN 1850 census; wife Lavinia Howard b ca 1821; dau Mary E b ca 1847. Nd info John C Crawford m Mary E Murphy 2 Feb 1862 Robertson Co. Will exch. Mrs. Lillie R. Crawford. 264 Wesley Road. Green Cove Springs. ,FL 32043 80-275 FLOYD-SHOOK-BIRD: Enoch Floyd m Anna Waters Shook in Bedford Co TN 23Sep 1813. Liv StClair AL 1840; in Jackson Co AL census 1850. Nd date & pI of deaths. Nd pts Josiah Bird b 1816 E TN & wife Sarah b VA 1813; liv Boone Co IN 1842. Pulaski Co IN 1870. Howard 00 IN 1880. 92381 Mrs. G. B. Floyd. Sun City Mobile Estates #260. 27601 Sun City Blvd •• Sun City. CA 80-276 MAT (T)H::..lS-WINSTON: Musse:.c..ccm Sloane Matthews m 10 Nov 1842 Ma1;y Frances Winston. Tipton Co TN; did they have cliO? My in:':_$ ~'l,~ss.;)m.dem. bro to Amos Jay. didn't return fm Gold Rush. Are the men sons of John & Mira Wallace Ma~thews who are bu New Bethany Cem. Whiteville TN? Karon Mac Smith. Route 1, Box 190, N~xon. TX 78140 80-277 COOPER-JOURNEY-RIDLEY-KLYCE: Nd info Wm J Cooper b 1830 TN (s/o Wm & Eliz Bacon Journey) & his wife Helen Marr Ridley b 1835 TN (prob dau. John T Ridley & Lonvinia Klyce. Maury Co TN) :'!rs.Glen Billings. Rt. 5 Box 418. Nashville. AR 71852 &0-178 BARNES-HALE-~~DMON; Nd info Mary Barnes b ca 1810 Ne/sc m ca 1829 Wm Hale Jr 8/0 Wm &,Nancy '.{e,:.,'z.o:: 3ale, ;'atrick C", VA.. Richard Barnes b NC may be bro of Mary. All liv Claiborne Co TN 1830 ''::::~.:lSL.>.. l"" A:.nis. 8730 Fernc1iff Ave., N.E •• Bainbridge Island. WA 98110 Winter 1980 Queri~s 199 (continued) 80-279 BRUCE-PLUNKETT-FLOWERS-RUFF-GOODNIGHT: Wish corr re Williamson Harrison Bruce liv 1824 TN; James Plunkett b 1827 TN; Nedeem M Flowers liv Hickman C. TN 1836; John Ruff m Eliz Goodnight liv Giles & Lawrence Cos TN ca 1818-38. Mrs. Allene Coffin, P. o. Box 181, Agra, KS 67621 80-280 SULLINS-HAMILTON-SMITH-HULL: Nd info desc Henry C Sullins b 1813 TN wife Hannah Ch: Mary m 1850 John W Smith, Cannon C. TN; Lilah, Lucinda, John J, Nancy, Louisa, Wm & Henry F, Pope Co IL 1880. Nancy Alma Hamilton b 1823 NC, m Wm Hull, d 1889 TX. Catherine Chandler, 3407 Atlanta Street, Lawton, OK 73505 80-281 SIZEMORE-KNOX: Nd pts & ances of both: Jas Madison Sizemore b ca 1814 Hawkins. Co TN; mAnna Knox 17 Jan 1833, b 1810 NC (census) Mrs. Donald H. Wright, 21 Soljer Dr., Waterford, CT 06385 80-282 PINCKLEY-PINKLEY-CRUM-ALMON(ALLMON-ALLMAN): Nd all info John Pinck1ey b 1799 NC & wife Nancy 1iv Carroll Co TN; d 1875-76. Also John Pinck1ey who d ca 1830 same co. Wm Redman, Adm of Est. Nd info Wm Jeff Crum b 1820-26 m 15 Dec 1844 Ernaline Almon, Carroll Co~on 1860 Census not 1850. Norma Nelson, 5196 Trevon, Eugene, OR 97402 80-283 HALL-HOOVER: Nd all info Jones & E1emema Young Hall. Known son: Jas Jones Hall b 1852 TN, m E1iz Hoover b 1853 MO. Ch: Sarah, Jenny & Margaret E, twins, b 27 May 1871 MO; E1emema B, Jas C, John E, Rose1ie, Cora E1iz; last two b AR. Will exch data. Eloise H. Johnson, Rt. Box 17, Marion, LA 71260 ( 80-284 BROWN: Nd info Jas Thos Brown s/o Mathe~ H Brown & Nancy mov ca 1894 to Blue Ridge TX from Bradford TN. Betty J. Dewey, 630 Sherwood Dr., Richardson, TX 75080 , Henderson Co TN. He & family 80-285 LUMPKIN: Nd info on husband, born GA, of Lottie Lumpkin. Ch: Geo b 1836; Hiram b 1838; Sarah b 1840; all b TN. Lois Lumpkin, P. O. Box 736, Hope, AR 71801 80-286 BUSTER-EDDS-ELZA-TILLERY: Nd pts John Henry Buster b 1816, where? m 1838 Meigs/Rhea Co TN Mary Edds; d 1864 CSA. Nd pts S Thos E1za b 10 Jun 1816; d 6 Jun 1876 Saline C. AR; m E1ender Tillery ca 1840 TN/AR. Mrs. Wilma Buster Zatopek, 2809 Royal Drive, Kilgore, TX 75662 80-287 COULTER-COLTER-COALTER-RIPPY-RIPPEY-RIPPI-OLLIS: Nd TN 10c Chas Coulter & 2nd wife Mary bet 1795-1814, when pure land Wash Co IN. Ch: Lemuel, Nancy, John M b NC; Gideon b TN 1802. Nd info Jane Rippy b TN ca 1822, m John Ollis, Clark Co IN 1847,d Wash Co IN 1889. May hv sis Roseanne. Jane Sarles, 625 Tucker Ave., Clarksville, IN 47130 80-288 MARSH-SUMMERS: Nd pts John Marsh b ca 1740, d 1809 Surry Co NC, m Mary Ch: E1iz; KesiaQ; Winnenford; Monor; John;Danie1; Wm; Jerimiah; Thos b ca 1770,' Surry Co, m 1794 Rachel Summers, dau of Thos & Priscilla, mov to Warren Co TN, d when & where? Maxine Miller, 700 West Main St., Apt. 3, Heber Springs, AR 72543 80-289 PATTEN-REDMON-EDMUNDSON-HICKLIN: Nd m date John Patten b 1786 NC & E1iz (Redmon?) poss Jefferson Co TN ca 1800-10; mov KY 1811. Nd pts Richard C Edmundson b ca 1785-90, m Leah Hicklin 6 Apr 1814 Blount Co, TN. Mov Lafayette Co MO by 1816 w/bro Fredrick & wife Celia Hicklin. Marjorie Braswell, Rt. 3, Box 193, HephZibah, GA 30815 80-290 SORY-WADE-GARNER: Nd info Andrew Jackson Sory b 1818, d 1887; m Martha Jane Wade b 1827 d 1897. Ch: Mary, Nathan, John, Serena, Alexadria, Sa1ane, all fm Smith Co TN. Nd any info Jas Lambert Garner b 1824, Knoxville, TN. Mrs. Judie Mikles Coffey, 1813 6th St., Port Hueneme, CA 93041 80-291 DONALDSON-COX-DUDLEY: Nd info John Donaldson (Dollison), Wythe Co VA 1780-90's. Nd sibs of Jas Donaldson b 1791 Wythe Co, d Knox Co Ky 1854, m Jane Cox b 1791 VA, d Knox Co KY 1850. Nd desc Cornelius Donaldson b 1818 Scott Co VA, d Nashville TN 1879, liv Adair KY. Also same pI Wm Dudley b 1760 VA, wife Sarah b 1773 VA. Fred Hoofer, 793 W. 11th St., Fremont, NB 68025 "Ansearchin" News 200 Queries (continued) 80-292 ALLEY-GABA-LEGGETT: Nd info Hamblin Alley b ca 1800 NC; liv nr Maury Co TN aft 1832. Nd info & pts Francis Marion Leggett or ~win Geo b 1850 TN/NC. Nd info bros & sis Joseph L & Andrew D Gaba. Crockett Co, TN. J. Alley Zervic, 1041 Shambliss Ct" Buffalo Grove, IL 60090 80-293 HARRIS-PRIGMORE: Nd pts Andrew Jackson Harris b 1840 prob Marion Co TN; m Eliza A Prigmore b 1846. Ch: Jas H, Ulysses Grant, Nancy J, Thos L, Eliz C,Andrew J, WID Arthur, Henry Burton. Mrs. Dixie Hooper Shaw, 3532 W. Louisiana State Dr., Kenner, LA 70062 80-294 BOLDEN (BOWLINE/BOWLEN/BOLEN)-PRIDEMORE-BURTON-BREWER: Would like to hear fm any desc resc above surnames in the Sneedville vicinity of Hancock Co TN.' Elizabeth C. Bolden, P. O. Box 1674, Olympia, WA 98507 80-295 BOWDEN-BROACH: Nd pts & ances Rufus Bowden b l875? Weakley Co TN; mov Graves Co KY; d 1941 / AL; m Ethel Broach; daus Geo Eliz, Emily Aline; bro Belamine, Spanish American Veteran. Ethelynn N. Montgomery. P. O. Box 586, Lexington, TN 38351 80-296 BILES-WALKER: Nd pts Jas J Walker who d 1823, Giles Co, Lynnville area leaving wife Polly Biles Walker & 4 minor ch: Chas H; Wm C; Fanny S & Johnson M. Janell McCann, 104 Johns Terr., Fort Worth, TX 76115 80-297 CLAYTON-HARDIN: Nd pts bpI sibs Lemuel Clayton b ca 1795 NC; d 1860-70 Blount Co AL; m Naoma Hardin 11 Nov 1824 Hall Co GA. Naoma b 1806 SC. Nd same info for her. Have names of 11 ch & mar of some. Will exch info. Wanda James. 3225 Tena Ruth Cove, Memphis, TN 38118 80-298 CHERRY-JUSTICE-ROBERTS: Were Thos Cherry & Amy Justice who m 29 Aug 1825 Wilson C. TN the pts of John (m Jane Roberts, Gibson Co TN); Ira; Wyley; Robt & Nancy? All in Gibson Co TN 1850-60. Mrs. Thomas A. Cherry, 701 N. Witte, Poteau, OK 74953 80-299 ALLISON-SCOBY-McELYF..A-JONES: Nd ch of Thos Allison who m Betsy H Scoby & Jas Allison who m Jenny Scoby; both m 1808 Orange Co NC. Nd pts John W & Jas Perry McElyea who m Jones sis; liv Obion Co TN 1850. Mrs. John H. Miller, 7910 Third St., Downey, CA 90241 80-300 PRINCE-IRWIN: Nd pts & sibs Jonathan E Prince Sr b 2 Jan 1812 TN; where? m Vetura M Irwin (twin dau of WID Irwin) 21 Dec 1839 TN; where? migrated Ellis Co TX ca 1847; d 9 Mar 1888 Waxahachie, Ellis Co TX, bu in City Cem. 1880 Census states father b VA & mother in TN. Mrs. Lowell A. Elrod, 11136 Glenhaven Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70815 80-301 PORTIS-BURNS: Nd pts James Parnell Portis b 1800 NC liv Talbot Co GA, Tippah Co MS, Quachita Co AR m 1) Pheroby Ross 2) Sarah M Burns. 38111 Mrs. Elizabeth Nichols, 187 S. Reese St., Memphis, TN 80-302 MORGAN-NORRIS: Nd name & dates wife of John Morgan b ca 1750 Chatham Co NC, Rev Sol; to TN where & when? to Dallas Co AL & Tippah Co MS; d 1844; dau Sarah m Felix Norris, when & where? liv ::.auren,:; Co SC 1840. Mrs. D. E. West, 825 S. Perkins, Memphis, TN 38117 80-303 CRAVEN(S)-FOLEY-DAVENPORT: Nd pts John Craven b ca 1788 VA/SC m Priscilla Foley 1809 in Christian Co KY. Known bros: Joseph m Susannah Davenport & Robt m Margaret • Mov to Caldwell Co KY bef 1820, Weakley Co TN bef 1830 & d in Obion Cc TN 1854. Mrs. Curtis K. Craven, 6310 Scarletcrest Lane, Memphis, TN 38115 80-304 BYERS-SPAULDING: Nd pts of David Byers b 1809 OB and maiden name of wife Catharine b 1813 TN: 6 chn b Anderson Co TN, 2 chn b Union CO GA. Nd pts Alex. wm. Spaulding b 1829 AL; CSA from L~ae& ':0 MS; d 1905 Pope ,'.) AR. Mrs. ~eraldine Byers Spence, 810 Washingtor. Ave., Apt. 900. ~mphis, TN 38105 RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW FOR 1981$8. 201 SURNAME INDEX "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS - Volume 27 for 1980 ( Abel 34, 58, 92 Abercrombie 58 Abernatha 183 Abernathy 18, 85, 187 Abbot 30 Abbott 179 Abington 183 Ables 90 Acklin 18, 35, 49 Acree 58 Acwff 133 Adair 64, 65, 124, 155 Adams 8, 12, 37, 38, 47, 49, 58, 63, 64, 70, 75, 76, 79, 88, 98, 110, 135, 136, 176, 177, 183, 187, 194 Adamson 14, 133 Adcock 49, 71, 192 Ade 71 Adkins 18, 36, 58, 135 Adkinson 128 Adye10tt 69 Aeres 67 Agee 12, 186 Agnew 89 Aiken 58 Aikin 18 Ailey 194 Ailor 122 Alberson 34 Albertson 9, 55 Albright 135 Alderson 9 Aldrich 58 Aldridge 123 Alexander 18, 22, 24, 25, 31, 34, 37, 58 63, 76, 79, 83, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 120, 122, 137, 142, 143, 144, 150, 171, 177, 181, 185, 186, 187, 194 Alisson 18, 34 Allbritten 148 Allen 18, 20, 26, 27, 28, 29, 50, 59, 66, 76, 78, 92, 131, 133, 134, 135, 137. 140. 160, 178, 183, 186, 187, 188, 198 Alley 98, 122, 200 Allin 18, 86. 88 Allison 82. 121. 123, 200 Allman 199 Allmon 199 Allred 124 Ally 181 Almon 199 Almond 46 A1sbrook 122 Alsorn 91 Alston 12 Altom 33 Amis 169, 198 Amith 149 Ammons 67, 80, 185 Amos 177 Anders 134 Andes 18 Anderson 3. 9, 18, 19. 20, 21. 22, 23, 24. 25, 28. 29, 36, 37, 39, 53, 58, 63, 64. 65, 67. 69. 72, 75. 76, 79, 86. 87, 88, 89, 96. 98. 112, 120, 122, 123, 124, 132. 133. 139, 140. 141. 143, 146, 147, 161, 174, 176, 178, 179, 180, 181, 186, 188, 196 Anderton 196 Andrews 58, 121, 133, 146 Angel 9, 68 Anglin 64 Angling 65 Anis 169 Anthony 58 Antrican 160 Antrikin 160 Appelton 146 Apperson 192 Appleby 186 Archer 76, 110, III Arintos 19 Armour 184, 185, 189 Armstrong 23, 27, 41, 45, 54, 55, 58, 120, 122, 123, 132, 146, 178. 188, 198 Arnett 31, 36, 52, 172, 186 Arnold 31, 33, 35, 36, 63, 66, 93. 94, 100, 117, 124. 148, 167. 183 Arrington 131 Arry 34 Artman 152 Arundel! 65 Ashe 135 Ashford 31 Astin 76, 184 Aston 90, 188 Astun 184 Atkerson 75 Atkins 7, 63, 120, 122, 147 Atkinson 9, 26. 29, 47. 68, 94, 137, 139, 153. 178, 183, 184, 185. 186. 189 Attwood 58 Atwill 58 Ault 123, 178, 181 Ausburn 179 Austen 132 Austin 34, 120, 135, 175 Autery 66 Avant 75 Averill 75 Avery 52, 197 Avett 187 Avrit 65 Axford 55 Aydelott 33 Ayers 80, 121. 123, 178 Ayles 122 Ayres 55 Babb 15, 197 Backess 109 Bacon 51, 52, 53, 59 Badger 64 Badgett 18, 121, 122, 175, 180, 181 Bagley 196 Baggett 31, 137 Bailes 128 Bailess 18 Bailey 23. 30, 59, 66, 78, 79, 90, 149, 192, 196 Bails 124 Baily 186, 187 Baird 2, 64, 65, 94, 149, 189 Bairdin 68 Baity 19 ~akeman 9 Baker 18, 22, 25, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 48, 53, 57, 59, 64. 67, 69, 120, 123, 131, 135, 149, 177, 178, 179, 180, 186, 192, 194, 197 Balch 170 Baldridge 163 Baldwin 59, 122, 135, 180 Balentine 39 BAley 132 Ba1knip ? 135 Ball 18, 21,,46, 141, 192 Ballard 34, 139, 177, 178 Ballenger 18 Ba1sul1a 59 Ba1thrip 136 Balthrop 133 Ba1ue 37 Bandy 9, 33 Bane 18. 144 Banks 36, 37, 59 Barber 34, 59, 68 Barbour 119 Bare 66 Barett 128 Barger 124, 181 Barham 9, 55, 146, 150 Barker 59, 70, 77, 129 Barkley 76 Barksdale 13, 114 Barkwell 75 Barlow 36 Barlso1a 59 Barnes 18, 33, 44, 110, 174, 191, 198 Barnfield 148 Barnet 19, 60, 63 Barnett 18, 19, 32, 35, 36, 38, 59, 100 Barnhart 194 Barnhill 63, 65, 148 Barns 36 Barnwell 122, 146, 179 Barr 130, 174 Barret 80 Barringer 122 Barrnes ? 134 Barron 76, 193 Barrot 64 Barry 59, 75, 120 Bartie ? 134 Bartlett 48, 140 Barton 9, 19, 84, 195 Basinger 194 Baskins 39 Bass 50 Bateman 78 Bates 29, 33, 42, 59, 65, 67, 68, 78, 90, 103, 120, 138. 140, 187, 190 B.!!thune 134 Batista 59 Batson 131 Batt 31, 91, 138 Battle 53 Battles 34 Bauder 47 Baugh 75, 92, 137, 138 Baugher 24 Baugus 191 Baum 59 Bausch 95 Bausian 91 Bavines ? 134 Baw 30. 76, 93, 93. 189 Baxley 152 Baxter 46, 71, 134, 194 Bayles 97, 124 BaylesS 18, 117. 120. 123. 124. 144. 177. 179. 181 Baylor 59 "AIiSU-aCHlt;'" 202 Raze1 19, 131 Bazze180 Beach 59 Bel1k1ey 66, 69 Beals 46 Beamer 55 Bean 109, 148~ 177, 178, 179, 180, 183 Beane 177 Beard 6, 19, 15, 89, 92, 143, 117, 183, 187 Bearden 13, 120, 177, 178, 181 Beasley 59, 65, 191 Beaty 9, 13, 19, 141, 193 Beatty 19 Beauchamp 100 Beaumont 119 Beavans 36 Beaver 26, 36, 91 Beavers 68, 178, 194 Beazley 196 Beck 36, 64, 77, 132 Beckel 59 Beckham 35, 36, 37 Bedford 147 Bedwell 101 Beeler 87 Been 9 Beetie 18 Berry 124 Beeson 9 Beevers 37 Bell 7, 16, 18, 1~ 28, 30, 35, 75, 71, 93, 109, 120, 122, 123, 124, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 131, 148, 174, 177, 179, 180, 184, 186, 195 Belote 75 Benham 35 Bennet 80, 135 Bennett 19, 120, 192, 193 Bennitt .28 Benson 26, 28, 59, 101, 146, 150 Bentinck 145 Bentley 2 Berge 99 Berkett 36 Bernard 116, 132 Berrger 124 Berry 19, 23, 24, 31, 65, 75, 89, 124, 136, 142, 141, ISS, 167, 177, 188 Berson 16 Berton 185 Bess 98 Best 19 Bettes 196 Bettis 50, 191 Beverage 34 Bevill146 Bevins 34 Bibb 123, 132 Bice L'n Biddy 19, 179 Bidwell ;.4 Bieber 7~ Biffle 34, 36 Bl~bay 142 Bigbee 147 Biggio 59 B1~gs 186 Bilbrey 4B Bilcher 7:Biles 200 Bill ? 93 Billings 145, 198 Billingsley :.09 Billington 148 Bills 75 BH1ue 19 Billups 135 Bingham 18, 64, 111 Binion 30 Binkley 80, 114, 134, 192 Birchett 55, 65 Birchfield 198 Bird 19, 21. 43, 63, 66, 16, 82, 126, 177, 194, 198 Birdsong 29, 76, 183, 187 Birkhead 80 Birnet 61 Bishop 65, 75, 77, 78, 79, 123, 135, 191 Bivins 37 Bizze! 78, 79 Black 19, 24, 26, 44, 45, 48, 68, 75, 16, 17, 112, 121, 140, 190 Blackard 78, 176 B1ackbern 112 Blackburn 18, 21, 33, 90, 143, 178, 192 B1ackbm 29 Blackshear 35 Blackwell 26, 66, 67, 120, 186 Blain 92, 121, 180, 182 Blair 9, 19, 55, 75, 98, 109, 140, 141, 148 Blake 177, 195 Blakely 17 Blakeman 156 Blalock 181, 198 B1am ? 91 Blanchard 50 Bland 28, 46, 81, 188 Blankenship 19, 96, 137, lSI, 191, 192 Blankinship 23 Blanton 109 Blasingame 33, 34 Blaylock 76 Bledsoe 135 Blessing 81 Blevens 140 Blevins 19, 89, 124 Blount 44. 80, 135 Boaraux 188 BOld 143 800it 109 Bobbitt 188 Boddie 107 B.Q.dy 90 ~o~an 4, 53, 104 Bogart 20 Logg 29 Boggian 59 1~, 1), 2l, 22, 23, 24, 15, 86, 88, :'40, 141. 142, 143, Eogl~ :44, j,onEmr.on 135 JOU 75 Bok :..73 >;>,oLe:. ::00 ~,~ldw1n 42 30ler, 200 :Boles 9, 75 i;olbg 142 Bolton 87, 147, 178, lSI Bollenger 121 Bollinger 51 Bond 19, 26, 21, 28, 38, 59, 122, 177, 178, 179, 187 Bonds 76 Bondurant 90, 91 Bondurent 90 Bone 135, 136 Boney 79 Bo"1ge 176 Bonham 24 Bonine 19, 144 Bonner 41, 60, 91, 93, 108, 188 Booker 121, 124, 184 Bookout 9 Booth 57, 81, 93, 120, 139, 183, 186 Boothe 68, 76 Boon 79 Boone 6, 108 Borak 102 Boran 31 Boren 19, 23, 191 Borgus 159 Boring 19 Boro 60 Borum 71 Bosden 77 Boshers 34, 39 Bostic? 134 Bostick 19, 76, 96 Boswell 34 Bosworth 109, 120 Bott 60 Bottoms 108 Bounds 122, ISO, 178, 187 Bourden 18 Bourne 60 Boutwell 143 Bowan 122 Bowden 9, 36, 148, 200 ~"!\ljS Bowdre 60 B~en 66, 117, 120, 131, 132, 133, 159 Bowerman 18, 19, 20, 21, 86, 89, 140 Bowers 19, 24, 31, 49, 75, 76, 150, 175, 184, 188 Bowlen 200 Bowlin 9 Bowline 200 Bowling 33, 149 Bowman 19, 48, 50, 179, 181 Box 3, 50, 77, 79, 173 Boyce 69 Boyd 14, 19, 21, 30, 31, 35, 39, 42, 43, 60, 76, 87, 89, 120, 131, 137, 1)9, 147. 180, 183, 186 Boyed 184 Boyer 99 Bvyet 80 iJoyken 137 Boykin 147 Boylan 139, 184 Boyle 119 Boynton 60 Boze 73 Bozman 75 Bracken 113 Bracket 122 Brackin 34 Bradberry 19 Braddock 106 Braden 29, 148, 188 Bradford 60, 77, 175 Bradley 19, 20, 48, 87, 103, 121, 123, 178, 193 Brad1y 38 Bradshaw 38, 123 Bradsher 28 Brady 37, 168 Bragg 45, 60 Braidwell 19 Braizer 197 Brakebill 141 Bramble 79 Bramer 188 Bramfied 174 Bramlet66 Branch 26, 28, 31, 34, 83, 91, 120, 139, 178, 183, 195 Brand 191 Brandenbirger 55 Brandon 67, 176 Brands 55 Branham 178 Brann 191 Brannum 9, 22 Branom 97 Branson 122 Brantley 79, 138, 189 Braswell 199 Bratcher 38, 146 Bratton 63 203 Volume 27. 19'80 ( Bray 55. 60. 75 Braze 18 Brazel 131 Brazelton 198 Brazier 175 Breakbi11 19. 20 - Brease 20 Breeding 80 Breedlove 97 * Breidert 60 * Breil 156 Brevard 185 * Brewer 19. 33, 36, 38, 39, 60, 80, 82, 134. 140. 144, 177. 192. 200 Brewster 139 Brewton 127 Brey 188 Booker ? 134 Briant 20. 24. 28. 38. 74, 80, 81, ISO, 186 Brice 33, 137 Brickey 142 Bridgeforth 26 Bridgeman 178 Bridges 34, 64, 76 Bridgewater 188 Bridgewaters 9, 53 Bridgis 68 Briggs 63, 122, 178 Brigham 161 Bright 20, 40, 45, 75, 86, 123 Briley 33, 50 Brimer 194 Brinbury 183 Brinkley 60 Brint 79 Brisbin 60 Briscoe 7 Brison 35 Brister 92, 137 Britt 79, 93, 191, 196 Britton 192 Broach 200 Broadwaters 183 Broadway 33. 37, 39 Brock 9, 68, 175, 177, 195 Brodnax 184 Broiles 20 Broils 20, 143 Bronhan 111 Brook 173 Brooks 20, 35, 37, 60, 64, 75, 79, 81, 89, 120, 147, 173, 178** Brown 9, 17, 20, 22, 29. 30, 31, 34, 36, 37, 39, 45, 46, 48, 49, 52, 60, 65, 67, 68. 69, 75. 76, 77, 78. 79. 80, 87, 89. 90, 93. 98, 103, Ill. 120. 121, 123, 124. 132, 134, 135, 141. 148. ISO, 171, ** see above Brown (cont'd) 171. 174, 177, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 186, 187, 188. 192, 195, 199 Browne 48 Browning 64, 65, 77, 120 Brooker 66 Brooks lID, 124, 134, 140 Brookshier 48 Broy1e 156 Broyles 20, 146, 156 Bruce 25, 47, 68, 131, 194, 195, 199 Brumley 38, 88, 93 Brumlow 79 Bruner 144. 153 Bruier 144 Brust 196 Bruster 9, 27, 187 Bryan 59, 60, 108, 132, 188 Bryant 7, 31, 33, 37, 99. 121, 138. 145, 149, 150, 189 Brymer 83 Bryson 60 Buce 92 Buchanan 41, 45, 60. 100, 196 Buck 3, 9 Buckhannon 50, 67 Buckingham 168 Buckley 31. 105, 133. 137. 196 BUCY 90, 184. 188 Budd 55 Buffa10w 121 Buie 33, 100 Bull 60 Bullard 79, 188 Bullock 63, 90, 116. 137, 184, 187 Bunch 151 Bundy 36 Burchem 63 Burchett 55, 67 Burford 29, 60, 114. 137, 188 Burge 151 Burgess 34. 47, 114, 177, 191 Burk 40 Burkart 179 Burke 20, 146, 191 Burket 36 Burkett 7 Burkhart 120 Burlison 85 Burnes 120, 146, 174 Burnett 9, 59, 75, 120, 122. 124, 171, 180, 192 Burnette 20, 122. 177, 180, 181 Burnham 64, 101 Burns 20, 34, 35, 47, 60, 80, 131, 136, *out of order Burns (cont'd) 174, 200 Burnutt 171 Burress 95 Burroughs 139 Burrow 77, 172 Burrows lID, 173 Burroughs 75 Burrus 57 Burry 38 Burt 75, 76 Burton 2. 26, 28, 29, 31, 76, 91, 94, 137, 138, 139. 183, 184. 185. 186. 187, 189, 190, 200 Burtram 39 Busby 36 Buser 61 Bush 30, 60, 138, 189 Butler 20. 26, 54, 63, 100. 118, 152, 199 Butt 60, 93 Butterworth 26 Bullock 29, 30 Byerly 123 Byers 64, 100, 133. 200 Byington 55 Byler 68 Byrge 151 Byrd 20, 43 Byrn 75 Byrnes 136 Byrns 46, 194 Cabe 20, 34. 36 Cabell 18, 57 Cabbott 189 Cace 132 Caceper 142 Cade 33 Caddell 20 Caffay 135 Cagger 49 Cagle 67, 79, 135 Caimes 3 Cain 21, 41, 43, 44, 45, 85, 134 Cairy 63 Caldwell 19. 20, 60, 87,89,'122,133. 143, 166, 169. 180 Caler 141 Calhoun 36 Calicot 9 Ca10way 121 Call 179 Callaway 121, 123 Callison 181 Calloway 113, 123 Calvert 64, 66 Cam 134 Camb1e 157 Cameron 4, 21.,142, 165, 169 Camp 78, 79, 113, 177, 181 Campbell 9, 20, 21. 40, 63, 64. 68, 69, Campbell (cont'd) 76, 77, 82. 90, 109, 120. 137, 142, 157, 158, 159, 175, 177, 179, 182 Cammil 19 Camp1e 188 Camron 21, 134 Canard 36 Candell 75 Cane 81 Canider 111 Cannady 38 Cannard 122 Cannavan 116 Cannon 19, 75, 121, 122, 124. 148 Cantrell 35, 63, 81, 189 Cam..ray 22 Caperton 113 Capett 187 Caplinger•.95 Caps 180 Capps 91 Capshaw 21. 22 Car ? 78 Caraway 188 Carder(s) 160 Cardwell 78. 121, 182 Cargo 143 Carley 80, 81 Carlin 96 Carlisle 60, 61 Carmack 134 Carmen 191 Carmichael 96, 123 Carmo1y 106 Cam 134 Carnes 76, 120, 178, 181, 187 Carns 178. 179 Carney 106 Carothers 69 Carpenter 9, 26. 79, 90, 100. 108, 150, 177, 179 Carper 77 Carr 35, 61, 120, 132, 197 Carraway 183 Carrel 134 Carrethers 144 Carrol 19, 34 Carroll 20, 69, 100, 116, 168 Carruth 76, 134, 198 Carsini 61 Carson 19, 20, 141 Carter 19, 20, 28. 34, 35, 41, 44, 61, 64, 67, 95. 96, 120, 122, 124, 131, 132, 134, 145, 160, 178, 180 Carthy 132 Cartright 184 Cartwright 41, 76, 77, 149, 190 "ANSEARCHIN t.. NEWS 204 Carty 13 Caruthers 61, 63, 67, 73, 77 Carvin 80 Cary 122 Casey 7, 33, 69, 75, 80, 84, 145, 146 Cash 38, 63, 79, 121, 122, 128, 167 Casinger 35 Cason 17 Cassady 120, 124 Casteel 20, 34, 35, 140 Castello 52 Castleman 94, 132 Caswell 120, 124 Cate 146 Cates 20, 67, 97, 121, 147, 197 Cathey 64 Cat trill 181 Caughorn 21 Causby 81 Cauthon 95 Cauthorn 95 Cavenar 65 Cavett 20 Caviniss 183 Cawan 131 Cawhorn 20 Cawley 77 Cawthorne 95 Cawthon 95 Caywood 20 Cajor 9 Cecil 9 Cerindman 19 Certain 61 Chadick 80 Chadoin 134 Chadom 136 Chaffin 32, 79, 188, 198 Chambe1airt 21, 124, 143 Chamberland 21 Chamberlin 23, 64 Chamberline 169 Chambers 27, 61, 92, 139, 155~ 183, 187 Chambless 74, 96 ChamfensOft n Champion 110, 113, 137, 183 Champlain 194 Champon 139 Chandler 67, 76, 120, 138, 164, 199 Chan.::y 130 Chapell 66, 76 Chappell 128, 129 Chapin 155 Chapman 48, 52, 61, 75, ~24, 178, 195 Channica1 191 Char-cer 63, 64 Chase 61 Chasteen 41 Chavers 67 Chavis 120 Cheairs 76 Cheatham 196 Cheek 150 Cherry 50, 76, 200 Chesney 179 Chester 51, 62, 66 Chessher 83, 114 Chetham 61 Cheetwood 20 Chewning 81 Chickering 47 Childers 21 Childres 22, 79 Childress 121, 123, 124, 150, 178, 180, 182, 193 Childs 124 Chiles 47, 73 Chilton 9 Chineworth 123 Chisam 81 Chisham 84 Chism 48 Chisholm 79 Chisom 25 Chisum 108 Chitty 21 Choat 21, 33, 34, 35, 155 Choate 9, 133, 136 Chrisohm 109 Chrisman 78, 85 Christes 132 Christeson 148 Christhorn ? 135 Christian 36, 37, 66, 108, 121, 122, 134 Christman 3 Chum1ea 122 Chumley 150 Church 149 Churchwell 34, 36, 39, 149, 181 Churmon 124 Cicalla 61 Ciders 98 Cinc1air 193 Citchens 21 Clagett 63, 65 C1ampet 19, 89, 142 Clanton 38, 97 Clapp 121, 122, 178, 181 Claridge 61 Claries 29 Clark 9, 21, 33, 41, 43, 61, 66, 69, 75, 77, 79, 108, 120, l2:;', 1:)2, '133, 134, 147, 174, 177, 198 Clarke 0:", 156, 191 Clar,u,,:on 61 Clary 6i. Claunch 75 Clawson 48 Clay 32, 75, 136 Claybourne 9 Clayton 69, 78, 180, 181, 200 Cleary 61 Cleaves 61 Clt:-bourne 123 C1ems 51 Clemens 9, 34 Clement 83 Clements 129, 153 C1emer 66 C1endenon 44 Clepper 174, 175 Cleveland 155, 194 Cleves 31, 188 C1iborne 120, 178, 179 Cliboun 178 Clibourn 122 Click 123 Clift 140 Clifft 78, 177 Clifton 21, 76, 134 Climer 63, 67 Climore 65 Cline 81 Clinton 78, 141 C10nirtger 178 Clopton 57 Clossor. 155 Cloud 158, 177 C10usse 124 C1owson 121 Cloyd 31, 63, 78 C1uskey 119 Coalter 199 Coane 61 Coates 78, 156 Coat:s 21, 67 Coaty 134 Cobb 9, 18, 26, 28, 29, 34, 37, 91, 121, 181, 188 Coble 67 Cochran 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 61, 86, 89, 114, 143 Cochrane 64 COCkill 184 Cocker 187 Cockman 38 Cockram 65 Cockrell 61 Cockrum 65 Coe 30, 31 Cofer 150 Coffee 33, 41, 84, 111 Coffey 199 Coffin 199 Coffman 124 Coffy 186 Ce,gb:l.ll 184 Cohen 61 Cohorn 66 Coil 9 Coke'36 Cok~r 18, 92, 93, 124, 179, 180, 181 C00k 36, 37, 107 Co1bourn 21, 143 Col:;:,urn 75 Coldwell 20, 22, 78, 7S, 88, 121 Cole 7, 9, 36, 62, 79, 90, 96, 123, 146, 177 Coleman 27, 33, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 77, 121, 127, 133, 146, 170, 177, 198 Coles 28, 102 Coley 77 Collier 40, 78, 133 Collins 4, 5, 13, 21, 26, 48, 49, 62, 73, 80, 81, 106, 110, 124, 165, 187, 193 Colloway 123 Collver 55 Collville 44 Colter 21, 199 Coltharp 31 Colton 155 Co1vett 192, 193 Colville 21, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 84, 85 Comber 178 Combs 9 Comer 81, 94, 121, 135 ~ompere 198 Compton 31, 52 Con 184 Conaster 9 Conder 69 Condren 146 Condron 21 Conell 62 Conelly 62 ConeI' 27 Conley 123 Conn 18, 27, 31, 62, 92, 109, 183, 187 Connally 6.4 Conner 21,' 22, 27, 35, 64, 87, 88, 113, 123, 137, 178,197 Connolly 119 Connors 62 Conns 111 Conroy 170 Conway 23, 62, 138, 178 Cook 21, 40, 52, 64, 65, 67, 68, 76, 112, 119, 123, 131, 133, 142, 147 Cooke 21, 55, 175 Cooksy 134 Coombs 161 Cooney 12, 61 Coope 21 Cooper 9, 20, 26, 34, 37, 38, 39, 62, 70, 71, 72, 79, 81, 84. 96, 121, 124, 150 183, 184, 189, 198 COOl' 80 Copeland 21, 35, 36, 37, 39, 122, 123, 124, 144, 165, 181 Coperthwait 62 Copland 21 Cop1y 9 205 /Vo1ume 27, 1980 ( Coppage 2 Coppenbarger 21 Coppock 21 Corby 62 Corce1ius 9 Cordes 62 Corem 124 Corigor 172 Corley 114 Corneagy 26 Cornelius 68 Cornfe1d 194 Cornwell 77 Corteney 179 Cortney 123 Cosbey 78 Costen 62 Coster 113 Cotemy 181 Cotham 67, 68 Cothran 147 Cotten 84 Cottom 67 Cotton 64, 183, 184, 185 Cottrell 124 Couch 36, 77 Cou1bourn 19 Cou1san 42 Cou1ten 177 Coulter 21, 199 Counce 175 Counts 197 Coup 21 Courtney 12 Cout1er 76, 79 Coventon 21 Covington 179 Cowan 9,21, 87, 110, 111, 120, 141, 142, 143, 144, 150, 158, 184, 185, 189 Cowart 41 Cox 2, 9, 21, 42, 44, 65, 77, 78, 79, 80, 99, 121, 122, 123, 132, 135, 177, 178, 179, 181," 182, 191, 197, 199 Crabtree 9 Craft 21, 61, 75, 78 Cragg 63, 66, 67 Craig 19, 21, 23, 77, 86, 95, 99, 122, 123, 136, 142, 152, 177, 181 Craighead 179 Crain 39, 62 Crampton 195 Crane 6 Cranfield 198 Craven 48, 149, 200 Cravens 9, 48, 200 Crawford 9, 29, 72, 75, 77, 79, 80, 90, 104, 110, 120, 121, 123, 124, 130, 149, 155, 178, 179, 181, 195, 198 Crawley 77 Crenshaw 62, 92, 134, 184, 185 Creswell 89 Crew 18, 22 Crews 62, 75, "81, 123, 134, 180, 182 Crippen 122, 179 Crisp 75 Criss 93 Crissup 69 Critington 66 Crittendon 75 Crittenten 93, 138 Crittentin 91 Crittenton 93, 138 Crittington 21 Crocker 71, 77 Crocket 120, 134, 135 Crockett 9, 113, 153 Crockril1 191 Crook 30, 31, 137, 148 Croley 21 Cromwell 155 Cronan 62 Croning 62 Croslin 82 Cross 31, 78, 112, 161, 184, 186 Crossan 121 Crossin 121 Crossno 33 Crosswhite 75 Crouch 9 Crow 75, 97, 124, 132 Crowder 97 Crowell 34 Crozier 179 Crum 135, 199 Crumpler 132, 134 Crunch 132 Crush 21 Crutcher 79 Cubbins 62 Cude 67 Cullen 62 Cu1p 33 Culpepper 12 Culton 21, 55 Culver 9 Culwell 132 Cununing 21 Cununings 9, 21, 43, 62, 75, 121 Cununins 64, 181 Cunningham 21, 36, 37, 47, 62, 87, 123, 132, 134, 136, 143, 177, 180 Cupp 21, 22 Curd 178 Curl 67 Curray 68 Currey 196 Currier 24, 177, 181 Curry 77 Curtis 37, 39 Curtes 22 Curtis 142 Curtuy 21 Cusack 62 Cusic 143 Cusi.ck 22 Cuthberton 1.24 Cypert 37, 39 Dabbs 34, 75, 76, 79 Dabney 120, 182 Dafft 75 Dale 3 Daile 180 Dailey 31, 156 Daily 124 Dairs 180 Daley 169 Dalton 9, 62, 122, 145 Damern 75 Damesworth 145 Damewood 121, 145 Damron 120 Danforth 20, 23, 24 Daniel 38, 68, 81, 99, 123, 135, "136, 175 Dannie1s 64 Darby 38 Dardan 65 Dardas 120 Darden 64, 184, 185 Dar1y 38 Darmond 22 Darnall 99 Darracott 70 Darrow 135 Darter 130 Dauuuu (7) 175 Davenport 120, 191, 200 Davidson 9, 23, 33, 35, 64, 65, 69, 83, 96, 100, 131, 132, 136, 143, 171, 177 Davie 9 Davies 51, 59 Daviess 100 Davis 9, 20, 22, 28, 29, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 50, 53, 63, 64, 6?, 66, 67, 68, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 86, 87, 88, 92, 93, 95, 113, 114, 115, 120, 122, 123, 124, 129, 132, 136, 146, 176, 178, 179, 180, 181, 184, 197 Davisson 23 Davy 64 Dawson 77, 79, 119, 177, 180 Day 11, 50 Dayley 76 Dazarn 180 Deadrick 120 Dean 69, 77, 79, 82, 148, 197 Dearing 115 Dearmond 22, 124, 179, 180 Deason" 81 Deatherage 3, 178 Deaton 63, 64, 76, 80, 102, 124 Debausk 24 Debusk 177 Desherd 172 Deen Defriese 122, 182 Defrieso 177 Dehart 98 Deigh 178 Deis 115 Delahoussaye 195 Deland 137 De1ass 181 De1k 38 Deloach 174, 175, 186, 187 Deloche 136 De10sure 140 Delzell 141 Denunons 62 Denne 24 Denning 88 Denny 21, 48, 81, 142 Denson 113, 171 Denton 34, 148 Depriest 68 Derosset t 177 Deshazer 67, 136 Deshazo 81 Deshazure 66 Detworth 34 Devault 121 Deveport 22 Dever 77 Devine 115 Devinney 67, 68 Devoult 181 Dewen 69 Dewey 199 Dewise 9 Dews 120 Dial 43, 65 Dicey 145 Dickason 187 Dicke 134 Di.ckerson 145 Dickey 121, 123 Dickie 64 Dickinson 27, 37, 93 Dickson 22, 34, 36, 38, 77, 133, 135 Dicus 39, 69, 109 Diddle 142 Dietz 48 Diffee 69 Dike 79 Dikes 179 Dill 35, 115 Dillard 75 Dillehay 135 Dil1ender 194 Dillin 112 Dillon 35 Dilworth 178 Dines 22, 177 Dinson 113 Dishmon 9 Dishner 130 Disney 49 "Ai,SEARClIIN'" NEWS 206 Disshongh 75 Dixon 81, 112 Doak 1"17 Dobbin 103 Dobbins 124 Dobbs 39, 43 Dockery 76, 177 Dockett 153 Dodd 63 Dodsom 63 Dodson 42, 63, 69, 77, 108, 131, 191, 193, 195 Doerner 97 Doherty 22, 86, 181 Dolan 115 Dollison 199 Donahoo 22 Donald 22 Donaldson 37, 80, 115, 199 Donathan 171 Dondera 117 Donelson 62 Donne1 81 Dooling 37 Dophin 186 Dorch 26, 65 ,Doris 176 Dorman 2 Dortch 28, 29, 91, 129 Dorton 177 Doss 9, 90 Doster 192 Dotson 12, 92, 124, 136, 179 Dougan 76, 109 Doughand 110 Douglas 183, 187, 196, 197 Douglass 187 Dough1ess 124 Douherty 87, 115 Douglass 7, 22, 28, 29, 63, 83, 90, 115, 137, 138 Dourning 68 Douthand 110 Douthet 19 Douthett 18 Douthis 175 Douthit 20, 21, 24,25, 86, 87, 88, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144 Douthitt 18, 24 Dove 121, 182, 183 Dowdy 31, 33 Dowell 120, 123 Dowlen 123 Dowlinl17 Downes 115 Downey 3 Downing 37, 147 Downs 9, 49, 186 Doxey 76, 81 Doyle 112, 119, 123, 180, 181 Dozier 120 .Drake 45, 72, 100.. 112 Drane 7 Draper 178, 181 Drennen 77 Drewin 186 Driscoll 9 Driskell 79 Dritt 115 Driver 186 Drury 13 Duberry 78, 95 Dubey 31 Dubois 78, 156 DuBose 115 Duckworth 36 Duc1ke 40 Dudley 66, 120, 198, 199 Duerson 115 Duff 23, 67, 86 Duffy 148, 190 Dugan 22, 96 Duggan 22 Dugger 34, 192 Duggin 54 Duian ? 132 Duke 55, 60, 67, 99, 115, 134, 137 Dunagin 67 Dunaway 67, 133 Duncan 9, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 36, 45, 68, 69, 77, 79, 87, 88, 98, 112, 113, 114, 116, 123, 124, 148, 174, 181, 192, 49 Dunham 33 Dunlap 22, 179 Dunn 22, 77, 80, 115, 116, 122, 124, 177, 178, 180 Dunnagan 131 Dunn~an 131 Dunwoody 22 Dupree 139, 191 Duprey 183 Dupuy 29 Duran 87 Durand 136 Durby 84 Duren 35 Durham 22, 49, 86, 122, 193 Durley 84 Durning 68 Durno1ds 22 Durrett 76 Duttlinger 116 Duval 83 Dycus 32 Dye 76 Dyer 55, 68, 124 Eaden 133 Eads 35 Eagleton 22 Eakin 22, 33, 86 Eanes 116 Earle 150 Early 21, 177 Easley 63, 64, 66, 67, 69 Eason 28, 63, 138 Easterly 47 Eastham 3 Eastman 120 Eaton 36, 116 Eaves 116 Eavins 33 Ebert. 103 Ebbert 116 Eckford 29, 139 Edden ? 93 Eddens 91 Eddings 97 Eddington 122,124 Eddins 26, 90, 91, 94, 116, 138, 184, 185, 186 Eddleman 51, 150 Eddlemon 101 Edds 199 Edgar 193 Edminston 22 Edmiston 22 Edmonds 23 Edmondson 22, 42, 96, 119, 123, 182, .198 F.dmonson 22 Edmundson 199 EdsaU.55.· Edward 134 Edwards 10,· 15, 22, 26, 27, 30, 31, 34, 39, 68, 77, 116, 137, 186, 187 Eggleston 153 Ehrman 116 Eichberg 116 Ei11oddox 192 E1am 43 Elbert 4 Elder 142 Eldridge 186 Eleazer 132, 134 Elgin 76 Eliott 22 Elison '77 Elkins 68 E11exander 42 Ellington 21, 185 Elliott 5, 33, 34, 82, 116, 143, 169, 179, 186 Ellis 34, 39, 121, 127, 132, 135 Ellison 64 Elmore 40, 76, 191 E1ps 10 Elrod 200 Elwell 156 E1za 199 E1zie 180 Embrey 1p, 172 Emmerson 140 Emmit 120 England 131 Eng1edow 85 Enoch 7 Enochs 175 lms1ey 116 Eperson 10 Epley 124 Epperson 67, 160 Eppes 117, 178 Erdman 152 Erickson 116 Erskine 116 Ervin 80 Erwin 73, 79, 116 Essan 41 Essary 41, 42, 77 Essig 116 Estabrook Estes 67, 135, 177 Estill 111, 112, 113 Etchevame 116 Etherage 37 Etheredge 153 Etheridge 133, 136 Etter 41 Eubanks 177 Euclid 25 Evans 10, 29, 96, 98, 112, 116, 122. 130. 131, 132. 135. 175. 177 Everett 22, 35. 124. 134 Everette 178. 179 Everton 2 Eves 77, 135 Evets 75 Evins 161 Ewing 20. 22, 87. 89, 113. 120.142 Exum 28 Ezell 116. 122, 123. 181 Fagan 120 Fagg·18.141 Failing 155 Fain 22. 194 Fairley 52 Faissn 75 Falkner 68,178, 181 Fallon 181 Falls 90. 188 Fancher 48 Farcus ? 92 Farley 43 Farmer 18. 23. 120. 122, 123. 142. 153 Farnam 155 Farner 197 Farnsworth 170 Farr 22, 23 Farrar 5. 56 Farrell 116 Farrington 45 Farris 27. 31. 63. 90. 91. 92. 139. 183. 185, 187 Farrow 116 Faubion 82. 84 Faulkner 46 Faust 186. 188 Faustner 192 Faw1kes 170 Fader 182 Fea 25 Volume 27, 1980 ( Feagin 77 Felkner 23 Fellers 194 Felton 84 Felts 116 Fenster 116 Fentress 33, 75, 135 Fergason 10 Ferguson 7, 21, 75, 76, 79, 81, 86, 88, 120, 147, 150, 178, 179, 181 Ferrell 10, 40, 41, 44, 45 Ferro1 63 Few 131 Field 92, 138, 184 Fielder 63 Fields 77, 92, 94, 144, 185 Fifer 19 Fike 177 Finch 63, 116 Fincher 109 Findley 23, 36, 132 Find1y 10 Fine 98 Finger 179, 180 Finger1y 10 Finley 15, 116, 191 Finney 91 Firmbuck 134 Firth 27, 137, 183, 186, 187, 189 Fischer 101, 148 Fish 80, 197 Fisher 23, 90, 116, 117~ 122, 183, 184, 186, 196 Fisk 17 Fitzgerald 13, 121, 129 Fitzhugh 51, 76 Fitzuw 31 F1annaken 179 F1annakin 179, 181 Flannery 117, 131 Flatt 99 Fleet 78 Fleming 97, 121, 181, 186 FlellDlling 137 F1esheart 117 Flinchum 198 Flinn 80 Flint 76 F1ippan 28, 30, 90 Flippen 137, 198 Flippin 137, 138, 184, 187, 188 Flood 38 Flournoy 117, 156 Flowers 10, 38, 68, 80, 165, 199 Floyd 15, 64, 78, 112, 147, 172, 173, 198 Foewell ? 91, 92 Foley 200 Folk 188 Folker 23 207 Fo1kner 23, 87, 124 . Frazier 23, 28, 155, Gardner IS, 23, 65, 81, 179 182 177, 182 Freeman 23, 117, 124, Garegnon 119 Folts 78 Folwell 91, 92, 93 150 Garett 90 Foman 117 ,French 44, 45, 68, Garland 70, 98, 194 Forbes 196 177, 180 Garley 146 Forbess 78, 196 Freshour 144 Garlin 194 Garner 23, 24, 25, 75, Freytag 192 Ford 76, 117, 134, 181, 182, 199 153, 178, 180 Fried 117 Garramore 52 Fritts 121 Forehand 35 Garret 68,69,122,134, Frogg 10 Foreman 117 Frost 50, 124, 177, 135 Forest ? 135 Garretson 89 Forester 23, 67 181, 197 Garrett 3, 10, 50, 71, Forrest 117 Frutiger 71 80, 90, 194 Forrett 188 Fry 80, 120, 124, 148, Garrison 34, 117 Forgerson 63 156 Garrit 68 Frye 49 Forguson 143 Garsh 178 Fudge 194 Forister 88 Garvan 120 Fugate 48 Forman 12 Fulghum 79, 80 Gaspari 117 Forrest 7 Forrester 113, 124, Fu1gum 79 Gaston 132 144 Fu11ain 145 Gateley 76 Fuller 7, 133, 169 Forrist 43 Gates 16, 17, 27, 31, 49, Forrlster 44 Fullerton 28, 138 76 Former(s) 176 Fulton 164, 177 Gatewood 10, 79 Fumbanks 7 Forner 176 Gatling 139 Forstner 192 Funister 113 Gatti 117 Forsyth 77, 132 Funk 152 Gauldin 7 Forsythe 134, 175 Fuquay 67 Gault 18, 2~, 24, 88, 124, Fort 78, 80 Furgason 147 140,144,178 Forth 26 Furgeson 23 Gay 22, 23, 75, 76, 77 Fortner 40, 80, 120, Funston 35 Gaye 116 121, 124 Futhy 177 Gayler 77, 90 Fuzz1e 133 Fortune 78, 80 Gaylord 117 Fosha 23, 141 Gean 76 Gaba 200 Gearen (in) 123 Foster 14, 18, 36, 44, Geary 118 Gadbery 36 63, 71, 75, 77, 79, 120, 124, 135, 173, Gai1er 186 Geas1in 177 178, 197 Gai~er 50 Gee 81, 125 Gaines 120, 197 Gefforie 134 Fosutt 188 Gaffin 108 Ge1breath 86 Fought 79 Gel1aher 144 Ga1ahor 23 Foust 121, 124, 179, Galbreath 34 Gengler 52 187 Gale 154 Gentry 10, 23, 36, 49, 68, Foute 23 Gallaher 36, 37,121, Ill, 117, 123, 131, Fowkes 117 122 132, 178, 179 Fowler 10, 34, 35, Ga11aspie 179 George 20, 23, 40, 63, 66, 38, 64, 79, 178 Fow1ey 32 Gallaway 132 67, 76, 86, 88, 89, Fowlkes 7, 63, 66, Ga11ig1y 34 122, 123, 131, 141, 144, Gallion 23, 38, 179, 178, 179 117 Fox 23, 37, 76, 117, Geurin 103 180 123, 179 Gallon 38 Ghir1anda 117 Foy 124, 182 Galloway 78, L17 Ghormley 23 Fraker 123, 178 Gambard 133 Gibbons 33, 180 Frame 17, 111, 175 Gamberl 38 Gibbs 21, 23, 88, 123, France 47 Gamble 18, 19, 22, 23,24 124, 134, 179, 181 Franch 10 2J, 35, 40, 77, 86, Gibson 69, 79, 117, 132, Francis 10, 23, 47, 117 87, 120, 121, 134, 136, 137, 179, 197 Frank 104 140, 142, 144, 181 Gideon 123 Gambrell 34 Frankland 117 Giffen (in) 23, 134 Franklin 10, 23, 26, GalIDIIe1(1) 23, 87 Gilbert 117, 134 33, 81, 123, 124, GalIDIIon 117, 123, 152, Gilbreath 50, 177, 179 180 178, 182, 191 Gilchrist 37 Giles 29, 65, 82, 83, 186, Franks 20, 23, 37, 140, Gann 194 141 Gant(t) 36, 65, 123, 196 17R Gill 10, 21, 29, 34, 63, Fran1and 88 Franz 102 Garbrina 117 64, 90, 118, 169 Frasier 26 Gardenhire 51 Gillaspie 111, 113 Gardiner 156, 157, 174 Gillespie 19, 20, 21, 22, Frasure 45 Gardon 44 23, 24, 25, (cont'd) Frazer 67 "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS 208 Gillespie (cont'd) 75. 77. 86. 87. 88. 140 141. 143. 144. 182 Gillespy 20. 21. 25. 87 Gi11ess45 Gilliam 173. 174. 175. 192 Gillis 3. 37 Gillmore 23 Gilman 136 Gilmore 23. 80, 135 Ginn 180 Gipson 10. 99 Givins 69. 178 Glasgow 76. 81 Glas1ey 113 Glass 7. 23. 33. 75. 79. 88. 132 G1assick 118 Gleaves 131. 134 Glenn 29, 79. 90, 118. 139. 197 Goad 78. 149. Goar 34 Goard 149 Godabardy 59 Goddard 124. 180 Godsey 146 Goetha11s 118 Goetz 118 Godley 27 Goforth 34. 35. 39. 77 Goff 118 gains 46. 121 Gold 24 Golden 63. 126. 127 Goldin 126 Goldsberry 64 Go1dsbey 124 Golen 29 Golightly 38. 148 Go1(1)iher Z3 Go11oway 117 Good 123 GOodlow 79, 137 Goodman 10. 23. 24. 33 34. 68. 118. 171. 172, 173. 175. 176 Goodner 39 Goodnight 199 Goodrich 131, 133 Goodrick 10 Goodson 45 Goodwin 87. 125. 127. 173, 174. 175 Goorrich 114 Gordon 37, 64. 65, 70, 82. 118. 161. 181 Gore 48. 77 Gorman 118, 150 Gossa(d)ge 42 Gos8et(t) 35.66, 181, 192. 198 Gough 76 Gould 21. 67, 86. 141 Gound 177 Gower 136' Gowins 35" 'Gowney "'10 "'" Grace 62. ' 7.f, Halstead 118 Gracy 24.64 Grubb 153 Grady 118. 120 Gruss 122 Ham 75. 90. 92. 181 Hamblen 82 Graham 52.78. 79. 116. Grymes 134 Hamblin 79 118. 121. 131. 148. Guedry 191 Hambrick 46. 92. 133 172. 178 G~st 42. 197 Hamer 38 Grammar 177 Guff 133 Hames 76 Gran(d)bery 90. 184,186 Guff(e)y 10 Hamill 140 Grant 87. 95. 148. 191 Guilliams 34 Hamilton 24. 80, 97. 127 Grantham 78. 79 Guinn 24 ~ 38. 135 Graves 22. 28. 29, 48, Quise 79 193. 199 Hamlett 13. 29, 184 49. 57. 90.109. 122, Gu110c 36 Hamlin 188. 146. 176. 179. lSlGu110ck 134 Gravet(t) 66, 121 Cu110n 187 Hamm 38 Gravis 176 Gunn(e) 112. 131. 133 Hammers 159 Hammil 24 Gray 24. 37. 38. 40. 47. Gunter 33. 34. 68 Hammond(s~ 33. 50 63. 68. 77. 79. 118, Gupton 134 Hammon(s) 33. 41. 84. 123. 131. 133. 146. Gurley 146 132. 187 162. 174. 176. 192 Guthrie 161 Guy 20. 77 Hammontree 24 Graybeal 122 Hams 181 Grayham 68 Guynn 186. 187 Hanaback 27 Gre~thouse 75 Guyre 84 Hanby 100 Greeman 156 Gwin 10 Hanckley 77 Green 16. 31. 33. 55.76 Gwinnup 55 Hancock 41. 54. 75. 94. 79. 114. 118. 135.142 Gwyn(ne) 118 114 162. 164. 171. 179 Gynn 29, 186 Greenaway 140. 141 Hand 120 Handby 180 Greene 24. 52. 87. 188. Hand1(e)y 22. 87.110.175 193. 195 Haas 149 Hand1yn 96 Greenleaf 76 Hach 118 Handy 113. 133 Green1ease 110 Hack 24 Haney 78 Greenlee 79. 171 ** Hackett 70 Hank(e) 118 Green1ie 171 Hackney 24. 25. 121. Hankins 29. 35. 81. 122, Greenway 88 179 . 124. 181, 182 Greenwood 75. 80 Hadden 97 Hankinson 55 Greer 12. 24. 43. 44.64. Had(d)ox 38 Hanks 16 136. 178 Haden 10. 13 Hanna 23. 24. 25, 144 Hag_,_ 134 Greeson 37 Gregory 30. 47, 69. 80. Hagan(s) 118; 13~. 146 Hannah 24. 33, 86. 100, 142 ., 97. 145. 147. 186.188 Hager 122 Hanner 131 Gremmett 123 Haggard 33. 39. 161. Hannun 188 Grey 177 177 Hanny '96 Gribble 108. 190 Haggarty 118 Hansand 178 Griffin (on) 4. 24.29~47 Hagy 148 Hansard 79. 178, 179,181 53. 66. 70. 111. 118. Hahne 118 146. 153. 180 ' Hansen 146, 160 Haig(h),:118 Haones 21 Griffing 117. 119 Hail (e) 24. 66. 142 Griffith(s) 64. 72. 141. Haine(s) 71.'120. 180 Hara1dson 177 Harbin 64 183 Hainline 78 Harbison 63, 122. 179 Griffitts 24. 86. 140. Hains 135 Harbour 37, 45 143. 144 Hair(e) 22. 120 Hardan 89 Griggs 39. 78. 150 Haiston 19 Hardcastle 112 Grigsby 24. 64. 161 Hakins 142 Hardeman 119 Grills 120. 123 Halbrooks 68 Grimes 10. 35. 64. 69.75 Hale 24. 80. 134. 148. Harden 122. 133, 141 134. 189 181. 193. 197. 198 Harder 69 Hardin 33. 34. 35. 38. Grimmitt 63 Haley 33. 34. 66. 72 44. 75. 76, 121, 141 Grims 35 Halford 33. 77 Grinder 34. 63 Haliburton 135 179, 181. 200 Harding 44 Grindrod 118 Hall 10. 17. 19. 32. Grisham 20 35. 51. 75. 77. 81. Hardison 35. 76, Hardwick(e) 24, 26, 76, Gris1e 179 87, 92, 118. 122. Grissom 28. 90. 186 123. 124. 132. 133. 133 Groaner 123 137. 138. 139. 142. Hardy 119 Gronauer 118 149. 156. 174. 178. Hare 29. 93 Groom 10 179. 181. 184. 185. Hare1 50 Gross 3 186. 192. 195. 196. Hargis 24, 139. 140,., .'. 197. 199 185 Ground 177 Hargood 119 Grove 65. 78. 118 Halley 186 . Hargrov,<e})4, 78, 190 Gro-ver 118 Hallmark,129,:· ·,·,~ti~()ve:s"'6,4·;/ .' . Grove$120~ 12.1. ,124 . HallOWay 118. . , .....**Hac.~lin1,9,3.. ·199. . \ . ".:".;. - ' .. " ... ~ '. 209 Volume 27, 1980 ( Hatfield 10, 12 Harley 80 Hatley 7(" ],32 118 rle 24 Hat1in 31 lIarman 66 Haun 6, 8, 46, 105, Harmmons 186 106, 153 lIarmon 12, 24, 122, Haveky 120 143, 146, 147, 180, 181 . Havens 178 Havron 191 Harold 124 Hawe 134 Harp 24, 81 Hawk 36, 141 Harpenau 149 Hawkins 33, 172 Harper 24, 67, 79, 123 Hawn 46 129 Hawthorn 125 Harpole 43, 147 Hay 132, 148 Harpoo1 84 Hayes 29, 190 Harralson 47 Hay10r 37 Harre1(1) 50, 64, 77, Haymer 75 91, 137, 155, 186 Haynes 101, 120, 150, Harrelson 38 167, 178, 180, 190 Harres 18 Haynie 181 Harriman 162, 163 Hays 10, 30, 38, 39, Harrington 64, 198 41, 80, 116, 119, Harris 7, 10, 19, 22, 121, 123, 174 23, 24, 26, 31, 33, Hayse 135, 172 39, 43, 45, 50, 57, 65, 69, 70, 75, 76, Haywood 166 Haze1ridge 112 77, 78, 79, 80, 87, Hazelwood 122, 188 90, 91, 119, 121, Hazen 120 123, 132, 134, 140, 141, 143, 147, 150, Hea 119 Head 114, 134 167, 171, 178, 179, 180, 181, 183, 185, **Hea1ey 119 Heard 128 186, 193, 195, 200 Harrison 36, 37, 38, Heare 90 Hearne 155 76, 77, 78, 79, 90, Heas1ett 26, 28, 29 177, 184, 188, 197 ** Really 189 Harrold 106 Harroll 81 Hearns 185 Heas1it(t) 26, 29, Harron 188 186, 187 Harry 135 Harst 48 Heath 24 Hart 24, 50, 71, 119, Heaton 194 141, 185 Hebbert 123 Harter 103 Heekers 134 Hartgrove(s) 34, 172 Heckle 119 Hartgrown 172 Hedge 131 Hedgecough 100 Hartley 181 Hedrick 50, 180 Hartman 47 Hartsell 88 Heelan 119 Hartsfield 75, 149 Hefley 82, 83 Hartt 87 Heidel 119 Hartwell 119 Heiskell 179 Harty 80 Helbert 130, +49 Harvell 27, 64 He1deth 12 Harvey 35, 51, 76, 77, Helms 10, 33, 120, 116, 135, 178 121, 194 Harvy 123, 177, 179 Helton 35, 37, 159 Harwell 91, 93, 138 Hen 80 Harwood 119 Henard 46 Has 184 Henck1e 103 Henderson 24, 33, 57, Hash 24, 46 Hashberger 124, 181 75, 80, 87, 111, 112, 120, 137, 138, Haske(l)t 20, 24 140, 142, 179, 184, Haskins 63, 177, 189 186, 187, 194 Hasley 136 Hassell 33, 64, 65, 67 Hendin 184 Hasty 34, 35, 175 Hendon 30, 172, 188 Hatch 30 Hendren 7 Hatchell 81 Hendricks 22, 121, 123 Hatcher 24, 88, 178, 135 179, 180 Hendrix 7,38,77,119,124 Hendrixon 132 Henkel 103 Henkle 103 Henley 26, 28, 29, 79, 91, 94, 137, 138, 139, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187 Henneberg 71, 147 Hennessee 40, 108 Henney 88 Henry 23, 24, 25, 26, 35, 37, 80, 83, 91, 120, 124, 135, 164, 191 Henshaw 77, 172 Hensley 38, 69, 79, 177 Henson 78, 81, 124, 135, 145, 180, 181 Henton 188 Hera1dson 38 Herbert 53 Herd 68 Hereford 110 Herendon 38 Herman 66 Hern 155 Herndon 109, 171, 172, 173, 176, 189 Herran 93 Herreford 110 Herrin 93 Herring 119, 172 Herrington 139, 185 Herron 186, 188 Herryman 79 Hershey 142 Hess 25, 100, 159 Hester 28, 33, 76, 196 Hethcock 78 Hewes 119 Heyden 131, 152 Heydon 152 Hibbler 119 Hickerson 33, 47, 133, 134 Hickey 18, 123, 179 Hick1and 22 Hick1ey 141 Hickman 63, 79, 81, 124, 177, 180 Hicks 10, 15, 25, 33, 34, 63, 65, 69, 73, 78, 81, 122, 132, 133, 141, 178, 179, 191 Hickson 124 Hiefner 98 Higgason 47 Higgenbottom 91 Higgerson 47 Higgins 97 Higgs 80 High 76, 196 Highfield 80 Hight 163 Hightower 119, 133, 134 Higison 147 Hiles 19 Hill 10, 26, 31, 35, 38, 42, 43, 49, 77, ~i11 (cont'd) 79, 80, 82, 91, lOa, 113, 119, 120, 121, 13), 145, 160, 162, 177, 178, 190, 191 Hillhouse 78 Hillsman 122 Hilman 134 Hilton 34 Hinds 10, 12, 147, 178, 179 Hines 75, 106, 119 Hinkle 36, 103 Hinson 68, 69, 76, 91, 92, 139 Hinton 37 Hirfley 87 Hirren 93 Hisks 25 Hisaw 12 Hitchcock 141 Hite 3 Hitt 162 Hittle 25 Hix 10, 25, 32, 88,140 Hixon 147 Hizer 78 Hobbs 3, 63, 66, 72,178 Hodge 78 Hodges 75, 78, 80, 83, 99, 119, 149, 191, 196 Hoff 10, 12, 25, 142 Hoffaker 12 Hoffer 124, 179 Hoffman 61 Hogan 134, 146, 192 Hoge 45 Hogens 131 Hogg 32, 88, 89, 90,la7 Hogins 131 Hogue 77 Hoke 75 Holbert 10, 85, 178 Ho1comb(e) 6, 8, 54, 55 56, 77 Holden 37, 77, 119 Holder 19, 112, 113, 145, 173, 175, 176 Holderfield 68 Holford 33 Ho1gin 124 Holiday 79 Hollabaugh 34 Hollan 66 Holland 7, 80, 119, 131, 146, 147, 148 Hollandsworth 35, 45 Holley 95, 109 Holliday 79, 81 Ho1lim 31 Hollingsworth 173, 174, 175, 176 Hollis 33, 35, 38, 4S Holloman 79, 98 Holloway 19, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31, 36, 80, 89, 90, 94, 137 Hollowy 30 Holmes 5, 34, (cont'd) . "ANSEARCHIN"" NEWS 210 Holmes (cont'd) 56, 80. Huber 59 Hucheson 64 97. 119. 192. 193 Huchison 18, 19. 21 Ho1ms 33. 64 Huckaby 10, 128, 149 Ho1oway 24 Huck1and 22 Holst 58. 115 Huddleston 10, 12, 34, Holt 36. 38. 39. 67. 42, 63, 67, 75, 176 121. 141. 165. 185 Holton 57 191 Hudgens 133, 136 Ho1tsford 65 Hudibergh 120, 177 Holtzclaw 82 " Hudson 77, 79, 122, Holyfield 10. 80 131, 134, 194, 195 Homes 80 Hudspeth 28, 112, 113, Hommel 178 137, 138 Honoll 80 Hudstead1er 68 Hood 10. 12. 20. 24. Hudston 68 37. 91. 123, 124. 149, 165, 180 Huff 191 Hoofer ,99. 199 Huffaker 9, 10. 122, Hook(s) 18. 22, 25, 143, 179 165, 187, 188 Huffins 37 Huf(f)man 25, 86, 140, Hooker 181 Hooper 80. 81, 200 141 Huffmaster 159 Hoosier 36 Hooten 64, 78 Huffstad1er 177 Hoover 10. 41, 64. 195, Huggins 36 Hugh 40 199 Hope 24. 120 Hughes 25. 27, 30, 63, Hopkins 42, 43. 44, 45, 84, 119. 120, 165, 75, 77, 78, 84, 120 177, 196 Hopper(s) 44, 85, 176 Hughey 80 Hopton 12 Hughling 36, 37 Hom(e) 78, 122, 164, Hughs 10, 37. 40. 184 180, 192 Hu1ep 173 Hu1gin 124 Hornbeak 63 Huling 25 Horner 131, 133, 165 Horseler 36 Hull 78, Ill, 199 Horton 37, 39. 108, 148 Hullen 184 Hoskins 7, 121 Hullum 75 Hotchilee 30 Hu1s 62 Humble 66, Hotchkiss 165 Hottitchill '30 Humes 120, 165 Humphreys 95, 132, 178, Hou 134 188 Hough 191 Humphries 28, 77, 131 HouRue 10 Houk 25, 142 Humrickhouse 54 House 38, 39, 77, 95,97 Hun(d)ley 76, 186 Householder 179 Hunn 52 Houser 124, 178. 180 Hunt 25, 38, 43, 55. 75 Housong 124 90, 109, 113, 131, Houstin 133 135, 156. 165 Houston 10, 18, 19, 21, Hunter 24, 29, 31, 45, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 64, 76. 78, 80, 115 28, 52, 88. 89, 143, 122, 123, 125, 134, 141, 153, 165 144, 148. 177. 179, 181 Huntington 165 Housy 31 Hunt(s)man 43, 85, 191 Hurdle 120 Hover 55 Howard 25. 50, 74, 75, Hurlbutt 51 99. 122, 131, 147. Hurley 113 159. 165, 171, 172, Hurst 38 Hussey 25, 89, 142 193, 198 Howell 33, 76. 77, 79, Hussong 141 82, 124, 172, 179, Huster 165 180 Hutchens 101 Howes 118, 169 Hutchi(n)son 63, 64, 76 Howry 63 123', 132, 196, 197 Howser 120" HutsOn 143 'Uut!=,on Z5 Hubbard 13:~: n~1~3" Hubbert 64~ 124 lJ,yatt 19'8 Hubbs 63, 121 Hyde 71 .......:-. Hyde 71 Hyden 152 Hyre 165 Hysmith 33 Ikerd 95 Ing 119 Ingr(ah)am 6, 42. 64, 65, 80, 86, 88, 121, 178, 191, 192 Irby 136 lriar 86 Irick 180 Irion 86 Irish 75. 165 Ir1and 86 Iron(s) 34, 76, 78 Irvin 86 Irvine 128, 129 Irwin 23, 63, 65, 76, 86, 88, 181, 200 Isaac(k)s 83, 111 Isbell 75 Ish(a)m 67, 165 Isom 143,183 Israel 122 Ivey 30 Jack 86, 122, 179 Jackson 7, 20, 24, 27, 28, 35, 36, 66, 68, 80, 83, 88, 89, 93, 98, 119~ .128~132, 26, 38, 86, 99, 133, 141, 178, 184, 188, 134, 135, 137, 144, 165, 170, 179, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187, 198 Jaco 84 Jacobs 79, 80, 181 Jacobin 46 James 19, 24, 33, 34, 68, 69, 77, 81, 86 89, 99, 116, 133, 135, 136, 143, 144, 165. 176, 183, 200 January 40 Jarmon 77 Jamagan 80 Jarrard 55 Jarratt 99 Jarrett 75, 137, 183, 184, 185 J~ynes 15 Jean(s) 34,_35, 67 Jeh1 166 Jenkins 7, 22, 65, 83, 122, 129, 136, 137, 166. 178 Jen(n)ings 10, 108, 145, 175 Jentry 86 Jemigan(s) 29, 90, 91, 93, 135, 137, 139 Jessee 124 Jett 13, 113, ],23, 178. ..179 Jewell 137 Jimeson 86 Jinkins 68 Job(e) 33, 61, 79, 135 Johns 57, 114, 124 Johnson 14, 26, 27, 29 30, 33, 35. 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44, 64, 68, 69, 75. 77, 78, 80. 91, 93, 94, 97, 98. 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 128. 131, 132, 133, 143, 144, 145, 156, 161, 164, 175, 177, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 188, 189, 192, 195, 196, 199 Johnston 10, 21, 44, 86, 87, 109. 111. 127, 132, 140. 143, 144, 145, 166, 175 Joice 75 Joiner 80, 123 Jones 2. 7, 10, 13, 24 25, 29, 34. 39, 46, 48, 50. 58, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 73, 75, 76. 77, 78, 79, 80, 81. 82, 86, 88, 91, 93, 98, 99, 100, 106, 117, 119, 120, 124, 127, 132, 134, 135, 136, 139, 142, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 155, 166, 167, 172, 173.' 174,176,179,,181, 182, 187, 188, 196, 200 Jonz 90 Jordan(s) 39,79, 102, 134, 135, 149, 150, 166. 172~ 184, 187, 189 Jordon 23, 89. 92 J08.,166 Jos1i~ 66, 132,133,134 Jourdin 124, 180 Journey 86, 198 Jouro1man 120 Jouster 86 Joy 75, 78 Joyce 68, 69, 117, 166 Julian 98, 108, 155, 178, 179, 180 Julicb 150, 192 Justice 50, 75. 77, 79, 81, 143, 200 Kag1e 141 Kalas 102 Kane 166 Kanningies~r Karmer 192 Urn 51 Kates 95, 124 Kauflll4n U2 . ICea 34 166 211 Volume 27, 1980 ( Kearnes 121, 181 Keaton 34, 35 Kee 18, 89, 140 Keeble 86, 195 Kee10r 36 . Keener 57, 179 Keeton 10 Kehoe 166 Keith 120, 122, 123, 180, 181, 192 Keller 19, 142, 194 Kelley 110, 123, 174 Kellog 166 Kellum 64 Kelly 20, 21, 36, 37, 49, 64, 68, 78, 81, 86, 87, 121, 133, 147, ISO, 191 Kelsey 56 Ke1so(e) 25, 39, 86, 88, 106 Kelton 10 Kemp 82, 128 Kenady 64 Kenard 177 Kendrick 19, 140, 142 Kenedus 92 Kennady 38 Ken(n)edy 10, 48, 49, 50, 55, 79, 80, 86, 120, 121, 124, 144, 152, 177, 180 Kenn(e)y 166 Kenniman 24 Kent 75 Kephart 134 Kerb(e)y 34, 35, 141 Kerick 180 Kernell 121 Kerney 75 Kernon 165 Kerr 31, 72, 86, 137 Kersey 47, 73 Kervine (Kerwin) 36 Kesterson 98, 150 Ketchens 21 Ketchum 28, 29, 191 Key 20, 86 Keyhi11 178, 180, 181 Keylon 146 Keywood 86 Kidd 10, 26, 124, 179, 180, 186 Kiddy 38 Ki1b(o)urn(e) 21, 38,39 Kilduff 147 Kile 87 Ki11i(a)n 43, 93 Killock 67 Killough 29, 31, 65, 137, 185, 186, 187 Ki1(1)patrick 34, 97 Kimbe(r)l 31, 86Kimble 131 Kimbrel 38 Kimbrough 67, 82, 109, 176 Kin 34 Kincads 120 Kincy 163 Kindel 36 Kinderick 36 Kindrick 79, 86, 88, 179 King 10, 20, 25, 31,35 37, 48, 75, 80, 86, 87, 93, 100, 101, 120, 121, 124, 130, 131, 141, 144, 166, 171, 172, 176, 178, 179, 180, 193 Kinnard 48, 79 Kinsey 163 Kinzor 65 Kirby 46, 81, 124, 140, 180 Kird 185 Kirk 35, 77, 78, 133, 147, 178, 183, 185 Kirkland 48, 76, 95 Kirkley 171 Kirkpatrick 32, 55, 122. 181, 189 Kirwan 166 Kithcart 141 Klinck 166 Kline 122 K1yce 198 Knapp 165 Knight 43, 71, 72, 75, 78, 100, 124, 136, 176, 178 Knip 10 Knipfer 71 Knipper 122 Knob1ete 24 Knott 167 Know(es) 99, 137 Knox 29, 36, 90, 124, 138, 145, 172, 178, 186, 187, 199 Ko1ch 166 Koonce 26, 29, 91, 94, 122, 137, 138, 139, 183, 184, 185, 186, 189 Kornegay 137 Kortrecht 166 Kramer 192 Kremser 150 Kupillas 156 Kursey 85 Kuykendall 16, 17, 112 Kyle 36, 86, 95 Kyser 194 Lack(s) 75, 76 Lackey 24, 35, 36, 38, 77, 83, 86, 143 Lacy 66, 123, 185 Lain 43, 94 Ladd 133 Lafferty 33, 39, 65 Lagorio 166 Lake 55, 75, 86, 166 Lallier 75 Lam 30 Lamar 73 Lamasters 131 Lamb 38 Lambert 23, 24, 25, 81, 86 Lambeth 77 Lambson 156 Lammie 122 Lamoine 190 Lampkins 77 Lampley 132 Lancaster 49, 63, 67, 68, 69, 148 Lance(r) 10, 37 Land 68, 95, 186, 192 Landeman 133 Landers 125, 186 Landreth 66 Landrum 102, 121 Lane 19, 43, 44, 63, 66, 67, 79, 84, 86, 87, 133, 177, 179, 180 Lanfie1d 35 Langhorn 39 Lang1(e)y 27, 51, 69, 180 Langston 43, 172 Lanier 7, 49, 185 Lankford 66, 131, 132 Lanning 55 Lanterman 55 Lany 188 Larew 123, 178 Large 124, 182 Larkin{s) 113. 133 Larue 122 Lasater 85, 174 Lashley 6 Las(se)ter 77, 172, 187 Last1ey 122 Latham 135 Latner 166 Latta 161 Lauderdale 35, 167 Launh~()rd 66 Laurence 131 Lavigne 167 Law 20, 87, 134 Lawban 75 Lawhon 80, 83 Lawless 122 Lawrance 65 Lawrence 25, 33, 79, 87, 97, 112, 130, 197 Laws 50, 114, 191 Lawson 33, 36, 37, 38, 63, 87, 191, 198 Lax(t)on 68, 149, 194 Lay(e) 37, 76, 93 Lea 121, 124, 177, 178 181 Leach 133 Lea(c)ky 22 Leadbetter 36 Leath 145, 167 Leathers 66, 81, Leatherda1e 87 Leck 177 LeClair 116 Ledbetter 34, 67 Leddin 190 Ledsinger 7 LeDuke 153 Lee 10, 21, 33, 36, 66, 67, 74, 76, 121, 132 167 Leeder 64 Leek 65, 179, 180 Leeton 10 Lefevre 100 Leftwi(t)ch 161, 167 Legerwood 181 Legg 87, 121, 124 Leg(g)ett 76, 79, 134, 200 Leight 133 Leike 18 Lemaster 167 Lemon(s) 29, 55, 87, 90, 130, 137 Lench 135 Leneham 167 Len1y 31 Lenoir 117 Lenow 15, 119, 167 Leonard 17 Leslie 167 Lester 25, 91 Letera1 195 Lethgo 177 Letsinger 121, 179 Levin 50, 167 Levingston 10 Levitt 149 Lewallen 34, 39 Lewin 167 Lewis 10, 50, 64. 67, 68. 70, 92, 120, 132, 134, 135, 139, 178, 183, 194 Lib(s)comb 93, 189 Lieber 167 Liggins 136 Ligon 29 Like 179, 180 Likens 87 Li1e(s) 75, 121, 177 Lilly 59, 152, 167 Limbaugh 99 Lincoln 43 Lindley III Lindsey 39, 98, 120, 181 Linebarger 33 Linghton 181 Lingumphe1ter 21 Link 106, 135 Linsey 6;, 135 Lintz 33, 36 Linville 38, 105 Lipe 95 Lipford 178 Lipscomb 90, 92, 93 Lisbey 178 Lisle 37, 38 Liston 33, 39 Litere1 79 Little 77, 97, 124, 150 177, 191 "ANSEAR.CHIN' II NEWS 212 Little 77, 97, 124, 150, 177, 191 Littlejohn 28, 137 Littlepage 47 Livesay 160 Livingston 133 Lloyd 34, 37 Locke 62 Lockhart 10, 76 Loftis(.) 19, 68, 131 Logan 21, 22, 74, 87, 171, 177 Loggins 35, 135 Logue 40, 41 Logwood 27 Lokey 172 Lomax 68 Lomnnille 27 Lonas 121, 122 Londergan 170 Long 10, 29, 46, 69, 86, 87, 11?, 124, 139, 147, 167, 177, 184, 193, 197 Longacre 179 Longwith 181 Looney 39, 42, 179, 181 Loop 187 Lord 167 Loth1en 34 Lott 48 Louis 167 Love 19, 24, 78, 87, 102, 121, 123, 177, 178, 180, 181,179 Loval 87 Lovelace 24, 87, 124, 142, 177, 196 Lovelady 81 Lovelas(s) 63, 98 Lovell 3 Lovergan 179 Lovett 69 Loving 26, 29, 31, 91, 93, 137, 183, 184, 185, 186, 188, 189 Low(e) 20, 58, 68, 75, 89, 97, 124, 159, 177, 178 Lowery 20, 22, 79, 87, 142, 143 Lowham 177 Lowrence 133 Lowry 41, 74 Loyd 131, 171 Luallen 10 Luby 167 Lucas 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 167, 176, 178 Luckett 18 Luck(e)y 185, 187 Lucy 177, 179 Ludy 167 Luemax 174 Luker 148 Lullman 167 Lumpkin 199 Luna 77 Lunde 93 Lundy 55 Lunsford 76, 78 Luokadoo 36 Luse 55 Lusk 100 Luther 131 Lutt1e 179 Lut(t)re11 43, 121, 122, 124, 178, 179, 180, 195 Lutz 167 Lyell 66 Lyle 135 Lynch 147, 167, 195 Lynn 10, 36, 37, 108 Lyon(s) 48, 119, 120, 124, 125, 143, 167, 180, 181 Lytken 52 McAdams 139 McAdoo 33, 65, 114, 136 McAffry 87 McAlester 147 McAl1an 22 McA1roy 19, 20, 142 McAnally 36 McAnulty 76 McBain 167 McBath 123 McBee 69, 124, 180 McBride 36, 38, 48, 79, 167 McBrom 97 McBrown 79 McCabe 87 McCahan 177 McCain 74, 88 McCaleb 63, 64 McCalister 175 McCall 77, 123, 180 McCallie 86, 120 McCallon 87 McCally 88 McCameron 89 McCammon 87,' 120, 180, 181 McCampbell 87, 89, 121, 123, 124, 178, 181, 182 McCamy 20, 87, 89 McCan(n) 69, 80, 200 McCanales 89 McCand1as87 McCarley 27, 31, 34, 35, 76, 185 McCarn 181 McCarrol(l) 124, 180, 181 McCarter 77, 81, 141, 159 McCartney 87, 140 McCarty 3, 157, 159, 167, 179 McCarver 77 McCaskell 76 McCas(t)l(a)in 88, 96, 131, 132 McCaughan 87 McCauley" 26, 90, 137, 196 McCay 142 McChesney 19, 89 McClain 18, 79,81, 87, 121, 123, 178 McClaine 123 McC1alllller 78 McC1an(n)ahan 40, 63, 69, 87, 88, 120, 140, 141 McClaren 47, 68, 69 McClarlY 76 McCleary 167 McC1ebon 174 McClennan 10, '16, 177 McClelland 168 McClendon 81 McClewer 121 McClinton 88 McCloud 109, 121, 122, 178, 181 McClung 24, 87, 120, 156 McClure 20, 87, 88 McClurkin 87 McCoffney 120 McColl 121 McColloch 22, 87 McCollough 171 McCollum 10, 68, 87, 122, 133, 167 McComb 87, 179 McCommon(s) 76, 79 McConald 142 McCon1ey 149 McConn 112 McConnal 25 McConnaughey 107 McConnel(l) 25, 87, 168 McCool 21, 87 McCord 65, 66, 77, 87 McCorete 89 McCorke1(1) 7, 182 McCormick 168 McCowan 100, 129~ 177 McCown 79, 82, 96 McCoy 75, 79, 111, 160, 194 McCracken 49, 168, 193 McCrary 66 McCrory 78 McCrosk(e)y 87, 148, 168 McCu11(e)y 20, 21, 24, 29, 33, 86, 147, 188 McCu11o(ug)h 7, 22, 23, 87, 89, 114 McCurdy 20, 88 McCutchen 63 McDade 122 McDan(n)iel 41, 75," 78, 80, 120, 121, 122, 173 McDole 36 McDonald 77, 78, 79, 88, 145 McDonnell 10 McDonough 181 McDeyca1 34, 38. 46 McDoW.l(l) 19, 22, 23. 75. 88 McElhattan 151 McElroy 33. 35, 77, 80. 134 McElyea 33, 200 McEwen 45. 196 MClad(d)in 82, 89 McFall(s) 37, 14~ McFarlin 10 McFarland 142. 178 McFerrin 91. 93, 188 McGaha 88 ' McGau(g)h(e)y 19,22, 23, 87, 88 McGavock 166 McGee 10, 33, 38, 39, 41, 76, 80, 131, 144 McG(e)hee 21, 25, 45, 49, 61, 75, 88, 96, 148 McGill 24, 63, 80 McGinley 22 McGinnis 96. 160 McG1ananery 35 McGlasson 32 McGowan 76 McGower 174 McGrath 168 McGregor 108 McGriger 44 McGrew 123 McGuire 76, 88, 145 McHaffee 178 McHenry 88, 168 McIntosh 75, 168 McInturff 124 McKaig 85 McKamy 22, 88, 141, 144 McKaughan 77 McKay 83 McKee 29, 87 McKeigg 19 McKe1don 198 McKenry 88 McKensey 88, 176 McKeon 168 McKhogg (7) 29 McKiernan 168 McKinley 76, 178 McKinne(y) 75, 78. 79, 168 " McKinzey 174 McKinzy 174 McKnight 7, 29, 123 McLanahan 86, 88 McLarin 82 McLaughlin 63, 134, 146 Volume 27, 1980 Mag(g)et(t) 91, 124, Massey 56, 64, 65, McLemore 63, 64, 68, 123, 124, 179, 184 178, 188 69, 145, 168, 181, Massie 56, 57, 149 Mahaffey 183 182 Masson 88 Mahan 168, 170 McLendon 168 Masterson 181 Mahavier 102 McLennan 159 Y~thes 24, 88, 133 Mahew 156 McLeroy 14 . Mathieson 169 Mainis 180 McLerran 82 Mathina 121 Major(s) 23, 86, 88, McLeskey 100 McMahan 43, 85 110, 122, 123, 144 Mathis 50, 69, 77, 136' McMahon 35, 168 Malatesta 168 Matkocks 19 McMasters 146 Malcom 142 Matlock 135, 139 Malone 27, 31, 51, McMerivous 129 Matney 121 75, 76, 90, 92, McMillan (en) (in) 18, Mat(t)hew(s) 10, 33, 35, 79, 122, 124, 176, 179 44, 52, 76, 82, 88, 178, 179, 180 Maloney 168 125, 126, 147, 198 McMinn 66, 131 Ma10ny 62 Maulden 75 Ma10ry 77, 81 McMullen 120 Malpass 168 Mauny 34 McMullon 174 Maupin 33 McMurray 43, 87, 135, Ma1ugin 65 Maxey 28, 180 141 Ma1vaine 124 Maxwell 88, 124, 137, McMurry 19, 88, 141 Maneese 192 141, 145, 180, 186 McMurty 49 Mangrum 35, 146 May 19, 29, 35, 38, Manis 148 McNab 88 77, 83, 89, 122, McNabb 87, 88, 168 Manley 102, 108, 148 123, 136, 139, 189 McNalley 133 Manlove 71 Mayabb 198 McNally 141 Manly 91 . Mayberry 146, 147 Mann 149 McNeal 27, 75 Mayburn 136 Manning 14, 168 McNealy 100 Maydwell 169 Mansfield 52, 197 McNeeley 67, 88 Mayfield 69, 77, 79, Manson 87, 89 McNeely i8 80, 189 Manuel 79, 88 McNees 75 Mayho 86 McNeil IS, 53 Maples 192 Mayo 25, 43, 76, Marbury 84 McNeill 33 88, 144 McNeily 87 Mare 10 Maretka 102 Maz~ 40 McNulty 133 Meadows 110 Marker 188 McNutley 133 Means 87 Markham 98 McNutt 22,87, 88, 122, 141, 177, 178, 179, Marks 168, 169 Measell 30 Medley 192 Markum 98 181 Medlin 69 Marley 80, 81, 121, McPharland 120 Medlock 20, 67, 75, 177, '178 McPherron 122 121, 123, 178 McPherow 181 Marlor 80 Maroon 144 Meehan 168 McQuilly. 69 Meek(s) 77, 89, 100, Marraw 41 McQuiston 133 124, 132, 140, 144, Marrow 45, 84, 85 McRanalds 88 169, 178, 179 Marsh 77, 79, 80, McReynolds 177, 178 Meeker 63 104, 132, 133, McSmith 168 Melone 88 McSpedden 45 19~, 199 Melson 37 Marshall 43, 45, 48, McSwain 35 Me1tabarger 121 84, 90, 120, 123, McTeer 88 135, 163, 186, 187 Melton 28, 30, 39, McVay 197 McWhinney 23, 88 Martin 10, 19, 21, 22, 44, 85, 97 McWilliams 77 36, 37, 51, 63, 64, Me1ugen 64 65, 66, 67, 68, 84, Melugin 69 Maber(r)y 10, 33, 65, Meacisse 30 88, 91, 94, 99, 67, 69 108, 109, 113, 121, Menis 89 Mabry 41, 45, 85, 133 124, 126, 131, 133, Meniso 27 Mace 10, 79 135, 136, 144, 145, Menus 90 MacFarland 114 152, 156, 169, 176, Merady ·10, Mack 34, 35, 132 177, 178, 187, 193, Mercer 85 Mackey 155 194, 197 Merchartt 169 Mackilhany 39 Mereda 10 Martineau 145 Meredith 34, 47, 75, Mac(k)lin 37, 186 Ma-sh 133 Macon 76, 78, 92, 96, 191, 197 Mash 132, 140 137, 138, 184, 186 Merrifield 107, 154 Mashburn 78, 79 Mad(d)en 88, 135, 172 Mask 76 Merrill 169 Maddox 168, 196 Mason 3, 10, 46, 75, Merrit(~) 81, 94 Maderis 122 88. 91, 96, 177, Merriwether 60 Merryman 34, 35, 177 Madison 60 188 'Magevney 62, 119, 168 Massengill 50 Meshen 119 213 Metcalf 109 Mewborn 92, 137, 184 Meyers 81 Michael 135 Mickle ~89, 116, 169 Middleton 33, 35, 37, 38, 113, 119 Mikles 121, 122, 179, 180 Milegan 90 Miles 26, 89, 120 Mill 80 Millar 174 Miller 10, 19, 23, 24, 28, 31, 45, 65, 67, 75, 83, 86, 89, 92, 93, 100, 109, 110, 113, 120, 122, 132, 133, 137, 138, 140, 153, 169, 173, 175, 176, 178, 179, 181, 184, 185, 187, 188, 192, 194, 199 Milligan 23, 164 Mills 10, 19, 36, 57, 81, 96, 106, 120, 135, 160 Mi1saps 10 Miltabarger 181 Milton 19 Milum 67, 69 Milus 172 Mingee 180 Minger 124 Minis 89 Minnich 147 Minnis 22 Minor 120 Minter 78, 79 Minton 10, 78, 123 Minus 92 Mitchel 10, 37, 41, 76, 77, 88, 89 Mitchum 148 Mitchell 28, 30, 34, 36, 68, 75, 77, 80, 87, 88, 89, 99, 108, 120, 121, 123, 132, 134, 135, 136,. 138, 169, 178, 187 M---1s 134 Mobley 65 Mabry 177 Moffet 183 Moffitt 89, 120 Mohundro 77 Moles 10, 169 Monaghan 169 Moncrief 31, 47, 91, 92, 93 Mondy 120, 123, 177, 178, 179 Moneymaker 121 Monk 123 Monroe 169 Montague 33, 34, 35, 49, 91 Montgomery 21, 22, 23, 46, 50, 65, 67, 87, 88, 89, 110, 142, "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS 214 Montgomery (cont'd) 148, 177, 180, 200 Moody 10, 75, 84, 159, 193, Moon 41 Mooneyham 10 Moor 25, 41, 45 Moore 7, 21, 37, 38, 46, 47, 48, 49, 55, 63, 64, 66, 68, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 88, 89, 93, 96, 106, 113, 114, 120, 121, 124, 135, 145, 148, 149, 169, 172, 173, 177, 178 Mo(o)refie1d 89, 123, 177 Moorman 59, 76 Moors 93 Moppin 67 More 89, 143 Moreland 186, 187 Morey 184 Morford 44 Morgan 10, 29, 32, 34, 37, 43, 64, 81, 92, 97, 120, 121, 124, 169, 179, 189, 196, 200 Moriarty 169 Morin 169 Morphew 180, 181 Morrill 12 Morris 10, 34, 35, 36, 76, 78, 80, 83, 114, 121, 132, 135, 147, 149, 169, 170, 175, 188, 193 Morrison 13, 24, 25, 35, 38, 68, 69, 77, 78, 87, 89, 97, 135, 140, 142, 143, 144, 170, 171, 186 Morrow 31, 34, 35, 44, 49, 120, 121, 178, 181, 186 Morse 173 Mortin 109, 113, 172, 173 Morton 36, 38, 89, 170 Mose1(e)y 186, 190 Moser 36, 194 Moses 142 Mosier 181 Moss 76, 121, 135 Mosses 89 Motes 121 Moulden 124 Mowery 178 Mower 170 Moyer(s) 52, 121, 170 Moyston 170 Mucleroy 173 Muirheed 65 Mu1vaine 177 Mullanny 170 Mullenox 10 Mu11en(s) 181, 186 Mullikin 77, 78 Mullin 16, 75 Muncreef 93, 185 Muoborn 92 Murdock 52 Murdough 81 Murphee 65 Murph(e)y 19, 38, 43, 75, 76, 77, 88, 89, 123, 136, 170, 178, 179, 180, 181, 195, 198 Murphrey 67 Murray 19, 68, 77, 120, 124, 136, 170 Murrell 31, 77, 131, 133, 175 Mur(r)y 121, 123, 186 Muse 75 Musgrave 79, 149 Myatt 131 Myers 10, 47, 50, 72, 78 Mynatt 120, 121, 122, 124, 145, 179 Myrick 55, 77, 91, 183 Nabers 75, 80 Nail 178 Nailor 80 Na11 63, 66, 132 Nance 121, 133, 144, 178 Napier 10, 69, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136 Nash 46, 146 Nasworthy 136 Natty 178 Nave 121, 143 Naylor 80, 106 Nazor 58, 115, 165 Neal 40, 63, 64, 90, 92, 123, 137, 138, 142, 148, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189 Nealy 31, 188 Nearin 80 Nears 40 Neatheny 33 Needham 76, 78 Nee1 81 Nee1(1)y 66, 78, 178 Neff 121 Neighbours 80 Neil(l) 97, 138, 143, 145 Neilson 75 Neily 89 Nelson 86, 120, 122, 123, 131, 155, 170, 177, 178, 179, 180, 197 Nemon 89 Nesbitt 133, 136 Nester 120 Netherton 89, 164 Nevi11(e) 77, 133 New 76, 77, 78 Newbe1 77 Newbott 31 Newburn 35 Newcom 121 Newland 77 Newlon 116 Newman 55, 63, 120, 124, 136, 178, 179, 182 Newsom 77, 170 Newton 47 Niaman 21 Nich1eson 6 Nich1son 172 Nichodemas 121, 177, 181 Nic(h)ol 10, 78, 123, 179 Nicholas 65 Nichols 4, 7, 9, 36, 39, 48, 53, 58, 65, 115, 128, 135, 165 Nicholson 21, 75, 123, 181 Nickels 89 Nickerson 134 Nicks 65 Nix 67, 193 Nixon 63, 69, 78, 79 Noblet 174 Noff 123 No1(an)(in) 10, 134, 194 Nooner 197 Norman 10, 36, 109, 123, 131, 172, 190, 192 Norment 76 Norris 64, 80, 119, 135, 136, 170, 200 Nor~hcott 149 Northcross 79 Northern 81, 136 Norton 37, 49, 78, 80, 81, 170 Norvell 65 Norwood 88, 89 Nott 52, 122, 179 Nowicki 196 Nowlin 33, 68, 80 Nuckolls 75, 80 Numan 131 Nunley 34 Nunne1(1)ee 63, 66 Nunne1y 64 Nutty 17,8 Oakley 65, 133, 175, 192 Oaks 33, 34, 67, 78 Oatts 144 O'Bryan 100 O'Connor 89 O'Dell 47, 96, 179 Od1e 10, 149 Oer 89 Ogden 55, 192 Ogg 178 Oglesby 177, 180 O'Hearn 170 O'Kelly 172 Oldenburg 59 Oldham 170 01ds 28 Oliver 31, 65, 76, 79, 83, 96, 135, 149, 170 Ollis 199 O'Neal 95, 111, 170, 195 Onley 48 Ormand 86 Ormane 147 Orne 170 Orr 131, 185 Ortner 65 Osborne(Oysbourn) 111, 145 Osb(o)urn 80, 111, 121, 123 Osment 94 OsmU 90 Osteen 34, 37, 47 Oston 188 O'Sullivan 170 Oswell 75 Otten 195 Ousley 181 Outlaw 188 Overby 65, 139, 183 Overton 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 57, 64, 76, 81, 133, 153, 186 Owen(s) 10, 11, 41, 63-, 64, 65, 76, 77, 84, 85, 88, 92, 97, 98, 115, 120, 137, 139, 155, 168, 181, 183, 187, 188, 195 Owing(s) 133, 155 Oxendine 146, 147 Oxford 70 Oxsheer 82 Ozier 184 Ozment 81 Pace 63, 69, 81, 100 Pack 46, 132 Packet(t) 178, 179 Padget(t) 11, 74 Page 89 PaHey 191 Pain(e) 11, 42, 45 Pair 11 Paisley 191 Pak1ey 132 Palmer 22, 23, 26, 29, 90~ 129, 133, 137, 139, 170, 174, 179, 186, 188 Palmore 37 Pankey 78 Panther 140, 142 Paradise 71 Pardue 99 Pare 7'J Parham 18, 38, (cont'd) 215 Volume 27, 1980 ( Parham (cont'd) 63, 67, 86, 118, 120, 140, 181, 186 Park 46, 77, 79, 120 Parker 33, 50, 56, 64, 65, 75, 77, 80, 93, 98, 99, 120, 122, 123, 124. 131, 132, 139, 154, 171, 177, 178, 188, 195/6, 198 Park(e)s 6, 7, 19, 26, 33, 34, 68, 89, 93 Parkhill 89, 144 Parmar 76 Parret 136 Parris(h) 41, 68, 135, 13"6 Parrot 159, 194 Parsans 41 Pars1(e)y 37, 180 Parsons 146, 170, 177, 180 Parsy 36 Partee 170 Pa(r)tillo 170 Partlow 94, 189 Partrick 79 Pascha1(1) 127, 128, 135 Passmore 63 Passons 146 Passy 36 Pate 7, 19, 80, 122, 124, 140, 179 Patrick 36, 83 Patten (on) 31, 34, 44, 63, 69, 87, 100, 147, 199 Patterson 15, 45, 67, 78, 81, 89, 90, 115, 133, 135, 136, 137, 148, 155, 184 Pattison 185 Patty 18, 140 Pau124, 142 Paxton 120 Payne 23, 36, 38, 47, SO, 135, 142, 144, ISO, 179, 180 Peak 80 Pealer 33 Peance 34 Pearce 21, 34, 40, 82, 140, 144, 147 Pearson 186 Peck 46, 78, 131 170 Peden 26, 188 Pedigo 178, 180 Pee1(e) 133, 147 Peeler 65, 69 Peery 63, 65, 69 Pe(e)vyhouse II, 36 Pegg 120 Pegram 75 Peign 36 Pellitt 139 Pemberton 76 Pence 75, 148 feDdergras(s)(t) 6~, 74, 132 Pendland 120 Pendleton 54 Pengra11 (Pengree) 170 Penn 26, 182 Pennegar 131 Pennell 140 Pennington 78, 114 Pennycoff 11 Penter 140 Peoples 173 Peppard 55 Pepper 84, 85 Perigen 136 Perkapile 177 Perkins 41, 44, 48, 63 65, 66, 67. 76. 78. 113, 115, 137, 173, 175, 186 Pernon 188 Perrett 64 Perrin 5, 6, 56 Perry 3, 17. 66, 78, 120, 122, 123, 132, 174, 179, 180, 182, 188 Person 14, 76 Petera 75, 76, 120, 178 Peterson 46, 140, 155, 193, 197 Petigrew 77 Petracek 104 Petre 178 Pettit 99 Petty II, 66, 131, 133 Pew 179 Peyton 34, 189 Phe(a)gan 43, 44 Phelan 170 Phe1(i)ps 21, III Phelts 120 Phi1ips.35, 63, 67, 75, 76, 77, 111, Philley 80 Phillips II, 38, 66, 96, 102, 135, 140, 141, 142, 151, 165, 185, 197 Phi1pot(t) 45, 138 Phipps 121, 132 Phipsi 69 Piatt 123 Pibas 75 Pickard 69, 99 Pickens 3, 23, 89, 185, 188, 194 Pickes 185 Pickett 34, 100, 120, 150, 186, 189 Pickin(s) 29, 139 Pickle 122, 124, 179 Pierce 37, 62, 77, 78, 80, 147, 193 Pierson 130 Pigg 38 Pigott 123 Pi1e(s) II, 81, 130 Pilkenton 181 Pilot 124 Pin(c)kley 199 Pinexo 140 Pinkett 186 PinkstoQ 148, 192 Pinno 140 Pipkin 77, 79, 81 Pitman 21, ISO, 188 Pitner 158 Pitt(s) 35, 57, 72 Pittman 90 Plott 47 P1umlie 122, 178, 180, 182 Plummer 69, 140 Plunkett 199 Poag 36 Poe 175, 176 Pogue 11 Poindexter BO, 81 Poin(t)er 78, 105, 136 Poland 140 Polk 63, 75, 78, 80, 93, 145, 183, 184, 185, 186, 188, 189 Pollack 39 Pollard 196 Pollen 140 Poller 66 Ponder 66 Poo1(e) II, 42, 78, 131 Poore 11, 63 Pope 22, 34, 68, 196 Popejoy 195 Poplin 69 Porter 7, 12, 22, 44, 79, 80, 87, 89, 114, 129, 132, 135, 140, 180, 193 Porterfield 180, 182 Portis 75, 79, 178, 200 Pos(s)ey 86, 109. 141 Poston 180 Poteet 146 Potter 95, 180 Potts 39, 75, 124, 131 135, 183, 184, 188 Pougue 11 Pounds 74 Powe1(1) 33, 34, 35, 38, 41, 42, 79, 81, 108, 123, 140, 171, 184, 190 Power 76 Prater 33, 198 Pratt 35, 180, 181 Prendergast 193 Prescot 79 Presley 188 Preston 176 Prewit(t) 34, 48 Price II, 24, 76, 77, 121, 123, 124, 126, 147, 159, 172, 179, 181, 189 Pride 86, 100, 141 Pridemore 200 Priel" 175 Priest 77 Prigmore 200 Primm 65 Prince ISO, 200 P(r)isto1(e) 63, 193 Pritchard 7, II, 38 Prock 11 Propes 179 Pruden 29, 30 Pruet(t) 48, 75, 78, 80. 191, t94, 198 Pryer (or) 31, 72. 76, 120, 122, 149, 180, 191 Pucket(t) 78, 92, 132, 136, 186, 188 Pue 22 Pugh 34, 64, 65, 76, 80, 81, 122, 184 Pullen 93, 132, 133 Pu11iam(s) 31, 100, 139, 183, 187, 194 195 Pulling 107, 153 Pullum 76, 92 Pully 35, 39 Purcell 7 Purdam 41 Purkins 42 Purtle 76, 77, 81 Pyeatt 16 Pyros 180 Qualls 124, 146 Quesenberry 110 Quillin 68 Raby 122, 123, 177 Radford 123 Raga 133 Ragan 29, 50, 78, 135, 136, 140 Ragon 80 Ragsdale 35, 63, 162 Raguzin 193 Raiford 188 Rainbolt 48 Rainer 77 Rains 78, 79, 179 Rams(a)y 36, 37, 65, 98, 120, 122 Ramsey 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 69, 75, 98, 120, 122, 177, 194 Randolph 43, 44, 130, 149 Raney 79 Rankin 22, 23, 77, 79, 140, 143 Ransbarger 23 Ransom 120 Rape 134 Raper 20 Rapoport 106, 154 Rapworth 134 Rasberry 34 Rassell 169 Rasser 140 Ratliff 63 Raulston 198 "ANSEARCHIN' "NEWS 216 Rawhoff 122 Rich 11 Rawlings 167 Richards 73, 103 Ray 78, 80, 120, 140 Richardson 3, 9, 11, 147 12, 47, 67, 75, Rayad.n 165 130, 132, 133, 140, Rayb(o)urn(e) 37, 110 141, 148, 165 Rayfield 192 Ric,hey 140, 143 Reace 140 Richman 140, 156 Richmond 91, 120, 193 Read 11, 22, 145 Reagan 11, 21, 89, 121 Ricketts 123 122, 140, 180, 193 Rickey 29 Reardon 165 Riddell 170 Rease 63 Riddle 71, 78, 198 Reas(i)oner 72 Ridens 7 Reasonover 71 Rider 19 Reaves 52, 65, 67, 69, Ridings 130 133, 192, 193 Ridley 198 Reavis 98 ** Right 11, 68 Reddick 3, 81 Rigney 11 Reddin(g) 66, 131 Rigsby 191 Reddish 99 Riley 11, 33 Redford 62 Rillllller 95 Redmon(d) 11, 76, 140, Rinehart 35 198, 199 Rion 145 Ripp(e)y 199 Redus 51 Reece 68 Rippi 199 Reed(e) 36, 37, 38, 44 Ris(n)er 38, 192 45, 48, 94, 111, Ritchey 76 121, 123, 124, 126, Riter 134 127, 141, 157, 158, Rivers 111 159, 176, 179, 180, Rives 33, 34 195 Roach 35, 37, 121, 140 Reeder 86, 124 Roads 23, 24 Reener 147 Roady 46 Reese 140 Roak 137, 138, 187 Reeve 8 Roane 141 Reeves 35, 76, 79, 175, Roark 26, 146, 185 188 Robb 77, 80 Rob(b)inett 36, 144 Reevs 36, 37 Regan 19, 114 Robbins 11 Reger 98 Robenett(e) 140, 141 Reid 21, 110 Robenson 33, 177 Reiter 165 Roberds 35 Remerton 140, 145 Roberson 110 Robert(s) 13, 24, 39, Remington 141 Renfro(w) 35, 69, 122, 65, 68, 75, 76, 79, 192 93, 110, 112, 120, Reno 11 121, 123, 133,140, Renshaw 148, 197 146, 159, 177, 178, Reves 26, 28, 91, 137,179, 191, 196, 200 138, 184, 186 Robertson 13, 27, 29, Reville 197 75, 77, 79, 80, 81, Rewby 66 83, 86, 89, 91, 92, Reynolds 11, 24, 42, ' 95, 101, 114, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 44, 75, 77, 79, 84, 85, 121, 123, 127, 138, 140, 163, 171, 183, 186, 187, 191, 128, 135, 136, 140, 178, 197 , 198 Rhea(s) 21, 22, 27, 30, Robeson 38 33, 36, 43, 77, 140, Robins 37, 97, 109 Robinson 24, 33, 109, 179, 180, 184, 195 Rheman 98 123, 136, 140, 147, Rhoades 145 170, 177 Rhodes 23, 69, 78, 79, Robley 78 90, 121, 123, 137, Rob(o)nett 35, 36 139, 178, 185, 187, Robsin 28 196 Roby 177 Rhody 178, 180 Rocco 115 Ro.che11 63 Rhyne 140 , 'Rice:3~, 94., 120, 121, Rod (d)y 20, 122, 142, 13~, ''i:S5,170, 196 ..143 **Rlgga 92,183'~'186,187 Roden 34 Rodgers 9, 11, 40, 44, 66, 142, 143, 195 Rodis 11 Rogers 21, 24, 28, 32, 34, 49, 77, 78, 79, 80, 86,,92, 120, , 134, 136, 141, 142, 177, 179, 195 RoHnson 110 Rolland 180 Rollin 177 Rook(e) 79, 80, 81 Rooker 20, 86, 134, 140 Roork 141 Roper 33, 75, 76, 141 Rose 34, 35, 36, 75, 77 79, ~33, 153, 177, 179 Roseborough 47 Rosecrans 155 Ross 29, 33, 34, 35, 37 45, 7~~ 135, 141, 143, 181 Rossan 77 Rosse(s' 42, 120 Rossen (in) 67 Rosser 166 Rosson (om) 77, 88 Roster 197 Rothwell 101, 155 Roulston 144 Rouse 141 Routh 141 Rowan 24, 40, 54, 86, 151 Rowark 80 Rowe 177 Rowland 47, 68, 81, 155, 164 Roy 55 Roy(a)lston 121, 124 Royster 61, 62, 65,166 Rucker 75, 76, 78, 100 112, 141 Rudd 86 Rudder 121, 123, 139, 177 Ruddle 78 Ruff 199 Ruffen 93 Ruffin 81, 137, 153, 168, 187 Rule 11, 180 Run(n)e1s 113 Runnils 143 Runnion 149 Ruple 11 Rush 20, 141 Rushing 148 Russ 38 Russeau 34 Russe1(1) 19, 20, 31, 35, 64, 65, 68, 75, 78, 87, 89, 111, 134, 135, 141, 173, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 190, 197, 198 Russey 75, 76 Ruth 34, 1Sl Rutherford 75, 77, 120, 121, 122, 124, 181, 182 Rutherman 151 Rutledge 131 Rutter 115 Ryals 98 Ryan 117 Ryars 62 Rye 133, 136 Ryen 141 Ryon 180 Sad(d)ler 94, 99 Sailphen 85 Sain 78 Sainsing 134 Saint 194 St.Jo1)n 105 Sa1e(s) 27, 91, 93, 169, 195 Salle 156 Salling 152 Salmond 68 Sa1omons 181 Sallllllons 77 ,152 Samp1e(s) 89, 121, 141 Samuel 100 Sand(s) 29, 38, 121 Sanderfer 29 Sanders 14, 46, 73, 77 97, 138, 194, 178 Sanderson 132 Sandifer 90 Sandridge 176 Sandusky 149 Sanford 34, 130 Sappington 142 Sarge(a)nt 110, 111, 175 Sarles 199 Sarrett 79 Sas(s)er 78, 79 Satterfield 38, 39, 63 64, 67 Satterwhite 113 Sauceman 99 Saunders 88, 97, 120, 133 Savage 6, 65, 80, 96 Sawye(o)rs35, 121, 142 Sayner 78 Scantling 109 Scates 121 Sceife 41 Schade 156 Schmidttou 136 Schooler 11 Schoolfield 178 Schrader 59 Schrimaheer 141 Schupp 71 Schwind1ton 135 Seisco 68 Seiva11y 99 Scob(e)y 7, 200 Scofield 170 Scoggins 80 Scott 27, 33, 34, 35, (cont'd) 217 Volume 27 1980 ( Scott (cont'd) 36, 39, 41, 48, 50, 67, 69, 75, 76, 77, 78, 83, 89, 110, 120, 122, 123, 136, 141, lSI, 177, 178, 180, 181, 187, 192 Scripshir 143 Scroggins 34 Scroggs 141 Scudder 60 Scruggs 93, 197, 198 Seabolt 120 Seaholm 47 Seal 174 Sears 135 Seat 12 Seaton 36, 37, 76, 122, 150, 194 Seay 120 Sebastian 63 Sedberry 129 See ,145 Seemore 66 Seider 98 Selby 39 Self 3, 136 Sel1ars 48, 79 Sellers 35, 69, 78, 79, 132 Selva 11 Selvey 11 Sensing 135 Sepington 134 Seratt 34 Service 127 Seton 138 Seward 26 Sewe1(1) 175, 176 Sexton 75, 78, 141 Seymour 82 Shackleford 77 Shaddin 141 Shadick 135 Shahan 141 Shamblin 141 Shanerberry 121 178 Shankle IS, 109 Shanklin 141 Shapley 75 Sharp(e) 21, 38, 69,71, 77, 78, 121/2, 123, 124, 126, 141, 147, 179 Shaveours 66 Shaver 55, 95, 178, 179 Shaw 23, 26, 27, 33, 39, 52, 74, 75, 77, 79, 80, 82, 91, 132, 137, 165, 186, 188, 193, 197, 200 Shearon 131 Sheets 78 Shegog 67 Shelby 47, 64 Shell 41, 123, 181 Shel1y 124 Shelter 134 Shelton II, 68, 75, 95, 100, 135, 141, 143, 146, 179, 191 Sheppard 41, 43, 84, 195 Shep(p)erd 33, 46, 69 75, 76, 84, 179 Sherrall 88 Sherrertz(s) 120, 178 179, 180 Sherrod 123, 124, 177 Shields 40, 45, 120, 141, 144 Shier(s) 82, 114 Shiffer 176 Shillers 135 Shilling 77 Shils 144 Shinault 76, 90, 137 Shihn 133 Shinpl;:>ck 177 Ship(e) 120, 124, 178 Shipley 159 Shipmon 37, 38 Shipp 63 Shipper 69 Shivers 75 Shoemake(r) 33, 36, 95 Shofer' 79 Shook 22, 141, 144, 179, 198 Shoke(s) 11, 76 Short 33, 77, 80 Shortridge 11 Shouse 63, 67 Shribner 38 Shrinfe 122 Sh,ropshire 111 Shuan 136 Shugart 21 Shull 36, 37 Shutter1y 122, 179 Siad1e 26 Sidda1es 184 Siddle 183, 184, 186 Siders 98 Sides 52 Siegle 126 Sigler 4, 53, 104, 147, 153 Signer 35 Silar 175 Sills 80 Silman (Silmon) 110 Silvertooth 50 Simens 134 Simmons 25, 35, 38, 63, 76, 80, 88, 92, 129, 135, 149, 184, 188 Simms 35, 68, 141, 149 184 Simons II, 12, 87, 141 147, 191 Simpson II, 12, 32, 42, 79, 80, 86, 98, 141, 144, 147, 178, 179, 180, 182, 191 Sims 37, 84, 95, 98, 100, 149, 187 Sinclair 193 Sinc1eer 36, 37 Singleton II, 21, 77, 88, 141 Sinks 134 Sinyard 39 Sipe 47 Sisk 37, 121, 175 Sivel1y 112 Sizemore 131, 199 Skaggs 121, 122, 124, 179, 181 Skates 177 Skinner 76, 148 Skipper 65, 195 Slagle 12~ Slaltace 141 Slater 180 Slaughter 183, 187 Slave 178 Slaven 11 Slayden 133, 136 Sloan(e) 19, 20, 21, 35, 86, 87, 89, 101 135, 141, 142, 193 Slone 81 Slova 12 Slover 191 Sly 155 Smally 75 Smart(t) 21, 40, 42, 45, 85, 124 Smedley 178 Smith 6, 11, 12, 14, 22, 31, 33, 35, 37, 38, 40, 46, 52, 65, 66, 68, 69, 75, 76, 77~. 78. 79~ 80,.82, 83, 90, 92, 99, 103, 104, 106, 108, 109, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 142, 149, 155, 164, 168, 174, 175, 177, 178,.t79, 180, 181, 182, 184, 185, 187, 194, 197, 198, 199 Smithe 122 Smoot 64, 65 Snarer (Snover) 60 Snead 146 Sneed 33, 75, 188, 191 Sne11grovs 38 Snider 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 88, 89, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144 Snoddy 99, 180 Snodgrass 35, 146 Snow 44 Snowden 36 Snyder 147 Soap(es) 109, 139 Solmon(s) 121, 178 Somers 78 Somervell 76 Somerville 138 Somonvil1e 27 Sopher 123 Sory 199 Sossamon 99 South 37 Southerland 3D, 34, 133 Soward 121, 122 Sowell 63 Spangler 180 Spark 67 Spark(e)s 66, 67, 80, 83, 130 Sparkman 82 Spates 79 Spaulding 200 Spear(s) 34, 66, 67, 75, 76, 92 Speight 127, 128, 134 Spence 67, 93, 132, 137, 191, 197, 200 Spencer 12, 14, 33, 50, 63, 93, 132, 136 Speor 33 Sperling 80 Sperry 7 Spice(r) 30, 133 Spier 93 Spilman 142 Spivy 121 Spragan 142 Spra1dling 64 Spurling 11, 78 Spurlock 38 Spyke(r) (s) 110. Ill, 112 Squire 11 Stacks 120 Stacy 75 Stafford II, 48, 146 Staggs 34, 35, 36 Stag1e 121 Stallings 78 Standback 184 Stand1(e)y 79, 113 Standridge 11 Stanfield 35, 37, 66, 196 Stanfill 63 Stanford 150 Stan1(a)y lID, 174 Stanley 51, 59, 100, 122, 123, 172, 178, 181 Stanphill 196 Stansbury 179, 181, 182 Stanton 150 Staples 174 Stares 66 Stark(e)y 44, 122 Starling 16 Starmer 123 Starnes 83, 174 Starr 121, 142 Staten 76 Stavean 86 Stayton 69 Steavenson 192 Steed 42 Stee1(e) 33, 66, 87, 133, 134, 137, 177, 186, 188 "ANSEARCHIN'''NEWS 218 Steffey 60 Stegall 27, 188 Stegar (er) 28, 91, 188 Stegault 28 Steinwager 166 Stem 139 Stennet 180 Step 135 Stephen(s) 2, 11, 25, 75, 79, 80, 84, 110, 120, 134, 142, 144, 191 Stephe(n)son 2, 18, 42, 80, 122, 142 Sterling 20, 179, 181 Sterrett 93 Stevens 2, 191 Stevenson 2, 150 Steward 31, 137 Stewart 29, 46, 65, 67, 76, 77, 78, 110, 114, 122, 127, 135, 137, 142, 147, 148, 152, 172, 180, 188, 196 Stigall 96, 142, 198 Stiger 186 Stiles 82, 85 Stillwell 4 Stinnett 180 Stinson 11, 55, 75 Stinn 98 Stirling 55 Stites 85 Stitts 64, 65 Stocks 135 Stockton 77, 142 Stofle 179 Stokes 43, 189 Stokey 133 Stone 11, 20, 66, 77, 78~ 88, 120, 132, 139, 142, 149 162, 163, 195 Sto(i)necypher 48 Story 11 Stothart 133 Stout 37, 124 Stoval(l) 78, 113 Stoveall 34 Stowe 34 Stowell 148 Straighan 63 Strain 20 Strange 61 Straugh(a)n 33, 76 Street 33, 135, 136 Stricklan(d) 37, 104, 154 Stricklin 34, 36, 81 Stringer 193 Strode 197 Strong 113, 133, 192 Stroud 36, 44, 95, 150 Struker 33 Stuard 89 Stu~~t 87, 132, 134, 142 Stubblefield 35, 42 ...S·tu4durt 68 Stults (z) 38 Stump 131 Suddath 148 Sugarts 177 Sugg(s) 7, 66, 135 Sullins 149, 192,199 Sullivan 7, 40, 41, 132, 139, 178 Sul(l)ivant 30, 92, 183, 185, 187 Summers 83, 180, 187 Sumner(s) 137, 138, 179, 199 Sumpter 122, 182 Sumur 29 Suo1e 113 Surratt 36 Sutherland 35 Sutphen 85 Sutton 11, 39, 130 Swadley 182 Swafford 196 Swaggerty 179 Swam 177 Swan(n) 108, 120, 122, 177 Swanger 142 Swearingen 144 Sweete(o)n 75, 80, 110 Swift 11, 135 Swindle 81 Swing 156 Swisher 114, 133 Swoord 124 Swope 11 Syler 175 Tacket(t) 11, 37, 79 Tagart 76 Tagg 19 Tague 29 Talbert 19 Talbot 52 Tallent 122, 142, 192 Ta11(e)y 14, 37, 48, 52, 68, 110, 111, 119 Ta1lint 121 Tankers1(e)y 97, 196 Tann 27 Tanna(i)hi11 65, 195 Tanner 27, 28, 171 Tapley 95 Tappan 14 Tarkington 64, 198 Tarpley 95 Tarrant 7, 69, 113 Tarver 76, 121, 182 Tarwater 124, 171, 180, 181 TaEs 180 Tat~ 33, 47; 67, 78,81 118, 131, 133. 142 Tatom 64, 65, 131, 133, 136 Tatum 31, 34, 35, 65, 66, 92, 137, 139, 188 Taw1es 45 Tayler 184 Tay10~ 8, 11, 14, 15, 24~ 26, 27. 33, 40. 75. 76. 77, 79, 81, 89. 91, 92, 100, 121. 122. 123. 132, , 134, 136, 139, 140. 142. 156, 175, 179. 183. 187. 188 Teague 27, 79. 81. 98, 142 Teat 63. 67 Tedford 20, 23, 46. 68, 77, 141, 142 Tedrow 11 Teefete11er 142 Tellery 179 Tellio 11 Temple 35, 65, 122, 179 Templeton 76, 114 Tep1er 78 Terrell 70 Terry 31, 77, 80. 81, 131, 142 Tharo 86 Tharp(e) 28. 30. 86, 93. 142, 185. 188 Thatcher 120 Thetford 131 Thomas 19, 29, 33. 35, 52, 78, 79, 97, 109 120, 123. 132, 136, 142, 146, 167, 184, 188, 189, 191, 198 Thom(a)son 83, 181 Thomison 35 Thompson 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27. 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 45, 50, 65, 67, 69. 77, 78, 79. 80, 81, 84, 89, 97, 98, 120. 121, 122, 124, 132, 133, 136, 142, 143, 144. 146. 148, 172, ~77, 178, 179. 183, 187. 189. 190 .191, 192, 197 Thorington 192 Thorn 136 ThQrnhill 144 Thornton 38, 66, 69, 77, 80, 149. 183 Thorp 14. 34, 35 Throgmorton 34, 114 Thronburgh 192 Thurman 75. 142, 195 Thurmon(d) 11. 75, 99 Thweatt 93 Tidwell 33, 65, 66, 92. 97, 132. 183, 187 Tierny 118 Tigue 71 TUby 35 Tiller 26, 92 Tillery 123, 178. 199 Ti11(e)y 37, 38. 109 Ti1(1)man 90~ 195 Tilmon 79 Timberman 142, 143 Timmerman 143 Timms 136 Tinch 11 Tindal 181 Tindel 20 Tines 81 Tinker 124, 178 Tinley 120 Tinnow 131 Tinsley 129 Tipler 77 Tippet 88, 143 Tipton 11, 124, 140, 143, 180, 186, 195, 198 Tisdale 77 Titlow 120, 182 Titus 169, 182 Toa1ston 178 Todd 75. 76, 110, 148 Toler 135 Tolle 69 To1(1)er 135. 136 Tolley 134 Tomlin 55 Tomlinson 35 Toney 175 Tool 144 Toon 81 Torbet(it) 21. 142 Totty 63. 64, 67 Townsend 111, 155 Townsley 142 Trabue 156 Tracher 11 Trail 11, 160 Trainer 138 !Tantham 64 Thrasher 11 Trautwine 120 Travis 11, 173 Traynor 76, 78 !Teherne 51 Trench 11 !Tent 148 Trias 143 Tribble 44 Trice 17,114, 126 Trigg 120, 178 Trimble 24, 86, 89, 140, 143 Trinum 190 Trippet 23, 141,177 Trotten 183 !Totter 28, 29, 93. 100. 135, 137, 179, 198 !Tout 121. 178 Truett 64 Trull 34 !Tus1ow 120 Tubb(s) 41. 42, 67, 135, 143, 150. 173 219 Volume 27, 1980 c Tuck 143 Tucker 33, 34, 36, 38, 64, 68, 86 , 91, 132, 138, 143, 150 178, 181, 183, 184, 188, 197 Tull 77 Tu11o(u)ch 24, 141 Tully III Tu\tllllins 177 Tune 81 Turk 18, 142, 144 Turley 178 Turman 65 Turnage 36 Turnbough 33, 34, 35 Turner 11, 26, 35, 47, 55, 67, 76, 79, 83, 115, 135, 136, 137, 144, 145, 150, 178, 183, 187, 191, 195 Turney 174, 175, 194, 197 Turni 136 Turnmyer 50 Twil1y 65 Ty(l)er 63, 64, 134 Tynda1 123, 178, 181 Tyree 177, 178, 192 Tyson 82, 83 Tyur 34 Tyus 1 Umph(r)ey 92, 180 Underhill 64 Underwood 124, 136, 177, 179 Upchurch 11 Upshaw 142 Upton 19, 81, 87, 143 Urq(u)hart 183 Usery 46 Usher 76 Ussa(e)ry 75, 78 Utter 25, 143 Vaden 77, 194 Vague 146 Vail 55 Vales 75, 81 Vance 143, 177, 178, 194 Vandeever 63 VanDervoort 156 Vandervur 35 Vandivur 36 VanDusen 108 Vandygriff 80 Vanecek 85 Vanhook 136 VanHoozer 11, 147 Vah1andingham 66 VanMeter 156 Vann 141, 143 VanocM 117 Vanpelt 20, III Van (d) sandt 36 Vansett 20 Vantier 135 Vanties 134 VanZandt 72, 112. 113 Varner 180 Vaugh(a)n 65, 80, 184, 198 Vaught 20, 21, 23, 25, 88, 89, 143, 144 Vaun 89 Vaut 20, 23, 143 Venable 69 Venters 132 Vernon 76, 81 Vestal 96, 129 Vicars 87 Vice 33 Vickers 79, 87, 134 Vickory 68 Vick(s) 74, 134 Vincent 40, 75, 80, 97, 134, 142, 149 Vineyard 180 Vinsen(on) 110, 147 Vizee 134 Vo1untine 136 VonFaustner 192 Voorhies 39 Vorkoeper 125 Voss 15 Vowell 66 Waddle 121, 122 Wade 20, 25,63, 69, 81, 136, 143, 144, 149, 199 Wadkins 131 Wadley 66 Wad1y 67 Wag(g)oner 3, 147, 176, 180 Waid 143 Wain 135 Wainwright 184 Wakefield 98 Walden 75, 77, 89 Waldran 166 Wa1dri(o)p 12, 37 Walker 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 46, 47, 63, 64, 66, 67, 77, 88, 89, 110, 121, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 131, 133, 134, 135, 136, 140, 141, 143, 146, 150, 156, 175, 177, 179, 180, 184, 187, 193, 197, 200 Walkers 31 Wall 36, 91, 92, 135, 137, 139, 178, 183, 186, ·187, 188 Wallace 12, 18, 23, 25, 38, 50, 87, 89, 95, 99, 104, 111, 120, 121, 122, 135, 141, 142, 143, 178 Waller 3, 81, 94, 138, 183, 188 Wallin 31 Wallis 38, 41 Walsh 138 Wa1ter(s) 124, 134 Walther 145 Walton 29, 57, 80 Wammack 79 Wampler 3 Ward 12, 13, 80, 105, 119, 134, 179, 184 Wardlowe 60 Ware 14 Warmack 192 Warner 34 Warren 22, 26, 35, 36, 63, 64, 67, 68. 69, 77, 79, 80, 81, 89, 90, 123, 129, 137, 142, 148, 151, 153, 166, 181, 183, 195 Warrick 95, 122, 150, 178, 181 Warrington 34 Warsham 120 Warwick 179 Wash 91 Washburn 49, 143 Washham 33 Washington 57, 76 Wassham 89 Wasson 170 Wasum 31 Wate 134 Waters 124, 134, 140, 198 Watkins 38, 43, 94, 137, 139, 178, 185, 187, 188, 189 Watlington 122 Watson 68, 75, 77, 120, 135, 143, 144, 177, 190, 194 Watt(s) 90, 179, 180 Wattenberger 180 Watters 16, 17 Watwood 196 Waugh 18, 21, 22, 87, 88, 134, 141, 142, 143, 144 Waynatt 191 Weakley 134 Wealthy 193 Wear 18, 143, 144, 179 Weathers 46, 144 Weather(s)by 12, 103 Weatherspoon 67 Weaver 80, 89, 121, 122, 123, 178, 181 Webb 12, 13, 14, 29, 43, 67, 69, 70, 76, 77, 80, 93, 120, 123, 125, 144, 146, ~50, 160, 193, 195 Webber 122 Webster 76. 121. 124 Weddington 174 Weekley 197 ".Jeems 65 Weese 122 Weir 19, 21, 22, 44, 83. 140. 141. 142. Weir (cont'd) 143. 144, 181 We1burn 144 Welch 35. 37, 38. 65. 78, 79 Welding 96 Weldon 48, 87 We1(1)s 12, 13. 28. 42. 75, 76, 77. 78. 83, 89, 122, 123. 134, 179, 180, 181, 182, 186, 193 Wendish 52 Wengty 188 Were 84 Wesins 31 Wesson 31 West 12. 15, 18, 26, 27, 33, 34. 40, 61, 75, 84 , 86, 90, 131, 136. 137, 140. 171, 189. 196, 200 Westbrook(s) 63, 78, 79, 172 Westerfield 124 Westerley 69 Westmoreland 11, 12. 35. 38. 138 Westover 25 Weters 140 Wetherford 37 Wetherspoon 144 Whaley 98 Wharey 70 Wheat 63, 64, 69 Wheatley 132 Wheeler 144, 169, 180 Wherry 67 Whit(e)aker 48, 191 Whitbey 79 White 20, 24, 26, 27. 29. 35, 37, 63. 65, 66. 76, 77, 78. 109, 120, 121, 122, 124, 132. 134, 136. 141, 142, 144, 146, 150. 155, 177. 178. 179, 180, 181, 183. 193, 196 Whitehead 11, 12, 136, 179 Whitehorn 77 Whitemore 29, 92 Whitenbarger 23, 143 Whiteside 68, 69 Whitfield 65 Whitford 81 Whitley 34, 55. 154, 159. 197 Whitmore 28. 75. 91, 186 Whitney 40 Whitsett 168 Whitson 30. 63 Whittaker 31 Whitten 29, 31, 75, 92, 150. 183. 185, 187 Whittenbarger 87 Whittenberger 20. 140, 141, 144 "ANSEARCHIN' "NEWS 220 Wilson (cont'd) 29. Whittington 98 Whitton 38. 83 30. 33. 35, 36. 40. Whittson 34 42. 43, 46. 50. 55, 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. Whitwell 68. 131 Whorton 36 78. 80. 82. 87. 96. Wickersham 95 98, 117. 122. 126. Widdcombe 167 128. 129, 134. 137, 139. 140. 144. ISO, Wid(e)ner 77. 179 Wier 143 lSI, 173. 177. 179, Wiggins 20, 80. 144, 180. 181. 184, 185. 186 186. 188 Wiltse 155 Wi1b(o)urn 3. 67, 75 Wilcher 45 Wimberlee 142 Wimberly 109 Wilcox 4, 68. 86 Winchester 36. 49, 165 Wilder 33 Wines 141 Wiles 178 Winfield 26, 27, 29, Wiley 26, 78, 79, 92, 137, 138, 139, 146. 197 Wilfong 139 185, 186, 187 Wilhite 179 Winfree 191 Winfrey 92, 138, 184 Wilie 38 Wilkerson 47, 177. 181 Wingate 78 Winningham 12 Wilkes 4. 77. 93 Winn(s) 33, 66, 120. Wilkins 27. 33. 61. 67. 93, lOS, 134. 139. 137 Winston 31. 183, 185, 119, 184. 185 198 Wilkinson 20. 72. 75. Winters 170 76. 78. 109. 112. Wise 84 116. 144, 172. 173, 189 Wiseman 99. 144 Wisener 129 Wilks 35, 64, 77 Wissen 90 Willard 78 Witcher 82, 89, 140 Willbanks 35, 37 Witherspoon 33, 119, Willett 33 129 Willey 133. 134. 136 Withrow 40 Wi1lfon~ 124 Williams 7, II, 19. 21. Witt 177 Wo::.tham 91 23, 26, 27, 29. 30. Wofford 64 33, 35, 36. 40. 42. 44, 46. 51, 55, 63, Wo1f(e) 34. 37. 160 Wolfenberger 123 65. 67. 68, 70. 75. Wo1(1)um 192 76. 77. 78. 79, 80. 92. 94. 97, 102, Womble 137.186. 187 Wood 12, 75. 76, 78, 103, 110, 113, 120. 89, 101. 122, 123, 122, 124. 134. 136. 134, 139. ISO, 176, 137. 138, 139. 144. ISS, 157. 163, 171. 179. 181, 183 Woodall 196 173. 174. 176. 178. Woodard 39. 57, 144 180. 181. 184. 185. Woodburn 151 186. 187. 191, 192 Woodcock 46 Williamson 7. 18. 19, Wooddy 144 20, 21. 24, 26, 27. Wooden 144 28. 29. 37. 87. 88. Woodfin 188 92, 103, 116. 137, Woodfork 36 138. 139, 140. 141. Woodham 50 143. 184. 185, 186. Woodley 43 194. 196 Woods 3, 23. 42, 46, Willie 133 Williford 100 76. 90. 110. 112, Willis 70. 87, 99. 113. 114, 121. 123. 144, 176, 179. 193 120. 131. 132, 135, Woodson 188 144, 146. 162. 176 Woody 34. 37, 87, 144 Willmore 65 Woolard 68 Willoby 180 Woo1drid~e 58 Wi1(1)oughby 77. 80 Woo1(e)y 37, 147 Wills 29. 93, 135. Woolridge 156 137. 139, 185 Willy 64 Woos(l)ey 12, 46 Wooton 38 Wllman 118 -Wilson 4. 12, 23. 24. Woot(t)en 42, 45. 97. Woot(t)en (cont'd) 195 Word 28. 150 Worley 4, 65, 78 Wormack 144 Worrell 77 Worsham 12, 144 Wortham 26, 31, 183 Worthen 35 Wray 31, 65, 77 Wright 12, 28, 31, 34, 46. 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69. 86, 91, 120, 122, 124, 125, 132, 137, 138, ISO, 153. 167, 180, 182. 191, 199 Wrinkle 179 Wroe 48, 49, 177 Wroten 127' Wyatt 49, 93, 110, 121, 139. 183 Wy1(e)y 24 Wynne 78. 162 Yancey 12, 19. 75, 145 Yancy 19. 26. 28, 29, 137 Yangs 30 Yarbrough 80, 81, 91, 99. 148, 192 Yardley 120 Yarnell 121. 123 Yas--- 80 Yates 37, 74, 100. 132, 150 Yeager 195 Yearout 144, 179 Yeats 33 Yopp 79 York 12. 40, 42, 43, 121, 122 Yorker 122 Young 7, 12, 20, 23, 31. 35, 36. 38, 47, 57. 64, 73, 77. 79, 80, 83, 93, 109, 122, 123, 136, 144, • 149, 175, 188. 190, 191 Youngblood 37, 120 Younger 108 Y(o)unt 86. 144 Zachariah 34 Zachary 12 Zackery 121 Zatopec 199 Zeigler 108 Zervic 200 Zier 184 Zimmerlee 71 Zollicoffer 65 Zweifel 169 . . . . ANNOUNCING REGIONAL CONFERENCE BY THE NATIO~AL GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY NATIONAL GEORGIA FI~ST GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY ATLANTA 7-9 .MAY 1981 GENEALOGICAl. SOCI ETY You arecol"~fal1y1nv1t~dto att~ndthe f1rstConference tn the States to be sponsored by theNationalGen~alogfcal Society (NGSh locally hosted by the Georgia Genealogical Society (G~S) •. The Co l1 ferencewill be held at the Century Center Hotel in Atlanta, 7-9 May·l981. You may re9ister.b.yletter, without a form. Advance regf~trationfeesare.$50 (full) and'$30 (Saturda1~>nly)..Full registration covers attendance at any open special meeti ngs ofvarf olJs nati onal organizations hel d on Thursday, May 7, the Hgtrtbuffet recepti.()nw1~h'cash bar on.. Thursday ··evening, two days· ofle~tures,panel s,andiworkshops on FridayandSaturd~y.mid~morning.coffeeon Thursday and Friday ,asandwichbar lunch on Friday~ and the noon banquet luncheon on Saturday. Saturday..;onlyregistrationcovers the day's lectures, morning coffee., and the noon banquet luncheon. Late reg.. i.. .s tration fees will be $60 and $35 • . . We are exc:1tedatthe.educat io oal andsoc:1al prospects of this first NGS Conferenc:e in the States. There. will be <nearly 40 educational sessions to choose from,. involving over 60 lecturers, on Friday and Saturday, including lectures b)' a teamof·threenoted genealogistsfrom the Society of Genealogists, Lonc;lon, plus a major keynote add r-ess at the Saturday banquet luncheon, and an exhibit area. thatw111 equate to a large ge~ealogical bookstore jnwhich.to browse and to meet friends and leaders in the genealogical field. The lecturers wi 11 be drawn from all over the South and the nation • You may wish to a.rrive early and attend<theopenpleetingsttlatwHl be held during the dayonThursday,M.ay], by the National Genealogical Society, the Association for Genealogical Educ:ation, the Associ.ation of Professional Genealogists, and the International Soc1etyfor~ritishGenealogyand Family History. There will also be an open organizational meet.ing.oll Thursday of the Orangeburgh German-Swiss Genealogical Society. In addition tdtheabove,theBoard for Certification of Genealogists' is holding a judges meeting, the Federation of Genealogical Societies a board meeting, the Genealogical Coordination Committee a committee meeting, and the Genealogy Tour to Britain, a reunion of 1974through 1980tour members. and a1981pre-tOllr<orientationmeeting. . Room rates at the Century Center Hote.l will be $36 single and $42 double. We strongly encourage early Conference regi strationandHotel reservations. TheiMetropolitan Opera will be in Atlanta that week for-theSouthls "opera week" and hotels are usually fully booked. Conferenc:e registrations should be sent to: 105 FinchleyCourtNW., Atlanta, GA 30328. ATLANTA CONFERENCE, c/o Mrs. Marie Sheram, Hotel reservati cns c.an be made by letter or phone to : CENTURY CENTER HOTEL, 2000 Century BoulevardNE.· Atlanta, GA 30345; phone (toll free) 1-800-323-1776. When you send your regiStration, you are 11lvitedto send the names and addresses of friends and rela~ives you would like for us to invite to attend the Atlanta Conference. All of usatNGS and GGS look forward to your enthusiastic participation in the Atlanta Conference! ~~ General Chafnnan Conferences in the States National Genealogical Society (NGS) The Tennessee Ge,ne/tlogical-~Societg offers the following publications for sale: "Ansearchin H' News (sold only by complete volume): Volume 1-6 for 1954-59 $8.00 Volume 17 for 1970 $8.00. Volume 7 for 1960 8.00 Volume 18 for 1971 8.00 - - Volume 8 for 1961 8.00 Volume 19 for 1972 8.00 Volume 9 for 1962 8.00 Volume 20 for 19738.00 ..".......,---Vo.lume 10 for 1963 8.00 Volume 21 for 1974 8.00 Volume 11 for 1964 8.00 Volume 22 for 1975 8.00 ..".......,-=-~ Volume 12 for 1965 8.00 Volume 23 for 1976 8.00 Volume 13 for 19668.00 Volume 24 for 1977 8.00 ------Volume 14 for 19678.00 Volume 25 for 1978 8.00 Volume 15 for 1968 R.OO Volume Z6 for 1979 8.'00 -------Volume 16 for 1969 8.00 v'01ume27 for 1980 '8.00 [10% discount on orders of five (5) or more volumes. Table of cont~""n-t"""s"""·.--'fo""'·r above' volumes sent on request with a stamped ,se1t-addressed envelope.• ] Shelby County,Tennessee, Marriage Records, 1819-1850 9.00 15.00 Dinwiddie County, Virginia, Data,1752-1865 --- Amelia 'County, Virginia, Marriage Bonds, Consents and Ministers' Returns, 1816-1852 10.00 _ -- Petersburg, Virginia, J:lnstings Court Marriage Bonds '":' Marriage Register and Ministers 1 Returns, 1784-1854 15.00 ...."......'--'_ Goochland County, Virginia, Marriage Bonds and Ministers' Returns, 1816-1854 12 .50 _--,-_ Alco:rn County" Mississipp.i, Cemetery . Records ,10.00 _ Hinds County, Mississippi- Volume I; Marriage Records, 1.823-1848, and Volume II, Will Book I 1822-1859 (Abstracts) 16 .00 ..... Tishomingo County, Mississippi, Marriage Bonds and Ministers' Returns, 1842-1861 ( 15.00 _ _-:7.50 Old Briery Church, Prince Edward County, Vi.rginia A RothwellBook,Descendants of Claiborne Rothwell of Albemarle County, Virginia -,-- _:- - - - - .- _ _.- - .- _ 20.00 _ _...... .. THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. O. Box 12124 Meinphis" Tennessee 38112 Please send the item(s) checked above. Enclosed is my checklmoney order for $ made pay.ab1e to: THE GENN'ESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Name City State Zip Code