to read or the January


to read or the January
Rabbi Martin W. Levy
Founding Rabbi Leonard A. Helman, z”l
Founding Cantor Michael G. Linder
Cantorial Soloist Ephraim A. Herrera
Beit Tikva
P. O. B ox 24094
S anta F e , N M 8 7 5 0 2
t e l e p hon e / fa x : 505.820.2991
www. b e ittik vasantaf e . or g
Tevet/Shevat Adar 1 5776—January/February 2016
Paul Grace
Philip Goldstone
Jeffrey Less
Sue Katz
past presidents
Jerry Bork &
David Pollak
Kenneth Coffae
Valerie Frost
Gary Katz
Lynn Kelly
Barbara LaMont
Don Miller
Larry Singer
Ed Sorken
Dirk Wassner
Sheldon Weinstein
Gail Rapoport
upcoming Events
Honor Our New Members and Celebrate in Song
Friday, January 22, 2016
Celebrate and honor new members
who joined over the past two years
on Friday, January 22, 2016 at
7:30pm. Last year at this time we
were adding on to the building.
This important event now honors
23 families who have joined over
the past 24 months. Cantorial
Soloist Ephraim Herrera will
offer a special cantorial solo in
recognition of our new members.
It is also the holiday of Shabbat
Shirah, Sabbath of Songs. Ephraim
Herrera will lead us in the beautiful
melodies that comprise the Sabbath of Songs.
Shabbat Shirah is named for the famous poem
of deliverance that was recited by Moses and
Miriam after the Israelites escaped from the
Board of
Mark Your Calendars for These Important Events at Congregation Beit Tikva
riday, January 15th, 7:30pm:
Rabbi Allie Klein will participate in our
Shabbat evening service. Rabbi Klein is the
granddaughter of Reggie Klein. She serves as the
Associate Rabbi at Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel in South
Orange, N. Jersey.
Rabbi Klein is a 2015 graduate of the New York
School of the HUC-JIR. We look forward to Rabbi Klein’s
presence on this Shabbat.
Marcelle Cady
Cathy Turner
graphic designer
Paula Eastwood
Egyptian armies. From these verses in Exodus
we have the famous song, “Who is like You,
Almighty God, source of freedom.” This
Sabbath also highlights the love poetry of King
Solomon, the author of the Song of Songs.
Showing DVDs of recent Live events
Sunday, January 10
Tuesday, January 26
See page 5 for details.
F ri d ay S habbat S e r v ic e s — 7 : 3 0 p m
Sunday, January 24th, 11:30am: Tu Besh’vat Seder.
On the fifteenth day of the Hebrew month of Shevat,
we celebrate the holiday of trees, which is a celebration
dating back to Talmudic times. Our students in
Religious School will lead us in a mini-Seder meal and
discussion. Special songs and foods will be part of our
simcha. As we celebrate the new year of planting, we
will learn about some of the mystical practices that
highlight this holiday. Come join our students and
teachers for a Tu Besh’vat party.
Shabbat at Home–Brookdale Senior
Living (formerly Ponce de Leon)
Celebrate Shabbat with our Brookdale
Senior Living residents for an early service
on Friday, January22 at 5:30 pm and
Friday, February26 at 5:30pm.
Save the Date —
Friday, March 4, 6:00pm
Shabbat Across America
This will be our 20th year of
celebrating this nationwide service.
See page 6.
2230 O l d P e cos T rai l
© anemad/
RABBI’s message
ears ago a Jewish comedian was asked in an
interview how we explain the incredible sums that
American Jews contribute to a host of charities.
“Well,” he answered, pretending to be the authority
he wasn’t, “first you start with two thousand years of
I would argue differently: first we start with three
thousand years of teaching. Millenia ago we were taught
that the hallmark of a Jewish soul is a profound feeling for
Torah and concern for the welfare of others. One of the
striking examples of this teaching is found in the Exodus
story: “And Moses grew up and he went out to his brothers
and saw their burdens.”
It would have been understandable had Moses chosen
not to notice the “tsourus” of the Israelites, to avoid
kinship with these slaves. How tempting it must have
been to cling to the security and the luxuries of palace in
which he lived. Had Moses acted in this way, God would
not have remembered him and chosen him to become our
prophet. To be sure, Moses possessed a special quality: the
human capacity to accept and follow God’s presence. The
Sages called this quality “da’at Elohim,” the understanding
of the divine.
The entire course of Western history was radically altered
because in a decisive moment, an obscure Egyptian threw
off his anonymity and “went out to his brothers and saw
their burdens.”
In our Jewish ethos, one of the essential “mitzvot” of our
faith is the necessity of reaching out to others, of bringing
about the repair of our world. Think of it in this manner:
Two philosophers from the city of Chelm were engaged in
a serious discussion. How does one grow, from the feet up
or from the head down?
Replied the first thinker, “from the feet up of course.
Last year I bought my son a new suit for his Bar Mitzvah
and at that time the pants were the correct length. Now
the pants only reach his ankles. That proves that people
grow from the feet up!”
His fellow philosopher cried out: “You fool, it’s obvious
that people grow from the head down. If you see a group of
solders marching, all their feet are on the same level, but if
you watch their heads, you will see that they are at different
heights. That proves that we grow from the head down!”
Both Chelmites were wrong. We grow neither from the
bottom up or the head down. Genuine growth is from the
inside out. A crucial measure of our growth is our ability
to recognize our parents and grandparents and the wisdom
they have imparted to us.
In this winter season, as we survey the possibilities for
2016, I pray that all of us will harness our talents and
energy towards the betterment of our congregation. When
we strengthen Beit Tikva, we are repairing the world as well.
Rabbi Martin W. Levy
We are most grateful to all the wonderful
congregants of Beit Tikva who generously
contributed to our synagogue, in honor of our
wedding. —Rabbi Martin & Kaycee
president’s message
Dear Friends,
ello again. I thought I had
authored my last President’s
Message at the end of 2010,
but I’m very pleased to be back for
another term. A lot has changed in
the past five years. When I took over
as president from Barbara Cohen in
January 2006, we had just moved into
our beautiful new temple building
after ten years of borrowing space at
the Lutheran Church of the Servant.
In 2015, we completed the expansion
of our building with the addition of
an educational and administrative
wing. In 2006, Leonard Helman
was slowing down but was still our
Rabbi on most Friday nights and
at the High Holidays; I miss my
lunches with him and schlepping
him to Vanessie’s to listen to Doug
Montgomery, to the State Capital to
open the legislative sessions with a
prayer, and even to midnight mass at
the Cathedral Basilica on Christmas
Eve, where he was the personal guest
of the Archbishop, and later where
we conducted his funeral service. He
certainly was the Rabbi Different and
he will always be in our hearts. His
generous financial contributions to
the temple, which continue today as a
result of his strategic estate planning,
allowed us to establish the Leonard A.
Helman Center for Jewish Learning
in our new wing as a lasting legacy of
study and learning for all of Santa Fe.
Near the end of my first tenure as
president, we had just hired a new
Rabbi, our beloved current Rabbi
Martin Levy who has been making his
own mark in our community. We are
truly blessed to have a spiritual leader
who provides wisdom, guidance, and
interesting insights in his Friday night
and holiday sermons, and who also
thrives on the discussions in our adult
study classes and Torah study that he
initiated for our Congregation. He
also has reinvigorated our Sunday
School program for the youngest
members of our community who will
be the future of Judaism in Santa Fe.
In 2015, we were joined by our new
Cantorial Soloist, Ephraim Herrera,
who has been regaling us at Sabbath
services and who raised us to new
spiritual heights with our choir at
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
services just a few months ago.
When I look around at our current
membership, particularly at the
High Holy Days, I realize that the
memories I have of Rabbi Helman,
of services at a borrowed house of
worship, of a religious school program
for my kids (who are now having
kids of their own) at various locations
around town are not shared by the
majority of our members today. And
that is how it should be. Time goes
by, people move on or pass away,
and new people come to town.
What strikes me is that as we have
continued to grow over the past five
years the identity of our membership
has changed but not the spirit that has
always been Beit Tikva, the House of
Hope. It is the hand of friendship that
first drew me to this place and it is
the same hand of friendship that has
brought all of you to our doors.
Today, in 2016, we find ourselves
in need of your support more than
ever. During this year you will be
asked to give of your time and to
give of your money because both
are needed to sustain us. Even more
importantly, you are being asked
right now to share the Beit Tikva
experience that you enjoy with
others. The long-term solution to our
survival as a Jewish house of worship
is increasing our membership. Just as
many of you found us through friends
and acquaintances, we need you
to pass the word and to encourage
other friends and acquaintances to
come to a service, attend a pot luck,
participate in an educational program,
see what we have to offer the Jewish
community of Santa Fe. Better yet, if
you yourself haven’t dropped in for a
while, bring them with you.
2016 will be a challenging year, but
with those challenges will come great
rewards if we all pitch in together.
Paul Grace
Chanukah Celebration 2015
Directory 2016
lease make sure all your
information is up to date,
including your cell phone
numbers, email address and especially
a listing you would like included in the
Member Professional Services Directory.
Please call Gail
Rapoport, our
Executive Director,
at 820-2991
with changes or
send an email to
[email protected]
with your updates
and changes.
E leanor & R ichard B renner E d u cational S eries
Showing DVDs of recent Live events
NEW programs this season from “92nd Street Y Live”
Congregation Beit Tikva will be presenting several interesting 92Y Live programs, shown on
DVD at the synagogue just a few weeks after the live event in New York. Please save the
dates and look for more details by email and on our website. Sunday, January 10, Brunch will be available at 10am for $5 extra;
DVD starts at 11:00am.
Robin Wright with Ralph Buultjens, “Making Sense of the Middle East”
Wright’s latest book is Rock the Casbah: Rage and Rebellion Across the Islamic World.
She joins Prof. Buultjens to discuss whether the Middle East is collapsing and what are the
implications for Israel. Tuesday, January 26, Matinee at 3:30pm, evening showing at 6:30pm.
Nicholas Burns and Jon Huntsman, “The Big Issues: US-China Relations and
Foreign Policy”
What is the current state of US-China relations, and how should a new administration handle
our complex relationship with Beijing? Two leading foreign policy experts explore the future
course of the United States and China.
Hadassah Meeting, January 10
The January meeting will be held on
Thursday, January 14th at 2:00pm at
the synagogue. The topic will be Essential
Oils: Naturally Supporting Women’s Health
for Millennia. Our speaker will be Joan Lucci,
Wellness Advocate & Marketing-Media
Consultant, who will present an interactive
discussion and sensory experience.
New women members are always welcome.
Invite your friends to join us. The January
meeting is also the time to renew your
membership to the CBT Women’s Group. Please
bring your checkbook so you can pay your dues
for the year.
Please contact Reggie Klein at arkay28@ or Pat Shapiro at shapiropat@gmail.
com for additional program information.
adassah’s first meeting for the new year will be held
Sunday, January 10, 2016 at the home of Ruth
Wallack. Hadassah is delighted to announce that our
guest speaker will be our very own
Francine Landau
Francine Landau.
Uncovering history at Tel Dor, the jewel of
the Eastern Mediterranean
Did you ever wonder what it’s like to be on an archaeological dig? Wonder
no more. Francine Landau will share with you her own experience helping
lead a dig at Tel Dor in Israel. For three thousand years lots of people—Canaanites, Phoenicians,
Israelites, Greeks, Byzantines and Crusaders—built cities on this beautiful
bay in Israel. Educator Francine Landau who received a fellowship to work
on this dig, will speak about the ancient cultures who lived there, and the
archeologists and scientists who are discovering their ways of life.
We will
also have installation of our 2016 officers along with light refreshments. $20 per person is payable to Santa Fe Hadassah. Send payment to: Lisa Sinoff,
2416 Camino de Vida,
Santa Fe, NM 87505
2016 Dues Pledge
and Oneg Form
You have recently received your
pledge form and oneg request form
Save the Date
for 2016.
Shabbat Across America
We would appreciate sending in your
This will be our 20th year of celebrating this
nationwide service with congregations all across
the United States and Canada.
Friday March 4, 2016—pot-luck and service
at 6:00pm
forms for the upcoming year so we
can more accurately plan our budget.
No payment is necessary at this time,
but it helps to know at the beginning
Cantorial Soloist Ephraim Herrera
of the year what we will be receiving
will sing every Shabbat through
during the next twelve months.
January. He will sing on the first
Thank you.
three Shabbatot in February, and
—Gail Rapoport, Executive Director
will be away on February 26th.
Study with Rabbi Martin Levy
Adult Education CLASSES
Wednesdays, at 6:00 pm, in the Helman Library
Join our dedicated students as begin the winter semester on Wednesday,
January 13th. During the first month, we will study the book of Psalms,
with an emphasis on some of the seminal themes of these ancient writings.
Later this winter we will return to our study of Mishnah and Talmud.
Adult Torah Study—Shabbat mornings
Every Saturday at 9:15am
We continue our weekly study of the parashah, the Torah portion of the
week. This gives us an opportunity to learn about the teachings of the
Hebrew prophets.
January Birthdays
Martin Levy
Larry Cohen
Regina Klein
Charlie Koseoglu
Joan Less
Manny Marczak
Edward Sorken
Julianne Sherman
Mort Morrison
Kate Shane
Barry Hornstein
Gail Karr
Michael Linder
Julia Bell
Asenath Kepler
January 2
January 3
January 6
January 6
January 6
January 9
January 9
January 10
January 14
January 15
January 18
January 26
January 28
January 29
January 31
January Anniversaries
Teresa Pierce &
Mort Morrison
Jennifer Weil &
Tolga Koseoglu
January 21
January 30
February Birthdays
Carol Clifford
Meg Folk
Gary Brouse
Elliot Rapoport
Peter Aronow
David Bloom
Peter Merrill
Valerie Frost
Rita Solomon
Simon Stertzer
Beth Moise
Burton Krohn
February 1
February 5
February 6
February 7
February 8
February 11
February 12
February 20
February 20
February 21
February 25
Thank You Oneg Sponsors
Doreen Hurtig and Leslie & Sheldon
Linda Krull and Barbara Cohen & Al
Ruth Wallach & Peter Merrill and Sharon &
Ed Sorken
Barbara & Jerry Bork
Ruthie Koval
Simchat Torah Oneg
Barbara & Jerry Bork, Joan & Jeffrey Less,
Sharon & Ed Sorken
Sue & Len Feiner and Barb & Armon LaMont
Sharon & Ed Sorken
Zoe Gayle
Hanukah Pot-luck
Sue & Gary Katz and Laura & Gary Brouse
Joan & Jeffrey Less
A Thank You
To all members of Congregation
Beit Tikva, thank you for your
prayers and support during
my recovery.
With gratitude, Kate Shane
january/february donations
General Fund
Lois & Gary Podolny – In honor Marcia & William Berman – In of the anniversary of Gail & Sonny Rapoport
memory of Ethel Siegel
Barbara & Jerry Bork – In honor Lois & Gary Podolny – In honor of the anniversary of Barbara of the speedy recovery of
& Jerry Bork
Kate Shane
Lois & Gary Podolny – In honor Barbara Cohen & Al Chapman of the anniversary of Sue & – In memory of
Gary Katz
Jamie Chapman, Connie & Stuart Rosenberg – In granddaughter of Al
Barbara Cohen & Al Chapman – memory of Orville McNickle, father of Connie
In memory of
Connie & Stuart Rosenberg – In Esther Rapoport
Barbara Cohen Al Chapman – In memory of Frances Rosenberg, mother of Stuart
honor of Jerry Bork, our
Kate Shane – In memory of past-president
Esther Rapoport
Cynthia & John Dobson – In Kate Shane – In honor of
memory of Esther Rapoport
Valerie Frost
Susan & Leonard Feiner – In Kate Shane – In honor of the honor of the birthday of
wedding of Rabbi Martin Levy Jerry Bork
& Kaycee Canter
Susan & Leonard Feiner – In Kate Shane – With gratitude honor of the birthday of & thanks for the prayers and Barbara Bork
support of Congregation Beit Susan & Leonard Feiner – In Tikva
honor of the anniversary of Irma Thaler Trust – In memory Barbara & Jerry Bork
of Esther Rapoport
Claire Lichtenstein &
Michael Gold – In memory of Music Fund
Esther Rapoport
Elaine & Jack Goldberg – In Valerie Frost – In honor of memory of Nettie & Cantorial Soloist
Alexander Goldberg, parents Ephraim Herrera
Valerie Frost – In honor of a of Jack
speedy recovery for
Judy & Richard Hutson – In Kate Shane
memory of Naomi Becker
Valerie Frost – In honor of Juli Horwitz Kite – In memory a speedy recovery for
of Naomi Becker
Joan & Jeff Less – In memory of Alma Dankoff
Lynn Kelly
Ruth Epstein, mother of Barbara & Armon LaMont
Louise Epstein
Jenny & Marv Wetovsky – In Sally & Stephen Lowen – In memory of Esther Rapoport
memory of Esther Rapoport
Sally & Stephen Lowen – In honor of the 100th birthday Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
of Bee Schulman
Naomi Becker – In memory of Edward Okun – In memory of Esther Rapoport
Barbara-Rose Okun, wife of Naomi Becker – In honor of the Ed
marriage of Rabbi Martin Levy Carol & Dan Pava – In memory & Kaycee Canter
of Fred Reid, cousin of
Carol & Dan
High Holy Day End of the
Lois & Gary Podolny – In honor Year Donations
of the birthday of Jerry Bork
Barbara & Armon LaMont
Lois & Gary Podolny – In honor Teresa Pierce & Mort Morrison
of the birthday of Kaycee Canter
Rivera Family Mortuary &
Santa Fe Memorial Gardens
Susan Stella – In memory of Lillian Stark, Joseph Stark & Maua Eisenberg
Oneg Fund
Jan & Howard Hendler
Joan & Jeffrey Less
Building Fund Founder
Eleanor Brenner – In memory of Dick Brenner
Building Fund Sponsor
Bonnie Kohl & John Liebman
Building Fund Patron
Asenath Kepler & Ed Mazria
Barbara & Jordan Miller
Kate Shane
Donations to Rabbi
Martin Levy & Kaycee
Canter Wedding and PastPresidents’ Event
Marcia & William Berman
Barbara & Jerry Bork
Lorraine Haneyko &
Michael Edelman
Becky Proler &
Getchen Gemeinhardt
Michele & John Goldman
Melanie & Barry Hornstein
Leroy Wittwer & Gail Karr
Judith Kingsley
Juli Horwitz Kite & Ron Kite
Shirley & Fred Klinghoffer
Nancy & Henry Lewis
Kathy Mahon
Helene Singer Merrin
Barbara & Jordan Miller
Alan (Skip) Rapoport
Connie & Stuart Rosenberg
Patricia & Richard Shapiro
Kate Shane
Julianne & Robert Sherman
Sharon & Edward Sorken
Irma Thaler Trust
Specific Donations to the
Wedding & Past-Presidents’
Valerie Frost - Champagne
Sharon & Ed Sorken – Flowers and vases
92nd Street Y
Marilyn & Don Miller – In appreciation for underwriting a brunch Specified Donations
Barbara Cohen & Al Chapman – Judaica, books, toys, religious school supplies
Melanie & Barry Hornstein – books
Esther Rapoport Trust – Judaica, books, toys, audio equipment, paper goods
In Memory
Ruth Epstein
December 10, 2015
Naomi Becker
December 16, 2015
Sheila Benveniste
December 16, 2015
U . S . P O S TA G E
Beit Tikva
P. O . B ox 24094
S a n ta F e , N M 87502
address service re q uested
January/february Torah Passages
january/february schedule of services
January 2Exodus
1.1 – 6.1
Children of Israel prosper in Egypt
New king arises who knew not
Moses the redeemer is born
January 1 Friday 7:30pm
Service led by Rabbi Martin Levy
January 8 Friday 7:30pm
Service led by Rabbi Martin Levy
January 9Exodus
6.2 – 9.35
God’s appearance & promise of
The ten plagues begin
January 16Exodus
The last three plagues, leaving
January 23Exodus
13.17 -17.16
Redemption from Egypt,
crossing the Reed Sea
Shabbat of Song
Song & Dancing at the Sea
January 25
Tu B’Shevat
Jewish Arbor Day
The New Year of Trees
January 30Exodus
18.1 – 20.23
“Jethro” the father-in-law of
Arrival at Sinai, the Ten
February 6Exodus
21.1 – 24.18
Ordinances, civil legislation,
morality & ethical behavior
February 13Exodus
25.1 – 27.19
The tabernacle, building of the
ark, free will offering
February 20Exodus
27.20 – 30.10
Rules of the Kohanim
Commandments regarding
bringing pure oil and the construction of the alter
February 27Exodus
Ki Tisa
30.11 – 34.35
Rules for a census, the golden
calf, Moses & the mountains
January 15 Friday 7:30pm
Service led by Rabbi Martin Levy
Guest participant Rabbi Allie Klein
January 22 Friday 7:30pm
Service led by Rabbi Martin Levy
Honoring our New Members who
joined in the last 2 years
January 29 Friday 7:30pm
Service led by Rabbi Martin Levy
February 5 Friday 7:30pm
Service led by Rabbi Martin Levy
February 12 Friday 7:30pm
Service led by Rabbi Martin Levy
February 19
February 26
Friday 7:30pm
Service led by Rabbi Martin Levy
March 4
Friday 6:00pm
Service led by
Rabbi Martin Levy
Friday 7:30pm
Service led by Rabbi Martin Levy

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