August Koleinu for website - Congregation B`nai Israel
August Koleinu for website - Congregation B`nai Israel
קולנו Av/Elul 5772 August 2012 Vol 11, Issue 16 The Voice of Congregation B’nai Israel Let’s Welcome Rabbi Michal Loving By Drew Mendelson Let’s welcome B’nai Israel’s new educator, Rabbi Michal Loving, arriving here this summer, newly ordained after completing her rabbinical studies at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati. She brings both a love of Jewish history, religious studies, and culture and a joy of teaching, to her new post here in Sacramento. It is an educational philosophy that she feels will fit well with the congregation’s belief in lifelong Jewish learning. “I am passionate about educating children,” she says, adding that she believes just as much in helping those of all ages add to their knowledge about being Jews. She says she hopes to build on CBI’s already established curriculum and wants to explore with the congregation new areas into which the curriculum might expand. Before coming to Sacramento, Rabbi Loving worked as a lead educator at temples in Indiana and Ohio, and before rabbinical school, taught for eight years at Temple Israel in Long Beach. As a student rabbi she created curricula on holidays, mitzvot, and Jewish identity. She was also an adult education teacher creating courses of study on High Holy Day liturgy, taught an interfaith course in Death and the Afterlife, and wrote curricula for classes that included ecology and Judaism, Israeli politics, post-Holocaust theology, Jewish children’s literature and intra-denominational Judaism. She has done original research in areas including Jewish culture in San Francisco during the Gold Rush, professionalism of the rabbinate and Jewish institutional responses to the Vietnam War. Her master’s thesis at Hebrew Union College took a look at “The female Jewish magician: the phenomenon in the Greco-Roman period.” Rabbi Loving is a native of Southern California, having grown up in Long Beach. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Philosophy from Whittier College and a Master of Arts in Philosophy from Cal State Long Beach. Her father is Israeli and she spent much of her youth in Holon, a suburb of Tel Aviv. Her husband Jonathan is an information technology professional, who, now that Rabbi Loving is settling into a new job, will look to getting a teaching credential and start a new career as a teacher. The Lovings have two sons, Xander, 3½ and Ari, 15 months. Cat lovers will be pleased to learn they also have three cats, two adopted from the streets of Jerusalem, one adopted from Cincinnati. Please join us! 6:30pm Shabbes Dinner (RSVP required. Details on page 2.) 7:30pm Shabbat Services Founded 1849 Worship AUGUST FRIDAY, AUGUST 3 7:30pm Shabbat Services S ATURDAY, AUGUST 4 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Services FRIDAY, AUGUST 10 6:00pm Tot Shabbat 6:30pm 2nd Shabbes Dinner 7:30pm Shabbat Services S ATURDAY, AUGUST 11 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Services FRIDAY, AUGUST 17– 17– Welcome Rabbi Loving 6:30pm Shabbes Welcome Dinner 7:30pm Shabbat Services S ATURDAY, AUGUST 18 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Michaela Redsun Bat Mitzvah FRIDAY, AUGUST 24 7:30pm Shabbat Services S ATURDAY, AUGUST 25 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Zane Jakobs Bar Mitzvah FRIDAY, AUGUST 31 7:30pm Shabbat Services S ATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 9:00am Torah Study 10:30am Asher Albrecht Bar Mitzvah Congregation B’nai Israel 3600 Riverside Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95818 Phone: 916.446.4861 Fax: 916.446.2875 Adults spinach lasagna fettuccine alfredo roasted vegetables garlic bread tossed caprese salad with romaine, shredded carrots, red cabbage, pear tomatoes, fresh mozzarella & Italian vinaigrette Children fettuccine alfredo garlic bread romaine salad with shredded carrots & red cabbage with Italian dressing Adults $14 Children 5-12 yrs. $7 4 & under– no charge. RSVP to Marissa [email protected] by Wednesday, August 15 Women of B’nai Israel & Rabbi Alfi invite all women age 13 and over to Rosh Chodesh Elul, Tuesday, August 21 Mikveh in the Modern Age: What Does It Mean to the Modern Jew? On Tuesday, August 21, Women of B'nai Israel and Rabbi Alfi will be taking a trip to our Sacramento Mikveh. We will meet at the Mikveh at 6:15 pm and then will go out to dinner in the area after the program. All women age 13 and over welcome. For more details and address of the Mikveh, please send your email to Deni Marshall at [email protected]. She will add you to the e-mail distribution list for Rosh Chodesh. She will not be sending out individual e-mails. Rosh Chodesh will not meet in September due to the High Holy Days, but will resume October 16 in the B'nai Israel Social Hall. IN THIS ISSUE SUBMISSION GUIDE Anniversaries – August ..................13 Birthdays – August .........................13 Brotherhood .....................................5 Calendar – August .........................19 CBI Bulletin Board .................... 10-12 Community Bulletin Board....... 16-18 Donations.. ............................... 14-15 Editor’s Column ..............................10 Education ..................................... 6-7 Mourning Our Losses .....................16 Social Action ................................ 8-9 Women of B’nai Israel ......................4 Worship ........................................ 2-3 There is a 350 word limit on articles for the Koleinu. Deadline for all issues is the first day of the month preceding publication date. Please send your article to [email protected]. The opinions expressed in the Koleinu are entirely those of the contributors and do not reflect official policy of CBI. Koleinu is published ten times a year. The June/July and December/ January editions are combined. 2 B’nai Mitzvah Our B’nai Mitzvah Michaela Redsun, August 18 Wednesday, September 26 Get bone marrow tested on Yom Kippur, Wednesday, September 26, from noon–5pm—you could save a life! The medical staff from Blood Source will be on site to test potential donors between the ages of 18 and 60. We hope many of congregants will participate. The testing involves a simple swab of your check, nothing more. All potential donors will be entered in the registry of “Be the Match,” a national marrow donor program. Everyone has the potential to help someone in need. Please plan to attend the bone marrow registration drive at B'nai Israel next month. For more information, contact [email protected]. See additional details on page 9. Zane Jakobs, August 25 Asher Albrecht, September 1 Hineini Committee Needs Your Help! Do you have a few minutes of time to make a condolence call to someone who has recently lost a loved member of their family? Do you have a few minutes to deliver a shivah basket or send a condolence card? The Hineini Committee wants you!! We need your help to respond to the many needs of our community. The Hineini Committee needs more volunteers to assist with making calls, sending cards and delivering baskets. If you have a little bit of time and a lot of interest, please contact Lynn Terleski-Katz at [email protected] or 916-736-2082. Do you want to help animals? For my mitzvah project, I wanted to help animals, so I decided to ask people at B'nai Israel (which is you) to donate food for the Sacramento Pet Food Bank. If you would like to donate food for dogs and cats, there will be a box for your contributions in the office near the library. The pet food bank accepts dry and canned food for dogs and cats, cat litter, collars, leashes, bedding, and other pet supplies. You can also go online and donate money to the Sacramento Pet Food Bank. Thank you. Rachel Rubin The Hebrew word Hineini means “Here I am.” “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’ ” ~Isaiah 6:8 3 Women of B’nai Israel Exciting Times Ahead! As you all splash about in your pools or jet off to some exotic locale, the Women of B’nai Israel are busy preparing for an exciting new year. A new board was installed in early June and we cannot wait to bring you another fabulous year. Your officers for 2012-2014 are: Dana Hirschel WBI President President – Dana Hirschel Executive Vice President – Peggy Goldstein Vice President, Programming – Sunny Romer Vice President, Membership – Sandy Lee Vice President, Communication – Cindy Swartz Vice President, Social Justice/Advocacy – Stacia Levy Recording Secretary – Illene Carroll Treasurer – Celine Sankary Immediate Past President – Andee PressPress-Dawson Additionally, we have many committed women who are working very hard on our varied array of programs. Some of the upcoming events that you can look forward to include Selichot on September 8, Mah Jongg on September 10, the Rosh Hashanah reception on September 17, and Girls’ Night Out on September 20. In addition to these specific events, we continue to place a strong emphasis on social action and are energized about our commitment to Women Feed the Hungry, Wellspring, and the St. John’s Women’s Shelter. Our membership drive is in full swing and I hope that if you are not already a member, you will join us and take advantage of the many wonderful activities and programs that are available. There is something for everyone!! We have an exciting year in store. I hope that you will contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions or suggestions. 4 Tales from the (Brother)hood Mark your calendars for the next Brotherhood Brunch, Sunday, August 5, 10:30am, with guest author Mike Luery Luery And, what an event it will be! KCRA Channel 3’s Mike Luery will discuss and host a book signing for his book, Baseball Between Us, the story of the pilgrimage with his son to every Major League Baseball Park in North America. He is generously donating 100% of book sales to CBI! Once again, our resident master chef, Dave Lewis, and his crew will provide a terrific brunch of bagels, lox, eggs, and fruit. All for just $12.00 — the best deal in town! Please be sure to make your reservations by July 31 with an RSVP to Jon Meltzer @ [email protected] or at (916) 203-0613. *************************************************************************************************** About Mike’s book, Baseball Between Us This is not just a story about the cities they visited, the stadiums they toured and the stars they interviewed. Mike’s story is also about “…the ultimate road trip – the story of how a father and son discovered each other on a cross-country journey made possible through the magic of baseball. Armed with a sense of adventure, a love for the game and Dad’s maxed out credit cards, they are guided by the secular religion of baseball – a force so powerful it can make grown men cry, simply by a son saying to a father, “Dad, will you play catch with me?” And while they may never agree on wake up calls or bedtime, by the end of the journey, the son will turn to the father and say, “Dad, we will always have baseball between us.” For more information, here’s a link to Mike’s website: In Memory of Roy Liebman The Board of Directors of the Congregation B’nai Israel Brotherhood would like to gratefully acknowledge the following generous contributions made in Roy’s memory by his family. Children Kevin Wyatt and Sarah & Rachael Liebman Jane & Dave Hanas; Tim Hanas & Donna; Greg & Chrissy Hanas; Randy & Sue Halwa; Alice Halwa & family; and Grandma Jenny Halwa. We all loved Roy and miss him greatly. We sincerely appreciate these contributions to the Brotherhood in his memory. 5 Education D ear wonderful CBI members, Thank you so much for such a lovely welcome! Jonathan, Xander, Ari and I have felt greatly supported and cared for during this time of transition, and we cannot be happier to be joining the B’nai Israel family. As I write this, Camp Shelanu staff is deep in their orientation to what I am sure will be a fun, joy-filled, and educational summer for our campers. Dana Schneider Penn is doing a fantastic job as director, and I am grateful for her enthusiasm, wisdom, and expertise. Rabbi Michal Loving As the new Director of Congregational Learning, I look forward to meeting you and hearing your Director of Congregational story. We are all lifelong learners, and my hope is that through our interactions in religious school, early Learning childhood programs, adult education, and even conversations in the hall, we can learn and grow together. B’shalom, Rabbi Michal Loving August Education Dates-at-a-Glance Hebrew Teacher Orientation Tuesday, August 21, 4:00 pm Religious School will resume September 9, 2012 Madrichim ShulShul-In Saturday, August 25, 6:00 pm overnight Tot Shabbat / 2nd Shabbes August 10 Tot Shabbat- 6:00 pm 7:30 pm –Shabbat Services Dinner at 6:30 pm (RSVP required) Madrichim Training Sunday, August 26, 10:00 am Mini Minyan Will resume on October 6. Teacher Orientation Sunday, August 19, 9:30 am 6 Confirmation Class News Confirmation Class News 20122012- 13 Confirmation Class We’d like to introduce you to this year’s Confirmation Class and tell you (as of 7/1/12) about our plans for the year. Each issue of the Koleinu will include a profile or Eliana Clair two of the kids in the class and we’ll provide updates about our activities, includSarah Clair ing upcoming fundraising events. This year’s class and their families are comKatelyn Crawford mitted to not just asking the B’nai Israel Congregation for help in making their Maren DavidsonDavidson -Skarstad trip to Eastern Europe and Israel possible, but also giving back to the synagogue Morgan Folger and the Sacramento community. Matthew Gevercer So far, the kids and their families assisted last year’s Confirmation Class with Rose Meinrath their Confirmation service, preparing the Oneg, ushering for the event and Jacob Mendelson cleaning up afterward. In June, Family Promise provided us with the opportunity to devote an evening at the synagogue with a couple of less fortunate famiJacob Paxson lies who were spending a week at the synagogue. We are looking for more opPeri Propper portunities to engage in similar charitable events. Whether it is delivering meals Shana Smith to home-bound individuals, or volunteering at charity events or shelters, we’re Keegan SorrelsSorrels-Swidler looking for good deeds our kids can participate in on a monthly basis. Ari Steinberg In addition, if you’re looking for help with moving, a yard project, baby-sitting, or tutoring younger children, we have a crop of able-bodied and intelligent kids ready and willing to assist in exchange for a donation to the Confirmation Class. If you need some help, contact Mary Gevercer at 916-548-9839 or [email protected]. Get acquainted with the members of the Confirmation Class of 2013. We’ve asked the class members to tell us a bit about themselves and why they are looking forward to the class trip to Israel and Eastern Europe next summer. Here’s what Morgan Folger has to say: School: I go to Sheldon High School in Elk Grove. Favorite movie: I have probably watched “Easy A” over 20 times! Favorite book: I am a total Wicked nerd; I've read the book three times, and loved the play. Hobbies/special interests: I love to play guitar, sing, read, and be with my friends at synagogue. Favorite place to vacation: Every year my parents and I go to San Francisco for a weekend, or even a day to shop and hang out by the wharf. It's one of my favorite trips. Morgan at Kutz Camp in New York, where she’s working on her singing and songleading skills to help in her role as madracha at B'nai Israel. Dream occupation: If I were to answer this when I was 6, I would have said astronaut, which I wanted to be for a good 5 years of my life. Now, I just want to do something that makes me happy, and feel accomplished, like I'm making a difference. Why do you want to go to Israel: I want to go to Israel to truly experience the place that we read about, pray for, and that has been the most influential land in our history. What are you looking forward to most about the trip: I am looking forward to seeing the Western Wall the most out of the entire trip. Well, that and the falafel :). Favorite Jewish holiday: My absolute favorite Jewish holiday is Purim, because it's a day where everyone goes absolutely crazy; they sing, dress up, and eat. Hamantaschen aren't so bad either! 7 Confirmation Class Challah Fundraiser You’ve had his challah at services. Now you can have it at home for your Rosh Hoshanah celebration. Mark “the Challah Baker” Paxson is taking orders for his hand-crafted challah for you to enjoy during the holidays. All proceeds go towards this year’s Confirmation Class. Mark and the class will be hard at work Friday and Saturday, September 14 and 15, making challah for anybody who wants it. Cost: $6 per 8-inch loaf (plus $1 for any of these add-ons: raisins, chocolate chips, cinnamon sugar). If you’re interested, contact Mark at 916201-2102 or [email protected] to place your order. We’re still working on pickup and delivery details, but at a minimum, loaves will be available for pickup at B’nai Israel after 3pm on September 15 and the following morning. Delivery may be available for an additional fee. Social Action ONGOING PROJECTS AMERICAN RIVER PARKWAY: STEWARDSHIP OF MILE 17– August 19 TOUCH OF SHABBAT (MONTHLY, LAST FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH) W ELLSPRING W OMEN’S CENTER, OAK PARK: DROP OFF TRAVEL-SIZE TOILETRIES TO FOYER BETWEEN CBI OFFICE & GIFT SHOP ST. JOHNS CENTER “GAN ORGANIC” CBI’S GARDEN CBI YOUTH PROJECTS *SUSTAINABLE LIVING PROJECT MEETING August 23 HELP FEED THE HUNGRY YEAR ROUND FOOD DRIVE TO BENEFIT CENTRAL DOWNTOWN FOOD BASKET: DELIVER FOOD TO FOYER BETWEEN CBI OFFICE & GIFT SHOP MONTHLY JEWISH COMMUNITY DAY @ LOAVES & FISHES 3RD MONDAY OF EACH MONTH– August 20 *MONTHLY FOOD BASKET SANDWICHES CONTACT Paula/Todd Mendell Betty Reuben Radyne Citrenbaum EMAIL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Lisa Miller Megan Florida Dana Schneider Penn Chuck Rosenberg & Todd Mendell [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Jodie Rubenstein [email protected] Chuck Adelman [email protected] Jonathan & Alison Stein [email protected] [email protected] HANDS-ON EDUCATION EFFORTS WHICH REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN STUDENTS’ LIVES & THEIR ABILITY TO SUCCEED RESTORATIVE JUSTICE EFFORTS Richard Cohen [email protected] SACRAMENTO CITY SCHOOLS READING PARTNERS Barbara Berg [email protected] SAN JUAN SCHOOL DISTRICT READING PARTNERS Terri Cristy [email protected] NEW, 2012 SHABBATON EFFORTS TO HELP THE HOMELESS & HELP SAVE HOMES ***SACRAMENTO NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION COMMITTEE Steven Tincher steve tincher ([email protected]) ***ADDRESSING HOMELESSNESS IN OUR COMMUNITY ANNUAL OR BIANNUAL EVENTS **BI-ANNUAL BLOOD DRIVE GAY RIGHTS COMMITTEE/GAY PRIDE W EEKEND & PARADE MITZVAH DAY HIGH HOLY DAY FOOD DRIVE- BENEFITS CENTRAL DOWNTOWN FOOD BASKET FAMILY PROMISE (ANNUAL EVENT IN JUNE) Jason Weiner Sarah Zimmerman [email protected] [email protected] Todd Mendell Diana Gibson Need lead/ position open Eileen Jacobowitz Sandy Kaufman [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] put mitzvah day in subject line [email protected] [email protected] * new or revived social action projects ** the plan is to increase frequency of this event to twice per year *** new projects that are still in process of gaining traction. Contact lead on how to get involved in meetings and/or handshands-on efforts efforts ONGOING PROJECTS SUCCESSES SUC CESSES Neighborhood Stabilization Committee At the 6/25 meeting of the Neighborhood Stabilization Committee preparations were made for the d’rash on 7/20 including guests from Sacramento Area Congregations Together, and informational materials for congregants having problems with their mortgages. There is an attempt at publicity regarding the slow processing of liens with Sacramento County resulting in blighted properties. Additional project and meeting information will appear in the Chadashot and Friday night flyers. Thanks to all our Family Promise volunteers! In mid-June we had a wonderful week hosting two lovely families from Family Promise. More than 50 volunteers offered their time and energy to make the week run smoothly. To the great cooks, dish washers, those who spent the night in our youth lounge, offered art and crafts, washed the laundry, and helped to set up and clean up, we are very grateful. Our guests were energetic, fun, and very curious about Judaism. There were many in-depth conversations trying to answer all their questions. We attended services on Friday evening and they were in awe of the Torah, the Hebrew, and the amazing way that we read “backwards”! They love to play Scrabble, have become great friends and will be neighbors in their new homes, as they are soon moving into their own apartments. They expressed feeling comfortable and welcomed at B’nai Israel. It is a wonderful mitzvah to be a part of the ongoing success of Family Promise! Thanks, Sandy Kaufman & Ann Soloway. Continued on next page. 8 Social Action (Con't) Continued from previous page. American River Cleanup Cleanups along Mile 17 of the American River Parkway took place on May 25 and on June 17. Our next cleanup is scheduled for August 19th. Contact Todd and Paula Mendell at [email protected], or 916-684-6734 for further information. More upcoming events: RESTORATIVE SCHOOLS VISION PROJECT (RSVP) Training 8/16 & 17: can be used for continuing education credit Training is required to participate in the Washington School Project. Contact Richard/916Richard/916 - 213213 - 5089 or Stella/[email protected]. Stella/[email protected] . UPCOMING EVENTS Sustaining Sustainability at CBI! In order to continue the environmental focus at CBI, there is an effort underway to revive the Sustainable Living Committee, aka Sustainable Living Project. This committee worked diligently for several years, implementing projects such as Bike to CBI School Day, the community garden, and energy conservation. The committee has been on hiatus and is missed by many congregants. There will be an organizational meeting to plan its revitalization on Thursday, August 23, at 7pm, in the conference room, administration building at CBI. If you are a former member of the SLIC who would like to resume old projects, or if you have ideas and/or energy to add to our committee, we urge you to attend this meeting. It’s an opportunity to get to know fellow congregants while helping to shape the path the committee will take. We look forward to seeing you. If you have questions, please direct them to: Chuck Rosenberg/[email protected], or Todd Mendel/[email protected]. Swab a cheek— cheek— save a life! This Yom Kippur you can pray to be inscribed in the Book of Life and also act to give the gift of life. All it takes is a swab of your cheek. Many patients with blood diseases require stem cell or bone marrow transplants, and there is an urgent need to expand the registry of potential donors for these procedures. On Yom Kippur afternoon, from noon until 5 pm, CBI will host a donor drive. There is no charge. The medical staff from Blood Source will be on site to test potential donors between the ages of 18 and 60. We hope many of congregants will participate. The testing involves a simple swab of your check, nothing more. All potential donors will be entered in the registry of “Be the Match,” a national marrow donor program. Should you AUGUST SOCIAL ACTION OPPORTUNITIES match a patient needing a marrow donor, you will be contacted. The actual donation process usually involves donating blood stem cells, but in some cases may involve a donation of bone marrow. 8/16 & 17: RSVP training. More details about the donor drive and the transplant process will See upcoming events follow in the coming weeks. Start the new year off right by helping to 8/19: 8/19 American River Parkway Clean-up save lives. Contact [email protected] for more info. Education Projects – CBI Has Already Made a Difference & Can Make Even More! The 2012-13 academic year is quickly approaching. We have three separate opportunities, which are listed in the Ongoing & New Social Action Projects. Contact the lead for each and you will receive information about how to get plugged into that effort. 9 8/20: Jewish Community Day @ Loaves & Fishes 8/23: Sustainable Living Project meeting CBI Bulletin Board More That's New Note From the Editor By Bonnie Penix Our Sosnick library is open during the summer, so come on in! Our librarian, Poshi Mikalson, has another new biography ready for you. It's "Benjamin V. Cohen: Architect of the New Deal." Poshi says, "Very few people know the influence this Jewish man had during the FDR administration." Women of B'nai Israel contributed the Cohen biography to our library along with others mentioned in the previous Koleinu. In the biography section, these books are shelved alphabetically by the last name of the person they're about. The library is open for self-checkout of books any time the office is open. Instructions are on the front desk and are easy to follow. In addition, there are several dozen books available for purchase for a nominal fee on a small bookcase beneath Eugene Sosnick's portrait. So come in and check it out! D ear Fellow Congregants, Each month I try to feature one or more of the fabulous volunteers who contribute so much to our CBI family. The following congregants on our 2012-13 board exemplify such generosity of spirit: serving on the executive committee are President Steve Goldberg; Goldberg President-Elect Barbara AllenAllen-Brecher; Brecher VP Education Lisa Brodkey; Brodkey VP Facilities Alan Steinberg; Steinberg VP Administration Marc Koenigsberg; Koenigsberg VP Finance Gordon Spector; Spector VP Membership Deidra Meyers; Meyers Chief Financial Officer Alex Swedlow; Swedlow Secretary Rachel Resnick; Resnick and Immediate Past President Jay Schenirer. Schenirer New trustees to the board this year are Daniel Kaufman, Ed Klinenberg and Gary Leiserowitz. Leiserowitz Board trustees who are continuing their service include Joan Gorfain, Jean Ismail, Irwin Karp, Alex Kelter, Alisa Sakowitz, Jeanette Salkin, Joel Schwartz, Ted London and Steven Tincher. Tincher Rounding out the board are the following, newly-elected auxiliary organization officers: WBI President Dana Hirschel; Hirschel Brotherhood President Paul Ortega; Ortega and BISY President Erin Barney. Barney Please keep in mind that all of these congregants give a great deal of time, thought and energy to making B'nai Israel a welcoming, fiscally sound, educationally interesting and spiritually fulfilling home. When you see them, remember to thank them. Enjoy the remaining summer days. Sincerely, Quote of the Month Bonnie Penix Save the Date! “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” ~ from The Lorax by Dr. Seuss Judaica Gift Shop Treasures Mark your calendars now for Leisure League in November Thursday, November 1, noon, in CBI social hall. Music and song, thankyous and awards, delicious lunch. We'll reminisce and celebrate. This will mark the end of many wonderful years of Leisure League. Watch for more info. Plan to be there! We just returned from a successful buying trip at the Los Angeles Gift Show and new items will be arriving weekly. We’ve also ordered spectacular jewelry designed by Israeli artists. Please visit the Jonas Goldman Judaica shop to see our new selection of gift and ritual items. We have a wonderful selection of shofarot of various sizes and costs. We’re open on Tuesdays 1:30–5 pm, or by appointment during the summer. Call Carole Kovnick (974-0875) or Jane Orkand (283-4325) for assistance. 10 CBI Bulletin Board …to Erica Leiserowitz for her lead role as Maria in the play “The Sound of Music” performed at her school, Brookfield, this year. From a completely unbiased standpoint her father Gary thought she did a fabulous acting job! Dick Bernheimer, Bernheimer whose art was featured at the Shimo Center for the Arts in June at the Second Saturday art walk reception and continued on display through July 11. ... to Michael Neumann and his Sacramento Youth Symphony Premier Orchestra on a wonderful Shalom–Salaam–Peace concert in May. ... to Senate pro Tem Darrell Steinberg on his anti-human trafficking bill, co-sponsored by NCJW, and passed in the California Senate. ... to Gabi WienerWiener-Brodkey, who was presented with the Rabinovitz Family Youth-Volunteer-of-the-Year award at B'nai Israel's annual meeting. ... to Bina Lefkovitz, who received the Volunteer-of-the-Year award at CBI's annual meeting on June 9. ... to Judy EmickEmick-Leatherwood, Leatherwood recipient of the Nancy & Dick Bernheimer Distinguished Service award at the annual meeting. … to Barbara and Mike Ullman Ullman, beaming first-time grandparents of granddaughter Haley Sara Claremon, Claremon born on June 18 to proud parents Carrie (née Ullman) and Scott Claremon. Claremon … to Bonnie Penix on the birth of her grandson Milo Benjamin Penix. Milo was born June 21 in San Diego to Josh Penix and his wife Michelle. Michelle Big sister Quinn thinks baby Milo is alright! His middle name—Benjamin—was Bill Penix's Hebrew name. ... to Judie Fertig Panneton, who was the keynote speaker at a recent ceremony in the Schoolhouse Museum in Old Sacramento for presentations of citizenship certificates to 14 Sacramento children. Judie also gave each child a copy of her book Proud Americans: Growing Up as Children of Immigrants, available in our gift shop. Judge Judy Holzer Hersher, who has been selected for Judge of the Year by the Sacramento County Bar Association (SCBA). This recognition will be bestowed upon her at the SCBA's annual judicial reception in the fall. Congratulations, Judge Holzer Hersher! …to Jennifer & Todd Kaufman, who are pleased to announce the birth of their newest grandson. Oliver V. Trouble Kaufman was born in San Francisco on June 30 to proud parents Jonathan Kaufman and Joanna Potenza. 11 ...that all 24 letters of the Hebrew alphabet are found in the Jewish star of David? There is no such thing in any other language! CBI Bulletin Board Eleanor J. Marks Holocaust Essay Contest by Bernie Marks The Eleanor J. Marks Holocaust Essay, in honor of my late wife, Eleanor (Ellie), aims to promote remembrance and study of the Holocaust. I hope to influence students to understand what it means when we say, “Never again.” Christian Brothers High School, Sacramento; New San Juan High School: winner–Irina Gayduchick and runner-up–Weijie Dong. 5) Overseas: winners–Agnesia Kulczycka, Kardinal Stefan Wyszynski Gymnazium, Poland and Julia Fichtner, In 2008, we began the EJM Essay Contest for 6th through Hans Leinberger Gymnasium, 9b, Germany. 12th graders at CBI. Although only few students participated that I would like to thank the many teachers, educators, rabbis first year, the contest has grown considerably in the last three and parents who helped to make this year’s contest such a success years. This year, we had over sixty entries from the greater Sacra- and for encouraging students to enter. I also want to thank the mento area, Chico, Modesto, Lake Tahoe, and Fairfield as well students who researched and wrote about “Jews Helping and Savas entries from several European countries including Austria, ing Jews during the Holocaust.” Germany, Switzerland, France, Luxemburg, and Poland. Special thanks to the judging panel, which was made up of We had five categories for entrants and the judges declared the following awards: 1) Religious Schools (6th –8th graders): winner–Theo Gress, Shalom School, runner-up–Charlie Carl; 2) Shalom School Madrichim: winner–Kaitlyn Zeichick, Congregation Beth Israel, Chico, runner up–Noa Elliott, Congregation B’nai Israel; 3) Special Awards: Awards Meighan Einsel, Abbey Smith, and Sarah Smith, Congregation B’nai Israel, Sacramento; 4) Public/Private Schools (7th(7th-12th graders): winners–Selena Bush, Chico Junior High and Abby Scurfield, the following readers: Rabbi Mona Alfi, Rabbi Shoshanah KingTornberg, Mandy Greene, Allison Einsel, Jon Meltzer, Stephanie Smith, Bernie Goldberg of Mosaic Law Congregation, and Steven Millner of US Bank. Thank you also to Marissa Hubbs for the professional design of the 2012 essay book. CBI’s LONESOME GARDEN NO MORE pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving. Yummy, yummy! We have horseradish almost ready to pull out of the ground; basil and oregano ready to be used for your next Italian dinner and spearmint going wild and begging to be picked and made into a cool summer drink. This planter will give different herbs throughout the year and it is hoped that whatever variety is available will be a useful addition to your culinary skills. Well, you must be on the edge of your chair waiting for the end of this tale and here it is. A row of sunflowers! Plus, we have sweet Italian peppers; yellow, red and green bell peppers; cayenne, habanero, jalapeno and Fresno hot peppers; green beans, cantaloupe and watermelon in the fifth planter. Stop by and view your garden. Any questions on what is ripe and ready to pick just give me a call at 833-1267. By Amelia “Amy” Lorenzo Last year I asked Megan Florida if she would like a volunteer for the garden. I thought it would be interesting to work with and teach the children of CBI about gardening. Teach them? Yes, teach them to create food from seed, plant the seedlings in the five gorgeous planters, watch the plants grow, and maintain the planters to allow all the vegetables to grow to their fullest potential, not struggle with weeds and crab grass, and finally to reap the fruit of their labor. It would be a great learning process. Right now, we have a bed full of delicious strawberries. Then we have pickling cucumbers, lemon cucumbers, Armenian cucumbers, zucchini, crookneck squash and spaghetti squash in the next planter. Wow, it’s getting exciting isn’t it? We have five varieties of tomatoes in the next planter. By its side there’s a mound of pumpkin plants, that will give us 20 to 30 pumpkins of various sizes. They will be ready for picking in October. Just in time to make those homemade I look forward to next year’s fifth annual Eleanor J. Marks Holocaust Essay Contest with the theme, “The Unsung Heroes Of the Holocaust.” 12 Birthdays 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Anniversaries Radyne Citrenbaum, Hope Rabinovitz, Sarah Rosenbloom Ted Appel, Bob Lauer Rebecca Freeman, Michael Gabbe-Gross, Neal Meredith Leah Ezry, Laurel Hollis, Michael Phillips John Lewis, Greg Nathanson, Helen Schwartz, Amy Solov, Debra Zeff Leah Dankman, Beth Malinowski, Steve Meinrath Brie Bajar, Anna Cohen, Nicole Cohn Jack Benoun, Alex Cady, Scott Claremon, Jeanne Herman, Marissa Hubbs, Ariel Kor, Michaela Redson Elijah Howe, Malcolm McElheney, Judith Milch, Fawn Press-Dawson, Daniel Shnairson, Debra Spector Elaine Berghausen, Zane Jakobs, Benjamin Schwartz, Bill Slaton Dana Hirschel, Samantha Meredith, René Smith Jeff Askenas, Jonah Wiener-Brodkey Robin Appelbaum, Jeff Aran, Bernardette Behar, Steven Gevercer, Samuel Makarczyk, Tim Schooley Annette Levy, Andy Lutter, Erika Meredith, Katherine Severson Robert Calmann, Dan Gorfain, John Hall, Alexia Lewis, Jonathan Mulberg, Frances Prisco, Gordon Spector, Rodolfo Vidaurri, Dan Weitzman Terri Gaines, Byron Younger Liya Cornelius, Alyssa Heskin, Raquel Grossman Perluss, Annette Schaffner, Rhiannon Stewart, Allyson Taylor, Sonia Taylor, Daveed Waithaka Debbie Haskell, Ray Jacobson, Harry Karnofsky, Tyler Koenigsberg, Samantha Phillips, O. H. Fifi Zeff Samuel Brownstein, Jennifer Kaufman, Jacob Kay, Aden Mendoza, Rob Sakowitz Danielle Fahn, Gerald Rogan David Behrmann, Adam Goldberg, Eric Goodstein, Elaine Hussey, Adam Roye, Jerry Schoen, Gary Zigenfuss Beverly Nesman-Feusi Stephanie Agron, Jason Beckett, Jessica Heskin, Cecile Kentwortz Kaplan Rachel Cady, Ron Kaldor, Colin Meinrath, Terry Press-Dawson, Will Rosenberg, Sally Zeff Hirschowitz Katelyn Crawford, Max Crevin, Linda Karnofsky, Alexander Kuper, Max Mendelson, Jay Wisham Rebecca Alto, Jeremy Block, Margaret Gladstein Stacia Levy, Jenny Macht, Samantha Marcus, 28 29 30 31 Joyce Berger, Samuel Cooperman-Earl, Matt Lieberman Gerald Kagan, Evan Marshall, Ari Solov John Goldberg, Sawyer Shader-Seave, Suzy Underwood Andrew Goldstein, Kimberlee Koretsky, Jacob Williams 2 Emilie & Jonathan Brosin, Susie & Bob Lauer 3 Rebecca & Matthew Marcus, Sarah & Jason Michaels 5 Jo Ann & Marty Solov 6 Bina Lefkovitz & Jay Schenirer 7 Deborah Miller-Froh & Christopher Froh, Helen & Howard Nevins, Donna & Jeff Pulverman 8 Nancy & Stephen Ginsberg 9 Susan Geiger & Bryan Shragge 10 Laurie & Larry Meyer 11 Jill & Jason Beckett, Alicia & Jorge Gaj 12 Eva Gabbe-Gross & David Gross, Annette & Mike Kalamaras, Hope & Jeff Rabinovitz 13 Jennifer & Tim Stoecklein 16 Julie Turrini & Matt Lieberman, Sarah Soto-Taylor & Seren Taylor 17 Marlene & Lou Anapolsky, Jacqueline & Renzo Bernales, Jenny & Ray Seamans 20 Farla Kaufman & Neil Dubrovsky 21 Lisa & Ken Brody, Muriel & Arthur Molho 22 Elaine Berghausen & Dave Brubaker, Leslie & Matthew Jacobs, Bonnie & Steven Kasower 24 Sandra & Steve Felderstein 25 Ashley & Matthew Berenstein, Denise & Paul Gottlieb 26 Gladys & Jack Angel, Claire Lipschultz & Sage Sweetwood 29 Alice & Russell Kronick 31 Bernardette & Samuel Behar, Carrie & Scott Claremon, Jeanne & Irving Herman, Marci & Paul Ortega, 13 Anne & Jeff Simon Our Contributors Rabbi Alfi’s Discretionary Fund • Vida & Gordon Adelman in memory of Carol Adelman • Warren Anapolsky thank you to Rabbi Alfi for the wonderful A special thank you to the family of Esther Farber for the generous donation in their loved one’s name to fund educational scholarships for the upcoming religious school year. service she led for the unveiling of his wife, Morissa’s, headstone • Jeff Askenas & Bob Nelson in honor of the anniversary of Barbara and Terry Allen-Brecher • Illene Carroll for the yahrzeits of Harry Stern, Abe Cohn, Gert Samoville, Louis Neustadt and Charlie Saltzburg • Scott Cohn in memory of his mother, Faith Koller • Mitzi & Norm Davis wishing a speedy recovery to • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Robin Appelbaum Hellan & Brad Dowden in memory of Hellan’s father, Irvin Roth Bob Dresser in memory of his wife, Susan Dresser, and thank you to Rabbi Alfi for her support and the Shiva for Susan Susan Geiger for the yahrzeit of her mother, Elizabeth Geiger Carl & Doris Korman in gratitude to Rabbi Alfi for her support of and inspiration to their daughter, Daniela “Dani” Bobbie Len in memory of Jim Leonard, husband of Laurie Len Leonard Laurie, Carrie, Tom & Samantha Leonard in gratitude to Rabbi Alfi for her support, love and guidance shown to them at the loss of their loved one Fran Levy in memory of Roberta Fassler-Katz, Sam Sisken, Morris Levy and Dorothy Kubel Landsberg Sarah & Rachel Liebman & Kevin Wyatt in appreciation of Rabbi Alfi for the lovely service for their father, Roy Liebman Laurie & Larry Meyer thank you to Rabbi Alfi for her kindness Denni Mador in honor of her father, Joe Schwartz, and in appreciation of Rabbi Alfi and Dr. Glenn Hammel Viktor Pekelis in memory of Lyudmila Pekelis-Federova Marcee & Mark Samberg in honor of their father & father-in-law, Joe Schwartz on Fathers’ Day 2012 Marian Samoville in honor of Carol Licker’s special birthday René Smith in memory of her mother, Lillian Kipnis Maxine Spitzer in memory of Armand Cohodes Sue & Tim Schooley in honor of the 2012 Confirmation Class Patricia Schwartz & Susan Blum in honor of their father, Joe Schwartz, on Father’s Day 2012 and in appreciation of Rabbi Alfi and Dr. Glenn Hammel Educator’s Discretionary Fund • The Brotherhood in honor of our new educator, Rabbi Loving, and in support of our religious school • Christie & Ted London in honor Rabbi Loving’s arrival • Edythe Swidler & Mary Sorrels in support of the Madrichim program’s Sky High Activity The Brotherhood Funds– Eleanor J. Marks Holocaust Essay Contest Fund • Sharon Rogoff, Betty Salomon and David Lubin Lodge #37 B’nai B’rithB’rith-Sacramento for their generous contributions in memory of Eleanor Marks • International Youth House— House—Dachau, Germany; Realschule, Unterschlessheim, Bavaria, Germany; Germany ; Kollegium St. Michael, Kollegium Gambach & Kollegium Heiligen Kreuz in Fribourg, Switzerland; Technical University, Munich, Germany; and Stadtgarden Gymnasium, Saar Louis, Germany, all in appreciation of Bernie Marks’ Holocaust high school and university presentations Camp Shelanu Scholarship Fund • Bonnie Penix Mazel Tov to Joan & Dan Gorfain on their 45th wedding anniversary • Linda & Ray Santistevan in honor of Marcia and Steve Smith’s 50th wedding anniversary Capital Campaign Fund • Fran Levy in memory of Jewel Greenberg, mother of Patti Roth Caring Community Fund • Anonymous in honor of Bobbi & Dick Nathanson for all that they do • Jean Ismail in support of Family Promise • Saturday Night Bridge Group in support of the food closet • Jo Ann & Marty Solov in support of Family Promise Carl Naluai, Jr. Music Fund • Bob Dresser in memory of his wife, Susan Dresser, and thank you to Julie Steinberg for her support and the Shiva for Susan • Patti, Steve, Dena & Leah Kolb in memory of Carl Naluai, Jr. Contributions continued on next page. 14 Our Contributors (Con’t) Contributions continued from previous page. • • Samra Kor & family in memory of Louis Becker • Fran Levy in memory of Roberta Fassler-Katz • Bonnie Penix in memory of Bernard Dobrow, father of Laurie Meyer • Scott Cohn in memory of his mother, Faith Koller • Warren Anapolsky in gratitude to Julie Steinberg for her beautiful chanting during the unveiling of his wife, Morissa’s, headstone Weinberg Godparent Fund • Doris Pittell & Bud Morris in memory of Doris’ father, Gene Pittell WBI funds– Women Feed the Hungry • Saturday Night Bridge Club Price Campership • Celine & Sam Sankary in honor of the births of Haley Sara Claremon, granddaughter of Barbara & Mike Ullman and Milo Benjamin Penix, grandson of Bonnie Penix Educational Opportunities Fund for Joseph Bonnheim Students in Memory of Susan Dresser • Gail & David Barnes • Joseph Bonnheim School • • • • • • • • • • • • staff Sheila & Ken Budman Linda Clevenger & Seth Brunner Paul Cress Branka & Radomir Cubrilo Roz & Bob Dinsfriend Norine Dresser Anne & Hal Eisenberg Madlyn & Ralph Hilton Wendy & Greg Hubbs Diane & Michael Larivee Susan Miller Elise Manders & Grant Miller • Eleanor & Jerry Mitchell • Jasmine Mukai on behalf • • • • • • • • • • Yahrzeit Fund • Ronna Dienstfrey for the yahrzeit of her father-in-law, of the staff and judges of the Oxnard Office of Appeals Daphne & Elliot Mulberg Zachary Osborne & Maura Osborne Anne & Bruce Pomer Betty & Jack Reuben Greta Ripley Diane & Joe Samuel Myrtle & Joe Schwartz Linda & Mark Spiegel Emily Vasquez & Ralph Lightstone Barbara & James Wolpman Max Dienstfrey Women of B’nai Israel (WBI) Funds Price Campership Fund Help our kids go to camp! Women of B’nai Israel (WBI) has been awarding camperships to CBI children every year for over 40 years. Women Feed the Hungry Fund Help feed the hungry in Sacramento. Did you know that Women of B’nai Israel provide financial support to Loaves and Fishes and to the Central Downtown Food Basket every month? Help us continue this important work – relieving hunger in our community. Donations to Price Campership and Women Feed the Hungry funds should be made out to WBI and sent to: Celine Sankary• Sankary•2817 Robinson Creek Lane, Elk Grove 95758 EXPERT TRANSLATIONS Flower Fund • Raquel & Irving Perluss in memory of Irving’s mother, Old family letters, post cards, documents Ethel Perluss Berliner Yiddish, Polish, French, Russian and many more languages General Fund • Julie Mackoff in honor of Leo Tochterman’s Bar Mitzvah Contact Bernie Marks 916.363.0122 Israel Youth Fund • Jennifer & Todd Kaufman in memory of Jaime Devore, (All proceeds go to the Eleanor J. Marks Holocaust Essay Fund) Melissa McElheney’s father • Fran Levy in memory of Roberta Fassler-Katz Len Maintenance Fund • Roz and Bob Dinsfriend in memory of Jim Leonard, husband of Laurie Len Leonard Prayer Book Fund • Debra Chernow a bookplate for a prayer book commemorating the yahrzeit of her mother, Marilyn H. Chernow Sosnick Library Fund • Terri & Jonathan Cristy for the yahrzeit of Lois M. Cristy and Richard P. Kiser 15 Contractor Lic.# 936953 35 yrs. experience We Mourn Our Losses Community Bulletin Board Eugene Bloom Beloved father of Rachael Sonntag-Bloom Carmela Grimaldi Beloved grandmother of Brie Bajar Bernard Dobrow Beloved father of Laurie Meyer Beloved father-in-law of Larry Meyer Beloved grandfather of Evan Phillip (Phil) Hanson Beloved husband of Mary Hanson Beloved father of Debora, Dianna, Johnny, Holly, & Philip Jr. Beloved grandfather of twelve Beloved great grandfather of two Susan Dresser Beloved wife of Robert Dresser Beloved mother of Jennifer Bank and Jonathan Dresser Beloved grandmother of Benji and Sidney Bank Beloved sister of Linna Barnes Beloved sister-in-law of Madge Dresser and Chris Mixter Beloved aunt of Sarah and Laura Mixter & Daniel Summerbell Evelyn Hooker Beloved cousin of Helen Nusbaum & Steve Meinrath and Colin & Rose Meinrath Faith Koller Beloved mother of Scott Cohn Beloved grandmother of Spencer Cohn & Rachel Dunbar Ann Emick Beloved aunt of Judy Emick-Leatherwood & Blair Leatherwood Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir a leader of the Jewish people Allan Gobuty Beloved husband of Barbara Gobuty Beloved father of Ryan Gobuty and Sarah Gobuty Helen Shuman Beloved aunt of Jean Ismail Susan Swenson Beloved friend of Barbara Steinberg Gordon Griffin Beloved father of Diann Gruen Beloved father-in-law of Jules Gruen Beloved grandfather of Johanna and Joseph Gruen CHALLENGES IN ELDER HEALTH CARE: Minimizing Risks & Maximizing Positive Outcomes You’re invited to a forum about the risks for older people of various medical care settings (medical offices, hospitals, nursing homes), the array of medications commonly prescribed for older people, and how to manage those risks for yourself and your loved ones to achieve the best possible outcomes. Sponsored by NCJW with support from the Jewish Federation. No charge but reservations requested: please email [email protected] or leave a message at (916) 204-8777. (Please include your name, email address and the number of people in your party.) Visit for more information. 16 W HEN: Sunday, September 9, 3 pm to 5 pm W HERE: Kenesset Israel Torah Center 1165 Morse Avenue Sacramento, CA 95864. SPEAKERS: Irving Hellman, PhD, Geropsychologist, Eldercare Adviser Elliot E. Mazer, MD, Geriatrician Community Bulletin Board 17 Community Bulletin Board 18 19 26 27 10am Madrichim Training 10:15am WBI Board Mtg. (off-site) 20 Social Action at Loaves & Fishes 13 12 19 9:30am Teacher Orientation 10am American River Cleanup 6 Mon 5 10:30am Brotherhood Brunch with Author Mike Luery 2Sun CBI Calendar Wed 22 15 noon Pizza lunch with Israel Trip ReturneesConference room 8 1 9am Camp Shelanu 28 29 Noon Religious EthicsConference room 6pm Madrichim & Teacher Mtgs. 7pm Israeli Dancing Hebrew Teacher Orientation 6:15pm Rosh Chodesh 1:30— 5pm Gift shop open 7pm Israeli Dancing 21 4pm 14 7pm Israeli Dancing 7 1:30— 5pm Gift shop open 7pm Israeli Dancing Tue Thu 30 23 6pm Judaica Teachers Orientation 7pm Sustainable Living Project Mtg. 16 Restorative Schools Vision Project (RSVP) Training 6:15pm Executive Committee Meeting 9 Fri 31 7:30pm Shabbat Services 24 7:30pm Shabbat Services 17 Restorative Schools Vision Project (RSVP) Training continues 6:00pm Welcome Rabbi Loving Shabbat Dinner 7:30pm Shabbat Services welcoming Rabbi Loving 10 6pm Tot Shabbat 6:30pm 2nd Shabbes Dinner 7:30pm Shabbat Services Camp Shelanu– last day CBI visit to Camp Newman for Shabbat 7:30pm Shabbat Services 2 3 9am Camp Shelanu 9am 6:15pm Board of Trustees Mtg. 4pm Av/Elul 5772 September 1 9am Torah Study 10:30am Asher Albrecht Bar Mitzvah 25 9am Torah Study 10:30am Zane Jakobs Bar Mitzvah 6pm Madrichim Shul-In 18 9am Torah Study 10:30am Michaela Redsun Bat Mitzvah 11 9am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Morning Services 6pm Parents Night Out 4 9am Torah Study 10:30am Shabbat Services Sat August 2012 Koleinu Our Voice Phone . . . 916.446.4861 Fax . . . 916.446.2875 Rabbi Mona Alfi, Senior Rabbi, [email protected] Rabbi Lester A. Frazin, Rabbi Emeritus Rabbi Michal Loving, Director of Congregational Learning, [email protected] Julie Steinberg, Cantorial Soloist, [email protected] Mandy Greene, Administrator, [email protected] Steve Belzer, General Counsel, [email protected] Congregation B’nai Israel 3600 Riverside Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95818 NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT No. 311 Sacramento, CA Time Dated Material Or deliver to current resident - - - - - President, Steve Goldberg, [email protected] VP Finance, Gordon Spector, [email protected] VP Administration, Marc Koenigsberg, [email protected] VP Education, Lisa Brodkey, [email protected] VP Facilities, Alan Steinberg, [email protected] VP Membership, Deidra Meyers, [email protected] CFO, Alex Swedlow, [email protected] Secretary, Rachel Resnick, [email protected] Past-President, Jay Schenirer, [email protected] ------ Koleinu Staff Editor: Bonnie Penix, [email protected] Proofreader: Nita Davidson Proofreader: Elaine Hussey Layout & Design: Barbara Rogers S econd Shabbes, August 10, at Congregation B’nai Israel 6:00 pm Tot Shabbat • 6:30 pm 2 nd Shabbes Dinner • 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Apricot chicken with almonds, balsamic roasted potato wedges, savory tomato cobbler and garden salad with dijon vinaigrette We always have “kid friendly” meals! Adults $12, if reserved by the Wednesday before 2nd Shabbes; $14 after Wednesday. Meals are complimentary for children 12 & under. RSVP to the office at 916-446-4861, ext. 31 or [email protected]. Please mail your payment to: to Congregation B’nai Israel 3600 Riverside Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95818. Thank you! 20
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