May Koleinu for website - Congregation B`nai Israel


May Koleinu for website - Congregation B`nai Israel
Iyar/Sivan 5772
May, 2012
Vol 11, Issue 14
The Voice of
B’nai Israel
Todah Rabah Rabbi KingKing -Tornberg
Three is a mystical number in Judaism. In Pirke Avot, we learn that the world
stands on three things - Torah, Avodah and G'millut Chasadim. The Rabbis teach
us that there are three ways to attain atonement–t'fillah, t'shuvah, and t’zedakah.
And we have learned at B'nai Israel that it takes three years to create a comprehensive lifelong learning program. The last three years have been a busy time in our education programs. Rabbi King-Tornberg has done a wonderful job in working with
our lay leaders, shepherding our programs through many positive changes and
ultimately creating a lifelong learning program.
Rabbi King-Tornberg has been a valued teacher both in the classroom and on the
bimah, and in the many committees with which she has worked . Our Mazal Tots program has experienced a baby boom and is an active and joyful hub of activity for our families with young
children. Camp Shelanu continues to grow and thrive and has become an important part of our education
vision. Religious school successfully transitioned to a new Judaica curriculum and a new way for us to teach
Hebrew. Our first year of Kesher (8th -12th grade) was a big success. Our adult education programs are
offering an amazing array of learning opportunities for our congregants. Rabbi King-Tornberg’s passion and
scholarship has enriched our congregation. While we are happy for Rabbi King-Tornberg and her family as
they embark on a new adventure in Pennsylvania, they will be greatly missed here in Sacramento.
Rabbi Mona Alfi
Please join us in saying thank you to Rabbi KingKing -Tornberg for her service to Congregation B'nai
Israel on Friday, May 11, at both the Tot Shabbat and 7:30 services, and on the last day of religious
school, May 20, from 11:3011:30-12:30.
Then: Rabbi Alfi welcomes Rabbi King-Tornberg
the first day of religious school, 2009.
Founded 1849
Rabbi King-Tornberg shares a lighter moment Now: Rabbi King-Tornberg
with Mandy Greene, Purim, 2011. Purim, flashes her exuberant smile.
2010, she is Rocket, the super hero!
Shabbat Services
Torah Study
Mini Minyan
Shabbat Services
Tot Shabbat
2nd Shabbes Dinner
Education Shabbat honoring
Rabbi King-Tornberg
Torah Study
Shabbat Services
Join Congregation B'nai Israel and the
Women of B'nai Israel
for a special women’s' Shabbat service on
Celebrate our Jewish tradition and the women who
support our community.
Sababbah Shabbat Dinner
WBI Shabbat
Women of B’nai Israel &
Rabbi Alfi invite all women
age 13 and over to
Torah Study
Bar Mitzvah of Leo Tochterman
Shabbat Services
Rosh Chodesh Sivan, Tuesday, May 22 • 6:15 pm
Torah Study
Shabbat Services
Confirmation dinner & blessings
Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Join Women of B'nai Israel and Julie Steinberg for Rosh Chodesh Sivan on
Tuesday, May 22. The topic this month will be “Kol Isha.” This is very interesting, not only in relation to our personal lives, but in light of repression and overcoming repression of women's voices worldwide.
Vegetarian potluck dinner begins at 6:15 pm, service at 6:45 pm and program
at 7:00 pm. All women over the age of 13 are welcome. No RSVP is necessary.
SUNDAY, May 27
Confirmation/Shavuot Service
Coming Next Month
MONDAY, May 28
9:15 am
Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, June 19 “Claiming Shabbat for Ourselves”
Pride Shabbat
Torah Study
Mini Minyan
Shabbat Services
Congregation B’nai Israel
3600 Riverside Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95818
Anniversaries ................................. 13
May Calendar ................................. 19
Birthdays ........................................ 13
Brotherhood ..................................... 6
CBI Bulletin Board.......................9-12
Community Bulletin Board ....... 16-18
Donations.. ............................... 14, 16
Editor’s Column.............................. 11
Education ...................................... 7-9
Mourning Our Losses..................... 15
President’s Column .......................... 4
Women of B’nai Israel ...................... 5
Worship ......................................... 2-3
There is a 350 word limit on articles
for the Koleinu. Deadline for all issues is
the first day of the month preceding
publication date. Please send your article
to [email protected].
The opinions expressed in the
Koleinu are entirely those of the
contributors and do not reflect official
policy of CBI.
Koleinu is published ten times a
year. The June/July and December/
January editions are combined.
Phone: 916.446.4861 Fax: 916.446.2875
Bar Mitzvah
Mazel Tov to Confirmands and Graduates
Leo Tochterman
Bar Mitzvah
May 19
Celebrate a special confirmation or graduation with a card and gift
from the Jonas Goldman Judaica Gift Shop. Choose from a wide selection of jewelry, decorative boxes, a beautiful journal to record travel adventures, traveler’s Shabbat candlesticks and other ritual items, books, and
special keepsakes. Many of the items are designed by Israeli and American Jewish artists.
We also have many gift choices for: weddings, bar/bat mitzvah, baby
namings and brit milah, birthdays, anniversaries, conversion, yourself,
or some other special person.
Before you schlep all the way to the Bay Area, stop by the Jonas Goldman Judaica Gift Shop – we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by our
For your convenience, Shabbat and yahrzeit candles are available at
the reception desk in the temple office.
The gift shop is open Sundays, 9:30 am – 1 pm, through May 20 and
Tuesdays, 1 – 6 pm. During the summer, the shop will be open most
Tuesdays, but please call ahead (446-4861, ext. 20). Questions? Need
an appointment? Call Carole Kovnick, 974-0875 or Jane Orkand,
Board of Trustees
President’s Column
The Board’s calendar and fiscal
year ends on June 30. Instead of
winding down, this time is the
Board’s busiest part of the year.
Here’s a quick update on just a few
of the Board’s activities:
 Wine & Food Festival:
Festival The
Board and our WFF Committee have a
great event planned again this year. As
always we need the congregation’s help
to make it a success. The WFF is on
Saturday, May 5, at 7 pm, and features
Steve Goldberg
great wines, food and auction items.
CBI President
Our fundraising goal is $25,000. With
your purchase of tickets and auction items we can reach or
exceed this target as we did in the past few years. Come join
us for a fun evening with your CBI community and help our
congregation meet its financial needs at the same time.
 New Restricted Fund Guidelines for the Caring
Community Fund:
Fund During the last few years we have raised
funds at the WFF for scholarships and other needs of our
congregants. This year, our rabbi, the WFF Committee and
the Board’s “Fund-a-Need” goal is to raise funds for the Caring Community Fund. It is a restricted fund that provides
support for congregant families and community organizations
supported by CBI. Most of the funds raised will stay within
our CBI community to help congregants meet basic needs in
emergency situations. Examples of programs supported by
CBI which could benefit from this fund include Family
Promise and the Winter Sanctuary programs. The Board recently approved new guidelines for the use of these funds at
the discretion/direction of Rabbi Alfi in consultation with the
temple administrator.
 Budget Planning:
Planning Our Budget Committee has been
meeting for the last three months to review our fiscal condition and prepare a budget for next year. The Board has spent
several hours on budget and financial issues. It will discuss
the Budget Committee’s recommendations at the May Board
meeting and adopt next year’s budget at its June meeting.
Our expenses have remained steady but income from dues is
down and this comprises approximately 46% of our budget.
The Budget Committee and the Board have not yet decided
how to tackle these challenges but we need to increase revenues while controlling expenses. We will continue to update
the congregation as we work through these issues.
 Leadership Development Class:
Class We concluded the
year with a class on CBI’s finances and a Shabbat dinner with
the families of all the class participants and our professional
and clergy staff. It was a great group, many of whom are
already involved, or will soon become involved, in various
activities of the lay leadership, including the Board of Trustees. Thanks to Past President Hope Rabinovitz for coordinating and leading this year’s class. We plan to hold these
classes more frequently in the future.
 Annual Meeting Planning:
Planning Watch for details on this
year’s Annual Meeting, Saturday evening, June 9. The Board
and the staff are planning a CBI community BBQ combined
with Havdallah service.
 Nominations for the Board:
Board Our nominating committee, chaired by Past President Dale Kasler, will shortly
announce our candidates for the Board of Trustees for next
year. Watch your email and regular mail for the committee's
 Last, but not least, transition celebrations
for Rabbi KingKing -Tornberg and Rabbi Michal Loving:
The Board is working with our V.P of Education
Lisa Brodkey, V.P. of Administration Barbara Allen-Brecher,
Rabbi Alfi and the members of our education- related
committees on transition celebrations thanking Rabbi KingTornberg for her service to our congregation and welcoming
Rabbi Michal Loving as our new Director of Congregational
Learning. The congregation is encouraged to participate in
these celebrations and further details can be found in this issue
of the Koleinu and Chadshot announcements and updates.
The boardboard - approved slate will be submitted to
the congregation for the election of atat- large
members to the Board of Trustees.
Women Of B’nai Israel — WBI
Getting Ready for New Leadership
It’s hard for me to believe that my two-year
term of office as president of Women of B’nai
Israel is coming to an end. I remember when
my long-time friend, Carol Goodman-Gane,
approached me and asked if I would consider
serving as the next president. I gave it some
thought and soon went back to her with my
answer. I had taken a somewhat self-imposed
sabbatical from any leadership role in the
temple. I knew that I was now ready to reassert
Andee Press-Dawson myself and to step up to this opportunity. I can
WBI President
say I am very glad that I did, and I thank Carol
for making this opportunity available to me.
I am very excited to report our outstanding roster of new board
members. The executive committee is composed of the following
-President-Dana Hirschel
-Executive Vice President-Peggy Goldstein
Earn money for our congregation every time you shop
at your favorite stores. Its easy and it doesn’t cost
you a dime! The merchants will donate a percentage
of your purchases to CBI. Just register for SCRIP.
-Vice President for Programming-Sunny Romer
For these stores contact Kent Newton
at [email protected] or 712-9305
-Vice President for Membership-Sandy Lee
-Vice President for Communications-Cindy Swartz
-Vice President for Social Justice/Advocacy-Stacia Levy
-Recording Secretary-Illene Carroll
-Treasurer-Celine Sankary
For these, contact Linda Karnofsky
at [email protected] or 896-5272
-Immediate Past President-Andee Press-Dawson
Many people have agreed to chair our numerous events during the
year as well as our social action projects. I am pleased that we
have greatly expanded the group of women willing to get
involved. Each will be reaching out to our membership to make
certain that everyone who is interested has the opportunity to
participate. We are blessed with a talented group of women who
are members of WBI. We want to make sure that we use this
great talent pool in the most meaningful way. Special thanks to all
of you who have agreed to take on these very important
responsibilities. WBI, the temple, and the greater Sacramento
community will all benefit from your contributions.
Mark your calendar for the installation event on June 3 at
10:30 in the morning in the courtyard. Thanks to Debbie Lewis
and Laurie Meyer for chairing this event. Watch your e-mail for
details. I know it will be a beautiful event.
ai Israel
Women of B'n
New Officers.
Installation of
unday, June 3,
Join W BI on S
e Opper Court
10:30 am, in th
and installatio
at CBI. Lunch
fficial RSVP will
be included. O
the mont
sent out later in
Tales from the (Brother)hood
It is with great
sadness that I report the
loss of one of our
members, Roy Liebman,
tireless worker for the
board. Roy lost a battle
Jeff Rabinovitz,
to colon cancer in
He was
CBI Brotherhood
constantly cajoling us to
reach out to potential members and to collect
membership dues. His many membership ideas
helped us grow to over 100 members. Roy got the
job done, proving a big help in all of our
endeavors. The kitchen will not be the same
without him. I miss him and his friendship.
On a brighter note, in March we had the
return of our Brotherhood brunch on two
different dates, one with Bernie Marks speaking
on genealogy and following that up with Frank
Lieberman speaking on athletic competition in
the youth-challenged athlete. I hope all of you
had a chance to make it to one of these. Good
news if you missed it; a third brunch will be
scheduled for either the summer or early
fall. The brunch speaker will be our own Mike
Luery, and his son, who toured every majorleague ball park over the course of a few years
and have written a book about the experience.
Mike will be joining us to discuss his
experience and have a good nosh. Details will
be forthcoming.
In June we will be having our annual
meeting. A new board will be chosen at that
time, so this will be my last column. I have
enjoyed my tenure and could not have done
this without the support of an incredible group
of dedicated men. Thank you to my board.
From now on, you will have to get your
Zevi, Shael and Siena updates from me
directly. I will leave you with these parting
images. Zevi leaning down from my shoulders
telling me, “Poppop, you are my best
buddy.” Zevi going over to Shael and pulling
on every extremity, lovingly, and Shael looking
up at him giggling. Siena looking into the
Skype camera and whispering "Poppop."
Please support your Brotherhood with your
dues and your work.
Glenn Hammel, Ph.D.
Please note:
Achim– a study
group for men–
sponsored by the
will not meet
in May.
We will resume
in June.
Ten-month, part-time position (10-12 hours a week)
to grow and coordinate a post-B’nai Mitzvah program
for 30-40 teens, 8th-12th grades, called Kesher, for
Congregation B’nai Israel, Sacramento.
Job announcement for
We seek a person who can relate well to teens, has
excellent organizational skills, can help hire teachers,
market program, coordinate registration process, research curriculum, work with program teachers to ensure classes are highly experiential and engaging, develop camp-like weekend student retreats, train youth
to co-facilitate monthly community-building events
before the “Kesher Connections” class time, and possibly to coordinate student-led service and worship projects.
Person may or may not also serve as advisor to congregation’s Senior Temple Youth
Group (5 hours a week). The Senior Youth Group advisor helps build youth leadership of
the Youth Group board, oversees youth group events and organizes and coordinates youth
group events as needed.
For more information contact: Rabbi King Tornberg at [email protected], 916446-4861 x16 or on Facebook at Rabbi King-Tornberg. Position( s) to start August 1, 2012.
If you can help out,
please contact Mandy
at 446446-4861/
[email protected].
May Youth Education Dates-at-a-Glance
By Rabbi King-Tornberg, Director of Lifelong Jewish Learning
Religious School — Sundays
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
May 6 & 20 (Last day of
religious school)
Mini Minyan May 5
10:30 am – noon
Rosh Hodesh: It’s A Girl Thing May 6
1:00 pm for 10th-12th grade girls
Hebrew School — Tuesdays
4:00 – 6:00 pm
May 1, 8 & 15 (Last day of Hebrew school)
Kesher Connections
8 – 10 grades – May 1 (6:45 pm)
10 grade (Confirmation class only) – May 8 (6:45 pm)
8 – 12th – May 15 (Last day, whole group, 6:15 pm)
Confirmation Class car wash – May 20 (10:00 am)
Confirmation dinner and blessings – May 26 (6:00 pm)
Tikkun Leil Shavuot – May 26 (7:00 pm)
Confirmation/Shavuot Service – May 27 (6:30 pm)
Kesher End-of-Year Party – May 29 (6:15 pm)
Tot Shabbat / 2nd Shabbes May 11
6:00 pm – Tot Shabbat
7:30 pm – Education Shabbat
Dinner at 6:30 pm (RSVP required)
Mazal Tots Shavuot Ice Cream Social May 19
4:30 – 6:00 pm
RSVP to Marissa at 446-4861, ext. 31, or
[email protected].
Confirmation Class News
The 16 members of the 5772 Confirmation Class are
looking forward to our Confirmation service on May 27th,
and the trip to Israel this summer. We are still doing fundraisers to help us get to Israel. Please support us by participating in one or more.
B Street Theatre
Watch for information in the Chadashot on the fabulous
B Street Theatre benefit! This much-anticipated annual event
will take place this June, and will be a performance of “Rx”, a
romantic comedy. Included in the ticket price will be
amazing appetizers before the curtain rises and delicious
You should have already received 5 raffle tickets in the desserts at intermission. Wine will be available for purchase.
mail. This is the easiest way to support the Confirmation The B Street Theatre generously gives the Confirmation
Class, and possibly win a great prize at the same time. The Class all proceeds from ticket sales.
drawing will take place in May, and you need not be present Recycle Ink and Toner Cartridges
to win. Please mail in your check ($25 per ticket or 5 tickets
Help us raise money while helping the environfor $100) along with the ticket stubs to CBI. If you did not ment. Please bring your empty ink and toner cartridges
receive your tickets, or you would like to request more tick- (home printers, company copiers, fax and printers - large or
ets, contact Susan Dorenfeld, [email protected], or small) to CBI and leave in the "Recycle Box" located in the
Susan Hammer, [email protected]. The fabulous lobby of the CBI administration building. If you have many
prizes include vacation weekends at South Lake Tahoe and large cartridges, contact Sue Schooley at 966-6363 to arrange
Arden Hills Resort, original artwork, valuable gift certificates, for on-going pick-up service at your work location.
jewelry, and so much more.
Party Servers
We are still available to serve food at events such as Bar/
Bat Mitzvah luncheons and dinner parties. If you are interested in hiring us for your function, contact Sue Schooley at
Lifelong Jewish Learning May Classes and Lectures
Tuesday, May 1
Noon - 1 pm
Conference Room
Rabbis’ Lunch and Learn
Our special guest, an IDF soldier, will
discuss “How the Religious Divide in
Israel Affects Life in the Military.”
Bring a brown bag lunch.
light on ancient Judaism. This presentation will focus on a few surprising aspects
of this “new” ancient Judaism and,
through discussing the role of Jewish
Studies in today’s university, will relate
these new perspectives to some contemporary questions about identity politics,
gender, cultural heritage and modernity.
Sunday, May 6
1 - 3:00 pm
Essentials of Jewish Cooking:
Let’s Cook Kugels
Talia Kaufman
We think of kugels as holiday treats, but
they can also grace many other meals.
Talia, an expert chef, will teach the basics,
and even some tricks, on how to cook
perfect kugels.
Fee is $10 for members, $15 for nonmembers. Class is limited to 10. To
sign up, contact Marissa Hubbs in the
office, 446-4861 or at [email protected].
Location will be given to registrants.
Friday, May 11
7:30 - 9:00 pm
Education Shabbat
We will honor our teachers and Rabbi
King-Tornberg at this special Shabbat
Tuesdays, May 8 and 22
Noon - 1 pm
Jewish Ethics in the 21st Century
Rabbi Alfi leads a discussion of
important contemporary issues. Call
the office for directions.
Thursday, May 10
7 - 8:30 pm
Master Teachers’ Series: UC Davis
Jewish Studies Program.
“Ancient Judaism and Modern
Problems: New Perspectives for
Today’s University”
Professor Moulie Vidas
The discovery of new sources and archeological evidence, as well as new insights
into long-known sources, have shed new
Tuesday, May 22
Potluck 6:15 pm • Services 6:45
Social Hall
Rosh Chodesh
Brought to you by Women of B’nai
Israel and Rabbi Alfi
The topic this month will be “Kol
Isha.” This is very interesting, not only in
relation to our personal lives, but in light
of repression and overcoming repression
of women's voices worldwide.
Thursday, May 24
7 - 8:30 pm
The Lost Wooden Synagogues
of Eastern Europe
Marcia Ruth
A special showing and discussion of a
DVD which highlights these architectural and artistic marvels, lost during the
Sunday, May 20
3 pm and 5 pm
Reception at 4 pm
Sacramento Youth Symphony
“Shalom - Salaam - Peace
Standing on Common Ground”
Maestro Michael Neumann
The Premier Orchestra of the Sacramento
Youth Symphony, conducted by Michael
Neumann, will perform two multi-cultural
concerts, featuring the music of various
traditions and various religions. Riad
Abdel-Gewad, renowned Egyptian violin- These are their birth names, but the
ist and composer, will be the featured soloist following Jewish women are more
and guest artist. Selections will include music well known by their "stage" names:
from West Side Story, Fiddler on the Roof,
1. Ella Geism a n
Scheherazade, The Lord Bless You and Keep
2. B e t t y J o a n P e r s ke
You, and America the Beautiful. There will be
3 . F a n n y B o r a ch
two performances of this concert, one at 3
pm, and one at 5 pm.
4. Ma rion Levy
Tickets: Adults $20, Children under
5. Ju dit h Tu vim
13, $10. Proceeds benefit B’nai Israel
6. Joa n Molin sk y
Music Program.
7. Joyce Penelope Frankenburg
Contact Sharon Gerber at 448-2881 or
8. SimoneSimone-Henriette Kaminker
[email protected] for
9. Belle Silverm a n
10. Sophia K a lish
on page 12.
CBI Bulletin Board
8th Annual NorCal AIDS Cycle
Fundraiser this month.
By Steven Orkand
Congregation B’nai Israel’s very first Jewish storytelling
event was on March 31, and it was a success beyond expectation.
Over 50 people gathered in our Library to listen as 12 storytellers
recounted interesting, personal experiences from their lives.
Storytelling has ancient roots, but, in our modern urban society,
is still proving to be an effective way to communicate, entertain
and connect.
Most of the storytellers had learned their craft from
Claire Lipschultz and Steve Marshall, teachers of a 3-part class,
Fit To Be Told. A few others, including Rabbi Alfi, joined in
the fun. The stories were varied, imaginative, and sometimes
In hilarious detail, Rabbi Alfi described her family’s reaction
to her decision to become a rabbi. One teller described the
anti-Semitism he encountered as a newspaper editor. Another
described the pleasure he felt when his new daughter-in-law took
on his family name, a name that had a peculiar and fascinating
history of its own. A retired physician described his own mental
anguish when his son developed lymphoma and a retired teacher
told how a George Clooney lookalike helped her navigate
through a difficult classroom experience. When all was said, it
was a delightful evening.
We sat, drank wine, listened, and wondered about the
themes of our NEXT stories. Keep your eyes open for the advertising. WRITE OUT LOUD will be back, and you’re invited to
join in the fun.
Hi. My name is Sara Freid.
I’m a member of CBI and
from May 17-20 I will be riding in the 8th Annual
NorCal AIDS Cycle, a 350
mile, four day ride. This effort
raises money for organizations
in Northern California that
provide services to those living
with HIV/AIDS and for prevention and education. Your
tax deductible donation will go
toward my goal of raising
To donate, please paste my
fundraising page link in your
Thank you to those of you
who have gone to my page
and made a donation!
Hineini Committee
Needs Your Help!!
Storytellers front row L to R: Claire Lipschultz, Marilyn Amir,
Joan Gorfain, Rabbi Alfi, Beryl Michaels, Barry Dapeer.
Back row L to R: Dan Gorfain, David Abelson, Bill Slaton,
Steve Orkand, Steve Marshall.
Do you have a few minutes of time to make a
condolence call to someone who has recently
lost a loved member of their family? Do you
have a few minutes to deliver a shivah basket or send a
condolence card? The Hineini Committee wants
you!! We need your help to respond to the many needs
of our community. The Hineini Committee needs more
volunteers to assist with making calls, sending cards and
delivering baskets. If you have a little bit of time and a
lot of interest, please contact Lynn Terleski-Katz at
[email protected] or 916-736-2082.
The Hebrew word Hineini means “Here I am.”
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying,
‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’
And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’ ”
~Isaiah 6:8
CBI Bulletin Board
Family Promise is Coming June 10
By Sandy Kaufman and Ann Soloway Mia Whitfield whose original play
from a homework assignment won a
contest. Mia received a trophy and certificate
and her play was performed at B Street
Theatre on April 14. Andee Press Dawson and the
Women of B’nai Israel for another
beautiful Passover Community Seder. Vito D’Albora,
D’Albora who retired at the
end of April after running the Sacramento
City Unified School District Graphic Arts
Program for 33 years and has been
our silent partner in publishing the
Koleinu each month. His operation has
consistently provided a professional
product for us and a wonderful service to
the adults with disabilities who are his
students in the shop.
One of the central themes of Passover is “welcoming the stranger for we were once
strangers in the land of Egypt”. With our Passover
teaching still in our hearts, how do you want to participate in welcoming our Family Promise families?
B’nai Israel will be hosting Family Promise for a week,
beginning June 10.
The mission of Family Promise is to help families
who are homeless achieve sustainable independence.
This nationwide effort is accomplished through the hands on work of thousands of volunteers who provide food, shelter and support services.
Family Promise is a wonderful mitzvah offering many opportunities to create a
warm and welcoming home for the families during their stay B’nai Israel.
♦ Volunteers will set up the bedrooms.
♦ Cash donations are welcome; the money is used to provide a food pantry for
breakfast and lunches. Make checks to Congregation B’nai Israel/Caring Community; please send to Sandy Kaufman. Her address is in the directory or call
at number below.
Each evening a cook team will bring dinner and they are invited to meet and dine with the
families. You can create your own cook team or we can assist you in joining one.
One or two volunteers will stay overnight to address any concerns the families
may have and to serve a cold breakfast in the morning.
There are lots of linens to wash at the end of the week.
Help with clean up at the end.
We will need someone with a truck or van for transporting mattresses on
Sunday, June 17.
We are interested in a B’nai Mitzvah student who would like to assist throughout the
week for their mitzvah project. It has been a wonderful experience for the past 2 years.
Please contact co-coordinators Sandy Kaufman, 395-1236 or [email protected],
or Ann Soloway, 457-6731 or [email protected] to make your donation or to
volunteer. If you would like to learn more about Family Promise, please go to
their website:
Leisure League Luncheon
Thursday, July 12
(Note: the second Thursday.)
B'nai Israel Social Hall, 12 noon
Appetizers, lunch, entertainment
$5 per person • more info next month!
The families that stayed last year are all in their own housing. We are looking
forward to meetHelp Fight Homelessness
ing new families
and having a great All interested CBI members are encouraged to join Jason Wieweek in June.
ner and other congregants, active in fighting homelessness.
Come hear about current volunteer opportunities, help plan
With gratitude, service and education events, and coordinate any existing efSandy and Ann forts. Need more volunteers for current projects? Have ideas
about new projects? Want to participate in projects of all
ages? Join us Tuesday, May 15, 7:00 pm, conference
room. Email Sarah Zimmerman at [email protected] or
call 408-833-9732 to confirm or ask questions. All are
welcome. No further commitment required at this point.
CBI Bulletin Board
Groups are being organized, efforts focused, meetings are being held! THE MORE
Please join
in one of the efforts below or in other well-established Social Action activities.
WAY UP E DUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES: Continuing with development of a survey
to assess congregants’ interest in three volunteer options that support
education. Contacts: Talia Kaufman, [email protected] and
Bina Lefkovitz, [email protected].
have requested volunteers. They are Cottage, Coyle Avenue, and Ottoman
Elementary. Volunteers are being identified. So far, one volunteer is in the
process of being placed in her/his school of choice. Contact: Terri Cristy,
[email protected] or 638-8108.
Note From the Editor
Dear Fellow Congregants,
This month, in honor of
Mother's Day, I am featuring
two women from CBI's
volunteer family in my
column. In addition, in
honor of Jewish American
Heritage Month, we recognize significant Jewish
American women in our "Did You Know?"
feature. (See page 9. ) Not to despair, men, your
turn comes in June.
Each month we try to bring you a
complete, useful and correct edition of
Koleinu. We want you to know what is
happening at CBI and in the larger Jewish
community so you can be informed and take
HOMELESSNESS IN OUR COMMUNITY: Family Promise week will be held in mid- part in the myriad activities. To that end, I am
June. There is a meeting scheduled for May 15, 7 pm, conference room, for grateful for the talents of our volunteer copy
Harris and proofreader Elaine
everyone interested in helping with homeless efforts and those already involved in editor, Jacquie Harris,
other BI homelessness activities. Contact Jason Weiner/[email protected]. Hussey.
survey of congregants to evaluate consequences of mortgage crisis on our congregants. Met with city code enforcement about ordinances for vacant & blighted
houses. Joining with other congregations through ACT to coordinate efforts on
local, state & federal levels. Contact: Steve Tincher, [email protected].
CARING FOR OUR CONGREGANTS: Seeking people willing to help congregants
In the late 1980's Jacquie was the editor
during difficult times with meals, support and comfort.
We are of the temple bulletin. Jacquie has been a
looking for a lead for this effort. Contact: Lynn Belzer, [email protected]. professional editor and writer most of her life.
(Please put “BI caring” in subject line.)
Since her retirement, Jacquie has done this
work gratis for non-profits in the area.
7:00 pm, conference room
Elaine may be more well known to you as
a choir member and maker of chocolates and
truffles, but she also was a consultant
proofreading reports. Now recently retired,
Elaine shares some of her time with us.
7:30 am: for food preparation
Contact: Chuck Adelman at [email protected]
That's it until next month when we
recognize several of CBI's equally fine men
8:00-9:30 pm, conference room & chapel
7:30 pm, sanctuary
Bonnie Penix
Quote of the Month
Contact: Diana Gibson at [email protected]
Contact Sandy Kaufman at [email protected].
“If you think you are too small to be
effective, you have never been in bed
with a mosquito.”
~ Bette Reese
CBI Bulletin Board
What is Camp Shelanu? It’s the on-site,
CBI day camp, offering a variety of
activities in a top-quality, fun, enriched
summer program for children in the K8th grades. There’s a special program
just for 6th-8th graders! Camp Shelanu
welcomes all children to an environment that fosters lasting friendships,
strengthens Jewish identity, and
increases pride in Jewish heritage.
Grades K-5
Session 1 Maccabiah (sports), July 9-13
Session 2 Outdoor Adventures, July 16-20
Session 3 Tchotchkes & Noshes, July 23-27
Session 4 Summer Spiel, July 30-Aug 3
Grades 6-8
Tayarim- July 23-27
Grade 9 & 10
Come to one session or more…
CIT (Counselor-in-Training Program)Early bird registration deadline -June 15!
July 9-13
About Dana Schneider Penn,
New Camp Shelanu Director
Dana is a nature, music, dance, and craft-oriented advocate of
hands-on, experiential education. John Dewey sums up her philosophy well when he said, “Education is not preparation for life;
education is life itself.” She is a 2011 graduate of American Jewish
University with a Masters in Education and a BA in Hebrew Letters. During her studies at AJU her emphasis was on experiential
education. Dana worked as a nature educator and curriculum
writer for the Brandeis Bardin Institute, as well as for Camp Alonim in Simi Valley, California. Before her time at Brandeis and
AJU, she worked at the Long Beach Jewish Community Center as the Teen and Young Adult Program Coordinator.
Dana is devoted to the development of Jewish camping and
learning Judaism through an immersive, sensory-rich, and fun
environment. She is thrilled to be joining the Camp Shelanu team and
is looking forward to having an amazing summer at CBI
found on page 8.
1. June Allyson
2. Lauren Bacall
4. Fanny Brice
4. Paulette Goddard
5. Judy Holiday
6. Joan Rivers
7. Jane Seymour
8. Simone Signoret
9. Beverly Sills
10. Sophie Tucker
27 Susan Dresser, Allison Goldsmith, Shoshana Steele
28 Adrienne Bloom, Sherine Frazin, Evan Levy,
Jeanne Osofsky, Elise Rose, Charles Rosenberg,
Betsy Schoenfeld
29 Bobbie Len, Elliot Mulberg
30 Veniamin Hotco
31 Joan Freedman, Deborah Gordon, Susan Hill, David Kaldor,
Johnny Karnofsky, Jamie Korer, Ian Richardson, Maxine Spitzer
Henry Goldberg, Muriel Molho, Sarah Soto-Taylor
David Abelson, Hollis Kulwin, Mark Len, Shae Selix,
Deborah Sibner, Benjamin Silva, Rick Wasserman
Melissa Burks, Philip “Andrew” Einsel III, Hal Eisenberg,
Hannah Jacobson, Vickie Karp, Gregory Len, Joel Levy,
Lindsay Taylor
Susan Dorenfeld
Elliot Raskin, Mary Sand
Richard David, Eli Korcz, Rebecca Lewis, Zevi Pruger
Seth Katz
Carol & Arthur Choate
Paula Eldot, Cady Phillips, Talia Roye
Susan Aguilar & Drew Mendelson
Roger Levy, Sarah Vasquez Lightstone
Cindy & Gilles Attia
Paula & Todd Mendell, Deborah & Gary Sibner
10 Johanna Goldberg, Joel Rabinovitz, Allison Schoenfeld,
Keegan Sorrels-Swidler
10 Deni Deutsch Marshall and Steve Marshall
11 Kathya Bustos, Ilana Mador
11 Carol Moon Goldberg & Steven Goldberg
12 Alex Cauvy, Adam Dapkewicz, Benjamin Ilfeld,
Harry Sperber
13 Jodi & Greg Nathanson
17 Michele & Allen Asch, Susan & Jonathan Ducore,
Mindy & Stew Richardson
13 Judith Cohen, David Porter, Agatha Singer, Bill Slaton,
Leeza Wong
18 Jane & Steven Orkand
14 Ezra Amir, Micha Barankin, Barbara Kronick,
Sophia Oliveira, Joshua Pulverman
19 Radyne & David Citrenbaum
15 Christopher Froh, Nicole Mazur, Jason Weiner
20 Lupe & Jack Benoun
16 Cary Bricker, Fran Levy, Natalie Michaels, Ted St. Martin
21 Taryn & Damon Hirschensohn,
Andee & Terry Press-Dawson
17 Aaron Ducore, Jeffrey Len, Stella Levy, Micah Mador
22 Rhonda & Frank Folger, Rachel & Will Rosenberg
18 David Gross, Jerome Gutterman, Noah Sample
23 Ann Bancroft & Irwin Karp,
Judie Fertig Panneton & John Panneton
19 Gordon Adelman, Hannah Applebaum,
Emily Korengold, Darren Sweetwood
24 Andrea & Edward Klinenberg,
Laura Mahoney & Joel Schwartz
20 Gideon Baum, Marianne Laws, Keith Tochterman,
Phoebe Wittlake, Daniel Zweig
26 Sally Zeff Hirschowitz and Barry Hirschowitz
21 Kari Brownstein, Anne Citrenbaum, Eve Ford, Irene Paxton,
29 Talia & Daniel Kaufman
Rivka Rosen, Barry Swerdloff
30 Marsha & Corey Goodstein, Debbie & James Watson,
22 Joaquin Aviles-Silva, Emilie Brosin, Joy Cohen,
Eileen Jacobowitz & Eric Wiesenthal
Adam Granat, Rochelle Willis
23 Rachel August-Dapkewicz, Abbie Blackman, Donna Blum 31 Nancy & Dick Bernheimer, Doris Pittell & Bud Morris,
Libby & Kevin Sanchez
24 Kevin Fine, Reid Lewis, Eric Mendelson, Sydney Selix
25 Marilyn Amir, Cheryl Bremson, Chris Churchill,
Frank Folger, Malia Krupin, David Miller, Mikayla Sibner
26 Anna Britzman, Marsha Goodstein, Daveed Waithaka
Our Contributors
Rabbi Alfi’s Discretionary Fund
Camp Shelanu Fund
• Lynn & Steve Belzer in memory of Shirley Kronick
• Barbara Blum & Ken Haley in memory of Dorothy Kubel
• Barbara & Steve Brown in the names of
Maxine Boshes in memory or Bella Boshes, Marshall Boshes
& Katherine Marcus
Illene Carroll for the yahrzeit of Susie Carroll
Marcia & Daniel Cohen & family in memory of
Dorothy Kubel Landsberg and Shirley Kronick
Mitzi & Norm Davis in memory of Shirley Kronick &
Dorothy Kubel Landsberg
David Gross, Eva GabbeGabbe- Gross & family in memory of
Shirley Gross and in appreciation of Rabbi Alfi for her assistance
and support at the time of their loss
Stanley Kronick in appreciation to Rabbi Alfi for the
beautiful service for his wife, Shirley.
Suzie & Bob Lauer in memory of Sam Siskin and
Dorothy Kubel Landsberg
Debbie & John Lewis in memory of Sam Siskin
Claire Merksamer in memory of Sam Siskin
Corrine & Jon Merksamer in memory of Sam Siskin
Linda & Steve Merksamer in memory of Sam Siskin
Betty & Jack Reuben in appreciation of the honor of being
called to light the Sabbath candles on Friday evening, March 30.
Rochelle & Michael Schermer in memory of
Dorothy Kubel Landsberg and Shirley Kronick
Tami & Bob Travis in appreciation of Rabbi Alfi’s
meaningful and beautiful service for Breia Travis’ Bat Mitzvah
Linda & Sid Yassinger in memory of Sam Siskin
Jeff Askenas & Bob Nelson
Caring Community Fund
• Patrick Kenady in memory of Roy Liebman
Carl Naluai, Jr. Music Fund
• Barbara & Bruce Berg in memory of Sam Siskin and
Shirley Kronick
• Harriette & Joe Schwartz in memory of Sam Siskin and
Shirley Kronick
• Stanley Kronick in appreciation to Julie Steinberg for the
beautiful music she provided for his wife, Shirley’s, service.
• Tami & Bob Travis in appreciation of Julie Steinberg’s
support, encouragement and patience preparing for Breia’s
Bat Mitzvah
Flower Fund
• Raquel & Irving Perluss for the yahrzeits of Christopher Boze
and Pan Perluss and in memory of Sidney Perluss,
Alvin Perluss and Dorothy Kubel Landsberg
General Fund
• Attorney General’s Office—
Office—Licensing, Business & Tax, and
Illene Carroll in memory of Renee Tornberg, grandmother of
Rabbi King-Tornberg
Educator’s Discretionary Fund
Archive & Museum Fund
• Susan & Theo Goodwin in memory of Shirley Kronick
• Shirley & Skip Rosenbloom in memory of Shirley Kronick •
The Brotherhood Funds–
The Brotherhood Funds–
E l e a n o r J. Ma r ks H ol o c a u s t E s s ay C o n t e st
• Beale Air Force Base personnel & Christian Brothers H.S.
in appreciation of Bernie Marks’ Holocaust presentations
Tikkun Olam
• Marci & Paul Ortega in memory of Roy Liebman
• Susan Orton & Larry Friedman in memory of Roy Liebman
• Robert Mandelson
Building Fund
Claire Merksamer in memory of Dorothy Kubel Landsberg
Health Quality Enforcement Sections of the Department of
Justice in memory of Roy Liebman
Elaine Berghausen & Dave Brubaker in memory of
Lieselotte Berghausen
Peter Braun in memory of Shirley Kronick
Ronna Dienstfrey for the yahrzeits of Katie Dienstfrey &
Marvin Dienstfrey
Gloria Fraser for the yahrzeits of Edythe Finfold & Harry Ruben
Mary Ellen Kiesling in memory of Dorothy Kubel Landsberg
Evelyn & Larry Lieb in memory of Dorothy Kubel Landsberg
Merchants National Bank, Madelyne Carpenter, V.P. in
memory of Sam Siskin
Patricia Poilé in memory of Dorothy Kubel Landsberg
Tammy & Michael Rochman in memory of Sam Siskin
Jean & John Rosenberg in memory of
Dorothy Kubel Landsberg
Eileen & Howard Sarasohn in memory of
Dorothy Kubel Landsberg
Marjorie Swartz & Richard Robinson in memory or
Sam Siskin and Dorothy Kubel Landsberg
Barbara Thomas in memory of Dorothy Kubel Landsberg
Michael Vitiello in memory of Dorothy Kubel Landsberg
Joyce & Steve Weinberg in memory of
Dorothy Kubel Landsberg
Beverly & Art Zimmerman in memory of Sam Siskin
Contributions continued on page 16
We Mourn Our Losses
Shirley Alpert
Beloved mother of Andrea Klinenberg
Beloved mother-in-law of Ed Klinenberg
Beloved grandmother of Danny Klinenberg
Dorothy Kubel Landsberg
Beloved sister of Gerald Kubel
Beloved mother of Brian, Joel and Mitchell Landsberg
Beloved mother-in-law of Dorothy Shelton Landsberg,
Pam Lentz-Landsberg, Mary MacVean,
and Connie Landsberg
Beloved grandmother of
Elizabeth Landsberg and Gordon Dean,
Rachel and Tzvi Mackson-Landsberg, Joshua Landsberg
and Lilly Alvarez, Daniel and Beth Landsberg, Lisa Landsberg,
Amy and David Kiesling, Sam Landsberg & Galen Landsberg
Beloved great grandmother of Jacob and Ari Dean,
Even Mackson-Landsberg, & Victoria Alvarez Landsberg
Jaime Devore
Beloved father of Melissa McElheney and Sheila Devore
Beloved grandfather of
Malcolm and Elizabeth McElheney and
Adam and Riley Costello
Shirley Gross
Beloved mother of Barbara McDonald,
Fayne Boyd & David Gross
Beloved mother-in-law of Eva Gabbe-Gross
Beloved cousin of Hy Levin
Beloved grandmother of Joel McDonald, Todd & Ryan Boyd,
& Michael Gabbe-Gross
Beloved great grandmother of Gabby, Angelo,
Elijah & Tyler
Roy Liebman
Beloved father of Rachael and Sarah Liebman
Beloved father-in-law of Kevin Wyatt
Beloved brother of Rita Woods
Beloved brother-in-law of Richard Woods
Beloved uncle of Michael and Laura Woods
& Davin and Jeff Palitz & their families
Shirley Kronick
Beloved wife of Stanley Kronick
Beloved mother of Louise Mueller and Robert Kronick
Beloved sister-in-law of Russell and Alice Kronick
Beloved mother-in-law of Neil Mueller
Beloved aunt of Jim and Janice Oberhofer, Steve and
Barbara Kronick, & Sharie and Jeannie Rudnick
Beloved grandmother of Paige and Kipp Mueller
Beloved great aunt of Katie and Aly Kronick
Dear loved one of Susie and Theo Goodwin
& Peter Braun
Edward J. Mahoney
Beloved grandfather of Laura Mahoney
Beloved grandfather-in-law of Joel Schwartz
Beloved great grandfather of
Ben and Helen Schwartz
Lyudmila PekelisPekelis-Fedorova
Beloved wife of Viktor Pekelis
Michael Weitzman
Beloved father of Daniel Weitzman
Beloved father-in-law of Randi Weitzman
Beloved grandfather of
Max and Mathilda Weitzman
We honor the memory of the those who were
recently assassinated in Toulouse, France
Jonathan, Arieh, and Gabriel Sandler & Myriam Monsonego
Community Bulletin Board
Contributions continued from page 14
May 10 - 13, Hazon’s 3rd Annual CA
Environmental Bike Ride & Retreat
Sonoma County to San Francisco
Israel Youth Fund
• Roz & Bob Dinsfriend wishing a speedy recovery to
Dorothy Weisberg
• Sandra & Gerald Kubel in memory of
Dorothy Kubel Landsberg
Religious School Scholarship Fund
• Nadine Muench in support of CBI’s religious school
• Marion Slatkin in memory of Shirley Gross
Social Action Fund
Join Congregation B'nai Israel at Hazon's 3rd annual
California Environmental Bike Ride & Retreat, May 10-13,
from Sonoma County to San Francisco. In doing so, help
lead the Jewish community to sustainable environmental action. Don't miss an opportunity to have the ride of your life
while helping a great cause—the health of our planet.
• Lynn & Steve Belzer in memory of Dorothy Kubel Landsberg
The weekend includes two days of biking and a Shabbat
• Katharine Severson for the yahrzeit of John Allen
retreat. The ride accommodates cyclists of all skill levels with
• Jo Ann & Marty Solov in memory of
route options ranging from 30-80 miles/day. It is a fully-
Dorothy Kubel Landsberg
supported ride with rest stops, bike mechanics and support
vehicles. For those not interested in biking, join as non-riding
Weinberg Godparent Fund
• Robin & John Appelbaum in memory of Shirley Kronick crew or register just for the Shabbat retreat. Families are welcome!
Riders are required to raise a minimum sponsorship. For
• Penney & Robert Beamer in memory of Sam Siskin
every dollar raised, more than 75 cents goes toward furthering the
Yahrzeit Fund
Jewish environmental movement in the United States and helps to
• Gloria Fraser for the yahrzeits of Viti Ruben,
fund Hazon’s innovative food and sustainability programs.
Ita Rivka Solai & Rose Deborah Ruben
WBI funds–
Women Feed the Hungry
For more information about the ride and Hazon,
• Anne & Harold Eisenberg in honor of Jonathan Lightman’s
50th birthday and in memory of Dorothy Kubel Landsberg
Price Campership
• Twila Morris
Women of B’nai Israel (WBI) Funds
Price Campership Fund
Help our kids go to camp! Women of B’nai Israel (WBI) has been
awarding camperships to CBI children every year for over 40 years.
Women Feed the Hungry Fund
Help feed the hungry in Sacramento. Did you know that Women
of B’nai Israel provide financial support to Loaves and Fishes and to the
Central Downtown Food Basket every month? Help us continue this
important work – relieving hunger in our community.
Donations to Price Campership and Women Feed the Hungry
funds should be made out to WBI and sent to:
Celine Sankary•
Sankary•2817 Robinson Creek Lane, Elk Grove 95758
Community Bulletin Board
Community Bulletin Board
Please support Our Advertisers!
Happy Mother’s Day
Mah Jongg
Shavuot Service
Last Day Religious Sch. Social Action
Conf. Class Car Wash at Loaves &
Sacramento Youth
Symphony Concerts
6:30 pm
3pm &
No Religious School
9:30am Religious School
10:15am WBI Board Meeting
10:15am Choosing Judaism
10:30am Interfaith Group
12:45pm Teacher Training
RHIAGT (10th & up)
1 pm
Jewish Cooking (off-site)
4:30pm Hillel House Dedication
Adult B’nai
Mitzvah Class
Spiritual Direction
6:15pm Kesher End-of Year- 7pm Adult B’nai
Mitzvah Class
7pm Israeli Dancing
7pm Spiritual Direction
Noon Rel. Ethics (off-site) 7pm
6:15pm Rosh Chodesh
6:45pm Confirmation Class 7pm
7pm Israeli Dancing (off-site)
Adult B’nai
Mitzvah Class
Spiritual Direction
7pm Lost Wooden
6:15pm Executive
7pm Adult B’nai
7pm UC Davis
Mitzvah Class
Academic Series
7pm Spiritual Direction
6:15pm Board of
7pm Adult B’nai
Mitzvah Class
7pm Spiritual Direction
4pm Last Day Hebrew Sch. 7pm
6:15pm Kesher 8th -12th,
last day, whole group 7pm
7pm Israeli Dancing
7pm Homelessness Mtg.
Noon Rel. Ethics (off-site)
4pm Hebrew School
6:45pm Confirmation Class
7pm Israeli Dancing
7pm Joys of Jewish Music
Noon Lunch & Learn
4pm Hebrew School
6:45pm Confirmation Class
6:45pm Kesher Gr. 8th—10th
7pm Israeli Dancing
7pm Joys of Jewish Music
Iyar/Sivan 5772
CBI Calendar
Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Services
10:30am Mini Minyan
June 1
7:30pm Pride
7:30pm Shabbat
6:30pm Sababah
7:30pm WBI
June 2
Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Services
10:30am Mini Minyan
Gay Pride Parade (Capitol
9am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Services
6pm Confirmation
Dinner & Blessings
(For Confirmands &
their families only)
7pm Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Torah Study
10:30am Leo Tochterman
Bar Mitzvah
4:30pm Mazal Tots
Ice Cream Social
6pm Tot Shabbat
9am Torah Study
6:30pm 2nd Shabbes
10:30am Shabbat Morning
7:30pm Education
Shabbat honoring
Rabbi King-Tornberg
7:30pm Shabbat
May 2012
Koleinu Our Voice
Phone . . . 916.446.4861
Fax . . . 916.446.2875
Rabbi Mona Alfi, Senior Rabbi, [email protected]
Rabbi Lester A. Frazin, Rabbi Emeritus
Rabbi Shoshanah King-Tornberg,
Director of Lifelong Jewish Learning, [email protected]
Julie Steinberg, Cantorial Soloist, [email protected]
Mandy Greene, Administrator, [email protected]
Steve Belzer, General Counsel, [email protected]
- - - - -
President, Steve Goldberg, [email protected]
VP Finance, Marc Koenigsberg, [email protected]
VP Administration, Barbara Allen-Brecher,
[email protected]
VP Education, Lisa Brodkey, [email protected]
VP Facilities, Jeremy Hollis, [email protected]
VP Membership, Deidra Meyers, [email protected]
CFO, Alex Swedlow, [email protected]
Secretary, Rachel Resnick, [email protected]
Past-President, Jay Schenirer, [email protected]
Congregation B’nai Israel
3600 Riverside Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95818
No. 311
Sacramento, CA
Time Dated Material
Or deliver to current resident
Koleinu Staff
Editor: Bonnie Penix, [email protected]
Copy Editor: Jacquie Harris*
(*Regret Jacquie not able to do copy editing this month.)
Proofreader: Elaine Hussey
Layout & Design: Barbara Rogers
econd Shabbes, May 11, at Congregation B’nai Israel
6:00 pm Tot Shabbat • 6:30 pm 2 nd Shabbes Dinner • 7:30 pm Shabbat Service
Paella- a Spanish dish that will include artichoke hearts,
chicken, corn, zucchini, red peppers, garbanzo beans,
green beans and rice cooked in a saffron based sauce;
green salad; and fresh fruit. We always have “kid
friendly” meals! Cuisine by Aharona Catering.
Adults $12, if reserved by the
Wednesday before 2nd Shabbes;
after Wednesday, $14. Meals are
complimentary for children 12 &
under. RSVP to the office at
916-446-4861, ext. 31 or
[email protected].
Please mail your payment to
CBI Office:
3600 Riverside Blvd.
Sacramento, 95818. Thank you!
This day is chosen to be the day to honor
our fallen American comrades and
fellow courageous veterans.
Please note: The
The Memorial Day Ceremony at
Home of Peace, normally sponsored
by Lombard & Associates Funeral Directors,
will not take place this year due to Shavuot.
9:15 am
May 28
(Memorial Day)