Rev. Brasil. Biol. 46(4)727-740 Novembro, 1986 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ THE APPENDICULAR SKELElDN OF LIOLAEMUS OCCIPITALIS BOULENGER, 1885 (SAURIA, IGUANIDAE)* CLAUDIA KELLER** LÍGIA KRAUSE*** Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (lnst. de Biociências - Depto. de Zoologia) (With 14 figures) RESUMO Esqueleto apendicular de Liolaemus occipitalis Boulenger, 1885 (Sauria, Iguanidae) A osteologia apendicular do iguanídeo Liolaemus occipitalis é descrita e analisada, comparando-se suas características com os dados para sáurios em geral e algumas informações específicas para a família e o gênero. As principais particularidades estão relacionadas com a cintura escapular (ausência de fenestra escapular e processo pró-escapular, característicos em iguanídeos); esterno (ausência de fontanela esternal, característica para o gênero); ausência de sesamóides sobre as epífises dos ossos longos; úmero, que discorda em alguns aspectos do modelo iguanídeo; ausência de epi-ísquio; e tíbia, que apresenta uma pronunciada crista laminar ao longo de metade da diáfise e para a qual não se encontrou citação na literatura. Vários dos aspectos da morfologia do esqueleto apendicular provavelmente estão relacionados com adaptações ao ambiente em que este animal vive - áreas arenosas, principalmente nas costas do Rio Grande do Sul e Uruguai. Palavras-chave: Reptilia, Iguanidae, Liolaemus occipitalis, osteologia, esqueleto apendicular. ABSTRACT The appendicular skeleton of the iguanid Liolaemus occiptalis is described and analysed in terms of general saurian features and compared with some specific data for the family and the genus. Main differences and particularities were found to be related to the pectoral girdle, sternum, humerus and tibia, and a number of them probably represent adaptations to the singular habitat of the species, which lives on sand dunes, where vegetation is low and sparsely distributed. Key-words: Reptilia, Iguanidae, Liolaemus occipitalis, osteology, appendicular skeleton. Received August 2, 1985 AcceptedJuly 3,1986 Distributed November 30, 1986 * Dissertation of the first author to obtain bachelor degree in Biological Sciences - Zoology, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, under tutorship of the second author. **. Fellowship holder of the National Research Council (CNPq) ** * Research fellow of the National Research Council (CNPq) KELLER 728 and KRAUSE INTRODUCTION The genus Liolaemus is composed, according to Donoso-Barros (1966), of approximately 80 species, being probably a polimorphic genus, of great ecological versatility and wide geographical range, encompassing the whole southern half of South America, between parallels 25 and 55". Liolaemus occipitalis is a small and agile animal, with a uniform pale beige coloring, which lives in coastal environments of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) and Uruguay. It was first cited and described by Boulenger (1885), having Rio Grande (RS) as typelocality. Vanzolini and Ab'Saber (1968) restrict its habitat to the sand dunes and sandy areas next to the sea, but since then it has also been reported in areas further inland in Rio Grande do Sul by Lema (1980). Despite the great number and high diversification of species, this genus has rarely been studied from the osteological point of view. The only papers known to us dealing with this matter are those of Fabian-Beurmann and Vieira (1980) and Simões-Lopes (1984), both concerning cranial osteolgy. Much more nurnerous are studies concentrating on taxonomy and external morphology of Liolaemus, e.g. Cei (1971, 1973, 1980), Cei and Scollaro (1981), Donoso-Barros (1961, 1966, 1971), GalIardo(1966), Laurent (1982), Peters and Donoso-Barros (1970) and Petrere (1979). Also numerous are the papers concerning ecology and biogeography of Liolaemus, e.g. Fuentes (1977), Fuentes and Cancino (1979), Fuentes and Ipinza (1979), Fuentes and Jaksié (1979, 1980), Hellmich (1952), Jaksié et al. (1980), Jaksié and Nufiez (1970), Nufiez and Yánez (1984) and vanzolini and Ab'Saber (1968). Works on osteology are more frequet for other iguanid groups, such as those of Avery and Tanner (1964), Brinkman (1980, (1981), Cox and Tannet(l977), Etheridge(1960, 1962, 1965), Jenkins and Tanner (1968) an Presch (1969), arnong others (referring only to the publications which include appendicular osteology). This paper is concerned with the complete description and analysis of the appendicular skeleton of Liolaemus occipitalis, airning to provide basic information for further evolutionary and adaptation analysis. In the absence of any more specific studies about Liolaemus, we had to use data referring to Iguanidae as a whole and, occasionally, to the genus Liolaemus, mentioned in papers of a wider scope, in particular those of Camp (1923), Donoso-Barros (1966), Etheridge (1960) and Lécuru (1968a, 1968b, 1969). MATERIAL AND METHODS Five specimens of Liolaemus occipitalis from the herpetological collection of the Department of Zoology (IB-UFRGS) were analysed. Collection numbers are: DZRS 0018, 0024, 0025, 0166 and 0178, ali collected in Rio Grande do Sul. Main external dimensions and sex are expressed on table I. Manual dissection was done under a Zeiss stereornicroscope (10 x 1,6), except with specimen 0178, which was diafanized according to Taylors technique (1967). DZRS 0166, being the largest specimen, was chosen as main material for description and drawings. Measurements indicated in the text belong to this individual. The hight of the pectoral girdle refers to the distance from the dorsal border of the suprascapula to the ventral border of the epicoracoid; and of the pelvic girdle to the distance between the dorsal extremity of the ilium and the ventral plane of the girdle. Drawings were made with a Wild M-3 stereomicroscope (10 x 6,4 and 10 x 16), equipped with a camera lucida (final drawings with nankin). The foot is represented in ventral view for better visualization of the tarsal elements. The sutures between scapula and coracoid and between the components of the pelvic girdle are indicated by a traced line, since they are only present in juvenile individuals. Osteological nomenclature follows Lécuru (1968a) for the pectoral girdle, Lécuru (1969) for the distal extremity of the humerus and Etheridge (1960) for the sternum. Otherwise the nomenclature of Romer (1956) was used (including names of muscles occasionally cited and orientation of the epipodial elements) and sometimes indicated in parentheses afther the terms of other authors. DESCRIPTION AND ANAL YSIS Pectoral Girdle (Figs. 1 and 2, Diagram 1) The . pectoral girdle is composed of 8 endocondral elements (suprascapulas), scapulas, coracoids) and 3 dermal element (clavicles and interclavicle). Suprascapulas and epicoracoids remain cartilaginous. The suture between scapula and coracoid is present in juveniles but disappears in adults, according to the normal condition in iguanids (Lécuru, 1968a). Each blade of the girdle is 11,3 mm high. SUPRASCAPULA - The suprascapula (fig. 1) is the most dorsal element of each pectoral blade, APPDENDICULAR SKELETON TABLE Main external Nr. DZRSOOl8 DZRS0024 DZRS0025 DZRSOl66 dimension sex c3 <7 J c3 of the analysed OF LlOlAEMUS I specimens L SV 120,1 107,4 59,0 131,9 59,3 54,0 49,0 69,3 62,3 54,1 10,0 56,4 84,0 37,0 47,0 DZRSOl78 729 OCC/PTALlS of Liolaemus occipitalis (in mm) T + 5,5 + 3,8 OBS. tail fractured tail bifurcated L - total length; SV - snout to vent lenght; T - taillength; .J - juvenile (reproductive organs not yet differenciated) 5 mm :; j/ Diagram I - Proportional, positional and articular relationships of the components of the appendicular skeleton of Liolaemus occipitaüs. A. - left arch of the pectoral girdle (lateral view) and left forelimb (dorsal view). B - Pelvic girdle (ventral view) and left hind limb (ventral view). extending from the dorsal borde r of the scapula, with the same width as the latter for its first half and then expanding anteroposteriorly, reminding the form of a trapezium. In dorsal view the two suprascapular cartilages are separeted by the fifth, sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae. Right over its anteroventral angle the suprascapula forms an incipient acromial process, to which the clavicle attaches. SCAPULOCORACOID - The scapulocoracoid (fig. 1) has a subtriangular form (dorsal apex and medioventral base), with dorso ventral orientation in sequence to the suprascapula. Its posterior portion is KI,LLU< 730 ano KRAUSI: SSC sc.c.t, c.for. /- ..•. ..:.~. , --L.._COr Figs. 1 e 2 - Pectoral girdle of Liolaemus occipitalis: Fig. 1 - left arch in lateral view and Fig. 2 - ventral view and its relation to the sternurn. a.c.f. - anterior coracoid fenestra; a.p. - acromial process, c. for. - supracoracoid foramen; cI cIavicule; I - intercIavicule; msc - rnesocoracoid; mtc - rnetacoracoid; pc - procoracoid; p.c.f. - posterior coracoid fenestra; s - sternurn; sc - scapula, ssc - suprascapula; sc.c.f. - scapulocoracoid fenestra. thick, particularly where it forms the glenoid fossa. At its anterior border it becomes thinner, forming 3 deep emarginations, namely the scapulocoracoid, anterior coracoid and posterior coracoid fenestrae. The presence of only 3 fenestrae is in disagreement with the almost universal occurrence of 4 fenestrae in Iguanidae, stated by various authors (Camp, 1923; Etheridge, 1960; Lécuru, 1868a). The fourth fenestra, when present, is related to the scapula. Ali fenestrations are covered by a very thin membrane. In juveniles there is a marked suture between scapula and coracoid, running from the middle of the glenoid fossa to the posteroventral border of the scapulocoracoid fenestra (indicated in figo1). The scapula is the dorsal elements, having the form of a triangle with dorsal base and apex at the glenoid fossa. Above the scapulocoracoid fenestra the scapular blade becomes very thin, possibly indicating the tendency for the formation of the scapular fenestra. The coracoid is the ventral element, being thinner and expanding anteroposteriorly from the suture line. The processes that separate the fenestrae are, respectively, the procoracoid (between scapulocoracoid and anterior coracoid f.), mesocoracoid (between anterior and posterior coracoid f.) and metacoracoid (the region situated ventral and posteriorly to the posterior coracoid f.). The glenoid fossa is formed by the joining of the posteroventral and posterodorsal angles, respectively, of scapula and coracoid. At approximately half distance between the posterior border of the anterior coracoid fenestra and the coracoid half of the glenoid fossa there is the supracoracoid foramen. The scapulocoracoid and the anterior coracoid fenestrae are well developed, while the posterior coracoid fenestra is much smaller. Camp (1923) states that the distribution and heigh frequency of scapulocoracoid and anterior coracoid fenestrations in Sauria indicates their paleotelic condition, while the irregular occurrence and, frequently, incipient formation of the distal fenestrae indicate that they represent more recent specializations. Ali fenestrations are related to area increasing for muscular insertions. Lécuru (1968a) mentions 3 types of scapúlocoracoids for Iguanidae: 1 - heigh, narrow and massive, in arboricole forms with compressed body form; 2 - wide, with two fenestrae, in forms with depressed body; 3 - medium, with intermediary width and well fenestrated, in iguanids lacking higher specialization. L. occipitalis seems to be situated in between categories 2 and 3 (wide scapulocoracoid, no fourth fenestra. but the two main ones are well developed). This is corroborated by the external form of the animal, which has a depressed body, but not to the point of, for exarnple, Phrynosoma. APPENDICULAR SKELETON L. occipitalis is similar to L. nitidus (analysed by Lécuru,1968a)in what concerns the absence of the fourth fenestra and scapulocoracoid suture. Nevertheless, the latter species presents also the posterior coracoid fenestra only indicated by a tltinning of the bone. EPICORACOID - The epicoracoid (fig. 1) is a cartilaginous extension of the ventral and anterior borders of the coracoid. It reaches its maxirnum extension at its anteroventral angle. From that point it extends anterodorsaIly along the ventral border of the coracoid, undergoing progressive narrowing. In the anteromedial regions there is no overlapping neither contact of the two epicoracoids (fig. 2), in contrast to what happens in several other saurians (Costelli and Hecht, 1971; Krause, 1983). There is even a gap between the epicoracoids, equivalent to the width of the interclavicle, but without any contact with the latter. The ventral and posteroventral borders of the epicoracoid fit into a slit or grove along the anterior margin of the sternum, along which they run forward or backward, according to the position of the forelimb. Anteriorly it forms the anterior border of the scapulocoracoid and anterior coracoid fenestrae and, ventraIly, the ventral border of the posterior coracoid fenestra. OF UOlAEMUS OCClPrrALIS 731 STERNUM (Fig. 2 and Diagram 2) The sternum is related either to the axial or to the appendicular skeleton according to one or other description of different authors. Romer and Parsons (1977) state that the sternum, though related to the axial skeleton, is actually an appendix of the appendicular skeleton, being analysed hereby for its close relation with the pectoral girdle, offering areas of attachement and completing the pectoral arch ventraIly. The sternum consists of a medioventral sheet of calcified cartilage of sub-pentagonal form, with a smaIl posterior border opposing to the anterior vertex. The pentagonal form is common in Iguanidae CLA VICLES - The clavicles (figs. 1 and 2) are long, slender bones (4,1 mm long), which run along the anterior border of the pectoral girdle, articulating dorsaIly with the acromial process, and medioventraIly on the ventral anterior extremity of the interclavicle (fig. 2). The ventral (proxirnal) extremity of the clavicle has the form of a non-perforated, rounded bar, which is the normal condition for Iguanidae (Camp, 1923). From its medial end the clavicle extends mediaIly and then lateraIly, until it reaches the acromial process, thus being sigmoid shaped. According to Etheridge (1960) the median portion of the clavicle in Iguanidae is frequently expanded as a thin, flat proscapular processoAs there is no such well defined element in the examined material we prefer to consider it absent in L. occipialis. INTERCLA VICLE - The interclavicle (fig. 2) (5,0 mm on its longitudinal axe) is arrow-shaped, with its lateral processes directed posterolateraIly, representing the normal condition in Iguanidae, along with the T-shaped interclavicle, from which the former originated (Cope, 1892; Camp, 1923; Lécuru, 1968a). The interclavicle fixes ventraIly on the anterior third of the sternum through the posterior half of its longitudinal axe. The anterior half projects anteriorly. Its width is uniform, not tapering posteriorly. Diagram 2 - Stemum, xiphistemum and parastemum of Liolaemus occipitalis in relation toits vertebral colurnn and dorsal ribs. Scheme model following Etheridge (1960). ps parastemum; s - sternum; xi - xiphistemum. Vertebrae: c cervical; pt - post-thoracix; t - thoracic; s - sacral. Parts of ribs in black = cartilage; in white = bone. KELLER and KRAUSE 732 d (Lécuru, 1968b). There is no stemal fontanelle, although there is a circular, less calcified area on the midline of the stemum of the diafanized juvenile. The absence of a fontanelle is in disagreement with the státement of Etheridge (1960), which indicates a ~reat fontanelle for the genus Liolaemus. Along the anterolateral borders of the sternum there are the already mentioned grooves into which the epicoracoids fit. Each posterolateral border presents slight cmarginations and projections. These Fig.4a latter form attachement points for 3 cartilaginous stemal ribs, which join their bony dorsal counterparts, originated from the vertebral column, and for a xiphistemal rod, which runs posteriorly until it bifurcates, giving origin to 2 cartilaginous xiphistemal ribs (diagram 2). The latter elements run lateraIly until they also meet their dorsal counterparts. A . series of cartilaginous elements - the parastemal ribs occur posteriorly to the xiphistemal ribs. They are fixed to the distal extremities of dorsal ribs, while their ventral extremities are free (diagram 2). This kind of parasternum occurs normally in Liolaemus, as well as in the majority of South American iguanids (Etheridge, 1960, 1965). Lécuru (1968b) indicates 6 pairs of fixed ribs for Iguanidae, where the possible combinations of stemal + xiphisternal pairs are 6+0, 4+2 or 3+3. Nevertheless, L.occipitalis has only 5 pairs (3 sternal and 2 xíphísternal), Lécuru (1968b) estab!ishes, in Iguanidae, a relationship between a broad stemum and a short interclavicle, with great lateral processes. Etheridge (1960) relates a broad sternurn, with two well separeted and divergent xiphisternal rods, with terrestrial habits and tendency to depressed body formo Both characteristics are applyable to L.occipitalis. h.c, h.c. PO AN E E lD ect ~~tJJ a ect ent ent Fig.3 ul.c. b d Fig.4b FORELIMB (Figs. 3-7 and Diagram 1) The forelimb is 27 mm long and is composed of 3 long bones - humerus (propodium), radius and ulna (epipodium) -, 9 carpal ossicles (mesopodium) and manus, with 5 digits, composed of metacarpals (metapodium) and phalanges. There are no sesamoids on the articular surfaces of the long bones. HUMERUS - The humerus (fig. 3) is circular at the middle of the shaft, but expands broadly in direction of the epiphysis. The bone is 8,1 mm long and its proximal extremity is broader than the distal (2,7 and 2,4 mm across the respective heads). The humeral torsion angle is of 41°. Along the shaft, more on the dorsal than on the ventral half, run several more or less pronounced longitudinal !ines, related to muscle origins and insertions.The proximal Figs. 3 and 4 - Left humerus of Liolaemus occipitalis: Fig. 3a - dorsaI view, Fig. 3b - ventral view, Fig. 4a proximal terminal view, Fig. 4b - distal terminal view. am.t. - anteromedial tuberosity; - deltopectoral crest; ectectepicondyle; ent - entepicondyle; h.c. - humeral condyle; po.t. - posterior tuberosity; rd.c. - radial condyle; sc.fs. supracondylar fossa; sup.p. - supinatory process; ul.c. ulnar condyle. AN - anterior; PO - posterior; d - dorsal; vventral. expansion forms a ventraIly concave and dorsaIly convex arch, which articulates into the glenoid fossa. The central and most developed element of this arch is the humeral condyle (fig. 4a), expanded transversaIly and with its posterior border curved over the dorsal surface, aIlowing a more significant elevation of the dista! extrernity (Krause, 1978). lB'L IOTEC' do PA APPENDICULAR SKELETON OF UOLAEMUS 733 OCC/prrAUS Ventrally on the proximal head, in anterior and lower position to the humeral condyle, is the anteromedial tuberosity, which extends distally along the anterior margin of the humerus, forming the deltopectoral crest, well observed in ventral view (fig. 3b). The crest gets less pronounced as it reaches the rnidpoint of the shaft. Both tuberosity and crest provide insertion areas for the pectoral rnusculature. Posteriorly, right under the humeral condyle, there is the posterior tuberosity to which the "subcoracoscapularis" muscle fixes (Lécuru, 1969). Because of the dorsal displacement of the humeral condyle, a ventral, sub- triangular concavity is formed between the anteromedial and posterior extrernities, with its vertex directed to the rnidpoint of the shaft, On the distal extrernity of the humerus there are 2 condyles, both dislocated to the ventral surface of the epiphysis and separated by a well marked groove (figs. 3b, 4b). The largest one, oval and anteriorly situated, is the radial condyle (or capitelum), while the other, smaller, rounded and posteriorly situated, is the ulnar condyle (or trochlea). Both condyles articulate with radius and ulna, respectively. Anterior to the radial condyle is the ectepicondylar expansion. Posterior to the ulnar condyle is the much larger entepicondyle. Above the ectepicondyle, on the anterior margin of the humerus, is the well developed ectepicondylar crest (or supinatory process), for insertion of the supinator rnuscle. Above the radial condyle there is an oval, excavated region, representing the supracondylar fossa, only seen in ventral view (fig. 3b), and without any evidence of the epicondylar foramen, common in other saurian forrns. The humerus of L. occipitalis fits into the characteristics of the iguanid humerus, presented by Lécuru (1969), in the following aspects: stoutness rate ("rapport de robustesse) length/rnaxirnum medium diameter = 12,13, indicating a long, slender bone, with small diameter (the rate varies from 10 to 17); - circular shaft; proximal extremity broader than the distal; well developed deltopectoral crest; ventral excavation of the proximal extremity forms an acute angle; radial condyle with the form of a serni-disk; - humeral torsion angle between 23 and 610 (410 corresponds to a mean value); entepicondyle developed and ectepicondyle reduced. ln the following aspects there has been no RADlUS - The radius (fig. 5), medial or preaxial element of the epipodium, is thinner and shorter (6,8 mm long) than the hurnerus. The shaft is round and the extrernitiesare slightly expanded. The surface of the shaft is smooth, except for a slightly marked dorsal crest near the distal extrernity (fig. 5a). The proximal extremity forms on oval concavity (fig. 6a) for articulation with the radial condyle of the humerus and is n dose contact with the ulna on its posterior margin. The articular surface of the distal extrernity is even and oblique in relation to the longitudinal axe of the shaft, being visible only in dorsal view (figs. 5a, 6b). It articulates with the radial carpal. agreement: Figs. 5 occipitalis: Fig. view, Fig. 6a terminal view. fossa; U - ulna. ventral. - deltopectoral crest forms an acute angle with the proximal extremity; unlar condyle larger than the radial; ectepicondylar foramen present. v Fig.6a PO AN PO R U E E io T' //~:r , \.1' a b Fig.5 v ~I """>'" v, ... \.::;':~'",:,:" Ô ", :::-....:.:. '. ~ . d ,~- . , Fig.6b and 6 - Left radius and ulna of Liolaemus 5a - dorsal view, Fig. 5b - ventral view, - proximal terminal view, Fig. 6b - distaJ 01 - olecranon; R - radius; sig.fs. - sigmoid AN - anterior; PO - posterior; d - dorsal, v- 734 KELLER and KRAUSE ULNA - The ulna (fig. 5), lateral or postaxial element of the epipodium, is somewhat longer than the radius (7,3 mm long). The shaft is also circular, but the proximal expansion is more acentuated, presenting a marked projection on its posterodorsal border, known as the olecranon (figs. 5b, 6a). The anterior or medial terminal concavity so formed is called the sigmoid fossa, which articulates with the ulnar condyle of the humerus, and is in contact with the proximal extremity of the radius through its anterior border (fig. 6a). Actually the two bones form a functionally continuous biconcave proximal articular surface, adjusting to the morphology of the two distal humeral condyles. On the posterior surface of the olecranon, at the lirnit between ulna and humerus, occurs a little, round uInar patella (diagram 1). The dista! extremity of the ulna is rounded (fig. 6b), articulating with the ulnar carpal and, posterolaterally, with the pisiform. Along the shaft of the ulna there are several prominences for muscle attachement. Radius and ulna are in close contact proximally, but quite separated distally. 111 CARPUS - The carpus (fig. 7) is formed by 9 well ossified elements, disposed in 3 series: proximal, with 3, central, with 1, and distal, with 5 ossicles. The proximal elements are the radial, ulnar and pisiform. The radial is flattened proximodistally, with even surfaces, while the ulnar, lateral in position, is concave proximally, in order to receive the rounded extremity of the ulna. The rounded pisiform is lateral and posterior to the ulnar. The intermedium carpal was not identified here, and seems to be fused with the ulnar, according to the position of various authors. There are 5 distal carpals, the fourth being larger than the others. Distally they articulate with the respective metacarpals. Between the dista! and proximal carpals is a single central carpal, which articulates with all the others, except distal 5 and the pisiform, which, owing to their lateral position, articulte only with the ulnar (fig. 7). Proximal contacts are made by radial with radius and ulnar and pisiform with ulna. Upon the ventral face of the carpus there is a large and thin sesamoid. This element is quite frequent in Sauria, being localized upon the area of junction of the flexor tendons of the digits (Cope, 1892). MANUS - The manus of L.occipitalis (fig. 7) has 5 digits, 111and IV being the longest and equal in length to one another, followed, in decreasing order, by digits lI, V and I. Themanus, including the carpus, is 11 mm longoMetacarpals 11,lU and IV are considerably longer than the phalanges, 111being the longest, followed by IV and 11in decreasing order. The metacarpals, as well as the phalanges, have slightly expanded extremities, the proximal being concave and the dista! convexo The phalangeal formula is 2+3+4+5+3, corresponding to the normal condition in Sauria (Cope, 1892). The claws are well developed and longer than the terminal phalanges. AN PELVIC GIRDLE (Figs. 8, 9 and Diagram I) E E ln Fig.7 Fig. 7 - Left carpus and manus of Liolaemus occipitalis (dorsaI view). c - central carpal; me - metacarpals; pis - pisiform; r - radial carpal; R - radius; U - ulna; u + iulnar + intermedium carpals; 1 to 5 - distal carpals; I to V digits. AN - anterior; PO - posterior. The pelvic girdle is composed of 3 bony, endocondral, paired elements (ilium, ischium and pubis) and 2 cartilaginous, unpaired elements (epipubis and hypoischium). It forms 2 symetric tri-radiate halves, which unite ventrally upon the midline of the body. The sutures between the endocondral elements are only visible in juveniles, disappearing in the adults. The cartilaginous elements, in medioventral positivon, make the already mentioned contact between the 2 halves of the girdle. Height = 7mm. ILlUM - The ilium (fig. 8) is an elongated bone, dorsal to the acetabulum, of which it forms the posterodorsal third. It extends posterodorsally, forming a 33° angle with the frontal plane of the body, being broad at its base an than tapering. The APPENDICULAR SKELETON OF L/OLAEMUS OCCIPffALIS 735 epu ac E E in 115 epu h is Fig.9 Fig.8 Figs. 8 and 9 - Pelvic girdle of Lio/aemus occipitalis: Fig. 8 - left arch in lateral view, Fig. 9 - ventral view, acacetabulum; epu - epipubis; his - hypoischium; il - ilium; is - ischium; mis.p - metaischial process; - obturator foramen; obt.f. - obturator fenestra; pac.p. - preacetabular process; ppu.p. - prepubic process; pu - pubis. anterior border is continuous with that of the pubis, and the posterior border with that of the ischium. Along its dorsal third the ilium undergoes a slight torsion (the anterior border in lateral direction and the posterior border in medial direction) for the articulation with the 2 sacral vertebrae, through its medial face. There are no scars or other marks in the suture zone. The anterodorsal border of the acetabular cavity is thicker, forming a supra-acetabular arch, which develops as a form of resistance against the friction of the femur toward this region during dislocation (Krause, 1978). PUBIS - The pubis (figs. 8 and 9) is the anteroventral and thinnest element of the pelvic girdle, flatenned dorsoventrally. Near the acetabulum it thickens, forming the anterior third of the acetabular cavity. Its dorsal surface is convex, while the ventral is concave, the posterior border forming the anterior limit of the obturator fenestra. The two pubis extend ventrally, meeting each other on the midline of the body, at an angle of 116°, and being intercalated by a small, cartilaginous, calcified, round epipubis. On the anterior border of the pubis occurs a prepubic process (or pectineal process), projected posteroventrally and connected with the anteroventral pubic extremity through a very thin bony sheet. Between the prepubic process and the acetabulum there is the obturator foramen, observed in ventral view (fig. 9). ISCHIUM - The ischium (figs. 8 and 9) is the posteroventral-element of the pelvic girdle. Near the acetabulum (of which it forms the posteroventral third) it is approximately as broad and thick as the pubis, becoming broader and flatter anteroposteriorly, as it extends ventrally. Its anterior border is concave, forming the posterior margin of the obturator fenestra. Right under the acetabulum the posterior border constricts slightly an then expands posteriorly, forming the metaischial process (lslam, 1956) or tuber ischii (Cope, 1892), which receives ligaments and insertions of the caudal musculature (fig. 8). The process is connected to the ventral extremity of the posterior border of the ischiurn through a thin bony sheet, which is also cited by Islam (1956) for Uromastix hardwickii. Both ischii unite ventrally through a symphysis. Between them is a long, narrow, cartilaginous hypoischium, which extends anterior and posteriorly from the borders of the ischii. The posterior extension is quite longer than the anterior. The latter projects approximately until the half of the obtura tor fenestra, and, in case it is limited by suture with the hypoischium or separated from the latter by juxtaposition of the ischii, it is called epischium (EI Toubi, 1949; Islam, 1956; George, 1956; Krause, 1978, 1983). George (1956) establishes no delimitation between epi and hypoischium, as happens in L.occipitalis, the nomencIature, in this case, having only topographic connotation. Therefore we consider here only the presence of a hypoischium, which is connected to the epipubis by a thin, cartilaginous ligament, and separating the obturator fenestra in two cartilaginous ligament, and separating the obturator halves in ventral view (fig. 9). Camp (1923) considers the hypoischium as being orginated by 736 KELLER and KRAUSE condrification or even calcification of the "ligamenturn hypoischium", which represents the medium ending of lhe great transverse perineal muscles, responsible for lhe constriction of the base of the tail. ~l prox, art. int. Ir. inl.fs. ·1 i AN , I PO E E io PO I I AN ! ! ant.e. pos!. c. ico.fs , b Fig.10 d Fig.11b Figs. 10 and 11 - Left femur of Liolaemus occipialis: Fig. lOa - dorsaI view, Fig. lOb - ventral view, Fig. IIaproximal terminal view, Fig. llb - distal terminal view. ant.e. - anterior eondyle; ieo.fs. - intereondylar fossa; int.fs. - intertrochanterie fossa; mt. tr. - internal troehanter; pop.dep. - popliteal depression; post.e. - posterior eondyle; - proximal artieulation. AN - anterior; PO posterior; d - dorsaI; v - ventral. HIND LIMB (Figs, lO-14 and Diagram 1) The hind limb of L.occipitalis is quite long in relation to the forelimb (approximately 40 mm long). It is composed of femur (propodiun), tibia and fibula (epipodium), 3 well ossified tarsal eIements (mesopodium) and pes with 5 digits, composed of metatarsals (metapodium) and phalanges. No sesamoids have been observed. FEMUR - The femur (figs. lO and 11) is the longest bone of the skeleton (11,2 mm long). The shaft is nearly circular, expanding slightly toward the extremities. The most prominent element of the proximal extremity is the articular head, compressed laterally, so to appear oval in terminal view (fig. l Ia) and which is going to articulate with the acetabulum. The head projects dorsally, so that its terminal surface is slightly oblique in relation to the longitudinal axe of the shaft. The same happens with the distal extremity, except that, in a compensatory movernent, ir projects ventrally, 50 that the articular surfaces become ventroterminal. According to Romer (1956) this movement enables the lizards to assume their typical resting position, with the epipodium projected backwards and the foot extending laterally. Lateral and anterior to the articular head there is a second, smaller projection - the internal trochanter. On the ventral surface, between the articular head and the internal trochanter, is a shallow intertrochanteric fossa (fig. IOb), which forms, together with the trochanter, the insertion area for the "puboischiofemoralis externus" muscle, A poorly pronunced crest along the external border of the internal trochanter gives insertion to the adductor muscle. There is no evidence of an adductor ridge. The little projection that appears right under the articular head in ventral view might be the fourth trochanter (fig. lOb), although Romer (1956) mentions its absence in Lepidosauria. ln dorsal view (fig. lOa) there is a small tuberosity on the proximal posterior surface, probably related to the insertion of the "iliofernoralis" muscle (Romer, 1956). The dista! expansion of the femur forms 2 condyles - the anterior and the slightly larger posterior condyle - for articulation with tibia and fibula. Both are rounded, the anterior being elongated anteroposteriorly and the posterior transversally (fig. lOb). They are more prominent in ventral view, forming between them the popliteal depression or cavity. ln dorsal view is the intercondylar fossa, into which the tendon of the "quadriceps fernori" muscle inserts. The distal terminal surface (fig. l1b) is relatively even, presenting only a shallow concavity separating the two condylar surfaces. The whole terminal area and the ventrally dislocated condyles articulate with the APPENDICULAR SKELETON OF UOLAEMUS 737 OCCIPfFAL/S proximal head of the tibia. Only a small portion of of Islam (1956) for Uromastix hardwickii. In anterior the posterior face of the posterior condyle : positíon (dorsal view), right under the proximal extremity, is a conspicuous cnemial crest, which articulates with the fibula. acts as insertíon point for the tendon of the main extensor muscle of the propodium (Romer, 1956). also on the anterior margin, approximately from the midpoint of the sha:ft, extends a crest or blade for 4 mm in distal directíon, its maximum height being almost equal to the mean diameter of the shaft, No such structure was mentíoned in the consulted bibliography. The distal terminal surface of the tíbia (fig. 13b) is smooth and approximately retangular, articulating with the astragalus. Both extremitíes of the tíbia are curved posteriorly, so that the bone is slightly concave along the posterior border and convex anteriorly. IV,' .·<4~/ ::'\, -,.' E E 11 a b Fig.12 d Fig.13b Figs. 12 and I3 - Left tibia and fibula of Liolaemus occipitalis; Fig. Ia - dorsal view; Fig. I2b - ventral view; Fig. I3a - proximal terminal view; Fig. I3b - distal terminal view. cn.c. - cnemial crest; F - fibula; T - tíbia. AN anterior, PO - posterior, d - dorsal, v - ventral. TIBIA - The tíbia (figs. 12 and 13) is medial or preaxial, being the stoutest of the epipodial elements (10 mm long). The shaft is circular at its midpoint, but thenexpands in directíon of the extremities. In terminal view (fig. 13a) the proximal extremity forms an approxirnately triangular surface, boarder on its poterior half, which articulates with the distal extrernity of the femur. An elevatíon along the longest axe of the tíbial head suits in a slight terminal concavity between the two femural condyles, in similar way to the description Fig, 14 - left tarsus and pes of Liolaemus occipitaüs (ventral view). as - astragalus; cal - calcaneum; mt metatarals; 3 and 4 - distal tarsals; I to V - digits. AN anterior; PO - posterior. 7.1 x KELLER and KRAUSE FIBULA - The fibula (figs. 12 and 13), lateral or postaxial bone of the epipodium, is slender and a little longer than the tibia (10,8 mm long). The proximal extremity is curved in preaxial and the distal in postaxial direction, so that the bone looks like an "S" in dorsal view. The shaft is compressed anteroposteriorly and has no circular transverse section. The proximal extremity is strongly acuminate (fig. 13a), the apex being tilted toward the tibia and articulating with the posterior lateral face of the posterior femoral condyle. The distal extremity is elongated anteroposteriorly (fig. 13b) and its terminal surface forms a median keel, which articulates on the calcaneum and against the lateral border of the astragalus. Proximally tibia and fibula are close together, for articulation with the femur, while distally they articulate separately with the astragalus-calcaneum (diagram 1). and V distally and with the astragalus-calcaneum proximally. PES - The foot (including the tarsus) is 20 mm longo There are 5 well developed digits, that get longer from I to IV, being 11,lU and IV considerably longer than their subsequent phalanges. Costelli and Hecht (1971) mention the possible fusion of metatarsals I and 11 of Shinisaurus with their respective tarsals. The same does Mahendra (1950) for the metatarsal V of Hemidactylus jlaviviridis. This might be true for metatarsals I and U of Lioccipitalis, as indicates their greater proximal extension. The metatarsal V is much shorter and stouter, having a complex form that reminds a hook (in ventral view). It articulates with metatarsal IV through a medial facet and with the calcaneum through its proximal lateral surface. According to Robinson (1975) the development of a hooked fifth metatarsal is owed to the fusion of the tarsal elements, diminishing intratarsal flexibility. The hooked form enables the fifth digit to oppose the otthers, giving more stability to the plantar positíon and increasing the efficiency of the musculature of the foot and epipodium. The phalanges diminish slightly in length in distal direction. The claws are well developed, being larger than the terminal phalanx. The phalangeal formula is 2+3+4+5+4. The proximal extremity of each phalanx is concave, while the distal is convex (as well as the metatarsals). The terminal phalanges bear conical projections for insertion of the claws (the same happening in the forelimb). TARSUS - The tarsus (fig. 14) is composed of one proximal (astragalus-calcaneum) and 2 distal elements. The fusion of astragalus and calcaneum is a common feature of the Sauria. The suture between them is visible on1y in juveniles. It is abone of complex topography, presenting several articular faces. It is elongated mediolaterally, more expanded on its medial half (corresponding to the astragalus). The proximal surface presents 2 local constrictions a slight one and a more accentuated lateral one -, which receive, respectively, the distal articular areas of tibia and fibula, On its distal surface the astragalus-calcaneum articulates, in mediolateral direction, with metatarsals I and V, and distal tarsals 3 and 4. The lateral, not expanded portion corresponds FINAL CONSIDERATIONS to the calcaneum, homologous to the fibular proximal tarsal, On what concerns the homology of - Liolaemus occipitalis has no scapular fenestra, as the astragalus, there are great divergences arnong well as Linitidus, cited by Lécuru (1968a). The thé authors that discuss its origin and composition presence of this fenestra is characteristic for along the saurian evolution. Different combinatio~s Iguanidae. of tibial, intermedium, central and fibular are AIso according with Linitidus, the adults of presented,always with the presence of at least two L.occipitalis present no scapulocaracoid suture. of them. The fusion of the original elements is - On what concerns fenestration development, L.occipitalis fits in between categories 2 and 3 of sustained by the identification of 3 ossification centers in young fossiles of Captorhinus (Peabody, Lécuru (1968a) (see description of the 1951). The fusion of the proximal tarsals occurs to scapulocoracoid), indicating that this species is· parcially adapted for the habits of iguanids with give better support to the tibia when the hind limb is in the twisted position (Romer and Parsons, 1977). typical depressed body formo In fact, it is an essentially terrestrial animal, having the habit of According to Donoso-Barros (1966) the astragalus of Liolaemus results from the fusion of tibial + burrowing itself in the sand. intermdium + central; which is certainly suggested - Clavicles and interclavicle correspond to the by its great size and contact area within the tarsus. normal iguanid condition. On1y distal tarsals 3 and 4 are present in - The proscapular process of the cJavicJe, cited by Etheridge (1960) as common in iguanids, is Lioccipitalis, as in most saurians, although Donoso-Barros (1966) indicates the presence of absent in L.occipitalis. distal 5 for Liolaemus. The third is quite smaller and L. occipitalis presents no sternal fontanelle, articulates on1y with metatarsal 111 and the although Etheridge (1960) states the presence of astragalus. the fourth articulates with metatarsals IV a large one for the genus. APPENDIClIl.,\i{ SI-:LU,TON 01' LlOLAEMUS - L.occipitalis presents the normal parasternum of the genus, also normal condition of most South American iguanids (Etheridge, 1960, 1965). - L.occipitalis has only 5 pairs of sternal (3) and xiphisternal (2) ribs, while, Lécuru (I 968b) mentions 6 pairs for the genus. - L. occipitalis has a broad, pentagonal sternum, with two separated and divergent xiphisternal rods, condition linked by Etheridge (1960) with terrestrial habit and tendency to depessed body form, exactly as happens in this case. There are no sesamoids on the epiphysis of the long bones. The humeral morphology of L.occipitalis agrees with most aspects of the iguanid humerus of Lécuru (1969), but disagrees with some of them (see description of the humerus). The hypoischium is long and projects anteriorly from the ischiatic symphysis, being connected to the epipubis by a thin cartilaginous ligament. There is no epischium. Long hind limb, stout epipodium and expanded astragalum-calcaneum probably are adaptations for a more efficient locomotion on the sand, which does not offer much resistance to dislocation. - In the same way, the well developed laminar crest on the anterior margin of the shaft of the tibia may represent a resistance surface for the tibial musculature, increasing the efficiency of muscle contraction when the foot works against the sand. - The long and strong claws on fore and hind limbs probably are adaptations for the burrowing habits. Tarsal V, which appears in the scheme of Donoso-Barros (1966) for Liolaemus, is not present in L.occipitalis. 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