SoCal OTMX NewsMag
SoCal OTMX NewsMag
Volume 13, Issue 1 SoCal OTMX Newsletter (A MotoPhoto LLC Publication) Winter Edition 2011 g a M s w e N X SoCal OTM S o C al Ret u rns to I- 5! It had been quite a few years since the SoCal Club had sampled the wares of the I-5 Motocross Track in Hungry Valley, Gorman. The last time we were there, on June 22, 2008, there was a question if we would ever return. The track operator was more interested in practice days than racing, and appeared to be lukewarm to prepping the track to SoCal‟s standard. Fast forward almost two years, with the track now under the US Forest Service control, and the club decided to give the facility a new try. Through the efforts of our VP in charge of Operations, Kurt Sofka, Jr., three racing organizations experienced an outstanding day of competition on a suburb track. The re -organized Los Angeles Old Timers‟ Club, the Over the Hill Gang, and of course our SoCal OTMX Club all arrived at Hungry Valley to do moto. On this fine February 13th, Bruce Ashmore had a day to remember. As he was growing up, he was constantly reading about a great rider by the name of Dave gan to challenge his hero for position. At I-5, Bruce did the heretofore thought impossible. . . He swept both motos over his idol, taking the overall win in the 50 Master Class. As impressive as Ashmore‟s win was, the most impressive rider of the day was Big Dan Berg. Dan smoked to some very fast laps, winning the Master A class over a game Sofka, Jr. Eropkin. Bruce admired Dave, and thought of Dave as his favorite local pro rider. Little did he know that, when joining the SoCal Club, he would find himself beside his hero on the starting gate. Bruce has always been a fast, competent rider. Earlier this year he sold his 2010 Yamaha and acquired a new 2011 CRF450 Honda. Something about this bike suited Bruce and suddenly he found himself significantly faster to the point that he be- Other Master and Expert class winners were Randy Blevins in the Master 50B class, who traded wins with Dan Caneva (Randy took the overall by winning moto 2), Tom Baker, winning the Master B class over Mark Pledger and Alan Burtt, and Michael Cosaert, winner of the Expert 40 class over Courtney Gannett and Larry Fine. The Expert 50 class was dominated by local rider (and SoCal member) Tom Ernsdorf. Tom stood atop the podium with Don Faron and Chris Cumbo taking the second and third tiers. Fast SoCal riders Jack Inside this issue: Secretary’s Notepad. . . . . . . . Page 3 Kevin852 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4 Wrighty-O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 6 Ask Lawndart . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9 VP Ramblings . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 10 From the Prez. . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11 Rider of the Month . . . . . . . .Page 12 SoCal Club Reminders: Transponders have an 18hour charge cycle. . . Plug them in Thursday for a Saturday race, and Friday for a Sunday race. When fully charged, your transponder indicator light will turn to a sold green in the charger. Gilliam, Jeff Collins, Dee Vondracek, and Ron Verbeek were all very competitive! Continued page 2 PAGE 2 SoCal OTMX Newsletter (A MotoPhoto LLC Publication) riders taking the gate. Dennis Tooman, recently moved from the Expert to Amateur class, swept both motos over a very fast Gary Doll (SoCal) and Gary Colbert (who made the trip from Bishop to ride this event). Other notables in this class were Paul Lax and Bruce Hoover, both of whom demonstrated very fast lap times! SoCal REtursn to I-5 (from page 1) The Expert 60 class was a shootout between Lyle Sweeter, Gary Willison, and Jim Oneal. Gary led the way moto one with a tight win over Oneal. Sweeter was on the gas moto two, and improved his position from third first moto to the win, with Oneal edging out Willison for second. Sweeter found himself with the overall! Steve Dunlap and Jack Kell were also quite competitive in this class. The Novice 50 class is fast becoming one of the most competitive in the club. Denny Ryan, an independent rider, swept both motos. Denny will ride Amateur the next race he has with SoCal. Chasing Denny, with very fast lap times, was SoCal‟s Bob Walpert. Bob exhibited such speed and jumping ability that will also find himself in the amateur class soon! Don Meiner and Tony Parsons continued their rivalry, with Owin Wright inserting himself into the mix. Jeff Hawthorne made his comeback to racing after quite a few months off due to injury. Jeff was the past president of the LA OTMX, and was instrumental in keeping that club organized for many years. He rode hard to fourth overall be- Jeff Hawthorne made a return to racing at Hungry Valley was Chuck Ramsey, Sr., and Richard Lyons. These fast 70+ riders were not the oldest of the meet, however. John Webb again took that honor. John, 83 years of age, took the 80+ class with 11 motos. The Amateur 60 class was one of the largest in numbers, with eleven The Novice, Amateur, and Beginner 40 classes all ran in the same motos. Michael Long took the beginner class over Gil Verity and Ian Staton. Tim Marshall ran away with the Amateur 40 class, with 1-1 motos over Marc Mazza‟s 2-2 and Carlos Palomo‟s 3-3. Danny Ramired took the Novice 40 class. The I-5 track received rave reviews from the racers, and plans are being made to return to I-5 later in the year (possibly after the SoCal Summer Night Series at Comp Edge). Thanks go out to the I-5 track crew for their track preparations, to Sofka, Jr. for his scheduling efforts and his patience with the Forestry Service, and to all the riders who showed up to make the Hungry Valley race a success. Bruce Ashmore on his new Honda! hind SoCal‟s John Bosanko, independent rider Jim Jeffries, and SoCal‟s Kent Reed. Five over-70 year old riders signed up and took the gate in the 70 class. This class was the surprise of the race day, with passing and dicing going on from gate to checkered flag. Barry Simon wound up the winner with 1-2 moto finishes, over a fast but unlucky Phil Black (4-1), and new SoCal member Ron Clawson. Ron is from Tulare, CA, and runs the Central Valley OTMX (Ron belongs to two OTMX clubs). Finishing after Ron Rich ―Photoman‖ Stuelke flies over Frink Derby in the 60 AMA race. A Randy Blevins Photo PAGE 3 SoCal OTMX Newsletter (A MotoPhoto LLC Publication) Secretary’s Notepad ARIZONA INTERNATIONAL Or Bust Someone once said; “Getting there is half the fun.” I want to meet that person and tell them about the fun that the Old Fat Bald Guys Racing Team had getting to the Arizona Oldtimers International at Arizona Cycle Park. As is often the case with the International races, HONEST PAUL‟S MOTORCYCLE TRANSPORT was taking other people‟s bikes, and in this case other people, to the event. Ken Fuelner‟s bike was loaded in the bed of the truck and there was a place saved in the Former Monkey Mobile for Jeff Collin‟s orange bike. And Jeff was going to ride to the event with myself, Bradley and Patricia. The Dodge that usually pulls the FMM (Former Monkey Mobile) to the races is what they refer to as a club cab, so-called because you sometimes need to club people to get them to ride in the smallish back seat. In an effort to improve the customer service, HONEST PAUL‟S MOTORCYCLE TRANSPORT borrowed a crew cab from Harlan‟s mom, my friend Monica. These four door pickups are known as crew cabs since they are more satisfactory to the passengers, thereby keeping the crew happy and thus reducing the instances of mutiny on the Interstate. It‟s a nice truck, a 2004 King Ranch Edition Ford F-250. Arizona Cycle Park had practice scheduled for noon to 4 on Friday so the plan was to arrive Friday morning, get set up, practice and be all ready for the usual Friday night International SoCal potluck. Bradley was coming down from his home in the Bay Area after work Thursday, planning to arrive around midnight. I had the trailer hooked up, everything loaded, ready to go by about 7 p.m. and thought I‟d just pull the rig around in front of the house and head it toward the freeway so when Bradley arrived we‟d roll his bike in and go. Jeff knew that we were planning to pick him up between 1 and 2 a.m. I jumped in the truck (I have to jump, it‟s a 4-wheel drive and taller than the Dodge) fired it up, dropped it in gear, gave it some throttle but it didn‟t move. No problem, I thought, must have left a wheel chock in place. Jumped out (it‟s quite a drop for old knees) and checked; no chocks. Simple, I figured, the answer was MORE THROTTLE. Now it moved, but not well and as soon as I eased up on the throttle it stopped like the brakes were on. Hummmm, brakes? There are a lot of ways to see if the brakes are locked, mine is to open up the truck, go 20 feet of so, then get out and see if there are black marks where the locked trailer wheels were skidding. Yep. Trailer brakes are locked. So, I crawled under the trailer and disconnected and cleaned all the connections on the trailer brakes. Back in the truck, rock the rig once in reverse, and shazamm! no problemo. I‟d lost the better part of an hour playing with that, but there was still time for a nap before Bradley was due. Midnight. Bradley arrives, we load his stuff and we‟re off. Still on schedule for an 8 a.m. arrival at Buckeye. Got to Riverside and loaded up Jeff and his stuff. But the power was out in the trailer – no lights. Checked and it had blown the 30 amp fuse that feeds the 12v power to the trailer. No problem, we got lots of fuses. And we‟re off. (Turned out to be a good thing – we used 5 fuses over the weekend. I‟ll fix it before Tulare, just stick a piece of copper wire between the fuse terminals and watch for the smoke.) It‟s about 2 a.m. and we‟re near Palm Springs. A car pulls up on the left, turns on its dome light and points at the trailer. OK, I figure, we‟re dragging something or have a light out or some such thing. Wrong. A check of the right side of the FMM confirms the cause of the pointing. The FMM is a tandem axle, you know, 2 tires on each side. But there was only one on the right side. On the (Continued Page 5) VOLUME 13, ISSUE 1 SoCal OTMX Newsletter (A MotoPhoto LLC Publication) PAGE 4 Bardaman Speaks (aka Kevin852)! climbing? No. Perhaps I should try partying with Charlie Sheen? But as well know this sport just supplies a thrill that most, or all, of us just can not find anywhere else. That is why usually the first thing we say to a friend after they crash is ―so when are you back on the bike?‖ Hello All. When Rich asked me to write this month’s article I was going to write about how I was quitting riding/racing for most of this year to concentrate on my running. I have a marathon May 21st, another marathon Oct 9th, and then cross country national championships Dec 10th. But After writing that article and emailing it him I had a change of heart. Moto kind of does that to us. I think we all must be insane to participate in a hobby which is so dangerous. As the saying goes ―it is not IF you are going to get hurt, but WHEN and how bad.‖ Yet every weekend and sometimes during the week we suit up and go out there with a reckless abandon. Go figure. But try as I have I have never found anything that gives the same thrills. Skydiving? No. Bungee jumping? No. Rock So the problem I face is running competitively is my other love and the two just do not mix well. It is so hard to train for running at a high level if you have any kind of small nagging injury (which is so easy to get with MX). I will be averaging over 80 miles a week and yet somehow I still want to squeeze in MX. So you can see how if I twist an ankle or knee, get a bruised rib, etc. it will negatively effect my running. And when you spend 15 hours a week training it seems stupid to risk it for two 20 minute motos on Sunday. Yet, there I am at the sign up table early Sunday. Go figure. have different skill sets, and some even ride 2-strokes (Punk & 111), we all share the same passion for all things moto. We may not all agree all the time (Was Reed’s move dirty?) we all agree that there is no where we would rather be on Sunday am then at the track talking smack to our moto brethren. So go out there and get your moto on. I know I understand how it is more than a hobby. Kevin So when trying to explain yourself to your non-moto friends, new girlfriend (―Why are you always riding that stupid motorcycle?‖ hahaha), boss, etc. I have now taken the approach of just not trying. I just say ―You would not understand‖ and leaving it at that. You have to do it to get it. And we all know that. So even though we all go different speeds, Celebrity of the Month Contest Heather called this one. . . Although she had an unfair advantage! She won last issue’s contest by correctly naming famed women’s MX champ Tami Rice as Name that Celebrity! However, I don’t think she added Tami’s current last name: Greenfield! Who is the celebrity/VIP on the right, and what does he do? First correct answer posted on our website will receive one of our new ―Chubbybucks‖ good for $10 off your next race entry! To make this one is even more challenging. . .you also must state this racer’s current riding number! PAGE 5 SoCal OTMX Newsletter (A MotoPhoto LLC Publication) S e c r e ta ry ’s N ot e pa d front axle was a remnant of the tire that had been there when we left Riverside. We‟re right at the Indian Canyon exit so its into a parking lot and time to deal with the situation. The good news, I have a good spare. The bad news, I left my 4-way lug wrench in the Dodge and I don‟t even know where the lug wrench is on Monica‟s Ford. No problem, we got a box of tools. Except the tools are metric, and nothing fits close enough to get tight lug nuts off. Besides, its about 22 degrees and the wind is blowing about 22 mph. Bradley had the good idea – call AAA. Apparently it takes awhile to find a AAA service driver at 2:30 in the morning, but eventually one shows up. It took the winch on the tow truck to pull the remaining tire carcass out from around the wheel. But he eventually got that clear and with the spare on, off we go. Even with losing 2 ½ hours, we are still looking good for arriving in plenty of time to make practice. Breakfast in Blythe and back on the road at about 7. Into Arizona when I look down and the engine temperature gauge is rapidly moving to the peg. Pull over and pour water in while it cools, then shut it down for awhile to let the pressure drop, fill the reservoir and we‟re back on the road, probably lost another 30 minutes. I figure the coolant must have been low to begin with and pulling the grade caused it to overheat. Now with the system full, we should be good. (From page 3) wheel. So by 10:30 we have a replacement truck on the way from Tucson, a brother looking for a wheel and tire to bring to Buckeye and the AAA on the way with a flatbed tow. Tow truck arrives, we unload bikes and gear from the dead Ford, load it on the truck, and with me in the passenger seat of the tow truck, head for the Ford dealer in Buckeye. It‟s about 11:00. The replacement truck has to come from Tucson, about 240 miles. Now the objective isn‟t practice, its getting there in time for dinner. I knew Photoman was behind us on the road, so I called Sofka to get Rich‟s number and called Rich to see if he would detour a few miles to pick me up from the Ford dealer. Rich and I arrived at the track about 2 p.m. But the FMM, the bikes and Jeff, Bradley and Patricia are still by the road at milepost 10. I did call Ken Fuelner and let him know that he needn‟t rush to the track to practice. Meanwhile, back at milepost 10, the castaways were making the best of the situation. Got the chairs out, made sandwiches, sitting in the sun and drinking beer. (Practice Friday afternoon had been scratched from the itinerary by this time.) An Arizona Highway Patrol officer stopped and asked how they had picked that particular spot to camp. Bradley assured him that the plan was to move on before the 14 day limit on camping was up. At about 3:00 the replacement truck ar- No. The FMM is heavy, and we‟re loaded pretty well, but I know I should be able to make more that 30 mph up the grade. I glanced in the mirror and saw nothing, no traffic, no highway, just billowing whiteish-blue smoke obscuring the freeway. Pulled off the shoulder and well off the road and was trying to decide if it would be better to shut it off or let it idle when Bradley advises that along with the smoke there is a fair amount of flame coming out of the exhaust. Easy decision, shut it down. Now it‟s about 8:30. We‟re at milepost 10, about 110 miles from the track. Fortunately, Arizona is not only the Grand Canyon State but is also the ancestral home of Laxes. I called my brother-in-law to see if he can drive out to bring another truck. Brad calls his son-in-law to see if his truck is available. I call my brother Russell and send him in search of a replacement tire and VOLUME 13, ISSUE 1 rives at milepost 10, they adjust the hitch (this truck is even taller) and the FMM with the bikes and passengers is on the road again. It did arrive in at the track in time for dinner, sort of. The bikes, passengers and the FMM arrived about 6. Eighteen hours from Tunafish Canyon to Buckeye. We pushed dinner back about 30 minutes. I go to a lot of Internationals, but Arizona is the one where the Laxes get together. Brother Russell arrived Friday night with a replacement spare. Brother-in-law Larry was driving Son-inlaw‟s truck pulling the FMM. My dad and Brother Todd showed up Friday night in their RV with Todd‟s 2 daughters and Bradley‟s granddaughter. My sister Susan, Bradley‟s daughters and one more son-in-law showed up Saturday morning. Once breakfast was out of the way Susan and Brad‟s daughters began putting out food and everyone pretty much munched away all day. (I‟m not sure the chili verde burrito and the strawberries and whipped cream really helped my endurance in the second moto.) We had a good campfire Friday night and again Saturday night. Excellent bench racing with the SoCal crew. Good racing Saturday. It rained Saturday night like a cow pissing on a flat rock. Got to go and play in the mud trying to get around the track Sunday morning. I used the replacement truck to get home. Still have to get that back to Tucson. Status on bringing the dead Ford back to life is $2700 and climbing. Dinner still went on as planned! It was all worth the effort. But in this case, while getting there was more than half the experience, most of the fun came later. VOLUME 13, ISSUE 1 Wri gh t y- o SoCal OTMX Newsletter (A MotoPhoto LLC Publication) PAGE 6 (or the pen is mightier than the mouth!) Editor’s Intro: For those of you who do not frequent the message board, let me introduce to you Owin Wright. Owin is one of our newer club members, who has brought an amazing amount of excitement and enthusiasm to our meetings, message board, and events! Here is one guy who really loves SoCal and Moto! He also is a talented scribe, and his humor is infectious. I had to get him to write a column for our Newsmag, and here is his first! Thanks, Wrighty-O! For the True Novice It's raining right now, really pouring. But it's ok, because we've got a bit of a lull in the clubs' racing calendar. There are a couple of International events, but my work schedule won't permit me to make either of these. So it's quiet now, except for the rain. No one races in weather like this, unless they have a factory contract and are chasing national championship points. So it seemed like a good time to reflect on the last nine months. Wow, it really has been that long. You see, that's when I entered my first race, May 22nd, at Cahuilla Creek. For reasons I won‟t go in to just now, it was and always will be one of the greatest days of my life. I will always be grateful to So Cal OTMX, more so than I can ever convey. I took 4th overall that day. Looking back, I still can't believe I managed to finish on two wheels my first time out. Which, I guess, is why I'm sitting here typing these thoughts out. Now seems a good time to reflect and maybe, pass on a few things to others. To riders who just might find themselves staring down at a starting gate about to drop. The starter points a warning, engines screaming, heartbeat doing the Hawaii 5-O theme, and they‟re asking themselves "what'nna-hell-am-I-doing-here?" Except wouldn't be, couldn't be, anywhere else. Since that day, I've learned quite a lot about our beloved sport. I've done about 20 races, most with SCOTMX, and a couple with Frank and the good people at REM. I got to the point where I could run with the fast guys in my class, took some thirds and seconds, won a couple of motos, and even snagged a first overall. Along the way I've made most of the standard-feature mistakes a rookie can make, plus a few idiotoriginals I'm proud to call my own. What follows is the boiled-down essence of what I've found, going through what has to be the steepest part of the motocross learning curve. My thinking is...if any of this helps some other rookie, then that is good. Being a teacher by nature and profession, explaining "the way it is" to others comes naturally and obnoxiously to me. However, I need to be clear about one thing right from the get-go. These observations are for true beginner-novice mx racers. I race the 50 Novice class, and everything that follows here is for us …the poor, awkward, goon-ridding beginners that are just trying to figure this whole thing out. Amateurs, Experts and Masters...why are you reading this? Go find something else to do. Clean out the rain gutters or shampoo your cat. There is nothing for you here. I've seen you ride. Armatures, you are so fast, I just stare at my bike after a race (even a good one) and ask "where am I gonna' find the 6 to 7 seconds they have on us?" Then, there's you Experts and Masters... Well, from a novice point of view, watching you race is like watching gods from Greek mythology throwing a 2-kegger on Mount Olympus . I can see everything you do. I just don't comprehend it, and I don't expect an invitation any time soon. Oh yeah, there are a number of racers, who in days earlier, were ridding in the upper classes. For a variety of sound reasons, these folks are ridding the novice classes now. With many years of racing experience, there won't be much here for them, either. That leaves just us, the True Novices. So you want to race, and you want to get better at it. As with all motor sports, what we do is intense, complex and dangerous. Because we do it on two wheels, often airborne, and without a steel cage wrapped around us, it's tends to be all that and then some. Well, here are four major elements that will pay you the biggest dividends, if you pay them the most attention and effort: 1. GET IN SHAPE AND RIDE. MX is one of the most physically demanding sports on the planet. We all know this, but do we really do anything about it? At the 2005 Glen Helen National, I had the opportunity to speak briefly with The Goat, Ricky Carmichael. It was late after the race, the crowds had thinned, and there he was in the Suzuki pits, just sort of standing there. As I approached he saw I was a flagman and actually said 'thanks' for the work we did. I said it was an honor to flag for him and the rest of the worlds' best. I mentioned I was planning to race moto in a year or two, and could he give me the one “best thing” I could do to be successful. He did not hesitate..." Get in shape". I looked down at my middle-aged burger belly and chuckled. 'Yeah Ricky, I've heard that from friends of mine, the ones who don't even ride'. He smiled and took a step toward me, saying with genuine sincerity... VOLUME 13, ISSUE 1 SoCal OTMX Newsletter (A MotoPhoto LLC Publication) Wri gh t y- o "No… no that's not what I meant. Get in the best shape of your life. The better your conditioning, the better you'll ride. It helps everything. It's way more important than trick'n out the bike or anything else. You'll improve faster if you ride as much as you can, and get in super-good shape." He autographed my hat, and I said 'thanks' and wished him well. I am just beginning to see how right he was. Obviously, ridding is the best exercise for racing. Do it as much as you possibly can. Time on the bike is key. Every chance you get, ride! When you're at a track practicing, put in as many laps as you safely can before you load up and go home. While other guys are bench-racing, playing with clickers (more on that later), or whatever, you ride. Ride and then rest. Then do some more laps. Don't go back to the truck every time you rest. Pull off the course and find a safe spot. Watch others who are faster than you while you rest on the bike. Then do some more laps before you head back to the truck, take your helmet off, hit the cooler and flop down in a camp chair. At home try, no really try, to get into some sort of exercise routine. I know it's tough to find the time. But Ricky was right...the rewards are worth it. 2. MIND THE FIVE BASIC TECHNIQUES Since the first practice lap I ever rode (back in the early 70s), to this very day, the basic riding techniques that make a motocross racer successful have not changed. When something goes wrong on the track, and I'm getting up from a dirt nap, it's always "OK, which of ‟The Five' did I blow?" I'm lucky if it was only one, more usually two or three. Ask any of the fast people (more on that later) to watch you ride and advise, and it will always be one or more of these five basics you're having trouble with. Then watch them go around the track. They do them all, perfectly, as second nature and without a thought. That's why they are fast and we are not. I got so tired of other riders telling me the same thing over and over, I put all five into a verse. I often chant the damn thing to myself when I'm racing or practicing. It goes like this: Stand on the pegs Grab the bike with your legs Sit forward for corners Elbows up Look ahead Now, the rocket people will look at this and know immediately what each line is trying to convey. But for us true novices, a little explanation is in order. First, "Stand on the pegs" and your thinking "Duh, were else do you stand... on the swing-arm?" No McFly, it means stand up and move! And not like you were trying to order a frozen malt at the ball game. Move your feet on those pegs, standing just behind the balls (of your feet) for the whoops and rough stuff. More toward the center of your arches for jumps. Weight the outside peg in turns. Whatever, you'll figure out what's best for you. You should be standing up 75% of every lap, and moving around on the bike. Stand up and crouch low in the "attack” position. Your quads will start burning. Burning real bad. That‟s good. You're doing it right. Now quit your whining and get in shape. (See how this stuff dove-tails?) Next, "Grab the bike with your legs" means exactly what it says. The more you squeeze the bike with your legs, the more control you'll have in almost every situation. It's awkward at first, because you're using muscles not normally used outside of freaky acts of... well, never mind. Honestly, of all the basics, this was the one thing that brought me the most improvement the quickest. Oh, and while we're at it, what's the single scariest thing we face on the track? That's right boys and PAGE 7 girls...jumps. Weather it's backlooping the bike or the dreaded underwear wrecking endo, the key is clamping the bike like you mean it right at lift-off. Do that, and all will be well. Fail to do this and life gets real ugly, real fast. (This, of course, does not include advanced techniques like big seat-bounce launches and whips. So you experts w h o w e r e t h i n k i n g that...go finish your rain gutters). "Sit forward for corners" again means just that. Corners, steep uphills, and the start are pretty much the only places you sit. When you do, take note of how far forward the seat goes on a modern mx bike. I wondered about that when I first came back to dirt bikes after being away for 27 years. Thought it was a real neat place to put the gas cap during re-fueling or something. One day, I was practicing on the vet track at Racetown 395. After about the 34th time I fell down, a real nice kid on a Kawasaki came over and pointed it out to me... that the seat covered the whole top of the bike. "Place to put the gas cap?' I said. He explained I probably should be sitting way up there, by the gas cap, in the corners and stuff. That way, he went on, the other riders could get some practice in, and the flagmen could get some rest. I thought he was a real nice kid. "Elbows up". Honestly, I don't get VOLUME 13, ISSUE 1 SoCal OTMX Newsletter (A MotoPhoto LLC Publication) Wri gh t y- o this one. I know we're supposed to do it. I see the pros in photos in all the magazines do it. But I don't know why and keep forgetting after people tell me. I also ride off the course and fall down a lot. Yeah, the fast people do it. Suppose to have something to do with balance or whatever. I'll get back to you on this one. But „till then, we should probably do it anyway. "Look ahead". Next to standing up and leg-grabbing the bike, this one brings the most improvement the fastest. It's real simple... A car will go where ever you turn the steering wheel. But a motorcycle will go where ever your eyes are looking. Look right in front of you, and that's right where you will fall down. Remember, when you‟re racing you might find that you‟re kind of in a hurry. So look where you're going to, not where you are. I first read that in the October 1975 issue of Dirt Bike magazine. It was true then and just as true now. When I drop the bike in a turn, this is almost always one of the reasons. 3. AVOID THE TECHNO DISTRACTIONS Ricky C mentioned this, and I've always thought it sort of obvious. Yet, it effects many novice riders and holds us back. As alluded to earlier, modern mx bikes are highly refined. They are the product of 40 years of constantly advancing technology. The performance they are capable of is far beyond a novices' ability. The idea that "I could faster if I had a so-and-so pipe," or this tire, or that race fuel... is just not valid. We all do it, get caught up in the latest aftermarket mods we think are really trick and all. It's part of the sport and keeps the economy healthy. It just doesn't make us any faster. Simply stated, the bikes are so much better than we are at this level, those trick parts are really just a distraction, and an expensive one at that. It goes back to ridding the bike, not dinking around with it. Keep it in a good, healthy state of tune. Keep the filters clean and the chain adjusted, and ride the thing! I know guys who mess with clickers, re-set or change the sag, mess with the fork height, etc. every time they show up at an mx track. I got news, boys...unless you've lost 70 pounds since last weekend, or your shock blew up when you loaded the bike into the truck, the sag hasn't changed! Look, get the bike reasonably well set up. If you're 6'2", get the appropriate bars and a tall seat. If you weigh more than the bike, you'll need some bigger springs in the forks and shock. Actually, suspension is the one place I would advise anyone, no matter the skill level, to get customized. It's a safety thing if nothing else. I am constantly amazed at what these tuners can do to make the boingers better for a given rider. In this matter, go forth my children and spend the money. Now, after you have the bike properly set up, don't go screwing around with it! I don't want to hear excuses about why you aren't getting any faster in turns. I can see the problem. Your engine is cold. The reason you get arm pump is not because of unbalanced steering trail relative to the triple clamps' polar moment of inertia. You get arm pump because you always bring 5 gallons of gas to practice, and go home with 4.8 gallons. Shut up about your cool new laser guided sprocket bolts and just ride the freak'n bike. 4. ASK THE FAST PEOPLE Seriously, this is a complicated and dangerous sport. Take advantage of the very hard-won lessons of others. Don't suffer alone. If you have a question about anything, go ask 5 people. Take the mean average from the answers, and there is your solution. Yeah, and don't go arguing with them, either. One day at Glen Helen, Ron Lawson tried to explain it to me. You see, I wanted to move the position of the front brake lever (rotate it up), but couldn't because it made contact with the throttle cable housing. “Simply rotate the throttle,” says he. I said "No can do. It will move where the throttle stops and starts, and I can't change that right before a race! I‟m used to where it is and will surely kill myself several times if I do that" He, and other club members tried to explain it didn‟t matter where I put the stinking throttle. It always started and stopped in the same place. Further, PAGE 8 that I could actually move my hand position when I gripped the throttle. Apparently, I was ridding entire motos without moving my throttle hand on the grip... ever. Told you I had some idiot-originals. Figured it out about two days later. I think Ron is a real nice guy. Motocross is a kind of brotherhood. Brothers and sisters help each other. I'm sure I drive people nuts with my constant questions about what line to take in this corner... 2nd or 3rd gear to launch that jump...what tire pressure for this dirt... what dounuts do Rich, Randy and Kurt like, etc. But they have always been there to help… even guys in my own class. Guys who know that if I do what they say, it will just make more competition for them. That‟s the brotherhood. That‟s why this is the greatest sport on the planet. These fine folks actually enjoy seeing you get better. Take advantage of their experience. Make it yours. Soon enough, you won't have to ask them about this or that. You'll know, and it will show, because you'll be getting faster. This will make the fast ones proud. Then you will have new questions to ask. Not to worry for they will be answered, by the experts, or masters. And that's ok, too. You see, now you can field the rookie questions from the new guys. So it is that the torch of motocross knowledge is handed down from one class to the next...from one moto generation to another. As long as Two Strokes howl and Four Strokes roar, this torch shall burn mightily. Upon final reflection, however... keep that stink'n torch away from my bike 'cause I saw "On Any Sunday" about eleventeen times and it still pisses me off they flambéed a perfectly good Husqvarna while I was ridding this crappy AT3 Yamaha and... Perhaps a story for another time... VOLUME 13, ISSUE 1 SoCal OTMX Newsletter (A MotoPhoto LLC Publication) PAGE 9 Ask LawnDart: Dear Lawndart, Secretary’s Observations Some of you may have noticed that I have not been around for a few months; not at the races, not at the meetings, not even on the message board. It was a combination of circumstances, first medical then work-related, but it kept me away from the races. I knew I missed racing, I just didn’t know how much until I got back on the bike and back on the track at Glen Helen on January 9. As the saying goes; ―Boy, I needed that!!‖ It was really nice to see people that I just enjoy being around. I’m lucky that I like my job, and the people I work with. But it’s not the same as hanging around the pits with the guys you race with. And I surely missed racing. I actually had a pretty good day, a third and a fourth. But mostly its just the fun. And the adrenalin rush when the gate falls really helps clear your head of all that stuff that piles up on a daily basis and never seems to go away. Racing will take care of that. After 7 months away, one day’s racing was like a mental enema. (Sorry for the unusual metaphor, but it just seemed accurate.) Although the excitement of racing comes back instantly when the gate drops, being in reasonable race condition does not. By Tuesday evening I thought I had located a part of my body that wasn’t sore, but I moved a little and found that I had not. And arm pump; I’m so out of shape I got arm pump putting my gloves on. But it was great to be back and I’m going to try to make all the races and as many Internationals as I can this year. Also, get back to the monthly meetings and do my job as secretary. In the meantime – see you at the track. Paul A. Lax, Esquire and SoCal Secretary I seem to be having an increasingly difficult time loading my motorcycle in the truck after the races. Seems very strange. When I am loading everything up on Sunday morning I can get the motorcycle up the ramp with no problem. But somehow, it seems to gain weight during the day. As first I thought it might be my imagination, but I’ve kept track for several weeks and it is definitely harder to load to go home from the races that it is to load up to go to the races. Can you give me some ideas on how to handle this? Pooped in Phelen Dear Pooped, You are not alone. I myself have noticed this strange phenomenon of motorcycles gaining weight at the race track. My KX450F weighs just over 230 lbs on Sunday mornings, but dramatically gains weight at the track so that by the time I leave it is as hard to push as my Harley at 850 lbs. After exhaustive research, I have discovered the source of the phenomenon. When you load in the morning the bike is lightened by a feeling of optimism, this is the day you will win the class – the day you will clear all the doubles – the day you will actually use those knobs on the sidewalls of your tires. By afternoon, no matter how well you have done, there will be some element of the experience that does not measure up to your morning expectations. Just the slightest bit of disappointment. You sort of know that although you were sure in the morning that you would have to be careful not to drag the bars when you hit the berms, when Rich’s pictures go up none of the pictures of you will evoke a feeling of movement. the primary area of weight gain of the bike. We start with atmospheric air, mostly Nitrogen and Oxygen. But during the pounding the tires take it breaks down the molecules which then recombine as the tire cools to form lead. Little known fact. I learned this from a mailman in a bar in Boston. Real fountain of knowledge. OK, so now that you know what causes it, what can be done. I have discovered two solutions, either of which will likely work for you. One, buy a trailer. Bike trailers are typically lower and the angle to load is more manageable. But, good trailers can be expensive, so you might want to consider the second option, get a girlfriend or your spouse to go to the races so they can help you load up at the end of the day. Don’t worry about them being willing to push. Remember, at its normal morning weight, you can load it by yourself, avoiding the possibly dangerous activity of waking a member of the opposite sex before dawn to push a motorcycle. At the end of the day, she’ll be happy to push it, anything to get out of the wind, noise and dust and get home. And the extra benefit is that you will get to use the car pool lanes. However, do avoid thanking her by saying ―you’re the best carpool dummy I ever had.‖ For some reason, this seems to irritate them. Trust me on this one. Lawndart This effect, commonly referred to as ―Reality‖ is combined with another more physical factor. I have now been able to prove that the air in your tires is Trust ―Honest Paul‖ for all your moto or personal advice! Writing under the pen name of ―LawnDart,‖ he will give you up--front and personal replies to all your questions about life and moto! PM him on our website where he is known as : PaulALax VOLUME 13, ISSUE 1 SoCal OTMX Newsletter (A MotoPhoto PAGE 10 R am bl ings fro m th e V ic e pr e z! with the gas prices being so high, carpooling is a great idea. Effectively making your gas 2 bucks a gallon. We are all feeling the pain at the pump. I do believe it will come back down, may be a little while. We do appreciate all of you supporting the race schedule and coming out. Thanks. On a better note, SoCal OTMX will be showing up very soon in a new sign up trailer. The girls are gonna love it. A/C for the summer. A bathroon and 18 feet of room inside. I'm excited as they are. I even ordered with a shower. So I may camp out with a few of you from time to time. I am not sure where to mount the 42 flat screen, maybe pigpen can offer a few suggestions. Hey Pigpen? Well here you are reading our wonderful news mag put together by Mr Rich Stuelke. He is certainly doing a fine job. And with our contributing reporters, this news mag is alot of fun to read. So here is my contribution. We are having great turnouts. Certainly hope this continues. I would suggest Our new 50 Master B class is a hit. It seems to be working out just fine. Very happy about that. I am just finalizing the 5 race night series at Comp Edge. We have Oneal gear, MTA WEST, MAXXIS, CTI tires, Scorpion Helmets, EKS Brand Goggles on board already. I am still going to try to add to the list. These companies are outstanding. We need to support them as they support this awesome club. And remember, as a member you get great deals from them. Do not hesitate to call them to get what you need. Check out our new T-shirts sponsor as well from MTA WEST, "DIO VONTI". Feb 6th. . . . Glen Helen Cool designs. As most of you know. We will be having a SoCal OTMX points scheduled race at the LAOTMX Intl' at Comp Edge March 26-27. Followed by the new Las Vegas OTMX Intl' at Sandy Valley MX, April 9-10. New track. I rode it and did all the jumps in 3 laps. What does that tell? Be nice? Safe. Thats what. The track was a blast. I think you will all like it. I hope you can join us for a fun event at a new facility for OTMX racing. Well, Maria is calling me downstairs. My Cinnabon must be ready. See ya soon. Keep the rubber side down. Truk610 VOLUME 13, ISSUE 1 SoCal OTMX Newsletter (A MotoPhoto LLC Publication) Blast from the Past: 2006! PAGE 11 The SoCal OTMX Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to the over-40 motocross racer/enthusiast. Our club meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month, usually at Keno’s Restaurant in Anaheim Hills (91 freeway/Imperial Highway/ LaPalma Ave). Guests and visitors are always wel- We are on the web: come at our meetings. We occasionally have meetings at alternate loca- tions. . . Check our website to confirm the monthly meeting location. Our race schedule includes approximately 28 scheduled races per year, with classes for all ability levels. We have a very active website ( that provides event information, photos, our by-laws and rulebook, our event calendar, and an informative and entertaining message board. Our club has many fine supporters that are listed on our website! From the prez: think). Another BRAIN FART! They tell me everything is gone and non-retrievable. AND their system will not allow the same email address to be recreated! Try telling your better half you lost all her stuff! Lucky for me, Susie P. knows to have backups. . . She has an AOL account that has much of the same (but not all) of the info duplicated. No brain farts for her. . . She is too smart! Brain farts. . . .everyone has „em. Saw a seat fall off a light‟s rider at a major supercross. . . . BRAIN FART! He was his own mechanic, too! Saw JS7 wad up his bike with a 6+ second lead on the fourth lap at Daytona. . . BRAIN FART! We all have had „em, for sure! Had to fix my wife‟s email account. “Richard” came up under the name instead of “Susie P.” There seems to be no way to just change a first name. So it makes sense to simply delete the sub account and re-enter everything using the right first name. BRAIN FART, bigtime! When the Photoman deleted the account, all folders and saved emails were deleted, too. Got on the phone with UVERSE Tech (somebody from India, I The UVERSE tech (from India) tells me maybe I can retrieve her personal folders if I contact YAHOO MAIL, so I call the number she provided. A YAHOO MAIL tech answers. . . Sounded like India again! He tells me to contact UVERSE! Been there, done that, I told him. So. . . he says contact AT&T and gives me a number. Dialed it. . . and you guessed it. . . another voice from India! This tech says to contact UVERSE! I quickly give him the old email address and indicate it is an older ATT. He puts me on hold to “check the email.” Two minutes later. . . Click and disconnect! Frustration, to the max! So I go online, back to UVERSE for an online chat with a tech. Another BRAIN FART! He (or she) is so sorry that I have this problem, but their system cannot retrieve deleted accounts. And I am sure I am again talking with someone from India! So sorry to have to tell me they can not do anything to help. But, if I call AT&T Yahoo Support, maybe they can help since it is email! So I give up. I will have to face the wrath of my beautiful Susie P. She is off to her quilting class. . . Maybe I can run out and grab some flowers or something for her! Brain farts can be serious. They cause stress, and heartburn, and they are a prime cause for grown men and women like us have the need to MOTO! There is nothing like MOTO to take your mind off of you own personal brain farts! Moto is a universal cure for all that ails us. . . see you at the track for some therapy! VOLUME 13, ISSUE 1 SoCal OTMX Newsletter (A MotoPhoto LLC Publication) PAGE 12 Rider of the Month-Dee Vondracek This quarter we honor our 2011 Number 1 rider, Dee ―Rooster‖ Vondracek as Rider of the Month. Dee has been recently bumped to the 50 Expert class by our esteemed Race Director, Randy ―RaceDog‖ Blevins. Dee has come a long way from his first bike. . . 1n 80cc pressed steel frame Suzy 80. His first true race bike was a 1973 Jawa CZ 125, that he traded a Honda 350 street bike for. He used the CZ for trail/desert riding; he did not enter any races until 1997. He rode that race on a 1982 YZ 490! Dee has come a long, long way since joining the club, both as a rider and as a club member! Originally, the ―Rooster‖ was a very high-strung individual, prone to tantrums. In fact, his ―Rooster‖ nickname was an offshoot of his behavior and his overwhelming will to win. Some might say Dee was too competitive.. Chuck Woody, one of our respected club elders (in the over-70 age group), was listening to Dee, one race day, as Dee was cussing some competitors out after an engaging moto. Dee’s demeanor left a little to be desired. Chuck made the comment ―Dee, shut the freak up, you are sounding like a crazy banty rooster!‖ The name stuck. Dee was at that moment branded forever as the ―Rooster.‖ Since that time, with a little help from some of the club members and his soon-to-be bride, Dee has morphed into one of the most likable members of the SoCal Club. He will go out of his way to give you the shirt off his back if you need it! Dee, at age 56, realized that racing, along with his two boys and his soon-to-be bride, puts meaning and purpose into his life, and that he needs to enjoy the ride! Dee first joined the club in 2005. Prior to that, he was riding primarily Grand Prix races (both Big 6 and SRA). He ran into a bunch of blue jerseys during one of the SRA events, learned about Old Timer racing, and has been with us ever since. Dee is very proud that he raised his two boys, Cory and Cody, all on his own. At one stage in his life, Dee experienced substance abuse difficulties, but he is very proud of his over 18 years sober record! His boys provided the incentive for him to ―Rooster‖ at a Glance: Current ride: 06 Suzuki 450 Started Riding: 1968 First Bike: Suzuki 80 (Pressed steel frame!) stay dry, and his racing continues to provide him with incentive now that his boys are largely grown. One of the biggest highlights in Dee’s life is yet to Current Favorite Track: Cahuilla Creek Vet Track come: On May 7th the First Race: Adelanto GP, 1997 (2nd, Beginner 40 class) Rooster will be wed to the beautiful Vicky Levington. Favorite nemesis: Jeff Collins (2011 #2 Rider!) Dee also credits Vicky as a Married: Soon to be (May 7th!) major factor in his new, melChildren: Cory and Cody (both race with us!) low character —she provides perspective to keep his self Favorite Past Rider: Jeremy McGrath control at its best! First joined club in 2005 at age 51! Favorite Current Rider: Ryan Villopoto Music: Alternative (Ozzy, Godsmack, Oingo Boingo) Current job: Heavy Equipment Operator Residence: Apple Valley, CA Favorite Food: Italian Congratulations, Rooster—all your SoCal brothers and sisters are proud of you! VOLUME 13, ISSUE 1 PAGE 13 SoCal OTMX Newsletter (A MotoPhoto LLC Publication) Race Photos from Comp Edge January 23rd Ray Simmons’ Old School Scooter! Berg. . . Darrin, not Dan! 357Girl leads Pigpen Berg. . . Dan not Darrin! Owin Wright (Wrighty-O) George Andrews Chuck Ramsey, Jr! Sweet shot of the 50 Masters’ Start! Bob Walpert, Tony Parsons, Tim Marshall See more SoCal OTMX photos on our website; click on the ―Race Photos‖ link on the mainpage! VOLUME 13, ISSUE 1 SoCal OTMX Newsletter (A MotoPhoto LLC Publication) Advertising! 1550 Melissa Court, Corona, CA 92879 Contact: Mark Hall at PAGE 14 VOLUME 13, ISSUE 1 SoCal OTMX Newsletter (A MotoPhoto LLC Publication) PAGE 15
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