re-released sperm ruin - The Hidden Texts of Nostradamus
re-released sperm ruin - The Hidden Texts of Nostradamus
1.1. Sitting nightly, of secret education extant On one’s own, placed on the bronze-aerial turntable* Exit flaming in turn, outgoing emptiness Makes favourable that which is not to be disbelieved *turntable – pedestal – platform - saddle 1.2. The disk in hand, enacting through the See-er connection (looking glass – ‘stage gate’) The wave-pulse forms a shape on the platform (hologram on pedestal*) Fear and a voice; shimmering, returns by the tunnels Divine splendour – the god sits close (in time) Crabwood UK August 2002. Photo Alexander *Using the word platform, when it probably really should be “pedestal” since the word “le pied”; was given in the quatrain 1 74 2 LE GRAND SECOURS VIENDRA VERS ANTOCHE GREAT ASSISTANCE COMING FROM ANTOCHE = ENOCH, AT… (to read the book of Enoch) Heaven sent cronus visor - calendar seventh (Earth) geared enlarged (CALENDAR/orbit); ADVANCES THERE (by THREE A.U.) Earth is the seventh planet from the outside travelling inwards…CRONUS VISOR GATHER RELEVANCE reach large event – Cronus visor (time portal looking glass) generated cave handlers (tunnel diggers) & (crop circles) Elevated char endangers (solar flares) An elevated drench rages (flood)…Enlarged vast adherence (orbit and a pun on alliances) [eleventh day, in Dan (Scorpio)] REVERT CLEANHANDED AGES. Dan (Bible) shed great relevance (and Dan Burisch since he is the person who brought us the Lotus Project and the message from the he rod J-Rod52) AS (god of Aesir) REVENGED THE CALENDAR, HEAVEN SENT, DRAG(g)ED CLEAR (the Earth) – (greys) (Pegasus mercenaries) (Earth being moved the solar flares or the Pegasus greys) Reaches enlarged advent, (orbit being moved) Arc event - shade end glare (C.M.E.) These (events) engraved (new) calendar ENLARGED ETHER ADVANCES (Paul la Violette) – gets relevance and (gets) heard. See ‘hyperspatial energy’ below (November in other lines it is 11th of Scorpio = 1st Nov.) (Capricorn’s) (Dec 21/22) Codes within codes ON (Anu/Oannes) TEACH…ON CHEAT…COAT hide HEN (Cygnus or Crane)…HOT CANE [hypercane] HEAT CON … (C.M.E.) ONCE after | red HAT ECHO ANT (Mantids abductions) ON HE ACT- or… ENACT O (orbit and cultural inheritance) H (Taurus or chaos), [O also means the Andromeda Council who are inter dimensional) HOE (Arcturus) CAN’T…NOR A (Cassiopeia) CHE/[rub] …CAT, (Dal) HEN (Cygnus) O….None of these can move the Earth… also see In 1 39 – Pacquet = parcel, pile = Pile = Pleiadians Ne leu(r) = not them… (but by the « Hero » Ehuua on directions of the Anu) in the forum HERO ENLARGES ROUTE and says the same thing here as follows : AN THE CO [corporate]…EON (ages) ACT H (Chaos in Taurus plus hail & ice) 9 90 2 SE VIENDRA RENDRE PAR SIMULE SECOURS WILL COME TO DELIVER FALSE HELP (does this line also refer to Enoch ? Or Sirius of the false rapture) CRONUS VISA PRELUDE: REMINDER ; EMPIRE SURRENDER, SINE (Anu) PRE-RELEASED MURDER ERASES “Seal” always means – “it is written”, not like an omen - which is just a sign “Sine” here means the “numerators” which are the Anu Corporate. The “pre-released murder” seems to me to indicate the problem with our DNA – that of mortality. This ties in well with the English translation of the line RE-RELEASED SPERM RUIN (explaining how murder was ‘pre released’) 1 4 47 4 VOIR LES PLUS GRANS PAR COL ET PIEDS PENDUS SEE SUSPENDED (in the air) - (Pisces) (Taurus) “and nothing ambiguous or amphibological inserted” says Nostradamus to king Henri in the Epistle Yet here is a perfect example of both or all. Originally readers in past decades have always thought this line referred to the public hanging of Mussolini and his mistress – which is quite true. For the Hidden Texts however, the ciphers of “feet” and “neck” for the zodiac signs, being dates – is in full view for those who are “initiated”. The ‘great ones’ “suspended in the air” then becomes visitors from the heavens flying in full view, “suspended” as space craft do. Interesting also that Taurus does follow Pisces as a date. Those from Pisces area (there are several which include Tau Cetians and those “spun in Crane”) and those from Taurus area are the Plejarens (the Pleiades (‘GRANS’) are in Taurus) those from Algol (Perseus) and those from Aldebaren (“caudex [thick trunk] sexual rogues”). We can presume nothing when it comes to the warnings from Nostradamus. We certainly cannot disagree regarding the words “great ones”. A more full explanation follows in the codes within codes: 4 47 4 SEE THE GREAT PLEJERANS SUSPENDED (in the air) THROUGH DAN - PISCES - TAURUS The Earth could be who it is ‘suspended in the air’. DAN is in Scorpio which commences October 22nd DID YOU NOTICE THESE CIPHERS GAVE THE SAME DATE AS THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION ? Cronus visor applies : plunge step ladders (stage gates) Pulses glide pepper and salt (black & white = grey) (see P La Violette pulses) Applauds pestered spelling (the anagrams) Appalled legends up persist…meaning they are not legends. « UP » means ‘heavenly’ Spelling- Apes up stepladder (Apes means the Prince of Dark Men of Sirius) Apes is pronounced Ah-pees. They are using the stage gate 8 97 4 REGNE LAY PAYS CHANGER PLUS VOIR CROISTRE THE KINGDOM SEEN TO GROW, AND CHANGE MORE The « kingdom » is Earth’s reign in the Solar System CRONUS (time) VISOR (see) GREY PTERYLAE PREACHING SEPARATELY (different things to different factions) (AS the god of the Aettir) CRONUS VISOR+ GRAPHIC SOL ENERGY VIRUS APTLY ERASE CORN … continues at the end REP(L)AY TALES PEARLY SEAT, (pretending to be god) PTERYLAE (reptiloid) STYLE REAP (false rapture) (December 21/22) REACHES PLANETARY PIGGERY, GRAY RE-PLYING SPACE HEATER (solar flares or laser ray) CREEPY (gray) PARALYSE GATHERING SEPARATE (vb) NICE GREY – (from) RA GLYPH - (Anu ?) THE LARGE CREEPY PRAYING (is As a mantis ?) 10 25 4 De la grand dame assise sur l'orchestra HECTOR'S RULES of the great lady seated in the theatre (Cassiopeia) HECTOR'S – Heroes’ Edda ET is GARLAND presented in September 30 – December 22 LEAD means Saturn, to lead means in Taurus or to move GARLAND - HORSE CAR D (Friday) LEAD EARTH’S CLOSURE PATCHING PRAYERS… LARGE EYE – (Orion ? or the Crono Visor ? (so not by stargate) But this « CARRIAGE GAP » might be the moving of Earth to the new orbit and not just the method of transport Large Eye of Orion/god. « Patching » means « joining » HYPERSPATIAL ENERGY – GRACE (see Grand Pulse and Dr Paul la Violette) (Ancient Astronauts) (Sirius) Helen C Parks© (stage gate – grain is a cipher for time being used) NOSTRADAMUS AND THE LOOKING GLASS 2 8 97 4 REGNE LAY PAYS CHANGER PLUS VOIR CROISTRE THE KINGDOM SEEN TO GROW, AND CHANGE MORE GRAPHIC SOL ENERGY APTLY ERASE ~ ORCUS RUN I Where ORCUS RUN is the orbit of Cetus Constellation in Yew Tree date – either Halloween or Dec 19/20 Slated to become the new north polestar, currently it is in the south CRONUS VISOR + (SEE-ER thru TIME) AGREEING APPLY CHAPTERS YEARLY ~ EAGERLY APPLYING YEAR CHAPTERS AGREES CHAPTER APPLYING YEARLY YES TYPE LARGE PARAGRAPH NICELY ~ TEACHING (everyone) REALLY PREPARE GYPSY in A (Celtic Zodiac rune for December 21/22) PHYSICALLY REARRANGE PAGE TYPE THE GYPSY ANUN.NAKIM EARTH REAPPEARANCE GYPSY GILLY = (hunter/Orion) ARCHETYPE APPLYING LARGE YEARS (or EARS = Virgo, Y is then Halloween) TRIGGER-HAPPY AN (Anu) ALLY CREEPY E (Hero), (&) AS - GYPSY REALLY PREPARE CHEATING A (December 21/22) Cheating on Treaty 9 GYPSY (Nibiru) REAPPEARING … REALLY HEAT C C = Wednesday (Halloween 2012) or Hazelnut date September 24 to October 3rd March 22 to 31st Aug 5 – Sept 1 LARGE GYPSY REPAIR PHLYCTAENAE (Medicine / Pathology) Pathol a small blister, vesicle, or pustule Greek phluktaina, from phluzein to swell] A small blister or vesicle, especially one of multiple blisters caused by a (SUN)burn. LARGE GYPSY (Anu) RELATE HYPERCAPNIA in GAP (orbit): GREY ETS RELY HYPERCANIA PALL Hypecapnia (hypercarbia), in emergency care, means too high arterial CO2, but mild Hypecapnia can be a sign of super health (relate to enlarging the orbit = gap) LARGE GYPSY HAT (cloche craft) REAPPEAR, ENCYCL I (is Yew tree day/Halloween or Dec. 19/20) LARGE GYPSY APPEAR CLEARLY HEAT EARTH ~ GYPSY REAPPEARING ENL. ICY (enlarge icy due to new orbit) LARGE GYPSY ARCHETYPE PLANE AIR, GYPSY REAPPEARING … REACH TALLEY AN (Anu) REALLY TRIGGER-HAPPY EYES CAP (Capricorn or Auriga, one of the second coming) TEACH RE: APE (Sirius) APPLYING SPRAY EAGERLY, GATE AGENCY (Sirius) SPRAY PERIPHERALLY, CARNALLY EYES TRIGGER-HAPPY. LARGE EYE APPLYING SEARCH PARTY The Siriac applying chemtrails & false rapturers/raptors garnering/harvesting corpses in battlefields SECRET PIGGARY REALLY HAPPENS, REALLY ENGAGE PSYCHIATRY: REPLYING; YEAH PEARLY GATES CRAP Y PAPER A AGREE APPLYING THE CRAP EARLY Y APE AS REALLY HYPERPYRETIC GANG Y is Yew Tree Day Either Halloween or December 19/20 PAPER is on a Sunday A (Dec 23 2012/or 22 2013 is a Sunday) AS LARGE ANGEL CREEPY HIP TRY PAY HYPERPYRETIC, AS PAY LARGE ANGLE While Giant Angels (from Den.ebola in Leo) try to ply large pyretics (solar flares), As moves Earth to a safer orbit GREY EYES APPARENT, GREAT GREY SEPARATELY APPLYING CALLIGRAPHY (crop circles?) GREY GRAPHICALLY PAY Speaking of the crop circle with the grey holding a warning in binary on a disc. He had the Belt of Orion on his shoulder GREAT GREEN HEARTY LARGE CREEPY AS PHYSICALLY APPLYING Y A PAPER APPEASING TYPE LARGELY in ARCHER Y ARCHER in Sagittarius Y is December 19/20 (in Sagittarius APPARENTLY EAGER REACH PHYSICAL PYRENEES Would this be a warning to get to the Pyrenees ? Other lines say to be in caves in Capricorn TRY ENGAGE YACHTS (golden Oar league) REAPPEAR PHYSICALLY ~ APPEAR EAGERLY REPLYING This is referring to Argo (one of the SIX/SEXE) of the Second Coming YET HYPERSPATIAL PEARL GREY AGENCY LEGACY REAPPEARING SHARPLY This is the Andromeda Council who are Interdimensional PANEL (Andromeda Council) CASE TRIGGER-HAPPY Y; YEARLY APPLYING REPEAT (Procyon) CHARGES EARLY (2011) GENERALLY HAPPY CARRIAGE TYPES (the Procyons, who attacked reptilian bases with ultra sound weapon August 2011) CHARGING APPLE-TREE (Dec 23 to Dec 31) ACE REPLY PAYS ANALYSE TRIGGER-HAPPY EARLY Y (early Y is Halloween) GREY AGENTS REAPPEAR PHYSICALLY ~ REALLY HYPERPYRETIC (solar flares/EMP) PAGAN AGE GRAY PREPARE NEGATE PHYSICALLY (by moving the Earth) LARGELY NICE HAPPY REPEAT (Procyon) GRAYS PSYCHIC GRAY GREEN ALLY (Graal) GATE; PSYCHICALLY GENERATE RAY PERP A (Dec 22) PAPER (Sunday 2013) APPARENTLY A GREY HYPERALGESIC (this was the problem with the Roswell Grey kept for years) the He Rod/J Rod52 Hyperalgesia is an increased sensitivity to pain, which may be caused by damage to nociceptors or peripheral nerves. Temporary increased sensitivity to pain. GATE always means a time portal 3 GYPSY CALLIGRAPHER ENSURE CONSERVATORY YOUR PROGESSIVE TENANCIES PAR RICH GALL (LIVER BILE is a date JUNE 10 – JULY 7) GYPSY CALLIGRAPHER = Anun.nakim GREY SURGERY: CONVERSION ALPHA PARTICLES This is about cattle mutilations. Named YINM in other lines RECOGNISING PRESERVES OUR CATAPHYLLARY a simplified leaf form, as a bud/scale (DNA) CATERPILLARS’ RECOVERY – SUNS IN GEOGRAPHY (two suns at the new orbit) described in many quatrains CATERPILLARS URGENCY – HEAVY PROGRESSION, PUSHY RECOVERY ENRAGING CATERPILLARS (Mantids) CATERPILLARS HURRY A – GYROSCOPES EVENING OS (December 23, into Capricorn) GYPSY PRESERVING LEO CHARLATAN (as) COURIERS… USING LEO CHARLATAN VERY PRICEY (costly) PROGRESS RO PRINCESS SURVEY LEO CHARLATAN PIGGERY RO is cipher for the Andromeda Council and so is the word PRINCESS. This piggery is where humans have been “caught up” in the false rapture and abducted to be stored away in space. Auriga comes to assist them in this matter. From Da Vinci: ‘Those living below will trust him”: THERE ARE TWO WAYS TO TAKE THIS, ONE OF THEM IS THE FALSE RAPTURE: 1) They will trust their president to look out for them when he says it is safe to go to the bunkers (living below) 2) They trust in those who say they are from Sirius (Ysus) to ‘catch them up’ (Revelation 4: 1-2. Read Jesus as Ysus) The Fifth Seal in Sharp Focus: How Long, O Lord... ? (Revelation 6 Michael E. Pfeil - 2010 - 256 pages Looking at the Greek words for “come up” and “caught up” will show that John's being called up to heaven cannot be an image of the rapture. The word for “come up” in Revelation 4:1 is anaba (from anabainō) which means: to rise up from the the depths to a height… PRINCE, OAR, ENERGETICALLY VARY GROSS PUSH, LARGE SUPER GRAVITY CRASH (asteroid) PRECISELY NOON PRINCE refers to the Dark Men of Sirius. OAR is the Golden Oar League from Argo. It is not in the best interests of Those from Sirius to have/allow complete annihilation of Earth, but the asteroid is sent to tip Earth away. Other lines say it breaks into two over Rome and the date mentioned is December 21 or 22nd GREYS PRESSURE CALLIGRAPHY VERTICE NOON ~ GRAYS GRAPHICALLY PRESSURE VERTICE (two different Greys) Vertex (computer graphics), a set of attributes describing a point in space AS CLEARS TRIGGER HAPPY NOON, RECURSIVELY … AS is the god of the Aesir/Aettir of the Eddas Recursion in computer science is a method where the solution to a problem depends on solutions to smaller instances of the same problem adjective 1. Pertaining to or using a rule or procedure that can be applied repeatedly. 2. Mathematics, Computers; pertaining to or using the mathematical process of recursion: a recursive function; a recursive procedure. GATE-CRASHING PURVEYORS REALLY CONSPIRE Those from Sirius of the False Rapture, using the stage gates Pur·vey·or (p r-v r). n. 1. One that furnishes provisions, especially food. 2. One that promulgates something: a purveyor of lies. Helen C Parks© NOSTRADAMUS AND THE LOOKING GLASS 4 REGNE LAY PAYS CHANGER PLUS VOIR CROISTRE "HYPER-CARNALLY "HYPER-ELEGANCE "HYPER-ELEGANCY "HYPER-ELEGANTLY "LAY-PREACHERS of the Eddas "PARAPHERNALIA "PERIPHERALLY "PHRENETICALLY (frantically) "PRENTICE-HALL "PRE-RAPHAELITE "RESTING-PLACE All together there are 45 lines with the words CRONO VISOR within them. This is of course, a stage gate – stargate reference, in particular the ‘spy glass’ The four lines here were simply random choices … (but nothing is ever ‘random’ !) Nell Cockburn-Parks September 5 2012 Helen C Parks© NOSTRADAMUS AND THE LOOKING GLASS 5