Crop Circle Related to Moving Earth`s Orbit
Crop Circle Related to Moving Earth`s Orbit
ABOVE: ACTUALLY, OUR MOON IS NOT SHOWN Earthfiles viewer submitted projected planetary positions in our solar system on December 21 2012 1 1 97 2 La douce langue an conseil viendra faire AFAR: in Aquarius but LINES AFAR could be the orbits LINES AFAR OLIVINE (see vignette last pages) OLIVINE is a mineral which is a Celtic date of Pisces AFRAID AN INDUCE GLOUU- FIRE A AUGEAN: filthy LEVISON ORDEAL: passing cosmic bodies AUGEAN LEVISON CONCEALS ORDEAL OCEANUS: are the Oannes who are in league with the Anu OCEANUS INVADER UUAGE EVILS AN = the Anu INDUCE the solar flares in A = Dec 21/22 INVADERS LIE ~ CONCEAL AGE AGE: they do not tell humans a new AGE is coming lens violences nuclear age ~ (lens: to see thru the stargate ‘spyglass’) 1 97 2 LEVISON is a scientific planetary argument for a distinction between what are now called dwarf planets and the other eight planets based on their inability to "clear the neighborhood around their orbits" which resulted in Pluto being demoted. 10 64 3 Changer le siege pres de Venise s'advance GENEARCH ENCHARGE ~ ENLARGES PERIGEE CHANCE SEVERED IN LARGE SEE (the solar system) VEINS PEDIGREE LESS ENVIED RELEASING SUDANESE SEAS I A An orbit is enlarged: either the Earth, the Moon or a planetoid Or even Nibiru system, any or all. CHANCE: opportunity to do it VEINS PEDIGREE : mammals Most of whom have no chance I is the eve of the winter solstice & Yew Tree day is Halloween A is December 21/22, the winter solstice. “I” once meant Egypt 10 64 3 There is a sneaky clue within the French words here. CHANGING ITS SEAT, (the Sun) IT MOVES CLOSE TO VENICE/VENUS… in the Hidden texts Nostradamus reminded the decoder/s that the French words would give phonetic quais (keys) in the translation to English GENEARCH refers to those who originated our genes = the Anun.nakim from Orion and Erid.anus direction. Without the gold from Earth, they will lose their own atmosphere on Nibiru 2 4 67 1 L'an que Saturne et Mars esgaux combust UUATERS STREAM - UUAX NUMERATERS ASSUAGE METER NATURE ~ URN EQUANT UX RUNES ALAN’S MOB COMB LAST MENSTRUATE SATE MASTERS LUST ~ SAGE GAS COMBUST US The year that Saturn and Mars are equal fiery: Go to 1 97 2 the year from August 2016 OR the view from Earth while being moved Flooding grows OCEANS STREAM NUMERATERS: The Metricians. ASSUAGE: ease things Measure nature – Astronomical Sky runes, Aquarius turns Alan’s mob = decoders UX RUNES = runic skies Last natural reproduction SATE; satisfies MASTERS GREED/NEED (for gold) SAGE is an asteroid, any asteroid. GAS would be methane the Gulf of Mexico Ague is high temperatures followed by shivering – a perfect description of solar flares followed by great earthquakes. The SS is the TRAINS DANGER warning 4 67 1 see Adrain Interview – by Sean David Morton which parallels exactly what Nostradamus says about Peru & the Gulf Ague (of the Earth) - SS 1 97 2 La douce langue au conseil viendra faire LINES (orbits) AFAR OLIVINE Gain new clouud - clouud guanine AFRAID ANGUINE CLOUUD AFIRE AUGEAN LEVISON CONCEALS ORDEAL OCEANUS INVADER UUAGE EVILS INVADERS CONCEAL AGE LIE Lens (see) violences nuclear age ~ AFAR: Aquarius & outer space OLIVINE is a mineral, a key word for in Pisces ANGUINE the Azazel snake headed CLOUUD hide AFIRE the sun’s Nebula Clouud guanine: guanine is one of the four strands of DNA being altered AUGEAN = filthy ORDEAL: being AFIRE the new ‘cloud’ = of chemtrails CONCEAL WHEN EARTH LIES down and/or true history hidden OCEANUS are the Oannes Lens: spy glass 1 97 2 LEVISON is a scientific planetary argument for a distinction between what are now called dwarf planets and the other eight planets based on their inability to "clear the neighborhood around their orbits" which resulted in Pluto being demoted. Guanine (G, Gua) is one of the four main nucleobases found in the nucleic acids DNA and RNA, the others being adenine, cytosine, and thymine (uracil in RNA) anguine [ˈæŋgwɪn]. adj. of, relating to, or similar to a snake. [from Latin anguīnus, from anguis snake] Analyses by “Red Collie” scientist from Australia: “Avebury Manor of July 15, 2008 reminds us that the Mayan Long Count calendar will end on December 23, 2012: by showing precise orbital locations for all nine planets of our solar system on that date, plus an accurate elliptical orbit for Pluto. The 5125-year Mayan Long count calendar will end on December 22-23, 2012. Given the long period of time which it represents, all nine planets of our solar system need to be shown in order to mark its end uniquely. Such a clever astronomical diagram was shown at Avebury Manor on July 15, 2008. All nine planets appear there precisely as they will be located in space on December 23, 2012, with one exception. Thus, the outermost planet Pluto has been drawn in this new crop picture somewhat further to the right (or closer to Neptune) than should be the case. Yet Pluto still seems to be located correctly relative to the crossover of its highly elliptical orbit with the orbit of Neptune. At Secklendorf in Germany, two different dates for the year 2012 were indicated astronomically in a crop picture, one of which (December 21, 2012) was essentially the same as that shown HERE.” November 6th is a particular date in the Hidden Texts The 91 days to match the 91 steps on the Maya pyramid. 3 The elliptical orbit tells it all. This is the pathway of the Nibiru solar system – which appears in the inset provided by the crop circle authors themselves. The six internal planets are revolving around each other between Nibiru and Nemesis (Planet X). There are 18 depictions of the solar system of Nibiru on their path around our sun. As usual the Anun.nakim speak in numbers which relate to 12. Our sun is both further away and of a darker visage. Note also – there does seem to be more than one single meaning for crop circles, just as it is with the quatrains APPEARED JUNE 28 ~ADD 63 DAYS = SEPTEMBER 1 Interesting that 63 days is the gestation period for dogs … And that Sirius is known to us and also by themselves as the Dog star EARTH AND MOON BEING FLUNG OFF THEIR ORBITS? AND NOTE – A SMALLER SUN 4 Earth performing a “half turn”, that is, lays on her side – then rolls off her orbit Explanation at page 22 5 THERE ARE TWO THINGS TO NOTE WHEN VIEWING DEPICTIONS OF OUR SOLAR SYSTEM 1) THE SIZE AND “BRIGHTNESS” OF THE SUN – IN RELATION TO THE OTHER PLANETS… AND 2) AN ATMOSPHERE AROUND THE EARTH 3) IN THE BIGGER PICTURE, PLUTO’S CORRECT ORBIT CAN BE SEEN 4 58 1 Soleil ardent dans le gosier coller Standard Line Allegories EL LANDS SORREL (May 13 – June 9) G (Monday LANDS LIE CLOSER, LOOSE RECOIL R. (Elder: Nov 25 – Dec 22) SEES ROLL E. EPIRUS R UPRISEN ~ INVESTURE NEUU UUOES VESTRIES SUPERSTATION Q (orbits) RESISTIVE PRUNE SELLER 1 67 2 Souvent tourner, puis estre universelle UPRISES – UUEECS S: SORREL IS SATANS NULLIVERSE - ACUTE LOSS The sun burning – swallows (the inner planets) in its throat “G” is also September 30 – October 27, the day prior to Yew Tree SEE here means geographical authority. ORIGINAL: the first S: Celt Willow: April 15 – May 12 SORREL: May 13 – June 9 ISUS (in Virgo) 40 angels of John Dee EPIRUS: Rods investing in new woes (this could mean the consequences of the broken contract in Treaty 9: something which was a warning in the crop circle of the alien grey holding a disc) VESTRY: an attached room. The room next door NULLIVERSE sounds ominous. Is this what we end up with after the poles shift? Maybe it means the zodiacs are “lost” Strange as this description is, it is true. Nostradamus has been “selling” (advocating) prunes for natural anti-oxidants wherever he can in the lines 1 67 2 SEES ROLL: the earth turning, but the dates could still be switched here, meaning the period April 15 th to June 9 could SEE the ROLL of the Earth. Leaving the UPRISING GREYS in the Virgo period: except see the following 1 67 2 Souvent tourner, puis estre universelle S SORREL R. (Elder: November 25 – December 22) UUEECS SEE ROLLS (Isaiah 24:20) EPIRUS R RISEN ~ INVESTURE NEUU UUOES VESTRIES SUPER STATION Q (orbits) IS SATANS NULLIVERSE – ACUTE LOSS TENUOUS ROLE ~ TOUR UNIVERSE (Earth) ISUS (Sirius) UPRISES RUNE E. (Sept. 18/19) will often turn (in various ways) then become universal (the Earth S: Celt Willow: April 15 – May 12 SORREL: May 13 – June 9 ISUS (is in Virgo) EPIRUS: Rods (Draco) investing in new woes (this could mean the consequences of the broken contract in Treaty 9: something which was a warning in the crop circle of the alien grey holding a disc) VESTRY: an attached room NULLIVERSE sounds ominous. Is this what we end up with after the poles shift? Maybe it means the zodiacs are “lost” Rune E is Hercules – either Herculobis or Hercules greys (the Earth) SELL: RESIST IESUS TUNE, VIE: this is a reference to letting people know that the ’channellers»’ SaLuSa & ‘Commander’ Hatonn etc. are providing a false message leading people to believe it is ascension that is the subject when in fact it is false rapture, ‘caught up’ 6 1 57 4 Au sol la face ointe de laict et miel FACE: (in Scorpio) SIMULATE (false flag?) INDELICATE ACONITE ALL DIALECT CITE OS TIME (Capricorn) DATE ICE L, FATE IN COLD DELICATE SOUL DATE AEOLUS LINE (great winds) INTO FALL ~ DELETION OF ALL USA (2012?) “Fall” is in Virgo, and Virgo is missing in the Lost Book of Cesar This could be in any year up to 3797 OR SIMULATE INDELICATE ACONITE = false flag the face to the sun - anointed with milk and honey SIMULATE DIALECT in crop circles or learn to speak with INDELICATE ACONITE: the greys are “indelicate” and they use aconite for their eyes. FACE has two meanings: the amazing face in the crop circles, and the date of Scorpio in the th th second ten days, between November 4 to 13 . L is the sky rune for Cetus constellation which is supposed to become the new polestar. Runic L is Laguz “the flow” However, L is also a Celt date: ROWAN January 21 – February 17 (Runa) INTO FALL – the Earth as she falls into her new orbit? The face to the sun anointed with milk and honey. There are many clues in this line. Looks harmless, doesn’t it… FACE we already know is in the second ten days of Scorpio. MILK is the Milky Way. HONEY; is “BEES” the obsolete term for Ursa Major or in Cancer the Beehive. Ointe is ANOINTED = the crowning which means in Libra. The sun clue is to use the houses of the zodiac, but could easily mean the FACE OF THE SUN ANOINTS CANCER AND LIBRA indicating the zodiac will be changed, as well th th as saying the C.M.E. of June will be repeated in ‘Libra’. The dates seem to be in sub RUNA October 4 – October 13 See 7 41 4 3 82 2 Seront vastees fort par mer et par terre ROSE STAVE Will be thoroughly devastated by sea and by land ROSE is a Friday STAVE Celt August 5 – September 1 FORSEE VAST PARAMETER STAVES - ROSE RENOVATES PERMA FROST FORE PAST METER FEE PART PORT 10 29 4 Par Bergourdans amenee pres de Tarbe codes in codes Bad terrors begun A. (Dec 22.) Greater bad burn Os(in Capricorn NAMED NAN - SAME PREDATES DAN NAMES ARREST BARGE AM DAN REED PRESENT DANGEROUS ROGUE BEAR U.S DESPERATE UNDERSEA DEBATERS SAME ROGUE GEBO BEAR GROUP and so began mean BONDAGE Damn sage, (asteroid) On (Annunaki) bane ‘ This ROSE could be the Hawthorn tree (May 13 – June 9) or that the land “rose”. STAVES, ROSE a pun on an asteroid & its consequence PART PORT is using the Looking Glass – at a cost apparently Bad generator rubs (wipes/sweeps away) arrogant sub breed Under Brass grate ob. - referring to the un-replaceable 000 part. NAN: Pleiades which predate Daniel of the Bible BARGE: Sunday morning in Scorpio REED October 28 - November 24 ARREST: Earth stops ROGUE BEAR: the Ursa Majorites, the same which abducted Whitley Strieber who wrote the book “Communion” GEBO [partnership] UNDERSEA DEBATERS: the Oannes Why are they desperate? We have ruined the oceans! 10 29 4 “Arrogant sub breed”~ those who went into the underground bunkers; It seems there is a brass part in the generators which goes 000 2 28 4 Et delivrant un grand peuple d'impos And delivering people to a great subjection DOES LIMP – GRAPPLED POET’S DEEPMOST POEM LETOIDES IMPLODE A U.N RAILED ADULTERIES VIRULENT SUN IMPOSED VAGRANT RUIN ADORE SEPDET (Sirius) UNTIL DUPEd PIMPLED DESPOT LIE (Nevus greys) DOES LIMP = due to Achilles tendons failure… “A” POEMS: FIR TREE DAY (Dec 21/22) THE DATES for ‘GRAPPLED’ ARE THEREFORE: LETOIDES: the twins = APOLLO & ARTEMIS (two Asteroids) Winter Solstice VIRULENT SUN: NOVEMBER 25 – DECEMBER 31 from the first FRIDAY= THE C.M.E. VAGRANT RUIN: SEPTEMBER 2 – OCTOBER 27 from the first MONDAY THE POLES SHIFT supposedly October 28 in other lines but Da Vinci (All Saints day) TRAIN ADULTERIES: JUNE 10 – JULY 9 from the first FRIDAY 2013 LIE: THE BROKEN TREATY, “PIMPLED DESPOT” being the ‘WARTY’ NEVUS GREYS Or the Earth LIES on her side (Isaiah 24:20) Adulterine: also consequences of the chemtrails plan (alt. word is “constraint”) 2 28 4 At Easter is “LUMINISED DEMON PASSES”, which would be Nibiru and there is an asteroid event for the winter solstice, (2012) as shown by Celt Artemis which is the Winter Solstice. The “ADORED” SEPDET (Sirius) DUPE – this is the SaLuSa and other ‘channellers’ “the false rapture”, (PIMPLED DESPOT) is an asteroid plan (hidden agenda)by the warty greys - which also ties in with a winter solstice date, and the broken Treaty. 7 5 90 2 Dedans Sparte tout le Peloponnesse: codes within codes PORTATE SAD ONE SENSED N-S POLL [pole] ROTATE DAN PELLE LOOP ENDS DEADNESS DEED OUTLET ONE PART OPENNESS San send dens (see the Adrain Interview by Sean David Morton) where space craft come to lift off people in the face of certain death from a mile high ocean wave present planet lane opposes serene (moon orbit presents in opposition) Response opens leap (in Scorpio in) Apple (a Friday) PORTATE Borne (carried) not erect, but diagonally athwart an escutcheon: IN THE STAGE GATE? SAD ONE: Nostradamus 10 81 2 Dans icelui retire en secret lieu: There-in after (the Earth) taken to a secret place RESET either the stars are all re-set and/or RESET the A.U. ETERNISE: in a new age SET is also regarding Easter Tipped on its side by CERES – the name of an asteroid R. Draco E: Z Reticuli - Y (Auriga and/or Aquarius-Erid.anu) Planetoid Draco AUDIENCES: watching Following the asteroid near miss at Yule ENTIRE SCENE LIES CENTRE INSULATED SINCE CERES ADULTERINE R. E - Y AUDIENCES YULE LET ICIER PELLE= name LOOP: orbit or spin DAN is in Scorpio Only one way to escape DEADNESS DEED San: the First Dens: cabins or space craft ONE PART is free of the solar flares IF THE BRIGHT PART AT THE TOP RIGHT IS NOT THE CROP BEING HARVESTED, THEN THIS SHOWS THE RED DWARF OF NIBIRU ARRIVING AROUND FROM BEHIND THE SUN. IF IT IS THE CROP IN THE PROCESS OF BEING HARVESTED, THEN THIS IS OUR OWN SUN GONE DARK – THE “SACK CLOTH” OF THE BIBLE, IN THE VIGNETTE OF THE LOST BOOK OF CESAR WHICH SHOWS A BLACK BLOB IN FRONT OF THE SUN AND APOPHYSIS (WEARING A POPE’S MITRE) THE WORDS OF DA VINCI “ALL COLOURS BECOME THE SAME” 7:26 4 Deux eschapees et cing menees a` terre & 5 72 3 CQIN (year of the dragon) EASTER to REED (Oct 28 – Nov 24) E.T ST. UXED XEUS EASE ARC, ARREST (and) EASEMENT: EXUDE…REED EXCUSED SECT CHASES EASTERNER MEN SEE HEAP CHAPS CQIN Two break away and guide earth to fifth…or The second breaks away (either Venus, Neptune or Toutatis) causing earth to move XEUS is the satellite scientists have scanning the universe for measurement of universe movement. If it is meant to be ZEUS It could mean JOVE which is Taurus. REED Oct 28 – Nov 24 HEAP is obsolete for the Pleiades Toutatis is a double bolide ZEUS/JUPITER: Robert Schilling (in The Encyclopaedia of Religion) said that Jupiter was the one god that the Latins, Oscans, Sabines and other ancient Italians recognized in common. His archaic Latin name, “Diespiter,” meant “dayfather,” (i.e. father of the day) in keeping with his title of “god of heavenly light.” UXED (used) XEUS EASE ARC I think this is referring to using one planet to “sling” or to “slow” another , that is, using Jupiter to slow the ARC the Earth was placed into to break her out of her current orbit. The result then being the EASEMENT (new orbit) which “exuded”. The “excused sect” may be the Anu who had asked permission and received it, from the Andromeda Council to land on Earth during the current “passing”. (Collier) This would then be a clear explanation for the comment Nostradamus made in his Epistle to Henri regarding “it will be in October that the great translation will be made and it will be such that one will think the gravity of the earth has lost its natural movement and that it is to be plunged into the abyss of perpetual darkness”. The abyss being outer space 8 8:38 4 Jusques a` cinq le dernier pres de Nolle (Noël) CQIN REED (October 28 – November 24) DEER Persians Queues SELUJQ (Turks) REPRISE JESU CAIQUES CASQUES SACQUES LINQED CAUSE PIERRE ENDORSE LINCQS RIP (&) DEER JNO DUELS (planisphere) LED LINCQ per ride Further finally, deep five, near Noel Iran queues for rapture? CAIQUES (boat craft) CASQUES SACQUES LINQED : these are all ufos. Also saying Jesu (Sirius/Ysus) are in these craft See illustrations of “hordes of craft” in some crop circles PIERRE I believe is Peter Farley RIPS DEER is in Capricorn or the stag which is Orion One link being DEER (Orion) with those of Sirius (Ysus/Jesu). The JNO DUELS will be the PLANISPHERE/PLANAR duels between the two planets passing such as those of JNO COOK.COM and or the JUNO Februalis ICE AGE which would follow 3 89 4 Seduict leur Roy, Royne, plus outragee UTRICLE: small pouch (ufo?) GREAT STEERAGE: stargate utricles GREAT STEERAGE RE SET AGE AGE means SETS a date = also says: E.T. SAGE: Wormwood SOUL USED RULE ~ cure list UUATER LOG (forum) CITRUS: Tall fragrant UUhites = GOLDEN HOST DOING CITRUS EL AGREE SLOUUS UUORST OUTRAGES Or SLOUUS WORSE OUTAGES R Nov 25 – Dec 22 3 89 4 Pun: GREAT UTRICLES (pouch shaped craft) STEERAGE RE-SET AGE changing from A.D to a new age by moving the Earth HERE IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF THE WORK OF THE ANUN.NAKIM, WHO ARE THE “NUMERATORS” AND THE “METRICIANS” IN THE HIDDEN TEXTS OF NOSTRADAMUS. ALL NUMBERS HAVING A BASE OF 12 OR DERIVATIVE OF 12 WHEN THE ANUN.NAKIM ARE INVOLVED. THE HIDDEN TEXTS ALSO REITERATE THAT ORION IS THE ORIGINAL AREA FROM WHICH THE ANUN.NAKIM ARE SOURCED. SO HERE WE HAVE NUMBERS OF 36. ACCORDING TO NOSTRADAMUS THERE ARE FOUR “OTHER WORLDERS” INVOLVED IN CREATING CROP CIRCLES IN AN ATTEMPT TO COMMUNICATE WITH US. THEY ARE: 1. THE ANU, IN LEAGUE WITH SIRIUS – WHO ARE IN TURN ALSO ALLIED WITH ERID.ANU….THE ‘KEEPERS’ 2. THE PLEJARENS 3. THOSE FROM ARCTURUS 4. THOSE OF THE ANDROMEDA COUNCIL WHICH ENCOMPASSES THE ASHTAR-ESHDAR “COMMAND”. THESE INCLUDE THE TALL WHITE ‘WATCHERS’, ALSO KNOWN AS VIOLET BEINGS AND THE FRAGRANT ONES EARTH ORBITS MOVED OUTWARDS BY THREE ~ KEEPING IT SIMPLE although the glyph on the right says P.E.A.C.E This illustration arrived without an author. There must be one. The picture shows all the pertinent times of tribulations: In Cancer, Sagittarius, Scorpio Libra Aries and Pisces. The sun with its nebula, a hollow moon cast out into the stars and Saturn, to be the second sun for Earth. 9 The dog (Sirius) gives a push to all the events to follow, could even be pushing “the Lord Orion”. Note the black hat/mitre The authority which gets pushed- wears a dark crown – so this is not a good authority, crown means “in Libra” Two keys means to use Both ciphers: The Runes and the Celtic codes within codes The “sackcloth” sun blacked out by Nibiruans (Anun.nakim) urging the Earth to a new orbit A tiny lamp over a tiny bear is the pole star of Ursa Minor peeping from a great distant – the sun ~ is no more for the Earth and her moon The branch (in Virgo) of haplocaulescence (DNA) is quite sparse and will be affected by the lack of sun 10, 50 La Meuse au jour terre de Luxembourg, Descouvrira Saturn & trois en lurne: and three =Earth & 2 moons Montaigne & pleine, ville cite & Bourg, on bigger amount Lorrain deluge, trahison par grand hurne. (URANUS) The Meuse by day in the land of Luxembourg, It will find Saturn and three in the urn: normally nothing between Mountain and plain, town, city and borough, (flooded) Flood in Lorraine, betrayed by the great urn. URANUS Burning to Omega the 24th letter = Sun cycle 24. 5 63 1 De vaine emprise l'honneur indue plaincte HOLE (new orbit) DUE IN HELENS PRIME RUINED PLANETIC - HELIOS INCULPATED Helen’s prime: about now, and just about past ‘prime’ HELIOS: the sun is the cause The middle picture describes what the Hidden Texts say often, that Earth will be LOWERED first before being moved ST LUCYS DAY December 13th The Ides of December Shipton says the Dragon’s tail would be seen for seven nights Thus taking it to December 20th – Yew Tree Day In Sagittarius 10 TWO SUNS: FROM the QUATRAINS 1. 54 TWO REVOLUTIONS WILL BE CAUSED BY THE EVIL SCYTHE BEARER THUS MAKING A CHANGE OF REIGN AND AGES THUS MOVES IN TO THE MOBILE SIGN* (Libra) ITS HOUSE: EQUAL IN FAVOUR TO BOTH SIDES 2. 41 THE GREAT STAR WILL BURN FOR SEVEN DAYS THE CLOUD WILL CAUSE TWO SUNS TO APPEAR THE BIG MASTIFF WILL HOWL ALL NIGHT WHEN THE LAND OF THE GREAT PONTIFF WILL CHANGE 2. 52 FOR SEVERAL NIGHTS THE EARTH WILL TREMBLE: IN THE SPRING TWO EFFORTS IN SUCCESSION: CORINTH, EPHESUS WILL SWIM IN THE TWO SEAS: DISRUPTIONS STIRRED UP BY TWO VALIANT IN OPPOSITION. 3. 5 NEAR, FAR THE FAILURE OF THE TWO GREAT LUMINARIES WHICH WILL OCCUR BETWEEN MARCH AND APRIL OH, WHAT A LOSS! BUT TWO GREAT GOOD-NATURED.ONES…… BY LAND AND SEA - ALL PARTS RESURRECTED 3. 42 THE CHILD WILL BE BORN WITH TWO TEETH IN ITS MOUTH STONES WILL FALL DURING RAIN IN TUSCANY A FEW YEARS AFTER THERE WILL BE NEITHER WHEAT NOR GRAIN TO SATIATE THOSE WHO WILL FAINT FROM HUNGER. 8. 15 GREAT EXERTIONS TOWARDS THE NORTH BY A MAN-WOMAN TO VEX EUROPE AND ALMOST ALL THE UNIVERSE THE TWO ECLIPSES - WILL BE PUT INTO SUCH A ROUT Earth’s spin or orbit Nibiru/Saturn/large planetary body will be seen either side of Libra? CHANGE OF (planetary/zodiacs) The great star is our sun (there is much cloudy rain worldwide) MASTIFF (usually means UK but could mean Canis Major or the Canary islands move see “Tuscany the worst” below and “TOGA” and “TOE” Planet x passing two separate events – in April NEAR, (Nibiru) FAR (the sun) see Planar-Planisphere) in Pisces - see Cesar’s Lost Book with Pisces & tectonics Pleiadians & Arcturians “BORN” is carried mutations or the asteroid breaking in two “child” of the universe volcano? Or asteroid shower…see “from Babel to Rome” (Due to solar flares on the grain belts The “dreaded Hanix of the North” the “Androgyne begotten” greys ALMOST ALL THE UNIVERSE – this would be CERN of 9 44 HUNGARIAS (asteroids) that the Hungarias will reinforce life or death for them 8. 16 AT THE PLACE WHERE HIERON HAS HIS SHIP BUILT THERE WILL BE SUCH A GREAT SUDDEN FLOOD, THAT ONE WILL NOT HAVE A PLACE NOR LAND TO FALL UPON HEIRON = ON HEIR. On are the Oannes. On Heir is Noah (Mt Olympus – about 9,570 feet high or nearly 3 kilometres (aftermath of comet hit or the moving of the Earth? (the waters mount OVER the Olympic Fesulan. THE WATERS MOUNT THE OLYMPIC FESULAN 8. 91 ENTERED AMONG THE FIELD OF THE RHÔNE WHERE THOSE OF THE CROSS (Crux) ARE ALMOST JOINED THE TWO LANDS MEETING IN PISCES AND A GREAT NUMBER PUNISHED BY THE FLOOD 9. 45 NONE WILL REMAIN TO ASK GREAT MENDOSUS WILL OBTAIN HIS DOMINION: FAR FROM THE COURT HE WILL CAUSE TO BE COUNTERMANDED PIEDMONT, PICARDY, PARIS, TUSCANY THE WORST A good description of a Swastika (Cesar’s vignette again - tectonic plates as depicted in a vignette of the Lost Book of Cesar (the great wash over has happened by the time of Pisces – Many other lines say "in urn" which is Aquarius NODUS SEM: (half nodes – the Earth lies half down) SUM DOE (in Capricorn) Tuscany: direction of flight path of comet/meteor and great flood MENDOSUS = SUN MODE ENDS SUMO (Japan) U.S. MEN DEMONS "men" is an obsolete key for Aquarius where Eridanus starts MEN’S DUOS. The double of men – would be the ‘gods’ DUO S could be describing two C.M.E or TWO SUNS S (Sowelu) is the rune for the “sun’s power” S is also Celt Zodiac for April 15 – May 12... 11 THE LAST LINE ON THE PAGE OF THE “ONE MALE” BOOK SAYS: ST. ON IO - IS NOT O [not O saints ~ the Andromeda council, who are inter-dimensional and do not need a planet] “O” is also Othilla rune: cultural inheritance – how appropriate FINAL WORD: if we are all “made in ‘their’ image”… That means they look just like we do – and there is no way in which we can tell EARTH MARS EARTH I may have limited myself by my own belief, my lack of credence that the Earth could be moved to the other side of Jupiter as stated by Nostradamus. My thinking is that Earth will orbit Jupiter – that would fulfill both ideas, of the words of Nostradamus “from the seventh to the fifth will be”. Logic says Earth will need to orbit Jupiter – should Earth remain on a solar orbit she will spend most of her orbit in the depths of unprotected outer space. Should she orbit Jupiter – then Saturn will indeed, be her “shield”. Saturn will hold Earth in place. Another idea, shown in a crop circle, is that it is SATURN and JUPITER which move their orbits closer to our sun. In the Lost Book there are two vignettes showing TWO SUNS. (Pictures here) There are also quatrains which say the same. 5 32 Where all is good, the Sun all beneficial and the Moon Is (still) abundant, its ruin approaches No moon, no sun From the sky it advances to change your fortune (sunburst ejection In the same state as the seventh rock Earth out to Jupiter 5 98 At forty-eighth climacteric degree (between 39 & 55 degrees At the end of Cancer very great dryness: (Ursa Major is in Cancer Fish in sea, river, lake boiled hectic (sunburst ejection Bearn, Bigorre (249 miles apart) in distress through fire from the sky. 2 88 Le circuit du grand faict ruineux, Le nom septiesme du cinquiesme sera: D'un tiers plus grand l'estrange belliqueur: Mouton, Lutece, Aix ne garantira. The circuit (orbit) of the great ruinous deed, The seventh name of the fifth will be: (Nebula of our sun Earth is the 7th (rock) to the fifth place counting from Pluto Paris = IS APR. Of the third greater the stranger vexatious: (Uranus Of the three great gas giants, the third greatest will be a problem Sheep (sheepfold/Ursa), Paris, Aix (Auriga the charioteer) will not guarantee. 12 A scythe (Leonines) joined with a pond (Ophiucus) in Sagittarius at its highest (furtherest) CHANNEL (orbit?) ascended Ascending (when) at its highest AGUE Plague, famine, death from military hands; (by trains) The cycle near renewal: the cycle of precession 1 16 Faulx à l'estang joint vers le Sagitaire, En son hault AUGE de l'exaltation, Peste, famine, mort de main militaire, La siecle approche de renouvation. AUGE Latin = to increase The GREAT CYCLE of PRECESSION in 2012 near renewal JUST AS THE MAYAN CALENDAR SAYS 1 16 AUGE – codes within codes = AGUE a fit of shivering following high temperature, which is a good description of a solar flare followed by tectonic plate activity… then being moved off the current orbit to its highest orbit. (The Earth) Da Vinci used the word TORRENT which means the orbits in relation to the same subject. The Leonines and the Ophiucus (Antares) are in league with the Anun.nakim for a rapture (the false rapture) Here one can see the word ASCENDING which is the “ascension”. Notice the word ANT.ARES (the main star in Ophiucus/Scorpio) where ‘ant’ means an insectoide such as a Mantis, and ‘ares’ means ‘manslaughter’ – and happens to be the obsolete term for Leo. FROM THE LOST BOOK OF CESAR DE NOSTREDAME WHO PAINTED IT AT AGE 13 FOR HIS FATHER IN PISCES (OLIVINE in 1 97 2) THE GREAT TRANSLATION THE DIVIDED TECTONIC PLATES SHOW “EARTH SEPARATING” THE ARCHER IS SAGITTA, as HERCULES (ZETA RETICULI HERCULIS or the J-Rods) the Heroes of Enki’s lost book WHO COME TO HELP TO SEND THE EARTH ONTO A NEW TRAJECTORY ALL THE BANNERS SHOW OUR OWN VIEW OF THE MILKY WAY AS WE ROLL ON TO OUR NEW ORBIT. THE CORONET MEANS THE PRINCE – SIRIUS AND NOT A VERY PLEASANT FACE. THE LONG HAIR MEANS CASSIOPEIA (THE MANTIDS AND THE HYBRID BREEDING PROGRAM) AND THE PAWS BELONG TO A BEAR, URSA MAJOR, THOSE WHO FOOLED THE AMERICAN “GOVERNMENT”. THE BOOKPAGE HAS BEEN TRANSLATED IN THE FORUM “ ” AT THE HIDDEN TEXTS OF NOSTRADAMUS website BUT THE WORDS “ONE MALE” MEAN “MENOLEA” WHICH REFERS TO ‘ELECTRON BEING’, THAT IS; ORION O.N.E. M.A.L.E. HAS A NUMERICAL VALUE OF ELEVEN. IS THIS NOVEMBER? THE DATE OF 21.12.2012 ALSO EQUALS 11, ENDING A.D. 13 12 12 2012 (EQUALS 11) TOUTATIS, THE ASTEROID WITH THE “QUADRENNIAL” ORBIT IS DUE. THIS ASTEROID HAS A CHAOTIC ORBIT (a technical term because it spins on its own axis front back and side) Both Nostradamus and Mother Shipton speak of ST LUCY’S DAY – DECEMBER 13. The only problem we have with that is that Pope Gregory removed ten days after they died, so this date could be DECEMBER 3RD… and December 3rd is the date shown by PLANETARY layout of the pyramids – Mercury, Venus and Saturn. MOTHER SHIPTON TELLS OF THE “DRAGON’S TAIL” BEING SEEN FOR SEVEN NIGHTS TAKING THE DATE FROM ST LUCY’S DAY TO DECEMBER 20TH – THE EVE OF THE WINTER SOLSTICE WHICH IS ALSO YEW TREE DAY Post Script: from the Lost Book of Cesar, the vignette of ONE MALE (MENOLEA/Light Being) ( for details), including the famous ‘Missing Earth’ Martin Noakes Tichborne labelled (photo: ANDREW KING) Comparative solar system diagram, 6 Sep 2003 'Synodic' diagram showing Mars dates as represented in the formation 'Galaxy' 1994 (photo: STEVE ALEXANDER) 'Missing Earth' 1995 (photo: STEVE ALEXANDER) “Let us consider what Whitley Strieber was told by a paranormal visitor in 1999 (excerpted from his book "The Key"): "Who are you?" "Michael, or should I say Legion? I represent the good." "Who are the good"? "Those who seek mankind's (spiritual) ascension." "You were meant to have the capability to leave your planet by now, since it will soon cease to support you. But something happened to change all that: a Jewish couple died in the Holocaust, and it was their child who would have solved the secret of gravity." 1 (This is exactly how timelines can change as told by Nostradamus ) "Who are the ones who do not mean us well?" "You already met them in 1985 (the greys)." "Crop circles are not hoaxes?" "No, they are real." (We can find another message similar to Crabwood 2002 in the Old Testament Book of Daniel (Babylon, 570 BC): Gabriel, the man whom I had seen earlier, came to me in swift flight. "The prince of Persia withstood me for 21 days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help. Now I have come to explain what will happen to your people in the (distant) future: "The king* will do as he pleases, for what has been (pre)-determined must take place. He will honour a (military) "god of fortresses", unknown to his ancestors. He will attack mighty fortresses with the help of that foreign (alien?) god, and will honour those who acknowledge him (them). He will make them rulers over many people, and will distribute the land for a price (reward)." "At that time, Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress, such as has not happened from the beginnings of nations." Tichborne 1995 (photo: STEVE ALEXANDER) *king being president, Obama it seems since he ‘does what he pleases’ The “Prince” is Sirius. There are at least three factions who have Sirius as their base. The ‘Prince of Dark men (Dannemarc) is one of them… Detecting who is the ‘tall white’ Michael and who comes in shape shifting mode using his name is the major problem for humans on Earth… According to the Hidden Texts 14 The comment above about distributing lands agrees with other observations I have made over the years. That is: – that certain Off Worlders already have boundaries on Earth. If one were to have coloured pins for each different Other World visitor stuck on an atlas of the world, it becomes apparent. Especially notable are the visitors (Orange Haired) to Brazil, the Mantids of the Americas, those which the Celtic nations experienced, the Mantric Aesir (of Asia) and the Plejaren which Nostradamus Fr., Shipton UK. & da Vinci Italy, encountered. 1 as told by Nostradamus in his Preface to his son Cesar (which contradicts what he told king Henri in the Epistle to Henri). “ over a long period of time I have predicted specific events far in advance, attributing all to the workings of divine power (time portal), together with other … happenings, foreseen in their full which have already come to pass. So much so that persons of future times may be seen in present ones… originating from God, (the science) then from chance [accidental happenings such as Auschwitz, then] from nature [natural events such as tsunamis earthquakes tornadoes etc] my italics 3 7 1 Les fugitifs, feu du ciel sus les picques PULSES EQUIPS FIFTIES CELSIUS GULFSITE DIFFUSE FUELS SULLIES GIFU FUCUSED STIFF SEQUELS Lifes Gift SELUIQ (Turkey) IFFIEST FEUD 4 13 1 De plus grand perte nouvelles raportees GRAND PULSE DEPLETE SEED NON NOUUELL to ONN Fire from the sky onto the fugitive’s (nuclear) weapons EQUIPS = causes GIFU spelt various ways - rune for life’s gift. The toxic and radioactive oil travelling around the world’s ocean currents reported News of the greater loss (reported here) Human seed? No Noel to ONN = March equinox A SERIES OF CROP CIRCLES WHICH MAY INDICATE MAJOR SOLAR FLARES 15 1 22 1 Ce que vivra et n'ayant ancien sens VI A REVIEUU SUN SEQUENCE A thing existing without any senses (Andromeda Council) VI ~ The Unholy Six in “A” the winter’s solstice REVIEUU SUN SEQUENCE: message to our scientists 2 3 1 Pour la chaleur solaire sus la mer SUPRA MOLECULAR SOLAR Because of the solar heat on the sea….continues Of Euboea the fishes half cooked 2 91 1 Soleil levant un grand feu l'on verra DANGERFUL LILLE Eventual Danger In FEUD ~ NO FUEL Arrive RARE SOLAR REVERSIONAL At sunrise one will see a great fire … continues… Noise and light extending towards the North 6 17 3 Les Saturnins bruslez par les meusniers TARSUS SUNRISE LESS RUIN STARS SEEM TURN LESS* ARA AIR-LESSNESS SATURNIN U.S.S.A.T LESSER NINURTA (an Anu) MUSES RULES BURNT RUINS SAMPLE Those of Saturn burned by the millers (the ‘millwheel’ is the great wheel of precession TARSUS is in Turkey. *POLESHIFT LILLE : asteroid which name means any asteroid This FEUD means the asteroid in two parts ARA: 2nd decan Sagittarius (December 3rd to the 13th) The SA-9 (Saturn I Block II), the eighth Saturn I flight, lifted off on February 16, 1965. This was the first Saturn with an operational payload, the Pegasus I meteoroid detection satellite. The Skylabs are Saturns. NINURTA son of Enlil (an Annunaki, brother of Enki), eagle headed human who later became lion headed, with wings. Sat and thought (musing) until his brain hurt after using stones as missiles (asteroids). He was a solar deity identified with Nimrod (name of an asteroid) 5 72 3 Venus sera en cours si vertueux … continues in 10 15 3 R VI RE USE TRUE OCEAN VIRUS RECURRENT VORACIOUSNESS ENSUES U.S. NEVUS STRIVES UUET VIRUSES RARE UNCTUOUS SEVERE SIX NEVUS SECURE EXTRANEOUS SUN VEXES U.S R: Draco (reptilian) VI = The Unholy Six (of the second coming) Cannibalism? NEVUS: greys with warty skin The unholy six of the second coming EXTRANEOUS: virus from outer space? VEXES U.S. with great heat 5 72 3 Venus sera en cours si vertueux & 7 26 4 VIRUSES ENSURES CURSON VIRTUES ONCE (after) OCEANS STRIVE ASSURE SUN VEX UUET Venus will be ahead in steadfast course (orbit) CURSON VIRTUES means population control Peter Curson is Professor of Population and Security at the Centre for International Security Studies, The University of Sydney 16 Above: the Planar Planisphere Fuse event with Earth, her moon’s orbit being perturbed and one of the planets of the Nibiru system passing. On the right is one crop circle I have always agreed with except the three bodies at the top may be the Nibiru system, and a hint that they are from Orion 10 15 3 continues from 5 72 3 POLAR DERIVANT~ FORM LONG PLANES PULSE DEED DEADENS ~ A.D ENDS UNELAPSED VIRUS MOTI INVADER FROM VI [the “unholy Six”?] LONG PLANES: the latitudes become longitudes or long orbits MOTI: mobile and alive INVADER is one of the ‘unholy’ “SIX” 10 15 3 Dedans le puis vif mort viendra plongé. U.N OMIT POLAR DERIVANT, PULSE DEADENS U.N .- ELAPSED (treaty), VIRUS FROM PLANES, LONG DEED ENDS A.D. INVADER VI MORF [The “unholy six”] Plunging into the profound pit, (outer space) destruction will come The U.N. OMITS to warn the planet about the celestial PULSE POLAR DERIVANT: poles shifted LONG DEED since February 1986 = Chemtrails INVADER the “Repulsive VI” morph/shape shift or just appear Paix ƒaict nouveau, sainctes loix empirees MIREPOIX ACTION ~ PEER IN AUUE ~ AIM EPISPERM PREMIX F (Wednesday) OUUE CAUTION ~ TOUUNS FIX As a Celtic tree date “F” is Alder = March 18 – April 14 Peace - new deeds, holy laws deteriorate (empire’s laws) MIREPOIX = Time gate Nostradamus is peering in awe, watching give light shows all over western America, so all together, there have been three different types of “light shows”. Go to page 18 Two are here and a third twirly spiralling one F represents Fehu: which is both Wednesday & Pegasus (the F rune means financial gain and those from Pegasus are mercenaries) Also means Alfares in the form of chemtrails (AIM PREMIX EPISPERM) GOVERNED TO ITS GREATEST DETRIMENT 1 4 4 Sera regie en plus grand detriment Trigrams (the Chinese) DETRIMENT REGERMINATES ERMINE EASTERNER MEN TRIED EPIGENE (found underground?) ERMINE EASTERNER: Chingis Ghan aka Genghis Khan 10 72 EPIGENE: could have both meanings here. Have the Chinese found the grave of Genghis Khan and cloned him? DAN 1 4 4 Definition: “1. An epigenetic trait is a stably heritable phenotype resulting from changes in a chromosome without alterations in the DNA sequence. 2. Formed, originating, or occurring on or just below the surface of the earth. A trigram may also refer to Ba gua, a philosophical concept in ancient China. It may also refer to a three-letter acronym. 10 72 L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois Du ciel viendra un grand Roi deffraieur: Resusciter le grand Roi d'Angolmois, Mongol is a roid Avant que Mars regner par bon-heur. King is Cepheus constellation – by all accounts a reptilian race The year 1999, seventh month , in 2013 he will be 12 or 13 From the sky will come a great King of fear: alien hybrid breeder To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols (cloned) Before and after Mars reigns by good luck Saying this is before the orbits changed 17 Abductee Jim Sparks Comments On Alien Symbol Technology © 2008 by Linda Moulton Howe “I know that flashing symbols is a method of getting information from E. T. to E. T., or E. T. to human. It’s a fast way of transmitting a tremendous amount of data, in a short time and retaining it.” - Jim Sparks, Author and Abductee. See 6 22 3 18 3 90 4 – PHEON THE TEMPLAR CROSS WHICH IS THE INSIGNIA ON ENLIL’S BREASTPLATE ENLIL THE YHWH IN CHARGE OF THE EARTH PROJECT 3 90 4 Qui prendra terre au Tyrren Phocean PHONECEAN OCEAN (floods) NOPH (Memphis) ORPHNE PHEON CHAPERONE (Earth) RETRY PREQUARANTINED A.U (astronomical units) RARE EPOCH CRENOTHERAPY (mineral = Pisces) UREA (Orion) RATE PIQUANCE END Who will claim Phoenician Tyrrhenian soil… Codes within codes: He On, (Oannes), Carpentry (Leonine) Chaperone entry –other pernancy (tithes, this is the FALSE RAPTURE) python career N N is Feb 18 - March 17 ORPHNE an Oceanid = Oannes PIQUANCE: stimulating. PHEON the cross of the Templars THE FOLLOWING FOUR HIDDEN TEXT LINES ARE UNUSUAL IN THAT THEY ALL BELONG TO THE SAME QUATRAIN – 3 34 3, 34 Quand le deffaut du Soleil lors sera Sur le plain jour le monstre sera veu: Tout autrement on l'interpretera, Cherté n'a garde mil n'y aura pourveu. When the eclipse of the Sun will then be in full day, the monstrosity will be seen: Quite otherwise it will be interpreted, High price unguarded: none will have foreseen it. ……………….Or They will not care about expense, none will have provided for it (Cheetham) 3 34 1 Quand le deffaut du Soleil lors sera DUST FEED LAND UUAFTED ILL OIL~SELLERS Squander LOUISE LILLE ARQUES - AQUA (Earth) ROLLS (floods) QUARAN SQUARROSE SQUARE’S SOUL When the eclipse of the Sun will then be UUAFTED ILL – chemtrails OIL~SELLERS Squander - is this where all the missing bank money went? LOUISE, LILLE are two asteroids. ARQUES is a pun. Arc is Sagittarius QUARAN Other World SQUARROSE = rough scales. SQUARE = Pegasus 19 3 34 2 Sur le plain jour le monstre sera veu REASSERT JUNO OMENS (ice age/Februalis) UUEAVERS SUPERVALUE VERSEAU TRAVERSE USES SOLEMN UUAVES AVER TRANSVERSE OVERMATURENESS JOIN REMOTENESS ~ PLAIN RULES The monster will be seen in full day: SUPERVALUE: the Age of VERSEAU – Aquarius JUNO-aka Hera - Time weavers or Ariadne the asteroid Traverse – travel using WAVES against common sense TIME TRAVEL “Remoteness” = Outer Space, travel over PLAIN RULES: meaning JOINs - AGES - orbit 3 34 3 Tout autrement on l'interpretera Quite otherwise will one interpret it Computer numbers meteor Scientists misinterpret Those chosen to go to safety: Rapture Or RETREAT OTTAWA OTTAUUA RETREAT - a reservation TELEPRINTER NUMERATE METEOR MEN NOT INTERPRET TRUE AUTO ENROLMENT RATE OTTAUUA RETREAT 3 34 4 Cherte n'a garde nul n'y aura pourueu High price unguarded: none will have foreseen it. A: Cassiopeia. N: Eridanus: Y: Auriga A : December 21/22 The “Triad” and colleagues. A: the Cassiopeian are female Uranyl = ‘of space’, ANURY – no anus, albeit female greys WARPOWER: greater than humans have, artificial soldiers Government’s madness to enter into this war ats the Triad URANYL CREUU - HER ANURY UUARPOUUER DANGER A UNDER A.N.Y. PROUUAR POUUER THREE ENTER UUAR - LUNACY 4 67 1 L’an que Saturne et Mars esgaux combuste METER NATURES STREAMS GAS COMBUST U. SAGE TURNS (Earth) UUATERS UUAX Q... LAST MENSTRUATE ASSUAGER UX QUEEN COMB ALAN’S MOB MASTERS ST. NUMERATE ~ (to) SATURN last turn (orbit) ULE U.N. RUE MAN (Orion) STARS re N (Eridu) AUM MARE = Mare July 8 – August 4 MEASURE METHANE …BURNS U = astronomical SAGE: Wormwood any asteroid - causes UUATERS UUAX: grow Q: “orbit” travel round the world CAUSES the Earth to TURN UX: astronomy QUEEN is Cassiopeia; COMBS Alan’s mob: decoders. The Cassiopeia Hybrid breeding program SAINTS DO THE MATHS TO MOVE EARTH TO SATURN The NUMERATORS would be the Anun.nakim/Oannes URN: in or from Aquarius 8 29 2 Par tremblant terre et deluge fendu BLAMED Temperature Embattle ~ ENGULF PART NEED UPEND, MARBLE LAMB RELETTERED ~ RAPTURE ENTREATER split by earthquake and by flood UPEND the Earth MARBLE: ascending – spread out Methane BLAMED raising the temperature (but it is solar flares) LAMB (Jesus) RELETTERED – IN THE NAME OF JESUS = Sirius and the false rapture (see the FALSE RAPTURE forum) 8 80 4 DE FRAYEUR CRAINTE NE VERRA NUL QUE BOGE TERRIFIED BY FEAR, NONE WILL BE SEEN TO MOVE revenue iƒ (is) traced, the real whereabouts of tax money is traced GEBO means partnership – The Pact This would release methane AREFY to dry out LUNA March 30 Could be “it veered furnace” but the words FIERCE ADVENTURE would not apply so much in that case, but would do so if the Earth “veered” U.N NEVER CERTAIN GEBO EQUAL revenue iƒ traced after unreceived FEARED REVERENT RARE RAY INTERVENE RECUR IN RAY EVENT YEAR (C.M.E.) AREFY VENETIAN BOG LUNA fierce turn evade furnace I, everted FIERCE ADVENTURE furnace derive e.t., it veered (Earth) 9 57 2 Et cherchera loi changeant d'Anatheme HC ARCHER (decoder) MEET HER CLEAR ANATHEMAE REACH HALCYON ROYAL THEME (the moving of Earth) HAN (As) ET – CLOCHE RAY DAN A ATHENA COCHLEARY* HEAT CHANGE HOLE CAR – METHANATED, METHANE H ERA (ignites - chaos) HOLE could be “whole” – everything or outer space D’an = puns. “Of Anu” and changes “of the years” (ages) ‘in Scorpio’ DAN is Scorpio A is Fir tree day December 21/22 Cochleary Resembling a snail-shell, spiral, winding in* HERA the chaotic orbit asteroid plus another asteroid… ATHENA key word for an asteroid – HEAT CHANGE = ice age CAR: Capricorn first decan in which sits the winter solstice d'Anatheme: NAME DEATH AMEN: HATED MEAN DEATH NAMED HEATED HEAT, MAN (Orion) need hat A.M. DAN, A solar flare THEME *SEE THE CROP CIRCLES SHOWING THIS CLOCHE: a bell or hat shaped space craft 9 57 2 HAN (pronounced ‘Hun’) is referring to the newly cloned Genghis Khan of 10 72 20 Keeping it simple Three A.U. out Being moved away from our sun THREE A.U. OUT FROM THE SUN 4 70 3 Ouvertes veines, forces exterminees SEVENTIES ERMINE VESTURE CONFERS… sets in Eve FORSEEN CORTEXES FORCES in OS … ties seven SEVENTIES the Septuagint ERMINE clothes means royalty The seventh rock – Earth in OS – Capricorn EXERT:SEE to bring into effect the geographic area under authority VEINS = either orbits (conduits) or mammalian life CERES is an asteroid or Sirius. It is also described as DREAD CERES in other lines. RESTIVE: difficult to control (chaotic orbit?) 4 70 3 VERSUTE: CRAFTY, CUNNING WILY… EXCRETE: TO SEPARATE and DISCHARGE. SEE: the geographic area over which authority EXERTS SEE - VEINS IN EXTREMES STRIVE ENFORCES RESTIVE CERES extends (authority and governing functions associated with the geographical jurisdiction) 6 20 4 Lors aura Rome un nouveau Liepart. RA SOUL MOVES POLAR STAR UALUE AURORA SOLAR ARMOUR NOUU Unuuoven (magnetic fields) LIE Apart Even MORE (Earth?) POLAR STAR is in Ursa Minor, the Little Dipper. By saying the Polestar is moving is by inference saying that it is the Earth which is moving This could be a reference to the Van Allan belt SOLAR ARMOUR would be the Earth’s magnetic field Explanation of the different colours: green is a reference either to or from the collator. Other colours separate the topics. Blue is about dates and timing. 21 3 1555 Ianuier. JANUARY 2013 ? Le gros airain qui les heures ordonne, Sur le trespas du Tyran cassera.(BREAK AWAY) Pleurs, plaints et cris, eaux, glace pain ne donne V. S. C. paix, l'arme passera. TYRAN = TASK MASTER/TYRANT = TARYN means ROCKY HILL GAELIC THUNDER NORSE CELTIC OF THE EARTH LATIN TOWER ENGLISH/PLANETOID/PYRAMID THE REAPER GREEK WILD GOAT HEBREW TO CARRY ARABIC-BORNE, CARRIED AWAY YOUNG/NEW SANKSRIT QUEEN GRECO ROMAN/CASSIOPEIA LITTLE PRINCESS-SCANDINAVIAN-ANDROMEDA FROZEN RUSSIA FAR TO GO WELSH – (CELTIC) INTO NEW ORBIT The big bronze one (our sun) which arranges the hours of the day THIS IS REFERRING TO TWO THINGS: ‘HOURS’ IS MERCURY & OUR ORBIT Upon the wild goat (Capricorn) passing, the placement (of Earth) far to go Tears, laments and cries, waters, ice, without bread (grain) V.S.C. peace, the arm (Cepheus the King constellation) passing V=ANDROMEDA- the inter-dimensionals who will arrange peace. S=URSA MAJOR East (Leech) is also the date of Willow April 15 – May 12 C=OPHIUCUS date is Nut – March 22 – 31 and August 5 – September 1. ARM=CEPHEUS as a date arms means in Gemini, following May This is also saying our sun will turn “orange” THE PLACEMENT OF OUR EARTH ~ FAR TO GO THE PLACEMENT OF OUR EARTH ~ FAR TO GO…MANY LINES SAY IT COMMENCES IN VIRGO AND IS IN SITU IN MAY A DIFFERENT DEPICTION OF THE SAME THING 22 OF THE FOUR OTHER WORLDERS WHICH NOSTRADAMUS STATES ARE INVOLVED IN CREATING CROP CIRCLES, ONE IN PARTICULAR SEEMS MORE PREVALENT THAN THE OTHERS. THESE ARE THE “KEEPERS” WHICH CAN BE LIKENED TO ‘ZOO’ KEEPERS OF THE EARTH AND WE KNOW OF THEM AS THE ANUN.NAKI THE “WATCHERS” ARE ANOTHER ONE OF THE FOUR – WHO ARE INTERDIMENSIONAL, KNOWN AS THE ANDROMEDA COUNCIL - AND WATCH OVER THE ‘KEEPERS’ TOO. FOLLOWING THE RESEARCH I HAVE BEEN LED TO ACCOMPLISH IN THE HIDDEN TEXTS – THE ANUN.NAKIM (ANUN.NAKIANS) HAVE A DIFFERENT NAME FOR EVERY CULTURE THEY INSTIGATED. FOR THE MAYA, QUETZAL.COATL (CONCRETE SPIRIT) IS ONE OF THE 111 NAMES. I PUBLISH HERE PROOF POSITIVE THAT CROP CIRCLES ARE NOT HOAXED. THE CREATION HERE IS IN A ONE HUNDRED ACRE FIELD, DONE OVER NIGHT – AND CONSEQUENTLY WIPED OFF THE INTERNET AND THE FIELD ITSELF THE NEXT DAY. WHY? A STANDING CROP OF GREEN SIX FOOT HIGH CORN – THE MAYA LONG COUNT CALENDAR From Project I HAVE THIS GLYPH ON MY WALL AS A BRASS PLATE THE ATTEMPT TO DUPLICATE THIS ON PAPER WITH A PEN IS A DAUNTING ENOUGH THOUGHT 2 79 4 Tous les captifs par Seline banniere SOUL FITS ENTIRE SPARSE LINES FITS SEPTIC SPACE SCALES : ALL THE CAPTIVES SEEN ILL ACCOMPANY THE BANNER Seline = seen iI: “Par” through, via, the banner – is the Milky Way. All on the Earth are “captives” also stated in 2 65 (Pegasus) [connects] AS IN ENTIRE SEPARABLE OUTER SPACE LINES (orbits) ABILENE A circumstance where a group of individuals agree to a course of action based on the theory it is best for the group, despite going against the preferences of individual members of the group. This occurs when individuals feel their objections are not strong enough to support changing the minds of others in their group. Commonly referred to as "rocking the boat" INTERESTING THAT NOSTRADAMUS CALLS THE EARTH “THE BARQUE” or SHIP, ON WHICH WE ARE “ALL PRISONERS” Footnotes: The footnotes are extensive and form a forum of their own. Anyone wanting to read the extraneous illustrations (such as Enlil’s breastplate) notes, references, searches and sources need only request by emailing to [email protected] Please be reminded that the Collator of these words did not program them. The computer program was constructed by Allan Webber H C Parks & A T Webber© 23