Students Guide - Politechnika Wrocławska


Students Guide - Politechnika Wrocławska
Students Guide
for MSc Programmes
Control in Electrical Power Engineering
Renewable Energy Systems
Wroclaw University of Technology (WrUT)
Wroclaw, Poland
Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE)
in cooperation with
Ryerson University (RU)
Toronto, Canada
Brandenburg University
of Technology (BTU)
Cottbus, Germany
Otto-von-Guericke Universität
(UMD) Magdeburg, Germany
National Research Irkutsk State Technical
University (ISTU), Irkutsk, Russia
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Wroclaw, January 2016
Preface ........................................................................................................................................ 3
MSc Programmes review .................................................................................................. 4
The institution .................................................................................................................. 5
Wroclaw University of Technology......................................................................................................................................5
Faculty of Electrical Engineering .........................................................................................................................................6
City of Wroclaw .......................................................................................................................................................................7
MSc Programmes in details ........................................................................................... 10
Control in Electrical Power Engineering (CPE) ............................................................................................................. 10
Standard CPE Programme at Wroclaw University of Technology (WrUT ) ............................................... 11
Double-Degree CPE Programme with Ryerson University (RU) ................................................................. 14
Double-Degree CPE Programme with the Brandenburg University of Technolgy (BTU) ...................... 18
Required admission documents for CPE Programme : WrUT, RU, BTU .................................................. 21
3.2. Renewable Energy Systems (RES) .................................................................................................................................... 24
Standard RES Programme at Wroclaw University of Technology (WrUT ) ............................................... 26
Double Degree RES Programme with the University of Magdeburg (UMD) ............................................ 28
Double Degree RES Programme with the Irkutsk State Technical University (ISTU) ............................. 30
Required admission documents for RES Programme : WrUT, UMD, ISTU ............................................. 32
3.3. Questions concerning the studies ...................................................................................................................................... 34
Organisation of studies at the WrUT ............................................................................. 34
Academic calendar ............................................................................................................................................................... 34
European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) ...................................................................................................................... 35
Examinations, completion of courses ............................................................................................................................... 35
Diploma dissertation ............................................................................................... Błąd! Nie zdefiniowano zakładki.
Facilities of the WrUT .................................................................................................... 36
Admission Office and International Office ..................................................................................................................... 36
Language courses.................................................................................................................................................................. 38
Library .................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Cultural and sports life of the University ......................................................................................................................... 39
Official formalities in Poland ......................................................................................... 39
Obtaining a residence permit ............................................................................................................................................. 39
Obtaining a visa .................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Health insurance ................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Additional information ................................................................................................... 40
Accommodation ................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Computer facilities ............................................................................................................................................................... 41
Student card........................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Working .................................................................................................................................................................................. 41
Transportation ...................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Climate ................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Money and Banks ................................................................................................................................................................. 43
Costs of living ....................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Food ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 43
Smoking and Drugs ......................................................................................................................................................... 44
Electricity .......................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Shopping............................................................................................................................................................................ 44
Postal service and telephones ........................................................................................................................................ 45
Polish public holidays...................................................................................................................................................... 45
Polish language ................................................................................................................................................................. 45
Medical and health care .................................................................................................................................................. 46
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Students and scholars with disabilities ......................................................................................................................... 46
How to get to WrUT ....................................................................................................................................................... 46
Map of Wroclaw .............................................................................................................................................................. 46
Map of the University ..................................................................................................................................................... 47
Contact information ....................................................................................................... 47
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Students!
This information package describes Wroclaw University of Technology (WrUT), Faculty of
Electrical Engineering (FEE) and its English-taught 2-year MSc Programmes: “Control in Electrical
Power Engineering” (CPE) and “Renewable Energy Systems” (RES).
The package serves the purpose of informing potential future students who are still considering
which MSc programme they will choose, as well as those who have decided to join the studies
at the WrUT.
As a student’s guide this booklet will try to answer all your questions, but it will certainly fail to do so
in some points. Do not hesitate to visit, call or write me! Furthermore I am grateful for any remarks,
corrections and additional ideas. We will try to make necessary changes and updates in this
document as time passes. You will find the updated information on Faculty web site:,52.dhtml
Selected formal information is posted and updated on web sites leaded by Admission Office and
International Office of WrUT:
In case you have been admitted to English-taught studies in Wroclaw, I can assure you we will all try
to make your study semesters here the most interesting experience, both professional as well as
Welcome to Wroclaw!
Tomasz Sikorski, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Vice-Dean for Development and International Cooperation
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
MSc Programmes review
As it cannot be denied that the present-day economy is based on knowledge, it is obvious that
universities play a crucial role in creating and distributing it. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering
(FEE) is one of the 12 Faculties of the Wroclaw University of Technology (WrUT) and we
proudly stress the fact that it is one of the best universities of technology in Poland and our Faculty
is on top of the list as well.
The FEE offers two four-semester MSc Programmes in Electrical Engineering:
- Control in Electrical Power Engineering (CPE),
- Renewable Energy Systems (RES).
The four-semester duration is split up into three theory semesters and finally a Master’s Thesis
semester. The 4-week industrial placement is a part of the studies as well.
An important idea behind these English-taught studies is the awareness, that in a globalised world
engineering problems cannot be separated from human intercultural interactions. Our programme is
aimed at preparing the students to an international environment, as they will encounter it during their
later engineering career. We also put a lot of efforts in making young graduates of our University
apply innovatively the acquired knowledge and qualifications, so that they are high class
professionals, able to formulate and solve the problems and to face the challenges of the labour
market of this day and age.
The international MSc Programmes offered are focused on new and challenging issues of power
system automation and control as well as integration of renewable energy sources in power systems.
The programmes are devoted to candidates interested in work related to electric power system
control, reliability, transmission and distribution of electrical energy, protection and decision-making
in power systems, energy market issues etc.
The MSc Programmes offer splendid opportunities to study engineering and at the same time gather
life-experience and meet people from around the world. All courses, examinations etc. within the
programme are given in English. However, with regards to the intercultural competencies that are
pursued, courses in local culture and local language are obligatory.
Starting from the academic year 2008/2009 the CPE Programme is proposed also as a joint intiative
of WrUT and our Canadian partner university, the Ryerson University (RU), Toronto. The limited
amount of best qualified candidates can spend two semesters (first year of studies) in Toronto and
the remaining two semesters in Wroclaw. The programme of studies at both Universities is
coordinated, the courses supplement each other and thus, according to the agreement between both
Universities, the students will obtain two degrees: Master of Science from WrUT and Master of
Engineering from RU, following the successful completion of the degree requirements at both
Alternatively, the CPE students can choose an international version of the programme and
participate in exchange with the Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU), Cottbus,
Germany. Students spend their first year of study in BTU Cotbus and second year in WrUT. After
fulfilling all the requirements at both Universities the graduates will obtain two MSc degrees, both
from WrUT and BTU.
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
The students of the RES Programme can spend full duration of their studies at WrUT, however,
limited number of best applicants can also benefit from the international cooperation of the FEE
and take part in exchange with the University of Magdeburg (UMD), Germany. After having
spent the first year of study in Wroclaw and the second in Magdeburg the graduates will receive two
MSc degree certificates, both from WrUT and UMD. RES Programme is performed also with
National Research Irkutsk State Technical University (ISTU), Irkutsk, Russia. First year of
study is organized in Russia and the second in Poland. As the common results is two diploma both
from WrUT and ISTU.
The structure of MSc studies with the list of courses within particular semesters is presented in
Section 3 of this booklet.
The institution
Wroclaw University of Technology
The Wroclaw University of Technology (Politechnika Wrocławska) was founded in 1945 when
a group of Polish academic teachers, mostly from Lvov, arrived in Wroclaw. The city was still
burning from the last siege of World War II. They established the University in the buildings, which
had housed the Technische Hochschule Breslau since 1910. The first class began on
the 15th of November 1945 and ever since this day has been celebrated as the University's
At present, total enrolment at WrUT amounts to over 35,000 part- and full-time students.
The University staff amounts to ca. 4,200, with 150 professors and ca. 2000 other academic staff.
The University campus is situated
1.5 km from the City centre and
occupies a large area splendidly located
on a bank of the Odra river.
The University offers a wide variety
of graduate programs organised and
concucted by the following twelve
Main Campus from the birdy view point.
Main WrUT building (A-1)
Faculty of Architecture
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Chemistry
Faculty of Electronics
Faculty of Electrical
Faculty of Geoengineering,
Mining and Geology
Faculty of Environmental
Faculty of Computer Science
and Management
Faculty of Mechanical
and Power Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
11. Faculty of Fundamental Problems of
12. Faculty of Microsystem Electronics and
13. Faculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics
The University has also branches in other cities of Lower
Silesia region: Jelenia Gora, Legnica, and
Walbrzych.Wroclaw University of Technology is
managed by a Rector and five Vice-Rectors: for
research, for education, for students’ affairs, for
general affairs and for development. Rectors and
Vice-Rectors, as well as Deans and Directors of the
Departments are elected by the staff for three-year
terms and may be re-elected only once. The highest
governing body within the university is the Senate,
which consists of 75 people.
Entrance to Main Building
Students have their own self-government, which
controls most of their affairs. The students’
organisations are the following:
ASI – University Computer Science Association
AZS – University Sport Association
AIESEC – International Association
of the Economy and Commerce Students’
IAESTE – The International Association for the Exchange of Students for the Technical Experience
IACES – International Association of Civil Engineering Students
NZS – Independent Students’ Association
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
History and present
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering was established as an independent unit of the University in
1946 as a result of the division of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Electrotechnology that
had been created at the time of the founding of Wroclaw University of Technology in 1945.
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Building D-1
New building of the FEE, D-20
Today the Faculty of Electrical Engineering is a modern educational – research unit, one of the
twelve faculties of Wroclaw University of Technology. At present the total number of full - and parttime students at the FEE amounts to ca. 1,800.
The Faculty has very well equipped laboratories and lecture halls and tends to create an atmosphere
conductive to scholarly and scientific research according to the current technical development in the
Students of the Faculty have the wide access to the modern computers and microcomputers as well
as to the newest electrical and power electronic systems, that have dominated the educational
The students of the Faculty have the possibility to obtain a very good education due to the current
modernisation of the didactic process according to the actual trends in electrical engineering.
The graduates are recognised as excellent specialists (experts) in various fields of electrical power
engineering, in Poland as well as abroad, in many countries of Europe and the USA. Some of them
held the professorship position not only at Wroclaw University of Technology, but also at other
Polish and foreign universities.
The teaching and research activities are carried on by three Faculty Departments:
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Technology Fundamentals (I-7)
- Department of Electrical Power Engineering (I-8)
- Department of Electrical Machines,
Drives and Measurements (I-29)
The Faculty Institutes are further
subdivided into the research chairs
(research teams).
City of Wroclaw
Wroclaw is the largest academic, cultural
and industrial centre in the southwestern Poland. The city has ca. 650,000
inhabitants and is the capital of the
Lower Silesian province. Wroclaw is
located closely to the European Union
countries. It has good air connections
Wroclaw – city centre from the birdy viewpoint
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
with Frankfurt, Munich, Dortmund
Duesseldorf, Glasgow, London, Bristol,
Liverpool, Dublin, Milano, Rome,
Barcelona, and Warsaw. Wroclaw has
also railway connections with such
European cities as Berlin (5 hours) and
Dresden (4 hours).
Wroclaw is very picturesque, having a
great number of green areas and five
rivers cutting across the city. The Odra
river, which intersects Wroclaw, is the
second longest river in Poland. The city
lies in a valley, which is a part of the
Silesia Lowland. The area enjoys the
mildest climate in Poland. Frosty
winters are rare and the ground is
covered with snow only occasionally.
Spring comes early and summer is
warm. Winds blow mostly from the
west and south-west.
Grunwaldzki Bridge (over the Odra river)
The city’s key industries include
machine and electrical engineering, and
food processing, as well as fuel and
power industries. Wroclaw boasts a
1000-year history as a commercial
centre. Many different trade fairs are
organised in Wroclaw every year.
Wroclaw Opera House
Owing to its centuries-long scholarly
and cultural tradition, Wroclaw is the
third largest academic centre in Poland
(after Warsaw and Krakow). There are
16 Universities and Academies in
Wroclaw with approximately 140,000
students. Considering that Wroclaw has
a population of obout 700,000, one can
easily calculate that every one of 5
citizens is a student at one of
Wroclaw’s institutions of higher
City Hall
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
In 2012 Wroclaw was one of the EURO2012 UEFA European Championship city!
In 2016 Wroclaw is European Capital of Culture (ECC)!
Wroclaw Market Place
Ostrow Tumski and Cathedral
Stadion Euro2012
Main Train Station
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
MSc Programmes in details
Control in Electrical Power Engineering (CPE)
The CPE MSc Programme is offered in full-time mode and its standard structure is bassed on four
semesters organized in Wroclaw University of Technology (WrUT). Reffering to bilaterial
agreements between WrUT and partner universities for the limited number of best applicants it is
possible to realize the study in cooperation with Ryerson University (RU), Toronto, Canada or
Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) , Cottbus, Germany.
WrUT Standard Programme
Structure: 4 sem.
RU - WrUT Joint Programme Student’s Exchange
Structure: 2 sem. / 2 sem.
*option for a limited number of best applicants
WrUT Students
RU Students
WrUT Students
22 semesters
at WrUT
2 semesters
at RU
MSc Thesis
. at
Degree from WrUT
3rd 3rd
and semester
MSc Thesis
at. at
3rd and
3rd MSc
at. atRU
Degrees from both RU and WrUT
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
WrUT Standard Programme
Structure: 4 sem.
BTU - WrUT Joint Programme Student’s Exchange
Structure: 2 sem. / 2 sem.
*option for a limited number of best applicants
WrUT Students
WrUT & BTU Students
2 semesters
at WrUT
2 semesters at BTU
3rd and
MSc Thesis
Semester at WrUT
3rd and MSc Thesis
Semester at WrUT
Degree from WrUT
Degreess from both WUT
BTU and WrUT
3.1.1. Standard CPE Programme at Wroclaw University of Technology (WrUT )
The following courses are offered at the WrUT for the students enroled for the standard two-year
studies in Wroclaw:
I Semester
Numerical and Optimization Methods
Power Quality Assessment
Power System Faults
Digital Control Techniques
Fault Calculations
Dynamics and Control of AC and DC Drives
Advanced Technology in Electrical Power
 Foreign language – A1 or A2
 Foreign language – B2+ or C1+
 Sport classes
II Semester
Circuits and Systems
Simulation and Analysis of Power System Transients
Digital Signal Processing for Protection and Control
Power System Protection
Fiber Optics Communications and Sensors
Renewable Energy Sources
Electric Power System Operation and Control
Diploma placement 4 weeks
Elective courses from Management block
Students during lectures
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
III Semester
Advanced High Voltage Technology
Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Power System Automation and Security
Electrical Power Systems Management
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Advanced Measurement in Electrical Power Engineering
Diploma Project
Elective courses from Law
IV Semester
Diploma seminar
Master’s Thesis
Elective course from social and ethic block
Elective courses from A block and B block
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Compact information about standard MSc Programme CPE
WrUT (4 sem.)
Organisation of studies
 full four-semester duration of the MSc studies at WrUT including three theory semesters
and Master’s Thesis semester, programme includes a 4-week internship (industrial
candidates with the B.Sc./B.Eng. diploma from EU/EFTA and non-EU countries
(preferably B.Sc.
in electrical/ electronic / thermal or related field)
Linguistic demands
students and alumni of WrUT – passed English
at the B2 level (min. score 4.0) – only standard
4 semester programme in WrUT
 EU and non-EU candidates –
Tuition fees
non-EU candidates – 4000 EUR/year
home and EU candidates – free of charge
Important enrolment deadlines
 submission of all required documents – by July 15th, 2016
(for the full Master Programme at WrUT, Poland)
 acceptance decision (studies in Wroclaw) –
by the end of August 2016
 paying tuition fee for the 1st year of studies –
by September 30th, 2016
Admission procedures – only WrUT
admission procedures for full-time students are defined by Admission Office in
cooperation with International Office of WrUT. Details can be found at:
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
3.1.2. Double-Degree CPE Programme with Ryerson University (RU)
Ryerson University, building of the Faculty of Engineering,
Architecture and Science
Limited number of best qualified
candidates can benefit from the WrUTRU cooperation agreement and take part
in the international version of the
Programme (scheme on the right). The
participating students should spend their
first year at the host university and second
year at the home university, where they
registered for studies and are enroled (all
students enroled for the Programme at
WrUT are treated as WrUT students). The
bilateral agreement assumes mutual
recognition and portability of academic
credits between RU and WrUT. Students
studying abroad at their host university
should be recognized as fulfilling a
comparable period of study in the home
university and be fully credited upon their
Following the successful completion of their degree requirements at both universities, the
participating graduate students will receive two Master’s degrees. One is the Master of Engineering
Degree from Ryerson University and the other is the Master of Science Degree from WrUT. They
will also receive their academic degree transcripts from both universities.
For periods of study abroad, students will pay the usual tuition and fees at the home university
(WrUT) and should incur no additional fees or payments from the host university (RU). This
includes fees for tuition, registration, examinations, and the use of library. The students participating
in the Program are responsible for the additional costs incurred by traveling and living abroad, and
also additional costs relating to health insurance plans, if applicable.
The minimum requirements of the Double-Degree option of the MSc Programme are defined in
Table 1. In order to fulfill the degree requirements from both institutions, the students enroled in the
program must satisfactorily complete a set of compulsory (core) courses specified in Table 2.
Table 1. Double Degree Credit Requirements
For RU Students
Successful completion of 6 elective courses at RU
Successful completion of required obligatory and
elective courses at WrUT with reference to particular
semesters of study at WrUT while on exchange
Canadian Credit
6 credits
2 credits
European Credit
60 ECTS if exchange in first
year of study
29 ECTS if exchange in second
year of study including
RU will transfer credit
1CP per 10ECTS
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Completion of the jointly supervised Master’s
Total Credits for the Double Degree Program at RU
For WrUT Students
Pass , 31ECTS
8 Credits
Canadian Credit
6 credits
1 CP per 10ECTS
European Credit
1 CP per 10 ECTS
60 ECTS if exchange in first
year of study
29 ECTS if exchange in second
year of study including
Successful completion of 6 or 2 courses with reference
to particular semesters of study at RU while on
6 or 2 credits
WrUT will transfer credit
1CP per 10ECTS
60 ECTS if exchange in first
year of study
29 ECTS if exchange in second
year of study including
Completion of the jointly supervised Master’s
Pass , 31ECTS
Total Credits for the Double Degree Program at WrUT
Successful completion of required obligatory and
elective courses at WrUT with reference to particular
semesters of study at WrUT
Table 2. RU Current List of Courses Offered by Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate
Course at RU
Applied Optimization Technique*
hours per
TSW - work load
hours per week
Power System Stability and Control*
Electric Motor Drives*
Selected Topics in Electrical Engineering*
Electronics and Instrumentation*
Directed Studies in Electrical Engineering*
Power Electronics
Linear System Theory
Fundamentals of Robot Dynamics and Control
Computer Methods in Power System Analysis
Advanced Topics in Power Systems
Power Converter Systems
Switch Mode Power Supplies
Electromagnetic Theory
Power Electronics
Advanced AC Drive Systems
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Advanced Digital Control of Power Electronics
Directed Studies in Electrical Engineering
Renewable Energy Systems
Conversion and Control of Alternative Energy
TSW - anticipated average total student workload –including both the student’s work during lectures
organised by University and assignments and self study
ECTS – credit points (European Credit Transfer System) ECTS – credit points (European Credit Transfer
*core courses
For each graduate course offered in Power Engineering at Ryerson University, students are required
to take lecture classes and carry out a comprehensive project. The course instructors are required to
provide close supervision and consultation to the students working on their projects. The total
number of hours per course is 100, which is composed of 40 hours of structured lectures and
assessment, and 60 hours of unstructured project learning and consultation.
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Compact information about Double Degree MSc Programme CPE
RU (2 sem.) and WrUT (2 sem.)
Organisation of studies
 two first semesters of MSc studies at RU and third and Master’s Thesis semester at WrUT,
programme includes a 4-week internship (industrial placement)
recruitment students of MSc programme at WrUT
(DD option), 1st semester of studies.
students matriculated at MSc programme at RU
(DD option), 1st or 2nd semester of studies
B.Sc/B.Eng in electrical engineering or related fields with an overall grade min. good
Linguistic demands
EU and non-EU candidates - TOEFL with a minimum score of 93, IELTS (min. 7.0),
the Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB) test with a minimum
score of 85)
Tuition fees
non-EU candidates – 4000 EUR/year tuition fee at WrUT or respectively tuition fee at
no tuition fee for students matriculated at MSc Programme at WrUT and students
matriculated at MSc programme at RU (DD option) as partner Universities
Important enrolment deadlines
 parallel admission and registration at the WrUT and RU is required, submission of all
required documents – by April 15th, 2016 (for the DD Programme at RU and WrUT)
 acceptance decision (studies in RU and WrUT ) –
by the end of August 2016
Admission procedures – parallel at WrUT and RU
Wroclaw University of Technology Admission Office
in cooperation with International Office of WrUT:
Ryerson University, Admission Office:
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
3.1.3. Double-Degree CPE Programme with the Brandenburg University of Technolgy (BTU)
Limited number of best qualified candidates can benefit from the WrUT-BTU cooperation
agreement and take part in the international version of the Programme, figure below.
Students joining the dual degree programme will study the 1st and 2nd semester of the MSc “Power
Engineering” at BTU. During this period students have to collect 60 credit points acc. to the
European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) for modules. A list of selectable modules is given below.
Out of all modules 32 credit points should be achieved from the Basic Modules. The rest of the
modules can be chosen freely by the students.
Common and Basic Modules at the BTU:
Common Modules:
BTU Cottbus Faculty of Mechanical, Electrical and
Industrial Engineeirng
Control Engineering
Advanced Signal Processing Methods
Selected Problems of Circuit Theory
Optimization Methods
Power System Economics 1
Power System Economics 2
Essential Business Skills
Decentralized Energy Management
International Management
Basic Modules:
Introduction in Electrical Power Systems
Electrical Distribution Systems 1
Electrical Distribution Systems 2
Grid Calculation with Decentralised Generation
Renewable Generation and Storage of Electrical Energy
Basics in Power Electronics
Power Plant Technology 1
Power Plant Technology 2
Boiler and Heat Exchange Constructions
Design, Commissioning, Maintenance of Plants for Energy
Electrical Engineering in Power Plants 1
Electrical Engineering in Power Plants 2
Renewable Resources Management
Soil Protection and Ecotoxicology
Renewable Raw Materials
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Modules for Specialization (selected) at BTU:
High Voltage Engineering and Insulating Materials
Power Electronic Applications in High Voltage Grids
Power Automation
Energy Information Systems
HV Measuring and Testing Technique
Electrical Engineering in Power Plants 1
Electrical Engineering in Power Plants 2
Power Electronic Applications in Drive Systems
EMC in Power Systems
Design and Optimization of Process Plants 1
Natural Gas
Chemical Reaction Engineering
Particle Technology
Gas Cleaning
Thermal Process Engineering
Physical Basics and Principal Design Concepts of NPP
Nuclear Power Plants-Safety Concepts
Operation and Maintenance of NPP
Modern NPP-Concepts
Sustainable Use of Underground Resources, Geothermal Energy and CO2 Storage
Technology and Operation of Wind Turbines
Wind Energy Economics / Wind Resources Estimation
Processing of Raw Materials and Residues
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Compact information about Double Degree MSc Programme CPE
BTU (2 sem.) and WrUT (2 sem.)
Organisation of studies
 two first semesters of MSc studies at BTU and third and Master’s Thesis semester at
WrUT, programme includes a 4-week internship (industrial placement)
recruitment students of MSc programme at WrUT
(DD option), 1st semester of studies.
students matriculated at MSc programme at BTU
(DD option), 1st or 2nd semester of studies
B.Sc/B.Eng in electrical engineering or related fields with an overall grade min. good
Linguistic demands
EU and non-EU candidates – TOEFL test with
a minimum score of 213 points (computer-based)
or 79 points internet-based; IELTS (min. 6.5); CAE Cambridge Advanced English (min.
grade B); CPE Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency (min. grade B)
Tuition fees
non-EU candidates – 4000 EUR/year tuition fee at WrUT or respectively tuition fee at
no tuition fee for students matriculated at MSc Programme at WrUT and students
matriculated at MSc programme at BTU (DD option) as partner Universities
Important enrolment deadlines
parallel admission at WrUT and BTU is required, submission of all required documents – by
June 1st, 2016
 acceptance decision (studies in BTU and WrUT ) –
by the end of August 2016
Admission procedures – parallel at WrUT and BTU
Wroclaw University of Technology Admission Office
in cooperation with International Office of WrUT:
Brandenburg University of Technology, Electrical Engineering Faculty:
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
3.1.4. Required admission documents for CPE Programme : WrUT, RU, BTU
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Applying for Study in WrUT – Required Documents
Admission for academic year 2016/2017 is already open
Deadline 01.06.2016 – Double Degree Programme*
Deadline 15.07.2016 – Full time programme in Wroclaw
All information concerning admission procedures are provided by Wroclaw University of
Technology Admission Office. Please visit the and select English
WrUT at this moment requires direct contact of applicants with the Admission Office. There is no
personal electronic registration in the admission system for international applicants.
Documents required for admission for studying (Master Programme/second-level studies):
1. A filled in application form*1
2. Notarized copy of your degree certificate
What you should do to submit the required degree certificate
If your degree certificate is in English or in Polish:
o Have the original of the degree certificate legalized by the Ministry of External Affairs in
India (Apostille)
o Have the legalized degree certificate copied by a notary public
o Send the notarized copy to the admission officer
If your degree certificate in other language:
o Have the original of the degree certificate legalized by the Ministry of External Affairs in
India (Apostille)
o Have the legalized degree certificate copied by a notary public
o Make a sworn translation into of the notarized document into English or Polish
o Submit the notarised copy and the sworn translation to the admission officer
3. Notarized copy of your English Language Certificate*2
English language competence equivalent to 6 IELTS points is required. Please attach notarized copies of
documents which confirm your command of English.
Please note: Students who graduated from an English language speaking high school or higher education
institution are not required to submit any additional documents to verify their English language proficiency.
4. Notarized copy of your passport
5. Notarized copy of the transcript of records
6. Photograph
7. Medical Certificate
8. Notarized copies of your secondary and higher secondary school certificates
9. Agreement signed by you in two copies
10. Copy of the insurance policy
11. Digital Photograph
12. Confirmation of payment of the tuition fee*3
13. after the confirmation by Admission Office of positive decision about enrolment to the programme
applicants who needs visa to stay in Poland are obligated to organize visa for the period up to 30 of
October of the last year of the programme*4.
Orange text: documents are to be sent by e-mail only; Blue text: documents are to be sent by post or couriered;
Important notice: to be enrolled you must bring with you to Poland and submit to the Admission Office of Wroclaw
University of Technology original listed above documents. No copies will be accepted at this stage! The admission officer
will create a copy with a conformity of the copy to the original.
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Admission Office of Wroclaw University of Technology
Phone: +48-71-320-3170, fax: +48-71-320-3570
e-mail: [email protected]
* DD - double-degree is the optional programme to standard full 4 semesters Master Programme in Wroclaw. DD is based on bilateral
agreement between Wroclaw University of Technology and Brandenburg University of Technology and assume one year of study at host
university and one year in partner university. DD requires parallel admission process performed simultaneously in both partner Universities.
Therefore the list of required documents, registration in admission systems depends on individual rules of the partner Universities. Final
acceptance of enrolment to DD programme is achieved on the basis of particular acceptance of both partner Universities. DD programme is
limited for selected number of the best applicants.
*1 DD – for DD programme add additional comment in application form and inform admission officer about application to parallel
admission process in partner University.
*2 DD – for DD programme language preparation requirements are defined in the bilateral agreement and can differ from general requirements.
*3 DD – for DD programme issue concerning tuition fees are defined in the bilateral agreement and can consider free of charge for the students
of partner University.
*4 DD – for DD programme the diploma of both partner Universities are handle at during official convocation ceremony which is organized at
the beginning of October of the last year of the programme.
Master of Engineering in Electrical Power Engineering
Applying for Study – Required Documents
Admission for academic year 2016/2017 is already open
Deadline 15.04.2016 – double degree programme
All information concerning admission procedures are provided by Ryerson University of
Technology Admission Office. Please visit the
RU requires personal registration in university admission system.
A complete application form*1
Proof of identity (passport) – copy
CV in English
School leaving certificate (certified copy, a translation into English)
School diploma (certified copy, a translation into English)
Diploma of I-degree or II- degree (a certified copy, a translation into English) - copy
Studies supplement of first degree or second degree (a certified copy, a translation into English) - copy
Certificates confirming knowledge of English*2. For study programs taught in English: TOEFL minimum
score of 550 points (paper-based), 213 points (computer-based) or 79 points (internet) equivalents: IELTS
(at least 6.5 points) or Cambridge Advanced (minimum B), Cambridge Certificate of ProficiencyTest
(minimum B). Certified copy, a translation into English).
Certificates confirming various training
Proof of payment of recruitment *3
Certificates confirming employment (a certified copy, a translation into English)
Medical certificate (certified copy, a translation into English)
A certificate from the Coordinator of the selected student for inter-exchange and data validation in the
registration form
2 letters of recommendation
Please send only officially certified copies of your documents. We only accept certifications from:
- Canadian embassy or other consular authorities,
- former university or a Commissioner for Oaths
In case your documents are not in English, you have to provide certified English translations from a sworn interpreter.
Your application will not be processed if your documents are not certified or incomplete.
Only transcripts from your home university and TOEFL results can be sent separately.
If these documents will be sent separately you have to mention this in your application. Otherwise your documents will
be sent back as incomplete.
Blue text: documents are to be sent by post or couriered*3.
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
* DD - double-degree is the optional programme to standard full 4 semesters Master Programme in Wroclaw. DD is based on bilateral
agreement between Wroclaw University of Technology and Ryerson University (RU) Toronto, Canada and assume one year of study at
host university and one year in partner university. DD requires parallel admission process performed simultaneously in both partner Universities.
Therefore the list of required documents, registration in admission systems depends on individual rules of the partner Universities. Final
acceptance of enrolment to DD programme is achieved on the basis of particular acceptance of both partner Universities. DD programme is
limited for selected number of the best applicants.
*1 DD – for DD programme select proper application form dedicated to Dual Degree programme and inform admission officer about
application to parallel admission process in partner University. Additionally only in case of applicants from WrUT to DD programme in
RU: all required documents should be first delivered to Vice Dean Office for Development and International Cooperation, D-20, room 215,
Janiszewskiego 8, 50-370 Wroclaw, to Mrs Jowita Rutowicz (71 320 44 01) in order to collect confirmed copy of original documents. This
obligation is required by Wroclaw University Office for Study.
*2 DD – for DD programme language preparation requirements are defined in the bilateral agreement and can differ from general requirements
*3 DD – for DD programme issue concerning tuition fees are defined in the bilateral agreement and can consider free of charge for the students
of partner University.
International Master Course "Power Engineering”
Applying for Study in BTU – Required Documents
Admission for academic year 2016/2017 is already open
Deadline 01.06.2016 – double degree programme
All information concerning admission procedures are provided by Brandenburg University of Technology
Admission Office. Please visit the
BTU requires personal registration in admission system.
a complete application form (select proper application form in case of Double Degree Programme)*1
a concise curriculum vitae with details about your educational history, practical experiences (if applicable),
research interests, etc.
3. higher education entrance qualification (e.g. Secondary School Leaving Certificate, High School Diploma, Alevels, Abitur, one or two years of studying, etc.)
4. Bachelor of Science in power engineering (electrical, electronics, thermal or related engineering fields with a
minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) equivalent to 2,3 on a German scale, means “good”).
5. Equivalent qualifications (e.g. Fachhochschul Diploma) with a minimum grade of “good” will also be
6. transcripts of records (list of subjects taken)
7. professional experience or knowledge in power engineering if the Bachelor degree or equivalent is in another
field of study.
8. a letter of motivation (your reasons for applying for PE and career perspectives)
9. two letters of recommendation from professors or employers
10. certificate of proficiency in English*2. Accepted are a TOEFL test with a minimum score of 213 points
(computer-based) or 79 points internet-based; Cambridge Advanced English Test (min. grade B); Cambridge
Certificate of Proficiency Test (min. grade B) or the IELTS (min. 6.5).Exempted from this regulation are only
students whose mother tongue is English and students from countries in which English is the official language.
If the language of teaching in your previous course of studies was English, you still have to provide certificate of
proficiency in English.
11. no tuition fee is considered in BTU for international students, applicants are selected during recruitment
Please send only officially certified copies of your documents. We only accept certifications from:
- German embassy or other consular authorities,
- former university or a Commissioner for Oaths
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
In case your documents are not in German or English, you have to provide certified English or German translations
from a sworn interpreter.
Your application will not be processed if your documents are not certified or incomplete.
Only transcripts from your home university and TOEFL results can be sent separately.
If these documents will be sent separately you have to mention this in your application. Otherwise your documents will
be sent back as incomplete.
Blue text: documents are to be sent by post or couriered*3.
* DD - double-degree is the optional programme to standard full 4 semesters Master Programme in Wroclaw. DD is based on bilateral
agreement between Wroclaw University of Technology and Brandenburg University of Technology and assume one year of study at host
university and one year in partner university. DD requires parallel admission process performed simultaneously in both partner Universities.
Therefore the list of required documents, registration in admission systems depends on individual rules of the partner Universities. Final
acceptance of enrolment to DD programme is achieved on the basis of particular acceptance of both partner Universities. DD programme is
limited for selected number of the best applicants.
*1 DD – for DD programme select proper application form dedicated to Dual Degree programme and inform admission officer about
application to parallel admission process in partner University. Additionally only in case of applicants from WrUT to DD programme in
BTU: all required documents should be first delivered to Vice Dean Office for Development and International Cooperation, D-20, room 215,
Janiszewskiego 8, 50-370 Wroclaw, to Mrs Jowita Rutowicz (71 320 44 01) in order to collect confirmed copy of original documents. This
obligation is required by Wroclaw University Office for Study. International applicants applying on the basis of bilateral university
agreements send their applications to the university directly without Uni-Assist service!
*2 DD – for DD programme language preparation requirements are defined in the bilateral agreement and can differ from general requirements
*3 DD – for DD programme issue concerning tuition fees are defined in the bilateral agreement and can consider free of charge for the students
of partner University.
Renewable Energy Systems (RES)
The RES MSc Programme is offered in full-time mode and its standard structure is bassed on four
semesters organized in Wroclaw University of Technology (WrUT). Reffering to bilaterial
agreements between WrUT and partner universities for the limited number of best applicants it is
possible to realize the study in cooperation with Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg
(UMD), Magdeburg, Germany or National Research Irkutsk State Technical University (ISTU),
Irkutsk, Russia.
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
WrUT Standard Programme
Structure: 4 sem.
UMD - WrUT Joint Programme Student’s Exchange
Structure: 2 sem. / 2 sem.
*option for a limited number of best applicants
WrUT Students
WrUT & UMD Students
2 semesters
at WrUT
2 semesters at WrUT
3rd and
MSc Thesis
at WrUT
3rd and MSc Thesis
semester at UMD
Degree from WrUT
Degreess from both UMD
WUT and WrUT
WrUT Standard Programme
Structure: 4 sem.
ISTU - WrUT Joint Programme Student’s Exchange
Structure: 2 sem. / 2 sem.
*option for a limited number of best applicants
WrUT Students
WrUT & ISTU Students
2 semesters
at WrUT
2 semesters at ISTU
3rd and
MSc Thesis
Semester at WrUT
3rd and MSc Thesis
Semester at WrUT
Degree from WrUT
Degreess from both ISTU
WUT and WrUT
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
3.2.1. Standard RES Programme at Wroclaw University of Technology (WrUT )
The following courses are offered at WrUT for the students enroled for the standard two-year
studies in Wroclaw:
I Semester
 Numerical and Optimization Methods
 Power Quality Assessment
 Power System Faults
 Fault Calculations
 Dynamics and Control of AC and DC
 Power Electronics
 Advanced Technology in Electrical Power
 Foreign language – A1 or A2
 Foreign language – B2+ or C1
 Sport classes
Laboratory practice
II Semester
 Circuits and Systems
 Protection and Control of Distributed Energy Sources
 Water Power Plants
 Renewable Energy Sources
 Integration of Distributed Resources in Power Systems
 Electromechanical Systems in Renewable Energy
 Analog and Digital Measurement Systems
 Simulation and Analysis of Power System Transients
 Diploma placement 4 weeks
 Elective course from Management block
III Semester
 Photovoltaic Cells
 Industrial Ecology – Selected Issues
 Legal Regulations and Investments in Power Systems with Distributed Energy Sources
 Modelling of Electrical Machines
 Electromagnetic Compatibility
 Energy Storage Systems
 Artificial Intelligence Techniques
 Diploma Project
 Elective course from Law block
IV Semester
 Diploma seminar
 Master’s Thesis
 Elective course from social and ethical block
 Elective courses from A block and B block
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Compact information about standard MSc Programme RES
WrUT (4 sem.)
Organisation of studies
 full four-semester duration of the MSc studies at WrUT including three theory semesters
and Master’s Thesis semester, programme includes a 4-week internship (industrial
candidates with the B.Sc./B.Eng. diploma from EU/EFTA and non-EU countries
(preferably B.Sc.
in electrical/ electronic / thermal or related field)
Linguistic demands
students and alumni of WrUT – passed English
at the B2 level (min. score 4.0) – only standard
4 semester programme in WrUT
 EU and non-EU candidates –
Tuition fees
non-EU candidates – 4000 EUR/year
home and EU candidates – free of charge
Important enrolment deadlines
 submission of all required documents – by July 15th, 2016
(for the full Master Programme at WrUT, Poland)
 acceptance decision (studies in Wroclaw) –
by the end of August 2016
 paying tuition fee for the 1st year of studies –
by September 30th, 2016
Admission procedures – only WrUT
admission procedures for full-time students are defined by Admission Office in
cooperation with International Office of WrUT. Details can be found at:
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
3.2.2. Double Degree RES Programme with the University of Magdeburg (UMD)
Joint project with the University of Otto-von-Guericke in Magdeburg, gives the opportunity to
achieve two MSc diplomas in Electrical Engineering at the same time - from the Polish and German
university. The students can benefit from the Double-Degree option being a proposal for a limited
number of best applicants. After having spent one year in Wroclaw, the students are sent for the
remaining year to the University of Magdeburg, Germany. Following the successful completion of
the degree requirements at both Universities the students will obtain two Master of Science degrees
from the WrUT and from the University of Magdeburg.
In order to fulfill the degree requirements from both institutions, the students enrolled in the
program must satisfactorily complete a set of compulsory (core) courses specified below.
Additionally, elective courses should be taken, so that number of ECTS gained at each semester
amounts at least 30. The total number of ECTS points needed for graduation is not less than 120.
The courses completed at the partner University replace (with all the ECTS and grades received) the
ones foreseen in the program at the home University. At the OvGU the students have to take
courses listed below and realize the Master Thesis with defense (30 ECTS credit points) during
semester 4.
Compulsory courses at UMD
III Semester
 Power Electronics
 Power Network Planning and Operation
 Power System Economics and Special
 Electromagnetic Field Theory
 Digital Information Processing
 Research Project
 Soft skills
IV Semester
 Diploma Seminar
 Master’s Thesis
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Compact information about Double Degree MSc Programme RES
WrUT (2 sem.) and UMD (2 sem.)
Organisation of studies
 two first semesters of MSc studies at WrUT and third and Master’s Thesis semester at
UMD, programme includes a 4-week internship (industrial placement)
recruitment students of MSc programme at UMD
(DD option), 1st semester of studies.
students matriculated at MSc programme at WrUT
(DD option), 1st or 2nd semester of studies
B.Sc/B.Eng in electrical engineering or related fields with an overall grade min. good
Linguistic demands
EU and non-EU candidates – TOEFL test with
a minimum score of 213 points (computer-based)
or 79 points internet-based; IELTS (min. 6.5); CAE Cambridge Advanced English (min.
grade B); CPE Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency (min. grade B); UNICERT III
Tuition fees
non-EU candidates – 4000 EUR/year tuition fee at WrUT or respectively tuition fee at
no tuition fee for students matriculated at MSc Programme at WrUT and students
matriculated at MSc programme at UMD (DD option) as partner Universities
Important enrolment deadlines
 parallel admission at the WrUT and UMD is required, submission of all required
documents – by June 1st, 2016 (for the DD Programme at UMD and WrUT)
 acceptance decision (studies in UMD and WrUT ) –
by the end of August 2016
Admission procedures – parallel at WrUT and UMD
Wroclaw University of Technology Admission Office
in cooperation with International Office of WrUT:
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, International Office:
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
3.2.3. Double Degree RES Programme with the Irkutsk State Technical University (ISTU)
The Programme seeks to foster student exchange within the context of bilateral curricular
development. Students will benefit from having an added Polish and Russian curriculum and cultural
dimension to their studies through a combination of bilateral curricular innovation and study abroad.
The joint Collaborative Power and Electrical Engineering Graduate Programme is based on the
Programmes already existing at the WrUT and ISTU: Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
“Renewable Energy Systems” (FEE, WrUT) and Master of Science in Power and Electrical
Engineering (FPE, ISTU), which can be run independently at the respective Universities.
In order to fulfill the degree requirements from both institutions, the students enrolled in the
Programme must satisfactorily complete a set of compulsory (core) courses full listings of the
graduate courses at both WrUT and ISTU are given in. Additionally, elective courses should be
taken, so that number of ECTS gained at each semester amounts at least 30. The total number of
ECTS points needed for graduation is not less than 120. The courses completed at the partner
University replace (with all the ECTS and notes received) the ones foreseen in the Programme at the
home University. The competences acquired during the studies at the partner university are this way
recognized as equivalent to the competences to be acquired in the local Programme
Compulsory courses at ISTU
I Semester
Numerical and Optimization Methods
Power Quality Assessment
Power System Faults
Dynamics and Control of AC and DC Drives
Power Electronics
Advanced Technology in Electrical Power
 Foreign language – A1 or A2
 Foreign language – B2+
II Semester
 Selected Problems of Circuit Theory
 Protection and Control of Distributed Energy
 Water Power Plants
 Renewable Energy Sources
 Integration of Distributed Resources in Power Systems
 Electromechanical Systems in Renewable Energy
 Analog and Digital Measurement Systems
 Simulation and Analysis of Power System Transients
 Diploma placement 4 weeks
New Year at ISTU
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Compact information about Double Degree MSc Programme RES
ISTU (2 sem.) and WrUT (2 sem.)
Organisation of studies
 two first semesters of MSc studies at ISTU and third and Master’s Thesis semester at
WrUT, programme includes a 4-week internship (industrial placement)
recruitment students of MSc programme at WrUT
(DD option), 1st semester of studies.
students matriculated at MSc programme at ISTU
(DD option), 1st or 2nd semester of studies
B.Sc/B.Eng in electrical engineering or related fields with an overall grade min. good
Linguistic demands
EU and non-EU candidates – TOEFL test with
a minimum score of 230 points (computer-based)
or 87 points internet-based; IELTS (min. 6.0); CAE Cambridge Advanced English (min.
grade C); CPE Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency (min. grade B)
Tuition fees
non-EU candidates – 4000 EUR/year tuition fee at WrUT or respectively tuition fee at
no tuition fee for students matriculated at MSc Programme at WrUT and students
matriculated at MSc programme at ISTU (DD option) as partner Universities
Important enrolment deadlines
 parallel admission at the WrUT and ISTU is required, submission of all required
documents – by April 15th, 2016 (for the DD Programme at ISTU and WrUT)
 acceptance decision (studies in ISTU and WrUT ) –
by the end of August 2016
Admission procedures – parallel at WrUT and ISTU
Wroclaw University of Technology Admission Office
in cooperation with International Office of WrUT:
National Research Irkutsk State Technical University (ISTU), Irkutsk, Russia
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
3.2.4. Required admission documents for RES Programme : WrUT, UMD, ISTU
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Applying for Study in WrUT – Required Documents
Admission for academic year 2016/2017 is already open
Deadline 01.06.2016 – Double Degree Programme*
Deadline 15.07.2016 – Full time programme in Wroclaw
All information concerning admission procedures are provided by Wroclaw University of
Technology Admission Office. Please visit the and select English
WrUT at this moment requires direct contact of applicants with the Admission Office. There is no
personal electronic registration in the admission system for international applicants.
Documents required for admission for studying (Master Programme/second-level studies):
1. A filled in application form*1
2. Notarized copy of your degree certificate
What you should do to submit the required degree certificate
If your degree certificate is in English or in Polish:
o Have the original of the degree certificate legalized by the Ministry of External Affairs in
India (Apostille)
o Have the legalized degree certificate copied by a notary public
o Send the notarized copy to the admission officer
If your degree certificate in other language:
o Have the original of the degree certificate legalized by the Ministry of External Affairs in
India (Apostille)
o Have the legalized degree certificate copied by a notary public
o Make a sworn translation into of the notarized document into English or Polish
o Submit the notarised copy and the sworn translation to the admission officer
3. Notarized copy of your English Language Certificate*2
English language competence equivalent to 6 IELTS points is required. Please attach notarized copies of
documents which confirm your command of English.
Please note: Students who graduated from an English language speaking high school or higher education
institution are not required to submit any additional documents to verify their English language proficiency.
4. Notarized copy of your passport
5. Notarized copy of the transcript of records
6. Photograph
7. Medical Certificate
8. Notarized copies of your secondary and higher secondary school certificates
9. Agreement signed by you in two copies
10. Copy of the insurance policy
11. Digital Photograph
12. Confirmation of payment of the tuition fee*3
13. after the confirmation by Admission Office of positive decision about enrolment to the programme
applicants who needs visa to stay in Poland are obligated to organize visa for the period up to 30 of
October of the last year of the programme*4.
Orange text: documents are to be sent by e-mail only; Blue text: documents are to be sent by post or couriered;
Important notice: to be enrolled you must bring with you to Poland and submit to the Admission Office of Wroclaw
University of Technology original listed above documents. No copies will be accepted at this stage! The admission officer
will create a copy with a conformity of the copy to the original.
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Admission Office of Wroclaw University of Technology
Phone: +48-71-320-3170, fax: +48-71-320-3570
e-mail: [email protected]
* DD - double-degree is the optional programme to standard full 4 semesters Master Programme in Wroclaw. DD is based on bilateral
agreement between Wroclaw University of Technology and Brandenburg University of Technology and assume one year of study at host
university and one year in partner university. DD requires parallel admission process performed simultaneously in both partner Universities.
Therefore the list of required documents, registration in admission systems depends on individual rules of the partner Universities. Final
acceptance of enrolment to DD programme is achieved on the basis of particular acceptance of both partner Universities. DD programme is
limited for selected number of the best applicants.
*1 DD – for DD programme add additional comment in application form and inform admission officer about application to parallel
admission process in partner University.
*2 DD – for DD programme language preparation requirements are defined in the bilateral agreement and can differ from general requirements.
*3 DD – for DD programme issue concerning tuition fees are defined in the bilateral agreement and can consider free of charge for the students
of partner University.
*4 DD – for DD programme the diploma of both partner Universities are handle at during official convocation ceremony which is organized at
the beginning of October of the last year of the programme.
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and
Information Technology
Applying for Study in UMD – Required Documents
Admission for academic year 2016/2017 is already open
Deadline 01.06.2016 – double degree programme
All information concerning Master Programme in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology is
available at:
General information about admission procedures are provided by OvGU Magdeburg International Office:
UMD requires personal registration in admission system, however international applicants applying on the
basis of bilateral university agreements (Double Degree Programme) send their applications to the university
directly without Uni-Assist service.
List of the required documents:
1. a complete application form *1
2. a concise curriculum vitae with details about your educational history, practical experiences (if applicable),
research interests, etc.
3. higher education entrance qualification (e.g. Secondary School Leaving Certificate, High School Diploma, Alevels, Abitur, one or two years of studying, etc.)
4. Bachelor of Science in power engineering (electrical, electronics, thermal or related engineering fields with a
minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) equivalent to 2,3 on a German scale, means “good”).
5. Equivalent qualifications (e.g. Fachhochschul Diploma) with a minimum grade of “good” will also be
6. transcripts of records (list of subjects taken)
7. professional experience or knowledge in power engineering if the Bachelor degree or equivalent is in another
field of study.
8. a letter of motivation (your reasons for applying for PE and career perspectives)
9. two letters of recommendation from professors or employers
10. certificate of proficiency in English*2. TOEFL test with a minimum score of 213 points (computer-based) or 79
points internet-based; IELTS (min. 6.5); CAE Cambridge Advanced English (min. grade B); CPE Cambridge
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Certificate of Proficiency (min. grade B); UNICERT III certificate. Exempted from this regulation are only
students whose mother tongue is English and students from countries in which English is the official language.
If the language of teaching in your previous course of studies was English, you still have to provide certificate of
proficiency in English.
11. no tuition fee is considered in UMD for international students, applicants are selected during recruitment
In case your documents are not in German or English, you have to provide certified English or German translations
from a sworn interpreter.
Your application will not be processed if your documents are not certified or incomplete.
Blue text: documents are to be sent by post or couriered*3.
* DD - double-degree is the optional programme to standard full 4 semesters Master Programme in Wroclaw. DD is based on bilateral
agreement between Wroclaw University of Technology and Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (UMD), Germany and assume
one year of study at host university and one year in partner university. DD requires parallel admission process performed simultaneously in both
partner Universities. Therefore the list of required documents, registration in admission systems depends on individual rules of the partner
Universities. Final acceptance of enrolment to DD programme is achieved on the basis of particular acceptance of both partner Universities. DD
programme is limited for selected number of the best applicants.
*1 DD – for DD programme add additional comment in application form and inform admission officer about application to parallel
admission process in partner University. Additionally only in case of applicants from WrUT to DD programme in UMD all required
documents should be first delivered to Vice Dean Office for Development and International Cooperation, D-20, room 215, Janiszewskiego 8,
50-370 Wroclaw, to Mrs Jowita Rutowicz (71 320 44 01) in order to collect confirmed copy of original documents. This obligation is required by
Wroclaw University Office for Study. International applicants applying on the basis of bilateral university agreements send their
applications to the university directly without Uni-Assist service!
*2 DD – for DD programme language preparation requirements are defined in the bilateral agreement and can differ from general requirements
*3 DD – for DD programme issue concerning tuition fees are defined in the bilateral agreement and can consider free of charge for the students
of partner University.
Questions concerning the studies
Any questions concerning the studies may be addressed to:
Jowita Rutowicz
International Exchange Programmes
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Wroclaw University of Technology
Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland
Phone: +48-71-320-4401
Fax: +48-71-320-2619
e-mail:[email protected]
Organisation of studies at the WrUT
Academic calendar
The academic year starts on the 1st of October and ends on the 30th of September and is divided into
the winter and the summer semester, from October to January, and from February to the end of
May, respectively. Examinations are held in February and June and are followed by a break.
The official calendar for the academic year 2016/2017 will be soon published on the web
(please visit ).
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
ECTS, the European Community Course Credit Transfer System, was developed by the Commission
of the European Communities in order to facilitate recognition of students’ achivements during
studies abroad. It provides a way of measuring and comparing academic achievement and
transferring credits from one institution to another. Thus it enables students to study for a certain
period abroad without delaying their studies at home. ECTS is a tool to create more transparency
and to facilitate academic recognition. The three basic principles of ECTS concern information on
the participating university and its courses, agreement between the home and the host institution,
and the use of ECTS credits to indicate student workload and performance.
ECTS credits are values allocated to course units to describe the student workload required to
complete them. They reflect the quantity of work each course requires in relation to the total
quantity of work required for completing a full year of academic study at the institution concerned.
What they do not reflect is the quality of work. Test results are reflected in grades, but as grading
scales in Europe differ a lot, the ECTS grading scale has been developed in order to help institutions
to transpose grades into their own system of evaluation. In ECTS, 60 credits represent the workload
of one year of study; normally 30 credits are given for one semester and 20 credits for a term
(trimester system). They represent the workload required for a course in relation to the full workload
of the academic year; that is lectures, practical work, seminars, private work – in the library, in the
laboratory or at home – and examinations or other assessment activities. Practical placements and
optional courses, which form an integral part of the course of study, do not receive academic credit.
Non-credit courses may, however, be mentioned in the transcript of records. ECTS credits are also
given for practical work and the preparation of dissertations for diplomas and final examinations if
these activities are part of the official study programme and are assessed on completion. Credits are
awarded only when the course has been completed and all required examinations have been
successfully passed. Each course of this MSc. programme is assigned with the number of ECTS
Examinations, completion of courses
The following grades are used for crediting a course or a group of courses:
very good
good plus
satisfactory plus
2.0 (means that the student has failed to get credit for the course).
The student gets credit on the basis of: various tests, projects and other scholarly achievements
during the semester and also on the basis of her/his attendance of the scheduled exercises, projects
or seminars.
Putting things into practice is most essential to the progress of your studies. Attendance of the
scheduled laboratory exercises is therefore obligatory. Failure of presence without reasons more than
2 times leads to failure of exercise.
By the end of the given semester’s fourth week of classes the examiner determines the form of the
examination and proposes dates for the examination.
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Written examinations usually take 1.5 hours. Examinations are held during the end-of-semester
examination period. The student, in consultation with the examiner and with the Dean’s consent,
may take an examination before the set date. The grade awarded in an examination, held no later
than within the end-of-semester examination period is entered with a date not later than the final
date of the examination period.
The student has a right to take the examination at least twice during the end-of-semester examination
period. A failed written examination can be repeated by an oral examination. The new mark will
replace the old one. A failed oral examination can be repeated by a written examination during the
next international semester, one year later. The new mark will replace the old one.
Apart from their regular classes, students have individual access to language and computer
laboratories and receive assistance from teachers in the form of individual consultations.
Master Thesis
The Master Thesis subject is an obligatory course whose scope corresponds to the main field of
study, specialization and level of study. Within the degree course the student prepares Master Thesis
understood as work.
The Master Thesis work constitutes a monographic study in writing consistent with the specified
subject, which may be supplemented with models, graphic designs, prototypes, construction,
technological specimens, computer programs, etc. being an integral part of Master Thesis. Prior to
the commencement of the Master Thesis course, the Faculty Council, which runs the main field of
study, approves the subjects for Master Theses and the language in which they are to be conducted.
The student chooses the subject for Master Thesis and thereby the supervisor who conducts the
Master Thesis course.
Having completed the curriculum, the student submits the Master Thesis graded by the supervisor to
the dean’s office.
Upon completion of the curriculum by the student, the Dean organizes the degree dissertation taken
in front of the degree dissertation board. The degree dissertation consists of Master Thesis
presentation and examination of the student’s knowledge within the scope specified in the
Facilities of the WrUT
Admission Office and International Office
WrUT recognizes the unique cultural adjustment problems which face students from abroad. The
University further recognizes that a full and meaningful education and the solution to adjustments
problems for international students will deepen in part on their understanding of Polish culture
through contacts with Polish students. Several initiative are lead by Admission Office and
International Office
Admission Office
Admission Office
Wybrzeże Wyspianskiego 27
50-370 Wrocław, Poland
International Students Recruitment
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
building H-14, rooms: 110 and 111
e-mail: [email protected]
tel. +48 71 320 37 11, 320 31 70, 320 44 39
fax +48 71 320 35 70
Admission Office distributes information about the application procedures including:
 study options and published prospectus,
 how to apply with application form and framework for the admission process,
 fees
 application deadlines,
 accommodation, insurance, residency in Poland, cost of living,
 published portable guide.
International Office
International Office
Wrocław University of Technology
Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27
50-370 Wrocław
Room 144, building A-1
Fax: +48 71 320 20 98
Tel: +48 71 320 46 72
The International Office provides information, counseling and advisement to international students
on all noncurricular issues including immigration regulations, financial issues, personal concerns and
general Polish academic questions. The office also coordinates cross-cultural programming and other
extracurricular activities with campus- and community-based organizations to facilitate development
of cross-cultural understanding.
The International Office is a part of the University administration and is concerned with the
international relations of the institution including exchange programmes, as well as the general affairs
of foreign students.
International Office deals with service of Full- time international students studying at Wrocław
University of Technology. The scope of duties of the employee of the International Office includes:
 acquiring application documents of foreign students from Admission Office, creating
database of students and sending documents to individual Faculties,
 preparation of certificates required for Temporary Residence Permit Card and insurance,
 students financial service,
 contact with Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange regarding to
Polish Government scholarships,
 preparation of lists of scholarships and scholarship refund for Bureau for Academic
Recognition and International Exchange,
 contact with Faculties, Regional Office, Border Guard and dormitories,
 sending internship and work offers received by International Office to the students,
 preparation of reports about foreign students for Bureau for Academic Recognition and
International Exchange, the Central Statistical Office, Border Guard and the Senat of WrUT.
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Practical information from WrUT are also allocated at the International Office website:
 Academic Calendar
 Holidays and days off
 ECTS Points
 Foreign Languages
 Sports
 Humanities
 Residency in Poland
 Public Transport
 Money and banks
Language courses
The University offers courses of Polish Language for foreign students. Interested persons should
Foreign Language Department
8 Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego St
50-370 Wrocław
tel. +48 71 320 31 87, 320 31 17, 320 40 22
fax +48 71 328 25 21
e-mail: [email protected]
Department of Polish Language for Foreigners
8 Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego St
50-370 Wrocław
tel. +48 71 320 31 17
tel./fax +48 71 320 22 23
e-mail: [email protected]
The Main Library and Scientific Information Centre,162.dhtml
is placed in the main building of the University
(Wyb. Wyspianskiego 27, building A-1, third floor).
This is the second central technical library for
Poland. There are also branch libraries in the
institutes, faculties and other organisational units,
which together with the Main Library form an
integrated information and library system of the
The latest technology is integrated into library search
and retrival systems in order to strenghten both
undergraduate and graduate programmes. There is
also access to a number of library catalogues at other
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
major universities. Extensive coverage for periodical indexes, abstracts, and other bibliographic and
full text databases is provided by database suppliers.
Main Library invites to use digital collection of books, text-books, monographs and special collection
dated before 1949.
Working hours: Monday to Friday, 8.00 a.m. - 8.00 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
The library of FEE is a part of the main library of WrUT. The library offers text-books, dictionaries,
periodicals and magazines available both for the students of FEE and WRUT as well as academic
teachers and non-WRUT students.
Working hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.- 2 p.m.
Cultural and sports life of the University
Special attention is paid to students’ time spent out of classes. Support (also financial) is given to
students’ cultural intersets and activities, amateur artistic creativity, competitive or recreational sports,
and trips. Artistically gifted students can develop their talents and creative passions in such areas as
music (Academic Choir), film and film art, photography (Film Discussion Club “Politechnika”,
Academic Film Makers’ Club “Fosa”, Photographic Agency “SpAF”) or the student broadcasting
centre. Performing arts range from classical to innovative music, theatre and dance programmes
students have the opportunity to be involved with all the events through attendance or residency
Regarding sports and travel, a number of activities are offered by the Academic Sports Association
of WrUT (AZS). The AZS Club offers a unique diversion from academic life through instruction
and extramural competition on a club basis. Special care is given to the needs of handicapped
students, for whom a special rehabilitation club “Remedium” and a semi-sanatorium have been
Open recreation provides an opportunity for informal non-scheduled activities at the various
recreational facilities on campus for students, faculty and staff. The University has several
recreational centres located at attractive travel resorts in the mountains and at the seaside.
Official formalities in Poland
Obtaining a residence permit
After arriving at WrUT all foreign students must apply for a residence permit at the local
government office:
Voivodship Office, Department of Citizen Affairs (Wydział Spraw Obywatelskich)
Plac Powstańców Warszawy 1, room 348
50-951 Wroclaw
Phone: +48-71-340-6531
Application forms for a residence permit are also available at the International Office at WrUT.
Obtaining a visa
EU students wishing to study in Poland for longer than three months should legalize their stay by
obtaining (after their arrival) the temporary residence permit.
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Non-EU students wishing to study in Poland for longer than three months should obtain (before
their arrival!) a student visa available at the Polish Embassy in their home country.
The students admitted for the Double-Degree option of the MSc. Programme should additionally
apply for the Canadian visa for the period of their stay in Canada. The WrUT will issue a certificate
of enrolment that is to be submitted to the Canadian Embassy at the applicant home country.
Health insurance
Medical care in Poland is not free of charge. Thus foreign students are recommended to buy medical
insurance in their home country. Free medical service is available for citizens of EU countries.
The National Health Service is available to all international students who register with the students’
or public medical center on arrival. Basic medical care (including hospitalization) is free of charge for
EU students. Non-EU students should buy basic medical insurance.
Additional information
The WrUT guarantees that it will provide every foreign student with accommodation in a students’
or assistants’ hostel. All residences are situated two or three bus stops away from the University
buildings. The range of facilities offered varies but most of them have areas for study and recreation,
cafeterias, laundry facilities and car parks. The cost of a room in a hostel can be estimated at 230-290
PLN/60-70 EUR per month. It is also necessary to pay a deposit of 100 PLN/25 EUR. There are
double- or triple-room suits with a common kitchen, toilet and bathroom.
One of the student dormitories
Residences internet pages
 Student residence T-2 "Telemik"
 Student residence T-3 "Straszny Dwór"
 Student residence T-4 "Czworak"
 Student residence T-15 "Hades"
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Student residence T-16 "Tower"
Student residence T-17 "Ikar"
Student residence T-18 "Hotel Asystenta"
Student residence T-19 "Piast"
Private accommodation
Many students rent rooms or apartments in the city. The cost of private housing in Wroclaw is 350700 PLN/75-150 EUR per month. Information about private accommodation in the city available
for the students can be gathered from local newspapers, the Internet or the Manus Foundation at
Computer facilities
Students have easy access to computer facilities (including the Internet) which are placed both at the
students' hostels and at each faculty.
Student card
All students receive a student identity card (one passport-sized identity photograph is needed to
obtain the document) entitling them to 50% discount on public transport in the city (regardless of
age) and 37% discount on national railways (only when they are under age 26). The card also entitles
the student to the use of the university library, sports and other facilities, but also to discounts on
tickets to Wrocław cinemas, theatres and museums.
There are no work limits both for the EU and non-EU students. If you find a job the employer
should apply for the work permission for you. Information about the permission regulations is
available here. (only in Polish language).
Gazeta Wyborcza – magazine „Praca” – every Monday
Gazeta Wrocławska – magazine „Giełda pracy i nauki" – every Tuesday
Employment Services:
ul. Kuźnicza 57/58m.1
Tel. +48-71-341-8054
[email protected]
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
ul. Ruska 51
tel. +48-71-371-0979
tel. +48-71-371-0945, -946
Employment Office „Praca dla Żaka”, MANUS Foundation
Plac Grunwaldzki 7/5
Building D-5
tel. +48-71320-2374, e-mail: [email protected]
Trams and buses
Wrocław has an extensive tram and bus network. City transport begins operating around 5.00 a.m.
and continues until 11.00 p.m. There are also night buses lines marked with the numbers 200 and
above. Tickets are available at ticket automates whitch are in bus and tram or stations. The ticket
must be validated on a tram or bus by using a automates.
Students can also use the URBANCARD. With the card they can buy a bus or tram ticket for a
longer period of time. Information is available at
It is very convenient to buy a monthly ticket enabling one to travel by all the buses and trams
throughout the city. There are also suburban buses (marked with the numbers 600) running to
neighboring villages, the cost of a ticket is as follows: 2.60 PLN/0.80 EUR (normal fare) and 1.30
PLN/0.4 EUR (reduced fare). It is also necessary to pay for any carry-on luggage whose sum of
three measurements is larger than 120 cm.
When taking a taxi one should choose a cab with a chequered marked, "TAXI" sign on the roof and
a meter inside on the dashboard. It is advisable to order a taxi by telephone as it is much cheaper and
more secure. Examples of taxi telephone numbers: 19622, 19661, 19625, 19191.
In Poland drivers keep to the right side of the road. It is prohibited to drive under the influence of
alcohol or drugs (remember in Poland beer is also an alcohol). If a car is brought to Poland it should
be insured at the border. The cost of insurance depends on the size of the car and can be estimated
at 430-650 EUR per year.
As the Polish climate is very changeable it is necessary to bring different kinds of clothes. A warm
coat and sweaters are essential for the winter months. Also a waterproof coat and sturdy shoes can
be useful for the rainy days that occur very often, especially in spring and autumn (some winters and
summers are rainy as well). Winter clothes are needed from October/November until March.
Average temperatures
spring (March-May): 5°C - 20°C.
summer (June-August): 20°C - 35°C
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
autumn (September-November): 5°C - 18°C
winter (December-February): -10°C - 8°C
Money and Banks
Polish money (PLN) is counted in złoty (zł) and grosz (gr); 100 groszy is 1 złoty.
Coins are issued as 1 gr, 2 gr, 5 gr, 10 gr, 20 gr, 50 gr, 1 zł, 2 zł, and 5 zł.
Bank notes are issued as 10 zł, 20 zł, 50 zł, 100 zł, and 200 zł.
1 EUR = 4.00 PLN
1 USD = 3.00 PLN
Banks are open from Monday through Friday (8.00 a.m. till 5.00 or 6.00 p.m.), some are also open on
Saturdays (till 3.00 p.m.). Credit cards (VISA, VISA EXPRESS, American Express, Mastercard etc.)
are usually accepted at shops, hotels and restaurants. In the town centre banks and private offices
(Kantor) provide money exchange, but some take a commission.
It is also possible for foreign students to set up a bank account at some of the Polish banks. There
are three choices of bank accounts in Poland:
 current account which provides a person with a banking card for obtaining cash or making
payments at the bank and at every post office; at regular intervals one receives a statement
showing transactions on the account,
deposit account which can be useful if one has other funds which may not need to use
immediately and which can therefore earn interest in the meantime,
foreign currency account.
To set up a bank account students need their passport, custom declaration describing how much
money is being brought to Poland (it should be asked for at the border crossing) and a letter from
the university confirming their student status.
Costs of living
Typical costs of living in Wrocław:
 accommodation in the students’ hall of residence - 310-550 PLN/75-130 EUR
 private accommodation - 450-1000 PLN/100-250 EUR
 lunch in the university canteen - 15 PLN/3.50 EUR
 food per month - 300-400 PLN/80-100 EUR
 public transportation per month - 60-170 PLN/17-43 EUR
 cinema - 15-26 PLN/4.00-6.50 EUR (1 ticket)
 other (i.e. books, clothes, laundry, hairdresser) - 400 PLN/120 EUR
 Total cost of living per month – 1500PLN- 2000PLN/360EUR-480EUR
Meals at the University
The university offers lunch in the university canteen which costs about 12 PLN/3 EUR. In addition,
many buildings on the university campus have their own buffets and clubs serving light snacks.
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
There is also a wide range of fast food restaurants on the university campus. In the city there are
plenty of cafes and bars where vegetarian food is served. The most popular one is situated in the
main city square.
Food prices
Food prices may differ from one store to another and according to the season. Food is still relatively
inexpensive by western standards.
Approximate food prices:
milk - 2.00 PLN/0.60 EUR/litre
bread - 3 PLN/0.80 EUR/kg
butter - 3.60 PLN/1.00 EUR/200g
cheese - 11-39 PLN/3.00-11.00 EUR/kg
meat - 10-30 PLN/3.00-8.00 EUR/kg
eggs - 0.40 PLN/0.11 EUR/each
fruit - 1.50-15 PLN/0.40 - 4 EUR/kg
potatoes – 6.00 PLN/1.50EUR/kg
beer - 2-5 PLN/0.60-1.35 EUR/bottle
Eating habits
Poles usually eat three meals a day, two being cold meals and one hot. The day starts with breakfast
(7.00 a.m. – 9.00 a.m.) consisting of bread and butter with cheese, jam or meat. The second meal,
dinner, is between 1.00 p.m. and 4.00 p.m. and usually consists of soup, potatoes with meat and
salad. It can be followed by dessert – cake or ice cream. The last meal, supper,
(or dinner) at 6.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m. may be similar to breakfast but sometimes also comprises warm
7.10. Smoking and Drugs
Smoking is prohibited in most public places in Poland. This applies also to Wroclaw University of
Technology. Narcotics and heavy drugs are strictly prohibited.
7.11. Electricity
The electric current in Poland is 230 volts with a frequency of 50 Hertz. The European standard of
double-pronged outlet plugs is used.
7.12. Shopping
There is also a wide range of supermarkets outside the centre that are open sometimes even 24 hours
a day. It is also possible to buy some products at night shops and filling stations which are situated all
over the city. Shops are mostly closed on Sundays, nevertheless in the city centre some shops are
open even on public holidays.
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
7.13. Postal service and telephones
Public telephones require special tokens or magnetic cards that can be bought at any post office
(poczta) or newspaper stand (kiosk). It is also possible to use Cheap Calling Cards. It is cheaper to
use the telephone during off-peak hours – typically after 6.00 p.m. weekdays and on Saturdays and
Local calls – dial the nine-digit local number (starting from Wroclaw area 0-71 code). Long distance
calls within Poland – dial 0, wait for the dial tone, and then dial the area code and a number
(Wrocław’s area code is 71). International calls – dial 0, wait for the dial tone, dial 0 again, then dial
the country code, area code and local number.
Emergency services (these calls are free of charge):
998 - fire brigade
997 - police
999 - ambulance service
Service numbers:
118 913 - information on local numbers
118 811- information on local numbers in English
118 912 - information on international numbers
Post offices are open from Monday to Friday, usually 8.00 a.m. till 8.00 p.m., and selected ones on
Saturdays. The post office at Rynek in the town centre is open 24 hours daily. Most post offices offer
a wide range of services, e.g. sending telegrams, faxes, making telephone calls and selling postage
stamps and postcards.
Cost of standard postal services:
domestic post card - 1.30 PLN/0.40 EUR
domestic letter (100g) - 1.30 PLN/0.40 EUR
international post card - 2.20 PLN/0.60 EUR
international letter (100g) - 2.20 PLN/0.60 EUR
international priority letter (100g) - 2.80 PLN/0.80 EUR
domestic parcel (1kg) - 5 PLN/1.30 EUR
domestic telegram - 7.00 PLN/2.00 EUR
international telegram - price depends on the country
7.14. Polish public holidays
1st November - All Saints’ Day
11th November - Independence Day
24th December - 26th December - Christmas
1st January - New Year’s Day
March or April -Easter
1st May - Labour Day
3rd May - Constitution Day
Thursday in May or June - Feast of Corpus Christi
7.15. Polish language
Useful Polish expressions:
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Yes - tak [tuck]
No - nie [nyie]
Please - proszę [pro she] e as in step
Thank you - dziękuję [jen koo ye]
Excuse me - przepraszam [pshe pra sham]
Hi, hello - cześć [chesh ch] ch as in church
Good morning - dzień dobry [jen doe bree]
Good bye - do widzenia [doe vee dzen yuh]
Good night - dobry wieczór [doe bree vee ye choor]
Enjoy your meal - smacznego [smuch ne go]
I don't understand - nie rozumiem [nyie roe zoo miem]
How much is it? - ile to kosztuje [ee le toe kosh too ye]
How are you? - jak się masz [yuck sh’ mush]
How can I get to... ? - jak dojść do ..... [yak doyshch doe…]
7.16. Medical and health care
Medical care in Poland is not free of charge. Thus foreign students are recommended to buy medical
insurance in their home country. Free medical service is available for citizens of EU counties.
7.17. Students and scholars with disabilities
The Student Office provides assessment and advice and can make special arrangements for
examination and other assessment. Most academic buildings are accessible by wheelchair but some
access routes can be long. Dedicated car parking spaces are allocated on campus. There are two
dormitories suitable for students with certain disabilities not far from the campus.
7.18. How to get to WrUT
From the airport, Wroclaw
You can take bus 406 from the airport to the city centre, get off at Dworzec Swiebodzki (former
Swiebodzki Railway Station) and take bus 139 or 149, or tram 0 or 4 if you want to get to Plac
Grunwaldzki (and later to the main University building A-1, Wyb. Wyspianskiego 27) or to the
student dormitories at Wittiga street. Students should be careful when traveling on public transport
as trams and buses very often use detours as a result of the frequent road renowations and building
operations throughout the city.
From the Main Railway Station:
Take bus 145 or 146 at the front of the station or trams 0, 2, 8, 9 or 16 if you want to get to Plac
Grunwaldzki (and later to the main University building A-1, Wyb. Wyspianskiego 27).
Go further to the student dormitories at Wittiga street by trams 2 and 10.
From the Central Bus Station:
The Central Bus Station is situated vis a vis the Main Railway Station, so you can take trams 8, 16 or
get to the MRS and further follow the directions as above.
7.19. Map of Wroclaw
The interactive city map is available on-line at:
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
7.20. Map of the University
Using the following link you can find the map of the University:
The map illustrates the location of particular buildings within the campus.The map is also attached at
last page of this booklet.
Contact information
Wroclaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,242.dhtml
Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland
Admission Office
Admission Office
Wybrzeże Wyspianskiego 27
50-370 Wrocław, Poland
International Students Recruitment
building H-14, rooms: 110 and 111
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel. +48 71 320 37 11, 320 31 70, 320 44 39
Fax +48 71 320 35 70
International Office
International Office
Wrocław University of Technology
Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27
50-370 Wrocław
Room 144, building A-1
Fax: +48 71 320 20 98
Tel: +48 71 320 46 72
Dean’s Office for English Language Studies and International Exchange
Jowita Rutowicz
Wrocław University of Technology
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Janiszewskiego Street 8
50-372 Wrocław
Room 215, building D-20
Tel: +48 71 320 44 01
Fax: +48 71 320 26 19
Students Guide for MSc Studies CPE & RES
at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland