1.0 Application[Icon]
1.0 Application[Icon]
RUG-la-egB2 03: taP rRON: BLOGPLAI'EARCO o 9743843478 T0:9Pa?5904a Pz 1,t5 APPLICATION gccbl Us pcnlt RECEI\rED GARFTELD CO^TINIY PIJNI\MYG DEPARTMENT :Otnigttt Stro.t, Sufr"a{x} Sprhg CO tl60l . Glenwood 'l'elopbonc: 97 0-94 -OZl2 Facsirnite: S ,i;;' g 7 O-3 84.3 47 O sEP 2 CTARFIELD 5 2002 COUNry BUIIDING & PLANNII{G Base Fec: $,t00.00 Submittal Date: Applicurt: Address ofApplicaor 'elephone: Conditional Use Boing Rcqucstod: Zone District: Sizc of propony' b:* . LtS oreneg Applicatiou Rcqulreoents: Ttese items must bo submitted with tlc aoorication l ') Plans-and specifications.for thc qroposed use including the bours of operation, the amount of vebicles accessing thc site o, duily, yalof mlonuybasis, and the sizc ofaay cxisting or " utiitdy1uy proposcd struchrres thrtwitl bc incoqjunctio.*-t h'tr this infonnation in nanutive forrn and bo spccific. Uyou will bc using waler or will bc tiating rvastcwater in conjructim with the prcposed usc, plcasc detail sc amount of water ttret would bo usod and the tlpc of wa*u,"tor'uoL*e If you will bo utilirinS ortu wcll pcrmit and any other 3c.ll yaar, please attach n legal wator $upply inforrnation, inctuding "opy or an apprlvcd water augmentation plan. " A map ttrawn io scale portaying your propsrty, all stmctures on dre property, and the county or sato roadways within oue (i) miie of yo,r pripcrty. you If are proposing a new or expanded acccss otrto I county.* ro{way, submit s ari**"y fip*.i;;#zubmit 2') .rrr"** *iio"lo1aiii ilo*., 3') or hiffi,d.;p;;' tlo of yourproperry, 4') Avicidtymap, showingslope forwhicl aU.s-.G.sl t:24,0-06;;iJqruarangte nap will sufEcc. 5') A copy of the appropriatc portion of a Garfield_cq*_ty Assessor's -\Iap showing all public and privatc landowuors adjacent to your groperty. Include a list of all propert/ owne- and 6cir addresscs. 6') attacu e coPy of the deed and a legnl deocriptioo of thc property. If you are acdag as aD ag'nr for rnusr attac-h an acknowredgem.it dootr" p-p.*v o*r"-rr", you ,.y * f,ffirililfr.rou 7') You must submit an impact statcmcnt consisteni wi0r fre requirernents of$ctrJrEri5.5:03; .pgBgFJbg nlinr'3. (oa industrial bpo use applicatiorr r..ti'or, s.o3.o7 aad 5.03.08 will bc nccessrryto address). Thc considerution of &is f;lPosea spocial uso will requirc at Ieast oue (l) public hearing for which - public noticc must be ffus ptanning ognutni.ni*rti ;1iiy"" inisn,atiou.on-."^iog tui, hearing(s), appooxitni"tvis &vl prlor to ttircr,lo.roo g. iJu *iu required to norifi, by certifiodretum rcceipt oail to alt owners of record t"o_E es shown in-tho Assessor,s Office of lots within 200, of the subjoct lot aod to all owncrs of mineraltterur in the subject propsrry aac publish tbc notice provided by tbo Plauning Dopartnent, in a ncwspaper of generel cigrlation Borrr these notices rnust bc mailcd/published at leasi:0 6ut not ,noru ,n* 60.L.", jrlo.," ,t" p"uu. hearing. Tho appticant shall th-c cost of mailing and publication and proor p[uu*tron rnusr be submitted at ttre lcar trmo of public hcaring. "Tlq{. n*t oiniitirita The informstion containcd Applicout **'Pleare, \ withir application is complcte snd conect, to the bcst of ury knowlcdge: fi::,H Narrative of Plans for Home We were gifted approx. 28 acres of land that already has one single family motJular home on it. We plan to place a second modular home on the property with its own separate well, septic systenr, and utilities. This home will be placed on a foundation. The home will have 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. It is 1,869 sq. ft. We plan to designate this the primary home on the property. The other home, which is less than 1500 sq. ft. will be designated as the secondary home and is already are planning to set up will occupied. Since the home we be our primary residence, the hours of operation cannot h accurately stated. The amount of vehicle access will be limited to no more than 3 vehicles daily. We do plan to use and set up the plan provided to us by the county building office for our septic systenr, which will consist of a 1,250-gallon septic tank with an adequate leech field. As for our well we plan to drill at least 76 ft. if not further. The well will be hooked up to a filtration and water conditioning systern We have provided a copy of our well permit application. The home will have its own electrical meter that will be set up by the electrical company in our area. We have provided a copy of our electrical permit as well. We also plan to set up an appropriate propane tank on the property to provide gas to the home for energy purposes. Exnlanation of Plans for Section 5.03 1. As we explained above we plan to drill our own well to provide water to the home, set up the septic system suggested by the county building office, and set up utilities appropriate for our homes energy needs. 2. We are not aware of any improvements needed to access the property but we do plan to pave the driveways on the property. 3. We do plan to install a fence along the adjacent property line. We do intend to include some sort of landscaping to provide privacy to both sides of the property Iine. We do plan to set up a streetlight outside along the driveway as well for safety purposes. o BO'd -IUIOJ 4Fh, I \oM'I I .;: rr.,,: I !.tp a\ 1..' r- \br I I IE, \, rr. i:iii' rriir isli;i = r ->zul-? I3:$ g >-FI,i't; ,4*gf,rr l'i:i-:i t;;i HC;;l (lfirD "jm tQ ::'H-slX / [ffiffi, [:;ii] **oiAi6_ (r xq r$ ..\ iElt ; F l'a l:t' , o':l '.\\ ir iiil ! ,.. I xo Tt -. rrr N x't I 'HE OrC % v "+-c; I .G >/, {?E "dH$ \r rb i-" J : .,i I -. ', il \6 riN t F i:r i '- iii 6 zG <E ts..\ i=l i 'iY L--.-*l rl, x'il ffi ,ti i 3l SJ eP ,: 1d.\ 8L -r*' f9 "1k rn) )r-t ... I \J \ -,:r ll*i A)%-*4 $:'i ,..oi'::-r;--g't--'q. "n 'a:. \ Hi: i affiB $i e--' I i a;" 7+ '_r- 32*{,'i: ,s iiI i:. ,!{. ,^ I >'<--fr' v ! I I i I ! I I B00q:a'ca"] TecD 7sq a)'* rrsur. roJt#ui-'ot "Adiof*" o,,u r ri'J'8P' urt?iJt^ii,oflo,, o SEFI0-02 T-287 09:17 P 00r/001 F-443 STATE ELECTRICAL BOARD ELECTRICAL PERMIT NUMBER: 425832 JOSEPH WILLEY P.O. BOX 1084 RIFLE, CO 81650 Daytime Phone: 970-625-+1 31 Power Supplier: PUBLIC SERVICE. RIFLE Owner Name: JOSEPH VV]LLEY & BRANDY Job Addrees: 30414HWY6&24 Fax: 970-625-9044 RIFLE GARFIELD DIRECTIONS TO JOB SITE I NSTALI-ATION DESCRI PTION Modular SeMce MODULAR HOME INSPECTOR: Owens- For lnspection Call: 970/62&6086 Squarc Footaga: 0 Cost of Elcot. Work: $ 1,950 S Fee 45.00 Paid by: Check # 1789 COLORADO STATE ELECTRICAL BOARD DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AGENCI ES 425832 1560 -ogan Street, Sun6 550, Danv6r, Coloredo 80203-1941 Phon6: (303) 894.2300 425832 @oFWATER Form GWS-44 (1/2001) REI'RCES DEPARTIIIENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1313 SHERMAN ST., RM 818, DENVER, CO 80203 phone - info: (303) 866-3567 main: (303) 866-3589 htttr//w* 866-3581 fax: (3O31 jrJL 1 5 RESIDENTIAL Noh: Also t,3c rhls form to applv ror llvestock wetorins Water Well Permit APPlication 'iiiUl"ii'i.Hi" Revlew lnstrucllons on revcrlo rldc prlor to completlng form' The form must b€ completed ln black ink. 1. Aoolicant lnlormetion N*m _6_.__V:_e_g_f_W-q!!(check.9g:licable.-boxes) See rnstructions ro determine use(s) lor which you may quallly [l A. Oroinary F,ousehold use tn one single'family dwelling ot 6PPlicrnt & Ig$P-1 --!reN.v-"!.i rd6,ots l-i-e-v-- (no oulslcle us€) M6iling 525 E. 1 2th St. B, Ordinary household use in D -l u6 -_-_Tg,:tsEo filiG-- lttvru' t6?5-4131 2. Tvpe Of Applicarion (check applicable boxes) [Use existing well E Constrr.r n€w well I D increase use Reapplication (expired permit) Cnangc 3. Hefer To (if aPPlicablgl Well porrnir , Oggqnatcd B8sin Oolslmrslias I W!ta, i wrll I E Home gardenilawn irrigalon, nol to sxc€od one scte: E sq. tr, E acte arca iriigated El Domeslic snimal watering wettp3g_iggP9ggg1 _l rlro Mlrrmum pumprno flother, Courl ca3e ncmc or f , otiiooOn 4. Location Of Proposed Well CauntY I--r/4orth€--1/4 Garf igld -ijiirmie ot Mll .,- _.*-.. )-.... _ -.-.. -_-- iB, lte l,om 3eclron lrnss (*crion hncs 0l D Effi I "H,tittp:r.- ! typrcallv nol proportv lrne6) qq rr.rromElNES For rapltcamnl well' qpm lE ,66t enrual lmounl (o ba withdrlwn I iI acro-leet Aquiltr i tap ol name YEs kJ NO supplier: 9, Type Of Sewage SYstem I - - (non-commerciall 8. Water SuPPlier lr thl", pr*"| *,thh boundaries of a water eervico area? U , lf yes, provide s.ilr-----"fg;ilfi,e dwellings: C. lrvestock walering (on farm,rranch/range/pasturel ! r-rr I to 3 single-farnily Number ol dwellings: l___t_ D Replace exrsring well 0 Change source (a<iuilar) 2AA2 Ftrrcm!EBw Cenrral system: District name: Vault: Locotion sewage to be hauled to: D Other (attach copy ol engineering design and report) f O propo""d Well Drillor License #(og!gr,gll-4&,. I t. sigt"t.lte_g! Applicantls-L qlqbgtkoq-Agglt onlY ,6et Sepric tanx / absorption leach lield direction [,efr lcorton .dd.r.. lil .gpirc.bbi f i," rn"fing ol lalee stat€ments herein constitutes perjury in the second=degree, which is punishabl€ as a class I misdemeanor pursu6nt t0 C.R.S. 24-4-104 (13)(a). I hav€ read the statemonts herein, know th€ contents lherecf 8nd state rhat lhey are lrue tC !nyl!qti,!€dg9' Optionrl: GPS well location inlotmation in UTM lormat Reouired scltinos tor GPS unils aro as lollows: Format murt br UTM i 3 Nonhino i Marors o.rum mulr b. NAD27 (CONIJS' E 66ting Unrt rutl ba sat lo lruc nonh wers pornrs avet.q,al? D vgs E no 5. Parcel On Which Well Will Be Located zom mst b.l I lr'nrts mu6l be I I I idv----S=-9!ltse-9:l nama : usus mr9 A.You mu6t check and complete ono of the following: tr t] E tr subdivlsion: Name Lot- ' Block- -z : *",''----- ( 7. fteA Filing/Unit Counly exemption lattach copy ol county approval & survey): Lot 'l r. i i It' I Parcel less than 35 acres, not in a subdivision, attach a deed with metes and bounds description recorded prior to June 1 , 1 972 cooy ol rh! dlsd or turvGYl: -- Squaro 40 acre parccl E. stttr P.r6.l orilY wsulmtrx. lo, lootlooll: pr ; ;;# A--Q - -:--- - involce il 495e85 7tl5/g? -- 1:58:11 Plt Cashier ID: 0l r 69,00 I aa deecribod in ltem 4 p.rc.l, [J vrs ! No lil no Check Furchase- il1742 I tr Parcgl of 36 or morg Scres l.tr.ch Intt.r cnd bou,rd, d.tctrptron ot surv!v) D Olher trrtacl mrlal & bou^dt orlcrtpilon d turvly 6,}d tuppdllno documontr| , Q. lrl Ya lha own€, ot thrt pltcol? B. a ol E,tt ln pcacal Z.UAI ,$vesENotitno-m,nrtructonrr D. wittrnobrtha ";., *"-". * I Name/# tr I i ?,,to\te.../i*\t Nome/,q Mining claim tort.ch r -T-F --- 6*"pr __)tu -lirt othtr w'llol cwcE lopo- nl, i(v[e'c1 MYLAR 585 o,u { *o Y'I-!a--!q .\ \' : /, 'e-\ L<^. t\ )-l - -----! - .]-:-.-*:. | a=+'- ot, ) / tJ P 'll ).i. ( .)\ In' -r i .\ s rrJ lE q ,, I{ ,\ ,, I r/! ia r:l i- I LS rt ii -l"^'[ o; t. trj n.; J J ,frr' ,lll iI ll rtt ri ll // [), .\i \i\ )' ro) \ \\ '\ \ rl (\ \, .A i I -z==- C\ ," Sz\ -- r /22/ /,aL ^ / \ u=. -'-'//'/ ___-/4_fi/ _-_.-_-/_ \(11 f\ ;l[""n\ 4- ll "e:3 (J : ,.1 ir'.1 1l . )l ,I,i ,) .D,) l ',a^, i 1 I .it ;i1 J-- \ ( l/-( ( rl .rl \\ _ _;_---._-!= o/ a/ -\, ( -V'tAlr / \J".,o, (( (,J : -)I \r* ..\ .-. F1uno3 IN I o _gi I o V) /a' (o I 9. I <l r.a -+,, |l^c'^ I \-/ tr.l /:\ U ot, z tl o \o/ !, i l,t I o- r a E N I frl >\ r.] a N o f- Ill-u.4r loi -', / \o/ l(o CV .= I ,r' --<-l{I I /(,, I LLl') < \s) 11F\ -1 o\r/ - /3\ \g/ fI---] t;, I I lot rrr,brt\x I -o I o o o I o I <l 1J o lr I \ l;r/ m v N ( t(r Ur (o ol O o \ ! I cr a ':)o/'t l,l tl ) h o C\{J I o) o I I l-l dJ 6\ Ir. \9 (, <t E .! r (J A liRrl r\(o/ t9 '6r \\ (/)or \\ \)\. \.'' \\ rii ). o o' (r l* >=< r39 ) ?il. Ipr 6 roN (g) / t1r\ A) 2,F I --'z/. \.)\( \:N \u',,. xfrJ -t /e\ lrrr I 7.lqt la tz 2t= I (n .Fv .J <r Pnor\ ///h I It si li , rlii ta li\ (O I *\---g -{'' -Jro/row '\.\. \ 'l , Addresses of Adiacent Landowners I . Robert &, Elaine Coloroso P.O. Box 33574 Northglenn, CO 802 33-057 4 2. Verna Mullet 14459 County Rd. l8 % Ft. Lupton, CO 80621 3. Donald & Angela Parkison P.O. Box 790 Glenwood Spritrgs, CO 81602 .ilffiil lllll llllll lllll llll lllllll llllll lllll llll llll 608315 OE/O5/2hO2 O4229? 81375 P497 il RLSDORF t oe 2 R 10.00 O O.00 GRRFIELD C0UNTY C0 L{q7 Rccordcr QU ITCLAIM DEED TIIIS DEED, between of made verna this d day July,2002 of L. Mullett County the of Weld and State or Colorado , grantor, and Joseph O. Willey and Brandy WilleY whose legal address is 349 South 9th Street #6, Rifle, CO 81 650 ll County of the of GartieH WITNESS, thar the Sranror, for and in consitleration of the sum , grantee and Srate ot Colorado or ten dotlars and other good and valuable consideration presen6 DOLLARS, the receipt an6 sufficiency of which is hcreby acknowletJged, has remised, released, sold and QUITCT-AIN'IED, and by these joint does remise, releasc, sell and QUITCI-A,IM unto the glantees, their heirs, successors and assigrs forever, not in tenancy in common but ln tenancy, all tlre riglrt, titlc, intcrest, clairn anrl rlcmand which the grantor has in and to thc rcal pr()perty, toS,cthcr with improvemcnts, if any, and Statc of Colorado, Garfield County situate, lying and being in tlte of described as follorvs: See Exhibit "A" Attached hereto and Made a Part Hereof also known by street and nunrber as; assessor's schedule or parcel number: TO IIAVE AND TO IIOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurt€nances and privileges thereunto belonging or in any\ise thereunto appcrtaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and clairn whatsoever of the grantor, either in law or equiry, to tire only proper use, benefit and behoof of the granteest their heirs and assigas forever. The singular nunrbcr shall inclutle the plural, the plural the singular, and the usc of any gctttlct sltall be applicablc to all gendcrs. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor has cxecuted this deed on the date set forth above. STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss County of Weld ) day The foregoing instrument was acknowlcdged beforc me this q July, 2002 of Verna L. Witness my hand and official seal. Itlyconrrnissioncxpircs: I , -^-l n f',_; .SL-#6-Rifle,CO 816s0 Nurr No. 962. Rcv. {-9{. QUITCI-Ali\t DEED (lo Joint Tcnants) I- / /-t' - O l; /-i b an<l Addrcss of r'.,",, ti*i,r,s .{h, N""!--iiJi;r"l tb""ptt(ir&ls.ioe l. c lt s r 3!q k -'l llull lull lllllllltlilll lltrililu !!! llllltlll llll l'l RLSDoRF 81375 P4sE bblliio'izsiiisoz 04taeP z-ii z R 10.00 D 0.00 cRRFTELD couNTY c0 Exhibit "A" Township 6 South. Range 92 West of the 6il'P.M. Section 7: A tract in Lots I and 2, South of the South right-of-way of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad and North of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the East line of Section 7 whence the Section Corner common to Sections 7, 8, 17 and 18 bears South 00o36'00" East 4,555.27 feet; thence South 69"36'00" West 265.53 feet; thence South 72"22'00" West 792.00 fbet; thence North 78o16'00" West 595.00 feet; thence North 84o49'00" West 462.00 f'eet; thence South 64o08'00" West 363 00 feet; thence South 49o08'06" West 325.00 feet to the West line of Lot 2, Except the West 300.00 feet of even width of Lot 2. No. GARFIEIDU'UNTY B I)ILDINA, SANITA TION ad PIANNTT.IG DE?ARTMENT l(D tth Srrcct Suitc 3fiI Glcowood Snri.A", (3O3) golorl* tra0, 9,t5{2r2 Job Naturt ot-m Ofen Contractor-_ Olmgr Arouor of krmit g 141 ffi e. Wiffey .00 Investlgatlon pn," January 18 , Fee | 72.00 S. Archuleta l I E L9g4 5007 0ARI|i.It,l) 00uNI'y AI'TI],ICA]:ION FOIT BU.ILD:ING rliIUI.Tl] I'UIOIt't' Assessorre parcel TO pLease # 0t,1 tv_.q4f IJE llrjnf or trx,u,fr ,DDRCSS BDTVTS FJ TLING (9 x FC rJ ON LOl'. l! II scLbfri|-i- LEGAL (sEC BLOCK II /'t,wN /ttNG ) tl LING E i,o'f I,LAli No'r'E: sltow easenenLs, pr"i"*,J lir*-El6llorr. a17 rsl:lter st:t.rrct:ur:es , specify nortlt, and streei ,ra,rk}. I'or oejrl -s/r,:ped 7ots, or if space is tr:o srrrai I , 1tt.ot,i<le sepat a te pl.ot p7an. / ,J e^n 4DDITESi J?'l' {4' C) DA'IE ll oF DUrr,Dl:NGs Now oi' pancni J unr, oI uulr,Drtucsi Now_.oN pnu9nw. NE 94 l:gpe /_. ( a-po^l S/ ^^ r C'tt>." e A Ir IAT4E r:r( qru &'a .(k 5oo7 NUI.II}EI{ ,TIDDRESS N C.I1'Y d o TJ \+ (, a t T E () LICENSE -_1 C!{\SS Orr vEfl ___ t)Et'toLrsfi ^t,7'ERA,rroN REzATR ___rqr______,flil I! ----- /lDDrr,top F-f-_-\ t,otrE $OB|LE ilOt,tE (make/todel) il.ur f/"I t ,,,,*n :x,,i:i? ""'u IITREPLACE "on TRON,I' PROTDIITY L:tt'IE .:ul'rrlNTs I{47'ER SUPPLY SII'E PdAN E r/orUa :;.t". oF BUTLDINC R,Al __ tr -or l,or!!, - rtErcrtr _tl -___ ?: lLooRS . /-:' DRIVEI{AY W n'rr[cnEn 3o1r| tl., L i:,|*' ,i.^';r,i:;?,!,' r:i:rnan DDSCR7'L1'r'IoN otf ttoI.K pt dli'r,ttt: PDRMI,T' 1]TIILDTNG PI,ANS .l7lyr?any sEttER ()N SII'E SDTIAGE (.)'1'tIER CLDAIIANCE DTSPOSAL PERM.I'1' v) 1/n , f herebq acknawl<:dge thai "t lrava read tltis al;l>licaLiorr atrd tlte abc>ve i.s cor-rect and f a9ree to conrplv w.itl, a.l j coutrty ordlltance.s .rrrdAtate Larn's r.-egulf, tj il.clinq constructir. Zi) sI I'ALUAl'ION lrfn/rrf'I' IIEII l'oT'AL E',EE $ Y f,td*loy .oO lyq I t'_ I DAI'TI PERMIT TSSUEI) qllR 0ti'rrcE usn otrr,v FL0OD IIAZAR,I PI*iffiTTE€,( I;'ED oo scilooL .It4PncT ttltE --- ZONIIIG D-rS7'IlTCT CIiRTIT'TL:D BLDG ELEVAI'ION SPEC.l'At COND{I'rONS ta10Bt'EI"1S I'YPE OTI OCCUPANCT 'ryPE OIt c?ilsI.RUCI?off 7.'tt I,El?M7'1' ADDIl'1'ONAT, ] NT'O'II{fl TJOT' NEEDED cclt't,rttil:D lJy CQLORADO OR ENGl'NEE|1 APFROVED: //DA'1,'E AI'PIIOVED: NN TN(; 118 G r s,1' E RE D rttJD -Eiav t; y oi L, t' 'i-A November 10, 1993 Don: 1. -i I tentatively set up an inspection /investigation of this property for you on Monday the 1Sth, It is a shed used for storage that was built without a permit. Michael sent them a letter and they came in and filled out the permit. Mr, Bernie Willey is going to contact his father in California to discuss ttris with him. They may be intetested in calling this an agricultural building. However, Mark said that he did not think that this property was being used for an agricultural use. When you look at the building, would you please look at the use of the property and give me an opinion on whether or not it is agricultural. I asked Mr. Willey to make out a check for the $144.00 fees on the permit. He may or may not have this depending on what his father has to say about it. Thanks, "rrdl & .'-z: -^,W ru,a /A.'3 o rt W // -/{- ? 3 *t -Ow S-rr--*tiJ Z:j* C 3"o t-t/q "4ryt t, e.U*-^ xda-,v* 6ry, W,I,r;il" ry, *'lbt', L*rrLrL il.,g/A*-;,-l*)' ,W , /Rxzo -h.,u-,4-o't-l-C//Fr+)*r_r*q 2xI ,-b,u,l ;h q,by A afi,, or1 4_J Ar.,*{" Tqpg.h, T*,4a!44rfuido*,Affirt, p. o o .:1. |*f frL"- p-;^L 4, p---^ft r;.*t "1"4.*d{-!,,* /.gr-^ : t --. t Narrative in Regards to the Existing Residence This house is a modular home with the axles and wheels still in place underneath and skirting around the bottom. The house was actually remove from a site near Rifle Falls and transported to the site where is now. Olen and Opal Willey purchased the property in 1967 . The home and septic systems have been in original form since the initial installation in 1967 . Since building and septic permits were not issued until 1973, there is no documentation regarding the home or septic installation. To my knowledge there have never been any major improvements, additions, or maintenance to the home or septic system. Further more, there are no plans to make any changes to the home. In regards to the water that supplies the home, the original water source was an open well that was dug by hand and water was also hauled to the home from an outside source. Some years later a well was drilled and I have provided a copy of that well permit. I have also provided a copy of the floor plan for this home. ln regards to the vehicle traffic on the property, there will be an average of 6 trips on and off the premises a day. RECETVEI} Joseph Willey /flrrandy Willey ,% G.4'C&K OCT 2I 'daat CIARFIELD COUNTY & PLANT{ING alronrc Property Owners r''{,iLil ctu' henu (&, t. > - t'[VV 6tgi1- \ 5\?f Jt, n:rtw,6vc( Ahy#'' O.o*oDo WRJ.5.Rcv.76 DrvrsroN oF wAren netces 818 Centennial Bldg.. 1313 Sherman St., Denver. Colorado g0203 must be complete where -/ peautr TO usE cRouND WATER (a,e ('tyPERMlr "rA PERMTT applicable. Type or print in B LACK I N or in f^*2\ ;'l' ?.Y 1 PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Applrcation FOR: ( K. No overstri kes erasures unless itialed. /.\; '. f:i: ,. o- To coNSTRUCT A WELL TO TNSTALL A pUMp \c.) } REPLACEMENT FOR NO \.'1. } OTHER (1) APPLICANT . mailing address -^i J/ u, , .;*./ \:,:j,, .'.i'.)' i\'r): j:' FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: DO NOT WRITE IN THIS COLUMN ., rrrarvrg Recerpt No - 5,1q\q \\'..\.,1 [d ]rt sTREET crrv ?rQ\qTELEPHoNE No. ?7o 'f- Basrn 9r: -,S. Cornty C,.c. " 3.f,) i This well shall be used in such a way as to cause no material injury to. existing water rights. The issuance of the permit does notlssure the-applicant that no injury will occur to another vested water right or preclude another owner of a vested water right from seeking relief in a civil court action. $.,\& qfiry{Ae.b,A,,a^s.?2+<W, 6 G p.u 7- ?5 Proposed maximum pumping rate (gpm) to be appropriated lz 3 water (acre-feur't, of ground / 52 2 r77 >f RrQ o f E.t/ 5.t/t. / 3o7 t/.t/ (1 - -?r)2qon: Proposed total depth (feet): Aquifer ground water is to be obtained from: .',-. c- 07/ oa a?/ Sai/-'-. no irrigation r 466o f,; F- /3oc )- LIVESTOCK (2} ) oTHER (01 Ft O- (9)_ DEIAIL THE USE -feur< lzt:r ,,ff,fllyHffl[, () INOUSTRIAL (5) ( )tRRtcATtON (6) ( ) MUNtCtPAL (8) COMMEBCIAL (4) c_ 1(6 €/- j{s27 Owner's wel I designation ({t HousexoLo usE oNLy P?.?rsffi€t/-lerrqll /.,^ /3aa : o.sar'E4_r. zuo/) Number of acres to be irrigated: 4 //a,2,'u-- G /a-o /z ri (r( (zu-tZ "',f "' g /n.au( (3) WATER USE AND WELL DATA Average annual amount Drst. B(.hi.r,(-. (2) LOCATION OF PROPOSED WELL I ! ( ' - \(?c,ir; - WATER COURT CASE NO. jl 'on '|)' APPLICATION APPROVED ON BACK IN (11) (4) DRILLER PERMIT NUMBER *,^" ,lfirn 5 fun,-,*, o^ DATE ISSUEO EXPIRATION DATE Street City Telephone No. tic.No.7 7 8Y t.o.-.r COUNTY 23 3F ,a. ,(] (6) IH +- -+-| -l- -_ !-- -l- l<.-_ r M|LE, s28o FEET Lr, r-r+r-1- I f+ n^ NORTH SECT -l - I -+- lI t atS 6arr. _1_ /3oo + -' I -l- - + +_ ft.from LOT--BLOCK + + _4ffil(_sec ,€r/sf (€art or wait) -]_- -t I i r (7) r_ocAIEA No.of I 7 urro, iJt.rs e. i3 --F- I -+- I f-+ + + I I -+ lt i1 I ++ the only well Owner: Will this on this tyacr? (B) PROPOSED I I Irr T++++ + rtl l-+ -l_-+-+--F-r- sec. line .-FtL|NG I I rine SUBDIVISION I + rrom be 7Z J CASING PROGRAM Plain Casing from + 1 ,ro (? 42 in. tro^ 41 o t.ro 6o Ao $o Perforated casing 4/:, 42 A.J loo $o 6, in. tr. ft. ,r. I + I I -It.rt in. from ft. to-- (9) F98 REPLICEMENT WELLS and direction from otd + it: ft. stuu weilai7ffisior ,r/4 The scale of the diagram is 2 inches = I mile tach small square represents 40 acres. Jirtun.. ptulging WATER EOUTVALENTS TABLE (Rounded Figuresl covers I acre of land I foor deep l:I cuorc .t-:t-";b9t toot per second (cfs) A famrly of ::t-.j:: S ...449gailons pgr minute (gpm) wilt require aop.roxi-"tity I *i"_rooi oi *"(er per year. - I :.._11f 99 1,00o gpm oump€d reer . .'izs.soo ;ffi ;, :yu;c "o",i.roriiv ;;; ;;;;#;o',jt"". o.o, acre.reer (10) Owner(s) {z1- : f , h-..'//e No. of acres: t 2"f .96 Legal description: (11) domestic wells must indicate type of disposal system to be used. 42 uSe ( 'aSa / /, n / -'c au lS-'/c- <<c4- 12) Type or rtghl Used for (purpose) Descriptiorr of land on whrch used (13) THE APPLICANT(S) srATE(s) THAT THE tNloEMA-TtoN SET FORTH HEREON IS TRUE ^TO THE BEST OF HIS KNOWLEDGE. flGNATURE OF APPLICANT(S) Use additional iheeti of paper if mors rpace ir required. >a [-"--f* I rI i T,I i r i L,_ I Ietae tkd:: ilEeg iBE93 iiEEE gcc:; El:tE {.A6i iqi F IIEEiE B's$F I lilr EEES 8X I I trifi Nt I llrF 1i.i \ o & I \ sT J\\ $ E*E [ \ \ E \..9_ \\ \\ \'.i tr li ;i.ff =V+ k\ \,\ \i.E \ ..l- \i \ \i\ \,..i fr\\ \,:1i,'' i\ i \ = i. l i n Ll d rr. !\ \ BeSh i let€ i I q \i q \i' ! .i i-:*1 r \\\1 s 6* s' a o U o (+ a rr bu!= rE:,6 $i r', tr \, Ir !i \\' ",\ ir I t to s. \o Fl . - i :r-l ir..\ \i \\ t\ 9l a*l h"I l*? lEe $. lil o > \,i ii h,\ \iiH O) @ ii.i'i i,i I'. t1 N n I tsP tt IBE HI i ,r O- s'sq! " q;E u H. Sg,e (-f tt5.. o ir:i i-,i i.': I IriilII IrHH l*H Hl = .il -E'\ i* I si \[ H ili It It [ :i F;$ \U l.l lui O kSE -[----+.,--ii H 8ss id'o* I ii L___r q8l H I,i 11 l,:\ qSF, H 6-ds I i'i ii ,^ b3 e*8 *BiHEEEEHEHEEE SHEC .LR aB arF trE oE >q H i,i H H iii'i l6 ti R oo i,i tz gEEEEEeHg-$EE E EE X Fg}X: iU H x> E 8E Eo !iog*-* lh BFEEE IE i aEEEi In Hc s E EEEEE Ie E* I I I E Jt I B *; cl 6-P FFk , 6 9F F:( o; Hd dY53r 8.F 3; coF iD EEgEnaIE FFiS EEEEE i.3!i ?a€ FB'E !9 C'F o a* oX tso th @< 3'9 86a !Rts 9dE HE$E ts llai i-i s= EEHEE $F$38 tsi E n II H H g E 8a o E>f, 'U J2 d () a sC) E> F E'l lt.oo s i,i It H H II H U II H ll ,tt tot F iiE;tE 'ti I BE ! i.i i.l i:ri l! H a+ _'' 3 BB on S l- B lil E o S F6 ll o EEEEEEEEEE * : X E B! 6i:i:Y t\ Is EEEEE:EEEE o\ i.r'l o E t' i=,i H i,i ll I i,,i H i,i H i.j SEEs -s t.* 1Q,1. n lisr ii$i" !,'.1 ili i.,'"i ir,i [-i ir:i i'i i'i ti $E ( (\ N \l e-) T