Amano MJR-8000 User Manual
Amano MJR-8000 User Manual
AMANO ry NIJR'SOOOsERtEs v I v B E FOREP RO G RA MMI NG 1. \d Unlock and removecovercasewith caseopeningkey. Plug in battery connector(3P, blue and red wires)to CN-2,locatedat lower right, outsideof frame,on the main PrintedCircuit Board(JCU-'lA). For full power reservebattery,(option; 200 imprintsfor lN/OUT or 4 hoursdisplayduringpowerfailure)plug in connector{4P,blueand red of wires)to CN"11on brown coloredPrintedCircuit Board(JPR-1A),locatedon righthand-side frame,under keyboard. 3. Connectthe powersupplycord to AC 2201240Y outlet. The printersectionwill movebackand forth severaltimes.and displaymay showan error code8-80. To resetthis error code8-80,slide the cover caseback on and lock it. then put caseopeningkey into functionkey slot, and turn it to function mode,then press Pll key. below: Clearthe datawhich may be in memoryarea,follow the procedures P res s k e yEst r t r t n e n@ @ @ -) Now, memoryareais clearand readyfor programming. Press keys L1l rc j El manual, Then,start programming accordingto programming SPECIALNOTESFOR PROGRAMMING l. To clearthe data. - a. Calendarandclock datamay be changed,but not cleared. b, To clearthe datain memory,pressthe followlngkeys: trtrtr trtrtr t nen @@@ ..... t nen @@@ ..... trtrtr .n*EEE c, al l empl oyee'data s cl eared. al l programdatacl eared. . . . . . all employee's and programdatacleared. To cleardataon the display: - To clear simple key-in errors,before pressing [!l area),just presslct-l t"y. - below: To cleardataon displaythat is in memory,presskeysin sequence parameter proqram numberthat needsto within the address Whenthereis only onestep be cleared,@ @ within the proqramaddressnumb€rthat When there are two or three step parameters needstobecleared, trtr EEtr key (beforeentering10 memory tr u.J u +^t TE4 7-/n ( . aL{4/tt (tecc a, - l- d. \/ To changeon the display: Whenthere is only one stepparameterwithin the programaddress number: lN"*d"t"ltr Whenthere aretwo or threestepparameters within the programaddress number: IN"''daGl tr Newd;tE N;*d;t tr 2. Whendata is clearedor new datais entered,be sureto pressE key, b€foreturningthe function key switchto the "NORMAL" position,in orderto enterall new data into main memory. 3. Programming of days(MondaythroughSunday)will be in numericcodeasfollows: 4. Therearefour programming areasin the MJR-8000series, asfollows: programming Section 1: Clockandcal€ndar area This areacoversclock and calendarprogram. programming Section 2: Basic area ..... tr E tr trtrtr This area coversannual scheduleddates.such as summertime and nationalholioavs. Section 3: programming Signal area{option) tr tr tr trtr tr This areacoverssignalschedules in specifieddays. Section 4; programmingarea Workschedule This areacoversall workingschedules. 5. Proqrammed datacan be printedout for verificationon programcheckcard. To havethe programmed dataimprint.pressfr-]ftltEl. Y lhen Insert program check card. Whenthe programcheckcardreturns,turn it around,and re-insertto continue. v - 2- PROGRAMMANUAL AND CHART MJR.SOOO AREA SECT I O N1: CL O C K A N D C A L EN D A R PR O GR A MI\4l N G N U MB E R- P R E S S Jl l | !l A D D R E S S PR O GR AM T O C AL L rH E PBOGRAM ADDRESSNO. SAMPLE DATA I I 000 8 6 PROGRAMCODESAND EXAMPLES # -. Ll -l PROGBAM DATA C a l e n d ayre ar (1986) 1 l\4onthday Date (May 18th) 5 1 8 000 2 'I 5 2 I 000 E E H o u r a n dM i nute(P M3:28) 3 SECT I O N2: GR E A B A SIC P R OGR AIV | M IN A T O C AL L T H E P R OGR AMAD DR E S SN U MB E R _P R E S S E E P RO G RA M ADDRESSNO. SAMPLE DATA 001 3 2 5 1 001 I 3 0 E 2 002 0 E 1 003 1 1 003 0 2 003 3 0 E PROGRAMCODESAND EXAMPLES Month and DateSummerTime starton. (lMarch25th) lMonthand DateSummerTime finishon. (Septem ber 3oth) for 0-9. Machlnenumber-programmable Singlemachineuse,enter0. l\4orethan one machine,enterthe f rst digit of the timecard to the machine. numberassigned TimecardNos: 000-099, enter0 TimecardNos: 100-199, enter 'l Timecard Nos: 2OO-299, enler 2 a E PROGRAM DATA E E lmprint of hoursfor lN/OUT time. O : 0-23 Hours(militarytime) 1 :1 -1 2 1 1 - 12 A M/P MH ours (Underlinefor PlVlHours) time, lmprint of the processed r nute(00-59) 0 : R e g u l ami 1 : 1/100thof hour (00-98) lmprint of day of the week. 0 : E n g l i s hdays (MO ..... S A , S U ) 1 : F re n c hdays (LU ..... S A , D l ) 2 : G e rma ndays (MO ..... S A . S O) days (LU ..... S A , D O) 3 i Sp a n i s h 4 : l ta l i a nd ays { LU ..... S A , D O) ..... 6, 7) 5 : D a y n u m bers (1 j a. E I -3- v (Continued) 004 1 0 1 E 1 005 Month and Date for publicand National holidays(Jan.1st) E E E E E E E 1 006 I 007 I 008 E 1 009 E I I 010 E 1 011 E E E E 013 '| E E o14 E 1 012 I I v 015 1 E E 016 E E E E E E E E 1 o17 1 018 I 019 1 \/ IMPORTANT; v Upon completionof BasicProgramming Area, be sureto press I I I key to enter the data into main storage. PROGRAMMANUAL AND CHART MJR.SOOO -,, sEcTtoN3: S I G N AL PR O GR AMMIN GA R E A (OP TION ) NUMBER - PRESS ADDRESS ro CALLPROGRATVI E E E PROGRAMCODESAND EXAMPLES 0 E 020 1 1 2 o23 1 2 o24 1 o25 1 2 026 I 2 o27 1 2 E 1 0 1 o22 I 2 enter Note: lf the signalis not applicable, fo-l L : t. for 1ststepparameter:to be programmed daysof weekin codenumber. applicable I 3 5 o2^l 8 1 0 for maximum Signalduration-programmable 1 5 s e c o n d (E s xampl e10 S ec.). E Davcooenumoers: fn. L 't ' lt) : Tuesday E TJ : Thursday lol : Saturday l:l' -a-t Lv l. E E Monday . Wednesday frr. Ll l ' Fri day E S unday # : MondaythroughFriday tr;-.l : lMondaythroughSunday LVI E E for 2nd stepparameter:to be programmed signaltime in 0-23 hoursand minutes. E for MondaY Note: lf the signalis applicable and Friday,key in asfollows: Wednesday, F-l fil f5-l l=fl , ana be sureto check t-hatthe displayshowsthe abbreviations of MON,WED,and FRI after Pressing the numberkey. lf the siqnalis applicablefor Monday throughFriday,ente,just f8l lFl E a. E E o2a 1 2 o29 1 2 IIM POR T AN T:U poncompl eti onof S i gnal programming area,be sureto press LI-l key to enterthe data into main storage. E 4 E 030 1 2 E 031 I 2 E o32 # 1 2 E 033 1 2 E 034 I 2 E a), v MJR.SOOO PROGRAMMANUAL AND CHART SECT I O N4: W O R K SC H E D U L EPR O GR AI\4Ml NAGR E A . E-P R RE S S E E S r o CA LLP ROGRAAMDDRE SNUMB E PBOGEAM DATA 3 088 # 1 088 # J 2 7 E 088 3 \/ 089 # 1ststePParameter: Maximumnon-overtime hoursper week. Hoursexceeding this amountwill be sorted asovertimecategoryA. 8 0 0 E 2nd stePParameter: Maximumweeklyhoursfor overtime this amount categoryA. Hoursexceeding will be sorted asovertime categoryB. Example: The hoursover40 hoursper weekaresortedas overtime categoryA, and over48 hours ascategoryB. lf overtimecategoryB is not requiredenter in 2nd stepparameter. E is required, lf no overtimeclassification enter p] is both lst and 2nd stepparameters. 1ststep parameter: Time rounding: roundingunit for both lN/oUT time. 2nd stepParameter: In-timeroundingpoint. E 3nd steP Parameter: Out-timeroundingpoint. E 4 0 0 0 1 \,,/ 090 1 5 E 090 6 \l/ 2 090 3 lst stepparameter: Payperiod(monthlypayroll) 101: weeklv lll : bi-weeklv L?l: semi-monthlyL3.l: monthly 2nd stepparameter: Payendingday or date Weekly/bi-week ly : day No. Semi-monthly : enter 15 or other : enter31 orother Mo n th l y 3rd stePParameter: Weekendingday {sunday) In caseof monthly,enterl7l. don't enter. In caseof weekly/bi-weekly. 1 0 E Example: refer to below IN <_______________ 11... 00 15 30 56 20 21 30 45 00 50 51 00 I 10 24 25 39 40 54 55 30 40 - 6- ' t5 30 00 r i PROGRAM ADDBESSNO, 091 SAMPLE DATA 2 5 I 1 091 1 5 0 F 2 0 E 09r 3 6 o92 1 7 o92 2 0 E 092 3 PROGRAMCODESAND EXAMPLES 1ststepparameter: Overtimewagerate: OvertimeA ( 125%) 2nd stepparameter: Overtimewagerate: OvertimeB {150%} 1stand 2nd parameters: Maximumrate is 250% 3rd step parameter: 0 : Wi th o u tdeci mal(l l ke B F, Y E N , etc.) l : W i th d e ci mal{l i keD M, S F, etc.} # 1stand 2nd stepParameters: Weeklynon'workingdays,programmable for maximumtwo days(ex.sat.and sun.) # 3rd step Parameter: Payschedulefor hoursworkedon weekly non'workingdaysor Nationalholidays. Referto chart below: Datacode Weeklyhol. OT. cat A 0 OT. cat A I OT. cat B 2 R egul ar 3 R egul ar 4 R egul ar 5 0 # 093 1 093 2 1 0 0 E 094 3 0 0 1 3 0 E 094 2 095 5 0 0 1 0 0 E 095 2 096 I 0 0 (Continued) 4,. PROGRAM DATA E E Nationalhol. OT. cat B OT. cat A OT. cat B Regular OT. cat A OT. cat B a. l st stepParameter: Day changetime (seenote A, Page17) 0: Openmode: day changetime automati cal l Y13 hoursafter or at l astl N -P unchi ng, actualdaY'change-time (parameter 2). endsat 1 : F i x e dm ode: accumul ati on actualdaV'change'time. 2nd stepparameter: Actual day changetime. Automaticbreaktime deductionafter net workedhoursfor SHIFT I. Example: lf net workedhoursexceed 3:00 hours,30 minutesare deductedas automaticallY a break. E Example: lf total worked hourson one day aremorethan 6:30. a total of 1 :30 will be deducted. E E 1 096 2 E 4 5 E a -7- (Continued) Automaticbreaktime deductionafter net workedhoursfor SHIFT II. 097 1 E 097 2 098 1 E 098 2 099 I no o 2 .\', E E Automaticbreaktime deductionafter net workedhoursfor SHIFT III. 100 1 100 E E E E 2 101 1 101 2 102 1 -v 102 2 103 '| E 103 E E E E E E Automaticbreaktime deductionafter net workedhoursfor SHIFT IV. 2 104 1 s, 104 2 't 05 l 105 2 ' I 06 'Ist stepparameter: hoursper day. Maximumnon-overtime this amountwill be sorted Hoursexceeding asovertimecategoryA. For SHIFT I. 8 0 0 1 106 2 E 2nd stepParameter: lvlaximumhoursfor overtimecategoryA. this amountwill be sorted Hoursexceeding asovertimecategoryB. For SHIFT I. .J/ - 8- E (Continued) t/,. SAMPLE DATA S a m ea s 1 0 6 ,for S HIFT II. 't o7 # 1 E 101 2 Sa mea s 1 0 6 .for S HIFT IIL 108 1 ' 108 2 Sameas '106,for SHIFT IV. 109 1 110 2 X X X X 1' 1 0 3 Y Y a Work scheduledefinitionfor SHIFT I. 110-1 17 the addresses Whenprogramming referto the explanationof codesbelow. 110 1 Y E 11' l 1 E 112 I lst stepparameter: Codenumbers(A) 0: Not applicable 1: First in-punchrevisiontime zone 2: Out-punchrevisiontime zone 3: In-punchrevisiontime zone 4: First in-punchlock out time zone 5: Out-punchlock out time zone 6: In-punchIock out time zone 7: Fixed breaktime zone (unpaid) 8: Automaticbreaktime allowancezone E L 2nd stepParameter: Zonestartingtime (XXXX) 112 2 't 12 E E 109 2 111 2 ' t 1' l 3 E E E 3 3rd stepparameter: Zone endingtime (YYYY) E 113 1 r 13 I # 2 113 3 E 114 1 # E 114 2 114 3 E E J -9- (Continued) "it 115 l 115 2 115 3 ' t 16 '| E E E E E E 116 2 116 3 117 1 117 2 111 3 120 Work scheduledefinitionfor SHIFT II. '120-127 Whenprogramming the addresses referto the explanationof codesbelow. 1 120 X X X X 2 120 "lt Y Y Y Y E 3 121 1 121 2 121 3 E 122 1 122 2 122 lst stepParameter: Codenumbers(A) 0 : N o t a p p l i cabl e 1; First in-punchrevisiontime zone 2: Out-punchrevisiontime zone 3: In-punchrevisiontime zone 4: First in-punchlock out time zone 5: Out-punchlock out time zone 6: In-punchlock out time zone 7: Fixedbreaktime zone {unpaid) 8: Automaticbreaktime allowancezone E 2nd stepparameter: Zonestartingtime (XXXX) E 3 3rd stepparameter: Zoneendingtime (YYYY) 1 123 2 123 E E 3 "\,, -1 0 - E (Continued) V--, 124 ' 124 2 E E 124 3 # 125 I 2 E E 3 # 126 1 'l 26 2 126 3 E 121 # E 1 # 127 t E E 3 Work scheduledefinitionfor SHIFT III. 130-137 the addresses Whenprogramming referto the explanationof codesbelow. 130 'l 30 X X x X 2 130 Y Y Y Y E 3 131 # 1 131 2 111 E 3 tJz 1 1ststepparameter: Codenumbers(A) 0: Not applicable 1: First in-punchrevisiontime zone 2: Out-punchrevisiontime zone ttme zone 3: In-punchrevrston 4: First in-punchlock out time zon€ 5: Out-punchlock out time zone 6: In-punchlock out time zone 7: Fixed breaktime zone (unpaid) 8: Automaticbreaktlme allowancezone + 2nd stepparameter: Zonestartingtime (XXXX) E 3rd stepparameter: Zoneendingtime (YYYY) E # E 2 3 E ltt' -1r- & (Continued) 1 133 2 E E 134 3 E E 1 'tE # 3 134 1 134 2 t '| 135 2 # 135 3 E E # # E E E E 136 1 136 t 2 I Jtl 3 137 l 137 2 137 3 # 140 9 1 # 140 2 X X X X 140 3 Y Y Y Y E 141 1 141 2 141 3 ! E Work scheduledefinitionfor SHIFT IV. Whenprogramming the addresses 140-147 referto the explanationof codesbelow. 1ststepparamet€r: Codenumbers(A) 0: Not applicable 1: First in-punchrevisiontime zone 2: Out-punchrevisiontime zone 3: In-punchrevisiontime zone 4; First in-punchlock out time zone 5: Out-punchlock out time zone 6: In-punchlock out time zone 7: Fixed breaktime zone (unpaid) 8: Automaticbreaktime allowancezone E E (Continued) Vt # 2nd stepparameter: 142 1 Zonestartingtime (XXXX) 142 3rd stepparameter: Zoneendingtime (YYYY) 142 3 E E E E 143 ,| 143 2 143 3 )u 144 1 --- Tni - -- # 2 E 3 145 '1 145 2 E E ),, 3 146 1 146 2 4 146 3 E E 147 aa I ' l 47 2 + 147 3 E E E 151 1 E SHIFT J. Applicabledavsfor -th { ExamDle : l\4o nday rougliTh u rsday ) Applicabledaysfor SHIFT II. 152 E Applicabledaysfor SHIFT III. E 153 E Applicabledaysfor SHIFT IV. E 150 1 1 E E ,l 1 tU -13- .) *f;/ IMPORTANT: Upon completionof Work scheduleprogrammingarea,be sureto Prer, [] to enter the data into main storage. Specialmemofor programming: t. Day changetime cannot be programmedwithin a programmedtime zone (lock out, revisionand break zones.) 2. Beginningand endingtime itself are consideredasthe effectivetime for that zone. 3, Two time zonesof samecategorycan not be overlapped, 4. The feature of lock out time zone will be in effect over the revisiontime zone. 5. The rounding of IN/OUT times will not be effected in the revisiontime zone. 6. The first in punch time zone over-ridersthe feature of fixed breaktime zone. The break time zone will b€ effective in lN/OUT revisiontime zones. - 14 - k"y FOR WORK SCHEDULEDEFINITION EXPLANATIONOF CODE NUMBERS Code1: Jl Time zonefor round'off of first in time' ExamPle: 7:30 a ctu a lclo ck of worked hours hoursof 7:OOand 7:30' calculation lf employeeclocks in betweenthe doesnot beginuntil 7:30' it only functionson fil{clock time' because This code can be usedto defineshift starting punchesenteredin code 1 time zoneswill not be in time of eactrdav. SuuJquentclock in rounded off. code 2: Time zone for round-off of qq!11-!09' ExamPle: 6Ctu5l clock out ti me hoursworked calculationends Code3: hours of 17:OOand 17;30 calculationof worked lf employeeclocksout betweenthe hours endsat 17:00. day' to all clock out punchesin code 2 time zoneseach itti, "ppfi", "oO" in time' Time zonefor round-offof subsequent per that it may be usedany numberof times It has the same{unction as code 1' except day. Code4: Time zonefor lock-outof first in time' reiected' In this period,all {irst in puncheswill be Code5: Time zonefor lock-outof out time' tn this p€riod,all out puncheswill be reiected' Code6: Code7: in time' Time zonefor lock'out of subsequent in puncheswill be reiected' In this period,all subsequent Unpaidbreaktime zone' out worked' Employeeneednot punch in and Deductsfixed period of time from hours for this break. regardzone' the amount oJ that zone is deducted lf employeeworks during code 7 time time of shift' lessof numberof hoursworked'or starting/ending -15- -9 Code8: Automatic breaktime allowancezone. (seenote page B, lg) Programmingthis zone enablesthe employee the ctock in and out when using automatic break time deduction. (seeprogramaddresses No,94 upto 105f Using this zonewill automatically correct the breat ti." i.tlor. Orring the day. as long as the maximum allowed break time (programmed p.ogr". in ;oor"rr"s No.94_105) is not exceeded. When the number of breaks he may take is unlimited. program the code g zone from day-changetim€ to day_change time. t! -1 6 - l version) NEW OPEN DAY'CHANGESYSTEM (European lt 0 Address93 1ststepParameter: (VIRTUAL)' auromaticallyafter 13 hours'but temporarily Day-change in parameter2 (ProgramaddressNo 94)' programmable Actual dav-change A ctual day-change ;;periodand a new virtual periodwill be Every next lN clockingwill cancelthe previousday-change time' madeuntill pastactualday-change Actual day-changein Actual day-change t',",,t.t .,,^t il,?y"ti E x c eedingl3h o u rs a fte r| a s tIN a n d e x c e e d i ngactual day.chanqeti megi vesl N pri nti nsteadofoU T pnnt. let the employeepunch for break before To avoid this, programactual day-changeat an other time or actualdaY-change. Actual day-change time still givesthe same day Exceeding13 hours after last lN and not exceedingactualday{hange time' whencomingbackbeforeactualday'change lt AUTOMATICBREAK TIME DEDUCTION EXAMPLES Proqram:addressNo. 94-105 addr es N s o . 1 1 0 -1 4 7 6.00-1.00 C o d e8 : 1 2 .0 0- 14.00 TR: Total RegularHours 17H 2H 12H 8H T R : 7 . 3 0H TR i 7.30 H TRr 7.45H TR: 8.00 H 9 T R : 7 . 1 5H TR:7.15H TR: 7 .30 H 12H t iil I 14H 17H 14H 8H I L_ti I I 2:00 1: 30 TR;6.00H TR: 7.30 H - 18 - 30' a * .E,: 2': i n I ! -E ! +- -gl -€= E- €= *e=!= fiE €3. ; : : : ; E= :;= 5 ; s; !; E ; s ; aE 5b6 u 338 u, !t., - 19- OPERATIONALINSTRUCTION -aModeof Cofrection: tr fJ Correctionof individualaccumulation. L:] fJ fJ t1 L : ] Clearance of individualdatafile. fJ l-t L: I L. l f;r Wagecalculationafter pay-period. tr Wagecalculationwithin pay-period. L'I /A Card lnsertion lv/ or* \ - uorreclron-T-- D"t"+ _-fl E.l {ru"*t Corr. No.) Prints on Card (Data crear) aAr,,r.. \vrL :l l-.u,. ,,,. l* 'ntutt'on l-*o.n", x"v {trtot cr""rua)J .AP,_, tv, - .1 3l Arla \."/ Correction * trto.(See EE of Figuresof Wage Card lnsertion and Prints 1: Daily Net Hours {lt affectsto Over-time.) 2: WeeklyNet Hours (lt affectsto Over-time.) 3: AccumulatedRegularHours 4: OverTime A 5: OverTime B -2 0 - *",,,n, J - bOPERATIONALINSTRUCTION Modeof Correction: trtrtr data' of programmed : Prints'out data' ofallindividual : Clearance tr tr tr data' of allprogrammed : Clearance tr tr tr trtrtr: crearanceofarr Ptrtr trtrtr and {r / (2 \\ (Advancesto Next Page.) 3 \-i{ttil /A €trHtrtr \--.2 | (cleared)- | r6t \:/ A A.<7 tI (\_-./ a ) \ {tFlEHtrtr ' ,AV ((2)\ I \-.,/ (creared)- flEHtrtr /6N \:I ' J U -21- - v 3 l\ emeruO Gorporation TOKAI AMANO CORPORATION al23 Kiqa Hosoe cho, Inasa-qln, Shizuoka, Japan AMANO AMERICA MANUFACTUFIING,INC. lffi;lH[:ililm usa ca'1e2a06 u' U sA. d, N.J 07006. 8o Lll e FallsRoad,Fairlie LOS ANGELESOFFICE u.s.A 3071E C€6naCourr,Anah€imC5lil.92a06, CHICAGO OFFICE 650 Grand Avenue Unil304 E mlrursl ILL 60126 U.SA DALLAS OFFICE 214,6W€st Northwest, Highway, +314, Dallas TX,7s22O U.SA ATLANTA OFFICE 1676 Phoenil Pa.kway college Park. Ga 30349, U sA. SEATTLE OFFICE WA9a055U S A S keelB, l der0 unl G R €n1on 2r9S ourhw €sl 41sr TORONTO OFFICE oNT MgW5P1 Canada 63 Garaxy Brvd un +a, Rexdare AMANO EUBOPE,A.A. 31 Vlurbers. c-248300 -172K2.5901 1920 Dleqem, Beqium 3
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