HSS Cover CTP Output.cdr - Cambridge University Press India
HSS Cover CTP Output.cdr - Cambridge University Press India
Anthropology, Politics, and the State ANTHROPOLOGY Abortion in Asia Local Dilemmas, Global Politics Andrea Whittaker Democracy and Violence in South Asia The issue of abortion forces a confrontation with the effects of poverty and economic inequalities, local moral worlds, and the cultural and social perceptions of the female body, gender, and reproduction. Based on extensive original field research, this provocative collection presents case studies from India, Thailand, Cambodia, Burma, Vietnam, Bangladesh and Indonesia. It includes powerful insights into the conditions and hard choices faced by women and the circumstances surrounding instances of unplanned pregnancies. It explores the connections among poverty, violence, barriers to access, and the politics and strategies involved in abortion law reform. The contributors analyse these issues within the broader conflicts surrounding women's status, gender roles, religion, nationalism and modernity, as well as the global politics of reproductive health. Jonathan Spencer Contents: 1. The strange death of political anthropology; 2. Locating the political; 3. Culture, nation and misery; 4. Performing democracy; 5. The state and self-making; 6. The state and violence; 7. Pluralism in theory, pluralism in practice; 8. Politics and counter-politics. Contents: List of Tables and Figures; List of Appendices; Acknowledgements; List of Contributors; 1. Abortion in Asia: An Overview; 2. Contraceptive Use and Unsafe Abortion in Rural Cambodia; 3. Between Remembering and Forgetting: Post-diagnostic Abortions in Hanoi, Vietnam; 4. Violence, Poverty and ‘Weakness’: Interpersonal and Institutional Reasons Why Burmese Women on the Thai Border Utilise Abortion; 5. Quality of Care and Pregnancy Terminations for Adolescent Women in Urban Slums, Bangladesh; 6. Choosing Abortion Providers in Rural Tamil Nadu: Balancing Costs and Quality of Care; 7. Abortion in Vietnam: History, Culture and Politics Collide in the Era of Doi Moi; 8. Abortion and Politics in Indonesia; 9. Barriers to Access to Abortion Services in Malaysia: Misinformation and Stigma; 10. Improving Access to Safe Termination of Pregnancy in Thailand: An Analysis of the Policy Development During 1999 to 2006; 11. Epilogue: Further Challenges; Glossary; Index. ISBN: 9789382993155 270pp In recent years anthropology has rediscovered its interest in politics. Building on the findings of this research, this book offers a new way of analysing the relationship between culture and politics, with special attention to democracy, nationalism, the state and political violence. Beginning with scenes from an unruly early 1980s election campaign in Sri Lanka, it covers issues from rural policing in north India to slum housing in Delhi, presenting arguments about secularism and pluralism, and the ambiguous energies released by electoral democracy across the subcontinent. It ends by discussing feminist peace activists in Sri Lanka, struggling to sustain a window of shared humanity after two decades of war. Bringing together and linking the themes of democracy, identity and conflict, this important new study shows how anthropology can take a central role in understanding other people’s politics, especially the issues that seem to have divided the world since 9/11. ISBN: 9780521722124 Asian Voices in a Postcolonial Age Susan Bayly HB ` 895.00 218pp PB ` 495.00 This study of intellectuals and their cosmopolitan life trajectories is based on anthropological and historical research in Vietnam and India, two great Asian societies with contrasting experiences of empire, decolonisation and the rise and fall of the twentieth-century socialist world system. Building on the author's longstanding research experience in India and on remarkable family narratives collected during fieldwork in northern Vietnam, the book deals with epic events and complex social transformations from a perspective that emphasizes the personal and the familial. Its central theme is the extraordinary mobility of intelligentsia lives. The author explores the role of the intellectual in the economic, social and cultural transformation of the post-colonial world through in-depth ethnographic fieldwork methods. In identifying parallels and contrasts between Hanoi's 'socialist moderns' and the family and career experiences of their Indian counterparts, the book makes a distinctive contribution to the study of colonial, socialist and post-socialist Asia. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. The modern intellectual family. Separation, provision and nurture; 3. Narrating family lives in present-day Hanoi; 4. The pains and perils of intelligentsia life; 5. India as a domain of socialist modernity; 6. Cosmopolitan spaces in revolutionary times; 7. Vistas of modernity in the insurgent countryside; 8. At home and beyond in the new socialist era; 9. Conclusion. ISBN: 9780521516808 1 218pp HB ` 895.00 Disquieting Gifts Humanitarianism in New Delhi Erica Bornstein Taming Tibet This book takes a close look at people working on humanitarian projects in New Delhi and addresses several issues – why they engage in philanthropic work, what ‘humanitarianism’ means to them, and the ethical and political tangles they encounter. There are many studies focusing on the outcomes of humanitarian work, but the impulses that inspire people to engage in the first place receive less attention. In this book, the author investigates specific cases of people engaged in humanitarian work to reveal different perceptions of assistance to strangers versus assistance to kin, how the impulse to give to others in distress is tempered by its regulation, suspicions about recipient suitability, and why the figure of the orphan is so valuable in humanitarian discourse. The book would be of interest to students and academics in Sociology, Anthropology, Development Studies and Human Rights. Landscape Transformation and the Gift of Chinese Development Emily T. Yeh Contents: Foreword; Acknowledgements; Prologue; Introduction; Chapter 1 Philanthropy; Chapter 2 Trust; Chapter 3 Orphans; Chapter 4 Experience; Chapter 5 Empathy; Epilogue; Notes; Bibliography. ISBN: 9789382264637 Fighting Eviction Tribal Land Rights and Research-in-Action Daniel Buckles, Rajeev Khedkar, Bansi Ghevde and Dnyaneshwar Patil 232pp Contents: List of illustrations; Preface; Note on Transliterations and Place Names; Abbreviations and Terms; Introduction; A Celebration; 1. State Space: Power, Fear, and the State of Exception; Hearing and Forgetting; Part I. Soil; The Aftermath of 2008 (I); 2. Cultivating Control: Nature, Gender, and Memories of Labor in State Incorporation; Part II. Plastic; Lhasa Humor; 3. Vectors of Development: Migrants and the Making of “Little Sichuan”; Signs of Lhasa; 4. The Micropolitics of Marginalization; Science and Technology Transfer Day; 5. Indolence and the Cultural Politics of Development; Part III. Concrete; Michael Jackson as Lhasa; 6. “Build a Civilized City”: Making Lhasa Urban; The Aftermath of 2008 (II); 7. Engineering Indebtedness and Image: Comfortable Housing and the New Socialist Countryside; Conclusion; Afterword: Fire; Notes; References; Index. HB ` 895.00 The book engages readers in a process of reflection on what it means to do research ‘with’ people rather than ‘on’ people, by recounting a collaborative inquiry with the Katkari, formerly called ‘Criminal Tribe’ and so-called ‘Primitive Tribal Group’ in Maharashtra, India. The book is designed to help readers learn about participatory action research progressively and with a strong narrative grounded in issues facing Adivasi populations in South Asia and the real-life dilemmas of engaged research. As such it is accessible to both graduate and undergraduate students in many disciplines. This includes all of the standard social science departments teaching methods and promoting field-based research. The book will appeal to development practitioners and graduate students of Sociology, Anthropology, Development Studies and Tribal Studies. ISBN: 9789382993995 Wandering with Sadhus Ascetics in the Hindu Himalayas Sondra L. Hausner Contents: List of Tables; List of Figures; List of Images; Foreword; Acknowledgements; Introduction; Chapter 1: Origins of the Gaothan Problem; Chapter 2: Responses to the Threat of Eviction; Chapter 3: Understanding Complexity; Chapter 4: Addressing Government Neglect; Chapter 5: Breaking the Bonds of Migratory Labor; Chapter 6: Strengthening Katkari Collective Organization; Conclusion; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9789382264538 258pp The violent protests in Lhasa in 2008 against Chinese rule were met by disbelief and anger on the part of Chinese citizens and state authorities, perplexed by Tibetans’ apparent ingratitude for the generous provision of development. This book examines how Chinese development projects in Tibet served to consolidate state space and power. Drawing on sixteen months of ethnographic fieldwork between 2000 and 2009, Yeh traces how the transformation of the material landscape of Tibet between the 1950s and the first decade of the twenty-first century has often been enacted through the labour of Tibetans themselves. Focusing on Lhasa, Yeh shows how attempts to foster and improve Tibetan livelihoods through the expansion of markets and the subsidized building of new houses, the control over movement and space, and the education of Tibetan desires for development have worked together at different times and how they are experienced in everyday life. HB ` 795.00 2 344pp HB ` 695.00 In this moving ethnographic portrait of Hindu renouncers – sadhus or ascetics – in northern India and Nepal, Sondra L. Hausner considers a paradox that shapes their lives: While ostensibly defined by their solitary spiritual practice, the stripping away of social commitments, and their break with family and community, renouncers in fact regularly interact with each other and with “householder” society. They form a distinctive, alternative community with its own internal structure, one that is not located in any single space. Highly-mobile and dispersed across the subcontinent, its members are regulalrly brought together through pilgrimage circuits on festival cycles. Drawing on many years of fieldwork, Hausner presents intimate portraits of individual sadhus as she examines the shared views of space, time, and the body that create the ground of everyday experience. Written with an extraordinary blend of empathy, compassion, and anthropological insight, this study will appeal to scholars, students and general readers alike. environment; Part II. The Management Culture: 5. Shared beliefs about rewards, risks, opportunities and rule-bending; 6. Shared beliefs about control and learning; Part III. The Corporate Executives: 7. The bigger-is-better corporate philosophy; 8. The small-is-beautiful corporate philosophy; 9. New business creation challenges for corporate executives; 10. Guidance and coaching by the DGM's boss and support and challenge by the controllers; Part IV. The Division General Manager: 11. The DGM's personal assets; 12. The DGM's motivation and strategy for new business creation; 13. Building corporate support for new business creation; 14. Leading the division for new business creation; Part V. The Division and Its Top Management Team; 15. The identification and pursuit of new business opportunities; 16. Other new business creation challenges for the division; 17. The division's organization, competence and collaboration for new business creation; 18. The effectiveness of the division's top management team; Part IV. Putting it All Together: 19. How the five major influences interact to drive new business creation; 20. Managing ten critical issues in new business creation; Notes; Bibliography; Index. Contents: Acknowledgements; Note on Transliteration; Introduction – Wandering with Renouncers; One – The Body and Sadhu Society; Two –The Social Structures of Sadhu Life; Three – Hardwar: The Ground of Space; Four –Allahabad: The Community in Time; Five – Kathmandu: The Body in Place; Conclusion – The Culture of Hindu Renunciation; Appendix: Literatures on Renunciation and Embodiment; Notes; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9788175968929 The Conquests of Alexander the Great Waldemar Heckel 266pp HB ` 495.00 In this book, Waldemar Heckel traces the rise and eventual fall of one of the most successful military commanders in history. In 325 BCE, Alexander and his conquering army prepared to return home, after overcoming everything in their path: armies, terrain, climate, all invariably hostile. Little did they know that within two years their beloved king would be dead and their labours seemingly wasted. Tracing the rise and eventual fall of one of the most successful military commanders in history, Heckel engagingly, and with great detail, shows us how Alexander earned his appellation, The Great. Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. How do we know? Sources for Alexander the Great; 3. The Macedonian background; 4. The Persian enemy; 5. Conquest of the Achaemenids; 6. Resistance on two fronts; 7. Conquest of the Punjab; 8. The ocean and the West; 9. The long road from Susa to Babylon. ISBN: 9781107637528 240pp ISBN: 9780521613927 Decentralization and Empowerment for Rural Development HB ` 350.00 Hari K. Nagarajan, Hans P. BinswangerMkhize and S. S. Meenakshisundaram ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS STUDIES Corporate Entrepreneurship Top Managers and New Business Creation Vijay Sathe How do large corporations encourage their senior managers to become more entrepreneurial? This is a key question, which is seldom addressed in mainstream entrepreneurship studies. Vijay Sathe has written a pioneering book based on hundreds of hours of interviews with senior managers to help understand why some organizations and some top managers are better than others in fostering entrepreneurship leading to successful new business growth. The book explores the real world of top managers in a systematic and comprehensive way, examining business realities, management culture, corporate philosophy, organization politics, personalities and personal priorities of people at the top. It also offers both a theory of corporate entrepreneurship and practical advice on how to manage it better. 408pp PB ` 795.00 This book examines the empowerment of citizens in general, and of the poor and marginalized groups in particular, by the process of decentralization. It discusses the precise role of Panchayat and local governance on the quantity and quality of services. Some of the findings include – long-term impact of political reservation for women, positive relationship between local revenue generation and quality of governance, significant welfare gains due to parochial politics and even bribes. The mechanisms through which improvements in governance are achieved include Gram Sabha meetings with specific agenda related to services, participation of households in such meetings, and, the impact of specific institutions such as VECs, VWUSCs, and the Pani Panchayats. The authors are able to prove that a positive relationship exists between the quality of services and increasing local revenues. The large number of tied grants that Panchayats receive has long been criticized as leading to a general constriction of choices left with the Panchayats to be able to effectively allocate expenditures. Most importantly, the book quantifies the impact of Panchayats in terms of the ability of households to reduce vulnerability and transit out of poverty. Hari Contents: List of Tables and Figures; Foreword 1; Foreword 2; Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. Decentralization: Cross-country Experiences; 3. Thinking about Decentralization in India: 73rd Amendment and Beyond; 4. Literature; 5. An Overview of the Data; 6. Analytical Approaches and Econometric Methods Used; 7. Can Panchayats Improve the Quality of Services? Contents: List of figures; List of tables; Foreword; Preface; List of abbreviations; 1. Introduction; 2. Why a consistent emphasis and approach for new business creation is beneficial but difficult to achieve; Part I. The Business Environment: 3. The external business environment; 4. The internal business 3 Some Qualitative Evidence; 8. Impact of Political Reservations for Women in Panchayats; 9. Importance of Individual Empowerment of Women; 10. Governance, Service Provision and Development Outcomes; 11. The Impact of Fiscal Grants on Tax Efforts of Village Panchayats; 12. Incidence of Identity-based Voting and Bribes in Panchayats; 13. Panchayats and Household Vulnerability; 14. Key Findings, Conclusions and Policy Recommendations; References; Index; About the Authors. ISBN: 9789382264781 Economic Reform in India Challenges, Prospects, and Lessons Nicholas C. Hope, Anjini Kochar, Roger Noll and T. N. Srinivasan 384pp 1983–2005 Peter Lanjouw and Rinku Murgai; Part IV. Infrastructure: Electricity and Transportation: 12. An assessment of Indian telecommunications reform Roger Noll and Scott Wallsten; 13. Managing demand-side economic and political constraints on electricity industry restructuring process Frank A. Wolak; 14. Moving India: the political economy of transport sector reform Nirvikar K. Singh and Jessica S. Wallack. ISBN: 9781107046047 543pp HB ` 1295.00 HB ` 895.00 Financial Analysis, Planning & Forecasting The essays in this volume are written by leading economists working on the Indian economy. They collectively emphasize the importance of policies and institutions for sustained growth and poverty reduction, stressing that the success of sectorspecific policies is vitally dependent on the nature of markets and the functioning of institutions such as those charged with regulating and overseeing critical sectors. Individual contributions assess the role of Indian Government policy in key sectors and emphasize the policies required to ensure improvements in these sectors. The first section discusses aspects of the macro economy; the second deals with agriculture and social sectors; the third with jobs and how labor markets function in agriculture, industry and services; and the fourth with infrastructure services, specifically electricity, telecommunications and transport. The essays are drawn from the most influential papers presented in recent years on Indian economic policy at the Stanford Center for International Development. Theory and Application Alice C. Lee, John C. Lee and Cheng F. Lee Based on the authors' extensive teaching, research and business experiences, this book reviews, discusses, and integrates both theoretical and practical aspects of financial planning and forecasting. The book is divided into six parts: Information and Methodology for Financial Analysis, Alternative Finance Theories and Their Application, Capital Budgeting and Leasing Decisions, Corporate Policies and Their Interrelationships, Short-term Financial Decisions, Financial Planning and Forecasting, and Overview. The theories used in this book are pre-Modigliani–Miller Theorem, Modigliani–Miller Theorem, Capital Asset Pricing Model and Arbitrage Pricing Theory, and Option Pricing Theory. The interrelationships among these theories are carefully analysed. Meaningful realworld examples of using these theories are discussed step-by-step, with relevant data and methodology. Alternative planning and forecasting models are also used to show how the interdisciplinary approach is helpful in making meaningful financial management decisions. Contents: • Information and Methodology for Financial Analysis; • Accounting Information, Regression Analysis, and Financial Management; • Discriminant Analysis and Factor Analysis: Theory and Method; • Application of Discriminant Analysis and Factor Analysis in Financial Management; • Alternative Financial Theories and Cost of Capital; • Risk Estimation and Diversification; • Risk and Return Trade-Off Analysis; • Options and Option Strategies; • Capital Budgeting and Leasing Decisions; • Alternative Cost of Capital Analysis and Estimation; • Capital Budgeting Under Certainty; • Capital Budgeting Under Uncertainty; • Corporate Policies and Their Interrelationships; • Mergers: Theory and Evidence; • Dividend Policy and Empirical Evidence; • Interaction of Financing, Investment and Dividend Policies; • Financial Planning and Forecasting:; • Short-Term Financial Analysis and Planning; • Credit Management; • Cash, Marketable Securities, and Inventory Management; • Long-Range Financial Planning — A Linear-Programming Modeling Approach; • Time-Series: Analysis, Model, and Forecasting; o and other papers; Contents: 1. Introduction Nicholas C. Hope, Anjini Kochar, Roger Noll and T. N. Srinivasan; Part I. The Macro Economy: 2. Federalism and economic development in India: an assessment Nirvikar K. Singh and T. N. Srinivasan; 3. India and China: trade and foreign investment Arvind Panagariya; 4. Financial sector reforms and monetary policy: the Indian experience Rakesh Mohan; Part II. Institutional Reforms: Agriculture and Education: 5. Land reform, decentralized governance and rural development in West Bengal Pranab Bardhan and Dilip Mookherjee; 6. Market-driven agricultural growth: contrasting experiences in Punjab and Rajasthan Peter Hazell, Abhijit Sharma and Laurence Smith; 7. India's higher education opportunity Naushad Forbes; 8. Improving the quality of rural primary schools: an evaluation of a computer aided learning program in south India Verghese Jacob, Anjini Kochar and Suresh Reddy; Part III. Employment, Industrial Structure and Poverty: 9. The missing middle Anne O. Kreuger; 10. Some aspects of the trends in employment and unemployment in Bihar and Kerala since the seventies T. N. Srinivasan and Treb Allen; 11. Size matters: urban growth and poverty in India ISBN: 9788175967885 4 1136pp PB ` 695.00 Globalization and Competition Why Some Emergent Countries Succeed While Others Fall Behind L. C. Bresser Pereira India Working Globalization and Competition explains why some middle-income countries, principally those in Asia, grow fast while others are not successful. The author criticizes both old-style developmentalism and the economics of the Washington Consensus. He argues instead for a 'new developmentalism' or third approach that builds on a national development strategy. This approach differs from the neoliberal strategy that rich nations propose to emerging economies principally on macroeconomic grounds. Developing countries face a key obstacle to growth, namely, the tendency to overvaluate foreign exchange. Instead of neutralizing it, the policy that rich countries promote mistakenly seeks growth through foreign savings, which causes additional appreciation of the national currency and often results in financial crises rather than genuine investment. Essays on Society and Economy Barbara Harriss-White Contents: 1. Introduction; the character of the Indian economy; 2. Labour, work and its social construction in India; 3. Class: Indian development and the intermediate classes; 4. The local state and the informal economy; 5. Gender, family businesses and business families; 6. India’s religious plurality and its implications for the economy; 7. Caste and corporatist capitalism; 8. Space and synergy; 9. How India works; 10. Postscript: Proto-fascist politics and the economy. Contents: Introduction; Part I. Political Economy: 1. Globalization and catching up; 2. The key institution; 3. New developmentalism; Part II. Development Macroeconomics: 4. The tendency of the exchange rate to overvaluation; 5. The Dutch disease; 6. Foreign savings and slow growth; 7. Foreign savings and financial crises; Conclusion. ISBN: 9781107623996 264pp By drawing on her extensive fieldwork in India and on the adjacent theoretical literature, Barbara Harriss-White describes the working of the Indian economy through its most important social structures of accumulation. Successive chapters explore a range of topics including labour, capital, the state, gender, religious plurality, caste and space. Despite the complexity of the subject, the book is vivid and compelling. The author’s intimate knowledge of the country enables the reader to experience the Indian local scene and to engage with the precariousness of daily life. Her conclusion challenges the prevailing notion that liberalization releases the economy from political interference and leads to a postscript on the economic base for Fascism in India. This is an intelligent book, by a distinguished scholar, for students of economics, as well as for those studying the region. PB ` 595.00 ISBN: 9788175962309 Human Capital R. Rajaram Human Capital is based on the concept that organizations should create an environment where people are valued and encouraged to maximize their abilities. An inside view of rewarding and retaining performing employees and assigning challenging tasks to them is revealed. The importance of nurturing a performance-oriented culture to harness human capital for competitive advantages has been underlined. In the fast-changing business world, organisations constantly evolve and this diversifies the manager’s role. Openness and perceptiveness are blended at various levels of organization management. Human Capital uses several real-life examples to explain theoretical concepts of human resource management. The book deftly redefines and reorients management tactics to create new understanding of the employer-employee relationship. Innovation in India Shyama V. Ramani Contents: Preface; 1. Peak Performance; 2. Supportive Environment; 3. Rewarding Performance; 4. Job Satisfaction; 5. Productivity Settlement; 6. Power of Communication; 7. Human Capital; 8. Nurturing Work Culture; 9. Manage Change; 10. Knowledge Management; 11. Managerial Effectiveness; 12. Retention of Talents; 13. Leadership; 14. Industrial Relations; 15. Demotivators; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9788175965461 216pp 336pp PB ` 495.00 It has been a little more than sixty years since the foundations of India's national system of innovation were laid, and it is time to look back and examine what form it has taken. What are the achievements of the Indian system of innovation? How has it performed in terms of building industrial capabilities and promoting development? Using the 'National System of Innovation' and the 'Sectoral System of Innovation' approach, this book organizes historical evidence on the accumulation of scientific, technical, innovation and industrial capabilities in different industrial sectors. It is also useful to keep in mind that according to the sectoral tales of this book, irrespective of the policy, there will always be some individuals and organisations who will experiment to find creative ways of pursuing opportunities. Contents: List of figures; List of tables; Prologue; 1. Innovation in India: the challenge of combining economic growth with inclusive development Shyama V. Ramani and Adam Szirmai. ISBN: 9781107037564 PB ` 495.00 5 418pp HB ` 795.00 Making Money The Philosophy of Crisis Capitalism Ole Bjerg Environment: Uncertain State of New Technologies; PART III: The Institutional Basis for Industry and Health; 8 Health Technologies in Comparative Global Perspective; 9 Markets and Metropolis; Notes; Index What is money? Where does it come from? Who makes it? And how can we understand the current state of our economy as a crisis of money itself? This book turns these questions into a matter of philosophical analysis rather than an economic one. Applying the thought of Slavoj Zizek and other scholars to mainstream economic literature, Bjerg provides a radical new way of looking at the mysterious stuff we use to buy things. It is a theory unfolded in reflections on the nature of monetary phenomena such as financial markets, banks, debt, credit, derivatives, gold, risk, value, price, interests, and arbitrage. The analysis of money is put into a historical context, suggesting that the current financial turbulence and debt crisis are evidence that we live in the age of post-credit capitalism. By bridging the fields of economics and contemporary philosophy, Bjerg’s work engages in a compelling form of intellectual arbitrage. ISBN: 9789382993056 Monetary Policy, Sovereign Debt and Financial Stability The New Trilemma Deepak Mohanty Contents: Introduction: Seinsvergessenheit and Money; PART 1: The Philosophy of Finance; 1. Analyzing Financial Markets; 2. Modern Finance and the Fantasy of the Efficient Market; PART 2: The Philosophy of Money; 3. Analyzing Money; 4. Credit Money and the Ideology of Banking; PART 3: The Age of Post-Credit Money; 5. Money without Cash; 6. The Financialization of Money; Conclusion: Life after Debt – Revolution in theAge of Financial Capitalism; Glossary of Financial Terms; Bibliography; Index ISBN: 9789384463489 Market Menagerie Health and Development in Late Industrial States Smita Srinivas 304pp PB ` 395.00 Market Menagerie examines technological advance and market regulation in the health industries of nations such as India, Brazil, South Africa, Nigeria, and China. Pharmaceutical and life science industries can reinforce economic development and industry growth, but not necessarily positive health outcomes. Yet wellcrafted industrial and health policies can strengthen each other and reconcile economic and social goals. This book advocates moving beyond traditional market failure to bring together three uncommonly paired themes: the growth of industrial capabilities, the politics of health access, and the geography of production and redistribution. 344pp PB ` 795.00 The global financial crisis and the following Eurozone sovereign debt crisis have since changed the art and science of central banking in a fundamental way. It challenged the stereotypical view that price stability and financial stability complement each other as the global financial sector came to the brink of collapse in the midst of a period of extraordinary price stability. Post crisis, central banks across the globe continue to grapple with the new trilemma of pursuing with the objectives of monetary policy, sovereign debt and financial stability in a co-ordinated fashion. The authors in this volume address several issues in relation to advanced economies: Is the trilemma a new impossible trinity or a holy trinity? What are the implication of this expanded mandate for the effectiveness and autonomy of central banks? Does it indicate the return of fiscal dominance on monetary policy? Is fiscal responsibility more than a question of monetary policy independence? Is the interaction between sovereign debt management and monetary policy an important determinant of market confidence? Is co-ordination among central banks to assess the implications of their policies on global liquidity and spillovers relevant for global financial stability? Contents: Foreword; Introduction; Chapter 1: Price Stability, Financial Stability and Sovereign Debt Sustainability Policy Challenges from the New Trilemma- Duvvuri Subbarao; Chapter 2: Evidence on Interest Rate Channel of Monetary Policy: Transmission in India- Deepak Mohanty; Chapter 3: A Macroprudential Approach to Financial Supervision and Monetary Policy in Emerging Economies-Yung Chul Park; Chapter 4: Reassessing the Impact of Finance on Growth -Stephen G Cecchetti and Enisse Kharroubi; Chapter 5: Post-Crisis Debt Overhang: Growth Implications across Countries-Jorgen Elmeskov and Douglas Sutherland; Chapter 6: Financial Stability and Responsive Monetary Policy: Resolving a Dynamic Incompatibility-Benjamin M. Friedman; Chapter 7: Credit Crises and the Shortcomings of Traditional Policy ResponsesWilliam R White; Chapter 8: Political Economy of Debt Accumulation and Fiscal Adjustment in a Financial Crisis-Parthasarathi Shome; Chapter 9: Rethinking Central Banking-Barry Eichengreen, Eswar Prasad and Raghuram Rajan; Chapter 10: Sovereign Debt Overhang and Monetary PolicyFrank Smets and Mathias Trabandt; Contributors. Contents: Illustrations; Acknowledgments; PART I: Market Menagerie: Planning the Health of Late Industrial Development; Introduction; Health and Development in Late Industrial States; Barbarians at the Gate: Late Industrial Supply; Data, Methods, and Structure; The Chapters Ahead; 1 Well Beyond Market Failure; PART II: 1950– 2000: Indian Market Menagerie; 2 The First Market Environment: Trouble in the Making Phase I, 1950– 1970s: Coveted; 3 “Essential” Markets, Public Health, and Private Learning; 4 Demand and Democracy; 5 The Second Market Environment: Learning by Proving in Global Regulatory Harmonization; 6 Demand as Necessary but Not Sufficient: Vaccine Procurement Markets; 7 The Third Market ISBN: 9789382993209 6 384pp HB ` 995.00 Nanotechnology and Development What’s in it for Emerging Countries? Shyama V. Ramani Public Expenditure and Indian Development Policy 1960-1970 Nanotechnology is a generic platform with potential applications in many sectors. It promises to be a motor of economic growth with inclusive development through innovations related to materials, foods, medicines, etc. Both developed and emerging countries have participated in the nanotechnology race, but the importance of this race was understood at different times. The opportunity cost of funds diverted to knowledge base, equipment or scientific and technological capabilities is higher for emerging countries with high poverty. In this context, how should emerging economies attempt to participate in the nanotechnology race? What are the trade-offs between the different possible trajectories for catching-up? This book is an attempt to answer these queries. The book identifies the nature and magnitude of the nanotechnology divide between high-income countries and the rest of the world. It also studies the determinants of the evolution and functioning of state policy and technology clusters in developed regions like the US and the EU in order to identify the strategies that can or cannot be replicated elsewhere. Tracing the trajectories in nanotechnology being carved out by four emerging countries, China, India, Brazil, and Mexico, it identifies common as well as countryspecific factors that influence the rates of return to public and private investment related to nanotechnology in emerging countries. The book also makes policy recommendations to bridge the nanotechnology divide while promoting economic growth and inclusive development. J. F. J. Toye Contents: List of Figures; List of Tables; Acknowledgments; Part I: Introduction to Nanotechnology and Participation of Developing Countries; 1. On Nanoscience, Nanotechnology, and Nanoproducts: Why Everyone Wants to Join this Game?; Susan E. Reid, Roger Coronini, and Shyama V. Ramani; Part II: Winning and Losing in Nanotech: Case Studies from Developed Countries; 2. Learning from Solyndra: Changing Paradigms in the US Innovation System; Christopher Newfield and Daryl Boudreaux; 3. How is a Regional Technology Cluster Created? Insight from the Construction of the Nanotech Cluster in Grenoble; Dominique Vinck and Shyama V. Ramani; 4. Co-Patenting Patterns in Nanotechnology: A Comparison of South Korea and Germany; Ad Notten and Shyama V. Ramani; ; Part III: Placing Bets on Nanotech: Case Studies of Emerging Countries; 5. Sure Bet or Mirage? On the Chinese Trajectory in Nanotechnology; Can Huang and Yilin Wu; 6. Dancing with the Scientists or How NST Emerged in Brazil; Nédson Campos; 7. NST without NII? The Mexican Case Study; Eduardo Robles Belmont and Rebeca de Gortari Rabiela; 8. On India’s Plunge into Nanotechnology: What are Good Ways to Catch-Up?; Shyama V. Ramani, Nupur Chowdhury, Roger Coronini, and Susan E. Reid; ; Part IV: Conclusions; 9. Nanotech after Biotech in Emerging Economies: Déjà vu or a New Form of Catching Up?; Shyama V. Ramani and Jorge Niosi; Contributors; Index. ISBN: 9781107037588 280pp Of the many different ways in which economists have tried to analyse public expenditure, the most relevant to Indian economic development is that which links the level of public expenditure with the rate at which the state can accumulate capital. The abstract theory of this link, however, must be complemented by a historical account of the degree to which a state accumulation policy was understood by Indian policy makers, and of the other (often inconsistent) elements in the economic strategy of Indian nationalism. After attempting to provide accounts both of the abstract theory and of the institutional and policy context within which it was applied, this book analyses original empirical data on public expenditure in India between 1960 and 1970. The real growth rate of public expenditure, its functional and economic composition at the allIndia level are presented, and the strong contrast between the patterns of the first and last five year periods is elucidated. The effect of the 1965-67 droughts and bad harvests in producing this contrast is assessed.At a more disaggregated level, studies are made of changes in the degree of centralization of public capital formation and public saving. Differences between individual states in their rates of growth of real public expenditure, public capital formation and public saving are also examined, and possible explanations considered. It is argued that the public expenditure data are consistent with a specific view of the way state accumulation took place within the context of the Indian nationalist economic strategy. The attempt to create a ‘modern’ structure of output, without using foreign trade to divorce domestic production from domestic demand, and without control over domestic demand either, was superimposed on the basic task of state accumulation and made its achievement progressively more difficult. Contents: List of tables; Preface; List of abbreviations; Introduction; Part I. General: 1. Public expenditure and state accumulation in theory; 2. Indian nationalism and the state accumulation policy; 3. The interpretation of Indian public expenditure statistics; Part II. Empirical Evidence: 4. The fiscal performance of the public sector; 5. Public expenditure and the industrial recession; 6. The degree of public expenditure centralization; 7. The growth of state governments' spending; 8. Public investment, public saving and the state governments; Part III. Conclusions: 9. The Indian state accumulation policy in retrospect; 10. Summary of conclusions; Appendices; List of works cited; Index. ISBN: 9780521059282 HB ` 695.00 7 292pp PB ` 665.00 The Economics of Derivatives T. V. Somanathan and V. Anantha Nageswaran Experience in Promoting Financial Inclusion and Policy Responses; 8. The Way Forward — Determinants and Macro Policies ; Appendix; Bibliography; Index While most books on derivatives discuss how they work, this book looks at the contributions of derivatives to overall economic well-being. It examines both the beneficial and adverse effects of derivatives trading from the perspectives of economic theory, empirical evidence and recent economic history. Aiming to present the concepts in a fair, non-ideological, non-mathematical and simple manner, and with the authors' own synthesis, it draws on economic insights from relevant work in other disciplines, particularly sociology and law. The book also presents new theoretical ideas and recommendations towards a pragmatic and practical approach for policymakers. The ultimate objective is to provide a basic conceptual framework which will help its readers form a judgement on whether, when and how derivatives are beneficial or harmful to the economy. ISBN: 9788175968004 The G20 Macroeconomic Agenda India and the Emerging Economies Parthasarathi Shome Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Definition and typology; 3. The economic functions of derivatives markets; 4. Market completion; 5. Derivatives and price stabilization; 6. Derivatives and price destabilization; 7. The effects of derivatives on prices of the underlying: a synthesis; 8. Causes of the rapid growth in derivatives trading: a historical perspective; 9. The role of derivatives in the global financial crisis of 2008; 10. Models and their effects on markets; 11. Derivatives and emerging markets; 12. Derivatives and emerging markets; 13. Regulation of derivatives; 14. Derivatives and development: a critique; 15. Regulatory policy for derivatives: a pragmatic approach. ISBN: 9781107091504 The Financial Inclusion Imperative and Sustainable Approaches Deepali Pant Joshi 269pp HB ` 695.00 The need for Financial Inclusion is fast emerging as an international policy issue at the macro level. The Financial Inclusion Imperative and Sustainable Approaches is a comprehensive account of various components of the Financial Inclusion. It presents a blueprint to combat poverty and highlights the critical role of banks and the microfinance sector. This book is comprehensive and gives a contemporary treatment of major issues facing the Indian economy today. It combines academic rigour and objectivity with clear presentation. This book will be a valuable source of reference on the subject for bankers, policy-makers, teachers and students of economics. 292pp HB ` 795.00 As the premier forum for global economic governance, G20 was successful in warding off the global economic crisis of 2008–09 and preventing it from becoming a full-blown depression. In its wake, G20 initiated a series of financial sector reforms and managed to achieve unprecedented global cooperation, by bringing together the G7 and newly-emerging economies, for improved global macroeconomic management. As the global economy recovered in 2010, G20 expanded to include a development agenda in particular, achieving food security, controlling commodity price volatility, recycling global savings to boost infrastructure investment, and enhancing energy and environmental sustainability. Despite the emergence of BRICS, there is no scholarly compendium on emerging economy concerns and perspectives set in the context of G20 reform initiatives and impasses. This book assesses the progress of the G20 with a focus on India. It discusses the role India has played in the success of the G20 process and, more importantly, delineates the possible barriers to India’s enhanced involvement in the G20, and in global governance in general. This volume fills the need for a collection of analytical research papers from the perspective of emerging economies, and takes stock of the performance of the G20 thus far. It also points towards the unresolved issues and the future course of action in global financial and macroeconomic stance. Contents: List of Tables and Figures; Preface; Section 1: Introduction; 1. The G20: Evolution, Functioning, Prospects: A Concise Review; Parthasarathi Shome; Section 2: Financial Sector Reforms and Regulation; 2. Financial Regulation and the G20: Options for India; Ashima Goyal; 3. Financial Sector Reforms under G20 and the Indian Banks; Poonam Gupta; Section 3: Global Macroeconomic Coordination and Reforming International Financial Institutions; 4. The G20 MAP, Sustaining Global Economic Growth and Global Imbalances: India’s Role in Supporting Cooperation among Global Macroeconomic Policymakers; David Vines; 5. Reform of International Financial Institutions; T. N. Srinivasan; 6. Capital Controls: Instruments and Effectiveness; Parthasarathi Shome, Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya, Shuheb Khan; 7. The International Monetary System: Mitigating Risks from Dominance of the Dollar and India’s Stance; Renu Kohli; 8. The Challenges in IMS Reforms: An Emerging Markets’ Perspective; Alok Sheel; 9. Chiang Mai Initiative and its Relevance for India; Sheetal K. Chand; Contributors; Index. Contents; Foreword; Acknowledgment ; 1. An Overview on Development ; 2. Financial Inclusion: The Nature and Extent of the Challenge; 3. Financial Inclusion: The Indian Perspective; 4. Tackling Financial Inclusion and RBI Policy: Responses and Voluntary Initiatives of Banks; 5. Microfinance Experience and Other Institutional Approaches; 6. Policy Response Committee on Financial Inclusion; 7. International ISBN: 9781107051102 8 316pp HB ` 745.00 The IMF and Global Financial Crises Joseph P. Joyce The IMF's response to the global crisis of 2008–09 marked a significant change from its past policies. The Fund provided relatively-large amounts of credit quickly with limited conditions and accepted the use of capital controls. This book traces the evolution of the IMF's actions to promote international financial stability from the Bretton Woods Era through the most recent crisis. The analysis includes an examination of the IMF's crisis management activities during the debt crisis of the 1980s, the upheavals in emerging markets in the 1990s and early 2000s, and the ongoing European crisis. The dominant influence of the United States and other advanced economies in the governance of the IMF is also described, and the replacement of the G7 nations by the more inclusive G20, whose members have promised to give the IMF a role in their mutual assessment of policies while undertaking reforms of the IMF's governance. Chapter 9: From the Right to Education to the Right to Learning; Chapter 10: Food Security, Nutrition and Health: Policy Dilemmas and Interlinked Challenges; Chapter 11: Redesigning Sanitation Programmes to Make India Free from Open Defaecation; Part 3: Building a System of Social Protection; Chapter 12: Minimising Leakages in Welfare Programmes: How to Identify the Poor Correctly?; Chapter 13: Needed a Social Insurance System for Unorganised Workers below the Poverty Line; Chapter 14: Introducing Cash Transfers: A Proposal for a Minimum Income Guarantee and Some CCTs; Part 4: Governance; Chapter 15: Two Prerequisites for Optimum Governance: Deep Fiscal Decentralisation and the Bureaucracy’s Ability to Learn; Chapter 16: Addressing Left-wing Extremism: Encourage Peace to Secure Development – or the Way Round?; Index. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Bretton Woods; 3. Transitions; 4. The debt crisis; 5. Global finance redux; 6. Currency crises; 7. The widening gyre; 8. Fiscal follies; 9. Lessons learned; 10. The great recession; 11. The world turned upside down. ISBN: 9781107091726 ISBN: 9781107043848 257pp Labour, Employment and Economic Growth in India HB ` 995.00 K. V. Ramaswamy Realising the Demographic Dividend Policies to Achieve Inclusive Growth in India Santosh Mehrotra This book elaborates policies to achieve inclusive growth in India. Its theoretical framework is based on the capability approach discussed in the first chapter. The rest is empirical, and is focused on specific problems with specific policy implications. Human capital levels of youthful workforce in India remain worrying and the largely-informal workforce is not covered by social insurance. In addition, the universal elementary education, despite the Right to Education Act 2009, is yet to be achieved in the country. Health outcomes over the years have improved only slowly. Sanitation still remains a very serious problem for a major part of the country. Specific policy implications are also provided, beyond what is currently being practised. Contents: List of Tables and Figures; Preface; Acknowledgements; Part 1: Growth, Employment and Inclusion; Chapter 1: Capability-centred Approach to Inclusive Growth: Theoretical Framework and Empirical Reality; Chapter 2: Sustaining Economic Growth; Chapter 3: Ensuring Higher Agricultural Growth and the Revival of Rural India; Chapter 4: Addressing the Employment-related Paradoxes of Economic Growth; Chapter 5: Public Finance: Increasing Fiscal Capacity; Chapter 6: Skill Development: Finding New Financing Mechanisms to Take Vocational Education and Training to Scale; Chapter 7: A Common Platform for Skill Development: Implementing the National Skills Qualification Framework; Part 2: Human Capital Formation; Chapter 8: Addressing Capability Deprivation of Women for Inclusive Growth; 496pp HB ` 995.00 Productive employment opportunities constitute the primary ingredient of economic transformation and inclusive growth. This volume examines India’s development experience in the sphere of labour, employment, structural change and institutional challenges in the recent past. The contributors in this volume have extended the boundaries of contemporary debate in various ways by undertaking fairly-detailed empirical analyses of selected aspects of growth and employment change in India. They uncover the recent patterns of change between and within sectors over time that challenges popular beliefs and understanding of employment growth in India. Analysis of population ageing, gender discrimination, impact of labour regulation; institutional analysis like re-examining the legal definition of industrial worker through the lens of economic theory and dynamics of judicial interpretation of laws protecting workers in the years of economic liberalization among others have enriched the content. The volume contributes to our knowledge of India’s labour market and sheds light on employment challenges in an economy undergoing rapid growth and economic transformation. Contents: List of tables and figures; Preface; Part 1. Economic growth and employment; 1. Introduction and review of issues K. V. Ramaswamy; 2. India’s labour market during the 2000s Jayan Jose Thomas; 3. Services-led growth and employment in India Ajit K. Ghose; 4. Growth, structural change and poverty reduction Rana Hasan, Sneha Lamba and Abhijit Sen Gupta; 5. Age structure transition, population ageing and economic growth M. R. Narayana; 6. Labour intensity in Indian manufacturing Deb Kusum Das, Kunal Sen and Pilu Chandra Das; 7. Gender discrimination in manufacturing employment in India, 1999–2009 Bishwanath Goldar and Suresh Chand Aggarwal; Part 2. Employment and labour law; 8. From rigidity to 9 flexibility Bibhas Saha; 9. Employment protection legislation and threshold effects K. V. Ramaswamy; 10. Who is a worker? Jaivir Singh; 11. Labour jurisprudence of the supreme court Ramapriya Gopalakrishnan; Contributors; Index. ISBN: 9781107096806 India–EU People Mobility Rupa Chanda and Pralok Gupta 342pp The Service Sector in India’s Development Gaurav Nayyar HB ` 895.00 This book provides an overview of the trends and characteristics of mobility between India and the EU from a historical (disapora), economic (trade and investment) and regulatory (immigration) perspectives. It also analyses the movement of professionals in selected sectors and occupations, such as IT, architecture, engineering and legal services as well as student mobility between EU and India. The book discusses sector-specific as well as cross-cutting factors that shape the different types of mobility between the two regions, the regulatory and other constraints to these migration flows, their impact and contribution on both sides and the associated sensitivities and concerns. Drawing upon the analysis of these different types of mobility and the associated challenges, it highlights how such mobility could be facilitated and managed through bilateral discussions between India and the EU, under formal as well as other arrangements. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Services: concepts, measurement and India's national accounts; 3. The demand for services in India: a mirror image of Engel's Law for Food?; 4. The nature of employment in India's services sector: educational requirements and quality; 5. Labour productivity in India's urban informal services sector: a comparison with agriculture; 6. Conclusion. Contents: List of Tables, Figures and Boxes; List of Abbreviations; Preface; Acknowledgements; 1. India–EU People Mobility: Present Status and Policy Perspective; 2. Economic Linkages and India–EU Mobility; 3. Indian Diaspora in the EU; 4. Goans in Portugal: History, Identity and Diaspora Linkages; 5. Facilitating India–EU Mobility of IT Professionals; 6. Movement of Indian Architects and Engineers: Prospects and Challenges in the EU; 7. Mobility of Indian Legal Professionals to the EU: Understanding the EU Regulatory Regime; 8. Exploring India–EU Student Mobility; 9. The Way Forward to a Strategic Engagement; Contributors; Index. ISBN: 9781107104815 260pp A striking aspect of India's recent growth has been the dynamism of its services sector. In 2010, it accounted for 57 per cent of the country's GDP and 25 per cent of its total employment. The results do not conform to the growth experience of currently-industrialized countries or other developing economies. Is the increasing share of the service sector in India's total output simply notional, as several activities that were earlier classified in the industrial sector are now subsumed in services' value added, or because the relative price of services has increased over time? No. The sector's growth is real – it is linked to household final demand, policy reforms and increased service exports. Is this service-led growth process sustainable? That remains an open question because the service sector is highly-heterogeneous, ranging from software services and business process outsourcing to wholesale and retail trade and personal services. These subsectors vary considerably in the context of different economic characteristics that are important for development. ISBN: 9781107035324 The Indian Economy in Transition Anjan Chakrabarti, Anup Dhar and Byasdeb Dasgupta HB ` 595.00 312pp HB ` 895.00 Taking the period following the advent of liberalization, this book explains the transition of the Indian economy against the backdrop of development. If the objective is to explore the new economic map of India, then the distinct contributions in the book could be seen as twofold. The first is the analytical frame whereby the authors deploy a unique Marxist approach consisting of the initial concepts of class process and the developing countries to address India's economic transition. The second contribution is substantive whereby the authors describe India's economic transition as epochal, materializing out of the new emergent triad of neo-liberal globalization, global capitalism and inclusive development. This is how the book theorizes the structural transformation of the Indian economy in the twenty-first century. Through this framework, it interrogates and critiques the given debates, ideas and policies about the economic development of a developing nation. Contents: Preface; Introduction; 1. The Condition of the Working Class in Contemporary India; 2. Capitalism: The ‘Delusive Appearance of Things’; 3. Post-colonial Development and ‘The Thought of the Outside’; 4.The Word and the World of Neo-liberalism; 5. The Scrypt of Transition: Between the Spectral and the Secret Thereof; 6. From Self-reliance to Neo-liberalism: 10 bargaining set, kernel and nucleolus; 5. The Shapley value; 6. The core, Shapley value and Weber set; 7. Voting games; 8. Mathematical matching; 9. Non-transferable utility cooperative games; 10. Linear programming; 11. Algorithmic aspects of cooperative game theory; 12. Weighted majority games; 13. Stable matching algorithm • References • Index. The Political Economy of ‘Reform’ (1991–2014); 7. Global Capitalism and World of the Third: The Emergent Cartography of the Indian Economy; 8. Inclusive Development, State and Violence; 9. From Economic Crisis to Transition Crisis; Conclusion; Bibliography; Author Index; Subject Index. ISBN: 9781107076112 442pp HB ` 995.00 ISBN: 9781107691322 Games in Economic Development Bruce Wydick Games in Economic Development examines the roots of poverty and prosperity through the lens of elementary game theory, illustrating how patterns of human interaction can lead to vicious cycles of poverty as well as virtuous cycles of prosperity. This book shows how both social norms and carefully-designed institutions can help shape the 'rules of the game', making better outcomes in a game possible for everyone involved. The book explores games in natural resource use; education; coping with risk; borrowing and lending; technology adoption; governance and corruption; civil conflict; international trade; and the importance of networks, religion, and identity, illustrating concepts with numerous anecdotes from recent world events. An Introduction to Mathematics for Economics Akihito Asano Contents: 1. Economic development, interdependence, and incentives; 2. Games; 3. Development traps and coordination games; 4. Rural poverty, development, and the environment; 5. Risk, solidarity networks, and reciprocity; 6. Understanding agrarian institutions; 7. Savings, credit, and microfinance; 8. Social learning and technology adoption; 9. Property rights, governance, and corruption; 10. Conflict, violence, and development; 11. Social capital; 12. The political economy of trade and development. ISBN: 9781107461697 A Course on Cooperative Game Theory Satya R. Chakravarty, Manipushpak Mitra and Palash Sarkar 314pp 276pp PB ` 495.00 An Introduction to Mathematics for Economics introduces quantitative methods to students of economics and finance in a succinct and accessible style. The introductory nature of this textbook means a background in economics is not essential, as it aims to help students appreciate that learning mathematics is relevant to their overall understanding of the subject. Economic and financial applications are explained in detail before students learn how mathematics can be used, enabling students to learn how to put mathematics into practice. Starting with a revision of basic mathematical principles the second half of the book introduces calculus, emphasizing economic applications throughout. Appendices on matrix algebra and difference/differential equations are included for the benefit of more advanced students. Other features, including worked examples and exercises, help to underpin the readers’ knowledge and learning. Akihito Asano has drawn upon his own extensive teaching experience to create an unintimidating yet rigorous textbook. Contents: 1. Demand and supply in competitive markets; 2. Basic mathematics; 3. Financial mathematics; 4. Differential calculus I; 5. Differential calculus II; 6. Multivariate calculus; 7. Integral calculus; Appendix A. Matrix algebra; Appendix B. An introduction to difference and differential equations. PB ` 999.00 Cooperative Game Theory deals with situations where objectives of the participants of a game are partially cooperative and partially conflicting. While the book mainly discusses transferable utility games, there is a brief analysis of nontransferable utility games. Chapters 1 to 9 focus on alternative solution concepts to cooperative game theoretic problems, followed by the issues related to computation of solutions in the next four chapters. The mathematical techniques employed in demonstrating the results will be helpful for solving problems in game theory. The authors have explained the concepts and results using extensive verbal reasoning. Integration of theory and practice helps the readers understand the theoretical issues first and then see their practical relevance. This book is a good starting point for researchers in cooperative games. ISBN: 9781107619166 Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction and motivation page; 2. Basics and preliminaries; 3. The core and some related solutions; 4. The 11 282pp PB ` 595.00 Bangladesh Politics, Economy and Civil Society David Lewis Since its hard-won independence from Pakistan, Bangladesh has been ravaged by economic and environmental disasters. Only recently has the country begun to emerge as a fragile, but functioning, parliamentary democracy. The story of Bangladesh, told through the pages of this concise and readable book, is a truly remarkable one. By delving into its past, and through an analysis of the economic, political and social changes that have taken place over the last twenty years, the book explains how Bangladesh is becoming of increasing interest to the international community as a portal into some of the key issues of our age. In this way the book offers an important corrective to the view of Bangladesh as a failed state. Industrial Organization Markets and Strategies Paul Belleflamme and Martin Peitz Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. A state in the making; 3. Towards Bangladesh: British and Pakistani rule; 4. State, politics and institutions; 5. Non-governmental actors and civil society; 6. Economic development and transformation; 7. Population, natural resources and environment; 8. Conclusion: Bangladesh faces the future. ISBN: 9781107678460 Price Theory and Applications Decisions, Markets, and Information Seventh Edition Jack Hirshleifer, Amihai Glazer and David Hirshleifer 248pp Contents: List of figures; List of tables; List of cases; Preface; Part I. Getting Started; 1. What is ‘Markets and Strategies’?; 2. Firms, consumers and the market; Part II. Market Power; 3. Static imperfect competition; 4. Dynamic aspects of imperfect competition; Part III. Sources of Market Power; 5. Product differentiation; 6. Advertising; 7. Consumer inertia; Part IV. Pricing Strategies and Market Segmentation; 8. Group and personalized pricing; 9. Menu pricing; 10. Intertemporal price discrimination; 11. Bundling; Part V. Product Quality and Information; 12. Price and advertising signals; 13. Marketing tools for experience goods; Part VI. Theory of Competition Policy; 14. Cartels and tacit collusion; 15. Horizontal mergers; 16. Strategic incumbents and entry; 17. Vertically related markets; Part VII. R&D Intellectual Property; 18. Innovation and R&D; 19. Intellectual property; Part VIII. Networks, Standards and Systems; 20. Markets with network goods; 21. Strategies for network goods; Part IX. Market Intermediation; 22. Markets with intermediated goods; 23. Information and reputation; Appendices: A. Game theory; B. Competition policy; Index. PB ` 495.00 This new seventh edition of the book offers extensive discussion of information, uncertainty, and game theory. It contains over 100 examples illustrating the applicability of economic analysis not only to mainline economic topics but also issues in politics, history, biology, the family, and many other areas. These discussions generally describe recent research published in scholarly books and articles, giving students a good idea of the scientific work done by professional economists. In addition the text provides ‘applications’ representing more extended discussions of selected topics including rationing in wartime import quotas alleged monopolistic suppression of inventions minimum wage laws the effects of Social Security upon saving fair division of disrupted property and whether individuals should pay ransom to a kidnapper. Contents: 1. The nature and scope of economics; 2. Working tools; 3. Utility and preference; 4. Consumption and demand; 5. Applications and extensions of demand theory; 6. The business firm; 7. Equilibrium in the product market - competitive industry; 8. Monopolies, cartels and networks; 9. Product quality and product variety; 10. Competition among the few: oligopoly and strategic behavior; 11. Dealing with uncertainty - the economics of risk and information; 12. The demand for factor services; 13. Resource supply and factor-market equilibrium; 14. Exchange, transaction costs and money; 15. The economics of time; 16. Welfare economics: the market and the state; 17. Government, politics and conflict. ISBN: 9781107682382 630pp Industrial Organization: Markets and Strategies provides an up-to-date account of modern industrial organization that blends theory with real-world applications. Written in a clear and accessible style, it acquaints the reader with the most important models for understanding strategies chosen by firms with market power and shows how such firms adapt to different market environments. It covers a wide range of topics including recent developments on product bundling, branding strategies, restrictions in vertical supply relationships, intellectual property protection, and two-sided markets, to name just a few. Models are presented in detail and the main results are summarized as lessons. Formal theory is complemented throughout by real-world cases that show students how it applies to actual organizational settings. Website resources for lecturers and students including exercises, answers to review questions, case material and slides. ISBN: 9781107014121 PB ` 895.00 12 724pp PB ` 495.00 Banking and Financial Systems V. Nityananda Sarma Banking and Financial Systems addresses contemporary vital issues like capital market, money market, indigenous bankers and money lenders, negotiable instruments, banker and customer relationship, cooperative banks, regional rural banks, RBI, SBI, development banking and banking technology. This book will serve as a useful guide and provide reference material for the undergraduate level and different courses like B.Com, BBA, M.Com, MBA, CA, ICWA, and other professional courses. It gives complete information and analysis of changes in the financial sector in a logical and integrated manner. Economic evaluation of cultural policy; Part III. Artists’ Labour Markets and Copyright; Introduction to Part III; 11. Economics of artists’ labour markets: theories; 12. Economics of artists’ labour markets: empirical research; 13. Economics of copyright; Part IV. The Creative Industries; Introduction to Part IV; 14. Economics of creative industries; 15. Economics of the music industry; 16. Economics of the film industry; 17. Economics of broadcasting; 18. Economics of book publishing; 19. Economics of festivals, creative cities and cultural tourism; Part V. Conclusion; Introduction to Part V; 20. Conclusion; Questions and exercises; References; Index. Contents: Preface; 1. Banking Systems; 2. Functions of Modern Commercial Banks; 3. Nationalisation of Banks in India; 4. Money Market; 5. Capital Market; 6. Development Banking; 7. Cooperative Banks in India; 8. Regional Rural Banks (RRBs); 9. Exchange Banks; 10. The Reserve Bank of India; 11. The State Bank of India; 12. Financial Services; 13. Banking Technology; 14. Negotiable Instruments; 15. Banker and Customer; 16. Special Type of Customers; 17. Paying Banker; 18. Secured Advances - Modes of Creating Charge; Index. ISBN: 9788175966376 A Textbook of Cultural Economics Ruth Towse 540pp ISBN: 9781107646056 Microeconomics for MBAs The Economic Way of Thinking for Managers Second Edition Richard B. McKenzie and Dwight R. Lee PB ` 495.00 What determines the price of a pop concert or an opera? Why does Hollywood dominate the film industry? Does illegal downloading damage the record industry? Does free entry to museums bring in more visitors? In A Textbook of Cultural Economics, one of the world’s leading cultural economists shows how we can use the theories and methods of economics to answer these and a host of other questions concerning the arts (performing arts, visual arts and literature), heritage (museums and built heritage) and creative industries (the music, publishing and film industries, broadcasting). Using international examples and covering the most up-to-date research, the book does not assume a prior knowledge of economics. It is ideally suited for students taking a course on the economics of the arts as part of an arts administration, business, management, or economics degree. 626pp PB ` 795.00 The textbook that develops the economic way of thinking through problems that MBA students will find relevant to their career goals. Theory and math is kept as simple as possible and illustrated with real-life scenarios. This textbook package includes online video tutorials on key concepts and complex arguments, and topics likely to be assessed in exams. The distinguished author team has developed this textbook over 20 years of teaching microeconomics to MBA students. Chapters are clearly structured to support learning: Part I develops key economic principles. Part II draws on those principles to discuss organizational and incentive issues in management and focuses on solving the ‘principal-agent’ problem to maximize the profitability of the firm – lessons that can be applied to problems MBAs will face in the future. Economics and management are treated equally; this unique textbook presents economics as part of the everyday thinking of business people. Contents: List of figures; List of tables; Part I. The Market Economy, Overview and Application; 1. Microeconomics: a way of thinking about business; 2. Competitive product markets and firm decisions; 3. Principles of rational behavior in society and business; 4. Applications of the economic way of thinking: domestic government and management policies; 5. Applications of the economic way of thinking: international and environmental economics; Part II. Demand and Production Theory; 6. Consumer choice and demand in traditional and network markets; 7. Production costs and the theory of the firm; 8. Production costs in the short run and long run; Part III. Competitive and Monopoly Market Structures; 9. Firm production under idealized competitive conditions; 10. Monopoly power and firm pricing decisions; 11. Firm strategy under imperfectly competitive market conditions; 12. Competitive and monopsonistic labor markets; Index. Contents: List of figures; List of tables; List of boxes; List of abbreviations; Preface; Part I. General Issues in Cultural Economics; Introduction to Part I; 1. Introduction to cultural economics with appendix: brief introductions to the economic theories used in cultural economics; 2. Economic profile of the cultural sector; 3. Markets for cultural goods and services; 4. Economic organisation of the creative industries; 5. Production, costs and supply of cultural goods; 6. Audiences, participation and demand for cultural goods; 7. Welfare economics and public finance; Part II. The ‘Traditional’ Arts and Heritage; Introduction to Part II; 8. Economics of the performing arts; 9. Economics of museums and heritage; 10. ISBN: 9781107686441 13 566pp PB ` 795.00 Resource Economics Second Edition Jon M. Conrad Resource Economics is a text for students with a background in calculus and intermediate microeconomics and a familiarity with the spreadsheet software Excel. The book covers basic concepts shows how to set up spreadsheets to solve simple dynamic allocation problems and presents economic models for fisheries, forestry, nonrenewable resources, and stock pollutants. It examines the maximin utility criterion when the utility of a generation depends on consumption of a manufactured good, harvest from a renewable resource, and extraction from a nonrenewable resource. Within the text, numerical examples are posed and solved using Excel’s Solver. Exercises are included at the end of each chapter. These problems help make concepts operational, develop economic intuition, and serve as a bridge to the study of real-world problems in resource management. Financial Market Bubbles and Crashes Harold L. Vogel Contents: Part I. Background for Analysis; 1. Introduction; 2. Bubble stories; 3. Random walks; 4. Bubble theories; 5. Framework for investigation; Part II. Empirical Features and Results; 6. Bubble basics; 7. Bubble dynamics; 8. Money and credit features; 9. Behavioral risk features; 10. Crashes, panics, and chaos; 11. Financial asset bubble theory. Contents: 1. Basic concepts; 2. Solving numerical allocation problems using Excel’s Solver; 3. The economics of fisheries; 4. The economics of forestry; 5. The economics of nonrenewable resources; 6. Stock pollutants; 7. Maximin utility with renewable and nonrenewable resources. ISBN: 9781107606241 From Asian to Global Financial Crisis An Asian Regulator’s View of Unfettered Finance in the 1990s and 2000s Andrew Sheng 300pp PB ` 595.00 ISBN: 9780521263306 This is a unique insider account of the new world of unfettered finance. The author, an Asian regulator, examines how old mindsets, market fundamentalism, loose monetary policy, carry trade, lax supervision, greed, cronyism, and financial engineering caused both the Asian crisis of the late 1990s and the global crisis of 2007 – 09. This book shows how the Japanese zero interest rate policy to fight deflation helped create the carry trade that generated bubbles in Asia whose effects brought Asian economies down. The study’s main purpose is to demonstrate that global finance is so interlinked and interactive that our current tools and institutional structure to deal with critical episodes are completely outdated. The book explains how current financial policies and regulation failed to deal with a global bubble and makes recommendations on what must change. Introductory Econometrics Using Monte Carlo Simulation with Microsoft Excel Humberto Barreto and Frank M. Howland Contents: Introduction; 1. Things fall apart; 2. Japan and the Asian crisis; 3. The beam in our eyes; 4. Banking: the weakest link; 5. Washington consensus and the IMF; 6. Thailand: the karma of globalization; 7. South Korea: strong body, weak heart; 8. Malaysia: the country that went her own way; 9. Indonesia: from economic to political crisis; 10. Hong Kong: unusual times need unusual action; 11. China: rise of the dragon; 12. From crisis to integration; 13. The new world of financial engineering; 14. What’s wrong with financial regulation?; 15. The global financial meltdown; 16. A crisis of governance; Appendices: From Asian to global crisis: chronology of notable events; Abbreviations and acronyms. ISBN: 9780521168212 503pp Despite the thousands of articles and the millions of times that the word ‘bubble’ has been used in the business press, there still does not appear to be a cohesive theory or persuasive empirical approach with which to study ‘bubble’ and ‘crash’ conditions. This book presents a plausible and accessible descriptive theory and empirical approach to the analysis of such financial market conditions. It advances such a framework through application of standard econometric methods to its central idea, which is that financial bubbles reflect urgent short side rationed demand. From this basic idea, an elasticity of variance concept is developed. It is further shown that a behavioural risk premium can probably be measured and related to the standard equity risk premium models in a way that is consistent with conventional theory. 384pp PB ` 595.00 This highly accessible and innovative text and accompanying CD-ROM use Excel workbooks powered by Visual Basic macros to teach the core concepts of econometrics without advanced mathematics. These materials enable Monte Carlo simulations to be run by students with a click of a button. The fundamental teaching strategy is to use clear language and take advantage of recent developments in computer technology to create concrete, visual explanation of difficult, abstract ideas. Intelligent repetition of concrete examples effectively conveys the properties of the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator and the nature of heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation. Coverage includes omitted variables, binary response models, basic time series methods, and an introduction to simultaneous equations. The authors teach students how to construct their own real-world data sets drawn from the internet, which they can analyze with Excel or with other econometric software. The Excel add-ins included with this book allow students to draw histograms, find Pvalues of various test statistics (including DurbinWatson), obtain robust standard errors, and construct their own Monte Carlo and bootstrap simulations. For more, visit www.wabash.edu/econometrics. Contents: 1. Introduction; Part I. Description: 2. Correlation; 3. Pivot tables; 4. Computing regression; 5. Interpreting regression; 6. Functional form; 7. Multivariate regression; 8. Dummy variables; Part II. Inference: 9. Monte Carlo simulation; 10. Inferential statistics review; PB ` 695.00 14 11. Measurement box model; 12. Comparing two populations; 13. The classical econometric model; 14. The Gauss Markov theorem; 15. Understanding the standard error; 16. Hypothesis testing and confidence intervals; 17. F tests; 18. Omitted variable bias; 19. Heteroskedasticity; 20. Autocorrelation; 21. The series topics; 22. Dummy dependent variables; 23. Bootstrap; 24. Simultaneous equations. CD-ROM ISBN: 9780521132589 798pp Phone Clones Authenticity Work in the Transnational Service Economy Kiran Mirchandani ENGLISH LITERATURE An Experiment in Criticism (Canto Classics) C. S. Lewis PB ` 795.00 In Phone Clones, Kiran Mirchandani explores the experiences of the men and women who work in Indian call centers through one hundred interviews with workers in Bangalore, Delhi, and Pune. As capital crosses national borders, colonial histories and racial hierarchies become inextricably intertwined. As a result, call center workers in India need to imagine themselves in the eyes of their Western clients – to represent themselves both as foreign workers who do not threaten Western jobs and as being ‘just like’ their customers in the West. In conversation with Western clients, Indian customer service agents proclaim their legitimacy, an effort Mirchandani calls ‘authenticity work’, which involves establishing familiarity in light of expectations of difference. In their daily interactions with customers, managers and trainers, Indian call center workers reflect a complex interplay of colonial histories, gender practices, class relations, and national interests. Contents: 1. The few and the many; 2. False characterisations; 3. How the few and the many use pictures and music; 4. The reading of the unliterary; 5. On myth; 6. The meanings of fantasy; 7. On realisms; 8. On misreading by the literary; 9. Survey; 10. Poetry; 11. The experiment; Epilogue; Appendix. ISBN: 9781107698543 The Cambridge Companion to John Donne Contents: Introduction: The Authentic Clone; 1. Transnational Customer Service: A New Touchstone of Globalization; 2. Language Training: The Making of the Deficient Worker; 3. Hate Nationalism and the Outsourcing Backlash; 4. Surveillance Schooling for Professional Clones; 5. “Don’t Take Calls, Make Contact!”: Legitimizing Racist Abuse; 6. Being Nowhere in the World: Synchronous Work and Gendered Time ; Conclusion: Authenticity Work in the Transnational Service Economy ISBN: 9789382264866 188pp Why do we read literature and how do we judge it? C. S. Lewis's classic An Experiment in Criticism springs from the conviction that literature exists for the joy of the reader and that books should be judged by the kind of reading they invite. He argues that 'good reading', like moral action or religious experience, involves surrender to the work in hand and a process of entering fully the opinions of others: 'in reading great literature I become a thousand men and yet remain myself'. Crucial to his notion of judging literature is a commitment to laying aside expectations and values extraneous to the work, in order to approach it with an open mind. Amid the complex welter of current critical theories, C. S. Lewis's wisdom is valuably down-to-earth, refreshing and stimulating in the questions it raises about the experience of reading. Achsah Guibbory HB ` 795.00 152pp PB ` 295.00 The Cambridge Companion to John Donne introduces students (undergraduate and graduate) to the range, brilliance, and complexity of John Donne. 16 new essays, written by an international array of leading scholars and critics, cover Donne’s poetry (erotic, satirical, devotional) and prose (including his Sermons and occasional letters). Providing readings of his texts and also fully situating them in the historical and cultural context of early-modern England, these essays offer the most up-to-date scholarship and introduce students to the current thinking and debates about Donne, while providing tools for students to read Donne with greater understanding and enjoyment. Special features include a chronology; a short biography; essays on political and religious contexts; an essay on the experience of reading his lyrics; a meditation on Donne by the contemporary novelist A. S. Byatt; and an extensive bibliography of editions and criticism. Contents: Chronology; 1. Donne's life: a sketch Jonathan F. S. Post; 2. The text of Donne's writings Ted-Larry Pebworth; 3. The social context and nature of Donne's writing: occasional verse and letters Arthur F. Marotti; 4. Literary contexts: predecessors and contemporaries Andrew Hadfield; 5. Donne's religious world Alison Shell and Arnold Hunt; 6. Donne's political world Tom Cain; 7. Reading and rereading Donne's poetry Judith Herz; 8. Satirical writing: Donne in shadows Annabel Patterson; 9. Erotic 15 poetry Achsah Guibbory; 10. Devotional writing Helen Wilcox; 11. Donne as preacher Peter McCullough; 12. Donne's language: the conditions of communication Lynne Magnusson; 13. Gender matters: the women in Donne's poems Ilona Bell; 14. Facing death Ramie Targoff; 15. Donne's afterlife Dayton Haskin; 16. Feeling thought: Donne and the embodied mind A. S. Byatt; 17. Select bibliography L. E. Semler. ISBN: 9780521697644 The Cambridge Companion to Old English Literature Malcolm Godden and Michael Lapidge 312pp The Cambridge Companion to W.B. Yeats Marjorie Howes and John Kelly PB ` 795.00 This book introduces students to the literature of Anglo-Saxon England, the period from 600–1066, in a collection of 15 speciallycommissioned essays. The Companion is aimed at students encountering Old English literature for the first time, who require clear guidance and orientation in an unfamiliar field. The first chapters describe briefly the political, social and ecclesiastical history of the period and how poetry and prose developed and flourished. A succinct account of Old English language provides beginners with a guide to grammar, syntax and vocabulary. Subsequent chapters explore such topics as Germanic legend and heroic ideals, paganism and fatalism, the cult of saints and responses to the Bible. Important prose texts, such as those by Bede, Alfred, Aelfric and Wulfstan, are covered under these thematic headings. Poems such as The Battle of Maldon, The Wanderer, The Seafarer and The Dream of the Rood, are discussed in detail, but in association with related texts, in prose as well as poetry. A separate chapter is devoted to Beowulf, but aspects of the poem are also discussed in other chapters. A bibliography lists essential editions, reference works and critical studies. Contents: Chronology; 1. Introduction Marjorie Howes; 2. Yeats and Romanticism George Bornstein; 3. Yeats, Victorianism and the 1890s George Watson; 4. Yeats and Modernism Daniel Albright; 5. The later poetry Helen Vendler; 6. Yeats and the drama Bernard O'Donoghue; 7. Yeats and criticism Declan Kiberd; 8. Yeats, folklore and Irish legend James Pethica; 9. Yeats and the occult Margaret Mills Harper; 10. Yeats and gender Elizabeth Butler Cullingford; 11. Yeats and politics Jonathan Allison; 12. Yeats and the postcolonial Marjorie Howes; Guide to further reading. ISBN: 9780521698825 The Cambridge History of English Romantic Literature Contents: List of contributors; Preface; Note on the text; 1. Anglo-Saxon society and its literature Patrick Wormald; 2. The Old English language Helmut Gneuss; 3. The nature of Old English verse D. G. Scragg; 4. The nature of Old English prose Janet Bately; 5. Germanic legend and Anglo-Saxon literature Roberta Frank; 6. Heroic ideals and Christian ethics Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe; 7. Pagan survivals and popular belief John D. Niles; 8. Beowulf Fred C. Robinson; 9. Fatalism and the millenium Joseph B. Trahern, Jr; 10. Perceptions of transience Christine Fell; 11. Perceptions of eternity Milton McGatch; 12. Biblical literature: the Old Testament Malcolm Godden; 13. Biblical literature: the New Testament Barbara C. Raw; 14. The saintly life in Anglo-Saxon England Michael Lapidge; 15. The world of Anglo-Saxon learning Patrizia Lendinara; Further reading; Index. ISBN: 9780521698818 314pp This accessible and thought-provoking Companion is designed to help students experience the pleasures and challenges offered by one of the twentieth century's greatest poets. A team of international contributors examine Yeats's poetry, drama and prose in their historical and national contexts. The essays explain and synthesize major aspects and themes of his life and work: his lifelong engagement with Ireland, his complicated relationship with the English literary tradition, his literary, social, and political criticism and the evolution of his complex spiritual and religious sense. First-time readers of Yeats as well as more advanced scholars will welcome this comprehensive account of Yeats's career with its useful chronological outline and survey of the most important current trends in Yeats scholarship. Taken as a whole, this Companion is an essential introduction for students and teachers of Yeats. James Chandler 262pp PB ` 895.00 The Romantic period was one of the most creative, intense and turbulent periods of English literature, an age marked by revolution, reaction and reform in politics, and by the invention of imaginative literature in its distinctively-modern form. This book presents an engaging account of six decades of literary production around the turn of the nineteenth century. Reflecting the most upto-date research, the essays are designed both to provide a narrative of Romantic literature and to offer new and stimulating readings of the key texts. One group of essays addresses the various locations of literary activity – both in England and, as writers developed their interests in travel and foreign cultures, across the world. A second set of essays traces how texts responded to great historical and social change. With a comprehensive bibliography, timeline and index, this volume is an important resource for research and teaching in the field. Contents: General Introduction; Part I. The Ends of Enlightenment; 1. Sentiment and sensibility; 2. Antiquarianism, balladry, and the rehabilitation of romance; 3. The Romantics and the political economists; 4. The problem of periodisation: Enlightenment, Romanticism, and the fate of system; Part II. Geographies: The Scenes of Literary Life; 5. London in the 1790s; 6. Edinburgh and lowland Scotland; 7. Romantic PB ` 895.00 16 Ireland: 1750–1845; 8. France, Germany, America; 9. The 'Warm South' Esther Schor; 10. Country matters; 11. Romanticism and the wider world: poetry, travel literature and Empire; 12. The homes of England; 13. Writing, reading and the scenes of war; 14. Regency London; Part III. Histories: Writing in the New Movements; 15. Rebellion, revolution, reform: the transit of the intellectuals; 16. Changes in the world of publishing; 17. The new poetries; 18. Romanticism and poetic autonomy; 19. Transformations of the novel – I; 20. Transformations of the novel – II; 21. Theatre, performance, and urban spectacle; 22. The epigenesis of genre: new forms from old; 23. The literature of the new sciences; 24. The making of child readers; Part IV. The Ends of Romanticism; 25. Representation restructured; 26. Romantic cultural Imperialism; 27. Romanticism and religious modernity: from natural supernaturalism to literary sectarianism; 28. Is Romanticism finished?; Chronology; Bibliographies; Index. ISBN: 9781107666023 The Metaphysics of Text Sukanta Chaudhuri 794pp Think on my Words (Canto Classics) David Crystal Contents: 1. 'You speak a language that I understand not': myths and realities; 2. 'Now, sir, what is your text?': knowing the sources; 3. 'In print I found it': Shakespearean graphology; 4. 'Know my stops': Shakespearean punctuation; 5. 'Speak the speech': Shakespearean phonology; 6. 'Trippingly upon the tongue': Shakespearean pronunciation; 7. 'Think on my words': Shakespearean vocabulary; 8. 'Talk of a noun and a verb': Shakespearean grammar; 9. 'Hear sweet discourse': Shakespearean conversation; Epilogue: 'your daring tongue': Shakespearean creativity; Appendix: an A-to-Z of Shakespeare's false friends. PB ` 895.00 The advances of book history and editorial theory remind us that it is vital to look behind the text we read. In this book Sukanta Chaudhuri explores, at a very fundamental level, how texts are constituted and how they work. He applies insights from many lines of study not brought together so closely before: theories of language, signification and reception alongside bibliography, textual criticism, editorial theory and book history. Blending case studies with general observation and theory, he considers the implications of the physical form of the text; the relation between oral and written language, and between language and other media; the new territory opened up by electronic texts; and special categories like play-books and translations. Drawing on an exceptionally-wide range of material, both Western literature and Indian works from Sanskrit aesthetics to the poetry of Rabindranath Tagore, Chaudhuri sets a new agenda for the study of texts. ISBN: 9781107667686 Touch and Intimacy in First World War Literature Santanu Das Contents: Preface; Introduction; Part I. General Metaphysics; 1. The heron in the water: textuality and the shapes of discourse; 2. The bounds of the text; 3. Adam's dream, Babel's curse; 4. The handkerchief and the cat; 5. The writer's hand, or the world, the text and the author; 6. The trajectories of texts; Part II. Special Territories; 7. Orality: yesterday, today and tomorrow; 8. Shakespeare and the book of the play; 9. Translation and displacement: the life and works of Pierre Menard; 10. Writing pictures, drawing words: the manuscript doodles of Rabindranath Tagore. ISBN: 9781107400337 238pp For decades, people have been studying Shakespeare's life and times and in recent years there has been a renewed surge of interest in aspects of his language. David Crystal provides a lively and original introduction to Shakespeare's language, making his plays easily accessible to modern-day audiences. Covering the five main dimensions of language structure - writing system, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and conversational style - this book demonstrates how examining these linguistic 'nuts and bolts' can help us achieve a greater appreciation of Shakespeare's linguistic creativity. 266pp PB ` 395.00 The First World War ravaged the male body on an unprecedented scale, yet fostered moments of physical intimacy and tenderness among the soldiers in the trenches. Touch, the most elusive and private of the senses, became central to war experience. War writing is haunted by experiences of physical contact: from the muddy realities of the front to the emotional intensity of trench life, to the traumatic obsession with the wounded body in nurses' memoirs. Through extensive archival and historical research, analysing previously-unknown letters and diaries alongside literary writings by figures such as Owen and Brittain, Santanu Das recovers the sensuous world of the First World War trenches and hospitals. This original and evocative study alters our understanding of the period as well as of the body at war, and illuminates the perilous intimacy between sense experience, emotion and language as we try to make meaning in times of crisis. Contents: Introduction: ‘Touch is the spirit and rule of all’; Part I. Mud; 1. ‘A real monster that sucked’: the threat of mud in First World War literature; 2. Muddy narratives; Part II. Intimacies; 3. ‘Kiss me, Hardy’: the dying kiss in the First World War trenches; 4. Wilfred Owen and the sense of touch; Part III. Wounds; 5. ‘Deep into his body’: service, sympathy and suffering in the nurses' memoirs; 6. The operating theatre; Conclusion; Bibliography. HB ` 695.00 ISBN: 9780521517478 17 284pp HB ` 895.00 The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Tragedy Second Edition Claire McEachern This revised and updated Companion acquaints the student reader with the forms, contexts, critical and theatrical lives of the 10 plays considered to be Shakespeare’s tragedies. 30 essays, written by leading scholars in Britain and North America, address the ways in which Shakespearean tragedy originated, developed and diversified, as well as how it has fared on stage, as text and in criticism. Topics covered include the literary precursors of Shakespeare’s tragedies, cultural backgrounds, subgenres and receptions of the plays. The book examines the four major tragedies and, in addition, Titus Andronicus, Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus and Timon of Athens. Essays from the first edition have been fully revised to reflect the most up-to-date scholarship; the bibliography has been extensively updated; and four new chapters have been added, discussing Shakespearean form, Shakespeare and philosophy, Shakespeare’s tragedies in performance, and Shakespeare and religion. Contents: Introduction; Chapter 1: The life and work in historical context; Chapter 2: Early short stories, journalism and a first (modernist) novel, Leaf Storm (1947-1955); Chapter 3: The neorealist turn: In Evil Hour, No One Writes to the Colonel and Big Mama’s Funeral (1956-1962); Chapter 4: One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967): the global village; Chapter 5: The Autumn of the Patriarch (1957): the love of power; Chapter 6: Chronicle of a Death Foretold (1981): postmodernist and Hispanic literature; Chapter 7: Love in the Time of Cholera (1985): the power of love; Chapter 8: More about power: The General in His Labyrinth (1989) and News of a Kidnapping (1996); Chapter 9: More about love: Of Love and Other Demons (1994) and Memories of My Melancholy Whores (2004); Chapter 10: Memoirs: Living to Tell the Tale (2002) • Conclusion: the achievement of the universal Colombian Notes • Further reading • Index. ISBN: 9781107491755 Contents:List of illustrations • List of contributors • Preface to the second edition • Chronology • List of abbreviations; 1. What is a Shakespearean tragedy?; 2. The language of tragedy; 3. Tragedy in Shakespeare’s career; 4. Shakespearean tragedy printed and performed; 5. Religion and Shakespearean tragedy; 6. Tragedy and political authority; 7. Gender and family; 8. The tragic subject and its passions; 9. Tragedies of revenge and ambition; 10. Shakespeare’stragedies of love; 11. Shakespeare’s classical tragedies; 12. Why think about Shakespearean tragedy today?; 13. Shakespeare’s tragedies in performance; Select bibliography • Index. ISBN: 9781107426979 The Cambridge Introduction to Gabriel Garcia Marquez Gerald Martin 324pp Companion to Comparative Literature, World Literatures, and Comparative Cultural Studies Steven Totosy de Zepetnek and Tutun Mukherjee PB ` 595.00 The Colombian Nobel Prize winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez (b. 1927) wrote two of the greatest novels of the twentieth century, One Hundred Years of Solitude and Love in the Time of Cholera. As novelist, short story writer and journalist, Garcia Marquez has one of literature’s most instantly-recognizable styles and since the beginning of his career has explored a consistent set of themes, revolving around the relationship between power and love. His novels exemplify the transition between modernist and postmodernist fiction and have made magical realism one of the most significant and influential phenomena in contemporary writing. Aimed at students of Latin American and Comparative Literature, this book provides essential information about Garcia Marquez’s life and career, his published work in literature and journalism, and his political engagement. It connects the fiction effectively to the writer’s own experience and explains his enduring importance in world literature. 182pp PB ` 395.00 This volume is intended to address the current situation of scholarship in the discipline of Comparative Literature and the fields of World Literature and comparative cultural studies in a global context. While the discipline of Comparative Literature in the West appears to be losing ground in its institutional presence, in other parts of the world including Asia and Latin America, as well as in ‘peripheral’ European countries such as Spain, Portugal, Poland, Greece, Macedonia, etc., the discipline is flourishing both in scholarship and in its institutional structure and pedagogical vitality. The field of world literatures is gaining renewed interest in US-American scholarship while the field of comparative cultural studies is a new area of study pursued by scholars who are committed to the intellectual trajectories of comparative literature — minus Eurocentrism and the nation approach — and cultural studies. 36 articles of around 6000 words each are presented in thematic groups in this volume. Contents: Introduction to the Companion to Comparative Literature, World Literatures, and Comparative Cultural Studies; Part 1: Theories of Comparative Literature, World Literatures, and Comparative Cultural Studies; Part 2: Comparative Literature in World Languages; Part 3: Examples of New Work in Comparative Literature, World Literatures, and Comparative Cultural Studies; Part 4: Multilingual Bibliography of Books in Comparative Literature, World Literatures, and Comparative Cultural Studies; Index. ISBN: 9789382993506 18 536pp PB ` 795.00 The Cambridge Companion to Creative Writing David Morley and Philip Neilsen Contents: Preface Paul Poplawski; 1. Medieval English, 500–1500: Chronology; I. Historical overview; II. Literary overview; III. Texts and issues; IV. Readings; V. Reference Valerie Allen; 2. The Renaissance, 1485–1660: Chronology; I. Historical overview; II. Literary overview; III. Texts and issues; IV. Readings; V. Reference Andrew Hiscock; 3. The Restoration and 18th Century, 1660–1780: Chronology; I. Historical overview; II. Literary overview; III. Texts and issues; IV. Readings; V. Reference Lee Morrissey; 4. The Romantic Period, 1780–1832: Chronology; I. Historical overview; II. Literary overview; III. Texts and Issues; IV. Readings; V. Reference Peter J. Kitson; 5. The Victorian Age, 1837–1901: Chronology; I. Historical overview; II. Literary overview; III. Texts and issues; IV. Readings; V. Reference Maria Frawley; 6. The twentieth century, 1901–1939: Chronology; I. Historical overview; II. Literary overview; III. Texts and issues; IV. Readings; V. Reference Paul Poplawski; 7. The twentieth century, 1939–2004: Chronology; I. Historical overview; II. Literary overview; III. Texts and issues; IV. Readings; V. Reference John Brannigan. Creative Writing has become a highly professionalized academic discipline, with popular courses and prestigious degree programmes worldwide. This book is a must for all students and teachers of creative writing, indeed for anyone who aspires to be a published writer. It engages with a complex art in an accessible manner, addressing concepts important to the rapidly-growing field of creative writing, while maintaining a strong craft emphasis, analysing exemplary models of writing and providing related writing exercises. Written by professional writers and teachers of writing, the chapters deal with specific genres or forms – ranging from the novel to new media – or with significant topics that explore the cutting edge state of creative writing internationally (including creative writing and science, contemporary publishing and new workshop approaches). Contents: Foreword: on criticism and creativity; 1. Introduction; Part I. Genres and Types: 2. A writing lesson: the Three Flat Tires and the outer story; 3. In conversation: a new approach to teaching long fiction; 4. Genre and speculative fiction; 5. Writing drama; 6. Poetics and poetry; 7. Travel writing; 8. Creative writing and new media; 9. Creative translation; 10. Life writing; Part II. Topics: 11. Serious play: creative writing and science; 12. Outside the academy; 13. Contemporary publishing; 14. Imaginative crossings: transglobal and transcultural narratives; 15. Does that make sense? Approaches to the creative writing workshop; Further reading; Index. ISBN: 9781107630475 English Literature in Context Paul Poplawski 244pp ISBN: 9780521173032 Studying English Literature A Practical Guide Tory Young PB ` 245.00 Supporting the study of English literature from the Middle Ages to the present, this book is designed as an introductory text and a helpful reference tool for an entire English Literature degree. Its key mission is to help students understand the link between the historical context in which the literature developed, how this has influenced the literature of the period and how subsequent periods in literature have been influenced by those that precede them. The book is carefully structured for undergraduate use, with a rich range of illustrations and textboxes that enhance and summarize vital background material. The seven chronological chapters are written by a team of expert contributors who are also highly-experienced teachers with a clear sense of the requirements of the undergraduate English curriculum. Each analyses a major historical period, surveying and documenting the cultural contexts that have shaped English literature, and focusing on key texts. In addition to the narrative survey, each chapter includes a detailed chronology, providing a quick-reference guide to the period, contextual readings of select literary texts, and annotated suggestions for further reading. 686pp PB ` 595.00 Studying English Literature is a unique guide for undergraduates beginning to study the discipline of literature and those who are thinking of doing so. Unlike books that provide a survey of literary history or non-subject specific manuals that offer rigid guidelines on how to write essays, Studying English Literature invites students to engage with the subject's history and theory whilst at the same time offering information about reading, researching and writing about literature within the context of a university. The book is practical yet not patronizing: for example, whilst the discussion of plagiarism provides clear guidelines on how not to commit this offence, it also considers the difficulties students experience finding their own 'voice' when writing and provokes reflection on the value of originality and the concepts of adaptation, appropriation and intertextuality in literature. Above all, the book prizes the idea of argument rather than insisting upon formulaic essay plans, and gives many ways of finding something to say as you read and when you write, in chapters on reading, argument, essays, sentences and references. Contents: 1. Introduction: 1.1 What this book is about; 1.2 Some practicalities: how to use this book; 1.3 Reading and writing in your life; 1.4 A very brief history of writing and reading; 1.5 What do novels know?; 1.6 Literacy in contemporary society; 1.7 Stories, narrative and identity; Works cited; 2. Reading: 2.1 Writing as reading?; 2.2 A love of literature; 2.3 The discipline of English; 2.4 The new English student; 2.5 Plagiarism: too complete a loss of self; 2.6 How to read: ways of avoiding plagiarism; 2.7 What to read; 2.8 Some recommended websites; Works cited; 3. Argument: 3.1 Having something to say; 3.2 Rethinking dialogue: Mikhail Mikhailovitch 19 Bakhtin (1895–1975); 3.3 Stories, arguments and democracy; 3.4 The folded paper: how to stand at a distance and start a dialogue with a text; 3.5 What is rhetoric?; 3.6 A very brief survey of Classical rhetoric; 3.7 Wayne Booth (1921–2005) and The Rhetoric of Fiction; 3.8 More ways of discovering arguments; Works cited; 4. Essays: 4.1 What are essays for?; 4.2 What is an essay?; 4.3 How do you think you write an essay?; 4.4 The stages of writing an essay; 4.5 Thinking of or about the question; 4.6 Research; 4.7 Making a plan; 4.8 The thesis statement; 4.9 Writing the main body of the essay; 4.10 Beginnings and endings; 4.11 Editing; 4.12 Finally, a frequently asked question: ‘Is it OK to use ‘I’?’; Works cited; 5. Sentences: 5.1 The most common errors made in student assignments; 5.2 Errors involving clauses; 5.3 Errors involving commas; 5.4 Errors involving apostrophes; 5.5 Errors involving pronouns; 5.6 Errors involving verbs; 5.7 Errors involving words; Works cited; 6. References: 6.1 The MLA system; 6.2 Citations in the MLA style; 6.3 Quotations; 6.4 Bibliographies and works cited in the MLA style; Works cited; Appendix: Sample essay by Alex Hobbs. ISBN: 9780521137546 An Introduction to Research The Rudiments of Literary Research Shirish Chindhade and Ashok Thorat 176pp R. K. Narayan An Introduction (Contemporary Indian Writers in English) Mohan G. Ramanan A pioneer in Indian writing in English, R. K. Narayan’s breadth of work, based on the fictitious world of the tiny Malgudi town, offers both the academic-scholar and the general reader a variety of ideas about and insights into a small town’s many lives. Narayan’s novels, short fiction, non-fiction and travelogues hover around sweet shop owners, schoolchildren, teachers, family planning propagandists, ghosts, criminalsturned-savants and housewives – the deceptive simplicity of his prose style offering a ‘microcosm’ of the Indian society, with its caste, class and gender complication. All of these essential aspects of Narayan’s work come in for sustained attention in this eminently-readable introduction by Mohan G. Ramanan. Ramanan posits a genealogical perspective on Narayan’s themes and concerns by locating these in intellectual contexts, such as the role of English in Narayan’s works and Indian Writing in English as a genre. PB ` 295.00 An Introduction to Research is a differently written book that tries to explode the myth that all research work is produced with a wry face and has to be read with a wry face. It is meant for students who are already carrying out research or are about to undertake it. It is an attempt to communicate the message that research, though a serious activity, is not, after all, ‘the flower of paradise, which only angels and supermen can pluck. Every sincere and disciplined student can perform research and complete it satisfactorily, provided certain simple and basic guiding principles are followed. Contents: Abbreviations Used; Acknowledgements; Series Editor’s Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. Thoughtful Citizen: Narayan’s Essays; 3. The Self And The World: Narayan’s Memories, Travelogues And Guide Books; 4. Narayan’s Short Fiction; 5. Narayan’s Longer Fiction; 6. Thematic Concerns; 7. Caste, Class And Gender; 8. Form And Value In Narayan; 9. Conclusion; Topics for Discussion; Works Cited; Select Bibliography. An Introduction to Research deals with many of the important facts of academic research. Contents: Preface; 1. Research: Background and the Current State of Affairs; 2. Planning and Choosing a Topic; 3. What is Research?; 4. Preparing to Write; 5. Plagiarism; 6. What is in a Name?; 7. Introduction and Conclusion; 8. Research: postscripts; Appendices. ISBN: 9788175967106 88pp Contemporary Indian Writers in English (CIWE) is a series that presents critical commentaries on some of the best-known names in the genre. With the high visibility of Indian writing in English in academic, critical, pedagogic and reader circles, there is a perceivable demand for lucid yet rigorous introductions to several of its authors and genres. The CIWE texts cater to a wide audience – from the student seeking information and critical material on particular works to the general, informed reader who might want to know a little more about an author s/he has just finished reading. Cast in a user-friendly format and written with a high degree of critical and theoretical rigour, the texts in the series will provide astute, accessible, informed entry-points into a wide range of works and writers. CIWE, we hope, will further strengthen the interest in and readership of one of the most significant components of world literatures in English. ISBN: 9789382993537 PB ` 195.00 20 214pp PB ` 295.00 Raja Rao An Introduction (Contemporary Indian Writers in English) Letizia Alterno Contemporary Indian Writers in English (CIWE) is a series that presents critical commentaries on some of the best-known names in the genre. With the high visibility of Indian Writing in English in academic, critical, pedagogic and reader circles, there is a perceivable demand for lucid yet rigorous introductions to several of its authors and genres. Preface; Introduction; The Poetry; A Travelogue: From Heaven Lake; A Verse Novel: The Golden Gate; The Nation at Work in Post-Independence India: A Suitable Boy; In Europe: An Equal Music; Biographic Memoir: Two Lives; Conclusions; Topics for Discussion; Bibliography. ISBN: 9788175965898 Raja Rao, along with R. K. Narayan and Mulk Raj Anand, defined Indian writing in English in the early twentieth century. His works exhibit a deep engagement with psychology, mysticism, spiritualism and philosophy. His narratives become cultural as well as individual chronicles, and very often draw implicitly or explicitly upon various aspects — the freedom movement to Gandhi to myths — of an Indian ethos. Letizia Alterno’s detailed, incisive and eminentlyreadable introduction is a rigorous examination of the diverse, and complex, Raja Rao canon, including some of his lesser known short-fiction. Rohinton Mistry An Introduction (Contemporary Indian Writers in English) Nandini BhautooDewnarain Vikram Seth An Introduction (Contemporary Indian Writers in English) Rohini MokashiPunekar 232pp PB ` 295.00 Contemporary Indian Writers in English (CIWE) is a series that presents critical commentaries on some of the best-known names in the genre. With the high visibility of Indian writing in English in academic, critical, pedagogic and reader circles, there is a perceivable demand for lucid yet rigorous introductions to several of its authors and genres. Mistry’s fiction covers many themes, from politics to Parsi community life and economic inequality to national ‘events’ such as wars, rigorously examining the impact of historical forces and social events on ‘small’ lives. Nandini BhautooDewnarain’s study, a schematic introduction to Mistry’s works, looks at the process of marginalization or ‘Othering’ in his fiction. Exploring Mistry’s themes of tradition, ageing and families, Bhautoo-Dewnarain demonstrates how his fiction moves from the local to the universal. Contents: Acknowledgements; Series Editor’s Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. Raja Rao and his Fictional Characters; 3. The Missing Mother in Rao’s Fiction; 4. The Yearning for a Guru; 5. Interminable Tales: The Short Stories; 6. Meaningful Gurus: The Meaning of India and The Great Indian Way; 7. Before and After the Guru: Two Early Works; 8. Critical Unorthodoxy: Standpoints; Topics for Discussion; Bibliography and Webliography; Primary Sources; Secondary Sources. ISBN: 9788175966277 230pp Contents: Series Editor’s Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. The Local and the Universal; 3. ‘Otherness’ in Mistry; 4. Politics in Mistry’s Fiction; 5. Recurring Themes; 6. Rohinton Mistry and Indian Writing in English; Topics for Discussion; Appendix A: The 1975 Emergency; Appendix B: MISA; Appendix C: The History of the Bangladesh Conflict; Appendix D: List of Honours and Awards; Bibliography. PB ` 295.00 Contemporary Indian Writers in English (CIWE) is a series that presents critical commentaries on some of the best-known names in the genre. With the high visibility of Indian Writing in English in academic, critical, pedagogic and reader circles, there is a perceivable demand for lucid yet rigorous introductions to several of its authors and genres. ISBN: 9788175963115 Amitav Ghosh (Contemporary Indian Writers in English) Vikram Seth is one of the most celebrated authors in Indian Writing in English today. With the complexity and depth of his work and his significant achievements in prose as well as verse, Seth has proved the master of the English language. His many themes and concerns, from land ceiling in post-Independence India to Western classical music to relationships, all cast in formally-perfect prose or poetry, have gained him a formidable reputation as a stylist and a perfectionist. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar’s thorough study works its way through the many forms, themes and styles of Seth’s verse and prose. It pays attention to both form and content, and presents a comprehensive study of Seth’s oeuvre by linking plot, characterization and theme in a densely-textured analysis and close reading. John C. Hawley 134pp PB ` 295.00 Contemporary Indian Writers in English (CIWE) is a series that presents critical commentaries on some of the best-known names in the genre. With the high visibility of Indian writing in English in academic, critical, pedagogic and reader circles, there is a perceivable demand for lucid yet rigorous introductions to several of its authors and genres. Amitav Ghosh, a novelist with an extraordinary sense of history and place, is indisputably one of the most important novelists and essayists of our times. In this volume, John Hawley provides a lucid, friendly and thorough introduction to the fiction and essays of Ghosh. Contents: Series Editor’s Preface; 1. The Writer, his Contexts and his Themes; 2. A Writer situated in a History and in a Place: Ghosh’s non-fiction; 3. A Tale of Two Riots: The Circle of Reason and The Shadow Lines; 4. The Ebb and Flow of People across Continents and Generations: In An Antique Land, The Glass Palace, The Hungry Contents: Acknowledgements; Series Editor’s 21 Tide; 5. Subaltern Agency as Fiction or Science: The Calcutta Chromosome; 6. Beyond the Commonwealth:Amitav Ghosh and Indian Writing in English; Topics for Discussion; Bibliography. ISBN: 9788175962590 223pp 14. Empire and after: from the nineteenth to the twentieth century in Britain and overseas; 15. The literature of the United States of America from the colonial period to Henry James; 16. The age of T. S. Eliot: the mid-twentieth-century literature of the English-speaking world; Index. PB ` 150.00 ISBN: 9788175960787 Mahesh Dattani (Contemporary Indian Writers in English) Asha Kuthari Chaudhuri Contemporary Indian Writers in English (CIWE) is a series that presents critical commentaries on some of the best-known names in the genre. With the high visibility of Indian writing in English in academic, critical, pedagogic and reader circles, there is a perceivable demand for lucid yet rigorous introductions to several of its authors and genres. The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald This critical edition of The Great Gatsby draws on the manuscript and surviving proofs of the novel, together with Fitzgerald’s subsequent revisions to key passages to provide the first authoritative text of one of the classic works of the twentieth century. ISBN: 9788175960435 Hard Times Contents: Series Editor’s Preface; 1. Introduction: Modern Indian Drama; 2. The Setting: The Constructed/ Deconstructed Family; 3. The ‘Invisible’ Issues: Sexuality, Alternate Sexuality and Gender; 4. Identity: Locating the Self; 5. Reading the Stage: The Self-Reflexivity of the Texts; 6. Film: Alternate Performances, Shifting Genres; 7. Conclusion: Mahesh Dattani and Contemporary Indian Writing; Topics for Discussion; Appendix; Bibliography. 155pp Charles Dickens George Sampson 192pp PB ` 125.00 This edition of Hard Times is part of the Cambridge Literature series, and has been specially prepared for students in schools and colleges who are studying the book as part of their English course. This study edition invites you to think about what happens when you read the novel, and it suggests that you are not passively responding to words on the page, which have only one agreed interpretation, but that you are actively exploring and making new sense of what you read. PB ` 150.00 Contents: Introduction; Text; Glossary; Activities. ISBN: 9788175960510 The Concise Cambridge History of English Literature PB ` 595.00 Contents: Cambridge Literature; Introduction to the reader; The Great Gatsby; Resource Notes; Who has written The Great Gatsby and why?; What type of text is it?; How was it produced?; How is it presented?; Who reads The Great Gatsby and why?; Glossary; Further Reading. Mahesh Dattani is perhaps one of India’s most daring, innovative and important playwrights in English. He blends conventional themes with some startingly new ones. His plays combine the intimate with the social, the personal and the public, often exploring the boundaries between these realms. In this volume, Asha Kuthari Chaudhuri explores Dattani’s central themes – the family, alternate sexualities, other genders, morality and identity – while also examining the dramaturgical innovations in his work. ISBN: 9788175962606 989pp Sampson’s Concise History of English Literature was first published in 1941. At the time, it was a summary, in readable form, of the great Cambridge History, with some personal touches by Sampson. The second edition had a substantial new chapter by R. C. Churchill on twentieth-century literature and appeared in 1961. The present edition, prepared by Mr. Churchill, provides a revision of the first thirteen chapters. Three very substantial new chapters are now added and these have the effect of making this the only complete and up-todate survey of world literature in English. The Cambridge Introduction to the Short Story in English Adrian Hunter Contents: 1. From the beginnings to the cycles of romance; 2. The end of the Middle Ages; 3. Renascence and reformation; 4. Prose and poetry: Sir Thomas North to Michael Drayton; 5. The drama to 1642: part I; 6. The drama to 1642: part II; 7. Cavalier and Puritan; 8. The age of Dryden; 9. From Steele and Addison to Pope and Swift; 10. The age of Johnson; 11. The period of the French revolution; 12. The nineteenth century: part I; 13. The nineteenth century: part II; 22 192pp PB ` 150.00 The short story has become an increasinglyimportant genre since the mid-nineteenth century. Complementing The Cambridge Introduction to the American Short Story, this book examines the development of the short story in Britain and other English-language literatures. It considers issues of form and style alongside – and often as part of – a broader discussion of publishing history and the cultural contexts in which the short story has flourished and continues to flourish. In its structure the book provides a chronological survey of the form, usefully grouping writers to show the development of the genre over time. Starting with Dickens and Kipling, the chapters cover key authors from the past two centuries and up to the present day. The focus on form, literary history, and cultural context, together with the highlighting of the greatest short stories and their authors, make this a stimulating and informative overview for all students of English literature. Contents: Introduction; Part I. The Nineteenth Century: Introduction: Publishers, plots and prestige; 1. Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy; 2. Rudyard Kipling and Joseph Conrad; 3. The Yellow Book circle and the 1890s avant-garde; Part II. The Modernist Short Story: Introduction: ‘Complete with missing parts’; 4. James Joyce; 5. Virginia Woolf; 6. Katherine Mansfield; 7. Samuel Beckett; Part III. Post-Modernist Stories; Introduction: Theories of form; 8. Frank O’Connor and Sean O’Faolain; 9. Elizabeth Bowen and V. S. Pritchett; 10. Angela Carter and Ian McEwan; Part IV. Post-colonial and Other Stories; Introduction: A ‘minor’ literature?; 11. Frank Sargeson and Marjorie Barnard; 12. James Kelman and Chinua Achebe; 13. Alice Munro; Guide to further reading; Index. ISBN: 9780521734417 A Short History of English Literature Pramod K. Nayar 302pp Themes and Conventions of Elizabethan Tragedy M.C. Bradbrook PB ` 495.00 A Short History of English Literature is a comprehensive survey, in chronological fashion, of the major periods, authors and movements from Chaucer to the present. Written for undergraduate and postgraduate students in South Asian universities, this History locates authors, genres and developments within their social, political and historical contexts. Informed by contemporary literary and cultural theory, this account also prepares the student for further explorations in particular genres and periods in English literature. Contents: Preface to the second edition; Part One The Theatre; 1. Introduction; 2. Conventions of Presentation and Acting; 3. Conventions of Action; 4. Elizabethan Habits of Reading, Writing and Listening; 5. Conventions of Speech; Part Two The Dramatists; 6. Christopher Marlowe; 7. Cyril Tourneur; 8. John Webster; 9. Thomas Middleton; 10. Character, Identity and the Performer’s Art in Elizabethan Drama; Outline of related studies 1935 – 78; Index. Contents: List of Boxed Items; Acknowledgements; Preface; 1. English Literature: A Prologue; Section One: The Renaissance To The Restoration; 2. Backgrounds; 3. Literature of the Renaissance; 4. Re-reading the Renaissance: Postcolonial Shakespeare; Section Two: From The Restoration To The Enlightenment; 5. Backgrounds; 6. Literature of the Restoration; 7. Literature of the Enlightenment; 8. Re-reading the Augustan Age: Gender and Genre; Section Three: The Romantic Age; 9. Backgrounds; 10. Literature of the Romantic Age; 11. Rereading the Romantics: Colonialism, Romanticism and Disease; Section Four: The Victorian Age; 12. Backgrounds; 13. Literature of the Victorian Age; 14. Late Victorian Literature; 15. Re-reading the Victorians: Constructed Masculinities; Section Five: The Modern Age; 16. Backgrounds; 17. Towards the Modern: Edwardian and Georgian Literature (1900-22); 18. Literature of the Modern Age; 19. The Present; 20. Re-reading Modernism: Technology, the Body and Literature; Postscript: ‘English Literature’ or ‘Literatures in English’; Select Bibliography; Webliography; Title/Topic Index; Author Index. ISBN: 9788175966260 460pp The first edition of this book formed the basis of the moden approach to Elizabethan poetic drama as a performing art, an approach pursued in subsequent volumes by Professor Bradbrook. Its influence has also extended to other fields; it has been studied by Grigori Kozintsev and Sergei Eisenstein for instance. Conventions of open stage, stylized plot and characters, and actors’ traditions of presentation are related to the special expectations, which a rhetorical training produced in the listeners. The general discussion of tragic conventions is followed by individual studies of how these were used by Marlowe, Tourneur, Webster and Middleton. For this second edition, Professor Bradbrook has revised her material and written a new introduction. A new final chapter on performance and characterization describes the conventions of role-playing. Dramatists before and after Shakespeare are compared with him in their methods of showing a complex identity on stage. This chapter also considers the work of Marston, Chapman and Ford in relation to the themes and conventions studied in earlier chapters. ISBN: 9788175963276 PB ` 345.00 23 278pp PB ` 395.00 Rediscover Shakespeare with Cambridge as we launch our stunning new-look Cambridge Shakespeare series. Featuring the same excellent page layout, glossing, critical introductions and illustrations, you can now enjoy studying Shakespeare as never before. Now refreshed and complete, The New Cambridge Shakespeare appeals to readers worldwide with its up-to-date scholarship and emphasis on performance. Edited by an expert international team, the series includes all Shakespeare’s plays, sonnets and poems. ISBN TITLE PRICE 9781107675513 9781107610224 9781107653245 9781107669871 9781107635579 9781107659544 9781107631328 9781107642904 9781107659926 9781107636446 9781107675353 9781107614192 9781107656536 9781107651142 9781107681859 9781107693531 9781107655027 9781107625167 9781107686915 9781107669024 9781107680340 9788185618784 A Midsummer Night’s Dream All’s Well That Ends Well Antony and Cleopatra As You Like It Hamlet Julius Caesar King Henry VIII King Richard II Macbeth Measure for Measure Much Ado About Nothing Othello Romeo and Juliet The Comedy of Errors The Merchant of Venice The Sonnets The Taming of the Shrew The Tempest The Tragedy of King Lear Twelfth Night New Cambridge Shakespeare Set (20 books) Much Ado About Nothing ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` 9780521177191 The Tempest ` 195.00 245.00 245.00 295.00 245.00 195.00 245.00 295.00 295.00 195.00 245.00 295.00 245.00 295.00 295.00 245.00 245.00 295.00 295.00 295.00 195.00 4750.00 125.00 More titles in The New Cambridge Shakespeare (Original UK Editions, now available at a special Indian Price) 9780521296946 Cymbeline £ 8.99 ` 795.00 9780521735568 King Richard III £ 8.99 ` 795.00 9780521728744 8.99 ` 795.00 £ 8.99 ` 795.00 £ 8.99 ` 795.00 £ 8.99 ` 795.00 Coriolanus £ 9780521596732 King Edward III 9780521687430 The First Part of King Henry IV 9780521689502 The Second Part of King Henry IV 24 ISBN TITLE PRICE 9780521612647 King Henry V £ 8.99 ` 795.00 9780521296342 The First Part of King Henry VI £ 8.99 ` 795.00 9780521377041 The Second Part of King Henry VI £ 8.99 ` 795.00 9780521377058 The Third Part of King Henry VI £ 8.99 ` 795.00 9780521293877 King John £ 8.99 ` 795.00 9780521294317 Love’s Labour Lost £ 8.99 ` 795.00 9780521146814 The Merry Wives of Windsor £ 8.99 ` 795.00 9780521297103 Pericles £ 8.99 ` 795.00 9780521671620 The Poems £ 8.99 ` 795.00 9780521294041 Timon of Athens £ 8.99 ` 795.00 9780521673822 Titus Andronicus £ 8.99 ` 795.00 9780521376198 Troilus and Cressida £ 8.99 ` 795.00 9780521181693 The Two Gentlemen of Verona £ 8.99 ` 795.00 9780521686990 The Two Noble Kinsmen £ 8.99 ` 795.00 9780521293730 The Winter’s Tale £ 8.99 ` 795.00 The Cambridge Shakespeare Guide Plots, Characters and Interpretations Emma Smith Perfect for students and theatregoers, this lively and authoritative guide contains key information on Shakespeare. Covering all of Shakespeare’s dramatic and poetic works in compact, alphabetical form, the book provides plot and character summaries, essential background context, information on major themes and descriptions of performance history. Contents: Part I. The Works: 1. All’s Well That Ends Well; 2. Antony and Cleopatra; 3. As You Like It; 4. The Comedy of Errors; 5. Coriolanus; 6. Cymbeline; 7. Hamlet; 8. Julius Caesar; 9. King Henry IV Part 1; 10. King Henry IV Part 2; 11. King Henry V; 12. King Henry VI Parts 1, 2, and 3; 13. King Henry VIII, or All is True; 14. King John; 15. King Lear; 16. King Richard II; 17. King Richard III; 18. Love’s Labour’s Lost; 19. Macbeth; 20. Measure for Measure; 21. The Merchant of Venice; 22. The Merry Wives of Windsor; 23. A Midsummer Night’s Dream; 24. Much Ado About Nothing; 25. Othello; 26. The Phoenix and the Turtle; 27. Pericles; 28. The Rape of Lucrece; 29. Romeo and Juliet; 30. The Sonnets and A Lover’s Complaint; 31. The Taming of the Shrew; 32. The Tempest; 33. Timon of Athens; 34. Titus Andronicus; 35. Troilus and Cressida; 36. Twelfth Night; 37. The Two Gentlemen of Verona; 38. The Two Noble Kinsmen; 39. The Winter’s Tale; 40. Venus and Adonis; Part II. The Context: 41. Shakespeare’s life; 42. Shakespeare’s theatre; 43. Shakespeare in print; 44. Shakespearean apocrypha; 45. Shakespeare’s language; Further reading. ISBN: 9781107668928 25 258pp Paperback ` 395.00 Contents: Preface; Introduction; Acknowledgements; 1. Post-Independence Urdu Short Story; The Indian Perspective; 2. PostPartition Urdu Poetry; The Indian Panorama; 3. Structuralism and Post-structuralism in Urdu Criticism; 4. Jayant Parmar; The First Voice of Dalit Poetry in Urdu; 5. Firaq as a Critic; 6. Ghalib Criticism; An Overview; 7. Literature, Culture and Social Consciousness; An Appraisal of Faiz’s Prose Writings; 8. The Influence of Tagore on Urdu Literature; 9. Early Journalistic Endeavours of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan; 10. Pioneering the First Urdu Book on Journalism; The First Vernacular Book on the Art of Journalism; 11. The Contribution of Urdu Journalists to the First War of Independence; 12. Abul Kalam Azad’s Journalistic Conquests; Index. FILM, MEDIA AND GENERAL News as Culture Ursula Rao At the turn of the millennium, Indian journalism has undergone significant changes. The rapid commercialization of the press, together with an increase in literacy and political consciousness, has led to swift growth in the newspaper market and also changed the way news-makers mediate politics. Positioned at a historical junction where India is clearly feeling the effects of market liberalization, News as Culture demonstrates how journalists and informants interactively create new forms of political action and consciousness. The book explores English and Hindi newsmaking and investigates the creation of news relations during the production process and how they affect political images and leadership traditions. It moves beyond the news-room to outline the role of journalists in urban society, the social lives of news texts and the way citizens bring their ideas and desires to bear on the news discourse. This important volume contributes to an emerging debate about the impact of the media on Indian society. Furthermore, it convincingly demonstrates the inseparable link between media-related practices and dynamic cultural repertoires. ISBN: 9789382993773 The Cambridge Companion to Cricket Anthony Bateman and Jeffrey Hill Contents: List of Abbreviations; List of Figures and Tables; Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction; 2. Lucknow News; 3. Local Voices: Empowerment through News-Making; 4. Political Reporting: Sites of Engagement – Performances of Distance; 5. Infotainment: Re-Writing Politics after Economic Liberalisation; 6. Conclusions; References; Index. ISBN: 9788175967861 Urdu Literature and Journalism Critical Perspectives Shafey Kidwai 236pp HB ` 895.00 Notwithstanding widespread adulation for the creative dexterity of writers like Meer, Ghalib, Premchand, Manto, Firaq and Shaharyar, Urdu literature has often been viewed as inordinately influenced by emotionalism. Urdu Literature and Journalism, comprising well-focused and cogently-argued essays, works out a new perspective on Urdu literature. The author weaves different strands of thoughts and new theoretical discourses reflected in various genres of literature to produce a kaleidoscopic portrait of contemporary Urdu literature. By analysing the texts of famous Urdu writers in tautly-rendered poised prose, the book offers an alternative vision of our lived reality. The book also includes essays on Urdu journalism, tracing its history and development in pre- and post-Partition India. The contribution of Urdu journalism to the freedom struggle of India and its influence on the First War of Independence have been made clear through these essays. However, the contention of the author is to make it clear to the readers that Urdu journalism is more than just ‘protest journalism’ – a term which, he thinks, has been wrongly attached to Urdu periodicals. 204pp HB ` 695.00 Few other team sports can equal the global reach of cricket. Rich in history and tradition, it is both quintessentially English and expansively international, a game that has evolved and changed dramatically in recent times. Demonstrating how the history of cricket and its international popularity is entwined with British imperial expansion, this book examines the social and political impact of the game in a variety of cultural sites: the West Indies, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. An international team of contributors explores the enduring influence of cricket on English identity, examines why cricket has seized the imagination of so many literary figures and provides profiles of iconic players including Bradman, Lara and Tendulkar. Presenting a global panoramic view of cricket's complicated development, its unique adaptability and its political and sporting controversies, the book provides a rich insight into a unique sporting and cultural heritage. Contents: Cricket: a chronology; Introduction Anthony Bateman and Jeffrey Hill; 1. Cricket pastoral and Englishness Anthony Bateman; 2. Cricket in the eighteenth century Rob Light; 3. Cricket and corruption David Frith; 4. Broadcasting and cricket in England Jack Williams; 5. Bodyline, Jardine and masculinity Patrick F. McDevitt; 6. Don Bradman: just a boy from Bowral Tom Heenan and David Dunstan; 7. The Packer cricket war Richard Cashman; 8. New Zealand cricket and the colonial relationship Greg Ryan; 9. C. L. R. James and cricket Kenneth Surin; 10. Reading Brian Lara and the traditions of Caribbean cricket poetry Claire Westall; 11. The detachment of West Indies cricket from the nationalist scaffold Hilary McD. Beckles; 12. The Indian Premier League and world cricket Boria Majumdar; 13. Hero, 26 celebrity and icon: Sachin Tendulkar and Indian public culture Prashant Kidambi; 14. Conflicting loyalties: nationalism and religion in IndiaPakistan cricket relations Mihir Bose; 15. Cricket and representations of beauty: Newlands cricket ground and the roots of apartheid in South African cricket Andre Odendaal; 16. Writing the modern game Rob Steen; 17. Cricket and international politics Stephen Wagg and Jon Gemmell; Further reading. ISBN: 9781107601949 Woman as Spectator and Spectacle Essays on Women and Media K. Durga Bhavani and C. Vijayasree 308pp Indian Railways Strategy for Reforms K. B. Verma PB ` 595.00 Contents: List of Tables and Charts; Preface; List of Abbreviations; Part 1: Introduction; 1. Indian Railways; 2. Historical Background; 3. Why Reform?; Part 2: The Reform Wave; 4. Introduction; 5. Japanese Railways; 6. Swedish Railways; 7. British Railways; 8. Some Other Railways; Part 3: Reforming Indian Railways; 9. What Others Did; 10. Commercialising of Indian Railways; 11. Management Structure; 12. Incentive Scheme; 13. The Core and Non-core Debate; 14. Production Units; 15. Rounding Up; 16. The Road Ahead; Annexure; Select Bibliography; Index; About the Author. Woman as Spectator and Spectacle brings together several critical readings on the correlations between media and women’s issues. Based on the papers presented at the National Seminar on ‘Women in/ and Media’ conducted at Osmania University, Hyderabad, this volume deals with issues ranging from the portrayal of women in media to the need for a definitive gender policy for the media. The volume explores the role of women both as objects of media representation as well as the its producers and consumers. The articles interweave the regional and linguistic readings of media texts with global Feminist media criticism. Through this, the ramifications of media globalization on women’s issues are analysed, thus giving voice to specific local developments and their impact on women and media. ISBN: 9789384463151 Contents: Notes on Contributors; Preface; Introduction; Part I: Media and Gender (In) Justice; 1. Wanted: A Gender Perspective on Media Globalisation; 2. Media Texts for Women by Women; 3. Media-ting ‘Patriarchy; ’ 4. The Endangered Gender: Images of Women in Advertisements; 5. Women in Visual Media: The Spectator vs. the Spectacle; 6. Two Faces of Women on Television: Need for a Gender Policy; ; Part II: Farming Women; 7. Images of Women in India Soap Operas; 8. “People Said I Created Pornography”: Sexuality, the Gaze and Rituparno Ghosh; 9. Women’s Issue in Telugu Films: Limits of Social Reform; 10. A Case Study of the Reellife ‘Wimin’ in the Fire andGirlfriend: Fruition to Miso Phallicism from mere Feminism; 11. Gender at Cyberspace: Who’s Online; 12. Women in Media: The Politics of Representation. ISBN: 9788175967687 120pp The need for reform in the Indian Railways has become much more acute and urgent than ever before. Suggestions for corporatization, compensation for cost of social service obligations, separating policy from execution and shedding off non-core activities have long been made. There is serious need to question the way we look at our railway system, i.e., whether its format as a commercial-cum-public utility service being run by a government department has served the needs of a growing economy or hampered its growth. This book attempts to develop an alternative institutional framework, which is simple, effective and workable while causing the least upheaval to the existing structure. Online Journalism A Basic Text Tapas Ray HB ` 695.00 220pp PB ` 595.00 This book provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to online journalism, as well as the internet. Apart from being a medium of communication, the internet is vast and continuously-growing storehouse of information, which journalists can use to their advantage. Practical aspects of online journalism are explained with a number of case studies. The book attempts to equip the reader with the skills needed to use internet technology in journalism. It also provides an insight into the unique nature of the medium by placing e-journalism within a broad social context. Among the topics covered are: • History of the internet • New journalisms: annotative and open source • Computer assisted journalism • Packaging news for the web • Publishing on the web • Legal and institutional issues • Multimediality, interactivity and hypertextuality • New roles for the journalist • Digital access and barrier • Trends: convergence and broadband • The networked world Contents: Preface; Introduction; 1. Internet and Journalism: An Introduction; 2. The History and Evolution of the Internet; 3. Multimediality, Interactivity and Hypertextuality; 4. Annotative Reporting and Open-source Journalism; 5. Computer Assisted Journalism or Reporting; 6. Preparing Online Packages; 7. Web Authoring 27 sounds and silences of the Bhasha media; 5. 'Journalists are pimps': a triangulated axis of caste, language and politics; Conclusion; Bibliography; Index. and Publishing; 8. Revenue, Ethics and Law; 9. Gatekeeping: The Changing Roles of Online Journalism; 10. Digital Determinism: Access and Barrier; 11. Convergence and Broadband; 12. The Network Paradigm; Glossary; Index. ISBN: 9788175963337 Cookery for the Hospitality Industry Graham Dodgshun and Michel Peters Adapted by Sireesh Saxena 278pp ISBN: 9781107149359 PB ` 495.00 A Gentleman's Word The Legacy of Subhas Chandra Bose in Southeast Asia Contents: Preface; Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction; 2. Catering hygiene and (HACCP) principles; 3. Occupational health and safety; 4. Kitchen organization; 5. Menu planning; 6. Nutrition; 7. Cost control in the commercial kitchen; 8. Methods of cookery; 9. Food preparation and mise en place; 10. Appetisers and salads; 11. Canapes and sandwiches; 12. Sauces; 13. Soups; 14. Eggs; 15. Rice, pasta, gnocchi and noodles; 16. Seafood; 17. Poultry; 18. Meat; 19. Vegetables and fruit; 20. Buffet and cold larder; 21. Pastries, cakes and yeast goods; 22. Hot and cold desserts; 23. Cheese; 24. Food preservation; 25. Indian recipes; Appendix 1 Gastronorm containers; Appendix 2 Recipe list; Glossary; Index. Making News in Global India Media, Publics, Politics Sahana Udupa 647pp PB ` 799.00 HISTORY Cookery for the Hospitality Industry will provide trade apprentices and other commercial cookery students at Hotel Management Institute with everything they need to know to achieve trade status, and more. Cookery for the Hospitality Industry is the latest text for commercial cookery students that genuinely addresses the needs of students. ISBN: 9780521721400 292pp Nilanjana Sengupta PB ` 495.00 In the decades following India's opening to foreign capital, the city of Bangalore emerged, quite unexpectedly, as the outsourcing hub for the global technology industry and the aspirational global city of liberalizing India. Through an ethnography of English and Kannada print news media in Bangalore, this ambitious and innovative new study reveals how the expanding private news culture played a critical role in shaping urban transformation in India, when the allegedly public profession of journalism became both an object and agent of global urbanization. Building on extensive fieldwork carried out with the Times of India group, the largest media house in India, between 2008 and 2012, Sahana Udupa argues that the class project of the 'global city' news discourse came into striking conflict with the cultural logics of regional language and caste practices. Advancing new theoretical concepts, Making News in Global India takes arguments in media scholarship beyond the dichotomy of public good and private accumulation. The great Indian nationalist leader Subhas Chandra Bose arrived in Singapore in 1943 to revitalize the Indian National Army (INA). Taking the opportunity of the Japanese occupation of parts of Southeast Asia, he launched armed struggle against British colonial rule in India. Two years later, that attempt failed at the eastern gates of India. Yet, it was a temporary failure because the INA helped set in motion a series of developments within India. These would culminate in its freedom in a further two years. Bose is a household name in India. He is remembered in Southeast Asia as well, particularly among Indians. However, while his contributions to India’s independence movement have been recorded exhaustively, less is known about the legacy that he left behind in Southeast Asia. This book seeks to fill that gap in the international understanding of a great Indian nationalist and pan-Asianist. It records how participation in the nationalist struggle invested Southeast Asian Indians with a rare sense of dignity and helped foster a mushrooming of militant trade unions, making it difficult for the returning British planters to perpetuate their control over what had been a docile workforce. The INA’s Rani of Jhansi movement proved to be a pioneering effort at drawing Southeast Asian Indian women out of their traditional roles and expectations. It inspired some of them to take up mainstream roles for the cause of equality and emancipation. The book will appeal to scholars of South East Asian and South Asian history. General readers interested in Subhas Chandra Bose and INA, and also India’s nationalist movement will find this book useful. Contents: Foreword by S. R. Nathan; Message by K. Kesavapany; Message by Joyce C. Lebra; Preface; Acknowledgements; 1. A Journey: A Dream; 2. An Outsider in the Crescent and a Trial for Treason; 3. End of a War, Beginning of Others; 4. We are the Multitudes; 5. “They Have Done Enough at Home”: Escape from the Shadows; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9789382264651 Contents: Introduction: the twin mediations; 1. Regimes of desire; 2. Democracy by default; 3. The difference machine: market and field logics of news production; 4. Kannada J?gate: 28 316pp HB ` 895.00 A History of Bangladesh Willem van Schendel Bangladesh is a new name for an old land whose history is little known to the wider world. A country chiefly famous in the West for media images of poverty, underdevelopment, and natural disasters, Bangladesh did not exist as an independent state until 1971. Willem van Schendel's history reveals the country's vibrant, colourful past and its diverse culture as it navigates the extraordinary twists and turns that have created modern Bangladesh. The story begins with the early geological history of the delta, which has decisively shaped Bangladesh society. The narrative then moves chronologically through the era of colonial rule, the partition of Bengal, the war with Pakistan and the birth of Bangladesh as an independent state. In so doing, it reveals the forces that have made Bangladesh what it is today. This is an eloquent introduction to a fascinating country and its resilient and inventive people. A Social History of the Deccan 1300-1761 Richard M. Eaton Contents: Introduction; Part I. The Long View; 1. A land of water and silt; 2. Jungle, fields, cities and states; 3. A region of multiple frontiers; 4. The Delta as a crossroads; Part II. Colonial Encounters; 5. From the Mughal Empire to the British Empire; 6. The British impact; 7. A closing agrarian frontier; 8. Colonial conflicts; 9. Towards partition; 10. Partition; Part III. Becoming East Pakistan; 11. The Pakistan experiment; 12. Pakistan falls apart; 13. East Pakistani livelihoods; 14. The roots of aid dependence; 15. A new elite and cultural renewal; Part IV. War and the Birth of Bangladesh; 16. Armed conflict; 17. A state is born; 18. Imagining a new society; Part V. Independent Bangladesh; 19. Creating a political system; 20. Transnational linkages; 21. Bursting at the seams; 22. A national culture?; Conclusion. ISBN: 9780521121903 374pp In this fascinating account of one of the least- known parts of South Asia, Eaton recounts the history of the Deccan plateau in southern India from the fourteenth century to the rise of European colonialism. He does so, vividly, through the lives of eight Indians who lived at different times during this period, and who each represented something particular about the Deccan. In the first chapter, for example, the author describes the demise of the regional kingdom through the life of a maharaja. In the second, a Sufi sheikh illustrates Muslim piety and state authority. Other characters include a merchant, a general, a slave, a poet, a bandit and a female pawnbroker. Their stories are woven together into a rich narrative tapestry, which illumines the most important social processes of the Deccan across four centuries. This is a much-needed book by the most highly- regarded scholar in the field. Contents: 1. Pratapa Rudra (c. 1289–1323); 2. Muhammad Gisu Daraz (1321–1421); 3. Mahmud Gawan (1411–1481); 4. Rama Raya (1484–1565); 5. Malik Ambar (1548–1626); 6. Tukuram (1608–1649); 7. Papadu (1695–1710); 8. Tarabai (1675–1761). ISBN: 9780521514422 A Struggle for Identity Muslim Women in United Provinces Firdous Azmat Siddiqui PB ` 695.00 22pp HB ` 895.00 In the nineteenth century, the British were occupied with the question of becoming socially acceptable, as they had already established political and military sway in India. It was in this context that the servants of the East India Company, merchants, adventurers and missionaries who arrived in India from Europe attempted to enter the zennana, in much the same manner as the ruling Indian elites. These foreigners adopted the ways of the ruling class, and thus demonstrated a preference for the Muslim section of Indian society. This book is an attempt to understand the social and economic profile of Muslim women in India and to shed light on the conditions of Indian Muslim women in the United Province particularly after 1857. This period is significant for Muslim society as it was undergoing social and economic transition especially with the Mughal dynasty reaching its end. The book critically discusses the influence of how the new colonial judicial system weakened traditional customs and questions whether this legal system was beneficial to Muslim women or whether it enhanced its complexities. Contents: Acknowledgements; Introduction; 1. Social Stratification of Indian Muslim Women in United Provinces; 2. Socio-Religious Movement and Muslim Women’s Issue; 3. British Perception towards Muslim Women: Question of Fecundity and Health; 4. Crises in the Social and 29 Armies, Wars and their Food Economic Identity of Indian Muslim Women: The Great Uprising of 1857; 5. Changing Profile of Indian Muslim Women through Education; 6. Patriarchy and the Social Obligation of Indian Muslim Women; 7. Cultural Clash: from Tawaif to Kasbi; 8. Law, Land and Women; 9. Muslim Women’s Response to new Judicial System; Conclusion; Glossary; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9789382993063 An Intellectual History for India Shruti Kapila and C. A. Bayly 273pp D. Vijaya Rao HB ` 795.00 This volume addresses the power of ideas in the making of Indian political modernity. As an intermediate history of connections between South Asia and the global arena the volume raises new issues in intellectual history. It reviews the period from the emergence of constitutional liberalism in the1830s, through the Swadeshi Era to the writings of Tilak, Azad and Gandhi in the twentieth century. While several contributions reflect on the ideologies of nationalism, the volume seeks to rescue intellectual history from being simply a narration of the nation-state. It does not seek to create a 'canon' of political thought so much as to show how Indian concepts of state and society were redrawn in the context of emergent globalized debates about freedom, the constitution of the self and the good society in the late colonial era. In so doing the contributions here resituate an Indian intellectual history that has long been eclipsed by social and political history. These essays were originally published in a special issue of the journal Modern Intellectual History . Contents: Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; Guide to Ancient Literature and Notations in the Text; Section I: Growth of Communities and Knowledge, Armies and Wars in the Ancient Period; Chapter 1. In the Beginning; Chapter 2. The Knowledge Literature in Sanskrit; Chapter 3. Ancient Arts of War; Chapter 4. Vedic and Epic Wars; Chapter 5. Rise of Armies in Ancient Times; Chapter 6. Wars from Purânâs to Panipat and Plassey; Chapter 7. Modern Armed Forces of India; Section II: Food; Chapter 8. Origin of Food Habits, Diets and Beliefs; Chapter 9. Modern Food and Nutrition; Chapter 10. Evolution of Military Rations with Special Reference to India; Chapter 11. Operational Rations and Combat Foods; Section III: The Food Supply Chain; Chapter 12. The Indian Military Food Supply Chain System; Section IV: Science and Technology Component; Chapter 13. Indian Food Industry and Food Science and Technology Inputs for the Defence Forces; Section V: Wars and Food Supply Logistics; Chapter 14. Logistics and Food Supplies in Wars – Past and Present; In the End; Annexures; Index. Contents: Preface and Acknowledgements; Articles; Anxieties of Distance: Codification in Early Colonial Bengal; Rammohan Roy and the Advent of Constitutional Liberalism in Inia, 180030; Contesting Translations: Orientalism and the Interpretation of the Vedas; Apologetic Modernity; Beyond Culture-Contact and Colonial Discourse: “Germanism” in Colonial Bengal; Striking a Just Balance: Maulana Azad as a Theorist of Transnational Jihad; Self, Spencer and Swaraj: Nationalist Thought and Critiques of Liberalism, 1890-1920; The Spirit and Form of an Ethical Polity: A Meditation on Aurobindo’s Thought; Geographies of Subjectivity, Pan-Islam and Muslim Separatism: Muhammad Iqbal and Selfhood; Afterword; List of Contributors. ISBN: 9780521199759 168pp In the history of mankind, armies fought at the behest of a ruler to conquer and expand territories. In due course, war crafts were devised and war logistics were developed. However, armies’ food remained much the same as ever for a very long time. Eventually science and technology played a crucial role in bringing army foods and nourishment to the expected level of modernity, commensurate with advancements in other features of war craft. Armies, Wars and their Food traces the evolution of military rations and provides insights into the concept of nutrition for military from the point of a food scientist. The principal theme of the book is the historical development of armies and the supply and delivery systems prevalent at different periods of time. Providing a ready source of historical perspectives on the armies, it discusses the role of science and technology in instigating improvements in military ration. The book will appeal to students of food science and nutrition, army, navy and air force establishments, food industry laboratories and research and development organizations. General readers interested in the history of science and military history will also find this book useful. ISBN: 9788175969186 HB ` 595.00 30 594pp HB ` 1295.00 CREATING A NEW MEDINA State Power, Islam, and the Quest for Pakistan in Late Colonial North India Venkat Dhulipala This book examines how the idea of Pakistan was articulated and debated in the public sphere and how popular enthusiasm was generated for its successful achievement, especially in the crucial province of U.P. (now Uttar Pradesh) in the last decade of British colonial rule in India. It argues that Pakistan was not simply a vague idea that serendipitously emerged as a nation-state, but was popularly imagined as a sovereign Islamic State, a new Medina, as some called it. In this regard, it was envisaged as the harbinger of Islam’s renewal and rise in the twentieth century, the new leader and protector of the global community of Muslims, and a worthy successor to the defunct Turkish Caliphate. The book specifically foregrounds the critical role played by Deobandi ulama in articulating this imagined national community with an awareness of Pakistan’s global historical significance. It demonstrates how these ulama collaborated with the Muslim League leadership and forged a new political vocabulary fusing ideas of Islamic nationhood and modern state. It, therefore, challenges three principal strands in India’s Partition historiography: scholarship on elite politics that largely sees Pakistan’s emergence as the result of breakdown of constitutional negotiations between the British government, the leaders of the Muslim League and the Indian National Congress; subaltern histories that argue that Pakistan was a vague but emotive religious symbol that found overwhelming popular support without an awareness of its meaning or implications; and finally narratives which argue that Jinnah led a secular nationalist movement to create Pakistan as a liberal democratic State. Hardback | 978-1-107-05212-3 | ` 995.00 www.cambridge.org Becoming India Aniket Alam industrial communications; 4. Exports for an Iranian marketplace; 5. The making of a NeoIsmâ'îlism; 6. A theology for the mills and dockyards; 7. Bombay Islam in the ocean's southern city. Becoming India demonstrates that the Western Himalayas were politically, economically and socially distant from the civilizations and empires of the North during pre-colonial times. It helps in better understanding of the present developmental success of Himachal Pradesh as well as the politics of the demand for separate statehood by Uttarakhand. It studies how the Western Himalayas became a part of the Indian nation during colonial times. It examines in detail the peasant rebellions, clan and caste, polyandry, establishment of hill stations, land and forest settlements, education, folklore and mythology, begar and monetisation. It also focuses on the British policy and nationalist politics, to make its central point that the colonial encounter in the Western Himalayas was qualitatively different from the neighbouring parts of North India and its history cannot be subsumed into the general history of India. This book would be of interest to historians, sociologists, anthropologists, development workers as well as those interested in mountain societies and women's studies. ISBN: 9781107020764 Changing India Second Edition Robert W. Stern Contents: Preface; Glossary; Maps; Chapter 1. The Geography of the Western Himalayas; Chapter 2. Political Economy of the Western Himalayas: Early Nineteenth Century; Chapter 3 The Foundation of the British Rule: Hill State, Hill Station, Land Settlement and Monetisation; Chapter 4. Peasant Rebellions and Royal Reconciliation: British Rule inside the Hill States; Chapter 5. Social Movements during British Rule; Chapter 6. After Independence; Conclusion; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9788175965645 Bombay Islam The Religious Economy of the West Indian Ocean,1840-1915 Nile Green 354pp 344pp HB ` 995.00 The revised edition of Robert Stern's book brings India's story up-to-date. Since its original publication in 1993, much has altered and, yet, central to the author's argument remains his belief in the remarkable continuity and vitality of India's social systems and its resilience in the face of change. This is a colourful, readable and comprehensive introduction to modern India. In a journey through its family households and villages, the author explains its long-lived and little understood caste and class systems, its venerable faiths and extraordinary ethnic diversity, its history as 'the jewel in the crown' of British imperialism and its post-Independence career as a major agricultural and industrial nation. While paradoxes abound in an India that is constantly transforming, Stern demonstrates how and why it remains the largest and most enduring democracy in the developing world. Contents: Introduction; change, the societies of India and Indian society; Part I. The Changing Countryside; 1. Families and villages; 2. Varna, jati and caste, Muslim quasi castes and untouchability; 3. Class: primordial group representation, stimuli-response and patron– client relationships; 4. Homelands, 'linguistic', 'tribal' and 'regional' states: nation provinces and bourgeois revolution; Part II. Change from Above; 5. British imperialism, Indian nationalism and Muslim separatism; 6. Political and economic development in the Indian Union and its international politics. HB ` 895.00 As a thriving port city, nineteenth-century Bombay attracted migrants from across India and beyond. Nile Green's Bombay Islam traces the ties between industrialization, imperialism and the production of religion to show how Muslim migration fueled demand for a wide range of religious suppliers, as Christian missionaries competed with Muslim religious entrepreneurs for a stake in the new market. Enabled by a colonial policy of non-intervention in religious affairs, and powered by steam travel and vernacular printing, Bombay's Islamic productions were exported as far as South Africa and Iran. Connecting histories of religion, labour and globalization, the book examines the role of ordinary people - mill hands and merchants - in shaping the demand that drove the market. By drawing on hagiographies, travelogues, doctrinal works, and poems in Persian, Urdu and Arabic, Bombay Islam unravels a vernacular modernity that saw people from across the Indian Ocean drawn into Bombay's industrial economy of enchantment. ISBN: 9780521540810 Contents: 1. Missionaries and reformists in the market of Islams; 2. Cosmopolitan cults and the economy of miracles; 3. The enchantment of 32 272pp PB ` 395.00 Coming of Age in NineteenthCentury India The Girl-Child and the Art of Playfulness Ruby Lal Creating a New Medina In this engaging and eloquent history, Ruby Lal traces the becoming of nineteenth-century Indian women through a critique of narratives of linear transition from girlhood to womanhood. In the north Indian patriarchal environment, women's lives were dominated by the expectations of the male universal, articulated most clearly in household chores and domestic duties. The author argues that girls and women in the early nineteenth century experienced different form of freedom, eroticism, adventurousness and playfulness, even within restrictive circumstances. Although women in the colonial world of the later nineteenth century remained agential figures, their activities came to be constrained by more firmly-entrenched domestic norms. Lal skillfully marks the subtle and complex alterations in the multifaceted female subject in a variety of nineteenth-century discourses, elaborated in four different sitesforest, school, household, and rooftops. State Power, Islam, and the Quest for Pakistan in Late Colonial North India Venkat Dhulipala Contents: List of photographs and maps; Acknowledgements; List of abbreviations; Glossary; Introduction; 1. Nationalists, communalists and the 1937 provincial elections; 2. Muslim mass contacts and the rise of the Muslim League; 3. Two constitutional lawyers from Bombay and the debate over Pakistan in the public sphere; 4. Muslim League and the idea of Pakistan in the United Provinces; 5. Ulama at the forefront of politics; 6. Urdu press, public opinion and controversies over Pakistan; 7. Fusing Islam and state power; 8. The referendum on Pakistan; Epilogue; Conclusion; Select bibliography; Index; About the author. Contents: 1. Texts, spaces, histories; 2. The woman of the forest; 3. The woman of the school; 4. The woman of the household; 5. The woman of the rooftops. ISBN: 9781107045910 Courtly Culture and Political Life in Early Medieval India Daud Ali 247pp HB ` 995.00 Scholars have long studied classical Sanskrit culture in almost total isolation from its courtly context. Originally published in 2004, this book focuses exclusively on the royal court as a social and cultural institution. Using both literary and inscriptional sources, it begins with the rise and spread of royal households and political hierarchies from the Gupta period (c. 350–750), and traces the emergence of a coherent courtly worldview which would remain stable for almost a millennium to 1200. Later chapters examine key features of courtly life such as: manners, ethics, concepts of personal beauty, and theories of disposition. The book ends with a sustained examination of the theory and practice of erotic love in the context of the wider social dynamics and anxieties which faced the people of the court. ISBN: 9781107052123 Culinary Culture in Colonial India A Cosmopolitan Platter and the Middle Class Utsa Ray Contents: Introduction; Part I. The Rise and Structure of Courtly Life in Early Medieval India; 1. The people of the court; 2. The culture of the court; 3. The protocol of the court; Part II. Aesthetics and the Courtly Sensibility; 4. Beauty and refinement; 5. The education of disposition; Part III. Anxiety and Romance; 6. Courtship and the royal household; 7. The battle of love; Postscript. ISBN: 9788175963795 318pp This book examines how the idea of Pakistan was articulated and debated in the public sphere and how popular enthusiasm was generated for its successful achievement, especially in the crucial province of UP (now Uttar Pradesh) in the last decade of British colonial rule in India. It argues that Pakistan was not a simply a vague idea that serendipitously emerged as a nationstate, but was popularly imagined as a sovereign Islamic State, a new Medina, as some called it. In this regard, it was envisaged as the harbinger of Islam's renewal and rise in the twentieth century, the new leader and protector of the global community of Muslims, and a worthy successor to the defunct Turkish Caliphate. The book also specifically foregrounds the critical role played by Deobandi ulama in articulating this imagined national community with an awareness of Pakistan's global historical significance. HB ` 895.00 648pp HB ` 995.00 This book utilizes cuisine to understand the construction of the colonial middle class in Bengal who indigenized new culinary experiences as a result of colonial modernity. This process of indigenization developed certain social practices, including imagination of the act of cooking as a classic feminine act and the domestic kitchen as a sacred space. The process of indigenization was an aesthetic choice that was imbricated in the upper caste and patriarchal agenda of the middle-class social reform. However, in these acts of imagination, there were important elements of continuity from the precolonial times. The book establishes the fact that Bengali cuisine cannot be labeled as indigenist although it never became widely commercialized. The point was to cosmopolitanize the domestic and yet keep its tag of 'Bengaliness'. The resultant cuisine was hybrid, in many senses like its makers. Contents: List of images, maps and tables; Introduction; 1. Introducing 'foreign' food: changes in the gastronomic culture of colonial Bengal; 2. The cosmopolitan and the regional: understanding Bengali cuisine; 3. Aestheticizing labor? An affective discourse of cooking in colonial Bengal; 4. Constructing 'Bengali' cuisine 33 Chapter 14: Twentieth Century Dissent within the Catholic Church in India; Chapter 15: Narratives of Travel, Voices of Dissent and Attacks on the Colonial Church Fabric of the European Missionaries: A Study on the Varthamanapusthakam; Chapter 16: Sree Narayana Guru’s Idioms of the Spiritual and the Worldly; Chapter 17: Devotion and Dissent in Narayana Guru; Contributors; Index. caste: class and communal negotiations; 5. Fashioning the 'Bengali' middle class: dilemma of the regional and the subregional; Conclusion; Bibliography; Index; About the author. ISBN: 9781107042810 Devotion and Dissent in Indian History Vijaya Ramaswamy 280pp HB ` 695.00 In contrast to sectarian movements across the world that have been fundamentalist in terms of their ideology and locked in conflicts with those who worshipped ‘differently’, dissent movements within devotional streams were characterized by the qualities of universalism, humanism and love, which cut across communal, caste and gender lines. The primary focus of this volume is to present the morphology of dissent within devotion. In the process, the traditional tropes of borders and boundaries get corroded. The normally-visible communal, class, caste and gender divides are rendered fuzzy. Equally significant is the emergence of dissent within dissent movements, as these movements begin to petrify into rigid doctrinal positions. This book seeks to provide a counterperspective to the wellknown and well-trodden school of Marxist historiography, which locates religion firmly within the existing socio-economic order. However, the editor has not conceived of a tailored closure to these two positions and this volume contains essays that explore the notion of devotion as being embedded in dissent, either religious or social. ISBN: 9789382993193 Domesticity and Power in the Early Mughal World Ruby Lal 415pp HB ` 995.00 In a fascinating and innovative study, Ruby Lal explores domestic life and the place of women in the Mughal court of the sixteenth century. Challenging traditional, Orientalist interpretations of the harem that have portrayed a domestic world of seclusion and sexual exploitation, the author reveals a complex society where noble men and women negotiated their everyday life and public-political affairs in the 'inner' chambers as well as the 'outer' courts. Using Ottoman and Safavid histories as a counterpoint, she demonstrates the richness, ambiguity and particularity of the Mughal harem, which was pivotal in the transition to institutionalization and imperial excellence. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. A genealogy of the Mughal haram; 3. The question of the archive: the challenge of a princess's memoir; 4. The making of Mughal court society; 5. Where was the haram in a peripatetic world?; 6. Settled, sacred, and all-powerful: the new regime under Akbar; 7. Settled, sacred, and 'incarcerated': the imperial haram; 8. Conclusion. Contents: Foreword; Introduction: Parsing of Devotion and Dissent; Part I: Locating Devotion in Dissent and Dissent in Devotion; Chapter 1: Locating Devotion in Dissent and Dissent in Devotion: A Thematic Overview; Part II: Devotion and Dissent in Early India; Chapter 2: Dissent and Protest in Early Buddhism with Special Reference to Devadatta; Chapter 3: Devotion and Dissent in Hunter’s Bhakti: Kannappa in Hagiography, Sthalapurana and Iconographic Representations; Chapter 4: Devotion and Dissent in the Biographical Process of a medieval saint—Ramanuja in Srivaishnava Tradition and History; Part III: Dissent in Early Medieval Devotional movements of the Deccan; Chapter 5: Dissent Within: Devotion and Dissent in Tamil Siddha Tradition; Chapter 6: Women in Love: Mysticism and Eroticism in Virasaivism; Chapter 7: Dissenting Voices: Continuities in the Varkari Tradition; Part IV: Devotion and Dissent in Medieval India on the Indo-Gangetic Plains; Chapter 8: Dissent in Kabir and the Kabir Panth; Chapter 9: Dalit Saint Poets: Devotion and Dissent in Sikhism; Chapter 10: A Protest against the Protest: The Nath-Siddhas and Charpatnath; Part V: Devotion and Dissent in Sufism and Related Movements; Chapter 11: Fakirs of Bengal: Dissenters of Shariat and Challengers of Establishments; Chapter 12: Music in Chishti Sufism; Chapter 13: Dissenting the Dominant: Caste Mobility and Ritual practice and Popular Sufi Shrines in Contemporary Punjab; Part VI: Devotion, Dissent and Reform in Colonial India; ISBN: 9780521145541 Empire & Information C. A. Bayly 260pp PB ` 895.00 In a penetrating account of the evolution of British intelligence gathering in India, C. A. Bayly shows how networks of Indian spies were recruited by the British to secure military, political and social information about their subjects. He also examines the social and intellectual origins of these ‘native informants’, and considers how the colonial authorities interpreted and often misinterpreted the information they supplied. It was such misunderstandings that ultimately contributed to the failure of the British to anticipate the rebellions of 1857. The author argues, however, that even before this, complex systems of debate and communication were challenging the political and intellectual dominance of the European rulers. Contents: List of maps; Preface; Glossary; List of abbreviations Introduction; 1. Prologue: surveillance and communication in early modern India; 2. Political intelligence and indigenous informants during the conquest of India, c. 1785– 1815; 3. Misinformation and failure on the fringes of empire; 4. Between human intelligence and colonial knowledge; 5. The Indian ecumene: an 34 indigenous public sphere; 6. Useful knowledge and godly society, c. 1830–50; 7. Colonial controversies: astronomers and physicians; 8. Colonial controversies: language and land; 9. The information order, the Rebellion of 1857–9 and pacification; 10. Epilogue: information, surveillance and the public arena after the Rebellion; Conclusion: ‘knowing the country’; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9788175960657 Our Indian Railway Themes in India’s Railway History Roopa Srinivasan, Manish Tiwari and Sandeep Silas 425pp Forest Ecology in India Colonial Maharashtra 1850–1950 Neena Ambre Rao PB ` 595.00 This book commemorates 150 years of railways in India. Introduced under colonial rule in the second half of the nineteenth century, the railways soon embraced the length and breadth of India bringing with it rapid political, economic, ecological and cultural changes. The articles in this book explore the impact of this technological phenomenon from a range of interdisciplinary perspectives. From early railway thinking in renaissance Bengal, to railway policing in Uttar Pradesh and issues of management to railway themes in literature, the writers in this volume reveal the world of the railways in all its exciting facets. The photo essay invokes the nostalgic world of steam with a series of evocative images. In the twenty-first century, the ever-expanding horizon of the railways continues to draw in people and goods in the third largest railway network in the world. contents: Preface; Chapter 1. Theoretical Considerations; Chapter 2. Methodological Framework and Positioning the Self; Chapter 3. Indian Penitentiary and the Historiographical Silence about Women; Chapter 4. Captive Contexts of Crime: Stories from Inside the Prison; Chapter 5. Life in Prison and Moments of Control; Chapter 6. Conclusion; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9788175965492 Contents: Foreword, Preface, Introduction; 1. The Colonial Context of the Bengal Renaissance Dipesh Chakraborty; 2. Minute by Dalhousie on Introduction of Railways in India; 3. Ackworth Committee Report; 4. Competition and Adaptation: The Operation of Railways in Northern India Ian D. Derbyshire; 5. Economic Nationalism and the Railway Debate, circa 1880 1905 Bipan Chandra; 6. Railway Policing and Security in Colonial India, c. 1860 - 1930 David A. Campion; 7. Indian Nationalism and Railways Visalakshi Menon and Sucheta Mahajan; 8. The Railway in Colonial India: Between Ideas and Impacts Iftekhar Iqbal; 9. The Dark Side of the Force Ian J. Kerr; 10. Tunnels and Bridges: Railways, Narrative and Power in two Novels of India Peter Morey; 11. A View of the History of Indian Railways Mark Tully; 12. The Romance of Steam Dileep Prakash Index. ISBN: 9788175963306 288pp Forest Ecology in India takes a look at the human interactions that have shaped up the ecosystem specifically of Maharashtra, under the British colonial rule. This work is a culmination of extensive analysis of secondary sources and numerous archival primary sources including vernacular material hitherto unexamined from the perspective of Environmental History. It traces the evolution of political, socio-cultural and religious attitudes and administrative policies that had an impact on the forest ecology of Maharashtra. The study goes beyond a chronological narrative of events and it adopts a fresh approach where it examines the impact of the forest policies and subsequent responses from the tribals, peasants and artisans. It looks at landmark events and struggles that shaped the resistance to the new environmental and forest laws as well as the spillover of these developments into the anticolonial struggles of the early twentieth century.This book would be of interest to students of Environmental History and Environmental Justice. From Subjects to Citizens Society and the Everyday State in India and Pakistan, 1947–1970 Taylor C. Sherman, William Gould and Sarah Ansari HB ` 695.00 284pp HB ` 895.00 This book explores the shift from colonial rule to independence in India and Pakistan, with the aim of unravelling the explicit meaning and relevance of ‘independence’ for the new citizens of India and Pakistan during the two decades after 1947. While the study of postcolonial South Asia has blossomed in recent years, this volume addresses a number of imbalances in this dynamic and highly-popular field. Firstly, the histories of India and Pakistan after 1947 have been conceived separately, with many scholars assuming that the two states developed along divergent paths after independence. Thus, the dominant historical paradigm has been to examine either India or Pakistan in relative isolation from one another. Viewing the two states in the same frame not only allows the contributors of this volume to explore common themes, but also facilitates an exploration of the powerful continuities between the pre- and postindependence periods. Contents: Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction; 2. Personal Law and Citizenship in India's Transition to Independence; 3. From Subjects to Citizens? Rationing, refugees and the publicity of corruption over Independence in UP; 4. Performing Peace: Gandhi's assassination as a critical moment in the consolidation of the Nehruvian state; 5. Migration, Citizenship and Belonging in Hyderabad (Deccan), 1946–1956; 6. Punjabi Refugees’ Rehabilitation and the 35 Indian State: Discourses, Denials and Dissonances; 7. Sovereignty, Governmentality and Development in Ayub's Pakistan: the Case of Korangi Township; 8. Everyday expectations of the state during Pakistan's early years: Letters to the Editor, Dawn (Karachi), 1950–1953; 9. Concrete ‘progress’: irrigation, development and modernity in mid-twentieth century Sind; 10. Partition Narratives: Displaced trauma and culpability among British civil servants in 1940s Punjab; Index. ISBN: 9781107064270 Gandhi in the West Sean Scalmer 256pp History Culture and the Indian City Rajnayaran Chandavarkar HB ` 795.00 The non-violent protests of civil rights activists and anti-nuclear campaigners during the 1960s helped to redefine Western politics. But where did they come from? Sean Scalmer uncovers their history in an earlier generation's intense struggles to understand and emulate the activities of Mahatma Gandhi. He shows how Gandhi's non-violent protests were the subject of widespread discussion and debate in the USA and UK for several decades. Though at first misrepresented by Western newspapers, they were patiently described and clarified by a devoted group of cosmopolitan advocates. Small groups of Westerners experimented with Gandhian techniques in virtual anonymity and then, on the cusp of the 1960s, brought these methods to a wider audience. The swelling protests of later years increasingly abandoned the spirit of non-violence, and the central significance of Gandhi and his supporters has therefore been forgotten. This book recovers this tradition, charts its transformation, and ponders its abiding significance. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Bombay's perennial modernities; 3. Sewers; 4. Peasants and proletarians in Bombay City in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century; 5. State and society in colonial India; 6. Religion and nationalism in India; 7. From neighbourhood to nation: the rise and fall of the left in Bombay's Girangaon in the twentieth century; 8. Historians and the nation; 9. Urban history and urban anthropology in South Asia; 10. Aspects of the historiography of labour in India; 11. Post-script; 12. Bibliography. ISBN: 9780521767477 Humanitarian Intervention A History Brendan Simms and David J. B. Trim Contents: Introduction; 1. Meeting the Mahatma; 2. Gandhism in action; 3. At war over words; 4. Waiting for the peace train; 5. The experimenters; 6. An idea whose time has come?; 7. Transformations unforeseen; Conclusion. ISBN: 9781107014114 254pp Raj Chandavarkar was one of the finest Indian historians of the twentieth century. He died sadly young in 2006, leaving behind a substantial collection of unpublished lectures, papers and articles. These have now been assembled and edited by Jennifer Davis, Gordon Johnson and David Washbrook, and their appearance will be widely welcomed by large numbers of scholars of Indian history, politics and society. The essays centre around three major themes: the city of Bombay, Indian politics and society, and Indian historiography. Each manifests Dr Chandavarkar's hallmark historical powers of imaginative empirical richness, analytic acuity and expository elegance, and the collection as a whole will make both a major contribution to the historiography of modern India, and a worthy memorial to a major scholar. HB ` 895.00 282pp HB ` 895.00 The dilemma of how best to protect human rights is one of the most persistent problems facing the international community today. This unique and wide-ranging history of humanitarian intervention examines responses to oppression, persecution and mass atrocities from the emergence of the international state system and international law in the late sixteenth century, to the end of the twentieth century. Leading scholars show how opposition to tyranny and religious persecution evolved from notions of the common interests of 'Christendom' to ultimately incorporate all people under the concept of 'human rights'. As well as examining specific episodes of intervention, the authors consider how these have been perceived and justified over time, and offer important new insights into ideas of national sovereignty, international relations and law, as well as political thought and the development of current theories of 'international community'. Contents: 1. Towards a history of humanitarian intervention Brendan Simms and D. J. B. Trim; Part I. Early-Modern Precedents; 2. 'If a prince use tyrannie towards his people': interventions on behalf of foreign populations in early-modern Europe D. J. B. Trim; 3. The Protestant interest and the history of humanitarian intervention, c.1685–c.1756 Andrew Thompson; 4. 'The age of chivalry is not dead': the idea of humanitarian intervention in the era of Burke Brendan Simms; Part II. The Great Powers and the Ottoman Empire; 5. 'From an umpire to a competitor': Castlereagh, Canning and the issue of international intervention in the wake of the 36 Napoleonic Wars John Bew; 6. Intervening in the Jewish question, 1840–1878 Abigail Green; 7. The 'principles of humanity' and the European powers' intervention in Ottoman Lebanon and Syria in 1860–61 Davide Rodogno; 8. The guarantees of humanity: the Concert of Europe and the origins of the Russo-Ottoman War of 1877 Matthias Schulz; 9. The European powers' intervention in Macedonia, 1903–1908: an instance of humanitarian intervention? Davide Rodogno; Part III. Intervening in Africa; 10. The price of legitimacy in humanitarian intervention: Britain, the European powers and the abolition of the West African slave trade, 1807–1867 Maeve Ryan; 11. British anti-slave trade and anti-slavery policy in East Africa, Arabia, and Turkey in the late nineteenth century William Mulligan; 12. The origins of humanitarian intervention in Sudan: Anglo-American missionaries after 1899 Gideon Mailer; Part IV. Non-European States; 13. Humanitarian intervention, democracy, and imperialism: the American war with Spain, 1898, and after Mike Sewell; 14. The innovation of the Jackson–Vanik Amendment Thomas Probert; 15. Fraternal aid, self-defence, or self-interest? Vietnam's intervention in Cambodia (1978–1989) Sophie Quinn-Judge; Part V. Postscript; 16. Humanitarian intervention since 1990 and 'liberal interventionism' Matthew Jamison; 17. Humanitarian intervention in historical perspective D. J. B. Trim. ISBN: 9781107020238 India Before Europe Catherine B. Asher and Cynthia Talbot 426pp India’s Labouring Poor Historical Studies c.1600–c.2000 Rana P. Behal and Marcel van der Linden Contents: Preface; Introduction; 1. Working Across the Seas: Indian Maritime Laboureres in India, Britain, and in Between, 1600-1857; 2. The Brickmakers' Strikes on the Ganges Canal in 1848-1849; 3. On the Move: Circulating Labour in Pre-Colonial, Colonial and Post-Colonial India; 4. Mobility and Containment: The Voyages of South Asian Seamen, c.1900-1960; 5. Power Structure, Discipline and Labour in Assam Tea Plantations during Colonial Rule; 6. "Following Custom"? Representations of Community among Indian Immigrant Labour in the West Indies, 1880-1920; 7. Masculinity, Respect and the Tragic: Themes of Proletarian Humor in Contemporary Industrial Delhi; 8. Stretching Labour Historiography: Pointers from South Asia; Document; Editorial Introduction; War on the Shopfloor; Select; Bibliography. HB ` 995.00 India is a land of enormous diversity. Crosscultural influences are everywhere in evidence, in the food people eat, the clothes they wear, and in the places they worship. This was especially the case in the India that existed from 1200 to 1750, before the European intervention. The book takes the reader on a journey across the political, economic, religious and cultural landscapes of medieval India, from the Ghurid conquests and the Dehli Sultanate to the great court of the Mughals. This was a time of conquest and consolidation, when Muslims and Hindus came together to create a unique culture, which still resonates in today's India. As the first survey of its kind in over a decade, the book is a tour de force. It is beautifully illustrated and fluently composed, with a cast of characters, which will educate students and general readers alike. ISBN: 9788175964969 Political Structure in a Changing Sinhalese Village Marguerite S. Robinson Contents: Preface; Glossary; 1. Introduction: situating India; 2. The expansion of Turkish power, 1180–1350; 3. Southern India in the age of Vijayanagara, 1350–1550; 4. North India between empires: history, society, and culture, 1350–1550; 5. Sixteenth-century north India: empire reformulated; 6. Expanding political and economic spheres, 1550–1650; 7. Elite cultures in seventeenth-century South Asia; 8. Challenging central authority, 1650–1750; 9. Changing socio-economic formations, 1650– 1750; Epilogue; Biographical notes; Bibliography. ISBN: 9780521517508 336pp Recent years have witnessed a renewed interest in the historical studies of labour in India and other parts of the world. Apart from the study of the industrial workforce, labour history has been enriched by the scholarly attention to migratory, mobile labour, lives of artisans, women and peasant immigrants to plantations within India and overseas. Earlier the major emphasis of labour history research was on the core countries such as US, Canada, Europe and Japan. Now research on the labour history of the capitalist peripheries is growing and is increasingly attracting international scholarship. An urgent need is felt for reconstituting the older frameworks, which had revolved around fixed binaries of space, time and social relations. Labour historians have to increasingly contend with the existing notions of “premodern” and modern, free/unfree, formal/ informal forms of labour relations and traditional spatial divisions such as the factory and the field, urban and rural etc. HB ` 695.00 37 292pp HB ` 895.00 An examination of the nature of political change within a village, which the author calls Morapitiya, in the Kandyan highlands of Sri Lanka, during the transition from colony to independent nation. During the first years of Sri Lanka's independence, the United National Party perpetuated the 'indirect rule' policy of the British colonial government. In 1956, with the election of a coalition government led by the Sri Lanka Freedom Party, this form of rule was rejected. The new government was committed to reviving the traditional Sinhalese culture, language and Buddhist ideals, and to improving the living conditions of the poor. Soon after assuming power, the S.L.F.P. government began to implement political and economic policies designed to alter village structure in accordance with the new ideals. The new politics began to have noticeable effect in Morapitiya by mid-1963, towards the end of her first field trip there. When she returned in 1967, the political structure of Morapitiya had undergone fundamental change and incipient forms of a new political structure were discernible.The author considers the changes in cooperation and conflict and the effects of the new government’s policies in Morapitiya. She focuses on the nature of this process of change, using the ‘equilibrium’ model to analyse the pre-1963 village and showing that a model of competing political structures with different set of rules is necessary for analyszing the same village in 1967. Remembering Partition Gyanendra Pandey Contents: List of illustrations; List of tables; Acknowledgements; Preface; 1. Introduction: problems and assumptions; Part I. The Village of Morapitiya; 2. An introduction to Morapitiya; Part II. Traditional Political Structure (P-1); 3. Leaders without groups; 4. Morapitiyan disputes: I; 5. Morapitiyan disputes: II; 6. The rules of the game: 1963; Part III. The Political System in Transition; 7. 1963: introduction of the new order; 8. 1967: failure of the new and collapse of the old; 9. The emergence of P-2; Part IV. The Morapitiyan Colonists; 10. Of ants and fire; 11. Conclusions; Epilogue, 1972; Appendices; Glossary; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9780521058964 Private Investment in India 1900-1939 Amiya Kumar Bagchi 400pp Contents: Acknowledgements; List of abbreviations; 1. By way of introduction; 2. The three partitions of 1947; 3. Historians’ history; 4. The evidence of the historian; 5. Folding the local into the national: Garhmukhteshwar, November 1946; 6. Folding the national into the local: Delhi, 1947–1948; 7. Disciplining difference; 8. Constructing community; Select bibliography; Index. PB ` 915.00 This book deals with the history of private investment in India and its determinants during the period 1900 – 1939. It develops a simple theoretical framework in its first part and tries to isolate the influence on private investment in India of factor supplies, as against demand conditions. In the second part, all the major manufacturing industries of the period are studied in detail. Most of the analytical apparatus used is developed from orthodox economic theory, but a heavy emphasis is placed on Keynesian ideas.Finally, the author presents a case study in the economic relations between an imperial power (Britain) and a dependent colony (India). He also examines the social relations between the ruling race and the Indians, and provides one of the few detailed accounts of the mechanics of imperialism. ISBN: 9788175961098 Revolutionary Pamphlets, Propaganda and Political Culture in Colonial Bengal Shukla Sanyal Contents: List of tables; Preface; Abbreviations; Part I. General - Theoretical Framework; 1. Introduction; Appendix to chapter 1; 2. The economic policy of the Government of India; 3. The record of aggregate private industrial investment in India, 1900–1939; 4. Land and the supply of raw materials; Appendix to chapter 4; 5. The supply of unskilled labour; 6. The supply of capital and entrepreneurship; Part II. Studies of Major Industries: 7. The development of the cotton-mill industry; 8. Private investment in the jute industry; 9. The growth of the iron and steel industry; 10. The growth of private engineering firms; 11. The cement industry; 12. The growth of the sugar industry; 13. The development of the Indian paper industry; 14. British imperial policy and the spread of modern industry in India; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9780521058926 Through an investigation of the violence that marked the partition of British India in 1947, this book analyses questions of history and memory, the nationalization of populations and their pasts, and the ways in which violent events are remembered (or forgotten) in order to ensure the unity of the collective subject – community or nation. Stressing the continuous entanglement of ‘event’ and ‘interpretation’, the author emphasizes both the enormity of the violence of 1947 and its shifting meanings and contours. The book provides a sustained critique of the procedures of history-writing and nationalist myth-making on the question of violence, and examines how local forms of sociality are constituted and reconstituted, by the experience and representation of violent events. It concludes with a comment on the different kinds of political community that may still be imagined even in the wake of Partition and events like it. 232pp PB ` 295.00 Pamphlets have usually been regarded as ephemeral literature with little permanent impact. This work demonstrates the historical value of this genre of political literature. The propaganda pamphlets help historians place a finger on the pulse of an extraordinarily-important historical period when new ideas concerning the nationstate, the rights of the governed and forms of political protest complicated the political scene and opened up new fronts of conflict between the colonial state and the colonized subjects. This study devises innovative approaches to reading these pamphlets and generates new insights into the world of the pamphleteers thus providing the readers a more nuanced understandingof the politics and political culture of early-twentieth century Bengal. In the process, the book makes an important contribution to the historical controversies that the politics of this period has generated among scholars of Indian nationalism. Contents: Preface; Abbreviations and Glossary; Introduction; Chapter 1 The origins of an idea, 1905–18; Chapter 2 The signs of the times: Constructing a nation; Chapter 3 Legitimizing violence; Chapter 4 The battle for domination: State repression of revolutionary pamphlets; Chapter 5 Summing up: An identity forged in battle; Conclusion; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9781107065468 496pp PB ` 1495.00 38 219pp HB ` 695.00 Science, Technology and Social Formation in Medieval Assam Sanjeeb Kakoty Muharram: marketplace Shi'ism; 3. Anjumans, endowments and Indian Shi'ism: the making of Shi'a society; 4. Aligarh, jihad, and pan-Islam: the politicisation of the Indian Shi'a; 5. The tabarra agitation and Shi'a-Sunni conflict in late colonial India; Conclusion. The beginning of the Ahom dynasty in eastern Assam dates back to 1228 CE. This kingdom, which was one of the longest reigning dynasties in India, continued till the beginning of nineteenth century. This book discusses the reasons behind the durability of this state. It analyses the factors that contributed both to development of Ahom and its eventual downfall through an examination of technology, production and system of governance. The author proposes a new categorization of the Ahom state, which he calls the paik mode of production. This involves examination of the specific tools and technologies used in rice cultivation, varieties of rice cultivated, techniques of gunpowder manufacture, different kinds of guns and canons manufactured, system of guerrilla warfare and extent of civil construction. Overall, the book presents a rich account of a lesser-known region in India and opens up a new area of historical examination. The book will interest graduate students and academic researchers of South Asian History, especially with a focus on northeast India. General readers interested in the history of Assam will also find this book useful. ISBN: 9781107026971 Small Town Capitalism in Western India Douglas E. Haynes Contents: Preface; Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Production, Technology and Change: Perspectives and Prospects; Chapter 3: Early Ahom State: Reflection on Technology; Chapter 4: Mode of Production and Social Formation in the Early Ahom State; Chapter 5: Technology in the Ahom State: Agrarian; Chapter 6: Technology in the Ahom State: Non Agrarian; Chapter 7: Technological Changes and Social Formation in the Later Ahom State; Chapter 8: Epilogue; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9789382264118 Shi’a Islam in Colonial India Justin Jones 212pp 304pp HB ` 895.00 This book charts the history of artisan production and marketing in the Bombay Presidency from 1870 to 1960. While the textile mills of western India's biggest cities have been the subject of many rich studies, the role of artisan producers located in the region's small towns have been virtually ignored. Based upon extensive archival research as well as numerous interviews with participants in the handloom and powerloom industries, this book explores the role of weavers, merchants, consumers and labourers in the making of what the author calls 'small-town capitalism'. By focusing on the politics of negotiation and resistance in local workshops, the book challenges conventional narratives of industrial change. The book provides the first indepth work on the origins of powerloom manufacture in South Asia. It affords unique insights into the social and economic experience of small-town artisans as well as the informal economy of late colonial and early postindependence India. Contents: Introduction; 1. The historical and global contexts of artisan production; 2. Consumers, merchants, and markets; 3. Artisanal towns; 4. The organization of production; 5. Small town capitalism and the living standards of artisans; 6. The colonial state and the handloom weaver; 7. The paradox of the Long 1930s; 8. Weaver capitalists and the politics of the workshop, 1940–60. HB ` 895.00 Interest in Shi'a Islam has increased greatly in recent years, although Shi'ism in the Indian subcontinent has remained largely underexplored. Focusing on the influential Shi'a minority of Lucknow and the United Provinces, a region that was largely under Shi'a rule until 1856, this book traces the history of Indian Shi'ism through the colonial period toward independence in 1947. Drawing on a range of new sources, including religious writing, polemical literature and clerical biography, it assesses seminal developments including the growth of Shi'a religious activism, madrasa education, missionary activity, ritual innovation and the politicization of the Shi'a community. As a consequence of these significant religious and social transformations, a Shi'a sectarian identity developed that existed in separation from rather than in interaction with its Sunni counterparts. In this way the painful birth of modern sectarianism was initiated, the consequences of which are very much alive in South Asia today. ISBN: 9781107031296 Contents: Introduction; 1. Madrasas, mujtahids, and missionaries: Shi'a clerical expansion in colonial India; 2. Mosques, majalis and 39 362pp HB ` 895.00 Strange Riches Bengal in the Mercantile Map of South Asia Rila Mukherjee This book commemorates 150 years of railways in India. Introduced under colonial rule in the second half of the nineteenth century, the railways soon embraced the length and breadth of India bringing with it rapid political, economic, ecological and cultural changes. The articles in this book explore the impact of this technological phenomenon from a range of interdisciplinary perspectives. From early railway thinking in Renaissance Bengal, to railway policing in Uttar Pradesh and issues of management to railway themes in literature, the writers in this volume reveal the world of the railways in all its exciting facets. The photo essay invokes the nostalgic world of steam with a series of evocative images. In the twenty-first century, the ever-expanding horizon of the railways continues to draw in people and goods in the third largest railway network in the world. struggle against Napoleon Richard Hart Sinnreich; 7. The strategy of Lincoln and Grant Wayne Hsieh; 8. Bismarckian strategic policy, 1871–90 Marcus Jones; 9. Dowding and the British strategy of air defense, 1936–40 Colin Gray; 10. US naval strategy and Japan Williamson Murray; 11. US grand strategy in World War II Peter R. Mansoor; 12. American grand strategy and the unfolding of the Cold War, 1945–61 Bradford A. Lee; 13. The Reagan Administration's strategy toward the Soviet Union Thomas G. Mahnken; Afterword Richard Hart Sinnreich. ISBN: 9781107518797 Telangana People’s Struggle and its Lessons Contents: Preface; Acknowledgements; Abbreviations; Map 1 - Places mentioned in Bengal and Arakan: 5th to 13th centuries; Map 2 - Land and sea routes of the Eastern Indian Ocean: 13th to 15th centuries; 1. Introduction; 2. Conceptual Formulations; 3. Key Issues: Bengal; 4. Introducing Bengal; 5. The Debated Century; 6. Networks and States in South Asia; 7. Unities of Time and Space in Bengal; 8. Bengal in the Indian Ocean Centred World Economy; 9. Conclusion; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9788175963245 Successful Strategies Triumphing in War and Peace from Antiquity to the Present Williamson Murray and Richard Hart Sinnreich 452pp Putchalapalli Sundarayya HB ` 895.00 Successful Strategies is a fascinating new study of the key factors that have contributed to the development and execution of successful strategies throughout history. With a team of leading historians, Williamson Murray and Richard Hart Sinnreich examine how, and to what effect states, individuals and military organizations have found a solution to complex and seemingly-insoluble strategic problems to reach success. Bringing together grand, political and military strategy, the book features 13 essays, each of which explores a unique case or aspect of strategy. The focus ranges from individuals such as Themistocles, Bismarck and Roosevelt to organizations and bureaucratic responses. Whether discussing grand strategy in peacetime or that of war or politics, these case studies are unified by their common goal of identifying in each case the key factors that contributed to success as well as providing insights essential to any understanding of the strategic challenges of the future. 475pp PB ` 995.00 This book provides a comprehensive account of the Telangana people’s struggle during 1946–51 to point out the political lessons that emerged from this movement. Beginning with an account of feudal oppression in the Nizam-governed Hyderabad state and the organization of masses, against the backdrop of the national movement, the book recounts the shaping of an alternate nationalism that gave particular emphasis to the struggle for the depressed classes. It discusses the sacrifices of the fighting peasantry of Telangana and the Visalandhra state unit of the Communist Party, which led the uprising. During the course of the struggle, the peasantry in about 3000 villages succeeded in setting up gram raj, on the basis of village panchayats. About one million acres of land was redistributed among the people and all evictions and forced labour service were abolished. The movement also paved the way for rewarding the political map of India on a national, democratic and linguistic basis. After this movement, the Communist Party emerged as the biggest opposition group in the first parliament following the 1952 general election.The book analyses a series of issues such as the role of the peasantry in the people’s democratic revolution, the significance of partisan resistance and rural revolutionary bases, the concept of working class hegemony and the role of the Communist Party in a developing country. Contents: Preface; Introduction; Part I; 1. Hyderabad State - Its Socio-Political Background; 2. The Peasant Upsurge and Communist Party; 3. Armed Resistance Movement Against Nizam and Razakars; 4. Telangana People's Armed Liberation Struggle Against Nizam - Its Achievements; 5. The Communist Movement in Andhra: Terror Regime 1948 - 1951; Part II; 1. Entry of Indian Army and Immediately After; 2. Terror Regime and Resistance; 3. The Krishna Forest (Nallamala) Region; 4. The Godavari Forest Region; 5. Action of Guerilla Squads; 6. People's Upsurge in Karimnagar and Other New Areas; 7. Movement in Cities and of the Working Class; 8. Struggle Inside Jails; 9. Women in the Telangana Movement; 10. Brief Sketches of Some of the Squad and Party Leaders After the Entry of the Contents: Introduction Williamson Murray; 1. The strategic thought of Themistocles Victor Davis Hanson; 2. The grand strategy of the Roman Empire James Lacey; 3. Giraldus Cembrensis, Edward I, and the conquest of Wales Clifford J. Rogers; 4. Creating the British way of war: English strategy in the War of the Spanish Succession Jamel Otswald; 5. Failed, broken, or galvanized? Prussia and 1806 Dennis Showalter; 6. Victory by trial and error: Britain's 40 A History of Modern India Ishita Banerjee-Dube A History of Modern India provides an interpretive and comprehensive account of the history of India between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries, a crucial epoch characterized by colonialism, nationalism and the emergence of the independent Indian Union. It explores significant historiographical debates concerning the period while highlighting important new issues, especially those of gender, ecology, caste, and labour.The work combines an analysis of colonial and independent India in order to underscore ideologies, policies, and processes that shaped the colonial state and continue to mould the Indian nation. While it does not forego chronology, it does away with the conventional demarcation of political processes and socio-cultural histories in order to portray the multi-faceted nature of social worlds.This book, masterfully, provokes readers to reflect and interrogate, and strive for newer ways of understanding history. Strikingly employed visual tools—historical maps, old photographs, posters and imaginative time-lines complement the core narratives.This book will appeal to scholars and students of history and general readers alike. Paperback | 978-1-107-65972-8 | ` 495.00 www.cambridge.org Ishita Banerjee-Dube is Professor of History at the Center for Asian and African Studies, El Colegio de México, Mexico. Indian Army; 11. Withdrawal of Telangana Armed Partisan Resistance; Epilogue; ; Part III; Appendix I Martyrs of the Struggle, Nalgonda District, Mahboobnagar District; Appendix II The Conditions of Agricultural Workers and of the Poor Peasantry; Appendix III Present Secret Organisation - Our Tasks; Appendix IV Tales of Telangana. ISBN: 9789382993858 The Camera as Witness A Social History of Mizoram, Northeast India Joy L. K. Pachuau and Willem van Schendel 468pp The Economy of Modern India From 1860 to the Twenty-First Century Second Edition B. R. Tomlinson PB ` 695.00 The Camera as Witness lifts the veil off the little-known world of Mizoram and challenges – through unpublished photographs – core assumptions in the writing of India's national history. The pictures in the book establish the transformation of this society and the many forms of modernity that have emerged in it. It emphasizes how 'indigenous people' in Mizoram used cameras to produce distinct modern identities and represent themselves to themselves, consistently contesting outsiders' imaginations of them as isolated, backward and in need of upliftment. The authors demonstrate how mostly-amateur photographers used visual images to document a historical trajectory of heady change and continual reinvention, producing distinct modern identities. By virtue of its use of visual sources and its engagement with a wide range of important discourses, this book is relevant for students, historians, social scientists, political activists and general readers looking for a fresh approach to Northeast India. Contents: Preface to the second edition; Preface to the first edition; 1. Introduction: growth and development in the long run; 2. Agriculture, 1860–1950: land, labour and capital; 3. Trade and manufacture, 1860–1945: firms, markets and the colonial state; 4. The state and the economy, 1939–1980; 5. Breaking the mould? Economic growth since 1980; Index. ISBN: 9781107660304 The Mutiny Outbreak at Meerut in 1857 J. A. B. Palmer Contents: List of figures; List of maps; Glossary; Acknowledgements; Part I. Becoming Mizo; 1. Introduction; 2. Coming into view: the first images; 3. Adjusting Mizo culture; 4. Domesticating a new religion; 5. Getting educated; 6. Controlling the hills; 7. The trouble of travel; 8. First stirrings of the market economy; 9. Mizos in the World Wars; 10. Mizo visual sensibilities; Part II. Mizoram in the New India; 11. The long goodbye; 12. The emergence of popular politics; 13. Mizoram and the new Indian order; 14. Mizoram comes to Delhi; 15. The search for authenticity at home; 16. Mizo style: cowboys at heart; Part III. Visions of Independence; 17. Famine and revolt; 18. The Mizoram government at home – and in East Pakistan; 19. The Mizoram government – in Burma, China and Bangladesh; 20. A state and its minorities; Part IV. Mizo Modernities; 21. Being cool: the music scene; 22. Being cool: sharp dressers; 23. Studio modernity; 24. Conclusion; Acknowledgement of copyrights and sources; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9781107073395 Rapid economic growth has put India at the centre of current debates about the future of the global economy. In this fully-revised and updated text, B. R. Tomlinson provides a comprehensive and wide-ranging account of the Indian economy over the last 150 years. He sets arguments about growth, development and underdevelopment, and the impact of imperialism, against a detailed history of agriculture, trade and manufacture, and the relations between business, the economy and the state. The new edition extends the coverage right up to the present day, and explains how one of the largest countries in the world has sought to achieve economic progress and lasting development, despite institutional weaknesses, rigid structures of political and social hierarchy, and the legacy of colonialism. 266pp PB ` 495.00 The establishment in British India produced an impressive number of scholars and scholarly amateurs who pursued historical and other studies and wrote books and articles of distinction. Mr. Palmer has produced a work in this tradition. His subject is the outbreak of the Mutiny (as the Raj considered it) among the native regiments (as the Raj called them) at Meerut on the evening of Sunday 10 May 1857. Was the outbreak planned in advance or did it arise through chance circumstances on that fateful evening? How badly was the situation handled? Mr Palmer’s examination moves some of the blame for handling of the incident from General Hewitt to Brigadier Archdale Wilson. He defends the failure to follow up the mutineers by a march to Delhi and gives an interesting analysis of the curious career and character of Colonel Carmichael-Smyth. He re-examines the evidence of premeditation for the outbreak and treats meticulously the significance of arms and equipment and loading drill. Contents: Introduction; 1. Chapatis; 2. Greased cartridges; 3. The Presidency division, February to May; 4. Regiments and officers at Meerut; 5. Meerut Cantonment in 1857; 6. The firing ISBN: 9780521058773 502pp HB ` 1195.00 42 192pp PB ` 495.00 The Rani of Jhansi Gender, History, and Fable in India Harleen Singh Arguments in the South:; 8. Civil society in extraEuropean perspective Jack Goody; 9. On civil and political societies in post-colonial democracies Partha Chatterjee; 10. Civil society and the fate of the modern Republic in Latin America Luis Castro Leiva and Anthony Pagden; 11. The western concept of civil society in the context of Chinese history Thomas Metzger; 12. Civil society, community and democracy in the Middle East Sami Zubaida; 13. Mistaking ‘Governance’ for politics: Foreign aid, civil society and democracy Rob Jenkins; 14. The promise of ‘civil society’ in the South Geoffrey Hawthorn; 15. In search of civil society Sudipta Kaviraj. Rani Lakshmi Bai is an iconic figure of the nationalist movement in India. Her fight against the imperialist power has a significant place in the cultural and feminist history of South Asia. She is considered not only a heroine, and a great warrior, but also a protector of her people in Jhansi. Her pictures on horseback, with her son tied to her back and a sword in one hand, represent her as an embodiment of feminine power or Shakti. This book uses fictional, cinematic and popular representations of the Rani to analyse the convergence of colonial and postcolonial literary, historical, sexual and cultural imperatives in the figure of this legendary woman.This book also extends the discussion to what constitutes the gendered subaltern historical archive. By analysing a range of literary and cinematic texts produced between 1857 and 2007, it tries to understand the various agendas that are at stake in the use of the Rani as a figure of nationalist Indian history and imperial British narrative. There is also an attempt to compare representations of the Rani in both these contexts. ISBN: 9788175961081 Gandhi as Disciple and Mentor Thomas Weber Contents: List of Figures; Acknowledgements; I. Introduction; II. Enslaving masculinity: Rape scripts and the erotics of power; III. India’s aryan queen: Colonial ambivalence and race in the mutiny; IV. Coherent pasts in Hindi literature and film; V. Unmaking the nationalist archive: Gender and dalit historiography; Afterword; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9781107042803 Civil Society History and Possibilities Sudipta Kaviraj and Sunil Khilnani 202pp HB ` 795.00 Civil society is one of the most used – and abused – concepts in current political thinking. In this important collection of essays, the concept is subjected to rigorous analysis by an international team of contributors, all of whom seek to encourage the historical and comparative understanding of political thought. The volume is divided into two parts: the first section analyses the meaning of civil society in different theoretical traditions of western philosophy. In the second section, contributors consider the theoretical and practical contexts in which the notion of civil society has been invoked in Asia, Africa and Latin America. These essays demonstrate how an influential Western idea like civil society is itself altered and innovatively modified by the specific contexts of intellectual and practical life in the societies of the South. 340pp PB ` 595.00 Thomas Weber's 2004 book comprises a series of biographical reflections about people who influenced Gandhi, and those who were, in turn, influenced by him. Whilst previous literature tended to focus on Gandhi's political legacy, Weber's book explores the spiritual, social and philosophical resonances of these relationships, and it is with these aspects of the Mahatma's life in mind, that the author selects his central protagonists. These include friends such as Henry Polak and Hermann Kallenbach, who are not as well known as those usually cited, but who left a deep impression nevertheless, and motivated some of Gandhi's major life changes. Conversely, the work of luminaries such as E. F. Schumacher and Gene Sharp reveal the Mahatma's influence in arenas, which are not traditionally associated with his thinking. Weber's book offers intriguing insights into the life and thought of one of the most significant figures of the twentieth century. Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. Gandhi influenced; 3. Henry Polak and the setting up of Phoenix settlement; 4. Hermann Kallenbach and the move to Tolstoy Farm; 5. Maganlal Gandhi and the decision to leave Sabarmati; 6. Jamnalal Bajaj and the move to Sevagram; 7. The top of the hourglass: Gandhi influenced; 8. Gandhi's influence; 9. Arne Naess: the ecological movement finds depth; 10. Johan Galtung: peace research moves beyond war; 11. E. F. Schumacher: economics as if people mattered; 12. Gene Sharp: nonviolent activism becomes a political method; 13. The bottom of the hourglass: Gandhi's influence. Contents: Part I. Theoretical Traditions in the West; 1. The development of civil society Sunil Khilnani; 2. Concepts of civil society in premodern Europe Anthony Black; 3. The contemporary political significance of John Locke’s conception of civil society John Dunn; 4. Civil society in the Scottish Enlightenment Fania Oz Salzberger; 5. Enlightenment and the institution of society Keith Michael Baker; 6. Hegel and the economics of civil society Gareth Stedman Jones; 7. Civil society in the Marxist tradition Joseph Femia; Part II. ISBN: 9788175964327 43 294pp PB ` 495.00 Colonial Justice in British India White Violence and the Rule of Law Elizabeth Kolsky Colonial Justice in British India describes and examines the lesser-known history of white violence in colonial India. By foregrounding crimes committed by a mostly-forgotten cast of European characters – planters, paupers, soldiers and sailors – Elizabeth Kolsky argues that violence was not an exceptional but an ordinary part of British rule in the subcontinent. Despite the pledge of equality, colonial legislation and the practices of white judges, juries and police placed most Europeans above the law, literally allowing them to get away with murder. The failure to control these unruly whites revealed how the weight of race and the imperatives of command imbalanced the scales of colonial justice. In a powerful account of this period, Kolsky reveals a new perspective on the British Empire in India, highlighting the disquieting violence that invariably accompanied imperial forms of power. The Female Voice of Myanmar Khin Myo Chit to Aung San Suu Kyi Nilanjana Sengupta Contents: List of figures; List of maps; List of tables; Acknowledgements; Glossary; Introduction; 1. White peril: law and lawlessness in early colonial India; 2. Citizens, subjects and subjection to law: codification and the legal construction of racial difference; 3. ‘Indian human nature’: evidence, experts, and the elusive pursuit of truth; 4. ‘One scale of justice for the planter and another for the coolie’: law and violence on the Assam tea plantations; 5. ‘A judicial scandal’: the imperial conscience and the race against empire; Conclusion; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9780521190787 Memories of Postimperial Nations The Aftermath of Decolonization, 1945-2013 Dietmar Rothermund 266pp Contents: List of figures; Glossary; Preface; Acknowledgements; Introduction; Chapter 1. Khin Myo Chit: The Voice of a Closet Feminist; Chapter 2. Ludu Daw Amar: The Voice of Unity; Chapter 3. Ma Thida: The Voice of Hidden Truths and Changing Times; Chapter 4: Aung San Suu Kyi: The Voice of a Pragmatic; Annexure I. Chronology of Khin Myo Chit's publications; Annexure II. Chronology of Ludu Daw Amar's publications; Annexure III. Chronology of Ma Thida's publications; Bibliography. ISBN: 9781107117860 HB ` 895.00 Since the empires of the world crumbled, the post-imperial nations have been struggling to come to terms with the present, and as recall sets in ‘wars of memory’ have arisen, leading to a process of collective ‘editing’. Memories of Postimperial Nations presents the first transnational comparison of Great Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Portugal, Italy and Japan, all of whom lost or ‘decolonized’ their overseas empires after 1945. Tracks of Change Railways and Everyday Life in Colonial India Ritika Prasad It brings together varying perspectives with historians and political scientists of these nations attempting to explore the role of memory in the experience of post-imperial nations. Contents: Preface; Introduction; 1. Memory of Empire in Britain: A Preliminary View; 2. Ruptures and Dissonance: Post-colonial Migrations and the Remembrance of Colonialism in the Netherlands; 3. A Distinctive Ugliness: Colonial Memory in Belgium; 4. The Post-colonial Encounter in France; 5. Ideologies of Exceptionality and the Legacies of Empire in Portugal; 6. Post-colonial Italy: The Case of a Small and Belated Empire: From Strong Emotions to Bigger Problems; 7. (Post) Imperial Japan in Transnational Perspective; 8. A View from the Gallery: Perspective of a ‘Colonized’ on Post-imperial Memories; 9. Memories of Postimperial Nations; List of Contributors. ISBN: 9781107102293 220pp The Female Voice of Myanmar seeks to offer a female perspective on the history and political evolution of Myanmar. It delves into the lives and works of four of Myanmar’s remarkable women who set aside their lives to answer the call of their country:Khin Myo Chit, who spoke about latent sexual politics in pre-Independent Burma; Ludu Daw Amar, who as the editor of the leftist Ludu Daily, was deemed anti-establishment and was witness to the socialist government’s abortive efforts at ethnic reconciliation; Ma Thida, whose writing bears testimony to the impact the authoritative military rule had on the individual psyche; and Aung San Suu Kyi, who has rearticulated Burmese nationalism. This book breaks new ground in exploring their writing, both published and hitherto unexamined, some in English and much in Burmese, while the intimate biographical sketches offer a glimpse into the Burmese home and the shifting feminine image. 421pp HB ` 995.00 From the mid-nineteenth century onwards, railways became increasingly important in the lives of a growing number of Indians. While allowing millions to collectively experience the endemic discomforts of third-class travel, the public opportunities for proximity and contact created by railways simultaneously compelled colonial society to confront questions about exclusion, difference, and community. It was not only passengers, however, who were affected by the transformations that railways wrought. Even without boarding a train, one could see railway tracks and embankments reshaping familiar landscapes, realize that train schedules represented new temporal structures, fear that spreading railway links increased the reach of contagion, and participate in new forms of popular politics focused around railway spaces. Tracks of Change explores how railway technology, travel, and infrastructure became increasingly woven with everyday life in colonial India, how people negotiated the growing presence of railways, and how this process has shaped India’s history. Contents: List of Tables and Figures; Acknowledgements; List of Abbreviations; Introduction; 1. The Nature of the Beast? An Elementary Logic for Third-class Travel; 2. Demand and Supply? Railway Space and Social HB ` 695.00 44 Taxonomy; 3. Crime and Punishment: In the Shadow of Railway Embankments; 4. Railway Time: Speed, Synchronization, and “Timesense”; 5. Contagion and Control: Managing Disease, Epidemics, and Mobility; 6. Designing Rule: Power, Efficiency, and Anxiety; 7. Marking Citizen from Denizen: Dissent, “Rogues”, and Rupture; Conclusion; Bibliography; Index; About the Author. ISBN: 9781107084216 Indigenous and Western Medicine in Colonial India Madhuri Sharma 326pp Indigo Plantations and Science in Colonial India Prakash Kumar HB ` 795.00 This book delves into the social history of medicine and reflects on the complexity of social interaction, between indigenous and western medicine in colonial India. The book draws upon a host of authentic sources such as tracts, pamphlets, brochures, booklets of various medicine shops and drug manufacturing companies functioning in the colonial era. This work analyses the medical market and entrepreneurship in medicine in colonial India. It deconstructs the-then prevalent ‘advertisements’, treating them both as a reflection on the contemporaneous values and lifestyles and as a medium for the creation of medical consumers. Emphasizing upon the question of class, gender and racial discriminations, the book also examines the interest generated by modern medical equipment such as the stethoscope and the thermometer, and the way in which these were used to reinforce the norms of social hierarchy and purdah system. This work also focuses on several debated issues such as birth control, sexuality, and the principles of brahmacharya.The book would be a useful read for sociology and history graduates, as well as researchers and medical professionals. Contents: Introduction: the odyssey of indigo; 1. The world of indigo plantations: diasporas and knowledge; 2. The course of colonial modernity: negotiating the landscape in Bengal; 3. Colony and the external arena: seeking validation in the market; 4. Local science: agricultural institutions in the age of nationalism; 5. The last stand in science and rationalization; 6. A lasting definition of improvement in the era of world war. ISBN: 9781107038004 The Government of Social Life in Colonial India Liberalism, Religious Law, and Women’s Rights Contents: List of Figures; List of Tables and Graphs; Preface; List of Abbreviations; Introduction; Chapter 1: Health and Healing Practices in Banaras: Patterns of Patronage; Chapter 2: Changing Perceptions of Health and Medicine: Authority, Anxiety and Attraction; Chapter 3: The Professionalization of Medicine: Aspirations and Conflicts; Chapter 4: Entrepreneurship in Medicine; Conclusion; Glossary; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9788175968899 192pp Prakash Kumar documents the history of agricultural indigo, exploring the effects of nineteenth-century globalization on this colonial industry. Charting the indigo culture from the early modern period to the twentieth century, Kumar discusses how knowledge of indigo culture thrived among peasant traditions on the Indian subcontinent in the early modern period and was then developed by Caribbean planters and French naturalists who codified this knowledge into widely-disseminated texts. European planters who settled in Bengal with the establishment of British rule in the late eighteenth century drew on this information. From the nineteenth century, indigo culture became more modern, science-based and expert driven, and with the advent of a cheaper, purer synthetic indigo in 1897, indigo science crossed paths with the colonial state's effort to develop a science for agricultural development. Only at the end of the First World War, when the industrial use of synthetic indigo for textile dyeing and printing became almost universal, did the indigo industry's optimism fade away. Rachel Sturman HB ` 795.00 350pp HB ` 1295.00 From the early days of colonial rule in India, the British established a two-tier system of legal administration. Matters deemed secular were subject to British legal norms, while suits relating to the family were adjudicated according to Hindu or Muslim law, known as personal law. This important new study analyses the system of personal law in colonial India through a reexamination of women’s rights. Focusing on Hindu law in western India, it challenges existing scholarship, showing how – far from being a system based on traditional values – Hindu law was developed around ideas of liberalism, and that this framework encouraged questions about equality, women’s rights, the significance of bodily difference, and more broadly the relationship between state and society. Rich in archival sources, wide-ranging and theoretically informed, this book illuminates how personal law came to function as an organizing principle of colonial governance and of nationalist political imaginations. Contents: Introduction; Part I. Economic Governance; 1. Property between law and political economy; 2. The dilemmas of social economy; Part II. The Politics of Personal Law; 3. Hindu law as a regime of rights; 4. Custom and human value in the debates on Hindu marriage; 5. Law, community, and belonging; Conclusion. ISBN: 9781107038196 45 310pp HB ` 895.00 Journeys to Empire Enlightenment, Imperialism, and the British Encounter with Tibet, 1774-1904 Gordon T. Stewart A History of Modern India This fascinating study of two British missions to Tibet in 1774 and 1904 provides a unique perspective on the relationship between the Enlightenment and European colonialism. Gordon T. Stewart compares and contrasts the Enlightenment era mission led by George Bogle and the Edwardian mission of Francis Younghusband as they crossed the Himalayas into Tibet. Through the British agents' diaries, reports, and letters and by exploring their relationships with Indians, Bhutanese and Tibetans, Stewart is able to trace the shifting ideologies, economic interests and political agendas that lay behind British empire-building from the late eighteenth century to the early twentieth century. This compelling account sheds new light on the changing nature of British imperialism, on power and intimacy in the encounter between East and West, and on the relationship of history and memory. Ishita Banerjee-Dube While it does not forego chronology, it does away with the conventional demarcation of political processes and socio-cultural histories in order to portray the multi-faceted nature of social worlds. This book, masterfully, provokes readers to reflect and interrogate, and strive for newer ways of understanding history. Contents: Introduction; 1. An enlightenment narrative 1774; 2. Wives, concubines and ‘Domestic Arrangements’; 3. Imperial eyes in ‘the Golden Territories’; 4. Enter Younghusband; 5.From enlightenment to empire; 6. Tibet lessons. ISBN: 9780521761338 Purifying Empire Deana Heath 296pp Strikingly employed visual tools — historical maps, old photographs, posters and imaginative time-lines complement the core narratives. This book will appeal to the scholars, students of history as well as the general readers alike. HB ` 995.00 Contents: Photographs, Maps, Posters and Figures • About the Author • Acknowledgements • Prologue; 1. The Colourful World of the Eighteenth Century; 2. Emergence of the Company Raj; 3. An Inaugural Century; 4. Creating Anew; 5. Imagining India; 6. Challenge and Rupture; 7. The Mahatma Phenomenon; 8. Difficulties and Initiatives; 9. Many Pathways of a Nation; 10. The Tumultuous Forties; 11. 1947 and After; Index. Purifying Empire explores the material, cultural and moral fragmentation of the boundaries of imperial and colonial rule in the British Empire in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It charts how a particular bio-political project, namely the drive to regulate the obscene in late nineteenth-century Britain, was transformed from a national into a global and imperial venture and then re-localized in two different colonial contexts, India and Australia, to serve decidedly different ends. While a considerable body of work has demonstrated both the role of empire in shaping moral regulatory projects in Britain and their adaptation, transformation and, at times, rejection in colonial contexts, this book illustrates that it is in fact only through a comparative and transnational framework that it is possible to elucidate both the temporalist nature of colonialism and the political, racial and moral contradictions that sustained imperial and colonial regimes. ISBN: 9781107659728 Islamic Societies to the Nineteenth Century A Global History Ira M. Lapidus Contents: Introduction: books, boundaries and Britishness; 1. Colonialism and governmentality; 2. From sovereignty to governmentality: the emergence of obscenity regulation as a biopolitical project in Britain; 3. Globalizing the local: imperial hygiene and the regulation of the obscene; 4. Localizing the global in settler societies: regulating the obscene in Australia; 5. Localizing the global in exploitation colonies: regulating the obscene in India; Conclusion: retangling empire, nation, colony and globe; Bibliography. ISBN: 9780521189200 244pp A History of Modern India provides an interpretive and comprehensive account of the history of India between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries, a crucial epoch characterized by colonialism, nationalism and the emergence of the independent Indian Union. It explores significant historiographical debates concerning the period while highlighting important new issues, especially those of gender, ecology, caste, and labour. The work combines an analysis of colonial and independent India in order to underscore ideologies, policies, and processes that shaped the colonial state and continue to mould the Indian nation. 519pp PB ` 495.00 First published in 1988, Ira M. Lapidus’ A History of Islamic Societies has become a classic in the field, enlightening students, scholars, and others with a thirst for knowledge about one of the world’s great civilizations. This book, based on fully revised and updated parts one and two of this monumental work, describes the transformations of Islamic societies from their beginning in the seventh century, through their diffusion across the globe, into the challenges of the nineteenth century. The story focuses on the organization of families and tribes, religious groups and states, showing how they were transformed by their interactions with other religious and political communities. The book concludes with the European commercial and imperial interventions that initiated a new set of transformations in the Islamic world, and the onset of the modern era. Organized in narrative sections for the history of each major region, with innovative, analytic summary introductions and conclusions, this book is a unique endeavour. Contents: Introduction to the history of Islamic societies; Book I. Part I. The Beginnings of Islamic Civilizations, The Middle East from c.600 to c.1000: 1. Middle Eastern societies before Islam; 2. Historians and the sources; 3. Arabia; HB ` 995.00 46 4. Muhammad: preaching, community, and state formation; 5. Introduction; 6. The Arab-Muslim conquests and the socio-economic bases of empire; 7. Regional developments: economic and social changes; 8. The caliphate to 750; 9. The ‘Abbasid empire; 10. Decline and fall of the ‘Abbasid empire; 11. Introduction: religion and identity; 12. The ideology of imperial Islam; 13. The ‘Abbasids: caliphs and emperors; 14. Introduction; 15. Sunni Islam; 16. Shi’i Islam; 17. Muslim urban societies to the tenth century; 18. The non-Muslim minorities; 19. Continuity and change in the historic cultures of the Middle East; Book I. Part II. From Islamic Community to Islamic Society: Egypt, Iraq and Iran, 945– c.1500: 20. The post-’Abbasid Middle Eastern state system; 21. Muslim communities and Middle Eastern societies: 1000–1500 CE; 22. The collective ideal; 23. The personal ethic; 24. Conclusion: Middle Eastern Islamic patterns; Book II. The Global Expansion of Islam from the Seventh to the Nineteenth Century: 25. Introduction: Islamic institutions; 26. Islamic north Africa to the thirteenth century; 27. Spanish-Islamic civilization; 28. Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco from the thirteenth to the nineteenth centuries; 29. States and Islam: North African variations; 30. Introduction: empires and societies; 31. The Turkish migrations and the Ottoman empire; 32. The post-classical Ottoman empire: decentralization, commercialization, incorporation; 33. The Arab regions of the Middle East; 34. The Safavid empire; 35. The Indian subcontinent: the Delhi sultanates and the Mughal empire; 36. Islamic empires compared; 37. Inner Asia from the Mongol conquests to the nineteenth century; 38. Islamic societies in Southeast Asia; 39. The African context: Islam, slavery, and colonialism; 40. Islam in Sudanic, Savannah, and forest west Africa; 41. The West African jihads; 42. Islam in East Africa and the European colonial empires; 43. Conclusion: the varieties of Islamic societies; 44. The global context. ISBN: 9781107619135 A History of Prejudice Race, Caste, and Difference in India and the United States Gyanendra Pandey 788pp the contradictory history of promise and denial that is common to the official narratives of nations such as India and the United States and the ideologies of many opposition movements. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Prejudice as difference; 3. Dalit conversion: the assertion of sameness; 4. Double V: the everyday of race relations; 5. An African-American autobiography: re-locating difference; 6. Dalit memoirs: re-scripting the body; 7. The persistence of prejudice. ISBN: 9781107685376 An Introduction to the History of America Chittabrata Palit and Jenia Mukherjee 255pp PB ` 695.00 This textbook comprehensively captures the historical sojourn of America from pre-colonial to present times, covering every important aspect with detailed historiography. It also sheds light on new evolving themes like American environmental history and American ‘exceptionalism’, to familiarize students and readers with the current emerging trends and approaches in American History. The authors have attempted to radically explore the development of America as a ‘Global Hegemon’ at the cost of the underdevelopment of her non-western/ non-American counterparts. A detailed politico-economic and social narrative of the American nation is given with facts and interpretations, raising a number of conceptual and methodological questions. This textbook also brings out the often unaddressed tension between America’s self-perception and the actual reality, which can be mapped through crisis in the domestic front as well as its impact on other peoples, nations and cultures.The historiography provided at the end of every relevant theme would be immensely helpful for students and readers pursuing further research. Contents: Preface; Timeline of Events; 1. An Early History: From Settlement to Colonization; 2. The American War of Independence; 3. The Formative Period: The Era of Solidarity and Expansion; 4. ‘Two Americas’: Regional Differences and Sectional Conflicts; 5. Agrarian and Industrial Revolutions; 6. Resisting Voices; 7. American Foreign Policy: Post-Monroe Doctrine to World War I; 8. The Great Crisis and its Recovery; 9. The Rise of America: WWII and After; 10. The Quest for Equality; 11. American Environmentalism and Environmental History; Epilogue: Perceiving American History beyond the ‘exceptionalist’ framework; Index. PB ` 995.00 This is a book about prejudice and democracy, and the prejudice of democracy. In comparing the historical struggles of two geographically disparate populations - Indian Dalits (once known as Untouchables) and African Americans Gyanendra Pandey, the leading subaltern historian, examines the multiple dimensions of prejudice in two of the world’s leading democracies. The juxtaposition of two very different locations and histories, and within each of them of varying public and private narratives of struggle, allows for an uncommon analysis of the limits of citizenship in modern societies and states. Pandey probes the histories of his protagonists to uncover a shadowy world where intolerance and discrimination are part of both public and private lives. This unusual and sobering book is revelatory in its exploration of ISBN: 9789382993186 47 302pp PB ` 345.00 The Cambridge Companion to Gandhi Judith Brown and Anthony Parel The Partition of India Six decades after his assassination in January 1948, Mahatma Gandhi is still revered as the father of the Indian nation. His intellectual and moral legacy, and the example of his life and politics, serve as an inspiration to human rights and peace movements, political activists and students. This book, comprises essays by renowned experts in the fields of Indian history and philosophy and traces Gandhi’s extraordinary story. The first part of the book explores his transformation from a small-town lawyer during his early life in South Africa into a skilled political activist and leader of civil resistance in India. The second part is devoted to Gandhi’s key writings and his thinking on a broad range of topics, including religion, conflict, politics and social relations. The final part reflects on Gandhi’s image and on his legacy in India, the West, and beyond. Ian Talbot and Gurharpal Singh Contents: 1. Understanding the partition historiography; 2. The road to 1947; 3. Violence and partition; 4. Migration and resettlement; 5. Partition legacies: ethnic and religious nationalism; 6. An enduring rivalry: India and Pakistan since 1947. Contents: Introduction Judith M. Brown; Part I. Gandhi: The Historical Life: 1. Gandhi’s world Yasmin Khan; 2. Gandhi 1869–1915: the transnational emergence of a public figure Jonathan Hyslop; 3. Gandhi as nationalist leader, 1915–1948 Judith M. Brown; Part II. Gandhi: Thinker and Activist: 4. Gandhi’s key writings Tridip Suhrud; 5. Gandhi’s religion and its relation to his politics Akeel Bilgrami; 6. Conflict and nonviolence Ronald J. Terchek; 7. Gandhi’s moral economics Thomas Weber; 8. Gandhi and the state Anthony Parel; 9. Gandhi and social relations Tanika Sarkar; Part III. The Contemporary Gandhi: 10. Portrayals of Gandhi Harish Trivedi; 11. Gandhi in independent India Anthony Parel; 12. Gandhi’s global legacy David Hardiman. ISBN: 9781107602205 294pp PB 224pp HB ISBN: 9780521761772 224pp ISBN: 9781107633476 The Anglo-Maratha Campaigns and the Contest for India PB ` 495.00 Randolf G.S. Cooper Nations and Nationalism since 1780 E. J. Hobsbawm Nations and Nationalism since 1780 is Eric Hobsbawm's widely-acclaimed and highlyreadable enquiry into the question of nationalism. Events in the late twentieth century in Eastern Europe and the Soviet republics have since reinforced the central importance of nationalism in the history of the political evolution and upheaval. This second edition has been updated in light of those events, with a final chapter addressing the impact of the dramatic changes that have taken place. Also included are additional maps to illustrate nationalities, languages and political divisions across Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. 211p ` 495.00 ` 895.00 This is a cross-cultural study of the political economy of war in South Asia. Randolf G. S. Cooper combines an overview of Maratha military culture with a battle-by-battle analysis of the 1803 Anglo-Maratha campaigns. Building on that foundation he challenges ethnocentric assumptions about British superiority in discipline, drill and technology. He argues that these campaigns, in which Arthur Wellesley served with distinction, represent the military high-water mark of the Marathas who posed the last serious opposition to the formation of the British Raj. Dr Cooper asserts that the real contest for India was never a single decisive battle for the subcontinent. Rather it turned on a complex social and political struggle for control of the South Asian military economy. Contents: Introduction; 1. Maratha military culture; 2. British perceptions and the road to war in 1803; 3. The Deccan campaign of 1803; 4. The Hindustan campaign of 1803; 5. ‘Coming in’; 6. The anatomy of victory; Appendix I: Anglo-South Asian conflict chart; Appendix II: British troop strengths and casualties for the Hindustan and Deccan campaigns 1803; Appendix III: Governor General Wellesley’s ‘Maratha’ proclamation of 1803; Appendix IV: Mercenary pension records; Appendix V: The Marathas’ employment of mercenaries in historic perspective; Bibliography. Contents: Preface; Introduction; 1. The nation as novelty: from revolution to liberalism; 2. Popular proto-nationalism; 3. The government perspective; 4. The transformation of nationalism, 1870–1918; 5. The apogee of nationalism, 1918– 1950; 6. Nationalism in the late twentieth century. ISBN: 9781107632097 The British divided and quit India in 1947. The partition of India and the creation of Pakistan uprooted entire communities and left unspeakable violence in its trail. This volume tells the story of partition through the events that led up to it, the terrors that accompanied it, to migration and resettlement. In a new shift in the understanding of this seminal moment, the book also explores the legacies of partition, which continue to resonate today in the fractured lives of individuals and communities, and more broadly in the relationship between India and Pakistan and the ongoing conflict over contested sites. In conclusion, the book reflects on the general implications of partition as a political solution to ethnic and religious conflict. The book certains photographs, maps and a chronology of major events. PB ` 395.00 ISBN: 9788175962507 48 456pp HB ` 895.00 A Concise History of Modern India Third Edition Barbara D. Metcalf and Thomas R. Metcalf A Concise History of Modern India by Barbara D. Metcalf and Thomas R. Metcalf, has become a classic in the field since it was first published in 2001. As a fresh interpretation of Indian history from the Mughals to the present, it has informed students across the world. In the third edition of the book, a final chapter charts the dramatic developments of the last 20 years, from 1990 through the Congress electoral victory of 2009, to the rise of the Indian high-tech industry in a country still troubled by poverty and political unrest. The narrative focuses on the fundamentally-political theme of the imaginative and institutional structures that have successively sustained and transformed India, first under British colonial rule and then, after 1947, as an independent country. Woven into the larger political narrative is an account of India’s social and economic development and its rich cultural life. Forest Policy and Ecological Change Hyderabad State in Colonial India S. Abdul Thaha Contents: 1. Sultans, Mughals, and pre-colonial Indian society; 2. Mughal twilight: the emergence of regional states and the East India Company; 3. The East India Company Raj, 1772–1850; 4. Revolt, the modern state, and colonized subjects, 1848–1885; 5. Civil society, colonial constraints, 1885–1919; 6. The crisis of the colonial order, 1919–1939; 7. The 1940s: triumph and tragedy; 8. Congress Raj: democracy and development, 1950–1989; 9. Democratic India at the turn of the millennium: prosperity, poverty, power. ISBN: 9781107619128 The Making of Roman India Grant Parker 360pp Contents: Preface; Maps; Hyderabad State in Pre-independence India; Political Map of Hyderabad State; Geographical Locations of Forest Types in Hyderabad State; Chapter 1; Introduction; Chapter 2; History of Forests; Chapter 3; Evolution of Forest Policy; Chapter 4; Forest Administration and Management; Chapter 5; Development of Irrigation and its Influence on Forests; Chapter 6; Famines vs. Forests; Chapter 7; Conclusion; Appendix; Bibliography; Index; PB ` 495.00 Latin, and especially Greek, texts of the imperial period contain a wealth of references to ‘India’. Professor Parker offers a survey of such texts, read against a wide range of other sources, both archaeological and documentary. He emphasizes the social processes whereby the notion of India gained its exotic features, including the role of the Persian empire and of Alexander's expedition. Three kinds of social context receive special attention: the trade in luxury commodities; the political discourse of empire and its limits; and India's status as a place of special knowledge, embodied in ‘naked philosophers’. Roman ideas about India ranged from the specific and concrete to the wildly fantastic and the book attempts to account for such variety. It ends by considering the afterlife of such ideas into late antiquity and beyond. ISBN: 9788175966321 Contents: Introduction; Part I. Creation of a Discourse: 1. Achaemenid India and Alexander; Part II. Features of a Discourse: 2. India Described; 3. India Depicted; Part III. Contexts of a Discourse: 4. Commodities; 5. Empire; 6. Wisdom; Conclusion: Intersections of a Discourse. ISBN: 9780521193962 374pp Forest Policy and Ecological Change is an attempt to highlight the history of forestry in colonial India in the context of the Nizam’s Dominions, popularly called the Hyderabad State. The ownership of forests by the State through administrative authority and its monopoly over the commercial exploitation of forest resources were central to the history of state forestry in the Hyderabad State. Since the government categorized forests into reserved, protected and open forests, the main objective for the forest administration was to conserve the existing forests and exploit them systematically. As in other parts of colonial India, state management of forest resources marked a watershed in the Hyderabad State as well. It was from the second half of the nineteenth century, under the influence of the British, that the State evolved a sustained policy of regulation and exploitation of forest tracts. This new policy of forest management came in the way of people’s access to the forest and its natural resources. This book explains how the State managed the pressures between the conservation of forests on the one hand and commercial exploitation on the other due to agrarian expansion and introduction of railways.The contents presented in jargon-free language will be of interest to historians, students, researchers and those interested in the environmental history of India. HB ` 995.00 49 174pp HB ` 895.00 The Crisis of Global Modernity Asian Traditions and a Sustainable Future Prasenjit Duara In this major new study, Prasenjit Duara expands his influential theoretical framework to present circulatory, transnational histories as an alternative to nationalist history. Duara argues that the present day is defined by the intersection of three global changes: the rise of non-western powers, the crisis of environmental sustainability and the loss of authoritative sources of what he terms transcendence - the ideals, principles and ethics once found in religions or political ideologies. The physical salvation of the world is becoming - and must become - the transcendent goal of our times, but this goal must transcend national sovereignty if it is to succeed. Duara suggests that a viable foundation for sustainability might be found in the traditions of Asia, which offer different ways of understanding the relationship between the personal, ecological and universal. These traditions must be understood through the ways they have circulated and converged with contemporary developments. Realigning India: Western military aid and the threat from the north; 8. The other transfer of power: Britain, the US and the Nehru-Shastri Transition; 9. A bumpy ride: Harold Wilson, Lyndon Johnson and South Asia; 10. Triumph and tragedy: the Raan of Kutch and the 1965 Indo-Pakistani War; Conclusion: the erosion of Anglo-American power in India and Pakistan; Select bibliography. ISBN: 9781107150560 Hyderabad, British India, and the World Muslim Networks and Minor Sovereignty, c. 1850-1950 Contents: Introduction; 1. Sustainability and the crisis of transcendence; 2. Circulatory and competitive histories; 3. The historical logics of global modernity; 4. Dialogical and radical transcendence; 5. Dialogical transcendence and secular nationalism in the Sinosphere; 6. The traffic between secularism and transcendence; 7. Regions of circulation and networks of sustainability in Asia; 8. Conclusion and epilogue: of reason and hope; Index. ISBN: 9781107571280 The Cold War in South Asia Paul M. McGarr 338pp Eric Beverley PB ` 695.00 The Cold War in South Asia provides the first comprehensive and transnational history of Anglo-American relations with South Asia during a seminal period in the history of the Indian Subcontinent, between independence in the late 1940s, and the height of the Cold War in the late 1960s. Drawing upon significant new evidence from British, American, Indian and Eastern bloc archives, the book re-examines how and why the Cold War in South Asia evolved in the way that it did, at a time when the national leaderships, geopolitical outlooks and regional aspirations of India, Pakistan and their superpower suitors were in a state of considerable flux. The book probes the factors which encouraged the governments of Britain and the United States to work so closely together in South Asia during the two decades after independence, and suggests what benefits, if any, Anglo-American intervention in South Asia's affairs delivered, and to whom. 406pp HB ` 950.00 This examination of the formally autonomous state of Hyderabad in a global comparative framework challenges the idea of the dominant British Raj as the sole sovereign power in the late colonial period. Beverley argues that Hyderabad's position as a subordinate yet sovereign 'minor state' was not just a legal formality, but that in exercising the right to internal self-government and acting as a conduit for the regeneration of transnational Muslim intellectual and political networks, Hyderabad was indicative of the fragmentation of sovereignty between multiple political entities amidst Empires. By exploring connections with the Muslim world beyond South Asia, law and policy administration along frontiers with the colonial state and urban planning in expanding Hyderabad City, Beverley presents Hyderabad as a locus for experimentation in global and regional forms of political modernity. This book recasts the political geography of late imperialism and historicises Muslim political modernity in South Asia and beyond. Contents: Introduction: fragmenting sovereignty; 1. Minor sovereignties: Hyderabad among states and empires; 2. The legal framework of sovereignty; Part I. Ideas; 3. A passage to another India: Hyderabad's discursive universe; 4. Hyderabad and the world: bureaucratintellectuals and Muslim modernist internationalism; Part II. Institutions; 5. Moglai temporality: institutions, imperialism and the making of the Hyderabad frontier; 6. Frontier as resource: law, crime and sovereignty on the margins of empire; Part III. Urban Space; 7. Remaking city, developing state: ethical patrimonialism, urbanism and economic planning; 8. Improvising urbanism: sanitation and power in Hyderabad and Secunderabad; Conclusion: fragmented sovereignty in a world of nation-states. Contents: Introduction; 1. India, Pakistan and the early Cold War, 1947–57; 2. Eisenhower, Macmillan and the 'New Look' at South Asia, 1958–60; 3. The best of friends: Kennedy, Macmillan and Jawaharlal Nehru; 4. Upsetting the apple cart: India's 'liberation' of Goa; 5. Allies of a kind: Britain, the United States and the 1962 Sino-Indian War; 6. Quagmire: the AngloAmerican search for a Kashmir settlement; 7. ISBN: 9781107150621 50 362pp HB ` 995.00 Limits of Islamism Jamaat-e-Islami in Contemporary India and Bangladesh Maidul Islam This book focuses on Islamism as a political ideology by taking up the case of Jamaat-eIslami in contemporary India and Bangladesh. It probes at whether Islamism can articulate a politics of alternative in a world marked by capitalist globalization and neoliberal consensus; what happens to the promise and goal of Islamism in providing an alternative to capitalism after the failure of twentieth-century socialism; and if a religious ideology like Islamism can represent a politics of social transformation, or can it only limit itself as a peculiar politics of resistance and critique to neoliberal capitalism. This book addresses how, in a contemporary globalized world, Islamists construct an antagonistic frontier and try to mobilize people behind the political project of Islamism. It deals with the Islamist critique of neoliberal economic policies and ‘western cultural globalization’. Further, it analyzes why Islamists are opposed to such issues as atheism, blasphemy and sexual freedom. Finally, it traces the contemporary crisis of Islamist populism in providing an alternative to neoliberalism. Hardback | 978-1-107-08026-3 | ` 795.00 www.cambridge.org Muslim Belonging in Secular India Negotiating Citizenship in Postcolonial Hyderabad Taylor C. Sherman Muslim Belonging in Secular India surveys the experience of some of India's most prominent Muslim communities in the early postcolonial period. Muslims who remained in India after the Partition of 1947 faced distrust and discrimination, and were consequently compelled to seek new ways of defining their relationship with fellow citizens of India and its governments. Using the forcible integration of the princely state of Hyderabad in 1948 as a case study, Taylor C. Sherman reveals the fragile and contested nature of Muslim belonging in the decade that followed independence. In this context, she demonstrates how Muslim claims to citizenship in Hyderabad contributed to intense debates over the nature of democracy and secularism in independent India. Drawing on detailed new archival research, Dr Sherman provides a thorough and compelling examination of the early governmental policies and popular strategies that have helped to shape the history of Muslims in India since 1947. administrators, and vernacular as well as English records, this book explores long term relationships between mobility, martiality, memory and identity in the desert expanses of the Thar. Contnets: 1. Introduction; 2. Moral economies of communal violence and refugee rehabilitation; 3. Unwinding Hyderabad's pan-Islamic networks; 4. Majority rule versus Mulki Rule: government service and the Hindu majority; 5. Secular Muslim politics in a democratic age; 6. From the language of the bazaar to a minority language: linguistic reorganisation in Hyderabad state and the fate of Urdu; 7. Conclusion; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9781107080317 ISBN: 9781316604304 Nomadic Narratives A History of Mobility and Identity in the Great Indian Desert Tanuja Kothiyal 214pp Contents: List of Tables; List of Abbreviations; Preface; Acknowledgements; Glossary; Note on Transliteration, Translation and Dates; Contemporary Place Names and their Nineteenth Century Spellings Introduction; 1. Geographical Imagination and Narratives of a Region; 2. Mobility, Polity, Territory ; 3. Itinerants of The Thar: Mobility and Circulation; 4. Expanding State Contracting Space: The Thar in the Nineteenth Century; 5. Narratives of Mobility and Mobility of Narratives; Conclusions: Nomadic Narratives in the Frontiers; Bibliography; Appendix I: Jodhpur King List; Appendix II: Bikaner King List; Appendix III: Jaisalmer King List; Index The Indian Army and the End of the Raj Daniel Marston PB ` 500.00 The Thar, which is today divided by an international boundary, has historically been a frontier region connecting Punjab, Multan, Sindh, Gujarat and Rajasthan. Nomadic Narratives looks at the desert as a historical region shaped through the mobility of its inhabitants, who were warriors, pastoralists, traders, ascetics and bards, often in overlapping capacities, exchanging mobile wealth and equally mobile narratives. 324pp HB ` 850.00 The Partition of British India in 1947 resulted in the establishment of the independent states of India and Pakistan and the end of the British Raj. The decision to divide British India along religious lines led to widespread upheaval and communal violence in the period leading up to and following the official day of independence, 15 August 1947. In this book, Daniel Marston provides a unique examination of the role of the Indian army in postWorld War II India. He draws upon extensive research into primary source documents and interviews with veterans of the events of 1947 to provide fresh insight into the vital part that the Indian Army played in preserving law and order in the region. This rigorous book fills a significant gap in the historiography of the British in India and will be invaluable to those studying the British Empire and South Asia more generally. Contents: Introduction; 1. The bedrock of the Raj: the Indian Army before 1939; 2. The performance of the Indian army in the Second World War; 3. Question of loyalty? The Indian National Army and the Royal Indian Navy mutiny; 4. The Indian Army in French Indo-China and the Netherlands East Indies 1945–1946; 5. 1946, the year of difficulty: internal security and the rise of communal violence; 6. Demobilisation, nationalisation and division of the army in the midst of chaos; 7. 1947: the year of reckoning and the end of the Raj; Conclusion: the end of the British Indian Army; Bibliography; Index. It challenges the frames of Mughal-Rajput relationships generally employed to explore the histories of the Thar, arguing that Rajputana remains an inadequate category to explore polities located in this frontier region, where along with Rajputs, a range of groups like Charans, Bhils, Meenas, Soomras, and Pathans controlled circulation, and with whom the Rajput states had to constantly negotiate. The narratives that emerged from Rajput courts, and later from British administrator-historians, obfuscated the intertwined histories of Rajputs and other groups, giving primacy to the former and ascribing marginality and criminality to the latter. It is only in the oral narratives of these marginalized and criminalized groups that references to shared histories and indeterminate mixed identities are preserved. ISBN : 9781107067578 397pp Sifting through a wide range of Rajasthani written and oral narratives, travelogues of British 52 HB` 1295.00 The Indian Army on the Western Front India's Expeditionary Force to France and Belgium in the First World War George Morton-Jack The Indian army fought on the western front with the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) from 1914 to 1918. The traditional interpretations of its performance have been dominated by ideas that it was a failure. This book offers a radical reconsideration by revealing new answers to the debate's central questions, such as whether the Indian army 'saved' the BEF from defeat in 1914, or whether Indian troops were particularly prone to self-inflicting wounds and fleeing the trenches. It looks at the Indian army from top to bottom, from generals at headquarters to snipers in no man's land. It takes a global approach, exploring the links between the Indian army's 1914–18 campaigning in France and Belgium and its pre1914 small wars in Asia and Africa, and comparing the performance of the Indian regiments on the western front to those in China, East Africa, Mesopotamia and elsewhere. The Indian Princes and their States Barbara N. Ramusack Contents: Introduction; 1. The army in India; 2. Small wars and regular warfare; 3. Strengths; 4. Weaknesses; 5. To Flanders; 6. 'Saving' the BEF; 7. Climate, casualty replacements and departure; 8. Self-inflicted wounds and flights; 9. Old tactics; 10. New tactics; 11. Commanders and staff; 12. Administration; Conclusion; Bibliography. ISBN : 9781107117655 346pp The Mughal Empire John F. Richards Contents: List of illustrations; General editor’s preface; Acknowledgements; List of abbreviations; Map; 1. Introduction: Indian princes and British imperialism; 2. Princely states prior to 1800; 3. The British construction of indirect rule; 4. The theory and experience of indirect rule in colonial India; 5. Princes as men, women, rulers, patrons and Oriental stereotypes; 6. Princely states: administrative and economic structures; 7. Princely states: society and politics; 8. Federation or integration?; Epilogue; Bibliographical essay; Glossary; Index. HB ` 995.00 ISBN: 9780521670470 The Mughal empire was one of the largest centralized states in the pre-modern world and this new volume traces the history of this magnificent empire from its creation in 1526 to its breakup in 1720. The Sikhs of the Punjab Contents: Introduction; 1. Conquest and stability; 2. The new Empire; 3. Autocratic centralism; 4. Land revenue and rural society; 5. Jahangir 1605–1627; 6. Shah Jahan 1628–1658; 7. The war of succession; 8. Imperial expansion under Aurangzeb 1658–1689; 9. The economy, societal change and international trade; 10. Maratha insurgency and Mughal conquest in the Deccan; 11. The Deccan war; 12. Decline and collapse, 1707–1720; Conclusion; Bibliographic essay. ISBN: 9788185618494 368pp Although the princes of India have been caricatured as oriental despots and British stooges, Barbara Ramusack’s study argues that the British did not create the princes. On the contrary, many were consummate politicians who exercised considerable degrees of autonomy until the disintegration of the princely states after independence. Ramusack’s synthesis has a broad temporal span, tracing the evolution of the Indian kings from their pre-colonial origins to their roles as clients in the British colonial system. The book breaks new ground in its integration of political and economic developments in the major princely states with the shifting relationships between the princes and the British. It represents a major contribution, both to British imperial history in its analysis of the theory and practice of indirect rule, and to modern South Asian history, as a portrait of the princes as politicians and patrons of the arts. Second Edition J.S. Grewal 324pp PB ` 695.00 A revised edition of the original book traces the history of the Sikhs from the time of its founder, Guru Nanak, right up to the present. It offers a comprehensive statement on one of the largest and most important communities in India today. Contents: Introduction; 1. The Turko-Afghan rule; 2. Foundation of the Sikh Panth; 3. Evolution of the Sikh Panth (1539–1606); 4. Transformation of the Sikh Panth (1606–1708); 5. Rise to political power (1708–1799); 6. The Sikh empire (1799–1848); 7. Recession and resurgence (1849–1919); 8. In the struggle for freedom (1920–1947); 9. Towards the ‘PunjabProvince’ (1947–1966); 10. In the new Punjab state (1966–1984); Epilogue; Appendices. PB ` 395.00 ISBN: 9788175960701 53 277pp PB ` 395.00 Bengal The British Bridgehead (New Cambridge History of India) P. J. Marshall words; 6. Postpositions used in Bengali; 7. Compound nouns and adjectives; 8. Structure of reduplicated forms in Bengali; 9. Lexical naturalization in Bengali; Appendices; Bibliography; Index. The aim of Bengal is to explain how, in the eighteenth century, Britain established her rule in eastern India, the first part of the subcontinent to be incorporated into the British Empire. Though the British were not in firm control of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa until 1765, to illustrate the circumstances in which they gained power and elucidate the Indian inheritance that so powerfully shaped the early years of their rule. Professor Marshall begins his analysis around 1740 with the reign of Alivardi Khan, the last effective Mughal ruler of eastern India. He then explores the social, cultural and economic changes that followed the imposition of foreign rule and seeks to assess the consequences for the peoples of the region; emphasis is given throughout as much to continuities rooted deep in the history of Bengal as to the more obvious effects of British domination. The volume closes in the 1820s when, with British rule firmly established, a new pattern of cultural and economic relations was developing between Britain and eastern India. ISBN: 9781107064249 Butcher’s Copyediting Fourth Edition Judith Butcher, Caroline Drake and Maureen Leach Contents: General editor's preface; Preface; Maps; 1. The setting for empire; 2. Late Mughal Bengal; 3. The crisis of empire, 1740–65; 4. The new regime; 5. A new society?; 6. Conclusion; Bibliographical essay; Index. ISBN: 9780521056298 216pp Niladri Sekhar Dash HB ` 895.00 Since its first publication in 1975, Judith Butcher's Copy-editing has become firmly established as a classic reference guide. This fourth edition has been comprehensively revised to provide an upto-date and clearly-presented source of information for all those involved in preparing typescripts and illustrations for publication. From the basics of how to prepare text and illustrations for the designer and typesetter, through the ground rules of house style, to how to read and correct proofs, Copy-editing covers all aspects of the editorial process. New and revised features: • up-to-date advice on indexes, inclusive language, reference systems and preliminary pages • a chapter devoted to onscreen copy-editing • guidance on digital coding and publishing in other media such as e-books • updated to take account of modern typesetting and printing technology • an expanded section on law books • an essential tool for new and experienced copy-editors, working freelance or in-house PB ` 395.00 LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS A Descriptive Study of Bengali Words 372pp Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. Preliminary copy-editing, design and specimen pages; 3. Preparing the typescript for the typesetter; 4. Illustrations; 5. Proofs; 6. House style; 7. Preliminary pages; 8. Indexes; 9. Other parts of a book; 10. Bibliographical references; 11. Literary material; 12. Multi-author and multivolume works; 13. Science and mathematics books; 14. Other special subjects; 15. Reprints and new editions; 16. On-screen editing Anne Waddingham; Appendixes: 1. Checklist of copyediting; 2. Book sizes; 3. Abbreviations for states in the USA; 4. Phonetic symbols; 5. The Russian alphabet; 6. Old English and Middle English letters; 7. French and German bibliographical terms and abbreviations; 8. Mathematical symbols; 9. Hebrew; 10. Arabic; 11. Islamic and other calendars; 12. Countries of the former USSR, Baltic States and former Yugoslavia; 13. Proof correction symbols; 14. How to check that an ISBN is correct. This book is a study of modern Bengali words based on the data obtained from a corpus of written texts. The author has used data, information and examples from the Bengali corpus to shape up this text. He has made an empirical attempt to analyse Bengali words and other lexical items from the perspective of their surface orthographic representation to understand the internal structure of their composition with a focus on their functional roles in various contexts of their usage within texts. In order to achieve this goal, he has established a link between the internal composition and external representation of words within an interface of usage and function of words in texts. The issues addressed in the book include decomposition of words, interpretation of function of word-formative elements and analysis of lexico-semantic identities of the word-formative elements in relation to their function in words. ISBN: 9780521719148 Contents: Acknowledgements; Bengali vowel sounds in cardinal diagram; Roman and IPA codes for Bengali vowels and allographs; Bengali consonants; Roman and IPA codes for Bengali consonants; Introduction; 1. Word: a conceptual complexity; 2. Usage of some word formative elements in Bengali; 3. Frequency of use of words in Bengali; 4. Structural components of Bengali words; 5. Use of affixes with Bengali 54 556pp PB ` 795.00 English for the Media Latha Nair English Syntax English for the Media provides clear understanding of the use of English in print, visual and digital media, radio and advertising. Writing for media involves special linguistic skills and sensitization. The book primarily focuses on sensitizing students about the need to use polished and refined language. It also helps learners to adopt the changing styles in media writing. The chapters are designed with interactive work sections and in-depth exercises for intensive practice. There is an extensive glossary that explains important terms used in media and advertising. The authors have taken special care to make the book student friendly and enjoyable for all types of learners. An Introduction Andrew Radford Contents:; Preface; Introduction; 1. Print Media; Introduction; News Stories; Structure of a News Story; Linking Ideas; The Passive; Task; Indigenous (Desi) words in English Newspapers in India; Writing the Headline; Writing the Lead; Types of Leads; Body Paragraphs; Slant; The Editing Process; Writing Editorials; Op-ed Pieces; Letters to the Editor; Feature Writing; Book Reviews; Film Reviews; Interviews for Print; Writing for Magazines: Action – Angle – Anecdot; 2. Radio; Introduction; Radio Script; Techniques of Writing for the Broadcast Media; Key Elements in Radio Jockeying; Tenses; Topic Sentence; Phrasal Verbs; Use of Language Debriefing; Radio Presenter; Writing for Radio Programmes; Interviews; Radio News; News Bulletins; Radio Talk Show; Radio Reviews; Music Programmes; Phone-in; Radio Plays; 3. Visual Media; Introduction; Creating TV Programmes; Use of Formal and Informal/Conversational Language; Use of Collocations; Television News; Soaps; Interviews and Talk Shows; Film-Based Programmes; Documentaries; Programmes for National and Rural Development; Roles of an Editor and Output Editor; FILM; Features of Dialogue; Language in Films; Film Themes; 4. Digital Media; Introduction; Digital Media – Some Forms; Writing for the Web; Headlines and Blurbs; Web Copy; Profi le Writing; Blogs; Editing for Digital Media; Language Techniques for Search Engine Optimization (SEO); Writing Effectively for the Social Media; Podcasting; 5. Advertising; Introduction; Elements of Advertising; Language Techniques; Creating a Print Advertisement; Posters; The Usage of English in Advertising in the Context of India: A Quick Overview; Glossary; References. ISBN: 9789382993490 149pp This textbook provides a concise, clear, and accessible introduction to current syntactic theory, drawing on the key concepts of Chomsky’s Minimalist Program. Assuming little or no prior grammatical knowledge, Andrew Radford takes students through a wide range of topics in English syntax, beginning at an elementary level and progressing in stages towards more advanced material. There is an extensive glossary of technical terms, and each chapter contains a workbook section with ‘helpful hints’, exercises and model answers, suitable for both class discussion and self-study. This is an abridged version of Radford’s major new textbook Minimalist Syntax (also published by Cambridge University Press), and will be welcomed as a short introduction to current syntactic theory. Contents: 1. Principles, parameters and universal grammar; 2. Categories and features; 3. Syntactic structure and merger; 4. Null constituents; 5. Head movement; 6. Whmovement; 7. A-movement; 8. Case, agreement and movement; 9. Split projections; 10. Phases. ISBN: 9780521711524 Foreigners and Foreign Languages in India Shreesh Chaudhary 398pp PB ` 695.00 India’s natural wealth, knowledge, arts and crafts have attracted foreigners throughout its long history. It has had continuous cultural contact and trade with other countries and, in all this, India has been exposed to many foreign languages such as Arabic, Bactrian, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, Greek, Hebrew, Latin, Persian, Portuguese, Turkish and in a certain sense, Sanskrit. Each of these languages went through a cycle, rising to the position of power and prestige, and eventually declining and yielding place to yet another language. In this process, all these languages interacted with the native languages of India and exchanged sounds, words, sentences, idioms and expressions, sometimes even giving birth to new languages. Foreigners and Foreign Languages in India: A Sociolinguistic History tells the story of this long and continuous history of the advent, learning, use, demise and debris of some foreign languages in India. Contents: Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction; 2. Greek, Hebrew and Sanskrit; 3. Arabic, Persian and Turkish; 4. Armenian, Portuguese, Dutch and French; 5. East India Company and The Indian Languages; 6. East India Company and The English Language; 7. Conclusion; index; List of Tables; Race and Religion of Aurangzeb’s Nobility; European Population in Lucknow; Christian Mission Institutions in India in 1851; Sale of Books in 1834; Popularity of Some Languages in a School Curriculum; Growth of English Schools and Colleges in India; Population of Calcutta in August 1822; Schools and Colleges in India under the Imperial Govt.; PB ` 195.00 55 Language History of the Kamta and Cooch Behar Region Newspapers in India, 1865 – 75; Medium of Examination for Candidates Writing JEE; India’s Top Ten Newspapers; Number of Speakers of English as Mother Tongue; The Relative Attractiveness of Countries for BPO; List of Annexes; 1. Evolution of Indo-European Script; 2. An Ashokan Edict in Bactrian Language; 3. Examples of Magadhi in Kalidasa; 4. A Specimen of Babar’s Poetry; 5. Extract from Halhead’s Translation of Dara Shikoh’s Preface to the Upanishad; 6. Extracts from Mazm-uIBabrain and Samudra Sangamah; 7. Dara Shikoh’s Sanskrit Verse in Praise of Rudra; 8. A Bengali Prayer Book Prepared by the Portuguese; 9. Example of Portuguese Creole; 10. Extracts from Wood’s Despatch; 11. Charter Act of 1813; 12. Raja Rammohun Roy’s Letter to Lord Amherst; 13. Macaulay’s Minute on Education for India; 14. William Bentinck’s Resolution for Provision for English Education; 15. Growth of English Schools and Colleges in India; 16. Population of Calcutta on 8 August, 1822. ISBN: 9788175966284 Language Death David Crystal Matthew Toulmin Contents: Acknowledgements; Linguistic abbreviations and conventions used; Abbreviations for languages, locations and social groups; Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Research design; Chapter 3: Theory and method of reconstruction; Chapter 4: Phonological reconstruction; Chapter 5: Reconstruction of nominal morphology; Chapter 6: reconstruction of verbal morphology; Chapter 7: historical sociolinguistic reconstruction; Chapter 8: Conclusions and implications; References. 600pp HB ` 1295.00 The rapid endangerment and death of many minority languages across the world is a matter of widespread concern, not only among linguists and anthropologists but among all concerned with issues of cultural identity in an increasinglyglobalized culture. By some counts, only 600 of the 6, 000 or so languages in the world are ‘safe’ from the threat of extinction. A leading commentator and popular writer on language issues, David Crystal asks the fundamental question, ‘Why is language death so important?’, reviews the reasons for the current crisis, and investigates what is being done to reduce its impact. The book contains intelligent argument, and moving descriptions of the decline and demise of particular languages, and practical advice for anyone interested in pursuing the subject further. ISBN: 9788175968974 Language in South Asia Braj B. Kachru, Yamuna Kachru and S. N. Sridhar Contents: Preface; 1. What is language death?; 2. Why should we care?; 3. Why do languages die?; 4. Where do we begin?; 5. What can be done?; List of organizations; Further reading; Index of languages; Subject index. ISBN: 9780521121750 271pp The Indo –– Aryan languages and dialects constitute a dialect continuum, characterized by variable, non –– discrete boundaries between speech communities. In order to reconstruct linguistic history it is necessary to take stock of this sociolinguistic context and adjust the methods of reconstruction accordingly. This study presents a theoretically-robust, sociolinguistic framework for historical reconstruction, which supplements a traditional comparative reconstruction of phonology and morphology. The language varieties examined in this book are known by a number of names including ‘Kamta’, ‘Rajbanshi, or simply the ‘deshi bhasha’ of north Bengal and west Assam. This study provides evidence for a protolanguage, termed ‘proto Kamta’ (c. AD 13 –– 16 century), which was the point of common origin for these lects, and defines them as a subgroup within Indo – Aryan. PB ` 395.00 274pp PB ` 695.00 South Asia is a rich and fascinating linguistic area, its many hundreds of languages from four major language families representing the distinctions of caste, class, profession, religion, and region. This comprehensive new volume presents an overview of the language situation in this vast subcontinent in a linguistic, historical and sociolinguistic context. An invaluable resource, it comprises authoritative contributions from leading international scholars within the fields of South Asian language and linguistics, historical linguistics, cultural studies and area studies. Topics covered include the ongoing linguistic processes, controversies, and implications of language modernization; the functions of South Asian languages within the legal system, media, cinema, and religion; language conflicts and politics, and Sanskrit and its long traditions of study and teaching. Language in South Asia is an accessible interdisciplinary book for students and scholars in sociolinguistics, multilingualism, language planning and South Asian studies. Contents: Introduction: Languages, contexts and constructs Braj B. Kachru; Part I. Language History, Families and Typology: 1. Language in historical context Ronald E. Asher; 2.Typological characteristics of South Asian languages Karumuri V. Subbarao; Part II. Languages and their Functions: 3. Hindi, Urdu, Hindustani 56 Yamuna Kachru; 4. Persian in South Asia S. A. H. Abidi and Ravinder Gargesh; 5. Major regional languages Tej K. Bhatia; 6. Minority languages and their status Rakesh M. Bhatt and Ahmar Mahboob; 7. Tribal languages Anvita Abbi; Part III. Sanskrit and Traditions of Language Study: 8. Sanskrit in the South Asian sociolinguistics Madhav Deshpande; 9. Traditions of language study Ashok Aklujkar; Part IV. Multilingualism, Contact and Convergence: 10. Contexts of multilingualism E. Annamalai; 11. Language contact and convergence S. N. Sridhar; 12. Pidgins, creoles and bazaar Hindi Ian Smith; Part V. Orality, Literacy, and Writing Systems: 13. Orality and literacy Rama Kant Agnihotri; 14. Writing systems Peter Daniels; Part VI.Language, State and Education: 15. Language politics and conflicts Robert L. King; Part VII. Language Standardization and Modernization: 16. Language modernization S. N. Sridhar; Part VIII. Language and Discourse: 17. Language in social and ethnic interaction Yamuna Kachru; 18. Language and the legal system Vijay Bhatia and Rajesh Sharma; 19. Language in media and advertising Tej K. Bhatia and Robert Baumgardner; 20. Language in cinema Wimal Dissanayake; 21. Language of religion Rajeshwari Pandharipande; Part IX. Language and Identity: 22. Language and gender Tamara Valentine; 23. Dalit literature, language, and identity Eleanor Zelliot; 24. Language and youth culture Rukmini Bhaya Nair; Part X. Languages in Diaspora: 25. Languages in diaspora Rajend Meshtrie; 26. South Asian diaspora in Europe and the US Kamal K. Sridhar. ISBN: 9781107602212 Sociolinguistics Second Edition R. A. Hudson 632pp Sounds and their patterns in Indic languages (Volume 1) Sound Patterns Pramod Pandey Features • Presents the phonological facts of Indic languages around topics that are of interest in linguistics and allied disciplines • Presents a general as well as comparative account of the word phonological features of the different linguistic groups of India • Includes exhaustive lists of the phonological inventories and the languages in which they occur • Gives an overview of studies carried out on sound patterns of Indic languages by providing an up-to-date bibliography PB ` 995.00 Contents: Acknowledgements; Prefatory; 1. Introduction to sound patterns in Indic languages; 2. Indic languages and language groups; 3. Segments: Consonants; 4. Segments: vowels; 5. Above segments; maps of the various Indic language groups; Bibliography. This new edition of R. A. Hudson's widelyacclaimed textbook Sociolinguistics will be welcomed by students and teachers alike. To reflect changes in the field since publication of the first edition in 1980, the author has added new sections on politeness, accommodation and prototypes; and he has expanded discussion of sex differences in language use, and the relationship between language and thought. Over a third of the second edition is completely new, and there is one new chapter, and ample coverage of classic topics such as varieties of language, speech as social interaction, the quantitative study of speech and linguistic and social inequality, and remains. Like the first, the second edition of Sociolinguistics is an exceptionally-clear and helpful overview of the relationship of language and society. ISBN: 9789382993926 Contents: Preface to the second edition; Preface to the first edition; 1. Introduction; 2. Varieties of language; 3. Language, culture and thought; 4. Speech as social interaction; 5.The quantitative study of speech; 6. Linguistic and social inequality; 7. Theoretical summary; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9780521543071 296pp Sounds and their patterns in Indic languages presents the phonological properties of Indic languages at the word level including inventories and distribution of phonemes, allophones, syllable structures and tones. The general properties of the sound patterns of 148 languages from a total of eight groups as well as their phonological sketches are presented keeping the interest of these fields in view. The description of the languages is complemented with an exhaustive bibliography that lends the two volumes the character of a handbook on the phonology of Indic languages. Volume I: Sound Patterns contains five chapters that address five main topics – the descriptive and analytical issues relating to the presentation of the phonological sketches, the complex linguistic situation in India; a classification of Indic languages is based on internal relations among them; facts and generalizations relating to consonantal segments and their patterns and vowel segments and their patterns; and, lastly, the main aspects of phonology above the segment, counting syllable structure, permissible segment sequences, stress, tone and phonological cues for grammatical structure. PB ` 595.00 57 432pp PB ` 795.00 Sounds and their patterns in Indic languages (Volume 2) Phonological Sketches Pramod Pandey Studies • Performance studies • Film Studies • Media Studies • Dalit Studies • Women’s Writing • Comparative Poetics • Cartoon Art • Folklore Sounds and their patterns in Indic languages presents the phonological properties of Indic languages at the word level including inventories and distribution of phonemes, allophones, syllable structures and tones. The general properties of the sound patterns of 148 languages from a total of eight groups as well as their phonological sketches are presented keeping the interest of these fields in view. The description of the languages is complemented with an exhaustive bibliography that lends the two volumes the character of a handbook on the phonology of Indic languages. Volume II: Phonological Sketches presents the phonological sketches of 148 languages organized into seven main groups, namely, Austro-Asiatic, Dravidian, Indo-Aryan, Tibeto-Burman, Tai-Kadai, Andaman group, Contact Languages and an eighth group of Historical Varieties. The sketches are based on a critical evaluation of published work on the languages, with a few original contributions.This book • presents the phonological facts of Indic languages around topics that are of interest in linguistics and allied disciplines • presents a general as well as comparative account of the word phonological features of the different linguistic groups of India • includes exhaustive lists of the phonological inventories and the languages in which they occur • gives an overview of studies carried out on sound patterns of Indic languages by providing an up-to-date bibliography Contents: List of Contributors; Acknowledgements; Prologue to the ‘Quest’; Introduction; PART I: Traditions and Manifestoes: Reflecting on Perspectives; Introduction; 1 The Comparatist as Teacher: Teaching Indian Literatures through a Comparative Methodology; 2 Comparative Literature: Methodology and Challenges in Europe with Special Reference to the French and German Contexts; 3 ‘Lone Starring’ Comparative Literature in US English Departments; vi Quest of a Discipline; PART II: The Quest Motif: Redefining the Scope of ComparativeLiterature; Introduction; 4 Beyond ‘Other Words’: The ‘Relevance’ of Translatology as Comparative Literature; 5 Intertextual Lores and the Play of Language: Folklore/Orality in the Comparative Context of Literature; 6 Towards a Comparative Performance Studies; 7 Media Studies and the Academic Elite; 8 Comparative Film Studies: The Culture Studies Turn in Comparative Literature; 9 Finding Space in the Margin: Teaching Women’s Literature ina Comparative Perspective; PART III: The Dynamics of Exchange: Genres, Areas and Disciplines; Introduction; 10 Text and Performance: A Study in Cultural Symbiosis with Special Reference to Kathakali; 11 The Indian Cartoon Art: A Paradigm for the Emerging Textand Image Experience; Contents vii; 12 Text and Alter Text: Chinese Literature in Indian Translations; 13 Arabic Literature in Diaspora: An Example from South Asia; 14 Literature, Arts and Social Sciences: Interdisciplinary; Comparative Advantage; PART IV: India: A Curious Comparative Space; Introduction; 15 Towards a Compoetics in India: Alternative Frameworks for the Comparative Study of Poetics; 16 The Relevance of Dalit Studies in the Creation of an Interdiscipline; 17 Mother Tongue, The Other Tongue: Indianising English; Afterword: Comparative? Literature?; Index. Contents: Introductory Remarks; 1. AustroAsiatic; 2. Dravidian; 3. Indo-Aryan; 4. TibetoBurman; 5. Tai-Kadai; 6. The Andaman Group; 7. Contact Varieties; 8. Historical Varieties; Bibliography. ISBN: 9789382993933 Quest of a Discipline Rizio Yohannan Raj 604pp PB ` 1195.00 From the days of René Wellek’s Crisis of Comparative Literature (1959) through the beginning of the twenty-first century that saw Gayatri Spivak’s provocative Death of a Discipline (2003), Comparative Literature as an academic discipline has endured like no other. This pioneering volume, Quest of a Discipline, offers challenging new directions to this field urging the readers to see the practice of Comparative Literature as a quest. It showcases the multicultural, multilingual India as the most potential site of quest today for the discipline of Comparative Literature. The deliberations are divided into sections that deal with traditions, manifestoes of survival, the latest methodologies, and perspectives that comparatists from India, China, the Near West, Europe and America have brought into the discipline. Each section is prefaced with a short introduction that locates the interdisciplinary articles within the paradoxical wholeness of Comparative Literature. Challenging and unsettling many basic premises of comparative studies, the essays explore the possibility of redefining the scope of Comparative Literature by forging meaningful interfaces between the following fields: • Translation ISBN: 9788175969339 58 328pp PB ` 495.00 Translating India Rita Kothari English as a Unifying Agency- Unification and Destruction- The Government of India Resolution of 1913- Calcutta University Commission ( 191719)- The Swadeshi Movement- The Two World Wars- Reports and More Reports- During the Struggle for Independence- English Becomes a Second Language; 4. The Identity Phase: The White Ruler Departs- Reverence and Abhorrence- Lessons from History- More Commissions and Committees- Other Developments in English Teaching- National Policy on Education 1968- The Study Group Report on the Teaching of English (1969-71) National Policy on Education 1986- Acharya Ramamurti Commission 1990- Curiculum Development Centre 1989 - The English Boom in India - The English of Indians or 'Indians' English'; 5. The Globalization Phase: From Agrarian Life to IT Revolution- English as a Global Language- The Changing Role of EnglishIndia at Peace with English - Indians' English: An Outline- English and Indian Languages- Neocolonialism, Globalization and English- Teaching English in Post-Independence India: A Search for Alternatives- Appendices- Further Reading Index. Post 1980s, what made English translation from Indian languages a culturally-desirable activity? This question leads Kothari to examine the changing cultural universe of urban, Englishspeaking middle class in India. She examines in detail readership patterns, attitudes to English and the course of translation studies in general. The comfort with which English is used with an Indian language as in ‘Yeh Dil Maange More’ or ‘Hungry Kya’ reflects a sense of familiarity that has been made with English. From this broader context of bilingualism in the first part of the book, Kothari moves on to the state of Gujarat. Taking up the case of Gujarati, she demonstrates the micro issues involved in translation and politics of language Contents: Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction; 2. Recalling: English Translations in Colonial India; 3. The Two-Worlds Theory; 4. Within Academia; 5. Outside the Discipline Machine; 6. Publishers' Perspective; 7. The Case of Gujarati; 8. Summing Up; Appendix 1; Appendix 2; Bibliography; Works Cited; Index ISBN: 9788175963054 138pp PB ` 295.00 ISBN: 9788175963122 The Story of English in India N. Krishnaswamy and Lalitha Krishnaswamy With globalization, English has become an economic necessity and Indians have realized that they have the ‘English advantage’ over many other countries like China and Japan. India has shed its colonial complex towards English and come to terms with the language; Indians have separated the English language from the English. The Story of English in India presents historical facts in a socio-cultural framework. The book is a must for all teachers and students of English; it will be useful for all those interested in the politics of language and education in India. Key issues discussed: - Are we indebted to the British for introducing English in India? - What was the role of English during India's struggle for freedom? Has English united India? - Has English divided India into two - the English knowing classes who govern and the non-English knowing masses who are governed? - Will English ever become an Indian tongue spoken in the great Indian language bazaar? - What will be the future of major Indian languages in the wake of the English onslaught? Will it end in linguistic imperialism and cultural colonialism? South Asian Languages Karumuri V. Subbarao Contents: Introduction; Acknowledgements; 1. The Exploration and Transportation Phase- The Pre-Transportation and Exploration Phase (up to 1813) - The Transportation Phase (1813-30); 2. The Consolidation Phase: The Grand DesignRenewal of the Charter- Comes MacaulayMacaulay's Minute- The Aftermath of the MinuteWood's Despatch- In Theory and Practice- India: A Trial Ground- The Indian Education Commission of 1882; 3. The Dissemination Phase- Then Came Lord Curzon- The Indian Universities Commission- The Government of India Resolution of 1904- The Indian Universities Act- The Growing Demand and Uniformity- 236pp PB ` 295.00 South Asian languages are rich in linguistic diversity and number. This book explores the similarities and differences of about 40 languages from four different language families (Austro-Asiatic, Dravidian, Indo-Aryan [IndoEuropean] and Tibeto-Burman [Sino-Tibetan]. It focuses on the syntactic typology of these languages and the high degree of syntactic convergence, with special reference to the notion of 'India as a linguistic area'. Several areas of current theoretical interest such as anaphora, control theory, case and agreement, relative clauses and the significance of thematic roles in grammar are discussed. The analysis presented has significant implications for current theories of syntax, verbal semantics, first and second language acquisition, structural language typology and historical linguistics. The book will be of interest to linguists working on the description of South Asian languages, as well as syntacticians wishing to discover more about the common structure of languages within this region. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. South Asian languages: a preview; 3. Lexical anaphors and pronouns in South Asian languages; 4. Case and agreement; 5. Non-nominative subjects; 6. Complementation; 7. Backward control; 8. Noun modification: relative clauses. ISBN: 9781107035331 59 400pp HB ` 995.00 Translation Studies Alessandra Riccardi Introducing Second Language Acquisition The study of translation is constantly expanding in a world that is experiencing a flourish of translated texts unparalleled in human history. Courses on translation, theory of translation and translation studies are being introduced at university level all over the world. This book provides a panorama of the many ways in which the complex phenomenon of translation is analysed. The contributions to this volume, by a group of leading international scholars, include traditional and new approaches in an interdisciplinary perspective and are representative of the multiplicity of approaches to translation studies, from the literary to the linguistic, from the cognitive to the cross-cultural, from the descriptive to the applied and to the psychoanalytical. The range of topics covered and the exhaustive bibliography make this book a useful introduction and also provide new and stimulating readings for those already acquainted with the discipline. Muriel Saville-Troike Contents: 1. Introducing second language acquisition; 2. Foundations of second language acquisition; 3. The linguistics of second language acquisition; 4. The psychology of second language acquisition; 5. Social contexts of second language acquisition; 6. Acquiring knowledge for L2 use; 7. L2 learning and teaching. Contents: List of figures and tables; Notes on contributors; Acknowledgements; Introduction Alessandra Riccardi; 1. Paradoxes and aporias in translation and translation studies Theo Hermans; 2. The translator in between texts: on the textual presence of the translator as an issue in the methodology of comparative translation description Cees Koster; 3. Aspects of a theory of norms and some issues in teaching translation Rita D. Snel Trampus; 4. Translation as interpretation Axel Buhler; 5. Translation and interpretation Alessandra Riccardi; 6. Universality versus culture specificity in translation Juliane House; 7. Translation and linguistics: what does the future hold? Kirsten Malmkjær; 8. Text linguistics and literary translation Lavinia Merlini Barbaresi; 9. Closer and closer apart? Specialized translation in a cognitive perspective Federica Scarpa; 10. Knowing translation: cognitive and experiential aspects of translation expertise from the perspective of expertise studies Gregory M. Shreve; 11. Towards characterizing translator expertise, knowledge and know-how: some findings using TAPs and experimental methods Robert J. Jarvella, Astrid Jensen, Elisabeth Halskov Jensen and Mette Skovgaard Andersen; 12. An evidence-based approach to applied translation studies Margherita Ulrych; 13. The difference that translation makes: the translator's unconscious Lawrence Venuti; Index. ISBN: 9780521188456 260pp Written for students encountering the topic for the first time, this is a clear and practical introduction to second language acquisition (SLA). It explains in non-technical language how a second language is acquired; what the second language learner needs to know; and why some learners are more successful than others. The textbook introduces in a step-by-step fashion a range of fundamental concepts – such as SLA in adults and children, in formal and informal learning contexts, and in diverse socio-cultural settings – and takes an interdisciplinary approach, encouraging students to consider SLA from linguistic, psychological and social perspectives. Each chapter contains a list of key terms, a summary, and a range of graded exercises suitable for self-testing or class discussion. Providing a solid foundation in SLA, this book is set to become the leading introduction to the field for students of linguistics, psychology, and education, and trainee language teachers. ISBN: 9780521188449 English Phonology An Introduction Heinz J. Giegerich 214pp PB ` 595.00 This is an introduction to the phonology of present-day English. It deals principally with three varieties of English: 'General American', Southern British 'Received Pronunciation' and 'Scottish Standard English'. It offers a systematic and detailed discussion of the features shared by these major accents, and explains some major differences. Other varieties of English – Australian and New Zealand English, South African English and Hiberno-English – are also discussed briefly. Without focusing on current phonological theory and its evolution, the author demonstrates the importance of 'theory', in whatever shape or form, in phonological argumentation. The book also includes a helpful introductory section on speech sounds and their production, and detailed suggestions for further reading follow each chapter. This clear and helpful textbook will be welcomed by all students of English language and linguistics. Contents: Preface; 1. Speech sounds and their production; 2. Towards a sound system for English: consonant phonemes; 3. Some vowel systems of English; 4. Phonological features, part I: the classification of English vowel phonemes; 5. Phonological features, part II: the consonant system; 6. Syllables; 7. Word stress; 8. Phonetic representations: the realisations of phonemes; 9. Phrases, sentences and the phonology of connected speech; 10. Representations and derivations; References; Index. PB ` 495.00 ISBN: 9780521144322 60 349pp PB ` 495.00 Semantics A coursebook Second Edition James R. Hurford, Brendan Heasley and Michael B. Smith This practical coursebook introduces all the basics of semantics in a simple, step-by-step fashion. Each unit includes short sections of explanation with examples, followed by stimulating practice exercises to complete in the book. Feedback and comment sections follow each exercise to enable students to monitor their progress. No previous background in semantics is assumed, as students begin by discovering the value and fascination of the subject and then move through all key topics in the field, including sense and reference, simple logic, word meaning and interpersonal meaning. New study guides and exercises have been added to the end of each unit to help reinforce and test learning. A completely new unit on non-literal language and metaphor, plus updates throughout the text significantly expand the scope of the original edition to bring it up-to-date with modern teaching of semantics for introductory courses in linguistics as well as intermediate students. Introducing Phonetic Science Michael Ashby and John Maidment Contents: 1. Introduction to speech; 2. Voice; 3. Place of articulation; 4. Manner of articulation; 5. Vowels; 6. Voice II; 7. Airstream mechanisms; 8. Speech sounds and speech movements; 9. Basic phonological concepts; 10. Suprasegmentals; 11. Speaker and hearer. Contents: Preface; Acknowledgements; Part I. Basic Ideas in Semantics: Unit 1. About semantics; Unit 2. Sentences, utterances, and propositions; Unit 3. Reference and sense; Part II. From Reference …: Unit 4. Referring expressions; Unit 5. Predicates; Unit 6. Predicates, referring expressions, and universe of discourse; Unit 7. Deixis and definiteness; Unit 8. Words and things. Extensions and prototypes; Part III. To Sense: Unit 9. Sense properties and stereotypes; Unit 10. Sense relations (1); Unit 11. Sense relations (2); Part IV. Logic: Unit 12. About logic; Unit 13. A notation for simple propositions; Unit 14. Connectives. And and or; Unit 15. More connectives; Part V. Word Meaning: Unit 16. About dictionaries; Unit 17. Meaning postulates; Unit 18. Properties of predicates; Unit 19. Derivation; Unit 20. Participant roles; Part VI. Interpersonal and Non-Literal Meaning: Unit 21. Speech acts; Unit 22. Perlocutions and illocutions; Unit 23. Felicity conditions; Unit 24. Direct and indirect illocutions; Unit 25. Propositions and illocutions; Unit 26. Conversational implicature; Unit 27. Non-literal meaning: idioms, metaphor, and metonymy; Selected references and recommendations for further study; Index. ISBN: 9780521141765 364pp This accessible new textbook provides a clear and practical introduction to phonetics, the study of speech. Assuming no prior knowledge of the topic, it introduces students to the fundamental concepts in phonetic science, and equips them with the essential skills needed for recognizing, describing and transcribing a range of speech sounds. Numerous graded exercises enable students to put these skills into practice, and the sounds introduced are clearly illustrated with examples from a variety of English accents and other languages. As well as looking at traditional articulatory description, the book introduces acoustic and other instrumental techniques for analysing speech, and covers topics such as speech and writing, the nature of transcription, hearing and speech perception, linguistic universals, and the basic concepts of phonology. ISBN: 9780521733151 Introducing Phonology David Odden 230pp PB ` 595.00 This accessible textbook provides a clear and practical introduction to phonology, the study of sound patterns in language. Designed for students with only a basic knowledge of linguistics, it teaches in a step-by-step fashion the logical techniques of phonological analysis and the fundamental theories that underpin it. Through more than 60 graded exercises, students are encouraged to make their own analyses of phonological patterns and processes, based on extensive data and problem sets from a wide variety of languages. Introducing Phonology equips students with the essential analytical skills needed for further study in the field, such as how to think critically and discover generalizations about data, how to formulate hypotheses, and how to test them. Contents: 1. What is phonology?; 2. Phonetic transcriptions; 3. Allophonic relations; 4. Underlying representations; 5. Interacting processes; 6. Feature theory; 7. Doing an analysis; 8. Phonological typology and naturalness; 9. Abstractness and psychological reality; 10. Nonlinear representations. PB ` 495.00 ISBN: 9780521733090 62 360pp PB ` 595.00 Language and Linguistics An Introduction John Lyons A general introduction to linguistics and the study of language, intended particularly for beginners and readers with no previous knowledge or training in the subject. There is first a general account of the nature of language and of the aims, methods and basic principles of linguistic theory. John Lyons then introduces in turn each of the main sub-fields of linguistics: the sounds of language, grammar, semantics, language change, psycholinguistics, language and culture. Pragmatics Stephen Levinson Contents: Preface; 1. Language; 2. Linguistics; 3. The sounds of language; 4. Grammar; 5. Semantics; 6. Language-change; 7. Some modern schools and movements; 8. Language and mind; 9. Language and society; 10. Language and culture; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9780521540889 357pp Those aspects of language use that are crucial to an understanding of language as a system, and especially to an understanding of meaning, are the acknowledged concern of linguistic pragmatics. Yet until now much of the work in this field has not been easily accessible to the student, and was often written at an intimidating level of technicality. In this textbook, however, Dr. Levinson has provided a lucid and integrative analysis of the central topics in pragmatics – deixis, implicature, presupposition, speech acts, and conversational structure. Contents: Preface; Acknowledgements; Notation conventions; 1. The scope of pragmatics; 2. Deixis; 3. Conversational implicature; 4. Presupposition; 5. Speech acts; 6. Conversational structure; 7. Conclusions; Bibliography; Subject index; Index of names. PB ` 500.00 ISBN: 9780521540896 Linguistics An Introduction Andrew Radford, Martin Atkinson, David Britain, Harald Clahsen and Andrew Spencer Language, Culture, and Society A self-contained introduction to language and linguistics, this book offers a unified approach to language from several perspectives. It provides the tools necessary for understanding the complex structure of a language. The book is divided into three sections – sounds, words, and sentences – which address both foundational concepts and linguistic applications. Key Topics in Linguistic Anthropology Christine Jourdan and Kevin Tuite Contents: List of figures; List of tables; List of maps; List of appendices; A note for course organisers and class teachers on the use of this book; Contents; Introduction; Part I. Sounds: 1. Introduction; 2. Sounds and suprasegmentals; 3. Sound variation; 4. Sound change; 5. Phonemes, syllables and phonological processes; 6. Child phonology; 7. Processing sounds; Part II. Words: 8. Introduction; 9. Word classes; 10. Building words; 11. Morphology across languages; 12. Word meaning; 13. Children and words; 14. Lexical processing and the mental lexicon; 15. Lexical disorders; 16. Lexical variation and change; Part III. Sentences: 17. Introduction; 18. Basic terminology; 19. Sentence structure; 20. Empty categories; 21. Movement; 22. Syntactic variation; 23. Logical form; 24. Children’s sentences; 25. Sentence processing; 26. Syntactic disorders; Bibliography. ISBN: 9780521544887 454pp 735pp PB ` 495.00 Language, our primary tool of thought and perception, is at the heart of who we are as individuals. Languages are constantly changing, sometimes into entirely new varieties of speech, leading to subtle differences in how we present ourselves to others. This revealing account brings together eleven leading specialists from the fields of linguistics, anthropology, philosophy and psychology, to explore the fascinating relationship between language, culture, and social interaction. A range of major questions are discussed: How does language influence our perception of the world? How do new languages emerge? How do children learn to use language appropriately? What factors determine language choice in bi- and multilingual communities? How far does language contribute to the formation of our personalities? And finally, in what ways does language make us human? Language, Culture and Society will be essential reading for all those interested in language and its crucial role in our social lives. Contents: Introduction: Walking through wallsChristine Jourdan and Kevin Tuite; 1. An issue about language- Charles Taylor; 2. Linguistic relativities- John Leavitt; 3. Benjamin Lee Whorf and the boasian foundations of contemporary ethnolinguistics- Regna Darnell; 4. Cognitive anthropology- Penelope Brown; 5. Methodological issues in cross-language colour naming- Paul Kay; 6. Pidgins and creoles genesis: an anthropological offering- Christine Jourdan; 7. Bilingualism- Monica Heller; 8. The impact of language socialization on grammatical development- Elinor Ochs and Bambi Schieffelin; 9. Intimate grammars: anthropological and psychoanalytic accounts of language, gender, and desire- Elizabeth Povinelli; 10. Maximizing ethnopoetics: toward the fine-tuning (anthropological) experience- Paul Friedrich; 11. Of phonemes, fossils and webs of meaning: the interpretation of language variation and change- Kevin Tuite PB ` 495.00 ISBN: 9781316604342 63 322pp PB ` 495.00 Sociolinguistic Variation Theories, Methods, and Applications Robert Bayley and Ceil Lucas The Study of Langugage Why does human language vary from one person, or one group, to another? In what ways does it vary? How do linguists go about studying variation in, say, the sound system or the sentence structure of a particular language? Why is the study of language variation important outside the academic world, in say education, the law, employment or housing? This book provides an overview of these questions, bringing together a team of experts to survey key areas within the study of language variation and language change. Covering both the range of methods used to research variation in language, and the applications of such research to a variety of social contexts, it is essential reading for advanced students and researchers in sociolinguistics, communication, linguistic anthropology and applied linguistics. George Yule Contents: Introduction- Robert Bayley and Ceil Lucas; Part I. Theories:; 1. Variation and phonological theory- Gregory R. Guy; 2. Variation and syntactic theory- Lisa Green; 3. The psycholinguistic unity of inherent variability: old Occam whips out his razor- Ralph W. Fasold and Dennis R. Preston; 4. The study of variation in historical perspective- Kirk Hazen; 5. Style in dialogue: Bakhtin and sociolinguistic theoryAllan Bell; 6. Variation and historical linguisticsMichael Montgomery; 7. Second language acquisition: a variationist perspective- Robert Bayley; 8. Variation and modality- Ceil Lucas;Part II. Methods; 9. Fieldwork- Natalie Schilling-Estes; 10. Quantitative analysis- Sali A. Tagliamonte; 11. Sociophonetics- Erik R. Thomas; Part III. Applications; 12. Sociolinguistic variation and education- Carolyn Temple Adger and Donna Christian; 13. Lessons learned from the Ebonics controversy: implications for language assessment- Anna F. Vaughn-Cooke; 14. Variation and versatility in the classroom: contrastive analysis revisited- Angela E. Rickford and John R. Rickford; 15. Social-political influences on research practices: examining language acquisition by African American children- Ida J. Stockman; 16. Sociolinguistic variation and the law- Ronald R. Butters; 17. Attitudes towards variation and ear-witness testimony- John Baugh; Afterword- Roger W. Shuy. ISBN: 9781316604366 422pp This bestselling textbook provides an engaging and user-friendly introduction to the study of language. Assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, Yule presents information in bite-sized sections, clearly explaining the major concepts in linguistics – from how children learn language to why men and women speak differently, through all the key elements of language. This fifth edition has been revised and updated with new figures and tables, additional topics, and numerous new examples using languages from across the world. To increase student engagement and to foster problem-solving and critical thinking skills, the book includes thirty new tasks. An expanded and revised online study guide provides students with further resources, including answers and tutorials for all tasks, while encouraging lively and proactive learning. This is the most fundamental and easy-to-use introduction to the study of language. Contents: 1. The origins of language; 2. Animals and human language; 3. The sounds of language; 4. The sound patterns of language; 5. Word-formation; 6. Morphology; 7. Grammar; 8. Syntax; 9. Semantics; 10. Pragmatics; 11. Discourse analysis; 12. Language and the brain; 13. First language acquisition; 14. Second language acquisition/learning; 15. Gestures and sign languages; 16. Written language; 17. Language history and change; 18. Regional variation in language; 19. Social variation in language; 20. Language and culture; Glossary. ISBN: 9781316606377 334pp PB ` 525.00 LAW Corporate Governance The Indian Scenario Vasudha Joshi PB ` 895.00 Corporate governance is part of an economy's system, which has today become the most important mechanism for resource allocation. It is affected by capital market, block holders, institutional investors, proxy wars, company law and capital market regulations, and many other macro-economic as well as political factors. Historical evolution of corporate governance naturally has a bearing on current developments. This book is an attempt to weave these factors together coherently. Contents: Preface; 1 Corporate Governance: Placing the Issues; Introduction; Backdrop: change in ‘real’ factor; Importance of Corporate Governance; Some Definitions; Principles of Corporate Governance; Part I; 2 Major Corporate Governance Systems; American Corporate Governance Systems - Brief Historical Background; British Corporate Governance System-Brief Historical Background; German Corporate Governance System-Brief Historical Background; Japanese Corporate Governance System-Brief Historical Background; Conclusion; 3 Anglo-American Corporate Governance System; Board of Directors Structure; Executive Compensation; Ownership Structure; Financial 64 Structure; Institutional Framework; Disclosure of Information; Voting Rights of Shareholders; Voting by Proxy and Proxy Contests; Takeovers and Takeover Defenses; Appendix I: History of Voting Rights of Shareholders; Appendix II: Shareholders’ Voting Rights in USA in Twentieth Century; 4 Perspectives and Models of Corporate Governance; Three Perspectives; Important Questions; Theory of Corporate Governance Insights from Transaction Cost Economics; Insights from Contract Theory; Models of Corporate Governance - Principal-agent model; Myopic Market Model; - Political Economy Model; Conclusion; 5 Indian Corporate Governance: A Review; Historical Heritage: the beginning; Historical Heritage: Independence to 1980s; From 1990 till date; Changes in Company Finance; Indian Corporate Governance System Today; Appendix I: Some Data on Equity Ownership; Part II; 6 Board of Directors: The Topmost Internal Governance Mechanism; Introduction; Functions of the Board; Role and Working; Election and Composition; Size of the Board; Board Chairman; Term of Office; Compensation of Directors; Board Committees Audit Committee; - Nomination Committee; Remuneration/ Compensation Committee; Evaluation of Board Performance; Some Suggestions for Improvement; Indian Boards; Nominee Directors; Current Changes; Appendix: Kumar Managalam Birla Committee on Corporate Governance; 7 Institutional Investors: Much Ado About Nothing?; The Issue; Structure and Investment Policies of Institutional Investors; Intervention by Institutional Investors; Forms of Intervention; A Brief Review of Development in the USA and the UK; - The USA; - The UK; CalPERS in Corporate Governance Movement; Situation in India; Unit Trust of India (UTI); Appendix: Mutual Funds and Corporate Governance; 8 Political Economy of Indian Corporate Governance; Understanding Indian Reality; Response of Indian Business Houses; Articulation of Interest; - Business Restructuring; Changes in Capital Market; Coming Back to Corporate Governance in India; Bibliography. ISBN: 9788175962040 173pp Paper Tiger Law, Bureaucracy and the Developmental State in Himalayan India Nayanika Mathur A big cat overthrows the Indian state and establishes a reign of terror over the residents of a Himalayan town. A developmental legislation aimed at providing employment and commanding a huge budget becomes ‘unimplementable’ in a region bedeviled by high levels of poverty and unemployment. Paper Tiger provides a lively ethnographic account of how such seeminglybizarre scenarios come to be in present day India. This book presents a unique explanation for why and how progressive laws in India can do what they do and not, ever-so-often, what they are supposed to do. On the basis of a meticulous detailing of everyday bureaucratic life on India’s Himalayan borderland, it proposes an ethnographically-derived concept – paper tiger – as a modality for the study of the state. It shifts the very frames of thought through which we will henceforth understand the implementation of law and the workings of the developmental Indian state. Contents: Acknowledgements: Glossary; Acronyms; Prologue; Introduction; Chapter 1. A Remote Town: The Paper State; Chapter 2. The State Life of Law; Chapter 3. The Material Production of Transparency; Chapter 4. The Letter of the State; Chapter 5. Meeting one another: Paper Tiger?; Chapter 6. The Reign of Terror of the Big Cat; Conclusion; The State as a Paper Tiger; References; Index. ISBN: 9781107106970 Human Rights under StateEnforced Religious Family Laws in Israel, Egypt and India Yüksel Sezgin PB ` 595.00 214pp HB ` 795.00 About one-third of the world's population currently lives under pluri-legal systems where governments hold individuals subject to the purview of ethno-religious rather than national norms in respect to family law. How does the state-enforcement of these religious family laws impact fundamental rights and liberties? What resistance strategies do people employ in order to overcome the disabilities and limitations these religious laws impose upon their rights? Based on archival research, court observations and interviews with individuals from three countries, Yüksel Sezgin shows that governments have often intervened in order to impress a particular image of subjectivity upon a society, while people have constantly challenged the interpretive monopoly of courts and state-sanctioned religious institutions, re-negotiated their rights and duties under the law, and changed the system from within. He also identifies key lessons and best practices for the integration of universal human rights principles into religious legal systems. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Personal status, nation-building, and the postcolonial state; 3. The impact of state-enforced personal status laws on human rights; 4. A fragmented confessional system: state-enforced religious family laws and human rights in Israel; 5. A unified confessional system: state-enforced religious family laws and human rights in Egypt; 6. A unified semi- 65 confessional system: state-enforced religious family laws and human rights in India; 7. Conclusion: upholding human rights under religious legal systems. ISBN: 9781107104761 International Law Sixth Edition Malcolm N. Shaw 322pp Toppling Qaddafi Libya and the Limits of Liberal Intervention Christopher S. Chivvis HB ` 995.00 Malcolm Shaw’s engaging and authoritative International Law has become the definitive textbook for instructors and students alike, in this increasingly popular field of academic study. The hallmark writing style provides a stimulating account, motivating students to explore the subject more fully, while maintaining detail and academic rigour. The analysis integrated in the textbook challenges students to develop critical thinking skills. The sixth edition is comprehensively updated throughout and is carefully constructed to reflect current teaching trends and course coverage. The International Court of Justice is now examined in a separate dedicated chapter and there is a new chapter on international criminal law. Contents: 1.Libya and the light footprint; 2. Precipitous crisis; 3. The pivots of war; 4. Crippling Qaddafi and infighting over NATO; 5. Stalemate; 6. Grinding away; 7. Sudden success; 8. The impact of the war and its implications. ISBN:9781107451544 Contents: 1. The nature and development of international law; 2. International law today; 3. Sources; 4. International law and municipal law; 5. The subjects of international law; 6. The international protection of human rights; 7. The regional protection of human rights; 8. Individual criminal responsibility in international law; 9. Recognition; 10. Territory; 11. The law of the sea; 12. Jurisdiction; 13. Immunities from jurisdiction; 14. State responsibility; 15. International environmental law; 16. The law of treaties; 17. State succession; 18. The settlement of disputes by peaceful means; 19. The International Court of Justice; 20. International law and the use of force by states; 21. International humanitarian law; 22. The United Nations; 23. International institutions. ISBN: 9781107008328 Toppling Qaddafi is a carefully-researched and highly readable look at the role of the United States and NATO in Libya's war of liberation and its lessons for future military interventions. Based on extensive interviews within the US Government, this book recounts the story of how the United States and its European allies went to war against Muammar Qaddafi in 2011, why they won the war, and what the implications for NATO, Europe, and Libya will be. This was a war that few saw coming, and many worried would go badly awry, but in the end the Qaddafi regime fell and a new era in Libya's history dawned. Whether this is the kind of intervention that can be repeated, however, remains an open question - as does Libya's future and that of its neighbours. Decolonising International Law Development, Economic Growth and the Politics of Universality Sundhya Pahuja 1708pp HB ` 1295.00 264pp PB ` 495.00 The universal promise of contemporary international law has long inspired countries of the Global South to use it as an important field of contestation over global inequality. Taking three central examples, Sundhya Pahuja argues that this promise has been subsumed within a universal claim for a particular way of life by the idea of ‘development’. As the horizon of the promised transformation and concomitant equality has receded ever further, international law has legitimized an ever-increasing sphere of intervention in the Third World. The post-war wave of decolonization ended in the creation of the developmental nation-state, the claim to permanent sovereignty over natural resources in the 1950s and 1960s was transformed into the protection of foreign investors, and the promotion of the rule of international law in the early 1990s has brought about the rise of the rule of law as a development strategy in the present day. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Inaugurating a new rationality; 3. From decolonisation to developmental nation state; 4. From permanent sovereignty to investor protection; 5. From the rule of international law to the internationalisation of the rule of law; 6. Conclusion. ISBN: 9781107027367 66 318pp HB ` 995.00 An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure Second Edition Robert Cryer, Hakan Friman, Darryl Robinson and Elizabeth Wilmshurst This market-leading textbook gives an authoritative account of international criminal law, and focuses on what the student needs to know – the crimes that are dealt with by international courts and tribunals as well as the procedures that police follow for the investigation and prosecution of those crimes. The reader is guided through controversies with an accessible, yet sophisticated, approach by the author team of four international lawyers, with experience both of teaching the subject, and as negotiators at the foundation of the International Criminal Court and the Rome conference. It is an invaluable introduction for all students of international criminal law and international relations, and now covers developments in the ICC, victims’ rights, and alternatives to international criminal justice, as well as including extended coverage of terrorism. Short, well chosen excerpts allow students to familiarize themselves with primary material from a wide range of sources. An extensive package of online resources is also available. International Law from Below Development, Social Movements and Third World Resistance Balakrishnan Rajagopal Contents: Part I. Introduction; 1. Introduction: what is international criminal law?; 2. The objectives of international criminal law; Part II. Prosecutions in National Courts; 3. Jurisdiction; 4. National prosecutions of international crimes; 5. State cooperation with respect to national proceedings; Part III. International Prosecutions; 6. The history of international criminal prosecutions: Nuremberg and Tokyo; 7. The ad hoc international criminal tribunals; 8. The International Criminal Court; 9. Other courts with international elements; 10. Genocide; 11. Crimes against humanity; 12. War crimes; 13. Aggression; 14. Transnational crimes, terrorism and torture; Part IV. Principles and Procedures of International Prosecutions; 15. General principles of liability; 16. Defences/ grounds for excluding criminal responsibility; 17. Procedures of international criminal investigations and prosecutions; 18. Victims in the international criminal process; 19. Sentencing and penalties; Part V. Relationship between National and International Systems; 20. State cooperation with the international courts and tribunals; 21. Immunities; 22. Alternatives and complements to criminal prosecution; 23. The future of international criminal law. ISBN: 9781107655386 684pp The emergence of transnational social movements as major actors in international politics – as witnessed in Seattle in 1999 and elsewhere – has sent shockwaves through the international system. Many questions have arisen about the legitimacy, coherence and efficiency of the international order in the light of the challenges posed by social movements. This ground-breaking book offers a fundamental critique of twentieth-century international law from the perspective of Third World social movements – the first ever to do so. It examines in detail the growth of core key components of modern international law – international institutions and human rights – in the context of changing historical patterns of Third World resistance. Using a historical and interdisciplinary approach, Rajagopal presents compelling evidence challenging current debates on the evolution of norms and institutions, the meaning and nature of the Third World, as well as the political economy of its involvement in the international system. Contents: Abbreviations; Preface and acknowledgements; Introduction; Part I. International Law, Development and Third World Resistance; 1. Writing Third World resistance into international law; 2. International law and the development encounter; Part II. International Law, Third World Resistance and the Institutionalization of Development: the Invention of the Apparatus; 3. Laying the groundwork: the Mandate system; 4. Radicalizing institutions and/ or institutionalizing radicalism? UNCTAD and the NIEO debate; 5. From resistance to renewal: Bretton Woods institutions and the emergence of the ‘new’ development agenda; 6. Completing a full circle: democracy and the discontent of development; Part III. Decolonizing Resistance: Human Rights and the Challenge of Social Movements; 7. Human rights and the Third World: constituting the discourse of resistance; 8. Recoding resistance: social movements and the challenge to international law; 9. Markets, gender and identity: a case study of the Working Women’s Forum as a social movement; Part IV. Epilogue; References; Index. ISBN: 9788175962545 PB ` 995.00 67 360pp PB ` 595.00 International Human Rights Law Cases, Materials, Commentary Olivier De Schutter How do you keep students motivated when their perception of a subject conflicts with the reality of its academic study? International human rights law, unquestionably an exciting field, is also complex and demanding. With his breakthrough textbook, De Schutter focuses on international human rights law as global legal system, rather than as a collection of different (though related) rights, giving it relevance and immediacy. Drawing on cases and materials from a wide range of sources, it shows how human rights law is used as a tool to address contemporary issues such as counter-terrorism, global poverty and religious diversity. Materials are organized thematically, allowing readers to make comparisons and connections between different legal treaties and systems. Students can also easily assess how human rights are protected under domestic and international laws. The law is placed in context throughout, ensuring full understanding of why laws exist and how they work. Bondage during Post-Independence Period: Policy Developments; 4. Problems in the Implementation of Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act; 5. Rehabilitation of Released Bonded Labour; 6. Judicial Intervention; Conclusion; Appendices; Glossary; Biographical Notes; Bibliographical Essay; Index. ISBN: 9788175967465 Inside Lawyers’ Ethics Christine Parker and Adrian Evans Contents: Part I. The Sources: Introduction; 1. The origins; 2. Human rights as part of public international law; 3. State responsibility and ‘jurisdiction’; Part II. The Substantive Obligations: Introduction; 4. The obligation to respect; 5. The obligation to protect; 6. The obligation to fulfil; 7. Derogations in times of public emergency; 8. The prohibition of discrimination; Part III. Mechanisms of Protection: 9. Ensuring compliance with international human rights law: the role of national authorities; 10. The United Nations human rights treaties system; 11. The United Nations Charter-based monitoring of human rights; 12. Regional mechanisms of protection. ISBN: 9781107641556 Human Rights and Law Bonded Labour in India Ramesh Kumar Tiwari 187pp HB ` 595.00 Legal ethics is often described as an oxymoron or contradiction in terms – lay people find the concept amusing and lawyers can find ethics impossible. The best lawyers are those who have come to grips with their own values and actively seek to improve their ethical practice. This book is designed to help law students and new lawyers understand and modify their own ethical priorities, not just because this knowledge makes it easier to practice law and earn an income, but because self-aware, ethical legal practice is right and feels better than anything else. Packed with case studies of ethical scandals and dilemmas from real life legal practice in Australia, each chapter delves into the most difficult issues lawyers face. From lawyers’ part in corporate fraud to the ethics of time-based billing, Parker and Evans expose the values that underlie current practice and set out the alternatives ethical lawyers might follow. Contents: 1. Introduction: values in practice; 2. Alternative to adversarial advocacy; 3. The responsibility climate: regulation of lawyers’ ethics; 4. Civil litigation and excessive adversarialism; 5. Ethics in criminal justice: proof and truth; 6. Ethics in negotiation and alternative dispute resolution; 7. Conflicting loyalties; 8. Lawyers’ fees and costs: billing and overcharging; 9. Corporate lawyers and corporate misconduct; 10. Conclusion - personal professionalism: personal values and legal professionalism. 1152pp PB ` 1295.00 Human Rights and Law deals with the problem of debt bondage and the way it has been treated during the British as well as in the postindependence period. Analysis has been made of the motivations for carrying out the reform; the processes involved in formulating the legislation, contributions by different agencies, discussion in the parliament, etc. The two legislations: the Indian Slavery Act, 1843 and bonded labour system (Abolition) Act, 1976 provide a comparative perspective in the making of social legislation in two different historical settings and different political systems.The statute on debt and its enforcement has been carried out by four distinct political authorities. India under the Company, India under the Crown; Provincial Governments (1937–1939); and Independent India. The problems in the enforcement of the statutes have been analysed drawing evidence from modern Indian history, state-society relationship, motivations of the officials and the political context of administration. ISBN: 9781107606197 Contents: List of Tables; Foreword; Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. Slavery and Debt Bondage in British India : Policy and Implementation; 3. Debt 68 288pp PB ` 395.00 Modern Legal Drafting A Guide to Using Clearer Language Second Edition Peter Butt and Richard Castle In the second edition of this highly-regarded text, the authors show how and why traditional legal language has developed the peculiar characteristics that make legal documents inaccessible to the end users. Incorporating recent research and case law, the book provides a critical examination of case law and the rules of interpretation. Detailed case studies illustrate how obtuse or outdated words, phrases and concepts can be rewritten, reworked or removed altogether. Particularly useful is the step-by-step guide to drafting in the modern style, using examples from four types of common legal documents: leases, company constitutions, wills and conveyances. Readers will gain an appreciation of the historical influences on drafting practice and the use of legal terminology. They will learn about the current moves to reform legal language, and receive clear instruction on how to make their writing clearer and their legal documents more useful. unconscionability; Part VI. Terms and Interpretation; 12. Terms in general; 13. Implied terms; 14. Interpretation and rectification of written contracts; 15. Exclusion clauses; Part VII. Breakdown and Liability; 16. Frustration; 17. Breach and performance; Part VIII. Remedies for Breach; 18. Judicial remedies for breach of contract; 19. Consensual remedies for breach of contract: liquidated damages and deposits; Part IX. Illegality and Public Policy; 20. Illegality and public policy; Part X. The Future; 21. International and European ‘soft law codes’: lessons for English law? ISBN: 9781107662810 Presidential Legislation in India Contents: Introduction; 1. What influences the legal drafter; 2. How legal documents are interpreted; 3. The move towards Modern English in legal drafting; 4. Some benefits of drafting in plain English; 5. What to avoid when drafting modern documents; 6. How to draft modern documents; 7. Using the modern style; Further reading. ISBN: 9781107688322 Contract Law Neil Andrews 272pp The Law and Practice of Ordinances Shubhankar Dam PB ` 395.00 This textbook takes a fresh approach to contract law; as a first edition it reflects the subject in the twenty-first century more accurately than other texts. Comprehensive and scholarly, it maps the curriculum perfectly but detailed references and further reading sections encourage students to explore the subject further. Understanding is paramount and chapter introductions clearly guide students through the material. The textbook takes an innovative approach to case law: breaking down and discussing individual elements of a case and selecting short key extracts it gives students the tools to read cases independently and with confidence. An examination of the historical and theoretical foundations of the subject and a concluding chapter tracking emerging fields ensure the broadest possible perspective. Discussion of key recent cases such as Durham Tess Valley Airport (2010) and Chartbrook (2009) make this important new text a must for contract law students. 798pp PB ` 895.00 India has a parliamentary system. Yet the president has authority to occasionally enact legislation (or ordinances) without involving parliament. This book is a study of ordinances at the national level in India, centred around three themes. First, it tells the story of how an artifact of British constitutional history, over time, became part of India’s legislative system. Second, it offers an empirical account of the ways in which presidents have resorted to ordinances in post-independence India. Third, the book analyses a range of ordinance-related questions, including some that are yet to be judicially adjudicated. In the process, the book explains why much of the Indian Supreme Court’s jurisprudence is mistaken and what should take its place. Overall, the book explains why the fate of parliamentary reforms in India may be tied to the reform of the provision for ordinances. Standing at the intersection of constitutional law and political science, Presidential Legislation in India offers a new frame through which to assess executives’ legislative powers in both parliamentary and presidential systems. Contents: List of Tables; List of Abbreviations; Acknowledgements; Introduction: Alternatives to Parliamentary Legislation; Part I: Origins and Practice; 1. The Transplant Effect: Early Origins of Ordinances in England and India; 2. Legislative Surrogacy: Cabinets and Ordinances, 1952-2009; Part II: Law and Interpretation; 3. Negotiating the Text: Ordinances, Article 123 and the Interpretative Deficit; 4. Reading Minds: Presidential Satisfaction and Judicial Review of Ordinances; 5. The Power of No: Presidents, Cabinets and the Making of Ordinances; Conclusion: ‘Edwardian’ Reading of Ordinances; Bibliography; Index. Contents: Part I. Introduction; 1. Main features of contract law; Part II. Formation; 2. The precontractual phase; 3. Offer and acceptance; 4. Certainty; Part III. Consideration and Intent to Create Legal Relations; 5. Consideration and estoppel; 6. Intent to create legal relations; Part IV. Third Parties and Assignment: 7. Third parties; 8. Assignment; Part V. Vitiating Elements: 9. Misrepresentation; 10. Mistake; 11. Duress, undue influence, and ISBN: 9781107444348 69 278pp PB ` 495.00 Piracy in the Indian Film Industry Copyright and Cultural Consonance Arul George Scaria This book sheds light on how copyright law works at the grassroots level in India, by exploring the social, cultural, historical, legal and economic dimensions of piracy in one of the biggest copyright-based industries: the Indian film industry. Based on extensive fieldwork, this book provides novel and insightful findings on the complexity and diversity of perceptions regarding piracy within Indian society. The bottom-up approach analysis adopted in the book elucidates how local factors influence copyright enforcement and the book proposes a mix of positive and negative incentives to increase the voluntary compliance of copyright law in India. Cartel Regulation India in an International Perspective Lovely Dasgupta Contents: Preface; Acknowledgments; List of Abbreviations; 1. Introduction; 2. Piracy and the Indian Film Industry; 3. Copyright Law in India: A Historical, Cultural and Legal Analysis; 4. Copyright Piracy and Consumers: Insights from an Empirical Survey; 5. In Search of Optimal Legal and Policy Options; 6. Conclusion; Appendix 1: Detailed Description of the Methodology Used in the Study; Appendix 2: Questionnaire Used for the Empirical Survey; Appendix 3: Tables; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9781107065437 The Electronic Silk Road How the Web Binds the World Together in Commerce Anupam Chander 338pp The book also compares the Indian regulator’s approach vis-à-vis the approach taken by the fair trade regulators in more advanced jurisdictions like the EU, the US and the UK. Importantly, it introduces readers to a developing country perspective by bringing forth the impact of cartels on bargaining power of both end consumer as well as intermediaries. It also provides workable solutions to enhance the efficacy of anti-cartel provisions. HB ` 795.00 Contents: Preface; Abbreviations; 1. Introduction; 2. Cartels: Understanding the Sum and Substance of the Concept; 3. Cartels and Consumer Interests in the US; 4. EU, Cartels and Consumer Interests; 5. India, Cartels and Consumer Interests: The MRTP Phase; 6. Cartels, Consumer Interests and India PostMRTP Phase; Conclusion; Appendix 1; Appendix 2; Bibliography; Index. On the ancient Silk Road, treasure-laden caravans made their arduous way through deserts and mountain passes, establishing trade between Asia and the civilizations of Europe and the Mediterranean. Today’s electronic Silk Roads ferry information across continents, enabling individuals and corporations anywhere to provide or receive services without obtaining a visa. But the legal infrastructure for such trade is yet rudimentary and uncertain. If an event in cyberspace occurs at once everywhere and nowhere, what law applies? How can consumers be protected when engaging with companies across the world? In this accessible book, cyberlaw expert Anupam Chander provides the first thorough discussion of the law that relates to global e-commerce. Addressing up-to-the-minute examples, such as Google’s struggles with China, the Pirate Bay’s skirmishes with Hollywood, and the outsourcing of services to India, the author insightfully analyses the difficulties of regulating Internet trade. Chander then lays out a framework for future policies, showing how countries can dismantle barriers while still protecting consumer interests. ISBN: 9789382993759 Theory and Practice of Corporate Governance An Integrated Approach Stephen Bloomfield Contents: Acknowledgments; Introduction: Tracing a Silk Road Through Cyberspace; 1. The New Global Division of Labor; 2. Western Entrepot: Silicon Valley; 3. Eastern Entrepot: Bangalore; 4. Pirates of Cyberspace; 5. Facebookistan; 6. Freeing Trade in Cyberspace; 7. Handshakes Across the World; 8. Glocalization and Harmonization; 9. Last Stop: Middle Kingdom; Afterword • Glossary: A Cheat Sheet for Global E-Commerce • Notes • Index. ISBN: 9789382993223 302pp The recent decision of the Competition Commission of India imposing ` 60 billion as penalties on the cement cartels exemplifies the extent to which cartelization affects the Indian consumers. The book looks into the law, policy and practice that inform the anti-cartel provisions within the Indian Competition Act 2002. In the process, it tries to establish that even though the anti-cartel provisions of the Indian Competition Act are ambiguous on their support or opposition to cartels, the primary purpose of the Act is protection of the interest of consumers. Therefore, the Competition Commission of India and the Central Government are expected to come up with such regulations and notifications that help in clarifying the scope of the anti-cartel provisions in the interest of consumers. 384pp HB ` 995.00 Theory and Practice of Corporate Governance explains how the real world of corporate governance works. It offers new definitions of governance and new conceptual models for investigating governance and corporate behaviour, based on both practical experience and academic investigation. In examining the historical development of corporate governance, it integrates issues of company law, regulatory practice and company administration with contemporary corporate governance policies and structures. An extensive range of international examples, both recent and historical, is used to compare theoretical explanations of governance behaviour with practical outcomes. The book will be particularly suitable for students taking an ICSA-accredited course – giving a necessary critical view on governance, law and regulation – and through utilizing new conceptual models, it will stimulate debate among both theorists and practitioners. Contents: List of Figures and Tables; Introduction; Part 1: The Discipline of Governance; Part 2: The Relationship Between Law and Governance; Part 3: Governance and PB ` 795.00 70 Reverence, Resistance and Politics of Seeing the Indian National Flag Sadan Jha This book studies the politics that make the tricolour flag possibly the most revered among symbols, icons and markers associated with nation and nationalism in twentieth century India. The emphasis on the flag as a visual symbol aims to question certain dominant assumptions about visuality. Anchored on Mahatma Gandhi’s ‘believing eye’, this study reveals specificities of visual experience in the South Asian milieu. This account begins with a survey of the precolonial period, focuses on colonial lives of the flag and moves ahead to explain contemporary dynamics of seeing the flag in India. The Flag Satyagraha of Jubblepore and Nagpur in 1922-23, the adoption of Congress Flag in 1931, the resolution for the future flag in the Constituent Assembly of India in 1947, history of the colour saffron, codes governing the flag as well as legal cases are few such examples explored in depth in this book. Sadan Jha is Associate Professor at the Centre for Social Studies, Surat. His research interests are history of visuality, history of symbols and icons like spinning wheel and Bharat Mata, history of colours, and the contemporary urban experiences of Surat. Hardback | 978-1-107-11887-4 | ` 790.00 www.cambridge.org the Listed Company; Part 4: Governance and Regulation; Part 5: Counter-Governance: Failures of Governance and Corporate Failure • Bibliography • Index. ISBN: 9781107667297 The Logic of Law Making in Islam Women and Prayer in the Legal Tradition Behnam Sadeghi 384pp Cyber Warfare and the Laws of War Heather Harrison Dinniss PB ` 895.00 This pioneering study examines the process of reasoning in Islamic law. Some of the key questions addressed here include whether sacred law operates differently from secular law, why laws change or stay the same and how different cultural and historical settings impact the development of legal rulings. In order to explore these questions, the author examines the decisions of 30 jurists from the largest legal tradition in Islam: the Hanafi school of law. He traces their rulings on the question of women and communal prayer across a very broad period of time – from the eighth to the eighteenth century – to demonstrate how jurists interpreted the law and reconciled their decisions with the scripture and the sayings of the Prophet. The result is a fascinating overview of how Islamic law has evolved and the thinking behind individual rulings. Contents: 1. The world in which we live and fight; 2. Computer network attacks as a use of force in international law; 3. Armed attack and response in the digital age; 4. The applicability of the laws of armed conflict to computer network attacks; 5. Participants in conflict: combatant status, direct participation and computer network attack; 6. Targeting and precautions in attack; 7. Measures of special protection; 8. Means and methods of warfare. Contents: 1. A general model; 2. Preliminaries; 3. Women praying with men: adjacency; 4. Women praying with women; 5. Women praying with men: communal prayers; 6. The historical development of Hanafi reasoning; 7. From laws and values; 8. The logic of law making. ISBN: 9781107051850 The Law-Making Process Sixth Edition Michael Zander 234pp ISBN: 9781107682283 The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Law Mauro Bussani and Ugo Mattei PB ` 795.00 We can only claim to understand another legal system when we know the context surrounding the positive law in which lawyers are trained. To avoid ethnocentricity and superficiality, we must go beyond judicial decisions, doctrinal writings and the black-letter law of codes and statutes and probe the ‘deeper structures’ where law meets cultural, political, socio-economic factors. It is only when we acquire such awareness and knowledge of the critical factors affecting both the backgrounds and implications of rules that it becomes possible to control the present and possibly future developments of the world’s legal institutions. This collection of essays aims to provide the reader with a fundamental understanding of the dynamic relationship between the law and its cultural, political and socio-economic context. Contents: Editors’ preface. Diapositives v. movies: the inner dynamics of the law and its comparative account: a companion; Part I. Knowing Comparative Law; 1. Comparative law and neighbouring disciplines; 2. Political ideology and comparative law; 3. Economic analysis and comparative law; 4. Comparative law and anthropology; 5. Comparative law and language; Part II. Comparative Law Fields: 6. Comparative studies in private law (insights from a European point of view); 7. Comparative administrative law; 8. Comparative constitutional law; 9. Comparative criminal justice; 10. Comparative Contents: Preface to the sixth edition; Preface to the first edition; Acknowledgments; Books, pamphlets, memoranda and articles excerpted; Table of cases; 1. Legislation - the Whitehall stage; 2. Legislation - the Westminster stage; 3. Statutory interpretation; 4. Binding precedent the doctrine of stare decisis; 5. How precedent works; 6. Law reporting; 7. The nature of the judicial role in law-making; 8. Other sources of law; 9. The process of law reform. 554pp 358pp HB ` 995.00 As a critical analysis of the law-making process, this book has no equal. For more than two decades it has filled a gap in the requirements of law students and others taking introductory courses on the legal system. It deals with every aspect of the law-making process, the preparation of legislation, its passage through Parliament, statutory interpretation, binding precedent; how precedent works, law reporting; the nature of the judicial role, European Union law, and the process of law reform. It presents a large number of original texts from a variety of sources – cases, official reports, articles, books, speeches and empirical research studies – laced with the author’s informed commentary and reflections on the subject. This book is a mine of information dealing with both the broad sweep of the subject and with all its detailed ramifications. ISBN: 9781107669406 Information revolution has transformed both modern societies and the way in which they conduct warfare. Cyber Warfare and the Laws of War analyses the status of computer network attacks in international law and examines their treatment under the laws of armed conflict. The first part of the book deals with the resort to force by states and discusses the threshold issues of force and armed attack by examining the permitted responses against such attacks. The second part offers a comprehensive analysis of the applicability of international humanitarian law to computer network attacks. By examining the legal framework regulating these attacks, Heather Harrison Dinniss addresses the issues associated with this method of attack in terms of the current law and explores the underlying debates which are shaping the modern laws applicable in armed conflict. PB ` 695.00 72 Pakistan’s Experience with Formal Law civil justice; 11. Comparative law and the international organizations; Part III. Comparative Law in the Flux of Civilizations; 12. The EastAsian legal tradition; 13. The Jewish legal tradition; 14. The Islamic legal tradition; 15. The Sub-Saharan legal tradition; 16. The Latin American and Caribbean legal tradition (repositioning Latin America and the Caribbean in the contemporary maps of comparative law); 17. Mixed legal systems; 18. Democracy and the Western legal tradition. ISBN: 9781107687769 Race, Religion and Law in Colonial India Trials of an Interracial Family Chandra Mallampalli 422pp An Alien Justice Osama Siddique PB ` 595.00 How did British rule in India transform persons from lower social classes? Could Indians from such classes rise in the world by marrying Europeans and embracing their religion and customs? This book explores such questions by examining the intriguing story of an interracial family who lived in southern India in the midnineteenth century. The family, which consisted of two untouchable brothers, both of whom married Eurasian women, became wealthy as distillers in the local community. A family dispute resulted in a landmark court case, Abraham v. Abraham. Chandra Mallampalli uses this case to examine the lives of those involved, and shows that far from being products of a ‘civilizing mission’ who embraced the ways of Englishmen, the Abrahams were ultimately – when faced with the strictures of the colonial legal system – obliged to contend with hierarchy and racial difference. Contents: List of abbreviations • List of figures • Acknowledgements • Introduction; 1. The hegemony of heritage: the “narratives of colonial displacement” - the absence of the past in Pakistani reform narratives; 2. Law in practice: the Lahore District Courts Survey (2010-2011); 3. Law, crime, context, and vulnerability: the Punjab Crime Perception Survey (2009-2010); 4. Approaches to legal and judicial reform in Pakistan: post-colonial inertia and paucity of imagination in times of turmoil and change; 5. Reform on paper: a post-mortem of justice sector reform in Pakistan 1998-2010; 6. Reform nirvanas and reality checks: justice sector reform in Pakistan in the twenty-first century and the monopoly of the “experts”; 7. Toward a new approach; Appendices; Index. Contents: Introduction; 1. Remembering family; 2. Embodying ‘Dora-hood’: the brothers and their business; 3. A crisis of trust: sedition and the sale of arms in Kurnool; 4. Letters from Cambridge; 5. The path to litigation; 6. Litigating gender and race: Charlotte sues at Bellary; 7. Francis appeals: the case for continuity; 8. Choice, identity, and law: the decision of London’s Privy Council. ISBN: 9781107026988 280pp Law reform in Pakistan attracts such disparate champions as the Chief Justice of Pakistan, USAID, and the Taliban. Common to their equally obsessive pursuit of ‘speedy justice’ is a remarkable obliviousness to the historical, institutional and sociological factors that alienate Pakistanis from their formal legal system. This pioneering book highlights vital and widelyneglected linkages between the ‘narratives of colonial displacement’ resonant in the literature on South Asia’s encounter with colonial law and the region’s post-colonial official law reform discourses. Against this backdrop, it presents a typology of Pakistani approaches to law reform and critically evaluates the IFI-funded, single-minded pursuit of ‘efficiency’ during the last decade. Employing diverse methodologies it proceeds to provide empirical support for a widening chasm between popular, at times violently expressed, aspirations for justice and democratically-deficient reform designed in distant IFI headquarters that is entrusted to the exclusive and unaccountable Pakistani ‘reform club’. ISBN: 9781107636279 HB ` 995.00 73 485pp PB ` 795.00 Jurisprudence Suri Ratnapala Jurisprudence is about the nature of law and justice. It embraces studies and theories from a range of disciplines such as history, sociology, political science, philosophy, psychology and even economics. Why do people obey the law? How does law serve society? What is law’s relation to morality? What is the nature of rights? This book introduces and critically discusses the major traditions of jurisprudence. Written in a lucid and accessible style, Suri Ratnapala considers a wide range of views, bringing conceptual clarity to the debates at hand. From Plato and Aristotle to the medieval scholastics, from Enlightenment thinkers to postmodernists and economic analysts of law, this important volume examines the great philosophical debates and gives insight into the central questions concerning law and justice. presence; 15. National electronic surveillance; 16. Cybercrime; 17. Evidence of electronic records; 18. Censorship - broadcast and online content regulation; 19. An international perspective; Appendices. ISBN: 9781107606258 The Health of Nations Society and Law Beyond the State Philip Allott Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. British legal positivism; 3. Germanic legal positivism: Hans Kelsen’s quest for the pure theory of law; 4. Realism in legal theory; 5. Natural law tradition in jurisprudence; 6. Separation of law and morality; 7. Sociological jurisprudence and the sociology of law; 8. Radical jurisprudence: challenges to liberal legal theory; 9. Economic analysis of law; 10. Evolutionary jurisprudence; 11. Fundamental legal conceptions: the building blocks of legal norms; 12. Justice. ISBN: 9781107606203 The Law of Electronic Commerce Alan Davidson 390pp 438pp PB ` 595.00 The human world is changing. Old social structures are being overwhelmed by forces of social transformation, which are sweeping across political and cultural frontiers. A social animal is becoming the social species. The animal that lives in packs and herds (family, corporation, nation, state...) is becoming a member of a human society, which is the society of all human beings, the society of all societies. The age-old problems of social life – religious, philosophical, moral, political, legal, economic – must now be addressed at the level of the whole species, at the level where all cultures and traditions meet and will contribute to an exhilarating and hazardous new form of human self-evolving. Contents: Preface; Part I. Society and Law; 1. The will to know and the will to power: theory and moral responsibility; 2. The phenomenon of law; 3. Globalization from above: actualizing the ideal through law; 4. The nation as mind politic: the making of the public mind; 5. New enlightenment: the public mind of all-humanity; Part II. European Society and its Law; 6. European governance and the re-branding of democracy; 7. The crisis of European constitutionalism: reflections on a half-revolution; 8. The concept of European Union: imagining the unimagined; 9. The conversation that we are: the seven lamps of European unity; Part III. International Society and its Law; 10. The concept of international law; 11. International law and the idea of history; 12. Intergovernmental societies and the idea of constitutionalism; 13. International law and the international Hofmafia: towards a sociology of diplomacy; 14. International law and international revolution: re-conceiving the world; Index. PB ` 595.00 Written specifically for legal practitioners and students, this book examines the concerns, laws and regulations involved in e-Commerce. In just a few years, commerce via the World Wide Web and other online platforms has boomed, and a new field of legal theory and practice has emerged. Legislation has been enacted to keep pace with commercial realities, cyber-criminals and unforeseen social consequences, but the ever-evolving nature of new technologies has challenged the capacity of the courts to respond effectively. This book addresses the legal issues relating to the introduction and adoption of various forms of electronic commerce. From intellectual property, to issues of security and privacy, Alan Davidson looks at the practical changes for lawyers and commercial parties whilst providing a rationale for the underlying legal theory. ISBN: 9788175962866 Contents: 1. The law of electronic commerce; 2. The rule of cyberspace; 3. Electronic commerce and the law of contract; 4. Shrinkwrap, Clickwrap and Browsewrap contracts; 5. Electronicsignatures; 6. Copyright issues in electronic commerce; 7. Electronic commerce – trade marks, patents and circuit layouts; 8. Domain names; 9. Domain name disputes; 10. Uniform domain name dispute resolution policies; 11. Jurisdiction in cyberspace; 12. Defamation in cyberspace; 13. Privacy and data protection in cyberspace; 14. Electronic mail and online 74 452pp PB ` 695.00 Trade Marks and Brands An Interdisciplinary Critique Lionel Bently, Jennifer Davis and Jane C. Ginsburg Developments in trade marks law have called into question a variety of basic features, as well as bolder extensions, of legal protection. Other disciplines can help us think about fundamental issues such as: what is a trade mark? What does it do? What should be the scope of its protection? This volume assembles essays examining trade marks and brands from a multiplicity of fields: from business history, marketing, linguistics, legal history, philosophy, sociology and geography. Each chapter pairs lawyers’ and nonlawyers’ perspectives, so that each commentator addresses and critiques his or her counterpart’s analysis. The perspectives of non-legal fields are intended to enrich legal academics’ and practitioners’ reflections about trade marks, and to expose lawyers, judges and policymakers to ideas, concepts and methods that could prove to be of particular importance in the development of positive law. The Spirit of Hindu Law Donald R. Davis, Jr. Contents: Part I. Legal and Economic History; 1. The making of modern trade mark law: the construction of the legal concept of trade mark (1860–1980); 2. The Making of modern trade mark law: the UK, 1860–1914. A business history perspective; Part II. Current Positive Law in the E.U. and the US; 3. Between a sign and a brand: mapping the boundaries of a registered trade mark in European Union trade mark law; 4. “See me, feel me, touch me, hea[r] me” (and maybe smell and taste me too): I am a trademark - a US perspective; Part III. Linguistics; 5. ‘How can I tell the trade mark on a piece of gingerbread from all the other marks on It?’ Naming and meaning in verbal trade mark signs; 6. What linguistics can do for trade mark law; Part IV. Marketing; 7. Brand culture: trade marks, marketing and consumption; 8. Images in brand culture: responding legally to Professor Schroeder’s paper; Part V. Sociology; 9. Trade mark style as a way of fixing things; 10. The irrational lightness of trade marks: a legal perspective; Part VI. Law and Economics; 11. A law and economics perspective on trade marks; 12. The economic rationale of trademarks: an economist’s critique; Part VII. Philosophy: 13. Trade marks as property: a philosophical perspective; 14. An alternative approach to dilution protection: a response to Scott, Oliver and Ley Pineda; Part VIII. Anthropology; 15. An anthropological approach to transactions involving names and marks, drawing on Melanesia; 16. Traversing the cultures of trade mark sphere: observations on the anthropological approach of James Leach; Part IX. Geography; 17. Geographical indications: not all champagne and roses; 18. (Re)locating geographical indications: a response to Bronwyn Parry. ISBN: 9780521259309 480pp Law is too often perceived solely as state-based rules and institutions that provide a rational alternative to religious rites and ancestral customs. The Spirit of Hindu Law uses the Hindu legal tradition as a heuristic tool to question this view and reveal the close linkage between law and religion. Emphasizing the household, the family, and everyday relationships as additional social locations of law, it contends that law itself can be understood as a theology of ordinary life. An introduction to traditional Hindu law and jurisprudence, this book is structured around key legal concepts such as the sources of law and authority, the laws of persons and things, procedure, punishment and legal practice. It combines investigation of key themes from Sanskrit legal texts with discussion of Hindu theology and ethics, as well as thorough examination of broader comparative issues in law and religion. Contents: List of tables; Preface; Acknowledgements; Abbreviations; Introduction (dharmasâstra); 1. Sources and theologies (pramâna); 2. Hermeneutics and ethics (mîmâmsâ); 3. Debt and meaning (rna); 4. Persons and things (svatva); 5. Doubts and disputes (vyavahâra); 6. Rectitude and rehabilitation (danda); 7. Law and practice (âcâra); Conclusion; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9781107005617 Hinduism and Law An Introduction Timothy Lubin, Donald R. Davis Jr. and Jayanth K. Krishnan 206pp HB ` 795.00 Covering the earliest Sanskrit rulebooks through to the codification of ‘Hindu law’ in modern times, this interdisciplinary volume examines the interactions between Hinduism and the law. The authors present the major transformations to India’s legal system in both the colonial and post colonial periods and their relation to recent changes in Hinduism. Thematic studies show how law and Hinduism relate and interact in areas such as ritual, logic, politics, and literature, offering a broad coverage of South Asia’s contributions to religion and law at the intersection of society, politics and culture. In doing so, the authors build on previous treatments of Hindu law as a purely text-based tradition, and in the process, provide a fascinating account of an often neglected social and political history. Contents: Foreword; List of contributors; Chronology; Map; Introduction; Part I. Hindu Law: 1. An historical overview of Hindu law; 2. Dharmaœâstra: a textual history; 3. Hindu legal practice in premodern India; 4. The creation of Anglo-Hindu law; 5. Marriage and family in colonial Hindu law; 6. Hindu law as personal law; Part II. Law in Ancient and Medieval Hindu Traditions: 7. Hindu jurisprudence and scriptural hermeneutics; 8. Indic conceptions of authority; 9. Sûdra Dharma and legal treatments of caste; PB ` 595.00 75 10. Law, literature, and the problem of politics in medieval India; 11. Hindu law as performance: ritual and poetic elements in Dharmasâstra; Part III. Law and Modern Hinduism; 12. Temples, deities, and the law; 13. In the divine court of appeals: vows before the God of justice; 14. Contemporary caste discrimination and affirmative action; 15. Law and Hindu nationalist movements; 16. Legally and politically layered identities: a thumbnail survey of selected Hindu migration patterns from South Asia; Appendices; Glossary; Bibliography. ISBN: 9781107012493 Adjudication in Religious Family Laws Cultural Accommodation, Legal Pluralism, and Gender Equality in India Gopika Solanki 320pp Shari‘a Theory, Practice, Transformations Wael B. Hallaq HB ` 895.00 How do multireligious and multiethnic societies construct accommodative arrangements that can both facilitate cultural diversity and ensure women’s rights? Based on a rich ethnography of adjudication of marriage and divorce across formal and informal areas in Mumbai, this book argues that the shared adjudication model in which the state splits its adjudicative authority with religious groups and other societal sources in the regulation of marriage can potentially balance cultural rights and gender equality. In this model, the ideologically-diverse lay, civic, and religious sources of legal authority construct, transmit, and communicate heterogeneous notions of the conjugal family, gender relations, and religious membership within the interstices of state and society. In so doing, they fracture the homogenized religious identities grounded in hierarchical gender relations within the conjugal family. The shared adjudication model facilitates diversity as it allows the construction of hybrid religious identities, creates fissures in ossified group boundaries, and provides institutional spaces for ongoing intersocietal dialog. In this pluralized legal sphere, individual and collective legal mobilization by women spurs law reform and paves the way toward formal and substantive gender equality. Contents: Part I. The Pre-Modern Tradition: 1. The formative period; 2. Legal theory: epistemology, language, and legal reasoning; 3. Legal education and the politics of law; 4. Law and society; 5. The circle of justice and later dynasties; Part II. The Law: An Outline: 6. Legal pillars of religion; 7. Contracts and other obligations; 8. Family law and succession; 9. Property and ownership; 10. Offenses; 11. Jihad; 12. Courts of justice, suits and evidence; Part III. The Sweep of Modernity: 13. The conceptual framework: an introduction; 14. The jural colonization of India and South-East Asia; 15. Hegemonic modernity: the Middle East and North Africa during the nineteenth and early twentieth century; 16. Modernizing the law in the age of nation-states; 17. In search of a legal methodology; 18. Repercussions: concluding notes. ISBN: 9780521180337 Indigeneity and Legal Pluralism in India Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. The shared adjudication model: theoretical framework and arguments; 3. State law and the adjudication process: marriage, divorce, and the conjugal family in Hindu and Muslim personal law; 4. Making and unmaking the conjugal family: the administration of Hindu law in society; 5. Juristic diversity, contestations over ‘Islamic law’ and women’s rights: regulation of matrimonial matters in Muslim personal law; 6. Conclusion. ISBN: 9781107023895 In recent years, Islamic law, or Shari’a, has been appropriated as a tool of modernity in the Muslim world and in the West and has become highly politicized as consequence. Wael Hallaq’s magisterial overview of Shari’a sets the record straight by examining the doctrines and practices of Islamic law within the context of its history, and by showing how it functioned within pre-modern Islamic societies as a moral imperative. In so doing, Hallaq takes the reader on an epic journey tracing the history of Islamic law from its beginnings in seventh-century Arabia, through its development and transformation under the Ottomans, and across lands as diverse as India, Africa and South-East Asia, to the present. In a remarkably-fluent narrative, the author unravels the complexities of his subject to reveal a love and deep knowledge of the law, which will inform, engage and challenge the reader. Claims, Histories, Meanings Pooja Parmar 403pp HB ` 1495.00 76 624pp PB ` 795.00 As calls for reparations to indigenous peoples grow on every continent, issues around resource extraction and dispossession raise complex legal questions. What do these disputes mean to those affected? How do the narratives of indigenous people, legal professionals, and the media intersect? In this richly layered and nuanced account, Pooja Parmar focuses on indigeneity in the widely publicized controversy over a CocaCola bottling facility in Kerala, India. Juxtaposing popular, legal, and Adivasi narratives, Parmar examines how meanings are gained and lost through translation of complex claims into the languages of social movements and formal legal systems. Included are perspectives of the diverse range of actors involved, based on interviews with members of Adivasi communities, social activists, bureaucrats, politicians, lawyers, and judges. Presented in clear, accessible prose, Parmar's account of translation enriches debates in the fields of legal pluralism, indigeneity, and development. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Locating a dispute; 3. A people's movement; 4. Litigants, lawyers, and the questions of law; 5. Claims and meanings; 6. Law, history, justice; 7. Conclusion. ISBN: 9781107142169 262pp MANAGEMENT Brand Society How brands transform management of lifestyle HB ` 550.00 Martin Kornberger Preventive Detention and the Democratic State Hallie Ludsin Preventive Detention and the Democratic State tracks the transformation of preventive detention from an emergency measure into an ordinary law enforcement tool in the democratic world. Historically, democracies used preventive detention only in the extraordinary circumstance in which the criminal justice system was impotent. They preferred criminal prosecution and its strict due process requirements to detaining people for a crime they may never commit. This book shows that major democracies have begun using detention as an insurance policy against dangerous people. In the process, they have embarked on a slippery slope that allows them to use preventive detention to bypass the criminal justice system. Already, detention has established a separate, inferior legal system for certain suspected criminals. Comparing preventive detention in India, England and the United States, the book brings to light its potentially dire consequences for the rule of law, due process rights and democratic principles based on the very real experiences of these countries. Contents: Foreword; Acknowledgements; Part I. Brands and Branding: 1. Introduction; 2. Making sense of brands; 3. The making of brands; Part II. How Brands Transform Management: 4. Identity; 5. Culture; 6. Innovation; Part III. How Brands Transform Lifestyle: 7. Politics; 8. Ethics; 9. Aesthetics; Conclusion; Bibliography; Index. Contents: Acknowledgements; List of Acronyms and Abbreviations; Introduction; Chapter 1. The Theoretical Framework; Chapter 2. The Policy Debates; Chapter 3. Preventive Detention under International Law; Chapter 4. The History of Preventive Detention in India; Chapter 5. India's Current Preventive Detention Legislation; Chapter 6. India: Preventive Detention and Due Process; Chapter 7. India: The Risk Society and the Slippery Slope; Chapter 8. Preventive Detention in England; Chapter 9. England: Preventive Detention and Due Process; Chapter 10. Preventive Detention in the United States; Chapter 11. The United States: Preventive Detention and Procedural Due Process; Chapter 12. Preventive Detention's Slippery Slope; Chapter 13. Preventive Detention and Liberal Democracy; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9781107056060 Brands are fait accompli: they represent a mountain range of evidence in search of a theory. They are much exploited, but little explored. In this book, Martin Kornberger sets out to rectify the ratio between exploiting and exploring through sketching out a theory of the Brand Society. Most attempts to explain the role of brands focus on brands either as marketing and management tools (business perspective) or a symptoms of consumerism (sociological perspective). Brand Society combines these perspectives to show how brands have the power to transform both the organizations that develop them and the lifestyles of the individuals who consume them. This holistic approach shows how brands function as a medium between producers and consumers in a way that is rapidly transforming our economy and society. That's the bottom line of Brand Society: brands are a new way of organizing production and managing consumption. Using an array of practical case studies from a diverse set of organizations, this book provides a fascinating account of the way in which brands influence the lives of individuals and the organizations they work in. ISBN: 9781107674875 Building Respected Companies Jordi Canals 432pp HB ` 1200.00 328pp PB ` 595.00 The current financial crisis has deep macroeconomic roots, but the dominant view of the firm has made the crisis deeper and more devastating. Over the past few decades, maximizing shareholder value has become the main objective of the firm. Chief executives have been keen on this objective because their economic incentives have been clearly associated with stock market performance. Unfortunately, this has driven many CEOs to make terrible decisions based on short-termism and greed. In this way, the firm has become the object of anger, criticism and cynicism. In Building Respected Companies, Jordi Canals argues that we must address this problem by developing companies that serve society, not just their shareholders. This requires a new perspective of what a firm is, what the purpose of the firm in society should be and what the role of the board of directors and senior executives should be. Contents: List of figures; List of tables; Preface; Acknowledgements; Part I. Corporate Crisis, Leadership and Governance; 1. Financial crisis. Leadership crisis?; Part II. Rethinking the 77 Purpose of the Firm; 2. The firm's mission and purpose; 3. The firm as a respected institution; Part III. The Role of Corporate Governance in Developing a Respected Company; 4. Nature, goals and models of corporate governance; 5. Responsible firms; Part IV. Leading and Growing a Respected Company; 6. The board of directors at work: impact beyond regulation; 7. The chief executive: reputation beyond charisma; 8. The role of the chief executive in developing the company as a respected institution; Index. ISBN: 9781107621015 Business Ethics and Continental Philosophy Mollie Painter-Morland and René ten Bos 282pp The State and Land Records Modernisation Pradeep Kumar Nayak PB ` 595.00 By looking at the progress of initiatives in the states of Karnataka and Odisha, this book argues that the computerization of land records programme cannot be understood or implemented in isolation from the specific political and economic context of the reform process. Business ethics has largely been written from the perspective of analytical philosophy with very little attention paid to the work of continental philosophers. Yet although very few of these philosophers directly discuss business ethics, it is clear that their ideas have interesting applications in this field. This innovative textbook shows how the work of continental philosophers – Deleuze and Guattari, Foucault, Levinas, Bauman, Derrida, Levinas, Nietzsche, Zizek, Jonas, Sartre, Heidegger, Latour, Nancy and Sloterdijk – can provide fresh insights into a number of different issues in business ethics. Topics covered include agency, stakeholder theory, organizational culture, organizational justice, moral decisionmaking, leadership, whistle-blowing, corporate social responsibility, globalization and sustainability. The book includes a number of features designed to aid comprehension, including a detailed glossary of key terms, text boxes explaining key concepts, and a wide range of examples from the world of business. Contents: List of Tables and Figures; Abbreviations; Foreword; Preface and Acknowledgements; 1. The State, ICTs and Governance: A Theoretical Exploration; 2. EGovernance in Public Policy Discourse in India; 3. The State and the Policy of Land Records Management; 4. The Computerisation of Land Records Programme in Odisha; 5. The Computerisation of Land Records Programme in Karnataka; 6. The Computerisation of Land Records Programme in Karnataka and Odisha: A Comparative Study; Conclusion: Beyond TechnoManagerial Governance; Select Bibliography. ISBN: 9789382993469 Cambridge Handbook of Culture, Organizations, and Work Contents: List of figures; List of boxes; List of contributors; Foreword; Acknowledgements; Introduction: critical crossings Mollie PainterMorland and René ten Bos; 1. Agency in corporations Mollie Painter-Morland; 2. Stakeholder theory David Bevan and Patricia Werhane; 3. Organizational culture Hugh Willmott; 4. ENRON narrative Hugh Willmott; 5. Moral decision-making Mollie Painter-Morland; 6. Organizational justice Carl Rhodes; 7. Reward, incentive, and compensation Mollie PainterMorland; 8. Leadership Sverre Spoelstra and René ten Bos; 9. Whistle-blowing Mollie PainterMorland and René ten Bos; 10. Marketing, bad faith, and responsibility Janet Borgerson; 11. Corporate social responsibility René ten Bos and Stephen Dunne; 12. Corporate responsibility standards Andreas Rasche; 13. Sustainability René ten Bos and David Bevan; 14. Globalization René ten Bos; Glossary; Name index; Subject index. ISBN: 9781107608702 388pp Today, when land record management is regarded as one of the indices of a nation’s developmental status, India is in the midst of its land records modernization programme, which is the world’s largest e-governance exercise and India’s first successful e-governance implementation for the common man. This book studies the land records modernization programme in India and how it has modernized management of land records, minimized scope of land disputes, enhanced transparency in the land records maintenance system, and facilitated moving towards guaranteed conclusive titles to immovable properties in the country. Rabi S. Bhagat and Richard M. Steers 378pp HB ` 995.00 It is now widely recognized that countries around the world are becoming increasingly interconnected, and that both public and private organizations are of necessity becoming increasingly global. As political, legal, and economic barriers recede in this environment, cultural barriers emerge as a principal challenge to organizational survival and success. It is not yet clear whether these global realities will cause cultures to converge, harmonize, and seek common ground or to retrench, resist, and accentuate their differences. In either case, it is of paramount importance for both managers and organizational scholars to understand the cultural crosscurrents underlying these changes. With contributions from an international team of scholars, the Handbook of Culture, Organizations, and Work reviews, analyses, and integrates available theory and research to give the best information possible concerning the role of culture and cultural differences in organizational dynamics. Contents: Figures; Tables; Preface; Part I. Cultural Foundations: 1. The culture theory jungle: divergence and convergence in models of national culture Luciara Nardon and Richard M. Steers; 2. Culture, organizations, and institutions: PB ` 695.00 78 an integrative review Kwok Leung and Soon Ang; 3. When does culture matter? Cristina B. Gibson, Martha L. Maznevski and Bradley L. Kirkman; Part II. Culture and Organization Theory: 4. Culture and organization design: strategy, structure, and decision-making Richard M. Steers, Luciara Nardon and Carlos SanchezRunde; 5. Cross-cultural perspectives on international mergers and acquisitions GÃœnter K. Stahl and Mansour Javidan; 6. Global culture and organizational processes Miriam Erez and Gili S. Drori; 7. Cultural variations in the creation, diffusion and transfer of organizational knowledge Rabi S. Bhagat, Annette S. McDevitt and Ian McDevitt; 8. Cultural variations and the morphology of innovation John R. Kimberly and Colleen Beecken Rye; ; 9. Understanding leadership across cultures Marcus W. Dickson, Deanne N. Den Hartog and Nathalie Casta; 10. Global leadership: progress and challenges Joyce S. Osland, Sully Taylor and Mark E. Mendenhall; 11. The role of cultural elements in virtual teams Taryn L. Stanko and Cristina B. Gibson; 12. Cultural drivers of work behavior: personal values, motivation, and job attitudes Carlos Sanchez-Runde, Sang Myung Lee and Richard M. Steers; 13. Interdisciplinary perspectives on culture, conflict, and negotiation Lynn Imai and Michele J. Gelfand; 14. The complexity of trust: cultural environments, trust, and trust development Nancy R. Buchan; 15. Cultural variations in work stress and coping in an era of globalization Rabi S. Bhagat, Pamela K. Steverson and Ben C. H. Kuo; 16. Cultural values and women's work and career experiences Ronald J. Burke; 17. Intercultural training for the global workplace: review, synthesis, and theoretical explorations Dharm P. S. Bhawuk; Part IV. Future Directions in Theory and Research: 18. Improving methodological robustness in cross-cultural organizational research Fons J. R. Van De Vijver and Ronald Fischer; 19. Culture, work, and organizations: a future research agenda Rabi S. Bhagat. ISBN: 9781107662902 560pp Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice Damon Golsorkhi, Linda Rouleau, David Seidl and Eero Vaara The Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice provides a comprehensive overview of an emerging and growing stream of research in strategic management. An international team of scholars has been assembled to produce a systematic introduction to the various epistemological, methodological and theoretical aspects of the strategy-as-practice approach. This perspective explores and explains the contribution that strategizing makes to daily operations at all levels of an organization. Moving away from a disembodied and asocial study of firm assets, technologies and practices, the strategy-as-practice approach breaks down many of the traditional paradigmatic boundaries in strategy to investigate who the strategists are, what strategists do, how they do it, and what the consequences or outcomes of their actions are. Including a number of detailed empirical studies, the handbook will be an essential guide for future research in this vibrant field. Contents: List of figures; List of tables; List of contributors; Introduction: What is strategy-aspractice? Damon Golsorkhi, Linda Rouleau, David Seidl and Eero Vaara; Part I. Epistemological Streams; 1. Practice in research: phenomenon, perspective and philosophy Wanda Orlikowski; 2. Epistemological alternatives for researching strategy-as-practice: building and dwelling worldviews Robert Chia and Andreas Rasche; 3. Practice, strategy making and intentionality: a Heideggerian onto-epistemology for strategy-as-practice Haridimos Tsoukas; 4. Constructivist epistemologies in strategy-aspractice research Simon Grand, Johannes Rüegg-Stürm and Widar von Arx; 5. Constructing contribution in 'strategy-as-practice' research Karen Golden-Biddle and Jason Azuma; 6. The challenge of developing cumulative knowledge about strategy-as-practice Ann Langley; Part II. Theoretical Directions; 7. Giddens, structuration theory and strategy-as-practice Richard Whittington; 8. An activity-theory approach to strategy-as-practice Paula Jarzabkowski; 9. A Wittgensteinian perspective on strategizing Saku Mantere; 10. A Bourdieusian perspective on strategizing Marie-Léandre Gomez; 11. A Foucauldian perspective on strategic practice: strategy as the art of (un)folding Florence AllardPoesi; 12. A narrative approach to strategy-aspractice: strategy-making from texts and narratives Valérie-Inés de La Ville and Eléonore Mounoud; Part III. Methodological Tracks; 13. Broader methods to support new insights into strategizing Anne Sigismund Huff, Anne-Katrin Neyer and Kathrin Möslein; 14. Critical discourse analysis as methodology in strategy-as-practice research Eero Vaara; 15. Researching everyday practice: the ethnomethodological contribution Dalvir Samra-Fredericks; 16. Researching strategists and their identity in practice: building close-with relationships Phyl Johnson, Julia Balogun and Nic Beech; 17. Studying strategizing through narratives of practice Linda Rouleau; Part IV. Application Variations; 18. Institutional change and strategic agency: an empirical analysis of managers' experimentation with routines in strategic decision-making Gerry PB ` 795.00 79 Creating New Markets in the Digital Economy Johnson, Stuart Smith and Brian Codling; 19. Unpacking the effectivity paradox of strategy workshops: do strategy workshops produce strategic change? Robert MacIntosh, Donald MacLean and David Seidl; 20. Struggling over subjectivity: a critical discourse analysis of strategic development Pikka-Maaria Laine and Eero Vaara; 21. Strategizing and history Mona Ericson and Leif Melin; Index. ISBN: 9781107619982 Crafting Strategy Loizos Heracleous and Claus D. Jacobs 366pp Irene C. L. Ng PB ` 595.00 The rationalist approach to strategizing emphasizes analytical and convergent thinking. Without denying the importance of this approach, this book argues that strategists must learn to complement it with a more creative approach to strategizing that emphasizes synthetic and divergent ways of thinking. The theoretical underpinnings of this approach include embodied realism, interpretivism, practice theory, theory of play, design thinking, as well as discursive approaches such as metaphorical analysis, narrative analysis, dialogical analysis and hermeneutics. The book includes in-depth discussions of these theories and shows how they can be put into practice by presenting detailed analyses of embodied metaphors built by groups of agents with step-by-step explanations of how this process can be implemented and facilitated. The link between theory and practice is further supported by the inclusion of several vignettes that describe how this approach has been successfully employed in a number of organizations, including BASF and UNICEF. Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction and impact of digitisation on markets; 2. Back to basics - what is value?; 3. Value and context; 4. Lifting the lid off context: the contextual experience; 5. Value and exchange; 6. Rise of the digital economy; 7. Back to basics in value creation - a theory of latent demand; 8. Value propositions and new business models; 9. Creating viability and worth; 10. Markets, digital labour and new economic models; Postscript; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9781107461703 Decision Behaviour, Analysis and Support Contents: List of figures; List of tables; Acknowledgements; Preface; Vignette A: BASF; 1. Strategizing out of the box; Vignette B: UNICEF; 2. Metaphor and embodied realism; 3. Analyzing embodied metaphors as an interpretive, hermeneutic endeavour; Vignette C: Voltigo (Fribourg); 4. Crafting strategy as a practice of embodied recursive enactment; 5. Play, analogical reasoning and dialogue in the crafting of strategy; Vignette D: Hephata; 6. Understanding organizations through embodied metaphors; 7. Sensemaking through embodied metaphors in organization development; Vignette E: Privatbank; 8. Strategy as a crafting practice; Vignette F: Worldvision New Zealand; 9. The process of strategizing through crafting embodied metaphors; Glossary; Index. ISBN: 9781107664531 260pp Creating New Markets in the Digital Economy looks at how digitization is radically changing the way we buy and experience products and services. Sharing her unique perspective of both business and academia, Irene Ng examines the implications of digital connectivity, including the need to design and scale future business models to better fit 'lived lives', creating value as well as increasing worth so that new markets can emerge. The book provides a conceptual framework and practical advice to equip readers with the knowledge they need to develop future products and services that take advantage of connectivity and serve contexts better. With its accessible language, numerous case examples and illustrations to illuminate challenging concepts, this book is an important resource for business leaders, entrepreneurs and policy makers, as well as students of service science, business and engineering. Simon French, John Maule and Nadia Papamichail PB ` 395.00 260pp PB ` 595.00 Behavioural studies have shown that while humans may be the best decision-makers on the planet, we are not quite as good as we think we are. We are regularly subject to biases, inconsistencies and irrationalities in our decision making. Decision Behaviour, Analysis and Support explores perspectives from many different disciplines to show how we can help decision-makers deliberate and make better decisions. It considers both the use of computers and databases to support decisions as well as human aids to building analyses and some fast and frugal tricks to aid more consistent decisionmaking. In its exploration of decision support it draws together results and observations from decision theory, behavioural and psychological studies, artificial intelligence and information systems, philosophy, operational research and organizational studies. This provides a valuable resource for managers with decision-making responsibilities and students from a range of disciplines, including management, engineering and information systems. Contents: List of figures; List of tables; List of case vignettes; List of abbreviations and notation; Preface; Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction; 2. Behavioural decision studies; 3. Decision analysis and support; 4. Information and knowledge management; 5. Artificial intelligence and expert systems; 6. Operational research and optimisation; 7. Decision analysis and multiple 80 The Logic of Sharing Indian Approach to South–South Cooperation Sachin Chaturvedi India’s development cooperation programmes reflect the broad principles that inform Indian foreign policy in general. In essence, they reflect sovereign equality and belief in friendly relations with all countries, particularly India’s neighbours coupled with opposition to colonialism and a continued commitment to the amplification of human freedom. Mahatma Gandhi underlined that while the juxtaposition of peace and prosperity is not a contrivance for establishing moral prospects, the two conditions are indissolubly linked. Such pragmatism is evident in the genesis and evolution of India’s development cooperation policy. The extension of Indian resources and expertise to the global South, which dates back to the early 1950s, became institutionalised under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Programme (ITEC) established in 1964. Although the scale of India’s development cooperation has been modest, it has expanded along with the country’s emergence as a rapidly growing economy. Sachin Chaturvedi is Professor and Director General at the Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), a New Delhi-based autonomous Think-Tank. He was Global Justice Fellow at the MacMillan Center for International Affairs, Yale University. Chaturvedi works on issues related to development cooperation policies and South-South cooperation. He has also worked on trade and innovation linkages with special focus on WTO. Hardback | 978-1-107-12792-0 | ` 895.00 www.cambridge.org objectives; 8. Decision analysis and uncertainty; 9. Issue formulation and problem structuring; 10. Strategic decision analysis; 11. Groups of decision makers; 12. Organisational decision support; 13. Societal decision making; 14. Decision support systems; 15. Conclusions; Index; Bibliography. ISBN: 9780521255165 Explaining the Performance of Human Resource Management Anthony Hesketh and Steve Fleetwood 502pp Global Outsourcing and Offshoring An Integrated Approach to Theory and Corpora Arok J. Contractor, Vikas Kumar, Sumit K. Kundu and Torben Pedersen PB ` 595.00 Human resource departments increasingly use the statistical analysis of performance indicators as a way of demonstrating their contribution to organizational performance. In this book, Steve Fleetwood and Anthony Hesketh take issue with this ‘scientific' approach by arguing that its preoccupation with statistical analysis is misplaced because it fails to take account of the complexities of organizations and the full range of issues that influence individual performance. The book is split into three parts. Part I deconstructs research into the alleged link between people and business performance by showing that it cannot explain the associations it alleges. Part II attributes these shortcomings to the importation of spurious ‘scientific' methods, before going on to suggest more appropriate methods that might be used in future. Finally, Part III explores how HR executives and professionals understand their work and shows how a critical realist stance adds value to this understanding through enhanced explanation. Contents: List of figures; List of tables; List of contributors; Preface; Part I. Conceptual Frameworks and Theories; 1. Global outsourcing and offshoring: in search of the optimal configuration for a company Farok J. Contractor, Vikas Kumar, Torben Pedersen and Sumit Kundu; 2. Globalization of R&D: offshoring innovative activity to emerging economies Ashok Bardhan and Dwight Jaffee; 3. A theory of the outsourcing firm Dave Luvison and Mike Bendixen; Part II. The Offshoring and Outsourcing of R&D and Innovative Activities: 4. Blurring firm R&D boundaries: integrating transaction costs and knowledge-based perspectives Andrea Martinez-Noya and Esteban Garcia-Canal; 5. Outsourcing, fragmentation and integration: the pharmaceutical industry Janis K. Kapler and Kimberly A. Puhala; 6. Towards a better understanding of multinational enterprises' R&D location choices Ana Colovic; 7. Does R&D offshoring displace or strengthen knowledge production at home? Evidence from OECD countries Lucia Piscitello and Grazia D. Santangelo; 8. Innovation across firm boundaries: a knowledge based view Salma Alguezaui and Raffaele Filieri; 9. Suitable organization forms for knowledge management at various R&D functions in decentralized and cooperative R&D networks Hsing Hung Chen; Part III. Management Issues in Offshoring and Virtual Teamwork: 10. Changing work practices: acceptance of virtual work among knowledge professionals engaged in offshoring activities Elisa Mattarelli and Maria Rita Tagliaventi; 11. Managing globally disaggregated teams: the role of organizational politics Shahzad M. Ansari, Jatinder S. Sidhu, Henk W. Volberda and Ilan Oshri; Part IV. Empirical Analyses and Case Studies of Outsourcing and Offshoring; 12. Offshoring of high-value functions: a case study of US-India trade in medical transcription services Nir Kshetri and Nikhilesh Dholakia; 13. Offshoring of IT and business, professional and technical services: the recent experience of Contents: List of figures; List of tables; Acknowledgements; Preface; Part I. HRM and Organisational Performance Today; 1. Crisis? What crisis?; 2. Tracking the emergence of the human resource management-performance link paradigm; Part II. Meta-Theorising the HRM-P Link: 3. The state of contemporary research on the HRM-performance link: a technical analysis; 4. Scientism: the meta-theory underlying empirical research on the HRM-P link; 5. Prediction, explanation and theory; 6. Critical realism: a meta-theory for analyzing HRM and performance; Part III. Reflexive Performance: 7. Putting critical realism to work; Index. ISBN: 9780521263382 362pp Companies are increasingly asking which of their value chain activities are best performed within their own company and which may be outsourced. In addition, they are also considering which pieces of their value chain may be better performed abroad. These interrelated decisions concerning outsourcing and offshoring have not only changed entire industries, they have also transformed the lives of people across the world. Hundreds of millions of jobs in emerging nations have been the direct result of outsourcing and offshoring decisions. At the same time, many people in the developed world have lost their jobs because a company has been able to find a cheaper alternative. Featuring contributions from scholars in 11 different countries, this book is the first to examine the theory and practice of outsourcing and offshoring simultaneously. It includes studies of a variety of different industries, including pharmaceuticals, automobiles, medical records, appliances, human resource management and telecommunications. PB ` 495.00 82 the United States Thomas J. Norman and Mahmood A. Zaidi; 14. Outsourcing human resource activities Thomas J. Norman; 15. Managing core outsourcing to address fast market growth: a study of an Indian mobile telecom service provider Raghunath Subramanyam; 16. Imitative offshoring strategies: lessons learnt from Italian small domestic appliance industry Gabriella Lojacono and Olga Annushkina; Index. ISBN: 9781107647657 Global Services Outsourcing Ronan McIvor 496pp India`s Healthcare Industry Innovation in Healthcare Delivery, Financing, and Manufacturing Lawton Robert Burns PB ` 495.00 Services outsourcing is an increasingly-attractive option for firms seeking to reduce costs and achieve service improvements. Many organizations now choose to transfer responsibility for entire functions such as human resources, finance and information technology services to both local and global vendors. Yet outsourcing such functions is a complex process, one that is driven by factors that transcend cost considerations alone. Issues such as service design, unbundling processes, managing work across different cultures and time zones, and business process redesign have all become important elements of managing services outsourcing arrangements. This book uses tools and techniques from a variety of disciplines to show how to successfully plan, implement and manage services outsourcing arrangements. Based on in-depth analysis of large-scale outsourcing arrangements across a wide range of sectors, this is an excellent resource for both academics and practitioners who wish to understand more about this complex phenomenon. Contents: List of Figures; Preface; Acknowledgments; Section I; Introduction; Lenses and Frameworks for Analyzing India’s Healthcare System; 1. India’s Healthcare Industry: A System Perspective; 2. Innovative Responses to the Healthcare Challenges Confronting India ; 3. India’s Healthcare Industry: An Overview of the Value Chain; Section II; Providers: Delivery of Healthcare Services; 4. The Medical Profession in India; 5. India’s Hospital Sector: The Journey from Public to Private Healthcare Delivery; 6. Medical Tourism: Opportunities and Challenges; 7. The Aravind Eye Care System; 8. Excellence and Equity in Healthcare: The Real Deal at L V Prasad Eye Institute; 9. Vaatsalya Healthcare: Promoting Access to Healthcare in Rural and Semi-Urban India; Section III; Payers: Financing of Healthcare Services; 10. The Health Insurance Sector in India: History and Opportunities; 11. Providing Care to the Bottom of the Pyramid; 12. Opportunities in Healthcare Private Equity in India; Section IV; Producers: Manufacturers of Healthcare Technology; 13. The Indian Pharmaceutical Sector: The Journey from Process Innovation to Product Innovation; 14. India’s Biotechnology Sector; 15. The Medical Device Sector in India; 16. Balancing Access and Innovation in Developing Countries; Contributors; Index. Contents: List of figures; List of tables; List of illustrations; Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction; 2. Global services outsourcing overview; 3. Making the services outsourcing decision; 4. Location and sourcing model choice in global services outsourcing; 5. Managing global services outsourcing arrangements; 6. Creating shared services arrangements; 7. Services outsourcing and performance management; 8. Services outsourcing and the spin-off arrangement; 9. Learning from failure and strategies for recovery in business process outsourcing; 10. Conclusions; Glossary; Index. ISBN: 9781107670174 298pp This book analyses the historical development and current state of India’s healthcare industry. It describes three sets of institutions that deliver healthcare services, finance these services, and manufacture products used in these services. These institutions provide healthcare (hospitals, physicians, pharmacies, and diagnostic laboratories), pay for healthcare (individuals who pay out-of-pocket, insurance companies, community insurance schemes, government ministries), and produce the technology used in healthcare delivery (pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and medical devices). The volume also discusses innovative efforts to raise capital for the development of these sectors. Finally, it includes three interesting case studies of innovative models of healthcare delivery (L. V. Prasad, Aravind, and Vaatsalya), as well as analyses of other innovative organizations like Narayana Hrudayalaya and the hospital chains. The contributors to the volume include Wharton faculty members, graduates of Wharton’s healthcare MBA programme, and executives and consultants from India. PB ` 495.00 ISBN: 9781107044371 83 600pp HB ` 1295.00 Indian Business Groups Strategy and Performance Ram Kumar Kakani, Santosh Sangem and Madhvi Sethi Contents: List of figures; List of tables; Acknowledgements; Preface: The Maharaj and the Saffron; 1. Vent for growth; 2. Industrial revolutions; 3. Aspects of Indian enterprise history; 4. Emergence of modern industry; 5. Asian late industrialization; 6. Democratizing entrepreneurship; 7. Contemporary India; 8. The services sector debate; 9. A paean for manufacturing; 10. Reindustrializing India; Appendices; Notes; References; Index. The uniqueness of the Indian context lies in the fact that during the post-liberalization period of the 1990s, most business groups encountered severe financial difficulties to the extent of struggle for survival and ultimately lost their former dominant presence. The 2000s have been witness to the revival of some of these business groups whereas many others are still in search of the suitable strategic response to the new economic and institutional environment. The book explores the forces of product diversification strategy of Indian business groups through a conglomeration of empirical analysis as well as the case study approach. Overall, the authors cover a period exceeding 25 years of business group activity in the Indian context, and attempts to relate the performance of Indian business groups to their diversification strategies juxtaposed against the context of institutional change in the Indian economy. The case studies of select business groups help us bring out more clearly the underlying factors that have been influential in the success or failure of the unrelated diversification strategy of Indian business groups. The combination of these underlying factors and the new institutional features of the Indian economy bring out some hitherto unexplored perspectives with their implications for management of unrelated diversified enterprises. ISBN: 9781107032996 International Business Strategy Second Edition Alain Verbeke Contents: List of Tables and Figures ; Preface; Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction to Business Groups and their Strategies; 2. Business Groups across the Globe; 3. Product Diversification and Performance: Measurement and Historical Relationship; 4. Conceptual Framework and Research Methodology; 5. Empirical Results and Managerial Implications; 6. Case Analysis of Business Group's Strategies; 7. Summary of the Work; References; Index; About the Authors. ISBN: 9789384463373 India’s Late, Late Industrial Revolution Democratizing Entrepreneurship Sumit K. Majumdar 293pp 472pp HB ` 895.00 Verbeke provides a new perspective on international business strategy by combining analytical rigour and true managerial insight on the functioning of large multinational enterprises (MNEs). With unique commentary on 48 seminal articles published in the Harvard Business Review, the Sloan Management Review and the California Management Review over the past three decades, Verbeke shows how these can be applied to real businesses engaged in international expansion programmes, especially as they venture into high-distance markets. The second edition has been thoroughly updated and features greater coverage of emerging markets with a new chapter and seven new cases. Suited for advanced undergraduates and graduate courses, students will benefit from updated case studies and improved learning features, including 'management takeaways', key lessons that can be applied to MNEs and a wide range of online resources. Contents: List of figures; List of case studies; About the author; Foreword Jean-François Hennart; Acknowledgements; List of abbreviations; Walkthrough; Introduction and overview of the book's framework; Part I. Core Concepts; 1. Conceptual foundations of international business strategy; 2. The critical role of firm-specific advantages; 3. The nature of home country location advantages; 4. The problem with host country location advantages; 5. Combining firm-specific advantages and location advantages in a multinational framework; Part II. Functional Issues; 6. International innovation; 7. International sourcing and production; 8. International finance; 9. International marketing; 10. Managing managers in the multinational enterprise; Part III. Dynamics of Global Strategy; 11. Entry mode dynamics 1: foreign distributors; 12. Entry mode dynamics 2: strategic alliance partners; 13. Entry mode dynamics 3: mergers and acquisitions; 14. The role of emerging economies; 15. Emerging economy multinational enterprises; 16A. International strategies of corporate social responsibility; 16B. International strategies of HB ` 695.00 There is a paradox at the heart of the Indian economy. Indian businessmen and traders are highly-industrious and ingenious people, yet for many years Indian industry was sluggish and slow to develop. One of the major factors in this sluggish development was the command and control regime known as the License Raj. This regime has gradually been removed and, after two decades of reform, India is now awakening from its slumber and is experiencing a late, late industrial revolution. This important new book catalogues and explains this revolution through a combination of rigorous analysis and entertaining anecdotes about India's entrepreneurs, Indian firms' strategies and the changing role of government in Indian industry. This analysis shows that there is a strong case for a manufacturing focus so that India can replicate the success stories of Asian countries such as Japan, South Korea and China. 84 Leading the Sales Force corporate environmental sustainability; Conclusion. The true foundations of global corporate success; Appendix; Suggested additional readings. ISBN: 9781107055438 Leading Strategic Change Eric Flamholtz and Yvonne Randle 611pp René Y. Darmon PB ` 695.00 Why do some companies continue to be successful while others experience difficulties and even failure? In Leading Strategic Change, Eric Flamholtz and Yvonne Randle demonstrate that the key to long-term organizational success is the ability to adapt to and manage different types of change. Drawing on over 30 years’ consultancy experience within major firms, they combine theoretical and practical models of organizational change, together with a new theory of leadership, to build a framework for understanding, planning, and leading change. The scope and value of this framework is then shown in relation to nine real-world case studies, ranging from relatively-small companies (IndyMac Bank, Infogix) to large multinationals (Starbucks, Westfield). The focus throughout is to provide practical guidance to those concerned with managing and leading change in organizations. This book is an excellent guide to the many lessons to be learned about successful organizational change. Contents: Figures; Tables; Preface; 1. Introduction to the dynamic sales force management process; Part I. The Actors Of The Process And Their Roles; 2. Buyers: key actors of the process; 3. Dynamic customer relationship management processes; 4. Salespeople: intermediaries in the dynamic management process; 5. Sales managers: leaders of the dynamic management process; 6. The changing environment of the dynamic management process; Part II. Tools For Implementing The Process: The Command Center; 7. Controlling the overall selling effort; 8. Tools for controlling centralized processes: specific objective programs; 9. Tools for controlling decentralized processes: directional objective programs; 10. Controlling effort quality improvement programs; 11. Using dashboards and organizing information flows; Conclusion; References; Index. Contents: List of exhibits; Preface; Part I. An Integrative Framework for Leading Strategic and Organizational Change; 1. Understanding organizational change; 2. A framework for planning strategic and organizational change; 3. Leading change; Part II. Leading Strategic Change in Actual Organizations; 4. Leading strategic and organizational change at Countrywide Financial Corporation; 5. Starbucks Coffee Company; 6. Strategic marketing through HR interventions: a case study of Indian Oil Corporation; 7. The evolution of Stan Tashman and Associates; 8. Leading strategic and organizational change at IndyMac Bank; 9. Leading strategic and organizational change at Infogix; 10. Leading strategic and organizational change: the transformation of structure at Pardee Homes; 11. Leading strategic and organizational change at Tata Steel: the role of culture; 12. Leading strategic and organizational change at Westfield: transformation to a global enterprise; Part III. Leading Strategic Change: Lessons Learned from Practice; 13. Lessons and insights from case studies of change; Appendix A. References for further reading on leading change; Index. ISBN: 9780521263597 288pp How should a sales force be managed effectively? Like aircraft pilots, managers must analyse information and make interconnected decisions in order to accomplish their missions. This book provides an integrative vision of a sales manager's function, using the concept of a dynamic sales force management process. This process adds a new dimension to the 'classical' conception of sales force management, showing how sales managers can be more effective when they develop and maintain a holistic vision. The first part of the book describes the key actors and their roles, while the second part examines the tools used to implement the dynamic sales force management process. René Y. Darmon shows how this process relies on a clear vision of successive sales missions to be accomplished over time by all members of a sales team, as they develop strategies and tactics, which contribute to fulfilling the firm's overall aims. ISBN: 9781107470323 PB ` 495.00 85 398pp PB ` 695.00 Leveraging Corporate Responsibility The Stakeholder Route to Maximizing Business and Social Value C. B. Bhattacharya, Sankar Sen and Daniel Korschun Contents: List of figures; List of tables; Preface; 1. Global e-commerce opportunities and challenges; 2. International e-business expansion and market entry strategies; 3. Global online consumer segmentation; 4. Web globalization strategies; 5. Developing international websites: internationalization (I18n); 6. Effectively localizing international websites; 7. Managing a web globalization value chain; 8. Optimizing international websites; 9. Assessing web globalization efforts; 10. Strategic industry insights into emerging localization trends; Resources; Index. The corporate social and environmental responsibility movement, known more generally as corporate responsibility (CR), shows little sign of waning. Almost all large corporations now run some form of corporate responsibility programme. Despite this widespread belief that CR can simultaneously improve societal welfare and corporate performance, most companies are largely in the dark when it comes to understanding how their stakeholders think and feel about these programmes. This book argues that all companies must understand how and why stakeholders react to such information about companies and their actions. It examines the two most important stakeholder groups to companies – consumers and employees – to comprehend why, when and how they react to CR. Armed with this insight, it shows how companies can maximize the value of their CR initiatives by fostering strong stakeholder relationships to develop, implement and evaluate compelling social responsibility programs that generate value for both the company and its stakeholders. ISBN: 9781107682009 Management Across Culture Richard M. Steers, Carlos J. SanchezRunde and Luciara Nardon Contents: List of figures; List of tables; List of exhibits; 1. The long and winding road to CR value; Part I. Deconstructing CR Value; 2. Viewing stakeholders as individuals; 3. How stakeholders respond to CR; Part II. Inside the Mind of the Stakeholder; 4. What stakeholders see and hear; 5. The psychological engine that drives CR reactions; 6. How context influences the process; Part III. Putting Insight into Action; 7. Co-creating CR strategy; 8. Communicating CR strategy; 9. Calibrating CR strategy; 10. Putting the framework to work; 11. Conclusion: the long and winding road revisited; Appendix: our research program. ISBN: 9781107652385 Localization Strategies for Global E-Business Nitish Singh 340pp PB ` 595.00 The acceleration of globalization and the growth of emerging economies present significant opportunities for business expansion. One of the quickest ways to achieve effective international expansion is by leveraging the web, which allows for technological connectivity of global markets and opportunities to compete on a global basis. To systematically engage and thrive in this networked global economy, professionals and students need a new skill set; one that can help them develop, manage, assess and optimize efforts to successfully launch websites for tapping global markets. This book provides a comprehensive, non-technical guide to leveraging website localization strategies for global e-commerce success. It contains a wealth of information and advice, including strategic insights into how international business needs to evolve and adapt in light of the rapid proliferation of the ‘Global Internet Economy’. It also features step-by-step guidelines to developing, managing and optimizing international-multilingual websites and insights into cutting-edge web localization strategies. 346pp PB ` 695.00 Management practices and processes frequently differ across national and regional boundaries. What may be acceptable managerial behaviour in one culture may be counterproductive or even unacceptable in another. As managers increasingly find themselves working across cultures, the need to understand these differences has become increasingly important. This book examines why these differences exist and how global managers can develop strategies and tactics to deal with them. The text draws on recent research in anthropology, psychology, and management, to explain the cultural and psychological underpinnings that shape managerial attitudes and behaviours, whilst introducing a learning model to guide in the intellectual and practical development of managers seeking enhanced global expertise. It offers user-friendly conceptual models to guide understanding and exploration of topics and summarizes and integrates the lessons learned in each chapter in applications-oriented 'Manager's Notebooks'. A companion website featuring comprehensive chapter-by-chapter PPT slides is available at www.cambridge.org/ management_across_cultures. Contents: List of exhibits; Preface; 1. Global realities and management challenges; 2. Developing global management skills; 3. Culture, values, and worldviews; 4. Inside the managerial mind: culture, cognition, and action; 5. Inside the organizational mind: stakeholders, strategies, and decision-making; 6. Organizing frameworks: a comparative assessment; 7. Communication across cultures; 8. Leadership and global teams; 9. Work and motivation; 10. Negotiation and global partnerships; 11. Managing in an imperfect world; 12. Epilogue: the journey continues; Appendix A. Models of national cultures; Appendix B. OECD guidelines for global managers; Index. ISBN: 9781107606210 86 458pp PB ` 795.00 Managing Change Enquiry and Action Nic Beech and Robert MacIntosh The ability to manage change successfully is an essential part of business. It is a skill that is much valued by employers, and it is therefore one of the most commonly-delivered courses. This book helps you understand three key activities for managing change: diagnosing, explaining and enacting. Both practical and action-oriented, it gives students and managers the tools they need to deal with the messy reality of change. It combines theory and diagnostic tools with practical examples that focus on actions and outcomes. It also includes short vignettes and longer cases, from a range of international contexts, for classroom study or for use on distance learning courses. Managing Change is wr itten for advanced undergraduates and graduate students taking modules on change management, strategy and organizations. Its class-tested approach has been successfully delivered in a wide variety of settings, including over fifty executive short courses with FTSElisted businesses. Managing Customer Value Dilip Soman and Sara N-Marandi Contents: Part I. Foundations; 1. Approaches to practising change management; 2. Current perspectives and classic ideas; Part II. Diagnosing; 3. Clarity and ambiguity; 4. Engagement and vitality; 5. Stakeholder positioning and dynamics; 6. Culture, habits and unlearning; Part III. Enacting Change; 7. Changing structure; 8. Identity and change; 9. Choosing customers and competitors; 10. Changing processes; 11. Aligning people and activities; 12. Learning and developing; 13. Change through dialogue; Part IV. Explaining; 14. Developing and interpreting evidence and reflexive learning; 15. Accounting for change; 16. Conclusions; Part V. Extended Cases; Case 1 - ABB; Case 2 - ITS Canada; Case 3 - Island Opera; Case 4 - Oticon; Case 5 Admiral Insurance; Case 6 - Power Provision; Case 7 - Nokia; Case 8 - Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs; Case 9 - Apple; Index. ISBN: 9781107610705 288pp How do you take individuals who have never done business with your organization and work on them till some of them eventually become the best possible customers that you have? How do you decide how much to spend on various marketing tactics? How do you think about the pricing decision with a view to optimizing the value of your customers as assets? Where do you start — what tools do you use — what heuristics are useful in making these decisions? This book attempts to answer questions such as these. The one-sentence summary of the answer, though, is simple — hold the individuals, hands and walk them through a value chain, one stage at a time. This book is written for an advanced student of business, as well as for the practicing manager, and presents an integrated view of the marketing function. In particular, it focuses on all the activities that a firm engages in to create and manage value, and not just the customer-facing activities. In that sense, it links the traditional views of customer value with the finance, accounting, human resources, organizational behaviour, information technology and operations functions. The content is meant to be prescriptive — it describes a process for value creation and management, and is yet analytical; It is theoretical and is yet empirically driven. It urges the reader to think about the customer value function to be organized along activities that the firm would like the customers to engage in, not activities that the firm engages in. It presents a framework that is not only conceptually driven but also has a sound mathematical basis. Contents: • Managing Customer Value One Stage at a Time; • Value; • Decomposing Metrics; • Stages in the Customer Value Chain; • Customers as Gambles; • Loyalty; • Harnessing Customer Intelligence; • Pricing and Customer Psychology; • Aligning the Organization; • Customer Intelligence at the Trillium Gift of Life Network; • Octopus: Making Everyday Life Easier; • Get Smart. PB ` 595.00 ISBN: 9788175967977 87 416pp PB ` 695.00 Marketing Strateg A life Cycle approach and Marketing Strategy Case Book (Set) Alvin Lee and Mark Edwards Contents: List of figures; List of tables; List of boxes; Six insights to achieve the unexpected; 1. Rethink organisation design; 2. Appreciate imperfect opportunities; 3. Remodel for coherence; 4. Build bridges; 5. Inspire the narrative; 6. Embrace the unexpected opportunity; 7. Hindsight; Index. This pack contains both the textbook and casebook. Marketing Strategy: A Life-Cycle Approach takes a fresh approach to teaching students how to devise, implement and monitor strategies for superior performance in the market with a focus on themes of sustainability and ethics. The concepts and principles of strategic marketing are introduced from a product and business life-cycle perspective. Within that framework, the book explains the nature of strategic thinking, covers the theory and practical application of analytics, explores the considerations, constraints and possible strategic marketing choices available at each stage of the product life-cycle and outlines how to monitor and modify the performance of strategies. With a matching structure and topical emphasis, the accompanying Marketing Strategy Casebook is a collection of contemporary case studies designed to develop students' capacity to analyse challenging situations and implement strategies to overcome them. The case studies are based on real-world scenarios and are drawn from diverse regions, industries and technologies. ISBN: 9781107644526 Operations Management An Integrated Approach Danny Samson and Prakash J. Singh Contents: This pack contains both the textbook and casebook. Marketing Strategy: A Life-Cycle Approach teaches students how to devise, implement and monitor strategies for superior performance in the market. With a matching structure, Marketing Strategy Casebook is a collection of contemporary case studies designed to develop students' capacity to analyse challenging situations and to implement strategies to overcome them. ISBN: 9781107427150 Models of Opportunity Gerard George and Adam J. Bock 304pp PB ` 795.00 Entrepreneurship is changing. Technology and social networks create a smaller world, but widen the opportunity horizon. Today's entrepreneurs build organizations and create value in entirely new ways and with entirely-new tools. Rather than just exploit new ideas, innovative entrepreneurs design organizations to make sense of unlikely opportunities. The time has come to overhaul what we know about entrepreneurship and business models. Models of Opportunity links scholarly research on business models and organizational design to the reality of building entrepreneurial firms. It provides actionable advice based on a deeper understanding of how business models function and change. The six insights extend corporate strategy and entrepreneurship in a completely new direction. Case studies of innovative companies across industries demonstrate how visionary entrepreneurs achieve unexpected results. The insights, tools and cases, provide a fresh perspective on emerging trends in entrepreneurship, organizational change and high-growth firms. 320pp PB ` 595.00 Operations Management: An Integrated Approach provides a state-of-the-art account of the systems, processes, people and technology that determine an organization’s strategy and success. With contributions from leading experts internationally, the text takes a comprehensive, comparative, and best practice approach and applies this specifically to the Asia-Pacific region. Rigorous in scholarship yet eminently accessible in style, Operations Management is replete with pedagogical features – figures and tables, discussion exercises, ‘Learnings from the Internet’, and a diversity of long and short case studies from around the world. Students are taken on a seamless journey from the fundamentals of operations management, through to the multiple approaches, the various innovations, challenges and risks, and ultimately to models of sustainability and evaluative tools and techniques. The text effectively prepares future managers across every sector of the economy – whether in services, manufacturing, profit or non-profit environments – to lead, organize, plan and control a set of resources, in pursuit of identified goals. The book will be supported by an extensive companion website featuring PowerPoint slides for each chapter, sample answers, teaching notes and figures/ images for presentations. Contents: Part I. Operations within Organisations - Building Blocks; Part II. Approaches to Understanding OM; Part III. Moving Forward with OM - Creating Competitive Advantage; Part IV. Challenges and Opportunities in Operations; Part V. Case Studies; Index. ISBN: 9780521258944 88 578pp PB ` 695.00 Performance at the Limit Second Edition Mark Jenkins, Ken Pasternak, Richard West Can you imagine your organization as a Ferrari or a McLaren, a Toyota or a Force India? Your management team as a pit crew? Your sales force as the race team and your marketing and research department as the design studio creating a Formula 1 car? Formula 1 has an estimated turnover of $4bn, employs 50, 000 people in more than 30 countries and has a foothold in every major and developing economy. With performance as the central focus of every organization, Performance at the Limit uses the case of Formula 1 motorsport as an example of how business can achieve optimal performance in highly-competitive environments where dealing with change effectively is paramount. This second edition builds on the success of the first and contains a wealth of new material, including many more interviews with Formula 1 drivers and other key executives active in the sport. 4. Advocacy and environmental change; 5. Principles of communication and persuasion; 6. Models of attitude and behaviour change; 7. Research and evaluation; 8. Ethical issues in social marketing; 9. The competition; 10. Segmentation and targeting; 11. The marketing mix; 12. Using media in social marketing; 13. Using sponsorship to achieve changes in people, places and policies; 14. Planning and developing social marketing campaigns and programmes; 15. Case study: the Act-Belong-Commit Campaign promoting positive mental health; Index. ISBN: 9781107644328 Contents: List of figures; List of tables; Acknowledgements; Note on the reference system; The Grand Prix experience; 1. Introduction; 2. Why Formula 1 motor racing?; 3. The performance framework; 4. The war for talent: the people in Formula 1; 5. Winning through teamwork; 6. Capability through partnerships; 7. The high performance organisation; 8. Integrating: effective leadership brings it all together; 9. Innovating: the drive for continual change; 10. Transforming: breaking out of the old ways; 11. Achieving and sustaining performance; 12. Twelve business lessons from Formula 1 motor racing; Appendix A: Grand Prix champions 1950-2007; Appendix B: Grand Prix graveyard 1950-2008; Appendix C: Interview respondents; References; Index. ISBN: 9781107627284 Principles and Practice of Social Marketing Rob Donovan and Nadine Henley 272pp Problem Solving in Organizations Joan Ernst van Aken, Hans Berends and Hans van der Bij PB ` 595.00 524pp PB ` 695.00 This concise introduction to the methodology of Business Problem Solving (BPS) is an indispensable guide to the design and execution of practical projects in real organizational settings. The methodology is both result-oriented and theory-based, encouraging students to use the knowledge gained on their disciplinary courses, and showing them how to do so in a fuzzy, ambiguous and politically-charged real-life business context. The book provides in-depth discussion of the various steps in the process of business problem solving. Rather than presenting the methodology as a recipe to be followed, the authors demonstrate how to adapt the approach to specific situations and to be flexible in scheduling the work at various steps in the process. It will be indispensable to MBA students who are undertaking their own field work. Contents: Preface; Part I. Fundamentals; 1. Scope and nature of this book; 2. The business problem solving project; 3. Designfocused business problem solving; 4. Theorydriven business problem solving; Part II. The Business Problem Solving Project; 5. Intake and orientation; 6. Theory-driven diagnosis of performance-related business problems; 7. Solution design; 8. Change plan design and the actual change process; 9. Termination, evaluation and reflection; Part III. On Methods; 10. Qualitative research methods; 11. Searching and using scientific literature; 12. Quality criteria for analysis results; Part IV. Conclusion: 13. Concluding remarks; References; Index. This fully updated-edition combines the latest research with real-life examples of social marketing campaigns the world over to help you learn how to apply the principles and methods of marketing to a broad range of social issues. The international case studies and applications show how social marketing campaigns are being used across the world to influence changes in behaviour, and reveal how those campaigns may differ according to their cultural context and subject matter. Every chapter is fully illustrated with real-life examples, including campaigns that deal with racism, the environment and mental health. The book also shows how social marketing influences governments, corporations and NGOs, as well as individual behaviour. The author team combines research and teaching knowledge with hands-on experience of developing and implementing public health, social welfare and injury prevention campaigns to give you the theory and practice of social marketing. ISBN: 9781107606180 Contetns: List of figures; List of tables; Preface; Acknowledgements; 1. Social marketing and social change; 2. Principles of marketing; 3. Social marketing and the environment; 89 198pp PB ` 495.00 Public Management Organizations, Governance, and Performance Laurence J. O'Toole, Jr. and Kenneth J. Meier Reference Process Building Blocks; • Diagnosing Process Design; • Unit of Analysis; • Electronic Commerce; • Object-Oriented Models; • Public Sector Experience; • Singapore's Public Sector; • US Department of Defense; • Extensions of IDEF Methodology; • Civil Services in Taiwan; • Customer Participation and Commitment; • YinYang Balanced Approach; • Private Sector Experience; • IT Dimensions and Interdependencies; • HR Development Systems; • End-User Support; • BPR in India; • Textile Manufacturing; • A Scientific Approach; • Future Prospects; • Managing Risks; • Into the 3rd Millennium. How effective are public managers as they seek to influence how public organizations deliver policy results? How, and how much, is management related to the performance of public programmes? What aspects of management can be distinguished? Can their separable contributions to performance be estimated? The fate of public policies in today's world lies in the hands of public organizations, which, in turn, are often intertwined with others in latticed patterns of governance. Collectively, these organizations are expected to generate performance in terms of policy outputs and outcomes. In this book, two award-winning researchers investigate the effectiveness of management in the public sector. Firstly, they develop a systematic theory on how effective public managers are in shaping policy results. The rest of the book then tests this theory against a wide range of evidence, including a data set of 1,000 public organizations. ISBN: 9788175967878 Contents: List of figures; List of tables; Preface; 1. Public management and performance: an evidence-based perspective; 2. A model of public management and a source of evidence; 3. Public management in interdependent settings: networks, managerial networking and performance; 4. Managerial quality and performance; 5. Internal management and performance: stability, human resources and decision making; 6. Nonlinearities in public management: the role of managerial capacity and organizational buffering; 7. Public management in intergovernmental networks: matching structural networks and managerial networking; 8. Public management and performance: what we know, and what we need to know; Glossary; References; Index. ISBN: 9781107606234 Reengineering in Action Chan Meng Khoong 332pp Short Introduction to Strategic Human Resource Management Wayne F. Cascio and John W. Boudreau 476pp PB ` 395.00 The Short Introduction to Strategic Human Resource Management provides a concise treatment of the key elements of strategic HRM using an innovative risk-management approach. It emphasizes the importance of the decisions, processes and choices organizations make about managing people and shows how workforce management directly affects strategic organizational outcomes. It provides guidance for managers on how to make better human capital decisions in order to achieve strategic success more effectively. Reflecting an increasing uncertainty in global business, Cascio and Boudreau consider ways of dealing with risk in managing human capital. Numerous examples in every chapter illustrate key points with real business cases from around the world. Contents: 1. What is strategy?; 2. The external environment; 3. HR strategy in context: environmental, organizational, and functional elements; 4. HR strategy through a riskoptimization framework; 5. HR strategy: linkages, anchor points, and outcomes; 6. HR strategy: communication and engagement; 7. Outcomes of successful business and HR strategies; 8. Future forces and trends driving HR strategy. PB ` 595.00 Business process reengineering is arguably the management paradigm of the decade. No other paradigm for organizational innovation and improvement has achieved a stronger presence and impact in corporate boardrooms around the world. In recent years reengineering has also moved away from the hype into real-world application, and there is now a vast pool of techniques and experience ready to be tapped by organizational-change advocates. This book provides an international showcase of reengineering in action, with contributions from more than 40 experts spanning five continents. Besides prescriptions of concepts and tools, it presents case studies of public sector as well as private sector reengineering experience, and visions of the future of reengineering practice. ISBN: 9781107674295 Contents: • Introduction; • Reengineering for World-Class Excellence; • Concepts and Tools; • Workflow Management Technology; • The RARE System; • Integrated Business Process Management; • BPR-Enabled Systems Engineering; • Supply Chain Management; • 90 232pp PB ` 495.00 PREVENTIVE DETENTION and the Democratic State Hallie Ludsin Preventive Detention and the Democratic State tracks the transformation of preventive detention from an emergency measure into an ordinary law enforcement tool in the democratic world. Historically, democracies used preventive detention only in the extraordinary circumstance in which the criminal justice system was impotent. They preferred criminal prosecution and its strict due process requirements to detaining people for a crime they may never commit. This book shows that major democracies have begun using detention as an insurance policy against dangerous people. In the process, they have embarked on a slippery slope that allows them to use preventive detention to bypass the criminal justice system. Already, detention has established a separate, inferior legal system for certain suspected criminals. Comparing preventive detention in India, England and the United States, the book brings to light its potentially dire consequences for the rule of law, due process rights and democratic principles based on the very real experiences of these countries. Hallie Ludsin is a human rights lawyer and adjunct professor at Emory University School of Law. She recently completed her Democracy Research Fellowship at Harvard’s Ash Center for Democratic Government and Innovation. She is the co-author of Spiral of Entrapment: Abused Women in Conflict with the Law. Hardback | 978-1-107-05606-0 | ` 1200.00 www.cambridge.org Stakeholders Matter A New Paradigm for Strategy in Society Sybille Sachs and Edwin Rühli The dominant shareholder-value model has led to mismanagement, market failure and a boost to regulation, as spectacularly demonstrated by the events surrounding the recent financial crisis. Stakeholders Matter challenges the basic assumptions of this model, in particular traditional economic views on the theory of the firm and dominant theories of strategic management, and develops a new understanding of value creation away from pure self-interest toward mutuality. This new 'stakeholder paradigm' is based on a network view, whereby mutuality enhances benefits and reduces risks for the firm and its stakeholders. The understanding of mutual value creation is operationalized according to the license to operate, to innovate and to compete. The book develops a vision for a strategy in society in which, rather than the invisible hand of the market, it the visible hands of the firm and the stakeholders that lead to an overall increase in the welfare of society. Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction - what are strategic conversations?; 2. The strategic conversations imperative; 3. Strategic conversations in the wild; 4. Engaging employees in management's agenda; 5. Strategizing and the leaders' role; 6. Putting strategic conversations into practice - innovation communities; 7. Conversation trumps structure - new norms for dialog; 8. Strategic conversations across geographies, generations, and the multitude; 9. Engaging the world outside in the conversation; 10. Creating a self-reinforcing innovation platform - collateral benefits; 11. Measuring the future; 12. Epilogue - on managing; Further reading; Index. ISBN: 9781107518834 Strategic Customer Management Contents: List of figures; List of tables; Foreword Edward Freeman; 1. Challenges for a new paradigm in strategic management; Part I. Development of the Basic Assumptions of a New Stakeholder Paradigm; 2. The economic paradigm and its basic assumptions; 3. Contribution of stakeholder theory to our understanding of the stakeholder paradigm; 4. The stakeholder paradigm; Part II. Our Understanding of the Stakeholder Paradigm and its Operationalization; 5. Our understanding of the stakeholder paradigm operationalized in the three licenses; 6. License to operate; 7. License to innovate; 8. License to compete; 9. Challenges resulting from a paradigm shift; Appendix; Glossary; Notes; Bibliography. ISBN: 9781107608672 Strategic Conversations Creating and Directing the Entrepreneurial Workforce J. C. Spender and Bruce A. Strong 298pp Integrating Relationship Marketing and CRM Adrian Payne and Pennie Frow PB ` 495.00 253pp PB ` 595.00 Relationship marketing and customer relationship management (CRM) can be jointly utilized to provide a clear roadmap to excellence in customer management: this is the first textbook to demonstrate how it can be done. Written by two acclaimed experts in the field, it shows how an holistic approach to managing relationships with customers and other key stakeholders leads to increased shareholder value. Taking a practical, step-by-step approach, the authors explain the principles of relationship marketing, apply them to the development of a CRM strategy and discuss key implementation issues. Its up-to-date coverage includes the latest developments in digital marketing and the use of social media. Topical examples and case studies from around the world connect theory with global practice, making this an ideal text for both students and practitioners keen to keep abreast of changes in this fast-moving field. Contents: Part I. Introduction; 1. Strategic customer management; Part II. Relationship Marketing; 2. Relationship marketing: development and key concepts; Case study 2.1. Myspace – the rise and fall; Case study 2.2. Placemakers – success factors in the building supplies sector; 3. Customer value creation; Case study 3.1. BT (British Telecommunications) – creating new customer value propositions; Case study 3.2. Zurich Financial Services – building value propositions; 4. Building relationships with multiple stakeholders; Case study 4.1. AirAsia spreads its wings; Case study 4.2. The City Car Club, Helsinki – driving sustainable car use; 5. Relationships and technology: digital marketing and social media; Case study 5.1. Hippo in India – using Twitter to manage the supply chain; Case study 5.2. Blendtec – the 'will it blend' viral marketing initiative; Part III. Customer Relationship Management: Key Processes; 6. Strategy development; Case study 6.1. Tesco – the relationship strategy superstar; Case study 6.2. Samsung – from low-cost producer to product leadership; 7. Enterprise value creation; Case study 7.1. Coca-Cola in China – bringing fizz to Most organizations fail to take full advantage of their employees' knowledge, initiative, and imagination. In this accessible and practical book, J. C. Spender and Bruce Strong provide a guide for building entrepreneurial workforces through carefully-designed conversations between management and employees. These 'strategic conversations' make employees partners in the strategy development process, engaging them to help shape the organization's future. The result is transformational: instead of strategy being a dry, periodic planning exercise for the few, it becomes a dynamic and continuous act of co-creation enriched by the many. Case studies illustrate how leading organizations have used strategic conversations to build sustained competitive advantage, create innovative business models, make better decisions under uncertainty, reduce the need for change management, and enhance employee engagement. The book will appeal to managers, entrepreneurs of all stripes, and teachers and students in schools of business and public administration. 92 Strategic Management the Chinese beverages market; Case study 7.2. Sydney Opera House – exploring value creation strategies; 8. Multi-channel integration; Case study 8.1. TNT – creating the perfect customer experience; Case study 8.2. Guinness – delivering the 'Perfect Pint'; 9. Information and technology management; Case study 9.1. Royal Bank of Canada – building client service commitment; Case study 9.2. The DVLA – innovating with CRM in the public sector; 10. Performance assessment; Case study 10.1. Sears – the service profit chain and the Kmart merger; Case study 10.2. The Multinational Software Company – driving results with a metrics dashboard; Part IV. Strategic Customer Management Implementation: 11. Organising for implementation; Annex: the comprehensive CRM audit; Case study 11.1. Nationwide Building Society fulfilling a CRM vision; Case study 11.2. Mercedes-Benz – building strategic customer management capability; Index. ISBN: 9781107687325 Strategic Intelligence A Handbook for Practitioners, Managers, and Users Don McDowell 542pp A Stakeholder Approach R. Edward Freeman Contents: Part I. The Stakeholder Approach;: 1. Managing in turbulent times; 2. The stakeholder concept and strategic management; 3. Stakeholder management: framework and philosophy; Part II. Strategic Management Processes: 4. Setting strategic direction; 5. Formulating strategies for stakeholders; 6. Implementing and monitoring stakeholder strategies; Part III. Implications for Theory and Practice: 7. Conflict at the board level; 8. The functional disciplines of management; 9. The role of the executive. PB ` 795.00 Strategic Intelligence: A Handbook for Practitioners, Managers, and Users is a primer for analysts involved in conducting strategic intelligence research. Don McDowell begins with an overview of strategic intelligence and analysis – its functions and its outcomes. He then outlines a proven methodological approach for planning and implementing a strategic research project for any setting. Strategic Intelligence explains in detail the steps involved in strategic analysis and includes examples, guidelines, and standards to further illustrate the process. Each step corresponds with a chapter in the book, describing the appropriate doctrine and/or theory, as well as applications of the theory, and practical hints for its implementation. Additionally, holistic and creative thinking about the problem is stressed in order to avoid narrow, biased analysis. ISBN: 9781107618510 Strategic Risk Management Practice Torben Juul Andersen and Peter Winther Schrøder Contents: Preface; Acknowledgments; PART I: General Concepts; PART II: Critical Observations; PART III: Issues for Clients and Managers; PART IV: Processes and Techniques; PART V: The Analyst ; 17 The Role, Responsibilities, and Functions of the Analyst; About the Author. ISBN: 9788175967441 281pp A Stakeholder Approach was first published in 1984 as a part of the Pitman series in Business and Public Policy. Its publication proved to be a landmark moment in the development of stakeholder theory. Widely acknowledged as a world leader in business ethics and strategic management, R. Edward Freeman's foundational work continues to inspire scholars and students concerned with a more practical view of how business and capitalism actually work. Business can be understood as a system of how we create value for stakeholders. This worldview connects business and capitalism with ethics once and for all. HB ` 595.00 292pp PB ` 495.00 At a time when corporate scandals and major financial failures dominate newspaper headlines, the importance of good risk management practices has never been more obvious. The absence or mismanagement of such practices can have devastating effects on exposed organizations and the wider economy (Barings Bank, Enron, Lehmann Brothers, Northern Rock, to name but a few). Today's organizations and corporate leaders must learn the lessons of such failures by developing practices to deal effectively with risk. This book is an important step towards this end. Written from a European perspective, it brings together ideas, concepts and practices developed in various risk markets and academic fields to provide a much-needed overview of different approaches to risk management. It critiques prevailing enterprise risk management frameworks (ERMs) and proposes a suitable alternative. Combining academic rigour and practical experience, this is an important resource for graduate students and professionals concerned with strategic risk management. Contents: List of figures; List of tables; Preface; 1. The strategic nature of corporate risk management; 2. Economic exposures in corporate risk management; 3. Managing marketrelated business exposures; 4. Extending the risk management perspective; 5. Integrative risk management perspectives; 6. Current risk management practice and the rise of ERM; 93 Strong Managers, Strong Owners 7. Strategic risk analyses; 8. Strategic risk management - amendments to the ERM framework; 9. Strategic risk management; 10. Postscriptum; Appendix; Index. ISBN: 9781107601901 Strategy and Organization Loizos Heracleous 268pp Corporate Governance and Strategy Harry Korine and Pierre-Yves Gomez PB ` 495.00 Examining some of the new and emerging issues in strategic management, Loizos Heracleous offers a fresh approach to the established ideas of strategy. Beginning with the historical development of the strategy field, including the influence of industrial organization and the resource-based view, he develops a new perspective labelled an ‘organisational action’ view of strategy. This approach is theoretically underlain by organisation theory and takes seriously such issues as the role of agency, the need for a longitudinal focus on process, the complexities of strategy implementation, and organizational facets such as strategic choice, organizational culture, organizational discourses and learning. Combining theoretical subtlety with an applied orientation, Heracleous examines topical areas such as corporate governance, inter-organizational networks, and organizing for the future. With original research and extensive surveys of the strategy literature, combined with a strong practical orientation, this book is ideal for MBA students, strategy researchers and the more thoughtful practitioner. Contents: Foreword Hwee Hua Lim; Introduction; Part I. Changes in the Identity of Ownership and Management; 1. Change in ownership; 2. Change in management; Concluding remarks; Part II. Changes in the Form of Ownership and Organization; 3. Change of legal structure; 4. Change of organizational structure; Concluding remarks; Part III. Changes in Strategy; 5. Corporate and business strategies; 6. Despite failure, NO change in ownership, management, or strategy; 7. Because of success, reinforcement of ownership, management, and strategy; Concluding remarks; Part IV. Implications for Corporate Governance; 8. The board of directors; Conclusion – strategy for whom?; Index. Contents: Part I. Bases of Strategic Management; 1. The strategic management field; 2. An organizational action view of strategic management; 3. Strategic thinking or strategic planning?; 4. Leadership and the board of directors; Part II. Realising Strategy; 5. The complexities of strategy implementation; 6. Organizational culture and strategic change processes; 7. The role of organizational discourse in understanding and managing strategic change; 8. Strategic change processes: an organization development approach; Part III. Current Themes and Applications; 9. State ownership, privatization and performance; 10. Does corporate governance make a difference to organizational performance?; 11. Types of inter-organizational networks and the strategic roles of directors; 12. Organizing for the future. ISBN: 9780521258579 256pp The family firm preparing generational change, the partnership that welcomes new partners, and the shareholders of a firm that chooses to go public are making decisions that will have an impact on strategy and management. Conversely, a change in strategy such as a move to diversify or a decision to take on more risk in a business can make the firm more attractive to some shareholders and less attractive to others and is therefore not ownership neutral. Opening the black box of agency theory, Korine and Gomez show how management and ownership interact to shape the strategy of the firm. In their view, the critical question to ask is not what is the best strategy, but rather, who is the strategy for? With numerous detailed examples, Strong Managers, Strong Owners is an invaluable resource for company owners, board members and executives, as well as their advisors in strategy and governance. ISBN: 9781107518766 Teaching Management James G. S. Clawson and Mark E. Haskins PB ` 395.00 228pp PB ` 595.00 How can every management class be a dynamic, unforgettable experience? This much-needed book distils over half a century of the authors' combined experience as university professors, consultants, and advisors to corporate training departments. In a lively, hands-on fashion, it describes the fundamental elements in every learning situation, allowing readers to adapt the suggestions to their particular teaching context. It sparks reflection on what we do in the classroom, why we do it, and how it might be done more effectively. The chapters are broadly organized according to things you do before class, things you do during class, and things you do in between and after class, so that every instructor, whether newly-minted PhDs facing their first classroom experience, experienced faculty looking to polish their teaching techniques, consultants who want to have more impact, or corporate trainers wishing to develop in-house teaching skills, can benefit from the invaluable advice given. Contents: Figures; Why this book on teaching management?; 1. Fundamental elements in teaching; 2. Levels of learning: one, two and three; 3. Adult learning theory: it matters; 94 4. Planning a course: trips and tips; 5. Planning a class: no detail is too small; 6. Lecturing: the possibilities and the perils; 7. Managing discussions; 8. Case method: fostering multidimensional learning; 9. Role-playing; 10. Case writing: crafting a vehicle of interest and impact; 11. Case teaching notes: getting from here to there; 12. Action learning; 13. Experiential methods; 14. Enhancing the conversation: audiovisual tools and techniques; 15. Executive education: contributing to organizational competitive advantage; 16. Using technology to teach management; 17. Counseling students; 18. Evaluating students: the twin tasks of certification and development; 19. Teaching evaluations: feedback that can help and hurt; 20. Research presentations; 21. Managing a degree program: behind the ‘glory’; 22. Managing a nondegree client program: an overview; 23. Dealing with the press; 24. Managing yourself and your time; Index. ISBN: 9780521735834 The Business School in the Twenty - First Century Howard Thomas Peter Lorange and Jagdish Sheth 510pp Thought Leadership Meets Business Peter Lorange Contents: List of figures; List of tables; Foreword; Preface; 1. Background and conceptual framework; 2. Key academic programs and academic value-creation; 3. The critical role of R and D; 4. Marketing strategy; 5. Institutional learning; 6. Human resources strategy; 7. The learning partner perspective; 8. Business school leadership issues; 9. Conclusion: so, what are the key success factors?; Appendices; Index. PB ` 795.00 Questions about the status, identity and legitimacy of business schools in the modern university system continue to stimulate debate amongst deans, educational policy makers and commentators. In this book, three world experts share their critical insights on management education and new business school models in the USA, Europe and Asia, on designing the business school of the future, and how to make it work. They look at how the business school is changing and focus in particular on emergent global challenges and innovations in curricula, professional roles, pedagogy, uses of technology and organizational delineations. Set within the context of a wider discussion about management as a profession, the authors provide a systematic, historical perspective, analysing major trends in business school models, and reviewing a wealth of current literature, to provide an informed and unique perspective that is firmly grounded in practical and experimental analysis. ISBN: 9780521263375 292pp 262pp PB ` 595.00 PHILOSOPHY/ RELIGION Practical Ethics Third Edition Peter Singer Contents: Preface: tipping or tripping? The business school and its dilemmas; 1. The business school: history, evolution and the search for legitimacy; 2. Business school identity and legitimacy: its relationship to the modern university and society; 3. Rethinking management education and its models: a critical examination of management and management education; 4. A framework for re-evaluating paradigms of management education; 5. Evaluating new and innovative models of management education; 6. Is the business school a professional firm? Lessons learned; 7. Enhancing dynamic capabilities in the business school: improving leadership capabilities in curricula and management; 8. Afterword: business school futures; Index. ISBN: 9781107692268 For leading corporations, talent is perhaps the only truly sustainable competitive advantage. In light of this, leading international corporations need to be staffed by the best-possible executive talent from around the world. This talent revolution places a burden on business schools to offer highly-focused learning, based on practical research. In addition, business schools face fierce competition in this sector, not least from the rapid growth in management education in India and South East Asia. Thought Leadership Meets Business, first published in 2008, offers significant insights into the factors that have led to the delivery of high-quality executive education at the top-ranking International Institute for Management Development (IMD). Drawing on the experience and wisdom gained by IMD President Peter Lorange over a distinguished career of more than twenty years, this book offers a powerful model for business school success. For 30 years, Peter Singer’s Practical Ethics has been the classic introduction to applied ethics. For this third edition, the author has revised and updated all the chapters and added a new chapter addressing climate change, one of the most important ethical challenges of our generation. Some of the questions discussed in this book concern our daily lives. Is it ethical to buy luxuries when others do not have enough to eat? Should we buy meat from intensively-reared animals? Am I doing something wrong if my carbon footprint is above the global average? Other questions confront us as concerned citizens: equality and discrimination on the grounds of race or sex; abortion, the use of embryos for research and euthanasia; political violence and terrorism; and the preservation of our planet’s environment. This book’s lucid style and provocative arguments make it an ideal text for university courses and for anyone willing to think about how she or he ought to live. Contents: 1. About ethics; 2. Equality and its implications; 3. Equality for animals?; 4. What’s wrong with killing?; 5. Taking life: animals; PB ` 595.00 95 6. Taking life: the embryo and the fetus; 7. Taking life: humans; 8. Rich and poor; 9. Climate change; 10. The environment; 11.Civil disobedience, violence and terrorism; 12. Why act morally? ISBN: 9781107602571 Mortal Questions (Canto Classics) Thomas Nagel 356pp Beyond the fleeting moment; 13.Cosmic desire; 14. Love abiding in stone; 15. The melting of the heart; 16. Return to the world Part III. Wisdom: Commuting within One World; 17. All the valleys filled with corpses; 18. Strategic initiatives; 19. Encompassing the galaxies; 20.The all-pervasive mind; 21.Striking a balance; 22. Beyond prosaic words; 23. Irreducible particulars; 24. The head in the world Notes; Index. PB ` 595.00 Thomas Nagel’s Mortal Questions explores some fundamental issues concerning the meaning, nature and value of human life. Questions about our attitudes to death, sexual behaviour, social inequality, war and political power are shown to lead to more obviously-philosophical problems about personal identity, consciousness, freedom and value. This original and illuminating book aims at a form of understanding that is both theoretical and personal in its lively engagement with what are literally issues of life and death. ISBN: 9780521055949 The Dance of Siva David Smith Contents: Preface; Sources; 1. Death; 2. The absurd; 3. Moral luck; 4. Sexual perversion; 5. War and massacre; 6. Ruthlessness in public life; 7. The policy of preference; 8. Equality; 9. The fragmentation of value; 10. Ethics without biology; 11.Brain bisection and the unity of consciousness; 12. What is it like to be a bat?; 13. Panpsychism; 14.Subjective and objective; Index. ISBN: 9781107669321 The Religious Culture of India Friedhelm Hardy 224pp PB ` 395.00 628pp PB ` 995.00 This is a full account of Siva’s Dance of Bliss, which has become a popular symbol in the West for Hinduism and Eastern Mysticism. Siva is one of the two main gods of Hinduism, and his worshippers comprise half of all Hindus. Siva’s Dance of Bliss is based on a remarkable Sanskrit poem written by Umapati Sivacarya, Saiva theologian and temple priest in Cidambaram, South India, in the fourteenth century. Starting with the bronze image of Nataraja, King of Dancers, thereafter the Cidambaram temple, its myth and its priests are viewed in the light of the poem. Umapati’s Saiva theology is discussed in relation to his life and also in relation to Vedanta and yoga. The iconography and mythology of the Goddess and of other forms of Siva provide necessary perspective. Art from Cidambaram and neighbouring sites illuminates the text. Contents: List of illustrations; Acknowledgements; Introduction; 1. The Natarâja bronze; 2. The Cidambaram myth; 3. Temple, priests and ritual; 4. The Hall of Consciousness, the Heart of the Universe; 5. ÚaivaSiddhânta and Vedânta; 6. The Goddess; 7. Bhiksâtana; 8. Bhairava the Terrible and other forms of Úiva; 9. Saints, dancing girls, ganas and Apasmâra; 10. Last words; Notes; Bibliography; Index and glossary. This study conducts a lively and innovative exploration of the traditional Indian religions and cultures – an area that has both fascinated and puzzled the West for centuries. Friedhelm Hardy aims at presenting the widest possible range of themes that have preoccupied traditional Indian culture. He uses a great variety of sources, in various languages, and listens not only to what the learned philosopher or theologian in the classical Sanskrit texts has to say, but also to what folk and regional cults and cultures express in stories, myths and poetry. The result is a personal and entertaining portrayal of the colourful world of India, which will have great appeal for the non-specialist. By making the three universal human drives of power, love and wisdom his focal points, Hardy seeks to guide the reader through an alien world, which is nevertheless recognizably human. This book will be required reading for all those interested in India and its culture. ISBN: 9788175960428 Rethinking the Buddha Early Buddhist Philosophy as Meditative Perception Eviatar Shulman Contents: Preface; Part I. Power: the Challenges of the External World; 1. Consulting the oracle once again; 2. Oceans of milk and treacle 3. Navigating the sea of earthly existence;4. Safe havens; 5. Violence, aggression and heroism6. Manipulating space, time and matter; 7. Entering forbidden realms; 8. Unleashing the powers of the self; Part II. Love: the Rhythms of the Interior World; 9. The missing colour; 10. The landscape of the heart; 11.The deadly weapons of Mara; 12. 96 316pp PB ` 495.00 A cornerstone of Buddhist philosophy, the doctrine of the four noble truths maintains that life is replete with suffering, desire is the cause of suffering, nirvana is the end of suffering, and the way to nirvana is the eightfold noble path. Although the attribution of this seminal doctrine to the historical Buddha is ubiquitous, Rethinking the Buddha demonstrates through a careful examination of early Buddhist texts that he did not envision them in this way. Shulman traces the development of what we now call the four noble truths, which in fact originated as observations to be cultivated during deep meditation. The early texts reveal that other central Buddhist doctrines, such as dependentorigination and selflessness, similarly derived from meditative observations. This book challenges the conventional view that the Islamic Extremism Buddha’s teachings represent universal themes of human existence, allowing for a fresh, compelling explanation of the Buddhist theory of liberation. Causes, Diversity, & Challenges Monte Palmer and Princess Palmer Contents: Preface; 1. The structural relation between philosophy and meditation; 2. A philosophy of being human; 3. Mindfulness, or how philosophy becomes perception; 4. The four noble truths as meditative perception; 5. Conclusion. ISBN: 9781107525542 Political Thought in Action Shruti Kapila and Faisal Devji 221pp PB ` 395.00 This volume brings together a group of intellectual and social historians to discuss the way in which modern interpretations of the Gita have focused on war and violence, rather than peace and stability, as a site for thinking about politics. The essays gathered here look at the Gita as a philosophical and ethical text both within South Asia and also on its ‘outward journey’ into western political debate. Though part of an ancient epic tradition, the Gita did not achieve its current eminence until very recently. Its resurgence and reinterpretation, in short, is coterminous with the formation of modern life and politics. But if modern commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita cannot be described simply as participating in some ancient and continuing tradition, neither should they be seen merely as the epiphenomena of an abstraction like capitalism that supposedly constitutes the true reality of Indian society. This set of essays seeks to intervene in current debates within political thought and intellectual history and to offer new perspectives on both. They do so with the presumption that the place of India and its political thought is instructive for and foundational in the making of the national and post-national global order.The book would be of interest to academic researchers as well as general readers interested in South Asian History, Indian philosophy and religion. Contents: Chapter 1: America ‘s Struggle against Terror: Who is the Enemy?; Chapter 2: Islam, Muslim Extremism, and Anti-Americanism; Chapter 3: The Muslim Brotherhood and the Origin of the Radical-Moderates; Chapter 4: Hamas: The Ascendance of Religious Extremism in the Arab Israeli Conflict; Chapter 5: Hizbullah: A Tale of Three Countries; Chapter 6: Iraqi Hizbullah; Chapter 7: Turkey : A Model for Democratic Islamic Rule?; Chapter 8: The Jihadist Movement and How it Evolved; Chapter 9: The Jihadist War Plan; Chapter 10: The Jihadist War Machine; Chapter 11: The Allies of the Jihadists: Those Who Make Terror Possible; Chapter 12: The Israeli Struggle against Terror and Islamic Extremism: A Guide for the United States; Chapter 13: How America’s Allies in the Islamic World Fight Terror; Chapter 14: America, Islamic Extremism and Jihadist Terror. ISBN: 9788175967717 Contents: List of contributors; Introduction; Chapter 1: India, the Bhagavad Gita and theWorld; Chapter 2: The Transnational Gita; Chapter 3: The Transfiguration of Duty in Aurobindo’s Essays on the Gita; Chapter 4: Gandhi’s Gita and Politics as Such; Chapter 5: Gandhi on Democracy, Politics and the Ethics of Everyday Life; Chapter 6: Morality in the Shadow of Politics; Chapter 7: Ambedkar’s Inheritances; Chapter 8: Rethinking Knowledge with Action: V. D. Savarkar, the Bhagavad Gita, and Histories of Warfare; Chapter 9: A History of Violence; Index. ISBN: 9781107033955 220pp Islamic Extremism : Causes Diversity & Challenges is a deeply informed book which examines the threat that Islamic extremists pose to America and provides a balanced and nuanced discussion of the link between Iraq and the war on terror. Explaining the basics of Islam and guiding the reader through the intricacies of each significant fundamentalist group the Palmers answer key questions: Who are the Muslim extremists and how do they fit within the broader context of the Islamic religion? What is their war plan and how do they operate? Who are their allies and what are their weaknesses? What is the experience of Israel the Islamic world and the United States in fighting Muslim extremists? How can they be defeated? The book includes detailed analyses of Hizbullah and the Muslim Brotherhood Hamas the Iraqi clones of Hizbullah and the Islamic government in Turkey. HB ` 645.00 97 302pp PB ` 595.00 Hinduism and the Ethics of Warfare in South Asia Kaushik Roy This book challenges the view, common among Western scholars, that precolonial India lacked a tradition of military philosophy. It traces the evolution of theories of warfare in India from the dawn of civilization, focusing on the debate between Dharmayuddha (Just War) and Kutayuddha (Unjust War) within Hindu philosophy. This debate centre around four questions: What is war? What justifies it? How should it be waged? And what are its potential repercussions? This body of literature provides evidence of the historical evolution of strategic thought in the Indian subcontinent that has heretofore been neglected by modern historians. Further, it provides a counterpoint to scholarship in political science that engages solely with Western theories in its analysis of independent India’s philosophy of warfare. Ultimately, a better understanding of the legacy of ancient India’s strategic theorizing will enable more accurate analysis of modern India’s military and nuclear policies. Elements of Tibetan Buddhism Richard E. Farkas Contents: Foreword by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama; Preface; Acknowledgments; 1. It Started with Buddha; 2. And Then It Came to Tibet; 3. Tibetan Buddhist Vows and Practices; 4. Rituals / Ritual Objects / Symbols; 5. Deities and Other Manifestations; 6. Buddhist Profiles; 7. Significant Buddhist Sites; 8. The Dalai, Panchen, and Karmapa Lamas; 9. Monasteries, Nunneries, Oracles, and Demoness-Subduing Temples; 10. Sacred Lakes and Mountains; 11. Language and Literature; 12. Tibetan Names; 13. Quotations / Tibetan sayings; 14. Buddhism by the Numbers; 15. Tibetan Holidays, Festivals, and Calendar; 16. Sources / Bibliography / References; 17. Glossary; Appendix 1: Chronology; Appendix 2: Schools and Sub-Schools; Appendix 3: Buddhism Around the World; Appendix 4: The Tibetan Diaspora; Appendix 5: Unifying Beliefs Among Buddhist Traditions; Photography / Illustration credits; About the author; Index. Contents: Introduction; 1. Religious ethic and the philosophy of warfare in vedic and epic India: 1500 BCE–400 BCE; 2. Buddhism, Jainism, and Asoka’s Ahimsa; 3. Kautilya’sKutayuddha: 300 BCE–300 CE; 4. Dharmayuddha and Kutayuddha from the Common Era till the advent of the Turks; 5. Hindu militarism under Islamic Rule: 900 CE–1800 CE; 6. Hindu militarism and anti-militarism in British India: 1750–1947; 7. Hindu military ethos and strategic thought in postcolonial India; Conclusion. ISBN: 9781107043855 305pp The mysteries of Tibetan Buddhism have fascinated people for centuries. This book is aimed at those who have an interest in the rituals, traditions, practices, and little-known facts and culture of Tibetan Buddhism. Among the many elements one will find in this book are: what makes up a person’s practice; what the eight auspicious symbols mean; what etiquette should be followed while in a shrine room or temple setting; who are the major Tibetan Buddhist deities; what do Tibetan names mean; what are the major Tibetan holidays; what are some good movies to watch about Tibetan Buddhism. HB ` 995.00 ISBN: 9789382993445 Fate and Fortune in the Indian Scriptures Sukumari Bhattacharji Fatalism is a philosophical doctrine, which states that an individual does not have full control over the events that happen in his life. There is no trace of fatalism in the early Indian literature — Samhitas, Brahmanas and Upanisads; it surged in the succeeding period. This book argues that the predominance of the priestly class after the revival of Brahminism, as an aftermath of the decline of Buddhism, ushered in conspicuous changes in people’s attitude to life. The new modifications helped entrench fate as a formidable force. It explains that the natural factors, which led to the rise of fatalism were observation of the inexorability of death. The author has referred to a splendid array of scriptures ranging from the early and late Vedic literature, Ramayana, Mahabharata to Buddhist and Jain texts, Bible and other old western texts to establish her erudite findings. An Introduction to Islam David Waines 328pp HB ` 495.00 For this revised and updated second edition, David Waines has added a long section tackling head-on the issues arising from Islam’s place in the changing world order at the turn of the new millennium. This new section offers thoughtprovoking reflections on the place of religion in the current conflicts. Contents:Introduction; Part I. Foundations; 1. ‘There is no god but Allah; 2. Tradition in the making; Part II. Islamic Teaching and Practice; 3. Divine will and the law; 4. Theology: faith, justice, and last things; 5. The way of the Sufi; 6. The way of the Imams; Part III. Islam in the Modern World; 7. The heartlands and beyond; 8.Issues in contemporary Islam; Excursus on Islamic origins; Glossary; Notes; Further reading; Index. Contents: Preface; Introduction; Chapter 1. Inception; Chapter 2. Rebirth and transmigration; Chapter 3. Karman and its consequences; Chapter 4. Karman, fate and free will; Chapter 5. Fate, eschatology and liberation; Chapter 6. Premonitions and presages; Chapter 7. Deflection: Remedial measures; Chapter 8. Vicarious deflection; Chapter 9. Fate and human endeavour; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9789382993889 296pp ISBN: 9788175961890 HB ` 895.00 98 368pp PB ` 495.00 A New Anthropology of Islam John R. Bowen In this powerful, but accessible new study, John R. Bowen draws on a full range of work in social anthropology to present Islam in ways that emphasise its constitutive practices, from praying and learning to judging and political organizing. Starting at the heart of Islam – revelation and learning in Arabic lands – Bowen shows how Muslims have adapted Islamic texts and traditions to ideas and conditions in the societies in which they live. Returning to key case studies in Asia, Africa and Western Europe, to explore each major domain of Islamic religious and social life, Bowen also considers the theoretical advances in social anthropology that have come out of the study of Islam. An Introduction to Hinduism Gavin D. Flood Contents: 1. Points of departure; 2. Ancient origins; 3. Dharma; 4. Yoga and renunciation; 5. Narrative traditions and early Vaisnavism; 6. The love of Visnu; 7. Saiva and tantric religion; 8. The Goddess and Sákta traditions; 9. Hindu ritual; 10. Hindu theology and philosophy; 11.Hinduism and the modern world. Contents: 1. How to think about religions – Islam, for example; 2. Learning; 3. Perfecting piety through worship; 4. Reshaping sacrifice; 5. Healing and praying; 6. Pious organizing; 7. Judging; 8. Migrating and adapting; 9. Mobilizing. ISBN: 9781107615755 230pp ISBN: 9788175960282 Michael Cook What kind of duty do we have to try to stop other people from doing something wrong? The question is intelligible in just about any culture, but few of them seek to answer it in a rigorous fashion. The most striking exception is found in the Islamic tradition, where ‘commanding right’ and ‘forbidding wrong’ is a central moral tenet already mentioned in the Koran. As an historian of Islam whose research has ranged widely over space and time, Michael Cook is well placed to interpret this complex subject. His book represents the first sustained attempt to map the history of Islamic reflection on this obligation. It covers the origins of Muslim thinking about ‘forbidding wrong’, the relevant doctrinal developments over the centuries, and its significance in Sunni and Shi’ite thought today. In this way the book contributes to the understanding of Islamic thought, its relevance to contemporary Islamic politics and ideology, and raises fundamental questions for the comparative study of ethics. Mona Siddiqui 720pp PB ` 495.00 In this thought-provoking book, Mona Siddiqui reflects upon key themes in Islamic law and theology. These themes, which range through discussions about friendship, divorce, drunkenness, love, slavery and ritual slaughter, offer fascinating insights into Islamic ethics and the way in which arguments developed in medieval juristic discourse. Pre-modern religious works contained a richness of thought, hesitation and speculation on a wide range of topics, which were socially relevant and also presented intellectual challenges to the scholars for whom God's revelation could be understood in diverse ways. These subjects remain relevant today, for practising Muslims and scholars of Islamic law and religious studies. Mona Siddiqui is an astute and articulate interpreter who relays complex ideas about the Islamic tradition with great clarity. Her book charts her own journey through the classical texts and reflects upon how the principles expounded there have guided her own thinking, teaching and research. Contents: 1. Spoken, intended and problematic divorce in Hanafi Fiqh; 2. Between person and property – slavery in Quduri's Mukhtasar; 3. Pig, purity and permission in Maliki slaughter; 4. Islamic and other perspectives on evil; 5. The language of love in the Qur'an; 6. Virtue and limits in the ethics of friendship; 7. Drinking and drunkenness in Ibn Rushd. Contents: Part I. Introduction; 1. The goldsmith of Marw; 2. Koran and Koranic exegesis; 3. Tradition; 4. Biographical literature about early Muslims; Part II. The Hanbalites; 5. Ibn Hanbal; 6. The Hanbalites of Baghdad; 7. The Hanbalites of Damascus; 8. The Hanbalites of Najd; Part III. The Mu’tazilities and Shi’ites: 9. The Mu’tazilites; 10. The Zaydis; 11. The Imamis; Part IV. Other Sects and Schools; 12. The Hanafis; 13. The Shafi’ites; 14. The Malikis; 15. The Ibadis; 16. Ghazzali; 17. Classical Islam in retrospect; Part V. Beyond Classical Islam; 18. Modern Islamic developments; 19. Origins and comparisons; 20. Conclusion. ISBN: 9788175963207 341pp PB ` 495.00 The Good Muslim Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong in IslamicThought This book provides a much-needed thematic and historical introduction to Hinduism, the religion of the majority of people in India. Dr Flood traces the development of Hindu traditions from their ancient origins and the major deities to the modern world. Hinduism is discussed as both a global religion and a form of nationalism. Emphasis is given to the tantric traditions, which have been so influential; to Hindu ritual, more fundamental than beliefs or doctrines; and to Dravidian influencesn. Some debates within contemporary scholarship are introduced. ISBN: 9781107610699 PB ` 695.00 99 240pp PB ` 595.00 The Power of Oratory in the Medieval Muslim World Linda G. Jones the circle of justice; Part II. Modernity and Ruptures: 7. Colonizing the Muslim world and its Shari’a; 8. Modernizing the law in the age of nation states; 9. State, ulama and Islamists; 10. Shari’a then and now: Concluding notes. Oratory and sermons had a fixed place in the religious and civic rituals of pre-modern Muslim societies and were indispensable for transmitting religious knowledge, legitimizing or challenging rulers and inculcating the moral values associated with being part of the Muslim community. While there has been abundant scholarship on medieval Christian and Jewish preaching, Linda G. Jones's book is the first to consider the significance of the tradition of pulpit oratory in the medieval Islamic world. Traversing Iberia and North Africa from the twelfth to the fifteenth centuries, the book analyses the power of oratory, the ritual juridical and rhetorical features of pre-modern sermons and the social profiles of the preachers and orators who delivered them. The biographical and historical sources, which form the basis of this remarkable study, shed light on different regional practices and the juridical debates between individual preachers around correct performance. ISBN: 9780521127943 An Introduction to Buddhism Teachings, History and Practices Second Edition Peter Harvey Contents: Introduction; 1. Laying the foundations; 2. The khutba: the 'central jewel' of medieval Arab-Islamic prose; 3. The khutba: rhetorical and discursive strategies of persuasion; 4. Putting it all together: the khutba, texts, and contexts; Part I. Canonical Questions; 5. Putting it all together: the khutba, texts, and contexts; Part II. Thematic and Occasional Orations; 6. Homiletic exhortation and storytelling: challenging the 'popular'; 7. 'The good eloquent speaker': profiles of pre-modern Muslim preachers; 8. The audience responds: participation, reception, contestation; Conclusion. ISBN: 9781107039438 An Introduction to Islamic Law Wael B. Hallaq 208pp PB ` 395.00 In this new edition of the best-selling An Introduction to Buddhism, Peter Harvey provides a comprehensive introduction to the development of the Buddhist tradition in both Asia and the West. Extensively revised and fully updated, this new edition draws on recent scholarship in the field, exploring the tensions and continuities between the different forms of Buddhism. Harvey critiques and corrects some common misconceptions and mistranslations, and discusses key concepts that have often been over-simplified and over-generalized. The volume includes detailed references to scriptures and secondary literature, an updated bibliography and a section on web resources. Key terms are given in Pali and Sanskrit, and Tibetan words are transliterated in the most easily pronounceable form, making this is a truly accessible account. Contents: Introduction; 1. The Buddha and his Indian context; 2. Early Buddhist teachings: rebirth and karma; 3. Early Buddhist teachings: the four true realities for the spiritually ennobled; 4. Early developments in Buddhism; 5. Mahayana philosophies: the varieties of emptiness; 6. Mahayana holy beings, and Tantric Buddhism; 7. The later history and spread of Buddhism; 8. Buddhist practice: devotion; 9. Buddhist practice: ethics; 10. Buddhist practice: the Sangha; 11. Buddhist practice: meditation and cultivation of experience-based wisdom; 12. The modern history of Buddhism in Asia; 13. Buddhism beyond Asia; Appendix on canons of scriptures; Web resources; Bibliography; Index. 3108pp HB ` 895.00 The study of Islamic law can be a forbidding prospect for those entering the field for the first time. Wael Hallaq, a leading scholar and practitioner of Islamic law, guides students through the intricacies of the subject in this absorbing introduction. The first half of the book is devoted to a discussion of Islamic law in its pre-modern natural habitat. The second part explains how the law was transformed and ultimately dismantled during the colonial period. In the final chapters, the author charts recent developments and the struggles of the Islamists to negotiate changes-which have seen the law emerge as a primarily-textual entity focused on fixed punishments and ritual requirements. The book, which includes a chronology, a glossary of key terms, and lists of further reading, will be the first stop for those who wish to understand the fundamentals of Islamic law, its practices and history. ISBN: 9781107669703 Contents: Introduction; Part I. Tradition and Continuity: 1. Who’s who in the Shari’a; 2. The law: how is it found?; 3. The legal schools; 4. Jurists, legal education and politics; 5. Shari’a’s society; 6. Pre-modern governance: 100 548pp PB ` 695.00 Communal Violence, Forced Migration and the State Gujarat Since 2002 Sanjeevini Badigar Lokhande When violence occurs in democracies it is often characterized as an aberration. The state that saw human rights violations and failure of law and order in Gujarat in 2002 emerged, even if by its own admission, as a model for good governance. Communal Violence, Forced Migration and the State, through an account of displaced Muslims, challenges this notion. Through the unlikely yet probing lens of displacement, it offers fresh insight into communal violence and is an important resource for the emerging domain of forced migration and changing nature of the state in a globalized world. Sanjeevini Badigar Lokhande teaches at the Department of Civics and Politics, University of Mumbai, India. Hardback | 978-1-107-06544-4 | ` 525.00 www.cambridge.org The Cambridge Companion to The Qur'an Jane Dammen McAuliffe As the living scriptural heritage of more than a billion people, the Qur'an (Koran) speaks with a powerful voice. Just as other scriptural religions, Islam has produced a long tradition of interpretation for its holy book. Nevertheless, efforts to introduce the Qur'an and its intellectual heritage to English-speaking audiences have been hampered by the lack of available resources. The Cambridge Companion to the Qur'an seeks to remedy that situation. In a discerning summation of the field, Jane McAuliffe brings together an international team of scholars to explain its complexities. Comprising 14 chapters, each devoted to a topic of central importance, the book is rich in historical, linguistic and literary detail, while also reflecting the influence of other disciplines. The Cambridge Companion to Life and Death Steven Luper Contents: Introduction Steven Luper; Part I. The Metaphysics of Life and Death; 1.The nature of life Mark A. Bedau; 2. The nature of people Eric T. Olson; 3. Persistence and time Katherine Hawley; 4. The malleability of identity Marya Schechtman; 5. The nature of human death David DeGrazia; Part II. The Significance of Life and Death; 6. Assessing lives Noah Lemos; 7. On the length of a good life Eyjólfur K. Emilsson; 8. Mortal harm John Martin Fischer; 9. When do we incur mortal harm? Jens Johansson; 10. The symmetry problem James Warren; 11. Posthumous harm Simon Keller; 12. Life's meaning Steven Luper; Part III. The Ethics of Life and Death; 13. Enhancing humanity Nicholas Agar; 14. Procreating David Archard; 15. Abortion Michael Tooley; 16. Killing ourselves Thomas Hill, Jr; 17. Killing in self-defense Kadri Vihvelin; 18. Imperfect aiding Matthew Hanser; 19. Killing and extinction Krister Bykvist. Contents: List of figures; Notes on contributors; Introduction Jane Dammen McAuliffe; Part I. Formation of the Qur'anic Text; 1. The historical context Fred M. Donner; 2. Creation of a fixed text Claude Gilliot; 3. Alternative accounts of the Qur'an's formation Harald Motzki; Part II. Description and Analysis; 4. Themes and topics Daniel A. Madigan; 5. Structural, linguistic and literary features Angelika Neuwirth; 6. Recitation and aesthetic reception William A. Graham and Navid Kermani; Part III. Transmission and Dissemination; 7. From palm leaves to the Internet Fred Leemhuis; 8. Inscriptions in art and architecture Sheila Blair and Jonathan Bloom; Part IV. Interpretations and Intellectual Traditions; 9. The tasks and traditions of interpretation Jane Dammen Mcauliffe; 10. Multiple areas of influence Alexander Knysh; 11. Western scholarship and the Qur'an Andrew Rippin; Part V. Contemporary Readings; 12. Women's readings of the Qur'an Asma Barlas; 13. Political interpretation of the Qur'an Stefan Wild; 14. The Qur'an and other religions Abdulaziz Sachedina; Qur'an citation index; General index. ISBN: 9781107461673 352pp This volume meets the increasing interest in a range of philosophical issues connected with the nature and significance of life and death, and the ethics of killing. What is it to be alive and to die? What is it to be a person? What must time be like if we are to persist? What makes one life better than another? Do death or posthumous events harm the dead? The chapters in this volume address these questions, and also discuss topical issues such as abortion, euthanasia, and suicide. They explore the interrelation between the metaphysics, significance, and ethics of life and death, and they discuss the moral significance of killing both people and animals, and the extent to which death harms them. ISBN: 9781107461666 Modern Islamic Thought in a Radical Age PB ` 495.00 Religious Authority and Internal Criticism Muhammad Qasim Zaman 366pp PB ` 595.00 Among traditionally-educated scholars in the Islamic world there is much disagreement on the crises that afflict modern Muslim societies and how best to deal with them, and the debates have grown more urgent since 9/11. Through an analysis of the work of Muhammad Rashid Rida and Yusuf al-Qaradawi in the Arab Middle East and a number of scholars belonging to the Deobandi orientation in colonial and contemporary South Asia, this book examines some of the most important issues facing the Muslim world since the late nineteenth century. These include the challenges to the binding claims of a long-established scholarly consensus, evolving conceptions of the common good, and discourses on religious education, the legal rights of women, social and economic justice and violence and terrorism. This wide-ranging study by a leading scholar provides the depth and the comparative perspective necessary for an understanding of the ferment that characterizes contemporary Islam. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Rethinking consensus; 3. The language of Ijtihad; 4. 102 Contestations on the common good; 5. Bridging traditions: madrasas and their internal critics; 6. Women, law, and society; 7. Socioeconomic justice; 8. Denouncing violence: the ambiguities of a discourse; 9. Epilogue: the paradoxes of internal criticism. ISBN: 9781107619180 The Origins of Yoga and Tantra Indic Religions to the Thirteenth Century Geoffrey Samuel 372pp POLITICS, SOCIAL THEORY Votes and Violence Steven I. Wilkinson PB ` 895.00 Yoga, tantra and other forms of Asian meditation are practised in modernized forms throughout the world today, but most introductions to Hinduism or Buddhism tell only part of the story of how they developed. This book is an interpretation of the history of Indic religions up to around 1200 CE, with particular focus on the development of yogic and tantric traditions. It assesses how much we really know about this period, and asks what sense we can make of the evolution of yogic and tantric practices, which were to become such central and important features of the Indic religious scene. Its originality lies in seeking to understand these traditions in terms of the total social and religious context of South Asian society during this period, including the religious practices of the general population with their close engagement with family, gender, economic life and other pragmatic concerns. Contents; List of figures; List of tables; Acknowledgments; 1. The electoral incentives for ethnic violence; 2. Explaining town-level variation in Hindu-Muslim violence; 3. State capacity explanations for Hindu-Muslim violence; 4. The consociational explanation for Hindu-Muslim violence; 5. The electoral incentives for HinduMuslim violence; 6. Party competition and HinduMuslim violence; 7. The electoral incentives for ethnic violence in comparative perspective; 8. Democracy and ethnic violence; Appendices; References; Index. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Stories and sources; Part I. Meditation and Yoga: 3. The second urbanisation of South Asia; 4. Two worlds and their interactions; 5. Religion in the early states; 6. The origins of the Buddhist and Jain orders; 7. The Brahmanical alternative; 8. Interlude: asceticism and celibacy in Indic religions; Part II. Tantra: 9. The classical synthesis; 10. Tantra and the wild goddesses; 11. Subtle bodies, longevity and internal alchemy; 12. Tantra and the state; 13. The later history of yoga and tantra; 14. Postlude. PB 432pp HB ISBN: 9780521118682 432pp ISBN: 9781107678972 Why do ethnic riots break out when and where they do? Why do some governments try to prevent ethnic riots while others do nothing or even participate in the violence? In this book, Steven I. Wilkinson uses collected data on Hindu-Muslim riots, socio-economic factors and competitive politics in India to test his theory that riots are fomented in order to win elections and that governments decide whether to stop them or not based on the likely electoral cost of doing so. He finds that electoral factors account for most of the state-level variation in Hindu-Muslim riots: explaining for example why riots took place in Gujarat in 2002 but not in many other states where militants tried to foment violence. The general electoral theory he develops for India is extended to Ireland, Malaysia and Romania as Wilkinson shows that similar political factors motivate ethnic violence in many different countries. ISBN: 9780521672818 ` 595.00 ` 995.00 103 312pp PB ` 695.00 Vortex of Conflict U.S. Policy Toward Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq Dan Caldwell Varieties of Federal Governance More than two million Americans have now served in Afghanistan or Iraq; more than 5, 000 Americans have been killed; and more than 35, 000 have been grievously wounded. The war in Afghanistan has become America’s longest war. Despite these facts, most Americans do not understand the background of, or reasons for, the United States’ involvement in these two wars. Utilizing an impressive array of primary and secondary sources, author Dan Caldwell describes and makes sense of the relevant historical, political, cultural, and ideological, elements related to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Perhaps most importantly, he demonstrates how they are interrelated in a number of important ways. Beginning with a description of the history of the two conflicts within the context of U.S. policies toward Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan — because American policy toward terrorism and Afghanistan cannot be understood without some consideration of Pakistan — he outlines and analyses the major issues of the two wars. These include intelligence quality, war plans, postwar reconstruction, inter-agency policymaking, U.S. relations with allies, and the shift from a conventional to counterinsurgency strategy. He concludes by capturing the lessons learned from these two conflicts and points to their application in future conflict. Vortex of Conflict is the first, accessible, one-volume resource for anyone who wishes to understand why and how the U.S. became involved in these two wars — and in the affairs of Pakistan — concurrently. It will stand as the comprehensive reference work for general readers seeking a road map to the conflicts, for students looking for analysis and elucidation of the relevant data, and for veterans and their families seeking to better understand their own experience. Major Contemporary Models Rekha Saxena Contents: List of Contributors; Foreword; Acknowledgements; Introduction; I. Theoretical and Comparative Dimensions; 1. Federalism: An Alternative Category in Political Thought?; 2. Governance of Capital Cities in Federal Countries: Comparative Perspectives; II. Presidential Federal Systems; 3. Political Coercion and Administrative Cooperation in U.S. Intergovernmental Relations; 4. What Makes the Swiss Multicultural Federalism Work; 5. Local Governments in the Brazilian Federation; 6. Russian Federalism: Does it Work?; 7. Federalism in Pakistan; III. Commonwealth Parliamentary Federations; 8. Constitutional Normalization in Canada: The Significance of Failure of the Charlottetown Agreement; 9. The Australian Senate: Form, Function and Effectiveness; 10. Federalizing India’s Political Parties: National All-India and National Interstate Parties; 11. Malaysia: Centralized Federalism in an Electoral One-Party State; 12. Promises Unmet: Multi-level Government in South Africa; IV. Non-Commonwealth Parliamentary Federations in Afro-Asia; 13. Multi-ethnicity and Federalism: Constitutional Provisions in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; 14. Federalism and Political Inclusion: Choices facing Nepal ; V. European Parliamentary Federations; 15. The German Federal System and its Reforms: Structures, Taboos and the ‘Shylock Principle’; 16. The Belgian Federation: Tools of Appeasement, Instruments of Confrontation; 17. Federalism as Ideology and as Institutional Form in the Spanish Estado de lasAutonomías (1977–2004); VI. Devolutionary Systems; 18. The Union’s Place: Scottish-English Relations after Devolution; 19. The Federal Debate in Sri Lanka ; VII. Supranational Confederalism/Federalism?; 20. The European Union and the Competence Catalogue after the Lisbon Treaty: Insights from Comparative Federalism Contents: Preface and Acknowledgments; Part I History; 1. From Cold War to War on Terror; 2. The United States and Islamic Countries; 3. Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the United States; 4. Iraq: From Cradle of Civilization to Republic of Fear; 5. The Development of Terrorism, 1991– 2001 ; 6. The Bush Doctrine; Part II Issues; 7. Assumptions; 8. Intelligence; 9. War Plans; 10. Postwar Reconstruction; 11. Policymaking; 12. Allies; 13. Strategy; Part III Conclusion; 14. Lessons and Legacies: Twenty-Six Articles; Appendixes; A Maps of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and the Middle East Region; B Chronology; C Bibliography; Notes; Index ISBN: 9788175969278 408pp Towards the end of the Second World War, there were only four functioning federations in the world – the United States, Switzerland, Canada and Australia. Today, 24 countries in the world follow the federal form of government. Varieties of Federal Governance presents a global analytical survey of contemporary federations. The book highlights distinctive features and contemporary issues in the typology of major federal systems in terms of presidential federations (USA, Switzerland, Brazil, Russia, Pakistan), Commonwealth parliamentary federations (Canada, Australia, India, Malaysia, South Africa), Non Commonwealth parliamentary federations in Afro-Asia (Ethiopia, Nepal), and European parliamentary federations (Germany, Belgium, Spain). The book also includes analyses of prefederal devolutionary models in the UK and Sri Lanka, and supranational federative tendencies in the European Union.This book will serve as a useful reference book for graduate students and academic researchers. HB ` 895.00 ISBN: 9788175967991 104 534pp HB ` 895.00 Timepass Youth, Class, and the Politics of Waiting in India Craig Jeffrey Contents: List of Figures; List of Tables; Preface; Acknowledgments; List of Abbreviations; 1. Rising Powers; 2. Insights from History of Power Shifts and Growing Interdependence; 3. Understanding the Rapid Rise of China and India; 4. Positive Growth Prospects for China and India; 5. Growing Economic and Geopolitical Impact; 6. Environmental and Natural Resource Impact; 7. Power Shifts and Rising Frictions Have Implications for the Global System and the United States; 8. How Will the World Adjust to the Swift Ascent of China and India?; • Alternative Scenarios; Notes; References; Index. Social and economic changes around the globe have propelled increasing numbers of people into situations of chronic waiting, where promised access to political freedoms, social goods, or economic resources is delayed, often indefinitely. But there have been few efforts to reflect on the significance of "waiting" in the contemporary world. Timepass fills this gap by offering a captivating ethnography of the student politics and youth activism that lower middle class young men in India have undertaken in response to pervasive underemployment. It highlights the importance of waiting as a social experience and basis for political mobilization, the micro-politics of class power in north India, and the socio-economic strategies of lower middle classes. The book also explores how this north Indian story relates to practices of waiting occurring in multiple other contexts, making the book of interest to scholars and students of globalization, youth studies, and class across the social sciences. ISBN: 9789382264644 The US–India Nuclear Agreement Contents: Acknowledgments; Chapter 1. India Waiting; Chapter 2. Cultivating Fields: The Rise and Resilience of a Rural Middle Class; Chapter 3. Life at the Crossroads: Timepass; Chapter 4. Collective Student Protest ; Chapter 5. Fixing Futures: Improvised Politics; Chapter 6. Conclusions; Bibliography; Index ISBN: 9788175969261 The World under Pressure How China and India are Influencing the Global Economy and Environment Carl J. Dahlman 232pp Dinshaw Mistry HB ` 895.00 The rapid rise of China and India is reshaping our global economic and environmental systems, raising major issues of stability, governance, and sustainability. This book develops a framework that shows the interdependence between economic size, trade, finance, technology, environment, security, and global governance. The author uses this framework to provide data on the speed of global power shifts and to trace the implications for nations worldwide. Specifically, as the book shows, China and India’s unchecked growth has the potential to ignite trade, resource, cold, and conventional wars. Moreover, these nations could set in motion monumental challenges related to climate change. The author argues that the current international governance system is not actively trying to defuse the challenges of these frictions. The major powers, including China and India, must do more to address the gathering storm. Developing sustainable economic and social relationships will be a most difficult charge, but the cost of putting off reforms will be lower global welfare. The author discusses the starting points for initiating these changes. The book will be of interest to students and researchers of Development Economics, International Relations and Asian Politics. 326pp HB ` 795.00 From 2005 to 2008, the United States and India negotiated a pathbreaking nuclear agreement that recognized India’s nuclear status and lifted longstanding embargoes on civilian nuclear cooperation with India. This book offers the most comprehensive account of the diplomacy and domestic politics behind this nuclear agreement. Domestic politics considerably impeded — and may have entirely prevented — US nuclear accommodation with India; when domestic obstacles were overcome, US–India negotiations advanced; and even after negotiations advanced, domestic factors placed conditions on and affected the scope of US–India nuclear cooperation. Such a study provides new insights into this major event in international politics, and it offers a valuable framework for analysing additional US strategic and nuclear dialogues with India and with other countries. Contents: List of Figures and Tables; Abbreviations; Preface; 1. The Argument; 2. Diplomacy and Domestic Politics; 3. Getting to July 2005; 4. Separating India’s Nuclear Facilities ; 5. Persuading Congress; 6. Negotiating the Section 123 Agreement; 7. India’s Domestic Politics; 8. Negotiating IAEA Safeguards; 9. Convincing Nuclear Supplier Countries; 10. Persuading Congress, Again; 11. Reprocessing and Liability; 12. Conclusions; Appendix: Energy, Military, and Non-proliferation Issues in the Nuclear Agreement ; References; Index. ISBN: 9781107073418 105 294pp HB ` 695.00 The Tradition of Non-Use of Nuclear Weapons T. V. Paul Since the Hiroshima and Nagasaki attacks, no state has unleashed nuclear weapons. What explains this? According to the author, the answer lies in a prohibition inherent in the tradition of non-use, a time-honoured obligation that has been adhered to by all nuclear states – thanks to a consensus view that use would have a catastrophic impact on humankind, the environment, and the reputation of the user.The book offers an in-depth analysis of the nuclear policies of the U.S., Russia, China, the UK, France, India, Israel, and Pakistan and assesses the contributions of these states to the rise and persistence of the tradition of nuclear non-use. It examines the influence of the tradition on the behaviour of nuclear and non-nuclear states in crises and wars, and explores the tradition’s implications for nuclear non-proliferation regimes, deterrence theory, and policy. And it concludes by discussing the future of the tradition in the current global security environment. Institutionalisation and Issues; China’s Military Modernization: Dragon Fire on India; Part II: China’s Foreign Policy; China in the Asia-Pacific: A State of Flux; China and the United States: Jostling Begins; China’s Resource Diplomacy: India Struggles to Catch-Up; Part III: China’s India Policy; Sino-Indian Territorial Issues: The “Razor’s Edge”?; The Tibet Conundrum in SinoIndian Ties; China in South Asia: A Tightening Embrace. ISBN: 9788175968950 The Promise of Power The Origins of Democracy in India and Autocracy in Pakistan Contents: Acknowledgements; • Introduction; • Bases of the Tradition of Non-Use; • The United States and the Tradition I: The Truman and Eisenhower Years (1945–1961); • The United States and the Tradition II: Kennedy to Clinton (1961–2001); • Russia, Britain, France, China, and the Tradition; • The Second-Generation Nuclear States: Israel, India, Pakistan, and the Tradition; • Nonnuclear States, the Tradition, and Limited Wars; • The Tradition and the Nonproliferation Regime; • Changing U.S. Policies and the Tradition; • Conclusions; Notes; Select Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9788175967724 The Rise of China Implications for India Harsh V. Pant 329pp Maya Tudor HB ` 695.00 The rise of China as an emerging power and as the most likely challenger to the global preponderance of the US is already having a significant impact across the globe. This phenomenon is being debated and analysed at various levels. In India too, it is generating a lot of excitement. On the one hand, it is considered to be an opportunity and on the other, a challenge. This book is an attempt at exploring the multidimensional nature of the rise of China and its implications for India. The contributors in this volume have examined various aspects of China’s rise such as domestic developments, foreign policy agenda, and its position on issues related to India from an Indian perspective. The book will appeal to undergraduate and graduate students of International Relations across the world. Foreign policy experts, and anyone interested in China-India relations should also find the book to be of interest. 272pp HB ` 795.00 Under what conditions are some developing countries able to create stable democracies while others have slid into instability and authoritarianism? To address this classic question at the centre of policy and academic debates, The Promise of Power investigates a striking puzzle: why, upon the 1947 Partition of British India, was India able to establish a stable democracy while Pakistan created an unstable autocracy? Drawing on interviews, colonial correspondence, and early government records to document the genesis of two of the twentieth century’s most-celebrated independence movements, Maya Tudor refutes the prevailing notion that a country’s democratization prospects can be directly attributed to its levels of economic development or inequality. Instead, she demonstrates that the differential strengths of India’s and Pakistan’s independence movements directly account for their divergent democratization trajectories. She also establishes that these movements were initially constructed to pursue historically-conditioned class interests. By illuminating the source of this enduring contrast, The Promise of Power offers a broad theory of democracy’s origins that will interest scholars and students of comparative politics, democratization, state-building, and South Asian political history. Contents: 1. How India institutionalised democracy and Pakistan promoted autocracy; 2. The social origins of pro- and anti- democratic movements (1885–1919); 3. Imagining and institutionalizing new nations (1919–1947); 4.Organizing alliances (1919–1947); 5.Freedom at midnight and divergent democracies (1947– 1958); 6.The institutionalization of alliances in India, Pakistan, and beyond. ISBN: 9781107046061 Contents: List of Contributors; Preface; Introduction; Part I: Domestic Developments in China; China’s Economic Rise: From Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai to Hindi-Chini Buy-Buy?; Domestic Politics in Contemporary China: Ideas, 106 254pp HB ` 795.00 The Muslims Are Coming! Islamophobia, Extremism, and the Domestic War on Terror Arun Kundnani The new front in the War on Terror is the ‘homegrown enemy’, domestic terrorists who have become the focus of sprawling counterterrorism structures of policing and surveillance in the United States and across Europe. Domestic surveillance has mushroomed – at least 100, 000 Muslims in America have been secretly under scrutiny. British police compiled a secret suspect list of more than 8,000 al-Qaeda ‘sympathizers’, and in another operation included almost 300 children 15 and under among the potential extremists investigated. Based on several years of research and reportage, in locations as disparate as Texas, New York, and Yorkshire, and written in engrossing, precise prose, this is the first comprehensive critique of counter-radicalization strategies. The new policy and policing campaigns have been backed by an industry of freshly-minted experts and liberal commentators. This book looks at the way these debates have been transformed by the embrace of a narrowly-configured and ill-conceived antiextremism. 5. New Vigour in Africa: Ethiopia and Mozambique; 6. Entrepreneurship Development in Laos and Cambodia; 7. Exploring Niches in CIS: Experiences in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan; Section III: Summing Up; 8. The SSC and Global Imperatives; 9. Expanding Frontiers, New Trends and the Way Forward; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9781107127920 The International Ambitions of Mao and Nehru Andrew B. Kennedy Contents: Introduction; 1. An Ideal Enemy; 2. The Politics of Anti-Extremism; 3. The Roots of Liberal Rage; 4. The Myth of Radicalization; 5. Hearts and Minds; 6. No Freedom; 7. Postboom; 8. Twenty-First-Century Crusaders; 9. Dream Not of Other Worlds; Acknowledgments; Notes. ISBN: 9789382993513 The Logic of Sharing Sachin Chaturvedi 336pp PB ` 495.00 248pp HB ` 895.00 Why do leaders sometimes challenge, rather than accept, the international structures that surround their states? In The International Ambitions of Mao and Nehru, Andrew Kennedy answers this question through in-depth studies of Chinese foreign policy under Mao Zedong and Indian foreign policy under Jawaharlal Nehru. Drawing on international relations theory and psychological research, Kennedy offers a new theoretical explanation for bold leadership in foreign policy, one that stresses the beliefs that leaders develop about the ‘national efficacy’ of their states. He shows how this approach illuminates several of Mao and Nehru’s most important military and diplomatic decisions, drawing on archival evidence and primary source materials from China, India, the United States and the United Kingdom. A rare blend of theoretical innovation and historical scholarship, The International Ambitions of Mao and Nehru is a fascinating portrait of how foreign policy decisions are made. Contents; 1. Introduction; 2. National efficacy beliefs and foreign policy; Part I. Mao’s China; 3. Same revolution, different dreams; 4. Mao’s adventure in Korea; 5. Persistent pugnacity; Part II. Nehru’s India; 6. Gandhi’s dissimilar disciples; 7. Nehru’s misstep in Kashmir; 8. Determined diplomacy; 9. Conclusion. India’s development cooperation programmes reflect the broad principles that inform Indian foreign policy in general. In essence, they reflect sovereign equality and belief in friendly relations with all countries, particularly India’s neighbours coupled with opposition to colonialism and a continued commitment to the amplification of human freedom. Mahatma Gandhi underlined that while the juxtaposition of peace and prosperity is not a contrivance for establishing moral prospects, the two conditions are indissolubly linked. Such pragmatism is evident in the genesis and evolution of India’s development cooperation policy. The extension of Indian resources and expertise to the global South, which dates back to the early 1950s, became institutionalised under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Programme (ITEC) established in 1964. Although the scale of India’s development cooperation has been modest, it has expanded along with the country’s emergence as a rapidly growing economy ISBN: 9781107029200 Contents: List of Tables and Figures; Foreword; Preface; List of Abbreviations; Section I: Policy and Institutional Framework; 1. Genesis and Evolution; 2.The Development Compact; 3. Institutional Framework; Section II: Country and Regional Case Studies; 4. Nepal: Evolving Framework and the Success of Communities; 107 272pp HB ` 895.00 The Engagement of India Strategies and Responses Ian Hall As India emerges as a significant global actor, diverse states have sought to engage India with divergent agendas and interests. Some states aspire to improve their relations with New Delhi, while others pursue the transformation of Indian foreign policy – and even India itself – to suit their interests. The Engagement of India explores the strategies that key states have employed to engage and shape the relationship with a rising and newly vibrant India, their successes and failures, and Indian responses – positive, ambivalent, and sometimes hostile – to engagement. A multinational team of contributors examine the ways in which Australia, China, Japan, Russia, and the United States have each sought to engage India for various purposes, explore the ways in which India has responded, and assess India’s own strategies to engage with Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Central Asian republics. The Challenge of Democracy Citizenship, Rights, and Ethnic Conflicts in India and Israel Ayelet Harel-Shalev Contents: Preface; Abbreviations; 1. The Engagement of India; Ian Hall; 2. The US Engagement of India after 1991: Transformation; Daniel Twining; 3. Japan’s India Engagement: From Different Worlds to Strategic Partners; H. D. P. Envall; 4. Russia’s Engagement of India: Securing the Longevity of a ‘‘Special and Privileged’’ Strategic Partnership; Lavina Lee; 5. India and China: Strategic Engagements in Central Asia; Louise Merrington; 6. China’s HalfHearted Engagement and India’s Proactive Balancing; Harsh V. Pant; 7. Australia’s Fitful Engagements of India; Ian Hall; 8. India’s Engagements with Southeast Asia: Singapore, Vietnam, and Indonesia; David Brew; 9. Paradigm Shift: India during and after the Cold War; Rajesh Basrur; 10. Conclusion: Engagement, India, and the Changing International Order; Nick Bisley; List of Contributors; Index. ISBN: 9789384463427 228pp This book analyses public policy and governmental features in procedurally-democratic states that govern deeply-divided societies. It traces the political formula that enables such states to survive while sustaining a democratic process in the face of religious, ethnic, and national conflicts. It investigates citizenship discourses, analyses the mechanisms political regimes use to give rights to minorities while simultaneously limiting their power, and illustrates how this unique political formula can be applied in two case studies of vastly - different countries – Israel and India. The analogous conflicts in India and Israel that threaten the survival of democracy – the ethno-religious conflict between Hindus and Muslims in India and the ethno-national conflict between Jews and Arab-Palestinians in Israel – are analysed in depth. In addition, the core cases of India and Israel, states in which democracy has survived for over 60 years, are compared with two additional countries where democracy was shortlived. Contents: Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; Part I – A Conceptual Framework; 1. Democracy in deeply divided societies: Theoretical and comparative aspects; Part II – Disaggregating Citizenship in Deeply Divided Societies: Empirical and Analytical findings; 2. The Formative Years: A Base to Majority-Minority Relations in Deeply Divided Societies; 3. Public and Judicial Policy toward the Minority throughout 60 years of Independence; 4. Placing the Comparison in a Broader Context – Democracies that did not Survive; Part III – Comparative and Theoretical Findings; 5. Conclusions: The Fate of Democracy in Deeply Divided Societies; Bibliography; Index; About the Author. ISBN: 9789382264576 HB ` 625.00 108 516pp HB ` 895.00 Tensions in Rural Bengal Chittabrata Palit State-Directed Development This book is a comprehensive study of the period of agrarian changes in colonial Bengal. It deals with an era which witnessed the first conflict between two alien systems of political economy. The British rule wanted to monetize and commercialize the more or less subsistence economy by various agencies of improvement and by linking it to the international market. But its revenue system, administrative policies, the introduction of indigo planters and tenancy laws failed to transform the agrarian economy through the agency of landlords, planters and rich peasants. This was because of the colonial policy of maximizing profits with minimum administration, leaving feudal forces to prevail upon meagre experiments in commercial agriculture. It only agitated the economy, creating tension and spurring revolt, which finally led to the decline of the zamindari, and resulted in famine and depeasantization, without any visible improvement. The book delves into the confrontation between two alien political economies since the advent of colonial rule and its aftermath of tension, resistance and revolt. It illustrates how the contrived policy of converting a petite economy into the capitalist mode of production ultimately died down to a semi-feudal, semi-capitalist equilibrium. Since then it has been caught in the throes of an unfinished transformation. In the process several experiments were attemptedby the British rule – permanent settlement of revenue with a landlord class, resumption of rent-free tenures, introduction of indigo planters into the hinterland, regulation of rent and tenancy rights, but all these only led up to agricultural contortions.The book would be of interest to students and scholars of Modern History of India and Bangladesh. Atul Kohli Contents: Introduction: states and industrialization in the global periphery; Part I. Galloping Ahead: Korea; 1. The colonial origins of a modern political economy: the Japanese lineage of Korea’s cohesive-capitalist state; 2. The rhee interregnum: saving South Korea for cohesive capitalism; 3. A cohesive-capitalist state reimposed: Park Chung Hee and rapid industrialization; Part II. Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Brazil; 4. Invited dependency: fragmented state and foreign resources in Brazil’s early industrialization; 5. Grow now, pay later: state indebted industrialization in modern Brazil; Part III. Slow but Steady: India; 6. Origins of a fragmented-multiclass state and a sluggish economy: colonial India; 7. India’s fragmentedmulticlass state and protected industrialization; Part IV. Dashed Expectations: Nigeria; 8. Colonial Nigeria: origins of a neopatrimonial state and a commodity-exporting economy; 9. Sovereign Nigeria: neopatrimonialism and failure of industrialization; Conclusion: understanding states and state intervention in the global periphery. Contents: Preface Abbreviations; Introduction; Chapter 1: Landlords after the Permanent Settlement; Chapter 2: Land Resumption and landlord Resistance; Chapter 3: Justice and police in the Interior and the Conflict over Local Authority; Chapter 4: Landlords and Planters: The uneasy Collaboration (1830–1850); Chapter 5: Landlords and Planters: The growing Confrontation (1850–1860); Chapter 6: Resistance to Rent Control: The Genesis of Act X of 1859 and its Aftermath; Chapter 7: Conclusion; Glossary; Bibliography; Appendix A; Appendix B; Index. ISBN: 9788175968080 230pp Why have some developing country states been more successful at facilitating industrialization than others? An answer to this question is developed by focusing both on patterns of state construction and intervention aimed at promoting industrialization. Four countries are analysed in detail - South Korea, Brazil, India, and Nigeria over the twentieth century. The states in these countries varied from cohesive-capitalist (mainly in Korea), through fragmented-multiclass (mainly in India), to neo-patrimonial (mainly in Nigeria). It is argued that cohesive-capitalist states have been most effective at promoting industrialization and neo-patrimonial states the least. The performance of fragmented-multiclass states falls somewhere in the middle. After explaining in detail as to why this should be so, the study traces the origins of these different state types historically, emphasizing the role of different types of colonialisms in the process of state construction in the developing world. ISBN: 9780521672825 HB ` 695.00 109 480pp PB ` 895.00 Speaking Like a State Alyssa Ayres Alyssa Ayres’ fascinating study examines Pakistan’s troubled history by exploring the importance of culture to political legitimacy. Early leaders selected Urdu as the natural symbol of the nation’s great cultural past, but due to its limited base great efforts would be required to make it truly national. This paradox underscores the importance of cultural policies for national identity formation. By comparing Pakistan’s experience with those of India and Indonesia, the author analyses how their national language policies led to very different outcomes. The lessons of these large multiethnic states offer insights for the understanding of culture, identity, and nationalism throughout the world. The book is aimed at scholars in the fields of history, political theory, and South Asian studies, as well as those interested in the history of culture and nationalism in one of the world’s most complex, and challenging, countries. Capacity for Multilateralism; 7. India’s Regional Disputes; 8. From an Ocean of Peace to a Sea of Friends; 9. Dilemmas of Sovereignty and Order: India and the UN Security Council; 10. India and UN Peacekeeping: The Weight of History and a Lack of Strategy; 11. From Defensive to Pragmatic Multilateralism and Back: India’s Approach to Multilateral Arms Control and Disarmament; 12. Security in Cyberspace: India’s Multilateral Efforts; 13. India and International Financial Institutions and Arrangements; 14. Of Maps and Compasses: India in Multilateral Climate Negotiations; 15. India’s Energy, Food, and Water Security: International Cooperation for Domestic Capacity; 16. India and International Norms: R2P, Genocide Prevention, Human Rights, and Democracy; 17. From Pluralism to Multilateralism? G-20, IBSA, BRICS, and BASIC Contributors; Index. Contents: List of illustrations; List of tables; Acknowledgments; Note on transliteration; Introduction; 1. Articulating a new nation; 2. Urdu and the nation; 3. The nation and its margins; 4. The case of Punjab, part I: elite efforts; 5. The case of Punjab, part II: popular culture; 6. History and local absence; 7. Bringing back the local past; 8. Speaking like a state: language planning; 9. Religion, nation, language; 10. Conclusion; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9789382993544 Principles of Politics A Rational Choice Theory Guide to Politics and Social Justice Joe Oppenheimer ISBN: 9780521762892 Shaping the Emerging World India and the Multilateral Order Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu, Pratap Bhanu Mehta and Bruce Jones 230pp HB ` 795.00 The five major emerging national economies known as the BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – have gained on the world stage. For BRICS watchers, and anyone interested in the future of India’s burgeoning economy, twenty-two scholars have developed one of the most comprehensive volumes on India: Shaping the Emerging World. India faces a defining period. Its status as a global power is not only recognized but increasingly institutionalized, even as geopolitical shifts create both opportunities and challenges. The country experienced rapid growth through participation in the existing multilateral order – now its development strategy makes it dependent on this order. Despite limitations, India increasingly has the ideas, people, and tools to shape the global order, in the words of Jawaharal Nehru, ‘not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially.’ Will India keep its ‘tryst with destiny’ and emerge as one of the shapers of the emerging international order? This volume seeks to answer that question. 368pp HB ` 895.00 Modern rational choice and social justice theories allow scholars to develop new understandings of the foundations and general patterns of politics and political behaviour. In this book, Joe Oppenheimer enumerates and justifies the empirical and moral generalizations commonly derived from these theories. In developing these arguments, Oppenheimer gives students a foundational basis of both formal theory and theories of social justice, and their related experimental literatures. He uses empirical findings to evaluate the validity of the claims. This basic survey of the findings of public choice theory for political scientists covers the problems of collective action, institutional structures, citizen well-being and social welfare, regime change and political leadership. Principles of Politics highlights what is universal to all of politics and examines both the empirical problems of political behavior and the normative conundrums of social justice. Contents: Introduction: politics, universals, knowledge claims, and methods; Part I. The Logic of Collective Action: 1. Voluntary contributions and collective action; 2. Going beyond the prisoner dilemma; 3. Collective action applications to and beyond democratic politics; Part II. Collective Choice: 4. Individual to collective choice in one dimensional politics; 5. Individual to collective choice more generally; Part III. Political Institutions and Quality Outcomes: 6. Political necessity and the tethering of leaders; 7. A few institutional pitfalls; Part IV. Social Justice, Choice, and Welfare: 8. The general problem of collective welfare and choice; 9. Voting rules; 10. Social welfare and social justice: a partial integration; Conclusion: 11. Questions and lessons. Contents: Acknowledgements; Part I. Introduction; 1. A Hesitant Rule Shaper?; Part II. Perspectives on Multilateralism; 2. The Changing Dynamics of India’s Multilateralism; 3. India and Multilateralism: A Practitioner’s Perspective; 4. India as a Regional Power; Part III. Domestic and Regional Drivers; 5. The Economic Imperative for India’s Multilateralism; 6. What in the World Is India Able to Do? India’s State ISBN: 9781107658448 110 306pp PB ` 495.00 Poverty Amid Plenty in the New India Atul Kohli India has one of the fastest growing economies on earth. Over the past three decades, Socialism has been replaced by pro-business policies as the way forward. And yet, in this ‘new’ India, grinding poverty is still a feature of everyday life. Some 450 million people subsist on less than $1.25 per day and nearly half of India’s children are malnourished. In his latest book, Atul Kohli, a seasoned scholar of Indian politics and economics, blames this discrepancy on the narrow nature of the ruling alliance in India that, in its new-found relationship with business, has prioritized economic growth above all other social and political considerations. This thoughtful and challenging book affords an alternative vision of India’s rise in the world that its democratic rulers will be forced to come to grips with in the years ahead. Nation-Building and Foreign Policy in India Identity–Strategy Conflict Tobias Engelmeier Contents: Introduction; 1. Political change: illusions of inclusion; 2. State and economy: want amid plenty; 3. Regional diversity: to him who hath; Conclusion. ISBN: 9781107644441 Political Theory And Power Second Edition Sarah Joseph 272pp Contents: Preface; Chapter 1: Introduction – Identity, Values and Indian Foreign Policy; Chapter 2: Reason and Culture; Chapter 3: Nation-Building and International Relations Theory; Chapter 4: Nationalism in India; Chapter 5: Gandhi, Nehru and Ideological Politics; Chapter 6: Foreign Policy and National Identity under Nehru; Chapter 7: Foreign Policy and National Identity Today; Chapter 8: Conclusion – The Identity–Strategy Conflict; Bibliography; Index; List of Figures. PB ` 595.00 This book draws attention to certain significant changes in the way in which power has been defined and it also examines some of the critical responses, which those changes have evoked. The objective is not to try and evolve a universally - acceptable and comprehensive definition of power, and of related terms like authority, and influence. The book argues is that, that would be an impossible project since social and political theories themselves constitute an intervention into political discourse of a society and they may implicity or explicitly, embody a political perspective. The basic assumptions about society embodied in a theory may be expressed through certain ordering concepts and a particular mode of theorizing. ISBN: 9788175966352 Mobilizing Restraint Democracy and Industrial Conflict in Post-Reform South Asia Contents: 1 Preface; 2. Chapter 1; Introduction; 3. Chapter 2; Power and Rational Choice; 4. Chapter 3. Power, System and Empirical Theory; 5 Chapter 4. Power and Social Structure; 6. Chapter 5. Power and Domination; 7 Chapter 6 JurgenHabermas: from ideology to communicative rationality; 8. Chapter 7 Conclusion; 9. Bibliography. ISBN: 9788175962033 173pp Nation-Building and Foreign Policy in India presents an evaluation of Indian foreign policy. It analyses the unusual concern of Indian strategic thinking about political values. The book argues that in Indian foreign policy, there has been a shift from a strict concern for national interest towards idealist considerations. Thus creating what the author calls an ‘idealist inflection’. This inflection does not have its roots in cultural aspects or grand strategy. Instead, it is best understood with reference to the political process of nationbuilding, characterized by the specific choices and decisions taken by the two leading protagonists of the Indian National Movement – Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. The values they chose to place at the heart of India’s national identity have spilt into the country’s foreign policy. The book then goes on to study the changes in India’s foreign policy and national identity since Nehru’s time until today. Emmanuel Teitelbaum HB ` 695.00 312pp HB ` 895.00 Based on the recent history of industrial conflict and industrial peace in South Asia, Emmanuel Teitelbaum argues that the political exclusion and repression of organized labour commonly witnessed in authoritarian and hybrid regimes has extremely deleterious effects on labour relations and ultimately economic growth. To test his arguments, Teitelbaum draws on an array of data, including his original qualitative interviews and survey evidence from Sri Lanka and three Indian states – Kerala, Maharashtra, and West Bengal. He also analyses panel data from 15 Indian states to evaluate the relationship between political competition and worker protest and to study the effects of protective labour legislation on economic performance. In Teitelbaum’s view, countries must undergo further political liberalization before they are able to replicate the success of the sophisticated types of growthenhancing management of industrial protest seen throughout many parts of South Asia. Contents: List of Tables and Figures; Preface; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; 1. Introduction: The Political Management of Industrial Conflict; Part I. A Puzzle and an Argument; 2. Industrial Relations in the Context of Economic Change; 3. A Political Theory of Industrial Protest Part II. The Evidence; 4. Democracy, Union-Party Ties, and 111 Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in South Asia Industrial Conflict; 5. Labor Institutions, FACB Rights, and Economic Performance in India; 6. The Deleterious Effects of Labor Repression in Sri Lanka; 7. Conclusion: Theoretical and Policy Implications; Appendix A. Survey Methods and Response Rates; Appendix B. Labor Law Coding; Notes; Works Cited; Index. ISBN: 9789382264088 Limits of Islamism Jamaat-e-Islami in Contemporary India and Bangladesh Maidul Islam 244pp Moeed W. Yusuf HB ` 895.00 This book focuses on Islamism as a political ideology by taking up the case study of Jamaate-Islami in contemporary India and Bangladesh. The book will address how, in a contemporary globalized world, Islamism constructs an antagonistic frontier and how it mobilizes people behind its political project. The book also deals with the Islamist critique of neoliberal economic policies and ‘western cultural globalization’. The book examines the dynamics from the formation of Islamist politics for the struggle for hegemony to failure to become a hegemonic force in Bangladesh. The contradiction between Islamic universalism/Islamist populism, on one hand, and a politics of Muslim particularism in India, on the other, is revealed in this study. Finally, this book traces the contemporary crisis of Islamist populism in providing an alternative to neoliberalism. Contents: Acknowledgments; Introduction; Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in South Asia- Moeed Yusuf; Part I. India; 1. Conflict in Kashmir: An Insurgency with Long Roots Happymon Jacob; 2. India’s Response to the Kashmir Insurgency: A Holistic Perspective Rekha Chowdhary; 3. Peace Process with India: A Pakistani Perspective; Khalid Mahmood; Part II. Pakistan; 4. Taliban Insurgency in FATA: Evolution and Prospects - Muhammad Amir Rana; 5. The State’s Response to the Pakistani Taliban Onslaught - Shaukat Qadir; Part III. Nepal; 6. Anatomy of a South Asian Revolt: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency in Perspective - S. D. Muni; 7. Nepal’s Response to the Armed Insurgency, and Its Political Settlement - Bishnu Raj Upreti; Part IV. Sri Lanka; 8. From Postindependence Ethnic Tensions to Insurgency: Sri Lanka’s Many Missed Opportunities - Chalinda D. Weerasinghe; 9. Sri Lanka: Tackling the LTTE - Kumar Rupesinghe; Conclusion: Lessons for Peacebuilders - Moeed Yusuf; Index; About the Contributors. Contents: 1. Islamism and ideology: philosophical issues and analytical categories; 2. Islamism in neoliberal India; 3. Ideological articulations of Jamaat-e-Islam Hind; 4. Islamism in a Muslim majority context: the case of Bangladesh; 5. The crisis of Islamist population of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami; 6. Islamism in contemporary India and Bangladesh: comparative overview of the politics of alternative. ISBN: 9781107080263 340pp This book underscores the need for South Asian decision-makers and relevant actors around the world to systematically examine the nature of intrastate insurgent movements. Using the ‘conflict curve’ theory of conflict evolution, 10 experts native to South Asia consider the trajectories of four of the most salient armed insurgencies in a region that has experienced many such sustained conflicts and the counterinsurgent response to each. Case studies on India, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka lend important lessons on the dynamics of each conflict while collectively offering insights into how and why insurgencies occur and transform as well as how they can be prevented or resolved.Through a peacebuilding lens, the contributors ask what incentives led resentful groups to resort to armed insurgency and once insurgency was under way, how it was managed. While many studies of insurgency and counterinsurgency emphasize military tactics and terrorism responses, this volume hones in on policy-relevant conclusions pertinent to the peacebuilding field. Detailed maps created especially for this volume illustrate the conflict regions. Emphasizing nonviolent means to prevent or mitigate conflict, the book highlights the opportunities and constraints in applying peacebuilding approaches across the conflict curve, identifying recommendations for the disputing parties as well as for peacebuilders. HB ` 795.00 ISBN: 9789384463038 112 326pp PB ` 595.00 India’s Foreign Policy The Democracy Dimension S. D. Muni India Since 1980 In the new millennium, India has joined global initiatives like the Community of Democracies (2000) and the UN Democracy Fund (2005) for promoting democracy. This marks a significant shift in India ‘s foreign policy as never earlier had India claimed or committed itself to playing a proactive role in promoting and protecting democracy in other countries. India has always remained engaged with the democracy question, particularly in its immediate neighbourhood. India’s Foreign Policy is a study of India‘s responses to the challenge of democracy in other countries before and after its participation in the global democratic initiatives. India ‘s similar responses in the past have been dictated and defined by its perceived vital strategic and political interests, and this continues to be so. The newly-acquired obligations for promoting democracy may have tempered its foreign policy rhetoric and style on the democracy question but it has not, and will not, override India’s critical strategic concerns and interests. Sumit Ganguly and Rahul Mukherji Contents: 1. Four revolutions and India’s future; 2. The transformation of India’s foreign policy; 3. India’s economic transformation; 4. Political mobilization in India; 5. Indian secularism since 1980; 6. India’s trajectory: promises and challenges. Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction ; Democracy in Foreign Policy: Theoretical Parameters; India and Democracy; India ‘s Neighbourhood Policy; Evolving Stakes and Interests; 2. The Nehruvian Phase: Ideology under Realpolitik; Himalayan Kingdoms; Fading Away of the Rana Oligarchy; The King’s Takeover; Bhutan and Sikkim; Myanmar (Burma) Pakistan; Appraisal; 3. Nehru’s Successors: Realism in Command; Nepal; Pakistan; Bangladesh; Integration of Sikkim; Myanmar; China; Appraisal; 4. Imperatives of the New Millennium; Nepal; Myanmar; Afghanistan; China; Pakistan, Bhutan and Maldives; Appraisal; 5. An Overview; Appendices; Appendix I; Warsaw Declaration on Community of Democracies, June 2000; Appendix II; Santiago Commitment; Community of Democracies, April 2005; Appendix III; PM’s Address to Joint Session of the US Congress, July 2005; Appendix IV; PM’s Speech at the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of Afghan Parliament, August 2005; Appendix V; PM’s Speech at the UN Democracy Fund, September 2005; Appendix VI; PM’s Speech at the Conference on Democracy, Development and Social Inclusion December, 2005; Index. ISBN: 9788175967137 190pp This book considers the remarkable transformations that have taken place in India since 1980, a period that began with the assassination of the formidable Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Her death, and that of her son Rajiv seven years later, marked the end of the Nehru-Gandhi era. Although the country remains one of the few democracies in the developing world, many of the policies instigated by these earlier regimes have been swept away to make room for dramatic alterations in the political, economic and social landscape. Sumit Ganguly and Rahul Mukherji, two leading political scientists of South Asia, chart these developments with particular reference to social and political mobilization, the rise of the BJP and its challenge to Nehruvian secularism and the changes to foreign policy that, in combination with its meteoric economic development, have ensured India a significant place on the world stage. ISBN: 9781107020276 India in the World Order Searching for Major - Power Status Baldev Raj Nayar and T. V. Paul HB ` 495.00 214pp HB ` 395.00 Two highly regarded scholars come together to examine India's relationship with the world's major powers and its own search for a significant role in the international system. Central to the argument is India's belief that the acquisition of an independent nuclear capability is key to obtaining such status. The book details the major constraints at the international, domestic and perceptual levels that India has faced in this endeavor. It concludes, through a detailed comparison of India's power capabilities, that India is indeed a rising power, but that significant systemic and domestic changes will be necessary before it can achieve its goal. The book examines the prospects and implications of India's integration into the major-power system in the twenty-first century. This book's incisive analysis will be illuminating for students, policy makers, and for anyone wishing to understand the region in greater depth. Contents: 1. Introduction: India and its search for a major power role; 2. Major power status in the modern world: India in comparative perspective; 3. The constraints on India: international and domestic; 4. India‘s quest for a major power role under Nehru: the formative grand strategy of a new state, 1947–1964; 5. Strategy in hard times: the long march to building capabilities after Nehru, 1964–1990; 6. After the Cold War: adaptation, persistence, and assertion, 1991– 2001; 7. Conclusions: India and the emerging international order. ISBN: 9788175962316 113 302pp PB ` 595.00 India and the Nuclear Non-proliferation Regime The Perennial Outlier A. Vinod Kumar environmental policy in a theoretically rigorous way, providing a significant contribution to the theory of the firm. It will be valuable for students of business and environmental studies, as well as political economy and public policy. Numerous behavioural and systemic factors have been cited to explain India’s nuclear decisions, though the influence of normative instruments of non-proliferation and the overarching regime on its nuclear policies has not received sufficient attention. This book seeks to address this gap through a holistic examination of India’s relationship with the non-proliferation regime and its dominant structures. The study explores the complexities of the regime as a functional system, and applies the Indian case study to understand the dynamics of state – regime interplays. By dissecting its core frameworks like non-proliferation and counterproliferation, A. Vinod Kumar highlights the conceptual opacities that drive the structural crises of the regime, and the paradigm shifts that characterize its current churning. The book describes India as a unique case of an outlier surviving outside the regime’s overarching system, as a nuclear-capable state with prolonged record of resistance (and selective adherence), but ending up seeking opportunities to engage with its normative structures. The ideological and policy shifts that had shaped India’s transformative journey from a perennial outlier to one seeking greater integration with the regime, though, also exemplifies the underlying strategic paradoxes and dogmatic incongruities. The book assesses how these dynamics will determine India’s role in global anti-proliferation and its status in the emerging global nuclear order. Contents: 1. Greening the firm: an introduction; 2. Environmental policymaking within firms; 3. Baxter and Lilly: evolution of environmental programs; 4. Baxter and Lilly: case studies; 5. Beyond compliance: findings and conclusions. ISBN: 9780521664875 Fates of Political Liberalism in the British Post-Colony The Politics of the Legal Complex Terence C. Halliday, Lucien Karpik and Malcolm M. Feeley Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. From Nonproliferation to Counterproliferation: The Regime’s Conceptual Crisis; 3. The State and the Regime: The Complex Interplay of Actors, Norms and Interests; 4. India, NPT and the Nonproliferation Regime; 5. The Routes to Nuclear Disarmament: An Indian Perspective; 6. Counterproliferation: The Quest for an Indian Strategy; 7. India’s Participation in the Proliferation Security Initiative: The Counter-proliferation Case Study; 8. India’s Role in Global Anti-proliferation: The Post Nuclear Deal Agenda; 9. Conclusion; Select Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9781107056626 Greening the Firm Aseem Prakash 251pp 196pp PB ` 595.00 What explains divergences in political liberalism among new nations that shared the same colonial heritage? This book assembles exciting original essays on former colonies of the British Empire in South Asia, Africa and Southeast Asia that gained independence after World War II. The interdisciplinary country specialists reveal how inherent contradictions within British colonial rule were resolved after independence in contrasting liberal-legal, despotic and volatile political orders. Through studies of the longue durée and particular events, this book presents a theory of political liberalism in the post-colony and develops rich hypotheses on the conditions under which the legal complex, civil society and the state shape alternative postcolonial trajectories around political freedom. This provocative volume presents new perspectives for scholars and students of postcolonialism, political development and the politics of the legal complex, as well as for policymakers and publics who struggle to construct and defend basic legal freedoms. Contents: Part I. Liberal-Legal Orders; 1. Emasculating the executive: the federal court and civil liberties in late colonial India: 1942–4; 2. The legal complex in the struggle to control police brutality in India; 3. Priests in the temple of justice: the Indian legal complex and the basic structure doctrine; Part II. Despotic Orders; 4. Lawyers, politics and publics: state management of lawyers and legitimacy in Singapore; 5. Lawyers and the disintegration of the legal complex in Sudan; 6. The Sri Lankan legal complex and the liberal project: only thus far and no more; Part III. Volatile Orders; 7. ‘Custodian of civil liberties and justice in Malaysia’: the Malaysian bar and the moderate state; 8. Liberal protagonists? The lawyers’ movement in Pakistan; 9. Miscarriage of chief justice: judicial power and the legal complex in Pakistan under Musharraf; 10. From judicial autonomy to regime transformation: the role of the lawyers’ movement in Pakistan; 11. Postcolonial liberalism and the legal complex in Zambia: elegy or triumph?; 12. Legal complexes and the fight for political liberalism in new African democracies: comparative insights from Malawi, Zambia and Namibia; 13. Judge and company: courts, constitutionalism and the legal complex. HB ` 895.00 Over the last two decades environmental issues have become important in public and business policy. This book asks why firms sometimes voluntarily adopt environmental policies, which go beyond legal requirements. It employs a newinstitutionalist perspective, and argues that existing explanations, especially from neoclassical economics, concentrate on external factors at the expense of internal dynamics. Prakash argues that ‘beyond-compliance’ policies are due to two types of intra-firm processes, which he describes as power- and leadership-based. His argument is supported by analysis of 10 cases within two firms - Baxter International Inc. and Eli Lilly and Company including interviews with managers, and access to meetings and documents. This book therefore examines the internal working of firms’ ISBN: 9781107031975 114 570pp HB ` 1495.00 Globalization and India’s Economic Integration Baldev Raj Nayyar This book shows how globalization’s pressures favouring efficiency paradoxically induced the state to push for consolidation on a pan-Indian scale in the area of fiscal federalism and to advance the cause of the common market through reforming the indirect tax system; meanwhile, the state has pressed forward with social inclusiveness as never before in its economic planning. For another, the market, too, has been instrumental, because of its widened scope and its inherently-expanding character, in strengthening economic integration through trade expansion, diffusion of industry, and increased inter-state migration. Nayar’s groundbreaking work will interest students, scholars, and specialists of India, South Asia, globalization, and political economy. 3 Terrorist Networks Phil Williams; 4 Terrorist Financing Phil Williams; 5 Cyber Terrorism Timothy J. Doorey; 6 Maritime Terrorism Peter Chalk; 7 Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism Edward E. Hoffer; Part II: Comprehensive Government Responses; 8 Risk Assessment James Petroni; 9 Tools and Strategies for Combating Terrorism Paul Shemella; 10 Building Effective Counterterrorism Institutions Paul Shemella;11 Interagency Decision Making Lawrence E. Cline; 12 Defusing Terrorist Ideology Paul Shemella; 13 Intelligence and Combating Terrorism Lawrence E. Cline; 14 Consequence Management Edward E. Hoffer; 15 Ethics and Combating Terrorism Robert Schoultz; 16 Measuring Effectiveness Paul Shemella; Part III: Selected Case Studies; 17 Somalia Lawrence E. Cline; 18 The Tokyo Subway Attack Edward E. Hoffer; 19 The Madrid Train Bombings Phil Williams; 20 The Mumbai Attacks Thomas R. Mockaitis; 21 The Irish Republican Army Thomas R. Mockaitis; 22 Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula Lawrence E. Cline; 23 Conclusion Paul Shemella; About the Authors; Index Contents: List of Figures and Tables; Preface; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; I. Introduction; 1. Economic Globalization, Segmentation, and Integration; 2. India and Globalization: Performance, Perceptions, and Policy; 3. Economic Integration Prior to Liberalization; II. The State after Economic Liberalization; 4. Continuity and Change in Economic Planning; 5. Fiscal Federalism: Finance Commission’s Adaptation to New Challenges; 6. India’s Halting March to Common Market: Reforming the Indirect Tax System; III. The Market after Economic Liberalization; 7. Trade and Its Integrative Impact; 8. Investment and Integration: Polarization versus Diffusion; 9. Are We All Vaishyas Now? The Indian Capitalist Class as an Integrative Factor; 10. Migration and Integration; IV. Summing Up; 11. Conclusion; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9789384463441 Fighting Back What Governments Can Do about Terrorism Paul Shemella 316pp ISBN: 9789382993070 Empowering Society Usha Jumani HB ` 695.00 Since terrorism became a global national security issue in the new millennium, all governments have wrestled with its effects. Yet strong measures against terrorism have often made the root causes of the problem worse, while weak responses have invited further attack. In response, this book explains how governments can construct and execute the most effective strategies to combat terrorism—and how they can manage the consequences of those acts of terrorism they cannot prevent. 416pp HB ` 895.00 Empowerment is an integral element of a democratic system. The maturity of a democracy is directly related to the level of empowerment its citizens and institutions experience. The term ‘empowerment’ is used in different contexts and this book addresses this problem through a comparative analysis of three major organizational systems – business, government and social development. The book presents a new conceptual framework for understanding the process of empowerment. It combines case studies specially for this volume, with secondary data and the author’s first-hand experience of working with development organizations. The differential understanding of empowerment in various organizational contexts helps to promote cross-sectoral learning, and contributes to a qualitative shift in empowering society as a whole. Contents: Preface; Acknowledgements; Part I: The Setting; 1. The Context of Empowerment; 2. The Indian Realities; 3. Empowerment and Corporate Social Responsibility; Part II Nature of Empowerment in Three Different Organisational Systems; 1. Business Organisation; 2. Government and Governance; 3. Social Development Organisations; Part III Towards a Framework for Empowerment, Strand; 1. Process Orientation, Strand; 2. Bases of Power, Strand; 3. Organising and Organisation, Strand; 4. Mainstreaming, Strand; 5. Representative Organisations, Empowering Society; Appendix I Cross Section of Views on Empowerment; Appendix II - Perceptions of Empowerment; Appendix III - Case Studies: Excel Industries It provides an overview of the complex problem of terrorism and offers a guide to shaping solutions to fit the unique structures and processes of governments. These issues and their solutions are demonstrated in six case studies. The book’s value lies in its holistic treatment of what governments can do to protect their societies, with the ultimate goal of reducing terrorism from the global security threat it is today to a national-level criminal problem. Written by a team of experts, the book offers a concise but complete course on the most important national security challenge of our time. Contents: Preface; 1 Introduction Paul Shemella; Part I: The Complex Problem of Terrorism; 2 Terrorism, Insurgency, and Organized Crime Thomas R. Mockaitis; 115 Ltd., Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd.; Tata Chemicals Ltd.; Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd.; Indian Farmers Fertliser Cooperative Ltd; Select; Bibliography;, Index. ISBN: 9788175963177 Eating Grass The Making of the Pakistani Bomb Feroz Hassan Khan 263pp Corruption and Reform in India Public Services in the Digital Age Jennifer Bussell HB ` 595.00 Written by a professional in the Pakistani Army who played a senior role formulating and advocating Pakistan’s security policy on nuclear and conventional arms control, this book tells the compelling story of how and why Pakistan’s government, scientists, and military, persevered in the face of a wide array of obstacles to acquire nuclear weapons. It lays out the conditions that sparked the shift from a peaceful quest to acquire nuclear energy into a full-fledged weapons programmes details how the nuclear programme was organized, reveals the role played by outside powers in nuclear decisions, and explains how Pakistani scientists overcome the many technical hurdles they encountered. Furthermore, the book reveals how international opposition to the programme only made it an even more significant issue of national resolve. Contents: Preface and acknowledgments; 1. Introduction; 2. The politics of reform in the digital age; 3. Do reforms affect the quality of services?; 4. Timing of reform: policy initiation in the Indian states; 5. Scope of reform I: patterns of policy implementation; 6. Scope of reform II: coalition governments; 7. Scale and management of reform: from ‘petty’ to ‘grand’ corruption; 8. Technology-enabled administrative reform in cross-national perspective; 9. Conclusion. Contents: Preface; Pakistan: Key Characters; Abbreviations 1. Introduction; Part I: The Reluctant Phase; 2. Atoms for Peace at the Crossroads of History; 3. Ayub’s Non-Decision and the Nuclear Bomb Option ; 4. Never Again; Part II: The Secret Nuclear R&D Program; 5. The Route to Nuclear Ambition; 6. Punishing Pakistan ; 7. Mastery of Uranium Enrichment ; 8. Procurement Network in the Grey Market ; 9. Building the Bomb; 10. Mastery of Plutonium Production; Part III: Covert Arsenal and delivery means; 11. Military Crises and Nuclear Signaling; 12. Pakistan’s Missile Quest ; 13. The Grazing Horse in the Meadows; 14. The Nuclear Test Decision; Part IV: Toward an Operational Deterrent; 15 The Dawn of a Nuclear Power; 16. A Shaky Beginning: Kargil and Its Aftermath; 17. Establishment of Robust Command and Control; 18. Testing the Deterrent; Part V: Meeting New Challenges; 19. The Unraveling of the Khan Network; 20. Nuclear Pakistan and the World; Epilogue; Notes; Index. ISBN: 9789382264620 552pp Why do some governments improve public services more effectively than others? Through the investigation of a new era of administrative reform, in which digital technologies may be used to facilitate citizens’ access to the state, Jennifer Bussell’s analysis provides unanticipated insights into this fundamental question. In contrast to factors such as economic development or electoral competition, this study highlights the importance of access to rents, which can dramatically shape the opportunities and threats of reform to political elites. Drawing on a subnational analysis of 20 Indian states, a field experiment, statistical modeling, case studies, interviews of citizens, bureaucrats and politicians, and comparative data from South Africa and Brazil, Bussell shows that the extent to which politicians rely on income from petty and grand corruption is closely linked to variation in the timing, management and comprehensiveness of reforms. ISBN: 9781107030343 Complex Deterrence Strategy in the Global Age T. V. Paul, Patrick M. Morgan and James J. Wirtz HB ` 595.00 346pp HB ` 795.00 Moving beyond the precepts of traditional deterrence theory, this ground-breaking volume offers insights for the use of deterrence in the modern world, where policy makers may encounter irrational actors, failed states, religious zeal, ambiguous power relationships, and other situations where long-established rules of statecraft do not apply. A distinguished group of contributors here examines issues such as deterrence among the great powers; the problems of regional and non-state actors; and actors armed with chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. Complex deterrence will be a valuable resource for anyone facing the considerable challenge of fostering security and peace in the twenty-first century. Contents: List of Figures and Tables; Acknowledgements; I Introduction; 1. Complex Deterrence: An Introduction; IIDeterrence and its Challenges; 2. Three Items in One: Deterrence as Concept, Research Program, and Political Issue; 3. Rational Deterrence against “Irrational” Adversaries? No Common Knowledge; IIIDeterrence and Nonstate Actors; 4. Complex Deterrence in the Asymmetric-Warfare Era; 5. Deterring Nuclear Terrorists; IV Deterrence and Smaller Powers; 6. Deterrence, Rogue States, and the U.S. Policy; 7. Collective-Actor Deterrence; 8. Complexity of Deterrence among New Nuclear States: The India-Pakistan Case; 116 Asian Rivalries 9. Unconventional Deterrence: How the Weak Deter the Strong; 10. Deterrence and Compellence in Iraq, 1991–2003: Lessons for a Complex Paradigm; VDeterrence and Major Powers; 11. Deterrence among Great Powers in an Era of Globalization; 12. The Endurance of Extended Deterrence: Continuity, Change, and Complexity in Theory and Policy; 13. The Revolution in Military Affairs: Impact of Emerging Technologies on Deterrence; Conclusions; List of Contributors; Index. ISBN: 9788175967816 Between the State and Islam Charles E. Butterworth and I. William Zartman 357pp Conflict, Escalation, and Limitations on Two-level Games Sumit Ganguly and William R. Thompson HB ` 795.00 Until recently, the study of the Middle East has focused almost exclusively on Islam and on the regime, especially on its non-democratic aspects. It has done so at the expense of accounting fully for the forces of scepticism, liberty, and creativity that struggle against Islamic conformism and state hegemony. Strangely, there seems to be no scholarly awareness of the simple fact that however influential religion appears in word and deed, however evident the trappings of state authority, people come into being, thrive, marry, raise families, think, laugh, and cry without regard to – indeed, sometimes in utter defiance of – the strictures of religious or state authority. This volume examines how Middle Eastern peoples in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries lived and flourished while trying to shape their political and religious surroundings outside the formal structures of established religion and the state. Contents: List of Contributors; 1 Conflict Propensities in Asian Rivalries; 2 China and Taiwan: Balance of Rivalry with Weapons of Mass Democratization; 3 Domestic Politics and the U.S.-China Rivalry; 4 Peace and Conflict in the Indo-Pakistani Rivalry: Domestic and Strategic Causes; 5 Instability in Tibet and the Sino-Indian Strategic Rivalry: Do Domestic Politics Matter?; 6 The Sino-Russian Strategic Partnership: The End of Rivalry?; 7 The Rivalry Between the Two Koreas; 8 Asymmetric Rivals: China and Vietnam; 9 Two-level Games in Asian Rivalries; Notes; Index. Contents: Introduction: between the State and Islam Charles E. Butterworth and I. William Zartman; Part I. The Nineteenth Century: Preface Charles E. Butterworth; 1. On what is between, even beyond, the paradigms of the State and Islam Charles E. Butterworth; 2. The impact of technology change on the nineteenth-century Arab world Antoine B. Zahland; 3. An Islamic political formula in transformation: Islam, identity, and nationalism in the history of the Volga Tatars Serif Mardin; 4. Muslim opposition thinkers in the nineteenth century Said Bensaid Alaoui; Part II. The Twentieth-Century: Preface I. William Zartman; 5. Against the taboos of Islam: anticonformist tendencies in contemporary Arab/ Islamic thought As’ad Abu Khalil; 6. Democratic thought in the Arab world: an alternative to the patron state Iliya Harik; 7. Political parties between state power and Islamist opposition Ibrahim A. Karawan; 8. Liberal professionals in the contemporary Arab world Timothy J. Piro; 9. Daniel Lerner revisited, the audio-visual media and its reception: two North African cases Jean Leca, Meriem Verges and Mounia BennaniChraibi; 10. Islam, the state, and democracy: the contradictions I. William Zartman. ISBN: 9780521789721 272pp The most typical treatment of international relations is to conceive it as a battle between two antagonistic states volleying back and forth. In reality, interstate relations are often at least twolevel games in which decision-makers operate not only in an international environment but also in a competitive domestic context. Given that interstate rivalries are responsible for a disproportionate share of discord in world politics, this book sets out to explain just how these twolevel rivalries really work. By reference to specific cases, specialists on Asian rivalries examine three related questions: what is the mix of internal (domestic politics) and external (interstate politics) stimuli in the dynamics of their rivalries; in what types of circumstances do domestic politics become the predominant influence on rivalry dynamics; when domestic politics become predominant, is their effect more likely to lead to the escalation or de-escalation of rivalry hostility? By pulling together the threads laid out by each contributor, the editors create a ‘grounded theory’ for interstate rivalries that breaks new ground in international relations theory. ISBN: 9789382264095 PB ` 695.00 117 268pp HB ` 695.00 Communal Violence, Forced Migration and the State Gujarat since 2002 Sanjeevini Badigar Lokhande Reverence, Resistance and Politics of Seeing the Indian National Flag When violence occurs in democracies it is often characterized as an aberration. The state that saw human rights violations and failure of law and order in Gujarat in 2002 emerged, even if by its own admission, as a model for good governance. Communal Violence, Forced Migration and the State, through an account of displaced Muslims, challenges this notion. Through the unlikely yet probing lens of displacement, it offers fresh insight into communal violence and is an important resource for the emerging domain of forced migration and changing nature of the state in a globalized world. Sadan Jha Contents: Acknowledgements; Selected Glossary of Terms; Abbreviations; Introduction; Chapter 1- Demography and Population Movements in Gujarat; Chapter 2- Vatani to Visthapit: Violence and Displacement in 2002; Chapter 3- Relief instead of Rights: The Governance of Communal Violence; Chapter 4Reconstruction and Rights through Self Help; Chapter 5- Violence and Good Governance; Bibliography; Index; About the Author. ISBN: 9781107065444 228pp This book studies the politics that make the tricolour flag possibly the most revered among symbols, icons and markers associated with nation and nationalism in twentieth century India. The emphasis on the flag as a visual symbol aims to question certain dominant assumptions about visuality. Anchored on Mahatma Gandhi’s ‘believing eye’, this study reveals specificities of visual experience in the South Asian milieu. This account begins with a survey of the pre-colonial period, focuses on colonial lives of the flag and moves ahead to explain contemporary dynamics of seeing the flag in India. The Flag Satyagraha of Jubblepore and Nagpur in 1922-23, the adoption of Congress Flag in 1931, the resolution for the future flag in the Constituent Assembly of India in 1947, history of the colour saffron, codes governing the flag as well as legal cases are few such examples explored in depth in this book. Contents: List of Figures; Preface; Acknowledgements; Introduction; 1. Rise of the Flag; 2. Flag on the Hut: Totem and a Political Symbol; 3. The Indian National Flag as a Site of Daily Plebiscite; 4. Shades of History: A Case of Saffron Colour; 5. Visualizing an Ideal Political Order; 6. A Post Colonial Symbol; 7. Gendered Symbol, Communal Politics; Epilogue: The Flag as a Sacred Political Symbol; Bibliography; Index HB ` 525.00 ISBN: 9781107118874 Government as Practice Democratic Left in a Transforming India Dwaipayan Bhattacharyya The democratic left in India is in deep crisis. During the first decade of the century it has slid from its highest parliamentary presence to virtual irrelevance. A key to its retrieval, this book argues, lies in its ability to imagine a new popular politics for reinventing its democratic credentials beyond mere electoral posturing. In this respect, much can be learnt from the left’s own governmental practices as they evolved since the late 1960s, crafting a unique blend of politics, policy, idealism, practicality, vision and delivery. By looking at the problematic of government from the days of deft land reforms to messy land acquisition, the book situates ‘government as practice’ as a prism for critical thinking on democratic politics in postcolonial India. Grounded in empirical and archival research, the book is useful for those passionate as well as sceptical about the revival potentials of a new left in India’s fast-changing political economy. Afghan Endgames Strategy and Policy Choices for America’s Longest War Hy Rothstein and John Arquilla Contents: Preface; Abbreviations; 1. Inception: Government as Practice; 2. Consolidation: Land Reforms; 3. Agency: School Teachers; 4. Machinery: Party Society; 5. Implosion: Singur, Nandigram; Appendix I: The Left through Elections; Appendix II: Local Governance and Electability; Bibliography. ISBN: 9781107102262 294pp HB ` 750.00 296pp HB ` 790.00 The United States and its allies have been fighting the Taliban and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan for a decade in a war that either side could still win. While a gradual drawdown has begun, significant numbers of US combat troops will remain in Afghanistan until at least 2014, perhaps longer, depending on the situation on the ground. Given the realities of the Taliban’s persistence and the desire of US policymakers — and the public — to find a way out, what can and should be the goals of the US and its allies in Afghanistan? Afghan Endgames boldly pursues several strands of thought suggesting that a strong, legitimate central government is far from likely to emerge in Kabul; that fewer coalition forces, used in creative ways, may have better effects on the ground than a larger, more conventional presence; and that, even though Pakistan should not be pushed too hard, so as to avoid sparking social chaos there, Afghanistan’s other neighbours can and should be encouraged to become more actively involved. The volume’s editors conclude that while there may never be complete peace in Afghanistan, a self-sustaining security system able to restore order swiftly in the wake of violence is attainable. Contents: Acknowledgments; Preface; Part I: Overview; 1. Understanding the Afghan Challenge; 2. A Familiar Western Experience in Ancient Afghanistan; 3. Afghan Paradoxes; 4. America’s Longest War; Part II: Strategic Alternatives; 5. A Case for Withdrawal; 6. A Case for Staying the Course; 7. Afghanistan: A Third 118 Way ; 8. Beyond Victory and Defeat; ; Part III: Other Perspectives; 9. The Ethics of Exit: Moral Obligation in the Afghan Endgame; 10. Shaping Strategic Communication; 11. Civil and Uncivil Society ; ; Part IV: Conclusion; 12. Conclusion: Assessing the Strategic Alternatives; Contributors; Index. ISBN: 9789382993025 Nepal in Transition From People’s War to Fragile Peace Sebastian von Einsiedel, David M. Malone and Suman Pradhan 248pp The History of Peace-Building in East Timor Katsumi Ishizuka HB ` 695.00 Since emerging in 2006 from a 10 year Maoist insurgency, the ‘People’s War’, Nepal has struggled with the difficult transition from war to peace, from autocracy to democracy, and from an exclusionary and centralized state to a more inclusive and federal one. The present volume, drawing on both international and Nepali scholars and leading practitioners, analyses the context, dynamics and key players shaping Nepal’s ongoing peace process. While the peace process is largely-domestically driven, it has been accompanied by wide-ranging international involvement, including initiatives in peacemaking by NGOs, the United Nations and India, which, throughout the process, wielded considerable political influence; significant investments by international donors; and the deployment of a Security Council-mandated UN field mission. This book shines a light on the limits, opportunities and challenges of international efforts to assist Nepal in its quest for peace and stability and offers valuable lessons for similar endeavors elsewhere. Contents: 1. Introduction; Part I. The Context; 2. The making of the Maoist insurgency; 3. State power and the security sector: ideologies and interests; 4. Nepal’s failed development; 5. Ethnic politics and the building of an inclusive state; Part II. Critical Transition and the Role of Outsiders; 6. Masala peacemaking; 7. A comprehensive peace? International human rights monitoring in Nepal; 8. Support to Nepal’s peace process: the role of the UN mission in Nepal; 9. Electing the constituent assembly; 10. Revolution by other means: the transformation of Nepal’s Maoists; Part III. Regional Dynamics; 11. A yam between two boulders: Nepal, India and China; 12. Bringing the Maoists down from the hills: India’s role; 13. A Nepali perspective on international involvement; Part IV. Conclusions: ISBN: 9781107659711 416pp East Timor, (renamed Timor-Leste after independence in 2002) a small tropical country northwest of Australia, is one of the newest members of the United Nations. There are several reasons for East Timor having been in focus in international affairs. Firstly, it was its occupation by Indonesia and its brutal rule since 1975 and the country’s achievement of independence in 2002. Secondly, East Timor illustrates a case of realpolitik by the superpowers in international relations, as was evident from their support to Indonesia, or their complete indifference to the issue.The History of Peace-building in East Timor: The Issues of International Intervention comprehensively analyses various international responses during its pre- and post-independence eras and examines the process of peace-building after the referendum in the country. The book assesses the legitimacy of each response and policy, how these influenced East Timor as a newly independent state, and what the international society expects in the future from the country that was in turmoil for so long. The book consists of three sections detailing the history of the crisis, policy analysis and comparative analysis with peace-building initiatives by the UN in Cambodia. The book updates the study on East Timor by also discussing the state-building process such as the UNDP organised Recovery, Employment and Stability Programme for Ex-Combatants and communities, the Serious Crimes Unit and the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation in East Timor. The book would be of interest to policy makers, practitioners and academics specialising in East Timor and other countries in the process of peace-building. Contents: Preface; Acknowledgements; Acronyms; Introduction; Section 1: History Background; Section 2: Policy Analyses; Section 3: Comparative Analysis; Conclusion; Bibliography; Index ISBN: 9788175967359 PB ` 445.00 119 304pp HB ` 995.00 Rural Politics in India Political Stratification and Governance in West Bengal Dayabati Roy Contents: Maps; Acknowledgements; 1. No Exit; 2. The Four Faces of Pakistan; 3. Why Do They Hate Us?; 4. U-Turn to Drift: U.S.-Pakistan Relations during the Musharraf Era; 5. Great Expectations to Greater Frustrations: U.S.Pakistan Relations after Musharraf; 6. From the Outside-In: U.S.-Pakistan Relations in the Regional Context; 7. America’s Options; Index. This book discusses the forms and dynamics of political processes in rural India with a special emphasis on West Bengal, the nation’s fourthmost populous state. West Bengal’s political distinction stems from its long legacy of a Left-led coalition government for more than 30 years and its land reform initiatives. The book closely looks at how people from different castes, religions, and genders represent themselves in local governments, political parties, and in the social movements in West Bengal. At the same time it addresses some important questions: Is there any new pattern of politics emerging at the margins? How does this pattern of politics correspond with the current discourse of governance? Using ethnographic techniques, it claims to chart new territories by not only examining how rural people see the state, but also conceiving the context by comparing the available theoretical frameworks put forward to explain the political dynamics of rural India. ISBN: 9781107414624 The Cambridge Companion to Nelson Mandela Rita Barnard Contents: List of Tables; List of Abbreviations; Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction; 2. Land, Development and Politics in West Bengal; 3. Changing Landscape of Two Villages in West Bengal; 4. Seeing the State and Governance in the Grassroots; 5. Party and Politics at the Margin; 6. A Narrative of Peasant Resistance: Land, Party and the State; 7. Caste and Power in Rural Context; 8. Women and Caste: In Struggle and in Governance; 9. Conclusion: A New Kind of Peasant Mobilization?; Glossary; References; Index. ISBN: 9781107042353 No Exit from Pakistan America’s Tortured Relationship with Islamabad Daniel S. Markey 289pp HB ` 895.00 260pp PB ` 495.00 Nelson Mandela was one of the most revered figures of our time. He committed himself to a compelling political cause, suffered a long prison sentence, and led his violent and divided country to a peaceful democratic transition. His legacy, however, is not uncontested: his decision to embark on an armed struggle in the 1960s, his solitary talks with apartheid officials in the 1980s, and the economic policies adopted during his presidency still spark intense debate, even after his death. The essays in this Companion, written by experts in history, anthropology, jurisprudence, cinema, literature, and visual studies, address these and other issues. They examine how Mandela became an icon during his lifetime and consider the meanings and uses of his internationally-recognizable image. Their overarching concerns include Mandela's relation to 'tradition' and 'modernity', the impact of his most famous public performances, the oscillation between Africanist and non-racial positions in South Africa, and the politics of gender and national sentiment. The volume concludes with a meditation on Mandela's legacy in the twenty-first century and a detailed guide to further reading. Contents: Introduction; Part I. The Man, the Movement, and the Nation: 1. The antinomies of Nelson Mandela; 2. Mandela, the emotions, and the lessons of prison; 3. 'Madiba magic': politics as enchantment; 4. Nelson, Winnie, and the politics of gender; Part II. Reinterpreting Mandela: 5. Mandela and tradition; 6. Mandela and the law; 7. Mandela on war; 8. Mandela's presidential years: an Africanist view; Part III. Representing Mandela: 9. Mandela writing/writing Mandela; 10. Mandela in film and television; 11. The visual Mandela: a pedagogy of citizenship; 12. Mandela's mortality; Guide to further reading; Index. This book tells the story of the tragic and often tormented relationship between the United States and Pakistan. Pakistan’s internal troubles have already threatened U.S. security and international peace, and Pakistan’s rapidly-growing population, nuclear arsenal, and relationships with China and India will continue to force it upon America’s geostragetic map in new and important ways over the coming decades. This book explores the main trends in Pakistani society that will help determine its future; traces the wellsprings of Pakistani anti-American sentiment through the history of U.S. Pakistan relations from 1947 to 2001; assesses how Washington made and implemented policies regarding Pakistan since the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001; and analyses how regional dynamics, especially the rise of China, will likely shape U.S.-Pakistan relations. It concludes with three options for future U.S. strategy, described as defensive insulation, military-first cooperation, and comprehensive cooperation. The book explains how Washington can prepare for the worst, aim for the best, and avoid past mistakes. ISBN: 9781107440005 120 349pp PB ` 395.00 Informal Labor, Formal Politics and Dignified Discontent in India Rina Agarwala Since the 1980s, the world’s governments have decreased state welfare and thus increased the number of unprotected ‘informal’ or ‘precarious’ workers. As a result, more and more workers do not receive secure wages or benefits from either employers or the state. This book offers a fresh and provocative look into the alternative social movements informal workers in India are launching. It also offers a unique analysis of the conditions under which these movements succeed or fail. Drawing from 300 interviews with informal workers, government officials and union leaders, Rina Agarwala argues that Indian informal workers are using their power as voters to demand welfare benefits from the state, rather than demanding traditional work benefits from employers. In addition, they are organizing at the neighbourhood level, rather than the shop floor, and appealing to ‘citizenship’, rather than labour rights. Western Realism and International Relations A Non-Western View Aswini K. Ray Contents: Preface; 1 National Security and the International System; 2 Emergence of the PostWar Global System of Security; 3 Myths and Reality of Realism; 4 Western Realism in South Asia; 5 Hegemony of Realism; 6 Globalisation and the Crisis of Realism; 7 Justice as Realism in International Relation; Bibliography; Index. Contents: 1. Introduction: informal workers’ movements and the state; 2. Struggling with informality; 3. The success of competitive populism; 4. Communism’s resistance to change; 5. Why accommodation leads to minimal gains; 6. Conclusion: dignifying discontent. ISBN: 9781107059733 Chinese and Indian Strategic Behavior Growing Power and Alarm George J. Gilboy and Eric Heginbotham 264pp ISBN: 9788175962187 Democracy and Decentralisation in South Asia and West Africa Participation, Accountability and Performance Richard C. Crook and James Manor HB ` 895.00 This book examines whether setting up democratic local councils in four developing countries (Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Bangladesh and India) enhances the popularity, responsiveness and effectiveness of administration. The authors make an important contribution to current debates about ‘good governance’, asking whether the poor and disadvantaged benefit from decentralization. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. India (Karnataka); 3. Bangladesh; 4. Cote d‘Ivoire; 5. Ghana; 6. Conclusions. ISBN: 9780521636476 Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Strategic culture: unique paths to veiled realpolitik; 3. Foreign policy, use of force, and border settlements; 4. Military modernization: defense spending; 5. Military doctrine: towards emphasis on offensive action; 6. Military force modernization and power projection; 7. Economic strategic behavior: trade and energy; 8. India, China, and democratic peace theory; 9. Meeting the dual challenge: a U.S. strategy for China and India. 376pp 244pp HB ` 995.00 This book offers an empirical comparison of Chinese and Indian international strategic behaviour. It is the first study of its kind, filling an important gap in the literature on rising Indian and Chinese power and American interests in Asia. The book creates a framework for the systematic and objective assessment of Chinese and Indian strategic behaviour in four areas: (1) strategic culture; (2) foreign policy and use of force; (3) military modernization (including defense spending, military doctrine, and force modernization); and (4) economic strategies (including international trade and energy competition). The utility of democratic peace theory in predicting Chinese and Indian behaviour is also examined. The findings challenge many assumptions underpinning western expectations of China and India. ISBN: 9781107031982 This book pleads for democracy among the states as a component of justice as a substitute for power as the organizing principle of the global system within a reformed UN system as the ‘centre for harmonizing the actions of humanity’ as envisaged in the Charter. In this task scholarship must be inspired to be the catalytic agent by reversing its present role as a policyscience of power policies to perpetuate domination and servitude and legitimizing it as ‘interdependence’ of the ‘global village’. It must liberate itself to become the harbinger of human emancipation as in other fields of creative scholarship. PB ` 795.00 121 348pp PB ` 895.00 China and India in the Age of Globalization Shalendra D. Sharma The rise of China and India is the story of our times. The unprecedented expansion of their economic and power capabilities raises profound questions for scholars and policymakers. What forces propelled these two Asian giants into global pacesetters, and what does their emergence mean for the United States and the world? With intimate detail, Shalendra D. Sharma’s China and India in the Age of Globalization explores how the interplay of sociohistorical, political, and economic forces has transformed these once poor agrarian societies into economic powerhouses. Yet, globalization is hardly a seamless process, as the vagaries and uncertainties of globalization also present risks and challenges. This book examines the challenges both countries face and what each must do to strike the balance between reaping the opportunities and mitigating the risks. For the United States, assisting a rising China to become a responsible global stakeholder and fostering peace and stability in the volatile subcontinent will be paramount in the coming years. Why Ethnic Parties Succeed Patronage and Ethnic Head Counts in India Kanchan Chandra Contents: 1. Introduction; Part I. Theory; 2. Limited information and ethnic categorization; 3. Patronage-democracy, limited information, and ethnic favoritism; 4. Counting heads: why ethnic parties succeed in patronage-democracies; 5. Why parties have different headcounts; Part II. Data; 6. India as a patronage-democracy; 7. The Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and the scheduled castes (SCs); 8. Counting heads and party formation: why SC elites join the BSP; 9. Counting heads and preference formation: why SC voters prefer the BSP; 10. Counting heads and strategic voting: why SC voter preferences translate into BSP votes; 11. Explaining different headcounts in the BSP and congress; 12. Extending the argument to other ethnic parties in India: BJP, JMM, DMK; 13. Conclusion. Contents: Introduction: China and India in the age of globalization; 1. Prelude to globalization: China (1949–78) and India (1947–91); 2. China and India embrace globalization; 3. China: strategies and patterns of global integration; 4. India: strategies and patterns of global integration; 5. Sino-Indian relations: partners, friends or rivals?; 6. India and the United States: from estrangement to engagement; 7. The rise of China and its implications for the United States; 8. China and India: future challenges and opportunities. ISBN: 9780521198936 Gandhi ‘Hind Swaraj’ and Other Writings Centenary Edition Anthony J. Parel 336pp HB ` 795.00 ISBN: 9780521608374 Hind Swaraj is Mahatma Gandhi’s fundamental work. It is key to understanding not only his life and thoughts, but also the politics of South Asia in the first half of the twentieth century. Celebrating 100 years since Hind Swaraj was first published in a newspaper, this centenary edition includes a new Preface and Editor’s Introduction, as well as a new chapter on ‘Gandhi and the ‘Four Canonical Aims of Life’. The volume presents a critical edition of the 1910 text of Hind Swaraj, fully annotated and including Gandhi’s own Preface and Foreword (not found in other editions). Anthony J. Parel sets the work in its historical and political contexts and analyses the significance of Gandhi’s experiences in England and South Africa. The second part of the volume contains some of Gandhi’s other writings, including his correspondence with Tolstoy and Nehru. Elite Parties, Poor Voters How Social Services Win Votes in India Tariq Thachil Contents: Preface to the centenary edition; Acknowledgements; Editor’s introduction to the centenary edition; Editor’s introduction to the 1997 edition; A note on the history of the text; Principal events in Gandhi’s life; Biographical synopses; Guide to further reading; Glossary and abbreviations; Hind Swaraj; Supplementary writings. ISBN: 9780521149143 294pp Why do some ethnic parties succeed in attracting the support of their target ethnic groups while others fail? In a world in which ethnic parties flourish in established and emerging democracies alike, understanding the conditions under which such parties succeed or fail is of critical importance to both political scientists and policy makers. This book builds a theory of ethnic party performance in ‘patronage-democracies.’ Chandra shows why voters in such democracies choose between parties by conducting ethnic head counts rather than by comparing policy platforms or ideological positions. She argues that an ethnic party is likely to succeed when it has competitive rules for intraparty advancement and when the size of the group it seeks to mobilize exceeds the threshold of winning or leverage imposed by the electoral system. 368pp PB ` 695.00 Why do poor people often vote against their material interests? This puzzle has been famously studied within wealthy Western democracies, yet the fact that the poor voter paradox also routinely manifests within poor countries has remained unexplored. This book studies how this paradox emerged in India, the world's largest democracy. Tariq Thachil shows how arguments from studies of wealthy democracies (such as moral values voting) and the global south (such as patronage or ethnic appeals) cannot explain why poor voters in poor countries support parties that represent elite policy interests. He instead draws on extensive survey data and fieldwork to document a novel strategy through which elite parties can recruit the poor, while retaining the rich. He shows how these parties can win over disadvantaged voters by privately providing them with basic social services via grassroots affiliates. Such outsourcing permits the party itself to continue to represent the policy interests of their privileged base. Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. An elite party's struggles with poor voters; 3. Why rich and poor voters support an elite party in India; 4. Why an elite party turned to service; 5. How service wins votes; 6. When service fails: the impact of rival PB ` 495.00 122 strategies; 7. The argument in comparative perspective; 8. Conclusion; Appendix A. Variables, sources, and summary statistics; Appendix B. Additional tables and figures; Appendix C. Supplemental survey information; Appendix D. List of information in online supplement. ISBN: 9781107570771 Violent Conjunctures in Democratic India Amrita Basu 352pp Mao’s Little Red Book Alexander C. Cook PB ` 795.00 This book is a pioneering study of when and why Hindu Nationalists have engaged in discrimination and violence against minorities in contemporary India. Amrita Basu asks why the incidence and severity of violence differs significantly across Indian states, within states, and through time. Contrary to many predictions, the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has neither consistently engaged in antiminority violence nor been compelled by the centrifugal pressures of democracy to become a centrist party. Rather, the national BJP has alternated between moderation and militancy. Hindu nationalist violence has been conjunctural, determined by relations among its own party, social movement organization, and state governments, and on the character of opposition states, parties and movements. This study accords particular importance to the role of social movements in precipitating anti-minority violence. It calls for a broader understanding of social movements and a greater appreciation of their relationship to political parties. Contents: Preface; 1. Introduction: the spiritual atom bomb and its global fallout Alexander C. Cook; 2. A single spark: origins and spread of the Little Red Book in China Daniel Leese; 3. Quotations songs: portable media and the Maoist pop song Andrew F. Jones; 4. Mao quotations in factional battles and their afterlives: episodes from Chongqing Guobin Yang; 5. Translation and internationalism Lanjun Xu; 6. Maoism in Tanzania: material connections and shared imaginaries Priya Lal; 7. Empty symbol: the Little Red Book in India Sreemati Chakrbarti; 8. The influence of Maoism in Peru David Scott Palmer; 9. The book that bombed: Mao's Little Red Thing in the Soviet Union Elizabeth McGuire; 10. Mao and the Albanians Elidor Mëhilli; 11. Partisan legacies and anti-imperialist ambitions: the Little Red Book in Italy and Yugoslavia Dominique Kirchner Reill; 12. Badge books and brand books: the Mao bible in East and West Germany Quinn Slobodian; 13. Principally contradiction: the flourishing of French Maoism Julian Bourg; 14. By the book: Quotations from Chairman Mao and the making of Afro-Asian Radicalism, 1966– 75 Bill V. Mullen; 15. Conclusion: in the beginning is the word - popular democracy and Mao's Little Red Book Ban Wang; Index. Contents: Introduction; Part I. The Pillars of Hindu Nationalism; 1. The state: dialectics of states, parties, and movements; 2. Party politics: disrupting party-movement boundaries; 3. Movements politics: globalized markets and sacred spaces; Part II. Extensive Violence; 4. When local violence is not merely local: a tale of two towns; 5. Gujarat: the perfect storm; Part III. Episodic Violence; 6. Uttar Pradesh: movements and counter movements; 7. Himachal Pradesh: the party rules; 8. Rajasthan: two phases of party-movement relations; 9. Conclusion. ISBN: 9781316603918 364pp Mao’s Little Red Book (Quotations from Chairman Mao) – a compilation of the Chinese leader's speeches and writings – is one of the most visible and ubiquitous symbols of twentiethcentury radicalism. Published for the first time in 1964, it rapidly became the must-have accessory for Red Guards and revolutionaries from Berkeley to Bamako. Yet, despite its worldwide circulation and enduring presence there has, until now, been no serious scholarly effort to understand this seminal text as a global historical phenomenon. Mao's Little Red Book brings together a range of innovative scholars from around the world to explore the fascinating variety of uses and forms that Mao's Quotations has taken, from rhetoric, art and song, to talisman, badge, and weapon. The authors of this pioneering volume use Mao's Quotations as a medium through which to re-examine the history of the twentieth-century world, challenging established ideas about the book to reveal its remarkable global impact. PB ` 700.00 ISBN: 9781107461680 123 299pp PB ` 595.00 Patronage as Politics in South Asia Anastasia Piliavsky Western policymakers, political activists and academics alike see patronage as the chief enemy of open, democratic societies. Patronage, for them, is a corrupting force, a hallmark of failed and failing states, and the obverse of everything that good, modern governance ought to be. Healthy democracies stamp out patronage. South Asia poses a frontal challenge for this consensus. Here the world’s most populous, pluralist and animated democracy is also a hotbed of corruption with persistently - startling levels of inequality. Patronage as Politics in South Asia confronts this paradox with calm erudition: 16 essays by anthropologists, historians and political scientists show, from a wide range of cultural and historical angles, that in South Asia patronage is no feudal residue or retrograde political pressure, but a political form vital in its own right. This volume suggests that patronage is no foe to South Asia’s burgeoning democratic cultures, but may in fact be their main driving force. The landmark volume is essential reading for students of South Asia, political scientists, economists, policymakers and anyone interested in the politics of the Indian subcontinent and the wider world. PSYCHOLOGY How Children Learn to Be Healthy Barbara J. Tinsley Contents: 1. Mechanisms and consequences of socializing children to be healthy; 2. Children’s health understanding and behavior; 3. Parents’ health beliefs: 4. Parents’ promotion of children’s health; 5. Parents’ promotion of children’s sexual health; 6. Peers, schools, and children’s health; 7. How television viewing and other media use affects children’s health; 8. The social ecology of children’s health socialization; 9. Summary and conclusions. Contents: List of Illustrations; Foreword – John Dunn; Acknowledgements; IntroductionAnastasia Piliavsky; Part I: The Idea of Patronage in South Asia; 1.The Political Economy of Patronage, Preeminence and the State in Chennai - Mattison Mines; 2. The Temporal and the Spiritual, and the So-called Patron–client Relation in the Governance of Inner Asia and Tibet - D. Seyfort Ruegg; cambridgeindia.org/9781107056084 Due to an error, an incorrect version of chapter 2appears in the book. Please click here to see the correct chapter.; 3. Remnants of Patronage and the Making of Tamil Valaiyar Pasts - Diane Mines; 4. Patronage and State-making in Early Modern Empires in India and Britain - Sumit Guha; Part II: Democracy as Patronage; 5. The Paradox of Patronage and the People’s Sovereignty - David Gilmartin; 6. India’s Demotic Democracy and Its ‘Depravities’ in the Ethnographic Longue Durée Anastasia Piliavsky; 7. ‘Vote Banking’ as Politics in Mumbai - Lisa Björkman; 8. Political Fixers in India’s Patronage Democracy - Ward Berenschot; 9. Patronage and Autonomy in India’s Deepening Democracy - Pamela Price, with Dusi Srinivas; 10. Police and Legal Patronage in Northern India ; Beatrice Jauregui; 11. Patronage Politics in Post-Independence India - Steven I. Wilkinson; Part III: Prospects and Disappointments; 12. Kingship without Kings in Northern India - Lucia Michelutti; 13. The Political Bully in Bangladesh - Arild Engelsen Ruud; 14. The Dark Side of Patronage in the Pakistani Punjab - Nicolas Martin; 15. Patronage and Printing Innovation in Fifteenth-century Tibet - Hildegard Diemberger; 16. The Im(morality) of Mediation and Patronage in South India and the Gulf - Filippo Osella; Contributors; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9781107056084 486pp The goal of this book is to explore the ways in which health behaviour develops in childhood, in the context of childhood socialization processes. The book reviews the historical and contemporary perspectives utilized in portraying the dynamics of children’s physical health, a developmental analysis of children’s and parents’ attitudes and behaviour concerning children’s health, the role of parents, schools, and the media in influencing children’s health attitudes and behaviour, and how health attitudes, behaviours, and outcomes are affected by the social ecology of children’s rearing environments. ISBN: 9780521524186 Development of Geocentric Spatial Language and Cognition Pierre R. Dasen and Ramesh C. Mishra 198pp PB ` 925.00 Egocentric spatial language uses coordinates in relation to our body to talk about small-scale space (‘put the knife on the right of the plate and the fork on the left’), while geocentric spatial language uses geographic coordinates (‘put the knife to the east, and the fork to the west’). How do children learn to use geocentric language? And why do geocentric spatial references sound strange in English when they are standard practice in other languages? This book studies child development in Bali, India, Nepal, and Switzerland and explores how children learn to use a geocentric frame both when speaking and performing non-verbal cognitive tasks (such as remembering locations and directions). The authors examine how these skills develop with age, look at the socio-cultural contexts in which the learning takes place, and explore the ecological, cultural, social, and linguistic conditions that favour the use of a geocentric frame of reference. Contents: Part I. Introduction and Methods; 1. Theory and research questions; 2. Methods; 3. Settings; Part II. Results; 4. Pilot study in Bali and first study (India and Nepal, 1999–2000); 5. Returning to Bali: main study 2002–2007; 6. Varanasi; 7. Kathmandu; 8. Panditpur; 9. Geneva; Part III. Additional Studies; 10. Spatial language addressed to children; 11. Geocentric gestures before language?; 12. Spatial organization schemes; 13. Neurophysiological correlates of geocentric space; 14.Geocentric dead reckoning; Part IV. HB ` 895.00 124 Conclusions; 15. Discussion and conclusions; Appendix 1.Summary of instructions, questionnaires, and coding schemes; Appendix 2. Examples of language in each location; Appendix 3. Extracts from school manuals. ISBN: 9781107008335 Good Thinking Seven Powerful Ideas That Influence the Way We Think Denise Cummins 408pp Handbook of Indian Psychology K. Ramakrishna Rao, Anand C. Paranjpe and Ajit K. Dalal HB ` 995.00 Do you know what economists mean when they refer to you as a ‘rational agent’? Or why a psychologist might label your idea a ‘creative insight’? Or how a philosopher could be logical but also passionate in persuading you to obey ‘moral imperatives’? Or why scientists disagree about the outcomes of experiments comparing drug treatments and disease risk factors? After reading this book, you will know how the best and brightest thinkers judge the ways we decide, argue, solve problems and tell right from wrong. But you will also understand why, when we don’t meet these standards, it is not always a bad thing. The answers are rooted in the way the human brain has been wired over evolutionary time to make us kinder and more generous than economists think we ought to be, and more resistant to change and persuasion than scientists and scholars think we ought to be. The Handbook of Indian Psychology is an attempt to explore the concepts, methods and models of psychology systematically from the above perspective. The Handbook is the result of the collective efforts of more than 30 leading international scholars with interdisciplinary backgrounds. Authors depict the nuances of classical Indian thought, discuss their relevance to contemporary concerns, and draw out the implications and applications for teaching, research and practice of psychology. Contents: Contributing Authors; Preface; Prologue: Introducing Indian Psychology; Indian Thought and Tradition: A Psychohistorical Perspective; Part I - Systems And Schools; 1. Jaina Psychology; 2. The Foundations of Early Buddhist Psychology; 3. Varieties of Cognition in Early Buddhism; 4. A Buddhist Theory of Unconscious Mind (Alaya-Vijñana); 5. Indian Buddhist Theories of Persons; 6. Buddhist Psychology: A Western Interpretation; 7. Transpersonal Psychology in the BhagavadGita: Reflections on Consciousness, Meditation, Work and Love; 8. Yoga Psychology: Theory and Application; 9. Patañjali Yoga and Siddhis: Their Relevance to Parapsychological Theory and Research; 10.Yoga Psychology and the Samkhya Metaphysic; 11. Psychology in the Advaita Vedanta; 12. The Nyaya-Vaisesika Theory of Perceiving the World of our Experience; 13. Psychological Theories and Practices in Ayurveda; Part II- Topics And Themes; 14. Indian Theories of Perception: An Inter-School Dialogue from Buddhist Perspective; 15. Indian Psychology of Motivation; 16. Personality in Indian Psychology; 17. “Giving” as a Theme in the Indian Psychology of Values; 18. The Making of a Creative Poet: Insights from Indian Aestheticians; 19. Anchoring Cognition, Emotion and Behavior in Desire: A Model from the Bhagavad-Gita; 20. Consciousness; 21. Freedom from Knowledge; Part III Applications And Implications; 22. Therapeutic Psychology and Indian Yoga; 23. Towards an Indian Organizational Psychology; 24. Research on Indian Concepts of Psychology: Major Challenges and Perspectives for Future Action; Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Rational choice: choosing what is most likely to give you what you want; 3. Game theory: when you’re not the only one choosing; 4. Moral decision-making: how we tell right from wrong; 5. The game of logic; 6. What causes what?; 7. Hypothesis testing: truth and evidence; 8. Problem solving: another way of getting what you want; 9. Analogy: this is like that. ISBN: 9781107644595 212pp Indian psychology is a distinct psychological tradition rooted in the native Indian ethos. It manifests in the multitude of practices prevailing in the Indian subcontinent for centuries. Unlike the mainstream psychology, Indian psychology is not overwhelmingly materialist-reductionist in character. It goes beyond the conventional thirdperson forms of observation to include the study of first-person phenomena such as subjective experience in its various manifestations and associated cognitive phenomena. It does not exclude the investigation of extraordinary states of consciousness and exceptional human abilities. The quintessence of Indian nature is its synthetic stance that results in a magical bridging of dichotomies such as natural and supernatural, secular and sacred, and transactional and transcendental. The result is a psychology that is practical, positive, holistic and inclusive. PB ` 395.00 125 25. Meditative Traditions and Contemporary Psychology; 26. Consciousness Evolution of the Buddha until He Attained Satori; 27. William James on Pure Experience and Samadhi in Samkhya Yoga; 28. Sri Ramana Maharshi: A Case Study in Self-Realization; 29. Altered States of Consciousness and the Spiritual Traditions: The Proposal for the Creation of State-Specific Sciences; Pronunciation and Transliteration of Sanskrit Alphabet; Glossary of Sanskrit Terms; Index. ISBN: 9788175966024 668pp Fantasy of Modernity Romantic Love in Bombay Cinema of the 1950s Aarti Wani HB ` 1495.00 SOCIOLOGY Women in Prison Suvarna Cherukuri Contents: Introduction; Chapter 1. City of Love; Chapter 2. The Song of Love; Chapter 3. Love and Stardom; Conclusion; Bibliography; Filmography; Index. Women in Prison takes a look at the multiple specificities that bring women into the prison system. Drawing on empirical sources and original research, and relying primarily on interviews of women inmates, this book explores the contexts of female crime and punishment in India and looks at gendered disciplinary mechanisms that are used to control women inmates. The work invokes not only a sense of history in understanding women’s crimes and imprisonment, but also engages in a critical dialogue in terms of gender, caste, culture and sexuality. Unique in its analysis of the lives of women prisoners within social and legal contexts, the book is a major contribution to international literature on women’s offences and their experience of imprisonment ISBN: 9781107117211 Living with Disasters Communities and Development in the Indian Sundarbans Amites Mukhopadhyay Contents: Preface; Chapter 1. Theoretical Considerations; Chapter 2. Methodological Framework and Positioning the Self; Chapter 3. Indian Penitentiary and the Historiographical Silence about Women; Chapter 4. Captive Contexts of Crime: Stories from Inside the Prison; Chapter 5. Life in Prison and Moments of Control; Chapter 6. Conclusion; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9788175965478 157pp Romantic love overwhelms 1950s Bombay cinema. Love and romance is evident in the themes, lyrics and visual aesthetics of films of the period, as it is in the publicity and gossip surrounding films and film stars. Love in cinema becomes significant when social reality constrains its quotidian experience and expression. By bringing a spectacular imagination of love to centre stage, the 1950s cinema deflected anxieties of ‘Indianness’ even as the new aesthetic and affect of romance offered an alternative engagement with the contradictions of modernity. Fantasy of Modernity explores the films, the songs, the stars and the extra-cinematic discourse of the period to read love and romance as its most productive trope that mobilized a dynamic and contested public sphere. 234pp HB ` 895.00 This book is a critical account of the disconnected nature of governance, conservation and livelihood initiatives in the Indian Sundarbans, an active delta that spreads over 25, 500 sq. km across India and Bangladesh and lies in the Bay of Bengal. It draws a holistic picture of the disaster-prone delta in eastern India, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and also one of the largest tracts of mangrove forests in the world. The author juxtaposes the vulnerable lives and frequently-displaced existence of the islanders against the dominant strategies of conservation and development followed by the state. Contents: Maps and illustrations; Tables and charts; Glossary; Acronyms; Acknowledgements; Note on Transliteration; Chapter 1. Introduction; Chapter 2. From Wasteland to Wonderland: The Making of a Heritage Site; Chapter 3. Governing the Sundarbans Embankments today: Between Policies and Practices; Chapter 4. Treading a Fine Path between River and Land: Livelihoods around Embankment; Chapter 5. Beldars, Embankment and Governance: Question of Aboriginality Revisited; Chapter 6. Catching Prawn, Endangering Embankments: Sustainability-unsustainability Rhetoric; Chapter 7. Conclusion; Bibliography; Index. HB ` 395.00 ISBN: 9781107107281 126 220pp HB ` 895.00 Witches, Tea Plantations, and Lives of Migrant Laborers in India Soma Chaudhuri Bringing together a holistic theoretical perspective drawing from sociology, anthropology, and postcolonial history, the author argues that witchcraft accusations among the adivasi worker communities in the tea plantations of West Bengal are a protest against the plantation management. Thus the witchcraft accusations are not as ‘exotic and primitive rituals of a backward’ adivasi community during times of stress, but rather as a powerful protest organized by a marginalized community against its oppressors. The book also illuminates how witchcraft accusations should be interpreted within the backdrop of labour-planters relationship, characterized by rigidity of power, patronage, and social distance.The amazing narratives of the tea plantation workers are woven into the broader arguments made. This book is a must read for scholars interested in gender and social movements and those in South Asia studies. It is also relevant for scholars who pursue scholarship about resistance by indigenous groups. also from those joined as Observers. Besides looking at the trade and economic dimension of SAARC, these essays discuss the security, political and cultural aspects of regional cooperation among the South Asian countries. Contents: Preface; List of Figures; List of Tables ; 1. SAARC Prospects: The Changing Dimensions; 2. SAARC and South Asian Economic Integration; 3. Coping with the Emerging Challenges: Poverty and Food Security; 4. SAARC Energy Cooperation: Energy Security and Environmental Challenges; 5. SubRegional Cooperation under SAARC: An Economic Analysis; 6. SAARC: Social Charter and Human Security; 7. SAARC and the South Asian Security Architect; 8. Fighting Terrorism through SAARC?; 9. SAARC and the Evolving Asian Regionalism; 10. Role of SAARC Observers: Members’ Perspectives; 11. Role of SAARC Observers: Observers’ Perspectives; 12. Concluding Remarks; About the Contributors; Index. Contents: Acknowledgments; Prologue; 1. The Politics of Witchcraft Accusations and Witch Hunts: An Introduction; 2. Theory and Literature on Witchcraft Accusations and Witch Hunts; 3. Two Leaves and a Bud: The Beginning; 4. Categorization of Witch Hunts; 5. Women, Moral Boundaries, and Gossip in the Plantation; 6. Tea Plantation Politics, Oppression, and Protest; 7. Towards a New Direction: Activism and Protests; Appendix A. Outline of Interview Guides; Appendix B. Selected List of Participants for the Interviews; Appendix C. List of Abbreviations; Appendix D. Glossary; Bibliography; Index; About the Author. ISBN: 9789382993452 The Emerging Dimensions of SAARC S. D. Muni 214pp ISBN: 9788175967458 Subalternity, Exclusion and Social Change in India Ashok K. Pankaj and Ajit K. Pandey 322pp HB ` 695.00 The essays in this volume capture ideology, knowledge and power as forces of subaltern reproduction in Indian society, and map the dominant trajectories of emancipation and assertion adopted by different subaltern social groups. Contributors show how subalterns are negotiating emancipation amidst continued oppression, subjugation and atrocities. Contents: Foreword; Preface; Section I: Introduction; 1. Understanding Subalternity, Exclusion and Social Change in India Ashok K. Pankaj and Ajit K. Pandey; Section II: Engaging with Subaltern Studies in India; 2. Revisiting Subaltern Studies in India K. L. Sharma; 3. On Altering the Ego in Peasant History: Paradoxes of Culturological Option Dipankar Gupta; 4. Human Rights, Dalit Questions and Subaltern Studies in India V. S. Sreedhara; Section III: Subaltern Reproduction through Idea, Knowledge and Power; 5. A Subaltern Perspective on the Discourse of New Political Economy of India Ashok K. Pankaj; 6. Modern Science and Indigenous Techniques: Subalternity of Knowledge Production in India Madhav Govind; 7. The Construction of the Subaltern through Education: The Historical Failure of Mass Education in India Nita Kumar; Section IV: Routes of Subjugation and Emancipation: Identity and Assertion, Mobilization and Power, Knowledge and Production; 8. Contours of Dalit Movement in South India: A Search for Egalitarian Social Order Yagati Chinna Rao; 9. Subalternity and the Mirage of Social Inclusion: Bama’s Karukku and the Politics of Inclusion/ Exclusion Rajan Joseph Barrett; 10. Women and Land: Agriculture and Opportunity S. Galab and E. Revathi; 11. Religion and Society in Our Time T. N. Madan; Section V: Aspects of Social and Cultural Changes; 12. Exclusivist View of HB ` 895.00 With the dawn of the twenty-first century, South Asian region has undergone radical transformation. It has witnessed a strong democratic sweep. Most of the South Asian economies have registered impressive growth trajectories. Some of its countries have also emerged as the hub of global terrorism. The international community has become far more involved in South Asian affairs due to the nuclearization of the region. SAARC cannot but keep pace with the changing regional dynamics. It has moved ahead on its economic agenda and expanded its reach not only by adding new members (Afghanistan) but also by opening itself to the participation of many other countries, including China, Iran and the US, as Observers. The Emerging Dimensions of SAARC is an attempt to look at the changing dynamics of South Asia and to learn whether SAARC will take regional cooperation and integration in their various dimensions closer to reality. S. D. Muni, the editor of this volume has compiled essays contributed by eminent academics and analysts, not only from most of the SAARC countries, but 127 Hinduism: A Critical Appraisal Hetukar Jha and Mahendra Prasad Singh; 13. Changing Role of Caste and Class in Rural Bihar Gerry Rodgers; 14. Explaining Caste-Class Nexus: Continuity and Change K. L. Sharma; 15. Khap Panchayat, Honour Killings and Gender Relations in Western India Madhu Nagla; Contributors; Index. ISBN: 9789382993247 Population Ageing in India G. Giridhar, K. M. Sathyanarayana, Sanjay Kumar, K. S. James and Moneer Alam 387pp People and Life on the Chars of South Asia Dancing with the River Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt and Gopa Samanta HB ` 895.00 A major emerging demographic issue of the twenty-first century is the ageing of populations as an inevitable consequence of the demographic transition experienced by most countries. While all countries are experiencing growing proportions of the elderly, developing countries are currently ageing faster than developed countries. Population Ageing in India creates a holistic research base by looking at the demographics of the ageing population and reviewing existing studies. It delves deep into the socioeconomic layers of elderly health, work participation and contribution to income generation, national policy in practice and policy initiatives to ensure elderly wellbeing in other Asian countries. The shift of age composition to an older age structure has important implications for individuals, society as well as the country. Therefore, there is a need to promote harmony between development and demographic change by increasing the economic and social sources of support for the elderly. Contents: Preface; Acknowledgements; List of Abbreviations; Chapter 1: Introducing chars: Where lands float on water; Chapter 2: Char jage: A char rises; Chapter 3: Controlling the river to free up land; Chapter 4: Bhitar o bahirkatha: Inside and outside stories of chars and the mainland; Chapter 5: Silent footfalls: People and the chars; Chapter 6: Living with risk: Beyond vulnerability/ security; Chapter 7: Livelihoods defined by water: Nadir sathe baas; Chapter 8: Living on chars, drifting with rivers; Appendix: Full census data for surveyed chars; Notes; Glossary; References; Index. ISBN: 9789382993780 Mapping Social Exclusion in India Caste, Religion and Borderlands Contents: List of figures; List of tables; Preface; Acknowledgements; Introduction G. Giridhar, K. M. Sathyanarayana and K. S. James; 1. Demographics of population ageing in India Lekha Subaiya and Dhananjay W. Bansod; 2. Elderly workforce participation, wage differentials and contribution to household income Sakthivel Selvaraj, Anup Karan and S. Madheswaran; 3. Living arrangements of elderly in India: policy and programmatic implications K. M. Sathyanarayana, Sanjay Kumar and K. S. James; 4. Health status of elderly in India: trends and differentials Moneer Alam and Anup Karan; 5. The national policy for older persons: critical issues in implementation S. Irudaya Rajan and U. S. Mishra; 6. Policy initiatives on population ageing in select Asian countries and their relevance to the Indian context Mala Kapur Shankardass; 7. Studies on ageing in India: a review S. Siva Raju; About the editors and contributors; Index. ISBN: 9781107073326 250pp With this book, Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt and Gopa Samanta offer an intimate glimpse into the microcosmic world of ‘hybrid environments’. Focusing on chars – the part-land, part-water, low-lying sandy masses that exist within the riverbeds in the floodplains of lower Bengal – the authors show how, both as real-life examples and as metaphors, chars straddle the conventional categories of land and water, and how people who live on them fluctuate between legitimacy and illegitimacy. The result, a study of human habitation in the nebulous space between land and water, charts a new way of thinking about land, people, and people’s ways of life. Paramjit S. Judge HB ` 795.00 294pp HB ` 895.00 Mapping Social Exclusion in India assesses the problem of defining exclusion, the need for its contextualization and establishes a relationship between social exclusion, deprivation and discrimination. It studies the distinctive character of Indian society and system marked with the existence of exclusionary practices and structures on the basis of caste. The usage of the concept of exclusion is more inclusive than any other competing concepts of discrimination or deprivation, though these concepts are interchangeably used to denote it. It is, therefore, important to conceptualize exclusion and, in the process, come across different shades of its interpretations.The social phenomenon of exclusion that marks societies globally is studied by various scholars who put together their diverse research, studies, perceptions and ideas and, most importantly, their years of expertise to focus on a central theme of social exclusion in Indian society. This cohesive volume highlights the causal link between discrimination and exploitation. The contributors study the role of the state as an interventionist force and look into the mobilization strategy as a reaction to exclusion. They take a critical look at the reservation policy and argue that state intervention creates certain new forms of exclusion. Contents: List of Tables and Figures; Preface; Introduction; Part I: Social Exclusion in India; Theoretical Perspectives and Issues; 1. Inequality, Poverty and Social Exclusion in India; 2. Social Exclusion, Globalisation and Marginalised Groups; 3. Situating Social 128 Exclusion in the Context of Caste: A Case of Dalits in India; 4. Reservation Policy in India: Exclusion in Inclusion; 5. Coping with Exclusions the Non-Political Way; Part II: Empirical Studies: Caste and Religious Exclusions; 6. Egalitarian Religion and Caste-Based Exclusion in Rural Punjab; 7. ‘Rajput’, Local Deities and Discrimination: Tracing Caste Formation in Jammu; 8. Excluded and Marginalised: Patterns of Deprivation of the Scavengers; 9. Looking Beyond Generalities: Caste, Social Exclusion and Derasin Punjab; 10. Caste and Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion in Local Governance; Part III: Case Studies: Borderlands and Social Exclusion; 11. ‘No Man’s Land?’: Exclusion in the Border belt of Punjab; 12. Farmers at the Border belt of Punjab: Fencing and Forced Deprivation; 13. Barbed Wire Fencing and Exclusion of Border Communities; Conclusion; Contributors; Index. ISBN: 9781107056091 Gender, Conflict and Peace in Kashmir Invisible Stakeholders Seema Shekhawat 298pp Empire Calling Administering Colonial Australasia and India Ralph Crane, Anna Johnston and C. Vijayasree HB ` 895.00 Contents: Introduction; Administering Colonial Spaces in Australasia and India; Part 1: Australasia and Its Diaspora; 1. Benevolent Empire?; Protecting Indigenous Peoples in British Australasia; 2. Population Control; A.O. Neville’s Anxious Administration; 3. “At home” on a Mission Station and in a Female Factory; Imagining Mary Hutchinson; 4. “Dead Empires Whisper Wisdom”; Alfred Domett and the Postcolonial Conscience; 5. “Operation Unique”; Administering Pitcairn Island in the Twenty-First Century; Part 2: India and Its Diaspora; 6. Identifying Sher Mohamad; ‘a good citizen’; 7. Administering Domestic Space; Flora Annie Steel’s The Complete Indian Housekeeper and Cook; 8. The Native Element in the Steel Frame; Indian ICS Officers’ Relationship with British Colleagues; 9. The Production of Colonial Knowledge and the Role of Native Intellectuals; The Case of Kavali Borraiah; 10. Administering the Literary Empire; Edmund Gosse, Toru Dutt, and Sarojini Naidu; Notes on Contributors. This book demonstrates that gender is a key component of conflict and peace discourse. The marginalization of women in conflict and peace is all pervasive. Kashmir is a mirror image of this global scenario. Kashmiri women aided the militant movement in significant ways though they did not take part in direct combat. They played key roles to sustain and nourish the movement – as protestors, protectors and motivators, and facilitators. Their experiences of participation in the conflict, however, remain subdued by the dominant masculinist discourse. Kashmiri women are excluded from the militancy discourse as contributors as well as from peacemaking discourse as stakeholders. The study interrogates theory and practice of women’s participation in conflict and argues that changed gender-roles during conflict do not necessarily revolutionize socially ascribed norms. The book also examines the experiences of women in sustaining conflict to make a case for their due place in negotiating formal peace. Contents: Preface; 1. Feminism, International Relations and War; 2. Women Making War in South Asia; 3. Conflict within Contested Kashmir ; 4. Engendering the Conflict ; 5. Allwomen Separatist Groups; 6. Making Peace Sans Gender; 7. Conclusion; Select Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9781107041875 196pp The essays gathered together in this book explore the roles of the men and women who served the British Empire in Australasia and India, and those who were subject to their administration. As these essays demonstrate, administrative arrangements involve complex cross-cultural relationships in colonial spaces, often through radically unequal and racially based power relations. Colonial administration involves diverse domains of practice – the Civil Service, schools and universities, missions, domestic realms, justice systems – and many forms of activities, including managing and organizing; financing and accounting; monitoring and measuring; ordering and supplying; writing and implementing policies. In the two parts of this book, the authors – from India, Australia, New Zealand, and Britain – examine the ways colonial administrations accumulated and managed information and knowledge about the places and peoples under their jurisdiction. The administration of colonial spaces was neither a simple nor a unilinear project, and the essays in this book will contribute to key debates about imperial history. ISBN: 9789382264767 HB ` 795.00 129 194pp HB ` 695.00 The Untouchables Oliver Mendelsohn and Marika Vicziany the-century Istanbul; Lâle Can; 8. ‘Enough of the Great Napoleons!’ Raja Mahendra Pratap's PanAsian projects (1929–1939); Carolien Stolte; 9. Chinatowns and Borderlands: Inter-Asian encounters in the diaspora; Evelyn Hu-Dehart; 10. Creating Spaces for Asian Interaction Through the Anti-Globalization Campaigns in the Region; Teresa S. Encarnacion Tadem; Index In a compelling account of the lives of those at the bottom of Indian society, the authors explore the construction of the untouchables as a social and political category, the historical background, which led to such a definition, and their position in India today. The authors argue that, despite efforts to ameliorate their condition, a considerable edifice of discrimination persists. The book promises to make a major contribution to the social and economic debates on poverty, while its wide-ranging perspectives will ensure a readership from across the disciplines. ISBN: 9781107082083 Contents: Glossary; 1. Who are the Untouchables?; 2. The question of the ‘Harijan atrocity’; 3. Religion, politics and the Untouchables from the nineteenth century to 1956; 4. Public policy I: adverse discrimination and compensatory discrimination; 5. Public policy II: the anti-poverty programs; 6. The new Untouchable proletariat: a case study of the Faridabad stone quarries; 7. Untouchable politics and Untouchable politicians since 1956; 8. The question of reservation: lives and careers of some scheduled castes MPs and MLAs; 9. Subordination, poverty and the state in modern India; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9788175960749 Sites of Asian Interaction Ideas, Networks and Mobility Tim Harper and Sunil Amrith 307pp Gender and Science Studies across Cultures Neelam Kumar PB ` 695.00 A focus on the sites of Asian interaction enables this volume to shed new light on the growing field of diaspora studies. Research on Asia’s many diasporas has enriched the older literature on migration to illuminate the links of kinship, affect, trade, and information that connect locations across Asia, and beyond. But where many recent works on particular diasporas have tended to look inwards – at how distinctive diasporic cultures maintained a sense of ‘home’ while abroad – the volume’s focus has been on how different diasporas have come into contact with each other in particular places, often for the first time. It also engages with research in the fields of urban studies and urban history. The articles develop the already rich historical literature on port cities across Asia – the quintessential sites of Asian cosmopolitanism – as well as more recent work on the ‘moving metropolises’ and ‘mobile cities’ of contemporary Asia. 262pp HB ` 795.00 Science has been gender-biased for centuries across cultural contexts. Different ideological constructions of gender through various eras have restricted women’s access to science. The twentieth century, especially its second half, witnessed certain important changes in terms of women’s status in society. Gender and Science: Studies across Cultures includes essays by leading academics and researchers from different parts of the world, who discuss gender and science in their society and explore the relevance of gender theories. The book is divided into two broad sections. The first section provides conceptual reflections on gendered science and the second section examines the gender-science relationship using examples from various cultural contexts. This unique volume tries to answer several important questions such as these: • Could science become free from gender biases? • Could gender and science issues go beyond race, class, colonization and social and geographical distinctions? • Are gender and science relations universal as assumed by the ‘ethos of science’ or vary with the culture? The book also tries to strike a balance between analyses of the gender dimension of science itself and the role of the wider social, economic and cultural factors. Contents: List of Contributors; Acknowledgements; Introduction: Reflections and Realities across Cultures; Neelam Kumar; Section I: Approaches and Perspectives; 1. Getting More Women into Science: Knowledge Issues; 2. Gender Imbalance in Science: Cultural Similarities and Differences; 3. Gender and Technology; 4. Gender, Science, and the Psychology of Science; 5. Women and Minorities in Science: Discrimination and the Solution; ; Section II: Illustrative Examples; 6. Women and Science in the Netherlands: A Dutch Case; 7. Japanese Women Scientists: Trends and Strategies; 8. Saudi Women: Their Role in Science and Education; 9. Changing the Facts: Gender Dimensions of the South African Public Science System; 10. Demographic Inertia and the Glass Ceiling in American Science (1979– 2000); 11. Women in Science in France; 12. Women and Science: Issues and Perspectives in the Indian Context; Conclusion: The Persistent Patterns!; Bibliography; Index. Contents: Preface; Introduction Tim Harper and Sunil S. Amrith; 1. Singapore, 1915, and the Birth of the Asian Underground; Tim Harper; 2. Living in the Material World: Cosmopolitanism and trade in early twentieth century Ladakh Jacqueline H. Fewkes; 3. Nation, Race, and Language: Discussing transnational identities in colonial Singapore, circa 1930; Chua Ai Lin; 4. Intimate Interactions: Eurasian family histories in colonial Penang; Kirsty Walker; 5. Citing as a Site: Translation and circulation in Muslim South and Southeast Asia Ronit Ricci; 6. Popular Sites of Prayer, Transoceanic Migration, and Cultural Diversity: Exploring the significance of keramat in Southeast Asia; Sumit K. Mandal; 7. Connecting People: A Central Asian Sufi network in turn-of- ISBN: 9788175969254 130 354pp HB ` 1295.00 Disability, Education and Employment in Developing Countries From Charity to Investment Kamal Lamichhane With several empirical evidences, this book advocates the importance of human capital of persons with disabilities and demands the paradigm shift from charity into investment approach. Society in general believes that people with disabilities cannot benefit from education, cannot participate in the labour market and cannot be contributing members to families and countries. To invalidate such assumptions, this book describes how education in particular helps make persons with disabilities achieve economic independence and social inclusion. For the first time, detailed analyses of returns to the investment in education and nexus between disability, education, employability and occupational options are discussed. Moreover, other chapters describe disability and poverty followed by the discussion of barriers behind why persons with disabilities are unable to obtain education despite the significantly higher returns. These foundational themes recur throughout the book. Towards a Knowledge Society New Identities in Emerging India Debal K. SinghaRoy Contents; List of tables and figures; Preface; 1. Introduction: conceptualising knowledge society: critical dimensions and ideal image; 2. Critiquing and contextualising knowledge society; 3. Strategising for knowledge society in India: the shifting backdrops and emerging contexts; 4. Education for a knowledge society in India; 5. Information and communication technologies for a knowledge society; 6. Indian growth story: the service and knowledge dynamics; 7. Education, ICTs and work: the divergent empirical reality in India; 8. The knowledge society: work, workers and relations; 9. Knowledge society: culture, continuity and contradictions; 10. Conclusion: marginality, identity, fluidity and beyond; Bibliography. Contents: List of tables; List of figures; Preface; Acknowledgements; About the author; 1. Fundamentals of disability studies; 2. Disability and the global employment situation; 3. Disability and the role of education in jobs: case studies from Nepal and the Philippines; 4. Disability and jobs in a post-conflict country: Cambodia; 5. Gender and job: a comparison between people with and without disabilities in Bangladesh; 6. Disability and human capital investment; 7. Disability, poverty and inequality: a case study in Nepal; 8. Disability and job satisfaction differentials; 9. Disability and determinants of education: a case from India; 10. Disability and barriers to education; 11. The way forward: investment in disability. ISBN: 9781107064065 286pp This book depicts the emergence of knowledge society across rural and urban spaces and among cross sections of social collectivities in India. It analyses the new economic momentum and socio-cultural milieu as set in motion with the emergence of this society. The ensuing impact on the pre-existing facets of social identity and marginality, and the processes of construction of new social identities therein are studied. This book delineates both the hope and despair, as produced with the arrival of the knowledge society, and identifies the scope and conditions of alternative choice and liberation for the people within the emerging socio-economic order of this society. Rich in empirical data, this monograph will interest students, researchers, teachers, policy planners and social activists. ISBN: 9781107065451 Collaborative Learning in Practice HB ` 795.00 Ronnie Vernooy 397pp HB ` 895.00 This book presents novel approaches to collaborative learning by drawing on research and practical experiences from China, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. The case studies show how local communities learn from challenges in managing natural resources through joint efforts with researchers and other actors. They demonstrate the merits of learning strategies that use a variety of methods that are grounded in the local context that involves facilitators monitored from the outset. It creates a strong environment of collaboration and dynamic process management. The book shows that learning strategies that are both innovative and collaborative can lead to sounder rural development. Collaborative Learning in Practice: Examples from Natural Resource Management in Asia will be of interest to academics, researchers, and postgraduate students in development studies, practitioners and development professionals, particularly in the fields of capacity building and participatory action methodologies as well as programme managers and decision-makers in donor organizations and development agencies worldwide. Contents: Foreword; Acknowledgements; Preface; 1. Toward Centres of excellence for CBNRM (Community-Based Natural Resource 131 Geographic Profile; 3. Punjabis/Sikhs in Canada; 4. Punjabi Migration, Settlement and Experience in the UK; Part II. Shifting Contours of Migration; 5. ZiddiMundeh: Political Asylum, Transnational Movement and the Migrations of Men; 6. Punjabi Illegal Migrants in France: Tales of Suffering, Invisibility and Marginalization; 7. Migration as a Transnational Enterprise: Migrations from Eastern Punjab and the Question of Social Licitness; Part III. Social Structures and Organizational Links; 8. The Ambiguity of Punjabi Transnationalism: Caste and Development within a Transnational Community; 9. Punjabi Diasporas: Conceptualizing and Evaluating Impacts of Diaspora – Homeland Linkages; 10. Punjabi Immigrant Organizations in the UK and Their Transnational Connections; Part IV. Education and Migration; 11. Sending Children ‘Back Home’ for their (Mis)education; 12. Transnational Health Institutions, Global Nursing Care Chains, and the Internationalization of Nurse Education in Punjab; Part V. Family Networks; 13. Punjabis in Italy: The Role of Ethnic and Family Networks in Immigration and Economic Integration; 14. Gender, the Life Course and Home Making across Tanzania, Britain and Indian Punjab; 15. Inter-Generational Tensions and Cultural Reproduction in a Punjabi Community in England. Management); 2. Participatory Research and Development in South Asia; 3. Adaptive Learning: From IsangBagsak to the ALL in CBNRM Programme; 4. Mainstreaming CBNRM in Chinese Higher Education ; 5.Comparing the Case Studies; References; Notes and contributors; Index. ISBN: 9788175967120 Citizenship and Identity in the Age of Surveillance Pramod K. Nayar 193pp HB ` 695.00 This book is a study of cultures of surveillance, from CCTV to genetic data-gathering and the new forms of subjectivity and citizenship that are forged in such cultures. It studies data, bodies and space as domains within which this subjectivity of the vulnerable individual emerges. The book also proposes that we can see a shift within cultures of surveillance where, from active participation in the process of surveilling, a witness-citizen emerges. The book, therefore, seeks to alter surveillance as a mere top-down system, instead arguing that surveillance is also a mode of engagement with the world enabling trust, accountability and eventually a responsible humanitarianism. Contents: Acknowledgements; 1. Vulnerability, safety, surveillance; 2. Bodies and biosurveillance; 3. Data and data subjects; 4. Spaces of surveillance; 5. Performative surveillance and the witness-subject; 6. Surveillance and global witness citizenship; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9781107080584 Migration, Mobility and Multiple Affiliations Punjabis in a Transnational World S. Irudaya Rajan, V. J. Varghese and Aswini Kumar Nanda 240pp ISBN: 9781107117037 The Cambridge Companion to Modern Indian Culture HB ` 595.00 Vasudha Dalmia and Rashmi Sadana Migration, Mobility and Multiple Affiliations studies Punjabi transnational life from perspectives that have relevance for contemporary policy, planning and governance. It analyses spatially-widespread, integrated and complex Punjabi diaspora while simultaneously reflecting their vulnerability in an increasinglyglobalized world. Besides an overarching introduction and a historical overview, this book covers shifting contours of international migration, social structure and organizational links, interrelationship between education and migration, and family networks of the Punjabi emigrants to focus on Punjabi transnationalism. This edited volume, with contributions from eminent scholars of diaspora and transnationalism, creates a holistic picture of the community, looking at caste consciousness and identity abroad, social remittances, Sikh religious identity, traditions and practices, politics of Sikh separatism, transnational connections and crimes and violence. The study gains greater clarity through its approach of studying Punjabi settlements in specific countries individually. 394pp HB ` 795.00 India is changing at a rapid pace as it continues to move from its colonial past to its globalised future. This Companion offers a framework for understanding that change, and how modern cultural forms have emerged out of very different histories and traditions. The book provides accounts of literature, theatre, film, modern and popular art, music, television and food; it also explores in detail social divisions, customs, communications and daily life. In a series of engaging, erudite and occasionally-moving essays the contributors, drawn from a variety of disciplines, examine not merely what constitutes modern Indian culture, but just how wide-ranging are the cultures that persist in the regions of India. This volume will help the reader understand the continuities and fissures within Indian culture and some of the conflicts arising from them. Throughout, what comes to the fore is the extraordinary richness and diversity of modern Indian culture. Contents: Chronology; Introduction Rashmi Sadana and Vasudha Dalmia; Part I. Cultural Contexts: 1. Scenes of rural change Ann Grodzins Gold; 2. The formation of tribal identities Stuart Blackburn; 3. Food and agriculture Amita Baviskar; 4. Urban forms of religious practice Smriti Srinivas; 5. The politics of caste identities Christophe Jaffrelot; Part II. Cultural Forms: 6. History and representation in the Bengali novel Supriya Chaudhuri; 7. Writing in English Rashmi Sadana; 8. Dalit life histories Debjani Ganguly; 9. Three traditions in modernist Contents: Introduction- Transnational World and Indian Punjab: Contemporary Issues; Part I. A Historical Survey; 1. Punjabis in America; 2. Punjabi – Sikh Migration: Latin America- A 132 ISBN: 9781107641037 Credit to Capabilities A Sociological Study of Microcredit Groups in India Paromita Sanyal Sunil S. Amrith 326pp PB ` 495.00 Credit to Capabilities focuses on the controversial topic of microcredit's impact on women's empowerment and, especially, on the neglected question of how microcredit transforms women's agency. Based on interviews with hundreds of economically and socially vulnerable women from peasant households, this book highlights the role of the associational mechanism – forming women into groups that are embedded in a vast network and providing the opportunity for face-to-face participation in group meetings – in improving women's capabilities. This book reveals the role of microcredit groups in fostering women's social capital, particularly their capacity of organizing collective action for public goods and for protecting women's welfare. It argues that, in the Indian context, microcredit groups are becoming increasingly important in rural civil societies. Throughout, the book maintains an analytical distinction between married women in male-headed households and women in femaleheaded households in discussing the potentials and the limitations of microcredit's social and economic impacts. Contents: 1. Asia’s great migrations, 1850–1930; 2. The making of Asian diasporas, 1850–1930; 3. War, revolution, and refugees, 1930–1950; 4. Migration, development, and the Asian city, 1950–1970; 5. Asian migrants in the age of globalization, 1970–2010. ISBN: 9781107020245 334pp 240pp HB ` 895.00 SOUTH ASIA STUDIES The Rational Believer Choices and Decisions in the Madrasas of Pakistan Masooda Bano Contents: 1. The global trajectory of microcredit; 2. Agency; 3. Converting loans into leverage; 4. The power of participation; 5. Microcredit and collective action; 6. Culture and microcredit: why socio-religious dimensions matter7. Loans and well-being; 8. Interpreting microcredit: beyond the salvation/exploitation alternatives; 9. Epilogue: the future of microcredit. ISBN: 9781107130371 Migration is at the heart of Asian history. For centuries migrants have tracked the routes and seas of their ancestors - merchants, pilgrims, soldiers and sailors - along the Silk Road and across the Indian Ocean and the China Sea. Over the last 150 years, however, migration within Asia and beyond has been greater than at any other time in history. Sunil S. Amrith’s engaging and deeply-informative book crosses a vast terrain, from the Middle East to India and China, tracing the history of modern migration. Animated by the voices of Asian migrants, it tells the stories of those forced to flee from war and revolution, and those who left their homes and their families in search of a better life. These stories of Asian diasporas can be joyful or poignant, but they all speak of an engagement with new landscapes and new peoples. Migration and Diaspora in Modern Asia art Sonal Khullar; 10. Mass reproduction and the art of the bazaar Kajri Jain; 11. Urban theatre and the turn towards ‘folk’ Vasudha Dalmia; 12. Aesthetics and politics in popular cinema Ravi S. Vasudevan; 13. Musical genres and national identity Amanda Weidman; 14. Voyeurism and the family on television Amrita Ibrahim; Further reading; Index. HB ` 695.00 133 Islamic schools, or madrasas, have been accused of radicalizing Muslims and participating, either actively or passively, in terrorist networks since the events of 9/11. In Pakistan, the 2007 siege by government forces of Islamabad’s Red Mosque and its madrasa complex, whose Imam and students staged an armed resistance against the state for its support of the ‘war on terror’, reinforced concerns about madrasas’ role in regional and global jihad. By 2006 madrasas registered with Pakistan's five regulatory boards for religious schools enrolled over one million male and 200, 000 female students. In The Rational Believer, Masooda Bano draws on rich interviews, ethnographic, and survey data, as well as fieldwork conducted in madrasas throughout the country to explore the network of Pakistani madrasas. She maps the choices and decisions confronted by students, teachers, parents, and clerics and explains why available choices make participation in jihad appear at times a viable course of action. Bano's work shows that beliefs are rational and that religious believers look to maximize utility in ways not captured by classical rational choice. She applies analytical tools from the New Institutional Economics to explain apparent contradictions in the madrasa system – for example, how thousands of young Pakistani women demand the national adoption of traditional sharia law, despite its highly restrictive limits on female agency, and do so from their location in Islamic schools for girls that were founded only a generation ago. Contents: 1. Religion and Reason: A New Institutionalist Perspective; Part I: Institutional Change and Stability; 2. Religion and Change: Oxford and the Madrasas of South Asia; 3. Explaining the Stickiness: State-Madrasa Engagement in South Asia; 4. Organization of Religious Hierarchy: Competition or Cooperation? ; Part II: Determinants of Demand for Informal Institutions; 5. Formation of a Preference: Why Join a Madrasa?; 6. Logic of Adaptive Preference: Islam and Western Feminism; Part III: Informal Institutions and Collective Outcomes; 7. The Missing Free-Rider: Religious Rewards and Collective Action; 8. Exclusionary Institutional Preference: The Logic of Jihad; 9. Informal Institutions and Development; Appendix: Research Methodology; References; Index. ISBN: 9789382264880 When Counterinsurgency Wins Sri Lanka’s Defeat of the Tamil Tigers Ahmed S. Hashim 278pp A Field of One’s Own Bina Agarwal HB ` 895.00 Contents: Preface; l. Land rights for women: making the case; 2. Conceptualizing gender relations; 3. Customary rights and associated practices; 4. Erosion and disinheritance: traditionally matrilineal and bilateral communities today; 5. Contemporary law: contestation and content; 6. Whose share? Who claims? The gap between law and practice; 7. Whose land? Who commands? The gap between ownership and control; 8. Tracing cross-regional diversities; 9. Struggles over resources, struggles over meanings; l0. The long march ahead. When Counterinsurgency Wins traces the development of the counterinsurgency campaign in Sri Lanka, from the early stages of the war to the later adaptations of the Sri Lankan government, leading up to the final campaign. The campaign itself is analysed in terms of military strategy but is also given political and historical context — critical to comprehending the conditions that give rise to insurgent violence.The tactics of the Tamil Tigers have been emulated by militant groups in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia. Whether or not the Sri Lankan counterinsurgency campaign can or should be emulated in kind, the comprehensive, insightful coverage of When Counterinsurgency Wins holds vital lessons for strategists and students of security and defense. ISBN: 9788185618630 Vying for Allah‘s Vote Understanding Islamic Parties, Political Violence, and Extremism in Pakistan Contents: Introduction; 1. The Sri Lankan War in Context; 2. Background to War: State Formation and Identities in Conflict; 3. The Eelam War I-III Campaigns; 4. Eelam War IV: A Military Analysis; 5. Postwar Sri Lanka: Reconciliation or Triumphalism?; Notes; Bibliography; Index; Acknowledgments. ISBN: 9789382993476 280pp This is the first major study of gender and property in South Asia. In a pioneering and comprehensive analysis Bina Agarwal argues that the single most important economic factor affecting women's situation is the gender gap in command over property. In rural South Asia, the most significant form of property is arable land, a critical determinant of economic well-being, social status, and empowerment. But few women own land; fewer control it. Drawing on a vast range of interdisciplinary sources and her own field research, and tracing regional variations across five countries, the author investigates the complex barriers to women's land ownership and control, and how they might be overcome. The book makes significant and original contributions to theory and policy concerning land reforms, 'bargaining' and gender relations, women's status, and the nature of resistance. Haroon K. Ullah HB ` 895.00 594pp HB ` 495.00 Vying for Allah’s Vote studies how religion, politics, and policy are inextricably linked in Pakistan. In this book, Haroon K. Ullah analyses the origins, ideologies, bases of support, and electoral successes of the largest and most influential Islamic parties in Pakistan. Based on his extensive fieldwork in Pakistan, he develops a new typology for understanding and comparing the discourses put forth by these parties in order to assess what drives them and what separates the moderate from the extreme. A better understanding of the range of parties is critical for knowing how the US and other Western nations can engage states where Islamic political parties hold both political and moral authority. Contents: List of Illustrations; Acknowledgments; 1. Introduction; 2. Islam and Democracy in Pakistan; 3. Islamic Parties in Pakistan; 4. Muslim Democratic Parties: Origins and Characteristics; 5. Islamist Parties: Origins and Characteristics; 6. Islamic Voters in Pakistan: Motives and Behavior; 7. Political Strategy: When Extremism Works; 8. Lessons Learned: How Pakistan Informs the Arab Spring and Afghanistan; 9. Foreign Policy Implications and New Trends; Appendix 1; Appendix 2; Notes; Selected Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9789382993841 134 270pp HB ` 595.00 The Practice of War Production, Reproduction and Communication of Armed Violence Aparna Rao, Michael Bollig and Monika Bock Pakistan’s Counterterrorism Challenge More needs to be understood about the ways of war and its effects. What implications does war have for people, their lived-in communities and larger political systems; how do they cope and adjust in war situations and how do they deal with the changed world that they inhabit once peace is declared? Through a series of essays that move from looking at the nature of violence to the peace processes that follow it, this important book provides some answers to these questions. It discusses and examines social, economic and cultural practices connected to and generated by violent combat through a cross-cultural perspective. The book also analyses new dimensions of social interaction, such as the internet, which now provide a bridge between local concerns and global networks and are fundamentally altering the practices of war. The editors present new empirical material and open theoretical dimensions on the intricate relation between war, society and culture. Moeed Yusuf Contents: Introduction - Moeed Yusuf; 1. Pakistan’s Militancy Challenge: From Where to What? - Moeed Yusuf with contributions from Megan Neville, Ayesha Chugh, and Stephanie Flamenbaum; 2. Militancy and Extremism in Pakistan: A US Perspective - Marvin G. Weinbaum; 3. Counterinsurgency: The Myth of Sisyphus? - Ejaz Haider; 4. Political Instability and Its Implications for an Effective National Counterterrorism Policy in Pakistan - Savail Meekal Hussain and Mehreen Zahra-Malik; 5. Counterterrorism Efforts of Law Enforcement Agencies in Pakistan - Suhail Habib Tajik; 6. Legal Challenges to Military Operations in Pakistan: The Case of the Federally and Provincially Administered Tribal Areas; Ahmer Bilal Soofi; 7. Choking Financing for Militants in Pakistan - Muhammad Amir Rana; 8. Cyberia: A New Warzone for Pakistan’s Islamists Zafarullah Khan; 9. Pakistan’s Paradoxical Survival - Anatol Lieven; Conclusion - Moeed Yusuf; References; List of Contributors; Index. Contents: List of Figures and Tables; List of Contributors; Preface; Introduction: The Practice of War; Part I: Changing Qualities of Violence: Case Studies from Africa; 1. ‘We Turned our Enemies into Baboons’: Warfare, Ritual and Pastoral Identity among the Pokot of Northern Kenya; 2. Culture Slipping Away: Violence, Social Tension and Personal Drama in Suri Society, Southern Ethiopia; 3. Catholics and Cannibals: Terror and Healing in Tooro, Western Uganda; Part II: Memory, Trauma and Redemption; 4. Coming Through Slaughter: The Herero of Namibia, 1904–1940; 5. Trauma, Therapy and Responsibility: Psychology and War in Contemporary Israel; 6. ‘I Shall be Waiting for You at the Door of Paradise’: The Pakistani Martyrs of the Lashkar-e Taiba (Army of the Pure); ; Part III: Organizing, Encouraging and Dissuading: The Uses of Kinship, Gender and Religion; 7. Is War Gendered? Issues in Representing Women and the Second World War; 8. Judging by Aesthetics: ‘Due Care’ in the Management of ‘Collaboration’ in the First Palestinian Intifada; 9. Islamist Militancy in Kashmir: The Case of the Lashkar-e Taiba; Part IV: The Inscription of War in Mediated Worlds ; 10. In the Combat Zone; 11. ‘Virtual’ Discourse and the Creation and Disruption of Social Networks: Observations on the War in Kashmir in Cyberspace; 12. Martyrs, Victims, Friends and Foes: Internet Representations by Palestinian Islamists; 13. Mapping a Conflict in Cyberspace: Chiapas on the WWW; Part V: Peace Building at the Crossroads: Appropriations of War, Ambivalences of Interest; 14 Violence and Peace Processes; Index. ISBN: 9789382993179 370pp Pakistan, which since 9/11 has come to be seen as one of the world’s most dangerous places and has been referred to as ‘the epicenter of international terrorism’, faces an acute counterterrorism (CT) challenge. The book focuses on violence being perpetrated against the Pakistani state by Islamist groups and how Pakistan can address these challenges, concentrating not only on military aspects but on the often-ignored political, legal, law enforcement, financial, and technological facets of the challenge. It explores the current debate surrounding Pakistan’s ability — and incentives — to crack down on Islamist terrorism and provides an in-depth examination of the multiple facets of this existential threat confronting the Pakistani state and people. With original insights and attention to detail, this book provides a roadmap for Western and Pakistani policymakers alike to address the weaknesses in Pakistan’s CT strategy. ISBN: 9789382993919 HB ` 995.00 135 270pp HB ` 525.00 Energy and Security in South Asia Cooperation or Conflict? Charles K. Ebinger Economic growth and burgeoning populations have put South Asia’s energy security in a perilous state. Already, energy and power shortages are stunting development in some of the region’s least developed locations, spurring political insurgences and social dislocation. Should this trend continue, the subcontinent will face dire economic, social and political crises. In Energy and Security in South Asia, Brookings ESI Director Charles Ebinger, a long-time adviser to South Asian governments, lays out the current regional energy picture arguing that the only way to achieve sustainable energy security is through regional collaboration both within the subcontinent as well as with regional neighbors in the Middle East and Central and Southeast Asia. Balance, or Predominance in the Indian Ocean?; Chapter 6: Pakistan’s View of Security in the Indian Ocean; Chapter 7: China and the Indian Ocean: New Departures in Regional Balancing; Chapter 8: Redlines for Sino-Indian Naval Rivalry; Part III: Third Powers and the Way Forward; Chapter 9: International Law and the Future of Indian Ocean Security; Chapter 10: A Merlion at the Edge of an Afrasian Sea: Singapore’s Strategic Involvement in the Indian Ocean; Chapter 11: The Indian Ocean and US National Security Interests; Chapter 12: Conclusion: Access and Security in the Indian Ocean Region; List of Contributors; Index. ISBN: 9789382993148 Contetns: Preface; Acknowledgments; Policy Prescriptions; 1 Introduction to a Region on Edge; 2 India ; 3 Pakistan; 4 Bangladesh; 5 Nepal and Bhutan; 6 Energy Challenges in the Regional Context; 7 Regional Cooperation; 8 South Asia’s Path Forward; Appendix; Notes; Index. ISBN: 9789382993018 248pp Breakdown in Pakistan How Aid Is Eroding Institutions for Collective Action HB ` 895.00 Masooda Bano Deep Currents and Rising Tides The Indian Ocean and International Security John Garofano and Andrea J. Dew The Indian Ocean region has rapidly emerged as a hinge point in the changing global balance of power, and the geographic nexus of economic and security issues with vital global consequences. The security of energy supplies, persistent poverty and its contribution to political extremism, piracy and related threats to seaborne trade, competing nuclear powers, and possibly the scene of future clashes between rising great powers India and China – all are dangers in the waters or in the littoral states of the Indian Ocean region. This volume, one of the first attempts to treat the Indian Ocean region in a coherent fashion, captures the spectrum of cooperation and competition succinctly. Contributors discuss points of cooperation and competition in a region that stretches from East Africa, to Singapore, to Australia, and assess the regional interests of China, India, Pakistan, and the United States. Chapters review possible ‘red lines’ for Chinese security in the region, India’s naval ambitions, Pakistan’s maritime security, and threats from non-state actors – terrorists, pirates, and criminal groups – who challenge security on the ocean for all states. 350pp HB ` 895.00 30 per cent of foreign development aid is channeled through NGOs or community-based organizations to improve service delivery to the poor, build social capital, and establish democracy in developing nations. However, growing evidence suggests that aid often erodes, rather than promotes, cooperation within developing nations. This book presents a rare, micro-level account of the complex decisionmaking processes that bring individuals together to form collective-action platforms. It then examines why aid often breaks down the very institutions for collective action that it aims to promote. Breakdown in Pakistan identifies concrete measures to check the erosion of cooperation in foreign aid scenarios. Pakistan is one of the largest recipients of international development aid, and therefore the empirical details presented are particularly relevant for policy. The book’s argument is equally applicable to a number of other developing countries, and has important implications for recent discussions within the field of economics. Contents: List of Illustrations; Preface; 1. Revisiting the Collective Action Dilemma; 2. Intrinsic or Extrinsic Incentives: The Evolution of Cooperative Groups in Pakistan; 3. Why Cooperate? Motives and Decisions of Initiators and Joiners in Other-Regarding Groups; 4. Why Cooperate? Motives and Decisions of Initiators and Joiners in Self-Regarding Groups; 5. Does Aid Break Down Cooperation?; 6. Why Aid Breaks Down Cooperation; 7. Fixing Incentives: The Way Forward; Glossary; Bibliography; Index. Contents: List of Illustrations; Introduction; Part I: Energy, Piracy, Terror, and Access; Chapter 1: The Indian Ocean: Geographic Center of the Global Oil Market; Chapter 2: Maritime Piracy in the Indian Ocean: A Statistical Analysis of Reported Incidents, 1994–2011; Chapter 3: Horn of Troubles: Understanding and Addressing the Somali “Piracy” Phenomenon; Chapter 4: Armed Groups at Sea: Maritime Terrorism in the Indian Ocean Region; Part II: Emerging Rivalries and Possible Triggers; Chapter 5: India: Dominance, ISBN: 9789382993162 136 240pp HB ` 795.00 Global South Asians Judith M. Brown over a 10-Year Period in Gujarat, Western India; Chapter 9: Women, Politics and Islamism in Northern Pakistan; Chapter 10: Violence, Reconstruction and Islamic Reform—Stories from the Muslim ‘Ghetto; Part III: Everyday Politics of Reform; Chapter 11: Reading the Qur’an in Bangladesh: The Politics of ‘Belief’ Among Islamist Women; Chapter 12: Cracks in the ‘Mightiest Fortress’: Jamaat-e-Islami’s Changing Discourse on Women; Chapter 13: Islamic Feminism in India: Indian Muslim Women Activists and the Reform of Muslim Personal Law ; Chapter 14: Disputing Contraception: Muslim Reform, Secular Change and Fertility; Part IV: Reform, State and Market; Chapter 15: Cosmopolitan Islam in a Diasporic Space: Foreign Resident Muslim Women’s Halaqa in the Arabian Peninsula; Chapter 16: Jamaat-i-Islami in Bangladesh: Women, Democracy and the Transformation of Islamist Politics; Chapter 17: Secularism Beyond the State: the ‘State’ and the ‘Market’ in Islamist Imagination; Index. By the end of the twentieth century some nine million people of South Asian descent had left India, Bangladesh or Pakistan and settled in different parts of the world, forming a diverse and significant modern diaspora. In the earlynineteenth century, many left reluctantly to seek economic opportunities, which were lacking at home. This is the story of their often painful experiences in the diaspora, how they constructed new social communities overseas and how they maintained connections with the countries and the families they had left behind. It is a story compellingly told by one of the premier historians of modern South Asia, Judith M. Brown, whose particular knowledge of the diaspora in Britain and South Africa gives her insight as a commentator. This is a book which will have a broad appeal to general readers as well as to students of South Asian and colonial history, migration studies and sociology. Contents: Introduction; 1. Traditions of stability and movement; 2. Making a modern diaspora; 3. Creating new homes and communities; 4. Relating to the new homeland; 5. Relating to the old homeland; Conclusion; Bibliography. ISBN: 9788175963832 Islamic Reform in South Asia Filippo Osella, and Caroline Osella 214pp ISBN: 9781107031753 538pp HB 995.00 PB ` 495.00 Kingship and Ideology in the Islamic and Mongol Worlds The authors in this volume discuss contemporary Islamic reformism in South Asia in some of its diverse historical orientations and geographical expressions.‘Reformism’ is particularly troublesome as a term, in that it covers broad trends stretching back for more than 200 years. Still, ‘reformism’ can be useful as a term in helping contributors to insist upon recognition of the differences between projects of revival and renewal and such contemporary obsessions as ‘political Islam’, ‘Islamic fundamentalism’, and so on. Urging a more nuanced examination of all forms of reformism and their reception in practice, the contributions here powerfully demonstrate the historical and geographical specificities of reform projects. In doing so, they challenge prevailing perspectives in which substantially different traditions of reform are lumped together into one reified category (often carelessly shorthanded as ‘wah’habism’) and branded as extremist – if not altogether demonized as terrorist. Academic researchers and graduate students will find this book useful. Anne F. Broadbridge What were the attitudes to diplomacy and kingship in the medieval Islamic world? Anne F. Broadbridge examines struggles over ideology in the Middle East and Central Asia from 1260 to 1405. She explores two very different ideological worlds: the Islamic world of the Mamluk Sultans of Egypt and Syria, and the Mongol world inhabited by the Golden Horde in Central Asia, the Ilkhanids in Iran and Anatolia, the Ilkhanids' successors, and Temür. The relationships among these rival rulers were often highly charged, and diplomatic missions were exchanged in an effort to promote each ruler's ideology. This was the first book to explore what it meant to be a monarch in the pre-modern Islamic world, and how ideas about sovereignty evolved across the period. This groundbreaking work will appeal to scholars of Middle Eastern and Central Asian history, Mongol history, and Islamic history, as well as historians of diplomacy and ideology. Contents: Introduction; 1. The ideology and the diplomacy; 2. The establishment of ideologies (1260–1293/ 658–93); 3. The age of Ilkhanid conversion (1295–1316/694–716); 4. The age of patronage and Muslim supremacy (1317–41/ 717–41); 5. Mamluk regional sovereignty and the post-Ilkhanid order (1335–82/736–84); 6. The Temürid invasions and the destruction of Mamluk sovereignty (1382–1404/784–807); Epilogue; Bibliography. Contents: List of contributors; Introduction; Part I: Reformist Journeys; Chapter 1: The Equivocal History of a Muslim Reformation; Chapter 2: Islamic Reform and Modernities in South Asia; Chapter 3: Reform Sufism in South Asia; Chapter 4: Breathing in India, c. 1890; Part II: Debating Reform; Chapter 5: The Enemy Within: Madrasa and Muslim Identity in North India; Chapter 6: Islamism and Social Reform in Kerala, South India; Chapter 7: Piety as Politics amongst Muslim Women in Contemporary Sri Lanka; Chapter 8: The Changing Perspectives of Three Muslim Men on the Question of Saint Worship ISBN: 9780521118712 137 250pp HB ` 995.00 Learning from the Field Innovating China’s Higher Education System Ronnie Vernooy, Li Xiaoyun, Xu Xiuli, Lu Min and Qi Gubo Love in South Asia Across China, university staff, researchers, students, and farmers are joining forces to bring to the fore action and field-based learning as a way to promote rural development studies. Learning from the Field presents first-hand experience and lessons from an innovative, participatory curriculum development initiative in China. It includes the content of two novel courses, ‘Community Based Natural Resource Management’ and ‘Participatory Rural Development’. The first versions of these courses were delivered at the College of Humanities and Development of the China Agricultural University in Beijing in the spring of 2005 and at the Jilin Agricultural University in Changchun in the spring of 2006.The book showcases the manner in which innovative ideas about curriculum reform are born, put into practice, and further refined through a joint experiential learning-by-doing approach. The book highlights participants’ motivations and perspectives, the nature of their participation, the challenges encountered, and the results obtained. It draws on the personal experiences of the authors and the findings of the action research that guided the process. This book will be of interest to teachers of rural development, facilitators and researchers, as well as to scholars, practitioners, and managers active in higher education, curriculum development, international development, learning studies, and Chinese or Asian studies. A Cultural History Francesca Orsini Contents: 1. Introduction Francesca Orsini; Part I. Love and Courtliness; 2. The household and the pleasure garden: love and dynastic marriage in the post-Gupta period Daud Ali; 3. If music be the food of love: music, masculinity and eroticism in the Mughal mehfil Katherine B. Brown; Part II. Worldly Love and Mystical Love; 4. The shifting sands of love Christopher Shackle; 5. Love, passion and reason in Faizi's Nal-Daman Muzaffar Alam and Sanjay Subrahmanyam; 6. To die at the hands of love Jeevan S. Deol; Part III. Love and (Colonial) Modernity; 7. Tagore and transformations in the ideal of love Sudipta Kaviraj; 8. The spaces of love and the passing of the seasons Vasudha Dalmia; Part IV. Shifting Paradigms: 9. Love in the time of Parsi theatre Anuradha Kapur; 10. Love letters Francesca Orsini; 11. Love's repertoire: Qurratulain Hyder's Ag ka darya Kumkum Sangari; Part V. Contemporary Lovescapes; 12. Kiss or tell? Declaring love in Hindi films Rachel Dwyer; 13. Love's cup, love's thorn, love's end: the language of prem in Ghatiyali Ann Grodzins Gold; 14. Kidnapping, elopement and abduction: an ethnography of love-marriage in Delhi Perveez Mody. Contents: Foreword; Norman Uphoff; Preface; Acknowledgements; Chapter 1: A New Journey; Chapter 2: Preparations: Every Long Journey Begins with a First Step; Chapter 3: The First CBNRM Course in Beijing: An Itinerary of Remarkable Experiences; Chapter 4: The 2006 CNNRM Course: Masters of Our Destiny; Chapter 5: The Participatory Rural Development Course in Changchun: Making the Road by Walking Together; Chapter 6: The Fellowship Support Programme: Learning in the Field; Chapter 7: The Fruits of Teamwork: A Synthesis of Our Learning Journery; Glossary; References; Notes on contributors. ISBN: 9788175966017 246pp Love may be a universal feeling, but culture and language play a crucial role in defining it. Idioms of love have a long history, and within every society there is always more than one discourse, be it prescriptive, religious, or gender-specific, available at any given time. This book explores the idioms of love that have developed in South Asia, those words, conceptual clusters, images and stories, which have interlocked and grown into repertoires. Including essays by literary scholars, historians, anthropologists, film historians and political theorists, the collection unravels the interconnecting strands in the history of the concept (shringara, 'ishq, prem and ‘love’) and maps their significance in literary, oral and visual traditions. Each essay examines a particular configuration and meaning of love on the basis of genre, tellers and audiences, and the substantial introduction sets out the main repertoires, presenting the student of South Asia with an important cultural history. HB ` 895.00 ISBN: 9788175964334 138 384pp HB ` 695.00 Religion and Conflict in Modern South Asia William Gould cultures Shireen Mirza; 7. Shari'a, Shi'as and Chishtiya revivalism Tahir Kamran and Amir Khan Shahid; 8. Third wave Shi'ism Simon Wolfgang Fuchs; Contributors; Index. This is one of the first single-author comparisons of different South Asian states around the theme of religious conflict. Based on new research and syntheses of the literature on 'communalism', it argues that religious conflict in this region in the modern period was never simply based on sectarian or theological differences or the clash of civilizations. Instead, the book proposes that the connection between religious radicalism and everyday violence relates to the actual (and perceived) weaknesses of political and state structures. For some, religious and ethnic mobilization has provided a means of protest, where representative institutions failed. For others, it became a method of dealing with an uncertain political and economic future. For many it has no concrete or deliberate function, but has effectively upheld social stability, paternalism and local power, in the face of globalization and the growing aspirations of the region's most underprivileged citizens. ISBN: 9781107108905 The Politics of Extremism in South Asia Deepa M. Ollapally Contents: 1. Introduction: community and conflict in South Asia; 2. Building spheres of community: 1860s–1910s; 3. Transforming spheres of community: the post First World War world; 4. Nationalising spheres of community: anti-colonialism and religious politics; 5. The 1940s, state transformation, community and conflict; 6. National integrity and pluralism, 1947– 1967; 7. The decades of transformation: 1970s and 1980s; 8. The resurgence of religious nationalism: 1990 to the present. ISBN: 9781107029217 The Shi‘â in Modern South Asia Justin Jones and Ali Usman Qasmi 368pp 218pp HB ` 595.00 South Asia is home to a range of extremist groups from the jihadists of Pakistan to the Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka. In the popular mind, extremism and terrorism are invariably linked to ethnic and religious factors. Yet the dominant history of South Asia is notable for tolerance and co-existence, despite highly-plural societies. Deepa Ollapally examines extremist groups in Kashmir, Afghanistan, Northeast India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka to offer a fresh perspective on the causes of extremism. What accounts for its rise in societies not historically predisposed to extremism? What determines the winners and losers in the identity struggles in South Asia? What tips the balance between more moderate versus extremist outcomes? The book argues that politics, inter-state and international relations often play a more important role in the rise of extremism in South Asia than religious identity, poverty, and state repression. Contents: 1. Introduction: beyond and before the 9/11 framework; 2. Situating violent conflict in South Asia; 3. Reaping the whirlwind in Afghanistan; 4. Pakistan at crossroads; 5. Kashmir’s crowded politics; 6. Sri Lanka’s violent spiral; 7. Bangladesh: divided politics and geopolitics; 8. Conclusion. HB ` 995.00 While most studies of Shi'i Islam have focused upon Iran or the Middle East, South Asia is another global region which is home to a large and influential Shi'i population. This edited volume establishes the importance of the Indian subcontinent, which has been profoundly shaped by Shi'i cultures, regimes and populations throughout its history, for the study of Shi'i Islam in the modern world. The essays within this volume, all written by leading scholars of the field, explore various Shi'i communities (both Isna 'Ashari and Isma'ili) in parts of the subcontinent as diverse as Karachi, Lucknow, Mumbai and Hyderabad, as well as South Asian Shi'i diasporas in East Africa. Drawing from a range of disciplinary perspectives including history, religious studies, anthropology and political science, they examine a range of themes relating to Shi'i belief, practice, piety and belonging, as well as relations between Shi'i and non-Shi'i communities. ISBN: 9780521749077 The India Pakistan Conflict An Enduring Rivalry T.V. Paul Contents: Preface; Introduction Francis Robinson; 1. Faith deployed for a new Shi'i polity in India Sajjad Rizvi; 2. The Isma'ili – Isna 'Ashari divide among the Khojas Michel Boivin; 3. Local nodes of a transnational network Muhammad Amir Ahmad Khan; 4. Shi'ism, humanity and revolution in twentieth-century India Justin Jones; 5. Universalising aspirations Soumen Mukherjee; 6. Travelling leaders and connecting print 256pp PB ` 495.0 The India-Pakistan rivalry remains one of the most enduring and unresolved conflicts of our times. It began with the birth of the two states in 1947, and it has continued ever since, with the periodic resumption of wars and crises. The conflict has affected every dimension of interstate and societal relations between the two countries and, despite occasional peace initiatives, shows no signs of abating. This volume brings together leading experts in international relations theory and comparative politics to explain the persistence of this rivalry. Together they examine a range of topics including regional power distribution, great power politics, territorial divisions, the nuclear weapons factor, and incompatible national identities. Based on their analyses, they offer possible conditions under which the rivalry could be terminated. The book will be of interest to scholars of politics and international relations, as well as those concerned about stability and peace in South Asia. Contents; Part I. Introduction; 1. Causes of the India-Pakistan enduring rivalry T. V. Paul; Part II. Theories of Enduring Rivalry and the South Asian Conflict; 2. Theoretical specifications of enduring 139 rivalries: applications to the India-Pakistan case Paul F. Diehl, Gary Goertz and Daniel Saeedi; 3. India-Pakistan conflict in light of general theories of war, rivalry and deterrence John A. Vasquez; 4. The Indo-Pakistani rivalry: prospects for war, prospects for peace Daniel S. Geller; 5. Realpolitik and learning in the India-Pakistan rivalry Russell J. Leng; Part III. Roots of the India-Pakistan Conflict; 6. Major powers and the persistence of the India-Pakistan conflict Ashok Kapur; 7. Nuclear weapons and the prolongation of the India-Pakistan rivalry Saira Khan; 8. National identities and the Pakistan-India conflict Vali Nasr; 9. At the heart of the conflict: irredentism and Kashmir Stephen Saideman; 10. Institutional causes of the Indo-Pakistani rivalry Reeta Chowdhari Tremblay and Julian Schofield; Part IV. Conclusions: 11: South Asia’s Embedded conflict: understanding the IndiaPakistan rivalry T. V. Paul and William Hogg. ISBN: 9788175963641 South Asia Beyond the Global Financial Crisis Amitendu Palit 290pp Policy Options to Achieve Food Security in South Asia Surabhi Mittal and Deepti Sethi PB ` 445.00 Contents: List of Contributors; Foreword; Acknowledgments; List of Abbreviations; 1. Food Security in South Asia; 2. Food Security in India: Policies and Options; 3. Multiple Facets of Food (In) Security in Sri Lanka: An Input to Food Policy; 4. Food Security in Bangladesh: Achievements, Challenges and Way Forward; 5. State of Agriculture and Food Security in Pakistan; 6. Food Security Situation in Nepal: Issues and Suggested Policy Measures; 7. Food Security in Maldives; 8. Role of Regional Trade and Rural Development for Food Security in Bhutan; 9. Food Security in Afghanistan. The book is an edited volume of different perspectives on the South Asian region and captures the political, social and economic challenges facing the region following the financial crisis and the region’s responses to these challenges. Key features: • Wide coverage of issues such as socio-economic development, conflict resolution, terrorism political developments, environmental challenges governance etc. • Regional perspectives as well as individual country analysis (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka etc.) ISBN: 9788175968097 Contents: • South Asia: Beyond the Global Financial Crisis; • South Asia and the Global Financial Crisis: Impacts and Implications; • Global Crisis, Financial Institutions and Reforms: An EME Perspective; • Socio-Economic Developments in South Asia: Issues and Outlook; • Political Developments in South Asia: Issues and Outlook; • The Major Powers and Conflicts in South Asia; • Religious Extremism and Terrorism in Pakistan: Challenges for National Security; • Prospects for Conflict Resolutions in South Asia; • India, Pakistan and Bangladesh: “Trilateralism” in South Asia?. ISBN: 9788175968936 192pp Agriculture in South Asia and many other parts of the world is apparently caught in a low equilibrium trap. The features of this trap are low productivity of staples, supply shortfalls, higher prices, low returns to farmers and Product diversification, causing further shortage of staple food. The question of food security has a number of dimensions that go beyond production, availability and demand for food. Food availability does not ensure food security. Thus, distribution and access of population to food is equally important for food security. Food availability can be achieved through better distribution mechanisms and alternatively through imports to ensure food security. This book identifies major issues of food security in the South Asian countries. Each chapter of the book throws light on issues such as initiatives and policies taken up in a particular country to achieve the goal of food security, and also critically evaluates the effectiveness of these policies. Discussing the SAARC food bank to ensure food security in South Asia, the book also suggests measures to overcome the identified current constraints and make the policies more effective. HB ` 695.00 140 242pp HB ` 795.00 Peace and Conflict The South Asian Experience Priyankar Upadhyaya and Samrat Schmiem Kumar Pakistan South Asia’s diversity is also reflected in the many violent inter-state and intra-state conflicts that further distinguish it from other regions of the world. Despite the national differences, one can still find transnational commonalities in cultures, languages and religions, bound together by the common pre-colonial and colonial history of the South Asian countries. This book takes its readers into a ‘reflexive journey’ of understanding peace in South Asia, and the imperceptible way through which religious and cultural dimensions contribute to the peace building process. It also unravels the unique patterns of common cultural practices in the region to emphasize that the connect between cultures can ever be a source of tension as well as reward. In addition, it presents a fascinating account of the origins and meaning of the concept of ahimsa in Buddhism and Jainism, and looks at the practical examples of ahimsa from India to highlight the diversity of peace, non-violence and peace work that exist in the country. One of the chapters offers an intriguing example of nonviolent resistance in Pakistan – it documents the history of a nonviolent civil resistance movement, the ‘lawyer’s movement’, or also known as the ‘Black Revolution’, for justice and the rule of law in Pakistan. Moving the Economy Forward Rashid Amjad and Shahid Javed Burki Contents: 1. Overview Rashid Amjad and Shahid Javed Burki; 2. Failed economic promise: lessons from Pakistan’s development experience Parvez Hassan; 3. Economic management under IMF tutelage: key lessons from the Musharraf and PPP rule, 1999–2013 Rashid Amjad; 4. A country and an economy in transition Shahid Javed Burki; 5. Tackling the energy crisis Afia Malik; 6. Exports: lessons from the past and the way forward Hamna Ahmed, Naved Hamid and Mahreen Mahmud; 7. The future path of tax reforms in Pakistan Hafiz A. Pasha and Aisha Ghaus-Pasha; 8. Pakistan’s Indus basin water strategy: past, present and future Shahid Amjad Chaudhry; 9. Economic governance and institutional reforms Ishrat Hussain; 10. Benefiting from foreign direct investment Khalil Hamdani; 11.An analysis of the remittances market in Pakistan Rashid Amjad, M. Irfan and G. M. Arif; 12.The prospects for IndoPakistan trade Hafiz A. Pasha and Muhammad Imran; 13. Beyond the poverty line: a multidimensional analysis of poverty in Pakistan AzamChaudhry, Theresa Chaudhry, Muhammad Haseeb and Uzma Afzal; 14. Can the new intergovernmental structure work in Pakistan? Learning from China Ehtisham Ahmed. Contents: Foreword; Preface; Introduction; 1. Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding: Ideas, Approaches and Debates -Åshild Kolås; 2. Changing Perspectives on Peace Studies in South Asia - Samir Kumar Das; 3. Peace Pedagogies in South Asia: Interreligious Understanding - Priyankar Upadhyaya; 4. Some Responses of Communities to Social Tensions in India - Vinay Kumar Srivastava; 5. The Plurality of Peace, Non-Violence and Peace works in India - Samrat Schmiem Kumar and Elida K. U; 6. Education and Culture of Peace: Engaging with Gandhi - Kaushikee; 7. Structural Violence and Human Security: Gandhi’s Visions - Ajay Kumar Yadav; 8. Women and the Peace Process in Nepal - Anjoo Sharan Upadhyaya; 9. Quest for Peace and Justice in Pakistan: Lawyer’s NonViolent Civil Resistance - Malik Hammad Ahmad; 10. Antinomies of Democracy and Peace in Nepal - Chandra D. Bhatta; 11. Post-Armed Conflict Trajectories in Sri Lanka - Sumanasiri Liyanage and Thilanka Silva; 12. Environmental Security and Conflict in Bangladesh: Nature, Complexities and Policies Rafiqul Islam; Contributors; Bibliography; Index. ISBN: 9789382993551 270pp Pakistan’s economic performance over the past 65 years has confounded its critics – when the country has performed much better than expected, especially in the early years – and disappointed those who had high expectations, given its initial start and economic potential. The central question that the contributors to this volume seek to answer is how to reverse the current prolonged period of low growth and high inflation that Pakistan has experienced, and to suggest and implement measures that would decisively move the economy onto a more sustainable growth path. The book draws on the wide experience of the authors at the highest level of policy-making to put forward realistic and concrete policies keeping in mind what works and does not work in the current socio-economicpolitical milieu. It also moves beyond the income measurement of poverty toward a more comprehensive analysis of what the best way is to target poverty in Pakistan. ISBN: 9781107109520 HB ` 595.00 141 411pp HB ` 725.00 Organizations at War in Afghanistan and Beyond Abdulkader H. Sinno Contents: List of Figures and Tables; Acknowledgments; Chronology of the Key Events; List of Abbreviations; Introduction; Prologue: Flying the Flag; The Setting: The Kingdom in the Clouds; The Story: The Rocky Road to Democracy; Epilogue: Working Towards Peace; Postscript; Annexures; Notes on References; Bibliography; Index. While popular accounts of warfare, particularly of nontraditional conflicts such as guerrilla wars and insurgencies, favour the role of leaders or ideology, social- scientific analyses of these wars focus on aggregate categories such as ethnic groups, religious affiliations, socioeconomic classes, or civilizations. Challenging these constructions, Abdulkader H. Sinno closely examines the fortunes of the various factions in Afghanistan, including the Mujahideen and the Taliban, that have been fighting each other and foreign armies since the 1979 Soviet invasion. Focusing on the organization of the combatants, Sinno offers a new understanding of the course and outcome of such conflicts. ISBN: 9789382993032 Liberal Perspective for South Asia Contents: List of Maps and Figures; List of Tables; Preface; Note on Transliteration; 1. Organizing to Win; Part I : An Organizational Theory or Group Conflict; 2. Organization and the Outcomeof Conflicts; 3. Advantages and Limitations of Structures; 4. The Gist of the Organizational Theory; Part II: Explaining the outcomes of Afghan Conflicts; 5. The Soviet Withdrawal from Afghanistan; 6. Resilience through Division, 1979 - 1989; 7. The Cost of the Failure to Restructure, 1989 - 1994; 8. The Rise of the Taliban, 1994 – 2001; 9. Afghan Conflicts under U.S. Occupation, 2001 -; Part III: And Beyond. . .; 10. The Organizational Theory beyond Afghanistan; Glossary of Terms; Participants in Post-1978 Afghan Conflicts; References; Index. ISBN: 9788175966208 Nepal Votes for Peace Bhojraj Pokharel and Shrishti Rana 352pp Rajiva Wijesinha HB ` 795.00 Nepal has a long history of political struggle and popular uprisings have often threatened the existing regimes of this landlocked, predominantly Hindu state. In 1996, radical Maoists launched what would become the protracted armed struggle, known as The People’s War, with the aim of replacing the parliamentary system and the constitutional monarchy with a people’s republic. Thousands of people died and even more were injured over the next 10 years in bitter fighting, which ravaged the country and shocked the world. The gruesome murder of King Birendra, his wife and seven other royal family members in 2001 prompted more international concern about the future of Nepal. The violence eventually came to an end in 2005– 06 when the demand for a Constituent Assembly election was agreed upon. The election was finally held on 10 April 2008, marking one of the most significant events in Nepal’s political history because it abolished the country’s 239-year-old monarchy and established a multiparty democratic republic. This book, penned by the former Chief Election Commissioner of Nepal, narrates the country’s transformation from a kingdom to a multiparty democratic republic holding Constituent Assembly election. It also discusses the roles of national and international organizations, including the United Nations, in the ongoing peace process of Nepal. 280pp PB ` 450.00 Liberal Perspectives for South Asia discusses the essentials of the liberal philosophy, while also indicating how appropriate it is in the South Asian context. In the past, the subcontinent was renowned for the skill with which it took up the dominant ideologies of the west and articulated them for the Asian context. In the post-colonial period, the only dominant ideology that was sidetracked by all political parties was liberalism, the ideology that promoted freedom of the individual. The idea of a book about the need for liberalism in the subcontinent was the brainchild of Chanaka Amaratunga, who set up the first avowedly Liberal Party in Sri Lanka. Many political parties have implemented liberal policies on an ad hoc basis and without a proper framework to guide them. Not all parties would accept all aspects of a liberal programme, however, in a context in which many parties are seeking an ideology that accords both with the present times and trends, and also with some of the goals they accepted in the past. It is hoped that this volume will provide food for thought and ideas for adoption and incorporation within the party programme. Ranging from erudite expositions of classic liberal thinkers to lively discussions of liberal economic principles put into practice by imaginative entrepreneurs, this volume is essential reading for a region making a swift transition into the contemporary, globalized world. Contents: Foreword; Preface; Chapter 1 – The Evolution of the Liberal Idea; Chapter 2 – The Fundamentals of Liberalism; Chapter 3 – Historical Roots of South Asian Liberalism; Chapter 4 – Liberalism and Constitutionalism: Parliament and the Judiciary; Chapter 5 – The Market Economy and Welfare: An Introductory Note; Chapter 6 – Grassroots Capitalism: A Glimpse of the UnrecognisedIndia; Chapter 7 – Empowering the Poor: A Liberal Approach to Education Reforms; Chapter 8 – Not by Religion Alone: Aspects of Pakistani Society; Chapter 9 – An Appraisal of Economic Liberalization in Pakistan; Chapter 10 – Religion and Culture in the Liberal State; Chapter 11 – Social Freedom in the Liberal State; Chapter 12- The Future of Liberalism in South Asia; Select Bibliography; Notes on Contributors. ISBN: 9788175966628 142 255pp HB ` 895.00 Inside Nuclear South Asia Scott D. Sagan The relentlessness of the confrontations between India and Pakistan, and the fact that they have more than once escalated into armed conflict, makes Inside Nuclear South Asia a must read for anyone – legislator, policy-maker, analyst, intelligence or military professional, student, or researcher – who wishes to gain a thorough understanding of the spread of nuclear weapons in South Asia and the potential consequences of nuclear proliferation on the subcontinent. Beginning with an examination of the origins of the nuclear weapons programmes in India and Pakistan, it goes on to analyse the consequences of nuclear proliferation on the subcontinent – and provides clear evidence that the presence of nuclear weapons in South Asia has increased the frequency and propensity of low-level violence, further destabilizing the region. Specifically, it demonstrates that nuclear weapons in India and Pakistan have led to serious political changes that challenge the ability of the two states to produce stable and lasting nuclear peace. Thus, this book provides new insights into the domestic politics and organizational interests behind specific nuclear policy choices in South Asia, a critique of narrow realist views of nuclear proliferation, and clear signposting of the dangers of nuclear proliferation in South Asia. India’s Rise as an Asian Power Nation, Neighborhood, and Region Sandy Gordon Contents: Preface; Author’s Note on Currency Conversion; Abbreviations; Introduction; 1. Governance and the “Hybrid Inheritance”; 2. Enmeshed Dissonance in South Asia; 3. South Asian Dissonance, Global Factors, and Global Power Competition; 4. Wider Regional Implications; 5. The Government Response: Domestic Governance and Security; 6. External Strategies and Challenges: From Neighborhood to Region; Conclusion; Bibliography; About the Author; Index. Contents: List of Illustrations; Acknowledgments; Introduction: Inside Nuclear South Asia; The Causes of Nuclear Proliferation in; 1.The BJP and the Bomb; 2.Testing Theories of Proliferation in South Asia; 3.Contra-Proliferation: Interpreting the Meanings of India’s Nuclear Tests in 1947 and 1998; The Consequences of Nuclear Proliferation in South Asia; 4.Pride and Prejudice and Prithvis: Strategic Weapons Behavior in South Asia; 5.Revisionist Ambitions, Conventional Capabilities, and Nuclear Instability: Why Nuclear South Asia Is Not Like Cold War Europe; 6.The Evolution of Pakistani and Indian Nuclear Doctrine; Contributors; Index. ISBN: 9788175967625 291pp This book examines India’s rise to power and the obstacles it faces in the context of domestic governance and security, relationships and security issues with its South Asian neighbours, and international relations in the wider Asian region. Instead of a straight-line projection based on traditional measures of power such as population size, economic growth rates, and military spending, Sandy Gordon’s nuanced view of India’s rise focuses on the need of any rising power to develop the means to deal with challenges in its domestic, neighbourhood (South Asia), and regional (continental) spheres. Terrorism, insurgency, border disputes, and water conflict and shortages are examples of some of India’s domestic and regional challenges. Gordon argues that before it can assume the mantle of a genuine Asian power or world power, India must improve its governance and security; otherwise, its economic growth and human development will continue to be hindered and its vulnerabilities may be exploited by competitors in its South Asian neighbourhood or the wider region. This book will appeal to students and scholars of India and South Asia, security studies, foreign policy, and comparative politics, as well as country and regional specialists. ISBN: 9789384463434 HB ` 795.00 143 296pp HB ` 650.00 Becoming Asia Change and Continuity in Asian International Relations Since World War II Alice Lyman Miller and Richard Wich Asymmetric Warfare in South Asia At the conclusion of World War II, Asia was hardly more than a geographic expression. Yet today we recognize Asia as a vibrant and assertive region, fully transformed from the vulnerable nation-states that emerged following the Second World War. The transformation was by no means an inevitable one, but the product of two key themes that have dominated Asia’s international relations since 1945 – the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to enlist the region’s states as assets in the Cold War, and the struggle of nationalistic Asian leaders to develop the domestic support to maintain power and independence in a dangerous international context. Becoming Asia provides a comprehensive, systemic account of how these themes played out in Asian affairs during the postwar years, covering not only East Asia, but South and Central Asia as well. In addition to exploring the interplay between nationalism and Cold War bipolarity during the first postwar decades, authors Alice Lyman Miller and Richard Wich chart the rise of largely export-led economies that are increasingly making the region the global centre of gravity, and document efforts in the ongoing search for regional integration. The Causes and Consequences of the Kargil Conflict Peter R. Lavoy Contents: 1. Introduction: the importance of the Kargil conflict Peter R. Lavoy; Part I. Causes and Conduct of the Conflict: 2. The strategic context of the Kargil conflict: a Pakistani perspective Zafar Iqbal Cheema; 3. Pakistan’s motivations and calculations for the Kargil conflict Feroz Hassan Khan, Peter R. Lavoy and Christopher Clary; 4. Military operations in the Kargil conflict John H. Gill; 5. American diplomacy and the 1999 Kargil Summit at Blair House Bruce Riedel; 6. Kargil: the nuclear dimension Timothy D. Hoyt; 7. Why Kargil did not produce general war: the crisis-management strategies of Pakistan, India, and the United States Peter R. Lavoy; Part II: Consequences and Impact of the Conflict: 8. Surprise at the top of the world: India’s systemic and intelligence failure James J. Wirtz and Surinder Rana; 9. Militants in the Kargil conflict: myths, realities, and impacts C. Christine Fair; 10. The impact of the Kargil conflict and Kashmir on Indian politics and society Praveen Swami; 11.The Kargil conflict’s impact on Pakistani politics and society Saeed Shafqat; Part III. Lessons Learned: 12. The lessons of Kargil as learned by India Rajesh M. Basrur; 13.The lessons of Kargil as learned by Pakistan Hasan-Askari Rizvi; 14. The Kargil crisis: lessons learned by the United States Rodney W. Jones and Joseph McMillan; 15. Kargil, deterrence, and international relations theory Robert Jervis. Contents: List of Illustrations; Preface; Chapter 1. Introduction; Chapter 2. Planning the Postwar World; . Chapter 3. The Chinese Civil War; Chapter 4. Japan: Occupation and Recovery; Chapter 5. The Korean War; Chapter 6. Decolonization, Nationalism, and Revolution; Chapter 7. The U.S. Alliance System; Chapter 8. The Sino- Soviet Alliance; Chapter 9. The Vietnam War; Chapter 10. Strategic Realignment; Chapter 11. The End of the Cold War; Chapter 12. The Rise of China; Chapter 13. Entering the New Century; Chapter 14. Change and Continuity; Notes Selected; Bibliography for Further Reading; Index. ISBN: 9789382264101 330pp The 1999 conflict between India and Pakistan near the town of Kargil in contested Kashmir was the first military clash between two nuclear-armed powers since the 1969 Sino-Soviet war. Kargil was a landmark event not because of its duration or casualties, but because it contained a very real risk of nuclear escalation. Until the Kargil conflict, academic and policy debates over nuclear deterrence and proliferation occurred largely on the theoretical level. This deep analysis of the conflict offers scholars and policymakers a rare account of how nucleararmed states interact during military crisis. Written by analysts from India, Pakistan, and the United States, this unique book draws extensively on primary sources, including unprecedented access to Indian, Pakistani, and U.S. government officials and military officers who were actively involved in the conflict. This is the first rigorous and objective account of the causes, conduct, and consequences of the Kargil conflict. HB ` 895.00 ISBN: 9781107427136 144 426pp PB ` 695.00 FORTHCOMING TITLES Discretion, Discrimination and the Rule of Law Politics of the Poor Reforming Rape Sentencing in India Indrajit Roy Mrinal Satish Poor people are central to Indian politics. Public policy and political parties, and development plans and elected representatives derive their legitimacy in the name of the poor. A study of Indian politics challenges the widespread academic, policy and public assumption that poor people are excluded from politics. in Contemporary India The book addresses and analyses in depth, the sentencing regime for rape in India. Based on a study of all rape cases decided by High Courts and the Supreme Court of India between 1984 and 2009, the book demonstrates (using regression analysis, as well as case studies) that sentencing courts in India tend to consider loss of chastity, marriageability and virginity as the primary “harms” of rape. Therefore, in sentencing the convicted rapist, courts consider as relevant whether the woman was a virgin, her marital status, her sexual history, etc. Through this analysis, the book argues that despite law reform, the “myths” and “stereotypes” about rapists and rape victims that used to be embedded in the positive law of rape and/or in evidence law have in many cases merely shifted from the charging and trial stages to the sentencing stage. The book further argues that rape myths and stereotypes influence sentencing, leading to unwarranted disparity. India’s democracy provides the country’s poor with unique opportunities for political engagement. They vote regularly. Does their regular electoral participation make their politics the same as everyone else’s? Side by side, poor people also face vulnerable lives. Do their vulnerabilities render their politics different from those of others? Based on fieldwork in eastern India, this book argues that the poor neither acquiesce with the primacy of electoral institutions nor do they resist it. Rather, they negotiate with democracy. Their negotiations are varied, shaped as they are by the dynamic interaction of institutional opportunity and the social relations of power. The book undertakes a theoretical examination of the purposes of punishment, the fundamentally overlapping nature of the stages of the criminal process, and the meaning of “disparity.” Based on a comparative study of sentencing reforms, and an examination and analysis of recent efforts to reduce sentencing disparity in a variety of common-law jurisdictions such as the United Kingdom, Israel, and the United States, the book proposes an institutional reform – an independent sentencing commission that would establish detailed, presumptive guidelines for rape sentencing as a solution to the problem of unwarranted disparity in rape sentencing in India. The book sets forth what the sentencing guidelines for rape in India might provide, discussing factors that should be considered relevant and irrelevant in the sentencing of rape offenders. The underlying theme of the book is to bring the rule of law to criminal sentencing in India. The book situates detailed observations from eastern India in conversation with the analytic debates on clientelism and citizenship, moral vocabularies and languages of stateness, preservation and improvement, and tradition and modernity. Through these analytic interventions, Roy elaborates a new framework with which to analyse poor people’s multifaceted negotiations with democracy. Contents: Introduction; Chapter 1. The Perspectives of the Study; Chapter 2. Institutional Opportunity Structures; Chapter 3. Social Relations of Power; Chapter 4. From Clientelism to Citizenship; Chapter 5- From Moral Vocabularies to Languages of Stateness; Chapter 6. From Backwardness to Improvements; Chapter 7. From Tradition to Modernity; Conclusion Contents: Chapter 1. Introduction; Chapter 2. An Introduction to the Indian Criminal Justice System; Chapter 3. The Law and Practice of Rape Adjudication in India; Chapter 4. Rape Sentencing: An Empirical Analysis; Chapter 5. Myths and Stereotypes in Rape Prosecutions; Chapter 6. Structuring Sentencing Discretion: Guidelines Models and Approaches; Chapter 7. Sentencing Discretion in India: The Need for Structuring; Chapter 8. Sentencing Guidelines for Rape ISBN: 9781107135628 300pp HB ISBN: 9781107117181 ` 895.00 145 350pp HB ` 850.00 Notes 146 www.cambridge.org INDEX A A Concise History of Modern India --------------------------------------------------------- 49 A Course on Cooperative Game Theory -------------------------------------------------- 11 A Descriptive Study of Bengali Words ----------------------------------------------------- 54 A Field of One’s Own ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 134 A Gentleman’s Word --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 A History of Bangladesh ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 A History of Prejudice -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 A New Anthropology of Islam ---------------------------------------------------------------- 99 A Short History of English Literature ------------------------------------------------------- 23 A Social History of the Deccan -------------------------------------------------------------- 29 A Struggle for Identity -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 A Textbook of Cultural Economics --------------------------------------------------------- 13 Abortion in Asia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Adjudication in Religious Family Laws ---------------------------------------------------- 76 Afghan Endgames ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 118 Amitav Ghosh ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21 An Experiment in Criticism (Canto Classics) -------------------------------------------- 15 An Intellectual History for India -------------------------------------------------------------- 30 An Introduction to Buddhism --------------------------------------------------------------- 100 An Introduction to Hinduism ------------------------------------------------------------------ 99 An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure ----------------------- 67 An Introduction to Islam ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 98 An Introduction to Islamic Law ------------------------------------------------------------- 100 An Introduction to Mathematics for Economics ----------------------------------------- 11 An Introduction to Research ------------------------------------------------------------------ 20 An Introduction to the History of America ------------------------------------------------- 47 Anthropology, Politics, and the State -------------------------------------------------------- 1 Armies, Wars and their Food ---------------------------------------------------------------- 30 Asian Rivalries --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 117 Asian Voices in a Postcolonial Age ---------------------------------------------------------- 1 Asymmetric Warfare in South Asia ------------------------------------------------------- 144 Chinese and Indian Strategic Behavior ------------------------------------------------- 121 Citizenship and Identity in the Age of Surveillance ---------------------------------- 132 Civil Society --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 Collaborative Learning in Practice -------------------------------------------------------- 131 Colonial Justice in British India -------------------------------------------------------------- 44 Coming of Age in Nineteenth-Century India --------------------------------------------- 33 Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong in IslamicThought ---------------------- 99 Communal Violence, Forced Migration and the State ------------------------------- 118 Companion to Comparative Literature, World Literatures, and Comparative Cultural Studies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 Complex Deterrence ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 116 Contract Law ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69 Cookery for the Hospitality Industry -------------------------------------------------------- 28 Corporate Entrepreneurship Top Managers and New Business Creation --------- 3 Corporate Governance ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 64 Corruption and Reform in India ------------------------------------------------------------ 116 Courtly Culture and Political Life in Early Medieval India ----------------------------- 33 Crafting Strategy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80 Creating a New Medina ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 Creating New Markets in the Digital Economy ------------------------------------------ 80 Credit to Capabilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 133 Culinary Culture in Colonial India ----------------------------------------------------------- 33 Cyber Warfare and the Laws of War ------------------------------------------------------- 72 D Decentralization and Empowerment for Rural Development -------------------------- 3 Decision Behaviour, Analysis and Support ----------------------------------------------- 80 Decolonising International Law -------------------------------------------------------------- 66 Deep Currents and Rising Tides ---------------------------------------------------------- 136 Democracy and Decentralisation in South Asia and West Africa ---------------- 121 Development of Geocentric Spatial Language and Cognition -------------------- 124 Devotion and Dissent in Indian History ---------------------------------------------------- 34 Disability, Education and Employment in Developing Countries ----------------- 131 Discretion, Discrimination and the Rule of Law --------------------------------------- 145 Disquieting Gifts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Domesticity and Power in the Early Mughal World ------------------------------------ 34 B Bangladesh --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Banking and Financial Systems ------------------------------------------------------------- 13 Becoming Asia --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 144 Becoming India ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 Bengal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 Between the State and Islam -------------------------------------------------------------- 117 Bombay Islam ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32 Brand Society ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 77 Breakdown in Pakistan ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 136 Building Respected Companies ------------------------------------------------------------- 77 Business Ethics and Continental Philosophy -------------------------------------------- 78 Butcher’s Copy-editing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 E Eating Grass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 116 Economic Reform in India ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Elements of Tibetan Buddhism -------------------------------------------------------------- 98 Elite Parties, Poor Voters ------------------------------------------------------------------- 122 Empire & Information --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 Empire Calling --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 129 Empowering Society ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 115 Energy and Security in South Asia ------------------------------------------------------- 136 English for the Media --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 English Literature in Context ----------------------------------------------------------------- 19 English Phonology ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 60 English Syntax ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 Explaining the Performance of Human Resource Management -------------------- 82 C Cambridge Handbook of Culture, Organizations, and Work ------------------------- 78 Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice ------------------------------------------ 79 Cartel Regulation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 Changing India ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 China and India in the Age of Globalization -------------------------------------------- 122 F Fantasy of Modernity ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 126 149 Fate and Fortune in the Indian Scriptures ------------------------------------------------ 98 Indigeneity and Legal Pluralism in India -------------------------------------------------- 76 Fates of Political Liberalism in the British Post-Colony ----------------------------- 114 Indigenous and Western Medicine in Colonial India ----------------------------------- 45 Fighting Back ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 115 Indigo Plantations and Science in Colonial India --------------------------------------- 45 Fighting Eviction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Industrial Organization ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Financial Analysis, Planning & Forecasting ------------------------------------------------ 4 Informal Labor, Formal Politics and Dignified Discontent in India ---------------- 121 Financial Market Bubbles and Crashes --------------------------------------------------- 14 Innovation in India -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Foreigners and Foreign Languages in India --------------------------------------------- 55 Inside Lawyers’ Ethics ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68 Forest Ecology in India ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35 Inside Nuclear South Asia ------------------------------------------------------------------ 143 Forest Policy and Ecological Change ------------------------------------------------------ 49 Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in South Asia ----------------------------------- 112 From Asian to Global Financial Crisis ----------------------------------------------------- 14 International Business Strategy ------------------------------------------------------------- 84 From Subjects to Citizens --------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 International Human Rights Law ------------------------------------------------------------ 68 G Games in Economic Development --------------------------------------------------------- 11 Gandhi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 122 Gandhi as Disciple and Mentor -------------------------------------------------------------- 43 Gandhi in the West ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 Gender and Science ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 130 Gender, Conflict and Peace in Kashmir ------------------------------------------------- 129 Global Outsourcing and Offshoring -------------------------------------------------------- 82 Global Services Outsourcing ----------------------------------------------------------------- 83 Global South Asians -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 137 Globalization and Competition ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Globalization and India’s Economic Integration --------------------------------------- 115 Good Thinking --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 125 Government as Practice --------------------------------------------------------------------- 118 Greening the Firm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 114 International Law -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66 International Law from Below ---------------------------------------------------------------- 67 Introducing Phonetic Science ---------------------------------------------------------------- 62 Introducing Phonology ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 Introducing Second Language Acquisition ----------------------------------------------- 60 Introductory Econometrics -------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Islamic Extremism ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 97 Islamic Reform in South Asia -------------------------------------------------------------- 137 Islamic Societies to the Nineteenth Century --------------------------------------------- 46 J Journeys to Empire ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 Jurisprudence ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 74 K Kingship and Ideology in the Islamic and Mongol Worlds -------------------------- 137 L Labour, Employment and Economic Growth in India ------------------------------------ 9 Language and Linguistics --------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 Language Death --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 Language History of the Kamta and Cooch Behar Region -------------------------- 56 Language in South Asia ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 Language, Culture, and Society ------------------------------------------------------------- 63 Leading Strategic Change -------------------------------------------------------------------- 85 Leading the Sales Force ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 85 Learning from the Field ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 138 Leveraging Corporate Responsibility ------------------------------------------------------ 86 Liberal Perspective for South Asia ------------------------------------------------------- 142 Limits of Islamism ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112 Linguistics ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 Living with Disasters ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 126 Localization Strategies for Global E-Business ------------------------------------------ 86 Love in South Asia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 138 H Handbook of Indian Psychology ---------------------------------------------------------- 125 Hard Times --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 Hinduism and Law ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 75 Hinduism and the Ethics of Warfare in South Asia ------------------------------------- 98 History Culture and the Indian City --------------------------------------------------------- 36 How Children Learn to Be Healthy ------------------------------------------------------- 124 Human Capital ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Human Rights and Law ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 68 Human Rights under State-Enforced Religious Family Laws in Israel, Egypt and India ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 65 Humanitarian Intervention -------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 Hyderabad, British India, and the World -------------------------------------------------- 50 I India and the Nuclear Non-proliferation Regime -------------------------------------- 114 India Before Europe ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 India in the World Order --------------------------------------------------------------------- 113 India Since 1980 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 113 India Working --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 India‘s Healthcare Industry ------------------------------------------------------------------- 83 India’s Foreign Policy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 113 India’s Labouring Poor ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 India’s Late, Late Industrial Revolution ---------------------------------------------------- 84 India’s Rise as an Asian Power ----------------------------------------------------------- 143 India–EU People Mobility --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Indian Business Groups ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 84 Indian Railways ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 M Mahesh Dattani ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 Making Money ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Making News in Global India ----------------------------------------------------------------- 28 Management Across Culture ----------------------------------------------------------------- 86 Managing Change ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 87 Managing Customer Value ------------------------------------------------------------------- 87 Mao’s Little Red Book ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 123 Mapping Social Exclusion in India -------------------------------------------------------- 128 Market Menagerie --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Marketing Strateg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88 150 Memories of Post-imperial Nations --------------------------------------------------------- 44 Purifying Empire --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 Microeconomics for MBAs -------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 Q Quest of a Discipline --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58 Migration and Diaspora in Modern Asia ------------------------------------------------- 133 Migration, Mobility and Multiple Affiliations --------------------------------------------- 132 R R. K. Narayan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20 Race, Religion and Law in Colonial India ------------------------------------------------- 73 Raja Rao ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21 Realising the Demographic Dividend -------------------------------------------------------- 9 Reengineering in Action ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 90 Religion and Conflict in Modern South Asia ------------------------------------------- 139 Remembering Partition ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 38 Resource Economics -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Rethinking the Buddha ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 96 Reverence, Resistance and Politics of Seeing the Indian National Flag ------- 118 Revolutionary Pamphlets, Propaganda and Political Culture in Colonial Bengal38 Rohinton Mistry ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 Rural Politics in India ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 120 Mobilizing Restraint --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 111 Models of Opportunity ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88 Modern Islamic Thought in a Radical Age ---------------------------------------------- 102 Modern Legal Drafting ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69 Monetary Policy, Sovereign Debt and Financial Stability ------------------------------- 6 Mortal Questions (Canto Classics) --------------------------------------------------------- 96 Muslim Belonging in Secular India --------------------------------------------------------- 52 N Nanotechnology and Development ----------------------------------------------------------- 7 Nation-Building and Foreign Policy in India -------------------------------------------- 111 Nations and Nationalism since 1780 ------------------------------------------------------- 48 Nepal in Transition ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 119 Nepal Votes for Peace ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 142 News as Culture --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 No Exit from Pakistan ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 120 Nomadic Narratives ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 S Science, Technology and Social Formation in Medieval Assam ------------------- 39 Semantics ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 Shaping the Emerging World -------------------------------------------------------------- 110 Shari‘a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76 Shi’a Islam in Colonial India ------------------------------------------------------------------ 39 Short Introduction to Strategic Human Resource Management -------------------- 90 Sites of Asian Interaction -------------------------------------------------------------------- 130 Small Town Capitalism in Western India ------------------------------------------------- 39 Sociolinguistic Variation ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 64 Sociolinguistics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 Sounds and their patterns in Indic languages ------------------------------------------- 57 Sounds and their patterns in Indic languages ------------------------------------------- 58 South Asia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 140 South Asian Languages ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 Speaking Like a State ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 110 Stakeholders Matter ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92 State-Directed Development --------------------------------------------------------------- 109 Strange Riches ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 Strategic Conversations ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 92 Strategic Customer Management ----------------------------------------------------------- 92 Strategic Intelligence --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93 Strategic Management ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93 Strategic Risk Management Practice ------------------------------------------------------ 93 Strategy and Organization -------------------------------------------------------------------- 94 Strong Managers, Strong Owners ---------------------------------------------------------- 94 Studying English Literature ------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 Subalternity, Exclusion and Social Change in India --------------------------------- 127 Successful Strategies -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 O Online Journalism ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 Operations Management ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 88 Organizations at War in Afghanistan and Beyond ------------------------------------ 142 Our Indian Railway ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 P Pakistan’s Counterterrorism Challenge ------------------------------------------------- 135 Pakistan’s Experience with Formal Law -------------------------------------------------- 73 Paper Tiger --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65 Patronage as Politics in South Asia ------------------------------------------------------ 124 Peace and Conflict Pakistan --------------------------------------------------------------- 141 People and Life on the Chars of South Asia ------------------------------------------- 128 Performance at the Limit ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 89 Phone Clones ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 Piracy in the Indian Film Industry ----------------------------------------------------------- 70 Policy Options to Achieve Food Security in South Asia ---------------------------- 140 Political Structure in a Changing Sinhalese Village ------------------------------------ 37 Political Theory And Power ----------------------------------------------------------------- 111 Political Thought in Action -------------------------------------------------------------------- 97 Politics of the Poor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 145 Population Ageing in India ------------------------------------------------------------------ 128 Poverty Amid Plenty in the New India --------------------------------------------------- 111 Practical Ethics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95 Pragmatics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 Presidential Legislation in India ------------------------------------------------------------- 69 Preventive Detention and the Democratic State ---------------------------------------- 77 Price Theory and Applications --------------------------------------------------------------- 12 Principles and Practice of Social Marketing ---------------------------------------------- 89 Principles of Politics -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 110 Private Investment in India 1900-1939 ---------------------------------------------------- 38 Problem Solving in Organizations ---------------------------------------------------------- 89 Public Expenditure and Indian Development Policy1960-1970 ----------------------- 7 Public Management ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90 T Taming Tibet --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Teaching Management ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 94 Telangana People’s Struggle and its Lessons ------------------------------------------ 40 Tensions in Rural Bengal ------------------------------------------------------------------- 109 The Anglo-Maratha Campaigns and the Contest for India --------------------------- 48 The Business School in the Twenty - First Century ------------------------------------ 95 151 The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Law -------------------------------------- 72 The Partition of India --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48 The Cambridge Companion to Creative Writing ---------------------------------------- 19 The Politics of Extremism in South Asia ------------------------------------------------ 139 The Cambridge Companion to Cricket ---------------------------------------------------- 26 The Power of Oratory in the Medieval Muslim World -------------------------------- 100 The Cambridge Companion to Gandhi ---------------------------------------------------- 48 The Practice of War -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 135 The Cambridge Companion to John Donne --------------------------------------------- 15 The Promise of Power ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 106 The Cambridge Companion to Modern Indian Culture ------------------------------ 132 The Rani of Jhansi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 43 The Cambridge Companion to Nelson Mandela -------------------------------------- 120 The Rational Believer ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 133 The Cambridge Companion to Old English Literature -------------------------------- 16 The Religious Culture of India --------------------------------------------------------------- 96 The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Tragedy ----------------------------- 18 The Rise of China ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 106 The Cambridge Companion to W.B. Yeats ---------------------------------------------- 16 The Service Sector in India’s Development ---------------------------------------------- 10 The Cambridge History of English Romantic Literature ------------------------------ 16 The Shi‘â in Modern South Asia ---------------------------------------------------------- 139 The Cambridge Introduction to Gabriel Garcia Marquez ----------------------------- 18 The Sikhs of the Punjab ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 The Cambridge Introduction to the Short Story in English --------------------------- 22 The Spirit of Hindu Law ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 75 The Cambridge Shakespeare Guide ------------------------------------------------------- 25 The State and Land Records Modernisation -------------------------------------------- 78 The Camera as Witness ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 The Story of English in India ----------------------------------------------------------------- 59 The Challenge of Democracy -------------------------------------------------------------- 108 The Study of Langugage ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 64 The Cold War in South Asia ------------------------------------------------------------------ 50 The Tradition of Non-Use of Nuclear Weapons --------------------------------------- 106 The Concise Cambridge History of English Literature -------------------------------- 22 The Untouchables ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 130 The Conquests of Alexander the Great ----------------------------------------------------- 3 The US–India Nuclear Agreement -------------------------------------------------------- 105 The Crisis of Global Modernity -------------------------------------------------------------- 50 The World under Pressure ------------------------------------------------------------------ 105 The Dance of Siva ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 96 Themes and Conventions of Elizabethan Tragedy ------------------------------------- 23 The Economics of Derivatives ----------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Theory and Practice of Corporate Governance ----------------------------------------- 70 The Economy of Modern India -------------------------------------------------------------- 42 Think on my Words (Canto Classics) ------------------------------------------------------ 17 The Electronic Silk Road ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 Thought Leadership Meets Business ------------------------------------------------------ 95 The Emerging Dimensions of SAARC --------------------------------------------------- 127 Timepass ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 105 The Engagement of India ------------------------------------------------------------------- 108 Toppling Qaddafi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66 The Female Voice of Myanmar -------------------------------------------------------------- 44 Touch and Intimacy in First World War Literature -------------------------------------- 17 The Financial Inclusion Imperative and Sustainable Approaches -------------------- 8 Towards a Knowledge Society ------------------------------------------------------------ 131 The G20 Macroeconomic Agenda ------------------------------------------------------------ 8 Tracks of Change ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 The Good Muslim ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 Trade Marks and Brands ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 75 The Government of Social Life in Colonial India ---------------------------------------- 45 Translating India --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 The Great Gatsby ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 Translation Studies ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 The Health of Nations -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74 U Urdu Literature and Journalism ------------------------------------------------------------- 26 The History of Peace-Building in East Timor ------------------------------------------ 119 The IMF and Global Financial Crises -------------------------------------------------------- 9 V Varieties of Federal Governance --------------------------------------------------------- 104 Vikram Seth --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 Violent Conjunctures in Democratic India ---------------------------------------------- 123 Vortex of Conflict ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 104 Votes and Violence --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 103 Vying for Allah‘s Vote ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 134 The India - Pakistan Conflict --------------------------------------------------------------- 139 The Indian Army and the End of the Raj -------------------------------------------------- 52 The Indian Army on the Western Front ---------------------------------------------------- 53 The Indian Economy in Transition ---------------------------------------------------------- 10 The Indian Princes and their States -------------------------------------------------------- 53 The International Ambitions of Mao and Nehru --------------------------------------- 107 The Law of Electronic Commerce ---------------------------------------------------------- 74 W Wandering with Sadhus ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Western Realism and International Relations ----------------------------------------- 121 When Counterinsurgency Wins ----------------------------------------------------------- 134 Why Ethnic Parties Succeed --------------------------------------------------------------- 122 Witches, Tea Plantations, and Lives of Migrant Laborers in India --------------- 127 Woman as Spectator and Spectacle ------------------------------------------------------- 27 Women in Prison ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 126 The Law-Making Process --------------------------------------------------------------------- 72 The Logic of Law Making in Islam ---------------------------------------------------------- 72 The Logic of Sharing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 107 The Making of Roman India ------------------------------------------------------------------ 49 The Metaphysics of Text ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 The Mughal Empire ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 The Muslims Are Coming! ------------------------------------------------------------------ 107 The Mutiny Outbreak at Meerut in 1857 -------------------------------------------------- 42 The Origins of Yoga and Tantra ----------------------------------------------------------- 103 152