Vehicle probe use cases and test scenarios
Vehicle probe use cases and test scenarios
Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP SAFESPOT INTEGRATED PROJECT - IST-4-026963-IP DELIVERABLE SP1 – SAFEPROBE – In-Vehicle Sensing and Platform Vehicle probe use cases and test scenarios Deliverable No. (use the number indicated on technical annex) D1.2.1 Sub Project No. SP1 Sub Project Title SAFEPROBE Work package No. WP2 Work package Title Needs and Requirements Task No. 1.2.1 Task Title Vehicle Probe Use Cases Authors (per company, if more than one company provide it together) Debra Topham, Gary Ford, David Ward (MIRA) Christian Zott (Bosch), Piero Mortara (MMSE) Status: Submitted to EC Version No: 1.6 File Name: SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Issue Date: 15/09/2006 Project start date and duration 01 February 2006, 48 Months SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 1 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Revision Log Version Date Reason 1.0 28/6/06 Deliverable structure created Debra Topham MIRA Ltd 1.1 28/07/2006 Compiled 1st draft revision Gary Ford MIRA Ltd 1.2 31/07/2006 Name and Company nd 2 draft revision Christian Zott, Bosch rd 1.3 01/08/2006 1.4 04/08/2006 1.5 24/08/2006 1.6 25/09/2006 3 daft revision, pictograms added, re-wording paragraphs Internal review and general modifications to document Updated Scenario Tables & Use Cases 11_51 & 12_51 4th draft revision based on Peer reviews SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 2 of 143 Gary Ford MIRA Ltd Gary Ford / David Ward MIRA Ltd Piero Mortara, MMSE Gary Ford Mira Ltd Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Abbreviation List C2C-CC Car-to-Car Communication CCWAS Co-operative Collision Warning and Avoidance System DWS Driver Warning System EC European Commission ETSC European Transport Safety Council EU European Union EUCAR European Association for Collaborative Automotive Research CC Cruise Control IST Information Society Technologies GPS Global Positioning System GST Global System for Telematics PReVENT Integrated project for preventative safety ITS Intelligent Transportation System IVI Intelligent Vehicle Initiative IVIS In-vehicle Information Systems IVSS Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems LAN Local Area Network LCW Lateral Collision Warning LDW Lane Departure Warning PSAP Public Safety Answering Points PLATFORM A set of technology, which acts as a foundation for real world applications. PTW Powered two-wheeler RT Reaction time SAFELANE Situation Adaptive system for Enhanced Lane keeping support SAFEPROBE In-Vehicle Sensing and Platform SASPENCE Safe Speed and Safe Distance Sintech SAFESPOT Innovative Technologies SoA State of the Art SuD System under Design UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication System WILLWARN Wireless Localised danger Warning system SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 3 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP WLAN Wireless Local Area Network WP Work Package VRU Vulnerable Road User V2V-C Vehicle to Vehicle – Communication V2I Vehicle to Infrastructure SP Sub Project SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 4 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Table of contents Revision Log .........................................................................................................2 Abbreviation List ...................................................................................................3 List of Figures .......................................................................................................6 List of Tables ........................................................................................................6 Executive Summary ..............................................................................................7 1 Introduction .....................................................................................................8 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 Innovation and Contribution to the SAFESPOT Objectives ............................................................ 8 Methodology .................................................................................................................................. 10 Deliverable structure ...................................................................................................................... 11 General Background .....................................................................................12 2.1 SAFEPROBE in-vehicle platform.................................................................................................. 12 2.1.1 Car platform.......................................................................................................................... 14 2.1.2 Truck platform...................................................................................................................... 14 2.1.3 PTW platform ....................................................................................................................... 15 2.2 Synergies with other subprojects.................................................................................................... 16 2.2.1 SP1-SP2................................................................................................................................ 17 2.2.2 SP1-SP3................................................................................................................................ 18 2.2.3 SP1-SP4................................................................................................................................ 18 2.3 Related Research............................................................................................................................ 19 2.3.1 Lateral Safe........................................................................................................................... 19 2.3.2 Saspence ............................................................................................................................... 20 2.3.3 Safelane ................................................................................................................................ 21 2.3.4 Willwarn ............................................................................................................................... 21 2.3.5 Intersafe ................................................................................................................................ 22 2.3.6 GST ...................................................................................................................................... 23 2.3.7 C2C-CC ................................................................................................................................ 24 3 Selection of SAFEPROBE Scenarios ...........................................................25 3.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 25 3.1.1 Definition of SP1 Scenario ................................................................................................... 25 3.2 Methodology for Scenario Title Selection ..................................................................................... 26 3.3 Results of Scenario Title Selection ................................................................................................ 27 4 Description of basic scenarios ......................................................................29 4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 29 4.2 Methodology of basic scenario description.................................................................................... 29 4.2.1 Driving Scenario Attributes Diagram ................................................................................... 29 5 Use Case methodology.................................................................................34 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6 7 8 Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 34 Definition of an actor ..................................................................................................................... 38 Description of a use case................................................................................................................ 42 Use case template naming convention ........................................................................................... 42 Use case suggestion list.................................................................................................................. 43 Conclusions ..................................................................................................45 References....................................................................................................46 Annexes........................................................................................................48 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Annex 1 .......................................................................................................................................... 48 Annex 2: Merged Scenario Table................................................................................................... 50 Annex 3: Scenario tables................................................................................................................ 51 Annex 4: SAFEPROBE use cases.................................................................................................. 68 SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 5 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP List of Figures Figure 2.1: High – Level functional diagram of the SAFEPROBE platform.................................. 12 Figure 2.2: Logic architecture of the SAFESPOT platform .......................................................... 13 Figure 2.3: Possible block diagram of the SAFESPOT platform.................................................. 13 Figure 2.4: Volvo FH 4x2 Tractor ................................................................................................ 14 Figure 2.5: Preliminary structure for Volvo demonstrator vehicle ................................................ 15 Figure 2.6: Piaggio “X9 500 Evolution”........................................................................................ 16 Figure 2.7: Activity flow diagram ................................................................................................ 17 Figure 4.1: Driving Scenario Attributes diagram .......................................................................... 32 Figure 5.1: Reference model for probe vehicle systems ............................................................. 35 Figure 5.2: Impacts on fatalities reduction.................................................................................. 36 Figure 5.3: Context diagram........................................................................................................ 39 List of Tables Table 3.1: Scenario cluster tables .............................................................................................. 28 Table 4.1 : Reduced Scenarios ................................................................................................... 33 Table 5.1 : Example of actors and actor descriptions.................................................................. 42 Table 5.2: Use Cases Index........................................................................................................ 45 SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 6 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Executive Summary Objective: SP1 SAFEPROBE is developing the vehicle-based SAFESPOT subsystem that performs the in-vehicle sensing, the in-vehicle fusion of data into a local dynamic map of the environment and the communication with other vehicles and infrastructure subsystems enabling the applications developed by SP4 and SP5. The aim of task T1.2.1, which this deliverable is reporting the results of, is to: − − − − define use cases for the in-vehicle platform subsystem support the SP4/5 use case definition respecting and partially anticipating their needs and requirements collaborate with SP3 to set the context for their technology developments provide the foundation for the following SP1 requirements specification Methods / work / document parts / results: The following steps have been carried out: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Revision of related research (ADAS projects) and their methodology for use case specification. This led in particular to the definition of a use case template in tabular form, which has also been adopted by other SP's. Identification of SP1 system boundary: A major difference of SP1 SAFEPROBE to most of the related research projects is that the system under design here (the platform) is only a subsystem or component instead of a total driver assistance or safety system. Restatement of the definition of actors and application to the in-vehicle platform: It was found that primary actors for SP1 are only a SP4 subsystem or SP1/2 subsystems of communicating vehicles and infrastructure. Definition and identification of a driving scenario and its possible attributes: This has been summarized in an entity relationship diagram, called a “scenario attribute diagram”, supporting the scenario and use case definition. Compilation, merging, rating and selection of 15 out of 85 representative driving scenarios. Specification of 38 representative SP1 use cases based on the 15 selected scenarios using the tabular use case templates. Harmonization of the selected scenarios and use cases with esp. SP4 applications and their current use cases. Interpretation of results: A set of use cases and driving scenarios of SP4 and SP5 were derived in a rigorous way, on high-level user needs basis. SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 7 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Harmonization of these results of the Use Case and Scenarios with SP4 have been carried out. The use cases for this subsystem presented in this document in this early project phase are likely to be subject to change and extension while the application use cases and the core architecture are under definition. 1 Introduction The cooperative system approach to improve road safety is based on the acquisition of in-vehicle information, its processing and distribution towards other vehicles and the infrastructure. It will represent an important and innovative step for the definition of an architecture platform able to enhance: • The on-board advance driver assistance systems for improving the driving safety margin • The on-board information system, by integrating safety related information and warnings with digital maps. The platform to be developed by this SP (SAFEPROBE) will acquire in-vehicle available safety relevant information and exchange it with cooperative communication partners in local ad-hoc networks such as other vehicles and roadside units. The information sources of the platform carrying (probe) vehicles are e.g.: • vehicle dynamics and body networks • on-board surround sensors • occupant safety systems • global satellite-positioning, static map and navigation systems This information will be filtered, classified and fused into a standardized local dynamic map of the vehicle environment (see WP1.3 and WP1.4). 1.1 Innovation and Contribution to the SAFESPOT Objectives The information contained in the local dynamic map will in particular enable vehicle based safety applications as developed by SP4. Public interfaces, messages and protocols will be specified and validated to achieve inter-operability with other SAFESPOT subsystems. SAFEPROBE, together with INFRASENS, will develop also an open Data Base and Data Dictionary. The vehicles will communicate between them and with SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 8 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP public infrastructure using a common technology and protocol (developed in SP3, according to the Core Architecture developed in SP7). The applications, running on the vehicles or on the infrastructures, will be able, in this way, to get information form all possible sources (vehicles, local infrastructures, distributed infrastructure, etc.) and use them. The technology lends itself to the task of providing such safety features within SAFEPROBE and a common platform is key to providing a robust system that all vehicle manufacturers and O.E.M's can provide to their respective customers with confidence. To achieve this objective, the following activities are part of SP1’s tasks: • Identification of driving scenarios and definition of use cases (this deliverable’s task 1.2.1) • Deviation of requirements for the in-vehicle platform from the use cases (task 1.2.3) • Definition of a flexible and configurable on-board architecture • Specification of useful vehicle internal data (vehicle sensors, surround sensors, geo-position module, etc.) as a result of an in-vehicle system analysis, started in task 1.2.2. • Specification of useful vehicle external data (data from neighboring vehicles and infrastructure over communication system) for example in terms of interface definitions (content and format) and of requirements (e.g. accuracy, availability, latency) • Definition of modalities for receiving and transmitting data collected from probe vehicles shared among all vehicle manufacturers • Definition of a common standard shared and interoperable of the data coming from probe vehicles and infrastructure • Specification of data fusion algorithms (including data storage) for “internal vehicle data” • Specification of data fusion algorithms for “cooperative data” (internal and external) considering data requirements (e.g. accuracy, availability, latency) • Definition of test cases and analysis of test results. SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 9 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP The SAFEPROBE multi-system platform is a logical extension of the on-board sensor data fusion activities and it will be built on the availability of on-board sensors and cooperative systems for the safe integration of vehicles and infrastructure. 1.2 Methodology The requirement of Task 1.2.1 within SP1 is to define the use and test cases under which the vehicle platform will be required to operate in order to provide the necessary data for the applications that will be implemented by SP4 and SP5. Since the overall aim of the SAFESPOT project is to provide warning and advisory information to the driver in order to decrease the number of safety related accidents, the focus of the use cases will be driving scenarios where the SAFEPROBE system could help prevent a safety related accident from occurring using data gathered from sensors onboard the vehicle. Ideally these scenarios would have been derived from use cases and the corresponding driving scenarios as specified by all SAFESPOT applications, i.e. the vehicle based applications (SP4) and the infrastructure based applications (SP5). For the following reasons this approach could not be taken: 1. The SP4 and SP5 use case specification was not scheduled to be finished during the time allocation for this task in the project plan. Only a preliminary set of applications and outlines of use cases were given. 2. The European core architecture specification for cooperative systems based on ad-hoc networking is still under development, e.g. by the major IPs SAFESPOT and CVIS as well as the Car-to-Car-Communication Consortium. Therefore the In-vehicle platform boundary cannot be regarded as fixed. 3. Even if a ‘complete’ set of use cases and driving scenarios of SP4 and SP5 were derived in a rigorous as possible way on high level user needs, accident data and technology analyses (see fig 2.2.1 below), a true invehicle ‘platform’ should be open and flexible to support use cases of future safety and other applications, e.g. those of CVIS. Thus the objective of this task should be to find a number of representative use cases that are based on the experience of developers rather than found by formal analysis methods alone. SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 10 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Therefore the following approach based essentially on proposal and voting of the SAFEPROBE’s partners has been taken to complete Task 1.2.1: 1. Revision of related (ADAS) projects use cases and driving scenarios 2. Definition of a use case template in tabular form 3. Identification of SP1 system boundary by definition of primary/secondary actors and further interacting entities 4. Definition of a driving scenario and its possible attributes, which were summarized in a so-called “scenario attribute diagram” 5. Compilation, merging, rating and selection of 15 out of 85 representative driving scenarios. 6. Specification of 38 representative SP1 use cases based on the 15 selected scenarios using the tabular use case templates. 7. Harmonization of the selected scenarios and use cases with esp. SP4 applications and their current high level use case descriptions A more detailed explanation can be found in chapters 3, 4 and 5. 1.3 Deliverable structure The remainder of this document is organised as follows. In chapter 2, background information on the SAFESPOT architecture component addressed in SAFEPROBE (the in-vehicle platform) can be found. Section 2.1 contains the preliminary view of the logic and common hardware architecture for the in-vehicle platform along with some first hardware considerations on the platforms for Cars (2.1.1), Trucks (2.1.2) and PTW’s (Powered two wheelers, 2.1.3). Section 2.2 highlights the synergies with other subprojects. Section 2.3 focuses on related research projects and consortia such as Willwarn, Intersafe, Lateral Safe, GST, and the C2C-CC. A list of detailed scenarios can be found in chapter 3 that have been derived by the methodology described above (1.2) along with design tools / methods to produce the results in section 3.3. A description of basic scenarios is detailed in chapter 4. In chapter 5 we describe the Use Case Methodology and list actor definitions along with Use Cases that have been provided by collaborative partners of the SAFEPROBE work partners consortium. Chapter 6 concludes the document and highlights the results achieved during the work on requirements and post conclusions from our discussions, which then SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 11 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP leads onto the next sub project SP2 architecture, and the actual development work. Section 7 is a reference chapter for all material used and or referred to within this document. Section 8 provides the Annex section of this report. 2 General Background 2.1 SAFEPROBE in-vehicle platform The following Figure 2.1 shows a high-level functional diagram of the SAFEPROBE platform. Figure 2.1: High – Level functional diagram of the SAFEPROBE platform SAFEPROBE has the main task to develop the “in vehicle platform”. The platform should support at least all the SAFESPOT applications and will be common for the different type of vehicles (different cars, trucks, motorcycles) that will be used in the demonstration and validation phase. Taking into account the high degree of innovation of SAFESPOT a flexible platform able to easily implement new applications and to easily interface specific modules is required. The platform architecture as depicted in the technical annex is reported in Figure 2.2. A first possible realisation considered is the one reported in Figure 2.3. A hypothesis of using PC modules is assumed. SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 12 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP It should be noted that the CVIS Project is preparing an on-board platform dedicated to cooperative applications (traffic efficiency and safety) of which the platform represented in fig. 2.1.2 could be a subset. A joint analysis activity has been started in order to provide requirements from SAFESPOT to CVIS and to verify if the CVIS platform may be used totally or partially in the SAFESPOT project timeframe. Figure 2.2: Logic architecture of the SAFESPOT platform power train CAN comfort CAN surround sensor IF (CAN) vehicle gateway ECU (vehicle specific) Nav/map IF SAFEPROBE standard IF, fusion, e.g. private CAN msg generation PC Local Map IF (to application) LAN power supply GPS raw IF added HW Ad-hoc network proc. (routing, buff, security,…) PC car, truck, motorcycle IF: interface WLAN IF Figure 2.3: Possible block diagram of the SAFESPOT platform SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 13 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP The vehicle platform should be a suitable embedded module that can be mounted in cars, trucks and motorcycles. 2.1.1 Car platform Vehicles have normally one or more CAN buses where standard data (such as speed, steering angle) are available. For the purpose of the demonstrators new sensors (e.g. a laser scanner) could be added to one of these CAN buses or perhaps using a new bus dedicated for this purpose. This could depend on the specific characteristics of the considered vehicle and on the data bus capacity already used by the existing data. For this reason it is important to have a vehicle gateway that is able to deal with the specifics of the single vehicle and to provide a unified protocol and set of data to the other blocks of the platform. Other specific items for car mounting are the compliance with standard car supply range (nominal +12V) and additional power consumption requiring no more than an upgraded battery or at most one supplementary battery which in turn may require a larger alternator to supply the correct current in relation to the charge rate required by upgraded battery. 2.1.2 Truck platform The Volvo vehicle platform in SAFEPROBE will be a Volvo FH truck (Figure 2.4). The base vehicle is equipped with a standard Radar based ACC system in combination with an I-Shift automatic gearbox. Figure 2.4: Volvo FH 4x2 Tractor SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 14 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP The sensors that will be installed additional to the standard SAFESPOT system will be: Radar ACC sensor will be provided by Volvo. LIDAR sensor will be provided by IBEO. Additional sensors such as friction estimation, lateral position etc may be available and can be added into the gateway functionality. They will mainly be used to implement the SP4 SCOVA applications. Figure 2.5: Preliminary structure for Volvo demonstrator vehicle Figure 2.5 shows the preliminary structure for the Volvo demonstrator vehicle. The Gateway is a rapid prototyping system for software development. The Dynafleet system is a Volvo communication platform providing GPRS and the possibility to add other functions. Trucks have similar requirements to cars, but with the following specific features: The power supply is nominal 24V therefore it may be possible to design the car / truck platform with the same hardware and feature content, but with the design including some type of Automotive smart power supply that will satisfy the needs of both a Car and Truck power requirements. 2.1.3 PTW platform The PTW platform for SAFESPOT project (SAFEPROBE – SP1) will be a Piaggio “X9 500 Evolution”. The base vehicle characteristics are: Single-cylinder 460cc 4-stroke engine SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 15 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Continuous variable transmission Water-cooled Fuel electronic injection ABS system The vehicle also has an external temperature sensor and a tilt sensor. Figure 2.6: Piaggio “X9 500 Evolution”. Motorcycles have these further Specific features: - Small size Power Supply 6V Space is limited to fit module design Platform design has to be small enough to allow the on-board mounting into PTW that may result in smaller feature content compared to that of a car orTruck. 2.2 Synergies with other subprojects In the analysis phase a significant effort has been dedicated at Integrated Project level to analyze the relationship among different subprojects in order to obtain a common harmonized process in the generation of needs, use cases and SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 16 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP requirements of each subproject. This task has been lead by SP7 (SCORE – SAFESPOT Core Architecture) with the support of all subprojects and will be described in detail in the deliverable D7.2.1 “Core architecture requirement”. Specifically the diagram in Figure 2.7, that will be part of that document, defines the main relationships among subprojects. Guidelines Guidelines (SP7) (SP7) High Level Description High Level User Needs User\Actors User\Actors Identification Identification SP1-2-3-4-5 SP1-2-3-4-5 Accident data Analysis Accident data Analysis +SoAAnalysis AnalysisSP4-SP5 SP4-SP5 +SoA Technology analysis Technology analysis SP1-SP2-SP3 SP1-SP2-SP3 Scenarios User Needs Use Cases High Level Stakeholders High Level Stakeholders Identification Identification (SP7) (SP7) (SP1-5) Tech Scenarios Sp1-SP2-SP3 Common Basic Scenarios SP4-SP5 User (of the Subsystem) Needs (SP1-2-3-4-5) Use Cases (SP1-2-3-4-5) Requirements System Requirement SP5 System Requirement SP2 System Requirement SP4 System Requirement SP1 System Requirement SP3 Figure 2.7: Activity flow diagram 2.2.1 SP1-SP2 Both SP1 and SP2 have the task to develop the platform respectively for the vehicle and infrastructure systems guaranteeing: The communication among different nodes of V2V and V2I network structure incorporating the results of SP3. The correct hosting of algorithms for accurate positioning and local dynamics map as provided by SP3 acquisition, conditioning and fusion of sensor data and subsequent provision to applications hosting of the application software. Based on these considerations, further to the use of the network protocol provided by SP3 and hosting the common algorithms and data structure for positioning and mapping, the inter-task SP1-SP2 will consist in the common definition of the data to be exchanged according to the requirements of applications that will run on the vehicle and infrastructure side. SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 17 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP 2.2.2 SP1-SP3 SP3 has the key role to provide algorithms and technological solutions for: – – – Ad hoc networking Accurate positioning Local dynamic maps SP3 has the double task to explore several new technologies but also to select and to develop (or to adapt) the ones to be used for SAFESPOT demonstration and validation. SP1, as already underlined, must create a platform incorporating the SP3 results and able to host the algorithms developed by SP3. For this purpose a mutual exchange of information is planned in order to cross validate the practical feasibility of proposed solutions in the project timeframe. 2.2.3 SP1-SP4 SAFESPOT structure comprises two subprojects devoted to applications: SP4 and SP5 SP4 – SCOVA has the task to analyze, specify, develop and validate applications based on V2V and V2I communication. In SCOVA it is supposed to have available a high performance on board platform performing data fusion and placing correctly on the local dynamic map the elements detected by on board sensors or received by other vehicles or infrastructure nodes in real time. SP5 – COSSIB has the task to analyze, specify, develop and validate applications based on V2I communication. It may correspond to a first step of the future deployment when V2V has not yet a good level of penetration while V2I may already provide a valuable degree of road safety improvement. In this case the intelligence is mainly concentrated on the infrastructure side and the on vehicle platform is supposed to transmit on board data to infrastructure and to provide to the driver the information elaborated by the infrastructure. Taking into account these considerations SP1 should provide a platform able to run SP4 applications and to deliver information warning to the driver according to SP5 messages. In this sense the hardest requirement to SP1 will derive from SP4 applications, while the SP5 requirements will be lighter and consequently it is assumed that a platform able to run SP4 applications will be usable also for SP5 demonstration and validation. Up to now a first definition of SP1 – SP4 boundaries and data exchange has been defined, however a higher detail is needed. This is the task of subsequent requirements and specifications phases of the project. SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 18 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP 2.3 Related Research The definition of use cases and scenarios constitute a significant part of the system specification and system design development. The approach followed by similar vehicle related EU projects was reviewed and considered while developing the SAFEPROBE use case and scenario approach. In this section a brief review is made concerning the methodology of some projects as indication of at the categories of active safety automotive applications and communication (V2V and V2I) related projects. Active Safety In order to demonstrate the methodologies of the approach usually followed during the design of these kinds of systems specific Active Safety Projects were selected for brief presentation in this paragraph. 2.3.1 Lateral Safe The LATERAL SAFE subproject introduces a cluster of safety applications in order to prevent lateral/rear area related accidents and assist the driver in adverse or low visibility conditions and blind spot areas. LATERAL SAFE applications are built in a common multi-sensor platform and include: • • • Lateral and Rear Monitoring system, Lane Change Aid system, Lateral Collision Warning system A main deliverable [1] that includes the requirements and specifications is the key working document that includes information related to the use case and scenarios definition. This deliverable includes: - User requirements identified from accident databases, questionnaires and previous research experience, - The state of the art analysis of similar applications and sensors used in these applications - The functional requirements, the all around functions and the functional specifications of LATERAL SAFE applications. As the aim of reduction and avoidance of rear and lateral area related accidents are the main goal of this project, accidentology was identified as the main step towards use cases definition. The review of extended accident databases has led to detailed area coverage with specific percentage of accidents occurring in each sector, something that assisted among others to sensor selection, as well. The main parameters selected for LATERAL SAFE use cases together with their fields are: SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 19 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP • • • • Driver: Gender, Age. Vehicle: Speed. Other vehicles: Pre-crash scenario. Environment: Light condition, Atmospheric condition, Roadway surface condition, Roadway function, etc. Moreover, the further steps included in the process were • • • • • • Survey on experts’ opinion (by means of questionnaires answered by project partners) Survey on users’ opinion (literature study based on results from similar research projects) Prioritisation of parameters for the LATERAL SAFE use cases According to accident analysis According to experts According to user requirements 2.3.2 Saspence SASPENCE system is a driver assistance system that provides information to the driver related to the safe speed and safe distance to keep, depending on external scenarios and conditions. Two of this subproject’s deliverables contain the methodology used: deliverable on application scenarios, safety criteria and customers benefits analysis [2] and the deliverable of functional requirements [3]. The methodology followed in [2] was: • • Secondary research (literature review) on the impact of speeding and headway related accidents (accident analysis) and to review both human performances in speeding and headway (drawing from Human Factors and ITS research) and previous approaches to Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) technologies. Primary research has been performed by submitting two different questionnaires, one to a panel of 34 ITS domain experts (members of SASPENCE subproject, IP PREVENT, IP AIDE), and the other to a sample of 301 potential customers. The functional requirements work found the requirements that should be taken into account during system development. These requirements are referring to functional needs that SASPENCE is required to comply with. The functional analysis methodology was based on the study of users’ needs and expectations on the system for different situations of use. Every function is then described in terms of technical criteria and data and the situations of use of the system were defined which in turn led to system functions. The main and imposed functions SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 20 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP were described. Main functions are those for which the system has been developed. They correspond to the system usefulness and to the contribution to subjective users’ satisfaction. Imposed functions come from the system existence and from the main functions. They contribute to the subjective users’ satisfaction and they refer also to the integration faculties of the system on its surrounding. 2.3.3 Safelane Another PReVENT subproject is SAFELANE with goal to develop a situation adaptive system for enhanced lane keeping support. Deliverable 31.31 “Specification Catalogue” contains the specification catalogue and describes the general system requirements arising from the state-of-the-art in accidentology, traffic, vehicle technology, and system technology. The project’s use cases have been defined as a result of an analysis of critical driving situations and include several situations of interest to the application SAFESPOT: lane departure, critical driver conditions, critical environmental conditions, critical road conditions, critical infrastructure conditions, critical vehicle conditions, critical traffic conditions, lane keeping support, integration and unification 2.3.4 Willwarn The objectives of WILLWARN are: • • To develop a wireless localised danger warning system to provide warnings to the driver and alerts to other vehicles. To develop on-board hazard detection and in car warning management which will decentralise warning distribution by communication. The hazard types covered by this project are: • • • • Hazard type = own car as an obstacle; reason = Own accident car failure detected by crash sensor, vehicle diagnosis, warning flashlights, WILLWARN switch. Hazard type = Obstacles; reason accident, traffic jam, vehicle, living thing, object; detected by emergency breaking/avoidance, manoeuvre and or obstacle sensor warning flashlights, WILLWARN switch. Hazard type = reduced visibility; reason = weather and darkness: detected by lights, wipers, rain sensor, temperature and speed profile (CAN and vehicle data). Hazard type = reduced friction; reason = weather or else; detected by lights, wipers, rain sensor, temperature, speed profile, driving dynamics SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 21 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP • Hazard = other; road works, ghost driver, emergency vehicles; speed, braking and steering profiles, special sensors special digital map, beacons infrastructure. Other hazards: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Road Road side lights off Steep turn Train crossing Road works Road conditions Special vehicles Road with no side barriers Narrow road Altered right of way Wrong way driver Road toll Speed limit Continuous steep turns No warning availability Entering a tunnel Low bridge 2.3.5 Intersafe The main objective of the INTERSAFE subproject is to improve safety and to reduce (in the long term avoid) fatal collisions at intersections. Drivers shall be prevented from missing red lights at intersections or ignoring stop signs. Furthermore, drivers will be informed in case of turning to avoid collisions with other vehicles. This will be achieved by use of infrastructure to vehicle communication and path prediction of other road users. On available test vehicles, there will be driver-warning functions implemented. Speed recommendations for the driver, when approaching an intersection will be given, depending on the intended colour of the traffic light when crossing the intersection or turning at the intersection, so that there is no risk of collision. The trajectories of the ego vehicle and other nearby vehicles will be predicted by using a Laser scanner and a vision sensor. An additional driving simulator approach allows the development of active safety applications with state-of-the-art-technology as well as technology that will be available in the future. This parameterised technology can easily be included in various configurations. Thus, the system functionality and the system-specific SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 22 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP potential for accident prevention and accident mitigation achievements can be proven in a quantitative, risk-free and reproducible manner. 2.3.6 GST The GST project aims to find an agreement on distributing software and data in a controlled, secure way to mobile devices according to an open and standardized architecture. Technology subprojects are addressing open systems, certification, security and service payment, whereas the service oriented projects focus on rescue, safety channel and enhanced floating car data applications. E.g. the focus of the RESCUE sub-project is to accurately assess the type of emergency and resources required to provide the appropriate response to a critical accident. RESCUE ensures that information about the accident will be available in the emergency vehicles and that they are able to quickly and safely reach the accident scene. To ensure this, the sub-project will complete the in-vehicle emergency call chain, provide guidance to the emergency service to the scene of the accident by accurate locations, trial blue corridors and coning systems (vehicle-to-vehicle communication) thus warning other road users of the approach of the emergency services. In addition, the emergency response can greatly benefit from an exchange of information between the rescue units and control rooms (police, hospitals etc.). GST RESCUE aims to: • • Optimise the initialisation of in-vehicle eCall via an expert system Optimise the eCall service chain by ensuring that in-vehicle data first reach the emergency centres and then the emergency vehicles. After the emergency vehicles receive the proper in-vehicle accident information, a hybrid navigation solution - together with a "blue corridor" system notifying road users of the emergency vehicles' approach - ensure that the emergency vehicles reach the scene of the accident as quickly and safely as possible. The safety of the accident scene will be ensured with a "coning" system warning approaching road users about the accident. After the emergency vehicles leave the scene, remote reporting and transfer of information such as patient data to hospitals will be made possible. GST RESCUE focuses on the following technical objectives, and will: 1. Create the specification and support the development, testing and validation of an expert system used in the in-vehicle system to determine that an accident has occurred. SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 23 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP 2. Create the specification and support the development, testing and validation of the interface between the 1st and 2nd stage PSAPs (public safety answering points). 3. Specify, test and validate the use of a common vehicle protocol as agreed within GST for the interface between PSAP2 and the emergency vehicle. 4. Specify and support the development, testing and validation of a hybrid navigation solution providing effective guidance of the emergency vehicles to the accident scene. 5. Specify and support the development, testing and validation of accident reports to be generated from rescue vehicles and their transmission to the emergency authority control rooms. 6. Specify and support the development, testing and validation of a data link among ambulances and hospitals in order to provide a technical and remote aid (such as a tele-diagnosis) to the paramedics in the rescue vehicle. 7. Specify and support the development, testing and validation of the interface that enables hospitals to receive and process data from the accident scene and medical response vehicles. 8. Specify and support the development, testing and validation of the rescue vehicle to vehicle data communication and "here I come" information (Blue corridor) to divert other vehicles away from the emergency services' route and the accident scene, as well as the provision of "Virtual" coning systems for accident scene safety. 2.3.7 C2C-CC The goal of the Car2Car Communication Consortium is to create a European industrial standard for future communicating cars spanning all brands. The radio system for the Car2Car Communication is derived from the standard IEEE 802.11, also known as Wireless LAN. As soon as two or more vehicles are in radio communication range, they connect automatically and establish an ad hoc network. As the range of a single Wireless LAN link is limited to a few hundred meters, every vehicle is also a router and allows sending of messages using a multi-hop scheme to further vehicles. The routing algorithm is based on the position of the vehicles and is able to handle fast changes of the ad hoc network topology. The onboard vehicle system SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 24 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP then determines what action to take whether it is by informing the driver or by activating safety systems installed on the vehicle. This will lead to a reduction in traffic risks to the road user. 3 Selection of SAFEPROBE Scenarios 3.1 Introduction The process of selecting SAFEPROBE scenarios will be explained within the following 2 chapters. Ideally the selection of scenarios would have been based upon scenarios defined by the other sub-projects within SAFESPOT such as SP4. Due to the project schedule SP1 carried out work in parallel with SP4 (and the other sub-projects) that was subsequently harmonized. See further considerations to this subject already given in section 1.2. 3.1.1 Definition of SP1 Scenario A SP1 scenario sets environmental and driving context for all specifications (functional, performance) at a particular spot. The spot can be at or between junctions (i.e. at a link). For SP4 the spot may change while driving. For SP5 usually a fixed spot (e.g. an intersection) will be considered. The scenario description includes a description of the – – – spot and its geometry (e.g. extension, position and connectivity of lanes) traffic & environmental conditions traffic participants and their behaviour It usually does not include any feedback of SP4/5 systems (influence of participants by SAFESPOT application) and can describe a situation of normal driving (no trigger of any SAFESPOT intervention) or before any event (critical or just increasing awareness, e.g. imminent accident, collisions, congestion) takes place. It is not an accident description (collisions, cause, harm of participants,), but maybe assessed due to its threat potential or required user response (e.g. action, attention, awareness). A scenario therefore – is an essential part of all SP1-5 use cases SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 25 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP – – – is a meeting point for platform and application development enables analysis of sensing technologies can be found either by accident or technology analyses 3.2 Methodology for Scenario Title Selection The scenario selection process comprised the following steps: 1. Proposal of scenario titles by each collaborative work partner essentially based on related project knowledge and experience 2. Grouping of the scenario titles into 9 scenario cluster entitled (see also table below) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. normal driving road surface condition change lane traffic condition change traffic condition change weather/visibility change approaching intersection significant road geometry change lane change abnormal driver behavior / vehicle 2. Further addition of scenario titles to the scenario cluster by partners 3. Merging of scenario titles where an overlap occurred (85 merged scenarios) 4. Each partner rated the merged scenario titles according to: a. b. c. d. e. essential SAFEPROBE scenario (top priority) SAFEPROBE relevant Nice to have Not specific enough or too general not appropriate to SAFEPROBE 5. Assessment on the rating applying the following rules (the results are shown in column “rating assessment”, Annex 3.) • Priority => all partners agree that this scenario is priority 1 • Priority L1 => Partners gave a rating which was a mixture of 1’s and 2’s, however the Mode is 1 SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 26 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP • Priority L2 => Partners gave a rating which was a mixture of 1’s and 2’s, however the Mode is 2 • Priority L3 => Partners gave a rating which was a mixture of 1’s, 2’s and 3’s, however the Mode is 1 • More info & reject => the scenario received mixed rating and included both a rating of 4 and 5 • More info => the scenario received mixed rating partner(s) rated this as requiring more info. In order to give it a rating • Reject flag => the scenario received mixed rating partner(s) gave a 5 rating i.e. rejecting it The scenarios which resulted in an assessment rating of Priority, L1, L2 and L3 have were compiled and can be found in the Basic Scenario table in section 3.3. 3.3 Results of Scenario Title Selection 85 scenario titles resulted from the scenario-merging step 4. Of these, 35 were selected as the most relevant to SAFESPOT, see step 6. These scenarios were then prioritised and 14 scenarios with the highest priority were selected. Due to the reasons already pointed out in Section 1.2, SP1 is focusing on a preliminary list of 15 scenarios for the deliverable. These selected scenarios have been assessed to have the highest level of priority. SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 27 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Table 3.1: Scenario cluster tables SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 28 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP 4 Description of basic scenarios 4.1 Introduction Up to this point the collaborative work partners have compiled only scenario titles and selected those deemed to be top priority (see the following tables reported in Annex 3). Note that the term “ego vehicle” is used to denote a vehicle equipped with the SAFEPROBE system and from the perspective of which the scenarios are described. Other equivalent terms that may be considered are “my vehicle”, “own vehicle” or “this vehicle”. Similarly terms such as “ego lane” refer to the lane of the road in which the “ego vehicle” is travelling. This chapter concentrates on the completion of allocated scenario titles to detailed scenario descriptions using a Basic Scenario Template. 4.2 Methodology of basic scenario description The basic template is completed using the scenario attribute diagram shown in Figure 4.1 and was completed following the Flow diagram in Appendix 1. Essentially the template captures the selection of attributes from the attribute scenario diagram, which can be used to define the description of the basic driving scenario. Basic scenarios allowed us to focus on important situations and present SP1 focus to SP4. In order to provide a basis for the description of the driving scenarios a driving attributes diagram was derived through discussion with partners. 4.2.1 Driving Scenario Attributes Diagram Following the definition of a SP1 scenario (see 3.1.1) a scenario description should specify the – – – spot and its geometry (e.g. extension, position and connectivity of lanes) traffic & environmental conditions traffic participants and their behaviour It can be found either by accident or technology analyses. Consequently some accident data bases, e.g. GIDAS (German In-Depth Accident Study, further ones see in the SP5 D5.2.4 accident data review), have been scanned at first by SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 29 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP partners with respect to its structuring. The driving environment has been specified by defining some general driving attributes such as: Area types • Motorway/highway • Urban • Rural Weather Conditions • Fog • Rain • Wind • Snow, Ice Road structure • Tunnel • Bridge Road segment / spot geometry • Curved road • Straight road • Intersection/junction • Roundabout • Pedestrian crossing – Signalled – Un-signalled Visibility conditions and diurnal cycle • Day • Night • reduced (fire/smoke/blinded by sun) General traffic conditions • dense • free • congestion Further accident attributes describe the behaviour of the traffic participants such as their • intended and actually performed manoeuvres (turns, lane change, stop, etc) • rule violations (running a red light…) • distractions (blinded by sun, low visibility, drug abuse…) In order to support the definition of detailed basic scenarios all these attributes and their dependencies have been integrated into an entity relationship diagram. The two relationships found between the entities = attributes are SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 30 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP • • attribute A consists of attributes B and C and … (aggregation) attribute A can be one of B or C or. …(inheritance) This scenario attribute diagram has also been distributed to SP2, SP4 and SP5 where it has also been used for use case specification purposes. In Annex 3 the scenario tables are reported. SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 31 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Figure 4.1: Driving Scenario Attributes diagram SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 32 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Number Partner Contribution Scenario 1 Ego turn, approaching obstacle (VRU, load, slow MIRA vehicle, jam) or crossing its path 2 Oncoming vehicle in wrong direction in ego lane MIRA 3 Obstacle (VRU, load, slow vehicle, jam) in ego lane BOSCH 4 Ego vehicle runs a red light or stop sign BOSCH 5 Ego vehicle approaches vehicle fire/smoke section CRF (inside a tunnel, on motorway) 6 Ego vehicle - Lane departure (incl. off road) CRF 7 PTW falling on roadway Piaggio 8 Ego (PTW) overtaking OV while OV making a turn Piaggio 9 Ego vehicle carrying dangerous goods VOLVO 10 Ego vehicle meets dangerous goods vehicle VOLVO 11 Ego vehicle approaching road works - restricted lane MMSE usage Emergency vehicle approaching - blue corridor required MMSE 12 13 Ego-vehicle starts braking very hard while other ICCS vehicle (PTW) is following 14 Overtaking ego on collision path with oncoming vehicle ICCS 15 Ice Warning MIRA Table 4.1 : Reduced Scenarios SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 33 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP 5 Use Case methodology 5.1 Introduction Background to selection of use case methodology (i.e. UML versus Template approach) The decision to use template approach to define the use cases in preference to UML (see a detailed description on what is UML in the paragraph below) was based on several discussions with consortium partners and that due to time constraints and the availability of software packages which consortium partners had access to, it was deemed the best solution at this stage of the project. This particular sub project is concerned with Vehicle Probe Use Case definitions not software development at this stage, although UML approach would allow for easier tracking of changes and traceability. Not all collaborative partners had the necessary software to enable them to follow the UML approach and so it was decided to follow the template approach. It was decided by partners that the template method although not as graphically pleasing it captures as much if not more detail than the using the UML approach. This also allows contributions to be easily completed by partners filling in an approved template. Use case methodology using UML (Unified Modeling Language) approach The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standard language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems, as well as for business modeling and other non-software systems. UML represents a collection of best engineering practices that have proven successful in the modeling of large and complex systems. UML is a very important part of developing object oriented software and the software development process. UML uses mostly graphical notations to express the design of software projects. Using UML helps project teams communicate, explore potential designs, and validate the architectural design of the software. Based on the before mentioned description, UML has quickly become the defacto standard modelling language in the software industry. UML is a truly universal language because it can be applied in many areas of software development. The Use Case Driven nature of modelling with UML ensures that all levels of the model trace back to elements of the original functional requirements. This traceability between models comes without the extra effort creating and SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 34 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP maintaining a 'traceability matrix’, which can be a complex and time consuming job. The result is that the impact of a requested change can quickly be estimated. A change in requirements can be traced though analysis and design models into those components affected and even lines of code. The code affected can then be traced back to the requirements and total regression testing effort calculated. The following is the reference model for probe vehicle systems. This model consists of elements that are considered to be essential and fundamental to various forms of probe vehicle systems.ref ISO/TC 204 N803. Data (Communication) Vehicle Process * Gather data about the vehicles and its environment Information * * * users Application Providers Collect data from vehicles, store and processe the data vehicles Utilize the information Note) Depicted by UML (Unified Modeling Language) ‘*’ denotes multiplicty (0 or more) . . . etc. Figure 5.1: Reference model for probe vehicle systems Use case methodology using a Template approach This particular sub project is concerned with Vehicle Probe Use Case definitions not software development at this stage, although UML approach would allow for easier tracking of changes and traceability. Not all collaborative partners had the necessary software to enable them to follow the UML approach and so it was decided to follow the template approach. It was decided by partners that the template method although not as graphically pleasing it captures as much if not more detail than the using the UML approach. This also allows contributions to be easily completed by partners filling in an approved template. Using this method the captured data is as detailed as using the UML approach In SP1 D1.2.1 we are dealing with Vehicle Probe Use Case definitions and by using this method it has allowed the contributions from consortium partners to be compiled much quicker i.e. an approved template can be filled in by partners who do not need UML modeling skills thus resulting in a far greater response from the consortium partners. SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 35 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Criteria for SP1 use cases SAFESPOT Safety margin Concept Figure 5.2: Impacts on fatalities reduction The aim of the SAFESPOT safety margin concept is to provide warning and advice to the driver in the time window shown in Figure 5.2 to enable the driver to take any necessary action to avoid potential danger in ‘good time.’ Analysis and specific parameterisation of the Safety Margin in SP4-SCOVA subproject will provide the required latency from an event detected to the local dynamic map update (The extention of the Green area). Applications, which provide immediate or autonomous intervention and fall within the millisecond region of Figure 5.2, are considered to be outside the scope of SAFESPOT. This approach is taken in SP1 since the latency between detecting a potential obstacle/accident to providing a local dynamic map update is estimated. Therefore, for a vehicle having detected an accident/obstacle with only a time to danger/collision (accident) in the region of milliseconds (ms), providing advice and warning to the driver is not relevant for SAFESPOT. However, given the latter scenario, if the time window between detection and danger was in the region of seconds, then the detecting vehicle can provide both warning and advise to the driver in ‘good time’. Use cases fitting the safety margin concept Application goal(s): To provide advice and warning to drivers through probe vehicles and or infrastructures giving the driver enough time to take appropriate action regarding the scenario he or she finds themselves in and is not geared towards (immediate or even autonomous) action i.e. specifically not for removing control of the vehicle from the user. Good example: SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 36 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Potential collision with a vehicle or object not in field-of-view i.e. around the corner. Early Ego warning based on data from cooperative COM partners (probe vehicle or VRU) Good example: Increased Ego safety by communicating with others (typical PTW use cases: PTW increases awareness of close vehicles about its presence and intended manoeuvre, e.g. PTW overtaking) Bad example: Low adhesion on road surface detected -> Ego driver warning? Very short reaction time, warning useless, immediate (at best autonomous) action required > ESP Bad example: Close obstacle already in Ego's environmental perception sensors field-of-view > immediate (at best autonomous) action required -> emergency brake Innovative solution Using a distributed sensing and a cooperative approach in specific use case scenario’s no warning is possible with autonomous systems that need to react immediatley including non communicating ENP, VDM, MAP (look around the corner, out of F.O.V) Prototyping of SAFESPOT seems feasible The process time for platform to take usable data and by employing data fusion techniques to create and or send a message will be significantly below second. However this timing has not been clarified / quantified as yet and is purley an assumption at this phase of the SAFESPOT project based on the following criteria: • Sufficient data availability (latency, bandwidth) and reliability given • Limited prototype system effort (e.g. number test vehicles and VRU) Political aspects respected The following political aspects have also been regognised and important points within the SAFEPOT project and are outlined below: SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 37 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP • • Accident statistical significance is important in finalising such a system and must be carried out as further work required based on requirements from SP4/5 The SAFESPOT project can maintain a good fore seeable business case and product maturity during the project lifecycle. Use cases not covered by any other Eu Project must also be considered within SAFESPOT. 5.2 Definition of an actor An actor is an entity interacting with the system under design (SuD). Actors can be captured from the following interactions with the SuD: • • • • Primary actor of a use case, which is the entity initiating a response with the SuD Supporting actors within a use case i.e. entities that are involved with the scenario but do not initiate the interaction the SuD Internal entities within the SuD (depends where system boundary is drawn) Drawing a context diagram System boundary A context diagram can help define the boundary of the system (from this point onwards the SuD will be referred to as ‘the system’) and the actors interacting with the system. In the current context diagram the vehicle sensors are placed outside the system, since SP1 works with the output of these devices. However, at this stage the boundary of the system is flexible and the description of the actors can change, without affecting the steps of the scenarios. SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 38 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Figure 5.3: Context diagram Within SP1.2.1 the primary actor is the application subproject SCOVA SP4 (Cooperative Systems Applications Vehicle Based) and subproject CoSSIB SP5 (Cooperative Safety Systems Infrastructure Based) which have specific goals. List of actors The list of actors contains a short name, which will be referred to in the use cases and a corresponding description of the role that the actor plays. It is expected that the following changes will occur to the actors list, through discussion with SP1 partners: • • • The role of each actor will be become more precise Merging of actors into a generic name Additional actors will be added to the list as the use cases are written. Actors List • • Warning Advise –subsystem Triggering Actors SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 39 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Roadside infrastructure I2V Probe vehicles (V2V) Vehicle sensors Entities • Probe vehicle • Other vehicle (s) • Bridge/tunnel infrastructure • Ambient environment infrastructure • Roadside infrastructure • Pedestrian VRU • Cyclist VRU • PTW rider VRU • Vehicle sensors • Positioning source • Other roadside sensors • Roadside actuators • Local roadside unit • Central control unit The stakeholders of a system are called Actors. Hence a use case captures the requirements of the stakeholder. Now moving onto activity that defines the interaction and affect the stakeholders have on the system this can be captured using the following approach. (See example below in Table 5.1). Name of Actor Probe vehicle Actor Description Probe vehicle Car SP4 subsystem SP3 subsystem Truck *PTW This actor is responsible for the generation of application related warning and advice information to the driver and defines the applications that will run on the SP1 vehicle platform and hence imposes specific use case requirements on SP1. This actor is responsible for providing the V2V and SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 40 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Emergency vehicle Other probe vehicle Bridge Tunnel infrastructure Ambient environment Other Roadside Sensors Roadside actuators Local roadside unit Central control unit Pedestrian Cyclist PTW Rider vehicle to infrastructure communication Police, Fire, Ambulance, Doctor, road recovery vehicles This actor represents any other probe vehicle present in the driving scenario. This actor is able to: 1. forward a V2V message 2. receive the message passively 3. be detected by the probe vehicle This actor is able detect the physical conditions of bridges and tunnels that are part of the road network. Data is provided by this actor on the status of the bridge or tunnel infrastructure such as fire in a tunnel, weather conditions, advisory speed limits and any lane restrictions. This actor a physical entity that the probe vehicle is able to detect monitor the environment for weather conditions such as rain, fog, snow, ice and is able to inform the infrastructure and probe vehicles of adverse weather conditions. This actor is able to detect information relating to road use (the passage of vehicles, occurrence of collisions, stationary vehicles, the presence of other road users, pedestrians, etc). It is able to communicate this information to probe vehicles and infrastructure. This actor, located on the roadside, is able to give warning signals or messages to passing vehicles. This actor is able to undertake rapid processing of data received from passing vehicles and/or sensors in a local area and to communicate advisory information to vehicles and infrastructure actuators within this area. This is a physical entity which receives trafficrelated data from the road network in a given area, is able to process and store this data, generate control actions and strategies, and broadcast advisory information to probe vehicles and roadside actuators. This actor represents a human being which can be classed as a vulnerable road user This actor represents a cyclist which can be classed as a vulnerable road user This actor represents the vulnerable road user SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 41 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Vehicle Sensors Positioning Source Telematics unit ADAS sensors, indicators, vehicle dynamics This actor represents an entity (GPS, Galileo) that continuously provides position information to the system without being requested by the system. Provides Table 5.1 : Example of actors and actor descriptions 5.3 Description of a use case The use case captures the systems response under various conditions as it responds to a request from a primary actor. The primary actor initiates an interaction with the system to accomplish a goal. In order to capture the scenario, the proposed use case template defines a number of fields that capture information about the use case. The description of the use case is captured in steps from the initiating actor’s interaction with the system through to the end goal, including any variations. The data, which should be inserted into each of the use case fields, is defined in the template. Each use case has a tracking section, which should be completed each time any modifications are made to the template. 5.4 Use case template naming convention The name of each use case and the document filename adheres to the following naming convention: SP1_UCnnn_IDpp_V1.#.doc Where: nn = partner assigned number - each should assign their own number when creating a use case e.g. first use case created by partner = UC1, UC2 ……, UCn Member ID = partner number assigned at the IP level e.g. MIRA = 32. V1.# = Insert the version number. Each use case includes a tracking section. The tracking section should be updated when either a comment or modification is made. SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 42 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP The filename should be amended accordingly to enable changes to be tracked. 5.5 Use case suggestion list The list of potential use case titles is currently in a “raw” format and needs to be grouped according to area and (in some cases) expanded to include all possible permutations given the driving environment, as a result of: • • • • • • Road types Road segment (curved, bridge, tunnel, intersection, roundabout, straight segment) Weather conditions Road conditions Number of lanes Divided/undivided road Another consideration is that there could be more than one primary actor initiating a particular use case (infrastructure, vehicle sensors, and other vehicles) each of which causes a differing response from the system. This situation could be resolved by defining a high level use case description and then defining lower level use cases in order to cover the different initiating actors. However, the different levels and permutations of a use case and how we deal with this need was discussed between the project partners. In the following table is reported the list of use cases that were been analysed by the SP1 partners. In Annex 4 the compiled tables of use cases are reported. Use Case ID Use Case Description Priority SP1_UC1_32_v1.0 Ego vehicle warned of stationary traffic at next turn Priority L1 SP1_UC2_32_v1.0 Ego vehicle detects wrong way driver Priority L1 SP1_UC2.1_32_v1.0 Vehicle receives warning of wrong way driver Priority L1 SP1_UC2. 2_32_v1.0 Ego vehicle receives wrong way driver warning Priority L1 SP1_UC3_32_v1.0 Ego vehicle turning receives warning of slow moving object crossing Priority L1 SP1_UC3.1_32_v1.0 Ego vehicle receives warning of obstacle (traffic jam) at next turn Priority L1 SP1_UC3.2_32_v1.0 Ego vehicle detects traffic jam Priority SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 43 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP L1 SP1_UC4_5_v1.0 Ego vehicle runs a red light Priority L1 SP1_UC4.1_5_v1.0 Ego Vehicle runs a red light on collision path Priority L1 SP1_UC4.2_5_v1.0 Other vehicle runs a red light Priority L1 SP1_UC5_1_V1.0 Ego-vehicle detects a fire / smoke section Priority L1 SP1_UC5.1_1_V1.0 Approaching a fire-smoke section: Egovehicle broadcasts the information Priority L1 SP1_UC5.1_1_V1.0 Approaching a fire / smoke section inside a tunnel: Ego-vehicle broadcasts the information Priority L1 SP1_UC6_1_V1.0 Road departure on straight road for high speed Priority L2 SP1_UC6.1_1_V1.0 Presence of sharp curve: ego vehicle detects the presence of a sharp curve Priority L2 SP1_UC6.2_1_V1.0 Presence of information warning Priority L2 SP1_UC7_11_v1.2 PTW falling down on the road: PTW tilt sensor has detected vehicle falling down. Priority L3 SP1_UC7.1_11_v1.2 PTW falling down on the road: PTW sends a warning signal Priority L3 SP1_UC8_11_v1.2 PTW overtaking OV while OV is making a turn: PTW detects that preceding vehicle makes a turn. Priority L1 SP1_UC8.1_11_v1.2 PTW overtaking OV while OV is making a turn: PTW sends to preceding vehicle a warning message Priority L1 SP1_UC9_4_v1.0 Ego vehicle carrying dangerous approaches other vehicle. goods Priority L2 SP1_UC9.1_4_v1.0 Ego vehicle carrying dangerous approaches other vehicle. goods Priority L2 SP1_UC10_4_v1.0 Ego vehicle approaching truck carrying dangerous goods. Priority L2 SP1_UC10.1_4_v1.0 Ego vehicle approaching truck carrying dangerous goods in tunnel. Priority L2 SP1_UC10.1_4_v1.0 Ego vehicle approaching truck carrying dangerous goods in tunnel. Priority L2 SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc sharp curve: Page 44 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP SP1_UC11_51_v2.0 Ego vehicle approaching in progress works in a sub-urban road Priority L2 SP1_UC11.1_5_v1.0 Lost load in lane of oncoming traffic Priority L2 SP1_UC11.2_5_v1.0 Lost load in ego lane Priority L2 SP1_UC11.3_5_v1.0 Lost load in ego lane (2) Priority L2 SP1_UC12_51_v2.0 Emergency vehicle approaching Priority L1 SP1_UC13_29_v1.0 Ego-vehicle hard braking while other is following: situation is detected Priority L1 SP1_UC13.1_29_v1.0 Ego-vehicle hard braking while other is following: situation is detected and warning is given to the driver Priority L1 SP1_UC13.2_29_v1.0 Ego-vehicle hard braking while other is following: situation is detected and warning is given to other probe vehicles Priority L1 SP1_UC14_29_v1.0 Ego-vehicle overtaking in collision path: system detects danger Priority L1 SP1_UC14.1_29_v1.0 Ego-vehicle overtaking in collision path: system detects danger and driver is warned Priority L1 SP1_UC14.2_29_v1.0 Ego-vehicle overtaking in collision path: system detects danger and warning message is transmitted to other probe vehicles Priority L1 SP1_UC15_32_v1.0 Slippery road condition: Ego vehicle detects Ice on the road Priority SP1_UC15.1_32_v1.0 Ego vehicle receives warning of ice on the road Priority Table 5.2: Use Cases Index 6 Conclusions With collaborative partners within a european project its sometimes difficult to find the optimal methodology which differs for different sorts of projects, but also different authors and project staff have different biases based around their experiences, fears and principles. Four variables key to the selection of a methodology are SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 45 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP • • • • team size distribution project criticality project priorities. National and team cultural values are more difficult to characterize, but play in the result. Therefore any use cases omitted in this deliverable i.e. interaction with infrastructure or any use cases that have missed or that become higher priority will be incorporated into the Use Case Requirements deliverable D1.3.3. The next steps on completion of this deliverable are to use the results in a suitable manner that supports all future deliverables within SAFEPROBE, specifically the first definition of the Scenario Creation Template by using the Drivers Attribute diagram and flowchart procedure for capturing usefull scenario data and UseCase’s that were derived. 7 References [1] D32.3: Requirements and Specifications”, PReVENT LATERAL SAFE deliverable (v5, 15.03.2005). [2] D20.30: Application Scenarios, Safety Criteria and Customer’s Benefits Analysis”, PReVENT SASPENCE deliverable (v1.1, 31.10.2004). [3] D20.33: Functional Requirements”, PReVENT SASPENCE deliverable (v1.2, 30.11.2004). [4] D31.31: Specification Catalogue”, PReVENT SAFELANE deliverable (v4, 06.09.2004). [5] Use Cases Methodologyn ref WebsiteofAlastairCockburn: [6] Car2Car Communication Consortium The Car2Car Communication Consortium is dedicated to the objective of further increasing road traffic safety and efficiency by means of inter-vehicle communications [7] PReVENT SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 46 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP The Integrated Project PReVENT is a European automotive industry activity cofunded by the European Commission to contribute to road safety by developing and demonstrating preventative safety applications and technologies [8] GST: Global system for telematics Integrated Project GST aims to create the technology and cooperation necessary for an open market for online telematics services. This will allow different actors to operate services using the same multibearer service delivery infrastructure and in-vehicle terminals SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 47 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP 8 Annexes 8.1 Annex 1 Follow the steps of this flow chart in order to complete the Basic Scenario Template. Start Complete the ‘Scenario description’ field giving a high level summary of the scenario Complete the ‘Basic scenario name’ field Is the road graph to be described a junction? Complete the ‘Author field’ including name and company of the author In the junction field of the Road graph section place an ’X’ against the attribute which describes the ‘Junction’ from the categories shown in the attribute diagram. If the category does not exist insert the new entry in the the ‘Other’ field. Yes Is the type of junction an intersection? The next step is to be complete the template fields which define attributes of the scenario. For this you will need to reference the scenario attributes diagram shown in Figure 1. Yes Select the appropriate attribute from the list for the ‘Shape’ class from the scenario attribute diagram and complete the Shape field for the intersection on the template. No No For each lane of the road graph we now build a picture of the lane conditions in the following steps In the ‘surface type’ field of the Lane n section select the appropriate attribute from the list with the same class name from the scenario attribute diagram Briefly describe the ‘relative position/ connectivity’ attribute of the ‘lane geometry info.’ class for Lane n The lane geometry Information class for lane n is described by a number attributes. These attributes will be defined in the next steps. In the ‘lane type’ field of the Lane n section select the appropriate attribute from the list with the same class name from the attribute diagram Define the ‘width’ attribute of the ‘lane geometry info.’ class for Lane n e.g. wide, narrow, normal, restricted.. Define the driving ‘direction’ of lane n for the lane geometry info class e.g.? The road graph is then a link. Insert ‘X’ in the ‘link’ field In the ‘surface condition’ field of the Lane n section select the appropriate attribute from the list with the same class name in the scenario attribute diagram Yes Are there any more lanes to define for this scenario? Select the attribute which describes the ‘lighting conditions’ class from the list given in the attribute diagram No Select the attribute for the ‘Structure’ class from the list given in the attribute diagram Select the attribute which describes the ‘visibility’ class from the list given in the attribute diagram. Ensure that all the background classes and associates attributes have been completed correctly SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc In the ‘lane traffic condition’ field of the Lane n section select the appropriate attribute from the list with the same class name in the scenario attribute diagram Briefly define the ‘curvature’ attribute of lane n for the ‘lane geometry info.’ class. This can be defined as either being extreme and short, medium radius of curvature of medium length, long and low radius etc.., Select the attribute which describes the ‘Area type’ class, from the list given in the attribute diagram Select the attribute which describes the ‘weather’ class from the list given in the attribute diagram Follow figure 3 to complete the incident attributes Page 48 of 143 Select the attribute which describes the ‘traffic condition’ class from the list given in the attribute diagram The environmental conditions are described by a number of different classes and associated attributes by the next steps. Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Complete incident attributes The incident is described through a number of classes and associated attributes for each participant involved in the driving scenario Briefly define the relative position of the participant with reference to the ego vehicle in the ‘Start pos.’ field of the template in the participant section Is this pariticpant the ego vehicle? No Yes Briefly define the relative position of the ego vehicle with reference to the road graph in the ‘start pos.’ field of the template in the participant section Yes Complete the ‘Type’ field for the participant from the attribute diagram Complete the ‘obstruction’ field from the list given in the attribute diagram Complete the ‘manoeuvre’ field for the participant from the attribute diagram Complete the ‘rule violation’ field from the list given in the attribute diagram In the ‘Incident’ field of the participant section, briefly describe the expected trajectory with each participant. NOTE: if this scenario describes the situation after the incident then the incident should be classed as an obstacle with respect to the ego vehicle and should appear as an obstacle in the ‘lane traffic condition’ class of the affected Lane (s) of the background attributes. If the expected trajectory of any of the vehicles is a tree or stationary landmark etc state this in the description. Are there any other vehicles taking part in this scenario? No Check that all incident attributes have been completed correctly SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc If possible insert a pictogram which depicts the scenario The end Page 49 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP 8.2 Annex 2: Merged Scenario Table SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 50 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP 8.3 Annex 3: Scenario tables SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 51 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 52 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 53 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 54 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 55 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 56 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 57 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 58 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 59 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 60 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 61 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 62 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 63 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 64 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 65 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 66 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 67 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP 8.4 Annex 4: SAFEPROBE use cases In the following all the use cases analysed by the partners are reported. Case Name Ego vehicle warned of stationary traffic at next turn Case ID SP1_UC1_32_v1.0 Status Draft Ego vehicle receives a message from the detecting vehicle that there is a stationary/slow traffic on one of the roads leading off the junction Short description Authors Debra Topham (MIRA) Driving environment Urban, intersection Vehicle probe type Any type of probe vehicle Risk’s source Precondition Stationary/Slow moving traffic jam out of detection range of the ego vehicle located close to the next turn • See MIRA basic scenario number 3 • 2 Safeprobe systems operational • Detecting probe vehicle broadcasts a message containing information about the location of the slow moving traffic jam • Local dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 68 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Goal/Successful end condition Ego vehicle successfully updates the LDM with the location of the slow moving traffic jam located at the next turn off the intersection. • Failed end condition Lane traffic condition not updated within the LDM Trigger Ego vehicle receives message from the detecting probe vehicle Sensor types and Useful data received from the detecting probe vehicle, data fusion with NAV system data required useful data Actors/Entities Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem Internal Entity: SP3_module Secondary Actor: Other probe vehicle (detecting) Step 1 2 Scenario Description 3 4 5 Step Action Detecting vehicle broadcasts warning SP1_UC3.3_32_v1.0 Ego vehicle SP3 module receives the warning message SP1 system updates the local dynamic map with the information about the location of the slow moving traffic jam LDM update available for the SP4 subsystem to provide warning and advise information SP1 system determines that there are other equipped vehicles and/or an active SP2 subsystem within its communication range and rebroadcasts the message Action Extensions Super ordinates Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 69 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego vehicle detects wrong way driver Case ID SP1_UC2_32_v1.0 Status Draft Ego vehicle driving along a straight section of motorway detects that there is a wrong way driver entering the slip from the exit ramp (slip road) in the wrong direction (wrong way driver has entered the motorway via the slip road) Short description Authors Debra Topham, Gary Ford (MIRA) Driving environment Motorway primarily. However, this scenario could occur where there is only one 1 lane and a vehicle is allowed to enter the road in the wrong direction. Vehicle probe type Any type of probe vehicle Risk’s source Wrong way driver in the adjacent lane • • • Precondition Goal/Successful end condition Failed end condition • See MIRA basic scenario number 2 Safeprobe system operational Other probes vehicles in the same lane as the wrong way driver 300m behind the ego vehicle Local dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. Ego vehicle successfully broadcasts wrong way driver warning to other probe vehicles approaching the wrong way driver. • • Ego vehicle does not detect the wrong way driver Required sensor data not complete SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 70 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP • • Trigger Sensor types and useful data Actors/Entities Scenario Description Lane traffic condition not updated within the LDM Message not broadcast successfully Ego vehicle detects wrong way driver ENP sensors detect and classify object, wrong way driver positioned accurately relative to ego vehicle in the LDM, trajectory history required to track vehicle. Primary Actor: Other probe vehicle Secondary Actor: wrong way driver and Ego vehicle Internal Entity: SP3_module Step Action Ego vehicle detects on coming vehicle in the 1 adjacent lane using appropriate ENP sensors The LDM is updated with the location of the on 2 coming vehicle. The ego vehicle determines that there are other 3 probe vehicles behind its current position heading towards the on coming vehicle The ego vehicle broadcasts the warning message with containing data about the location of the wrong 4 way vehicle Step Action Extensions Super ordinates SP1_UC2.1_32_v1.0 Subordinates None Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 71 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego vehicle receives wrong way driver warning Case ID SP1_UC2. 2_32_v1.0 Status Draft Infrastructure detects vehicle entering a one-way road in the wrong direction at an intersection and broadcasts a warning message to other probe vehicles approaching the intersection. Short description Authors Debra Topham (MIRA) Driving environment Urban, intersection Vehicle probe type Any type of probe vehicle Risk’s source On-coming vehicle turning into a one-way road in the wrong direction of an intersection • • Precondition Goal / Successful • • SP2_Subsystem operational SP2_subsystem has detected a vehicle turning left into a one-way road at an intersection. At least 1 operational SAFEPROBE equipped vehicle Local dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. Local dynamic map of ego vehicle updated with oncoming vehicle data to enable SP4_subsystem to provide warning and SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 72 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP end condition Failed end condition advice information. • Local dynamic map not updated with obstacle information Trigger Ego vehicle receives message from subsystem SP2 Sensor types and No sensor data, useful data communicated from the roadside infrastructure SP2 subsystem useful data Actors/Entities Scenario Description Extensions Super ordinates Primary Actor: SP4_subsystem (ego vehicle) Secondary Actor: SP2_subsystem Internal Entity: SP3_module (of ego vehicle) Step Action Ego vehicle receives a message from the SP2_subsystem located ahead of its current 1 trajectory indicating oncoming vehicle in the same lane. SP1 system updates its local dynamic map with the 2 position of the moving obstacle LDM data available for the SP4_subsystem to 3 provide warning and advise information Ego vehicle determines from the relative 4 localization map that there are other equipped vehicles behind its current position SP3_module broadcasts the message to the 5 SP2_subsystem and other probe vehicles Step Action Ego vehicle determines from the relative 4a localization map that there are no other equipped vehicles or SP2_systems Message stored until other communicating nodes 5a are found and region is still relevant and/or message lifetime has not expired. None (perhaps from use case generated by SP2 – Infrastructure detects vehicle making a wrong turn) Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 73 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Vehicle receives warning of wrong way driver Case ID SP1_UC2.1_32_v1.0 Status Draft Ego vehicle receives a message from the detecting vehicle that there is a wrong way driver approaching Short description Authors Debra Topham, Gary Ford (MIRA) Driving environment Motorway Vehicle probe type Any type of probe vehicle Risk’s source Wrong way driver in the same lane as the ego vehicle • • • Precondition • • Goal/Successful end condition Failed end condition See MIRA basic scenario number 2 2 Safeprobe systems operational Vehicle has detected a wrong way driver and broadcast the message Other probes vehicles in the same lane as the wrong way driver 300m behind the ego vehicle Local dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. Ego vehicle successfully receives the message from the detecting vehicle that a wrong way vehicle is approaching and updates its LDM to enable the SP4 subsystem to provide appropriate advice and warning information. • Lane traffic condition not updated within the LDM SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 74 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Trigger Ego vehicle receives message from the detecting probe vehicle Sensor types and No sensing information for this scenario the ego vehicle receives the data from an outside source. useful data Actors/Entities Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem Internal Entity: SP3_module Secondary Actor: Other probe vehicle (detecting) Step 1 2 Scenario Description 3 4 5 Step Action Detecting vehicle broadcasts wrong way driver warning SP1_UC2_32_v1.0 Ego vehicle SP3 module receives the warning message SP1 system updates the local dynamic map with the information about the wrong way driver LDM update available for the SP4 subsystem to provide warning and advise information SP1 system determines that there are other equipped vehicles and/or an active SP2 subsystem within its communication range and rebroadcasts the message Action Extensions Super ordinates None Subordinates SP1_UC2_32_v1.0 Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 75 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego vehicle turning receives warning of slow moving object crossing Case ID SP1_UC3_32_v1.0 Status Draft Ego vehicle approaches T-junction with intention of making a left (right) turn. Pedestrian VRU is crossing the road and outside the detection range of the ego vehicle. Possible collision with the pedestrian. Short description Authors Debra Topham (MIRA) Driving environment Urban Vehicle probe type Any type of probe vehicle Risk’s source Pedestrian VRU crossing the road slowly • Precondition • • • • See basic scenario description: SP2 subsystem detects pedestrian VRU crossing the road 1 SafeProbe system operational SP2_subsystem in operation at the T-junction Local dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. Pedestrian VRU crossing the road SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 76 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Goal/Successful end condition Local dynamic map of ego vehicle updated with position of pedestrian VRU crossing the road to enable SP4 subsystem to provide warning and advice information. • Failed end condition Local dynamic map not updated with Pedestrian VRU crossing the road Trigger Ego vehicle receives message from the SP2 subsystem Sensor types and To be completed as part of the useful data task 1.2.2 (see technical Annex. useful data Actors/Entities Scenario Description Primary Actor: SP4_subsystem (ego vehicle) Secondary Actor: SP2_subsystem and Pedestrian VRU. Step Action SP2 subsystem detects a pedestrian VRU crossing 1 the road and broadcasts a warning message. SP1 system of the Ego vehicle receives the message from subsystem 2 and the updates the 2 local dynamic map with the location of the pedestrian VRU. LDM data available for the SP4 subsystem to 3 generate warning and advice information Step Action Extensions Super ordinates None Subordinates None Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 77 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego vehicle receives warning of obstacle (traffic jam) at next turn Case ID SP1_UC3.1_32_v1.0 Status Draft Ego vehicle approaches intersection with the intention of making a left (right) turn. Detection of traffic jam on road is outside the detection range of the ego vehicle. Possible collision with stationary vehicle. Short description Authors Debra Topham (MIRA) Driving environment Urban Vehicle probe type Any type of probe vehicle Risk’s source Traffic jam on road ego vehicle intends to turn into • • • Precondition Goal/Successful end At least 1 Safeprobe system operational SP2_subsystem operational at the intersection Local dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. • Slow moving traffic jam on road ego vehicle intends to turn into Local dynamic map of ego vehicle updated with position of traffic jam to enable SP4 subsystem to provide warning and advice SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 78 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP condition Failed end condition information. • Local dynamic map not updated with correct location of traffic Trigger Ego vehicle receives message from the SP2 subsystem Sensor types and Useful data received from the roadside infrastructure SP2 system useful data Extensions Primary Actor: SP4_subsystem (ego vehicle) Secondary Actor: SP2_subsystem and other vehicles (involved in traffic jam) Step Action SP2 subsystem detects that there is a traffic jam on 1 one of the roads leading off the intersection. SP1 system of the Ego vehicle receives the 2 message from subsystem 2 and the updates the local dynamic map with the location traffic jam. LDM data available for the SP4 subsystem to 3 generate warning and advice information Step SP3 module broadcasts LDM update/warning to 4 other probe vehicles Super ordinates None Subordinates None Actors/Entities Scenario Description Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 79 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego vehicle detects traffic jam Case ID SP1_UC3.2_32_v1.0 Status Draft Ego vehicle detects stationary traffic on the adjacent lane in the opposite traffic flow and broadcasts a warning message addressed to vehicles turning into the affected lane. Short description Authors Debra Topham (MIRA) Driving environment Urban Vehicle probe type Any type of probe vehicle Risk’s source Traffic jam on in adjacent traffic flow at an intersection • • Precondition • Goal/Successful end condition Failed end condition At least 2 operational Safeprobe systems Local dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. Slow moving traffic jam in opposite traffic flow Local dynamic map of ego vehicle updated with position of traffic jam and message broadcast to other probe vehicles • Local dynamic map not updated with location of traffic and message and message not broadcast to other probe SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 80 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP vehicles making a left turn into the affected junction Trigger Sensor types and Ego vehicle detects slow moving traffic in the opposite traffic flow at an approaching an intersection ENP sensors, NAV system useful data Actors/Entities Scenario Description Primary Actor: Other probe vehicles Secondary Actor: other vehicles (involved in traffic jam) Internal Entity: Sp3 module Step Action Ego vehicle detects slow/stationary traffic in the 1 adjacent lane using appropriate ENP sensors and NAV systems The LDM is updated with the location of the traffic 2 jam. (Relative position of the last vehicle in the traffic jam in relation to the junction is important) The ego vehicle determines that there are other 3 probe vehicles that will enter the affected road The ego vehicle broadcasts the warning message 4 containing data about the location stationary/slow moving traffic jam Step Extensions Super ordinates None Subordinates None Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 81 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego vehicle runs a red light Case ID SP1_UC4_5_v1.0 Status Draft Ego vehicle approaches intersection with constant speed going to run a red light, driver blinded by low sun Short description Authors Driving Sönke Carstens-Behrens, Christian Zott (Bosch) Urban environment Vehicle probe type All classes of probe vehicles Risk’s source Potential collision with other (crossing) vehicles, VRU • Precondition See scenario 12 (from Bosch, only ego vehicle): x-shape intersection, ego driver blinded by low sun, ego vehicle 300m from intersection, 50km/h, SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 82 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP • • Goal/Successful end condition 1 SAFEPROBE system and RSU (SP2 platform) operational Ego llocal dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. Ego local dynamic map has been updated traffic sign status (red light phase), SP4 or SP5 subsystem able to generate collision warning and advise information. condition Local dynamic map lane traffic condition status does not change timely. Trigger Communication message from RSU about traffic sign phase Failed end Sensor types and No ego sensing traffic signal assumed useful data Actors/Entities Scenario Description Extensions Super ordinates Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem Secondary Actors: Other probe Vehicles and RSU Internal Entity: SP3_module – internal entity Step Action 1 Com message RSU indicating red light phase SP1 system updates local dynamic map (affected intersection) with traffic signal status (red light phase,) 2 Note: no fusion with internal vehicle data (ENP,) except static map data or previous vehicle entries in LDM (tracking) LDM data available for SP4 subsystem to 3 generate rule violation and potential collision warning, and driving advise Step Action SP3 module broadcasts LDM update / warning to 4 SP2-subsystem and other probe vehicles SP1_UC02_5_v0.1 SP1_UC03_5_v0.1 (from a crossing vehicle’s point of view) Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 83 of 143 Formatiert: Nummerierung und Aufzählungszeichen Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego Vehicle runs a red light on collision path Case ID SP1_UC4.1_5_v1.0 Status Draft Ego vehicle approaches intersection with constant speed going to run a red light, driver blinded by low sun; other vehicle is going to cross the intersection; collision given no manoeuvre Short description Authors Driving Sönke Carstens-Behrens, Christian Zott (Bosch) Urban environment Vehicle probe type All classes of probe vehicles Risk’s source Collision with crossing vehicle Precondition • See scenario 12 (from Bosch): x-shape intersection, ego driver blinded by low sun, ego vehicle 300m from intersection, SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 84 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP 50km/h, 2 SAFEPROBE systems and RSU (SP2 platform) operational Ego llocal dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. Ego local dynamic map has been updated with crossing vehicle and its attributes (state) and traffic sign status (red light phase), SP4 or SP5 subsystem able to generate collision warning and advise regarding information. • • Goal/Successful end condition Failed end Local dynamic map lane traffic condition status does not change timely condition Trigger Communication message from RSU about traffic sign phase Sensor types and No ego sensing of crossing vehicle (blocked view, > 300m distance) and traffic signal assumed useful data Actors/Entities Scenario Description Extensions Super ordinates Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem Secondary Actors: Other probe vehicle and RSU Internal Entity: SP3_module Step Action Com message RSU indicating crossing vehicle at 1 collision path and red light phase SP1 system updates local dynamic map (affected intersection) with crossing vehicle position, speed, time stamp (and further attributes) and traffic 2 signal status (red light phase,) Note: no fusion with internal vehicle data (ENP,) except static map data or previous vehicle entries in LDM (tracking) LDM data available for SP4 subsystem to 3 generate rule violation and collision warning, and driving advise Step Action SP3 module broadcasts LDM update / warning to 4 SP2-subsystem and other probe vehicles SP1_UC03_5_v0.1 (from the crossing vehicle’s point of view) Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 85 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Other vehicle runs a red light Case ID SP1_UC4.2_5_v1.0 Status Draft Ego vehicle approaches/stands at intersection with green traffic signal (right of way), other (crossing) vehicle is going to run red light (e.g. driver blinded by low sun), collision with crossing vehicle going to happen given no manoeuvre changes Short description Authors Sönke Carstens-Behrens, Christian Zott (Bosch) Driving environment Urban Vehicle probe type All classes of probe vehicles Risk’s source Precondition Collision with crossing vehicle going to happen given no manoeuvre changes, blocked view at intersection • See scenario 12 (from Bosch): x-shape intersection, other driver blinded by low sun, ego and crossing vehicle 300m from intersection, 50km/h, • 2 SAFEPROBE systems and RSU (SP2 platform) operational SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 86 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP • Failed end condition Ego llocal dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. Ego local dynamic map has been updated with crossing vehicle and its attributes (state) and traffic sign status, SP4 or SP5 subsystem able to generate collision warning and advise information. Local dynamic map lane traffic condition status does not change timely Trigger Communication message from RSU about crossing vehicle and traffic sign phase Goal/Successful end condition Sensor types and useful data Actors/Entities Scenario Description Extensions No ego sensing of crossing vehicle (blocked view, > 300m distance) Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem Secondary Actors: Other probe Vehicles and RSU Internal Entity: SP3_module Step Action Com message RSU indicating crossing vehicle at 1 collision path and traffic signal phase SP1 system updates local dynamic map (affected intersection) with crossing vehicle position, speed, time stamp (and further attributes) and traffic signal 2 status Note: no fusion with internal vehicle data (ENP,) except static map data or previous vehicle entries in LDM (tracking) LDM data available for SP4 subsystem to generate 3 collision warning and driving advise Step Action SP3 module broadcasts LDM update / warning to 4 SP2-subsystem and other probe vehicles Red light runner is not equipped but RSU can 5 detect and track him, and sends COM message to ego vehicle Super ordinates Subordinates SP1_UC01_5_v0.1 (from the crossing vehicle’s point of view) Open issues Comments Maybe too many false alarms for ego vehicle driver? Æ SP4 SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 87 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego-vehicle detects a fire / smoke section Case ID SP1_UC5_1_V1.0 Status Draft Host-vehicle approaching fire / smoke section, while travelling on a dual carriageway Short description Authors Driving Elena Bianco and Fabio Tango; Centro Ricerche FIAT Motorway environment Vehicle probe type Risk’s source Precondition All classes of probe vehicles Obstruction view Possible collision with slower or static obstacles • See scenario description from CRF document • SAFEPROBE system inside operative range • Ego-vehicle detects smoke section • end condition • Local dynamic map is updated with the information of smoke section on the way SP4_subsystem is able to generate a warning Failed end • • Local dynamic map does not change Data not delivered to SP4 application timely Goal/Successful condition Trigger On-board sensors activated and detected the critical situations SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 88 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Sensor types and Camera (and specific Image Processing issues); Lidar useful data Actors/Entities Scenario Description Extensions Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem Secondary Actors: Other probe-vehicles and SP2 subsystem Internal Entity: SP3 module(s) Step Action On board sensors detect the presence of fire / 1 smoke section SP1 system updates local dynamic map with road 2 information, time stamp and possible further features / attributes 3 Data available for SP4 subsystem Step Action On-board sensors deliver corrupted or failure 1a message Super ordinates Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 89 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Approaching a fire-smoke section: Ego-vehicle broadcasts the information Case ID SP1_UC5.1_1_V1.0 Status Draft Host-vehicle approaching fire / smoke section, while travelling on a dual carriageway Short description Authors Driving Elena Bianco and Fabio Tango; Centro Ricerche FIAT Motorway environment Vehicle probe type Risk’s source Precondition Goal/Successful end condition Failed end condition All classes of probe vehicles Obstruction view Possible collision with slower or static obstacles • See scenario description from CRF document • SAFEPROBE system inside operative range • Ego-vehicle detects smoke section • Other equipped vehicle (s) within the broadcast range of the smoke section • Local dynamic map is updated with the information of smoke section on the way • Information about possible danger situation is broadcasted to approaching ones • • SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Local dynamic map does not change Data are not broadcasted Page 90 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Trigger Sensor types and On-board sensors activated and detected the critical situations Camera (and specific Image Processing issues); Lidar useful data Actors/Entities Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem Secondary Actors: Other probe-vehicles and SP2 subsystem Internal Entity: SP3 module Step 1 Scenario Description 2 3 Step Extensions 1a 2a Action On board sensors detect the presence of fire / smoke section SP1 system updates local dynamic map with road information, time stamp and possible further features / attributes SP1 broadcasts the information to other vehicles or infrastructures Action On-board sensors deliver corrupted or failure message The information of no updated map is broadcasted Super ordinates Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 91 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Approaching a fire / smoke section inside a tunnel: Ego-vehicle broadcasts the information Case ID SP1_UC5.2_1_V1.0 Status Draft Host-vehicle is approaching a tunnel where the infrastructure has detected a fire / smoke section Short description Authors Driving Elena Bianco and Fabio Tango; Centro Ricerche FIAT Urban – extra urban - motorway environment Vehicle probe type Risk’s source Precondition Goal/Successful end condition Failed end condition Trigger Sensor types and useful data Actors/Entities All classes of probe vehicles Obstruction view Possible collision with slower or static obstacles • See scenario description from CRF document • SAFEPROBE system inside operative range • Ego-vehicle receives from infrastructure the message on critical section • The ego-vehicle receives correctly the information from the infrastructure • Local dynamic map is updated with the information of smoke section on the way • Information about possible danger situation is broadcasted to approaching vehicles • • Local dynamic map does not change Data is not broadcasted Infrastructure detects the critical information and broadcasts it. Host vehicle receives it. Camera (and specific Image Processing issues) installed on the infrastructure Primary Actors: Other probe-vehicles and SP2 application Internal Entity: SP3 module Step Action SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 92 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Description 1 2 3 4 5 Step Extensions 5a Infrastructure detects fire-smoke section Infrastructure sends the information Ego-vehicle receives it SP1 system updates local dynamic map with road information, time stamp and possible further features / attributes SP1 broadcasts the information to other vehicles through the SP3 module Action The information can be broadcasted also to another infrastructure Super ordinates Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 93 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Road departure on straight road for high speed Case ID SP1_UC6_1_V1.0 Status Draft Ego-vehicle is travelling on a straight road at very high speed. The driver loses control of the vehicle and road departure occurs. Short description Authors Driving Elena Bianco and Fabio Tango; Centro Ricerche FIAT Extra-urban - motorway environment Vehicle probe type All classes of probe vehicles Risk’s source Road departure, for excessive speed Precondition • • • • Goal/Successful end condition • See scenario description from CRF document SAFEPROBE system inside operative range Excessive host-vehicle speed with reference to the described situation Local dynamic map is updated with the road departure information Information is transmitted to approaching vehicles and infrastructures condition Local dynamic map lane traffic condition status does not change timely Trigger The road departure is happened Failed end Sensor types and Yaw rate sensor, ESP system useful data Actors/Entities Primary Actor: Other probe-vehicles Secondary Actor: SP2 subsystem Internal Entity: SP3 module Step Action SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 94 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Description 1 2 Extensions 3 Step 3a 3b On board sensors detected the road departure SP1 system updates local dynamic map with road departure information, recommended speed, time stamp and possible further features / attributes LDM is broadcasted to other vehicles Action Data available for SP3 module broadcast LDM is broadcasted to infrastructure Super ordinates Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 95 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Presence of sharp curve: ego vehicle detects the presence of a sharp curve Case ID SP1_UC6.1_1_V1.0 Status Draft Ego-vehicle is travelling on a two carriageway and broadcasted the information about the presence of sharp curve to the following vehicles. Short description Authors Elena Bianco and Fabio Tango; Centro Ricerche FIAT Driving environment Extra-urban - motorway Vehicle probe type All classes of probe vehicles Risk’s source Road departure, for excessive speed Precondition Goal/Successful end condition Failed condition Trigger end • • • • • • • See scenario description from CRF document SAFEPROBE system inside operative range Ego-vehicle detects the presence of a sharp curve Local dynamic map is updated with the sharp curve presence information Information is transmitted to approaching vehicles and infrastructures The presence of a sharp curve is not detected Local dynamic map not charged Detection of a sharp curve from the ego-vehicle SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 96 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Sensor types and useful data Actors/Entities Static navigation map; information from infrastructure, camera and related image processing Primary Actor: Other probe-vehicles Secondary Actor: SP2 subsystem Internal Entity: SP3 module Step 1 Scenario Description Extensions 2 3 Step 3a 3b Action On board sensors detect the presence of a sharp curve SP1 system updates local dynamic map with presence of a sharp curve information, recommended speed, time stamp and possible further features / attributes LDM is broadcasted to other vehicles Action Data available for SP3 module broadcast LDM is broadcasted to infrastructure Super ordinates Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 97 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Presence of sharp curve: warning information Case ID SP1_UC6.2_1_V1.0 Status Draft Ego-vehicle is travelling at very high speed on a two carriageway and receives information about the presence of sharp curve; a warning message is provided. Short description Authors Driving Elena Bianco and Fabio Tango; Centro Ricerche FIAT Extra-urban - motorway environment Vehicle probe type All classes of probe vehicles Risk’s source Road departure, for excessive speed Precondition Goal/Successful end condition • • • See scenario description from CRF document SAFEPROBE system inside operative range Information about the presence of a sharp curve is received from the infrastructure or from other vehicles • Local dynamic map is updated with the sharp curve presence information A warning message is provided to SP4 subsystem • • Failed end • SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc The presence of a sharp curve is not received by the ego-vehicle Local dynamic map is not charged Page 98 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP condition • Trigger Sensor types and useful data Actors/Entities Scenario Description Extensions • • Detection of a sharp curve from infrastructure or other vehicle; Information is received by the ego-vehicle High Ego-vehicle speed On-board information (i.e. ABS sensor) and communication devices Primary Actor: SP4 sub-system Secondary Actors: Other probe vehicle and SP2 subsystem Internal Entity: SP3 module Step Action Information about sharp curve is received from 1 external sources SP1 system updates local dynamic map with presence of a sharp curve information, 2 recommended speed, time stamp and possible further features / attributes 3 The data are available for the SP4 subsystem Step Action 3a Warning signal is provided to other probe vehicles 3b Super ordinates Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 99 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name PTW falling down on the road: PTW tilt sensor has detected vehicle falling down. Case ID SP1_UC7_11_v1.2 Status Draft PTW falls down on a section of a single/dual carriageway and stays motionless on the road surface Short description Authors Paolo Cravini (Piaggio) Driving environment Urban, Suburban, Motorway (more dangerous on curve section) Vehicle probe type Falling PTW Risk’s source Possible collision or accident with incoming OV • • SAFEPROBE system inside operative range Local dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. • Local dynamic map updates the carriageway condition to indicate the falling PTW presence on the Precondition Goal/Successful end SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 100 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP condition road. • • Failed end condition Trigger Sensor types and • • SP4_subsystem is able to generate a warning signal by receiving PTW tilt sensor information. Local dynamic map about carriageway condition status does not change Data not delivered to SP4 in a timely manner Required tilt sensor data not complete PTW tilt sensor activated Tilt sensor. useful data Actors/Entities Scenario Description Extensions Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem Secondary Actors: SP2 subsystem and Other probe Vehicles Internal Entity: SP3_module Step Action Tilt sensor activation indicates the PTW fall 1 down Infrastructure and other probe vehicle 2 indicates traffic situation From the fusion of the PTW, probe vehicle and infrastructure data the System determines that 3 there is a high probability of collision or accident with incoming OV SP1 Subsystem updates the carriageway 4 attribute of the local dynamic map 5 Data available for SP4 subsystem. 6 7 Step Action Tilt sensor data delivers corrupted or failure 1a message Super ordinates Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 101 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name PTW falling down on the road: PTW sends a warning signal Case ID SP1_UC7.1_11_v1.2 Status Draft PTW falls down on a section of a single/dual carriageway and stays motionless on the road surface. Short description Authors Driving Paolo Cravini (Piaggio) Urban, Suburban, Motorway (more dangerous on curve section) environment Vehicle probe All classes of probe vehicle as receiver, falling PTW as transmitter type Risk’s source Precondition Possible collision or accident with falling PTW • • SAFEPROBE system inside operative range Falling PTW detects dangerous situation. SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 102 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP • Other equipped vehicle(s) within the broadcast range of the falling PTW • Local dynamic map is updates with the information indicating the falling PTW presence on the road. • Information about possible danger situation is broadcasted to approaching ones. • Local dynamic map about carriageway condition status does not change Data are not broadcasted Goal/Successful end condition Failed end condition Trigger Sensor types • PTW tilt sensor activated Tilt sensor. and useful data Actors/Entities Scenario Description Extensions Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem Secondary Actors: SP2 subsystem and Other Probe Vehicles Internal Entity: SP3_module Step Action 1 Tilt sensor activation detects PTW fall down SP1 system updates dynamic map with road information, 2 time stamp and possible further features/attributes SP1 broadcasts the information to other vehicles or 3 infrastructures Step Action 1a Tilt sensor data delivers corrupted or failure message Infrastructure and other probe vehicle sensor faulty, error 2a reading – Local data map is not updated Super ordinates Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 103 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name PTW overtaking OV while OV is making a turn: PTW detects that preceding vehicle makes a turn. Case ID SP1_UC8_11_v1.2 Status Draft PTW overtakes a preceding OV and entering in collision path with turning movement of the same OV Short description Authors Paolo Cravini (Piaggio) Driving environment Urban, Suburban, Motorway Vehicle probe type All classes of probe vehicle Risk’s source Possible collision or accident with turning OV • • SAFEPROBE system inside operative range Local dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. • • Local dynamic map updates the roadway traffic condition SP4 subsystem able to generate a warning signal and advise information by receiving PTW and OV information on their position Local dynamic map about carriageway condition status does not change Data not delivered to SP4 in a timely manner Required PTW and OV data not complete Precondition Goal/Successful end condition • Failed end condition Trigger Sensor types and • • Preceding OV making a turn GPS?? Information from infrastructure?? Approach to be discussed between T1.2.1 partners SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 104 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP useful data Actors/Entities Scenario Description Extensions Primary Actor: Other Probe Vehicle making a turn (preceding vehicle) Secondary Actor: SP2 subsystem Internal Entity: SP3 module Step Action PTW on board system detects the turning 1 maneuver SP1 subsystem updates local dynamic map with 2 turning vehicle position LDM data available for SP4 subsystem generate 3 collision warning and driving advise Step Action SP3 modules broadcast LDM update/warning to 3a SP2 subsystem, PTW and preceding OV 3b LDM is broadcasted to infrastructure Super ordinates Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 105 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name PTW overtaking OV while OV is making a turn: PTW sends to preceding vehicle a warning message Case ID SP1_UC8.1_11_v1.2 Status Draft PTW overtakes a preceding OV and entering in collision path with turning movement of the same OV Short description Authors Paolo Cravini (Piaggio) Driving environment Urban, Suburban, Motorway Vehicle probe type All classes of probe vehicle as (PTW) overtaking vehicle Risk’s source Possible collision or accident with preceding OV Precondition • • • SAFEPROBE system operational Overtaking PTW detects preceding OV make a turn. Preceding OV within the broadcast range of the PTW Local dynamic map updates the roadway traffic condition. o SP4_subsystem able to generate a warning signal and advise information by receiving PTW and OV information on their position • Local dynamic map about traffic status does not change • Data not delivered to SP4 in a timely manner • Required PTW and OV data not complete o Goal/Successful end condition Failed end condition Trigger Sensor types and useful data PTW overtaking GPS Information from infrastructure Approach to be discussed between T1.2.1 partners SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 106 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Actors/Entities Scenario Description Extensions Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem Secondary Actors: OV and SP2 subsystem Internal Entity: SP3 module Step Action Message broadcast SP2 subsystem indicating 1 PTW incoming SP1 subsystem updates local dynamic map with 2 OV position LDM data available for SP4 subsystem generate 3 collision warning and driving advise Preceding OV who is in direct communication range with the PTW receives the message Step Action SP3 modules broadcast LDM update/warning to 1a SP2 subsystem, PTW and preceding OV Super ordinates Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 107 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego vehicle carrying dangerous goods approaches other vehicle. Case ID SP1_UC9_4_v1.0 Status Draft The ego vehicle is a commercial vehicle carrying dangerous goods traveling along (a tunnel / road) with two lanes, approaching an other vehicle Short description Authors Andreas Ekfjorden, Volvo Driving environment Highway, Extra-urban, … Vehicle probe type Risk’s source Precondition Goal/Successful end • • A commercial vehicle All classes of probe vehicle possible as other vehicle Dangerous goods (causing more severe accidents and needs extra margins) • Ego vehicle and secondary vehicle traveling along a 2lane one-way road. • Both are SAFESPOT vehicles • Ego vehicle has information on its own cargo type Vehicle goods data is sent to SP3 application for broadcasting condition Failed end condition Trigger Sensor types and useful data Actors/Entities • • Data is not sent correctly Data is not sent at all The ego vehicles on-board system indicates dangerous goods. • Information on goods type on host vehicle’s on-board system. Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem in ego vehicle Secondary Actor: Other vehicle Iinternal Entity: SP3_module Truck Vehicle on-board system – secondary actor Infrastructure device – secondary actor SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 108 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Scenario Description Step 1 2 3 Extensions Step 1a 2a Action Ego detects dangerous goods on-board The information is transferred to SP3 SP3 module broadcasts goods status to other vehicles and infrastructure devices. Action Super ordinates Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 109 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego vehicle carrying dangerous goods approaches other vehicle. Case ID SP1_UC9.1_4_v1.0 Status Draft The ego vehicle is a commercial vehicle carrying dangerous goods traveling along (a tunnel / road) with two lanes, approaching an other vehicle Short description Authors Andreas Ekfjorden, Volvo Driving environment Highway, Extra-urban, … • • Vehicle probe type Risk’s source Precondition Goal/Successful end condition A commercial vehicle All classes of probe vehicle possible as other vehicle Dangerous goods (causing more severe accidents and needs extra margins) • Ego vehicle and secondary vehicle traveling along a 2lane one-way road. • Both are SAFESPOT vehicles • The ego vehicle is detected as carrying dangerous goods Local dynamic map is updated with the information on dangerous goods truck. Failed end condition Local dynamic map is not updated Trigger Ego vehicle approaches other vehicle at a predefined distance Sensor types and • • useful data Actors/Entities Information on goods type on host vehicle’s on-board system. Position information from SP3 system Primary Actor: Other vehicle Secondary Actors: SP4 subsystem in ego vehicle and Truck Vehicle on-board system Iinternal Entity: SP3_module SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 110 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Scenario Description Extensions Step 1 2 3 Step 1a 2a Action SP4 application detects the trigger situation SP4 application sends information to SP3_module SP3_module transfers information to other vehicle Action Super ordinates Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 111 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego vehicle approaching truck carrying dangerous goods. Case ID SP1_UC10_4_v1.0 Status Draft The ego vehicle is a commercial vehicle carrying dangerous goods traveling along (a tunnel / road) with two lanes Short description Authors Andreas Ekfjorden, Volvo Driving environment Highway, Extra-urban, … • Vehicle probe type Risk’s source Precondition • All classes of probe vehicle possible as (ego) approaching vehicle At least one Truck Dangerous goods (causing more severe accidents and needs extra margins) • Ego vehicle and secondary vehicle traveling along a 2lane one-way road. • Both are SAFESPOT vehicles • Information on goods type is sent from truck condition Local dynamic map is updated with the information on dangerous goods truck. Failed end condition Local dynamic map is not updated Trigger The ego vehicle is approaching a dangerous goods vehicle Goal/Successful end Sensor types and Information on goods type on host vehicle’s on-board system. useful data Actors/Entities Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem in ego vehicle Secondary Actors: Truck and Truck Vehicle on-board system Internal Entity: SP3_module Step Action SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 112 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP 1 2 Extensions 3 4 Step 1a 2a Car is approaching from behind. Car receives information from truck about type of goods. Local dynamic map is updated on ego vehicle Updated LDM data is available to SP4 applications Action Super ordinates Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 113 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego vehicle approaching truck carrying dangerous goods in tunnel. Case ID SP1_UC10.1_4_v1.0 Status Draft The ego vehicle is a commercial vehicle carrying dangerous goods traveling along a tunnel with two lanes Short description Authors Andreas Ekfjorden, Volvo Driving environment Tunnel • Vehicle probe type Risk’s source Precondition All classes of probe vehicle possible as (ego) approaching vehicle • At least one Truck Dangerous goods (causing more severe accidents and needs extra margins), especially dangerous inside a tunnel • Ego vehicle and secondary vehicle traveling along a 2lane one-way road. • Both are SAFESPOT vehicles • Information on goods type is sent from truck • Vehicles are detected to be inside a tunnel condition Local dynamic map is updated with the information on dangerous goods truck. Failed end condition Local dynamic map is not updated Trigger The ego vehicle is approaching a dangerous goods vehicle Goal/Successful end • Sensor types and useful data Actors/Entities Information on goods type on host vehicle’s on-board system. • Information from infrastructure on the driving environment (tunnel) Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem in ego vehicle Secondary Actors: Truck, Truck Vehicle on-board system and Infrastructure device Internal Entity: SP3_module SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 114 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Step 1 Scenario Description Extensions 2 3 4 Step 1a 2a Action Car receives information on driving environment Car receives information on goods type (dangerous goods) Local Dynamic Map on ego vehicle is updated Updated LDM data is available to SP4 applications Action Super ordinates Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 115 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego vehicle approaching truck carrying dangerous goods in tunnel. Case ID SP1_UC10.2_4_v1.0 Status Draft The ego vehicle approaches a commercial vehicle carrying dangerous goods traveling along a tunnel / road with two lanes Short description Authors Andreas Ekfjorden, Volvo Driving environment Highway, Tunnel • Vehicle probe type Risk’s source Precondition Goal/Successful end All classes of probe vehicle possible as approaching vehicle • At least one Truck Dangerous goods (causing more severe accidents and needs extra margins), especially dangerous inside a tunnel • Ego vehicle and secondary vehicle traveling along a 2lane one-way road. • Both are SAFESPOT vehicles • Information on goods type is sent from truck SP4 application receives updated information condition Failed end condition Trigger Information is not correct or not at all sent The LDM is updated with goods type information (dangerous goods status is updated) • Sensor types and useful data Actors/Entities Information on goods type on host vehicle’s on-board system. • Information from infrastructure on the driving environment (tunnel) Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem in ego vehicle Secondary Actors: Truck and Truck Vehicle on-board system Internal Entity: SP3_module SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 116 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Scenario Description Step 1 2 3 Extensions Step 1a 2a Action Data is available in the LDM The data is sent to the SP4 application Sp4 application initiate relevant information to the driver Action Super ordinates Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 117 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego vehicle approaching in progress works in a sub-urban road Case ID SP1_UC11_51_v2.0 Status Short description Draft Vehicle is approaching in progress works in a sub-urban bidirectional double lanes road; lane width reduced for 200 meters beyond Authors P. Mortara L.Picerno Driving environment Sub-urban road Vehicle probe type Ego vehicle (car, truck, PTW…) Risk’s source Potential collision with other vehicles and VRUs in proximity, or with operation machines. Safeprobe system operational with V2V and V2I communication active The LDM of the Ego vehicle updated on time of info about working Goal/Successful end area, operation machines and oncoming vehicles. This message is broadcasted by ego vehicle to other probe vehicles broadcast condition strategies of SP3 Failure in the communication, applications not ready to receive or not Failed end condition present Precondition Ego vehicle approaches the works area Trigger Frequency occurrence Sensor types of and Unpredictable Obstacle sensor, lateral and front collision sensors useful data Actors/Entities Scenario Primary Actor: SP4_subsystem Other probe Vehicles SP3_module – internal entity Secondary Actor(s) and/or Entities: SP3 Module , other vehicles Step Action 1 Ego vehicle approaches the working area SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 118 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP 2 3 4 5 6 Step Extensions It gets from Infrastructure (I2V communication) info about minimal road width and length of the working area and from V2V communication or on board sensors the position and dynamic information of possible vehicle coming in the opposite direction and operation machines active in the working area. SP1 system updates the local dynamic map with the information of the working area (position, width and length) SP1 system update the local dynamic map with the vehicles coming in the opposite direction SP1 system updates the local dynamic map with operation machines. SP3_module broadcasts the working area information to other probe vehicles Action No extensions Super ordinates Subordinates Open issues Comments The working area is described as a geographic object (width, length, relative position) or as complex object (containing additional objects: on coming vehicles and or operation machines)? This means a different sharing of tasks between SP1 and SP4. SP 4 application will give way to operation machines (caterpillars…) on the road, and a will establish a priority access strategy with other V2V probe vehicles if the width reduction allows only an alternate one way passing. Proper warning will be given to the driver, Otherwise, if two way traffic is still available a simpler information is provided to the driver that should take the closest position to available carriageway margin in the direction of traffic SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 119 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Lost load in lane of oncoming traffic Case ID SP1_UC11.1_5_v0.1 Status Draft Lost load in lane of oncoming traffic detected by ego vehicle, ego vehicle broadcast position of lost load to oncoming vehicles before they pass the dangerous spot Short description Authors Driving Sönke Carstens-Behrens, Christian Zott (Bosch) Rural road environment Vehicle probe All classes of probe vehicles equipped with suitable ENP sensors type Risk’s source Collision of oncoming vehicles with lost load on their lane, spot in curve, blocked view (no risk for ego vehicle) SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 120 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP • Precondition • • Ego vehicle has passed lost load on lane of oncoming traffic and has detected the obstacle with ENP sensors. It is 700m away from that spot, other vehicle (oncoming) is 300m ahead 2 SAFEPROBE systems operational Local dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. end condition Local dynamic map has been updated with load object, warning message about the lost load (=message with obstacle position, time stamp,) is generated and sent to oncoming vehicle(s) Failed end • Goal/Successful condition Local dynamic map lane traffic condition status does not change timely, warning message is not generated or sent Trigger Oncoming vehicle enters COM range Sensor types ENP sensors to detect and classify the obstacle; VDM, NAV to locate the obstacle accurately in the LDM and useful data Actors/Entities Scenario Description Primary Actor: Other probe vehicle Internal Entity: SP3_module Step Action Ego vehicle passes the lost load lying on the lane of the 1 oncoming traffic, it detects the obstacle with suitable ENP sensors and the SP1 subsystem updates the LDM An oncoming vehicle enters the COM range of the ego vehicle and the ego vehicle (SP3 module) sends a 2 (warning) message with information about the lost load to the oncoming vehicle 3 Step Action Extensions 4 Super ordinates SP1_UC12_5_v0.1 (succeeding use case) Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 121 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Lost load in ego lane Case ID SP1_UC11.2_5_v1.0 Status Draft Lost load in ego lane, oncoming vehicle has detected it and sends information about it to ego vehicle Short description Authors Driving Sönke Carstens-Behrens, Christian Zott (Bosch) Rural road environment Vehicle probe All classes of probe vehicles type Risk’s source Precondition Lost load on carriage way in curve, blocked view • See scenario 2 (from Bosch): ego vehicle approaching lost load on ego lane, 1km away, oncoming vehicle has detected the obstacle from SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 122 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP • • Goal/Successful end condition Failed end its opposite lane and already passed the object and is reporting to ego about detection, distance to ego 300m at use case trigger 2 SAFEPROBE systems operational Local dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. Local dynamic map has been updated with lost load object and its attributes (state), SP4_subsystem able to generate obstacle on the road warning and advise information. Local dynamic map lane traffic condition status does not change timely condition Trigger Sensor types and useful data Actors/Entities Scenario Description Extensions Communication message from oncoming vehicle with obstacle information No ego sensing assumed for obstacle detection (1km distance to obstacle), useful data only from oncoming vehicle Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem Secondary Actor: Other probe vehicles Internal Entity: SP3_module Step Action Com message from oncoming vehicle indicating 1 obstacle in ego lane SP1 system updates local dynamic map (affected road/lane segment) with lost load position, time stamp 2 (and further attributes) Note: no fusion with internal vehicle data (ENP,) except static map data or previous obstacle entries in LDM LDM data available for SP4 subsystem to generate 3 obstacle warning and driving advise Step Action SP3 module broadcasts LDM update / warning to SP24 subsystem and other probe vehicles Super ordinates SP1_UC13_5_v0.1 (succeeding use case) Subordinates SP1_UC11_5_v0.1 (preceding use case) Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 123 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Lost load in ego lane (2) Case ID SP1_UC11.3_5_v1.0 Status Draft Lost load in ego lane, oncoming vehicle has detected it and has informed/warned ego vehicle by COM, ego vehicle detects lost load itself and sends update message to succeeding vehicles Short description Authors Driving Sönke Carstens-Behrens, Christian Zott (Bosch) Rural road environment Vehicle probe All classes of probe vehicles with suitable ENP sensors type Risk’s source Lost load on carriage way in curve, blocked view SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 124 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP • Precondition • • See scenario 2 (from Bosch), ego vehicle approaching lost load on ego lane, 150m away, succeeding vehicle 50m away 2 SAFEPROBE systems operational Local dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. Local dynamic map has been updated with lost load object and its Goal/Successful attributes (state), SP4_subsystem able to generate obstacle on the road warning and advise information, message with updated information about end condition load generated and sent to succeeding vehicle Failed end No warning message sent to succeeding vehicle condition Trigger Detection from ENP sensors Sensor types ENP sensors to detect and classify the obstacle; VDM, NAV to locate the obstacle accurately in the LDM and useful data Actors/Entities Scenario Description Extensions Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem Secondary Actor: Other probe vehicles Internal Entity: SP3_module Step Action LDM of ego vehicle contains obstacle (lost load), 1 information obtained from oncoming vehicle 2 Obstacle gets in range of ego vehicle’s ENP sensors 3 Fusion of the ENP detections to the LDM (LDM update) SP3 module broadcasts LDM update / warning to SP23 subsystem and other probe vehicles Step Action LDM data available for SP4 subsystem to generate 4 improved obstacle warning and driving advise Super ordinates Subordinates SP1_UC11_5_v0.1, SP1_UC12_5_v0.1 (preceding use cases) Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 125 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Emergency vehicle approaching Case ID SP12_UC1_51_v2.0 Status Draft Emergency vehicle is approaching in a sub-urban bidirectional double lanes road requesting blue corridor Short description Authors P. Mortara L.Picerno ( MMSE) Driving environment Sub-urban road Vehicle probe type Emergency vehicle Risk’s source Potential collision with vehicles and VRUs in proximity Precondition Safeprobe system operational with V2V and V2I communication active Goal/Successful end The emergency (Ego) vehicle is added to LDM of other probe vehicles condition and its message is broadcasted by other probe vehicles according to geo broadcast strategies of SP3 Failed end condition Failure in the communication, applications not ready to receive or not present Trigger Frequency occurrence Emergency vehicle activates blue corridor request of Unpredictable Sensor types and useful Switch sensor blue corridor request (e.g. Linked to the emergency data siren activation) Actors/Entities Primary Actor: SP4_subsystem Other probe Vehicles SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 126 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP SP3_module – internal entity Secondary Actor(s) and/or Entities: SP3 Module, other vehicles Scenario Description Step 1 2 3 4 5 Step Extensions Action Emergency vehicle activates a blue corridor request The SP3_module of the emergency vehicle start to broadcast a blue corridor request to others equipped vehicles and to infrastructure SP3_module of other probe vehicles receive the data of the emergency vehicle and broadcasts the message to other probe vehicles and the infrastructure SP1 system of other equipped vehicles updates the local dynamic map LDM of other probe vehicles is made available to SP4 application of their respective probe vehicles. Action No extensions Super ordinates Subordinates Open issues Comments The presence of the Emergency Vehicle will be used by SP4 in other probe vehicles to warn the drivers that should slow down and move to the road border leaving blue corridor for the emergency vehicle. SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 127 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego-vehicle hard braking while other is following: situation is detected Case ID SP1_UC13_29_v1.0 Status Final Ego-vehicle starts braking very hard while other vehicle (including PTW) is following. Environment status is detected and local dynamic map is updated Short description Authors Driving Nikos Floudas, ICCS All classes of driving environments environment Vehicle probe Car, Truck type Risk’s source Risk of collision with vehicle that follows ego-vehicle • • Precondition Goal/Successful end condition Failed end condition Trigger Sensor types and useful data • SAFEPROBE system operational Information on driving environment at the rear side of egovehicle available Local dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. Local dynamic map updates the driving situation; risk of collision can be detected. Local dynamic map is not updated at all or in time; situation cannot be detected Detected abrupt ego-vehicle deceleration combined with existence of vehicle(s) following it Vehicle dynamics and environmental systems (sensing objects moving to the rear side of ego-vehicle). Alternatively, rear side information can be sent by other platform to ego-vehicle local dynamic map. SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 128 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Actors/Entities Scenario Description Extensions Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem (user) Secondary Actors: Other vehicle(s) and (external) Internal Entities: SP3 module, vehicle dynamics and environmental systems Step Action SP1 system local dynamic map available with 1 indication of vehicles that are following ego-vehicle SP1 system through vehicle dynamics identifies 2 hard braking 3 Local dynamic map is updated 4 Collision situation is detected Step Action There are no sensors sensing rear area of vehicle, 1a.1 a hard braking warning can be send also in this case There are no sensors sensing rear area of vehicle, but there is a probe vehicle following that transmits 1a.2 its location information (including also other vehicles) Super ordinates Subordinates SP1_UC13.1_29_v1.0, SP1_UC13.2_29_v1.0 Open issues Comments As defined in the scenario 13 ego-vehicle is the vehicle that brakes. The case that ego-vehicle is following the braking vehicle can be a use case of scenario 1. SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 129 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego-vehicle hard braking while other is following: situation is detected and warning is given to the driver Case ID SP1_UC13.1_29_v1.0 Status Final Ego-vehicle starts braking very hard while other vehicle (including PTW) is following. Environment status is detected, local dynamic map is updated warning is given to the driver Short description Authors Driving Nikos Floudas, ICCS All classes of driving environments environment Vehicle probe type Car, Truck Risk’s source Risk of collision with vehicle that follows ego-vehicle • • Precondition Goal/Successful end condition Failed end condition Trigger Sensor types and useful data • SAFEPROBE system operational Information on driving environment at the rear side of egovehicle available Local dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. Local dynamic map updates the driving situation; risk of collision is detected and warning is given to the driver. Local dynamic map is not updated at all or in time; situation cannot be detected and warning cannot be given Detected abrupt ego-vehicle deceleration combined with existence of vehicle(s) following it Vehicle dynamics and environmental systems (sensing objects moving to the rear side of ego-vehicle). Alternatively, rear side information can be sent by other platform to ego-vehicle local dynamic map. SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 130 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Actors/Entities Scenario Description Extensions Super ordinates Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem (user) Secondary Actors: Other vehicle(s) and (external) Internal Entities: SP3 module, vehicle dynamics and environmental systems Step Action SP1 system local dynamic map available with 1 indication of vehicles that are following ego-vehicle SP1 system through vehicle dynamics identifies 2 hard braking 3 Local dynamic map is updated 4 Collision situation is detected SP4 generates information/warning message and 5 sends it to the driver Step Action There are no sensors sensing rear area of vehicle, 1a.1 a hard braking warning can be sent also in this case There are no sensors sensing rear area of vehicle, but there is a probe vehicle following that transmits 1a.2 its location information (including also other vehicles) SP1_UC13_29_v1.0 Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 131 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego-vehicle hard braking while other is following: situation is detected and warning is given to other probe vehicles Case ID SP1_UC13.2_29_v1.0 Status Final Ego-vehicle starts braking very hard while other vehicle (including PTW) is following. Environment status is detected, local dynamic map is updated warning is given to other probe vehicles Short description Authors Driving Nikos Floudas, ICCS All classes of driving environments environment Vehicle probe type Car, Truck Risk’s source Risk of collision with vehicle that follows ego-vehicle • • Precondition Goal/Successful end condition Failed end condition Trigger SAFEPROBE system operational Information on driving environment at the rear side of egovehicle available • Other SP2 platforms operational and within broadcast range of ego-vehicle • Local dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. Local dynamic map updates the driving situation; risk of collision is detected and enables SP4 subsystem to generate warning or advise information message, other SP2 platforms receive the message. Local dynamic map is not updated at all or in time; situation cannot be detected and warning cannot be given. Local dynamic map is updated and message is generated but the message does not reach the probe vehicle(s) in time. Detected abrupt ego-vehicle deceleration combined with existence of vehicle(s) following it SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 132 of 143 Formatiert: Nummerierung und Aufzählungszeichen Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Sensor types and useful data Actors/Entities Scenario Description Extensions Vehicle dynamics and environmental systems (sensing objects moving to the rear side of ego-vehicle). Alternatively, rear side information can be sent by other platform to ego-vehicle local dynamic map. Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem (user) Secondary Actors: Other vehicle(s) and (external) Internal Entities: SP3 module, vehicle dynamics and environmental systems Step Action SP1 system local dynamic map available with 1 indication of vehicles that are following ego-vehicle Other probe vehicles exist within broadcast range 2 of ego-vehicle SP1 system through vehicle dynamics identifies 3 hard braking 4 Local dynamic map is updated 5 Collision situation is detected SP4 generates information/warning message and 6 sends it to other vehicles 7 Other probe vehicle(s) receive the message Step Action There are no sensors sensing rear area of vehicle, a hard braking warning can be send also in this 1a.1 case 1a.2 7a Super ordinates There are no sensors sensing rear area of vehicle, but there is a probe vehicle following that transmits its location information (including also other vehicles) Other probe vehicle(s) process the message and can generate their own messages SP1_UC13_29_v1.0 Subordinates Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 133 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego-vehicle overtaking in collision path: system detects danger Case ID SP1_UC14_29_v1.0 Status Final Ego-vehicle overtakes a vehicle changing lane and entering into a collision path with other oncoming vehicle. Vehicle on board sensors detect the dangerous situation Short description Authors Driving Nikos Floudas, ICCS All classes of driving environments environment Vehicle probe type Risk’s source Precondition Goal/Successful end condition Car, Truck Risk of collision with vehicle that is coming to the path of egovehicle • SAFEPROBE system operational • Sensors observing frontal area of ego-vehicle or relevant information of this area available from communication • Local dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. Local dynamic map is updated with the new driving situation and risk of collision is detectable condition Local dynamic map is not updated at all or in time; consequently the risk of collision cannot be detected Trigger Detected on-coming traffic in the path of ego-vehicle while overtaking Failed end Sensor types and useful data Vehicle dynamics and environmental systems (sensing objects moving to the frontal side of ego-vehicle) SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 134 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Actors/Entities Scenario Description Extensions Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem (user) Secondary Actors: Other vehicles and (external) Internal Entities: SP3 module, vehicle dynamics and environmental systems Step Action 1 SP1 system local dynamic map available SP1 system through vehicle dynamics and environmental systems identifies ego-vehicle 2 motion in collision path with on-coming vehicle(s) 3 Local dynamic map is updated 4 Collision situation is detected Step Action The on-coming vehicles are out of range or view of sensors but relative position information is 2a.1 transmitted by other probe platform in the area Super ordinates Subordinates SP1_UC14.1_29_v1.0, SP1_UC14.2_29_v1.0 Open issues Comments As defined in scenario 14 ego-vehicle is the vehicle that overtakes. The opposite case with the ego-vehicle driving while from the opposite direction an overtaking vehicle is coming is covered by scenario 2 SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 135 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego-vehicle overtaking in collision path: system detects danger and driver is warned Case ID SP1_UC14.1_29_v1.0 Status Final Ego-vehicle overtakes a vehicle changing lane and entering into a collision path with other oncoming vehicle. Vehicle on board sensors detect the dangerous situation and driver is warned Short description Authors Driving Nikos Floudas, ICCS All classes of driving environments environment Vehicle probe type Risk’s source Precondition Goal/Successful end condition Car, Truck Risk of collision with vehicle that is coming to the path of egovehicle • SAFEPROBE system operational • Sensors observing frontal area of ego-vehicle or relevant information of this area available from communication • Local dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. Local dynamic map is updated with the new driving situation and risk of collision is detected and driver warning is generated condition Local dynamic map is not updated at all or in time; consequently the risk of collision cannot be detected and warning to the driver is not generated Trigger Detected on-coming traffic in the path of ego-vehicle while overtaking Failed end useful data Vehicle dynamics and environmental systems (sensing objects moving to the frontal side of ego-vehicle) Actors/Entities Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem (user) Secondary Actors: Other vehicles and (external) Sensor types and SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 136 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Extensions Internal Entities: SP3 module, vehicle dynamics and environmental systems Step Action 1 SP1 system local dynamic map available SP1 system through vehicle dynamics and 2 environmental systems identifies ego-vehicle motion in collision path with on-coming vehicle(s) 3 Local dynamic map is updated 4 Collision situation is detected SP4 generates information/warning message and is 5 sent to the driver Step Action The on-coming vehicles are out of range or view of sensors but relative position information is 2a.1 transmitted by other probe platform in the area Super ordinates SP1_UC14_29_v1.0 Scenario Description Subordinates Open issues Comments As defined in scenario 14 ego-vehicle is the vehicle that overtakes. The opposite case with the ego-vehicle driving while from the opposite direction an overtaking vehicle is coming is covered by scenario 2 SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 137 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego-vehicle overtaking in collision path: system detects danger and warning message is transmitted to other probe vehicles Case ID SP1_UC14.2_29_v1.0 Status Final Ego-vehicle overtakes a vehicle changing lane and entering into a collision path with other oncoming vehicle. Vehicle on board sensors detect the dangerous situation and a warning is transmitted to other nearby probe vehicles. Short description Authors Driving Nikos Floudas, ICCS All classes of driving environments environment Vehicle probe type Risk’s source Precondition Goal/Successful end condition Failed end condition Trigger Car, Truck Risk of collision with vehicle that is coming to the path of egovehicle • SAFEPROBE system operational • Sensors observing frontal area of ego-vehicle or relevant information of this area available from communication • Other SP2 platforms operational and within broadcast range of ego-vehicle • Local dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. Local dynamic map is updated with the new driving situation; risk of collision is detected which enables SP4 subsystem to generate warning or advise information message and other SP2 platforms receive the message successfully. 1) Local dynamic map is not updated at all or in time; situation cannot be detected and warning cannot be given. 2) Local dynamic map is updated and message is generated but the message does not reach the probe vehicle(s) in time. Detected on-coming traffic in the path of ego-vehicle while overtaking SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 138 of 143 Formatiert: Nummerierung und Aufzählungszeichen Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Sensor types and useful data Actors/Entities Scenario Description Extensions Vehicle dynamics and environmental systems (sensing objects moving to the frontal side of ego-vehicle) Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem (user) Secondary Actors: Other vehicles and (external) Internal Entities: SP3 module, vehicle dynamics and environmental systems Step Action 1 SP1 system local dynamic map available Other probe vehicles exist within broadcast range 2 of ego-vehicle SP1 system through vehicle dynamics and 3 environmental systems identifies ego-vehicle motion in collision path with on-coming vehicle(s) 4 Local dynamic map is updated 5 Collision situation is detected SP4 generates information/warning message and 6 sends it to the driver 7 Other probe vehicle(s) receive the message Step Action The on-coming vehicles are out of range or view of 2a.1 sensors but relative position information is transmitted by other probe platform in the area Other probe vehicle(s) process the message and 7a can generate their own messages Super ordinates Subordinates SP1_UC14.1_29_v1.0, SP1_UC14.2_29_v1.0 Open issues Comments As defined in scenario 14 ego-vehicle is the vehicle that overtakes. The opposite case with the ego-vehicle driving while from the opposite direction an overtaking vehicle is coming is covered by scenario 3. SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 139 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Slippery road condition: Ego vehicle detects Ice on the road Case ID SP1_UC15_32_v1.0 Status Draft Ego vehicle driving along a straight section of motorway detects that the road surface is slippery as a result of ice on the carriageway Short description Authors Driving Debra Topham, Gary Ford (MIRA) Motorway environment Vehicle probe type Truck, car, PTW Risk’s source Ice on the road Precondition Goal/Successful end condition Failed end condition • • Safeprobe system operational Local dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. Local dynamic map updates the road surface condition to indicate ice on the road to enable SP4_subsystem to determine whether to generate ice warning and advise information. • • • Local dynamic map road condition status does not change Data not delivered to SP4 in a timely manner Required sensor data not complete SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 140 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Trigger Sensor types and EPS, ABS activated To be competed as part of the useful data task useful data Actors/Entities Scenario Description Extensions Primary actor: SP4 subsystem Secondary actor: Vehicle_data_sources Internal entity: SP3_module Step Action Ego vehicle_data_sources (ESP, ABS etc.) 1 activated low road friction indicated Outside air temperature sensor indicates that the 2 current air temperature is within the ice indication range From the fusion of the vehicle data the ego vehicle 3 System determines that there is a high probability of ice on the road The Ego vehicle System updates the local dynamic 4 map Local dynamic map data available for SP4 5 subsystem to generate collision warning and driving advise Step Action ESP, ABS data delivers corrupted or failure 1a message Outside air temperature sensor faulty, error reading 2a.1 From data fusion process LDM road surface 2a condition attribute is updated with a non-specific slippery road condition status Super ordinates Subordinates Open issues Comments • • Pre-conditions may form a separate driving scenario Feasibility of mapping useful sensor data to use to be discussed SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 141 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Copyright SAFESPOT Dissemination Level: CO Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Case Name Ego vehicle receives warning of ice on the road Case ID SP1_UC15.1_32_v1.1 Status Draft Ego vehicle driving along a straight section of motorway detects that the road surface is slippery as a result of ice on the carriageway Short description Authors Driving Debra Topham, Gary Ford (MIRA) Motorway environment Vehicle probe type Truck, car PTW Risk’s source Ice on the road • • Precondition • Goal/Successful end condition Failed end condition Safeprobe system operational Local dynamic map contains information relating to the driving environment and current situation prior to the scenario occurring. Other equipped vehicle(s) within the broadcast range of the ego vehicle Local dynamic map updates the road surface condition to indicate ice on the road to enable SP4_subsystem to determine whether to generate ice warning and advise information. • • Local dynamic map road condition status does not change for relevant vehicles Data not delivered to SP4_subsystem in a timely manner SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 142 of 143 Deliverable N D1.2.1 Dissemination Level: CO Copyright SAFESPOT Contract N. IST-4-026963-IP Trigger Ego vehicle detecting Ice on the road Sensor types and BOD system detect outside temperature, data from ENP systems used to determine low road friction useful data Actors/Entities Scenario Primary Actor: SP4 subsystem Secondary Actor: Other_probe_vehicle(1), Other_probe_vehicle(2), SP2_subsystem and Vehicle data sources Internal Entity: SP3_module Step Action Ego vehicle detects ice on the road 1 (SP1_UC1_32_v1.0) Ego vehicle determines from the relative localization 2 module that there are other vehicles within its communication range 3 SP3_module broadcasts the message Other_probe_vehicle (1) who is in direct communication range with the ego vehicle receives 4 the message 5 Description 6 7 8 9 Step Other_probe_vehicle (1) system determines that the message is not of relevance to its current trajectory SP3_subsystem of Other_Vehicle (1) rebroadcasts the message Other_vehicle(2) heading towards the position where the ego vehicle generated the ice-warning message receives the message from other_probe_vehicle_2. Other_probe_vehicle (2) updates its local dynamic map with the ice warning Fused data available for SP4_subsystem of Other_probe_vehicle(2), to generate ice warning and driving advise to the driver Action Extensions Super ordinates Subordinates (SP1_UCP_32_v1.0) Open issues Comments SP_D1 2 1_Vehicle_Probe_UseCase_v1.6.doc Page 143 of 143