, , vll# 19~ . PETROGRAPH , ' MINERAL AND GEM SOCIETY OF CASTRO VALLEY, INC., ( CASTRO VALLEY, CA. 94546 ALL AMERICAN CLUB , \ I ' ! .. , ' . ' " I . . ' I ~ ~ I, ' ! " • , : :' .". , " ) , ,' . TABLE OF CONTENTS: Programs and meeting dates. President's Message , Dora's Nook AFMS Scholarship Letter Help Wanted Sunshine Girl Gift of Life Gift of life cont. Gift of Life cont. New Members & Add Ons Financial Statement Request of Recei~e Special Message from Dora Country Store Field Trip Report Wanted Cab of the M!5nth WEDDING BELLS For Sale Fr~m the Editor's Pen Junior Petrograph Junior Petrograph ,\." Monthly Calendar ,: ' , I , ) I, I page #1 " 151 #2 #2 #3 #3 #3 #4 #5 :g , 1 #6 ,,' ' #7 #7 , #8 #8 , '#9 #9 #9 #10 #il #12 #13 ' EXCHANGE EDITORS ARE REQUESTED TO CHANGE THEIR MAILING ADDRESS TO THE NEW EDITOR. THERE ARE BULLETINS STILL GOING 'TO CHERYL: ARCHER AND 'TO CATHY PASQUlNI •••••••••• This make a lot of work for them to be constantly getting your bulletins to me, and it means that I am unable to enjoy the bulletins as early as I wculd like to. there is so much good reading and article that' I ~9uld like to use •••• Thank you. ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS!!!!! ALL MEMBERS WHO WANT TO CHECK OUT CASES SHOULD BE PREPARED TO CHECK THEM OUT THE WEEK OF January 12 through January 19th ••• Wewi,J.JF check out cases, first come first serve, so get your cases ,early ••••••••• ~ " ,"" "', l ' Gary Ro~, Sr. 1st' year Director. ) MINERAL AND GEM SOCIETY, OF, CASTRO VALLEY BOX 2145 ~.;;;;;;;;,;;~--~ SYMBOL SOcIETY COLORS Blue & Gold SOCIETY STONE Selenite CASTRO VALLEY! CALIF.,94546 ELECTED OFFICERS FOR 1979 - 1980 Dora dollins, 5486 Hughes Place., Frement, 94538 Del Ray Jehnsen,$r.Slll;;6\· st~nhammer Dr., Frement, 94536 Jamie McD0nald, 21003 Wilbeam Ave., C. V. 94546 Russ Sanbern, 18070 Center st., C. V. 94546 Gary Rewe Sr., 35203 Garwi n ct., Frement, 94536 Arneld Barren; 3816 Breekdale Blvd., C. V. 94546 ",Cheryl ,Archer r 21003 Wilbeam AVi, C. V. 94546 ' D4 re~tet ,~ , , Federatien pirect.o:r Vern , Kerstad, 17917 Beardsley st~, C. V. 94546 Judge , Ew~ng, 956 Frederic Ave., Hayward, 94544 Shep Fereman Ednah Antunevich, 2016 San Antenie, Alameda 94501 Shew Chairman Elyn,eIl::M. Schwab, 25518 Sete Rd., Apt. #1 Hayward 94544 Editor 'Jeyce '& Gene Buhnerkempe,4138 David st., C. V. 94546 Hest and Hostess Alice McCarth:?, 734 Bartlett Ave., Hayward, 94541 Lib;-arian , Helen Miguel, ' 15515 Maubert Ave., San Leandre, 94578 HiSterian Membership', Chairman " Billie Ashl,e y, 17781 Mayflewer Dr., C. V. 94546 Junier Menter D.era Cellina" 5486 Hughes PI., Frement, 94538 Ednah Antunevi,ch, 2016 San Antenie, Alameda, 94501 Field Trips , , Allep ,~shley, 17781 Mayflewer Dr., C. v. 94546 Jim 'B1shep, 465 Nassau Ln, Hayward, 94544 " Past President President Vice President ' Secretary Treasurer Directer Directer ) 651-7502 796-9069 538- 3209 582-2079 796-5348 538-6254 538-3209 537-9485 886-4909 522-4214 886-3827 582-5477 785-4416 276-4354 I 582 -7459 , 651-7502 522-4214 : 582-7459 471-3145 APPOINTED COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN (nen-veting Bd. Members) * Publicity ,. ,Receptienists , Parli amentarian Deer Prizes Sunshine Schelarship Shep Steering Shew Cases ) I ' " Patricia & Wayne Ceeper, 31459 Meadewbreek Ave. " .. ' Hayward, 94544 , 471-1354 Gladys & James Fergusen, 318 Se. Park Victeria 408-262-4787 " Milpitas, 95035 Jim BishCllp, ' 465"Nassua Ln, HayWard, 94544 471-3145 582-6071 Ken Beynten, 4651 Emily ct., C. V. 94546 Imegene Hanzel, 950 Grace st., San Leandre, 94578 483-4071 Hazel ~eterman, 1734 - 14lst st., San Leandre, 94578 357-4324 Arneld Barren and Judge Ewing, whe are instructers .of the shop. Dera Cellins, 5486 Hughes Pl., Frement, 94538 65l-7502 *These Cemmittee Heads are witheut veting privileges within the scepe .of the Beard .of Directers. N@TICE: Membership meetings are held every 2nd Wednesday .of the menth ,, (any.changes will be neted) except in the months .of July and August, cenvening at 7:30 PM at.the Centl'e nnial Hall, Rm. #6, 22292 Feethill Blvd., Hayward, Ca. .Refreshments are served. PETROGRAPH POLICY: Anenymeus centributiens cannet be ca~net be censidered fer publicatien in the Petrograph. If requested, the centributer's name will be withheld frem .original material. The seurce .of ether material will be indicated fer preper credit. Permi,s sien is granted te reprint Petregraph it:ems when credit is given. PETROGRAPH STAFF: Edi ter Elyner Schwab, Junier ';' Pet'r 6graph, Edi ter"J.une> Be~te,p., " " Publisher Mardell McDewell, Stand by Publisher ~nd ':a0nsu.l~az:1tAl Richter, 'Ty;pi.!t s Billy Ashley, Eveland Oulten and Cheryl Archer, C'o ll'ating, ' stapllililg and mailing .0 f the Petregraph is Managed by a Cemmittee .of Three, Dick Minor, Judge Ewing and l:b y: LeRey, helped by Clara Miner, Mame LeRey, Vern Kerstad, Pete Reggie , Stella Raymend Anna Marie Kechenderfer, Hazel Peterman, June Beynten, Billie Ashley, Imegene H~zel. J" . SHOP 'RULES AND SCHEDULES *======================= 1" I' , eo", ,$6',0 " 3.". Open 7:30 , e§'6§~g.,.& PAR KIN G 2830 Castro Valley Blvd. ' ' Castro 'V alley, CA 94546 I2hone , 881-9430 L. , ~~~------------------------~" ) ENTER ) ' ~---.-. ~6 ' , Jewelry Classes ,meet Tuesday even.ing and Thursday afte rnoon and ' ) evening. Juniors meet from 9: 00 to 12 gC)O noori on Saturdays as scheduled by the Junior Mentor. Carving Class meets on Wednesday 9. 10 PM, Tuesday thr.ough Friday; Mo~day night fr~m ' adult beginners; Wednesd.y, from 9 'AM to 12 'PM; and Thursd,ays, from ~2:30 PM to ,3PMa No Shop on the General Meeting n~ghto Second Wedrlesday evening of the month. , , Slab saw run ,by Ship ~nstructors, onlyo 'S labbing rate 5¢ per square inch. Jade and Tremolite 10¢ per square inch. 5 ~ "Use of equipment subject to a,p proval of Shop Instructors. HEED YOU SHOP INSTRUCTORS. 6. COOPERATIVE CLEANUP AFTER EACH WORK SESSION. (THIS IS A MUST). ' \ W I S T E R ' I A I -., ) I : .. - ... II I I [3-REGAL STATION , , ' I I I I I I ,• I I o EL ' : TACO BEAUTY , I IpA 'R K' ING ~.' I I \ ~"SHOP I ) \ L SCHOOL PIZZA ~ CAS mo VALLEY BOULEVARD TO 580 " eSc 50 1 ,' ... , - .:.:.::...:.. 7. (a) Open to all Members over 11 years of age. (b) Shop , is op~n on Saturday f6r , J1.;miors 11 years to 18 years of ageo ll-year-olds must be accompanied by a parent on first free l~ssono Shop Fee is $1000 per session. Prepatd Fe~ Ticket for 10 sessions is SoOO, ~ value of $10.00. A, special Saturday rate (for Juniors) is 35¢. Senior ' Citizens, , E)"ge $2", are charged 65¢ per ses' siono Prepaid ' Fe'e Ticket for 10 , ses~ions is $5.00, a value of .~ ::- '.,.:, . '. Elynor Mo Schwab, EDITOR , ,25518 Soto Rd. Apt \' #1 . Hayward, Ca o 94544 PETROGRAPHj The Monthly Bulletin of ~he Mineral and Gem Socie~y of Castro Valley, Inco .' RElflJUij.Ns POSTAGE GUARANTEED Bulk Rat e Uo So POSTAGE PAID SAN LORENZO, CA • PE~MIT NO. 4.2 ',' JANUARY , 1980 ';. No. ,1, Volume 24 This is the monthly bulletin of the Mineral and Gem Society of Castro Valley, Inc. a member of the California Federation of Mineralogical Societi-es, Inc., and the American Federati0n of Mineralogical Societies'., Inc. , Editor Elynor M. Schwab, 25518 Soto . Rd., Apt. #1, Hayward, Ca. 94544. " '. JANUARY 7, BOARD MEETING at the shop meeting starts at 7:30 PM. PETROGRAPH CONTRIBUTIONS FROM BOARD MEMBERS. DEADLINE MEMBERSHIP MEETING, at Centennial Hall, Hm. #6, 22292 Foothill Blvd., Hayward, Ca. Meeting starts promptly at 7:30 PM. Refreshments, members with names starting with N to Z , Please bring cup cakes. PROGRAM: UNKNOWN AT PRINTING OF PETROGRAPH. (But we usuallY have an excellent program so please start the year right by attending and being an active member. SATURDAYS: JUNIORS MEET AT THE SHOP, 9 AM to 12 AM. Jewelry and meetings as scheduled. Classes, Cab Cutting +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ PRESIDENTS MESSAGE The JUNIORS deserve a big thank you for helping to make the Christmas Party a Success. They took some of their bank account and rented costumes fmr the big night. Our Santa suit was so old we just had to purchase a new suit. first Santa to wear it this year. The entertainment was a little harder to find. to play the piano, but no one did. Jim Barron is the I thought someone would volunteer Phil Clarke invited Larry and Kessa Stewart and they accepted. Larry Stewar,t is a very talented man and an old time member of the East Bay Club and at one time was a member of the Castro Valley Society. Thank you:.mIL.l for coming to my rescue again. The Gilham family and the Piava. family spent many hours decorating and making things Xmasie. I hope you enjoyed our part and I hope you have a New Year of good Thank you everyone ••• i ....... Dora Collins - 1- ti~ings. 357-6413 James F. Culleton Box 654 , San Leandro, Ca. 94577 " I • ' *%*$**%*%$*$*$*$*$*$*$*%*%*%*%*%*$*$*%*$*%*$*%*$*%*%*%*$*%*$*%*$*%*$*%~$*%*$%*$*%*$ MINERAL & GEM SOCIETY OF CASTRO VALLEY , ' Treasurer's Report of Nov. 1 to Nov. Commerical Account as of Nov. 1, 1979 30;, 1979 ,,' $3,334.39 ., ,\, , Rec.eipts: Shop :', Income Membership Dues 1980 Show Dealers $ 153..84 76.25 1,180.00 1,410.09 J 4,744.48 Disburs ements: Rent utilities Shop Expenses Diamond 'Wheels ' Shop Equipment Petrograph Library . Miscellaneous 423.65 76.88 90.21. §21.42 ::, 76.04 199.1.7 23.00 153.87 1,964.24 $2,780.24 ******************************************************** Commercial Account as of November 30, 1979 $2,780.24 Crocker Savings 9,014.08 Building Fund #1 12,574.87 13;517.54 Building Fund #2 $37,886~73 Respectfully submitted by RussellH. Sanborn MGSCV Treasurer $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$., SO GOOD -GOOD I would sure like to have the filled cookie receipe that the lady made for Open House. It had apple ??? filling and something sprinkled on top and was cut into squares. Pete and Doris Reggio PETROGRAPH - 6 - January 1980 i.nfJ ) SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM DORA COLLINS: Now the holidays are behind us, we have to start the new year right. Making our 1980 show a big success will be ,a good , start. Get your cases and start planning on showing your hobby on March 1st and 2nd. We need to advertise our show. So at the shop you will find nbtt':ges to pass out to your friends, neighbors and people you work with. Let them know what a beautiful hobby rock collecting and displaying can be. We are serving the best food any show can serve. We have a reputation of having a good show and good food. Go bring in the public so that we can prove it again ••• this year. It takes all the members to put this show together, so when the people on the committees ask you to help, please sign up and if you are missed and not asked"please '9 ffer your help anyw~. We cannot reach all our members personally because some members are not at our meetings or shop and they are missing by not d'0ing things. But now you the members who can't make the meetings or the shop can make the show and still get into the fun we have ,doing things together. We will have mgnup sheets at the January and February Meetings. Come ~n everyone 'lets make this a big one. Show off the hard work we do all year. The hobby you have is the beauty you share in the ,times that some people need more beauty in their lives. The time you spend on your hobby and share ideas is the time you forget things that are going on around you that is not so beautiful. I hope all our club members feel that when they are doing somethLng beauti~l just for a little while all their troubles are gone and they can create a better world around the. Happy New Year Everyone ••••••••• Your President Dora Collins. COUNTRY STORE •••••••••••••••• COUNTRY STORE ••••••••••••••• , ••• COUNTRY STORE •••••••••• I hope all is going well on your projects for ' ~he country store. If you are making something, how about bringing it to the January Meeting and share your ideas. Sometimes, all we need is to see something made up. We will have a table set up so we can display the items. Thanks •••••••• Storekeeper Billie Ashley POT HOLDERS •••••• TOWELS ••••• APRONS ••••••• CAe'S ••••••• BABY ITEMS •••• ETC PETROGRAPH - 7 - ETC ETC. January 1980 . _ _ ........ .. ~ F'I.F~LD . n ~.Krp _ REPORT •• 0 ANDERSON DAM •_ •• - ...• _ . _._ __ _ _ _ - - . . . . 1 0 ) WHE'RE WEHE Y0U'? 'l ?'?? ''( Ou.r la,st trip was to And.erson Dam on $unday', Nov. 11th. Th:i.s w:as a one d.ay tri.p and. only a little over an hou·r s driving distao. ce aw·ay. Hopefully H would h ave ,allowed some · of you to join us who find. i t tough to get away' for the entire week·.end. and also have helped. to c.onserve those incr'e a,singl y scarc e g'a s" d.ol.1.ars . We did c ompete with the Sunday f oot ball and. the Ral.d.ers -Chiefs game w'as a dandy my' wife reported, when I st raggled in late with a pack-load of' rocks. B:i.1JE had. wat ched on our port able 1'. V. i.n the· motor home and sympathetically d.escri.hea. J·i.m Breech, heaa.-bowed. ana, f or lorn , sitting on the f ield. after missing the last .minute f ield':'goal that would. have ti ed t he score . Thirt een enthusiastic mem1Ders d.:i.d. show up · and we enjoyed a beautL fu.l , warm ' sunny' d.ay. l rte lake was very -a.ow du.e to the end. of thesll.romer d:r.ai n-off and. lack of arly' he,a vy w:i.nter rains unt:U that time . An eXl?osed shoreline of up to l'3)'feet' 9J..lowed us t o selec:tii vely, p:l. ~k our way' through a jumble of rocks and boulders. Cu'titi,ng materj.al obt ained in abundance was magnesite in chalk white to d.ark tan cdLor, wHh dend.rit:i patterns and w'hi te agat , with l:i,ght p i nk and. red spider-webbing. Sund.ay evening some of leap-frogged each other along ,highway #1CJJ.. approaching .south San Jose as we stopped at various fruit stands to· pick up barga'ins iri 'b rtissel sprouts, oranges, artichokes and apricots. I If you di dn't mak.e it, (unfortunately that applies to most of yo;U), you mis s ed a pleasant drive in beautiful weather to a convenient' and pretty area, tp,e chance to Clo.llect some nice lapidary material!.., and the' opportunity' t 'o meet' other' members 'and. make new friends. Please join us next time. Those memb ers attending were~ Evelyn and Anna Ou.l ton Dwain and Robin Kni ght Bill and Pauline Fansher G·ene and. Joyce Buhnerkempe Bill and Janice Garcia Allen, B:i.llie and Tobi Ashiley WAN TED!!!!!!! . IN'STRUC'I'ORS: for lapidary classes evenings and a tuesday af:ternoon i n exchange for free shope us e •••• see ,Yudge Ewing 0 ••• PERSON':' Who w'ould like to spend, a couple hours a week cleaning shop in e:x:change for shop privileges ••••••• see Judge Ewing MEMBERS: Who would lj.ke to w'ork in the kitchen and snack 'bar during •••••• oosee Arnold Barron or call 538-6254. ------------------.------.--------------------------------PE'rHQGRAPH - 8 - our show· ••••• January .1980 ~ , \ / CAB Q.! THE M 0 NTH ••••••••••••••• Del Ray Johnson As of the Board Meeting in December the cab of the month will be as follows: ANY MATERIAL ••••••••••• ANY SIZE ••••••••• ANY SHAPE ••••• EVER{ MONTH. The response to the Cab of the Month has been very sorry and in some cases nil. This is certainly too bad. We have very qualified judges and they give an unbiased and helpful critique on each and every cab submitted for judging or ~r non-compet itive judging. The judges if asked will give submitted. valuabl~ tips and c'onstrUctthve adv.ice on the work So far this year Phil Clarke, Judge Ewing and Allen Ashley have judged. All three men love the rockhounding hobby and spend many hours sharing this hobby with their fellow members. Castro Valley Society is lucky to have so many helpful members WlO share their knowledge and love of rockhounding with others. Let us all take advantage of this bonus offered us and enter into the Cab of the month. It is not too late to enter. You will find other good bonuses offered ' at the shop such as he~ing hands if we run into a problem. Theres certainly a wealth of opportunities waiting at the shop, casting,silver smithing, mineral classes. etc •••••• +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++&+&+&+&+&+&+&+&+&+&+&+&+&+&+&+&++++++~+++++++++++++++ WEDDING BELLS RANG!!!! n !'!,! Kathleen Sloan became the bride of Dave Meide at the Alameda Navel Air Station. Kathy is the daughter of Thomas Sloan and Helen Sloan, of San Leandro. Kathy' is one of our graduated pebble pups. Not only has be graduated from high school, attended college anQ now married but she had brought us a new member. Dave is in the Service, has completed his beginner's lessons but as ~t has to meet the members of the society •••••• those who have met your husband, Kathy know that you have a very nice young man and he will be an 'asset to the club •••••• May the newlyweda :enjoy many wonderful years together and continue to enjoy fue rockhounding hobby ••••• Oh. yes~~ They honeymooned in Carmel by the Sea ••••• The weather was nice for them in September ••• - .... XXXXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXJOoooaocxJOCXXXXXXXXXXXJCXJCXJCXJOCXJCXXXXXXXXXXXJOOOOCXJOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXJOCXJCX FOR SALE: PETROGRAPH -- -- T. K. Burns has Eastern Or~gon Agate for sale and some Lapidary Equipment He has spent many. years hunting agate in Eastern Oregon md is not work as a rockhound right now ••••••• When the Editor spoke to ~im about his material it seemed to her to be a great chan,qe for agate lovers to get some excellant material which is not available ••••• some was collected over a thirty year period. - 9 - January 1980 From the Editors Pen: This is the third bulletincto be edited by me and I wish to thark all the helpful members fo~ their contrib.utions for publication •••• Some has yet m be printed •• Due to the holidays this issue is a small one. Next month we should be back in the swing of editing and publishing the ,Pet,r ograph. There will be more pictures, more, columns by our members, conuni ttee members and juniors. Hopefully this typewriter will be repaired so that we can get better print out of it, and/or we will have an additional type~iter to allow more people to type for the Petrograph. As it stands we have only one typewriter that can be used becaus~ '\'f~ need a carbon ribbon. My typewriter type ,:is not usable as the type is too broad and breaks down in the printing. Particular appreciation is expressed for the business people who work on the staff of the in addition 't o working every day and keeping a home. It is not easy ••••• Even just keeping a home is work. Billy Ashley is always there with the calendar on time, also types the labels for the Petrograph members, makeup the add on names. Besides being Membership Chairman she has th,e Show, is making another quilt for th'e raffle •••••• Billie you and helps many ways. , She list of n ew members and Country Store for the are very much appreciated. Evelyn Oulton is always there when she is needed and even went rofar as totry and arrange for typing for me while she is home sick in bed ••••• Thank you Evelyn Please take care of your self and get well quick. June Boynton had continued to do the Junior's portion of the Petrograph •••• They are not to be called pebble pups ••••• They really are v,e ry much eO ove that leve'l 1. ••••• If in doubt just look at some of their work •••• it is greet. Thanks muuh. Al Richter has been a jewel ••••• Judge Ewing has been their helpmg and giving moral support as well. Mardell McDowell is great to work with and I hope to keep this artist and printer happy by getting good copy to her to work with ••••• We hope to , do i:~more interesting things in the Petrograph after the first of the year and when we have more time. Between putting up a fence, working and printing the petrograph she is one very busy lady, but always there when she is needed ••••• Thanks oddles Mardell. Too the members who are on the distribution of the Petrograph •••• You too ar,e much appreciated ••••••• Next month is the month we go back to the old format of coiumn, the typewtitsr is acting up and it was too much an effort to do it this issue •••••• It is now 4:30 AM and I started typing at 10 PM so must close so that I can be fresh to check the work and get it ready to go to press later this AM ••••• Oh, yes ••••••• We could use some extra help typing~ •••••• Please Call me if you are able to help ................. Elynor ........ 886-3827 ..... let phone ring ".10 or 15 rings ••••• handicapped mother may be answering and she cant get her legs moving fast '._ PETROGRAPH -10January 1980 \ " ( ) N~ftf IJUTI TInn dDlr Q -" This is the monthly bulletin of the Mineral and Gem Society of Castro Valley, Inc., Junior Division, a member of the California Federation of Mineralogical Societies, Inc . , and the American Federation of Mi neralogical Societies , Inc. Editor l June Boynton, 4651 Emily Ct . , Castro Valley, CA, 94546 ******************************************************************** JUNIOR MENTOR ... ,Ednah Antunovich JUNIOR MENTOR . .. ..... Dora Collinl3 PRESIDENT, ... , . , .. ,Gary Rowe, Jr " VICE PRESIDENT . ,Andy Kochend'o rfer SECRETARY ..... . .. ,.' ,Doug Griffin ' TREASURER .. , I , " , ••• • • Anna Oulton REPORTERS . ,. " ' 0 ' , ,Sandra Johnson , .... ,. , . "Sheryl Cooper JUNIORS MEET EVERY SATURDAY AT THE SHOP 2830 Castro Valley Blvd, Castro Valley, CA 94546 phone I 881-9430 from; tOI ********************************* CAS T~O VAI_L EY 9100 a, m. 12100 noon JUNIOR S ASSIS T SANTA ******************************* MENTORS' MESSAGE Juniors - Let's make a New Years Resolution to get the most out of our shop time by showing up every Saturday that it is possible. Also, let's encourage that friend of yours to take up rockhounding as a hobby -- Meanwhile, Best Wishes for success in the c~ing New/",' Year. 0-6. ' It,,,! // 111 ,, _ ,. ... ,.,..,,.1 ns \ .... ~~\ \5..f!!1 ~~~ , ~ -11- The following Castro Val l ey Juniors assisted Santa Claus at the annual M&GSCV Christmas Party held at the Hayward Cent ennial Hall on December 14th: Sandra Johnson was Minnie Mouse Ken Boynton was Mickey Mouse Fran Ilmberger came as the FOX from Pinnachio Doug Gr i ffin was C 3 P 0 from Star Wars Gary Rowe, Jr . was LionBear, Everyone had a wonderful time but especially youngsters , Several prospective Juniors we re ,January 1980 " _._--------- - - ---_.-.._-,"...-----,-_.". ...•., CASTRO VALLEY JUNIORS ASSIST SANTA (Continued) there enjoying Santa and the treats . The granddaughter of Ed and Pat Rigor entertained all ~ith a very cute dance. She is a very cute young lady herself. Dora's grandchildren - Juli.e and Armando Colmenero Candy and Karen Molleson added to the gay crowd around the Christmas Tree. Gary Rowe's sister, Christine, and friend were an attractive addition to the party " Other Juniors and prospective Juniors attendtng were' Sandra's brother, Eric, Gary's brother Keith, Alycia Raphael, Sheryl and Ted Cooper. Everyone seemed to have a great time. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Yes, the answer to last month's riddle is CUPERITE. In fact, the latin word for copper is cuperite. Doug: , Griffin worked on cutting slabs of agate and wonderstone, and collected dues 'and wrote the report. Garic Watson worked on wonderstone. Sandra Johnson worked on ·o'b sidian. Cathy - an old member came back and worked on picture agate. Ted Cooper worked on Turquoise. Sheryl Cooper - (she really made a cute cow-girl at the Ohristmas Party) worked . on a piece of tigereye , Scott Ranelletti worked on some jasper. This month's rock is named for an old Arabic word meaning "heaven" - a reference to the minerals blue color which ranges from deep blue, sky-blue, pale greenish blue. This rock is not found ih abundance in North America but can be found on Graves Mt., Lincoln County Georgia. This rock was considered quite a gemstone by early civilizations. Some beautiful specimens were in the "King Tut" exhibit. WHAT AM I?????????????????? +++++++::I-++++++ ±++++!+++++++++++ Lou~sa May A cot wrote-"'l'here in the sunshine are my highest aspirations, I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them .. " PETHOGRAPH -_._-........ --,_.-----.----_...._- --_.. . _.. AT THE SHOP: December 1, 1979 Andy Kochendorfer worked on square-wire jewelry with malchite and red tigereye. -12- ========================= ====== = CASTRO VALLEY JUNIORS INVITED TO SHOW CASES AT SANTA CLARA. The Castro Valley Juniors were invited by Rich Fuller of the Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society to participate in their "SILVER ANNIVERSARY SHOW" - Feb. 23-24. Set-up time is Friday, February 22, 1980 from 3:00 to 10100 PM and from 7100 to 10:00 AM, Saturday, February 23, 1980. Forms must be in not later than February 1, 1980. ======================= === ===== HAP P Y NEW YEA R! ! ! January 1980 )