1st Quarter - The Arc of Macomb County
1st Quarter - The Arc of Macomb County
2015 Volume I The Arc Advocate For people with intellectual and developmental disabilities Special Points of Interest: Building on a Strong Foundation….…1 Christmas Wrap Update………...……..2 Monthly Dance Calendar….………….3 Amazon Smiles……..4 Inside Every Issue: Do You Know About... Spotlight on Associates Special Thanks Upcoming Events Weekly Events Like Us on Facebook Click “Like” on The Arc of Macomb County’s Facebook page to stay apprised of important information affecting your loved ones in Macomb County and throughout the state. Our page contains links to helpful and informative websites and Facebook pages, and pertinent information on legislation and advocacy on the national, state, and county levels. Our Facebook page also contains the most up-todate information about upcoming events, as well as volunteer and fundraising opportunities. Information for Members & Friends of The Arc of Macomb County Building on a Strong Foundation Happy New Year to one and all! Another year is behind us, and The Arc experienced a lot of changes in 2014, from top to bottom. Our Board of Directors changed a little bit, with the retirements of Sandy Williams and Pat Nizza. Sandy and Pat had each served on The Arc Board of Directors for more than 15 years, serving an instrumental role in pursuing The Arc’s mission. Although Pat and Sandy officially retired, they continue to assist The Arc, by providing support and volunteering at Arc fundraisers. Please join us in a heartfelt “Thank You!” to Pat and Sandy for their years of dedication and service to The Arc. They will be missed, but we wish them many happy returns and look forward to seeing them at future events. Please also join us in welcoming a new Board Member, Michael Kolb. Michael is a Funeral Director at Harold W. Vick funeral home in Mt. Clemens. Michael previously worked with The Arc, providing invaluable assistance with after life planning for The Arc’s clients and members. Michael joined the Board of Directors in December 2014 and wasted no time in making his presence felt at our Macomb Mall gift wrap fundraiser. Welcome, Michael, we look forward to working with you on our Board! In addition to changes on the Board of Directors, The Arc’s long time Executive Director, Ron Kimball, retired after 38 years of service. Most of you know Ron personally and know that I could not begin to list his accomplishments, a list which pales in comparison to the number of lives he has touched. Ron was known not just for his contributions to the community, but also for his demeanor and care toward individuals, whether they were clients, employees, peers, vendors, or just someone he happened to meet. When Ron started at The Arc, The Arc had less than ten employees. Today, The Arc employs more than 150 people and serves many hundreds of clients. Last March, in recognition of his hard work and dedication, The Arc of Oakland presented its Dove Award for Lifetime Achievement to Ron for his many years of contributions. A fitting tribute to a deserving person, but it’s by far the end of the story. True to form, Ron has continued to stay very involved with The Arc, maintaining relationships, putting in countless hours on fundraisers, and serving on The Arc of Michigan’s Board of Directors. Ron has been, and always will be, an integral part of The Arc. I look forward to continuing the legacy Ron has left behind. The Arc continues to evolve and adapt to changes in the field, enabling us to plan for the future while remaining true to our mission, assisting and advocating for our clients in the areas of benefits, housing, staffing, and employment. Please check our quarterly newsletters for upcoming events and keep an eye out for the unveiling of our newly remodeled website at arcservices.org. Sincerely, Lisa Lepine, Executive Director Special Thanks... to the generous individuals, groups, and/or businesses for their 4th quarter and end of the year contributions, which are essential to the success of The Arc’s mission: Lawrence Page Family Charitable Foundation James Trentacosta Knights of Columbus St. Isidore Council Knights of Columbus St. Lawrence Council Knights of Columbus Richmond Council Knights of Columbus St. Joan of Arc Council Paul & Maureen Murad General Michael & Francie Perry Michael & Devon Slanec Gerald & Elizabeth McCalley Catherine Rud Thomas & Diane Mueller DR & DS Breza Elaine Jarosz Marsha Tuck Laure Schewe Weskalines Andrew & Vickie Kosnik Donald & Gloria deBeauclair Evelyn & John Fiscelli Robert Miller Lee & Paul Coyle Novartis Elaine Jarosz In loving Memory… Ronald & Victoria Cork in memory of Mary Redoutey Mary & Alan Crummy in memory of Mary Redoutey Amy Traxler in memory of Mary Redoutey Thomas Marchand in memory of Sylvia Marchand Stephen & Mary Kutyla in memory of David Kutyla Ronald & Donna Hughes in memory of Jan Wilson Cathleen & Same Mackool in memory of Karen Shamie Kay & Kenneth Kuck in memory of Marilyn Nieman James & Carol Meza in memory of Marilyn Nieman Lorraine Middleton in memory of Marilyn Nieman Laura Hummel in memory of Marilyn Nieman David & Frieda Allen in memory of Marilyn Nieman Dale & Lorraine Middleton in memory of Marilyn Nieman Barb Parker & The Card Club in memory of Marilyn Nieman Christmas Donations Linda Paeth Ron Kimball Debra & Louis Macks Pierre & Nancy Marchand Sandy Williams Edward Hogg Philip G. Karrandja Robert King Marie & Gary Johns Ronald Surma Norman & Donna Southlea Thomas & Joan Sullivan Christmas Wrap Update Thanks to the hard work of our volunteers and the generous spirit of our community, we raised over $11,000 during our annual Macomb Mall Christmas Wrap fundraiser. What a fantastic end to the year and a great way to kick-start 2015. Thank you! Do you know about…Vocational Training? The Arc of Macomb County’s Community Employment department provides vocational training for young adults at Fraser High School and The Macomb Intermediate School District’s (MISD) Lutz School for Work Experience. Classes focus on the core skills involved in seeking employment. These skills include resume building, the application process, lobby etiquette and how to answer commonly asked interview questions. Over the last few years, classes have expanded to include the “soft skills” needed to maintain employment. Topics include communication, time management, problem solving, teamwork and company policies. Students graduate the program with a strong understanding of the job seeking process as well as employer expectations, enabling them to successfully compete for and maintain employment. Credit Charisse Cossu-Kowalski for the initial vision. Her son Joshua attended Fraser at the time, and she felt he could learn better by experiencing real-world situations related to seeking employment. She approached all involved parties with the idea to help prepare mainstreamed teens, including her son, for competitive employment within the community. As the idea evolved The Arc’s Wm. C. Range, Employment Services Director, was contacted to develop a program targeting these needs. Although the job interviewing class had been actively taught at the Arc for several years, the soft skills class needed to be developed from the ground up. The Arc’s Janet Maracle worked tirelessly to develop a program suited to the needs of this special population. As a result of everyone’s hard work, the Business Group classes came to fruition. The Arc taught its first class three years ago, with Charisse’s son enrolled as one of the first students. Good news travels fast and the success of the program reached the ears of the MISD’s Lutz School for Work Experience. The Arc’s Community Employment department was asked to develop a program targeted to the needs of the Lutz students Now, in its second year, the Lutz program continues to grow. Along with classroom lesson plans, the students get to apply their knowledge firsthand in community based assessments. This allows them to more fully grasp employer expectations, in a real-time employment setting, positioning them for success in whatever job they choose. Just one example of the many ways we strive to meet the needs of those we serve. If you would like to know more about how your young adult may be able to learn more about seeking and/or keeping competitive employment, and your young adult has an open MRS case, please contact Mr. Range at: [email protected]. Page 4 Year at a Glance Bingo: Every Saturday evening at 6:30pm at Warren Plaza Hall. Doors open at 4:30pm. Painting Sensations: March date TBD (look for it on Facebook!), The Arc of Macomb Golf Outing: May 9th at Sycamore Hills Golf Club, Macomb Spring Garage Sale: June 6th - 7th, The Arc of Macomb State Arc Conference: June date TBD, Lansing National Arc Conference: October 3rd—5th, Indianapolis Fall Garage Sale: October 10th - 11th, The Arc of Macomb Gala: October 16th at Lakeland Manor, St. Clair Shores Vendor Fair: November date TBD, The Arc of Macomb Gift Wrap: November 30th - December 24th, Macomb Mall Monthly Dance Season Fun and friends abound at Warren Woods Middle School at The Arc of Macomb’s monthly dances. Dances are held one Friday a month from 7:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m. and feature either a DJ or a live band; admission is just $3.00 per person. Warren Woods Middle School is located at 13400 Twelve Mile Rd.; please use the door by the far west parking lot only. Save these dates for fun, friends, and dancing! February 13 March 13 April 17 May 15 Informational Presentations April 15 - Parent Night at the MISD - Social Security Presentation, by Paul Landry May 6—Parent Night at the MISD—What happens after I am Gone? By Lisa Lepine Amazon Smiles And we do too, when you use AmazonSmile for your online shopping. You’ll enjoy the same wide selection of products, low prices, and convenient shopping features as on Amazon.com. The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to The Arc of Macomb County. Log into Amazon with the following URL: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/38-1738601 to start shopping. What are you waiting for? Page 5 Board of Directors President: Shari Fitzpatrick 1st Vice President: Gloria deBeauclair 2nd Vice President: Joseph Tinson Secretary: Whitney Swanson Treasurer: Bruce Manning Awareness Days, Weeks, Months February - 1st: National Freedom Day; 6th: National Wear Red Day; 9th - 15th: Random Acts of Kindness Week; 22nd - 28th: National Eating Disorders Awareness Week; 1st— 28th: Children’s Dental Health Month; Ethnic Equality Month; National Cancer Prevention Month; Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. March - 18th: Kick Butts Day (Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids); 21st: World Down Syndrome Day; 24th: American Diabetes Association Alert Day; 25th: Tourette Syndrome National Advocacy Day; 2nd - 8th: National Sleep Awareness Week; 23rd - 27th: National Youth Violence Prevention Week; 1st - 31st: American National Nutrition Month; Brain Injury Awareness Month; Self-Harm Awareness Month. Directors: Tom Beardslee Michael Kolb Administrative Staff Executive Director Lisa Lepine [email protected] Employment Services Director Matt Peters Spotlight on Associates Matthew Peters Employment Services Director [email protected] Employment Services Director Wm. C. Range [email protected] Representative Payee Director Shelly Taras [email protected] Advocacy Director Mary Scarsella [email protected] Financial Director Stephen Tunney [email protected] Community Support Services Director Kelly Harrington It is with great pleasure we announce the newest member of our team, Matt Peters. Matt joined the administrative staff on January 5, 2015 as our Employment Services Director. His role involves seeking out new employment opportunities in the community, for people of all abilities. His focus revolves around “growth and change to better serve our customers”. Matt says, “Job development is hard, but doable.” He should know. Matt brings with him over 20 years of experience with residential and vocational programs. In the past he has worked with The Guidance Center in Wayne County, as well as DES in Clinton Township, Michigan. His formal training includes a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Northern Michigan University and a master’s degree in rehabilitation and community inclusion (RCI program) from Wayne State University. Matt married Ellen 20 years ago. They have a 14-year-old son named Devon and a Great Dane/Mastiff rescue dog named Stella. He enjoys hiking (preferably in the Upper Peninsula), shooting and history. kharrington @arcservices.org Employment Services Director - HAB Luanne DeGueisippe [email protected] Oh, and if you run into Matt at The Arc, ask him about his favorite doo-wap song, but be prepared you might be here awhile. The Arc of Macomb County 44050 N. Gratiot Avenue Clinton Township, MI 48036-1308 CURRENT RESIDENT Weekly Activities Bingo Where: Warren Plaza Hall (SW Corner of I-696 and Schoenherr) When: Evening Bingo: doors open at 4:30 p.m.; games begin at 6:30 p.m. Phone: 586-469-1600 Fax: 586-569-4338 www.arcservices.org Dance Exercise Class ARC Raiders Bowling Where: CC Plus (300 N. Groesbeck Hwy, Mt. Clemens) Where: Sterling Lanes Bowling Center (14 Mile and Schoenherr) When: Wednesdays 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. When: Saturdays at 9:00 a.m. Cost: $28 (prepaid) for 4 sessions, or drop-in for $8 per session. All fitness levels welcome! Cost: $5 per Week Contact Information: Betty (586) 575-9798 or Barb (586) 790-9813 facebook.com/ARCServicesofMacomb @ARCSvcsmacomb About The Arc of Macomb County The Arc of Macomb County is a CARF accredited, 501(c)(3) nonprofit membership association composed of people with disabilities, parents, friends and professionals involved with supporting people with disabilities in Macomb County, Michigan. The Arc exists to assure that people with disabilities are valued and that they and their families can participate fully in, and contribute to, the life of their communities. We are committed to securing, for all people with disabilities, the opportunities to choose and realize their goals and dreams regarding where and how they learn, live, play, and work. Vision For people with intellectual and developmental disabilities The Arc of Macomb County will be a culture of excellence in the provision of support for anyone associated with The Arc. We will work until we achieve a society where every person is able to sustain their own experience of companionship, connectedness and community. We envision that, one day, every person is valued and treated with dignity and respect in their environment and their community. We will engender a sense of safety for all persons with disabilities by increasing daily positive interactions and decreasing unnecessary demands.
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