epiphot300/200 - Taylor Hobson Brasil
epiphot300/200 - Taylor Hobson Brasil
- -- 'Nikon, r I v Inverted Metallurgical Microscopes EPIPHOT300/200 '-" ~::"I\l8 """ t.';Lt J TheEPIPHOT 200: Comparable Powerina SmallerPackage The wellequipped,affordableEPIPHOT200 has many of the outstanding features of the EPIPHOT 300, in a more compact and upgradablepackage. It is the instrument of choice for those of Vouwhose primary focus is observation and projecting the results on to a TV monitor. v Photomicrographiccapability is but one of the many options availablefor this versatile instrumento G CFInfinityCorrected, OpticalSystem ~ ';",: An ideal optical system which combines Nikon's renowned CF Optics with Infinity Corrected design for even greater system flexibility. The result is sharp and clear images you can depend on. 0 I:..J. ReticleImprinting [Option] Because the reticle is inserted at the primary image plane .. position, the micrometer maintains fine focus without being affected by the state of the sample surface being observado Austenite reticles and grids can algo be imprinted. - Operator-friendly Design A lowered stage design (75mm/ 2.9 in. lower than the previous model) and contrais conveniently located within easy reach greatly facilitate overall operation, as 11 does the built-in interlocking aperture diaphragm which automatically adjusts during darkfield/brightfield changeover, and the universal joint stage handle which allows quick movement of the stage by hand from a fixed position. StableandReliable Front and rear support of the stage, a low profile design, and a nosepiece focusing system, ali make for a super stable, extremely rugged instrument. 4 u OChoiceof either binocular or trinocular observation tube. 8Lowered stage (75mm/2.9 in.lower than previous model) with large 70 x 50 mm (2.8x 2 in.) stroke eRevolving nosepiece with vertical movement ensuresgreater focusing accuracy 8Brightfield/darkfield changeover levei. The built-in interlocking aperture diaphragm opens when seIta darkfield method; returnsto lhe previous state when switched to brightfield method 00ptical path changeover levei 0Universal-joint stage handle for fixed position stage adjustment f)Stabilized external powersupply with light intensitycontrol 0 Feather-touchergo-diallight intensity contrai 0Conveniently placed coaxial coarse/ fine focusing knob GReticle slot 4DDetachable Photo/CCTV sideport - '\ By removinglhe side parI, a C-mount \""IJ CCTV cameracan be directly attached via a C-mountadapter; no relay lens required f)Filter herdei e Lamphouse (12V-1OOWhalogen illuminator is pictured) eCF objectives ~ This is the most frequentlyused observation method and uses differences in reflection to obtain the natural calor and shape of a sample. /' . ~ 1<' ' ~, / This observation method is significant for observing and photomicrographing minute flaws, surface irregularities, differences in levei, ar samples with low reflection raies, ali difficultto observe under brightfield observation. EBmirrorblock ~ This observation method can capture subtle irregularities and flaws as interference colors and indicate them in threedimensional forms. Thanks to its ability to represent very small tilt(differentialcoefficient) with sharp differential ,contrast, this observation method can detect minute differences in height. Used to analyze specific optical characteristics such as isotropy and anisotropy, this observation method permits observation with polarized contrast by way of inteference colors. Ideal for observing crystal conditions and detecting stress such as metal fatigue. Thisobservationmethod detects substances on a specimen inthe form of fluorescent ~ images and is effectivein identifyingthem. Fluorescencefilter blocks ----- ~ These updated objectives reduce aberration and keep fiare down to a minimum. ListofObjectives CFPlanEPI I ------ *1.5X 2.5X 0.045 5X 0.13 0.3 CF Plan EPI I I 10X I CFPlanEPI ELWD CFLCDPlan CR(with coverglass correction 0.6-1.2mm)1 CF Plan EPI ELWD OA6 50X 100X 0.8 0.95 20X OA 50X 0.55 0.8 20.3 20X 50X 0.35 OA5 20.5 138 100X 0.73 50X 095 4.7 0.35 100X 150X 0.95 0.95 200X 0.95 CF PlanApo BD í:F P1anEPISLWD OA 0.55 100X 0.8 5X 0.13 0.3 OA6 0.8 0.9 10.0. 6.5 3.1 0.54 0.39 20X OA 50X 0..55 0..8 11.0. 82 1DOX 5DX 1DDX 150X 2DDX CFPlanBD II 5X 10X DIC I ELWD DIC CF Plan BD I 0.2 0.2 20X 10X 0..9 0..9 10.1-10.5 Z7-8.1 1.1 2.0. DA2 DA 0..9 0.9 0.29 0.3 0.13 10.0 6.5 2DX 50X 100X 0..3 OA6 0.8 0.9 20X 50X 100X OA 0.55 0.8 CF Plan BD ELWD 0.32 50X 100X 1 11.0 8.7 2.0 0.21 20X 50X ELWD CFPlanBO 8.8 22.5 16.5 31 0.54 0.3 10X I CFPlanBD 20X 3.6 100X CFPlanEPI SLWD CF PlanApo EPI 0.075 3.1 0.54 0.39 11.0 8.2 2.0 Forfurtherinlormalion. see"'OPrIPHOT Senes"' ar"'OPrIPHOT 100S"' brochure. "'Usea polarize r andananalyzer. Forstandard field01view([N. 20). CF Plan Apo EPI CF Plan BD ELWD DIC CFWN10XEPMPhotomask CFUWL CFUWL CFWN 1DX 1DXM I 8X 1DX 1DXM 1o.XEPM 12.5X 15X CFNFilarMicrometer1o.X-A 25 25 20. 20. 20. 20. 16 14 14 x x o o o o o o Notes:. 1. CFWN 10X M and CFWN 10X EPM types come with a photomask. 2. CFN Filar Micrameter 10X-Acomes with a micrameter. o o o o o ~ -i '" " o o o Crosshalrsto indicatelhe centerof viewínganglefor . 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 in. Polaroid . ' Reticlepositíonguideon the primary image plane ~ "'""In ,ti 1_<_- ~ You have a choice of three revolving nosepieces for your individual applications: quintuple brightfield EPI type, quintuple bright/darkfield type and quintuple universal type. An objectíve lens adapter allows you to use an EPI Plan objective wíth the bright/ darkfield or universal revolving nosepiece. Fromleft to right:OuintuplebrightfieldEPItype,quintuplebrightfdarklieldtype,andquintupleuniversaltype. Objectiveadaptar Because the reticle is inserted at the primary image plane position, the micrometer maintains fine focus regardless of the state of the sample surface being observed. ~ Grainreticle(Austenite/grid) Grain Reticle (Austenite/Grid) ASTM*-standardAustenitereticle with grain sizing numbers ranging from 1 through 8 for measuring iron and steel organizations or grids can be imprinted along with specimen images. The grid consists of 20 lines 0.5mm apart. Micrometer(scalelar 20Xobjectives) Micrometer Reticle Scales corresponding to objectives with 5X to 100X magnificatíons are avaílable as options. Scales can be changed according to the objectives in use, with the scale ínserted in the stand. 'ASTM: The American Materiais Austenite(grainsizingnumbers1 - 8)* Grid(20 lines0.5mmapart)' 'In\ermediate Society for Testing and ~ 35mmdarkboxwith databack Polaroid*pack1ilmholder(#405/ #550) 'Polaroid is a registered trademark 01Polaroid Corporation, Cambridge, Mass., U.SA -- PoTaroid'sheetlilm holder(# 545i) Snap-upcamerahood magnification O.8X n ="""1 ""':"k" " '? j ,,-. " " ',( ~ Select from falir types of eyepiece tubes availablefor the EPIPHOT200. Binoculareyepiece tube B2 Trinoculareyepiecetube F2 TrinoculareyepiecetubeT2 EyepieceTubes Fieldnumber 30" Tilt angle Pupildistancerange Lightdistributionfatia (Observation: photo) Detachable straighttube ~ 53-75mm 100:0 100:0/14:86 Yes Yes Nikon's FX-IIISeriesphotomicrographic systemsemploy the swingout beam splittersystemwhich directs 100% of the illuminationto the film plane.Youhavea choice of three models:the auto-exposure U-III, H-IIIand the manual-exposure poli!' The Dark Box FDX-35reads DX coded 35mm filmo .U-III: Top-endmodel with 0.1% and 1% spot exposure measurementand 35% integrated averagemeasurement .H-III: Auto-exposuremodel with 1% spot and 35% integrated averagemeasurement .P-III: Manualexposure model UltrawidefieldeyepiecetubeUW2 -- 4,;;, /jjl!9n . For detailed information, see the FX,III brochure from Nikon. ~ ~ EPIPHOT200 with photomicrographic system ",,---- u ----- I u EPIPH or 200 PolaroidFiimHolder (# 405/# 545i/# 550)** I DataBack ENG-Mount TV (112in. CCO) PoiaroidCamBIa Holder" I ENG-Mount TV (2/3 in. CCO) C-MountTV (2/3 in. CCO)' oarkBOX~g] I~Q. ~ 35mmCamBIa C-Mount TV Adapter w&1~ T2 UW2 AdapterA Photomicrographic System FX-lIiSerias 1i ~LJ ProjectionLenses mi(SidePolI) F2 ~ [JJp-, [QID 12V-50WHaiogenLamphouse ~ Lens + m I 50W Lamphouse Adapter 100W Lamphouse Adapter 12V-100W HalogenLamphouse Starter HG-100W I MercuryLamp SocketB 100W EpiCollector ~ 02SmmFilter .IP , RectangularStage I 1L~ {} 045mm Fiiter SWI EPIOuintuple Nosepiece PlainStage ~ ~ plEf CFNCFUWL ~OX, 10XM) Fiiar IL Micrometer Eyeplece Adapter lorUW~ Eyepiece r:::.w Tubes li:I BOOuintuple UniversalQuintuple Nosepiece Nosepiece ~ ~ Nomarski Prisms ~ c::::P m I'B I XenonStarter EOMirrorBlock 100W ~ ~ p-LamPhouse ~ ,Fiber . LlquidFiber GUlde fJ1 MetalHalide Starter I'B Fluorescence FilterBlocks (V/B/G) Cabia 100W Power Supply Unit u CFNFiiarMicrometer 10X-M EyepieceLens -[]-~ HMX-3 XenonLamp Lamphouse HMX-3 Lamphouse SocketS 100W Adapter I Ãdaptêr4X '" *2: TypeFcanbeused with F2oniy. \J Format rrIfl-~rfl CFWN CFWN (8X.1aX.12.5X.15X) 10XM r--IQJ e I Farge 0*1 ENG-Mount TVAdapter 0.45XType T/F*2 i~ I I .§ 4 x 5 in. CamBIaAdapter GuideAd apter O Polarizei I First-orderRedCompensator ~ CTIJ MicrometerReticle GrainReticle(Austenite/Grid) Analyzer 'Polaroidis a registeredtrademark 01PolaroidCorporation,Cambridge, Mass_,U.S.A. "Not Nikonproducts;availableuponleques!. 11 Specifications Oimensional Boxtype Fixedbinoculareyepiecetuba Rotation01eyepiecereticleis compensated CFWN8X,10X,10XEPM,12.5X, 15X,CFNFilerMicrometer10X-A Eyepieces Lightdistribution 4-way(observation/sideparti 35mm/largeformal) Obs.100, Obs./sideport 20/80, Obs./35mm20/80, Obs./largeformal 20/80 0.8-2X zooming(stopswith a click at1.0X, 1.25X,1.5X) Intermediate magnilication Scaleimprinting Position Type Epi-illuminator Lightsource 4 typesdetachable:B2,F2,UW2, T2 (seepaga9 for moredetails) CFUWL10X, 10XM,CFWN8X, 10X, 10XEPM, CFNFilerMicrometer 10X-A 0 2-way(observation/sideparI) Obs.100, Obs./sideport 20/80 (Straighttuba usablewith a trinoculareyepiecetuba) Insertingat primaryimageplane Micrometerseara,Grainrefreie(AusteniterefreiesNo.1-8 andGrid) Built-incenterablefieldandaperturediaphragms 12V-100Whalogen(precentered/standard), 12V-50Whalogen(op1ion), 100WHg(option), 100WXe (option), ~ 150WMetalHalide(option) Filter 12V-100Whalogenilluminator:three045mmfilters attachable(NCB11, NO2/NO4,NO8,GIF), 12V-50Whalogenilluminator:two 025mmfilters attachable(NCB11,NO2, NO4,Glf), Mercury/xenonhighintensityilluminator:three045mmfilters attachable (NCB11,NO2/NO4,NO8,GIF), Built-inglare-protectionfritar (NO8)(worksduringchangeoverbetween brightfieldanddarkfield) Fielddiaphragm Centeringcanbe provided(adjustsitselfduring brightfield/darkfield changeover) Aperturediaphragm Centeringcanbe provided Focusingsystem Nosepiecefocusing Stoke 4mm (3mm upward,1mm downward) Coarse 4mm/rotation Fine à.1mm/rotation Minimumreading 1~mcoarsemetiDotorqueadjustable Nosepiece 1) UniversalQuintupleNosepiece 2) BOQuintupleNosepiece 3) EpiQuintupleNosepiece Objectives Seepaga6 for details Stage Both-endsupported;detachable Stageattachment 299mm(11.8in.) I295mm(11.6in.) Stageheight 1) Rectangularstagewith universaljoint andlow positionedcoaxialcontrai knob,Cross-travelrange:70 x 50 mm (2.8x 2.0 in.) 2) praiastage(availableas option) Photomicrography Measuringarea 60% integratedaverage (Photomicrographic SystemFX-III SPO Lightdetectar Seriasavailable asoption) Magnilication 2-5X (35mm), 8-20X (Iargeformal) Function Manualexposure; Autobracketing; AElock(memory of exposure time); Review function Sideport 038mmstraightport + photoparI;accommodates photomicrographic/CGTV systems 361 x 736 x 436 mm Dimensions(Wx Dx H) and 361x 763x 450 mm weight(approx.) (14.2x30.0x17.7in.);39kg(86Ibs.) (14.2x29.0x17.2in.);31kg(68Ibs,) Power supply unit PSM-1120:100-120VAC,3A,50/60 Hz PSM-2120:220-240VAC,2A,50/60Hz Specifications May 1997. Oiagrams Uni!: mm (inch) '-' ISO 9001 Certified NIKON CORPORATlON Instruments Division Vokohama Plan! and equipment are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer. @1994/95/96/97/98 NIKON CORPORATION NIKON INC. SciencesandTechnologiesGroup InstrumentsDivision v 1300WaltWhitmanRoad,Melville,NY.11747-3064,U.S.A. Te!: +1-516-547-8500 Te!efax: +1-516-547-0306 Iln:\olllollllW111õ11 http://www.nikonusa. comi! Printed in Japan (9805-05)T Code No. 2CEKXE5 This brochure is printed on recycled paper made Irem 40% used material. ~
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