A`fj - McAbee Construction Incorporated
A`fj - McAbee Construction Incorporated
1 9 6 2 2 0 1 1 Mc ABE ECONST RUCT I ONCRANERE NT AL L I F TCHART S: 80t onGr ov eT M87 5 275t onGr ov e5275 165t onDema gHC400 150t onP&H9150 150t onDema gHy dr a ul i c 80t onGr ov eT M875 45met r i ct onKr upp 30t onT er e x 28t onGr ov eRT 528C 20t onGr ov eRT 58D 20t onP&HR200 18t onGr ov eRT 58C 15t onGr ov eRT 58 15t onP&HR150 7. 5t onCa s eCa r r yDec k onMa ni t e xBoomT r uc k 25t 17t onMa ni t e xBoomT r uc k M ODERN FLEET of CRANES & EQUIPM ENT Mc Abeeha sawi der a ngeofc r a ner ent a l s er v i c est omeeta l l y ourc ons t r uc t i onneeds . Al l Mc AbeeCr a neRent a l si nc l ude f ul l yc er t iedoper a t or se x per i enc edi nea c hc r a ne' soper a t i on, l oa dl i mi t s , a ndma i nt ena nc es c hedul e . Compl et er i ggi ng, t r a ns f er , a ndt r a ns por ts er v i c esa r ea v a i l a bl e t oa s s i s tc l i ent si nt hes a f eoffloa di nga nds et t i ngofl a r gea nd hea v ymul t i moda l pa y l oa ds . Mc Abeec r a nesr a ngei ns i z et o275t onuni t s , pl usl i f tt r uc k st o 14t onuni t s . Mc Abeea l s or ent sot herc ons t r uc t i onequi pment . Ca l l Mc Abeef ort hel a t es tl i s tofa v a i l a bl eequi pment . .... ::J,:,,·i~~~~:~';:$.~~·_·, TM875 80 T'OIN CAPACITY 36 fta'· 14Ei fta BOOM. (POWER PINNE'O FLY) 8 x 4 CJ\RRIER PCSA CLASS 2-324 RATE o Fl,IL.L, l1yoRAULlc CARRlfR.NTm CRANE ~ ~ , ~ RANGE DIAGRAM LIFTING CAPACITIES IN POUNDS ¢~ ON OUTRIGGERS FULLY EXTENC ED OVER SIDE & REAR \c r"::U! I _"'Owe, ec:..om Length I" F~ PI". 'Iy • •• 11. I" III 1**.1:4 82 \.~n 78 52 44 *36 160,000 IH,OOO 110,000 99,1 10 92,000 117,000 ' (77.5) (79.01 (65.51 1170.0) (73.01 125,000 112,500 103,000 94,£ 0 88,200 82,300 74,15(; 63,0~0 15 ) (71.51 (78.01 I 179.)) (60,0) ,166':0) 169.5) 172,5) (74.5) 0 70.150 65,900 50.99 76,600 59,85 9O 86,400 81, ll 90,250 93,500 20' 174'1)) (75,5 ' (79'.5) ~'. (50.0) (67.5) (70.5) (72.5: (58.5) (63.5) '~SO 54,000 45,000 72,500 70,950 68,900 66,.2.00 62,,00 57.05, 25 (39.0) (50.5) (57.51· (62,0) (65.5) (68..5) I \. 51 (72.0) (77',51 39,250 ~ 56,000 56.000 5 .... "'v~4,990 52.350 47.600 46,0001.14,700 , (23.5) (41.5) (50.5) (56,S) (6Le' (64~) (66.5) (68.5) f 75 :O) 33~':'1 ~5 42.090 42.09014~,0.90 4~ ,090 ...,500 ~a .05C 37 ,8:>0 165.01 (Ji.~l (30.0) (43.0) (505) (56.jj). (60.0) (63,0) 32.4~C· ~.,~ <.2,4~0 430 :>2.,4:;1U 32,430 29,650 ~ - "0 1(11.5) (34.0) 1t4.4:0) \.... III , 0 ) (59.0) (61.5) '1'69.51 26,21026,270 26,270 '0 26',270 26,270 26,150 4S' I (22.51 (37.0) (45.0) (5LJ..' (54.5) (57.5) (61.0) 21,190 23,300 FtI.190 21.190 ~ '1.190 50 (5"3.5) .·!M.01' • I ?O) (:'.8.0) (39.0) I 14,0:1 14.030 14,"30 14,030 11,2311 60 (22,01 (34.0) (40.0) Fj.O) (58.0) , 10,300 10,3.:11 10.300 12,480 70 (52.0) (IG.O) 127..5) '(34..5) 6,610 9.160 80 ItO. O) (45.01 Feet 12 1 c....' \ 3f4, U fl. E.'. 3 .114 ". ---- "*146. ) 115-, --_...--/ --, I 1 -z.. i , I L' :1>, .,J. I 100 . 110 I . 120 130 ~ '~~.5)_ 23,100 /74.51 21,900 (12.51 e70 2O,3~f (70..5 17,1~~ (~.O 14.100 161.51 10,B40 (57.0) 6.6('J 8.100 (37.f,1 (52.01 ! 9~" 30.000 (79.5) 28.400 (78.5) 25,900 I I 4,490 6.060 (27.0) 2;330 (9.0) . (46..5) ~ 115 I ~tOOr, ---w~ 2.170 A ..u_~n~ • I _It.. LI"ING CAPACITY NOTU, 1. Capacities appaarl .... aDove the 1I0id lin. are lIu'" .n structu~al strength and tippin, "'ould not be ~elied UPOIl as a capacity limitation. C.pacltles do not .xc.ed 15"- 0' tlppl .... lo.ds with counterweight fully a"tended as det.rmlned by tast In .ccord.nc:a wllh SAE .1-765. 2. Do nal axcead .ny ratadload wlla .. lI'tlnl ret.nllas 0' whelh.~ It Is 1Iascd on Itruc:t1lral stre..,th or stability. -3. C.pacltles for lha 35 ft. 1I00m I.n,th Ihall b. "fled with 1I00m fully ..tract. " boom II not fully ratractad. cap.cities Ihall not axceed tllosa Ittown 'Ol tha 44 ft. boom len,th. For boom lenlths len than 114 ft. with powerllnnad Ill' extendad', the r.led loadl .... datermlned by boom angla in lhe column h..dad by 11 't. boom (powar pi "ned fly .xtanded), For boom· anglas not Ihown, use' rali", of naxt Iowa, boom .ngle. Fo, thll lo.d columll. tltD axtandad' paw... pinned fly operatlan.1 moda I~ to b. s.tacted on Iha KRUEGER LM.I. WARNING: Th. KRUEGER LM.t. rating will apply 'or 'ull boom extanslon only. _•• 5. Fo~. boom lan,thl lau than 145 ft. wilh powar plnnad fly axtended 0' retracted."" 32 fl. boom axL erectad, the ratadloads ara datarmlned by boom angl. only In the colwmn headad by 146 ,t. boom. For 1I00m anllu not Ihown. us, ,atlnl of next lowar boom angle. For thilloM column. the 32 boom a"tenslon operational moda Is 10 be selected on tha KRUEGER LM.I. WARNING: Th. KRUEGER LM.I. ,atinl will apply fo~ full 1I00m e"taMion {power pinned 'Iy . .tandad) only. . . "' •• 800m .ngll 11111. Included .",.. lIetwaan Ilo'lzolltal .....·th. lOngltwdll'al."lfof ttl. boom b.ID section after IIftlnl r.t.d load. ' A~12'-003003 --4. 't. :tit. lin. L - )"-fb :: "0 IL 4,340 1,310 (IU) I !lllS (.}I).5) i i';:~': J I 1----1--1 211' 3,210 140 '\ I 25 110' i I ' IS ~ '0' III It ¥. iao - .~oo 7S Jlat i M~ ()OON\ 3" jU~ 1 ::-':.'.':' '36ft. '146 ft~BOO M (POWER P.INNED FLY) «8 x ·4 CARRIER LIFTING CAPACITY NOTES 1. Do not exceed any rated fifting capacity. Rated lifting capacities are based on freely suspended lo..ds with the machine leveled and standing em a firlm IUpporting surface. RaURgs with outriggers are based on outriggers being extended to their maximum position ,and tires raised free of crane weight before extending the boom or lifting loads. 2. Practical working loads for each particular job shall be established by the ,user depending on operating' condition to include: the supporting surface, wind and other factors affecting stability, hazardous surroundings, experience of personnel, handling , of load, etc. No attempt must be made to move a load horizontally on the ground in any direction. 3. Operating radius Is the horizontal distance from the axis of rotation before loading to the centerline of the. vertical hoist line or tackle with loads applied. 4. "On Rubber" lifting (if permitted) depends on proper tire inflation, capacity and condition. "On Rubber" loads may be transported at a maximum vehicle speed of 2.5 mi/hr (4 Kmfhr) on a firm and level surface under conditions specified. 5. Jibs may be used for lifting crane service only. Jib capacities are based on structural strength of Jib or main boom and on main boom angle. 6. Operation is not intended or approved for any conditions outside of those shown hereon. Handling of personnel fro m the boom is not authorized except with equipment furnished and installed by Grove ManUfacturing Company. 7. For clamshell or concrete bucket operation, weight of bucket and load must not e.xceed 800.4 of rated lifting capacities. 8. Power·tele5Coping boom sections must be extended equally at all times. Long cantilever booms can .create a tipping condition when in extended and lowered ·position. ' 9. The maximum load which may be telescoped is limited by hydraulic pressure, boom angle, boom lubrication, etc. It is safe to attempt to telescope any load within the limits of rated lifting capacity chart. 10. With certain boo m and hoist tackle combinations. maximum capacities may not be obtainable with sbndard cable le'ngths. 11. With certain boom and load combinations, raising of load with boom lift cylinders may not be possible. Operational safety is not affected by this condition. 12. Keep load handling devices a minimum of 12 Inches (30 em) below boom head when lowering or extending boom. 13. If actual boom length and/or radius is between values listed, use lifting capacity for the next longer rated length and/or rad ius. • 1... All load handling devices and boom attachments are considered part of the load and suitable allowances must be made for their combined weights. 15. Operation of this equipment In excess of rating charts or disregard of the instructions Is hazardous and Yoids the warranty and manufacturer's liability. LIFTING AREA DIAGRAM ./ ",+--""'. . i~/ ~) .,[ ),',\7 .~ , \0 tb ·.. cSb \~ 'I f!: 1.!~ ;1 "---'-'--"--:=::P::-='I'=-~~"+-,,,-----,Gf1 ' \\ \,< V REA.R I.» ~ - ~Ji!; !~~mro~: ''J:~X: NOTE: BOLD LINES OETE'U,4INE THE LIMIT,"'C. ~SITION OF A.NV ' LOAD FOR OPE.RATION WITHIN WORKING AREAS INDICATE/D,, ~~' '" FRONT ,.......--~ 01JTItIGGE~:-t~·.' , ,r '"'" RItAR OIJTRICOGER ." . ,. -~vtRi\tilC.. ln-OOliU " • '" , -'AXLE··WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION·CHART .'·;':'k· ITEM Basic Standard :Machine to include: .. .-114 ft. (lO.97.-34.75m) trapezoidal boom plus a ft. (9.75m) swingaway extension, Grove model 32S-17268 main hoist ~ith 750 ft. (228.60m) of 3/4 in. (19mm) rope, 12,957 lb. (5;885 ~g.) counterweight,.Grove model 8x4-80 carrier, Cummins NTC 350 (Carrier Engi ne), CummfnsV555·C230 (Super structure Engine) '* Remove standard 12,975 lb. (5,885 kg.) counterweight 80 ton (72.56MT), 6 sheave hookblodk (Stowed) Auxiliary boom head Full power boom Fifth front outrigger jack **Model 155·168 auxiliary hoist with 550ft. (167.64m) of 5/8 in. (16mm) dia. rope ** Model 40 freefall auxiliary ho.ist with 550 ft. (167 .84m) of 1/2 in. (13mm) dia. rope ***ModeI325-17168 auxiliary hoist with 550 ft. (167.64m) of 3/4 in. (19mm) dia. rope and idler **Supstitute 12,300 lb. (5,579 kg,) counterweight ***Substitute 11,300 lb. (5,126 kg.) counterweight Substitute GMSV-71 N engine (carrier) Substitute Caterpillar 3406T engine (carrier) Substitute GM6V-53N engine (superstructure) Substitute Caterpillar 3208 engine (superstructure) Remove standard 32 ft. (9.75m) swingaway extension Remove standard main hoist with rope Remove (2) front outrigger beams & jacks Remove (2) rear outrigg~r beams & jacks GROSS POUNDS FRONT .:. •• -:: REAR . ..r.,. . .)~ ' ...., GROSS KILOGRAMS FRONT REAR ' .. 119,089 -12,975 +1,600 +230 +1,184 +600 40,612 +5,288 +2,571 . +455 +506 +805 +1,11.9 -460 78,4Ti -18,263 -971 -225 +687 . -205 'I +1,579 - ·1 54,019 -5,885 +726 +104 +537 +272 18,421 +2,399 +1,166 +206 +230 +365 35,597 -8,284 -440 ·102 +312 -93 +508 ·209 +716 -201 +690 '-1 +1,078 -443 +1,521 +489 +2,385 -675 -1,675 -550 -165 -170 -410 -1,654 ·2,825 -5,000 -5,000 -980 +275 +683 -617 -185 +3,365 ·950 -2,358 +67 +20 ·161 ·388 -31 -3,610 -1,741 -7,098 +1 ;082 -306 ·760 ·249 +75 -77 ·186 -750 -',281 ·2,268 -2,268 -9 -22 ·1,685 +776 -3,259 +2,098 -445 +125 +310 ·280 +84 -4 -10 -764 . +352 -1,478 +952 +1,526 -431 -1,070 +30 -9 -73 -176 +14 -1,637 -790 -3,220 ) e 12,975 Ib: (5,885 I<g.) counterweight without auxiliary..-n-oist. '··Use 12,300 lb. (5,579 kg.) oounterweight with Grove 15S-168 or Gearmatic Model 40 freefall auxiliary hoist. ·*·Use 11,300 lb. (5,126 kg.) counterweight-with Grove 32S-17168 auxiliary hoist. DIMENSIONS Turning Radius 42 ft. 10 in. (13.05m) Ground Clearanet 12 in. (with float removed) (305mm) Tail Sw'rli 12 ft. % in. (em in travel position) (3~67m) Tail Swing 14 ft. % in. (CWT in working position) (4.28m) ----------i ~---------',:.i~.:i ~:~~;:~ i ____ I "~L-. --"JI,;.:.:.:-~ , T _ GROVE MANUFACTURING COMPANY 0''';.'0'' ·01 Wall., Comp.n,.. Int KIDDE DIstributed by: KJdl)e .. Box 21. Shady Grove. Pennsylvania 17256 ~~~GLEASON CRANES • CHICAGO J401 S. Ciettrc A ...., Form No. 14tU71-IIM Chi~fo. II/i"oi~ 6C>654 .~ irG'~i .. CARRIER SPECIFICATIONS \ ~ROV~ ,GROVE CARRIER MODEL 8480G 8}( 4 DRIVE OUTRIGGERS - Hydr~ul1c double box, 2-st"ge telescopIng beam outriggers, Integral welded boxes, removable beams. Vertical jack cylinders with Integral holding ,valves 'and 30 1/2 In. (775mm) diameter steel floats. ,Beams. exten.d to 25 ft. 51f4 In. (7.75m) centerline to centerline, retract to 9 f1. 10 In. (3.00m) overall width. Mechanical spin locks on each vertical jack to secure out· riggers at any level. Outrigger controls and sight leveling bUbble 'located In superstructure cab and on carrier frame. Powered by superstructure engine. "'Hydraullc fifth front outrigger jack mounted to center of front carrier frame for 360 0 lifting area Is available. FRAME • High strength steel, all welded construction. Box type design with Integral outrigger boxes. STEERING GEAR - Ross TE72740 cam and lever with Garrison hydraulic power assist. CLUTCH - L1pe Rollway 14 In. (356mm) two plate dry disc. Total area:' 428 SQ. in. TRANSMISSION - Fuller Roadranger (RT009513), 13 speeds forward and 2 reverse. UNIVERSAL JOINTS· Needle bearing type. AXLES - Front: (2) Rockwell tubular steering FL951, 100 in. (2.54m) track, 44,000 lb. 19,958kgs) Capacity. Rear: (2) Clark 80·57000 planetary, 90 In. (2.29m) track, 85,000 lb. (38,556kgs) capacity •. SUSPENSION - Front: Reyco 218, spring mounted tandem, 44,000 lb. (19,958kgs) capacity. Rear: Hendrickson solid mount tandem with equalizing beam and solid steel saddles, 85,000 lb. (38,556kgs) capacity. TM875 FUEL TANK - Single 100 (379 liter) gallon capacity mounted on right side of frame. TIRES· 14:00x'20 22 PR Michelin G-20XZA4 tUbe-type, Hi-:way tread front & rear. WHEELS· Steel spoke 10 In. x 20 In. (254mm " 508mm) BRAKES - Full air on all wheels. Front: 15 In. x 6 in. (381mmx152mm) Rear: 16 112 In. x 7 In. (419mm x 178mm: Tatal lining area: . 1,672 in 2 (10,788 cm 2 ) PARKINC BRAKE - MaXi-type, spring set emergency chambers on both' rear axles with emergency release kit. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM • 12 volt lighting, 24~01t starting, federal safety standard lights, and reflec;tors. CAB - One man, all steel. with acoustical trec!rnent. tinted safety glass windshield and windows; windshield washer and electric wiper, door and window locKs, 80strom "T" bar seat, seat belt, • dual West Coast mirrors, domellgnt, dashlign, hot water heater, defroster fan, electric horn, traffic hazard ....·uning switch (four way flasher), full engine instruments and cC:tjer controls, 2lU lb. (1.7kg) dry type fire extingulsher.(Air C(\::~\tioningavailable). CAB INSTRUMENTATION - Engine 011 pressu,-e gauge, tachometer, volt(Tleter, ,speedometer, air pressure gau~,'1, fuel level gauge, engine water temperature gauge, high bea:"d .Indicator, low air pressure audio-visual warning, Ignition on InL:'cator. MISCELLANEOUS STANDARD EQUIPMENT· Wheel nut wrench and handle, channel type front bumper, :11'10 front and rear towing loops, front and rear fenders, ether Injection starting aid (less canister) front deck storage trough, muC! flaps. CARRIER ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS Displacement Cummins NTC 350 6 Cylinder Diesel 5.5 In. J( 6.0 in. (140mm x 152mm) 855 cu. in Horsepower (Net) Governed RPM TO~Que (Net) Electrical System Combustion System Cooling System Fual Capacity Alternator Battery Air Cleaner Air Compressor Hourmeter Starting System 304 @2100 RPM 2100 914 Ibs. ft. @ 1500 RPM 12 Volt Neg. Ground 4 Cycle turbocharged Liquid 100 Gallons (379 liters) 90 Amp 12 Volt (4) 475 CCA 12 volt Dry Type 13.2 CFM Yes 24 Volt Make & Model Type Bore & Stroke (~4,013cm3) . NOTE: -GM 8V-71 N 8 Cylinder Diesel 4.25 in. x 5.0 In. (108mm x 127mm) 568 cu. In.' (9,310cm 3 ) 268 @ 2100 RPM 2100 733 Ibs. ft. @l 1600 RPM 12 Volt Neg. Ground 2 Cycle w!blower Liquid 100 Gallons (379 liters) 90 Amp 12 Volt (4) 475 CCA 12 Volt Dry Type 12 CFM Yes 24 VOlt ( , - Caterpillar, 3406T 6 Cylinder Diesel 5.4 in. x 6.5 in. (137mm x 165mm) 893 cu. in. (14,636cm 3 ) 287 @ 2100 RPM 2100 9011bs. ft. @ 1200 RPM 12 Volt Neg. Ground 4 Cycl, turbocharged Liquid 100 Gallons (379 liters) 90 Amp 12 Volt . (4) 475 CCA 12 Volt Dry Type 12 CFM Yes 24 Volt (1) Engine brake (GM & Cummins engines) or driveline retarder (Caterpillar engine) are optIonal. (2) With air conditioning,engine horsepower and performance will be slightly reduced. SPEED AND GRADEABILITY ENGINE Cumrnins NTC350 -GMBV-71 N -Caterpillar 3406T .C NOTE: -DENOTES OPTIONAL eOUIPMENT. @ SPEED RANGES % OF GRADEA81LITY MAX. GOVERNED RPM ~ MAX. TORQUE 2.33 to 45.51 MPH (4 to 73 km/h) 2.33 to 45.51 MPH (4 to 73 km!h) 2.33 to 45.51 MPH (4 to 73 km!h) 40.58 to .66% 35,33 to .39% 43.75 to .82% Performance baNd on J19,OOO lb. (53,978 kg.) GVW and standard SAE engine rating conditions using standard tires, transmiuions and axles. Performance data may vary plus or minus 10% due to variations In ensine performance and vehicle w*ights. ' ."-'\. .}F.UL·L:;1HYD~AULtC :..' . • CARHIER·MOUNTI CRANE JIB CAPACITIES WITH 36 ft.. 114 ft. BOOM OUTRIGGERS FULLY EXTENDED (Capacities applicable to all carriers) Main Angle 60 ft. JIB CAPACITIES 46 f1. JIB CAPACITIES Boom 5° Offset 30c Offset 17° Offset 5°0fhet 17° Offset 74 ft. JIB CAPACITIES 30 c Offset 5° Oft set ..~ ~~"f 'll:~" I)~I iA~r ~'f 1)~1 ~"f It'll ~~7 ~ 40.5 47 53.5 60 ·66 72 78 84 89.5 5.8~0 4,060 100.5 2.780 110.5 1,8.30 119.5 16,500 15.650 14,900 14,250 12.610 10,280 8,470 7,020 12.800 12.300 11.900 11,100 10,400 9,120 7,620 6,390 5,370 3,780 2620 1.700 "1"2',0020558 -o020S18 80° 31.5 77.5 38 '45 75 72.5 51.5 70 58 64.5' 67.5 65 70.5 76.5 62.5 60 ; 82,S 94 55 I 50 I 104.5 1145 45 49 55 61.5 67.5 73.5 79 84.5 90 95.5 105.5 1145 '123 7.980 7,550 7.170 6.840 6.540 6,280 6,050 5,850 5,070 3,620 2.530 1,350 -0020$78 39 45 52.5 59.5 66.5 73.5 80 86.5 93 105 116.5 12,500 11,700 11050 10450 9890 8.740 7.180 5.930 4.900 3,320 2 180 -0020518 48 54 6; . 67.5 74.5 81 87.5 93.5 99 111.5 122 ~ 9,220 58 8,790 63.5 8390 70.5 7930 77 7440 83 7,010 89.5 6,350 95.3 5,300 101 4,430 106.5 3,040 117.5 1 400 -0020518 17°Offset IA'f lJ:~ 5570 42.5 9,600 55 5,270 49 ' .8,880 61.5 8,250 5010 57 69 4770 64.5 7,690 76.5 4540 72.5 7180 83.5 4,340 79.5 6,720 90.5 6,140 97.5 4.160 87 4,010 94 .5,020 104 4,110 11 0.5 3,870 101 2,250 114 2,700 123 00205\8 0020108 6,640 6,230 5860 5.500 5,160 4.850 4.570 4.320 3,300 1,400 88 ft. JIB CAPACITIES 30 Q Offset 5°OffMt Ift~~r lA~r 67.5 73.5 80.5 87.5 94 101 107 113 119 3,840 46.5 3,590 53.5 3,360 62 3,170 70 2,990 78.S 2,830 86 2,700 94 2,580 101.5 2,100 109 123 -0020128 7.630 6,920 6,290 5,740 5,190 4,700 4,260 3,860 3,500 1,500 17° Offset '}~'fj If'~ 63 70 78 85.5 93.5 101 108 115 122 ·002014. 4,680 4.240 3840 3,490 3,160 2,870 2,600 2.370 1.800 30° Offset /l'f/ ~'t> ~ 79 85 92.5 100 107 113.5 120.5 126.5 -0020118 2.590 2,380 2,200 2,030 1,840 1.670 1.530 1,390 :.00201•• JIB CAPACITY NOTES 1. All capacities are based on structural strength and do not exceecf 85% of t1~~ing loads with counterweight fully extended in accordance with SAE J·765. 2.60 ft., 74 ft•• & 88 ft. jibs may be Llsed for single line lifting crane service only. Two parts or single line may be u~d with 46 ft. jib. 3. Rateet load Is based on loaded rgain boom angle. -4. WARNING: Operation of this machine With heavier loaets than the capacities listed is str.ictly prohibited. Machine ti~ping With every jib occurs rapidly and without advance warning. S. Lifting with other than fully extended boom (power pinned fly extended· 114 ft. boom length) is strictly prohibited. 6. Maximum length of main boom including extended power pinned fly for purpose of erecting jib, over side or over rear, below 30° main . boom angle Is: 46 ft. Jib 103 ft. 60 ft. J I b · ' 95 ft. 74 ft. Jib 86 ft. 88 ft. Jib 77 ft. WARNING: 00 not attem~t to erect jibs 'over front of machine. 46 ft. JIB WARNING: With 46 ft. jib In working position, the angle must not be less than 45° (over side & rear) or 60° (over since loss of stability will occur causing a tipping condition. 60 ft. JIB WARNING: With 60 ft. jib in ytorklng position, the a"ile must not be less than 50° (over side & rear) or 621;;° (over since loss of stability will occur causing a ti~ping condition. 74 ft. JIB WARNING: With 74 ft. jib In working position, the angle must not be less than 55° (over slete & rear) or 6S c (over since loss af stability will occur causing a tipping condition. 88 ft. JIB WARNING: With 88 ft. jib in working position, the angle must not be less than 55° (over side & rear) or 67112° (over since loss of stability will occur causing a tipping condition. boom front) boom front) boom front) boom front) WEIGHT REDUCTION FOR LOAD HANDLING DEVICES 32 ft. BOOM EXTENSON WITH 36·114ft, BOOM STOWED 365 Ibs. ERECTED 2,45S Ibs. 46 60 74 88 36 - 114 ft. BOOM WITH ft. JIB 8,828 Ibs. ft..JIB 12.962Ibs. ft. JIB 17,868Ibs. ft. JIB 23 548 Ibs. HOOK BLOCK 80 Ton. 6 Sheave 15Ton.1 Sheave Auxiliary Boom Head • 5 Ton Headache Ball 7112 Ton Headache Ball 10 Tan Heada.,;he Ball am MABFAC11IINGClMPANY A DIVISION OF WALTER KIDDE I COMPANY. INC. 'SHADY GROVE • PENNSYLVANIA 17256 MEMBER: POWER CRANE & SHOVEL ASSOCIATION 1,615 lbs. 310 Ibl. 230lbl.. 1 SO Ibs. 3001bs. 5001bs. NOTE: All Load Handling Devices and Boom Attachments are Considered Part of the Load and S·ultable Allowances MUST BE MADE for Their Combined Wei9ht. Weights are for Grove furnished equipment. Distributed by: ·0> GLEASON I~ CRANES • CHICAGO 3401 S. Cicero Ave.• ChiclIgo. Illinois 60550 Form No. 1183975-15M Printed in U.8.4. TM875 ~. 1 ) } ~ r·Main Boom Angle 80 c 77.5 75 72.5 70 675 65 625 60 SS 50 45 ~6 ·5°0fhet 17°Offset tlb' A~'~ l)~1 ~ 31.5 38 45 51.5 58 64.5 70.5 76.5 82.5 94 t045 tt45 ( 60 ft. JIB CAPAtlTl.ES~ ft.JIB.CAPACITIES 16,500 40.S 15,650 47 14,900 53.5 14,250 60 126tO 66 t 0,280 72 8,470 78 84 7,020 5.850 89.5 4,060 005 2,780 t105 1,830 1195 As·nt·DOlO5$ C 12,800 12,300 11,900 11,100 10,400 9,120 7.620 6.390 5,370 3,780 2620 1,700 -oDl051C 30"OHset l4?1 49 55 61.5 67.5 73.5 79 84.5 90 95.5 1055 1145 \23 7,980 7,550 7.170 6,840 6,540 6,280 6.050 5,850 5,070 3,620 2530 1.350 -002057 C ·,'soOfhet A'fj '<t'~ 39 45 52.5 59.5 66.5 73.5 80 86.5 93 12.500 11 700 11 050 10450 9890 8,740 7180 5,930 4,900 lOS 3,320· 1165 2180 -o02D5IC IA·r Qfl ~ 54 61 67.5 74.5 81 87.5 93.5 100 1115 122 74 ft. JIB CAPACITIES 30 0 0HMt -. {'"UTTllt ;5°0fhet 17°9fiset 88 ft. JIB CAPACITIES SOOffIolt 30 0 0ffMt A'fj Pif :A~1j A'fj ~I ~/I~~r Qft! 9,220 8,790 8390 7,930 7.440 7.010 6,350 5,300 4,430 3,040 1400 58 63.5 70.5 5570 5,270 5.010 4770 42.5 ~9 57 64.5 77 4~..540 72.5 83 89.5 4,340 79.5 95.3 4160 87 4,010 94 tOt 1065 ,3.870 101 1175 2,250 114 ·OD2DIDC -002 D5I C 9.600 55 6,640 67.5 8,880 61.5 6,230 73.5 8...250 69 5860 80.5 7.690 76.5 5,500 87.5 7180 83.5 5160 94 6,720 90.5 4,850 101 6,140 97.5 4,570 107 5,020 104 4,320 113 4110 n05 3.300 119 2.700 t23 1.400 -o02011C -o020UC 3,840 3,590 3,360 3,170 2,990 2,830 2,700 2,580 . 2,100 -oD2Dt~C 17° OffNt l)~'1/ Qf~ 46.5 7,630 63 53.5 6,920 70 6,290 62 78 70 5,740 85.5 78.5 5.190 93.5 4,700 101 86 4,260 108 94 1015 3,860 115 109 3,500 122 1,500 123 -oOZDt4C 4,680 .4,240 3.840 3.490 3,160 2,870 2,600 2,370 1,800 300 Off5et Ip'l/ Qf~ 79 85 92.5 100 107 1135 1205 1265 -G020UC 2,590 2,380 2,200 2.030 1,840 1,670 1,530 1,390 -oOZDtIC JIB CAPACITY NOTES 1. All capacities are based on structural strength and do not exceed "• as°h. of tipping loads with counterweight fully extended in aCCOrdance with SAE J·76S. 2.60 ft., 74 ft., ,& 88 ft. jibs may be used fOr single line lifting crane service only. Two parts or single line may be used with 46 ft. jib. . Rated load 15 based on loaded main boom angle. .'.:-. WARNING: Operation of this machine with heavier 10lds than the capacities listed is strictly prohibited. Machine tipping with every jib occurs rapidly and without advance warning. 5. Lifting with other than fully extended boom (power pinned fly extended· 114 ft. boom length) Is strictly p'ohlblted. 6. Maximum length of main boom including extended power pinned fly for purpose of erecting jib, over side or over rear, below 30 0 main boom angle is: 46 ft. Jib 103 ft. 60 ft. Jib 95 ft. 74 ft. Jib 86 ft. 88 ft. Jib 77 ft. WARNING: 00 not attempt to erect jibs over front of machine. 46 ft. JIB WARNING: With 46 ft. jib in working POSitlOR, the Ingle must not be less than 45 0 (over side & rear) or 60 0 (over since loss of stability will occur causing a tipping condition. 60 ft. JIB WARNING: With 60 ft. jib in working position. the angle must not be less than 50 0 (over sld-e .. rear) or 62'h° (over since lou of stability will occur caUSing a tipping condition• 74 ft. JIB WARNING: With 74 ft. jib In working position, the angle must not be less than 55 0 (over side & rear) or 65 0 (over since loss of stability Will. occur causing ,a tipping condition. 88 ft. JIB WARNING: With 88 ft. jib In working~position, the angle must not be less than 55° (over side" rear) or 67\'1 0 (over since loss of stability will occur causing a lipping condition. boom front) boom front) boom front) boom front) WEIGHT REDUCTION FOR LOAD HANDLING DEVICES 32 ft. BOOM EXTENSION WITH 36·114 ft. BOOM 1STOWED .365Ibs. 1 ERECTED· 2,4551bs. 36· 114 ft. BOOM WITH t 46 ft. JI B 8,828 IbS. t60 ft. JIB 12,9621bs. t 74 ft. JIB 17,'68Ibs. t 88 ft. JIB 23 54! Ibs. HOOK BLOCK 80 Ton, 6 Sheave 15 Ton, 1 Sheave Auxiliary Boom Head 5 Ton Headache Ball 7Vz Ton Hudache Ball 10 Ton Headache Ball • 1,615Ibs. 3101bs. 2301bS. 1501bs. 3001bs. SOD Ibs. NOTE: All Load Handling Devices and Boom Attachments are Considered Part of the Load and Suitable Allowances MUST BE MADE for Their Combined Weight. Weillhts are for Grove furnished equipment. tReductlon of main boom cap.acltles only. ,GY~ ~ Distributed by: GROVE MANUFACTURING COMPANY O'VI•• on of Waite' K'dcH & Company. Inc WE REMT 'EM & SELL 'EM. toDOE Box 21, Shady Grove. Pennsylvania 17256 ~~GLEASON CRANES • QitCAGO W11.C~A .. ~ ='orm No. 1375271·15M Printed In U.s.A. .~ V'A .
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