File - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
File - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 10, 2016 Saint Thomas the Apostle Church THE JORDAN RIVER Pastor Mission Statement We are a Catholic family, living our awareness of Christ’s presence through worship, service, evangelization and community for the benefit of all. Monsignor Daniel J. Hermes Parochial Vicars Reverend Jerome P. Koutnik Reverend Akan S. Simon Reverend William Tunarosa Permanent Deacons Mr. Allen Bondi Mr. Edward Morrison Mr. Ralph Statter 451 W. Terra Cotta Avenue (Oak Street Church) 453 Pierson Street (Pierson Street Church) 272 King Street (Parish Office) Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 Marian Prayer Group The rosary is prayed every morning in our Blessed Sacrament Chapel at 7:00 am after Mass. Our Saturday devotion concentrates on our Blessed Mother of Medjugorje with meditation prayer and rosary. Eucharistic Adoration Pews in the Holy Hearts Chapel can accommodate approximate 30 people at one time; Every one can come and adore during the hours of 6:00 am to 10:00 pm—Chapel will be open; Security cards will be needed to enter during the hours of 10:00 pm to 6:00 am; If you wish to apply for a security card, please stop in at the Parish Offices to pick up the form; Any questions, please contact [email protected]. Saint Thomas the Apostle School For Your Information… New to Saint Thomas Parish? Being a member means celebrating and making a commitment to Jesus Christ. If you are new to Crystal Lake, or if you have not yet become a member of Saint Thomas, we encourage you to consider joining our community in worship and ministry. Celebrated every Sunday at 1:00 PM. Class, which is held once a month, is required. Parishioners are asked to please call the Parish Secretary at the Parish Office at (815)455-5400 extension 400 to schedule both the Class and Baptism dates. Please note that baptisms are not held during Lent. Weekly classes are held for pre-schoolers through 6th grade on Tuesday & Wednesday, from mid-fall through April. Preparation for First Eucharist and First Reconciliation is also given under the direction of the Director of Religious Education. For more information on the program, please contact Charlotte Kolodzik at (815) 455-9787. Sacrament of Reconciliation—Oak Street Church Every Saturday, 8:00 AM to 8:45 AM; 3:30 PM to 4:15 PM, Every Monday at 5:30 pm, or anytime by appointment. Sacrament of Confirmation Confirmation is celebrated in our parish by the Bishop of the Diocese. There is a two-year preparation for youth 8th grade or older. Contact the Youth Ministry office at (815)455-9037. Sacrament of Marriage Couples planning to marry are encouraged to make arrangements at least six months prior to the wedding date. Please contact the Pastoral Center at (815)455-5400 extension 400. Junior High & High School Youth Ministry Weekly classes are held for on Monday and Thursday evenings. In addition to Classes, we offer many other opportunities for fun and service. All youth are welcome! For more information, contact Dan Wolff (High School) or Lisa Kendzior (Junior High) in the Office of Youth Ministry at (815)455-9037. Weekly Bulletin Articles If you are interested in RCIA, (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) or learning more about the Catholic Faith tradition, please contact Father Akan Simon at the Pastoral Center (815) 455-5400, ext. 403. Adults interested in receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation can call the Pastoral Center (815)455-5400. All articles for the Sunday Weekly Bulletin must be turned in Friday, (9 days previous) for consideration of publication in the following Sunday bulletin. Articles should be typed for legibility and accuracy. Insertions may run for a maximum of two weeks consecutively. Please contact Donna Kothera, Parish Secretary, at (815)455-5400, ext. 400. Hispanic Ministry Religious Education Classes Sacrament of Baptism Adult Christian Initiation Saint Thomas the Apostle School is a Catholic Pre-3 through 8th grade elementary school serving both the parish communities of Saint Thomas the Apostle and Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. Every student in our Catholic school receives a strong foundation in all core subjects – Religion, Reading, English, Math, Science, and Social Studies, along with regular classes in Spanish, Computer Technology, Music, Art and Physical Education. For more information, contact Deanne Roy, principal at (815)459-0496. Father William Tunarosa offers ministry to the Hispanics of our Parish and of this area. Sunday Masses for the Hispanic are at 9:30 am AND 11:30 am in our Church on Pierson Street. Mass on Thursday evening is at 7:30 pm, AND on Saturday evening at 7:00 pm. Father’s office number 815-356-0860. To schedule baptisms, please call Father Tunarosa at 815-356-0860. Page 2 THE PASTOR’S DESK………... My Dear People, Steven Spielberg’s political thriller Bridge of Spies is based on the true story of James Donovan, an attorney who became an unlikely but remarkably effective diplomatic and political negotiator during the tense years of the Cold War. Donovan is a New York insurance lawyer. In 1957, he is tapped by the bar association to take on the thankless task of representing accused Soviet spy Rudolf Abel at his espionage trial. A conviction is all but assured — but the government wants to show the world that American justice doesn't railroad anyone. So they assign Donovan, an insurance lawyer rather than an experienced defense attorney, to make sure that the legal process is followed to the letter. Donovan reluctantly agrees to represent Abel. But Donovan does a better job than expected, and manages to spare his client the death penalty. Donovan will go on to negotiate a prisoner swap with the Russians: Abel for an American U-2 pilot shot down over the Soviet Union. In the course of the trial, a CIA agent approaches Donovan. The CIA wants to know if Abel has revealed anything to Donovan about his contacts. Donovan refuses to violate the lawyer-client privilege. The agent smirks, “Don’t go Boy Scout on me. We don’t have a rule book here.” Donovan responds, “You’re Agent Hoffman, yeah?” The agent replies, “Yeah.” “German extraction?” “Yeah, so?” “My name is Donovan — Irish, both sides. But what makes us both Americans? Just one thing — one, one, one — the rule book. We call it the Constitution, and we agree to the rules. And that’s what makes us Americans. It’s all that makes us American, so don’t tell me there’s no rule book…” The irony is that in a country so obsessed with preserving the “American Way,” Donovan is the only one actually living it. We celebrate today the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, and the last day of the Christmas Season. In that powerful movie Bridge of Spies, which I saw and thoroughly enjoyed, the lawyer, James Donovan, clearly has some very special gifts, not least of which are honesty and integrity. It is not a stretch to say that God’s spirit of justice and wisdom has “descended” upon him, almost compelling him to seek what is just and what is for the good of all. And because he kept Rudolf Abel from the death penalty, Abel is available for “trade” when an American pilot is shot down over Russia. His integrity is doubly rewarded! Throughout the movie, James Donovan uses his many talents and skills to help in his own way pilot our country through one of the most dangerous times in our history. But it is not a “stretch” to say that in our own baptism, we too are “claimed” by God and “called” by our God for a very special part in His plan for our world as well. It is true that He has a special work for each of us in helping to realize His Kingdom more clearly in our world today. And so today, on this Feast, we are called to renew our own baptismal vows and to respond to God’s call to us and to our life as well. Blessed Feast of the Baptism of our Lord to each one of you, and thank you for all your goodness and kindness during this Christmas Season, and continued blessings during this Jubilee Year of Mercy. Sincerely yours, in Our Lord, Page 3 Mass Intentions Monday, January 11, 2016 6:30 AM (Oak) +Aunt Ceil Strenk 8:30 AM (Oak) +Phyllis Kirchberg +Vince Mottola Tuesday, January 12, 2016 6:30 AM (Oak) +Luella Streit 8:30 AM (Pierson) +Dolores Dunn +James B. Sullivan Wednesday, January 13, 2016 6:30 AM (Oak) +Edmundo Felix Escobar 8:30 AM (Pierson) Names on St. Jude Prayer List (Special Intention) Thursday, January 14, 2016 6:30 AM (Oak) +William Schad 8:30 AM (Oak) +George Flynn +Marilyn Kuhn Friday, January 15, 2016 6:30 AM (Oak) +Barbara Stark +Sydney and Magdalene Kamysz 8:30 AM (Oak) +Olga Dominique +Marie Sagula Saturday, January 16, 2016 7:30 AM (Oak) +Geraldine Joyce 4:30 PM (Oak) +Christopher Crnkovich +Tate Michael Liscovitz Sunday, January 17, 2016 7:30 AM +Richard Becker 9:00 AM +June Reed +Barbara Georgy 10:30 AM +George and Cathy Pontarelli Tom, and Gail Lehner (Special Intention, 50th Wedding Anniv.) 10:30 AM Family The People of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, Living & Deceased 12:00 PM +Martin O’Malley 5:30 PM +Helen Mayer ADORATION CHAPEL CANDLES DEDICATED FOR THE PERIOD For the period through January 16, 2016 Kohls Family Bruce Smith Family Rule Family Picchietti Family Thank you to all our adorers who came to pray in our Adoration Chapel during Christmas and New Year’s. Thank you for your prayers! WORDS OF LIFE ‘We were made to love and be loved; we are meant to depend on one another, serving each other in humility and walking together in times of suffering. Our relationships are meant to help us grow in perfect love.” SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Sm 1:1-8; Ps 116:12-19; Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10; Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: 1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25; Mk 1:40-45 Friday: 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-19; Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Ps 21:2-7; Mk 2:13-17 Sunday: Is 62:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-10; 1 Cor 12:4-11; Jn 2:1-11 Please pray for all those in our Parish who are sick: Anna Nenadal Please pray for all the deceased: Phyllis Hecklinger Herta Savaiano (mother of Rick (Monica) Savaiano) Margaret Simek (grandmother of Deacon Kyle Manno, Cory (Pam) Manno, Mario (Dara) Manno) Braylen Castaneda Garcia John E. Fedyski (father of Jack (Kathy) Fedyski) Florida Gallo (mother of Richard (Deb) Gallo) Marlene Slowey (mother of Pat (Dee) Slowey) If you would like Saint Jude’s Guild to pray for your loved one, please contact Georgia Kostur at 815-459-5432. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEWLY BAPTIZED CATHOLIC Ellie Gracyn Lee (child of Justin and Shawn Lee) SAINTLY SAYINGS: “Jesus must increase; I must decrease.” St. John the Baptist Page 4 Exciting new offering…. Monday evenings starting January 11th Relit: Evangelization Series In the Oak St. Church basement 7:00pm—8:30pm For 9 consecutive Mondays When you hear the priests urging you to “Evangelize,” do you wonder “how do I actually do that?” If so, then this class is for YOU!!! You will learn practical approaches to effectively lead individuals closer to Christ. By exploring such things as some people's obstacles to the faith and learning how others see God in their lives, you will gain the skills to help them grow in their faith. Even seemingly everyday events, like getting coffee can be transformed into opportunities to evangelize! Call JoEllen Gregus at 815-455-5400x404 or e-mail [email protected] to register. BIBLE STUDY DURING THE YEAR OF MERCY BEGINS SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 2016 9:45 AM TO 12:00 PM LOWER LEVEL—OAK ST. CHURCH THE PROPETS: MESSENGERS OF GOD’S MERCY 10 WEEKS Send email to Rosemary Zimmerman at [email protected] or call 815-455-0403 to register by January 9th. Purchase Study Workbook at The Little Way Bookstore in Crystal Lake ($21.21). You will also need Catholic Study Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. All are invited. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BLOOD DRIVE SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 2016 7:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M. COMMUNITY CENTER, OAK ST. CHURCH Call John Orso, Jr. at 815-477-1048 TRIP TO CHICAGO FOR THE CHICAGO MARCH FOR LIFE (1.17 miles long) JANUARY 17, 2016 2:00 to 4:00 pm Federal Plaza (50 W. Adams St.) Chicago, IL All are invited to participate in the Chicago March for Life on Sunday, January 17, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Participants will meet at the C.L. Pingree Metra Station (570 Congress Pkwy) no later than 10:45 am. Bring a sack lunch and $8 for the weekend Metra pass. Pass allows up to 3 children (11 and younger) to ride free with a fare-paying adult. Arriving in Chicago, we will walk about 3/4 mile to Federal Plaza. Return times are up to participants - 4:30 pm train arriving at Pingree at 5:48 pm; 6:30 pm train arriving at Pingree at 7:48 pm. For information, contact Kim Marry at 815-236-0502. Parish Lenten Mission: The Fullness of Purpose With Ken Yasinski January 18-20, 2016 Oak Street Church 7:00 pm Monday, January 18: “What is the Purpose of My Life?; Tuesday, January 19: “Freedom Through Forgiveness; Wednesday, January 20: “Living with an Eternal Perspective.” Each evening’s talk will be followed by musical Eucharistic Adoration. Babysitting available. Could there be more to your faith experience, than what you have experienced? Dynamic speaker and author Ken Yasinski will be leading a 3-day Parish Mission, designed to help answer life’s most meaningful questions. This Parish Mission is Catholicism in everyday simple language that will make relevant the timeless truths of our faith. Come be inspired to live your full potential in life! FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD As we celebrate today Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist in the Jordan River, we also thank God for the great gift of our own baptism, and for the life of faith which began on that wonderful day. We praise the indwelling Holy Spirit Who came within us on our baptismal day, and Who is leading us to the Father in Heaven. HOLY WATER BOTTLES THIS WEEKEND In honor of the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we again will be offering holy water for use in your homes. Holy water is always available for you in the receptacle in the Narthex of the Oak St. Church, but for those who wish bottles of holy water, they are available this weekend. Your donation of $1.50 will help defray the cost of these containers — it is not to pay for the holy water! We encourage the use of this wonderful sacramental to call down God’s protection on your homes, families, and loved ones throughout the year. Page FAMILY BOWLING Hosted by St. Thomas Social Committee Sunday, January 17, 2016. 2:00 pm Kingston Lanes, 1330 S. Eastwood Dr., Woodstock, IL Price $10.00 per person (includes 2 bowling games, shoe rental, pizza and pop) Tickets on sale this weekend All are invited Contact Sandra at [email protected] or 630-697-1774. 5 Parroquia Santo Tomás Apóstol /Ministerio Hispano Dirección: 272 King St. Crystal Lake, IL. 60014 Teléfono: 815-455-5400 Línea Directa: (815)356-0860 Fax: (815) 455-2733 Coordinador: Reverendo William Tunarosa. Atiende al público: Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, y Viernes de 9:00 a. m. - 4:00 p. m. Educación Religiosa: José Guimaray. Atención al público: Jueves 6:00 p. m. –9:00 p. m. y Sábados 1:00 p. m. –7:00 p. m. Correo Electrónico: [email protected] Secretaria: Esmeralda Montoya. Atención al público: Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 a. m. - 4:00 p. m. 10 de enero de 2016 El LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Bautismo del Señor Lunes: Martes: MANIFESTANDO AL ESPÍRITU El tiempo de Navidad finaliza este domingo con el Bautismo del Señor. Esta fiesta es hermana de la fiesta de la semana pasada, la Epifanía. Cada una ellas celebra una “epifanía”, o manifestación del Espíritu de Dios en Jesús — primero en su nacimiento y ahora en su bautismo. El Espíritu Divino se manifiesta en todas las lecturas bíblicas de la fiesta. El Salmo 104 destaca al Espíritu de Dios que crea y renueva la tierra, mientras que la lectura de Isaías describe a Dios restaurando a Israel. En el relato de Lucas del bautismo del Señor el Espíritu Santo desciende sobre Jesús. Y la carta a Tito nos recuerda que el Espíritu Santo también “derramó con abundancia” sobre nosotros, el “baño de regeneración” (Tito 3:5, 6). Copyright © J. Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: 1 Sm 1:1-8; Sal 116 (115):12-19; Mc 1:14-20 1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mc 1:21-28 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Sal 40 (39):2, 5, 7-10; Mc 1:29-39 1 Sm 4:1-11; Sal 44 (43):10-11, 14-15, 24-25; Mc 1:40-45 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Sal 89 (88):16-19; Mc 2:1-12 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Sal 21 (20):2-7; Mc 2:13-17 Is 62:1-5; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 7-10; 1 Cor 12:4-11; Jn 2:1-11 S. Paluch Co. Colecta Navidad Parroquia Oak St. $ 78,691.75 Parroquia Pierson St. $ 2,931.73 Colecta Domingo 27 de Diciembre Parroquia Oak St. $ 33,622.69 Parroquia Pierson St. $ 2,359.15 Colecta Misa en Honor a Maria Madre de Dios Parroquia Oak St. $ 9,098.75 Parroquia Pierson St. $ 2,262.00 Colecta Domingo 3 de Enero de 2016 Parroquia Oak St. $ 34,684.81 Parroquia Pierson St. $ 2,867.24 Gracias que Dios bendiga y mul plique tu ofrenda! Semana de Planeación de Actividades Litúrgicas 2016 Fecha Horario Ministerio Quienes Atienden Lunes 11 de Enero 7:00 p.m. Liturgia Ministros, Lectores, Acomodadores, Acomodadoras, Monaguillos, Adoración al San simo, Encargados de Sacrisa y Coros. Se Reúnen Todos y Cada Uno de los Integrantes. (Excepto Adoración solo líderes.) Martes 12 de Enero 7:00 p.m. Retiros Retiros, Líderes de Comunidades, Pastoral Familiar, Líderes Grupo de Jóvenes, Ignite, Ministerio de Visitación a los Presos, Club de Mujeres, Rezo del Santo Rosario, Festividades Especiales y Ministerio de Salud. (Solo Líderes) Jueves 14 de Enero 7:00 p.m. Catequesis Catequistas de Primera Comunión, Confirmación, Padres de Familia, R.I.C.A., Cuidado de Niños, Catequistas de Niños Especiales, Catequistas de Quinceañeras, Florecitas, Pastoral Familiar, y Coordinadores de Pláticas Pre bautismales. Viernes 15 de Enero 7:00 p.m. Ministerio de Liderazgo Parroquial Sábado 16 de Enero 3:00 p.m. Todos los Ministerios Todos y Cada Uno de los Graduados del Instituto de Liderazgo. Todos y cada uno de los servidores de nuestra parroquia y sus familias. Durante esta semana de planeación se cancelan todas las actividades parroquiales, desde el Lunes hasta el Viernes, excepto misas del Martes y Miércoles de 6:00 a.m., la Adoración al Santísimo y la Misa del Viernes a las 5:00 p.m. Page 6 SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION CLASSES FOR ADULTS Sign up Now to Attend If you are age 18 or older — a baptized Catholic — have received your First Holy Communion, but have not yet been Confirmed, please join Father Jerome Koutnik for the 4-part series on the basics of the Catholic faith, culminating with the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation in April 2016. Please register for these 4 class sessions by calling JoEllen Gregus at 815-455-5400, ext. 404, or email: [email protected]. Class Sessions will be from 7:00 pm to 9:00 p.m. in the lower level of the Oak St. Church on the following Wednesdays in 2016: February 3, 17, 24, and March 2. Please join us. Did you know a Sponsor for Baptism and Confirmation is to be a practicing Catholic who has received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation? ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE SCHOOL PTO 2ND ANNUAL TRIVIA NIGHT FUNDRAISER SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2016 6:00 PM - COMMUNITY CENTER Teams of 8 people will compete to prove their wit and demonstrate how much useless knowledge they possess! In addition to trivia, we will also have games, prizes and tons of great raffle and silent auction items. Start forming your teams now and go to for more details and the registration form. You won't want to miss this fun event!! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FREE THROW CHAMPIONSHIP Saturday, January 16, at St. Thomas the Apostle School Gym 265 King Street, Crystal Lake. Registration is at 9:00 am. Competition begins at 9:30 am. All boys and girls ages 9 to 14 (as of 1-1-16) are invited to participate. Participants are required to furnish proof of age and have written parental consent. Additional information—contact Mike Kebr at 815-8147395. 7th Grade R.E. New Year Session Monday, January 11, 2016 The New Year session will be held on Monday, January 11, 2016 from 7:00-8:30 PM at the Oak St. Church. This session is for 7th grade youth, parents do not have to attend. Camp WOW June 28 - July 1, 2016 | Grades 6-8 An amazing 4-day Catholic summer camp with archery, talks by teens, canoeing, live music, laser tag, prayer, small groups, Mass, Wacky Olympics and more! Space is very limited, so sign up ASAP! Ignite Retreat February 26-28, 2016 | Grades 9-12 So... You’ve heard about Jesus before, but have you ever actually met him? Of course not! That’s ridiculous! Or is it?... Well you can meet him on Ignite. No lie. Well, he won’t come down out of heaven and give you a high five, but you can encounter him in a way that totally blows your mind… and ignites you! Register by February 22, 2016 Youth Ministry Nights Mon & Thu, 7-8:30pm, Oak St. | Grades 6-12 Every week we offer a way for our youth to grow closer to God, play fun games, and meet new friends who are striving to live out their faith! No need to sign up, just show up! IN SPIRIT & IN TRUTH PRAYER COMMUNITY Life in the Spirit Seminar St. Margaret Mary Church, Algonquin Fridays, 7:30 pm, McDonnell Hall January 22, February 5, February 12, February 26, March 11, 2016 Information: John at 847-915-0223; Mary Ann 847854-2178 . Page 7 JUST TO KEEP YOU POSTED We like to keep you “current” on some major bills our Parish pays in your name to support the many ministries of our Parish and the many needs of our area. In some cases, checks to different vendors have been grouped together under a particular area of ministry of our Parish. We want to share with you some of these major expenses as a monthly report of our stewardship to you and to keep you posted on our Parish expenses: December Tithe for the Poor Salaries for 77 employees (12-15-15) Liturgical Aids Repairs and Maintenance Marian High School Subsidy Property Insurance Monthly Employee Insurance (38 empls) Salaries for 71 employees (12-31-15) Office Supplies/Copiers/Computers Exp. Youth Ministry Expenses School Cleaning Utilities Postage Church Budget—Envelopes AT&T Religious Education Expenses School Expenses RCIA/Evangelization/Adult Ed Internet Trash Removal Table Expense Personnel Appreciation Verizon Snow Removal Contract $14,962.51 99,248.75 4,642.18 12,109.58 20,812.00 6,841.33 33,898.00 88,873.77 2,505.64 1,640.63 2,175.00 8,325.70 866.82 1,322.52 353.33 817.92 5,771.60 1,638.17 6,815.05 52.28 950.98 443.00 311.83 6,439.69 FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERISTY 9-WEEK COURSE BEGINNING IN JANUARY 2016 FPU is a 9 week course that walks you through many aspects of financial prudence, including budgeting, saving, paying down debt, insurance, and more. The St. Thomas Parish Class starts on Monday evening January 11, 2016. For more details please call, text, or email Mark Hryniewicz at 815-355-2774 ([email protected]) or go right to the website and register ( NEXT MOBILE FOOD TRUCK IS SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 2016 10:00 AM TO 12:00 NOON Oak St. Church (We will be collecting winter clothes January 17 through January 21).Volunteer sign up is next weekend Time - Talent - Treasure Our Parish Income (Oak St. Church) for Sunday, December 27, 2015 was $33,622.69 Our Parish Income (Pierson St. Church) for Sunday, December 27, 2015 was $2,359.15 Our Parish Income (Oak St. Church) for Sunday, January 3, 2016 was $34,684.81 Our Parish Income (Pierson St. Church) for Sunday, January 3, 2016 was $2,867.24 Christmas, December 25, to date totals: Oak—$78,691.75; Pierson —2,931.73 Solemnity of Mary, January 1, totals: Oak—$9,098.75; Pierson —2,262.00 Thank you for your generosity to Our Lord and to your Parish Our Parish Tithe this week will go to St. Thomas Outreach, to assist them in helping those in need in our immediate area. A PAIR OF HANDS WILL BE OF USE: There is a wide choice of things which you can do for God and neighbor, in and through your church community if you have the good will. With good will you also find the necessary time for such projects, even though you may have to cut and pare in other directions. Page 8 Parish Calendar MINISTRY SCHEDULES Sat./Sun. Jan. 16 and 17, 2016 Altar Servers: 4:30 PM: 7:30 AM: 9:00 AM: 10:30 AM: 10:30 AM Family: 12:00 PM: 5:30 PM: T. Dolter, L. Morehead, K. Pacheco, J. Thompson S. Benkert, F. Diamond, R. Stewart, S. Stewart L. Giachetti, L. Martinez, N. Sohm, M. Standley R. Krambeer, T. Niemann, T. Svigelj, J. Svigelj P. Struttman, S. Struttman J. Dunlea, M. Knauf, J. Simms, B. Truckenbrod D. Bucci, N. Gawart, A. Milone, A. Wilkinson Lectors: 4:30 PM: 7:30 AM: 9:00 AM: 10:30 AM: 10:30 AM Family: 12:00 PM: 5:30 PM: D. Hill, B. Tuszynski L. Pieper, S. Milford G. Ives, C. Kelecius A. Svigelj, M. Kohlbacher S. Reckamp M. Krikorian, K. Cronin D. Chianakas, B. Williams Sunday, January 10, 2016 The Baptism of the Lord Coffee and Donuts 9:00 AM R.C.I.A. Mass (Oak St. Church) 10:00 AM R.C.I.A. (Lower Level-Oak St. Church) Monday, January 11, 2016 10:00 AM Women’s Bible Study (Lower Level-Oak Church) 5:00 PM St. Catherine of Siena Guild (Parish Center) 5:30 PM Confessions (Oak St. Church) 6:30 PM That Man Is You (Parish Center) 7:00 PM Youth Confirmation-New Year Session Meeting (Community Center) 7:00 PM YM Adoration/Confessions (Oak St. Church) 7:00 PM Financial Peace University (School) 7:00 PM ReLit Evangelization (Lower Level-Oak St. Church) Tuesday, January 12, 2016 9:30 AM Moms Group (Community Center) 4:30 PM Grade R.E. Classes (All Buildings) 7:00 PM St. Martha Guild (Parish Center) Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: 4:30 PM: #1 D. Matousek, #2 J. Meisner, L. Buthod, M. Caliendo, T. Favuzzo, B. Flynn, J. Mickow, A. O’Connell, C. Ossman, J. Thompson 7:30 AM: #1 V. DeLance, #2 E. Sernett, J. Diamond, L. Doherty, M. Genzler, M. Hunt, M. Przybylski, R. Reisenbuechler, E. Stanton, 1 Volunteer Needed 9:00 AM: #1 V. Kosin, #2 M. Martinez, K. Anderson, S. Biell, V. Cuchna, M. Johnson, T. Mueller, V. Roberts, L. Tevyaw, P. Wyman 10:30 AM: #1 J. Luehrs, #2 Volunteer Needed, M. Carpenter, F. Ciangi, R. Ellis, C. Krambeer, D. Palmer, C. Palmer, R. Telmanik, J. Tinkham 10:30 AM Family: #1 J. Arza, K. White 12:00 PM: #1 Volunteer Needed, D. Dunlea, J. Ellinger, J. Majewska 5:30 PM: #1 D. Deitz, S. Baker, J. Ladd, Jr., D. Talaga Celebrants: Mon. March 30 through Sat., April 4 3-30-15: 6:30 am Celebrants: Mon., 3-31-15: 6:30 am Jan. 11 through Sat. Jan. 16, 2016 1-11-16: 6:30am am Fr. Simon; 8:30 am Msgr. Hermes 4-1-15: 6:30 1-12-16: Celebrants—Holy 6:30 am Fr. Koutnik;8:30 am Msgr. Saturday, April Hermes 4 and 1-13-16 6:30 am Fr. Koutnik; 8:30 am Simon Easter Sunday, April 5,Fr. 2015 1-14-16: 6:30 Simon; 8:30 am Fr. Tunarosa Sat. April 4: am NoFr. 4:30 pm Mass 1-15-16: 6:30 am Fr. Koutnik; 8:30 am Msgr. Hermes 7:30 pm: (March Father Akan Simon Celebrants 30 and March 31) 1-16-16: 7:30 am Fr. Simon Sat. March 30:****************************** No 4:30 pm Mass Celebrants—January 16 and 17, 2016 Sun. April7:30 5: 7:30 (Church): pm: amFather Akan Simon 4:30 PM Msgr. Daniel Hermes 9:00 am (Church): ****************************** 7:30 March AM 31: 9:00 Father Akan Simon Sun. 7:30am am(Comm.): (Church): Msgr. Daniel Hermes 9:00 AM Father Akan 10:30am am(Church): (Church): 9:00 Msgr.Simon Daniel Hermes 10:30 AM Father Jerome 10:30am am(Comm.): (Comm.): 9:00 FatherKoutnik Jerome Koutnik 10:30 AM Family Msgr. Daniel 12:00am pm(Church): (Church):FatherHermes 10:30 Jerome Koutnik 12:00 PM Father Jerome Noam 5:30 pm Mass 10:30 (Comm.): Father Koutnik Akan Simon 5:30 PM Father Jerome 12:00 pm (Church): FatherKoutnik Akan Simon No 5:30 pm Mass Page Wednesday, January 13, 2016 9:15 AM St. Jude Guild (Parish Center) 4:30 PM Grade R.E. Classes (All Buildings) 6:30 PM Grade R.E. Classes (All Buildings) 7:00 PM Reason to Believe (Lower Level-Oak St. Church) Thursday, January 14, 2016 12:30 PM St. Anthony Guild (Off Site) 7:00 PM Youth Ministry (Community Center) Friday, January 15, 2016 9:00 AM St. Monica Guild (Lower Level-Pierson St. Church) Saturday, January 16, 2016 6:00 AM That Man Is You (Community Center) 7:30 AM-12:30 PM Blood Drive (Community Center) 8:15 AM Men’s Saturday Group (Lower Level-Oak Church) 9:45 AM Bible Study Prophets (Lower Level-Oak Church) Sunday, January 17, 2016 Knights of Columbus Breakfast 9:00 AM R.C.I.A. Mass (Oak St. Church) 10:00 AM R.C.I.A. (Lower Level-Oak St. Church) 2:00 PM Family Bowling (Woodstock) 2:00 PM Chicago March for Life (Chicago) YEAR OF MERCY QUOTE “Let us open our eyes and see the misery of the world, the wounds of our brothers and sisters...and let us heed their cry for help!” Pope Francis 9 Saint Thomas the Apostle Church 272 King Street (Parish Office) Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 815-455-5400 St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School 265 King St. (School Office) Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 815-459-0496 Saint Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church 451 W. Terra Cotta Avenue (Route 176 & Oak St.) Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 St. Thomas Pierson St. Church: 453 Pierson Street, Crystal Lake, IL Saint Thomas the Apostle Pastoral Office: 272 King Street Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 Office Telephone: 815-455-5400 Fax — 815-455-2733 Web-Site St. Thomas School—815-459-0496 School Office hours: 7:30 am to 3:00 pm Pastoral Center (272 King St.) Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Friday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Oak St. Church Office (in Parish Library) Hours: Sunday 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM Office Telephone: 815-455-5400 Mass Schedule: Daily Mass: 6:30 AM (Oak Street) 8:30 AM (Oak Street—Mon/Thurs/Friday) 8:30 AM (Pierson St..—Tuesday/Wed) Saturday: 7:30 AM (Oak Street) 4:30 PM (Oak Street) Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM, 5:30 PM (Oak Street) Family Mass @ 10:30 AM (Oct. — May) Spanish Mass (Pierson St. Church): Thursday — 7:15 pm Saturday — 7:00 pm Sunday — 9:30 am and 11:30 am Reconciliation: Every Saturday (Oak St. Church): 8:00 AM— 8:45 AM and 3:30 PM – 4:15 PM Every Monday: 5:30 pm –6:30 pm (Oak St. Church) or anytime by appointment NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING COUPLE: ALFONSO (815-236-7905) AND MARGARITA (815-2455427) MARTINEZ ([email protected]) LITTLE CHRISTOPHER RESALE SHOPPE: 469 LAKE STREET, CRYSTAL LAKE, IL (815) 459-9442 ST. THOMAS OUTREACH: 469 LAKE STREET, CRYSTAL LAKE, IL (815) 455-1249 Marian Central Catholic High School Mr. Andy Edmondson, Superintendent 815-338-4220 PASTORAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRIESTS 815.455.5400 MUSIC AND LITURGY JULIE HERMANN, MUSIC DIRECTOR MEG STRUTTMAN, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 815.455.5400 MONSIGNOR DANIEL HERMES, PASTOR FATHER JEROME P. KOUTNIK, PAROCHIAL VICAR FATHER AKAN S. SIMON, PAROCHIAL VICAR HISPANIC MINISTRY: FATHER WILLIAM TUNAROSA PAROCHIAL VICAR 815.356.0860 PERMANENT DEACONS ALLEN BONDI EDWARD MORRISON RALPH STATTER ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 815.455.5400 DONNA KOTHERA, PARISH SECRETARY SONDA HERREN, FINANCIAL SECRETARY ESMERALDA MONTOYA, HISPANIC SECRETARY MELINDA POPP, FINANCIAL ASSISTANT VAL DELANCE, RECEPTION RENEE LYONS, RECEPTION CATHY SIERANT, RECEPTION CINDY TARLOW, RECEPTION ALLYSON SVIGELJ, PUBLIC RELATIONS/PROMOTIONS EVANGELIZATION & ADULT FORMATION 815.455.5400 JOELLEN GREGUS, RETREAT COORDINATOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 815.455.9787 CHARLOTTE KOLODZIK, DIRECTOR JENNIFER GALLIEN, SECRETARY RUTH CARLSON , COORDINATOR YOUTH MINISTRY 815.455.9037 DAN WOLFF, HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTER LISA KENDZIOR, JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH MINISTER MAUREEN SULLIVAN, SECRETARY SAINT THOMAS THE APOSTLE SCHOOL 815.459.0496 DEANNE ROY, PRINCIPAL MARY POMILI, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL MICHELLE BOPPART, SECRETARY KAREN CAMPOS, SECRETARY ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS: KATHLEEN CORMIER, AMY DEITZ, SOCORRO ESPINOZA, DON FURLANO, MSGR. DAN HERMES, MATTHEW HRONICK, LETICIA LUNA, KIM MARRY, ROBERT TELMANIK, JAMES VANBOSCH