Product Release Bulletin AccountMate 8.1 for SQL and Express July


Product Release Bulletin AccountMate 8.1 for SQL and Express July
Product Release Bulletin
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL and Express
July, 2010
Table of Contents:
Product Overview – AccountMate for SQL and Express ....................................................................1
Enhancements in Version 8.1 ............................................................................................................1
AccountMate 8.1 Conversion Tools....................................................................................................8
Installation File Contents for Version 8.1 ............................................................................................9
Installation Guide ................................................................................................................................9
System Requirements ......................................................................................................................13
Product Maintenance Options ..........................................................................................................14
Marketing ..........................................................................................................................................14
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL Demo.......................................................................................................14
Questions Specific to Version 8.1.....................................................................................................15
Frequently Asked Questions.............................................................................................................17
Product Overview – AccountMate 8.1 for SQL and Express
AccountMate 8.1 remains a real-time, customizable business management and accounting solution designed to
address the needs of small to medium-sized businesses. It utilizes Microsoft's SQL server to assure scalability,
up-time performance, and better data security. Two versions of AccountMate 8.1 are available:
1. Express version for businesses with up to five concurrent users and an increased database size limit of
10 GB. NOTE: The 10GB DB limitation applies to only SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition. The 4GB
limit remains unchanged with older SQL Server versions
2. SQL version for companies with up to hundreds of users and larger databases. It requires the purchase
of a full Microsoft SQL Server license
Both versions have the same user interface, ease of use, configuration of modules and are source code
Both source code and compiled versions of AccountMate 8.1 for SQL and Express are available. The source
code version is available at an additional charge.
This version supports Microsoft Windows 7, Office 2010, SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise and
Express Editions, and Crystal Report 2008.
It also provides an upgrade path from previous AccountMate versions and product lines, thereby allowing an
easy transition into the new version without incurring exorbitant costs in data conversion and user re-training.
Enhancements in Version 8.1
Building on and in addition to the product features from prior AccountMate for SQL and Express releases, this
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express version offers a substantial amount of changes and enhancements. There
are just too many to include in this PLB. Instead, we have produced a few documents that will help you to
review the scope of this latest release and also provide information that you may decide to send to your clients.
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
All marketing documents can be found in the Business Partner section under the Product Information heading
as separate categories or under “All Links”.
There are some very extensive enhancements that are being introduced in AccountMate 8.1 for SQL and
Express. The majority of these enhancements were a result of the feature enhancement voting at SYNERGY
2008 and requests from our AccountMate Business Partners and their customers. Some of the higher visibility
changes include:
Better Audit Trail
AccountMate now has the capability to track data entry changes entered in the system. This provides the necessary audit trail for a
stronger and more secure information system. This new feature is activated using the Audit Trail Setup function in the
AccountMate Administrator program. This function is configurable to give companies the flexibility to select the critical data that must
be tracked without compromising on software performance if their database servers have limited disk space. Older audit trail
records can be deleted using the Purge Audit Trail function to free up disk space when needed.
Authorized users can run the Audit Trail Transaction Log to find out which users entered new transactions or updated existing
ones. The report shows the old and new field values as well as the date and time when the changes were made for a thorough audit
Ability to Add Custom Fields to Master Records and Transactions
Using the optional Custom Field Manager Module authorized users can now add their own fields to a new tab on an existing
AccountMate function. These custom fields can be added to maintenance records (i.e. customer, vendor, inventory, employee, etc.)
and to selected transaction records (i.e. AR invoice header file, purchase order header file, work order header file, time card header
file, etc.). This makes it easier to customize the software to capture additional information that the company may require without
having to modify the source code.
Use the Custom Field Definition function to add the custom fields to the AccountMate data tables that support this new feature.
Custom fields can be added to master records (excluding archived records) and selected transaction header tables (excluding
history and detail tables). They can be character, date, integer, logical or numeric in nature. Character type custom fields can be
assigned a default value and have a lookup.
Use the Custom Lookup Type and Custom Lookup Code to create the records that will be used with the custom fields that have
a lookup.
Use the Screen Customization function to assign the custom fields to the new tabs on AccountMate screens that support this new
feature. Custom fields can be read-only or editable in select screen forms. These fields will appear in a user-defined order in the
new tabs that are created by authorized users.
Enhanced Executive Summary
Authorized users can now drill down on the Executive Summary screen to view details about the specific information they want to
investigate. A Detail Analysis button has been added next to each Executive Summary field. Click on the button to view the related
Detail Analysis window.
Each Detail Analysis window presents data in a grid format. Authorized users can click on specific columns in the grid to sort data in
ascending or descending order based on the values in the selected column. The grid’s contents can be exported to a Microsoft
Excel file for further analysis. Authorized users can also drill down on certain columns to view the related AccountMate document for
the specific transaction (i.e. AR invoice, sales order, purchase order, etc.).
The Executive Summary can also be set to include or exclude open credits in the AR Aging fields and open debits in the AP
Forecast Aging fields. The default setting is configured in AR Module Setup and AP Module Setup. Authorized users can override
the default setting each time they run the Executive Summary. Click the Options button on the Executive Summary screen to
display the Exec Summary – Additional Options window and change the default settings.
Streamlined Bank Reconciliation
The following enhancements are introduced to simplify the bank reconciliation process:
Option to Combine Electronic Payments
AccountMate can be configured to combine electronic payments that are processed in the same check run into a single transaction
for bank reconciliation purposes. A new checkbox called Combine E-Payments for Bank Reconciliation has been added to the
Bank Account Maintenance function for this purpose.
AccountMate will assign the same E-Payment Batch Number to all electronic payments that are issued in the same check run.
Authorized users will also be required to provide the description that will be assigned to the E-Payment Batch. When the new option
is used, only one record will be displayed in the Reconcile Bank Account screen for all electronic payments issued in the same Print
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
Computer Check or Print Payroll Check process. That record will show the sum of the electronic payments included in the batch.
The E-Payment Batch Number and Description will be used to identify the electronic payment batch.
When the E-Payment Batch is reconciled, all electronic payments included in that batch are also reconciled. This makes it easier to
perform bank reconciliation since users only have to reconcile one amount.
Record Count Validation is Optional During Reconciliation
Modern banking methods have changed the way people and companies reconcile their bank accounts. ACH processing of
employee payroll and vendor payments as well as credit card transactions have led to transaction counts becoming a less important
consideration during reconciliation. To accommodate this change, AccountMate can now be configured to not require users to enter
the record count when reconciling bank accounts. To use this feature, unmark the Require Record Count checkbox in the BR
Module Setup’s General tab. Under this setting, the system will not validate that users have entered a transaction record count in
the Reconcile Bank Account screen. Neither will the system check whether the transaction record counts match in the Information
from Bank and Information from System sections. When used properly, this feature will help users perform and complete their
reconciliation more quickly.
Ability to Reprint Computer Checks
Authorized users can now reprint computer checks if problems are encountered when printing them the first time. This can be done
using the new Reprint Computer Check function in the AP module. Users can choose to reprint a range of AP checks using their
original check numbers or they can print a replacement check using a different check number with a different check date.
Replacement checks can only be printed one check at a time.
This feature provides users a more convenient alternative than separately voiding several check records in case the printer jams or
other problems arise during printing. And because the system tracks the original check number that was replaced, it also provides
an easier way to issue a replacement check if the original check is allowed to expire (i.e. not cashed within 6 months from the check
date) while still maintaining the necessary audit trail.
Regenerate ACH file by Batch
Instead of regenerating the ACH file for a single check or a range of check numbers, authorized users can now regenerate an ACH
file by electronic payment batch. This helps ensure that all electronic payments that were processed in the same check run are
included in the ACH file that is created. Any checks that are printed will be excluded when the ACH file is regenerated.
Enhanced Manufacturing Work Flow
We have enhanced the Manufacturing module to streamline work order processing. The changes include:
Supports Multi-Step Processing of Work Orders
Authorized users can now define the order in which components will be used during the production of a parent item. Each
component may be assigned to a specific step in the process using the Bill of Materials Maintenance function. This default
configuration may be customized in each work order as needed.
When processing work orders, the system can be set to put into process only those components that are assigned a particular step
number. Subsequent postings to work in process will only allow the use of components that belong to the remaining steps that have
not been processed to help ensure that no duplication takes place. This enhancement provides better control over the production
process while still giving users the flexibility they need to record the specific components used in whatever stage of production they
have completed.
Allocated Quantity Updated During Work Order Explosion
The system now updates each component item’s allocated quantity as soon as the work order is exploded. This enhancement also
affects the calculation of an item’s available quantity which is shown net of the allocated quantity. This makes it easier for users to
determine whether they have sufficient quantities of their component items to meet the work orders that are scheduled for
production (i.e. exploded) without having to wait until these are posted into work in process in the system.
New Subsidiary Module Transfer Report Facilitates GL Review
A new report has been added to the General Ledger module that shows all the accounting entries that are posted during period-end
closing and transfers of data to GL. This report provides the same information as the subsidiary modules’ GL Transfer Report but it
goes a step further. Whereas the GL Transfer Report does not show the accounting entries after they are posted during period-end
closing, the Subsidiary Module Transfer Report does. The new report can also be filtered by Period Range to show only the
accounting entries that were posted to GL when a specific fiscal period was closed. All these features make this new report a very
powerful tool that can be used to verify the company’s GL account balances.
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
More Powerful Reporting Tools
AccountMate reports are enhanced to make it easier for users to get the information they need to effectively carry out their tasks.
This enhancement includes the following changes:
Select Report Settings to Use when Printing from Transactions
Authorized users can now choose the report settings that will be used when printing reports from various Transaction functions and
Detail Analysis windows. To use this feature, they would access the Report Setup function from the Power Toolbar and click on the
new Report Macro tab (last tab). A combo box lists the reports which settings can be configured. They would select the report they
want to configure and click the Review Macro Settings button. This displays the standard AccountMate report interface where they
can select the Criteria that will be used when printing the selected report from the related Transaction and Detail Analysis windows.
These report settings may be used exclusively by the company in which they were set up or they may be shared with all companies.
Ability to Filter Report Data Using a List of Values
Previous AccountMate versions filtered data that will be included in the report by a range of values (i.e. from and to range). All data
that falls within the specified range will be shown. In this new version, users have the added option to specify a list of nonconsecutive values that will be used to filter the data that will be shown in the report. Simply select the List option from the combo
box in the report’s Criteria section to enter a list of values that will be used to filter the data. AccountMate uses commas to separate
the values entered in the input field. Field values that are normally left-aligned (i.e. AR invoice #, SO #, check #, etc.) will require
users to enter leading spaces if the maximum number of characters is not used. As an alternative, authorized users can click an
ellipses button to view a List Range window where they can select the values that will be used to filter the report. This new feature
allows users to reduce the report output and focus their analysis on the specific transactions that are of interest to them.
Date Filter Options Added for More Flexible Reports
Authorized users can now filter reports using these new date options: Yesterday, Prev. Week Day (i.e. previous week day), Last
Week and Last Month. The system can also be modified to add more date filters that can be used in all reports. These additional
date filters make Report Macros and Print Batches more flexible and help users configure each report according to their specific
More Powerful Search Mechanism
AccountMate is enhanced to make it easier for users to locate specific records in the system. This enhancement includes the
following changes:
Full Text Search Facilitates Item Lookup
Users can now do a full text search (i.e. search all character fields included in a catalog) to locate a specific inventory item record.
Unlike the traditional lookup that searches for matching values in just one specified field, a full text search simultaneously looks for
matching values in multiple fields. Since the scope is wider, the lookup is more powerful and makes it easier for the user to quickly
locate the item record he or she needs. This feature uses SQL Server’s full-text search capability to search designated character
fields provided that a full-text index has been created for them. This feature is only available in AccountMate 8 for SQL and requires
SQL Server’s Full-Text Search Component.
Ability to Filter GL Account Lookup by Segment Makes GL Account ID Searches Easier
AccountMate has been enhanced with the ability to search for GL Account IDs using specific GL Segment values. Authorized users
who are uncertain about the first characters of a GL Account ID can look up the records using values in other GL Segments that
they remember. To use this feature, press [Shift+F4] in any blank GL Account ID input field to display a GL Segment Filter window.
This window has a separate input field for each GL Segment that is set up for the company. They can simply enter values in the GL
Segment fields that they want to use to locate the GL Account ID record. Then press the “OK” button. Enter values in as many GL
Segment fields as possible to narrow down the scope of the search.
Option to Associate Activity Entries with Specific Transactions
In AccountMate 7 we introduced the Activity tab feature. With this feature authorized users could enter notes, comments and other
details about contacts or communications with customers in a manner that made the entries easier to sort and find.
In AccountMate 8 we have taken this feature one step further by allowing users to associate each Activity Type with particular
transactions. Simply specify whether an Activity Type is to be linked to invoices, sales orders/quotes, RMA orders or not linked to
any type of transaction. Activity Types that are associated with a specified transaction type must be assigned a transaction number
that the user selects from a list provided by the system. Users can look up the linked Activity entries by the specific SO number,
invoice number or RMA number thereby reducing the possibility of missing valuable information about the transaction because they
could not find the entries in the system.
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
Reports Enhanced to Facilitate Receivable Collection
Selected AccountMate reports are enhanced to help companies effectively manage collection of their receivables. This
enhancement includes the following changes:
Option to Print Customer Statements for Accounts over a Specific Age
Some companies send out customer statements more frequently for accounts that are past a specific aging period. In some cases,
customer statements for very old accounts are sent to a collection agency for special handling. To facilitate the collection process,
AccountMate now has the option to filter the printing of statements to focus on those customers whose invoices are past a certain
age category.
Filter AR Aging Report to Show Past Due Invoices Only
The AR Aging Report has been enhanced to allow users to include only the AR invoices that are outstanding past their due dates.
This is to facilitate the company’s collection efforts by narrowing the report scope to the invoices that are past due.
Ability to Consolidate AR Aging and AR Status Reports by Parent Company
AccountMate allows users to track related customers by assigning one as the parent of other customers. Authorized users can still
enter transactions separately for each customer as they are treated as distinct entities in the system; however, payments may be
received from the parent customer and applied to its own accounts or to that of its related customers.
To facilitate tracking of the outstanding receivables from these related parties, we have enhanced the AR Aging Report and the AR
Status Report to allow authorized users to consolidate information for related customers under their designated parent account.
Simply sort these reports by Individual Customer number to see the option to consolidate the report data.
Credit Hold Option Helps Enforce Customer Credit Limits
In this new version, companies have an option to put sales orders on credit hold for customers who have exceeded their credit limit.
Sales orders on credit hold are monitored separately from regular sales orders. Credit hold orders increase the inventory items’
booked quantities so that the company knows the actual demand for its products; however, these orders cannot be shipped until
they are released from their credit hold status using the new Release Credit Hold function.
Ability to Temporarily Increase Customer Credit Limit
Occasionally, circumstances require companies to increase a customer’s credit limit for a short period of time. This temporary credit
increase usually expires on a pre-agreed date. This new version provides authorized users the ability to grant temporary credit
increases to individual customers. Simply enter the value that must be added to the customer’s regular credit limit in the Temp
Credit Incr field in the Customer Maintenance’s Settings tab and enter the expiration date in the Valid Until field below it. All of the
customer’s orders with order dates that fall before the expiration date will be validated against the customer’s increased credit line.
When the temporary credit increase expires, the customer will automatically be subject to its regular credit limit.
Customer Credit History is Monitored to Facilitate Credit Review
AccountMate keeps a record of each time that a customer’s credit limit is changed. This is true whether it is a temporary credit
increase or a permanent change in the customer’s credit limit. This information is available for authorized users to see by clicking on
the View History button next to the Credit Limit field in the Customer Maintenance’s Settings tab. Authorized users also have the
option to include the credit history when printing the Customer Credit Limit and Discount Listing.
Ability to Customize Kit Formula when Amending Sales Orders or Quotes
Authorized users can now change the kit formula of a customizable kit line item when amending an existing sales order or sales
quote. As long as the kit line item has not been shipped or billed, its formula can still be changed on the order or quote. This added
flexibility makes it easier to replace unavailable or insufficient kit components with a suitable substitute.
Separately Track Sales Quote Date and Order Date
AccountMate now retains the quote date that is assigned to sales quotes that are approved in the system. This quote date is stored
separately from the order date that is assigned during the approval process. This enhancement gives users a more complete history
of the transaction’s progress from sales quote to confirmed order.
More Info at Your Fingertips
The following enhancements are designed to make it easier for users to find the information they need:
Option to Display NotePad Entries when Recording Customer Transactions
Companies use the customer NotePad to store important comments or reminders about each customer. In some cases, these notes
may play a critical part in successfully dealing with a sensitive customer. To help ensure that users get the chance to read these
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
notes before proceeding with the transactions they are working on, AccountMate can now be configured to display the NotePad tab
automatically when entering or amending customer transactions. This feature is set up per customer. When activated, the system
will automatically display the NotePad tab after the user has entered the Customer Number provided that there are NotePad entries
for the said customer record.
Ability to View Sub-Assembly Information in Bill of Materials Detail Analysis
Authorized users can now see the sub-assembly components along with the parent item’s components when viewing the Bill of
Materials Detail Analysis window. To do this, simply click the Explode button to display the Explosion for Parent Item # [xxx]
window. This enhancement gives authorized users a complete list of components that will be required to manufacture a parent item
that has sub-assemblies with the added convenience of being able to export the list from the Inventory Maintenance function.
Show Customer’s Total Sales Quote Amount
AccountMate now shows the total value of each customer’s outstanding sales quotes in the new Sales Quote field. This field comes
with its own Detail Analysis window that lists the pertinent details of each outstanding sales quote. This new field is available in
Customer Maintenance and in other Transaction functions that display customer sales and balance information.
Show Last Sales and Payment Information in Customer Maintenance
AccountMate now tracks the pertinent details of the most recent sales invoice (i.e. sales date, invoice number and amount) and
payment (i.e. receipt date, receipt number and amount) recorded for each customer. This provides authorized users up-to-date
information about each customer’s sales and payment activity.
Show Last Payment Information in Vendor Maintenance
In lieu of the last check information, AccountMate now tracks the pertinent details (i.e. payment date, type, transaction number, bank
account and amount) of the most recent payment made to each vendor. This expanded tracking mechanism allows the system to
monitor all forms of payments (i.e. ACH, computer check, handwritten check, non-check payments and credit card payments) to
provide the most complete and up-to-date information about the company’s payments to its vendors.
Inventory Images are More Easily Accessible
Inventory images are now stored in the database. This makes the setup process easier as users do not have to worry about
mapping the location in which the image files are stored. Simply add the image to the Inventory Maintenance record and
AccountMate will copy the image file into the company database. AccountMate keeps the image as long as the inventory record is in
the system or until an authorized user updates or deletes the image from the item record. Storing the images in the database makes
them easier to access from any workstation inside the building or even from remote locations.
Warn User if Void or Cancel Date Differs from Original Transaction Date
AccountMate has added transaction controls that will help users by warning them when the void or cancel date is different from the
original transaction date. This warning is especially helpful if the default void date or default cancel date is in a different month than
the original transaction date since the accounting entries will affect different fiscal periods. Users still have the option to proceed with
the void or cancel date that they specified if it is their intent that the reversing entries be posted to a different fiscal period than the
original transaction entries.
Run the Batch Transfer Data to GL on a Recurring Schedule
Authorized users can now run the Batch Transfer Data to GL function on a recurring schedule. In lieu of the count-down timer that
was available in previous versions, this new product release allows users to create a schedule that runs daily, weekly or monthly.
Users can specify the time of day when the transfer is to start as well as the date range when the schedule is to be in effect. If the
schedule is weekly, users can choose the day of the week to run the transfer. If set to run monthly, users can assign a day of the
month to perform the scheduled transfer.
This enhancement uses the SQL Server Agent to create the batch transfer job and run it on schedule. As such, this feature is only
available in AccountMate 8 for SQL that is run against a full SQL Server. Users who are running AccountMate 8 for Express or
AccountMate 8 for SQL on a SQL Express Edition will still be able to schedule batch transfers using the count-down timer.
New Company Access Lock Feature
A company can now be locked to prevent users from accessing it or logging into it. This is done using the new Company Access
Lock function. Once locked, only the Supervisor or the user who initiated the lock can lift it. Any users who were in the company at
the time it was locked will have limited access so that they can continue to run only the functions that they have open. This allows
them to complete whatever processes they have started while preventing them from initiating new ones. This new feature can be
used to facilitate period-end closing, the addition or editing of custom fields, installation of product updates or any other processes
that require exclusive access to the company database.
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
New 1099 Information Update Function Streamlines 1099 Reporting
AccountMate now comes with a 1099 Information Update function. This allows authorized users to manually override the 1099
information captured in the AP module if they have to make corrections before printing the 1099 Form. Use this function to update
the 1099 information for the current or prior 1099 year. Authorized users can set the current 1099 year in the AP Module Setup’s
1099 Setup tab.
Payroll Enhancements
The Payroll module (PR) has been enhanced as follows:
Ability to Set Up Working Hours and Days
AccountMate allows authorized users to set the number of work hours for each day of the week. This information will be used to
calculate the number of working hours that fall within a specified pay period. This setting is configured in PR Module Setup thereby
giving the software the utmost flexibility to adapt to each company’s requirements.
Streamline Setup by Assigning Paid Leave Codes Directly to Employee Records
Authorized users can now assign paid leave codes directly to the Employee Maintenance record without first assigning them to
Earning Code records. This feature is only available if the paid leave code is accrued either at the beginning of the year or per pay
period. This enhancement simplifies the setup process when creating new paid leave records.
Option to Show Cost in Paid Leave Transaction Report
Authorized users can set the Paid Leave Transaction Report to show the corresponding transaction cost. This cost is determined
based on the employee’s pay rate at the time the transaction was recorded. Use this feature to verify the amounts assigned to the
accounting entries that will be posted to GL for paid leave transactions.
Show Accrual Balance at Current Pay Rate in the Employee Paid Leave Listing
A new option to show the cost of paid leave balances using the employees’ current pay rates has been added to the Employee Paid
Leave Listing. When this option is used, the report will display the paid leave balances in terms of both hours and current cost. This
feature helps users determine the expected paid leave accrual account balance and will be the basis for any adjustments that may
have to be posted.
Ability to Adjust Paid Leave Accrual Amount
The Convert/Adjust Unused Paid Leave function has been enhanced to allow authorized users to adjust the accrual amount without
changing the accrued hours balance. It also allows users to override the default rate/hour when adjusting the hours. These changes
make it easier to update the paid leave accrual balance when an employee’s pay rate increases during the year.
Users are also given the choice to post accounting entries when adjusting or converting unused paid leave. With this option, users
no longer have to post manually the adjusting journal entries in GL. And since all accounting entries will come from the PR module,
there is better control over the process to help ensure that paid leave accounting entries in GL are supported by paid leave
transactions in PR.
Option to Replace Payroll Checks
Authorized users can now use a different check number when running the Re-print Payroll Check function. They can also choose to
print a replacement check with a different check date. This feature provides users a more convenient alternative to running the Void
Payroll Check and Print Payroll Check functions if the employee needs his payroll check replaced after it has been allowed to expire
(i.e. not cashed within 6 months from the check date). And because the system tracks the original check number that was replaced,
authorized users can set the Voided Check Report to show the replacement check information.
Ability to Assign Consolidation Exchange Rates for Multi-Currency Parent and Subsidiary Companies
AccountMate now allows authorized users to enter in the new Consolidation Exchange Rate Maintenance function the exchange
rates that will be used to consolidate a foreign subsidiary’s account balances to its parent company (i.e. parent and subsidiary
companies do not have the same home currency). A consolidation exchange rate will be required for each fiscal period that will be
consolidated. To prevent the erroneous revaluation of prior year consolidated balances, users can enter consolidation exchange
rates for the current fiscal year only.
Since multiple subsidiary companies could have the same home currency, consolidation exchange rates can only be edited as long
as none of the subsidiaries who are assigned the same home currency has consolidated its account balances to the parent
company for the current fiscal year. If consolidation has been performed using the wrong exchange rates, authorized users must unconsolidate all subsidiaries that use the same home currency before they can edit the consolidation exchange rates. A
Consolidation History Report is supplied to help users identify the subsidiaries which account balances have been consolidated
for the current fiscal year in case they need to be un-consolidated to edit an erroneous consolidation exchange rate.
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
Logos are More Easily Accessible
The company’s logo and that of the AccountMate Solution Provider are now stored in the database. This makes the setup process
easier as users do not have to worry about mapping the location in which the image files are stored. Simply add the image to the
company record during Company Setup and add the AccountMate Solution Provider’s logo using the AccountMate 8 Reseller
Information Update Program and the image file will be copied into the system database. AccountMate keeps the image until an
authorized user updates or deletes the image from the system. Storing the images in the database makes them easier to access
from any workstation inside the building or even from remote locations.
Separate Access Rights for Each Type of Miscellaneous Code for Stronger Data Security
Access rights can now be granted separately for each type of Miscellaneous Code to help ensure that access to sensitive
information is restricted to select users. Each type of Miscellaneous Code is listed separately in the Add/Edit User screen. Mark the
checkbox only for the specific type of Miscellaneous Code that the user is allowed to access.
Automatic Rollover for 2-Digit Year Setting Simplifies System Setup
Companies that use the 2-digit year during data entry will no longer have to update the 2-digit year rollover setting. The new
AccountMate version is designed to automatically add 50 years to the current system date’s year to determine the rollover year. For
example, the rollover year in 2010 will be 60. All 2-digit year values less than the rollover year will be interpreted as belonging to the
2000’s (i/e. 59 will be 2059) while those equal to or greater than the rollover year will be interpreted as belonging to the 1900’s (i.e.
60 will be 1960).
Other Report Enhancements
The following report enhancements are also introduced in this version:
Option to Print Item Remarks on Pick Lists and Packing Slips
AccountMate now comes with separate options to print line item remarks on SO pick lists, RMA/RTV pick lists, SO packing slips and
AR packing slips. In previous versions, line item remarks were printed on these documents if the system is set up to print the
remarks on sales orders or AR invoices. With this enhancement, authorized users have more flexibility to direct the reminders,
comments or instructions that are entered as line item remarks to a specific audience. For example, line item remarks that are
intended only for the customer may be printed on the sales order but not on the SO pick list.
Option to Exclude On-Hold Orders from Open Sales Order Report
Authorized users now have the option to exclude on-hold orders when they generate the Open Sales Order Report. This
enhancement allows them to focus on the sales orders that are ready for shipment.
Ability to Sort and Filter PO Reports by Buyer
Selected reports in the Purchase Order module can now be sorted by Buyer. Authorized users can also filter the report for a range
of Buyers. This report enhancement will facilitate the review and analysis of purchase order and blanket purchase order
transactions. The following reports have been enhanced:
1. Purchase Order Summary Report
2. Purchase Order Line Item Report
3. Purchase Order Backorder Report
4. Received Goods Report
5. Cancelled Received Goods Report
6. Blanket Purchase Order Summary Report
7. Blanket Purchase Order Line Item Report
Supports the Latest Microsoft Technologies and Crystal Report
This version supports Microsoft Windows 7, Office 2010, SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise and Express Editions, and
Crystal Report 2008.
AccountMate 8.1 Conversion Tools
AccountMate has a series of conversion tools to easily upgrade current AccountMate customers to latest
versions of products. In addition, conversion tools are made available for companies that are currently using
competitive product Sage Pro ERP.
For AccountMate 8.1, there are two database conversion downloads:
1. SQL to SQL
2. LAN to SQL
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
These database conversion downloads are available on our website at
Upgrades are handled by the Standard Conversion Program. We simplified the upgrade process by merging
the AccountMate SQL/Express upgrade scripts with the standard utility we provide for AccountMate LAN
conversions. Launching the AccountMate Administrator program in version 8.1 no longer triggers the upgrade
process; however, the system will still generate a reminder to run the external conversion utility to upgrade the
company databases to the new version.
The AccountMate Data Wizard helps the AccountMate Business Partners with the conversion of data from any
accounting system. It enables them to get a new client into an AccountMate system by importing data from
either a Text or Excel source file into AccountMate 8.1 for SQL or Express.
This is a special utility designed to facilitate the maintenance of master records by allowing the user to either:
Import data directly into specific AccountMate tables or
Rename existing data in key AccountMate field.
Data Wizard is updated with each AccountMate Version and Build release. This assures that database changes
are handled correctly.
Installation File Contents for Version 8.1
The AccountMate 8.1 for SQL CD contains the following components:
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL Program Files
Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0 (Service Pack 2) Runtime Files
Crystal Reports 2008 (Service Pack 2) Runtime Files
The link to the release notes for the SQL version is in:
The link to the release notes for the Express version is in:
Installation Guide
NOTE: Customers are encouraged to contact their local AccountMate Solution Provider for installation and
consultant on our products. Only authorized AccountMate Solution Providers can gain access to the Download
Center for product versions and builds.
AccountMate 8.1 Program Upgrade Instructions are located within the AccountMate Download Center at
There is no installation interface for the Report Utility Files (Rptsetup.exe). When the files are needed, the users
are required to copy them manually from the Download. The same applies for the Stored Procedure/Trigger
Maintenance Utility (Amspmain.exe).
Microsoft SQL Server™ is not included in the Download or CD. If SQL Server has not been installed on the
database server, the user is required to install Microsoft SQL Server before installing AccountMate 8.1. Refer to
the Hardware/Software Requirements regarding the versions of SQL Server that AccountMate 8.1 supports.
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
Product Overview
AccountMate 8 for SQL or Express is a Client/Server system comprised of the following:
AccountMate program files
AccountMate database files
Other drivers and run-time files
These elements may be installed on the same computer, or they may be distributed across different computers
within the network.
Pre-installation Checklist
Use the following checklist as a guide when installing a live copy of AccountMate 8 for SQL or Express:
1. Verify compliance with the System Requirements.
2. Install Microsoft SQL Server if you have not previously done so. Be sure to select the Mixed Mode setting in
order to support both SQL and NT Authentication; then, follow Microsoft’s guidelines to complete the
installation. After installing Microsoft SQL Server, be sure to reboot the database server to start the SQL
Server Service.
3. Verify that you have administrative rights to the computer where you are installing a live copy of
AccountMate 8; otherwise, the Microsoft and Crystal Reports run-time libraries will not be properly
4. Exit all Windows programs before starting the installation.
Quick Install Guide
1. Insert the AccountMate CD into your CD-ROM drive to automatically start the installation. If the installer
program does not start automatically, double-click Setup.exe in the AccountMate CD to display the
AccountMate Setup window.
2. Click Next to display the License Agreement window. Read and accept the License Agreement; then, click
Next to proceed.
3. View the AccountMate 8 for SQL or Express ReadMe in the Information window; then, click Next to proceed.
4. In the Choose Destination Location window, perform either one of these steps:
Accept the default destination folder; or
Select a different destination folder by clicking the Browse button to open a Choose Folder window;
then, select the folder where you want to install the AccountMate program.
5. Click Next to proceed to the Setup Type window. Choose from the following installation types:
Typical - installs the AccountMate program files (application) into the destination folder and the run-time
library in your local workstation; recommended for Client installations that run the AccountMate program
locally on each computer
Compact - installs the run-time files in your local workstation; recommended for Workstation installations
that run the AccountMate program from a mapped folder to a file server
Custom - gives users the option to enter the AccountMate product key and select the components to be
installed; recommended for File Server installations
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
6. If you choose Custom Setup, the installer will display the Product Key window; otherwise, proceed to step
7. In the Product Key window, enter the 25-character AccountMate Product Key that was supplied to you upon
purchase of the software. If the product key you enter is invalid, the software will not be installed. If you have
problems with your Product Key, contact your AccountMate Solution Provider or AccountMate Customer
8. Click Next to proceed to the Select Components window.
9. In the Select Components window, choose from among the following components to install:
Program Files - includes all AccountMate executable files that allow you to run the main AccountMate
program and all its functions and reports
Administrator Program - installs the AccountMate Administrator program needed to activate the
AccountMate modules, install license file, create companies in AccountMate, and manage group and user
access rights among other functions
Source Code Files - includes all source code modules purchased. The installer will list the modules for
which you purchased source code; mark the checkbox beside each module listed to install the source code
files into the specified destination folder. Access to this option and the selection of modules shown will
depend upon the AccountMate Product Key you entered.
NOTE: The Source Code option will be unavailable if you did not enter a valid Product Key or if the Product
Key you entered excluded source code.
Run-time Files - installs the run-time libraries necessary to run AccountMate functions and reports
10. Click Next to proceed to the Select Program Folder window. Accept the default or enter your own program
folder name.
11. Click Next to start the installation. When the installation is complete, click Finish to exit the AccountMate
12. To create the system and sample company databases, you must first launch the AccountMate Administrator
program either from your desktop or from the AccountMate program folder.
Specify the name of the SQL server instance to which AccountMate will connect.
In the Select Common Files Folder window, enter the location where you want to install the
AccountMate common files folder. This folder will store the System Tables, Patches, Modifications,
SptgUpdate and Custom Reports files along with all other common files used by AccountMate 8 for
SQL. You can enter either a UNC path (e.g. \\ComputerName\SharedFolder\FileName) or a
mapped network drive (e.g. X:\Filename). If you enter a mapped network drive, be sure to map all
workstations using the same drive letter (e.g. X). Since all AccountMate workstations will use the
same common files folder, they must all have read-write access to the said folder.
NOTE: If the folder you specify does not yet exist, you will be asked if you want the installer to
create the folder. Click “Yes” to proceed.
When prompted for the supervisor password, enter the default password “go”; then, click OK.
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
In the Select Country Tax for Sample Company window, select from the combo box the desired
country tax for the sample company.
Specify the SQL Server data directory where you want to store the AccountMate databases. Accept
the default or select a different SQL Data Directory.
If the SQL server is installed in another computer, specify in the Mapped as Directory field the drive
letter and the shared network folder to which you mapped the physical location on the database
server where the AccountMate databases will be stored. If you are physically running AccountMate
at the same computer where the SQL server data directory is located, the Mapped as Directory
should be the same as the SQL Data Directory.
Click the Install button; when you see a message asking you to confirm whether you are ready to
proceed with the installation, click Yes to start the creation of the system and sample company
When shown a message stating that the installation of the system and sample company databases
is complete, click OK.
13. In the AccountMate Administrator program, perform the following:
Verify or enter the AccountMate Product Key and activate the modules you want to use.
Install the License File, input the Maintenance Key and, if applicable, the PR Tax Subscription Key.
Create the live company database(s).
Set the password policy.
Set up groups and users, and assign access rights.
14. Launch the AccountMate application and log in with the user name and password that you set up using the
AccountMate Administrator program.
Electronic Manual
AccountMate 8 for SQL or Express provides user documentation in electronic format. This can be accessed via
the Start menu. A PDF file is available for each module, and is located in the Documentation folder under the
application folder. These PDF files cannot be edited or copied, but can be printed.
Technical Reference Guides
Technical reference guides are available in electronic format only. The technical documentation types include:
• Program Reference Guide: For different modules designed to aid the customization of each screen form
• Report Reference Guide: For different modules designed to aid the modification of reports
• Database Reference Guide: Provides an overview of database tables, by module
Technical Documents will be released in the near future. Accessing Technical Documents can be done through
the Business Partner-secured section of our website at Documents.pdf by
selecting the Technical Documentation bar.
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
See Pricing for these Technical documents on our AccountMate Business Partner website at Documents.pdf.
The AccountMate/SQL 8.1 Table Structure Changes Between 7.1 and 8.1 document can be found at .
System Requirements
Recommended Hardware Configurations
Database Server
Hard Drive
1 GB
20 GB Free Space
File Server (optional)
1 GB
2 GB Free Space
1 GB
2 GB Free Space
File Server (optional)
Pentium III
512 MB
I GB Free Space
Pentium III
256 MB
1 GB Free Space
Minimum Hardware Requirements
Hard Drive
Database Server
Pentium III
512 MB
5 GB Free Space
Software Requirements
Operating Systems
AccountMate 8 for
SQL Supported
AccountMate 8 for
Express Supported
Database Server
Windows Server 2008 R2
Standard /Enterprise Edition
Windows Server 2008
Standard/Enterprise Edition
Windows Server 2003
Standard/Enterprise Edition
File Server (optional)
Windows Server 2008 R2
Standard/Enterprise Edition
Windows Server 2008
Standard/Enterprise Edition
Windows Server 2003
Standard/Enterprise Edition
Windows 7
Windows Vista (SP2)
Windows XP Professional
Microsoft SQL Server 2008
R2 Standard/Enterprise/
Express Edition
Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Express Edition (SP1)
Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Standard /Enterprise/
Express Edition (SP3)
Microsoft SQL Server 2008
R2 Express Edition
Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Express Edition (SP1)
Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Express Edition (SP3)
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
Product Maintenance Options
AccountMate offers three types of End User Maintenance Plan solutions*:
1. Lifecycle Maintenance
2. Standard Maintenance
3. All-Source Code Maintenance
These requirements apply to all three End User Maintenance Plans:
First year maintenance is mandatory (new and upgrade customers)
Maintenance Plans valid for One (1) year from date of purchase
Plans must be renewed within 30 days of expiration to avoid penalties
Lifecycle Maintenance Plans are available to:
new customers
current customers renewing a Lifecycle Maintenance plan
customers upgrading to the current Version.
Lifecycle Maintenance has option for multi-year savings.
Maintenance Plans are applicable to currently supported versions only
Plans do not include Payroll Tax Subscription or W-2 Magnetic Media Programs
All-Source Code Maintenance Plan requires that all modules purchased at any time must include source
code except for System Manager
Dealer Discounts vary depending on End User Maintenance Plan
All-Source Plan is available after the first year only
*There is an additional Extended Support Plan that covers non-current shipping product. Remaining on this Plan
enables end users to take advantage of good upgrade discounts.
For complete information on all end user Maintenance Plans, view the latest Product Launch Bulletin (PLB)
entitled “AccountMate Maintenance Plans (End Users)” at
AccountMate has produced printer-quality collateral in downloadable PDF format on our AccountMate
website. They are:
What’s New for AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
Module Summary
Individual Module Sell Sheets
Price Lists
Comparison Documents (Version and Build releases) in both PDF and Excel formats
Many of them are available on our Home Page and others are in our Business Partner secured-area at
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL DEMO
There is an AccountMate DEMO available to Business Partners to present AccountMate 8.1 to their user base
or new prospects. It is available as a download from the BP Download Center at or as a physical Demo CD.
Some of the specifics about this Demo are:
Supports only one user
Uses the current limitation for number of records (25 customers, 25 items)
Has disabled period-end closing
Label says “AccountMate 8 for SQL” – but demo will work with an Express server as well.
Comes with SQL Server 2005 Express loaded on it
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
Installation process will check for existence of any SQL Server instance. If it doesn’t exist, it will
install the SQL Express database automatically
Demo cannot be converted to “Live” AccountMate 8.1 product. It will not accept a License file. If a
customer wants to purchase AccountMate product after they’ve reviewed the Demo, the Business
Partner needs to place a product order through their BDM.
Business Partners can make a request to their BDM for these AccountMate 8 Demo CDs to be sent to them.
These demos will be made available at the time product ships to Business Partners.
Price Lists for AccountMate 8 for SQL and Express can be found on the website at on the BP-secured area of
our website under the AM8 Product Info section in “All Links” and listed as separate “Price Lists” for AM8 for
SQL and AM8 for Express.
These same Price List items are included in the online AccountMate CyberQuote that can be found at This is a tool for Business Partners
to enter those modules and/or services that their prospect or customer is planning to order and get a systemgenerated basis for a quote. This CyberQuote can also be shared with a BP’s AccountMate Business
Development Manager (BDM) to strategize about the best options to present to a prospect.
For convenience, on our website at, we give the Business
Partners the option of accessing and printing AccountMate 8.1 for SQL and Express Price Lists either in Full
Color or Black & White. For printing purposes, there may be times when printing out full color and using a lot of
toner to do this may not be expeditious for the Business Partner. That is why we have also included the less
expensive option for you to print in B&W.
The new v8.1 Module, Custom Field Manager, is sold as compiled only.
Release Date
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL and Express will be downloadable by our AccountMate Business Partners from our
website the week of July 12, 2010, Exception: New orders will be shipping with physical product and license file
As soon as AccountMate 8.1 product download is available in mid-July, new orders for AccountMate SQL or
Express products will be fulfilled with this latest version 8.1. The only exceptions will be for customers on
Lifecycle SQL or Express that specifically request they receive our v7.6 instead. These exceptions will be
handled between the Business Partner and their regional BDM at the time the order is taken.
Any new customer who orders the AccountMate 7.6 for SQL or Express product within a window of 45 days
prior to the first customer ship date for AccountMate 8.1 will be able to request and receive a no-charge
replacement 8.1 product within 45 days after the first customer ship date.
Customers on Lifecycle Maintenance can make their request to their Solution Providers for the updated product
to be downloaded for them at any time during the period in which they are under the Lifecycle Maintenance
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Specific to AccountMate 8.1 for SQL and Express
Has AccountMate 8.1 for SQL been Certified by Microsoft™ as Windows 7 Compatible?
Yes, AccountMate 8.1 for SQL has received this certification on Windows 7. If clients ask for some form of
‘proof’ you can point them to
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
What is this new module, Custom Field Manager?
This new v8.1 Module, Custom Field Manager module, is sold as a compiled-only module. It is an engine that
allows the addition of any number of data fields to a new tab on an existing AccountMate function according to a
company’s specific requirements. These custom fields can be character, date, integer, logical or numeric in
nature. Character type custom field can be assigned a default value and have a lookup that can be used to
facilitate data searches.
Is there an Increase in GB per company database size for the AM8.1 Express Version?
Yes, the capacity as been increased. It is now 10GB if SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition is used. The
database limitation remains at 4GB if older version of SQL Server Express is used. There is still a limitation of 5
users for this Express product.
Here are some of the parameters that will govern how the AccountMate Express version is distinguished from
the SQL version are the following limitations:
AccountMate 8.X for Express:
Database Limit: 10GB (or 4GB, depending on SQL Server version) per company database
User Limit: Maximum 5 concurrent
Are there database changes from AccountMate 7.6 to AccountMate 8.1?
There were a substantial amount of enhancements in this latest release so there are data changes. Be sure to
read The AccountMate/SQL 8.1 Table Structure Changes Between 7.6 and 8.1 document that can be found at
Does the Product Download for AM8.1 for SQL and Express now include the License File, Product Key
and Maintenance Key?
Yes these are available at the Download Center. AccountMate 8.1 for SQL and Express are downloadable from
the Business Partner secured section of our website. Each Business Partner who has clients on Lifecycle
Maintenance will find these clients listed as eligible to get the downloadable new Version. In addition to the
product download, we have simplified the process by now making available the Product Key, Maintenance Key
and the License File specifically assigned to each client.
This has eliminated the need for physical License File CDs at the time of download.
NOTE: Exception is for new orders of AM 8.1 for SQL and Express. AccountMate will still ship a product CD
and License File CD to the Business Partner to use for a new client installation. At the same time the order is
placed, though, the same information is available for download. This process accommodates requests from
Business Partners that they be able to hand over a physical copy of the software to clients who want it.
Are there new Product Key, License File and Maintenance Key specifically for AccountMate 8.1?
All versions when they are installed require a new Product Key, License File and Maintenance Key. This is true
for AccountMate 8.1 for SQL and Express. Both new customer orders and version upgrade orders for
AccountMate 8.1 will require these elements to complete the product installation. For downloads, these items
are available in the Download center for each Business Partner’s clients who are eligible to receive
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL and Express.
What steps do I take in the product download process to assure all necessary keys and files are
handled correctly?
This new Product Key and License File must be used during the installation of AccountMate 8.1. After
installation, run the Administrator Program and select the Licensing menu options. Enter the new Product and
(optional) Maintenance Keys and then install the License File.
All are available via the Download area.
Do I need a new Payroll Tax Subscription Key for AccountMate 8.1?
Payroll Tax Subscription Keys are year specific and not version specific. The same 2010 Payroll Tax
Subscription Key for the lower version will continue to work in AccountMate 8.1 for tax year 2010. Just re-enter
the same Payroll Tax Subscription Key in AccountMate 8.1. The Payroll Tax Subscription Key can also be found
on the Payroll Tax Subscription Update download section of the AccountMate website.
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
Do I need anything special to read the electronic manual?
Requires Acrobat Reader 6.0 or higher to read the electronic manual that install as part of AccountMate 8. To
download a free copy of Adobe Reader 6.0, go to
What forms have changed in AccountMate 8 from prior versions and builds?
Forms and checks in Version 8.1 have not changed from Version 7.
Forms and check catalogs are available for ordering (online and hardcopy) by Business Partners and their
clients at Especially enticing about ordering from AccountMateForms is that
Business Partners can earn a 10% commission on all orders placed by them or their clients.
Will VSP (Vertical Solution Partner) products be compatible with AccountMate 8.1 at the same time
AM8.1 product releases?
AccountMate has provided pre-release software for v8.1 to our authorized Vertical Solution Partners. The
expectation is that they will be able to assure that their product(s) work with our AccountMate 8.1 product.
AccountMate has no control over VSP product releases so there is no guarantee on our part about compatibility.
Business Partners should check with AccountMate VSPs to assure compatibility before making commitments to
their clients or prospects.
Are there Comparison Documents available to show changes from one Version to another and from
AM7.6 to AM 8.1?
AccountMate prepares Feature Comparisons:
• between Versions
• between Versions and previous Builds
• and between Builds.
Feature Comparison docs for AccountMate 8.1 for SQL and Express can be found in the BP-secured area of
our website at under the Product Information section for
AccountMate 8 for SQL and Express “Feature Comparisons” and ”All Links”.
These AccountMate 8.1 Feature Comparisons are available in two formats: Excel and PDF/printable formats.
The intent of the Excel spreadsheet format is to enable AccountMate Business Partners to tailor the new
features (delete and re-sort) new features in order to be able to present these new features in a way that best
communicates them to clients. The PDF format provides a downloadable/printable copy for marketing collateral
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it true that AccountMate Business Partners on Lifecycle Maintenance can get some of these technical
documents FREE?
It is true. For those Business Partners on Lifecycle Maintenance (for a single product line), they can order up to
10 Technical Documents for FREE. If they have Lifecycle (all platform plan), they can get up to 30 Technical
Documents for FREE.
If Business Partners are not on Lifecycle, the price list for these Technical Docs can be found at Documents.pdf.
What is the difference between a product update and product upgrade?
AccountMate "product update" terminology refers to a service pack release or moving to a higher build within
the same product line and version (i.e. moving from build AccountMate 7.5 for SQL to build AccountMate 7.6 for
AccountMate "product upgrade" terminology refers to moving from a current version of AccountMate to a higher
version or platform (i.e. moving from AccountMate 7.x for SQL to AccountMate 8.1 for SQL).
Is AccountMate 8.1 for SQL and Express considered an upgrade or an update?
It is a Version Upgrade.
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
Is a Maintenance Plan required with the new product orders?
Yes, one year of mandatory maintenance is required with the purchase of new product orders, including
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL and Express. This policy has not changed.
What security delivery methodology is available for an AccountMate Licensed End User already on
Lifecycle Maintenance?
For an existing customer on Lifecycle Maintenance, the Owner will receive an email announcing that there is a
release. The Business Partner will be cc’d on their end user email notifications. The Business Partner can
download this AccountMate 8.1 version from the AccountMate Download Center from our website. The client’s
individual Product Key, Maintenance Key and License File are available from the Download Center.
What general security delivery methodology is available for an AccountMate customer on Maintenance
and a new customer?
For an existing customer on Maintenance who is eligible to receive:
1) An Update (new Build): The Business Partner will be able to download their client’s AccountMate
Update product and Product Key from our website.
2) An Upgrade (new Version): The Business Partner will be able to download their client’s AccountMate
Upgrade, Product Key, (optional) Maintenance Key and License File from our website.
3) When a module is added (or reduction in modules) or additional user license is purchased, a new
Product Key will be assigned that will include all modules that they are now entitled.
The unique Product Key is a 25-character encrypted method of securing that software is authorized to a specific
Owner (customer or BP).
This License File contains the customer’s unique license file. This file is necessary to allow the appropriate
modules to run without restriction.
What is a Maintenance Key and what is it used for?
The Maintenance Key lets the AccountMate system know that a current maintenance plan is in place and its
expiration date. The Input Maintenance Key function allows the Business Partner to enter the Maintenance Key
supplied by AccountMate and keeps a record of this expiration date of the annual maintenance plan for the
program. Each time the annual maintenance plan is renewed, the customers will receive a new 15-digit
Maintenance Key. After the Maintenance Key is entered into the system, reminders will be displayed on the
screen as the maintenance plan expiration date approaches.
How do customers get their Maintenance Key?
For new customers, the system-generated 15-character Maintenance Key is sent hardcopy in the product box.
The Maintenance Key triggers the reminder of service plan renewal. It does NOT activate support instances and
Cyber Keys.
For existing customers when they renew their yearly Maintenance Plan, they will be mailed a unique
Maintenance Key as well as their appropriate number of Tech Support instances and their CyberLearning Keys
will be activated.
Who enters this Maintenance key and where?
The 15-character Maintenance Key gets entered by the Owner or their Agent/BP in the AccountMate product in
the Admin Program.
Are there reminder alerts prior to the Maintenance Key expiration notices appearing on the screen?
Yes, there is an automatic alert that has been added to notify customers that within 45 days their Maintenance
Plan will expire.
Is there a way to turn off/disable the new Maintenance Key reminder?
If each end user scrolls down to the end of the page, there is a check box for them to opt to turn off the reminder.
Otherwise, the Admin can turn off the alert globally within the Admin page.
And an even better option is for the End User to pay the Maintenance Plan renewal fee. Then the Admin can
enter a new (updated) Maintenance Key into their AccountMate program and the reminder alert turns off and
resets for another year.
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
What if my client wants to renew Maintenance the first time they get the warning?
There is a feature available to enable the End User to send an email to their local reseller. This contact information
can be added at the time the system is set up.
Is there a simplified way for my customers to get to information that would help them more quickly renew
their Maintenance Plan?
To facilitate the renewal of your customer’s AccountMate Maintenance Plan, there is a Print License Info feature
within the product. This feature provides the capability to print a report that shows your company name and
address, Support Number, Product Key, Maintenance Key and Maintenance Expiration Date, and even the
AccountMate Solution Provider’s contact information, if such was entered in the AccountMate system. A
separate section is supplied for the end user to enter their contact information before faxing or mailing the report
to their AccountMate Solution Provider (or to AccountMate).
Once in the program who and how does that acceptance of the License Agreement happen?
The first time an Administrator (or their Agent/BP) goes to install AccountMate 8.1 for SQL or Express, they’ll be
prompted to read and accept the AccountMate License Agreement before the system will let them view or
Once this individual user accepts this License Agreement, they won’t be prompted again. For future reference,
the License Agreement verbiage can be referenced or downloaded from AccountMate’s website This prompt will come up on the screen whenever they are entering a new product key
or maintenance key.
I cannot remember some of the options available to more quickly organize my short cuts. Will you please
refresh my memory on how I might accomplish that?
Here are a few of the tips. On the Shortcut Pane:
• Faster Organization of the Program Shortcuts
The system allows the user to select multiple items and perform an action for the selected items. Use
<Shift> + Click to highlight items before or after the first selected item. Use <Ctrl> + Click to highlight
the selected item(s).
• Make Shortcut Pane Setup Accessible from Any Computer
The system allows the user to access his/her shortcuts from any computer. The system identifies any
program shortcut that is not accessible from the computer with this icon:
Is it true that AccountMate 8.1 supports Print Mail Merge within Microsoft Office 2010 and 2007?
Absolutely! This Print Mail Merge capability comes standard in our AccountMate product.
What is the screen resolution requirement for v6.5?
AccountMate 8.1 is best viewed in a 1024 x768 screen resolution.
Can I purchase a Small Business Pack for AccountMate 8.1 for SQL or Express for my customer?
The Small Business Pack with designated core modules is available for sale within the AccountMate 8.1 for
Express product line. It is available with compiled modules only. Price Lists for Express are available in the
Business Partner section of the AccountMate website.
What if I already have a Microsoft SQL Server license but purchase your AccountMate Express product?
If you have a valid Microsoft SQL Server license, you can use the SQL Server tools in conjunction with Express.
SQL Server services or client tools can not be redistributed.
Can my reseller information be made available within the AccountMate system so that users can easily
contact me?
Yes, it is available. AccountMate Solution Providers may enter their contact information into each client’s
AccountMate system using a special utility called the AccountMate Reseller Information Update Program for
AccountMate 8.1. Through this utility, the Reseller’s contact person, company name, address, phone & fax
number, and email address can be stored in the client’s system. This utility is posted on our website.
Once the information is entered during a system implementation, it will be displayed in various sections of the
AccountMate program including the Help\About AccountMate screen, the Error Report Content window, the
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
Maintenance Plan Reminder window, and the License Information Report.
This feature also comes with the Email Reseller function. This function is available from the Email options on
the AccountMate System Bar. The Reseller’s email address is entered by default in the “To” field for all emails
created using the Email Reseller function. End users no longer need to remember their AccountMate Reseller’s
email address. It makes contacting their AccountMate Reseller one step easier.
Are there demonstration copies that I might use to show a prospect so they can evaluate the AccountMate
AccountMate has two options for Business Partners:
A Corporate Overview CD is a self-running demo that contains both company and product
information. It is also available from our AccountMate website via the Video graphic or at
The Demo Copy of AccountMate 8.1 software is available from the Download Center or ordered
through your BDM. It contains the full product but has some obvious limitations.
If a prospect evaluates the Corporate Overview CD or the Demo copy of AccountMate 8 software and is
ready to purchase, what is the next step?
That prospect should be calling his/her local Authorized AccountMate Solution Provider for additional
information. If the prospect should happen to call AccountMate, one of our customer service representatives will
provide them with the name of their appropriate local solution provider.
Any installation pointers for the actual AccountMate 8.1 for SQL or Express?
The two best safeguards for a successful installation are:
1. Enroll and complete the 3-day AccountMate Product Training Class held at AccountMate
headquarters in Petaluma, CA
2. Print out and read the Readme before proceeding with the install. There are things in the Readme
that will save you a lot of grief – like at one point you’ll need to re-boot the computer otherwise you’ll
get an error message.
Are all AccountMate 8.1 modules open source code software, and if so how can I get the source code?
Source Code for all modules except the Custom Field Manager is available for purchase. Please contact your
Business Development Manager (BDM) or AccountMate Customer Service at 1-800-877-8896 extension 752.
What are the dependencies between modules?
If You Have
Consolidated Ledger
Lot Control
Customer Inventory
Price Control
Return Merchandise
Return to Vendor
Upsell Management
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express
Used In
Accounts Receivable, Sales Order,
Purchase order, Inventory Control,
Return Merchandise Authorization,
Return To Vendor
Accounts Receivable, Sales Order,
Inventory Control
Accounts Receivable, Sales Order,
Inventory Control
Accounts Receivable, Sales Order,
Purchase order, Inventory Control,
Return Merchandise Authorization,
Return To Vendor
Accounts Receivable, Sales Order,
Inventory Control
Sales Order, Accounts Receivable
Purchase Order, Accounts Payable
Sales Order, Accounts Receivable,
Inventory Control, Item Specification
You Will Need
General Ledger
Inventory Control
Inventory Control
Inventory Control
Inventory Control
Accounts Receivable or
Sales Order
Accounts Receivable
Return Merchandise
Accounts Receivable or
Sales Order
Is there version Comparison Documents available for AccountMate 8.1?
Yes, per our consistent practice of providing feature comparison documents for product upgrades and updates,
there are three Comparison Documents. They are: AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express New Features:
Comparison from AccountMate 7.6, Comparison from AccountMate 7.1 and Comparison from 7.2 for
LAN which each lists all features with changes. These documents can be found as a printable PDF or Excel
Spreadsheet on our website at under the Product Information heading
in both the “Feature Comparison” and “All Links” section.
How do I contact AccountMate Product Support?
You can call AccountMate Product Support at 707-774-7599. Alternatively, you can send an e-mail to
[email protected]. You are encouraged to visit our website for a complete list of FAQs at In all cases, you should furnish your BP
number and the build number of the software for which you make the request.
If you do not remember your BP number assigned to you, please call our Customer Service Department at 800877-8896 x520.
©2010 AccountMate Software Corporation. All rights reserved. AccountMate is a registered trademark. Windows is a trademark of
Microsoft Corporation. All other product names mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.
Product specifications may change without notice.
AccountMate 8.1 for SQL/Express