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2012 Annual Report3.indd 1
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Strategic Plan Highlights 2009 through 2011:
Served 402 persons, a 43.75% increase during the three years of the plan.
Earned our 7th Three-Year accreditation from CARF. Services accredited included:
Group Living, Supported Living, Supported Employment, Day Habilitation, and
Service Coordination.
Obtained 13 comprehensive waiver slots, 8 community support waiver slots, 3
autism waiver slots, 1 Sara Jian Lopez waiver slot, and 41 of the new Partnership for
Hope waiver slots for persons served.
Increased billable service coordination time by 119%, from 242,419 minutes per
year to 531,235 minutes per year.
Provided $1,394,789 to contracting agencies to provide services for County residents
that have developmental disabilities.
Applied for and received MEHTAP (Missouri Elderly and Handicapped Transportation
Assistance Program) grants of nearly $68,000 to offset costs of vehicle operations.
Applied for and received 2 vehicles valued at $47,250 from the Department of
Program Highlights:
• Group Living-5 admissions, 0 discharges, wait list 9. Grew from 38 to 42
people served.
• Supported Living-6 admissions, 2 discharges, wait list 3. Grew from 25 to
26 people served.
• Day Habilitation-13 admissions, 5 discharges, wait list 0. Grew from 42 to
45 people served.
• Service Coordination-185 admissions, 41 discharges, wait list 0. Grew from
220 to 352 people served.
• Supported Employment-10 people placed in competitive employment.
• Transportation-Grew from 124 to 142 people served.
• Recreation-Grew from 141 to 166 people served.
401 staff members (duplicated count) participated in conferences and seminars and
1,091 (duplicated count) received in-house training. Additionally 29 staff members
completed the Missouri College of Direct Support and were certified.
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Board Members 2012:
Administration 2012:
Janice Tilman – Executive Director
Mark Arnesman – Assistant Director
Ken Willeke – Finance Director
Betty Krah – Services Coordination Supervisor
Marc Courtney – Registered Nurse
Weldon Hebert – Human Resources Coordinator
Chad Sinnwell – Information Technology Coordinator
Ashley Keller – Day Habilitation Coordinator
Richard Vandal – Day Habilitation Coordinator
Stuart Anderson – President
Jeanne Modin – Vice President
Bill Van Asselt – Treasurer
Diane Bickham – Residential Coordinator
Shirley Davis – Residential Coordinator
Rebekah Martin – Residential Coordinator
Cheryl Cowley – Support Services Coordinator
Toni Guillen – Support Services Coordinator
Christine Legg – Support Services Coordinator
Mariele Lombardo – Support Services Coordinator
Ashley Rudd – Support Services Coordinator
Heather Russell – Support Services Coordinator
Nancy Edson – Secretary
Wendy Chandler
Theresa Emerson
Dawn Conway –
Supported Employment/Support Services Coordinator
Ellen Taulbee – Bookkeeper
Rhonda Desch – Office Facilitator
Venessa McCloud – Recreation Facilitator
ELIZABETH “Sis” lasselL – Transportation Facilitator
Kurt Schoephoerster – Maintenance Facilitator
Terry Albright – Service Assistant
Wanda Myers – Receptionist
Jim Farley
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Linda Grenier
Carl M. Myers, MD
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Provided Services
Platte County Board of Services provides residential supports within
the County for adult citizens who have developmental disabilities.
Residential services provide individuals with experiences that maximize
opportunities and facilitate community integration.
166 participants
The Recreation Program offers a wide variety of activities designed to
develop and enhance the social and leisure skills of individuals with
developmental disabilities. Dances, game nights, movies, arts and
crafts, and outings to local sporting events are but a few examples of
regularly scheduled events. The Recreation Department also supports
athletes who participate in Special Olympics events such as skiing,
snow shoeing, bowling, track and field, golf, swimming, soccer, flag
football, and softball.
Group Living
7 group homes, 42 residents
The Group Living Program provides individualized residential
supports in agency-owned homes and includes 24-hour oversight
of persons served. The homes are integrated into various
neighborhoods throughout the County.
Supported Living
26 individuals, 23 sites
The Supported Living Program provides individualized residential
supports in a person’s own home or apartment at the level of
support matched to his/her needs.
Short Term Residential
The Short Term Residential Program provides residential supports
for persons served in an apartment setting. This program helps with
the transition from the person’s natural home into regular residential
services by providing a day or weekend stay under the supervision
of qualified staff.
Day Habilitation
45 participants
The Day Habilitation Program provides services that enable adults who
have developmental disabilities to develop more independent lifestyles
and maximize their relationships in the community. Services are
tailored to individual needs and choices and are provided in both group
and individual formats. Services are provided at the Day Habilitation
Program site and in the community. Participants may also volunteer
their time through Meals on Wheels, Harvesters, the Arc Thrift Store,
Gladstone Animal Shelter, Hamilton Heights Park, and other locations
that may become available.
142 riders, 32 vehicles
Platte County Board of Services provides transportation to and from
workshops, day habilitation programs, community employment sites,
and agency activities for adult citizens of the County who have developmental disabilities. The individuals receiving services may be living
independently with their families or in the Residential Program.
As part of the Day Habilitation and Residential programs, vehicles
are also available during program times for community integration,
medical appointments, and other activities.
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Service Coordination
352 persons served
Platte County Board of Services provides advocacy, coordination of
services, and linkages with community resources for County residents
with developmental disabilities. Service Coordination ensures that
individuals receiving supports have access to and receive services that
meet their needs. Service Coordinators also monitor the effectiveness of
the services and supports being provided.
Supported Employment
6 participants
The Supported Employment Program enables adults with
developmental disabilities to work and contribute to the workforce.
The program focuses on a person’s abilities and provides the supports
that the individual needs to be successful in employment on a
long-term basis. The emphasis is on finding out what a person wants
to do and where his or her talents lie. The person is then introduced
to employment opportunities that match his or her work profile.
Admission into service programs of Platte County Board of Services for
the Developmentally Disabled is based upon the individual needs of
citizens of Platte County who have developmental disabilities as
determined by the Kansas City Regional Office, PCBS application
information and the agency’s ability to meet these needs. Individuals
shall be considered for services without regard to race, sex, religion,
national origin, age, ancestry or political affiliation. Platte County
Board of Services promotes accessibility for all persons served. If it is
determined that services cannot be provided to an individual because
of service limitations of the agency, or if the individual does not meet
the agency’s admission criteria, a referral to another more appropriate
resource shall be made.
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CARF The Guarantee of Quality Programs and Services
Platte County Board of Services for the Developmentally Disabled has
the distinction of having received seven Three-Year Accreditation Awards
from CARF, an international accrediting commission. These accreditation
outcomes represent the highest level of accreditation that can be awarded.
These assurances include:
Accreditation assures quality in key areas for Platte County tax payers,
consumers of PCBS and their families.
• Monitoring systems to ensure those services are
in the best interests of consumers.
• Consumer-focused, international, state-of-the-art standards
of performance for programs and services.
• Accreditation standards have been developed
locally with input and involvement of consumers.
• Assurance of focus on optimum outcomes for each person served.
• Active involvement of individuals who are served, and their
families, in the decision-making process.
Accredited Services Provided by Platte County Board of Services:
• Group Living
• Supported Living
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• Day Habilitation
• Service Coordination
• Supported Employment
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Contracted Services
The College Experience for Adults with
Developmental Disabilities
(CEADD) at Maple Woods Community College provides adults with developmental disabilities classes on the campus. Each session provides a varied curriculum
ranging from basic skills, life enrichment and vocational training to cultural arts
and sciences and practical living.
Triality, Inc
Offers a Day Habilitation Program for adults with developmental disabilities.
Program activities are designed to provide opportunities for personal growth,
socialization and job skills development while promoting independence;
inclusion in the community; development of natural supports such as friends
from church, neighbors, and social clubs; and self-fulfillment. Triality’s Day
Habilitation Program is accredited by CARF.
Triality’s Early Education Program
Offers a developmental preschool—Triality Tots.
While inclusive of all children, Triality Tots provides staff and curriculum designed
to meet the special needs of children with developmental disabilities ages birth
to five. Therapy services (including occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech
and language therapy, and special instruction) are available to those who qualify.
This program is accredited by CARF and the National Association for the Education
of Young Children.
Alphapointe provides a Work Adjustment Center for adults who have visual
impairments and developmental disabilities. The individual goal for each
consumer in this program is upward mobility to the highest level that his/her
skills permit, including transitioning to supported or competitive employment.
This organization is accredited by the National Accreditation Council for Agencies
Serving People with Blindness and Visual Impairments and is ISO-9001 Certified.
Vocational Services, Inc.
(VSI) provides employment and training opportunities to citizens with developmental disabilities. VSI workshops contract with private enterprises for services
that consumers are able to perform such as cleaning, sorting and packaging. In
addition, through Supported Employment, VSI provides job development and
supported employment for individuals who work in community settings.
VSI is CARF accredited.
The Rehabilitation Institute
(R!KC) provides employment and rehabilitation services to adults with
developmental disabilities, who, at the time of admission, are unable to work
in the competitive labor market due to limited skill and/or work experience.
Workers may gain experience through Rehabilitation Institute Industries that will
help them transition into other community job opportunities. This program is
accredited by CARF.
Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired
Platte County Connections
(CCVI) has the mission to prepare children with visual impairments, including
those with multiple disabilities, to function at their highest potential in the
sighted world. CCVI offers specialized instruction for children who are blind or
visually impaired. CCVI is dually accredited by the National Council for Agencies
Serving People with Blindness or Visual Impairment and the National Association
for the Education of Young Children.
Secures resources that support Platte County Board of Services for the Developmentally Disabled in maximizing the quality of life of Platte County residents
who have a developmental disability and their families. Connections also funds
in-home respite for persons with developmental disabilities.
Northland Early Education Center
(NEEC) provides an Early Education Program structured to care for children
with developmental disabilities from birth to five years of age in an integrated
program. The center provides these children with the opportunity to learn and
develop to their maximum potential. Special therapies (including occupational
therapy, physical therapy, speech and language therapy, and special instruction)
are available to those who qualify. This program is accredited by CARF and the
National Association for the Education of Young Children.
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School District
Provides transportation for high school students in its Special Education program
to visit job sites and service providers to learn about jobs and services available to
them as they transition from school to work and adult services.
The Down Syndrome Guild of Greater Kansas City
(DSG) provides an annual prom that is available to Platte County high school
graduates and adults with developmental disabilities. DSG also offers a program
called STARS which provides middle school children with Down syndrome
opportunities to engage in age-appropriate after-school activities that nurture
social, physical, cognitive, and creative abilities.
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Employee of the Year
It doesn’t take long to realize that Tammy Tomrell is a good person to have in
your corner. Even a brief conversation is enough to reveal her combination of
common sense, commitment and a good heart.
As manager of Prairie View House, a group home for Platte County Board
of Services, she illustrates those traits every day. She manages the sometimes-hectic tasks of helping eight residents with developmental disabilities
to prepare their evening meals, finish chores and get ready for their next day.
And she makes sure they are as happy as humanly possible.
“The biggest challenge is not knowing what’s going to happen day to day
and making sure you’re satisfying everyone’s needs,” she explained. “You
want to keep things even and make sure everyone feels important.”
Tomrell’s effort recently earned her the PCBS Employee of the Year Award.
Named in honor of former board member, the late Mary Jane McKinnon, the
honor is presented each year to the organization’s staff member who best
represents the organization’s commitment to Platte County residents with
developmental disabilities.
Tomrell previously served 12 years in PCBS transportation services and has
worked with other area organizations serving those with developmental
disabilities. She admitted to having mixed feelings about the award because
a good friend had also been nominated. Besides, working with Prairie View
residents is a reward in itself.
“If you’ve been off for a day or two, they’ll cheer when you come back,” she
said. “That makes you feel like you’re doing something right!”
Residential Supervisor Shirley Davis said Tomrell consistently goes beyond
expectations in working with residents. That includes calling on her days off
to make sure something was completed or a resident received something
they had asked for.
“She’s a really great staff,” Davis noted. “She goes over and beyond with the
consumers. When they need some assistance, they know she will do it and
do it to the best of her ability. She really cares about the people she serves.”
A Northland resident, Tomrell did reveal one of her secrets. “It does take a lot
of patience and understanding sometimes,” she said. “What helps me is to
stop and think how I’d want a family member treated if they were here.
I think that’s also why we have the bonds that we do. Each and every one
has so much that’s unique. When they walk in the door you never know
what they’ll bring. I love that.”
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Annual Report Analysis
for the year ended 12.31.2011.
The 2011 financial statements for Platte County
Board of Services for the Developmentally Disabled
were audited by Troutt, Beeman & Co., PC.
Complete financials are available upon request.
Total Revenue
*Other includes miscellaneous income,
direct pay, and donations.
County Expenditures
*Other includes continuing education,
transition and resources.
Total Expenditures
*Other includes continuing education,
transition and resources.
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Mission Statement
It is the purpose of the Platte County Board of Services for the Developmentally Disabled
to increase opportunity for persons residing in Platte County who have a developmental
disability by provision of services that encourage and support the individual’s functioning in
the community. Platte County Board of Services provides services to enhance and support
the interdependence, self-sufficiency and productivity of those persons served.
Vision Statement
Platte County Board of Services for the Developmentally Disabled provides services
promoting normal life patterns in which the rights and responsibilities of citizens with
developmental disabilities are both respected and encouraged.
2012 Annual Report
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7900 NW 106th Street
Kansas City, MO 64153
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