PDF - Platte County Board of Services


PDF - Platte County Board of Services
Enriching the
LIVES of Those
2014 Annual Report
Board Members 2014:
Stuart Anderson – President
Jeanne Modin – Vice President
Bill Van Asselt – Treasurer
Theresa Emerson – Secretary
Bill Bing
Wendy Chandler
Tanya Finn
Linda Grenier
Carl M. Myers, MD
Administration 2014:
Janice Tilman, Executive Director
Christine Hardison, Support Services Coordinator
Mark Arnesman, Assistant Director
Kirsten Price, Support Services Coordinator
Ken Willeke, Finance Director
Lauren White, Support Services Coordinator
Marc Courtney, Registered Nurse
Amy Young, Support Services Coordinator
Kimberly Montoya, Human Resources Coordinator
Dawn Conway, Supported Employment/Support Services Coordinator
Chad Sinnwell, Information Technology Coordinator
Ellen Taulbee, Bookkeeper
Ashley Keller, Day Habilitation Coordinator
Rhonda Desch, Office Facilitator
Richard Vandal, Day Habilitation Coordinator
Elizabeth “Sis” Lassell, Transportation Facilitator
Diane Bickham, Residential Coordinator
Venessa McCloud, Recreation Facilitator
Shirley Davis, Residential Coordinator
Kurt Schoephoerster, Maintenance Facilitator
Cheryl Cowley, Residential Coordinator
Terry Albright, Service Assistant
Betty Krah, Service Coordination Supervisor
Margy Adams, Support Services Administrative Assistant
Monet Brown, Support Services Coordinator
Wanda Myers, Receptionist
Heather Chorney, Support Services Coordinator
Cecilia Rog-Hughes, Recreation Assistant
Toni Guillen, Support Services Coordinator
Provided Services
Service Coordination
422 persons served
All citizens of Platte County, regardless of age, that are
deemed eligible in the State of Missouri as a person with a
developmental disability, are eligible for service coordination provided by Platte County Board of Services. Service
coordinators can assist these citizens in accessing a wide
range of services and supports, including therapies, behavior support, community integration, home modifications
for accessibility, respite, and durable medical equipment,
to name a few. For adults, the service coordinator can also
help if the citizen needs residential supports, day services,
employment, recreation/leisure activities, or transportation
to and from day services and employment
Platte County Board of Services provides residential supports within the County for adult citizens who have developmental disabilities. Residential services provide individuals
with experiences that maximize independence and facilitate
community integration.
Group Living
7 group homes, 42 residents
The Group Living Program provides individualized residential supports in agency-owned homes and includes 24-hour
oversight of persons served. The homes are integrated into
various neighborhoods throughout the County.
Supported Living
25 individuals, 22 sites
The Supported Living Program provides individualized
residential supports in a person’s own home
or apartment at the level of support matched
to his/her needs.
Short Term Residential
4 individuals
The Short Term Residential Program provides residential
supports for persons served in an apartment setting. This
program helps with the transition from the person’s natural
home into regular residential services by providing a day or
weekend stay under the supervision of qualified staff.
Day Habilitation
45 participants
The Day Habilitation Program provides services that enable
adults who have developmental disabilities to develop more
independent lifestyles and maximize their relationships in
the community. Services are tailored to individual needs and
choices and are provided in both group and individual formats. Services are provided at the Day Habilitation Program
site and in the community. Participants may also volunteer
their time through Meals on Wheels, Harvesters, the Arc
Thrift Store, Gladstone Animal Shelter, Hamilton Heights
Park, and other locations that may become available.
159 riders
Platte County Board of Services provides
transportation to and from workshops, day
habilitation programs, community employment sites,
and agency activities for adult citizens of the County who
have developmental disabilities. The individuals receiving
services may be living independently with their families or
in the Residential Program. As part of the Day Habilitation
and Residential programs, transportation is available during
program times for community integration, medical appointments, and other activities.
146 participants
The Recreation Program offers a wide variety of activities
designed to develop and enhance the social and leisure
skills of individuals with developmental disabilities. Dances,
game nights, movies, arts and crafts, and outings to local
sporting events are but a few examples of regularly scheduled events. The Recreation Department also supports
athletes who participate in Special Olympics events such as
skiing, snow shoeing, bowling, track and field, golf, swimming, soccer, flag football, and softball.
Supported Employment
8 participants
The Supported Employment Program enables adults with
developmental disabilities to work and contribute to the
workforce. The program focuses on a person’s abilities and
provides the supports that the individual needs to be
successful in employment on a long-term basis.
The emphasis is on finding out what a person wants to
do and where his or her talents lie. The person is then
introduced to employment opportunities that match his
or her work profile.
Admission into service programs of Platte County Board of
Services for the Developmentally Disabled is based upon
the individual needs of citizens of Platte County who have
developmental disabilities as determined by the Kansas
City Regional Office. PCBS application information and the
agency’s ability to meet these needs. Individuals shall be
considered for services without regard to race, sex, religion,
national origin, age, ancestry or political affiliation. Platte
County Board of Services promotes accessibility for all
persons served. If it is determined that services cannot be
provided to an individual because of service limitations of
the agency, or if the individual does not meet the agency’s
admission criteria, a referral to another more appropriate
resource shall be made.
Bingo Night
Strategic Plan Highlights
Heather Brewer - Bingo Night
Funded two new programs, The Farmer’s House for employment training for transitioning students
and West Platte School District for transportation to job experiences.
Increased PCBS partnerships with school districts.
Made 85 new contacts with employers in efforts to expand employment options for persons served.
Provided opportunities for employees to expand their knowledge through conferences (170 attendees,
duplicated count) and in-house trainings (390 attendees, duplicated count).
Paid off the Certificates of Participation, which financed the purchase and remodeling of the
administration building over 20 years. The building was purchased in 2004 and was paid off
in September of 2013.
Provided a billboard to enhance the image of persons with developmental disabilities during
Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.
Received 92.3% satisfaction from parents and guardians in response to surveys regarding
communication between themselves and PCBS.
David Schriever - Bingo Night
Jon Sharp - Bingo Night
Kelly Hudgens - Bingo Night
Brandilynn Barnett- Bingo Night
Tom Welliver - Golf
Heather Brewer - Golf
Andy Martinez - Golf
Contracted Services
The College Experience for Adults with
Developmental Disabilities
(CEADD) at Maple Woods Community College provides
adults with developmental disabilities classes on the
campus. Each session provides a varied curriculum ranging
from basic skills, life enrichment and vocational training to
cultural arts and sciences and practical living.
Triality’s Early Education Program
Offers a developmental preschool—Triality Tots.
While inclusive of all children, Triality Tots provides staff and
curriculum designed to meet the special needs of children
with developmental disabilities ages birth to five. Therapy
services (including occupational therapy, physical therapy,
speech and language therapy, and special instruction) are
available to those who qualify. This program is accredited
by CARF and the National Association for the Education
of Young Children.
Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired
(CCVI) has the mission to prepare children with visual
impairments, including those with multiple disabilities, to
function at their highest potential in the sighted world. CCVI
offers specialized instruction for children who are blind or
visually impaired. CCVI is dually accredited by the National
Council for Agencies Serving People with Blindness or Visual
Impairment and the National Association for the Education
of Young Children.
Northland Early Education Center
(NEEC) provides an Early Education Program structured to
care for children with developmental disabilities from birth
to five years of age in an integrated program. The center
provides these children with the opportunity to learn and
develop to their maximum potential. Special therapies
(including occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech
and language therapy, and special instruction) are available
to those who qualify. This program is accredited by CARF
and the National Association for the Education
of Young Children.
Alphapointe provides a Work Adjustment Center for adults
who have visual impairments and developmental disabilities. The individual goal for each consumer in this program
is upward mobility to the highest level that his/her skills
permit, including transitioning to supported or competitive
employment. This organization is accredited by the National
Accreditation Council for Agencies Serving People with
Blindness and Visual Impairments and is ISO-9001 Certified.
Vocational Services, Inc.
(VSI) provides employment and training opportunities to
citizens with developmental disabilities. VSI workshops
contract with private enterprises for services that consumers
are able to perform such as cleaning, sorting and packaging.
In addition, through Supported Employment, VSI provides
job development and supported employment for individuals who work in community settings. VSI is CARF accredited.
The Rehabilitation Institute
(R!KC) provides employment and rehabilitation services to
adults with developmental disabilities, who, at the time
of admission, are unable to work in the competitive labor
market due to limited skill and/or work experience. Workers
may gain experience through Rehabilitation Institute Industries that will help them transition into other community job
opportunities. This program is accredited by CARF.
Platte County Connections
(PCC) Secures resources that support Platte County Board
of Services for the Developmentally Disabled in maximizing
the quality of life of Platte County residents who have
a developmental disability and their families. Connections
also funds in-home respite for persons with developmental
School Districts
Provide transportation for high school students in its Special
Education program to visit job sites and service providers to
learn about jobs and services available to them as they
transition from school to work and adult services.
The Down Syndrome Guild
(DSG) Platte County Board of Services contracts with DSG to
provide Northland Buddies, an activity program for children
with Down syndrome; STARS, an after-school program for
middle school children with Down syndrome; a picnic for
persons with Down syndrome and their families; and educational seminars for professionals working with people with
Down syndrome.
Northland Therapeutic Riding Center
The goal of Northland Therapeutic Riding Center (NTRC)
is to improve the quality of life of persons with special
needs and create a sense of hope in their future. NTRC uses
equine-oriented activities to positively impact the cognitive,
physical, emotional and social well-being of people
it supports.
The Farmers’ House
The Farmers’ House provides a community integrated hands
on work environment that will provide youth and adults
with developmental disabilities practical vocational skills.
These skills are learned by operating a cash register, making
change, stocking shelves, interacting with customers,
planning, tending and harvesting the market garden
and so much more.
Heather Brewer and Mary Jane Schriever
with Cecilia Rog - Hughes - Arts & Crafts Night
Alaine Nacy, Kim Jetmore, Joanne Ong, Dian Crockett - Arts & Crafts Night
Mary Jane Schriever - Arts & Crafts Night
Heather Brewer - Arts & Crafts Night
Kim Smith and Kim Cory - Arts & Crafts Night
CARF The Guarantee of Quality
Programs and Services
Platte County Board of Services for the Developmentally Disabled has the
distinction of having received seven Three-Year Accreditation Awards from
CARF, an international accrediting commission. These accreditation outcomes represent the highest level of accreditation that can be awarded.
Accreditation assures quality in key areas for Platte County tax payers,
Alaine Nacy - Craft Night
consumers of PCBS and their families.
These assurances include:
• Monitoring systems to ensure those services are in the best interests of consumers.
• Consumer-focused, international, state-of-the-art standards of
performance for programs and services.
• Accreditation standards have been developed locally with input and involvement
of consumers.
Bill Zagalik - Craft Night
• Assurance of focus on optimum outcomes for each person served.
• Active involvement of individuals who are served, and their
families, in the decision-making process.
Accredited Services Provided by Platte County Board of Services:
• Group Living
• Day Habilitation
• Supported Living
• Service Coordination
• Supported Employment
Randy Scrivener - Craft Night
Tim Grauel, Jon Sharp - Game Night
Sarah Bateman - Bingo Night
Karen Sayler with Heather Chorney - Genealogy Club
Karen Salyer - Bocce Ball
Dustin Sheridan - Bocce Ball
PCBS Dance
PCBS Dance
PCBS Dance
PCBS Dance
Annual Report Analysis
for the year ended 12.31.2013.
The 2013 financial statements for Platte County
Board of Services for the Developmentally Disabled
were audited by Troutt, Beeman & Co., PC.
Complete financials are available upon request.
Total Revenue
*Other includes miscellaneous income,
direct pay, and donations.
County Expenditures
*Other includes continuing education,
transition and resources.
Total Expenditures
*Other includes continuing education,
transition and resources.
Mission Statement
It is the purpose of the Platte County Board of Services for
the Developmentally Disabled to increase opportunity for
persons residing in Platte County who have a developmental
disability by provision of services that encourage and support
the individual’s functioning in the community. Platte County
Board of Services provides services to enhance and support
the interdependence, self-sufficiency and productivity of
those persons served.
Vision Statement
Platte County Board of Services for the Developmentally
Disabled provides services promoting normal life patterns in
which the rights and responsibilities of citizens with developmental disabilities are both respected and encouraged.
2014 Annual Report
7900 NW 106th Street
Kansas City, MO 64153