Regional comparative analysis A-1.0
Regional comparative analysis A-1.0
WP3.1 - REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS Project: Tackling the ''Digital Divide'' in SEE by using the capacity of DTT networks Acronym: SEE TV-WEB Version A-1.0; Date: 20.05.2013 Jointly for our common future Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 1/191 DOCUMENT HISTORY Version Status A-1.0 Approved Date Author Comments OPENLAB, INTK, 20.05.2013 IVSZ, PTA, Approved version IHF, CITA, CRA, AEM Approved by Project manager and Project Technical manager CONTENT 1 2 Overview of Television Landscapes .................................................................................... 7 1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 7 1.2 DTT development in seven countries ........................................................................... 7 1.3 Types of channels available on DTT ............................................................................ 7 1.4 Overview of channels available and established .......................................................... 8 SLOVENIA .......................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 3 The size of TV market .................................................................................................. 8 2.1.1 TV channels available in Slovenia ......................................................................... 8 2.1.2 TV channels established in Slovenia ..................................................................... 9 2.1.3 TV channels on DTT in Slovenia ......................................................................... 13 2.2 Demographics ............................................................................................................ 14 2.3 Usage of PC/Internet.................................................................................................. 15 2.4 Access to broadband ................................................................................................. 16 2.5 Existing legal framework ............................................................................................ 17 2.5.1 Legal framework for frequency allocation/assignment ......................................... 17 2.5.2 Legal framework for content licensing ................................................................. 18 2.5.3 Legislation for digital terrestrial television platform .............................................. 18 AUSTRIA .......................................................................................................................... 19 3.1 The size of TV market ................................................................................................ 19 3.1.1 TV channels available in Austria ......................................................................... 19 3.1.2 TV channels established in Austria ..................................................................... 19 3.1.3 TV channels on DTT in Austria ........................................................................... 27 3.2 Demographics ............................................................................................................ 29 3.2.1 Inhabitants per square kilometre ......................................................................... 29 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 2/191 3.2.2 Data on age groups and ageing index ................................................................. 30 3.3 Usage of PC/Internet.................................................................................................. 31 3.4 Access to broadband ................................................................................................. 31 3.4.1 3.5 Number of people having an access to the broadband........................................ 31 Existing legal framework ............................................................................................ 32 3.5.1 Legal framework for frequency allocation/assignment ......................................... 32 3.5.2 Legal framework for content licensing ................................................................. 33 3.5.3 Special legislation for digital terrestrial platform, analogue terrestrial or cable, satellite 34 3.5.4 4 CROATIA .......................................................................................................................... 36 4.1 The size of TV market ................................................................................................ 36 4.1.1 TV channels available in Croatia ......................................................................... 36 4.1.2 TV channels established in Croatia ..................................................................... 36 4.1.3 TV channels on DTT in Croatia ........................................................................... 40 4.2 5 Legislation for digital terrestrial television platform .............................................. 35 Demographics ............................................................................................................ 46 4.2.1 Inhabitants per square kilometre ......................................................................... 46 4.2.2 Data on age groups and ageing index ................................................................. 48 4.3 Usage of PC/Internet.................................................................................................. 49 4.4 Access to broadband ................................................................................................. 49 4.5 Existing legal framework ............................................................................................ 50 4.5.1 Legal framework for frequency allocation/assignment ......................................... 50 4.5.2 Legal framework for content licensing ................................................................. 51 HUNGARY ........................................................................................................................ 52 5.1 The size of TV market ................................................................................................ 52 5.1.1 TV channels available in Hungary ....................................................................... 52 5.1.2 TV channels established in Hungary ................................................................... 52 5.1.3 TV channels on DTT in Hungary ......................................................................... 54 5.2 Demographics ............................................................................................................ 58 5.2.1 Inhabitants per square kilometre ......................................................................... 58 5.2.2 Data on age groups and ageing index ................................................................. 59 5.3 Usage of PC/Internet.................................................................................................. 60 5.4 Access to broadband ................................................................................................. 60 5.5 Existing legal framework ............................................................................................ 63 5.5.1 Legal framework for frequency allocation/assignment ......................................... 63 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 3/191 5.5.2 Legal framework for content licensing ................................................................. 63 5.5.3 Special legislation for digital terrestrial platform, analogue terrestrial or cable, satellite 64 5.5.4 6 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ......................................................................................... 65 6.1 The size of TV market ................................................................................................ 65 6.1.1 TV channels available in Bosnia and Herzegovina .............................................. 65 6.1.2 TV channels established in Bosnia and Herzegovina .......................................... 65 6.2 Demographics ............................................................................................................ 68 6.2.1 Inhabitants per square kilometre ......................................................................... 68 6.2.2 Data on age groups and ageing index ................................................................. 68 6.2.3 Usage of PC/Internet........................................................................................... 69 6.2.4 Access to broadband .......................................................................................... 69 6.3 7 Legislation for digital terrestrial television platform .............................................. 64 Existing legal framework ............................................................................................ 70 SERBIA ............................................................................................................................. 71 7.1 The size of TV market ................................................................................................ 71 7.1.1 TV channels available in Serbia .......................................................................... 71 7.1.2 TV channels established in Serbia ...................................................................... 71 7.2 Demographics ............................................................................................................ 81 7.2.1 Inhabitants per square kilometre & ageing index ................................................. 81 7.3 Usage of PC/Internet.................................................................................................. 85 7.4 Access to broadband ................................................................................................. 85 7.5 Existing legal framework ............................................................................................ 85 7.5.1 Legal framework for frequency allocation/assignment ......................................... 85 7.5.2 Legal framework for content licensing ................................................................. 86 7.5.3 Special legislation for digital terrestrial platform, analogue terrestrial or cable, satellite 86 7.5.4 8 New legislation for digital terrestrial television platform ....................................... 86 MONTENEGRO ................................................................................................................ 87 8.1 The size of TV market ................................................................................................ 87 8.1.1 TV channels available in Montenegro ................................................................. 87 8.1.2 TV channels established in Montenegro.............................................................. 87 8.2 Demographics ............................................................................................................ 88 8.3 Usage of PC/Internet.................................................................................................. 90 8.4 Access to broadband ................................................................................................. 90 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 4/191 8.5 9 Existing legal framework ............................................................................................ 91 8.5.1 Legal framework for frequency allocation/assignment ......................................... 91 8.5.2 Legal framework for content licensing ................................................................. 91 8.5.3 New legislation for digital terrestrial television platform ....................................... 91 Annex................................................................................................................................ 93 FIGURES Figure 2.1: Inhabitants per square kilometre in Slovenia ............................................................ 14 Figure 2.2: Ageing index in Slovenia .......................................................................................... 14 Figure 2.3: Number of Broadband subscriptions by technologies in Slovenia ............................. 16 Figure 2.4: Penetration of xDSL broadband connections by Slovenian communities .................. 16 Figure 2.5: Penetration of cable broadband connections by Slovenian communities .................. 17 Figure 3.1: Age structure 2001: 65 - and perennial population by 5km grid cells ........................ 30 Figure 3.2: The map of broadband access in Austria ................................................................. 31 Figure 4.1: Map of Croatia regions ............................................................................................. 47 Figure 4.2: Number of broadband connections per municipalities in Croatia .............................. 50 Figure 5.1: Map of counties in Hungary ...................................................................................... 59 Figure 5.2: Distribution by service providers based on fixed broadband Internet subscriptions... 62 Figure 5.3: Total coverage in Hungary by the different technologies in 2011 .............................. 63 Figure 6.1: Age groups in BiH .................................................................................................... 68 Figure 6.2: Detailed overview of access to broadband by regions in BiH .................................... 69 TABLES Table 1.1: Overview of DTT development .................................................................................... 7 Table 1.2: Sample of channels available on DTT ......................................................................... 8 Table 1.3: Channels established and available............................................................................. 8 Table 2.1: Channels established in Slovenia .............................................................................. 10 Table 2.2: TV channels on DTT in Slovenia ............................................................................... 13 Table 3.1: TV channels established in Austria ............................................................................ 20 Table 3.2: TV channels on DTT in Austria .................................................................................. 27 Table 3.3: Plan for Pay DTT channels from April 15 2013 in Austria .......................................... 28 Table 3.4: 30 largest municipalities in Austria ............................................................................. 29 Table 3.5: Inhabitants per square kilometre in Austria ................................................................ 29 Table 4.1: TV channels established in Croatia ........................................................................... 37 Table 4.2: TV channels on DTT in Croatia.................................................................................. 41 Table 4.3: Inhabitants per square kilometre in Croatia................................................................ 46 Table 4.4: Age groups and ageing index in Croatia .................................................................... 48 Table 4.5: Share of households having access to PC................................................................. 49 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 5/191 Table 4.6: Share of households having access to Internet ......................................................... 49 Table 4.7: Share of individuals as regular PC users ................................................................... 49 Table 4.8: Share of individuals as regular Internet users ............................................................ 49 Table 4.9: Share of households having broadband access to Internet........................................ 49 Table 5.1: TV channels established in Hungary.......................................................................... 52 Table 5.2: TV channels available on DTT in Hungary ................................................................. 55 Table 5.3: Inhabitants per square kilometre in Hungary.............................................................. 58 Table 5.4: Data on age groups and ageing index in Hungary ..................................................... 59 Table 5.5: Usage of PC/Internet in Hungary ............................................................................... 60 Table 5.6: Number of the Internet subscriptions by access services........................................... 61 Table 5.7: Number of broadband Internet subscriptions in Hungary ........................................... 62 Table 6.1: TV channels established in Bosnia and Herzegovina ................................................ 65 Table 6.2: Age structure 2007 .................................................................................................... 68 Table 6.3: Penetration of broadband Internet access by regions in BiH ...................................... 69 Table 7.1: TV Channels established in Serbia ............................................................................ 72 Table 7.2: Number of inhabitants per square kilometre & ageing index in Serbia ....................... 81 Table 7.3: Usage of PC in Serbia ............................................................................................... 85 Table 7.4: Usage of Internet in Serbia ........................................................................................ 85 Table 7.5: Households (%) with broadband access to Internet by regions in Serbia ................... 85 Table 8.1: TV channels established in Montenegro .................................................................... 87 Table 8.2: Population per km2 for 21 municipalities in Montenegro ............................................ 88 Table 8.3: Ageing index in Montenegro ...................................................................................... 89 Table 8.4: ICT usage in Montenegro in 2011 .............................................................................. 90 Table 8.5: Percentage of households with Internet access at home ........................................... 90 Table 8.6: Most recently used Internet connection types ............................................................ 90 Table 8.7: Detailed overview of access to broadband in Montenegro ......................................... 90 Table 9.1: Channels available in Slovenia .................................................................................. 93 Table 9.2: Channels available in Austria................................................................................... 107 Table 9.3: Channels available in Croatia .................................................................................. 122 Table 9.4: Channels available in Hungary ................................................................................ 134 Table 9.5: Regional and local channels established in Hungary ............................................... 145 Table 9.6: Channels available in Bosnia and Herzegovina ....................................................... 162 Table 9.7: Channels available in Serbia ................................................................................... 170 Table 9.8: Channels available in Montenegro ........................................................................... 181 List of acronyms SEE PP TBC South East Europe Project Partner to be continued Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 6/191 1 Overview of Television Landscapes 1.1 Introduction This report provides an overview of the television landscapes in seven countries: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia. Chapters 2 to 8 provide the lists of channels established in each country and also details of channels available on DTT where relevant. The text also refers to the range of channels available in the country over other platforms: cable, satellite and IPTV. Additionally, demographics, Internet/PC usage, access to broadband and existing legislation for each of the countries are provided while these topics are essential in the scope of the TV-WEB project targeting the areas and people without access to the Internet. 1.2 DTT development in seven countries DTT has been introduced in Austria, Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia. Switch-off of analogue terrestrial signals has already taken place in Austria, Croatia and Slovenia. DTT has not yet been officially launched in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro or Serbia. In Hungary, there has been a pay DTT service since 2010. In Croatia a pay DTT service was officially launched in January 2013, and a Pay DTT service is due to launch in mid April 2013 in Austria. There are also plans to launch Pay DTT in Slovenia by the end of 2013. Table 1.1: Overview of DTT development Country Austria Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia Hungary Montenegro Serbia Slovenia DTT launch 2006 2009 2008/2010 2008 Pay DTT Launch April 2013 January 2013 2010 2013 planned Analogue Switch off Complete 2011 2014 Complete 2011 2014 2015 Not launched yet X x x Complete 2010 1.3 Types of channels available on DTT Table 1.2 below provides a summary of certain types of channels available on the DTT networks. The choices regarding content on free and pay DTT vary from country to country. Those countries with more regional and local channels have to plan for local and regional on DTT (except where the channels are mainly local cable channels). The HD channels that appear on Free DTT tend to be those of the public service broadcasters. Only Hungary has provided free access to news over the network. In all cases, children's channels tend to be on pay packages. These decisions are also based on the content established in the country. In larger countries such as France, the UK, Germany or Italy, there is a wide range of free channels available implying the Free DTT networks include including HD, children's channels and news. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 7/191 Table 1.2: Sample of channels available on DTT Country Austria Croatia Hungary Slovenia Local /Regional 36 on free DTT 21 on Free DTT 0 9 on free DTT News 2 planned for pay DTT 2 on pay DTT 3 on free DTT 0 Children 3 planned for Pay DTT 5 on Pay DTT 3 on pay DTT 0 HD 6 planned for pay DTT 1 on free DTT 3 on free HD 0 1.4 Overview of channels available and established Based on the data in the chapters 2 to 8, table 1.3 provides an overview of the number of channels established in the countries, available in the countries, and on the DTT networks (where relevant). Table 1.3: Channels established and available Country Austria Bosnia - Herzegovina Croatia Hungary Montenegro Serbia Slovenia Channels established 194 46 96 460 26 149 83 Channels available 380 215 360 270 245 245 360 Channels on DTT 45 71 35 18 2 SLOVENIA 2.1 The size of TV market 2.1.1 TV channels available in Slovenia In the table of available TV channels all channels (see ANNEX, table 9.1) are listed, regardless of the licensing authority. The Slovenian licensing authority APEK (Post and Electronic Communications Agency) regulates only channels established in the country while other European authorities, according to the Audiovisual Media Services Directive, license other TV channels. Cable TV is the most important platform (31,3% of households), followed by IPTV (25,7%) and Digital Terrestrial platform (18,9%). Satellite DTH has the lowest share of the households while available only in 7,2% of Slovenian homes1. The table of available channels can be found in Annex 1. The entire list (more than 360 television channels on cable, satellite and IPTV) includes 13 adult channels, 28 business and news channels, 20 children’s channels, 30 cultural or documentary channels, more than 40 channels with a focus on entertainment or television fiction, 15 film channels, 47 national generalist channels including the Slovenian channels. These generalist channels are from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Serbia and the “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”. There are also 27 music channels 1 According to data from IHS Screen Digest published in the Yearbook of the European Audiovisual Observatory, 2012 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 8/191 and 31 sports channels. In addition, there are more than 30 channels available in High definition (HD). Aside from the Slovenian channels on cable, satellite, the channels are established in countries all over Europe. The majority of pan-European channels such as Disney, Discovery, National Geographic etc. are established in the United Kingdom (more than 79). The Cinemax, HBO channels and others are registered in the Czech Republic, the Sport klub channels in Romania, while the Pink family of channels is Serbian. This indicates the wide range of television channels available to Slovenian TV homes. 2.1.2 TV channels established in Slovenia In table 2.1, channels established in Slovenia are listed and organised by categories and genre; Business channel, Children's channel, Cultural/Education channel, Entertainment channel, Film channel, Generalist channel, Health channel, Home shopping, Lifestyle channel, Music, Others, Parliamentary channel, Promotional channel, Regional/Local channel, Sports channel and Travel channel. There are 79 channels although in the table among 83 channels 4 of them are just the HD version of existing channel. National coverage license holds 37 TV channels, 42 are regional/local. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 9/191 Table 2.1: Channels established in Slovenia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Name Ansat TV ATM TV Kranjska Gora ATV SIGNAL LITIJA BK TV (Slovenia) Čarli TV ETV (Slovenia) GEA TV Golica TV Gorenjska televizija - GTV Kabelska televizija Ormož Kanal 3 Apače Kanal A Koroška regionalna televizija Koroška TV Dravograd Lokalna TV Trbovlje Media TV MOJ TV MTV Adria NET TV (Slovenia) NET XXL ORON TV Notranjska 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 PeTV Planet TV Planet TV HD Play TV Play TV HD Pop Brio POP FANI POP KINO POP KINO 2 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Broadcasting company ANSAT d.o.o. ATM ELEKTRONIK , INZENIRING IN TRGOVINA, D.O.O., KRANJSKA GORA ATV BABNIK & CO RADIJSKA IN TELEVIZIJSKA DEJAVNOST D.N.O. Spot, Boštjan Lesjak, s.p. ČARLI, d.o.o. EVJ ELEKTROPROM TRGOVINA, PROIZVODNJA, INSTALACIJE D.O.O. SKYLINE TELEKOMUNIKACIJE D.O.O. ČARLI, d.o.o. TELE-TV, KOMUNIKACIJSKI ENGINEERING D.O.O. ZAVOD KABELSKE TELEVIZIJE, NHM SEVNICA VIDEO STUDIO 90 - KANAL 3 EDŠIDT OLGA, s.p. KANAL A TELEVIZIJSKA POSTAJA D.O.O. Koroška regionalna televizija, d.o.o. KTV Dravograd, d.o.o. Anton Berakovič, s.p., AB Videoprodukcija MEDIA PARTNER, d.o.o. MOJ TV d.o.o. MTV ADRIA DRUZBA ZA TRZENJE IN TRZNE KOMUNIKACIJE D.O.O. NET TV PODJETJE ZA PROIZVODNJO, TRGOVINO IN STORITVE D.O.O. ORON ZAVOD ZA OBVESCANJE, RAZISKOVANJE, ORGANIZIRANJE IN NACRTOVANJE, STARI TRG PRI LOZU Javne službe Ptuj, d.o.o. TS Media UPC TELEMACH SIROKOPASOVNE KOMUNIKACIJE D.O.O. POP TV DRUZBA ZA MARKETING,INZENIRING,TRGOVINO,SVETOVANJE,STORITVE IN ZASTOPANJE,D.O.O. LJUBLJANA Page: 10/191 Jointly for our common future Genre Promotional / Information channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Entertainment channel Generalist channel Others Entertainment channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Generalist channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Music channel Generalist channel Entertainment channel Cultural/educational channel Regional/ local channel Entertainment channel High definition simulcast Music channel High definition simulcast Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Film channel Film channel 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 POP OTO POP SPOT Pop TV RTS (Maribor) Savinjska televizija SIP TV Šport TV1 (Slovenia) Šport TV2 (Slovenia) Studio 12 Studio Bistrica S-tv SKLEDAR Televizija Alpski odmevi (TV Alpski odmevi) TELEVIZIJA CELJE Televizija Koper Capodistria /TV KC/: Televizija Koper Capodistria /TV KC/: TELEVIZIJA LJUBLJANA Televizija Maribor - Tele M TELEVIZIJA MEDVODE Televizija Ptuj Televizija Slovenj Gradec / TV SG Televizija Uršlja Top Shop TV TOP TV TUR-TV TV Arena TV AS TV Exodus TV Galeja TV H2O TV Idea – Kanal 10 62 TV Krpan Laško Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 TELE 59 DRUZBA ZA AUDIO IN VIZUELNO KOMUNIKACIJO D.O.O. Oglaševanje, snemanje, televizija, Samo Sadnik, s.p., »Studio Forma« Veselič Branko, s.p., RTV servis, trgovina, vzdrževanje DOMATES, PODJETJE ZA INZENIRING IN STORITVE, D.O.O. PORTOROZ ASPN, STORITVENO PODJETJE, D.O.O. Zavod Studio 12 Javni zavod za KTV in informiranje Slovenska Bistrica SKLEDAR, Zavod za promocijo kulture in kmetijstva ALPSKI ODMEVI, TRZENJE IN PRIREDITVE, D.O.O. TV CELJE, D.O.O., CELJE RADIOTELEVIZIJA SLOVENIJA, LJUBLJANA regionalni televizijski program J & V, d.o.o. RADIOTELEVIZIJA SLOVENIJA, LJUBLJANA KTV Medvode Ivanuša Martin, s.p. - Videoprodukcija TELEVIZIJA SLOVENJ GRADEC d.o.o. Kabelska televizija Ravne d.o.o. Studio Moderna, d.o.o. TOP TV MEDIA d.o.o. TUR-TV, MULTIMEDIJSKI CENTER, D.O.O. ARENA VIP D.O.O. TELEVIZIJSKA DEJAVNOST HI-FI VIDEOSTUDIO D.O.O. Zoran Kodela, s.p. Zavod TV Galeja Ilirska Bistrica NAUTO, Peter Mernik, s.p. TV IDEA - KANAL 10 DRUZBA ZA TRZNO KOMUNICIRANJE IN SVETOVANJE MURSKA SOBOTA, D.O.O., MURSKA SOBOTA, STANETA ROZMANA 1C Vigred d.o.o. Page: 11/191 Jointly for our common future Children's channel Music channel Generalist channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Sports channel Sports channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Business channel Internet television Travel channel Entertainment channel Regional/ local channel Music channel Regional/ local channel Others Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel 63 TV LEP Logatec 64 65 66 67 68 TVM Miklavž TvM - zgornjesavinjski kanal TV Nakupi TV Paprika TV Petelin Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 NAKLO PODJETJE ZA ORGANIZACIJO, VZDRZEVANJE, NACRTOVANJE POSREDOVANJE IN ZASTOPANJE, D.O.O., LOGATEC Občina Miklavž na Dravskem polju DaMix - MULTIMEDIJA, Damjan Žvipelj s.p. DOMATES, PODJETJE ZA INZENIRING IN STORITVE, D.O.O. PORTOROZ B & T TRGOVINA IN STORITVE Boštjan Tramte s.p. Prospera, d.o.o. Page: 12/191 Jointly for our common future Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Business channel Home shopping channel Entertainment channel/internet Music channel 2.1.3 TV channels on DTT in Slovenia In table 2.2, TV channels available on DTT platform are sorted by the Multiplex and by the coverage (local, regional, national). In Slovenia currently one multiplex with national coverage (MUX A) is in operation and 6 local multiplexes using the frequencies of MUX D. Table 2.2: TV channels on DTT in Slovenia Channel 1 Public Private Mixed Private Type of coverage Regions targeted Access modalities Free Multiplex Local Vzhodna Slovenija Private National Free MUX A MUX operator MUX D 2 ATV SIGNAL LITIJA Golica TV 3 Kanal A Private National Free MUX A 4 Pop TV Private National Free MUX A 5 TV Nakupi Private National Free MUX A 6 TV Pink 3 Private National Free MUX A 7 Public National Free MUX A Public National Free MUX A Public National Free MUX A Public Regional Free MUX A Public Regional Slovenia East Free MUX A RTV SLOVENIJA 12 TVS1 (SLO1) TVS2 (SLO2) TVS3 (SLO3) Televizija Koper Capodistria /TV KC/ Televizija Maribor Tele M Vaš kanal Private Regional Free MUX A 13 Vitel Private Regional Free MUX D 14 TV AS Private Regional Slovenia Center Zahodna Slovenija Vzhodna Slovenija Free MUX D 15 VAŠA TELEVIZIJA (VTV) Private Regional Free MUX D 16 TV Galeja Private Regional Free MUX D 17 Sponka TV Private Regional Free MUX A 18 TV Antena Private National Free MUX A RTV SLOVENIJA AVP Ivan Saksida s.p. HI-FI VIDEOSTUD IO D.O.O. VTV VELENJSKI TELEVIZIJS KI STUDIO D.O.O. Zavod TV Galeja Ilirska Bistrica RTV SLOVENIJA RTV SLOVENIJA 8 9 10 11 Vzhodna Slovenija Zahodna Slovenija Slovenia Packager ATV BABNIK RTV SLOVENIJA RTV SLOVENIJA RTV SLOVENIJA RTV SLOVENIJA RTV SLOVENIJA RTV SLOVENIJA RTV SLOVENIJA RTV SLOVENIJA RTV SLOVENIJA AVP Ivan Saksida s.p. HI-FI VIDEOSTUDI O D.O.O. VTV VELENJSKI TELEVIZIJSKI STUDIO D.O.O. Zavod TV Galeja Ilirska Bistrica Source MAVISE database/ APEK Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 13/191 2.2 Demographics Figure 2.1: Inhabitants per square kilometre in Slovenia Figure 2.2: Ageing index in Slovenia Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 14/191 2.3 Usage of PC/Internet2 In 2012 70% of population of age 10 to 74 years used personal computer among them 95% used computer at least once per week. 32% in the age group 10 to 74 years accessed Internet using mobile devices such as laptops, mobile phones or other portable devices. Laptop is used by 20% of users in the respective age group; tablet computer was used by 4% and 20% use mobile phone (6% use other devices). Young people and people with higher education represents the majority of the users. In the age group of 16 to 24 years 98% uses regularly PC, 99% mobile phone and Internet 97% and 74% those who regularly uses mobile devices for accessing Internet. In the age group of 65 to 74 years only 20% use regularly PC, 72% mobile phone and Internet 17% and 2% regularly use mobile devices for accessing Internet. In the group of people with the higher level of education the statistic is as follows: • 96% PC users • 99% Mobile phone users • 95% Internet users • 51% Users of mobile access to Internet In the group of people with lower education: • 53%PC users • 86%Mobile phone users • 52%Internet users • 24%Users of mobile access to Internet In the age group of 10 to 74 years Internet is used for: • 58% use Internet for e-mails • 58% use Internet for searching information about services and products • 50% search for health information • 46% reading web news, magazines • 46% web forums • 45% use Internet as a knowledge source • 47% active in web community • 39% in social networks • 24% direct messaging • 19% participating in web forums • 12% commenting blogs of other people • 8% web chats • 3% sending info to the news groups • 38% gaming, down-upload photos, movies, music • 30% travel services 2 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 15/191 • • • • 30% web radio ts and services 29% selling products 27% web TV 26% e-banking (22% actually executed e purchase) 2.4 Access to broadband 3 Figure 2.3: Number of Broadband subscriptions by technologies in Slovenia Figure 2.4: Penetration of xDSL broadband connections by Slovenian communities 3 4 Source: APEK, Analysis of market 4 and 5 Source: APEK, Analysis of market 4 and 5 4 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 A Jointly for our common future Page: 16/191 Figure 2.5: Penetration of cable broadband connections by Slovenian communities 5 2.5 Existing legal framework framewor 2.5.1 Legal framework for frequency allocation/assignment The Post and Electronic Communications Agency of the Republic of Slovenia is an independent body that regulates and supervises the electronic communications market, manages and supervises the radio frequency uency spectrum in the Republic of Slovenia, performs tasks in the field of radio and television broadcasting, and regulates and supervises the postal and railway service markets6. In the Frequency allocation table (FAT) the usage of particular spectrum is defined and conformed with the international agreements and recommendations. Assignments are licensed in line with FAT according to the results of the public tender to the operators erators or content providers (in ( case of analog broadcasting). ). According to the new Electronic Communication Law (Zakon o 7 elektronskih komunikacijah) the spectrum for digital terrestrial broadcasting is not free of charge anymore hence the operators are liable to pay for the spectrum. When licensing spectrum for digital broadcasting the Digital Broadcasting Act A 8 is used defining the procedure of spectrum licensing, relation between network operators and content providers and the use of the network capacity for complementary content and innovative services. 5 Source: APEK, Analysis of market 4 and 5 6 7 Official gazette RS, no.109/2012 8 Official fficial gazette RS, no. 102/2007 and 85/2010 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 A Jointly for our common future Page: 17/191 2.5.2 Legal framework for content licensing The Post and Electronic Communications Agency of the Republic of Slovenia also license the content. The general licence for media production does not cover the dissemination of media content over the digital terrestrial television network. The procedure of granting the right to enter into the digital broadcasting multiplex is defined in the Article 104a of the Media law9. The agency shall conduct the public tender procedure and make the selection on the basis of a binding proposal by the Broadcasting Council and the provisions of the Electronic Communication Law. In the procedure for selecting among bidders with a legitimate interest the efficiency of use of frequencies and the following criteria regarding the performance of radio and/or television activities shall primarily be taken into consideration: • In the case of television broadcasting, the amount of in-house production and production of Slovenian audio-visual works specified in Article 68 of the Media Act, • In the case of radio broadcasting, the volume of Slovenian music works specified in Article 67 of the Media Act, • Balanced and neutral news programmes, • Adequacy of the channel content offered in terms of genre and theme. Selection of the TV channel is prioritized by: • TV channels already disseminated on the respective territory using analog broadcasting networks, • Free to air TV channels. According to the provisions of Digital Broadcasting Act the licensing of innovative services and complementary content is not regulated by the Media Law and is left to be decided by APEK without the prior consent of the Broadcasting Council. 2.5.3 Legislation for digital terrestrial television platform A special law on digital broadcasting is applied in the procedure of licensing the frequencies and content to be broadcasted in the digital terrestrial broadcasting networks (see chapter 2.5.2). 9 Media law (Officila gazette RS, no. 110/2006-UPB1, 36/2008-ZPOmK-1, 77/2010-ZSFJCA, 90/2010 Odl.US: U-I95/09-14, Up-419/09-15, 87/2011-ZAvMS) Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 18/191 3 AUSTRIA 3.1 The size of TV market 3.1.1 TV channels available in Austria Annex, table 9.2 contains the full list of channels available in Austria (including those not licensed in the country). Table 3.1 (below) lists the channels licensed in the country. The channels available total more than 380 channels on satellite, cable and IPTV. In Austria, satellite is an important mode of TV reception, serving almost 50% of households. Cable serves 36% of homes, while DTT is relied on by just over 5% of homes10. The list includes 17 adult channels, 25 business and news channels, 20 children’s channels, 20 cultural or documentary channels, 28 channels with a focus on entertainment or television fiction, 15 film channels, 48 national generalist channels including the Austrian channels. These generalist channels are from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Switzerland, the “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” and Turkey. There are also 20 music channels and 31 sports channels, and 66 channels in HD. More than 170 of the channels available in Austria are established in neighbouring Germany. 3.1.2 TV channels established in Austria In table 3.1, the TV channels established in Austria are listed and organised by categories and genre (as above for Slovenia). The list includes 194 channels of which112 are regional/ local channels. 10 According to data from IHS Screen Digest published in the Yearbook of the European Audiovisual Observatory, 2012 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 19/191 Table 3.1: TV channels established in Austria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Name 1Blick - regionalTV 3Live Alpenglühen TVX AON TV Infokanal ARF - Ausseer Regionalfernsehen ATV2 ATV (Austria) ATV Das Magazin ATV-Panorama Außerfern TV AUSTRIA24 TV Bärnbach-Köflach TV (BKTV) Infokanal BCC TV 1 BCC TV 2 Best of Planet Erotica Bezirks-TV/Infokanal (Vöcklabruck) BKF BKK-TV 19 20 21 22 23 braunau TV Brucker Informationskanal BTV (Austria) BTV Salzkammergut Community TV Salzburg 24 25 26 27 28 29 Cosmo & Wanda Deluxe Music Austria DM Sat DORF TV Dreischwesternkanal EF1 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Broadcasting company 25motion I pictures HUTCHISON 3G AUSTRIA GMBH ALPENGLÜHEN MEDIA GMBH TELEKOM AUSTRIA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Ausseer Regionalfernsehen ATV PRIVATFERNSEH-GMBH ATV AICHFELD FILM- UND VIDEOPRODUKTION GMBH ORTSANTENNENBAU-AUßERFERN GESELLSCHAFT M.B.H. & CO. KG. COLESNICOV TV, Film, Medienproduktion KG Elektro Schmelzer Mario AMUSYS Amusement Systems Electronics GmbH BEZIRKS TV VÖCKLABRUCK GMBH BKF DAS BURGENLAND FERNSEHEN GMBH BAD KLEINKIRCHHEIMER SAT-KABELFERNSEHEN GESELLSCHAFT M.B.H. Kabel Braunau GmbH BEZIRKS TV ST. VEIT PRODUKTIONS- UND VERTRIEBSGES.M.B.H. Bezirks TV Vöcklabruck GmbH Verein zur Förderung von nichtkommerziellen Medien in Salzburg Community TV Salzburg HUTCHISON 3G AUSTRIA GMBH Entertainment Quarter GmbH Dragana Mirkovic Bijelic SAT TV KG DORF TV GmbH Elektrizitätswerke Frastanz Gesellschaft m.b.H. NEUNDLINGER GESELLSCHAFT M.B.H. Page: 20/191 Jointly for our common future Genre Regional/ local channel Entertainment channel Adult channel Promotional / Information channel Regional/ local channel Entertainment channel Generalist channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Games/lottery/betting channel Games/lottery/betting channel Adult channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Children's channel Window Entertainment channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Ennstal TV Wochenmagazin ErotikDome Eurotic TV Fashion-TV Fashion-TV HD Feratel TV FRANCK4 TV FS1-Freies Fernsehen Salzburg gotv Grein TV GTV (Salzburg) Hahnenkamm S 8 Heli-TV HIP90 Fitness!TV HIWAY-TV HT1 Hausruck TV Imst TV Infkanal Redlham-AltAttnang Infokanal4222 Infokanal Allerheiligen Stanz Infokanal Amstetten Infokanal Bad Kreuzen Info-Kanal der ASAK Kabelmedien Infokanal der Grazer Kabel - TV Info-Kanal der LIWEST Kabelmedien Infokanal der Salzburg AG INFO-Kanal der Stadtgemeinde Judenburg Infokanal der Telekabel Klagenfurt Infokanal Deutschlandsberg Infokanal Ehlers GmbH Infokanal Epnet Infokanal Gmunden Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Internet Scott KG SONALBA PRIVATRUNDFUNK GmbH Franz Ressel Handels GmbH FASHION TV PROGRAMMGESELLSCHAFT MBH Franckviertel TV Community TV Salzburg Gemeinnützige BetriebsgmbH GOTV FERNSEH-GMBH Dipl.-Ing. Colesnicov Jorj SERVUSTV FERNSEHGESELLSCHAFT M.B.H. Ortsantennenbau Ausserfern GmbH & Co KG Ing. Dablander GmbH ILTEKO GMBH PIWImedia Pust OG MGH Medienproduktion GmbH Imst Film (Manfred Siegl) Kabel Netz Redlham-AltAttnang Kabelnetz 4222 Medien GesmbH Gemeinde Stanz im Mürztal Kabel-TV Amstetten GmbH ASAK KABELMEDIEN GMBH GRAZER KABEL - TV GESELLSCHAFT M.B.H. LIWEST KABELMEDIEN GMBH Salzburg AG für Energie Verkehr und Telekommunikation Stadtamt Judenburg UPC Telekabel Klagenfurt GmbH Stadtgemeinde Deutschlandsberg Ehlers GmbH EPnet GmbH & Co KG Kabel-TV Gmunden E. Stadlmayr Gesellschaft m.b.H. Page: 21/191 Jointly for our common future Regional/ local channel Adult channel Adult channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel High definition simulcast Others Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Games/lottery/betting channel Music channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Others Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Promotional / Information channel Regional/ local channel Promotional / Information channel Promotional / Information channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Infokanal Josef Pircher Infokanal Kabel 2 Infokanal K-Plus INFOKANAL KTV-Fohnsdorf Infokanal KTV-Heinzl Infokanal Speed net Infokanal Stadtwerke Mürzzuschlag Infokanal Tele Team Infokanal Ternberg Infokanal Vordernberg Infokanal Wien 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 Info TV INNSAT. TV INXTC-TV JO-TV Kabel Eins Austria Kabel Eins Austria HD Kanal3 Aichfeld Kanal 3 AiNet Kanal 3 AiNet KIT TV Programm der Pfarre Neumarkt Kitz TV KT1 K-TV KTV-Eisenerz KULT 1 Laa TV LALA TV Landeck TV Ländle TV Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Josef Pircher BetriebsGmbH Weststeirische Kabel-TV GmbH u. Co KG Stadtgemeinde Kindberg Elektro Hörl GmbH & Co KG KTV-Heinzl Speed net Betriebs GmbH Stadtwerke Mürzzuschlag Gesellschaft m.b.H Tele Team Gesellschaft m.b.H. Kabel-TV Ternberg BetriebsGmbH Gemeindebetriebe Frohnleiten, Gesellschaft m.b.H. KABEL-TV-WIEN PROGRAMMVERANSTALTUNGS- UND MARKETING GESELLSCHAFT M.B.H. Georg Rauh - Image Line INNSAT.TV GMBH Franz Ressel Handels GmbH Eurofunk Kappacher GmbH PROSIEBEN AUSTRIA GMBH BEZIRKS TV ST. VEIT PRODUKTIONS- UND VERTRIEBSGES.M.B.H. AiNet Telekommunikations-Netzwerk Betriebs GmbH Mag. Josef Gratzer Stadtwerke Kitzbühel Krone Multimedia Gesellschaft m.b.H. & Co. KG KT1 Privatfernsehen GmbH & Co KG K-TV FERNSEH GMBH & CO KEG Kabel-TV Eisenerz, Gesellschaft m.b.H Bad Kleinkirchheimer SAT-Kabelfernseh Gesellschaft m.b.H. LAA TV UNIVERSAL MUSIC GMBH EAH Kabelfernsehen LÄNDLE TV Privatfernsehen & TV-Produktionsanstalt - Dominic P. Kaindl Page: 22/191 Jointly for our common future Regional/ local channel Promotional / Information channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Promotional / Information channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Adult channel Regional/ local channel Generalist channel High definition simulcast Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Others Regional/ local channel Others Others Regional/ local channel Religious channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Music channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 LLTV LT 1 M1 Info-Kanal MediaShop Meins.TV MEMA TV Graz MEMA TV Kapfenberg MEMA TV Mürztal Mostviertel Kanal (M4TV) MTW Mühlviertel TV N1 ÖAMTC TV OKTO ORF1 ORF 1 HD ORF2 ORF 2 Burgenland ORF 2 Europe ORF 2 HD ORF 2 Kärnten ORF 2 Linz ORF 2 Niederösterreich ORF 2 Oberösterreich ORF 2 Salzburg ORF 2 Steiermark ORF 2 Tirol ORF 2 Voralberg ORF 2 Wien ORF3 – Kultur und Information ORF Sport Plus P3 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 LAOLA1 MULTIMEDIA GmbH LINZ LAND FERNSEHEN MEDIEN GMBH LT1 Privatfernsehen GmbH Montafonerbahn Aktiengesellschaft Schneider Holding Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft mbH Upperpixel TV & Filmproduktion GmbH MEMA MEDIA MARKETING GmbH WIRTH GMBH Martina Mayrhofer MÜHLVIERTEL TV N1 Niederösterreich TV Fernseh GmbH ÖAMTC (ÖSTERREICHISCHER Auto Motorad Touring) COMMUNITY TV-GMBH ORF - ÖSTERREICHISCHER RUNDFUNK P3-KABEL-NEWS GMBH Page: 23/191 Jointly for our common future Sports channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Home shopping channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Others Regional/ local channel Generalist channel High definition simulcast Generalist channel Window International linguistic and cultural channel High definition simulcast Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Cultural/educational channel Sports channel Regional/ local channel 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 P3TV (MUX C) Panoramakanal Waidring Phonedate TV Planai TV Play Girls TV ProSieben Austria ProSieben Austria HD Puls 4 Puls 4 HD Punkt TV Radio-TV Grün Weiß Red Bull TV Red Bull TV Deutschland RE eins – Das Außerfernsehen Rinn TV RKK Rankweiler Kabelkanal RKM-Infokanal RT24 RTV (Austria) RTV Gastein RTV - Regional TV Lampert Sajas TV Salzburg 119 - Das Magazin Salzburg Plus Salzi.TV Sat.1 Österreich Sat.1 Österreich HD Saterotiktreff Sat Flirt TV Scharnstein TV Servus TV Servus TV Deutschland Servus TV HD Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Divisek Reinhold Sonalba Privatrundfunk GmbH Planai Grundstückssicherungs GmbH PROSIEBEN AUSTRIA GMBH PULS CITY TV GMBH Punkt TV Doris Jax Filmproduktion & Privatfernsehen Radio-TV Grün Weiß Betriebs GmbH Nfg KEG RED BULL MEDIA HOUSE GMBH 4M Digital Media OG Kommunalbetriebe Rinn GmbH Tschanett Gesellschaft m.b.H & Co KG RKM Regional Kabel-TV Mölltal und Telekommunikation GmbH & Co KG TELE1VISION VIDEO- UND FERNSEHPRODUKTION GESMBH RTV REGIONALFERNSEHEN GMBH Viehauser Klaus Kabel-TV Lampert GmbH & Co KG B & I" Handels GmbH RTS Regionalfernsehen GmbH SALZBURG Plus Television GmbH EDV-Dienstleistung Philipp Wiatschka SAT.1 PRIVATRUNDFUNK UND PROGRAMMGESELLSCHAFT M.B.H. SONALBA PRIVATRUNDFUNK GmbH SONALBA PRIVATRUNDFUNK GmbH Normann Engineering GmbH SERVUSTV FERNSEHGESELLSCHAFT M.B.H. Page: 24/191 Jointly for our common future Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Adult channel Generalist channel High definition simulcast Entertainment channel High definition simulcast Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Sports channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Generalist channel High definition simulcast Adult channel Adult channel Regional/ local channel Generalist channel Generalist channel High definition simulcast 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 Sexy Girls TV SIXX Austria Sky Cinema Austria Sky Sport Austria Stadt-TV, Info-Text Steiermark 1 STV (Seefeld-TV) SW1 SW1 Schwechat TV Teledate TV Teleglück TV Tirol TV Top Girls Sex Top Music Channel Ts1 Tv1 – InfoKanal Tv1 - Steiermark TV Bad Ischl TV Country TV Mürz Untersberg-TV UPC Telekabel Infokanal Urban TV (Austria) VenusClub TV Visit-X Vulkan TV W:24 WAG-TV Wienerwald TV Wien TV WKK Lokal-TV 192 WNTV Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 SONALBA PRIVATRUNDFUNK GmbH AUSTRIA 9 TV GMBH SKY ÖSTERREICH GMBH STADTWERKE KAPFENBERG GMBH STEIERMARK 1 TV GMBH & CO KG Rabe film - Bernhard Rangger TELE1VISION VIDEO- UND FERNSEHPRODUKTION GESMBH SW1 - Schwechat TV Fernsehproduktionen GmbH SONALBA PRIVATRUNDFUNK GmbH TIROL TV GMBH Digital Channels Network GmbH TOP MUSIC MEDIEN GMBH Tele-Salzkammergut Regionalfernsehen und Kabel tv GmbH Milchberger Harald (V.I.P. Film & Video-Produktion) Christian Parzer DEEP SPACE MEDIA GMBH Horst Gründler Schnöll-Reichl Karl UPC TELEKABEL WIEN GMBH HUTCHISON 3G AUSTRIA GMBH SONALBA PRIVATRUNDFUNK GmbH Digital Channels Network GmbH Vulkan TV GmbH KABEL-TV-WIEN GESELLSCHAFT M.B.H. WAG Wohnungsanlagen Ges.m.b.H. Region Wienerwald TV TELE1VISION VIDEO- UND FERNSEHPRODUKTION GESMBH WKK LOKAL-TV DER WESTSTEIRISCHEN KABEL-TV GESELLSCHAFT MBH & CO KG Walsberger Johann Georg Page: 25/191 Jointly for our common future Adult channel Entertainment channel Film channel Sports channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Adult channel Adult channel Regional/ local channel Adult channel Music channel Regional/ local channel Promotional / Information channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Music channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Music channel Adult channel Adult channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel 193 WPTV Wohnpark Media 194 WT1 Source RTR/KommAustria and MAVISE database Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Verein für die Förderung und den Betrieb von Kommunikationsmedien im Wohnpark Alt Erlaa WOOTOO MEDIEN AG Page: 26/191 Jointly for our common future Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel 3.1.3 TV channels on DTT in Austria The Austrian DTT platform consists of 26 local and regional channels on the C Multiplex and 9 national channels and 10 windows of the public service broadcaster on MUX A and B (see table 3.2). From April 15th, the ORS (Multiplex operator) will launch a Pay DTT platform in Austria – Simpli TV - which is expected to have a total of 40 television channels11. They will be transmitted in DVBT-2 standard over three new multiplexes D, E and F. The list of planned channels is outlined in table 3.3. Table 3.2: TV channels on DTT in Austria Channel 1 3sat 2 3 4 ATV Das Magazin ATV-Panorama Ennstal TV Wochenmagazin KT1 KULT 1 TV Bad Ischl AUSTRIA24 TV DORF TV Salzburg Plus Tv1 – InfoKanal Tv1 - Steiermark RE eins – Das Außerfernsehen LT 1 RTV (Austria) Imst TV Landeck TV Kanal3 Aichfeld MEMA TV Mürztal Radio-TV Grün Weiß Steiermark 1 WKK Lokal-TV Mostviertel Kanal (M4TV) Red Bull TV Servus TV ATV (Austria) ORF1 ORF2 ORF 2 Wien ORF Sport Plus Puls 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Public / Private Public Country of establishment Germany Private Private Private Austria Austria Austria Type of coverage International/ Pan-European Local Local Local Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Private Private Private Private Private Private Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Local Local Local Local Local Local Private Austria Local Private Private Private Austria Austria Austria Local Local Local Private Private Private Public Public Public Public Private Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria National National National National National National National National Regions targeted Steiermark Salzburg Oberösterreich Steiermark Steiermark Oberösterreich Oberösterreich Tirol Steiermark Steiermark Steiermark Niederösterreich Wien Access Multiplex Free B Free Free Free C C C Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free C C C C C C C C C Free Free Free Free Free Free C C C C C C Free C Free Free Free C C C Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free C B A A A A B B 11 See more detail here: Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 27/191 32 33 34 Servus TV Private Austria BKF Private Austria ORF 2 Public Austria Burgenland 35 ORF 2 Kärnten Public Austria 36 ORF 2 Linz Public Austria 37 ORF 2 Public Austria Niederösterreich 38 ORF 2 Public Austria Oberösterreich 39 ORF 2 Salzburg Public Austria 40 ORF 2 Steiermark Public Austria 41 ORF 2 Tirol Public Austria 42 ORF 2 Voralberg Public Austria 43 P3TV (MUX C) Private Austria 44 Planai TV Private Austria Source RTR/KommAustria and MAVISE database Burgenland Burgenland Free Free Free B C A Window Window Window Kaernten Oberösterreich Niederösterreich Free Free Free A A A Window Oberösterreich Free A Window Window Window Window Regional Regional Salzburg Steiermark Tirol Vorarlberg Free Free Free Free Free Free A A A A C C Access Multiplex National Regional Window Table 3.3: Plan for Pay DTT channels from April 15 2013 in Austria Channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Sat.1 HD RTL HD ZDF HD ProSieben HD Vox HD ARD Das Erste HD KabelEins RTL Super RTL ARTE Public/ Private Private Private Private Private Private Public Private Private Private Public Country of establishment Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany/ France Type of coverage National National National National National National National National National European SIXX Eurosport Germany n-tv ZDF Neo BR BR Alpha Private Private Private Public Public Public Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany National National National National National National Public Public Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany National National National National National National National National National National 16 17 Phoenix 18 KIKA 19 DMAX 20 Sport1 21 Nickelodeon 22 Comedy Central 23 Das Vierte 24 CNN 25 Deluxe Music 26 Playboy Channel Source RTR/KommAustria Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Genre Generalist Generalist Generalist Generalist Generalist Generalist Generalist Generalist Children Cultural/ Educational Sport News Documentary Regional Cultural/ Educational Documentary Children Entertainment Sport Sport Entertainment Entertainment News Music Adult Pay DTT Pay DTT Pay DTT Pay DTT Pay DTT Pay DTT Pay DTT Pay DTT Pay DTT Pay DTT D/E/F D/E/F D/E/F D/E/F D/E/F D/E/F D/E/F D/E/F D/E/F D/E/F Pay DTT Pay DTT Pay DTT Pay DTT Pay DTT Pay DTT D/E/F D/E/F D/E/F D/E/F D/E/F D/E/F Pay DTT Pay DTT Pay DTT Pay DTT Pay DTT Pay DTT Pay DTT Pay DTT Pay DTT Pay DTT D/E/F D/E/F D/E/F D/E/F D/E/F Page: 28/191 3.2 Demographics 3.2.1 Inhabitants per square kilometre Vienna is Austria’s most densely populated province with 4,175 residents per square kilometre; the Tyrol is the least densely populated province with 57 inhabitants per square kilometre. In 2010, the average life expectancy was 80 years. The 30 largest municipalities in Austria are: Table 3.4: 30 largest municipalities in Austria Municipalities Vienna (Vi) Graz (St) Linz (U Austria) Salzburg (Sa) Innsbruck (T) Klagenfurt (C) Villach (C) Wels (U Austria) St. Pölten (L Austria) Dornbirn (Vo) Wiener Neustadt (L Austria) Steyr (U Austria) Feldkirch (Vo) Bregenz (Vo) Klosterneuburg (L Austria) 12 Inhabitants 1 731 236 265 318 191 107 148 521 121 329 94 796 59 585 58 717 52 048 45 978 41 537 38 248 31 025 28 007 25 927 Municipalities Leonding (U Austria) Baden (L Austria) Wolfsberg (C) Leoben (St) Krems an der Donau (L Austria) Traun (U Austria) Amstetten (L Austria) Kapfenberg (St) Lustenau (Vo) Mödling (L Austria) Hallein (Sa) Kufstein (Tirol) Traiskirchen (L Austria) Schwechat (L Austria) Braunau am Inn (U Austria) Inhabitants 25 689 25 142 24 983 24 645 24 110 23 658 22 876 21 710 21 239 20 514 20 022 17 550 17 399 16 571 16 217 Table 3.5: Inhabitants per square kilometre in Austria 12 Source: STATISTICS AUSTRIA. - 1) Placed according to the number of principle places of residence (population stock 1.1.2012). Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 29/191 3.2.2 Data on age groups and ageing index The proportion of elderly people in 2001 was 15.5%; the “quotient of seniors” (ratio of people aged 65 and above to 100 people of primary working age between 20 and 64 years) was 25.1. The quotient of young people (ratio of children and youngsters up to 19 years to 100 people of primary working age) was 37.1 in 2001. Because the percentage of children has declined sharply compared to the baby boom years, however, the “overall dependency quotient” is currently falling (62.2 against 63.4 in 1991)13. Valid for 201014: 0-14 years: 14.9 65+ years: 17.6 Average aging index: 118.12 Figure 3.1: Age structure 2001: 65 - and perennial population by 5km grid cells 13 Cited from “statistics Austria” 14 groups,_1990_and_2010_%28%25_of_the_total_population%29-de.png&filetimestamp=20120424144751 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 30/191 3.3 Usage of PC/Internet Eight out of ten households in Austria were equipped with Internet access (79%) in 2012. For access in households broadband connections are used increasingly. In 77% of all households broadband connections are used. Among this 60% represents fixed broadband connections via a line (e.g. DSL, cable, fibre), the rest 40% belongs to mobile broadband (e.g. via portable computers with modem or mobile phone with at least 3G technology, such as UMTS, HSDPA)15. 3.4 Access to broadband The map of broadband access in Austria based on the data from 2012. Figure 3.2: The map of broadband access in Austria 3.4.1 Number of people having an access to the broadband There is no single definition of broadband. Austria uses the definition proposed by the RTR (regulative authority): A broadband Internet connection is defined when the Internet access (technology neutral) provides a maximum download rate of at least 144 Kbit/s. The Internet access can be also provided in a bundle with other services. Users can access the Internet through the following options: • As a separate line (copper pair network in the A1 Telekom Austria) 15 Source: Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 31/191 • • • • • Over unbundled line As virtual unbundling Over coaxial cable (cable modem) As a fixed wireless access, for example Wi-Fi, WLL (as long as it is "fixed" and not access to "hot spots") Or any other infrastructure. These include for example Power line broadband on the power distribution network (PWL) and broadband access via satellite (SAT). In mobile broadband two categories are distinguished: The category "mobile data plans" covers both pure data plans (without voice / SMS) with 250 MB included in the monthly fee and products without fixed monthly fee (e.g. prepaid data products) of which at customer side at least once in a quarter an Internet access is done. “Smartphone tariffs” covers all bundled policies that include voice / SMS, in which at least 250 MB in monthly earnings are included and where by customers at least once in the relevant quarter Internet access is done. However, government defines broadband a little bit more realistic (>= 1 Mbit/s)16. In 2012, 77% of households accessed the Internet through the broadband connection (fixed line, mobile broadband or smartphone). By comparison, in 2003 the percentage was only 10 per cent. • 99% of households have access to a connection of at least 1 megabit/second (= basic broadband) • 85% to more than 4 Mbit/s • 55% to more than 30 Mbit/s • 50% to more than 100 Mbit/s 3.5 Existing legal framework 3.5.1 Legal framework for frequency allocation/assignment The administration of Austria's frequency spectrum is divided among various authorities according to certain criteria. In this context, it is necessary to distinguish between three levels: general frequency administration, the allocation of frequencies to specific users, and the licensing of specific radio systems. The frequency usage plan and frequency allocation plan are issued in the form of ordinances by the Federal Minister of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT). These ordinances define specifications with regard to the use of the frequency spectrum. General frequency administration – which also includes the coordination of frequency usage with neighbouring countries – is handled by KommAustria for the spectrum designated for broadcasting in the frequency usage plan and frequency allocation plan. The rest of the spectrum is administered by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology itself. 16 Source: Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 32/191 Responsibility for allocating frequencies to specific users is assigned as follows: • KommAustria is responsible for broadcasting frequencies, which are generally allocated in conjunction with a broadcasting license on the basis of an invitation to tender and assessment according to specific criteria ("beauty contest"); • The Telekom-Control Commission is responsible for frequencies subject to a limited number of allocations in the frequency usage plan ("scarce frequencies"), which are generally allocated to the highest bidder in the course of an auction; • Local telecommunications offices are responsible for all other frequencies ("non-scarce frequencies"). In cases where different authorities are responsible for general frequency administration and for specific frequency allocations (e.g., broadcasting outside of the broadcasting band, or other uses of frequencies within the broadcasting band), the consent of the authority responsible for frequency administration is required for frequency allocation. Radio system licences are issued by KommAustria in the case of transmission systems used for broadcasting (generally in connection with the broadcasting license and frequency allocation); the competent local telecommunications office is responsible for all other radio systems. In certain cases, the operation of radio systems and the use of the corresponding frequency spectrum may be generally permitted by ordinance, meaning that it is not necessary to obtain a frequency allocation or an individual permit for a radio system as long as the relevant requirements are fulfilled. 3.5.2 Legal framework for content licensing The legal framework depends on the content (owner) and the national intellectual property right. The following laws give the constitutional basis of Austrian broadcasting law: • • • Article 20 of the Federal Constitution Act (B-VG) Federal Constitutional Act Ensuring the Independence of Broadcasting (BVG-Rundfunk) Article 10 of the European Human Rights Convention (EHRC) In addition to monitoring compliance with advertising regulations, KommAustria is also responsible for the general supervision of private broadcasters' (and multiplex operators') compliance with the Private Radio Act and Private Television Act. In this context, violations of those laws may be identified in the broadcaster's programming itself (in addition to advertising violations, these may include violations of fundamental programming principles such as youth protection) as well as the broadcaster's activities in other areas (e.g., violations of notification requirements). In general, KommAustria can initiate procedures on the basis of a complaint (where certain legally defined prerequisites are fulfilled) or by virtue of office. Such procedures result in an Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 33/191 official decision identifying a legal violation, and in the case of repeated or severe violations the authority may even revoke a broadcaster's license or prohibit further broadcasting activities. In addition, KommAustria is also required to carry out administrative penal procedures and to impose monetary fines where certain regulations are violated (e.g., unlicensed broadcasting by "pirate" stations). In the licensing process, the broadcaster's programming plan is also approved by way of an official decision. As a rule, the programming plan submitted is a decisive factor in the decision to allocate transmission capacity to one of several qualified applicants. Therefore, a licensee can only make fundamental changes to the nature of its programming at a later point in time if such changes fulfil certain requirements and a special procedure is carried out before the authority. Should a broadcaster make such fundamental changes without approval, the broadcaster's license may be revoked. Finally, the authority's legal supervisory duties also include supervision of the broadcasters' ownership structures. In this context, certain (major) changes in ownership must be approved by the authority in advance, while others need only be reported after the fact. Laws enforced by KommAustria: • • • • • • KommAustria Act (KOG) Private Radio Act (PrR-G) Audiovisual Media Services Act (AMD-G) ORF Act (ORF-G) Act on Exclusive Television Rights (FERG) Telecommunications Act 2003 (TKG 2003) 3.5.3 Special legislation for digital terrestrial platform, analogue terrestrial or cable, satellite The field of broadcasting regulation also includes radio and television broadcasting through cable networks (cable broadcasting) and via satellite (satellite broadcasting). Cable broadcasting, or the retransmission of radio or television programs, is only subject to a notification requirement. Only satellite broadcasters, which are established in Austria, require a license from KommAustria. Therefore, not every channel that can be received in Austria is actually licensed and supervised by the Austrian regulatory authority. Applicants are required to secure transmission capacity for satellite broadcasting by concluding the relevant agreements with a satellite operator, and to provide the authority with evidence of such agreements. Unlike terrestrial radio, the transmission capacity – specifically the satellite transponder and planned frequency – is not put out to public tender by the regulatory authority or allocated after a selection procedure among multiple applicants; instead, the license is issued to Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 34/191 the original applicant as long as the legal requirements regarding programming and qualifications are fulfilled. For more information, please refer to the following sections of the RTR web site: • • • • Directory of television broadcasters Directory of radio broadcasters KommAustria decisions (category: licensing) Information for applicants 3.5.4 Legislation for digital terrestrial television platform In digital terrestrial television broadcasting (DVB-T), multiple channels and additional services are bundled by a multiplex operator and transmitted using a shared frequency. As a result, the Austrian legislature decided not to apply the set of rules developed for analog television, where available frequencies are each allocated to an individual broadcaster. In line with the specifications of the Austrian Digitization Plan, the regulatory authority now publishes invitations to tender for multiplex platforms and allocates them (along with the relevant frequencies) to the most suitable applicant. In this context, a number of requirements are imposed on the multiplex operator, mainly with regard to the selection of channels. The authority itself therefore no longer selects broadcasters; the multiplex operator according to the procedure and criteria prescribed by the regulatory authority now handles this task. In cases where these requirements are violated, the authority can intervene upon request or by virtue of office. In 2005, two coverage licenses on a single multiplex platform were jointly put out to tender. The licenses (MUX A and MUX B) were allocated in February that year. MUX A supports nationwide coverage with the channels previously broadcast throughout Austria by terrestrial means (ORF 1, ORF 2 and ATV). The MUX B platform can be used to broadcast new channels, which may vary according to region. • • • • • Directory of multiplex operators Directory of television broadcasters Directory of additional service providers Digital broadcasting frequency register (directory of allocated frequencies) Digital Platform Austria (with links to related publications) Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 35/191 4 CROATIA 4.1 The size of TV market 4.1.1 TV channels available in Croatia In the table of available TV channels all channels including those licensed both inside and outside of Croatia (see ANNEX table 9.3) are listed. In Croatia, digital terrestrial television is the most important distribution platform for television with more than 36% of homes relying on this. Cable TV covers just under 10% while satellite and IPTV have 25% and 21% of homes respectively17. The table of available channels can be found in Annex. The entire list (more than 360 television channels on cable, satellite and IPTV) includes 10 adult channels, 29 business and news channels, 23 children’s channels, 31 cultural or documentary channels, more than 50 channels with a focus on entertainment or television fiction, 14 film channels, 48 national generalist channels including the Slovenian channels. These generalist channels are from Austria, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Italy, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia and the “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”. The list includes 25 music channels and 44 sports channels. In addition, there are more than 30 channels available in High definition (HD). Similar to the situation in Slovenia, many of these channels, for example the majority of panEuropean channels such as Disney, Discovery, National Geographic etc. are established in the United Kingdom (76). The Cinemax, HBO channels and others are registered in the Czech Republic, the Sport klub channels in Romania, while the Pink family of channels is Serbian. There are also many other German, Serbian and Bosnian channels available. 4.1.2 TV channels established in Croatia Table 4.1 illustrates the television channels established in Croatia. There are 96 in total including 20 regional/local channels and 20 windows. The public service broadcaster has six channels including two generalist, a news, a HD channel, an international satellite channel and a cultural channel. The remaining 50 channels are private and include a wide range of genres such as children, film, music, news and sport. 17 According to data from IHS Screen Digest published in the Yearbook of the European Audiovisual Observatory, 2012 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 36/191 Table 4.1: TV channels established in Croatia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Name 24sata TV 2KTV Arena Sport 1 Croatia Arena Sport 1 HD Croatia Arena Sport 2 Croatia Arena Sport 2 HD Croatia Arena Sport 3 Croatia Arena Sport 3 HD Croatia Arena Sport 4 Croatia Arena Sport 4 HD Croatia B.Net Info Kanal B.NET MOZAIK Cinestar Action and Thriller (Croatia) Cinestar TV (Croatia) CMC Croatian Music Channel Doma TV Dubrovačka TV Eksperimentalni ZKTV Fight Channel FullTV GTV Zadar HRT1 HRT2 HRT3 HRT4 HRT HD HRT-SAT HTV dopisništvo Čakovec HTV dopisništvo Gospić HTV dopisništvo Karlovac HTV dopisništvo Koprivnica Broadcasting company 24SATA D.O.O. B.NET HRVATSKA D.O.O. B.NET HRVATSKA D.O.O. Cinestar TV Cinestar TV Autor d.o.o. NOVA TV D.D. DUBROVACKA TELEVIZIJA D.O.O. Hemar d.d. GRADSKA TELEVIZIJA D.O.O. HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 37/191 Jointly for our common future Genre News channel Entertainment channel Sports channel High definition simulcast Sports channel High definition simulcast Sports channel High definition simulcast Sports channel High definition simulcast Promotional / Information channel Promotional / Information channel Film channel Film channel Music channel Entertainment channel Regional/ local channel Entertainment channel Sports channel Business channel Regional/ local channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Cultural/educational channel News channel Generalist channel International linguistic and cultural channel Window Window Window Window 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 HTV dopisništvo Krapina HTV dopisništvo Metković HTV dopisništvo Nova Gradiška... HTV dopisništvo Požega HTV dopisništvo Sisak HTV dopisništvo Slavonski Brod HTV dopisništvo Županja Jabuka TV Jugoton TV Kanal 5 (Croatia) Kanal RI Kapital Network Klasik TV Kreator TV F1 Kreator TV F1 HD Max-TV Info Kanal MediaTravel TV MINI TV Moja Uprava MTV Croatia Narodna Muzika TV NeT Nezavisna Televizija Nova HD (Croatia) Nova TV (Croatia) Nova World OK Bambino OK Orlando Kids (Croatia) Osječka televizija Playomania TV RI-TV Riječka televizija RTB TV RTL 2 (Croatia) RTL Plus (Croatia) Otvorena televizija Zagreb Televizija Kanal 5 KANAL RI D.O.O. KAPITAL NET D.O.O. KREATOR grupa KREATOR grupa HT D.D. "MAXTV MediaHUB d.o.o. NOVA TV D.D. MTV ADRIA DRUZBA ZA TRZENJE IN TRZNE KOMUNIKACIJE D.O.O. NET D.O.O. NOVA TV D.D. NOVA TV D.D. NOVA TV D.D. B.NET HRVATSKA D.O.O. OAR TELEVIZIJA PRIMORJA I GORSKOG KOTARA D.O.O. RTL HRVATSKA D.O.O. RTL HRVATSKA D.O.O. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 38/191 Jointly for our common future Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Regional/ local channel Music channel Entertainment channel Regional/ local channel Business channel Entertainment channel Sports channel High definition simulcast Promotional / Information channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Children's channel Parliamentary/ Government/ Administration channel Music channel Music channel Regional/ local channel High definition simulcast Generalist channel International linguistic and cultural channel Children's channel Children's channel Regional/ local channel Games/lottery/betting channel Regional/ local channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel 65 RTL Televizija RTL HRVATSKA D.O.O. 66 SABORSKA TV HRVASTSKI SABOR (Croatian Parliament) 67 SBTV (Slavonsko-brodska televizija) SLAVONSKO-BRODSKA TELEVIZIJA D.O.O. 68 Sportska Televizija HOO TV d.o.o. 69 SRCE TV MIJOR D.O.O. 70 Studio Bjelovar HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA 71 Studio Dubrovnik HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA 72 Studio Osijek HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA 73 Studio Pula HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA 74 Studio Rijeka HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA 75 Studio Šibenik HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA 76 Studio Split HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA 77 Studio Varaždin HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA 78 Studio Zadar HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA 79 STV (Televizija Slavonive i Baranje) TELEVIZIJA SLAVONIJE I BARANJE D.O.O. 80 Televizija Šibenik TELEVIZIJA SIBENIK D.O.O. 81 Top shop TV (Croatia) 82 TV4R KA-VISION D.O.O. 83 TV Atila 84 TV Dalmacija TELEVIZIJA DALMACIJA D.O.O. 85 TV Istra NEZAVISNA ISTARSKA TELEVIZIJA D.O.O. 86 TV Jadran TV JADRAN D.O.O. 87 TV Nova Pula TV NOVA D.O.O. 88 TV Plus (Croatia) TV PLUS D.O.O. 89 TV Sljeme – Z1 TELEVIZIJA SLJEME D.O.O. 90 TV Turopolje 91 TV Velika Gorica 92 VECERNJI.HR 24SATA D.O.O. 93 VKTV Vinkovačka Televizija VTV D.O.O. 94 VOX (Croatia) VOX 95 VTV Varazdinska Televizija Varaždinska televizija 96 Zdrava Televizija Source Council for Electronic Media of the Republic of Croatia (VEM)/ MAVISE database Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 39/191 Jointly for our common future Generalist channel Parliamentary/ Government/ Administration channel Regional/ local channel Sports channel Regional/ local channel Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Home shopping channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel News channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Others 4.1.3 TV channels on DTT in Croatia The table below outlines the channels available on the Croatian DTT networks. In January 2013, the MUX operator OIV, in co-operation with Post Hrvatska launched a pay DTT service in Croatia, which includes 40 pay channels. The free service includes 21 regional channels, all the public service channels (including HD, news and cultural) and also the main private generalist channels. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 40/191 Table 4.2: TV channels on DTT in Croatia Channel 1 Dubrovačka TV Public / Private / Private 2 GTV Zadar Private Croatia Local 3 Kanal RI Private Croatia Local 4 Osječka televizija Private Croatia Local 5 RI-TV Riječka televizija Private Croatia Local 6 SBTV (Slavonsko-brodska televizija) SRCE TV Private Croatia Local Private Croatia Local Private Croatia Local 9 STV (Televizija Slavonive i Baranje) Televizija Šibenik Private Croatia Local 10 TV4R Private Croatia Local 11 TV Dalmacija Private Croatia Local 12 TV Jadran Private Croatia Local 13 TV Nova Pula Private Croatia Local 14 TV Plus (Croatia) Private Croatia Local 15 TV Sljeme – Z1 Private Croatia Local 16 VKTV Vinkovačka Televizija Private Croatia Local 7 8 Country of establishment Croatia Type of coverage Local Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Genre Language Access Multiplex MUX operator Packager Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local Croatian Free D OIV OIV Croatian Free D OIV OIV Croatian Free D OIV OIV Croatian Free D OIV OIV Croatian Free D OIV OIV Croatian Free D OIV OIV Croatian Free D OIV OIV Croatian Free D OIV OIV Croatian Free D OIV OIV Croatian Free D OIV OIV Croatian Free D OIV OIV Croatian Free D OIV OIV Croatian Free D OIV OIV Croatian Free D OIV OIV Croatian Free D OIV OIV Croatian Free D OIV OIV Page: 41/191 Jointly for our common future 17 VOX (Croatia) Private Croatia Local 18 VTV Varazdinska Televizija Private Croatia Local 19 Private Croatia National 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 CMC Croatian Music Channel Doma TV HRT1 HRT2 HRT HD Nova TV (Croatia) RTL 2 (Croatia) RTL Televizija Sportska Televizija HRT 3 HRT4 Jabuka TV Private Public Public Public Private Private Private Private Public Public Private Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia National National National National National National National National National National Regional 31 NeT Nezavisna Televizija Private Croatia Regional 32 TV Istra Private Croatia Regional 33 24 KITCHEN International Private Bulgaria 34 AXN (- Croatian) Private 35 Baby TV (- English) Private 36 Balkanika Music TV Private United Kingdom United Kingdom Bulgaria Several countries National 37 Bloomberg TV Europe Private United Kingdom Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Several countries Several countries Several countries channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Music channel Croatian Free D OIV OIV Croatian Free D OIV OIV Croatian Free D OIV OIV Entertainment channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Entertainment channel Generalist channel Sports channel Cultural/educational News channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Lifestyle/specific leisure TV fiction channel Croatian Croatian Croatian Croatian Croatian Croatian Croatian Croatian Croatian Croatian Croatian Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free B A A D A B A C B D OIV OIV OIV OIV OIV OIV OIV OIV OIV OIV OIV OIV OIV OIV OIV OIV OIV OIV OIV OIV OIV OIV Croatian Free D OIV OIV Croatian Free D OIV OIV English Pay Croatian Children's channel English Premiu m Pay Music channel Bulgarian OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija Business channel English OIV/ Hrvatska Post HP Produkcija Page: 42/191 Jointly for our common future Pay on DTT Croatia Pay 38 Boomerang (- Croatian) Private 39 Cartoon Network (Croatian) Private 40 CBS Drama Private 41 Cinemax 2 (Croatia) Private 42 Cinemax (Croatia) Private 43 CNN International Private 44 Comedy Central Extra Private 45 Da Vinci Learning (English) Private United Kingdom Germany 46 Da Vinci Learning ( German) Private Germany 47 DM Sat Private Austria Several countries 48 Fine Living Network (FLN) Private 49 Private Several countries National 50 Fishing and Hunting (English) Golf Klub TV (Croatia) United Kingdom Romania Private Romania 51 HBO Adria (- Croatian) Private 52 HBO Comedy Adria (Croatian) I-concert HD Private Czech Republic Czech Republic France 53 Private United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Czech Republic Czech Republic United Kingdom Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 National Children's channel Croatian Pay National Children's channel Croatian Pay Several countries National TV fiction channel English Pay Film channel Croatian National Film channel Croatian News channel English Premiu m Premiu m Pay Entertainment channel English Pay Cultural/educational channel Cultural/educational channel Entertainment channel English Pay German Pay Serbian English Pay on DTT Croatia Pay Internationa l/ PanEuropean National Several countries National English Pay National Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Sports channel Croatian Pay National TV fiction channel Croatian National TV fiction channel Croatian National High definition simulcast French Premiu m Premiu m Pay Page: 43/191 Jointly for our common future OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija 54 Jugoton TV Private Croatia National Music channel Croatian Pay 55 Klasik TV Private Croatia National Entertainment channel Croatian Pay 56 MGM Channel Private English Pay MTV Croatia Private Music channel Croatian Pay 58 Nat Geo Wild (VCroatian) Private Documentary channel Croatian Pay 59 Private National Documentary channel Croatian Pay 60 National Geographic Channel Europe (Croatian) OK Bambino Private United Kingdom United Kingdom Croatia Several countries Several countries National Film channel 57 United Kingdom Croatia National Children's channel Croatian Pay 61 OK Orlando Kids (Croatia) Private Croatia National Children's channel Croatian Pay 62 Penthouse 3D Private Netherlands Adult channel English Pay 63 Penthouse HD1 Private Netherlands Pay Sport Klub (Croatia) Private Romania High definition simulcast Sports channel English 64 Several countries Several countries National Croatian Pay 65 Sport Klub+ (Croatia) Private Romania National Sports channel Croatian Pay 66 Sport Klub Prime (Croatia) Private Romania National Sports channel Croatian Pay 67 TCM Europe Private English Pay VH1 Europe Private Music channel English Pay 69 Viasat Explorer (English) Private Documentary channel English Pay 70 Viasat History (- English) Private Several countries Internationa l/ PanEuropean Several countries Several Film channel 68 United Kingdom Czech Republic Documentary channel English Pay United Kingdom United Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 44/191 Jointly for our common future OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija HP Produkcija OIV/ Hrvatska Post OIV/ Hrvatska HP Produkcija HP 71 Viasat Nature/History HD (English) Private Kingdom United Kingdom countries National Documentary channel English (Source OIV/ MAVISE database) Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 45/191 Jointly for our common future Pay Post OIV/ Hrvatska Post Produkcija HP Produkcija 4.2 Demographics 4.2.1 Inhabitants per square kilometre Table 4.3: Inhabitants per square kilometre in Croatia Name of County Republika Hrvatska Area 2 km No. of inhabitants 56.594 4.284.889 Inhabitants per 2 km 75,71 No. of cities 127 No. of municipalities No. of settlements 429 6.756 Zagrebačka 3.060 317.606 103,79 9 25 694 Krapinsko-zagorska 1.229 132.892 108,13 7 25 423 Sisačko-moslavačka 4.468 172.439 38,59 6 13 456 Karlovačka 3.626 128.899 35,55 5 17 649 Varaždinska 1.262 175.951 139,42 6 22 302 Koprivničko-križevačka 1.748 115.584 66,12 3 22 264 Bjelovarsko-bilogorska 2.640 119.764 45,37 5 18 323 Primorsko-goranska 3.588 296.195 82,55 14 22 510 Ličko-senjska 5.353 50.927 9,51 4 8 255 Virovitičko-podravska 2.024 84.836 41,92 3 13 188 Požeško-slavonska 1.823 78.034 42,81 5 5 277 Brodsko-posavska 2.030 158.575 78,12 2 26 185 Zadarska 3.646 170.017 46,63 6 28 229 Osječko-baranjska 4.155 305.032 73,41 7 35 263 Šibensko-kninska 2.984 109.375 36,65 5 15 199 Vukovarsko-srijemska 2.454 179.521 73,15 5 26 85 Splitsko-dalmatinska 4.540 454.798 100,18 16 39 368 Istarska 2.813 208.055 73,96 10 31 655 Dubrovačkoneretvanska Međimurska 1.781 122.568 68,82 5 17 230 729 113.804 156,11 3 22 131 Grad Zagreb 641 790.017 1232,48 1 - 70 Source: State Geodetic administration of Republic of Croatia. March 2011 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 46/191 Figure 4.1: Map of Croatia regions Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 47/191 4.2.2 Data on age groups and ageing index Table 4.4: Age groups and ageing index in Croatia Counties Total 4284889 0–6 years 296204 0 – 14 years 652428 0 – 17 years 797855 0 – 19 years 896605 60 years and over 1031373 65 years and over 758633 75 years and over 344230 Ageing index 115 Republic of Croatia Zagreb KrapinaZagorje SisakMoslavina Karlovac Varaždin KoprivnicaKriževci BjelovarBilogora PrimorjeGorski kotar Lika-Senj ViroviticaPodravina PožegaSlavonia Slavonski BrodPosavina Zadar OsijekBaranja ŠibenikKnin VukovarSirmium SplitDalmatia Istria DubrovnikNeretva Međimurje City of Zagreb 317606 132892 23754 8650 51854 19942 62603 24501 70086 27738 70131 31244 50341 23405 21394 10607 100,1 112,6 172439 10858 25013 30692 34495 45227 33676 15589 131,1 128899 175951 115584 7832 12152 8087 17330 27117 18151 21015 33256 22144 23625 37347 24937 35209 40083 27548 27210 29622 20496 13501 13029 9182 149 107,3 110,5 119764 8255 18441 22912 25810 29646 22013 10172 114,9 296195 17323 36967 44995 50759 78831 56004 25842 155,3 50927 84836 2908 5838 6925 13492 8493 16717 9506 18933 15784 19565 12574 14547 6226 6587 166 103,3 78034 5528 13142 16355 18572 18423 14000 6310 99,2 158575 11499 27063 33586 37925 36614 27844 12590 96,5 170017 305032 12210 20388 26837 46806 32949 58025 36932 65515 43340 69642 31528 51534 14300 22496 117,4 106,3 109375 6565 15450 19135 21695 31699 23877 11801 146,1 179521 13203 30451 37627 42093 41371 30688 13602 98,3 454798 33721 74432 91299 102447 104837 75451 35339 102,3 208055 122568 13513 9181 27816 19919 33721 24463 37804 27293 51710 29854 37459 21845 17151 10420 136,8 109,4 113804 790017 8691 56048 19221 116059 23307 140060 26192 156901 24055 186560 17749 136770 7766 60326 91,8 118,9 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 48/191 4.3 Usage of PC/Internet Data is collected annually through Community survey on ICT usage on households and individuals. Observation unit for access to PC/Internet is household, while individuals are targeted as observation units regarding PC/Internet usage. Table 4.5: Share of households having access to PC 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 49,5% 52,9% 54,7% 60,0% 64,0% 66,4% Table 4.6: Share of households having access to Internet 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 40,6% 45,3% 50,0% 56,5% 61,4% 68,0% Table 4.7: Share of individuals as regular PC users 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 45,9% 46,9% 49,7% 56,3% 59,3% 63,1% Table 4.8: Share of individuals as regular Internet users 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 38,0% 42,5% 46,8% 54,4% 57,8% 61,9% 4.4 Access to broadband Data is collected annually through Community survey on ICT usage on households and individuals. Observation unit for broadband access to Internet is household. Table 4.9: Share of households having broadband access to Internet 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 23,5% 26,8% 39,5% 49,1% 58,8% 59,0% Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 49/191 Figure 4.2: Number of broadband connections per municipalities in Croatia 4.5 Existing legal framework 4.5.1 Legal framework for frequency allocation/assignment Frequency spectrum is regulated and managed by the Croatian Post and Electronic Communications Agency (HAKOM) according to the competences laid down in the Electronic Communications Act. Electronic Communications Act18 regulates the field of electronic communications. Some provisions important for the TV-WEB project are: • Use of electronic communications networks and the provision of electronic communications services, • Rules on construction, installation, maintenance and use of electronic communications infrastructure and associated facilities, • Competition conditions and rights and obligations of participants in the market of electronic communications networks and services. • Management of the radio frequency spectrum, digital broadcasting, Additional provisions regarding the procedure of selecting network operators and content providers for DTT networks are laid down in the secondary legislation: • Ordinance on Radio Frequency Spectrum Allocation19, 18 19 Official Gazette 73/08. Official Gazette 136/08, 17/10, 118/10, 119/10 & 87/11. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 50/191 • • Ordinance on the Transition from Analogue to Digital Broadcasting of Radio and Television Programmes and Access to Multiplex Positions in Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting20, Ordinance on the conditions for the assignment and use of radio frequency spectrum21 4.5.2 Legal framework for content licensing In the field of electronic media, the Electronic Media Agency (EMA) represents an autonomous legal public authority within the scope and competences laid down in Articles 66-79 of the Electronic Media Act, as well as in the Statute of the EMA. The EMA is managed by the Electronic Media Council, which carries out the duties of a regulatory body in the area of electronic media. Electronic Media Act22 regulates rights, obligations and responsibilities of natural and legal bodies involved in the production and publishing of programme contents and services via electronic media. Croatian Radio-Television Act23 regulates the organisation and operation of the Croatian Radio Television as a legal entity with the status of a public institution, established by the state, whereas founding rights are to be exercised by the Government of Croatia. Audiovisual Works Act24 regulates the provision, organisation and funding of audiovisual works as an integral part of contemporary culture, encouragement of the Croatian audio-visual production and distribution, promotion of cinematography and complementary activities, and particularly the protection and studying of audiovisual heritage and presentation of the Croatian audiovisual works in Croatia and abroad. 20 Official Gazette 148/08. Official Gazette 136/08, 70/10 & 39/11. 22 Official Gazette 153/09, 84/11. 23 Official Gazette 137/10. 24 Official Gazette 76/07. 21 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 51/191 5 HUNGARY 5.1 The size of TV market 5.1.1 TV channels available in Hungary There are approximately 270 channels available in Hungary (not including over 460 regional/local channels (see table 9.5 in Annex). Annex, table 9.4 contains the full list of channels available (including those not licensed in the country). Table 5.1 (below) lists the channels licensed in the country. The channels available on satellite, cable and IPTV total more than 270. Cable is the most important type of distribution platform serving more than 50% of homes. Satellite is used in over 25% of homes, DTT around 10% and IPTV in 7% of households25. The total list includes 10 adult channels, 19 business and news channels, 15 children’s channels, 25 cultural or documentary channels, 28 channels with a focus on entertainment or television fiction, 14 film channels, 21 national generalist channels including the Hungarian channels. These generalist channels are from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France Germany, Italy, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, and the Ukraine. There are also 22 music channels and 24 sports channels, and 25 channels in HD. Many channels target the Hungarian market but are established elsewhere, including 23 channels from the Czech Republic 8HBO, Cinemax, Film* etc.), 33 from France (Euronews, Eurosport, Motors TV etc.), 20 from Romania (Digi TV channels, Sport Klub, Cool TV etc.). The largest number comes from the UK with more than 70 channels (the Viasat channels, Disney, AXN, Discovery, National Geographic, MTV etc.). 5.1.2 TV channels established in Hungary There are more than 460 regional and local channels established in Hungary. Most of these are available over local cable systems. The local and regional channels are outlined in the ANNEXE. They were removed from the table below in order to simplify the presentation of the channels established in Hungary (as the table would run over many pages). The total includes 6 windows of the public service channel. Hence there are 51 national channels established in Hungary. Five channels target other countries (Czech Republic and Romania) including several from Chello Central Europe (Liberty Global). Table 5.1: TV channels established in Hungary 1 2 3 Name 4 Story TV 5 Story TV Al Rasheed TV Broadcasting company SANOMA DIGITAL MEDIA KOZEP-EUROPAI Zrt. SANOMA DIGITAL MEDIA KOZEP-EUROPAI Zrt. Genre Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel 25 According to data from IHS Screen Digest published in the Yearbook of the European Audiovisual Observatory, 2012 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 52/191 4 Best of Music 5 6 7 Best of TV2 Blue TV Chili TV 8 d1tv 9 Duna TV 10 Duna TV HD 11 Duna World 12 Duna World HD 13 14 15 Echo TV Film Café Film Café Romania 16 17 18 Film Mania Fishing and Hunting (Hungarian) FixTV 19 Halozat TV 20 21 22 23 Hir TV H!T Music Channel H!T Music Channel Romania Klip Mix 24 Life Network TV 25 26 M1 HD M1 (Magyar Televízió 1) 27 28 M2 HD M2 (Magyar Televízió 2) 29 Magyar ATV 30 Magyar ATV HD MTV Budapest Regional Studio MTV Debrecen Regional Studio MTV Miskolc Regional Studio MTV Pécs Regional Studio 31 32 33 34 SKYBLE MEDIA ZRT. MTM-SBS TELEVISION PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY BY SHARES VODAFONE HUNGARY LTD. VODAFONE HUNGARY LTD. DOMINO TV MŰSORSZOLGÁLTATÓ ZRT. DUNA TELEVÍZIÓ ZÁRTKÖRÛEN MÛKÖDÕ RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG ECHO HUNGÁRIA TV TELEVÍZIÓZÁSI, KOMMUNIKÁCIÓS ÉS SZOLGÁLTATÓ ZÁRTKÖRÛ RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG CHELLO CENTRAL EUROPE MUSORSZOLGALTATO ZARTKORUEN MUKODO RESZVENYTARSASAG Music channel Generalist channel Adult channel Sports channel Cultural/educational channel Cultural/educational channel High definition simulcast Cultural/educational channel High definition simulcast News channel Film channel Film channel Film channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Others HÁLÓZATOS TELEVÍZIÓK ZÁRTKÖRUEN MUKÖDO RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG HÍRTV MUSORSZOLGÁLTATÓ ÉS HIRDETÉSSZERVEZO ZÁRTKÖRUEN MUKÖDO RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG SKYBLE MEDIA ZRT. ORIGO ZRT. MAGYAR TELEVÍZIÓ RT. AGRO TV-ATV ELSÕ MAGYAR MAGÁNTELEVÍZIÓS ZÁRTKÖRÛEN MÛKÖDÕ RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG AGRO TV-ATV ELSÕ MAGYAR MAGÁNTELEVÍZIÓS ZÁRTKÖRÛEN MÛKÖDÕ RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG MAGYAR TELEVÍZIÓ RT. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Entertainment channel News channel Music channel Music channel Music channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel High definition simulcast Generalist channel High definition simulcast Generalist channel Generalist channel High definition simulcast Window Window Window Window Page: 53/191 36 37 38 MTV Sopron Regional Studio MTV Szeged Regional Studio MusicPlus (Hungary) Muzsika TV 39 Ozone Network TV 40 41 42 43 44 Pax TV Rock TV (Hungary) RTL KLUB RTL Klub - tv @ go Sorozat+ 45 Spektrum Home 46 Spektrum Home (Czech) Spektrum TV HD (Hungary) Spektrum TV (Hungary) Sport 1 Hungary Sport 1 (Czech) Sport 1 (Romanian) Sport 2 (Hungary) Sport M 35 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Window SKYBLE MEDIA ZRT. IKO KABELTEVE SZOLGALTATO KFT. ORIGO ZRT. PAX TELEVÍZIÓ MUSORSZOLGÁLTATÓ ZÁRTKÖRUEN MUKÖDO RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG SKYBLE MEDIA ZRT. MAGYAR RTL TELEVÍZIÓ RT. IKO KABELTEVE SZOLGALTATO KFT. CHELLO CENTRAL EUROPE MUSORSZOLGALTATO ZARTKORUEN MUKODO RESZVENYTARSASAG MTM-SBS TELEVISION PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY BY SHARES MTM-SBS TELEVISION PRIVATE LIMITED 55 TV2 (Hungary) COMPANY BY SHARES TV PAPRIKA MUSORSZOLGÁLTATÓ ZÁRTKÖRUEN 56 TV Paprika MUKÖDO RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG VITAL TV TELEVÍZIÓZÁSI, KOMMUNIKÁCIÓS ÉS 57 Vital TV SZOLGÁLTATÓ ZÁRTKÖRU RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG Source: NMHH Hungary/ MAVISE database 54 SuperTV2 Window Music channel Music channel Cultural/educational channel Religious channel Music channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Entertainment channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel High definition simulcast Documentary channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel 5.1.3 TV channels on DTT in Hungary The DTT services in Hungary are provided by the company Antenna Hungaria. It provides both the free DTT service Mindig TV (with 9 national channels plus three versions of Euronews) and the pay DTT service Mindig TV Extra (with 24 channels). In January 2013, the company claimed that the basic service was used in 350 000 homes (about 10% of Hungarian homes) and the pay service had more than 80 000 subscribers26. 26 See here: Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 54/191 Table 5.2: TV channels available on DTT in Hungary Channel 1 Euronews (English) Public Private Mixed Mixed 2 Euronews (French) Mixed France 3 Euronews (German) Mixed Germany 4 Duna TV Public Hungary International/ PanEuropean International/ PanEuropean International/ PanEuropean National 5 Duna TV HD Public Hungary National Hungarian Free MUX A 6 M1 HD Public Hungary National Hungarian Free MUX A 7 M1 (Magyar Televízió 1) Public Hungary National Hungarian Free MUX A 8 M2 HD Public Hungary National Hungarian Free MUX A 9 M2 (Magyar Televízió 2) Public Hungary National Hungarian Free MUX A 10 RTL KLUB Private Hungary National Hungarian Free MUX A 11 TV2 (Hungary) Private Hungary National Hungarian Free MUX A 12 Viasat3 Hungary Private National Hungarian Free MUX A 13 Comedy Central (Hungary) Private United Kingdom Czech Republic National Hungarian Pay MUX B 14 Disney Channel (Hungarian) Minimax (Hungarian) Private Czech Republic National Hungarian Pay MUX B Private Czech Republic National Hungarian Pay MUX B 15 / / Country of establishment Type of coverage Language Access Multiplex MUX operator Packager France English Free MUX A Minidig Antenna Hungaria French Free MUX A German Free MUX A Hungarian Free MUX A Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 55/191 Jointly for our common future Minidig Antenna Hungaria Minidig Antenna Hungaria Minidig Antenna Hungaria Minidig Antenna Hungaria Minidig Antenna Hungaria Minidig Antenna Hungaria Minidig Antenna Hungaria Minidig Antenna Hungaria Minidig Antenna Hungaria Minidig Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria 16 Hir TV Private Hungary National Hungarian Pay MUX B 17 Magyar ATV Private Hungary National Hungarian Pay MUX B 18 Muzsika TV Private Hungary National Hungarian Pay MUX B 19 Spektrum TV (Hungary) Private Hungary National Hungarian Pay MUX B 20 Sport 1 Hungary Private Hungary National Hungarian Pay MUX B 21 Sport 2 (Hungary) Private Hungary National Hungarian Pay MUX B 22 Cool TV Private Romania National Hungarian Pay MUX B 23 Prizma TV Private Romania National Hungarian Pay MUX B 24 Sport Klub (Hungary) Private Romania National Hungarian Pay MUX B 25 Cartoon Network (Hungarian) FEM3 Private National Hungarian Pay MUX B National Hungarian Pay MUX B History Channel Europe (Hungarian) National Geographic Channel Europe (Hungarian) PRO4 Private United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom National Hungarian Pay MUX B National Hungarian Pay MUX B National Hungarian Pay MUX B Private National Hungarian Pay MUX B 31 Universal Channel (Hungary) Film+ (- Hungarian) Private United Kingdom United Kingdom Romania National Hungarian Pay MUX B 32 HBO (Hungary) Private Czech Republic National Hungarian Premium MUX B 26 27 28 29 30 Private Private Private Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 56/191 Jointly for our common future Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna 33 Private United Kingdom National Hungarian Premium MUX B 34 National Geographic Channel Europe (Hungarian) Dorcel TV Private Netherlands Several countries French Pay MUX B 35 Private Spice Private Netherlands Several countries English Pay MUX B Source: Antenna Hungaria / MAVISE database Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 57/191 Jointly for our common future Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria Minidig Extra Antenna Hungaria 5.2 Demographics 5.2.1 Inhabitants per square kilometre Table 5.3: Inhabitants per square kilometre in Hungary Region Budapest Pest Central Hungary Fejér Komárom-Esztergom Veszprém Central Transdanubia Győr-Moson-Sopron Vas Zala Western Transdanubia Baranya Somogy Tolna Southern Transdanubia Transdanubia Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Heves Nógrád Northern Hungary Hajdú-Bihar Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Northern Great Plain Bács-Kiskun Békés Csongrád Southern Great Plain Great Plain and North Average Total 2012 3.289 190 425 97 134 79 97 106 77 75 87 86 53 63 66 82 95 85 80 89 87 70 95 84 62 64 97 71 81 107 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future 2013 3.304 191 427 97 134 79 97 106 76 75 87 85 52 62 65 81 94 84 79 89 87 69 95 84 62 64 96 70 80 106 Page: 58/191 Figure 5.1: Map of counties in Hungary 5.2.2 Data on age groups and ageing index Table 5.4: Data on age groups and ageing index in Hungary County, capital Budapest Pest Central Hungary Fejér Komárom-Esztergom Veszprém Central Transdanubia Győr-Moson-Sopron Vas Zala Western Transdanubia Baranya Somogy Tolna Southern Transdanubia Transdanubia Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Heves Nógrád $0–14 years old 222.948 205.518 428.466 61.916 45.384 48.885 156.185 64.851 34.559 36.651 136.061 54.691 44.863 32.193 131.747 423.993 110.659 44.603 29.181 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 A Jointly for our common future Over 65 322.733 178.278 501.011 67.163 49.332 60.277 176.772 71.033 43.815 52.201 167.049 65.778 55.320 40.597 161.695 505.516 112.962 55.855 36.886 Index 144,76 86,75 116,93 108,47 108,70 123,30 113,18 109,53 126,78 142,43 122,78 120,27 123,31 126,11 122,73 119,23 102,08 125,23 126,40 Page: 59/191 Northern Hungary Hajdú-Bihar Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Northern Great Plain Bács-Kiskun Békés Csongrád Southern Great Plain Great Plain and North Total Data from 2011. 184.443 84.255 57.702 95.867 237.824 75.863 48.939 57.682 182.484 604.751 1.457.210 205.703 81.526 68.439 76.772 226.737 90.766 68.221 73.181 232.168 664.608 1.671.135 111,53 96,76 118,61 80,08 95,34 119,64 139,40 126,87 127,23 109,90 114,68 5.3 Usage of PC/Internet 27 Table 5.5: Usage of PC/Internet in Hungary Hungary Population (2012 Est.) 9,958,453 Internet Users 30-June-12 6,516,627 Penetration (%Population) 65.4 % Users % in Europe 1.3 % Facebook 31-Dec-12 4,265,960 5.4 Access to broadband According to the latest publication of the Hungarian Statistical Office28 The internet market continued to expand dynamically to 417 service providers and nearly 5.5 million internet subscriptions by the end of December 2012, which was a 26% rise year-on-year. The market kept concentrating: 7 companies accounted for 90% of subscriptions. In quarter 4 2012, personal subscriptions and business subscriptions accounted for 76% and 24% respectively of all subscriptions. This dynamic development may be due to a deepening technological and price competition among service providers. The wireless segment increased by 46% over the year. The increasingly available mobile Internet strongly contributed to this major change with a 47% increase. Mobile Internet accounted for 58% of subscriptions; its proportion grew by 8 percentage points over a year. Out of the two most important types of wired Internet, there was an annual increase of 8% in cable network subscriptions, while the xDSL segment decreased by 2%. Over a year, there was a 4% rise in the number of subscriptions of broadband services (cable TV and xDSL). So far it does not account for a high proportion, but on an annual basis, there was a 14% growth in the number of subscriptions in the other category, which includes e.g. LAN (optical) services too. 27 28 Hungarian Statistical Office, Statistical reflections Issue 8 Volume 7, 8 March 2013 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 60/191 Table 5.6: Number of the Internet subscriptions by access services 8. Number of the Internet subscriptions by access services Public switched network Year, quarter (via modem) + ISDN Wireless xDSL Cable TV Total of which mobile internet Other (e.g. LAN, leased line) Total a) 2010 2011 2012 15 137 13 527 12 916 789 657 801 165 786 491 893 177 970 499 1 047 990 1 407 039 2 254 948 3 282 184 1 306 912 2 154 842 3 173 870 236 454 292 386 334 241 3 341 464 4 332 525 5 463 822 2011. I. II. III. IV. 14 667 13 919 13 786 13 527 783 676 799 045 798 160 801 165 913 977 929 948 948 591 970 499 1 495 333 1 665 090 1 970 874 2 254 948 1 394 262 1 561 332 1 872 178 2 154 842 251 887 260 577 272 558 292 386 3 459 540 3 668 579 4 003 969 4 332 525 2012. I. II. III. IV. 12 888 14 008 13 599 12 916 798 092 788 343 795 829 786 491 1 004 506 1 014 115 1 034 060 1 047 990 2 444 307 2 626 745 2 953 545 3 282 184 2 342 018 2 525 212 2 852 432 3 173 870 301 384 310 385 322 200 334 241 4 561 177 4 753 596 5 119 233 5 463 822 2010 b) 2011 b) 2012 b) 67,6 89,4 95,5 98,7 101,5 98,2 Previous period = 100.0 114,2 135,7 108,7 160,3 108,0 145,6 140,1 164,9 147,3 146,1 123,7 114,3 119,2 129,7 126,1 2011. I. II. III. IV. 96,9 94,9 99,0 98,1 99,2 102,0 99,9 100,4 102,3 101,7 102,0 102,3 106,3 111,4 118,4 114,4 106,7 112,0 119,9 115,1 106,5 103,4 104,6 107,3 103,5 106,0 109,1 108,2 2012. I. II. III. IV. 95,3 108,7 97,1 95,0 99,6 98,8 100,9 98,8 103,5 101,0 102,0 101,3 108,4 107,5 112,4 111,1 108,7 107,8 113,0 111,3 103,1 103,0 103,8 103,7 105,3 104,2 107,7 106,7 a) In quarter 1 2009 – based on the agreem ent of the m obile service providers – there was a change in the definition of m obile internet subscriptions. This definition includesthe identification numbers of SIM cards with active Internet service with at least 10Mbytes of data available to be transferred and a monthly charge greater than zero (prepaid or postpaid) on the last day of the given calendar m onth. Any SIM card with more than one active tariff plan shall nevertheless be considered as a single SIM. b) The base is the data of the previous year. In January 2013, 2.183 million broadband Internet subscriptions were registered in Hungary. The table below provides information on the shares of the different subscriptions based on data provided by the most important market leaders29. 29 Source: Flash report on landline service, NMHH January 2013 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 61/191 Table 5.7:: Number of broadband Internet subscriptions in Hungary Number of broadband Internet subscriptions Number of xDSL subscriptions 769 649 Number of subscriptins for broadband via cable 885 759 of which: number of broadband subscriptions via Docsis 3.0 274 251 Number of broadband subscriptions via FTTx 324 722 Total number of fixed-access broadband subscriptions 2 183 000 Based on data obtained from the following market leader data suppliers, covering almost 98% of all xDSL subscriptions:Magyar Telekom Nyrt, Invitel Zrt, GTS Hungary Kft, UPC Magyarország Kft, DIGI Kft, PR-TELEKOM Zrt, Tarr Kft, ViDaNet Zrt, PARISAT Kft Based on data obtained from the following market leader data suppliers, covering 82,8% of all cable modem subscriptions:Magyar Telekom Nyrt, Invitel Zrt, GTS Hungary Kft, UPC Magyarország Kft, DIGI Kft, PR-TELEKOM Zrt, Tarr Kft, ViDaNet Zrt, PARISAT Kft Number of cable modem subscriptions where the terminal equipent (modem) has been replaced. Based on data obtained from the above mentioned service providers, covering 99% of all FTTx subscriptions Estimation pertaining to the total market. Includes estimates of xDSL, cable modem and FTTx subscriptions for the total market. Figure 5.2:: Distribution by service providers based on fixed broadband Internet subscriptions 30 Hungary is ahead of all the European averages for rural coverage and for Total NGA. Hungary’s broadband advantages include an extensive cable network, with 62% total coverage and 47% for Docsis 3, against European averages of 42% and 37% respectively. It also has double the average FTTP coverage (24% against 12%) and is starting to roll out VDSL. These combine to give Total NGA GA Coverage of 54%. DSL on the other hand is 3% below average reflecting the same history of network development as the other Eastern European study countries. DSL and cable combine to provide above average coverage in rural areas, and the presence of Docsis Docs 3 and some FTTP gives above average rural NGA. A planned WiMAX network does not appear to be operational yet. 30 Note: The market shares were defined based on the total market's estimated values and technologically neutrally. Source: Flash report on landline service, NMHH January 2013 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 A Jointly for our common future Page: 62/191 Figure 5.3:: Total coverage in Hungary by the different technologies in 2011 31 5.5 Existing legal framework 5.5.1 Legal framework for frequency allocation/assignment Frequency usage in Hungary is basically regulated by the several times amended Government Decree No. 346/2004 (XII.22.) on the definition of national allocation of frequency bands and the 7/2011 NMHH decree on the definition of rules for the usage of frequency frequ bands. ( mentum/150107/ntfa20120101.pdf). 5.5.2 Legal framework for content licensing The Hungarian regulators sought a compromise solution between the models of “strong” and “weak” multiplex operator. Therefore, it was recommended in the strategy that the first multiplex would host all the public service channels as determined by media policy policy (weak model), the channel positions remaining on MUX1 as well as MUX2 and MUX3 could be used freely – taking account of any other tendering conditions that may apply – by the winning bidder (strong model). The winning service providers have the opportunity opportunity to fill up the available channel capacities, alongside the channels specified by the media authorities, with channels of their own choice – based on examples of cable and satellite providers. This way the service providers themselves enter into contracts cts with both programme providers and broadcasters. The provision of programmes via a digital free-to-air free air broadcasting network, or a free-to-air free broadcasting station subject to Hungarian jurisdiction may commence after registration in accordance with the Media Act. No further registration is required in the case of programmes broadcasted under an effective contract for programme provision, or the concurrent broadcasting of programmes provided exclusively by way of a programme distribution network via a digital di free-to-air air broadcasting network. The operator of a digital free-to-air free air broadcasting network or a 31 Broadband Coverage in Europe in 2011 report, DG CONNECT 2012 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 A Jointly for our common future Page: 63/191 digital free-to-air broadcasting station is subject to the transmission or contracting obligation stipulated in the law or in the course of the application procedure. According to the latest amendments to the Digital Broadcasting Act, if the broadcaster wishes to broadcast media service that is not regulated by the Mttv, it must certify with a certification that the media service provider has the necessary authorisation to make the media service provision. 5.5.3 Special legislation for digital terrestrial or cable, satellite terrestrial platform, analogue Act C of 2003 on electronic communication Act LXXIV of 2007 on program distribution and digital transition Act CLXXXV of 2010 on media services and mass communication 5.5.4 Legislation for digital terrestrial television platform NMHH has decrees on the STB subsidy scheme and the analogue switch-off Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 64/191 6 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 6.1 The size of TV market 6.1.1 TV channels available in Bosnia and Herzegovina Approximately 215 channels have been identified as being available in Bosnia and Herzegovina, alongside the 46 channels established there. Table 9.6 in Annex contains the full list of channels available (including those not licensed in the country). Table 6.1 (below) lists the channels licensed in the country. The channels available on satellite, cable and IPTV total more than 215. Terrestrial television is the most important type of distribution platform in Bosnia. Cable is available in around 25% of homes. Around 5% each use IPTV and satellite. The total list includes 6 adult channels, 20 business and news channels, 9 children’s channels, 18 cultural or documentary channels, 28 channels with a focus on entertainment or television fiction, 7 film channels, 34 national generalist channels including the Bosnian channels. These generalist channels are from Croatia, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia and the “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”. There are also 16 music channels and 24 sports channels, and 18 channels in HD. The list also contains the usual range of pan-European channels, many of which are established in the UK (Disney, AXN, Discovery, National Geographic, MTV etc), in the Czech Republic (HBO, Cinemax, Film+) and in Romania (Digi TV channels, Sport Klub). The TV packages in Bosnia also include many German, Italian and Serbian channels. 6.1.2 TV channels established in Bosnia and Herzegovina There are 46 channels established in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Of these five are national private channels (although none have absolute national reach). There are also three public service channels, one national and one each from the entities of the federation: Bosnia and Herzegovina; Republika Srpska. The International channel, Al Jazeera Balkans is established in Bosnia and Herzegovina and available also in Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro and the "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia." Table 6.1: TV channels established in Bosnia and Herzegovina Name 1 2 TV KISS Hrvatska televizija Oscar - C 3 MTV Igman Broadcasting company "Hrvatska radiotelevizija Kiseljak" d.o.o. za proizvodnju i emitiranje radiotelevizijskog programa Kiseljak Hrvatska televizija "Oscar - C" d.o.o. Mostar Društvo za unutrašnju i spoljnu trgovinu i usluge "Bandić" d.o.o. Pazarić Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Genre Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Page: 65/191 4 Nezavisna televizija IC Kakanj Behar TV Int. Nezavisna televizija "NTV- IC" d.o.o. Kakanj " ALJAZEERA BALKANS" d.o.o. Sarajevo NTV "Amna" d.o.o. Informativnoprometno i uslužno društvo Tešanj "Hayat" društvo za radio- televizijsku djelatnost d.o.o. Sarajevo Nezavisna televizija "Jasmin" d.o.o. Vitez "OPEN BROADCAST NETWORK" Dioničko društvo Sarajevo (Chellomedia/ Liberty Global) Javna ustanova radio-televizija Živinice Javno preduzeće "RADIO I TELEVIZIJA BUGOJNO" d.o.o. Bugojno Javno preduzeće radio-televizija d.o.o. Cazin J.P. "Radio i televizija Bosanskopodrinskog kantona Goražde" Goražde "RTV Maglaj" d.o.o. "RTM- TV1" d.o.o. Mostar Javno preduzeće "Radio televizija Tuzlanskog kantona" Tuzla Javno preduzeće "Radio televizija Unsko-sanskog kantona" društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću Bihać JP "Radio i televizija Visoko" d.o.o Visoko "Radio i televizija Vogošća" za proizvodnju i emitovanje radio i tv programa d.o.o., Vogošća Javno preduzeće "Radio televizija Zenica" društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću Zenica D.o.o. "Mediagraf" Sanski Most JP "Televizija Kantona Sarajevo" d.o.o. Sarajevo Tuzlanska televizija d.o.o. Tuzla "TVX" d.o.o. za radio i televizijsku djelatnost, Sarajevo Alternativna Televizija "Alternativna televizija” d.o.o. Banjaluka Televizija BN RTV "BN" d.o.o. Bijeljina Javno preduzeće Informativni centar Rudo "VIKOM" Radio i televizija Banjaluka d.o.o. "CNN" d.o.o. Gradiška D.o.o. Bel - kanal Televizija " K3" d.o.o. Prnjavor "Foto Color Labor S" d.o.o. Banjaluka 5 6 Al Jazeera Balkan Nezavisna televizija Amna 7 8 Hayat Nezavisna televizija Jasmin 9 10 11 OBN Televizija Živinice Televizija Bugojno 12 Televizija Cazin 13 14 15 16 Televizija BPK Goražde Televizija Maglaj TV 1 Televizija Tuzlanskog kantona 17 Televizija USK 18 Televizija Visoko 19 Televizija Vogošća 20 21 22 23 24 Televizija Zenica Nezavisna televizija 101 Televizija Kantona Sarajevo TV Tuzlanska 25 26 27 Televizija Rudo 28 29 30 31 32 Televizija Vikom CNN TV Bel Kanal Televizija Kanal 3 Televizija Simić Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Regional/local Pan-European News Channel Regional/local National Generalist Regional/local National Generalist Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Almost national/ Regional Republika Srpska Almost national/ Regional Republika Srpska Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Page: 66/191 33 Nezavisni TV- Studio " Arena" 34 TV Slon extra 35 Televizija Džungla Doboj 36 TV Hit 37 38 39 Televizija Prijedor Televizija OSM Obiteljska televizija Valentino 40 Televizija Slobomir 41 Televizija Alfa 42 Pink BH 43 Herceg TV Public broadcasting: Regional/local D.o.o. "Astra Media" Bijeljina "Vidik" d.o.o. za posredništvo, informativnu i trgovinsku djelatnost Tuzla "Džungla" Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću za turizam, ugostiteljstvo, trgovinu, sport, rekreaciju, informisanje i marketing, Doboj Preduzeće za radio - difuznu, proizvodnu i trgovinsku djelatnost " Hit" d.o.o. Brčko Informativno poslovni centar "Kozarski vjesnik" AD Prijedor "Media Market" d.o.o. "Deni - compani" d.o.o. Brčko Distrikt " RADIO TELEVIZIJA SLOBOMIR" D.o.o. Slobomir Televizija Alfa Društvo za prenos i emitovanje programa d.o.o. Sarajevo Preduzeće za marketing i informisanje "Pink BH Company" d.o.o. Sarajevo " Herceg radio- televizija" d.o.o. Trebinje 44 BHT 1 45 Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local Regional/local National Entertainment Channel Regional/local National public service generalist channel public service generalist channel RTV Federation of Bosnia and Federalna televizija Herzegovina 46 Televizija Republike public service generalist channel Srpske RTV Republika Srpska Source: Communications Regulatory Agency, Bosnia and Herzegovina Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 67/191 6.2 Demographics Table 6.2: Age structure 2007 6.2.1 Inhabitants per square kilometre Bosnia and Herzegovina covers an area of 51.209,2 km². The land area represents 51.197 km² and the rest belongs to the sea area (12,2 km²). The total population is 3.843.126, estimated on 30th of June 2010. Average population per square kilometre is 75,0532. 6.2.2 Data on age groups and ageing index Figure 6.1: Age groups in BiH 32 Source of information: Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 68/191 6.2.3 Usage of PC/Internet PC/Internet is used by 56% of population (2.189.940 inhabitants).33 6.2.4 Access to broadband According to data on 31.12.2012 there are 466.723 broadband subscribers in total, which results in a broadband penetration of 12,1%. Figure 6.2: Detailed overview of access to broadband by regions in BiH Table 6.3: Penetration of broadband Internet access by regions in BiH Regional/City code 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 Canton Central Bosnia Posavina Zenica-Doboj Sarajevo Livno (Canton 10) Tuzla Herzegovina-Neretva Una-Sana Bosnia-Podrinje West Herzegovina % 9,62 10,57 9,42 22,12 8,62 8,98 14,51 7,98 11,45 12,74 Regional/City code 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 Region District Brčko Mrkonjić Grad Banja Luka Prijedor Doboj Šamac Bijeljina Zvornik East Sarajevo Foča Trebinje % 14,24 8,36 11,89 8,16 7,36 6,85 12,19 5,60 11,80 7,63 9,76 Geographical presentation shows that the biggest concentration of the broadband access is in Canton Sarajevo (22.12%) followed by Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (14.51%). Generally speaking, both smaller and larger cities in BiH are following the trend of reducing the total 33 Data from 31.12.2012 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 69/191 number of dial-up subscribers while at the same time the total number of broadband Internet access subscribers is increasing. The analysis shows that in all analysed cities and cantons, the most dominant number of Internet subscribers originates in xDSL access subscribers. The development of broadband Internet as well as the liberalization of the telecommunications market resulted in the triple or quadruple service packages merging several different services into a single package: Internet, fixed telephone services, mobile telephone services and TV. 6.3 Existing legal framework The legal framework for frequency allocation/assignment in Bosnia and Herzegovina is based on the Law on Communications of BIH; According to that Law, Rules and Regulations of Communications Regulatory Agency of BiH - CRA exist and treat every particular detail of the frequency management. The best-valued asset for additional info can be reached on The legal framework for content licensing is based on CRA Rule 55/2011 on Provision of Audiovisual Media Services. Rule 55/2011 on Provision of Audiovisual Media Services, applies for all content. According to this rule, the following licences are specified: • Licence for Television Broadcasting over a Terrestrial Broadcasting Service (analogue and digital), • Licence for Television Broadcasting over other Electronic Communication Networks (cable, satellite), • Authorization for the Provision of an On-demand Audiovisual Media Service (nonlinear audiovisual media service - catalogue of programmes selected by the media service provider). The new legislation for digital terrestrial television platform is already in place since 2011. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 70/191 7 SERBIA 7.1 The size of TV market 7.1.1 TV channels available in Serbia In addition to the 149 channels established in Serbia, an estimated 245 channels have been identified as being available on cable and satellite including those established in other countries. Annex, table 9.7 contains the full list of channels available (including those not licensed in the country). Table 7.1 (below) lists the channels licensed in the country. According to data from the regulator, the terrestrial distribution system is the most important and used in more than 35% of homes. Cable and satellite each reach almost 20% of homes and IPTV more than 27% of homes. The total list of channels available includes 6 adult channels, 18 business and news channels, 19 children’s channels, 25 cultural or documentary channels, 42 channels with a focus on entertainment or television fiction, 15 film channels, 36 national generalist channels including the Serbian channels. These generalist channels are from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro and the “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”. There are also 18 music channels and 33 sports channels, and 44 channels in HD. The list also contains the usual range of pan-European channels, many of which are established in the UK (Disney, AXN, Discovery, National Geographic, MTV etc), in the Czech Republic (HBO, Cinemax, Film+) and in Romania (Digi TV channels, Sport Klub). 7.1.2 TV channels established in Serbia The Serbian TV market includes five national terrestrial channels, two national public service channels, and two public service channels on cable/ satellite. In addition, there are a further 149 cable channels in the country. A major player in the Serbian market is Pink TV, which as well as having one of the most popular generalist channels also has a family of niche channels (18 in total). Pink TV also has national licenses for TV channels in Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 71/191 Table 7.1: TV Channels established in Serbia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Name TV B92 Nacionalna Happy TV Happy K. TV Pink Prva Broadcasting company Radio difuzno preduzeće B92 A.D. Preduzeće za marketing, izdava_ku delatnost, radio i televiziju Happy TV D.O.O. Privredno društvo za radio i televizijske aktivnosti Happy K. televizija D.O.O. Preduzeće za informisanje i marketing Pink international company d.o.o Preduzeće za proizvodnju i emitovanje TV programa Fox televizija D.O.O. RTS 1 RTS 2 RTS HD RTS Sat TV Lav plus TV Metropolis TV Studio B TV Pirot TV Belle amie TV Vranje TV Zona Regionalna TV TV Raška BEST TV TV Bor TV Palma plus TV Kanal 9 TV Kruševac TV Kragujevac TV Podrinje TV Kraljevo Sat TV RADIO-TELEVIZIJA SRBIJE J.P. RADIO-TELEVIZIJA SRBIJE J.P. RADIO-TELEVIZIJA SRBIJE J.P. RADIO-TELEVIZIJA SRBIJE J.P. Preduzeće Konzum Lav D.O.O. Privredno društvo za telekomunikacije TV Metropolis D.O.O. Javno radiodifuzno preduzeće Studio B Privredno društvo TV Pirot D.O.O. RTV Belle Amie D.O.O. Javno preduzeće Radio televizija Vranje Radio televizija Zona D.O.O. Javno preduzeće za informisanje Novi Pazar Javno preduzeće radio stanica Radio Raška Akcionarsko društvo Timo_ka televizija i radio Javno preduzeće Autotransportno preduzeće Palma eksoprt-import D.O.O. D.O.O. Televizija kanal 9 Javno preduzeće radio televizija Kruševac Javno preduzeće Radio televizija Kragujevac Akcionarsko društvo Radio TV Podrinje Privredno društvo Radio televizija Kraljevo i Ibarske novosti D.O.O. Društvo za spoljnu i unutrašnju trgovinu na veliko i malo, usluge i kooperacije Sat TV communications export-import D.O.O. RTV Enigma D.O.O. Vujić televizija D.O.O. TV Enigma TV Vujić Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 72/191 Jointly for our common future Kind of licence Analogue terrestrial (national) Analogue terrestrial (national) Analogue terrestrial (national) Analogue terrestrial (national) Analogue terrestrial (national) Analogue terrestrial (national) Analogue terrestrial (national) Cable Cable Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 TV Šabac TV Banat TV Santos TV Panonija TV Most TV Sremska TV Zvižd TV Kučevo TV Majdanpek TV Soko TV ISTOK TV F kanal TV Gem TV Mag TV Diskos TV Brus TV Galaksija 32 TV Jagodina TV Melos TV Jefimija TV Kanal M TV Duga TV Jasenica TV Požega TV Klik TV Golija TV Forum TV AS TV Valjevo TV Pančevo OK TV Javno preduzeće radio televizija Šabac TV Banat D.O.O. za proizvonju i emitovanje radio i TV programa Santos commerce d.o.o. za radio televizijske aktivnosti, uvoz-izvoz i usluge marketinga RTV Panonija D.O.O. za emitovanje radio i TV programa TV Most D.O.O. za informativnu izdavaćku delatnost Sremska televizija Privredno društvo za produkciju i promet Pek-ton D.O.O. Preduzeće za proizvodnju, trgovinu i usluge Ruf d.o.o. Radio televizija Majdanpek A.D. Akcionarsko društvo Radio televizija Sokobanja D.o.o. Istok company D.O.O. za radio i televiziju F-kanal Društvo za proizvodnju, promet i usluge GMC trade D.O.O. Preduzeće za informisanje i marketing Studio Mag D.O.O. Akcionarsko društvo Diskos za izdavanje i proizvodnju nosača zvuka i slike Javno preduzeće radio televizija Brus Televizija Galaksija 32 D.O.O. Javno informativno preduzeće Novi put Preduzeće za izdavačku delatnost, radio i televiziju Melos D.O.O. Preduzeće za reklamu, usluge i TV program Jefimija D.O.O. Radio i televizija Kanal-M D.O.O. Preduzeće za proizvodnju slikarske opreme Renoar D.O.O. Privredno društvo radio televizija Jasenica A.D. Javno preduzeće Televizija Požega Preduzeće za proizvodnju, promet i usluge Klik komerc D.O.O. RTV Golija D.O.O. Udruženje građana Forum žena Prijepolja Radiodifuzno društvo radio televizija AS D.O.O. Regionalna televizija Valjevo plus d.o.o. Javno radiodifuzno preduzeće regionalna radiotelevizijska stanica RTV Pančevo Javno preduzeće za informativnu delatnost Radio televizija opštine Kovačica Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 73/191 Jointly for our common future Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (regional) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 TV Lav TV Petrovec Novosadska TV TV Kanal 25 TV YU Eco Panon TV TV Bačka TV Klisura NTV Sandžak TV TV Kladovo TV Mladenovac TV Sunce Televizija Plus Ruf TV TV Vrnja_ka banja TV Prima TV Priboj TV VK TV Delta TV Mozaik TV K9 TV Spektar TV Spektri TV Mlava TV S TV Dević TV Lotel plus TV Victoria TV Rubin TV Bap Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću za marketing i usluge Radio Lav Televizija Petrovec D.O.O. J.P. gradski informativni centar Apolo D.O.O. za informisanje i izdavaćku delatnost Medija centar "YU ECO" d.o.o. Fond Panonija Javno preduzeće za informisanje Vrbas Društvo za televizijske aktivnosti Klisura Produkcija D.O.O. Javno preduzeće za radio i televizijsku delatnost Niška televizija Preduzeće za usluge i informisanje Ekran O.D. Enver Islamović i dr. Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću za radio i televiziju RTV Kladovo Radio televizija Mladenovac d.o.o. Radio televizija Sunce D.O.O. Preduzeće za radio, televiziju i marketing Televizija Plus D.O.O. Privredno društvo Fur D.O.O. Javno preduzeće Radio televizija Vrnjačka banja Radio televizija Prima internacional D.O.O. Akcionarsko društvo Informativni centar A.D. Jet company D.O.O. za telekomunikacije, razvoj i projektovanje - u stečaju RTD D.O.O.preduzeće za proizvodnju i usluge Fondacija Mozaik Kanal 9 D.O.O. za marketing, radio i televiziju Spektar eksport-import i marketing D.O.O. Radiodifuzno preduzće Spektri Jeton Ismali i ortaci O.D. Ortačko društvo radio i televizijske delatnosti Petrović Branislav i ortak Mlava-medija Televizija S D.O.O. Radio-difuzno preduzeće RTV Dević plus D.O.O. Lotel plus D.O.O. Društvo ljubitelja rumunske muzike i kulture "Victoria" Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću za radio i televizijsku delatnost RTV Rubin iz Kruševca ogranak TV Rubin iz Kikinde Javno preduzeće za radio televizijsku delatnost Televizija Bačka Palanka Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 74/191 Jointly for our common future Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 TV K::CN 1 TV Viminacium KA TV TV Trstenik TV SD TV Studio TV Ritam TV Ćuprija Televizija 5 plus TV Preševo TV Alt TV Blace TV Bosilegrad TV Bujanovac TV 4S TV Caribrod TV Kuršumlija TV Leskovac TV Banker TV NiŠava TV PI kanal TV Aldi TV Mostnet TV Laser TV Tutin TV Sezam B 92 Info TV Kanal D SOS KANAL ULTRA TOP SHOP TV Društvo za radio i televizijske aktivnosti Kopernikus Cable Networks Privredno društvo za radio i televizijske aktivnosti "Duga Sky" d.o.o. Radio televizija Duga d.o.o. Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću Kraljevačka televizija Javno preduzeće radio i televizija Trstenik Javno preduzeće Televizija Smederevo Preduzeće za spoljnu i unutrašnju trgovinu na veliko i malo eksport import, marketing i komisione usluge, ugostiteljstvo, saobračaj i turizam Studio D.O.O. Privredno društvo Ritam d.o.o. Javno preduzeće radio televizija Ćuprija Preduzeće Informativno javno preduzeće Preševo Javno novinsko-izdavačko, radio-difuzno i TV preduzeće Reč radnika sa P.O. Javno preduzeće Televizija Blace Ustanova centar kulture Bosilegrad Javno preduzeće Radio Bujanovac Radio televizija četiri S D.O.O. Javno informativno preduzeće Radio televizija Caribrod Radio televizija Kuršum D.O.O. Privredno društvo za proizvodnju i emitovanje TV programa Televizija Leskovac A.D. Banker D.O.O. Asocijacija udruženja i nevladinih organizacija RTV Nišava Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću Pi kanal Društvo za proizvodnju i emitovanje radio i televizijskog programa RTV Aldi D.O.O. Privredno društvo za radio i televizijske aktivnosti Mostnet RTV D.O.O. Društvo sa ogranićenom odgovornošću Laser Vision Javno informativno preduzeće Informativni centar Tutin Ortačko društvo za emitovanje radio i televizijskog programa Timotijević Žarko i dr Sezam Radio difuzno preduzeće B 92 a.d. Strujini TV Kanal D d.o.o. Društvo za medijsku, izdavačku, propagandnu delatnost i marketing SOS KANAL d.o.o. TV KANAL ULTRA STUDIO MODERNA DOO Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 75/191 Jointly for our common future Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Analogue terrestrial (local) Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 ART TV TV PALMA NAIS TV SVI-TEL TV Resava TV Centar TV AS CINEMANIA Pink Music Pink Kids Pink Family Pink Films Pink Movies Pink 2 Pink Extra Pink Folk Pink Plus Pink World Pink Fashion Pink Nostalgie Pink Live Pink Zabava Pink Action Pink Music 2 Pink Reality Pink Premium MOJA TV DM SAT TV K23 Tisa Info Kanal Televizija Telemark ART TELEVISION - Kanal kulture preduzeće za radio-televizijsku difuziju d.o.o. Preduzeće za spoljnu trgovinu PALMA LTD d.o.o. RTV HOLIVUD NAIS DOO Radio televizijska ustanova "Resava-Svitel" d.o.o. Preduzeće za proizvodnju, promet i usluge Jablanović CO DOO Društvo za radio i televizijsku delatnost i marketinške usluge TV Centar Svilajnac d.o.o. Privredno društvo za proizvodnju i usluge Pavlović-SJ d.o.o. FILMSKI KABLOVSKI TV KANAL CINEMANIA DOO PREDUZEĆE ZA INFORMISANJE I MARKETING PINK INTERNATIONAL COMPANY d.o.o. Preduzeće za promet i usluge MOJA TV d.o.o. SAT DM PLUS TV d.o.o. Televizija K23 d.o.o. Agencija za propagandu Tisa-Info kanal Pastor Laslo PR Televizija Telemark d.o.o. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 76/191 Jointly for our common future Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 TV 3M K RTL TV Apatin TV Fleš TV Knjaževacinfo TV Media system TV Rača RTV Sreće TV Vlasotince TV M TV Plana TV Smederevo TV Strela TV RED 9 MTS Info TV Cnesa Info kanal Bački Petrovac Express Channel MHC Televizija TV Čajetina TV Trend TV GALAKSIJA 32 TV Melos TV K::CN TV Studio B TV Palma plus TV Metropolis NovosadskaTV TV Panonija TV Leskovac TV Zona Milica Marković PR, Televizijska produkcija TV 3 M PRIVREDNO DRUŠTVO ZA PROIZVODNJU, TRGOVINU I USLUGE KOLUBARA PRESS DOO Preduzeće za proizvodnju i distribuciju RTV prorama trgovinu i usluge TV Apatin d.o.o. Radio televizija Fleš d.o.o. EAST STAR GROUP DOO Radio Omega d.o.o. SAŠA MILJOJKOVIĆ PR PROIZVODNJA I DISTRIBUCIJA TELEVIZIJSKOG PROGRAMA KTV STUDIO RAČA Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću za emitovanje i realizaciju RTV Sreće d.o.o. Preduzeće za radio i TV difuziju GAGA d.o.o. Preduzeće za informisanje i trgovinu, Radio televizija MEGA-IN d.o.o. Informativno preduzeće Reč Pomoravlja d.o.o. Radio televizije Smederevo društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću Preduzeće za radio televiziju RTV Strela d.o.o. RADIO TELEVIZIJA RED 9 DOO MTS-Moja TV stanica d.o.o. Obrazovno kulturna ustanova "Cnesa" Opština Bački Petrovac Javno informativno preduzeće Bačka Topola MHC d.o.o. Kulturno sportski centar Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću Impres Televizija "Galaksija 32" d.o.o. Preduzeće za izdavačku delatnost, radio i televiziju Melos d.o.o. Društvo za radio i televizijske aktivnosti "Kopernikus cable network" d.o.o. Javno radiodifuzno preduzeće Studio B Autotransportno preduzeće "Palma export import" d.o.o. Privredno društvo za telekomunikacije "TV Metropolis" d.o.o. Javno preduzeće gradski informativni centar Apolo RTV Panonija D.O.O. za emitovanje radio i TV programa Privredno društvo za proizvodnju i emitovanje TV programa Televizija Leskovac A.D. Radio televizija Zona d.o.o. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 77/191 Jointly for our common future Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 NTV Panon TV SAT TV Best televizija TV 4S TV 017 TV Banat TV Belle amie TV Bor TV Čačak TV Ćuprija TV Duga Folk disk TV TV Gem TV Jagodina TV Jefimija TV K 9 TV Kanal M TV Klisura TV Kraljevo TV Kruševac TV Mlava TV Most TV Požega TV Ritam TV S TV Santos TV Spectrum TV Sremska TV Sunce TV Trstenik Javno preduzeće za radio i televizijsku delatnost "Niška televizija" Fond Panonija Društvo za spoljnu i unutrašnju trgovinu na veliko i malo, usluge i kooperacije "Sat TV communications export-import" D.O.O. Akcionarsko društvo "Timočka televizija i radio" Radio televizija Četiri S d.o.o. Nezavisna TV 017 d.o.o. "TV Banat" d.o.o. za proizvonju i emitovanje radio i televizijskog programa Radio televizija "Belle amie" d.o.o. Javno preduzeće "Štampa, radio i film" Akcionarsko društvo "TV Čačak" Javno preduzeće radio televizija Ćuprija Privredno društvo za proizvodnju i usluge "Renoar" d.o.o. Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću Folk-Disk Društvo za proizvodnju, promet i usluge GMC trade D.O.O. Javno informativno preduzeće "Novi put" Preduzeće za reklamu, usluge i TV program Jefimija d.o.o. "Kanal 9" d.o.o. za marketing, radio i televiziju Radio i televizija "Kanal-M" d.o.o. Društvo za televizijske aktivnosti "Klisura produkcija" d.o.o. Privredno društvo "Radio televizija Kraljevo i Ibarske novosti" Javno preduzeće radio televizija "Kruševac" Ortačko društvo radio i televizijske delatnosti Petrović Branislav i ortak Mlava-medija "TV Most" d.o.o. za informativnu izdavačku delatnost Javno preduzeće Televizija Požega Privredno društvo Ritam d.o.o. Televizija S d.o.o. "Santos-comerce" d.o.o. za radio-televizijske aktivnosti, uvoz-izvoz i usluge marketinga Specijalizovano preduzeće za radio-difuzne, video i audio usluge "TV-Studio Spectrum" d.o.o. Sremska televizija d.o.o. Radio televizija Sunce d.o.o. Javno preduzeće "Radio i televizija Trstenik" sa p.o. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 78/191 Jointly for our common future Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable 216 217 218 219 220 TV Vrnjačka Banja TV Vujić TV YU Eco IKS TV K::CN Music 2 KTV 221 TV K::CN Svet Plus 3 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 TV Homolje TV BGD TV 012 RTV Avax TV 025 Info RTV Fortuna TV Majdanpek TV Pačir PRO Media Senta PRO Media Ada Feelmax YU Feelmax Feelmax Junior IQS Life NB INFO Kanal TV Plus TV MIX TV Laki TV Antena Sat Media TV TV Kula TV Marš Privredno društvo Radio televizija Vrnjačka Banja akcionarsko društvo "Vujić-televizija" d.o.o. "YU ECO" d.o.o. SNOMA d.o.o. za marketing Subotica Društvo za radio i televizijske aktivnosti "Kopernikus cable network" d.o.o.- ogranak KCN Music Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću "Linea electronics" za proizvodnju, trgovinu i usluge - Poslovna jedinica "KTV Marketing" Društvo za radio i televizijske aktivnosti "Kopernikus cable network" d.o.o.- ogranak Svet Plus Novi Beograd Radio Homolje d.o.o. Društvo za proizvodnju i emitovanje programa Privredno društvo televizija CLUB INN d.o.o. "RTV AVAX" d.o.o. Unija Plus d.o.o. Preduzeće za radio i televizijske aktivnosti STV KA-54 d.o.o. Radio televizija Majdanpek A.D. Udruženje za regionalnu komunikaciju "URKO" Radnja za televizijske i radio aktivnosti "Pro Media" Friđeš Irmenji PR Radnja za televizijske i radio aktivnosti "Pro Media" Friđeš Irmenji PR "Dunav film" d.o.o. privredno društvo za proizvodnju filmova "Dunav film" d.o.o. privredno društvo za proizvodnju filmova "Dunav film" d.o.o. privredno društvo za proizvodnju filmova TV KANAL ULTRA d.o.o. SZR NIK Sistem telekomunikacije Nikola Latić preduzetnik Novi Sad Preduzeće za radio, televiziju i marketing "Televizija plus" d.o.o. Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću za proizvodnju, trgovinu i usluge MIX MEDIA d.o.o. Božidar Ivković PR, Studio za proizvodnju i distribuciju radio i tv programa Laki stres Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću za kabliranje ANTENA SAT-VRŠAC Udruženje "Media TV" Cvijeta Jovanović PR, Agencija za proizvodnju i emitovanje radijskog i televizijskog programa Zenit PREDUZEĆE ZA INFORMISANJE I MARKETING PINK INTERNATIONAL COMPANY d.o.o. RTV Marš d.o.o. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 79/191 Jointly for our common future Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Regionalna TV Javno preduzeće za informisanje Novi Pazar RTI Javno preduzeće za informisanje Radio televizija Inđija TV Forum Udruženje građana Forum žena Prijepolja TV CITY Preduzeće za marketing i informisanje "RTV CITY" d.o.o. MINI ULTRA TV KANAL ULTRA d.o.o. Cink Info Javno preduzeće "Centar za informisanje Novi Kneževac" Srpska naučna televizijaUdruženje "Komitet znanja Srbije" 252 SNTV RTŠ Javno preduzeće za informisanje "Šumadija" 253 Naša TV Župa Udruženje Naša Župa 254 TV Delta RTD D.O.O.preduzeće za proizvodnju i usluge 255 TV Mozaik Fondacija Mozaik 256 NAXI Radio NAXI Preduzeće za špediciju, saobraćaj i inženjering d.o.o. 257 Music Box TV McBOXS doo 258 Srbija na dlanu 2 Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću 259 Srbija na dlanu 1 Televizija "Galaksija 32" d.o.o. 260 Društvo za telekomunikacije "HD-WIN" d.o.o. Arena sport 1 261 Arena sport 2 262 Arena sport 3 263 Arena sport 4 264 ART Kanal ART Marketing TV d.o.o. 265 TV SU City EURO ALFA EXPORT-IMPORT DOO 266 RTZ Akcionarsko društvo "Timočka televizija i radio" 267 Source: Broadcasting Agency of the Republic of Serbia 246 247 248 249 250 251 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 80/191 Jointly for our common future Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable 7.2 Demographics 7.2.1 Inhabitants per square kilometre & ageing index Table 7.2: Number of inhabitants per square kilometre & ageing index in Serbia REPUBLIKA SRBIJA Centralna Srbija Grad Beograd Beograd - Barajevo Beograd - Voždovac Beograd - Vračar Beograd - Grocka Beograd - Zvezdara Beograd - Zemun Beograd - Lazarevac Beograd - Mladenovac Beograd - Novi Beograd Beograd - Obrenovac Beograd - Palilula Beograd - Rakovica Beograd - Savski Venac Beograd - Sopot Beograd - Stari Grad Beograd - Čukarica Mačvanski upravni okrug Bogatić Vladimirci Koceljeva Krupanj Loznica Ljubovija Mali Zvornik Šabac Kolubarski upravni okrug Valjevo Lajkovac Ljig Mionica Osečina Ub Podunavski upravni okrug Velika Plana Smederevo Smederevska Palanka Braničevski upravni okrug Veliko Gradište Golubac Žabari Total 7498001 5466009 1576124 24641 151768 58386 75466 132621 191645 58511 52490 217773 70975 155902 99000 42505 20390 55543 168508 329625 32990 20373 15636 20192 86413 17052 14076 122893 192204 96761 17062 14629 16513 15135 32104 210290 44470 109809 56011 200503 20659 9913 13034 Average age 40,25 40,41 40,39 41,09 41,17 44,54 37,95 40,51 39,24 38,5 40,3 41,28 39,42 39,62 40,17 42,81 41,94 43,93 39,25 39,58 40,88 42,72 41,11 39,37 38,55 39,68 37,39 39,5 41,13 40,52 40,4 43,23 42,84 42,46 40,88 39,71 40,98 38,53 41,01 42,19 41,57 42,99 45,47 0-14 1176770 854556 228925 3672 21162 6631 12640 18599 29632 10061 8221 28119 11368 23963 14236 5406 3130 6279 25806 52998 5193 3052 2463 3346 14393 2771 2595 19185 29362 14326 2782 2229 2456 2235 5334 34993 7207 19054 8732 31855 3505 1539 1963 >64 1240505 925320 247029 4265 25957 12826 9099 20471 26588 8527 8702 35391 10847 22999 14326 8295 4104 11328 23304 52911 6290 4423 3079 3160 12350 2844 1850 18915 35875 16142 3080 3420 3678 3169 6386 34242 8420 15759 10063 43426 4315 2289 3873 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Index 105,42 108,28 107,91 116,15 122,66 193,42 71,99 110,07 89,73 84,75 105,85 125,86 95,42 95,98 100,63 153,44 131,12 180,41 90,30 99,84 121,12 144,92 125,01 94,44 85,81 102,63 71,29 98,59 122,18 112,68 110,71 153,43 149,76 141,79 119,72 97,85 116,83 82,71 115,24 136,32 123,11 148,73 197,30 Inhabitants/km2 91,92 127,53 1061,84 18487,67 288,57 4625,44 1108,61 152,02 156,49 6842,06 173,77 390,37 3497,19 2761,43 73,45 166,88 1147,63 75,21 51,61 51,19 50,87 127,08 40,63 67,91 144,55 100,67 82,48 45,63 43,35 38,41 63,51 117,96 223,55 125,82 51,04 22,24 41,71 Page: 81/191 Žagubica Kučevo Malo Crniće Petrovac Požarevac Šumadijski upravni okrug Aranđelovac Batočina Knić Kragujevac - grad Rača Topola Lapovo Pomoravski upravni okrug Despotovac Paraćin Rekovac Jagodina Svilajnac Ćuprija Borski upravni okrug Bor Kladovo Majdanpek Negotin Zaječarski upravni okrug Boljevac Zaječar Knjaževac Sokobanja Zlatiborski upravni okrug Arilje Bajina Bašta Kosjerić Nova Varoš Požega Priboj Prijepolje Sjenica Užice Čajetina Moravički upravni okrug Gornji Milanovac Ivanjica Lučani Čačak Raški upravni okrug Vrnjačka Banja Kraljevo Novi Pazar Raška Tutin Rasinski upravni okrug 14823 18808 13853 34511 74902 298778 48129 12220 16148 175802 12959 25292 8228 227435 25611 58301 13551 70894 25511 33567 146551 55817 23613 23703 43418 137561 15849 65969 37172 18571 313396 19784 29151 14001 19982 32293 30377 41188 27970 83022 15628 224772 47641 35445 24614 117072 291230 26492 121707 85996 26981 30054 259441 45,04 44,19 43,06 43,46 39,86 40,32 39,85 41,17 45,42 39,32 43,68 42,47 41,53 42,18 43,41 41,23 47,83 41,3 43,09 41,82 41,52 39,43 43,28 39,22 44,56 44,99 45,39 43,53 47,26 45,31 39,23 39,63 40,65 42,89 40,01 41,6 38,21 36,92 35,3 39,15 42,31 40,8 41,15 40,15 43,11 40,38 37,2 40,84 40,51 32,59 40,83 30,5 41,46 2129 2758 2228 5270 12463 45276 7584 1906 2092 26834 1858 3733 1269 34219 3927 9139 1621 10557 3970 5005 21888 8979 3203 3873 5833 17248 2135 8668 4038 2407 52150 3322 4431 1902 3102 4821 5105 7955 6166 13058 2288 33762 6933 5591 3499 17739 56572 4118 18858 21219 4131 8246 38565 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future 3803 4642 3494 8497 12513 48844 7680 2319 4240 24591 3070 5367 1577 46767 6118 10797 4186 12940 6163 6563 26691 7796 4990 3342 10563 32225 4043 13441 10248 4493 47555 3216 5043 2984 3197 6207 3683 4996 3423 11626 3180 39049 8499 5881 5271 19398 40030 4739 20744 7420 4739 2388 48440 178,63 168,31 156,82 161,23 100,40 107,88 101,27 121,67 202,68 91,64 165,23 143,77 124,27 136,67 155,79 118,14 258,24 122,57 155,24 131,13 121,94 86,82 155,79 86,29 181,09 186,83 189,37 155,06 253,79 186,66 91,19 96,81 113,81 156,89 103,06 128,75 72,14 62,80 55,51 89,03 138,99 115,66 122,59 105,19 150,64 109,35 70,76 115,08 110,00 34,97 114,72 28,96 125,61 16,43 21,48 41,84 161,67 161,67 122,55 86,46 34,39 217,22 53,13 62,38 140,13 36,73 100,12 30,06 151,48 71,75 106,6 56,39 32,75 19,51 33,87 16,65 54,82 26,1 30,44 53,65 38,7 33,75 28,84 69,55 48,18 44,5 23,84 116,79 22,76 52,28 29,4 45,94 178,83 128,92 81,46 125,53 35,66 41,47 Page: 82/191 Aleksandrovac Brus Varvarin Kruševac Trstenik Ćićevac Nišavski upravni okrug Aleksinac Gadžin Han Doljevac Merošina Niš Ražanj Svrljig Niš - Niška Banja Toplički upravni okrug Blace Žitorađa Kuršumlija Prokuplje Pirotski upravni okrug Babušnica Bela Palanka Dimitrovgrad Pirot Jablanički upravni okrug Bojnik Vlasotince Lebane Leskovac Medveđa Crna Trava Pčinjski upravni okrug Bosilegrad Bujanovac Vladičin Han Vranje Preševo Surdulica Trgovište Vojvodina Severno-bački upravni okrug Bačka Topola Mali Iđoš Subotica Srednje-banatski upravni okrug Žitište Zrenjanin Nova Crnja Novi Bečej Sečanj 29389 18764 20122 131368 49043 10755 381757 57749 10464 19561 14812 235159 11369 17284 15359 102075 13759 18207 21608 48501 105654 15734 14381 11748 63791 240923 13118 33312 24918 156252 10760 2563 227690 9931 43302 23703 87288 34904 22190 6372 2031992 200140 41,98 41,82 43,41 40,63 42,18 42,75 41,36 42,44 50,68 41,17 42,9 39,77 47,37 48,8 41,37 41,29 44,27 41,81 40,75 40,49 43,45 48,09 45,07 44,08 41,83 40,2 43,12 40,13 40,24 39,8 39,9 50,92 36,02 43,05 32,34 40,25 37,43 29,34 39,41 38,88 39,82 40,21 4479 2851 2976 19809 6877 1573 56722 8584 1030 3234 2350 36110 1360 1737 2317 16637 1971 2995 3441 8230 14449 1696 1940 1534 9279 39930 2170 5511 4342 25698 2006 203 49005 1470 11753 3714 16095 11031 3707 1235 322214 31148 5994 3579 4706 22164 9732 2265 68529 12014 3675 3663 3299 34689 3296 5170 2723 19685 3279 3786 3897 8723 23046 4853 3724 2592 11877 41714 3138 5825 4295 25441 2094 921 29262 2257 4315 4054 11240 2634 3631 1131 315185 31751 133,82 125,53 158,13 111,89 141,52 143,99 120,82 139,96 356,80 113,27 140,38 96,06 242,35 297,64 117,52 118,32 166,36 126,41 113,25 105,99 159,50 286,14 191,96 168,97 128,00 104,47 144,61 105,70 98,92 99,00 104,39 453,69 59,71 153,54 36,71 109,15 69,84 23,88 97,95 91,58 97,82 101,94 68,74 26,84 71,37 149,74 95,96 79,38 38245 13494 148401 208456 41,01 39,33 40,08 40,39 5905 2361 22882 32854 6611 2119 23021 34258 111,96 89,75 100,61 104,27 55,82 65,89 139,38 20399 132051 12705 26924 16377 41,75 40,09 41,28 39,72 41,49 3301 20268 2149 4502 2634 3995 20264 2499 4301 3199 121,02 99,98 116,29 95,54 121,45 31,97 92,47 37,44 39,16 25,4 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future 73,52 27,71 152,4 72,1 31,62 28,56 97,23 38,07 76,04 20,01 57,48 23,17 23,26 20,82 47,01 42,1 96,33 64,69 140,45 13,92 5,32 13,97 40,22 56,9 123,26 11,53 32,17 13,91 Page: 83/191 Severno-banatski upravni okrug Ada Kanjiža Kikinda Novi Kneževac Senta Čoka Južno-banatski upravni okrug Alibunar Bela Crkva Vršac Kovačica Kovin Opovo Pančevo Plandište Zapadno-bački upravni okrug Apatin Kula Odžaci Sombor Južno-bački upravni okrug Bač Bačka Palanka Bački Petrovac Beočin Bečej Žabalj Novi Sad - grad Srbobran Sremski Karlovci Temerin Titel Vrbas Sremski upravni okrug Inđija Irig Pećinci Ruma Sremska Mitrovica Stara Pazova Šid 165881 40,53 25944 27308 105,26 18994 27510 67002 12975 25568 13832 313937 40,85 40,92 39,94 40,51 40,87 41,48 39,89 2943 4316 10363 2058 4071 2193 49969 3168 4744 10312 2266 4279 2539 49352 107,65 109,92 99,51 110,11 105,11 115,78 98,77 73,94 61,41 75,87 36,83 78,37 35,48 22954 20367 54369 27890 36802 11016 127162 13377 214011 41,52 39,64 40,25 40,17 39,35 40,07 39,29 42,33 40,66 3744 3393 8412 4659 6361 1811 19582 2007 32381 4441 3192 8862 4753 5868 1848 17675 2713 36041 118,62 94,08 105,35 102,02 92,25 102,04 90,26 135,18 111,30 32,86 48,97 64,02 60,28 45,88 51,6 155,34 29,59 32813 48353 35582 97263 593666 16268 60966 14681 16086 40987 27513 299294 17855 8839 28275 17050 45852 335901 49609 12329 21506 60006 85902 67576 38973 41 39,57 40,98 40,97 39,12 39,95 40,01 40,42 38,36 39,64 38,07 39,05 39,61 39,81 38,29 38,88 38,33 39,51 39,7 41,39 39,06 39,81 39,59 38,61 39,81 4743 7916 5304 14418 95955 2721 9428 2301 2835 6848 5097 46511 3100 1344 4766 3009 7995 53963 7792 1903 3687 9519 13724 11016 6322 5656 7518 6287 16580 85205 2750 9681 2472 2162 6311 3940 40968 2874 1350 3673 2586 6438 51270 7729 2299 3301 9566 13018 9106 6251 119,25 94,97 118,53 115,00 88,80 101,07 102,68 107,43 76,26 92,16 77,30 88,08 92,71 100,45 77,07 85,94 80,53 95,01 99,19 120,81 89,53 100,49 94,86 82,66 98,88 81,87 89,73 73,47 72,64 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future 38,77 96,28 84,19 84,03 76,4 64,44 495,03 57,23 171,02 155,09 59,82 111,57 122,29 46,6 40,24 93,03 104,69 186,63 49,54 Page: 84/191 7.3 Usage of PC/Internet Table 7.3: Usage of PC in Serbia Frequency of using PC - Individuals Never used PC Used in last 3 months Used more than 3 months ago/less than a year Used more than 1 year ago Data source: Republički zavod za statistiku (2012) % 38,9 55,0 2,0 4,1 Table 7.4: Usage of Internet in Serbia Frequency of using PC - Individuals Never used PC Used in last 3 months Used more than 3 months ago/less than a year Used more than 1 year ago Data source: Republički zavod za statistiku (2012) % 38,9 55,0 2,0 4,1 7.4 Access to broadband Percentage of households of at least one person in the age group of 16 to 74 years old and with broadband access to the Internet via DSL, cable network or other technologies. Table 7.5: Households (%) with broadband access to Internet by regions in Serbia Republic of Serbia 2006 2007 7,3 2008 15,5 2009 22,9 2010 27,6 2011 31,0 2012 38,0 Data source: Republički zavod za statistiku (2012) Central Serbia 3,2 11,6 16,1 21,1 26,5 32,4 Belgrade - City 15,3 27,1 37,6 41,6 43,4 50,4 Vojvodina 8,1 13,0 23,0 27,8 28,8 37,6 7.5 Existing legal framework 7.5.1 Legal framework for frequency allocation/assignment Relevant allocation/assignment plans for digitalization process: • Allocation plan of radio-frequencies ("Official Gazette of the Republic Serbia", no. 99/2012); • Allotment plan of the Frequencies/Locations for Terrestrial Analogue FM and TV Broadcasting Stations in the Republic of Serbia ("Official Gazette of the Republic Serbia", no. 9/2012 and 30/2012); • Ministry will also adopt in the following period Allotment plan of the Frequencies/Locations/Allotments for Terrestrial Digital TV Broadcasting Stations in UHF band in the Republic of Serbia. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 85/191 7.5.2 Legal framework for content licensing The content licensing is regulated within the legal framework of Broadcasting act ("Official Gazette of the Republic Serbia", no. 42/02, 97/04, 76/05, 79/05, 62/06, 85/06, 86/06 and 41/09); In the following period, new Law on Electronic Media will be adopted, related to harmonizing AVMSD (Directive 2010/13/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 March 2010 on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States concerning the provision of audiovisual media services (Audiovisual Media Services Directive)). 7.5.3 Special legislation for digital terrestrial or cable, satellite terrestrial platform, analogue No. 7.5.4 New legislation for digital terrestrial television platform Law on Electronic Communications ("Official Gazette of the Republic Serbia", 44/10) introduced digital terrestrial platform through Article 104. Based on Law on Electronic Communications Ministry adopted Rulebook on Transition from Analogue to Digital TV broadcasting and Access to the Multiplex in Terrestrial Digital Broadcasting ("Official Gazette of the Republic Serbia", no. 55/2012). Serbian government also adopted Strategy for Switchover from Analogue to Digital Broadcasting of Radio and Television Programs in the Republic of Serbia ("Official Gazette of the Republic Serbia", no. 52/2009, 18/2012 and 26/2013); In following period new Law on Electronic Media will be adopted. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 86/191 8 MONTENEGRO 8.1 The size of TV market 8.1.1 TV channels available in Montenegro Approximately 245 channels have been identified as being available in Montenegro, alongside the channels established there. Annex, table 9.8 contains the full list of channels available (including those not licensed in the country). Table 8.1 (below) lists the channels licensed in the country. According to data from the regulator, the terrestrial distribution system is the most important and used in more than 35% of homes. Cable and satellite each reach almost 20% of homes and IPTV more than 27% of homes. The total list of channels available includes 7 adult channels, 16 business and news channels, 16 children’s channels, 20 cultural or documentary channels, 45 channels with a focus on entertainment or television fiction, 7 film channels, 39 national generalist channels including the Montenegro channels. These generalist channels are from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia, Russia and the “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”. There are also 13 music channels and 25 sports channels, and 25 channels in HD (mainly available on satellite). The list also contains the usual range of pan-European channels, many of which are established in the UK (Disney, AXN, Discovery, National Geographic, MTV etc), in the Czech Republic (HBO, Cinemax, Film+) and in Romania (Digi TV channels, Sport Klub). 8.1.2 TV channels established in Montenegro There are 26 channels established in Montenegro. Four are terrestrial, 13 regional or local, one international, and the others are licensed for cable and satellite. Table 8.1: TV channels established in Montenegro 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name 777 TV Lutrija Crne Gore Atlas TV (TV ATV) NTV Montena NTV Orion PRO TV Montenegro Srpska TV 7 8 9 TV APR TV Boin TV Budva 10 11 TV Corona TV Crne Gore 1 Broadcasting company Lutrija Crne Gore a.d. TV Comm d.o.o. Orion d.o.o. AST d.o.o. NVO „Društvo za ravnopravnost i toleranciju – AI" Podgorica Agroprodukt Boin d.o.o. D.o.o. lokalni javni emiter "Radio Televizija Budva M-Corona RTCG Radio Televizije Crne Gore Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Genre Games/lottery/betting channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Regional/ local channel Entertainment channel Others Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Generalist channel Page: 87/191 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 TV Crne Gore 2 TV Crne Gore (TV Montenegro) RTCG TV Ehoo TV Elmag TV Glas Plava TV IN TV MBC TV Mojkovac TV Nikšić 21 22 23 TV Panorama TV Pink Montenegro TV Pljevlja 24 25 26 TV Sun TV Teuta TV Vijesti RTCG Radio Televizije Crne Gore RTCG Radio Televizije Crne Gore Generalist channel Cultural/educational channel Ehoo d.o.o. TV Elmag d.o.o. Adnan d.o.o. IN CO d.o.o. Blue Moon d.o.o. Radio Mojkovac d.o.o. D.o.o. Lokalni javni emiter "Radio i televizija Nikšić RTV Panorama Pink M Company d.o.o Lokalni javni emiter "Radio Televizija Pljevlja Sun Sun d.o.o. Mir-Teuta d.o.o. Televizija Vijesti d.o.o. Regional/ local channel Entertainment channel Regional/ local channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Entertainment channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Generalist channel 8.2 Demographics The Statistical Office of Montenegro provides geographical overview with territorial distribution and area of Montenegro, as well as population data. This data could be found in the Statistical Yearbook 2012 published by the Statistical Office on its official website. According to the 2011 Census and its applied methodology of estimation, the total population of Montenegro is 620,029. Montenegro covers an area of 13,812 km2. At the national level, population per km2 is 44.9. Average population per km2 by municipalities is 61.7. Minimum value is 3.7 and maximum value is 305.0. The values of population per km2 for 21 municipalities in Montenegro, calculated on the basis of data from 2012 Statistical Yearbook of Montenegro, are as follows: Table 8.2: Population per km2 for 21 municipalities in Montenegro Municipality Andrijevica Bar Berane Bijelo Polje Budva Cetinje Danilovgrad Herceg Novi Kolašin Kotor Mojkovac Nikšić Plav Pljevlja Inhabitants/km2 17,9 70,3 47,4 49,8 157,5 18,3 36,9 131,3 9,3 67,5 23,5 35,1 27 22,9 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 88/191 Plužine Podgorica Rožaje Šavnik Tivat Ulcinj Žabljak 3,8 129 53,2 3,7 305 78,1 8 The Statistical Office of Montenegro covers the statistics on births, deaths, marriages and divorces, migrations, production of basic demographic indicators, as well as estimation and projections on population. The latest data available are collected by the 2011 Census and could be found in the Statistical Yearbook for 2012 and on the official website of the Statistical Office of Montenegro. Based on this data, the ageing index was calculated on a national level and by Municipalities as follows: • At a national level, the ageing index is 66.8. • An average ageing index by municipalities is 86.0. • Minimum ageing index is 30.9 and maximum value is 160.9. Table 8.3: Ageing index in Montenegro Municipality Andrijevica Bar Berane Bijelo Polje Budva Cetinje Danilovgrad Herceg Novi Kolašin Kotor Mojkovac Nikšić Plav Pljevlja Plužine Podgorica Rožaje Šavnik Tivat Ulcinj Žabljak Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Ageing index 94,1 71,8 63,2 58,9 53,8 108,6 80,8 89,2 105,2 85,2 77,8 72,6 59,8 119,8 160,9 52,5 30,9 139,1 71,6 75,3 135,4 Page: 89/191 8.3 Usage of PC/Internet According to the Statistical Yearbook 2012, 46.6% of population uses personal computer, 30.1% uses laptop while 93.2% uses mobile phone. Internet access at home is available to 51.4% of the households. Most recently used types of connection are ADSL (58.2%), wireless (27.6%), modem (21.6%) and mobile phone (18.3%). A detailed overview of Internet usage and its distribution at a national level, urban and other areas are given in the tables below (Data from Statistical Yearbook 2012). Table 8.4: ICT usage in Montenegro in 2011 Personal computer 46.6 52.8 34.5 Montenegro Urban Other Laptop 30.1 36.0 18.6 Mobile phone 93.2 92.5 94.6 Table 8.5: Percentage of households with Internet access at home With internet 51.4 59.8 35.1 Montenegro Urban Other Without internet 46.1 39.2 59.4 Do not know 2.5 1.0 5.5 Table 8.6: Most recently used Internet connection types DSL(ADSL) 58.2 62.4 44.0 Montenegro Urban Other Wireless internet 27.6 29.6 21.0 Modem 21.6 17.0 36.8 Mobile phone 18.3 18.3 18.3 8.4 Access to broadband According to data provided by the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services, there are 84.422 broadband subscribers in Montenegro in total, which results in a broadband penetration of 13.63%. A detailed overview by municipality with the number of subscriptions and penetration is given in the table below. Table 8.7: Detailed overview of access to broadband in Montenegro Municipality Andrijevica Bar Berane Bijelo Polje Budva Cetinje Danilovgrad Herceg Novi Kolašin Kotor Mojkovac Nikšić Plav Pljevlja Subscribers 121 6,806 2,165 3,356 6,783 1,961 1,038 6,077 403 4,824 460 6,577 1,245 3058 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Penetration (%) 2,39 16,19 6,37 7,29 35,3 11,77 7,08 19,69 4,81 21,34 5,34 9,08 9,5 9,93 Page: 90/191 Plužine Podgorica Rožaje Šavnik Tivat Ulcinj Žabljak 123 30,949 1351 55 3,486 2,991 323 3,79 16,64 5,88 2,66 24,84 15,01 9,05 8.5 Existing legal framework 8.5.1 Legal framework for frequency allocation/assignment In Montenegro, radio frequencies are allocated/assigned in line with the Law on Electronic Communications ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" No. 50/08, 70/09, 49/10, 32/11). According to this legislation, the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (EKIP) manages, supervises and controls the use of the radio frequency spectrum, in accordance with Radio Frequency Allocation Plan and Radio Frequency Assignment Plans. The Radio Frequency Allocation Plan is adopted by the Government and published in the Official Gazette of Montenegro. The Radio Frequency Assignment Plan for radio frequencies used for broadcast is adopted by the Agency for Electronic Communication’s Council with consent of Electronic Media Agency’s Council. Approval of radio frequencies is issued upon request of an undertaking or on the basis of a tender procedure for radio frequencies used in broadcasting and in case of a limited number of rights. Public tender procedure for granting rights of use of radio frequencies to providers of radio and television broadcast content is conducted pursuant to the Electronic Media Law. 8.5.2 Legal framework for content licensing TV channels are authorised in line with the Electronic Media Law ("Official Gazette of Montenegro" No. 46/10, 40/11, 53/11). The Agency for Electronic Media (AEM) is obliged to announce a pubic competition for granting broadcasting rights in case when a legal or a natural person intends to broadcast using frequencies envisaged by the Frequency Allocation Plan for analogue broadcasting or in case when it intends to obtain access to a digital terrestrial broadcasting multiplex. Before announcing a public competition, the AEM is obliged to obtain the data from the regulatory body responsible for electronic communications (EKIP) on availability of frequencies or free capacity of the existing digital terrestrial broadcasting multiplex used or planned for AVM services. 8.5.3 New legislation for digital terrestrial television platform The Digital Broadcasting Law ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", No. 34/11 and 31/12) regulates the method and conditions for digital terrestrial broadcasting, the procedure of switchover from analogue to digital broadcasting and other matters of importance for digital broadcasting. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 91/191 The regulations regulating the field of electronic communications and electronic media apply accordingly to the matters relating to digital broadcasting, which are not regulated under this Law. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Jointly for our common future Page: 92/191 9 Annex Table 9.1: Channels available in Slovenia Name 1 2 24 KITCHEN International 24 Vesti 3 4 3sat AB Moteurs 5 Al Jazeera (- English) 6 7 Al Jazeera Balkan Alternativna TV 8 Animal Planet (- Slovenian) 9 10 11 Animal Planet HD Animal Planet, Animaux 12 13 14 15 Anixe HD ARD EinsFestival ARD1 (Das Erste) ARTE (- German) 16 17 ARTE HD (- French) ARTE HD (- German) 18 Astra HD Promo 19 20 ASTRONET Atlas TV (TV ATV) Broadcasting company FOX INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS BULGARIA EOOD ZDF - ZWEITES DEUTSCHES FERNSEHEN AB THEMATIQUES AL JAZEERA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED ALJAZEERA BALKANS d.o.o. Sarajevo DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS EUROPE LIMITED DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS EUROPE LIMITED AB THEMATIQUES ANIXE HD TELEVISION GMBH & CO. KG ARD ARD ARTE DEUTSCHLAND TV GMBH ASSOCIATION RELATIVE A LA TELEVISION EUROPEENNE (ARTE G.E.I.E.) ARTE DEUTSCHLAND TV GMBH SES ASTRA SA ARENA VIP D.O.O. TELEVIZIJSKA DEJAVNOST Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Genre Main targeted country Platform Lifestyle/specific leisure channel News channel Slovenia Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Cultural/educational channel Sports channel Germany France Cable/IPTV IPTV News channel Europe IPTV News channel Generalist channel Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina C IPTV Documentary channel Slovenia Cable/IPTV High definition simulcast Documentary channel Documentary channel Sweden United Kingdom France Cable/IPTV Satellite IPTV High definition simulcast Cultural/educational channel Generalist channel Cultural/educational channel Germany Germany Germany Germany IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV High definition simulcast High definition simulcast Promotional / Information channel of multi-channel packager France Germany IPTV IPTV Luxembourg IPTV Others Entertainment channel Slovenia Montenegro Cable/IPTV Satellite/IPTV Page: 93/191 Jointly for our common future 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ATM TV Kranjska Gora AXN (- Slovenian) B92 Info B92 TV Baby First Baby TV (- English) Balkanika Music TV BBC Entertainment 29 30 31 32 BBC World News BHT1 Bloomberg TV Europe BN MUSIC 33 34 35 36 37 BN SAT TV Boomerang (- Slovenian) Boomerang Europe BR Alpha C Music 38 39 40 41 42 43 Canal 24 Horas Cartoon Network (- Slovenian) Cartoon Network Europe CBS Action (- Slovenian) CBS Drama, CBS Reality (- Slovenian) 44 CCTV 4 45 46 47 CCTV News Channel One Russia/ Perviy Kanal Europa Cinemax (Slovenia) ATM ELEKTRONIK , INZENIRING IN TRGOVINA, D.O.O., KRANJSKA GORA AXN EUROPE LIMITED BFTV LIMITED BABY NETWORK LIMITED FEN TI VI OOD BBC WORLDWIDE LIMITED BBC WORLD NEWS LIMITED BHRT BLOOMBERG UK LIMITED TURNER BROADCASTING INTERNATIONAL LIMITED BR - BAYERISCHER RUNDFUNK C MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT LTD SOCIEDAD MERCANTIL ESTATAL TELEVISION ESPANOLA S.A. TURNER BROADCASTING INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CBS Chellozone UK Channels Partnership Satellite Television Asian Region Ltd (HK) CHANNEL ONE - PERVIY KANAL HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Regional/ local channel TV fiction channel News channel Generalist channel Children's channel Children's channel Music channel Entertainment channel Slovenia Slovenia Serbia Serbia Hungary United Kingdom Bulgaria Germany Europe (Free satellite channel) Bosnia-Herzegovina Europe Serbia Cable/IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV Serbia Slovenia United Kingdom Germany Estonia Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV News channel Children's channel Children's channel TV fiction channel TV fiction channel Entertainment channel International linguistic and cultural channel Spain Slovenia Poland Slovenia Slovenia IPTV Cable/IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV Satellite Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV China Cable News channel International linguistic and cultural channel Film channel United Kingdom Cable/IPTV Russian Federation Slovenia IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV News channel Generalist channel Business channel Music channel International linguistic and cultural channel Children's channel Children's channel Cultural/educational channel Music channel Page: 94/191 Jointly for our common future IPTV Cable/ satellite Satellite/IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV 48 49 50 51 52 Cinemax 2 (Slovenia) Cinestar Action and Thriller (Croatia) Cinestar TV (Croatia) CMC Croatian Music Channel CNBC Europe 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 CNN International Comedy Central UK Crime and Investigation Network Čarli TV Da Vinci Learning (- English) Da Vinci Learning (- Slovenian) Da Vinci Universitas Dance Trippin TV Daring TV Das Erste HD Discovery Channel (- Slovenian) Discovery HD Showcase Discovery ID, Discovery Science Discovery Science (- Slovenian) Discovery Travel & Living (Slovenian) Discovery World (- English) Disney Channel (- Slovenian) Disney Junior Disney Junior (Germany) Disney XD (- Slovenian) DM Sat Dom Kino DoQ 77 78 Dorcel TV Duna TV Cinestar TV Cinestar TV Autor d.o.o. CNBC (INTERNATIONAL) LIMITED TURNER BROADCASTING SYSTEM EUROPE LIMITED PARAMOUNT UK PARTNERSHIP AETN UK ČARLI, d.o.o. DA VINCI MEDIA GMBH Sapphire Media International B.V. ARD DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS EUROPE LIMITED WALT DISNEY COMPANY LIMITED(THE) Dragana Mirkovic Bijelic SAT TV KG CHANNEL ONE - PERVIY KANAL IKO ROMANIA SRL MARC DORCEL TV NETHERLANDS B.V. DUNA TELEVÍZIÓ ZÁRTKÖRÛEN Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Film channel Film channel Film channel Music channel Business channel Slovenia Croatia Croatia Croatia United Kingdom Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV News channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Cultural/educational channel Cultural/educational channel Cultural/educational channel Music channel Adult channel High definition simulcast Documentary channel Documentary channel Europe United Kingdom United Kingdom Slovenia Lithuania Slovenia Germany Netherlands Netherlands Germany Slovenia United Kingdom Documentary channel Documentary channel United Kingdom Slovenia Cable/IPTV Cable/ satellite Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/IPTV Satellite Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV Travel channel Documentary channel Children's channel Children's channel Children's channel Children's channel Entertainment channel Film channel Documentary channel Slovenia United Kingdom Slovenia United Kingdom Germany Slovenia Serbia Russian Federation Hungary IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV Adult channel Cultural/educational channel France Hungary IPTV Cable/IPTV Page: 95/191 Jointly for our common future MÛKÖDÕ RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 Duna World DW-TV (Deutsche Welle) Europe E! Slovenia EbS Europe by Satellite (- Slovenian) Encyclopedia English Club (Ukraine) Escales ESPN America ESPN America HD ESPN Classic Europe ESPN HD ESPN UK Euronews (- English) Eurosport (- English) Eurosport (- German) 94 95 Eurosport 2 (- English) Eurosport 2 (- German) Sports channel Sports channel 96 97 98 Eurosport 2 HD (- English) Eurosport HD (- English) Eurosport HD (- German) EWTN – Eternal World Television Network High definition simulcast High definition simulcast High definition simulcast 99 100 Extreme Sports Channel UK 101 Fashion-TV 102 103 104 105 106 107 Fashion-TV HD Fight Channel, Fights TV Fine Living Network (FLN) Fishing and Hunting (- English) Folk + (Albania) DEUTSCHE WELLE (DW) E ENTERTAINMENT UK LIMITED EUROPEAN COMMISSION AB THEMATIQUES AB THEMATIQUES ESPN (EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA) LTD ESPN CLASSIC SPORT LTD. EURONEWS S.A. EUROSPORT ETERNAL WORLD TELEVISION NETWORK INC. ZONEMEDIA BROADCASTING LIMITED FASHION TV PROGRAMMGESELLSCHAFT MBH FASHION TV PROGRAMMGESELLSCHAFT MBH MOBIBASE Lightdragon Limited TEMATIC CABLE SRL Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Cultural/educational channel News channel Entertainment channel News channel Documentary channel Entertainment channel Travel channel Sports channel High definition simulcast Sports channel High definition simulcast Sports channel News channel Sports channel Sports channel IPTV IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV IPTV IPTV Cable IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Religious channel Hungary Europe Slovenia Slovenia France Ukraine France United Kingdom United Kingdom Sweden United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Malta Germany Belgium- Flemish Community Germany Belgium- Flemish Community Malta Germany United States (specific European services) Sports channel United Kingdom Cable/IPTV Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Austria Cable/IPTV High definition simulcast Austria Others Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Music channel France Cyprus Croatia Albania Cable/IPTV Satellite Cable IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV IPTV Page: 96/191 Jointly for our common future Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV IPTV Cable/ satellite Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV IPTV IPTV 108 109 Food Network Food Network HD 110 111 112 113 114 Fox Movies Fox News Channel FOXCRIME (- Slovenian) FOXlife (- Slovenian) France 2 115 116 117 118 119 France 24 France 24 (- English) Free-X TV Free-X TV2 French Lover TV 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 GEA TV Ginx TV Golf Klub TV Golf Klub TV HD Golica TV Happy TV (Serbia) Hayat TV Bosnia HBO (Slovenia) HBO Comedy Adria (- Slovenian) HBO HD (Slovenia) Hema TV HRT1 HRT2 Hustler TV Europe Hustler TV Europe HD I-concert HD i-concerts Info TV (i-tv) Lightdragon Limited Lightdragon Limited FOX INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS ITALY SARL Fox News Channel LLC (US) FOX INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS ITALY SARL FRANCE TELEVISIONS FRANCE 24 FRENCH LOVER TV B.V. SKYLINE TELEKOMUNIKACIJE D.O.O. Ginx TV Limited IKO ROMANIA SRL IKO ROMANIA SRL ČARLI, d.o.o. HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. M&H Company d.o.o. HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA Sapphire Media International B.V. FREE KABELSKA PRODUKCIJA, Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Lifestyle/specific leisure channel High definition simulcast United Kingdom United Kingdom Cable Cable/IPTV Film channel News channel TV fiction channel TV fiction channel Generalist channel Cable/ satellite IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable News channel News channel Adult channel Adult channel Adult channel Portugal United Kingdom Slovenia Slovenia France Belgium- French Community United Kingdom Bulgaria Croatia Netherlands Others Others Sports channel High definition simulcast Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Generalist channel TV fiction channel TV fiction channel High definition simulcast Entertainment channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Adult channel High definition simulcast High definition simulcast Music channel News channel Slovenia Romania Serbia Serbia Slovenia Serbia Bosnia-Herzegovina Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Bosnia-Herzegovina Croatia Croatia Netherlands Netherlands France Switzerland Slovenia Cable/IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ satellite Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/IPTV IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV Page: 97/191 Jointly for our common future IPTV Cable/IPTV Satellite/IPTV IPTV Satellite/IPTV 138 Info TV (i-tv) HD 139 140 141 Investigation Discovery Europe Jabuka TV JimJam (- Slovenian) DRUZBA ZA RADIJSKO IN TELEVIZIJSKO PRODUKCIJO, D.O.O. DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS EUROPE LIMITED Otvorena televizija Zagreb JIMJAM TELEVISION LIMITED 142 143 Jungle TV Kabel Eins Jungle TV Ltd KABEL 1 K1 FERNSEHEN GMBH Entertainment channel Generalist channel 144 Kanal 5 Plus Entertainment channel 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 Kanal A Kapital Network Karusel International KCN 2 KCN Music KidsCo (- Slovenian) KIKA Klasik TV Kohavision Kopernikus KCN 1 Luxe TV (- English) M2 (Magyar Televízió 2) M2 HD Mangas MCM Pop MCM Top MDR Fernsehen (Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk) Media TV Mezzo MGM Channel KANAL 5 Broadcasting Ltd. KANAL A TELEVIZIJSKA POSTAJA D.O.O. KAPITAL NET D.O.O. United Kingdom Croatia Slovenia The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Germany The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Generalist channel Business channel Children's channel Entertainment channel Music channel Children's channel Children's channel Entertainment channel Generalist channel Regional/ local channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Generalist channel High definition simulcast Children's channel Music channel Music channel Slovenia Croatia Russian Federation Serbia Serbia Slovenia Germany Croatia Serbia Serbia United Kingdom Hungary Hungary France France France Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV IPTV IPTV Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV Generalist channel Regional/ local channel Music channel Film channel Germany Slovenia France United Kingdom Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV 161 162 163 164 KIDSCO LIMITED DVL.TV SA MAGYAR TELEVÍZIÓ RT. MAGYAR TELEVÍZIÓ RT. AB THEMATIQUES DIRECT STAR DIRECT STAR MDR - MITTELDEUTSCHER RUNDFUNK MEDIA PARTNER, d.o.o. MEZZO MGM CHANNEL NLF Ltd Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 High definition simulcast Slovenia IPTV Entertainment channel Regional/ local channel Children's channel Cable/IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV Page: 98/191 Jointly for our common future IPTV Cable/IPTV IPTV 165 Minimax 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 MKTV Sat Motors TV MTV MTV Adria MTV Croatia MTV Dance MTV Hits UK MTV Live HD MTV Rocks 175 MTV1 (Macedonia) 176 MTV2 (Macedonia) 177 178 MTV3 (Macedonia) Myzen tv (1) 179 n-tv 180 181 182 186 187 N24 Narodna Muzika TV Nat Geo Wild (- Slovenian) National Geographic Channel Europe (- Slovenian) National Geographic Channel HD Nautical Channel NDR Fernsehen (Norddeutscher Rundfunk) NET TV (Slovenia) 188 NET XXL 189 NHK World TV 183 184 185 CHELLO CENTRAL EUROPE, S.R.O. Macedonian Radio and Television (MRT) MOTORS TV MTV Networks Europe MTV ADRIA DRUZBA ZA TRZENJE IN TRZNE KOMUNIKACIJE D.O.O. MTV Networks Europe VIMN POLAND SP. Z O.O. MTV Networks Europe Macedonian Radio and Television (MRT) SENIOR COMMUNICATIONS N-TV NACHRICHTENFERNSEHEN GMBH N 24 GESELLSCHAFT FÜR NACHRICHTEN UND ZEITGESCHEHEN MBH NGC EUROPE LIMITED Nautical Channel Limited NDR - NORDDEUTSCHER RUNDFUNK NET TV PODJETJE ZA PROIZVODNJO, TRGOVINO IN STORITVE D.O.O. JAPAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Children's channel Cultural/educational channel Parliamentary/ Government/ Administration channel Others Czech Republic The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia France United Kingdom Slovenia Croatia United Kingdom United Kingdom Poland United Kingdom The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia France News channel Germany Cable/IPTV News channel Music channel Documentary channel Germany Croatia Slovenia IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV Documentary channel High definition simulcast Sports channel Slovenia United Kingdom United Kingdom Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/IPTV Generalist channel Generalist channel Germany Slovenia IPTV Cable/IPTV Entertainment channel International linguistic and cultural channel Slovenia Cable/IPTV United Kingdom IPTV Generalist channel Sports channel Music channel Music channel Music channel Music channel Music channel Music channel Music channel Generalist channel Page: 99/191 Jointly for our common future Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable Cable/IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV 190 Nickelodeon UK NICKELODEON U.K. LIMITED 191 192 NTV Hayat sat NTV Montena 193 OBN Open Broadcast Network NEOVISNA TELEVIZIJA HAYAT TV Comm d.o.o. OPEN BROADCAST NETWORK" Dioničko društvo Sarajevo 194 195 196 ORF 2 Europe ORF1 ORF2 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 ORON TV Notranjska Palma Plus, PeTV PHOENIX Pink Bosnia & Herzegovina Pink Extra Pink Film Pink Folk Pink Music Pink Plus Pink Plus, Planet TV Planet TV HD Play TV 211 Play TV HD 212 213 214 215 216 Playboy Channel Poker Channel Pop Brio POP FANI POP KINO Children's channel International linguistic and cultural channel Entertainment channel United Kingdom Cable/IPTV Bosnia-Herzegovina Montenegro Cable/IPTV IPTV Generalist channel International linguistic and cultural channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Bosnia-Herzegovina Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Austria Austria Austria Cable Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV ORON ZAVOD ZA OBVESCANJE, RAZISKOVANJE, ORGANIZIRANJE IN NACRTOVANJE, STARI TRG PRI LOZU Cultural/educational channel Slovenia PINK INTERNATIONAL COMPANY D.O.O. Regional/ local channel Cultural/educational channel Generalist channel Music channel Film channel Music channel Music channel Minority interest groups channel Slovenia Germany Bosnia-Herzegovina Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Entertainment channel High definition simulcast Music channel Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia IPTV Satellite IPTV IPTV IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Satellite IPTV IPTV IPTV High definition simulcast Slovenia IPTV Adult channel Games/lottery/betting channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Film channel United Kingdom United Kingdom Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia IPTV IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV ORF - ÖSTERREICHISCHER RUNDFUNK TS Media TS Media UPC TELEMACH SIROKOPASOVNE KOMUNIKACIJE D.O.O. PLAYBOY TV UK/BENELUX LIMITED THE POKER CHANNEL LIMITED POP TV DRUZBA ZA MARKETING,INZENIRING,TRGOVI NO,SVETOVANJE,STORITVE IN Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 100/191 Jointly for our common future 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 POP KINO 2 POP OTO POP SPOT Pop TV Premier League HD Private Spice ProSieben PRVA Srpska (First TV) RAI Due RAI Tre RAI Uno RBC RT (Russia Today) RTK 1 Sat RTL 232 RTL 2 233 234 RTR Planeta RTRS, 235 RTS (Maribor) 236 237 238 239 240 RTS (Slovenia) RTS 1 RTS 2 RTS Sat RTV 21 Sat 241 S-tv SKLEDAR ZASTOPANJE,D.O.O. LJUBLJANA STV INTERNATIONAL B.V. PROSIEBEN TELEVISION GMBH RAI - RADIOTELEVISIONE ITALIANA SP RBK-TV MOSKVA TV-NOVOSTI RTL TELEVISION GMBH RTL 2 FERNSEHEN GMBH & CO. KG TELEKANAL ROSSIYADOCHERNEEFGUP VSEROSSIISKAYA GOSUDARSTVENNAYA TELEVIZIONNAYA I RADIOVESHCHATELYNAYA KOMPANIYA TELE 59 DRUZBA ZA AUDIO IN VIZUELNO KOMUNIKACIJO D.O.O. TELE 59 DRUZBA ZA AUDIO IN VIZUELNO KOMUNIKACIJO D.O.O. RADIO-TELEVIZIJA SRBIJE J.P. SKLEDAR, Zavod za promocijo kulture in kmetijstva Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Film channel Children's channel Music channel Generalist channel Sports channel Adult channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Business channel News channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Croatia Netherlands Germany Serbia Italy Italy Italy Russian Federation United Kingdom Serbia Germany Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable Satellite/IPTV Cable/IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV Generalist channel Germany Cable/IPTV International linguistic and cultural channel Generalist channel Russian Federation Serbia Cable/IPTV Satellite Regional/ local channel Slovenia Cable/IPTV Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel News channel Slovenia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Cable/IPTV IPTV IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV IPTV Regional/ local channel Slovenia IPTV Page: 101/191 Jointly for our common future 242 Sat.1 243 Satisfaction Privé 244 245 246 SCT Servus TV Servus TV HD 247 248 SIP TV SK Premium HD, 249 Sky News International 250 251 Smile of a Child SOS, 252 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 Sport 1 (Germany) Sport Klub (Slovenia) Sport Klub 3 Sport Klub 4 Sport Klub 5 Sport Klub HD (Slovenia) Sport Klub Premium HD (Slovenia) SPORT KLUB PRIME Sport Klub Prime, Central Extra, FOX Sport Klub+ (Slovenia) Sport Klub+ HD (Slovenia) Studio 12 Style Network 267 Super RTL SAT.1 SATELLITEN FERNSEHEN GMBH DIGITAL WORLD TELEVISION S.R.L. DIGITAL WORLD TELEVISION S.R.L. Generalist channel Germany Cable/IPTV Adult channel Italy IPTV SERVUSTV FERNSEHGESELLSCHAFT M.B.H. Veselič Branko, s.p., RTV servis, trgovina, vzdrževanje Adult channel Generalist channel High definition simulcast Italy Austria Austria IPTV Cable/IPTV IPTV Regional/ local channel Slovenia Cable/IPTV Satellite BRITISH SKY BROADCASTING LIMITED ("BSKYB") News channel Cable/IPTV Religious channel France United States (specific European services) Regional/ local channel Slovenia Cable/IPTV Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel High definition simulcast Sports channel Sports channel Germany Slovenia Croatia Croatia Croatia Slovenia Slovenia Serbia Sports channel High definition simulcast Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia United Kingdom Cable/IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable/IPTV Satellite Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ satellite IPTV Cable/IPTV Children's channel Germany Cable/IPTV DOMATES, PODJETJE ZA INZENIRING IN STORITVE, D.O.O. PORTOROZ DSF DEUTSCHES SPORTFERNSEHEN GMBH IKO ROMANIA SRL Zavod Studio 12 E ENTERTAINMENT UK LIMITED SUPER RTL DISNEY FERNSEHEN GMBH & CO. KG Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 102/191 Jointly for our common future IPTV Satellite 268 269 Supreme Master TV Svet Plus 270 271 272 273 274 275 Syfy Channel Šport TV1 (Slovenia) Šport TV2 (Slovenia) TCM Europe TCM UK Tele 5 (Germany) 276 277 278 279 281 282 Telemach info kanal TeleNovelas Europa Televizija BN (BN TV) TELEVIZIJA CELJE Televizija Koper Capodistria /TV KC/: regionalni televizijski program Televizija Koper Capodistria /TV KC/: televizijski program za italijansko narodno skupnost TELEVIZIJA LJUBLJANA 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 Televizija Maribor - Tele M Televizija Slovenj Gradec / TV SG The History Channel The History Channel HD The Outdoor Channel The Outdoor Channel HD Tiji 290 291 292 293 TLC (Balkans) Top Music Channel Trace Sports TV HD (- English) Trace Urban (- English) 280 SUPREME MASTER TELEVISION Ltd VIACOM INTERNATIONAL MEDIA NETWORKS ASPN, STORITVENO PODJETJE, D.O.O. TURNER BROADCASTING INTERNATIONAL LIMITED TM-TV GMBH UPC TELEMACH SIROKOPASOVNE KOMUNIKACIJE D.O.O. Radio i televizija "BN" d.o.o. Bijeljina TV CELJE, D.O.O., CELJE RADIOTELEVIZIJA SLOVENIJA, LJUBLJANA RADIOTELEVIZIJA SLOVENIJA, LJUBLJANA J & V, d.o.o. RADIOTELEVIZIJA SLOVENIJA, LJUBLJANA AETN UK AETN UK Outdoor TV Limited Outdoor TV Limited CANAL J DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS EUROPE LIMITED TOP MUSIC MEDIEN GMBH TRACE TV TRACE TV Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Religious channel Entertainment channel United Kingdom Serbia IPTV IPTV TV fiction channel Sports channel Sports channel Film channel Film channel Entertainment channel United Kingdom Slovenia Slovenia Baltic Countries United Kingdom Germany Cable/ satellite Cable/ satellite Cable/ satellite Cable/ satellite IPTV IPTV Promotional / Information channel of multi-channel packager TV fiction channel Generalist channel Regional/ local channel Slovenia Spain Bosnia-Herzegovina Slovenia Cable IPTV Cable/ satellite Cable/ satellite Regional/ local channel Slovenia Cable/ satellite Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Slovenia Slovenia Cable/ satellite IPTV Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Documentary channel High definition simulcast Sports channel High definition simulcast Children's channel Slovenia Slovenia United Kingdom United Kingdom Sweden Portugal France Cable/IPTV IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ satellite IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Music channel High definition simulcast Music channel Slovenia Serbia France France Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV Page: 103/191 Jointly for our common future 294 Travel Channel 295 Travel Channel HD 296 TUR-TV 297 TV Alfa 298 TV Alsat M 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 TV Arena TV AS TV Crne Gore (TV Montenegro) RTCG TV DUGA TV Exodus TV H2O TV Idea – Kanal 10 306 307 308 309 310 TV K-15 Music TV Melos TV Mojkovac TV Mozirje TV Muzyka Pervogo 311 312 TV Nakupi TV Petelin 313 314 TV Pink 3 TV Primorka 315 TV R Kanal + TRAVEL CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED TRAVEL CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED TUR-TV, MULTIMEDIJSKI CENTER, D.O.O. Televizija Alfa Društvo za prenos i emitovanje programa d.o.o. Sarajevo Alsat-M Broadcasting DOO ARENA VIP D.O.O. TELEVIZIJSKA DEJAVNOST HI-FI VIDEOSTUDIO D.O.O. RTCG Radio Televizije Crne Gore Zoran Kodela, s.p. NAUTO, Peter Mernik, s.p. TV IDEA - KANAL 10 DRUZBA ZA Broadcasting company K-15 Minus LLC Radio Mojkovac d.o.o. POSLOVNA ENOTA STUDIO TVM CHANNEL ONE - PERVIY KANAL DOMATES, PODJETJE ZA INZENIRING IN STORITVE, D.O.O. PORTOROZ Prospera, d.o.o. PINK S DRUZBA ZA RADIODIFUZIJO, PRODUKCIJO IN MARKETING D.O.O. VA VIDEO AUDIO FILM D.O.O. R KANAL+ ORGANIZACIJA IN PREDVAJANJE LOKALNEGA TV IN RADIJSKEGA PROGRAMA D.O.O. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Travel channel United Kingdom Cable/IPTV High definition simulcast United Kingdom Cable/IPTV Travel channel Slovenia Cable/IPTV Entertainment channel IPTV Generalist channel Bosnia-Herzegovina The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Entertainment channel Regional/ local channel Slovenia Slovenia Cable/IPTV IPTV Cultural/educational channel Regional/ local channel Music channel Others Regional/ local channel Cable/IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV IPTV IPTV Music channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Music channel Montenegro Serbia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Serbia Montenegro Slovenia Russian Federation Home shopping channel Music channel Slovenia Slovenia IPTV Cable/IPTV Entertainment channel Regional/ local channel Slovenia Slovenia Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV IPTV Generalist channel Slovenia IPTV Page: 104/191 Jointly for our common future IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV IPTV 316 317 TV Sitel 3 TV Sljeme – Z1 Sitel Television Broadcasting Ltd TELEVIZIJA SLJEME D.O.O. Entertainment channel Regional/ local channel 318 319 320 321 TV Telma TV Vremya TV1 BA TV1000 Balkan (- English) MAKPETROL DOO EL CHANNEL ONE - PERVIY KANAL Entertainment channel Entertainment channel TV1000 AB 322 TV5MONDE Europe 323 TVE Internacional Europa Film channel International linguistic and cultural channel International linguistic and cultural channel 324 TvM - zgornjesavinjski kanal 325 326 327 328 TVP Polonia TVS1 (SLO1) TVS2 (SLO2) TVS2 (SLO2) HD 329 TVS3 (SLO3) 330 331 TVSH Sat (Shqiptar TV Satelit) TVSLO HD 332 333 Universal Channel (- Slovenian) Vaš kanal 334 335 336 337 338 VAŠA TELEVIZIJA (VTV) Veseljak TV Vest TV (Вест TV) VH1 Classic Europe VH1 Europe 339 340 Viasat Explorer (- English) Viasat Film (- English) TV5 MONDE SOCIEDAD MERCANTIL ESTATAL TELEVISION ESPANOLA S.A. DaMix - MULTIMEDIJA, Damjan Žvipelj s.p. TVP - TELEWIZJA POLSKA S.A. RADIOTELEVIZIJA SLOVENIJA, LJUBLJANA SPARROWHAWK INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS LIMITED TELEVIZIJA NOVO MESTO D.O.O. VTV VELENJSKI TELEVIZIJSKI STUDIO D.O.O. Veseljak TV, d.o.o. C - VESTA HOLDING SA, MTV NETWORKS s.r.o. MTV NETWORKS s.r.o. VIASAT BROADCASTING UK LIMITED TV1000 AB Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Croatia The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Russian Federation Bosnia-Herzegovina Romania IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV Satellite Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Europe Cable/IPTV Germany Cable/IPTV Business channel International linguistic and cultural channel Generalist channel Generalist channel High definition simulcast Parliamentary/ Government/ Administration channel International linguistic and cultural channel High definition simulcast Slovenia IPTV Poland Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV c Cable/IPTV Slovenia Cable/IPTV Albania Slovenia IPTV Cable/IPTV TV fiction channel Regional/ local channel Slovenia Slovenia Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV Regional/ local channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel News channel Music channel Music channel Slovenia Slovenia Bulgaria United Kingdom France Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV Documentary channel Film channel Finland Croatia Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV IPTV Page: 105/191 Jointly for our common future 341 342 343 344 Viasat Film (- Slovenian) Viasat History (- English) Viasat Nature East Viasat Nature/History HD (- English) 345 Vitel 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 VIVA (Germany) VOX VTV WDR Fernsehen (Westdeutscher Rundfunk) Wild Wild HD X-Dream TV XTSY XXL Y&S Yacht & Sail (- English) Y&S Yacht & Sail (- German) ZDF 358 ZDF HD TV1000 AB VIASAT BROADCASTING UK LIMITED VI-TEL, PODJETJE ZA AVDIOVIDEO DEJAVNOST D.O.O. VIVA MUSIC FERNSEHEN GMBH & CO. KG VOX TELEVISION GMBH SC INFOSERVICE SRL WDR - WESTDEUTSCHER RUNDFUNK NGC NETWORK (UK) LIMITED FRENCH LOVER TV B.V. FRENCH LOVER TV B.V. AB THEMATIQUES DIGICAST S.P.A. DIGICAST S.P.A. ZDF - ZWEITES DEUTSCHES FERNSEHEN Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Film channel Documentary channel Documentary channel Documentary channel Slovenia United Kingdom United Kingdom Russian Federation Cable/IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable Regional/ local channel Slovenia IPTV Music channel Generalist channel News channel Germany Germany Romania Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable Generalist channel Documentary channel High definition simulcast Adult channel Adult channel Adult channel Sports channel Sports channel Generalist channel Germany United Kingdom United Kingdom Bulgaria Bulgaria France Netherlands Germany Germany IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV High definition simulcast Germany Cable/IPTV Page: 106/191 Jointly for our common future Table 9.2: Channels available in Austria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name 1-2-3 TV 13th Street (Germany) 13th Street HD (Germany) 3sat 3sat HD Al Jazeera (- English) Alpenglühen TVX Animal Planet Deutschland 9 10 Animax Deutschland Anixe HD 11 12 13 14 15 AON TV Infokanal ARD EinsFestival ARD EinsPlus ARD1 (Das Erste) ARF - Ausseer Regionalfernsehen 16 17 18 19 20 ARTE (- French) ARTE (- German) ARTE HD (- German) Astro TV ATV (Austria) 21 22 23 24 25 ATV AVRUPA ATV2 Auto Motor Sport TV AXN (- German) AXN HD (- German) Broadcasting company 1-2-3.TV GMBH DAS VIERTE GMBH Genre Home shopping channel TV fiction channel Main targeted country Germany Germany Platform Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV DAS VIERTE GMBH ZDF - ZWEITES DEUTSCHES FERNSEHEN ZDF - ZWEITES DEUTSCHES FERNSEHEN AL JAZEERA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED ALPENGLÜHEN MEDIA GMBH DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH SONY PICTURES TELEVISION INTERNATIONAL DEUTSCHLAND GmbH ANIXE HD TELEVISION GMBH & CO. KG TELEKOM AUSTRIA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT ARD ARD ARD High definition simulcast Cultural/educational channel High definition simulcast News channel Adult channel Germany Germany Germany Europe Austria Cable/ Satellite Cable/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable Documentary channel Germany Cable/ IPTV Children's channel High definition simulcast Promotional / Information channel of multi-channel packager Cultural/educational channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Generalist channel Germany Germany Cable/ Satellite Cable/ IPTV Austria Germany Germany Germany IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Ausseer Regionalfernsehen ASSOCIATION RELATIVE A LA TELEVISION EUROPEENNE (ARTE G.E.I.E.) ARTE DEUTSCHLAND TV GMBH ARTE DEUTSCHLAND TV GMBH Regional/ local channel Austria Cable Cultural/educational channel Cultural/educational channel High definition simulcast Entertainment channel Generalist channel International linguistic and cultural channel Entertainment channel Sports channel TV fiction channel High definition simulcast France Germany Germany Germany Austria Cable Cable/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Germany Austria Germany Germany Germany Cable/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Satellite ATV PRIVATFERNSEH-GMBH TURKUVAZ RADYO TELEVIZYON GAZETECILIK VE YAYINCILIK A.Ş. ATV PRIVATFERNSEH-GMBH MOTOR PRESSE TV GMBH AXN NORTHERN EUROPE LIMITED AXN NORTHERN EUROPE LIMITED Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 107/191 Jointly for our common future 26 27 28 B92 TV Baby TV (- German) BBC Entertainment 29 30 31 BBC World News Beate-Uhse TV BHT1 32 Bibel TV 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 BKF Bloomberg TV Europe Blue Hustler Europe Blue Movie 1 Blue Movie 2 Blue Movie 3 Blue Movie HD BN MUSIC 41 BN SAT TV Body in Balance Germany Bon GUSTO HD 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Boomerang (German) BR Alpha BR Fernsehen (Bayerischer Rundfunk) BR Fernsehen (Bayerischer Rundfunk) HD Brucker Informationskanal BTV (Austria) Generalist channel Children's channel Entertainment channel News channel Adult channel Generalist channel Serbia Germany Germany Europe (Free satellite channel) Germany Bosnia-Herzegovina Cable/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable Religious channel Germany Cable/ IPTV Regional/ local channel Business channel Adult channel Adult channel Adult channel Adult channel High definition simulcast Music channel International linguistic and cultural channel Austria Europe Netherlands Germany Germany Germany Germany Serbia Cable/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite IPTV Serbia Cable/ IPTV BODY IN BALANCE LTD TV.GUSTO GMBH TURNER BROADCASTING SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND GMBH BR - BAYERISCHER RUNDFUNK Lifestyle/specific leisure channel High definition simulcast Germany Germany Cable/ IPTV Cable Children's channel Cultural/educational channel Germany Germany Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV BR - BAYERISCHER RUNDFUNK Generalist channel Germany Cable/ IPTV BR - BAYERISCHER RUNDFUNK High definition simulcast Germany Cable/ IPTV Regional/ local channel Austria Cable Regional/ local channel Austria Cable BABY NETWORK LIMITED BBC WORLDWIDE LIMITED BBC WORLD NEWS LIMITED BEATE UHSE TV GMBH & CO. KG BHRT BIBEL TV STIFTUNG GEMEINNÜTZIGE GESELLSCHAFT MIT BESCHRÄNKTER HAFTUNG BKF DAS BURGENLAND FERNSEHEN GMBH BLOOMBERG UK LIMITED Sapphire Media International B.V. SKY DEUTSCHLAND AG SKY DEUTSCHLAND AG SKY DEUTSCHLAND AG SKY DEUTSCHLAND AG BEZIRKS TV ST. VEIT PRODUKTIONSUND VERTRIEBSGES.M.B.H. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 108/191 Jointly for our common future IPTV Cable Cable/ IPTV 50 BVN 51 Canal 24 Horas Cartoon Network (Germany) CBS Reality (- German) 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 CCTV 4 CCTV News Channel One Russia/ Perviy Kanal Europa Classica Classica HD CNBC Europe CNN International Comedy Central (Germany) Comedy Central HD (Germany) CT24 Das Erste HD Das Vierte Deluxe Music Austria Deutsches Anleger Fernsehen Discovery Channel Germany Discovery HD Germany Disney Channel Germany Disney Channel Germany HD Disney Cinemagic (German) Disney Cinemagic HD International linguistic and cultural channel Netherlands Cable News channel Spain Cable Children's channel Entertainment channel International linguistic and cultural channel News channel International linguistic and cultural channel Music channel High definition simulcast Business channel Germany Germany Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable China United Kingdom Cable Cable/ IPTV Russian Federation Germany Germany United Kingdom Cable/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite Cable Cable/ IPTV News channel Europe Cable/ IPTV VIMN GERMANY GMBH TV fiction channel Germany Cable VIMN GERMANY GMBH CT CESKA TELEVIZIE ARD DAS VIERTE GMBH Entertainment Quarter GmbH DAF DEUTSCHES ANLEGER FERNSEHEN AG DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH High definition simulcast News channel High definition simulcast Entertainment channel Window Germany Czech Republic Germany Germany Austria Satellite IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Business channel Germany Satellite Documentary channel High definition simulcast Germany Germany Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite Children's channel Germany Cable/ Satellite High definition simulcast Germany Satellite Children's channel High definition simulcast Germany Germany Cable/ Satellite Satellite BVN SOCIEDAD MERCANTIL ESTATAL TELEVISION ESPANOLA S.A. TURNER BROADCASTING SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND GMBH CBS Chellozone UK Channels Partnership Satellite Television Asian Region Ltd (HK) CHANNEL ONE - PERVIY KANAL CLASSICA GMBH CLASSICA GMBH CNBC (INTERNATIONAL) LIMITED TURNER BROADCASTING SYSTEM EUROPE LIMITED THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY (GERMANY) GMBH Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 109/191 Jointly for our common future 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Germany Disney Junior (Germany) Disney XD (Germany) DMAX Deutschland DMAX Deutschland HD Dorcel TV Dubai TV Duck TV 83 84 Duna TV DW-TV (Deutsche Welle) Europe E! Entertainment (German) ErotikDome 85 ERT World 86 ESPN America 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 ESPN America HD ESPN Classic (German) Euronews (German) Euronews (Russian) Eurosport (Polish) Eurosport (Serbian) Eurosport (Turkish) Eurosport 2 (German) Eurosport 2 (Serbian) Eurosport 2 Germany Eurosport Germany Eurosport HD ( German) Extreme Sports Channel (- German) 82 99 Children's channel Children's channel Entertainment channel High definition simulcast Adult channel Generalist channel Children's channel Germany Germany Germany Germany France United Arab Emirates Slovakia Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Satellite Cable/ Satellite Cable Cable Cultural/educational channel Hungary Cable/ IPTV DEUTSCHE WELLE (DW) News channel Europe Cable E ENTERTAINMENT UK LIMITED SONALBA PRIVATRUNDFUNK GmbH Entertainment channel Adult channel International linguistic and cultural channel Germany Austria Cable/ IPTV Cable Greece Cable Sports channel United Kingdom Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV High definition simulcast Sports channel News channel News channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel High definition simulcast United Kingdom Germany Germany Russian Federation Poland Serbia Turkey Germany Serbia Germany Germany Germany Satellite Cable/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite Sports channel Germany Cable DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH MARC DORCEL TV NETHERLANDS B.V. MEGA MAX MEDIA, S.R.O. DUNA TELEVÍZIÓ ZÁRTKÖRÛEN MÛKÖDÕ RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG GREEK RADIO TELEVISION (ERT) S.A. ESPN (EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA) LTD ESPN (EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA) LTD ESPN CLASSIC SPORT LTD. EURONEWS S.A. EURONEWS S.A. EUROSPORT EUROSPORT EUROSPORT EUROSPORT EUROSPORT EUROSPORT EUROSPORT EUROSPORT ZONEMEDIA BROADCASTING LIMITED Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 110/191 Jointly for our common future 100 Fashion-TV 101 102 Fashion-TV HD Focus Gesundheit 103 104 FOX (Germany) FOX (Turkey) 105 FOX HD (Germany) 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 France 24 France 24 (English) Free-X TV Goldstar TV gotv Gute Laune TV HD Suisse (German) Heimatkanal HIP90 Fitness!TV 115 History (Germany) History Channel Europe HD (German) HR Fernsehen (Hessischer Rundfunk) HRT1 HRT2 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 HSE 24 HT1 Hausruck TV Hustler TV Deutschland Hustler TV Europe Info-Kanal der LIWEST Kabelmedien Infokanal der Salzburg FASHION TV PROGRAMMGESELLSCHAFT MBH FASHION TV PROGRAMMGESELLSCHAFT MBH FOCUS TV - PRODUKTIONS GMBH FOX INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS GERMANY GMBH HUZUR RADYO TELEVİZYON A.Ş. FOX INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS GERMANY GMBH FRANCE 24 FRANCE 24 FRENCH LOVER TV B.V. MAINSTREAM MEDIA AG GOTV FERNSEH-GMBH GUTE LAUNE TV GMBH SRG-SSR Idée suisse MAINSTREAM MEDIA AG ILTEKO GMBH THE HISTORY CHANNEL (GERMANY) GMBH & CO. KG THE HISTORY CHANNEL (GERMANY) GMBH & CO. KG HR - HESSISCHER RUNDFUNK HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA HOME SHOPPING EUROPE MANAGEMENT GMBH MGH Medienproduktion GmbH Sapphire Media International B.V. Sapphire Media International B.V. LIWEST KABELMEDIEN GMBH Salzburg AG für Energie Verkehr und Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Austria Cable/ IPTV High definition simulcast Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Austria Germany Cable/ IPTV Cable TV fiction channel Generalist channel Germany Turkey Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable High definition simulcast Cable/ Satellite News channel News channel Adult channel Music channel Music channel Music channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Germany Belgium- French Community United Kingdom Bulgaria Germany Austria Germany Switzerland Germany Austria Cable Cable/ IPTV Cable Cable/ Satellite Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable Cable Cable/ Satellite IPTV Documentary channel Germany Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Documentary channel Germany Cable/ Satellite Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Germany Croatia Croatia Cable/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable Home shopping channel Regional/ local channel Adult channel Adult channel Promotional / Information channel of multi-channel packager Promotional / Information channel Germany Austria Germany Netherlands Cable/ IPTV IPTV Cable Satellite Austria Austria Cable Cable Page: 111/191 Jointly for our common future AG Telekommunikation of multi-channel packager 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 JimJam (- German) Junior Kabel Eins Kabel Eins Austria Kabel Eins Austria HD Kabel Eins Classics Kabel Eins HD JIMJAM TELEVISION LIMITED Switzerland Germany Germany Austria Austria Germany Germany Cable Cable/ Satellite Cable Cable/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Satellite/ IPTV Satellite 133 134 KANAL 7 KABEL 1 K1 FERNSEHEN GMBH PROSIEBEN AUSTRIA GMBH PROSIEBEN AUSTRIA GMBH SEVENSENSES GMBH KABEL 1 K1 FERNSEHEN GMBH BEZIRKS TV ST. VEIT PRODUKTIONSUND VERTRIEBSGES.M.B.H. HAYAT GORSEL YAYINCILIK A.Ş. Children's channel Children's channel Generalist channel Generalist channel High definition simulcast Film channel High definition simulcast Austria Turkey IPTV Cable 135 Kanal 7 Avrupa Millennium Broadcast Limited Germany IPTV 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 Kanal 7 International KANAL D KidsCo (English) KidsCo (French) KidsCo (German) Kidsco (Spanish) KIKA KIKA HD Kinowelt TV Germany Turkey United Kingdom France Germany Spain Germany Germany Germany Cable Cable Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Cable/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 Kral TV KT1 K-TV LİG TV LLTV LT 1 L-TV Fernsehen LUST PUR Luxe TV (German) M1 (Magyar Televízió 1) EURO 7 FERNSEH & MARKETING GMBH DTV HABER VE GÖRSEL YAYINCILIK A.Ş. KIDSCO LIMITED KIDSCO LIMITED KIDSCO LIMITED MULTICANAL IBERIA SL ARD ARD KINOWELT TELEVISION GMBH TELEON REKLAMCILIK VE FİLMCİLİK SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. KT1 Privatfernsehen GmbH & Co KG K-TV FERNSEH GMBH & CO KEG PLUTON TELEVİZYON YAYINCILIK A.Ş. LINZ LAND FERNSEHEN MEDIEN GMBH LT1 Privatfernsehen GmbH L-TV GMBH LANDESFERNSEHEN Regional/ local channel Generalist channel International linguistic and cultural channel International linguistic and cultural channel Generalist channel Children's channel Children's channel Children's channel Children's channel Children's channel High definition simulcast Film channel Music channel Regional/ local channel Religious channel Sports channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Adult channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Generalist channel Turkey Austria Austria Turkey Austria Austria Germany Germany Germany Hungary Cable IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Cable Cable/ IPTV Cable DVL.TV SA MAGYAR TELEVÍZIÓ RT. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 112/191 Jointly for our common future 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 M2 (Magyar Televízió 2) MCM Top MDR Fernsehen (Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk) MediaShop Meins.TV MGM Channel (Germany) 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 MKTV Sat Mostviertel Kanal (M4TV) Motors TV (English) Motors TV (German) Motorvision TV MTV Brand New MTV Dance MTV Germany MTV Hits UK MTV Live HD MTV Music 24 MTV Rocks Mühlviertel TV N1 175 N24 176 N24 HD Nat Geo Wild (German) National Geographic Channel (- German) National Geographic Channel HD (Germany) 177 178 179 MAGYAR TELEVÍZIÓ RT. DIRECT STAR Generalist channel Music channel Hungary France Cable Cable MDR - MITTELDEUTSCHER RUNDFUNK Schneider Holding Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft mbH Upperpixel TV & Filmproduktion GmbH Generalist channel Germany Cable/ IPTV Home shopping channel Regional/ local channel Austria Austria IPTV IPTV MGM NETWORKS (DEUTSCHLAND) GMBH Film channel Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Macedonian Radio and Television (MRT) Generalist channel Germany The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Cable WIRTH GMBH MOTORS TV MOTORS TV Regional/ local channel Sports channel Sports channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Entertainment channel Music channel Music channel Music channel Music channel Music channel Music channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Austria United Kingdom Germany Germany Germany United Kingdom Germany United Kingdom Poland United Kingdom United Kingdom Austria Austria Cable IPTV Cable Cable/ Satellite Cable Satellite Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite IPTV Cable/ IPTV News channel Germany Cable/ IPTV High definition simulcast Germany Satellite/ IPTV Documentary channel Germany Cable/ Satellite Documentary channel Germany Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV High definition simulcast Germany Cable MTV Networks Europe MTV Networks Europe VIMN POLAND SP. Z O.O. MTV Networks Europe MTV Networks Europe MÜHLVIERTEL TV N1 Niederösterreich TV Fernseh GmbH N 24 GESELLSCHAFT FÜR NACHRICHTEN UND ZEITGESCHEHEN MBH N 24 GESELLSCHAFT FÜR NACHRICHTEN UND ZEITGESCHEHEN MBH FOX INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS ITALY SARL FOX INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS ITALY SARL FOX INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS ITALY SARL Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 113/191 Jointly for our common future 186 187 188 NDR Fernsehen (Norddeutscher Rundfunk) NDR Fernsehen (Norddeutscher Rundfunk) HD NDR MecklenburgVorpommern NICK (Austria) NICK Junior (Germany) Nickelodeon (Germany) Nickelodeon HD (Germany) Nicktoons (Germany) n-tv 189 NTV Avrupa 190 191 192 193 194 NTV Hayat sat OBN Open Broadcast Network OKTO ORF 1 HD ORF 2 Burgenland 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 ORF 2 Europe ORF 2 HD ORF 2 Kärnten ORF 2 Linz ORF 2 Niederösterreich ORF 2 Oberösterreich ORF 2 Salzburg ORF 2 Steiermark ORF 2 Tirol ORF 2 Voralberg ORF 2 Wien 180 181 182 183 184 185 NDR - NORDDEUTSCHER RUNDFUNK Generalist channel Germany Cable/ IPTV NDR - NORDDEUTSCHER RUNDFUNK High definition simulcast Germany IPTV NDR - NORDDEUTSCHER RUNDFUNK VIMN GERMANY GMBH Window Children's channel Children's channel Children's channel Germany Austria Germany Germany Cable Cable Cable Cable/ IPTV High definition simulcast Children's channel News channel Germany Germany Germany Satellite Cable/ Satellite Cable/ IPTV News channel International linguistic and cultural channel Germany Cable Bosnia-Herzegovina Cable Bosnia-Herzegovina Austria Austria Austria Cable Cable/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite N-TV NACHRICHTENFERNSEHEN GMBH NTV RADYO VE TELEVİZYON YAYINCILIĞI A.Ş. NEOVISNA TELEVIZIJA HAYAT OPEN BROADCAST NETWORK" Dioničko društvo Sarajevo COMMUNITY TV-GMBH ORF - ÖSTERREICHISCHER RUNDFUNK Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Generalist channel Regional/ local channel High definition simulcast Window International linguistic and cultural channel High definition simulcast Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Page: 114/191 Jointly for our common future 206 207 208 209 210 211 ORF Sport Plus ORF1 ORF2 ORF3 – Kultur und Information P3 PHOENIX 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 Phoenix CNE PHOENIX HD Pink Extra Pink Film Pink Music Pink Plus Planet Playboy Channel Playboy TV Deutschland Poker Channel 222 Polsat 2 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 Power Türk Tv Pro TV ProSieben Austria ProSieben Austria HD ProSieben HD Puls 4 Puls 4 HD QVC (Germany) Radio Bremen TV (RB) RAI Due RAI News RAI Sport 1 RAI Tre P3-KABEL-NEWS GMBH PHOENIX CHINESE NEWS & ENTERTAINMENT LIMITED PINK INTERNATIONAL COMPANY D.O.O. HV FERNSEHBETRIEBS GMBH PLAYBOY TV UK/BENELUX LIMITED PLAYBOY TV UK/BENELUX LIMITED THE POKER CHANNEL LIMITED TELEWIZJA POLSAT SP. Z O.O. MAKSİMUM RADYO TV YAYINCILIK REKLAMCILIK VE TAN. A.Ş. PRO TV SA PROSIEBEN AUSTRIA GMBH PROSIEBEN AUSTRIA GMBH PROSIEBEN TELEVISION GMBH PULS CITY TV GMBH PULS CITY TV GMBH QVC DEUTSCHLAND INC. & CO. KG RB - RADIOBREMEN RAI - RADIOTELEVISIONE ITALIANA SP Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Sports channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Austria Austria Austria Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cultural/educational channel Regional/ local channel Cultural/educational channel Austria Austria Germany Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Minority interest groups channel High definition simulcast Music channel Film channel Music channel Minority interest groups channel Documentary channel Adult channel Adult channel Games/lottery/betting channel International linguistic and cultural channel United Kingdom Germany Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Germany United Kingdom Germany United Kingdom IPTV IPTV Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV IPTV Cable IPTV North America Cable Music channel Generalist channel Generalist channel High definition simulcast High definition simulcast Entertainment channel High definition simulcast Home shopping channel Generalist channel Generalist channel News channel Sports channel Generalist channel Turkey Romania Austria Austria Germany Austria Austria Germany Germany Italy Italy Italy Italy Cable IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable Cable/ IPTV Cable Cable Cable/ IPTV Page: 115/191 Jointly for our common future 236 237 RAI Uno 239 RBB Berlin RBB Fernsehen (Rundfunk BerlinBrandenburg) Record Internacional Europa 240 241 242 243 Roj TV Romance TV Romance TV HD RT (Russia Today) 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 RT24 RTK 1 Sat RTL 2 HD RTL 2 Österreich RTL 2 Österreich HD RTL Crime RTL Crime HD 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 RTL Franken Life TV RTL HD RTL Living RTL Nitro RTL Österreich RTL Österreich HD RTL Passion 258 RTP Internacional 259 260 RTR Planeta RTS Sat 238 RBB - RUNDFUNK BERLIN BRANDENBURG RBB - RUNDFUNK BERLIN BRANDENBURG Rádio e Televisão Record S/A MESOPOTAMIA BROADCAST A/S METV MAINSTREAM MEDIA AG MAINSTREAM MEDIA AG TV-NOVOSTI TELE1VISION VIDEO- UND FERNSEHPRODUKTION GESMBH RTL 2 FERNSEHEN GMBH & CO. KG RTL 2 FERNSEHEN GMBH & CO. KG RTL 2 FERNSEHEN GMBH & CO. KG RTL TELEVISION GMBH RTL TELEVISION GMBH TVF FERNSEHEN IN FRANKEN PROGRAMM GMBH RTL TELEVISION GMBH RTL TELEVISION GMBH PASSION TV GMBH RTL TELEVISION GMBH RTL TELEVISION GMBH PASSION TV GMBH RADIOTELEVISAO PORTUGUESASERVIÇO PUBLICO DE TELEVISAO, S.A. TELEKANAL ROSSIYA-DOCHERNEEFGUP VSEROSSIISKAYA GOSUDARSTVENNAYA TELEVIZIONNAYA I RADIOVESHCHATELYNAYA KOMPANIYA RADIO-TELEVIZIJA SRBIJE J.P. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Generalist channel Italy Cable/ IPTV Window Germany Cable/ IPTV Generalist channel International linguistic and cultural channel Germany Cable/ IPTV IPTV Minority interest groups channel TV fiction channel High definition simulcast News channel Brazil Europe (Free satellite channel) Germany Germany United Kingdom Regional/ local channel Generalist channel High definition simulcast Window High definition simulcast TV fiction channel High definition simulcast Austria Serbia Germany Austria Austria Germany Germany IPTV Cable Satellite Cable/ IPTV Satellite Cable/ Satellite Cable Window High definition simulcast Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Entertainment channel Window High definition simulcast Entertainment channel International linguistic and cultural channel Germany Germany Germany Germany Austria Austria Germany Cable Satellite Cable/ Satellite IPTV Cable/ IPTV Satellite Cable/ Satellite Luxembourg Cable Russian Federation Serbia Cable/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV International linguistic and cultural channel Generalist channel Page: 116/191 Jointly for our common future Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable Cable/ IPTV 261 262 263 RTV (Austria) Russia 1 (Rossiya 1/ RTR) 264 265 266 267 268 269 Russia 24 Salzburg 119 - Das Magazin Sat.1 Sat.1 Emotions Sat.1 HD Sat.1 Österreich Sat.1 Österreich HD 270 Servus TV 271 Servus TV HD 272 Show Türk 273 274 275 Show TV Silverline Movie Channel SIXX Austria 276 SIXX TV 277 278 279 SIXX TV HD Sky Action Sky Action HD Sky Atlantic HD (Deutschland) Sky Cinema (Deutschland) Sky Cinema +1 (Deutschland) Sky Cinema +1 HD (Deutschland) 280 281 282 283 RTV REGIONALFERNSEHEN GMBH TELEKANAL ROSSIYA-DOCHERNEEFGUP VSEROSSIISKAYA GOSUDARSTVENNAYA TELEVIZIONNAYA I RADIOVESHCHATELYNAYA KOMPANIYA RTS Regionalfernsehen GmbH SAT.1 SATELLITEN FERNSEHEN GMBH SEVENSENSES GMBH SAT.1 SATELLITEN FERNSEHEN GMBH SERVUSTV FERNSEHGESELLSCHAFT M.B.H. SERVUSTV FERNSEHGESELLSCHAFT M.B.H. AKS ULUSLARARASI YAYINCILIK SAN. VE TİC.A.Ş. AKS TELEVİZYON REK. VE FİLM. SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. SILVERLINE TELEVISION AG AUSTRIA 9 TV GMBH PROSIEBENSAT.1 ERSTE VERWALTUNGSGESELLSCHAFT MBH PROSIEBENSAT.1 ERSTE VERWALTUNGSGESELLSCHAFT MBH Regional/ local channel Austria Cable Generalist channel Russian Federation Cable News channel Russian Federation Cable Regional/ local channel Generalist channel TV fiction channel High definition simulcast Generalist channel High definition simulcast Austria Germany Germany Germany Austria Austria Cable Cable Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Satellite Generalist channel Austria Cable/ IPTV High definition simulcast Austria Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Generalist channel Turkey Cable Generalist channel Turkey Cable Film channel Entertainment channel Germany Austria Cable Satellite Entertainment channel Germany Cable/ IPTV High definition simulcast Film channel High definition simulcast Germany Germany Germany Satellite Cable/ Satellite Satellite High definition simulcast Germany Satellite Film channel Germany Cable/ Satellite Time-shifted versions Germany Cable/ Satellite High definition simulcast Germany Satellite SKY DEUTSCHLAND GMBH & CO KG Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 117/191 Jointly for our common future 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 Sky Cinema +24 (Deutschland) Sky Cinema Austria Sky Cinema HD (Deutschland) Sky Comedy Sky Emotion Sky Fußball Bundesliga Sky Fußball Bundesliga 2 Sky Fußball Bundesliga 3 Sky Fußball Bundesliga 4 Sky Fußball Bundesliga 5 Sky Fußball Bundesliga 6 Sky Fußball Bundesliga 7 Sky HD-3D (Deutschland) Sky Hits (Deutschland) Sky Hits HD (Deutschland) Sky Krimi Sky News International Sky Nostalgie Sky Select Sky Sport 1 (Deutschland) Sky Sport 2 (Deutschland) Sky Sport 2 HD (Deutschland) Sky Sport Austria SKY ÖSTERREICH GMBH SKY DEUTSCHLAND GMBH & CO KG BRITISH SKY BROADCASTING LIMITED ("BSKYB") SKY DEUTSCHLAND GMBH & CO KG Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Time-shifted versions Film channel Germany Austria Cable/ Satellite Cable/ Satellite High definition simulcast Film channel Film channel Sports channel Germany Germany Germany Germany Cable/ Satellite Cable/ Satellite Cable/ Satellite Cable/ Satellite Sports channel Germany Satellite Sports channel Germany Satellite Sports channel Germany Satellite Sports channel Germany Satellite Sports channel Germany Satellite Sports channel Germany Satellite Entertainment channel Film channel Germany Germany Satellite Cable/ Satellite High definition simulcast TV fiction channel Germany Germany Satellite Cable/ Satellite News channel Film channel Film channel France Germany Germany Cable Cable/ Satellite Cable/ Satellite Sports channel Germany Cable/ Satellite Sports channel Germany Cable/ Satellite High definition simulcast Sports channel Germany Austria Satellite Cable/ Satellite Page: 118/191 Jointly for our common future 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 Sky Sport HD (Deutschland) Sky Sport HD 1 (Deutschland) Sky Sport HD Extra (Deutschland) Sky Sport Info (Portal) Sky Sport News HD (Deutschland) Sonnenklar SPIEGEL Geschichte Sport 1 (Germany) Sport 1 HD (Germany) Sport 1+ (Germany) Sport 1+ HD (Germany) 318 319 320 321 Sportdigital TV SR Fernsehen SRF 1 (Switzerland) SRF Zwei 322 323 324 Star TV Starparadies (Deutschland) Steiermark 1 325 Super RTL HD 326 Super RTL Österreich 327 328 SW1 SWR Fernsehen SWR Fernsehen ( Baden-Württemberg) SWR Fernsehen HD Syfy (Germany) 307 308 309 310 329 330 331 EUVIA TRAVEL GMBH DSF DEUTSCHES SPORTFERNSEHEN GMBH SPORTDIGITAL.TV SENDE- UND PRODUKTIONS GMBH SR - SAARLÄNDISCHER RUNDFUNK SRG-SSR Idée suisse SRG-SSR Idée suisse IŞIL TELEVİZYON YAYINCILIK YAP. SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. STEIERMARK 1 TV GMBH & CO KG SUPER RTL DISNEY FERNSEHEN GMBH & CO. KG SUPER RTL DISNEY FERNSEHEN GMBH & CO. KG TELE1VISION VIDEO- UND FERNSEHPRODUKTION GESMBH SWR - SÜDWESTRUNDFUNK SWR - SÜDWESTRUNDFUNK SWR - SÜDWESTRUNDFUNK DAS VIERTE GMBH Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 High definition simulcast Germany Cable/ Satellite High definition simulcast Germany Satellite High definition simulcast Sports channel Germany Germany Satellite Cable High definition simulcast Home shopping channel Documentary channel Sports channel High definition simulcast Sports channel High definition simulcast Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Satellite Cable/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite Cable/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV IPTV Satellite Sports channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Germany Germany Switzerland Switzerland Satellite Cable/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Generalist channel Turkey Cable Home shopping channel Regional/ local channel Germany Austria Satellite IPTV High definition simulcast Germany Satellite Window Austria Cable/ IPTV Regional/ local channel Generalist channel Austria Germany Cable Cable/ IPTV Window High definition simulcast TV fiction channel Germany Germany Germany Cable IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Page: 119/191 Jointly for our common future 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 Syfy HD (Germany) tagesschau24 Tele 5 (Austria) Tele 5 (Germany) Tele 5 (Germany) HD TGRT EU The Biography Channel (Germany) Tirol TV TNT Film (Germany) TNT Serie TNT Serie HD Trace Urban (- English) Travel Channel (German) TRT 1 TRT 3 Spor TRT Haber DAS VIERTE GMBH ARD TM-TV GMBH TM-TV GMBH TM-TV GMBH PLUS MEDIEN TV UND HANDELS GMBH THE HISTORY CHANNEL (GERMANY) GMBH & CO. KG TIROL TV GMBH TURNER BROADCASTING SYSTEM DEUTSCHLAND GMBH TRACE TV TRAVEL CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Türkiye Radyo ve Televizyon Kurumu Türkiye Radyo ve Televizyon Kurumu Türkiye Radyo ve Televizyon Kurumu High definition simulcast News channel Window Entertainment channel High definition simulcast Minority interest groups channel Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Cable/ Satellite Cable/ IPTV Satellite Cable/ IPTV Satellite Cable Documentary channel Regional/ local channel Film channel Entertainment channel High definition simulcast Music channel Germany Austria Germany Germany Germany France Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite Cable Germany Turkey Turkey Turkey Cable Cable Cable Cable Germany Cable/ IPTV TRT Türk Tunisia 1 (Télévision Tunisienne Nationale 1) Türk Max TV Crne Gore (TV Montenegro) RTCG TV Mittelrhein TV Silesia Türkiye Radyo ve Televizyon Kurumu Travel channel Generalist channel Sports channel News channel International linguistic and cultural channel JÜPİTER TELEVİZYON YAYINCILIK A.Ş. Generalist channel Film channel Tunisia Turkey Cable Cable Montenegro Germany Poland Cable Satellite IPTV TV5 MONDE Europe Cable/ IPTV TV5 MONDE SOCIEDAD MERCANTIL ESTATAL TELEVISION ESPANOLA S.A. Germany Cable 356 TV5MONDE Europe TV5MONDE Europe (German) TVE Internacional Europa Germany Cable/ IPTV 357 358 TVP Polonia TVR International TVP - TELEWIZJA POLSKA S.A. TVR - TELEVIZUNEA ROMANIA Cultural/educational channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel International linguistic and cultural channel International linguistic and cultural channel International linguistic and cultural channel International linguistic and cultural channel International linguistic and cultural Poland Romania Cable/ IPTV Cable 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 RTCG Radio Televizije Crne Gore TV MITTELRHEIN GMBH & CO. KG TVS SP. Z O.O. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 120/191 Jointly for our common future channel 359 TVS1 (SLO1) 360 TVS2 (SLO2) UPC Telekabel Infokanal VH1 Classic Europe VH1 Europe Visit-X VIVA (Austria) VIVA (Germany) VOX HD VOX Österreich VOX Österreich HD W:24 WDR Fernsehen (Westdeutscher Rundfunk) WDR Fernsehen (Westdeutscher Rundfunk) HD WNTV WT1 WW TV X-Dream TV XTSY Y&S Yacht & Sail (German) YFE (Your Family Entertainment) ZDF ZDF HD ZDF Infokanal ZDF Infokanal HD ZDF Neo 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 RADIOTELEVIZIJA SLOVENIJA, LJUBLJANA RADIOTELEVIZIJA SLOVENIJA, LJUBLJANA Generalist channel Slovenia Cable Generalist channel Slovenia Cable UPC TELEKABEL WIEN GMBH MTV NETWORKS s.r.o. MTV NETWORKS s.r.o. Digital Channels Network GmbH VIVA MUSIC FERNSEHEN GMBH & CO. KG VIVA MUSIC FERNSEHEN GMBH & CO. KG VOX TELEVISION GMBH VOX TELEVISION GMBH VOX TELEVISION GMBH KABEL-TV-WIEN GESELLSCHAFT M.B.H. Regional/ local channel Music channel Music channel Adult channel Window Music channel High definition simulcast Window High definition simulcast Regional/ local channel Austria United Kingdom France Austria Austria Germany Germany Austria Austria Austria Cable Cable/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite Satellite Cable/ IPTV Cable Satellite Cable/ IPTV Satellite Cable WDR - WESTDEUTSCHER RUNDFUNK Generalist channel Germany Cable/ IPTV WDR - WESTDEUTSCHER RUNDFUNK Walsberger Johann Georg WOOTOO MEDIEN AG High definition simulcast Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Adult channel Adult channel Germany Austria Austria Germany Bulgaria Bulgaria IPTV IPTV Cable Satellite Cable Cable Sports channel Germany Cable Entertainment channel Generalist channel High definition simulcast News channel High definition simulcast Documentary channel Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Cable/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV IPTV Cable/ IPTV FRENCH LOVER TV B.V. FRENCH LOVER TV B.V. DIGICAST S.P.A. YOUR FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT ZDF - ZWEITES DEUTSCHES FERNSEHEN Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 121/191 Jointly for our common future 385 386 387 ZDF Neo HD ZDF.kultur ZDF.kultur HD High definition simulcast Cultural/educational channel High definition simulcast Germany Germany Germany Cable/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV IPTV Table 9.3: Channels available in Croatia Name 1 2 3 4 24 KITCHEN International 24 Vesti 24sata TV 2KTV 5 6 7 3sat 3Sat HD Adult Channel 8 9 10 Al Jazeera (- English) Al Jazeera Balkan Alternativna TV 11 Animal Planet Europe 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Anixe HD ARD1 (Das Erste) Arena 1 Arena 1 HD Arena 2 Arena 2 HD Arena 3 Arena 3 HD Arena 4 HD 21 22 ARTE (- French) ARTE (- German) Broadcasting company FOX INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS BULGARIA EOOD 24SATA D.O.O. ZDF - ZWEITES DEUTSCHES FERNSEHEN PLAYBOY TV UK/BENELUX LIMITED AL JAZEERA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED ALJAZEERA BALKANS d.o.o. Sarajevo DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS EUROPE LIMITED ANIXE HD TELEVISION GMBH & CO. KG ARD TV Arena Sport ASSOCIATION RELATIVE A LA TELEVISION EUROPEENNE (ARTE G.E.I.E.) ARTE DEUTSCHLAND TV GMBH Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Genre Main targeted country Platform Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Slovenia News channel Entertainment channel Croatia Croatia cable / Satellite/ IPTV Satellite cable / IPTV cable Cultural/educational channel Cultural educational Adult channel Germany Germany United Kingdom cable / IPTV Satellite cable / IPTV News channel News channel Generalist channel Europe Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Documentary channel United Kingdom cable / Satellite/ IPTV Hifh definition simulcast Generalist channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Germany Germany Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Satellite/ IPTV cable / IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV Cultural/educational channel Cultural/educational channel France Germany cable / IPTV cable / IPTV Page: 122/191 Jointly for our common future 23 Arte HD ASSOCIATION RELATIVE A LA TELEVISION EUROPEENNE (ARTE G.E.I.E.) ARTE DEUTSCHLAND TV GMBH 24 25 26 27 28 ARTE HD (- French) ARTE HD (- German) Atlas TV (TV ATV) AXN (- Croatian) AXN Sci-Fi 29 B.Net Info Kanal B.NET HRVATSKA D.O.O. 30 31 32 33 34 35 B.NET MOZAIK B92 Info B92 TV Baby TV (- English) Balkanika Music TV BBC Entertainment B.NET HRVATSKA D.O.O. BABY NETWORK LIMITED FEN TI VI OOD BBC WORLDWIDE LIMITED 36 37 38 39 40 BBC World News BHT1 Bliss Bloomberg TV Europe Blue Hustler Europe BBC WORLD NEWS LIMITED BHRT CSC MEDIA GROUP LIMITED BLOOMBERG UK LIMITED Sapphire Media International B.V. 41 42 43 BN SAT TV Body in Balance Germany Body in Balance UK 44 45 46 47 Boomerang (- Croatian) BuzMuzik C Music Canal 24 Horas 48 49 Canale 5 Čarli TV Cartoon Network (Croatian) 50 AXN EUROPE LIMITED AXN EUROPE LIMITED Germany Satellite Hifh definition simulcast Hifh definition simulcast Entertainment channel TV fiction channel TV fiction channel Promotional / Information channel of multi-channel packager Promotional / Information channel of multi-channel packager News channel Generalist channel Children's channel Music channel Entertainment channel France Germany Montenegro Croatia cable / IPTV cable / IPTV cable / Satellite Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Croatia cable Croatia Serbia Serbia United Kingdom Bulgaria Germany Europe (Free satellite channel) Bosnia-Herzegovina United Kingdom Europe Netherlands cable Satellite Satellite/ IPTV cable / IPTV cable / IPTV cable / IPTV Serbia Germany United Kingdom cable cable cable Children's channel Music channel Music channel News Croatia United Kingdom Estonia cable / IPTV cable cable Satellite Generalist channel Entertainment channel Italy Slovenia IPTV cable / Satellite Children's channel Croatia cable / IPTV News channel Generalist channel Music channel Business channel Adult channel International linguistic and cultural channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel BODY IN BALANCE LTD BODY IN BALANCE LTD TURNER BROADCASTING INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CSC MEDIA GROUP LIMITED C MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT LTD RETI TELEVISIVE ITALIANE S.P.A. (R.T.I.) ČARLI, d.o.o. TURNER BROADCASTING INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Cultural educational Page: 123/191 Jointly for our common future cable / Satellite/ IPTV Satellite/ IPTV cable cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / IPTV 51 52 53 CBS Action (- Croatian) CBS Drama CBS Reality (- Croatian) 54 55 56 57 CCTV News Chart Show TV Cinemax (Croatia) Cinemax 2 (Croatia) Cinestar Action and Thriller (Croatia) Cinestar TV (Croatia) CMC Croatian Music Channel CNBC Europe 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 CNN International Comedy Central (Germany) Comedy central Extra Comedy Central UK Crime and Investigation Network Da Vinci Learning (- English) Da Vinci Learning (-German) Da Vinci Learning (Slovenian) Da Vinci Universitas Dance Nation TV Dance Trippin TV Daring TV Das Erste HD Discovery Channel Europe Discovery HD Showcase Discovery Science Discovery Travel & Living Discovery World (- English) Disney Channel Disney Junior CBS Chellozone UK Channels Partnership Satellite Television Asian Region Ltd (HK) CSC MEDIA GROUP LIMITED HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. TV fiction channel TV fiction channel Entertainment channel Croatia United Kingdom Croatia cable / IPTV Satellite cable / Satellite/ IPTV News channel Music channel Film channel Film channel United Kingdom United Kingdom Croatia Croatia cable cable cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV Cinestar TV Cinestar TV Film channel Film channel Croatia Croatia cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV Autor d.o.o. CNBC (INTERNATIONAL) LIMITED TURNER BROADCASTING SYSTEM EUROPE LIMITED VIMN GERMANY GMBH Music channel Business channel Croatia United Kingdom cable / IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV Europe Germany PARAMOUNT UK PARTNERSHIP News channel TV fiction channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel United Kingdom cable / Satellite/ IPTV IPTV Satellite IPTV AETN UK DA VINCI MEDIA GMBH DA VINCI MEDIA GMBH Entertainment channel Cultural/educational channel Cultural/educational channel United Kingdom Lithuania Germany Satellite/ IPTV cable / IPTV cable DA VINCI MEDIA GMBH DA VINCI MEDIA GMBH CSC MEDIA GROUP LIMITED Cultural/educational channel Cultural/educational channel Music channel Music channel Adult channel Hifh definition simulcast Documentary channel Documentary channel Documentary channel Travel channel Documentary channel Children's channel Children's channel Slovenia Germany United Kingdom Netherlands Netherlands Germany United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom IPTV cable cable cable IPTV cable / Satellite cable / Satellite/ IPTV IPTV cable / IPTV IPTV cable / IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / IPTV Sapphire Media International B.V. ARD DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS EUROPE LIMITED WALT DISNEY COMPANY LIMITED(THE) Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 124/191 Jointly for our common future 82 83 84 85 Disney Junior (Germany) Disney XD (- Croatian) DM Sat Doma TV 86 87 88 89 90 Dorcel TV Dubai Sports 3 Dubrovačka TV Duck TV DW DW-TV (Deutsche Welle) Europe E! Entertainment E! Slovenia Eins Festival HD Eksperimentalni ZKTV 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 ESPN America ESPN Classic Europe ESPN UK Euronews (- English) Eurosport (- English) Eurosport (- Serbian) 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Eurosport 2 (- English) Eurosport 2 (- Serbian) Eurosport 2 Germany Eurosport 2 HD Eurosport Germany Eurosport HD Eurosportnews (- English) EWTN – Eternal World Television Network 110 111 112 Extreme Sports Channel UK Face TV fashion One Dragana Mirkovic Bijelic SAT TV KG NOVA TV D.D. MARC DORCEL TV NETHERLANDS B.V. DUBROVACKA TELEVIZIJA D.O.O. MEGA MAX MEDIA, S.R.O. DEUTSCHE WELLE (DW) E ENTERTAINMENT UK LIMITED E ENTERTAINMENT UK LIMITED ESPN (EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA) LTD ESPN CLASSIC SPORT LTD. ESPN CLASSIC SPORT LTD. EURONEWS S.A. EUROSPORT ETERNAL WORLD TELEVISION NETWORK INC. ZONEMEDIA BROADCASTING LIMITED Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Children's channel Children's channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Germany Croatia Serbia Croatia IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV Adult channel Sports channel Regional/ local channel Children's channel News France Croatia Slovakia Germany cable / IPTV Satellite cable / IPTV cable / IPTV Satellite News channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Cultural educational Entertainment channel Europe United Kingdom Slovenia Germany Croatia cable / IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV IPTV Satellite cable Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel News channel Sports channel Sports channel United Kingdom Sweden United Kingdom United Kingdom Malta Serbia Belgium- Flemish Community Serbia Germany cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / IPTV IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / IPTV Satellite Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Germany Religious channel Asia United States (specific European services) Sports channel United Kingdom Lifestyle Page: 125/191 Jointly for our common future cable / IPTV Satellite cable / IPTV Satellite cable / IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / IPTV IPTV cable / IPTV Satellite Satellite 117 118 Fashion TV (Czech Republic) Federalna TV Fight Channel Fine Living Network (FLN) Fishing and Hunting (English) Flava 119 Fox 120 121 Fox Movies Fox News Channel 122 FOXCRIME (- Croatian) 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 FOXlife (- Croatian) France 24 France 24 (- English) Free-X TV Free-X TV2 FullTV Ginx TV (Croatia) 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 Golf Channel Golf Klub TV (Croatia) Golica TV GTV Zadar Happy TV (Serbia) Hayat Plus HBO Adria (- Croatian) HBO Comedy Adria (Croatian) History Channel Europe (Croatia) HiTV HR Fernsehen (Hessischer Rundfunk) 113 114 115 116 137 138 139 140 Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Generalist channel Sports channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Czech Republic Bosnia-Herzegovina Croatia Cyprus cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / Satellite IPTV Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Music channel Croatia United Kingdom cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable Entertainment channel Serbia Satellite Film channel News channel Serbia United Kingdom Satellite cable TV fiction channel Croatia cable / Satellite/ IPTV TV fiction channel News channel News channel Adult channel Adult channel Business channel Others cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV IPTV cable cable / Satellite/ IPTV HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. Sports channel Sports channel Entertainment channel Regional/ local channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel TV fiction channel Croatia Belgium- French Community United Kingdom Bulgaria Croatia Croatia Croatia United States (specific European services) Croatia Slovenia Croatia Serbia Bosnia-Herzegovina Croatia IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / Satellite cable Satellite cable cable / Satellite/ IPTV HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. TV fiction channel Croatia cable / Satellite/ IPTV AETN UK HITV UK Limited Documentary channel Entertainment channel Croatia United Kingdom cable / IPTV IPTV HR - HESSISCHER RUNDFUNK Generalist channel Germany IPTV RTVBIH Lightdragon Limited TEMATIC CABLE SRL CSC MEDIA GROUP LIMITED FOX INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS BULGARIA EOOD FOX INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS BULGARIA EOOD Fox News Channel LLC (US) FOX INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS ITALY SARL FOX INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS ITALY SARL FRANCE 24 FRANCE 24 FRENCH LOVER TV B.V. FRENCH LOVER TV B.V. Hemar d.d. Ginx TV Limited IKO ROMANIA SRL ČARLI, d.o.o. GRADSKA TELEVIZIJA D.O.O. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 126/191 Jointly for our common future 141 142 143 144 HRT HD HRT1 HRT2 Hustler TV Europe 145 Info TV (i-tv) Investigation Discovery Europe 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 Italia 1 Jabuka TV JimJam Middle East (English) Jugoton TV Kabel Eins Kanal 5 (Croatia) 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 Kanal A Kanal RI Kanlali 7 Kapital Network KCN Music KidsCo (- English) KIKA Kika HD Kix Klasik TV Kopernikus KCN 1 Kopernikus KCN 3 Kreator TV F1 Kreator TV F1 HD Luxe TV (- English) 168 169 170 Max-TV Info Kanal MediaTravel TV Mezzo HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA Sapphire Media International B.V. KABELSKA PRODUKCIJA, DRUZBA ZA RADIJSKO IN TELEVIZIJSKO PRODUKCIJO, D.O.O. DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS EUROPE LIMITED RETI TELEVISIVE ITALIANE S.P.A. (R.T.I.) Otvorena televizija Zagreb JIMJAM TELEVISION LIMITED KABEL 1 K1 FERNSEHEN GMBH Televizija Kanal 5 KANAL A TELEVIZIJSKA POSTAJA D.O.O. KANAL RI D.O.O. KAPITAL NET D.O.O. KIDSCO LIMITED CSC MEDIA GROUP LIMITED KREATOR grupa KREATOR grupa DVL.TV SA HT D.D. "MAXTV MediaHUB d.o.o. MEZZO Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Adult channel Croatia Croatia Croatia Netherlands cable cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV News channel Slovenia cable Entertainment channel United Kingdom Satellite/ IPTV Generalist channel Regional/ local channel Italy Croatia IPTV cable / IPTV Children's channel Music channel Generalist channel Entertainment channel Egypt Croatia Germany Croatia cable / IPTV cable / IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / IPTV Generalist channel Regional/ local channel Slovenia Croatia Business channel Music channel Children's channel Children's channel Hifh definition simulcast Children's channel Entertainment channel Regional/ local channel Music channel Sports channel Hifh definition simulcast Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Promotional / Information channel of multi-channel packager Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Music channel Croatia Serbia United Kingdom Germany United Kingdom Croatia Serbia Serbia Croatia Croatia United Kingdom cable cable / IPTV Satellite cable / IPTV cable cable / IPTV cable / IPTV Satellite cable cable / IPTV Satellite Satellite IPTV IPTV cable / IPTV Croatia Croatia France IPTV cable / IPTV cable / IPTV Page: 127/191 Jointly for our common future 171 172 173 174 MGM MGM Channel MINI TV MIR TV (Russia) MGM CHANNEL NLF Ltd NOVA TV D.D. 175 MKTV Sat Macedonian Radio and Television (MRT) 176 177 178 Moja Uprava Motors TV Motors TV (- Serbian) 179 180 Movies4men MTV (Serbia) 181 MTV Adria 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 MTV Croatia MTV Dance MTV Germany MTV Hits UK MTV Music MTV Rocks Myzen tv (1) 189 190 191 N24 Narodna Muzika TV Nat Geo Wild (- Croatian) National Geographic Channel Europe (- Croatian) National Geographic Channel HD Nautical Channel NeT Nezavisna Televizija Nick Junior UK Nickelodeon UK Nova HD (Croatia) 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 Film channel Film channel Children's channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Parliamentary/ Government/ Administration channel Sports channel Sports channel United Kingdom Croatia Russian Federation The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Satellite cable / IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV Croatia France Serbia cable cable / Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Film channel Music channel United Kingdom Serbia cable Satellite Music channel Slovenia cable / IPTV Music channel Music channel Music channel Music channel Music channel Music channel Others Croatia United Kingdom Germany United Kingdom Netherlands United Kingdom France cable / IPTV cable / IPTV IPTV cable / IPTV cable / IPTV cable / IPTV cable / IPTV NGC EUROPE LIMITED News channel Music channel Documentary channel Germany Croatia Croatia cable / Satellite cable / IPTV cable / IPTV NGC EUROPE LIMITED Documentary channel Croatia cable / Satellite/ IPTV NGC EUROPE LIMITED Nautical Channel Limited NET D.O.O. NICKELODEON U.K. LIMITED NICKELODEON U.K. LIMITED NOVA TV D.D. Hifh definition simulcast Sports channel Regional/ local channel Children's channel Children's channel Hifh definition simulcast United Kingdom United Kingdom Croatia United Kingdom United Kingdom Croatia cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / IPTV cable / IPTV IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / IPTV MOTORS TV MOTORS TV DOLPHIN BROADCAST SERVICES LIMITED MTV ADRIA DRUZBA ZA TRZENJE IN TRZNE KOMUNIKACIJE D.O.O. MTV ADRIA DRUZBA ZA TRZENJE IN TRZNE KOMUNIKACIJE D.O.O. MTV Networks Europe SENIOR COMMUNICATIONS N 24 GESELLSCHAFT FÜR NACHRICHTEN UND ZEITGESCHEHEN MBH Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 128/191 Jointly for our common future 199 Nova TV (Croatia) 200 n-tv 201 202 203 204 NTV Hayat sat OBN Open Broadcast Network OK Bambino OK Orlando Kids (Croatia) 205 ORF1 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 ORF2 Osječka televizija OTV Valentino Palma Plus Phoenix HD Pink 2 (Serbia) Pink Bosnia & Herzegovina Pink Extra Pink Film Pink Folk Pink Music Pink Plus Playboy Channel Playomania TV Poker Channel 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 Pop TV Pop! PopGirl PopGirl+1 Premier League HD Private Spice ProSieben NOVA TV D.D. N-TV NACHRICHTENFERNSEHEN GMBH NEOVISNA TELEVIZIJA HAYAT OPEN BROADCAST NETWORK" Dioničko društvo Sarajevo B.NET HRVATSKA D.O.O. ORF - ÖSTERREICHISCHER RUNDFUNK ORF - ÖSTERREICHISCHER RUNDFUNK OAR Deni - compani" d.o.o. Brčko Distrikt PINK INTERNATIONAL COMPANY D.O.O. PLAYBOY TV UK/BENELUX LIMITED THE POKER CHANNEL LIMITED POP TV DRUZBA ZA MARKETING,INZENIRING,TRGOVINO, SVETOVANJE,STORITVE IN ZASTOPANJE,D.O.O. LJUBLJANA CSC MEDIA GROUP LIMITED CSC MEDIA GROUP LIMITED CSC MEDIA GROUP LIMITED STV INTERNATIONAL B.V. PROSIEBEN TELEVISION GMBH Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Generalist channel Croatia cable / Satellite/ IPTV News channel International linguistic and cultural channel Germany IPTV Bosnia-Herzegovina cable / IPTV Generalist channel Children's channel Children's channel Bosnia-Herzegovina Croatia Croatia cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / IPTV IPTV Generalist channel Austria cable / IPTV Generalist channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Generalist channel Documentary Entertainment channel Generalist channel Music channel Film channel Music channel Music channel Minority interest groups channel Adult channel Games/lottery/betting channel Games/lottery/betting channel Austria Croatia Bosnia-Herzegovina Serbia Germany Serbia Bosnia-Herzegovina Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia United Kingdom Croatia United Kingdom IPTV cable / IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Satellite Satellite cable / Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable IPTV cable Generalist channel Children's channel Children's channel Time-shifted versions Sports channel Adult channel Generalist channel Slovenia United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Croatia Netherlands Germany cable cable cable cable cable / IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV Page: 129/191 Jointly for our common future 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 PRVA Srpska (First TV) Rai Sport 2 RAI Due Rai Gulp Rai Med RAI Nettuno Sat Uno Rai Scoula RAI Sport 1 RAI Storia RAI Tre RAI Uno 240 Rete 4 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 RI-TV Riječka televizija RT (Russia Today) RTB TV RTK 1 Sat RTL RTL 2 RTL 2 (Croatia) RTL Plus (Croatia) RTL Televizija 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 RTP Internacional RTR Planeta RTRS TV RTS 1 RTS 2 RTS Sat RTV 21 Sat 257 SABORSKA TV 258 Sat.1 RAI - RADIOTELEVISIONE ITALIANA SP RETI TELEVISIVE ITALIANE S.P.A. (R.T.I.) TELEVIZIJA PRIMORJA I GORSKOG KOTARA D.O.O. TV-NOVOSTI RTL TELEVISION GMBH RTL 2 FERNSEHEN GMBH & CO. KG RTL HRVATSKA D.O.O. RTL HRVATSKA D.O.O. RTL HRVATSKA D.O.O. RADIOTELEVISAO PORTUGUESASERVIÇO PUBLICO DE TELEVISAO, S.A. RADIO-TELEVIZIJA SRBIJE J.P. HRVASTSKI SABOR (Croatian Parliament) SAT.1 SATELLITEN FERNSEHEN GMBH Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Generalist channel Sport Generalist channel Children News Cultural/educational channel Cultural educational Sports channel Cultural/educational channel Generalist channel Generalist channel music Serbia Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Poland Satellite Satellite cable / Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Satellite IPTV Satellite/ IPTV cable / Satellite cable / Satellite/ IPTV Satellite/ IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Generalist channel Italy IPTV Regional/ local channel News channel Entertainment channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Generalist channel Croatia United Kingdom Croatia Serbia Germany Germany Croatia Croatia Croatia cable / IPTV cable / IPTV cable IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV Luxembourg Bosnia-Herzegovina Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia IPTV Satellite Satellite Satellite/ IPTV Satellite/ IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV IPTV Croatia cable / IPTV Germany Satellite/ IPTV International linguistic and cultural channel International Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel News channel Parliamentary/ Government/ Administration channel Generalist channel Page: 130/191 Jointly for our common future 259 260 261 262 SBTV (Slavonsko-brodska televizija) Scuzz Servus TV HD Sixx 263 Sky News International 264 265 Smile of a Child SOS Kanal 266 267 268 269 270 271 Sport 1 (Germany) Sport Klub (Croatia) Sport Klub 3 Sport Klub 4 Sport Klub 5 Sport Klub HD (Croatia) Sport Klub Premium HD (Croatia) Sport Klub Prime (Croatia) Sport Klub Prime HD (Croatia) Sport Klub+ (Croatia) Sport Klub+ (Croatia) Sport Klub+ HD (Croatia) Sportska Televizija SRCE TV Studio B STV (Televizija Slavonive i Baranje) Style Network 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 Super RTL Svet Plus SWR Fernsehen ( BadenWürttemberg) 286 Syfy Channel SLAVONSKO-BRODSKA TELEVIZIJA D.O.O. CSC MEDIA GROUP LIMITED BRITISH SKY BROADCASTING LIMITED ("BSKYB") SOS KANAL DSF DEUTSCHES SPORTFERNSEHEN GMBH IKO ROMANIA SRL HOO TV d.o.o. MIJOR D.O.O. TELEVIZIJA SLAVONIJE I BARANJE D.O.O. E ENTERTAINMENT UK LIMITED SUPER RTL DISNEY FERNSEHEN GMBH & CO. KG SWR - SÜDWESTRUNDFUNK VIACOM INTERNATIONAL MEDIA NETWORKS Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Regional/ local channel Music channel Generalist Entertainment Croatia United Kingdom Austria Germany cable / IPTV cable Satellite Satellite News channel cable / IPTV Religious channel Sports channel France United States (specific European services) Serbia cable Satellite Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Hifh definition simulcast Germany Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia cable / IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable cable cable cable Sports channel Sports channel Croatia Croatia cable / Satellite cable / Satellite Hifh definition simulcast Sports channel Sports channel Hifh definition simulcast Sports channel Regional/ local channel News channel Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Serbia cable / Satellite cable / IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / Satellite cable / IPTV cable / IPTV Satellite Regional/ local channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Croatia United Kingdom cable / IPTV IPTV Children's channel Entertainment channel Germany Serbia cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable Window Germany IPTV TV fiction channel United Kingdom cable / IPTV Page: 131/191 Jointly for our common future 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 TCM Europe TCM UK Tele 5 (Germany) Televizija BN (BN TV) Televizija Šibenik The History Channel The History Channel HD Tiji Tiny Pop Tiny Pop +1 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 TLC (Balkans) Top Music Channel Top Shop TV (Croatia) Trace Urban (- English) Trace Urban HD (- French) Travel Channel Travel Channel HD TRT Turk True Entertainment Tv 1000 307 308 309 310 311 TV Alfa TV Atila TV BN TV Crne Gore (TV Montenegro) RTCG TV Dalmacija 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 TV Istra TV Jadran TV Nova Pula TV Sljeme – Z1 TV Soko TV Turopolje TV1 BA TV1000 Balkan (- English) TURNER BROADCASTING INTERNATIONAL LIMITED TM-TV GMBH Radio i televizija "BN" d.o.o. Bijeljina TELEVIZIJA SIBENIK D.O.O. AETN UK AETN UK CANAL J CSC MEDIA GROUP LIMITED DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS EUROPE LIMITED TOP MUSIC MEDIEN GMBH SC STUDIO MODERNA TRACE TV TRACE TV TRAVEL CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CSC MEDIA GROUP LIMITED Televizija Alfa Društvo za prenos i emitovanje programa d.o.o. Sarajevo Film channel Film channel Entertainment channel Generalist channel Regional/ local channel Documentary channel Hifh definition simulcast Children's channel Children's channel Time-shifted versions Baltic Countries United Kingdom Germany Bosnia-Herzegovina Croatia United Kingdom United Kingdom France United Kingdom United Kingdom cable / IPTV cable / IPTV IPTV cable IPTV Satellite cable / IPTV cable / IPTV cable cable Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Music channel Home shopping channel Music channel Hifh definition simulcast Travel channel Hifh definition simulcast International Entertainment channel Film channel Slovenia Serbia Croatia France France United Kingdom United Kingdom Turkey United Kingdom Satellite/ IPTV cable cable / IPTV IPTV cable cable / IPTV Satellite/ IPTV Satellite cable Satellite Entertainment channel Regional/ local channel Bosnia-Herzegovina Croatia Satellite cable Satellite RTCG Radio Televizije Crne Gore TELEVIZIJA DALMACIJA D.O.O. NEZAVISNA ISTARSKA TELEVIZIJA D.O.O. TV JADRAN D.O.O. TV NOVA D.O.O. TELEVIZIJA SLJEME D.O.O. Cultural/educational channel Regional/ local channel Montenegro Croatia cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / IPTV Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia TV1000 AB Entertainment channel Generalist channel Film channel Croatia Bosnia-Herzegovina Romania cable / IPTV cable / IPTV cable / IPTV cable / IPTV Satellite cable / IPTV cable cable / IPTV Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 132/191 Jointly for our common future 320 TV4R KA-VISION D.O.O. 321 TV5MONDE Europe 322 323 324 325 TVE Internacional Europa TVS1 (SLO1) TVS2 (SLO2) TVS3 (SLO3) TVSH Sat (Shqiptar TV Satelit) Universal channel (Croatian) Vaš kanal Vault VECERNJI.HR VH1 Classic Europe VH1 Europe VH1 UK Viasat Explorer Viasat Film (- English) Viasat History Viasat Nature East Vision Plus TV5 MONDE SOCIEDAD MERCANTIL ESTATAL TELEVISION ESPANOLA S.A. 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 VIVA (Germany) Viva Italia Vizion Plus VKTV Vinkovačka Televizija VOX VOX (Croatia) VTV Varazdinska Televizija WDR Fernsehen (Westdeutscher Rundfunk) WDR HD Wild HD World Fashion Channel X-Dream TV RADIOTELEVIZIJA SLOVENIJA, LJUBLJANA SPARROWHAWK INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS LIMITED TELEVIZIJA NOVO MESTO D.O.O. CSC MEDIA GROUP LIMITED 24SATA D.O.O. MTV NETWORKS s.r.o. MTV NETWORKS s.r.o. MTV Networks Europe VIASAT BROADCASTING UK LIMITED TV1000 AB VIASAT BROADCASTING UK LIMITED VIASAT BROADCASTING UK LIMITED VIVA MUSIC FERNSEHEN GMBH & CO. KG VTV D.O.O. VOX TELEVISION GMBH VOX Varaždinska televizija WDR - WESTDEUTSCHER RUNDFUNK NGC NETWORK (UK) LIMITED World Fashion Channel Ltd FRENCH LOVER TV B.V. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Regional/ local channel International linguistic and cultural channel International linguistic and cultural channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel International linguistic and cultural channel Croatia IPTV Europe cable / Satellite/ IPTV Germany Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia cable / IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Albania cable TV fiction channel Regional/ local channel Music channel News channel Music channel Music channel Music channel Documentary channel Film channel Documentary channel Documentary channel Croatia Slovenia United Kingdom Croatia United Kingdom France United Kingdom Czech Republic Croatia Czech Republic United Kingdom cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable cable cable cable / IPTV cable / IPTV IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV cable / IPTV cable / Satellite/ IPTV Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Music channel music Generalist channel Regional/ local channel Generalist channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Germany Albania Croatia Germany Croatia Croatia cable / Satellite/ IPTV Satellite cable cable / IPTV Satellite/ IPTV cable / IPTV cable / IPTV Generalist channel Regional Hifh definition simulcast Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Adult channel Germany Germany United Kingdom Greece Bulgaria IPTV Satellite cable IPTV Satellite/ IPTV Page: 133/191 Jointly for our common future 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 Y&S Yacht & Sail (- English) ZDF ZDF HD ZDF Info HD ZDF Infokanal ZDF Kultur HD ZDF Neo ZDF Neo HD ZDF.kultur Zdrava Televizija DIGICAST S.P.A. ZDF - ZWEITES DEUTSCHES FERNSEHEN Sports channel Generalist channel Hifh definition simulcast News News channel Cultural educational Documentary channel Documentary Cultural/educational channel Others Netherlands Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Croatia IPTV IPTV cable / Satellite Satellite IPTV Satellite IPTV Satellite IPTV cable Table 9.4: Channels available in Hungary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Name Broadcasting company Genre Fashion-TV FASHION TV PROGRAMMGESELLSCHAFT MBH Lifestyle/specific leisure channel INXTC-TV Franz Ressel Handels GmbH Adult channel ORF1 ORF - ÖSTERREICHISCHER RUNDFUNK Generalist channel ORF2 ORF - ÖSTERREICHISCHER RUNDFUNK Generalist channel ORF 2 Europe ORF - ÖSTERREICHISCHER RUNDFUNK International linguistic and cultural channel OBN Open Broadcast OPEN BROADCAST NETWORK" Dioničko društvo Network Sarajevo Generalist channel CCTV 4 International linguistic and cultural channel Megamax CHELLO CENTRAL EUROPE, S.R.O. Children's channel Minimax (- Hungarian) CHELLO CENTRAL EUROPE, S.R.O. Children's channel CBS Action (- Hungarian) CHELLO CENTRAL EUROPE, S.R.O. TV fiction channel Cinemax (Hungary) HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. Film channel Cinemax 2 (Hungary) HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. Film channel HBO HD (Hungary) HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. High definition simulcast HBO (Hungary) HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. TV fiction channel HBO 2 Central Europe (Hungarian) HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. TV fiction channel HBO Comedy Central Europe (- Hungarian) HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. TV fiction channel Nickelodeon (- Hungarian) MTV NETWORKS s.r.o. Children's channel Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 134/191 Jointly for our common future Main targeted country Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Platform IPTV IPTV Cable Cable Cable Bosnia-Herzegovina China Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Satellite Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Hungary Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Comedy Central (Hungary) MTV Hungary (Music channel) VH1 Classic Europe VH1 Europe VIVA (Hungary) Filmbox (Hungary) Filmbox Extra (- Hungarian) Filmbox Extra 1 (Hungary) Filmbox Family (Hungary) Filmbox Plus (Hungary) Filmbox (Hungary) HD XXL Chasse et pêche AB Moteurs ARTE (- French) M6 Mezzo Mezzo Live HD Motors TV Motors TV (- English) Myzen tv (1) Trace Sports TV HD (French) Trace Urban HD (- English) Trace Urban (- English) TV5MONDE Europe MCM Pop Euronews (- Arabic) Euronews (- English) Euronews (- French) Euronews (- German) MTV NETWORKS s.r.o. Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV MTV NETWORKS s.r.o. Music channel MTV NETWORKS s.r.o. Music channel MTV NETWORKS s.r.o. Music channel MTV NETWORKS s.r.o. Music channel SPI TV Limited Film channel SPI TV Limited Film channel SPI TV Limited Film channel SPI TV Limited Film channel SPI TV Limited Film channel SPI TV Limited High definition simulcast AB THEMATIQUES Adult channel AB THEMATIQUES Lifestyle/specific leisure channel AB THEMATIQUES Sports channel ASSOCIATION RELATIVE A LA TELEVISION EUROPEENNE (ARTE G.E.I.E.) Cultural/educational channel METROPOLE TELEVISION Generalist channel MEZZO Music channel MEZZO Music channel MOTORS TV Sports channel MOTORS TV Sports channel SENIOR COMMUNICATIONS Others Hungary United Kingdom France Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary France France France Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable Cable France France France France France United Kingdom France Cable Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Cable/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable TRACE TV TRACE TV TRACE TV TV5 MONDE DIRECT STAR EURONEWS S.A. EURONEWS S.A. EURONEWS S.A. EURONEWS S.A. France France France Europe France Arab World United Kingdom France Germany Satellite Satellite Cable/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable Cable/ IPTV Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Entertainment channel High definition simulcast High definition simulcast Music channel International linguistic and cultural channel Music channel News channel News channel News channel News channel Page: 135/191 Jointly for our common future 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Euronews (- Italian) Euronews (- Portuguese) Euronews (- Russian) Euronews (- Spanish) Eurosport 2 HD (- Hungarian) Eurosport HD (- Hungarian) Eurosport (- English) Eurosport (- Hungarian) EURONEWS S.A. EURONEWS S.A. EURONEWS S.A. EURONEWS S.A. EUROSPORT EUROSPORT EUROSPORT EUROSPORT News channel News channel News channel News channel High definition simulcast High definition simulcast Sports channel Sports channel 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 EUROSPORT EUROSPORT EUROSPORT FRANCE 24 FRANCE TELEVISIONS MARC DORCEL TV NETHERLANDS B.V. ARD ARTE DEUTSCHLAND TV GMBH Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel News channel Generalist channel Adult channel Generalist channel Cultural/educational channel DA VINCI MEDIA GMBH Cultural/educational channel Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV 65 66 67 68 69 Eurosport 2 (- English) Eurosport 2 (- Hungarian) Eurosportnews (- English) France 24 (- English) France 2 Dorcel TV ARD1 (Das Erste) ARTE (- German) Da Vinci Learning (Hungarian) DW-TV (Deutsche Welle) Europe ProSieben RTL 2 RTL Sat.1 Italy Cable Portugal Cable Russian Federation Cable Spain Cable Hungary IPTV Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Malta Satellite Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV BelgiumFlemish Community Satellite Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Asia Cable/ IPTV United Kingdom Cable/ Satellite France Cable France Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Germany Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Germany Cable/ IPTV Europe Germany Germany Germany Germany Cable Cable/ IPTV Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Super RTL VOX 3sat ZDF KIKA ERT World Magyar ATV Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Greece Hungary Cable Cable Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV 64 DEUTSCHE WELLE (DW) News channel PROSIEBEN TELEVISION GMBH Generalist channel RTL 2 FERNSEHEN GMBH & CO. KG Generalist channel RTL TELEVISION GMBH Generalist channel SAT.1 SATELLITEN FERNSEHEN GMBH Generalist channel SUPER RTL DISNEY FERNSEHEN GMBH & CO. KG Children's channel VOX TELEVISION GMBH Generalist channel ZDF - ZWEITES DEUTSCHES FERNSEHEN Cultural/educational channel ZDF - ZWEITES DEUTSCHES FERNSEHEN Generalist channel Children's channel GREEK RADIO TELEVISION (ERT) S.A. International linguistic and cultural channel AGRO TV-ATV ELSÕ MAGYAR Generalist channel Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 136/191 Jointly for our common future MAGÁNTELEVÍZIÓS ZÁRTKÖRÛEN MÛKÖDÕ RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG AGRO TV-ATV ELSÕ MAGYAR MAGÁNTELEVÍZIÓS ZÁRTKÖRÛEN MÛKÖDÕ 77 Magyar ATV HD RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG High definition simulcast 78 Bátony Televízió BÁTONYTERENYEI BÁVÜ NONPROFIT KFT. Regional/ local channel 79 Körzeti Televízió Esztergom BIHARI ANTAL EGYÉNI VÁLLALKOZÓ Regional/ local channel BUDAPEST TELEVÍZIÓ TÖMEGKOMMUNIKÁCIÓS 80 Budapest Televízió ZÁRTKÖRÛEN MÛKÖDÕ RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG Regional/ local channel 81 Spektrum TV (Hungary) Documentary channel 82 Film Café Film channel 83 Film Mania Film channel 84 Spektrum TV HD (Hungary) High definition simulcast 85 Spektrum Home Lifestyle/specific leisure channel CHELLO CENTRAL EUROPE 86 Sport 1 Hungary MUSORSZOLGALTATO ZARTKORUEN MUKODO Sports channel 87 Sport 2 (Hungary) Sports channel RESZVENYTARSASAG 88 Sport M Sports channel CITY TELEVÍZIÓS MUSORSZOLGÁLTATÓ 89 City TV (Hungary) KORLÁTOLT FELELOSSÉGU TÁRSASÁG Regional/ local channel 90 Csaba TV CSABA TV ELSŐ CSABAI TELEVIZIÓS KFT. Regional/ local channel 91 Csepp TV CSEPP TV-DÉL-PESTI TELEVÍZIÓ KFT. Regional/ local channel DEBRECEN VÁROSI TELEVÍZIÓ KORLÁTOLT 92 Debrecen VTV FELELOSSÉGU TÁRSASÁG Regional/ local channel 93 d1tv DOMINO TV MŰSORSZOLGÁLTATÓ ZRT. Cultural/educational channel Cultural/educational channel 94 Duna TV 95 Duna World DUNA TELEVÍZIÓ ZÁRTKÖRÛEN MÛKÖDÕ Cultural/educational channel 96 Duna TV HD High definition simulcast RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG 97 Duna World HD High definition simulcast ECHO HUNGÁRIA TV TELEVÍZIÓZÁSI, KOMMUNIKÁCIÓS ÉS SZOLGÁLTATÓ 98 Echo TV ZÁRTKÖRÛ RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG News channel 99 Pannon TV ÉK-TV KÖZMŰSOR SZOLGÁLTATÓ KFT. Regional/ local channel 100 Érdi Városi TV ÉRDI VÁROSI TELEVÍZIÓ ÉS KULTURÁLIS KFT. Regional/ local channel Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 137/191 Jointly for our common future Hungary Hungary Hungary Cable Cable Cable Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Cable/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Hungary Hungary Hungary Cable Cable Cable Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Cable Satellite / IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable Cable/ Satellite Satellite Hungary Hungary Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable Cable 101 Erzsébetvárosi TV 102 Halom TV 103 Halas TV 104 Halozat TV 105 Halozat TV 106 107 108 109 Hir TV Sorozat+ Muzsika TV Kanizsa TV 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 Kapos TV Kecskeméti TV Keszthelyi TV RTL KLUB M1 (Magyar Televízió 1) M2 (Magyar Televízió 2) M1 HD M2 HD TiszapART TV 119 SuperTV2 120 121 122 123 TV2 (Hungary) Óbuda TV 1 Ozone Network TV Life Network TV ERZSÉBETVÁROSI TELEVÍZIÓS KÖZHASZNÚ TÁRSASÁG Regional/ local channel GYÖNGYÖSI VÁROSI TELEVÍZIÓ NONPROFIT KÖZHASZNÚ TÁRSASÁG Regional/ local channel HALAS-TV KÖZÖSSÉGI ÉS SZOLGÁLTATÓ KÖZHASZNÚ TÁRSASÁG Regional/ local channel HÁLÓZATOS TELEVÍZIÓK ZÁRTKÖRUEN MUKÖDO RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG Entertainment channel HÁLÓZATOS TELEVÍZIÓK ZÁRTKÖRUEN MUKÖDO RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG Entertainment channel HÍRTV MUSORSZOLGÁLTATÓ ÉS HIRDETÉSSZERVEZO ZÁRTKÖRUEN MUKÖDO RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG News channel IKO KABELTEVE SZOLGALTATO KFT. Entertainment channel IKO KABELTEVE SZOLGALTATO KFT. Music channel INFORMATIKAI KIADÓI BT. Regional/ local channel KAPOS TV ÉS RÁDIÓ KÖZHASZNÚ NONPROFIT KFT. Regional/ local channel KECSKEMÉTI TELEVÍZIÓ NONPROFIT KFT. Regional/ local channel KESZTHELYI TV KFT. Regional/ local channel MAGYAR RTL TELEVÍZIÓ RT. Generalist channel MAGYAR TELEVÍZIÓ RT. Generalist channel MAGYAR TELEVÍZIÓ RT. Generalist channel MAGYAR TELEVÍZIÓ RT. High definition simulcast MAGYAR TELEVÍZIÓ RT. High definition simulcast Matt-2004 Kft. Regional/ local channel MTM-SBS TELEVISION PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY BY SHARES Generalist channel MTM-SBS TELEVISION PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY BY SHARES Generalist channel MULTINET 99 SZOLGÁLTATÓ KFT. Regional/ local channel ORIGO ZRT. Cultural/educational channel ORIGO ZRT. Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 138/191 Jointly for our common future Hungary Cable Hungary Cable Hungary Cable Hungary Cable Hungary IPTV Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Cable Cable Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable Hungary Satellite Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV PANNON-SOPRON REGIONÁLIS TV MUSORGYÁRTÓ ÉS SZOLGÁLTATÓ KORLÁTOLT 124 Fönix TV FELELOSSÉGU TÁRSASÁG Regional/ local channel PAX TELEVÍZIÓ MUSORSZOLGÁLTATÓ 125 Pax TV ZÁRTKÖRUEN MUKÖDO RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG Religious channel PÉCS TV KOMMUNIKÁCIÓS KORLÁTOLT 126 Pécs TV FELELÕSSÉGÛ TÁRSASÁG Regional/ local channel 127 4 Story TV SANOMA DIGITAL MEDIA KOZEP-EUROPAI Zrt. Entertainment channel 128 5 Story TV SANOMA DIGITAL MEDIA KOZEP-EUROPAI Zrt. Entertainment channel 129 Rock TV (Hungary) SKYBLE MEDIA ZRT. Music channel 130 Vásárhelyi Televizió SZERDAHELYI JÓZSEF NONPROFIT KFT. Regional/ local channel SZOLNOK TV COMPANY LIMITED SZOLNOK TV 131 Szolnok TV LTD. Regional/ local channel 132 Tatabányai TV TATABÁNYAI KÖZÖSSÉGI TELEVÍZIÓ KFT. Regional/ local channel TV PAPRIKA MUSORSZOLGÁLTATÓ 133 TV Paprika ZÁRTKÖRUEN MUKÖDO RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG Lifestyle/specific leisure channel 134 TV Eger VÁROSI TELEVÍZIÓ EGER KHT. Regional/ local channel VITAL TV TELEVÍZIÓZÁSI, KOMMUNIKÁCIÓS ÉS SZOLGÁLTATÓ ZÁRTKÖRU 135 Vital TV RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG Lifestyle/specific leisure channel 136 Gyula Televízió VOX COELESTIS BT. Regional/ local channel 137 Y&S Yacht & Sail (- English) DIGICAST S.P.A. Sports channel 138 Y&S Yacht & Sail (- Italian) DIGICAST S.P.A. Sports channel 139 RAI Due RAI - RADIOTELEVISIONE ITALIANA SP Generalist channel 140 RAI Tre RAI - RADIOTELEVISIONE ITALIANA SP Generalist channel 141 RAI Uno RAI - RADIOTELEVISIONE ITALIANA SP Generalist channel 142 XMO MEDICONS Adult channel 143 MTV Music MTV Networks Europe Music channel 144 Playboy Channel PLAYBOY TV UK/BENELUX LIMITED Adult channel 145 Blue Hustler Europe Sapphire Media International B.V. Adult channel 146 Daring TV Sapphire Media International B.V. Adult channel 147 Hustler TV Europe Sapphire Media International B.V. Adult channel 148 Private Spice STV INTERNATIONAL B.V. Adult channel Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 139/191 Jointly for our common future Hungary Cable Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Cable Hungary Hungary Cable Cable Hungary Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable Hungary Hungary Netherlands Italy Italy Italy Italy Netherlands Netherlands United Kingdom Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Cable/ IPTV Cable Cable/ IPTV Cable Cable Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable Cable Cable/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 TVP Polonia DoQ Sport Klub (Hungary) Pro TV International Digi World Hungary Digi Sport HD (Hungary) Digi Sport 2 Hungary Digi Sport Hungary FEM3 PRO4 Cool TV Prizma TV RTL2 Hungary Film+ (- Hungarian) Film+2 (- Hungarian) 1 Music Channel (Hungary) Top Shop TV (Hungary) Telin TV MusicMix SuperOne Nóta TV PV TV (- Hungarian) Channel One Russia/ Perviy 170 Kanal Europa 171 172 173 174 175 176 TVP - TELEWIZJA POLSKA S.A. IKO ROMANIA SRL IKO ROMANIA SRL PRO TV SA RCS & RDS SA ("Digi TV") RCS & RDS SA ("Digi TV") RCS & RDS SA ("Digi TV") RCS & RDS SA ("Digi TV") SBS BROADCASTING NETWORKS LIMITED SBS BROADCASTING NETWORKS LIMITED SC CABLE CHANNELS SA SC CABLE CHANNELS SA SC CABLE CHANNELS SA SC CABLE CHANNELS SA SC CABLE CHANNELS SA SC MUSIC CHANNEL SRL SC STUDIO MODERNA TELIN TV KFT. TEMATIC CABLE SRL TEMATIC CABLE SRL TEMATIC CABLE SRL International linguistic and cultural channel Documentary channel Sports channel International linguistic and cultural channel Documentary channel High definition simulcast Sports channel Sports channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Film channel Film channel Music channel Home shopping channel Regional/ local channel Music channel Music channel Sports channel CHANNEL ONE - PERVIY KANAL International linguistic and cultural channel TELEKANAL ROSSIYA-DOCHERNEEFGUP VSEROSSIISKAYA GOSUDARSTVENNAYA TELEVIZIONNAYA I RADIOVESHCHATELYNAYA RTR Planeta KOMPANIYA International linguistic and cultural channel Duck TV MEGA MAX MEDIA, S.R.O. Children's channel STV2 (Dvojka) RTVS ROZHLAS A TELEVÍZIA SLOVENSKA Generalist channel TVS1 (SLO1) RADIOTELEVIZIJA SLOVENIJA, LJUBLJANA Generalist channel SOCIEDAD MERCANTIL ESTATAL TELEVISION TVE Internacional Europa ESPANOLA S.A. International linguistic and cultural channel Canal de las Estrellas Europa International linguistic and cultural channel Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 140/191 Jointly for our common future Poland Hungary Hungary Romania Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable Satellite Cable Satellite Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Satellite Cable Cable Cable/ Satellite Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite Russian Federation Cable/ IPTV Russian Federation Slovakia Slovakia Slovenia Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ IPTV Cable Cable Germany Spain Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable History Channel Europe (177 Hungarian) 178 The History Channel History Channel Europe HD 179 (- Hungarian) 180 The History Channel HD 181 Al Jazeera (- English) 182 Animax (Hungary) 183 AXN HD (- Hungary) 184 AXN (- Hungarian) 185 AXN Crime (- Hungarian) 186 AXN Sci-Fi (- Hungarian) 187 Baby TV (- English) 188 189 190 191 BBC World News BBC Entertainment Baby First Bloomberg TV Europe 192 Sky News International 193 CBS Reality (- Hungarian) 194 Animal Planet (- Hungarian) Discovery Channel (195 Hungarian) Discovery HD Showcase (196 Hungarian) Discovery Science (197 Hungarian) Discovery World (198 Hungarian) Investigation Discovery (199 Hungarian) 200 Animal Planet HD (- AETN UK AETN UK Documentary channel Documentary channel Hungary United Kingdom AETN UK AETN UK AL JAZEERA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED AXN EUROPE LIMITED AXN EUROPE LIMITED AXN EUROPE LIMITED AXN EUROPE LIMITED AXN EUROPE LIMITED BABY NETWORK LIMITED High definition simulcast High definition simulcast News channel Entertainment channel High definition simulcast TV fiction channel TV fiction channel TV fiction channel Children's channel Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV United Kingdom Satellite Europe Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Hungary Cable Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV United Kingdom Cable/ IPTV Europe (Free satellite channel) Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Germany Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Hungary IPTV Europe Cable/ Satellite BBC WORLD NEWS LIMITED News channel BBC WORLDWIDE LIMITED Entertainment channel BFTV LIMITED Children's channel BLOOMBERG UK LIMITED Business channel SKY BROADCASTING LIMITED BRITISH ("BSKYB") News channel CBS Chellozone UK Channels Partnership Entertainment channel Documentary channel DISCOVERY LIMITED Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 COMMUNICATIONS Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Satellite France Hungary Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Documentary channel Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Documentary channel Hungary Cable/ Satellite Documentary channel Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Documentary channel Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Entertainment channel High definition simulcast Hungary Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Satellite EUROPE Page: 141/191 Jointly for our common future 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 Hungarian) TLC (Hungary) TLC (Romania) ESPN America HD ESPN (EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA) LTD ESPN America ESPN (EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA) LTD ESPN Classic Europe ESPN CLASSIC SPORT LTD. JimJam (- Hungarian) JIMJAM TELEVISION LIMITED JimJam Middle East (English) JIMJAM TELEVISION LIMITED KidsCo (- Hungarian) KIDSCO LIMITED MGM Channel Central Europe (- Hungarian) MGM CHANNEL NLF Ltd MTV Base MTV Networks Europe MTV Dance MTV Networks Europe MTV Hits UK MTV Networks Europe MTV Music 24 MTV Networks Europe MTV Rocks MTV Networks Europe VH1 UK MTV Networks Europe Nautical Channel Nautical Channel Limited Nat Geo Wild (- Hungarian) NGC EUROPE LIMITED National Geographic Channel Europe (- Hungarian) NGC EUROPE LIMITED Nat Geo Wild HD (Hungarian) NGC EUROPE LIMITED National Geographic Channel HD NGC EUROPE LIMITED National Geographic Channel HD (- Hungarian) NGC EUROPE LIMITED Wild NGC NETWORK (UK) LIMITED Wild HD NGC NETWORK (UK) LIMITED Nick Junior UK NICKELODEON U.K. LIMITED 225 Fashion One NUMBER 1 TV AND MEDIA LIMITED Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel High definition simulcast Sports channel Sports channel Children's channel Hungary Romania United Kingdom United Kingdom Sweden Hungary Satellite IPTV Cable/ Satellite Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Children's channel Children's channel Egypt Hungary Satellite Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Film channel Music channel Music channel Music channel Music channel Music channel Music channel Sports channel Documentary channel Hungary United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom Hungary Cable/ Satellite Cable Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable Cable/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Documentary channel Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV High definition simulcast Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV High definition simulcast United Kingdom Cable/ Satellite High definition simulcast Documentary channel High definition simulcast Children's channel Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV United Kingdom Satellite United Kingdom Cable/ Satellite United Kingdom Cable/ IPTV Europe (Free satellite channel) Cable Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Page: 142/191 Jointly for our common future 226 Movies 24 (- Hungarian) Hungary Cable/ IPTV 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 Hungary France United Kingdom United Kingdom Hungary Hungary Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite Cable Satellite Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Hungary Europe Hungary Hungary Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Greece Hungary Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV IPTV Cable/ IPTV Hungary Ukraine Ukraine United Kingdom Estonia United Kingdom Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Cable Cable IPTV Cable/ IPTV Hungary Hungary Switzerland Cable/ Satellite/ IPTV Cable/ Satellite Satellite 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 SPARROWHAWK ENTERTAINMENT LIMITED TV fiction channel SPARROWHAWK INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS Universal Channel (Hungary) LIMITED TV fiction channel Sundance Channel HD Sundance Channel (UK) Ltd High definition simulcast Poker Channel THE POKER CHANNEL LIMITED Games/lottery/betting channel The Player Channel THE POKER CHANNEL LIMITED Games/lottery/betting channel Travel Channel (- Hungarian) TRAVEL CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Travel channel Boomerang ( Hungarian) Children's channel Cartoon Network (Hungarian) Children's channel TCM Central Europe TURNER BROADCASTING INTERNATIONAL (Hungary) Film channel LIMITED CNN International News channel Viasat Explorer ( Hungarian) VIASAT BROADCASTING UK LIMITED Documentary channel Viasat History (Hungarian) VIASAT BROADCASTING UK LIMITED Documentary channel Viasat Nature East (Hungary) VIASAT BROADCASTING UK LIMITED Documentary channel Viasat Nature/History HD (Hungarian) VIASAT BROADCASTING UK LIMITED Documentary channel Viasat 6 VIASAT BROADCASTING UK LIMITED Entertainment channel Viasat3 Hungary VIASAT BROADCASTING UK LIMITED Entertainment channel Disney Channel ( Hungarian) WALT DISNEY COMPANY LIMITED(THE) Children's channel World Fashion Channel World Fashion Channel Ltd Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Zone Club (Hungary) ZONEMEDIA BROADCASTING LIMITED Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Extreme Sports Channel (Hungarian) ZONEMEDIA BROADCASTING LIMITED Sports channel M1 (Ukraine) Entertainment channel 1+1 International Generalist channel RT (Russia Today) TV-NOVOSTI News channel C Music C MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT LTD Music channel Spice STV INTERNATIONAL B.V. Adult channel Fishing and Hunting (Hungarian) Lifestyle/specific leisure channel H!T Music Channel Music channel i-concerts Music channel Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 143/191 Jointly for our common future NTD-TV New Tang Dynasty Television FixTV Esztergom TV Gyöngyösi Városi Televízió Helyi TV Kölcsey TV Miskolc TV Nyiregyhazi Varosi TV Revita TV Sopron TV TV Szigetszentmiklós VeszprémTelevízió Zalaegerszegi Televízió 266 (ZTV) 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 News channel Others Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel 267 Smile of a Child Religious channel Source MAVISE database and main cable, satellite and IPTV operators in the country Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 144/191 Jointly for our common future United States (specific European services) IPTV Hungary Cable/ IPTV Hungary Cable Hungary Cable Hungary Cable Hungary Cable Hungary Cable Hungary Cable Hungary Cable Hungary Cable Hungary IPTV Hungary Cable Hungary Cable United States (specific European services) Cable/ IPTV Table 9.5: Regional and local channels established in Hungary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Name 3DHORIZONTplus 7TV Abaúj-Hegyközi Televízió Ábrahám Televízió ÁTV Ácsi Televízió Adács Kábel TV Adony TV AGRIA TV Ajka TV Akali Televízió Alba-Orion TV Alföld Televízió Al Rasheed TV Annavölgyi Kábel televízió AVTV Képújság Azurit Televízió Bábolnai Televízió Bácskapocs TV Bácska TV Badacsony Televízió Bajnai Képújság Bajom TV Baktalórántháza Városi TV Balatonszepezdi Hírek Balmazújváros Televízió Baranya Televízió Bátony Televízió Bátonyterenye Városi Televízió Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Broadcasting company BÁTONYTERENYEI BÁVÜ NONPROFIT KFT. Page: 145/191 Jointly for our common future Genre Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Entertainment channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Battyáni Képújság BelBuda TV Beremend TV Berente Televízió Berény TV Berettyó Televízió Berhida TV BIATV Bicske Városi Kábel TV Biharnagybajom Televízió Blende-Infó BN TV BŐCS TV Bodajk TV Bódva-Szuhavölgyi Közéleti Magazin Bogácsi TV Bogárdi TV Boglár TV Bogyiszló TV Bonyhád Városi TV BTKT TV Buda Környéki Televízió Budaörsi Városi TV Budapest Televízió Bükkalja Tv Bükkmogyósdi Képújság CATEL TV Ceglédi Képújság Celldömölki Városi TV Cigánd TV City TV (Hungary) Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 BUDAPEST TELEVÍZIÓ TÖMEGKOMMUNIKÁCIÓS ZÁRTKÖRÛEN MÛKÖDÕ RÉSZVÉNYTÁRSASÁG CITY TELEVÍZIÓS MUSORSZOLGÁLTATÓ KORLÁTOLT Page: 146/191 Jointly for our common future Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel FELELOSSÉGU TÁRSASÁG 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Civil Televízió Csaba TV Csákvár TV Csemői Képújság Csenger Városi Televízió Csengőd TV Csepp TV Csillag TV CSKTV Csongrád TV Csopak Televízió Csurgó Tv Csurgó Városi Televízió Dabas Televízió DAD TV Danubia Televízió Debrecen VTV CSABA TV ELSŐ CSABAI TELEVIZIÓS KFT. CSEPP TV-DÉL-PESTI TELEVÍZIÓ KFT. DONKA-F KORLÁTOLT FELELOSSÉGU TÁRSASÁG DEBRECEN VÁROSI TELEVÍZIÓ KORLÁTOLT FELELOSSÉGU TÁRSASÁG Decsi TV Dél-Cserháti Tv Dél TV Dél TV Kiskun DERA TV Derecske Telelvízió DIÁK TV+ DIGI Diósberény TV DomaTV Dombóvár TV Dorogi Közösségi TV DSTV Dunaújváros Televízió Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Page: 147/191 Jointly for our common future 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Dunaföldvár Városi Televízió Dunakeszi Channel Dunakorzó Tv DUNAMÉDIA Dunavidék Regionális Televízió Dusnok TV DVTV 2000 Egervár TV-ETV Egészség TV Egri Városi Televizió Elek TV Eleven TV Előszállás Encsi TV Enying TV Érdi Városi TV Erzsébetvárosi TV ESTV Esztergom TV EuroChannel képújság EVTV Ezerszó Képújság Fácánkert Televízió Fajsz TV Falutévé Falutévé Árló Falutévé Magyaralmás FALU TV Falu Tv Bakonycsernye Falu TV Bősárkány Falu Tv Cikó Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 MÉDIA EGER NONPROFIT KFT. ÉRDI VÁROSI TELEVÍZIÓ ÉS KULTURÁLIS KFT. ERZSÉBETVÁROSI TELEVÍZIÓS KÖZHASZNÚ TÁRSASÁG Page: 148/191 Jointly for our common future Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 Falu TV Hegyeshalom Falu TV Kisláng Falu TV Murakeresztúr Falu Tv Nagymányok Falu TV Okány Falu TV Pacsa, Képújság Pacsa Falu TV Szabadbattyán Falu TV Szentistván Falu-TV Tiszatenyő Falu TV Vitnyéd Farkaslyuki Képújság Farmos TV Fehérvár Televízió honlapja Felgyő Info Fertő Part TV FIX FM TV Magazin Fönix TV FEHÉRVÁR TELEVÍZIÓ KORLÁTOLT FELELOSSÉGU TÁRSASÁG PANNON-SOPRON REGIONÁLIS TV MUSORGYÁRTÓ ÉS SZOLGÁLTATÓ KORLÁTOLT FELELOSSÉGU TÁRSASÁG Fonyód TV Forrás Televízió FÓT TV Füred TV Füzesabonyi Városi TV Füzes TV Galga Televízió Gánt TV Gerje TV Gödöllői Krónika Göd Városi Televízió GÓÓÓL TV Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Page: 149/191 Jointly for our common future 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 Gotthard TV Gyermelyi Falu TV Gyöngyösi Városi Televízió Gyönki Híradó Gyopár TV Györtelek TV Gyula Televízió Hajdúnánási Helyi TV Hajdúszoboszló VTV Hajós TV Halas TV Halászi Kábeltelevízió Képújság Halmaj Térségi Televízió Halom TV VOX COELESTIS BT. HAJDÚSZOBOSZLÓI VÁROSI TELEVÍZIÓ HALAS-TV KÖZÖSSÉGI ÉS SZOLGÁLTATÓ KÖZHASZNÚ TÁRSASÁG GYÖNGYÖSI VÁROSI TELEVÍZIÓ NONPROFIT KÖZHASZNÚ TÁRSASÁG HartaInfo „hatoscsatorna” Hatvan Tv Hegyvidék Televízió Helyi Csatorna Helyi Csatorna Mikepércs Helyi Csatorna Nagylózs Helyi Csatorna Páka Helyi Csatorna Újkér Helyi Képújság Helyi Televízió Nyírbátor Helyi Televízió Szany Helyi TV Herend TV Hernád-Info Hernád Televízió Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Page: 150/191 Jointly for our common future 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 Hévízi Televízió H&H TV Sopron Hidas-Text Híd Televízió (Komárom) Híd TV Híd TV Barcs Hőgyész TV Homokhát Televízió Horizont Televízió Hortobágy-menti Televízió 2 Hunyadi TV INDEX Televízió Info Plusz Balassagyarmat Információs Csatorna Infó Sziget InfoTelevízió Infó-TV (BT) Info TV (Infonext) Infó TV (V-T KOM) Ipoly Televízió Irány Televízió Iváncsa Tv Izsáki Televízió Jánosháza Televízió Jánossomorja Televízió Jász Trió Tv Juhász Antenna-Technika, Teletext adása Kábeltelevízió Csókakő Kábeltelevíziós Technikai és Információs Csatorna Kábeltext Képújság Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 HAR-COM NEWS" Bt. Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Page: 151/191 Jointly for our common future 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 Kábel TV Babót Kalocsa TV Kálóz TV Kanizsa Képújság Kanizsa TV Kapos TV Karcag Televízió Karma Televízió Kecel Városi Televízió Kecskeméti TV Kék-Kálló TV Derecske Képújság Képújság Csatorna Kerekegyházi TV Kerka Régió TV Keszthelyi TV Kétegyházi Helyi Televízió Kevély TV Kígyós TV Kisapostag Képújság KisDuNa TV Dunaharaszti Kiskőrös TV Kisteleki Városi Televízió Kistérségi Sárrét Televízió Klub TV Kocsord TV Kölcsey TV Komáromi Városi Televízió Komló és Térsége TV Komlós Városi Televízió Kondorosi Kábeltelevízió Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 VÁROSI KÖZMŰVELŐDÉSI INTÉZMÉNYEK, MÚZEUM ÉS TELEVÍZIÓ INFORMATIKAI KIADÓI BT. KAPOS TV ÉS RÁDIÓ KÖZHASZNÚ NONPROFIT KFT. KECSKEMÉTI TELEVÍZIÓ NONPROFIT KFT. KESZTHELYI TV KFT. Page: 152/191 Jointly for our common future Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 Körmendi Városi Televízó és Rádió Környei Közösségi Televízió Körös Televízió KÖR TV KÖR TV Ráckeve Körzeti Televízió Esztergom Kós Károly Kulturális Televízió Kozármislenyi TV KÖZTV KTV Infó KTV Képújság Mágocs Ktv Stúdió Kurca TV Kutas TV KVTV Ladány TV Lakszöv Info LDR TV Lébényi Kábeltlevízió Képújság Lelle Televízió Lénárddaróci Képújság Lenti TV Líceum Televízió lnside TV Göd Lónyay Csatorna TV Lőrinc TV Lovászi Kábeltelevízió Lugio TV M1 Televízió Mátészalka MAG Televízió Magyar Vidék Televízió Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 BIHARI ANTAL EGYÉNI VÁLLALKOZÓ Page: 153/191 Jointly for our common future Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 Maklár Nagytálya Televízió Máriahalom Televízió McKenzye Televízió Mecsek-NET Televízió MEDIA 24 Mediátor TV MÉDIENN-TV Megy-a-szó Televízió METEO TV Mezőkövesdi Televízió MICRO TV Miskolc TV Mi világunk Televízió Monori Képújság Monori Képújság II. MÓRANET TV Mosoly TV Sárbogárd Mosonmagyaróvári Regionális Televízió Mosonmagyaróvári Városi Televízió Mosonszentmiklósi Televízió Mozaik Televízió MTV Budapest Regional Studio MTV Debrecen Regional Studio MTV Miskolc Regional Studio MTV Pécs Regional Studio MTV Sopron Regional Studio MTV Szeged Regional Studio Nagyatádi Televízió Nagydorog Televízió Nagykovácsi TV Nagylállói Televízió Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel MAGYAR TELEVÍZIÓ RT. MAGYAR TELEVÍZIÓ RT. MAGYAR TELEVÍZIÓ RT. MAGYAR TELEVÍZIÓ RT. MAGYAR TELEVÍZIÓ RT. MAGYAR TELEVÍZIÓ RT. Page: 154/191 Jointly for our common future Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Window Window Window Window Window Window Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 Nagymányok TV Namény Tv Nemes János Általános Művelődési Központ Képújsága nincs állandó megnevezése a csatornának NTC Képújság Nyékládházi Televízió Nyiregyhazi Varosi TV Nyír Tv O3 TV Objektív Televízió Objek TV Öböl TV Óbuda TV 1 Őcsény TV ÖKTV Önkormányzati Csatorna Önkormányzati TV Báránd Oroszlányi TV Pannon TV Panoráma Televízió Pápa Városi Televízió Parkváros18 Pásztói Városi TV Pátria TV Pázmándi Hírmondó Pécs TV Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel MULTINET 99 SZOLGÁLTATÓ KFT. ÉK-TV KÖZMŰSOR SZOLGÁLTATÓ KFT. PÉCS TV KOMMUNIKÁCIÓS KORLÁTOLT FELELÕSSÉGÛ TÁRSASÁG Pércsi TV Peresztegi Hírmondó Pétervásárai community Televízió Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Page: 155/191 Jointly for our common future 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 Pétfürdői Közösségi Televízió Pilismaróti Képújság Tv Pilis TV Pilis Városi Képújság Play TV (Hungary) Plusz Televízió Polgárdi TV Polgárinfó Pomáz TV Pont TV Isaszeg Progádor TV Promontor TV PTV PULZUS info TV PULZUS TV Puskás TV Puszta TV Pusztavámi Televízió Putnoki Városi TV Rábaközi Televízió Rácalmási Televízió RAKAMAZI VÁROSI TELEVÍZIÓ Rákóczi Televízió Rákóczi Tükör Rákosmente TV Regina Televízió Régió Plusz Televízió Régió TV E Regöly TV Rétsági Televió Revita TV Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Page: 156/191 Jointly for our common future 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 Rozsály Tv Rroma Televízió RTV Szekszárd Sajókaza Televízió Sajó TV Sámson Televízió Samu TV Sárisáp Képújság Sárpilis TV Sárrét TV Sárvári TV Sárvíz Térségi Televízió Signal TV SIM TV Sióagárdi Televízió Sió TV Sirály TV Mór SKS TV Soltvadkerti TV Somogy TV Sopron TV Strázsa-hegyi Kábeltelevízió Stúdió KB STV (Hungary) Sümeg Városi Televízió Supra Televízió Szabad1 Tv Szajol TV Szalka TV Szalóki képújság Szárszó TV Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Page: 157/191 Jointly for our common future 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 Szarvasi KTV Szécsényi Híradó Szécsényi Napló SzemTanu TV Szénás TV Szentes TV Szentgál TV Szentgotthárd Városi Televízió Szerencsi Televízió Szerencsi Városi Televízió SZIGETKÖZ-INFO Sziget Televízió Szilas TV Szinkron TV Szirmabesenyői Infó Sződliget TV Szöged TV Szolnok TV Szomolyai Cseresznye Televízió T1TV TAB TV Taktaharkány TV Tarcal TV Tarján KTV Szeged TARJÁNTV Taszár TV Info Képújság Tatabányai TV Tatai TV Ta Vi Kereskedelmi Televízió Tázlári Magazin Téglás Városi Képújság Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 CZABÁN SAMU MŰVELŐDÉSI HÁZ ÉS KÖNYVTÁR SZOLNOK TV COMPANY LIMITED SZOLNOK TV LTD. TATABÁNYAI KÖZÖSSÉGI TELEVÍZIÓ KFT. Page: 158/191 Jointly for our common future Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 Tele Info Plus TIP TV Telekeszi Átfogó TeleVizió Markaz Televízió Szászvár Telin TV Térségi Televízió Szabadszállás Tetétleni Tv TÉTI KTV Tevel-Závod-Kisvejke TV Tihany Tv Magtárstúdió Tiszaföldvári Városi Televízió Tiszafüred Városi Televízió Tiszanána Képújság TiszapART TV Tisza TV Tiszavasvári Városi Televízió Tiszazug Tv Tizenhatos Csatorna Tolnatáj TV Tó TV Tótvázsony TV TREND TV Trió TV TRIÓ-TV KŐSZEG Túri Régió Tv Túri Televízió Mezőtúr Túrkeve Televízió TV 18 TV 20 Magazin TV3 Bélapátfalva TV-Cell Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel TELIN TV KFT. Matt-2004 Kft. Page: 159/191 Jointly for our common future 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 TV Eger TV Kispest TV Kisúj TV KULCS TV Szentendre TV Szigetszentmiklós TV Szombathely (SZTV) TV XIII. Újbuda TV Újpesti Közéleti Televízió U-TV Vadna Községi Televízió Vajszló TV Ványa TV Városi Adások Városi Televízió Városi Televízió Bóly Városi Televízió Fehérgyarmat Városi Televízió Mór Városi Televízió Polgár Városi TV Mohács Városi TV Orosháza Vár TV Vásárhelyi Televizió Vasvár TV Veresegyházi Városi Televízió Vértessomló Falu Tv Vértes TV VeszprémTelevízió VFTV - Villa Filip Televízió Videokrónika Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 VÁROSI TELEVÍZIÓ EGER KHT. SZOMBATHELYI TELEVÍZIÓ ÉS RÁDIÓ KHT. SZERDAHELYI JÓZSEF NONPROFIT KFT. Page: 160/191 Jointly for our common future Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 Videokrónika Gyomaendrőd VILL-ANT TV VKC Televízió VTV Hajdúböszörmény VTV Lengyeltóti VTV Pécsvárad VV- TV WTV XV. Kerületi Közösségi Televízió Zákányszék Televízió Zalaegerszegi Televízió (ZTV) Zalalövő Városi Tv Zamárdi Városi TV Zánka TV Zenit Televízió Zönge TV Zounok TV Z PLUSZ Zsámbéki Képújság Zsámboki Képújság Zselic TV Zsolca TV Zugló TV Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 SZABADHAJDÚ NONPROFIT KFT. Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel LABEL-84 KFT. Page: 161/191 Jointly for our common future Table 9.6: Channels available in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 2 3 4 5 Name 24 Kitchen 24 Vesti 4 fun TV Al Jazeera Balkans Al Jazeera Sports 6 Alternativna TV 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Animal Planet (Serbian) Anixe HD Arena 1 Arena Sport 1 BiH Arena Sport 1 Hrvatska Arena Sport 2 Arena Sport 3 Arena Sport 4 Arte HD Astro TV Atlas TV ATV Banja Luka AXN B92 Info B92 TV BBC World News Behar TV Int. BHRT 25 26 27 28 BHT1 Bloomberg Blue Hustler BN MUSIC Broadcasting company Genre Lifestyle News Music News Sport Generalist Channel DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS EUROPE LIMITED TV Arena Sport Documentary Channel Tv Fiction Sports Channel Sports Channel Sports Channel Sports Channel Sports Channel Sports Channel Cultural Educational Others Entertainment Regional Tv Fiction News Channel Generalist Channel News Main targeted country Poland Bosnia BosniaHerzegovina Serbia Germany Serbia Germany Serbia Serbia United Kingdom Regional BHRT Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Generalist Channel Business Adult Music Channel BosniaHerzegovina United Kingdom Serbia Page: 162/191 Jointly for our common future Platform cable/ satellite/ IPTV Satellite Satellite Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Satellite cable/ satellite/ IPTV Satellite Cable / IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV Satellite Satellite Satellite IPTV Satellite Satellite Cable Satellite IPTV IPTV cable/ satellite Satellite/ IPTV IPTV cable/ satellite/ IPTV 29 30 Canal 24 Horas Canale 5 31 32 33 34 35 36 Cartoon Network (- Croatian) CBS Drama CBS Reality (Croatian) Channel 1 / Pervy Kanal Cinemania (Serbia) Cinemax 2 (Serbia) Cinestar Action & Thriller (Serbia) Cinestar TV (Croatia) CNBC 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 CNN International Comedy Central Extra Comedy Central UK Crime and Investigation Network Croatian Music Channel Daring!TV Das Erste HD Deluxe music 48 49 50 51 52 Discovery Channel (Serbian) Discovery Science Discovery world Disney Channel Disney XD (Slovenian) 53 54 55 56 57 DM Sat DW E! Entertainment Eins Festival HD ESPN America TURNER BROADCASTING INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CBS Chellozone UK Channels Partnership HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. Cinestar TV TURNER BROADCASTING SYSTEM EUROPE LIMITED PARAMOUNT UK PARTNERSHIP AETN UK DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS EUROPE LIMITED WALT DISNEY COMPANY LIMITED(THE) Dragana Mirkovic Bijelic SAT TV KG E ENTERTAINMENT UK LIMITED ESPN (EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST, Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 News Generalist Italy Satellite Satellite Children's Channel TV Fiction Channel Entertainment Channel News Film Channel Film Channel Croatia United Kingdom Croatia Russia Serbia Serbia Cable Satellite cable/ satellite/ IPTV Satellite Satellite Satellite Film Channel Film Channel Business Serbia Croatia Satellite cable/ satellite Satellite/ IPTV News Channel Tv Fiction Entertainment Channel Europe cable/ satellite Satellite/ IPTV cable/ satellite Entertainment Channel Music Adult High Definition Simulcast Music United Kingdom United Kingdom Germany Cable / IPTV IPTV IPTV Satellite Satellite Documentary Channel Documentary Documentary Children's Channel Children's Channel Serbia United Kingdom Slovenia cable/ satellite/ IPTV IPTV IPTV cable/ satellite Cable Entertainment Channel News Entertainment Channel Cultural Educational Sports Channel Serbia Germany United Kingdom Germany United Kingdom cable/ satellite/ IPTV Satellite Satellite Satellite cable/ satellite Page: 163/191 Jointly for our common future AFRICA) LTD 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Euronews Eurosport (Serbian) Eurosport 2 (Serbian) Eurosport 2 HD (Serbian) Eurosport HD (Serbian) Eurosport news Extreme sports channel Face TV fashion One News Sports Channel Sports Channel High Definition Simulcast High Definition Simulcast Sport Sport Entertainment Lifestyle EUROSPORT EUROSPORT EUROSPORT EUROSPORT FASHION TV PROGRAMMGESELLSCHAFT MBH 67 Fashion-TV 68 69 Federalna TV Fight Channel RTVBIH 70 71 Fishing and Hunting (English) FOX TEMATIC CABLE SRL 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Fox Movies (Balkan) FOXCRIME (Croatian) FOXlife (- Croatian) France 24 France24 Ar France24 En Free-X TV French Lover TV Ginx TV Golf Klub TV Happy TV (Serbia) Hayat Folk Hayat Music Hayat TV Lifestyle/Specific Leisure Channel Generalist Channel Sports Channel Lifestyle/Specific Leisure Channel Tv Fiction FOX INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS BULGARIA EOOD FOX INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS ITALY SARL FRENCH LOVER TV B.V. FRENCH LOVER TV B.V. Ginx TV Limited IKO ROMANIA SRL Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Film Channel TV Fiction Channel TV Fiction Channel News News News Adult Channel Adult Channel Others Sports Channel Entertainment Channel Music Music Generalist Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Satellite/ IPTV Satellite/ IPTV cable/ satellite/ IPTV Satellite Satellite IPTV IPTV Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Austria BosniaHerzegovina Croatia cable/ satellite Croatia cable/ satellite Satellite/ IPTV Bulgaria Croatia Croatia cable/ satellite/ IPTV cable/ satellite/ IPTV cable/ satellite/ IPTV Satellite/ IPTV IPTV Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Satellite Satellite cable/ satellite Satellite IPTV IPTV IPTV Bulgaria France Romania Serbia Serbia Page: 164/191 Jointly for our common future cable/ satellite/ IPTV cable/ satellite 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 HBO Adria (- Serbian) HBO Comedy Adria (Serbian) Hema TV History channel HRT 3 HRT 4 HRT1 HRT2 HRTV Kiseljak (Kiss) Hustler TV Europe Investigation Discovery Europe IOQS Lifestyle italia 1 JIM JAM JP RTV Goražde JP RTV Zenica Kabel1 Kanal 1 KBS World HD KCN Music Kika HD Kiss TV (Macedonia) Kopernikus KCN Kopernikus KCN 3 Kopernikus KCN Music MGM Mini Ultra Minimax MKTV Sat HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. TV Fiction Channel Serbia Satellite HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. TV Fiction Channel Regional Documentary Generalist Educational Cultural Generalist Channel Generalist Channel Regional Adult Channel Serbia Satellite IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV cable/ satellite/ IPTV cable/ satellite/ IPTV IPTV Satellite/ IPTV HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA Sapphire Media International B.V. DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS EUROPE LIMITED ARD Kiss TV Gold Ltd Regional/ Local Channel Regional Entertainment Channel Music Channel Film Channel Children Children Macedonian Radio and Television (MRT) Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Entertainment Channel Lifestyle Generalist Children Regional Regional Entertainment Regional News Music Channel High Definition Simulcast Generalist Channel Croatia Croatia Netherlands United Kingdom Italy Germany Serbia The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Serbia Serbia Serbia The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Page: 165/191 Jointly for our common future Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Satellite IPTV IPTV IPTV Satellite IPTV Satellite Cable Satellite Cable Satellite/ IPTV Satellite/ IPTV Satellite/ IPTV Satellite Satellite Satellite/ IPTV cable/ satellite 115 Motors TV (- Serbian) 116 117 118 MTV Adria MTV Igman N24 National Geographic Channel Europe (- Croatian) National Geographic Wild Nickelodeon Nova TV (Croatia) NTV 101 NTV Amna 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 MOTORS TV MTV ADRIA DRUZBA ZA TRZENJE IN TRZNE KOMUNIKACIJE D.O.O. NGC EUROPE LIMITED NOVA TV D.D. NEOVISNA TELEVIZIJA HAYAT Sports Channel Serbia Satellite Music Channel Regional News Slovenia cable/ satellite/ IPTV IPTV Satellite Documentary Channel Documentary Children Generalist Channel Regional Regional International Linguistic and Cultural Channel Regional Regional Regional Croatia 129 130 NTV Hayat sat NTV Jasmin NTV Jata NTVIC Kakanj OBN Open Broadcast Network OSM TV 131 132 OTV Valentino Palma Plus Regional Generalist Channel 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 Pink Bosnia & Herzegovina Pink Extra Pink Folk Pink Music Pink Plus Private Spice ProSieben Rai Sport 2 Rai Due Rai Gulp Generalist Channel Music Channel Music Channel Music Channel Entertainment Adult Channel Generalist Channel Sport Generalist Children OPEN BROADCAST NETWORK" Dioničko društvo Sarajevo PINK INTERNATIONAL COMPANY D.O.O. STV INTERNATIONAL B.V. PROSIEBEN TELEVISION GMBH Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Generalist Channel Regional Germany Croatia BosniaHerzegovina BosniaHerzegovina BosniaHerzegovina Serbia BosniaHerzegovina Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Netherlands Germany Italy Italy Italy Page: 166/191 Jointly for our common future cable/ satellite/ IPTV IPTV Satellite Satellite/ IPTV IPTV IPTV Cable IPTV IPTV IPTV cable/ satellite/ IPTV IPTV Satellite/ IPTV Satellite cable/ satellite/ IPTV Satellite Satellite cable/ satellite Satellite Satellite cable/ satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 Rai Med Rai Scoula Rai Sport Rai Storia Rai Tre RAI Uno Rete 4 RTL RTL II RTL Plus RTR Planeta 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 RTRS TV RTS 1 RTS 2 RTS Sat RTV HIT Brčko RTV Maglaj RTV Mostar RTV Slon RTV TK RTV USK RTV Vogošća Russia Today HD sat.1 Saudi TV Channel 1 Sci Fi Servus TV HD Sixx Sky news SMART TV Tešanj SOS Kanal News Cultural Educational Sport Documentary Generalist Generalist Channel Music Generalist Generalist Channel Entertainment Regional International RAI - RADIOTELEVISIONE ITALIANA SP RTL TELEVISION GMBH RADIO-TELEVIZIJA SRBIJE J.P. RADIO-TELEVIZIJA SRBIJE J.P. RADIO-TELEVIZIJA SRBIJE J.P. SOS KANAL Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Generalist Channel Generalist Channel Generalist Channel Generalist Channel Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional News Entertainment Generalist Channel Tv Fiction High Definition Simulcast Entertainment News Regional Sports Channel Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Poland Italy Germany Germany BosniaHerzegovina Serbia Serbia Serbia Germany Saudi Arabia Austria Germany Serbia Page: 167/191 Jointly for our common future Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite cable/ satellite/ IPTV Satellite Satellite cable/ satellite Satellite IPTV Satellite cable/ satellite/ IPTV Satellite Satellite cable/ satellite/ IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV Satellite Satellite Cable Satellite Satellite Satellite IPTV IPTV Satellite 180 181 182 183 Sport Klub (Bosnia,Montenegro,Serbia) Sport Klub HD (Serbia) Sport Klub Premium HD (Serbia) Sport Klub Prime (Croatia) Sport Klub Prime HD (Serbia) Sport Klub+ (Bosnia,Montenegro,Serbia) Sport Klub+ HD (Serbia) Sport1 Germany Supertennis HD 184 Televizija BN (BN TV) Radio i televizija "BN" d.o.o. Bijeljina 185 186 187 Televizija Kantona Sarajevo The History Channel Tiji AETN UK 188 TLC (Balkans) 189 Travel Channel 190 TRT Türk 191 192 193 194 195 TV Alfa TV Crne Gore (TV Montenegro) RTCG Tv Duga Sat TV Soko TV Visoko 196 197 TV1 BA TV1000 Balkan (- English) TV1000 AB 198 TV5MONDE Europe TV5 MONDE 175 176 177 178 179 IKO ROMANIA SRL IKO ROMANIA SRL Sports Channel High Definition Simulcast Serbia Serbia cable/ satellite Satellite IKO ROMANIA SRL IKO ROMANIA SRL IKO ROMANIA SRL Sports Channel Sports Channel High Definition Simulcast Serbia Croatia Serbia Satellite cable/ satellite Satellite IKO ROMANIA SRL IKO ROMANIA SRL Sports Channel High Definition Simulcast Sport Sport Serbia Serbia Germany cable/ satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Generalist Channel DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS EUROPE LIMITED TRAVEL CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Türkiye Radyo ve Televizyon Kurumu Televizija Alfa Društvo za prenos i emitovanje programa d.o.o. Sarajevo RTCG Radio Televizije Crne Gore Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Regional/ Local Channel Documentary Channel Children Lifestyle/Specific Leisure Channel Travel Channel International Linguistic and Cultural Channel Entertainment Channel Cultural/Educational Channel International Entertainment Regional Generalist Channel Film Channel International Linguistic and Cultural Channel BosniaHerzegovina BosniaHerzegovina United Kingdom cable/ satellite/ IPTV Cable Satellite IPTV Slovenia Satellite/ IPTV United Kingdom Cable / IPTV Germany cable/ satellite BosniaHerzegovina Cable / IPTV Montenegro cable/ satellite/ IPTV Satellite/ IPTV Satellite IPTV BosniaHerzegovina Romania cable/ satellite/ IPTV cable/ satellite Europe cable/ satellite Page: 168/191 Jointly for our common future 199 200 201 202 203 204 TVE Internacional Europa TVS1 (SLO1) TVS2 (SLO2) TVS3 (SLO3) TVSA Ultra 205 206 Universal Channel VH1 Europe 207 Viasat Explorer (- Serbian) 208 Viasat History (-Serbian ) 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 Viasat Nature East Viva Viva Italia VOX ZDF ZDF HD ZDF Info HD ZDF Neo HD SOCIEDAD MERCANTIL ESTATAL TELEVISION ESPANOLA S.A. RADIOTELEVIZIJA SLOVENIJA, LJUBLJANA SPARROWHAWK INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS LIMITED MTV NETWORKS s.r.o. VIASAT BROADCASTING UK LIMITED VIASAT BROADCASTING UK LIMITED VIASAT BROADCASTING UK LIMITED VOX TELEVISION GMBH ZDF Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 International Linguistic and Cultural Channel Generalist Channel Generalist Channel Generalist Channel Regional/ Local Channel Generalist Channel Germany Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Serbia Cable Satellite cable/ satellite Satellite IPTV Satellite TV Fiction Channel Music Channel France cable/ satellite/ IPTV Cable / IPTV Documentary Channel Serbia cable/ satellite Documentary Channel Serbia cable/ satellite Documentary Channel Music Music Generalist Channel Generalist High Definition Simulcast News Documentary United Kingdom cable/ satellite Satellite Satellite Cable Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Germany Germany Page: 169/191 Jointly for our common future Table 9.7: Channels available in Serbia Name 1 24 Kitchen Genre Lifestyle/specific leisure channel 2 24 Vesti News channel Satellite 3 4 Fun TV Entertainment channel Satellite 4 Al Jazeera Balkan 5 Broadcasting company ALJAZEERA BALKANS d.o.o. Sarajevo Main targeted country Platform Cable/Satellite News channel Bosnia-Herzegovina Satellite/IPTV Al Jazeera English News channel United Kingdom Satellite 6 Al Jazeera Sports Sports channel 7 Alternativa ATV 8 9 Animal Planet ( Serbian) Animal Planet HD DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS EUROPE LIMITED DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS EUROPE LIMITED Satellite Generalist channel Bosnia-Herzegovina Satellite Documentary channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV Documentary channel Serbia Cable/IPTV TV fiction channel Germany Satellite 10 Anixe HD 11 Arena 2 TV Arena Sport Sports channel Serbia Satellite/IPTV 12 Arena 3 TV Arena Sport Sports channel Serbia Satellite/IPTV 13 Arena Sport 1 Sports channel Serbia IPTV 14 Arena Sport 1 HD High definition simulcast Serbia IPTV 15 Arena Sport 2 HD High definition simulcast Serbia IPTV 16 Arena Sport 3 HD High definition simulcast Serbia IPTV 17 Arena Sport 4 Sports channel Serbia IPTV 18 Arena Sport 4 HD High definition simulcast Serbia IPTV 19 Art 20 Arte HD Cultural educational 21 AstroTV Other Satellite 22 Atlas TV Generalist channel Cable/Satellite/IPTV Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Cable Germany Page: 170/191 Jointly for our common future Satellite 23 ATV Generalist Bosnia Herzegovina Cable/IPTV 24 AXN TV fiction channel United Kingdom Cable/Satellite/IPTV 25 B92 Info News channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 26 B92 TV Generalist channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 27 Baby TV (- English) Children's channel United Kingdom Cable 28 Balkanika Music Channel Music channel Bulgaria IPTV 29 BBC Entertainment BBC WORLDWIDE LIMITED Entertainment channel 30 BBC World News BBC WORLD NEWS LIMITED News channel Germany Cable/IPTV Europe (Free satellite channel) Cable/Satellite/IPTV 31 Bloomberg Business United Kingdom Cable/Satellite/IPTV 32 BN Music Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 33 BN SAT TV Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 34 BNT World Music channel International linguistic and cultural channel International linguistic and cultural channel Bulgaria IPTV 35 Body in balance Lifestyle United Kingdom Cable Children's channel Croatia Cable/IPTV Generalist channel Italy Satellite Children's channel Poland Cable/IPTV 36 Boomerang (- Croatian) 37 Canale 5 BABY NETWORK LIMITED TURNER BROADCASTING INTERNATIONAL LIMITED TURNER BROADCASTING INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 38 Cartoon Network Europe 39 CBS Drama TV fiction channel United Kingdom Cable/Satellite/IPTV 40 CBS Reality TV fiction channel United Kingdom Cable/Satellite/IPTV 41 CCTV4 News channel China IPTV 42 Channel One Russia Russian Federation Cable/Satellite 43 Chasse et pêche Generalist channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel France Cable 44 Chelsea TV Sports Channel United Kingdom Cable 45 Cinemania Film channel Croatia Cable/Satellite AB THEMATIQUES Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 171/191 Jointly for our common future 46 Cinemax (Serbia) HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. Film channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 47 Cinemax 2 (Serbia) HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. Film channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 48 Cinemax 2 HD HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. High definition simulcast Serbia Cable 49 Cinemax HD HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. High definition simulcast Serbia Cable 50 Cinestar Film channel Croatia Cable/Satellite 51 Cinestar action and thriller Film channel Croatia Cable/Satellite 52 CMC Croatian Music Channel Autor d.o.o. Music channel Croatia Cable 53 CNBC United Kingdom Satellite/IPTV 54 CNN International Business TURNER BROADCASTING SYSTEM EUROPE LIMITED News channel Europe Cable/Satellite/IPTV 55 Comedy Central Entertainment channel United Kingdom Cable/Satellite 56 Crime and investigation Documentary channel United Kingdom Cable/Satellite 57 Da Vinci learning Educational Germany IPTV 58 Daring TV Adult channel Netherlands Cable 59 Das Erste HD High definition simulcast Germany Satellite 60 Deluxe Music Music channel Germany Satellite 61 Discovery Channel (- Serbian) Documentary channel 62 Documentary channel Serbia United Kingdom Cable/Satellite/IPTV Discovery HD Showcase 63 Discovery ID Documentary channel United Kingdom Cable/IPTV 64 Discovery Science Documentary channel United Kingdom Cable/IPTV 65 Discovery World (- English) Documentary channel United Kingdom Cable/IPTV 66 Disney channel Children's channel United Kingdom Cable/Satellite/IPTV 67 Disney junior Children's channel United Kingdom IPTV 68 Disney XD Children's channel United Kingdom IPTV 69 DM Sat Entertainment channel Serbia Satellite 70 Dubai Sports 3 Sports channel 71 Duck TV Children's channel Sapphire Media International B.V. DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS EUROPE LIMITED Dragana Mirkovic Bijelic SAT TV KG Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Cable/IPTV Satellite Slovak Republic Page: 172/191 Jointly for our common future IPTV Duna International Cultural Linguistic Bosnia Herzegovina Cable 73 DW News channel Germany Cable/Satellite/IPTV 74 E! Entertainment channel United Kingdom Cable/Satellite 75 Eins Festival HD Cultural educational Germany Satellite 76 ESPN AMERICA Sports channel Cable/Satellite 77 ESPN America HD Sports channel United Kingdom United Kingdom Sports Channel United Kingdom Cable Satellite 72 78 ESPN Classic Cable 79 Euforia Lifestyle Lifestyle United Kingdom 80 Eurochannel Film channel Czech Republic IPTV 81 EuroNews News channel France Satellite 82 Eurosport (- Serbian) EUROSPORT Sports channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 83 Eurosport 2 (- Serbian) EUROSPORT Sports channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 84 Eurosport 2 HD Sports channel France Cable/Satellite 85 Eurosport HD Sports channel France Cable/Satellite 86 Eurosportnews Sports Channel France Cable Sports channel United Kingdom Cable/IPTV Serbia Satellite 87 Extreme Sports Channel UK 88 Face TV 89 Fashion One 90 Fashion TV HD ZONEMEDIA BROADCASTING LIMITED Entertainment channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel FASHION TV Lifestyle/specific leisure PROGRAMMGESELLSCHAFT MBH channel Satellite Austria Cable Austria Cable/Satellite/IPTV 91 Fashion-TV 92 Feelmax Film channel Serbia IPTV 93 Feelmax HD High definition simulcast Serbia IPTV 94 Feelmax Junior Children's channel Serbia IPTV Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 173/191 Jointly for our common future 95 Feelmax Yu Film channel Serbia IPTV 96 Fight channel Sports channel Serbia Cable/Satellite 97 Fishing and Hunting Sports channel 98 FLN Lifestyle channel United Kingdom Cable 99 Food Network HD Lifestyle channel United Kingdom Cable/IPTV 100 Fox Entertainment channel Italy Satellite 101 Fox movies Film channel Italy Cable/Satellite 102 FOXCRIME (- Serbian) TV fiction channel Serbia Cable/Satellite 103 FOXlife (- Croatian) TV fiction channel Croatia Cable/Satellite 104 France 24 News channel France Satellite/IPTV 105 Free-X TV Adult Netherlands Cable/Satellite 106 French Lover TV Adult 107 FTV (Federalna) Generalist 108 Ginx Entertainment channel Cable/Satellite 109 Golf Klub Sports channel Cable/Satellite 110 Golf Klub HD Sports channel Cable 111 GSP TV Sports channel Romania Satellite 112 Happy TV (Serbia) Entertainment channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 113 HBO Adria (- Serbian) TV fiction channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 114 HBO Adria +1 TV fiction channel Serbia Cable 115 HBO Comedy Adria (- Serbian) Entertainment channel Cable/Satellite/IPTV High definition simulcast Czech Republic Czech Republic Entertainment Czech Republic Cable Czech Republic Cable 116 117 HBO Comedy HD FOX INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS ITALY SARL IKO ROMANIA SRL HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. HBO Comedy+1 118 HBO HD High definition simulcast 119 HD Music Music channel 120 History Channel Europe (Croatia) AETN UK Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Documentary channel Cable/Satellite Cable/Satellite Bosnia Herzegovina Cable Cable Satellite Croatia Page: 174/191 Jointly for our common future Cable/Satellite 121 History HD 122 HRT1 HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA Generalist channel Croatia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 123 HRT2 HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA Generalist channel Croatia Cable 124 Hustler HD High definition simulcast Netherlands Cable 125 Hustler TV Europe Adult channel Netherlands Cable/Satellite 126 Info kanal Promotional information Serbia Cable 127 Info kanal Video kluba Promotional information Serbia Cable 128 DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS Investigation Discovery Europe EUROPE LIMITED Entertainment channel United Kingdom Satellite 129 IQS Home shopping 130 Italia 1 Generalist channel 131 Jimjam 132 K:CN 3 133 K.CN 134 K.CN Music 135 Kabel 1 136 Kanal D (Serbia) 137 High definition simulcast Sapphire Media International B.V. Cable Cable/Satellite Italy Satellite United Kingdom IPTV Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV Generalist channel Germany Satellite Serbia IPTV KBS World HD Children's channel International linguistic and cultural channel Korea Satellite 138 KidsCo Children's channel United Kingdom Cable 139 Kika HD High definition simulcast Germany Satellite 140 M2 Generalist Hungary IPTV 141 Metropolis Film channel 142 Mezzo Music channel France Cable 143 MGM Film channel United Kingdom Cable/Satellite/IPTV 144 mini Ultra Children's channel Serbia Cable/Satellite 145 Minimax Czech Republic Cable/Satellite/IPTV Children's channel Društvo za radio i televizijske Cultural educational aktivnosti "Kopernikus cable Entertainment network" d.o.o.- ogranak Svet Plus Novi Beograd Music channel CHELLO CENTRAL EUROPE, S.R.O. Children's channel Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Cable Page: 175/191 Jointly for our common future The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Satellite/IPTV 146 MKTV International linguistic and cultural channel 147 Motors TV Sports channel France Cable/Satellite 148 MTV (Serbia) Music channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 149 MTV Dance Music channel United Kingdom Cable/IPTV 150 MTV HD Music channel United Kingdom Cable 151 MTV Hits Music channel United Kingdom Cable/IPTV 152 MTV Rocks Music channel United Kingdom Cable/IPTV 153 N24 News channel Germany Satellite 154 Documentary channel Croatia Cable/IPTV 155 Nat Geo Wild (- Croatian) National Geographic Channel Europe (- Serbian) Documentary channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 156 National Geographic HD High definition simulcast United Kingdom Cable/Satellite/IPTV 157 Nickelodeon Children's channel United Kingdom Cable 158 Nickelodeon Germany Children's channel United Kingdom Satellite 159 Nickelodeon HD Children's channel United Kingdom Cable 160 OPEN BROADCAST NETWORK" OBN Open Broadcast Network Dioničko društvo Sarajevo Generalist channel Bosnia-Herzegovina Cable/IPTV 161 OTV Regional/ local channel 162 Outdoor Channel Lifestyle channel United Kingdom IPTV 163 Outdoor Channel HD High definition simulcast United Kingdom IPTV 164 Palma plus Generalist Serbia Satellite 165 Phoenix HD High definition simulcast Germany Cable/Satellite 166 Pink 2 Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 167 Pink Action Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV Bosnia-Herzegovina Satellite Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 168 Pink Bosnia 169 Pink Extra MTV Networks Europe NGC EUROPE LIMITED PREDUZEĆE ZA INFORMISANJE I Entertainment channel MARKETING PINK TV fiction channel INTERNATIONAL COMPANY d.o.o. Generalist channel Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Entertainment channel Satellite Page: 176/191 Jointly for our common future 170 Pink Family Entertainment channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 171 Pink Fashion Lifestyle channel Serbia Cable/IPTV 172 Pink Film Film channel Serbia Cable/Satellite 173 pink Folk Music channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 174 Pink kids Children's channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 175 Pink Live Entertainment channel Serbia Cable/IPTV 176 Pink M Entertainment Montengro Cable 177 Pink Movies Film channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 178 Pink Music Music channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 179 Pink Nostalgie Entertainment channel Serbia Cable/IPTV 180 Pink Plus Entertainment channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 181 Pink reality Entertainment channel Serbia IPTV 182 Pink TV Entertainment channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 183 Pink World News channel Serbia IPTV 184 Pink Zabave Entertainment channel Serbia Cable/IPTV 185 Planeta Entertainment channel 186 Playboy Channel 187 Premier League HD Sports channel 188 Prima TV Generalist Romania IPTV 189 Private Spice Adult channel Netherlands Cable/Satellite 190 Pro 7 Generalist channel Germany Satellite/IPTV 191 PRVA Srpska (First TV) Generalist channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 192 RAI Due Generalist channel Italy Cable/Satellite/IPTV PLAYBOY TV UK/BENELUX LIMITED Adult channel STV INTERNATIONAL B.V. RAI - RADIOTELEVISIONE ITALIANA SP Satellite United Kingdom Satellite Cable 193 Rai Gulp Children's channel Italy Satellite 194 Rai Med Cultural educational Italy Satellite 195 Rai Scoula Cultural educational Italy Satellite Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 177/191 Jointly for our common future 196 Rai Sport Sports channel Italy Satellite 197 Rai Sport 2 Sports channel Italy Satellite 198 Rai Storia Documentary channel Italy Satellite 199 Rai Tre Generalist channel Italy Satellite 200 RAI Uno Generalist channel Italy Cable/Satellite/IPTV 201 rebel:tv Entertainment channel 202 Rete 4 Generalist channel Italy Satellite 203 RT (Russia Today) TV-NOVOSTI News channel United Kingdom Cable/Satellite/IPTV 204 RT DOC TV-NOVOSTI Documentary channel United Kingdom IPTV 205 RT Doc HD High definition simulcast Russian Federation Satellite 206 RT HD Russian Federation Satellite 207 RTCG sat High definition simulcast International linguistic and cultural channel Montenegro Satellite 208 RTL Generalist channel Germany Cable/Satellite/IPTV 209 RTL II Entertainment channel Germany Satellite 210 RTR Planeta Documentary channel Russian Federation IPTV 211 RTRS TV Generalist channel Bosnia-Herzegovina Cable/Satellite/IPTV 212 RTS 1 Generalist channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 213 RTS 2 Generalist channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 214 RTS Digital Generalist channel Serbia Cable/IPTV 215 RTS HD High definition simulcast Serbia Cable/IPTV 216 RTS Sat Generalist channel Serbia Satellite 217 RTV 1 Generalist channel Serbia Cable/IPTV 218 RTV 2 Generalist channel Serbia Cable/IPTV 219 Russia 24 News channel Russian Federation IPTV 220 Sat 1 Entertainment channel Germany Satellite 221 Scifi TV fiction channel United Kingdom Cable/Satellite RADIO-TELEVIZIJA SRBIJE J.P. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Satellite Page: 178/191 Jointly for our common future 222 Servus TV HD Deutschland High definition simulcast Germany Satellite 223 Sixx Generalist channel Satellite 224 SK Premium HD High definition simulcast Germany Serbia Sports channel Serbia Cable/Satellite Cable/Satellite 225 SK Prime IKO ROMANIA SRL Cable/Satellite 226 SK Prime HD High definition simulcast Serbia 227 Slovenija 1 Generalist channel Slovenia Satellite/IPTV 228 Slovenija 2 Generalist channel Slovenia Satellite 229 Slovenija 3 RADIOTELEVIZIJA SLOVENIJA, LJUBLJANA Cultural educational Slovenia Satellite 230 SOS Kanal Sports channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 231 Sports channel Germany Satellite 232 Sport 1 (Germany) Sport Klub (Bosnia,Montenegro,Serbia) SOS KANAL DSF DEUTSCHES SPORTFERNSEHEN GMBH Sports channel Serbia Cable/Satellite 233 Sport Klub + Cable 234 Sport Klub 3 Cable 235 Sport Klub 4 236 Sport Klub 5 237 238 Sport Klub HD Sport Klub+ (Bosnia,Montenegro,Serbia) Sports channel 239 Sport Klub+ HD High definition simulcast 240 Studio B News channel 241 Style 242 Super RTL 243 Cable IKO ROMANIA SRL Cable High definition simulcast Cable/Satellite Serbia Satellite Cable/Satellite Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV Cable SUPER RTL DISNEY FERNSEHEN GMBH & CO. KG Children's channel Germany Satellite Supertennis HD High definition simulcast Serbia Satellite 244 Svet Plus Entertainment channel Serbia Satellite 245 TCM Film channel United Kingdom IPTV Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 179/191 Jointly for our common future 246 TLC 247 Travel Channel 248 Travel HD 249 TRT Türk 250 TV Crne Gore 1 251 TV DUGA 252 TV MELOS TRAVEL CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED TRAVEL CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED RTCG Radio Televizije Crne Gore Pink M Company d.o.o Lifestyle channel United Kingdom Satellite/IPTV Travel channel United Kingdom Satellite/IPTV High definition simulcast International linguistic and cultural channel United Kingdom Cable Turkey Satellite Generalist channel Montenegro Cable/IPTV Regional/ local channel Serbia Satellite Serbia IPTV 253 TV Pink Montenegro Entertainment channel Montenegro Satellite 254 TV Soko Entertainment channel Serbia Satellite 255 TV1 BA Generalist channel Bosnia-Herzegovina Satellite 256 TV1000 Balkan (- English) TV1000 AB Romania Cable/Satellite 257 TV5MONDE Europe TV5 MONDE Film channel International linguistic and cultural channel Europe Satellite/IPTV 258 TVBN Hong Kong Satellite 259 TVE Internacional Europa SOCIEDAD MERCANTIL ESTATAL TELEVISION ESPANOLA S.A. Entertainment channel International linguistic and cultural channel Germany Cable/Satellite/IPTV 260 Ultra Entertainment channel Serbia Cable/Satellite 261 Universal Channel UK United Kingdom Cable/Satellite 262 Vesti 263 VH1 Classic MTV NETWORKS s.r.o. Music channel 264 VH1 Europe MTV NETWORKS s.r.o. Music channel France Cable/Satellite/IPTV 265 Viasat Explorer (- Serbian) Documentary channel Serbia Cable/Satellite/IPTV 266 Viasat History Documentary channel United Kingdom Cable/Satellite/IPTV 267 Viasat nature Documentary channel United Kingdom Cable/Satellite/IPTV SPARROWHAWK INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS LIMITED TV fiction channel News channel VIASAT BROADCASTING UK LIMITED Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Satellite Cable/IPTV Page: 180/191 Jointly for our common future 268 Viasat Nature HD/Viasat History HD High definition simulcast United Kingdom Cable/IPTV 269 Viva Music channel United Kingdom Satellite 270 Viva l'Italia channel Music channel Italy Satellite 271 VOX Entertainment channel Germany Satellite 272 World Fashion Lifestyle channel United Kingdom Cable 273 ZDF Generalist channel Germany Satellite 274 ZDF HD High definition simulcast Germany Satellite 275 ZDF Info HD High definition simulcast Germany Satellite 276 ZDF Kultur HD High definition simulcast Germany Satellite 277 ZDF Neo HD High definition simulcast Germany Satellite ZDF Table 9.8: Channels available in Montenegro Name 1 Daring TV 2 3 Dorcel TV Hustler TV Europe 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Playboy Channel Private Spice Baby TV (- English) Boomerang (- Croatian) Cartoon Network Europe Disney Junior Disney XD (- Croatian) Duck TV Kanal D (Serbia) 13 Minimax Broadcasting company Sapphire Media International B.V. MARC DORCEL TV NETHERLANDS B.V. Sapphire Media International B.V. PLAYBOY TV UK/BENELUX LIMITED STV INTERNATIONAL B.V. BABY NETWORK LIMITED TURNER BROADCASTING INTERNATIONAL LIMITED WALT DISNEY COMPANY LIMITED(THE) MEGA MAX MEDIA, S.R.O. CHELLO CENTRAL EUROPE, S.R.O. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Genre Adult channel Main targeted country Netherlands Platforms IPTV Adult channel Adult channel France Netherlands IPTV IPTV/ Satellite Adult channel Adult channel Children's channel Children's channel Children's channel Children's channel Children's channel Children's channel Children's channel United Kingdom Netherlands United Kingdom Croatia Poland United Kingdom Croatia Slovakia Serbia IPTV IPTV/ Satellite IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV IPTV IPTV IPTV cable Children's channel Czech Republic Cable/Satellite Page: 181/191 Jointly for our common future 14 15 OK Bambino OK Orlando Kids (Croatia) 16 17 24 25 Super RTL Animal Planet (- Serbian) Discovery Channel (Serbian) Discovery Channel Europe Discovery Science Discovery World (English) History Channel Europe (Croatia) Nat Geo Wild (- Croatian) National Geographic Channel Europe (Serbian) The History Channel 26 27 Viasat Explorer (- Serbian) BBC Entertainment 28 29 DM Sat Happy TV (Serbia) 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Investigation Discovery Europe NTV Montena PRO TV Montenegro Svet Plus TV Elmag TV Pink Montenegro TVBN 37 38 Cinemax (Serbia) Cinemax 2 (Serbia) 18 19 20 21 22 23 B.NET HRVATSKA D.O.O. Children's channel Children's channel Croatia Croatia IPTV IPTV Children's channel Documentary channel Germany Serbia Cable/Satellite Cable/IPTV/ Sat Documentary channel Documentary channel Documentary channel Serbia United Kingdom United Kingdom Cable/IPTV/ Sat Cable IPTV Documentary channel United Kingdom IPTV AETN UK NGC EUROPE LIMITED Documentary channel Documentary channel Croatia Croatia IPTV/ Satellite IPTV NGC EUROPE LIMITED AETN UK VIASAT BROADCASTING UK LIMITED BBC WORLDWIDE LIMITED Dragana Mirkovic Bijelic SAT TV KG Documentary channel Documentary channel Serbia United Kingdom Cable/IPTV/ Sat Cable Documentary channel Entertainment channel Serbia Germany Cable/Satellite IPTV Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Serbia Serbia Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV/ Sat Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel United Kingdom Montenegro Montenegro Serbia Montenegro Montenegro Hong Kong Cable/Satellite Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV/ Sat IPTV Film channel Film channel Serbia Serbia IPTV/ Satellite IPTV/ Satellite SUPER RTL DISNEY FERNSEHEN GMBH & CO. KG DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS EUROPE LIMITED DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS EUROPE LIMITED TV Comm d.o.o. AST d.o.o. TV Elmag d.o.o. Pink M Company d.o.o HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 182/191 Jointly for our common future 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 TCM Europe TV1000 Balkan (- English) 777 TV Lutruja Crne Gore B92 TV HRT1 HRT2 OBN Open Broadcast Network 46 47 ProSieben PRVA Srpska (First TV) 48 RAI Due 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 RAI Uno RTL Televizija RTRS TV RTS 1 RTS 2 RTS Sat TV Avala TV Crne Gore 1 TV Crne Gore 2 TV IN TV MBC TV Vijesti 61 TVS1 (SLO1) 62 BN SAT TV 63 NTV Hayat sat 64 RTR Planeta S.R.O. TURNER BROADCASTING INTERNATIONAL LIMITED TV1000 AB Lutrija Crne Gore a.d. HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA HRVATSKA RADIOTELEVIZIJA OPEN BROADCAST NETWORK" Dioničko društvo Sarajevo PROSIEBEN TELEVISION GMBH RAI - RADIOTELEVISIONE ITALIANA SP RAI - RADIOTELEVISIONE ITALIANA SP RTL HRVATSKA D.O.O. RADIO-TELEVIZIJA SRBIJE J.P. RTCG Radio Televizije Crne Gore RTCG Radio Televizije Crne Gore IN CO d.o.o. Blue Moon d.o.o. Televizija Vijesti d.o.o. RADIOTELEVIZIJA SLOVENIJA, LJUBLJANA NEOVISNA TELEVIZIJA HAYAT TELEKANAL ROSSIYADOCHERNEEFGUP Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Film channel Film channel Games/lottery/betting channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Baltic Countries Romania Montenegro Serbia Croatia Croatia Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV/ Sat IPTV Cable/IPTV/ Sat Cable/IPTV/ Sat Cable/IPTV Generalist channel Bosnia-Herzegovina Cable/IPTV/ Sat Generalist channel Generalist channel Germany Serbia IPTV Cable Generalist channel Italy Cable/IPTV/ Sat Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Generalist channel Italy Croatia Bosnia-Herzegovina Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Montenegro Montenegro Montenegro Montenegro Montenegro Cable/IPTV/ Sat Cable Cable Cable/IPTV/ Sat Cable/IPTV/ Sat IPTV/ Satellite Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV/ Sat Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV Cable/IPTV/ Sat Generalist channel International linguistic and cultural channel International linguistic and cultural channel International linguistic and cultural channel Slovenia IPTV Serbia Satellite Bosnia-Herzegovina IPTV Russian Federation Cable Page: 183/191 Jointly for our common future VSEROSSIISKAYA GOSUDARSTVENNAYA TELEVIZIONNAYA I RADIOVESHCHATELYNAYA KOMPANIYA 65 TV5MONDE Europe 66 TVE Internacional Europa 67 Chasse et pêche 68 69 Fashion-TV BN Music CMC Croatian Music Channel MTV (Serbia) 70 71 72 73 74 MTV Adria MTV Dance VH1 Europe 75 76 Al Jazeera Balkan B92 Info 77 BBC World News 78 79 CNN International RT (Russia Today) 80 Russia 24 TV5 MONDE SOCIEDAD MERCANTIL ESTATAL TELEVISION ESPANOLA S.A. AB THEMATIQUES FASHION TV PROGRAMMGESELLSCHAFT MBH Autor d.o.o. MTV ADRIA DRUZBA ZA TRZENJE IN TRZNE KOMUNIKACIJE D.O.O. MTV Networks Europe MTV NETWORKS s.r.o. ALJAZEERA BALKANS d.o.o. Sarajevo BBC WORLD NEWS LIMITED TURNER BROADCASTING SYSTEM EUROPE LIMITED TV-NOVOSTI TELEKANAL ROSSIYADOCHERNEEFGUP VSEROSSIISKAYA GOSUDARSTVENNAYA TELEVIZIONNAYA I RADIOVESHCHATELYNAYA Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 International linguistic and cultural channel Europe IPTV International linguistic and cultural channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Germany Cable France Cable/IPTV Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Music channel Austria Serbia Cable/IPTV/ Sat Satellite Music channel Music channel Croatia Serbia IPTV Cable/Satellite Music channel Music channel Music channel Slovenia United Kingdom France Cable/IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV News channel News channel IPTV/ Satellite Cable/IPTV/ Sat News channel Bosnia-Herzegovina Serbia Europe (Free satellite channel) News channel News channel Europe United Kingdom Cable/IPTV/ Sat Cable/Satellite News channel Russian Federation Cable Page: 184/191 Jointly for our common future Cable/IPTV/ Sat KOMPANIYA 81 82 Studio B Myzen tv (1) 83 84 Srpska TV Kopernikus KCN 1 85 86 TV Budva TV DUGA 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 TV Nova (Macedonia) TV Sun TV Teuta Arena 1 Arena 2 Arena 3 Eurosport (- Serbian) Eurosport 2 (- Serbian) Extreme Sports Channel UK 96 97 NBA TV SOS Kanal 98 100 Sport 1 (Germany) Sport Klub (Bosnia,Montenegro,Serbi a) Sport Klub+ (Bosnia,Montenegro,Serbi a) 101 Sportmania 102 103 Discovery Travel & Living (- Serbian) Travel Channel 99 SENIOR COMMUNICATIONS NVO „Društvo za ravnopravnost i toleranciju – AI" Podgorica D.o.o. lokalni javni emiter "Radio Televizija Budva NOVA TV LLC Sun Sun d.o.o. Mir-Teuta d.o.o. TV Arena Sport TV Arena Sport TV Arena Sport EUROSPORT EUROSPORT ZONEMEDIA BROADCASTING LIMITED News channel Others Serbia France Cable/Satellite IPTV Others Regional/ local channel Montenegro Serbia IPTV cable Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Montenegro Serbia The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Montenegro Montenegro Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia IPTV Cable/Satellite Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Regional/ local channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Sports channel Cable/IPTV Sports channel Sports channel United Kingdom United States (specific European services) Serbia Sports channel Germany Cable/Satellite IKO ROMANIA SRL Sports channel Serbia Cable/Satellite IKO ROMANIA SRL COMPANIA INDEPENDIENTE DE TELEVISION S.L. DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS EUROPE LIMITED TRAVEL CHANNEL Sports channel Serbia Cable/Satellite Sports channel Spain Cable Travel channel Travel channel Serbia United Kingdom Cable/IPTV Cable SOS KANAL DSF DEUTSCHES SPORTFERNSEHEN GMBH Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Sports channel Cable IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV IPTV IPTV Cable/IPTV/ Sat Cable/IPTV/ Sat Page: 185/191 Jointly for our common future Cable/Satellite INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 104 FOXCRIME (- Serbian) 105 FOXlife (- Croatian) 106 107 HBO Adria (- Serbian) HBO Comedy Adria (Serbian) 108 Universal Channel UK 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 24 Kitchen 24 Vesti 4 Fun TV Al Jazeera English Al Jazeera Sports Alternativa ATV Anixe HD Arte HD Atlas TV AXN Bloomberg Canale 5 Carli TV CBS Drama CBS Reality Channel One Russia Cinemania Cinestar Cinestar action and thriller CNBC Europe Comedy Central Comedy Central Germany Crime and investigation FOX INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS ITALY SARL HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. HBO CESKA REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. SPARROWHAWK INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS LIMITED Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 TV fiction channel Serbia Cable/Satellite TV fiction channel Croatia Cable/Satellite TV fiction channel Serbia IPTV TV fiction channel Serbia IPTV TV fiction channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel News channel Entertainment channel News channel Sports channel Generalist channel TV fiction channel Cultural educational Generalist channel TV fiction channel Business Generalist channel Regional/ local channel TV fiction channel TV fiction channel Generalist channel Film channel Film channel Film channel Business Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Documentary channel United Kingdom Cable/IPTV/ Sat United Kingdom Bosnia-Herzegovina Germany Germany United Kingdom United Kingdom Italy Slovenia United Kingdom United Kingdom Russian Federation Croatia Croatia Croatia United Kingdom United Kingdom Germany United Kingdom Page: 186/191 Jointly for our common future Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite 132 133 134 Das Erste HD Deluxe Music Disney channel 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 DM Sat Dubai Sports 3 DW E! Eins Festival HD ESPN AMERICA EuroNews Eurosport 2 HD Eurosport HD Face TV 145 146 147 148 Fashion One Fight channel Fishing and Hunting Fox High definition simulcast Music channel Children's channel International linguistic and cultural channel Sports channel News channel Entertainment channel Cultural educational Sports channel News channel Sports channel Sports channel Entertainment channel Lifestyle/specific leisure channel Sports channel Sports channel Entertainment channel 149 150 151 152 153 154 Fox movies France 24 Free-X TV French Lover TV Ginx Golf Klub Film channel News channel adult adult Entertainment channel Sports channel Italy France Netherlands Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite 155 156 157 Golica TV HBO HBO Comedy HD Music Regional/ local channel TV fiction channel Entertainment channel Slovenia Czech Republic Czech Republic Satellite HSE 24 HD Music channel home shopping Germany IQS Italia 1 Juwelo TV HD home shopping Generalist channel home shopping Italy Germany 158 159 160 161 162 Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Germany Germany United Kingdom Germany United Kingdom Germany United Kingdom France France France Serbia Italy Page: 187/191 Jointly for our common future Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite 163 164 K:CN 3 K.CN Cultural educational Entertainment channel Satellite Satellite 165 K.CN Music Music channel Satellite 166 167 Kabel 1 Kanali 7 168 169 170 KBS World HD Kika HD MGM Generalist channel Generalist channel International linguistic and cultural channel High definition simulcast Film channel 171 mini Ultra 172 173 Germany Italy Satellite Satellite Korea Germany United Kingdom Satellite Satellite Satellite Serbia Satellite MKTV Children's channel International linguistic and cultural channel Motors TV Sports channel France Satellite 174 175 176 MT N24 National Geographic HD Generalist channel News channel High definition simulcast Germany United Kingdom Satellite Satellite Satellite 177 178 Nickelodeon Germany OTV Children's channel Regional/ local channel United Kingdom Satellite Satellite 179 180 181 182 Phoenix HD Pink 2 Pink Action Pink Bosnia High definition simulcast Entertainment channel TV fiction channel Generalist channel Germany Serbia Serbia Bosnia-Herzegovina Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite 183 184 185 186 187 Entertainment channel Entertainment channel Film channel Music channel Children's channel Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Serbia Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite 188 Pink Extra Pink Family Pink Film Pink Folk Pink kids Pink Movies Film channel Serbia Satellite 189 190 Pink Music Pink Plus Music channel Entertainment channel Serbia Serbia Satellite Satellite 191 Pink TV Entertainment channel Serbia Satellite PREDUZEĆE ZA INFORMISANJE I MARKETING PINK INTERNATIONAL COMPANY d.o.o. Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Satellite Page: 188/191 Jointly for our common future 192 193 Planeta Pro 7 Entertainment channel Generalist channel Germany Satellite Satellite 194 195 home shopping Children's channel Germany Italy Satellite Satellite 196 QVC Deutschland HD Rai Gulp Rai Med Cultural educational Italy Satellite 197 Rai Scoula Cultural educational Italy Satellite 198 Rai Sport Rai Sport 2 Sports channel Italy Satellite Rai Storia Sports channel Documentary channel Italy Italy Satellite Satellite 201 Rai Tre Generalist channel Italy Satellite 202 Rai Uno Generalist channel Italy Satellite 203 rebel:tv Entertainment channel 204 Rete 4 RT Doc HD Generalist channel Italy Satellite 205 High definition simulcast Russian Federation Satellite 206 RT HD Russian Federation Satellite 207 208 RTCG sat RTL High definition simulcast International linguistic and cultural channel Generalist channel Montenegro Germany Satellite Satellite 209 RTL II Germany Satellite 210 RTSH Entertainment channel International linguistic and cultural channel 211 212 Entertainment channel TV fiction channel Germany United Kingdom Satellite Satellite 213 214 Sat 1 Scifi Servus TV HD Deutschland Sixx High definition simulcast Generalist channel Germany Germany Satellite Satellite 215 SK Premium HD 199 200 IKO ROMANIA SRL Satellite High definition simulcast Satellite Sports channel Satellite Satellite 216 SK Prime 217 SK Prime HD High definition simulcast 218 Slovenija 1 Generalist channel Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Satellite Slovenia Page: 189/191 Jointly for our common future Satellite 219 Slovenija 2 Generalist channel Slovenia Satellite 220 Slovenija 3 Cultural educational Slovenia Satellite 221 Sonnenklar TV HD High definition simulcast Germany Satellite 222 Sport Klub Croatia Sports channel Satellite 223 Sport Klub HD High definition simulcast Satellite 224 Sport Klub+ HD High definition simulcast Satellite 225 Supertennis HD 226 TLC 227 TRT Türk 228 TV 5 229 230 TV España TV Soko High definition simulcast Lifestyle/specific leisure channel International linguistic and cultural channel International linguistic and cultural channel International linguistic and cultural channel 231 232 IKO ROMANIA SRL Serbia Satellite United Kingdom Satellite Turkey Satellite France Satellite Spain Satellite Entertainment channel Serbia Satellite TV1 BA Generalist channel Bosnia-Herzegovina Satellite Ultra Vesti Entertainment channel Serbia 233 News channel 234 Viasat History Documentary channel United Kingdom Satellite 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 Viasat nature Viva Viva l'Italia channel Vizion Plus VOX WDR Fernsehen HD ZDF ZDF HD ZDF Info HD ZDF Kultur HD ZDF Neo HD Documentary channel Music channel Music channel Entertainment channel Entertainment channel High definition simulcast Generalist channel High definition simulcast High definition simulcast High definition simulcast High definition simulcast United Kingdom United Kingdom Italy Russian Federation Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Satellite Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Satellite Satellite Page: 190/191 Jointly for our common future Document name / version: REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS / A-1.0 Page: 191/191 Jointly for our common future