(L)I`-i1-? OL`/ L/G CTYkZ 1 oc
(L)I`-i1-? OL`/ L/G CTYkZ 1 oc
Tcpic Unit of Study: 5fv-iceTitle of Minilesson: Too / c Se ten Teaching Point: A en eh fi:’i avn(r. Date: ce Vor, eti c LASi a preccIc paraya Connection: e’ uy e pos 1—ory pt SeI’VtZ’-nCe, We p h vects a 9 p CA ht/e- Ieirned JOW tv uin te. Occ6LSit’n/pôs/; s evi /-ece 6 f-vfryn’Afs 00 tA) 4’ .1 LA,1Ti p-iD v’J ra. ? CUid M1. Teaching: ‘2nd Qr 3’ehLTJi( re VIeL4.) of *opic cu parC Active Engagement: 2reC’t’k it-fly 1/ cJ-i r&ttp (VI iftien7’ tvpib 0(1 t)’/? LAJI Th QLt gI Link ye )/9 e ViLLS1 (L)I’-i1-? ‘ vtcfr Q 3 ( Y 9 Z/f &uyifr_ OYZN pa. ra S se—1kJ’-)(e. sa i-r-e ‘ ph C?{) 71/ ce n 7 ’C—n ce aJi 6Y?p11 L/G CTYkZ I npe47dc-i1f/y} OL’/ 1 LL) 1 1 I LLS- C{’ vc/e-/L, c=-J (c-S ±ti’7 s e i’i ‘C •]-fr-p oc 2Y Unit of Study: Title of Minhlesson: Teaching Point: T* —-i Date: ,— .- ,‘1 — C 1 +oJ id’c Connection: Re c_c)Q L\C c- O) &4 Dh&’k -4 ‘-4\ ‘(S LOt I( t+t’4 Teaching: ( d4?rtv- \O ci s€re cj Drt 4o r L+ \&j 0 ‘/ o ko • \Vv) + ft+\ 3 r €c LD\CLt cv CL-- \ rN k ‘ . c) C&.; Q- ) 0 Active Engagement: ‘ \)€‘ I Link * o i’ u cfr\c ri+ b4o L) €cLk ‘-\ O%\Ck ;\\ \‘\ ck Lrvt\ *hL ± D\* c_ & C LL 1</c Unitof Study: Title of Iaes Date: MinhIesson’ Teaching Point: Connection: (1S) 1 e fe pc v Teaching: I 0 kC& c.\a€ (cH re5 le9c o( s(?L 5e yrr 1 al re N W 11 hi;h+ €se I Active Engagement: a ° S Ce 5 c e . (1€ l1 ke 5he . Link CoP es o( Uc Unit of Study: E’o OE7Ct Title of MiniIesson:i Teaching Point: 01 Date: Connection: q \UuD \OJ J€S- (eà Teaching: — o aI o* to 8-cs bc-’ ft c, T& o I oou+ -bLQ i 4LxcL U t C,k tk2d LOO 1or* pordeA3 Active Engagement: A CO (D*5 ce ô , Cyço) Dc) C ve a \oJ uDc < -cpr \ Link Ua \N. occ& uoc 3 -\-\‘\ W 0 ucc cop r S6fl\hC, Unitof Study: Title of Minilesson: “Thert. tre. Teaching Point: \AIeX Sfajf,Vfle4’*3 Date: pOVi 29i2 4*rrit (os%ry Connection: cur 4 Wn4c r Worsk’p 1 s4exre&r s jc ,eri4rr -k-k 1 T-\e YAn€r W0r4 flum\2er word senkerce Ii -.Us your 1 k OIqer O (t3 tVi ‘1 %5f 1ernej w O inorrflor1Cfl V./ijj o1ivv,” Rer ko clc’ + Teaching: %of oIktry ceoc *en ctock win “--iiere cirea* povjer S eyye4- kDj’. 5c. Uv’s-bd +r-iei I. ‘ w* ko po vIe.r ‘Vcr\ Model WHi , r iJ\’i&r Ftr4c TmnEv ±2La bek ct encL- j nr-j- or 23;acq re5or,, €nc(s Ak doo 1 hcit LI’L OOOd (c+ %SiAmrr, -r %d cj ft ibroc i4 ier€ Active Engagement: Shc, orn povJec ç’rered k -e a ? Vrom &tr- i i 1 o, c4 ‘o’4e 1 JWc* vJw ,wer,,cm4 he\ S-uer*, denf \/ /6cM 5rev’.ie r*, W%i j 1 * tO \-\J.. çzirkrire, Come - a AJ1 vJen c 1 nd WirL power k-+em Link flfle, 4wer %c cce, 1/ \D4 \)Jr, CVQc (4 wv c Wo wia4 1 ‘ i 4 er€ wai or Unit of Study: Title of Minilesson: Teaching Point: h 1’7 q Trzth’’3 — ) L 7 Date: / iykp. 0. ir-]2 / r Connection: Ikat , Thwfr r5. ôC Ct [CLQL tDL Active Engagement: 0 e € , C Ct”Lc c 2 exposr*tr-J / dec- p1VQ Unit of Study: \t’JYThV1g Tifle of Minhlesson: (1\ Teaching Point: 0 Date: ‘eEYS 0. -tezNPE?V n Connection: HC S Q o -pec o- Teaching: yo Tody s The se, o y yo yos OLY d€rsd C cg e- s ç - - Y° Active Engagement: v’e cv 1 C 1 vc oc tr Cc ç--- c- ‘y- vS cxA y Q\j v W 11 - oR oc 0 j- Thev Link 04 - v c day -o ? ___ Unit of Study: Title of Minilesson: Teaching Point: Date: ‘ Pk*o4 k((w D’foA 1kiE Connection: -k use. a hc,<i 5ev+eCQ_: E\ô/ e d- ‘H cwk cw1 i,/iJhIe ooc• 11i: 3 t 1 YL Teaching: •Otj c3W\ &o.iV O &\ôr oC I c3Lc- Sev\4eV’CeS -‘k ctJ3 you ‘fl<J) IO Lae($d EA: - I Jou) us vevi.ce Co t u’e c-(c +c (T\’r ç. jj Active Engagement: 4c:u f4(•€ cqr. Link o O - c Unit of Study Title of Minilesson: Teaching Point: ,i-rrI flL&J’ F Connection: .. t a4iz;: s4A41 n-ta,4J(euAt L4ëj C’ cr&( &cq t c fl.J( z4J% tww( /rf(Wt ra.da t Y t 1 t-c-zz-- 4 L tL ‘t, Eza-c- (&C€ •aLZLa4t4tiAe a-iS zr ski-c, /,e%i-zA.. /12’ a -szd t6.h ‘I Teaching: C, r £Ftv. ,nafi&4 .€ a1- /C 4-v4d /!sct 4’J At at-c4 a— AtC. Li-t n’.. AttkrLt) Jazt,,t kAej_. A4412 rart j,j klvC( 4/ i.Z a 4 it Active Engagement: c2/ 1t’L&.. 4.&’uC 4-c J t /(/A * st.c;6&i M’CC8c2nz41 j4atthtcI ,Q$144,twte/ n4E iaAc.t 4 , Link /&) P te ‘nit. F ‘Tiue At&Et ltn%.t C-L .44rtL /aøstrszrtryOicfj j>kt?) t IL ca% nA A r-’ I 6L-L)tact oft&t.eJ f , n&-nbil.n I r— ,l+0Y’ 4 7 ’ Unit of Study: Title of Minilesson: Teaching Point: ,, ‘t’LtcW -1ah I Wôsv’ Date: frücyt vot kv’rt’.k.. —lh& ti4ers en kEj I) Srw 4e1a. k Jeag Connection: rr )Jrl f 4 tj e ao dfb &x i wi; (jA[ Q(5 0 J ionc, 4 icb. i- oi- co3 Teaching: - cd 5O1t (1 t/u1 S pckaJ u/ yei’ drck -- itV4 -5kti C itiJCye(ic,AJ v I go rt’oij -tt yçerce e (W -WQ-j roar 1 ee1 - Lwn5. y 1 t-t 7L Is 1 €- - kc T c*rP 4ic rActive Engagement: - - AkO I ti4 f e- rca. .4€44. ifiR SUfLe.C 4on aa-.& 46tr r,4er — Ti 4 LffthL( Wr 4 JC -i’y Q&>IEAi1cQç — pez1g +( ,eftoø (9 Of°’) Link ho o*y epcnal€’ yot.&r deku-t 4kó fojt 0 5L 2- Unit of Study: Title of Minilesson: Teaching Point: I 0. ov\c1 Connection: — WeC; a chelhea EhV—’ I -Ge ikb +vt- sev-i-€vcts CcflCkKct{ Teaching: / vJ it4n cnichA4Lr £ cvYrcVZcS c&vt to 5hbJJ no ctr fz1\ Ij:k_ ti— a4 qznIThn C b(DY. c: 2 4 c4nt—’ 1 P’ ? WtI2 4-s (2VI1 1 acf -ICch A ft D S : ks C c-&o JC cv t (A& i Ci Lk) yAJ -tctifzcfC -tk’L- t9C \2v flOJl1 ‘t —_1 ‘-a Active Engagement: trC’ J?4 4e4415 &) Cr 4-c (: O;)e— a- 7 —fr ’ ic uoe(. fta Vt -ftie-zi t*)(k’ tf fcvfl hne aev L¼H11 Link opnYv1 ifrTv4/ C-Th7Ctt9 a>vid N?. t& *2 C7CC4S,) cZ. LAYV/ On. v’ Unit of Study: Cfl( LAi CC) Title of Minilesson: rno--cYir nq Teaching Point: Vc Date: Dp.C f--n&. v’H-h (flCLLFipq i+ec O-fl Mc-ke —the +p Connection: c- ON ° eoUcfl co4:\n p--c cIc -- oc cOxe *c *‘ne. Teaching: ock\ oc’cph onc’ -k\’C O\C \ I X\C -\k r v uThQuAk 4cs aclck -3 C\fft -o --mc ±e Active Engagement: 4ec cic c -ocI cosc Tbp\c Link r\J f h Oc c-d SLVe --hc’-k +he- CQ -cxe-hec h h 1Y\OL€ Unit of Study: E)çX5 ±Orq Title of Minhlesson: Cr1k Teaching 1 Point:.: s T ’Cr 1 cE . -— 1___LC )( Date: 2 Wrdil’Q Lor( LtJ1Ofl 1 c —jfjr ‘ b1 1 \ I “ —.________ ____ 1it I ( - C,1:L’1tc\/ —1 —— - Ccnnectibn: --o €, Teaching: stq J: f— jAI’)1 [earnd -It adt\ y”cd expaQ, ead Stcxi’ Io/Ve \. W Se ‘dce TdQ\ ‘)/ou vJiII 1ctYr\tQ Wy (( to vY\ot’\ QY’ OL{ 1W show c& \J(it ocIuxJiy pIU pi fltp - k a r c-tad ±ht does n o ha ye a cohcluSjori. 2: kJ Ideyr114, /+ rv idea uP -I-be 7ra3raph. 3: 7W’ model ho 1v wrHe c Concktsj’o frhct-j uppocts/re mPoce M-x ra p : SW cimzemer\t. re5ford in ThJ moeJ c secor arcrcph t h c COC1LtSIOV dvty Yi( iafc bcairs-t-ocm poib1 onciusib ep (Q: A3 OC(q5 7: 7W w’eep ±r-s üE Jo y. or j us± Active Engagement: Tacfrer will as5 QLJrt scmp ie-ep. aqhaphs * 7artner roi4S Thr-F’s jj/f jyJ ft)ec L-tVl 1?je oWn c2QtILA5)OYJ 5teYC/6 tkot nnon ide of +hv praraph5. SJ ‘h ave o +he eYTtC v s at -1’ k d. Link always wev o vmfre eXPOSry Parrp will WrH yo a COncIUS ion Seeoe hct rd1s the and main ikc. Unitof Study: E;/r:\J Title of Minhlesson: Condu Teachmg Point: T Date 29i2 ‘ Connection: 0 ye +des we ex5viOi rarizrf fDrS) rps o Teaching: -- ‘i11 k jnP5 ± [ vri a —___________________________________________________ C+ io eveI radex -fr OUd if y1icyF rcci —- TtzcIe LA c3ee. F deii i 4 4eces 4-$ne Qk [Mt 0 cbct+ 5erQS no+e i bejc(hC key yds) Active Engagement: c E’i,i eren+ phrase5 key hcE>dr) c1 d n Link ke 1 your -k ckoose viri-bvcj. pkre d Unit of Study: YpD5 Title of Minilesson: Teaching Point: Date: IAi7zr71 - 9r€i ,j,J S&n4ere.s Connection: e4er OeY c-W SI OV’ Ui crrA S e n c±u —f-k a no( to) Oy-cf s /1 s A,UL 4 c ’ H- tarvi h tw u eii 0 Cop i€ c rcc -0 P V Ov ( anfho(ô € c’l rc S ‘i r- COCiL(d(’ cf fl4PflC r€ 5Ls s te 4 Vov d GO D-rcS k-d Ii cu 4 g-racLe 7u’7 Teaching: OXf p Li Yc4 £- 7ö +ioc-e rs+ n 1- Cyi C{tL Ci1 Active Engagement: -(& A c, 4 erz CL \Jcu’J wg1 ) ‘H u)OcJ + Lnk- )\ +kc+ & ScL ‘1 qfr c yr & c>i cJ 0h u coo o nd -f&y iid ‘oo-rcic Link YYL 4- rrc xcur2Les + S/ ane1phtas
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