BA degree studies - Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii
BA degree studies - Wydział Pedagogiki, Psychologii i Socjologii
University of Zielona Góra Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences INFORMATION PACK PEDAGOGY BA DEGREE STUDIES Academic year 2010/2011 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) PART II.A COURSE INFORMATION II.A.1 BA degree studies The Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences runs two-level courses. The BA degree studies in pedagogy are three-year (6-term) courses. The courses follow the standards of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (the directive of July12, 2007, annex no 78). The minimum number of teaching hours for full-time studies is 1800, and for part-time studies it is 60% of 1800. The student is obliged to obtain at least 60 ECTS points for each academic year, and 27-33 points for each term. The graduates are awarded a BA degree under the following conditions : II.A.2 they have completed all the scheduled courses and have collected minimum 180 ETCS points, they have done vocational training for at least 8 weeks, they have submitted their BA thesis, - they have passed their final diploma examination. Admission requirements Candidates for BA degree courses in pedagogy at The Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences must hold A-level certificates. For more details see or contact the recruitment division of the University of Zielona Góra UNIWERSYTET ZIELONOGÓRSKI SEKCJA REKRUTACJI 65-762 Zielona Góra al. Wojska Polskiego 69, room101R, I floor Monday - Friday 8:00-14:00 telephone: (068) 328 32 70 , 328 29 36, 328 29 37 [email protected], [email protected] II.A.3 Key learning outcomes Graduates: have systematised general knowledge in philosophy, psychology, sociology and pedagogy and know elementary terminology of these sciences; have systematised detailed knowledge of pedagogy including history of education, the theoretical basis of education and teaching; they can use their knowledge of education and history for their own reflection on the contemporary theory and practice of teaching; have elementary knowledge on the relations between pedagogy and other humanistic sciences; have basic knowledge on the main directions of development and major new developments in pedagogy; understand basic ideas of philosophy and contemporary problems of humanities; understand different theories and human concepts as well as psychological research methodology; know basic methods of analysis and interpretation of various cultural products specific to selected traditions, theories and research schools in pedagogy; can understand basic categories used in research on education; they differentiate common knowledge of education from scientific knowledge; they can identify basic possibilities and limitations that accompany the processes of education; they can 3 describe and interpret major approaches to school, school education and related concepts; can understand the processes occurring in human environment described by social pedagogy, in particular they can identify factors regulating the transformation of institutions, social communities, global processes of culture and economic phenomena; they know the structure of governmental administration and welfare institutions; know the rules of professional ethics; have detailed knowledge about the objectives, organisation and functioning of the institutions connected with cultural, social, resocialisation and welfare activities ( depending on the chosen specialisation ) as well as their legal and economic conditions; they know methodology of performing typical tasks,they know standards, procedures and good practices applied in cultural, educational, resocialisation and welfare institutions ( depending on the chosen specialisation ); they have basic knowledge of workplace safety and health; can interpret philosophical texts; can study psychological literature independently and determine individual differences and the resulting implications for education; they can apply psychological knowledge in education, in particular methods of knowing their students; can use sociological knowledge and test procedures to diagnose and to explain pedagogical problems,analyse and interpret various social phenomena; can use the language of different concepts of education to describe social reality; using communication channels and techniques they can communicate with experts of pedagogy both in Polish and in a foreign language; are able to solve educational problems in the light of various theories of education, relate processes of education to other social and educational processes, and analyse different conceptions of education; know how to design their own solutions to educational problems; they can assess the usefulness of conventional methods, procedures and good practices to carry out tasks related to the activities of cultural, educational, resocialisation and welfare institutions ( depending on the chosen specialisation ); can describe independently and analyse the instruments of teachers and school; they analyse and evaluate critically educational solutions along with their components; use selected methods and tools of pedagogical research; can asses and diagnose threats to the successful development of individual and social groups, define the negative effects of developmental factors, poverty, social orphanhood, deficits in interpersonal relationship; are able to organise social forces and environmental components for the prevention and social support for children, young people, the handicapped and groups requiring pedagogical care; can create written dissertations and prepare oral speeches regarding detailed issues connected with educational activity; can use IT tools in their practical and research activities; are aware of the level of their knowledge and abilities and understand the need for constant education and personal development; are professionally active; show social sensitivity, empathy and tolerance; understand the necessity of following the ethical code at work; are able to look reflectively at their own professional role; take part in cultural life using various forms and media; they create, develop and cultivate their own cultural preferences. 4 Depending on their specialisation, the graduates have a thorough knowledge and practical skills in the fields of culture animation, media education, pre-school and early education, care and prevention in social maladjustment, social care and resocialisation. II.A.4 Graduate profile “The graduates have a basic knowledge of general pedagogy, history, philosophy, sociology and psychology that is essential to understand the social and cultural context of education and care, as well as to direct their own professional development. They are able to communicate socially, use their diagnostic tools, develop and improve their knowledge and competences, as well as to create their own methodological tools. They are able to look reflectively at their professional role and to understand educational reality. The graduates obtain basic professional qualifications depending on their chosen specialisation. They are ready to work in schools (provided that they have studied teachers' specialisation – pursuant to educational standards for teachers), educational institutions, counselling centres, health care institutions, social prevention agencies or correction centres. The graduates speak a foreign language on B2 level according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages, and are able to use the foreign language for pedagogical purposes. They are prepared to start master's courses”. (Annex no 78 to Ministry of Higher Education Directive of 12 July 2007 on educational standards). Students of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Sociology and Health Sciences can choose a specialisation, which will broaden their professional competences 1: Culture animation The graduates are additionally equipped with the skills and knowledge on the theory of culture and animation, pedagogy of leisure, film, theatre, dance, and media culture. The graduates can be employed in cultural institutions (cultural centres, theatres, concert halls, etc.), local governments and state administration, local media (press, radio, television), educational institutions, service (photographic, film, concert) agencies, advertising agencies, private art schools and other institutions of art education, as well as in the marketing departments of private and public companies. The graduates of culture animation can also work as independent artists. Pre-school and early school education The graduates are prepared to work as an early school and pre-school teachers. They acquire skills and knowledge on the methodology of pre-school and early school teaching. The graduates are fully qualified teachers who can work in primary schools (reception class and year 1-3) and in kindergartens. BA degree studies prepare for the analysis of educational reality in the selected area and are a prerequisite to start MA degree studies during which students broaden the knowledge of pedagogy and psychology and prepare to carry out research.. 1 The descriptions of graduate profiles for individual specialisations are not equal to qualifications to do jobs defined by specific acts 5 Media and IT education The graduates acquire the knowledge of media and information technology, and are able to apply it in practice. They can design, implement and critically evaluate multimedia. The course prepares for a conscious reception and understanding of multimedia. The graduates are fully qualified ICT teachers for primary and junior secondary schools. They can also be employed in cultural and educational institutions, local government organizations, mass media, publishing companies, etc. They are prepared to run ICT classes at schools. Care and prevention of social maladjustment The graduates of this specialization are equipped with the skills and knowledge required to work in a widely understood social environment. The combination of psychological and pedagogical knowledge with practice gained in various educational and rehabilitation institutions for children, together with workshops and therapeutic classes, give the graduates a range of practical skills to work with children at risk from social maladjustment, as well as to work with socially maladjusted children and those who have special educational needs. The graduates are prepared to provide basic diagnosis of disorders and undertake therapeutic activities. They are individuals of high social sensitivity, empathy and tolerance. After a 3-year-course the graduates are prepared to work with children, youth, and the elderly; to co-operate and provide pedagogical support for parents (foster parents); to cooperate with services supporting children and families, and local educational institutions; to work with individuals at risk from social maladjustment and their families (fosterfamilies); to plan and perform preventive work at schools and in social environment. Social care and sociotherapy The graduates are prepared to diagnose and solve theoretical and practical problems of social care. They acquire basic competences to lead socio-therapeutic and educational groups. In the course of their studies they may choose between two alternative fields of education to study more thoroughly: social care and vocational counselling. The graduates are trained to work in various institutions of social care and education, in prevention agencies and counselling services. They can work as social workers, school advisers, custody officers, vocational counsellors in schools and local job centres, etc. The course prepares the graduates to be a family assistant. Resocialisation and specialist counselling . Apart from general pedagogical knowledge the graduates learn to plan local and school preventive strategies and acquire skills to implement them. The graduates are qualified to do resocialisation work in every environment and all types of institutions, e.g.: courts (custody officers), youth centres, resocialisation centres, addiction centres, sociotherapy centres, detention centres, or prisons. 6 II.A.5 Admission requirements for MA degree studies BA graduates can expand their knowledge by doing two-year complementary graduate studies (MA studies) in the humanities, including MA studies in pedagogy offered by the Faculty. Rules and conditions of admission to MA studies at the University of Zielona Góra are available on our websites II.A.6 Course structure and ECTS points BA degree studies cover subjects shared by all the specialisations, pursuant to the standards of education designed for pedagogy courses, and the subjects related to the specialisation chosen by the student. Subjects shared by all the specialisations: Basic subjects Introduction to sociology Introduction to psychology Selected issues of philosophy Introduction to pedagogy Philosophical aspects of pedagogy Psychology of development and personality Sociology of education Sociology of culture/family/media* Forensic/ clinical/educational/ creativity/individual differences psychology * Professional ethics Doctrines in Pedagogy Total No of hours 30 30 30 45 30 30 30 30 30 ECTS points 4 4 5 7 3 5 3 4 5 15 30 2 5 330 47 * depending on specialisation Specialised subjects History of education Theoretical aspects of education Social pathologies Social pedagogy Rudiments of general didactics Methods and techniques of pedagogical research Contemporary theories of education Total Other subjects Foreign language Physical education Information technologies Biomedical foundations of development and education Elective course: Astronomy, World religions, Economics, Social dimensions of popular music, Sport and recreation, Film studies Total 7 No of hours 30 30 15 45 30 30 ECTS points 5 5 2 5 4 4 30 4 210 29 No of hours 120 60 30 30 ECTS points 5 2 2 5 30 1 270 15 Students do one foreign language course of their choice: English, German or French. Foreign language courses begin in term 2, cover 120 hours and last three terms. Students also have a wide choice of PE classes, including swimming, horse riding, tennis, basketball, volleyball, football, weight-lifting, fitness, or music and motor development activities. Part-time students do not have PE classes. Faculty detailed ECTS regulations 1) 1 point is awarded for a course which requires from average students approx 30 hours of work to achieve educational outcomes 2) additional 1-3 points are awarded for a course which requires from students extra 25 – 75 hours of work and students take an examination at the end of the course 3) additional 1-3 points are awarded for a course which requires from average students between 25-75 hours of work to achieve educational outcomes 4) 0-2 points are awarded for each week of student training depending on their type. The detailed schedule of courses for each term and the list of subjects for each specialisation can be found in the tables. II.A.7 Grading and examination regulations At the end of each course students get final course grades. In some cases, for example courses run as monographic lectures, students complete the course without being given the final grade. The courses in which students are obliged to get the final course grade or take the final examination are listed in the tables. Examinations can be written or oral. The principles and methods of course completion are specified in the University Regulation (see: .) II.A.7 Final examination The graduates of BA courses are awarded with bachelor's degree. Before taking BA examination students are obliged to complete all the scheduled courses and submit their bachelor's thesis. BA examinations are oral. During the examination students have to prove their knowledge of the theoretical issues of pedagogy as well as the knowledge of the content of their BA thesis. Students also ought to be able to analyse and synthesize the phenomena they have studied for their BA thesis, as well as generalize and conclude. The final grade consists of three components: the bachelor's examination grade, bachelor's thesis grade and average grade for all the courses students have taken. (University Regulation, §68) II.A.8 Faculty ECTS coordinator dr Elżbieta Kołodziejska 65-001 Zielona Góra, al. Wojska Polskiego 69 tel.: +48 (68) 328 4745 8 PART II.B CATALOG OF SUBJECTS ECTS FOR PEDAGOGY BA DEGREE STUDIES 9 BASIC SUBJECTS.........................................................................................................................13 Introduction to Psychology................................................................................................................. 14 Introduction to Pedagogy ................................................................................................................... 15 Developmental and Personality Psychology...................................................................................... 16 Doctrines in Pedagogy....................................................................................................................... 17 Professional Ethics............................................................................................................................. 18 Philosophical Aspects of Pedagogy................................................................................................... 20 Clinical Psychology ............................................................................................................................ 22 Court Psychology ............................................................................................................................... 23 Sociology of Education ...................................................................................................................... 25 Sociology of Culture*.......................................................................................................................... 27 Sociology of the Family...................................................................................................................... 28 SPECJALISED SUBJECTS ............................................................................................................30 History of Education ........................................................................................................................... 31 Methods and Techniques of Pedagogical Research ......................................................................... 33 Social Pathologies.............................................................................................................................. 35 Social Education ................................................................................................................................ 37 Theoretical Aspects of Education ...................................................................................................... 40 Contemporary Theories of Education ................................................................................................ 42 OTHER SUBJECTS........................................................................................................................44 Biomedical Aspects of Human Growth, Development and Education............................................... 45 English language course.................................................................................................................... 46 German language course .................................................................................................................. 48 French language course .................................................................................................................... 50 Introduction to European culture........................................................................................................ 52 SPECJALIZATION SUBJECTS ......................................................................................................54 POPULARIZATION OF CULTURE................................................................................................55 Sexual education................................................................................................................................ 57 Forms of Children's Theatre............................................................................................................... 59 Cultural Institutions............................................................................................................................. 60 Interpreting theatrical text .................................................................................................................. 61 Methodology of Culture Animation..................................................................................................... 65 Leisure time pedagogy....................................................................................................................... 69 The Pedagogy of Play........................................................................................................................ 70 Culture Animation Project .................................................................................................................. 71 Stage design and drama techniques ................................................................................................. 72 Techniques of language communication and culture of speech........................................................ 73 Theories of Cultural Education........................................................................................................... 75 Theory of culture and popularisation of culture.................................................................................. 76 Modern theatre forms with methodology............................................................................................ 78 MEDIA AND IT EDUCATION ......................................................................................................79 Sexual education................................................................................................................................ 81 Communication Theory...................................................................................................................... 83 School Computer Centre Administration............................................................................................ 84 School Informatics - methodology...................................................................................................... 85 Elements of Computer Programming................................................................................................ 89 Vocal Emission................................................................................................................................... 90 Programming Languages I - HTML.................................................................................................... 93 Local and Global Networks in Education ........................................................................................... 94 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 10 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN PEDAGOGICAL DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY .................... 95 Multimedia Educational Packages..................................................................................................... 97 Graphical picture composition ........................................................................................................... 98 Programming Languages III .............................................................................................................. 99 Mass media...................................................................................................................................... 100 Media in Education .......................................................................................................................... 102 Methodology of Computer Assisted Teaching................................................................................. 104 Pedagogical Threats in Media ......................................................................................................... 106 Prevention of media threats............................................................................................................. 107 Standard Tool Packages ................................................................................................................. 108 PRE-SCHOOL AND PRIMARY EDUCATION .......................................................................... 113 Ecological Education ....................................................................................................................... 114 Musical Education I, II..................................................................................................................... 115 Art. and Technical Education I, II..................................................................................................... 116 Sexual education ............................................................................................................................. 117 Vocal Emission ................................................................................................................................ 119 Literature for Children ...................................................................................................................... 120 logopaedics...................................................................................................................................... 122 Pre-school Education with Methodology I ....................................................................................... 124 Primary School Education with Methodology .................................................................................. 132 Primary School Education with Methodology .................................................................................. 134 Introduction to Polish Language Teaching ...................................................................................... 136 Introduction to the Natural Environment .......................................................................................... 138 CARE AND PREVENTION IN SOCIAL MALADJUSTMENT..................................................... 139 Bibliotherapy .................................................................................................................................... 140 Sociotherapy .................................................................................................................................... 142 Sexual education ............................................................................................................................. 144 Forms of artistic and technical activity............................................................................................. 146 Communication and Interpersonal Training..................................................................................... 147 Constructing prevention programs .................................................................................................. 148 logopaedics...................................................................................................................................... 150 Media in Education .......................................................................................................................... 152 Methodology of working with socially maladjusted children ........................................................... 154 Methodology of Work with Family.................................................................................................... 155 Music Therapy ................................................................................................................................. 157 Education and Upbringing in Istitutionalized Settings ..................................................................... 160 Prevention in Social Work................................................................................................................ 162 PEDAGOGIKA SPOŁECZNA I SOCJOTERAPIA .................................................................... 164 computer in Social Study ................................................................................................................. 165 Media in Education .......................................................................................................................... 166 Non-government Organisations....................................................................................................... 168 Pedagogy of Work ........................................................................................................................... 169 Sexual pedagogy ............................................................................................................................. 172 Information Technology in Social Education ................................................................................... 174 Introduction to addiction therapy ..................................................................................................... 175 Social Welfare and Programs of Social Work.................................................................................. 176 Counselling ...................................................................................................................................... 178 Social Work...................................................................................................................................... 180 Theory of social policy ..................................................................................................................... 182 Thoretical Aspects of Support and Help .......................................................................................... 183 Interpersonal Training...................................................................................................................... 185 RESOCIALISATION AND SPECIALIST COUNSELLING ........................................................... 186 Education and rehabilitation of the disabled.................................................................................... 188 Education and Rehabilitation of Disabled People ........................................................................... 188 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 11 Family Education.............................................................................................................................. 190 Legal basis of probation officers' activity ......................................................................................... 194 logopaedics ...................................................................................................................................... 195 Probation in resocialization process ................................................................................................ 201 Clinical Psychology .......................................................................................................................... 203 Methodology of resocialization I....................................................................................................... 204 Psychotherapy ................................................................................................................................. 206 Resocialization diagnosis................................................................................................................. 207 Sociotherapy .................................................................................................................................... 209 special Education ............................................................................................................................. 211 Selected aspects of criminology ...................................................................................................... 213 Social prevention.............................................................................................................................. 214 Penitentiary pedagogy ..................................................................................................................... 216 Rudiments of working with dysfunctional families............................................................................ 218 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 12 BASIC SUBJECTS Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 13 IIN NTTR RO OD DU UC CTTIIO ON N TTO O PPSSYYC CH HO OLLO OG GYY Co urse c ode : 14.4-WP-PED-WPs T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : - L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Anna Mróz Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : dr Anna Mróz Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 30 2 1 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 30 2 1 4 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Movements and ideas in psychology: classical movements: behaviourism, psychoanalysis, cognitive psychology, humanistic psychology; new ideas in psychology. Cognitive processes: perception, reasoning, memory and learning; biological bases of mental processes; creativity; intelligence and abilities. Classical and operant conditioning. Emotional and motivational processes: the relationship between emotional and motivational processes and cognitive processes; psychological stress. Temperament: the concept of temperament; the role of temperament in shaping personality, the influence of temperament in day-to-day functioning. Personality: the concept of personality; various portrayals of personality, factors which influence personality development. LEARNING OUTCOMES: The student is able to describe the main movements in psychology, understand the nature of mental cognitive and emotional processes, can define and accurately use the following notions: temperament, intelligence, personality, psychological stress. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Passing grades from two written tests. RECOMMENDED READING: J. Kozielecki J., Psychologiczne koncepcje człowieka, Wydawnictwo „ Żak”, 2000 E. Nęcka, Psychologia twórczości, Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, 2001 J. Strelau (red.), Psychologia. Podręcznik akademicki, cz.2, PWN,2003 Ph. Zimbardo, R. Gerrig, Psychologia i życie (Psychology and Life), PWN, 2006 OPTIONAL READING: J. Kalat , Biologiczne podstawy psychologii, PWN, 2006 REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 14 IIN NTTR RO OD DU UC CTTIIO ON N TTO O PPEED DA AG GO OG GYY Co urse c ode : 05.0-WP-PED-Wped T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : ---------L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr hab. Mirosław Kowalski; Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : dr Klaudia Błaszczyk Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 30 Class 15 2 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 30 Class 15 2 7 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: 1.Pedagogics as a science: Structure of pedagogical terms: defining of pedagogical terms: education, schooling, teaching, learning, upbringing, socialisation, self-education, self-upbringing; criteria for classifying pedagogical terms; semantic differences and similarities of pedagogical terms. 2.Structure of pedagogics in Poland and in the world: the chosen aspects of pedagogics in Poland and in the world; the chosen concepts of contemporary pedagogics; general pedagogics as a critical theory and metatheory; the link between pedagogics and other scientific disciplines that deal with the problem of education). 3. Anthropological, ontological, axiological and epistemological challenges of contemporary pedagogics (defining of terms: anthropology of education, ontology of upbringing, axiology of upbringing and epistemology of education; values in education/research and educational consequences stemming from it/; the search for anthropological, axiological and epistemological basis of education). 4. Education in the vertical perspective: vertical criterion; The term of education in the vertical perspective; review of the chosen theories of the humans development throughout their whole lives/single-factor, bifactor, convergence, three-factor; dialectical, layered. 5. Education in the horizontal perspective: horizontal criterion, The term of education in the horizontal perspective; forms and institutions of upbringing and social determinants of education in the horizontal perspective. 6. Antinomies and ambiguities within contemporary pedagogics. Ambivalence and antinomy in contemporary pedagogics. Pedagogics and anti-pedagogics. Modernist and postmodernist pedagogics; Comprehensive aspect of education: decahedron of education /component proceses of contemporary education. LEARNING OUTCOMES: - A student knows the most important information about pedagogigs as a humane, empirical and social science; - A student has assimilated basic, general, consolidated into comprehensive scheme information about the development, socialisation, upbringing and self-education of a human; - A student can notice, analyse and solve complex educational problems - A student can mindfully receive messages in the field of education, recognition of appropriate intentions of speech acts, and can also use the language effectively in pedagogical work. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 15 active participation in class, research essay, group work, test, examen RECOMMENDED READING: Adamski F. (red.),Człowiek – wychowanie - kultura. Wybór tekstów, Kraków 1993. Arends I.R., Uczymy się nauczać, Warszawa 1998. Denek K., Aksjologiczne aspekty edukacji szkolnej, Toruń 1999. Gnitecki J., Zarys pedagogiki ogólnej, Poznań 1999. Hejnicka – Bezwińska T., Pedagogika ogólna, Warszawa 2008. Kunowski S., Podstawy współczesnej pedagogiki, Warszawa 1993. Okoń W., Nowy słownik pedagogiczny, Warszawa 1997. Śliwerski B., Współczesne teorie i nurty wychowania, Kraków 2001. Śliwerski B., Pedagogika. Podstawy nauk o wychowaniu, Gdańsk 2006. Schulz R., Wykłady z pedagogiki ogólnej, T.1, Toruń 2003. Kwieciński Z., Śliwerski B., Pedagogika, T. 1, T. 2, Warszawa 2003. Gnitecki J., Wprowadzenie do pedagogiki ogólnej, Poznań 2007 OPTIONAL READING: Cichoń W., Wartość, człowiek, wychowanie, Kraków 1996. Dudzikowa M., Mit o szkole jako miejscu wszechstronnego rozwoju uczniów, Kraków 2001. Furmanek W., Człowiek – człowieczeństwo – wychowanie. Wybrane problemy pedagogiki personalistycznej, Rzeszów 1995. Gnitecki J. (red.), Teorie pedagogiczne wobec zmian w humanistyce i w otaczającym świecie, Olsztyn - Poznań 2002. Konarzewski K., Kruszewski K. (red.), Sztuka nauczania, T. 1-2, Warszawa 1995. Kozioł E., Kobyłecka E. (red.), Pedagogika wobec problemów XX wieku, Zielona Góra 2000. Kwieciński Z. (red.), Alternatywy myślenia o/dla edukacji, Warszawa 2000. Olbrycht K., Prawda, dobro i piękno w wychowaniu człowieka jako osoby, Katowice 2000. REMARKS: D DEEVVEELLO OPPM MEEN NTTA ALL A AN ND D PPEER RSSO ON NA ALLIITTYY PPSSYYC CH HO OLLO OG GYY Co urse c ode : 14.4-WP-PED-PsRO T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : The knowledge of the mechanisms of cognitive, emotional and motivational processes. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Anna Mróz Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f l ec tur er : dr Anna Mróz Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 3 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 3 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 16 5 COURSE CONTENTS: Psychoanalytical theories of personality development. The theory of S. Freud. Human development within a lifespan according to the theory of E. Erikson. The development of a neurotic personality according to the theories of K. Horney and A. Adler. Theories of cognitive development. The development of reasoning in childhood and adolescence according to the theory of J. Piaget. The theory of moral development by L. Kohlberg. Humanistic personality theories. Theories of: A. Maslow, C. Rogers, K. Dąbrowski. The theory of narrative identity by D. McAdams. The characteristics of typical developmental phenomena at particular stages of human life. The prenatal stage. The period of early, middle and late childhood. Identity crisis in adolescence. Developmental tasks of early adulthood. The crisis of middle adulthood. Life balance in late adulthood. LEARNING OUTCOMES: The knowledge of the mechanisms of human development at particular stages of life. The knowledge of chosen personality theories and the ability to apply them in an analysis of developmental and educational problems. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Obtaining a passing grade from a test or presentation. RECOMMENDED READING: D. Ashcraft , Teorie osobowości. Studia przypadków [Personality Theory Workbook], PWN, 2002 A. Birch , Psychologia rozwojowa w zarysie [Developmental Psychology], PWN, 2005 C. Hall , G. Lindzey , Teorie osobowości [Theories of Personality], PWN, 2001 J. Trempała , B. Harwas- Napierała (red.), Psychologia rozwoju człowieka. Charakterystyka okresów życia człowieka, PWN, 2003 OPTIONAL READING: P. Oleś, Wprowadzenie do psychologii osobowości, „Scholar” , 2003 D DO OC CTTR RIIN NEESS IIN N PPEED DA AG GO OG GYY Co urse c ode : 05.0-WP-PED-Dped T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory The basic message of introduction to E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : contemporary theories of pedagogy and education L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Anita Famuła-Jurczak Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : dr Anita Famuła-Jurczak; dr Michał Głażewski; dr Lech Sałaciński Form of receiving a credit for a course Full-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 6 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 17 Number of ECTS credits allocated 5 Part-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 6 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Aporia teaching: coercion and freedom in the upbringing and education as mine as to support the development, adaptation and emancipatory education, upbringing and manipulation; Main doctrines (systems) pedagogy; The concept of teaching doctrine; Affiliation doctrines to different currents of pedagogy; Relationship with the doctrines and ideologies formations world-outlook; The importance of doctrine for contemporary reflection on education; The need to study and how educational doctrines LEARNING OUTCOMES: Understanding of the problems of contemporary humanities; Understanding of the basic categories used in research on education and education; Analysis of different conceptions of education, reconstruct their assumptions and ideologies. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Active participation in class, offsetting the positive test - exercise RECOMMENDED READING: Callo Ch., Modele wychowania, [w:] B. Śliwerski (red.). Pedagogika. Podstawy nauk o wychowaniu. T. I. Gdańsk 2006. Gutek G.L., Filozoficzne i ideologiczne podstawy edukacji, Gdańsk 2003. Hejnicka-Bezwińska T., Pedagogika ogólna, Warszawa 2007. Kupisiewicz Cz. (red.), Myśliciele o wychowaniu, Warszawa 1996. PPR RO OFFEESSSSIIO ON NA ALL EETTH HIIC CSS Co urse c ode : 05.9-WP-PED-EZ T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory Students should have acquired the basics of E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : philosophy, ethics, history of education and sociology. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Stefan Konstańczak Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : Stefan Konstańczak Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Class 15 5 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Class 15 5 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 18 2 An introduction to ethics issues. Theory of moral values. Theoretical basis of professional ethics. The ethics of chosen professions. The responsibility of profession. Moral pathologies in the work environment. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students should learn the issues concerning ethics regulations in practice of chosen professions. Students also acquire a competence by an individual studies and by correcting of legislative documents relevant to the future posts. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Oral test + research and presentation of practical problem as to the ethics of chosen profession. RECOMMENDED READING: Etyka zawodowa, pod red. A. Sarapaty, Warszawa 1970. Kodeksy etyczne w Polsce, Warszawa 2006. S. Konstańczak, Odkryć sens życia w swej pracy. Wokół problemów etyki zawodowej, Wyd. WSP Słupsk, Słupsk 2000. E. Nowak, K.M. Cern, Ethos w życiu publicznym, Warszawa 2008. OPTIONAL READING: REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 19 PPH HIILLO OSSO OPPH HIIC CA ALL A ASSPPEEC CTTSS O OFF PPEED DA AG GO OG GYY Co urse c ode : 05.0-WP-PED-FPP T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : ----------L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Ewa Pasterniak-Kobyłecka. Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester dr Ewa Pasterniak-Kobyłecka, dr Robert Fudali; Na me o f lec tur er : dr Anita Famuła-Jurczak; dr Michał Głażewski; dr Ryszrard Małachowski; dr Lech Sałaciński Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Class 30 3 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Class 30 3 3 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The philosophy of education as a science. Selected philosophical conceptions (idealism, realism, naturalism, pragmatism, progressivism, and others) and their influence on upbringing. Hermeneutic pedagogy, phenomenological pedagogy, critical pedagogy, pedagogy of culture, personal pedagogic – philosophical premises. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students knows fundamental ideas of philosophy of education; can critically describe them; can compare various philosophical conceptions of upbringing and point their influence on educational practice. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: The main condition to get a pass are sufficient marks in written or oral tests conducted, doing exercises. RECOMMENDED READING: Czerny J., Filozofia wychowania, Wydawnictwo “Śląsk”, Katowice 1997. Filek J., Filozofia jako etyka, Wydawnictwo “Znak”, Kraków 2001. Gnitecki J., Pasterniak W., O filozofii edukacji, Wydawnictwo WOM, Gorzów Wlkp. 1993. Gutek G. Filozoficzne i ideologiczne podstawy edukacji, GWP, Gdańsk 2003. Szołtysek A., Filozofia wychowania, Adam Marszałek, Toruń 1998. Wołoszyn S., Źródła do dziejów wychowania i myśli pedagogicznej, t. 1-3, Dom Wydawniczy Strzelec, Kielce 1995. OPTIONAL READING: Bauman Z., Ponowoczesność jako źródło cierpień, Wydawnictwo Sic!, Warszawa 2000. Człowiek. Wychowanie. Kultura, red. F. Adamski, Wydawnictwo WAM, Kraków 1993. “Dydaktyka Literatury”, nr XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXIX. Galarowicz J., Fenomenologiczna etyka wartości (Max Scheler, Nicolai Hartmann, Detrich von Hildebrant), Wydawnictwo PAT, Kraków 1997. Galarowicz J., Na ścieżkach prawdy. Wprowadzenie do filozofii, Wydawnictwo PAT, Kraków 1992. Spory o edukację. Dylematy i kontrowersje, red. Z. Kwieciński, L. Witkowski, IBE, Warszawa 1993 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 20 PPSSYYC CH HO OLLO OG GYY O OFF IIN ND DIIVVIID DU UA ALL VVA AR RIIA AB BLLEESS Co urse c ode : 14.4-WP-PED-PsRI T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : The ability to define basic psychological concepts: temperament, personality, intelligence L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Anna Mróz Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : dr Anna Mróz, mgr Marzanna Farnicka Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 Class 15 1 3 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 15 1 Class 15 1 3 5 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The measurement of individual differences: the introduction of the concepts of: trait, state, type, style; basic research paradigms; genetic and environmental conditioning of individual differences. Temperamental differences: theories of temperament related to adults; theories of temperament related to children; traits and types of temperament; the method of measuring differences of temperament. Intelligence structure: theories of intelligence; intelligence tests; the application of intelligence in day-to-day life. Personality structure: the Big Five personality factorsl; lexical tests; questionnaires for measuring personality traits.Psychological stress: stressors, stages of the course of stress; styles of coping with stress; methods of measuring styles of coping with stress. LEARNING OUTCOMES: The ability to define and measure individual differences between individuals and groups in terms of mental processes. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Class: Obtaining a passing grade from a test. Lecture: Passing grade from the exam. RECOMMENDED READING: D. Goleman, Inteligencja emocjonalna [Emotional intelligence], Media Rodzina of Poznań, 1997 J. Strelau, Psychologia różnic indywidualnych, „Scholar”, 2002 J. Strelau (red.) , Psychologia. Podręcznik akademicki, cz.2, PWN, 2003 OPTIONAL READING: I. Heszen- Niejodek, Z. Ratajczak (red.), Człowiek w sytuacji stresu. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 1996 REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 21 C CLLIIN NIIC CA ALL PPSSYYC CH HO OLLO OG GYY Co urse c ode : 12.2-WP-PED-PsK T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Basic knowledge of general psychology L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : I. Grzegorzewska Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : I.Grzegorzewska, A.Felińska, M.Florkowski Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 4 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 4 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Clinical Psychopathology Psychotherapy Clinical Interviewing and Assessment Research Designs in Clinical Psychology Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Health Psychology Community Mental Health Problems and Prevention Issues Stress, coping and burn-oute LEARNING OUTCOMES: introduction with basic of the psychopathology, the greater depth and the understanding of psychological mechanisms of disorders, systems of classification in psychopathology ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Positive grade from examination; preparation of semestral work RECOMMENDED READING: Carson, Butcher, Mineka. Psychologia zaburzeń. GWP. Gdańsk, 2003 Kendall P.C. Zaburzenia okresu dzieciństwa i adolescencji. GWP, Gdańsk, 2004 Persaud R. Pozostać przy zdrowych zmysłach. Santorski, Warszawa , 1998. Stirling, Hellewell. Psychopatologia. GWP, Gdańsk, 2005. Seligman. M., Walker E., Rosenhan D. Psychopatologia. Zysk i S-ka, Poznań, 2003. Cierpiałkowska L., Psychopatologia, Scholar, Warszawa, 2005 OPTIONAL READING: D.Clark, M.Reinecke , Psychoterapia poznawcza w teorii I praktyce, GWP. Gdańsk, 2005 REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 22 5 C CO OU UR RTT PPSSYYC CH HO OLLO OG GYY Co urse c ode : 14.4-WP-PED-PsS T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Basic knowledge in general, developmental and clinical psychology. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : mgr Agnieszka Felińska Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : dr Iwona Grzegorzewska, mgr Agnieszka Felińska Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 4 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 4 5 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS:: Psychological theories of aggression. Socialization and conduct disorders. Theories of crime. Psychopathic personality. Forensic assessment. Youth crimes – causes, mechanisms, rehabilitation. Psychological profiling of violent offenders (murderers). Psychological aspects of punishment and rehabilitation. Offenders therapy. The role of psychologist in civil lawsuit. Incapacitation – psychological and legal effects. Psychologist as an expert in family court – psychological forensic assessment as an evidence in divorce cases. Child abuse – forms and effects of physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Child maltreatment. The role of psychologist in trial – forensic assessment of adult offenders. Psychology of witnesses. Child as court witness. Sex offenders – typologies, profiles, treatment. LEARNING OUTCOMES: By the completion of this course students should be familiar with following: the psychological perspective on aggression and crimes; the role of psychologists in legal procedures (i.e. investigation, interviewing, assessment and rehabilitation; applying psychological theories of crime in practical work of forensic psychologists. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Written tests on the lecture and class content. RECOMMENDED READING: Ciosek M. (2003). Psychologia sądowa i penitencjarna. Warszawa: LexisNexis. Ackerman M. (2005). Podstawy psychologii sądowej. Gdańsk: GWP. Memon, A., Vrij, A., Bull, R. (2003). Prawo i psychologia. Gdańsk: GWP. B.Krahe. (2006). Agresja. Gdańsk: GWP. Beisert M..(2004) Kazirodztwo Wyd. Scholar Poznaniak W.(2005) Psychologia sądowa-wybrane zagadnienia. W: H. Sęk(red)Psychologia Kliniczna GWP Pospiszyl K. „Przestępstwa seksualne”, PWN, 2006 Herman J. „Przemoc. Uraz psychiczny i powrót do równowagi”, GWP Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 23 Niehoff D. „Biologia przemocy”, Media Rodzina, 2005 Hare R. „Psychopaci są wśród nas”, PWN 2007 OPTIONAL READING: Osobowość przestępcy a proces resocjalizacji (2005). Pod red. J.Świtka, M.Kuć, I.Niewiadomska, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL. Kwartalnik „Dziecko krzywdzone”, Nr 1-10, Wydawnictwo Fundacji Dzieci Niczyje Z. Majchrzak (2003). Nieletni, młodociani, dorośli zabójcy i mordercy. REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 24 SSO OC CIIO OLLO OG GYY O OFF EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Knowledge of basic concepts within the sociology of education L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : M. Roszkowska, PhD Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : M. Roszkowska, PhD Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture Passing the exam Class Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture Passing the exam Class Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The sociology of education as a theoretical discipline. Sources of sociological reflection on upbringing. Basic concepts of the sociology of education: socialization, upbringing, education. School as the basic institution of direct upbringing; introduction to the basic sociological theories. Youths, cultural capital, and life success. Educational aspirations of the young in light of cultural/family capital. Transformations of structure and functions of education in Poland. Human as a creative individual. Conservatism and revolutions in education. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Familiarizing students with basic sociological concepts and notions in the field of the sociology of education. Developing the ability to make use of the literature on the sociology of education and equipping the students with the skill of critical assessment.; ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: The exam; RECOMMENDED READING: Włodarek J. Socjologia wychowania w Polsce, Poznań 1992. Modrzewski J.W. Ambrozik A. red. 1998, Problematyka wychowania w twórczości polskich socjologów, Koszalin. Tillmann K.J., Teorie socjalizacji. Społeczność, instytucja, upodmiotowienie, 1966. Meighan R., Socjologia edukacji, Toruń 1993. Szymański M. Selekcje szkolne a struktura społeczna, Warszawa 1996. Machaj, 1999, Małe struktury społeczne, Lublin Borowicz. R., Socjologia wychowania XIII. Nauki Humanistyczno-Społeczne, zeszyt 317 Turowski j. 1999, Socjologia. Małe struktury społeczne, Lublin Kowalski S. , Socjologia wychowania w zarysie, Warszawa Kowalski S. 1969, Szkoła w środowisku, Warszawa Goodman N. 1997, Wstęp do socjologii, Poznań Przecławski k. 1971, Instytucje wychowania w wielkim mieście. Wybrane problemy socjologii wychowania Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 25 Hurrelmann 1996, Struktura społeczna a rozwój osobowości. Wprowadzenie do teorii socjalizacji, Poznań Hajduk E. 1999, Układy społeczne i ich funkcje socjalizacyjne. Zarys problemów, Zielona Góra Szczepański J. 1975, Rzecz o nauczycielach w wychowującym społeczeństwie socjalistycznym, Warszawa Szczepański J. 1969, Problemy i perspektywy szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce, Warszawa Szczepański J. 1972, Elementarne pojęcia socjologii, Warszawa Kłoskowska A. 1969, Z historii i socjologii kultury, Warszawa Gołdyka L, Markowska D., Stankiewicz J. 2000, Socjologia. Pojęcia, teorie, problemy, Zielona Góra Znaniecki F. 1973, Socjologia wychowania, Warszawa, t. II Modrzewski J., Ambrozik W., Problematyka wychowania w twórczości polskich socjologów, Koszalin Kwieciński Z. 1990, Zmiana, rozwój i postęp w świadomości podmiotów edukacji. Wstęp do badań, w: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, nr 4 Kwieciński Z. 1999, Edukacja wobec nadziei i zagrożeń współczesności, w „Edukacja”, nr 1 Dziewulak A., Kosel E., Nocuń A., Przecławski K., Osiedla i wychowanie, Warszawa Toporkiewicz . 1986, Socjologia wychowania, Warszawa Szmatka J. 1998, Struktura rzeczywistości społecznej, w: Problematyka wychowania w twórczości polskich socjologów, Koszalin Turner J.H.1998, Socjologia. Koncepcje i ich zastosowanie, Poznań Matyjas B. 1998, System edukacji narodowej wobec wyzwań przyszłości, w: K. Przyuszczypkowski, A Zandecki red., Edukacja i młodzież wobec społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, Poznań-Toruń Gołaszewski T., Szkoła jako system społeczny, Warszawa Lewin A. 1983, System wychowania a twórczość pedagogiczna, Warszawa Banach ZC. 1998, Społeczeństwo polskie wobec wyzwań transformacji systemowej, Warszawa Kwieciński Z. 2000, Tożsamość i rozwój młodzieży a edukacja, w : Teraźniejszość, człowiek, edukacja, Wrocław Mielicka H. 2000, Socjologia wychowania. Wybór tekstów, Kielce Sztompka P. 1974, Metoda funkcjonalna w socjologii i antropologii społecznej. Studium analityczne, WrocławWarszawa-Kraków R. Meighan 1993, Socjologia edukacji, Toruń Janowski J. 1995, Uczeń w teatrze życia szkolnego, Warszawa Szacka B. 2003, Wprowadzenie do socjologii, Warszawa Popek S. 2003, Człowiek jako jednostka twórcza, Lublin . Czajkowska D 2005., Młodzież, kapitał kulturowy i sukces życiowy (Pojęcie kapitału kulturowego w ujęciu: P. Bourdieu, S.Bowlesa, H. Gintisa, P. Willysa, B. Bernsteina, w: red. R. Leppert, Z.Melosik, B. Wojtasik, Młodzież wobec (nie)gościnnej przyszłości, Wrocław BokszańskiZ., Piotrowski A., Ziółkowski M. 1999,Socjolingwistyczna teoria Bernsteina”, Giza A., Więź społeczna i orientacje poznawcze: grupowy poziom kodu językowego, w: I.Machaj red., Małe struktury społeczne, Lublin OPTIONAL READING: REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 26 SSO OC CIIO OLLO OG GYY O OFF C CU ULLTTU UR REE** Co urse c ode : 14.2-WP-PED-SK T y pe o f c ou r s e : niecompulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Knowledge about colloquial understanding of culture and propositions of mass media L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Beata Trzop Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : dr Beata Trzop Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Class 30 2 4 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Class 30 2 4 4 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Object of research in sociology of culture; elementary knowledge about sociology of art; analysis of youth subcultures; mass culture and popular culture: differences and similarity; participate in culture and lifestyles; consumption of culture; history factors of appearance of mass media; Social communication – mainly rules of interactions and communication; Relationship between sender and receiver; Content analysis products of tv, radio, internet, mass press LEARNING OUTCOMES: Student should know main theory of researches of culture in social sciences; Knowledge of modern, global culture ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Credit with grade: test RECOMMENDED READING: M. Filipiak, Socjologia kultury, Lublin 1996 M. Golka, Socjologia kultury, Warszawa 2007 A. Kłoskowska A., Kultura masowa Warszawa 2004 A. Kłoskowska, Socjologia kultury, Warszawa 1981 M. Jędrzejewski, Młodzież a subkultury, Warszawa 1999 J. Grad, Badania uczestnictwa w kulturze artystycznej w polskiej socjologii kultury, Poznań 1996 M. Mrozowski, Media masowe: władz, rozrywka i biznes, Warszawa 2001 T. Goban-Klas, Media i komunikowanie masowe, Warszawa 1999 M. Castells, Galaktyka Internetu, Poznań 2003 OPTIONAL READING: REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 27 SSO OC CIIO OLLO OG GYY O OFF TTH HEE FFA AM MIILLYY Co urse c ode : 14.2-WP-PED-SR T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Knowledge of basic issues connected with the subdiscipline: sociology of the family L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr M. Roszkowska Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : Dr M. Roszkowska Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Class 30 2 4 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Class 30 2 4 4 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Marriage and family as a subject of sociological studies. Life cycle of a small-sized family. Issues concerning marital selection. Marital and family life – main factors of transformation Marriage – family – the offer of the post-modern society concerning alternative models of life. Women’s careers versus their family lives. Disorganization and pathology in family. Family in different cultures. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Familiarizing students with various issues concerning the field of study, developing ability to understand the working of the family as a social group. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Attending classes, active participation, passing the exam RECOMMENDED READING: Kwak A.: Rodzina w dobie przemian. Małżeństwo i kohabitacja, Warszawa 2005. Slany K.: Alternatywne formy życia małżeńsko-rodzinnego w ponowoczesnym świecie, Kraków 2002. Tyszka Z. Wachowiak A., Podstawowe pojęcia i zagadnienia socjologii rodziny, Poznań 1997. Tyszka Z., Z metodologii nauk socjologicznych nad rodziną, Poznań 1991. Tyszka Z.,Socjologia rodziny, Warszawa 1976. Współczesne rodziny polskie – ich stan i kierunek przemian, red. Z. Tyszka, Poznań 2001. Tyszka Z., Rodzina w czasach szybkich przemian, Poznań 2001. Wachowiak A., Socjologia rodziny, Poznań1998. Adamski F., Rodzina. Wymiar społeczno-kulturowy, Kraków 2002. Rostowska T., Konflikt międzypokoleniowy w rodzinie, Łódź 2001. Kwak A., Rodzina i jej przemiany, Warszawa 1994. Sytuacja rodzin i polityka rodzinna w Polsce, red. D. Graniewska, Warszawa 2004 Rodzina polska na przełomie wieków, red. J. Żebrowski, Gdańsk 2002. Sytuacja dzieci w okresie przemian, red. B.Balcerzak-Paradowska, Warszawa 1999. Jak żyją Polacy, red. A. Rychard, H. Domański, A. Ostrowska, Warszawa 2000. Rodzina współczesna, red. M. Ziemska, Warszawa 1999. Miłkowska G., Następstwa wykluczenia społecznego dla kobiet, dzieci, rodzin, Zielona Góra 2004. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 28 Forward S., Toksyczni rodzice, Warszawa 1992. Kobiety w Polsce na przełomie wieków, red. M. Fuszera, Warszawa 2002. Przemiany orientacji życiowych kobiet zamężnych, red. A. Wachowiak, Poznań 2002. Szklany sufit. Bariery I ograniczenia karier kobiet, red. A. Titkow, Warszawa OPTIONAL READING: REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 29 SPECJALISED SUBJECTS Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 30 H HIISSTTO OR RYY O OFF EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.7-WP-PED-HW T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Knowledge of the world and Polish history. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Edyta Kahl Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f l ec tur er : dr Edyta Kahl Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 Class 15 1 1 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 15 1 Class 15 1 1 5 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Shaping of the basis educational processes ( first private schools and national system) and the birth of the pedagogical thought in the ancient era (the activity of sophists, ideas of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Quintilian). Education in middle ages, its class and universalistic character. Church education development; first universities in Europe and in Poland. Humanistic pedagogical and social ideas. (ideas of L.Vivesa, A. F. Modrzewski). New tendencies in education. Influence of the Reformation on the development of the educational system. The birht of modern pedagogic basis (ideas of A. Komeński, J. Locke). Education ideas and trends of the Enlightenment times. Naturalism, rationalism, utilitarism. Reforms of the educational system in Poland. KEN achievement and meaning). Educational system and upbringing under annexations. Policy of Rusification and Germanisation; secret teaching and educational system movement, secret organizations and associations towards school and teachers matters. The beginnings of pre-school education practices and theory (activity of R. Owen, F.Froebel and A. Cieszkowski) and transformations in elementary education ( deeds of J. H. Pestalozzi), secondary school education ( pedagogy of J. F. Herbart, H. Spencer) and university education in XIX centaury. The birth and main ideas of „New education” (ideas of J. Dewey, E. Key, M. Montessori) and its indications on territory of Poland (H. Rowid, J. Korczak). Development of educational system and pedagogy in the twenty years interwar period. Education lots during the war and occupation years – organizations and methods of secret teaching. Pedagogy and educational system in Poland during the transformations after the II World War. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge in the field of historical upbringing progress and pedagogical thought; process of forming polish identity in education field, upbringing and pedagogical doctrines on the background of social transformation and processes of forming countries and European nations. Ability to perceive relations between practice, the theory of upbringing and economical status of the society and its culture. Ability to perceive connections between upbringing and the development of education sciences, intellectual trends, religious beliefs and political life of the particular age. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Credit with grade - test verifying the knowledge of the program contents in the range of exercise subjects. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 31 RECOMMENDED READING: Kot S., Historia Wychowania. Zarys podręcznikowy. T. I-II. Warszawa 1984. Kot S., Materiały do ćwiczeń z historii wychowania. Cz. I-III. Warszawa 1994. Litak S., Historia Wychowania. Kraków 2004. Miąso J. (red.), Historia wychowania - wiek XX. Warszawa 1984. Wołoszyn S., Dzieje wychowania i myśli pedagogicznej w zarysie. T. I-III. Warszawa 1964. Wołoszyn S., Nauki o wychowaniu w Polsce w XX wieku. Próba syntetycznego zarysu na tle powszechnym. Kielce 1998. Wołoszyn S., Źródła do dziejów wychowania i myśli pedagogicznej. T. I-IV. Kielce 1998. OPTIONAL READING: Bartnicka K., Szybiak I., Zarys historii wychowania. Warszawa 2001. Historia wychowania, pod red. Ł. Kurdybachy. Tom I-II. Warszawa 1965-1968. Historia wychowania - wiek XX, pod red. J. Miąso. Tom I-II, Warszawa 1984. Krasuski J., Historia wychowania. Warszawa 1985. Możdżeń S., Zarys historii wychowania. Cz. I. – do 1795. Kielce 1992. Możdżeń S., Zarys historii wychowania. Cz. II - wiek XIX do 1918. Kielce 1992. Wołoszyn S., Nauki o wychowaniu w Polsce w XX wieku. Próba syntetycznego zarysu na tle powszechnym. Kielce 1998. Wroczyński R., Dzieje oświaty polskiej. Cz. I-II. Warszawa 1996. REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 32 M MEETTH HO OD DSS A AN ND D TTEEC CH HN NIIQ QU UEESS O OFF PPEED DA AG GO OG GIIC CA ALL R REESSEEA AR RC CH H Co urse c ode : 05.9-WP-PED-MBP T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Withaut L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr hab. Ewa Narkiewicz-Niedbalec Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : Marzena Sendyk, Artur Kinal, Krzysztof Wąż, Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 5 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 5 4 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Kind of social researches; Quantitative and qualitative methods in pedagogical research; Observation, interview, monograph, survey, case study, experiment; Quantity and quality survey in pedagogy; Loose interview. Narrative interview; Biographic method; Method of survey: Representative surveys. Type of questions in a questionnaire; Analysis data of quantity survey. Elements in a science texts: definitions, classifications and typologies, hypothesis, generalizations and laws of science; Research process and research project; Dependent and independent variables; criterions of division of variables; Kind of indicators; Measurement scales (Lickert, Guttman) and indices of variable; LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students should know a basic notions of methodology of social research; They should be able to choose and justify the method and tools in their own research project; ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Passing the exam (50 % + 1 point); RECOMMENDED READING: Babbie E., Badania społeczne w praktyce, PWN Warszawa 2003; Brzeziński Jerzy, Metodologia badań psychologicznych, PWN, Warszawa 2002; Frankfort-Nachmias Chava, Nachmias David, (2001) Metody badawcze w naukach społecznych, Poznań Hajduk Edward, Hipoteza w badaniach pedagogicznych, Zielona Góra 1993, 1994, 1996; Hajduk Edward, Hipoteza w badaniach społecznych, zielona Góra 2006; Lutyńska Krystyna, Wywiad kwestionariuszowy, Przygotowanie i sprawdzenie narzędzia badawczego, Ossolineum 1984; Łobocki Mieczysław, (2007) Metody i techniki badań pedagogicznych, Impuls, Kraków; Matthew B. Miles, A. Michael Hubrman, Analiza danych jakościowych, przekł. Stanisław Zabielski, Transhumana, Białystok 2000; Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 33 Renate Mayntz, Holm K., Hübner P., Wprowadzenie do metod socjologii empirycznej, Warszawa 1985; Tadeusz Pilch, Zasady badań pedagogicznych, Wyd. „Żak”, Warszawa 1995; Silverman D., Prowadzenie badań jakościowych, PWN, Warszawa 2008; Silverman D., Interpretacja danych jakościowych, PWN, Warszawa 2008; Sztumski Janusz, Wstęp do metod i technik badań społecznych, Katowice,1995; OPTIONAL READING: - REMARKS: - Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 34 SSO OC CIIA ALL PPA ATTH HO OLLO OG GIIEESS Co urse c ode : 14.0-WP-PED-PS T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory Acquaintance of essential problems from the E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : scope of pedagogy, psychology and biomedical bases of the development. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Maria Fudali Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : dr Maria Fudali Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 2 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 15 2 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Social- social pathology attempt of the definition. The relativism or the moral – rigorism chosen theories of deviation. Stereotypes and prejudice. Crimes from – hate terrorism. Solo – deviation suicide. Untypical sexual – behaviours homosexuality. Sexual social pathologies. Prostitution. Paedophilia. Childlike pornography. Incest. Addictionsu. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Acquainting the student with essential issues concerning social social pathologies, finding reasons for the deviant behaviour, acquainting with the notion group and individual pathology, shaping the ability of understanding the deviant behaviour.. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: The involvement in classes, the final test. RECOMMENDED READING: Pospiszyl, Patologie społeczne, Warszawa 2008. B. Urban, J. M. Stanik (red.), Resocjalizacja, Warszawa 2008. B. Urban, Problemy współczesnej patologii społecznej, , Kraków 1998. P. Dufour, Historia prostytucji, Gdynia 1997. J. Kurzępa, Młodzież pogranicza – „świnki” czyli o prostytucji nieletnich, Kraków 2001. J. Kurzępa, A. Lisowska, A. Pierzchalska, Prostytucja nieletnich w perspektywie Dolnoślązaków, Wrocław 2008. M. Kuśmierek-Pogdajna, Pedofilia, Kraków 2003. Z. Lew-Starowicz, Przemoc seksualna, Warszawa 1992. Marzec, Skutki seksualnego wykorzystania dziecka, „Dziecko krzywdzone” 14. K. Marzec-Holka, Przemoc seksualna wobec dziecka. Studium pedagogiczno-kryminologiczne. Bydgoszcz 1999. Z. Lew-Starowicz, M. Lew-Starowicz, Homoseksualizm, Warszawa 1999. K. Imieliński, Seksuologia. Mitologia, historia, kultura. Warszawa 1989. Z. Izdebski, Zachowania seksualne kobiet świadczących usługi seksualne, mężczyzn homoseksualnych i osób uzależnionych od narkotyków, Zielona Góra 2000. K. Jedliński, Jak rozmawiać z tymi, którzy stracili nadzieję, Kraków. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 35 M Jarosz, Samobójstwa, Warszawa 1997. V.Kwiatkowska-Darul(red.), Terroryzm, Toruń 2002. S. Pikulski, Prawne środki zwalczania terroryzmu, Olsztyn 2000. T. D. Nelson, Psychologia uprzedzeń, Gdańsk 2003. W. Stephan, C. Stephan, Wywieranie wpływu przez grupy Psychologia relacji, Gdańsk 1999. T. Kaczmarek (red.), Problemy patologii społecznej, Wrocław 1986. T. Sołtysiak (red.), Zjawiska patologii społecznej, uwarunkowania, rozmiary, profilaktyka, prognozy, Bydgoszcz 1995. OPTIONAL READING: REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 36 SSO OC CIIA ALL EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.7-WP-PED-PedS T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Zdzisława Janiszewska-Nieścioruk Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Dr Zdzisława Janiszewska-Nieścioruk Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated F u l l-t i me st ud ie s L ec tur e 15 1 C lass 30 2 3 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal P a rt - t i me s t ud i es L ec tur e 15 1 C lass 30 2 3 5 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Basic assumption of general education and the need/necessity of their modification in special education. Special education, as the subdiscipline of general education; its main issue, aims, rules and division. The rules of education and its right grasp in the concept of special educational needs of disabled people. The characteristic of methods of rehabilitation. Special education in historical aspect – changes in the process of education and rehabilitation. Evaluation in the special education. Modern proeuropean dimension of special pedagogues education. LEARNING OUTCOMES: The ability to identify and use, in pedagogic work, the significant similarities and differences in education of healthy and disabled people. Recognition of special educational needs of disabled children and teenagers and their difficulties in realization the education process. The knowledge of rules and methods of therapy, as well as rehabilitation and its reflexive and creative use of aimed on cessation of given difficulties in different forms of special (segregate, directive, and integrative) education these people. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Passing mark, exam. RECOMMENDED READING: Dykcik W. (1997) (red.) Pedagogika specjalna, UAM, Poznań Dykcik W., Szychowiak B. (2001) (red.) Nowatorskie i alternatywne metody w teorii i praktyce kształcenia specjalnego, UAM, Poznań Głodkowska J. (1999) Poznanie ucznia szkoły specjalnej. Warszawa, WSiP Kosakowski C. (2003) Węzłowe problemy pedagogiki specjalnej. Akapit, Toruń Sowa J., Wojciechowski F. (2003) Rehabilitacja edukacyjna w zarysie. Zamość, WSZiA Speck O. (2005) Niepełnosprawni w społeczeństwie. GWP, Gdańsk Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 37 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 38 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 39 TTH HEEO OR REETTIIC CA ALL A ASSPPEEC CTTSS O OFF EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.7-WP-PED-TPW T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : knowledge of the theoretical foundations of education L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr hab. Mirosław Kowalski dr hab. Mirosław Kowalski; dr Aniat Famuła – Jurczak; Na me o f lec tur er : dr Klaudia Błaszczyk; dr Marzanna Mgda – Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Adamowicz; dr Iwona Rudek Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 2 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 2 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: ways of practicing the theory of education. Prospects for a theory of education; the concept of education and its characteristics; education and socialization, inculturation, acculturation and autoculturation; education according to the humanistic pedagogy; education according to the concept of behavioural and psychosocial; value as a source of education; psychosocial conditions of effective education; targets of education, methods of education, the field of education; techniques of educational impact; educational environment. LEARNING OUTCOMES: stimulation of reflection on the complexity of educational issues at the theoretical level; awareness of the multiplicity of educational concepts; professional literacy education; acquainted with the most relevant theories of education; acquainted with the dilemmas of modern education; sensitivity to the probabilistic basis for the theory of education; develop the ability to solve educational problems; introduction self-learning process ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Active participation in class, offsetting the positive test; Exam. RECOMMENDED READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 40 5 Adamski F. (red.),Człowiek – wychowanie - kultura. Wybór tekstów, Kraków 1993. Górniewicz J., Teoria wychowania (wybrane problemy), Toruń - Olsztyn 1996. Konarzewski K., Podstawy teorii oddziaływań wychowawczych, Warszawa 1982 Łobocki M., Teoria wychowania w zarysie, Kraków 2004. Śliwerski B., Współczesne teorie i nurty wychowania, Kraków 2001. Śliwerski B., Pedagogika. Podstawy nauk o wychowaniu, Gdańsk 2006. Kwieciński Z., Śliwerski B., Pedagogika, T. 1, T. 2, Warszawa 2003. OPTIONAL READING: Cichoń W., Wartość, człowiek, wychowanie, Kraków 1996. Furmanek W., Człowiek – człowieczeństwo – wychowanie. Wybrane problemy pedagogiki personalistycznej, Rzeszów 1995. Kwieciński Z. (red.), Alternatywy myślenia o/dla edukacji, Warszawa 2000. Olbrycht K., Prawda, dobro i piękno w wychowaniu człowieka jako osoby, Katowice 2000. REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 41 C CO ON NTTEEM MPPO OR RA AR RYY TTH HEEO OR RIIEESS O OFF EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.7-WP-PED-WTW T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory Knowledge of: general pedagogy, theoretical foundations of education and history of E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : education. Knowledge of basic educational categories. Orientation among key facts of the history of thought and practice of teaching. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr hab. Mirosław Kowalski Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : Dr Ryszard Małachowski, mgr Ewa Kowalska Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 20 Class 10 6 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 20 Class 10 6 4 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: theory and theories of education - genesis, circumstances and conditions of their creation; tasks, functions of theory of education; concepts, ideas and models of education; terminological and etymological problems concerning understanding of education, understanding of upbringing and its definitions; definitions of education depending on its nature, meaning and function in human life; interactive, relational and anthropological definitions of education; theoretical and conceptual approaches of education, an alternative approach and interpretations of education; a variety of thinking about alternative education, alternative education and upbringing as an aid to emancipation; theory of education and other basic disciplines and pedagogical disciplines (theory of education and: biology, psychology, sociology, philosophy; theory of education in dialogue with teleology of education, theory of education and: general pedagogy, social pedagogy, pedagogy of culture; typology of conceptual approaches to education, selected theories and concepts of education; towards an interactive and open concept of education - genesis, main stages of its development; realistic recognition of education and human ability to be educated (educational progression, educational degression, educational regression); personalistic conception of education, basic features of theoretical approaches of peronalistic and open education; men of pedagogical practice - educational concepts by: J. Korczak, C. Freinet, A. Kaminski, A. S Neill; education and transmission of values in an open theory (concept) of education; universalism and universality of education; factors of educational efficiency; structuralistic and poststructuralistic, systemic and constructivistic concepts of education, the idea of reflective theory of education by Dieter Lenzen; LEARNING OUTCOMES: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 42 stimulation of reflection on the complexity of educational issues in theoretical dimension, awareness of the multiplicity of opportunities to develop theoretical foundations of the concept of education; professional introduction into education, getting acquainted with the most relevant information about the theory of education; getting acquainted with the dilemmas in the contemporary theory of education, awareness of the probabilistic nature of the foundations of the theory of education, development of skills of solving educational problems, introduction into the process of self-education. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Active participation in classes, positive credit of test Lectures – examination RECOMMENDED READING: Adamski F. (red.),Człowiek – wychowanie - kultura. Wybór tekstów, Kraków 1993. Górniewicz J., Teoria wychowania (wybrane problemy), Toruń - Olsztyn 1996. Konarzewski K., Podstawy teorii oddziaływań wychowawczych, Warszawa 1982 Łobocki M., Teoria wychowania w zarysie, Kraków 2004. Śliwerski B., Współczesne teorie i nurty wychowania, Kraków 2001. Śliwerski B., Pedagogika. Podstawy nauk o wychowaniu, Gdańsk 2006. Kwieciński Z., Śliwerski B., Pedagogika, T. 1, T. 2, Warszawa 2003. OPTIONAL READING: Cichoń W., Wartość, człowiek, wychowanie, Kraków 1996. Furmanek W., Człowiek – człowieczeństwo – wychowanie. Wybrane problemy pedagogiki personalistycznej, Rzeszów 1995. Kwieciński Z. (red.), Alternatywy myślenia o/dla edukacji, Warszawa 2000. Olbrycht K., Prawda, dobro i piękno w wychowaniu człowieka jako osoby, Katowice 2000. REMARKS:: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 43 OTHER SUBJECTS Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 44 B BIIO OM MEED DIIC CA ALL A ASSPPEEC CTTSS O OFF H HU UM MA AN N G GR RO OW WTTH H,, D E V E L O P M E N T A N D E D U C A T I O N DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION Co urse c ode : 05.0-WP-PED-Biom T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : knowledge of biology and hygiene L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : prof. UZ dr hab. n. biol. Ryszard Asienkiewicz Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : Prof. UZ dr hab. n. biol. Ryszard Asienkiewicz Dr Sylwia Baran Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 1 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 1 5 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Development as a research object. Aspects of development (qualitative, quantitative, energetic and informative aspects). Factors of individual development. Human development in prenatal and postnatal periods. Methods of developmental age assessment. Practical assessment of child development process. Sexual dimorphism. Secular tendency. Food ecology. Body posture. Ecology of health and disease. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students develop their knowledge of human biological development. They learn how to assess and control development in various periods of ontogenesis. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Final course grade, examination RECOMMENDED READING: 1. Bartel H.: Embriologia. Podręcznik dla studentów. PZWL, Warszawa 2007. 2. Malinowski A.: Auksologia. Rozwój osobniczy człowieka w ujęciu biomedycznym. Uniwersytet Zielonogórski , Zielona Góra 2007. 3..Malinowski A., Tatarczuk J., Asienkiewicz R.: Antropologia dla pedagogów. Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Zielona Góra 2008. 4. Osiński W.: Antropomotoryka. AWF, Poznań 2003. 5 Wolański N.: Rozwój biologiczny człowieka. Podstawy auksologii, gerontologii i promocji zdrowia. PWN, Warszawa 2005. 6. Woynarowska B.: Edukacja zdrowotna. Podręcznik akademicki. PWN, Warszawa 2008. OPTIONAL READING: Wolański N.: Ekologia człowieka. PWN, Warszawa 2008. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 45 EEN NG GLLIISSH H LLA AN NG GU UA AG GEE C CO OU UR RSSEE Co urse c ode : 09.0-WP-PED-JO1/2 T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : B1 level of English L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : English mgr Beata Burchardt, mgr Małgorzata Gąsiorowska-Sawka, mgr Marzena D irec tor o f s tu di es : Lachowicz, mgr Agata Poźniak, mgr Barbara Szura Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester mgr Beata Burchardt, mgr Małgorzata Gąsiorowska-Sawka, mgr Marzena Na me o f lec tur er : Lachowicz, mgr Agata Poźniak, mgr Barbara Szura F o r m o f r e c e i vi n g a c r e d i t for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 30/60/30 Class 2 II, III, IV Final examination (4th semester) 5 Part-time studies Lecture Class 24/32/24 2 II, III, IV Final examination (4th semester) COURSE CONTENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Studies and studying: structure and functioning of universities in Poland and English speaking countries. Family, social life and lifestyles: social problems of the local environment, foster family and adoption. Work - employment and unemployment: job interview, working abroad, formal letters. Various forms of verbal and non-verbal communication: media, mass-culture, entertainment. Social behaviour: personality, national stereotypes and culture gap. LEARNING OUTCOMES: The graduate acquired the B2 level of English according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that guaranties regular interaction with native speakers quite possible; developed their own presenting and interacting abilities and improved the language competence within four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing. Listening and speaking: the student can understand the main ideas of complex utterances on both concrete and abstract topics, is able to react in common everyday life situations as well as Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 46 select information including professional discussions in their field of specialisation; the student presents their own and other people’s opinions and talks about events occurring in different social, cultural and occupational contexts. Reading and writing: the student understands standard forms of writing: in/formal letters, texts and articles referring to the field of their studies, is able to use a dictionary or encyclopaedia independently, and can understand commands, instructions, procedures referring to specific work related competence; can produce (within their field of specialisation) clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a specific issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options; the student is able to write in/formal letters, a summary, a report, give instructions, orders and provide procedures. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Attending classes ( two absences per term at maximum), doing tasks, making projects and passing mid-term tests involving the four skills. Final exams checking the level of students’ language competence within reading, writing, listening and speaking. RECOMMENDED READING: Selected issues are prepared on the basis of the literature attached and other updated materials (audio-video materials, authentic texts: newspapers, TV, the Internet, scientific literature, encyclopaedias, brochures, leaflets, etc.) which are aiming at the development of various language skills and the acquisition of specific vocabulary (ESP) relevant to the course of studies. 2. Oxenden C., Latham-Koenig C., New English File Intermediate, Oxford University Press, 2009. 3. Oxenden C., Latham-Koenig C., New English File Upper intermediate, Oxford University Press, 2009. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Bell J., Gower R., Matters Upper intermediate, Longman 2001. Davies P.A., Falla T., FCA Result, Oxford University Press 2008. Jones l., New Progress to First Certificate, Cambridge University Press, 2003. Cieślak M., English Special, repetytorium leksykalno-tematyczne, Wagros 2007. Cieślak M., English, repetytorium leksykalno-gramatyczne, Wagros 2009. Vince M., Intermediate English Practice, Macmillan 2003. Murphy R., English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, 1997. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Longman 2004. REMARKS: The aim of the course is mastering the language and communicative competence in the sphere relevant to the B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages to the degree enabling: the use of the foreign language for the purpose of studying, particularly for effective work with various foreign source materials, media, scientific and specialist literature, studying abroad, professional and scientific work with the use of foreign language. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 47 G GEER RM MA AN N LLA AN NG GU UA AG GEE C CO OU UR RSSEE Co urse c ode : 09.0-WP-PED-JO1/2 T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : B1 level of German L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : German Mgr Anna Kubrak, mgr Beata Łapanowska, D irec tor o f s tu di es : mgr Barbara Mikulska, mgr Mirosława Nosewicz Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Mgr Anna Kubrak, mgr Beata Łapanowska, Na me o f lec tur er : mgr Barbara Mikulska, mgr Mirosława Nosewicz F o r m o f r e c e i vi n g a c r e d i t for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture Class 30/60/30 2 II, III, IV Final examination (4th semester) 5 Part-time studies Lecture Class 24/32/24 2 II, III, IV Final examination (4th semester) COURSE CONTENTS: 6. Studies and studying: structure and functioning of universities in Poland and German speaking countries. 7. Family, social life and lifestyles: social problems of the local environment, foster family and adoption. 8. Work - employment and unemployment: job interview, working abroad, formal letters. 9. Various forms of verbal and non-verbal communication: media, mass-culture, entertainment. 10. Social behaviour: personality, national stereotypes and culture gap. LEARNING OUTCOMES: The graduate acquired the B2 level of German according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that guaranties regular interaction with native speakers quite possible; developed their own presenting and interacting abilities and improved the language competence within four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 48 Listening and speaking: the student can understand the main ideas of complex utterances on both concrete and abstract topics, is able to react in common everyday life situations as well as select information including professional discussions in their field of specialisation; the student presents their own and other people’s opinions and talks about events occurring in different social, cultural and occupational contexts. Reading and writing: the student understands standard forms of writing: in/formal letters, texts and articles referring to the field of their studies, is able to use a dictionary or encyclopaedia independently, and can understand commands, instructions, procedures referring to specific work related competence; can produce (within their field of specialisation) clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a specific issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options; the student is able to write in/formal letters, a summary, a report, give instructions, orders and provide procedures. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Attending classes ( two absences per term at maximum), doing tasks, making projects and passing mid-term tests involving the four skills. Final exams checking the level of students’ language competence within reading, writing, listening and speaking. RECOMMENDED READING: Selected issues are prepared on the basis of the literature attached and other updated materials (audio-video materials, authentic texts: newspapers, TV, the Internet, scientific literature, encyclopaedias, brochures, leaflets, etc.) which are aiming at the development of various language skills and the acquisition of specific vocabulary relevant to the course of studies. 1. Perlmann-Balme M.,Tomaszewski A.: Themen aktuell. Kursbuch + Arbeitsbuch, Teil II i III, Hueber Verlag 2007. 2. Motta G.,Ćwikowska B.: Direkt 3, Lektor Klett, 2007. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Blick auf Deutschland, Lektor Klett, 2007. Łuniewska K., Tworek U.: Alles klar 3, WSiP, 2008. Dreyer H., Schmitt R., Zwięzła gramatyka języka niemieckiego Wagner A., Repetytorium leksykalne, wyd. Wagros, 2008 Magazines: Juma, Deutschland, Aktuell REMARKS: The aim of the course is mastering the language and communicative competence in the sphere relevant to the B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages to the degree enabling: the use of the foreign language for the purpose of studying, particularly for effective work with various foreign source materials, media, scientific and specialist literature, studying abroad, professional and scientific work with the use of foreign language. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 49 FFR REEN NC CH H LLA AN NG GU UA AG GEE C CO OU UR RSSEE Co urse c ode : 09.0-WP-PED-JO1/2 T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : B1 level of French L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : French D irec tor o f s tu di es : mgr Beata Burchardt Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : mgr Beata Burchardt F o r m o f r e c e i vi n g a c r e d i t for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture Class 30/60/30 2 II, III, IV Final examination (4th semester) 5 Part-time studies Lecture Class 24/32/24 2 II, III, IV Final examination (4th semester) COURSE CONTENTS: 11. Studies and studying: structure and functioning of universities in Poland and French speaking countries. 12. Family, social life and lifestyles: social problems of the local environment, foster family and adoption. 13. Work - employment and unemployment: job interview, working abroad, formal letters. 14. Various forms of verbal and non-verbal communication: media, mass-culture, entertainment. 15. Social behaviour: personality, national stereotypes and culture gap. LEARNING OUTCOMES: The graduate acquired the B2 level of French according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that guaranties regular interaction with native speakers quite possible; developed their own presenting and interacting abilities and improved the language competence within four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing. Listening and speaking: the student can understand the main ideas of complex utterances on both concrete and abstract topics, is able to react in common everyday life situations as well as select information including professional discussions in their field of specialisation; the student presents their own and other people’s opinions and talks about events occurring in different social, cultural and occupational contexts. Reading and writing: the student understands standard forms of writing: in/formal letters, texts and articles referring to the field of their studies, is able to use a dictionary or encyclopaedia independently, and can understand commands, instructions, procedures referring to specific work related competence; can produce (within their field of specialisation) clear, detailed text on a wide Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 50 range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a specific issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options; the student is able to write in/formal letters, a summary, a report, give instructions, orders and provide procedures. Attending classes ( two absences per term at maximum), doing tasks, making projects and passing mid-term tests involving the four skills. Final exams checking the level of students’ language competence within reading, writing, listening and speaking. RECOMMENDED READING: Selected issues are prepared on the basis of the literature attached and other updated materials (audio-video materials, authentic texts: newspapers, TV, the Internet, scientific literature, encyclopaedias, brochures, leaflets, etc.) which are aiming at the development of various language skills and the acquisition of specific vocabulary relevant to the course of studies: 12. Delaisne P., McBride N., Trevisi S., Café Crème III, Hachette 2003. 13. Gajos M., Gourgaud N.M., Mots de passe, Dictionnaire thematique franco-polonais, Wydawnictwa Szkolne I Pedagogiczne, Warszawa 2005. 14. Bell J., Gower R., Matters Upper intermediate, Longman 2001. 15. Steele R. , Civilisation Progressive du Français, CLE International 2002. 16. Girardet J., Cridlig J.M., Panorama de la langue française II i III, CLE International, 2004 17. Girardet J., Pécheur J., Campus II i III, CLE International, 2002 18. Bérard E., Lavenne Ch., Grammaire utile du français, Hatier, 2007 REMARKS: The aim of the course is mastering the language and communicative competence in the sphere relevant to the B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages to the degree enabling: the use of the foreign language for the purpose of studying, particularly for effective work with various foreign source materials, media, scientific and specialist literature, studying abroad, professional and scientific work with the use of foreign language. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 51 IIN NTTR RO OD DU UC CTTIIO ON N TTO O EEU UR RO OPPEEA AN N C CU ULLTTU UR REE Co urse c ode : 08.0-WP-PED-WdKE T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory The orientation in the field of elementary E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : problems that concern the present cultural and culture-creative questions L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Ryszard Małachowski Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : dr Ryszard Małachowski Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 1 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 1 2 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The philosophy of ancient Greece and Christianity as basis of the European Socratic and Christ-centric culture (Greek- Roman). The basic notions and problems connected with the issue of culture (the nature, civilization, culture and its components). The modern conceptions and definitions of culture in interdisciplinary formulation. The types, elements, systems and processes of culture. National culture and tradition (nation, fatherland, identity) as against homogenization and crash of cultures in cultural formulation (cultural variety). The durability and changeability of character of culture: cultural sex "gender”. Other factors of the social-cultural change. The axiological normative systems and the education of the youth to participation in culture and arts. Culture and cultural competence, that is socialization: education and initiation to life in marriage, family and society. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Skills and competences in the field of perception and analysis of facts, processes and cultural changes. Comprehension of notions and questions connected with historical cultures, among other things with present culture. Initiating to active participation in different forms of culture and creating of cultural goods ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Conditions of credit: the presence in classes and obtainment of positive grades in evaluation of written work, oral answers, active participation in didactic process, practical affiliation of theoretical knowledge. RECOMMENDED READING: Gajda J., Antropologia kulturowa, Wprowadzenie do wiedzy o kulturze, Kraków 2008 (rozdziały od I – do VI). Kłoskowska A., Socjologia kultury, Warszawa 2007 (Rozdział XI). Mielicka H., Podstawy socjologii, Mikrostruktury społeczne, Kielce 2002 (r. V). Szacka B., Wprowadzenie do socjologii, Warszawa 2008 (Rozdział III). Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 52 Sztompka P., Socjologia, Analiza społeczeństwa, Warszawa 2002 (r. X,XI LITERATURA POMOCNICZA: Giddens A., Socjologia, Warszawa 2004 (Rozdział II). Goodman N., Wstęp do socjologii, Poznań 2001 (Rozdział III). Jan Paweł II, Pamięć i tożsamość, Rozmowy na przełomie tysiącleci, [red.: B. Poźniak], Kraków 2005 (wybrane fragmenty). Kultura, Hasło encyklopedyczne, [w:] Powszechna encyklopedia filozofii, [red.: A.M. Krąpiec], Tom 6, Lublin 2005 Małachowski R., Pedagogika religijna i jej konteksty, Bibliografia (lata 1989 – 2004), Warszawa – Zielona Góra 2006. Pedagogika kultury, historyczne osiągnięcia..., [red.: J. Gajda], Lublin 1998. Sztompka P., Zaufanie, Fundament społeczeństwa, Kraków 2007. Tatarkiewicz, W., Historia filozofii, Filozofia starożytna i średniowieczna, Tom 6, Warszawa 1981 (s. 13-16). REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 53 SPECJALIZATION SUBJECTS Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 54 POPULARIZATION OF CULTURE Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 55 IIN NTTR RO OD DU UC CTTIIO ON N TTO O TTH HEE A AR RTT O OFF PPH HO OTTO OG GR RA APPH HYY Co urse c ode : 03.4-WP-PED-SzFo T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Jarosław Dulęba Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : Jarosław Dulęba Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n s e r wa t o r i a 45 4 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n s e r wa t o r i a 16 4 4 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The ability to use photographic equipment (135 film cameras, medium format cameras, photographic lighting, darkroom equipment, photographic chemicals and photosensitive materials). Photo taking and film development (negative and positive) in studios and outdoor photography. Acquainting students with photographic techniques. Staging an exhibition and preparing documentation. LEARNING OUTCOMES: The knowledge of basic photographic techniques. The use of photographic and dark room equipment, basic knowledge of photographic chemicals and photosensitive materials. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Participation in an end-of-term exhibition. RECOMMENDED READING: Dederko W. (1985) „Warsztat techniczny artysty fotografa” Wydawnictwo COK Warszawa red. Montel P. (1984) „Wszystko o fotografii” Wydawnictwo ARKADY Warszawa OPTIONAL READING: Kurowicki J. (2000) „Fotografia jako zjawisko estetyczne” Wyd. Adam Marszałek. Toruń REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 56 SSEEXXU UA ALL EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.9-WP-PED-EdSx T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Basic knowledge of pedagogy, sociology and psychology; knowledge of theory and methodology of E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : education. Knowledge of methods and techniques in education. Basic skills of planning educational activities. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Krzysztof Wąż Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : dr Krzysztof Wąż Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Class 15 1 3 Credits with appraisal 1 COURSE CONTENTS: The subject and objectives of sexual education. Restrictive and permissive sexual education and education of the golden mean. Sexual morality. Education and sexual roles.Human psychosexual development. Sexuality in human life cycle.The notion of a norm in sexology, sexual disorders. Sexual violence among peers and sexual violence towards children. Role of family, peers, school and mass media in the process of sexual education. Natural family planning methods and contraception methods as a subject of sexual education. Sexual behaviours in the context of HIV infections. Sex and the Internet. Dangers about the Internet. Sexual education. Chosen elements of methodology of education for family life. Chosen elements of prevention of risky sexual behaviours.. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Competence at psychosexual development and human sexuality. Knowledge of objectives, outcomes and chosen elements of sexual education methodology and prevention of risky sexual behaviours.. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Active participation at classes, moderating over the classes, preparing individual studies concerning the subject.. RECOMMENDED READING: Beisert M., Psychologia zaburzeń seksualnych, w: Psychologia kliniczna, tom 2, red. H. Sęk, PWN, Warszawa 2007 Beisert M., Rozwojowa norma seksuologiczna jako kryterium oceny zachowań seksualnych dzieci i młodzieży, w: Dziecko Krzywdzone, 2006, nr 16 Beisert M.: Seks twojego dziecka, ZW – K. Domke, Poznań 1991 Chomczyńska-Milis M., Edukacja seksualna w społeczeństwie współczesnym. Konteksty pedagogiczne i psychologiczne, UMCS, Lublin 2002 Glaser D., Frosh S.: Dziecko seksualnie wykorzystywane, PZWL, Warszawa 1995 [Grzelak S., Profilaktyka ryzykownych zachowań seksualnych młodzieży. Aktualny stan badań i na świecie i w Polsce, Wyd. Scholar, Warszawa 2006 Izdebski Z, Jaczewski A., Rozwój seksualny, w: Biologiczne i medyczne podstawy rozwoju i wychowania, red. A. Jaczewski, WA „Żak”, Warszawa 2005 Izdebski Z., Jaczewski A., Kocha, lubi, szanuje ..., PWN, Warszawa 1998 Izdebski Z., Ryzykowna dekada. Seksualność Polaków w dobie HIV/AIDS. Studium porównawcze 1997 – 2001 – 2006, UZ, Zielona Góra 2006 Lew-Starowicz Z. Seks w sieci i nie tylko, Wydawnictwo Medyczne, Kraków 2003 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 57 Mentlewicz A., Południewski G., Antykoncepcja czyli świadome macierzyństwo, Poster Poligrafia, Warszawa 2001 Pankowska D., Wychowanie a role płciowe, GWP, Gdańsk 2005 Rzepka J. (red.): Zagadnienia prorodzinnej edukacji seksuologicznej i profilaktyki HIV/AIDS, Studio Wydawnicze AGAT, Katowice 1996 Seksualność człowieka w cyklu życia, red. M. Beisert, WN PWN, Warszawa 2006 Skrzydlewski W. B., Etyka seksualna. Przemiany i perspektywy, Wyd. II, Kraków 1999 Starowicz Z., Długołęcka A.., Edukacja seksualna, Świat Książki, Warszawa 2006REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 58 FFO OR RM MSS O OFF C CH HIILLD DR REEN N''SS TTH HEEA ATTR REE Co urse c ode : 03.3-WP-PED-FTD T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : ---L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Teresa Samulczyk Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f l ec tur er : Dr Teresa Samulczyk Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n s e r wa t o r i u m 45 3 4 Credits with appraisal 3 Part-time studies K o n s e r wa t o r i u m 20 3 4 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Theatre in teaching and education (history of school theatre outline). Theatre forms in real plan and variety of dolls’ theatre. Staging and direction little theatre forms (changing literary text into stagy activities). Theatre workshop (techniques of making decorations, props and dolls study). Methodology of working with children theatre group ( playing in theatre as natural way of educational influence and dramatic games as base of child’s progress and way how to know him). LEARNING OUTCOMES: Student pozna bogate dzieje teatru szkolnego, metody pracy z dziećmi-uczestnikami grup teatralnych. Nauczy się zamieniać tekst na działania LEARNING OUTCOMES sceniczne i kompetencje Zapozna się z technikami wykonywania dekoracji, rekwizytów i lalek teatralnych. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Participation in classes, credit the etude in school or kindergarten RECOMMENDED READING: Machulska H. Metodyka pracy instruktora-nauczyciela w zespole Literatura teatralnym dzieci i młodzieży, Warszawa 1984 Samulczyk-Pawluk Teresa Edukacja teatralna w szkole podstawowej, Kraków 2006 OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 59 C CU ULLTTU UR RA ALL IIN NSSTTIITTU UTTIIO ON NSS Co urse c ode : 14.7-WP-PED-IK T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Completed courses in: theories of culture and animation, theory of sport, methodology of E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : cultural animation, sports teams organization and methodology, sociology, anthropology. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr hab. Bogdan Idzikowski, prof.UZ Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : dr hab. Bogdan Idzikowski, prof.UZ Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 Class 15 1 6 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 6 1 Class 6 1 6 4 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The subject introduces the typology of culture and sport institutions, the basics of financing institutions, organization structure and role sharing, procedural and legal aspects of institutional activity, forms and methods of work, applied to these institutions, depending on their organizational attachment, social and professional roles carried out within the framework of statutory activity of selected institutions in the connection to the form of education of the cultural and sports animation profile. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Institution; social role; organization; association; functions; aims; tasks; organizational structure; activity; statute; planning and programming; budget; types; methods of work. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Chosen topic presentation during the class. RECOMMENDED READING: Bobrowska E., Przemiany modelowe instytucji domu kultury, Kraków 1997. Golat R., Podstawy prawa kultury, Poznań 2006. Heinemann K., Wprowadzenie do socjologii sportu, Warszawa 1989. Izdebski H., Fundacje i stowarzyszenia, Warszawa 1999. Krawczyk Z., Sport w zmieniającym się społeczeństwie, Warszawa 2000. Nowicka E., Świat człowieka – świat kultury, Warszawa 2006. Pawlak W., Instytucje i zmiana instytucjonalna w teorii D. Northa, „Studia Socjologiczne” nr 7/1993. Sułkowski Ł., Kulturowa zmienność organizacji, Warszawa 2002. Załuska M., Boczoń J.,(red.) Organizacje pozarządowe w społeczeństwie obywatelskim, Katowice 1998. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 60 IIN NTTEER RPPR REETTIIN NG G TTH HEEA ATTR RIIC CA ALL TTEEXXTT Co urse c ode : 03.3-WP-PED-ITS T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory Skills and knowledge concerning the area of the subject: techniques of linguistic communication, E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : culture of speech, and the knowledge acquired during pedagogical, philosophical and sociological classes associated with issues concerning culture. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Małgorzata Olejarz Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Dr Małgorzata Olejarz Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n s e r wa t o r i u m 15 1 5 Credits with appraisal 1 Part-time studies K o n s e r wa t o r i u m 8 1 5 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Role of literature in the life of a modern man. Reading in the context of art therapy. Culture as “vent” and the element of creating one’s identity – creative and imitative cultural activity of youths. “Private” expression versus stage expression. Responsibility of a creator and responsibility of an interpreter towards the audience. Analysis of a theatrical text. Cultural, social and biographical context of artistic work. Various conceptions of „meaning”: individual ones, based on one’s experience as well as behavioral and linguistic ones. Acting tasks revealing possibility of various interpretations of one theatrical text. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Skills and knowledge required to choose reflectively a theatrical text; analyze the text; setting and interpreting the text in a particular conception of actor creation; implement appropriate means of theatrical expression; prepare proper stage presentation. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: In order to get a credit students need to get a passing grade in work with the text: they should choose and present a literary text using properly chosen means of expression, a stage prop and a form of presentation (group or individual RECOMMENDED READING: Honet R., Czyżowski M.: antologia nowej poezji polskiej 1990 – 2000, Wydawnictwo Zielona Sowa, Kraków 2004; Świetlicki M.: 37 wierszy o wódce i papierosach, Instytut wydawniczy Świadectwo, Bydgoszcz 2000; Bursa A.: Utwory wierszem i prozą, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków 1969; Stachowiak M.: O czymś; Oficyna Wydawnicza Liberum Arbitrium, 2005; Barańczak St.: Zimy i podróże. Lekcja literatury z Antonim Liberą, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków 1997.. OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 61 REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 62 M MEED DIIA A C CU ULLTTU UR REE Co urse c ode : 14.7-WP-PED-KM T y pe o f c ou r s e : wybierany Completion of Mass Media and Anthropology Culture E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : course L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Jolanta Kostecka Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : dr Jolanta Kostecka Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 Class 30 4 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 6 Class 14 4 4 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Pop culture vs. media culture, Culture as a good, Elements of media culture. Mass media as means of culture. Youth culture. Media culture vs. new media. Film industry and show business. Fashion and advertisement as an element of media culture. Music and a video clip culture. Media icons LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge, skills and competences within assessing the role of media in the processes of creating a culture and mechanisms of media culture, a critical assessment of models of media entertainment; developing a critical attitude to media, contributing to create a world of media culture. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Students have to be awarded a passing grade for an exam to complete a lecture and a passing grade for a test and participate in classes to compete classes RECOMMENDED READING: Dobek – Ostrowska B., Faras J., Ociepka B. (red.), Teoria i praktyka propagandy, Wrocław 1995. Gajda J., Juszczak S., Siemieniecki B., Wenta K. (red.), Edukacja medialna, Toruń 2002. Godzic W., Telewizja jako kultura, Kraków 1999. Podglądanie Wielkiego Brata, pod red. W. Godzica, Kraków 2001. Gałuszka M., Między przyjemnością a rytuałem. Recepcja serialu telewizyjnego, Łódź 1996. Nowe media w komunikacji społecznej XX w., pod red., M. Hopfingera, Warszawa 2002. Bard A., Söderqvist J., Netokracja. Re: internet – społeczne aspekty medium, Warszawa 2006. Jenkins H., Kultura konwergencji, Warszawa 2006. Goban – Klas T., Media i komunikowanie masowe. Teorie i analizy prasy, radia i telewizji, Kraków 2000. Virilio P., Bomba informacyjna, Warszawa 2006. Wilkoszewska K., Piękno w sieci. Estetyka a nowe media, Kraków 1999. Filiciak M., Wirtualny plac zabaw. Gry sieciowe i przemiany kultury współczesnej, Warszawa 2006. Mathews G., Supermarket kultury, Warszawa 2005. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 63 OPTIONAL READING: REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 64 M MEETTH HO OD DO OLLO OG GYY O OFF C CU ULLTTU UR REE A AN NIIM MA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 14.7-WP-PED-MAK T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Completed courses in: theories of culture and animation, social pedagogy. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr hab. Bogdan Idzikowski, prof.UZ Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : dr hab. Bogdan Idzikowski, prof.UZ Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 30 K o n s e r wa t o r i u m 30 3 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 8 Class 16 3 5 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The origin and explanation of the term cultural animation; socio-occupational roles of culture animators; designing animation activities in different milieus; rules, methods, forms and techniques of animator’s work in connection to various cultural animation strategies; cultural and animation activity participants together with specificity, form and typology of the amateur artistic movement; club and mass event activity; institutions of cultural animation and other areas of social life, where animation activities are present. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students are able to diagnose cultural needs as well as to conduct animation activities on their own, make use of animation techniques, including working with an individual or a team and to create projects of animation. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Attendance, exam. RECOMMENDED READING: Dyczewski L., Animator kultury lokalnej, (w) Kultura polska w procesie przemian, Lublin 1993. Gajda J. (red.), Animacja kulturalna jako problem pedagogiczny, Lublin 1994. Gajda J. Żardecki W., (red.), Dylematy animacji kulturalnej, Lublin 2001. Jankowski D., Wychowawcze perspektywy działalności kulturalno-oświatowej, Poznań 1988. Jankowski D., Kargul J., Kowalewski F., Przyszczypkowski K., Podstawy działalności kulturalno-oświatowej, Poznań 1996. Jedlewska B., Animatorzy kultury wobec wyzwań edukacyjnych, Lublin 2001. Kargul J., Od upowszechniania kultury do animacji kulturalnej, Toruń 1997. Kopczyska M., Animacja społeczno-kulturalna, Warszawa 1993. OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 65 M MEETTH HO OD DO OLLO OG GYY O OFF W WO OR RK K W WIITTH H A A C CR REEA ATTIIVVEE G GR RO OU UPP W WIITTH H R E A L I Z A T I O N O F E T U D E S REALIZATION OF ETUDES Co urse c ode : 05.9-WP-PED-MetE T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory - Basic knowledge about esthetic education, - General orientation in the scope of culture E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : and education institutions' structure and form. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Semestr Liczba godzin w tygodniu Forma zajęć Liczba godzin w semestrze Na me o f lec tur er : Jan Fręś Ph.D. Forma zaliczenia Punkty ECTS Studia stacjonarne K o n s e r wa t o r i u m 45 5 Zaliczenie z oceną Studia niestacjonarne K o n s e r wa t o r i u m 16 5 3 Zaliczenie z oceną COURSE CONTENTS: - Role of theatrical education in the process of education through art - Organization and creation of a theatrical group; instructor role - Integrating tasks, focusing and relaxing the group - Cognition and improvement of individual stage expression techniques (movement, mimic, gesticulation, costume, prop, sound, word) - Making of stage group creation - Using other than theatrical signals (development of stage space, music, light, acoustic effects) - Designing and realization of etudes according to one's own scripts LEARNING OUTCOMES: Ability to run an amateur theatrical/paratheatrical group. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Public presentation of one's own theatrical/paratheatrical etude with the use of available stage means and a group of students RECOMMENDED READING: P. Adamczyk: Gra w teatr. Jak prowadzić dziecięce i młodzieżowe zespoły teatralne. Wyd. Rubikon Kraków 2005. B. Broszkiewicz, J. Jarek: Warsztaty teatralne. Wrocław 2001. J. A. Fręś: Teatr młodzieżowy. Warsztat – spektakl - scenariusze. Wyd. Oświatowe FOSZE Rzeszów 2005. B. Jedlewska: Animatorzy kultury wobec wyzwań edukacyjnych. Lublin 1999. Krystyna Pankowska: Drama – zabawa i myślenie. Warszawa 1990. Warsztaty edukacji twórczej. Red. E. Olinkiewicz i E. Repsch, Wrocław 2001. OPTIONAL READING: A. Dziedzic, J. Pichalska, E. Świderska: Drama na lekcjach języka polskiego. WSiP Warszawa 1992. J. A. Fręś: Edukacja teatralna w szkole średniej. Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli, Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 66 Katowice 1990. J. Jarek, W. Michalski: W poszukiwaniu własnego stylu w teatrze. „Małe formy metodyczne” Wrocław 1988, z. 3. W. Karolak: Sztuka jako zabawa. Zabawa jako sztuka. Warszawa 1999. B. Way: Drama w wychowaniu dzieci i młodzieży. WSiP Warszawa 1997. REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 67 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 68 LLEEIISSU UR REE TTIIM MEE PPEED DA AG GO OG GYY Co urse c ode : 05.9-WP-PED-PeCW T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory basic knowledge and abilities acquired in course of E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : sociology, pedagogy and Theory of Culture and Cultural Animation L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Sylwia Słowińska Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : dr Sylwia Słowińska Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 5 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 6 Class 6 5 2 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Positive and negative concepts of leisure time; education for leisure; the functions of the leisure time; the styles of spending leisure time among particular social groups; travelling and mass tourism as a way to spend free time; leisure time – area of consumption; disadvantages of free time; contemporary changes in the structure of leisure and work as the education challenges LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge about the concepts of leisure time, about peoples’ behaviours in leisure time and the styles of spending leisure and about the contemporary phenomena in area of leisure time. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: lectures – written exam classes – students have to prepare in groups and execute a project that consists in researching a phenomenon in area of leisure time and to present the results RECOMMENDED READING: Bogunia – Borowska M., Śleboda M., Globalizacja i konsumpcja, Kraków 2003. Czas wolny w różnych jego aspektach, J. Kędzior, M. Wawrzak – Chodaczek, Wrocław 2000. Eriksen T., Tyrania chwili, Warszawa 2004. Fatyga B., Rogala – Obłękowska J., Style życia młodzieży a narkotyki, Warszawa 2002 [5] Mac Cannel D., Turysta. Nowa teoria klasy próżniaczej, Warszawa 2002. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 69 TTH HEE PPEED DA AG GO OG GYY O OFF PPLLA AYY Co urse c ode : 05.9-WP-PED-PedZ T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory General pedagogy, Developmental pedagogy and personality pedagogy, Theoretical basis of E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : education, Preschool and Early school pedagogy and methodology. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Teresa Samulczyk Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : Aneta Soroka-Fedorczuk, Wiesława Martyniuk Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Class 30 2 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Class 12 2 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Play – definition and significance. Strategy of the play in work with Children and Youth. Play and other forms of human activity. Kinds of the plays – classifications and practical application. Theories of the play – J. Piaget, L.S. Wygotski, B. Sułkowski, D.B. Elkonin and J. Huizinga. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Skills and competences within: planning and organising educational and teaching process for class in school and group in kindergarten, organizing educational work in a group using the basic rules of constructing methodological unit of classes, gaining experience in implementing designed synopsis as a workshop. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: In order to complte the course the student has to obtain pass notes for his/her own synopsis of classes and practical implementation of the synopsis in a form of a workshop. Presence at the classes. RECOMMENDED READING: Dyner W.J.: Zabawy tematyczne dzieci w domu i w przedszkolu, Wrocław – Warszawa – Kraków – Gdańsk 1971. [Elkonin D.B.: Psychologia zabawy, Warszawa 1984. Huizinga J.: Homo Ludens. Zabawa jako źródło kultury, Warszawa 1985. Okoń W.: Zabawa a rzeczywistość, Warszawa 1987. Sułkowski B.: Zabawa. Studium socjologiczne. Warszawa 1984. Waloszek D.: Zabawa. Edukacja, Zielona Góra1996. Hofman Z.: O możliwościach wykorzystania pedagogiki zabawy w działaniach wychowawczych. „Grupa i Zabawa” 2000, nr 1. Muchacka B.: Zabawy badawcze w edukacji przedszkolnej, Kraków 2001. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 70 C CU ULLTTU UR REE A AN NIIM MA ATTIIO ON N PPR RO OJJEEC CTT Co urse c ode : 03.9-WP-PED-PrAn T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory basic knowledge and abilities acquired in course of E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Methodology of Culture Animation L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Sylwia Słowińska Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : dr Sylwia Słowińska Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 5 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 12 5 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The origin of project method and its application in education; specificity of project work in culture animation; case study of projects; the structure of a project; forming and executing an idea of culture animation project LEARNING OUTCOMES: knowledge of the project method and of its specificity and application in area of culture animation; ability to develop and to execute an idea of culture animation project. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: to develop and to execute an idea of culture animation project RECOMMENDED READING: Karolak W., Projekt edukacyjny – projekt artystyczny, Łódź 2004. Królikowski J., Projekt edukacyjny, Warszawa 2001. Mikina A., Zając B., Jak wdrażać metodę projektów? Kraków 2006. Projekty kulturalne – krok po kroku, publikacja przygotowana we współpracy Urzędu Komitetu Integracji Europejskiej z Narodowym Centrum Kultury, Warszawa 2004. Szymański M.S., O metodzie projektów, Warszawa 2000. Słowińska S., Projekt w animacji kultury, w: Dyskursy młodych andragogów 9, red.M. Olejarz, Zielona Góra 2008. OPTIONAL READING: REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 71 SSTTA AG GEE D DEESSIIG GN N A AN ND D D DR RA AM MA A TTEEC CH HN NIIQ QU UEESS Co urse c ode : 03.3-WP-PED-ScTT T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : --L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Jarosław Dulęba Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : Jarosław Dulęba Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Ko nwersa to rium 30 3 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Ko nwersa to rium 12 3 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The presentation of theatrical techniques related to designing the area of theatrical activity (of traditional and visual theatre) and other theatrical activities. The arrangement and design of stage space. The introduction of terms related to art, theatrical technique and aesthetics. Emphasising the possibility to apply theatrical techniques in pedagogical work in the form of workshops. LEARNING OUTCOMES: The ability to use cheap and readily available materials for making costumes, props and decorations. The ability to design and arrange a stage space. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: The presentation of the techniques of theatrical activity based on visual solutions of the learnt theatrical techniques. RECOMMENDED READING: E. G. Craig O SZTUCE TEATRU Wyd. Artystyczne iFfilmowe 1985 Warszawa („ON THE ART. OF THE THEATRE”) B. Brecht WARTOŚĆ MOSIĄDZU Wyd. Artystyczne i Filmowe P. Brook PUSTA PRZESTRZEŃ Wyd. Artystyczne i Filmowe 1981 Warszawa („THE EMPTY SPACE”) OPTIONAL READING: T. Kantor TEATR NIEZALEŻNY w Borowski W. „Tadeusz Kantor” Wyd. Artystyczne i Filmowe 1982 K. Milczarek-Panowska WSPÓŁCZESNY TEATR POSZUKUJĄCY Wydawnictwo Szkolne i Pedagogiczne1986 REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 72 TTEEC CH HN NIIQ QU UEESS O OFF LLA AN NG GU UA AG GEE C CO OM MM MU UN NIIC CA ATTIIO ON N A AN ND D C U L T U R E O F S P E E C H CULTURE OF SPEECH Co urse c ode : 45.0-WP-PED-KŻS T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Skills and knowledge covering issues concerning human communication, obtained during E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : pedagogical, psychological, philosophical and sociological classes. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Małgorzata Olejarz Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : dr Małgorzata Olejarz Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n s e r wa t o r i u m 45 1 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n s e r wa t o r i u m 16 1 3 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Live words in public life. Speaking versus language competence and communication. Exercises facilitating verbal motoricity – articulatory, diction, breathing and vocal exercises. Norms of correct pronunciation – accent in Polish language. Interpersonal communication. Techniques of communication – verbal and non-verbal communication. Principles of preparing public speeches. Kinds and criteria of evaluating public addresses. Principles of staging public events, debates, deliberations and discussions. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Skills and knowledge related to speaking techniques and culture of the word, which include: proper articulation, diction, vocal emission and basic norms of correct Polish. Knowledge of aims, techniques, rules and language communication barriers. Competence in preparing, realizing and assessing public speeches, debates, discussions, and in holding workshops on culture of live words. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Passing mark in a written evaluation test and in practical classes on the subjects of culture of speech and techniques of communication.acji RECOMMENDED READING: E. Griffin, Podstawy komunikacji społecznej, Gdańsk 2003 H. Retter, Komunikacja codzienna pedagogice, Gdańsk 2005 Z. Nęcki, Komunikacja międzyludzka, Kraków 2000 B. Gronbeck, K. German, D. Ehninger, A. Monroe, Zasady komunikacji werbalnej, Poznań 2001 M.Mckay, M.Davis, P. Faning, Sztuka skutecznego porozumiewania się, Gdańsk 2001 A. Wiszniewski, Jak przekonująco mówić i przemawiać, W-wa, Wrocław 1994 J. Kram, Zarys kultury żywego słowa, Warszawa 1988 B. Toczyska, Elementarne ćwiczenia dykcji, Gdańsk 2000 B. Tarasiewicz, Mówię i śpiewam świadomie, Kraków 2003 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 73 S.P. Morreale, B. H. Spitzberg, K.J. Barge, Komunikacja między ludźmi. Motywacja, wiedza i umiejętności, W-wa 2007 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 74 TTH HEEO OR RIIEESS O OFF C CU ULLTTU UR RA ALL EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 14.7-WP-PED-TEK T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Basic knowledge of philosophy history and education E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : history, basic psychological knowledge L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Sylwia Słowińska Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : dr Sylwia Słowińska Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 2 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 6 Class 6 2 3 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Tradition of cultural education (Plato, Aristotle, F.Schiller); polish classical concepts of cultural education (J. Mortkowicz, S. Szuman, I. Wojnar, D. Jankowski); foreign concepts of education through art (V. Lowenfeld; A. Stern, C.Freinet, R.Gloton, C.Clero; H. Read); cultural education in the face of present challenges. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge of polish and foreign traditional, classical and present concepts of cultural education; ability to develop an idea of cultural education course for the particular groups, inspired by knowing concepts; ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: lectures – written exam classes- written test RECOMMENDED READING: Jakubowski W., Edukacja w świecie popkultury, Kraków 2006. Jankowski D., pedagogika kultury, Kraków 2006. Read H., Wychowanie przez sztukę, Warszawa 1976. Słowińska S. Edukacja kulturalna w Polsce i w Niemczech. Inspiracje-propozycje- koncepcje, Kraków 2007. Szuman S. ,O sztuce i wychowaniu estetycznym, Warszawa 1962. Wojnar I., Estetyka i wychowanie, Warszawa 1976. Wychowanie estetyczne młodego pokolenia, I. Wojnar, W. Pielasińska (red.), Warszawa 1990. OPTIONAL READING: REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 75 TTH HEEO OR RYY O OFF C CU ULLTTU UR REE A AN ND D PPO OPPU ULLA AR RIISSA ATTIIO ON N O OFF C CU ULLTTU UR REE Co urse c ode : 14.7-WP-PED-TKA T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Completed courses in foundations of philosophy, general sociology, foundations of pedagogy. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr hab. Bogdan Idzikowski, prof.UZ Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : dr hab. Bogdan Idzikowski, prof.UZ Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 30 Class 30 3 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 10 Class 14 3 6 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Theories of culture in different fields: anthropology, sociology, pedagogy, psychology and philosophy. Broad or narrow understanding of culture. Theories of values as the framework of cultural animation as well as of culture dissemination strategies. Semiotics in the process of social communication (creating, disseminating and receiving cultural contents). Conditions and correlates of social participation in culture. Spare time issues and their contexts versus animation projects production. Transmission of cultural patterns in intergenerational, institutional and extra-institutional, professional and unprofessional relations. High and low, elitist and popular, universal and local culture, counter-culture, subculture and alternative culture. Cultural needs issues. The origin of cultural animation: humanistic pedagogy, postmodernism, social pedagogy. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students will be familiar with the various theories of culture and cultural animation mechanisms. This subject is an introduction to methodological classes, put into practice during the methodology of cultural animation subject. Students are learnt about the phenomenon of culture as the human invention, the processes of creating, disseminating and receiving cultural contents, the process of symbolisation in social communication and about philosophical, pedagogical and sociological reasons being the skeleton of animation strategies. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Attendance, exam RECOMMENDED READING: Burszta W., Antropologia kultury. Tematy, teorie, interpretacje, Poznań 1998. Czerwiński M., Kultura i jej badanie, Ossolineum 1985. Gajda J., Żardecki W.(red.), Dylematy animacji kulturalnej, Lublin 2001. Grad J., Karczmarek U., Organizacja i upowszechnianie kultury w Polsce. Zmiany modelu, Poznań 1996. Jakubowski W., Edukacja w świecie kultury popularnej, Kraków 2006.. Kargul J., Od upowszechniania kultury do animacji kulturalnej, Toruń 1997. Kłoskowska A., Kultura masowa, Warszawa 1982. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 76 Kłoskowska A.,(red.), Encyklopedia kultury polskiej XX wieku. Pojęcia i problemy kultury, Wrocław 1991 i następne. Nowicka E., Świat człowieka – świat kultury, Warszawa 2006. Strinati D., Wprowadzenie do kultury popularnej, Poznań 1998. Tyszka A., Uczestnictwo w kulturze. O różnorodności stylów życia, Warszawa 1972, i tegoż: Ideały i interesy kultury, Warszawa 1987 REMARKS: . Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 77 M MO OD DEER RN N TTH HEEA ATTR REE FFO OR RM MSS W WIITTH H M MEETTH HO OD DO OLLO OG GYY Co urse c ode : 03.3-WP-PED-WsTe T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : --L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Teresa Samulczyk Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : dr Teresa Samulczyk Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n s e r wa t o r i u m 45 6 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n s e r wa t o r i u m 16 6 4 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Theatre in teaching and education (history of school theatre outline). Theatre on classes, theatre after classes. Theatre in real plan and dolls’ theatre. Directory copy (changing text into stagy activities). Direction of little theatre forms. Theatre workshop (theatre techniques study). Methodology of working with theatre group -playing in theatre as natural way of educational influence and dramatic games as base of child’s progress and way how to know him. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Student will know an extensive history of school theatre, methods of working with theatre group. He will learn how to change text into stagy activities. He will know techniques of making decorations, props and theatre dolls.. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Participation in classes, theatre etude in school or kindergarten RECOMMENDED READING: Awgulowa J.,Dziecko widzem i aktorem, Warszawa 1979 Samulczyk-Pawluk T., Edukacja teatralna w szkole podstawowej, Kraków 2006 OPTIONAL READING: REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 78 MEDIA AND IT EDUCATION Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 79 A ALLG GO OR RIITTH HM MSS A AN ND D D DA ATTA A SSTTR RU UC CTTU UR REESS Co urse c ode : 11.3-WP-PED-AiSD T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : basic computer skills, knowledge of basic mathematical terms. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : mgr inż. Maciej Przechrzta Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : mgr inż. Maciej Przechrzta Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Class 15 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 3 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Class 6 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 12 3 4 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: History of algorithmics, data vs information, methods of data representation, definitions of algorithm, basic features of algorithms, formal and informal notation of algorithms (verbal description, list of steps, block diagram), flow control structures, data structures, subprograms, recurrency, designing and simulating algorithms using ELI 2.0, using ELI 2.0 for educational purposes.. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge of definitions and basic features of algorithms. Skills connected with transforming tasks into algorithmic form, formal and informal notation of algorithms, operation correctness analysis, modifications of algorithms. Proficiency in designing and simulating algorithms using ELI 2.0. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Classes – getting pass-grades from all quizzes during semester. Laboratories – completing of all ordered tasks, getting pass-grades of all quizzes during semester.. RECOMMENDED READING: Sysło M.: Algorytmy, Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, Warszawa, 2002 Harel D: Komputery spółka z. o. o. Czego komputery naprawdę nie umieją zrobić, WNT, Warszawa, 2002 Harel D.: Rzecz o istocie informatyki. Algorytmika, WNT, Warszawa, 1992 Wirth N.: Algorytmy+struktury danych=programy, WNT, Warszawa, 2004 Wróblewski P.: Algorytmy, struktury danych i techniki programowania, HELION, Gliwice, 2003 Sikorski J.: Wstęp do informatyki, OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 80 SSEEXXU UA ALL EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.9-WP-PED-EdSx T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Basic knowledge of pedagogy, sociology and psychology; knowledge of theory and methodology of E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : education. Knowledge of methods and techniques in education. Basic skills of planning educational activities. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : język Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Krzysztof Wąż Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : dr Krzysztof Wąż, Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Class 30 2 2 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Class 6 2 1 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The subject and objectives of sexual education. Restrictive and permissive sexual education and education of the golden mean. Sexual morality. Education and sexual roles.Human psychosexual development. Sexuality in human life cycle.The notion of a norm in sexology, sexual disorders. Sexual violence among peers and sexual violence towards children. Role of family, peers, school and mass media in the process of sexual education. Natural family planning methods and contraception methods as a subject of sexual education. Sexual behaviours in the context of HIV infections. Sex and the Internet. Dangers about the Internet. Sexual education. Chosen elements of methodology of education for family life. Chosen elements of prevention of risky sexual behaviours.. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Competence at psychosexual development and human sexuality. Knowledge of objectives, outcomes and chosen elements of sexual education methodology and prevention of risky sexual behaviours.. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Active participation at classes, moderating over the classes, preparing individual studies concerning the subject.. RECOMMENDED READING: Beisert M., Psychologia zaburzeń seksualnych, w: Psychologia kliniczna, tom 2, red. H. Sęk, PWN, Warszawa 2007 Beisert M., Rozwojowa norma seksuologiczna jako kryterium oceny zachowań seksualnych dzieci i młodzieży, w: Dziecko Krzywdzone, 2006, nr 16 Beisert M.: Seks twojego dziecka, ZW – K. Domke, Poznań 1991 Chomczyńska-Milis M., Edukacja seksualna w społeczeństwie współczesnym. Konteksty pedagogiczne i psychologiczne, UMCS, Lublin 2002 Glaser D., Frosh S.: Dziecko seksualnie wykorzystywane, PZWL, Warszawa 1995 [Grzelak S., Profilaktyka ryzykownych zachowań seksualnych młodzieży. Aktualny stan badań i na świecie i w Polsce, Wyd. Scholar, Warszawa 2006 Izdebski Z, Jaczewski A., Rozwój seksualny, w: Biologiczne i medyczne podstawy rozwoju i wychowania, red. A. Jaczewski, WA „Żak”, Warszawa 2005 Izdebski Z., Jaczewski A., Kocha, lubi, szanuje ..., PWN, Warszawa 1998 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 81 Izdebski Z., Ryzykowna dekada. Seksualność Polaków w dobie HIV/AIDS. Studium porównawcze 1997 – 2001 – 2006, UZ, Zielona Góra 2006 Lew-Starowicz Z. Seks w sieci i nie tylko, Wydawnictwo Medyczne, Kraków 2003 Mentlewicz A., Południewski G., Antykoncepcja czyli świadome macierzyństwo, Poster Poligrafia, Warszawa 2001 Pankowska D., Wychowanie a role płciowe, GWP, Gdańsk 2005 Rzepka J. (red.): Zagadnienia prorodzinnej edukacji seksuologicznej i profilaktyki HIV/AIDS, Studio Wydawnicze AGAT, Katowice 1996 Seksualność człowieka w cyklu życia, red. M. Beisert, WN PWN, Warszawa 2006 Skrzydlewski W. B., Etyka seksualna. Przemiany i perspektywy, Wyd. II, Kraków 1999 Starowicz Z., Długołęcka A.., Edukacja seksualna, Świat Książki, Warszawa 2006REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 82 C CO OM MM MU UN NIIC CA ATTIIO ON N TTH HEEO OR RYY Co urse c ode : 15.0-WP-PED-TK T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Massmedia, fundamentals of sociology, cultural theory, social pedagogy L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Prof. UZ, dr hab. Marek Furmanek Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Prof. UZ, dr hab. Marek Furmanek Mgr Anna Ucińska Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 15 1 6 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 6 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 6 6 2/1 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Social, interpersonal and mass communication. Communication process. Elements of the communication process. Information medium, relations. Communication models. Communication theories. Types of social communication. Communication axioms. Signs and codes in communication. Social communication as a process and a phenomenon. Non-verbal communication. Communication competences. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge, skills and competences regarding understanding communication phenomena and processes, as well as achieving successes in interactions of social communication in their various form ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Lecture – possitive mark from an examination. Laboratory the condition to pass is to get a positive mark from a test and to participate in all classes RECOMMENDED READING: Dobek-Ostrowska B., Nauka o komunikowaniu, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2001 Filipiak M., Homo communicans. Wprowadzenie do teorii masowego komunikowania, Wyd. UMCS, Lublin 2003 Fiske J., Wprowadzenie do badań nad komunikowaniem, ASTRUM, Wrocław 1999 Griffin E., Podstawy komunikacji społecznej, GWP, Sopot 2003 Sztejnberg A., Podstawy komunikacji społecznej w edukacji, ASTRUM, Wrocław, 2002 Retter H., Komunikacja codzienna w pedagogice, GWP, Sopot 2005 OPTIONAL READING: McQuail D., Teoria komunikowania masowego, PWN Warszawa 2008 Mrozowski M., Media masowe. Władza rozrywka i biznes, Oficyna wydawnicza Aspra-JR, Warszawa 2001 Pisarek W., Wstęp do nauki o komunikowaniu, Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne, Warszawa 2008 Goban-Klas T., Media i komunikowanie masowe, PWN, Warszawa 2005 Dobek-Ostrowska B. - Podstawy komunikowania społecznego; wyd. Astrum, 2004 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 83 SSC CH HO OO OLL C CO OM MPPU UTTEER R C CEEN NTTR REE A AD DM MIIN NIISSTTR RA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 11.3-WP-PED-ASPK T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Basic knowledge on ICT L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Mgr inż. Jarosław Wagner Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Mgr inż. Jarosław Wagner Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Laboratory 30 2 6 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Laboratory 12 2 6 1 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Licenses. Introduction to the issue of software licenses. Workplace ergonomics. BIOS. Analysis of the operation and management of the computer's BIOS. DOS. Basic information about the older operating systems. MS Windows. Policy configuration of operating systems: managing user accounts, safety rules. Network servers. Techniques for creating school-mail servers, web pages and streaming audio / video signal. Programs tool. Tools for disk partitioning, backup, data media, recovering deleted information. Remote computer management. Tools for monitoring students' work, presenting selected remote content providers. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Skills and competences: managing and organizing work in the school computer lab, MS Windows / Linux system administration, diagnosing and troubleshooting computer hardware. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: the main condition to get a pass is scoring sufficient marks for all laboratory exercises RECOMMENDED READING: P. Czarny, Odzyskiwanie danych w praktyce, Gliwice 2002 B. Danowski, Norton Ghost i Drive Image. Ratowanie danych. Class, Gliwice 2002 B. Danowski Norton Ghost 2003. Class, Gliwice 2004 B. Danowski, A. Pyrchla,BIOS. Przewodnik, Gliwice 2002 D. Daszkiewicz, PartitionMagic. Class, Gliwice 2003 K. Lal, T. Rak , Linux. Komendy i polecenia. Praktyczne przykłady, Gliwice 2005 C. Negus, Fedora Core 3. Biblia, Gliwice 2005 R. Sokół, DOS. Leksykon kieszonkowy, Gliwice 2005 P. McFedries, Windows Vista PL. Księga eksperta, Gliwice 2008 OPTIONAL READING: S. Snedaker, D. Bendell, Windows Small Business Server 2003. Administracja systemem, tł. S. Dzieniszewski, M. Jędrysiak, Gliwice 2005 Honeycutt J.,Windows 2000 Professional. Vademecum Profesjonalisty, Helion 2000 REMARKS: - Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 84 SSC CH HO OO OLL IIN NFFO OR RM MA ATTIIC CSS -- M MEETTH HO OD DO OLLO OG GYY Co urse c ode : 05.1-WP-PED-ISM T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Courses: General methodology, IT teaching E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : methods. Knowledge and skills: IT advanced knowledge and skills. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Elżbieta Kołodziejska lecture: dr E. Kołodziejska, class: dr E. Nowicka, mgr K. Stanikowski Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : F o r m o f r e c e i vi n g a c r e d i t for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 Class 60 2 5,6 7 Part-time studies Lecture 16 Class 60 5,6 COURSE CONTENTS: IT teachers’ workshop. Documents: core curriculum, curriculum, syllabus, action plan, learning outcomes. School course-books and support: evaluating and selecting course-books for teachers and pupils, on-line support, methodical reference books. Teacher as an organizer of computer studio at school: instructions of order of computer studio, principles of ergonomics, ethics and copyrights, guidance for using computer stock in studio. New media in IT teaching. Teaching and learning using computers and the Internet: challenges, the use of tools and network resources; strategies and resources for seeking information on the Internet; information broker Lesson planning. Writing syllabus and lesson-plan, selecting aims and objectives, selecting organisation forms, implementation, evaluation and assessment; knowledge, attitudes and skills, evaluation of teachers’ work. Unit implementation. Teaching practice. Discussion and summary. Planning professional and personal self-development. standards of preparation of professional IT teachers, self-development and professional development scheme, self-education, working with gifted students. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Student is able to: Organize IT teachers’ workshop; critically evaluate information sources on the Internet, use network tools in his workshop; evaluate and select course-books, select software; write lesson-plans; plane teachers’ professional and personal self-development; work with gifted students. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 85 Lectures – examination (case-study) Class – collecting points for lesson-plan, implementation of lesson, projects. RECOMMENDED READING: red. Juszczyk S.: Metodyka nauczania Informatyki w szkole, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń, 2001 Janczyk J., Morańska D., Musioł M., Dydaktyka informatyki i technologii informacyjnej. Wyd. Adam Marszałek, Toruń, 2004 Kron F. Sofos A., Dydaktyka mediów, GWP, Gdańsk 2009 red. Kruszewski K., Sztuka nauczania. Czynności nauczyciela. t.1 i 2. Warszawa, PWN 2002 Acman J., Ryll R., Awans zawodowy nauczyciela. Praktyczny poradnik., Warszawa, PWN 2005 Koba G., Poradnik metodyczny. Informatyka dla liceum ogólnokształcącego, Migra, Wrocław 2003 OPTIONAL READING: Arends R.I. (2002) Uczymy się nauczać. tł. K. Kruszewski, Warszawa, WSiP Gurbiel E., Hardt-Olejniczak G., Kołczyk E., Krupicka H., Łukojć K., Płoski Z., Sysło M. M., Witkowski J., Zuber R., Elementy Informatyki. Poradnik metodyczny dla nauczyciela, PWN, Warszawa 1997 Goźlińska E., Nie lekcje, lecz zajęcia edukacyjne, WSiP 2005 Koletyńska K., Sitko K, Nauczyciel na starcie, WSiP 2005 Informatyka 2000, Poradnik metodyczny dla nauczycieli szkoły podstawowej kl. IV-VI, M. Mordka i inni., wyd. Czarny Kruk, Bydgoszcz 2000 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 86 IIC CTT -- IIN NFFO OR RM MA ATTIIO ON N A AN ND D C CO OM MM MU UN NIIC CA ATTIIO ON N TTEEC CH HN NO OLLO OG GYY Co urse c ode : 11.3- WP-PED-TI T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Basic knowledge on ICT. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Jacek Jędryczkowski dr Jacek Jędryczkowski, dr Ewa Nowicka mgr inż. Maciej Jackowski, mgr inż. Rafał Olczak Na me o f lec tur er : mgr inż. Maciej Przechrzta, mgr Anna Ucińska mgr Ewa Szymanowska, mgr inż. Jarosław Wagner Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 2 2 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 14 2 2 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: - Operating Systems Security PC/Desktop Support Networking Web Development Workplace Applications & Tools Open Source Multimedia LEARNING OUTCOMES: Computer Applications and Office Systems - learn computer literacy and software. Focuses on word processing, spreadsheets, databases, multimedia creation, web page creation, office systems and communications. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: To pass the course students have to pass all the tests and do all the planned tasks. RECOMMENDED READING: Furmanek M. (red.) Technologie informacyjne w warsztacie pracy nauczyciela, Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, Zielona Góra, 2008 Jędryczkowski J.: Prezentacje multimedialne w pracy nauczyciela, Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, Zielona Góra, 2008 Langer M., Po prostu Excel 2002/XP PL, tł. Kowalczyk M., Helion 2002 Langer M., Po prostu Word 2003 PL, tł. Masłowskiego K., Helion 2004 Pikoń K., ABC internetu. Wydanie V, Helion 2006 Schwartz S., Po prostu Access 2003 PL, tł. Koronkiewicz P., Helion 2004 [Sokół M., Sokół R., Internet. Jak surfować bezpiecznie, Helion 2005 OPTIONAL READING: Danowski B., Windows XP. Instalacja i naprawa, Helion 2005 Sokół M., Po prostu 2.0, Helion 2006 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 87 [Williams R., Tollet J., Projektowanie stron WWW. Jak to zrobić? Helion 2004 REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 88 EELLEEM MEEN NTTSS O OFF C CO OM MPPU UTTEER R PPR RO OG GR RA AM MM MIIN NG G Co urse c ode : 13.3-WP-PED-EP T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : basic computer skills, fundamentals of algorithmics L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : mgr inż. Maciej Przechrzta Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : mgr inż. Maciej Przechrzta Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 15 3 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 12 3 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Introduction to programming, Free Pascal programming environment, modules, variables, constants, data types, displaying text and variables, managing keyboard input, flow control statements (conditions - IF and CASE statements, iterations - FOR and WHILE statements), procedures, functions. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge of basic programming concepts, skills connected with implementing and running programs in Free Pascal environment, solving programming tasks using Free Pascal programming language ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Completing all ordered tasks, getting pass-grades of all quizzes during semester RECOMMENDED READING: Nowakowski Z. Sikorski W.: Informatyka bez tajemnic. Część III - programowanie mikrokomputerów, MIKOM, Warszawa, 2000 Koleśnik K.: Wstęp do programowania z przykładami w Turbo Pascalu, HELION, Gliwice, 1999 Sadowski T.: Praktyczny kurs Turbo Pascala, HELION, Gliwice, 2003 Kierzkowski A.: Turbo Pascal - Class praktyczne, HELION, Gliwice, 2006 OPTIONAL READING: REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 89 VVO OC CA ALL EEM MIISSSSIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.1-WP-PED-EG T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Skills and competences in using voice-making aid. Good psycho-physical condition L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Lidia Kataryńczuk-Mania Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : dr Lidia Kataryńczuk-Mania Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 1 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 6 1 3 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The voice as a teacher’s tool.Aims and tasks of a voice emission. A voice hygiene conditioning. Exercises strengthening and streamlining a respiratory aid. Exercises streamlining an articulatory aid. Diction exercises in practice. Learn about your voice. A voice emission in profession. Therapeutic aspects of a correct voice emission. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Skills and competences in using the voice aid, knowledge about correct rulet of emission). ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: active participation in classes, preparing project of emission classes RECOMMENDED READING: Wieczorkiewicz B., Sztuka mówienia. Warszawa 1970 Walczak M., Class artykulacyjne. Łódź 1979 Leary M., Wywieranie wrażenia na innych. O sztuce autoprezentacji. Gdańsk 1999 Oczkoś M., Abecadło mówienia. Wrocław 1999 Śliwińska-Kowalska M. (red), Głos narzędziem pracy. Łódź 1999 Łastik A., Poznaj swój Głos. Warszawa 2002 Toczyska B., Sarabanda w chaszczach. Gdańsk 1999 Kataryńczuk-Mania L. (red), Innowacje pedagogiczne w edukacji muzycznej dzieci i młodzieży. Zielona Góra 2000 Gawrońska M., Podstawy wymowy i impostacji głosu. Wrocław 2001 Laskowska H., Podstawy emisji głosu. Bydgoszcz 2000 Uchyła-Zroski J., Głos mówiony i śpiewany. Z zagadnień pedagogiki muzycznej. Piotrków Trybunalski 1998 Kataryńczuk-Mania L., Kowalkowska I. (red.) Profilaktyka i rehabilitacja głosu, mowy. Zielona Góra 2006 OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 90 IITT FFO OR R SSC CH HO OO OLLSS –– M MEETTH HO OD DO OLLO OG GYY II,,IIII Co urse c ode : 05.1-WP-PED-ISM T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Courses: General methodology, IT teaching methods. E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Knowledge and skills: IT advanced knowledge and skills L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Elżbieta Kołodziejska Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Lecture: dr E. Kołodziejska, konwersatorium: mgr Ewa Szymanowska Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 60 5,6 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 16 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 6 Passing the exam 60 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: IT teachers’ workshop. Documents: core curriculum, curriculum, syllabus, action plan, learning outcomes. School course-books and support: evaluating and selecting course-books for teachers and pupils, on-line support, methodical reference books. Teacher as an organizer of computer studio at school: instructions of order of computer studio, principles of ergonomics, ethics and copyrights, guidance for using computer stock in studio. Lesson planning. Writing syllabus and lesson-plan, selecting aims and objectives, selecting organisation forms, implementation, evaluation and assessment; knowledge, attitudes and skills, evaluation of teachers’ work. Unit implementation. Teaching practice. Discussion and summary. Planning professional and personal self-development. standards of preparation of professional IT teachers, selfdevelopment and professional development scheme, self-education, working with gifted students. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge and skills: Organizing IT teachers’ workshop; course-books evaluation and selection, software selection; writing lesson-plans and it’s implementation; planning teachers’ professional and personal selfdevelopment; professional development scheme; working with gifted students ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Lectures – examination (case-study) Laboratory – collecting points for lesson-plan, implementation of lesson, correcting lesson-plan and notes RECOMMENDED READING: red. Juszczyk S.: Metodyka nauczania Informatyki w szkole, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń, 2001 Janczyk J., Morańska D., Musioł M., Dydaktyka informatyki i technologii informacyjnej. Toruń, 2004 Wyd. Adam Marszałek red. Kruszewski K., Sztuka nauczania. Czynności nauczyciela. t.1 i 2. Warszawa, PWN 2002 Acman J., Ryll R., Awans zawodowy nauczyciela. Praktyczny poradnik., Warszawa, PWN 2005 Koba G., Poradnik metodyczny. Informatyka dla liceum ogólnokształcącego, Migra, Wrocław 2003 OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 91 Arends R.I. (2002) Uczymy się nauczać. tł. K. Kruszewski, Warszawa, WSiP Gurbiel E., Hardt-Olejniczak G., Kołczyk E., Krupicka H., Łukojć K., Płoski Z., Sysło M. M., Witkowski J., Zuber R., Elementy Informatyki. Poradnik metodyczny dla nauczyciela, PWN, Warszawa 1997 Informatyka 2000, Poradnik metodyczny dla nauczycieli szkoły podstawowej kl. IV-VI, M. Mordka i inni., wyd. Czarny Kruk, Bydgoszcz 2000 REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 92 PPR RO OG GR RA AM MM MIIN NG G LLA AN NG GU UA AG GEESS II -- H HTTM MLL Co urse c ode : 11.3-WP-PED-JP1 T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Abilities to create L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : mgr inż. Jarosław Wagner Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : mgr inż. Jarosław Wagner Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 4 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 12 4 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Structure and operation of webpages – basic information about design and administration rules HEAD markup Fonts formating Hyperlinks Graphics and multimedia Tables Frames Form Pointing and numbering Layers Cascading Style Sheets Publication and uploading website on Internet. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Ability to design and create static webpages using HTML and XHTML language. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: pass an weekle exam. RECOMMENDED READING: Castro E., Po prostu HTML 4., Wydanie III, Helion 2003. Crowder D., CrowderR., Tworzenie stron WWW. Biblia, Helion 2002. Danowski B., ABC tworzenia stron WWW , Helion , 2003. Castro E., Po prostu HTML, XHTML i CSS. Wydanie VI, Helion 2007. Lemay L., Tyler D., HTML 4. Vademecum profesjonalisty, Wydanie II, Helion 2001. Schultz D., Cook C., HTML, XHTML i CSS. Nowoczesne tworzenie stron WWW, Helion 2008 OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 93 2 LLO OC CA ALL A AN ND D G GLLO OB BA ALL N NEETTW WO OR RK KSS IIN N EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 11.3-WP-PED-SLGE T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Basic knowledge on ICT L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr inż. Grzegorz Kobyłecki Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : dr inż. Grzegorz Kobyłecki Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 4 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 6 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 10 4 3 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Computer Basics. OSI Model. OSI Model. Local Area Networks. Layer 1 - Electronics and Signals. Layer 1 Media, Connections, and Collisions. Layer 2 – Concepts. Layer 2 – Technologies. Design and Documentation. Structured Cabling Project. Layer 3 - Routing and Addressing. Layer 3: Protocols. Layer 4 - The Transport Layer. Layer 5 - The Session Layer. Layer 6 - The Presentation Layer. Layer 7 - The Application Layer. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Basic knowledge of computer networks. Using LAN and WAN in education ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Lecture – the main condition to get a pass are sufficient marks in written or oral tests conducted at least once per semester. Laboratory – the main condition to get a pass is scoring sufficient marks for all laboratory exercises RECOMMENDED READING: Amato V., Lewis W.: Akademia Sieci Cisco. Pierwszy rok nauki, MIKOM, Warszawa 2002 Komar B., Administracja sieci TCP/IP dla każdego, Helion, Gliwice 2000. Mucha M., Sieci komputerowe. Budowa i działanie, Helion, Gliwice 2003. Mueller S., Rozbudowa i naprawa sieci. Wydanie II, Helion, Gliwice 2004. Tanenbaum A., Sieci komputerowe, tł. Grażyński A., Jarczyk A., Helion, Gliwice 2004 OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 94 IIN NFFO OR RM MA ATTIIO ON N TTEEC CH HN NO OLLO OG GIIEESS IIN N PPEED DA AG GO OG GIIC CA ALL D I A G N O S I S A N D T H E R A P Y DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY Co urse c ode : 05.0-WP-PED-TIDT T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Rudiments of media pedagogy, media in E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : education, computing skills, Internet skills, MS Office skills L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr E. Nowicka Semestr Liczba godzin w tygodniu Forma zajęć Liczba godzin w semestrze Na me o f lec tur er : dr E. Nowicka Forma zaliczenia Punkty ECTS Full-time studies Lecture 15 2 Laboratory 30 2 5 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 6 2 Laboratory 6 2 5 3 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Specific learning difficulties – problem of contemporary school: terminology of specific difficulties in reading and writing, reading and writing process, description of specific difficulties in reading and writing. Pedagogical therapy – basic assistance in overcoming specific reading and writing difficulties: basic goals and aims of pedagogical therapy, principles of running therapeutic classes, stages of therapeutic process, educational and therapeutic exercises used in correction classes. Emotional and motivation disorders as serious problem of children with dyslexia. Favorable conditions for therapeutic classes: use of information technologies for organizing proper educational and therapeutic conditions. Multimedia therapy: assumptions of multimedia therapy, review of educational and therapeutic programs, basic features of well prepared educational-therapeutic programs, methodological tips for good classes of multimedia therapy, basic principles of therapeutic classes with the use of information technologies. Classification of educational-therapeutic programs. Analysis and evaluation of educational-therapeutic programs for children with specific learning difficulties. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students know the basic concepts (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthographia, pedagogical therapy, multimedia therapy, educational-therapeutic program). They can describe the process of reading and writing, and the main goals and aims of pedagogical therapy. They can explain the importance of information technologies in therapeutic process. They are able to analyze and evaluate the contents of educational-therapeutic programs. They can design and present classes of multimedia therapy. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 95 Students have to pass the examination. Before taking the examination they have to pass laboratory (pass a test) . RECOMMENDED READING: Bogdanowicz M., Adryjanek A., (2004), Uczeń z dysleksją w szkole, Gdynia Czajkowska I., Herda K., (1996), Zajęcia korekcyjno- kompensacyjne w szkole, Warszawa Kowaluk M., (2009), Efektywność terapii pedagogicznej dzieci z trudnościami w uczeniu się, Lublin Krasowicz-Kupis G., (2008), Psychologia dysleksji, Warszawa Reid G., Wearmouth J., (2008), (red.), Dysleksja. Teoria i praktyka, Gdańsk Siemienicki B., (2001), Komputer w diagnostyce i terapii pedagogicznej, Toruń OPTIONAL READING: Jurek A., (2008), Kształcenie umiejętności ortograficznych uczniów z dysleksją, Gdańsk Pietras I., (2008), Dysortografia – uwarunkowania psychologiczne, Gdańsk Kaja B., (2003), Etiologia i diagnoza dysleksji rozwojowej – przegląd badań prowadzonych na świecie, [w:] Kaja B., (red.), Diagnoza dysleksji, Bydgoszcz Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 96 M MU ULLTTIIM MEED DIIA A EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON NA ALL PPA AC CK KA AG GEESS Co urse c ode : 05.1-WP-PED-MPEd T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Rudiments of IT, fluent computing skills, Internet skills, MS Office skills Entry requirements: Language of instruction:Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr E. Nowicka Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Dr E. Nowicka Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Laboratory 15 2 4 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Laboratory 6 2 4 1 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Multimedia educational packages: the concepts of educational packages, multimediality, computer program. Introduction to designing and preparing educational packages: package components, its thematic areas and age groups. Collecting topics for packages prepared by students. Preparing multimedia educational packages: deadlines for partial presentation, description of each part of the package. Presenting multimedia educational packages prepared by students: presenting final educational packages, discussing their contents and possible application at school, presenting the main goals of the presented packages. Examples of classes based on the students' multimedia packages. Evaluation of students' packages. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students know the following concepts: educational packages, multimediality, computer program. They can plan and organize team work. They are able to design the content of a package (structure of individual package parts) and present their final multimedia educational packages. They can explain the use and application of the designed package. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Students have to obtain positive grades for presenting individual parts of the package on time and for presenting and describing the final package, its educational goals and possible application in education. RECOMMENDED READING: Bednarek J., (2002), Media w nauczaniu, Warszawa Bednarek J., (2004), Multimedia w kształceniu, Warszawa OPTIONAL READING: Pilch T., (red.), (2003), Encyklopedia pedagogiczna XXI wieku, Warszawa Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 97 G GR RA APPH HIIC CA ALL PPIIC CTTU UR REE C CO OM MPPO OSSIITTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.5-WP-PED-KOGr T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Manual efficiency (dexterity) on basic level L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : język Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : mgr Elżbieta Plodzień Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : mgr Elżbieta Plodzień Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Class 30 3 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Class 6 3 1 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Form of the classes – handworks Origin of composition; rules of classical composition; compositive plans; form and essence in art; art visual language; basic lettering knowledge and knowledge of spacing text; different kinds of graphical messages; basic rules in designing graphical message; design components – experiments in mixing elements to gain the most effective guidance reception LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge of basic rules of the picture composition in surface; Attendance of fine arts language in description of visual form; General rules of lettering and designing graphical message ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Active attendance in all the classes RECOMMENDED READING: Sheybal S. Kompozycja plastyczna – podstawowe zasady, W-wa 1964 Zieliński J.A., Wiedza o sztuce – widzenie artystyczne, Warszawa 1999 Dabner D., Design & Layout. Sztuka projektowania, Wyd. G+J, 2004 Fiell Ch.& Peter, Projektowanie graficzne w XXI wieku, Wyd. Taschen, 2005 Tyczkowski K., Lettera magica, Polish Drukarz, Łódź 2005 Czasopismo: OgólnoPolish Kwartalnik Projektowy „ 2+ 3 D „ OPTIONAL READING: REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 98 PPR RO OG GR RA AM MM MIIN NG G LLA AN NG GU UA AG GEESS IIIIII Co urse c ode : 11.3-WP-PED-JP3 T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Knowledge and skills: Elementary knowledge in E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : algorithmic. IT advanced knowledge and skills. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : język Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr E. Kołodziejska Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : dr E. Kołodziejska Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Class 30 2 5 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Class 12 2 5 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Introduction to LOGO programming: algorithms, program, Logo microworlds Logo environment: Turtle geometry and attribute, base tools. LOGO procedure and function: basic procedure; procedure and function defined by users. Data type: words, tables, lists and function connected with them. Variable: local and global variable, building, getting value and using variable in procedures. Flow control procedures: iteration, condition, recurrence and other form for run controlling, solving typical algorithmic tasks. Object-oriented programming: definition of classes, object, unit; classes of objects in LOGO language: turtle, field, page, slider; properties of objects and it’s modification; events programming. Multimedia in Logo environment: adding picture, sound, video to LOGO projects. Pedagogical projects: creating projects helpful for education, public projects presentation and evaluation. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge and skills: develop algorithmic thinking and logical mind, put down typical algorithms in LOGO language; solve same programming’s tasks using LOGO; building educational projects with LOGO structure; hold LOGO classes with pupils in secondary schoolASSESSMENT CRITERIA: RECOMMENDED READING: S. Papert, Burze mózgów. Dzieci i komputery, PWN, 1996 A. Walat, Wprowadzenie do Lokomocji, OEIiZK 2003 A. Borowiecka, Edytor postaci Lokomocji, OEIiZK 2003 Elementy informatyki. Podręcznik, pod red. M. M. Sysły, PWN, 1997 OPTIONAL READING: D. Harel, Rzecz i istocie informatyki. Algorytmika, WNT, 2000 A. J. Lewowicki, Informatyka w szkole. Programowanie w języku Logo od podstaw. Oficyna Edukacyjna Krzysztof Pazdro, 1998 A. Skarbińska, Multimedia w Logo Komeniuszu, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2001 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 99 M MA ASSSS M MEED DIIA A Co urse c ode : 15.9-WP-PED-MM T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Basic knowledge on: Sociology, Cultural theory, E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : History of culture, Social education, Social communication. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Jacek Jędryczkowski Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f l ec tur er : dr Jacek Jędryczkowski Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 Class 15 1 2 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 6 1 Class 6 1 2 2 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Concepts and Models for Mass Communication; Theory of Media and Theory of Society; Mass Communication and Culture; Global Mass Communication; The Media Organization; Media Content: Issues, Concepts and Method of Analysis; Audience Theory and Research Traditions; Audience Formation and Experience; Process and Models of Media Effects. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge on: “Mass media is a term used to denote a section of the media specifically envisioned and designed to reach a very large audience such as the population of a nation state. It was coined in the 1920s with the advent of nationwide radio networks, mass-circulation newspapers and magazines, although mass media (like books and manuscripts) were present centuries before the term became common. The term public media has a similar meaning: it is the sum of the public mass distributors of news and entertainment across media such as, newspapers, radio television. The concept of mass media is complicated in some internet media as now individuals have a means of potential exposure on a scale comparable to what was previously restricted to select group of mass media producers”; Skills and competences in the field of evaluating media; Evaluation of harmful media influence. Advertisement influence; Stimulation of attention processes, Addiction to media. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Students have to be awarded a passing grade for an exam to complete a lecture and a passing grade for a test and participate in classes to compete conversation classes. RECOMMENDED READING: De Kerckhove D.: Powłoka kultury, Mikom, Warszawa, 2001 Dobek-Ostrowska B. Studia z teorii komunikowania masowego, Wyd. UW, 1999 Dobek-Ostrowska B. Nauka o komunikowaniu. Podstawowe orientacje teoretyczne, Wyd UW, Wrocław 2001 Doliński D.: Psychologia reklamy, Wyd. Aida, Wrocław 2001 Goban-Klas T.: Media i komunikowanie masowe. Teorie i analizy prasy, radia, telewizji i Internetu, PWN, Warszawa-Kraków, 2001 Griffin E.: Podstawy komunikacji społecznej, GWP, Gdańsk, 2003 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 100 Jędryczkowski J.: Media masowe w edukacji W: Prezentacje multimedialne w pracy nauczyciela, Oficyna Wydawnicza UZ, Zielona Góra, 2008 Laermer R., Prichinello M.: Public relations, GWP, Gdańsk, 2004 McLuchan H.M.: Wybór tekstów, Wyd. Zysk i S-ka, Poznań 2001 McQuil D.: Teoria komunikowania masowego, PWN, 2008 Reeves B., Nass C.: Media i ludzie, PIW, Warszawa, 2000 Siemieniecki B. (red.): Manipulacja - Media - Edukacja, Wyd. A.M., Toruń 2007 Sorlin P.: Mass Media, Wyd. Astrum, Wrocław 2001 Toffler A., Toffler H.: Budowa nowej cywilizacji. Polityka trzeciej fali, Wyd. Zysk i S-ka, Poznań 1996 Wimmer R.D., Dominick J.R., Mass media. Metody bad., Wyd. UJ. Kraków 2008 REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 101 M MEED DIIA A IIN N EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.0-WP-PED-MwEd T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Basic knowledge on ICT. Knowledge on how to E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : use computer and Internet (communication tools), media and mass media. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Jacek Jędryczkowski Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week dr Jacek Jędryczkowski, dr Ewa Nowicka Na me o f lec tur er : mgr inż. Maciej Jackowski, mgr inż. Rafał Olczak, mgr Ewa Szymanowska, mgr Anna Ucińska, mgr inż. Jarosław Wagner Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 2 4 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 6 1 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 10 2 4 4 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Media in education – Basic notions. Individualization of teaching-learning process. The process of learning with the implementation of media. Sensory stimulation in multimedia message. Audial and iconic layer of media.. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Skills and competences in the field of evaluating educational media. Evaluation of harmful media influence. Skill of using educational media in teaching-learning process. Skill of designing and constructing educational media. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Students have to be awarded a passing grade for an exam to complete a lecture and a passing grade for a test and participate in classes to compete classes. RECOMMENDED READING: De Kerckhove D.: Inteligencja otwarta, Mikom, Warszawa, 2001 De Kerckhove D.: Powłoka kultury, Mikom, Warszawa, 2001 Gajda J.: Media w edukacji, Impuls, Kraków, 2002 Goban-Klas T.: Media i komunikowanie masowe. Teorie i analizy prasy, radia, telewizji i Internetu, PWN, Warszawa-Kraków, 2001 Jędryczkowski J.: Prezentacje multimedialne w procesie uczenia się studentów, Wyd. Adam Marszałek, Toruń, 2005 Jędryczkowski J.: Prezentacje multimedialne w pracy nauczyciela, Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, Zielona Góra, 2008 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 102 Reeves B., Nass C.: Media i ludzie, PIW, Warszawa, 2000 Siemieniecki B.: (red.): Edukacja medialna, Wyd. Adam Marszałek, Toruń, 2002 2 Strykowski W.: Media w edukacji: kierunki prac badawczych. [w:] Edukacja Medialna nr 2, Wyd. eMPi , Poznań, 1998 Wawrzak-Chodaczek M.: Kształcenie kultury audiowizualnej młodzieży. Wyd. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław, 2000 REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 103 M MEETTH HO OD DO OLLO OG GYY O OFF C CO OM MPPU UTTEER R A ASSSSIISSTTEED D TTEEA AC CH HIIN NG G Co urse c ode : 05.1-WP-PED-MKTI T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Courses: general methodology, IT teaching methods Knowledge and skills: an ability to make multimedia E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : presentations, films, correcting pictures and ability of planning lessons L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : mgr Ewa Szymanowska Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : mgr Ewa Szymanowska Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 15 5 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 15 5 1 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Computer use in education. Computer-assisted learning/teaching. Principles for using computers and IT in education.Computer-based tools and resources as a support for lesson. Principles for constructing computer-based tools. Planning lessons with usage of computer-based tools. Lessonplan, methodical instruction for using computer-based tools, constructing computer-based tools. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge and skills: classification and evaluation of computer-based materials, constructing computer-based materials to be used by teachers and educators during lessons ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Students collect points for test, constructing computer teaching aid, instruction for using teaching aid and lessonplan for computer-assisted lesson RECOMMENDED READING: Jędryczkowski J.: Prezentacje multimedialne w procesie uczenia się studentów, wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2005 Bednarek J.: Multimedia w kształceniu, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2006 Siemieniecka-Gogolin D.: Zdolności i postawa twórcza a styl użytkowania elektronicznych mediów, Wydawnictwo MADO, Toruń, 2005 2 Stróżyński K.: Technologia Informacyjna w nowoczesnej szkole, eMPI , Poznań, 2001 Gruba J.: Komputerowe wspomaganie umiejętności czytania u dzieci sześcioletnich, Impuls, Kraków 2002 Siemieniecki B.: Komputer w edukacji. Podstawowe problemy technologii informacyjnej, A. Marszałek, Toruń 2002 Siemieniecki B.: Technologia informacyjna w Polishej szkole – stan i zadania, A. Marszałek, Toruń 2003 Siemieniecki B., Lewandowski W.: Internet w szkole, A. Marszałek, Toruń 2000 Jabłoński J.: Komputer i Internet w pracy nauczyciela, A. Marszałek, Toruń 2003 Skalski M.: Komputer w dydaktyce [w:] Nowa Szkoła nr 4, 2000 OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 104 M MU ULLTTIIM MEED DIIA A IIN NFFO OR RM MA ATTIIO ON N TTEEC CH HN NO OLLO OG GIIEESS II,, IIII Co urse c ode : 11.3-WP-PED-MTI T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : B as ic k n owl ed ge o n ICT . L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Jacek Jędryczkowski Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f l ec tur er : dr Jacek Jędryczkowski Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 30 1 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 60 2 5/6 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 12 1 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 20 2 5/6 1+4 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Individualization of teaching-learning process; Sensory stimulation in multimedia message; Graphics in multimedia – visual form of message; Audial form of message ; Film– action form of message; Individualization of teaching-learning process; Information Technologies in education process; Methodological instruction.. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge on psychological and pedagogical conditioning of teaching-learning with the use of multimedia information technologies. Construction of media meant to individualize teaching process (image, sound, film and animation; sets of stimuli directed towards attention processes; time and pace of work; the scope of material, difficulty level; diagnosis).. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Students have to be awarded a passing grade for an exam to complete a lecture and a passing grade for a test and participate in classes to compete classes. RECOMMENDED READING: De Kerckhove D.: Inteligencja otwarta, Mikom, Warszawa, 2001 De Kerckhove D.: Powłoka kultury, Mikom, Warszawa, 2001 Furmanek M. (red.) Technologie informacyjne w warsztacie pracy nauczyciela, Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, Zielona Góra, 2008 Jędryczkowski J.: Prezentacje multimedialne w procesie uczenia się studentów, Wyd. Adam Marszałek, Toruń, 2005 Jędryczkowski J.: Prezentacje multimedialne w pracy nauczyciela, Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, Zielona Góra, 2008 Juszczyk S.: Edukacja na odległość. Kodyfikacja pojęć, reguł i procesów., Wyd. Adam Marszałek, Toruń, 2002 Lewowicki T.: Siemieniecki B.(red.): Współczesna technologia informacyjna i edukacja medialna, Wyd. Adam Marszałek, Toruń, 2004 Reeves B., Nass C.: Media i ludzie, PIW, Warszawa, 2000 Sikorski W.: Gesty zamiast słów, Impuls, Kraków, 2005 Siemieniecki B.: (red.): Edukacja medialna, Wyd. Adam Marszałek, Toruń, 2002 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 105 PPEED DA AG GO OG GIIC CA ALL TTH HR REEA ATTSS IIN N M MEED DIIA A Co urse c ode : 05.0-WP-PED-PZM T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Rudiments of IT, media in education, computing skills, Internet skills. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : język Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr E. Nowicka Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : dr E. Nowicka, Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 2 Laboratory 30 2 5 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 6 2 Laboratory 6 2 5 3 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Deviations in cyberspace: erotica, pornography, rape in cyberspace, pedophilia Media addictions: addictions, types of media addictions, causes of media addiction, social and psychological effects of media addiction. Cyber violence as a problem of contemporary youth, school and family. Media as a threat to the child's development and education: review of research into effects of irrational use of media by children, adolescents and families, The world of computer games: positive and negative aspects of computer games, computer game related risks and threats . Aggression and violence in media: concepts explaining media influence on aggressive behavior among children and adolescents. Contemporary children's stories: basic functions of the story, review and analysis of contemporary TV cartoons. Neglected areas of children and adolescents' needs and and activities: leisure time activities nowadays and in the past, forgotten children's games, physical activity of contemporary children, media participation in satisfying children and adolescents' needs. Internet – a source of information on preventing media-related risks: analysis of websites on media-related risk prevention. Media-related risk prevention: proper use of information technologies, projects supporting the prevention of media threats. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students are able to define the basic concepts (addiction, media addiction, violence, aggression, etc.), explain the problem of media addiction, distinguish the positive and negative aspects computer games, explain the main concepts of media influence on children and adolescents' aggression, plan and prepare a project on media threat prevention, evaluate the content of websites providing assistance in combating media-related threats. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Students have to pass the examination. Before taking the examination they have to pass laboratory (pass a test) Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 106 PPR REEVVEEN NTTIIO ON N O OFF M MEED DIIA A TTH HR REEA ATTSS Co urse c ode : 05.0-WP-PED-PfZM T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : basic computer skills, ability of Internet use L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : mgr inż. Maciej Przechrzta Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : mgr inż. Maciej Przechrzta Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 15 5 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 6 5 1 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The rules of safe Internet usage within the area of communication and making acquaintances. Users protection against access to illegal and harmful content on the Internet (violence, pornography, racism). Installation and configuration of content filtering software and firewall software. Users protection against viruses, Trojan horses and other kinds of malicious software. The rules of safe mobile phones usage. Prevention of cyberbullying and cyberaddictions. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Skills and abilities within the area of safe Internet usage. Skills and abilities connected with installation and configuration antivirus, content filtering and firewall software. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Completing all ordered tasks, preparing educational project connected with media threats prevention and its public presentation. RECOMMENDED READING: Aftab P.: Internet a dzieci, uzależnienia i inne niebezpieczeństwa, Wydawnictwo Pruszyński i S-ka, Warszawa, 2003 Guerreschi C.: Nowe uzależnienia, Wydawnictwo SALWATOR, Kraków, 2006 Waglowski P.: Prawo w sieci, zarys regulacji Internetu, HELION, Gliwice, 2005 OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 107 SSTTA AN ND DA AR RD D TTO OO OLL PPA AC CK KA AG GEESS Co urse c ode : 11.3-WP-PED-SPN T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Basic computer using. Skill of software installation on MS Windows platform L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : język Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : mgr inż. Rafał Olczak Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : mgr inż. Rafał Olczak Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Class 30 2 2 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Class 12 2 2 1 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Data backup. Creates disk or partition images. Restores from images. Compression image. Office software. Alternative office packages. Word processor. Spread sheets. Data bases management. Electronic -mail. Rule of procedure an electronic mail. Servers SMTP, POP3 and IMAP. Basic configuration the email client. E-mail management. Threats and prevention in virus protection. Kinds of antivirus software. Makeup the typical antivirus software. Kinds of approach of detect viruses. Rule of procedure the antivirus software. Basic configuration the selected antivirus software. Testing antivirus software. Using optical discs. Kinds of optical discs. Ways of record data. Optical disc’s drivers. Standards and formats data recording. File transfer in net. Rule of procedure FTP protocol. FTP servers. Ways data transfers. Software review. Configuration FTP client. Spam. Threats relevant electronic mail. Kinds of SPAM. Antispam’s prevention. Antispam software review. Configuration antispam filter. The web browsers. Rule of procedure the web browsers. The web browser’s motor. Configuration. The secure levels. Getting data from Internet. Save full sites on the hard disc. Software review. PC computer diagnostics. Kinds of diagnostics software. Testing the most important computer components. The basic parameters of diagnostics software. Software review. Safety in network. Kinds of threats in Internet. Prevention. Review of software such as Firewall. Basic configuration the selected software. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Skills and competence in range: basic use office applications such as OpenOffice. Installation and administration the software In range of security, communication, diagnostics and data compression. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Laboratory – in order to complete the course the student has to obtain pass notes for all the tasks determined in the syllabus. RECOMMENDED READING: Całka L., Poczta elektroniczna. Class praktyczne, Helion, 2003 Dziewoński M. OpenOffice 2.0 PL. Oficjalny podręcznik, Helion, 2005 Szor P., Wirusy. Rozpoznanie i obrona, PWN, 2006 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 108 OPTIONAL READING: Danowski B., Nagrywanie płyt CD i DVD. Kurs, Helion, 2003 Diagnostyka sprzętu komputerowego, Helion, 2006 Sokół M., Sokół R. Internet. Jak surfować bezpiecznie, Helion, 2005 REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 109 FFIILLM M W WO OR RK KSSH HO OPPSS Co urse c ode : 03.4-WP-PED-WFiI T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Umiejętność korzystania z komputera L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : mgr Anna Ucińska Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f l ec tur er : mgr Anna Ucińska Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 2 4 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 10 2 4 1 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Introduction to filmmaking, work organization in the set, screenwriting, script, storyboard, direction, cameraman work. editing, various formats of video files, file conversion, authoring. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Skills and competences in filmmaking from scratch; basic knowledge of screenwriting, directing, operating a camera and editing ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: To pass the course students have to pass all the tests and carry out all the planned tasks RECOMMENDED READING: Andrejew P. , Dąbal W.: Kompendium Terminologii Filmowej, Wyd. Aero Scope, Warszawa, 2005 Arijon D.: Gramatyka języka filmowego, Wyd. Wojciech Marzec, Warszawa, 2008 Danowski B.: Komputerowy montaż wideo. Class praktyczne, Wyd. Helion, Gliwice, 2006 Karpiński M.: Scenariusz: niedoskonałe odbicie filmu, Wyd. RABID, Kraków, 2004 Kingdon T.: Sztuka reżyserii filmowej, Wyd. Wojciech Marzec, Warszawa, 2007 Mascelli J. V.: 5 tajników warsztatu filmowego, Wyd. Wojciech Marzec, Warszawa, 2007 Schabenbeck M.: Format scenariusza filmowego, Wyd. Wojciech Marzec, Warszawa, 2008 Świerk G., Madurski Ł. Multimedia. Obróbka dźwięku i filmów. Podstawy Wyd. Helion, Gliwice, 2004 Zonn L., Matula J.: O montażu w filmie, Wyd. Centrum Animacji Kultury, 2001 OPTIONAL READING: Adobe Creative Team: Adobe Premiere 6.5. Podręcznik montażysty, Wyd. Helion, Gliwice, 2004 Bocian R., Zabłocki M. J.: Angielsko - Polish słownik terminologii filmowej, Wyd. Wojciech Marzec, Warszawa, 2008 Gdula M.: Adobe Premiere Pro. Class, Wyd. Helion, Gliwice, 2004 Murch W.: W mgnieniu oka. sztuka montażu filmowego, Wyd. Wojciech Marzec, Warszawa, 2006 Paul J.: 100 sposobów na cyfrowe wideo, Wyd. Helion, Gliwice, 2006 Russin R. U., Downs W. M.: Jak napisać scenariusz filmowy, Wyd. Wojciech Marzec, Warszawa, 2005 Syska R. (red.): Słownik filmu, Wyd. Zielona Sowa, Kraków, 2005 Wrotek W.: Ulead Video Studio 11 PL. Pierwsze starcie, Wyd. Helion, Gliwice, 2008 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 110 CZASOPISMA Chip - miesięcznik ENTER Magazyn komputerowy - miesięcznik Film – miesięcznik Film & TV kamera – miesięcznik Kino – miesięcznik REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 111 C CO OM MM MU UN NIIC CA ATTIIO ON N TTH HEEO OR RYY Co urse c ode : 15.0-WP-PED-TK T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Completion of Mass Media course L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Prof. UZ, dr hab. Marek Furmanek Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Prof. UZ, dr hab. Marek Furmanek Mgr Anna Ucińska Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 15 1 6 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 6 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 6 6 2/1 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Social, interpersonal and mass communication. Communication process. Elements of the communication process. Information medium, relations. Communication models. Communication theories. Types of social communication. Communication axioms. Signs and codes in communication. Social communication as a process and a phenomenon. Non-verbal communication. Communication competences. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge, skills and competences within understanding the communication phenomena and processes as well as conditions of achieving success in different social forms of interaction ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Students have to be awarded a passing grade for an exam to complete a lecture and a passing grade for a test and participate in classes to compete conversation classes RECOMMENDED READING: Dobek-Ostrowska B., Nauka o komunikowaniu, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2001 Filipiak M., Homo communicans. Wprowadzenie do teorii masowego komunikowania, Wyd. UMCS, Lublin 2003 Fiske J., Wprowadzenie do badań nad komunikowaniem, ASTRUM, Wrocław 1999 Griffin E., Podstawy komunikacji społecznej, GWP, Sopot 2003 Sztejnberg A., Podstawy komunikacji społecznej w edukacji, ASTRUM, Wrocław, 2002 Retter H., Komunikacja codzienna w pedagogice, GWP, Sopot 2005 OPTIONAL READING: McQuail D., Teoria komunikowania masowego, PWN Warszawa 2008 Mrozowski M., Media masowe. Władza rozrywka i biznes, Oficyna wydawnicza Aspra-JR, Warszawa 2001 Pisarek W., Wstęp do nauki o komunikowaniu, Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne, Warszawa 2008 Goban-Klas T., Media i komunikowanie masowe, PWN, Warszawa 2005 Dobek-Ostrowska B. - Podstawy komunikowania społecznego; wyd. Astrum, 2004 REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 112 PRE-SCHOOL AND PRIMARY EDUCATION Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 113 EEC CO OLLO OG GIIC CA ALL EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.1-WP-PED-EE T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Basic knowledge on biological, physical and chemical phenomena L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Hanna Uździcka Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f l ec tur er : dr Hanna Uździcka Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Class 15 1 6 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Class 8 6 1 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Causes and effects of ecological air, water and soil pollution. Noise danger. Devastation of the surface of the Earth. Global warming. Ozone hole. Acid rains. Smog. Technologies advantageous for environment. The characterisation of "ecoproduct". Energy production and waste. Environmental protection in legislation. Ecological films show. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Familiarising students with with the problems of environmental contamination and their influence on functioning of a man; shaping the skill of conscious noticing of ecological dangers and fighting with them as well as the skills of understanding phenomena in the surrounding nature. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Credit condition is presence at the classes, work on given topics, prepareing semester paper and obtaining a positive grade from a test. RECOMMENDED READING: Chwastek J., Żóławski Cz.: Rekultywacja terenów zniszczonych przez przemysł wydobywczy, 1983 Gajewski K., Mendaluk Z.T.: Ekologia, ochrona środowiska, Zielona Góra 1994 Gajewski K., Mendaluk Z.T.: Leksykon. Ekologia. Ochrona środowiska., Zielona Góra 1994 Greinert H.: Ochrona gleb, Zielona Góra 1995 Hafner M.: Ochrona środowiska – księga eko – testów do pracy w szkole i w domu, 1998 Heinrich D., Hergt M.: Atlas zur Okologie, 1998 Lipko St.: Biologiczne zasoby ziemi w gospodarce człowieka, 1990 Ochrona środowiska – pr. zb. p. red. J. Kąkolewskiego, 1989 Problemy ochrony wód – pr.zb. p. red. T. Bilińskiego, Zielona Góra 1986 Radecki W.: Prawo ochrony środowiska, 1999 Sander H.: Ochrona zasobów naturalnych, 1999 Wiśniewski H., Kowalewski G.: Ekologia z ochroną i kształtowaniem środowiska, 1998 Zasoby glebowe i roślinne – użytkowanie, zagrożenie, ochrona. – pr. zb. pod red. R. Olaczka. PWRil, W-wa 1988 Ziemia – pr. zb. p. red. Maślankiewicza. Wiedza Powszechna 1977. OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 114 M MU USSIIC CA ALL EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N II,, IIII Co urse c ode : 05.1-WP-PED-EM1/2/3 T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Manual and musical predispositions L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Lidia Kataryńczuk-Mania Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : dr Lidia Kataryńczuk-Mania Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 90 1/2/3 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 36 4 1/2/3 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Elements of the music theory.Children’s skills and abilities in music. Ways of children’s’ development. Current systems of music education (Dalcroze, Orff, Kodaly, Gordon and others)Forms of music activity in early education: Singing and speech exercises, playing music instruments, listening to music, composing, movement with music. Selected elements of musical play/fun pedagogy.Examples of music literature, musical games and singing repertoire – ways of using in practice An analysis of music curriculums Programming music classes, art workshops . Musical games for integrationSelected elements of music therapy and prophylaxis . LEARNING OUTCOMES: Gaining musical knowledge, development of musical skills: vocal, instrumental, in dancing, perception and creation ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: -------- RECOMMENDED READING: Lipska E., Przychodzińska M. (1991), Muzyka w nauczaniu początkowym, Warszawa. Smoczyńska-Nachtman U. (1998), Muzyka dla dzieci, Warszawa. Kataryńczuk-Mania L., Gniazdowski M. (1990), Marcowy kwiatek i inne piosenki..., Kubuś Puchatek i inne piosenki..., Zielona Góra. Zwolińska E.(red.) Muzyka w nauczaniu zintegrowanym, Bydgoszcz 2002 Krzyżowska T., Zabawy z piosenką, Katowice 1995 Kataryńczuk-Mania L.,Karcz J.(2006), Sztuka w kontekście oddziaływania na człowieka, Zielona Góra Kataryńczuk-Mania L. (red.) (2000), Innowacje pedagogiczne w edukacji muzycznej dzieci i młodzieży, Zielona Góra, Kisiel M. (2005), Muzyka w zintegrowanej edukacji wczesnoszkolnej, Katowice OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 115 A AR RTT.. A AN ND D TTEEC CH HN NIIC CA ALL EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N II,, IIII Co urse c ode : 05.1-WP-PED-EPT1/2/3 T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Manual efficiency on basic level, correct colour E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : perception L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : mgr Elżbieta Płodzień Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : mgr Elżbieta Płodzień Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 90 1/2/3 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 36 4 1/2/3 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Form of the classes – handworks knowledge in works of art theory essentials – art branches, art visual language, main rules of classical composition, kind of composition, lettering basic rules knowledge in materials – properties and kinds of materials using in children work, possibilities and ways of connecting Artistic expression – expressing feelings and emotions, energy, self-defining and communicate with people by symbolic image, connecting observation with elements of imagination, theme provocation as a starting point in artistic means, planar and space compositions, lettering composition, decorative and applied type of composition, occasional decoration Art history basics – main styles, trends, world-wide art stream, leading artists and Polish art monuments Classes methodics – ways of mobilizing creative activity, putting children into symbolic thinking, creative actions linking all educational areas younger child; the provision of studio, classes organization LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge of basic artistic terms and problems; elements of art history and material culture; Attendance of fine arts language in description of visual form; learning different art techniques; qualification in expanding and supporting individual creative skills, developing imagination, manual dexterity, shaping of the impressionability in visual quality, planning and organization individual artistic - technical activities with children. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Active attendance in all the classes – realization handworks in techniques we discussed; getting a pass inclusive of issues discussed during classes. RECOMMENDED READING: Dymara B. (red.), Dziecko w świecie sztuki, Kraków 1996 Estreicher K., Historia sztuki w zarysie, Warszawa – Kraków 1987 Gloton R., Clero C., Twórcza aktywność dziecka, Warszawa 1976 Popek S.(red.), Aktywność twórcza dzieci i młodzieży, Warszawa 1988 Trojanowska a., Dziecko i plastyka, Warszawa 1983 OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 116 SSEEXXU UA ALL EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.9-WP-PED-EdSx T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Basic knowledge of pedagogy, sociology and psychology; knowledge of theory and E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : methodology of education. Knowledge of methods and techniques in education. Basic skills of planning educational activities. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : język Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Krzysztof Wąż Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : dr Krzysztof Wąż Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 Class 15 1 5 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 6 Class 6 5 2 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The subject and objectives of sexual education. Restrictive and permissive sexual education and education of the golden mean. Sexual morality. Education and sexual roles.Human psychosexual development. Sexuality in human life cycle.The notion of a norm in sexology, sexual disorders. Sexual violence among peers and sexual violence towards children. Role of family, peers, school and mass media in the process of sexual education. Natural family planning methods and contraception methods as a subject of sexual education. Sexual behaviours in the context of HIV infections. Sex and the Internet. Dangers about the Internet. Sexual education. Chosen elements of methodology of education for family life. Chosen elements of prevention of risky sexual behaviours.. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Competence at psychosexual development and human sexuality. Knowledge of objectives, outcomes and chosen elements of sexual education methodology and prevention of risky sexual behaviours.. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Active participation at classes, moderating over the classes, preparing individual studies concerning the subject.. RECOMMENDED READING: Beisert M., Psychologia zaburzeń seksualnych, w: Psychologia kliniczna, tom 2, red. H. Sęk, PWN, Warszawa 2007 Beisert M., Rozwojowa norma seksuologiczna jako kryterium oceny zachowań seksualnych dzieci i młodzieży, w: Dziecko Krzywdzone, 2006, nr 16 Beisert M.: Seks twojego dziecka, ZW – K. Domke, Poznań 1991 Chomczyńska-Milis M., Edukacja seksualna w społeczeństwie współczesnym. Konteksty pedagogiczne i psychologiczne, UMCS, Lublin 2002 Glaser D., Frosh S.: Dziecko seksualnie wykorzystywane, PZWL, Warszawa 1995 [Grzelak S., Profilaktyka ryzykownych zachowań seksualnych młodzieży. Aktualny stan badań i na świecie i w Polsce, Wyd. Scholar, Warszawa 2006 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 117 Izdebski Z, Jaczewski A., Rozwój seksualny, w: Biologiczne i medyczne podstawy rozwoju i wychowania, red. A. Jaczewski, WA „Żak”, Warszawa 2005 Izdebski Z., Jaczewski A., Kocha, lubi, szanuje ..., PWN, Warszawa 1998 Izdebski Z., Ryzykowna dekada. Seksualność Polaków w dobie HIV/AIDS. Studium porównawcze 1997 – 2001 – 2006, UZ, Zielona Góra 2006 Lew-Starowicz Z. Seks w sieci i nie tylko, Wydawnictwo Medyczne, Kraków 2003 Mentlewicz A., Południewski G., Antykoncepcja czyli świadome macierzyństwo, Poster Poligrafia, Warszawa 2001 Pankowska D., Wychowanie a role płciowe, GWP, Gdańsk 2005 Rzepka J. (red.): Zagadnienia prorodzinnej edukacji seksuologicznej i profilaktyki HIV/AIDS, Studio Wydawnicze AGAT, Katowice 1996 Seksualność człowieka w cyklu życia, red. M. Beisert, WN PWN, Warszawa 2006 Skrzydlewski W. B., Etyka seksualna. Przemiany i perspektywy, Wyd. II, Kraków 1999 Starowicz Z., Długołęcka A.., Edukacja seksualna, Świat Książki, Warszawa 2006REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 118 VVO OC CA ALL EEM MIISSSSIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.1-WP-PED-EG T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Skills and competences in using voice-making aid. Good psycho-physical condition L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Lidia Kataryńczuk-Mania Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : dr Lidia Kataryńczuk-Mania Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 1 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 1 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The voice as a teacher’s tool.Aims and tasks of a voice emission. A voice hygiene conditioning. Exercises strengthening and streamlining a respiratory aid. Exercises streamlining an articulatory aid. Diction exercises in practice. Learn about your voice. A voice emission in profession. Therapeutic aspects of a correct voice emission. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Skills and competences in using the voice aid, knowledge about correct rulet of emission). ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: active participation in classes, preparing project of emission classes RECOMMENDED READING: Wieczorkiewicz B., Sztuka mówienia. Warszawa 1970 Walczak M., Class artykulacyjne. Łódź 1979 Leary M., Wywieranie wrażenia na innych. O sztuce autoprezentacji. Gdańsk 1999 Oczkoś M., Abecadło mówienia. Wrocław 1999 Śliwińska-Kowalska M. (red), Głos narzędziem pracy. Łódź 1999 Łastik A., Poznaj swój Głos. Warszawa 2002 Toczyska B., Sarabanda w chaszczach. Gdańsk 1999 Kataryńczuk-Mania L. (red), Innowacje pedagogiczne w edukacji muzycznej dzieci i młodzieży. Zielona Góra 2000 Gawrońska M., Podstawy wymowy i impostacji głosu. Wrocław 2001 Laskowska H., Podstawy emisji głosu. Bydgoszcz 2000 Uchyła-Zroski J., Głos mówiony i śpiewany. Z zagadnień pedagogiki muzycznej. Piotrków Trybunalski 1998 Kataryńczuk-Mania L., Kowalkowska I. (red.) Profilaktyka i rehabilitacja głosu, mowy. Zielona Góra 2006 OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 119 LLIITTEER RA ATTU UR REE FFO OR R C CH HIILLD DR REEN N Co urse c ode : 05.1-WP-PED-LDD T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Basic knowledge of Polish grammar and theory of literature L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : prof. dr hab. Pola Kuleczka Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : prof. dr hab. Pola Kuleczka Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 Class 30 5 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 8 Class 12 5 4 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The fourth’ literature. On nature and forms of literature for children. Forms and nature of ‘separate’ literature. Children’s texts and texts for children – selection of books for young readers. The place of the fourth literature in culture. Literature for children and literature in general. Literature for children and its circulation. Teaching folklore texts and their perception among children. Folklore and folklore studies. Folk literature and literature for children: language, characters, customs etc. Criteria for evaluation of works of literature and specific features of ‘separate’ literature. Determinants of literature. Basic concepts in the theory of literature. Pedagogical tendencies and their reflection in literature for young readers. Children in literature and pedagogy – tendencies, phenomena, changes. ‘Miraculous and useful’ or the significance of fairy tales for children. Aesthetic, cognitive and educational values of fairy tales. Authors of fairy tales. Nature as inspiration in literature. Classification of nature according to Tadeusz Makowiecki. Functions of nature in literature. Values presented in literature for children and young readers. Forms of expressing values in literature for young readers. From Konopnicka to Białoszewski, or children’s language and poetry for children. Receiver and sender in poetry. Language games. Changes in the form of periodicals for children over the centuries. The role of periodicals for children in education. The educational and aesthetic role of film genres, radio programs and drama. Aesthetics and mass media. Children as receivers. Humor in the ‘separate’ literature. Humor and its categories. The role of ‘the fourth’ literature in teaching. Functions of literature and contemporary knowledge on children education. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Abilities and competence necessary to analyze literature in terms of types and forms of literature addressed to children; tendencies in psychology, pedagogy and sociology reflected in literature for children. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Lecture – credits are awarded on the basis of active participation in all lectures. The final exam is taken only by those students who have received a positive result for classes. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 120 RECOMMENDED READING: Bettelheim B.: Cudowne i pożyteczne. O znaczeniach i wartościach baśni. Przeł. i przedmową opatrzyła Danuta Danek, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, Warszawa, 1985, t. I-II. Cieślikowski J.: Literatura i podkultura dziecięca, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław-WarszawaKraków-Gdańsk, 1975. Cieślikowski J.: Literatura osobna. Wybór Ryszard Waksmund, Nasza Księgarnia, Warszawa, 1985. Jonca M.: Enfants terribles. Dzieci złe, źle wychowane w literaturze Polishej XIX wieku, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław, 2005. Kątny M.: Przyroda w Polishej prozie dla dzieci i młodzieży, Wydawnictwo Akademii Świętokrzyskiej, Kielce, 2002. Waksmund R.: Od literatury dla dzieci do literatury dziecięcej (tematy – gatunki – konteksty), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław, 2000. Wartości literatury dla dzieci i młodzieży. Pod red. Joanny Papuzińskiej i Bogusława Żurakowskiego, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa-Poznań, 1985. Żurakowski B.: W świecie poezji dla dzieci, Impuls, Kraków, 1999. OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 121 LLO OG GO OPPA AEED DIIC CSS Co urse c ode : 05.6-WP-PED-Log T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory Basic knowledge from general pedagogy, education and psychology. Basic knowledge of E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : anatomy, physiology, and speech organs. Basis of knowledge from polish language (phonetics and descriptive grammar). L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : PhD Zdzisława Janiszewska-Nieścioruk Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : PhD Zdzisława Janiszewska-Nieścioruk, PhD Ewa Małgorzata Skorek Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture Laboratories 30 2 1 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture Laboratories 12 1 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The problem of speech therapy, its subject, conceptions, tasks, development. The state and perspectives of speech therapeutic care. Physiologic and anatomic speech basis and its creation with development ( with speech hearing). The meaning of early stimulation in the development of speech in the prevention of the verbal language communication disorder. The classification of disorders ( for example, the symptoms, causes) and their characteristic ( the issue, symptoms and causes) with pointing on methods of therapy. The diagnostic procedures and the therapy of speech development retardation. The correctness of lallation, presentation of methods, also improvement of motor activity of speech organs. The presentation as well as demonstration and exercise of chosen correctness methods. The analysis of articulated questionnaire, preventive and therapeutic program and speech therapeutic tests, the possibilities of their use in pedagogic work. LEARNING OUTCOMES: The knowledge of speech problems, its development and communication disorder in children. The ability of recognition of causes and symptoms of the very often shown disorders and deformations and the ways of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures aimed on its cessation. The knowledge of the factors of optimal speech creation with taking into account the early stimulation of its development and the effective prevention of the communication disorder in children. Presented problems of oral communication disorder should inspire students to creative and reflexive use of acquired knowledge in prevention and therapy of chosen speech defects. Creating the abilities of the occlusal defects correctness and improving the motor activity of speech organs with using different methods (particularly those entertaining) ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 122 Laboratories: passing with final grade RECOMMENDED READING: Gałkowski T., Jastrzębowska G. (red.) (1999) Logopedia. Pytania i odpowiedzi. Opole, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Opolskie Kaczmarek L. (1981) Nasze dziecko uczy się mowy. Lublin, Wyd. Lubelskie Gałkowski T., Tarkowski Z., Zaleski T. (red.) (1993) Diagnoza i terapia zaburzeń mowy. Lublin, Wyd. UMCS Styczek I. (1981) Logopedia. Warszawa, PWN OPTIONAL READING: Deutsch Smith D.(2008) Pedagogika specjalna. Warszawa, PWN Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 123 PPR REE--SSC CH HO OO OLL EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N W WIITTH H M MEETTH HO OD DO OLLO OG GYY II Co urse c ode : 05.1-WP-PED-PPM1 T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Knowledge of basic issues of general didactics, E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : methodology of preschool and early school education, basic issues of nature L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Anetta Soroka-Fedorczuk Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Dr Anetta Soroka-Fedorczuk, Dr Agnieszka Olczak Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 2 3 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 8 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 12 3 3 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Basic concepts in children education. Nursery school functions towards children and parents. Organizing conditions of pre-school education. Planning work at nursery school. Task and play strategy in pre-school education. Introducing writing to children. Methodology of teaching reading and writing skills. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Skills and competences within: learning basic assumtions of pre-school education, organization of nursery school work, designing various educational offers for pre-school children, implementing projects, making and presenting educational means for pre-school children.. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Lecture – in order to complete the course the student has to attend the lectures and perform the tasks given him/her by the teacher. Laboratory – in order to complete the course the student has to obtain pass notes for all the tasks determined in the syllabus. RECOMMENDED READING: P. Aries, Historia dzieciństwa. Dziecko i rodzina w dawnych czasach, Wydawnictwo „Marabut”, Gdańsk, 1995. M. Kielar-Turska, Jak pomagać dziecku w poznawaniu świata, Warszawa, 1992. D. Waloszek, Pedagogika przedszkolna. Metamorfoza statusu i przedmiotu badań, Wyd. Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2006. E. Siarkiewicz, Ostatni bastion czyli jawne i ukryte wymiary pracy przedszkola, Oficyna Wyd. „Impuls” Kraków, 2000. D. Waloszek, Rola zadań w przygotowaniu dzieci sześcioletnich do szkoły, ODN, Zielona Góra, 1995. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 124 A. Brzezińska, Gotowość dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym do czytania i pisania, Wyd. Naukowe UAM, Poznań, 1987. OPTIONAL READING: D.B Elkonin, Psychologia zabawy, WSiP, 1984. E. Erikson, Dzieciństwo i społeczeństwo, Dom Wydawniczy „Rebis”, Poznań, 1997. J. Lubowiecka, Przystosowanie psychospołeczne dziecka do przedszkola, WSiP, Warszawa, 2000. B. Sułkowski, Zabawa. Studium socjologiczne, PWN, Warszawa, 1984. M. Zahorska (red), Edukacja przedszkolna w Polsce – szanse i zagrożenia, ISP, Warszawa, 2003. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 125 PPR REE--SSC CH HO OO OLL EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N W WIITTH H M MEETTH HO OD DO OLLO OG GYY IIII Co urse c ode : 05.1-WP-PED-PPM2 T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Knowledge of general pedagogy, developmental E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : psychology, general didactics, rudiments of mathematics, Polish, and children's literature L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Anetta Soroka-Fedorczuk Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Dr Anetta Soroka-Fedorczuk Dr Agnieszka Olczak Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 2 4 zaliczenie Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 8 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 12 4 3 zaliczenie Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Child and numbers . Methodology of teaching counting, categorizing, measuring etc. Organizing educational conditions to support learn basics mathematics issues for children in pre-school age. Imagination. Exploring activity of pre-school children. Diagnosis and evaluation in pre-school education. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Skills and competences within: learning basic assumtions of pre-school education, organization of nursery school work, designing various educational offers for pre-school children, implementing projects, making and presenting educational means for pre-school children. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Lecture – in order to complete the course the student has to attend the lectures and perform the tasks given him/her by the teacher. Laboratory – in order to complete the course the student has to obtain pass notes for all the tasks determined in the syllabus RECOMMENDED READING: A. Brzezińska, Gotowość dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym do czytania i pisania, Wyd. Naukowe UAM, Poznań, 1987. G. Doman, Jak nauczyć małe dziecko czytać?, Wyd. „Excalibur”, Bydgoszcz, 1992. K. Kamińska, Nauka czytania dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym, Warszawa, 1999. A. Wilgocka-Okoń, Gotowość szkolna dzieci sześcioletnich, Wyd. Żak, Warszawa 2003. I. Majchrzak, Wprowadzenie dziecka w świat pisma, Wyd. Żak, Warszawa 1999. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 126 OPTIONAL READING: R.J. Marzano, D.E.Paynter, Trudna sztuka pisania i czytania, GWP, Gdańsk 2004. B. Zakrzewska, Każdy przedszkolak dobrym uczniem w szkole, WSiP, Warszawa 2003. H. Łazowska, B. Mikiciuk, B. Moritz, Co zrobić, aby ułatwić dziecku naukę czytania i pisania, Wyd. Impuls, Kraków 2002. J. Silberg, Nauka czytania przez zabawę, Wyd. K.E. LIBER, warszawa 2005. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 127 PPR REE--SSC CH HO OO OLL EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N W WIITTH H M MEETTH HO OD DO OLLO OG GYY IIIIII Co urse c ode : 05.1-WP-PED-PPM3 T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Knowledge of general pedagogy, developmental E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : psychology, general didactics, rudiments of mathematics, Polish, and children's literature. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Anetta Soroka-Fedorczuk Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Dr Anetta Soroka-Fedorczuk Dr Agnieszka Olczak Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 2 5 zaliczenie Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 8 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 12 5 3 zaliczenie Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Child and numbers . Methodology of teaching counting, categorizing, measuring etc. Organizing educational conditions to support learn basics mathematics issues for children in pre-school age. Imagination. Exploring activity of pre-school children. Diagnosis and evaluation in pre-school education. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Skills and competences within: learning basic assumtions of pre-school education, organization of nursery school work, designing various educational offers for pre-school children, implementing projects, making and presenting educational means for pre-school children. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Lecture – in order to complete the course the student has to attend the lectures and perform the tasks given him/her by the teacher. Laboratory – in order to complete the course the student has to obtain pass notes for all the tasks determined in the syllabus RECOMMENDED READING: D. Waloszek, Rola zadań w przygotowaniu dzieci sześcioletnich do szkoły, ODN, Zielona Góra, 1995. E. Gruszczyk–Kolczyńska, Dziecięca matematyka, WSiP, Warszawa 1997. R. Dominek, A. Pełka-Woszko, Dziecko w krainie matematyki, Ofic. Wyd. G&P, Poznań 2004. OPTIONAL READING: E. Gruszczyk–Kolczyńska, Wspomaganie rozwoju umysłowego trzylatków i dzieci starszych wolniej rozwijających się, WSiP, Warszawa, 2000. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 128 D. Wood, Jak dzieci uczą się i myślą. Społeczne konteksty rozwoju poznawczego, Wyd. UJ, Kraków 2006. B. Zakrzewska, Każdy przedszkolak dobrym uczniem w szkole, WSiP, Warszawa 2003. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 129 PPR REE--SSC CH HO OO OLL EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N W WIITTH H M MEETTH HO OD DO OLLO OG GYY II,,IIVV Co urse c ode : 05.1-WP-PED-PPM4 T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Knowledge of general pedagogy, developmental E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : psychology, general didactics, rudiments of mathematics, Polish, and children's literature. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Anetta Soroka-Fedorczuk Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Dr Anetta Soroka-Fedorczuk Dr Agnieszka Olczak Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 2 6 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 8 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 12 6 5 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Child and numbers . Methodology of teaching counting, categorizing, measuring etc. Organizing educational conditions to support learn basics mathematics issues for children in pre-school age. Imagination. Exploring activity of pre-school children. Diagnosis and evaluation in pre-school education. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Skills and competences within: learning basic assumtions of pre-school education, organization of nursery school work, designing various educational offers for pre-school children, implementing projects, making and presenting educational means for pre-school children. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Lecture – in order to complete the course the student has to attend the lectures and perform the tasks given him/her by the teacher. Laboratory – in order to complete the course the student has to obtain pass notes for all the tasks determined in the syllabus. RECOMMENDED READING: R. Gloton, C. Clero, Twórcza aktywność dziecka, WSiP, Warszawa 1985. M. Kielar-Turska, Jak pomagać dziecku w poznawaniu świata, Warszawa, 1992. W. Limont, Analiza wybranych mechanizmów wyobraźni twórczej, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń, 1996. B. Suchacka, Zabawy badawcze w edukacji przedszkolnej, Wydawnictwo Naukowe WSP, Kraków, 2001. D. Waloszek, Nauczyciel i dziecko. Organizacja warunków edukacji przedszkolnej, ODN, Zielona Góra, 1998. OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 130 D. Waloszek (red), Nowe stulecie dziecku, ODN, Zielona Góra, 2001. B.C.J Lievegoed, Fazy rozwoju dziecka, Wyd. „Akademia”, Warszawa, 1993. P.E. Bryant, A.M. Colman (red.), Psychologia rozwojowa, Wydawnictwo Zysk i S-ka, Poznań, 1997. REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 131 PPR RIIM MA AR RYY SSC CH HO OO OLL EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N W WIITTH H M MEETTH HO OD DO OLLO OG GYY Co urse c ode : 05.1-WP-PED-PPW1/2 T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Knowing of children psychophisiological development L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Agnieszka Nowak-Łojewska Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : dr Agnieszka Nowak-Łojewska Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 30 Class 60 3/4 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 16 Class 24 3/4 6 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Polish language education against early school teaching: communicating by means of the mother tongue, speaking, listening, writing and reading. Directions of child's speech development: elements of child's speech, vocabulary choice, types of utterances (dialogue, monologue, discussion and conversation), parts of speech. Teaching to read: reading as a psychophisiological process, methods of teaching to read. Teaching to write: writing as a psychophisiological process, methodological course of introducing a letter. Developing reading skills: the aim of reading exercises, kinds of reading exercises, types of reading exercises. Understanding a text: levels of understanding a text (literal and implicit), reading with understanding. Structure and reception of literary works: work with a book, traditional approach and so-called "taming with the art of the word". Popular scientific literature as a means of enforcing teaching: kinds of books and using them in work with children. Stylistic exercises, grammar exercises and spelling exercises. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Planning classes concerning shaping and developing basic Polish language skills of children at the early school age, using the knowledge needed in reading and writing teaching, preparing children to receive school books texts, literary work and popular scientific literature ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Lecture – obtaining a positive grade from a test. Practical classes – preparing lesson plans on reading and writing teaching methods and a lesson stimulating reading with understanding skills. RECOMMENDED READING: Brzezińska A., (red. ), Czytanie i pisanie – nowy język dziecka, Warszawa 1987. Dobrowolska-Bogusławska H., Metody nauki czytania w krajach anglojęzycznych, Warszawa 1991. Doman G. i J., Jak nauczyć małe dziecko czytać, Warszawa 1992. Majchrzak I., Wprowadzenie dziecka w świat pisma, Warszawa 1999. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 132 Malmquist E., Nauka czytania w szkole podstawowej, Warszawa 1982. Wróbel T., Pismo i pisanie w nauczaniu początkowym, Warszawa 1985. Żuchowska W., Oswajanie ze sztuką słowa. Początki edukacji literackiej, Warszawa 1992. OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 133 PPR RIIM MA AR RYY SSC CH HO OO OLL EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N W WIITTH H M MEETTH HO OD DO OLLO OG GYY Co urse c ode : 05.1-WP-PED-PPW3/4 T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Knowledge about children’s development in different areas: cognitive, emotional and social, knowledge about psychological conceptions in E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : education. Credit for a course of early school pedagogy with polish language, mathematics methodology and environmental methodology.. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Mirosława Nyczaj-Drąg Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : dr Mirosława Nyczaj-Drąg Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 30 Class 60 5/6 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 16 Class 24 5/6 8 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Mathematics games and plays in early school education.The projects’ methods in mathematical education. Children’s activity in mathematics and environmental education.Planning classes using different directions of child activity.Ecological education in early school education.Teacher’s workshops: pupil’s motivation, creating the climate of cooperation and confidence, order in the classroom.School evaluation: descriptive opinion in the classes I-III, pupil’s observation, individual differences.Tutoring in early school education: cooperation and negotiation. Organizing of school and classroom space.Teacher’s competences and their professional development. LEARNING OUTCOMES: - planning projects according to children’s activity, -organizing educational situations, - solving problems connected with school education, - understand the need of being professional teacher, - creating the teachers workshops.h ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Obtaining a positive mark at a written test and positive grades from all projects of classes prepared by students during lectures.. RECOMMENDED READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 134 H.Hamer, Klucz do efektywności nauczania, Warszawa 1993 I.Adamek (red.) Idee i strategie edukacji nauczycieli klas I-III i przedszkoli, Kraków 1998 E.Wragg, Co i jak obserwować w klasie?, Warszawa 2001 S.G.Paris, L.R.Ayres, Stawanie się refleksyjnym uczniem i nauczycielem, Warszawa 1997 A.Brzezińska, G.Lutomski. B.Smykowski, Dziecko wśród rówieśników i i dorosłych, Poznań 1995 I.Kopaczyńska , A.Nowak-Łojewska, Wymiary edukacji zintegrowanej, Kraków 2007 R.Łukaszewicz, Edukacja z wyobraźnią czyli jak podróżowac bez map, Wrocław 1994 B.D.Gołębniak, Uczenie metodą projektów, Warszawa 2002 A.Molak, Metoda projektów [w:] Szkoły eksperymentalne w świecie 1900-1975, (red.) W.Okoń, Warszawa 1978 M.Suświłło, (red.) Wybrane problemy wczesnej edukacji, Olsztyn 1998 B.Kubiczek, Metody aktywizujące: Jak nauczyć uczniów uczenia się, Opole 2005 E.Gruszczyk –Kolczyńska, Jak nauczyć dzieci sztuki konstruowania gier. Metoda, scenariusze zajęć oraz wiele ciekawych gier i zabaw, Warszawa 1996 R.J.Strenberg, L.Spear-Swerling, Jak nauczyć dzieci myślenia, Gdańsk 2003 K.Liszka, Ocena opisowa w edukacji wczesnoszkolnej-problemy metodyczne czy ideologiczne [w:] Renesans(?) nauczania całościowego, (red.) D.Klus-Stańska, M.J.Szymański, M,S.Szymański, Warszawa 2003 I.Kopaczyńska, Ocenianie szkolne wspierające rozwój ucznia, Kraków 2004 I.Kopaczyńska, A.Nowak-Łojewska, Obszary wspólnego zaangażowania w edukacji dzieci, Zielona Góra 200. OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 135 IIN NTTR RO OD DU UC CTTIIO ON N TTO O PPO OLLIISSH H LLA AN NG GU UA AG GEE TTEEA AC CH HIIN NG G Co urse c ode : 05.1-WP-PED-PNJP T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Language competence. Phonetics. Phonology. Phonological processes. Assimilation. Word. Inflection. Conjugation. Declination. Morphology. E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Word formation. Speech Language. Utterance. Syntax. Predicate. Subject. Object. Adverb. Attribute. Compound and complex sentences. Compound and complex utterances L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Prof. dr hab. Pola Kuleczka Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : Prof. dr hab. Pola Kuleczka Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 45 3 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 8 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 16 3 4 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Language is a home of existence …’ Language competence. Grammar as a study of language: branches in grammatical description, language signs, word and designate. Scope and application of phonetics: sounds of language, classification of Polish sounds. Aims and scope of research in phonetics and phonology. Phonetics and phonology sounds and phonemes, allophones, phonological processes. Rules of spelling in Polish: phonetic, morphological, historical and conventional. Types of assimilation – function and significance of assimilation. Assimilation – the phenomenon of anticipation and preservation. Theory of words. Words: phonetic, orthographic, grammatical, textual, lexemes. Inflection in Polish – types of declinations and conjugations. Morphology and word formation. Types of morphemes. The place of morphology in the language system. Basic theories in morphology and word formation. Morphological analysis of words. Word formation in Polish – basic concepts in word formation. Derivation of nouns – principles of derivation of proper names. Derivation of adjectives, verbs and adverbs. The structure of the language system. Speech acts and their elements. Language a system of signs. Language and speech: speech and the four phases of speech, the relation between language and other signs, children’s speech. Variation in contemporary Polish. Utterance as an element of syntactic analysis. Basic syntactic concepts. Classification and function of set phrases. Primary and secondary relations in utterances. Utterance elements and classification of elements. Predicate and subject. Object, Adverbial, Attribute – formal and meaning based classification. Types of compound utterances. Simple and compound sentences, types of utterances.Types of complex utterances. Analysis of complex utterances. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 136 Ability to teach the application of grammar rules with the aim of improving language competence and teach Polish in classes I-III, improve general language competence and equip students with relevant knowledge. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Basic knowledge in phonetics, inflection, word formation and syntax. Knowledge of parts of speech. RECOMMENDED READING: Grzegorczykowa R.: Lecturey z Polishej składni, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2002. Grzegorczykowa R.: Zarys słowotwórstwa Polishego. Słowotwórstwo opisowe, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa, 1982. Klemensiewicz Z.: Zarys składni Polishej, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa, 1968. Milewski T.: Językoznawstwo, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2004. Nagórko A.: Zarys gramatyki Polishej, Warszawa 2006, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. Strutyński J.: Gramatyka polska, Wydawnictwo Tomasz Strutyński, Kraków, 2002. Tokarski J.: Fleksja polska, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2001. Wierzchowska B., Fonetyka i fonologia, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław, 1980. OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 137 IIN NTTR RO OD DU UC CTTIIO ON N TTO O TTH HEE N NA ATTU UR RA ALL EEN NVVIIR RO ON NM MEEN NTT Co urse c ode : 05.1-WP-PED-PWŚ T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Basic biological knowledge L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Hanna Uździcka Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f l ec tur er : dr Hanna Uździcka Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 4 Class 60 4 4/5 Zaliczenie And Credits with appraisal Passing the exam Part-time studies Lecture 8 4 Class 20 4/5 6 Zaliczenie And Credits with appraisal Passing the exam COURSE CONTENTS: Roots, leaves, shoots, blossom, fruit and seeds of the seed plants' morphology. Polish plants and animals systematics. Elementary species characterisation. Marking chosen examples of flora and fauna. Familiarisation with ecosystems: forest, a meadow, water tank, field and town. LEARNING OUTCOMES: The aim of the subject is to familiarise students with morphology and systematics of elementary species of Polish fauna and flora, introducing to students the processes in the most common ecosystems in Poland; shaping the skills of noticing and interpreting natural phenomena, marking the species of Polish plants and animals, as well as making individual collections. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: lecture: credit condition is presence at the lectures as well as presenting one's knwoledge at a test; practical classes: credit condition is obtaining credits at each class and a positive grade from a test. RECOMMENDED READING: Polakowski, B. et al. Botany. Warsaw: PWN, 1996. Chudoba, W. Zoology. 1992. Dobrowolski, K. Zoology. Warsaw: PWN, 1989. Jerzak, L., Radkiewicz, J. Uździcka, H. A Guidebook to Biology Exercises. Zielona Góra, 1994. Podbielkowski, Zb. The Flora of the Earth. 1986. Radomski, J., Jasnowksa, J. Botany. Szczecin, 1998. Rutkowski, J. The Plants of Meadows and Pastures. 1986. Seneta, W. Dendrology. Warsaw: PWN, 1993. Szaferowa, J. Meet 100 Plants. 1975. Szwejkowscy A. and J. Botany. PWN, 1986. Prończuk et al. The World of Plants. Warsaw: PWN, 1983. Maślankiewicz et al. The Earth. 1994. OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 138 CARE AND PREVENTION IN SOCIAL MALADJUSTMENT Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 139 B BIIB BLLIIO OTTH HEER RA APPYY Co urse c ode : 05.6-WP-PED-BT T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : 1. Basic knowledge of pedagogics, psychology. 2. Some knowledge of fiction, reading culture of children and youth. 3. Character features necessary for a therapist. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Małgorzata Czerwińska Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : dr Małgorzata Czerwińska Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 2 3 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 12 3 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Theory and methodology of bibliotherapy. 2. Bibliotherapy versus reading. 3. Bibliotherapy in working with sensually disabled, mentally handicapped, or chronicly ill children. Fable-therapy in reducing children’s fear. 5. Drama in working with chldren and youth. Bibliotherapy in working with socially unadapted youth. 7. Recollecting bibliotherapy. 8. Selected techniques of therapy by poetry. 9. Alternative material in bibliotherapeutical procedure. LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Introducing theoretical /interdisciplinary/ basis of bibliotherapy. 2. Teaching methodical basis of bibliotherapeutical procedure 3. Getting theoretical and practical acquaintance with the specificity of bibliotherapy of selected receiver groups. 4. Introducing the canon of fiction containing therapeutical value as well as bibliotherapeutical alternative material. 5. Arousing creativity and creative expression of students in personal creating models, programs and outlines of bibliotherapeutical procedure and bibliotherapeutical materials. 6. Developing the ability to think and act interdisciplinarly within the limits of bibliotherapy. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Being present and taking active part in the classes. 2. A positive grade for theoretical knowledge 3. A positive grade for practical abilities concerning selected bibliotherapeutical techniques. RECOMMENDED READING: Borecka I.: Biblioterapia – formą terapii pedagogicznej. Wałbrzych 2001. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 140 Borecka I.: Biblioterapia – teoria I praktyka. Warszawa 2001. Borecka I. Biblioterapia w szkole. Legnica 1998. Borecka I.: Biblioterapia w szkole podstawowej i gimnazjum. Wałbrzych 2002. OPTIONAL READING: Czerwińska M.: Niepełnosprawność i osoba niepełnosprawna w polskojęzycznej literaturze pięknej i naukowej. Bibliograficzny warsztat biblioterapeuty. Warszawa 2002. Kruszewski T.: Biblioterapia w działaniach placówek opiekuńczo-wychowawczych. Toruń 2006 Molicka M.: Bajkoterapia. Warszawa 2002. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 141 SSO OC CIIO OTTH HEER RA APPYY Co urse c ode : 05.6-WP-PED-St T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : the student has learnt the basis of social psychology and personality psychology L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Artur Doliński Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : Dr Artur Doliński Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 45 6 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 16 6 3 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: I Introduction Sociotherapy as a form of psycho-pedagogical assistance, essence of sociotherapy, structure of sociotherapy classes, methods of working with a group, dynamics of a sociotherapeutic group II Detailed contents of sociotherapy programs. Sociotherapy for students with adaptability difficulties, as an assistance at correcting the self view among shy students, children with self confidence disorders, interventional – educational – preventive programs for children and the young who use addictive drugs, programs concerning the forms of coping with stress and negative feelings III Detailed analysis of a group process Basic roules of group activities, group communication, decision making in a group, in-group and inter-group conflicts LEARNING OUTCOMES: The students will be prepared for analyzing a group process. They will gain preparation for creating sociotherapy processes. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Classes (colloquy) Lectures (examination) RECOMMENDED READING: Sawicka K. (red), (1998), Socjoterapia. CMPP, Warszawa Vopel K.W. (1999), Poradnik dla prowadzących grupy. Jedność, Kielce Kaduson H, Schaefer Ch., (2002) Zabawa w psychoterapii. GWP, Gdańsk Sawicka K. (red), (1998), Socjoterapia. CMPP, Warszawa Hamer H. (2000), Oswoić nieśmiałość. VEDA, Warszawa Hamer H. (2001), Bliżej siebie. VEDA, Warszawa Zaborowski Z. (1997), Trening interpersonalny. SCHOLAR, Warszawa Oyster C.K. (2002), Grupy, Zysk i S-ka, Poznań Ballard R. (1988), Jak żyć z ludźmi. Umiejętności interpersonalne. MEN, Warszawa Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 142 OPTIONAL READING: REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 143 SSEEXXU UA ALL EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.9-WP-PED-EdSx T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Basic knowledge of pedagogy, sociology and psychology; knowledge of theory and E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : methodology of education. Knowledge of methods and techniques in education. Basic skills of planning educational activities. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : język Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Krzysztof Wąż Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : dr Krzysztof Wąż Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Class 30 3 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Class 8 3 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The subject and objectives of sexual education. Restrictive and permissive sexual education and education of the golden mean. Sexual morality. Education and sexual roles.Human psychosexual development. Sexuality in human life cycle.The notion of a norm in sexology, sexual disorders. Sexual violence among peers and sexual violence towards children. Role of family, peers, school and mass media in the process of sexual education. Natural family planning methods and contraception methods as a subject of sexual education. Sexual behaviours in the context of HIV infections. Sex and the Internet. Dangers about the Internet. Sexual education. Chosen elements of methodology of education for family life. Chosen elements of prevention of risky sexual behaviours.. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Competence at psychosexual development and human sexuality. Knowledge of objectives, outcomes and chosen elements of sexual education methodology and prevention of risky sexual behaviours.. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Active participation at classes, moderating over the classes, preparing individual studies concerning the subject.. RECOMMENDED READING: Beisert M., Psychologia zaburzeń seksualnych, w: Psychologia kliniczna, tom 2, red. H. Sęk, PWN, Warszawa 2007 Beisert M., Rozwojowa norma seksuologiczna jako kryterium oceny zachowań seksualnych dzieci i młodzieży, w: Dziecko Krzywdzone, 2006, nr 16 Beisert M.: Seks twojego dziecka, ZW – K. Domke, Poznań 1991 Chomczyńska-Milis M., Edukacja seksualna w społeczeństwie współczesnym. Konteksty pedagogiczne i psychologiczne, UMCS, Lublin 2002 Glaser D., Frosh S.: Dziecko seksualnie wykorzystywane, PZWL, Warszawa 1995 [Grzelak S., Profilaktyka ryzykownych zachowań seksualnych młodzieży. Aktualny stan badań i na świecie i w Polsce, Wyd. Scholar, Warszawa 2006 Izdebski Z, Jaczewski A., Rozwój seksualny, w: Biologiczne i medyczne podstawy rozwoju i wychowania, red. A. Jaczewski, WA „Żak”, Warszawa 2005 Izdebski Z., Jaczewski A., Kocha, lubi, szanuje ..., PWN, Warszawa 1998 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 144 Izdebski Z., Ryzykowna dekada. Seksualność Polaków w dobie HIV/AIDS. Studium porównawcze 1997 – 2001 – 2006, UZ, Zielona Góra 2006 Lew-Starowicz Z. Seks w sieci i nie tylko, Wydawnictwo Medyczne, Kraków 2003 Mentlewicz A., Południewski G., Antykoncepcja czyli świadome macierzyństwo, Poster Poligrafia, Warszawa 2001 Pankowska D., Wychowanie a role płciowe, GWP, Gdańsk 2005 Rzepka J. (red.): Zagadnienia prorodzinnej edukacji seksuologicznej i profilaktyki HIV/AIDS, Studio Wydawnicze AGAT, Katowice 1996 Seksualność człowieka w cyklu życia, red. M. Beisert, WN PWN, Warszawa 2006 Skrzydlewski W. B., Etyka seksualna. Przemiany i perspektywy, Wyd. II, Kraków 1999 Starowicz Z., Długołęcka A.., Edukacja seksualna, Świat Książki, Warszawa 2006REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 145 FFO OR RM MSS O OFF A AR RTTIISSTTIIC C A AN ND D TTEEC CH HN NIIC CA ALL A AC CTTIIVVIITTYY Co urse c ode : 05.9-WP-PED-FAPT T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Manual efficiency on basic level, correct colour E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : perception L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : mgr Elżbieta Płodzień Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : mgr Elżbieta Płodzień Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 4 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 12 4 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Form of the classes – handworks form and essence in plastic arts, Artistic means, selection techniques to children’s ability, planar and space compositions, decorative and applied type of composition, occasional decoration LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge of basic artistic terms and problems; learning different art techniques; qualification in expanding and supporting individual creative skills, developing imagination, manual dexterity, shaping of the impressionability in visual quality, planning and organization individual and group artistic - technical activities ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Active attendance in all the classes – realization handworks in techniques we discussed RECOMMENDED READING: Borowiecka Ewa, Poznawcza wartość sztuki, Lublin 1986 Dymara B. (red.), Dziecko w świecie sztuki, Kraków 1996 Gloton R., Clero C., Twórcza aktywność dziecka, Warszawa 1976 Fleck – Bangert R., O czym mówią rysunki dzieci. Dostrzeganie i rozumienie zawartych w nich znaków, Kielce 2002 Olinkiewicz E., Respuch E. (red.), Warsztaty edukacji twórczej, Wrocław 2001 OPTIONAL READING: [ Kliknij i wpisz pozycję bibliograficzną literatury uzupełniającej! ] Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 146 C CO OM MM MU UN NIIC CA ATTIIO ON N A AN ND D IIN NTTEER RPPEER RSSO ON NA ALL TTR RA AIIN NIIN NG G Co urse c ode : 14.4-WP-PED-KiTI T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Basic knowledge in the range of the E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : interpersonal comunication and the functioning in the group L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Henryk Pędziwiatr Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : Dr Henryk Pędziwiatr Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 4 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 12 4 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Lifting of selfcounsleess and skill deeper cognition of oneself and insight in own experiences. Forming objective selfcnowledge and selfopinion and responsibility for the own development. Formation of the attitude of self-control and tendency to the planning and realizing constructive changes in own social behaviour. The formation of the objective interpersonal valorization. The development of the skill of the communication in the range: attentive listens, the expressing the opinion, the passing on and accepting the criticism and to feel the discontents. Forming attitudes in the face of moral and social values. Formation of egalitarian attitudes and the skill of defeating interpersonal barriers. Winning the skill of differentiating the sphere of the emotion and to feel from the cognitive sphere. LEARNING OUTCOMES: The development the social sensibility, the expression of individual possibilities, the improvement understanding oneself, the realization of own feelings and attitudes in social reports. Meeting and the development of personal patterns in the interpersonal communication. The planning of the personal development. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: The presence on occupations. RECOMMENDED READING: Egan G. (1986), Participation in team training psychological and the development interpersonal. Warsaw: Publishing house Study Help Psychological. OPTIONAL READING: REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 147 C CO ON NSSTTR RU UC CTTIIN NG G PPR REEVVEEN NTTIIO ON N PPR RO OG GR RA AM MSS Co urse c ode : 05.9-WP-PED-KPP T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory The basis of social prophylaxis - the essence of prophylactic activities, classical concepts of prevention, levels of prevention, types and E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : models of prophylactic programmes. The aims, rules, forms and functions of social prevention. Conditions of efficiency of prophylactic activities. Construction of prevention programmes. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : mgr Lidia Wawryk Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : mgr Lidia Wawryk Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 45 5 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 5 3 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Introduction to social prevention The review and analysis of standard prophylactic programmes. Fundamental components of prophylactic programmes. Construction of school prevention programmes. Systematic attitude in prevention.Diagnosis in system solutions. The evaluation of prophylactic programmes The condition of efficient prevention in school. Games and plays for children by K.Voppel. LEARNING OUTCOMES: The aims of the subject – knowledge of social prevention, existing prevention, diagnosing and constucting programmes with the main prevention strategies, models and areas of efficacient prophylaxis in school and local envoirment. Diagnosis of pathology, analysis of pathology and undertaking and realizing prevention activity. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: passing a test, mark of construction prevention programme, active participation in class RECOMMENDED READING: Gaś Z. Profilaktyka w szkole. Warszawa 2006, WSiP Szymańska J. Programy profilaktyczne. Podstawy profesjonalnej psychoprofilaktyki. Warszawa 2002, CMPP-P Zajączkowski K. Profilaktyka zachowań dewiacyjnych dzieci i młodzieży. Toruń 1998, Wyd. Adam Marszałek Szpringer M.Laurman-Jarząbek E; Drapała Andrzej. Profilaktyka uzależnień i przemocy w rodzinie-diagnoza i propozycje rozwiązań systemowych w środowisku lokalnym. Kielce 2005, Wyd. Stachurski Balcerek-Kałek B. Budowanie szkolnych programów profilaktyki. Warszawa 2003, PWN Wojcieszek K. Wygrać życie. Szkolny program profilaktyki. Kraków 2002, Rubikon Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 148 Kosińska E., Zachyra B. Profilaktyka pierwszorzędowa w szkole: scenariusze zajęć z uczniami. Kraków 2003, Rubikon Gwizdek B., Sołtys E. Gimnazjalny projekt profilaktyczno-wychowawczy. Warszawa 2003, WSiP Zajączkowski K. Program profilaktyczno-wychowawczy dla uczniów klas I-III SP. Kraków 2002, Impuls Gaś. Z Psychoprofilaktyka. Procedury konstruowania programów wczesnej interwencji. Lublin 2000, UMCS. OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 149 LLO OG GO OPPA AEED DIIC CSS Co urse c ode : 05.6-WP-PED-Log T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory Basic knowledge from general pedagogy, education and psychology. Basic knowledge of E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : anatomy, physiology, and speech organs. Basis of knowledge from polish language (phonetics and descriptive grammar). L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : PhD Zdzisława Janiszewska-Nieścioruk Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : PhD Zdzisława Janiszewska-Nieścioruk, PhD Ewa Małgorzata Skorek Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture Laboratories 30 2 1 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture Laboratories 12 1 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The problem of speech therapy, its subject, conceptions, tasks, development. The state and perspectives of speech therapeutic care. Physiologic and anatomic speech basis and its creation with development ( with speech hearing). The meaning of early stimulation in the development of speech in the prevention of the verbal language communication disorder. The classification of disorders ( for example, the symptoms, causes) and their characteristic ( the issue, symptoms and causes) with pointing on methods of therapy. The diagnostic procedures and the therapy of speech development retardation. The correctness of lallation, presentation of methods, also improvement of motor activity of speech organs. The presentation as well as demonstration and exercise of chosen correctness methods. The analysis of articulated questionnaire, preventive and therapeutic program and speech therapeutic tests, the possibilities of their use in pedagogic work. LEARNING OUTCOMES: The knowledge of speech problems, its development and communication disorder in children. The ability of recognition of causes and symptoms of the very often shown disorders and deformations and the ways of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures aimed on its cessation. The knowledge of the factors of optimal speech creation with taking into account the early stimulation of its development and the effective prevention of the communication disorder in children. Presented problems of oral communication disorder should inspire students to creative and reflexive use of acquired knowledge in prevention and therapy of chosen speech defects. Creating the abilities of the occlusal defects correctness and improving the motor activity of speech organs with using different methods (particularly those entertaining) ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 150 Laboratories: passing with final grade RECOMMENDED READING: Gałkowski T., Jastrzębowska G. (red.) (1999) Logopedia. Pytania i odpowiedzi. Opole, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Opolskie Kaczmarek L. (1981) Nasze dziecko uczy się mowy. Lublin, Wyd. Lubelskie Gałkowski T., Tarkowski Z., Zaleski T. (red.) (1993) Diagnoza i terapia zaburzeń mowy. Lublin, Wyd. UMCS Styczek I. (1981) Logopedia. Warszawa, PWN OPTIONAL READING: Deutsch Smith D.(2008) Pedagogika specjalna. Warszawa, PWN Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 151 M MEED DIIA A IIN N EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.0-WP-PED-MwEd T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Basic knowledge on ICT. Knowledge on how to E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : use computer and Internet (communication tools), media and mass media. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Jacek Jędryczkowski Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week dr Jacek Jędryczkowski, dr Ewa Nowicka Na me o f lec tur er : mgr inż. Maciej Jackowski, mgr inż. Rafał Olczak, mgr Ewa Szymanowska, mgr Anna Ucińska, mgr inż. Jarosław Wagner Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 2 4 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 12 2 4 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Media in education – Basic notions. Individualization of teaching-learning process. The process of learning with the implementation of media. Sensory stimulation in multimedia message. Audial and iconic layer of media.. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Skills and competences in the field of evaluating educational media. Evaluation of harmful media influence. Skill of using educational media in teaching-learning process. Skill of designing and constructing educational media. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Students have to be awarded a passing grade for an exam to complete a lecture and a passing grade for a test and participate in classes to compete classes. RECOMMENDED READING: De Kerckhove D.: Inteligencja otwarta, Mikom, Warszawa, 2001 De Kerckhove D.: Powłoka kultury, Mikom, Warszawa, 2001 Gajda J.: Media w edukacji, Impuls, Kraków, 2002 Goban-Klas T.: Media i komunikowanie masowe. Teorie i analizy prasy, radia, telewizji i Internetu, PWN, Warszawa-Kraków, 2001 Jędryczkowski J.: Prezentacje multimedialne w procesie uczenia się studentów, Wyd. Adam Marszałek, Toruń, 2005 Jędryczkowski J.: Prezentacje multimedialne w pracy nauczyciela, Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, Zielona Góra, 2008 Reeves B., Nass C.: Media i ludzie, PIW, Warszawa, 2000 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 152 Siemieniecki B.: (red.): Edukacja medialna, Wyd. Adam Marszałek, Toruń, 2002 2 Strykowski W.: Media w edukacji: kierunki prac badawczych. [w:] Edukacja Medialna nr 2, Wyd. eMPi , Poznań, 1998 Wawrzak-Chodaczek M.: Kształcenie kultury audiowizualnej młodzieży. Wyd. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław, 2000 REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 153 M MEETTH HO OD DO OLLO OG GYY O OFF W WO OR RK KIIN NG G W WIITTH H SSO OC CIIA ALLLLYY M A L A D J U S T E D C H I L D R E N MALADJUSTED CHILDREN Co urse c ode : 05.6-WP-PED-MPDN T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Knowledge of basic issues of social maladjustment L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Jolanta Lipińska – Lokś Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : dr Jolanta Lipińska – Lokś Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 45 5 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 20 5 3 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Methodological assumptions of work with maladjusted people; Procedures of reaching the educationalresocialization goals; Diagnosis of the chosen social pathology phenomena; Means of social problem resolutions with the help of children; Communication tutor –pupil; LEARNING OUTCOMES: Familiarizing students with the basic issues of the general work methodology of socio-educational and resocialization work: planning, organizing, modification and diagnosis of effectiveness of the social welfare process and education process as well as prophylaxis, resocialization. Development and improvement of one’s own tutor workshop – students’ tutor; ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Attendance at classes, active participation, completion of group and individual work, presentation of the procedure for reaching the goals, solution of simulated problematic situations form the field of children and youth social maladjustment., RECOMMENDED READING: Czapów Cz. (1978), Wychowanie resocjalizujące. Elementy metodyki i diagnostyki. Gąsior H. (1992), Nauczanie społecznie niedostosowanych. Konopczyński M. (2006), Metody twórczej resocjalizacji. Urban B., Stanik J. M. (2007), resocjalizacja. Teoria i praktyka pedagogiczna. OPTIONAL READING: Vopel K. (1999), Poradnik dla Name of lecturerch grupy. „Opieka - Terapia – Wychowanie”, „Problemy Opiekuńczo – Wychowawcze”, „Remedium”, Seria tematyczna – Gdańskiego Wydawnictwa Psychologicznego REMARKS: Ceniona jest kreatywność studenta i ogromny „głód” poznawczy”; Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 154 M MEETTH HO OD DO OLLO OG GYY O OFF W WO OR RK K W WIITTH H FFA AM MIILLYY Co urse c ode : 05.9-WP-PED-MPzR T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Knowledge of family pedagogy L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Marzena Sendyk Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : Dr Marzena Sendyk, dr Grażyna Gajewska Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 4 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 8 4 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Family as a system: types of family systems; main principles of family system functioning; borders in family system. Cycles of family life (main problems of each phase of family life cycle). Educational support of family: major factors of educational support for contemporary family; types of support; support sources; skills of educationalists who give support to a family. Family support institutions in local environment. Selected methods and forms of co-operation between family and school (individual and group co-operation). Activating methods of pedagogical family support. Selected techniques of family therapy and their use in pedagogical work with a family. Using transactional analysis in family education. Mistakes in upbringing - methods of eliminating mistakes in upbringing. Proper communication in the relation teacher - parent Family conflicts- creating parental abilities in the area of conflict solving Creating parental abilities in the area of building children's self-esteem Rewards and punishment in upbringing-creating the abilities of their proper usage, other methods of eliminating undesirable behaviour LEARNING OUTCOMES: Student has a knowledge of family environment stimulation, methods and form of work with family, types of cooperation between school and family. Students has skills of planning pedagogical work with family ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Active participation in workshop and passing a test. RECOMMENDED READING: Badora S., Czeredrecka B., Marzec D., Rodzina i formy jej wspomagania, Kraków 2001 Babiuch M., Jak współpracować z rodzicami „trudnych uczniów”?, Warszawa 2000. Efektywna współpraca nauczycieli i rodziców, Koźmiński G. (red.), Złotów 2002. Christopher C. J., Nauczyciel – rodzic. Skuteczne porozumiewanie się, Gdańsk 2004. Wprowadzenie do systemowego rozumienia rodziny, B. de Barbaro (red.), Kraków 1999. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 155 OPTIONAL READING: Fechner – Sędzicka I., Lachowska – Żarska E., Nauczyciele – rodzicom, Toruń 2002. Mendel M., Rodzice i szkoła. Jak współuczestniczyć w edukacji dzieci, Toruń 2000. Nauczyciele i rodzice – współpraca w wychowaniu, I. Nowosad (red.), Zielona Góra 2001. Nowak A., Spotkania z rodzicami. Jak uatrakcyjnić tradycyjną wywiadówkę, Poznań 2000. Praszkier R., Zieniać nie zmieniając. Ekologia problemów rodzinnych. Warszawa 1992. Ryś M., Systemy rodzinne. Metody badań struktury rodziny pochodzenia i rodziny własnej, Warszawa 2001. Satir V., Rodzina. Tu powstaje człowiek, Gdańsk 2002. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 156 M MU USSIIC C TTH HEER RA APPYY Co urse c ode : 05.6-WP-PED-MT T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Knowledge abort the process of psychophysical development of human L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Lidia Kataryńczuk-Mania Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : dr Lidia Kataryńczuk-Mania Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 3 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 12 3 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Music as a part of personal development. Selected aspects of music history and theory. Aims and tasks of music therapy. Methods and forms of music therapy. Organization of music therapy classes. Art therapy workshops. Planning music therapy workshops. Music activities in therapeutic interaction. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Developing musical skills in perception and sensitivity. Gaining the knowledge about music helpful in music therapy. Introducing to ways of music therapy. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Preparation and realization of music therapy workshop (session). RECOMMENDED READING: Kataryńczuk-Mania L.(red.) „Wybrane elementy terapii w procesie edukacji artystycznej” Zielona Góra 2002 Kataryńczuk-Mania L.(red) „Metody i formy terapii sztuką" Zielona Góra 2005 KLewandowska K. „Muzykoterapia dziecięca" Gdańsk 2001 Metera A. zykoterapia" Leszno 2002 Konieczna E. „Arteterapia w teorii i praktyce" Kraków 2004 Gąsienica-Szostak A. „Muzykoterapia w rehabilitacji i praktyce" Warszawa 2003 Stadnicka J. „Terapia dzieci muzyką ruchem i mową" Warszawa 1998 Rueger C. „Muzyczna apteczka" Warszawa 2000 Nordoff P., Robbins C., „Terapia muzyką w pracy z dziećmi niepełnosprawnymi” Kraków 2008 OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 157 FFA AM MIILLYY EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.9-WP-PED-PRod T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Knowledge of basic pedagogical terms and E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : general orientation in the area of family issues L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Marzena Sendyk Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Dr Ewa Janion, mgr Joanna Chrzanowska, dr Marzena Sendyk F o r m o f r e c e i vi n g a c r e d i t for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 Workshop 15 1 3 Exam Credit with mark 4 Part-time studies Lecture 6 Workshop 6 3 Exam Credit with mark COURSE CONTENTS: Pedagogy of family as science Marriage as a base of family Motherhood and fatherhood - common features and differences, new conception of fatherhood Structure, dynamic and properties of a family as a basic life environment The meaning of a family referring to child behaviour and development Family fulfilling its role and dysfunctionlal family , possible consequences of pathological relations in a family Satisfaction of needs in a family Family care and education Families with changed structures (single mother, divorce, death of a parent, one – child family, numerous family, three-generetion family) Problematic families (alkohol problem, violence) Family with a disabled child Styles of education Parental attitude (educational atiitude of parentsand their influence on development and behaviour of children) Cooperation between school and family Family changes within the last years Educational awareness (pedagogical culture of parents; forms and ways of its creation) LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students has a knowledge about family as an educational environment, its disfunctions as well as pedagogical stimulation ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Active participation in classes and passing an examination Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 158 RECOMMENDED READING: Badora S., Czeredrecka B., Marzec D., Rodzina i formy jej wspomagania, Kraków 2001. Cudak H., Szkice z badań nad rodziną. Kielce 1995. Kawula S., Brągiel J., Janke A.W., Pedagogika rodziny. Obszary i panorama problematyki. Toruń 1998. OPTIONAL READING: Janke A.W. (red.), Pedagogika rodziny na progu XXI wieku, Toruń 2004. Plopa M., Psychologia rodziny. Teoria i badania, Elbląg 2004. Tyszka Z. (red.), Współczesne rodziny polskie – ich stan i kierunki przemian Poznań 2001. Tyszkowa M. (red.), Rodzina a rozwój jednostki, Poznań 1990 Ziemska M., Postawy rodzicielskie, Warszawa 1973.V., Rodzina. Tu powstaje człowiek, Gdańsk 2002. Milewska E., Szymanowska A.(red.), Rodzice i dzieci. Psychologiczny obraz sytuacji problemowych, Warszawa 2000. REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 159 EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N A AN ND D U UPPB BR RIIN NG GIIN NG G IIN N IISSTTIITTU UTTIIO ON NA ALLIIZZEED D SSEETTTTIIN G S NGS Co urse c ode : 05.0-WP-PED-POWI T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Basic acquaintance from protective pedagogy and E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : protective and education methodology of the work, Pedagogy of the family L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Grażyna Gajewska Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f l ec tur er : Dr Marzena Sendyk, dr Maria Fudali Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 Class 30 2 4 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 7 Class 13 4 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Legal regulation of the compensating care - protective and education reality after 1989 r Forms of the care and the help of the family. Institutions supplementing functions of the family. Institutional forms of the foster care Efficient and ineffective model of the protective and education institution Foster children of institutions of the total care. Mental states and emotional social adapting making it difficult foster children Of curbing the possibility and compensating for negative sides of the institutional care. Subjectivity of foster children at protective and education institutions The humanization of the institution of the care and upbringings. Family situation of foster children of institutions of the care total. Cooperation with the family of the foster child. Become independent he will bring up LEARNING OUTCOMES: Acquainting the organization and functioning of institutions of the total care, institutions supporting the child and the family with issues by the student in the local environment, acquaintance of the problems connected with the organization of the process of the care and bringing up at institutions. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: The active participation in classes, the final teste RECOMMENDED READING: Gajewska G., Pedagogika opiekuńcza. Elementy metodyki, Zielona Góra 2009. Formy opieki, wychowania i wsparcia w zreformowanym systemie pomocy społecznej, J. Brągiel, S. Badora (red.), Opole 2005. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 160 System opieki kompensacyjnej w Zjednoczonej Europie, S. Badora, D. Marzec (red.), Kraków 2002. Węzłowe problemy opieki i wychowania w domu dziecka, Z. Dąbrowski (red.), Olsztyn 1997. Zagrożone dzieciństwo. Rodzinne i instytucjonalne formy opieki, M. Kolankiewicz (red.), Warszawa 1998. Aktualne akty prawne dotyczące placówek opiekuńczo-wychowawczych. OPTIONAL READING: Andrzejewski M., Domy na piasku. Od opieki nad dzieckiem do wsparcia rodziny, Poznań 2007. Borowski R. Wysocki D. Placówki opiekuńczo – wychowawcze, Płock 2001. Sieroctwo społeczne i jego kompensacja, M. Heine, G. Gajewska (red.) Zielona Góra1999. Węgierski Z., Opieka nad dzieckiem osieroconym Teoria i praktyka, Toruń 2006. Biedroń M., Prokosz M. (red.), Teoretyczne i praktyczne aspekty współczesnej pedagogiki opiekuńczej, Toruń 2001. Kelm A., Węzłowe problemy pedagogiki opiekuńczej, Warszawa 2000. Maciaszkowa J., Z teorii i praktyki pedagogiki opiekuńczej, Warszawa 1991. Łopatkowa M., Samotność dziecka. Warszawa, 1983. REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 161 PPR REEVVEEN NTTIIO ON N IIN N SSO OC CIIA ALL W WO OR RK K Co urse c ode : 14.0-WP-PED-ProS T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Basic knowledge of social prevention. Teaching tasks of social prevention, diagnosing and E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : analysing maladjustment, undertaking and realizing prevention activites. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : prof. UZ, dr hab. Grażyna Miłkowska, Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : prof. UZ, dr hab. Grażyna Miłkowska, dr Maria Fudali, mgr Lidia Wawryk Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 Passing the exam Class 30 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 7 Class 13 4 5 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: the aim rules, forms and function regulations of social prevention. the fundamental components of prophylactic programmes. intervention programme for teenagers and adults using alcohol. the drug abuse-preventing activities – the results of drug addition and prevention programme. Preventing aggressive behaviour. Prevention of violence in family. Educational, preventive and therapeutic activities of destruction sects and destructing groups. the preventing suicides. the procedures for delinquency and demoralization. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Teaching definitions, directions, tasks of social prevention. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: mark of test, active participation in class RECOMMENDED READING: Gaś Z. Profilaktyka w szkole. Warszawa 2006, WsiP Szymańska J. Programy profilaktyczne. Podstawy profesjonalnej psychoprofilaktyki. Warszawa 2002, CMPP-P Szpringer M.Laurman-Jarząbek E; Drapała Andrzej. Profilaktyka uzależnień i przemocy w rodzinie-diagnoza i propozycje rozwiązań systemowych w środowisku lokalnym. Kielce 2005, Wyd. Stachurski Balcerek-Kałek B. Budowanie szkolnych programów profilaktyki. Warszawa 2003, PWN Deptuła M. Diagnostyka pedagogiczna i profilaktyka w szkole i środowisku lokalnym. Bydgoszcz 2004, Wyd.AB OPTIONAL READING: Vogler R.E., Bartz W.R. Nastolatki i alkohol. Kiedy nie wystarczy powiedzieć nie?. Warszawa 2002, PARPA Pacewicz A. Dzieci alkoholików. Jak je rozumieć jak im pomagać? Warszawa 1992, MEN Seweryńska A. Uczeń z rodziny dysfunkcyjnej. Warszawa 2004, Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 162 Pasek M. Narkotyki przy tablicy. Warszawa 2000, Fundacja ETOH Dimoff T., Carter S. Jak rozpoznać, że dziecko sięga po narkotyki ? Warszawa 1994, Wyd. Elma Books Knez R., Słonina W. Saper- jak rozminować agresję? Warszawa 2000, Rubikon Olweus D. Mobbing – fala przemocy w szkole. Jak ja powstrzymać?. Warszawa 1998, Jacek Santorski&CO Kurzępa J. Młodzież pogranicza- świnki, czyli o prostytucji nieletnich. Kraków 2001, Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls Jędrzejewski M. Młodzież a subkultury. Warszawa 1988, Wyd. Żak Cekiera Cz. Ryzyko uzależnień. Lublin 2001, Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL Filipiak M. Od subkultury do kultury alternatywnej. Lublin 1999, Wyd. UMCS Prejs B. Subkultury młodzieżowe. Katowice 2005, Wyd.Kos Prokop J. Uwaga rodzice! Sekty. Warszawa 1994 Abgrall J.M. Sekty. Manipulacja psychologiczna. Gdańsk 2005, GWP Nowakowski P.T. Sekty. Co każdy wiedzieć powinien. Tychy 1999, Maternus Media REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 163 PEDAGOGIKA SPOŁECZNA I SOCJOTERAPIA Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 164 C CO OM MPPU UTTEER R IIN N SSO OC CIIA ALL SSTTU UD DYY Co urse c ode : 11.3-WP-PED-Kbs T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Computer literacy and basic skills in Microsoft Office applications. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Elżbieta Kołodziejska Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : dr Elżbieta Kołodziejska, dr Elżbieta Papiór F o r m o f r e c e i vi n g a c r e d i t for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Laboratory 30 2 4/5 3 Part-time studies Laboratory 12 4/5 COURSE CONTENTS: The online bibliographic database. Research tools building: questionnaires surveys, on-line forms. Surveys online. Spreadsheet as a tool for analysis of data from quantitative research: data collecting and loading, calculations (cross tables) and graphical data presentation (graphs). Preparation of final reports of the study and results presentation. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Student is able to: search the Internet for a bibliography of research work conducted, prepare a questionnaire for the study, correctly load and verify data, do basic calculations and interpret results. In addition, the student is able to: prepare a final report and present the results graphically. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Do all tasks included in curriculum and pass the written test. RECOMMENDED READING: Abdulezer L. (2005) Excel. Praktyczne zastosowania w biznesie, Gliwice. Flanczewski S. (2004) Word w biurze i nie tylko, Gliwice. Negrino T. (2008) Prezentacje w PowerPoint 2007 PL. Projekty, Gliwice Schwartz S. (2008) Po prostu Office 2007 PL OPTIONAL READING: Grover Ch. (2007) Word 2007 PL. Nieoficjalny podręcznik, Gliwice. Simon J. (2006) Excel. Profesjonalna analiza i prezentacja danych, Gliwice. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 165 M MEED DIIA A IIN N EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.0-WP-PED-MwEd T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Basic knowledge on ICT. Knowledge on how to E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : use computer and Internet (communication tools), media and mass media. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Jacek Jędryczkowski Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week dr Jacek Jędryczkowski, dr Ewa Nowicka Na me o f lec tur er : mgr inż. Maciej Jackowski, mgr inż. Rafał Olczak, mgr Ewa Szymanowska, mgr Anna Ucińska, mgr inż. Jarosław Wagner Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 2 1 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 6 1 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 14 2 1 3 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Media in education – Basic notions. Individualization of teaching-learning process. The process of learning with the implementation of media. Sensory stimulation in multimedia message. Audial and iconic layer of media.. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Skills and competences in the field of evaluating educational media. Evaluation of harmful media influence. Skill of using educational media in teaching-learning process. Skill of designing and constructing educational media. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Students have to be awarded a passing grade for an exam to complete a lecture and a passing grade for a test and participate in classes to compete classes. RECOMMENDED READING: De Kerckhove D.: Inteligencja otwarta, Mikom, Warszawa, 2001 De Kerckhove D.: Powłoka kultury, Mikom, Warszawa, 2001 Gajda J.: Media w edukacji, Impuls, Kraków, 2002 Goban-Klas T.: Media i komunikowanie masowe. Teorie i analizy prasy, radia, telewizji i Internetu, PWN, Warszawa-Kraków, 2001 Jędryczkowski J.: Prezentacje multimedialne w procesie uczenia się studentów, Wyd. Adam Marszałek, Toruń, 2005 Jędryczkowski J.: Prezentacje multimedialne w pracy nauczyciela, Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, Zielona Góra, 2008 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 166 Reeves B., Nass C.: Media i ludzie, PIW, Warszawa, 2000 Siemieniecki B.: (red.): Edukacja medialna, Wyd. Adam Marszałek, Toruń, 2002 2 Strykowski W.: Media w edukacji: kierunki prac badawczych. [w:] Edukacja Medialna nr 2, Wyd. eMPi , Poznań, 1998 Wawrzak-Chodaczek M.: Kształcenie kultury audiowizualnej młodzieży. Wyd. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław, 2000 REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 167 N NO ON N--G GO OVVEER RN NM MEEN NTT O OR RG GA AN NIISSA ATTIIO ON NSS Co urse c ode : 14.9-WP-PED-Opoz T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Basic knowledge of concepts L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Elżbieta Lipowicz Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : dr Elżbieta Lipowicz Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Class 15 1 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Class 8 1 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: 1.Gist and tasks of non-governmental organizations in civil society 2.Legal and organizational frames of non-governmental sector operation 3.Voluntary services in non-governmental organizations 4. Non-governmental organizations as a partner to institutionalised social work 5. Non-governmental organizations In Poland and all over the world LEARNING OUTCOMES: Gaining knowledge connected to the gist and functions of non-governmental organizations in a civil society.. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Active participation in the classes, positive notes from written tests RECOMMENDED READING: Organizacje pozarządowe w społeczeństwie obywatelskim, M. Załuska, J.Boczoń (red.), Katowice 1998 Praca socjalna w organizacjach pozarządowych, B. Kromolicka (red.),Toruń 2005. OPTIONAL READING: REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 168 PPEED DA AG GO OG GYY O OFF W WO OR RK K Co urse c ode : 05.9-WP-PED-PedP T ype o f c ou rse : specjalnościowy E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Bas ic kn owled ge o f gen era l soc iolog y a nd mod er n his t or y o f w o r l d econ om y L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr hab. prof. UZ Zdzisław Wołk Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f l ec tur er : Dr hab. prof. UZ Zdzisław Wołk Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 Class 15 1 Passing the exam 2 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 4 Passing the exam 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Significance and changes of human work. Historical and axiomatic perspective. Culture of work as a man’s individual predisposition.Professional development and its determinants Professional careers. Social work division. Vocational consulting documents. Unemployment and ways of counteracting it. Mobilization of the unemployed. Career counselling, its tasks, methods. Career consultant’s tools. Ethics of work. The current state of work market and its prospects according to reports and forecasts. Pathology of work. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Learning the significance of work in human life. Learning some determinants of careers and possibilities of creating and changing them. Finding out some ways of counteracting the unemployment. Finding the role of education in preparing for work. Learning ethical rules in relation to professional work. Learning about pathological occurrences at work and ways of preventing them. Learning some basic tools used by career consultants at their work. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Passing the test. RECOMMENDED READING: Kwiatkowski S. M., Bogaj A., Baraniak B. (2007), Pedagogika pracy, Warszawa Nowacki T. (2003) Zawodoznawstwo, Warszawa - Radom Wiatrowski Z. (2005), Podstawy pedagogiki pracy, Bydgoszcz Wołk Z. (2007) Całożyciowe poradnictwo zawodowe, Zielona Góra OPTIONAL READING: REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 169 FFA AM MIILLYY EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.9-WP-PED-PRod T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Knowledge of basic pedagogical terms and E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : general orientation in the area of family issues L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Marzena Sendyk Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Dr Ewa Janion, mgr Joanna Chrzanowska, dr Marzena Sendyk F o r m o f r e c e i vi n g a c r e d i t for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 Workshop 15 1 3 Exam Credit with mark 4 Part-time studies Lecture 6 Workshop 6 3 Exam Credit with mark COURSE CONTENTS: Pedagogy of family as science Marriage as a base of family Motherhood and fatherhood - common features and differences, new conception of fatherhood Structure, dynamic and properties of a family as a basic life environment The meaning of a family referring to child behaviour and development Family fulfilling its role and dysfunctionlal family , possible consequences of pathological relations in a family Satisfaction of needs in a family Family care and education Families with changed structures (single mother, divorce, death of a parent, one – child family, numerous family, three-generetion family) Problematic families (alkohol problem, violence) Family with a disabled child Styles of education Parental attitude (educational atiitude of parentsand their influence on development and behaviour of children) Cooperation between school and family Family changes within the last years Educational awareness (pedagogical culture of parents; forms and ways of its creation) LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students has a knowledge about family as an educational environment, its disfunctions as well as pedagogical stimulation ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Active participation in classes and passing an examination Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 170 RECOMMENDED READING: Badora S., Czeredrecka B., Marzec D., Rodzina i formy jej wspomagania, Kraków 2001. Cudak H., Szkice z badań nad rodziną. Kielce 1995. Kawula S., Brągiel J., Janke A.W., Pedagogika rodziny. Obszary i panorama problematyki. Toruń 1998. OPTIONAL READING: Janke A.W. (red.), Pedagogika rodziny na progu XXI wieku, Toruń 2004. Plopa M., Psychologia rodziny. Teoria i badania, Elbląg 2004. Tyszka Z. (red.), Współczesne rodziny polskie – ich stan i kierunki przemian Poznań 2001. Tyszkowa M. (red.), Rodzina a rozwój jednostki, Poznań 1990 Ziemska M., Postawy rodzicielskie, Warszawa 1973.V., Rodzina. Tu powstaje człowiek, Gdańsk 2002. Milewska E., Szymanowska A.(red.), Rodzice i dzieci. Psychologiczny obraz sytuacji problemowych, Warszawa 2000. REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 171 SSEEXXU UA ALL PPEED DA AG GO OG GYY Co urse c ode : 05.9-WP-PED-Psx T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Basic knowledge of pedagogy, sociology and psychology; knowledge of theory and E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : methodology of education. Knowledge of methods and techniques in education. Basic skills of planning educational activities. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Krzysztof Wąż Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : dr Krzysztof Wąż Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 Class 30 4 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 8 Passing the exam Class 12 Credits with appraisal 2 COURSE CONTENTS: The subject and objectives of sexual pedagogy. Sexual education, sexual socialization, sexual and reproductive human health. Teleology of sexual education. Restrictive and permissive sexual education and the education of the golden mean. Sexual morality. Human rights and freedom and sexual education. Human sex in biological, psychological and socio-cultural sense. Role of family, peers, school and mass media in the process of sexual education; models of sexual education. Review of chosen research results on sexuality. Sexual behaviours in the context of HIV infections. Sex and the Internet. Dangers about the Internet. Human psychosexual development. Sexuality in human life cycle.Psychosexual development of children. The notion of a norm in sexology, sexual disorders. Sexual violence towards children.Chosen elements of sexual education methodology and prevention of risky sexual behaviours. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Competence at psychosexual development and human sexuality. Competence at sexual pedagogy as a subdiscipline of pedagogy. Knowledge of objectives, outcomes and chosen elements of sexual education methodology and prevention of risky sexual behaviours.. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Examination. Getting a credit for the class – active participation at classes, moderating over the classes, preparing individual studies concerning the subject. RECOMMENDED READING: Beisert M., Psychologia zaburzeń seksualnych, w: Psychologia kliniczna, tom 2, red. H. Sęk, PWN, Warszawa 2007 Beisert M., Rozwojowa norma seksuologiczna jako kryterium oceny zachowań seksualnych dzieci i młodzieży, w: Dziecko Krzywdzone, 2006, nr 16 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 172 Beisert M.: Seks twojego dziecka, ZW – K. Domke, Poznań 1991 Chomczyńska-Milis M., Edukacja seksualna w społeczeństwie współczesnym. Konteksty pedagogiczne i psychologiczne, UMCS, Lublin 2002 Glaser D., Frosh S.: Dziecko seksualnie wykorzystywane, PZWL, W-wa 1995 Grzelak S., Profilaktyka ryzykownych zachowań seksualnych młodzieży. Aktualny stan badań i na świecie i w Polsce, Wyd. Scholar, Warszawa 2006 Izdebski Z, Jaczewski A., Rozwój seksualny, w: Biologiczne i medyczne podstawy rozwoju i wychowania, red. A. Jaczewski, WA „Żak”, Warszawa 2005 Izdebski Z., Jaczewski A., Kocha, lubi, szanuje ..., PWN, Warszawa 1998 Izdebski Z., Ryzykowna dekada. Seksualność Polaków w dobie HIV/AIDS. Studium porównawcze 1997 – 2001 – 2006, UZ, Zielona Góra 2006 Lew-Starowicz Z. Seks w sieci i nie tylko, Wydawnictwo Medyczne, 2003 Mentlewicz A., Południewski G., Antykoncepcja czyli świadome macierzyństwo, Poster Poligrafia, Warszawa 2001 Pankowska D., Wychowanie a role płciowe, GWP, Gdańsk 2005 Rzepka J. (red.): Zagadnienia prorodzinnej edukacji seksuologicznej i profilaktyki HIV/AIDS, Studio Wydawnicze AGAT, Katowice 1996 Seksualność człowieka w cyklu życia, red. M. Beisert, WN PWN, W-wa 2006 Skrzydlewski W. B., Etyka seksualna. Przemiany i perspektywy, Wyd. II, Kraków 1999 Starowicz Z., Długołęcka A.., Edukacja seksualna, Świat Książki, W-wa 2006 OPTIONAL READING: REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 173 IIN NFFO OR RM MA ATTIIO ON N TTEEC CH HN NO OLLO OG GYY IIN N SSO OC CIIA ALL EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 11.3-WP-PED-TKPS T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Computer literacy and basic skills in Microsoft Office applications. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Elżbieta Kołodziejska Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : dr Elżbieta Kołodziejska, dr Elżbieta Papiór F o r m o f r e c e i vi n g a c r e d i t for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Laboratory 30 2 4 2 Part-time studies Laboratory 12 4 COURSE CONTENTS: Office correspondence: the principle of correspondence, writings layouts, templates, model documents, forms. Computer in use: the design of information materials (brochure, poster), cost of commemorative activities (workshops, meetings, etc.), preparation of databases, presentation of projects. Using network to seek and publish information related to the support for social assistance institutions Reporting: calculations, tables, charts, presentations of data, preparation of multiple reports. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Student is able to: prepare information materials for the institution, prepare a spreadsheet of costs of some events (training, workshops), prepare a mail merge document linked to the database, search the Internet for information needed for daily operation of the institutions. In addition, the student is able to: prepare a multi test report and present the results graphically. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Pass the written test. RECOMMENDED READING: Abdulezer L. (2005) Excel. Praktyczne zastosowania w biznesie, Gliwice. Flanczewski S. (2004) Word w biurze i nie tylko, Gliwice. Negrino T. (2008) Prezentacje w PowerPoint 2007 PL. Projekty, Gliwice Schwartz S. (2008) Po prostu Office 2007 PL OPTIONAL READING: Grover Ch. (2007) Word 2007 PL. Nieoficjalny podręcznik, Gliwice. Simon J. (2006) Excel. Profesjonalna analiza i prezentacja danych, Gliwice. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 174 IIN NTTR RO OD DU UC CTTIIO ON N TTO O A AD DD DIIC CTTIIO ON N TTH HEER RA APPYY Co urse c ode : 14.5-WP-PED-PTU T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Clinical psychology knowledge L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Jerzy Herberger Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : dr Jerzy Herberger Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 Credits with appraisal 5 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 6 Class 6 5 2 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Historical and contemporary under standing of an addiction. Addiction as a habit, an illness, a misadaptation. Alcoholism – an analysis of theoretical approaches and practical consequences Substance abuse- mechanisms of dependency. Addiction to work, hazard and sex. Biopsychosocial integrated theory of addiction by J. Mellibruda. Mechanisms of addiction – biological, psychological, social. Pharmaceutical therapy and psychotherapy in addiction recovery. Addiction prevention. Levels of prevention. Models and efficacy of prevention. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Familiarising students with Basic knowledge of the subject and introducing basic skills ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: exam RECOMMENDED READING: Z. Gaś, Profilaktyka uzależnień, Lublin 2002. P. Monti, Psychologiczne teorie uzależnień alkoholowych, Warszawa 1994. OPTIONAL READING: REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 175 SSO OC CIIA ALL W WEELLFFA AR REE A AN ND D PPR RO OG GR RA AM MSS O OFF SSO OC CIIA ALL W WO OR RK K Co urse c ode : 14.5-WP-PED-PmSP T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Social Anthropology, Introduction to Psychology, E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Introduction to Sociology, Theory of Education, interpersonal communication L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Marcin Szumigraj Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Dr Marcin Szumigraj Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 Class 30 2 5 Passing the exam pisemny Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 8 Passing the exam pisemny Class 12 Credits with appraisal 3 COURSE CONTENTS: System and structure of social welfare in Poland, units of social welfare, tasks of social welfare, welfare services, rest-home, nursing home, care-home, centers of family services, family and child protection, social and educational outposts, problems of chosen categories of social welfare’s clients, social work programs, principles of social programs’ constructing, social workers, social welfare in chosen European countries, non-profit organizations, finance of social welfare, role of European Social Fund LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge of social welfare system in Poland, organizational structure, finance, kinds of welfare services ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Presence and active participation in classes, elaboration in chosen social area RECOMMENDED READING: Głąbicka K., (2002), Europejska przestrzeń socjalna. Zarys problematyki. Warszawa: WSP TWP. Kotlarska-Michalska A. (red.), Obszary pracy socjalnej w teorii i praktyce, Poznań 2002. Kwaśniewski J. (oprac.). Praca socjalna. Pomoc społeczna, Katowice 1998. Rajkiewicz A., Supińska J., KsiężoPolish M.(red.), Polityka społeczna. Materiały do studiowania, Katowice 1998. Sierpowska Iwona (red.), Pomoc społeczna. Przepisy z wprowadzeniem. Warszawa 2007. Strategia polityki społecznej na lata 2007 – 2013. Dokument przyjęty przez Radę Ministrów w dniu 13 września 2005 r. Załuska M., Boczoń J., (red.) (1996), Organizacje pozarządowe w społeczeństwie obywatelskim. Warszawa: BPS. OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 176 Grewiński M., (2001), Europejski Fundusz Społeczny, jako instrument integracji socjalnej Unii Europejskiej. Warszawa: WSP TWP. Kaźmierczak T., Łuczyńska M., Wprowadzenie do pomocy społecznej. Wybrane zagadnienia, Katowice 1998. REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 177 C CO OU UN NSSEELLLLIIN NG G Co urse c ode : 05.9-WP-PED-Po T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Philosophical concepts of the Human Being, E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Introduction to Psychology, Introduction to Sociology, Theoretical Aspects of Support and Help L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Marcin Szumigraj Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Dr Marcin Szumigraj Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 Class 30 2 3 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 8 Passing the exam Class 12 Credits with appraisal 3 COURSE CONTENTS: Counseling and guidance, History of counseling in Poland. Cultural, social and economic conditions of counseling. Directive counseling; liberal counseling; cognitive counseling; Conceptions of counseling (by M. Kulczycki; H. Kaja; C. Rogers), Lifespan’s counseling conception. Counselors’ activities models, practicing scripts of counselors’ activities. Practice of educational, family, rehabilitation, gerontological, counseling in Poland. New forms and areas of counseling. Quality of counseling. Counseling’s strategies. Characteristic of clients LEARNING OUTCOMES: Comprehension of counseling as social operations, as institutional operations or as interpersonal interaction. Knowledge of counseling practice, critical reflection on counseling and guidance ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Examination, test, presence and active participation in classes RECOMMENDED READING: Wojtasik B., (red.) (1998), Z podstaw poradoznawstwa, Wrocław Corey G., (2005) Teoria i praktyka poradnictwa, Poznań. Hajduk B., Hajduk E., (2006), O rodzajach pomocy. Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls. Kargulowa A., (1996), Przeciw bezradności. Nurty – opcje – kontrowersje w poradnictwie i poradoznawstwie, Wrocław. Kargulowa A., (2004), O teorii i praktyce poradnictwa. Odmiany poradoznawczego dyskursu, Podręcznik akademicki, Warszawa OPTIONAL READING: Aronson E., (1997), Psychologia społeczna, Poznań. Gladding S., (1996), Counseling, a comprehensive profession. New Jersey. Siarkiewicz E., (red.) (2004), Niejednoznaczność poradnictwa, Zielona Góra. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 178 Wojtasik B., (1994), Doradca zawodu, Wrocław. REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 179 SSO OC CIIA ALL W WO OR RK K Co urse c ode : 14.5-WP-PED-PrS T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Basic knowledge of concepts L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Elżbieta Lipowicz dr Elżbieta Lipowicz –Lecturey; dr H.Borcz Na me o f lec tur er : Class Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 30 Class 30 4 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 12 Class 14 4 4 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: 1.Origins, values and social work model 2.Social work disciplines 3.Diagnosing and compensating areas of social inequalities 3.Social work with given groups and societies 4.Axiological and ethical social work dimension 5.Social work as a job- concept of social worker vocational role LEARNING OUTCOMES: Gaining knowledge connected with the gist of social work theoretical-praxeological bases. Understanding its interdisciplinary character, getting to know social work disciplines and social worker social-vocational role ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Active participation in classes, positive notes from theme tasks, written exam. RECOMMENDED READING: Brągiel J., Kurcz A.,(red.) Pracownik socjalny. Wybrane problemy zawodu w okresie transformacji społecznej, Opole 2002 Kantowicz E., Elementy teorii i praktyki pracy socjalnej, Olsztyn2001 Matyjas B., (red.) Formy pomocy dziecku i rodzinie w środowisku lokalnym, Kielce 2001 Rybczyńska D., Olszak-Krzyżanowska B., Aksjologia pracy socjalnej, Katowice 1998 Wódz K., Praca socjalna w środowisku zamieszkania, Katowice 1999. OPTIONAL READING: REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 180 IIN NFFO OR RM MA ATTIIO ON N TTEEC CH HN NO OLLO OG GYY IIN N SSO OC CIIA ALL EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 11.3-WP-PED-TKPS T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Computer literacy and basic skills in Microsoft Office applications. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Elżbieta Kołodziejska Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : dr Elżbieta Kołodziejska Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Laboratory 30 2 4 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Laboratory 12 4 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Office correspondence: rules of correspondence, creating form, documents pattern. Computer in social action: creating information folders, cost calculation, creating data base, project presentation. Using network in social care: information publishing, statistic data searching, network threatens. Computer in account: data processing, diagram plotting, linking documents, writing up account. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge and skills: creative use of Microsoft Office applications in typical tasks of social care institutions. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Getting pass-grades of writing exam. RECOMMENDED READING: Abdulezer L. (2005) Excel. Praktyczne zastosowania w biznesie, Gliwice. Flanczewski S. (2004) Word w biurze i nie tylko, Gliwice. Negrino T. (2008) Prezentacje w PowerPoint 2007 PL. Projekty, Gliwice Schwartz S. (2008) Po prostu Office 2007 PL Tanger M. (2003) Po prostu WORD 2003, Gliwice. Walkenbach J. (2004) Excel 2003 PL. Biblia, Gliwice OPTIONAL READING: Grover Ch. (2007) Word 2007 PL. Nieoficjalny podręcznik, Gliwice. Simon J. (2006) Excel. Profesjonalna analiza i prezentacja danych, Gliwice. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 181 TTH HEEO OR RYY O OFF SSO OC CIIA ALL PPO OLLIIC CYY Co urse c ode : 14.1-WP-PED-TPS T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Marcin Szumigraj PhD Semestr Liczba godzin w tygodniu Forma zajęć Liczba godzin w semestrze Na me o f lec tur er : Marcin Szumigraj PhD Forma zaliczenia Punkty ECTS Studia stacjonarne Wykład 15 1 3 egzamin Studia niestacjonarne Wykład 8 3 1 egzamin COURSE CONTENTS: Definitions of social policy, history of social policy, values in social policy, styles of realization of social politics (policy), social indicators, models of social policy, catholic social science, theory of modernization and citizenship status, Marxist and neo-Marxist theory, concept of welfare state, liberalism versus welfare state, Polish social policy, European Social Model, globalization versus social policy, contemporary social inequality LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge of history social policy, modern models of social policy, challenges and directions of development of social policy, critical reflection on social policy ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Elaboration RECOMMENDED READING: Auleytner J., Donecki J., (red.) (1999), Teoretyczne problemy nauki o polityce społecznej. Warszawa: Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa. Firlit-Fesnak G., Szylko-Skoczny M., (2008), Polityka społeczna. Podręcznik akademicki. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. Riessman F., Caroll D., (2000), Nowa definicja samopomocy. Polityka i praktyka. Warszawa: PARPA. Welfare state. Wybór tekstów. Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 1997. OPTIONAL READING: Mazur J., (red.) (2007), Praca kluczem polityki społecznej. Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL. Rajkiewicz A., Supińska J., Księżpolski M., (red.) (1996), Polityka Społeczna. Materiały do studiowania. Biblioteka Pracownika Socjalnego. Warszawa. REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 182 TTH HO OR REETTIIC CA ALL A ASSPPEEC CTTSS O OFF SSU UPPPPO OR RTT A AN ND D H HEELLPP Co urse c ode : 05.9-WP-PED-TPP T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory The general knowledge of the basic terms of E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : psychology and assistance L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Daria Zielińska - Pękał Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : dr Daria Zielińska - Pękał Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Class 15 1 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Class 8 1 3 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The Psychological Conceptions of Man – The behaviour and psychodynamic conception. The cognitive and humanistic conception The Psychoanalytic approach – Freud’s Classical Psychoanalytic Theory. Jung’s Analytic Theory. A. Adler’s Individual Psychology. The behaviour – cognitive approach. Skinner’s Behaviour Theory. Rational Emotive Therapy –Ellis. Beck’s Cognitive Therapy. The humanistic- existential approach- C.Rogers –Client-cantered Therapy. Peris – Gestalt Therapy. Rollo May’s Psychothereapy. V.E.Frankl’s Logo therapy. Other approaches – Transactional Analysis-Berne. M.Erickson – Strategic Therapy LEARNING OUTCOMES: The skills in the area of recognising and naming the particular therapeutic trends; relating the names of the representatives to the adequate schools; distinguishing between the program, the guidelines and the principles applying to the particular trends; ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Attendance, activity, test mark. RECOMMENDED READING: Kozielecki, „Koncepcje psychologiczne człowieka”, Warszawa 1998 red. L.Grzesiuk, „Psychoterapia”, Warszawa 1998 Z.Freud, „Wstęp do psychoanalizy”, Warszawa 1982 C.G.Jung, „Archetypy i symbole. Pisma wybrane”, Warszawa 1981 V.E.Frankl, „Homo patiens”, Warszawa 1984 A.Adler, „Sens życia”, Warszawa 1986 C.R.Rogers, „Terapia nastawiona na klienta”, Wrocław 1991 E.Berne, „W co grają ludzie” J.Haley, „Niezwykła terapia. Techniki terapeutyczne Miltona Ericksona””, Gdańsk 1995 R.May, „O istocie człowieka. Szkice z psychoterapii egzystencjalnej”, Poznań 1995 red. L.Grzesiuk, „Psychoterapia”, Warszawa 1998 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 183 M.Kościelniak, „Rozumieć Rogersa”, Impuls 2004, red. J.Strelau, „Psychologia”, Gdańsk 2000 OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 184 IIN NTTEER RPPEER RSSO ON NA ALL TTR RA AIIN NIIN NG G Co urse c ode : 14.4-WP-PED-TrI T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : The knowledge of the basic communication techniques L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Daria Zielińska - Pękał Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : dr Daria Zielińska - Pękał Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 1 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 12 1 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: THE DEVELPMENT OF INTERPERSONAL CONCEPTIONS – me with in relation with self and other people. The verbal and non-verbal communication. The barriers in the communication and the ability of avoiding them. THE DYNAMICS OF GROUP PROCESSES – identification of the group roles; the individual in the group process; the analysis of the own communication style and behaviour in the group; THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CONFICTS SOLVING – reaction to emotions and expressing emotions; the principles of the constructive problem solving in the group. The active listening. LEARNING OUTCOMES: The skill of getting along well with other people- direct interaction. The knowledge of yourself. Acquiring the communicative skills. The increased knowledge of own potential and the sense of higher possibilities. Increasing the faith in the ability of coping with difficult relations. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Attendance, work with group. RECOMMENDED READING: Boynes C, Mowa ciała, 2008 McKay, jak ujarzmić emocje, 2008, Jedliński K, Trening interpersonalny, 2008 Gordon T, Wychowanie bez porażek, Warszawa 1994, Gut, Haman, Docenc konflikt, 1997, Zaborowski z. Trening interpersonalny – podstawy teoretyczne, procesy, techniki, 1997 OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 185 RESOCIALISATION AND SPECIALIST COUNSELLING Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 186 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 187 EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N A AN ND D R REEH HA AB BIILLIITTA ATTIIO ON N O OFF TTH HEE D DIISSA AB BLLEED D EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N A AN ND D R REEH HA AB BIILLIITTA ATTIIO ON N O OFF D DIISSA AB BLLEED D PPEEO OPPLLEE Co urse c ode : 05.6-WP-PED-ERON T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory The Basic knowledge of human process, biophysical and social; also its conditions and pathology. Moreover, the basic knowledge from the general education and the theory of E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : education, as well the ability of right interpretation of notion connected with the pedagogic activity. The pointed openness on problems of disabled people, which still influence these people in other spheres and life activities. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : PhD Zdzisława Janiszewska-Nieścioruk Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Name of lec turer: PhD Zdzisława Janiszewska-Nieścioruk Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 Class 15 1 3 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 6 Class 6 3 2 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The modern humanistic conception of disabled people. The analysis of biological, psychological and social dimension of human disability. The characteristic of the population of disabled people with pointing on their difficulties, and also abilities of development, education, rehabilitation and social integration. Distinguished forms of system of special education and children rehabilitation, teenagers and adults with disability. The barriers and determinants of the efficiency of postintegral and normalized activities toward these people and their families. The need of ecosystematic grasp of process their education and rehabilitation. Modern determinants in the education of special pedagogues; reflections connected with the realization bolognese reforms. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 188 The knowledge of modern problems of disabled people with pointing on the necessity of elimination from social life many disadvantaged phenomenon, which still depreciate them - intolerance, stigmatization, isolation/segregation and discrimination. Openness and activities directed on their social integration and normalization of life situation. The knowledge of rules of system functioning of education process and rehabilitation of disabled people and the abilities of their multidirectional support in this process. The knowledge of the a abilities and therapy methods of these people can unable its reflexive use in the pedagogic work, but also in other forms of rehabilitation of disabled people. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: L: passing with final grade; Class: passing with final grade RECOMMENDED READING: Kowalik S. (2007) Psychologia rehabilitacji. WAiP, Warszawa Ossowski S. (1999) Teoretyczne i praktyczne podstawy rehabilitacji. WSP, Bydgoszcz Sowa J., Wojciechowski F. (2001) Proces rehabilitacji w kontekście edukacyjnym. Wyd. Oświatowe FOSZE, Rzeszów Speck O. (2005) Niepełnosprawni w społeczeństwie. GTP, Gdańsk OPTIONAL READING: Deutsch Smith D.(2008) Pedagogika specjalna. Warszawa, PWN Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 189 FFA AM MIILLYY EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.9-WP-PED-PRod T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : The general knowledge of the family and the communication skills L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Daria Zielińska - Pękał Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : dr Daria Zielińska - Pękał , Ewa Bochno Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Class 30 3 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Class 12 3 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The family – structure, division, family functions, typology. The family personality. The styles of rising up, the parents attitudes. The changes in the contemporary family. Motherhood/ fatherhood. Orphanhood /a foster family. Genograms. Childcare mistake. Announcement ME- YOU. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Fixing the knowledge of the family. Practising the interpersonal skills among the family members. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Attendance, activity, test mark. RECOMMENDED READING: Kawula, Brągiel, Janke, Pedagogika rodziny, Toruń 2005, Kawula S. Kształt rodziny współczesnej, Toruń 2006, M.Przetacznik-Gierowska, Z.Włodawski, Psychologia wychowawcza, Warszawa 1994, D.Field, Osobowości rodzinne, Oblicza ojcostwa, pod red. D.Kornas-Bieli, Lublin,2001. B.Dymara, Dziecko w świecie rodziny, Kraków 1998, B.Dymara, dziecko w świecie szkoły, Kraków 1998 T.Gordon, Wychowanie bez porażek, Warszawa 1993. OPTIONAL READING: REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 190 IIN NFFO OR RM MA ATTIIO ON N TTEEC CH HN NO OLLO OG GYY IIN N R REESSO OC CIIA ALLIIZZA ATTIIO ON N IIN S T I T U T I O N NSTITUTION Co urse c ode : 11.3-WP-PED-TIIR T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Computer literacy and basic skills in Microsoft Office applications. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Elżbieta Kołodziejska Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : dr Elżbieta Kołodziejska F o r m o f r e c e i vi n g a c r e d i t for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Laboratory 30 2 5 3 Part-time studies Laboratory 12 5 COURSE CONTENTS: Office correspondence: the principle of correspondence, writings layouts, templates, model documents, forms. Computer in use: the design of information materials (brochure, poster), cost of commemorative activities (workshops, meetings, etc.), preparation of databases, presentation of projects. Using network to seek and publish information related to the support for social assistance institutions Reporting: calculations, tables, charts, presentations of data, preparation of multiple reports. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Student is able to: prepare information materials for the institution, prepare a spreadsheet of costs of some events (training, workshops), prepare a mail merge document linked to the database, search the Internet for information needed for daily operation of the institutions. In addition, the student is able to: prepare a multi test report and present the results graphically. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Pass the written test. RECOMMENDED READING: Abdulezer L. (2005) Excel. Praktyczne zastosowania w biznesie, Gliwice. Flanczewski S. (2004) Word w biurze i nie tylko, Gliwice. Negrino T. (2008) Prezentacje w PowerPoint 2007 PL. Projekty, Gliwice Schwartz S. (2008) Po prostu Office 2007 PL OPTIONAL READING: Grover Ch. (2007) Word 2007 PL. Nieoficjalny podręcznik, Gliwice. Simon J. (2006) Excel. Profesjonalna analiza i prezentacja danych, Gliwice. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 191 PPSSYYC CH HO OPPEED DA AG GO OG GIIC CA ALL C CO OU UN NSSEELLLLIIN NG G A AN ND D PPR REED DIIC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.6-WP-PED-PiOP T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : basic of general psychology, educational psychology, and clinical psychology L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Iwona Grzegorzewska PhD Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Agnieszka Felińska MA Iwona Grzegorzewska PhD Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 4 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 6 Class 6 4 2 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Activity of psychologically counselling centre: psychologically diagnostic prophylactic, therapeutic, educational and advisory procedure. Psychopedagogical endorsing kind of opinions: reading in and interpretation of opinion, role of opinion in process of education, utilization of psychopedagogical opinion in work of teacher Psychopedagogical predication: predication procedure, kind of predication, Areas of employment Psychopedagogical assistance with special educational demand: children with ADHD, with disturbances of behavior, dyslexia, anxiety and depressing. Psychological counselling: forms of psychological and pedagogical assistance, therapeutic activity, professional counselling, preventive maintenance of risky behavior and disturbances of periods of childhood and adolescence, crisis intervention, therapy of family. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge of procedures and range of activity of psychopedagogical counselling centre , specificity of work of information bureau and acquaintance of form of psychopedagogical assistance with pupils with difficulties and able children ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Positive including of test, preparation of semestral work RECOMMENDED READING: M.Bogdanowicz, Integracja percepcyjno –motoryczna – metody diagnozy i terapii, COM, Warszawa 1990. Rozporządzenia Ministra Edukacji Narodowej OPTIONAL READING: A.Rentflejsz- Kuczyk, Jak pomóc dzieciom dyslektycznym? Poradnik dla nauczycieli i rodziców, Wyd.Juka, Warszawa 1998. E.Gruszczyk-Kolczyńska, Dzieci ze specjalnymi trudnościami w uczeniu się matematyki, WSiP, Warszawa 1994. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 192 Testy psychologiczne w poradnictwie wychowawczo-zawodowym, pod red. M.Chojnowskiego, PWN, Warszawa 1980. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 193 LLEEG GA ALL B BA ASSIISS O OFF PPR RO OB BA ATTIIO ON N O OFFFFIIC CEER RSS'' A AC CTTIIVVIITTYY Co urse c ode : 10.0-WP-PED-PrDK T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Znajomość podstaw prawa L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Język Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Maciej Małolepszy Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Dr Maciej Małolepszy, Mgr Katarzyna Kijowska Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 30 2 4 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 12 4 1 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Probation Electronic monitoring Inquiry The procedure against habitual drunkard The procedure against teenagers. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Competition in legal aspects of work of legal officer. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Classes (colloquy) Lecture (examination) RECOMMENDED READING: Barbara Stańdo-Kawecka, Prawne podstawy resocjalizacji, Kraków 2000. Zbigniew Hołda, Kazimierz Postulski, Kodeks karny wykonawczy, Komentarz, Gdańsk 2005. Andrzej Marek, Prawo karne, 7. wydanie, Warszawa 2006. Andrzej Bałandynowicz, Probacja. Wychowanie do wolności, Warszawa 1996. Andrzej Bałandynowicz, Probacja. System sprawiedliwego karania, Warszawa 2002. A. Bałandynowicz, Probacja. Resocjalizacja z udziałem społeczeństwa Warszawa 2006. Jan Skupiński, Warunkowe skazanie w prawie Polishm, Warszawa 1992. OPTIONAL READING: Joanna i Zbigniew Hołda, Prawo karne wykonawcze, 2. wydanie, Kraków 2004. Stanisław Pawela., Prawo karne wykonawcze, Zarys Lectureu., Kraków 2003. Probacyjne środki polityki karnej-stan i perspektywy. Materiały z konferencji zorganizowanej przez Komisję Praw człowieka i Praworządności 20-21 października 2000 r., Warszawa 2001. Zapobieganie i zwalczanie przestępczości w Polsce przy zastosowaniu probacyjnych środków karania. Materiały z konferencji zorganizowanej przez Komisję Ustawodawstwa i Praworządności pod patronatem Marszałka Senatu RP Longina Pastusiaka 1–2 grudnia 2003 r., Warszawa 2004. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 194 LLO OG GO OPPA AEED DIIC CSS Co urse c ode : 05.6-WP-PED-Log T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory Basic knowledge from general pedagogy, education and psychology. Basic knowledge of E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : anatomy, physiology, and speech organs. Basis of knowledge from polish language (phonetics and descriptive grammar). L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : PhD Zdzisława Janiszewska-Nieścioruk Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : PhD Zdzisława Janiszewska-Nieścioruk, PhD Ewa Małgorzata Skorek Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture Laboratories 30 2 1 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture Laboratories 12 1 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The problem of speech therapy, its subject, conceptions, tasks, development. The state and perspectives of speech therapeutic care. Physiologic and anatomic speech basis and its creation with development ( with speech hearing). The meaning of early stimulation in the development of speech in the prevention of the verbal language communication disorder. The classification of disorders ( for example, the symptoms, causes) and their characteristic ( the issue, symptoms and causes) with pointing on methods of therapy. The diagnostic procedures and the therapy of speech development retardation. The correctness of lallation, presentation of methods, also improvement of motor activity of speech organs. The presentation as well as demonstration and exercise of chosen correctness methods. The analysis of articulated questionnaire, preventive and therapeutic program and speech therapeutic tests, the possibilities of their use in pedagogic work. LEARNING OUTCOMES: The knowledge of speech problems, its development and communication disorder in children. The ability of recognition of causes and symptoms of the very often shown disorders and deformations and the ways of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures aimed on its cessation. The knowledge of the factors of optimal speech creation with taking into account the early stimulation of its development and the effective prevention of the communication disorder in children. Presented problems of oral communication disorder should inspire students to creative and reflexive use of acquired knowledge in prevention and therapy of chosen speech defects. Creating the abilities of the occlusal defects correctness and improving the motor activity of speech organs with using different methods (particularly those entertaining) ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 195 Laboratories: passing with final grade RECOMMENDED READING: Gałkowski T., Jastrzębowska G. (red.) (1999) Logopedia. Pytania i odpowiedzi. Opole, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Opolskie Kaczmarek L. (1981) Nasze dziecko uczy się mowy. Lublin, Wyd. Lubelskie Gałkowski T., Tarkowski Z., Zaleski T. (red.) (1993) Diagnoza i terapia zaburzeń mowy. Lublin, Wyd. UMCS Styczek I. (1981) Logopedia. Warszawa, PWN OPTIONAL READING: Deutsch Smith D.(2008) Pedagogika specjalna. Warszawa, PWN Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 196 IIN NFFO OR RM MA ATTIIO ON N TTEEC CH HN NO OLLO OG GYY IIN N R REESSO OC CIIA ALLIIZZA ATTIIO ON N IIN S T I T U T I O N NSTITUTION Co urse c ode : 11.3-WP-PED-TIIR T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Computer literacy and basic skills in Microsoft Office applications. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Elżbieta Kołodziejska Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : dr Elżbieta Kołodziejska, dr Elżbieta Papiór F o r m o f r e c e i vi n g a c r e d i t for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Laboratory 30 2 5 3 Part-time studies Laboratory 12 5 COURSE CONTENTS: Office correspondence: the principle of correspondence, writings layouts, templates, model documents, forms. Computer in use: the design of information materials (brochure, poster), cost of commemorative activities (workshops, meetings, etc.), preparation of databases, presentation of projects. Using network to seek and publish information related to the support for social assistance institutions Reporting: calculations, tables, charts, presentations of data, preparation of multiple reports. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Student is able to: prepare information materials for the institution, prepare a spreadsheet of costs of some events (training, workshops), prepare a mail merge document linked to the database, search the Internet for information needed for daily operation of the institutions. In addition, the student is able to: prepare a multi test report and present the results graphically. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Pass the written test. RECOMMENDED READING: Abdulezer L. (2005) Excel. Praktyczne zastosowania w biznesie, Gliwice. Flanczewski S. (2004) Word w biurze i nie tylko, Gliwice. Negrino T. (2008) Prezentacje w PowerPoint 2007 PL. Projekty, Gliwice Schwartz S. (2008) Po prostu Office 2007 PL OPTIONAL READING: Grover Ch. (2007) Word 2007 PL. Nieoficjalny podręcznik, Gliwice. Simon J. (2006) Excel. Profesjonalna analiza i prezentacja danych, Gliwice. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 197 LLEEG GA ALL A ASSPPEEC CTTSS O OFF R REESSO OC CIIA ALLIIZZA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 10.0-WP-PED-PrPR T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : General knowledge of law L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Maciej Małolepszy Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Dr Maciej Małolepszy, Mgr. Katarzyna Kijowska Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 30 1 Class 30 2 2 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 12 Class 14 2 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Theory of punishment Punishment Fine, limited freedom, imprisonment, 25 years imprisonment, life imprisonment Probation Protection Execution of punishment: Execution of fine, Execution of limited freedom Execution of imprisonment The procedure against teenagers. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Competition in legal aspects of resocialization. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Classes (colloquy) Lecture (examination)) RECOMMENDED READING: Barbara Stańdo-Kawecka, Prawne podstawy resocjalizacji, Kraków 2000. Zbigniew Hołda, Kazimierz Postulski, Kodeks karny wykonawczy, Komentarz, Gdańsk 2005. Andrzej Marek, Prawo karne, 7. wydanie, Warszawa 2006. OPTIONAL READING: Joanna i Zbigniew Hołda, Prawo karne wykonawcze, 2. wydanie, Kraków 2004. Stanisław Pawela., Prawo karne wykonawcze, Zarys Lectureu, Kraków 2003. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 198 5 PPSSYYC CH HO OPPEED DA AG GO OG GIIC CA ALL C CO OU UN NSSEELLLLIIN NG G A AN ND D PPR REED DIIC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.6-WP-PED-PiOP T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : basic of general psychology, educational psychology, and clinical psychology L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Marcin Florkowski Semestr Liczba godzin w tygodniu Forma zajęć Liczba godzin w semestrze Na me o f lec tur er : Marcin Florkowski Forma zaliczenia Punkty ECTS Studia stacjonarne Wykład 15 Ć wi c z e n i a 15 4 Zaliczenie z oceną Zaliczenie z oceną Studia niestacjonarne Wykład 6 Ć wi c z e n i a 6 4 2 Zaliczenie z oceną Zaliczenie z oceną COURSE CONTENTS: Activity of psychologically counselling centre: psychologically diagnostic prophylactic, therapeutic, educational and advisory procedure. Psychopedagogical endorsing kind of opinions: reading in and interpretation of opinion, role of opinion in process of education, utilization of psychopedagogical opinion in work of teacher Psychopedagogical predication: predication procedure, kind of predication, Areas of employment Psychopedagogical assistance with special educational demand: children with ADHD, with disturbances of behavior, dyslexia, anxiety and depressing. Psychological counselling: forms of psychological and pedagogical assistance, therapeutic activity, professional counselling, preventive maintenance of risky behavior and disturbances of periods of childhood and adolescence, crisis intervention, therapy of family. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge of procedures and range of activity of psychopedagogical counselling centre , specificity of work of information bureau and acquaintance of form of psychopedagogical assistance with pupils with difficulties and able children ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Positive including of test, preparation of semestral work RECOMMENDED READING: M.Bogdanowicz, Integracja percepcyjno –motoryczna – metody diagnozy i terapii, COM, Warszawa 1990. Rozporządzenia Ministra Edukacji Narodowej OPTIONAL READING: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 199 A.Rentflejsz- Kuczyk, Jak pomóc dzieciom dyslektycznym? Poradnik dla nauczycieli i rodziców, Wyd.Juka, Warszawa 1998. E.Gruszczyk-Kolczyńska, Dzieci ze specjalnymi trudnościami w uczeniu się matematyki, WSiP, Warszawa 1994. Testy psychologiczne w poradnictwie wychowawczo-zawodowym, pod red. M.Chojnowskiego, PWN, Warszawa 1980. T.Gąsowska, Z.Pietrzak-Stępkowska, Praca wyrównawcza z dziećmi mającymi trudności w czytaniu i pisaniu. WSiP, Warszawa 1994. REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 200 PPR RO OB BA ATTIIO ON N IIN N R REESSO OC CIIA ALLIIZZA ATTIIO ON N PPR RO OC CEESSSS Co urse c ode : 05.6-WP-PED –PrPR T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : General knowledge of law L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Maciej Małolepszy Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Katarzyna Kijowska Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 Class 30 2 4 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 8 Class 12 4 3 Credits with appraisal Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Punishment Fine, limited freedom, imprisonment, 25 years imprisonment, life imprisonment Probation in resocialization Electronic monitoring Probation and the teenagers Probation in Europe LEARNING OUTCOMES: Competition in probation ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Classes (colloquy) Lectures (examination) RECOMMENDED READING: Barbara Stańdo-Kawecka, Prawne podstawy resocjalizacji, Kraków 2000. Zbigniew Hołda, Kazimierz Postulski, Kodeks karny wykonawczy, Komentarz, Gdańsk 2005. Andrzej Marek, Prawo karne, 7. wydanie, Warszawa 2006. Andrzej Bałandynowicz, Probacja. Wychowanie do wolności, Warszawa 1996. Andrzej Bałandynowicz, Probacja. System sprawiedliwego karania, Warszawa 2002. A. Bałandynowicz, Probacja. Resocjalizacja z udziałem społeczeństwa Warszawa 2006. Jan Skupiński, Warunkowe skazanie w prawie Polishm, Warszawa 1992. OPTIONAL READING: Joanna i Zbigniew Hołda, Prawo karne wykonawcze, 2. wydanie, Kraków 2004. Stanisław Pawela., Prawo karne wykonawcze, Zarys Lectureu., Kraków 2003. Probacyjne środki polityki karnej-stan i perspektywy. Materiały z konferencji zorganizowanej przez Komisję Praw człowieka i Praworządności 20-21 października 2000 r., Warszawa 2001. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 201 Zapobieganie i zwalczanie przestępczości w Polsce przy zastosowaniu probacyjnych środków karania. Materiały z konferencji zorganizowanej przez Komisję Ustawodawstwa i Praworządności pod patronatem Marszałka Senatu RP Longina Pastusiaka 1–2 grudnia 2003 r., Warszawa 2004. REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 202 C CLLIIN NIIC CA ALL PPSSYYC CH HO OLLO OG GYY Co urse c ode : 12.2-WP-PED-PsK T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Basic knowledge of general psychology L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Iwona Grzegorzewska Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f l ec tur er : dr Iwona Grzegorzewska Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 30 Class 15 5 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 12 Class 8 5 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Clinical Psychopathology Psychotherapy Clinical Interviewing and Assessment Research Designs in Clinical Psychology Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Health Psychology Community Mental Health Problems and Prevention Issues Stress, coping and burn-oute LEARNING OUTCOMES: introduction with basic of the psychopathology, the greater depth and the understanding of psychological mechanisms of disorders, systems of classification in psychopathology ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Positive grade from examination; preparation of semestral work RECOMMENDED READING: Carson, Butcher, Mineka. Psychologia zaburzeń. GWP. Gdańsk, 2003 Kendall P.C. Zaburzenia okresu dzieciństwa i adolescencji. GWP, Gdańsk, 2004 Persaud R. Pozostać przy zdrowych zmysłach. Santorski, Warszawa , 1998. Stirling, Hellewell. Psychopatologia. GWP, Gdańsk, 2005. Seligman. M., Walker E., Rosenhan D. Psychopatologia. Zysk i S-ka, Poznań, 2003. Cierpiałkowska L., Psychopatologia, Scholar, Warszawa, 2005 OPTIONAL READING: D.Clark, M.Reinecke , Psychoterapia poznawcza w teorii I praktyce, GWP. Gdańsk, 2005 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 203 4 M MEETTH HO OD DO OLLO OG GYY O OFF R REESSO OC CIIA ALLIIZZA ATTIIO ON N II Course code: 05.6-WP-PED-MR1 T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : general knowledge L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Barbara Toroń Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f l ec tur er : dr Barbara Toroń Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 2 Credits without appraisal Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 8 K o n we r s a t o r i u m 12 2 4 Credits without appraisal Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Scientific use of ways, forms, techniques and means in order to eliminate socially disapproved behaviours among convicted people (in penitentiary units). The term and objectives of methodology of resocialization. Connection between methodology and other disciplines: resocialization pedagogy, psychology, sociology, pathology, criminology, axiology. Law, medicine and others. Psychodynamic ways of running resocialization activities. Use of spot economy in resocialization. Use of spare time in resocialization: role of hobby groups. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Interpersonal skills, pedagogical and resocialization diagnosis of socially maladjusted people, methods and techniques of working At penitentiary and post - penitentiary units. Learning about institutions working within resocialization activities. Learning the characteristics and skills of a resocialization program organizer. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Credits with appraisal, examination RECOMMENDED READING: Wysocka E. (2008), Diagnoza w resocjalizacji. Warszawa. Dybalska J. (2009), Kobieta w więzieniu. Warszawa. Bonda K. (2009), Polskie morderczynie. Warszawa. Ambrozik W. (2003), Młodociani mordercy. Poznań. Ciosek M. (2003), Psychologia sądowa i penitencjarna. Warszawa Hołyst B. (2007), Socjologia kryminalistyczna. Warszawa. Kozaczuk F. (2008), Efektywność oddziaływań resocjalizacyjnych. Rzeszów. Przybyliński S. (2008), Podkultura więzienna – wielowymiarowość rzeczywistości penitencjarnej. Kraków. Tillman K. J. (1996), Teorie socjalizacji – społeczność, instytucja, upodmiotowienie. Warszawa. Pastwa-Wojciechowska B. (2007), Kliniczne i sądowo – penitencjarne aspekty funkcjonowania człowieka. Kraków. Jaworska A. (2009), Resocjalizacja. Zagadnienia prawne, społeczne i metodyczne. Kraków. Miller A. (2006), Gdy runą mury milczenia. Poznań. Kamiński M. (2006), Gry więzienne. Warszawa. Sitaczyk N. (2004), Nieletni sprawcy zabójstw. Lublin. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 204 Urban B. (2004), Zachowania dewiacyjne młodzieży. Kraków. Urban B., Stanik J. (2007), I, II tom Resocjalizacja. Warszawa. OPTIONAL READING: Pytka L. (1995), Pedagogika resocjalizacyjna. Wybrane zagadnienia teoretyczne i metodyczne. Warszawa.Wolska A. (1999),, Wybrane warunki socjalizacji zabójców. Szczecin. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 205 PPSSYYC CH HO OTTH HEER RA APPYY Co urse c ode : 14.4-WP-PED-PSTe T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : Basic knowledge of clinical psychology. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Jerzy Herberger Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Dr Jerzy Herberger Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 5 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 12 5 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Definitions of psychotherapy (analysis), branches of psychotherapy. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy model. Analysis of RET therapy by A. Ellis, psychotherapy as a learning process. Psychoanalysis. Transference and resistance. Fenomenological and existential branch of therapy – logotherapy of V. Frankl. Group psychotherapy – analysis of group dynamics. Dynamics of psychotherapy – phases of the process. Therapists competence. Training. Diagnosis and therapy. Therapeutic skills – practical training. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Knowledge about theoretical grounds and Basic methods of psychotherapy practice. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: grade. RECOMMENDED READING: Grzesiuk L. (1994), Psychoterapia, Warszawa, PWN. Corey, G.(2005), Teoria i praktyka poradnictwa i psychoterapii. Poznań, Wydawnictwo Zysk i S-ka. Czabała J. (2008), Czynniki leczące w psychoterapii, Warszawa, PWN OPTIONAL READING: Gustafson, J.P. (2001), Terapia długo- czy krótkoterminowa, Gdańsk, GWP.Reinecke,M, Clark, D., (2005) Psychoterapia poznawcza w teorii I praktyce, Gdańsk, GWP. Milner, J. O’ Byrne (2007), Poradnictwo krótkoterminowe: narracje i rozwiązania, . Poznań, Wydawnictwo Zysk i S-ka. Kazein, A.E., Weisz, J.R, (2006) Psychoterapia dzieci i młodzieży, Kraków, Wydawnictwo UJ. Kutter, P. (2001). Współczesna psychoanaliza. Gdańsk GWP. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 206 R REESSO OC CIIA ALLIIZZA ATTIIO ON N D DIIA AG GN NO OSSIISS Co urse c ode : 05.6-WP-PED-DRes T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : general knowledge L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Barbara Toroń Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f l ec tur er : dr Barbara Toroń Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 3 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 6 Class 6 3 3 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: System of terms in resocialization diagnosis. The subject of diagnosis, methods and sources of diagnosis, stages of initial situation establishment at work of a probation officer responsible for family and juvenile affairs. Stages of resocialization diagnosis at work a probation officer responsible for penitentiary affairs (gathering information about a convicted person, diagnostical research). Penitentiary diagnosis, range and aims of penitentiary diagnosis. Role of diagnosis in creating individual resocialization and therapy plans LEARNING OUTCOMES: Competence and skills at making diagnosis concerning the supervised people in penitentiary institutions. Skills at establishing the initial stage of resocialization work. Skills at using resocialization diagnosis for individual resocialization plans ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Credits with appraisal, examination RECOMMENDED READING: Wysocka E. (2008), Diagnoza w resocjalizacji. Warszawa. Tillman K. J. (1996), Teorie socjalizacji – społeczność, instytucja, upodmiotowienie. Warszawa. Jaworska A. (2009), Resocjalizacja. Zagadnienia prawne, społeczne i metodyczne. Kraków. Czapów Cz. (1980), Wychowanie resocjalizujące. Warszawa. M. Ciosek (2003), Psychologia sądowa i penitencjarna. Warszawa Kosek-Nita B., Raś D. (red.) (1999), Resocjalizacja, diagnoza, wychowanie. Katowice. Machel H. (2003), Więzienie jako instytucja karna i resocjalizacyjna. Gdańsk. Ostrihańska Z., Greszczuszkin A. (2000), Praca z indywidualnym przypadkiem w nadzorze rodzinnego kuratora sądowego. Lublin. Hołyst B. (2006), Kryminologia. Warszawa. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 207 Hołyst B. (2007), Socjologia kryminalistyczna. Warszawa. Paluchowski W. (2002), Diagnoza psychologiczna. Gdańsk. Pytka L. (2005), Pedagogika resocjalizacyjna. Wybrane zagadnienia teoretyczne, diagnostyczne i metodyczne. Warszawa. Urban B. (2007), Resocjalizacja I, II tom. Warszawa OPTIONAL READING: Górski S. (1995), Metodyka resocjalizacji. Warszawa. Ziemski S. (1973), Problemy dobrej diagnozy. Warszawa. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 208 SSO OC CIIO OTTH HEER RA APPYY Co urse c ode : 05.6-WP-PED-St T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory the student has learnt the basis of social E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : psychology and personality psychology L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Artur Doliński Semester Number of teaching hours per week Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Na me o f lec tur er : Dr Artur Doliński Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 30 3 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies K o n we r s a t o r i u m 12 3 1 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: I Introduction Sociotherapy as a form of psycho-pedagogical assistance, essence of sociotherapy, structure of sociotherapy classes, methods of working with a group, dynamics of a sociotherapeutic group II Detailed contents of sociotherapy programs. Sociotherapy for students with adaptability difficulties, as an assistance at correcting the self view among shy students, children with self confidence disorders, interventional – educational – preventive programs for children and the young who use addictive drugs, programs concerning the forms of coping with stress and negative feelings III Detailed analysis of a group process Basic roules of group activities, group communication, decision making in a group, in-group and inter-group conflicts LEARNING OUTCOMES: The students will be prepared for analyzing a group process. They will gain preparation for creating sociotherapy processes. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Classes (colloquy) Lectures (examination) RECOMMENDED READING: Sawicka K. (red), (1998), Socjoterapia. CMPP, Warszawa Vopel K.W. (1999), Poradnik dla prowadzących grupy. Jedność, Kielce Kaduson H, Schaefer Ch., (2002) Zabawa w psychoterapii. GWP, Gdańsk Sawicka K. (red), (1998), Socjoterapia. CMPP, Warszawa Hamer H. (2000), Oswoić nieśmiałość. VEDA, Warszawa Hamer H. (2001), Bliżej siebie. VEDA, Warszawa Zaborowski Z. (1997), Trening interpersonalny. SCHOLAR, Warszawa Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 209 Oyster C.K. (2002), Grupy, Zysk i S-ka, Poznań Ballard R. (1988), Jak żyć z ludźmi. Umiejętności interpersonalne. MEN, Warszawa OPTIONAL READING: REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 210 SSPPEEC CIIA ALL EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 05.6-WP-PED-DSp T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory Basic knowledge from the general education and theory and system of education In Poland and In the worlds. The right understanding of basic notions connected with pedagogic activities: the care, upbringing, teaching, upbringing education E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : etc. The knowledge of development process of human and environments and stimulating factors or those disturbing the development. The openness for different developmental needs and educational of disabled people. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : PhD Zdzisława Janiszewska-Nieścioruk Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Name of lec turer: PhD Zdzisława Janiszewska-Nieścioruk Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 1 Class 15 1 6 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 6 Class 6 6 3 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Basic assumption of general education and the need/necessity of their modification in special education. Special education, as the subdiscipline of general education; its main issue, aims, rules and division. The rules of education and its right grasp in the concept of special educational needs of disabled people. The characteristic of methods of rehabilitation. Special education in historical aspect – changes in the process of education and rehabilitation. Evaluation in the special education. Modern proeuropean dimension of special pedagogues education. Modern determinants in the education of special pedagogues; reflections connected with the realization bolognese reforms. LEARNING OUTCOMES: The ability to identify and use, in pedagogic work, the significant similarities and differences in education of healthy and disabled people. Recognition of special educational needs of disabled children and teenagers and their difficulties in realization the education process. The knowledge of rules and methods of therapy, as well as rehabilitation and its reflexive and creative use of aimed on Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 211 cessation of given difficulties in different forms of special (segregate, directive, and integrative) education these people. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: L: passing exam; Class: passing with final grade RECOMMENDED READING: Deutsch Smith D.(2008) Pedagogika specjalna. Warszawa, PWN Dykcik W. (1997) (red.) Pedagogika specjalna, UAM, Poznań Dykcik W., Szychowiak B. (2001) (red.) Nowatorskie i alternatywne metody w teorii i praktyce kształcenia specjalnego, UAM, Poznań Gąsior H. (red.) (1992) Nauczanie społecznie niedostosowanych. Katowice, UŚ Głodkowska J. (1999) Poznanie ucznia szkoły specjalnej. Warszawa, WSiP Kowalik S. (2007) Psychologia rehabilitacji. WAiP, Warszawa Sowa J., Wojciechowski F. (2003) Rehabilitacja edukacyjna w zarysie. Zamość, WSZiA Speck O. (2005) Niepełnosprawni w społeczeństwie. GWP, Gdańsk Wyczesany J., Gajdzica Z. (2006) Uwarunkowania edukacji i rehabilitacji uczniów o specjalnych potrzebach w rozwoju, Kraków, Wyd. AP OPTIONAL READING: Osik D., Wojnarska A. (2005) (red.) Wspomaganie rozwoju uczniów ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi. Lublin, UMCS Żółkowska T. (2004) Wyrównywanie szans społecznych osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną. Szczecin, Oficyna IN PLUS Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 212 SSEELLEEC CTTEED D A ASSPPEEC CTTSS O OFF C CR RIIM MIIN NO OLLO OG GYY Co urse c ode : 10.4-WP-PED-Krym T y pe o f c ou r s e : Compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Język Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Dr Maciej Małolepszy Semester Form of instruction Number of teaching hours per semester Number of teaching hours per week Na me o f lec tur er : Dr Maciej Małolepszy, mgr Ernest Magda Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 30 2 Class 30 2 5 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 12 Class 12 5 6 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The origins of crime (introduction, systematic). Punishment police (structure, penal populism). Crime in mass media. Efficacy of punishment. Efficacy of probation. General knowledge of crime statistics. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Competition in basis of criminology. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Classes (colloquy) Lectures (examination) RECOMMENDED READING: Stańdo-Kawecka B., Prawne podstawy resocjalizacji, Kraków 2000. Błachut J., A. Gaberle, K. Krajewski, Kryminologia, Gdańsk 1999. Hołyst B., Kryminologia, Warszawa, 1999. OPTIONAL READING: A. Siemaszko, B. Gruszczyńska, M. Marczewski. Atlas przestępczości w Polsce 3 Warszawa 2003. REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 213 SSO OC CIIA ALL PPR REEVVEEN NTTIIO ON N Co urse c ode : 14.0-WP-PED-ProS T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory Basic knowledge of social prevention. Teaching tasks of social prevention, E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : diagnosing and analysing maladjustment, undertaking and realizing prevention activites. L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : Mgr Lidia Wawryk Na me o f l ec tur er : Mgr Lidia Wawryk Form of instruction Numb er of teachi ng hours per seme ster Numb er of teachi Seme ng ster hours per week F o r m o f r e c e i vi n g a c r e d i t for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Class 30 6 2 Credits with appraisal 2 Part-time studies Class 6 12 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: the aim rules, forms and function regulations of social prevention. the fundamental components of prophylactic programmes. intervention programme for teenagers and adults using alcohol. the drug abuse-preventing activities – the results of drug addition and prevention programme. Preventing aggressive behaviour. Prevention of violence in family. Educational, preventive and therapeutic activities of destruction sects and destructing groups. the preventing suicides. the procedures for delinquency and demoralization. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Teaching definitions, directions, tasks of social prevention. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: mark of test, active participation in class RECOMMENDED READING: Gaś Z. Profilaktyka w szkole. Warszawa 2006, WsiP Szymańska J. Programy profilaktyczne. Podstawy profesjonalnej psychoprofilaktyki. Warszawa 2002, CMPP-P Szpringer M.Laurman-Jarząbek E; Drapała Andrzej. Profilaktyka uzależnień i przemocy w rodzinie-diagnoza i propozycje rozwiązań systemowych w środowisku lokalnym. Kielce 2005, Wyd. Stachurski Balcerek-Kałek B. Budowanie szkolnych programów profilaktyki. Warszawa 2003, PWN Deptuła M. Diagnostyka pedagogiczna i profilaktyka w szkole i środowisku lokalnym. Bydgoszcz 2004, Wyd.AB OPTIONAL READING: Vogler R.E., Bartz W.R. Nastolatki i alkohol. Kiedy nie wystarczy powiedzieć nie?. Warszawa 2002, PARPA Pacewicz A. Dzieci alkoholików. Jak je rozumieć jak im pomagać? Warszawa 1992, MEN Seweryńska A. Uczeń z rodziny dysfunkcyjnej. Warszawa 2004, Pasek M. Narkotyki przy tablicy. Warszawa 2000, Fundacja ETOH Dimoff T., Carter S. Jak rozpoznać, że dziecko sięga po narkotyki ? Warszawa 1994, Wyd. Elma Books Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 214 Knez R., Słonina W. Saper- jak rozminować agresję? Warszawa 2000, Rubikon Olweus D. Mobbing – fala przemocy w szkole. Jak ja powstrzymać?. Warszawa 1998, Jacek Santorski&CO Kurzępa J. Młodzież pogranicza- świnki, czyli o prostytucji nieletnich. Kraków 2001, Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls Jędrzejewski M. Młodzież a subkultury. Warszawa 1988, Wyd. Żak Cekiera Cz. Ryzyko uzależnień. Lublin 2001, Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL Filipiak M. Od subkultury do kultury alternatywnej. Lublin 1999, Wyd. UMCS Prejs B. Subkultury młodzieżowe. Katowice 2005, Wyd.Kos Prokop J. Uwaga rodzice! Sekty. Warszawa 1994 Abgrall J.M. Sekty. Manipulacja psychologiczna. Gdańsk 2005, GWP Nowakowski P.T. Sekty. Co każdy wiedzieć powinien. Tychy 1999, Maternus Media REMARKS: Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 215 PPEEN NIITTEEN NTTIIA AR RYY PPEED DA AG GO OG GYY Co urse c ode : 05.6-WP-PED-PPen T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory En tr y r eq uir eme n ts : general knowledge in pedagogy L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : mgr Ernest Magda Na me o f l ec tur er : mgr Ernest Magda Numbe Numbe r of r of teachi teachi ng Semes Form of instruction ng hours ter hours per per semes week ter Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Lecture 15 Class 15 4 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Lecture 6 Class 6 4 3 Passing the exam Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: The place of penitentiary pedagogy among other pedagogy disciplines. The subject and aims of penitentiary pedagogy. Legal acts regulating penitentiary system in Poland. Organization of prisoning system. Prison as a resocialization institutions. Cathegories of classification of imprisoned people and variety of means of resocialization activities. Rights and obligations of prisoners. Measures of penitentiary working. Penitentiary programs carried out in Polish prisons. Prison subcultures. Philosophy of probation. Preparing for life in freedom conditions. Role of a probation officer. Basics of post-penitentiary assistance LEARNING OUTCOMES: Theoretical preparation for using the ways, forms, methods, techniques and measures used in penitentiary institutions in order to correct the behaviour of convicts. Arranging optimal resocialization activity directed to a person or groups with use of diagnosis in pedagogy, resocialization and criminology. Learning current penitentiary programs: reducing educational shortages, motivating for proper and responsible performing social roles, spreparing for professional activity in freedom conditions, reducing aggression, promoting healthy lifestyle. Learning possibilities of post-penitentiary assistance according to legal regulations. Learning the idea of probation as an alternative to isolation resocialization ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Credits with appraisal, examination, activity during classes RECOMMENDED READING: Bielicki E. (2005), Z problematyki resocjalizacji. Bydgoszcz. Bulenda T., Musidłowski R. (red.) (2003), System penitencjarny i postpenitencjarny w Polsc., Warszawa. Ciosek M. (2003), Psychologia sądowa i penitencjarna,. Warszawa. Hołyst B. (2001), Więziennictwo nowe wyzwania. II Polski Kongres Penitencjarny. Kalisz. Machel H. (1994), Wprowadzenie do pedagogiki penitencjarnej. Gdańsk Marczak M., (red.) (2009), Resocjalizacyjne programy penitencjarne realizowane przez służbę więzienną w Polsce. Kraków. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 216 Szczygieł G. (2002), Readaptacja społeczna w polskim systemie penitencjarnym. Białystok. Urban B., Stanik J., (red.) (2007), Resocjalizacja, tom ., Warszawa. OPTIONAL READING: Bałandynowicz A. (2002), Probacja. System sprawiedliwego karania. Machel H. (2008), Sens i bezsens resocjalizacji penitencjarnej – casus polski. Kraków. Machel H. (2003), Więzienie jako instytucja karna i resocjalizacyjna. Studium interdyscyplinarne. Gdańsk. Przybyliński S. (2007), Podkultura więzienna – wielowymiarowość rzeczywistości penitencjarnej. Kraków Szymanowska A. (2003). Więzienie i co dalej? Warszawa. Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 217 R RU UD DIIM MEEN NTTSS O OFF W WO OR RK KIIN NG G W WIITTH H D DYYSSFFU UN NC CTTIIO ON NA ALL FFA AM MIILLIIEESS Co urse c ode : 05.6-WP-PED-PRDy T y pe o f c ou r s e : compulsory E n tr y r eq uir eme n ts : general knowledge in pedagogy, sociology and psychology L ang uag e o f ins tr uc tio n : Polish D irec tor o f s tu di es : dr Andrzej Zygadło Na me o f l ec tur er : dr Andrzej Zygadło Numbe Numbe r of r of teachi teachi ng Semes Form of instruction ng hours ter hours per per semes week ter Form of receiving a credit for a course Number of ECTS credits allocated Full-time studies Class 30 4 Credits with appraisal Part-time studies Class 12 4 2 Credits with appraisal COURSE CONTENTS: Rudiments of working with dysfunctional families. Definitions of family. Theoretical basis of family performance. Human behaviour and family performance. Typology of family dysfunctions. Reasons of family dysfunctions. Mistakes made during upbringing process and their results. Cooperation between a family and institutions of pedagogical and psychological assistance. Basics, methods and rules of dysfunctional families therapy. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Learning the factors which stabilize or disturb the performance of main family functions. Learning styles of family performing and bringing up children and the results of parental mistakes. Learning basis of diagnosis of dysfunctions in families. Learning basic methods, rules and techniques of pedagogical therapy of dysfunctional families ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Credits with appraisal, activity during classes RECOMMENDED READING: Badura-Madej W., Dobrzyńska-Masterhazy A., Przemoc w rodzinie, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2000 Cudak H., Funkcjonowanie dzieci z małżeństw rozwiedzionych, Wyd. Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2004 Kawula S., Brągiel J., Janke A., Pedagogika rodziny, Wyd. Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2001 Plopa M., Więzi w małżeństwie i rodzinie, Wyd. Impuls, Kraków 2005 Ryś M., Systemy rodzinne, Warszawa 2005 OPTIONAL READING: Plopa M., Psychologia rodziny, Wyd. Impuls Kraków 2006 Milewska E., Szymanowska A. (red.), Rodzice i dzieci: psychologiczny obraz sytuacji problemowych, Centrum Pomocy Psychologiczno – Pedagogicznej Ministerstwa Edukacji Narodowej, Warszawa 2000 Schon L., Synowie i ojcowie: tęsknota za nieobecnym ojcem, Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, Gdańsk 2002 Faculty of Education, Sociology and Health Sciences Subject area of studies: Pedagogy 218