UfilBergvesenet Rapportarkivet
UfilBergvesenet Rapportarkivet
• Ufil Rapportarkivet Bergvesenet 5th Posthoks 3021. N-7441 Bergvesenet rapport nr 1rondliciin Rapport lokalisering Internt arkiv nr Intern Journal nr Gradering 7359 Kommer fra ..arkiv Fortrolig pqa Oversendt fra Ekstern rapport nr Fortrolig fra dato: F.M. Vokes Tittel A report concerning an inspection of the disused Skutterud cobalt mines at Modum, together with a discussion of the results thereof and reflections on the structural control of the oreripnncitinn Bedrift (Oppdragsgiver Forfatter Dato Vokes Frank M. Ar og/eller oppdragstaker) NGU 1956 Kommune Modum Bergdistrikt Fylke Buskerud Geologi Mineralogi Råstoffgruppe Råstofftype Co, As, Cu, Ni Malm/metall Sammendrag, innholdsfortegnelse Skien 17141 Dokument type Fagområde 1: 250 000 kartblad 1: 50 000 karlblad Forekomster (forekomst, gruvefelt, undersøkelsesfelt) Modumfeltet Skutterud muggerud skjerp Middagshvile skjerp Bennece stoll Ludwig Eugen stoll Klara stoll Nordgruven Troegerort eller innholdsbeskrivelse Engelsk tekst. Den generelle geologien blir gjennomgått i sammenheng med områdets strukturer i tilknytning til strøk/fall og lineasjoner.. Det blir spesielt gått inn pa fahlbåndsonene. Likeså bliranalyser av rnalmenvurdert. Det blir tatt en del prøver. Dannelse av malmen og malmkontrollenblir diskutert. Forfatteren er helt bestemt på at fahlbåndsystemeter uttatt til bunnen på strekningen Skutterud-Svartfjellgruve. Det meste av mineraliseringener borte som følge av erosjon på et nivå i det sub-Cambriske peneplan. Vedlagt papirkopier og tracinger av av en rekke snitt samt et senere lengdesnittgjennom malmsonen. å • larant _ ? CaAlf03;lut Pcnrian erosjonsfloiY orr'eneliit (st sone n 1 "ennln kilden G.C. 14 SKUTTEAUDGRUVENE thviit 400 Midd Sourt. Meilem Nord kvi ko&n. skj Nwedkollert ski Svarffidly 400 Djupdalsskj. 300 200 100 100 2 mehr 3 km. FIG. D. 4 5 0 mciti A Reportconcerningan inspectionof the disusedSkutterudcobalt mines at Modum, togetherwith a Discussionof the resultsthereof and Reflectionson the structuralcontrolof the ore-deposition by F. M. Vokes. e ort f in ecti . The inspectiontook place in the periodfrom 15th to 23rd June 1956. The writer cooperatedin part with the NGU party under Th. Siggerudwho were carryingout a radioactivesurveyof the area. b ect f the n e ion was to examinethe surfaceworkingsof the Skutterudmines and all safelyaccessibleundergroundworkings, with a view to deducingany structuralcontrolswhich may have been operativeduring the depositionof the ores. The information gained from the field data and their analysiswas to be used to aesess the possibilitiesof discoveringfurtherore. Proposals for futureexplorationwork were then to be made. Areainseected.All the sufaceworkingsbetweenMuggerudSkjerp and MiddagshvileSkjerpwere examined. Specialweightwas placed on the main mines from BenneckeStoll to the north end of Nordgruven (see longitudinalsection). The undergroundworkings inspectedcomprisedKlara Stoll (x-cutand drive north);the stopes UstreNo. 11, VestreNo. 11 and part of VestreNo. 10; Ludwig Engen Stoll (x-cutand drivesN and S); Nordgruven(open cast and all drivesoff this);Upper and Lower Bærum Stollsand LenneckeStoll. Use was made of the old mine plans,and especiallyof those containedin the reportof BergingenibrEeltzen(October1952). Re ts f in e ti (see disduseion). The resultsobtained from the inspectionshow that the ores at the Skutterudmines occurredin horizontellyelongotedshootshavingsmall vertical,as cwpared with horizontal,dimensions. No structures, (or other indications)can be found which give rise to the 1 1 ir e•0 r. 1- 0 o-i in ike elon is Lotto..-; o. nd Drri vc—ticci "cin tion st.7. 1.c.tct in n 1rd on tl crn-ci cc t. ' co , arc to 11 O the nto j (T1'r" t thr ine thcc '•: t' t: .;0 d thc (o c-zonc) rock:. of ttio c lin- -r 1 frtss orc, nol oHy. rn, irv is _ tion rir trolo. fov o.: to thn r list o: r the you.ks Lty ::;coses 1H• n ol ti.x , '1' nr.c: : 'fl olsTy c.r - nlbTait ttio icc 1 f ::o it st-r thrt 01H. 0-2 th ..otto it ernnr.iie not, fror. tion, tion izr tinn notions - zono ,cc.t thr 11 - th ; 1 2.-1:"1-on-like thn of c) ulth in th , ccs ti. .0 of tion. 7011. kno- n, inno lt occuty'ed -0 r in up to ticio ont s t on, • •enc r•. (0. as -3fahlbåndtMidlerefahlbåndand Vestrefahlbånd(see sectionce). Rosenqviststatesthat thesevariousfahlbåndsare separated bands. narrowamphibolite from each otherby comparetively The main strikeof the rockswithinand on eithersideof the fahlbåndzone is N-St and the dip is nearlyalwayswith 100 or 200 of the verticaltmostlyto the east. The lengthof the main fahlbåndzonein the area is about 11 Kmt but the writer'sinspectionwas confinedto the section of the Skutterudminestfrom BenneckeStollin the southto in the north—a distenceof about LudwigStoll(Nordgruven) 1700metres, . Thereare very few deviationsfrom the overall and few of thesecan be correlated N-S strikeof the fahlbånd-zone with the main ore-bodiesas shownby the old workings. betweena There is a slightevidenceof a coincidence workedpartof the zone and a swingin strikedirectionin the most southerlyopen-castof Sörgruven(on the westerlyfahlbånd here). The strikeof the footwallrockshere swingsfromN 20°W to N 10°Efrom the southto the northof the workingtwhichis up to 20 metreswide. Northof the Bærum"stolls"the strikeswingsto a direction about200W of N for about100 metrestbut then swingsbacktso workings thatat the southernextremityof the .:Mellomgruve it has a directionof a few degreesE of N. Thisvalue is maintainedfairlyconstantlyas far as the northend of Nordgruven As will be seenfrom the sectionalongthe workingsthe area of the above-describedswingin strikeis apparentlya here barrenone. The old trenchesalong the fahlbånd-zone revealonlyweak rusting. Also a drivesouthfromKlaraStoll no ore in depth x-cutalongthe "Midlerefahlbånd"encountered in this area. The rocksalongthe wallsof the largeopen cast of Nordgruvenalso showa very slightswingin striketfromabout N 10°Wat the southernend to N 20°E at the northern. On the otherhand the largeopen stopeof Mellomgruven givesno evidenceof otherthan constantstrike- her almostN-S. Thus the correlations betweenswingin strikeand thicker ore are very unsureand it doesnot seemas thoughtherehas been any ore-controlthisway. Localvariationsin the valuesof dip are numerousbut all are within200 of vertical,the majoritybeingwithin1006 As can be seenfrom the sectionsacrossthe ore zone,the dip as a wholeis generallyto the east. An attemptwas made to deduceany linear trendsin the ore-shootsalongthe fahlbånd-zone in orderthat thesemightbe used to pointto furtherore. As can be seen from the longitudinal section,the outlinesof the old workings are not veryhelpfulin determining ore-sbootdirections.They indicatealmosthorizontalshoots,with a comparatively small verticaldimensionin relationto the horizontalone. The greates verticaldepthof the main workingsin Mellomgruven is 110-120 metres;in the othertwo mines,the workingsdid not extendmore than 50-70metresbelowthe outcrop. It is generalexperiencein ore-geologythatore-shootsare often elongatedin the lineation,or stretchdirection,of the encicsingrockswhen theseare schistoseor gneissose.Thus measurhments were made alongthe outeropof the fahlbånd-zone and in the accessibleundergroundworkingsof the linearelements in the rocks. Thesewere two typess A preferredorientation of the elongatedminerals, especiallyhornblendeand biotite. A groovingor large-scaleslickensiding alongthe planes of schistosity, especially well seenon the wallaof someof the old stopes,e.g. the west wall of the largeopen cast at Mellomgruven. This linearelementindicatesmovementalongtheseplanes -5. tor.catt) mentionsthe phenomenonbrieflyunder the Rosenqvist(19149) headingof "Glidestriper". showedthat the two Carefulmessuremntsand comparisons linearelementscoincidein direction,and thus theyweremapped -tit, as one olinem(direction". have beenplottedon the The lineationmeasurements sectionof the workings,and the generaltrendo longitudinal of the lineationinserted. The sectionshows thatthe plungeof the lineationis everywherefairlyflat,usuallynevermore than2003only were valuesas high as 400 recorded. occasionally alongthe surfaceworkingsshoweda steadily The measurements N-plunginglineationof the orderof 200 fromBenneckeStollto a pointabout150 metresnorthof the BmrumStolls. Thislatter pointappearsto be the centreof a depressionof the:lineation, and northof here the plungebecomessouthat valuesof 150-200. thereoccursa Just northof the midpointof Mellomgruven of the linearstructuresand the plunge markedculmination resumesits northerlydirection.This continueswith slight variationsin magnitude to the northand of Nordgruven,(an4, Skjerp,500metres , lerst as far as Mi44agshvile incidentallyat northof Nordgruven). workings in the underground The lineationmeesurements agreefairlywell with thoseon the surface. However,those Stollshowa shiftto the northof the takenalongLudwigEfigen seen on the surface. The rlungehere depressionand culmination is much flatter,•butit can be clearlyseen that the culmination northof of the lineationoccursabout150 metreshorimontally its positionat the outerop. This meansthe crestof the plungesat about40° to the N. If one similarly culmination examinesthe depressionof the lineationto the southof the it can be seenthat its troughplungesnorthat culmination about30°. . 6 . The structural significance of theseplungesof thedepression and culmination arenot epsy to see. Theywouldseemto imply theectionof a coupleoftrocksalreadypossessing a uniformly, N-plunging lineation (seeFig.A). ThiscouplewoUldseeato be due to an overriding pressure fromthenorth. Fromn pointof viewof correlation withtheore-bodies it can be seenthatall themainstopesof MellomGruvelie betweenthelinesof plungeof the twolineation features (see section).Thismightbe takento implythattherewasan orebearingzoneplunging northat about300 in thisarea(seeFig. B). However as willbe statedagain,laterexamination has shovn thattheminerflization at theLudwigEngenStolllevelle definitely uneconomic.Thereis,of course,alwaysthe possitility of furtherfl lyingufishes" of orebeneaththe levelof LudwigEagenStoll,as suggested in Fig.B. Thisstructurel evidence of a continuation of orein depth is so weakthatit is not c-nsidered worththeexpenditure of moneyneededto testit. Theonlymethodwouldbe by means of an inclined holefromtheLudwigrfigen x-cut,a holeat about 45°dip in a duewesterly direction. It willbe suggested laterthatthereis goodcircumstantia evidence thatthemineralization at Modumis of onlyshallow depth. It is thewriter's opinionthetthisevidence is of moreweightthanthatafforded by thelineerstructures. e • No E-W structures, e.g.faults,majorpoints etc.,wereobserved in theareaof themines,whichmighthave had a localizingeffecton the ore-hodies. . As statedpreviously allaccessible underground workings wereinspected.Particularly carefulattention was paidto thefloorsandwallsof thestopesin the system,Östre No. 11 - VestreNo. 11,and thebacksand sidesof thedrives ex.LudwigEngenStollin orderto obtainan ideaof thenature -7of the minernlization underthe deepestworkings. As a generalityit can definitelybe saidthatnone of the workingsshowedmegescopicallvisiblesu y lphides.Even close inspectionof hand specimenswith a hand-lensonly revealed very occasionally a smallspeckof cobaltsulphidesor odd spot's of chalcopyrite.Cobaltbl')om (erythritew )as noticed ikplaces alongthe backsof someof the drivesat various levels,but examination of the rock beneathit did not show any noticeablesulphidcs. A comparisonof the mineralization seenduringthe inspection with ia-gespecimensof the originalore,now in the Geologisk Museum,Oslo,indicatesvery clearlythatno more "ore"remains to be takenout of the old workings. As a confirm-tion, rcndomchip and grab sampleswere teken in the courseof the work. Thesehave beenanalysed(spectrographically) for Co and Cu, as follows: RSM 1 Nordgruven, chip sampleof pillar in the main open cast RSM2 % Co % Cu 0.08 Nordgruven, grab sampleof spoilin southend of easterlystope,open cast 0,03 RSM 3 VestreNr. 11 Stope,chip samplesouth of x-cutfrom ÖstreNr. 11. 0,02 RSM 0108 UstreNr. 11 Stope,gr[b samplefrom brokenore near top of stope 0,01 0,02 RSM 5 Elarastoll. Drive southex x-cut at 70 metresN of Klarax-cutin the "VestreFahlbåndu 0,02 0,01 (AnalystsSentrplinstituttet.) The ebovevaluesareof the sameorderas thosefoundby Rosenqvistand Heltzen,but ratherlowerin magnitude. Rosenqvistestimatesthe originalore at Modum to have contained0,08% 0,1% Co. The valuesgivenin the report by Heltzenlie between0,01and 0,1 ø Co, with the majority below0,05%. -8Mineralization with suchlow metalvaluesdoes not seem to the presentwriterto constituteworkableore. In spiteof Rosenqvist's assertionthat"themine is by noe meansexhausted" it doesnot seempossibleto restartworkingunderpresent conditionswith sucha low metalcontent. Conclusions. It is clearfrom the evidencein thisreportand from thatof previousworkersthat the Modumores formedlong,shallow ore-shootswith no preferential plungedirection,apparently closelyconnectedwith the presenterosionsurface. ThIs fact (accordingto Rosenqvist) led A. Buggeto make the suggestionthat the cobaltmineralization was due to secondaryenrichmentof a primaryPrecaml-rian metallization under the sub-Cambrian peneplane,Rosenqvist(op.cit.p. 210) givesfiguresshowinga fall in the Co valueswith depthunder the presentsurfaceto supportthisline of thought. The presentwriteralso agreesthat the formof the depositindicates some sortof horizontalcontrolnot too far distantfrom the presenterosionsu:ace. However,the minerAlogyof the ores is not one whichwouldresultfrom processesof secondary enrichmentand cementntion; cobaltite,skutterudite and arsenopyrite (danaite)are primaryhydrothermal minerals. As far as the writeris aware,cobaltis not knownto form secondary,enriched,sulphidesin a manneranalogousto, say copper. The resultsof the weatheringof cobaltores seem to be confinedto erythrite(whenAs-bearing)and cobalt"wad" (asbolane).We hav% for instance,the authorityof Goldschmidt (1954,p. 669) that "cobalterenide weathersreadily formingthe arsenateerythrite".The oresworkedin the upper levelsof Modummineswere, to judgeby the many specimensin the Geologisk-Minernlogisk Museum,certainlynot erythriteores. They were primary,hydrothermal sulphideores and the causeof - 9long,flatform of the ore-shootsmust be soughtin structures controllingthisprimarydeposition. Rosenqvist(op.cit.p. 211) statesthat " the occurrence of a seriesof cobalt-bearing sulphidesshowsunequivocally thatan ore-mineralization tookplacein r fl withoutgivingany evidencefor thisassertion. The presentwriterproposesthata Permian aze is much more reasonablefor the Modumores. Thiswouldbringthemin line with the similar,thoughnot identical,ores of the Kongsbergarea,only some40 kms. to the WW. The evidence affordedby theselatterores seemsto showquiteelearlytheir Permianage (see,e.g.Bugge,1917 and Neumann,1944). The ores of bothareaswould seem to belongto a silver-cobaltnickelmetallogenetic provincealong the immediatewestern bordersof the Oslo Eruptiveprovince. Theirgenesisseems undoubtedly connectedwith the emplacement of.thedeep eruptives in thisprovinceduringPermiantimes. (Neumannsuggestsa geneticconnectionwith the Dremmensgranite.) If we can presupposea Permianage for the Modummineralizationtwe are in a positionto explainquitesimplythelong, flat formdisplayedby the ore-shoots.As Rosenqvistpoints out (p. 210), the presenterosion-surfacis e not very far beneaththe originalpositionof the sub-Cambrian peneplane.In Permiantimesthis peneplanewas coveredby a thicklayerof Cambro-Silurian sediments,mostlyimpermeable shales. Any mineralization comingup the zone of weaknessnow represented by the fahlbåndrockswould become"dammed-up" by this roofof 2aal shelesand would spreadout longitudinally(N and S) *4 4oof toas 3one. Sihca thR GoKFrelliKr or nearlyso, the resultingore-shoot(or seriesof ore-shoots) would be horizontaltoo (seeFig.(3). This typeof controlis well-knownin ore geology. Just as one examplemay be cited the long,ribbon-like lead-ore - 10 - bodiesof theiennines in En-land.Thesearelocatedalong faultsin limestonj eustbeneatha roofof impermeable shnle. The implecations of theabovesuggertions are thusthat theModumoresarenot of greatdepth,andthatthepoor mineralization seenin,a.g.,LudwigEigenStollis dueto the factthattheoreshavebeen"bottomed" by theworkings. As McKinstry(1e4e)pointsouteveryore-body or system of ore-bodies musthavean "inlet", a feedingchannelwhichgave accessto theore-forming solutions.Therelative concentratio of ore in theSkutterud mines,especially MellomGruve,suggeSt thischannelmay be locatedsomewheri en thisaree.•Itcould evenbe thattheN-plunginstructur g deecribe e on d p. 6 is thisfeedingchnnnel•If so,it be expected to contain someore to greaterdepths,but thestrikelengthwouldbe taff veryshort,probably notmorethan300metresandtheprspects do notwarrantanyexpenditure in lookingfor thishypothetical ore. Sincetheore-controls (aspostulated) seemto have produced a long,shallow ore-body, or seriesof such,search in depthis not to be recommended. Thisleavesthequestion of the searchforfurtherore-bodies alongthestrikeof the fahlbånd.Herethetopographplaysa y largerole,sincethe original ore-bearing zonewillonlybe preserveWhereeros d ion hasnot loweredthelandsurfncetoomuch. Fig.D is a topogrephicap lrofilealongthelineof thefahlbånd.It shows how nearlyall theoldworkingsandcertainly all theimportant oneslayat or nearthehighestpointsalongthefnhlbånd, supporting theideaof sometopographic controlof theore. deposition.It,thereforet doesnot seemlikelythatfurther worthwhileore-findc sanbe expected in the topographical depressions alongthefahlbånd. Thewriteris led quitefirmlyto theconclusion thatthe ore-mineralizeti alongthem on ainfahltånd betweenSkutterud end thatmost mines and Svartfjellmine has been "bottomed", of the ore depositedhas beenremovedby erosionbeneaththe peneplane. levelof the sub-Cambrian Literaturereferences. geologi.N.G.U.82. BuggetC.1917.Kongsbergfeltets MainstrytH.E.1949.MiningGeology.New YorktPrenticeBilltInm. NeumanntR.1944.Silverdepositaat Kongsberg.N.G.U.162. omkringModum I.Th.1949.Noen observasjoner Rosenquvistt (Nedl.).N.G.T.27,187-216. koboltgruver Tversni tt C--C v . •s I l I , t 1 \ KIMA, Nnis est\ Å 0 øsht nft.li \t e 5 \ eA a. re "en 9 ..del \ 0,.. Gr 9° Qt :s r LuDWG EUGEN STati- tO 20 rnete-r 30 40 so Tvcrsn't tt C-C I ' I 1 11 t I \ \ I \ V ØsN't 0Y,11 KLrkItli NIVÅ CI e).2 0 e \ \ 9' ' 0A ......" fo ...Xn 9 „,.... (;# ..) \ P\ 0 LuDWIG EuGEN SToti_ 10 20 rne tet 50 40 50 -7-vEgsw rrr TYE RSN IT T et-B A-Ft V V MLLLori GiztriE. NoRDGRuistm DAGAPPIINQ Ckickauf n fl I 1 t O KLARA sT01.1. I i • rf i1 == ===-C11 i ‘ \ I I II KLARA STOLL fl 10 2.0 rneter 30 40 50 t LUDWIG EtIGEN STOLL larafty ? Conkosilur T rarlun -, ...)typotetisk trosjonsflatie e malatsonen kilden Fi G. C. 141 SKUTTERUGRUV D ENE Savy. Ne.lernNoictPirk 400 1 Hwed.kottert Svarl-bldi jf -bevikodeaskj. 400 /' bj updalsskj 300 va 200 100 100 2 0 rnel't-r 3 km. FIG. D. 4 0 Wtått (i) Dert oity nel.ije sturings- Virkatn.9ert av G. rartinyart Por linectsjonen . ktalti>artt A N . N cra N \ \ N \ \ N c: Z UtskTosstt Maktn N \ \ • N. N , i _ _N EuGEN NIV11 LUDYItG . . - - _ - .? N \ mtai, matn,- FiSrende Sone Et G. B. ? CMYK printer Generic Color proffle: screen Default Composite profile NORD GRUVE \, MELLOM GRUVE SØR GRUVE Da orudd „ICIDWIG Degbrudd STOLL Contar.n• ØVRE BÆRUM STOLL NIVA KLARA 5701.1. 44, BEelNECKE STOLL LooMtg EugM---"t1D147G tvensle9 \ Observen lineasjonsreining Slupning av kulminasjonen "A Stupning av depresjonen ----- Antatt lodep ev lineekionen De gemle strossene er skravert C:\ Tegn\P 147septesSer Vokes\Pig 2004 35.cdr 1Y:07:49 EUGEN STDLL NIVA MODUM KOBOLT GRUVER Skutterud Gruvene Målesfokk Honsontd og Verukai 50 LENGDE PROFIL S-N Tegnef elter de gemle gruvekeder og egne observasjoner. sommeren 1956. 100 0 Meter 200 MELLO M GRUVE red tverrrog iry ero ludadir trn• tverrlds % MODUMKOBOLTGRUVER Skutterud Gruvene LEAVOE PROPIL 3-4' Tegeet miter de gamle gruvekoreer egee abeervaijoaec soneren 1956 NORD KLARA W/O fil6TN STOLL STOLL GROVE N/Y N/Y miLesro Notisoo/o/ O 4 If Yer1/4•5/ 50 /00 Me I e r ES.V. 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