View This Issue - Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce
View This Issue - Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce
The Greater Panama City Beaches Chamber of Commerce your connection to the beach THE SCIENCE OF WELLNESS BODY g BEAUTY g HEALTH BANKING CENTER CENTER BANKING REAL ESTATE ESTATE CORNER CORNER REAL GRAND OPENINGS OPENINGS GRAND AROUND TOWN TOWN AROUND MEMBER NEWS NEWS MEMBER CALENDAR OF OF EVENTS EVENTS CALENDAR SPECIAL UPDATE: Front Beach Road Community Redevelopment Agency PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 50 PANAMA CITY FL September/October 2007 Vol 2 Issue 5 Give Peace... Give Beauty... Give Serenity... G ive the giFt oF Serenity to thoSe whom you rely upon the moSt... we welcome our FriendS in the community to participate in a Special - From SeptemBer 1 through decemBer 31, 2007 - Buy one Service or treatment giFt certiFicate and get another giFt certiFicate For the Same Service For halF oFF. Share the giFt oF luxury with a Serentiy Spa giFt certiFicate. reFer to Special code Sp0901 when you call. limited-time oFFer Serenity Spa at Bay point iS the region’S premier, Full-Service Spa and Salon experience. the unparalleled, 12,000-Square-Foot State-oF-the-art Facility, located at the BeautiFul Bay point reSort, FeatureS all the comFortS that you deServe. www.MarriottBayPoint.coM 850.236.6028 PanaMa city Beach, Florida PCB Aquatic Center Olympic Size Pool Competitive Swimming/Diving Water Aerobics Infant – Adult Swimming Lessons Individual/ Family Memberships Private/Group Party Packages Year Round Heated/Cooled Water Corporate Fitness Plans Located in Frank Brown Park 850.236.2205 Will You Be Next? With Two Locations to Serve You: BEACH: 11205 Hutchison Blvd. (850) 233-2111 CITY: 1344 W. 15th Street (850) 872-1955 The Circuit September/October 2007 3 4 The Circuit September/October 2007 FRI. FRI.&&SAT. SAT.SEPT. SEPT.14-15 14-15 NATIONAL ACT NATIONAL ACT WED. WED. OCT. OCT. 33 NATIONAL NATIONAL ACT ACT JAZZ JAZZ 8:30 8:30 NO NOCOVER COVER BLUES BLUES 8:30 8:30 NO NO COVER COVER LONGINEU LONGINEUPARSONS PARSONS GROUP GROUP THURS. THURS.&&FRI. FRI.SEPT. SEPT.20-21 20-21 NATIONAL NATIONALACT ACT JOHN JOHNLISI LISI DELTA FUNK 8:30 NO COVER DELTA FUNK 8:30 NO COVER SAT. SEPT. 22 SAT. SEPT. 22 NATIONAL ACT NATIONAL ACT SEAN COSTELLO SEAN COSTELLO BLUES 8:30 NO COVER BLUES 8:30 NO COVER TUES. SEPT. 25 TUES. SEPT. 25 NATIONAL ACT NATIONAL ACT HARPER (FROM AUSTRALIA) (FROM AUSTRALIA) BLUES 8:30 NO COVER BLUES 8:30 NO COVER HARPER THURS., FRI., SAT. SEPT. 27-28-29 THURS., FRI., NATIONAL ACT SAT. SEPT. 27-28-29 NATIONAL ACT PAT RAMSEY PAT RAMSEY BLUES 8:30 NO COVER BLUES 8:30 NO COVER WWW. WWW. GUITAR GUITAR SHORTY SHORTY THURS., THURS., FRI., FRI., SAT. SAT. OCT. OCT. 4-5-6 4-5-6 NATIONAL NATIONAL ACT ACT KING KING MUDFISH MUDFISH BLUES 8:30 NO COVER BLUES 8:30 NO COVER THURS. & FRI. OCT. 11-12 THURS. & FRI. OCT. 11-12 NATIONAL ACT NATIONAL ACT SKYLA BURRETT BLUES SKYLA BURRETT BLUES BLUES 8:30 NO COVER BLUES 8:30 NO COVER SAT. OCT. 13 SAT. OCT. 13 NATIONAL ACT NATIONAL ACT NICK FLOPS NICK MOSS MOSS && FLIP FLIP FLOPS BLUES 8:30 NO COVER BLUES 8:30 NO COVER THURS. OCT. 18 THURS. OCT. NATIONAL ACT18 NATIONAL ACT REVEREND RAVEN REVEREND RAVEN & CHAIN SMOKING ALTER BOYS & CHAIN SMOKING ALTER BLUES 8:30 NO COVER BLUES 8:30 NO COVER The Circuit September/October 2007 .COM .COM BOYS 5 VISIT “The Good Life” ON FLORIDA’S EMERALD COAST You’re Invited To Our Summer OPEN HOUSE Open Every Day Thru August, 9a-5p M-Sa. and 10a-4p Sun. Majestic Beach Towers - Panama City Beach 10901 FRONT BEACH ROAD The Pearl - Navarre Beach 8499 GULF BLVD. he Emerald Co ling T ast l e S (850) 233-8977 MAJESTIC BEACH P R O P E RT I E S , L L C Multiple Listing Services REALTOR ® 6 MLS ® AGENTS: If you are looking for a new position with a great company and want to sit on some impressive projects, give us a call. 10901 Front Beach Road • Panama City Beach, FL 32407 • Fax (850) 233-8870 • Toll Free (866) 216-0940 The Circuit September/October 2007 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Start LIVING Today! 1 year: (6 issues) for only $18.00 LOCAL people LOCAL advertisers LOCAL decisions Subscribe online: For Advertising Information Call Ashley Good 850-527-4323 The Circuit September/October 2007 7 c h a i r m a n‘ s r e p o r t O ne of my 22-month-old daughter’s favorite words is “more.” This is usually said in conjunction with “milk” or “cake” or “stickers.” I have never seen a child so fascinated with stickers. Another one of her favorite words is “car.” She never tires of pointing them out as they drive past our house. I sometimes wonder if our street could get any busier. The Greate r Panama C ity Beache s Chamber of Commer ce your conne ction to the bea ch dining out IN PANAMA CIT Y BEACH MEMBER NEW S AROUND TOW N GRAND OPEN INGS CALENDAR OF EVENTS Don’t Miss BUSINESS EXP Tuesday, April O 24th at Boardwalk Beach Resor t The you March/April 2007 THE S Gre ater Pan r co nne City Bea che s Ch a mbe r of Com mer ctio www.pcbeach.or g n to the bea LT H BANK ING CE NTER ESTA TE CO GRAN RNER D OP ENIN GS AROU ND TO WN MEMB SPEC CALE IAL U NDAR ER NEWS PDAT OF EV E: ENTS REAL Septem ber /Octob er 200 7 ce Vol 2 Issue 2 WELLCIENCE OF NESS Y BE AU TY H EA BO D ama Fron Com t Be a mun ity R ch R ed Agenc evelop oad men y t Vol 2 Issue 5 www.p cbeach .org Are You Connected to the Beach? Advertise your business in The Circuit! 2007 Spotlight Schedule: JAN/FEB Chamber’s Annual Report MAR/APR Special Restaurant Guide MAY/JUN Shopping & Things To Do JUL/AUG Resorts and Real Estate SEP/OCT The Science of Wellness NOV/DEC ch The leadership of the City of Panama City Beach saw several years ago that they were going to have more and more cars on Front Beach Road and its connector roads, so it created the Front Beach Road CRA. We’ve provided information in this issue in regards to the CRA and an updated status on the project. This project will transform Front Beach Road into a prettier, safer, easier path to travel. This issue of The Circuit also targets subjects that I am becoming increasingly familiar with as I get older. In hindsight, I should have paid more attention to Health and Wellness when I was younger. If I had, my doctor president ‘s report I would like to welcome aboard our newest member of the Chamber staff, Tyler Finklea in Membership Services. Tyler’s experience and enthusiasm will be a valuable asset to our team. Great news! The final permitting process to relocate the new regional airport is now complete. The Airport Authority has entered the construction phase of the project. The new airport will be located in western Bay County north of County Road 388 and east of State Road 79 on land being donated by St Joe (NYSE:JOE). After more than a decade of commitment from regional business leaders, residents and public officials, surrounding David Powell tells me, I wouldn’t have to spend as much time now watching my weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. In this issue you will find articles and information about some new technology being used in this field, as well as some information about some of our members whose primary business is focused on Health and Wellness. This year has certainly been a busy year so far at the Chamber. Our Ambassadors continue to be busy with seemingly constant ribbon cuttings and groundbreakings. The other Chamber committees have had numerous meetings and some successful projects. The Chamber staff continues to present members with quality events to not only provide excellent networking opportunities, but also keep us informed about what’s going on locally that affects the business community. I look forward to seeing you all at the next Friday at the Beach breakfast and Business After Hours. I hope you enjoy this issue. I’m off to go work out now. After I check my blood pressure, of course! Debi Knight counties will have a better opportunity for increased air service and competitive fares. This will also open the doors to attract new business, jobs, industry and tourism. We project to see the real estate market move in a positive direction. Many resorts, businesses, attractions, retail and restaurants have been waiting patiently for the news. Marketing Bay County and Northwest Florida is already taking place, and our partnerships with TDCs, Chambers of Commerce and EDAs are more important than ever. Northwest Florida is looking brighter everyday! Going Green Call Bethany Edwards for rates and information at (850) 235-1159. 8 See Pages 17 and 25 for the latest Health and Wellness-related products and services from local businesses. The Circuit September/October 2007 Now 2007 reserv holid ing fo ay se r the ason ! A great party starts with a great location. Book your holiday event with the area’s most distinguished host - the Convention Center at the Boardwalk Beach Resort. From corporate Christmas parties to intimate weddings, the spacious facilities provide a wealth of options to enhance any meeting or event. Also available is the White House on St. Andrews Bay, Watercrest Condominium, and coming soon, Laketown Wharf. All great locations that will serve as the life of the party. Contact us today to discuss your options and availability. Your next event will be nothing short of a grand success. R oya l A m e r i c a n H o s p i t a l i t y S a l e s & C ate r i n g | 8 5 0 - 2 3 0 - 4 6 8 2 | w w w. G e t Away to t h e G u l f. c o m The Circuit September/October 2007 9 The Greater Panama City Beaches Chamber of Commerce 2007 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman of the Board David Powell, Peoples First Community Bank Past Chairman Russ Smith, Towne of Seahaven Incoming Chairman Al McCambry, Knology Treasurer Rick Dye, Regions Bank Secretary Philip Griffitts, Jr., Sugar Sands Beach Resort EDC Chairman Deborah Hunt, Peoples First Community Bank Legal Council Steven L. Applebaum The Board Mike Abney, Prudential Shimmering Sands Carol Bell, ID’s and More Karen Blackerby, Magnum Capital Robert Carroll, McNeil Carroll Engineering Mack Carter, Shuckum’s Oyster Pub, Another Broken Egg Anthony Dubose, Coastal Community Insurance Agency Wes Grant, Travelodge John Hamati, Marriott’s Bay Point Resort Fritz Hoehne, Comcast Cable Lewis Howell, The St. Joe Company Terri Hugghins, Vision Bank Lee Ann Leonard, By The Sea Resorts Doreen Morgan, Century 21 Commander Realty Gayle Oberst, CFT Pyramid Lisa Powell, Hombre Golf Club Bill Sherr, Labor Ready Skip Stoltz, Countrywide Home Loans Bob Zamboni, Zeebest McDonald’s 10 your connection to the beach S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R CONTENTS Membership Features 34 Grand Openings 17 The Science of Wellness 21 Ten Questions & Answers About The Front Beach Road CRA Events 28 28 29 37 Friday at the Beach After Hours Calendar of Events Leads Group New and Renewing Members Membership Report Ambassadors Report Member News In Every Issue Around Town 30 30 30 31 34 35 35 36 2 0 0 7 Community Update Gulf Coast Workforce Board Local Government Update Navy News 8 8 12 12 15 27 39 40 Chairman’s Report President’s Report Banking Center Real Estate Corner A Few Minutes With... Biz Spotlight Art & Culture Health & Wellness Cover photo of Serenity Spa at Marriott’s Bay Point Resort by Skip Alford The Greater Panama City Beaches Chamber of Commerce 415 Beckrich Rd., Suite 200, Panama City Beach, FL 32407 Phone: (850) 235-1159 Fax: (850) 235-2301 Online: CHAMBER OFFICERS President/CEO Senior VP Marketing & PR Executive Asst. / Office Mgr. VP Membership Services VP Membership Services Web Manager Research/Communications Membership Accounting Mgr. Information Specialist Receptionist Information Specialist Debi Knight Marta Rose Beth Oltman Skip Alford Tyler Finklea Jessica Summers Bethany Edwards Jena Kimmel Bertie Reynolds Joyce Kidd Gloria Mallory EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Marta Rose Creative Director Marta Rose Advertising Sales Beth Oltman, Bethany Edwards, Jessica Summers Production Boyd Brothers Printing Distribution Allegra Print & Imaging, Errands Galore Contributing Jessica Summers, Senator Mel Writers Martinez, Mayor Oberst, Capt. Hal Harbeson, Kimberly Bodine, Bay Solutions The Front Beach Road Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) will dramatically change the appearance and infrastructure of Panama City Beach. More on Page 21. The Circuit September/October 2007 The Circuit September/October 2007 11 Welcome to the New Regions W ith the successful merger of Regions and AmSouth Banks, Regions has a new brand and a new brand promise. Sure, we’re in the business of banking, but we’re also in the business of making life better. “It’s time to expect more.” Dedication and Integrity Corner B anking Center Real Estate At Regions, our associates live by five core values to guide everything we do in order to deliver more for our customers: Do What is Right; Put People First; Reach Higher; Focus on the Customer; and Enjoy Life. These values guide our relationships City President Rick Dye with customers, associates, shareholders and the communities we serve. It’s about Making Life Better. We are a people with high values and high expectations. Our new culture embraces it. Regions ranks as one of the top financial service providers in the country because of our commitment to exceptional customer service and wide-array of financial products in the areas of trust, asset management, mortgage banking, securities brokerage and insurance, in addition to traditional banking products and services. With nine offices in Panama City to serve you, and a tenth branch opening in the Laguna Beach area in October, Regions invites you stop by and let our associates tailor a financial solution that is right for you. Regions’ Panama City President, Rick Dye, notes, “We are committed to making the banking experience as simple as riding a bike. We are dedicated to giving our customers the quality services and products they need to manage their personal and business finances- and the easier, more enjoyable experience they want.” Welcome to the new Regions. We look forward to serving you. Regions Financial Corporation is a member of the S&P 100 Index and Forbes Magazine’s “Platinum 400” list of America’s best big companies. With nearly $140 billion in assets, Regions is one of the nation’s largest full-service providers of consumer and commercial banking, trust, securities brokerage, mortgage and insurance products and services. Regions serves customers in 16 states across the South, Midwest and Texas, and through its subsidiary, Regions Bank, operates some 1,900 AmSouth and Regions banking offices and more than 2,400 ATMs. Its investment and securities brokerage, trust and asset management division, Morgan Keegan & Company Inc., provides services from more than 400 offices. Visit for more information. 12 The Circuit September/October 2007 The Coldwell Banker Carroll team, pictured Front Row from left: Cindy Sherr, Susan Morrison, Barry Zweig, Diane McKay, Linda Tew, Tara Boger, Cathy Quesada, Elaine Lichtenberger, Carolyn Buckner. Second row: Bob Hall, Greg Carroll, Vince Price, Rhonda Garrison, Martha McDonald, Gerard Virga, Jeri MacDonald, Cherry Creekmore. Third row: Al Rightenburg, Bob Sterrett, Larry Carroll, Ron Bigus, Debbie Massey, Lisa Suggs. C oldwell Banker Carroll Realty, Inc is getting ready to celebrate their 20th year of doing business in the Bay County community. Larry Carroll, the company’s founder and president/broker, opened the business on October 3, 1988. Coldwell Banker Carroll Realty was the original and first Coldwell Banker franchise in Bay County. Today, the company is stronger than ever consistently being one of the top companies in the area. Coldwell Banker Carroll Realty, Inc. has over 30 full-time Realtors with two locations. The company opened their first beach office in 1995, and the permanent beach location on Middle Beach Road opened in August, 1998. The town office is located at 2551 Jenks Avenue. Larry runs the business with dedication and integrity – some of his agents have worked with him for over 14 years. Coldwell Banker Carroll Realty’s mission statement is to “Continue to be the dominant, premier residential real estate brokerage company in Bay County, providing high quality service to buyers and sellers.” Other services provided by his company include property management and commercial sales and leasing. Everything Old is New Again Recreating a Simpler Time. Shops | Residences | Boutiques | Eateries | Water Park | Conference Facilities | Fun Be a part of this new town by contacting us at: 877.636.6550, or visit us in Panama City Beach. Playground Destination Proper ties Inc, a licensed real estate broker This is not an offer to sell, nor a solicitation of an offer to buy, to residents of any state or province in which restrictions and other legal requirements have not been fulfilled. This advertisement is void where prohibited by law. The prices, plans, amenities, availability and improvements shown are subject to change without notice. Illustrations are artists’ depictions only, are not necessarily to scale and may differ from completed improvements, and scenes may include locations or activities not on or near the property. Improvements, facilities and programs are in formative stages, and there is no guarantee that they will be completed or developed. All pictures, photographs, and images are owned or licensed by Playground Destination Properties Inc or its affiliates. Any use, reproduction or distribution of pictures, photographs, and images without written permission is expressly prohibited. Oral representations cannot be relied upon as correctly stating the representations of the developer. For correct representations, please make reference to and to the document required by Section 718.503, Florida statutes, to be furnished by the developer to a buyer or lessee. Developer reserves the right to make any modifications as deemed necessary. The Circuit September/October 2007 13 14 The Circuit September/October 2007 a few minutes with... Rick Dye various channels of communications (see Page 21 for more on the Front Beach Road CRA). Support of the Front Beach Road CRA is extremely important to this community. “This is the largest public works project that we’ll ever have in Bay County in this decade, bigger than the new airport,” Rick claims. “It will have the most impact on improving the product that we offer tourists and locals alike.” An estimated thirty thousand rooms along the Front Beach Road corridor will be “[The Front Beach Road CRA] is the largest public works project that we’ll ever have in Bay County in this decade, bigger than the new airport.” R ick Dye’s contributions to the community have been vast and varied in the five years that he has lived in Panama City. His involvement with organizations such as the Homeless & Hunger Coalition of Northwest Florida, the Early Learning Coalition, the United Way, and the Panama City Rescue Mission illustrate his diverse background as well as his humanitarian nature. Rick also serves as Treasurer of The Greater Panama City Beaches Chamber of Commerce, and an active Board member. He is a member of United Methodist Church in Lynn Haven, and his extracurricular activities include golfing, hiking and biking. Having worked as an economic development recruiter in Pensacola in the 70’s, Rick learned the vital importance of creating, within the community, an environment in which businesses can survive and thrive. His position as City President of Regions Bank has added to his involvement in many local economic development initiatives, including his fervent focus on the Front Beach Road Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and resulting chairmanship of the Beaches Chamber’s CRA Support Committee. The committee’s mission is to increase the knowledge and understanding of targeted stakeholders about this CRA Plan, using ® A residential preserve on West Bay available for sale or rent to tourists in 2012. This real estate is an investment which will only decrease in value without adequate parking, proper infrastructure for vehicle and pedestrian traffic, and public transportation. “When you significantly improve your ability to enter and exit Front Beach Road from Middle Beach Road and the Parkway,” he claims, “Plus you landscape the right of ways and then add a mass transit system… what you have are the ingredients for convenience, ease of moving around the Beach and a relaxing, aesthetically pleasing environment in which to live, work and play...and that adds value.” The development of these enhancements, which is based upon TIF (tax increment financing) revenue generated from the CRA, started with planning in 2001 and 2002, and is being implemented over a twenty-year period. “I hope to see the completion of this transportation enhancement CRA project while I’m still working, so that I can enjoy it when I retire,” says Rick, and many share this aspiration. Pictured: Rick accompanied by his daughter Amy Dye Kanning and son John Dye at the bottom of the Grand Canyon at Phantom Ranch, on the banks of the Colorado River; preparing for the 8-hour hike to the South Rim. The Dye family hikes the Grand Canyon every summer. v v v The ultimate getaway, RiverCamps® on Crooked Creek is a 1,500 acre community carefully nestled in a secluded wooded preserve along the sparkling waters of Crooked Creek, and the spectacular 18,000 acre expanse of West Bay North on Hwy. 79 right on Hwy. 388 drive 2 miles For Sales Information Call 850.636.7777 © 2007 The St. Joe Company. “JOE,” “St. Joe,” “RiverCamps” and the “Taking Flight” design are service marks of The St. Joe Company. The availability of St. Joe property (through any of its affiliates or subsidiaries) is subject to change without notice. Access to this property is prohibited without the express consent of St. Joe or its agency. The above shaded drawing of the State of Florida is provided to depict only the general location of the property being advertised herein and is not intended to represent either the holding of The St. Joe Company or its affiliates nor any specific lands being offered for sale by The St. Joe Company at this time. St. Joe makes no representation, warranty or guarantee as to any particular use or development allowed on any particular property, rather all properties are subject to federal, state and local governmental rules and regulations governing land use, permitting, building and zoning requirements and restrictions and may be subject to covenants, conditions and restrictions of St. Joe. This does not constitute an offer to sell real property in any jurisdiction where prior registration or other advance qualifications of real property is required. Maps shown are not to scale. Void where prohibited by law. Equal Housing Opportunity. The Circuit September/October 2007 15 Parkway Dental Associates Cosmetic and General Dentistry Please Come Meet Our Expanded Professional Staff: Gregory W. Goodreau D.M.D. Russell T. Richardson D.M.D. Melanie G. Walters D.D.S. Cosmetic Restorative Crowns Bridges Porcelain Veneers Dentures & Partials Digital Xrays Zoom2!TM In Office Whitening (850) 230-3364 New Location at 17350 Panama City Beach Parkway Just West of Highway 79 Panama City Beach Now Accepting New Patients A Caring Staff Serving Children and Adults in a Comfortable Setting Member: Florida Dental Association Northwest District Dental Association Bay County Dental Society The Greater Panama City Beaches Chamber of Commerce 16 The Circuit September/October 2007 C a ll for a C onsulta tion: 850/ 236- 3424 7030b tho m a s d rive / the b e a c h www.Nic holsPhy sic a lThe ra py .c om Great New Beach Location! THE SCIENCE OF WELLNESS T E C H N O LO G Y M E E T S M E D I C I N E by Jessica Summers Patient Practitioners Develops Portable Medical Record Device, Wins Grant A device that looks like a credit card or a key chain bobble is actually a new life-saving tool created by Chipley based company Patient Practitioners. The iPher is a USB flash drive containing a person’s medical records, is portable, compatible with any PC, and translates into four different languages. The creation of this device comes also with the production of a global software service that keeps information in web storage lockers that delimits health records from personal identity. In support of developing the relationship between iPher and first responders, Patient Practitioners has partnered with the Washington and Holmes County EMT Service Program to help provide new computers for emergency vehicles. “Due to lack of sources, First Responders in the surrounding areas are not equipped for the next generation of Emergency Medical Response often referred to as Telemedicine,” states Anaiis Pozo, VP Sales and Marketing for the company. “Through automation, responders’ workloads could be decreased while increasing the quantity and quality of patient care.” The iPher, with its compatibility and multi-lingual capacities would provide necessary information to the doctor in the most efficient way possible in the following common situations: College students studying out of their home state or country. Those taking vitamins or supplements that could interact with emergency treatment. Keeping records of hereditary conditions. Anyone with allergies or other conditions. People seeking medical treatment and surgeries in other countries. Active duty military and veterans. Last year, Patient Practitioners was awarded a $100,000 entrepreneurship grant as part of the Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) Northwest Florida Initiative. Theirs was the seventh grant awarded since the inception of the WIRED initiative. They have also recently received the Mid Market Innovation Award by former Governor Jeb Bush based on its “demonstrated ingenuity, civic leadership and significant contribution to diversifying and strengthening Florida’s economy.” Patient Practitioners is located in Chipley, Florida. Alpha Audiology Offers High-Tech Testing For Newborns to Adults A loss of hearing ability is often treated with a one-sizefits-all approach – “just go get a hearing aid.” Unfortunately, this puts a bandage on a potentially much deeper wound. Diagnostic testing by an audiologist is important,” Taylor states. Such diagnostics can rule out serious conditions including balance disorders, brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, nerve damage and stroke. “In the 21st century, the health of the nation’s workforce is based on the security, portability and elimination of language barriers in the delivery and retrieval of health information,”states Dr. Naomi Melvin, President of Patient Practitioners. “The use of new technologies like the iPher will place Florida, especially the Panhandle, ahead of the curve in economic development.” Continued on Page 18 The Circuit September/October 2007 17 THE SCIENCE OF WELLNESS “We’re actively educating the Panhandle that hearing aids are not always the best answer....Diagnostic testing by an audiologist is important,” says Audiologist Anne Marie Taylor of Alpha Audiology on Jenks Avenue, a treatment center which conducts advanced testing. The most advanced form of auditory testing is called Auditory Brain Stem Response. This new, painless and non-invasive technique involves electrodes, which monitor the electrical responses generated by your hearing nerves and brain in response to certain sounds. It allows the audiologist to analyze these responses and determine the condition of the hearing nerves and other nervous system components that interplay in a person’s hearing. What makes this procedure even more exciting is the fact that the responses to the test are involuntary, meaning it can be used to check hearing in people who cannot respond or cooperate. Babies, young children and people in comas are all types of patients to which, until now, auditory testing was impossible. At Alpha Audiology, Taylor specializes in treating children. With Auditory Brain Stem Response, she is able to test newborns on up. The procedure is sometimes done while the child is under sedation, but Taylor prefers to conduct the procedure on the child in a normal waking state or slightly drowsy, such as after a meal. All testing is done in a professional sound booth in the office. HealthSouth’s New Machine Puts Patients Back on Their Feet A new therapeutic device, developed and owned by national rehabilitation hospital HealthSouth, is helping people walk again at their Panama City location. The aptly named AutoAmbulator is a sophisticated treadmill where the patient’s weight is supported by a harness and robotic legs are strapped to their own. The machine then leads the patient gently into the perfect gait pattern. An on-board computer allows the technician to control the features as well as provide reports on progress and individual leg use monitoring. 18 The Circuit September/October 2007 The FDA approved device has multiple safety features, including automatic shut off when an adverse event occurs like a muscle spasm. It allows the therapist to increase or decrease the amount of weight bearing to each patient’s individual needs. Speed can also be controlled and increased from cleared Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) therapy for treating dysphagia (difficulty swallowing). The results have been very exciting; 98% of patients experienced increased swallowing function in clinical trial. These modern treatments and others can be found at HealthSouth, at one their three locations: 19th Street, Lisenby, and the Navy Base. HealthSouth is a freestanding75-bed community-based medical rehabilitation center. They provide specialized medical and therapeutic services to help physically disabled people reach their optimum level of functional inThe aptly named AutoAmbulator is a sophisticat- dependence. They ed treadmill where the patient’s weight is support- provide compreed by a harness and robotic legs are strapped to hensive inpatient their own. as well as outpatient services. super slow to the ideal speed of a normal walking pattern. The machine works by re-teaching the legs to respond to what the brain is “telling” them to do. By repetition, the muscle memory also is influenced, so that the patient is more likely to walk correctly and safely rather than favoring one side or shuffling. The AutoAmbulator is used for patients who have experienced Stroke, Spinal Cord Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, or who are debilitated after any prolonged illness. There are only 90 such machines in the entire country. Many people from as far as Pensacola travel to Panama City’s HealthSouth to receive therapy on the machine. HealthSouth also is home to many other cutting edge medical technologies, one being VitalStim. VitalStim is the first and only FDA Retina Specialist Announces New Treatment to Reverse Macular Degeneration T here is nothing more exciting than to be able to successfully treat a disease which until now, was virtually unreadable. That is why Dr. Maggie Shuler of Retina Specialist is so eager to share with the community about the new medication that has revolutionized the treatment of AgeRelated Macular Degeneration. There are two main types of Macular Degeneration, Dry and Wet. Wet AMD is the more severe of the two, and is the number one cause of blindness after age 60. It is caused by new blood vessels growing and leaking fluid in the macula – at the center of the retina. The retina plays a key role in vision, specifically the center area of vision. Symptoms include blurred THE SCIENCE OF WELLNESS or blind spots in the center of vision and distortion when looking at things that are normally uniformly straight (blinds, door frames, etc.). Most patients are age 55 and older. capacity to read. This treatment is especially encouraging for people who have lost one eye’s vision already to Wet AMD. It can make the difference between losing all your sight, and retaining imperative that these people ask their specialist about this treatment as soon as possible. People who are age 55 and older who have a history of AMD in their family should be examined yearly in each eye, as the treatment can eliminate the cause even before symptoms become obvious. Lucentis, Macugen and Avastin are three medications that are injected into the eye and block abnormal blood vessel growth and leakage. Most patients reDr. Shuler ceive injections once a month, Wet AMD is caused by new blood vessels growing and leaking fluid in the macula. is a MediThe macula--the center is the retina--plays a key role in central vision. Lucentis is cal and and the numbers designed to block abnormal blood vessel growth and leakage. Surgical are encouraging: 95% of patients noticed their vision or improving what is left. Dr. Shul- Retina Specialist that treats macustayed the same (did not worsen) er reminds patients to seek help as lar disorders, retinal detachment, and up to 40% of patients noticed soon as you possibly can, to preserve diabetic retinopathy, wrinkles and/ an improvement in their vision your sight. Many patients who were or holes of the retina and AMD. – returning to 20/40 or better. The diagnosed with AMD five years ago She performs surgery locally; her 20/40 vision number is significant, or more may have been told it is a practice is located at Northside because that is what is needed to le- “lost cause” and have just accepted Drive in Panama City. gally be able to drive, as well as the the gradual loss of function. It is Continued on Page 25 “Five years ago we had little to offer,” says Dr. Maggie Shuler of Retina Specialists. “We could slow down vision loss, but within two years, patients [with Macular Degeneration] would become legally blind. We can now literally give patients their life back.” Cosmettic Veiin & Laser r Cente er … of the Emerald d Coast 12238 PANAMA CITY BEACH PKWY., PANAMA CITY BEACH, FLORIDA “Invest in something you will be wearing every day for the rest of your life” Skin… Face… Legs… External Beauty… Internal Peace SPECIALIZING • • • • • • • IN: NON-SURGICAL TREATMENT OF VARICOSE & SPIDER VEINS ENDOVENOUS LASER TREATMENT (EVLT) LASER PHOTOREJUVENATION FOR AGE SPOTS & SUN DAMAGE BOTOX & RESTYLANE LASER HAIR REMOVAL DERMATOLOGIC CONSULTATIONS MICRODERMABRASION & CHEMICAL PEELS Using Science & Sophisticatiion n to hellp peop ple k & feel beauttifu ul insside and out. look Dr. Kimberly Moskowitz, MS, MD MEMBER, AMERICAN COLLEGE OF PHLEBOLOGY MEDICAL DEGREE: GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY RESIDENCY: GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL PHLEBOLOGY/ VEIN TRAINING: AMERICAN VEIN INSTITUTE HARVARD’S BRIGHAM & WOMEN’S HOSPITAL 850.233.0264 WWW. FLORIDAVEINDOCTOR . COM The Circuit September/October 2007 19 Expect more control in getting where you want to be. You have a vision for your future and the future of your business. Now, all you need is the best way to bring that vision to life. A simpler way in what can be a complex world. At the new Regions Bank, we are focused on delivering all the resources and expertise you need to help realize your goals. It’s all about providing more financial support when you need it most. Even if your expectations are a bit above average. Contact Rick Dye at 850-832-3014 for your Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) Deposit, Loan and Treasury Management needs. 1.800.regions 20 | The Circuit September/October 2007 FL-SW71217 TheCircuit.indd 1 8/14/07 11:26:23 AM THE FRONT BEACH ROAD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TEN QUESTIONS & ANSWERS About The Front Beach Road CRA 1. What is a CRA? w Local governments designate areas as Community Redevelopment Areas (CRA) and create an agency to assist in eliminating and preventing areas detrimental to the health, safety and economic development of that area (FL law chapter 164, Part III). w Plans are written and approved consistent with local comprehensive plans. w Examples of conditions that qualify an area for CRA creation include: inadequate transportation systems and buildings, shortage of affordable housing, inadequate parking and other inadequate infrastructure. w The CRA will stimulate and support investment and redevelopment activities in the CRA, enhance the entire community, and increase property values. 2. Is this what we have on Panama City Beach? w Yes. The Panama City Beach Community Redevelopment Agency was created on November 30, 2000. w The first redevelopment area to be designated was Pier Park. w On June 21, 2001, the Front Beach Road CRA was created. The Circuit September/October 2007 21 THE FRONT BEACH ROAD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 3. Is my property in the Front Beach Road CRA? w All property (business, investment, or residential) located on the Front Beach Road (the tourist corridor) in the City limits is in the CRA. w The FDOT designated beach access streets are included. w All other property in the City of Panama City Beach is NOT included. w The Property Appraisers Office at (850) 784-4095 can tell you if your property is included. w In addition to Front Beach Road, Middle Beach Road and a small portion of Panama City Beach Parkway, Arnold Road, Cobb Road, Powell Adams Road, Hill Road, Nautilus Street, Clara Avenue, Alf Coleman Road, Beckrich Road, and North and South Thomas Drive. collected in the CRA, and also receives all the tax collected through the increase in property values in the remainder of the City. w Being in the CRA does not increase your taxes. w The School Board and special taxing districts do not contribute to the TIF. 7. How much incremental ad valorem tax is available to the Front Beach Road CRA each year to spend on the Front Beach Road Community Redevelopment Plan? 4. What improvements were recommended in the 2001 Front Beach Road Community Redevelopment Plan? w The revenue depends on the pace of redevelopment on Front Beach Road, the assessed and taxable values of that development/redevelopment, and the millage rate levied. w The chart reflects the actual amount of “tax increment revenues” that have been received by the Panama City Beach CRA. w The focus of the plan involves correcting and improving transportation, parking, beach access and safety issues on the Front Beach Road and designated connecting roads. w The plan activities will occur over thirty years. w All areas of the City and County will benefit from the Front Beach Road CRA. The Plan is expected to also include enhanced public recreational facilities, and encourage new tourist oriented private/public attractions that will create additional year round employment opportunities for local citizens. 6. Where does the money come from that will be used to implement the Front Beach Road Com- 8. Besides all this private entermunity Redevelopment Plan? prise redevelopment activity gow Tax Increment Financing (TIF) within the des- ing on in the Front Beach Road ignated Front Beach Road Redevelopment area. CRA, what public works projects w The logic for this financing is that the increase in are approved in the 2001 Front real estate assessed values and the associated tax Beach Road Community Rederevenues collected in this area are the results of the 5. What major connecting roads public and private investments and should be rein- velopment Plan? to Front Beach Road are you talk- vested in that targeted redevelopment area. w All roadways listed in the plan will be reing about? w The County continues to receive the 2001 tax constructed to include pedestrian, bicycle and d Rd 0 Hill Rd ld Rd S Arn o Panama City Beach CRA 22 The Circuit September/October 2007 Pier Park CRA PCB City Limits Pa n am a THE FRONT BEACH ROAD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY come to work? PCB CRA TAX REVENUES w Affordable housing opportunities exist across the bridges that border $10,000,000 Panama City Beach; Public and $8,000,000 private sectors are discussing this construction. $6,000,000 w Discussions for an increased $4,000,000 number of trolleys and other forms $2,000,000 of public transportation operating on and off $the beach have been initiated. w “Park and For a “face to face” briefing or to request a ride” sites for workers speaker to come and talk to your organization will be developed off regarding the Redevelopment Plan, please the beach. email Mayor Oberst at [email protected]. w Additional parking faThis special CRA insert is sponsored by the cilities with other amenifollowing community partners: ties are being developed for locals and visitors. w Public transportation on and off Front Beach Road is being planned. 06 07 20 20 05 20 04 20 w The City of Panama City Beach CRA meets monthly and all meeting notices are published. Meetings are open to the public. w Visit the CRA website at w Call City Hall and talk with Mayor Gayle Oberst or City Manager Richard Jackson at (850) 233-5100. v Co-Sponsored by: v nR yl a Mo d e la Ros Rd ach t Be n o r F NL nA a go v ma Tho t ne C Joan Av a Jo Be ckrich Rd v ra A Cla Alf Coleman Rd v Hutchison B lvd sD onN La go on Dr Dr ST T ho ma ho m a s Dr sD S Thomas Dr r r Fro nt Bea ch Rd 03 10. How can I learn more about the Front Beach Road Community Redevelopment Plan? 9. Where will all the current and new resort industry employees live and park their vehicles when they City Beach Pkw y 20 20 02 TAX REVENUE RECEIVED (TIF transit features along with aesthetic improvements such as landscaping, streetscaping, street lighting, and undergrounding of all aerial utilities. w The transit improvements being planned for Front Beach Road include a lane in each direction dedicated to shared use by bicycles and transit vehicles (trolleys and/or trams) in conjunction with coordinated signals at intersections to ensure that the routes stay on schedule (no longer than a 15 minute wait). w The transit planning also includes two multi-model centers to serve as parking and transportation hubs at key locations within the CRA plan area. w Most of the connecting roads included in the plan will be reconstructed to also provide additional roadway lanes as well as the other listed improvements. w Beach access improvements, such as beach parking, showers and restrooms, are included in the plan. w Churchwell Road, Beckrich Road and Churchwell Beach Parking Lot projects are under construction. Many other projects are in the design, permitting and right-of-way acquisition phases and will begin construction as soon as funds become available. The Circuit September/October 2007 23 NEWFLORIDALIVING Old Florida Pric n A e At STARTINGAT Now you can have it all: A place on the water with your boat docked at the marina. A lazy hammock on the balcony overlooking 1500 feet of shoreline. Sunsets across natural marshland. A classic slice of Old Florida living more affordable than you could imagine, now available on St. Andrews Bay, where Panama City meets easy-goin’ Parker on Florida’s Emerald Coast. Spacious bayfront residences offered at exceptional 1/8 fractional ownership opportunities. Maintenance-free living. Marina. Beaches. Pool. Clubhouse. It’s the new way of living in classic Old Florida style. LIVINsLIKEALOC A LLOVINsIT STOPBYOURDISCOVERYCENTERAT E A STHIGHWAY v PANAMACIT YFL v SECLUSIONBAYFLCOM This offering not valid in states not registered. 24 The Circuit September/October 2007 THE SCIENCE OF WELLNESS B O D Y B E A U T Y H E A LT H Check out what these local businesses have to offer in the way of health and wellness. To Your Health... now a reality and not just a saying. Wine is a mild natural tranquilizer, serving to reduce anxiety and tension. As part of a normal diet, wine provides the body with energy, with substances that aid digestion, and with small amounts of minerals and vitamins. It can also stimulate the appetite. In addition, wine serves to restore nutritional balance, relieve tension, sedate and act as a mild euphoric agent to the convalescent and especially the aged. Red wine is rich in antioxidants. Many people have heard that a Mediterraneaninfluenced diet is beneficial to your health. Why? The theory is that the high antioxidant levels contained in a diet full of fruit and vegetables extinguishes the free radicals and other oxidants which damage your cells and tissues. Similarly, red wine contains antioxidant chemicals that have also been credited with a lowered risk of heart disease. Antioxidants act as a biological “army” to protect the lining of your blood vessels from developing the dangerous fatty plaque that causes atherosclerosis. This plaque is developed from damaged (oxidized) fat molecules that begin collecting within the lining of the blood vessels. Antioxidants sacrifice themselves by taking the place of the tissue and cells so that they are not damaged and can thus continue with their regular metabolism. Polyphenols benefit your heart. Red wine is rich in a class of compounds known as polyphenols, which can also be found in teas, chocolate, and fruit. These compounds are involved in the quality of the wine because they influence the color, bitterness, astringency, and chemical stability. Polyphenols have been associated with numerous cardiovascular benefits: they reduce blood clots, relax blood vessels and promote healthy cholesterol metabolism. Donate Blood The Northwest Florida Blood Center is your “community blood bank” and is the supplier of the Gulf Coast Medical Center, supplements Bay Medical Center and over 20 hospitals from South Alabama to Panama City. When you donate blood you may be helping to save the lives of your friends, family, or even yourself! Whole blood expires after only 42 days, so volunteers who donate blood are needed on a regular basis to enhance and save the lives of patients in our local hospitals! One unit of blood can save up to three lives! You are eligible to donate if you are 17 years of age, weigh at least 110 pounds and have a picture ID and are in good health. Donation time should be less than one hour. The process includes: registration, a health history survey, blood pressure and iron level checks. The blood draw itself is approximately nine minutes. Call Pam Hill, the Community Representative for Bay County, at (850) 785-6958 to set up a blood drive or speaking engagement. For more information call (850) 5980236. The satellite office for Bay County is at 2349 Hwy 77 N. Martial Arts Training Has Fitness Benefits More so than any other activity, martial arts provides a way of life which promotes a healthy lifestyle, not only physically but also mentally and emotionally, for any age and ability. The physical aspects of martial arts training gives one improved energy, a better awareness of their surroundings, and an overall sense of accomplishment. Martial arts involves many aspects of physical development including isometric (lean muscle, tendon and joint strength), plyometric (jumping, speed and explosiveness), cardiovascular (heart and lung strength, proper breathing and increased blood flow), as well as muscle memory and coordination building. For more information contact Richard Higgins at (850) 233-5844 or [email protected]. Check out Mona Vie Joins the “Superfruit Craze”With the Acai Berry A new nutritional supplement drink has entered the market, boasting a juice blend including one of the most nutritional fruits of the Amazon basin, the Acai berry. The Acai berry is an antioxidant rich fruit that has been popular for many years in Brazil as a juice or in dessert dishes. Now, the product is gaining popularity in health food circles as an anti-aging supplement, with essential fatty acids and other vitamins and minerals, and is the primary ingredient in Mona Vie (which contains other fruit juices, upping the Vitamin content even more). Mona Vie also has a variety containing Glucosamine, which helps with joint inflammation and pain. Call (850) 625-5018 for more information. v v v The Circuit September/October 2007 25 OVER GRAND PANAMA RESORT 25,000 SWIMSUITS! Hutchison Boulevard, Panama City Beach Another Broken Egg Cafe When it comes to breakfast or lunch, we offer a totally egg-ceptional experience! Great Food… Affordable Prices Warm & Inviting Atmosphere (850) 249-2007 * * * * Full seafood menu Perfect for business lunches Catering for groups of all sizes Office parties & celebrations 850-235-3214 15614 Front Beach Rd, exit G off PC Beach Pkwy. Panama City Beach, FL 26 The Circuit September/October 2007 Beach Scene 10059 HUTCHISON BLVD, PCB, FL 233-1662 t h g i l t o p S z i B Panama City Living Bay County’s Local City Magazine P anama City Living Magazine is Bay County’s local city magazine, and is published six times a year. Everything about the magazine is local – the stories, the events, and the profiles. That is why Bay County people love it – it is about their friends and neighbors and people they do business with. It is also about discovering new friends and neighbors and businesses, because the magazine always puts Bay County first. As part of the continuing effort to bring PCL readers the best of everything, Panama City Living Magazine is launching 2008 with The BAY List Awards – the ‘A’ list of places to go, things to do, dining, shopping, recreation, entertainment, services in Bay County – it promises to be a very comprehensive list. Now here’s the fun part. The readers get to choose the recipients. In a tourist destination like Panama City Beach, people always go to the locals first when looking for ‘the best place to...’ and Panama City Living Magazine is going to give you and them just that. Panama City Living will roll out the awards criteria, etc. in the November/December issue. The criteria will run again in the January/February 2008 issue, along with a ballot for each voting category. The winners will be announced in the March/ April issue of Panama City Living Magazine, which will be a special “The BAY List” edition. Need Help? groceries dry cleaning etc. Errands Galore 271-4840 The ballots will be tallied and audited by a third-party, unbiased auditing firm, and all winners will be a direct result of your vote. Don’t worry. There won’t be any stuffing ballot boxes, preferential treatment for advertisers, or corporate heavies taking all the gold. This is about your choices recognized in your local magazine . . . because that’s what Panama City Living is all about. For display and advertorial/special section advertising information and rates, contact Publisher Ashley Good at [email protected], or call her at (850) 527-4323. Business Documents Packages Courier Services Groceries Dry Cleaning Meal Delivery Prescriptions Plants / Floral Gifts / Seasonal Shopping General Merchandise Auto Parts Rental Equipment ...and more! LICENSED BONDED INSURED The Circuit September/October 2007 27 ? n i a P Neck Lowback Pain? Headaches? a? algi y m ro Fib Fatigue ? Friday at the Beach with Paris Janos of WJHG News Channel 7 September 14, 2007 7:30-9:00AM Edgewater Beach Resort Guest Speaker: Dr. George DePuy, President of FSU-PC Sponsored by October 12, 2007 7:30-9:00AM Edgewater Beach Resort Do you suffer endlessly from any of the above conditions? Guest Speaker: Randy Curtis of the Airport Authority Have you tried everything and still can’t find relief? Sponsored by Are you tired of taking pain medication? fine photography Call the Chamber to RSVP at 235-1159 Chamber Events Keep Members Updated and Informed My name is Dr. Jon Sherman and I have very specific programs to finally relieve these conditions that are interfering with your everyday activities. These systems are fast, aggressive, and most importantly - EFFECTIVE. My clinics offer a friendly and relaxing atmosphere geared towards patient comfort and healing that you will not experience anywhere else. The hardest part of your care at my office is just picking up that phone and making that first appointment. So, take action now and call now for your FREE consultation to see if one of my programs can finally relieve you of your discomfort. (850) 249-WELL (9355) 28 T he renovation of Front Beach Road will bring sidewalks, bike paths, tropical landscaping, a public tram system and a fresh new look to the beach. City Planner Mel Leonard and Ben Faust from DRMP gave a detailed update on the progress, activities and challenges of the Front Beach Road CRA at the August 10th Friday at the Beach, held at Edgewater Beach Resort (see Page 21 for more in- Ben Faust from DRMP describes the plans for the formation on the CRA). A special thanks Front Beach Road Community Redevelopment Agency to Ramon Duvall, who emcee’d the event (CRA) at the August 10th Friday at the Beach. in Paris Janos’ absence. Dr. DePuy, Dean of FSU-PC, will speak at the September 14th Friday at the Beach. At the September 14th Friday at the Beach, Dr. George DePuy, Dean of FSU-PC, will present an overview of the university’s academic expansion as its 25th anniversary draws near. Comcast, Regions Bank and Waterstone Resorts are sponsoring the Friday at the Beach, which is at Edgewater Beach Resort. On September 20th the popular Chamber After Hours takes place at Bonefish Grill at Grand Panama Beach Resort, sponsored by Vision Bank, Grand Panama, Pelican Real Estate, Grand Screen Advertising and Bay Solutions. Randy Curtis will bring Chamber Members up-to-date on the new airport at the October 12th Friday at the Beach (at Edgewater), sponsored by Trustmark Bank, Field Day Pool Services and Tim Allen Fine Photography. On October 18th the second annual After Hours Adventure takes place at Ripley’s Museum (yes, the full museum and 4-D rides will be available that evening!), sponsored by Kilgore’s Karpet, Comcast, Emerald Waste Services and Publix, who will provide the catering and wine tasting. The Circuit September/October 2007 Calendar of Events September & October 2007 Sept 4 Tuesday County Commission Mtg 9:00 am Panama City Hall Sept 25 Tuesday EDC Meeting 3:00 pm Vision Bank Sept 6 Thursday 12:00 noon Peoples First Bank Executive Board Mtg Sept 27 Thursday City Council Meeting 2:00 pm City Hall Annex Sept 11 Tuesday TDC Meeting 9:00 am City Council Chamber October 2 Tuesday County Commission Mtg 9:00 am Panama City Hall Sept 12 Wednesday Board Meeting 3:00 pm Vision Bank October 2 Tuesday 12 @ 12 Luncheon 12:00-1:00 pm Trustmark Bank Sept 13 Thursday City Council Meeting 6:00 pm City Hall Annex October 4 Thursday Executive Board Mtg 12:00 noon Peoples First Bank Sept 14 Friday Friday at the Beach 7:30-9:00 am Edgewater Bch Resort Program: Dr. George DePuy, Dean of FSUPC October 9 Tuesday TDC Meeting 9:00 am City Council Chamber Sept 18 Tuesday County Commission Mtg 9:00 am Panama City Hall Sept 20 Thursday After Hours 5:30-7:30 pm Bonefish Grill October 10 Wednesday Board Meeting 3:00 pm Vision Bank October 11 Thursday City Council Meeting 6:00 pm City Hall Annex October 12 Friday Friday at the Beach 7:30-9:00 am Edgewater Bch Resort Program: Airport Update by Randy Curtis of the Airport Authority October 16 Tuesday County Commission Mtg 9:00 am Panama City Hall October 18 Thursday After Hours Adventure 5:30-7:30 pm Ripley’s Museum October 23 Tuesday TDC Meeting 9:00 am City Council Chamber October 23 Tuesday Airport Authority Mtg 10:00 am Airport Board Rm (2nd FL) October 25 Thursday City Council Meeting 2:00 pm City Hall Annex Sharon & Gregory Yordon Nationally Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences A Difference Worth Hearing About! BELTONE, A Leader in Hearing Aid Technology FREE Hearing Evaluations. Consistent care, almost anywhere with Beltone’s largest network of hearing care centers in the nation. Repairs and service on almost all makes and models. Belcare, the most competitive followup care program of its kind. We also have assistive listening devices, hearing aid accessories and fresh batteries. Financing available (with app. credit) October 30 Tuesday EDC Meeting 3:00 pm Vision Bank New Beach Location Sept 25 Tuesday TDC Meeting 9:00 am City Council Chamber Every Tuesday morning through the Summer in Bay Medical at the Beach, 11111 Panama City Beach Pkwy. Sept 25 Tuesday Airport Authority Mtg 10:00 am Airport Board Rm (2nd FL) Call (850) 763-0801 or (877) 608-4327 for appointment Members enjoyed a lively After Hours on August 23rd at Capt. Anderson’s. 2633 Highway 77, Suite A Panama City The Circuit September/October 2007 29 AROUND TOWN Updates on Community, Workforce, Governmental Affairs & Military Community Update Mayor Gayle Oberst, City of Panama City Beach The City was recently awarded a $500,000 grant from the State to assist in the construction of a new PCB Library. Trail construction up Highway 79 has begun and the first mile will be paved and opened in August. Project Lead the Way (PLTW) offers pre-engineering and science curricula for middle and high school students. Research shows students introduced to engineering principles, concepts, and real world problems in middle and high school are better prepared for post secondary education and more likely to succeed. Over the next three years, PLTW curricula will be implemented at Jinks, Merritt Brown, With each issue, I try to relate some of the excit- and Surfside middle schools and Arnold High ing happenings in the City. Some of those events School. Through the program, students will get relate to new businesses, quality of life issues practical, real world exposure to math, science, and technology and such as libraries, learn teamwork, Anticipated Property Tax in Bay parks, senior cencritical thinking, ters, etc., changes County and problem-solvin ordinances and ing in a hands-on, Pier Park updates. relevant way. 80 In this Circuit, I Total Bay 70 County would like to share 60 One key compowith you some in- Dollars in 50 nent to the PLTW 40 West of Millions 30 formation concerncurricula is proHathaway 20 ing the property tax fessional developBridge 10 collected in Bay ment. Executive 0 City of PCB County and the Director, Kim 2002 2007 amount that those Bodine,of the Gulf Years of Collection of us who live on Coast Workforce the island of Panama City Beach pay. Board stated “This summer eight local teachers The information in the chart above compares col- attended an intensive two-week training course. lections in 2002 (approx. 5 mills) with anticipat- Project Lead the Way requires that all teachers ed collections in 2007. When property taxes are pass a certification before they are allowed to paid at the lower millage rate (less than 4 mills) teach the courses. The teachers said the certifithe island of Panama City Beach will pay 57% of cation training lasted eight hours per day, with all the property tax paid in Bay County –32% in 3-4 hours of homework each evening. It was unincorporated Bay County west of the Hatha- some of the most demanding training they have way Bridge and 25% in the City of Panama City been involved with, but now they have experiBeach. The City of Panama City Beach, with its enced the coursework, in a concentrated time10,000 full time residents, pays ¼ (25%) of all frame of course, just as their students will this school year. They all came back with the same opinion: “This is a great learning opportunity for our students.” Another key component to PLTW is community partnership teams. A partnership team is an advisory group that works with PLTW schools and is composed of advisors from related business and industries, colleges, and associations related to engineering. The partnership team members provide input and feedback as well as support to teachers implementing the PLTW curriculum. Partnership members will actually assist in the classroom with project development and giving talks about the kind of work that they do, and the skills needed to do it. They will also assist by hosting and arranging for field trips to businesses and industries where engineers work. Local defense contractors and engineering firms such as EDO Corporation and McNeil Carroll Engineering have agreed to participate in the partnership teams. EDO has taken it a step further and agreed to provide internships for PLTW instructors. “With its strong military presence, Northwest Florida naturally attracts many engineers. EDO is proud to participate in Project Lead the Way and we are excited about this innovative approach which uses applied learning techniques to engage kids in science, technology, engineering and math,” said Matt Miller, Director of EDO Panama City Operations. Local Government Update Bay Solutions Bay County • The County issued a Notice of Intent to haul- the property tax collected in Bay County. (This information was compiled by Richard Jackson, City Manager, from information provided by the Property Appraisers office---before value adjustment hearings.) Project Lead the Way Kimberly Bodine, Executive Director, Gulf Coast Workforce Board The Gulf Coast Workforce Board and Bay District Schools have partnered with Project Lead the Way, a national not-for-profit organization, to help local students excel in high tech/engineering fields. 30 The Circuit September/October 2007 Left and center: Kathy Jones, Math Teacher for Surfside Middle School, creates a masterpiece at PLTW training for teachers at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Above: Jay Budding, Science Teacher at Surfside Middle school, same location. AROUND TOWN Updates on Community, Workforce, Governmental Affairs & Military ers collecting trash between Hathaway and Phillip’s Inlet bridges that within that three-year timeframe, the City of Panama City Beach and the County may consider changes for the area. • The Bay County Commission approved the purchase of Gulf Coast Electric Cooperative’s water and wastewater facilities. The County set aside 150,000 gallons per day capacity for smaller “mom and pop” plots of land to ensure developers did not purchase all the capacity of the wastewater facility. • The Commission raised the county’s retail water rate from $1.42 to $1.50 per 1,000 gallons (up to 3,000 gallons). • The County held a public hearing regarding manufactured housing design standards, which will focus on ways to improve the aesthetics and encourage compatibility between manufactured housing and site built homes. Several Laguna Beach residents, while supportive of the ordinance, raised concerns of neighborhood safety. City of Panama City Beach • The Council unanimously approved the Reid’s Court Development Agreement. This agreement, supported by the Summerwood Homeowner’s Association, will offer Summerwood residents a total of 192 feet of protection from the development. The first 40 feet would be conservation, the next 92 feet is single-story or less, allowing for gazebos, pools, fountains, etc., but no residence, commercial or parking decks would be allowed. The final 60 feet would have a maximum height limit of 60 feet and use would be restricted to residential. • Due to recent citizen and business owners’ complaints, the Council reexamined the City of Panama City Beach’s noise ordinance and directed Staff to research what other communities were doing, conduct internal training for those who must address noise complaints and purchase a decibel meter. • The Council moved to complete a transportation impact fee study. If implemented, the City could charge a Transportation Impact Fee against new development as a fair price for the impact that development would have on the transportation system. Transportation Impact Fees would not be collected from existing entities, only growth such as new houses or new businesses. Panama City – Bay County Airport • The airport relocation project is entering the construction phase as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has issued the final federal permit on August 16th, completing the permitting process. Navy News Capt. Hal Harbeson, Commanding Officer Naval Support Activity Panama City The Center for Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Diving (CENEODDIVE) at the Naval Support Activity Panama City conducted a change-of-command ceremony on May 18. Capt. Gary Windhorst, the first commanding officer of the Center since it moved to Panama City in 2003, was relieved by Capt. Randall Getman. Capt. Getman’s last assignment was Continued on Page 32 Updated & Improved Telephone Techniques September 14, 2007 Courtyard by Marriott 905 East 23rd Place, Panama City, Florida Presented by BAYSOLUTIONS ~ Seating is Limited ~ In this course, you will learn invaluable productivityenhancing skills and communication techniques such as how to greet callers professionally, guidelines for courteous cell phone use, proper email etiquette, how to disarm angry callers and much more. To enroll, call 850.763.4332 or register online at The Circuit September/October 2007 31 AROUND TOWN Updates on Community, Workforce, Governmental Affairs & Military Continued from Page 31 the Director of the Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal Fleet Liaison Unit in Indian Head, MD. Dr. James Kerley, president of Gulf Coast Community College, visited Naval Support Activity Panama City on July 25 with 20 members of his administrative staff. During the visit, Dr. Kerley and commanders at the base took the opportunity to strengthen the already close ties between the activity and the college, and discussed new mutually beneficial partnerships. Construction on the Joint Aquatic Combat Diver Training Facility (JACDTF) is well underway at the Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center. The new facility consists of a 40’ by 75’ by 40’ deep training tank with support facilities for an overhead 60-ton crane, surface supplied diving stations, and applied classrooms. The Secretary of the Navy has announced December 15, 2007 as the date for the Panama City commissioning of the USS Mesa Verde, (LPD 19). Delays have postponed the originally anticipated 2006 date several times, but the good news was officially delivered to Bay County on August 3 by the ship’s prospective commanding officer, Cmdr. Shawn Lobree. Mesa Verde is the third of a new class of amphibious transport dock ships Banking solutions for more than 100 years. 7522 Front Beach Rd. Panama City Beach 230-9800 3400 Marriott Dr. Bay Point 234-2375 220 W. 19th St. Panama City 913-9832 12216 Panama City Beach Panama City Beach 233-1878 Member FDIC 32 The Circuit September/October 2007 and will be home ported in Norfolk, VA. The ship is 684 feet long, displaces 24,900 tons of seawater, and carries up to two Landing Craft Air Cushion hovercrafts. The crew will include 360 Sailors and the ship has a berthing capacity to accommodate 699 Marines on a “normal” deployment, with a surge capacity to accommodate as many as 800 troops. For more information, please visit and for the latest news about the event! v v v FIREFLY N estled in the Shoppes at Edgewater, Firefly is Panama City Beach’s newest fine dining experience. Come relax in a tranquil, stylish environment and sample delicious fare from Chef Shelley Cooper’s creative menu. Home of the $9.95 Seafood Platter The Lighting of a New Era in Fine Dining Daily Lunch Specials starting at only $5.99 with choice of 2 veggies FIREFLY - MENU SAMPLES “Best Lunch on the Beach!” Jumbo Lump Crab Sweet Roasted Corn, Shaved Vidalia Onion, Grape Tomatoes, Green Goddess Seared Rare Tuna Citrus Soy, Wasabi Ginger, Chili Mustard, Sesame Melon Salad Seared Grouper “In The Sac” with Toasted Almond Rice Pilaf in a Butter Poached Lobster Sauce Bacon Wrapped Gorgonzola Stuffed Pork Chop with Red Skin Potato Hash Handmade Angel Hair Shrimp Elfo with Mushrooms, Chardonnay & Asiago Homemade Pizzas ~Asparagus, Bacon, Brie, Fontina, Truffle Oil ~Steak & Mushroom with Boursin & Cheddar Key Lime Icebox Pie Gingersnap Macadamia Crust, Mile High Meringue, Warm Coconut Cream “Tini Tuesday” $5 Stoli Martinis. Live Entertainment Thursdays and Saturdays with the Regular Guys. Open nightly from 5:00. Reservations recommended; appropriate attire appreciated. Shoppes at Edgewater, 249-FFLY (3359). The Circuit September/October 2007 33 GRAND OPENINGS GRAND OPENINGS and Re-Openings, Groundbreakings & Beautifications and To Re-Openings, Groundbreakings & Beautifications schedule a ribbon-cutting call Skip Alford at 814-4292 To schedule a ribbon-cutting call Skip Alford at 814-4292 Tangles, 7/10 Wine World, 7/25 Serenity at Bay Point, 7/26 Store-In Mini Warehouses, 8/7 Eventide, 8/8 American Martial Arts, 8/15 Coastal Community Mortgage, 8/22 American Classifieds, 8/23 Dairy Queen Grill & Chill, 8/27 New Members AdVisions Bay Wallcovering Etc Borderline Graphics, LLC Brite Beginnings C Technology, Inc. C.W. Roberts Contracting, Inc. Captain Butch Charters Cellular Sales Disaster Response Team (DRT) Emerald Coast Glass Protection Envy Faith Christian Family Church Fish Box Bar & Grill Floridadelphia Cheesesteak & Hoagie Factory HD Supply – Plumbing Hearts of Hope International, Inc. Int’l Legal Employment Agency, Inc. Lake Merial, Inc. Liquid Floors Mellow Mushroom nexAir LLC Panera Bread Playa Del Sol Beach Rentals Remax Real Estate Center Renegade Sports Center 34 Seclusion Bay Southern Theatres, LLC Wine World Renewals Advanced Home, LLC - 1 Carrabbas Italian Grill - 1 Charles Hancock, Realtor - 1 Colonial Bank - 1 Gail Force Protection, Inc. - 1 Goldsmith Designer Jewelry - 1 Guadalajara Mexican Grill - 1 Gulf Coast Online Rentals - 1 Hickson, Carol - 1 Jane’s Expressions - 1 Johnene Marcum, CPA, PC - 1 Keller Williams Success Realty - 1 Lyndell Centre - 1 Northwest Florida Title Services - 1 Paulson Mitchell, Inc. - 1 Rachel’s Lighting - 1 The Home Depot - 1 The UPS Store - 1 Time Out Family Sports Grille - 1 Your Source - 1 30 Degree Blue - 2 Bay Broadcasting/WBPC-FM (B95.1) - 2 Beaches Construction Company, LLC - 2 The Circuit September/October 2007 Carole Lea Gilman, Realtor - 2 Creekstone - 2 Grand Panama Beach Resort - 2 Jordan’s Home Furnishings - 2 Kingfish Restaurant - 2 Laguna Beach Christian Retreat - 2 Olson & Associates/Nature Walk - 2 Shores Townhouse #115 Rent From Owner - 2 Simon Property Group -2 Area Glass, Inc. - 3 Benton Village - 3 Capt’s Table Fish House Restaurant - 3 Countrywide Home Loans - 3 McDonald’s/David Costa Enterprises, Inc. - 3 Medical Cosmetic Center - 3 Mike’s Diner - 3 Sunset Inn - 3 United Rentals (North America) - 3 Ace Air & Heat, Inc. - 4 Beach Boys Realty, Inc. - 4 Boatyard - 4 Dale E. Peterson Vacations - 4 Elliott Brothers - 4 G. Miles Interior - 4 The Real Estate Book - 4 Nelson Marine Service, Inc. - 4 Panama City Beach Winery - 4 Panama City Weddings - 4 MEMBERSHIP REPORT Skip Alford & Tyler Finklea Member Services T he temperature has been rising lately, and so has our excitement with the latest news of our new Bay County International Airport ready to break ground. Now, more than ever, is the time to be on board as a member of the strongest Chamber of Commerce in the area. And speaking of strength, our newest addition to Membership Services, Ms. Tyler Finklea, formerly Tyler Berkley of WJHG News Channel 7, brings even more energy and enthusiasm to an already “super-charged” organization. No stranger to the public eye, Tyler has already had a positive impact on our Chamber by signing six new members in her first few weeks on the job! It goes without saying that these new members have joined us at the perfect time. With summer winding down and fall just around the corner, we can move forward and prepare for 2008 with renewed confidence that our future as a Chamber and as a business community is very bright. Data collected via our Chamber website suggests that global interest in our area has increased dramatically; since news of the airport’s final permit, 48 different countries have viewed our website, up from 17 countries prior to the posting of this recent PR. AMBASSADORS AMBASSADORS Skip Stoltz, Skip Stoltz, Ambassador Chairman Ambassador Chairman H ello from the Head Coach and Chairman of the Ambassador Team. It has been a hot summer, and as always, a lot of things going on out in the marketplace. Our team is growing every month and batting a thousand. However, the time has come to turn the ball over to our next incoming Chairman, Ramon Duvall. My last four years have been wonderful and honorable, serving two years as Chairman, one year as Co-Chair and one year as Points Recorder for our great Ambassador team. Mr. Duvall will serve this great team well as the new head coach, and I am excited to have him step up to the plate and go to bat for this awesome team. A heartfelt thanks goes out to all the Ambassadors who have supported me these last four years. You are all hall of fame players in my book--thank you very much. We would like to give special thanks to our meeting sponsors: For July, Alla and Boris from Granite Café, and in August, Stan and Lavern from Time Out Sports Grill. Thank you very much for your support. It has been an honor and pleasure serving the number one Chamber in the State of Florida. Skip Stoltz Be sure to stay involved in Chamber activities in whatever way possible. Skip Alford Rock’It Lanes - 4 St. Andrews Waterfront Project - 4 Bay Credit Union - 5 Coastal Community Bank - 5 Condom Knowledge, Inc. - 5 Dunn Realty at Panama City Beach - 5 Edward Jones Investments - 5 Get-Back Charter Boat - 5 Luxury Vacation Rentals, LLC - 5 Mortensen, Keith - 5 Nature Walk Golf Club - 5 Royal Flush Plumbing Services of NW FL - 5 Shorehouse Furniture - 5 Stroud, Thomas - 5 Tapestry Park Land Company - 5 Thunder Beach Productions, Inc. - 5 Tony Roma’s - 5 Valu-Lodge - 5 Coastal Parasail, Inc. - 6 Corporate Accommodations of N.W. Florida - 6 Dunes of Panama A Rental Association - 6 CYber SYtes, Inc. - 7 Fraley, Barbara - 7 J. R. Arnold High School - 7 Sam’s Club - 7 Sprint Ahead - 7 Travelodge - 7 at&t - 8 Boys & Girls Club of Bay County - 8 Pinnacle Port Vacation Rentals - 8 Segers, Sowell, Stewart & Johnson. - 8 11 Condos at Regency Towers - 9 Cash Register Systems, Inc. - 9 Century 21 Smith & Associates - 9 ERA Neubauer Real Estate, Inc. - 9 Bay-Buick-Suzuki, Inc. - 10 Beach Weddings & Renewals - 10 Calhoun Chiropractic Center - 10 Cooley Management - 10 Florida Linen Outlet - 10 Girl Scout Council of the Apalachee Bend - 10 Musgrove Florist - 10 Panama City Mall - 10 The Talking Phone Book - 10 Able Body Temporary Service - 11 Smurfit-Stone Container Corp. - 11 Bay Medical at the Beach - 12 Bay Medical Center - 12 Copy Products - 12 Cher’s Hallmark Shop - 13 Leitz Office Products - 13 America’s Best Value Inn - 14 Breaker’s Restaurant - 14 Burger King - 14 Carr Engineering & Construction - 14 Coca-Cola Bottling Co. - 14 Gulf World Marine Park - 14 Naval Support Activity Panama City - 14 Quality Inn - 14 Sweet Basil, Inc. - 14 Tyndall Federal Credit Union - 14 A.G. Edwards & Sons - 15 Basic Management, Inc. - 15 Emerald Beach Resort & Spa, LLC - 15 WMBB TV Channel 13 - 15 Club La Vela - 16 Kilgore’s Karpet & Ceramic Tile - 16 Personnel Resources Of Bay County - 16 Engineering & Equipment Company - 17 Jubilee & Treasure Island Deep Sea Fishing - 17 Marriott Bay Point Resort - 17 Shuckum’s Oyster Bar - 17 Spinnaker Beach Club & Paradise Grill - 17 Sugar Sands Inn & Suites - 17 Shipwreck LTD & Shipwreck Shirts - 18 Waste Management - 18 Wendy’s - 18 Boyd Brothers, Inc. - 19 Walmart Super Center - 19 170 Condos at Regency Towers - 20 Boar’s Head Restaurant - 20 Dunes Of Panama Management Association - 20 Inacomp Data and Voice Systems,- 20 J & J Enterprises - 20 Palmetto Motel - 20 Regions Bank - 20 The Circuit September/October 2007 35 MEMBER NEWS Inaugural Moonlight Martinis to Benefit Cystic Fibrosis Foundation September 21, 2007 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation supporters and sponsors will attend a night under the stars to benefit the worthy cause of saving lives. An eclectic Moonlight Martinis evening will be held on Friday, September 21, 2007 to help those who suffer from the life-threatening disease, cystic fibrosis. The hors d’oeuvre and cocktail party will be held seaside at the Bay Point Marriott from 7 – 10pm with silent and live auction items including a “Bid For A Cure.” Cystic fibrosis is a life-threatening disease that causes thick, sticky mucus to clog organs in the body, particularly the lungs and pancreas. Approximately 30,000 people in the United States have cystic fibrosis. An additional ten million more—or about one in every 31 Americans— are carriers of the defective CF gene, but do not have the disease. Currently, the median age of survival for those living with cystic fibrosis (CF) is 36.8 years. As recently as 1997, the median was only 27 years. The steady rise of the median age of survival suggests how advancements in treatment are improving the lives for those born with CF. Currently, more than 30 drugs and therapies are in development by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Friends, families and supporters of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation are invited to the seaside cocktail party that will feature specialty martinis and a full bar. The evening will pair the ambience of the Bay Point Marriott Resort with live music, heavy hors d’oeuvres and auction items second to none. For more information about cystic fibrosis, please visit; to sponsor or attend Moonlight Martinis, please contact Ashleigh Sauder at (850) 215-2974 or [email protected]. Hearts of Hope Challenges Golfers September 24, 2007 Your goal is to avoid the water at all costs when playing golf. And everyone can stand on the golf course and hit the golf ball, right? But can you stand on three different decks of the Lady Anderson Cruise Ship and hit large targets at dif36 ferent distances floating in the bay? Take a shot and win team and individual prizes for hitting the target from 25, 35 and 50 yards. Join Touring Professional Golfer, Rob Strano and other local celebrities aboard the Lady Anderson for a night of golf, great food and entertainment, all benefiting the Hearts of Hope International’s goal of building a permanent international children’s home in Bonifay. Your evening of fun will support Hearts of Hope International and the youth from countries around the world in need of medical attention that can only be provided in the United States. For reservations or more information call the Lady Anderson at (850) 234-5940 or email: [email protected]. of holiday shopping, dining and entertainment with over 75 merchants filling the Boardwalk Beach Resort & Conference Center. This year’s theme of “Silver Screen Santa” boasts an exciting new shopping layout sure to exceed expectations by offering more unique gifts and specialty items than ever before including boutique apparel, holiday decorations, jewelry, home décor, one-of-a-kind accessories and children’s clothing. Holly Fair general admission hours are: Friday, November 9th: 10:30 am to 6:00 pm; Saturday, November 10th: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm; Sunday, November 11th: 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. General admission prices are $5.00 for adults with all proceeds benefiting the Bay County community through the signature programs and services of the Junior Service League. Children aged 12 and under are free. For more information on Holly Fair, contact the Junior Service League at (850) 785-7870 or on the web at Peoples First Celebrates 24 Years of Service Junior Service League Presents the 10th Annual Holly Fair November 9-11, 2007 Voted “Best of Bay”, the Gulf Coast’s Premiere Shopping Event to Feature Over 75 Merchants from all over the United States From November 9th through November 11th, The Boardwalk Beach Resort & Conference Center in Panama City Beach will take a journey back in time to a Hollywood Christmas for the 19th Annual Holly Fair, the Gulf Coast’s premier shopping event of the holiday season. Shoppers will browse through an array of unique merchandise from all over the United States while enjoying live entertainment featuring the sights and sounds of old Hollywood. Hosted by the Junior Service League of Panama City, the Annual Holly Fair celebrates 18 years The Circuit September/October 2007 Marshall Flowers, Steve Bornhoft and David Powell celebrated the bank’s anniversary on August 3rd (the 24th anniversary was August 4th). Better Business Bureau What does a Better Business Bureau offer? Your BBB of Northwest Florida serves as an information source. It provides business reliability reports, industry reference lists, local charity reviews, consumer education, advertising reviews and dispute resolution. It also provides consumers confidence in their choices and businesses pride in their status as members meeting BBB standards. Call (850) 429-0026 for information. MEMBER NEWS Make Them Hate You! Envy is a new trendy women’s boutique located on Panama City Beach. The store is located in the shops of Grand Panama on Middle Beach Road. Envy features the latest styles ranging from casual to night wear. If it’s a variety of accessories you crave from shoes to handbags, Envy has it. Some of the boutique’s most popular lines include Karlie, Kensie Girl, Naughty Monkey shoes and By Boe Jewelry. The boutique strives to create a fun and relaxed environment, where you can shop and hang out as long as you like. If you have struggles in creating an outifit, no worries. The owners, Shannon and Leanne, love to assist their customers in putting together a unique look that looks great and makes them shine. Shannon and Leanne invite you to explore your style and “Make Them Hate You.” Buskell of Pineapple Willy’s. Their recent gift of $62,000 is simply wonderful, and we are grateful for their support of BCS’ mission to help local citizens in need. We also thank the Good Lord for NO hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico during the month of July. journey from Tustin, California to Vero Beach, Florida. HealthSouth was a Gold Sponsor of the ride, whose mission is to increase public awareness of amputees, and provide hope and support for those who are overcoming physical challenges due to disease or injury. On July 13th HealthSouth Emerald Coast Rehabilitation Hospital held a ceremony honoring three members of Amputees Across America on a stop during their 3,500-mile bicycle The annual Beach Care Services Duck Race fundraiser will be held in October, time and place to be announced soon. Leads Groups The Chamber’s two Leads Groups meet twice a month to share business leads and information. We strive to keep eFish is located on Highway 79, south of Highway 98 in Panama City Beach. our group industry Hunger specific, and allow one e-mergency? of any profession to avoid conflict. We invite Try eFish! Located on Hwy 79 south of Hwy 98, check out anybody interested in furthering their careers or eFish, the newest gourmet market to hit Panama business to join us: City Beach. Whether you need high quality cuts LEADS GROUP A meets at the Boatof steak or seafood, or want to choose from the yard, 5323 North Lagoon Dr., every 2nd & variety of ready-to-eat salads, eFish is the place. 4th Wednesday of the month at 12:00 Noon. The “boutique” market offers a diverse wine Erven Sewell (850) 784-0032 or esewell@copyselection and an assortment of crackers, imported cheeses and other unique grocery items. If you LEADS GROUP B meets at the Boatyard have a sweet tooth you’ll love eFish’s pastries every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at and desserts. And why not pick from their 12:00 Noon. Jared Jones (850) 303-1989 or fresh fruit and veggies to round out your meal? jared.jones@ Make one stop at eFish and pick up everything you need to fix a fun picnic basket, grab a quick snack or Beach prepare a gourmet meal at home. Amputees For the first half of 2007, 342 clients were seen and over $29,000 was spent on client services, mostly for assistance with rent and utilities. The donation from Pineapple Willy’s will allow a large increase in the monthly client services budget for 2008, and also will pay the rent and some office expenses for all of next year. Care Services The BCS Board of Directors and office staff are very thankful for Bill and Eric Al McCambry Wins Clara Barton Red Cross Award The Central Panhandle Chapter of American Red Cross held their Annual Meeting and Volunteer Awards Ceremony on August 23rd at the Holiday Inn Select in Panama City. In addition, the local Red Cross Chapter celebrated its 90th Anniversary at the event. Since 1917 the Central Panhandle Chapter has been building a healthier and safer community by responding to disasters, teaching health and safety courses, and keeping military members connected with their families. At the event Al McCambry, Knology General Manager, was awarded the Clara Barton Meritorious Leadership Award. The Clara Barton Award is presented to a Red Cross volunteer who has demonstrated exemplary service in a number of leadership positions that contribute valuable services to the community. Mr. McCambry joined the Red Cross Board of Directors in 2005 and currently serves as Vice-Chair/Chair Elect. He also is the Chair of the Business Development Committee for the local Chapter. The Circuit September/October 2007 37 From our new Panama City Beach office location, Bowyer-Singleton now provides full service professional planning, engineering and surveying & mapping for land development and transportation related projects throughout Northwest Florida. UNSURPASSED QUALITY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES, AN EXPERIENCED LOCAL STAFF AND OUR USE OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY DISTINGUISH US IN OUR INDUSTRY. Phone: 850-233-6950 Fax: 850-233-6980 17842 Ashley Drive, Panama City Beach, Florida 32413 Corporate Headquarters, Orlando Deland - Ocala - St. Augustine - West Palm Beach Youve worked hard. Your plans are ready. Now who will help you obtain the results you want? From the beginning we see to it our customers plans are accomplished to their satisfaction. With the newest technology and highly skilled personnel with years of experience, we get your job done, the way you want it. At Boyd Brothers we measure our success with Satisfied Customers 4 2 5 E a s t 15 t h S t r e e t • P o s t O f f i c e B o x 18 • P a n a m a C i t y, F L 3 24 0 2 - 0 018 E - M a i l : m a c r o o m @ b o y d - p r i n t i n g . c o m • 1 - 8 0 0 - 67 7 - B O Y D ( 2 6 9 3 ) • 8 5 0 - 76 3 - 1741 • F A X : 8 5 0 - 76 9 - 6 5 2 6 38 The Circuit September/October 2007 Boyd Blueprint ad half pg.indd 1 8/8/07 7:08:45 PM Art & Culture Kaleidoscope Theatre I f you aren’t familiar with the Kaleidoscope On September 8th, KT will be presenting BOB Theatre, you are about to be in for a treat! COPP: A Musical Journey. This will be an Kaleidoscope is a community theatre located amazing evening of entertainment including in Lynn Haven, and has been entertaining Bay show tunes, music from Mexico, Russia, France, County audiences and visitors for 35 years. Ka- Scotland and Ireleidoscope produces quality theatrical produc- land (in their retions featuring local talents in all aspects of the spective languages performing arts – from acting Below: The Gypsy Parvana troupe. Upper right: A and singing to scene from Cabaret. Lower right: Kaleidoscope Thelighting and atere in Lynn Haven. music. The true meaning of community theatre can be found at the heart of Kaleidoscope: the blood, sweat and tears put into their productions all come from local lovers of the arts for no other reason than they truly love to do it. However, there is nothing local about the level of performance you will encounter at KT, in such productions as Cabaret, Catch Me If You Can, and I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change among many others. The actors at KT, more often than not, perform for full houses. This season will be no different, with Red Herring opening on September 21st and running through October 7th. Red Herring is a funny homage to 1950’s film noir, about an FBI agent and his sweetheart as they struggle with their relationship in the midst of a murder mystery and communist spy plot. or dialects), and an operetta -- plus country, romance and folk music; theatre monologues and story telling. Afterward, there will be a wine and cheese reception with a silent art auction. While KT is growing by leaps and bounds since their inception in 1976, the costs of having the theatre “keep up” are high. Kaleidoscope has launched a fundraising campaign this year called “Reservation for the Next Generation.” “KT does not stand still. It grows with each new season,” states Board Vice President and volunteer Linda Hawk. “This fundraising effort will by Jessica Summers enable KT to construct a new two-story building that will include a new black box theatre, expanded lobby and restrooms, storage and classroom space for offerings such as our yearly Kids Kamp.” Yet another eclectic event in the fundraising efforts, Kaleidoscope is proud to host Gypsy Parvana and Bellydance Superstars Present “Shimmy Down the House” on October 13th. The event will be a night of beautiful Middle Eastern dancing, glittering and flowing costumes and energetic music with belly dancers from all over the Panhandle. Highlighting the night will be a performance from world-renowned professional dancer Tamra-henna, who has spent many years in the Middle East. She trained in Cairo, Egypt, and has performed in some of the most prestigious venues there and all over the world. She is now touring with the sensational stage show Bellydance Superstars. For information and tickets to Shimmy Down the House, visit Kaleidoscope’s season offerings and show times can be found online at, or call (850) 265-3226 for more information. v v v SCOTT COOPER Panama City Lender 2624 Jenks Avenue, Suite A Panama City, FL 32405 Phone: 850.872.9417 Member FDIC The Circuit September/October 2007 39 Health & Wellness F The Future of Health Insurance ar too many people in America today are currently without health insurance. One of the conditions exacerbating the problem – a problem affecting millions of American workers and their families every day – is the federal tax code’s imbalanced treatment of those who purchase health insurance. Under the current system, those who work for a large employer get a tax benefit to purchase a health plan; those who purchase health insurance on their own do not. Among those most affected by this situation are entrepreneurs and the owners and employees of small businesses – two sectors of our economy most responsible for driving the American economy into prosperity. The unbalanced tax treatment is wrong and Congress should address this problem now. Ultimately, it’s a question of fairness. A tax break for health insurance should not be applied depending on where you work; tax policy should apply to all seeking quality health care coverage. The solution relies on streamlining the tax code, so that regardless of your place of work – whether that’s in corporate America or at the neighborhood bakery - American workers have the same opportunity for equal and affordable health care coverage. This summer, I’ve joined with several colleagues in urging Congress to begin the debate on how to update our tax code as it relates to health insurance. We simply must remove the current inequity and level the field making tax benefits for health insurance available to all. If we widen the availability of affordable and portable health care plans and remove some of the pressure that leads to higher health care costs, we all will see the benefit of lower health care costs. The federal government should not prohibit workers from purchasing insurance on their own with pre-tax dollars. Taxpayers who do not have access to employer-provided plans should be allowed access to a health tax credit equal to the benefits enjoyed by workers whose employers provide health insurance. Understanding that those in lower income brackets might still struggle to come up with the funds to take advantage of this new tax benefit, we should by Sentaor Mel Martinez also increase the tax credit to those families and individuals. With a credit in place, money would be immediately available to make coverage more affordable for more families. I believe that everyone in America ought to have access to affordable health insurance. Adjusting the tax code has the ability to provide more benefits to more workers across America, regardless of their employment situation. The greatest barrier between the uninsured and health care coverage is the prohibitive cost. Congress needs to take steps now toward helping millions more American workers and their families afford the coverage they need. The debate over health care needs to take place on Capitol Hill. When it does, I will encourage all of my colleagues to suggest solutions and find innovative and fiscally responsible ways to tackle the problem of the uninsured. Americans must have an effective way to access the type of care coverage they are looking for at a price they are willing and able to pay. v v v LAKE MERIAL is where This is Lake Merial egrets stroll along the pristine shoreline, stopping only to dip their heads into the cool, clean water. In an area of Northwest Florida known for its distinctive, unspoiled natural features, this lakeside community is minutes removed from the clog of constant traffic. 13400 Highway 77 Lake Merial, FL 32409 40 The Circuit September/October 2007 (850) 265-6350 (877) 266-6350 WWW.LAKEMERIAL.COM Let us help you write your success story At Peoples First, we recognize that communities prosper when residents accomplish their personal goals. That’s why our banking centers are far more than just transaction centers. We’re committed to really getting to know you so that we can better help you realize your aspirations – be they educational, financial, professional or even recreational. Trust your dreams to the Peoples First team and experience the close personal attention you’ll receive only at a true community bank. David Powell Market Leader Sherry Bruening Asst. Manager Edgewater Dorothy Bechtold Manager Beach Kate Baldwin Asst. Manager Beach The best bank in the neighborhood. Edgewater Banking Center Beach Banking Center 415 Beckrich Rd. 234-7010 9001 Front Beach Rd. 234-7456 you have a choice with hospice care Hospice is a specialized form of home healthcare for patients with life-limiting illnesses. Hospice care can be provided in the home, hospital, long-term care facility or assisted living facility. At Emerald Coast Hospice, our focus is on living. Through compassion and teamwork, our expert staff creates a kind, caring atmosphere for patients and their families. We offer a full range of services, including: • Skilled nursing services available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week • Spiritual support and volunteer programs • Pain and symptom management • Medical social workers • Bereavement program • Home health aides • Reimbursed by Medicare for more information please contact us at 877-717-7357 We accept patients for care regardless of age, race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, being a qualified disabled veteran, being a qualified disabled veteran of the Vietnam era, or any other category protected by law, or decisions regarding advance directives. #1883 The Circuit September/October 2007 41 42 The Circuit September/October 2007