classica PRicE lisT 2014
classica PRicE lisT 2014
classica PRICE LIST 2014 Элегантные металлические каркасы цвета слоновой кости, с нанесенными вручную мазками теплого золотого оттенка, украшены деликатно окрашенными хрустальными подвесками геометрических форм. 3050 pl3 h Ø H 40 cm 55 cm € 470,00 € 610,00 € 126,00 € 460,00 € 310,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Structures élégantes en métal verni d’un ton ivoire avec traits de pinceaux dorés agrémentées de pendeloques géométriques délicatement vernies en cristal. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Die eleganten Strukturen aus Metall mit Lackierung in der Farbe Elfenbein mit warmen Goldtönen sind mit geometrischen Prismen aus Kristallglas dekoriert, die in zarten Farben lackiert sind. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Elegant metal structures painted ivory with warm brushstrokes of gold, decorated with geometric crystal pendants that are delicately painted. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Eleganti strutture in metallo verniciato in tonalità avorio con calde pennellature oro, sono decorati da geometrici pendenti in cristallo delicatamente verniciati. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 3050 15.80’’ 21.70’’ 3 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 3050 pl5 h Ø H 40 cm 70 cm 15.80’’ 27.60’’ 5 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø h Ø € 2.430,00 85 cm 33.50’’ 105 cm 41.35’’ IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 3050 6+6 3050 spot h Ø H 12 x G9 x 60w max Alogana/Halogen H 12 cm 13 cm 4.75’’ 5.20’’ 1 x gu10 x 35W max Dicroica/Dichroic Ø Ø h Ø 75 cm 90 cm 29.55’’ 35.45’’ IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.760,00 3050 4+4 3050 a4 h 42 cm L 32 cm SP 20 cm H 8 x G9 x 60W max Alogana/Halogen H 16.55’’ 12.60’’ 7.88’’ sp 4 x G9 x 60W max Alogena / Halogen L Ø h Ø 65 cm 75 cm € 1.360,00 25.60’’ 29.60’’ IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 3050 3+3 3050 a2 h 38 cm L 26 cm SP 13 cm H 6 x G9 x 60W max Alogana/Halogen H sp 15’’ 10.25’’ 5.15’’ 2 x G9 x 60W max Alogena / Halogen L Ø 2 Masiero Classica price list 2014 3 The frame of painted iron with cream shade and manual brush-strokes of gold colour, is decorated with delicate roses of baked clay created by the skilled hands of the ceramists from Bassano del Grappa (VI). The lampshades of silk organza give a colour mark, highlighting the tints of the precious hangings, transparent and rose, of crystal with 30% of lead. Der crèmefarbene Lampenfuß aus lackiertem Eisen mit handgefertigten Malereien in der Farbe Gold ist mit zarten Keramikrosen dekoriert, die von erfahrenen Keramisten aus Bassano del Grappa (VI) angefertigt werden. Die Lampenschirme aus Seidenorganza verleihen der Leuchte einen Farbtupfer und unterstreichen die Reflexe der kostbaren 30%-igen Bleikristallgehänge, die durchsichtig und rosa getönt sind. Le cadre en fer peint en nuance crème avec des touches manuelles en couleur or, est décoré par des roses délicates en céramique réalisées par les mains expertes des céramistes de Bassano del Grappa (VI). Les abatjours en organdi de soie donnent une marque de couleur en accentuant les reflets des précieux breloques, transparents et rose, en cristal à 30% de plomb. Железный каркас окрашен в оттенки кремового цвета с нанесенными вручную мазками цвета французского золота и декорирован нежными керамическими розами, созданными умелыми руками мастеров из Бассано-дель-Граппа. Абажуры из шелковой органзы создают цветовой акцент, привлекая внимание к драгоценным отблескам прозрачных и розовых подвесок из хрусталя, имеющего 30% свинца. 3089 6+6+1 € 1.620,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 75 cm 76 cm 29.25” 29.64” € 1.760,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 13 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Paralumi shade ORG/12/PIN Ø 3089 8+8+1 € 2.290,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 93 cm 36.27” 110 cm 42.90” € 4.120,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Il telaio in ferro verniciato in tonalità crema con pennellature manuali in color oro è decorato da delicate rose in ceramica realizzate dalle esperti mani dei ceramisti di Bassano del Grappa (VI). I paralumi in organza di seta donano una nota di colore accentuando i riflessi dei preziosi pendagli, trasparenti e rosa, in cristallo al 30% di piombo. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 3089 17 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Paralumi shade ORG/12/PIN (inclusi/included) Ø 3089 a2 CUT CRYSTAL swarovski® ELEMENTS Piatti in vetro trasparente e pendagli trasparenti in cristallo. Transparent glass dishes and transparent drops in crystal. Piatti in vetro trasparente e pendagli trasparenti in cristallo swarovski® ELEMENTS. Transparent glass dishes and transparent drops in swarovski® ELEMENTS crystal. CUT CRYSTAL h 34 cm L 34 cm SP 22 cm H h Ø 48 cm 34 cm 18.72’’ 13.26’’ € 600,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 68 cm 38 cm 26.52” 14.82” € 700,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 3 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Paralumi shade ORG/12/PIN Paralumi shade ORG/12/PIN Ø CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 72 cm 64 cm 28.08” 24.96” € 1.680,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 3089 stl6 € 1.170,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 192 cm 74.88” 66 cm 25.74” € 1.730,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 7 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.040,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 3089 6+1 6 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Paralumi shade ORG/12/PIN Masiero Classica € 410,00 3089 tl3 Ø 4 swarovski® ELEMENTS Paralumi shade ORG/12/PIN 3 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Ø € 330,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat CUT CRYSTAL IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 330,00 13.26” 13.26” 8.58” 2 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent sp Ø 3089 3 € 200,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat MATERIALI MATERIALS Paralumi shade ORG/12/PIN Ø price list 2014 5 La struttura e le coppe in vetro trasparente o verniciato sono decorate da pendagli in vetro trasparente, vetro verniciato oppure cristallo stile BOHEMIA. Die Struktur und Teller in transparentem oder coloriertem Glas sind mit Kristallen aus transparentem oder coloriertem Glas oder im BOHEMIAN Stil dekoriert. Structure et tasses en verre transparent ou coloré avec pampilles en verre transparent ou coloré ou en style BOHEMIAN. Каркас и чаши из прозрачного или окрашенного стекла декорированы подвесками из прозрачного стекла, окрашенного стекла, или цветного хрусталя в богемском стиле. 3587 8+4 € 1.050,00 tr h Ø 80 cm 90 cm 31.20’’ 35.10’’ vv H 12 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent CRY Struttura e coppe in vetro verniciato. Pendagli in vetro verniciato. Struttura e coppe in vetro verniciato. Pendagli in cristallo stile BOHEMIA colorato in pasta. Transparent glass frame and cups. Transparent glass pendants. Coated glass frame and cups. Coated glass pendants. Struktur und Teller aus transparentem Glas. Kristalle aus transparentem Glas. Struktur und Teller aus coloriertem Glas. Kristalle aus coloriertem Glas. Structure et tasses en verre transparent. Pampilles en verre transparent. Structure et tasses en verre coloré. Pampilles en verre coloré. Каркас и чаши из прозрачного стекла. Подвесы из прозрачного стекла. Каркас и чаши из окрашенного стекла. Подвесы из окрашенного стекла. cry Ø € 710,00 tr h Ø 65 cm 90 cm 23.35’’ 35.10’’ € 840,00 vv H 8 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Coated glass frame and cups. Solid coloured BOHEMIA style crystalpendants. € 1.210,00 cry Paralumi/shades ORG/12 - INCLUSI/INCLUDED Ø Struktur und Teller aus coloriertem Glas. Getönte Kristalle im BOHEMIAN Stil. 3587 5 Structure et tasses en verre coloré. Pamilles teinté en style BOHEMIAN. € 420,00 tr h Ø 65 cm 60 cm 25.35’’ 23.40’’ € 500,00 vv Каркас и чаши из окрашенного стекла. Подвесы цветного хрусталя в богемском стиле. H 5 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent € 770,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat VV Struttura e coppe in vetro trasparente. Pendagli in vetro trasparente. € 1.650,00 Paralumi/shades ORG/12 - INCLUSI/INCLUDED 3587 8 TR € 1.240,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat MATERIALI MATERIALS The frame and the cups in transparent or painted glass are decorated with transparent glass pendants, painted glass pendants or BOHEMIA-style crystal pendants. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 3587 cry Paralumi/shades ORG/12 - INCLUSI/INCLUDED Ø tr h Ø 150 cm 58.50’’ 105 cm 40.95’ € 3.040,00 vv H 25 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent € 4.270,00 3587 a2 € 230,00 tr h 40 cm L 40 cm SP 25 cm 15.60’’ 15.60’’ 9.75’’ H 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent sp cry Ø Paralumi/shades ORG/12 - INCLUSI/INCLUDED € 250,00 vv € 320,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 2.590,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 3587 10+10+5 cry Paralumi/shades ORG/12 - INCLUSI/INCLUDED Ø tr h Ø 85 cm 33.15’’ 100 cm 39’’ € 1.760,00 vv H 15 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shades ORG/12 - INCLUSI/INCLUDED € 2.390,00 3587 tl1 € 116,00 tr h Ø 35 cm 12 cm 13.65’’ 4.68’’ € 120,00 vv H 1 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent cry Ø € 146,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.480,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 3587 10+5 cry Paralumi/shades ORG/12 - INCLUSI/INCLUDED Ø 6 Masiero Classica price list 2014 7 tr h Ø 70 cm 50 cm 27.30’’ 19.50’’ € 590,00 vv H 6 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent € 770,00 4010 s8+4 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø H € 860,00 vv H 6 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent € 1.250,00 4010 s6+3 € 1.780,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 60 cm 75 cm 23.63’’ 29.53’’ € 4.010,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 180 cm 70.20’’ 60 cm 23.40’’ IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø € 5.760,00 4010 - Paralumi/Shade DAM/14/IV Ø Ø tr 27.56’’ 35.45’’ 8 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 4 x g9 x 60W max Alogena/Halogen cry € 750,00 70 cm 90 cm swarovski® ELEMENTS Paralumi/shades ORG/12 - INCLUSI/INCLUDED 3587 STL5+1 € 2.430,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 520,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 3587 tl5+1 6 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 3 x g9 x 60W max Alogena/Halogen cry Paralumi/shades ORG/12 - INCLUSI/INCLUDED Ø 4010 - Paralumi/Shade DAM/14/IV Ø € 480,00 CUT CRYSTAL h 40 cm 40 cm L SP 25 cm H 15.75’’ 15.75’’ 9.85’’ € 800,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 4010 a2+1 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 1 x g9 x 60W max Alogena/Halogen sp Ø 4010 - Paralumi/Shade DAM/14/IV € 580,00 4010 a4 The metal structure painted ivory or burnished, is enriched with cascades of 30% lead crystal pendants. The elegant damask lampshades perfectly frame the design. Die Struktur aus Metall mit Lackierung in der Farbe Elfenbein oder brünierte ist mit zahlreichen Prismen aus Bleiglas (30%) geschmückt. Die eleganten Lampenschirme aus Damast betonen den eleganten Charakter der Leuchte. MATERIALI MATERIALS CUT CRYSTAL swarovski® ELEMENTS Pendagli trasparenti in cristallo CUT CRYSTAL . Transparent crystal drops. Pendagli trasparenti in cristallo swarovski® ELEMENTS. Transparent swarovski® ELEMENTS crystal drops. La structure métallique vernie d’un ton ivoire ou bruni est agrémentée d’une pluie de pampilles en cristal 30 % plomb. Les élégants abat-jours damassés complètent l’élégance du projet. CUT CRYSTAL Металлическая конструкция цвета слоновой кости или в отделке под бронзу украшена водопадом подвесок из хрусталя, имеющего 30% свинца. Стильные абажуры с камчатным узором завершающий аккорд этой элегантной коллекции. h 25 cm L 50 cm SP 15 cm H 9.84’’ 19.68’’ 5.90’’ € 960,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 2 x g9 x 40W max Alogena/Halogen Ø Paralume/shade DAM IV € 1.670,00 4010 pl8 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 30 cm 60 cm 11.81’’ 23.62’’ € 3.850,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat La struttura metallica verniciata in tonalità avorio oppure brunita è impreziosita da piogge di pendenti in cristallo al 30% di Piombo. Gli eleganti paralumi damascati incorniciano l’eleganza del progetto. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 4010/4015 8 x g9 x 40W max Alogena/Halogen Ø 8 Masiero Classica price list 2014 9 h Ø 60 cm 40 cm 23.62’’ 15.75’’ € 1.050,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 4015 a4 € 630,00 CUT CRYSTAL h 25 cm L 50 cm SP 15 cm H 3 x E14 x 40W Incendescenza/Incandescent 9.84’’ 19.68’’ 5.90’’ € 1.070,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat CUT CRYSTAL IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 720,00 4010 tl3 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 2 x g9 x 40W max Alogena/Halogen Ø Paralume/shade DAM IV Ø Paralume/shade DAM IV CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 170 cm 66.93’’ 40 cm 15.75’’ € 1.460,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 4015 pl8 € 1.860,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 30 cm 60 cm 11.81’’ 23.62’’ € 4.260,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.020,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 4010 stl3 8 x g9 x 40W max Alogena/Halogen 3 x E14 x 40W Incendescenza/Incandescent Ø Paralume/shade DAM IV Ø CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 70 cm 90 cm 27.56’’ 35.45’’ € 6.400,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 4015 tl3 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø Paralume/shade DAM IV Ø 23.63’’ 29.53’’ € 4.380,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 4015 stl3 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 170 cm 66.93’’ 40 cm 15.75’’ € 1.630,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 6 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 3 x g9 x 60W max Alogena/Halogen Ø € 1.120,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.970,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 60 cm 75 cm € 1.160,00 3 x E14 x 40W Incendescenza/Incandescent CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 23.62’’ 15.75’’ swarovski® ELEMENTS 4015 - Paralumi/Shade DAM/14/IV 4015 s6+3 60 cm 40 cm H 8 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 4 x g9 x 60W max Alogena/Halogen Ø € 800,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 2.690,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 4015 s8+4 3 x E14 x 40W Incendescenza/Incandescent Paralume/shade DAM IV 4015 - Paralumi/Shade DAM/14/IV Ø € 540,00 CUT CRYSTAL h 40 cm L 40 cm SP 25 cm H sp Ø 15.75’’ 15.75’’ 9.85’’ € 890,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 4015 a2+1 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 1 x g9 x 60W max Alogena/Halogen 4015 - Paralumi/Shade DAM/14/IV 10 Masiero Classica price list 2014 11 Delicati telai in ferro cromato o dorato sono decorati da un filo di perle e da piatti in prezioso cristallo al 30% di piombo. Delicate frame sof chromium or gold-plated iron are decorated by a string of pear l s and plates of precious crystal with 30% of lead. Die zarten Lampenfüße aus Chrome oder Gold werden mit einer Perlenkette und Flachstücken aus kostbarem, 30%-igem Bleikristall verziert. MATERIALI MATERIALS CUT CRYSTAL swarovski® ELEMENTS Piattini in cristallo trasparente. Perle trasparenti in cristallo pendagli trasparenti in cristallo. Transparent crystal dishes. Transparent beads in crystal and transparent drops in crystal. Piattini in cristallo trasparente. Perle trasparenti in cristallo pendagli trasparenti in cristallo swarovski® ELEMENTS. Transparent crystal dishes. Transparent beads in crystal and transparent drops in swarovski® ELEMENTS crystal. Des délicats cadres en fer chromé ou d’or sont décorés par un fil de perles et par des plats en précieux cristal à 30% de plomb. Элегантные каркасы из хромированного или позолоченного железа декорированы бусинами и элементами из хрусталя, имеющего 30% свинца. 4100 8+4 € 1.370,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 55 cm 70 cm 21.45” 27.30” € 1.610,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 4100 4105 12 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Ø CUT CRYSTAL € 420,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS Ø 4 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent h Ø H 28 cm 25 cm € 280,00 € 640,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 700,00 4100 s1 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 15.60” 17.55” IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 570,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 14.43” 27.30” 9.36” 2 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent CUT CRYSTAL 40 cm 45 cm h 37 cm L 40 cm SP 24 cm H 4100 4 h Ø € 340,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 4100 a2 10.92” 9.75” 1 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Ø Ø € 820,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 55 cm 62 cm 21.45” 24.18” € 1.030,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 4100 s4 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 4100 6 6 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 18.72” 15.60” € 750,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 4 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent H Ø Ø h Ø 55 cm 70 cm 21.45” 27.30” € 1.340,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 4101 tl1 P h Ø 35 cm 16 cm € 230,00 13.65” 6.24” H 8 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat CUT CRYSTAL IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.090,00 4100 8 H 48 cm 40 cm 1 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Paralumi / shade ORG-BD/16/PIN Ø Ø 12 Masiero Classica price list 2014 13 65 cm 40 cm 25.35” 15.60” H € 380,00 4105 a2 CUT CRYSTAL h 37 cm L 40 cm SP 24 cm H 14.43” 27.30” 9.36” € 480,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø € 460,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 4100 tl1 g 2 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent 1 x E27 x 100W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Paralumi / shade ORG-BD/40/PIN Ø Ø h Ø 40 cm 45 cm 15.60” 17.55” € 790,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 4105 s1 h Ø H 4 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent 28 cm 25 cm € 320,00 € 720,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat CUT CRYSTAL IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 650,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 4105 4 10.92” 9.75” 1 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Ø Ø € 930,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 55 cm 62 cm 21.45” 24.18” € 1.160,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 4105 s4 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 4105 6 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 48 cm 40 cm 18.72” 15.60” € 860,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 6 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Ø 4 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Ø h Ø 55 cm 70 cm 21.45” 27.30” € 1.520,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 4105 tl1 g h Ø 65 cm 40 cm € 500,00 € 240,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat CUT CRYSTAL IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.240,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 4105 8 25.35” 15.60” H 1 x E27 x 100W max Incendescenza/Incandescent 8 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Paralumi / shade ORG-BD/40/RD Ø Ø € 1.550,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 55 cm 70 cm 21.45” 27.30” € 1.820,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 4105 8+4 4106 tl1 p h Ø 35 cm 16 cm 13.65” 6.24” H 1 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent 12 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Ø Paralumi / shade ORG-BD/16/RD Ø 14 Masiero Classica price list 2014 15 Perle di cristallo incoronano telai in metallo cromato o dorato. Pendagli in cristallo e paralumi in tessuto bianco completano l’opera con elegante equilibrio. Crystal beads decorate chrome or gold plated metal frames. Crystal pendants and white lampshades generate an elegant equilibrium. Kristallglasperlen säumen verchromte oder goldfarbene Rahmen. Gehänge aus Kristallglas und Lampenschirme aus weißem Gewebe runden das Werk in einem eleganten Gleichgewicht ab. Les perles de cristal ornent des châssis en métal chromé ou doré. Les breloques en cristal et les abat-jours en tissu blanc complètent l’oeuvre avec un équilibre élégant. € 360,00 5100 a2 Нити хрустальных бусин оплетают каркасы из хромированного или позолоченного металла. Хрустальные подвески и белая ткань абажуров придают картине элегантность и гармонию. CUT CRYSTAL h 40 cm Ø 45 cm SP 24 cm H 15.60” 17.55” 9.36” € 460,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 5100 5105 2 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Paralumi / shade COT-BD-CR/12/WH Ø MATERIALI MATERIALS h Ø 28.08” 15.60” € 1.900,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 5100 tl3 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.420,00 6 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent 2 x G9 x 40W Alogena/Halogen H h Ø 35.10” 20.28” € 2.520,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 5100 tl1 p IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.920,00 8 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent 2 x G9 x 40W Alogena/Halogen H € 1.530,00 Ø CUT CRYSTAL 52 cm 90 cm 17.55” 14.43” 3 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Paralumi / shade COT-BD-CR/12/WH 5100 8+2 45 cm 37 cm H Ø h Ø € 310,00 3 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Ø CUT CRYSTAL 40 cm 72 cm € 1.070,00 4.68” 14.04” H 5100 6+2 h Ø 12 cm 36 cm € 930,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 5100 pl3 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Piattini in cristallo trasparente. Perle trasparenti in cristallo pendagli trasparenti in SWAROVSKI® ELEMENTS. Transparent crystal dishes. Transparent beads in crystal and transparent drops in SWAROVSKI® ELEMENTS. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat swarovski® ELEMENTS Piattini in cristallo trasparente. Perle trasparenti in cristallo pendagli trasparenti in cristallo. Transparent crystal dishes. Transparent beads in cut crystal and transparent drops in cut crystal. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 27 cm 20 cm 10.53” 7.80” H 1 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Paralumi / shade COT-BD-CR/20/WH Ø Paralumi / shade COT-BD-CR/12/WH € 3.050,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 62 cm 42.90” 110 cm 24.18” € 3.940,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 12 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent 5 x G9 x 40W Alogena/Halogen H Ø 16 Masiero Classica IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 5100 12+3+2 Ø 5105 6+2 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 40 cm 72 cm 28.08” 15.60” € 2.060,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 6 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent 2 x G9 x 40W Alogena/Halogen H Paralumi / shade COT-BD-CR/12/WH Paralumi / shade COT-BD-GD/12/WH Ø price list 2014 17 h Ø 52 cm 90 cm 35.10” 20.28” € 2.740,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 8 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent 2 x G9 x 40W Alogena/Halogen H 5106 tl1 p h Ø 27 cm 20 cm € 340,00 10.53” 7.80” H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat CUT CRYSTAL IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 2.070,00 5105 8+2 1 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Paralumi / shade COT-BD-GD/20/WH Ø Paralumi / shade COT-BD-GD/12/WH € 3.300,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 62 cm 42.90” 110 cm 24.18” € 4.270,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 12 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent 5 x G9 x 40W Alogena/Halogen H Ø Paralumi / shade COT-BD-GD/12/WH € 390,00 CUT CRYSTAL h 40 cm Ø 45 cm SP 24 cm 15.60” 17.55” 9.36” € 490,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 5105 a2 H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 5105 12+3+2 Ø 5500 Quadrati di cristallo al 30% di piombo scendono da telai geometrici in ferro cromato. Squares of crystal with 30% of lead hang from geometrical frames of chromium-plated iron. Kristallquadrate aus 30%-igem Bleikristall hängen von geometrischen Lampenfüßen aus Chromeisenerz. MATERIALI MATERIALS CUT CRYSTAL swarovski® ELEMENTS Pendagli trasparenti in cristallo. Transparent drops in crystal. Pendagli trasparenti in cristallo swarovski® ELEMENTS. Transparent drops in swarovski® ELEMENTS crystal. 2 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Des carrés de cristal à 30% de plomb descendent de cadres géométriques en fer chromé. Квадратные подвески из хрусталя, имеющего 30% свинца, спускаются вниз с геометрических каркасов, выполненных из хромированного железа. Paralumi / shade COT-BD-GD/12/WH Ø h Ø 12 cm 36 cm € 1.020,00 4.68” 14.04” H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 5105 pl3 3 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Ø 45 cm 37 cm 17.55” 14.43” H 5500 6 CUT CRYSTAL h 24 cm L 80 cm SP 24 cm H 18 Masiero Classica 9.36” 31.20” 9.36” € 3.130,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 6 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent 3 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Ø € 1.790,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.160,00 5105 tl3 Ø price list 2014 19 € 2.610,00 CUT CRYSTAL h 30 cm 11.70” L 120 cm 46.80” SP 33 cm 12.87’’ € 4.590,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 5500 9 9 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Ø CUT CRYSTAL h 22 cm L 22 cm SP 23 cm H 8.58” 8.58” 8.97’’ € 700,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS I pendagli in cristallo, trasparente e nero, al 30% di piombo accompagnano sontuosi ed aerei telai in ferro cromato. Il particolare centrale richiama la lucentezza dei piatti in cristallo. La luce viene diffusa da paralumi tinta “ghiaccio” in organza di seta. The hangins in crystal, transparent and black, with 30% of lead combine with sumptuos and airy frames of chromium-plated iron. The central detail reminds the brightness of crystal plates. Light is diffused by “ice” coloured lampshades of silk organza. Die durchsichtigen schwarzen gehänge aus 30%-igem bleikristall begleiten die prunkvoll luftigen lampenfüße aus verchromtem eisen. Der mittelteil erinnert an den glanz der kristallflachstücke. Das licht wird von den eisfarbenen lampenschirmen aus seidenorganza im raum verteilt. Les breloques en cristal, transparents et noir, à 30% de plomb accompagnent des somptueux et aériens cadres en fer chrome. Le detail central rappelled l’éclat des plats en cristal. La lumière se répand à travers des abat-jours nuance “glace” en organdie de soie. MATERIALI MATERIALS CUT CRYSTAL swarovski® ELEMENTS Piattini in cristallo. Pendagli trasparenti in cristallo e pendagli neri in cristallo stile BOHEMIA. Transparent drops in crystal and black BOHEMIAN style crystal pendants. Piattini in cristallo. Pendagli trasparenti in cristallo swarovski® ELEMENTS e pendagli neri in cristallo stile BOHEMIA. Crystal dishes. Transparent drops in swarovski® ELEMENTS crystal and black BOHEMIAN style crystal pendants. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 430,00 5500 a2 5660 Стеклянные подвески из прозрачного или черного хрусталя, имеющего 30% свинца, сочетаются с роскошными воздушными каркасами из хромированного железа. Центральная деталь повторяет блеск стеклянных элементов. Абажуры цвета лда из шелковой органзы приятно рассеивают свет. 2 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Ø € 1.090,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 170 cm 66.30” 40 cm 15.60” € 1.640,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 5500 stl1 1 x E27 x 100W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Ø CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 24 cm 22 cm 9.36” 8.58” € 930,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 5660 5 € 1.020,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 74 cm 78 cm 28.86” 30.42” € 1.510,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 580,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 5500 tl1 P 5 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent 1 x E27 x 100W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Ø Paralumi / shade ORG/16/ICE Ø CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 37 cm 34 cm 14.43” 13.26” € 2.060,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H € 1.390,00 5660 8 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 75 cm 90 cm 29.25” 35.10” € 2.020,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.190,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 5501 tl1 g 8 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent 1 x E27 x 100W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Paralumi / shade ORG/16/ICE Ø Ø 20 Masiero Classica price list 2014 21 € 2.260,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 87 cm 33.93” 122 cm 47.58” € 3.570,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 5660 12 12 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent 5662 La struttura in metallo verniciato sposa rose di ceramica in calde tonalità bianche e dorate. I paralumi in tessuto pongè conferiscono ulteriore raffinatezza. Powder coated metal frames embrace handmade ceramic roses in warm white and gold colors. Pongè lampshades enhance the elegance of this range. Die lackierte Metallstruktur vereint sich mit Rosen aus Keramik in warmen Weiß- und Goldtönen. Die Lampenschirme aus Pongè-Gewebe unterstreichen ihre Erlesenheit zusätzlich. La structure en métal verni unit des roses en céramique aux chaudes tonalités blanches et dorées. Les abat-jours en tissu pongé donnent encore plus de raffinement. Paralumi / shade ORG/16/ICE Каркас из окрашенного металла сочетается с керамическими розами теплых белых и золотистых оттенков. Абажуры из ткани эпонж придают светильникам особую изысканность. Ø CUT CRYSTAL h 31 cm L 22 cm SP 22 cm H 12.09” 8.58” 8.58” € 220,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 160,00 5660 a1 1 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Paralumi / shade ORG/16/ICE Ø H 12.09” 13.26” 8.58” € 390,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H Ø Paralumi / shade ORG/16/ICE h Ø 66 cm 40 cm € 440,00 25.74” 15.60” H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 5660 tl1 g 1 x E27 x 100W max Incendescenza/Incandescent € 1.190,00 € 930,00 68 cm 26.52” 116 cm 45.24” 12 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent 2 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Ø € 2.020,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h 31 cm L 34 cm SP 22 cm 5662 12 h Ø IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat CUT CRYSTAL IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 270,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 5660 a2 Paralumi / shade PON/12/WH 5662 8 h Ø H 54 cm 86 cm 21.06” 33.54” 8 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Paralumi / shade ORG/40/ICE Ø Paralumi / shade PON/12/WH Ø h Ø 34 cm 16 cm 13.26” 6.24” H 1 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Paralumi / shade ORG/16/ICE € 190,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 5661 tl1 p 5662 6 h Ø 42 cm 74 cm 16.38” 28.86” 6 x E14 x 60W max Incendescenza/Incandescent H Ø Paralumi / shade PON/12/WH Ø 22 Masiero Classica price list 2014 23 h Ø 28 cm 92x60cm 10.92” 35.88’’x 23.40’’ H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 590,00 5662 pl8 6000 6005 Ceste di cristallo accolgono strutture metalliche in preziose finiture galvaniche oro e cromo. Crystal baskets that collect the metal frames with precious gold and chromium galvanized finishing. MATERIALI MATERIALS CUT CRYSTAL swarovski® ELEMENTS HALF CUT GLASS Pendagli trasparenti in cristallo. Transparent drops in crystal. Pendagli trasparenti in cristallo swarovski® ELEMENTS. Transparent drops in swarovski® ELEMENTS crystal. Pendagli trasparenti in vetro nazionale Italiano. National italian trasparent grass drops. 8 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø Kristallglaskörbe nehmen Metallstrukturen in kostbaren gold-und chromfarben galvanisierten Ausführungen auf. Des paniers de cristal recueillent des structures métalliques avec de précieuses finitions galvaniques or et chrome. 5662 - Paralumi/Shade PON/12/wh h 47 cm L 44 cm SP 38 cm 18.33’’ 17.16’’ 14.82’’ H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 270,00 5662 a2 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent sp Корзины из хрустальных подвесок сочетаются с металлическими каркасами с драгоценной позолоченной и хромированной отделкой. 5662 - Paralumi/Shade PON/12/wh L 17.94’’ 18.72’’ 16.38’’ H h Ø 55 cm 20 cm 21.70” 7.90” € 950,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent sp € 580,00 CUT CRYSTAL 5662 - Paralumi/Shade PON/12/wh 1 x E27 x 100W max Incendescenza/Incandescent € 460,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h 46 cm L 48 cm SP 42 cm 6000 s1 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 340,00 5663 a2 HALF CUT GLASS Ø L 100 cm 39.00’’ 44 cm 17.16’’ H 6000 s3+1 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 60 cm 45 cm 23.70” 17.80” € 1.230,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 1 x E27 x 100W max Incendescenza/Incandescent 3 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø € 810,00 € 680,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø € 1.000,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 5662 tl1 HALF CUT GLASS 5662 - Paralumi/Shade PON/44/wh Ø 180 cm 70.20’’ 52 cm 20.28’’ H 6000 s8+1 € 1.590,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 65 cm 85 cm 25.60” 33.50” € 2.180,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 1 x E27 x 100W max Incendescenza/Incandescent 8 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H 1 x E27 x 100w max Incandescenza/Incandescent € 1.410,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø € 1.590,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 5662 stl1 HALF CUT GLASS 5662 - Paralumi/Shade PON/52/wh Ø 24 Masiero Classica Ø price list 2014 25 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 65 cm 25.60” 110 cm 43.40” € 2.980,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 12 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 1 x E27 x 100W max Incendescenza/Incandescent € 2.080,00 6000 tl2 g CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 75 cm 40 cm 29.60’’ 15.80’’ € 1.200,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 2 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent HALF CUT GLASS € 700,00 HALF CUT GLASS Paralumi / shade PON-BD/40/WH Ø Ø CUT CRYSTAL h 60 cm Ø 38 cm sp 20 cm 23.70” 15.00’’ 7.90’’ 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 1 x E27 x 100W max Incendescenza/Incandescent Ø € 800,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS € 530,00 6000 stl3 € 1.230,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 180 cm 70.90” 45 cm 17.80” € 1.590,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 3 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent HALF CUT GLASS € 1.090,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 580,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6000 a2+1 H € 830,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 2.270,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6000 s12+1 HALF CUT GLASS Paralumi / shade PON-BD/16/WH Ø h Ø 25 cm 20 cm 9.90’’ 7.90’’ € 850,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent € 360,00 6001 tl1 p CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 1 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 7.90’’ 15.80’’ € 1.380,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 3 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent € 500,00 h Ø H h Ø 22 cm 60 cm 8.67’’ 23.70’’ € 2.820,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 4 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 26 Masiero Classica € 800,00 HALF CUT GLASS 6002 pl4 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.250,00 CUT CRYSTAL Ø € 460,00 7.90” 15.80” Ø 6000 pl4 H 20 cm 40 cm € 350,00 3 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent HALF CUT GLASS Ø HALF CUT GLASS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 20 cm 40 cm € 220,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø € 360,00 Paralumi / shade PON-BD/20/WH 6002 pl3 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat CUT CRYSTAL 13.80” 7.90” swarovski® ELEMENTS HALF CUT GLASS € 700,00 35 cm 20 cm H Ø 6000 pl3 € 240,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat CUT CRYSTAL IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 490,00 6000 pl1 h Ø 22 cm 60 cm 8.67” 23.70” 4 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H Ø price list 2014 27 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 55 cm 20 cm 21.70” 7.90” € 1.010,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 1 x E27 x 100W max Incendescenza/Incandescent € 510,00 € 530,00 6005 pl1 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 25 cm 20 cm 9.90’’ 7.90’’ € 900,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent HALF CUT GLASS Ø € 400,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 640,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6005 s1 HALF CUT GLASS Ø CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 60 cm 45 cm 23.70” 17.80” € 1.290,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 1 x E27 x 100W max Incendescenza/Incandescent 3 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H € 730,00 € 760,00 6005 pl3 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 20 cm 40 cm 7.90’’ 15.80’’ € 1.430,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 3 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent HALF CUT GLASS Ø € 560,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 870,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6005 s3+1 HALF CUT GLASS Ø CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 65 cm 85 cm 25.60” 33.50” € 1.320,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 1 x E27 x 100W max Incendescenza/Incandescent 8 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H € 1.550,00 € 1.340,00 6005 pl4 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 22 cm 60 cm 8.67’’ 23.70’’ € 2.910,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 4 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent HALF CUT GLASS € 890,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.730,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6005 s8+1 HALF CUT GLASS Ø Ø CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 65 cm 25.60” 110 cm 43.40” € 3.180,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 12 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 1 x E27 x 100W max Incendescenza/Incandescent € 1.300,00 6005 tl2 g € 880,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 75 cm 40 cm 29.60’’ 15.80’’ € 1.250,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 2 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent HALF CUT GLASS Ø € 750,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 2.470,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6005 s12+1 HALF CUT GLASS Paralumi / shade PON-BD/40/IV Ø CUT CRYSTAL h 60 cm Ø 38 cm sp 20 cm H Ø 23.70” 15.00’’ 7.90’’ 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 1 x E27 x 100W max Incendescenza/Incandescent € 850,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS € 580,00 6005 stl3 € 1.380,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 180 cm 70.90” 45 cm 17.80” € 1.750,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 3 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent HALF CUT GLASS € 1.250,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 650,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6005 a2+1 HALF CUT GLASS Paralumi / shade PON-BD/16/IV Ø 28 Masiero Classica price list 2014 29 € 270,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 35 cm 20 cm 13.80” 7.90” € 380,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 1 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø € 240,00 HALF CUT GLASS Paralumi / shade PON-BD/20/IV h Ø 22 cm 60 cm 8.67” 23.70” H 6010 6015 La struttura metallica, disponibile nelle versioni dorata o cromata, è arricchita da decori in fusione d’ottone. Preziosi paralumi bilanciano la presenza di pendenti decorati a foglia oro o argento. The metal frame, available in the gold or chromiumplated versions, is enriched with brass fusion decorations. Precious lampshades elegantly come togetherwith gold or silver-leaf pendants. Die in goldfarbener oder verchromter Ausführung erhältliche Metallstruktur wird von Verzierungen aus Messingguss bereichert. Kostbare Lampenshirme bilden einen Kontrapunkt zu den Gehängen mit Blattgoldoder Blattsilberverzierungen. La structure métallique, disponible dans les versions dorée ou chromée, est enrichie d’éléments en fusion de laiton. De précieux abat-jour équilibrent la présence de pendants décorés en forme de feuille or ou argent. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 500,00 6007 pl4 Металлический каркас с позолоченной или хромированной отделкой декорирован деталями из литой латуни. Драгоценные абажуры из нежной ткани эпонж уравновешивают внушительный декор подвесок, отделанных сусальным золотом или серебром. 4 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø H 3 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent h Ø € 2.000,00 € 1.020,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 7.90” 15.80” € 2.370,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 20 cm 40 cm 6010 s10 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø € 380,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6007 pl3 Ø IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6006 tl1 p 85 cm 33.50 ’’ 110 cm 43.40’’ H 10 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 6010 - Paralumi / shade ORG-BD/16/VIO Ø 6010 s8 h Ø H 85 cm 85 cm 33.46’’ 33.46’’ 8 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 6010 - Paralumi / shade ORG-BD/16/VIO Ø 6010 s5 h Ø H Masiero Classica 21.70’’ 25.60’’ 5 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 30 55 cm 65 cm 6010 - Paralumi / shade ORG-BD/16/VIO price list 2014 31 € 2.520,00 € 2.180,00 € 1.110,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Ø € 280,00 17.80’’ 6.30’’ 9.90’’ H 6010 - Paralumi / shade ORG-BD/40/VIO 6011 tl1 p IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h 45 cm L 16 cm SP 25 cm € 210,00 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 6010 - Paralumi / shade ORG-BD/16/VIO 6010 a1 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat L 25.60’’ 15.80’’ H 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent sp 65 cm 40 cm IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat H h Ø € 510,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 17.80’’ 17.80’’ 7.90 6010 tl1 g IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h 45 cm L 45 cm SP 20 cm € 400,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6010 a2 h Ø 32 cm 16 cm 12.60’’ 6.30’’ H 1 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 1 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent sp L Ø 6010 - Paralumi / shade ORG-BD/16/VIO h Ø € 850,00 180 cm 70.90’’ 40 cm 15.80’’ H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6010 stl1 6010 - Paralumi / shade ORG-BD/16/VIO 6015 s10 h Ø 85 cm 33.50 ’’ 110 cm 43.40’’ H 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 10 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 6015 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/16/IV 6010 - Paralumi / shade ORG-BD/40/VIO Ø Ø h Ø 22 cm 60 cm 8.66’’ 23.70’’ H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 610,00 6010 pl4 6015 s8 h Ø H 33.46’’ 33.46’’ 8 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 4 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 85 cm 85 cm 6015 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/16/IV Ø h Ø 20 cm 40 cm € 470,00 7.90’’ 15.80’’ H Ø 3 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6010 pl3 6015 s5 h Ø H Masiero Classica 21.70’’ 25.60’’ 5 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 32 55 cm 65 cm 6015 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/16/IV price list 2014 33 H Ø € 300,00 17.80’’ 6.30’’ 9.90’’ H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h 45 cm L 16 cm SP 25 cm € 230,00 25.60’’ 15.80’’ 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 6015 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/16/IV 6015 a1 65 cm 40 cm H 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent sp L h Ø € 550,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 17.80’’ 17.80’’ 7.90 6015 tl1 g IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h 45 cm L 45 cm SP 20 cm IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 430,00 6015 a2 6015 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/40/IV 6016 tl1 p h Ø 32 cm 16 cm 12.60’’ 6.30’’ H 1 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 1 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent sp L Ø 6015 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/16/IV € 680,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 520,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø € 940,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6015 stl1 180 cm 70.90’’ 40 cm 15.80’’ H 6015 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/16/IV 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 6015 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/40/IV Ø 6015 pl4 h Ø 22 cm 60 cm 8.66’’ 23.70’’ H 4 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 6015 pl3 h Ø 20 cm 40 cm 7.90’’ 15.80’’ H Ø 34 Masiero Classica 3 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent price list 2014 35 The metal frame, made of precious polished gold or elegant burnished gold, come together with brass fusion decorations. A series of bright crystal pendants amplify the soft light diffused by pongè lampshades. Die in einer luxuriösen, goldfarben glänzenden oder elegant brünierten Ausführung präsentierte Metallstruktur gesellt sich zu Verzierungen aus Messingguss. Ein Regen aus glänzendem Kristallglas verstärkt das diffuse Licht der Lampenschirme pongè. MATERIALI MATERIALS CUT CRYSTAL swarovski® ELEMENTS Pendagli trasparenti in cristallo. Transparent crystal drops. Pendagli trasparenti in cristallo swarovski® ELEMENTS. Transparent swarovski® ELEMENTS crystal drops. La structure métallique, proposée en or brillant luxueux ou en or bruni élégant, accompagne des éléments en fusion de laiton. Une pluie de cristal brillant amplifie la lumière teintéedes abat-jours en pongè. Металлический каркас с роскошной позолотой или в элегантной отделке под бронзу украшен деталями из литой латуни. Водопад сияющих хрустальных подвесок усиливает мягкий свет, исходящий от абажуров из ткани эпонж. 6020 pl4 € 720,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 25 cm 70 cm 9.90’’ 23.70’’ swarovski® ELEMENTS H 4 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø € 540,00 6020 pl3 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 23 cm 50 cm 9.06’’ 15.80’’ € 650,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 3 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 65 cm 25.60’’ 120 cm 47.30’’ € 4.360,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 12 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent € 420,00 6020 a2 CUT CRYSTAL h 50 cm Ø 40 cm SP 20 cm H 19.70’’ 15.80’’ 7.90’’ € 490,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat CUT CRYSTAL IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 2.790,00 6020 s12 h Ø € 880,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat La struttura metallica, proposta in lussuoso oro lucido od elegante brunito, accompagna decori in fusione d’ottone. Una pioggia di brillante cristallo amplifica la luce soffusa dei paralumi in pongè. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6020 6025 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent sp Ø 6020 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/16/IV Ø 55 cm 85 cm 21.62’’ 33.47’’ € 3.130,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H h Ø Ø 50 cm 70 cm 19.70’’ 27.58’’ € 1.950,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.340,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø € 740,00 1 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 6020 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/16/IV 6020 s5 11.90’’ 6.30’’ H 8 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 30 cm 16 cm € 350,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø 6021 tl1 p IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat CUT CRYSTAL IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.990,00 6020 s8 6020 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/16/IV 6020 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/16/IV 6020 tl1 g h Ø 75 cm 40 cm 29.60’’ 15.80’’ H 5 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 6020 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/16/IV 36 Masiero Classica Ø 6020 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/40/IV price list 2014 37 180 cm 70.90’’ 40 cm 15.80’’ H 6025 pl3 € 560,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 23 cm 50 cm 9.06’’ 15.80’’ € 680,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø € 1.070,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6020 stl1 3 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 6020 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/40/IV Ø h Ø 65 cm 25.60’’ 120 cm 47.30’’ € 4.590,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 12 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent € 440,00 6025 a2 CUT CRYSTAL h 50 cm Ø 40 cm SP 20 cm H 19.70’’ 15.80’’ 7.90’’ € 500,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat CUT CRYSTAL IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 3.020,00 6025 s12 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent sp Ø 6025 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/16/IV Ø 21.62’’ 33.47’’ € 3.400,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H h Ø Ø 50 cm 70 cm 19.70’’ 27.58’’ € 2.070,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.450,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø € 760,00 € 1.150,00 1 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 6025 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/16/IV 6025 s5 11.90’’ 6.30’’ H 8 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 30 cm 16 cm IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 55 cm 85 cm € 370,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø 6026 tl1 p IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat CUT CRYSTAL IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 2.160,00 6025 s8 6025 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/16/IV 6025 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/16/IV 6025 tl1 g h Ø 75 cm 40 cm 29.60’’ 15.80’’ H 5 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 6025 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/16/IV Ø CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 25 cm 70 cm 9.90’’ 23.70’’ € 920,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 750,00 6025 pl4 6025 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/40/IV 6025 stl1 h Ø 180 cm 70.90’’ 40 cm 15.80’’ H 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 4 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 6025 - Paralumi / shade pon-BD/40/IV Ø 38 Masiero Classica price list 2014 39 Le châssis en fer et laiton avec une finition dorée antique est décoré avec de précieux verres soufflés à la main couleur ambrée et enrichi de pampilles de cristal en pâte d’ambre. La lumière est répandue grâce aux abat-jour en tissu pongé beige. Каркас из железа и латуни с отделкой состаренное золото декорирован драгоценным стеклом ручной работы янтарного цвета и украшен хрустальными подвесками янтарного цвета. Абажуры цвета слоновой кости из ткани эпонж делают свет рассеянным и мягким. 6030 a2 h 38 cm Ø 40 cm SP 20 cm H € 350,00 € 470,00 € 480,00 € 250,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Der Rahmen aus Eisen und Messing ist in der goldfarben antikierten Ausführung mit kostbarem, von Hand geblasenem bernsteinfarbenem Glas verziert und wird mit Gehängen aus bernsteinfarbener Glaspaste bereichert. Das Licht wird von Lampenschirmen aus beigem Pongè-Gewebe verbreitet. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat The antique gold-finished iron and brass frame is decorated with precious, amber-coloured hand-blown glass and embellished with amberpaste crystal pendants. The light is diffused by lampshades in beige pongé material. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Il telaio in ferro ed ottone in finitura oro anticato è decorato da preziosi vetri soffiati a mano color ambra e impreziosito da pendagli in cristallo in pasta ambra. La luce viene diffusa da paralumi in tessuto pongè beige. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6030 15.00” 15.80” 7.90” 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi / shade PON-6030/1-2/IV L SP 6030 pl1 h Ø 46 cm 46 cm 18.10” 18.10” H 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi / shade PON-2BD/46/IV Ø h Ø € 1.790,00 75 cm 29.50” 110 cm 43.40” H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6030 s10 6030 tl1 g h Ø 23.60” 15.80” H 10 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi / shade PON-2BD/40/IV Paralumi / shade PON-BD/16/IV Ø Ø h Ø H 62 cm 90 cm € 1.520,00 24.40” 35.50” IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6030 s8 8 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 6031 tl1 p h Ø H 36 cm 20 cm 14.20” 7.90” 1 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi / shade PON-BD/16/IV Paralumi / shade PON-2BD/20/IV Ø Ø h Ø 62 cm 70 cm € 940,00 24.40” 27.60” IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6030 s5 H 60 cm 40 cm 5 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi / shade PON-BD/16/IV Ø 40 Masiero Classica price list 2014 41 6050 pl1 Металлический каркас белого цвета сочетается с керамическими розами теплых белых оттенков и водопадом стеклянных кристаллов и подвесок стекла, окрашенного в белом цвете. Абажуры из шелковой органзы добавляют дополнительную нотку изысканности. h Ø 52 cm 32 cm € 320,00 € 530,00 € 750,00 € 310,00 € 1.430,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat La structure en métal verni blanc unit des roses en céramique aux chaudes tonalités blanches accompagnées de cascades de cristal et de pendeloques en verre national verni blanc. Les abat-jour sont en organdi de soie qui apporte une touche de raffinement. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Die weiß lackierte Metallstruktur gesellt sich zu Keramikrosen in warmen Weißtönen, die mit Kaskaden aus Kristallglas und Gehängen aus weiß lackiertem italienischem Glas kombiniert werden. Die Lampenschirme aus Seidenorganza verleihen einen zusätzlichen Hauch von Erlesenheit. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat The white-enamelled metal structure is united with ceramic roses in warm shades of white and accompanied with cascades of crystals and pendants in whiteenamelled national glass. The silk organza lampshades lend a further touch of elegance. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat La struttura in metallo verniciato bianco sposa rose di ceramica in calde tonalità bianche accompagnate da cascate di cristallo e pendagli in vetro nazionale verniciato bianco. I paralumi in organza di seta conferiscono un’ulteriore tocco di raffinatezza. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6050 20.50” 12.60” H 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 6050 pl4 60 h Ø 30 cm 60 cm 11.80” 23.60” H 4 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø h Ø 52 cm 32 cm € 330,00 20.50” 12.60” IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6050 s1 6050 pl6 80 h Ø 11.80” 31.50” H 6 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H 30 cm 80 cm Ø Ø h Ø 65 cm 88 cm € 1.170,00 25.60” 34.70” H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6050 s8 6050 tl1 h Ø 40 cm 34 cm 15.80” 13.40” H 8 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi / shade ORG/12/WH Ø Paralumi / shade ORG/16/WH Ø h 45 cm 50 cm L SP 24 cm H 17.70” 20.00” 9.50” € 310,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6050 a2+2 6050 stl6 h Ø 190 cm 75.00” 45 cm 17.75” H 6 x g9 x 60W max Alogena/Halogen 4 x g9 x 40W max Alogena/Halogen Ø Ø 42 Masiero Classica price list 2014 43 h Ø € 1.230,00 140 cm 55.20” 80 cm 31.20” H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6051 pl8 8 x g9 x 40W max Alogena/Halogen Ø h Ø 110 cm 42.90” 60 cm 23.40” H Questa preziosa creazione in fusione è ornata da cristallo ottico che dona luce e rotondità senza appesantire la struttura. Nelle due versioni in ottone dorato oppure brunito, è arricchita dagli scintillanti pendagli in cristallo. This precious creation made of solid brass and decorated with optical glass gives light and roundness while still keeping the structure light. The two versions, which come in either golden or polished brass, are decorated with sparkling crystal glass pendants. Diese kostbare Kreation aus Messingguss wird von optischen Kristallen geschmückt, die Licht und Rundheit schenken, ohne die Struktur zu schwer zu machen. In den beiden Ausführungen aus goldfarbenem oder brüniertem Messing wird sie von glitzernden Gehängen aus Kristallen bereichert. Cette précieuse création en fonte de laiton est décorée avec du cristal optique qui donne de la luminosité et qui crée un effet arrondi sans alourdir la structure. Les deux versions en laiton doré ou bruni sont enrichies de pampilles en cristal. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 800,00 6051 pl6 6100 6105 Драгоценный светильник с элементами из литой латуни декорирован оптическим кристаллом, придающим ему светящиеся округлые очертания, не перегружающие общее впечатление. В двух вариантах: латунь позолоченная или декорированная в отделке под бронзу, украшенная искристыми стеклянными подвесками. 6 x g9 x 40W max Alogena/Halogen Ø 55 cm 32 cm 21.70” 12.60” H 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent € 2.090,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 85 cm 90 cm 33.46’’ 35.43’’’’ € 3.630,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø 6100 10+5 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 290,00 6051 pl1 15 x E14 x 60w max Incandescenza/Incandescent H Ø Ø 75 cm 60 cm 29.55” 23.40” 6 x g9 x 40W max Alogena/Halogen H 6100 6 € 880,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 70 cm 60 cm 27.55’’ 23.62’’ € 1.260,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø € 890,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6052 s6 6 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H Ø Ø € 1.450,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 60 cm 90 cm 23.62’’ 35.43’’ € 2.510,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6100 pl7 7 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 44 Masiero Classica price list 2014 45 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 45 cm 60 cm 17.71’’ 23.62’’ € 1.130,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 5 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 6105 pl5 € 920,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 45 cm 60 cm 17.71’’ 23.62’’ € 1.170,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 870,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6100 pl5 5 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø Ø h 60 cm L 40 cm SP 15 cm H 23.62’’ 15.74’’ 5.90’’ € 400,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 60 cm 90 cm 23.62” 35.43’’ € 2.580,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 7 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 3 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent sp € 1.520,00 6105 pl7 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat CUT CRYSTAL IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 360,00 6100 a3 Ø L 60 cm 30 cm 23.62’’ 13.77’’ H CUT CRYSTAL h 60 cm L 40 cm SP 15 cm H 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 33.46’’ 35.43’’’’ € 3.740,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 6105 tl1 h Ø 60 cm 30 cm € 460,00 23.62’’ 13.77’’ H 15 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 2.200,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 85 cm 90 cm € 420,00 L CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 23.62’’ 15.74’’ 5.90’’ 3 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent sp 6100 - Paralumi/Shade ORG/30/BR 6105 10+5 € 390,00 6105 a3 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 450,00 6100 tl1 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 6105 - Paralumi/Shade PON/30/IV Ø € 930,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 70 cm 60 cm 27.55’’ 23.62’’ € 1.300,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6105 6 6 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H Ø 46 Masiero Classica price list 2014 47 6140 a2 Изысканные хрустальные бусины, расположенные на металлическом каркасе, сочетаются с нежными цветами из хрусталя и цветного стекла. Драгоценное золото или изысканный хром придают светильникам современный классический вид. h 40 cm Ø 35 cm SP 13 cm H € 550,00 € 1.620,00 € 690,00 € 3.410,00 € 2.300,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Les élégantes perles en cristal enchâssées dans la structure en métal, enveloppent les délicates fleurs en cristal et verre coloré. Le précieux or et le chrome raffiné illuminent avec un caractère classique toujours contemporain. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Die eleganten, von der Metallstruktur eingefassten Kristallperlen umspannen die zarten Blüten aus Kristall und farbigem Glas. Kostbares Gold oder erlesener Chrom, um mit immer zeitgemäßer Klassik zu beleuchten. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat The elegant glass pearls set in the metal structure wrap around delicate flowers made of crystal glass and coloured glass. Precious gold-plated or a refined chromiumplated frame with a classic yet contemporary design. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Le eleganti perle di cristallo incastonate nella struttura metallica, abbracciano i delicati fiori in cristallo e vetro colorato. Prezioso oro o raffinato cromo, per illuminare con una classicità sempre contemporanea. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6140 6145 15.74” 13.77” 5.11” 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 6140 pl6 h Ø 35 cm 70 cm 13.79” 27.55” H 6 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø h Ø € 3.300,00 60 cm 23.62” 130 cm 51.18” 6140 tl1 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6140 6+6 h Ø 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø Ø h Ø 55 cm 90 cm € 2.190,00 21.65” 35.43” 8 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H 6145 6+6 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6140 4+4 h Ø Ø h Ø 48 Masiero Classica 50 cm 40 cm € 770,00 19.68” 15.74” 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 6145 4+4 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6140 1 Ø 60 cm 23.62” 130 cm 51.18” 12 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H Ø H 18.50” 12.59” H 12 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H 47 cm 32 cm h Ø 55 cm 90 cm 21.65” 35.43” 8 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H Ø price list 2014 49 h Ø 50 cm 40 cm 19.68” 15.74” IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 820,00 6145 1 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H 6160 6165 Creazione in metallo e fusione d’ottone, in bagno d’oro oppure verniciata in bianco, con cadute di pendagli in cristallo. Paralumi in elegante tessuto in organza di seta bianca. Metal and solid brass frame, gold plated finish or painted in white, with cut crystal pendants. The lampshades are made in elegant white organza silk. Struktur aus Metall und Messingguss, in der Farbe Goldbad oder Weiss, Anhänger Kristalle. Die Lampenschirme sind aus eleganter weißer Organza Seide. Structur en metal et laiton moulé, coloré en bain d’or ou blanc, pampilles crystal. Les abat-jours fait en soie blanc élégant Organza. Ø € 2.280,00 € 1.330,00 € 420,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat H 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat H 15.74” 13.77” 5.11” € 3.070,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h 40 cm Ø 35 cm SP 13 cm 6160 10+5 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 570,00 6145 a2 Светильники с каркасом из металла с элементами из литой латуни, имеющие позолоченную или белую отделку, декорированы водопадом хрустальных подвесок. Абажуры изготовлены из элегантной шелковой органзы белого цвета. 105 cm 41.34’’ 100 cm 39.37” 15 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/Shade ORG/12/WH Ø Ø h Ø H 35 cm 70 cm 13.79” 27.55” IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.740,00 6145 pl6 6 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 6160 s10 h Ø H 80 cm 31.50” 100 cm 39.37’’ 10 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/Shade ORG/12/WH Ø Ø h Ø 47 cm 32 cm 18.50” 12.59” H 6160 s6 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 720,00 6145 tl1 h Ø 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 75 cm 75 cm 29.53” 29.53’’ 6 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H Paralumi/Shade ORG/12/WH Ø Ø 6160 a2 h 40 cm L 40 cm SP 21 cm H 15.75” 15.75” 8.27’’ 2 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent L 50 Masiero Classica sp Paralumi/Shade ORG/12/WH price list 2014 51 € 500,00 € 1.200,00 € 670,00 € 250,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat H 8 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 75 cm 75 cm IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat H h Ø IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 17.72” 31.50’’ € 1.540,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 45 cm 80 cm 6165 6 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø € 980,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6160 pl6+2 29.53” 29.53’’ 6 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø Paralumi/Shade ORG/12/WH Ø h Ø 67 cm 40 cm € 580,00 26.38” 15.75’’ H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6160 tl1 g 6165 a2 h 40 cm L 40 cm SP 21 cm H 1 x E27 x 60W Incandescenza/Incandescent 15.75” 15.75” 8.27’’ 2 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent L Paralumi/Shade ORG/40/WH sp Paralumi/Shade ORG/12/WH Ø h Ø 31 cm 16 cm € 220,00 12.20” 6.30’’ H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6160 tl1 p 6165 pl6+2 h Ø 45 cm 80 cm 17.72” 31.50’’ H 8 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 1 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø Ø Paralumi/Shade ORG/16/WH h Ø H € 3.690,00 105 cm 41.34’’ 100 cm 39.37” IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6165 10+5 6165 tl1 g h Ø 67 cm 40 cm 26.38” 15.75’’ H 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 15 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/Shade ORG/12/WH Paralumi/Shade ORG/40/WH Ø Ø h Ø H 80 cm 31.50” 100 cm 39.37’’ € 2.770,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6165 10 6165 tl1 p h Ø 31 cm 16 cm 12.20” 6.30’’ H 10 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 1 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø Paralumi/Shade ORG/12/WH Paralumi/Shade ORG/16/WH Ø 52 Masiero Classica price list 2014 53 h Ø € 2.290,00 70 cm 27.56” 100 cm 39.37” IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6190 s10+5 Металлический каркас, окрашенный в оттенки цвета слоновой кости или в светлокоричневый с золотыми мазками, декорирован керамическими розами из Бассано с ручной росписью и абажурами цвета слоновой кости из ткани эпонж. 6190 a2 h 28 cm 32 cm L SP 15 cm H € 460,00 € 700,00 € 390,00 € 166,00 11.02” 12.60” 5.91’’ 2 x E14 x 40W Incandescenza/Incandescent L sp Paralumi/Shade PON/12/IV 6190 a6 h 30 cm 65 cm L SP 15 cm H 11.81” 25.59” 5.91’’ 6 x E14 x 40W Incandescenza/Incandescent 15 x E14 x 40W Incandescenza/Incandescent H € 270,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Structure en metal peintè ivoire ou cuir avec des traits d’or, des roses en Bassano céramique peints à la main. Abat-jours en pongè beige. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Metallstruktur in der Farbe elfenbein oder Lader mit Goldstrichen, mit Rosen aus handbemaltem Bassano Keramik. Lampenschirme pongè Farbe Elfenbein. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Metal frame painted in ivory or leather with gold brush strokes, with Bassano ceramic hand-painted roses, ivory pongè lampshades. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Struttura in metallo verniciata avorio oppure cuoio con spennellature oro, con rose in ceramica di Bassano dipinte a mano, paralumi in pongè avorio. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6190 6195 Paralumi/Shade PON/12/IV L Ø h Ø 45 cm 60 cm 17.72” 23.62” IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 870,00 6190 s5 5 x E14 x 40W Incandescenza/Incandescent H sp 6190 pl6 h Ø H 30 cm 60 cm 11.81” 23.62” 6 x E14 x 40W Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/Shade PON/12/IV Ø Ø h Ø H 40 cm 40 cm 15.75” 15.75” IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 540,00 6190 s3 6190 tl1 g h Ø 1 x E27 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/Shade PON/12/IV Paralumi/Shade PON/40/IV Ø Ø h 30 cm 15 cm L SP 15 cm H sp € 156,00 11.81’’ 5.91’’ 5.91’’ 6191 tl1 P h Ø 28 cm 16 cm 11.02” 31.50” H 1 x E14 x 40W Incandescenza/Incandescent 1 x E14 x 40W Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø Paralumi/Shade PON/12/IV Masiero Classica IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6190 a1 54 23.62” 15.75” H 3 x E14 x 40W Incandescenza/Incandescent L 60 cm 40 cm Paralumi/Shade PON/16/IV price list 2014 55 H 15 x E14 x 40W Incandescenza/Incandescent H € 700,00 € 390,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h 30 cm L 65 cm SP 15 cm € 460,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 70 cm 27.56” 100 cm 39.37” 6195 a6 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø € 2.290,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6195 s10+5 11.81” 25.59” 5.91’’ 6 x E14 x 40W Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/Shade PON/12/IV L Ø h Ø 45 cm 60 cm € 870,00 17.72” 23.62” 6195 pl6 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6195 s5 sp h Ø 5 x E14 x 40W Incandescenza/Incandescent H 30 cm 60 cm 11.81” 23.62” 6 x E14 x 40W Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/Shade PON/12/IV Ø Ø h Ø H 40 cm 40 cm 15.75” 15.75” IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 540,00 6195 s3 6195 tl1 g h Ø 23.62” 15.75” H 3 x E14 x 40W Incandescenza/Incandescent 1 x E27 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/Shade PON/40/IV Paralumi/Shade PON/12/IV Ø Ø H 11.81’’ 5.91’’ 5.91’’ 6196 tl1 P h Ø 11.02” 31.50” H 1 x E14 x 40W Incandescenza/Incandescent sp 28 cm 16 cm € 166,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h 30 cm 15 cm L SP 15 cm € 156,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6195 a1 L 60 cm 40 cm 1 x E14 x 40W Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø Paralumi/Shade PON/16/IV Paralumi/Shade PON/12/IV h 28 cm L 32 cm SP 15 cm H 11.02” 12.60” 5.91’’ IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 270,00 6195 a2 2 x E14 x 40W Incandescenza/Incandescent L sp Paralumi/Shade PON/12/IV 56 Masiero Classica price list 2014 57 Eine strahlend weiße, elegante Kreation, mit leichten und harmonischen Formen. Oder aber prunkvoll und kostbar, mit Dekorationen aus Blattgold auf der golden glitzernden Struktur. Die Lampenschirme aus Damast verbreiten ein warmes, weiches Licht. MATERIALI MATERIALS CUT CRYSTAL swarovski® ELEMENTS Pendagli trasparenti in cristallo. Transparent drops in crystal. Pendagli trasparenti in cristallo swarovski® ELEMENTS. Transparent drops in swarovski® ELEMENTS crystal. Une création candide et élégante, aux formes légères et harmonieuses. Ou aux décorations somptueuses et précieuses en feuille d’or sur la structure en or scintillant. Et des abat-jours damassés qui diffusent une lumière chaude et douce. 6200 a2 Металлический каркас с роскошной позолотой и богатыми элементами из сусального золота или в элегантной белой отделке. Абажуры с камчатным узором наполняют атмосферу мягким и теплым светом. € 450,00 CUT CRYSTAL h 40 cm L 45 cm SP 18 cm H 15.74’’ 17.71’’ 7.08’’ Ø 6200 - Paralumi/Shade DAM/14/WH h Ø Ø € 4.140,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 12 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 6205 - Paralumi/Shade DAM/14/WH swarovski® ELEMENTS 8 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 6205 - Paralumi/Shade DAM/14/WH Ø CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 36 cm 70 cm 14.17’’ 27.55’’ € 1.660,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 6205 pl10 € 1.530,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 36 cm 70 cm 14.17’’ 27.55’’ € 2.020,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 10 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.170,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6200 pl10 Masiero Classica € 2.610,00 8 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H 6200 - Paralumi/Shade DAM/14/WH 58 23.62’’ 33.46’’ swarovski® ELEMENTS Ø Ø 60 cm 85 cm IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 2.250,00 € 2.060,00 6205 8 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat CUT CRYSTAL H € 4.780,00 12 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H € 1.710,00 23.62’’ 33.46’’ 70 cm 27.55’’ 120 cm 47.24’’ swarovski® ELEMENTS 6200 - Paralumi/Shade DAM/14/WH 6200 8 6200 - Paralumi/Shade DAM/36/WH 6205 12 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 2.770,00 70 cm 27.55’’ 120 cm 47.24’’ 60 cm 85 cm € 3.410,00 25.19’’ 14.17’’ 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 64 cm 36 cm € 640,00 H 6200 12 H swarovski® ELEMENTS 2 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent sp 6200 tl1 h Ø € 510,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat A clear and elegant creation with light and harmonic shapes. The version with golden leaf decorations on the sparkling golden frame is precious and luxurious. Damask lampshades diffuse a warm and soft light. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Una candida, elegante creazione, leggera e armoniosa nelle forme. Oppure sontuosa e preziosa, nelle decorazioni in foglia oro sulla struttura in oro scintillante. E paralumi damascati a diffondere una calda e morbida luce. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6200 6205 10 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø price list 2014 59 € 520,00 CUT CRYSTAL h 40 cm L 45 cm SP 18 cm H 15.74’’ 17.71’’ 7.08’’ € 570,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 6205 a2 2 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent sp Ø 6205 - Paralumi/Shade DAM/14/WH h Ø 64 cm 36 cm 25.19’’ 14.17’’ H I decori in ferro cromato, tagliati al laser, creano una struttura geometrica ed armonica, decorata da pendagli neri in cristallo. I paralumi di scintillante filo d’argento evidenziano i preziosi riflessi. A geometrical and harmonious chrome plated laser-cut frame, surrounds solid black crystal drops. Silvery lampshades enhance the glittering effect. Die lasergeschnittenen Dekors aus verchromtem Eisen bilden eine geometrische, harmonische Struktur, geschmückt mit schwarzen KristallGlas-Steinen. Die Lampenschirme aus glänzendem Silberfaden bringen wunderbare Reflexe zum Vorschein. Les décorations en fer chromé, découpées au laser, créent une structure géométrique harmonieuse, décorée par des pendeloques noires en cristal. Les abats-jours en fil d’argent scintillant mettent en évidence les précieux reflets. Декор из хромированного железа лазерной резки придает каркасу геометрическую и гармоническую законченность, светильники украшены подвесками черного хрусталя. Абажуры с мерцающими серебристыми нитями завершают картину. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 710,00 6205 tl1 7000 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 6205 - Paralumi/Shade DAM/36/WH € 1.790,00 € 2.050,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat H 52 cm 48 cm IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø € 720,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 7000 s3 20.28” 18.72” 3 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade BRILL/16/CR - New Version see pag. 86 Ø 7000 s8 h Ø H 75 cm 80 cm 29.25” 31.20” 8 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade BRILL/16/CR - New Version see pag. 86 Ø 7000 s8+4 h Ø H 75 cm 80 cm 29.55” 31.52” 12 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade BRILL/16/CR - New Version see pag. 86 Ø 60 Masiero Classica price list 2014 61 h Ø H € 3.130,00 82 cm 31.98” 110 cm 42.90” IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 7000 s12+6 18 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade BRILL/16/CR - New Version see pag. 86 Ø h 60 cm L 48 cm SP 21 cm H € 490,00 23.40” 18.72” 8.19” Il telaio in ferro verniciato in finitura Oro Fantasia anticato, è impreziosito con dettagli, fiori e pendagli decorati in Foglia oro. I paralumi in tessuto Shantung Le Bock accopiato oro, sottolineano i riflessi della foglia oro dal sapore antico. An antiqued Fantasia gold coated metal frame is enriched by gold leaf decoration on components, on glass flowers and on glass pendants. Shantung Le Bok lampshades with gold fabric inside enhance the preciousness of the gold leaf. Der lackierte Eisen-und Messingrahmen,Ausführung Goldfantasie antik ist reich an Details, Blumen und Pendelsteinen mit Goldblattdekor. Die Lampenschirme aus Stoff Shantung Le Bock, gold gepaart, betonen die goldenen, antik dünkenden Reflexe. La structure en fer peinte, avec finition Or Fantaisie patine ancienne, est enrichie par des détails, des fleurs et des pendeloques décorées en Feuille d’or. Les abats-jours en tissu Shantung Le Bock accouplés or, soulignent les reflets de la feuille d’or au goût antique. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 7000 a2 7200 Каркас из окрашенного железа с отделкой состаренное золото украшен элементами, цветами и подвесками с декором из сусального золота. Абажуры из ткани шантунг, сочетающиеся с цветом каркаса, подчеркивают игру отблесков отделки из сусального золота, выполненной в старинном стиле. 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade BRILL/16/CR - New Version see pag. 86 Ø H 1 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø h Ø H 50 cm 45 cm € 1.040,00 € 1.420,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 14.82” 6.24” € 660,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 38 cm 16 cm 7200 s3 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø € 186,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 7001 tl1 p 19.50” 17.55” 3 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade BRILL/16/CR - New Version see pag. 86 Paralumi/shade SHA /12/BK (inclusi/included) Ø h Ø 80 cm 40 cm € 650,00 31.20” 15.60” H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 7000 tl1 g 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 7200 s5 h Ø H Paralumi/shade SHA /12/BK (inclusi/included) Ø h Ø 177 cm 69.03” 40 cm 15.60” H 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent € 830,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 7000 stl1 7200 s6 h Ø H Masiero Classica 75 cm 90 cm 29.25” 35.10” 6 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade BRILL/40/CR - New Version see pag. 86 62 19.50” 21.84” 5 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade BRILL/40/CR - New Version see pag. 86 Ø Ø 50 cm 56 cm Paralumi/shade SHA /12/BK (inclusi/included) Ø price list 2014 63 H 72 cm 92 cm 28.08” 35.88” h Ø 170 cm 66.30” 40 cm 15.60” H 3 x E14 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 10 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade SHA /12/BK (inclusi/included) Paralumi/shade SHA /12/BK (inclusi/included) Ø Ø h 48 cm L 40 cm SP 20 cm € 290,00 18.72” 15.06” 7.80’’ IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 7200 a2 1/2 H € 880,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø 7202 stl3 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.770,00 7200 s10 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø Paralumi/shade SHA /1-2/BK (inclusi/included) h Ø 34 cm 12 cm € 176,00 13.26” 4.68’’ H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 7201 tl1 p 1 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø Paralumi/shade SHA /12/BK (inclusi/included) h Ø 50 cm 27 cm € 240,00 19.50” 10.53” H Il telaio in metallo verniciato in finitura avorio con dolci pennellature manuali color oro, è decorato da perle di vetro trasparente. I pendagli di resina ricoperti di foglia oro ed i paralumi in tessuto shantung color avorio, completano il gioco di luci ed ombre. Metal frame with ivory painted finish, with delicate hand strokes of gold, decorated with transparent glass beads. The resin pendants covered with gold leaf and the ivory shantung fabric lampshades complete the play of light and shade. Der Rahmen aus lackiertem Metall, in der elfenbeinfarbenen Ausführung mit zarten on Hand ausgeführten goldfarbenen Zügen, ist mit transparenten Glasperlen dekoriert. Das Gehänge aus Kunststoff mit Blattgoldüberzug und die Lampenschirme aus elfenbeinfarbenem Shantung-Gewebe runden das Spiel von Licht und Schatten ab. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 7202 tl1 M 7600 Le châssis en métal verni avec finition ivoire avec de doux coups de pinceau manuels de couleur or, est décoré avec des perles en verre transparent. Les breloques en résine recouvertes en feuille d’or et les abat-jours en tissu shantung couleur ivoire, complètent le jeu de lumière et d’ombres. Металлический каркас окрашен в цвет слоновой кости с нанесенными вручную нежными мазками золотистого цвета и украшен бусинами из прозрачного стекла. Подвески из смолы, покрытые сусальным золотом и абажуры из ткани шантунг цвета слоновой кости, завершают картину. 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade SHA /12/BK (inclusi/included) Ø 75 cm 40 cm 29.25” 15.60” H 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade SHA /40/BK (inclusi/included) 7600 s12 h Ø H € 2.000,00 72 cm 28.08’’ 115 cm 44.85’’ IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø € 500,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 7200 tl1 g 12 x E14 x 60w max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 7600 - Paralumi/Shade SHA-BD/12/IV Ø 64 Masiero Classica price list 2014 65 h Ø H 8 x E14 x 60w max Incandescenza/Incandescent 7600 - Paralumi/Shade SHA-BD/12/IV Ø H 62 cm 76 cm 24.18’’ 29.64’’ IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø € 1.140,00 7600 - Paralumi/Shade SHA-BD/12/IV 7600 tl1G h Ø 85 cm 40 cm 33.15’’ 15.60’’ H 6 x E14 x 60w max Incandescenza/Incandescent 1 x E27 x 100w max Incandescenza/Incandescent 7600 - Paralumi/Shade SHA-BD/12/IV Ø € 470,00 14.82’’ 4.68’’ 1 x E14 x 60w max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø € 980,00 7600 s6 38 cm 12 cm IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 24.18’’ 33.54’’ € 200,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat H 62 cm 86 cm 7601 tl1p IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø € 1.340,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 7600 s8 7600 - Paralumi/Shade SHA-BD/40/IV Ø h 48 cm L 50 cm SP 24 cm € 420,00 18.72’’ 19.50’’ 9.36’’ H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 7600 a4 7600 stl2 h Ø H 2 x R7S x 100w max Incandescenza/Incandescent 4 x E14 x 60w max Incandescenza/Incandescent sp 7600 - Paralumi/Shade SHA-BD/12/IV 7600 - Paralumi/Shade SHA-BD/12/IV Ø 180 cm 70.20’’ 33 cm 12.87’’ Ø € 1.090,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h 40 cm L 46 cm SP 18 cm € 230,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 7600 a2 15.60’’ 17.94’’ 7.02’’ H 2 x E14 x 60w max Incandescenza/Incandescent sp Ø 7600 - Paralumi/Shade SHA-BD/12/IV 7600 pl6 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 30 cm 62 cm 11.70’’ 24.18’’ € 2.300,00 swarovski H 6 x E14 x 60w max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 66 Masiero Classica price list 2014 67 Sinuose forme di metallo dorato ricevono pendenti in cristallo al 30% di piombo. Il tessuto damascato completa l’opera richiamando fasti di tempi passati. Sanfte Formen aus vergoldetem Metall dienen als Halterung für die Prismen aus Bleiglas (30%). Der Damaststoff verleiht der Leuchte eine prunkvolle Note, die an vergangene Zeiten erinnert. CUT CRYSTAL swarovski® ELEMENTS Piattini in cristallo. Pendagli trasparenti in cristallo. Crystal dishes. Transparent drops in crystal. Piattini in cristallo. Pendagli trasparenti in cristallo swarovski® ELEMENTS. Crystal dishes. Transparent drops in swarovski® ELEMENTS crystal. Ces formes sinueuses en métal doré reçoivent des pampilles en cristal 30 % plomb. Le tissu damassé achève l’oeuvre en rappelant les fastes d’antan. Извилистые формы каркаса из металла с золотистой отделкой сочетаются с подвесками из хрусталя, имеющего 30% свинца. Абажуры с камчатным узором в старинном стиле завершают картину. 27.60” 15.75” € 650,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi / shade DAM-7810/40/IV Ø € 230,00 CUT CRYSTAL 37 cm 16 cm 14.60” 6.30” € 290,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 1 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 31.50” 27.60” € 1.820,00 Paralumi / shade DAM/16/IV IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.110,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 70 cm 40 cm H h Ø CUT CRYSTAL 80 cm 70 cm € 540,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 7811 tl1 P 7810 s5 h Ø 7810 tl1 g IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat MATERIALI MATERIALS Sinuous gilded metal forms embrace 30% lead crystal pendants. The damask shade completes the work, evoking sumptuous historic traditions. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 7810 5 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi / shade DAM/16/IV Ø € 2.070,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 85 cm 90 cm 33.47” 35.45” € 3.560,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 7810 s8+4 12 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi / shade DAM/16/IV Ø € 350,00 CUT CRYSTAL h 45 cm L 45 cm SP 21 cm H 17.80” 17.80” 8.27” € 480,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 7810 a2 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 68 Masiero Classica Paralumi / shade DAM/16/IV price list 2014 69 Perle di cristallo ricoprono le delicate forme dei telai in ferro cromato. I pendagli in lucente cristallo al 30% di piombo contrastano i delicati paralumi in organza di seta nera. Kristallperlen verzieren die zarten formen der lampenfüße aus verchromtem eisen. Die glitzerden gehänge aus 30%-igem bleikristall wirken gekonnt den zarten lampenschirmen aus schwarzem seidenorganza entgegen. Des perles de cristal recouvrent les delicates formes des cadres en fer chrome. Les breloques en luisant cristal à 30% de plomb s’opposent aux delicates abat-jours en organdie de soie noire. CUT CRYSTAL swarovski® ELEMENTS Piattini in vetro trasparente. Perle trasparenti in cristallo e pendagli trasparenti in cristallo. Transparent glass dishes. Transparent beads in crystal and transparent drops in crystal. Piattini in vetro trasparente. Perle trasparenti in cristallo e pendagli trasparenti in cristallo swarovski® ELEMENTS. Transparent glass dishes. Transparent beads in crystal and transparent drops in swarovski® ELEMENTS crystal. € 9.680,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 24 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade ORG /16/BK Ø € 340,00 h 38 cm 32 cm L SP 22 cm 14.82” 12.48” 8.58” € 380,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade ORG /16/BK Ø € 870,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 120 cm 46.80” 150 cm 58.50” H H € 760,00 19.89” 22.62” CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 8010 a1 € 150,00 CUT CRYSTAL h 32 cm L 16 cm SP 25 cm H 5 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 12.48” 6.24” 9.75” € 190,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 51 cm 58 cm € 7.940,00 CUT CRYSTAL CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 8010 24 8010 a2 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 8010 5 Изысканные хрустальные бусины расположены прямо на каркасе из хромированного железа. Подвеси из лучистого хрусталя, имеющего 30% свинца, создают контраст с элегантными черными абажурами из шелковой органзы. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat MATERIALI MATERIALS Crystal pearls cover the delicate shapes of the chromium-plated frames. The hangings of shining crystal with 30% of lead contrast the delicate lampshades of black silk organza. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 8010 1 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade ORG /16/BK Paralumi/shade ORG /16/BK Ø Ø h Ø 74 cm 70 cm 28.86” 27.30” € 1.940,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 8010 stl1 h Ø 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade ORG /16/BK Paralumi/shade ORG /40/BK Ø Ø € 2.310,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 85 cm 33.15” 104 cm 40.56” € 3.530,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 8010 16 8010 tl1 p h Ø Paralumi/shade ORG /16/BK Masiero Classica 36 cm 16 cm 14.17” 6.24” H 16 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 70 € 200,00 174 cm 67.86” 40 cm 15.60” H 8 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø € 630,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat CUT CRYSTAL IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.340,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 8010 8 1 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø Paralumi/shade ORG /16/BK price list 2014 71 67 cm 40 cm 26.13” 15.60” H 8013 8 € 1.450,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 74 cm 70 cm 28.86” 27.30” € 2.110,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø € 410,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 8011 tl1 g 8 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade ORG /16/AMB Paralumi/shade ORG /40/BK Ø Ø € 2.510,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 85 cm 33.15” 104 cm 40.56” € 3.840,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 8013 16 16 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade ORG /16/AMB Ø Perle di cristallo ricoprono le delicate forme dei telai in ferro dorato. I pendagli in lucente cristallo al 30% di piombo accompagnano delicati paralumi in organza di seta ambra. Des perles de cristal recouvrent les delicates formes des cadres en fer chrome. Les pendeloques en luisant cristal à 30% de plomb accompagnent de délicats abat-jours en organdi de soie ambre. CUT CRYSTAL swarovski® ELEMENTS Piattini in vetro trasparente. Perle trasparenti in cristallo e pendagli trasparenti in cristallo. Transparent glass dishes. Transparent beads in crystal and transparent drops in crystal. Piattini in vetro trasparente. Perle trasparenti in cristallo e pendagli trasparenti in cristallo swarovski® ELEMENTS. Transparent glass dishes. Transparent beads in crystal and transparent drops in swarovski® ELEMENTS crystal. Изысканные хрустальные бусины расположены прямо на каркасе из позолоченного железа. Подвеси из лучистого хрусталя, имеющего 30% свинца, создают контраст с элегантными абажурами из шелковой органзы цвета янтаря. swarovski® ELEMENTS 24 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade ORG /16/AMB Ø € 160,00 h 32 cm L 16 cm SP 25 cm 12.48” 6.24” 9.75” € 200,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 1 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade ORG /16/AMB Ø € 940,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H € 10.610,00 8013 a2 € 360,00 CUT CRYSTAL h 38 cm L 32 cm SP 22 cm H 5 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 14.82” 12.48” 8.58” € 410,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 19.89” 22.62” 120 cm 46.80” 150 cm 58.50” H H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 51 cm 58 cm CUT CRYSTAL h Ø CUT CRYSTAL CUT CRYSTAL h Ø € 8.630,00 8013 a1 € 800,00 8013 5 8013 24 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat MATERIALI MATERIALS Kristallperlen verzieren die zarten Formen der Lampenfüße aus verchromtem Stahl. Die Behänge aus 30% glitzerndem Bleikristall begleiten die zarten Lampenschirme aus bernsteinfarbener Seide. Crystal pearls cover the delicate shapes of the gold-plated frames. Elegant amber coloured silk organza lampshades with the 30% lead crystal drops. IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 8013 2 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade ORG /16/AMB Paralumi/shade ORG /16/AMB Ø Ø 72 Masiero Classica price list 2014 73 h Ø € 680,00 174 cm 67.86” 40 cm 15.60” H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 8013 stl1 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Paralumi/shade ORG /40/AMB Ø h Ø 36 cm 16 cm € 220,00 14.17” 6.24” H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 8013 tl1 p 8020 Ricercati sono i telai in ferro verniciato in color crema con pennellature manuali in calde tonalità. Delicati fiori in vetro color ametista accompagnati da rose in ceramica fatte a mano da esperti ceramisti di Bassano del Grappa (VI) decorano queste creazioni. La luce viene diffusa da vetri soffiati decorati da una lucente filigrana dorata. The frames of painted iron in cream shade and manual brush-strokes with warm shades-gold, green and moka are refined. Delicate flowers of amethyst coloured glass combined with roses of baked clay, hand-made by skilled ceramists from Bassano del Grappa (VI) decorate these creations. Light is diffuse by blown glasses decorated with a shining gold filigree. Preziös sind die crèmefarbenen lampenfüße aus lackiertem Eisen mit handgefertigten Malereien in warmen Farbtönen. Zarte, amethystfarbene glasblumen und handgefertigte keramikrosen, die von erfahrenen keramisten aus Bassano del Grappa (VI) angefertigt warden, verzieren diese kreationen. Das licht wird von geblasenen glasschirmen verteilt, welche mit einem glänzenden goldfiligran verschönert sind. Les cadres sont recherchés et sont en fer peint en couleur crème avec des touches manuelles en nuance chaude. Des délicates fleurs en verre couleur amétyste accompagnées par des roses en céramique réalisées à la main par des ceramists experts de Bassano del Grappa (VI) décorent ces creations. La lumière se répand à travers des verres soufflés décorés par una luisante filigrane dorée. 1 x E14 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Изысканные каркасы из окрашенного в кремовый цвет железа с нанесенными вручную мазками теплых оттенков золота, зеленого цвета и мокко. Нежные цветы из стекла аметистового оттенка в сочетании с керамическими розами, созданными умелыми руками гончаров из Бассано-дель-Граппа (VI), украшают эти творения. Плафоны из стекла ручной работы с лучистой золотой филигранью мягко рассеивают свет. Paralumi/shade ORG /16/AMB Ø H h Ø H 1 x E27 x 100W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 45 cm 60 cm € 1.140,00 € 910,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 26.13” 15.60” € 740,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 67 cm 40 cm 8020 3+3 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø € 450,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 8013 tl1 g 17.55” 23.40” 6 x G9 x 40W max Alogena/Halogen Paralumi/shade ORG /40/AMB Ø Ø 8020 8+4 h Ø H 60 cm 80 cm 23.40” 31.20” 12 x G9 x 40W max Alogena/Halogen Ø 8020 8 h Ø H 45 cm 80 cm 17.55” 31.20” 8 x G9 x 40W max Alogena/Halogen Ø 74 Masiero Classica price list 2014 75 h Ø 33 cm 68 cm € 580,00 12.87” 26.52” H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 8020 PL6+1 7 x G9 x 40W max Alogena/Halogen Ø h Ø 50 cm 25 cm 19.50” 9.75” H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 230,00 8020 tl2 9020 9025 Struttura in metallo con decori in ferro battuto e fusione d’ottone. La finitura con verniciatura in colore bianco o cuoio è arricchita da spennellature oro. I paralumi sono in preziosa seta damascata color crema. Pendagli in cristallo ambra o Swarovski ® Elements Crystal Golden Teak. Metal frame with decorations in wrought iron and cast brass. The frame is finished in white or leather paint embellished with gold brush-strokes. The lamp shades are in precious, cream coloured Damask silk. The pendants are in amber or Swarovski ® Elements Crystal Golden Teak. Metallstruktur mit Verzierungen aus Schmiedeeisen und Messingguss. Oberfläche lackiert in den Farben Weiß oder Leder mit goldenen Details. Lampenschirme aus wertvoller cremefarbener Damastseide. Behang aus bernsteinfarbenem Kristall oder Swarovski ® Elements Crystal Golden Teak. Structure en métal avec décors en fer forgé et laiton moulé. La finition en peinture de couleur blanche ou cuir est rehaussée d’or. Les abat-jours sont en soie damassée de couleur crème. Pampilles en cristal ambre ou Swarovski ® Elements Crystal Golden Teak. Металлический каркас с декором из кованого железа и литой латуни. Белая или светлокоричневая окраска с золотыми мазками. Абажуры кремового цвета из дорогой ткани с камчатным узором. Подвески янтарные кристаллы или кристаллы Swarovski ® Elements Crystal Golden Teak. 2 x G9 x 40W max Alogena/Halogen Ø H 23.40” 14.43” 4.68“ 4 x G9 x 40W max Alogena/Halogen € 1.300,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 58 cm 75 cm 22.83” 29.52” € 2.400,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h 60 cm L 37 cm SP 12 cm 9020 6 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 340,00 8022 a4 6 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H Paralumi/shade DAM/12/GD-CREAM Ø Ø 9.85” 13.80” 5.90” H 9020 6 BIL € 1.400,00 CUT CRYSTAL h 70 cm 27.55” L 110 cm 43.30” SP 60 cm 23.62” H 4 x G9 x 40W max Alogena/Halogen swarovski® ELEMENTS 6 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent L SP € 2.500,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h 25 cm L 35 cm SP 15 cm IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 200,00 8022 a2 Paralumi/shade DAM/12/GD-CREAM Ø € 1.600,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 62 cm 85 cm 24.40” 33.46” € 3.200,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 9020 8 8 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H Paralumi/shade DAM/12/GD-CREAM Ø 76 Masiero Classica price list 2014 77 h Ø 70 cm 27.55” 105 cm 41.33” € 4.600,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS CUT CRYSTAL h 38 cm L 35 cm SP 14 cm SP L € 2.600,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 6 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 58 cm 75 cm 22.83” 29.52” € 2.400,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 14.56” 19.68” € 1.300,00 9025 6 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.200,00 CUT CRYSTAL 37 cm 50 cm swarovski® ELEMENTS Paralumi/shade DAM/GD-CREAM Paralumi/shade DAM/12/GD-CREAM h Ø € 500,00 2 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent Ø 9020 PL6 14.96” 13.77” 5.51” H 10 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H € 350,00 9020 A2 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat CUT CRYSTAL IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 2.300,00 9020 10 6 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H Paralumi/shade DAM/12/GD-CREAM Ø Ø CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 40 cm 68 cm 15.74” 26.77” € 4.500,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H H 8 x E27 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 9025 6 BIL € 1.400,00 h 70 cm 27.55” L 110 cm 43.30” SP 60 cm 23.62” € 2.500,00 CUT CRYSTAL swarovski® ELEMENTS IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.800,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 9020 PL8 6 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent L Paralumi/shade DAM/12/GD-CREAM SP Ø CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 58 cm 43 cm 22.83” 16.92” € 900,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 3 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent CUT CRYSTAL h Ø € 3.200,00 Paralumi/shade DAM/12/GD-CREAM Ø h 38 cm L 23 cm SP 16 cm H 14.96” 9.05” 6.29” 1 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent € 300,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 9025 10 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 70 cm 27.55” 105 cm 41.33” € 4.600,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 10 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H Paralumi/shade DAM/12/GD-CREAM Paralumi/shade DAM/12/GD-CREAM SP € 2.300,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat CUT CRYSTAL IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 250,00 9020 A1 Masiero Classica 24.40” 33.46” 8 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent H Paralumi/shade DAM/43/GD-CREAM 78 62 cm 85 cm swarovski® ELEMENTS Ø L € 1.600,00 9025 8 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 700,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 9020 TL3 Ø price list 2014 79 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 37 cm 50 cm 14.56” 19.68” € 2.600,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.200,00 9025 PL6 6 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 9040 9045 Struttura in metallo con inserti in fusione d’ottone e cristallo colorato. Finitura in oro galvanico e foglia oro o argento galvanico e foglia argento. Pendagli in cristallo colorato. Metal frame with cast brass and coloured crystal inserts. The finish is either in gold plating and gold leaf or in silver plating and silver leaf. Coloured crystal pendants. Metallstruktur mit Einsätzen aus Messingguss und farbigem Kristall. Oberfläche galvanisch vergoldet mit Blattgold oder galvanisch versilbert mit Blattsilber. Behang aus farbigem Kristall. Structure en métal avec inserts en laiton moulé et cristal coloré. Finition or galvanique et feuille d’or ou argent galvanique et feuille d’argent. Pampilles en cristal coloré. Ø € 4.500,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H h Ø 8 x E27 x 60W max Incandescenza/Incandescent € 1.150,00 € 1.850,00 € 2.600,00 17.71” 16.92” 3 x G4 x 16W max 12V - Ballast included H Ø 45 cm 43 cm IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 15.74” 26.77” IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 40 cm 68 cm € 600,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø 9040 3 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat CUT CRYSTAL IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 1.800,00 9025 PL8 Металлический каркас со вставками из литой латуни и цветного стекла. Отделка гальваническое и сусальное золочение, либо гальваническое серебрение и сусальное серебро. Подвески из цветного стекла. Ø € 700,00 CUT CRYSTAL h Ø 58 cm 43 cm 22.83” 16.92” € 900,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS H 9040 5 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 9025 TL3 h Ø 3 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 60 cm 50 cm 23.62” 19.68” 5 x G4 x 16W max 12V - Ballast included H Paralumi/shade DAM/43/GD-CREAM Ø Ø CUT CRYSTAL h 38 cm L 23 cm SP 16 cm H 14.96” 9.05” 6.29” € 300,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 9040 8 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 250,00 9025 A1 h Ø 1 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent 70 cm 80 cm 27.55” 31.49” 8 x G4 x 16W max 12V - Ballast included H Paralumi/shade DAM/12/GD-CREAM L SP Ø CUT CRYSTAL h 38 cm L 35 cm SP 14 cm 14.96” 13.77” 5.51” H 2 x E14 x 40W max Incandescenza/Incandescent € 500,00 swarovski® ELEMENTS 9040 12 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 350,00 9025 A2 h Ø 82 cm 32.28” 115 cm 45.27” 12 x G4 x 16W max 12V - Ballast included H Paralumi/shade DAM/GD-CREAM L 80 Masiero Classica SP Ø price list 2014 81 65 cm 16 cm € 320,00 25.59” 6.29” H 9045 12 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø 1 x G4 x 16W max 12V - Ballast included h Ø Ø h 53 cm L 16 cm SP 11 cm € 300,00 20.86” 6.29” 4.33” H 9045 TL1 P IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 9040 A2 h Ø 15.74” 4.72” 1 x G4 x 16W max 12V - Ballast included SP Ø h Ø 45 cm 43 cm € 600,00 17.71” 16.92” 9045 TL1 G IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 9045 3 h Ø 65 cm 16 cm 25.59” 6.29” H 1 x G4 x 16W max 12V - Ballast included 3 x G4 x 16W max 12V - Ballast included H Ø Ø h Ø 60 cm 50 cm € 1.150,00 23.62” 19.68” IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 9045 5 Masiero Classica 40 cm 12 cm H 2 x G4 x 16W max 12V - Ballast included 82 € 300,00 82 cm 32.28” 115 cm 45.27” 12 x G4 x 16W max 12V - Ballast included H Ø 9045 A2 h 53 cm L 16 cm SP 11 cm 20.86” 6.29” 4.33” H 2 x G4 x 16W max 12V - Ballast included 5 x G4 x 16W max 12V - Ballast included Ø € 320,00 Ø 9040 TL1 G H € 200,00 27.55” 31.49” 8 x G4 x 16W max 12V - Ballast included H Ø L € 2.600,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 1 x G4 x 16W max 12V - Ballast included 70 cm 80 cm IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat H h Ø IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 15.74” 4.72” € 1.850,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 40 cm 12 cm 9045 8 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat h Ø € 200,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat 9040 TL1 P L SP price list 2014 83 PARALUMI ORG/12/BK Paralume in Organza Ø 12 cm NERO Ø 12 cm BLACK Organza lampshade ORG/12/PIN ORG/12/RD Paralume in Organza Ø 12 cm ROSA Ø 12 cm PINK Organza lampshade Paralume in Organza Ø 12 cm ROSSO Ø 12 cm RED Organza lampshade ORG/12/WH ORG/12/GR Paralume in Organza Ø 12 cm BIANCO Ø 12 cm WHITE Organza lampshade Paralume in Organza Ø 12 cm VERDE Ø 12 cm GREEN Organza lampshade ORG/12/ICE ORG-BD/12/PIN Paralume in Organza Ø 12 cm SILVER ICE Ø 12 cm SILVER ICE Organza lampshade € 20,00 Paralume in Organza Ø 12 cm ROSA Ø 12 cm PINK Organza lampshade IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 20,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 20,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 20,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 20,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 20,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 20,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Paralume in Organza Ø 12 cm AMBRA Ø 12 cm AMBER Organza lampshade IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat ORG/12/AMB € 20,00 price list 2014 85 Paralume in Organza Ø 16 cm VIOLA Ø 16 cm VIOLET Organza lampshade ORG/16/WH ORG/40/WH Paralume in Organza Ø 16 cm NERO Ø16 cm BLACK Organza lampshade Paralume in Organza Ø 16 cm Ø 16 cm Organza lampshade Paralume in Organza Ø 40 cm Ø 40 cm Organza lampshade ORG/16/AMB ORG/16/RD ORG/40/BK ORG/40/AMB Paralume in Organza Ø 16 cm ROSSO Ø 16 cm RED Organza lampshade Paralume in Organza Ø 40 cm NERO Ø 40 cm BLACK Organza lampshade Paralume in Organza Ø 40 cm AMBRA Ø 40 cm AMBER Organza lampshade ORG-BD/16/RD ORG/16/PIN ORG-BD/40/RD ORG/40/RD Paralume in Organza Ø 16 cm ROSSO C/BORDO Ø 16 cm RED C/BORDER Organza lampshade Paralume in Organza Ø 16 cm ROSA Ø 16 cm PINK Organza lampshade Paralume in Organza Ø 40 cm ROSSO C/BORDO Ø 40 cm RED C/BORDER Organza lampshade Paralume in Organza Ø 40 cm ROSSO Ø 40 cm RED Organza lampshade ORG-BD/16/PIN ORG/16/ICE ORG/40/pin ORG/40/ICE Paralume in Organza Ø 16 cm ROSA C/BORDO Ø 16 cm PINK C/BORDER Organza lampshade € 26,00 Paralume in Organza Ø 16 cm SILVER ICE Ø 16 cm SILVER ICE Organza lampshade € 24,00 Paralume in Organza Ø 40 cm ROSA Ø 40 cm PINK Organza lampshade € 128,00 Paralume in Organza Ø 40 cm SILVER ICE Ø 40 cm SILVER ICE Organza lampshade IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 128,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 140,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 24,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 26,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 128,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 128,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 24,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 24,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 128,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 26,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 24,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 24,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat ORG/16/bk IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat ORG/16/WH IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 26,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 26,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Paralume in Organza Ø 16 cm SILVER ICE C/BORDO Ø 16 cm SILVER ICE C/BORDER Organza lampshade ORG-BD/16/VIO € 20,00 Paralume in Organza Ø 16 cm AMBRA Ø 16 cm AMBER Organza lampshade Masiero Classica Paralume in Organza Ø 12 cm LILLA Ø 12 cm LILAC Organza lampshade ORG-BD/16/ICE € 20,00 Paralume in Organza Ø 16 cm BIANCO Ø 16 cm WHITE Organza lampshade 86 ORG/12/LIL IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Paralume in Organza Ø 12 cm VIOLA Ø 12 cm PURPLE Organza lampshade IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat ORG/12/vio € 128,00 price list 2014 87 Paralume FILO ORO Ø 12 cm Ø 12 cm GOLD lampshade BRILL/14/CR BRILL/16/CR Paralume SHANTUG LE BOCK Ø 12 cm NERO Ø 12 cm SHANTUNG LE BOCK BLACK lampshade Paralume FILO ARGENTO Ø 14 cm Ø 14 cm SILVERY lampshade Paralume FILO ARGENTO Ø 16 cm Ø 16 cm SILVERY lampshade SHA-BD/12/IV SHA/12/IV BRILL/40/CR COT-BD-CR/12/WH € 26,00 COT-BD-GD/12/WH COT/12/WH MEZZO Paralume SHANTUG LE BOCK NERO SHANTUNG LE BOCK BLACK lampshade Paralume COTONETTE Ø 12 cm BIANCO Ø 12 cm WHITE COTONETTE lampshade Paralume COTONETTE Ø 12 cm BIANCO Ø 12 cm WHITE COTONETTE lampshade € 20,00 € 20,00 SHA/40/BK COT/16/BK COT-BD-CR/20/WH Paralume SHANTUG LE BOCK Ø 40 cm NERO Ø 40 cm SHANTUNG LE BOCK BLACK lampshade € 128,00 Paralume COTONETTE Ø 16 cm NERO Ø 16 cm BLACK COTONETTE lampshade € 20,00 Paralume COTONETTE Ø 20 cm BIANCO Ø 20 cm WHITE COTONETTE lampshade IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 64,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat SHA/1-2/BK IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 70,00 € 20,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Paralume SHANTUG LE BOCK Ø 27 cm NERO Ø 27 cm SHANTUNG LE BOCK BLACK lampshade IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat SHA/27/BK Paralume COTONETTE Ø 12 cm BIANCO Ø 12 cm WHITE COTONETTE lampshade € 162,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 26,00 Paralume FILO ARGENTO Ø 40 cm Ø 40 cm SILVERY lampshade € 24,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Paralume SHANTUG Ø 14 cm AVORIO Ø 14 cm SHANTUNG IVORY lampshade IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat SHA/14/IV-WH Paralume SHANTUG Ø 12 cm AVORIO Ø 12 cm SHANTUNG IVORY lampshade IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 28,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 28,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 24,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 128,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat SHA/12/BK IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat ORG/30/BR IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 28,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 140,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Paralume SHANTUG LE BOCK Ø 40 cm AVORIO C/B Ø 40 cm SHANTUNG LE BOCK IVORY C/B lampshade BRILL/12/GD € 152,00 Paralume SHANTUG LE BOCK Ø 12 cm AVORIO C/B Ø 12 cm SHANTUNG LE BOCK IVORY C/B lampshade Masiero Classica Paralume in Organza Ø 40 cm VIOLA Ø 40 cm VIOLET Organza lampshade SHA-BD/40/IV € 152,00 Paralume in ORGANZA Ø 30 cm BRONZO Ø 30 cm BRONZE ORGANZA lampshade 88 ORG-BD/40/VIO IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Paralume in Organza Ø 40 cm SILVER ICE C/BORDO Ø 40 cm SILVER ICE C/BORDER Organza lampshade IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat ORG-BD/40/ICE € 44,00 price list 2014 89 PON-6020/40/IV PON-BD/40/IV Paralume PONGE Ø 52 cm BIANCO Ø 52 cm WHITE PONGE lampshade Paralume PONGE Ø 40 cm AVORIO Ø 40 cm IVORY PONGE lampshade Paralume PONGE Ø 40 cm AVORIO Ø 40 cm IVORY PONGE lampshade PON-BD/40/WH PON-2BD/40/IV Paralume PONGE Ø 16 cm Ø 16 cm PONGE lampshade Paralume PONGE Ø 40 cm BIANCO Ø 40 cm WHITE PONGE lampshade Paralume PONGE Ø 40 cm AVORIO Ø 40 cm IVORY PONGE lampshade PON-BD/16/WH PON-BD/16/IV PON/40/IV PON-6030/1-2/IV Paralume PONGE Ø 16 cm AVORIO Ø 16 cm IVORY PONGE lampshade Paralume PONGE Ø 40 cm Ø 40 cm PONGE lampshade Mezzo paralume PONGE Ø 16 cm AVORIO Ø 16 cm half IVORY PONGE lampshade PON-BD/20/WH PON-BD/20/IV PON/22/IV PON/30/IV Paralume PONGE Ø 20 cm BIANCO Ø 20 cm WHITE PONGE lampshade € 26,00 Paralume PONGE Ø 20 cm AVORIO Ø 20 cm IVORY PONGE lampshade € 26,00 Paralume PONGE Ø 22 cm AVORIO Ø 22 cm IVORY PONGE lampshade € 152,00 Paralume PONGE Ø 30 cm AVORIO Ø 30 cm IVORY PONGE lampshade IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 82,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 152,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 26,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 26,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 172,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 152,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 26,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 22,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat PON/16/IV IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat PON/12/IV IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 152,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 162,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat PON/52/WH IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 152,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 44,00 € 174,00 Paralume PONGE Ø 16 cm BIANCO Ø 16 cm WHITE PONGE lampshade Masiero Classica Paralume PONGE Ø 30 cm AVORIO Ø 30 cm IVORY PONGE lampshade € 152,00 Paralume PONGE Ø 12 cm Ø 12 cm PONGE lampshade 90 Paralume PONGE Ø 20 cm AVORIO Ø 20 cm IVORY PONGE lampshade PON/30/IV € 24,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Paralume PONGE Ø 44 cm BIANCO Ø 44 cm WHITE PONGE lampshade IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat PON/44/WH Paralume PONGE Ø 12 cm BIANCO Ø 12 cm WHITE PONGE lampshade PON-2BD/20/IV IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 44,00 PON/12/WH IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Paralume COTONETTE Ø 20 cm BIANCO Ø 20 cm WHITE COTONETTE lampshade IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat COT-BD-GD/20/WH € 162,00 price list 2014 91 DAM/14/IV Paralume DAMASCATO Ø 14 cm AVORIO Ø 14 cm DAMASKED IVORY lampshade DAM/14/GD-GD DAM/14/IV Paralume DAMASCATO Ø 14 cm AVORIO Ø 14 cm DAMASKED IVORY lampshade DAM/16/IV DAM/40/IV Paralume DAMASCATO Ø 16 cm AVORIO Ø 16 cm DAMASKED IVORY lampsahde Paralume DAMASCATO Ø 40 cm AVORIO Ø 40 cm DAMASKED IVORY lampsahde DAM/12/GD-CREAM DAM/43/GD-CREAM Paralume DAMASCATO Ø 12 cm CREMA Ø 12 cm DAMASKED CREAM lampsahde € 30,00 Paralume DAMASCATO Ø 43 cm CREMA Ø 43 cm DAMASKED CREAM lampsahde IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 168,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 30,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 30,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 30,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 30,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 162,00 IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat DAM/36/WH IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat € 30,00 Paralume DAMASCATO Ø 14 cm ORO SU ORO Ø 14 cm DAMASKED GOLD ON GOLD lampshade Masiero Classica Paralume DAMASCATO Ø 14 cm BIANCO Ø 14 cm DAMASKED WHITE lampshade € 162,00 Paralume DAMASCATO Ø 36 cm BIANCO Ø 36 cm DAMASKED WHITE lampshade 92 DAM/14/WH IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat Paralume PONGE Ø 36 cm AVORIO Ø 36 cm IVORY PONGE lampshade IVA esclusa / Excluded Vat PON/36/IV € 168,00 price list 2014 93 SALES CONDITIONS 2014 VALIDITY OF PRICES The list prices stated shall remain in force until the next written communication. The reproduction, either partially or completely, is expressly prohibited of figures and descriptions set out in our commercial documents, whether paper or electronic. MASIERO SRL, at any time and without prior notice or reporting requirements, reserves the right to make changes and/or updates to products and anything else stated in the documents, as manufacturing needs or documentary improvements may require. N.B.: This pricelist annuls and replaces preceding ones. MASIERO SRL reserves the right to make changes to the sales prices and conditions at any time. PRICES The prices stated in this pricelist shall be considered “retail prices” net of VAT. The following prices exclude the following costs: light bulbs (unless expressly indicated); VAT levied; customs duties; import levies; any other accessory cost not expressly indicated. SPECIAL PRODUCTS An 8% surcharge shall be charged for changes to the decorative parts of products (by way of example, frame finishing, composition of pendant trimmings, etc.). The company’s approval for the production of special products with nonstandard measurements, with respect to the catalogue, will depend on its feasibility and shall entail a specific quotation. Attesta la conformità del prodotto alle disposizioni delle direttive comunitarie. Apparecchio adatto al montaggio su superfici normalmente infiammabili. It certifies the conformity of the products to the European commuinity provisions. Suitable for mounting on none-fireproof. Il atteste la conformité du produit aux dispositions des directives communitaires. Appareil prévu pour un montage direct sur des surfaces normalement inflammables. Konformität des Produktes mit den Richtlinien der europäischen Gemeinschaft. Konformität des Produktes mit den Richtlinien der europäischen Gemeinschaft. Esta certifica si el producto es comforme a las disposicìones de las normas de la comunidad econòmica europea. Leuchte mit Brandschultz. Aparado para colocar directamente sobre superficies inflamables. CLASSE DI ISOLAMENTO CLASSE I. APPARECCHI PROVVISTI DI ISOLAMENTO FONDAMENTALE IN OGNI PARTE E CON PARTI CONDUTTRICI ACCESSIBILI COLLEGATE AD UN CONDUTTORE SUPPLEMENTARE DI PROTEZIONE (MESSA A TERRA). DOVE NON SPECIFICATO DIVERSAMENTE, SI INTENDE CLASSE I. CLASS I. APPLIANCE FITTED WITH BASIC INSULATION THROUGHOUT AND WITH ACCESSIBLE LIVE PARTS CONNECTED TO A SUPPLEMENTARY SAFETY CIRCUIT (GROUND). WHERE NOT EXPRESSLY SPECIFIED, IT IS UNDERSTOOD: CLASS I. CLASSE I. C’EST-À-DIRE APPAREIL DOTÉ D’ISOLATION FONDAMENTALE DANS TOUTES SES PARTIES ET DONT LES PIÈCES CONDUCTRICES ACCESSIBLES SONT RELIÉES À UN CONDUCTEUR (MISE À LA TERRE). OÙ N’EST PAS EXPRESSÈMENT SPECIFIÉ, ON DOIT S’ENTENDRE: PREMIÈRE CLASSE. KLASSE I, BZW. AN ALLEN TEILEN ISOLIERTES GERÄT MIT ZUGÄNGLICHENLEITENDEN TEILEN, DIE AN EINEN ZUSÄTZLICHEN SCHUTZLEITER ANGESCHLOSSEN SING (ERDUNG). WO NICHT ERKLART, VERSTEHT ES SICH: ERSTE KLASSE. PRIMERA CLASE. ESTO ES APARATO PROVISTO DE AISLAMIENTO FUNDAMENTAL ENTODAS SUS PARTES Y CON PARTES CONDUCTORAS ACCESIBLE, CONEXIONADAS CON CONDUCTOR SUPLEMENTARIO DE PROTECCIÓN (TORNA DE TIERRA). DÓNDE NE ES ESPECIFICADO EXPRESAMENTE SE ENTENDE LA PRIMERA CLASE. CLASSE DI ISOLAMENTO CLASSE III. APPARECCHI CON PROTEZIONE BASATA SULL’ALIMENTAZIONE A BASSA TENSIONE. CLASS III. THE SAFETY OF THE FIXTURE IS PROVIDED WITH A LOWVOLTAGE CIRCUIT DEVICE. TROISIÈME CLASSE. OU BIEN APPAREIL AVEC PROTECTION BASÉE SUR L’ALIMENTATION À TRÈS BASSE TENSION DE SÉCURITÉ. DRITTE KLASSE. ODER AUCH GERÄT MIT SCHUTZ, DER AUF EINE SEHR NIEDRIGE SCHUTZSPANNUNGSZUFÜHRUNG GEGRÜNDET IST. TERCERA CLASE. APARATO CON PRODUCCIÓN SUSTENTADA EN ALIMENTACIÓN A BAJA TENSIÓN DE SEGURIDAD. PLACING ORDERS All orders must be sent in writing to MASIERO SRL in order to avoid errors and/or duplication. No orders can be placed by telephone or verbally. Every order must clearly indicate the following information: the article’s code, the model’s colour and finishing, the quantities required, and any transport and delivery specifications. No changes or cancellations to orders will be accepted after their confirmation, unless agreed to in writing by MASIERO SRL. PAYMENT CONDITIONS Payment conditions are regulated pursuant to the commercial agreements reached with each customer and stated in full on order confirmations and invoices. PACKAGING The articles are packaged in palletised cartons, suitable for transport. The packaging is standard and included in the price listed. Wooden-crate packaging can be provided upon request and at additional cost. TRANSPORT Unless otherwise indicated, all products shall be delivered EX WORKS (EXW Incoterms 2000) MASIERO SRL’s warehouse. Transport shall be for the account of the buyer and at his exclusive responsibility. Consequently, products must be examined at delivery. Delivery terms are not binding and shall be understood as automatically postponed in cases of product modifications or replacements. BREAKAGE DURING TRANSPORT MASIERO SRL disclaims any liability for damage caused during transport. The buyer shall be responsible for examining the goods’ conditions upon taking delivery. Any claims for breakage or loss can only be forwarded if previously annotated on the carrier’s transport document at delivery and must be communicated by no later than 8 days from receiving the products. CUSTOMER RETURNS Returned goods must always be authorised in writing by MASIERO SRL. The company cannot authorise the return of special articles or articles no longer included in the current pricelist. LIABILITY MASIERO SRL disclaims liability for any damage to persons or property occasioned by the incorrect installation of its lighting appliances. COURT WITH JURISPRUDENCE In the event of controversies, the court with exclusive jurisdiction shall be the Court of Treviso. SOLO PER IL MERCATO ITALIA In aggiunta alle condizioni di cui sopra, si applicano al solo mercato Italia le seguenti condizioni aggiuntive: TRASPORTO Consegne in Porto Franco per ordini di importo superiore ad euro 500,00 netti. Consegne Franco Fabbrica per ordini di importo inferiore ad euro 500,00 netti. Possibilità di consegne in Porto Franco ed addebito in fattura di euro 22,00 netti per ordini di importo inferiore ad euro 500,00 netti. Consegne ex-works per vendite all’estero. PAGAMENTO Le condizioni di pagamento sono regolate secondo gli accordi commerciali concordati con ciascun cliente e sono riportate per esteso nelle conferme d’ordine e nelle fatture. Per ordini inferiori a € 300,00 è concesso il pagamento in contrassegno direttamente al vettore. ECO RAEE - L’ECO CONTRIBUTO AMBIENTALE L’eco contributo RAEE (rifiuti di apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche) è una modalità che il decreto legge nr. 151 del 25 luglio 2005 ha messo a disposizione dei produttori di apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche per finanziare le attività di recupero, trattamento e smaltimento dei rifiuti derivanti da tali apparecchiature (RAEE) e che i produttori aderenti al consorzio ECOLAMP hanno deciso di utilizzare. I prodotti riportati all’interno del presente listino sono assoggettati all’eco contributo di smaltimento dei raee nell’ammontare di Euro 0,12 + IVA per ogni prodotto indipendentemente dalla fascia di peso di appartenenza. Valore fornito dal consorzio ECOLAMP a cui la nostra azienda ha aderito. MASIERO SRL SI RISERVA IL DIRITTO DI APPORTARE AI PROPRI MODELLI, SENZA NESSUN PREAVVISO, QUALSIASI MODIFICA RITENESSE OPPORTUNA. MASIERO SRL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INTRODUCE ANY CHANGES TO ITS OWN MODELS, WITHOUT NOTICE IN ADVANCE. MASIERO SRL BEHALT SICH DAS RECHT VOR ÄNDERUNGEN VORZUNEHMEN, OHNE SOFORTIGE BENACHRICHTIGUNG. MASIERO SRL SE RÈSERVE LE DROIT D’APPORTER UNE QUELCONQUE MODIFICATION À LES MODÈLES SANS PRÉAVIS. MASIERO sRL SE RESERVA EL DERECHO DE REALIZAR CUALQUIER MODIFICACIÓN SOBRE SUS MODELOS SIN PREVIO AVISO.
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