Policy Manual
Policy Manual
ORIGINAL MANUAL COMMITTEE 1985 Larry Bernhardt Cleo Berven Sister Donna Jean Chaput Robert Christie Warren Enyart Phyllis Kish Barbara Norton Winston Pottenger REVISION MANUAL COMMITTEE 2009-2010 2010-2011 Cleo Berven Lee Helmers Patricia Hinsz Brenda Peterson SECTION 01 - GENERAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................1 STATEMENT ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 MISSION STATEMENT .................................................................................................................................................................... 2 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 HISTORY ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE......................................................................................................................................................... 4 ANNUAL MEETING DATA................................................................................................................................................................ 5 SECTION 02 - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ..................................................................................................................... 14 SECTION 02-01 - PRESIDENT......................................................................................................................................................... 15 Section 02-01 - Attachment A ............................................................................................................................................ 18 Agenda – Annual Business Meeting............................................................................................................................................ 18 SECTION 02-02 - PRESIDENT ELECT ................................................................................................................................................ 21 SECTION 02-03 - IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT ................................................................................................................................ 23 Section 02-03 – Attachment A....................................................................................................................................... 26 Ruth Meiers Award Criteria ........................................................................................................................................................... 26 Section 02-03 - Attachment B ............................................................................................................................................ 27 Educational Grant Information ...................................................................................................................................................... 27 Educational Grant Information ...................................................................................................................................................... 28 (Rev. 12/2013) ................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Section 02-03 - Attachment C ............................................................................................................................................ 29 Educational Grant Application ...................................................................................................................................................... 29 SECTION 02-04 - THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ................................................................................................................................. 31 Section 02-04 – Attachment A ........................................................................................................................................... 34 Role of Board Members ................................................................................................................................................................ 34 SECTION 02-05 - EXECUTIVE SECRETARY......................................................................................................................................... 35 Section 02-05 - Attachment A ........................................................................................................................................ 38 Financial Report ............................................................................................................................................................................. 38 (Rev. 12/2013) ................................................................................................................................................................... 38 Section 02-05 - Attachment B ............................................................................................................................................ 39 Section 02-05 - Attachment C ............................................................................................................................................ 40 SECTION 03 - STANDING COMMITTEES .................................................................................................................... 41 SECTION 03-01 - AWARDS COMMITTEE ......................................................................................................................................... 42 Section 03-01 – Attachment A ...................................................................................................................................... 46 Notice of Qualification .................................................................................................................................................................... 46 Section 03-01 – Attachment B........................................................................................................................................... 47 Section 03-01 – Attachment C............................................................................................................ 48 Notice of Award Presentation ....................................................................................................................................................... 48 Section 03-01 – Attachment D ........................................................................................................................................... 49 Service Award Questionnaire ....................................................................................................................................................... 49 Section 03-01 – Attachment E ............................................................................................................................................ 50 Sister Donna Jean Chaput Award................................................................................................................................................ 50 Section 03-01 – Attachment F................................................................ 51 Sister Donna Jean Chaput Award................................................................................................................................................ 51 Nominee Criteria & Application Form .......................................................................................................................................... 51 SECTION 03-02 - BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE ....................................................................................................................... 52 SECTION 03-03 - EDUCATION COMMITTEE ...................................................................................................................................... 54 Section 03-03 - Attachment A ............................................................................................................................................ 57 Letter to the College/University .................................................................................................................................................... 57 Section 03-03 - Attachment C ............................................................................................................................................ 59 Student Attendance Reply Form .................................................................................................................................................. 59 SECTION 03-04 - FUND RAISING COMMITTEE .................................................................................................................................. 60 SECTION 03-05 - HISTORY COMMITTEE .......................................................................................................................................... 63 SECTION 03-06 - LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS COMMITTEE ..................................................................................................................... 66 Section 03-06 – Attachment A ........................................................................................................................................... 70 Guidelines For Local Arrangements ............................................................................................................................................ 70 Section 03-06 – Attachment B ........................................................................................................................................... 71 Entertainment Contract.................................................................................................................................................................. 71 SECTION 03-07 - MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE ................................................................................................................................... 72 Section 03-07 – Attachment A ........................................................................................................................................... 75 Application for Membership .......................................................................................................................................................... 75 SECTION 03-08 - NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE ................................................................................................................................. 76 Section 03-08 – Attachment A ........................................................................................................................................... 79 Sample Ballot .................................................................................................................................................................................. 79 SECTION 03-09 - PROCEDURES COMMITTEE .................................................................................................................................... 80 SECTION 03-10 - PROGRAM COMMITTEE ....................................................................................................................................... 83 Section 03-10 – Attachment A ........................................................................................................................................... 86 Moderator/Monitor Job Duties ...................................................................................................................................................... 86 Section 03-10 – Attachment B ........................................................................................................................................... 87 Presenter Evaluation ..................................................................................................................................................................... 87 Section 03-10 – Attachment C ........................................................................................................................................... 88 Overall Conference Evaluation..................................................................................................................................................... 88 Section 03-10 – Attachment D .......................................................................................................................................... 89 Agreement For Presentation......................................................................................................................................................... 89 SECTION 03-11 - PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE ............................................................................................................................ 90 SECTION 03-12 - REGISTRATION COMMITTEE .................................................................................................................................. 94 Section 03-12 – Attachment A ........................................................................................................................................... 97 Registration Stipend Application .................................................................................................................................................. 97 Section 03-12 – Attachment B ........................................................................................................................................... 98 Section 03-12 – Attachment C............................................................................................................................................ 99 Registration Discount Form .......................................................................................................................................................... 99 Section 03-12 – Attachment D ......................................................................................................................................... 100 NDCSW Policy Statement On Registration Refunds .............................................................................................................. 100 SECTION 03-13 - RESEARCH, PLANNING AND LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE ............................................................................................. 101 Section 03-13 – Attachment A ......................................................................................................................................... 104 RPL Planning Activities ............................................................................................................................................................... 104 SECTION 03-14 - RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE ................................................................................................................................. 106 Section 03-14 – Attachment A ......................................................................................................................................... 109 Resolution Example And Instructions........................................................................................................................................ 109 SECTION 03-14 – ATTACHMENT B ...................................................................................................................................... 110 Resolution Form ........................................................................................................................................................................... 110 Section 03-14 – Attachment C.......................................................................................................................................... 111 Resolution Sample ....................................................................................................................................................................... 111 SECTION 03-15 - TIME AND PLACE COMMITTEE ............................................................................................................................. 112 Selection Criteria .......................................................................................................................................................................... 115 Section 03-15 – Attachment B......................................................................................................................................... 116 SECTION 04 - SPECIAL COMMITTEES ...................................................................................................................... 117 SECTION 05 - APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................. 119 A. Expense Voucher .............................................................................................................................................................. 119 B. Planning Calendar ................................................................................................................................................................. 119 C. Budget Request .................................................................................................................................................................... 119 D. Committee Final Financial Report ........................................................................................................................................ 119 E. Registration Discount ........................................................................................................................................................... 119 Policy on Conflict of Interest ....................................................................................................................................................... 136 Policy on Executive Compensation ........................................................................................................................................... 137 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 01 - General Information Statement Mission Statement Purpose History Organization Chart Annual Meeting Data 1 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Statement This manual is to be used as a tool for the operation of the Conference. Please read your section very carefully and it is suggested you read the entire Manual to provide an overall picture. Mission Statement To improve the life for all in North Dakota by advocating for the underprivileged, being a leader in social welfare issues and a force in social welfare reform. Purpose The North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare (NDCSW) is a broad based organization whose purpose is to: Afford an opportunity for those interested in social welfare to discuss needs, methods, principles, and activities of their profession; Gather and disseminate appropriate information concerning social welfare; Actively engage in non-partisan legislation and make the intent known to the people and legislature; Promote active cooperation between all agencies and institutions – public and private, religious and secular-engaged in social welfare in this state; and Advance for a high standard of social service programs for the citizenry of North Dakota. In order to effectively carry out these and other related functions, the NDCSW membership has specified certain standing committees which are: Awards, Budget and Finance, Education, Executive, Fund Raising, History, Local Arrangements, Membership, Nominations, Procedures, Program, Public Relations, Registration, Research Planning and Legislation, Resolutions, and Time and Place. Special Committees may be created from time to time such as the Fund Raising Committee and History. The duties of the standing committees are outlined in the ByLaws. The duties of special committees are specified at the time they are created. The purpose of this manual is to provide users with detailed step-by-step procedures to be followed in discharging committee duties. It also provides a handy reference to the By-Laws to established Conference policies. (Rev. 12/2013) 2 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org History The North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare was formed on September 1, 1920. The first meeting was held in Bismarck and was officially arranged by Minnie Nielson, Superintendent of Public Instruction. The meeting was called at the request of several persons who were interested in developing a broad based organization that would speak out effectively and strongly on behalf of North Dakota’s children and its underprivileged. The group that assembled in Bismarck was composed of Red Cross workers, college professors, teachers, nurses, police officers, and social workers. The Conference has met annually, with few exceptions, since 1920. The Conference has been instrumental throughout the years in spearheading legislation, serving as an advocate for the disadvantaged in the state and conducting training programs/conferences for social workers and related personnel. In 1920, the Conference was successful in persuading the State Legislature to establish a Children’s Code Commission. Out of that Commission came many pieces of legislation dealing with child labor, the rights of children, mother’s aid laws and child health. The Welfare Conference, which at that time was known as the North Dakota Conference of Social Work, was also involved in lobbying for the establishment of a Public Welfare Board in 1935. During its existence, the Conference has reflected the emerging social needs of the State, such as recognition of the financial needs of destitute citizens, identification of the needs of returning veterans and displaced persons the needs of institutionalized patients, the welfare of children and families, improved professional standards and families in transition. Over the years the Social Welfare Conference has gradually evolved from a social action organization to an emphasis on training and coordination. The Conference has sponsored workshops, training courses and conferences for all segments of the social welfare system throughout the years. It has also been instrumental in bringing associated groups together for joint conferences and workshops. The Conference has had a long and exciting history. It has been instrumental in shaping the structure of the social welfare system in the State. It has served as a focal point whereby all persons concerned about social welfare can met and share ideas. It has served as an advocate for the needs of children and the disadvantaged adult. It has been, is, and can be a powerful vehicle for improving the social welfare system. 3 Organizational Structure North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Organizational Structure Members Individual and Agency Executive Committee President President Elect Past President Seven Executive Board Members Executive Secretary Ex Officio Member, Executive Committee Awards Committee Budget & Finance Committee Education Committee Fund Raising Committee History Committee Local Arrangements Committee Membership Committee Nominations Committee Procedures Committee Program Committee Public Relations Committee Registration Committee Research, Planning & Legislative Committee Resolution Committee Time and Place Committee 4 Annual Meeting Data 1964 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered New Directions Ahead J. T. Heiser Clifford Williams Minot unknown 654 85 unknown 1965 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered These Keys We Have Mrs. R. W. Hovell Bertha Smith Grand Forks 523 688 108 76% 1966 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered People Who Need People Wayne Wagstrom Ken Dawes Williston 390 647 99 59% 1967 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Facing the 70's Agnes King Ed Neutzman Bismarck 532 737 90 72% 1968 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Breaking the Barriers May Anderson John Fulton Fargo unknown 795 114 unknown 1969 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered New Programs - New Partners Dr. C. H. Peters Richard Myatt Dickinson unknown 902 110 unknown 5 ANNUAL MEETING DATA (continued) 1970 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Progress or Parish Ralph Christenson Robert Sand Minot 482 806 97 60% 1971 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered A Different Drummer Cameron Clemons Connie Savalson Grand Forks 415 735 84 56% 1972 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Feedback from Youth Frank Hager Bart Fahlgren Bismarck 619 784 75 79% 1973 Theme President Program Chairs Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered The Shocking Future of ND Richard Myatt James Merrill, Harry Myers, & Rev. Gerald McCarthy Fargo 526 737 76 71% 1974 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered The Family John Opp Rolf Storsteen Jamestown 532 781 58 68% 1975 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership registered Getting People Together Lee Smutzler Mark Cory Minot 431 577 52 75% 6 ANNUAL MEETING DATA (continued) 1976 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Industrialization Charles Norton L. Joe Fry Dickinson 407 712 60 57% 1977 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Focus on the Family Kenneth Dawes Robert Klinkhammer Grand Forks 451 655 46 69% 1978 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered You can Make it Happen L. Joe Fry Larry Wagner Mandan 492 756 58 65% 1979 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Dealing With a New Decade Richard Throndset Barb Norton Jamestown 405 669 54 61% 1980 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Overcoming Barriers With - Cooperation, Communication, Caring and Coordination Harry Myers John Peterson Fargo 517 749 43 69% Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Together There is Hope Ron Row Robert Sanderson Minot 368 628 78 59% 1981 7 ANNUAL MEETING DATA (continued) 1982 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Change Is not a Four Letter Word Barb Norton Clarence Daniel Dickinson 326 566 50 58% 1983 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered The Sounds of Service - Dream The Impossible Dreams Warren Enyart Robert Christie Bismarck 405 620 70 65% 1984 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Today is Tomorrow - Living in a Nuclear Age Larry Bernhardt Del Hager Grand Forks 372 679 66 55% 1985 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Traditions and Innovations Sister Donna Jean Chaput Gary Wolsky Williston 352 569 61 62% 1986 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Challenges - Solutions Fitting the Puzzle Together Clarence Daniel Royce Roberson Minot 535 (Joint Conference with Mental Health Association) 618 67 (not broken out) 1987 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Human Services-The Human Side Judy Kadrmas Laurie Sterioti-Hammeren Jamestown 396 610 68 65% 8 ANNUAL MEETING DATA (continued) 1988 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered The Family - Tradition!Change!Challenge Rodger Wetzel Gary Wolsky Fargo 384 544 61 71% 1989 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Centennial Connection: Past, Present, and Future Dorothy Fisher Cameron & Marlene Clemons Bismarck 444 568 60 79% 1990 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Memberships Registered Hard Times - Bright Dreams Royce Roberson Melanie Heitkamp Bismarck 558 545 61 97% 1991 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Memberships Registered Faces of the Future Linda Jaeger L. Joe Fry Dickinson 329 467 58 70% 1992 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Charting the Course Ed McPeek Vira Stenjhem Williston 375 403 64 93% 1993 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Partnerships in Quality Gary Sprynczynatyk Carol Butts Minot 350 469 73 75% 9 ANNUAL MEETING DATA (continued) 1994 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Families in Transition Michon Sax Del Hager and Tara Muhlhauser Grand Forks 328 507 - 10 reduced - 23 student 73 63% 1995 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Life’s a Dance Robert Sanderson Joe Fry & Yvonne Smith Dickinson 340 509 - 16 reduced - 23 student 65 62% 1996 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered A Touch of Class Yvonne Smith Rose Stoller & Karen Larson Jamestown 251 462 - 12 reduced - 8 student 75 52% 1997 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Bridge Over Troubled Waters Douglas Wegh Barbara Norton & Kate Hanson Fargo 331 454 - 16 reduced - 5 student 66 69% 1998 Theme President Program Chair Site Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Creating a Community that Cares Daniel P. Richter Linda Wright & Yvonne Smith Bismarck 317 435 - 21 reduced - 14 students 64 67% 1999 Theme President Site Program Chairs Registration: Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Life - The Greatest Show on Earth Kathy Pfeifle Minot Tammy Ness & Melissa Bliss 319 384 - 25 reduced - 20 students - 6 complimentary 70 73% 10 ANNUAL MEETING DATA (continued) 2000 Theme President Site Program Chair Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Road Maps from the Heart Cleo J. Berven Dickinson Doug Wegh 284 497 - 34 reduced - 3 students 66 57% 2001 Theme President Site Program Chair Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Challenge of Change Janice Tishmack Fargo Dale Twedt & Kathy Hogan 311 428 - 2 reduced; 35 students; 99 lifetime 76 55% 2002 Theme: President Site Program Co-Chair Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Celebrate What’s Right With the World Carol Meshefski Grand Forks Ed Christ & Kate Hanson 251 463, 7 student/reduced, 109 lifetime 67 54% 2003 Theme President Site Program Chair Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered To Everything There is a Season Richard Bendish Minot Melissa Bliss & Shari Doe 254 431, 12 student/reduced, 120 lifetime 86 59% 2004 Theme President Site Program Chair Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Exploration, Reflection, and New Direction Larry Bernhardt Bismarck Del Hager & L. Joe Fry 249 540, 10 student/reduced, 128 lifetime 73 46% 2005 Theme President Site Program Co-Chairs Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Round Up of Human Service Issues Jan Austfjord Dickinson Yvonne Smith & Joe Fry 207 452, 8 student/reduced, 143 lifetime 86 46% 11 ANNUAL MEETING DATA (continued) 2006 Theme President Site: Program Chair Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Enhancing and Embracing Social Welfare Marlene Cook Fargo Doug Wegh 251 419 – 143 Lifetime, 46 students, 1 retiree 75 41% 2007 Theme President: Site Program Chairs Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Every Day is a Winding Road Joan Ehrhardt Minot Tammy Ness & Bob Sanderson 334` 446 individual, 152 lifetime and 55 student/retiree 68 51% 2008 Theme President Site Program Chairs: Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Changing Faces and Places Del Hager Dickinson Kathi Nygaard & Cathy Meyer 208 374 individual, 152 lifetime and 13 student/retiree 51 39% 2009 Theme President Site Program Chairs Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships Membership Registered: New Directions, Together Tammy Ness Mandan Joe Fry and Tom Tupa 162 305 individual, 170 lifetime and 12 student/retirees 40 33% 2010 Theme President Site Program Chairs Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Back to the Basics: Connecting Past, Present & Future Marlowe Kro Minot Laurie Gotvaslee & Laura Howery Siercks 201 339 individual; 162 lifetime; 13 student/retirees 33 39% 2011 Theme President Site Program Chairs Connecting With Compassion Paul Ronningen Fargo Jane Regimbal, Nancy Horton, Suzanne Killichowski; Janelle Miedema 248 293 individual; 176 lifetime; 13 student/retirees 51 51% Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered 12 ANNUAL MEETING DATA (continued) 2012 Theme President Site Program Chairs Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Creating Stability In a Time of Change John Mogren Grand Forks Pete Tunseth & Lisa Piche 232 347 individual; 180 lifetime; 43 student/retirees 34 40% 2013 Theme President Site Program Chairs Registration Individual Memberships Agency Memberships % Membership Registered Mission Possible Linda Brew Minot Sylvia Annan & Marlowe Kro 13 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. Section 02 - Executive Committee President President Elect Immediate Past President The Executive Committee Executive Secretary 14 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. Section 02-01 - President 15 OFFICE: PRESIDENT The President: A. Shall preside at all business meetings of the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. B. Shall preside at all the meetings of the Executive Committee. C. Shall appoint chairs and coordinate the work of all standing committees. D. Shall appoint chairs and coordinate all authorized committees not otherwise provided for in these By-Laws subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. E. Shall serve as ex officio member of all authorized committees except Research, Planning and Legislative Committee. F. Shall remove all non-functioning committee members subject to the approval of the Executive Committee by a two-thirds (2/3) vote. G. Shall fill all vacancies not otherwise provided for in the By-Laws subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. H. Shall, with consultation and advice of the Executive Committee, speak for the Conference membership which includes making representations to the Legislature and/or the various committees thereof in all matters having the interest and concern of the Conference, or delegate such authority. I. Shall appoint, or remove, with consent of the Executive Committee, an Executive Secretary. J. Shall serve as a regular member of the Research, Planning and Legislative Committee. MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing January January January January January January January Keep in touch with all Committee Chairs to provide advice, support and encouragement. Advise Executive Secretary of the agenda for the meetings and who will be requested to attend. Submit all billings for payment to the Executive Secretary on Expense Voucher. (See Form in Appendix) Request mileage and per diem reimbursement from the Conference if own employer does not provide. Note: All travel and per diem for Conference meetings is vouchered to the operating account if not reimbursable by individual's employer. Reimbursement for mileage and per diem is consistent with state rates. Assume office at the Executive Committee Meeting January 1. Appoint, or remove, with consent of the Executive Committee, an Executive Secretary. Notify all chairs that Executive Committee liaison person will be. Follow-up on Resolutions adopted at the Fall Conference annual business meeting. Prepare article for Lantern. Work with Procedures Committee to update manual. Orientation session for incoming Board Members and chairs will be arranged at the discretion of the President. 16 OFFICE: PRESIDENT (continued) MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) January March June/July June/July July August September September September September September September September December Prepare goals and objectives for Conference year. Contact North Dakota Department of Human Services Executive Director for written policy regarding NDDHS employees attending annual Conference meeting. Send invitations to appropriate dignitaries requesting their attendance at the annual meeting. Submit name to the Executive Committee for President’s Award (optional). Prepare article for Fall Conference Program. Prepare article for September Lantern. Welcome each Association to the Conference at their business meeting. Deliver an address at the Opening Session of the annual meeting. Appoint parliamentarians for the annual Business Meeting. Preside at Annual Business Meeting. (See Business Meeting Format. Present the President's Award at the banquet. At brunch, introduce incoming President with exchange of the gavel. In the absence of the Past-President, assume duty as master of ceremonies at the banquet and in the absence of the PresidentElect, assume duty as master of ceremonies at the brunch. Present to the Executive Board, consideration of a gratuity for Executive Secretary. PRESIDENT'S HOSPITALITY ROOM (Coordinated by Local Arrangements) 1. PURPOSE a. To provide a place for Conference work groups to go to relax and socialize. b. To reward those who have worked to put the Conference together. c. To provide a meeting room for groups such as the Executive Board or Past Presidents. 2. GUESTS a. Executive Board and Officers b. Committee members and Chairs c. Friends of the above d. No minors will be allowed in the hospitality room 3. PROCEDURES a. The President will have one key to the hospitality room and he/she will determine who has the responsibility for the second key. 2 (Rev. 12/2013) 17 Section 02-01 - Attachment A North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Agenda – Annual Business Meeting Date __________ CALL TO ORDER President _________________________ Annual Business Meeting QUORUM HAS BEEN MET President informs Conference membership that the By-Laws state that a quorum shall consist of 75 members or 15% of those registered members. Registered members ___________ 15% of that would be ___________ 75 members is greater number than 15% of registered members ANNOUNCEMENTS Everyone should have one ballot and the person have the agency membership card may have a second ballot INTRODUCE PARLIAMENTARIAN(S) 1. _____________________________ 2. _____________________________ TELLERS MINUTES DISTRIBUTED IN MEMBERSHIP PACKETS Head Teller: _____________________ 1. _____________________________ 2. _____________________________ 3. _____________________________ 4. _____________________________ 1. Call for motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and that they be approved as printed and distributed. Motion by: _________________________ Seconded by: ______________________ 2. Ask for any additions or corrections. 3. Repeat the motion and ask for a vote. 4. Say: The minutes have been approved as printed and distributed. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence for the business meeting can be read at this time. TREASURER’S REPORT The Executive Secretary will report on the expenses and income of the Conference thus far this year. A final report will be submitted to the Executive Committee in December. 18 Section 02-01 - Attachment A (continued) AGENDA – ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING (continued) COMMITTEE REPORTS NOMINATIONS Chair: ____________________________ Gives report and the selections made for President-Elect and Executive Committee. Announce again those individuals selected by the Nominations Committee for each office. Ask twice for further nominations from the floor for each office and if there are more nominations, add their names on the blackboard and ask the membership to add the names to their ballots. Call for nominations to cease. This should come from the floor, but if not, entertain a motion. Each candidate has three (3) minutes for a presentation. Votes are cast and collected for tallying by tellers. PROCEDURES (Bylaws) Chair: ____________________________ Will give the report and make a motion. Ask for discussion and then have the membership vote by standing; 75% of membership present is needed for the changes in the By-Laws. TIME & PLACE Chair: ____________________________ Gives report. Moves on behalf of the Committee that the report be accepted. A voice vote of 51% is needed to pass. RESOLUTIONS Chair: ____________________________ Reads any resolutions. Vote is taken and then motion to adopt the resolution(s). OTHER COMMITTEE REPORTS – NOT REQUIRING MOTIONS - ONLY BRIEF SUMMARIES Note: There could be co-chairs 19 Section 02-01 - Attachment A (continued) AGENDA – ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING (continued) BUDGET AND FINANCE Chair: REGISTRATION Chair: LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS Chair PROGRAM Chair PUBLIC RELATIONS Chair AWARDS Chair EDUCATION Chair RESEARCH, PLANNING AND LEGISLATIVE Chair FUND RAISING Chair HISTORY Chair MEMBERSHIP Chair SPECIAL COMMITTEES Committee Chair Committee Chair OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS OLD BUSNIESS ADJOURN (Rev. 12/2013) 20 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 02-02 - President Elect 21 OFFICE: PRESIDENT ELECT The President Elect: A. Shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President in the absence of both the President and the Immediate Past-President. B. Shall assume the office of the President at the beginning of the next fiscal year when the term of President expires. C. Shall serve as a member of the Program Committee and Research, Planning and Legislative Committee. MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing October January January February September September September Serve on the Executive Committee. Attend Executive Committee meetings. Submit all billings for payment to the Executive Secretary on Expense Voucher. (See Form in Appendix) Request mileage and per diem reimbursement from the Conference if own employer does not provide. Note: All travel and per diem for Conference meetings is vouchered to the operating account if not reimbursable by individual's employer. Reimbursement for mileage and per diem is consistent with state rates. Check previous minutes so there is less duplication of Executive Committee action. Any other duties and activities requested by the president or committees. Support current President and Executive Board in goals and duties. Contact Local Arrangements to confirm Conference headquarters for year of presidency Prepare article for the Lantern and submit to Public Relations Chair. Consider need for establishing additional committees. Appoint chairs for standing committees for his/her Conference year early enough so chairs can work with current committee for continuity and preparation for their committee planning and implementation (Program, Local Arrangements, Registration and Membership, at least by January, and Research, Planning and Legislative earlier if there will be a vacancy to fill). Be introduced at Conference Opening Session. Preside over brunch at Conference As President-Elect at annual Fall Conference, support, backup, and assist current President. (Rev. 12/2013) 22 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 02-03 - Immediate Past President 23 OFFICE: IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT The Immediate Past President: A. Shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President in the absence of the President. B. Shall assume the Office of the President upon the death or resignation of the President. C. Shall be a resource person for the Executive Committee and all standing committees. D. Shall be the liaison between the Past Presidents and the Conference. MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing April & June Serve on the Executive Committee. Serve as Chair of the Past Presidents’ Association. Attend Executive Committee meetings. Serve as ex officio member of the Procedures Committee. Submit all billings for payment to the Executive Secretary on Expense Voucher. (See Form in Appendix) Request mileage and per diem reimbursement from the Conference if own employer does not provide. Note: All travel and per diem for Conference meetings is vouchered to the operating account if not reimbursable by individual's employer. Reimbursement for mileage and per diem is consistent with state rates. Contribute articles regularly to the Lantern and the Website. Serve as ex officio member on the upcoming Committee. Coordinate with Immediate Past President on seeking candidates for educational grant(s). Submit article for Lantern to solicit candidates for the Educational Grant. Maintain a mailing list of the Past Presidents and their respective year of service. Promote communications and involvement among the Past Presidents. Seek candidates for the Educational Grant. Make recommendation to the Executive Committee for selection of recipient(s). Coordinate expenses with Education Committee Chair. (See Rules and Guidelines, and Educational Grant Application) Maintain a record of the minutes of the Association proceedings and recommendations for transfer to the successor of this office immediately following the final meeting of the Executive Committee in the Conference year. Submit article for Lantern to solicit candidates for the Ruth Meiers’ Award. (See criteria.) (Rev. 12/2013) 24 OFFICE: IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT (continued) MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) September September September September December Plan and conduct the Past Presidents’ Association meeting to coincide with the annual meeting of the NDCSW. The 3 most current Past Presidents are responsible for planning and coordinating with the Local Arrangements and Program Chairs, arrangements for the Leadership Luncheon if held at the annual Fall Conference. Make recommendations to the Past Presidents’ Association for candidates to receive the Ruth Meiers Award. (Coordinate with Chair of Awards Committee to order Plaque). Serve as Master of Ceremonies at the Banquet. Work with Procedures Committee to update manual. (Rev.12/2013) 25 Section 02-03 – Attachment A North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Ruth Meiers Award Criteria The NDCSW annually selects a recipient of the Ruth Meiers Award. This award was established in honor of the late Lt. Governor Ruth Meiers in recognition of her efforts for the citizenry of North Dakota. This award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated an outstanding contribution to the disadvantaged in North Dakota. The Executive Committee of the NDCSW accepts memberships for the Ruth Meiers’ Award through August of each year. Criteria for the award includes: 1) The individual(s) must be a resident of the State of North Dakota. 2) The individual(s) must have made an outstanding contribution in addressing human needs. 3) The contribution will have had a definable positive impact on the lives of people. 4) The contribution may have been on a local, regional, or state level. Nominations must include a written summary of the individual achievement and the effect of those achievements on behalf of the disadvantaged. Nominations should be mailed to the NDCSW Immediate Past President by July 31st. (Rev. 12/2013) 26 Section 02-03 - Attachment B North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Educational Grant Information (Special Committee Report On the Establishment of an Educational Grant to Conference Members) June, 1991 The Conference adopted “Resolution #3” at the Fall Conference in 1989, requiring that an educational award be provided to conference members. The 1991 Conference Executive Committee requested an ad hoc committee comprised of Past Presidents of the Conference developed necessary rules for the establishment of such an educational award. In June, 1991, the Executive Committee heard such a report by a committee comprised of the following Past Presidents: Ken Dawes, L.J. Bernhardt, Judy Kadrmas, L. Joe Fry, and Royce Roberson, Committee Chair. The Conference Executive Committee made changes to that report recommendation and presented the following determination as rules and guidelines for an educational award. The Award should be termed: “Educational Grant”. The Executive Committee felt that the term scholarship should be described and legally given as a gift or in whatever form required to insure that the recipient would not have to declare the Award as income. The Award recipient(s) ought to be selected by the Executive Committee upon recommendation of the Past Presidents subcommittee. Effort should be made to distinguish this Award from the Scholarship Awards made (usually non-conference members) only to social work students. And, the criteria for selecting an Award recipient, or recipients, should be, markedly distinct from the criteria by which Scholarship Awards are made. The Executive Committee has adopted these rules and guidelines: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Educational Grants ought to be given on a competitive basis. The amount of an Educational Grant should be up to, but not larger than, $250.00 and the number of Educational Grants should be determined by the Executive Committee, and should not exceed five (5) in any Conference year. A specified period for accepting applications for Educational Grants would be on a quarterly basis, e.g. Jan 1-Mar 31. All legitimate costs related to the Educational Grants, e.g. mileage, per diem, books, etc. should be allowed as acceptable use of Educational Grants. The applicant must be a current member of the Conference, as evidenced by a copy of the applicant’s current membership card. The purpose of requesting an Educational Grant should work toward a course of study/training leading to enhanced employment of educational development. (Rev. 12/2013) 27 Section 02-03 - Attachment B (continued) North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Educational Grant Information (Special Committee Report On the Establishment of an Educational Grant to Conference Members) The Executive Committee, in making selections for Educational Grants should take into account the following criteria: 1. Why the applicant is unable to fulfill his/her educational goals without assistance. 2. What involvement the applicant has had in the past years with the Conference. 3. Require the applicants to agree to furnish receipts, if requested to do so, in order to verify that the Educational Grant was used for the intended purpose. 4. Require the applicants to agree to abide by the decision of the Executive Committee in making the selections for Educational Grants. It should be noted that some of those who worked on the rules of the Educational Grant are troubled by the “self-serving” nature of Resolution #3. The basis of this concern is that the Conference began over concerns for others who needed a voice, and still need a voice. It did not embrace a fraternal purpose, e.g. Scholarships/Educational Grants, for its members. Some of the resources of the Conference are already used to provide a measure of educational opportunity for its members, for example, the Fall Conference. (Rev. 12/2013) 28 Section 02-03 - Attachment C North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Educational Grant Application As an applicant for an Educational Grant, the applicant must be a current member of the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare. The applicant must be specific about the activity for which the applicant is requesting an Educational Grant, and the applicant must provide assurances that the purposes for which the Educational Grant is requested is job related, as well as serving one of the five “Purposes,” described in Article II of the By-Laws of the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. Name:______________________________________________________________________ (A COPY OF YOUR CURRENT MEMBERSHIP CARD MUST BE ATTACHED) Postal Address:_______________________________________________________________ City:______________________________ State:______________ Zip Code:_____________ Current Employer:____________________________________________________________ Employer Telephone Number:_________________________________________________ Please respond to the following questions, using additional sheets, if necessary. Your responses, as well as the previously stated minimum requirements, will be the basis upon which an Educational Grant will be awarded. The NDCSW Executive Committee shall award an Educational Grant on a competitive basis to the applicant who, based on their judgment, best approaches the criteria set forth, in prior paragraphs, and based on responses following this paragraph. 1. What, specifically, do you wish to do? 2. How does your application relate to: a. your job? b. the purpose of the Conference? Page 1 of 2 29 Section 02-03 - Attachment C (continued) NDCSW Educational Grant Application (continued): 3. What efforts have you made to meet your educational goals? 4. What involvement have you had in the Conference in the past? 5. What unique circumstances, about you or your request, do you wish to describe? The applicant fully understands and agrees that if selected to receive an Educational Grant, you will: 1. File a report with the NDCSW Executive Committee describing the results of your educational plan as projected in this application. 2. Provide an accounting of actual expenses that were detailed in this application request, providing receipts if so requested. 3. Abide by all decisions made by the NDCSW Executive Committee relating to your application for an Educational Grant. Signature of Applicant: ______________________________ Date: ______________________ FOR NDCSW USE ONLY Approved Denied Comments: Signature of NDCSW President: ________________________ Date: __________________ (Rev. 12/2013) Page 2 of 2 30 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 02-04 - The Executive Committee 31 COMMITTEE: THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Executive Committee: A. Shall derive its power from the membership. B. Shall formulate policy necessary for the fulfillment of Conference objectives. C. Shall determine the amount of money to be allowed for the commercial blanket bond for the Executive Secretary, as well as those persons to be covered by said bond. D. Shall either approve or deny payment of all bills exceeding $250 by the Executive Secretary, provided said bills have been certified by the President and the Executive Secretary. E. Shall budget appropriate amounts for its’ own operations and for other committee expenses. F. Shall either approve or disapprove of all committee appointments G. Shall either approve or disapprove the filling of all vacancies by the President. H. Shall solicit special funding for the Conference when deemed necessary. I. Shall establish the amount of registration fee for the Conference. J. Shall authorize the Executive Secretary to reimburse at current state rates, the officers, members of the Executive Committee, and chairs of the committees for their travel and per diem expenses when called in to conference by the President. (Committee members shall also be included for similar reimbursement when the President and Executive Committee approve the meeting and travel expenses in advance.) K. Shall make all necessary arrangements for general or regional conference. In the event of an emergency, the Executive Committee is empowered to establish dates and site of the annual meeting. L. Shall approve President's appointment or dismissal of the Executive Secretary. M. Shall appoint a President Elect in the event that the President Elect resigns or is not able to fulfill the office. Such appointment will run until the next annual meeting of the Conference at which time a person will be elected by Conference membership to fill the position of President. N. The Executive Committee shall act on all resolutions submitted to them. O. The Executive Committee shall be responsible to review and take action on all proposed changes to the Procedures Manual. MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Attend Executive Committee meetings. Submit all billings for payment to the Executive Secretary on Expense Voucher. (See Form in Appendix) Request mileage and per diem reimbursement from the Conference if own employer does not provide. Note: All travel and per diem for Conference meetings is vouchered to the operating account if not reimbursable by individual's employer. Reimbursement for mileage and per diem is consistent with state rates. 32 COMMITTEE: THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (continued) MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Quarterly August October October December Work as liaison with standing committee as appointed by the President. Contact Chair immediately and be available for meetings and/or consultation. Perform other tasks as assigned by the President/Board. Make monthly contacts with Chairs of Committees to which assigned as liaison to offer advice and assistance. Approve or deny the recommendations for Educational Grant Subcommittee. Consider requests for Registration Stipend. Consider requests for refunds per Registration Committee. Consider gratuity for Executive Secretary. Consider approving President’s Appointment of Executive Secretary. (Rev.12/2013) 33 Section 02-04 – Attachment A North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Role of Board Members Each new member comes to the Board with perspectives, ideas and expectations. In order to be effective, that individual needs to have the following: Knowledge - of the organization and its structure and tradition. Dedication - is the key factor to making the Board work. The rewards are other than monetary. Open-mindedness - This is necessary to resolve the differences of opinions. Vitality - is needed to lead the organization forward. Skills – are necessary for working with groups and in voicing your opinions. Being Aware - that you represent the membership, have a responsibility to the membership to present issues received by the membership at the Executive Committee meetings. The Board, which is part of the Executive Committee, works with the President and functions only when in session. (Rev. 12/2013) 34 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 02-05 - Executive Secretary 35 OFFICE: EXECUTIVE SECRETARY The Executive Secretary: A. Shall serve as custodian of all monies of this Conference. B. Shall pay all bills certified by the President and Executive Secretary. C. Shall maintain accurate records of all income and disbursements. D. Shall maintain a bank account in the name of the Conference. E. Shall prepare an annual financial report and present it at the Conference Business Meeting. F. Shall be required to obtain a commercial blanket bond to cover this position, Conference employees and committee members designated by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall determine the amount of this commercial blanket bond. G. Shall cause an annual audit of the financial records of this Conference by competent persons. H. Shall keep records of the proceedings of the Conference and of the meetings of the Executive Committee. MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Submit all billings for payment on Expense Voucher. (See Form in Appendix) Request mileage and per diem reimbursement from the Conference if own employer does not provide. Mileage and Per diem is consistent with state rates. Record minutes of Executive Committee meetings and annual Business Meeting. Post Executive Committee Meeting Minutes on website. Audit vouchers and bills. Maintain receipt and expenditure ledgers. Send reminder of meetings with copy of minutes to Executive Committee members and all standing chairs prior to each meeting. Consult with President to establish a monthly meeting agenda. Provide agenda and financial reports for all those in attendance at meetings. Maintain checking, savings and VISA accounts. Keep record of sources of income and expenses. Remind Executive Committee of spending resolution which requires maintenance of sixty per cent of past year's expenses prior to approving all expenditures. (Date of Motion 9/22/83) All travel and per diem for Conference meetings for the Executive Committee only is vouchered to the operating account if not reimbursable by individual's employer. All travel and per diem for conference meetings for standing chairs of committees only is vouchered to the committee’s account if not reimbursable by individual's employer. Reimbursement for mileage and per diem is consistent with state rates. 36 OFFICE: EXECUTIVE SECRETARY (continued) MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) Ongoing Ongoing January January January January January January January August August September September September December Prepare monthly statement of bills. Serve as ex officio member of the Budget and Finance Committee. Distribute calendars and tentative meeting schedule to Executive Committee and chairs. Arrange for orientation session for incoming Board members. Arrange for audit of Conference books at the end of each fiscal year, December 31. Remind committee chairs that budgets, planning calendars, and committee assignments are due by February 1. Prepare Form 990 - Non-profit Organization Tax Form (due by March 15). Prepare and file non-profit annual report by February 1. Prepare operating budget by February 1. Arrange for printing of last year’s Annual Business Meeting Minutes and yearly audit to be included in registration packets. Should be given to Registration Committee Chair by August for the purpose of preparing packets. Coordinate with Local Arrangements Chair for the recording of the annual Business Meeting. Provide cash fund, not to exceed $200, to Registration Chair for use at the annual Business Meeting. Recommend to the Executive Committee the donation of a membership and full registration as a door prize for the following years Fall Conference. At September Executive Committee board meeting pay bills and be available as resource person. Provide to Procedures Committee Chair most recent Conference year’s statistical data to include: Theme; President; Site; number of registrations; individual memberships; agency memberships and % of membership registered. (Rev.12/2013) 37 Section 02-05 - Attachment A North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Financial Report CAPITAL CREDIT UNION SAVINGS ACCOUNT BALANCE AS OF (mm-dd-yyyy) 0 DIVIDENDS SAVINGS ACCOUNT BALANCE AS OF (mm-dd-yyyy) $ $ $ - CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT AS OF (mm-dd-yyyy) DEPOSIT DIVIDEND ( mm-dd-yyyy) DEPOSIT DIVIDEND (mm-dd-yyyy) CD BALANCE AS OF (mm-dd-yyyy) $ $ $ $ - PRESIDENT'S CHOICE BALANCE AS OF (mm-dd-yyyy) 0 DEPOSITS AND CREDITS DEPOSIT DIVIDEND 0 CHECKS AND DEBITS ACCOUNT BALANCE AS OF (mm-dd-yyyy) $ $ $ $ $ - GRAND TOTAL $ - (Rev. 12/2013) 38 Section 02-05 - Attachment B North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org TREASURER’S REPORT FOR (MONTH/YEAR) ACCOUNT BALANCE AS OF MM/DD/YYYY INCOME Local Arrangements Memberships Operating (Interest/CD/Credits) Fund Raising Registration Program Total Income to Date EXPENSES Awards Budget & Finance Education Fund Raising History Local Arrangements Membership Nominations Operating PayPal Charges Procedures Program Public Relations Registration Research, Planning & Legislative Resolutions Time & Place Expenses Incurred from MM/DD/YYYY Total Expenses to Date ACCOUNT BALANCE AS OF MM/DD/YYYY $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ - $ $ - - (Rev. 12/2013) 39 Section 02-05 - Attachment C North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Listing of Monthly Bills DATE CK. # PAID BILLS AMOUNT PAYMENT DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SUBTOTAL DATE CK. # PENDING BILLS $0.00 AMOUNT PAYMENT DESCRIPTION 1 2 SUBTOTAL $0.00 TOTAL PAYMENT OF BILLS $0.00 (Rev. 12/2013) 40 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. Section 03 - Standing Committees Awards Committee Budget and Finance Committee Education Committee Fund-Raising Committee History Committee Local Arrangements Committee Membership Committee Nominations Committee Procedures Committee Program Committee Public Relations Committee Registration Committee Research, Planning and Legislative Committee Resolutions Committee Time and Place Committee 41 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 03-01 - Awards Committee 42 COMMITTEE: AWARDS A. Membership: 1. The Awards Committee should consist of a minimum of two (2) members to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate past chair(s) of the Awards Committee shall serve as an ex officio member(s) of this Committee. B. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Awards Committee shall identify current members of the Conference and: a. Issue appropriate recognition award to those with 10 years of service in the field of social welfare, at least five years of membership with the Conference, and who hold the current year’s membership with the Conference. b. Issue appropriate recognition award to those with 20 years accumulated service in the field of social welfare, at least ten years of membership with the Conference and who hold the current year’s membership with the Conference. c. Issue appropriate recognition award and (silver) metal engraved lifetime membership card to those with 30 years accumulated service in the field of social welfare, at least 15 years membership, and who hold the current year’s membership with the Conference. Once an individual has been presented their 30-year award, subsequent years’ membership dues are waived. d. Issue appropriate recognition award and (copper) metal engraved lifetime membership cards to those with 40 years of accumulated service in the field of social welfare, at least 15 years of membership with the Conference and who hold the current year’s membership with the Conference (only give card if the individual hasn’t been presented with their 30 Year award and lifetime membership card). Once an individual has been presented their 40-year award, subsequent years’ membership dues are waived. i. Years of service will be calculated from January 1 through December 31. Individuals who miss the cut-off date of December 31 in any given year, will be eligible to receive an award during the following Conference year, provided all other eligibility requirements are met. Should it come to the attention of the Awards Committee that an individual who has met all eligibility requirements regarding years of service and years of Conference membership was overlooked for an award at the most recently held Conference, the Awards Committee can issue a retroactive award to be presented at the current year’s Conference. Retroactive awards will be limited to circumstances from the previous year’s Conference. ii. Individuals may not prepay their Conference membership in an attempt to meet the years of membership eligibility requirements. iii. In-State/Out-Of-State service in the field of social welfare will be accepted as qualifying years of service. 43 e. 2. MONTH Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing January January January January February April July The out-going President is to be issued a (copper) metal engraved lifetime membership card. The Awards Committee shall present for approval by the Executive Committee, the names of individuals who are recommended for awards under special circumstances. FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Attend Executive Committee meetings Submit all billings for payment to the Executive Secretary on Expense Voucher. (See Form in Appendix) Request mileage and per diem reimbursement for chair(s) only, from the Conference if own employer does not provide. Note: All travel and per diem for Conference meetings is vouchered to the Awards Committee if not reimbursable by individual's employer. Reimbursement for mileage and per diem is consistent with state rates. Prepare news release to go out in the Lantern, as necessary. Serve as ex officio member on upcoming committee. Select Committee members and advise President by February 1. Submit planning calendar to President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Submit proposed Committee budget to the President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Prepare/send a letter to all county social service boards; human service centers, ND State Hospital, Life Skills and Transition Center (formerly the ND Developmental Center) and private agencies, which outlines awards criteria; requests names and information on potential recipients. Nominations are accepted until June 30. Prepare a list of potential award recipients. This list will contain two types of potential award recipients. 1. Those who meet all eligibility requirements; years of service, years of Conference membership and have current year’s Conference membership paid. 2. Those who meet the years of service requirements and the years of Conference membership and only need their current year’s conference membership to qualify. Mail appropriate letter to potential recipients. Secure biographical data on prospective recipients (Note: questionnaire is included with each of the above-referenced letters). Estimate number of potential recipients eligible for service awards and prepare a preliminary budget covering cost of plaques, engraving, postage, printing, etc. Arrange engraving of plaques for outgoing Executive Committee members, President’s Award, Ruth Meiers Award, Sister Donna Jean Chaput Award, and scholarship recipients. (Cost for Scholarship recipients’ plaques is assigned to the Education Committee’s budget.) Identify and prepare a list of service award recipients and give copy to Local Arrangements and Registration Committee. 44 MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) July/August August August August August September September October December December December Edit biographical sketches. Print and send to Registration Chair to include with registration packets. Choose the recipient of the Sister Donna Jean Chaput Award based on applications received and criteria met. It is the discretion of Awards Committee if they wish assistance with this decision from other Board Members and/or Committee Chairs. If possible, this award is to be presented by the previous year’s recipient. If not possible, award should then be presented by President or PastPresident of the Conference. The Awards Committee will finalize this process and forward biographical information to the presenter for the presentation at the Conference Banquet. Arrange for appropriate recognition award for the 10 to 40 Year Award recipients; engraved membership cards for the out-going President and the 30 and 40 Year Award recipients; out-going Executive Committee Members’ awards; Ruth Meiers Award (as directed by most recent Past-President); Sister Donna Jean Chaput Award; President’s Award (as directed by current year’s Conference President); Scholarship Recipients (as directed by the Education Committee). Order corsages for 30 and 40 year award recipients (optional). Coordinate with Local Arrangements Committee to avoid duplication. Retain a supply of logo lapel pins, which are to be given to members of committees on a one-time basis. Replacement pins are available for a fee. Secure names of committee members from chairs. Update on-going list of logo pin recipients. Present a report on the activity of the Committee at the annual Business Meeting. Present awards at the Conference Awards Brunch. Arrange for delivery of awards to recipients who did not attend Conference. Prepare final report in duplicate, including financial with one copy to be retained in the committee file and the second copy to be submitted at the Executive Committee Meeting. Recommend changes. Update on-going lists of Service Award Recipients, Sister Donna Jean Chaput Award Recipients, President’s Award Recipients and Ruth Meiers Award Recipients. (Rev.12/2013) 45 Section 03-01 – Attachment A North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Notice of Qualification Date Dear We think it is important for you to know how you can qualify for the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Service Award. To be eligible, an individual must be a current member of the NDCSW and have accumulated 10, 20, 30, or 40 years of service in the field of social welfare. In addition, accumulated NDCSW membership is required as follows: Conference Membership Five Years Ten Years Fifteen Years Fifteen Years Social Welfare Service 10 Years of Service 20 Years of Service 30 Years of Service 40 Years of Service Our records indicate you have accumulated _______years of Conference membership. Any questions you have regarding your potential eligibility for the NDCSW Service Award should be directed to: Name, Co-Chair NDCSW Awards Committee Address City, State, Zip Telephone Number: (701) Sincerely, Membership Committee Chair Awards Committee Chair/Co-Chairs (Rev. 12/2013) 46 Section 03-01 – Attachment B North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Notice of Potential Qualification (Sample letter sent to potential award recipients who have met the year of service requirement, however, still need the current years membership to qualify.) Date: Name Address City, State, Zip Dear___________: Your name has been submitted as a potential candidate for the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Service Award. To be eligible an individual must be a current member of the NDCSW; have accumulated 10, 20, 30, or 40 years of service in the field of social welfare and have accumulated NDSCW membership as follows: Conference Membership Five Years Ten Years Fifteen Years Fifteen Years Social Welfare Service 10 Years of Service 20 Years of Service 30 Years of Service 40 Years of Service According to membership records, you currently have _______years of Conference membership and only need this year’s membership to satisfy all eligibility criteria as explained above to qualify for your _______year service award. We encourage you to complete and submit the enclosed membership application as soon as possible. A questionnaire to help you develop your brief autobiography is attached. Your autobiography will be added to a handout that is distributed to all NDSCW Members attending the ____Conference. In addition, we ask that you submit a recent photo of yourself (any size is acceptable). Your photo (and the other Award recipients’ photos) will be matted/framed and displayed at the Conference. Note: your photo will be returned to you. A special awards ceremony will be held at the Conference Brunch on Friday morning, (Date), at the (Conference Center), (City). Reserved seating will be available for award recipients and their guest(s). If you have any questions, please call__________________, at_________. Sincerely, Chair/Co-Chair Awards Committee (Rev. 12/2013) 47 Section 03-01 – Attachment C North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Notice of Award Presentation (Sample letter sent to award recipients who have met both the years of service and Conference membership eligibility requirements) Date Name Address City, State, Zip Dear Congratulations!!! On behalf of the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, we are pleased to inform you that you will be awarded the NDSCW Service Award in recognition of your years of accumulated service in the field of social welfare. A questionnaire to help you develop your brief autobiography is attached. Your autobiography will be added to a handout that is distributed to all NDSCW Members attending the ____Conference. In addition, we ask that you submit a recent photo of yourself (any size is acceptable). Your photo (and the other Award recipients’ photos) will be matted/framed and displayed at the Conference. Note: your photo will be returned to you. A special awards ceremony will be held at the Conference Brunch on Friday morning, September ____, at the (Conference Headquarters, City). Reserved seating will be available for award recipients and their guest (s). We hope this will be a special time for you as you are recognized and honored for your many years of service in the field of social welfare and your support of the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare. If you have any questions, please call _______________, at (701) _________. Sincerely, Chair/Co-Chairs Awards Committee (Rev. 12/2013) 48 Section 03-01 – Attachment D North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Service Award Questionnaire NAME: (as you wish it to appear on your award) EMPLOYMENT START DATE IN THE FIELD OF SOCIAL WELFARE: ______________ HISTORY OF YOUR EMPLOYMENT IN SOCIAL WELFARE: (dates, positions held, agencies worked for, etc.) Note: If necessary, please attach additional sheet. POSITION HELD AGENCY DATES OF EMPLOYMENT SPECIAL INTERESTS: (e.g. clubs, church activities, sports, hobbies, pets, travel, etc.) FAMILY: (e.g. single, married, widowed, children, grandchildren, etc.) OPTION I will be accepting my award in person: Unable to attend, designee will accept on my behalf: Will submit a photo: (photo will be returned) Will submit an autobiography: I am declining this award: RESPONSE Yes_____ AWARDS COMMITTEE ONLY No_____ Name: ________________ Yes_____ No_____ Yes_____ No_____ Yes_____ If any accommodation or assistance is needed in accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, please contact ________________________, Chair Co-Chair, NDCSW Awards Committee at (701) _____________ or (701) _____________ (TTY). (Rev. 12/2013) 49 Section 03-01 – Attachment E North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Sister Donna Jean Chaput Award The North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare is continuing the Sister Donna Jean Chaput Award which is presented at the Fall Conference in September. This award is presented annually to an outstanding resident of North Dakota. The recipient will receive up to $500 in the form of a donation to the charity of their choice. Criteria is as follows: 1. The individual must be someone who has been directly involved in the delivery of “social welfare-related services” for five (5) years or more in North Dakota. 2. The individual has integrated spiritual values into the delivery of these services. 3. The individual should be someone who has exhibited high personal and professional standards. 4. The individual should be someone who has exhibited a commitment to work collaboratively with other staff/agencies in the provision of services. 5. Nominees may come from pastoral care workers, parish nurses or ministry staff, Salvation Army staff, hospice staff, cancer program staff, social workers, lay persons, volunteers, medical staff, nursing home employees, etc. Nominations must be submitted to the Awards Committee Chair(s) by ________, at the following address: Awards Chairperson Address E-mail Telephone Fax (Rev. 12/2013) 50 Section 03-01 – Attachment F NORTH DAKOTA CONFERENCE OF SOCIAL WELFARE, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Sister Donna Jean Chaput Award Nominee Criteria & Application Form NAME OF NOMINEE : CURRENT ADDRESS: Note: Please attach additional comment sheet(s) as necessary. 1) The individual must be someone who has been directly involved in the delivery of “social welfarerelated services” for 5 years or more in North Dakota. Position Held by Nominee: Length of Service: Place of Residence: Length of time in North Dakota: 2) The individual has integrated spiritual values into the delivery of these services. How have spiritual values been integrated into the delivery of services? Please be specific. 3) The individual should be someone who has exhibited high personal and professional standards. Describe in detail how nominee has exhibited high personal and professional standards. 4) The individual should be someone who has exhibited a commitment to work collaboratively with other staff/agencies in the provision of services. Describe in detail how nominee has exhibited a commitment to work collaboratively with other staff/agencies in the provision of services. 5) Nominees may come from pastoral care workers, parish nurses or ministry staff, Salvation Army staff, hospice staff, cancer program staff, social workers, lay persons, volunteers, medical staff, nursing home employees, etc. Please list detailed information regarding nominee’s employment/volunteer history. 6) Other Comments: (Why you feel candidate is worthy of this honor, comments, references, etc.) Individual submitting nomination: NAME: ___________________________PHONE #:__________________ EMAIL:_______________ ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________________ (Rev. 12//2013) 51 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 03-02 - Budget and Finance Committee 52 COMMITTEE: BUDGET AND FINANCE A. B. Membership: 1. The Budget and Finance Committee should consist of a minimum of three (3) members to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate past chairperson(s) of the Budget and Finance Committee and the Executive Secretary shall serve as ex officio members of this Committee. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Budget and Finance Committee shall audit or cause to be audited, the books and report the outcome to the Executive Committee. MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing January January January January February February March April September December December Attend Executive Committee meetings. Submit all billings for payment to the Executive Secretary on Expense Voucher. (See Form in Appendix) Request mileage and per diem reimbursement for chair(s) only, from the Conference if own employer does not provide. Note: All travel and per diem for Conference meetings is vouchered to the Budget and Finance Committee, if not reimbursable by individual's employer. Reimbursement for per diem is consistent with state rates. Serve as ex officio member on upcoming committee. Shall audit or cause to be audited, the books and report the outcome to the Executive Committee. Select Committee members and advise President by February 1. Submit planning calendar to President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Submit proposed Committee budget to the President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Report audit results to Executive Committee Meet with Executive Committee to review budget requests for Conference expenses. Complete and submit 990-EZ to Executive Secretary by March 1 Make recommendation for potential registration fees. Present a report on the committee activity at the annual Business Meeting. Prepare final report in duplicate, including financial, with one copy to be retained in the committee file and the second copy to be submitted at the Executive Committee meeting. Recommend changes. (Rev. 12/2013]) 53 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 03-03 - Education Committee 54 COMMITTEE: EDUCATION A. B. Membership: 1. The Education Committee should consist of a minimum of six (6) members, three (3) to be appointed annually. 2. The chairmanship shall consist of chair and co-chair who shall serve alternating terms. 3. The co-chair shall appoint two (2) members to serve a two-year term. Purpose and Functions: 1. The Education Committee shall arrange with the appropriate universities and/or colleges for the selection of undergraduate students and one graduate student for a scholarship from this Conference. 2. The Education Committee shall, when appropriate, participate with other associations or groups, in sponsoring educational activities to meet the needs of Conference members. 3. The number of scholarships awarded cannot exceed a total of: Ten undergraduate social work and other related fields One graduate 4. The Education Committee shall study educational programs and projects related to social welfare and shall make recommendations deemed advisable. MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing January January January January February March April June Attend Executive Committee meetings. Submit all billings for payment to the Executive Secretary on Expense Voucher. (See Form in Appendix) Request mileage and per diem reimbursement for chair(s) only, from the Conference if own employer does not provide. Note: All travel and per diem for Conference meetings is vouchered to the Education Committee if not reimbursable by individual's employer. Reimbursement for mileage and per diem is consistent with state rates. Contribute articles regularly to the Lantern and the Public Relations Committee to be placed on the website. Serve as ex officio member on the upcoming Committee. Select Committee members and advise President by February 1. Submit planning calendar to President by February 1. Submit proposed Committee budget to the President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Secure lodging for scholarship recipients for Fall Conference. Contact college/university advisors/program chairs and notify them of scholarship availability. Re-contact college/university advisors regarding scholarship availability and remind them of April 30th deadline for applications. Contact colleges/university advisors to collect scholarship applications. Review scholarship applications and select recipients based on the 55 June July August August August August August September September October December December criteria outlined and the number approved by the Executive Committee. Present scholarship recipients selected to the Executive Committee. Send letter to students to notify them of the award, request autobiographical sketch and instructions for attending the conference. Prepare awards/certificates for scholarship recipients Each recipient will be awarded a scholarship determined by the Education Committee budget. Arrange scholarship luncheon to include Education Committee Chair(s), Past President, President, and President Elect. Conference pays for student lunches. Arrange for printing of scholarship recipient autobiographical sketch and submit to Registration Chair to be included in registration packet. Secure NDCSW items from Fund Raising Committee for scholarship recipients. Present Student Social Work Scholarship awards at the Fall Conference. Present a report on the activity of the committee at the annual business meeting. Send Scholarship information to colleges/universities for next conference year. Prepare final report in duplicate, including financial, with one copy to be retained in the Committee file and the second copy to be submitted at the Executive Committee Meeting. Recommend changes. (Rev.12/2013) 56 Section 03-03 - Attachment A North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Letter to the College/University T he North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare (NDCSW) was formed in 1920 by a group of individuals who were interested in starting a broad based organization that would speak out effectively and strongly on behalf of North Dakota’s children and its underprivileged. The conference has been instrumental throughout the years in spearheading legislation, serving as an advocate for the disadvantaged, and conducting training programs/conferences for individuals and groups involved in social welfare issues. During its existence, the conference has reflected the emerging social needs of North Dakotans, such as recognition of the financial needs of destitute citizens, identification of the needs of returning veterans, displaced persons, institutionalized patients, and advocating for the safety, permanence and well-being of children and families. Over the years the focus of the NDCSW has gradually evolved from a social action organization to one that emphasizes training and coordination. The Conference has sponsored workshops, training courses and large conferences for all segments of the social welfare system and has been instrumental in bringing associated professions together for joint conferences and workshops. The Conference has had a long and exciting history. It has been instrumental in shaping the structure of the North Dakota social welfare system. It has served as a focal point whereby all persons concerned with social welfare can meet, share ideas, and advocate for the needs of children and disadvantaged adults. NDCSW has always been and will continue to be a powerful vehicle for people helping people. MISSION STATEMENT To improve the life for all in North Dakota by advocating for the underprivileged, being a leader in social welfare issues and a force in social welfare reform. PURPOSE Afford an opportunity for those interested in social welfare to discuss needs, methods, principles and activities of their profession; Gather and disseminate appropriate information concerning social welfare; Actively engage in non-partisan legislation and make the intent known to the people and legislature; Promote active cooperation between all agencies and institutions – public and private, religious and secular, engaged in social welfare in this state; and Advance for a high standard of social service programs for the citizenry of North Dakota. Each year the Conference selects up to one (1) graduate and ten (10) undergraduate students for up to a $500 scholarship. The scholarships are awarded at the annual conference, which is held in September each year. The scholarship selection is based on the student’s interest in: 1) social welfare reform; 2) advocating for the underprivileged; and 3) being a leader in social welfare issues. The student must write an essay of 1000 words or less about their interest in the three areas listed above, why they would like to be a member of the NDCSW, what benefits there are to membership in the NDCSW, what committee they would like to serve on, and how they would like to or intend to become involved as a member of NDCSW. Students may access the NDCSW website at www.ndcsw.org for information on the organization and its committees. Scholarship recipients attend the Fall Conference late in September to receive their award. Deadline for submission of this scholarship is April 30th. Thank you for taking the time to consider this scholarship opportunity. We hope to hear from you in the future. (Rev.12/2013) 57 Section 03-03 - Attachment B North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Student Social Work Application NAME____________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS________________________________________________________________ CITY AND STATE__________________________________________________________ PHONE ______________ FAX______________EMAIL_____________________________ COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY__________________________________________________ In 1000 words or less describe your interest in: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) social welfare reform advocating for the underprivileged being a leader in social welfare issues why you would like to be a member of the NDCSW what benefits there are to membership in the NDCSW what committee you would like to serve on how you would like to/or intend to become involved as a member of NDCSW to serve the citizens of North Dakota. Note: Please attach additional comment sheet(s) as necessary. (Rev.12/2013) 58 Section 03-03 - Attachment C North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Student Attendance Reply Form Outstanding Social Work Student Date Name Address Telephone School GPA Email Address Please check box all applicable boxes: Yes No I will be attending the Conference. I will make my own arrangements for travel and lodging. I would like the Conference to secure lodging for me at the Conference headquarters. I am willing to room with another student. I would like my own room. Single Double Please answer the following questions. If additional space is required, use reverse side of this form. 1. What is your primary area of interest in Social Work? 2. What is your work or volunteer experience (to include internship or field experience)? 3. What do you hope to be doing five (5) years from now? Thank you for completing this form. We look forward to seeing you in , on DD/MM/YYYY. Persons needing assistance with accommodations should contact: Name:__________________________ Address:_________________________ Voice Phone:_____________________ TTY:_____________________________ (Rev. 12/2013) 59 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 03-04 - Fund Raising Committee 60 COMMITTEE: FUND RAISING A. B. Membership: 1. The Committee should consist of a chairperson or co-chairs and a minimum of eight (8) members to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate past chairperson(s) of the Fund Raising Committee shall serve as ex officio member(s) of this Committee. Purpose and Functions: 1. The Fund Raising Committee shall plan and develop fund raising events providing fixed areas of income. This income will be used to fund scholarships/education and other areas of need at the discretion of the Executive Committee. 2. Sources for fund raising may include, but will not be limited to, raffles, live/silent auctions, NDCSW product sales and grants. 3. The Fund Raising Committee shall promote North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare visibility through the sale of North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare products. MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing January January Attend Executive Committee meetings. Submit all billings for payment to the Executive Secretary on Expense Voucher. (See Form in Appendix) Request mileage and per diem reimbursement for Chair(s) from the Conference if own employer does not provide. Note: All travel and per diem for Conference meetings is vouchered to the Fund Raising Committee if not reimbursable by individual's employer. Reimbursement for mileage and per diem is consistent with state rates. Utilize Lantern and the Web site to distribute/advertise Committee activities. Serve as ex officio member on the upcoming Committee. Research available grants and consult with Executive Committee prior to pursuing a grant. Present a report on the activities of the Committee, as needed, at monthly Executive Committee meetings. Coordinate with Local Arrangements for the following: equipment and space needs of Fund Raising Committee at the Fall Conference for silent auction. Coordinate with other applicable committees regarding sale of NDCSW products. Inventory products for availability. Inform Executive Committee of Fund Raising Committee’s ideas/plans for fund raising projects. Submit planning calendar to President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Select Committee members and advise President by February 1. 61 COMMITTEE: FUND RAISING (continued) MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) January January January January March April July August September December December Submit proposed Committee budget to the President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix). Obtain approval from Executive Committee regarding obtaining/purchase of raffle prizes. Coordinate with Local Arrangements Committee to obtain raffle permit in city of conference location. Present the Committee’s intent of holding silent auction to the Executive Committee. Print raffle tickets. Number of tickets printed should be based on tickets printed/sold in previous year. Make raffle tickets available to Executive Committee/Committee Chairs for sale to general public. Determine picture to be used for conference button sale if used as a fund raising event. Prepare work schedule for fund raising activities. Present a report on the committee activity at the annual Business Meeting. Prepare final report in duplicate, including financial, with one copy to be retained in committee file and the second copy to be submitted at the Executive Committee meeting. Recommend changes. (Rev. 12/2013) 62 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 03-05 - History Committee 63 COMMITTEE: HISTORY A. Membership: 1. The History Committee should consist of a minimum of three (3) members to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate past chairperson(s) of the History Committee shall serve as an ex officio member(s) of this Committee. B. Purposes and Functions: 1. The History Committee will update albums with the prior year’s photos. 2. The History Committee will update history packets with appropriate information. 3. The History Committee will make presentations on the History of the Conference. 4. The History Committee will publish articles on the History of the Conference in the “Lantern”. MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing January January January January April July September Attend Executive Committee meetings. Submit all billings for payment to the Executive Secretary on Expense Voucher. (See Form in Appendix) Request mileage and per diem reimbursement from the Conference for chair(s) only, if employer does not provide. Note: All travel and per diem for Conference meetings is vouchered to the History Committee if not reimbursable by individual's employer. Reimbursement for mileage and per diem is consistent with state rates Serve as ex officio member on upcoming committee. Update and maintain a pictorial and history of conference year. Select Committee members and advise President by February 1. Submit planning calendar to President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Submit proposed Committee budget to the President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Submit article to Lantern requesting and/or providing history information Create history sheet for past year. Gather information and pictures for power point presentation at conference. Have immediate past year’s history sheet available for members. Have history pictures available for use at conference. Present power point presentation at event decided by local arrangements. 64 COMMITTEE: HISTORY (continued) MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES(continued) September December December Present a report on the activity of the committee at the annual Business Meeting. Prepare final report in duplicate, including financial, with one copy to be retained in committee file and the second copy to be submitted at the Executive Committee meeting. Recommend changes. (Rev. 12/2013) 65 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 03-06 - Local Arrangements Committee 66 COMMITTEE: LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS A. B. Membership: 1. The Local Arrangements Committee should consist of a minimum of nine (9) members to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate past chairperson(s) of the Local Arrangements Committee shall serve as ex officio member(s) of this committee. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Local Arrangements Committee shall assist in the planning and coordinate the activities with other Conference Committees. 2. The Local Arrangements Committee shall arrange for meeting rooms and places for the program activities of the Conference, including rooms for speakers or special guests. 3. The Local Arrangements Committee shall make arrangements for the entertainment at the banquet and social activities of the Conference. MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing January January January January Attend Executive Committee meetings. Submit all billings for payment to the Executive Secretary on Expense Voucher. (See Form in Appendix) Request mileage and per diem reimbursement for Chair(s) only from the Conference if own employer does not provide. Note: All travel and per diem for Conference meetings is vouchered to the Local Arrangements Committee account if not reimbursable by individual's employer. Reimbursement for mileage and per diem is consistent with state rates. Work closely with Registration Committee and Program Committee to determine their needs and coordinate physical needs and layouts for the Fall Conference. Coordinate all activities of Local Arrangements Committee with convention director of facility. Serve as ex officio member on the upcoming committee. Review with sales manager at the Conference headquarters the established agreement secured by the Time and Place Committee; verify block of rooms for presenters, scholarship recipients, and Executive Committee for Fall Conference. Select Committee members; advise President by February 1. Submit planning calendar to President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Submit proposed Committee budget to the President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) 67 COMMITTEE: LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS (continued) MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) January January Coordinate with three (3) most immediate Past Presidents and the Program Committee, arrangements for the Leadership Luncheon. Delegate job duties to the committee members: (See A thru U) NOTE: All agreements must be in writing - music, lodging, meals (including tax and gratuity) and any other contracted service. Facilities may have their own contract. A. President’s Hospitality Room 1. Purpose: a. To provide a place for Conference work groups to go to relax and socialize. b. To reward those who have worked to put the Conference together. c. To provide a meeting room for groups such as the Executive Board or Past Presidents Association. 2. Guests a. Executive Board and Officer. b. Committee Chairs and members. c. Friends of the above. d. No minors will be allowed. 3. Procedures a. Local Arrangements Chair will advise hotel management that no telephone or room service charges be accepted from the hospitality room. b. Key to the room should be allocated only to the person in charge and the President. B. Bands and/or entertainment for two nights. Contracts required. C. Banquet and Brunch 1. Develop and print program and tickets 2. Obtain cutoff time for sale of tickets 3. Obtain prices in writing, including tax and gratuity. D. Coffee breaks and welcome banners. Encourage coffee and other contributions from Time and Place host-city campaigns. Coordinate with Time and Place Committee. E. Equipment for speakers, business meetings, etc. Coordinate with Program Committee. F. Decorations and flowers (includes award recipients) See guidelines. 68 COMMITTEE: LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS (continued) MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) G. H. January September December December Transportation at Conference for members. Coordinate with Registration Committee. Invite Registration Chair to attend Local Arrangements Committee meetings. I. Coordinate with Program Committee and invite Chair to meetings. J. Door prizes and drawings. K. Prepare and place Conference workshop posters outside of each designated room. L. Coordinate with Education Chair, arrangements for scholarship recipients at the banquet and housing for Conference. M. Coordinate with Awards Chair for the service award recipients at the brunch. N. Arrange for the social hour prior to the banquet. O. Contact President for placement at the head table for banquet and brunch. P. Arrange for invocation and host-city guests (such as mayor) as needed. Q. Provide a list of lodging accommodations for the March issue of the Lantern. R. Contact associations that hold their annual meeting at the Conference and determine/assign room space. S. Assess the need to provide refreshment breaks for Association meetings. T. Arrange for pre-Conference Executive Committee meeting. U. Arrange for displays/booths. A non-member agency is required to pay the amount equal to the agency membership and provide a minimum of one (1) door prize. Secure from Program Committee, the theme for the Conference for coordination and continuity. Present a report on the activity of the committee at the annual Business Meeting. Prepare final report in duplicate, including financial, with one copy to be retained in the committee file and the second copy to be submitted at the Executive Committee meeting. Recommend changes. (Rev. 12/2013) 69 Section 03-06 – Attachment A Guidelines For Local Arrangements **Note: All arrangements for flowers, head table seating, and reserved tables are optional. Banquet Flowers 1. President (and spouse, if attending) 2. President Elect (and spouse, if attending) 3. Past President (and spouse, if attending) 4. Executive Secretary (and spouse, if attending) 5. Person giving invocation or other special guests (and spouse, if attending) 6. Long stemmed rose for each Past President (secure number from Registration Committee Chair) 7. One centerpiece to be used for both banquet and brunch Note: Corsage for women and boutonniere for men, or generic. Banquet Head Table 1. President (and spouse, if attending) - Master of Ceremonies in absence of Past-President 2. Person giving invocation (and spouse, if attending) 3. Past President (and spouse, if attending) - Master of Ceremonies 4. President-Elect (and spouse, if attending) 5. Other guests (and spouse, if attending) 6. Executive Secretary Note: Ten (10) persons maximum. Banquet Lower Reserved Tables 1. 2. 3. Ruth Meiers Award Recipient (and spouse/children, if attending) Sister Donna Jean Chaput Award Recipient (and spouse/children, if attending) Presenters of Awards Brunch Flowers 1. 2. 3. 4. Thirty (30) and Forty (40) year service award recipients: Optional (confirm number with Awards Committee Chair) Outgoing Board Members (confirm number with Executive Secretary) One centerpiece to be used for both banquet and brunch Scholarship Recipients (confirm number with Education Committee) Brunch Head Table President (and spouse, if attending) President Elect (and spouse, if attending) Master of Ceremonies Person giving invocation (and spouse, if attending) NOTE: Eight (8) persons maximum. Brunch Lower Reserved Tables 1. Ten, twenty, thirty, and forty year service award recipients, per special request (confirm number with Award Committee Chair) 2. Outgoing Board Members (confirm number with Executive Secretary) 3. Service Award Chair (s), (and spouses, if attending) 4. Scholarship recipients and guests, (confirm with Education Chair) NOTE: This is not mandatory. Free Banquet and Brunch Tickets 1. 2. 3. Person giving invocation (and spouse, if attending) Banquet speaker (and spouse, if attending) Speakers from other workshops who are not members of the Conference and stay for the banquet or brunch (and spouse, if attending) – confirm with Program Chair 4. Recipient of Ruth Meiers Award and Sister Donna Jean Chaput Award and spouses, if attending – confirm with Past President and Awards Chair 5. Scholarship recipients 6. Special guests (senators, etc.) (and spouse, if attending) NOTE: Badge or tickets must be shown for admission to all program and meal functions. (Rev. 12/2013) 70 Section 03-06 – Attachment B North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Entertainment Contract I/We, ___________________________________, agree to provide the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare with: Type of Performance: Date(s): Time: Location: Price: Other: Cancellation Clause The individual performer or representative for performing band agrees that if the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare makes a deposit prior to the date of their performance and the individual or band does not follow through with the terms of the contract or cancels their performance, all monies paid in advance will be refunded to the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare within 15 days. Individual Performer or Representative for Performing Band Local Arrangements Chair (Signature) (Signature) (Date Signed) Telephone: (Date Signed) Telephone: Email address: Email address: Mailing Address: Mailing Address: (Rev. 12/2013) 71 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 03-07 - Membership Committee 72 COMMITTEE: MEMBERSHIP A. Membership: 1. The Membership Committee shall consist of a minimum of seven (7) members to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate past chairperson of the Membership Committee serve as ex officio member of this Committee. B. Purposes and Functions: 1. Conduct an annual membership drive. 2. The Membership Committee shall maintain a membership roster. MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing January January December January May Attend Executive Committee meetings. Submit all billings for payment to the Executive Secretary on Expense Voucher. (See Form in Appendix) Request mileage and per diem reimbursement for chair(s) only from the Conference if own employer does not provide. Note: All travel and per diem for Conference meetings is vouchered to the Membership Committee if not reimbursable by individual's employer. Reimbursement for mileage and per diem is consistent with state rates. Membership application is part of every issue of the Lantern and is also on the Website. Coordinate with Public Relations Chair. Utilize every group function to seek new memberships and renewal of previous memberships. Serve as ex officio member on upcoming committee. Select Committee members and advise President by February 1. Submit planning calendar to President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Submit proposed Committee budget to President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Send billing to all agencies for membership. Submit an article for the Lantern and the Website to inform that only those who have paid current years membership will remain on mailing list effective July 1. (Subject to change by Executive Committee) 73 COMMITTEE: MEMBERSHIP (continued) MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) September September September September December December December Suggest to the President and/or Executive Committee that they contact the Social Work Departments at Minot State University, University of North Dakota, University of Mary, Concordia, and University of Minnesota - Moorhead to solicit student memberships. Promote sale of following years membership and offer door prize drawing Secure for Membership Desk at Conference a. Printout/List showing name, home address, agency represented and dollar amount paid, and year. b. Have current year and next year’s cards available. c. Type cards for lifetime members if they do not have lifetime card with them or prefer to use regular card instead of lifetime card. d. Agency membership allows one vote. e. Issue receipts for cash payments. Present a report on the activity of the committee at the annual Business Meeting. Update current year’s mailing list from final current year membership list and bring Conference membership card box up to date. Prepare final report in duplicate, including financial, with one copy to be retained in the committee file and the second copy to be submitted at the Executive Committee meeting. Recommend changes. (Rev.12/2013) 74 Section 03-07 – Attachment A North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Application for Membership 20__ Membership Year January 1, ___ thru December 31, ____ Type of Membership: Agency Individual Student/Retiree Lifetime Is this a membership transfer or name/address/email/agency change? Yes No Name/Agency Name Title Job Description Social Worker Home Address Eligibility Worker/ Income Maintenance City, State, Zip Director/Administrator /Supervisor Agency Represented Email Address Board Member Referred By Student County Other Have you been a member previously? If yes, under what name? Membership Dues: Individual Agency* Student/Retiree Lifetime $15.00 $30.00 $ 7.50 Free ** Yes No Mail Application and Payment To: Membership Co-Chair, NDCSW Address MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: NDCSW or NORTH DAKOTA CONFERENCE OF SOCIAL WELFARE, Inc. Note: In order to avoid duplication, if you have transferred from one agency to another, OR if there has been a name change, please indicate this on the application. If you have had any change (employment, address, name, email), please use this form to update the conference membership. If you have already paid your membership, please give this application to someone who may not have one. *Entitles agency to one vote in conference decisions; supports the goals of the conference; and agency may display a booth at the annual conference for no additional fee. Agency membership does NOT replace individual membership. **Eligible for free membership after 30-year award is received. (Rev. 12/2013) 75 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 03-08 - Nominations Committee 76 COMMITTEE: NOMINATIONS A. B. Membership: 1. The Nominations Committee should consist of a minimum of four (4) members to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate past chairperson(s) of the Nominations Committee shall serve as ex officio member(s) of this committee. Purpose and Functions: 1. The Nominations Committee shall present a list of nominees for each office to be filled at the regular annual business meeting of the Conference. 2. The Nominations Committee shall present a list of nominees for the board member positions to be filled at the regular annual business meeting of the Conference. Board Members shall be selected at large from the list submitted. MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing January January July July Attend Executive Committee meetings. Submit all billings for payment to the Executive Secretary on Expense Voucher. (See Form in Appendix) Request mileage and per diem reimbursement for Chair(s) only from the Conference if own employer does not provide. Note: All travel and per diem for Conference meetings is vouchered to the Nominations Committee if not reimbursable by individual's employer. Reimbursement for mileage and per diem is consistent with state rates. Contribute articles regularly to the Lantern and the Website. Serve as ex officio member on the upcoming Committee. Contacts are to be initiated seeking nominees for the offices that are to be filled. Persons contacted and selected as candidates should represent the interests of the Conference membership and geographical areas across the State. They must be a member of the Conference. Select Committee members and advise President by February 1. Submit planning calendar to President by February 1. Submit names of nominees to the executive Committee for approval as candidates for the vacancies to be filled at the annual Conference business meeting election. Nominations for all vacancies should be secured by August 1 of the Conference year in order to allow individuals running for offices some lead time in their campaign and also to provide the Publicity Committee with the names of those nominees so that the information might be made available to the general membership through the Lantern and the Website. 77 COMMITTEE: NOMINATIONS (continued) MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) July July September September September September December December Questionnaire should be sent to the nominees to secure biographical information and to prepare biographical sketches for printing and distribution once a candidate has accepted running for the vacancy. Send to Registration Committee chair to be included in the registration packet. Encourage nominees to campaign to bring more interest to the Conference. Inform nominees that they have three minutes at the fall Business meeting for a campaign speech. Have election ballots printed and available prior to the Conference. (See Sample) Appoint tellers and submit names to the Executive Secretary prior to the annual Business Meeting. Retain election ballot for a period of one year. Present a report on the activity of the committee at the annual business meeting. Prepare final report in duplicate, including financial, with one copy to be retained in the Committee file and the second copy to be submitted at the Executive Committee Meeting. Recommend changes. (Rev. 12/2013) 78 Section 03-08 – Attachment A North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Sample Ballot BALLOT PRESIDENT (vote for one) 1) Candidate 2) Candidate EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE *(vote for two/three) 1) Candidate 2) Candidate 3) Candidate 4) Candidate 4) Candidate *Some years there will be two positions open and some years, three. The rotation schedule for vacancies and election of Executive Board members shall run on a 2year, 2-year, 3-year rotation. Example: 2013 – 3 open positions 2014 – 2 open positions 2015 – 2 open positions 2016 – 3 open positions (Rev. 12/2013) 79 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 03-09 - Procedures Committee 80 COMMITTEE: PROCEDURES A. 1. 2. B. Membership: The Procedures Committee should consist of a minimum of three (3) members to be appointed annually. The Immediate Past Chairperson(s) shall serve as ex officio member(s) of this Committee. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Procedures Committee shall revise and update the By-Laws, and Procedures Manual after the By-Law changes are approved by the membership at the annual Business Meeting. 2. Review the Procedures Manual to incorporate motions, as appropriate. 3. The Procedures Committee members may serve as parliamentarians at the annual Business Meeting of the Conference. 4. The Procedures Committee shall send out written statements of all proposed amendments of the By-Laws to the entire membership at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered, which statement shall include copies of the article or section to be amended. 5. Review Procedures Manual to incorporate resolutions, as appropriate 6. Review Procedures Manual when deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee. MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Attend Executive Committee meetings. Submit all billings for payment to the Executive Secretary on Expense Voucher. (See Form in Appendix) Request mileage and per diem reimbursement for chair(s) only from the Conference if employer does not provide. Note: All travel and per diem for Conference meetings is vouchered to the Procedures Committee if not reimbursable by individual's employer. Reimbursement for mileage and per diem is consistent with state rates. Serve as ex officio member on upcoming committee. Solicit changes for the By-Laws from the membership through announcements in the Lantern, including deadline dates for same. Publish any proposed changes to the By-Laws in the Lantern so that the membership is properly notified 10 days prior to the annual meeting. Have the Procedures Committee members review any proposed changes to the By-Laws and Procedures Manual and provide same to the Executive Committee for approval. 81 COMMITTEE: PROCEDURES (continued) MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) Ongoing January January January June August August September October October October December December Review motions throughout the Conference year for incorporation into the Procedures Manual Select Committee members/advise President by February 1. Submit planning calendar to President by January 1. (See Form in Appendix) Submit proposed Committee budget to President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Present changes to Executive Committee for approval a minimum of 75 days prior to the annual meeting. Print proposed changes for distribution at the annual Business Meeting and send to the Registration chair to be included in the packet. Recommend to President, names for parliamentarians at annual Business Meeting. Present a report on the activity of the Committee at the annual Business Meeting. The current Committee will have the responsibility of arranging for printing of the By-Laws, if changes are approved at the annual meeting. Review the By-Laws changes approved by the membership at the Fall Conference for incorporation in the By-Laws and Procedures Manual. Review Resolutions approved at the Fall Conference for possible incorporation in the Procedures Manual. Prepare final report in duplicate, including financial, with one copy to be retained in the committee file and the second copy to be submitted at the Executive Committee meeting. Recommend changes. (Rev. 12/2013) 82 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 03-10 - Program Committee 83 COMMITTEE: PROGRAM A. Membership: 1. The President-Elect shall serve as a member of the Program Committee. 2. The Program Committee should consist of a minimum of six (6) members to be appointed annually. The immediate past chair of the Program Committee serve as ex officio member of this committee. B. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Program Committee shall plan the program for the annual Conference. 2. The Program Committee shall secure speakers, panelists, and persons to preside at sessions. 3. The Program Committee shall make all other necessary arrangements to assure a high quality program. MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing January January January January January January January February April Attend Executive Committee meetings. Submit all billings for payment to the Executive Secretary on Expense Voucher. (See Form in Appendix) Request mileage and per diem reimbursement for Chair(s) only from the Conference if employer does not provide. Note: All travel and per diem for Conference meetings is vouchered to the Program Committee if not reimbursable by individual's employer. Reimbursement for mileage and per diem is consistent with state rates. Contribute articles regularly to the Lantern and the Website. Serve as ex officio member on the upcoming Committee. Provide the Public Relations Committee with information for Lantern and to place on the Website. Select Committee members and advise President by February 1. Submit planning calendar to President by February 1. Set time for committee meetings. Submit proposed Committee budget to the President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Recommend theme for the Conference to the Executive Board. Determine number and type of sessions that can be offered. Consult with Local Arrangements for number of rooms needed. Determine number of CEU’s for Fall Conference. Secure contract from all presenters and keynote speaker. Develop program format and present to Executive Committee for approval. 84 COMMITTEE: PROGRAM (continued) MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) June July July August August August September September September September October December December Publish advance program information in Lantern, Website, and by mass mailing. Coordinate with Local Arrangements, potential mailing from Convention and Visitors Bureau. Inform and coordinate with Local Arrangements the following: equipment needs of presenters, lodging needs for presenters, and assignment of workshop rooms. Secure all information for Program brochure, arrange for printing, coordinate with Local Arrangements. Secure monitors for all sessions and inform them of job duties Have evaluation forms printed and prepare evaluation packet for each workshop and overall conference evaluation. Provide to Chair of Registration Committee, a list of all presenters. Give speaker honorarium check (as appropriate) and/or have them complete an expense voucher with receipts attached. Present a report on the activity of the committee at the annual Business Meeting. Submit expense vouchers with receipts attached on each workshop to Executive Secretary and see that payment is delivered to presenters. Submit completed CEU forms for Conference attendees to the North Dakota Board of Social Work Examiners. Review evaluations and provide this information to presenters along with letter of thanks. Prepare final report in duplicate, including financial, with one copy to be retained in the Committee file and the second copy to be submitted at the Executive Committee Meeting. Recommend changes. (Rev.12/2013) 85 Section 03-10 – Attachment A North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Moderator/Monitor Job Duties 1. Obtain information from Program Chair as to what session you are assigned to moderate/monitor. 2. Locate room in which you are moderating/monitoring at the facility. 3. Be at the room in which you are moderating/monitoring at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the session. 4. Introduce yourself to the speaker and ask if they want you to introduce them or if they will introduce themselves. 5. Make sure microphone is working, flip charts, overhead, etc. are in place if needed by the speaker. 6. Make sure water is available at the podium for the speaker and at the back of the room for participants. If not, ask facility to provide. 7. Remind participants to complete the conference evaluation form and collect evaluations at the end of the session. Sign or initial CEU sheets. 8. Registration badge must be shown to monitor for admittance to workshop. 9. Remind attendees to turn off cell phones during the session. (Rev. 12/2013) 86 Section 03-10 – Attachment B North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Presenter Evaluation (sample) DATE: PRESENTER: WORKSHOP TITLE: Rate the speaker’s subject content: (circle appropriate number) 1 2 3 4 OK- Some Good – No Value Limited Value Value Considerable Value Comments: Rate speaker’s presentation: (circle appropriate number) 1 2 3 4 Poor Fair OK Good 5 Great – Excellent Value 5 Excellent Comments: Provide comments or suggestions for the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare or Conference facilities: List any suggestions for future workshop subjects or specific speakers you would like to see at the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare. (Rev. 12/2013) 87 Section 03-10 – Attachment C North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org (Theme) Overall Conference Evaluation Please Rate the Following: Conference Session Excellent Good Fair Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic Please list any suggestions for workshop topics or speakers you would like to see at future Conferences of the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare: Please provide any comments/suggestions you have regarding the 20__ Conference. (Rev. 12/2013) 88 Section 03-10 – Attachment D North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Agreement For Presentation Agreement for Presentation for the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare 1. What Title(s) do you prefer for your Workshop? 2. Give a brief description for the Conference program brochure: 3. What expenses will the Conference be expected to pay? 4. Aides and Materials: (please check) Whiteboard Paper and Pencils Flip Chart Video Equipment Audio Equipment Other: I would , would not like someone to preside at my workshop by making introductions and helping in other ways. I would like to suggest: 5. I AGREE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE 20__ SOCIAL WELFARE CONFERENCE AND THAT THE ABOVE ARRANGEMENTS ARE SATISFACTORY: SIGNATURE OF PRESENTER: DATE: SIGNATURE OF CHAIR, EDUCATION COMMITTEE: DATE: Please sign, date, and return this contract to: Chair, NDCSW Program Committee (address) (Rev. 12/2013) 89 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 03-11 - Public Relations Committee 90 COMMITTEE: PUBLIC RELATIONS A. Membership: 1. The Public Relations Committee should consist of a minimum of seven (7) members to be appointed annually and would include Chair(s) or members of the following committees: Program Committee, and Research, Planning and Legislative Committee. 2. The immediate past chairperson(s) of the Public Relations Committee shall serve as ex officio member(s) of this committee. B. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Public Relations Committee shall prepare and send press releases to papers announcing the current President of NDCSW and address the role of NDCSW. 2. The Public Relations Committee shall manage the presence, organization, and presentation of the Display Board at designated conferences, as appropriate. The Public Relations Committee will consider, at minimum, the presence of the NDCSW Display Board at the following conferences: Rural Health Conference (February), Focus on Legislation(During Sessions) (March) (Bismarck), North Dakota Association of Non-Profit Organizations Conference (April), West River Conference of Social Welfare (June) (Medora), North Dakota Children’s Conference (July/August) (Bismarck), Long Term Care Association Conference (August) (Bismarck), North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare (September), County Commissioner’s Conference (October), North Dakota Foster Parent Association Conference (October), and NDACO Conference 3. The Public Relations Committee shall partner with the Program, and Research, Planning and Legislative Committees to maximize opportunities for publicizing the NDCSW purpose, vision and position on social welfare issues. 4. The Public Relations Committee shall send out written notices of the time and place of the annual Conference to the entire membership. 5. In accomplishing its task, the Public Relations Committee shall utilize all appropriate media, such as newspapers, radio, television and mailings. 6. The Public Relations Committee shall disseminate information on the work of the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare to the entire membership and to the public. 91 COMMITTEE: PUBLIC RELATIONS (continued) B. Purposes and Functions(continued) 7. The Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for all Conference publications. 8. The Public Relations shall review, on an ongoing basis, the status, content, and maintenance of the NDCSW website and report the outcome to the Executive Committee. MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing January January January January June Attend Executive Committee meetings. Submit all billings for payment to the Executive Secretary on Expense Voucher. (See Form in Appendix) Request mileage and per diem reimbursement for chair(s) only from the Conference if employer does not provide. Note: All travel and per diem for Conference meetings is vouchered to the Public Relations Committee if not reimbursable by individual's employer. Reimbursement for mileage and per diem is consistent with state rates. Contribute articles regularly to the Lantern and the Website. Serve as ex officio member on the upcoming Committee. Publish issues of the Lantern in accordance of the Executive Committee. Continually solicit information for the Lantern from the Board and Committee Chairs, provide to the Executive Committee and Committee Chairs a publication schedule for articles to be submitted by them. Update display booth on a regular basis. This includes updating & displaying the Past Presidents’ Plaque on the display board. Set up and man display booth at human servies/social services Conferences. Select Committee members and advise President by February 1. Review annual Website contract and recommend changes as need, to the Executive Committee. Submit planning calendar to President by February 1. Submit proposed Committee budget to the President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Note: Cost for scholarship recipient’s plaques is assigned to the Education Committee’s budget. Include in budget $1250 for possible educational stipends. Obtain information regarding radio, press and TV from the community in which the Fall Conference is taking place. 92 COMMITTEE: PUBLIC RELATIONS (continued) MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) June June June June May/June July September September September December December December Have information for news media as to what interest or impact the Conference would have on the general public. Must get out early in the Conference year and meet media personnel. (Have prepared releases, copy of advance program information, etc.) Arrange press area with Local Arrangements Committee Chair. Notify schools of social work, including Minot State University, University of North Dakota, University of Mary, Concordia and Minnesota State University Moorhead of Fall Conference including general information as well as costs for students. MANDATORY: Provide program brochure to the membership, including agency members, prior to July 31. (Coordinate with Program Committee). June issue of the Lantern should include highlights of the program for the Fall Conference. Send out written notices of the time and place of the annual Conference to the entire membership. Early in September contact media with written news release on the Conference and a copy of the program and ask them to attend and make sure they have the name of the President and/or well-known presenters and how to locate them at the annual meeting. Be available to the press during the Fall Conference. Keep informed as to the whereabouts of individuals that the press may wish to interview for easy location. Present a report on the activity of the committee at the annual Business Meeting. Prepare final report in duplicate, including financial, with one copy to be retained in the Committee file and the second copy to be submitted at the Executive Committee Meeting. Update Past Presidents Plaque for Display Board. Recommend changes. (Rev.12/2013) 93 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 03-12 - Registration Committee 94 COMMITTEE: REGISTRATION A. Membership: 1. The Registration Committee shall consist of co-chair from upcoming conference year and a minimum of six (6) members to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate past chairperson of the Registration Committee shall serve as ex officio member of this Committee. B. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Registration Committee shall make all of the arrangements for registration of the conferees. 2. The Registration Committee shall prepare for packets and coordinate their activities with Local Arrangements. MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing January January January May May May June Attend Executive Committee meetings. Submit all billings for payment to the Executive Secretary on Expense Voucher. (See Form in Appendix) Request mileage and per diem reimbursement from the Conference for chair(s) only, if employer does not provide. Note: All travel and per diem for Conference meetings is vouchered to the Registration Committee if not reimbursable by individual's employer. Reimbursement for mileage and per diem is consistent with state rates Serve as ex officio member on upcoming committee. Prepare news releases for the Lantern. The Publicity Chair will contact you for this information. Select Committee members and advise President by February 1. Submit planning calendar to President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Submit proposed Committee budget to the President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix); Budget for Registration Stipend. (See Form in Appendix). Determine need for and order nametags, holders, ribbons, and carbonized receipts. Prepare an alphabetical listing of people who will be receiving special ribbon badges and have this listing at the registration table. (Past Presidents, Executive Committee, Committee Chairs, Service Awards, Nominees, President-Elect, President, Presenters, Monitors) Provide Program Chair with notice of the times registration will be open at the fall Conference. Arrange for space with Local Arrangements Committee for set up of Registration table. (Coordinate with Membership Committee and attend meetings for coordination.) 95 COMMITTEE: REGISTRATION (continued) MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) June June July August August August August August August September September October December December Determine registration packet contents and gather material. Determine number of packets required for year and get printed material from Executive Secretary and various committees, e.g. Award recipients, Scholarship recipients, Annual Business Meeting Minutes, Nominee autobiographies, annual auditors report, and other information submitted by committee chairs. (NOTE: Individual campaign information cannot be included in the registration packets) Prepare registration form to be published in the Lantern and to be included in the Program. Coordinate with Publicity/Program Committee Chairs. At on-site visit coordinate with Membership Committee Chair and Executive Secretary, the receipting process for the Fall Conference. Very Important: Work very closely with Executive Secretary and Membership Chair to assure an accurate balance of incoming monies for registration and membership. Present requests for Registration Stipend to Executive Committee. Arrange for equipment needed for registration process, i.e. laptop, calculator, tables and chairs. Secure $200 cash from Executive Secretary to be used as change for the cash box at the registration table. Obtain from committee chairs, names of those who are not required to pay a full registration. Prepare registration packets for all participants. Prepare work schedule for registration table. Suggestion: Four people to work during the peak times, which are all day Wednesday and Thursday morning. Provide workers with a list of duties and work schedule. Present a report on the committee activity at the annual Business Meeting. Present request for registration refunds to Executive Board. (NOTE: See Policy Statement on Refunds) Prepare final report in duplicate, including financial, with one copy to be retained in committee file and the second copy to be submitted at the Executive Committee meeting. Recommend changes. (Rev. 12/2013) 96 Section 03-12 – Attachment A North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Registration Stipend Application REGISTRATION STIPEND APPLICATION NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: HOME PHONE: BUSINESS PHONE: CURRENTLY EMPLOYED BY: CURRENT POSITION: BEGINNING DATE OF EMPLOYMENT WITH CURRENT EMPLOYER: NDCSW GUIDELINES FOR STIPEND AWARDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Must be a current member of the NDCSW, possessing an Individual Membership for the upcoming Conference. Must make application on this form, as set forth by the NDCSW. The NDCSW will provide lodging, registration, and will reimburse for meals and mileage according to state per diem. Two (2) such stipends will be awarded to members who may not otherwise be allowed to attend because of financial constraints. Limit one (1) approved stipend per agency. How will your attendance at the Fall Conference benefit you? Registration or tuition costs: COMPLIMENTARY IF APPROVED ________ Miles at ______ per mile = ________ MAIL FORM TO: NDCSW Executive Secretary (address) prior to August 1. ACTION BY THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Approval subject to the following: Denial: Signature of President: Distribution: Date: Original, Executive Secretary Copy: Applicant (Rev.12/2013) 97 Section 03-12 – Attachment B North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org (Insert Conference Theme) (Insert Hotel Name, City) (Insert Conference Dates) Note: Scholarship Fun Walk Below Registration Form Agency: Address: City, State, Zip E-Mail Address: Telephone: Individuals needing special accommodations in conjunction with activities of the NDCSW please contact (Insert name of Chair of Local Arrangements and Chair’s address & telephone #) no later than (September __, 20__). Membership: (If current member, please enclose copy of membership card) 20__ NDCSW Individual ($15) 20__ Agency ($30) 20__NDCSW Individual ($15) 20__ Agency ($30) Job Description: (Check one) Addiction Counselor Board Member Clerical Support Director/Administrator/Supervis or Eligibility/Income Maintenance Social Worker Student Volunteer Other Student ($7.50) Retiree ($7.50) Membership Total $ Pre-Registration: (Postmarked before September __, 20__) $125.00 – Complete Conference Package (includes Banquet/Brunch tickets) $ 25.00 – Friday only (includes Brunch) $ 25.00 – Student rate (does not include meals) $ 25.00 – Retiree rate (does not include meals) Registration: (Postmarked after September __, 20__) $145.00 – Complete Conference Package (includes Banquet/Brunch tickets) $ 25.00 – Friday only (includes Brunch) $ 25.00 – Student rate (does not include meals) $ 25.00 – Retiree rate (does not include meals) Additional Tickets: $ 16.00 – Extra Banquet (#_______ needed) $ 9.00 – Extra Brunch (# _______ needed) Scholarship Fun Walk: A scholarship fun walk (maximum of 2 miles) will be held On Wednesday, September __, 20__, beginning at __:__ p.m. $ 15.00 – # _______ needed (includes sack lunch) Total Amount $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Make checks payable to NDCSW (North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare) c/o (Registration Chair Name) Registration Chair, (Registration Chair Address). Please take advantage of this pre-registration discount opportunity by paying membership and registration fees before September __, 20__. If cancellation becomes necessary, a full refund will be made upon receipt of a written request (including reason and verification of payment) to (Registration Chair Name and Address). Refund request received between September __, and September __, 20__ will be made less a $10 service fee. No refunds will be made after September __, 20__. Membership fees are nonrefundable. Substitutions for those unable to attend are acceptable by notifying the Registration Chair prior to the start of the Conference. For Office Use Only Date Received: Amount Received: $ Cash Received by: Check Date Entered: Voucher (Rev. 12/2013) 98 Section 03-12 – Attachment C North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org 2322 Grant Drive Bismarck, ND 58501-2226 Registration Discount Form $10 REGISTRATION DISCOUNT Please attach this letter to your pre-registration form or present it when you register at the conference for a $10 reduction in your registration fee at Fall Conference. This is to certify that ___________ is a member of the ___________ Committee and is entitled to a $10 discount on the registration fee. ________________________ (Executive Secretary) ____________________ (date) (Rev. 12/2013) 99 03-12 – Attachment D Section North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org NDCSW Policy Statement On Registration Refunds If a cancellation becomes necessary, a full refund will be made upon receipt of a written request on or before the pre-registration deadline. A request for a refund after the preregistration deadline date needs to be requested in writing and sent to the Registration Chair or the Executive Secretary of the Conference. A refund will be made less a $10.00 service fee. Membership fees are non-refundable. Requests for refunds must be made prior to the last day of the Conference. No refunds will be allowed after that date. Requests for refunds on banquet and brunch tickets will only be given consideration if they are separate purchases from the package registration. If a written request is being made, please include reason and verification of payment. Substitutions, for those unable to attend, are acceptable by notifying the Registration Chair prior to the start of the Conference. (Rev.12/2013) 100 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 03-13 - Research, Planning and Legislative Committee 101 COMMITTEE: RESEARCH, PLANNING AND LEGISLATIVE A. Membership: 1. The Research, Planning and Legislative Committee shall consist of the Conference President, President Elect, and a minimum of eight (8) members. In each even numbered Conference year, this Committee shall be appointed for terms of two (2) years. 2. The immediate past chairperson of the Research, Planning and Legislative Committee shall serve as an ex officio member of this Committee. B. MONTH Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Purposes and Functions: 1. The Research, Planning and Legislative Committee shall gather data for future planning and action on social problems and issues as recommended by the Executive Committee or the Conference membership. 2. The Research, Planning and Legislative Committee shall coordinate and pursue the action necessary for the accomplishment of the projects studied and approved by the Executive Committee. 3. The Research, Planning and Legislative Committee shall evaluate existing social welfare and related legislation. 4. The Research, Planning and Legislative Committee shall compile information needed in the formulation of new legislation. 5. The Research, Planning and Legislative Committee, through its chairperson, shall submit its annual report to the Conference at the regular business session. Any interim reports prepared that require the attention of the Conference shall be presented to the Executive Committee for action. FUNCTIONS/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Attend Executive Committee meetings. Submit all billings for payment to the Executive Secretary on Expense Voucher. (See Form in Appendix) Request mileage and per diem reimbursement from the Conference for chair(s) only, if employer does not provide. Note: All travel and per diem for Conference meetings is vouchered to the Research, Planning and Legislative Committee if not reimbursable by individual's employer. Reimbursement for mileage and per diem is consistent with state rates. Committee monitors any North Dakota legislative committees (interim or session) addressing social welfare issues and share any information relating to social welfare issues with the Executive Committee. 102 COMMITTEE: RESEARCH, PLANNING AND LEGISLATIVE (continued) MONTH FUNCTIONS/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing January January January Feb/March September October October December December Prepare informational articles regarding the work of the Committee for publication in the Lantern. Committee is responsible for the preparation of short and long range plans. Work with Program Committee in setting up a legislative panel as a workshop at the Fall Conference. Serve as ex officio member on upcoming committee. Select Committee members/advise President by February 1. Submit planning calendar to President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Submit proposed Committee budget to President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Plan and host legislative reception during legislative year. Present a report on the committee activity at the annual Business Meeting. Ask the Executive Committee for suggestions of issues to be addressed. Secure legislative guides for officers and committee chairs. Prepare final report in duplicate, including financial, with one copy to be retained in committee file and the second copy to be submitted at the Executive Committee meeting. Recommend changes. NOTE: The Executive Board of the 1998 Conference required the Research, Planning and Legislative Committee to obtain a 51% majority of the Executive Board and a 75% majority of the Research, Planning and Legislative Committee in support of proposed issues to enable the Research, Planning and Legislative Committee to represent the NDCSW on issue(s) presented to the North Dakota Legislature. (Rev. 12/2013) 103 Section 03-13 – Attachment A North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org RPL Planning Activities 1. IDENTIFY CONCERNS Complete questionnaire during a fall RPL Committee meeting. Solicit input from member associations/agencies Invite suggestions through the Lantern and Website. Listen to legislature Poll client groups 2. SCREEN SUGGESTIONS Organize concerns/suggestions under common categories Research claims and evaluate significance Identify kind of action required Select items appropriate for Conference involvement Refer non-selected actions to other appropriate associations/agencies 3. PRIORITIZE ACTIONS Prepare list of selected concerns and required actions Publish in the Lantern and Website a list of selected concerns for memberships ranking Evaluate membership references Determine most important/realistic actions to be undertaken by the Conference Prepare report for membership indicating decision on priorities and publish in the Lantern and Website. 4. DEVELOP REASONABLE APPROACHES Identify decision makers/other parties interested in selected actions Conduct joint meetings to discuss work already done, possible strategies, and rolls for various individuals/agencies Prepare report detailing possible approaches resulting from consultation with decision makers and other interested parties 5. DRAFT PROPOSED PLAN Formulate goals and objectives based on reasonable approaches Prepare a draft plan for implementation including schedule, budget and intended committee assignments 6. PRESENT DRAFT PLAN TO MEMBERSHIP Publish summary of plan in the Lantern Discuss proposed plan with Executive Board; report progress, modify as necessary and secure approval 104 Section 03-13 – Attachment A (continued) RPL Planning Activities (Continued) 7. UPDATE LONG-RANGE PLANS Review long range plan immediately following presentation at fall meeting Revise and prepare annual long-range plan document 8. IMPLEMENT ACTION PROGRAMS Make committee assignments Carry out activities toward achieving objectives 9. RECORD PROGRESS Monitor progress relative to stated objectives Report progress and problems to Executive Committee File progress reports with Executive Secretary Maintain on-going portfolio for each action program 10. TRANSFER CONTINUING ASSIGNMENTS Conduct orientation meeting between retiring and replacement committee chairs Transfer action plan documentation to new committee chair (Rev. 12/2013) 105 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 03-14 - Resolutions Committee 106 COMMITTEE: RESOLUTIONS A. B, Membership: 1. The Resolutions Committee should consist of a minimum of three (3) members to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate Past-Chair of the Resolutions Committee shall serve as an ex officio member, of the committee. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Resolutions Committee shall solicit, receive and edit resolutions pertaining to the business of this Conference. 2. The Resolutions Committee shall develop resolutions which support the purposes of the Conference. These resolutions are to be acted upon by the Executive Committee and/or Conference membership. MONTH Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing January January January July August August August September FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Attend Executive Committee meetings Submit all billings for payment to the Executive Secretary on Expense Voucher. (See Form in Appendix) Request mileage and per diem reimbursement from the Conference for chair(s) only, if employer does not provide. Note: All travel and per diem for Conference meetings is vouchered to the Resolutions Committee if not reimbursable by individual's employer. Reimbursement for mileage and per diem is consistent with state rates Serve as ex officio member on upcoming committee Select Committee members and advise President by February 1. Submit planning calendar to President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Submit proposed Committee budget to the President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Utilize the Lantern and Website to request Conference members to submit resolutions for consideration by the committee The Committee must meet to review the resolutions submitted and accept, rewrite or reject the resolutions for presentation as determined appropriate and notify submitters of changes or rejections Present recommended resolutions to the Executive Committee for their official action Print appropriate number of each accepted resolution for member distribution at the time of the Fall Conference. Provide copies of printed resolutions to Registration Committee so they can be included in each member’s registration packet. Present a report on the committee activity at the annual Business Meeting. 107 COMMITTEE: RESOLUTIONS (continued) MONTH September October October December December FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) Assist with resolutions submitted from floor at the annual Business Meeting. Publish adopted resolutions in Lantern and on Website. Submit adopted resolutions to Executive Board after the Fall Conference so the appropriate action may be taken. Prepare final report in duplicate, including financial, with one copy to be retained in committee file and the second copy to be submitted at the Executive Committee meeting. Recommend changes. [Rev.12/2013) 108 Section 03-14 – Attachment A North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Resolution Example And Instructions A resolution is a main motion which is offered in writing - either because of its length or complexity. Resolving Clause A resolution can consist of more than one resolving clause, but they have to pertain to each other, such as in the following example: Resolved, That is the sense of this Conference that the existing day care staff-child ratios should be maintained; and Resolved, That the Executive Secretary be requested to send a copy of this resolution to the North Dakota Department of Human Services (as appropriate). Use of Preamble: Neither rule nor custom requires a resolution to have a preamble and one should NOT be used merely for the sake of form. In general, use of a preamble should be limited to cases where it provides little-known information without which the point of the resolution is likely to be poorly understood. To avoid detracting from the force of the resolution itself, a preamble generally should contain no more clauses than is STRICTLY necessary. Make certain that each resolution contains only one basic motion. If you find that there are two or more separate positions, ideas, or opinions expressed in one of your proposed resolutions, split them up and submit two, or more, separate resolutions. According to Roberts Rules of Order, the Resolutions Committee has as its simplest function the power to put resolutions in proper form, to eliminate duplication where similar resolutions are offered, and to insure that all resolutions relating to a specific subject will be offered in a logical sequence. (Rev 12/2013) 109 Section 03-14 – Attachment B North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Resolution Form WHEREAS,_________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS,_________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS,_________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ RESOLVED, That ___________________________________________; now, therefore, be it ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Submitted by________________________________________________________________ (Member, Branch, Committee, Division) Signed by___________________________________________________________________ (Individual member, committee chair, Branch/Division President) Date:__________________________ NOTE: A resolution does not necessarily have to have three ‘whereas’ clauses; it may consist of only a simple statement. The presented resolution must be dated and signed. (Rev. 12/2013) 110 Section 03-14 – Attachment C North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Resolution Sample (Date) A Resolution calling on our Government Leaders to pass a Health Care Reform Bill that provides universal coverage for everyone in this country and is protective and respectful of our belief that all persons have inherent dignity. WHEREAS, we believe every person has a right to health care coverage, and WHEREAS, only universal coverage will assure that all families have access to the care they need without regard to ability to pay, pre-existing conditions, or employment status; and WHEREAS, we pledge to work in our communities to address key dimensions in the health care reform agenda that will make the system more family-centered and family friendly. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE NORTH DAKOTA CONFERENCE OF SOCIAL WELFARE: That we advocate for the affordable home based and community based services that will give families who wish to care for sick, injured, elderly, and disabled members at home the possibility to do so. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we advocate for eliminating any practical barriers that prevent families’ access to available health care. Such barriers include great distances from health facilities, lack of transportation, inconvenient scheduling, and language or cultural barriers. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we promote the involvement of families as partners with health care providers at all levels of the health care system, including the education and preventative care necessary to support family wellness and health living. ___________________________________ President, ND Conference of Social Welfare Dated the ________ day of ________ 20__ ___________________________________________ Executive Secretary, ND Conference of Social Welfare (Rev. 12/2013) 111 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 03-15 - Time and Place Committee 112 COMMITTEE: TIME AND PLACE A. Membership: 1. The Time and Place Committee shall consist of a minimum of three (3) members to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate past Chair of the Time and Place Committee shall serve as an ex officio member of this Committee. B. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Time and Place Committee shall ascertain the facilities for holding the annual meeting in any city extending an invitation. 2. The Time and Place Committee shall report to the Conference the following data: housing, eating facilities, meeting rooms, commercial transportation, Americans With Disabilities Act accessibility and the general adequacy of the facilities. 3. The Time and Place Committee shall recommend the site and dates of the annual Conference four years in advance, subject to the approval of the Conference. MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing January January January April April July Attend Executive Committee meetings. Submit all billings for payment to the Executive Secretary on Expense Voucher. (See Form in Appendix) Request mileage and per diem reimbursement from the Conference for chair(s) only, if employer does not provide. Note: All travel and per diem for Conference meetings is vouchered to the Time and Place Committee if not reimbursable by individual's employer. Reimbursement for mileage and per diem is consistent with state rates. Serve as ex officio member on upcoming committee. Select Committee members/advise President by February 1. Submit planning calendar to President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Submit proposed Committee budget to President by February 1. (See Form in Appendix) Contact local service agencies to solicit their willingness and support to host the Fall Conference. Send letter to Convention and Visitor's Bureau inviting their bid, along with a list of the criteria. Secure completed Agreement Between NDCSW and Minimum Guarantees by Headquarters/Facility from each facility bidding to be headquarters of Fall Conference. 113 COMMITTEE: TIME AND PLACE (continued) MONTH FUNCTION/DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (continued) September September September September October December December Meet at Fall Conference with representatives of local agencies and convention and visitors bureaus regarding their proposals in relation to selection criteria. At this time review the Agreement Between NDCSW and Minimum Guarantees by Headquarters/Facility. Select Fall Conference site and make recommendation to the membership at the annual Business Meeting. Present a report on the activity of the committee at the annual Business Meeting. Contact city selected and headquarters to confirm dates. Submit completed Agreement and other information regarding the site selected to Executive Secretary. Prepare final report in duplicate, including financial, with one copy to be retained in committee file and the second copy to be submitted at the Executive Committee meeting. Recommend changes. (Rev. 12/2013) 114 Section 03-15 – Attachment A North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Selection Criteria 1) Assurance that the motel and/or hotel will guarantee the state-lodging rate per night for approximately 250 to 300 people. 2) The facility must meet the requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act. 3) Assurance that lodging, banquet, and meetings for the conference attendees will be in close proximity to the conference headquarters, preferably all in the same facility. 4) Accommodations for between five (5) and six (6) concurrent workshops. (Please identify the seating capacity of the workshop meeting rooms.) 5) Accommodations for an evening banquet for 250 to 300 people, a morning brunch for 200 to 250 people, and reasonable banquet and brunch costs. It is suggested that an estimated cost be identified that is as close as possible to state per diem rates for an evening meal. 6) A large area for conference registration. 8) An area for displays. 9) The availability of audiovisual equipment for workshops and association meetings. 10) The willingness of the facility to allow convention and visitors groups from other cities to sponsor hospitality tables or social hours to bid for the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare. 11) The number of free hotel/motel rooms that could be made available to the Executive Committee for workshop presenters, president's hospitality room, etc. 12) The capacity of the local Convention and Visitors Bureau to assist and coordinate conference arrangements, including providing costs of a mass mailing to the membership. 13) Commitment from local conference members (such as a Director, County Social Service Board, Regional Human Service Center, private human service agencies) to jointly or individually host and work on conference arrangements. 14) Any event that would add to the enjoyment of the conference members. (Rev. 12/2013) 115 Section 03-15 – Attachment B North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Time and Place Committee - Site Contract AGREEMENT BETWEEN NDCSW AND MINIMUM GUARANTEES BY HEADQUARTERS/FACILITY Facility: Address: Telephone Number: Contact Person: Dates of NDCSW Annual Meeting: Number Block of rooms will be held until: _________________________ BLOCK OF SLEEPING ROOMS Double Double Rate: Tax Included: Yes No Single Single Rate: Tax Included: Yes No Number of complimentary suites, including hospitality room: ________ additional complimentary room(s) per every _____ used. Additional Charge for pool-side rooms: Yes No Additional Room Arrangements: 1. 2. 3. The above-named Facility agrees to block 30 rooms in the name of the NDCSW for Executive Committee Members and speakers. Yes No The above-named Facility agrees to provide one (1) complimentary suite to be used as a hospitality room and agrees that the NDCSW will be able to provide their own refreshments for this room. Yes No AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT The above-named Facility agrees to furnish the following audio visual equipment at no charge. Yes No The facility named above agrees to furnish the following audio visual equipment at the following charge, if requested by the committee: $ The above-named Facility meets the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act: Yes No If no, will the facility be in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act regulations prior to September ____ , 20___. Yes No Signature: Facility Representative Date signed: Signature: Time and Place Chair, NDCSW Date Signed: (Rev. 12/2013) 116 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Section 04 - Special Committees 117 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org SPECIAL COMMITTEES Special Committees of the Conference may be authorized either by the body politic at the business meeting or by the Executive Committee. There are no Special Committees at this time. (Rev. 12/2013) 118 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Section 05 - Appendix 1. Appendix – By-Laws 2. Appendix - Forms A. Expense Voucher B. Planning Calendar C. Budget Request D. Committee Final Financial Report E. Registration Discount 3. Appendix - Policy on Conflict of Interest 4. Appendix – Policy on Executive Compensation 119 Section 5 - Attachment 1-A North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Inc. www.ndcsw.org BY-LAWS Effective November 1, 2009 120 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Inc. www.ndcsw.org MISSION STATEMENT “To improve the life for all in North Dakota by advocating for the underprivileged, being a leader in social welfare issues, and a force in social welfare reform.” 121 North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare Inc. www.ndcsw.org BY-LAWS Article I. Name The name of this organization shall be the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Incorporated. Article II. Purpose Section 1: The purposes of the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Incorporated shall be: A. To afford an opportunity for those interested in social welfare to discuss needs, methods, principles, and activities of their professions. B. To gather and to disseminate appropriate information concerning social Welfare. C. To actively engage in non-partisan legislation and to make the intent known to the people and the Legislature. D. To promote active cooperation between all agencies, organizations, individuals, and institutions – public and private, religious and secular – engaged in social welfare in this state. E. To advocate for a higher standard of social service programs for the citizenry of North Dakota. Section 2: The North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Incorporated, shall not formulate platforms or endorse political parties or candidates. Article III. Fiscal Year The fiscal year for the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Incorporated, shall begin on January 1, and shall terminate on December 31. Article IV. Membership Section 1: Any person, organization, or institution interested in social welfare in North Dakota shall be eligible for membership in the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. Section 2: Dues paying members shall constitute the voting body of this Conference Section 3: There shall be two types of memberships: Individual and Agency. Section 4: All individual members shall possess the right to participate in discussions of the Conference, to vote, and to hold office. Section 5: Each member agency may designate one delegate to represent the agency in the conference discussions and to cast the agency’s one vote. A person is allowed to cast one individual and as many agency votes as they represent. 122 Section 6: Payment of annual dues shall be a prerequisite for the right to vote and to hold office. Membership dues shall be due on January 1, of each year, and members who have not paid their annual dues by September 1, shall be dropped from membership. Section 7: An honorary life-time membership may be conferred upon any person by a majority vote of the Executive Committee and to be announced at the annual meeting. Article V. Officers and Elections Section 1: Officers of the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Incorporated shall be: President, President-Elect and Immediate Past President. The President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President and seven board members shall constitute the Executive Committee and serve as the governing body of this Conference between meetings. The Executive Secretary shall serve as ex officio member of the Executive Committee. Section 2: A quorum (See Article X) being present, the President-Elect shall be elected for a term of one year and shall assume office at the beginning of the next fiscal year. The President shall be the immediate Past President-Elect and shall serve for a term of one year. The Executive Secretary shall be appointed by the President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, for a term of one year. Section 3: Seven board members shall be elected; three for three-year terms, two for twoyear terms, and two for one-year terms; thereafter, all board members shall be elected to fill expired terms of present members and shall serve for terms of three years. Section 4: The candidate, or candidates if more than one vacancy for the board exists, who receives the largest number of votes cast shall be elected to the office or board for which they are a candidate. In the event there is a tie in the vote for any office or the board, a new ballot would be taken which would include the names of the two individuals who receive the highest number of votes for that office. Section 5: Unless a candidate is unopposed, all elections shall be by secret ballot. Section 6: Nominations from the floor for any office or board member shall always be requested by the chair. Section 7: Only one elective office or board member position can be held at one time. If elected to a second office, the first office will be resigned at the point of election to the second office. Article VI. Duties of the Officers Section 1: The President: A. Shall preside at all business meetings of the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Incorporated. B. Shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee. C. Shall appoint chairs and coordinate the work of all standing committees. D. Shall appoint chairs and coordinate all authorized committees not otherwise provided for in these Bylaws subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. E. Shall serve as ex officio member of all authorized committees. 123 F. Shall remove all non-functioning committee members subject to the approval of the Executive Committee by a two-thirds (2/3) vote. G. Shall fill all vacancies not otherwise provided for in these Bylaws subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. H. Shall, with consultation and advice of the Executive Committee, speak for the Conference membership which includes making representations to the Legislature and/or the various committees thereof in all matters having the interest and concern of the Conference, or delegate such authority. I. Shall appoint or remove with consent of the Executive Committee, an Executive Secretary Section 2: The President-Elect: A. Shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President in the absence of both the President and the Immediate Past President. B. Shall assume the office of the President at the beginning of the next fiscal year when the term of the President expires. Section 3: The Immediate Past President: A. Shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President in the absence of the President. B. Shall assume the office of the President upon the death or resignation of the President. Article VII. The Executive Secretary Section 1: The Executive Secretary: A. B. C. D. E. Shall serve as custodian of all monies of this Conference. Shall pay all bills approved by the President and Executive Committee. Shall maintain accurate records of all income and all disbursements. Shall maintain a bank account in the name of the Conference. Shall prepare an annual financial report and present it at the Conference business meeting. F. Shall be required to obtain a commercial blanket bond to cover this position, Conference employees and committee members designated by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall determine the amount of this commercial blanket bond. G. Shall cause an annual compilation of the financial records of this Conference by qualified persons and complete annual tax requirements. H. Shall keep the records of the proceedings of the Conference and of the meetings of the Executive Committee. Article VIII. Meetings The North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. shall hold an annual Conference and shall make provisions for at least one regular business meeting at this event. Article IX. Committees Section 1: Standing Committees: 124 A. Standing Committees of the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Incorporated, shall be: Awards; Budget and Finance; Education; Executive; Fund Raising, Local Arrangements; Membership; Nominations; Procedures; Program; Public Relations; Registration; Research, Planning and Legislative; Resolutions; and Time and Place. All committee chairs shall be appointed by the President; committee chairs shall appoint appropriate committee members. Section 2: The Awards Committee: A. Membership: 1. The Awards Committee should consist of a minimum of two (2) members to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate past chairperson(s) of the Awards Committee shall serve as an ex officio member(s) of this Committee. B. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Awards Committee shall identify current members of the Conference with 10, 20, 30 and 40 years of service and issue awards based on criteria set forth by the Executive Committee. 2. The Awards Committee shall present for approval by the Executive Committee the names of individuals who are recommended for awards under special circumstances. 3. The Awards Committee shall carry out the duties of this committee in accordance with the NDCSW Procedures Manual. Section 3: The Budget and Finance Committee: A. Membership: 1. The Budget and Finance Committee should consist of a minimum of three (3) members to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate past chairperson(s) of the Budget and Finance Committee and the Executive Secretary shall serve as ex officio members of this committee. B. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Budget and Finance Committee shall annually audit or cause to be audited, the books and report the outcome to the Executive Committee. 2. The Budget and Finance Committee shall carry out the duties of this committee in accordance with the NDCSW Procedures Manual. Section 4: The Education Committee: A. Membership: 1. The Education Committee should consist of a minimum of six (6) members to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate past chairperson(s) of the Education Committee shall serve as an ex-officio member(s) of this committee. B. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Education Committee shall arrange with the appropriate universities or colleges for the selection of scholarship students who are interested in social welfare reform, advocating for the underprivileged and being a leader in social welfare issues. 2. The Education Committee shall carry out the duties of this committee in accordance with the NDCSW Procedures Manual. 125 Section 5: The Executive Committee: A. Shall derive its power from the membership. B. Shall formulate policy necessary for the fulfillment of Conference objectives. C. Shall determine the amount of money to be allowed for the commercial blanket bond for the Executive Secretary, as well as those persons to be covered by said bond. D. Shall either approve or deny payment of all bills, provided said bills have been approved by the President and the Executive Secretary. E. Shall budget appropriate amounts for its’ own operations and for other committee expenses. F. Shall either approve or disapprove of all committee appointments. G. Shall either approve or disapprove the filling of all vacancies by the President. H. Shall solicit special funding for the Conference when deemed necessary. I. Shall establish the amount of registration fee for the Conference J. Shall authorize the Executive Secretary to reimburse at current state rates, the officers, members of the Executive Committee, and chairs of the committees for their travel and per diem expenses when called in to conference by the President. (Committee members shall also be included for similar reimbursement when the President and Executive Committee approve the meeting and travel expenses in advance.) K. Shall make all necessary arrangements for general or regional conferences. In the event of an emergency the Executive Committee is empowered to establish dates and site of the annual meeting. L. Shall approve President’s appointment or removal of the Executive Secretary. M. The Executive Committee shall appoint a President-Elect in the event that the President-Elect resigns or is not able to fulfill the office. Such appointment will run until the next annual meeting of the Conference at which time a person will be elected by conference membership to fill the position of President. N. The Executive Committee shall act on all resolutions submitted to them. O. The Executive Committee shall be responsible to review, and take action on all proposed changes to the Procedures Manual. P. The Executive Committee shall carry out the duties of this committee in accordance with the NDCSW Procedures Manual. Section 6: Fund Raising Committee: A. Membership 1. The Fund Raising Committee should consist of a minimum of eight (8) members to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate past chairperson(s) of the Fund Raising Committee shall serve as ex officio member(s) of this committee. B. Purpose and Functions 1. The Fund Raising Committee shall plan and develop fund raising events providing fixed areas of income. 2. The Fund Raising Committee shall carry out the duties of this committee in accordance with the NDCSW Procedures Manual. Section 7: History Committee: A. Membership 126 1. The History Committee should consist of a minimum of three (3) members to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate past chairperson(s) of the History Committee shall serve as an ex officio member(s) of this committee. B. Purpose and Functions 1. The History Committee is responsible for maintaining all information relating to the history of the conference. 2. The History Committee shall carry out the duties of this committee in accordance with the NDCSW Procedures Manual. Section 8: The Local Arrangements Committee: A. Membership: 1. The Local Arrangements Committee should consist of a minimum of nine (9) members to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate past chairperson(s) of the Local Arrangements Committee shall serve as ex officio member(s) of this committee. B. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Local Arrangements Committee shall assist in the planning and coordinate the activities with other Conference Committees. 2. The Local Arrangements Committee shall carry out the duties of this committee in accordance with the NDCSW Procedures Manual. Section 9: The Membership Committee: A. Membership: 1. The Membership Committee should consist of a minimum of seven (7) members to be appointed annually. 2. The Immediate past chairperson(s) of the Membership Committee shall serve as ex officio member(s) of the committee. B. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Membership Committee shall recruit members and maintain member records for the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare. 2. The Membership Committee shall carry out the duties of this committee in accordance with the NDCSW Procedures Manual. Section 10: The Nominations Committee: A. Membership: 1. The Nominations Committee should consist of a minimum of four (4) members to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate past chairperson(s) of the Nominations Committee shall serve as ex officio member(s) of this Committee. B. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Nominations Committee shall recruit nominees for each office to be filled at the regular annual business meeting of the Conference. 2. The Nominations Committee shall carry out the duties of this committee in accordance with the NDCSW Procedures Manual. 127 Section 11: The Procedures Committee: A. Membership: 1. The Procedures Committee should consist of a minimum of four (4) members including the chair(s), President, the Executive Secretary and one member to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate past chair(s) shall serve as ex officio member(s) of this Committee. B. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Procedures Committee shall revise and update the By-laws and Procedures Manual as necessary to carry out the mission of the conference. 2. The Procedures Committee shall carry out the duties of this committee in accordance with the Procedures Manual. Section 12: The Program Committee: A. Membership: 1. The Program Committee should consist of a minimum of six (6) members to be appointed annually. The President-Elect shall serve as a member of the Program Committee. 2. The immediate past chairperson(s) of the Program Committee shall serve as ex officio member(s) of this committee. B. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Program Committee shall plan the program for the annual Conference. 2. The Program Committee shall carry out the duties of this committee in accordance with the NDCSW Procedures Manual. Section 13: The Registration Committee: A. Membership: 1. The Registration Committee should consist of the co-chair from the upcoming conference year and a minimum of six (6) members to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate past chairperson(s) of the Registration Committee shall serve as ex officio member(s) of this Committee. B. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Registration Committee shall make all the arrangements for Registration of the Conferees. 2. The Registration Committee shall carry out the duties of this committee in accordance with the NDCSW Procedures Manual. Section 14: The Research, Planning and Legislative Committee: A. Membership: 1. The Research, Planning and Legislative Committee should consist of the Conference President, President-Elect, and a minimum of eight (8) members. In each even numbered Conference year, this Committee shall be appointed for terms of two (2) years. 2. The immediate past chairperson(s) of the Research, Planning and Legislative Committee shall serve as an ex officio member(s) of this Committee. B. Purposes and Functions: 128 1. The Research, Planning and Legislative Committee shall gather data for future planning and action on social problems and issues as recommended by the Executive Committee or the Conference membership. 2. The Research, Planning and Legislative Committee shall coordinate and pursue the action necessary for the accomplishment of the projects studied and approved by the Executive Committee. 3. The Research, Planning and Legislative Committee shall carry out the duties of this committee in accordance with the NDCSW Procedures Manual. Section 15: The Resolutions Committee: A. Membership: 1. The Resolutions Committee should consist of a minimum of three (3) members to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate past chair(s) of the Resolutions Committee shall serve as an ex officio member(s) of this Committee. B. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Resolutions Committee shall solicit, receive, develop and edit resolutions that support and pertain to the business of this Conference. 2. The Resolution Committee shall carry out the duties of this committee in accordance with the NDCSW Procedures Manual. Section 16: The Time and Place Committee: A. Membership: 1. The Time and Place Committee should consist of a minimum of three (3) members to be appointed annually. 2. The immediate past chairperson(s) of the Time and Place Committee shall serve as an ex officio member(s) of this Committee. B. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Time and Place Committee shall ascertain the facilities for holding the annual meeting in any city extending an invitation. 2. The Time and Place Committee shall carry out the duties of this committee in accordance with the NDCSW Procedures Manual. Section 17: The Public Relations Committee: A. Membership: 1. The Public Relations Committee should consist of a minimum of seven (7) members to be appointed annually. It will also include the current President and President-Elect of the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare. 2. The immediate past chair(s) of the Public Relations Committee shall serve as ex officio member(s) of this committee. B. Purposes and Functions: 1. The Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for all Conference publications and the dissemination of information on the work and role of the North Dakota Conference to the entire membership and to the public. 2. The Public Relations Committee shall partner with other committees to maximize opportunities for publicizing the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare purpose, vision and position on social welfare issues. 129 3. The Public Relations Committee shall carry out the duties of this committee in accordance with the NDCSW Procedures Manual. 4. The Public Relations Committee shall routinely review and update the status and content of the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare web site and report the outcome to the Executive Committee. Section 18: Special Committees: A. Special committees of the Conference may be authorized either by the membership at the annual business meeting or by the Executive Committee. Article X. Quorum Section 1: No official business of the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. shall be transacted in the absence of a quorum. Section 2: A quorum shall consist of 75 members or 15 percent of those members who have registered (whichever is larger) at the annual business meeting of the Conference. Section 3: A majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for its meetings. Article XI. Rules of Order Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall govern on all questions of procedure at the business meetings of the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc., not otherwise provided for in the By-Laws. Article XII. Amendments These Bylaws may be amended by three-fourths (3/4) vote of those present and voting at one of the regular business meetings during the Annual Conference. Such amendments must be proposed in writing either at a regular business meeting of the preceding year or to the Executive Committee at least seventy-five (75) days prior to the annual Conference. The Executive Committee shall approve or reject the proposed amendments to these Bylaws, made by the Procedures Committee, prior to the amendments being made available to the membership. Proposed amendments, along with the particular article or section to be amended, shall be made available to the entire membership at least ten (10) days prior to the annual Conference. 130 Section 05 - Attachment A North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Expense Voucher Date: Committee Requesting Payment: Itemize and attach receipts: Amount: $ Check payable to: Transportation: miles at .56 cents per mile (eff. 1/1/2014) = $ Per Diem Reimbursement: Meals: Date Amount Requested: $ Please check all that apply: Lodging: Date Breakfast $7.00 Lunch: $10.50 Dinner: $17.50 (eff. 8/1/13) Amount Requested: $ (State rate is $74.70 plus tax eff. 10/1/13) Requested by: Committee Member/Chair/Representative Approved by: _________________________________________________________ President _________________________________________________________ Pat Hinsz, Executive Secretary Paid by Check #: Amount: $ Date of Check: (Revised 12//2013) 131 Section 05 - Attachment 2-B North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org 20__ - 20__ NDCSW PLANNING CALENDAR COMMITTEE: ___________________________________ CHAIR: ___________________________ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE LIAISON: _____________________________________________________ COMMITTEE MEMBERS: ____________________________________________________________ JANUARY Attend Executive Committee Meeting Select Committee Members and advise President by February 1 Submit Planning Calendar and Proposed Budget to President by February 1 BRUARY Attend Executive Committee Meeting MARCH Attend Executive Committee Meeting APRIL Attend Executive Committee Meeting MAY Attend Executive Committee Meeting JUNE Attend Executive Committee Meeting JULY Attend Executive Committee Meeting AUGUST Attend Executive Committee Meeting SEPTEMBER Attend Executive Committee Meeting Prepare Committee report to present at the annual Business Meeting at the Conference DECEMBER Attend Executive Committee Meeting Prepare final report in duplicate, including financial, (one copy to be retained in the Committee file; one copy submitted at the Executive Committee Meeting) Recommend changes COMMENTS: (Rev. 12/2013) 132 Section 05 - Attachment - C North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org 20___ - 20___ BUDGET REQUEST Committee: _________________________________________________________________ Chair: _____________________________________________________________________ Period to be Covered: _________________________________________________________ ITEM OF EXPENDITURE TOTAL AMOUNT PRIOR YEAR COST PROPOSED EXPENDITURE APPROVED AMOUNT $ RESOURCES (Specify) NET AMOUNT $ Note: Include any estimated transportation and per diem costs in your budget request. Distribution: Retain 1 copy for file; submit 1 copy to Executive Secretary. (Rev. 12/2013) 133 Section 05 - Attachment D North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org COMMITTEE FINAL FINANCIAL REPORT To be completed by all committee chairs in duplicate. One copy is to be retained in the Committee folder and the other is for the Executive Secretary and is to be turned in at the October Executive Committee Meeting. Conference Year: Committee: Chair(s): BUDGET AMOUNT EXPENDED DESCRIPTION DATE AMOUNT Total: Total: (Rev. 12/2013) 134 Section 05 - Attachment E North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. 2322 Grant Drive Bismarck, ND 58501-2226 www.ndcsw.org $10 REGISTRATION DISCOUNT Please attach this letter to your pre-registration form or present it when you register at the Conference for a $10 reduction in your registration fee at the Fall Conference. This is to certify that ______________________(Committee Member Name) is a member of the ______________________Committee and is entitled to a $10 discount on the registration fee. ________________________ Executive Secretary _____________ Date (Rev. 12/2013) 135 Section 05 - Attachment F North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Policy on Conflict of Interest (Adopted 04/17/2009) The Board of Directors of the North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. has a duty of loyalty to the Conference. It requires that the directors’ act in the interest of the Conference rather than in the personal interest of any person paid for services. In particular, the duty of loyalty requires a director to avoid conflicts of interest that are detrimental to the Conference. Conflicts of interest arise when any director or agency/business/person paid for services may benefit financially from a decision he or she could make in their capacity, including indirect benefits such as to family members or businesses with which the person is closely associated. This policy is focused upon material financial interest of, or benefit to, such person. A material financial interest is any interest that an ordinarily prudent person in a similar position would reasonably conclude could affect one’s judgment in making decisions about a transaction with that entity. When an individual becomes aware that an issue, event or situation may involve a conflict of interest, the individual shall make such conflict known to the Board of Directors. If the conflict involves a member of the Board, the other Board members will assess the conflict to determine if it is detrimental to the organization. The Board shall take formal action which recognizes the nature of the conflict, determines whether the conflict is detrimental to the organization and instruct as to the appropriate action to be taken by the Board. 136 Section 05 - Attachment G North Dakota Conference of Social Welfare, Inc. www.ndcsw.org Policy on Executive Compensation Adopted 4/17/2009 The Board of Directors shall review the Executive Secretary’s position annually. The review shall include a determination of the duties performed. In addition, the Board shall determine the amount of gratuity that will be awarded. No person or persons who may have a conflict of interest shall be responsible for the evaluation or determination of the gratuity. The process for determining the gratuity shall be completed at the beginning of each Conference year. 137