January/February 2012 - Interchurch Holiness Convention
January/February 2012 - Interchurch Holiness Convention
A P U B L I C A T I O N O F I N T E R C H U R C H H O L I N E S S C O N V E N T I O N • J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y, 2 0 1 2 Editor’s Thoughts L abels have been attached to our groups in recent years, with some calling us “the Conservative Holiness Movement.” I find myself using that label, but I’m trying to break the habit. I wonder if it is the enemies attempt to relegate us to the bottom shelf of eccentric reliJames Plank gions? If holiness can be “more conservative” it is nearly laughable to think that there is such a thing as compromised, worldly holiness. Holiness people of all generations across history have been people who were marked and separated as people of the narrow way and not the broad way. With that in mind, let me say that this great group of people trace their roots, not to Huntington or Salem or Cincinnati or Dayton, but to the Pentecostal prayer meeting in an upper room. To date, holiness people by the rise and fall of particular denominations or associations is prone to error. The glorious message of holiness spans all denominational boundaries and has found birth even in the most unexpected places. Wherever heart purity is born, it produces the same fruit resulting in an acceptance of the Calvary way and rejection of the worldly way. Some call us “conservative” as if we are something new—something invented in recent years; something unique and eccentric. Especially, our critics like to say we are something legalistic. Our precious holiness people are anything but that. The people called holiness are Biblical in their beliefs and practices. The people called holiness are to be commended for conviction instead of compromise. They are to be commended for their evangelistic zeal and missionary vision instead of stagnation. They are to be honored for their prayer and tears instead of sports and parties. So with that in mind, I personally want to say “thank you.” 2 Convention Herald Thank you to my dear holiness people for paying a great cost to keep the doctrine of holiness alive for me. Thank you for your carefulness and conscientiousness in spirit, convictions and standards of separation. Thank you for your emphasis on revival and the holy life. Thank you for your endless zeal in reaching the lost and evangelizing the world. Thank you for your generous giving and heartfelt support of the Gospel. Thank you for being people of one Book, one doctrine and one God. You made such an impact on my life that through you I met God in a personal relationship and have committed my future to safeguarding and promoting the doctrines you paid such a price to give to me. I have come to know it is not tradition or creed- but the very heart of the Gospel that I support. That Gospel that says whosoever may be saved and they may be saved to the uttermost. Thank you. § Convention Herald, a Christian family magazine, is the official publication of the InterChurch Holiness Convention. _________________________________ Volume 65—Number 1 January/February 2012 _________________________________ InterChurch Holiness Convention Executive Offices: PO Box 876 Bedford, IN 47421 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 812-275-2119 Fax: 812-277-9821 _________________________________ General Secretary: Leonard Sankey Editor: James D. Plank Printing: Country Pines Printing, Shoals, IN Graphic Design/Layout: Jon Plank Published bi-monthly by the InterChurch Holiness Convention and mailed from Shoals, IN 47581. $5 per year—USA and Canada. $6 per year—all other countries. _________________________________ Subscriptions, Billing, Advertising and Address Changes: Convention Herald PO Box 876 Bedford, IN 47421 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 812-275-2119 Fax: 812-277-9821 Announcements and articles: James Plank P.O. Box 99 New Berlin, PA 17855 E-mail: [email protected] Unsolicited articles will not be returned. _________________________________ IHC and the Convention Herald do not necessarily endorse every product or service advertised in this periodical. reflections from the General Secretary S o, 60 years have come and gone since the first IH Convention was held, and nearly 60 years since the first annual convention was held in Cincinnati. To say that things have changed since 1952 is, of course, an understateLeonard Sankey ment of huge proportions. The changes in our nation and culture are probably beyond counting...medicine, technology, publishing, politics, finance, the military, and social mores. But there are changes that have come about within the Interchurch Holiness Convention, and what we now know as the Conservative Holiness Movement. As with the culture, so in our circles the changes in publishing, technology, the economy, and cultural norms, and much more, have been enormous. Beyond the fact that our movement mirrors the culture in some areas, of more concern is what has happened to us in distinctly spiritual areas. One thing we need to remember is that in 1952 the most prominent holiness groups were some within the influences of our mother Methodist church, such as Asbury College, and the Kentucky Mountain Holiness Association. Then the Church of the Nazarene, the Wesleyan Methodists, the Free Methodists, the Pilgrim Holiness. There was, at that time, no International Conservative Holiness Association, no groups bearing the name Bible Holiness Church; no Church of the Bible Covenant, no “Midwest” or “New York” Pilgrim Holiness, no Wesleyan Holiness Association, no Tennessee/Alabama/Great Lakes/Heartland Bible Methodists, no Pilgrim Nazarenes nor Wesleyan Nazarenes, nor even an Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist Connection (Original Allegheny Conference). The paper you hold in your hand had not yet been founded, though one of the magazines that was an imme- diate predecessor and was incorporated into the Convention Messenger/Convention Herald (the Revival Herald, A.W.Vess, Editor and publisher, had been founded four years before the IHC began). Nothing of the common technology of today was available 60 years ago. The most common forms of communication was via the U.S. Postal Service (what we now refer to as “snail mail”), and the telephone. What most concerns me, though, is how have things changed in the really important areas of IHC life: for example - how are we doing today with our prayer life? How does our preaching today stack up against the likes of Griffith, G.I. Norman, H. R. French, and Leonard Ravenhill? Do our annual conventions reach the spiritual depths of the earlier meetings? Is there such liberty in the Spirit as was quite characteristic of holiness meetings of 60 years ago? In the matter of holiness living, how do we compare? I speak of our music, our entertainment tastes, our outward attire of simplicity and modesty, our clear separation from the world/culture around us. Do we ever read anything of spiritual depth? I want to be clearly understood. I thank God for the men and women who still prove their love and devotion to God and His Word by consistently right choices. They seek to live godly in Christ Jesus, and they raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. They are careful in personal life; they extend themselves to seek the lost; they are generous in their support of the work of God; they pledge themselves to prayer and Bible reading/study; they are faithful to church services. There are men and women among us in whom we can have confidence and trust. But (and I still want to be clearly understood) frankly, as a movement we are drifting. Not everyone and not every group, but to scan across our movement we must be honest to say that too many of our people are not being as careful and conscientious as an earlier generation typically was. This is a generalization, I know, because there were some people (continued on page 9) Convention Herald 3 Front Line Reports January 10-12 James Plank was joined by John and Betty Case for the Kansas State Winter Convention. The Lord’s presence marked the services with a not-to-forget closing service with the moving of God so very real. Churches were generous to cooperate. The financial needs were met. The cooperation of Independence Bible School was, as usual, an extra blessing. A very special thanks to the Davolt's and people of South East Kansas for hosting this convention. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND DAYTON 2012! LODGING Reserve a hotel in advance to insure availability and the best pricing. Crowne Plaza, host hotel John and Betty Case at the Kansas State Winter Convention 937-224-0800 or 800-2CROWNE 937-898-3606 937-429-5203 937-461-4700 937-424-5757 937-434-8030 937-429-0600 937-898-1212 937-223-1000 937-525-9700 937-278-4871 937-427-3914 937-427-3914 ......................................... America’s Best Value Inn Courtyard Doubletree Hotel Holiday Inn Holiday Inn (Mall) Homewood Suites Knights Inn Marriott Hotel Microtel Inn Ramada Plaza Red Roof Inn Residence Inn .................................. ................................................................................................ .................................................................. ......................................................................................... January 17-19 Leonard Sankey conducted the 2012 South Carolina State Convention. He was joined in preaching ministry by Paul Young, Robert Pelton and Walter Hedstrom. The Stephen Cassady Family were not able to come due to sickness, and we deeply appreciate these men and their ministry at a short notice. Many churches were represented. Brother Sankey reports: ” Paul Young's message on "Helping the Hurting in our Churches," Robert Pelton's wonderful discourse on the Holy Spirit's help to the saints in intercessory prayer, and Walter Hedstrom's two strong messages were blessed of the Lord. The Youngs, the Daniel Meltons, and the David Armstrongs assited with special music. We thank God for His presence, especially sensed in the last ser vice, with which He blessed His people. We are thankful for the faithful, generous giving of the people which met our financial goals and contributed to the general needs of the Convention. Our thanks to Pastor and Mrs. Terry Going and their people for giving us such a wonderful place for the South Carolina area IHC to meet.” § 4 Convention Herald .............................................................. .............................................................. ......................................................................................... .............................................................................. ....................................................................................... ............................................................................ .................................................................................. ............................................................................... The Ramada Plaza Dayton is offering a rate of $79 which will include a continental breafast and complimentary transportation to/from the convention center. For more details, call 937-278-4871. DISPLAYS If you are interested in a display space at the 2011 Dayton Convention, please contact Marci Webb at the IHC Office on or before March 15th to confirm your reservation. P.O. Box 876–Bedford, IN 47421. Phone: 812-275-2119 or Email: [email protected] Tuesday, April 17 Wednesday, April 18 Music Around the Piano Morning Bible Study Paul Gray, Director Larry Grile Convention Choir PAUL GRAY LARRY GRILE Family Groups Chapel of the Children Chapel of the Children Revival Rally G.R. French Keynote Address G.R. FRENCH Jacob Martin JACOB MARTIN Women of Worth From the Heart BEN BLOWERS ADAM BUCKLER Union Bible College Choir and Orchestra Fasting and Prayer Ben Blowers Healing Service Adam Buckler International Service Evening Worship Marc Sankey, Director MARC SANKEY Penn View Bible Institute Choir and Orchestra DARRELL STETLER Darrell Stetler Chapel of the Children Time of Discovery I God and Country Rally Time of Discovery II God’s Bible School Orchestra Hobe Sound Bible College Choir Fasting and Prayer Evening Worship God’s Bible School Choir and Orchestra IHC on Courthouse Square Rollin Mitchell ROLLIN MITCHELL Building for Keeps ANGIE & GENE DAVIS Children’s Mass Choir under the direction of Gene and Angie Davis Chapel of the Children Thursday, April 19 Closing Challenge Morning Bible Study Rowan Fay Steve Snodgrass Allegheny Wesleyan College Choir STEVE SNODGRASS ROWAN FAY Convention Mass Choir and Orchestra under the direction of Lucas Shrout Chapel of the Children Holiness Meeting Keith Ledford KEITH LEDFORD LEONARD SANKEY JAMES PLANK DARRELL STETLER MICHAEL AVERY PAUL GRAY JANET SANKEY JOHN MANLEY General Secretary Assistant General Secretary Special Assistance Convention Chairman Convention Music Women of Worth Host Pastor here are some things that are really important. That's what we hope to emphasize during this Annual IH Convention. Our families, our nation,our local churches are important; so are Christian education, holiness doctrine, preaching, and practice, fellowship, prayer...these matters are important. I trust you are praying for the spiritual success of the 2012 convention. Pray for the speakers, the musicians and singers, the leaders; join, if you can in the fasting and prayer services. Be in the services...there are special meetings for youth, children, and women, as well as a full schedule of services in the main auditorium. We welcome you to the 2012 Annual Interchurch Holiness Convention, our theme: Things that really matter. Lodging Convention Personnel Crowne Plaza (host hotel) . . 937-224-0800 or 800-2CROWNE Chairman of the Convention Committee . . . . . . Michael Avery General Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leonard Sankey Assistant General Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Plank Special Assistance and set-up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Darrell Stetler Convention Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Gray Chapel of the Children . . . . . . . Gene & Angie Davis, Directors Women of Worth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Janet Sankey, Director Tape & CD Sales, Convention Herald subscriptions. Marie Plank Exhibit Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anthony and Marci Webb Sound and Duplication, Dayton Daily . . . . . Take One Studios Head Usher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ray Campbell Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wesleyan Evangelistic Church Photographer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ryan Watters Volunteer Assistance . . . Intercollegiate Ministerial Fellowship America’s Best Value Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937-898-3606 Courtyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937-429-5203 Doubletree Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937-461-4700 Holiday Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937-424-5757 Holiday Inn (Mall). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937-434-8030 Homewood Suites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937-429-0600 Knights Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937-898-1212 Marriott Hotel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937-223-1000 Microtel Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937-525-9700 Red Roof Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937-427-3914 Residence Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937-427-3914 Contact IHC PO Box 876, Bedford, IN 47421 812.275.2119 or 570.765.0578 [email protected] www.ihconvention.com N o amount of human preparation, nor personal skills and abilities, nor outstanding music, and even good preaching, can make up for the lack of prayer. Because prayer is the hand of man laying hold on the arm of God, and bringing the power and presence of God into our midst. Brother Plank and I, and those who work with us, are deeply aware of our weakness and shortcomings; we cannot make the Dayton Convention a "success." However, if God comes then all will be well. And God responds to the cry of His people. So please join us in prayer, previous to the convention, and during the convention, that we may have the blessing of God's presence. FUTURE DAYTON CONVENTIONS April 17-19, 2012 April 16-18, 2013 April 22-24, 2014 ADVERTISING AT DAYTON FREE ADVERTISING is available in the registration packets. To place items in the Dayton packets, please mail 800 copies to IHC, P.O. Box 876– Bedford, IN 47421. Deadline: March 30th PAID ADVERTISING is available in the Dayton Daily. The Dayton Daily is distributed to all attendees each day and is widely read. This is an excellent way to advertise your ministry or business. Contact Rachel Bailey at 618-548-3566 or 618-918-8015. (from page 3) 60 years ago who were taking their own way...mmmm, shades of Demas, perhap? From 2000 years ago? But in a general sense, the atmosphere of the conventions when I began attending 57 years ago, were more “electric” with the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit and the saints were more intensely spiritually-minded and spiritually-oriented. A holiness leader told me a few years back: “Brother Sankey, with all your efforts, you have not been able to stop the drift.” That is a true statement, though I never imagined myself as a person designed by God for that purpose. Let me conclude this section by saying this: All is not lost, and that is certain. God is still with us; His blessings attend the annual and area conventions; people are still being saved and sanctified wholly; homes are being rescued; some are being called to God’s service and are responding positively; God’s people are still giving generously, though with more difficulty because of the general economic malaise; and, once in a while there are moments of Divine visitation (I treasure what my wife told me about a Thursday a.m. service when she said she could literally “see” the Holy Spirit sweeping across the crowd at Dayton.) However, in view of some lacks and needs that are evident among us: let’s be reminded that Christ’s last command to His church was not: “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel,” but rather (Revelation Chapters 2 and 3) “Repent.” It may well be a time when we need to take a dose of Divine medicine, humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, confess our faults (and perhaps sins), ask for God’s forgiveness; perhaps seek forgiveness of our brothers and sisters whom we have offended or failed, and wait before the Lord until a mighty inrush of the Outpoured Spirit comes upon us. This is a bitter medicine, but like the motto on bottles of Buckley’s Syrup: “It tastes awful, and it works.” God’s remedy is not always pleasant, but it always works. § Convention Herald 9 F lorida Evangelistic Association scheduled J. Percy Trueblood as one of the evangelists for Sea Breeze Camp. The year was 1968 if I remember correctly. This is a poor place to speak of memory for Brother Trueblood had a phenomenal memory. In those years we had camp in what moderns know as the dining room. The platform was located near the present serving line. Brother Trueblood was holding forth on the Lord's Day afternoon. A couple related to my wife, were visiting us from out of town. They were not of our persuasion and not every evangelist does equally well with such people. We were happy they could hear this “Walking Bible.” He had a way of incorporating verse after verse of Scripture in his messages. Some men can quote chapters from the Bible. Some other men can deliver good sermons. God (and Trueblood's mental labors) allowed him to present a message from the Lord laced through with the Word of the Lord and to do it without any awkwardness. They blended naturally. He also had a way of addressing current sins quickly and then moving on. It is my understanding that Percy Trueblood spend four years studying the Bible. You might say, “A lot of people have studied four years in a Bible College.” True. However he spent four years on the Bible alone—and that, at the rate of eight hours a day. The story is told that one time some one wanted to give James Percy Trueblood a telephone number. He wanted paper and pen. They were shocked that he would want to write this down when he was known for his great memory. He is said to have responded, “I am not going to waste my memory on phone numbers…” § Easley Bible Methodist Church invites you to worship with us Sunday School: 10 AM, Sunday Services: 11 AM & 6 PM Wednesday Service: 7 PM 855 Gentry Memorial Highway Easley South Carolina Phone: 864-855-3892 www.easleybiblemethodist.org Terry D. Going, Pastor 1647 North Ellsworth Ave, Salem, Ohio 44460 | 330-337-6792 Where the souls of men are refreshed Rev. Henry Miller, Pastor | www.salembmc.org A sunny welcome awaits you at Bethel Holiness Church Sebring, Florida A conservative holiness church in the “heartland” of Florida Please come and worship with us! REV. CHARLES SCHNELL • 863-655-0326 or 836-381-0928 Manager: Keith McLeod Mike Morgan Bob Morgan Come visit us where I-80 intersects the Mississippi River! 110 W 2nd Street • Milan, Illinois 61264 • 309.787.3335 10 Convention Herald Janet Sankey DIRECTOR Visit our website online at: www.ihcwow.com Women of Worth is the international ladies ministry of InterChurch Holiness Convention. Janet Sankey is the director and resides in Bedford, IN. For more information contact her by mail: PO Box 876, Bodford, IN 47421-4913. Email: [email protected] The Minister and Taxes Recommendation for Evangelism One of the reasons for the confusion surrounding Brian & Cheri Span- ministers and their taxes is the fact that the IRS has a gler have felt the call of different set of rules for ministers than laymen. Jim God to enter full time Olsen, CPA, has put together a booklet he will send you evangelism. He is a that provides all the information and forms necessary capable preacher, having for a church treasurer and pastor to follow the IRS served in the pastorate guidelines. Contact him at [email protected] and he for many years. They are will send the information, free of charge, back to your talented singers and will e-mail address. He also has a web site www.JimOlsenC- be a blessing to your PA.com that has valuable information for layman and camp or church. They pastors alike on a variety of financial topics. For those may be contacted at 419-563-4014. without e-mail, his address is 3877 Bluebill Place, Stu- 6124 Knauss Road art, FL 34997. Office/Cell Phone (772) 486-6466. Sycamore OH 44882 Convention Herald 11 NON PROFIT ORG. POSTAGE PAID SHOALS, IN PERMIT NO 18 SOUTH WEST MICHIGAN CONVENTION March 12-14, 2012 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Speakers: Paul Pierpoint, John Case Music: John & Betty Case Pilgrim Bible Church—Cedar Springs, Michigan Information: Michael Shiery, 517-902-2116 ALASKA STATE CONVENTION March 20-25, 2012 Tuesday-Sunday Speaker: Michael Avery Far North Missionary Fellowship North Pole, Alaska Information: Dwane Newton, 907-488-1616 SEA TAC CONVENTION March 30-April 1, 2012 Friday, Saturday, Sunday Speaker: Leonard Sankey, Dwane Newton Music: Dwane & Gwen Newton Wesleyan Holiness Church—Tacoma, Washington Information: Paul Taylor, 253-740-0075 OKLAHOMA CITY CONVENTION March 20-22, 2012 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Speakers: Darrell Stetler and others Music by Union Bible College Choir (29th) Calvary Bible Wesleyan Church Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Information: Heartland Holiness Association Darrell Stetler II, 405-974-0507 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA CONVENTION May 1-3, 2012 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Speaker: James Plank and others Rocky Grove Pilgrim Holiness Church Franklin, Pennsylvania Information: Paul Baker 814-432-4123 INTERCHURCH HOLINESS CONVENTION PO BOX 876 BEDFORD IN 47421-4913 Check our website often for information on Area Conventions: www.ihconvention.com MISSOURI STATE SPRING CONVENTION May 2-4, 2012 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Speakers: Leonard Sankey and Ben Crawford Church of God (Holiness)—Carthage, Missouri Information: John Poff 417-358-5075 ROCKY MOUNTAIN CONVENTION May 4-6, 2012 Friday, Saturday, Sunday Speaker: Paul Pierpoint and others Immanuel Missionary Church Colorado Springs, Colorado HARKERS ISLAND CONVENTION June 26-28, 2012 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Speakers: Leonard Sankey, James Plank, Henry Miller Music: Henry & Janan Miller, Grace Holiness Trio Grace Holiness Church Harkers Island, North Carolina Information: Curtis Going, 620-331-4480 MID TENNESSEE CONVENTION August 9-10, 2012 Thursday-Friday Location & Speakers to be announced Information: Jeff Asbell, 931-374-7975
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Subscriptions, Billing, Advertising and
Address Changes:
Convention Herald
PO Box 876
Bedford, IN 47421
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 812-275-2119
January/February 2013 - Interchurch Holiness Convention
General Secretary: Leonard Sankey
Editor: James D. Plank
Associate Editor: Curtis Going
Printing: Country Pines Printing, Shoals, IN
Graphic Design/Layout: Jon Plank
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Subscriptions, Billing, Advertising and
Address Changes:
Convention Herald
PO Box 876
Bedford, IN 47421
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 812-275-2119