January/February 2013 - Interchurch Holiness Convention
A P U B L I C A T I O N O F I N T E R C H U R C H H O L I N E S S C O N V E N T I O N APRIL 16 APRIL 17 1:30 PM 9:00 AM 2:45 PM 2:45 PM 6:00 PM 7:15 PM MUSIC AROUND THE PIANO PAUL GRAY, DIRECTOR CONVENTION CHOIR FAMILY GROUPS CHAPEL OF THE CHILDREN ANGELA MARRIOTT KEYNOTE ADDRESS JERRY BELL FROM THE HEART MIKE MATER, ANTHONY HARRIS PENN VIEW BIBLE INSTITUTE CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA EVENING WORSHIP GOD’S BIBLE SCHOOL CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA PAUL PIERPOINT 10:15 AM 10:15 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 NOON 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:15 PM CONTACT IHC PO BOX 876, BEDFORD, IN 47421 812.275.2119 OR 570.765.0578 [email protected] MORNING BIBLE STUD CRAIG DAHLER CHAPEL OF THE CHILD REVIVAL RALLY JEREMY FULLER WOMEN OF WORTH DIRECTED BY JANET SA FASTING & PRAYER, HEALING SERVICE INTERNATIONAL SERV DIRECTED BY MARC SA CHAPEL OF THE CHILD TIME OF DISCOVERY I RON STEPHENS SMALL CHURCH—BIG DIRECTED BY ROLLIN M HOBE SOUND BIBLE CO EVENING WORSHIP UNION BIBLE COLLEGE DANIEL STETLER APRIL 18 DY 9:00 AM DREN 10:15 AM 10:15 AM 10:30 AM ANKEY VICE NKEY DREN G GOD MITCHELL LLEGE CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA 12:00 NOON 12:00 NOON 1:30 PM 2:00 PM 6:00 PM MORNING BIBLE STUDY ANDREW STROUD CHAPEL OF THE CHILDREN HOLINESS MEETING J. STEVEN MANLEY TIME OF DISCOVERY II LEONARD SANKEY FASTING & PRAYER IHC ON COURTHOUSE SQUARE CHILDREN’S PRESENTATION BUILDING FOR KEEPS DIRECTED BY DAVID & DEBBIE BLOWERS CLOSING CHALLENGE MARK MOWERY ALLEGHENY WESLEYAN COLLEGE CHOIR CONVENTION MASS CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA UNDER DIRECTION OF DON QUALES LEONARD SANKEY, ALONG WITH THE IHC COMMITTEE, INVITE YOU TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL INTERCHURCH HOLINESS CONVENTION IN DAYTON, OHIO, APRIL 16-18, 2013. JOIN IN PRAYER AND ATTENDANCE! GOD WANTS TO DO SOMETHING SPECIAL AT DAYTON 2013! PLENTY OF LODGING AVAILABLE WITHIN A SHORT DISTANCE: DAYTON MARRIOTT ...............937-223-1000 ............1.3 MILE COURTYARD DAYTON.............937-220-9060 ............1.8 MILE SUPER 8 ...............................937-298-0380 ...............3 MILE MICROTEL.............................937-252-9700 ...............4 MILE DAYS INN ..............................937-236-8083 ............4.2 MILE COMFORT SUITES..................937-425-6498 ............4.3 MILE BEST WESTERN.....................937-278-5711 ............4.5 MILE DRURY INN............................937-454-5200 ...............6 MILE COUNTRY INN & SUITES.........937-429-2222 ............6.1 MILE HAWTHORN SUITES ...............937-898-7764 ............6.4 MILE COMFORT INN.......................937-890-9995 ............6.5 MILE RED ROOF INN ......................937-898-1054 ............6.7 MILE HAMPTON INN.......................937-387-0598 ............6.4 MILE BEST VALUE INN....................937-898-3606 ............6.5 MILE HOLIDAY INN FAIRBORN.........937-426-7800 ............7.1 MILE HILTON GARDEN....................937-458-2650 ............6.8 MILE CROWNE PLAZA (LIMITED AVAILABILITY) .........877-270-1393 THESE HOTELS PROVIDE TRANSPORTATION TO DAYTON CONVENTION CENTER FOR IHC SERVICES: DAYTON GRAND HOTEL ...................................937-461-4700 RAMADA PLAZA ..............................................937-278-4871 CONVENTION PERSONNEL CHAIRMAN OF THE CONVENTION COMMITTEE . . . MICHAEL AVERY GENERAL SECRETARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LEONARD SANKEY ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JAMES PLANK SPECIAL ASSISTANCE AND SET-UP . . . . . . . . . . . DARRELL STETLER CONVENTION MUSIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAUL GRAY CHAPEL OF THE CHILDREN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ANGELA MARRIOTT WOMEN OF WORTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JANET SANKEY, DIRECTOR TAPE & CD SALES, CONVENTION HERALD SUBSCRIPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MARIE PLANK EXHIBIT AREA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ANTHONY AND MARCI WEBB SOUND AND DUPLICATION, DAYTON DAILY. . . . TAKE ONE STUDIOS HEAD USHER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RAY CAMPBELL REGISTRATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WESLEYAN EVANGELISTIC CHURCH PHOTOGRAPHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RYAN WATTERS VOLUNTEER ASSISTANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERCOLLEGIATE MINISTERIAL FELLOWSHIP Editor’s Thoughts I .H.C. is much more than a convention—it is a family of churches, ministries and people who are committed to spreading scriptural holiness across these lands. Contrary to popular myth, James Plank this family is missions minded, outreach minded and thoroughly committed to the cause. America has become our hardest mission field. Since the world wars, our beloved nation has been on a course of rejection. Slouching towards nothingness, American churches have faced a monumental decision: To stick by the stuff and keep proclaiming holiness anyhow, or, adjust the message to stay somewhat popular with the corrupt culture. Most religions have chosen the latter. Most denominations are in a grand rush to see how their worship and Convention Herald, a Christian family magazine, is the official publication of the InterChurch Holiness Convention. _________________________________ 2013—Volume 66—Number 1 _________________________________ InterChurch Holiness Convention Executive Offices: PO Box 876 Bedford, IN 47421 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 812-275-2119 Fax: 812-277-9821 _________________________________ General Secretary: Leonard Sankey Editor: James D. Plank Associate Editor: Curtis Going Printing: Country Pines Printing, Shoals, IN Graphic Design/Layout: Jon Plank Published bi-monthly by the InterChurch Holiness Convention and mailed from Shoals, IN 47581. $5 per year—USA and Canada. $6 per year—all other countries. _________________________________ Subscriptions, Billing, Advertising and Address Changes: Convention Herald PO Box 876 Bedford, IN 47421 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 812-275-2119 Fax: 812-277-9821 Announcements and articles: James Plank P.O. Box 99 New Berlin, PA 17855 E-mail: [email protected] Unsolicited articles will not be returned. _________________________________ IHC and the Convention Herald do not necessarily endorse every product or service advertised in this periodical. lifestyle can most closely resemble the very world they are trying to reach. I.H.C. is a family that still believes. We believe the doctrine delivered to us by holy hands. There is victory and freedom from sin! We believe that this victory is evident in a daily life that lives joyously for another world. We live to reach this world for Christ—but our goals and values remain firmly for that other world. We believe that our goal must be a revival of piety and a revival of purpose—piety that includes soul searching, humility, restitution, repentance and prayer; purpose that includes fresh vision, constant soul winning, new churches and thriving ministries. While I.H.C. is much more than a convention, it is certainly that. Our area conventions will be held in at least twenty-five locations this year to help foster cooperation, encourage revival and provide a platform for the holiness message. A highlight of our year is the Annual Convention, currently held in Dayton, Ohio. That convention is right “around the corner.” The 2013 event will be held April 16-18 at the Dayton Convention Center. Please help us with the following: 1. Put the Dayton I.H.C. on your personal prayer list and on your church prayer list. 2. Be sure an announcement is on your church bulletin board. 3. Be sure your church pays your pastors way (and his family) to Dayton. 4. Attend prayerfully and with expectation. 5. Schedule special prayer meetings on behalf of Dayton 2013. 6. Consider bringing your youth group. 7. Consider a bus trip from your area. I can’t wait to see you at Dayton 2013! As we pray together, it will be another great year. § Convention Herald 5 reflections from the General Secretary LUKE 24:33–39 O ne afternoon a huge storm lay threatening to the west of our town. Winds Leonard Sankey began to whistle through the branches of the trees and loose items started flying around the property. My mother-in-law was home by herself at the time. I was at work, my wife was at the university, and our children were in school. As the dark clouds roiled overhead and rain sliced through the air and pounded the side of the house, my mother-in-law, somewhat concerned by the violence of the storm, went to the windows on the front side of the house. With apprehension she watched the fury of the wind, saw the jagged streaks of lightning, heard the crack and boom of thunder. For a moment, she was caught in the fear of what the outcome of the storm might be. However, she heard something else: she heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Is it necessary for both of us to watch the storm?” Suddenly and immediately at peace, she turned and went back to her tasks knowing that He was watching the storm; she didn’t have to. In the world of the early disciples, everything was turned upside-down. Disappointed, disheartened, disanimated, discouraged—they didn’t know where to go, or what to do. Shut away behind closed doors in fear, their dreams lying shattered on the floor, their Leader gone... and then suddenly, Jesus stood in the midst and said, “Peace be unto you.” Peace—in the midst of depression; Peace—in times of grief; Peace—when it’s dark; Peace when life swirls around you like a whirlwind. Only Jesus can truly say it, and only Jesus can truly give it. Thank God when in the midst of the storm, Jesus Whispers Peace. § 6 Convention Herald W hile I am on my knees I realize that I can reach no greater efficiency in the pulpit than I reach in my daily living. I can be no more a victorious preacher than I am a victorious day-byday Christian. If I lift myself up toward heaven in the preaching hour, and force outward indications to resemble piety, only to be defeated in my private heart, I am but stretching myself out of proportion; and that will lead to frustration, and even cynicism sooner or later. Nor does it require outward sin to bring this divergence; just defeat in the heart is sufficient to bring ultimate defeat both to self and to purpose of life. While I am on my knees crying for liberty and anointing, I see so clearly that such come to one whose everyday life is anointed. Special unction for the occasion may come and go, but grace to live victoriously must be there always. The pulpit grace is no surer than the daily living grace which undergirds it. Men do not put marble on top of cheap things, and God does not genuinely anoint in the pulpit those men He cannot anoint in daily living. Search me O God, and analyze my inner life; see if my daily-living grace is strong. If it is, well. And if it is not, then keep me on my knees until I can go forth conquering and to conquer in Jesus’ name. Amen and Amen! § —Selected from “The Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist,” February 1984, p. 20 Front Line Reports Ja nu ar y 3– 17: James Plank preached at the Holiness Camp in Pabarabuk, Papua New Guinea. (See report this issue) Januar y 15–17: Leonard Sankey conducted the Kansas State Winter Convention in Independence. He was joined by the Stephen Cassady Family in ministry. The services were held at the Bible Holiness Church and the Independence Bible School. Ja n u ar y 2 2– 2 4: Darrell Stetler conducted the South Carolina State Convention in Easley. From South Carolina, we received this good report: “The Third Annual South Carolina Inter-church Holiness Convention met January 22–24 in the beautiful facilities of the Easley Bible Methodist Church, in Easley, South Carolina. The weather was beautiful during that week, and the spiritual tide was high, as people came together from ten different churches, including a pastor and his wife from a Baptist Church in North Carolina. Rev. Darrell Stetler was at his best, moderating the services, and preaching. Rev. Keith Ledford, from Galax, Virginia, fed the crowds well with his Spirit-anointed preaching. The Derek McIntires, from Pennsylvania, lifted our spirits as they sang the songs of the church; and people responded well to his congregational song leading. Derek also preached in the two after- noon services. The day services were marked by the sense of God’s presence, and the evening services, well-attended, were especially marked by the touch of God’s Spirit. Our people thoroughly enjoyed this year’s convention, and look forward to more conventions in the future.” Febr uar y 7–17: Leonard Sankey was platform manager at Sea Breeze Camp in Hobe Sound, Florida. The evangelists for the camp were Daniel Stetler and Marc Sankey. Included in the 2013 was a Memorial Service for Dorothy Herron, the widow of Dr. S.D. Herron. W.O. Kneal William Gale Fe b r u a r y 1 1 : William Gale, missionar y statesman, and W.O. Kneal, long time leader of the Lower Light Church, both died today. These men were dear friends to the IHC. § Easley Bible Methodist Church invites you to worship with us 855 Gentry Memorial Highway Easley South Carolina Phone: 864-855-3892 www.easleybiblemethodist.org Terry D. Going, Pastor Where the souls of men are refreshed 110 W 2nd Street • Milan, Illinois 61264 309.787.3335 Convention Herald 7 P apua New Guinea was a place that had been long primitive, dangerous and dark. By World War II, while people of the world were flying airplanes and driving vehicles, PNG was largely stone age. During the war, Japan occupied the country in an attempt to strike at Australia. Much blood was shed. At the close of the war the nation opened and missionary G.T. Bustin seized the moment. He and his family had been working in Haiti, but while preaching in Australia, he felt led of God to make a trip into Papua New Guinea. He prayed that if it was of the Lord, the money should be supplied as his 8 Convention Herald funds were gone. A lady, in prayer, felt to give him money. That obedient gift would be the key to the spreading of holiness in PNG. The Catholics and Lutherans were working in safer areas, so G.T. Bustin took the regions beyond where few white men had ever ventured—high up on the mountains, where generations of people had lived and died without Christ. They told him not to go. It was too dangerous. He likely would not be seen again. He didn’t know the language and little of the customs, but his heart burned with the passion of spreading the Gospel. God had miraculously prepared the way and with his first converts, the Papua New Guinea Bible Church was born. G.T. Bustin, along with his family, and many missionaries flooded PNG with the Gospel. They laid a foundation so strong that holiness has become the theme of the church across the nation. The foundation came at a great cost. For decades, holiness people in America and around the world supported the work with 10 Convention Herald finances, prayers and work groups. The drama of the unfolding miracle of PNG was felt in church groups everywhere. Names like Sturtevant and Mahin were published. They had paid the ultimate price. Today you visit their graves in PNG and remember their sacrifice. Lenita Bustin, who gave over thirty years of educating and caring. The country still looks to her as a lady who trained their leaders. In ill health, she asked to be buried in Papua New Guinea. To visit her grave is like visiting that of the president. Great is her reward. The foundation was so carefully laid that today over 600 churches dot the landscape of PNG. Tribal wars have ceased in some regions, and the locals point to a little church and remember a preacher that changed everything. After a culture of bloodshed and violence, the Gospel made the difference. Enemies now worship together. Tambul Bible College and Pacific Bible College are strategically producing pastors for the 24 districts and mission fields into Philippines, Indonesia, Solomon Islands and elsewhere. Many thousands of students attend PNG Bible Churches Christian Schools, with the Institute of Christian Academy in Port Moresby being the largest A.C.E. school in the world, hoping to register over 1300 students for the 2013 Academic Year. Health centers, mission compounds and ministry outreach are happening throughout the country in multiple locations. Radio Light blankets the nation with twentyfour hour Christian radio. PNG Bible Church has pastors on staff to shepherd the growing radio audience now estimated in the millions. The foundation has been carefully laid by faithful missionaries and early converts, and now it is Harvest Time in Papua New Guinea. Revival is on in the country with thousands coming to Christ. The Holiness Camp in 2013 was among the largest ever with 10-15,000 people attending. From Interchurch Holiness Convention, James Plank ministered in each service, with interpretation into Pidgin by Youann Tainapel, President of Pacific Bible College. In one service it was estimated that 3,000 seekers filled the front of the tabernacle. The revival comes at a price. Some who are rejecting holiness continually plague the church. The church leaders have paid a genuine price to take the way of holiness. Again this year, some men chopped down trees on to the power lines, causing the electric to fail in the very first service. When the power company came to fix the lines, they were paid to go home without fixing the problem. God is not limited to electric power! The more the enemy fought, the greater the victories in each service. So many nations have walked behind light and have rejected the Gospel- it is refreshing to see the open doors in places like Papua New Guinea where the holiness message is alive and well. The legacy of a generation of faithful missionaries lives on. It’s Harvest Time in Papua New Guinea. § A very special thanks to Wane Ninjipa and all of the national leaders of the PNG Bible Church for their friendship and unwavering support. The invitation to IHC to come to PNG was so deeply appreciated. The welcome in Pabarabuk and beyond was so encouraging! Special thanks to Tobias Nangudu, Youan Tainapel, Southern District Leaders, Fred Tulia, Morobe District, Pastor John Nau, Sape, Simion Sinai, Dr. Edward, Philip Kuk, Garoka PNG Bible Church town church and the leaders of the Goroka District. These and so many others made this trip possible. 12 Convention Herald “Progress involves riskyou can’t steal second and keep your foot on first.” WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA CONVENTION Pilgrim Holiness Church Franklin, Pennsylvania April 30–May 2, 2013 (Tuesday–Thursday) Moderator: Leonard Sankey Evangelist: Dale Hayford Music: Allegheny Wesleyan College, Penn View Bible Institute Host Pastor: Paul Baker 814-432-4123 ROCKY MOUNTAIN CONVENTION May 3–5, 2013 (Friday–Sunday) Immanuel Missionary Church Colorado Springs, Colorado Moderator: Darrell Stetler Evangelist: John Case Music: John & Betty Case Host Pastor: Marvin Mosley 719-684-4048 KENTUCKY STATE CONVENTION James Chapel Community Holiness Church Olive Hill, Kentucky May 22–24, 2013 (Wednesday–Friday) Moderator: Leonard Sankey Evangelists: James Plank, Darrell Stetler Music: Darrell & Regina Stetler Coordinator: Adam Buckler (606) 356-2465 Host Pastor: Matthew Blankenship Sunday Services: 10:30 AM and 6:00 PM Wednesday Service: 7:00 PM 1647 North Ellsworth Ave, Salem, Ohio 44460 | 330-337-6792 Rev. Henry Miller, Pastor | www.salembmc.org Bethel Holiness Church A sunny welcome awaits you at Sebring, Florida A conservative holiness church in the “heartland” of Florida Please come and worship with us! REV. CHARLES SCHNELL • 863-655-0326 or 836-381-0928 SEEKING A NEW PASTOR PILRGIM HOLINESS CHURCH OF GRIFFITH INDIANA The Pilgrim Holiness Church of Griffith Indian is an independent Conservative Holiness Church, located 35 miles from downtown Chicago in NW Inidiana. We are conservative but not fanatical. We have a beautiful, 3 Bedroom, 2 bath parsonage with 2 family rooms and 3 car garage across the street from our Church facility. We are seeking a pastor and his family who are interested in rebuilding our church, have a 14 CRYSTAL COAST CONVENTION Grace Holiness Church Harkers Island, North Carolina June 25-27, 2013 (Tuesday-Thursday) Moderator: James Plank Evangelist: Marcus Dodrill Music: Grace Holiness Choir & Trio Host Pastor: Curtis Going 252-728-5465 passion and desire to helping the Check our website often for information on Area Conventions: www.ihconvention.com for further information. Convention Herald lost and encouraging the saints. Pastoral candidates should have at least 3 years of being a pastor and a track record of getting involved in the community and church growth. If you are interested and feel led by God please contact Dave Gumbiner Email: [email protected] Phone: 219-730-2493 JOIN US AT DAYTON! Janet Sankey DIRECTOR WOMEN OF WORTH SESSION WITH GUEST SPEAKER BECKY KEEP WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17 10:30 AM CONGREGATIONAL PRELUDE MUSIC STARTING AT 10:15 Women of Worth is the international ladies ministry of InterChurch Holiness Convention. Janet Sankey is the director and resides in Bedford, IN. For more information contact her by mail: PO Box 876, Bedford, IN 47421-4913. Email: [email protected] NON PROFIT ORG. POSTAGE PAID SHOALS, IN PERMIT NO 18 My Daddy didn’t make much $ back then you see, So, my brothers gave their lawn $ so we could go to IHC. Moma brought all our own food and we ate in our hotel It was delicious food...crock pot meals with a yummy smell! Each year I’d arrive with my two braids, new bloomers, and shiny shoes I would come in carrying my dolly—I was “big news”. I always LOVED going to children’s church—WHAT FUN! The best songs, stories, and teachers under the sun! I would have rather gone to IHC than have Christmas each year. I’d rather experience IHC than receive gifts so dear! Through the year I’d plan my IHC wardrobe months before... Then help pack—I couldn’t WAIT to go out the door! Getting to be with my dear family and friends...OH! What Bliss! IHC... the 3 BEST days of each year...I NEVER wanted to MISS! I later came with Phillip my fiance’ to IHC And my parents announced our wedding in the Dayton Daily! Later God called us to pastor out in the West! But we got to go to IHC two out of five years...I was Blest! Then God called us to spread His Word on the mission field. HOW WOULD I LIVE WITHOUT MY IHC?...But my heart to God did yield! It has been four years since we’ve been to IHC But due to “live streaming” we still “Attend” from Colombia you see! We still dress up, make food, and gather our family around... To watch each IHC service—ENJOYING each and every sound! Our family feels so BLESSED to get to hear and “BE” With our Beloved family and friends worshiping at IHC! We sing the songs, and worship and cry as a family! Lord willing, we’ll be in Dayton 2013 and we are H.A.P.P.Y.!! INTERcHuRcH HOLINESS cONvENTION PO BOx 876 BEdfORd IN 47421-4913 Before I can even remember I went to IHC. That’s when we became “Best Friends”...IHC and ME! My excitement would build as we grew closer to Dayton I’d try to spot the buildings close to where my IHC was waitin’!
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Subscriptions, Billing, Advertising and
Address Changes:
Convention Herald
PO Box 876
Bedford, IN 47421
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 812-275-2119
January/February 2012 - Interchurch Holiness Convention
Subscriptions, Billing, Advertising and
Address Changes:
Convention Herald
PO Box 876
Bedford, IN 47421
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 812-275-2119
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Subscriptions, Billing, Advertising and
Address Changes:
Convention Herald
PO Box 876
Bedford, IN 47421
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 812-275-2119
1511-convention herald.indd - Interchurch Holiness Convention
Editor: James D. Plank
Printing: Country Pines Printing, Shoals, IN
Graphic Design/Layout: Jon Plank
Published by the InterChurch Holiness
Convention and mailed from
Shoals, IN 47581.