FOOD ADDITIVES Trend and Safety Issues
FOOD ADDITIVES Trend and Safety Issues
FOOD ADDITIVES Trend and Safety Issues Dr. Ir. Sukarno, M. Sc. Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan Fateta IPB 2015 UU PANGAN Nomor 18 Tahun 2012 PANGAN Segala sesuatu yang berasal dari sumber hayati produk pertanian, perkebunan, kehutanan, perikanan, peternakan, perairan, dan air, baik yang diolah maupun tidak diolah yang diperuntukkan sebagai makanan atau minuman sebagai konsumsi manusia, termasuk bahan tambahan pangan, bahan baku paangan, dan bahan lainnya yang digunakan dalam proses penyiapan, pengolahan, dan/atau pembuatan makanan atau minuman. Asas Penyelenggaraan Pangan: Kedaulat an Kemandi rian Keadilan Berkelan jutan Azas Pemerat aan Ketahan an Keaman an Manfaat Keamanan Pangan: Kondisi dan upaya yang diperlukan untuk mencegah pangan dari kemungkinan cemaran biologis, kimia, dan benda lain yang dapat mengganggu, merugikan, dan membahayakan kesehatan manusia serta tidak bertentangan dengan agama, keyakinan, dan budaya masyarakat sehingga aman untuk dikonsumsi. Bab VII. Keamanan Pangan Bagian ke1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Umum Sanitasi Pangan Pengaturan Bahan Tambahan Pangan Pengaturan Pangan Produk Rekayasa Genetik Pengaturan Iradiasi Pangan Standar Kemasan Pangan Jaminan Keamanan Pangan dan Mutu Pangan Jaminan Produk Halal Bagi yang Dipersyaratkan Bab XIV. Penyidikan Menjelaskan penyidikan dalam tindak pidana di bidang Pangan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundangundangan di bidang Hukum Acara Pidana. Bab XV Ketentunan Pidana Menjelaskan ketentuan pidana bagi pelanggar peraturan perundangan ini Food Additive atau Bahan Tambahan Pangan Definisi FDA: Zat yang secara sengaja ditambahkan ke dalam makanan untuk menghasilkan sifat fungsional tertentu pada makanan baik secara langsung atau tidak langsung dan menjadi bagian dari makanan tersebut (termasuk zat yang digunakan selama produksi, pengemasan, pengolahan, transportasi, penyimpanan). What is a Food Additive? Sec. 201(s) FFDCA: Definition IN SHORT Any substance, that is reasonably expected to become a component of food as a result of its intended use, If such use in not Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) Food and Drug Law Sec. 409 Unsafe Food Additives: the use of a food Sec. 402 Adulterated Food: a food is adulterated…if it Sec. 301 Prohibited Acts: the introduction or delivery additive is unsafe, unless that use conforms to a regulation, notification, or exemption issued by FDA under Sec. 409. is, or if it contains any food additive that is unsafe. into interstate commerce of any food that is adulterated or misbranded. MOM’S Apple Pies Sweetner Unapproved Food Additive Adulterated Food Maryland Virginia Interstate Commerce FDA Enforcement Food and Drug Law [A] Dave’s Candy New antioxidant Antioxidant “Unapproved” migrates FDA Interstate Commerce Enforcement Adulterated Food Food and Drug Law Why are food additives regulated? Unsafe Food Additive = Adulterated Food Unapproved Food Additive = Unsafe Food Additive Unapproved Food Additive = Adulterated Food NATURAL vs SYNTHETIC CHEMICALS Are natural chemicals safer than synthetic chemicals? Which set pose a greater risk? Which set is more amenable to control and regulation? Fundamental concept of toxicology: all substances can be toxic; it is a matter of DOSE . Safety is relative and there is no absolute safety. Thus there are toxic and non toxic doses for any substance. Frequency-response curve: a plot of the % of individual with specific response as a function of dose. Cumulative response-curve (compounds A and B) Dose-response curve TOXICOLOGICAL TERMS Toxin /Toxicant: A substance that has been shown to present some significant degree of possible risk when consumed in sufficient quantity by humans or animals. Natural/Inherent: Toxicants occur in foods as a result of biosynthetic origin. Acute Toxicity Chronic Toxicity Sub-chronic feeding test Maximum tolerated dose (MTD) No observable adverse effect level (NOAEL) Acceptable daily intake (ADI) Lethal dose fifty (LD50) Tumor dose fifty (TD50) GRAS Acute toxicity: toxic response ,often immediate, induced by single exposure. The acute toxicity of a substance is defined by its LD50 / lethal dose that will kill 50% of a group of exposed animals . LD50 is also used to determine the level of toxicity LD50 (/Kg Substance body weight 200mg Caffeine 100ng Botulinum toxin 40g Sodium chloride LD50 Toxicity Level ≤ 1mg Extremely Toxic 1-50mg Highly toxic 50-500mg >500mg Moderately toxic Non Toxic Chronic toxicity: Toxic effect that requires some time to develop, e.g. cancer. Testing for chronic toxicity involve continuous feeding of the test substance to rodents for 20-24 months. By analogy to LD50, the amount of a carcinogen required to induce cancer in 50% of a group of exposed animal is referred to as TD50 Toxicology and Risk Analysis Traditional high dose feeding of a few rats/other rodents. A safety margin of a 100-fold is usually applied from the NOAEL (no observable adverse effect level) to determine safe dose for man, i.e. the ADI (acceptable daily intake). Food Shall be Deemed to be Adulterated If it bears or contains any poisonous or deleterious substance which may render it injurious to health, but if not an added substance it will not be adulterated if the quantity of substance does not ordinarily render it injurious to health. Food Shall be Deemed to be Adulterated If it bears or contains any added poisonous or deleterious substance that is unsafe within the meaning of section 406 FDCA (tolerances for poisonous ingredients). Pesticide residue. Unsafe food additive or unsafe new animal drug. Food Shall be Deemed to be Adulterated Consists in whole or part of any filthy, putrid, or decomposed substances, or if it is otherwise unfit for food. Prepared, packed or held under unsanitary conditions. Others. Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) Any substance that is intentionally added to food is a food additive and is subject to premarket review and approval by FDA, unless the substance is generally recognized, among qualified experts, as having been adequately shown to be safe under the conditions of its intended use, or unless the use of the substance is otherwise excluded from the definition of a food additive. Food Additive Petition Chemical composition, substances used in preparation, etc. Amount & proposed. Data that it will have intended effect. Methods to determine amount of additive in food. Safety reports. Food Additive-Safety Standard General two-part food additives standard: Legislative history- whether substance is hazardous to the health of man or animal. Must be “reasonable certainty” that no harm will result. The Delaney Clause Another FDA standard is called the Delaney cause This states that any food additive that is shown to cause cancer in humans or animals may not be added to food GRAS List = substances, such as spices, natural seasoning, and flavorings, that are considered safe for human consumption and not regulated as additives. The GRAS list currently numbers about 670 items The Delaney Clause _ Cont. The Food Additives Amendment – Delaney Clause: Asserts that “no additive shall be deemed to be safe if it is found to induce cancer when ingested by man or animal, or if it is found after tests which are appropriate for the evaluation of the safety of food additives, to induce cancer in man or animal …” Food Additives Toxicity Testing NOEL: No-Observed-Effect Level Highest exposure that does not produce an adverse effect. Safety Factor Safety Factor: used to account for differences between humans and animals. Generally, a safety factor of 100 is used to apply animal test data to man. May be modified based on subpopulation (e.g. children where it might be increased). Apakah Bahan Tambahan Pangan? Definisi PerMenkes No.722/Menkes/Per/IX/88: Bahan yang biasanya tidak digunakan sebagai makanan dan biasanya bukan merupakan ingredien khas makanan, mempunyai atau tidak mempunyai nilai gizi, yang dengan sengaja ditambahkan ke dalam makanan untuk maksud teknologi pada pembuatan, pengolahan, penyiapan, perlakuan, pengepakan, pengemasan, penyimpanan atau pengangkutan makanan untuk menghasilkan suatu komponen atau mempengaruhi sifat khas makanan tersebut. Beberapa peraturan pemerintah yang menyangkut penggunaan BTP pada makanan yaitu: Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI No.329/Menkes/Per/XII/76 tentang Produksi dan Peredaran Makanan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI No.79/Menkes/Per/III/78 tentang Label dan Periklanan Makanan Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan RI No.23/Menkes/SK/I/78 tentang Pedoman Cara Produksi Yang Baik Untuk Makanan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI No.453/Menkes/Per/XI/83 tentang Bahan-Bahan Berbahaya Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Rl No.208/Menkes/Per/IV/85 tentang Pemanis Buatan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI No.239/Menkes/Per/V/85 tentang Zat Warna Tertentu yang dinyatakan Sebagai Bahan Berbahaya Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan No.722/Menkes/Per/XI/88 tentang Bahan Tambahan Makanan Beberapa peraturan pemerintah yang menyangkut penggunaan BTP pada makanan yaitu: Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan No.02987/B/SK/XII/90 tentang Pendaftaran Bahan Tambahan Makanan Tertentu Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan No.01415/B/SK/IV/91 tentang Tanda Khusus Pewama Makanan Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan No.02240/B/SK/V1I/91 tentang Pedoman Persyaratan Mutu Serta Label dan Periklanan Makanan Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan No.02592/B/SK/V1I1/91 tentang Penggunaan Bahan Tambahan Makanan Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan No.02593/B/SK7VI1I/91 tentang Tata Cara Pendaftaran Produsen dan Produk Bahan Tambahan Makanan Why Additives Formulated Foods >5000 foods in the Grocery Stores that combine multiple components to give desired characteristics to the product Each component is there for a specific purpose Least cost functionality Synergistic effects Food Ingredients 1. Main ingredients 2. Functional Ingredients: • • Micronutrient ingredients (Vitamins and minerals) Non-nutrient ingredients (prebiotics, polyphenol etc) 3. Food Additives How are ingredients listed on the label? Manufacturers are required to list all ingredients on the package label Product order Greatest amount to the least amount How Ingredients are listed Description Use Bahan Tambahan Pangan (BTP) Senyawa (campuran senyawa) kimia Sengaja ditambahkan ke dalam makanan Berperan dalam pengolahan, pengemasan, penyimpanan Bukan bahan (ingredient) utama Bukan kontaminan Bahan Tambahan Pangan (BTP) Menyediakan makanan bagi kelompok khusus (diabetes, pasca operasi, dll) Bukan untuk menyembunyikan penggunaan bahan yang salah atau tidak memenuhi persyaratan Bukan untuk menyembunyikan cara kerja yang salah Bukan untuk menutupi kerusakan makanan How Additives Are Used The purpose of additives fall into four categories 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Improve storage properties Increase healthfulness Make food more appealing Improve processing and preparation Cost-benefit Improving Processing and Preparation Stabilizer, substance that keeps a compound, mixture, or solution from changing its form or chemical nature. Example without stabilizer, the fat in peanut butter separates from the protein, creating an oil pool over a stiff paste. Ice cream is creamy, in part because thickeners prevent crystals from forming as it freezes and stabilizes. Many stabilizers are natural and starch-based. Some are made from pectin, casein, sodium caseinate, and gelatin. Increasing Healthfulness Increasing additives is also included in boosting a food’s nutritional profile. Fortification = is adding nutrients that are not normally found in a food (ex. Milk is fortified with vit. D) Restoration = nutrients that are lost in processing are returned to the food with the process called restoration (reestablishes the product’s original nutritive value ex. Vit. C is put back into canned oranges) Enrichment = adding nutrients lost in processing (contain more nutrients than existed in the food before processing (ex. Vitamins are increased) Nitrification = process that adds nutrients to a food with a low nutrient/kcalorie ratio so the food can replace a nutritionally balanced meal (nutrition bars and shakes are examples) Concerns About Food Additives Some people believe that some additives cause “more trouble than they’re worth.” One concern is not enough is known about the long-term effects Example is nitrites which react with amines (preservative in meat) is suspected of causing cancer Nitrites prevent botulism, which the FDA believe will out way the risks of using them, however the FDA required them to be used in lower quantities. DO YOU THINK THERE ARE ANY RISKS IN EATING SO MANY PROCESSED FOODS? The Value of Food Additives Preservatives extend the shelf life of many foods Ex. mold inhibitor calcium propionate and BHT are used in bread to prevent mold (keeping the fat fresh) Supporters of food additives say additives prevent disease caused by malnutrition Goiter = an enlargement of the thyroid glad caused by a lack of iodine This was then added to table salt in 1924 Vit. D was added to milk in the 1930’s to help with rickets (bone-deforming disease) Mengapa Produsen Pangan Perlu Mengetahui BTP? Penyimpangan atau pelanggaran mengenai penggunaan BTP yang sering dilakukan oleh produsen pangan, yaitu: Menggunakan bahan tambahan yang dilarang penggunaannya untuk pangan Menggunakan BTP melebihi dosis yang diizinkan Adulteration Produsen pangan perlu mengetahui mengenai sifatsifat dan keamanan penggunaan BTP, serta mengetahui peraturan-peraturan yang telah dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah mengenai penggunaan BTP. Mengapa Konsumen Pangan Perlu Mengetahui BTP? BTP umum digunakan/ditemui oleh masyarakat, termasuk dalam pangan jajanan. Pelanggaran penggunaan BTP oleh produsen: Penyebab pelanggaran: Menggunakan BT yang terlarang & berbahaya Menggunakan BTP melebihi dosis yang diizinkan Adulteration Faktor Faktor Faktor Faktor ketidaktahuan biaya produksi lebih murah daya tarik bahan/produk pangan daya simpan bahan/produk pangan PENTING! Pengaruh BTP terhadap keamanan pangan/kesehatan. Common Additives Ingredient Type Purpose Seen on the Label As Preservatives Prevent food spoilage and slow changes in color, texture, and flavor Sodium benzoate, calcium propionate, sodium nitrite, potassium sorbate, BHA, BHT Flavors and Spices Add natural and synthetic flavors Natural flavoring, artificial flavor, spices, Monosodium glutamate (MSG) Fat Replacers Provide mouthfeel, flavor, and texture to replace the fat in low-fat or fat-free foods Olestra, cellulose gel, carrageenan. modified food starch, guar gum, xanthan gum, whey protein concentrate Stabilizers, thickeners, texturizers Provide texture and mouthfeel Gelatin, pectin, guar gum, carrageenan, xanthan gum, whey Commonly Researched Additives Amaranth Tartrazine Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) Sodium Nitrate and Sodium Nitrite Amaranth Amaranth is a general term that refers to a whole family of herbs The “Hopi Red Dye” was originally used by the Native American tribe , the Hopi for a deep red dye Today we know it better as FD&C Red No. 2 Uses The “Red Scare” Amaranth A study was conducted to determine the possible carcinogenic effects of the color additive Amaranth Done with mice Mice were given a dose of 200 or 1000 mg/kg body weight Examined the mice gut and feces after given the dose of amaranth Study Results Is Amaranth Safe? Study Conclusions… Supported amaranth as a safe additive Amaranth is considered a non mutagenic substance Amaranth Amaranth is still used in Canada and Europe today. Despite research studies that support Amaranth as a safe additive the FDA banned its use in the United States based on the concept that the additive could possibly not be safe! Tartrazine Also known as FD & C Yellow No. 5, C.I. No. 19140, and Food Yellow No. 4 Orange/yellow powder that will dissolve in water Uses Tartrazine Study “Effects of tartrazine on exploratory behavior in a three-generation toxicity study in mice” Study done with mice Study Results The levels of tartrazine that where used in this study did produce a few side-effects on neurobehavior through the generations of mice. Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) Uses Carcinogen or Anti-Carcinogen? BHA as a Carcinogen BHA as a carcinogen research… Study done to determine the relationship between BHA and bladder cancer and cancer of the forestomach in mice Study to determine BHA carcinogenic effects in Japanese House Shrews Study Results Increased cell growth and cancer in the forestomach of mice Increased cell growth in the lungs Anti-Carcinogenic Effects of BHA When given in large doses BHA may be a possible anticarcinogen Still needs more research to confirm the claim No definite answer! BHA Carcinogen vs. anti-carcinogen We do not fully understand how BHA works in both situations! Still need more research What can we believe about BHA? No specific answer Currently it is an approved additive that has been found to be safe by the FDA Sodium Nitrite & Sodium Nitrate Uses Food safety? Found in meat and fish Used as a tool to prevent food spoilage that causes food born illness Is sodium nitrite a cause of cancer or other diseases? Outcome of the re-evaluation of colours: Example of Azo dyes Azo dyes recently re-evaluated by EFSA Tartrazine (E102) Azorubine/Carmoisine (E122) Allura Red AC (E129) Conclusions: 1. The Panel concluded that there was no need to change the previously established Acceptable Daily Intakes (ADIs) 2. Some children who consume large amounts of food and drink containing Azorubine/Carmoisine or Allura Red AC could exceed the ADIs for these colours Quinoline Yellow (E104) Sunset Yellow FCF (E110) Ponceau 4R (E124) Conclusions: 1. The ANS Panel has lowered the ADIs (e.g. from 4 mg to 0.7 mg/kg bw/day for Ponceau 4R) 2. The Panel concluded that exposure to these colours could exceed the new ADIs for both adults and children What Does the Research Say? There is research available that support certain additives as a carcinogenic agent and there are also studies that show some additives are completely safe and could also have anti-cancer affects. Risk Assessment Hazard identification Linkage to specific health effects Illness Birth or developmental defects Reproductive abnormalities Cancer Dose response assessment Short term Life time No threshold for cancer Risk Assessment (cont.) Dose Response (cont) Exposure Assessment LOEL – lowest observed level effect NOAEL –no observed level effect ADI – acceptable daily level (NOAEL/100 if based on animal studies & NOAEL/10 of based on human studies Difficult to assess because of differences in consumer food habits Risk characterization Qualitative Quantitative Risks Associated with Food Supply (ranked in order of importance) Foodborne hazards of microbial origin Nutritional hazards Environmental contaminant hazzards Foodborne hazards of natural origin Food and color additives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Often perceived by consumers as #1. One reason for this perception is that they must be proven safe and absolute safety can not be proven Allergens _ Hypersensitive Reactions Hypersensitivity Allergy Immunologic mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis Atopic allergy A small amount produces systems, can be fatal Mediated by immunoglobulin E Intollerance A small amount of material causes reactions similar to that of an allergen, but immunologic mechanisms not involved Allergic Reactions Anaphylactic (atopic) Cytotoxic Rarely caused by food additives; destruction of platelets, causing purpura Immunocomplex disease Symptoms appear within minustes and disappear within hours. Urticaria,, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, darrhea, sever itch) Immunoglobuline G and M form complexes with the allergen, resulting in purpura, articaria, arthritis and other symptons Delayed allergy -A rash similar to that caused by virus exanthema; granulomatosis Intollerance Non-specific histamine liberation Intestinal diseases Gluten intolerance causing skin and intestinal disorders Enzyme deficiency Fruits, citrus, strawberry, cocoa, etc. Diarrhea and colic in lactose deficiency Psychological causes may underlie various kinds of skin and other reactions Reactions to Food Additives Nitrosamine Histamine and tyramine Urticaria, headaches, intestinal disorders Phenylethylamine Migraines, intestinal symptom Sodium nitrite Carcinogenic Headaches Sulfur dioxide & sulfites Asthmatic symptoms; may relate to sulfite oxidase deficiency Reactions to Food Additives (cont.) Azo dyes – BHT, BHA, parabens Monosodium glutamate Wine Delayed sensitivity, manifested as eczema Histamine releasing action of acetaldehyde Richness of histamine in certain red and white wines Benzoate intolerance Quinine intolerance Sulfur dioxide intolerance Benefits Health benefits Supply benefits Prevent spoilage Provide new sources for desired functions Hedonic (sensory satisfaction) Prevent or reduce specific disease Enhance nutrition Improve color, flavor and/or texture Convenience Time saving during preparation Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kerusakan Pangan Air (Aw, RH, Kadar Air) Suhu Oksigen pH Cahaya Waktu Gesekan MUTU - Mutu Gizi, - Warna, - Tekstur, - Mikroorganisme, - Dll Tekanan Benturan/ stres fisik Interaksi eksternal Katalis Inhibitor Interaksi internal Peranan Aktivitas Air Terhadap Reaksi Kimia dan Pertumbuhan Mikroba; Contoh 0.0 Zone II Oksidasi lipid Zone III Reaksi hidrolisis Reaksi kecoklatan non-enzimatis Moisture Sorpsi Air 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Aktivitas Air 0.7 Kadar Air Laju Kecepatan Reaksi Zone I Kerusakan 0.8Mikrobiologis 0.9 1.0 Teknik Pengawetan Pangan Pemanasan: Sterilisasi (low acid foods) Pasteurisasi (acid/acidified foods) Hot-filling Pengeringan (Aw<0.7) Pengasaman (penurunan pH) Penggaraman (>6%) Penambahan gula (>40%) Pembekuan Pendinginan Kombinasi teknik pengawetan Penambahan pengawet pangan Penggunaan Pengawet dapat dibatasi Hindarkan Tubuh Dari Bahaya!!! (1) BAHAYA BIOLOGIS BAHAYA KIMIA (2) (3) Pangan Aman BAHAYA FISIK BEBAS BAHAYA Thank You