Theodora Lacey


Theodora Lacey
August 2013
Volume 9 Issue 8
The View
A Publication of The Hill at Whitemarsh
The Education Committee
Theodora Lacey
Memories of
Martin Luther
King, Jr.”
Lacey’s First-Hand
Experience with
Rosa Parks & MLK
Thursday, August 29, at 4 pm
Founders Room
The Hill at Whitemarsh
4000 Fox Hound Drive
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444
August 2013
Volume 9 Issue 8
Debut of WHYY at The Hill
Wednesday, August 28
8 pm on Channel 24
Channel 24 is gaining momentum through
exclusive programming for The Hill. While the
in-house channel rotates through food menus and
reminders, it’s about to undergo a change when all is
quiet in the evening hours.
Our friends at WHYY have created a
customized viewing experience, entitled “WHYY
on The Hill,” with specific programs in mind for our
eclectic residents. These pre-aired programs will be
The mission of the Barnes Foundation, which dates back to
shown on Channel 24 with a start date of Wednesday, its founding in 1922, is “the promotion of the advancement
August 28, at 8 pm.
of education and the appreciation of the fine arts.”
The program to be aired is “The Barnes
About the Barnes Collection
WHYY’s special 60-minute TV documentary on the
Barnes Foundation for the new PBS Arts Summer Festival
series tells the story of Dr. Albert C. Barnes and his
noteworthy, priceless art collection, considered among the
world’s greatest, and details the design and construction of
the new Barnes building in Center City Philadelphia.
Board Spotlight: Bill Marrazzo
chemical engineering from the University of Delaware
William J. Marrazzo
in 1971 and completed graduate course work for a
is the President and Chief
Executive Officer of WHYY, Master’s degree in chemical engineering at Villanova
University in 1976.
Inc., the leading public
Marrazzo has a lifelong commitment to civic
broadcasting station servand corporate affairs. He currently serves on several
ing the greater Philadelphia
region, the state of Delaware boards, including American Water Works, Inc.,
AmeriGas, CEO Forum for Growth, Philadelphia
and southern New Jersey.
Education Fund, and the Greater Philadelphia CulMarrazzo has been with
WHYY since 1997.
tural Alliance, among others.
He has earned numerous honors and awards,
In the past Marrazzo
served as an Engineer with
including the 2009 Thurgood Marshall Award for
Excellence and inclusion on the list of the 75 Greatest
the Philadelphia Water DeLiving Philadelphians in The Philadelphia Daily News
partment in 1971, as Water
Commissioner in 1979 and also as the city’s Managing in 2007.
Marrazzo’s wife Randi is an opera singer. They
Director, the number-two job after Mayor. In 1988,
Marrazzo joined the international environmental
live in the West Mount Airy section of Philadelphia.
They are the parents of Jeffrey Marrazzo, married to
consulting firm, Roy F. Weston, Inc., in West Chester
PA. At Weston he was promoted from Divisional Vice Eleanor, and Claire Greenwood, married to Mike.
They are also the grandparents of Gabriella GreenPresident to President and CEO.
Marrazzo was born in Brooklyn NY and grew
up in Queens. He earned a bachelor’s degree in
4000 Fox Hound Drive
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444
The Hill at Whitemarsh
August 2013
Volume 9 Issue 8
The Military Committee Wants You
By Bob Conn
Although we didn’t have an official meeting in
June, we ushered in summer by having a sing-along
on the back patio on July 4. Despite the hot
temperatures, we enjoyed singing patriotic songs
On another note, I took an unofficial count of
the male residents at The Hill and came up with 127.
I would venture a guess that more than 100 served in
either WWII or during Korea. Whether you were a
sailor, soldier, airman, coastguardsman or marine, you
served your country.
Today’s young men and women are putting
their lives on the line, just as we did in the 1940s and
50s. Afghanistan and Iraq ring the same bells as
Europe, Africa, China, and the Pacific did in our days.
With all this said, anyone here who served
should be proud to be a member of our Military
Committee. We are one of the oldest committees
functioning at The Hill and every veteran is welcome
and wanted. Except during the summer months, we
hold monthly meetings and speak about our experiences in the service or seek outside speakers to share
their stories.
Many of the
newer residents at The
Hill haven’t made it
known to me that they
served. If anyone
reading this is a
veteran and has not
advised me, please
contact me to fill out
the information form.
Our goal is to include
every resident veteran
on the Military
Committee’s roster.
Please call me
in-house at #8563 or at
215-402-8563 from villas and cottages. Feel free to
leave a message in my in-house mailbox with your
name, or send me an email me at
[email protected].
Next meeting: Thursday, September 12, at 4 pm
Location: Theatre
Calling Hill Photographers
Residents who enjoy taking, viewing or discussing
photos are encouraged to join the Photography Club at The
Hill! Share this hobby with other members of the group, no
experience necessary. If you’re interested in attending the next
meeting or have questions, please contact Fred Rude via email
at [email protected] or x8536. No pressure, just come and see
what it’s all about! You don’t need to submit photos to attend.
Images can be sent to [email protected] or brought to the
meeting on a memory stick. Come join the discussion and
expand upon your knowledge of photography in an intimate
The Photography Club
meets on the third Tuesday
of every month at 10 am
in the Theatre.
The Hill at Whitemarsh
Next meeting: Tuesday, August 20, at 10 am
Location: Theatre
Topics: “Risk” and “Facial Expressions of Children in Photos”
4000 Fox Hound Drive
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444
August 2013
The Library Committee
Volume 9 Issue 8
By Dot Muessig
“I must say I find television very educational. The
minute somebody turns it on, I go to the library and
read a good book” -Groucho Marx
As Groucho suggested, one mission of the
Library Committee is to provide residents with options.
If you are bored or unchallenged by what is offered on
TV, perhaps you can find something of interest in the
library. Because we are unable to satisfy all tastes, from
time to time we have recommended other sources of
intellectual stimulation. This month we would like to
provide our readers with information about two very
convenient literary providers. In order to use either
system you need a Montgomery County Library card.
The Bookmobile, also known as WOW (Words
on Wheels), parks outside the Mather House entrance
on the first and third Friday of every month at 10:30 am.
A sampling of large-print books, DVDs, books on CD,
and Play-a-Ways is available. In addition, any material
carried by the Montgomery County Library System can
be ordered online at or calling 610-278-5100
ext 7. When your material is available, the Bookmobile
will deliver it on its next visit. Books can also be downloaded to your Kindle or Nook.
Anyone with a mailing address in Montgomery
County is eligible, even if you are not officially a
resident. Application forms can be obtained at the
Bookmobile or any county library. You can also call Dot
Muessig #8463 for a form.
The newly renovated William Jeanes Memorial
Library is a five-minute drive from The Hill. Located at
4051 Joshua Road, Lafayette Hill PA, 19444, it is a true
community gem offering the latest in high- tech features
while retaining that old library charm. Staff members
at the library and in the Bookmobile are very knowledgeable and will order any material obtainable through
the Montgomery County Library System. The phone
number for the William Jeanes Memorial Library is
In recent news, the Library Catalog has been
updated. Printed lists by title and author can be found
in the binders on the Library table and on the resident
website under “Community Information.”
If you’re seeking inspiration for summer
reading, the August exhibit will continue to feature
summer reading suggestions. However, July’s
suggestions have been replaced with new ideas.
Nuggets from the Treasure Chest
By Lee Laden
The Treasure Chest thrift shop will remain
open throughout the rest of the summer. We’re
always seeking donations and can even arrange
personal visits and / or assistance in moving small
items from your residence.
Larger items that cannot be displayed in the
glass cases can still be listed with us. Simply let us
know what you want to
donate and a suggested
price. We can also assist
you in determining the
resale value. If the item is too big,
we will either prepare a
flyer with a photo or add
it to our list of large items
The Hill at Whitemarsh
available for donation on the bulletin board in the
Creative Arts Studio.
There is curently a demand for luggage, chests
of drawers, floor lamps, small occasional tables and
footstools, card tables, and older typewriters.
Your donations provide funds for Education
Scholarships awarded to our part-time employees.
On their behalf, we thank you for donating to the
Treasure Chest.
The Treasure Chest is open on Sundays from
12 to 2 pm and Wednesdays from 3 to 5:30 pm.
4000 Fox Hound Drive
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444
August 2013
Volume 9 Issue 8
Sampler Series: Theodora Lacey
By Gene-Ann Horne
Theodora Smiley Lacey was born and raised in
Montgomery AL, during one of the most crucial eras in
our nation’s history, the Civil Rights Movement. Lacey’s
parents immersed themselves in the fight for equal rights
by establishing connections with key pioneers in the
crusade. Her father, Principal of the high school in town,
was Chairman of the Board that brought young Martin
Luther King, Jr., to Dexter Avenue Baptist Church. Her
mother had been a friend
of Rosa Parks when they
were children.
Young Theodora involved herself by
doing paper work and
running errands for the
small group that was
responsible for initiating the Montgomery Bus
Boycott. She was also a
member of Rosa Parks’s
youth group of the
Theodora and her
husband, Dr. Archie
Lacey, left for New York
City in the late 1950s
Lacey giving the keynote
address at the 2012 birthday
celebration for Martin Luther
King, Jr.
July Puzzle Solvers
where he began teaching at Hunter College. Shortly
thereafter, they began to look for a welcoming community
to raise their three-year-old son, which ultimately led them
to Teaneck NJ, . It was not exactly what they had imagined,
but they succeeded in helping to make Teaneck a suitable
place to live and for their children to receive an education.
Despite the distance, the Laceys remained good
friends with the Kings, and with them Theodora and her
husband embarked upon a life that would ensure equality
and justice for all Americans. The Laceys integrated the
schools in Teaneck without incidence. They formed a
community organization that worked to keep their
neighborhood integrated and worked for fair housing.
Theodora Lacey taught science in the Teaneck
schools for 37 years, where she received many honors from
local, state and national groups. She also lectures widely
to schools and youth groups throughout the United States,
Europe, Africa, and Asia.
She is one of the last living links to Martin Luther
King, Jr., Rosa Parks and the Civil Rights Movement. She
intends to keep fighting racial prejudice. “It’s in my DNA,”
she said.
To hear Theodora Lacey tell remarkable stories,
mark Thursday, August 29, at 4 pm in your calendars.
She will be speaking in the Founders Room.
[Math Magic]
H. Hill, B. Lutz, R. Markowitz,
Please submit all solutions with your name to mailbox #321. If we may
R. Berman, H. Kundel,
publish your name for correctly solving the puzzle, please circle it.
W. Johnson
Here are a few alpha-numeric puzzles to warm up your cerebral muscles:
July Puzzle Solutions
+ BB
x DB
There are six
The Hill at Whitemarsh
Difficulty: EASY
Difficulty: MEDIUM
Difficulty: HARD
There are no eights
in the solution
4000 Fox Hound Drive
2 5 9 2
8 6 4
Fill in the ____________
numbers for X X X X
3 0 2 4
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444
August 2013
Volume 9 Issue 8
Italian Night
The Trachtmans and guests dish up a
variety of cheeses.
Molly Hill shows Italian spirit by
wearing red, white and green.
Harold & Judy Berliner pose at
The Hill’s Italian Night on
June 26.
The dining staff take a break from serving to
snap a photo during the evening’s bustling
The Hill at Whitemarsh
Delaware Valley Opera Company
kicked off the Summer Concert
Series by singing Italian arias.
4000 Fox Hound Drive
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444
August 2013
Volume 9 Issue 8
July Highlights at The Hill
The summer heat won’t
stop this gang from dining
Sheila Mikkelson, Library
Director at Jeanes Library,
donated 88 large-print
books to The Hill’s library.
Photo by Beverly Wilde
The Hill was greeted by a
furry visitor, Bentley the
Chinchilla, as part of the
Philadelphia Zoo on Wheels
A double rainbow brightens
up a rainy day at The Hill.
Photo by Ann Kent
The John Hoey Orchestra
made this group of seven
tap their feet all evening
with hits like “When the
Saints Come Marching In.”
Leonard Malmud takes the
lead during the Summer
Swing Dance!
The Hill at Whitemarsh
4000 Fox Hound Drive
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444
August 2013
Create Your Own
Flower Pen
Friday, August 2, at 1:30 pm
Club Room
Write in style with a functional,
handmade pen that is elegantly
decorated with a large flower top.
Advance Registration
Sign up in the RSVP book
Movie Matinee with
Susquehanna Bank
Friday, August 9, at 2:30 pm
Kathy from Susquehanna Bank will
be showing the movie Wall Street:
Money Never Sleeps (2010)
with complimentary popcorn for
Tea & Trivia
Friday, August 16, at 1:30 pm
Club Room
Topics: “What’s What in American
Business?” and “World of Music”
Philadelphia Day
Friday, August 23, at 1:30 pm
Club Room
Enjoy delicious fare that makes
Philadelphia famous, including
cheese steaks and Tastykakes.
Create Your Own
Trail Mix
Friday, August 30, at 1:30 pm
Club Room
Celebrate National Trail Mix Day
with a healthy afternoon snack!
The Hill at Whitemarsh
Volume 9 Issue 8
Upcoming Events
The Appalachian Trail
Presented by Warne Johnson
Monday, August 12, at 10:30 am
Learn about the longest hiking trail in the
eastern United States, spanning 2,180 miles.
The Trail goes through fourteen states along
the crests and valleys of the Appalachian
mountain range from Georgia to Maine.
Rita’s Water Ice Social
Tuesday, August 27, at 1:30 pm
Rita’s Water Ice is coming to you, so sit back,
relax and cool off with this colorful treat!
Philadelphia: The Great Experiment
Wednesday, August 14, at 8 pm
Friday, August 16, at 8 pm
Wednesday, August 21, at 8 pm
Philadelphia: The Great
Experiment is a multi-format
historical documentary project for
television film, and Internet that
presents the story of Philadelphia,
the single most compelling stage
for the unfurling and testing of
American ideals.
The expanding series is
developing more episodes; visit for more
information on this work in
4000 Fox Hound Drive
Episode one: The Floodgates Open
Time period covered: 1865 to 1876
Episode two: Yellow Fever, 1793
Time period covered: 1790 to 1820
Episode three: Promise for a Better City
Time period covered: 1944 to 1964
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444
August 2013
Volume 9 Issue 8
Trips from The Hill
Request Reminder
NBC 10 Studio Tour and Lunch
Thursday, August 8
Departure time: 9:30 am
Tour time: 10:15 am
This trip is full
Transportation requests
must be submitted to
Diane Jiles, Concierge,
at least three days
in advance.
Get a closer look at Philadelphia’s NBC 10 station by going on a twohour behind-the-scenes tour. Attendees will see where all of the
action takes place! Afterward, lunch will include endless soup,
garden-fresh salad, and breadsticks at Olive Garden.
For transportation
request forms or
please contact
Approximate driving time from The Hill: 45 minutes
Diane Jiles at x8700.
Camden Adventure Aquarium
Wednesday, August 14
Departure time: 8:45 am
Advance Registration ($) - sign up in the RSVP book
Hang out with stingrays, hippos, sharks, seals and more at
the Adventure Aquarium. It’s the fifth largest aquarium
in the country, featuring more than 200,000 square feet of
space, two million gallons of water and 8,500 animals.
Measuring more than 14 feet long, Mighty Mike the alligator
will be on-site for the duration of the summer.
Approximate driving time from The Hill: 60 minutes
You Say Tomato, I Say Shut Up!
Wednesday, September 25
Departure time: 12:30 pm
Show time: 2 pm
Advance Registration ($) - sign up in the RSVP book
This uproariously funny story is sure to strike both laughter and
trepidation into the hearts of any couple. You don’t want to miss this
performance at the Penn’s Landing Playhouse Independence Seaport
Museum in Philadelphia.
Approximate driving time from The Hill: 60 minutes
The Hill at Whitemarsh
4000 Fox Hound Drive
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444
August 2013
Dixon Meadow Preserve Update
By Ann Kent
Since our mid-June report,
two more nest boxes have fledged
their hatchlings, both tree
swallows. As of now there are no
active nests. The Bluebirds we hoped
were interested in starting a new nest
in Box #5 must have decided it was
just too hot! However, the wild
flowers are all in bloom, and the
Preserve looks lovely.
We will have a final report of
the Nest Box Project next month.
Volume 9 Issue 8
Curt Brewer
Wednesday, August 7,
at 2:30 pm in the Theatre:
“Secrets of Highclere Castle”
Wednesday, August 14,
at 2:30 pm in the Theatre:
“America Revealed:
The Creation of the Largest
Food Machine in the World”
Wednesday, August 21,
at 2:30 pm in the Theatre:
“Deadliest Volcanos”
Photo Caption:
Summer flowers surrounding a nest
box in the Dixon Meadow Preserve.
Photo by Ann Kent
Wednesday, August 28,
at 2:30 pm in the Theatre:
“Bears of the Last Frontier”
Improve Mobility & Motion
Through Physical Therapy
A Therapy Tip from Mike Gumby
Therapy Manager at The Hill
No matter what area of
the body ails you – neck,
shoulder, back, or knee –
physical therapists here at
The Hill at Whitemarsh
have an established history of helping individuals
improve their quality of life.
A physical therapist
can help you to move freely
again without pain or
discomfort and will leave
you feeling renewed and
ready to move on. They can even help you prevent an
injury altogether.
For instance, a study of 1,435 NCAA Division
1 female soccer players demonstrated that those who
participated in a physical therapy program had an
overall ACL injury rate 41 percent lower than those
The Hill at Whitemarsh
who did only a regular warm-up prior to practice.
Because physical therapists receive specialized
education in a variety of sciences, including physics,
human anatomy, kinesiology (human movement),
to name a few, they understand how the body works
and how to get you moving again. They know how to
manage all four of the body’s major systems, musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiovascular/pulmonary
and integumentary (skin), to restore and maximize
Whether you are living with diabetes or
recovering from a stroke, a fall, or a sports injury, a
physical therapist is a trusted healthcare professional
who will work closely with you to evaluate your
condition and develop an effective, personalized plan
of care. A physical therapist can also help you to
achieve long-term results for many conditions that
limit your ability to move.
4000 Fox Hound Drive
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444
August 2013
Volume 9 Issue 8
Summer 2013 Art Show
Resident Spotlight
Alice Kundel’s quilt work warms up the
fitness hallway! She is standing in front of
her piece entitled “Elle’s Quilt,” which is
machine pieced and quilted. A few of her
other pieces are “Pine Trees,” “Rose Widow,”
“Early Spring,” and “Patches on Indigo Quilt.”
She is a founding member of the Philadelphia
Fiber Studio and produced tapestries for the
corporate market, including DuPont and
AT&T. Photo by Fifi Fleming
Come visit the fitness hallway for a
closer look at these resident-crafted
The next set of artists will include:
Liz Lewis and Ann Sabia on August 8
Robert Berhnhard on August 20
The Hill at Whitemarsh
Mabel Mayer’s work occupies the display case from July 2 to
August 19. She has a collection of sculptures and a photo,
entitled “Moss Garden - Kyoto, Japan.” She attributes her
knowledge of sculpting to Gerd Utescher, Chaim Gross,
Rudy Staffel, and of course, the Tyler School of Art at
Temple University. Photo by Fifi Fleming
Sophia Chitjian poses next to her painting, entitled “Retail
Display with Mannequin.” She created it with oils on a
canvas. A few of her other pieces are “Dancing with Gene
Kelly,” “Seated Woman,” “Red Zinnia,” “Black Eyed Susan Toleno Italian Pitcher,” and “Red: Abstract Expression.” She is
a graduate of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and the
University of Arts. Photo by Fifi Fleming
4000 Fox Hound Drive
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444
August 2013
Schedule Change
The Bookmobile will be coming on the first
and third Friday of every month starting
in August. They will be here at their usual
time and place of 10:30 am at the Mather
House entrance.
Volume 9 Issue 8
Summer Concert Series
Dates in August
Wednesday, August 7, at 7:30 pm:
A Broad’s Way
Monday, August 12, at 7:30 pm:
Bryn Mawr Mainliners
Thursday, August 22, at 7:30 pm:
Pete Smyser Quartet
Birthday Breakfast Buffet
It’s your birthday, and you
deserve the best! Starting with
residents who celebrate an August
birthday, the monthly birthday
group is invited to attend a
continental breakfast buffet in the
Private Dining Room.
Enjoy an assortment of
fresh fruit, a wide selection of classic breakfast fare, and privacy with
other celebrators, compliments of
The Hill.
Birthday breakfasts are by
invitation only, according to your
birth month, and are held on the
third Monday of every month at 9
The next breakfast will be
on Monday, August 19, at 9 am in
the Private Dining Room. Please
RSVP to the front desk by Friday,
August 16.
Nurses welcome
for lunch and
Tuesday, August 13,
at 11:45 am
Submissions for The
View are due by the
20th each month to
ensure placement.
The Hill at Whitemarsh
To submit information for The View, please contact
Laura Maginley, Communications Coordinator, at
[email protected] or
4000 Fox Hound Drive
Thank you to our
resident editors!
Lafayette Hill, PA 19444