An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner. Senior thesis by Stuart R. Harding
An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner. Senior thesis by Stuart R. Harding
i Abstract This thesis documents the development of an autonomous vacuum cleaner – RoboVac, capable of vacuuming the floor of a previously unknown room. The thesis was started in 1995 by Dowidiet and Duffy, who oversaw the construction of the robot body and implemented a basic wall following behaviour using bump sensors. No significant contributions to the thesis were made between 1995 and the start of this thesis. The first task of the thesis was to recreate RoboVac to working condition. This involoved designing and constructing a new main PCB and sonar sensors, and implementing basic software functions to control the stepper motors, sonar sensors, bump sensors and vacuum cleaner. The second task, which was the main objective of this thesis, was to develop a control system that would enable RoboVac to efficiently cover the floor surface of a room. The control system developed for RoboVac uses a behavioural control approach, rather than the planning approach used in most published work in the surface coverage field. Behavioural control approaches differ from planning approaches in that they do not use a centralised controller or an internal world map representation. Instead, they use a number of cooperating behaviours, each of which handles a particular aspect of the overall task. In RoboVac, these behaviours interact and control the robot using an activation blackboard – a region of data which holds the sensor data, motor commands and behaviour activation flags. With two out of five designed behaviours implemented, the robot has been shown to cover approximately two-thirds of the floor area of an empty room, the missed area mainly due to robot dynamics and the sonar sensor limitations. Implementing the remaining designed behaviours would enable the robot to cover the floor area of a room containing obstacles, without missing areas to one side of the obstacle. With the addition of extra suggested behaviours, RoboVac’s coverage performance could be increased to nearly 100% of the floor area of a room containing obstacles. With considerations given to the design of the RoboVac body, RoboVac will soon be vacuuming the floors of real houses. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner ii Acknowledgments I would like to thank the following people for their help, guidance and support during the course of this thesis. Gordon Wyeth – for his supervision, tolerance and encouragement. RoboVac – for being the ugliest thesis in the department. James Kennedy – for listening to my constant ramblings when I needed to think, and for rambling in return. The other members of the Robotics lab – for making it such an interesting place in which to work for a year. And Kara Gregory – for always being there when needed. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner iii Table of Contents ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ I ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ......................................................................................... II TABLE OF CONTENTS..........................................................................................III LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES........................................................................ VI OBJECTIVE STATEMENT ..................................................................................VII CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION .............................................................................1 1.1 Objective ...........................................................................................................1 1.2 Problem Description ........................................................................................1 1.3 Why an autonomous vacuum cleaner? ..........................................................2 1.4 Initial Status of RoboVac.................................................................................2 1.5 Thesis Goals and Restrictions .........................................................................3 1.5.1 Goals ..........................................................................................................3 1.5.2 Restrictions.................................................................................................3 1.6 Current Status of RoboVac .............................................................................4 1.7 What is to follow...............................................................................................4 CHAPTER 2 – SURFACE COVERAGE APPROACHES......................................5 2.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................5 2.2 Methods of Surface Coverage .........................................................................5 2.3 Planning Approaches .......................................................................................5 2.3.1 Planning strategy........................................................................................6 2.3.2 Robot Localisation Methods ......................................................................8 2.4 Behavioural Approaches ...............................................................................10 2.5 Random Motion Approach............................................................................11 An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner iv CHAPTER 3 – ROBOVAC SURFACE COVERAGE APPROACH ...................13 3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................13 3.2 Choice of Approach........................................................................................13 3.3 A Behavioural Approach to Surface Coverage ...........................................13 3.3.1 Behavioural Components of Strip Filling ................................................14 3.3.2 Cavity Entry Behaviour............................................................................15 3.3.3 Detect Missed Area Behaviour ................................................................16 3.3.4 Missed Area Behaviour............................................................................16 3.3.5 Wall Following Behaviour.......................................................................17 CHAPTER 4 – ROBOVAC HARDWARE..............................................................18 4.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................18 4.2 CPU and Memory System .............................................................................19 4.3 Stepper Motor System ...................................................................................19 4.4 Sonar Sensor System......................................................................................20 4.5 Bump Sensor System......................................................................................21 4.6 Vacuum Cleaner Control System .................................................................21 4.7 Power Supply and Regulation.......................................................................21 4.8 Main Circuit Board........................................................................................21 CHAPTER 5 – ROBOVAC SOFTWARE...............................................................23 5.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................23 5.2 Hardware Control Functions ........................................................................23 5.2.1 Stepper Motor Control Functions.............................................................23 5.2.2 Sonar Sensing Functions ..........................................................................25 5.2.3 Bumper Sensing .......................................................................................26 5.3 Surface Coverage Functions..........................................................................26 5.3.1 Activation Blackboard .............................................................................26 5.3.2 Strip-Filling Behaviour ............................................................................27 5.3.3 Wall Following Behaviour.......................................................................28 5.3.4 Cavity Entry Behaviour............................................................................28 5.3.5 Detect Missed Area Behaviour ................................................................29 5.3.6 Fill Missed Area Behaviour .....................................................................29 An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner v CHAPTER 6 – RESULTS AND DISCUSSION......................................................30 6.1 Results .............................................................................................................30 6.2 Discussion........................................................................................................32 CHAPTER 7 – CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS ........................34 7.1 Conclusions .....................................................................................................34 7.2 Future Directions ...........................................................................................34 REFERENCES...........................................................................................................35 APPENDIX A – SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS .........................................................36 APPENDIX B – CODE LISTINGS ..........................................................................42 An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner vi List of Tables and Figures Figure 2.1 – Planning Approach to Robot Intelligence.........................................7 Figure 2.2 – Regular Region....................................................................................7 Figure 2.3 – An Elementary Region........................................................................8 Figure 2.4 – Complementary regions .....................................................................8 Figure 2.5 – Type 1 and Type 2 rule sequences .....................................................9 Figure 2.6 – Behavioural Approach to Robot Intelligence .................................10 Figure 2.7 – The Eureka Robot Vac .....................................................................13 Figure 3.1 – Strip-filling behaviour ......................................................................15 Figure 3.2 – Cavity entry behaviour.....................................................................16 Figure 3.3 – Detect missed area behaviour ..........................................................17 Figure 3.4 – Missed area behaviour 2 ..................................................................17 Figure 4.1 – RoboVac.............................................................................................19 Figure 4.2 – Sonar Sensor Theory ........................................................................21 Figure 4.3 – RoboVac Sonar Sensor .....................................................................21 Figure 4.4 – Top down view of RoboVac main PCB...........................................23 Table 5.1 – Stepper Motor Control Functions.....................................................25 Table 5.2 – Surface Coverage Software Functions..............................................27 Table 5.3 – Activation Blackboard .......................................................................28 Figure 6.1 – Deviation while running straight.....................................................31 Figure 6.2 – Wall Following Test Performance ...................................................32 Figure 6.3 – Empty Room Test..............................................................................32 An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner vii Objective Statement To construct an autonomous vacuum cleaner, capable of efficiently and comprehensively vacuuming the floor of an unmodified, unknown room. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Objective The objective of this thesis was “to construct an autonomous vacuum cleaner, capable of efficiently and comprehensively vacuuming the floor of an unmodified, unknown room”. This objective statement placed several conditions on the design of the vacuum cleaner: • “Autonomous” means fully self-contained and self-controlled. No power or remote control leads are used. All sensing and control is done on-board. • “Efficiently and comprehensively vacuum” means that some intelligence must be displayed in the way the vacuum cleaner moves about the room. All accessible space on the floor must be covered in a power-conserving manner. This suggests that some mapping is required, rather than random motion. • “Unmodified, unknown room” means the room should not have any artificial navigational aids, such as beacons or tracks. The vacuum cleaner should not have any pre-constructed maps of the room. Objects in the room should be able to stay in place i.e. the vacuum cleaner should avoid obstacles. As the vacuum cleaner is autonomous, the user interface is minimal. An On button starts the vacuum cleaner, and, when the vacuum cleaner is finished, it simply turns itself off. Later developments may add vacuum cleaner-like selections to the user interface. 1.2 Problem Description The autonomous vacuum cleaner has much in common with autonomous mobile robot technology. The vacuum cleaner must contain locomotion, sensing, navigation, and power systems like most mobile robots, as well as a vacuum cleaner system. Due to this similarity, the awkwardly named autonomous vacuum cleaner was re-titled RoboVac. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 2 Introduction The step from random movement to intelligent surface coverage is no small one. Efficient surface coverage requires knowledge of the area that RoboVac has already covered, and the area still to be covered. That is, instead of merely reacting to the environment, RoboVac needs to sense the environment and plan its movements – it needs to be proactive rather than reactive. This requires some sort of mapping and localisation system. What makes RoboVac different from other mobile robots is its required navigational behaviour. It is interesting to note that while much research has been done in the field of mobile robot path planning, or surface traversal methods, the field of surface coverage has only recently been addressed. 1.3 Why an autonomous vacuum cleaner? Much work has been done in the field of mobile robotics and artificial intelligence in general. Much of this work focuses on making a robot or electronic system seem intelligent by preprogramming reactions to various stimuli in an artificial and very structured world. This thesis provides a practical and currently achievable application for mobile robotics in the ‘real’ world. 1.4 Initial Status of RoboVac RoboVac was designed and built in 1995 as a thesis project by Dowideit and Duffy [Dowideit, 1995]. Dowideit and Duffy oversaw the construction of the mechanical ‘cart’ – the body of RoboVac – and implemented control to give RoboVac a basic wallfollowing bump-and-turn behaviour. The cart contained a 12V lead-acid battery, two bi-phase stepper motors driving the rear wheels, a sonar array mounted toward the front of the cart, bump sensors on all sides, and a dustbuster to simulate the vacuum cleaner. At the end of 1995, Dowideit and Duffy had constructed a fully autonomous mobile robot, with basic reactive behaviours. Unfortunately they were unable to incorporate the sonar sensors into the design due to time limitations. RoboVac was then forgotten for two years. In 1998, Cheng did some superficial research into path planning techniques for RoboVac [Cheng, 1998]. However, Cheng missed the point of the autonomous vacuum cleaner – he was researching surface traversal techniques, not surface coverage. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner Introduction 3 At the start of this thesis, the physical state of RoboVac was grim. All that remained was the cart, with stepper motors, wheels, bump sensors and dustbuster. The sonar array was empty, and in the intervening years the PCBs used to control RoboVac had deteriorated to an unusable state. RoboVac had a body but nothing to control that body. 1.5 Thesis Goals and Restrictions 1.5.1 Goals As a continuing thesis, the goals were set as follows: 1. RoboVac 1.0 – Revised Edition. Recreate RoboVac to working condition, as it was in 1995 [Dowideit, 1995]. This entails designing a new PCB for control of all systems of RoboVac, and software to control the basic functions of RoboVac implemented in this version. These are motor control, vacuum cleaner control, sonar and bump sensing and power supply. These basic functions will form the core of the RoboVac behaviours. 2. RoboVac 2.0. Implement intelligent surface-coverage behaviour. This will be the main focus of this thesis. A mapping and navigation planning system will need to be developed to implement the surface coverage behaviour as previously described. Using the sonar sensor range data, a map will be dynamically built using one of various methods researched. This final layer of behaviours will give RoboVac intelligence and allow it to act proactively. 1.5.2 Restrictions With any list of goals, must come a list of restrictions – what will not be addressed in the course of this thesis. 1. Efficiency of on-board vacuum cleaner. As this is a prototype, the vacuum cleaner on board is for demonstration purposes only. Therefore, the efficiency of the vacuum action will not be addressed. 2. Shape and size of room. Due to practical limitations, involving additive odometry errors and sensor range, the size of the room will be limited. A room no larger than 6m square will be used for testing. The room will be of basic rectangle shapes, ie. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 4 Introduction will have only 90° or 270° corners. As a down-looking sensor has yet to be implemented, there will be no cliffs (eg. stairs) in the testing room. 3. Obstacles. There will only be a limited number of obstacles in the testing room. These obstacles will be of sufficient height to be detected by the sonar sensors, and/or bump sensors. 4. Floor Surface. The floor of the testing room will be hard. Later versions of RoboVac may have carpet-traversing wheels, but the current version has wheels only suitable for hard floors. 1.6 Current Status of RoboVac At the completion of this thesis, the following goals had been achieved – 1. RoboVac 1.0 – Revised Edition. A new main PCB and new sonar sensors were designed and constructed. Software was written and implemented to control the basic hardware functions of RoboVac, these being motor control, sonar sensing, bump sensing and vacuum control. At the completion of this goal, RoboVac was a functional mobile robot, able to move and sense its surroundings. 2. RoboVac 2.0. A surface coverage control method was developed for RoboVac. Software was written and implemented for this control method. At the completion of this goal, RoboVac met the requirements in the objective statement satisfactorily, subject to the restrictions described in Section 1.5.2. 1.7 What is to follow Chapter 2 examines previous work, covering relevant areas of published research. Chapter 3 develops a surface coverage control method for RoboVac chosen after an extensive search of the literature. Chapter 4 describes the RoboVac hardware. Chapter 5 describes the RoboVac software, both basic hardware-control functions and the surface coverage control software. Chapter 6 summarises the main concepts described throughout the report. Chapter 7 concludes the report by outlining a course for future work on RoboVac, and summarises the main concepts An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner described throughout the report. 5 Chapter 2 Surface Coverage Approaches 2.1 Introduction The objective of this thesis was to construct an autonomous vacuum cleaner, capable of efficiently and comprehensively vacuuming the floor of an unmodified, unknown room. This objective statement can be decomposed into two parts – the construction of the vacuum cleaner, and the development of its control system, which enables it to achieve its task. This chapter will review previous work relevant to the development of the vacuum cleaner control system, while Chapter 3 will go on to develop a control strategy for RoboVac. 2.2 Methods of Surface Coverage Vacuum cleaning the floor of a room entails covering every accessible region of the floor. Previous surface coverage methods have concentrated on a planning approach – keeping a world map from which movement may be planned. Other possible methods include a behavioural approach – reacting to the world using cooperating ‘behaviours’, or a ‘creepy crawly’-like random motion approach - mentioned here only because a product using this approach is soon to be marketed. The following sections review previous work in these approach areas. 2.3 Planning Approaches Planning approaches to surface coverage use a world map – either pre-programmed or developed as the robot explores – to plan and execute movement, which the robot will follow to cover the whole floor (see Figure 2.1). Planning approaches theoretically achieve a high efficiency, though keeping a world map requires high maintenance, accurate sensors and a method of localising the robot within the world map. The An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 6 Surface Coverage Approaches following two sections review planning strategies and their localisation methods, respectively. World Map Sensors Robot Control Actuators Figure 2.1 – Planning Approach to Robot Intelligence. Information from the sensors is used to update the world map, and that world map is used to plan action. 2.3.1 Planning strategy The ‘regular regions’ strategy, illustrated in Figure 2.2, used a back-and-forth strip-filling process to cover a previously unexplored environment [Cao et al, 1988]. Cao defined an ‘elementary region’ as an area that could be completely covered with a continuous strip-filling process, while a ‘regular region’ was defined as a region containing obstacles. While the robot was fulfilling a strip-filling process Figure 2.2 – Regular Region. The regular region is divided into elementary regions based on ‘cuts’ from obstacles. Each elementary region is filled successively. and encountered an obstacle, it continued to strip-fill down one side of the obstacle until it encountered the lower extreme. At the lower extreme, it used a boundary-following operation to follow the unfilled side of the obstacle round to the upper extreme, then continued the strip-filling process. This strategy dynamically ‘cut’ the regular region into elementary sub-regions, without the need to keep a global map. The ‘complementary regions’ strategy took the regular regions approach a step further [Suarez et al, 1995]. This strategy again dynamically split the overall pace into elementary regions (Figure 2.3). Unlike the linear regular regions strategy, however, An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 7 Surface Coverage Approaches the complementary regions strategy used a recursive algorithm to cover the elementary regions. In the complementary regions strategy, when the robot started it first defined a ‘base line’ of the current elementary region, by moving forward along the wall until it encountered a front obstacle. It then used a strip-filling process to fill the region, using side sonar to find other, complementary regions – delimited by an occupied-empty transition on the side sonar Figure 2.3 – An Elementary Region is a region that may be covered with one continuous stripfilling process. The baseline B defines the beginning and end of the strip-filling process for that elementary region. followed by an empty-occupied one. The new complementary region base line was defined by the starting and ending points of the cavity entry. As the robot moved along the base line, the side sonar produced depth measurements, giving an indication of the region’s geometry. Once the region was defined the robot moved back to the start point of the base line and proceeded to stripfill it (Figure 2.4). If a new region was found, the process was recursively repeated. Once each child region was finished, the robot continued to Figure 2.4 – Complementary regions. Each elementary region is defined by a base line (B), and then strip-filled perpendicular to the baseline. When new regions are discovered, the process is recursively repeated. strip-fill the parent region. This strategy resulted in a more robust process than regular regions, allowing an irregularly shaped outer boundary. Hofner et al proposed different strategies for robots with different kinematics to give the smoothest and most efficient coverage pattern [Hofner et al, 1994; Hofner et al, 1998]. Given a pre-programmed region boundary, the robot pre-planned a sequence of parallel, overlapping tracks connected by track change manoeuvres – U-turns and side shifts – to fulfil the coverage task. Each of these manoeuvres was planned as a series of intermediate goal frames (∆x, ∆y, ∆θ) by calculating possible collision points with the walls. Kinematics determined which track change manoeuvre was used. U-turns were preferable, as no stopping was required. Two rule sequences were used. The first – Type 1 – was used for small, agile robots with a turn radius smaller than the robot’s An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 8 Surface Coverage Approaches width. Type 1 used a serpentine pattern of track motions and U-turns (see Figure 2.5a). Type 2 rule sequence was used for robots with a turn radius larger than their diameter, meaning that the parallel tracks did not overlap. This sequence uses an ‘interlaced snake-like trail’ (Figure 2.5b), which started a serpentine sequence and then went back over the area which the previous tracks had missed. Obstacles were avoided by modifying the intermediate goals. Rather than pre-planning tracks based on a preprogrammed region boundary, Lang et al determined tracks by following the outer boundary of the region [Lang et al, 1998]. At Figure 2.5 – Type 1 and Type 2 rule sequences. (a) Type 1 is used for robots with small turn radius. (b) Type 2 is used for robots with larger turn radius. quantised y intervals around the boundary, x and y coordinates were recorded. These coordinates were then paired up by y coordinates to give a set of parallel tracks. These tracks were then followed one by one. If an obstacle was encountered while traversing a track, the robot reverted back to its wall-following state and traced the complete outline of the obstacle. While it did this, it updated the track list with the new information, splitting any tracks which it crossed in the tracing state. It then continued traversing tracks until all the tracks were finished. 2.3.2 Robot Localisation Methods To implement a planning approach, a robot must have some method of accurately localising itself within its world map. Two basic localising methods are usually used – relative positioning and absolute positioning. Relative positioning involves robot odometry – calculating through motor speed or wheel position how far the robot has moved. The problem with relative positioning is that wheels slip while traversing, giving errors in both distance travelled and also relative heading. Borenstein detailed a method for systemic correction of odometry errors [Borenstein, 1996], yet still the An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 9 Surface Coverage Approaches possible error due to wheel slip quickly becomes unbounded unless another method of positioning is used for error correction. This is where absolute positioning is used. Absolute positioning seeks to position the robot within the region using data gained from ranged sensors. This data is compared with previous knowledge of the region the robot has either gained while exploring, or has been given before operation. There are a few methods of doing this. The complimentary regions strategy used a ‘re-positioning grid’ to store sensor scan data [Suarez et al, 1995]. Each cell in the grid was used to store sensor scan information obtained from within that cell. New sensor scans were compared with known ones in the estimated area. Also, new scans were compared with neighbouring ones for continuity. Scans matched with a grid cell are used for position correction. New cells are added to the re-positioning grid. Robot orientation is obtained by assuming the vehicles moves in a straight line between successive reposition points, and then calculating the vector joining successive reposition points (xi-1, yi-1) and (xi, yi). Hofner et al used a method that extracted contours from the pre-programmed geometric contour map that could be visible from the estimated position of the robot [Hofner et al, 1994]. Contours were then obtained from a sonar scan of the area. The map contours were used to build a correspondence tree, in which each branch stored possible correspondences of map contours and sensor contours, based on distance, orientation and relative position. A full tree (ie. a tree with all sensor contours matched with map contours) indicated a possible absolute location. The most reliable match was used to determine the current position of the robot. While both of the preceding methods were based on geometric maps, Barron used a rather different approach [Wyeth & Barron, 1994]. Barron used a map consisting of nodes, each of which was a landmark consisting of sensor reading data. For instance, a corner landmark was two sides within a certain range, and two sides out of range. These landmarks were then connected with motion vectors. implementing this method as a sequence of instructions. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner Barron succeeded in 10 Surface Coverage Approaches For example, a sequence could be – 1. Follow the left wall at a distance of 100mm until a frontal range of 100mm is found. 2. Turn right and follow the left wall at 100mm until the left wall drops away (no left range reading). 3. Turn left and follow left wall at 100mm until .... Barron described this method as effectively turning the environment into a finite state machine, where states were actual positions in space, and the transitions between them consisted of physical motion. This seems to be a good way to implement any of the above surface coverage algorithms, as the transitional movements provides constant position update (ie. follow wall at a certain distance). Also, each of the surface coverage algorithms discussed involved a very state-like architecture – move forward until a frontal obstruction is detected, U-turn, move forward until a frontal obstruction is detected, follow wall until... 2.4 Behavioural Approaches The previous planning approaches rely heavily on a well-structured environment, with a world map representation, and apart from needing accurate sensors and high maintenance, they typically do not react especially well to dynamic obstacles or unexpected situations. Behavioural approaches try to eliminate this dependency on internal, high maintenance models of the world by purely reacting to the world without resorting to the internal model. This reactive technique uses the world as its own model. Behavioural approaches, rather than being controlled fully by one central controller, merge different, simple behaviours to achieve a seemingly higher task (see Figure 2.6). ARNI, a robotic hexapod, merged three simple behaviours with varying priorities, to emulate the behavioural pattern of an American cockroach [Montiel, 1996]. The three behaviours – wandering, feeding (find and approach a specific IR beacon) and obstacle avoidance (using SONAR and antennae) – interacted to provide an intelligent-seeming system with a seemingly specific goal. With feeding having a higher priority than the other behaviours, ARNI would wander, avoiding obstacles until it saw food (the beacon) and would then charge toward the beacon. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 11 Surface Coverage Approaches Behaviour n Behaviour 3 Sensors Actuators e.g. Object Location Behaviour 2 e.g. Path Finding Behaviour 1 e.g. Obstacle Avoidance Figure 2.6 – Behavioural Approach to Robot Intelligence. Sensory information is used by behaviours to determine an action. The behaviours then compete to take control of the actuation. More complex tasks can also be implemented using this behavioural approach. Herbert, a wheeled mobile robot with a robotic arm mounted on top, used a ‘colony’ of behaviours in its task of navigating a real office environment, finding soda cans, picking them up and returning them to a home point [Connell, 1993]. Each behaviour, covering such tasks as wall following, can location, obstacle avoidance and can retrieval, was used to add to the robot’s capabilities, and the exclusion or failure of a behaviour did not mean the complete failure of the system, just that the system operated with downgraded performance. On the other hand, addition of behaviours caused the robot to operate with increased performance. Herbert was controlled by 40 behaviours implemented on 24 separate processors. Each of the behaviours operated on different aspects of the robot’s task. Herbert was unique, in that it was almost completely stateless (no memory), and there was absolutely no inter-behaviour communication, except through the outside world. That is, each behaviour competed to control the robot’s actuators (wheels, arm and gripper) and the only input to each behaviour was some form of sensory input. This extreme model was developed as an example of the capabilities of a behavioural system. 2.5 Random Motion Approach The Eureka Company has developed and will soon be marketing an autonomous vacuum cleaner, shown in Figure 2.7[Eureka, 1999]. This robot first follows the boundary of the room. When it has completed a circuit of the room, it starts a random ‘creepy-crawly’-like motion – when it encounters an obstacle with its radar sensors, it ‘bounces’ away in a random direction. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner Surface Coverage Approaches 12 This approach was included in this review as a comparison of the current technology being marketed in this field. This process would probably cover the floor of a room. With no control method, however, the system has no way of acting efficiently. Figure 2.7 – The Eureka Robot Vac. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 13 Chapter 3 RoboVac Surface Coverage Approach 3.1 Introduction After reviewing previous work in the field of surface coverage control approaches, an approach was developed which was suitable and currently implementable on RoboVac. RoboVac’s hardware (described in Chapter 4), necessarily places limits on the sophistication of the control approach used. This chapter describes control method developed for RoboVac. Chapter 5 goes on to describe the implementation of this control approach in RoboVac 2.0. 3.2 Choice of Approach The two control approaches researched were planning approaches and behavioural approaches. The majority of previous work in the field of surface coverage has centred on planning approaches. While a planning approach seemed most capable of covering the entire floor efficiently, it was decided that the RoboVac sensors, both internal (distance measurement) and external (sonar sensors), were not capable of maintaining an accurate and hence useful world map, rendering the planning approach unachievable in RoboVac’s current configuration. The application of a behavioural approach to surface coverage had not been widely researched, so it was decided that RoboVac would explore this area. 3.3 A Behavioural Approach to Surface Coverage As described in Section 2.4, behavioural systems are composed of a number of individual behaviours, each behaviour acting to cover one aspect of the robot control. Seemingly complex tasks can be performed using a collection of interacting behaviours. So what behaviours will pertain to surface coverage? As was done with Herbert (see Section 2.4), the behaviours were built up, each adding to the functionality of the robot. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 14 RoboVac Surface Coverage Approach Each of the behaviours is run every update period. This update period is determined by the update rate of the major sensors – in this case, the sonar sensors. Each behaviour checks for certain activation conditions. If the appropriate activation conditions are present, the behaviour places its behavioural component onto the activation blackboard. Note that behaviours can subsume others by modifying internal activation flags, and can signal other behaviours to start in the same way. This is in contrast to Herbert (Section 2.4), in which behaviours had no internal interaction. The activation blackboard is a set of global data, which contains the latest sensor data, internal activation flags, and motor commands. The following sections describe the behaviours developed to control RoboVac’s surface coverage task. 3.3.1 Behavioural Components of Strip Filling The first behaviour that a vacuum cleaner should exhibit is strip filling – covering an area with a continuous back-and-forth movement, as in Figure 3.1. This is the core behaviour RoboVac exhibits and is made up of smaller components, which combine to give the overall strip-filling behaviour. Each component takes certain inputs from the activation blackboard – whether sensory or internal – and attempts to take control of the robot when those inputs are in a certain configuration. Note that this is not a purely behavioural method. Pure behavioural systems have typically been implemented in a multi-processor configuration, whereas all of RoboVac’s behaviours are implemented on the Figure 3.1 – Strip-filling behaviour. Strip filling entails covering the area using a back-and-forth motion. one processor. Strip filling requires the following sequence of events – 1. Move in a straight line until a boundary or obstacle is reached. 2. Execute a 180° turn, ending up beside the ‘strip’ just traversed. 3. Move in a straight line until a boundary or obstacle is reached. 4. Execute a 180° turn in the opposite direction to 2, ending up beside the ‘strip’ just traversed and in a new ‘strip’. 5. Repeat from 3. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 15 RoboVac Surface Coverage Approach The following behaviour components are used to implement strip filling – • Move straight forward. The primary behaviour in the strip-filling process. • Monitor front sensor for obstacle. When obstacle is close, signal turn. • Monitor side sensors for obstructions that will inhibit turning. This is necessary for RoboVac due to RoboVac’s turning circle being larger than its width, causing it to swing out considerably while turning. This is implemented as a separate behaviour as it runs concurrently with the move straight forward behaviour. It needs to keep a memory of side obstructions over a distance of two RoboVac body lengths. • Turn in opposite direction to previous turn, unless turning obstruction is present. If obstruction is present, turn in opposite direction and signal failed turn. As can be seen from the descriptions of each behavioural component, they are not entirely stateless. This is in contrast to Herbert, the pure behavioural system described in Section 2.4. These strip filling behaviours will work perfectly in a rectangular room with no obstacles. With only the strip filling behaviours implemented, RoboVac will fully cover an empty rectangular room, assuming that it is started in one corner. If an obstacle is present, an area to one side of the obstacle will be missed, as the strip-filling behaviour will only cover the area on one side of the obstacle. As more behaviours are added, however, RoboVac’s abilities will increase. 3.3.2 Cavity Entry Behaviour When a failed turn has been signalled, the cavityentry behaviour comes into effect. While the robot is retracing the track it has just completed, this behaviour monitors the side sensor for any ‘cavity’ in the obstruction that foiled its turn. If a cavity is found, the robot performs a 90° turn into the cavity, and then an opposite 90° turn to align itself with its previous motion direction. The strip filling operation is then continued. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner Figure 3.2 – Cavity entry behaviour. The failed turn signals the cavity entry behaviour (red) which then retraces and looks for a cavity. 16 RoboVac Surface Coverage Approach 3.3.3 Detect Missed Area Behaviour The missed area behaviour monitors and records the fill-direction side sensor readings along each strip. When each strip is completed, this behaviour checks the previous strip readings and checks to see if an area has been missed. This is done based on the length of the previous strip compared to the length of the current strip (green), and also taking into account the side sensor readings of the previous strip (red), as shown in Figure 3.3. If an area has been missed, the missed area flag is set. 3.3.4 Missed Area Behaviour The missed area behaviour handles two types of missed area – a missed area to one side of a free-standing obstacle, as in Figure 3.3, and a missed area to one side of an obstacle against the wall, shown in Figure 3.4. The two cases have different recognition criteria. The free-standing obstacle Figure 3.3 – Detect missed area behaviour . The sonar readings and length of the previous strip (red) compared to the length of the new strip (green) indicates that an area has been missed. Missed Area Behaviour 1 – The first missed area case (yellow) traces down the opposite side of the free-standing obstacle and then continues strip filling. case is signalled when an obstacle is passed on the already-filled side of the robot, and the missed area flag is active. The obstacle against the wall case is signalled when the cavity entry behaviour signals complete and the missed area flag is active. Note that these two cases do not cover all possibilities, and some areas will be missed for certain obstacle configurations. This problem may be fixed, however, with additional missed area behaviours. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner Figure 3.4 – Missed area behaviour 2 – obstacle against wall. The second missed area case (yellow) retraces the path back to the missed area and then continues strip-filling. RoboVac Surface Coverage Approach 17 3.3.5 Wall Following Behaviour Due to wheel slippage and imprecise wheel diameters, errors in heading are likely to occur when strips are traversed, even when the robot is supposedly moving straight. If these errors are left unchecked, they will grow unbounded, rendering any position estimation useless. Wall following behaviour constantly measures the side sonar reading, and updates the robot’s heading to keep it at a certain distance from a wall. Only relatively small changes are accepted. Large discrepancies are ignored, as they would most probably be caused by irregularities in the wall surface (such as doorways) or obstacles being passed. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 18 Chapter 4 RoboVac Hardware 4.1 Introduction Before we can develop the fully functional vacuum cleaner described in the last chapter, we must first examine the RoboVac hardware, which the higher-level behaviours will use to interact with the world around it. RoboVac’s hardware is what allows it to move, sense, and so interact with its environment. The software may know what RoboVac should do, but this is not overly useful without the sonar sensors’ ‘view’ of the world, and RoboVac would not be mobile without its stepper motors. This section gives an overview of these hardware systems. Figure 4.1 – RoboVac RoboVac consists of the following hardware systems: 1. CPU and Memory System 2. Stepper Motor System 3. Sonar Sensor System 4. Bump Sensor System 5. Vacuum Cleaner Control System 6. Power Supply and Regulation 7. Main Circuit Board An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner RoboVac Hardware 19 4.2 CPU and Memory System The processor used in RoboVac was the Intel 80C196KC. This processor’s advantage over the other processors in use in this department was the 80C196KC’s high speed input/output port, necessary for the sonar sensors. This processor was also used by Dowideit [Dowideit, 1995]. The processor uses a 32kb EEPROM for program storage, and a 32kb RAM for temporary data storage, on an 8-bit data bus. The software developed for RoboVac was compiled using the HiTech 80196 cross-compiler, and tested using the HiTech Lucifer monitor program. 4.3 Stepper Motor System RoboVac uses two 9 volt bipolar stepper motors for locomotion. The wheels are arranged in a wheelchair configuration, with the driven wheels at the rear of the cart, and a free bearing at the front. This allows RoboVac to turn by applying different speeds to each motor. Stepper motors were used because, unlike DC motors, stepper motors operate in discrete steps, requiring no position feedback, and have high torque at low speeds. To simplify the processor interface required to control the stepper motors, two pairs of stepper motor controllers (L297, SGS-THOMSON) and dual full-bridge drivers (L298, SGS-THOMSON) were used. The L297 provides the complex phase output needed to control the stepper motors, while the L298 converts the logic-level signals from the L297 to high-current, high-voltage signals to power the motors [SGSTHOMSON, 1995]. Each L297 takes four signals from the processor – direction, full or half step, enable and clock. When the first three are set appropriately, the period of the clock determines the speed of rotation of the motor. Distance travelled can then be computed using the number of steps taken, and the constant step distance. One problem encountered with the stepper motor system was the heat generated by the pair of L298’s. If foreseen, this problem could be countered by placing the L298’s at the edge of the PCB, so they could be mounted on the aluminium body of the robot. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 20 RoboVac Hardware 4.4 Sonar Sensor System Sonar Sensor Theory Sonar sensors transmit a pulse of ultrasonic energy and measure the time until the signal returns. The time of flight is proportional to the distance to the nearest object. If conversion to metric dimensions is required, the following equation may be used. Distance (metres) = TOF(sec) x 344m/s where 344m/s is the approximate speed of sound in air. Sonar sensors have a beam width of 30°, meaning that the first object in a 30° arc in front of the sensor will cause a return signal, as shown in Figure 4.2. The precise direction of the object can not be determined within the 30° beam. This makes sonar sensors useful for general-purpose range finding, but does not suit them for the task of accurate world map maintenance. Figure 4.2 – Sonar Sensor Theory. The beam width of a sonar sensor is approximately 30°. The first object (green) will return a reading (red), while the other objects will be ignored. The precise direction of the closest object within the 30° beam is unknown. RoboVac Sonar Sensors The new design of RoboVac’s sonar sensor circuit boards uses the schematic originally designed by Wyeth [Barron, 1992]. Using surface mount devices, the sonar sensor has been designed as one transceiver module. As shown in Figure 4.3, all devices are mounted securely on the PCB, including the sonar transducers. Figure 4.3 – RoboVac Sonar Sensor The result is a small, lightweight, compact design, with no extraneous wires. The sonar sensors are interfaced to the processor’s high speed input/output port through a set of multiplexers, allowing up to sixteen sonar sensors to be interfaced to the processor. To send a pulse of energy, the processor activates the transmit line on the sonar board and waits for the reply on the receive line. The longer the transmit line is activated, the stronger the pulse of energy and the larger distance the sonar is able to detect. However, when the pulse is being transmitted, the receiver must be ignored so An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner RoboVac Hardware 21 as to not receive the pulse on the way out. A longer pulse means that the minimum detectable distance is larger. RoboVac’s sonar sensors have a minimum range of 200mm and a maximum range of 3000mm. 4.5 Bump Sensor System The bump sensor system is a last-resort sensing system to detect obstacles which the sonar did not detect for any reason. The bump sensor system consists of four switches – left, right, front, back – attached to the ‘bumper bars’ around the RoboVac body. These sensors are interfaced to the processor on Port 0, leaving four inputs free. 4.6 Vacuum Cleaner Control System The vacuum cleaner control system controls the activation of the on-board vacuum. The vacuum is operated at 5 volts by pulse-width-modulating (PWM) the 12-volt battery voltage. PWM switches the voltage source at high speed (19kHz) while varying the duty cycle to achieve the desired voltage. The switching is achieved through a logic-level MOSFET controlled by the PWM0 output of the processor. To achieve 5 Volts, the duty cycle used is 40% (40% of 12V = 5V). To turn the vacuum cleaner off, 0% duty cycle is used. 4.7 Power Supply and Regulation RoboVac is powered by a 12 volt, 6.6Ah sealed lead-acid battery. A National Semiconductor 78L05 linear regulator is used to convert the 12 volts to the 5 volts required by the processor and other components. With the stepper motors running, the battery lasts around one hour before needing recharging. 4.8 Main Circuit Board The PCB used by Dowideit was in an unusable state at the start of this thesis. Components were missing and some PCB tracks had lifted from the board. The new PCB is derived from the design used by Dowideit. Figure 4.4 shows the current RoboVac circuit board. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 22 RoboVac Hardware The circuit board consists of the following sections – A. CPU and memory B. Sonar sensor interface C. Stepper motor control and interface D. Power regulation and vacuum control E. Bump Sensor Interface F. PC Communication Interface The heat sinks required for the stepper motor section can be seen at the bottom of the PCB. Figure 4.4 Top down view of RoboVac main PCB An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 23 Chapter 5 RoboVac Software 5.1 Introduction The RoboVac software is what enables it to fulfil its specified task – vacuum the floor. The software described here is divided into two sections – the basic hardware control functions, and the surface coverage control functions. 5.2 Hardware Control Functions The basic hardware control functions form a basic core level of software, which the higher level behaviours use to achieve their tasks. These functions serve to abstract the actual details of motor control and sensor use from these higher level behaviours. With these hardware control functions, RoboVac may be called a functional mobile robot. These hardware control functions consist of the following. • Stepper Motor Control • Sonar Sensing • Bumper Sensing 5.2.1 Stepper Motor Control Functions The stepper motors are controlled by four signals. These are Clock, full/half step, direction and enabled. The L297 stepper controller is attached to PORT 1. The controller is set to full step mode in the start-up initialisation sequence. The motors are kept enabled while RoboVac is running. This leaves the motor control functions to handle direction and clock. The clock signal is used to step the motors. Each transition of the clock signal turns the stepper motor one step in the direction indicated by the direction signal. The frequency of the clock signal transitions determines the angular speed of the wheels and An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner RoboVac Software 24 hence the speed of the robot. Also, the difference in the distance travelled by each wheel can be used to determine the robot’s relative heading. As the stepper motors need a constant periodic update, a system time interrupt was set up, which increments once every millisecond. Every system time ‘tick’, the stepper toggle, stepper ramp and stepper turn tasks are called. Stepper Control Functions Stepper Toggle Tasks left_stepper_task() right_stepper_task() Stepper Ramping - calls ramp_left_stepper(speed, direction) ramp_right_stepper(speed, direction) ramp_both_steppers(speed, direction) - tasks ramp_left_task() ramp_right_task() Stepper Turning - calls turn_to_angle(angle) - tasks turn_task(LEFT) turn_task(RIGHT) General stepper calls set_left_stepper(speed, direction) set_right_stepper(speed, direction) Table 5.1 – Stepper Motor Control Functions. These functions form the basic stepper motor control. The functions are divided into calls – used by the program to request an action – and tasks – period update functions. The stepper motor functions (see Table 5.1) are implemented in the file ‘motors.c’. Stepper Toggle Tasks The toggle tasks - left_stepper_task and right_stepper_task - check whether either of the stepper motor are scheduled to be stepped, by checking the global variables left_stepper_time or right_stepper_time against the current system time. If they match, the relevant stepper clock signal is switched, and the current left_stepper_period or right_stepper_period is added to the relevant time variable hence causing a periodic switching of each stepper’s clock signal at a rate between 25 and 50Hz. This rate gives the robot speeds up to 1m/s. The distance each wheel has gone is recorded in the two variables left_stepper_count and right_stepper_count. Stepper Ramp Tasks The stepper motors can not jump straight from a standing start to full speed. Likewise, the stepper motors cannot jump from full speed forwards to full speed backwards, for example. The stepper ramp tasks – ramp_left_task and ramp_right_task – handle the ‘ramping’ of the stepper clock speeds, to keep the speed changes within the limits of the An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner RoboVac Software 25 stepper’s abilities. When a new speed is set, using the subroutines ramp_left_stepper and ramp_right_stepper, these tasks ramp the stepper clock speeds by one millisecond every two stepper clock pulses, giving an acceleration of approximately 1m/s2. Stepper Turn Tasks RoboVac turns by differing the speed of rotation of its two wheels. To turn left the left wheel must run slower than the right, while to turn right the right wheel must run slower than the left. The subroutine turn_to_angle sets a required difference in the stepper counts according to the required angle and the direction of the turn (a negative angle indicating a left turn), and also sets the appropriate motor speeds. The stepper turn task (turn_task(LEFT) or turn_task(RIGHT)) then monitors the difference between the left and right stepper counts, to calculate when the respective motors should ramp back to their original speeds. This is calculated based on the number of counts each stepper will make while the motor speed ramp is occurring. 5.2.2 Sonar Sensing Functions As described earlier in this chapter, sonar sensors send a pulse of ultrasonic energy and measure the time taken for the signal to return. Because the speed of sound is fairly high (~344m/s), the measurement needs to be fast and accurate. RoboVac’s sonar sensors use the high speed input/output port for measurement. The high speed output (HSO) of the 80C196KC uses a CAM (Content-Addressable Memory) table. Each of the CAM table’s eight entries allows one event to be stored, along with an associated time tag. When the time tag of a CAM table entry matches the current free-runningcounter TIMER1 value, the associated event is executed. These events can toggle pins or call a software interrupt. The high speed input (HSI) module stores the value of TIMER1 when it receives a transition on its associated HSI pin. A sonar reading starts by setting up the CAM entries to generate all parts of the sonar reading. The first and second CAM entries turn the specified sonar sensor transmitter on and off (the pulse). The third CAM entry turns on the HSI to receive the return signal after an appropriate blanking time, as described earlier in this chapter. The fourth CAM entry updates the blackboard range array (rtime) with the new range data, while the fifth sets up the CAM for the next sonar reading. The sonar functions are implemented in the file ‘sonar.c’. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 26 RoboVac Software 5.2.3 Bumper Sensing The bumpers are used as last-resort obstacle detection. The bumper sensing task reads IOPORT0 to check the status of the bumpers. The bumper status is then stored in the blackboard variable bump_status for other behaviours to use. 5.3 Surface Coverage Functions RoboVac, with the hardware control functions described in the previous section, is a functional mobile robot. The remaining task is to implement the surface coverage control approach developed in Chapter 3. This section describes the higher-level behaviours that give RoboVac its intelligence. As can be seen, a seemingly complex task is achieved through the cooperation of relatively simple behaviours. Each of these behaviour functions is run every update period – when the sonar sensor function sets the updated flag. Surface Coverage Software Functions Activation Blackboard Implemented in data area Strip fill behaviour implemented in main program Cavity entry behaviour cavity_entry() Detect missed area behaviour detect_missed_area() Fill Missed area behaviour fill_missed_area() Wall following behaviour follow_wall(distance, side) Table 5.2 – Surface Coverage Software Functions. These functions implement the controlling behaviours of the robot, enabling it to fulfil its required objective. 5.3.1 Activation Blackboard The activation blackboard, shown in Table 5.3, is the means of communication between behaviours, motors and sensors. Sensor data is placed on the blackboard as it arrives. Internal activation flags are used for communication between behaviours through the blackboard. Behaviours monitor the sensor data and internal activation flags and if their particular activation conditions are found, they execute their behavioural component. This is done by modifying the information on the blackboard to change the motor commands and disable or start other behaviours through the internal activation flags. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner RoboVac Software 27 Activation Blackboard Sonar Sensor Data rtime[3] Bumper Sensor Data bump_save Motor Data modified using motor functions Internal Activation Flags failed_turn_flag task_complete_flag missed_area_flag Strip Record Range Data strip_record[n] Next Strip Length Estimation next_strip_length Table 5.3 – Activation Blackboard. This data is used for communication between the behaviours, sensors and motors. 5.3.2 Strip-Filling Behaviour The strip-filling behaviour was implemented according to the steps described in Section 3.3.1. This is the dominant behaviour and so was implemented in the main program. The strip-filling software implemented the following algorithm – 1. Move straight along wall, using wall following behaviour when appropriate to correct any heading errors, and also recording periodic range readings on the side away from the wall. 2. When an obstacle or wall comes within a certain distance (500mm) in front of the robot, execute 180° turn away from the wall, if possible. If not, signal failed turn and stop. This turn rotates about the inside wheel of the turn, ending up one robot width away beside its turn starting position. 3. Move straight along wall, using wall following behaviour when appropriate to correct any heading errors. 4. When an obstacle or wall comes within the minimum distance, turn 180° away from wall, if possible. If not, signal failed turn and stop. 5. Repeat from 3. This simple behaviour enabled RoboVac to totally cover a regularly shaped room (no wall cavities) without obstacles. If obstacles were present, RoboVac would only strip fill to one side of the obstacle. To add more sophistication to the algorithm, more behaviours should be added. More behaviours – cavity entry, detect missed area and fill missed area – are described An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 28 RoboVac Software in Section 5.3.4 and 5.3.5. These behaviours were not implemented in this thesis, but their design is discussed for later development. 5.3.3 Wall Following Behaviour follow_wall(distance, side) The wall-following behaviour constantly checked for small discrepancies in the range readings on the already-filled side of the robot. When small discrepancies were found, this behaviour made small adjustments to the robot’s heading. When large discrepancies were found, the range reading was updated with the new range data, as a large discrepancy was most frequently caused by an irregularity in the wall surface, not by orientation error. The adjustments were calculated using a proportional-derivative control loop – that is adjustments were made based on the calculated error in position, and also the change in absolute distance from the wall. The derivative component serves to keep the robot in a fair alignment with the wall, while the proportional component serves to maintain the required distance from the wall. 5.3.4 Cavity Entry Behaviour This behaviour was not implemented in this thesis, but its design is discussed here. When a failed turn is signalled, the cavity entry behaviour checks the recorded range reading data of the just completed strip (strip_record), to determine if there was a cavity (Figure 3.2). This is done by checking for a long-short range transition in the recorded range data sequence. If the check determines that there is more area to be covered, this behaviour turns the robot 180° (turn_to_angle), away from the obstacle that caused the failed turn, bringing it back onto a previous strip. This behaviour then moves the robot along that strip, monitoring its side sensor to find the cavity. When it finds the cavity, it executes a 90° turn into the cavity, and then a 90° turn in the opposite direction, and signals for the strip filling to continue. If the check determined that there was no cavity, this behaviour signals task complete. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 29 RoboVac Software 5.3.5 Detect Missed Area Behaviour This behaviour was not implemented in this thesis, but its design is discussed here. Each time a turn is executed while strip-filling, this behaviour compares the length of the just completed strip (strip_record[0]) with the previous estimation of how long that strip should be (next_strip_length), as shown in Figure 3.3. If the comparison is considerably different, then a missed area is signalled. When the check has been completed, the range data from the just completed strip is used to make an estimation of how long the next strip should be, by adding all the range readings which should fit into the next strip (i.e. not too short). This estimation is then used as the next next_strip_length. 5.3.6 Fill Missed Area Behaviour This behaviour, after a missed area had been signalled, begins to check for either of two conditions – a close-far transition on the already-filled side of the robot (free-standing obstacle), or a signal from the cavity entry behaviour indicating completion of the task (indicating against the wall obstacle). These two conditions would be handled differently, as follows. 1. Free-standing obstacle – When this condition is detected, the missed area behaviour executes a 90° turn, turning down beside the obstacle. The behaviour moves down the side of the obstacle until it can no longer see the obstacle with its side sensor. It then executes an opposite 90° turn, and signals for the strip filling to continue. This behaviour is shown in Figure 3.3. 2. Against the wall obstacle – When the cavity entry behaviour signals complete while a missed area is signalled, the missed area behaviour traces the wall back to the missed area as in Figure 3.4, and signals for the strip filling to continue. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 30 Chapter 6 Results and Discussion 6.1 Results To obtain performance results of the RoboVac system, a number of tests were carried out. This section describes each test and the performance of RoboVac in each of those tests. Wall Following Test The wall following tests were run along a straight length of wall at a distance of 2m from the wall. Side sonar range readings were recorded as they were updated – approximately six per second at intervals of approximately 3cm. The first test measured the deviation of the robot from a straight course while moving straight forward. As can be seen in Figure 6.1, the robot does not have a dependable straight forward movement. Sonar Measurements while Running Straight 1.2 Distance from Wall (Metres) 1.18 1.16 1.14 1.12 1.1 1.08 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Distance Travelled (Metres) Figure 6.2 – Deviation while running straight. This chart shows the distance of the robot from side wall while moving straight forward. As can be seen, the robot does not move in a perfectly straight line. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 2.5 31 Results and Discussion A deviation of nearly 20cm over a forward movement of 2m is not acceptable and would ruin any attempts at accurate robot localisation. The second test measured the deviation while the wall following behaviour was active, as shown in Figure 6.2. The wall following behaviour exhibited an average error under 2% - around 4cm at 2 metres. Note, however, that a small change in direction to the wall increases the measured distance significantly, so the actual average positional error would be around 2cm at 2 metres. Wall Following Error - 2m away from wall 6.0% Percentage Error 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2.0% 1st Run 2nd Run -4.0% Distance Travelled (metres) Figure 6.2 – Wall Following Test Performance. The wall following test was conducted along a straight stretch of wall. Empty Room Test The empty room test consisted of a rectangular area with no obstacles, 4m x 3m, with ‘walls’ high enough to be detected by the sonar sensors. RoboVac performed in this test similar to that shown in Figure 6.3. As can be seen, small areas of the room were consistently missed. The following list details these missed areas. A. The missed areas along the start wall and along the end wall were due to the minimum range of the side sonar sensors ~200mm B. The missed areas when approaching the side walls were due to the An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner Figure 6.3 Empty Room Test. The empty room was a rectangular area with no obstacles. RoboVac strip filled the room as shown in green. The missed areas A, B and C are each explained. Results and Discussion 32 minimum range of the front sonar sensor ~200mm. C. The missed area while turning was due to the dynamics of the robot. When the robot turns, it rotates around the inside rear wheel, which causes it to end up beside and behind its turn-start position, causing it to miss ~60cm of floor. The result of the empty room test found that the robot covered approximately 66% of the total floor area of the 3m x 4m room. The major part of the missed area was due to the minimum distance of the sonar sensors. The performance figure could be increased to nearly 90% with the addition of a wall-hugging behaviour which skirts the room boundary without using the side sonar sensors, maybe using IR sensors or the bump sensors. 6.2 Discussion This thesis has described a mobile robot system which fulfils its objective of vacuuming a room autonomously. This system varies from previous work in this area in that it uses a behavioural rather than a planning approach to control the surface coverage task. The developed behavioural control method has two advantages over a planning approach. 1. Dispenses with the need for a complex, maintenance-intensive world map, and hence dispenses with the need for accurate sensors required to maintain those maps. Instead the control method as implemented uses the world as its own model, recording only immediate data necessary for the task at hand. 2. Dispenses with the need for large amounts of processor time and power while maintaining the world maps, and planning movements. Instead, movements are implemented by cooperating behaviours, each of which affects some particular part of the overall surface coverage process. These advantages, however, led to some problems – • Not using a world map made it more difficult to check that total surface coverage had been completed. With a world map, coverage can be recorded on the map, while with the implemented control method, the only record of what area the robot has covered is its orientation in the world. This problem would be reduced by implementing missed area and cavity entry behaviours, which check for missed areas and enter them. The performance of RoboVac could be increased by adding these extra behaviours. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner Results and Discussion • The robot is sensitive to orientation errors. 33 The implemented behavioural approach was efficient as long as it kept a tolerably accurate orientation. The wall following behaviour was implemented to aid in orientation correction to reduce this problem. Even so, unseen obstacles (such as a book or some other non sonarperceivable object) cause collisions and hence orientation errors. No behaviours were implemented to deal with collisions. When the wall following behaviour is not in use, such as when the wall is too far away, the orientation errors accumulate quickly, throwing off any position estimation. The performance of the robot’s surface coverage was severely affected by two factors – the minimum range of the sonar sensors, and the dynamics of the robot. The long wheelchair configuration of the robot is ill suited to the task requirements. A better design would be a circular robot, with the driven wheels on a central axis, similar to the Eureka robot shown in Figure 2.7. This design would eliminate the missed areas when the robot turns. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 34 Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Directions 7.1 Conclusions This thesis has described the development of a mobile robot – RoboVac – that autonomously vacuums an area, avoiding obstacles and attempting to cover any missed areas. The major achievements of this thesis were – • A new main PCB and new sonar sensors were designed and constructed. • Software functions were written and implemented to control each of the RoboVac hardware systems – stepper motors, sonar sensors, bump sensors and vacuum control. • A surface coverage control method was developed. This method uses a behavioural approach to the surface coverage task, rather than the planning approach adopted in relevant published work. • The surface coverage control method was implemented successfully on RoboVac, enabling it to achieve the objective task of this thesis in a controlled environment. 7.2 Future Directions The RoboVac behaviours are by no means complete. The missed area behaviour particularly needs work, to enable it to recognise and cope with more situations. Extra behaviours may need to be added to cope with situations such as obstacle collisions. The body of RoboVac is ill-suited to its intended task. A circular body, with driven wheels on a central axis, would eliminate many of the robot’s dynamics problems. Who knows? Within a few years, RoboVac may be vacuuming the floors of houses around the world! An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 35 References [Wyeth & Barron, 1994] G.F. Wyeth and I. Barron, An Autonomous Blimp, Field and Service Robotics, Ed. Alex Zelinksy, Springer Verlag, 1998, pp. 464-470 [Borenstein, 1996] J. Borenstein, “Measurement and Correction of Systematic Odometry Errors in Mobile Robots”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, vol. 12, no 6., Dec. 1996, p 869 – 876. [Cao et al, 1988] Cao, Zuo Liang, Yuyu Huang, Ernest L. Hall., “Region Filling Operations with Random Obstacle Avoidance for Mobile Robots”, Journal of Robotic Systems, Vol. 5, No. 2, April 1988, p87-102. [Cheng, 1998] T. Cheng, An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner, UQ Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Undergraduate Thesis, 1998. [Connell, 1993] J. Connell, Minimalist Mobile Robotics, Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA, 1993. [Dowideit, 1995] S. Dowideit, An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner, UQ Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Undergraduate Thesis, 1995. [Eureka, 1999] The Eureka Company, The Eureka Robot Vac – Going Where No Vacuum Has Gone Before,, 1999. [Hofner et al, 1994] C. Hofner, G. Schmidt. “Path planning and guidance techniques for an autonomous mobile cleaning robot”, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Munich, Germany, 12-16 Sept 1994, p610-617. [Hofner et al, 1998] C. Hofner, G. Schmidt. “An advanced path planning and navigation approach for autonomous cleaning robot operations”, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Victoria, B.C., Canada, October 1998, p1230-1235. [Lang et al, 1998] S. Lang and Bing-Yung Chee. “Coordination of Behaviours for Mobile Robot Floor Cleaning”, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Victoria, B.C., Canada, October 1998, p1236-1241. [Montiel, 1996] [Suarez et al, 1995] A. Suarez, E. Gonzalez, J.C. Cabo, Y. Rollot, B. Manuel, C. Moreno, F. Artigue. “An Autonomous Vehicle for Surface Filling”, Proceedings of the 1995 Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Detroit, MI, USA, 25-26 Sept., 1995. P364-369. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 36 Appendix A Schematic Diagrams An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner Appendix A – Schematic Diagrams An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 37 Appendix A – Schematic Diagrams An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 38 Appendix A – Schematic Diagrams An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 39 Appendix A – Schematic Diagrams An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 40 Appendix A – Schematic Diagrams An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 41 42 Appendix B Code Listings An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 43 RoboVac.h 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. /* Robovac.h * * Defines for the RoboVac. * */ #define LEFT_STEPPER_SPEED_BIT 0x04 #define LEFT_STEPPER_DIRN_BIT 0x10 #define LEFT_STEPPER_HALF_BIT 0x40 #define RIGHT_STEPPER_SPEED_BIT 0x08 #define RIGHT_STEPPER_DIRN_BIT 0x20 #define RIGHT_STEPPER_HALF_BIT 0x80 #define STEPPER_PORT IOPORT1 #define DEBUG 0 #define SONAR_DEBUG 1 #define OFF 35 #define ON 01 #define RAMP_CHANGE 1 #define RAMP_TIME 3 #define FORWARD 0x00 #define REVERSE 0x01 #define TURN_180 169 #define FULL_RAMP_TIME 29 #define NO_OF_SONARS 3 #define LEFT 2 #define RIGHT 1 #define FRONT 0 #define LEFT_CORR 20 #define WALL_TURN_DEVIATION 3 /* Sonar function prototypes */ void start_sonar(void); void activate_HSI(void); void setup_ping(void); void return_data(void); /* Motor function prototpes */ void init_motors(void); void left_stepper_task(void); void right_stepper_task(void); void ramp_task(char which); void ramp_left_stepper(unsigned short new_speed, unsigned char new_dirn); void ramp_right_stepper(unsigned short new_speed, unsigned char new_dirn); void left_turn(int angle); void right_turn(int angle); void ramp_both_steppers (unsigned short new_speed, unsigned char new_dirn); /* Sonar Variables */ extern unsigned int rtime[3]; extern unsigned int rstatus[3]; extern unsigned char updated_flag; /* Motor Variables */ extern long left_stepper_count; /* Very rough distance measurement */ extern long right_stepper_count; extern unsigned char Turn_Flag; extern unsigned long System_Time; extern unsigned char set_speed; An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 61. extern unsigned char turn_speed RoboVac.h An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 44 45 RoboVac.c 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. /* RoboVac.C * Main Program file for RoboVac * */ #include <8096.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <intr96.h> #include "robovac.h" void interrupt software_interrupt(void); void interrupt HSI_int(void); void init_chip(void); void init_vectors(void); void follow_wall (char which_side, unsigned int distance); void turn_to_angle(long angle); int abs (int number); unsigned long System_Time; unsigned int offset; unsigned char bump_save; unsigned char bump_flag; int error[2]; void main(void) { init_chip(); init_vectors(); init_motors(); IOPORT1 = 0x00; IOPORT2 ^= 0x80; IOC0 = 0x00; INT_MASK = 0x20; System_Time = 0; start_sonar(); ei(); /* Wait for bump, then start */ while (System_Time < 10); while ((bump_save & 0x0F) == 0x0F); while ((bump_save & 0x0F) != 0x0F); offset = rtime[RIGHT]; /* * Strip Fill */ while ((bump_save & 0x0F) == 0x0F) { /* * First leg of strip fill */ while (rtime[0] > 4000) { if (updated_flag == 0) { follow_wall(RIGHT, offset); updated_flag = 1; } An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. if (abs(error[1]) > 500) { if (abs(error[0]) > 500) { offset = rtime[RIGHT]; if (offset < 2300) offset = 2300; } } } /* * turn away from wall */ turn_to_angle(-180); while(Turn_Flag == LEFT); offset += 1380; /* * Secondary Leg of Strip Fill */ while (rtime[0] > 4000) { if (updated_flag == 0) { follow_wall(LEFT, offset); updated_flag = 1; } if (abs(error[1]) > 500) { if (abs(error[0]) > 500) { offset = rtime[LEFT]; if (offset < 2300) offset = 2300; } } } /* * Turn away from wall */ turn_to_angle(180); while(Turn_Flag == RIGHT); offset += 1380; } ramp_both_steppers(OFF, FORWARD); /* * Finish */ } /* * Follow wall * This routine sets motor commands to follow the wall, based * on positional error and change in absolute position. */ void follow_wall (char which_side, unsigned int distance) { char left=set_speed; char right = set_speed; int prop, div, turn; error[0] = error[1]; error[1] = rtime[which_side] - distance; /* Proportional control * If prop -'ve need to turn out */ prop = error[1] / 60; if (prop < -WALL_TURN_DEVIATION) prop = -WALL_TURN_DEVIATION; 46 RoboVac.c 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. if (prop > WALL_TURN_DEVIATION) prop = WALL_TURN_DEVIATION; if (prop == 0) { if (error[1] > 0) prop = 1; if (error[1] < 0) prop = -1; } /* Derivative control * If deriv -'ve need to */ div = error[1] - error[0]; div = div / 35; if (div < -WALL_TURN_DEVIATION) div = -WALL_TURN_DEVIATION; if (div > WALL_TURN_DEVIATION) div = WALL_TURN_DEVIATION; /* Add together to give PD control */ turn = prop + div; if (which_side == LEFT) { if (turn < 0) { right = right - turn; if (DEBUG == 1) { printf("turn right - "); } } else if (turn > 0) { left = left + turn; if (DEBUG == 1) { printf("turn left - "); } } } else if (which_side == RIGHT) { if (turn < 0) { left = left - turn; } else if (turn > 0) { right = right + turn; } } ramp_left_stepper(left, FORWARD); ramp_right_stepper(right, FORWARD); if (DEBUG == 1) { printf("Dist = %5u, ", rtime[which_side]); printf("prop = %d, div = %d, turn = %d\n", prop, div, turn); } } /* * software_interrupt * This interrupt service routine handles software interrupts. * It first saves the I/O status registers, then uses those to * determine what caused the interrupt. * These will either be the sonar, or the system timer. */ void interrupt software_interrupt() { unsigned char save; unsigned char save2; save = IOS1; save2 = IOS2; An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. /* * This turns on the HSI to receive the ping */ if ((save & 0x02) == 0x02) { activate_HSI(); } /* * This sets up all the CAM entries to generate and receive * the next ping */ if ((save & 0x04) == 0x04) { setup_ping(); } /* * HSO INT for returning the data */ if ((save & 0x08) == 0x08) { return_data(); } /* * TIMER2 reset interrupt for system time and motors */ if ((save2 & 0x40) == 0x40) { System_Time++; left_stepper_task(); right_stepper_task(); bump_save = IOPORT0; if (bump_save != 255) bump_flag = 1; } ei(); } /* * Init_Chip * This routine initialises the I/O control registers and * starts up the system timer interrupt. */ void init_chip(void) { IOC1 = 0x22; IOC2 = 0x48; WSR = 1; IOC3 = 0x01; WSR = 0; /* * Enable System Timer cam entry. * E -> reset timer 2 * D -> Lock command into cam * Use Timer 2 as reference * Call Interrupt */ HSO_COMMAND = 0xDE; HSO_TIME = 1250; STEPPER_PORT |= RIGHT_STEPPER_HALF_BIT; RoboVac.c 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. STEPPER_PORT |= LEFT_STEPPER_HALF_BIT; } /* * init_vectors * This routine sets up the interrupt vectors */ void init_vectors(void) { di(); set_vector(INTR_SOFTWARE_TIMER, software_interrupt); ei(); } int abs (int number) { if (number >= 0) return number; else return -number; } An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 47 48 Motors.c 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. /* * Motors.c * Basic motor control functions for RoboVac */ #include <8096.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <intr96.h> #include "robovac.h" void set_left_stepper(unsigned short period, unsigned char dirn); void set_right_stepper(unsigned short period, unsigned char dirn); void turn_task(char direction); void ramp_task(char which); unsigned char Turn_Flag; unsigned char Ramp_Flag[3]; unsigned long left_stepper_time; /* Time to toggle left stepper */ unsigned short left_stepper_period; /* Left stepper speed */ unsigned char left_stepper_dirn; /* 0 = forward */ unsigned long right_stepper_time; /* Time to toggle right stepper */ unsigned short right_stepper_period; /* Right stepper speed */ unsigned char right_stepper_dirn; /* 0 = forward */ long left_stepper_count; /* Very rough distance measurement */ long right_stepper_count; int left_speed_before_turn; int right_speed_before_turn; long turn_end_count; unsigned char set_speed; unsigned char turn_speed; long turn_end_diff; unsigned long next_change[3]; unsigned short new_stepper_speed[3]; unsigned char new_stepper_dirn[3]; /* Speed to ramp to */ /* * Set left stepper * This routine sets a given speed and dirn to the left stepper. */ void set_left_stepper(unsigned short period, unsigned char dirn) { left_stepper_period = period; if (left_stepper_dirn != dirn) { if (dirn == FORWARD) { STEPPER_PORT &= ~LEFT_STEPPER_DIRN_BIT; } else { STEPPER_PORT |= LEFT_STEPPER_DIRN_BIT; } } left_stepper_dirn = dirn; } /* * Set right stepper * This routine sets a given speed and dirn to the right stepper. */ void set_right_stepper(unsigned short period, unsigned char dirn) { An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. right_stepper_period = period; if (right_stepper_dirn != dirn) { if (dirn == FORWARD) { STEPPER_PORT &= ~RIGHT_STEPPER_DIRN_BIT; } else { STEPPER_PORT |= RIGHT_STEPPER_DIRN_BIT; } } right_stepper_dirn = dirn; } /* * Left Stepper Toggle * This routine toggles the speed bit on the left stepper - causing * the next step. */ void left_stepper_task(void) { if (left_stepper_time <= System_Time) { /* Step the left stepper */ if (left_stepper_period != OFF) { STEPPER_PORT ^= LEFT_STEPPER_SPEED_BIT; left_stepper_count++; left_stepper_time = System_Time + left_stepper_period; } else { left_stepper_time = System_Time + 1; } if (Turn_Flag == RIGHT) { turn_task(RIGHT); } } if ((System_Time >= next_change[LEFT]) && (Ramp_Flag[LEFT] == ON)) { ramp_task(LEFT); } } /* * Right Stepper Toggle * This routine toggles the speed bit on the right stepper - causing * the next step. */ void right_stepper_task(void) { if (right_stepper_time <= System_Time) { /* Step the right stepper */ if (right_stepper_period != OFF) { STEPPER_PORT ^= RIGHT_STEPPER_SPEED_BIT; right_stepper_count++; right_stepper_time = System_Time + right_stepper_period; } else { right_stepper_time = System_Time + 1; } if (Turn_Flag == LEFT) { turn_task(LEFT); } } if ((System_Time >= next_change[RIGHT]) && (Ramp_Flag[RIGHT] == ON)) { ramp_task(RIGHT); 49 Motors.c 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. } } void init_motors(void) { set_left_stepper(OFF, FORWARD); set_right_stepper(OFF,FORWARD); left_stepper_time = System_Time + 1; right_stepper_time = System_Time + 1; left_stepper_count = 1000; right_stepper_count = 1000; set_speed = 15; turn_speed = 22; } /* * ramp_left_stepper * This routine is used by the user to initialise a ramp on the * left stepper. */ void ramp_left_stepper(unsigned short new_speed, unsigned char new_dirn) { new_stepper_speed[LEFT] = new_speed; new_stepper_dirn[LEFT] = new_dirn; Ramp_Flag[LEFT] = ON; if (next_change[LEFT] < System_Time) next_change[LEFT] = System_Time + (left_stepper_period * RAMP_TIME); } /* * ramp_right_stepper * This routine is used by the user to initialise a ramp on the * right stepper. */ void ramp_right_stepper(unsigned short new_speed, unsigned char new_dirn) { new_stepper_speed[RIGHT] = new_speed; new_stepper_dirn[RIGHT] = new_dirn; Ramp_Flag[RIGHT] = ON; if (next_change[RIGHT] < System_Time) next_change[RIGHT] = System_Time + (right_stepper_period * RAMP_TIME); } /* * ramp_both_steppers * This routine is used by the user to initialise a ramp on both * steppers. */ void ramp_both_steppers (unsigned short new_speed, unsigned char new_dirn) { ramp_left_stepper(new_speed, new_dirn); ramp_right_stepper(new_speed, new_dirn); } /* * ramp_task * * This routine handles ramping up, down and backwards of the specified stepper. An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. * This is done because the inertia of the robot must be taken into * account when changing speeds. */ void ramp_task(char which) { unsigned short new_speed, new_dirn; unsigned char intended_speed, intended_dirn; unsigned short ramp_end; switch(which) { case LEFT: new_speed = left_stepper_period; new_dirn = left_stepper_dirn; break; case RIGHT: new_speed = right_stepper_period; new_dirn = right_stepper_dirn; break; } intended_dirn = new_stepper_dirn[which]; intended_speed = new_stepper_speed[which]; /* * check if need to change dirn * if we do, must run to stop first, then ramp back up. */ if (new_dirn == intended_dirn) { ramp_end = intended_speed; } else { ramp_end = OFF; } /* * Ramp to new speed */ if (ramp_end > new_speed) { new_speed += RAMP_CHANGE; if (ramp_end <= new_speed) { /* Check if finished ramp */ new_speed = ramp_end; } } else if (ramp_end < new_speed) { new_speed -= RAMP_CHANGE; if (ramp_end >= new_speed) { /* Check if finished ramp */ new_speed = ramp_end; } } /* * change dirn for ramp back up */ if (new_speed == OFF) { new_dirn = intended_dirn; } /* * If we are there, disable the ramp */ if (intended_speed == new_speed && intended_dirn == new_dirn) { /* we are there */ Ramp_Flag[which] = OFF; 50 Motors.c 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. } /* * make the change and set up the next one */ switch (which) { case LEFT: set_left_stepper (new_speed, new_dirn); next_change[which] = System_Time + (left_stepper_period * RAMP_TIME); break; case RIGHT: set_right_stepper (new_speed, new_dirn); next_change[which] = System_Time + (right_stepper_period * RAMP_TIME); break; } } /* * turn task * Periodic stepper pulser */ void turn_task(char direction) { long inside_stepper_count, outside_stepper_count; long inside_stepper_period, outside_stepper_period; long temp5; long working, working_2; char i, ix; switch (direction) { case RIGHT: inside_stepper_count = right_stepper_count; outside_stepper_count = left_stepper_count; inside_stepper_period = right_stepper_period; outside_stepper_period = left_stepper_period; break; case LEFT: inside_stepper_count = left_stepper_count; outside_stepper_count = right_stepper_count; inside_stepper_period = left_stepper_period; outside_stepper_period = right_stepper_period; break; } /* need to work out, with ramping if we need to finish the turn */ if (left_speed_before_turn == OFF) { if (right_speed_before_turn == OFF) { /* Static Turn */ working = 2 * (35 - outside_stepper_period) - 1; if (outside_stepper_count >= turn_end_count - working) { switch (direction) { case RIGHT: ramp_left_stepper(OFF, FORWARD); Turn_Flag = RIGHT; break; case LEFT: ramp_right_stepper(OFF, FORWARD); Turn_Flag = LEFT; break; } An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. } } } else { /* Turn while moving */ ix = inside_stepper_period - outside_stepper_period; working_2 = 0; for (i = ix; i > 0; i --) { working_2 += i; } working_2 *= RAMP_TIME; working_2 /= outside_stepper_period; /* The number of steps the */ /* outside stepper will take*/ /* while the inside ramps */ working_2 ++; temp5 = inside_stepper_count + turn_end_diff - working_2; if (outside_stepper_count >= temp5) { switch (direction) { case RIGHT: ramp_right_stepper(left_stepper_period, FORWARD); Turn_Flag = OFF; break; case LEFT: ramp_left_stepper(right_stepper_period, FORWARD); Turn_Flag = OFF; break; } } } } /* * Turn to angle * Turns to an angle relative to the current heading of RoboVac */ void turn_to_angle(long angle) { /* * 180deg = 169 differential counts * need to take ramping counts into account * time to full ramp = 29 counts * Right turn is positive, left is negative. */ long diff_required = angle * 169/180; long current_diff = left_stepper_count - right_stepper_count; long difference = diff_required + current_diff; left_stepper_count --; left_speed_before_turn = left_stepper_period; right_speed_before_turn = right_stepper_period; if (angle > 0) { /* need right turn */ ramp_left_stepper(turn_speed, FORWARD); ramp_right_stepper(OFF, FORWARD); turn_end_count = left_stepper_count + difference; turn_end_diff = difference; Turn_Flag = RIGHT; if (DEBUG == 1) { Motors.c 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. printf("right turn ->"); } } else if (angle < 0) { /* need left turn */ ramp_right_stepper(turn_speed, FORWARD); ramp_left_stepper(OFF, FORWARD); turn_end_count = right_stepper_count - difference; turn_end_diff = -difference; Turn_Flag = LEFT; if (DEBUG == 1) { printf("left turn ->"); } } } An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 51 52 Sonars.c /* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. * Sonar.c * Basic functions to control the sonar sensing */ #include <8096.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <intr96.h> #include "robovac.h" unsigned int rtime[3]; unsigned int rstatus[3]; unsigned int choose_ping[2] = {20, 150}; unsigned int choose_blank[2] = {1000, 2500}; unsigned int ping_length[3] = {1, 1, 1}; unsigned int blank_time[3] = {1, 1, 1}; unsigned char valid_count[3] = {0,0,0}; unsigned char short_ping[3] = {0,0,0}; unsigned char current_sonar; unsigned char internal_flag; unsigned char updated_flag; void activate_HSI (void) { int i; int rubbish; for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { rubbish = HSI_STATUS; rubbish = HSI_TIME; } INT_MASK = 0x24; IOC0 = 0x01; } void setup_ping (void) { /* Select the next sonar */ current_sonar++; if (current_sonar > (NO_OF_SONARS - 1)) current_sonar = 0; IOPORT1 &= ~0x03; IOPORT1 += current_sonar; /* Dynamic ping length settings */ if (short_ping[current_sonar] == 1) { ping_length[current_sonar] = 1; blank_time[current_sonar] = 1; short_ping[current_sonar] = 0; } else { valid_count[current_sonar]++; if (valid_count[current_sonar] > 3) { ping_length[current_sonar] = 0; blank_time[current_sonar] = 0; valid_count[current_sonar] = 0; } } internal_flag = 1; IOC0 = 0x00; An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. INT_MASK = 0x20; while ((IOS0 & 0x40) == 0x40); HSO_COMMAND = 0x00; /* HSO to turn on pulse */ HSO_TIME = 10000; while ((IOS0 & 0x40) == 0x40); HSO_COMMAND = 0x20; /* HSO to turn off pulse */ HSO_TIME = 10000 + choose_ping[ping_length[current_sonar]]; while ((IOS0 & 0x40) == 0x40); HSO_COMMAND = 0x19; /* HSO for turning on HSI */ HSO_TIME = 10000 + choose_blank[blank_time[current_sonar]]; while ((IOS0 & 0x40) == 0x40); HSO_COMMAND = 0x1B; /* HSO for returning the data */ HSO_TIME = 40000; INT_MASK = 0x20; while ((IOS0 & 0x40) == 0x40); HSO_COMMAND = 0x1A; /* HSO for setting up the next ping */ HSO_TIME = 60000; } /* * return data * HSO CAM entry to return the sonar data */ void return_data(void) { IOC0 = 0x00; INT_MASK = 0x24; if (internal_flag != 0 && ((INT_PENDING | 0x04) != 0x04)) { if (ping_length[current_sonar] == 0) short_ping[current_sonar] = 1; else rtime[current_sonar] = 50000; } if (current_sonar == (NO_OF_SONARS - 1)) { updated_flag = 0; } rstatus[current_sonar] = ping_length[current_sonar]; } /* * Start_Sonar * This routine starts up the sonar pings. */ void start_sonar(void) { while ((IOS0 & 0x40) == 0x40); HSO_COMMAND = 0x1A; /* HSO int for starting the ping */ HSO_TIME = 60000; INT_MASK = 0x20; set_vector(INTR_HSI_DATA,HSI_int); current_sonar = 0x00; updated_flag = 1; } /* * HSI_int * This interrupt service routine receives the ping and places * it into the rtime buffer. */ void interrupt HSI_int() { Sonars.c 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. unsigned char same; same = HSI_STATUS; rtime[current_sonar] = rtime[current_sonar]; rtime[current_sonar] = HSI_TIME - 10000; short_ping[current_sonar] = 0; internal_flag = 0; INT_MASK = 0x20; ei(); } An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 53 Sonars.c An Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner 54