In Loving Memory - New Pilgrim Baptist Church
In Loving Memory - New Pilgrim Baptist Church
Anthony & Angela Roshell The Dukes Family Denise R. Wilson Rhonda King Linda Vandiver NPBC March Sheepfold Louise P. Keller Carrie Massey Barbara McCauley Alvenia & Edward Harris Vanessa Tarrant Marsha Hall Devin Embry Olivia Alford Mr. & Mrs. Charles Downs Annie P. Bryant Bennard Smith Staci Rice Computer Specialists Eunice Goldsmith Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Moten, Jr NPBC June Sheepfold Gennetter Ricks Evelyn Thornton Wyvern Wallace Jacqueline Lee Thomas Grendel G. Gaines Mr. & Mrs. Charles Chambers Eddie Smiley Angela Malone Alex Coleman Congratulati o ns to ELDRICK BROWN and THE NEW PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH MUSIC MINISTRY Macedonia 17th Street Baptist Church 1405 N 13th Avenue Birmingham, Alabama 35204 Dr. Thomas Hunter-Pastor DR. CHARLES L. DIGGINS, I MINISTER OF WORSHIP AND ARTS SPECIAL THANKS TO: Rev. Dr. James H. Brooks I The New Pilgrim Baptist Church Family The New Pilgrim Baptist Church Staff New Pilgrim Baptist Church Mass Choir New Pilgrim P.R.A.I.S.E. Ensemble New Pilgrim Baptist Church Music Ministry Staff Music Ministry Administrative Support Team Sound Engineers | Byron Thomas and Stephan Hundley Photographers | William “Bill” Butler | Sylvester Childress | Leon Mickens Brian McCoy & Jay Bryant & WAGG 610 AM Radio The Birmingham Times Minister Gregory L. Brown LIVE RECORDING SESSION MUSIC STAFF Eldrick M. Brown | Minister of Music Jasmine McGaha | Directress Emmanuel Reese | Director Dr. Charles L. Diggins | Vocal Coach Byron Thomas | Keyboards and Organ Derrick Franklin | Keyboards Jimmy Brock | Keyboards Rita Tucker | Bass Guitar ToDarrius Stewart | Percussionist Jeff Perry| Percussionist GUEST COMPOSERS Samuel R. Robinson Dr. Freda Givens Minister Jerry Brown SOUVENIR BOOKLET DESIGN & PRINTING Candace Johnson WORSHIP LEADER Rev. Richard L. Morgan Best Wishes to New Pilgrim Music Ministry with LOVE! YOUTH NEW PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH 2012 LIVE RECORDING MASS CHOIR Regina Harris Hannah Parker Deidre Mitchell* Tommie Coleman Ruthie Avery Carolyn Davis Shellane Grant Denise Deloach* Emma Henley Angela Douglass Carol Brown* Harriet Freeman Nellie Merritt Mary W. Hall Ruby Perdue Annie Levison Martha Smith Patsy Lewis Jackie Stephens Shirley Miller Iola Tate Mamie Mason Barbara Thomas Lavaria Myers Mary Thomas Alexis Alexander Eloise Hardy Rosalyne Butts Nadia Brooks* Sylvester Childress Ernestine Richardson Kevin Gamble * Brandi Walker Harvey Henley Janice Chambers Pamela Haywood* Juanita Polk Pat Weaver Byrd Ella Simmons Louise Webb Beatrice Lewis Miriam Thornton Fred Larriett William Butler Mooredean Nelson John Lewis Leroy Jackson Charles Johnson Janice Avery Leroy Smith Rosie Wilson Louis Custard Jamesel Lewis* Thomas Weaver Pearlie Perdue Gennetter Ricks Brenda Kimble Jacqueline Miles P.R.A.I.S.E Ensemble * is to help people manage the risks of everyday life, recover from the unexpected and realize their dreams. OUR MISSION ORDER OF WORSHIP Rev. Richard L. Morgan, Worship Leader Pastor - First African Baptist Church Tuscaloosa, AL The Pilgrims in Worship –A Prelude to Praise ▪ Call to Worship & Invocation | Rev. Dr. James H. Brooks ▪ Hymn of Worship - # 300 HOLY GROUND The Pilgrims in Praise I ▪ Welcome | New Pilgrim Youth Greeters Ministry ▪ NEW PILGRIM WELCOME SONG AND PRAISE MEDLEY | Written and Arranged by Eldrick M. Brown Jacqueline Miles | Soloist ▪ FINISH STRONG, YOU WIN | Written by Minister Jerry Brown Robert Jamison | Soloist ▪ I WANT TO BE READY WHEN MY JESUS COMES | Written by Eldrick M. Brown Nadia Brooks | Soloist ▪ JESUS PAID IT ALL | Arranged by Eldrick M. Brown Featuring Dr. James H. Brooks Carol Brown | Soloist ▪ (LORD) YOU’VE BEEN SO GOOD TO ME | Written by Eldrick M. Brown Featuring Dr. Charles L. Diggins The Pilgrims in Praise II | New Pilgrim P.R.A.I.S.E. Ensemble ▪ TIME FOR WORSHIP | Written by Dr. Freda D. Givens Dr. Freda D. Givens | Soloist ▪ GREAT IS THE LORD | Written by Eldrick M. Brown Eldrick M. Brown| Soloist WORSHIP THROUGH GIVING WORSHIP THROUGH DANCE|NEW PILGRIM MOVING BY FAITH MIME MINISTRY The Pilgrims in Praise III – Featuring Samuel R. Robinson ▪ AWESOME GOD, MY GOD | Written by Samuel R. Robinson Eldrick M. Brown | Soloist ▪ HE’S ALL THE WORLD TO ME | Written by Samuel R. Robinson Ella Simmons | Soloist ▪ TASTE AND SEE | Written by Samuel R. Robinson Angela Douglass | Soloist ▪ A TESTIMONY | Written by Samuel R. Robinson Jasmine McGaha | Soloist ▪ I WANT TO HEAR HIM SAY WELL DONE | Written by Samuel R. Robinson Jan Fuller | Soloist ▪ I HAVE SO MUCH TO THANK GOD FOR | Written by Samuel R. Robinson INVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP ▪GIVE CHRIST YOUR HEART | Written by Eldrick M. Brown Jasmine McGaha | Soloist SPECIAL PRESENTATION FOR KINGDOM BUILDERS 100 New Pilgrim Closing Song Benediction CONGRATULATIONS TO THE MUSIC MINISTRY OF NEW PILGRIM D eacons Ministry of New Pilgrim Baptist Church wholly supports your effort towards Kingdom Builders 100 Matthew 5:14-16 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Luke8:1 Now it came to pass, afterward, that He went through every city and village, preaching and bringing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with Him Frostings Hair Salon “You’ve Tried The Rest, Now Try The Best” UNISEX CUTS AND TRIMS RAZOR & WAXING EYEBROW ARCHING SHAMPOO Shack 307-9711 Mike 503.8028 Jeff 240-5103 Witt 413-3195 Ziggie 413-1336 Fat Jack 545-6006 1433 Woodward Road Midfield, AL 35228 PHONE: (205) 925-0307 In Loving Memory O OFF Eugene Bryant “YOU ARE GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN” Your Loving Wife and Nephews Sis. Ida Bryant, Bro. Jerry Vaughn, Bro. Gary Garrett In Recognition of Music Ministry Month OCTOBER 2012 “Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord all the earth” Psalm 96:1 The Case, Miller and Rodriquez Families Congratulations TO THE IN LOVING MEMORY Music Ministry of NPBC OOFF ROBERT L. MOTEN, SR. aanndd DOROTHY RUTLAN MOTEN FROM YOUR DAUGHTER Barbara M. Todd From Shellane Grant, Tori C. Lomax and Yaphette Carter WENDY ANGER Congratulations C h oi r ! PPrraaiissee yyee tthhee LLoorrdd!! PPrraaiissee G Goodd iinn H Hiiss SSaannccttuuaarryy PPrraaiissee H Hiim m iinn tthhee FFiirrm maam meennttss ooff H Hiiss PPoow weerr PPssaallm m 115500::11 Women’s Bible Class #4 Early Morning Prayer Group 1st and 3rd Saturday Mornings @ 7AM Come Join Us! In Loving Memory In Honor of Willie Davis OF Mrs. Zadie B. Daniels From Your Daughters THERESA CHEATAM & SANDRA EDWARDS IN LOVING MEMORY OF Paul & Susie Littlejohn With fond memories of a wonderful brother, loving and caring husband, father, uncle and trusting friend. We know that his benevolent spirit lingers on. He had a big heart and he untiringly and unselfishly gave of his time, money and efforts to support causes established to help young children and seniors alike. Like him, may we all strive to reach out a helping hand to promote the will of GOD! Earnestine Richardson N NEEW W PPIILLG GRRIIM M BBAAPPTTIISSTT CCH HU URRCCH H D Deeaaccoonneesssseess M Miinniissttrryy SSuuppppoorrttss TThhee N Neew w PPiillggrriim mM Muussiicc M Miinniissttrryy iinn yyoouurr EEffffoorrttss ffoorr KKiinnggddoom m BBuuiillddiinngg And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign forever and ever. Revelation 22:5 AAnndd w whhaattssooeevveerr yyee ddoo iinn w woorrdd oorr ddeeeedd,, ddoo aalll iinn tthhee nnaam mee ooff tthhee LLoorrdd JJeessuuss,, ggiivviinngg tthhaannkkss ttoo GGoodd aanndd tthhee FFaatthheerr bbyy hhiim m.. CCoolloossssiiaannss 33::1177 SisSSiiss.. M Maarryy DDoow wnnss,, CChhaaiirrppeerrssoonn “GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN” The Littlejohn Family SSiiss BBrreennddaa RRoobbeerrttss,, CCoo--CChhaaiirrppeerrssoonn SSiiss.. VVeerrnnoonniiccaa M Miicckkeennss--SSeeccrreettaarryy SSiiss.. JJuuaanniittaa W Wiilllliiaam mss,, TTrreeaassuurreerr Congratulations New Pilgrim Mass Choir IS THE VOICE OF THE HEART! P Pa au ulliin nee A Alllleen n R Roossa alliin ndd JJa acck kssoon n C Ca arrooll W Wiilllliia am mss Congratulations T TO OT TH HEE N NEEW WP PIILLG GR RIIM MB BA AP PT TIISST T CCH HU UR RCCH H M MU USSIICC M MIIN NIISST TR RYY TTHHEE SSMMIITTHH AANNDD HHOOPPKKIINNSS FFAAMMIILLIIEESS TTHHEE GGAAMMBBLLEE FFAAMMIILLYY Best Wishes TO THE NEW PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH MUSIC MINISTRY ON YOUR LIVE RECORDING G GLLE EN N IIR RIIS S E ELLE EM ME EN NTTA AR RY YS SC CH HO OO OLL C CH HO OR RU US S C Crryyssttaall D Daavviiss –– D Drraakkee C Chhoorraall C Coonndduuccttoorr In Loving Memory Margaret Howard Henrietta Wright 1916-2001 Tizeno Smith 1963-2008 “Loving Mother” “Devoted Son” Ella L. Smith Razzleberries Congratulatio Deli ns “Make A Joyful Noise Unto The Lord!!!!!!” TH 321 20 STREET NORTH BIRMINGHAM. AL 35203 205.320.6888 HOURS: 10:00A.M. – 3:00P.M. V NEW PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH MUSIC MINISTRY FROM CLARENCE TERRY FOLLOW US ONLINE: Congratulations To Carolyn Davis and The New Pilgrim Baptist Church Mass Choir Congratulations New Pilgrim Music Ministry From The February Sheepfold Congratulations TO THE Music Ministry of New Pilgrim Baptist Church In Loving Memory of OUR MOM AND OUR GUARDIAN ANGEL Congratulations To The Music Ministry Ms. Fannie Julye July 19, 1946 to March 11, 2009 FROM YOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN: Felecia, Adrian, Adrienne & Jamal Minor The Toolabi Family Established 1982 Owner/Operator Glenford Hullett VISIONS BY GLENFORD”S HAIR STUDIO Specializing in Long and Short Hair Styles Cuts, Colors, Waves Ear Piercing Eye Brow Arch Congratulations T TO OT TH HEE M MU USSIIC CM MIIN NIISST TR RY Y From T Thhee C Cuurrrryy,, SShheeiillddss aanndd SSttoorreeyy FFaam miilliieess D Deerrrriicckk,, D Diioonn C Caauullttoonn,, B Brriittttaannyy aanndd H Haarrrriieett LLO OVVEE A ALLW WA AYYSS A AN ND DM MA AYY G GO OD DK KEEEEPP BBLLEESSSSIIN NG G YYO OU U 1-Hour Shampoo and Blow Dry Business Hours Mon – Sat 6AM – 6PM 527 19th Street Ensley Birmingham, AL 35218 Office: 205.788.4VGS Cell: 205.283.4847 In Loving Memory Of Brother Siguard Harper Sister Katherine W. Harper Sister Catherine Harper Springs CONGRATULATIONS TO NEW PILGRIM MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH MUSIC MINISTRY ON YOUR MUSICAL ENDEAVOR Linda Harper Johnson and Family “Let Everything That Has Breath, Praise The Lord!! Psalm 150:6 Congratulations To New Pilgrim Music Ministry From Sis. Sedera Ward and New Pilgrim VBS Family C. RAY TIRE & AUTO SERVICE CENTER “Customer Service For Customer Satisfaction” Make A Joyful Noise Unto The Lord, All Ye Land Psalm 100:1 WE CONGRATULATE THE MUSIC MINISTRY AND FULLY SUPPORT THE EFFORTS OF KINGDOM BUILDERS 100 AT NEW PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH Owners: C. Ray and Loretta Holley IN MEMORY OF Sis. Roberta Brinson “ She Loved The Lord and New Pilgrim Baptist Church Proverbs 3:5-6 Louise & Demetrius Webb Brenda Jo Johnson HOMESTEAD HOUSE 1200 Bessemer Road FINE HOME FURNISHING SINCE 1960 Birmingham, AL 35228 205.923.7900 MONDAY-FRIDAY 10AM-6PM All of your family at Homestead House wish to congratulate Mrs. Nellie Merritt and the wonderful choir for the Music Ministry Month at New Pilgrim Baptist Church. May God bless you and your ministry and each and every one of you. OUR YEAR OF DESTINY 2012 Congratulations and Best Wishes To Bro. Eldrick Brown and New Pilgrim Baptist Church Music MinistryBro. Johnny and Sis. Ann Anthony Pilgrims in Praise Moving By Faith MIME MINISTRY New Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church Moving By Faith Mime Ministry moves according to the Holy Spirit in order to minister to God’s people Our movements are not what we can see within ourselves, but in our faith in the power of Our Most High God. We live by faith, not by sight” 2Chrinthians 5:7 Instructor Cantesa Cousette Director Barbara Thomas May God Bless You, Eldrick and the NEW PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH MUSIC MINISTRY On Your Pilgrims in Praise Project in conjunction with THE KINGDOM BUILDERS 100 CAMPAIGN 4817 JEFFERSON AVENUE SW BIRMINGHAM, AL 35221 205.925.2134 WWW.HOPEWELLONLINE.NET Dr. Edward Rodgers SSEEN NIIO OR R PPA ASSTTO OR R . 500 Riverchase Parkway East, Suite 100 Hoover, AL 35244-1834 (205) 322-1504 LaVeeda Morgan Battle is passionate about assisting clients with understanding the implementation of new legislation. She has more than 30 years of broad experience working with both public and private clients in matters ranging from federal appropriations law requirements to understanding the impact of recent legislative reforms on the specific priorities of her clients. Congratulations NEW PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH MUSIC MINISTRY ON COMPLETING A LIVE RECORDINGFOR KINGDOM BUILDERS O Of f NPBC On behalf of the Youth Ministry of New Pilgrim Baptist Church, we would like to congratulate the Music Ministry a job well done on their live recording. Rev. Lamar D. Johnson Associate Pastor of Youth and Family Life Rev. Dr. James H. Brooks I Senior Pastor "O sing unto the Lord a new song: sing unto the Lord, all the earth. Sing unto the Lord, bless his name; show forth his salvation from day to day." Psalm 96:1-2 MAY GOD’S RICHEST BLESSINGS FALL UPON YOU AS YOUR MUSIC MINISTRY FULFILLS ITS LIVE RECORDING DREAM! O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph. Sing praises to God, sing praises: sing praises unto our King, sing praises. Psalm 47 1,6 Keep Making A JOYFUL Noise NPBC Mass Choir and May God Bless This Project New Pilgrim Daycare Center 903 6th Avenue South B’ham, al 35233 Our Prime Interest is your Child Now enrolling children 6 weeks – 12 years We Offer Pre-k Jasmine R. MaGaha-Director Hours of Operation Mon – Fri 6AM – 7PM Three Generations of Praising and Trusting God “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths” Proverbs 3:4-5 Psalm 150:1 “Let everything that hath breath, praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.” AND HEALTH MINISTRY The Church Nurses’ Pledge I solemnly pledge before God and in the presence of my fellow man, to pass my life in purity and practice my Christian living faithfully. I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous. I will not knowingly administer harm to my fellow man. I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate my Nursing Ministry calling and will hold in confidence, all personal matters committed to keeping in my Church, District, State and National affairs. With loyalty, I will endeavor to aid and devote myself to the welfare of those I come in contact with, thru Jesus Christ our Lord, we pledge. Amen OFFICERS Carolyn Brooks/President &Treasurer Sandra Middlebrook/Co-Chair & Secretary Chasity Scott/Corresponding Secretary Letichia Griffin/Financial Secretary MEMBERS Eloise Ward Derrick Tolbert Miki Peavy Erica Wilkinson YOUTH Nadia Brooks Roderick Middlebrook HONORARY MEMBERS Mrs. Beatrice Kroinger Mrs. Silvia Steel Mother Bertha Underwood HER DREAM To Someday See A Black President in The White House HER DEVOTION To Help Some Girl or Boy Go Up The Ladder HER PASSION Music Thank You, MOTHER UNDERWOOD For Loving Me Sam Ezell DEACON ROOSEVELT WILLIAMS “WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU” JENNIFER ELAINE WILLIAMS WIFE AND MOTHER - JUANITA J. WILLIAMS FATHER AND SISTER - ROOSEVELT H. WILLIAMS and JEROME J. WILLIAMS GRANDFATHER AND MOTHER -ASHLEY A. WILLIAMS GRANDFATHER AND AUNT- BRIAN, MARCUS, VANITY, KRYSTAL AND JOHNATHAN WILLIAMS Congratulations to New Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church Music Ministry Our Year of Destiny 2012 BOARD OF TRUSTEES OFFICERS Bro. Eddie Coleman, Jr., Chairman Bro. Henry Johnson, Co-Chair Sis. Doris J. Brooks, Secretary Bro. William H. Smith, Treasurer MEMBERS Bro. Roosevelt Avery Bro. Lynn R. Battle Sis. Mary Bimbo Bro. Sylvester Childress Sis. Tommie Coleman Bro. William “Bill” Ellis Bro. Henry Gibson Bro. Nathan King, Jr. Bro. Paul Littlejohn, Sr. Bro. Anthony Moore Bro. Mahion Thomas Deacon and Sister Harvey Lee Henley and Children \ Congratulations To The New Pilgrim Baptist Church Combined Choirs Album Presentation The Children Congratulate Their Parents for Being A Part of This Presentation. May God Continue to Bless You, Bro. Brown and All of Your Associates May God Bless Pastor Brooks and The New Pilgrim Baptist Church Family With the New Pilgrim Baptist Church Music Ministry Rev. Dr. James H. Brooks Senior Pastor Bro. Eldrick M.Brown Minister of Music Friday, October 12, 2012 6:30 P.M. New Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church 708 Goldwire Place Southwest Birmingham, Alabama 35211 GUEST COMPOSERS Dr. Freda Givens — Atlanta, GA and Minister Jerry Brown — Columbus, MS Featured Guest Composer Mr. Samuel R. Robinson — Tuscaloosa, AL