May - The Police News
May - The Police News
The Police News Galveston County Edition VOLUME VIII, NUMBER 5 IN MEMORIAM Danny Lee Weber August 11, 1948 - April 23, 2011 Lifelong Galvestonian, former for three consecutive terms totaling Galveston Fire Chief, and District 5 six years of service on City Council. Councilman Danny Weber, Sr. passed Danny also served as a member of the Park Board of Trustees away Saturday morning, for six years and was on April 23, 2011, following the Board of Directors for a brief illness. Danny was the Mardi Gras Children's surrounded by loved ones Parade. Danny had a pasat the time of his passing. sion for good family times Danny was born at and honest hard work. St. Mary's Infirmary in He enjoyed refurbishing Galveston, TX in 1948 furniture and restoring to Leroy (Buddy) and antiques, as well as barbeAnastacia Scofelia Wecuing and music. Danny ber. He attended elemenDanny Lee Weber loved Galveston and altary school at St. Patrick's and graduated from Kirwin High ways encouraged all to remember to School in 1967. Danny then gradu- "Shop Local and Hire Local." Danny was preceded in death by his ated from Galveston Junior College where he received an Associate De- parents. He is survived by his wife of over 40 years, Yvonne (Vonn) Weber; grees in Business and Fire Studies. In 1970, Danny wed the love of his two loving children: Danny Weber, Jr. life, Yvonne, shortly after joining the and wife, Susan; and Anastacia Rubio Galveston Fire Department to begin and husband, Jesse; grandchildren: Samantha and Megan Weber and Jeshis fire career. Danny was also a longshoreman se and Rebecca Rubio; sister, Sister and a member of the ILA. Danny Rosalita Weber of Sisters of Charity joined the Knights of Columbus in of the Incarnate Word in Houston; and 1989 and rose to become a Past Faith- numerous nieces, nephews, other relaful Navigator 4th Degree Knights of tives and friends. A rosary was held April 26th at SaColumbus of the Msgr. Chataignon Assembly #9978. He was an instruc- cred Heart Church in Galveston, led tor in Fire Technologies at Galves- by Deacon John Pistone. Funeral Mass was on April 27th, at ton College and ran two consecutive Fire Academies through the school. the church with burial following at Danny achieved the rank of Galves- Calvary Catholic Cemetery. Pallbearers were members of the ton Fire Chief, where he remained until his retirement after 32 years of Galveston Fire Department and members of the Knights of Columbus. service. To honor Danny's memory and his After retirement, Danny sought, ran for, and won the City Council desire to give back, please donate Representative position for District blood to the UTMB Blood Bank in 5. He proudly represented District 5 Danny's name. May 2011 Rookie Officer Killed in Shootout 57 Years Ago in Galveston, Texas By Breck Porter 1954 was a year of dramatic events. Newspapers across America were headlining the Supreme Court decision outlawing separate public schools for black and white children. Florida had raised the minimum age for the death penalty to 18, halting the execution of minors, and Congress added "Under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance. June 11th of that year was a typical summer day in Galveston. It was the peak of the summertime tourist season. It was Friday and the weekend tourist traffic was already pouring onto the island, over the Galveston Causeway which seperates Galveston Island from the mainland. Beaches were packed with sunbathers and thousands of kids splashing in the surf. These summer weekends were, and still are, a boom to the island economy, but often a strain on the limited resources and manpower of the Galveston Police Department. Officers of the GPD were dealing with the onslaught of traffic which typically began in early afternoon each Friday. Motorcycle officer A.B. "Happy" McGaffey, a young, 24-year old Galveston police officer with less than two years on the force was among the officers faced with the task of maintaining peace and controlling the traffic as the weekend crowds invaded Galveston island. There was little time for a lunch break, so as he often did, Happy stopped at his parent's home on Avenue M to have lunch. He knew his mother, Ellen, would have lunch prepared because his brother Louis would be home for lunch before going to work in the plumbing department at Austin Junior High School. Louis was a student in the morning and worked in the afternoon. His father, who worked at the Kempner Cotton Compress, also came home for lunch each day. Happy often joined them and enjoyed visiting during the break. He could also park his motorcycle near the kitchen widow where he could hear his police radio. There were no walkie-talkies as officers are equipped with today, so it was necessary for officers to stay within hearing distance of radios in their squad cars or on their motorcycles. Happy was a married man, with a year old daughter, and second child on the way. He and wife Dorothy married shortly after he became a Galveston police officer and they wasted no time beginning a family. Being in a police family was nothing new for Dorothy. Her father was the Police Chief in Brownwood, Texas. A.B. McGaffey, III, nicknamed "Happy" since early childhood, signed up with the Galveston Police Department in early 1953 beginning his career as a rookie assigned to a patrol car with a more senior officer, commonly call a 'Field Training Officer or FTO'. This was, and still is, part of the training of new officers until it is determined that the officer is capable of working alone without immediate supervision. Happy's ambition was to be a motorcycle officer, and within his first year on the force he had applied for and been reassigned to the Motorcycle Patrol unit. Happy was happy. He loved the feel of sitting astride the powerful Harley Davidson, the surge of response when he accelerated, and the way the Harley maneuvered in traffic. Like all solo cops, he was born to be a motor jock. It's what he loved and what he wanted to be. A drama had began unfolding at about 10:15 that Friday morning when police received a call to investigate a disturbance at a rooming house at 2619 Avenue H. Two officers had been dispatched, but by the time they arrived there was no one there who knew anything about the complaint, so they left. Rookie Officer...Cont. on pg 3 SEX OFFENDERS-Galveston Co. These are NOT wanted fugitives, but Registered Sex Offenders. If observed residing at any address other than the one listed below the photo, please notify the Galveston County Sheriff’s Office 409-766-2320 THE POLICE NEWS Police News Publishing Co. LLC 9118 Jamaica Beach Galveston TX 77554 CAFE Editor & Publisher Breck Porter [email protected] Open Monday – Saturday 6am-2pm Art Director/Graphic Designer Diane Jolley [email protected] Galveston Printing Mirror Publishers, Inc [email protected] Advertising/Distribution 409-632-0082 Nationwide Toll Free 1-888-788-8967 409-763-9289 Open fOr BuSineSS WelcOMe Back! Carpet Cleaning Copyright 2011 – All rights reserved Page 2 - The Police News Braggs, Lemandale Dewayne B/M DOB: 11-27-76 2813 Ave C Dickinson 77539 Victim: Female/19 Sexual Assault Risk Level: MODERATE Combs, Brandon Allen W/M DOB: 11-27-82 615 24th #30 San Leon 77539 Victim: Female/15 Idecency w/ Child by Exposure Risk Level: MODERATE Fedele, Ronald Dean W/M DOB: 07-21-63 4123 Lechenger Street Bacliff 77518 Victims: M/6 F/7 M/10 Indecency w/Child by Exposure X3 Risk Level: HIGH Griffiths, Benjamin David W/M DOB: 11-29-75 4814 15th St. Bacliff 77518 Victim: Female/6 Agg Sex Assault of a Child Risk Level: MODERATE Knebel, Sean Elliott W/M DOB: 11-08-81 623 Jackson Bacliff 77518 Victim: Female/15 Sexual Assault of a Child Risk Level: MODERATE Semkiw, Mark J W/M DOB: 05-08-62 3717 S 1/2 Galveston 77550 Victim: Female/30 Sexual Assault x 2 Risk Level: HIGH Sterner, Edward Lee W/M DOB: 04-21-65 210 27th St. #26 San Leon 77539 Victim: Female/5 Indecency w/child/Sex Contact Risk Level: LOW Thomas, Robert Walter W/M DOB: 03-14-75 3712 Chanterway #1 Bacliff 77518 Victim: Female/35 Sexual Assault Risk Level: MODERATE "We clean the out of your carpet!” • Upholstery & Drapery Cleaning • Stripping & Waxing • 24 Hour Water Extractions Bonded & Insured - Galveston’s Finest The Police News is published monthly in Galveston TX. To subscribe or inquire about your subscription call: 1-888-788-8967 Toll Free Bailey, Thomas Allen W/M DOB: 11-30-85 1230 Ave K San Leon 77539 Victim: Male/5 Agg Sex Assault of Child Risk Level: NONE ASSIGNED 413 24th Street Galveston News Office 409-762-NEWS Business Office 409-632-0042 Adams, Tyrell Tremain B/M DOB: 12-02-84 2808 Avenue B Dickinson 77539 Victim: Male/5 Agg Sex Assault of a Child X2 Risk Level: HIGH SHAMPOO & $ STEAM CLEANING LIVING ROOM, 89.95 FORDINING & HALL Additional Rooms $18.95 409-256-1569 Rookie Officer...Cont. from pg 1 Shortly before noon, while the McGaffey's were enjoying lunch, a second call to the same address came into the police dispatcher. This time the caller reported that a 'madman' was shooting at people from a second story window. Officers J.E. Parrish and J.P. O'Donohoe, arriving at the scene, spotted smoke coming from the upstairs window and saw a man shooting down into the street. They called for assistance from additional police officers and firefighters. More than 20 officers from the Galveston Police Department and area agencies rushed to the scene. Happy McGaffey's lunch was cut short. According to relatives recounting the events, as Happy rushed to his motorcycle, his mother begged him not to go because she "had a bad feeling" about that call. But Happy was dutybound. He cranked up his Harley and roared off to the scene to assist the other officers who were converging on the location. Chief of Police W.J. "Willie" Burns, Chief of Detectives W.J. Whitburn and Sergeant H.F. Wisrodt were among those responding. They showed up carrying riot squad tear gas guns. As the event unfolded it was learned the gunman inside the rooming house was 38-year old Clarence Sims. By the time fire trucks arrived he was downstairs and police were making plans to fire tear gas into the house. They were unsure if there were other residents inside so they asked firefighters direct a high pressure hose at the front door to blast it open. Fireman William S. Fernandez told reporters he took the hose and went to the front door. As he got close enough to open the nozzle, Sims appeared and pointed his gun at him and fired once, missing him. Fernandez dropped the hose and ran for cover. Sims then ran out the back door into the back yard in an attempt to escape. McGaffey, arriving at the scene and seeing the action, ran around the side of the house towards the back yard to cut Sims off. The gate to the fenced yard was locked so McGaffey leaped over it. There are varying accounts of how McGaffey was actually shot. Only one person, other than McGaffey and Sims was in the backyard when the shooting started. Officer Louis Rivaux was coming over the fence from another direction when he saw Sims shoot at McGaffey and miss. Rivaux reported that instead of returning fire, McGaffey tackled Sims, and as the two struggled, the officer lost his footing. As he fell, Sims pulled the trigger twice, hitting him once in the shoulder and once in the chest, fatally wounding him. Officer Rivaux, seeing McGaffey gunned down, opened fire at Sims who was trying to flee from the backyard. Rivaux fired nine times from his automatic pistol without hitting the gunman. Sims, trying to get away, reached the 22 years Community Involvement and Service VO TE VOTE TIM PA ULISSEN PAULISSEN FOR MA YOR MAY Because Leadership Does Matter Stop Wasteful Spending and Restore Fiscal Responsibility Leadership with Conservative Values Pd. Pol.Adv: Tim Paulissen for Mayor, Ann F. Paulissen, Treasurer 209 Water Oak Drive, League City, TX 77573 Coverage and savings based on policy features selected and are subject to terms, conditions and availability. Allstate Fire And Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2010 Allstate Insurance Company. www locked backyard gate and turned to face Rivaux. As the officer rushed him, Sims fired one shot at him. Later Rivaux said he didn't know whether Sims' gun was empty or whether it misfired, "but at any rate I didn't get hit." As the two fought, Sims beat Rivaux over the head with his pistol and attempted to gouge his eyes. Running through the house, Galveston Fire Chief William J. Henderson got to the rear door and saw the fight in progress between Rivaux and Sims. He picked up a six foot long two-by-four board and swung it at Sims but missed. He threw the board aside and ran to attend to the fallen officer. Fire Captain Pat Doherty and fireman Alex Balfour also rushed into the backyard to help Rivaux who was in a desperate struggle with the crazed Sims. Doherty grabbed the pistol from the fallen McGaffey and he and Balfour went to help Rivaux. After pistol-whipping Sims into submission, they handcuffed him and took him into custody. Albert Mathews, who lived in the rooming house with Sims and several other persons, told police that Sims "began acting up the night before." He said Sims was going around the house saying that someone was after him and wanted to shoot him with a machine gun. Mathews and others were able to calm the rampaging Sims that evening, but trouble erupted again the next morning when Sims opened fire with his pistol into the street outside the residence. The day ended with McGaffey dead, officer Louis Rivaux being treated at St. Mary's Infirmary for lacerations suffered in his struggle with Sims, and Sims being jailed and charged with the murder of the young Galveston officer. It was later learned that McGaffey's parents, Ellen and Al McGaffey, left their home shortly after their son and went to the scene of the shooting. Ellen had begged him not to go since he had not been dispatched to it, but Happy went anyway. The coupled arrived at the scene just as the body of their son was being loaded into the ambulance. Louis McGaffey, Happy's brother with whom he had lunch earlier, reported for work at Austin Junior High School after lunch, and was told by employee's of hearing radio reports of a police shootout on Avenue H in which an officer had been shot. Asked if the report had given the officers name, one of the employee's recalled that it was "Happy." Brother-in-law William Ginn recalled coming to Galveston as a young man to visit Happy's sister Dolores. "I lived in Houston and when I would come to visit Dolores in Galveston, Happy would often stop me on Broadway. 'Where you goin' boy" he would ask me, and I'd say, "to visit your sister officer." A.B. "Happy" McGaffey, III was born in Coral Gables, Florida and moved to Galveston when he was 14 years old where he enrolled at Ball High School. During 1946, he left school and volunteered for the Navy. He enlisted on Rookie Officer...Cont. on pg 5 Join the HomeTown Team Come home to HomeTown Bank, where we take a personal interest in serving your family and commercial needs. The HomeTown Team believes good banking means good service, and as a community bank we take special pride in our many contributions to the communities we serve. Contact Tim at 281-455-3816 Happy Hour! 5:00 - 7:00 pm $1.50 beers Wed: Karaoke night Fri. & Sat.: DJ Boulet Video games 2720 Market St Galveston 409-621-6437 Now with six full-service locations serving your needs, including our newest bank in Downtown Friendswood: Galveston: 1801 45th St. • 45th & Seawall Blvd. Friendswood: 3211 FM 528 • 601 S. Friendswood Drive League City: 1406 W. Main • Alvin: 1050 North Bypass 35 Main Bank Phone: (409) 763-1271 • Seawall Branch: (409) 763-5252 Internet: The Police News - Page 3 H & R Grocery & Meat Market 1428 35th St. Galveston • Custom Meat Orders • Italian Sausages • Marine & Restaurant Open 7 am to 8 pm Mon. – Sat. 8 am to 8 pm Sunday Since 1984 409-762-4510 Will Cary Kerr die for killing Pamela Horton? By Breck Porter Se w i n g & Al t e r a t i o n s 10% DISCOUNT for FIRST RESPONDERS UNIFORMS 6610-B Stewart Road, Galveston 409-744-3632 Meat Market 409-762-3765 LOANS up to $1240 • NO CREDIT CHECK – GUARANTEED LOANS ON YOUR CLEAR CAR TITLE (Car must be licensed & running. Although another man was her boyfriend, Pamela Horton had been seen at bars in Fort Worth in Cary D. Kerr's company for about a month. On the evening of July 11, 2001, Horton socialized with Jennifer York and Kerr at a bar called the Swan Club, and the three later went to a nearby nightclub called Cowtown. Jennifer briefly danced with Kerr but when he grabbed her arm as she was walking away, she punched him. Jennifer did not like Kerr and told Pamela so, but Pamela defended him as being "a nice guy." Pamela Horton later told Jennifer that she needed a ride home, but Jennifer was not yet ready to leave. Pamela was clearly intoxicated. In her testimony, Jennifer York characterized Pamela Horton as an "impatient" person, who could be predicted to look for someone else to take her home immediately, rather than wait until Jennifer was ready. Later, a bartender noticed Pamela leaving with Kerr. After escorting her from the nightclub, Kerr returned briefly and whispered to Cathy Dawson, "I'm taking this drunk bitch home and I'll be right back." At 2:00 a.m. on July 12, a taxicab driver spotted Pamela Horton's dead body, lying in the street. The cab driver located an ambulance and notified the paramedics of the body's location. Pamela was wearing shorts but nothing else: no shirt, socks, shoes, or underwear. Only the top button of the shorts' button-fly was fastened. There was "fuzz" on her feet, indicating she had recently worn socks. After the paramedics had wrapped her body, Kerr approached them and asked them to pull back the sheet because he believed he could identify her. The paramedics responded that they would not pull back the sheet but asked Kerr to tell them who it was if he knew. Kerr said he was the one who found the body and had called them. The paramedics responded that no one "called" them; they were on the scene because they had been approached by a taxicab driver. Kerr then told them he had flagged down the taxi. Kerr also told them he had not stopped We must be able to verify income & address) A&A–D&P NO TITLE? We also offer: • SIGNATURE & STARTER LOANS • INCOME TAX PREPARATION 2323 Broadway St, Galveston 409-765-5988 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE • • • • • • • Heavy Duty Unlock Any Car NO JOB TOO FAR Jump Start or TOO SMALL! RV Towing Off Road Service Out of Town Towing Emergency Auto Repair Operated by the Anderwalds 409-740-0581 - 409-740-1622 Toll Free: 866-740-1622 his car upon discovering her body because he thought she might be a robbery decoy and that he had seen a black sedan with two men in it parked nearby. Then he said he recognized the woman as someone who frequented bars in the area. When police arrived they saw a purse in Kerr's car and asked whose it was. Kerr first said it was the dead woman's and then added, "If that's the girl I picked up, maybe it's hers." Horton's boyfriend would later identify the purse as one he had bought for her. Kerr became very nervous after this admission and retrieved the purse from his car for the officers' inspection. A broken, comb-like hair clip was attached to the handle of the purse. During their conversation with Kerr, the officers noticed a long strand of blonde hair on his face. Kerr didn't have blonde hair but Horton did. One of the officers took the strand of blonde hair and later arrested Kerr at the scene. On the way to the police station, Kerr started kicking the back window of the patrol car and began "cussing" and saying he was going to get out of the car. Horton's body exhibited a large number of injuries, some of which were inflicted before death, and some after death. Her injuries while she was still alive included: bruising of her right temple and the top of her right eye, a bruise on the top side of her left eye or eyelid, tiny pinpoint bruises on her neck and the collarbone, a bruise on her chest above the right breast, and bruises on both arms. Also, the hyoid bone of her neck was fractured. Post-mortem injuries included abrasions on the trunk of her body, the front part of her breasts, her abdomen, her left arm, her right leg, and her right foot. These post-mortem abrasions were "gliding abrasions" that could be found on someone thrown out of a motor vehicle. It was determined that Horton also had semen in her mouth. According to the deputy medical examiner who performed the autopsy, the bruises on Horton's neck indicated the cause of death was manual strangulation and that her death was a homicide. A forensic anthropologist testified that the broken hyoid bone was also a sign of manual strangulation. He indicated that the injuries and sexual activity occurred within a short time of each other, but he conceded in cross-examination that the physical condition of the body was not inconsistent with consensual sexual activity followed by a homicide. DNA testing showed that the semen in the Horton's mouth matched the defendant's DNA profile. The probability of a match with another person was 1 in 21 trillion for Caucasians, 1 in 159 trillion for those of African descent, and 1 in 615 trillion for Southwestern Hispanics. Hair analysis of the strand of blonde hair picked off Kerr's face showed simiGary Kerr...Cont. on pg 9 Page 4 - The Police News Veteran Sheriff’s Official Will Seek Top Spot Pruitt To Run For Sheriff of Galveston County GALVESTON, TX - John W. Pruitt, Jr. has announced his intention to seek the office of Galveston County Sheriff during the upcoming 2012 elections. Pruitt, a 27-year Sheriff’s Office veteran, is a well-known and respected expert in the field of crime scene forensics, having spent nearly his entire career working in that field; including assignment to the Criminal Investigation Division as a Major Crime Scene Investigator. He currently holds the rank of Captain and serves as commander of the Sheriff’s Office John W Pruitt, Jr. Identification & Records Division. In addition, he oversees the Training Division and Sex Offender Compliance Program as well as handling technical assignments supporting the Sheriff’s multi-agency computerized information system. Pruitt has to his credit thousands of hours of law enforcement training. In addition to being a graduate of the FBI National Academy and the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute at Sam Houston State University, he also holds a Master licenses as a peace officer and county jailer, and is a long-time law enforcement instructor. Captain Pruitt has twice been honored as a Fifty Club Outstanding Officer of the Year and serves his community as a member of the Teen Health Center Board of Directors. A Galveston County native, Pruitt will seek office as a Democrat in the March, 2012 primary. Rookie Officer...Cont. from pg 3 March 29, 1946 and earned the rank of Seaman Second Class, but when the Navy discovered that he was only 16-years old, he was honorably discharged on September 4th, after serving only six months. During his school days, he worked partime at the C.P. Evans food store and after graduating from high school, was promoted to assistant manager. He left the grocery business in 1952 to join the police force. McGaffey was well liked by his fellow officers. They commented, following his death, that he always had a ready smile and good word for everyone. As a police officer, McGaffey was considered one of the best of the new patrolmen, having been on the force less than two years. He was given a hero's funeral by the Galveston Police Department. Throngs of police officers from more than a dozen agencies, and citizens from throughout Galveston County, attended his funeral at Malloy and Son Funeral Home. He was laid to rest in the Galveston County Memorial Cemetery where he was later joined by his parents. In a strange conclusion to this story, McGaffey's killer, Clarence Sims, killed himself in his jail cell the very next day by beating his head against the steel bars. His funeral was on the same day as the officer he had murdered. On the day of McGaffey's funeral, the killer's parents showed up at the funeral home to pay their respects to the officer. Brother-in-law William Ginn said, "I was standing right there by the casket. They (Sims parents) were crying and told Happy's Mom and Dad they wished Happy were their son, rather than that other man over there, referring to their own son. Happy McGaffey will be among police officers nationwide honored this month during National Peace Officers Week, May 15th-21st. Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Supper 24 Hours a Day, for 37 Years. Galveston’s Premiere After Hours Dining Spot on the Beachfront! 3600 Seawall Blvd. • Galveston 409-762-0035 PIPES & LIGHTS LAW ENFORCEMENT MEMORIAL RIDE: MAY 21, 2011 RIDE with your club! $15 per rider; $20 for double 8 am Registration opens 10 am Blessing of the Bikes & Kick stands up Hosted by Republic Harley Davidson 12707 Southwest Freeway, Stafford, TX 10:30 am Memorial Dedication at Sugar Land Police Department Raffle & Auction !! Chili Cook Off, Raffle & Auction !! Register and bring your 2-10 person chili team, burner, smiles and 5 gallons of chili! Decorate your booth! Set up at 10:30 Tasting at 12 noon & Judging at 1 pm 1st, 2nd & People’s Choice prizes! Auction and Raffle for Weekend Getaway, Staycation, Motorcycle apparel and more! Proceeds to benefit the Sugar Land Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association Reach the SLCPAAA at 832-620-3637 or for more information Free Tax Preparation! The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program will help prepare basic 2010 tax returns for individuals, families and seniors FREE of charge. IRS-certified tax preparers are available to help you get the refund you deserve. Come and see if you qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit - or any other credit. This could mean a refund of more than $4,000! To quAlIFy, you muST EARn $49,000 oR lESS. CAll FoR An APPoInTmEnT (409)765-6067. Galveston Branch 69th Street Branch 2421 69th Street, Galveston, TX 77551 409-741-9695 Main Office 2302 Church Street, Galveston, TX 77550 409-765-6067 800-256-0831• Fax 409-765-9853 La Marque Branch 2600 F.M. 1764 La Marque, TX 77568 409-986-6595 • Fax 409-986-4963 The Police News - Page 5 Across 1 Alpha's opposite 6 Lily of Utah 10 Jordin Sparks or Taylor Hicks 14 Gondoliers' propellers 15 Tartan-sporting group 16 Brussels-based org. 17 Some arithmetic to memorize 19 Prefix with inflammatory 20 "The Stepford Wives" author Levin 21 Aer Lingus destination: Abbr. 22 West Bank city 24 Card game with melding 27 Ancient region in Asia Minor 28 One of a showy hoops team 32 Feral cat's home, maybe 35 Low man in the choir 36 "The Wire" network 37 Dates regularly 38 Internet hookup, for many 40 Word repeated after "Que" in song 41 Aardvark's morsel 42 __ bonding 43 Ohio rubber center 44 Candidate for a Ph.D., say 48 Paddock papas 49 More saccharine 53 To boot 55 __ Paulo, Brazil 56 Manhattan's Park or Lexington: Abbr. 57 Mideast ruler 58 Shades 62 Enjoy the kiddie pool 63 Pennsylvania port city 64 Shelled out 65 Wilma's toon mate 66 Short swims 67 Junkyard purchases Down 1 Fiber-__ cable 2 Ballerina Shearer 3 Violinist Mischa 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 23 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 38 39 40 42 43 45 46 47 50 51 52 53 54 55 59 60 61 "__ whiz!" Braying beast Brightly colored beetle Dresden's river Guy's date Like a tiny town Very soon Former "CBS Evening News" anchor Grid Hall of Famer Graham Pork or beef cut Yugoslavia's Marshal __ Son of Seth Goes gray On the __ (secretly) Stressed type: Abbr. Flowed back Longest river wholly in Spain Horse hue "Fast!" on a memo Jocular Jay Doesn't hold accountable Touched with affection "__, poor Yorick" __-Ball (arcade game) Baseball bosses: Abbr. Fed one's face Layered, like a wedding cake Grammarians' concerns Delinquent GI Electric dart firer It's what's happening Takes five Province east of Que. General Bradley Saucy sort Mentalist Geller Cleopatra's undoer Answers...on pg 8 Mineral spring site Mi Abuelita's Mexican Restaurant 1728 45th St. Galveston 409-621-1616 Home Cooked Meals: Quesadillas • Nachos Breakfast Burritos Fajitas • Enchiladas Page 6 - The Police News POLICE OFFICER The City of Santa Fe Police Department is a Civil Service employer and will be accepting applications until 5:30 PM on Thursday, June 2, 2011, to test for placement on an eligibility list for the position of Entry Level Police Officer. Starting wage is $18.80 per hour. The test date will be June 16, 2011. Applications may be submitted to City of Santa Fe, P. O. Box 950, 12002 Hwy. 6, Santa Fe, TX 77510-0950, 409-925-6412. For more information: or contact Pamela Wood, Civil Service Director. Remembering Danny August 11, 1948 April 23, 2011 The Police News - Page 7 Galveston County Grand Jury Indictments The following persons were named in criminal indictments by Galveston County Grand Juries in May 2011 BATES, RANDY ALLEN - POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE BLACK, CHRISTOPHER DEWAYNE - FELONY ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY INJURY-FAMILY VIOLENCE BOOKER, ASHLIE MICHELLE - FORGERY OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT BRITTON, TYRONE DAVON - POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE & TAMPERING WITH PHYSICAL EVIDENCE JAIL BROUSSARD, DALTON G - AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON BROWN, CASSANDRA LYNN - ROBBERY CONERLY, KEVIN EUGENE - FELONY ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY INJURY - FAMILY VIOLENCE CUROE, BRYAN MATTHEW - FELONY ASSAULT CAUSING BODILY INJURY FAMILY VIOLENCE-STRANGULATION CUROE, BRYAN MATTHEW - AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON DAVIS, DAVID WINDELL - FELONY EVADING ARREST WITH VEHICLE ESCOBAR, JULIO CESEAR - FELONY CRIMINAL MISCHIEF >=$1,500 GARCIA, MICHAEL JACOB - FAILURE TO REGISTER AS SEX OFFENDER GARRETT, STEVEN CHARLES - POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 1<1G GIVENS, JALEESA DESHAWN - FELONY THEFT >=$1,500<$20K HENRY, EDDIE RAY - FELONY EVADING ARREST WITH VEHICLE, UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF FIREARM BY FELON, POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 1G<4G JAIL & AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON (TWO COUNTS) HICKS, BRENT PHILLIP - FELONY EVADING ARREST WITH VEHICLE JEFFCOAT, BRANDON SLOANE - POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 1<1G> JOHNSON, VICTORAN - POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 28G<200G LEE, BRUCE EDWARD - POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 28G<200G & TAMPERING WITH PHYSICAL EVIDENCE LEMONS JR, RAY EDWARD - POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUSBTANCE 1<1G JAIL LOPEZ, EDDIE - AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON JAIL MAYBERRY JR, ERNAL - FELONY EVADING ARREST WITH PRIORS MERRITT, JAMES ERNEST - AGGRAVATED ROBBERY MORGAN, ROBERT EARL - POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 4G<200G WITH INTENT TO DELIVER REAGAN, MICHAEL JOSEPH - POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 4G<200G WITH INTENT TO DELIVER JAIL & UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF FIREARM BY FELON JAIL Veteran Lawman Joins Race For Sheriff J.L. “Bubba” Campbell, former Chief your Republican Nominee for Sheriff in of The Fort Bend I.S.D. Police Depart- 2004 and in 2008 and I’m ready to go ment and two time Galveston County again in March of 2012. I'm proud to be Republican Party nominee for Sheriff, part of a strong, electable, Republican has announced his candidacy for the team.” 2012 Republican Party’ nomination Campbell’s campaign will focus on for Sheriff of Galveston three principal themes: (1) County. extensive experience in With over thirty-two professional law enforceyears of law enforcement ment management; (2) a experience, Campbell said commitment to transparhe is uniquely qualified to ency and community inlead the sheriff’s office in teraction to ensure public the twenty-first century. confidence in the integrity “The people of Galvesof all department memton County deserve a bers; and (3) indepenfiscally-responsible but dence of judgment and acJ.L. "Bubba" Campbell proactive sheriff’s office tion, free of any obligations that can provide quality public safety to special interests. services," said Campbell. “Throughout In his thirty-two year law enforcement my career, I have worked with people career, Campbell has served 12 years at all levels of government. I have suc- with the Galveston County Sheriff’s cessfully partnered with local, county Department. Campbell also created and state law enforcement agencies, the first police department for the La court personnel and members of the bar. Marque ISD and served as its first Police I have the experience, insight, drive, Chief. In addition, he recently retired afand ability to lead the Galveston County ter serving almost 15 years as Chief of Sheriff’s Office.” the Fort Bend ISD Police Department Campbell went on to say, “and unlike providing law enforcement services for some of my opponents in the Repub- the 6th largest school district in Texas lican primary, my involvement in the including 70,000 students, 9,000 district political process and my commitment employees on 74 campuses and leading to the Republican Party is not a recent 50 officers and 120 civilian personnel. occurrence. I’m a proven conservative Campbell, a life-long resident of Republican of conviction, not conve- Galveston County, is a member of True nience. I was honored to have been Cross Catholic Church in Dickinson; he Page 8 - The Police News “I understand, you’re against parking meters on the seawall.” Puzzle Answers...From pg 6 is a certified Master Police Officer who is part of a family that has served law enforcement in Galveston County for three generations with almost 90 years of service. Campbell has been married for 21 years and has 5 children and 4 grandchildren. POLICE NEWS UPDATES Delivered to your e-mail FREE LOOKING BACK 1974 Huntsville Prison Siege The 1974 Huntsville Prison Siege was an eleven-day prison uprising that took place from July 24 to August 3, 1974 at the Huntsville Unit of the Texas State Penitentiary in Huntsville, Texas. The standoff was one of the longest hostagetaking sieges in United States history. Gomez Carrasco side the shield were the three convicts and four hostages, while eight other hostages ringed the exterior of the “taco”. Acting on a prearranged plan, prison guards and Texas Rangers blasted the group with fire hoses. However, a rupture in the hose gave the convicts time to fatally shoot the two women hostages who had volunteered to join the convicts in the armored car. When prison officials returned fire, Carrasco killed Elizabeth Beseda, then committed suicide and Dominquez was killed. Julia Standley was also killed that day. Ignacio Cuevas, the surviving perpetrator was received as death row prisoner number 526 on May 30, 1975. He was held at the Ellis Unit, until he was executed on May 23, 1991. Cuevas's last meal request consisted of chicken dumplings, steamed rice, sliced bread, black-eyed peas, and iced tea. Cuevas's last words were "I’m going to a beautiful place. O.K., Warden, roll ‘em." Gary Kerr...Cont. from pg 4 Ignacio Cuevas During the riot inmates Federico Gomez Carrasco, Ignacio Cuevas and Rudy Dominquez laid siege to the educationlibrary building of the Huntsville Unit. “Fred” Carrasco, the most powerful heroin kingpin in South Texas, was serving a life sentence for the attempted murder of a police officer. He was also suspected in the murder of dozens of people in Mexico and Texas. Having smuggled pistols and ammunition into the prison, he and two other convicts took eleven prison workers and four inmates hostage. At the precise moment that a one o’clock work bell sounded, Carrasco walked up a ramp to the third-story library and forced several prisoners out at gunpoint. When two guards tried to go up the ramp, Carrasco fired at them. His two accomplices, also armed, immediately joined him in the library. The prison warden and the director of the Texas Department of Corrections immediately began negotiations with the convicts. FBI agents and Texas Rangers arrived to assist them, as the media descended on Huntsville. Over the next several days the convicts made a number of demands, for such things as tailored suits, dress shoes, toothpaste, cologne, walkie-talkies and bulletproof helmets, all of which were provided promptly. With the approval of Texas Governor Dolph Briscoe, an armored getaway car was rolled into the prison courtyard. Carrasco claimed they were planning to flee to Cuba and appeal to Fidel Castro. After a grueling eleven-day standoff, the convicts finally made their desperate escape attempt just before 10 PM, Saturday August 3, 1974. They moved out of the library toward the waiting vehicle in a makeshift shield consisting of legal books taped to mobile blackboards that was later dubbed the “Trojan Taco”. In- larities to Horton's hair but with enough differences that the hair examiner could say only that the strand could not be ruled out as having come from her. Pamela's blood alcohol concentration at the time of autopsy was determined to be 0.465 - over five times the legal limit. The deputy medical examiner estimated that the concentration probably had peaked at 0.5 and was on its way down, and that the dead woman would have to have been a "seasoned drinker" to be able to walk around with that much alcohol in her body. A search of Kerr's home yielded a brassiere, panties, and a plastic "tooth" for a comb or a hair clasp. The brassiere was severely torn in two places. In one place there was a complete separation of the strap from the cups in the front, and in another place there was a tear on one of the cups at the side. A forensic examiner testified that the tears were significant enough to interfere with the brassiere's function, and he testified that a great deal of force would be required to produce the tears in question. Examination of the comb-like hair clip revealed that it had been manufactured with fourteen teeth but eight had broken off. In addition, part of the gripping surface was missing and the hinging mechanism was damaged. The comb tooth retrieved from Kerr's residence was the same color as the hair clasp, and microscopic analysis showed a match. The forensic examiner testified that considerable force would have been needed to cause the damage to the hair clasp. The brassiere and the panties also contained DNA from Pamela Horton. On May 3, 2011, Cary D. Kerr is scheduled to die in the Texas death chamber in Huntsville TX for the murder of Pamela Horton. He will be just five months short of his 47th birthday. He was 36 when he raped and murdered Pamela Horton. BOYD, ALEXA M AKA TALLANT, ALEXIS W F 12/06/1988 Serving Galveston for 100+ years! TAT L LEG “DADDY’S GIRL” TAT C NECK “J G W/ROSE” LKA SAN LEON ENDANGERING CHILD DELOSSANTOS, WILLIAM W M 06/05/1987 PIERCED NOSE LKA SANTA FE POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE ** ESCAPE RISK** Downtown Galveston: 222 Kempner Galveston TX 77550 409-763-4641 Fax: 409-762-2158 Galveston West End: FERNANDEZ, LINDSEY ALEXANDER 13680 FM 3005 W F 11/08/1984 Galveston TXTAT 77554 TAT R LEG R HIP TAT409-737-1488 L CALF TAT R CALF SEABROOK Fax:LKA 409-737-9146 POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE GONZALES, FERNANDO BERNARDO W M 05/11/1976 LKA BACLIFF SEXUAL ASSAULT CHILD ING s R ' E T a CA l l & e URANT Voted Best Italian B Restaurant & Friendliest DLIAiN RESTA Service in Galveston Co. I TA Closed Mondays RICHARDSON, DEBRA KAY Tues. – Fri.············Lunch W F 01/01/196211 – 2 p.m. Tues.TAT – Thurs.······Dinner 5 – 10 p.m. LR LEG SMALL FLAME Fri. – Sat.·············Dinner 5 – 11 p.m. TAT BOTH EYEBROWS LKA LEAGUE CITY5 – 10 p.m. Sunday··················Dinner POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE See our Review at RUDD, JAMES ANDREW W M 06/18/1984 TAT UR ARM Galveston TAT BACK – TAT NECK LKA LEAGUE CITY POSS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 31st & Avenue P 409-763-9036 TAT TAT TAT Seawall at 89th street – Galveston M ov i e H o t l i n e : 4 0 9 - 74 1 - 170 0 Featuring the latest in stadium-seating, comfortable high-back rocking seats and DTS digital sound Systems. — Lobby ATM — All major credit cards accepted All “R” rated Movies Require an ID – Visit us @ FREE LARGE DRINK WITH PURCHASE MATINEE $5.75 ANY SHOW PRIOR TO 6:00 P.M. OF A SMALL POPCORN NOAH’S Service Center & Tires Noah S. Rice Owner Your Satisfaction is our Pride 409-744-1314 7428 Stewart Road Galveston, TX 77551 The Police News - Page 9 C re 401 E. R. Johnson Family Mortuary Eddie R. Johnson Owner/Funeral Director ESCO PEST CONTROL Cremation, Monuments, Pre-Arrangements, Insurance and Notary Services WDI Inspections Termites - Rodents Roaches - Ants - Fleas Birds - Trapping “ Quality, Distinctive, Professional Service 3828 Avenue O/PO Box 5 Galveston, TX 77550-6626 Ph: 409-762-8470 Fax: 409-762-8480 Email: [email protected] 409-737-3200 Steve Spicer – Owner 9355 Jamaica Beach Galveston, TX 77554 CREATIONS UPHOLSTERY David Gillioz, Owner 409-927-2747 12531-1/2 FM 1764 – Santa Fe, TX 77510 Boats - Motorcycles - Jeeps - Pickups - Convertibles Automotive - Commercial - Marine - Residential Come see us for all your Upholstery Needs! Ask people why they have deer heads on their walls and they will tell you it’s because they’re such beautiful animals. I think my wife is beautiful, but I only have photographs of her on the wall. OLSON'S PILING SERVICE Boat Houses • House Pilings Water Pilings • Pile Replacement • Bulk Heads Cell: 409-682-9040 Office: 409-737-5074 6075 Sea Isle, Galveston TX 77554 nternational Tony’s Car Care nternational Car Care 409-763-1515 BACK IN Since 1994 BUSINESS 1328 Postoffice, Serving Galveston County Welcome all old and Galveston new customers! Serving Galveston Open Mon-Fri. 8 - 5:30 County pm Since 1994 1328 Post Office St. Galveston TX 409-599-3463 1328 Postoffice, Galveston 409-763-1515 Lots of times, changes in life also affect your investments. That’s why there’s never been a better time to schedule your free portfolio review. We’ll talk about the changes in your life, and help you decide whether it makes sense to revise your investments because of them. A portfolio review will help ensure your investments are keeping pace with your goals. Call your local financial advisor today. TOM ESTEP Concealed Handgun Training Photos & Fingerprints included Ammo Available David P Rogers Financial Advisor 6710 Stewart Rd Ste 201 Galveston TX 77551 409-744-1769 $95 All Inclusive 281-455-0846 Page 10 - The Police News WANTED FUGITIVES Galveston County Galveston County Sheriff’s Office 409-766-2322 or 1-866-248-8477 BEASLEY, RACHEL SARAH AKA HOLT, SARAH W F 01131978 506 135 BRO BRO LKA TEXAS CITY MTRP ABDON OR ENDANGER CHILD CHAMPION, MICHAEL JEROME AKA CHAMPION, SHYMAINE; SMITH, JERMAINE CHRIS; SMITH, JONATHAN B M 03101974 510 190 BLK BRO TATS BOTH ARMS, CHEST, L WRIST , BUTTK, L LEG LKA TEXAS CITY WARRANT FELONY THEFT Bienvenidos a Henry's Salvadorian food, burgers, seafood and more! Daily Specials - Breakfast All Day Drive-Thru Window Service Open 6 am - 10 pm 2823 Broadway Galveston 10-years at the same location 409-765-8400 MARTY'S CITY AUTO Paint and Body Unlock any Vehicle Jump Starts COLLINS, KENNETH GLEN W M 12251956 510 140 BRO HAZ TATS BOTH ARMS, BACK, CHEST LKA GALVESTON MTRP DWI FELONY DICK, KEITH ROBERT W M 01211964 511 180 BRO BLU TATS BOTH ARMS LKA TEXAS CITY MTRP DWI FELONY Complete Road Service Private Property Tows Local & Long Distance Towing Mechanic Services Salvage Parts On-site Notary Public 24-hour Towing/Request Us 409-765-9788 4310 Church Street MOLINA, NESTER DANIEL W M 01101979 506 195 BLK BRO TAT LEFT ANKL WARRANT FELONY THEFT SELLERS, ISSIAH SHERMAN B M 08171986 601 190 BLK BLK TAT R SHOULDER, STOMACH LKA TEXAS CITY WARRANT BURG HABITATION STEWART, NAMON DAVID B M 10111990 510 210 BLK BRO TAT R WRIST, BOTH FOREARMS, LEFT ELBOW LKA TEXAS CITY *CAUTION ESCAPE RISK, WILL RUN, ASSUALTIVE /GANG MEMBER MTRP ASSAULT PUBLIC SERVANT OCALLAGHAN, CLINT THOMAS W M 10291980 508 195 BRO BRO LKA DICKINSON MTRP FORGERY WARRANT INTERFERE 911 CALL, ASSAULT FAMILY VIOLENCE SPURLOCK, MAURICE DAVID AKA BIG RED, DIRTY DEAD, BIG RED DIRTY B M 10231984 511 150 BLK BRO TATS BOTH ARMS, R WRIST, NECK, BOTH SHOULDERS WARRANT FELONT THEFT WILLIS, ELIZABETH MICHELLE W F 08021980 504 160 BRO HAZ TAT R ANKLE, LEFT LEG, RIGHT LEG LKA GALVESTON MTRP ABANDON ENDANGER CHILD Frank's PAINT & BODY SHOP Complete Auto Body & Collision Repair Frame Repair - Custom Body & Paint Work We Do It All - Insurance Claims Welcome Free Estimates - All Work Guaranteed 2027 39th, Galveston 409-762-4106 The Police News - Page 11
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