MADAR Brochure 2015


MADAR Brochure 2015
The Palestinian Forum for Israeli Studies (MADAR)
is an independent research centre specialising in Israeli
affairs, based in Ramallah, Palestine. MADAR was
established in 2000 by a group of Palestinian intellectuals
and academics, including the late poet Mahmoud
Darwish, Dr. Lily Feidy, Dr. Ali Jarbawi, Dr. Ahmad Harb,
Mr. Walid Al-Ahmad and Mr. Akram Haniyyeh. The centre
was registered as a not-for-profit organisation with the
Palestinian Ministry of Interior, and obtained a research
centre’s operational licensing from the Palestinian
Ministry of Information.
MADAR was created to meet the urgent Palestinian
and Arab need for a research centre that is dedicated
to studying Israeli affairs. Its main goal is to produce
solid and critical research and analysis about the Israeli
scene. It aspires to make an avant garde contribution
and to provide Palestinian and Arab decision-makers
and citizens with access to a comprehensive scientifically
sound body of knowledge on the different aspects of
Israeli society.
MADAR continues to work persistently on the following
projects to achieve its main goal:
• Conduct and publish research studies on Israel’s
political, social, economic, and cultural fields.
• Translate books published in Hebrew and other
languages, about Israeli affairs, into Arabic.
• Publish special reports, and position papers on
interesting phenomena and current affairs.
• Publish MADAR’s annual strategic report.
• Publish the Israeli Scene newspaper supplement,
which monitors Israel’s latest developments in issues
of particular interest to an Arab audience.
• Organise seminars, lectures, and conferences on
various Israeli related affairs and topics of interest to
an Arab audience.
Since its establishment, MADAR has published scores
of research studies, translations, and other publications,
providing a comprehensive coverage for the Israeli
historical, socioeconomic, ideological and political
scenes. Additionally, MADAR monitors and analyses
movements within these components, and the resulting
impact and trends accompanying them. And the center
has established an online databank (MADAR-Pedia)
covering a wide range of terms and their definitions, as
well as biographies of Israeli figures and leaders in Arabic.
Main Units
In pursuit of its goals, MADAR operates through a group
of units supervised by a board of directors, comprised
of Mr. Akram Hanieh (Chairman), Dr. Ahmad Harb, Dr.
Lily Feidi, Dr. Hanan Al-Wazir, Eng. Walid Al-Ahmad, Dr.
Issam Al-Taweel, and Mr. Abd Al-Qader Al-Husseini.
The General Director of MADAR is Dr. Honaida Ghanim.
Research Unit
The research unit’s policy is guided by MADAR’s Academic
Committee. The unit is responsible for supervising and
following up on the preparation of a variety of research
studies and reports. It selects research topics that serve
MADAR’s goal of presenting a broad picture of Israel
to the Palestinian and Arab readership. Over the years,
MADAR published 53 original research studies on politics,
sociology, economy, culture, language, military, gender,
and education, among other topics. In addition to original
research, the research unit produces MADAR’s annual
Strategic Report, which provides an annual presentation
of developments and changes in the Israeli scene. The
report takes into consideration the background of these
developments and explores trends. It also highlights the
influence of these changes on the Arab-Israeli conflict
and peace process. The report is prepared by a group of
specialists in different disciplines, and edited by MADAR’s
General Director, Dr. Honaida Ghanim. Starting in 2005
and up to the end of 2014 MADAR published ten Strategic
The Israeli Scene (al-Mash-had al-Israeli)
Supplement Unit
MADAR publishes the Israeli Scene - a bi-weekly
newspaper supplement that is locally distributed with
Al-Ayyam daily newspaper. The supplement features a
variety of articles, analyses, follow-up reports on Israeli
issues, and interviews.
MADAR also posts a full version of the supplement issues
on its website The number and
country of origin for MADAR’s website visitors indicates
that the center’s reach on both the Arab and global level
is broad. The supplement’s Editor in Chief is Mr. Antwan
The unit supervises the publication of MADAR’s Special
Reports that cover and detail particular topics relevant to
current Israeli affairs on a weekly basis. These reports are
published only in digital format, distributed to MADAR’s
mailing list subscribers, and made available on MADAR’s
The Israeli Affairs (Qadayya Israelieh)
Quarterly Journal Unit
MADAR started publishing the Israeli Affairs Quarterly
Journal in 2001. The journal is the first and only Arabic
language research journal devoted exclusively to Israeli
affairs. A significant number of scholars and academics
contribute to the journal with original articles. An exclusive
interview with a leading Israeli personality is conducted
and included in every issue. The journal also features
seminars on specific issues, and reviews of recent Hebrew
publications. In 2014 MADAR published the quarterly’s
56th issue. The Editor in Chief for this publication is Dr.
Raif Zreik.
Translation Unit
The unit translates Hebrew and English books addressing
Israeli issues into Arabic. By the end of 2014 MADAR
published 35 translations.
The Israeli Papers (Awraq Israelieh) Series is also
published by the translation unit. The series features brief
translated reports, (50-80 pages), covering distinctive and
significant topics on the Israeli scene. The series is now
on its 65th issue.
Publishing Unit
The unit is responsible for the production and printing
follow up of MADAR’s various publications. The unit is
supervised by Akram Musallam, a Palestinian writer.
Public Relations Unit
The unit promotes MADAR’s publications, and organizes
a series of lectures, seminars, and study sessions on
developments in the Israeli scene. Since its creation,
MADAR held scores of conferences, seminars, lectures
and open discussions throughout the Palestinian territory.
Sharon’s Path,
by Mohamed Ghanayem (Author),
(113 P.) (2001).
Face to Face,
Interviews with Jewish Intellectuals,
by Mohamed Ghanayem (Author),
(290 P.) (2001).
Israel and the Exile Policy:
Zionism, and Palestinian Refugees,
by Nour Massalhah (Author),
(322 P.) (2003).
Marginalized Groups in Israel:
A Challenge to Ashkenazi Dominance,
by As’ad Ghanem (Author),
(378 P.) (2005).
The Economics of Israel:
Developments, and Policy,
by Husam Jeries (Author),
(246 P.) (2005).
The Last Condition,
A Reading in the Israeli
Political Bhavior during the Gulf War,
by Walid Omari (Author),
(234 P.) (2002).
Media & Communications in Israel:
Between Structural Pluralism &
the Hegemonic National Discourse,
by Amal Jamal (Author),
(258 P.) (2005).
Language and Identity in Israel,
by Mohammad Amarah (Editor),
(258 P.) (2002).
Economic Change and
Political Mobility in Israel:
Protest Movements and
Knesset Elections,
by Aziz Haidar (Author),
(79 P.) (2005).
Identities and Politics in Israel,
by As’ad Ghanem (Editor),
(225 P.) (2003).
The Education System in Israel:
Structure, Contents, Streams,
and Mechanisms,
by Khaled Abu Asbha (Author),
(298 P.) (2006).
The Political Religion in Israel: Shas
as a Case Study,
by Nabih Bashir (Author),
(113 P.) (2006).
The Future of the
Palestinian Minority in Israel,
by Khalil Nakhleh (Editor),
(228 P.) (2008).
The Israeli Theater:
The Self, the Other,
and the Maze of Reality,
by Shimon Levy (Author),
Salman Natour (Author),
(148 P.) (2006).
The Palestinians in Israel…
Politics of the Indigenous
Minority in the Ethnic State,
by As’ad Ghanem (Author),
Mohanad Mustafa (Author),
(409 P.) (2009).
Israeli Theatre & the 1967 War…
Selected Works of Hanokh Levin,
by Antwan Shulhut (Author),
(186 P.) (2007).
The Military Organisation in Israel,
by Johnny Mansour (Author),
Fadi Nahhas (Author),
(510 P.) (2009).
On Israel’s Image...
Approaches to the
Year 2000 and Afterward,
by Antwan Shulhut (Author),
(198 P.) (2008).
Women in Israel,
State, and Citizenship,
by Nahla Abdo (Author),
(185 P.) (2009).
The Kibbutz:
Continuity and Change
from 1881-2007,
by Inad Sarkhi (Author),
(157 P.) (2008).
Lexicon of Israeli and Zionist
Personalities and Terms,
by Johnny Mansour (Author),
(544 P.) (2009).
Israeli Law:
History, Debates, and Limits,
by Marwan Dalal (Author),
(134 P.) (2008).
Israeli Foreign Policy toward
International Rising Powers,
by Ayman Yousef (Author),
Mohanad Mustafa (Author),
(240 P.) (2010).
Picture lead by Legend:
Scoping Study of Early Zionist Films,
by Abdul Muti Al-Ju’beh (Author),
(80 P.) (2010).
Settlers Welfare State,
Settlements Political Economy,
by Mtanes Shihadeh (Author),
Husam Jeries (Author),
(104 P.) (2013).
Israeli Intellectuals and
the Zionist State,
by Zuhair Sabagh (Author),
(265 P.) (2011).
The Political Map in Israel
2013 Elections,
By Barhoum Jaraisi (Author),
(152 P.) (2013).
Israel and the European Union:
The Soft Partnership,
by Atef Abu Saif (Author),
(341 P.) (2011).
Settlers from the
Periphery to the Center,
by Mohanad Mustafa (Author),
(92 P.) (2013).
The Meaning of a Jewish State,
by Antwan Shulhut (Editor),
Honaida Ghanim (Editor),
(164 P.) (2011).
National Planning in Israel,
by Yousef Jabareen (Author),
(312 P.) (2013).
Un-writing Israel:
Palestinian researchers on the regime,
society, and the state, in Israel,
by Esmail Nashif (Editor),
(245 P.) (2011).
On the Recognition
of the “Jewish State”,
by Honida Ghanim (Editor),
(108 P.) (2014) (English).
Israel and the Jordan Valley:
Security Concept and
Annexation Strategies,
by Fadi Nahhas (Author),
(110 P.) (2012).
Israel’s International Relations,
by Atef Abu Saif (Author),
(649 P.) (2014).
Lobbyists and Influences on
Decision-Making in Israel,
by Barhoum Jarasisi (Author),
(68 P.) (2014).
Settlement Geography,
by Ahmad El-Atrash (Author),
(58 P.) (2014).
Israeli Academic Institution,
by Mohanad Mustafa (Author),
(320 P.) (2014).
Tr a n s la tio n s
Israel and the Settlement Project,
by Johnny Mansour (Author),
(105 P.) (2014).
Benyamin Netanyahu:
The Doctrine of “No Solution”,
by Antwan Shulhut (Author),
(186 P.) (2014).
Palace of Broken Urns:
Studies in Zionist Criticism,
by Hasan Khader
(Editor and Translator),
(226 P.) (2001).
Settlers’ Violence and its
Impact on Palestinians,
by Nabil Al-Saleh (Author),
(58 P.) (2014).
The Palestinian People: A History,
by Baruch Kimmerling (Author),
Yoel Migdal (Author),
Mohamad Ghanayem (Translator),
(450 P.) (2001).
Post Israel 2014 War against Gaza,
by Mohannad Mustafa (Author),
Atef Abu Saif (Author),
(96 P.) (2014).
The Founding Myths of Israel:
Nationalism, Socialism and the
Establishment of the Jewish State,
by Zee’v Sternheil (Author),
Ezat Ghazawi (Translator),
(417 P.) (2001).
Settlement: Catastrophic
Impact on Palestinian Economy,
by Aas Atrash (Author),
(48 P.) (2014).
Sacred Scene:
Emasculate the History
of the Holy Land since 1948,
by Miron Benvenesti (Author),
Sami Musallam (Translator),
(434 P.) (2001).
Memory, State, and Identity:
Analytical Studies on
Zionism and Israel,
Antwan Shulhut (Editor and Translator),
(258 P.) (2002).
Purity of Arms:
Ethos, Myth, and Reality,
by Dan Yahav (Author),
Johnny Mansour (Translator),
(338 P.) (2004).
The Newly Pious:
A look at the Religious Society in Israel,
by Yaer Sheleg (Author),
Said Ayyash (Translator),
(434 P.) (2002).
A Selection of Israeli Short Stories,
by Salman Natour
(Editor and Translator),
(210 P.) (2004).
The End of Ashkenazi Hegemony,
by Baruch Kimmerling (Author),
Nawaf Athamneh (Translator),
(138 P.) (2002).
Ehud Barak – the Biggest Failure,
by Ravev Droker (Author),
Hashem Hamdan,
(472 P.) (2004).
The Starling and the Razen:
On Ariel Sharon and Shimon Peres,
by Yaer Kotler (Author),
Said Ayyash (Translator),
(338 P.) (2002).
What a Wonderful War,
by Dan Yahaf (Author),
Salman Natour (Editor and Translator),
(144 P.) (2004).
Jews and Arabs in the
Land of Israel (1936-1956),
by Benny Morris (Author),
Antwan Shulhut (Translator),
(281 P.) (2003).
The Mizrahi Struggle in Israel:
between Oppression and Liberation,
Identification and Alternative
by Sami Salom Chetrit (Author),
Said Ayyash (Translator),
(562 P.) (2005).
The Stand Tall Generation,
by Khawla Abu-Baker (Author), Danny
Rabinowitz (Author),
Khawla Abu-Baker (Translator),
(184 P.) (2004).
Wars Don’t Just Happen
by Motti Golani (Author),
Nabil Armaly (Translator),
(290 P.) (2006).
The Arab-Israeli Conflict in Israeli
History Textbooks (1948-2000),
by Elie Podeh (Author),
Walid Abu Baker (Translator),
(234 P.) (2006).
Druze Identity and the Jewish State
Citizens of Equal Duties,
by Rabah Halabi (Author),
Said Ayyash (Translator),
(150 P.) (2007).
The Dialectics between
Homeland and Exile
Israeli Education and the Pedagogic
on Exile in the Era of Post-modernism,
by Ilan Gur-Ze’ev (Author),
Salman Natour (Editor), (170 P.)(2006).
The Russian Diaspora in Israel,
by Majid Al-Haj (Author),
(344 P.) (2008).
Peace Is Possible: Conversations
with Arab and Israeli Leaders,
by S. Daniel Abraham (Author),
Bill Clinton (Foreword)
Antwan Shulhut (Translator),
(170 P.) (2007).
The Disenchantment of the Orient,
by Gil Eyal (Author),
Hasan Khader (Translator),
(342 P.) (2008).
Generals in the Cabinet Room:
How Military Shapes Israeli Policy?
by Yoram Peri (Author),
Hasan Khader (Translator),
(198 P.) (2007).
The Returns of Zionism:
Myths, Politics and
Scholarship in Israel,
by Gabriel Piterberg (Author),
Sulafa Hijawi (Translator),
(348 P.) (2009).
Reading Iran in Israel:
the Self and the Other,
Religion and Modernity,
by Haggai Ram (Author),
Jawad Al-Ja’bari (Translator),
(270 P.) (2007).
Victory over Hitler,
by: Avraham Burg,
Bilal Daher (Translator),
Salim Salameh (Translator),
(374 P.) (2010).
Imagined Peace: the Dynamics of
Political Spaces in Israel/Palestine,
by Lev Grinberg (Author),
Jawad Al-Ja’bari (Translator),
(607 P.) (2007).
The Invention of the Jewish People,
by Shlomo Sand (Author),
Said Ayyash (Translator),
(415 P.) (2010).
Picnic Grounds…
A Novel in Fragments,
by Oz Shelach (Author),
Abd al-Raheim al-Sheikh (Translator),
(128 P.) (2010).
Captives of Lebanon,
by Ofer Shelah (Author),
Yoav Limor (Author),
Jawad Al- Ja’bari (Translator),
(546 P.) (2011).
The Time of the Green Line,
by Yehouda Shenhav (Author),
Said Ayyash (Translator),
(182 P.) (2011).
This Regime Which is not One:
Occupation and Democracy between
the Sea and River (1967- ),
by Adi Opher (Author),
Ariella Azoulay (Author),
Nabil Al-Saleh (Translator),
(430 P.) (2011).
Ethnocracy: Land and Identity
Politics in Israel/Palestine,
by Oren Yiftachel (Author),
Sulafa Hijawi (Translator),
(426 P.) (2012).
Strategic Survey for Israel (2011),
Sa’di Al-Rojoub (Translator),
(180 P.) (2012).
Palestine in Israeli School Books
Ideology and Propaganda in
by Nurit Peled-Elhanam (Author),
Yaseen Al Sayyed (Translator),
(342 P.) (2012).
The Invention of the Land of Israel,
by Shlomo Sand (Author),
Antwan Shulhut (Translator), Asaad
Zoabi (Translator),
(312 P.) (2013).
How I Ceased to be a Jew?
by Shlomo Sand (Author),
Antwan Shulhut (Translator),
(124 P.) (2014).
No. 45 (Spring 2012)
Social Protest Movement in Israel.
No. 52 (Winter 2013)
Israel and the regional
context post Arab.
No. 46 (Summer 2012)
Shaking the Status Quo:
Israel and the Arab Spring.
No. 53 (Spring 2014)
Academic Institutions in Israel amid
Politics and Science.
No. 47 (Autumn 2012)
Economic Policies and
the Neo-liberal Ideology in Israel.
No. 54 (Summer 2014)
Israel - Land, Law, and Ideology.
No. 48 (Winter 2012)
Civil Society in Israel: Present
Realities, and Future Prospects.
No. 55 (Autumn 2014)
Connotations of “Operation Protective
Edge” and Women and Feminist
Movements in Israel.
No. 49 (Spring 2013)
Israeli Left: Where was it
and where is it now?
No. 56 (Winter 2014)
Media in Israel and the
Jewish Nation-State Bill.
No. 50 (Summer 2013)
Cultural Sphere in Israel:
Trends, roles and socio-political order.
‫ السنة الثالثة عشرة‬51 ‫العدد‬
No. 51 (Autumn 2013)
Joint Political Actions of Arabs
and Jews in Israel.
Israeli Affairs Quarterly Journal
Selected themes (2012-2014)
Israeli Papers Series
Selected issues published between (2011-2014)
No. 54
The 2011 Herzliya
Assessment: Critical Junctures for
Israel– World and Middle East in
No. 55
Israel, Demography 2010-2030: On
the Way to a Religious State.
No. 56
Documents of the 2011
Social Protest Campaign in Israel.
No. 57
The Atkin Paper Series. The IsraeliPalestinian conflict and the Israeli
perception of ‹No Partner› for Peace:
An insight into the Israeli political
No. 58
Israel 2012:
«African Migrants are Cancer!”
No. 59
The Haredim in the Eye of the Storm.
No. 60
The “Y” Generation (third millennium
generation in Israel):
Theory, Methodology and Tools.
No. 61
The State of the Middle
Class in Israel.
No. 62
David Ben-Gurion Present Reflections.
No. 63
War Crimes in Israeli Law
“Minor Offenses”.
No. 64
Regional Inequalities in Israel:
Jews and Palestinians in Israel’s
Districts, 1995-2012.
No. 65
The Israeli State Treasury The Incubator of the Settlements and