rotation - UNFICYP


rotation - UNFICYP
Wednesday, 6th April 1966
Issued by' the Information Office of the United Nations Foree In Cyprus
Third Edition
No. 51
HE United No·
tions S.!)cretary
-General, U Thant,
has sent out a new
appeal to Governments for financial
Peace-Keeping Ope'ation in Cyprus.
In appealing for
prompt and generous voluntary contributions, U Thant
pointed out that the
operation has incur-
red a deficit of more than two and a
half million dollars
in the two years of
its existence, and
only one million dollars has been pled·
ged towa rds the ad-
ditional $5,700,000
'required to mainto in the' Force in
Cyprus for the further three months
a utharized by the
Security Council and
to provide for its
Accordingly, said
the Sec reta ry-General,
new pledges
totalling mare than
seven million dollars
must now be received if the United
Nations is to be in
o position fu IIy to
honour past cornmittments and cover the costs invol·
;.'ed in maintaining
the Force for the
next threll months,
Four major contingents will soon
complete turnover of personnel
pring rotation fever has gripped the United Nations
.... .Fo.ree in Cypl'US during the past weelt, with four of' the
majOl' contingents of the Foree being involved, or shortly to
be involved, in partial or complete rotations. The only exception among the major contingents is DANCON who completed
a full rotation in October of last year, and are due to rotate
again next month.
CANADIAN ROTATION Lt.-Cot. D.A. McAlpine, CO l)f the
2nd Battalion, The Black Watch of Canada, left, Lt.-Col. C. V.
Corlson, CO of the out-going 2nd Battalion, The Canadian Guards
ond Colonel G. R. Hale, Commander Canadian Contingent, talk
for 0 few minutes os the 12S·mon advance 'party prepare to disembark from RCAF Yukon aircraft at Nicosia.
FINCON starLed the ball
rolling with a partial rotation
between the 28th and 31st
March. Five Caravelle and one
DC 6B aircraft of the Yugoslav Adriatic Airlines brought
two hundred and six officers
and men of YKSP 5 to Nico-
United Nations spokesman
declared last week at U.N.
Headquarters in New York
that it was expected that the
Irish Contingent with UNFICYP, numbering 50 officers
and 468 other ranks, would
be withdrawn when its rotation date of 18 April came
The present strength of
the Force, including the Irish
Contingent is apprOXimately
4,750 (taking into consideration the recent reduction in
the Finnish Contingent), and
4,575 without the police.
The U.N. spokesman said
that the Irish Contingent was
being withdrawn because of
Ireland's dissatisfaction over
the financial arrangements
that the Secretary-General,
U Thant, had been able to
manage in relation to .compensation for costs over . and
above the cost of the contingent itself,
He recalled that the Secretary-General in his March
report to the SecUl'ity Council
bad said that unless the financial situation improve(l, the
United Nations would not be
in a position
to reimburse
Governments for commitments
already entered into.
Asked if the Secretary-General had tried to persuade
Ireland not to take this decision, he said that the Secretary-General and his representatives had been in touch
with Ireland but that the Secretary-General had not been
able to give the requested
financial guarantee,
The spokesman said that the
Secretary-General· would check
on what the Force Commander's opinion was on the
need for replacements for. the
Irish Contingent.
Asked if Ireland's decision
had been based
solely on
financial considerations or on
impatience at the lack of a
solution to the whole Cyprus
question, the spokesman said
that as far as he knew the
issue was solely one of finances.
At UNFICYP Headquarters,
Nicosia, redeployment plans
were being prepared to cover
responsibilities of UNFICYP
Lefka District now served by
sia and carried three hundred
and forty-foul' all ranks back to
Finland. Present strength of
YKSP 5, under the command
of Colonel Uolevi Koskenpalo,
is approximately six hundred
and sixly.
Sunday saw the start of the
Canadian Contingent rotation,
when Royal Canadian Air Force Yukon aircraft brought the
advance parties of the 2nd Battalion, The Black Watch and
'B' Squadron, 8th Canadian
Hussars to Nicosia. The Black
Watch, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel D.A. MacAlpine,
will relieve the 2nd Battalion,
The Canadian Guards, and the
Hussars, commanded by Major J.A. Saint AUbin, talce over
from the Recconaissance Squadron, Royal Canadian Dragoons. The main body of the
rotation is scheduled to take
place, between the 3rd and 15th
of this month.
Today (Wednesday, 6th April) the advance party, approximately seventy strong, of the
Swedish Battalion 34C is due
to arrive at Nicosia. Colonel
Lars Laven is due to arrive
on the 18th April to replace
Continued on pege eight
Page Tw.o
Wednesday, 6th April, 1966
I fortsretteIse af aprilsspogen med den trehundrede aar gamle vin
kunne det maaske V!Ere af in teresse med en liIle historisk redeg0relse om
Cyperns vino
et tidligste vi kender til Cypern, saavel i skrift som i sagn, er noje
knyttet til vin og vindyrkning. I "Cyperns episke sange", som tilskrives den tidIige eypriotiske digter Stassinos, skildres tre sostre, der sammen med deres fader, Arrius optrreder i det digt, der omhandler ('lens til·
blivelse. Navnenc paa de tre sostre, Ino, Spermo og Elaid er aflcdet ar
tre ord, der betyder vin, hvede og olivenolie. De tre sostre er saledes op·
kaldt efter Cyperns oprindelige kilder til veIstrand.
Omkring hundrede mand, hovedsagelig danske, indfandt sig i fredags
for at smage den trehundrede aar gamle vin. Mange medbragte fuldmagter og store dunke. Hele historien var imidlertid, som Bere havde
gaettet, en aprilsnar. Men det var faktisk de del' ikke moedte op, der blev
narret mest, for de gik glip af et godt glas vino KEO Ltd. havde meget
venIigt stillet en toende vin til raadighed tit det g()de formaal, og udskaenk·
som blev filmet af
ningen fik et baade festligt og fornoejeligt forl()eb,
Cypems TV. Her ses fra venstre MP·korporal M.S. Christensen, hug·
siddende konstabel I. Stauning, MP-korporal P.B. Nielsen, boejende sig
frem k 'nstabel J.e. .Tensen og i koeen bag ham en svensk og en canadisk
gaest. ,
Paa siden af en kyIix, en drikkeskaa! med to hanke, fra amkring
aar 550 Kristus, som blev fundet
n!Er Palis Chrysachaus i den nardvestIigedel af Cypern, staar skrevet,
CHAIRE KAl PJEJ El. Del betydel' fril oversal, drik ag Vll:r glad.
fra to mind re kommandantskaber,
Phaenix ved Paphos ag Templas
ved Kyrenia. Det var her i det
stare kommandantskab, al vindyrkningen fik st0rst betydning, og
vinen opkaldtes efter stedet, Cammapderie eller Cammandaria.
Men Cypern var i aldtiden ikke
alene beromt for sine vine, ogsaa
vindruerne og vinrankerne bavde
ry far de;res impanerende st0rreIse.
-Den romerske forfatter Agronius
amtaler saaledes, at vindruerne fra
Cypem er st0rI"e end i naget andct
land, ag i Ephesus paa Lilleasiens
kyst val' del' en stige op til tagel
af Diana-templet, sam var dannel
af en enkelt vinranke fra Cypern,
Strabo skildrer i sit geografiske
vrerk Cyperns rigdal11 paa vine,
ag Plinius, del' var fra Italien, sammenligner Cyperns druer med dem
fra si t hjemland til Cyperns fordel.
J begyndelsen af 1300-tallet overtag Johannitlerne Tempetherrernes
besiddelser og vinproduktionen steg
yderligere. Commandaria-vin er
blevet fremstillet Iige siden her paa
Cypern, og vinen er ar type den
samme i dag sam dengang - utvivJsamt verdens reldste uafbrudte
tradition paa vindyrkningens omamraade med sit &"erlige navn,
I et gammelt grresk epigram stilles
t0rsten bedst i Cyperns guddommelige drik, ag Sinesius fremh!Ever
en srerlig delikat vin fra Cypern.
Da Antonius, hvis historie jo er
gengivet af Shakespeare og et
amerikansk filmselskab, ville give
beviser for sin krerlighed ti! Kleo-'
patm, kunne han ikke trenke sig
nogen fornemmere gave end oen
Under udskiftningen af det tyrldske kontillgent den 29 Marts maate den
danske spcjdervognsdeJlng overstage eskortetjenesten paa konvojeme til
Kyrenia. Her har den finske motorordonnans Esko Saukkoriip koert
overbetjent B. Seinhus fra det danske civile politi frem til teten af kolonnen,
og overbetjenten overraekker kolonnerapporten til delingsfoereren, loejtnant M. Kehl Johansen.
Efter splittelsen af det romerske
rige i aar 395 ag indtil korsfarertiden ved vi ikke meget om Cyperns
vindyrkning, men med karsfarerne
oprandt en glanstid far vinen.
Tempelherrerne fik tilde[t el landomraade
hovedsagelig indenfor
Limassal distrikt, som blev kaldt
"Gmnde Commanderie" - det stare
kommandantskab, far a~ skelne det
I sidste uge havde DANCON uof·
fieielt pressebesoeg. Det var den kendte BT-journalist Joergen Rothe Keith
KelIer, der var paa ferie paa Cypern med
sine to drenge, Thomas og Morten.
Keller er tidIigere sekondloejtnant i saa·
vel den danske haer som i den amer!·
kanske, idet han SOUl krigskorrespondent i Korea fik anerkendt sin dallske
grael ved de amerikanske styrker. l'aa
billedet til venstre er post fire paa den
groenne linie bIevet forstaerket. Thomas
og Morten observerer paa kraft sammen meel overkonstable O.H. Kragh,
medens ptemierloejtnant P. Ditlevsen
er paa vej op for at inspieere. Paa
billedet tiI hoejre er Keller fotograferet
foran en af spejdervognelle med sine to
drenge. Det er Thamas til venstre, han
er apkaldt efter sin oldefar, Thomas
Dinesen, der i sin tid under den focrste
verdenskrig blev dekoreret med den
sjaelne britiske dekoration for tapperhed,
Victoria Korset.
En lysk prrest, der omkring aar
1340 besogte en af Cyperns beromteste vingaarde, skrev:
"En-Gedi har ikke sin lige i hele
verden. I denne vingaard gmr
mange slags vine, nogle druer er
smaa sam blimner. and re er store
som kapper, mange ranker bll~rer
morke druer, andre omtrent hvide
eIler rode, nogle er uden stene andre
druer er nresten gennemsiglige,
og nogle er aflange sam agern, men
del' er mange flere farskellige vindruer i denne vingaard. Jeg har
hort mange el'farne mrend udtale,
at del' ikkc findes nagen smukkere,
redlere og mere vidunderlig juvel
under solen, skabt af Gud til menneskers forde!, thi sam det staar i
Salamos H0jsang: "Min elskede
er far mig en drueklase fm En-Gedis
Flere danske nyheder paa side t,e
Wednesday, 6th April, 1966
Page ThnN
or en fjorten elages tiel sielen
meddelte Irland de Forenede
Nationel's generalsekretrer, at medmindre de Forenede Nationer
kunne garantere, at Irlands udgifter
til det irske kontingent paa Cypem
ville blive betalt, saa vj[]e Irland
tl'rekke sit kontingent tilbage. De
Forenede Nationer har ikke kunnet
stille saadanne garantier, og nu
forlader il'erne Cypern.
Denne reduktion i UNFICYP's
styrke vii formentlig faa betydning
sandsynligvis kommer til at overtage en del af FINCON's omraade
i den nordlZlstJige del af Nicosia.
Det drejer sig om en nekke poster
som i givet fald skal ovel'tages af
Det har v:eret fremme i pressen,
at ogsaa de skandinaviske lande
skulle have taget forbehold med
hensyn til fortsat at sende styrker
til Cypern, men saa vidt det vides
er de argumenter, del' har vreret
fremsat fra dansk side ikke saa
meget af 0kol1omisk karakter, som
utilfredshed med at de politiske
forhandlinger om Cypern-sD0rgsmaalets l0sning helt er gaaet i staa.
A piper of the Second Canadian Guards plays as 125 soldiers
of the Black Watch of Canada
disembark from an RCAF Yukon aircraft at .Nicosia airport.
They are part of the fifth contingent to be despatched by Canada to se'rve with the UN Pea.
cekeeping Force in Cyprus. The
rotation of Canadian soldiers
whi,ch start~d on 3 April will continue until 15 April when the
last of the fourth Canadian con·
tingent will leave Cyprus for Canada.
fodboldkampen i s0ndags j
Famagusta maatte DANCON holdet bide i grresset, eUer rettere
grus( 1.
Det tyrkisk-cypriotiske
hold var de strerkeste, og derfor
vandt det, 4 - 2. I f0rste halvleg
kon det tyrkisk-cypriotiske hold
foran med 2 - 0, men inden pausen
lykkedes det at faa reduceret til
I begyndelsen af anden halvleg
kom del' bedre fart over DANCONholdet, og endnu et maal blev
scoret, 'saaledes at stillingen var 2-2.
Om yore spillere ikke havde kondition nok, eller hvad del' var i
vejen, er svrert at sige, men paa
slutningen af kampen fik det tyrkisk-cypriotiske hold overtaget og
satte "to ,•. bolde ·ind mellem de
danske miUstolper, saledes at slutresultatet bJev 4 - 2.
The BLUE BERET Is published by th.
Information Office of the Unltec
NatIoN Force In Cypn..., (UNFICYPI
C;ommun icatlans. article. or en·
lulrie. should be addr....d ta:The Edit"r
CALL ON CYPRUS PRESIDENT - Shortly before he emplaned
an Monday for the retllrn trip back to CanClda, Colonel J.L. Drewry,
of Cobourg, Ont., right, and his Sllccessor, as Commander Canadian
Contingent UN Force in Cyprus, Colonel G. R. Hale, of Toronto
and St. John's Hfld., called on Archbishop MakClrios, President of
the Republic of Cyp~us. Here they talk about the part 'the CClnCldian soldiers have played In the peacekeeping ro~e of the United
Nations Force in ,Cyprus.
otation of the main body of
R the Canadian Contingent got
well under way on Sunday with
the arrival of Lt.•Col. D.A. McAlpine, Commanding Officer of
the 2nd Battalion, The Black
Watch and Major J.A. St. Aubin,
Commanding "B" Squadron, 8th
CanCldian Hussars, and 125 sol.
diers who included 11 troopers
of the' HUSSClrs. They landed at
RAF Nicosia aboard an RCAF YII-
kon aircrClft which had )Ieft Trenton, Ontario, some 15 hOllfS ear·
Met by Colonel G.R. Hale,
Commander Canadian Contingent,
Lt.Col C.V. Carlson Commanding
Officer 2nd Canadian Guards ,and
Major W.L. Canrad, Squadron
Commander, Royal Canadian Dragoons, the party was driven into
the battalion area of Kyrenia District.
Within the next few days briefings and tours of botta lion headquarters area and observation
posts will take ploce so that handover proceedin2s will proceed
smoothly with no Interruption of
United Notions duties. Members
of The Black Watch will begin to
take oVer each of the outposts
spread th raughaut the 550 square miles under Canadian 'SUPervision.
Page Four
T Royal
HE 1st Battalion, The
Highland Fusiliers
are shortly due to leave the
Force and return to Germany
having completed a tour of
about seven months on the
island. The· Battalion, comm:mded by Lt Col G.a.R.L•.
Pender, MBE, is the first
Sc:ottish unit to have taken
part in e:t United Nations
The Fusiliers area of responsibility hHs spread over
-the entire South West of the
island, encompassing some
1200 miles of territory, nearly
a quarter of the whole of
Cyprus, from the major seaport of Limassol on the
South coast through Ktima
on the South West coast to
Polis on the North '1'he
inland boundary of this very
Lieutenant Cplonel G.C.R.L. Pender, MBE, the Commanding extensive zone cuts across
Officer of the Battalion is presenfed with the United Notions Medal the 'rroodos range giving
fo·r service in Cyprus by Brigadier A. J. Wilson, CBE, Mc the them the greater part of this
Acting Force Commander and Chief-of-Staff of UNFICYP.
difficult mountain terrain
which incl udes Mount Olympus, the highest peak in Cyprus.
Brigadier Wilson inspecting the Battalion Pipe Band at Polemidhia before the recent medal presentation ceremony.
Aiding them in their many tasks the Fusiliers have
had the assistance of a British Cavalry Squadron of armoured cars ,and detachments
of civilian police from Australia and New Zealand. The
armoured car squadron for
the first half of the Batt,s.lion's tour was 'A' Squadron,
14th/20th King's Hussars who
were relieved in January by
'A' Squadron, 5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards. Cooperation with these units
has been of the highest order.
tograph tal
Postal Ad!
•• ·'1
be issued d
')f the WG
building wj
in Geneva.
The nem
ted in
voisier, SI
yellow) J i!\
000 and 21
The Fusiliers' families have
stayed in Germany with a
small rear party, who remained in barI'i3.cks at Iserlohn.
have spent part of the tour
with relatives and friends in
Scotland, but will all be returning to BAOR to join husbands and f,athers on the
Battalion's return. The Fusiliers will spend a brief period in Iserlohn before goingon four weeks well ·earned
. I i'!!l
Coverage of this very large
area has entailed maximum
As Brigadier A..I. Wilson,
dispersion throughout their
CRE. MC. Acting Force Comtour.
mander and Chief of Staff of
Companies have rotated UNFICYP said ,!Lt a rer.ent paevery two months to .give rade when the Battalion wpthem a change of enVIron- re presented with their UN
ment and living conditions. Medals for service in CVDrus.
These have varied from hut- "The 1st Battalion have been
ted accommod,qtion in Pole- ;=t.dmirable representatives of
midhia c"unp, LimassoL first Scotland ,'mel the British Arbuilt by Kitchener in 1880, to my and have set a very high
tented Cflmps in Ktima and standard for other to fol1ow".
Polis and a variety of tents.
huts and requisitioned houseR for their' smaller outnostR.
Wherever they have found
have contrived to combine
maximum operatiOlli"!.l efficiency with the be<;t attainar1p
p.tandards in living conditions.
he five civilian police
elements serving with
In upholding the aims of
the UN Force in Cyprus, the the United Nations Force in
Battalions' daY to day activi- Cyprus are· drawn from
ties ho3. ve included the man- countries as far apart "lS
ning of observation posts nt anyone could imagine potential trouble spots, vehi- Australia, Austria, Denmark,
cle patrols on main road<; New Zealand and Sweden.
and mountain tracks, and vi- E,!Lch element serves in a difsits by patrols to dutlvin~ ferent part of the Island and
"illap-es. At times the Batkl· although their tasks are silion have turned out in full milar, different situations
force when tension rose i.n produce different conditions.
certain areas and during the S.ome months ago an interperiod of their successful change plan was brought intour they have managed to to being .and is now proving
prevent the outbreak of ma- very popular, for not only
jor incidents in the are,a of does it offer a wider view of
the Island to those involved,
their responsibility.
Infer • change ~
for (IVP01 el~
Harry Secambe, who visited 1 R.H.F. while on 0 CSE tour of
Cyprus, talking to members of th.e Battalion Military Band, accom.
panied at right by WO I Bandmaster G.T.S. Cooke, LRAM, ARCM.
but has r
At pre~
element .~
mter-ChaI'Ji.,. '
list three~
of the scm
viatio:l QI
own area:l
study th4
areas; se
study n"le
forces - '!
tant in t·
tional Po
and last
make no
of other
Page Five
tion to perfora l ion.
'1'he design shows the new
WHO building against a hackwU.N.
ground of a sectional glohe of
comthe world, together with the
ch will
emblems hoth of the U.N. and
the W.E.O. Foul' marginal in·
rganiscriptions will appear on each
ma· bul
sheet - two on the left and
At a very enjoyable dinner hetd at Xeros Camp to mark the
lave In
two on the rig·ht - and will
termination of 5 Infantry Group's tour of duty in Cyprus, Sgt. Major
3rit· The e prlnconsists
,rm- ted In
HEAOQ.I)ARr~Il$~~E"EVA, 1966 seal and "WHO" around the Mic:hael Galvin presents a Silver tray to Group Commanding Offic:er
top of the seal, with the date Lt. Col Brian Mc:Gurk on behalf of the N.C.O.s of the Unit.
entt volsier nd, in
us - d
Th emoml, ts and It was designed by Rashid-ud "1966" beneath It. The sheet
e 1l.cen~ e and Din (Pakis' an ) and will of 50 s~amps will be vertical.
for yellow), 2,200, measure 33.6 mm horizontally
ltta' 000 d etively. x 26 mm vertically, perforaThe "Cessation of Nuclear
Testing" stamp, which was iswho ~.----------------; sued on 23 October 1964, will
I by
have its last clay of sale on 23
April 1966.
Of interest: When the stamp
or· ' ..
commemorating the World Fe·
deration of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) Was Islave
sued on 31 January 1966, 447,
h a
154 covers received first day
The $1.00 regular UNP A
stamp, originally issued in 1951
was sold out on 16 March 1966.
Is in
At Nic:osia Airport, members of the advanc:o party of 5 Infantry
~ rehus\ ..." b,,,d " , ",., ,,, h,l"d,
T has
'a pho·
A',an checkpoint duty
:omff of
t pa·
,s of
Above: Austrians ond Austra-
Austrian, Swedish and Australian.
GrDup, due tD le'ave for home
on the 18th of th is month,
have their preparations well
under way. With the advanc:e
party already back in Ireland,
'BLUE BERET' photographers
c:aught some of the remainder
in their farewell round of
parties, presentations
Also at Nic:osia Airport. Mr. Tony Mcntingano who looh ofter
UN travel arrangements chatting with left to right:- Pte. Jell Halley,
Coy. Sgt Pet Hayes ond Pte. Liam Fltzgerald who all served together
in the Congo, and in Cyprus with Cln eorlier Irl$h Contlngo'nt at
OHic:ers and Men of Ops Stoff Lefke District who are due to
leave or home next week.
Page Six
Wednesday. 6th April, 1966
Trevligt aprilskamt
med myket mersmak
orra veckans danska aprilskiimt i The Blue Beret blev en stor sllcce.
Det var
samling utanfOr det danska wellfare-kontoret samtliga
medbavande muggar eUer glas. Del fanns iiven soldater med fiaskQr ocb
krukor av stiirre format men de hade ocksa med sig en skriftlig rekvisition
samt fullmakt att han tick ]{opa fOr sina kamrater.
Torbjorn Sandberg, Norrkliping och Bo Fredriksscl11,
orllningen fran sin Kpbll.
Den danske pressofficeren, maj or
Otto Haxthausen, stod i ensamt
majestat pa trappan och holl ett
kart tal till den forsamJade menigheten. Skylten "April-fool" kom
upp och - tvii slarka MP bar ut en
star vintunna pa farstllbron. Det
gick ett forviinlansfullt sus genom
mangden nar det stod klart att man
Zonmasterkap i tennis
elrotationen av den turkiskll
D nntionlllkolltingenten
iigde rum
i tisdags flirra veckan. Transporter,
csl\Orter och bevakning skottes av
FN. 40 officerare, 23 underofficerare
oeh 287 ii"riga, personligt bagage
och gods korn mcd det turkiska fartyget Basaran.
skulle fa smaka pa over 300 AI'
gammal Commanderia.
Utskankningen borjade oeh det blev strax
Iivligt pa platsen. Det hela ftiljdes
upp av TV-oeh ovriga nyhetsfotografer.
Major Haxthausen var mycket
nojd med sjtt Ulla skiimt.
Att historien med det upphittade
vinfatet i FHmagllsta 'var ett aprilskamt, var viiI de aUra fiesta pit del
klara med. Men den gode majoren behagade skiimta annu en
gang. Han tag niimligen kontakt
med KEO-koncernen, som tycktc
det VHr ett kul jippo - och skickade
over en tllnna med 63 liter vin i.
Vem blev cgcntligen ltirad?1.
Aven Cypressen holl sig med ett
aprilskiimt. En vul som hade
strandat utanfor Salamis! Medelhm'et tycks dOlja mycket i sina bla
39 offlcerare, 23 underoficerare
Orta Key,
om Nicosia. De hcmvandande
hade pa Cypern inkopt el-matericl,
kylskap, TV oeh tvattmaskincl'
for over lA milj. kronor.
43 fordon FN-fordon ocll tre
turkiska bussar svaraden fOr transporten och eskorten utgjordes av
militiirpolis och pansrade fordon.
2. komp. for dagen forstiirkt med
tvii plutoner svaradc for avsparrningen av oeh vaktilllningen i nya hamnen. Oeh en fiiltkantin som serveradc smorgas och varm dryck
under hela operationen, var ettmycket uppskattat inslag. Rota
tionen forlopte utan mcidenter.
Sa har ar min stili Tennismastaren Tage Hermansson, Eskilsrnna,
visaI' upp silt fighting face.
M i tennis anordnades pa Carl
Z Gustaf
Camp under 16rdagen
Mer Svenskt Sid 7
och sondagen. Nu liksom i kompanimasterskapen visade sig civpol
Tage Hermansson, Eskilstuna, vara
den absolut baste. Han blev bade
singel- oell dUbb~lmastare oeh toppade resultatlistan de bacta speldagarna.
Tavlingarna gick pa STR-banan
oeh omramadcs av goda arrangemango
Resultat: Singelfinal: Tage. Hermansson, Eskilstuna,
Brodd, STR-komp, Skiinninge: 6-1,
6-1,6-0.3 & 4 pris: Torbjorn Sandberg, 3. komp, Norrkoping, - Kjell
Paulsson, STR-komp, Halmstad:
3-6, 6-4, 8-6, 8-6.
askhelgen i densvcnska
. bataljonen kommer inte alt
Fran langfredagen till och med
annandagen ar det ofieielia helgdagar. Gudstjanster kommer
att hanas i resp. lokaler pH.
Ia.ngfredagen och paskdagen.
Vidare kommer den del sightseeingturer att anordnas tili popuiiira utflyktsmiU. Extrafi:lrpI agnad i form av agg mm kommer att utspisas.
Major OUe Bjiirna -var prisutdelare. Har far tvaan i singel KjeU
Brodd, STR-komp. 1 4:s medalj.. T.v. hans overm~n Tage Hermansson.
Dubbelfinal: Tage Herrnansson!
Stefan Lindstrom, civpol - Hiikan
Nimark/Kjcll Paulsson, STR: 6-3,
6-2, E-Q. 3 & 4 pris: Sven-Olof Friman, staben/Kjell Brodd, STR OUe Karlsson, l.komp./Berth Onnela, I. kornp: 6-3, 6-1, 6-2.
~ednesday, 6~h April, 1966
Page Seven
KSp 5 aloitti toimintansa 1.4. Vaihdon mukana saareIla saapui kakY
sisataakuusi uulla miesta. Hcidan joukossaan oH kuitenkin monia jo
varhemmin saareJla palvelleita. Vaihdoll yhlcydessa tulimmc komppaniaa
Vaihdon yhteydessa suomalaiskontingentissa vierllilivat mm. cv.
Holger Krogerus ja kapt ViIle Pajunen, joHa tiislaina kotiutunut cv Boldt
ja kanadalaincn maj Christcnsen olivat saattamassa.
Matkaan liihti myos entinen huoltopiiiiIJiko, evl AnJis Salovaara, joka
huoltohuolct evl lIpo KoskiseJle ja palaljoonaupseeriJIe cv] Eer()
Lchtovirralle. Asia kiiy Hmi myos miestcn i1mcista.
a tti
koylJemmiksi. Samalla luovutimrne kanadalaisille mylIYl1 lienoot ja osan
Trakonaksesta. Muilta osin pysyivat vastullalue, tyomiiiiril ja velvoitteet
Tamiin vuoksi meidiin on syytii
Pukeuturninen ja lllkoholin kaylto
kertoa lulokknille - ja m iksei myos
Tilanteen saarella pysyessa raumuulle henkilosWJle - n1uutamia
hallisena on viime aikoina yhii
tosiasioita, jotka on pidettava mieslluremmassa maarin ruvettu kilnlessa tarkeiiii rauhanturvaamistehnittamiiiin huomiola eri joukkotilvaa suoriteltaessa.
osastoihin kuuluvjen pukeutumiseen ja silsteyteen.
Kielitaito Tiirkeii
Asia koskee yhta hyvin palvelusAsioiden edistyessa yha useamta kllin vapaa-aikojakill. Meidan
malle tulee eteen tehtavia joissa
suomen kiele11ii ei eniiii selvitii.
Onneksi llseimmal ovat jo etukiiteen ehtineet hankkia tunll1man
tehtiiviissil kiiytettiiviiiin toiminSe oH tartakieleen englantiin.
keimpia edellytyksia myos valituksi
Kokemus varhaisemmilta ajoilta
on kuitenkin osoittanut, ettii anomuslomaketta tayttaessaan valitettavan moni on hicman liioitellul
kieleJlisia taitojaan. Seurauksena
011 ol1ut. ettii kielitaidottomullden
vlloksi 'on jouduttu tilanteisiin,
jotka ilman hyvaa onnea olisivat
saattaneet muodostua jopa hengenvaurallisiksi.
on pidettii mielessii ettll emme
Tiimii asiaintila voidaan kuitenedusta ainoastaan itseiimme tai
kin korjata suhteellisen heJ~osti
pataljoonaamme vaan suomalnisen
opiskelun ja harjoitteluu uvulla.
solavaen valiota. Naapureinamme
Sillii pataljoonassa on ta rkoitusta
olevat anglosaksisten maitten kaarvarten saatavissu riittiiviisti oppitinpataljoonat muodostavat siina
kirjojll ja harjoitllsmateriaaliu. Lisuhteessa velvoittavan esimerkin.
siiksi jokaisella on mahdollisuus
Meidan on myos muislettava
harrastaa parasta mahdollista opolla varovaisia nimenomaan alkohopimiskeinoa: kcskllstelua ja kansli n kiiyton suhteen. Saarella ovat nisakilymista muihin kontingentteimittain voimass'a aivan toisenlaiset
hin kUllluvien kanssa.
juomatnvat kllin mihin kotimaassa
olemme tottuneet. Niln paikalliKayltiiytymiseen huomiotll.
nen vaesto kuin muut turvajoukkoihin klluluvat pitiiviit juopuneen
Toinen niikokohta, johon nain
esiintymista ihmisarvoa alentavana
alkajaisiksi on kiinnitettiivii hllOtekona. Meilla ei siinii suhteessa
miota, on kokaisen henkilokohtaiole enM varaa tOITIliiilyihin.
nen kiiyttiiytyminen.
Pataljoonassamme kiiy jatkuvasti
Hyvii Maine Sailytcttava
arvovllltaisia vieraita, jotka tarkUusi komentajamme,
kailevat toimintaamme ja tekev1it
Koskenpalo viittasi tervehdyssasillii perusteella I~yvinkin pitkiille
noissaan suomalaisen sOlilaan hymenevia johtopiiiitoksHi.
viian maineeseen rauhanlurvaalurvajoukkoihin kuuluvien muitlen
mislehUlvissil. Me emme kuitenjoukko-osastojen, poliittisten sihkaan voi nojata yksinomaan maiteerislOn, paika.l1isen vaeston ja
neeseemme, vaan meidiin on osoitkansainviilisen JehdistOn edustajien
tava se myos kaytann6ssa.
taholta jOlldumme jatkuvan tarkJokainen suomalainen rauhankailun alaiseksi.
sotilas edustaa maataan ja sen maiTiissa yhteydessa on syyta muisneikasta sotilasperinnetii. Tilmii
tultaa, ellii emme ole saarella valvelvoittaa meitii suorittamaan tehloittajina tai miehitysolosllhteissa,
tiivamme tinkimattomasti sekii suh·
vaan paikallisen viieston kutsumina
tautumaan paikalliseen vaeostoon
rauhanturvajoukkojen edustajina,
puoJueettomasti, ystiiviillisesti ja
joiita sen mukaisesli edellytetaan
asiallisesti. - Olkaaml11e maineempuolueetonta ja sivistynytta kaytme veroisia.
Turkrotationen .
Uudcn pataljoonan komentaja cv Uolevi K!lskenpalo otti ohjat kasiinsu
1 4 :E'.uva hanen ensimmaisesta tilannekatsauksesta, jossa cv Boldt ja cv
Krogerus viclil olivat mukanas.
Det var givetvis en del diskussioner mellan turkarna oeh tl111myndighetema, som gjorde att det hela drog
ut pa tiden.
Den svenska bataljonens insats
gay bevis for god diciplin och god
organisationsform< och ett personligt tack har framforts av AFC
brigadtir Wilson.
_p_3_g_e_E_i_9_h_t, ,..:.6.::.:th.:....::..:A:!:p~r:..:.;i1,~1:.:.9::6.:.6_
T::...:H=E...:;:BL.UE _B_E_R_E_T
'End isolation' INDIAN PREMIER'S
call to ,. I. China OFFICIAL VISIT TO
nited States Ambassador Arthur Goldberg told a press
conference at United Nations Headquarters in New Yorlt
last weelt that his government hOlled that the P.R. of China
woulll end her "self-imposed isolation" by agreeing that major
war must be ruled out because it would mean destruction for
all manldnd.
This applied specifically, he
Perhaps ''<he acid test" of
declared, to the question of
China's intentions, Me Goldadmitting her Into the United
berg added, was whether she
Nations. In any event, he said,
would join the other four nuthe United States had clear
clear powers in seeking a treacommitments to the Chinese
ty to prevent the further
Government in Taiwan, and
spread of atomic weapons. So
far, the United States' reprethere would be, he thought,
senta:ive said, there had been
wide international opposition
no indication from, Peking
that she wished to abandon her
international policy based on
threats and violence,
Asked if the United States'
polIcy towards Peking was being reappraised, Mr Goldberg
said that it remained under
constant review. The decisive
factor, he said, was the attitude of the Peoples' Republic
of China herself.
GllanlU confel's \vitb
U Thaot for half-hollt'
RS. Indira Gandhi, Prime
M Minister of India, paid an
official visit to the United Nations on Friday, 1 April.
Mrs. Gandhi, accompanied by
Foreign Secretary C,S. Jha and
Ambassador Gopalaswami Parthasarathi, arrived at U.N.
Headquarters at noon.. She
was met at the entrance of the
Secretariat building by Mr.
C.V. Narasimhan, the Secretary- General's Chef de Cabinet,
and Mr. Pierre de Meulemeester, U.N. Chief of Pro:ocol,
who escorted her to U Thant's
offices on the 38th floor.
The Indian Prime Minister
conferred with the SecretaryGeneral for half an hour, and
subsequently met with memo
bel'S of the African-Asian
T mision
he Human Rights Comlast week ap-
United States Ambassador
Arthur Goldberg
to any proposal that twelve
million people should be handed over to Peking against
their will.
As to the possibility of a
"two Chinas" solulion, Mr.
Goldberg noted that both Peking and Taipeh had declared
their opposition to this. Mr.
Goldberg added that in the
light of recent rebuffs to the
P.R. of China in Indonesia Africa and elsewhere, he lho~lght
there was, at present, less support for seating her in the
United Nations than at the last
General Assembly (the Assembly split evenly last autumn
on a proposal that would have
turned over the Chinese seat
in the United Nations to the
Peoples' Republic of China).
proved, without a dissenting vote, a resolution originally proposed by Poland
and arnmended by seven
other States, seeking to ensure that no time limit be
applied to the prosecution
of those charged with war
crimes and crimes against humanity.
Recommendations made
in the resolution, submitted
by the Economic and Social Council, urge all States to take any measures
to prevent the
application of statutary
limitations to war crimes
and crimes against humanity; to continue efforts to
ensure arrest, extradition
and punishment of persons
responsible for such crimes; and to make relevant
from page
other States.
Colonel Ivan Hoernqvist as CO
The resolution also asks
SWECON and Bal talion Comthe Secretary-General to
mander and the main body of
carry out a study regardthe rotation will take place beting arrest, extradition and
ween the 24th and 29th of this
punishemnt; and to prepare
month. Strength of the new
the draft of a covention battalion
will be seven hundred
envisaged for adoption by
• and fifty-five officers and men.
the General Assembly. at
its 1967 session - which
Rotation of the main elewould _make it a binding
ment of the British. Contingent
obligation not to apply time
is due to )Jegin next Monday
limits to war crimes cases.
(11th April) with the arrival
at Akrotiri of the advance par-
T mission
he Human Rights Comof the United
Na'ions last week welcomed the Costa Rican proposal to establish the institution of a Uni l ed Nations
High Commissioner of Human Rights and decided to
set up a working group to
study all questions relating
to such a move. It asked
the Secretary-General to
prepare an analytic and te~hnical s: udy to assist the
working group.
Four major Contingents
involved in .·otations
ty of the 1st Battalion, Royal
Welsh Fusiliers. The advance
party of the outgoing Royal
Highland Fusiliers will depart
for the United Kingdom the
same day. The main body of
1 RWF under the command
of Lieutenant Colonel J,H.
Swift, is due to arrive on the
18th, 19th and 20th of thid'
month and the rotation should
be cOm?leted by the 21st April.
Group of delegations accredited
to the United Nations. IndiaPakistan relations and the
Viet-Nam crisis were among
the problems discussed with
the Secre:ary-GeneraL
Mrs Gandhi's visit was part
of a world tour during which
she visited heads of Government in Washington, London,
Paris and Moscow before returning to India at the weekend.
he relief of part of the
T Turltish
National Contingent in Cyprus took place between 0720 hI'S on Tuesday of
last weelt (29th March) and
0015 hrs the following day.
Inland transportation, escorts
and observers were provided
by the United Nations }~orce
in Cyprus.
Forty officers, twenty-three
NCOs and t.wo hundred and
eighty-seven other ranks, personal baggage and battalion
stores arrived at Famagus'a
on the Turkish ship 'Basharan'.
Thirty-nine officers, twentythree NCOs and two hundred
and eighty-seven other ranks
wi' h their personal baggage
and battalion stores left the
Turkish National Contingent
area at Orta Keuy and were
repatriated on the "Basharan"
which left in the early hours
of Wednesday morning. Neither draft was armed at any
lime during the operation. A
total of forty-three UNFICYP
trucks and three Turkish buses were used for the move.
Escorts consisting of a vehicle at both the start and end
of each packet were provided
by UNFICYP as well as military police escorts to lead convoys in'o and out of Nicosia
and Famagusta,
UNFICYP observer teams
supervised the operation at
both Nicosia and Famagusta.

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