chenery pto newsletter - Belmont Public Schools


chenery pto newsletter - Belmont Public Schools!
From the Principal
Note New Date!
Thursday, January 12
7-8:30 pm in the
Community Room with
special guest Interim
Superintendent Dr.
Dear Families:
As you know, it has been a busy few months! Term two started last
week and ends at the half way mark of the school year. Time is moving
quickly and some days it seems as if we are racing to catch up. Talk to your
student about the pace of the weeks and his or her school work. Now is a
good time to reflect upon their progress, acknowledge hard work and his or
her many accomplishments and also consider where adjustments should be
made for improvement. Students can easily focus on struggles or missteps
and may need a firm reminder of their many wonderful successes both academically and socially. If at any time you have questions or concerns about
your child’s progress please do not hesitate to contact a guidance counselor
or administrator.
Last week we welcomed Dr. Elizabeth Englander to BPS with support
from the Belmont Foundation for Education. Dr. Englander works with the
Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC) out of Bridgewater State
College and has been at the forefront of the national dialogue regarding bullying prevention and intervention among adolescents. She provided training
to the Leadership Council and presented a rich yet practical overview of the
data related to bullying, aggressive behaviors, development and how home
and schools can work together for positive outcomes. As we continue to en- SOME INSIDE HIGHLIGHTS
sure that our schools are safe environments for all, we will bring MARC staff
back to CMS in January to work with students. We are excited about these
SAC Update
opportunities and look forward to sharing with you in the coming months.
(continued on page 2)
From the PTO Presidents
Dear Chenery Families,
In this season of Thanksgiving, we want to express our gratitude to the parent volunteers who
enrich the lives of Chenery students.
With over 15 PTO committees there
is much good being done and goodwill being generated. We want to
give a special thanks to some exceptional PTO leaders. Carolyn Boyle,
Sue Black, Sharon Thomas and Heidi
Steinert have spearheaded the enrichment programs bringing musicians, scientists, authors and even
an archeologist to Chenery. Aygul
Balcioglu and Heather Keane organized the wildly successful 5th grade
Pasta Dinner (a record 375 people
attended!). Emily Dallman orchestrated the refreshments for the Upper School dance. With vision and
diligence, Lorraine Kermond, Grace
Tenner, Carol Kean, Sarah Olken and
Glen Mohr developed and executed
the new student directory process.
Constance Moore and Sue Black energized the PTO Clubs growing the
program two fold creating exceptional opportunities for Chenery
students. Tender care is given the
Chenery grounds by Erin McNeil and
the beautification committee. Laura
Broach masterfully gathers and creates the PTO newsletter.
Upper School Letter
Media Literacy News
6th Grade News
Innisbrook Fundraiser
FBE Spelling Bee
Public Library News
Art Department
PTO Membership Form
Important Events
Chenery’s Phone Info
PTO Board &
Committee Chairs
(continued on page 2)
From the PTO Presidents (continued from page 1)
Fundraising is thoughtfully and
carefully overseen by Janet Goldberg (gift wrap) and Jane Slavin
and Sue Black (membership). Carla
Callopy and Valerie Devine manage
all the finances with care and consideration. With grace and insight,
Doreen Cameron provides the PTO
minutes. And supporting the efforts of each of these leaders are
dozens of other parent volunteers.
Thank you all.
Of course the thanks extend to the entire Chenery parent
community. Your support and enthusiasm for this distinct middle
school and your commitment to
the wellbeing of all the students is
exceptional. Thank you for all your
Our November 3rd PTO
meeting featured a rich presentation and discussion with the three
new curriculum directors: Foreign
Languages, Colleen Foley, Science,
Deborah Darlington, Social Studies, Deborah McDevitt. Thank you
to each of these professionals for
giving us a deeper understanding
of their critical role in our children’s lives. You can view their
presentation here: Curriculum Directors’ Presentation.
Because of a conflict with
Town Meeting, our next PTO Meeting has been rescheduled from
January 19 to January 12. We hope
you will be able to join us January
12, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the Community Room. Interim Superintendent Dr. Kingston will be providing
an update.
As always, feel free to contact us with any questions, suggestions and concerns.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Peggy Eysenbach
[email protected]
Megan Pickette
Vice President
[email protected]
!family was
! middle
a Chenery
in the
of a medical crisis that necessitated the mom
being hospitalized for several weeks. With 3
school-age children to care for and a full-time
job we knew the dad needed some support.
Many teachers at Chenery volunteered to make
dinners and deliver them and they deserve a
big shout out of THANKS. At the same time our
principal quietly enlisted the help of the PTO
and many of you came forward to provide so
much support. It meant so much to this family
to have dinners delivered and it meant a lot to
the staff here to once again be so supported by
our amazing parents. THANK YOU!
Paula Metcalf Lazar, MSW, LICSW
School Social Worker
PTO Newsletter Online
Our PTO Newsletter will be issued
six times during the school year.
When it is issued, you will receive
an announcement via the school
listserv and you can find the newsletter online at the Chenery
School website:
A few printed copies will be available in the main office.
PTO Mailbox
Wondering where to return all
those forms and don’t want to
mail them? The PTO mailbox is a
crate on the floor under the staff
mailboxes in the main office.
PTO email address:
[email protected]
PTO newsletter address:
[email protected]
From the Principal (continued from page 1)
Next month, on Thursday, December 8th we are excited
to meet with parents of grade eight students interested
in the trip to Washington, D.C. In preparation for that
meeting I recommend parents and students browse the
Worldstrides website. The meeting promises to provide
an overview of plans and expectations as well as an extensive Q and A.
Thank you for your continued support of our students
and teachers; collaboration with and support from
families is critical to our success.
Best regards,
Kristen St. George
School Advisory Council (SAC) Update
The Chenery Middle School Advisory Council (SAC) has held two
working sessions so far this school
year. The SAC is comprised of five
parent representatives, two representatives from the Belmont community, four representatives from
the Chenery faculty, and the
Chenery Principal. The SAC meets throughout
the school year and its mission is
to review district-wide and CMSspecific initiatives, provide feedback, and communicate pertinent
issues to the larger Chenery
community. This year the SAC is
working on updating parts of the
Chenery Handbook to better re-
flect the current needs of the
school community. The Bullying
section was updated this year to
reflect the new Massachusetts law
and the SAC will review the effectiveness of the Chenery response
to this important issue on an ongoing basis. Additionally, the Dress
Code has been updated with a goal
of making the school a safer and
more comfortable environment for
Chenery students and faculty. The
SAC is discussing ways to enforce
the dress code in a reasonable but
effective manner. Please refer to
the handbook in the Student Planner to review the updated dress
From the Upper School Assistant Principal
Dear Parents of Upper School
As the first term comes to
a close and all of our transition
cobwebs have been wiped away, it
is quite exciting to feel the
rhythms of school at play and to
see the dynamics of students and
teachers at work throughout the
Upper School. If you haven’t had a
chance to ask your 7th and 8th
grade students how they’ve
“gotten smarter” lately, you might
be surprised at what you’ll find.
Here’s a small sample:
Grade 7 students have explored the physics of heat transfer,
utilized the order of math operations in complex and challenging
ways, begun to find their own
writer’s voice, learned how to play
vigorous games of team handball,
and created self portraits using
concepts of facial proportions in
Grade 8 students have debated the arguments for and
against a federal government from
a 18th century lens, explored the
periodic table and how to best
categorize elements, used the
cross-multiplication rule to solve
for variables, worked to build a
life-sized “group self-portrait”
sculpture, and used a Socratic
seminar model to analyze literature. And this was only the first
It can certainly be overwhelming to think about how
much we ask of students on a daily
basis. One suggestion I continue to
make to students and families is to
develop strong and predictable
routines for their school and nonschool lives so that students are
getting the appropriate amount of
rest and downtime and that when
the work does come, they have a
manageable way of tackling it.
I am excited to welcome
winter (although perhaps not the
snow) and I continue to be in awe
of the remarkable work your children and their teachers are doing
here at Chenery.
Daniel Coplon-Newfield
Upper School Assistant Principal
The SAC is working on a
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
document. This document includes
common questions that parents
have about the Chenery School
and its programs. The goal is to fit
the FAQ into an updated handbook
and/or post it on the Chenery
website and to update this as necessary when new questions
arise. The Principal is working
with district IT staff to set up an
email contact for SAC giving parents an opportunity to comment
on topics the Council is addressing.
Keep the fun and excitement
of Pasta night going! All Chenery 5th graders are
invited to come play Bingo on
Tuesday, November 29, after
school in the Cafeteria. Bingo will run from 2:30
until 3:30. Parents should arrive just before 3:30, park in
the lot and walk into the cafeteria to pick up their child.
Walkers will be dismissed from
the cafeteria at 3:30. Please
plan in advance whether your
child will walk home or be
picked up. Tickets will be on
sale during 5th grade lunches
on November 21, 22, and the
28th. We are looking for parents to help supplement our
cache of prizes. Donations of
$5 gift certificates would be
greatly appreciated.
Please contact Nancy
Dignan at
[email protected] if
you have any questions or
would like to donate.
Media Literacy at Chenery
This year, thanks to a grant from
the Foundation for Belmont
Education, Chenery 5th graders
will be taught Media Literacy
during their Library time. What is
media literacy? Glad you asked!
This definition from the Center
for Media Literacy provides us
with a sound framework for
thinking about what your children
will be learning:
•Media Literacy is a 21st
century approach to
•It provides a framework to
access, evaluate, analyze,
and create messages in a
variety of forms – from print,
to video, to the Web;
•Media literacy builds an
understanding of the role of
media in society as well as
the essential skills of inquiry
and self-expression necessary
for citizens of democracy.
Parents of eighth-graders
are invited to attend an
informational session on
Thursday, December 8, to
learn about this special
opportunity for our 8thgrade students. There will
be an overview of plans
and expectations and an
extensive Q & A. In the
meantime, please visit for
The funding provided by
FBE allowed us to bring in the
New Hampshire-based nonprofit
Media Power Youth to train a
number of Chenery teachers and
to purchase their curriculum. We
are very excited to be
implementing their curriculum
from December through June.
Each of the 12 sessions builds
upon the next as we explore the
impact that media, in all forms,
can have on our lives. Topics we
will investigate include violence
in the media, alcohol and
tobacco advertising, food
marketing and its impact on a
healthy diet, and more. I will be
working in collaboration with my
colleagues (health, art, all 5th
grade teachers) to provide a
robust, engaging, and thought
provoking educational experience
for your children in 5th grade.
Children will likely be
Friday, January 27
7-8 at the Belmont Rink:
Interested in volunteering to
serve hot chocolate?
[email protected]
engaging you in analyzing the
media you enjoy at home during
the course of our work together.
We will also work with children
to create their own media
messages based on what they
have learned.
As always, I am available
to field any questions. Thank you
so much!
Karen Duff
[email protected]
Sixth Grade Archaeological Dig
This past October, sixth grade
students participated in a mock
archaeological dig thanks to a
generous grant from the
Foundation for Belmont
Education. In the far back corner
of Chenery’s fields, Kimberley
Connors-Hughes of Archaeology
Outreach set up a multi-level dig,
featuring artifacts from Native
American, Colonial, Civil War Era,
and modern Massachusetts.
Students worked in teams
as diggers, sifters and scribes to
record their findings. Later in a
lab, they worked with their
artifacts to identify the items and
compare them to similar objects
from ancient cultures.
teachers found
this rich, handson program to
have many
connections to
the 6th grade
curriculum: ancient history and
archaeology in Social Studies, the
scientific method in science, and
even plotting objects on a grid in
math. Both students and teachers
enjoyed this fun and enriching
Andrew Semuels
Grade 6 Teacher
Sixth Grade Field Trip to Wheelock Family Theater
On November 3rd, over 300 6th
graders, their teachers and a few
brave parent chaperones attended
a matinee performance of Norton
Juster’s The Phantom Tollbooth at
Wheelock Family Theater in
As part of a special
program, students also got to stay
after the show and meet the cast.
Chenery kids read a dramatic
adaptation of Juster’s book as part
of the language arts curriculum
each year. When the theater
announced its fall season,
teachers knew attending the
performance could create
excellent class discussions about
dramatic interpretation and
production techniques.
Sixth graders were asked to
dress up for the performance and
this produced almost as much
excitement as the performance
itself. One mom reported that her
daughter had many, many texts
the night before (“What are YOU
going to wear?”).
Students seemed
interested by the fact that the
actors often left the stage and
took the performance into the
aisles. All heads turned as the
well-loved Word Market scene
became a moment of song and
dance in the middle aisle. After
the show, many students said that
they “didn’t like” the singing and
dancing. But, this point provided a
chance for teachers to talk about
both the benefits and drawbacks
of making a story into a musical.
Other students were interested in
why the Wheelock show contained
some different scenes from what
they’d read at school. Again, this
was a great chance for teachers to
talk about how and why
productions make certain choices.
Most students seemed to
particularly enjoy the character of
Tock (a dog). They learned that
the actor who played Tock was
actually a dancer and that he
studied his OWN dog for two
weeks to prepare for the role. His
physical interpretation of Tock was
truly dog-like, such as when he
begged for food on his hind legs.
Overall, the performance
and chance to meet the cast
seemed to be thought-provoking
for kids and staff alike. One sixth
grade girl from the Silver Team
summed up her feelings about the
trip like this: “I think when the
actors talked to us it was really
cool; it was better than taking a
math test.”
Mr. Mitchell’s homeroom all
dressed up for the show…
Chenery Library Book Fair: Parent Volunteers Needed!
Our annual book fair and library fundraiser is right
around the corner! Support your school library! A
percentage of the money we make from selling books
will provide funds for the Library to purchase more
books and other resources! Teachers will choose
books and place them in their “Wish Baskets” so you
can easily purchase gifts for their classroom collections.
The book fair will be held in the Chenery Library
on the following days/hours:
Tues, Dec. 6 – Thur, Dec. 8 7:30 am-7:30 pm
Fri., Dec. 9 7:30am -11:00 am
Last year we sold over $13,000 worth of books! We
would like to break that record this year if humanly
possible. We need your help! No book budget means
creative means of fundraising!
A few volunteers are needed in the
afternoon/evenings to help restock, run the cash
register, etc! Please contact me if you are willing
to volunteer!
If you are unable to attend the book fair,
please consider logging on to our Chenery Reads Wish
List! To assist you in selecting a book, the Chenery
website contains a link to the “Library Gift Book Program.” Our address is . From there you
can click on the Library link at the bottom, then Library Gift Book Program, then click on Chenery
Reads Wish List and you’ll enter our
wish list.
Thank You!
Karen Duff, Chenery Librarian
[email protected]
Sing-A-Rama Concert on November 28
The Belmont Public Schools Department of Fine and
Performing Arts is pleased to announce the 37th annual Sing-ARama concert will occur on Monday, November 28th at 7:00 p.m.
in the Belmont High School Auditorium. The concert will feature
the town vocal ensembles from grades 3-12 under the direction of
Megan Fitzharris Harlow, Sean P. Landers, and Christine Servilio
and accompanied by Alexandra Lutkevich. The performance
consists of a diverse program of music, including folk songs from
around the world, compositions by famous composers, jazz
arrangements, and an annual favorite. The concert will conclude
with a grand finale performed by more than 350 singers! Please
join us for this free, public concert.
Honors Concert on December 1
On Thursday evening, Dec. 1 @
7pm, Chenery's own Auditorium
will be aflame with music from
the after-school "honors"
ensembles including:
• Chenery Chamber Singers,
Megan Harlow, director
• Chenery Chamber Orchestra,
Margot Reavey, director
• Chenery Winds, Sharon
Phipps & John McLellan,
• Chenery Jazz Ensemble,
Sharon Phipps, director
No one can do everything, but
everyone can do something!
Guaranteed to bring
inspiration to all, these
performances are the product
of work done outside the
school day. With only one
rehearsal each week, these
ensembles will produce some
of the finest performances in
the country available from
middle school musicians. We
are exceedingly proud of what
we have here in Belmont and
encourage all to come out and
From just before Thanksgiving to the Winter
Break in late December, the entire Music
Department from grades 3-12 is buzzing
with excitement. Each phase of our
program, Choral, Orchestral and Band, is
gearing up for its particular "rama". The
concept behind each of these performance
extravaganzas is to offer to both parents
and students alike, a glimpse into the future
as well as a reminiscence of times gone by.
Younger students and their families are
offered a view into where they will be in
only a few short years and what sort of
amazing music they will be making. The
older ones are able to look back to see their
own beginnings as reflected in the newest
members of the family.
Nov. 21, BHS Auditorium, 7pm
•Winter Choral Concert ("Singorama"),
Nov. 28, BHS Auditorium, 7pm
Dec. 14 BHS Fieldhouse, 7pm
We hope that you will come out to support
our efforts as we present the results of the
students' hard work.
witness for yourselves the wealth of
talent that works within these walls.
Staff Appreciation Treat Week Begins November 28
Did you ever wish you could do something to thank your child's teachers, but then
feel overwhelmed because there are so many people to thank?
Here's a solution to that dilemma! PTO's 3rd Annual Chenery Staff Appreciation
Treat Week will be held the week after Thanksgiving, November 28- December 2, 2011. It's a perfect
opportunity to do "a little something" to create a fun and delicious week for all the Chenery staff.
It's easy to participate in this! Parents or students can drop off donations to the Staff Dining Room
(across the hall from the cafeteria) anytime during the school day. The staff enjoys a wide range of treats:
bowls of whole fruit (apples, strawberries, clementines, etc.), boxes of coffee or cocoa, home baked goods,
quiche, veggies & dip, ice cream bars (limited freezer space available), cases of bottled water/soda/iced
tea, roll up sandwiches, M&Ms, appetizers, cupcakes, fruit salad, candy, cheese & crackers, salsa & chips,
coffee cake, etc. Last year some families included lovely notes to accompany their treats.
There's no structured donation schedule - if you bake something over the holiday weekend, send it in
on Monday. If you forget until Thursday night, grab something quick at the store & send it in on Friday. Any
store has possibilities - Shaw's, Costco, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, even CVS (bags of candy). Please
participate to thank all members of Chenery’s staff for the many ways that they impact our children's
Chenery experience.
Contact Meg Piccione with any questions or to help at [email protected] or 617-484-1991.
Chenery Winds Makes a Debut
Since the opening of our new
building, Chenery's 7th & 8th
Grade Band students had outnumbered the size of their rehearsal room. Having taken over a
fairly small room into which we
could pack possibly 45 students
and equipment, we had to devise
a system that would create two
separate ensembles, one of 70-85
members and one with 45-55
members. This past model resulted in the creation of a Concert Band and a Wind Ensemble, a
tiered curriculum that did not
quite match the philosophy behind the educational concepts of
our middle school.
Over the summer, however, we were able to find a room
that could accommodate a complete grade level of band students and we made the switch to
grade level bands in September, a
switch that has created two extremely healthy ensembles aptly
named the 7th Grade Band and
the 8th Grade Band.
Still sensing the need to
challenge the students to the
maximum, Ms. Phipps and Mr.
McLellan began an after-school
group called Chenery Winds. This
49-member ensemble includes
students who have passed a rigorous audition procedure, one that
was now open to advanced players in the sixth grade as well and
the Upper School. Meeting only
once a week, this group has already performed at the annual
Veterans' Day Assembly on Nov. 10
alongside and in collaboration
with the incredible 150+ member
7th & 8th Grade Chorus under the
direction of our newest music
faculty member, Megan Harlow.
Honoring some of the most
respected members of our community, the 7th & 8th Grade Chorus performed extravagantly as
did the Chenery Chambers Singers, an after-school ensemble of
fabulous singers also under Ms.
Harlow's direction. The honored
guests marched on to the stage to
the striking tones of Vaughan Williams as the Chenery Winds
played an opening fanfare. The
highlight of the assembly was a
rousing rendition of America the
Beautiful, a collaborative effort
between the Chorus and the
Chenery Winds. In only one rehearsal these two hundred performers were able to coordinate
their efforts into one, paying
tribute to all who have served
and all who continue to serve our
nation as defenders.
The veterans were all very
moved as were we who were
honored to host them. The power
of music cannot be underestimated as a cross-generational
form of communication. The
members of the audience, the
performers, and the vets were
able to share of moment of gratitude that transcended words.
Chenery Winds at M.I.T.
Chenery's Band Program has a unique sister program, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It may seem
odd to some that a middle school would align themselves closely with a group of people a decade older than
themselves but stretching is the name of the game- reach for the stars and take a chance. On December 9,
nearly the entire cast of Chenery Winds will perform in collaboration with the MIT Wind Ensemble on the
stage of Kresge Auditorium at MIT, beginning at 8pm. Our students will be able to hear a performance of
high caliber music played by some of the greatest minds in our country and then come up on stage and sit
among them. A performance of Dmitri Shostakovich's Prelude, Op. 34, #14 in Eb Minor, has been described
and "horn heaven" but is clearly a work that expresses darkness and sadness, something to which we hope
our students can only peripherally relate.
As teachers, Ms. Phipps and Mr. McLellan feel it is a duty to demonstrate that music making is a lifelong undertaking, regardless of the career path chosen. Very few of the students of MIT will end up as professional musicians but everyone of these MIT musicians are committed to make music throughout their
lives. Living as engineers and rocket scientists, computer geniuses and medical miracle workers, it is important for our Chenery students to see that making music is vital to a happy, fulfilled life. Whether it is with
an instrument or with the voice, making music together with others is a form of communion that can not be
ignored. As adults we understand this and it's important that our young people discover this as well.
We invite all of the Chenery community to witness the collaboration or Chenery Winds with MIT at
Kresge Auditorium, 48 Mass Ave., Cambridge, on Friday, Dec. 9, beginning at 8pm.
Innisbrook Results
We are pleased to report that this year's Innis!
brook fundraiser brought was successful. We are
still calculating our final results, but we are
pleased to announce our top producers
for this year’s sales drive.
Abigail D’Angelo- top seller in
the school
Joseph Shaughnessy- 8th grade
Cheyenne Isaac- 7th Grade
Madeleine Guettler- 6th grade
Brittany Moran– 5th grade
Many thanks to all those who helped with this sales
drive, from decorating our display case, sorting the
brochures, imputing orders, distributing the orders
and to the staff at the Chenery Middle School who
You can also continue to shop for
Innisbrook products throughout the
year on their website:
Please remember to enter the
Chenery Customer number: 101648.
supported us in this fundraising endeavor. We
could not have done it without you!
Reminder: Magazine subscriptions need to be activated with the voucher coupon.
Sincerely yours,
Janet Goldberg
FBE Spelling Bee 5th Grade Winners!
The Winners!
This year’s Foundation for
Belmont Education (FBE) Youth
Spelling Bee came to a close on
Saturday, November 5, when
“The Super Spelling Cheetahs”
was the only team to
successfully spell the word,
“quinine”. Team members
Abigail Mohr, Catherine He, and
Rida Sharief, all in 5th grade,
must have been quite proud to
emerge victorious given the
record number of competitive
teams we had this year.
While teams from Grades
K-6 all actively participate in the
Bee, only the oldest age group of
fifth and sixth graders is
competitive. This year, 32 teams
entered the competitive portion
to take on words including
circumference, etymology,
guacamole, and gorgeous. In the
final round, the words became
increasingly difficult, as the
judges went “off list” for the
entire round; words in the final
round included precipitation,
obstinate, insidious and
Once again, the event
raised nearly $20,000 for the
FBE, which in turn supports
grants and programs exclusively
for the Belmont Public Schools.
What a great community event:
“fun” and “fund” raising!
Congratulations to “The
Super Spelling Cheetahs” and to
all of the spellers in this year’s
Spelling Bee.
A POMS special event to benefit
the Belmont K-12 Music Program
Saturday, February 4, 2012
7:30 - 10:30 PM
Belmont High School
Richard Curzi and Positive Energy
are local favorites. Their
unconventionally eclectic mix of
nostalgic pop features richly
textured vocal harmonies and
virtuosic instrumental
improvisations. The band features
Richard Curzi on keyboards and
vocals; Roger Brown and Mark
Kohler on drums and percussion;
Rick Dimino on bass; Jerry
Twomey, Jim Wooster, and Rich
Vettel on guitar; and vocalists
Paul Judge, Bridget Curzi, Roger
Read, and John Howe. For this
POMS benefit event, the group
will pay tribute to the great music
of the 1970s.
Don't miss this event. More details soon!
It’s STAR or FRIEND Award Time
As we approach the holiday season, please consider
honoring a Belmont Public School teacher or staff
member by making a STAR Award donation to the
Foundation for Belmont Education. You may also
order a Friend Award to honor that very special
individual who has, for example, volunteered in a
classroom, served on a PTO/PTA, or simply cares
about our schools. With a $20 donation for each
Award, we will send your honored individual a
frame-able certificate, including your name as the
donor and a personal message.
While awards are processed at any time
during the year, please order by December 14 to
assure delivery before schools close for the winter
Go to
• Order your STAR or Friend Award online
and use a credit card for payment
• Or download the STAR order form and mail
it with a check to the Foundation
Since 1993, the Foundation has awarded more than
$2 million to the Belmont Public Schools in the form
of Learning Excellence Grants, Professional
These projects, which make a difference in the daily
lives of our teachers and students, cannot be funded
through the school budget. With your generous and
ongoing support, we will continue to extend our
mission throughout the Belmont Public Schools!
If you have any questions about either the
STAR or Friend Award programs, please contact Chris
Kochem at [email protected] or 617-489-4661.
Thank you for your support of the FBE!
Carolyn Boyle & Heidi Sawyer
Co-Vice Presidents, Fundraising
New Book Group at Belmont Public Library
After much popular demand, it's
here at last - a YA book group for
7th & 8th graders! We'll meet
once a month, eat scrumptious
snacks & talk about books. What
could be better?
they both suspect something
sinister is going on. Then Finn
finds a crystal key that bridges
the gap between their worlds,
and well, nothing is as they
thought it was.
1st meeting:
Wed., Dec. 7th, 2-3 pm in the
Flett Room at the Belmont
Public Library
Not your cup of tea? Come to the
first meeting, and vote for the
next book!
Our first book, Incarceron by
Catherine Fisher, is one of the
most talked about fantasy reads
of recent years. Finn has never
known anything but Incarceron; a
diabolical prison in a strange
world. Claudia knows more about
court etiquette & politics; but
Development support,
and large-scale special
initiatives. The
Foundation recently
awarded nearly
$100,000 in support of
technology and other
special initiatives. The
next cycle of the FBE’s
Learning Excellence
Grant awards will be
announced on Dec. 9.
Books are available in the new
book section of the Belmont YA
room, or reserve one for yourself
Drop ins are fine, but it's best to
register: email Ellen Girouard, YA
Librarian, at
Stop by the Belmont Public Library
YA room on Wednesday, December
28, 1-2 pm for a cuppa hot
chocolate. Talk with fellow
fantasy/sci fi fans about your
favorite books, and hear about new
titles you may have missed!
Open to teens up through grade
12. No registration necessary, but
let me know if you're coming, so I'll
have enough cookies! Ellen Girouard, YA Librarian
[email protected] or 617-993-2870
[email protected] , call
617-993-2870, or stop by the
adult reference desk.
7th and 8th Grade Dance:
Volunteers Needed
Looking for a fun, short, easy way to get involved? Please consider volunteering at the next 7th & 8th
Grade Dance scheduled for Friday, January 20,
2011. The time commitment is two hours, from
7:00-9:00 p.m. Parents are not allowed in the
cafeteria – you will be stationed in the hallway
outside the dance selling refreshments. Please contact Emily Dallman at 617-489-2939, or
[email protected]
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Art Department Update:
PAGE 10!
Art Department Update... Continued
PAGE 11!
Membership Dues $25
Use PayPal now!
It is not too late to
contribute to the
Chenery PTO!
Just go to the Chenery website:
Thank you to the 505 families
who have already joined the PTO!
There are a few of you left to join in! Your donation can help us meet our $22,000
Membership fundraising goal! We need $800 more!
• Pay securely through Paypal (see above)
• Print out and complete form below. •Make your check out to “Chenery PTO”. •Mail both to: Chenery
PTO Membership, 95 Washington Street, Belmont, MA 02478
Questions? Contact [email protected] or [email protected]
The Chenery PTO thanks you for your support!
----------------- Cut Here --------------------------------------------------Cut Here----------------------------------------------------Cut Here -----------------
2011 – 2012 Chenery PTO Membership Dues
All Donations are tax deductible!!
$25 PTO Membership Dues
Additional Donations Needed! + $25____________ +$50_________ +$100________ + other______
Total Check Amount: $__________
*Don’t forget to check your company’s corporate matching program!
Name(s) of parent or guardian(s)_______________________________________________
Grade(s) of child(ren) at Chenery
• Phone ____________________________________________________________________
• E-mail ____________________________________________________________________
• for any voting or membership concerns.
PAGE 12!
Special Note!
PTO MEETINGS – in Community Room
Picture Retake Day
December 7
in the morning!
Thur., January 12 7:00 P.M.
Thurs., March 1 9:00 A.M.
Thurs., May 3
Thurs., June 7
7:00 P.M.
9:00 A.M.
Tuesday, December 6
9:00 A.M.
Thursday, February 9
9:00 A.M.
Thursday, December 8
Monday, February 13
Information Session for Parents About 8th Gr Washington, DC, Trip
National History Day Parent Evening
November 28
December 1
December 12
December 14
December 14
February 16
March 1
March 8
March 15
April 11
April 12
May 17-19
May 24
May 31
June 1
June 7
Sing-a-rama Choral Concert
CMS Honors Concert
5th grade Choral Concert
CMS Symphonic Concert
6th Grade Concert
7th/8th Grade Band Concert
7th/8th Grade Chorus/Orch. Concert
5th Grade Choral Concert
CMS Honors Concert
Chenery Musical Production
6th Grade Concert
7th/8th Grade Chorus/Orch. Concert
5th Grade Instrumental Concert
7th/8th Grade Band Concert
7:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
9:00 A.M.
7:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
9:00 A.M.
7:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
9:00 A.M.
7:00 P.M.
BHS auditorium
CMS auditorium
BHS gymnasium
CMS auditorium
BHS gymnasium
CMS auditorium
CMS auditorium
CMS auditorium
CMS auditorium
CMS auditorium
CMS auditorium
CMS auditorium
CMS auditorium
CMS auditorium
CMS auditorium
CMS auditorium
END OF TERM DATES, grades 6-8
– January 27
3rd – April 6
4th - June 21
A big thanks goes out to Carol Kean, Sarah Olken, and Grace Tenner for
helping to develop and design the Chenery Middle School Directory.
We are pleased to share that this year emails have been included
to assist with communication.
PAGE 13!
Contact us at [email protected]
Board Members/Officers
Peggy Eysenbach
Carla Collopy
Vice President
Megan Pickette
Assistant Treasurer Valerie Devine
Recording Secretary Doreen Cameron
Jane Slavin
Susan Black
5th Grade Pasta
Aygul Balcioglu
Heather Keane
Fundraising Chair
Janet Goldberg
5th Grade Activities
PTO Clubs
Constance Moore
Susan Black
Nancy Dignan
Lisa Evans
6th Grade Star Party
Peggy Eysenbach
Upper Enrichment
Sharon Thomas
Heidi Steinert
Upper School Dances
Emily Dallman
Lower Enrichment
Susan Black
Carolyn Boyle
8th Grade Party
Anne Mahon
8th Grade Breakfast
Lorraine Kermond
Safe Routes
Staff Appreciation
Meg Piccione
Laura Broach
School & Warrant
Comm. Observer
Anne Mahon
Erin McNeill
Interested in helping out with one of the open positions? Just send an email to [email protected]!
Here is a listing of the major numbers parents will need in
contacting the school. In addition to the Teacher Voicemail
Number (617-993-5888), each teacher has his/her own number
that may be called directly to leave a message for that
teacher. You may get this number either from your child’s
teacher(s) or by calling the Voicemail number and using the
staff directory.
Main Office
Teacher Voicemail
Lower School Office
Lower School Attendance
Upper School Office
Upper School Attendance
Nurse’s Office