in 2014 - ForumFlutePiano
in 2014 - ForumFlutePiano
26th Forum for Flute and Piano 25.07 – 03.08.2014 Diekirch / Luxembourg The complete prospectus 10th july 2014 Forum International asbl 64, rue du stade L-6725 Grevenmacher / Luxembourg Tél : (+352) 621 160 971 / (+352 ) 691 425 936 Fax : (+352) 334309 [email protected] Please see also for more information: Page 1 / 52 FOREWORD Maggy Nagel, Ministre de la culture « La musique est ce qui rapproche » proverbe chinois C’est en 1988 que Carlo Jans, flûtiste et chef d’orchestre a eu l’idée de rassembler des jeunes musiciens et de parfaire leurs capacités musicales individuelles et collectives. Depuis lors le Forum pour flûtes et piano qui aujourd’hui en est à sa 26e édition s’est forgé une solide réputation dans le monde de la musique et surtout de la flûte. Sous la guidance de grands virtuoses et pédagogues européens des jeunes du monde entier se retrouvent pour partager leur passion pour la musique et se perfectionner, ceci dans une atmosphère collégiale et amicale. Des tables rondes et des débats autour des thèmes comme l’artiste professionnel ou l’enseignement musical, pour ne citer que quelques exemples, permettent d’explorer et d’analyser la vie musicale sous toutes ses facettes. Plus que 850 jeunes gens de 52 nationalités différentes ont participé à ce Forum depuis ses débuts. Nombreux sont ceux, qui depuis ont entamé une carrière professionnelle. Mais le Forum ne se limite pas au travail pédagogique avec les étudiants. Une place importante est réservée aux nombreux concerts qui offrent aux jeunes musiciens l’opportunité de présenter des extraits du riche répertoire étudié pendant les master-classes ou bien d’couter leurs enseignants, et ce devant un public intéressé. Je voudrais profiter de cette occasion pour remercier les organisateurs et surtout Carlo Jans pour leur engagement assidu et inlassable. Puisse ce Forum contribuer à développer tout le potentiel artistique et musical des jeunes participants afin qu’ils gardent notre pays en bon souvenir. Page 2 / 52 René Kanivé, Echevin – Affaires culturelles Depuis son introduction en 1988 le « Forum international pour flûte et piano » réunit chaque année une soixantaine de jeunes musiciennes et musiciens, venant des quatre coins du monde, pour leur donner l’opportunité de pouvoir échanger leurs expériences sous la guidance des plus grands flûtistes et pianistes de renommée internationale. C’est un grand honneur pour la Ville de Diekirch de pouvoir accueillir les grands maîtres de l’art, ainsi que leurs étudiantes et étudiants, à la 26ième édition de cet événement musical exceptionnel, qui se déroulera du 25 juillet au 3 août 2014. Il est impératif de rehausser le fait que malgré de sévère concurrence, aussi bien sur le plan national qu’ international, c’est l’initiateur de la première heure de cet évènement, Monsieur Carlo Jans, avec l’aide précieuse de son assistant, Monsieur Simon Knopp, qui ont réussi à mettre en place un programme de toute première classe, ce qui garantira certainement le succès attendu des cours de maître diekirchoises de 2014. De ce fait il s’agit d’un exercice imposé pour la Ville de Diekirch d’honorer ce travail minutieux et imaginatif de toutes les personnes associées à cette organisation, en gratifiant le Forum International d’un appui financier adéquat ainsi que de l’assistance logistique appropriée. Au nom du collège des bourgmestre et échevins, ainsi qu’au nom des membres de la commission culturelle de la Ville de Diekirch, je souhaite d’ores et déjà la bienvenue à tous les participantes et participants de l’édition 2014 du « Forum International pour flûte et piano » à Diekirch. Je souhaite à toutes et à tous un séjour agréable dans notre ville, tout en profitant pleinement des enseignements musicaux qui leur sont offerts, ainsi que des divertissements qui leur sont proposés. René Kanivé Échevin – Affaires Culturelles Page 3 / 52 SUMMARY Foreword ...................................................................................................................................2 Maggy Nagel, Ministre de la culture .......................................................................................................................................2 René Kanivé, Echevin – Affaires culturelles ........................................................................................................................3 Summary ...................................................................................................................................4 Program.....................................................................................................................................6 Flute professors ..............................................................................................................................................................................6 Piccolo professor ............................................................................................................................................................................6 Flute builder .....................................................................................................................................................................................6 Harpsichord/Accompaniment..................................................................................................................................................7 Collaborative piano /Accompaniment ..................................................................................................................................7 Piano....................................................................................................................................................................................................7 Conferences ......................................................................................................................................................................................7 Presentation of the forum .........................................................................................................8 History .................................................................................................................................................................................................8 Our philosophy..................................................................................................................................................................................8 Always more, from baroque to modern music …..................................................................................................................8 Target group.......................................................................................................................................................................................8 Former professors ............................................................................................................................................................................8 Former students .............................................................................................................................................................................10 Informations about previous forums .......................................................................................................................................10 Flute ........................................................................................................................................11 Carlo Jans ........................................................................................................................................................................................11 Sanqing Chen - CANCELED......................................................................................................................................................12 Qiling Chen.....................................................................................................................................................................................13 Davide Formisano .......................................................................................................................................................................13 Wally Hase......................................................................................................................................................................................15 Gaby Pas-Van Riet .......................................................................................................................................................................15 Sergej Tikhonov ...........................................................................................................................................................................16 Peter Verhoyen (Piccolo).........................................................................................................................................................18 Alan Weiss......................................................................................................................................................................................19 Harpsichord accompaniment....................................................................................................21 Ewa Rzetecka ................................................................................................................................................................................21 Collaborative piano – Piano accompaniment ............................................................................22 Cordula Hacke...............................................................................................................................................................................22 Katrin Reifenrath.........................................................................................................................................................................23 Michael Zieschang.......................................................................................................................................................................24 Conferences .............................................................................................................................25 Peter Swinkels ..............................................................................................................................................................................25 Tobias Mancke..............................................................................................................................................................................26 Parmenon flute.............................................................................................................................................................................26 Flute Exihibitions......................................................................................................................27 European flute Centre Adams ................................................................................................................................................27 Mancke Flutes...............................................................................................................................................................................28 Parmenon Flutes..........................................................................................................................................................................29 Page 4 / 52 William S. Haynes Company ...................................................................................................................................................30 Piano .......................................................................................................................................31 Daniel Blumenthal ......................................................................................................................................................................31 Masterclasses for flute .............................................................................................................32 What should I prepare ? ...........................................................................................................................................................32 Masterclass Carlo Jans, flute ...................................................................................................................................................32 Masterclasses for piano............................................................................................................33 Masterclass Daniel Blumenthal .............................................................................................................................................33 Repertoire List .........................................................................................................................34 Orchestral Excerpts for flute ..................................................................................................................................................34 Orchestral Excerpts for piccolo .............................................................................................................................................34 Concerts...................................................................................................................................35 Concerts of professors...............................................................................................................................................................35 Students concerts........................................................................................................................................................................36 Accommodation.......................................................................................................................37 Organization ............................................................................................................................38 Carlo Jans ........................................................................................................................................................................................38 Simon Knopp.................................................................................................................................................................................38 Participants..............................................................................................................................39 Flute ..................................................................................................................................................................................................39 Piano.................................................................................................................................................................................................40 Repertoire list...............................................................................................................................................................................41 Flute and piccolo................................................................................................................................................................................41 Piano........................................................................................................................................................................................................46 Our sponsors............................................................................................................................48 Scholarships offered by ............................................................................................................49 In collaboration with ................................................................................................................50 Information..............................................................................................................................51 Contact.............................................................................................................................................................................................51 Bank account.................................................................................................................................................................................52 Fees ...................................................................................................................................................................................................52 Page 5 / 52 PROGRAM Flute professors Start 25.7 25.7 End 3.8 30.7 25.7 25.7 30.7 27.7 Professor Carlo Jans Sanqing Chen - CANCELED Qiling Chen Davide Formisano 26.7 31.7 1.8 3.8 Wally Hase Gaby Pas-Van Riet 27.7 28.7 Sergej Tikhonov 31.7 1.8 Alan Weiss Activity Conservatory Luxembourg Soloist Symphony Orchestra Beijing (China) Beijing Modern Music Conservatory(China) Conservatory Zürich (Switzerland) Musikhochschule Stuttgart (Germany) Principal flutist at the Scala in Milano(Italy) Musikhochschule Weimar (Germany) University of Music of the Saarland (Germany) soloist Radio Symphony Orchestra SWR Stuttgart(Germany) Copenhague (Danemark) will be accompanied by his pianist Michael Zieschang both Sponsored by Parmenon Flutes Artist-in-Residence, William S. Haynes Company (USA) Sponsored by William S. Haynes Company Piccolo professor Start 27.7 End 28.7 Professor Peter Verhoyen Activity Principal Piccolo at the Royal Flanders Philharmonic Orchestra (Belgium) Artesis Hogeschool Antwerpen Erasmus Hogeschool Brussel(Belgium) Sponsored by Adams Flute Center and Mancke Flutes Flute builder Start 26.7 Who Parmenon Flute Page 6 / 52 Harpsichord/Accompaniment Start 25.7 End 31.7 Professor Ewa Rzetecka Activity Academy of Music Lodz (Poland) Collaborative piano /Accompaniment Start 25.7 25.7 27.7 End 3.8 3.8 28.7 Professor Cordula Hacke Katrin Reifenrath Michael Zieschang End 3.8 Professor Daniel Blumenthal Activity Musikhochschule Düsseldorf (Germany) Conservatory Luxembourg Musikhochschule Düsseldorf (Germany) will work together with Sergej Tikhonov both Sponsored by Parmenon Flutes Piano Start 25.7 Activity Royal Flemish Conservatory Brussels (Belgium) Conferences Date Who 28.7 Peter Swinkels 28.7 Tobias Mancke 26.7 Rémi Caron Subject relationship between sound and material of a flute, entitled "Your Sound or Its?" Sponsored by Adams Flute Center “Headjoint making” Sponsored by Mancke Flute Did you say French Flute ? Sponsored by Flute Parmenon Page 7 / 52 PRESENTATION OF THE FORUM History In 1988, the Luxemburgish flutist and conductor Carlo Jans established, together with Claude Millim the “International Forum for flute and piano Diekirch”. Since 2007, Simon Knopp has assisted Carlo Jans in the organization. This Forum is an international summer class for flutists and pianists coming from all over the world. Our philosophy This summer class has a different philosophy from most other summer academies. In Diekirch, the participants are not subdivided into active and into passive participants. At the beginning of the 10 days’ masterclass, an audition is held to adapt the course to the participants. Each student has the opportunity to have a lesson with each of the professors. General technical aspects are treated in group lessons. Repertoire pieces are worked in collaboration with the two piano accompanists and the harpsichord accompanist, in individual lessons. Always more, from baroque to modern music … Each student will have, irrespective of level and age, the opportunity to perform in several students’ concerts, in solo or chamber music. Under the leadership of the well-known Polish harpsichord player Ewa Rzetecka, the flutists will have the chance to study Michel Blavet, G.F.Haendel and J.S.Bach flute sonatas. Target group Young professional musicians, music students, students of music schools, music teachers, amateurs... Each participant has to prepare 5 works of different styles. Each student will have lessons with each one of the teachers (technique lessons in group lessons, repertoire in individual lessons). Former professors Flute Maxence Larrieu, Janos Balint, Jean-Claude Gérard, Jean-Michel Tanguy, Konrad Hünteler, Eric Kirchhoff, Andrea Lieberknecht, Carin Levine, Marianne Henkel, Gaby Pas-van Riet, Craig Goodman, Abbie de Quant, Patrice Kirchhoff, Marc Grauwels, Michael Faust, Pierre Séchet, Mia Dreese, Petr Pomkla, Vincent Cortvrint, Micheal Heupel, Wally Hase, Natalia Gerakis, Gunhild Ott, Tilmann Dehnhard, Mirjam Nastasi, Wissam Boustany, Salvatore Lombardi , Gudrun Hinze, Philippe Benoit, Antoni Wierzbinski, Anne-Catherine Heinzmann, Matej Zupan, Robert Aitken, Carlos Bruneel, Kazutaka Shimizu,Carlo Jans (from 1988 on) Page 8 / 52 Piano Gary Muller, Stépahne Seban, Thomas Duis, Ewa Poblocka, Daniel Blumenthal (from 1990 on) Harpsicord Béatrice Berstel, Christine Wauters, Ewa Rzetecka Bassoon Jürgen Gode Clarinet Alain Damien, Marcel Lallemang Violin Sandrine Cantoreggi, Vaclav Dvorak Accompanists Carlo Gruber, Gary Muller, Stéphane Seban, Janis Maleckis, Katrin Reifenrath, Zénon Bialas, Cordula Hacke, Ieva Dzerve Conferences by Haruo Uesawa, Jochen Mehnert, François Louis, Karl Ventzke, Raymond Meylan, M.Lüdemann, Filipe Pires, Jindrich Feld, Peter Swinkels, Petra Music,Claudia Wälder-Jene, Ludwig Boehm Flute Makers Mehnert, Yamaha, Mancke-Flutes, Eloy Flutes... Exihibitions Yamaha Flutes, Mancke Flutes, Eloy Flutes, Mehnert Flutes, Altus Flutes, Mateki Flutes, Adams European Flute Centre, Listesso, Flöte Haber, Flute Motion, Viento Flute, Music and Tools Yoga Claude Schultze, John Schlammes, Carine Ries Alexander technique Guy Vincent Aknin, G.Krieg Invited guest soloists Mirel Iancovici (cello), Henri Foehr (cello), Muriel Pouzenc (cello), Michael Bouvier (violon), Danielle Hennicot (alto), Claude Giampellegrini (cello), Jürgen Gode (bassoon). Invited orchestras Orchestre de chambre "Stamitz" (Germany), Orchestre de chambre de Luxembourg "Les Musiciens", Latvian Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra. Page 9 / 52 Former students Since 1988, over 850 students from 40 different nationalities have attended the Forum. Most of them are now professionals, playing in orchestras or teaching in music schools or conservatories. Already the first students of former participants are applying and securing the continuity of the Forum. Informations about previous forums Flyers, complete prospectus, posters, pictures etc... from the previous forums are available on Page 10 / 52 FLUTE Carlo Jans Carlo JANS, flute, began his first flute lessons at the age of seven, violin lessons at twelve. On the completion of his training in Luxembourg and Nancy (class of Jacques Mule), he continued studies at the Conservatoire Royal de Liège, (Diplôme Supérieur de flûte) and at the Royal Conservatory of Maastricht (Soloist's Diploma). Being a student of Raymond Guiot, he was honoured with the "1er Prix Supérieur de la Ville de Paris". He completed a two years postgraduate program at the Cologne Academy of Music in the class of András Adorján. Open to new musical horizons, Jans studied conducting under Jan Stulen and Jean-Philippe Rieu at the Royal Music Academy of Music in Maastricht (Conducting Diploma with honours), followed by a Postgraduate Diploma at the "Zuid Nederlandse Hogeschool voor Muziek". Further conducting studies with Jorma Panula in St.Petersbourg. Since 1984, Carlo Jans has taught flute and chamber music at the Conservatory of Luxembourg, In 1999, he was awarded a professorship for flute and conducting and began leading the orchestras of the conservatory. From 1997 on, he was guest professor at the Academy of Music in Riga, Latvia and often invited for masterclasses in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Poland, Czech Republic, France, Brazil, Japan and the United States of America. Carlo JANS is always a welcome guest at National and International flute conventions ( NFA New York 2009, NFA Anaheim 2010, Flute Meetings Greece in Greece 2008 and 2009, Dutch flute conventions, Slovenia 2012…) From September 2002 to 2009, Carlo Jans was teaching at the Musikhochschule Saarbrücken in Germany, activity he was obliged to give up because of the increasing number of concerts as soloist and invitations to teach all over the world. From 2009 on, Carlo Jans has been a member of the world known chamber orchestra “Solistes Européens – Luxembourg”, orchestra made up of concertmasters and soloists from the best European Orchestras. In 1988, he founded the "Forum International pour flute et piano Diekirch/Luxembourg", a summer course followed during the last 25 years by over 850 students of 40 different nationalities. Teachers enrolled included famous flutists like Robert Aitken, Jean-Claude Gérard, Maxence Larrieu, János Bálint, Marianne Henkel, Gaby Pas-Van Riet, Andrea Lieberknecht, Konrad Hünteler, Michael Faust, Abbie de Quant, Marc Grauwels, Jean - Michel Tanguy... Beside his professional life as a teacher, he also pursues an active career as a flutist and conductor. He has been invited to perform as soloist with RTL Symphony Orchestra, Sonderjyland Symphony Orchestra, Orchestre de chambre d'Auvergne, Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra, National Polish Page 11 / 52 Radio Orchestra, Brno State Philharmonic Orchestra, Porto Symphony Orchestra, Switzerland Chamber Orchestra, Orchestre de chambre Jean - François Paillard and the Latvian Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra, where he has also been guest conductor since 1997. He has played concerts as partner of flutists like András Adorján, Maxence Larrieu, János Bálint, Jean-Claude Gérard, with pianists like Daniel Blumenthal, Gabriel Tacchino, jazz pianist Claude Bolling, violonist Jean-Jacques Kantorow, violist Jitka Hosprova, cellist Mirel Iancovici, harpist Katerina Englichova or chamber music groups such as Zürcher Streichtrio, Zemlinsky String Quartet, String Quartet Danel, String Quartet Martinů... As conductor, he has accompanied soloists like Cyprien Katsaris, Daniel Blumenthal, János Bálint... Numerous composers wrote solo pieces, chamber music and concertos for him, for example Marcel Wengler, whose concerto for flute and orchestra was first performed in the ISCM World Music Days in 2000 together with the Swiss Chamber Orchestra. In 2005, the famous Belgian composer François Glorieux wrote for him a fantastic piece entitled "Eight Interludes" for flute and strings. The "interludes" and all the other pieces Glorieux wrote for the flute will be released soon on CD, having been recorded in Riga with the Latvian Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra under the baton of the composer. Czech composer Jindřich Feld, whose concertos Carlo Jans recorded with the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra for Pavane Records, and whose chamber music for flute will come out soon in a 3 CD set , wrote for Carlo Jans and his Czech colleagues Jitka Hosprova and Katerina Englichova a "Musique concertante" for flute, viola, harp and strings. His discography (over 45 CDs) for labels like Pavane Records, Calliope, Arco Diva, Bella Musica and Hänsler Classics have earned him outstanding reviews in the international press and awards such as the "Grand Prix du Disque" for his recording of the chamber music of Manuel Rosenthal. Carlo Jans speaks Luxemburgish, French, German, English. Carlo Jans is playing a Brannen Cooper Platinum flute with a Mancke Platinum headjoint. Sanqing Chen - CANCELED Born in 1964 in Guangzhou, China. He began his study at Central Conservatory of Music Beijing.He studied music Alexandre Magnin, Maxence Larrieu and Auréle Nicolet. He visited the master course of James Galway during his study in Switzerland. He has participated various internationalflute competitions: Semi-final at International Flute Completion in Geneva; Final round at International Competition in Scheveningen Holland.He worked as Principle Flute at Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra and Beijing Symphony Orchestra. He is invited as Jury for the Beijing Nicolet International Flute Competition. He holds regularlysolo concerts and performances with various orchestras together. He also plays concerts withPeter Lukas Graf and Felix Renggli. As a pioneer of modern music for flute in China, he successfully performed the “Euro-Asia Suite” from Swiss composer Jost Meyer with Chinese National Orchestra. He is now also giving master courses for various music conservatories and institutes. Page 12 / 52 Qiling Chen Qiling Chen was born into a musician family in Guangzhou, China. She began her study at Central Conservatory of Music Beijing. She studied music with Aurèle Nicolet, Alexandre Maginin and Guenter Rumpel at Music Conservatory Zurich. She has won various prizes at international flute competitions: 2nd Place at National Flute Competition China in 1985; 1st Place Concours National in Riddes Switzerland in 1991; 2nd Place at the International Competition for Solo flute in Szeged Hungary in 1992; 1st Place Kiwanis Chamber Music Competition Zurich in 1996. She founded and organized the Beijing Nicolet International Flute Competition in 2006 and 2010, the Boldern Flute Festival in Zurich in 2008 and 2012. From 2005 until 2008 she had been flute professor at Central Conservatory of Music Beijing. Since 2008 she is teaching at Schweizer Akademie für Musikpädagogik (SAMP) and Musikschule Konservatorium Zürich (MKZ). She gives solo flute and chamber music concerts world-wide with a number of CD recordings. Davide Formisano Flute concertist, professor at Musikhochschule in Stuttgart, principal flutist at the Scala in Milano Sir James Galway about Davide Formisano: „Davide is the most brilliant and talented flutist Iever listened to. I believe sooner or later he will become an absolute international superstar.“Davide Formisano was born in Milan in 1974. He graduated with the highest marks plus distinction under the guide of M° C. Tabarelli, thus perfecting his abilities with Bruno Cavallo, Jean-Claude Gérard at Stuttgart Musikhochschule and Aurèle Nicolet in Basel. Whilst still a teenager he gained the first prize at "Galileo Galilei" competition and at Stresa International Competition obtaining high honours in all the major international competitions. At just seventeen, he took part in the "Jean Pierre Rampal Concourse" in Paris, gaining the "Prix Special du Jury". During the next few years he won a prize at Kobe International Flute Competition, 1st prize at the Budapest Flute Competition and 2nd prize (1st not assigned) at the outstanding ARD Concourse in Munich. As the first italian flutist to receive such honours the young Davide Formisano had already performed with the major european youth ensembles such as Orchestra Giovanile Italiana, Page 13 / 52 Schleswig-Holstein Festival Orchester and European Community Youth Orchestra led by such high conductors as Lorin Maazel, Carlo Maria Giulini and Kurt Sanderling. In 1995 he obtained the solo flute role at the Hamburg Philharmonisches Staatsorchester, getting the same position in the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra one year later. From 1997 until 2012 he was principal flute in the "Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala" and in the Philharmonic Orchestra. His position there allowed him to work with the major conductors: Claudio Abbado, Riccardo Muti, Daniel Barenboim, Carlo Maria Giulini, Zubin Mehta, Wolfgang Savallisch, Valery Gergev, Myung wun Chung, Georges Prêtre, Giuseppe Sinopoli, Daniele Gatti and Riccardo Chailly. Davide Formisano combined his role as orchestral flutist with a brilliant and growing career as chamberist and soloist in Europe, Russia, South America and Asia. As a soloist he performed with such Orchestras as Bayerischer Rundfunk, Solisten der Staatskapelle Dresden, Rundfunkorchester Basel, Tonhalle Ensemble Zurich, Luzern Festival String Orchestra, Praha Chamber Orchestra, S. Petersburg Philharmonic, Real Filarmonia de Galicia, Orchestra Filarmonica della Scala, Tokyo Ensemble, Simon Bolivar Orchestra and with conductors as Riccardo Muti, Daniel Barenboim, Hans Vonk, Kurt Sanderling, Donato Renzetti, Fabio Biondi, Antoni Ros Marba, and Rumon Gamba. Chamber music partners are Riccardo Muti, James Galway, Daniel Barenboim, Philipp Moll, Bruno Canino, Sergio Azzolini, Radovan Vlatkovic and Fabio Biondi. He was invited to play in the following festivals: Luzern Festival, Festival der Nationen, Rheingau Musikfestival, Rossini Opera Festival, Nuits musicales d‘été de Nice, Serate musicali, Società de quartetto, Amici della musica Palermo/Firenze and Milano, Festival Giordano, Ravenna Festival, Budapest Spring Festival, International Fuji Festival, the Yamanami Music Festival. He gave his debut at the prestigious "Bunka-Kaikan" Hall of Tokyo and at the Metropolitan Art Space. Recently he has performed Rodrigo's "Fantasia para un Gentil Hombre", with "Orchestra Haydn di Trento e Bolzano" (Italy). In 2004, he featured as a soloist with the Philharmonic Orchestra of The Scala during a world tour. Always welcomed by audiences, italian and german press wrote about him during his concerts together with Dresdner Kapellsolisten Ensemble: "A magic flute impresses the audience" (Il Messaggero, Roma); "an italian soloist, ensemble guest who literally elevated his partners with an outstanding interpretative joy and enthusiasm, exhibiting a marvellous sound and a indisputable stylistic ability" (La Repubblica - Firenze); "Simply joy in playing" (Frankfurt Allgemeine); "Because he shows not only precision, magnificent breath control and a constantly rounded and skilful sound he is a musician who is able to give expression to everything. Introduced by Formisano as in a sudden and happy illumination." (la Stampa). He has recorded the complete edition of Mozart flute quartets with Tartini Quartet. On the occasion of his debut at the Lucerne Musical Weeks he recorded a live recital CD with piano. Further of his releases is a CD based on italian opera themes in collaboration with Phillip Moll, Sergio Azzolini and Jean-Claude Gerard and the Mozart KV 314 concerto recording for the italian television network with the conductor Riccardo Muti. Since 2007 he is a professor for flute at the Musikhochschule Stuttgart. His teaching activity is growing day by day: after several courses in Japan and Italy Davide Formisano is holding courses at Academie d'Eté in Nice and several masterclasses in Japan. Davide Formisano performs with a Muramatsu 24k All Gold flute. Page 14 / 52 Wally Hase Flutist Wally Hase was born in Freiburg/Brsg. She was a student of Prof. Karl Friedrich Mess and began her studies with him at the Hochschule für Musik in Stuttgart in 1986 after having performed that same year with the World Youth Orchestra in the USA. She continued her studies with Prof. Jean-Claude Gérard and Prof. Aurèle Nicolet. As a member of the Festspielorchester Ludwigsburg, Wally Hase participated in concert tours of China, Japan and South America. In 1989 she performed at the Festival of the Arts in New Zealand. She was a fellow of the Richard-Wagner-Society Bayreuth in 1990 and, from 1990 to 1993, a member of the Karlsruhe Ensemble 13 and the Bach Collegium Stuttgart under the direction of Helmuth Rilling. Already before completing her studies, Wally Hase became solo flutist, at the age of 22, with the Staatskapelle Weimar, a position she held until 2009. Since 2008 she has collaborated regularly with the Camerata Salzburg. In addition to her solo concerts, Wally Hase frequently appears as a chamber musician – in duos with the guitarist Thomas Müller-Pering or the pianist Thomas Wellen, as well as with the Mandelring Quartett. She is also active in various “Music & Lyric” projects with the German author and philosopher Prof. Dr. Jan Philipp Reemtsma. Her all-round engagement as soloist, chamber musician and founding member of various ensembles is complemented by CD recordings as well as television and radio productions. In 2006 she was honored with the German Record Critics’ Award and in 2007 with the Leopold. In 2000, Wally Hase was appointed Professor of Flute at the Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt Weimar; alongside her duties there, she conducts numerous master classes in Germany and abroad. Gaby Pas-Van Riet Gaby Pas-Van Riet was born in Essen (Belgium) and started playing the flute at the age of 8. Her success in numerous music competitions enabled her to start her solo career at a very young age. She won several prizes in renowned music competitions such as the ARD Competition in Munich as well as in Aberdeen, Uelzen, Markneukirchen and Paris. Another great honour was the gold medal at the György Cziffra Competition and a concert with the Master himself afterwards. She studied at the University of Music of Antwerp at the Royal Flemish Acadamy of Music. With the help of a scholarship of the Belgian government, Gaby Pas-Van Riet became a Young Student at the University of Music in Cologne at the age of 14. There she studied Page 15 / 52 with the principal flutist of the West German Radio Orchestra (WDR), Prof. Schwegler, and finished her solo diploma with distinction in 1979. A scholarship from the Swiss government allowed her to continue her studies with Peter- Lukas Graf at the Music Conservatory in Basel. In 1982 she finished this diploma with distinction as well. From 1978 until 1983 Gaby Pas-Van Riet was principal flutist of the Orchestra of the European Community under the direction of Karajan, Barenboim, Abbado and others. She has been principal flutist of the Radio Symphony Orchestra of Stuttgart, the SWR, since 1983. Gaby Pas-Van Riet is a guest at various renowned music festivals such as the Casals Festival, the Tibor Varga Festival, the Berliner Festwochen, the Salzburg Festival and the Festival of Flanders, and is also a member of the Bayreuth Festival Orchestra. She is Professor of flute at the University of Music and Theatre of the Saarland (Germany), and Guest Professor at the University of Music in Antwerp. Since 1984 she has given Master Classes in Belgium, France, Germany, and Holland. Gaby PasVan Riet has been a jury member in various international flute competitions. Gaby Pas-Van Riet´s solo career spans Europe as well as the USA, Japan and the Middle East and encompasses the entire flute repertoire. She has achieved great renown with world premieres of many modern works (e.g. H. Lachenmann), some of which are dedicated to her, and also with the rediscovery and performance of long-lost romantic flute concerti (Waelput, Benoit). Numerous CD productions give witness to her ability: Works by Fauré, Jolivet, Cras and Tournier with the Linos Harp Quintet; by Poulenc, Milhaud and Piazzola with the pianist Paul Gulda; compositions by Bach and Kuhlau with Peter-Lukas Graf (flute) and Bruno Canino (piano), recordings with the harpist Renei Yamahata or the CD "French Trios", with Gunter Teuffel (viola) and Xavier de Maistre (harp), just to mention a few. Sergej Tikhonov Sergej Tikhonov studied in Glinka Music College, Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine) and in Kharkov Music Conservatory (Ukraine). From 1994 to 1997 he worked in two symphonic orchestras : Solo Flutist in Kharkov Municipal Orchestra, Piccolo Flutist in Kharkov Philharmonic Orchestra. He played under the direction of Urs Schneider, VachtangJordania, Kirill Karabits, Victoria Zhadko, Rashit Nigmatullin. In 1997, he won the first prize at the Ukranian National Flute Competition, He moved in Copenhagen (Danemark) and studied with Toke Lund Christiansen, Henrik Svitzer ond Ole Birger Pedersen. In the same time (1997-2005), he performed as Orchestral Musician and Soloist in Royal Danish Music Academy. He also played with in Danish National Radio Symphony Orchestra ,Collegium Musicum Copenhagen and Copenhagen Sinfonietta and worked Page 16 / 52 with conductors Gerd Albrecht, Michael Schønwandt, Jan Wagner, Thomas Ades, etc. He also took private lessons and follow masterclasses with Emmanuel Pahud, Andras Adorjan, James Galway, Jacques Zoon, Pierre Yves Artaud, Craig Goodman, Per Øen, Andrew Cunningham, Alexis Kossenko etc. As a fervent and passionnated musician, Sergej Tikhonov created and organized the Festival of Danish Music « Danish Spring » in Kharkov in 2001, 2003, 2007. His fantastic knowledges of Karg-Elert music, french, danish and russian repertoire, brought him to be invite as guest teacher in Kiev Music Academy (Ukraine, 2003), Kharkov Special Music School (Ukraine, 2003), Ural Music Conservatory of Ekaterinburg (Russia, 2009, 2012), Dnepropetrovsk Music Conservatory (Ukraine, 2011). As an active soloist and chamber musician, he was invited to play in Danemark, Russia, Ukraine, France, Germany. Sergej Tikhonov will be accompanied by his pianist Michael Zieschang both Sponsored by Parmenon Flutes Page 17 / 52 Peter Verhoyen (Piccolo) Peter Verhoyen studied flute with Yves Gazelle, Paul Vanwolleghem, Ida Ribera and Eric Dequeker at the conservatories of Brussels, Meudon/Paris, Ghent and Antwerp. He was a prize-winner in Dexia Classics and the Concours International UFAM in Paris. He was also a semi-finalist in the NFA Orlando Young Artists' Competition in 1995. Since 2002 Peter is principal piccolo for the Royal Flanders Philharmonic Orchestra (chief conductor : Jaap Van Zweden/Edo De Waart, principal conductor Philippe Herreweghe). His two piccolo recital CD’s with pianist Stefan De Schepper established his reputation as a piccolo specialist. He was invited to give masterclasses in Enschede (Artez Hogeschool), Brno (Janacek Academy) and Paris (CNSMP). He has given piccolo recitals at the NFA Conventions in New York, Anaheim and Las Vegas (USA). He currently teaches piccolo at the Royal Flemish Conservatory in Antwerp and at his private flute studio in Bruges. He is co-founder of Arco Baleno, a chamber music ensemble consisting of string quartet and flute. With this ensemble he was awarded the first prize at the international CHAIN chamber music competition in Enschede and the Musical Youth Debut Prize for chamber music. Arco Baleno realized twelve CDs as well as various radio recordings. The ensemble toured in Germany, France, Slovenia, the USA and the Netherlands. Together with his wife, he was the editor of the Flemish Flute Journal (1997-2002). Peter Verhoyen is Sponsored by Adams Flute Center and Mancke Flute. Page 18 / 52 Alan Weiss Flutist Alan Weiss studied flute with Phillip Kaplan, James Pappoutsakis, and Julius Baker. He has performed with many noted musicians on chamber music series and ensembles including the Boston Pops Orchestra. Weiss was the principal and solo flutist of the Virginia (Norfolk) Symphony. He has been a member of the Boston Classical Orchestra since 1987. Internationally, Mr. Weiss served as flutist with the Mexico City Philharmonic, the State Orchestra of Mexico, and the Iceland National Symphony. In 1995 he performed a highly acclaimed European solo debut with the Romanian Radio Orchestra and received major media coverage with high praise. The Bucharest Romania newspaper Cortidianul described his accomplished performance as evidence of “a true master of the American school of wind playing.” He is recognized for his “attractive and individual tone” (Boston Globe) and “ease of playing with warm expression” (Actualitea Muzicala-Romania). Other critics have described him as “excellent and distinguished” (Boston Phoenix), “spectacular performer” (Tineretul Liber-Romania) and a “fine musician”(Virginia Ledger Star). Alan Weiss has premiered numerous compositions, notably those of Philip Glass. These performances were broadcast on National Public Radio (NPR) and excerpts used for the soundtrack of the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) film Edgar Allan Poe. Weiss is the first American flutist to perform or record in concerto with the renowned George Enescu Bucharest Philharmonic since its inception of 1868. In 2001, Weiss’s compact disc for Albany Records with harpsichordist Mark Kroll (sponsored in part by a grant from the Aaron Copland Foundation) featured premier recordings of works of Robert Starer and Lester Trimble. Gramophone Magazine reviewed in its November 2001 issue, “Flautist Alan Weiss plays with appropriate understated eloquence.” Mr. Weiss has also recorded for the Golden Tone, Carlton Classics, and Dorian labels. Alan's performance at the first China international flute festival in 2004 can be seen on DVD published by Classic Musicale of China. A former flute and chamber music professor for a decade at the Boston University College for the Arts, Weiss is a highly regarded teacher. His students have won prestigious positions in professional orchestras and competitions. Some of his oustanding students include: Guoliang Han, principal flutist China National Symphony and Professor of Flute, Beijing Central Conservatory; Jeanne Carere, principal flutist Atlanta Ballet; Grammy-nominated flutist and composer Valerie Coleman of the ensemble Imani Winds; Vasco Gouveia, prizewinner of the Maria Canals Competition and acclaimed Portuguese performer and teacher; and Heather Holden of the awardwinning Arc Duo. Mr. Weiss was the Director of Chamber Music and Young Artists Orchestra Program as well as a flute instructor for the Boston University Tanglewood Institute. Alan was an artist-inresidence at the 2000 Schubert International Music Festival and Competition (Ovada, Italy) and has performed at the Santander Music Festival (Spain). In 2003, Mr. Weiss performed solo alto flute with the Boston Modern Orchestra Project’s premier of Tod Machover’s Toy Symphony in New York City and in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In the summer of 2004, Alan performed as soloist and in masterclasses at the China International Flute Festival in Shenyang. Page 19 / 52 In 2005 he presented solo performances with the Nashua (NH) Chamber Orchestra and the Boston Classical Orchestra. In 2007 Alan gave his Japan debut in Tokyo’s DAC Recital Hall with worldrenowned flutist Shigenori Kudo. In recent years Alan has had the privilege of performing in concert with a number of renowned flutist colleagues including: Claudi Arimany, Kathleen Chastain, Michel Debost, Paul Edmund-Davies, Paul Fried, Shigenori Kudo, Horacio Parravicini, Nobutaka Shimizu, and Juan Jesus Silguero. In 2010 Alan recorded his latest CD (also available as a DVD) with acclaimed musicians Paul Fried and Bryan Pezzone entitled “Virtuoso Flute Trios” on the Golden Tone label. The Fall 2011 issue of the periodical “Flutist Quarterly” reviewed, “This CD is filled with variety, sonority, and style performed with elegance and sensitivity by two marvelous masters of the flute…” His upcoming 2012 engagements include: Guest Artist, James Galway International Flute Festival in Weggis Switzerland; Masterclass for the Imani Chamber Winds Summer Festival in Lincoln Center, New York City; award in September of “Honorary Member, Caballeros del Traversos”, Spain’s most exclusive flute society. Alan Weiss performs on several custom-crafted 14K gold flutes made by the William S. Haynes Company of Boston and also has an in depth knowledge and passion of antique French flutes. He has been happily married to the talented and beautiful oboist Ann Rosandich since 1986 and last fall celebrated his 25th wedding anniversary. Mr. Weiss is sponsored by William S. Haynes Company Page 20 / 52 HARPSICHORD ACCOMPANIMENT Ewa Rzetecka Polish harpsichordist and organist. In 2003 Ewa Rzetecka graduated from the Academy of Music in Lodz (Prof. Leszek Kędracki) with distinction. In the period of 2005 to 2007 she continued her education with a postgraduate studies in Haute Ecole de Musique in Geneva studying with Alfonso Fedi (harpsichord), Leonardo Garcia Alarcon (maestro al cembalo), Marcello Giannini and Vincent Thévenaz (organ). She has participated, among others, in master classes by Władysław Klosiewicz (Poland), Ketil Haugsand (Norway, Portugal), Pierre Hantai (France), George Kiss (Italy), Ton Koopman (Netherlands) and Luca Scandali (Italy). As a harpsichordist Ewa Rzetecka has interpreted numerous solo concerts and moreover she often performs chamber music productions in Poland (Cracow, Warsaw, Philharmonic of Lodz and Czestochowa), Switzerland (together with Dalliance Baroque ensemble), France, Portugal, Norway, Italy (organ duet with Liuwe Tamminga, Venice and Bologna) and Denmark (as Duo Impetuoso together with Carlo Jans). She played in the semi-final of the International Organ Competition of Muzzana, Italy. She was an organist of Polish Catholic Mission in Switzerland and played the organ of Saint Theresa Church in Geneva. One of the greatest passions of Ewa Rzetecka is baroque opera. She was engaged in numerous opera productions and cooperated with the Grand Theatre in Lodz ("La Serva Padrona" by G. Pergolesi, "Impresario in Angustie" by D. Cimarosa, "Xerxes" and "Giulio Cesare" by G.F. Handel) and Cappella Genevensis ensemble ("Bastien and Bastienne" by W.A. Mozart, "The Descent of Orpheus in the Underworld" by M-A. Charpentier). In 2009 she recorded, together with a Polish flutist Joanna Woszczyk-Garbacz, a CD titled “Baroque in Europe” and in 2011 – together with an actor Andrzej Zarnecki – an album titled “Theatrical Variations”. In 2009 she was a professor and an accompanist of the master classes for singers in Naleczow (Poland). Since 2010, she is a professor of International Forum for flute and piano in Luxembourg. Recently, Ewa Rzetecka has received her PhD in harpsichord music from the Academy of Music in Lodz and currently she works as an assistant professor in the same institution. Le clavecin est mis à disposition par le Conservatoire de la Ville de Luxembourg Page 21 / 52 COLLABORATIVE PIANO – PIANO ACCOMPANIMENT Cordula Hacke Since completing her studies at the Hochschule für Musik Köln, the University of Toronto and the Folkwanghochschule Essen, pianist Cordula Hacke has developed a thriving career in both Europe and North America with an emphasis on the instrumental and vocal chamber repertoire. Her chamber music partners include principal wind and string players from some of the world’s greatest orchestras, including the New York Philharmonic, the Boston Symphony Orchestra, the German Radio Symphony Orchestras (Berlin, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Cologne and Stuttgart), the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, the Royal Danish Opera Orchestra and the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Her extensive discography ranges from the works of contemporary Japanese and women composers to those of artists such as Pavel Haas, Leo Smit, and Paul Hindemith. Having worked closely with American composer George Crumb for many years, Cordula Hacke has been invited to perform his works in prestigious festivals in Germany, Austria, Denmark, Canada and the USA. Her recording of Crumb'sVox Balaenae was released by Arte Nova-BMG Classics. Since 1996, she has collaborated with Jeanne Baxtresser, former principal flutist of the New York Philharmonic, in presenting acclaimed masterclasses in centres such as Frankfurt, Oxford, Toronto, New York, Pittsburgh and Amsterdam. She taught annually at the Salzburg Summer Academy and has served as an official accompanist for the ARD International Music Competition (Munich), the Deutsche Musikrat Competition (Berlin) and the Markneukirchen International Competition. Ms. Hacke is a member of the teaching faculty at the Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf as well as a member of several juries of international competitions (for example president of the jury at the Internationale Kuhlau Wettbewerb, Uelzen). Acclaimed for her work as musical director in theatrical productions (My Fair Lady at Frankfurt’s Komödie, Acht Frauen at both Munich’s Komödie im Bayerischen Hof and Frankfurt’s Fritz Rémond Theater), she has been invited back to undertake the musical direction of Irma la Douce, Kleiner Mann, was nun? and a new production of La Cage aux Folles and Fisch zu viert (2012/2013). Page 22 / 52 Katrin Reifenrath Collaborative piano/Accompaniment Conservatory Luxembourg Professor for piano and piano accompaniement, piano accompanist at the Conservatoire de Luxembourg. After studies at the “Conservatoire National de Région de Caen”, Katrin Reifenrath integrated into the “Royal Conservatory Brussels” in the class of Daniel Blumenthal and finished with “Diplôme supérieur de maîtrise avec avec distinction” in 2000. During this period, she studied music theory at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Paris (Prix d’Harmonie). Masterclasses with Marie-Paule Siruguet and Pascal Devoyon for the piano and with Elizabeth Cooper for singing leader. Holder of the “State Diploma” in France, she was appointed professor at the Luxembourg Conservatory in 2003. She is accompanist of the flute class, violin class, trombone class and conducting class. Soloconcertos with the “Latvian Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra”, “Luxembourg Chamber Orchestra-Les Musiciens”, “Philharmonisches Orchester Trier”, chamber music partner of Carlo Jans, Claude Giampellegrini, Marc Meyers, Stéphanie Pochet. She also took part in the opera of Udo Zimmermann Die Weisse Rose in the Theater of Luxembourg-City. Katrin Reifenrath speaks French, German, English and Luxemburgish. Repertoire for flute and piano Page 23 / 52 Michael Zieschang Study of piano with Paul Badura-Skoda and Felix Michael Deichmann at Folkwang-Hochschule Essen (ConcertExamination in 1983) Masterclasses with Ludwik Stefanski (Kraków), Monique Haas (Salzburg) and Fausto Zadra (Lausanne) Awards in various international competitions (Concorso Viotti di Varallo Sesia, Concorso pianistico di Marsala a.o.) Recitals as soloist, chamber musician and liedaccompanist in Europe, Ural (Russia) and Taiwan Invited to various festivals: Düsseldorfer Altstadtherbst, Bad Hersfelder Festspiele, Festival Zlatnata Diana at Jambol (Bulgary), Karg-Elert-Tage at Leipzig, Berlin and Mannheim, Schlossfestspiele Hohenlimburg at Hagen (Germany), International piano festival at Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine), 4. Convention francaise de la flûte at Paris Invited for a masterclass at Dnepropetrovsk First CD-production of the Piano Sonatas of Sigfrid Karg-Elert Lecturer for piano at the RobertSchumann-Hochschule Düsseldorf, at the University of Dortmund and at the High School of church music of Herford Michael Zieschang will work together with Sergej Tikhonov both Sponsored by Parmenon Flutes Page 24 / 52 CONFERENCES Peter Swinkels Conference : relationship between sound and material of a flute, entitled "Your Sound or Its?" Peter Swinkels was born in the south of The Netherlands and has played flute since the age of eight. After his college studies, graduating with an imbursement for chemistry, he instead opted to study at the Conservatory in Maastricht where he graduated with degrees in Music Education, Choir Conducting and Flute Performance. Throughout his Conservatory years, Swinkels actively taught flute and conducted choirs. He developed the belief that a musician performs best when he/she is able to speak with their own best, personal 'voice'. As a flute teacher, therefore, he focused on developing the unique personal sound that fits each of his students. As a result of this approach he became interested, not only in fostering the personalized sound through playing, but also in the factors of flute construction that would affect this sound, i.e. the material of the flute and headjoint. In the quest for answers, Swinkels established a relationship with Adams Music Centre. Adams ultimately asked him to start a Flute Centre division: a place where flutists, professionals and amateurs alike can come not only to buy flutes or headjoints but also to get expert advice. In the short span of seven years, Swinkels has developed the Adams Flute Centre into the leading European flute centre where customers from all over Europe come to buy their flutes, piccolos or headjoints. During the Forum International, Peter Swinkels will give a one-hour lecture about the relationship between sound and material of a flute, entitled "Your Sound or Its?" This conference is sponsored by Adams Flute Centre Peter Swinkels speaks Dutch, English and German Page 25 / 52 Tobias Mancke Conference : building a flute headjoint" Tobias Mancke speaks English and German This conference is sponsored by Mancke Flute Parmenon flute Conference : Did you say french flute ? This conference is sponsored by Parmenon Flute. Page 26 / 52 FLUTE EXIHIBITIONS European flute Centre Adams The “ European Flute Center ” is undoubtedly the flute shop in Europe with the biggest selection. The wide choice of flutes, piccolos, headjoints and accessories is displayed in two big halls at the Adams Centre in Ittrvoort, Holland. Three studios are installed in each hall to allow the customer to test the flutes. In addition, a concert hall is available to try out the flutes in a concert environment.. Flutes Because of the knowledge, services and repair possibilities of the firm, Adams has been chosen as exclusive retailer by Powell, Nagahara, Brannen, Abell, Sheridan and Pearl. Adams also sells Altus, Azumi, Hammig, Haynes, Miyazawa, Muramatsu, Parmenon, Sankyo, Sonare and Yamaha. Flutes with Eva Kingma system by Brannen and Yamaha. Alto Flutes and Bass flutes : Eva Kingma, Hammig, Altus, Yamaha, Jupiter, Trevor James and Pearl. Piccolos: Bulgheroni, Hammig, Powell, Keefe, Pearl and Yamaha. Different piccolo headjoints. Various Headjoints More than one hundred different headjoints in silver, gold, wood by Brannen, Faulisi, Hammig, Haynes, Gordon, Lafin, Mancke, Nagahara, Pearl, Powell and Sheridan. Catalogue on request Page 27 / 52 Mancke Flutes Mancke Flutes is a family business led by Tobias and Christoph Mancke. Christoph began his flute studies in 1965 with Prof. Ludwig Jann, Dortmund. Soon after, his love of music and of the flute led him to construct the instrument itself. In 1986, he produced the first Mancke headjoints. Tobias started his music studies on the saxophone before switching to the flute. He studies with Hans-Martin Muller, WDR Radio Symphony Cologne. He is a trained toolmaker and has made tools for (among others) Dana Sheridan, from whom is has received his training in flutemaking. Since then, he has established his reputation for professional flute repairs and overhauls. He is active as well in head joint construction. Silver headjoints in sterling silver, with gold riser (9K, 14K, 18K) Silver headjoints with gold lip plate and riser (9K, 14K, 18K) Gold head joints in 14K (also with 18 K riser) Gold head joints in 18K Platinium head joints Granadilla Headjoints (for all flutes) Piccolo grenadilla headjoints Carlo JANS is playing a Mancke Platinum headjoint with 14K lip plate. Page 28 / 52 Parmenon Flutes FLUTE PARMENON In 1979, Michel Parmenon founded a new French flute brand meeting the flutists’ highest expectations. Since then, our company designs high-end instruments giving full expression to musicians’ emotions. Sound culture, combination of precision and aesthetics, premium alloys, handmade manufacturing techniques are the hallmarks of our craft-workshop. As a recognition of our expertise, some patents have been developed for large companies such as Selmer for which we had the saxophone enhanced. Modern flutes naturally make an almost "pure sound " as defined by acoustics. This "pure sound" is then supplemented with varied harmonics. All the art of the flutist is to model its own sound playing on those harmonics, as a painter would do with his palette. The Böhm system largely modified the harmonic structure of the flute. If this system remains a major breakthrough, some fields like harmonics have hardly been explored so far. If we chose to care about sound, it’s because we’ve carefully listened to what musicians expected from their instruments. Our acoustics concept proved to be relevant granting us the avant-garde position in flute craftsmanship. Models : Auréi / Métis / Ovatio / Odalis More information on : Page 29 / 52 William S. Haynes Company Haynes Flutes William S. Haynes., founded 1888, first established his name as a flute maker through his dedication to exacting detail in every instrument that left his workshop. Then in 1913, he created a breakthrough in design that set Haynes flutes even more above the rest. This breakthrough, which resulted in a patent, corrected a design flaw that had troubled flutemakers and players up until that time. Through a combination of classic detailed hand-craftmanship and innovation in design and technique, William S. Haynes set a standard that prevails to this day at the flute workshop that still bears his name. Haynes flutes are revered world-wide by legendary artists of the past and present, including the great Georges Barrere in the early part of the century and the celebrated Jean-Pierre Rampal today. From the aspiring student to the master, the compelling presence of a Haynes instrument draws out the very best musical performance enabling instrumentalists of all levels to realize their full potential. The William S. Haynes Co., manufactures the highest quality flutes in a variety of precious metals for the professional artist through students. Our flutes possess the modern Haynes pinless mechanism and headjoint as well as the Haynes A-442 scale. They are played be many of the world's outstanding flutists. William S. Haynes Co. Flutes are sold directly as well as through authorized Haynes Dealers worldwide. For a complete historical timeline and more information please visit Page 30 / 52 PIANO Daniel Blumenthal The American pianist Daniel Blumenthal began his musical studies in Paris at the age of 5. He pursued his studies at the University of Michigan and the Juillard School, where he earned his doctorate. He furthered his musical education thereafter with Benjamin Kaplan in London. Between 1981 and 1983 he won prizes in many international competitions: Sidney and Leeds in 1981, Geneva and Busoni 1982, and the Queen Elisabeth in 1983. He was a member of the jury of the Queen Elisabeth in 1995. His multifaceted career is devoted to the varied genres of the solo recital, concerto, chamber music and song literatures. His vast repertoire is literally encyclopaedic, comprising the great classics as well as unjustly neglected works. In the latter context he has premiered many works in recent years such as the Debussy Trio. His abundant discography extends now to over 80 CDs. He appears regularly in recitals with internationally recognized artists such as Barry Tuckwell, Peter Zazofsky, Pierre Amoyal, José Van Dam, Dale Duesing, John Aler, Dinah Bryant, the string quartets Orlando, Enesco and Colorado. He is currently professor of piano at the Royal Flemish Conservatory in Brussels. Daniel Blumenthal speaks French, English, German and Dutch. Page 31 / 52 MASTERCLASSES FOR FLUTE What should I prepare ? Prepare 5 works of different periods and styles… sonatas, concertos, ….for flute solo and for flute and piano… plus optional: 1 sonata flute and Basso Continuo by J.S.Bach, G.F.Haendel or Michel Blavet (Chamber music lesson with Ewa Rzetecka) 1 piece of the country you are coming from Masterclass Carlo Jans, flute • • • • Lessons on Repertoire pieces in collaboration with Katrin Reifenrath, Cordula Hacke (piano accompaniment) , and Ewa Rzetecka ( harpsichord) Orchestral excerpts for flute (see list), Chamber Music In group lessons in the morning, Carlo Jans will work on each technical aspect of flute playing such as: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Breathing Exercises Circular breathing Sound exercises Tone development Singing Tone Phrasing Extended techniques Contemporary techniques Embouchure technique Flexibility Tongue articulation Finger exercises (velocity) Phrasings Carlo Jans will show how to work, in an easy and effective manner, on extreme difficult passages. All the flute students will have the opportunity to attend the lessons of all the professors Page 32 / 52 MASTERCLASSES FOR PIANO Masterclass Daniel Blumenthal Prepare a repertoire of five works (if possible, include one sonata by L.v.Beethoven) And if possible one piece of the country you are coming from Page 33 / 52 REPERTOIRE LIST Orchestral Excerpts for flute Bach Beethoven Beethoven Bizet Bizet Brahms Debussy Dvorak Gluck Hindemith Mendelssohn Mozart Prokofiev Ravel Ravel Rossini St. Saëns St. Matthew Passion ( Aus Liebe..) Symphony N°3 Leonore N°3 Carmen Arlésienne Symphony N°4 Prélude à l’après – midi d’un faune New World Symphony Menuet and Dance ( Orpheus Act II) Sinfonische Metamorphosen Scherzo Zauberflöte ( 1st act ) Peter and the Wolf Bolero Daphnis et Chloé William Tell Carnival of The Animals Orchestral Excerpts for piccolo Bartok Beethoven Bizet Delibes Hindemith Ravel Rossini Shostakovich Strauss Tchaikovsky Wagner Concerto for Orchestra Sinfonie Nr. 9 Carmen Coppelia Nobilissima visione Ma mère l'oye Piano concerto Daphnis & Chloé Semiramis Symphonies 7,8,9 Fledermaus Symphony Nr. 4 Rheingold, Walküre Page 34 / 52 CONCERTS Concerts of professors 25.7.14 - Opening Concert - 20:00 - Vieille Eglise St.Laurent , Diekirch with Carlo Jans, Davide Formisano, Katrin Reifenrath, Ewa Rzetecka, Daniel Blumenthal Price : 15 EUR – (free for students) Official sponsor : 27.7.14 - Concert - 19:00 - Vieille Eglise St.Laurent , Diekirch with Sergej Tikhonov and Michael Zieschang Official sponsor : 29.7.14 - Concert - 19:00 - Vieille Eglise St.Laurent , Diekirch with Carlo Jans, Qiling Chen, Sanqing Chen ,Wally Hase,Cordula Hacke, Katrin Reifenrath, Ewa Rzetecka, Daniel Blumenthal 31.7.14 - Baroque Concert - 19:00 - Vieille Eglise St.Laurent , Diekirch with Ewa Rzetecka and the students Page 35 / 52 Students concerts 31.7.14 - Lunch Concert – 12 :30 - Vieille Eglise St.Laurent , Diekirch 1.8.14 - Lunch Concert – 12 :30 - Vieille Eglise St.Laurent , Diekirch 1.8.14 - Evening Concert - 19:00 - Vieille Eglise St.Laurent , Diekirch (to be confirmed) 2.8.14 - Lunch Concert for solo pieces – 12 :30 - Vieille Eglise St.Laurent , Diekirch 2.8.14 - Concert - 19:30 – Eglise de Saeul Official sponsors : 3.8.14 - Final Concert - 19:00 - Vieille Eglise St.Laurent , Diekirch Page 36 / 52 ACCOMMODATION Our official accommodation is at the Student Home Internat Jos Schmitt Diekirch ( Each student will have his own room, shower and kitchen on each floor, internet room Breakfast is included in our accommodation and will be prepared by Gergory and his wife Elisabeth. If you don’t want to join us at the Internat, please organize your own accommodation by yourself. There are also some others possibilities like : • • • • Hotel Beau Séjour Hotel de la gare Hotel du parc Or private accommodation available in Diekirch ( Page 37 / 52 ORGANIZATION Carlo Jans Artistic Director Please see the flute section. Simon Knopp Assistant Manager Simon Knopp started to study flute at the age of 7 in Freyming Merlabach (France). He went on to study flute at the conservatories of Nancy and Mulhouse, beside his University studies in computer science. For professional reasons, he moved in 2002 to Luxembourg, entering also the flute class of Carlo Jans at Luxembourg Conservatory. Simon Knopp finished his studies in Luxembourg with a "Diplôme Supérieur" in 2006 and a "Diplôme de Concert" in 2008. In 2009, Simon Knopp was the first prizewinner of the flute competition organized by the German flute Association, allowing him to perform at the flute festival in Munich in 2010. In 2012, Simon got a Master's Degree in Music at the University in Maastricht with Philippe Benoit. Simon has participated in masterclasses with Jean-Claude Gérard, Gaby Pas van Riet, Carin Levine, Aldo Baerten and Emily Beynon. Since 2007, has has been a member of Forum International asbl., organizing with his friend and former teacher Carlo Jans the international summer masterclasses of Diekirch. Simon Knopp speaks French, German, Luxembourgish and English. Page 38 / 52 PARTICIPANTS Flute Last name First name Nationality Alvarez Manuel Mexican Baleckaite Karolina Lithuanian Barreau Pierre Michelle Izabela Vivianne Dario Shen Elzbieta Maija Marije Robine Irmina Pietro yi tong jiaxing yifan Elisabeth lin Nicolás French Luxembourgish Czech Romanian Spanish Chinese Polish Latvian Dutch Luxembourgish polish Italy Chinese Chinese Chinese German Chinese Spanish Christine Eliška Ruta Jia-Mi Ewa An Julita Ekaterina Johanna Lucija Tsz Hei Vera Laura Olga rui Sophie- Switzerland Czech Latvian Taiwan Polish Chinese Lithuanian Russin German Croatian Hong Kong Binsfeld Brodová Caragea Castañeda Chen Drozdowska Fogele Franken Gillen Gocek Guastafierro Guo Han Hao Hartschuh He Hernández Carrión Hogg Honková Izaka Jang Januszewska Jingxia Jurksaite Kakaulina Kapaj Kovacevic Lai Lammar Leonkiewicz Li jia Löser Luxembourgish Polish Chinese German Page 39 / 52 Mejia Cortez Melgarejo Mokler Nickels Persoz Polishchuk Popovic Puzzuoli Rogowiecka Rönspeck Schlink Škrilec Tihon Veldre Vennekens Vercruysse Veteršek Villeneuve Wieland Woo Yang Yang Yu yuexing Zhu Zielinska Therese Edgar Fernando Itzel Felicitas Sally Elisa Maria Petar marie Agnieszka Maja Stéphanie Aleksandra Raluca Egija Eva Joris Klara Léa Ulrich Han Na You Tzu-Yi qinghan An Yifeng Katarzyna Mexican Mexican German Luxembourgish Switzerland Russia Croatian French polish German Luxembourgish Slovenian Romanian latvian Belgium Belgium Slovenian French German Korea Chinese Taiwan Chinese Chinese Chinese polish Piano Last name First name Last name Dendal Maurel Amélie Léna Malvyn Marielle Augustin Hin Yung Marion Belgium Belgium U.S.A French French Chinese French Milasiute Ingrida Lithuanian Piscevic Ivo Schivre Alexandre French French Vallejos Julio Niobe Kollmeier Lai Le Monnier Le Monnier Ma Van Sighem Argentina Belgium Page 40 / 52 Repertoire list Flute and piccolo Last name First name Piece one Piece Two (solo) Piece three Piece four Piece five Alvarez Manuel Sonata Em, J.S. Bach Image. E. Bozza Bach partita en La m Nielsen Flute concerto Baleckaite Karolina J. S. Bach. Flute sonata no. 5 or no. 6 C. Ph. E. Bach. Sonata for flute solo in a minor Prokofiev Flute sonata J. Demerssemen. Solo de concert J. Ibert. Piece for flute solo F. Schubert. Introduction, theme and variations in e minor Barreau Pierre Les folies d'Espagne Ist sonata Martinu Binsfeld Michelle Brodová Izabela Caragea Vivianne Castañeda Dario Chen Shen Elzbieta Drozdowska César Franck Gaubert 3e sonate St Saens Romance Sonate Sonata en mi Etude en mi Carmen-Borne Etude en sol mineur- Concerto No. 8-Devienne mineur-Bach mineur-Köhler Köhler op. 75 op.33 C. Ph. E. Bach: S. Karg - Elert: F. Martin: Ballade C. Ph. E. Bach: Sonate P. Taffanel: Fantasie sur Sonate in a minor Sonata for flute and piano in a minor le Freischutz Appassionata Sonate VI E-Dur J. G. P. Telemann 3. W. A. Mozart G- P. Hindemith Acht B. Martinu Flute Sonata S. Bach Fantesie dur Koncerto Stücke or George Enescu Cantabile et Presto Telemann Methodic Sonata G minor Bach Partita JS. Bach e minor Sonata Sonata Apassionata Nielsen Concerto Bach Partita A minor Karg-Eggert Bach Suite Dutilleux sonatine Requiem Fukushima Bozza Image W.A. Mozart D M.Arnold Fantaisie major concerto Mozart Flute Concerto G Reineck Konzert F. Martin Ballade Page 41 / 52 Fogele Maija J. S. Bach: Flute S. Martin Ballade Sonata in C major, BWV 1033 V. A. Mozart - J. Demersseman - 6th A. Vivaldi Piccolo Flute Concerto Nr. Solo de Concert, Op. 82 Concerto No. 2 A Minor 2 D-dur Franken Marije Gocek Robine Irmina Guastafierro Pietro Schumann Romances xx J.S.Bach. Partita for flute solo Sonata"Undine"Reineke Marin Marais - Les Folies d'Espagne xx C.M.Widor - Suite for Flute and Piano Martin-Ballade Rodrigo Pastoral Gillen Delgado - Panic Flirt xx J.M.Leclair- Sonate op.9 no.2 e-moll Sonata in D majorPROKOFIEFF Guo yi tong jiaxing yifan Elisabeth Freischütz-Fantasie von Taffanel Fantasie Nr.2 Telemann/ 7. Caprice Paganini Suite von Widor / Sonate von Prokofjev Voice von Takemitsu Han Hao Hartschuh He Hernández Carrión lin Nicolás Hogg Christine Honková Eliška von - Concierto Eliot Carter - Scrivo in Lowell Liebermannvento Piccolo Concerto Nr.2 und 3 aus den 3 pieces von Ferroud von Sonata Bach in e- Fantasia Telemann minor nº 10 J.S. Bach, Sonata in J.S. Bach, Partita in e-moll a- moll Fantasia Brillante Piece Ibert (Carmen) - Borne W. A. Mozart, Berio, Sequenza Konzert Nr. 2 in D- Flute solo Dur Concert Khatchaturian for Henri Dutilleux, Sonatine pour fl et piano C.Ph.E.Bach Sonata Karg - S.Karg - P.Taffanel Grande H.Dutilleux - Sonatina a minor Elert Sonata Fantaisie Appassionata f scharp minor J.Feld - Sonata Page 42 / 52 Izaka Ruta J.S.Bach – Sonate in .C.P.Em.Bach – H.Dutilleux E flat Major Sonata in A minor Sonatine Jang Jia-Mi Haendel: Sonata in Ibert: Piece b-minor for flute flute solo and basso continuo Januszewska Ewa C.P.E. Bach - S. Karg-Elert - W. A. Mozart - L. Berio - Sequenza Sonata in A minor Sonata Concerto in D for solo flute Appassionata in F Major KV 314 sharp minor Jingxia Jurksaite An Julita Kakaulina Ekaterina Kapaj Johanna Kovacevic Lucija Lai Tsz Vera Lammar Laura - S.Karg-Elert – Sonata P.Taffanel - Fantasy on Appasionata themes from opera "The Freeshooter" for KargElert:Sinfonische Kanzone Dutilleux:Sonatine flute and piano for Nielsen:Flute concerto F. Martin - Ballade J. S. Bach Sonata J. S. Bach Partita in for Flute No.1 A minor for solo flute I, II movements Telemann Fantasia L.Berio Sequenza 5 E-Dur Sonata Sonata J.S.Bach Appasionata Karg Elert F. Schubert J. Rychlik Partita No.4 J. Demersseman 6th Introduction and for solo flute Solo de Concert op.82 Variations J. S. Bach: Sonate g C. Debussy: Syrinx minor Frigyes Hidas: M. Marais: Les folies B. Martinu: Scherzo Concerto for flute d`Espagne and winds S.Prokofiev Sonate Undine op.167 Reinecke P.O.Ferroud aus Trios Ch.M.Widor Suite Pieres Nr.2,3 Sonata Density 21.5 Edgar G-Dur Flötenkonzert C.H.C. Varese W.A.Mozart Hei J.S. Bach - sonata C.P.E. Bach - Doppler 1030 sonata in a minor hungarian pastoral fastasy J.S. Bach; Sonata in Sylvia Eichenwald; F. Martin; Ballade C Major; BWV Recitativo pour flûte et piano 1033 Honegger - Danse de la Bizet Borne - Carman chevre fantasy J. Haydn; Sonate G A. Jolivet; major; Allegro Linos moderato - Adagio FINALE Presto Chant de Page 43 / 52 Leonkiewicz Olga Li jia rui SophieTherese Edgar Fernando Löser Mejia Cortez Melgarejo Itzel Mokler Felicitas Nickels Sally Persoz Elisa Polishchuk Maria Popovic Petar Puzzuoli marie Rogowiecka Agnieszka Rönspeck Maja C. Ph. E. Bach - G. Ph. Telemann - P. Taffanel - S. Mercadante - Aria Paul Taffanel - Fantasie Sonate in g minor Fantasie in A major Fantasie sur Les extrait de Don Giovanni sur Francoise de Rimini nr 1 n Indes Galantes Bach hmoll Sonate Takemitsu Voice Sonata for flute and Syrinx. piano. Francis Debussy Poulenc Prokofieff Sonata Orchestral Remarks Ibert Concerto Claude Concerto gdur.(KV 313) W.A. Mozart Sonata in a minor, Soliloquy, Lowell Flute sonata Op. CPE Bach Liebermann 94, Sergei Prokofiev Sonata, E flat, Bach Sonata a moll, C. Concertino, C. BWV 1031 P. E. Bach Chaminade Concerto in G-Dur, Rondo Capriccioso Variations on a J.J. Quantz G-Dur, Anton theme by Rossini, Stamitz Frédéric Chopin Syrinx, Claude Debussy Flute Concerto, Khachaturian Aram Bach - Sonata e- Arthur Honegger - Sigfrid Karg-Elert Moll Danse de la chèvre Sinfonische Kanzone für Flöte und Klavier Carg-Elert Sonata J. S. Bach Flute Mozart Concerto Appasionata Partita G-dur J.S.Bach Partita a Carter scrivo in Dutilleux Sonatine moll vento CPE Bach Concerto Voice Takemitsu Demersseman 6. d moll solo de concert J.G.Müthel - Sonata S.Karg - Elert - J.Demersseman in D Sonata Oberon Fantasy Appassionata Partita a minor Bach Pièce Jacques Ibert D Major Concert for flute Mozart Debussy - Syrinx Mozart - Konzert D-Dur Martin ballade Berio Sequenza Carmen, Prokofiev sonata 1,2 p Mozart Konzert D Dur Widor Suite Koechlin Sonate E.Varèse - Density 21.5 M. Daugherty - The High and the Mighty Danse de la Chèvre, A. Undine, Reinecke Honegger La ci darem del mano, Sonate, Mel Bonis Mercadante Saverio "Density" Varèse by Edgar Taktakishvili "Sonata for Flute and piano" Page 44 / 52 Schlink Stéphanie Sonate in e-moll, Image, J.S. Bach Bozza Škrilec Aleksandra Tihon Raluca Veldre Egija Vennekens Eva Paul Hindemith: 8 W.A.Mozart: Stücke Flötenkonzert G dur Marin Marais, "Les S. Prokofiev Folies d'Espagne" "Sonata for flute and piano" J.S.Bach Sonata in b Peteris Vasks minor "Scene with birds" Konzert C Dur Sequenza L. Berio (Piccolo) A. Vivaldi Vercruysse Joris Veteršek Klara Villeneuve Léa Wieland Woo Ulrich Han Na Yang You Yang Tzu-Yi Yu qinghan An yuexing J.S. Bach: sonata in b Quantz: concerto in g major Bach sonata C Dur Telemann Fantasy no.2 J.S Bach BWV1034 flute sonata Eugène Concerto, Reinecke Trois pièces : Ferroud Zgraya: Flamenko etüde 1. Sonata von CPE Bach Carl Sicilienne et Burlesque, Concerto, Carl Nielsen Alfredo Casella A.Jolivet "Chant de Bozza "Image" linos" Introduktion und Solo Sonate CPE Bach Varationen über Trockne Blumen, F. Schubert M.Mower "devations of carnival of venice" Konzert G-Dur, W.A. Mozart Concerto in D - Ibert Pièce Reinecke Blodek: Concerto Bach: studia Mozart flute and harp concerto in C Messiaen: la Merle noir Konzert von Sonata Appassionata von Concerto de Nielsen Karg Elert Mozart G Dur Sequenza von L. H.Dutilleux Berio sonatine Telemann 12 Vivaldi Piccolo Fantasia NO.3 Concerto in C major Bach Sonata Es-Dur Berio Sequenza Ibert concerto Appassionata S.karg-leert Density 21.5 Koechlin op.184 von F.Martin Ballade Pokofiev Sonata Sonatine Dutilleux Sonatina Page 45 / 52 Zhu Yifeng Zielinska Katarzyna BWV1034 J.S.Bach Debussy Syrinx Carl Concerto Nielsen Sonate Appassionata Henri Dutilleux Sonatine Fis moll Op.140 written by Sigfrid Karg-Elert Johann Sebastian Ian Clarke - The Bohuslav Martinu - Claude Debussy - Mercadante - Concerto in Bach - Sonate in b Great Train First Sonate Syrinx D Major minor Piece three Piano Last name First name Piece one Piece Two (solo) Piece four Piece five Dendal Amélie Kollmeier Léna Debussy: Pour les Octaves Schumann - piano concerto A minor op. 54 Liszt: La Debussy: Estampes Schubert: sonate Campanella Brahms - Beethoven - sonate Berg - sonate op.1 Ballades op. 10 op. 90 n°27 Lai Malvyn Beethoven Sonata op Mozart Sonata Chopin fantasie 10 no 1 K330 in C major Impromptu op 66 1 mov Le Monnier Marielle J.S Bach, prélude et Beethoven, fugue en la mineur Sonate n°2 op. 2 BWV 543 Le Monnier Ma Augustin Hin Yung Maurel Marion Schumann Prokofiev - sonate op. 14 n°2 - Schubert Impromptu op Three little preludes 90 no 2 Bach BWV 999,935 and 926 Rachmaninov, Etude S. Prokofiev, n°6 op. 33 n°3 op. 28 sonate F. Chopin, Ballade n°2 op. 38 J.S. Bach Toccatas in Beethoven Sonata Chopin Ballade in g Chopin Polanise op. 53 E minor BWV 914 in C minor op. 13 minor op. 23 no. 1 Rachmaninoff Prelude in g minor op. 23 no. 5 Toccata c-moll BWV 3ème Ballade de Etudes 911 Bach Chopin Chopin Etude n°4 Stravinsky n°5 op.10 Gnomenreigen Liszt op.7 Page 46 / 52 Milasiute Ingrida F. Chopin Fantasie f minor op. 49 Piscevic Ivo Bach: Prélude et Haydn, sonate Brahms: Ravel: Miroirs, "une Chopin: Etudes op 25 n°1 Fugue livre I n° IV Hob XVI:52, (1er Klavierstücke op 118 barque sur l'océan" et 12 mvt) n°2 Schivre Alexandre Bach Sonata in e AlbumBlatter minor BWV 1034 op99 Schumann Vallejos Julio Mozart Sonata NO.11 Chopin Waltz in Alla Turca A major D flat major Op 64 No 1 Beethoven No. 14 Mozart Mennuetto Diese menor Op. "moonlight" Van Sighem Niobe Beethoven opus 31 nr 3 Bach, preludium fuga in gis K.Szymanowski "Scheherazade" from "Masques" A. Jolivet "Chant de linos" for flute and piano (piano part) R. Schumann "Drei Fantasiestuecke" op. 111 J. Ibert Flute (orchestra part) concert Charles Marie Widor, Wolfgang Amadeus J.Haydn-Sonate pour Sonate pour Flûte et Mozart - Sonata in G, flûte et piano 1er mvt Piano K. 379 - Flute & Piano sonate Chopin, etude Chopin, ballade 3 opus 10 nr 8 en Debussy, etude Pour les arpèges composés Page 47 / 52 OUR SPONSORS Page 48 / 52 SCHOLARSHIPS OFFERED BY Monsieur et Madame Anonyme Madame Anonyme Madame Cordula Hacke Dr. Henri Diederich, consul honoraire de la République de Lettonie Page 49 / 52 IN COLLABORATION WITH Lycée classique Diekirch Thank you to all our friends Page 50 / 52 INFORMATION Contact Forum International asbl 64, rue du stade L-6725 Grevenmacher / Luxembourg Tél : (+352) 621 160 971 (+352 ) 691 425 936 Fax : (+352) 334309 Or for best use: [email protected] Please see also for more information : Page 51 / 52 Bank account Dexia-Banque Internationale du Luxembourg Account owner : Forum International asbls Code BIC : BILLLULLXXX IBAN: LU14 0025 1841 3329 8800 Fees 425 EUR inscription fees for masterclasses 225 EUR accommodation with breakfast OR 80 EUR per day for active participant without accommodation 50 EUR per day for listener without accommodation 30 EUR per night per person with breakfast (available also for non active participant like parents…) A deposit of 150 EUR has to be transferred on the account of FORUM INTERNATIONAL with the inscription The deposit is mandatory, you won't be added on the student list without paying this deposit. In case of withdrawal from inscription, the 150 EUR deposit cannot be expected back. In case of cancellation of the Forum, all fees having been paid will be paid back. Deadline for registration: 9th of July 2014 The balance (275 EUR) as well as the accommodation fees (225 EUR) have to be paid in cash the first day of the summer course. Page 52 / 52