Ms. Darvin`s Class Class Updates 8/19/16


Ms. Darvin`s Class Class Updates 8/19/16
It was a fantastic first short week of school!
Ms. Darvin’s
Room 109
216-831-7144 ext. 243
[email protected]
Class Updates
Important Dates & Info
August 31st: Open House from
Please see the 5th grade homework
calendar for daily information:
Blocks 1 and 2
Block 3
This week was really special because we had the
chance to spend a lot of time together as a
homeroom. We learned so many fun facts about
each other, and the kids enjoyed hearing the
wacky “Would You Rather” question cards.
Please send in or email me your child’s baby
picture so that we can play Who’s That Baby
next week.
Usually, you will find this section broken up by
block. This week, we had the opportunity to get
to know each other a little bit. We did a doodle
activity to emphasize that we all bring different
thinking and strategies to our classroom; if your
strategy doesn’t match mine, that is ok! We also
did a scavenger hunt to get to know my
classroom. Next week, we will start our Math
About Me posters, and I am so excited to see
what tricky math expressions your kids create to
share facts about themselves!
We will begin the year by reviewing place value
and decimals. I can’t wait to hit the ground
Next week, we are jumping right into greatest
common factor, least common multiple, and