
— BY—
!?ermn (jjso. ^ecat[d.
GS-- H O L M E S .
T e r m s :—8 1 . 5 0 p e r Y e a r .
OEFICK.—In Record Building, Oak Street.
Business Directory.
Business Directory.
Business Directory*
M IS C E E E A N E O U S .
T ) OUGH BROS., Wholesale and Retail dealers In
0i 0 . F.—Buchanan Lodije No. 75 holds its
• rv^'ilar meeting, at Odd Fellows Hall, on each XL Shelf aud Heavy Hardware, Agricultural Im­
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Lum ber Lath, Lime,
Tuesday evening.
Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Buchanan,-Mich.
& A. M. —Smumit Lodge N o. 192 holds aregt „ ular meeting Monday evening ou or before the
moon in each month.
L1 A A. M. —Riuhaium Lodge No. 6Sholds a regV • ular meeting Friday evening on or before the
V..« moon in each month.
f> OF H.-Buchanan Grange N o. 40 meets on
1 . the second and fourth Saturday o f each month,
it S o'clock P- N*
i\ S. ITOURJE, proprietor of Palace Meat MarU . ket. Cash paid lor all kinds o f live stock and
produce. South side ofF rout street.
| i>. C*. T. -Buchanan T.odsa? No. Sod holds its
L • regular meeting o a each Monday evening.
\ VAN RIPER, vt M’ ORTIUXGTOX, Attorneys
V and Coun>t'lors at Law. amt Solicitors in Chanv >. ColIe»-fh.ns made and proceeds promptly
vh:i:ft d. utfkv over KinyouV Store. Bncnanmi.
.1 .». %\\ l.r.*FR.
A. A. VOimilSGTOX.
INC COLL\R PAD CO., sole proprietors and
__ manufacturers
o f Curtis’' Patent Zinc Collar
Pad, Buchanan. For sale by dealers everywhere.
EORGE CHURCHILL, Contractor and Build­
er, and dealer in Lumber, Lath and Shingles.
Front street, Buchanan, Mich.
M IL L E R S .
IN GERY & MARBLE, proprietors o f Indian
Reserve Mill. Custom grinding a specialty.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Portage street.
F U R N IT U R E .
dealers iu___
IVa T*>lX
__ _ .
tures, Frames, Ac.
Mam street, Buchanan.
| \R. J. M. 1H*E. Physician and Surgeon. Propri*
Thrhat Bai-am. Office, in Roe's
i>“ «2 o*
>c:>»‘L's drn^ store. Buchanan* Mich.
ek. < vr
SCHRAY, manufacturers o f and deal­
ers in Furniture and Organs. Factory near the
river bridge, Buchanan.
?\U R o s s \V. PIEIU'E. Physician and Snigcon.
1? luUco over Waiie & "Woods* store, Buchanan.
| . It. X. \V. l» VlvKII. Pliy—Uiaix ami Surgeon. Night
i > *.-’ :> }*;>
rAteaiadto. OfficeoverKinvdns
v • •. Buchaaas.. Mich.
W EISGERBER, mannfactnrerof Lumber.
Custom sawing done to order. Mill ou South
f I,!*. E \Y. ROE. Phj icinn and Surgeon. All
i ' •
promptly nn.*i.iled n>. Ufiiee over High's
i . Br.chaUM;. Mull.
OE A ROUGH, manufacturers and dealers in
Hard and Soft W ood Lumber. Honsc furnish*
ing in general. Oak street. Bnchanan.
A| W. s I a H VM. Hom«*o|»ati:iv Physician aud
*H .
Buchanan. Mich. Office over Kiny-»n’s s?«
J T T II. TALBOT, Machinist. Engines. Threshing
I t * and Agricultural Machines repaired. Cider
mill Screws, Saw Arbors, Ac., made to order. Shop
on Chicago street.
B L A C K S M IT H S .
AMES CASE, Florist, kei'ps nil kind? o f Flower
and Vegetable Plants for sale. Good plant* at
low prices. One mile north o f Bnchanan.
Demist. office, first door north
f l . vd tae Bank. Charges reasonable and satis(arritiU guaranteed.
T G. MAX n FIKLP, Operative Deutist. All work
r>. aoce at the lowest living prices and warranted
to give satisfaction. Rooms over Kiuyon's store.
■\\'EA\ E ll A CO., dealers in Clothing, Hats.
> T Caps and Gents* Famishing Goods. Front
srevt. Bnclsanan, Mich.
r p HE ARCADE C l o t h e Honse, BnchanaD.Mlch*
«r. M. BERNARD, Proprietor.
, Crete, house, well and cistern hrick. Day’s
avenue. Bnchanan.
MURPHY, Fashionable Barber and Hair
uT■- NDresser. Ladies' aud Children's hair cutting
a specialty. Front st.. opposite Dunbar House.
VT^M. POM’ ER>. A:1 kinds o f work made to orV > tic r. ar.d pan;« t:!ar attemlou paid to repairing.
\Iso, reativ -made Be. *is eii hand aud warranted.
siAxrFAcrritEns of this
E. JENNINGS, Barber and Hair Dresser.
. Choice -u v k o f Cigar* and Smoking Tobacco.
In Tremont building. Bnchanan.
Carriages. B uggies, Sleighs, &o.
F. ^TROXG. AU kim i>ot Roots an»I
* nu de to order, and repaiiiu r done che:«p for
-«sh. ai:ii-‘iiisfar:it»u guaranteed, up. Rough M»»ck
'V M FVI.TOX * CO.—Call at the Double s«*>. l • o f T. M. Fulton & Co., Buchanan, Muh.. t*
v a goods cheap.
O P- A C. C. HIGH, dealers in Dry Goods, Fau
u , cv Got>d-, Wall Paper. Curtains aud F ixtu re
street, Buchanan, Mich.
T) iHATlOX. dealers in Dry Goods. GroceTies, Pr«»
sttnts. Xotions, Boots & Shoes, vVc., Buchanan.
If. KIXY'OX. Grocer, Baker aud Yfarkei
1 1 . Garsl.-ner. 47 Front Street, Buchanan, Mich
I >AUMORE BUOS„ dealers in Groceries, Crockl> i-ry. Glassware and Bakery Goods. Day's Block,
r.« at street, BucLaUun. afich.
|\ C. N ASIL dealer in Family Groceries and
| ». l':e .
stone aud Wooden Ware. Comer
a ouk >r»*t ets« Buchanan. Mich.
U . W.
dealers in Staple and Fancy
uitKcrh -. Piovl^iiViS and Crockery. Central,
c. u»;.i i f Main st.. Buchanan. Mich”
IN S U R A N C E .
P. ALEXANDER. Notary Public, Real Estate
i i * and Fire lu-nm m e Agent. Represents the :V; a:.d Phaidx. o f Conn.: Continental aud
Cuuvrwriiers. et X . Y. Office at Post Office.
This space belongs to
• s -.
t T r E. PI.IM PToN . Notary Public. Convryaucer
VV . a i.;
*•••A. - ul. itepro?*a4t> Lm.cashier
if Englaud. Fire A—*'-■
: au*lAmericanol-Phil*
K. M. Plimjc
nie-jm::;. v*u..v v,
c .
They will write an advertisement as
soon as they sell oft* some of the new*goods
they have been getting in, so that they
have mom enough to swing a pencil.
OHN G. HOLME*. Fhe Iu-urnme aud Real
cuts uilit ofThv‘ host luRv
s i. Estu Age
i*'.;V.;ce t i :\i\ auii s in ti.e country. ILeoul otfiee
FARM ERS’ M rT F A I. FIRE INSURANCE A S M H’IA T lu N o f Berrien fo a m y . Only farm
sk«» taken.
W m. H asi.ett. Si-c'y, Buchanan.
A U C T IO N E E R S .
I EVI LOGAN. Auctioneer. All bnaiucs will
I i receive prompt attention, at reasonable prices*
io>t OSIceaddress* Bachanan.
R. E.
DODD & SON. Practtcat Druggists.
Fine perfumes and useful toilet articles." Pre­
scriptions a specialty.
T T r A . SEVERSON, Practical Druggist. Fine
VV • Toiler Articles and Perfumes a specialty. Cor
Front and Main streets. Buchanan. Mich.
v WESTON. Practical Druggist, dealer In Drugs,
f « Medicines. Paint s. OR>. Toilet Articles, behind
Dook^. siatsofiery, A c.. -ia:Th side o f Front street.
v r fA T H C A R T . Photographs, Ferreotypes,Oil
. u . Piilmia"#. India Ink Pastel, and Pboto-Cnty••i■«. Main strvet, Bucbanan. Mich.______________
,« N B \R IIOt'SE, Bnchanan, Mich. A . B .
, } >.
proprfetor. First-class in ever respect.
J. W . R , L iste r,
John C. Dick,
a il Business in Conveyane*
ing, Foreclosure, &c.,
Promptly Attended to.
Y JRS. P . B . DUNNING. Reliable Milliner. AiJul ways something new to show customers. Par­
lors, Main sc., Buchanan, Mich.
7ollections M ade and M oney Prom pt
ly Ponoarded.
"JJR S. YL FRANCE, Fashionable Milliner. The
J H latest styles always on hand. One door east oi
Post-office, Buchanan, YGch.
43 a‘0 ffice in Fox’s building, in rooms formerly occuled by E . M* Plimpton.
34 tf
ISSE S C O X A X T hate opened a new stock of
Millinery Goods- W e ask the ladies o f Bu­
chanan to save us a call. Main street Buchanan.
E . B A L L E N
A ttention P aid to. Collection and
Office in Bough’s Block,
B u c h a n a n * A lic h ig a n .
G E E ,
RS. H . M . W ILSON, Fashionable Dress and
Cloak Maker. Parlors, R oe's block, up stairs,
Bnchanan, Mich.
RS. A . E . ATWOOD, Fashionable Dress and
Cloak Maker. Cutting and fitting a specialty.
Rooms 1st door north o f bank, Main st.
Y T R S . F. R . MICHAEL, Cloak and Dress Maker
J X A ll work will receive prompt attention. Prices
.■casonable. Com er Detroit and Third sts.
H A IR W O R K .
—J- ^IA RY BLACK, dealer in Human Hair.
A ll kinds o f H air W ork done to order. Front
street^ seventh door east o f bank.
I f R S - L - ZELDRE, mannfactnrer o f Switches,
TJL Carls, P n & a n d all kinds of hair work to orler. R oom s in Tremont building, Buchanan.
RS. M -J . M cEW E N , dealer in Hhriim* Hair.
Switches, Curls, & c , made to order- Rooms
overBarmore Bros, store.
Among the most excited of the ques­
tioners was a young serf about 20 years
old, who held in liis hands the hatchet
with which he had been felling wood
when the sledge dashed through the
quiet village. The beauty and painful
grief of the woman seemed to have made
rather an effect upon this young serf.
He was certainly more anxious than the
rest to hear her story, and was very
prominent in his attentions, and put
himself forward in endeavoring to offer
her consolation.
At last the object of all this excite­
ment had so far recovered as to be en­
abled to yield to the entreaties of those
who surrounded her, and. in a broken
voice and amid very general silence, she
spoke as follows:
“ I had heard that an old relation of
mine, who lives in a neighboring village,
was dangerously ill, and I determined
to set out and see if I could be of any
assistance. Early this morning I har­
nessed onr horse to the little sledge and
set out.”
“ Alone?” asked the young serf point­
edly, still swinging the hatchet in his
The bystanders well understood the
meaning of the question, and the same
word seemed involuntarily to escape
their lips.
“ Alone?”
It may be as well here to give a short
explanation, which will account in some
way for the exclamation.
a hideous death. In the course of the
preceding winter forty human beings
in this particular district had fallen a
prey either to wolves or bears.
“ Alone 1” answered the young woman
i f K. BR.IDI.ET, Phoiourapher. Constantly'
i I . addins all the latest improvements in the art.
s,,.Mi,s door east o f Post-office.
RS. LOU B E BUNKER, Fashionable MBliner.
Latest styles constantly on hand. One door
north o f Bank, Main St^ Buchanan, Mich.
She was carried into the house and
restoratives were administered. She
had hardly recovered her consciousness
when questions of every sort and kind
were put to her from all sides. She was
asked who she was, where she came
from, where she was going to, who was
pursuing her, and how the horse had
run away. The room in which she was
placed was full of villagers, who had
come in to satisfy their very natural
"When the Bussian troops which had
conquered Finland under the command
of Gen. Buxoydenwere returning home
again, they were followed by countless
troops of bears and wolves, who raged
and quarreled over the bodies of those
-Who, from time to time, died of cold or
fatigue, and howled for the scraps of
food left behind by' the conquering
army. The province which the army
passed through was infested by these
fierce animals long after its departure,
and they soon became the terror of the
humble peasantry who lived in that dis­
trict. They were not content with de­
vouring the various domestic dogs and
cats that came in their way, bnt fiercely
' attached any human creature that
crossed their path. It became impossi­
ble to travel in safety at any hour of the
day upon even a frequented road with­
out a very strong escort. Any one who
neglected these necessary precautions
paid the penalty of his carelessness by
V ' HAMILTON. Auctioneer. AVill attend, to all
..V . i n^iuess in nix line promptly, at reasonable
Give me a call. Address. Buchanan, Mich.
About tbe beginning of November
in tbe year 18—, in tbe middle of tbe
day, a sledge drawn by a borse daslied
through a small village in Bussia, and
stopped in the courtyard of one of the
E . BOYCE, Blacksmith. Horse shoeing at
T. MORLEY, Star Fomidry. A full line o f
largest houses. The horse had evident­
.. the old price o f §*2.50. Shop first door south of
, South Bend Chilled Plows, and repairs for
Dunbar House, Day's Avenue.
Kalamazoo, Oliver aud Three Rivers Plows. Also,ly run avray, and tbe sole occupant of
Iron Beam Plows. Casting done to order. Comer
the sledge was clearly unable to guide,
ol Front and Portage streets, Bnchanan.
T A IL O R S .
it in the least.
In less than a minute a great many oi
MOS EVANS. Grainer, Painter and Paper
Q W . EPLEY, Practical Tailor. Rooms in CenHanger, Bnchanan, Mich. Good work at low
the villagers, who had been attracted by
O . tral block, (up stairs), Front streetj Buchanan,
the clattering of the inhabitants of tbe
house, roused by the appearance of the
T O H X FENDER,, Fashionabl Tailor. W ork ex­
(J ecuted in the latest styles, sand warranted to fit.
sledge in the courtyard, surrounded
Front Street, Buchanan, Mich.
the young woman. It was evident she
was powerless to distinguish any one
around her. There was just a faint sign
E X R Y BLODGETT, mannffiemrerof Buililimr,
of life, and that was all; hut to the maW ell and Pavement Brick. Yard inldanslield's
addition, Buchanan.
ority of the bystanders she looked far
B. F I'L L E It & 0 0 .. niannfactnrcrs o f conmore dead than alive.
URCH & M OW R E Y do all kinds o f roachiuc
blacksmithing. A lso manufacture the ‘Boss'
side bar buggy, phietons, Ac., to order. Shop on
Portage street, one door north o f foundry^
t i EEI> H o r S E , Berrien Springs. Mich. Otis
* l lleed. Proprietor. Good Livery in connection
the house.
And the wan mourner as he bends o'er the bier,
And drops a bitter and anguished tear;
Only one year ago she stood by his side,
And the sun ne’er shone on a lovelier bride;
Now the stars shine on a still, white face,
Waxen hands folded with a silent grace;
Fled from him now all joy and mirth,
All his hopes buried in. the silent earth—
Under the stars, the sorrowing stars.
OUGH A PEARS, Proprietors o f Buchanar
and Rural Mills. Custom and Merchant grind
m g o f all kinds. Bnchauan, Mich.
•K Fii'5.1) liO l'F E . Benien Springs, Mich.
I / Tiii- propriftors will spare no pains to maintain
a trrt v’.ass hotel at the county-seat.
See the pale mother as she kneels by her bed,
And the stars cast a halo o'er her silvered head,
Fraying for a dear one in anguish o f heart,
Who never has chosen the better part;
Who long ago wandered far from his home,
And left his p oor mother alone, ah! so lose,
Under the stars, the pitying stars.
Y *T. ROE, Practical Watchmaker. Waudios,
f j . Clocks. Pianos, for sale cheap. Tremont
building, Buchanan.
TA S. DOD1L M. D.„ Physician ami Surgeon,
t j . t Kli- e
E. S. D.nld *t Sim's drug store. Res*
■• '.v* iLt 1V;>VA\t-nue. east side. Buchanan. Mich.
Oh! waters of Maroli that ceaseless flow
Oh! human hearts with their tides of woe;
Over rivers o f grief, o f pain and tears.
That the stars look on through the passing years;
Oh! the torrents o f sin that hopeless flow,
The bitter blasts that o'er human lives blovG
Oh I the cruel faces behiud prison bars,
That mockingly stare at the beautiful stars;
Oh! the misery and sin under the stars,
The beautiful stars.
Here stoops a miser, sallow aud grim, *
O’er his battered coffers filled to the brim;
RS. FRANC W l i m i A X , Agent for Victor
Not a jo y for him doe9 the whole earth hold
Sewing Machines. At tachmeiits, oil mid need­
to count in the starlight his yellow gold;
les- furnished for all machines. In Bradley's Pho­Nothing
to him the want and woe
tograph rooms, Front st.
That the stars look on as they onward go.
Only lives to worship his yellow gold
T ill he sleeps alone in the silent mold
and riend<iones o f all designs and kinds ol*
Under the stars, the golden stars.
J . S. B eistm -:.
Here a gaunt prisoner, hands stained with blood;
V . VOORIIEES, manufacturer o f Frnir and
Memories pour o'er him in a bitter flood—
** • Flour Barrels. Special attention to custom
Memories ot childhood aud a stainless youth,
work. Corner West and Main streets.
Otf a mother who taught him the ways o f truth.
Now he shiveringly lists to the clank o f liis chaius,
And wonders cau he e'er wash from his hands the
PIERSON. W agon and Carriage Painting
• executed neatly, at reasonable prices for cash.
And he hopelessly stares through the rusty bars
Give me a call. Day's Avenue.
At Die ceaseless march o f the beautiful stars.
O. HAMILTON, Milk Dairy. Delivers Milk
a Magdalen in the dim starlight
VV • iu all parts o f the corporation daily. Resi­ Yonder
Wonders in sin through the darkness o f night;
dence. head o f Frout street.
Here a wanderer, steeped in sin to the lips,
Though he loathes the cup that he eagerly sips;
/ illA S . W . SMITH, proprietor o f Livery, Feed
Mothers with children crying for bread;
V and Sale Stable, opposite Dunbar House, Bn­
Mothers watching o'er their silent dead.
chanan, Mich.
Ah I the auguish aud woo o f the human heart,
The misery and siu that's of life apart
Under the stars, the pitiless stars.
't EORGE BIRD, proprietor o f Omnibus and .ExT press Line. All calls promptly attended to.
Motherand mourner shall their loved ones meet?
Miser and wanderer will He in mercy greet?
Magdalen and prisouer will He wash in His blood?
JACOB F. HAHN, Undertaker. A full and com
Bid them be deau ore they cross the dark flood?
w pteu* assortment o f Gaskets and Collins con
Shall they bo found without blemish or statu?
stantly on band. Burial Robes a specialty.
Shall they eiug the sweet anthems where He joy­
fu lly reigns,
A. KELSEY, manufacturer o f Artificial
Above the stars, the paling stars?
A . Limbs, Bnchauan, Mich.
Appleton , Wis.
/ a EO. A- H A R R IS. Practical Watchmaker. Re\1 pairiug promptly attended to in a workmanlike
manner. Comer Main «& Fifth Sts., Bnchanan.
; * LOIiuK F EDWARDS. Attorney and Conn;I
Oilier. co:t»cr Main and Second
*•;>, Mu >, Mi< h.
Y V PAITE & WOODS. «'■ ab r- in Boots. Shoes A
V i RahT vr*. .south vid»-From street, Buchanan.
v. Waite .
j . k . woods.
IFARMERS A MANUFACTURERS BANK, Bu.Jj chanan, Mich. All business entrusted to this
Bank will receive prompt and personal attention.
Wm. Pears, Pres.: Geo. II. Richards, Vice Pres.:
A . F. Ross, Cashier.
I ' E0R(4E VV. Xt>BLE. gitieral dealer in Boots.
•*, Mt ifs, l'o y -’ and Youths' Clothing,
* f Lfml B.ovtv. Fft'i:*
AT I . SLATER, manufacturer o f Wagons, Cari \ . riages, Buggies, Sleighs, Ac. Repairing at
tended to promptly. Frout street.
H . ROE, dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry.
• Books, Music, Stationery, «£c. Specialty made
of repalriug. Corner Front & Main streets.
AVII> E IllX M A X . Attorney and Counselor
a: .:
Si heiroriu Chancery. Collections
jBth at d
i.rorapLv remitted. Office in
hlocx. lvac!iat.:iu, Mich.
A p t s K 1* VNHERSON. M l*. Office undrosJ i a I L»r, lY iri.r' s:_« Buchanan. Mich, office
!jii . s tiro 4**. m. I*is« u>e*. ot women and
i h'M-vu made a >p* i i:»ity. Patterns hoarded while
i aim ’ T ii d»-ived. W ill uttm d calls in
t:t>•*•''hi I.r coLurry.
O T E D IIE X B BROS., proprietor:
luu^uittvti: ill Buchanan
to Meat Market, and dealers
live stock. North
salers in If
side Front street, Tremont block.
\ * 1P U. T -1 . OF BUCK VN AX holds its regular
5 V • uiveThij ar fli< IV< > '; urhtu t'hnrch on each
Tn« -«*av a t :> 1\ M.
jfv M. PLIMPTON. Attorney and Counsellor at
E i, Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Office over
.he Bank. Buchanan, Mich.
i~\ IIA YD E Y I?EA, nianufactm-er aud dealer in
V ?. Liglit and Heavy- Harness, Saddles, Kohes,
BlaulvCts, Dusters, Nets, Whips, Trunks, Satchels,
Brushes and Combs. Iso dry goods or groceries.
_ ___
RS. M AARIA DUTTON, Midwire mul Nurse.
A ll calU« promptly attended. Front Street,
Buchanan, Mien.
Notary Public & Conveyancer.
Moneys collected and promptly remitted. Beal Ea*
t ile dgent. Makes out Pension Papers as nsoal.
Ten thousand dollars to loan, in sums to suit, at 8
per cen t, on fixe years' time.
49»0ffice in Bongh’a block, corner o f Front and
Oak Streets, Buchanan Mich.
. 2 0 E . W a s h t n K t o n S t ., C h i c a g o .
FAIaX. S T O C K C O M P L E T E !
I*R IC E S L O W E R T R A N E V E R !
30 styles E bony Cabinets, Cnt Bevcted Glass, at $o.
120 Decorated Chamber Sets, $ 3-75.
75 styles Decorated Dining Services.
That Decorated Service with S ix Vegetable Dishes,
at $22^50, is creating a sensation.
Stome China D ining Sets, 115 pieces, $9.50.
Goblets, per doz., 5t)c. Tumblers, p er doz., $30c.
The entire stock otF ancv Goods at Unprecedented
L o w Prices.
J. F. HAHN, Uidertaker.
Metalic and Casket Coffins,
fteady*made, constantly on hand, or made to order
on short notice. X
Famished in ■]) ordering, on short notice.
end MORPHINE hsbit abso­
lutely and speedily cored. Pain*
less. No publicity. Send stamp
for foil particulars. Dr Carlton.
208S. ClerkSL, Cbleagfe IU*
in a strange, unnatural voice, half choked
with sobs; “unhappily for me, I was not
alone 1 "Why, in Heaven’s name, did I
risk snch a journey? Don’t compel me,
I beg of you, to relate the horrors I have
gone through and all the miseries of
that awful morning.”
“ What has happened to yon? . Who
went with yon?” still asked many of
those who surrounded the woman, and
whose attention and curiosity were now
thoroughly roused.
“ Miserable woman that I am,” an­
swered she, “ I took with me my three
little children, the eldest of whom was
-about 5 years old, the youngest a little
darling only 6 months and still at the
An exclamation of horror ran through
the circle of bystanders, and each one
at last seemed to guess the hideous truth.
And then, amid a more awful silence
than before, the young woman went on
with her story.
“ It was a lovely morning, the road in
tolerably good order, and the old horse
trotted merrily along. My two little
boys played at my feet, and the little
one slept in my bosom. I was in high
spirits, and happy at the thought that I
was able to get away, and so, perhaps,
be o f service to iny poor old relative.
M y happiness, however, was not of very
long duration. About an honr after
onr departure from the village, the
thought struck me how daring and
venturesome it was to travel alone with
my little ones through a vast desert
of snow, out off from aid and far away
from any human habitation. Then, for
the first time, I-began to remember all
the dreadful accidents that had befallen
lonely travelers in onr neighborhood,
and almost made up my mind to turn
back again. This fear grew upon me,
and it increased more than ever when
I perceived that the track in the
snow had become‘ so narrow that all
chance of turning back in safety was
cut off.
On I was obliged to go,
whether I would or not. My terror still
kept increasing; but I dared not let the
children know that I apprehended any
danger. I listened anxiously, and
magnified the slightest sound I heard.
The track got narrower and narrower,
and, at last, as we were passing a little
bunch of fir trees, I heard distinctly
behind me an awful sound. I knew
well what it was. In an instant I
turned around and saw that we were
being pursued by a pack of hungry
wolves. Now that the danger was so
imminent my courage seemed to grow
stronger. I madly lashed the horse,
and he set off at wild, excited gallop.
It was too late. Two of the largest
wolves, with red, glaring eyes and hid­
eous, open jaws, were already at the
horse’s flanks, and raced with him
along the snow-covered tract. On the
horse’s life depended my life and that of
my children. I f he died we were all
lost. Cost what it might, the horse’s
life might be saved, I thought. A hor­
rible thought flashed across me, and,
instead of repelling it, I accepted
it as an inspiration from heaven.
In cold blood I made up my
mind, and in cold blood I calculated
the awful consequences of my plan.
At this very instant, my second boy, a
child about 3 years old, clung to
me and cried piteously. Tho boy’s sobs
seemed to excite the demoniac animals
more than ever, and they gained on the
galloping horse. Without knowing
what I was doing, and with almost an
involuntary movement, I seized the
shrieking child by the hair, and dropped
him behind the sledge. I saw him sink
into.the soft snow; there was one Wild
cry, and then the wolves stopped short
where the boy had fallen. A ll this
passed in less than an instant. For a
minute I thought we were saved; bnt it
was not so. The little one’s cries had
hardly died away in the distance when
two more wolves appeared at the side
of the sledge. The awful sacrifice I
had made had been useless, aud we
were in as much danger as ever. The
same fiendish thought took possession
of me, and again my mind was made
up. I looked first to the little darling
nestling closely to my breast, and then
I turned to my eldest boy, who was
pale with fear and clutched nervously
to the folds of my dress.
“ ‘ Oh, mother,’ he whispered, ‘ I will
be good! I won’t cry; really I won't
cry! Oh, mother, don’t throw me into
the snow !’ There was a heavy mist
before my eyes, and I liardly recollect
what I did. Will God have mercy on
me? I f you could only know what I
suffered then I My little daughter
nestled closer than ever to my breast.
She must be saved, I thought. Must I
say what happened? You can guess.
My eldest boy died as his brother had
died before lfim.
“ Must you hear the rest? T was al­
most mad now; the howling of the
wolves, the horse, the last cries of my
children, the awful thought of seeing
my baby torn from my arms, the dread
of death—all mingled into a terrible
nightmare. I could not move hand or
foot; my eyes were fixed, and still I
clasped my babe to my bosom. 1 dared
not look behind m e; but at lastl heard
a terrible howl in my ear, and for a sec­
ond I felt something on my shoulder.
Why did I not faint? Mechanically I
turned my head. I saw a wolf with
open jaws clinging by his claws to the
back of the sledge. He made a half
spring at me, missed his hold, and fell
back into the snow. Three times he
made a fresh spring, and three times
he missed his hold.
The fourth
time he got his claws on the
sledge again, and tUere for a few
seconds he bung. There was only one
chance, to dash him back before he
could get firm hold. His claws stuck
deep into my fingers, and by main force
I tried to wrench them from the sledge.
It was a desperate struggle, and I had
almost succeeded, when my baby fell
from my arms. From that moment to
the time when I first heard the sound of
human voices I can remember nothing.
The reins had long fallen from my
hands; I knew the horse was galloping
on, bnt I can recollect no more. I have
no conception where we have been or
how I got here.”
The young woman again covered her
face with her hands and burst into a
passionate flood of tears. There was
an awful silence in the room, broken
every now and then -b y the hysterical
sobs of many of the women, and girls
who stood round. The men trembled,
too, and looked steadily on the ground,
but did not speak a word. At last a
white-haired woman began to speak
some words of consolation in a low,
trembling voice.
Immediately the
young serf, who had his hatchet still in
his hands, strode toward the miserable
woman. He was deadly pale and trem­
bled iu every lim b; the expression in
his face had changed suddenly. He
glared fiercely at the young woman and
at tho old peasant, who was still trying
to console her.
“ Be still, mother 1” he thundered out;
“ the wretched woman deserves none of
your pity.”
And then he turned to her.
“ Unhappy and most miserable woman;
is it possible that you have doue all
"that you have related? You are a
mother, you tell us, and yet you have
killed your children one by one. Not
one would yon Spare, not even the boy
who prayed to you on his knees, or the
baby child who smiled upon your
breast. To save your own life you
have sacrificed theirs, for you Bad not
the courage to die with them. "Woman 1
you do not deserve the name. Yon are
unworthy to live. Prepare— «•”
There was a wild shrie kin the room,
and the woman fell at his feet. In an
instant the peasants guessed the mad
purpose of the young serf. Two of the
strongest rushed forward to stop his
hand. They were too late. A wild,
awful light glittered in the young man’s
eyes; with almost supernatural strength
he dashed the peasants hack. The
hatchet whistled through the air, and in
an*instant the unhappy woman was dead
at his feet.
Three months after the terrible scene
related above tbe young serf was
brought up before the highest criminal
court and charged with willful murder.
There was no need to prolong the
trial. The young serf was found guilty
of murder and condemned to die.
But eventually, by the direct com­
mand of the Emperor, the sentence of
the court was reversed, and the young
serf wa$ committed to ten years’ servi­
tude iu Siberia.
How He Was Discouraged.
“ So you want to marry my daughter,
do you?” said the father to 22 years of
trembling manhood.
“Yes, sir. I like her, and—and—”
“How can yon support her? What
salary do you get.”
“ O, my salary’s small, bnt I ’d oome
and.—and—live—with—you 1”
“ Oome and live with me, eh?”
And something as hard as an Egyp­
tian pyramid struck the young man.
. amidships, and, gathering' himself up,
he concluded to board with his mother
a few weeks longer.
Hard to Understand.
Why an endless procession of drink­
ers from a public dipper will, without
exception, drink close to the handle.
Why half the human race was not
Dorn without hearing and the other
half without speech. Then the talkers
might talk on in uninterrupted flow,
and tlie hearors exercise their especial
gift without their present pruriency to
Why people will go into society to get
bored when they can get bored just as
well at home.
Wliy the young lady who will eagerly
chew boarding-house mince pie wsS
cheerfully eschew hoarding-house mines
Why a man’s stomach will he so ever­
lastingly squeamish, at home, and at the
eating-house display a faith like a grain
of mustard seed.
W hy a woman will make excuses for.
her bread when she knows it is the besi
she ever made, and knows her “ com­
pany” knows it.
Why a “ young gentleman” swears so
much louder and more copiously when
stranger ladies are within earshot; or, in
other words,
W hy the desire to make a fool oi
one’s self springs eternally in the hu­
man breast.
W hy we are so much angrier against
him who shows ns our error than him
who leads us therein.
Why everybody is so prompt to an­
swer, “ H owdo yon do?” when you ask
that inevitable question. And
W hy you seem to be perfectly satis­
fied with the information contained in
this echo.
W hy one’s piety strengthens as Ms
health weakens.
Why people will get married when
courtship is so sweet.
Why a man who Claims to have found
marriage a delusion will again embrace
that delusion upon the first convenient
W hy cold weather comes during th
season when it is least agreeable.
W hy it is so much easier to be polite
to people whom we shall probably nev­
er see again than to those whose good
opinion we have every reason to culti­
Why boys should run after the girls
when there is a whole houseful at
Why Jane finds Sarah’s hateful
brother so attractive, and why the hate­
ful brother of Jane finds favor with
Why a man should court the good
opinion of another, when he can never
hope to secure his own self-respect.
Why it is so much easier to close a
door in summer than in winter, consid­
ering that exercise is generally consid­
ered distasteful in warm weather and
pleasant in cold.
Why one feels had when appearing
in company in shabby garb, knowing
well that one’s shabbiness gives more
pleasure to others than one’s rich cloth­
Celluloid i3 one of the most remark­
able of modern inventions, and bids
fair to be not less extensively or vari­
ously used than vulcanized rubber. It
is produced by mixing gum camphor
with a pulp of gun-cotton, and subject­
ing the combination to a high degree
of pressure and heat. The result is a
hard product of extraordinary toughness
and elasticity. It can be made plastio
again and molded into any required
form. Any color can be given to it by
the use of coloring matter during the
process of manufacture. The uses to
-which celluloid is put are numerous,
and are constantly increasing. It is ex­
tensively used as a substitute for ivory,
which it resembles so closely that it is
sometimes difficult to detect the differ­
ence. It is said to equal ivory in
strength and elasticity, and not to warp
or discolor with time. It has proved a
good material for piano and organ keys,
.billiard-balls, backs of brushes, lookingglass frames, handles for knives, forks,
umbrellas, and many other articles. It
is much cheaper than ivory, and is
claimed to be better for decorative pur­
poses. It is also used with much suc­
cess to imitate tortoise shell, malachite,
amber, pink coral, and other costly ma­
terials. In imitation of tortoise shell, it
is made into combs, napkin-rings,
match-boxes, card-cases, etc. Imitaions of pink coral jewelry aremade and
sold at prices much below those of the
genuine. The same is true of imita­
tions of malachite and amber. Mouth­
pieces for pipes, cigar-holders, etc., are
common. It is also used as a substitute
for porcelain in making dolls’ heads.
The frames of eye-glasses, opera-glasses,
and spectacles are made of it. More
recently it has come into use, in com­
bination with linen, cotton, or paper,
for shirt-bosoms, cuffs, and collars. The
material has a hard, glistening surface,
like that of newly-laundried linen; is
elastic and impervious to moisture, and
when soiled can he _renovated with a
moistened sponge.—Journal o f Indus­
A g o o d cure for colds is to boil two
ounces of flaxseed in one quart of
water; strain, and add two ounces of
rock candy, one-half pint of honey,
juice of three lemons; mix, and let all
boil well; let cool, and bottle. Dose,
one cupful before bed, one-half cupful
before meals. Tbe hotter you. drink it
the better.
Walking Sticks.
A walking stick has always been con­
sidered a useful and graceful present,
likely to be of pleasant service, and
long possessed. Some are inclined to
think that the pilgrim’s staff, the Bish­
op’s crozier, the drum-major's gorgeous
mace and the usher’s wand hove a com­
mon origin with the walking stick; at
least, we know that change of habit,
and that most unaccountable change of
fashion, has in onr own time worked
some curious results; the various ma­
terials called into use are alone suffi­
cient to cause surprise. "Walking sticks
have been made of tortoise shell, the
backbone or vertebrae of the shark, the
tusk of the rhinoceros, and woods of
every conceivable variety, and lately
one was exhibited made entirely of
champagne corks, with a stout wire
passed through them. The handles
have very many more sources
to boast,
as there are many
materials not large enough to
make whole sticks; such, for instance,
- as the teeth of the giraffe, the walrus,
the elephant, and, in ' fact, most large
teeth and all horns are useful for toe
purpose. It is a remarkable fact that
women are seldom employed at stickmaking, and boys bnt little, there being
so much knowledge and skill required
for toe various processes that men are
chiefly employed; it is also singular
that steam power is not in use to any
large extent; machinery has toe power
of turning out large quantities of goods
all alike, bnt cannot vary them; this is
the reason of its not being generally
adopted, for the very charm of a stick is
its natural peculiarities. There must
not be two alike, and if nature is hu­
mored, as it is by skilled workmen, they
cannot b e ; it will readily be seen that a
fixed method cannot be applied to all,
as each stick must receive treatment
peculiar to itself.— Hatters' Gazette,
"We will not accomplish much-with­
out zeal and enterprise. But toe mis­
take is often made of supposing that
zeal is hurry, rush, recklessness and in­
difference. It is not so; steady mo­
mentum is. often more effective than
unrestrained vigor,
A Fighting Tar.
W e have recently heard an interesting
aneodote, by whioh one can deduce a
moral and adorn it into a tale, ot^how
second thought so often prevents vast
complications. There is a Yankee skip­
per from Maine, well known as a local
trader, Oapt. Pitcher. H e is, like most
Maine men, large-proportidned and pow­
erful. Some years ago he ran toe Brauz
from Washington to Boston, bnt has
been abroad ranee, trading between tins
country and toe Continent. As toe story
goes, a British troop-ship, commanded
by an irritable, impetuous old duffer of
toe Queen’s “ navee,” was at anchor in a
NUMBER 86. foreign port. Oapt. Pitcher’s bark was
being piloted in, and, through some
mismanagement, fouled the jibboom of
the troop-ship, doing, however, little or
The Pow er o f Song.
no damage. The old officer, in a fury
In one of toe hospitals of Edinburgh of rage, howled :
lay a wounded Scottish soldier. The
“ Oome on board, Bir.”
surgeons had done all they could for
The Yankee skipper, not exaottyknowHim. He had been told that he must ing what to do under the circumstances,
die. He had a contempt for death, and piffled in his gig to the ladder of the
prided himself on his fearlessness in
troop-ship, and mounted to the deck.
facing it.
He was somewhat startled when, as he
A rough and wicked life, with none
stood upon it, toe old officer ceiled :
but evil associates, had blunted his
“ Sentry, arrest that man.”
sensibilities and made profanity and
The skipper was astonished, bnt
scorn his second nature. To hear him
quickly answered: “ I am an American
speak one would have thought he had 'citizen. I am unarmed, but no man
no pionsly-nurtur(|I childhood to re­
shall arrest me.”
member, and that he had never looked
“Arrest him, sentry. Don’t yon hear
upon religion but to despise it. But it
me?” roared the Captain.
was not so.
The sentry advanced to seize the
A noble and gentle-hearted man
skipper, bnt was met with a left-hander
came to see the dying soldier. He ad­
that would discount a pile-driver.
dressed him with kind inquiries, talked
Quickly toe Yankee made for toe gang­
to him tenderly of the life beyond
way, striking down every man who indeath, and offered spiritual counsel.
erfered, leaped into his gig, and pulled
But the sick man paid him no attenr
off to his bark. Straight to toe Ameri­
tionor respect. He bluntly told him
can Consul he went and put his ease bethat he didn’t want any religious con­
forehim. The latter told him he would
attend to .toe matter, nnd the next day
“ Yon will let me pray with yon, will the skipper called. The Consul sat at
you not?” said toe man at length.
toe center of the table; to his right was
“N o; I know how to die without the
toe English officer, no other than Vice
help of religion.” And he turned his
Admiral Sir James Hope, 3L 0 . B., in
face to the wall.
all the splendor of full uniform.
Further conversation could do no
“ Admiral Hope, Oapt. Pitcher,” intro­
good, and the man did not attempt it.
duced the Consul.
But he was not discouraged. After a
Captain, I am delighted to meet
moment’s silence he began to sing the
yon,” responded the Admiral. “ And
old hymn, so familiar and so dear to
uow let the war go on.”
every congregation in Scotland:
He spoke in the suavest manner and
Oh, mother dear, Jerusalem,
'When shall I come to thee?
with toe sweetest of smiles. The skipHe had a pleasant voice, and the
>er bluntly said that he thought the
words and melody were sweet and English officer should apologize.
touching as he sung them. Pretty
“ Not at all, not at all; no, dear
soon the soldier turned his face again. friend. Yon came on board my ship,
But its hardened expression was all whipped toe entire Queen’s navy, and
escaped without a scratch. Is that not
“ "Who taught you that ? ” he asked, sufficient satisfaction? Don’t let ns
when the hymn was done.
have any Alabama claim business;
“ My mother.”
please don’t ask an apology; yon are
“ So did mine. I learned it of her too good a fellow, I know, to enforce
when I was a child, and I used to sing it.”
it with her.” And there were tears in
“ Well, Admiral,” began toe Captain,
the man's eyes.
greatly mollified. “ Well, Admiral, I
The ice was thawed away. It was Borter’gness that perhaps it’s all right.”
easy to talk with him now. The words
"’ O f course it is. We are diplomats;
of Jesus entered in where toe hymn had and I have some splendid brandy in my
opened the door. Weeping, and with cabin. There are excellent cigars; we
a hungry heart, he listened to the
will adjourn to our brandy and cigars,
Christian’s thoughts of death, and in and our two nations will postpone toe
his last moments turned to his mother’s war. I f all your sailors are like yon I
God and toe sinner’s Friend.—Relig­ should prefer that the war be indefinite­
iou s Herald.
ly postponed.”— B oston Journal.
Overwork—The Breakdown.
I met a man some time ago who used
to travel in business, and almost passed
his life upon the rail He came home
one evening, and, walking across his
dining-room, he staggered like a
drunken man. Uncharitable people,
who did not know his habits, might
have thought bim intoxicated. He
sank on his chair, and he was a pris­
oner in his chair all the rest of his life..
He was completely paralyzed in his
lower limbs. The incessant traveling
on the rail had at last proved too much
for his nervous system. Hence the
collapse; and I have a strong impres­
sion that other oollapses might be
traced to a similar source. I knew of
a lawyer who was in a great rash of
business. He liked his fees; but, like
all men who succeed, he liked business
thoroughly for its own sake. H e was
unable to refuse business, and, indeed,
to refuse business is the hardest trial
which can happen to any professional
man. His mistake was, that he did not
provide himself with adequate assist­
ance. The ill-treated brain took to
softening, and then all business came to
an end. X knew of a man who was
enormously wealthy. In addition to
the constant employment which his
own vast property gave him, he was
trustee for ever so many widows, or­
phans and charities. He worked hard
at accounts till the small hoars in the
morning. A boy clerk, at 15s. a
week, might have done it all for him.
But he preferred “ doing his own work
himself,” and accordingly he had to
quit this inferior existence, where such
a condition of things is not always pos­
sible. One of the best-known men in
toe country once told me that he was
going to take a six weeks’ holiday at
the seaside. I was rejoiced to hear it.
No man better deserved or more re­
quired such a holiday. Then he told
me that he was going to take his new
book with him to the sea-side, and
hoped to have it ready for publication
by the time his holiday was over. I
expostulated with him. I explained
that he was only exchanging one kind
of hard work for a still harder kind of
hard work. But he took toe advice of
what is often a man’s worst counselor
—himself. His hook was successful;
bnt he never knew of toe sneoess.—
London Society.
He Would Write to Their Parents.
The Bichmond (Va.) H erald told
this good story: CoLX., of John Mor­
gan’s cavalry, was not a martinet, but
bearded like toe pard, he had a military
air. Discipline wes his hobby. The
soldiers of his regiment were young
men from 18 to 25 years old—all of
them blue-blooded. To restrain these
Hotspnrs required tact, skill and firm­
ness. It was no easy task to curb this
“ jeunesse doree.” But the Colonel did
it, and this was toe way he did i t :
An inspection having been ordered,
toe Brigadier and his staff visited the
Colonel’s camp for the purpose of con­
ducting it. "While the regiment was in
line,un dergoing inspection, two privates,
who had been ranging toe night before
in search of buttermilk, and had en­
deavored to sneak into camp unob­
served, were detected by the outpost
sentinels and brought under arrest to
Col. X . at toe head of his regiment
The Colonel, cocking his hat on three
grains, sternly ordered them to his tent
to await his coming after inspection,
remarking to Gen. D . that he
would make an example o f these
rovers. Arrived at the tent with toe
General and staff, after ranks were
broken, toe Colonel arraigned toe cul­
prits before him.
“ Young gentlemen,” said he, severely,
“ yon are aware that you have been
guilty of a serious offense against the
discipline of my camp?”
“ Yes, Colonel,” was the meek reply.
“ WeU, sirs,” thundered toe Bhadamanthns, “ I desire you distinctly to
understand that if this offense is re­
peated I will write to your parents
about it. Go to your company.”
Turning to toe surprised officers look­
ing on, he said:
“ Yon see how severe I must be with
these young fellows. Discipline must
be preserved.”
Bmithington and His Wife.
Smithington’s wife is not kind in
double harness, and not suitable for a
gentleman to drive. Smithington was
talking to Potts about toe way people
went on—and off nowadays.
“ "What would you do,” said Potts, who
was strong on the pistol toeory^“ if some
other fellow ran away with your wife?
Excuse toe illustration; bnt I want to
bring it home to you.”
“ I shouldn’t hesitate an instant,” re­
sponded Smithmgton.
“ You'd kill her?”
“ No, sir; I think I should refrain from
unmanly violence.”
“ You’d kill yourself ?”
“ Like never mind I would.”
“ Well, what would you do, then!”
“ Make friends with the victim right
off, and give him some substantial testi­
mony of my esteem. Only, begad, if ”
ever invited him to dinner, he wohld
have to oome alone,”
Superstition Attached to Stones.
The opal, one of toe most beautiful
of all toe precious stones, has had any
amount of superstition attaohed to it.
B y some the ill-lnek attributed to its
nse is said to have arisenfrom Sir Wal­
ter Scott’s mention of it in “ Anne of
Geierstein.” He ascribed it to super­
natural agency; and long after that nov­
el was published toe belief in its evil in­
fluence was so strong that ne one would
wear an opal. That may have been toe
first conception of evil from wearing
opals, bnt we thinkit sprung from East­
ern superstition, or at least that there
were many and variouslegends connect­
ed with it. Some believed that it often
changed from the brilliant luster to a
smoky, dull color, and that any such
change foreshadowed misfortune and
trouble, but did not bring it. W e
know of an instance where a lady
brought an elegant opal necklace to a
jeweler’s, desiring to Bell it. They at­
tempted to dissuade her from such
folly, saying that, toe setting being
old-fashioned, they could give herwery
little for what was really valuable. To
this she replied that toe necklace was
given her as a bridal gift forty years be­
fore, and she never had had an hour’s
luck since they came in her possession,
and she would never carry them home
with her. No matter how little they
were willing to give her, she would
leave them. She did so, but we have
never heard if, by disposing of her
opals for a mere trifle, she escaped sub­
sequent misfortune.
How Myths Originate.
No doubt many legends o f the
ancient world, though not really his­
tory, are myths which have arisen b y
reasoning on actual events as definite
as that which, some four years ago, was
terrifying the peasant mind in North
Germany, and especially in Posen. The
report had spread for and wide that all
Catoolio children with blaek hair and
bine eyes were to be sent out of toe
country, some said to Bussia, while
others declared it was the K ingot
Prussia who had been playing cards
with the Sultan of Turkey, and had
staked and lost 40,000 fair-haired, bineeyed children; and there were Moors
traveling about in oovered carts to
collect tnem; and the sehoolmasters
were helping, for they were to have
$5 for every child they handed over.
a time the popular ex­
citement was quite serious; the pa­
rents kept toe children away from
school and hid them, and when they
appeared in toe streets of toe market
town toe little ones clung to them with
terrified looks. Dr. Schwartze, the
well-known mytoologist, took the
pains' to trace the rumor to its
source. One thing was quite plain,
that its prime cause was that grave
and learned body, toe Anthropological
Society of Berlin, who, without a
thought of the eommotion they were
stirring up, had, in order to olass toe
population as to race, induced the au­
thorities to have a census made
throughout toe local schools to ascer­
tain the color of toe children’s skin,
hair and eyes. Had it been only the
boys, to the Government inspection of
whom for military conscription the
German peasants are only too well ac­
customed, nothing would heve been
thought of it ; but why should toe offi­
cials want to know about the little girls’
hair and eyes?—P opular Science
M onthly.
Dying Words.
It is probably natural that at the last
toe scenes which have made toe strong­
est impressions in life should be re­
called b y memory. The old mountain­
eer, when fie comes to die, with his last
whisper says his snowshoes are lost;
with toe stage-driver he is “ on a down­
grade and cannot reach the brake j” the
miner cannot get to the air-pipe; toe
sailor says “ eight bells have sounded,”
and toe gambler plays his last trump.
A little girl died here a lew years ago,
and, as her mother held her wrist and
noted toe faint and flickering pulse, a
smile came to the wan fooe andthechild
whispered: “ There is no more desert
here, mamma, but all the worid is full
of flowers.” A moment later the smile
became transfixed. In an Eastern city,
not long ago, a Sister o f Oharity was
dying, and at last from a stupor she
opened her eyes and said: “ It is
strange; every kind Word that I have
spoken in life; every tear that I tyave
shed, has become a living flower around
me, and they bring to my senses an in cease ineffable.”— V irginia (2 Ten,}
E n terprise.
Three Beautiful Inscriptions.
O ver the triple doorways o f an Italian
cathedral there are three inscriptions
spanning the splendid arohes. O ver
one iB carved a beautiful wreath o f
roses, and underneath to e legend, “ A ll
that pleases is bu t fo r :a m om ent.”
Over the other is sculptured a cross,
and - there are the words, “ AU that
troubles is b n t fo r a mom ent.” B n t
Underneath the great central, entrance
in the main aisle is th
' e inSorii
n roi^tiorq
“ That on ly is im portant
JOHN C-. HOLMES, Editor.
T H E R E P V B U C A N B IR D .
T h e p rin cip les for w h i c h
L e e a n d J a ck so n
fo u g h t rep u d ia ted
b y th e p e o p le o f
E le c to r a l Ticket.
1. E dwakh n . B ctlek . o. A arox B. T crner .’
2. C harles T-MtxcnF.ij. 6. I ra P- T5o ;« ii .vm. .
:1. D avid R . C ook .
T. W atsox Beach .
4. C harles DrxcoMEE. S. W illiam H. I’orrEE.
9. S amvel A . B row se .
State Ticket.
F or Governor—
F or LicutensEi Govonior—
For Socntarv o f State—
For Slate Treasurer—
For Auditor General—
F or C onim isstoaerof tile State Land OflVe—
F or A noniev General - JACOB J . VAN RIPER.
F or Sanerinteiuleni ot Public Instrr,ei:<«; —
For M t-nk-r o f the State Board o f Etlnei! Ion - EDGAR REXFORD.
22,000 MAJ. IN OHIO.
Indiana 8,000 to IOjGOO!
Republican County T icket,
For Senator—THOMAS MARS.
Judge o f Probate— ALEXANDER B. LEEDS.
For Treasurer—GEORGE W . ROUGH."
For Register—EDWIN R. HAVENS.
For Pros. Attorney— JAMES A. KELLOGG.
For Surveyor— JOHN M. GLAYIN.
For Circuit Court Commtssioners—
For Coroners— CALVIN H. WILSON,
For Fish Inspector— GEORGE KISSINGER.
Eight Republican Con­
gressmen in Indiana,
A Cain of Three!
Gam of Six Congressmen
in Oh o!
Did yon bet on the Indiana election V
What has become o f the Free Press'
Ohio and Indiana have decided that
they do not want “ a change.'' Now
for New York.
_ Lee and Jackson fought for Demo­
cratic principles. Lincoln died for Re­
publican principles.
Winch do you
The old wooden paper mill at was burned last Thursday even­
ing. incaring a loss of
fo r S16,0o.o.
The Evening N ews says that census
enumerators are receiving their vouch­
ers and expect to get their pay before
it is tim e to take the next census.
T R t! I»r ■>!«*» ilA TIi*
The news l'ruui Indiana and Ohio
The value o f the United States mar­
shals and supervisors o f elections was
seen in Indiana Tuesday. The Demo­
crats don't like them worth a cent.
the Democrats.
The Republicans had
not much faitli in ea rn in g Indiana,
while the Democrats were confident,
hut "the principles *y>r which and
Jackson fought four years” were sal
jority. a Republican gain o f about 20non as compared with the vote o f two
for Secretary o f State then having a
majority o f 13.730. Every state officer
on the Republican ticket in b fill Ohio
and Indiana is elected, while the gain
on Congressmen will go far to wipe
T h e Democrats have about conclud­
ed that Grant will not support Han­
cock, as they prophesied, immediately
after the Chicago convention. Their
chuckling over their anticipation in
that line is growing perceptibly less.
His explanation o f Hancock's famous
Order No. 40. satifies them in that re­
ent Congress. The Republicans elect
enough meiuU rs o f the Legislature in
Indiana to give sixteen majority on
joint ballot, which wiil elect a Repub­
lican I*, s. Senator to succeed Mc­
Ohio Republicans, as well as those
all over the Union, are jubilant over
the sweeping victory in that State.
It is complete. The result in these
two States presage what the general
result will he in November in the
a "solid South” this time.
"West Virginia has gone Democratic
A teribly fatal railroad colleston oecured in Pittsburg. Pa.. Saturday night.
A n engine ran into the hind end o f a
crowded passenger coach, running in
as far as the cab, at the same time
breaknig in the head o f the boiler let­
ting the steam and hot water escape
upon the victim s in the ear. Nine
persons were killed out-right, and up
to Sunday morning fifteen others had
died from injuries received.
blame appears now to rest with a flag­
man who neglected to perfrom his
duties properly. The latest report is
that forty-eight have died from injuries
The report o f the Post-office Depart­
ment has been published and shows
that during ttie fiscal year ending Sept.
30, there were used o f postage stamps
§22,414,92$ ; o f newspaper stamps §1,232,903.30: postal cards §2,783,470; o f
postage due stamps. §25,S30: o f stain­
ed envelopes S4,877,394.08 and o f news
paper wrappers §381,787.60 worth. Tins
report also shows an increase in each
o f the above from 7.4 to 24.1 per cent.
In all excepting postage due stamps
in which there was decrease o f
31.1 per cent. The aggregate increase
o f the business o f the department of
the fiscal year o f 1S70 is §2,348,391.37.
During the year just past there were
39,061 tons o f newspaper matter car­
ried through the mails to regular sub­
Has anybody discovered anywhere
a TVorkingman’s Hancock Club? It
would he a funny spectacle to see a
workingman shouting fo r the reduc­
tion o f his ow n wages.
"We have It from the best authority
th at the democratic candidate fo r gov­
ernor; in his speech at Quincy, ac­
knowledged that the liquor dealers’
circular as published in The N ews was
genuine, and futhennore he made no
secret o f his pledges and said he was
w illing to stand or fall by that issue.
L iquor men and anti-liquor men can
n ow vote understandingly.—Evening
by 8,oo0 majority, showing that the
Republicans have gained votes in that
Hon. N. T. De Pamv.Mipcrintciidcnt
o f the New Albany, ItuL glass works
— one o f the largest in the country—a
life-long Democrat.sees destruction to
the business interests o f the country,
and especially to the manufacturing
interests, in the Democratic plank, “a
tariff for revenue only," and has now
taken the stump for the Republican
ticket. lie made a speech last Friday
in which, after reading the AVood tariff
hill now pending in Uoitgress. he said:
"D o von know what the hill would
have done to the manufacturers and
workingmen o f New A lbany? That
hill proposed a reduction o f about 7f>
per cent, on window glass, and -10 to
30 per cent, on plate glass, woolen
goods.and manufactured iron. I f this
had become a law there would not he
another box o f window-glass made in
the United States, and in less than six
months every establishment in New
Albany manufacturing the other arti­
cles named would have been closed and
When the tariff was so greatly reduc­
ed an 1836, every glass works in Pitts­
burg was compelled to stop; blowers,
cutters, fiatteners. puddlers, and other
skilled mechanicsjlahoredin the streets
o f Pittsburg at front fifty to seventyfive cents per day, to avoid starvation.
Do the skilled men in New Albany
want to see this thing happen again ?
Mr. AVood’s hill would bring it about!
H e tells us that it is only a question
o f tim e till it becomes a law, and that
he intends to force it upon every Con­
gress until it does. Th e last tim e it
only lacked three votes. H ow long do
yon think it is going to take Mr. AVood
to get these three votes?
The consideration o f these things
decided me to vote fo r Porter and Gar­
field. Every workman here must con­
sider and decide this th in g for himself,
between now and the 12th o f October,
and I would advise every man to vote
fo r Porter, Garfield and a protective
ta riff”
There are now 1,400 students in the
State University, and more coming.
From “ The Notes” o f the Pcun. Monthly.
W e heard a large manufacturer ask
his friend the other morning. “ What
do you think o f the ch an ces'of Mr.
Hancock’s election?—I ask it from
purely business motives. I want to
make some changes in my establish­
ment which are better worth making
if they can be done now than if they
had to be postponed for a couple o f
months. They will involve an increase
o f my working force from 250 to 500
men. But I do not want to makesuch
an extension, and then And that we
have a free-trade President with a
free-trade Congress behind him.” Heis not the only mail who is asking just
such questions at this time. The Dem
ocratic manufacturers o f Wheeling
and other parts o f Western Virginia
are asking, also, what can make it
their business to help by their votes to
enact “ a tariff for revenue only,” and
thus to close their own establishments,
or at least to prevent their develop­
ment in accordance with the growing
demands of the country. Every man­
ufacturing center, from the Merrimac
to the Mississippi, is putting no its
thinking-cap to take the business hear­
ings of its vote in November next.
I t e m iz e r .
W h e r e a s , The Rev. W . W. Wells
has been the pastor o f the Presbyteri­
an Church for the past eight years,
and by his personal efforts liquidated
all existing debts of said church. And
W iie r e a s , H e lias been zealous in
proclaiming the Gospel o f Jesus Christ
and has been faithful in every good
work, especially in the cause o f tem­
perance. Be it
Resolved, That we, as a church and
society, reluctantly consent to his
withdrawal as our pastor, and as ex­
pressive o f high esteem in which he
and his family are held by us. we ex­
tend to them our lieart-felt thanks and
good will for a future prosperity and
Resolved., That the many instructive
lessons which we received from him
shall ever he cherished in our memo­
ries, and treasured in our hearts.
Resolved, That these resolutions be
published in the Berrien County Rec­
ard and the Michigan Indipendent
and Reporter; that they he spread upon
the records of this church, and a copy
o f them he sent to the Rev. W. W.
Wells and his family. Signed.
Even so censorious a paper as the
N ew Y ork Nation is compelled to con­
clude that “ the weakness of the stock
market, in the teetli o f the large rail­
road earnings and the activity o f busi­
ness in almost every branch o f indus­
try, is due in some degree to the in­
crease o f uncertainty as to the result
“The Soldier’s Friend.’5
o f the Presidential election. The bus
D e m o c r a tic P r o fe s s io n s a m i D e m o c r a t­
ic R e c o r d s
iness of the country has adapted itself
to the. situation created for it by Re­
From the Ncw.York Tribune,
'l'lie followers o f General Hancock publican legislaton; and the Republi­
ask I'n ion soldiers to vote for the can party lias, in the present canvass,
Democratic party and Solid South the great advantage o f being able to
(which constitutes three-quarters of promise that if it remains in power
the Democratic party), because the this situation will last. It thus ap­
Democracy have followed Republican peals to one of the most powerful of
example in selecting a good man who the motives by which the world is gov­
fought- for tiie Union as their candi­ erned, wlieivit asks fo r its retention
date. W e have shown, however, by in office.” A ll that the Democratic
an examination o f the record of the party will or can promise is a “ change”
two parties on the pension votes, some — and that is what business men
facts which Union soldiers will be dread: it is what workingmen dread,
likely to take to heart, and here are a who, in these days of good wages, are
anxious to let “ well enough alone.”—
few more:
May 20, 1880, a resolution was offer­ Inter Ocean.
ed m the House o f Representatives
giving a preference to honorably dis­
Mr. A. B. Miller, of Akron, Ohio, a
charged Union soldiers in making ap­
manufacturer, always a
pointments on the District of Colum­
bia police force. The vote on this res­ Democrat, and identified with the local
organazation of that party, in an open
olution was as follows:
letter renounces all allegiance to the
For. Against. Democracy and declares for Garfield,
46 lie gives as a reason for so doing that
Confederates...................... . 3
12 the sectional and free-trade opposition
Border Democrats........... . 4
Northern Democrats........ . 7
20 of the Democratic party is such as he
Nationals........................... . 6
0 cannot consistently support.
Hepubticans....................... .76
In the Senate, April 17, 1S79, a resoluiiou was offered hy Mr. Fdnnmds
that Union soldiers should not he dis­
charged from the places they Held un­
der the Secretary of the Senate and
Sergeant-at-arms except for specified
cause. This resolution was defeated
hy the following vote:
For. Against.
Confederates. . , ................... 0
Border Democrats............... 0
Northern Democrats........... 0
Totals.............................. 25
Mr. Carpenter then proposed as an
intendment that no Confederate sol­
dier should he appointed to office about
the Sena:e chamber in lieu of a Union
soldier. This was defealed hy the fol­
lowing vote:
For. Against.
Confederates........................... 0
Border Democrats.................. 0 '
Northern Democrats....... . 0
Republicans.......................... 26
Totals............................. 26
A bill being offered in the Senate,
February 23. 1S80, to allow a Mary­
land rebel to receive a commission in
the army. Mr. Garland, o f Arkansas,
moved as a- substitute that- the law
which prohibits the appointment of
Confederate soldiers, sailors and office­
holders to positions in the United
States army should he repealed. The
vote on the repeal was as follow s:
For. Against.
Confederates......................... 19
Border Democrats................ 6
Northern Democrats.......... 11
Totals............................. 36
It subsequently appeared that the
original bill would he defeated i f the
scheme to throw open the army to the
men who left it in order to make war
•upon the Union were presisted in, and
Air. Garland’s proposition was conse­
quently reconsidered. But the record
o f the party was complete.
For Business Men to Think of.
A thoughtful article in the current
number o f the Atlantic Monthly upon
“The Business Issues o f the Presi­
dential Campaign” deserves the atten­
tion o f the commercial and industrial
classes. The drift o f Its argument ap­
pears in this extract:
Merchants, manufacturers and oth­
ers who have to do with the large
affairs o f trade are taking an unaccus­
tomed interest in the Republican cam­
paign. The policy o f the Republican
party in all matters affecting business
interests, is now fixed hy the practice
o f three consecutive administrations,
and has been repeatedly approved hy
the platforms o f national conventions.
I f the Republicans are again success­
ful. AVhat will happen if the Demo­
crats succeed? Nobody can predict.
In this uncertainty lies one o f the chief
sources of the weakness o f the Demo­
cratic party in the present canvass. In
all countries governed by popular suf­
frage, power shifts from one party to
another at longer or shorter intervals
o f time, and the longer one party has
been in control o f the government the
greater are the chances of its defeat
at the polls. W illi this law o f politics
in their favor, the Democrats who
have been 20 years out o f power, might
reasonably hope fo r success this year,
in spite of the. memories o f the rebel­
lion, and in spite o f the alarming solid­
ity o f the south, if they wei-e able to
give the country assurance that they
would do nothing to disturb the pros­
perity o f business. But they can give
no such assurance save by the cheap
protestations o f stump orators, and
these protestations can only have the
effect o f calling attention to the bad
record, o f the party. I f it had behaved
well in the past there would he no need
now fo r its leaders to assert, with such
warmth, that it does not intend to de­
stroy the public credit, debase the cur­
rency, cripple manufacturing interests,
shut up the banks, and generally over­
turn the present staple condition of
affairs. F or the Republicans to make
such assertions concerning their party
would he absurd. I t would be as if a
hanker o f excellent reputation fo r sol­
vency and integrity should say to a
depositor, “Sir, I do not mean to steal
your money or squander it in specula­
tion.” The depositor would be likely
to conceive a suspicion at once, and
would take up liis checks andcashfrom
the counter and go to some other hank.
The Democrats are in the attitude of
the hanker Who went out o f business,
bankrupt, years ago, and now applies
fo r a renewal *of public confidence.
AThen in qu iry is m ade as to w hat he
ye who carry watches can get
the correct time at Jesse Roe’s. He has
just been buying the finest regulator
in town, bran new, and lie says he can
warrant that it will he right unless
something happens to the sun and
that he isn’t responsible for.*
T h e follow in g dispatch appeared in
. Tuesday’s Inter-Ocean:
St . J oseph , Mich, Oct. 11.—To-day
has been a gala day for the Republi­
cans of Berrien county. A t noon to­
day there were at least 5,000 people in
Benton Harbor to listen to speeches
from the Hon. D. H. Jerome, Republi­
can candidate for Governor; the Hon.
0 . D. Conger and the Hon. J. G. Bur­
rows, Republican Congressmen from
this State. In front o f the speakers’
stand the crowd was dense for blocks.
In the afternoon Messrs. Jerome and
Conger spoke. This evening there was
a large procession o f Garfield and A r­
thur Guards from both sides o f the
river, and about 7 :30 they halted up in
front o f the speakers’ stand to hear
Michigan's favorite orator, J. C. Bur­
rows. Everything in this Western
part o f the State goes to show a large
Republican majority for Garfield and
S ome curious things may be observed
in the way justice is dealt out in this
place. One day last week a colored
man came walking up Front street
making no disturbance o f any kind,
molesting no one, but was so drunk
that lie staggered. The Marshal ar
rested him, took him to the village
prison, kept him there all night, and. in
the morning took him before Justice
Dick, .and was fined §5 and costs,
amounting .in all §S. N ow we enter
no complaint at this proceedings, for
it is strictly in accordance with the law
and perfectly proper, but there are a
dozen or more o f men in this place who
get drunk about once a week and stay
drunk about six days at a time, and
some o f whom make themselve decid]y disagreeable, but from the fact that
they belong to a better (?) class o f
drunkards they are never molested bv
the officers, and this makes justice ap­
pear to the casual observer in a most
ridiculous light. I f the most wealthy
man in town is a criminal and violates
the law, is found drunk upon the
street, arrest him just as quick as the
lowest devil in Christendom or let the
whole business alone.
1fU IS
speeches or sermons on the cause of
Temperance. Several others spoke.
Rev. Mr. Sias, o f Dowagiac delivered
several sermons at the Disciple church,
on Saturday and Sunday last.
How It Will Affect the Industries of
the I'onntry.
I f we are not mistaken very
much it will he a "solid North'' against
has been doing in the meanwhile it is
found that he has been preparing
schemes and tricks for the injury o f
Ins customers, to put in practice in
case he should again be trusted with
the management o f a bank. His vehe­
ment declaration that he renounces all
his swindling projects, and means to
be honest in the future, is hardly a
reason why he should he given the
keys to the hank vault.
years ago. the Democratic candidate
out the Brigadier majority of the pres­
It is now publicly announced that
D. D arrin Hughs, one o f the best law­
yers in this -State and formerly a
stamieh Democrat, has announced his
intention to support Garfield. He says
he thinks Hanco ek is not a had man,
but he has beeome disgusted with the
Democratic party.
B e c o r d :'
disappoints both the Republicans and
down upon hy from O.noo to lo.ooO ma­
Why does not Hancock telegraph
his congratulations to Colquitt, o f
Georgia, for his magnificent victory, as
he did to Plaisted. the Greenbacker'-*
Connecticut has up to the time of
her late election, held last week, been
considered as one o f the doubtful, if
not a Democratic state, the Democrats
even countiug that state in their list,
but that election seems to have made
a decided change in the political aspect
there, giving the Republicans a decid­
ed advantage. The Hartford Couyant,
gives the following footing:
The returns, chiefly official, from 163
of the 10,7 towns which held elections
on Monday give the following result:
— Republican 91, Democratic 50, divi­
ded 10. The two remaining towns
were in 1876 one Republican and one
Democratic. I f they voted the same
way on Monday the total result in the
state will compare with 1876 as fol­
1876. 1SS0.
Republican............................ 69
Divided................................... II
Net Republican gain 23 towns.
N et Democratic loss 28 towns.
The Republicans have gained con­
trol in 20 towns and the Democrats in
0. O f the 10 towns now divided 13
were Democratic in 1S7G and conse­
quently may he classed as showing Re­
publican gams. It appears therefore that
the Republicans have gained in, whole or
part in 39 towns and the Democrat.« in 9,
making a ret Republican gain 30 toions.
Thu Taken in connection with, the greatly
increased Republican vote in the larger
/owns, its a result which can only he regard­
ed us showing a marked change in political
sentiment since 1876. There has never
been any doubt that the Republican
vote in 1870 was seriously lessened by
the disaffection resulting from busi­
ness depression. Many men voted for
a “change" then because they reasoned
that any change would he an improve­
ment. There can he as little doubt
that the result this year has been in­
fluenced by the renewed prosperity of
tlic country and the determination to
avoid the uncertainties which must
result from any change.
F or Congressman. 4 th Dist..
J U L I U S C. B U R R O W S ,
f I t " 1>I 1 D B E C O A K '.
Oct. 1 3,1SS0.
Weather pleasant, roads good, and
business lively.
The wheat trade is still booming.
Over 11,600 bushels o f wheat were tak­
en in at the depot from farmers last
week. More wheat would have been
received if the railroad agent could
have handled it with liis facilities.
Considerable o f the wheat is brought
from Laporte county, Ind., from near
the Michigan Southern railroad. In
fact farmers from south o f that rail­
road brought their wheat here and get
a better price, and it is a fact that
there is not a flour mill within six
miles o f us. ¥ e want a flour mill.
A sk J. J'. V an Riper and'W. I. Himes
if there is any enthusiasm among Three
Oaks Republicans.
To hear -such
speeches as they made is enough to
give the Democrats here some Repub­
lican entbusiam.
The Good Templars o f Union Pier
will hold lodge meetings regularly
through the winter. There is a strong
temperance element in that vicinity.
The Methodist Society o f Three Oaks
have purchased the McGee property
near their church fop a parsonage.
On Friday evening next the Metho­
dist Society will have an oyster sup
per. The public are invited.
A temperaene meeting was held at
the Methodist church on Sabbath
evening last, with a large attendance.
Rev. Mr. Tasker, Methodist, and Rev.
Mr. ATHfcinson, Baptist, gave earnest
H ow e,
A b a b y cab with canopy top, as good
as new, can be bought cheap for cash.
Apply at this office.
-Sa l e .— 80 acres o f land within
three miles o f this place, 65 acres im­
proved, has a house and barn, and o th -.
er buildings, and one o f the best apple
orchards in Buchanan township, good
rich soil, will sell cheap or exchange
for town property in Buchanan. Also
160 acres in Weesaw, 40 acres improv­
ed, a good bank barn and house, also
a good bearing orchard o f apples and
peaches. F o r terms and particulars
inquire at this office.
Danalit««fi, W iv e s an d M oth ers.
D r . M arch isis Uterine CATHOLICON.
will positively cure Female Weakness, suck as Fall­
ing o f the W omb, Whites, Chronic Inflammation or
Ulceration o f the 'W om b, Incidental Hemorrhage
or Flooding, Painful, Suppressed and Irregular
Menstruation, &c. A n old and reliable remedy.
Send postal card for a pamphlet, with treatment
cures and certificates from physicians and patients,
Befitted, Refurnished and Replenished
October 11,1880, at the residence o f the bride’s
father, Mr. Reuben Dunn, near the city o f South
Bend, by Rev. J. F . Bnrtmcss, Mr. J. COOVER
and Miss RACHEL DUNN, both o f St. Joseph
Co., Ind.
J. E . D e M o tt ,
C, H . R e a ,
Sa m u e l F re n c h ,
R . H . R ogers ,
J. II. R oe ,
B u c h a n a n , M idi., Sept. 28, 1880.
Some laborers while recently exca­
vating for an ice pond in the village of
Paw Paw, 111., uncovered the entire
skeleton of a mammoth. The excava­
tion was on t he border o f wliat at one
time was a large marsh or shallow
lake. The remains were found about
five feet below the surface, imbedded
in a sandy clay.
{.Niles Republican. |
James Touliey, aged 7 years, in at­
tempting to catch on a freight train at
South Bend, one day last week, was
run over and so badly injured that he
died in a short time . . . Harter &
Walker, dry goods merchants, made
an assignment last Tuesday for the
benefit o f their creditors. Theo. G.
Beaver, Esq., is the assignee. Their
liabilities are about 81(5,000 to $1S,000,
with assets from $9,000 to $11,000.
A party of hunters went out from
East Saginaw, Sunday morning, among
them being a man named Slough and
his son Elmer, a lad of 18. The latter
slipped while standingon alog, causing
his gun to be discharged, blowing the
hoy’s brains out.
Bay city lias a lad who should be
placed on the detective list at once.
His velocipede was stolen from him
Sept. 25, and following the track of
wheels he traced it along the. track of
the J., L. & S. R. R. to East Saginaw,
where he followed the.thieves, worked
up the case and had them arrested.
Our jail is now full to running over,
and not the best feature is that the
prisoners are, all but one, merely boys,
’Tis sad to see our youths crowding
the corridors and cells as criminals,
and on inquiring, to find that ten-cent
novel literature and whisky are the
agents that are leading them in the
way to ruin.—Ntwaygo Tribune.
On the trip of Forepaugli’s exhibi­
tion to this city, Thursday, night, an
employe in the elephant car prodded
one o f the elephants for some misde­
meanor, making him angry, and he
knocked the man down with his trunk
and lay down on him. The “ boss”
elephant observed what was going on
and released the unfomute man hy
obliging the refractory elephant to get
up, but the victim was injured so se­
verely that it is believed he cannot sur­
vive.— Lansing Republican.
L ondon , Oct. 13.—The news o f the
Republican success in Ohio and Indi­
ana has resulted in an'increased firm­
ness o f United States securities o f all
grades here, with a decided tendency
to advance.
G -o o d s ,
School Books
Biggins & Havener
Have fitted up a neat little
S ta tio n e r y ,
Over Morris1 Restaurant, where you can always
find them with smiling iaces ready'to wait on their
customers. I t being off the street it. makes It con­
venient for the Lady customers, whom they cordi­
ally invito to call.
O ar M otto.—Do^antcT others as" you
w ish to he done h y .
When e’ er you wish an easy shave,
As good ae Barber ever gave,
Just call on us at our saloou
A t morn or eve, or busy noon.
W o cut and dress the hair with grace,
To please the customer and suit the face.
Our shop is neat, our towels clean,
Razors sharp and scissors keen.
To make both ends meet we cannot trust,
For when we do we arc sure to hast.
We work for cash and give satisfaction,
And make you have a different complexion.
So with all our art and skill can do,
I f you'll jnst. call we'll do for you.
R e spectfu lly Y ouks,
o l d
S lo c fts a
O fW
Y O U R C U S T O M IS R E S P E C T F U L L Y S O L I C I T E D .
D A N IE L W E S T O N .
TheLEADING House of the
The New
Suits & Garments
Dresses & Outside Garmentconstantly on hand, from the
cheapest to th* most expen­
Order Work a Specialty. Send for Roles
o f Self-Measurement.
Be sure and call
when in Che City.
Is mild, moist, fragrant and sweur. Smokes cool,
and go_*s twice as far as granulated tobacco.
Have come to stay and live anions yon, and intend giving the biHness my personal supervision.
t l F.
Long Cut Sm oking Tobacco
A L L E .V «V G 1 U U E - , H «M iu la«‘ tn rer**,
R ic b m o n il, V ir g o iia .
E state o f D a n iel W a n e r , Deceased.
(First publication 30th September, 1880.1
TATE OF MICHIGAN, County o f Berrien, s>*.
A t a 8ct?s»ion o f the Probate Court for t*uid Coun­
ty, held at the Probate office in the village o f Bcr
Tien Springs, on Tuesday, the 25th day o f Septem
her, in tbe year one thousand eight hundred and
Present, A lexander B. L eeds , Judge o f prohate.
In the matter ot the estate o f Daniel Waner, de­
On reading and tiling the petition, duly verified, o f
Iiticina Wauer, widow o f said deceased, praying
and that administration o f said estate may be
granted to herself, or some other suitable person.
' Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 25th
day o! October uext,at ten o’ clock in the forenoon,be
assigned for the hearing o f said petition, and that
the heirs at law o f said deceased, and all other per­
sons interested in said estate, are required to ap­
pear at a session ot said court, then to be holdeu iu
the Prohate Office, iu the village o f Berrien Springs,
and show cause, i f auy there be why’ the prayer ot
the petitioner should not be granted: Aud* it is
further ordered, that, said petitioner give notice to
the persons interestedin said estate, ot the penden­
cy o f said petition, and the hearing thereof, by
cansing a copy o f this order to be published in the
Berrien County Record, a newspaper printed and
circulated in said couuty, three successive weeks
previous to said day o f hearing.
[L . S.]
(A true copy.)
Judge o f Probate
Last publication, 21st October, 1880.
An advrrt.srr who sp.v ds vpirmls of §5.000 a ytar
and who i .tesud tess than $350
it in this List,
xoritss: "Pou** sT
‘CL Local List j told ms htl sr last IBAH ALL THU: OTUgJt a UVEUTI-UAG
I D ID ."
I T I S S O T A C O -01»J E R V I T V E L I S f .
I T IS N O T A « H E I T L IS T .
J r I S A W H O N E S T I .I V T .
The catalogue Mates exactly wlmt the papers are.
W hen the name o f a paper is printed in FU LL
FA CE T Y P E it is iu every instance the BEST.
W hen printed in CAPITALS it istlie ONLY paper
ill the place. The list gives the population ol ev­
ery town and the circulation o f every paper.
The rates charged tor advertising are barely onefifth the publishers* schedule. The price for single
States muses from S 3 to £ S O . The price for one
inch one "month in the entire list is $tS35. The
regular rales o f the papers lor the same space and
time are 3 2 ,9 * 0 .1 4 . Tlielist includes 9 3 2 news­
papers o f which IS 7 are issued I> \ I ! .Y and 7153
\ V I-:E lit T . They are located in 7 S S dilferent
cities aud towns, o f which 2 a are State Capitals,
places o f over 5,OOI> population, and 4t>S
Countv Seats. For copy o f List and otlieritiformation address
10 Spruce St.. New York.
CEN TS T O J A N - 1 .
T iie C l i i c a j y o
W e e k ly H e w s
will be sent, postpaid,
from date to Jan. 1st
next, for 10 cents. This
trial subscription will
enable reader? to liecome acquainted with
the cheapest metro­
politan weekly in the
U.S. Independent in
polities, al* the news,
correct mat Ketreports,
six completed stories
In every I s s u e .fa v o r lie family paper. >'cm l
1 0 ce n ts {silver) a t
o n c e and get it utcil
Jan. 1. 1831. 32l«*v«*n
trial subscriptions for
S1.00. Regular price is
7 5 cts. a year. Address
V ic t o r F . J,juvs«»n,
] ‘ nl>li*lier W e e k ly
N e w s, C U Icago. 111.
Notiee of Sale ot Real Estate.
N e w Y o k e , Oct. 13.— The stock
market moved up several paints this
morning, the advance being attributed
to the Republican victories in Ohio
and Indiana. Later in the morning
there was a slight decline, hut the mar­
ket has since recovered, and at this
hour (noon) is firm.
F ancy
TATE OF .MICHIGAN, County ol Berrien, ss
In the matter o f the estate o f Jesse Frame, late
o f Berrieu Countv. deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance o f an
order granted to the undersigned, Administrator
o f the estate of said Jesse Frame, by the Hon.
Judge of Probate for the county o f Berrien, on the
23d day o f August, A. D. 18S0, there will he sold at
public* vendue, to the highest bidder, at the premi­
ses, in Bertrand township, in the County o f Berrien,
in said Slate, on
Monday, the Twenty-ninth day of November,
A . D.* 1880, at ten o'clock in the forenoon ol that
day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or
otherwise existing at the time o f the death of said
deceased, or at the tim e-of this notice) the follow­
ing described real estate, to-wit: The west frac­
tion o f the south-west fractional quarter of section
nineteen, town eight south, range eighteen west,
excepting five acres across the south end o f said
piece of land.
October 13, A . D~ 1880.
D A V ID E . HINM AN, Administrator.
Our Catalogue of Band ImtromeoU. .160 Enqravinp of Suita,
Cops, Belts, Pompoui. Pouches Drum-Majors’ Outfits, Hols. Epau­
lets, Lamps, Stands, Outfits, Hints on Oteanblng ard Conducing
£andi,8S pagusof Valuable Information forMnudans. Mailedfree.
Consultation l>y letter o r in office, tree.
Journal sent free "on application.
Dr. White's* Dandelion Alterative, the Great
BloodPurifier and Rouovutor, A specific lorl.irer
Complaint, Biliousness, Chills and Fever. ]H*»«
pepsin, Kidney Diseases, Rheumatism and Con­
stipation ol' the Bowels. Removes pimple* and
sallowness from the skin, producing a clear com­
plexion. It is purely vegetable, perfectly hannlf*s
and pleasant to takel Pint bottles only one dollar,
and every bottle warranted.
Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, AVhoopiiut Coiuiln and
Iucipient Consumption. Fifty cents per bottle.
Large bottles one dollar, aud e v e r y bottle warrant­
ed. F or sale in Buchanan by AV. A . SEVERSON,
and?drng£rists everywhere.
WonUl r c c p e e tfu lly a n n o u n ce t o th e citizens
o f B u ch a n a n a m i v ic in ity , th at, h a v in g r e ­
tu r n e d fr o m C h ica g o , w h e re s h e lias b e e n re­
c e iv in g a th o ro u g h c o u r s e o f in stru ction in
th e treatm ent o f d ise a se s b y e le c tr ic ity , she
is p re p a re d to g iv e a tte n tio n t o a ll w h o m ay
n e e d h e r s e r v ic e s .
Rheumatism, Ner­
vous Debility, H ear ache,
A n d a ll s im ila r d iseases
T e m p l e M i l l , Fa., M arch 24.1S80.
1 am employed in getting out lum­
ber, and my work is very hard, chop
ing, lifting and wading in the water a
good deal. I t brought on "Kidney com
plaint and1 rheumatism, for which I
have been taking Ividney-Wort with
great benefit. It is the only patent
medicine I have ever taken which I
can recommend, - whidh I have done
to many here and to the druggist in
A . B. B u rk .
P rofitab le P a tie n ts.
The most wonderful and marvelous
success in cases where persons are
sick or wasting away from a condition
o f miserableness, that no one knows
what ails them, (profitable patients for
doctors) is obtained by the use o f Hop
Bitters. They begin to cure from the
first dose and keep it up until perfect
health and strength is restored. Whoever is afflicted in this waw need not
suffer, when they can get Hop Bitters.
Cincinnati Star.
T h e Iilo n K a la r ia an d l i v e r Pad,
AVith Body and F oot Plasters, will
cure Malaria, Chills and Fevers, inter­
mittent, Remittent and Typhoid F e­
vers, absolutely without the use o f in­
ternal medicine. The whole combined
remedy fo r one dollar. F or sale by
A q u e e r N otion .
Many people think it cheaper to buy
25 cent sizes o f a proprietary medicine.
But they make a mistake. F o r in­
stance, Dr. Wistar’s Balsam o f W ild
Cherry contains about eight times the
quantity o f ordinary 2a cent cough
balsams. Besides it takes a less quan­
tity o f Wistar’s Balsam to cure a cold.
A single dose is often sufficient. F o r
deep seated Colds and Consumption it
has proven itself to he the best and
quickest cure ever discovered.
D on ’ t M a k e a M ista k e .
W hy will you use salves and lotions,
and other outward applications for
the cure o f skin diseases? The re­
lie f thus obtained can only be tempo­
rary. W hy not strike at the root o f
all skin diseases by getting your blood
and liver in a healthy, vigorous condi­
tion ? This can only be done effective­
ly and thoroughly hy the use o f Dr.
Guysott’s Y ellow Dock and Sarsapa­
Old, T r ie d , a n d T r u e .
Remember Dr. Guysott’s Y ellow
D ock and Sarsaparilla is not a new,
untried compound. It has stood tbe
test o f forty years’ use, and has proven
itself to be the best vegetable com
pound ever discoveredforcuringsorofula, syphilitic disorders, skin and
blood diseases, liver complaints, uri­
nary troubles, etc,
Successfully Treated.
S p e cia l a tte n tio n p a id t o
McCosh*i Guide for Amateur hvnds, and Putnam's Drums-Majora*
Aetles, a book o f SOpages, mailed 5«r 10 cs&ts.
LYON’ & HEALY, M;»t»r« •- t«u i Man- St*., i'bieago Itt
85 TO $10 P E R A C R E !
S tr o n g S o ils ! S a v e C r o p s ! R a i l r o a d
t h r o a g b C e n te r o f L a n d s . H e a lt b y
C lim a te . S c h o o ls a n d C h u rc h e s. I n ­
t e llig e n t P o p u la t io n .
These lands are a long distance E aat o f the
Mississippi River. Large amount saved in
travel and transportation o f crops. Descrip­
tive pamphlet in English and German.
Commissioner, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Agents Wanted tor the ehtersed
n e t e r t e l e d lt lb n o t A
ThoGreatestSomancsof AmericanHistorysines UndeTomfs
Uobto, to whichIs added, by tbe sameauthora
Two GreatHookala OneTol.; BrilHantlyRhntrated.
•*AtbrUllngbookindeed • • —Cincinnati commerdaL
uHoldstbecritic speUboond. . . . EnglishliteraturecocUlnapoalmUarptetnre-”—InternationalBevitxo. “ Thamost
powerfnl national and social study sines *Uncle Tom's
Cabin.*Boston Courier. “If this book don’t move
then we have mistaken the American people.*1—Chicago
tnter-Oeean, “It will do more to arouse and Instructtbs
conntrythananyagencyof whichI know.1*—Ex.Gov. chutfustra. “ Aprilttb. leso. Veryvaluable. ihopeltwlUb*
Widelyread.n-J**. fiartrid.
The Booming Book for the Campaign.
Territory rspldlytaken, tor particulars, writsat ones to
F.B.D IC& BRSON &C O -,20B ankB lock,D etrolt,M lch«
s ostwpae
a coopt-teat business turn;ntacit
u v /u lii I Baww county in the U. S. to sell tbe
“ Cyclopedia of Tbiup. Worth Knowing” by subscription.
1osuchmen, withgoodreferences, wefurnishtheoutfit free,
a.s«! giveterms that will insureaworker over$100amonth.
AdJressINTER.VtTfOX.iLI*til. CO-Box2482.SI. Louis Ms
Thu undersigned now represents the following
Insurance companies in Buchanan and vicinity:
North America,
Detroit Fire & Marine,
British America,
and Manhattan.
Special attention g iven to insuring farm property,
Cali at the Record ol flee, Bnchanan, Mich.
week in y e w own town, $5 Outfit free,
[o, risk. Header, it yon want a hnsinoss
T v v a t iwhich persons o f either sex can make
great pay all the rime they work, w rite forpariicnFars t a H ,H , Hm4OT* &Co., Parttanfl, Me. 9^r
and FANCY <
at the
I Full p a r t i c n - R . TE IFE T , /
lars and spcci- rl I I I t
School St.,'
-men free.
A V 7A huoston, Mass.”
A T E A K and expenses to agents
Outfit free. Address P. O. V IC K ­
E R Y , Augusta, Maine.
F em a le D iseases.
Prompt Attention Paid to All Cases.
tb A D V E 'I T I S E R S —Send 25 CtF. for our 100
page pamphlet, all about Newspaper Advertis­ T ro u t S treet,
ing. Address GEO. P . ROW ELL & CO., 10 Spruce
St., N .Y .________________________ 9614
S E E .
B uch an an, M ich ig a n .
H e a lth , is W e a lth .!
“ N o lady should be without it/*— Shippensburg
{ P a ) Glnomcle.
S upplement will be given in ever number
lorlSSl, containing a ftill-efze pattern lor a ladyV,
or child's dre§s. Every Subscriber will receive,
during the year, twelve o f these patterns, north
more, alone, than the subscription prkc.«^§3
P eterson' s ^Magazine is the best and cheapet t
o f the lady's books. I t gives more for the money,
and combines greater merits than any other In.
short it has the
B E S T M USIC, E tc., Etc.
Its immense circulation and long established
reputation enables its proprietor to distance all
competition. Iu 18S0 a new feature was introduced
which will be improved on in 1881, being a series o f
Splendidly Illustrated Articles.
The stories, novelets, &c in “ Peterson” arc ad­
mitted to be the best published. A ll the popular
female writers contribute to it. In 1881, about 100
original stories will b e given, and in addition S ix
Copyiught N ovelets , b y Ann S. Stephens, Frank
Lee Benedict, Jane G. Austin, Mary V . Spencer,
Sidney Trevor, and that inimitable humorist, the
author o f “ Josiah Allen’s Wife.” The
Colored Steel Fashion Plates
In <sPetcrfioh*’ are ahead o f all others. These plates
are engraved on steel, t w i c e t h e u s u a l s i z e , and
are imcqiialed lor beauty. They will be superbly
colored. Also, Household and other receipts; articles on Art, Embroidery* Flower Cnlture: in
short everything interesting to ladies.
TERMS, (always in advance,) $2.00 A TEAR.
2 Copies fo r......... S3.50-13 Copies fo r..............S'1.50
With n costly steel engraving, “ GR-VN’FATirEit
T ells o t Y orktowx,” (21x20) or an Illustrated
Album, quarto, p it, tor getting up the Clnh.
4 Copies tor—. .....$6.5016 Copies for________ $9.00
With an extra copy o f the Magazine for 1881 ns a
premium to the person getting np tile Club.
5C o p ie sfo r.»......... $8.00 |7 Copies f o r ...——$10.50
With both an extra copy o f th e Magazine for 1881,
and the picture, or Album
A im , to the person getting
np the Club,
jg ^ -F ar laigor Clubs, still greater inducCmchts!
Address, post-paid,
CHARLES J. PETERSON, 306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
<V-Specimens sent gratis, i f written for, to get
up clubs with.
D r . B . C. W e s t ' s N e r v e a x d B r a i n T r e a t m e n t ,
a specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convnlsious, Ner­
vous Hcadncbe. Mental Depression, Loss ot M emo­
ry, Spermatorrhaui, Impotencv, Involnutary E m is­
sions, Premature OH Age, caused byover-exertiou,
self-abuse, or over-indulgence, which leads to mis­
ery, decay and death. One hox will cure recent
cases. Each b o x contains one month’s treatment..
One dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars; sent
by mail prepaid on receipt o f price. W e guarantee
six boxes to cure any case. W ith eacli order re­
ceived by ns lo r six boxes, accompanied with live
dollars, we will send the purchaser onr written!
guarantee to return t b c m o n cy if the treatment does
not ell'cct a cure. Guarantees issued b y D aniel
Weston, sole authorized agent fo r Buchanan, M ich.
JOHN C. W E ST Jk CO., Sole Proprietors. 181 & 18a
W . Madison St., Chicago, 111. Frizelle & C'r.,
Detroit, M ich., Morrison, Plum mer & Co., Chicago,
Hi., wholesale agents.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
The H andsom e N ick el Plated N ew Home
Lam p Being introduced to the p u b lic th is Sea­
son, is the m ost m eritorious article ev e r offer­
ed Agents to m ake m o n e y w ith, is safer, and
m ore con venien t than th e Student L a m p,
w hich has h eretofore had the reputation o f
being the Safest L am p m ade. I t has a cla m p
to firm ly attach it to th e Sow ing Machine,
Piano, Organ, D esk, etc. The fear o f the or­
dinary lam p b e in g accidentally u pset o r
thrown from the table, is en tirely reliev ed b y
tbis sim ple clam p con trivan ce. I t can b e ad­
justed to th row tbe lig h t ju s t w here it is want­
ed to suit th e eyes, and can b e con verted intoa handsom e w a ll la m p . I t has tb e b e st argand
burner, a filling in dicator, and con ven ien t
m a tch b o x , and its p rice is w ith in the Teacli.
o f e v e ry on e. I t lias been fn lly tested and ed­
itorially endorsed b y the “ W estern Christian.
A dvocate,” A m . Christian R eview ,” Herald:
and Presbyter,” Journal and M essenger” and
“ Christian Standard,” and th e le a d in g relig­
ion s papers o f Cincinnati, and is en dorsed b y
th e M ayor and Post-Master o f Cincinnati, th e
A gen t o f the Am erican E xpress Co., a n d P res­
idents o f Insurance Com panies, as b e in g the
Safest, M pst Convenient and b e s t Lam p m ade.
T h eren re throe reasons w h y A gents should
seek such an article to canvass lo r—first, fo r
its absolute safety and grea t con ven ien ce it
is needed in every hom e—socond , its lo w p rice
m akes its sale im m e n se -th ird , i t w ill be a
cred it to handle such an a rticle . One southern,
agent writes, i t sells faster than Gen. L e e 's
portrait sold righ t after th e w ar; another
writes, it beats the p a lm y days o f th e Sewing
Machine, its rapid sale, lo w p rice, and liberal
term s surprise o ld agents. Address H om e
Lam p Co., Cincinnati, O., m en tion in g our p a ­
per, and th ey w ill give y o n full particulars
and exclusive territory t o canvass in .
Send $1,50 fo r th e B e c o r d on e y ea r
fttrrm j ^o'^ecard.
Entered at the Po$t-Office. at Buchanan, lltc h s, as
SecontLCTass Matter.
W ill speak upon the political issues of
the day, in this county, as follow s:
B r id g m a n . Oct. 14, p. m .
T h r e e O ak s , Oct. 14. evening.
K il l s , Oct. 15, evening.
S U B S C R IB E R S ' R E C E IP T S .
W e wiAh. all our subscribers to he particular to
notice the date apiinsr their name? upon their pa*
per?* and see that the accou n t!? right- W ealways
give receipts fornayiueuts made ou subscription
and this sli^ should correspond w iih th e last date
in vour receipt, and denote the time to which the
subscriber has paid. I f there Is any mistake we
wish to h e notified at once, y ever wait m ote than
two weeks for the date to he changed afterpayment
i? made.
H on . W illia m
W illia m s
O f Indiana will accompany Capt. Bur­
rows in the canvass o f this State.
M r . K . J ohnson delivered a lively
Republican speech, in Kinyon’s hall
last Thursday evening. He had a good
Q u it e a number went from this
place to Chicago yesterday morning.
N ext Wednesday will he the last of
the cheap fare to Chicago this year.
I f you want to go, then is your time.
M r . B. D. H a r p e r is getting w ell
along w ith th e w o ik o f repairing the
damage done to h is house by th e fire,
and expects to be able to return to his
own hom e in a short tim e.
T he Methodist Society will hold a
Quarterly Meeting in the United
Brethren Church next Sunday, the 17th.
Love-feast to commence at nine o’clock.
Preaching at 10}£ o’clock by the Pre­
siding Elder.
T h e bedstead factories o f Buchanan
make 00,000 bedsteads per annum.—
A large line o f M en's, Youth*' and B oy'?
Y es. and more as dat.
C lo t liin g .
Y o e n g H o b a r t received his sen­
H A T S & GAPS T O R A T I .
Boots! Boots! Boots!
tenced hist Thursday. It was impris­
onment fo r life in the Jackson State
mail train going west, Satur­
day afternoon, was three hours late at
this place, on account o f a train being
off the track at A nn Arbor.
O f all onr old makes, besides other lines
never in stock.
Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!
I a s iU t t lis , A
l i w o f Chn<!»n?‘ $hoo?. Onr
g i v f e are sold for cash, at rock bottom prices.
B errien coi' n t v does not have any
Indebtedness to the State fo r past due
taxes, to he added to her taxes this
vear, as it usually has.
R epu b lica n C aucus.
There will he a Township Caucus in
J. -I. Van Riper s office Saturday evenins, to appoint delegates to the Repre­
sentative District Convention to he
held at the call o f the Committee. Let
every Republican turn out.
1»y O r d e r o f Co m m it te e .
kw h kat
harvest is in progress.
T m : union fair is being held in Dowagiae this week.
N re.ov itats and other summer
goods are disappearing.
Mns. B„ F . X kkdu .vm. lias been q u ite
dangerously siek, the past week.
T w o weeks from next Tuesday w ill
he election in the United States.
Mu. R obert Co v e l l buried
vonngest child on Sunday last.
Mu. R o y a l M o kbis and fam ily, o f
Chicago, spent Sunday in Buchanan.
Ei.iv W m. M. R o e preached to large
congregations on Sunday last.
T he second k iln o f brick in Rough
Bros' new yard is n ow ready fo r use.
T h e epozootie. that started in X e v
York a tew weeks since, has reached
this vicinity.
M il E l ij a h B eck is building a newhouse on his lot, on Oak street, near
the depot.
W e are informed that Dr. B. C.
Smith, lately o f (Jalten. will soon be­
come a Buchananite.
Mb. (ir.oratK A. T h a y e r , o f Inde­
pendence, Kansas, is making this place
a short visit.
T h eb e are still a fe w cases o f scar­
let tever in tow n , although n o very
II on . E . M . P l im p t o n delivered one
o f the best speeches o f the campaign
fo r the Republicans, in this place Mon­
day evening. In Kinyon's hall.
R ev . M il M c Co rd , commences his
services fo r the Presbyterian society
o f this place, on Sunday next, and will
preach morning and evening.
P r o f . J. A . J ones expects to move
his family to Walkerton, In d , next
week. lie is already engaged in teach­
ing in that place.
are Informed that Mr. I. X .
Batchelor contemplates putting up a
brick building next spring, to take the
place o f his present frame livery
T he Rev. Geo. A . Cole will give a
Temperance address at the Old Advent
church, at 3 f . M.. on Sunday. Subject
“ The Rumseller’s Reasons.”
T he Lansing Republican gives forty
explanations o f the Ku KIux figures
“320” the Democrates have been paint­
ing on Republicans' gate posts and
other property all over the country.
T h e juryman-from this township is
William M. Sriiith instead of W ilber W-,
as was published in the R e c o r d o f
last week, or W ilber M., as published
by the other county papers.
S end around the census taker again.
Three additio is to the male popula­
tion o f this place Monday. George
Eox, Clarence White and Asliael Kel­
sey are the ones who report this time.
A new firm in the tonsorial art lias
sprung up in this place, that o f Diggins & Havener, with rooms over Mor­
ris' restaurant.
That must be a good
business in this place. Four shops
and seven men are employed at i t
W e notice in several o f our ex­
changes the advertisements headed
“ Houses to Bent.” Buchanan is not
offlieted In that way. The inquiry is
not for renters hut is for houses. W e
believe if one hundred more tenement
houses were erected in this place this
fall tliev could all be rented.
T h e carpenter commenced work in
the tresle across the McCoy creek flat
in this place Tuesday afternoon. That
structure is to he completed in two
weeks when track laying will com­
mence. It will he 250 feet long and
24 feet high at the highest point.
D r . E llio tt Pcxicn.iM will he at
the- Dunbar House, Buchanan, Satur­
day, Sunday and Monday, Oct. Hi, 17
and IS. N o matter what kind o f a
disease you suffer from, give the doctor
a call. N o cure no pay.
D id some o f those Democrats who
were so anxious to know what Sir.
Plimpton’s subject, was before the
speech, Monday evening, find out to
their satisfaction? lie gave them
some morsels to chew that will last
them until Christmas.
T h e Michigan Central Company is
being reminded that it has not ware­
house room enough in this place to ac­
commodate the business done here.
That already here filled with grain
and manufactured goods, and more
coming all o f the time.
M il W e l l in g t o n Y a x d e r tio ff , o f
Western Iowa, a former resident o f
this place, is here for a visit.
C a l . B. P otter , o f St. Joseph, spoke
in Kim-on's hall Friday evening from
a Democratic standpoint.
Can you find a D em ocrat to-day who
does not lo o k th e longest dow n his
n ose?
W i l l Mr. Y aple tell us to-night
what lias becom e o f th e Greenback
party in Indiana"?
S. L. B e a r d s l e y was in town Tues­
day looking after the interest o f the
McCormick company.
T h e R ec o r d is under obligations
to Mr. E . E . Beardsley fo r late copy of
the Dayton, Ohio, paper.
T h e farm ers appear to he in a hurry
to get rid o f th eir w heat crop lest
the price should rise. The elevators
are h a v in g all they can do to care fo r
th e grain as fast as it is bein g drawn
to them.
V oters who have lately moved into
town ai-e beginning to look out fo r a
place to register. The last Saturday
before election is registration day. A l­
though there is no harm in attending
to this important part in lime.
T h e appointment for that Hon. D.
II. Jerome, the Republican candidate
for Governor, to speak in Buchanan
October 13. has been changed to Octo­
ber 19. K ext Tuesday evening. Don't
forget the date.
T h e St. Joseph Common Council has
forbidden the use o f velocipedes, bicy­
cles, tricycles or dog-carts, on the side­
walks in that place. They accidental­
ly ommitted to mention babv-earts.
T h e gristmill at Dayton is undergo­
T h e side-walkrepairers are patch in g
u p the w alks, and th ey are doin g con­
siderable g ood w ork In that line.
T om . W a l k e r . Democratic candi­
date Sheriff, was in Buchanan on F ri­
day, and gave the R ec or d a call.
M rs . A m a n d a B e i l h a r t z , o f Ohio,
daughter o f J. H. Kingery, is visiting
under the parental roof.
ing repairs by w ay o f a new “ Leffel,”
turbine water-wheel, and some other
new machinery. The wheel is an im­
provement that lias been needed for
some time.
A pples are so plenty th at they are
almost worthless, the price being hard­
ly equivalent to the trouble o f gather­
ing and taking to market. This Is a
condition o f things that seldom occurs
in this Tieinitv.
T h e forests present to view a richly
Better than
A narrow gauge locom otive for one
o f the western roads passed through
this place Monday morning.
T h e b rick layers on Rough Bros’
new building, are well along in the
second story with their work.
M il J a m e s W r a y , expects to m ove
t o M in n esota in a sh ort time, w ith a
v iew to m ak in g th a t Ills home.
M r s . B. E . B lnns, who has been vis­
iting in this place for several weeks,
started for her home, Sedan, Kan., on
Saturday last.
M r . G eo . S c o t t w ill m ove to
Buchanan and occupy the house lately
purchased o f Mrs. B. E. Binns next
L ess than three m on th s m ore o f
leap year.
A n c ie n t m aiden ladies
should b e im p rovin g th e tim e as it is
T h e gate receipts o f the Northern
Berrien County fair last Thursday
amounted to Sl,200, 4.S00 persons.
W hew !
T h ose -who w an t to pay their sub­
scription in w ood are hereby inform ed
that n ow you can draw it better than
w h en roads are muddy, and it is bet­
ter fo r us to h ave it under shelter be­
fo r e th e fa ll rains.
A c o p y o f the Clare County Press,
with the name, o f D. E . A lvord at the
head as editor and proprietor made its*
appearance at this office last week.
Dennis w ill he remembered, as one o f
the Niles bovs.
D o not forget that Hon. D. H. Je­
rome, Republican candidate for Gov­
ernor o f this State, will speak in this
place next Tuesday evening, Oct. 19.
A lso that Gen. B. M. Cntcheon will
speak here one week from Saturday,
Oct. 23.
M r. J o h n C. M a r b l e , o f Warren
township, Ind., announces lus purpose
to vote the Republican ticket. H e lias
been a Democrat up to the birth o f
Greenbackism, when he joined the
ranks o f that party. H e now shows a
return to the good sense he possessed
during the war, when he was a Repub­
E l d e r G e o . W r ig h t w ill return to
this place on Saturday next, and w ill
preach in the Oak St. A dvent Chapel
on Sunday, morning antf evening. A ll
are cordially invited.
M il B a r k e r , one o f the con tra ctor
f o r building th e St, -Joseph Y alley
Railroad, received a telegram from his
home, in Syracuse, X - Y - announcing
th e death o f his w i fe
H e le ft on the
m ail train Monday forenoon fo r that
p la ce
W i l l Co n vis o f N ew Troy, employ­
ed in Spencer & Barnes’ furniture fac­
tory, got one o f his hands in the over­
shot planer, Tuesday afternoon, and
lost a little finger and thumb b y the
W h e at is taking a boom. In Eaton
Rapids it lias reached §1 per bushel
and there is a gradually creeping up in
that direction. The Chicago dailies
report an advance each day, and there
is every appearance that our prophesy
o f a few weeks since, that the price
would he above Si, will be realized.
. T h e Post and Tribune o f Friday
contained the following letter and ex­
planation that may he o f interest in
this place:
W hat does the “329” chalked about
the streets refer to ?
- I n q u ir e r .
Detroit, October 7 ,1SS0.
' It refers to one o f notorious frauds
o f the South Carolina election o f 1S7S,
concerning which “Senate Report No.
855” o f the session o f 1859 (part 2, p.
14S-9) said:
“ The supervisor at Hope engine
precinct, Charlestown, and others tes­
tified to their being on tissue ballots
visible during the day o f election, but
329 were taken out o f the ballot-box
and counted.
They all seemed to lie
at the bottom o f the box.
Peterson's Magazine is on our table
fo r November, ahead o f all others,
and as usual, more and more improved.
The November issue leads off with a'
capital steel engraving, “Missy In The
Sulks,” and is followed by one o f those
double-size steel fashion plates, sup’erbbly colored, only seen in this periodi­
cal. “ Mary, Queen o f Seotts,” is a pro­
fusely illustrated article on that un­
happy queen: With this number ap­
pears the prospectus for 1SS1, when
Six Original Novelets will be given,
and in addition ahundredsliortstories.
Also a paper pattern for a dress, every
month. The price o f “Peterson” is hut
two dollars a year, or less than any
other first-class magazine, postage free.
Two copies fo r 83,50, with a superb,
copyright mezzotint (sizes 24 inches by
20) “ Gran’fatherjTells of Yorktown,”
or an illustrated Album, Quarto, Gilt,
as a premium. Subscription taken .at
this office.
G a l ie n , Oet. 1 2 ,1SS0.
Parties knowing themselves indebt­
ed to Dr. B. G. Smith will please, call
at the store, of Smith and Tracy and
settle, either by cash or note, and
thereby save trouble ami costs.
13. C. S m ith , M. I).
D a n c in g . -M is s Susie D. George, of
Milwaukee, Wis., will be in Buchanan,
about the 1st o f November forthepurpose o f teaching clases in dancing the
ensuing season. A ll the latest dances
Due notice will be given
where she will meet those who desire
to join the classes.
F armers , I am prepared to insure
your buildings, giving you a policy
covering damages from lightning,
whether fire occurs or not, and giveyou
permit to use thrashing machine,
without extra charge. Call and see.
T h e Auditor General has apportion­
ed to the several counties in this State
their portion of the State taxes for the
coming year. The total amount to be
raised in the State is Si,067,153.35, on
an assessed valuation of §630,000,000.
Of these amounts Berrien county lias
Si6,025,000 assessed- valuation and
820,472.10 o f the tax to pay.
R oe A R ough have been building a
new steam saw mill near Ezra Wilson's
place and commenced sawing last
They have bought 160
o f heavy timbered land there and built
the mill on that, and on the line of the
narrow gauge railroad. The lumber
w ill be used by the manufactories in
this place, the maple, beech and bass­
wood by the furnature factory and the
oak and hickory by the wagon factory.
J ohn G. H olmes , A gent.
decided upon a young lawyer o f Mendon, St. Joseph county, named Yaple,
as their victim and have placed his
name on their ticket as candidate for
congress in place of the Duke o f Three
Oaks. Mr. Yaple is' hilled fo r a speech
in this place this evening.
A iia p p v affair was the reunion o f
the Scott family, at the residence of
Mr. George Scott, last Thursday. I t is
a large family, and the members all
get together once a year and have a
jolly time. On this occasion Mr. Brad­
ley was present with his camera and
took the faces all down on paper, and
the effect is that o f an army.
Overcoats from $2 to §18.
W eaver & Go.
A. 0. Sephens has the finest
stock i f Lap Robes, Buffalo Robes
and Horse Blankets in town.
C, H. Rea has been getting on
hand a large stock of Horse Blank­
ets, Lap Robe-i and Buffalo Ribes,
and now wants to sell them. Don’ t
forget, too, that he makes a firstclass Harness.
Fringes that are new in style and
price, only at
H ighs ’.
Best Dishes and lowest prices,
K inyon ’ s
Mrs Travis would like a few
more Pupils in music. You will
find her at the residence of Mrs.
Dunning with a new and beautiful
New Hats just received and will
be sold cheap, at
A. Conant’ s.
Children’s Underwear to arrive
at Highs this week.
Go and see the new Millenery
that Mrs. Dunning has
brought from Chicago. A complete
Stock of every shape and variety,
and Mrs. Dunning will spare no
pains to please all who will favor
her with their patronage.
N. H Merrill, formerly of this place>
Some neat Caps for children, at
Is the Republican candidate for Judge
N oble’ s.
o f Probate o f o f Chautauqua Co., Kan­
sas. Mr. Merrill has had considerable
Why does everybody go to K in ­
experience in that office, haring assist­ yon’s for lamps and Glassware ?
ed his father, the late Judge Merrill, Because they get the latest styles
while lie held that office in this county. and lowest prices.
W e hope lie will he elected.
T w o plug-uglies from Michigan are
hanging around the polls with their
pockets fu ll o f Democratic tickets.
They ought to he drummed out of.
town. They have no business here.—
South B e n i Register, Tuesday.
A s near as we can learn these two
beauties live in Buchanan, 'and their
methods Df working (?) at the polls is
well understood here.
A joint debate o f the political issues
o f the day, between, Leo Miller the
Greenback head light o f this state, and
E. D. Orcutt o f Benton Harbor, for the
Republicans, is advertised for Rough’s
Hall for to-morrow, Friday evening,
October 15. Orcutt was formerly one
of the leading lights of fiatism in this
county, and ought to know its weak­
I n driving a well for Wm. Baumer
& Go., at Bridgman, Messrs. Wolverton
& Blowers, South Bend, struck a vein
o f gas at the depth o f 260 feet which
burned freely several feet above
ground.- It is the opinion- o f those
acquainted with the business that oil
can he found there if they will go
down deep enough. Whether the ex­
periment w ill he made or not we have
not been informed,
W e notice that several of our ex­
changes are publishing the advertisment o f Dr. (?) A . G. Olin, o f Chicago.
The R ec o r d had ah oportunity to do
so too. I t cost the R ec or d $3, in 1S76,
to learn that that man was exceeding­
ly poor pay, and consequently declined.
I f any o f these .exchanges get pay for
their work, we are mistaken in onr
Ca s s R o z e l l e and Mr. H. Phillips’
son went, last Thurday, to the Kanka­
kee marsh duck hunting, and when
they arrived turned there team into a
field, belonging to a friend, and went
about their hunting, hut when they
returned nothing was to be found of
the team. Whether the horses bad
been stolen or had broken out o f the
field and wandered away, was the
question that bothered the boys,
Powers keeps the
§1,500 in Dress Goods for every
lady to select from, only at
H ighs ’ .
A big line of Winter, Caps at
Nobles for men and boys.
A ll who smoke a “ Darling” want
more o f them, for sale only at
K inyon ’ s.
Powers keeps
Walker Boots.
You can do it. ‘ Save money by
going to Smiths’ for Crockery or
S L IP for ladieB m town, at
W aite & W oods.
Walker Boots for boys, at
W aite & W oods.
call and see the c e le ­
brated Fitch Boot, all hand made
and warranted, at
W aite & W oods.
gains in B oots and S hoes, C loth ­
ing and U nderwear , do not fail
Bargains in all kinds o f soaps, at
B armore B ros.
Elegant line o f Winter Overcoats
just received, at W eaver ’ s.
Throw away that old dangerous
Lamp, and get a new one at
K inyon ’ s .
Oh m y !
Gall at Morris’ and get
some o f Ed, Crates fried oysters.
Kinyon sells lamps so cheap that
everybody can afford light.
Makes an immense display of Fall stock. _
F arm ers
§800.00 worth o f new Cloaks and
Dolmans at the Cheap Store.
T. M. F ulton & Co.
The Boss 50c Tea, at S m ith ’ s. ,
C ome in and see new goods.
T. M. F ulton & Co.
Full of Bargains, at F ulton' s.
Nice Celery found at Barmore Bros’ regularly.
M. Barnes & Co. have a new
stock Stands, Center Tables, k c .
Call and see them.
Be sure and buy some of those
splendid Spring Bede before it is
too late. Iam closing out and sell­
ing cheap. Only §2.50 for the best
Bed mule. 140 springs. Call and
E. A. S mith , Main St.
Don’ t buy until you call at
F ulton’ s.
Don’ t forget we have the finest
and best variety o f Cigars and To
bacco in the market.
B armore B ros.
Big trade in Soap at
Do you know how
Store is now-a-days.
K inyon ’ s.
full Highs’
Call at Rough Bros’ hardware
for Heating or Cook Stoves.
Fultons have dropped high prices.
Our Peanuts
and fresh.
Highs’ Biack
the cake.
are always warm
B armore B ros .
Just received a fine stock o f Hats,
Feathers, and FowerS, at
A. C onant’ p.
Now we have elegant line of Fall
Goods and sell at popular prices.
H ighs .
Lorenz’s, Lunbergs’ and Lubins’
Perfumeries, at Weston’
L ook ! L ook for a large stock of
Goods at Fulton’ s next week.
Don’ t buy goods until you call at
Fulton’s and learn priceB.
Politicians, ccme and try our
Plug Tobacco. Photo of Garfield
or Hancock on each Plug. Kept at
Barmore Bros’.
Campaign Plug Tobacco, at
B armore B ros’ .
The best Cigar in the market is
Barmore’s Favorite. Try one. 5 ct.
F ulton’ s for Soap.
A ll the boys smoke Barmore’s
Favorite 5 ct. Cigar.
F ulton’ s for Sugar.
We have new Canvasses, new
Fancy Goods o f all kinds as Highs
alone have.
F ulton’ s for 50 ct. F ine Shirts.
Those Grain-marble Stands at M .
Barnes.& Co’ s are beauties.
The nicest thing in Crockery is
the Majolica Ware. Come and see
them. K ept only at
B armore B rcs’ .
Bargains in our new goods that
arrive every day at
H ighs’ .
Practical Druggist,
Reversible Overcoats,
Cheviot Ulsterettes,
Cor. F ro n t & M ain Sts.
D ’ble back Overcoats,
Scotch Ulsterettes
Every thing new in Crockery W orsted Overcoats,
The Darlings are all the rage, for
sale only at
New lot of Crockery and Glass­
ware at
B armore Bros’ .
Ladies please call and see those
new goods at
M r s . F r a m e ’ s.
The Baldwin boot sold at the
Grange Store recommends itself.
Best and cheapest boot in the mar­
Paint with Stone Ochre; best and
cheapest Paint in the Market, at
W eston’ s Drug S tore.
For square
suits go to
dealing in gents’
W eaver & Co.
Don’ t buy you.r boots until you
have seen the Walker Boots at
Waite & W oods.
Big bargaius in Teas at
B armore B ros’ .
Morris is prepared to get up
warm meals at all hours.
Remember we keep the largest
stock of Glassware in the market
and sell the cheapest.
B armore B ros.
Our patterns of Glassware are
always new and desirable. Come
and see.
B armore B ros.
All kinds of builders’ supplies at
Rough Bros’ , hardware.
For Warm Meals at any hour
call at Morris’ Restaurant.
Largest line o f Hosiery in the
city, at
F ulton’ s .
When you have priced Crockery
and Glassware at other places, try
. B armore E ros.
N ew Carpets at Fulton’s
Oh m y ! What nobby Roaches
they have at the Grange Store.
Come and see our new stock of
Majolica Ware. It sells readily.
B armore B ros.
D on’ t buy until you call at
F ulton’ s.
The Majolica Ware is the nicest
thing in the market for Crockery,
found at
B armore B ros.
Another invoice of Crockery just
received at the Grange Store, for
sale as low as the lowest.
Those Prints
at Fulton’ s are
L aundry .— Mrs. Jennie Ball has
opened a Laundry on Alexander
street. Shirts laundried cheap.
F lannels at Fultons from 8 cts.
A new stock o f Coffees,- at
B armore B ros.
For fine Stereoscopic Views views
cheap, call on Mrs. N. S. Welch.
Large bundles o f goods are con­
tinually carried out from Fultons.
A new supply o f B R O W N ’ S
F R E N C H Dressing at
W aite & W oods.
J Bushel Baskets
B armore B ros;
Ladies and Gents, you don’ t
know what nice and cheap Under­
wear we have.
H ighs .
Stacks o f dishes, at K inyon ’ s.
Remember we still eat people
at our Lunch Room.
B armore B ros.
A good Tea for 20 cents per
pound, at
B armore B ros.Onr fall and winter stock o f Rvbber goods have arrived. Don’ t fail
to call at Grange Store before buy
Lamps for everybody at
K inyon ’ s
The clothes wringers at Rough
Brothers, lay them all in the shade’
Something new.
Look out for Piles o f new goods
at Barmore Bros, next week.
-. ,
Five hundred cans o f oysters sold
by J. Morris since Sept. lB t.
Look out For a large and com­
plete stock o f Lamps, soon, at
B armore B ros. •
Displays the finest stock o f Youths5, Boys5and
•Children5s Clothing in the county.
Youths’ Suits,
Boys’ Suits,
Youths’ Overcoats,
Boys’ -Overcoats, .
B o js ’ Pants,
Youths’ Pants,
Children’s Suits and Overcoats, K ilt Suits,
Headquarters for Paints and
Oils at Rough Bros’ , hardware
The largest stock o f Glass Ware
in town at
B armore B ros’ . •
Call at this office i f you want to buy
one of the best lots on Front street.
Don’t come unless, you mean business.
The lot is for sale cheap for cash.
All kinds o f builders materials at
Rough Bros’ , hardware.
Our fall stock o f the celebrated
Sailer, Lewin Shoe just received at
Grange Store.
Acknowledged the
best shoe in the market, and at v e r y
low prices.
Farmers, do not neglect to keep your
buildings insured. W e are prepared
to make special rates on good farm
risks, on three or five years risks.
J ohn G. H olmes, Agt.
Piquet Suits,
Cloth Suits,
W orsted Suits,
Cheviot Suits,
Cassimere Suits.
and Glassware, at
B armore B ros'.
Y ou always get the best hot Pea­
nuts at
K inyon ’ s.
Come and pick out vour choice
o f Presidents, as we have a photo­
graph gallery o f them on Plates.
B armore B ros’ .
cheap, at
N oble H as been in the market
m anufactured b y
Fultons are having a big trade.
2 bars -soap for 5 cents, at
B armore B ros.
Onr stock of Yarn takes all the
ladies by storm.
Highs give the
T he L owest P rices in the W orld .
10 cents a yard buys Dress Goods
Highs .
Something new every day, at'
K inyon ’ s.
A n e w stock of Stationery, A1
bums and Blank Books, at W< aton'd
Drug store.
The Chicago Store beats all on low
Cigarette Hats, the most fashion­
able article of the age, at W eaver ’ s
The Largest Clothing House in Berrien County.
Teamsters, Lumbermen, Hunters
and others : I f you seo those R IV ­
E R BOOTS, at Wm, Powers, yon
will buy a pair.
Warranted water
proof. He also has a good stoek
of Youths, Boys’ and Men’s Boots
o f all kinds. Call and see them
before you buy.
§2.50 will buy the best Spring
Bed made. 140 springs. Call and
seo. E.'A . S mith, Main St.
Milk pans, jugs and jars, o f all
sizes, at
B armore B ros ’ .
The Cheap Chicago Store. See
the goods.
When visiting Niles, if you have
any old jewelry, take it to J. Crock­
er Brown, one door east o f the Cit­
izens’ National Bank, with W . G.
Blish, and have it worked over into
Highs’ Comfort Prints and Bat­
ting sell very fast.
. A large etock o f goods this week
F ulton’ s.
Look at K inyon’s 15e Brooms.
Felc and Straw Hats shaped over
any shape, at
A . Conant’ s.
T h e Greenbackers o f this district
B e r r ie n S pr in g s n ow has three
l.ctt-ls. . T he effect o f that narrowgauge railroad.
colored chromo lust now.
any painter can make.
T h e Michigan Central Company has
been getting on hand timbers for a
new bridge at the crossing between
this place and Dayton, to he put in
place in a short time. They are also
putting in new rails along tlieBnchanan section.
K ecord: ' Buchanan,
F ultons have the best Cashmere
in the city.
Get your Oysters at
K inyon ’ s.
The Orr Overall.
The best and
most popular brand in America.
For sale only at the
’ G range S tore.
received daily,
M orris ’ .
L alies ’ N ew C loaks at Fulton’s.
Our trade is still increasing on
the Big Bug Cigar.
B armore B ros.
A lot with a good frame house, situ­
ated in a pleasant part of this place,
can be bought at a bargain by apply­
ing at this office. Terms very easy
and price exceedingly low.
H«t a Beverage.
“They are not a beverage, but a med­
icine, with curative properties of the
highest degree, containing on poor
whisky or poisonous drugs. They do
not tear dovm an already debilitated
system, but build it up. One bottle
contains more bops, that is, more real
hop strength, than a barrel of ordinary
beer. Every druggist in Rochester
sells them, and the physicians pre­
scribe them,” — Evening Express on
Hop Bitters.
T r e m p e l e a u , Wis., May 1,1880.
I am taking Kidney-Wort and find it
to be all that it is recommended.
R e v . N. Cook.
E or the reason an
■article is advertised and kept before
the public, we should not discredit its
worth, but rather hasten to inquire
into, find out and put to proof the mer­
its claimed for the goods so recom­
mended. This is just what we ask of
the sufferers from either Rheumatism
or Piles^-a faithful and unbiased trial
o f Dr. Bosanko’s Rheumatic Cure and
Pile Remedy. The verdict is always
in their favor.
d v e r t is e d . —
The time has been when diseases of
the Kidneys were considered serious
affections, but fortunately all fear o f
any fatal results from these troubles
are now dispelled by the certainty
with which D a y ’ s K id n e y P a d al­
ways acts.
Displays the finest stock o f Furnishing Goods
in the West.
Linen Collars &Cuffs,
Silk Handkerchiefs,
Cam paign K eck Ties,
Silk Suspenders,
Castor Gloves,
Fine Jewelry.
French Underwear,
Percale Shirts,
Card igan Jacke ts,
Overalls and Waists,
Fine Half Hose,
Stetson Hats,
Clothing House,
-A T -
‘BUCM'&JmJV', M IC H .
A g o o d fruit farm of 160 acres near
tlie Lake Shore, in the St. Joseph Buchanan Prices
fruit region, can be bought at this
Correctedevery Wednesday These figuresrepreoffice for $15 per acre. cash. There is sent the prices paid by dealers, unless otherwise
a good orchard o f apple and peach •perilled.
trees, a good bank barn and fair bouse Wheat, per bushel______________.....___
white, per barrel, selling._______
5 OO
on the place. A bargain for any one Flour,
Flour, red, per barrel, selling________ __
5 00
who wants to make fruit-raising a Clover Seed, per bushel__ .....................
4 SO
Timothy Seed, per bushel......................150
Com, per lrashel______________________
Tlie Voltaic B ell Co., MarsliftU, MicU. Oats, per bushel---------------------------Bran, pertou, selling......................... .......
10 00
W ill send their celebrated Eleetro- Pork, live, per hundred......._................
5 00
Y oltaic Belts to the afflicted upon 30 Pork, dressed, per hundred......................
days trial. Speedy cures guaranteed. Com Meal, bolted, per hundred, selling..
I 50
They mean what they say. W rite to Plaster, per barrel, selling----------------- ...
I 75
Hay, tame, per ton...............____.....___ 0 008 OO®
them without delay.
llav , marsh, per ton..____ _______ ______ 4 00@5 00
Salt, Hue, per barrel, selling.....................
I 25
Mow is tlie Time.
Salt, coarse, per barrel, s e l l i n g . . . . . . . . . . 1 35
Don't wait until you are nearly dead Beans, per bushel....................................... 1 25@1 50
and bed-ridden. Don’t wait until you W ood, IS inch, per c o r d ............................l 25@1 50
ood, 4 feet, per cord________ __________
3 00
have found, to your sorrow, that min­ W
Butter, per pound........................
eral poisons and alcoholic stimulants, Eggs, per d ozen -.__________
Lard, per pound..................— .................
bitters, etc., will only agravate diseas­ Tallow,
per pound— .— __5@6
es of the blood, kidneys and liver. Honey-, per pound____________________________ 121/*
But now, before another day passes, Green Apples, per bushel______ ...........
Chickens, per pound— — .— ..— — .___
make haste to procure and use Dr. Brick,
per thousand, selling.....................
7 00
Guysott's Y ellow Dock and Sarsapa­ Hides, green, per pound— — ____ .....__
dry, per pound............— __ ..—
rilla. It never fails to cure all blood Hides,
Pelts — T......................................
and skin diseases, all liver complaints Mackerel, N o 1, per pound, selling— ...
W hite Fish,per pound, selling.____ ___
and urinary troubles.
For Tliirly Tears.
Eor thirty Years Wistars Balsam o f MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD.
W ild Cherry has been kept fo r sale by
MAiA’ m s e c
druggists generally, and in all that
time there has not been a single com­
Time Table—S a y 9. 1880.
plaint made, but on the contrary the
druggists and the people acknowledge
it to be the best remedy for tlie cure Chicago______ Lv. 7 00 A. M.
3 40 P .M . 910 P.M .
o f Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Bron­ Kensington......... 7 50
4 30
chitis, Asthma, and all Lung Diseases. Lake.................... 835
Michigan City...... 9 25
An Old la d y ’ s Gratitnde.
New Bnffalo........ 950
Oaks*........ 10 03
A lady 70 years of age expressed Three
7 06
12 30 A M
Bnchanan ........... 1030
great gratitude for the benefit she has Niles—................. 1045
derived from Warner’s Safe Bitters, Decatur...............
8 33
and declares her belief that tlie reme­ Lawtoo............ 1157
dy is a certain specific for dyspepsia.
On e o f th e finest homes, a lo t o f fif­
teen acres w ith good buildings, sin ex­
cellent well, good orchard, and in one
o f the m ost pleasant situations in Ber-
this office,
mean busi:
Better Times.
The business revival and new era o f
prosperity which lias commenced are
in keeping with tlie increased health
and happiness all over the land result­
ing from tlie general introduction o f
Warner’s Safe Kidney Liver Cure.
“ The changes wrought by this remedy,” says Rev. Dr. Harvey, “seems but
little less that miraculous.”
Galesburg........... 12 53
Battle Crook........ 128
Marshall............. 22$
A lbion................ 252
Jackson...........Ly 346
Grass Lake.—...... 410
Cholsee............... 440
Dexter._________ 6 00
Ann Arbor............ 5 22
YpsilantL.r...... .
6 38
Wayne Junction.. 6 C2
G.T. Junction.*... 635
Detroit............ At 650
3 46
715 A. M. 6 00
7 38
5 60
8 02
8 16
6 25
8 40
8 00
•Mall'; Accom. JBrentnE L ocal
Express. fo e s
Detroit... ......L t . 700 am 655 pm 810 p m 4 00a
G.X.JnnCtIon..~. 716
6 42
Wayne Junction ■7 61
8 55
Y jsilanti........... 8 20
5 05
Ann Arbor........ 8 40
7 35
Dexter...... ....
9 04
9 54
ChelBoa.............. 922
Grass Lake........ 9 50
8 35
J&ckfion............. 10 20
9 00
Albion______.... 11 01
Marshall---------- 11 60pm
12 03 am 809
Battle Creek*.... 1219
8 37
Ga!eehnrg.~....... 12 63
KaUmazoo....... 113
450 am 115
Lawton ............. 162
10 05
Decatur ........... ! 5 07
32 3
6 07
Dowagiac.......... 2 2 9
Niles_______..... 266
Bochanan......... 308
Three Oaks........ 338
New Buffalo......' 3 53
7 40
8 08
Michigan City... 4 23
8 64
4 52
0 46
6 40
K e n s i n g t o n . 6 00
Chicago....... ~Ar 650
10 35
Ostrar C. WxKrwo&TB Q»
Y ou will always find a
good supply of leading
Patent Medicines, Drugs,
Dye Stuffs, Stationery,
Cutlery, Trusses, and the
most extensive assortment
of Eine Perfumery, Toilet
Soaps and general liue of
Druggists Sundries in town
as well as fine Cigars and
y .A ., OhicagT.
S B. Lkoyakd, Gtn. Manager»Detroit.
C A B D .
To all-who are suffering from the errors and in­
discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de­
cay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a recipe that
will euro you FREE OF CHARGE. This great
remedy was discovered by a missionary in South
America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the
REV. JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, New York
Tremont BnUdhig,
B U C H A N A N , M IC H IG A N .
When e’er yon wish an easy shave,
As good as a Barber ever gave,
Just ca ll on m e a tm y saloon,
A tm o m o r eve, o r busy n o on .
My shop is neat, m y towels clean,
M y Razors sharp and Scissors keen
And all m y art and skiU can do.
If you’ll ju st callP lF do for you.
‘ Remember, a sharp razor and aligh t hand
take the cake.
Respectfully you rs,
E x t r a copies o f tlie R ecord m ay
always b e fou n d at th e new s depot in
tlie p ost office room .
■ m M Mid MORPHINE hiMt » i»-
and poker-players ■wonld do
well to avoid packs of green cards. A
yotmg Glasgow physician has recently
discovered the presence o f both arsenic
and Schweinfurt green in the coloring
of "greenback” cards. Moist hands,
dealing such packs for several hours at
a time, can easily cause toxical acci­
T he Bank o f England has n o end of
valuables committed to its keeping.
The vaults of its establishment hold
moMering chests, deposited there for
safety’s sake, and apparently forgotten
by their-owners. In 1S78 one fell to
pieces from sheer rottenness, exposing
to sight a
a bundle i
proved to be a collection of love letters
o f the period o f the restoration, whieh
toe Directors were enabled to restore
to toe lineal descendant o f toe original
How s p i d e r s live under water is
tons explained: The creature goes to
toe surface o f toe water and moves all
its legs busily, just as if it were trying
to crawl out of toe water. Suddenly it
gives a sharp jerk or kick, and dives
beneath toe surface. It then looks ex­
actly as if it were surrounded by a case
of polished silver, owing to a bubble of
air which it has inclosed beneath its
long hind legs. Besides this there are
a number o f smaller bubbles which
cling to toe other legs, and which can
be added to toe principal bubble when
needed. This supply o f air is sufficient
to last toe spider for a considerable
I s toe erection o f the Pyramids of
Egypt toe immense stones used were
obtained from toe quarries in the Ara­
bian hills, and were carried over toe
river by a bridge o f boats. They were
then brought by means of a causeway,
which o f itself it took ten years to con­
struct, and which is said to have been
a fine work, with its polished, stones
and figures o f animals engraved on
them. One hundred thousand men
were employed at a time, and these
were relieved b y toe same number at
toe end o f three months. A long time
was spent in leveling off the rocks on
which toe edifice stands, and twenty
years for toe edifice itself. The stones
were raised, step by step, b y means of
a machine made o f short pieces of
wood, and, last of all, commencing
from the top, toe stones were cemented
together b y layers of cement-not thick­
er than a Strip of paper, toe strength of
which is improved b y the age of these
enormous "materials.
E ach of our features is supposed to
have a language—eyes,nose andmouto.
But the language of hair has been
formulated in toe following manner:
Straight, lank, stringy-looking hair in­
dicates weakness and cowardice. Guriy
hair denotes quick temper. Frizzy hair,
set on one’s head as if each indi­
vidual hair were ready to fight its
neighbor, denotes coarseness. Black
hair indicates persistent resolution in
accomplishing an object, also a strong
predisposition to avenge wrongs and
insult—real or fancied. Brown hair
denotes fondness for life, a friendly
disposition, ambition, earnestness of
purpose, capacity for business, relia­
bility in friendship, in proportion as toe
hair is fine. "Very fine hair indicates
an even disposition, a readiness to for­
give, with a desire to add to toe happi­
ness o f others. Persons with fine lightbrown or auburn hair, inclined to curl
or friz, are quick-tempered, and are
given to resentment and revenge.
Light-brown hair, inclined to redness,
with a freckled skin, is a certain indi­
cation o f deceit, treachery and a dispo­
sition to do something mean by a friend
who can no longer be used to advantage.
"We give the information as we find it,
and it is about as true as such things
generally are.
W h is t
Gate Him His Answer.
It was a sad thing for Lettie Davis
when she put out her washing on toe
clothes-line o f her South Fifth avenue,
abode. Peterson Knapp was there on toe
watch, and it is alleged carried off toe
raiment, part and parcel. At all events,
a policeman arrested him for the of­
fense, and he went to the Police Court
prepared to maintain his innocence by
counsel- Lettie was there, too, and, in
spite of numerous trying interruptions
from the counsel, she got down to the
point in her narrative where she dis­
covered Peterson, longingly eying the
clothes as she hung them out.
“Dat brack niggah," she said, ungently apostrophizing toe prisoner; “he
stood dab wif an ole d a y pipe shoved
whar It ’ud d o toe moas good, and he
puffin’ as if he’d like to split. But de
way he looked at dem clothes was qnite
’miff to show enny reason’ble oomans dat
dey wasn’t safe.”
“ Gome, witness,” quoth counsel, sar­
castically, “ tell ns just what kind o f a
look tost is.”
“ Oh, you get out,” was toe snappish
" I insist on that question; how did.
toe prisoner look to convey toe impres­
sion toe clothes were in danger?”
"Witness was ready with another tart
reply, bnt his Honor said:
“ Gome, youm ust answer; how did he
The witness seemed puzzled.
“ D id he look,” asked his Honor,
glancing around for a smile, “ did he
look like—like counsel, for instance?”
“ Oh, ’deed, no, sah,” replied the wit­
ness. “I f he looked de least b it like
dat gemman dere wouldn’t been no
robbery at alL*
“Ah,” said the flattered counselor,
“how’s that?”
“Pd made udder arrangements.”
“Indeed,” he continued, smiling,
“ what might they have been?”
“ Why, if_he looked at all like yon
does, I wouldn’t have dat’d to hang dem
clothes out at all.”
There were no interruptions from
that time on.—Nieto Y ork H erald.
Trousers F irst W orn in England.
I t is generally known to all middleaged men, b y “ tradition,” that breeches
began to give place to trousers during
toe first decade of toe present century,
but it is generally known that trousers
were actually worn by London exquis­
ites in toe latter years of the last centu­
ry. “It will be observed,” says a writer
in “ Ariiss* Pocket Magazine of Classic
and Polite Literature,” new series, vol­
ume 8, 1S25, “ from the following de­
scription o f a dandy published in 1791,
that trousers were then in fashion, and
were considered as a ridiculous article
o f dress: ‘Advertisement Extraordi­
nary!—Lost, last Saturday night, sup­
posed in the lobby o f toe new
theater, an overgrown baby, who
arrived bnt two
days ago in
town, from toe country. H e had on a
light-colored coat, with cape hanging
carelessly over his shoulders; a pair of
his father’s breeches, which reached
down to his ankles; and an old pair of
his grandmamma’s spectacles, which he
converted into an opera-glass. He had
on his sister’s high-crowned hat, and
Ins hair cat so short tost yon might ob­
serve his bare poll. Laughs a great
deal; act swear a few fashionable oaths,
bnt does n ot know how to write his
name. Answers to toe name of Master
Jacskey. As he had only sixpence a
week pocket-money, i t is feared he is
detained in some cake-shop for his reck­
oning; i f so, all demands shall be care­
f u l l y paid i f h e is restored to his dis­
consolate parents.’ ” Burlesque adver­
tisements, such as toe foregoing, were
not common in old magazines.
TV ild A n im a ls i n A f r i c a .
Although the gradual spread Of toe
population toward the interior o f Africa
is driving toe wild animals further and
farther inland, and though they are
consequently difficult to reach in the
more inaccessible haunts to which they
have retreated, yet toe larger wild ani­
mals have, with one or two exceptions,
scarcely suffered any diminution from
the advancing tide o f civilization. Os­
triches have suffered, perhaps, the most,
but only to exchange a wild for a do­
mesticated state. Elephants are fre­
quently seen within a short distance of
southern and southeastern coasts. Hip­
popotami are abundant. Even toe
larger beasts o f prey are by no means
uncommon, and tigers are especially
depredators. I f the reports of diamond
diggers in the Northwest are to be be­
lieved, a new animal has lately made its
appearance as a candidate for toe honor
of being chased by an enterprising
sportsman. It is called by toe oushmen,
or natives, the “ bear lion,” and is d e -,
scribed as being abont the size o f a
lion, but far stronger in make, and with
a tremendous head and neck. Its legs
are much shorter than a lion’s, but much
stouter, and it is apparently far more
powerful. Its color is a dark yellow,
with black spots. It runs or creeps
along toe ground, but does not bound
like a lion. It has sometimes been seen
accompanied by a smaller one—probably
a cub—so that the race is apparently
not yet qnite extinct, whatever the ani­
mal may be.
S E N T A U li
A proper conclusion for the marriage
ceremony in many o f our fashionable
“ society” weddings would be, “ what
oommercial interests have joined to­
gether le t n ot ill-tem per p at asunder 1”
R e co r d :
Kh im K I
P I T C H E R ’ S C A S T O R T A is n o t
N a r c o tic .
C h ild r e n g r o w fa t
u p o n , M o th e r s lik e , a n d P h y s i­
cia n s r e c o m m e n d C A S T O R T A .
I t r e g u la te s t h e B o w e ls , c u r e s
"W ind C o lie , a lla y s F e v e rish n e s s,
a n d d e s tr o y s "W orm s.
ASK Il.o tveowrt d
> i:V
Victim s o f
KrVtT aiJt? A ”iit\ the
Mt-JViiriui lM>ea>o&
how they reUcalrtuehper*
^ t.jl
ami Good
they wilt
ifii j * « hy taking
S im m o n s L i v e r R e g u l a t o r
Vi i DY>i»EFM.\w t'O N sT IlW T IoN * JaniuliM,
U r a i >u
IJtica Steam Gauge.
1 Engines, Threshing Machines,
W ood Sawing Machines, Horse
Powers, Mowing, Reaping and
other Machines repaired.
Cider M ill Screws, Saw Arbors,
&c.. &c., made to order.
Shafting, Pulleys,
Couplings and mill supplies fur­
nished on short notice.
Shop on Chicago street, near
mill 1 R C 6 .
Snnnmn«iLiv<tr Regulator.
I t N c 'v n with salt :y ar.d :hv happiest results to ,
;!*»» i .u- j o
irdiu* It u.kt s the place o f ,
;:Ud ‘ ‘i r i i e\» .> kitid. It is the cheap
:uid ’ »»•**; tauu'y iuou’ iu The world.
J . IT- Z E I L I X A' « O ..F h Ila «I«> li I lia . **«.
larroi Gance 11
W a r n e r ’ s Safe
R e m e d i e s are
so ld b yD rag gista
an d D ealers in
M edicine every­
R o c h e s t e r , I f .Y . |
GS^Send for Pamphlet
and Testimonials.
hotly Mop* whwi tiioy com e to the
«*ti\ 5tt-.fl! 5fct-jr product* and
Palace Meat Market.
O . S. T O U R J E .
Popular Monthly Mnuthlv Drawing o f the
Commor wealthBistributionCo
At MACATIJLKY’ S ' I I I E l l R E ,
Iu the City o f Louisville, on
S A T U R D A Y . OCT. 3 0 , 1 8 8 0 .
These Drawings, authorized by the Legislature
o f 1878, and sustained by all the courts o f Ken­
tucky, occur regularly on the L A ST DAY" OF
EVERY" M OXTH, Sundays and Fridays excepted,
lor the period o f F IV E YEA R S.
The United Stales Circuit Court on March 31 ren­
dered the following decisions:
1st—T hat the Commonwealth D istribution
Company is legal .
2d—I ts drawings are f a ir .
N. B .—This Company has n ow on hand a large
reserve fund. Read the list o f prizes lor the
Carnets* Carnets.
W e are now prepared to show the
new things in Carpets at the lowest
price. W ill you huv now or wait until
they go up? They will have to go up,
or wool must come down.
W e sell Spring Beds and Mattresses
cheaper than any one. _
^.Estimates made on furnishing
Hotels and Boarding Houses, &c.
(lin'THEBrSf^DMiT IGeo. W ym an & Co.,
lllniili If
IN D .
March 6,1830.
You W an t a F r s t-C la s s
1.960 Prizes.
$112 400
- W h o l e T ic k e t s $ 2 . P n l f T ic k e t s $1.
2 1 T ic k e ts , $ 5 0 .
5 5 T ic k e ts , $ 1 0 0
Remit bv money in letter, by bank draft or ex­
press, to K. M. BOARDMAN. Courier-Journal
Building, L ouisville, Kt ., or 3C7 and 3L9 Broad­
way, ^ ew' Y ork .
*For sinking spell^
fits, dizziness, polpit&>
tion and low spirits,
rely on Hop Bitters."
“ Read of, procure
and use Bop sitters,
and you willbe strong
healthy and fcappy.**^
“Ladies, do yon
want to be strong,
healthyand beautiful!
Then use Hop Bitters.
“ Sour stomach, side
headache and dizzi­
nessHop Bitters cures
with a few doses.”
“ Hop Bitters bonds
c fc e ? c o n t S ? u a llr
from the first dose.’1
“ Kidney and Uri­
nary complaints of all
k in d s permanently
curedby HopBittera.’ *
Hop Gough Cube is
the sweetest, safest
and befit ArikcMldren.
The Hop Pan for
Stomach, Liver and
D.L C. is an absolute
and irresistible cure
for drunkenness, use
of opium, tobacco and
d - M 'S o S M
Send fo r
Dr. I Clarence Price
ASm ei with u* precedeuted aueces* in the treat
mem ol all
Chronic Diseases
|----- A XT)-----
Bakery Goods!
i>UR B. il l ! « Mil
I? always wady so that wo can satisfy the appetite
© fall. F or only 21 ccuts yon can ? ct a meat good
enough for the Czar o f
C o r n s a i: d S e a U s ,
And be convinced lhat we have bnt
One Price to A ll Alike,
------- AXD-------
W c trust b y honorable, fair dealing to m erits
continnation'of yonr esteemed patronage.
Near Post-Office.
Great cbancc to make money. W e
need a person in every town to take
__ j subscriptions for tool argeet,cheap
family publication in the
csta n d best "illustrated
world. Anyone can becom e a successful agent. Six
elegant works o f art given free to subscribers. The
price is so low that almost everybody subscribes.
One agent reports taking 120 subscribers in a day.
A lady agent reports making S200 clear profit in ten
days. A ll who engage make money fast. Y on can
devote all yonr time to the business, or only yonr
spare time. Y on need not b e away from home
over night. Y on can do it as w ell as others. Full
directions and terms free. Elegant and expensive
outfit free. I f yon want profitable work send ns
yonr address at* once. I t costs nothing to try the
business. N o one who engages fails to make great
pay. Address G eorge S tinson & Co., Portland,
' 20yl
$ 5 0 0 Reward !
W E will "pay the above reward for any case of
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headacne, Indi­
gestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot
cure with West’s Vegetable Liver Pills, when the
directions are strictly'com plied with. They are
purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction.
Sugar coated. Large boxes, containing SOPills, 25
cents. F o rs a le b y a ll druggists. Beware of coun­
terfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured
only by JOHN C. W E S T & CO., “ The Pill Mak­
ers,” 181 & 183 W . Madison St., Chicago. Free trial
package sent by mail prepaid on receipt o f a 3 cent
Head, nerve*, kidney**, bladder, womb, and blood.
Affections o f the urinary organa, gravel, scrofula,
rheumatism, catarrh, asthma, bronchitis, dyspepsia,
Dr. Price's reputation has been acquired candid,
honest dealing aud years of successful practice.
My practice, not one o f experiment, but founded
on thclaw s of^ a n irc, with years ofexperieucc and
evidence to sustain it, d ocs not tear down, make
sick to make w ell; no harsh treatment, jift triflin
n o flattering. W e know the cause and the rem ei.
needed, no guess work, but knowledge gained but
years o f experience in the treatment o f Cbronicdis
eases exclusively; no encouragement, withott. a
prospect* Candid in our opinion, reasonable in
our charges, claim not to know everything, or to
cure everybody, but do claim to reason and common
sense. W e invite the sick, no matter what their
ailment, to call, investigate before they abandon
interrogation and decide for themselves.
I t will cost nothing, as consultation is free. Visits
made regularly.
Dr. Vr. Clarence Price can be consulted at Niles
Bond House, Saturday the 90th ofNov'Cjfthpf. An
Laporte, Ind., Myers House, on Saturday, the 23d
o f October, and on Saturday, the 18th o f December.
Patients will address all letters to Dr. V . Clarence
Price, Waukeenn, 111., with stamp.
O C Af 1 « W P R I C E ® a n d P A S T S K I ..
2 0 1 ' XIHTM B O O K - OF A L L KIN DSarefnl
ly rilprepented in onrn ew O l t I K P C O B B I S A T I O N P R O S P E * T P S B O O K , hy sample pa­
ges, bindings, illustrations, etc, A great, variety
and sure success for Canvassers. All actually wish­
ing EM PLOYMENT address for terms, Standard
P ub. Co., St . L ouis, M o.
All freights paid by ns.
The a cid B lood is the prim ary cause and
sustaining pow er o f Rheumatism. Where
there is A lkali there can be n o Rheumatism.
a chem ically prepared Alkaline, neutralizing
the acidity and rem oving chronic inflamma­
tion b y absorption. It is n ot claim ed that the
oure is a; panacea for a lon g catalogue o f dis­
eases, lik e m any others, hut fo r Rheumatism
and Lam e B ack ajona it is a sovereign rem e­
dy. Price 15 cents.
■D T T V C t
J r X J U J C i a ! REMEDY has been tried,
tested, and proved to be an infallible rem edy
Cor the cure o f ail kinds o f Piles. Price SO
cents. Fop sale b y W . A. SEVERSON, Buchan­
an, M ich.
O ld pap^rv for
at thip office
J t £ CY“J° SREcoRjf
A*c. Address or call on us:it our office.
P o s t . O f B c e , f-S o iT tli I l e n d , I n d .
I That Acts at toe Same Time on
and the KID N E Y S .
These great organs are the natural cleans­
ers o f the system. I f they work well, health
will be perfect: If they become clogged,
dreadful diseases are sure to follow with
Biliousness, Headache, Dyspepsia, Jaun­
d ice. Constipation and Piles, or S id ­
ney Complaints, Gravel, Diabetes,
Sediment in the Urine, Milky
o r Bopy B rin e; or Bheu*
- m atic Pains and Aches,
I are developed because the blood Is poisoned
with the humors that should have been
expelled naturally.
X 2Y
W © R X *1 ».
LOGUE No. 230. «@=AN AGENT
Bnr’ ^ r to * , Yt.
129 & 131 State St., Chicago, Illinois, U. S.\iL
M o r t g a g e S a le .
A discovery which cures In' the natural process,
A B S O R P T IO N ,
a ll d iseases of th e K id n e y s, B lad d er, U rinary
Organs an d N ervous S ystem , wl^en n o th in g
e lse ca n , i t is c o m fo rta b le to tlie p a tie n t, p o s ­
it iv e in its effects, an d t he first cu re f o r th ose
p a in fu l an d m u ch d rea d ed affections.
I * n a n d B r t r 1*1 ’ ?* I> *«•!»*.«», w h ile it cu res ot
G rav el, D r o p s y , Catarrh o f the B laddev, B rick dust, D ep osit, Painful U rin atin g, H igh C olor- |
©d Urine, N ervou s W eakn ess and P ain in the I Tue-liny, the 7th day of December, A. D ISS0,
B ack s e e m m o re lik e m irsielcs than ca ses o f I to s a tis iy th e am ou n t d u e o n sa id M ortgage,
natural h ealing.
tog e th e r w ith th e a ttorn ey 's fe e o f tw e m y D E L IC A T E F E M A L E S
fivc d o lla rs m en tion ed in sa id m o rtg a g e , and
o r v ic t im s o f w a s te d o r p ros tra ted en erg ies, o th e r c o s ts o f loreclosu re.
cau sed b y irreg u la r h a b its, th e abuse o f natu re
W IL L IA M C. WATSON', M ortg ag ee.
an d m en ta l o r p h y s ic a l o v e r -e x e rtio n , find
B uchanan , Sept. 0,1880.
th eir g rea test re lie t in th e use o f D A Y ’ S K ID ­
D . E . HIXM AN, A tty . lo r M ortgagee.
N E Y P A D , w h ich stren gth en s an d in v ig ora tes
th e in v a lid a n d restores the v ig o r o f health.
F irst p u b lica tion , S ept. -3, 'SSL
\ve sa y p o s itiv e ly an d w ith o u t fea r o f con tra ­
d ic tio n , th at D A Y 'S KIDNEY P A D is th e o n ly
C h '-u ice ry S a le .
certa in an d p erm a n en t cu re f o r e v e r y fo rm ot "V O T IC E Is h e r e b y given, that b y virtue o f a
this p re v a le n t an d d istressin g com p la in t.
_L\ d ecree m a d e in tlie c irc u it c o u r t fo r the
... YOU N G M EN. . , „ ,
c o u n ty o f B errien , in ch a n ce ry , w h erein W in ­
suffering t fo m n erv o u s an d p h y sica l d e b ility , field S. M illard is c o m p la in a n t and A n k e r M.
lo s s o f m e m o r y , o r v ita lity im p aired b y the B ra tt an d J a m es D . lim it are defendants,
e rro rs o f y ou th o r t o o c lo s e a p p lica tio n to w h ich d e cre e b ea rs d ate tlie 22d d a y o f M arch,
bu siness o r w o r k , m a y b e r e sto r e d a n d m a n ­ A. D. IsSti, I shall sell a t p n b lie au ction t o the
h o o d r eg a in ed .
h ig h est bid d er, at the fron t d o o r o t the co u rt
A v o id a ll k id n e y m ed icin e s w h ich a re taken hou se, in the v illage o f Uevrien Sprin gs, in
in to tlie system b y w a y o f th e s to m a c h ; i t is said cou n ty o f B errien, at tw elve o 'c lo c k n o o n
an o ld trea tm en t w e ll trie d an d p r o v e n ineffi­ on
cien t, though som etim es effectin g ap p aren t
cu res o f o n e c o m p la in t th ey s o w the seed s ot Monday, the 8th day of .Vo-.cmb r, A. P. JSSO,
m o r e trou b lesom e and p erm a n en t d isord ers. the follo w in g d escribed real estate, to w it :
T h e p r ic e o f o u r P A D b r in g s i t w ith in th e T h e north o n e -b a lf o f lo t n u m b er th ree (3) and
re a c h o f all, a u d it w ill an n u ally save m an y th e south h a lf o f lo t n u m b er tw o (2) in b lo c k
tim es its c o s t in d o cto r s b ills, m e d ic in e s and n u m b er three (3) in J o b B roo k fie ld 's a d d itio n
p lasters, w h ic h a t b e st give b u t t e m p o r a r y re
to tlie c ity o f N iles, in the c m m ty .o f B errien
lie f. I t c a n b e u sed w ith ou t fea r o r h a rm , an d and State o f M ichigan.
w ith c e rta in ty o f a p erm a n en t cu re. F o r s a le
b y d ru ggists g en era l]}’, o r s e n t b y m a il (free
C ircu it C o m l C om m ission er,
o f p osta g e) on r e ce ip t o f th e p rice. R eg u lar
fo r B errien C ou n ty ,M ich ig a n .
P a d , $2.00. C h ild 's P ad •fo r in c o n tin e n c e o f
u rin e in ch ild ren ). $1 SO; S p ecia l (e x tra s iz e ',
S o licito r fo r C om plain ant.
$3.00. Our b o o k , “ H o w a L ife w as Sa\ed, ’ giv­
Dated S ep tem ber 20, isso.
in g j) h is to r y o f th is n e w d iscov ery a n d a la r g e
L a st p u b lica tion , N ov. 4 , 1SS0,
r e co r d o f m o s t rem a rk a b le c u ie s sep t free.
W rite fo r it . A d d re ss, B A X H I I lft 'K Y I*Ai6
CO , T o l e d o , O .
M o r tg a g e b ale.
O w in g to th e m a n y w orth le ss
w n U I l U l l i K id n ey R ads n o w Seeking a sale
o p o p r rep u ta tion , w o d eem it d u e the afflicted
EFAULT having keen mafic in the condition
to w a rn th em . A s k fo r B A
i X ’ S H ID W E Y D
jl, o f a cei tain Indenture o f mortgage mafic and
P A B , an d ta k e n o oth er.
executed by James Cummings and Fauny Cum­
mings, his wife, o f the township o f New Buffalo,
Berrien County mid State or Michigan, toBbenczer
McGee, o f Three Oaks, in said County aud Stitio.
“ T P B K ft
which said Mortgage bears date the soeoud day of
November. A. D. 1877, to secure the payment ot
three hundred dollars, as mentioned aud specified
in said mortgage, which said mortgage was duly
recorded in the office o f the Register o f Deeds in
aud lor said county o f Berrien and State o f M ichi­
gan, .ou the 2d day o f November, A .D . 1877, at 3
o’clock P. M. iu liber twenty o f Mori gages, on
page 39fi, as appears by tlie record thereof; aud
whereas, there is claimed to be due and owing
upon said mortgage and the notes accompanying
the same the sum o f two hundred and sixty-twit
dollars and fifty cents at the date o f this notice fur
principal aud interest, and pfl suit at law or pro­
ceeding iu equity having been commenced to re­
cover the whole, or auy part o f the sum now due
and owiug upon said notes and mortgage, notice
is hereby given, that in pursuance o f a power o f
sale in said mortgage contained the premises set
---- TOR —
forth aud described in said mortgage, will b e sold
Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bron­ at
public auctlou to thebighesi bidder, at the front
door o f the Court House, in the village o f Berrien
chitis, Asthma, Consumption,
in said comity, on
A n d A ll D isea ses o f T H K O Y T an d L U A G 9 .
Pat up la Quart-Size Bo. tied for Family Use.
ScIenttfieJIy prepared of Balsam Tolu, Cryptilllred
Book Candy, Old Rye, and other tonics. The Formula
is known to our Lest physicians, is highly oominende.l
by them, and the analysis of our most prominent
chemist. Prof. G A, MARLNKIt, in Cuicago, ia on the
label of every buttle. It ie wolt known tt the medical
profession that TOLU ROCK, and R.YE will afford the
greatest relief for Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis,
Sore Throat, Weak Lungs, also Consumption, in the inolpieht and advanced stores.
Used as a BEVERAGE and APPETIZER, it mak^s &
delightful tonic for family use. Is pleasant to take; if
weak or deMlitated, it gives tone, activity and strength
-• *human frrme.
the whole
\ jJ \ .
JL I v / l i • by unprincipled deal­
sal- \
ers who try to^mlmoff upon yon Rock and Ryei in I
place of oj|r TOLU BOCK AN D R\TK, whichiLs g
AV- /
made fAegonuine
ily me
.. „ _
ie ./
tag a GOVERNMENT STAMP on each M Kt a
L A .W K E X C E «fc M A R T I .N , P r e p t ie t o r .,
I l l M a d U o n S tre e t, C hlcagc.
tST" A s k y o u r D ru g gist fo r I t!
^ T A s k y o u r G r o c e r fo r It!
P T A t k y o u r 'W in e M e rc h a n t fa r I t !
| lf" Children, ante y o u r M am in a fo r I t!
|9 *Sold b y D R U G G I S T S , G R O C E R S oud
W I N E M E R C H A N T S e v e ry w h e re .
E state o f C harles S o e , peeeased.
- First publication, 7th. October, 1880.
TATE OF MICHIGAN, County o f Berrien.—ss.
Probate Court for said County. A t a session o f
the Probate Court for said County, held at the Pro­
bate Office, in the village o f Berrien Springs, on
Monday, the 4th day o f October, in the year o f our
Lord one thousand eight hundred nnd eighty.
Present, Alexander B. L eeds , J udge o f Probate.
In the matter Qf the estqte q f Charles Boo, de­
Mary Boe, administratrix o f said estate, conies
into Court nnd represents that .she is now pre­
pared to render hqr final account as such Admin­
Thereupon it Is ordered, that Wednesday, the 3d
day of November next at ten o ’clock in the forenoon,
he assigned tor examining and allowing such ac­
count, and that the heirs at law o f said deceased,
and all other persons interested in said estate, are
required to appear at a session o f said Court, then
to be holden at the Prohate office In the village of
Berrien Springs, in said county, and show cause, il
any there b e , why the said account should not b e
allowed: And it is further ordered, that said
Administratrix give notice Jo the persons interested
In said estate, or tho pendency ot said aoconnt, and
the hearing thereof, by causing a copy o f this ordor
to be published in the Berrien County Record, a
newspaper printed and circulating in said county,
three successive weeks previous to said day ol
[L S.J
(A trite copy.)
Jndge o f Probate.,
Last Dublieation 28th October, 1880.
a week in your own town. 88 Outfit free,
Bender, it yon want a business
$ 66|"o, risk,
Best in t|e World!
H E su m o f o n e thousand fo u r hu n d red thirt y -io n r d ollars an d eigbty-five ce n ts is
c la im e d to b e due at the date o f tills n o tie e .o n
a m o rtg a g e m ad e b y W illiam M . D e w in g and
M ary E . D eW ing, h is w ife , l o W illiam C. W at­
Absolutely and Chemically Pure.
so n , d ated M ay fitli, 1S75, an d re co r d e d M ay
twenty-first, 1875, in L iber fifteen o f m ortgages,
on pn’g e 104, in the office <«f the R egister o f
D eed s o f B errien C ounty. M ichigan. P ursu­ •‘A R M A N D H A M M E R '’ B R A N D .
an t th erefore to tlie p ow er o f sa le in said
m ortg a g e c on ta in ed , th e p re m ise s th erein de­
scrib e d , lo -w il: L o t tw o, b lo ck “ C,” R oss' ad ­
d ition to tlie v illa g e o f B uchanan, ill B errien
c o u n ty a foresa id , w ill b e so ld a t p n b lie au c­
P R K 5 IIU 3 I
tion at tlie fr o n t d o o r o f the C ourt H ou se, in
th e v illa g e o f B errien S prings, In said eou n ty
at o n e o 'c lo c k in the a ftern oon on
-A N D -
Which is the same thing.
Impure saleratus* or Bi-Oarb. Soda, w h ich is the
same tiling) is o f a slightly dirty while color. It
m ar appear white, examined bv itself, but a COM­
IIAMMEIC’ BRAND will show the diflbr^‘uc^,.
See that vourSalcratnsand Baking Soda is white
and PURE*, as should be ALL SIM ILA R SUB­
STANCES used for food.
Housekeepers who prefer bread made with yeast,
will improve its quality, make it rise better and
prevent it from souring, by adding one-lmirtenspooiiful o f Clmrch & Co's Soda or Solcratn*. Be
s>ure and not use loo much. The use o f ibis with
sour milk, 1n preference to Baking Powder, wives
twenty times its cost.
See one pound package for valuable information
and read carefully.
IN T H E M A R K E T .
5 I I € e .,
S37“ Do not lail to Bee them before buying.
J. J. BOE. Gen. Agent.
j . ■ a -"t.r.d.
For tlie Illustrated L ife
and Adventures of
Prank & Jesse James,
the noted rtt Ouffa-os, whose career o f bold
and reckless dariujr tor 18 years is without parallel
In history. For so lon g * period baffling the officers
o f ik<*law and the shrewdest detective force iu
America, with a reward o f §75,000 for their appre­
hension. dead nr al!ve,*$md still nt large, they are
the wonder o f our civilization. H on. J . A. D acus
o f the St. Louis Press, and ex-member oi the Misspun Legislature in two years o f hard labor procur­
ed the facts and prepared a book more thH ling than
romance but r>1ial1e and authentic in every detail.
Tho demand for it is wnnevse. Agents sell SCO to
E state o f E unice R ose. D eceased.
in a county. For terms and lull description
First publication, 30th September, 1SS0.
write to
TATE OF MICHIGAN, County o f Berrien, Sv.
N . D. THOMPSON & C 0 „ Pens.,
A t a session o f the Probate Court, for said Coun­
St. Louis, Mo.
ty, held at the Probate office, iu the village o f Ber­
rien Springs, on Monday, the 20th day o f Septem­
ber, in the year one thousand eight hundred aud
Prosouf, A lexahtouiB. L e e d s , Judge o f Probate.
In tbs matter o f the estate or Eunice Rose,
‘ On roadingaudfilingthc petition, duly verified, ol
Francois H . Berrick, a creditor o f sain deceased,
praying that administation o f said estate may lie
granted to David E . Hinmau, or some other suita­
ble person.
Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the is B X F A R tlie best Business and Social Guid
25tli day oi October next, at ton o’ clock in apd Hand Book ever published. Much the latest.
the forenoon, he assigned for the hearing ofsaid It tells both sexes eomplercly H O W T o I >0 E Y petition, anfl that the heirs at law Qf said t JR r i H I M i in the best way. How to b o Yonr
deceased, aiid all other persons interested in said Own Lawyer, How to do Business Correctly and
estate,- are required to 'appear at- a sossjon or said successinlly, How to A ct in Society’ and inevery
court, then to h<r .holden In the Probate office, in part o f life, and contains tt gold mine o f varied In­
the village o f Berrien Springs, ana show' cause, i f formation indispensable to nil classes for constant
any there be, why he prayer pf the petitioner should reference. A G E N T S W A N T E D for nil or
not bo granted: A nd it is further ordered, that spare time. To know why this book o f R E A L value
said petitioner give notice to tho persons interested aud attractions sells better than any other, apply
in said estate, o f the pendency o f said petition, and for terms to DOUGLASS BROS., 55 YYest 5th St.,
the hearing thereof, by causing a copy o f this order Cikcinnati, 0 .
to he published in the Berrien County Record, a
newspaper printed and circulated in said county,
three successive weeks previous to said day o f G e l M « j o r B n n « iy * s ‘ L i t e o f G a r f i e l d ,55
[L .S .]
m tt p
_ ■ ^ '
Judge ofProhato,
G u ide to S u cce ss
I.qsf publication, 21st August, 1880,
The Tow-Boy, the Scholar, the Cit­
business now before the public. You
I can make .money foster at work for
izen-Soldier, the Statesman.
'b v
I us than at anything else. Capital not
required. We will start yon. $12 a day and up- His personal friend, recently his guest at Mentor,
wardS made at home by tne indnstribns. Men, wo­ and with every facility given him b y Gen. Gm-ficld
men, boys and girlswanted everywhere to work for and his most intimate friend% for compiling the
ns. Now Is the tim e.. Yon can devote your whole most readable and authentic life. “ Major B im dyX
time to the work, or only yonr spare moments. No Lifo o f General Garfield,5' says the Jv. V. t'omxnerother business will pay yon nearly as well. No one dal Advertiser, “ is the best one that has vet appear­
willing to work man fall to mako enormous pay by ed, and will undoubtedly be the best that will be
engaging at once, Costly Outfit and terms free. A published." Price, paper, 50 cts.; cloth,'$1.00.
great opportunity formakingmoney easily and hon­
A . S. BARNES & CO., Publishers,
orably. AddreBsTRDZ'&'Co.jAugnata, Me. 20y
111 &113 William StMN. Y.
Carrying Pistols in Arkansas.
A man was arraigned in Little Bock
on a charge o f carrying a revolver.
“ Haven’t you got better sense than to
carry a pistol like this?” asked the
Judge, holding up a pepper-box pistol.
“ Tes, sir.”
“ Don’t you know that the law says
yon shall he fined $25?”
“ Tes, sir ; hut I didn’t know it was
any harm to carry such a pistol.”
“ But it is, sir. A ny man that would
carry such a pistol ought to go to the
penitentiary for lifo.
Suppose you
were to get into a fight, having such a
pistol. "While yon were trying to shoot
the other fellow would run away. Tou
may go this time, but if I ever hear of
yon carrying such a worthless pistol
again I ’ll get up a petition to ilie Gov­
ernor and have yon hung. No wonder
we are slandered at the North when
such trifling men as you are carrying
pistols that could only hurt a man by
lying on his stomach and refusing to di­
Brown Paper Against the Cold.
The “ old woman’s” remedy for a
“ cold on the chest,” a sore throat, or a
bruise, which consisted in an applica­
tion of brown paper steeped in beer or
vinegar, owed its efficacy to the heatretaining properties of the paper. A
wet pad of this material, as far as the
surface next to the skin was concerned,
acted almost as well as a layer of wet
linen rag protected with a thick cover­
ing of flanneL In short,.stout paper of
the commonest sort is an effective non­
conductor, and m aybe advantageously
employed as covering for beds or to eke
out scanty clothing. A piece of thick
paper inserted between toe lining and
the cloth of a waistcoat or in the back
of a thin coat will render it warm as
well as light. The suggestion is a
small one, "but it is simple to carry into
effect, and will be found effective.
A Good Letter.
The best of all letters is that which
conveys toe most information in the
fewest possible words. A lack of spon­
taneity destroys toe charm of a letter.
Ladies have two favorite epistolary
manias in their ordinary correspond­
ence, namely, writing across lines and
indnlging in postscripts, to say nothing
of their almost universal practice of un­
derlining words—this is a confession of
weakness. Among celebrated letters is
a brief one which occurs to us, while we
write, from the pen of toe Italian poet,
iPolitian, "to a friend: “I had a great
grief, and I have a great joy—because
yon were sick, and because yon have
recovered.” How brief and how signifi­
cant 1 This letter stands as a model to
all letter-writer6.
------- «J
—- —■
Ambition on a Downward Grade.
I met a man to-day who is a type of
the persevering oflice-seeker. T o my
knowledge he has been looking fos
“ something” from toe. “ party” ever
since 1872. “ "What are yon after now 9*
I asked. “ "Well,” said he, “ two years
ago I tried to get nominated for toe
Assembly, bnt I failed. Last year I
went for an Aldermanic nomination in
New York, hut I missed it. In 1876 I
came mighty near going to Congress,
but didn’t get the nomination after all,
and now I ’m waiting to take anything.
"What do yon think they’d pay a boss
carpenter on the Capitol ?”—A lbany
letter to Syracuse Courier.
A re manufacturing Organs that cannot fail to suit
the finest musical ear. All who see and hear them
pronounce them grand.
s_:All organs o f our manufacture
Tuesday, (he 21st day ol December, A. D. 18S0,
at eleven o’ clock A . M. o f said day, by the Sheriff
o f said county o f Berrien, to satisfy the amount
then due upon said notes and mortgage, together
with the costs o f foreclosure and tnc attorney ice
stipulated iu said mortgage. The premises de­
scribed in said mortgage are as follows: The south­
east quarter o f the sonth-woet quarter o f section
eleven (11) town eight (8) south, rauge twenty-one
(21) west, io the county o f Berrien and State of
Michigan, containing forty acres more or less, ac­
cording to the TThitca States survey.
September 23,18-0.
W . L. McGEE,
Administrator o f the estate ol Ebenczer, McGee
E . M. P limpton' Att’y for W . L. McGee, Amipis
trator, &c, '
Napoleon.’ ! Domestic HaMtg.
Tn Mme. D e Eemnsaf s “ Memoirs of
toe Private L ife of Napoleon and Jose­
phine” are some very interesting de­
tails of" toe imperial household. Na­
poleon’s income was about $7,100,000 a
year, exclusive of what he took from the
secret service and other funds. H e al­
lowed himself $8,000 a year fo r hit
dress. It is well known thatif an articl<
of clothing did not snit him exactly,
either in make or material, it was con­
demned, aud that he v s s greatly given
to inking or greasing his white breeches
and to "burning his boots b y using his
boot as a poker, especially when he was
angry or excited. H e usually rose at 7.
I f he wakened in toe night h e frequent­
ly bathed, ate or worked before going
to sleep again. H e suffered from a foul
stomach, and often fancied that he had
been poisoned. It took M. D e Bemnsat
a long time' to teach him to shave him­
self; the Chamberlain was moved to
this through Napoleon’s visible uneasi­
ness when in toe barber’s hands. H a
garment did not please him it was torn
off and thrown on the floor or into the
fire. In trimming his nails, of which
he was vain, he used countless pairs of
scissors, that were smashed off-hand if
they were not sharp. The only perfume
he was partial to was cologne, of which
he required sixty bottles a month. He
ate and drank little, though he was veiy
fond of coffee. A t dinner he had every­
thing served at once, and fed at hazard,
often taldng cream or a dish of sweets
before touching toe entrees.
In Every House.
Every house has its secrets; in other
words, “ there's a skeleton in every
From the highest to the
lowest in the land, none escape The
lovely lady, bedecked in all that
goes to make up beauty of form,
leans jauntily on toe arm of her
young husband, as she enters toe social
hall or ball-room, and to all appearances
neither have a care on their minds; "bnt
at home, where all is gorgeous, there
lurks a skeleton that if not at toe pres­
ent will surely in the future show out.
So in riper years husband and wife may
seem entirely happy; to live as levers
live, without a jar; tons to toe outside
world, but who knows in what part of
the home the skeleton lies hid? Secret
trouble of some kind is the common lot
of all.
No. 5 OPEN.
| will restore the healthy action and all these
1 destroying evils will be banished; neglect
them and you will live but to buffer.
Thousands have been cured. Tryltandyou
will add one more to the number. Take It
and health will once more gladden your heart.
W h y su ffe r lo n g e r fr o m t h e t o r m e n t
o f a n a c h in g b a c k ?
W h y b e a r s u c h d is t r e s s fr o m C on *
stlp a tto n a n d P l i e s ?
w h y b o s o fe a rfu l b e c a u s e o f d is ­
o r d e r e d u r in o ?
J K idnet-'Wokt will cure you. Try a pack’
I age at once and be satisfied.
It it a dry vegetable compound and
One Package makes six quarts o f Medicine.
Your Druggist has it, or trill get it l o r
I uou. Insist U)>on hav::tg it. Price, 31.00.
WSLLS, E B SiSS'0'1 ft CO., Ptopriston,
M ew fo r A g e n ts ! S
Y ours i f o s r Hespecxtui.t.y ,
TltrcM lterH jffov i«»rs n m l
I Priz-*................. $30,000 100 ‘V-z: s $100 e $10 000
50 ea. h 10 000
1 Priz«*.................. 10 000 200
l Piiz.*................. 5.000 6* 0 Pi ize- 2<! each 12 000
10 Pr z. f$1,000 each M 00< l 000 Prize. 10 each 10,000
20 Ppz**-* 500 fc»cb 10 <0
9 Prize* $300 each, app oxiuiatioi. Prizes.,...... .$2,700
9 P- z.-a 200 -»ch.
- ...... 1800
9 **iize- 100 each,
*• ...... 900
GH 3 G B R I E S
S tr e e t, O p p o s ite
D R A W IN G .
“The greatest anpetirer. stojnach^ j3ood
and liver re
Cornice, Lace Lambrequins, Cretons,
Lace Bed Spreads, Feathers, Oil Cloth,
Rugs and Mats.
M a in
B U T T E R ,E ^ G S ,
-A.TW a r n e r ’ s S a fe P ills are an immediate
stimulus for a Torpid Liver, and cure Costiveuess, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Diarrhoea,
Malaria, Fever and Ague, and are useful at
times in nearlv all Diseases to cause a free ami
regular action o f the Bowels. The best anti­
dote for all Malarial Poison. Price, 25c. a box.
, W a r n e r 's S a fe N e r v in e quickly gives Best
i and Sleep to the suffering, cures Headache and
) Neuralgia, Prevents Epileptic Fits, and is tno
i best remedy for Nervous Prostration brought
{ on by excessive drinking, over-work, mental
I shocks and other causes. I t relieves the Fains
I o f all Diseases, and is never injurious to the
|i-vstem. The best o f all Nervines. Bottles o f
two sizes; prices, 50c.
and $1.00.
-A T -
W i n d M H I n. (K a m i
H id e s , P elts & T a llo w
Position o f Screen and Valves
in Well,
i N O . £>•
as at F, Fig. 1, the “ check," Fig. 3, is placed and the rubber
Attach the rod to pump handle and you have a well where no driven
rubber balls, making them durable and noii-corosive. To repair the pump, disconnect the rod and handle,remove thiMoji of the pump, pull the “ plunger. *a«d
The price now for the best quality
o f Two Plv Extra Supers is $1.00 per
yard: Three Ply,$1.15; Brussells,$1.00
to $1.25. Cotton Chain, 30 to 60 cts.
«. o :i\\ Depression
1; v..:: t'v •: vrowsw
Raw irc^uent headiiiomh
M my. poor app» ii;ea n d tongue
vOat*-d.\o:i arsw.dt Iii”: ltoai torp id U w ro i "Ml- V ’ ur.ii m th in j \u;l
-am! pi-nmim-uriy
:o take
Gardner Governor,
Lowell, Mass.
T: S t'iizU'yivti
lU.v.vuy wai-muled
: m
a *..:.•«» panlcm o f Mei:«t u \\ or any
The Haskins Engine,
it J*4t»v.Vkit. Il« mi Br.tii.
11 H A S Y O M llA L
O ctober
alwr.ys C ures and never D isappoints
The w orld’s g re a t P a in -R elie v er
for K a n and E ea st, Cheap, quick
and reliable.
A g u e Cure
Is a purely vegetable bitter and power
ful tonic, and is warranted a speedv ana
certain cure for Fever and Ague, Chills
and Fever, Intermittent or Chill Fe­
ver, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague,
Periodical or Bilious Fever, and all
malarial disorders. In miasmatic dis­
tricts, the rapid pulse, coated tongue, thirst,
lassitude, loss of appetite, pain in the back
and loins, and coldness of the spine and
extremities, are only premonitions of
severer symptoms, which terminate in the
ague paroxysm, succeeded by high fever
and profuse perspiration.
It is a startling fact, that quinine, arse­
nic and. other poisonous minerals, form the
basis of most of the “ Fever and Ague
Preparations,” “ Specifics,” “ Syrups,” and
“ Tonics,” in the market. The prepara­
tions made from these mineral poisons,
although they are palatable, and may
break the chill, do not cure, but leave the
malarial and their own drug poison in
the system, producing quinism, dizziness,
ringing in the ears, headache, vertigo, and
other disorders more formidable than the
disease they were intended to cure.
A y e r ’ s ' A g u e C u r e thoroughly eradicates
these noxious poisons from the system,
and always cures the severest cases. It
contains no quinine, mineral, or any thing
that could injure the most delicate pa­
tient; and its crowning excellence, above
its certainty to cure, is that it leaves the
system as free from disease as before the
For Liver Complaints, A yer’ s Ac.rn
Celts, by direct action on the liver and
biliary apparatus, drives opt the poisons
which produce these complaints, and stim­
ulates the system to a vigorous, healthy
We warrant it when taken according to
P r a c t ic a l a n d A n a ly t ic a l C h em ists,
B :;i.•:> •;5T;u k » .s tt
Prepared b y D r . J . C . A y e r & C o .,
________ _
* O s, Sive m e,M a ry,' eaid yonng Fred,
The w in e the m ild was slyly langhing;
H e said no m ore, so great h is dread
O f the fair maiden’s merry chaffing.
H e stroked his infantile mustache,
W hflellary tenderly-v
Again he made the ventnre rash—
*O h, dearest Mary, I am dying—”
“ P o r what?” she asked, -with sembled fear,
Her foolish heart now madly beating;
“ Oh.” stammered T ied, “ I 'm dying, dear,
T o taste those peannts xpo. are eating.”
A L L S O R T S.
T he board of education—The school*
master’s shingle.
Is rain-water soft water when it
rains hard ?
"W h y is a lazy man like a magician ?
Because he works b y spells.
N one hut the brave deserve toe hair,
is how toe aborigine puts it.
A untie— “ Cecil, don’t you be so
rude! Ton should not kiss gentlemen 1”
Cecil—“ "Why not, auntie ? Tou dr
A n Irishman tells o f a fight in which
there was only one whole nose left in
the whole crowd, “ and that belonged
to the tea-kettle.”
“ I a m astonished, my dear young
lady, at your sentiments; yon mfikeme
start l” “ "Well, sir, I ’ve been waiting
for von to start for the" last hour.”
Y oung man, a diamond pin looks real
nice and glistens brightly, but when
54 a week supports a man and pin both, •
•>no or the other is not genuine.
“ T hat’ s what heats me,” as to e hoy
said when he saw his father take the
skate strap down from its accustomed
“ T h e n , I suppose, Miss Strongmind,
you and Mir. Sparrow are soon to be
man and wife ? ” “ No, sir; woman and
A n Iowa woman gave her husband
morphine to cure him of chewing to­
bacco. It Cured him, bnt she did her
own fall plowing.
“ A senses taker,” said toe old lady.
“ Oh I waal; there’s ms an’ Jeremiah an’
Sarah Ann, an’ that’s all, ’cept Jim, aa’
he’s a fool an’ ain’t got n o senses to
To C u r e a C o u g h .— Boast a lemon
very carefully, without burning it;
when it is thoroughly hot, cut and
squeeze into a cup upon three ounces
of sugar, finely powdered. Take a
spoonful whenever yonr cough troubles
yon. It is as good as it is agreeable to
the taste.
T h e most agreeable o f all compan­
ions is a simple, frank man, without any
high pretensions to an oppressive great­
ness; one who loves life, and under­
stands the use of it ; obliging alike, at
all hours ; above all, of a golden temper,
and steadfast as an anchor. F or such
an one we gla ily exchange the greatest
genius, toe most brilliant wit, the profoundest thinker.—L essing.