Eminium koenenianum (Araceae), a new species from NE Turkey
Eminium koenenianum (Araceae), a new species from NE Turkey
Willdenowia20 - 1991 43 WOLFRAM LOBIN & PETER BOYCE Eminiumkoenenianum(Araceae),a new species from NE Turkeyand a key to the genus Eminium Abstract a newspeciesfromNETurkeyanda keyto the geLobin,W.&Boyce,P.:Eminiumkoenenianum (Araceae), nus Eminium.-Willdenowia 20: 43-51. 1991.- ISSN 0511-9618. Eminiumkoenenianum from NE Turkeyis describedas a speciesnew to science and illustrated.Commentsaremaderegardingpossiblerelationshipsof the newspecies.A keyto the genusEminiumis provided. Introduction Duringan excursionto the provinceof Erzurumin NE Turkey,MrM. Koenen,a horticulturistfrom the BotanicalGardenof the Universityof Bonn, collecteda remarkablearoid.Plantswith fruit,leaves andinflorescenceswerecollected.Attemptsto identifytheplantsin the fieldfailed,evenwiththe help of the FloraofTurkey(Mill 1984),andafterhis returnMrKoenenhandedthe materialoverto the seniorauthor.It soon became clearthat the plant was undescribed. Apartfrom the striking differencesin the leaf shapeof most species,the genusEminium(Blume) Schottis superficiallysimilarto BiarumSchott,differingin the numberof ovulesin the singlelocule of the ovary.In Biarumthere is alwaysone, whereasEminiumhas two ovules,givingriseto a two-seeded fruit.The new species,E. koenenianum Lobin&Boyceappearsto be somewhatintermediatein this character.Although it possessestwo ovules per ovary,one is very often abortedand thus the fruitsare frequentlyone-seeded.Furthermore, the entireleavesof E. koenenianum aresimilarto the leavesof Biarumpyrami(Schott)Englerand B. kotschyi(Schott)B. Mathewex H. Riedl. With the publicationof this new species,the genus Eminiumconsistsof seven speciesand ranges from Turkeyto Soviet CentralAsia,with one species,E. spiculatum (Blume)Schott,occurringin the MiddleEastas farsouth as N Egypt.All speciesoccurin stronglyseasonalhabitatsand areadaptedto a semi-aridenvironment.Riedl(1980)publisheda keyto the speciesand this is expandedhereto include the new taxon. E. koenenianum is named in honour of Mr ManfredKoenenwho has enrichedthe collectionsat Bonn and Kewwith many interestingplants. EminiumkoenenianumLobin & Boyce, sp. nova - Fig. 1, 2. Type:BG Bonnacessionno. 02487 (Holo- B; iso- BONN, E, FR, GOET,ISTE,K, M). Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum, Berlin-Dahlem is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Willdenowia ® www.jstor.org Lobin & Boyce: Eminium koenenianumfrom Turkev 44 C-) ab Fig.1:Eminiumkoenenianum Lobin&Boyce.A habit,b Spadixshowingthe axiswith pistilloidesandthe ruguloseappendix.- Drawing:A. Hille. Willdenowia20 - 1991 45 - Drawing: A. Hille. Fig.2: Eminium Lobin&Boyce.Leafshowingthewhitepatches. koenenianum A speciebusceterisEminii spadicerugoso,paginaspathaeadaxalilaevi et foliis integrisdistincte albopictisdiffert. cm in diam.,1.6Aperennial,tuberousherbwith2-3 leaves.Tuberdepressed-globose,(1.1-)1.5-2.0 2.5(-2.7) cm thick,yellowish-white,withwhitishpowderat growthpoint.Rootssimple,lessthan 1 mm in diam.,whitish.Leaveselongateto broadlylanceolate,3.0-7.0 cm long x 1.3-2.5 cm, proximallycuneateto cordate,distallysubacute,laminadullgreen,glisteningwhenfresh,usuallywithconspicuouswhite patches,occasionallyso denselycoveredwith thesepatchesas to appear? white,primaryvenationsubparallel,secondaryvenation reticulate.Petiole 9-35 cm long, canaliculateadaxally,distallygreen,besheaths4.0-12.5 cm long,sub-fleshyat first,becomingviolet basally,proximallysubterranean,whitish; coming paperyon drying,straw-coloured. Cataphyllsmembranaceous,varyingin size, the largest9.014.5 cm long x 0.9-1.7 cm at the broadestpart,white.Inflorescenceappearingin spring.Peduncle4.713.6 cm long, 0.8-1.1 mm in diam.in lowestpart,wideningto 1.8-3 mm directlybelowthe spathe,distinctly striate,violet distally,becoming white proximally.Spathe5.5-9.3 cm long; spathelimb 4.4erectto slightlyreflexed,terminatingin a c. 4(-6) mm 6.7 cm long x 1.3-2.5 cm, lanceolate- triangular, long tip,abaxialsurfacedirtyvioletto palebrownishviolet,becomingdarkerdistally,adaxialsurfacedark violet; spathetube rounded,1.5-2.0 cm long, 8-17 mm in diam., marginscompletelyfree,proximal thirdslightlyconvolute,interiorand exteriorcream;spadix12.3-23.3 mm long; appendixratherelongate-clavate,shortlystipitate,proximallyabruptlywiderthanthe stipe,7-14 mmx 1.8-2.5(-4) mm,black to dark-brown,surfaceusuallyrugulose,foetid even when dry; stipe 2-4.5(-6) mm long, 1.5 mm in diam.,graduallybecomingwiderdistally,whitishto lightbrown,distalthirdsometimesblack,proximal half striate,becomingprominentlystriateand rugulosedistally.Staminateflowerzone (1.5-)2-2.3 mm in diam., (2.8-)4-5 mm long, darkviolet to darkbrown;axis betweenpistillateand staminatezone naked,1.6-2.3(-2.5) cm long, stronglystriate,distinctlylongerthanthe appendix,furnishedwith pistillodes,these subulate0.75-1 cm long,white.Flowersunisexual,naked;staminateflowerswith 1 stamen, sessileto sub-sessile;stamenalmostquadraticin shape,c. 0.43-0.46 mm long,darkvioletto darkbrown; thecaeopeningby an apicalslit,open thecaeellipsoid;pollen (Fig.3) consistingof isopolareumonads, 15-20 pm x c. 15 pm,prolate,in lateraloutline elliptic,in polarview? circular,inaperturate, spinulose, exinethin,intinethick(c. 3-4 pm).Pistillateflowersnot seenat anthesis,ovarycylindrical,unilocular,biovulateon a basalplacenta,one ovuleveryoften aborted,style+ absent,stigmaround,c. 1 mm in diam., 46 Lobin & Boyce: Eminium koenenianumfrom Turkey Fig 3 Em_niumkoenenianum Lobin& BoyceEM p rece e s e r d m s flan volet r borneatorust belowsoil level consistig of 10 4 casedbythpEr ,a l b st tb ......... of a pollengrain.- Photo:M.Wolter. x5m;eriarpwhLobin&Boyce.EM-photograph Fig.3: Eminium receptive surface raised, margins flattened, prominent, violet, receptive surface cream. Infructescence borne at or just below soil level, consisting of 10-40 berries in a ovoid cluster 2.0-2.5 cm in diam., encased by the persistent, papery, light brown spathe tube remains; peduncle (4-)5-7(-17) cm long, proximally 2-4 mm in diam., widening to 4-5 mm in diam. above and becoming abruptlywider distally, whitish proximally, longitudinally striped purple from distal end to the lower median portion. Berryvobovoid, 10- 12 mm x 5-7 mm; pericarpwhite, greenish towards the apex when immature, whollywhite when ripe, crestedwitha violet stigmaremnant;mostlyone-seeded,sometimestwo-seeded.Seedsc. 5 mm in diam., roundish,reticulate,creamcolouredwhen fresh,becoming brownwhen dry. Chromosomenumber:2n=28. Specimensexamined: Turkey,VilayetErzurum,NW slopesof N rangeof MescitOaglari,QoruhNehirValley,1300m, 3. 5. 1989, M. Koenen32*89*K (B, BONN, E, FR, GOET,ISTE,K, M). E. koenenianum differsfromall otherspeciesin the genusby the combinationof a usuallyrugulose spadixappendix,smooth surfaceadaxialto the spathelimb,andentireleaveswithdistinctwhitepatches. Willdenowia 20 - 1991 47 a~~ '~~~~~~~~~0 MA Fig. 4: E. koenenianumLobin & Boyce growing in open, dry, rocky positions with sparse vegetation. - Photo: M. Koe- nen. Variation E. koenenianum is quitevariablewithregardto the inflorescence,leafsize,andthe leafbaseshape.It is possibleto find both cordateand cuneateleafbasesin a singlepopulation.Riedl(1969)wasespeciallyinterestedin the shapeof the leavesin Eminiumandfound thatthereis apparentlya phylogenetictrendin the developmentof those specieswith entireleaves(e.g.E. regliiVved.)andthosewith stronglydissected leaves(e.g.E. spiculatum). The firstleavesof all Eminiumspeciesarelanceolate.However,while in three taxa(e.g.E. regeliz) all leavesareentire,in othersvariousdegreesof leaf divisionoccur,those of E. spiculatumbeingthe most dissected.Riedlsuggestedthatthe leafdissectionsassociatedwith some speciesarea developmentof the smallposteriorlobes found in some of the juvenileleaf-forms.In this respectE. koenenianumstandsin an intermediatepositionwith its cuneateto cordateleafbasewhichusuallyshowsno posteriorextensions,althoughoccasionallythere is some disparitybetweenthe lobe size on one side comparedto the other. Ecology E. koenenianum growson the NW slopes of the north rangeof the MescitDaglariat an altitudeof about 1300 m in open, dry,rockypositionswith sparsevegetation(Fig.4).The specimensdescribedin this paperwerefound togetherwith isolatedshrubssuch asJuniperusoxycedrus L., Paliurusspina-christi Miller, Cotoneastermorulus Poiark.andRosacaninaL.Allthesespeciesreacha heightof 2-4 m.Twoother geophyteswerefloweringtogetherwith E. koenenianum, namelyIristaochiaWoronowex Grossh.and I. galaticaSiehe. 48 Lobin & Boyce: Eminiumkoenenianum fromTurkey E. koenenianum occursas singleplantanddoes not formclumpsin the samewaythatotherEminium speciessometimesdo. Nevertheless,up to ten plantscan be found in one squaremetre.Interestinglyat the time of collection (3. 5. 1989)all partsof the inflorescencewerepresentand displayedtheiroriginal colours,althoughplantswerein advancedfruit.In Eminiummostof the spatheandspadixis usuallyshed soon afterthe berriesbeginto swell,withonlythe partiallyburiedspathetuberemainingasa paperyshell aroundthe developinginfrutescence.The leaveson the plantsobservedweregreenwhereshadedbut yellowed where exposed to the sun. The sun-driedinflorescences,or morestrictlythe spadixappendices,smellof carrion,althoughduring anthesisthis smellwouldhaveundoubtedlybeenconsiderablystronger.Theretentionof the carrionlikesmellin witheringinflorescencesis interestingandis possiblylinkedto the rugulosespadixappendix surface.A similarphenomenon occursin E. spiculatum which also has a rugulosespadixappendix.It seemspossiblethat smallquantitiesof the chemicalsresponsibleforthe carrion-likesmell arein some wayretainedon the unevenappendixsurfaceeven afterthe inflorescencehadwithered.In specieswith smooth spadicesthis post-anthesisodour-retentionhas not been recorded. | B - - - 1~~~~~~~M' NSN Lobin&Boyce.Seedsgerminating withoutproducing a leaf.Thegrowthterminates withthe Fig.5: F. koenenianum production of a small tuber. - Photo: M. Koenen. In common with othermembersof the genus,F. koenenianum flowersandfruitsin spring.Theinflorescencesappearapproximately in Aprilandthe seedsmaturein May.The seedshadgerminatedwithout producinga leafandthe growthendedwith the productionof a smalltuber(Fig.5).It is not until the following growingseasonthat the firstleavesareproduced.The mode of seed distributionin F. koenenianumis not known.In someotherTurkish speciesit seemsthatthe seedis not spreadbut rathergerminates in situ aroundthe parentplant.Thisleadsto the formationof extremelycongestedcolonies.The occura singleindividualssuggeststhat the seedis moved awayfromthe parentplant. renceof F. koenenianum Willdenowia 20 - 1991 1 49 -S In orderto protectthe species,a largescalemaphas Fig.6: E. koenenianum Lobin&Boyce.Distributionin NE Turkey. been used. - Drawing:A. Hille. Distribution So far,E. koenenianum is known only from the type locality(Fig.6). Relationships E. koenenianum is apparentlyalliedto E. lehmannii(Bunge)0. Kuntzeand E. heterophyllum (Blume) Schottand,perhaps,E. regelii.E. lehmannii has entireleavessimilarto those ofE. koenenianum but differs in havingflattened,not subulate,lowerpistilloides,a parallelsided,not distallythickenedpeduncleand a longer,more slender,smooth spadixappendix.E. kehmannii is nativeto Afghanistan,Soviet Central Asia and S Siberia,it has not been recordedin Turkey. E. heterophyllum, especiallyin its entire-leavedform,resemblesE.koenenianum butis distinguishedby the smooth, slenderspadixappendixand broaderpistillodes.In the divided-leafformE. heterophyllum is readilydistinguishedby leaf architecture.The considerablywidenedpeduncle in E. heterophyllum is a charactersharedby E. koenenianum and sincewe feel thatthis characteris importantin the taxonomyof Eminium,it would appearthatE. koenenianum is closestto E. heterophyllum. Interestinglyboth speciesoccur in N Turkey. The suggestionof a relationshipbetweenE. koenenianum and E. regeliiis moretenuous.The two featurestheyboth sharearethe entireleafandthe distallyexpandedpeduncle.However,E. regeliiis a farlargerplantin all its partsanddiffersbythe long,smooth,cylindricalspadixappendix,the denselyarranged pistillodesand the broader,longerspathelimb.So farE. regeliihas only been recordedfromSovietCentralAsia. Key to the genus Eminium 1. Adaxialspathe limb surfacedenselyverrucate............................ - Adaxialspathe limb smooth ................................ 2 (E. spiculatum) 3 50 Lobin & Boyce: Eminiumkoenenianum fromTurkey 2. Floweringdiurnal,spathelimb 12-20 cm long, 7-14 cm wide,adaxialsurfaceglossy,spathetube 812 cm long, 2.5-4 cm in diam............................. E. spiculatum subsp.spiculatum - Floweringnocturnal,spathelimb 5-11 cm long, 4-7 cm wide, adaxialsurfacevelvety,spathetube 5-8 cm long, 1.7-3 cm in diam............................. E. spiculatum subsp.negevense 3. Pedunclethickenedmarkedlytowardsthe spathe .................... 4 ................. - Pedunclenot or scarcelythickenedtowardsthe spathe............. .................... 9 4. Leaveswith highly dividedposteriorlobes ........................................... 5 - Leavesentire or with only two ordersof posteriorlobe division ......... ................ 7 5. Anteriorlobe of leaf lanceolate,acute, posteriorlobe divisions narrowlylanceolateto linear,+ E. albertii stronglyinvolute. Spatheerect to reflexed;spadixslendercylindrical............... - Anteriorlobe of leaf broadlyoblong,obtuse,posteriorlobe divisionsbroadlylinear,? flat,occasionally suberect.Spathe incurvedover the spadix,sometimes almost cucullate,spadixconical to broadlycylindrical ........................................... ... 6 (E. rauwoffili) 6. Spadixappendixshort-stalked,? broadlycylindricalto slightlyconical .................... .......................................................... E. rauwoffiivar.raruwolfli - Spadixappendixsessile,stronglyconical.......................... E. rauwo/fiivar.kotschyi 7. Spadixappendix? sessile,taperinggraduallyproximally,pistillodesdenselyarranged. .E. regelii - Spadixappendixdistinctlystipitate,pistillodesscattered .......... 8 ..................... 8. Leavesentire,greenwith white patches.Spadixappendixusuallyrugulose,pistillodesall subulate ................................................................... E. koenenianum - Leafposteriorlobeswith one, occasionallytwo orderof division,rarelyentire,leavesgrey-green,unmarked.Spadixappendixsmooth, upperpistillodessubulate,lower? flattened ............. ................................................................... E. heterophyllum 9. Leaveswith much divided posteriorlobes. Spadixappendixslenderto broadlyconical ....... ...................................................................... E. intortum - Leavesentire.Spadixappendixslendercylindrical............................F. lehmannii Wewish to add here thatwe do not acceptRiedl'sreductionof E. heterophyllum to subspecificrank within E. intortum(Riedl 1985).Materialexaminedof both taxadoes show differencesof sufficientstabilityto maintainthem at speciesrank,especiallywith regardto the degreeof peduncleexpansionbeneath the spathe. A fewwordsshouldbe saidhereaboutthe conservationof E. koenenianum. With its beautifulwhitewill certainlyattracthorticulturalinterest.In orderto protect spotted,glisteningleaves,E. koenenianum the speciesfroma fate similarto thatsufferedby Sternbergia candidaB. Mathew&T.BaytopandIrispamphylicaHedgethe exactlocationis not citedin this publication.E. koenenianum is easilypropagated from seedandthereforeit is not necessaryto collectmoreplantsin thewild.Thespecieswill certainlybe distributed from the BotanicalGardenof the Universityof Bonn andwill thus be availablefor plant enthusiasts. Adknowledgements Wewould liketo thankthe staffof the Departmentof SystematicBotany,BotanicalInstitute,Bonn, for theirvariedhelp: in particularProfDrW.Barthlottfor his advicein preparingthe drawingsand the manuscript,Mr.Porembskiforcountingthe chromosomes,DrM.Wolterforthe REM-photographs and the descriptionof the pollen and M. Koenenfor preparingthe habitatdescription.The second author Willdenowia 20 - 1991 51 would like to expresshis thanksto Dr S.J. Mayo,Dr D. A. Simpsonand DrJ. Dransfield,Kew,fortheir comments on the draftmanuscript. References Mill, R. R. 1984: Eminium,p. 69-71. - In: Davis, P. H. (ed.), Floraof Turkey8. - Edinburgh. Riedl,H. 1969:KritischeUntersuchungenuiberdie GattungEminium(Blume)SchottnebstBemerkungen zu einigenanderenAroideendersiidwestasiatischen Flora.-Ann.Naturhist.Mus.Wien73: 103121. - 1980:Tentativekeys for the identificationof speciesin Biarumand Eminium,with notes on some taxa included in Biarum.- Aroideana3: 24-31. - 1985:Araceae,p. 197-203.- In: Townsend,C. C. & Guest,E. (eds.),Floraof Iraq8. - Baghdad. Addressesof the authors: Dr WolframLobin, BotanischesInstitutund BotanischerGarten,MeckenheimerAllee 171, D-5300 Bonn, FederalRepublicof Germany. PeterBoyce, Herbarium,RoyalBotanicGardens,Kew,Richmond,Surrey,TW9 3AB, U. K.
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