Human height
Human height
Humanheight- Wikipedia.the freeencyclopedia PageI of 17 Human height FromWikipedi4thefreeencyclopedia Human height, or how tall peoplebecome,generallyvarieslittle betweenpeoplecomparedto otheranthropometricmeasures.Exceptional height variation(around20o%deviationfrom average)is usuallydueto gigantismor dwarfism. Adult height for one sexin a particularethnicgroup follows more or lessa normaldistribution. Contents 1 Averageadult heighl aroundthe world ' r 2 HumanHeight Distribution (USA) r 3 Determinantsofgrc*th and height r 3.1Raceandheight r 4 Processof gro\r'th . 5 Height abnomalities r 6 Role of an individual'sheight r 7 Theroleofheightin spolts r 7.1Soccer . 7.2Cricket r 7.3Rugby r 7.4Football . 7.5Basketball r 7.6 Baseball r 8 Hisroryofhurnanheight r 9 Bibliography . 9.1References r l0 Seealso . ll Extemallinl.s Averageadult height around the world Below are averageadult heightsby counfy. (The original studiesand sourcesshouldbe consultedfor detailson methodologyandthe exact populationsmeasured,surveyed,or considered.) Imperial height 11112008 Humanbeight- Wikipedia-tbefreeencyclopedia Metric system Page2 of 17 Eyrtem ::: Males FemalesMalesFcmrles 1i::119" Coutrtry/Regiotr sartrpleo t1)n Ar genri na :-'" cm - Augtauta tff 16lc m ; 1 . ,.-.'': . -- ErM. lanaoa 6./ m rn si s fr4.2 18-24 m cm Lv,z .. In S c iEoT A r g e n r i 1 n2 a 0 0 5 y' 1 1 ,. s (me€sureo) 5ft10 5ff5.5 18- 24 m In {mea$req) ddr. P, lBUt(2u05) (hnp://wvr'w.anp€ I 59.pdl 168.99 158.0 5n 5ft2.2 cm b-:r rn In 174.0 161.0 5 tr cm 6.)tn adult s- ^^, h 3.4 ---". .DooutauoD t' cm cm 164.8 154.5 cm cm c z echR e' o u b l i c 1 8 0 3 1 6 73 cm cm ueruralK 180.9 169.1 cm cm (measwed) Folhade SP I' ( measrreq, < ff :."^ I t.2 1856 6fil D i n a ri cA l 'cmtnln D s l 7 l cm 'cmtn l n , .-^. r?a ! I i5ft0.8 i30-65 5ft ;CHNS(1997) 4.8in ,in i(measured) i(http://aj€ 5ft ll 5ff60 J8 .. Btabaer a/.2 005 (measweoi m m (measweoJ riln :l rnl DOOtllaUOn :^tr^ 5 fl 5.0 18-24(self ro) cm ru.y repo[eo] .u1 in .Li^.rDa.\ cm ln I :5 t L anaca E$onia . ,. (me,lstrleo) 174.8 163.9 ::'^ l8o cm : ra j" ' - . l' cm 1 7 8 .0 1 6 6.0 cm cm t'elqruln .5a14 Source 5 ff 6.6 19 u m (conscnprsJ 5fi73 n o rJ5Irf t 10.5 :- - i 17 ff 1/1/2008 tmlano rflnlano tnlano _ f m nce ^ trance 176.7 163.5 5ff cm 5ft4.J . v.J m m cm 178.2 164.'1 5 n l0 cm cmmm rtlt a <* i161.8 r'13.2:t<t 5ft . :Cm -. m cm Cm cm la.l d.lm a 1 7 5 .7 t62.5 i<5ft cm a 5 ft 4.7 15-64ts€lf ;;;6" -^-^-^r, 5ft3.7 a m 5ft4.0 n e,zIn ut cm 1 7 8 . 1 ..5 fl 1 0 5 ft4 .9 entir e ^ uenna[v . '. c ml n 1 n p o p u r alo) u ocm n ^ cemarv -c mu I l c e l and tsraer l8l p p 5 ffl t 167cm : -' ' s 5 n 6 in 18-19(2005) s sg 5 ff l 8 l 7 1676 cm cm iis 5ff6i n 2 0 cc ln 175.6 162.8 5ft 5ff4) cm v.r m In cm 2:-22 toeTween yiqlo_lnoo, ltal y -Mid d l e & l ' 1 6 . 9 1 6 3 .2 5 ft 5 R 4 .2 2O( between \accBn ^...... er ar' zuul 9.5in in North cm cm 1994-2000) luuv - 50u1n ltorea- )ouul Kofea sourn 174.2 160.8 cm cm t58.925 ff 7.8 cm In 1 7 3 .6 16l .1 5n 5n 3.3 E.0in in : 5 ft. 20-24 m2 z.oIn 5ff 5n3.4 . - 6.J n $ r7 3 .e: t6l .l 5ff 5R 3.4 .lt. ll5,o cm )II d.J ul | /o.J ) n cm cm cm cm cm -,. x4rn Lt aa 2uun aa ln i Korea.)ouin 20(between lq94-2000) http://en.wikipedia.orglwilVHuman height tl9 '; I examlnalton t' ror conscnpuon t/r/200 Lithuania . Maha "16S cm g.4in : l2o 5ft2.6 all adult - cm :5ftl. : ' - - -' -:-:: 159 popuarron o.J m In ', r ?a r 161! cm cm mt'l Ma l t a tfio :"' 5ff4{ :"' 2 5 -3 4 1788 1 6 7l N et h ertandscm cm ln ?f, Netherlands cm llot :to-ro 13, il-ou' In l9t cm sRs7 r z z a m l'77'o' 1 6 5 0 l l . , r o t t , tn - o t N ewZeal a nd .cm 9.t tn ,cm I ,oweo zoooru o"lfr( /rldined2oo4h)l r, k < ff Norwav ' l'?e9 1672 idi cm cm 'ul Philippines 1 6 1 . 3 r5 r.4 cm #' ifr cm phirippines lT' cm '' l! cm t 2.1 aa dd (1998-;';fr-.iiffi_ exam. ,llTi*,ill 99) 19 conscription ee examtigqst 5 fl 172.0 . .^ l60cn ;"i,160cn 5ftlin ll.-" l-' ;"'r^ /.d In cm ,: ;', l l jJ.l .l cm )oar n 102 60andovtr 5ThNarional Nutririon suwey :z.o!,-tn 1-o ln I measureo, (measueo, In Ln 'ft:5 :':. Yom cm . 5R 4 R 1'^1 .6 ' 20- 3q 5ThNational Nutrition Survey (measured) 4,J rn +.1 i' ir," 1n tr"*r*"a, lft ; rin '1'16.9 ^. Sirgapore Sirp,apore 18- 19 '"8 '" Porrusar ;cm Portusal ry'8 ,",n : Poland Ift5q ;i*u."aut sse m ,.. ... tot cm 17-25 ie n t ir e lenUre )n ^6,2 ^.fi )nJ.J tn Deurenberg eral 2003 et ,i- o o Du Do Dula lalro lronn o : ,(selr ---- - - :, reff)rted) (^^:- spaln fii.l rl iki 164.3 5 ft re,/wik i/Humanheisht 5 ft 4.6 18-29(self o t/1/200 . f ataloma- sDaln ' Madrid-Soain cm cm 1 7 3 .0 .-. 9.7in in reponed) 5ft8 5n4.6 1 8 cm t11o ' ' ' '" 164 -' cm cm (measweo) ln m sft 5 ft4 .6 l8 -^', (measured) 9.7 in in lb4 cm x t ' 1 7 . 0 ... 5 ft 5 ft4 .6 18 lo.t cm ^9./-. .. x In m cm I measrueoj . t 7 7 . 0 .,^ 5n 5 R 4 .6 18 .. x loz cm o -, zaragoza.sparn , / In 1n I me:Nuleo, ^uallcla.JDaln ' Sweden SFrUernno , Switzerland I arw an tRn? sff57. 5ft5.7 , - , -1 -8"-0 .2 ".rez". t67cm :^..^ ios 10.9 ; 16-24 ,ro-z+ cm 1ff2 'iimi l, lnft5j lnl 1 7 5 .5 164.0 5ft9 5ft3.8 :Cm Cm rln <A t72.04159.68 ::^ t.l J c m c mm statistiska centralbyren a lln 5 ft2.8 16.) .^ DD m l'15.1 161.4 5ff 5ft3.5 enrire v unrtedKrngoom t .. _ populatlon cm cm d.vur ,rn 5 ft4 .1 t 7 7 . 3 1 6 3 .0 sft UnftedKrnsoom cm - usA cm . v,6m ul , v t75.8 162.s : I s ff.3.772Ot m cm i cm IF usA lo-2.+ t782 164't id.l :"- ;"* cm r io cm iln 16s . 71 5 8 . i 5.:.f f cm cm | ff 4 6 zo-:sMi,"" i lto In . i l : Atnencan sn2.2 ?9-3? :" -o .6 m l n Mexica!- i Atnencans Atnencans 5 E ' R n -' 11 h^6,4luman_h€ight | /tD008 Pageo of 17 Humanheight - Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia usA 17e.25 16s0s 10.6 sr si. .-.-- sR I7 8 .2 2t6 -J.65 ;^" tv.2 cm cm in .*,, i " -' ln "' &'jiir"ol sc ' 80- 83bom ntiicane!. Americans a= Cavelaars et al 2000* b =** c = 'FittingtheTaskto theMan' ger= Officialsratistics O{ficeofCennany(,/basis/d/gesdgesutab8.php) ot theFedemlStatistical =69-134&D2=(1-1 ( 1)d = Netherlands CentralBureaulor Statistics,2000 l&DM=SLEN&LA=en&TT=2) e = EurostatsStatisticalYearbook2004 Norway2006[2] ( f= Statistics g = ABS How Australians MeasueUp 1995data F4A36/$File/43 590_1 995.pdf) (hfip:// 568?100069892CA25688900I 1997 h - LeidenUnivenityMedicalCentre ( i = MeanBodyweight,Height,andBodyMassIndex1960-2002 j, = 2005canadiancommunityHealthSurvey3.1 ( 2-04-size-age-x.htm) j = Canadian Institule(httpr// FihessandLilestyleResearch NZ Normsfor Anthropometric Data1993****(]order/catalogue/pd7musclk - (page60) SizeandShapeofNew Zealanders: kr.pdt) (hfip:// I = Statistics Sweden Cultue,Sports,Science andTechnology[3] m':= OfncialStatistics by Ministryof Education, gojpA menu,41otdou,/1 (http://www.mext. 8/10/06100304/003/002.pdt) 2006 n = UFIH(FrcnchUnionofclothing lndustries) 2003 o = SigmaDosStatistics ulkaisut/julkaisusarja_b/2004b I3.pdfJ p = NarionalPublicHealthlnstitute(Finland)(h1tp:// q = (Fulltextsourceis pay,liststhestatjstics asbasedonthesercgions:Dalmatia(Split,Sibenik,Dmis,Sinj,Imotski,Vrgorac)andHercegovina (Mostar,Trebinje,Konjic)Dynamique humaine2005( deI'evolution uids=l6l68365&doDt=Abstract) cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list daraandph)sicalfitnessofLithuaniansoldiers(hfip://medicina.kmu.ltl0601/0601-ose.pdf) r = VISUOMENESSVEIKATAAnthropomerrical = s [4] (http://www.destatis.de4etspeed/portal/cms/Sites/destatis/lntemerDEDresse/pv2006,Mikrozensus/Pressebroschuere,property=file.pdO characteristics accordingto the sociodemographic for determining theeligibilityofyoungmenfor mililaryservice. s = Committee u = [5] ( thsryeng2004upd/04TrendTabs.xls/file) v - HealthSurveyfor England2004(,4 l/1/2008 Human height - Wikipedi4 the free encyclopedia Page7 of 17 x = Vall d'HebronHospitalpediatricstudyaboutl8-year-oldSpaniads,datedin 2004,andothervaluesmentioned in thearticlebelow. (h$p://\lrcpintl23 y = (a studymadebenveen theyears1980-2000) / USl'! ma{toshow=&HITS=10&hits=1o&RESulTFoRMAT=&andorexacttitle=and&andorexacttitleabs=and&fulltext=HeightRelated+Changes+in+Body+Mass+Index% 3A+A+Reappmisal+&andorexactfulltext=and&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=o&sortspec=relevance&resourcetype=HWCIT) z = 2003study( A 2007Eurostatstudyrevealed thesamercsults- theaverage Maltese (5'4.9")compared personis 164.9cm to theEU average of 169.6crn(5'6.7"). (httpr/ 1970-2004 aa= Koreanstatistical inlormationsystem(between) stat OLAPjsp? YN=Y&lang-modFeng)Source:Ministry tbl_id=DT_1P12&org id=l12&vwcd:MT ETITLE&path=&oper ofEducationandHumanResouces Development[korea] ofprimary& secondary students Pdffile (http://pub.paran.corn/surgus/Sc.pdo aaL= Physique aa' = Empasnews(http://news.empas.con/show.tsp/cp_kh./20060512n06861/'7kw=20%Bco/oBc%20o/o3cbo/o3E%26%3co/ozFb%38%20%C6o/oF (websitein Korean) B1%D5%20%3Cb%38%26%3Co/AFbo/.3Eo/"20o/oBD%Cs%C0%E5%20%3Cbo/o3E%26%3C%2Fb%3E) Korea) ar = MMA (Military ManpowerAdministation) Whitebook2004^{ (http:/6log.daum.nevsurgus/?_top_blogtop=go2myblogxsouth bb = MinistryofEducation, Republicof China(Taiwan)( 003.htm) girls(http:/,4b.,08/2000-07-8-f4-TIjpg),,rskjol/2000-07_08/2000-07-8-f4cc: Icelandicboys(http://lb. TItjps) dd= Tend6ncias do PesoemPortugalno Finaldo SdculoXX (http://www.actamedicapoftuguesa.con/pd 2004-l'7131205-2l0.pdt) ee= [6] (http://www.ingentaconnect. com/content/tandfltahb/ I 999/00000026/00000003/art00005) ff = [7] (,user:10&_coverDate-o1%2F31% version=1&,urlversion=0& 2F2006&rdoc-l& fmF& orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221& userid-10&md5=400538aca29c1nc6, gg = [8] (http://epub. 24I /01/underperformance.pdf) ub.uni-m Notes: height a* Basedon selfreported andnot measured seethetalk pagefor moreinformation. b** Somevaluesfromthissitehavebeendisputed, j*** Basedon selfreportedandnotmeasured height k'r'rt**Basedon Britishnormsandtheirrelations to NewZealandvalues HumanHeightDistribution(USA) 'fable showingpercentilesmallerthan statedheight Height(feet/inch)Height (cm) Male Female 4ff llin l50cm 09o 4.600 5 ft Oin l52cm 02% 9.7% 5ft lin 155cm 0.5% 17.'lo/r 5ft 2in 157cm 1.4% 28.90/" ||2008 Hurnan height- Wilipedia-rhefreeenc)clopedia 5ft 3in l60cm 5ft 4in l63cm 5tt 5in l 6 5 cm 5ft 6in l68cm 5117in 170cm 5ft 8in 173cm 3.tvo 42.5% 6.4% 57.1% 11.9%70.6% 20% 8r.8% 30.7%89.'1% 43.3%91.7% 5ft 9in 175cm 56.80/"9'7.50/" 5fi loin 178cm 69.5%98.8% 5 f t l1 i n 180cm 80.t% 99.3Vo 6 f t Oi n 1 8 3 cm 88.2'/"" 6ft l in l85cm 93.6%99.6% 6ft 2in l 8 8 cm 96.8%99.9% 6ft 3in l90cm 98.60/"99.9% 6ft 4in 193cm 99.4% 99.9% 6ft 5in 1 9 5 cm 99.7% 99.99r/o 6ft 6in 198cm 99.9% 99.99% Page8 of l7 - This datais basedon a sampleof 12,867peopleby theThird National - Source(http://wu'w.shortsupport.orgResearcvanalyzer.html) HealthandNutritionExamination Surveybetween1988and1994.Studyis basedon Adultsbetween18and65 (men)and60 (women) Determinantsof growth and height The studyof hunan gro\athis known asauxology.Grorth and height havelongbeenrecognized asa measure ofthe healthandwellnessof individuals.hencepart of the reasoningfor the useof growth chalts. For individuals,asindicatorsofhealthproblems,grovvthtrendsaretrackedfor significantdeviations andgrowthis alsomonitoredfor Geneticsis a majorfactorin determining significantdeficiencyfrom geneticexpectations. the heightofindividuals,thoughit is far less influentialin regardto populations. Averageheightis increasingly usedasa measure ofthe healthandwellness(standard of living and qualityof life) ofpopulations. Attdbutedasa significantreasonfor thehendofiocreasingheightin pats of Europeis theegalitarian populations nutritionarerelativelyequallydistributed. wherepropermedicalcareandadequate Changes in diet(nutrition)anda generaldse ofliving arethecitedfactorsin theAsianpopulations. Averageheightin theUnitedStateshasrcmaioed in qualityof healthcareandstandard height 1/l/2008 l{uman height - Wikipedia, the ftee encyclopedia sincethe 1950s.Severemalnutritionis knownto stagnant essentially poflions ofAfrican.cenain smnledgowlh in NonhKorean. cause historicalEuropean,andotherpopulations.Diet (in additionto leeded nutdents;suchthings asjunk food andattendanthealthp.oblemssuch Page9 of 17 25 g. 20 ;rs I o I E r0 I I I l ,, o5 I o 0 2 4 0 12 14 16 18 20 810 Ags In Years o""*o'""tn"ff;"tJ:S',:l"i.Xtlll:1;p"*u'"o"on'on' andeven Rulefor example), climate(seeAllen'sruleandBergmann's fitness,pollutionexposue,sleeppatterns, asobesity),exercise, height' happinesi(psychologicalwell-being) are otherfactorsthat canaffect growth ard final ofgeneticsand by a combination lraits,determined Heightis, like otherphenotypic environmentalfactors.Geneticpotentialplus nutdtion minus stressorsis a basic that a shortmotherwill more formula.cenetically speaking,the heightsofmother and sonandoflather anddaughielconelate,suggesting as infantsandtoddleN likelv beara shorterson,andtall fatherswill havetall daughters,l2]Humansgrow fastest(other thar in the womb) iili;ii;";;e;il;; t;,i between throlghoutchildhood growthvelocityoccurs th"; a;.ng,trep,'6".tuigto*firrpuft.n slowerJteady Theseare alsocritical periods tt eseperiodi; andiome slow, steady,declininggro*th after the pubertalgrowth sput levels oITis common. are optimal then gro{th whercstressoFsuchasmalnutrition (or evenseverechild neglect)havethe greatesteffect. Conversely,ifconditions poor conditionswhenthose potentialis maximized;andalsothereis catch-upgrowth - which canbe significant for thoseexperiencing conditionsimprove. pregnancy,hasa role A Moreover,the healthof a motherthroughouther life, especiallyduring her critical periods,and of courseduring mothe/s healthis important pregnant healrhierchild andadult developsa body that is bettertble to provide optimal prenatalconditions.The period areresolvedby catch-up asgestationis itselfa critical period for an embryo/ferus,thoughsomeproblemsaffectingheight dudng this healthover gro-wthassumingchildhoodconditionsare good.Thus,thereis an accumulativegenerationeffect suchthat nutrition and to varying degrees' generationsinfluencesthe height of descendants,4lumanheight 1/l/2008 Page10of 17 Humanheight - wikipedi4 the ftee €ncyclopedia The preciserelationshipbe$een geneticsand envilonmentis complexand pollgenic andha,beencon'idered Humanheightis aOoiheritablelll uncerutin. l'l ciandebatea hundredlears ago Theonly geneso sincethe Mendelian-biomet is onl) oneol many as withnormalheightvaialionis HMGA2.This faramibuted forjust confersan additional0.4cm' accounting eachcopyofthe alleleconcemed of populationvariance.l3l 0.30lo Race and height Seealso: Raceand heakh, R.lceafid intelligence,height and intelligence,and heahhatulintelligekce The Nilotic peoplesof Sudar suchasthe Dinka havebeendescribedasthe tallest in the world, with the malesin somecommunitieshaving averageheightsof 1 9 m (6 li 3 in) andfemalesat 1.8m (5 ft 11in)[5].A notableexampleis ManuteBol, who, at 23 im(7ft 7in). wasthe taliestbasketballplaver in the NBA Th€ Dinka are charactetizedashaving long legs,narrowbodiesand shorttrunks,an adaptationto hot weather[6].However,a 1995studycastsdoubton the claim ofextraordilary height in Dinka, which after studyingthe averageheightofDinka malesin one L/l localion.listedtheactualnumberas 1.76m (5 ft 9.45in.) 46,t1t ot*ttt heightof4ft 11in. average peopleshavean approximate ? :l aa ,{. a - .,a a a a. ! I '- d", L: t ina, : I t i, t t il -- --t , jF ir . . p5r t I 5 I f t l relationship (1889)datashowingthe Galton's Sir Francis asafunclionof offspingheight(928individuals) betweeo m€anparentheight(205setsofparents)He tability ljne,0.57 (r^2) is equalto theslopeofthe regression lived\tas Robert At 2.57metres(g ft 5.5in), LeonidStadnykis theworld'stallestliving manandis from Ukaine. Thetallestmanthatever pershingWadlowfrom Alron,Illinois,who wasbornin 1918andstood8 ft 11.1inches(2.72m) at thetime ofhis deathin 1940.Thetallest man without a gro*th disorderis Bao Xishun at 2.361meuEs(7 lt 8 95 in) tall Processof growth by Grcwth in stature,determinedby its variousfactors,resultsfrom the lengtheningofbones via cellular divisionschiefly r€gulated the releaseof another somatotopin (humangrowth hormone(hGH)) secretedby the anteriorpituitary gland.Somatotropinalsostimulates tissues ofthe body, have on most growth inducinghormoneinsulinJike grorth factor 1 0GF-1) mainly by the liver. Both hormonesop€rate gradually irany otherfufiions, andcontinueto b€ s€cretedthroughoutlife; with peakl€velscoincidingwith peakgro*th velocity, and during sleep Exercise the largest with The bulk ofsecretionoccursin bursts(especiallyfor adolescents) subsldingwith ageafter adolescence. who take steroidscanexpedencestuntedgro th). A positive net nutition is alsoimportant,with orornotessecretion.(indeed,adolescents proteinsandvariousothernutrientsespeciallyimportant. 1t1/2008 thefreeenclclopedia Humanheight- Wikipedia. Pagell of 17 'llle majo ty oflineax gro\ th occursasgrowth ofcartilage at the epiphysis(ends)ofthe long boneswhich graduallyossi$ to form hard bone.The legscomposeapproximatelyhalf ofadult humanheight,andleg lengthis a somewhatsexuallydimorphictrait. Height is also attainedftom growth ofthe spine,and contraryto popularbelief, men arethe "leggier" sexvrith a longer l€g to torsoratio, converselyto women'slongertorso to leg ratio. (The illusion ofthe proportionbeing the other way aroundis causedby fatty depositsplacedhigh on women'ships.) Someofthis growth occursafter the growth spwt ofthe long boneshasceasedor slowed.The majodty of go\ath du ng growth sputs is ofthe long bones.Additionally, the variationin height betweenpopulationsandacrosstime is largely dueto changesin leg length.The remainderofheight consistsofthe cranium.Height is obviously sexuallydimorphicand statisticallyit is more or lessnormally distributed,but with heary tails. Height abnormalities Mostinta-populationvarianceofheightis genetic.Shortstatueandtall statureareusuallynot a healthconcern.Ifthe degreeofdeviation from normal is significant,hereditaryshortstatue is kno\anas familial shortstatue andtall statureis known asfamilial tall stature. Confirinationthat exceptionalheight is normalfor a respectivepersoncanbe ascetainedftom compaxingstatue of family membersand analyzinggrowth trendsfor abruptchanges,amongothers.Thereare,however,variousdiseasesand disordersthat causegrowth abnomalities. Most notably,exteme heightmay be pathological,suchasgigantism(very rare)resultingfrom childhoodhyperpituitarism, anddwarfismwhich hasvariouscauses.Rarely,no causecanbe found for exlremeheight;very shortpersonsmay be termedashaving idiopathicshortstatue. The Foodaad Drug Administration(FDA) in 2003 approvedhGH teatment for those2.25 standarddeviationsbelow the popLrlationmean(apprcximatelythe lowest L2% oftie population).An evenmrer occurrence,or at leastlessusedterm andrecognized "problem",is idiopathictall stature. lfnot enoughgrorth hormoneis producedand/orsecretedby the pituitary glaad,then a patientwith growrhhomone deficiencycanundergo treatnent. This treatmentinvolvesthe injection of pure growth homone into thick tissueto jump-staft the growth process. Role of an individual's height healthand longevity (Njolstad Tallnesshasbeensuggestedto be associatedwith bettercardio-vascularhealthandoverall better-than-average et al. 1996,181McCarlon t ,96219).;.However,height may not be causativeof betterhealthand longevity (Miun er al 2002).Otherstudies ", or suggest havefoundno association, thatshorterstatureis associated with betterhealth(Samaras & Ehick. lqqgLLvl). On theotherhand, problems, various issues, beingexcessively tall cancause medical includingcardiovascula-r dueto the increas€d loadon theheartto supply the body with blood, andissuesresultingftom the increasedtime it takesthe brain to communicatewith the extremities.For example,Robert Wadlow, the tallestmanknown to verifiable history, developedwalking difficulties ashis height continuedto ircreasethroughouthis life. ln manyofthe pictues ofthe laterportionofhis life, Wadlowcanbe seengrippingsometbing for support.Latein his life he wasforcedto wear braceson his legsandto walk with a cane,and he died after developingan infection in his legsbecausehe wasuoableto feel the ilritation andcutting causedby his leg bmces(it is importantto notethat he died in 1940,beforethe widespreaduseofmodem antibiotics).Height extemesofeitherexcessive tallnessor shortness cancausesocialexclusionanddiscrimination for bothmenandwomen(heightism). height hnp:// It/2008 Humanheight - Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia Page12of 1'7 Epidemiologicalstudieshavealsodemonstrateda positive corelation betweenheight ard intelligence.The reasonsfor this associationappear to include that height servesasa biomarkerofnutritional statusor generalmenial andphysicalhealthduring development,that common geneticfacton may influenceboth height and intelligence,andthat both height andintelligenceare affectedby adverseearly environmental exposures. In addition,an individual'sheightcanbelargelya partofwhat socialclique,or groupthattheyfall in to, thoughthisis usuallyassociated on thebasketball teammightbe "cool",andthosewith shortstature For example,in someschools,students with pre-teens ard teenagers. woutdn'tlikely maLethe team.Therefore,in somecases,this could contdbuteto them being classifiedas "uncool",which canbe detrimental to that particularindividual'sself-esteem. This canalso sometimesbe tanslated over into the corporateworld. Individuals with shortstatue can sometimesappearto not haveany leadershipability or power,sincesomepeoplemight not takethem se ously dueto thek shot stature.However,this is not alwaysthe case with mostemployels.Historically this assumptionhasnot alwaysreflectedreality; for instanceNapoleonwasnot much taller than5it (thoughNapoleon's heightfor heightis subjectto greatdebate,andhe mayhavebeenasmuchas5' 7", seeNapoleon's accordingto sources further information)andDengXiaoping ofChina who undertookmassivereformsto the Chineseeconomyin the 1980swasreportedto have only been5 ft 2.(which was shorterthanthe averageChinese)Both were consideredvery strongleaders. The role of heightin sports Height often playsa crucial role in sports.For most sports,height is useful asit affectsthe leveragebetweenmusclevolumeandbones andvolleyball,wherethe "short"playe$arealmostalways towardsgreaterspeedofmovement.It is mostvaluablein sportslike basketball gen€ral population. professional In men's basketball,the guards,the smallestplayers,are well aboveavemgein height comparedto the thetallestplayers,aregenerallyaom 6'10"to 7'2"(2.08to 2.l8 m). Famous usuallyaround6'2"to 6'6"(1.88to 1.98m), andthecenters, t] playerShaquilleO'Nealis listedat 7'1"[t 12.16m). Somesports,suchashorseracing,autoracing,figureskating,diving,and basketball positions(i.e . In AmedcanFootball, gymnastics, a smallerframeis rnorevaluable.In othersports,therole ofheightis specificto paxticular runningbackshavean advantageifthey are shorterthanthe defendersdueto lower centersofgravity anddecreasedvisibility.) In andtaller thanaveragecompetitorsusuallycompetein the 105kg + group. weightlifting shorterleve$ axeadvantageous Soccer For example,in soccer,tall goalkeepershavean advantagebecausethey havegreateramspa.nsandcanjump highereasily,so onewill rarely, at the professionallevel. However,shortergoalkeeperswill havean easiertime reachinglow shotsasthey can ifever, seea shortgoa.lkeeper reachthe groundfractionally soonerthantaller keepem.ln attackingandwide positions,height is not alwaysimpottantwith someofthe best playersin the world (e.g.Lionel Messi, Romarioand Maradona)being shorterthanaverageandin many casesgainingan advantagewith for centraldefenders. their low ceflterofgravity. However,height is generallyconsideredadvantageous height ||2008 Humanheight - Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia Page13of 17 Cricket like DonaldBradman(5'7"/1.70m), SachinTendulkar(5'5"/1.65m) andAiavindaDe Silva(5'2") Similarly,in cricket,somegoodbatsmen are/wereshort.On the other hand,many successfulfastbowlersarelwerewell over 6 ft7l.83 m; for examples,pastgreatsJoel Gamer. m. In geneml,taller CourtneyWalsh,andCurtlyAmbrosewerea1l6'6"/1.98m or tallerandtherecentlyretiredGlennMcGrathis 6'4%"/1.95 bowlershavea higherpoint ofreleasein their bowling action,makingit easierfor them to makethe ball rear-upfrom a length.Also, they can generatemore pacewilh longerarmsandthe sling actionassociatedwith bowling. Rugby ln rugby union, lineoutjumpers,generallylocks, are usuallythe tallestplayerson the pitch, asthis increasestheir chanceofwinning clean ball, whereasscrum-halvesare usuallyrelatively short.As examples,cunent woild-classlocLsVictor Matfield, Chris Jack,andPaul appearances, scrum-halfGeorgeGregan,is 5'8"/1.73m. O'Connellareall at least6'6"/1.98m, whilethe sport'sall-timeleaderin intemational Football In Football.a tall quafierbackis at an advantagebecauseit is easierfor him to seeover the headsof largeoffensiveanddefensivelinemen while he is in the pocketin a passingsituation.Tall wide receive$ havean advantageofbeing ableto outjump shorterdefensivebacksto catchhighly thrown passes.By contrast,shorterdefensivebacksare utilized becauseoftheir typically greateragility, asthe ability to change directionsinstantlyis a prerequisitefor the position. Shortrunningbacksarc at an advantagebecausetheir shorterstatureand low€r centerof gravity generallymakesthem harderto tackleeffectively. In addition,they caneasily "hide" behindlargeoffensivelinemen,making it harder for defenders to reactat thebeginningofa play.Thus,in theNFL andin NCAA DivisionI football,runningbacksunder6 ft 0 in (1.83m) aremorecommonthanrururingbacksover 6 ft 3 in (1.91 m). FormerHeismanTrophy winner andPro FootballHall ofFamer Barry Sanders, thoughtby someto be the greatestrunring back in history, is a classicexampleof a runningbackwith an extraordinarilylow centerof thegreatest runningbackofall time, gravity,ashe stoodonly 5 ft 7 1/2in (1.71m). However,Jim Bro\ n, anotherplayeroftenconsidered (1.88 greater power andleveragewhich height provides. m) tall, demonstratingbenefitsconfered by the was morethan 6 ft 2 in Kickers are generallyshort,they are shorterbecuasethis allows themtog et underthe ball easier.Puntersare generallyvery tall becauseof longerlegsachievinggreaterleg swing andthis translatesinto morepower on the ball. Cornerbacksaregenerallymatchedwith taller recieversifthey arevery goodat blocking offthe line. But for playswhereit is a dehnitedeep pass,thentaller comersareused.To incteasethe chacesof a batteddown passor an interception. Salbtysaretall to pick offpassesand intimidatebacksandrecievers. _height | /1/2008 Humanheight- wikipedia,thefreeencyclopedia Pagel4 of 17 Basketball Basketballplayerstendto be extremelytall with the tallestplayersbeingthe centers,astheir position is nearestthe basket.Height helpsthem makeeasydunksandgivesthem a betterchanceof not havingtheir shotsblocked.The shortestplayersaJeusuallythe pointguards,whose low centerof gravity helpsthemdribble closerto the ground. Baseball velocityanda pitcherstendto be tallerthanpositionplayers.Beingtallermeanslongerlegs,whichpowerpitchesuseto generate In baseball, position players quicker. have a larger strike zone,most plate, reaches the batter While tall point which means the ball release closerto the positionplayersate at leastofaverageheight becausethe largerframe allows themto generatemore power.Most successfulmodempitchers with the 5'11"/1.80m PedroMadineza notable aresafelyover6 feeVl.83m, someto extemes(e.9.,the6'10"/2.08m RandyJohnson), exception. History of humanheight Europeans in NorthAmericawerefar tallerthanthosein Europe.In fact,theywerethetallestin theworld. In the 18thand1gthcenturies, populationof PlainsIndianswasalsoamongthetallestpopulations ofthe world at thetime.[I2]Seueralnations, Theoriginalindigenous nations. andthe Scandinavian theUS,partiiularlytheNetherlands, in Europe.havenow surpassed includiig manyn'ations In the late nineteenthc€ntury.theNetherlardswasa landrenownedfor its shortpopulation,but today it hasthe 2nd tallestaveragein the Herzegovina, world,[l3]with youngmenavemging183cm (6 ft) tall andonly shoderthanthepeoplesofthe DinaricAlps (Montenegro, in Europe for extremetallness. (6 The Dinarians and Dutch are now well known CoastalCroatia),wharemalesaverage186cm ft 1.1in) tall. In Africa, the Maasai,Dinka andTutsi populationsareknown for their tallness. Averagemale heightin impoverishedVietnamarrdNorth Koreall4l remainscomparativelysmallat 163cm (5 ft 4 in) and 165cm (5 ft 5_in), respectively.Currently,yormgadult North Koreanmalesare actually significantly shorter.This contasts greatlywith the extremegro*th standards ofliving. YoungSouthKoreansareabout12cm (5.5inches) Asianpopulations with conelatedincreasing occtmingin surrounding taller thantheir North Koreancounterpafis,on average.Thereis also an extlemedifferencebetweenolderNorth KoreansandyoungNorth thereis virtually no height differenceamongNorth Koreanand SouthKorean Koreanswho grew up duringthe faminesofthe 1990s-2000s; adultsolder than40, who cameofage at a time whenthe North'seconomywason a par with that ofthe South. Bibliography . Filting the Taskto the Man, 1987(for heightsin USA andJapan) . 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Pa,\son,PhD, StatureandStatus:Height, Ability, andLabor Market Outcomes (htQ:// I 2466) An Overview20061020 . GlobalHeighrTrendsin IndustrialandDevelopingCountdes,1810-1984: (http://www.econ.uples/docs/seminarebaten.pd|,4lumanheight 1/t/2008 Humanheight- Wikipedia,thefreeencyclop€dia Pagel6 of 17 References Argentinos de EnriqueBemerandCecileRauschHe$covic.Archik;hK:Mvos ^ Marianadel Pino,LuisaBay,HoracioLejanag4lrina Kovalskys, ( SciELOArgentina. arttext&pid=S0325-00752005000400007&lng--en&nm=iso&tlng=es). Pediatria 2. " Ii] (€.ns?iddn2667) with adultandchildhoodheightin the onlinepublication 2007)."A commonvariantofl1M0l2 is associated 3. " a'M.N. Weedone/ a/. (Advanced (httpr// generalpopulation". N.rtuleGenetics. doi:10.1038/ng2121 ofmendelianinheritance". lrazs. R. Soc.Edinburgh:399433. relatives on thesupposition 4. ^ R.A. Fisher(1918). 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" Bogin2001,citingtleightanddisributiondataof8 plainsIndiantribescollected century".N.rtionalBweauof EconanicResearch WorkingPaper I998,"Tallestin theworld:NativeAmericans ofthe GreatPlainsin thenineteenth paper I12 1-35 Series. Hktorical 13. ^ 14. ^ Tle SeattteTimer:"Shortstatureevidentjn North Koreangeneration"(http://archives.seattletimes.nwsource.conl/cgi4&date=200402 I 4) (freeregistmtion required) biMexis.cgi/web/vortex/display?slug=koreal l. Seealso . r I . r r . Heightism Anthopometry Heightandintelligence Hunan weight Humanvariabiliry l{umanbiology List oftallestpeople External links . CDC National Centerfor Health Statistics:GrowdrChartsof AmericanPercentiles(,) ght I/IDOOq Humanheight- Wikipedia-the freeencyclopedia Page17of 17 For a Dore accurat€worldwidestatisticalstudy d&tacoveringmalesand femalesfrom I - 18 yearsof age,checkthis link (scrolldown to table III - IV). . WeightsandHeightsby Countries( r Height to Weight Charts(http://www.stayfitalways.corr/charts.php) Height to weight chartsaccordingto small,mediumandlarge framefor both men andwomen. I Standard1oMetric HumanHeight Converter(,) . BMI Calculator(,/bmi-calculator.asp) Calculatea personsBody MassIndex R€trievedfrom "" Categories:All articleswith unsourcedstatements] Articles with unsourcedstatementssinceAugust 2007 | Anthopology ] Humanheight . Thispagewaslastmodified07:35,1 January2008. r All text is availableunderthe termsofthe GNU Fr€€DocumentationLicense.(SeeCepydghtsfor details.) Wikipedia@ is a registered tademarkofthe WikimediaFoundation, Inc.,a U.S.registered 501(c)(3) tax-deductiblenonprofit charity. wil hnp:,ien. uman height r/|2008
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