Livonia Warriors FRC – 2832 APPLICATION PROCESS PART 1 ALL ITEMS IN THIS PACKET ARE DUE TO Ms. Carlini At Holmes Middle School Or At Dickinson Center On Monday June 2 @ 6:00 pm Livonia Warriors Robotics Team Application Process • • • Complete and return the following forms to Ms. Carlini by June 2, 2014: o Student Application Form o Parent Information Form Request a teacher to complete and return confidentially to Ms. Carlini by June 2, 2014: o Teacher Recommendation Form To return the forms, you may: o Turn them into the Livonia Warriors Teacher Liaison at your school: § • Churchill (Ms. Anslem) Franklin (Mrs. Rosner) Stevenson (Mr. Shaw) § Emerson (Mr. Cebulski) Frost (Ms. Balosky) Holmes (Ms. Carlini). o Send via email to [email protected] or Drop off at Holmes Middle School o Mail to Isolina Carlini, c/o Holmes Middle School, 16200 Newburgh Road, Livonia, MI 48154. Attend Orientation/Open House on Monday, June 2, 2014 (All Warriors): o Students and at least one parent must attend this meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, June 2, 2014 at the Dickinson Field – 18000 Newburgh Road (just north of six mile on the east side of Newburgh.) o Application forms will be collected and PLEDGES will be discussed (All pledges must be completed in order to make the competition team). Important Dates June 2, 2014: Mandatory Orientation and Q & A for Competition Team 2015 June 2, 2014 Spring Deadline for Application Packet (Part 1). Discussion of Part Two Application for All Warriors. Testimonials and Questions and Answers Students to Students—Led by the Captains. Meet the Mentors! NOTE: ALL FORMS of the Part 1 Application Package must be returned by June 2, 2014, in order for students to participate in upcoming events, competitions, educational seminars and field trips. September 29, 2014: Deadline for Completion of Pledges for All Warriors & Team Expense is Due Captain Application letters due by email before Midnight. October 6, 2014: October 13, 2014: Induction Meeting for New and Returning Warriors Capping Ceremony at Dickinson Field – 7:00 pm Captains will be introduced Last Day to register in STIMS on the First Website. Team Photo—Warrior, Parent Boosters, and Mentors in Team Shirts Things You Need to Know Robotics is a year round activity. The “Build” and Competition season is from January through April. The remainder of the year is spent benchmarking and competing in off-season competitions, fundraising, completing pledges, participating in educational/social activities (e.g., off-season competitions, and field trips), and developing entrepreneurial skills. Students are given the opportunity to develop skills in marketing, website/animation design, business writing, and public speaking. We depend on PARENT involvement and parents are expected to support the team throughout the year. If you have questions, contact Ms. Carlini: [email protected] or 734-845-7961. Revised 4/14 LIVONIA WARRIORS Parent Information Form School: ________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Student Name: _______________________________________________________________ Year of Graduation: ___________ ****************************************************************************** Mother Name: _______________________________ Address: ________________________________ City/State/Zip: __________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _________________________ Cell Phone: ______________________________ Occupation: _________________________ Employer: ______________________________ Work Email: __________________________ Home Email: ____________________________ ****************************************************************************** Father Name: _______________________________ Address: ________________________________ City/State/Zip: __________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _________________________ Cell Phone: ______________________________ Occupation: _________________________ Employer: ______________________________ Work Email: __________________________ Home Email: ____________________________ ****************************************************************************** Step Parent(s) Name: _______________________________ Address: ________________________________ City/State/Zip: __________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _________________________ Cell Phone: ______________________________ Occupation: _________________________ Employer: ______________________________ Work Email: __________________________ Home Email: ____________________________ Name: _______________________________ Address: ________________________________ City/State/Zip: __________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _________________________ Cell Phone: ______________________________ Occupation: _________________________ Employer: ______________________________ Work Email: __________________________ Home Email: ____________________________ Revised 4/14 Student Application Form LIVONIA WARRIORS Robotics Team Name: _______________________________________ Today’s Date: __________________ School: ___________________________________ Year of Graduation: _________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: __________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________________________________________________________ E-Mail Address: ________________________________________________________________ Why do you want to be on the Livonia Warriors robotics team? Do you have any prior experience or possess special skills or talents that would be an asset to the Livonia Warriors? If so, please specify. At this time, are there any areas on the team of interest to you? Revised 4/14 FRC 2832 -- LIVONIA WARRIORS Teacher Recommendation Form Robotics Team Applicant Student Name: ___________________________________ Today’s Date: _______________________ Teacher Name: ___________________________________ School: _____________________________ Phone #: ________________________________________ Email: ______________________________ How long how have you known this student? ____________________________________________________ What subject and grade did/do you teach this student? ____________________________________________ In your opinion, what are this student’s most outstanding characteristics? _____________________________ Do you have any concerns about this student? ___________________________________________________ In your opinion, how does this student compare to peers in terms of the following characteristics? Needs Work Average Above Average Work ethic/self discipline Organizational skills Motivation to succeed Interpersonal skills Ability to collaborate/ work in groups Problem solving skills Creativity Responds constructively to criticism Other comments: ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Teacher’s signature ___________________________ Today’s Date NOTE: The information provided is confidential. Please return the Teacher Recommendation Form to Ms. Isolina Carlini at Holmes Middle School via Inter-Departmental mail, E-mail ([email protected]) or U.S. Mail (c/o Holmes Middle School, 16200 Newburgh Road, Livonia, MI 48154) Thank You. Revised 4/14 The Warrior’s Code: Safety Shall Remain Our Number One Priority! Encouragement: Warriors shall always use their best manners and be generous with compliments and encouragement to each other and other teams Cool & Calm: Warriors shall be examples of patience and humility on and off the playing field. Courtesy: Warriors will ALWAYS greet and congratulate alliances and opposing teams with smiles, handshakes, high fives, etc. Pride and Presence: Warriors and mentors are ALWAYS representatives of Livonia Public Schools, Aisin World Technical Center, and DENSO – make them proud! Respect: Warriors in all personal interactions (verbal or physical) shall remain positive, constructive, and respectful. (Words or rolling eyes– BOTH can hurt!—Don’t do it) Mediation: Concerns that need to be resolved immediately shall be discussed in private with the team leader acting as a mediator. If the concern involves the team leader, a neutral mentor will act as a mediator. Concerns will always be resolved in groups of three. Our codes have not been numbered purposely. They are all equally essential to our team, our spirit, and our reputation as gracious professionals. Livonia Warriors – Gear UP! Revised 4/14 Livonia Public Schools 2014/2015 SCHOOL YEAR Dear Parent/Guardian: Livonia Public Schools, in an effort to ensure the safety and security of all children, is continuing our safety procedure for field trip drivers and chaperones. It is necessary for all parents/guardians who will be chaperoning field trips to provide information for a criminal background check. The form found at the bottom of this letter is to be completed and returned to the school office. All of the forms from our building will then be sent to the Board of Education Office where the information will be entered into the ICHAT database. It is only the Office of the Administrator of Employee Relations and Public Safety that is authorized to access the ICHAT database on behalf of the School District. Our school will be allowed to access a list of parents who are eligible to chaperone field trips. Except where disclosure is required by law, the results of the ICHAT database check will be shared on a ‘need to know’ basis only and will be kept on file in the Personnel office for six months per state regulation. Background checks will only be valid for the current school year. Parents may elect not to be screened. Please note that if you are not screened you will not be able to chaperone any children other than your own on school field trips. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. John Raymond, Administrator of Public Safety, at 734-744-2501. Thank you for your continued support of our children and school community. (Please detach and return to your child’s teacher.) I agree that the School District may conduct or have conducted by an individual or entity of its choice, a conviction only criminal check on me. I hereby consent to this search being conducted, and to the disclosure of the results of the search to the individual or entity conducting the search to the School District. I understand and acknowledge that criminal convictions may result in disqualification from serving as a driver or chaperone. If you have students in more than one school, only one form per person is needed. PRINT NAME (as show on Drivers License) Mr. Mrs. Ms. Signature: Date of Field Trip 2015 First Robotics Season Date of Birth: School: Teacher Name: Isolina Carlini All of the above items must be filled out, and any changes made to this form will nullify this form. The form replaces and supersedes any previous form signed by me for this purpose. Revised 2014-2015 FRC 2832—THE LIVONIA WARRIORS Emergency Medical Form CONSENT FOR MEDICAL / SURGICAL CARE / EMERGENCY TREATMENT AND CHILD’S MEDICAL INFORMATION In presenting my son / daughter for diagnosis and treatment Parent’s Name: _____________________________________ for _________________________________________ q Mother q Father q Legal Guardian PRINT CHILD’S FULL NAME q Son q Daughter of ________ years of age; hereby voluntarily consent to the rendering of such care, including diagnostic procedures, surgical and medical treatment, and blood transfusions, by authorized members of the hospital staff or their designees, as may in their professional judgement be necessary. I hereby acknowledge that no guarantees have been made to me as to the effect of such examinations or treatment on child’s condition. I have read this form and I certify that I understand its contents. We / I hereby give my consent to Isolina D. Carlini of Livonia Public Schools or Chaperones of Team FRC 2832 (Name of Person, Agency) who will be caring for our (my) child __________________________________________________________________ (Name of Child) for the period July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 to arrange for routine or emergency medical / surgical / dental care and treatment necessary to preserve the health of our (my) child. We / I acknowledge that we are (I am) responsible for all reasonable charges in connection with care and treatment rendered during this period. Name: _________________________________ Family Physician: ______________________________________ Address: ________________________________ Pediatrician: __________________________________________ _______________________________________ Surgeon: _____________________________________________ Telephone No. ___________________________ Orthopedist: __________________________________________ Name of Health Insurance Carrier: Child’s Allergies, if any: _______________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________ Date of last tetanus booster: ____________________________ Group No. ______________________________ Medicines Child is taking: Agreement No. __________________________ ___________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________________ ______________________________ Mother, Father or Legal Guardian Date Witness: ________________________________________________ ______________________________ Mother, Father or Legal Guardian Date IN CASE OF EMERGENCY I CAN BE REACHED AT ___________________________________________________ Revised 4/14 PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN PERMISSION FOR PARTICIPATION IN FIRST ROBOTICS TEAM EVENTS AND FIELD TRIPS I, the parent/legal guardian of ______________________________ (“the student), give my permission for the student to fully participate in the following school-sponsored field trip: Date of trip: 2015 SEASON – (July 31, 2014 – June 30, 2015 Destination: FIRST ROBOTICS COMPETITIONS/EVENTS INCLUDING OFF SEASON Mode of transportation: ______ Commercial Bus ______ Livonia School Bus ___X__ Private Vehicle ______ Walking ______ Other (specify: _____________________________) Phone number where the parent/legal guardian can be reached during the field trip _________________ Teacher/Coach: Isolina D. Carlini Isolina D. Carlini Injuries resulting from activities at competitions and events are to be handled in the same manner as if the team were in school. Parents will be notified of any injury and treatment of the injury will be handled in accordance with parents' instructions or those on the school emergency cards. The primary medical and/or hospital expenses will be assumed by the parents' or guardians' insurance company. Medical information which the teachers/chaperons should be aware, and medications* needed by the student while on the field trip: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ *Medication authorization form must be on file in the school office. I understand that the student is not required to participate in this field trip, that it is not part of the student’s required curriculum, and that should I decline to sign and return this form, the school district will provide an alternative educational experience for the student for the duration of the field. I understand that during the field trip, the student is expected to follow all school rules, and will cooperate with, and follow the directions of, the teachers, chaperons, and bus drivers. I agree to release and hold the Livonia Public Schools, and its employees and agents, harmless from all damages, costs and attorney fees incurred as a result of any injury or damages caused to or by the student during the course of this field trip. _____________________________________ __________________________ Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian Date FIRST Robotics Competition Team 2832 WE ARE A SAFE TEAM! I WILL STAY SAFE. I WILL REMIND OTHERS TO STAY SAFE. I WILL MAKE OTHERS FEEL SAFE. DATE: FRC 2832 – LIVONIA WARRIOR I have completed three hours of Safety Orientation and have passed the FRC 2832 Safety Test with 90% accuracy.* DATE: FRC 2832 – LIVONIA WARRIOR *I agree that should I score lower than a 90% on my FRC 2832 Safety Test, I will willingly do ONE of the following: 1. I will write an essay outlining the importance of safety. 2. I will do a 2 minute presentation on some aspect of safety to the safety mentors. 3. I will study and retake the test. Revised 4/14 Livonia Warriors FRC – 2832 APPLICATION PROCESS PART 2 ALL ITEMS IN THIS PACKET ARE DUE TO Designated Mentors and Coordinators A Completed Warriors Check List That has been signed off by all Mentors/Captains Must be given to Ms. Carlini for her signature On Monday September 29 by the close of our meeting to be considered a candidate for the capping ceremony. Livonia Warriors FIRST Robotics Competition Team 2832 Who are the Livonia Warriors? We are a FIRST Robotics Competition team comprised of high school students from Livonia Public Schools who attend Churchill, Franklin, and Stevenson. We also have adult mentors including parents, teachers, business leaders, and community members. What is FIRST Robotics? FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) was founded in 1989 as a not-for-profit public charity by Dean Kamen, inventor and entrepreneur. FIRST designs accessible, innovative programs that motivate young people to pursue education and career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and math, while building self-confidence, knowledge, and life skills. What Do We Do? This season, 2015, will be our seventh year of participation in FIRST Robotics Competitions. We meet year-round to explore robotics, perform community service, and fundraise. Our intense robotics season runs from early January through April. Each year, we receive a new robotics challenge in January, and then have six weeks to design, build, program, and test our robot before participating in competitions with other high school teams from across Michigan. We are an entirely volunteer organization selffunded, and relying on the generosity of local businesses, corporations, and our friends and families to provide the financial support needed for our team to compete. Fundraising is a critical part of our team effort. Why Should Students Join? Being part of a FIRST robotics team is unlike any other experience. It is often called a "sport of the mind" and allows students to learn about a wide variety of topics. All students are encouraged to participate in some aspect of creating the robot, such as designing, building, wiring, or programming it. All students are required to participate in some way at the robotics competitions held on weekends in March and April, from being part of the drive team or pit crew to being in the stands to cheer on our team and scout the competition. Each student is also required to support the team throughout the year by completing administrative tasks, such as community outreach, fundraising, writing, and graphic design. What About Parents? As an entirely volunteer organization, the parents of all Warriors are expected to support the team. Every parent's level of involvement will differ depending on their interests and abilities. Some parents may help by: providing sack-lunch/dinners for the tech mentors during the build season, fundraising, and mentoring in either a technical or non-technical area, such as engineering, writing, business, or website. Want More Information? For more information about the team, or for a team application, visit our website at: www.livoniaswarriors.com For additional information, contact our team leader, Isolina Carlini, at: Phone: 734-845-7961 Email: [email protected] Revised 4/14 Tentative Warriors Calendar Following is a tentative year-long calendar for the team. It is designed to give team members an idea of what to expect at various times throughout the year. Note that all dates are subject to change. May-June - off-season activities • Weekly meetings on Mondays— at 6 p.m. at Dickinson Center Field (18000 Newburgh – North of Six Mile) • Imagery Team meets to create annual newsletter • Tech Squads may work additional evenings to prepare robot for off-season competitions and seminars . • First Week in June - Applications are due; expectations and pledges are discussed. • Mid June -- Annual year-end Awards Banquet at Burton Manor (usually last day of school) • Third Weekend in June - MARC Competition off-season competition (Monroe) July-August- off-season activities • Students work on pledges on their own—check in with Ms. Carlini as needed. • Various team meetings, educational, social, and community impact events TBA September-December - off-season activities • Weekly meetings Every Monday at 6 p.m. at Dickinson Center Field (18000 Newburgh – North of Six Mile) • Various fundraising, educational, social, mentoring and community impact events TBA • Third Week in September-- Kettering Kickoff off-season competition (Flint) • September 29, 2014 – Deadline for completion of Pledges & Fundraising for Warriors • October 6, 2014 – Induction meeting for New Team – Capping Ceremony J • November 3, 2013- Team Photo Taken January-February - official FIRST Build Season and related activities • January 3rd – 2015 game revealed (live video feed at Novi H.S.) and evening Think-tank session. • January 4th – Think Tank Continued • January 3th - February 17 - Official FIRST 6 WEEK Build Season • Most Monday-Wednesday-Friday evenings 6:00-9:00 and some Saturdays 9:00-3:00 • Families asked to provide sandwich dinners for Tech Mentors (see WIKI & Web Calendar). • Mid-February - Award and website submission dates • February 17 - robot bagged except for withheld parts March-April - official FIRST Competition Season and related activities • Continued work sessions as needed by Technical Squad work • Three district competitions • Locations and dates TBD • Pit set-up Thursday evening, competitions all day Friday and Saturday • State Championship (if qualified -- determined by results of District Competitions) • Early April at Eastern Michigan University (pit set-up Wednesday evening, competitions all day Thursday, Friday, and Saturday—team has qualified three times) • World Championship (if qualified) late April St Louis. (never have qualified) Revised 4/14 Parent Activities We do more than watch competitions! All Warriors are expected to read team emails, online team calendar and WIKI daily. In the fall we will be requesting that parents sign up to assist in various areas of interest. We hope these lists might help you in considering where you might be able to contribute. Parents may contribute to the team in three ways as a Booster, as an Administrative Assistant or as a Technical or Non-technical Mentor – or a combination of all three. Booster Activities (do not require any special skills or talents, just a desire to support the team on an occasional or regular basis) Parents who work as "Team Boosters" can work as individuals, but may work with partners or even in small groups so the work is spread across more than one person. • Update the calendar of events on the website throughout the year. • Assist Team Leader with tasks, such as making copies and running errands. • Plan and coordinate fundraising efforts throughout the year, especially in the fall. • Coordinate food arrangements for competitions and potluck dinners as needed. • Coordinate transportation to Warrior events as needed throughout the year. • Help design, order, and distribute team shirts in early winter. • Help design, order and process various spirit items and competition needs • Plan annual Awards Dinner in the spring (held at Burton Manor on last day of school). • Volunteer as an additional room monitor – for safety. • Do various kinds of shopping for the team. Office Depot/Cosco/Gordans etc. • Assist with Pit Set-Up/Break-Down at competitions in March (strong muscles and large vehicles are helpful). • Photograph and distribute, (including uploading to team website), photos of team during official events and casual get-togethers throughout the year. • Organize and supervise robot driving practice as needed throughout the year (no technical knowledge required, just the flexibility to arrange and be present at driving practice on one or two evenings each week. (summer, fall or winter) • Coordinate Spirit Squad Activities by assisting students in creating team spirit signs and pit awards to give to other teams, as well as the team mascot, noisemakers, etc. Revised 4/14 Parents are also welcome to contribute in the areas of Administration and Mentoring: Administrative Activities (may require certain skills as well as the time or flexibility to support the team throughout the year, especially at critical times) The team operates as a small business. As such, it needs committed individuals to take care of its basic operations. These tasks can be handled by individuals or teams of people. Regular attendance at team meetings as well as maintaining regular communication with the Team Leader is critical for those providing support in administrative tasks. • • • • • Act as a FIRST Liaison for the team. Lead marketing efforts throughout the year. Oversee team official team correspondence throughout the year. Prepare monthly and annual budget reports. Maintain team records throughout the year. • • • • • • • • • Teach Letter Writing Campaign letters. Coordinate Community Service efforts. Coordinate Community Impact efforts. Coordinate Team Community Impact Events. Create and maintain a business plan for the team. Lead marketing efforts throughout the year. Lead Fundraising efforts throughout the year. Lead First Award efforts throughout the year. Lead Chairmen’s Award activities. • • Serve in organizing and maintaining storage area, especially important during Build Season. Procure parts and materials needed for building the robot, as well as track the parts used to create the Bill of Materials needed for all competitions, especially during Build Season. Design a handsome pit arrangement with information accessible for Judges’ Talks. • Mentor Activities (require special skills & a desire to teach students and other mentors) Many mentors have specific skills or abilities which they share with the students, but most mentors can also use the assistance of other adults. If you are interested in, but not necessarily particularly knowledgeable about or talented in any of the following areas, you can assist the lead mentors. This can be an opportunity to expand your own skills, and work more closely with the students on the team. All mentors should plan to attend the monthly Meetings whenever possible. •Guide and mentor students in technical areas, related to the development/ use of the robot, such as: • Design: Designing the robot and its parts using Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software. • Assembly: Constructing the robot's frame and mechanical parts. • Electrical: Wiring and troubleshooting the electrical components of the robot. • Programming: Using JAVA to write code so the robot's functions can operate. • Scouting: Designing forms to collect information about other teams' robots. Developing a computerbased system for analyzing scouting information collected at competitions. Assisting students at competitions with the collection, analysis, and application of the data collected. •Guide and mentor students in non-technical areas, such as: • Writing/Journalism • Website design and coding • Visual Communications/Graphic Design/Animation • Record keeping • Pursuit of FIRST Awards Revised 4/14 Student Activities -- We do more than build robots! All Warriors are expected to read team emails daily, check our online calendar and WIKI daily. In the fall we will be requesting that students will sign up to assist in various areas of interest. This summer will be a time of exploration for you. We hope these lists might help you consider what areas of First robotics you would like to learn more about. For now, just be aware of the responsibilities associated with being a team member, and to begin thinking about the areas in which you might like to learn. In the fall, you will be asked to rank your preferences in these areas. Utmost consideration will be given to your preferences, but you might be asked to work in other areas this will be determined by the team leader based on the overall needs of the team. Non-Technical Team Activities Public Relations: Conduct community impact activities, such as making presentations to current and potential sponsors. Identify and lead efforts in community service, such as doing robotics demonstrations to increase awareness of FIRST and the Livonia Warriors. Visual Communication: Create paper-based graphic art for team publications, such as posters and pit cards. Develop computer-based animations, videos, and PowerPoint slideshows used in a variety of functions. Writing/Journalism: Maintain official team correspondence, such as letters to sponsors. Assist in the creation of the team's annual commemorative newsletter. Design and develop pit cards and other team publications as needed. Website: Design, code, and manage the team's website. Software Consultant: Assist others with the use of Microsoft Office applications, including Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and Publisher. FIRST Awards: Pursue opportunities to earn official FIRST awards. Spirit Squad:, create signs, pit awards, noisemakers, chants, and more to support the team at competitions. Technical Team Activities Design: Create designs of the robot and its parts using Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software. Assembly: Construct and build the robot's frame and mechanical parts . Electrical: Wire and troubleshoot electrical components of the robot. Programming: Use LabVIEW to write code for the robot's functions. Scouting: Design forms to collect information about other teams' robots. Develop a computerbased system for analyzing scouting information collected at competitions. Analyze and use this data at competitions. Revised 4/14 Livonia Warriors FIRST Robotics Competition Team Student Pledge Form – 2015 Season Student Name: __________________________________________________ Failure to complete all pledges by noted deadlines will result in the student forfeiting his/her opportunity to join the competition team. The following pledges must be completed by September 29, 2014 in order to join the FRC 2832 Livonia Warriors Robotics Competition Team. It is strongly suggested students work on these pledges during the summer so they are completed by the time school starts in the fall. Please initial on the line next to each pledge to indicate you have read these pledges and promise to do them. As a Competition Team Member of the FRC 2832: ________ I pledge to serve at least eight (8) hours of community service (if possible wearing my Livonia Warriors Shirt). I will prepare an 81/2 x 11 sheet of paper (like a scrapbook page) with a short letter describing my community service experience noting contact information. I will also print on this page a photo (or to this page) a photo of me at my Community Service event. _________I pledge to attend a minimum of 8 off season Community Impact Events. Three of the eight events MUST include mentoring and/or working with The Holmes RoboHawks FTC 5559. I will complete my Community Impact Log. ________ I pledge to participate in assisting the team with a Business Letter Writing campaign. I will choose five businesses in which I have a relationship, contact or interest, and I will write them a letter and send it by mail. I will follow up with them by phone/visit/or email in hopes of a sponsorship for my team. ________ I pledge to conduct a Friends and Family letter writing campaign consisting of at least five (5) letters or emails to family members, friends, and/or other associates (teachers, employers, neighbors etc.) ________ I pledge to conduct a bottle/can return fundraiser on my own. I may do it with friends, family or other Warriors. I will wear a Warrior Shirt and distribute our ½ sheet team bottle return poster spreading the word of FIRST, robotics and our sponsors. Funds generated by this fundraiser may be used to defer the cost of my team expenses ($150.00). Prospective Warriors may also host a fundraiser event alone or in small groups i.e. a yard sale, a candy sale, a restaurant fundraiser, etc. and donate those funds to the team as a way to defer the cost of team expenses ($150.00) as well. (see Team Expense Chart). *********************************************************************************************************** As a Livonia Warrior Competition Robotics team member, it is expected that I fulfill these pledges gladly. Student Signature: ________________________________ Date: ________________ ************************************************************************************************************************ As the parent or guardian of the above student, I understand the pledges and consequences outlined above, and will support my student in fulfilling these requirements. Parent /Guardian Signature: ________________________________ Date: ________________ Revised 4/14 Livonia Warriors FIRST Robotics Competition Team Parent Pledge Form 2015 Season Parent Name: _____________________________________________ Parent Name: _____________________________________________ The following pledges are requested from all parents. The High School Robotics Program depends extensively on parent participation. We could not run this program without much parent involvement. Please initial your approval. Your kid is on this team. You are on this team! I WILL SUPPORT ALL KIDS ON THE TEAM: _______ As a Parent Warrior, I pledge to sign an ICHAT form and be willing to drive and assist Warriors, even if my child is not in the group. This is a co-op program. _______ As a Parent Warrior, I pledge to sign up to drive on the WIKI when I am available and be willing to supervise and watch over all Warriors at competitions and events. _______ As a Parent Warrior, I pledge to check the Wiki for my assigned dates to work as room monitor in the shop, and if this date is not good for me I will contact another parent and switch. While I am room monitor, I will insure students are behaving safely. I will monitor attendance. I will have sick kids call home. I will set up coffee station and water bottles for mentors. I will assist with special projects and serve at least three team meetings. I WILL SUPPORT THE MENTORS AND TEAM WITH FOOD DONATIONS: _______ As a Parent Warrior, I pledge provide mentor sandwich dinners during the six week build and competition season consisting of sandwiches, chips, fruit/veggies and a cookie. The team will provide water bottles and coffee. Sometimes we have up to 12 mentors needing a sack dinner. I can expect to do this two or three times during the 6 week build depending on the size of the team and number of mentors. Many of our professional mentors come directly from work and do not have time to eat. Ever since we had a mentor near pass out, we now feed them. © Kids will eat dinner at home with their families. ______ As a Parent Warrior, I pledge to provide team lunch items for Saturday lunches during the six week build and competition season. Every Saturday of the 6 week build/competition season the entire team (Warriors and Mentors) will need lunch. I will work with my assigned families (assigned on the WIKI) to-put together a simple lunch — pizza, sandwiches, a pot of chili, hot dogs, mac and cheese, etc. Please choose kid friendly foods. I WILL ASSIST IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE TEAM, FUNDRAISING, AND SOCIAL EVENTS: ________As a Parent Warrior, I pledge to support my Warrior in conducting a bottle/can return fundraiser, a friends and family letter writing campaign, a business contacts letter writing campaign, community service and community impact events, and assist in securing leads to corporate sponsorships whenever possible. _______ As a Parent Warrior, I pledge to support the administration of this team by selecting at least one administrative position and one booster position of my choice to assist in moving LPS Robotics forward. ________As a Parent Warrior, I will host, organize or promote one social event for the team. Our goal is to have a group of two or three parents organize an social event approximately once a month year round. Choices might be a house party, a bowling night, a movie night, a swim party, a BBQ, game night, the zoo,—anything just for fun. Revised 4/14 Team Expense Charges & Important Dates: September 29, 2015 – Deadline for completion of Pledges for New Warriors Students submit completed Warrior Check List to Ms. C *All mentors and coordinators must have signed off before Ms. Carlini will accept. Captain Application Letters due to Ms. C (by email BEFORE midnight) Student Expenses Due: $150.00 Due (and documentation/ funds from bottle returns and any fundraising to be factored into the Student Expense amount.) • October 6, 2015 Parents Invited – Capping of New Warriors Captains will be announced • October 13, 2015- Last Day to complete application on FIRST website. TEAM PHOTOS – 6:00 Dickinson Center – All Warriors, Mentors and Parent Boosters Wear Team Shirts. Each Warrior must pay a total amount of $150.00 to Ms. Carlini by 9/29/14. This may be paid in cash/checks may be payable to “The Livonia Warriors.” Team expense has increased from last year mainly because we have added an additional (2 day) competition and more extensive off season events to our schedule. However, it can help out to use bottle return proceeds or proceeds from other various fundraising efforts to defer part or all of the team expense. Team Expense fee is broken down as follows: 2 Team Shirts: Team Photos: Award Dinner: Ticket: Safety Glasses/Shields: Competition Food/Drink First Kickoff Lunch & Dinner Competition #1 (2 days) Lunch/Snacks Competition #2 (2 days) Lunches/Snacks Competition #3 (2 days) Lunches/Snacks Pop/Water/Snacks $30.00 $15.00 $15.00 $10.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $20.00 (Off Season Events) $150.00 total (due either in fundraising/bottles/or a personal check/cash). Revised 4/14 MOST IMPORTANT NOTE: All WARRIORS, PARENTS, MENTORS OR ANY OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES OF THE 2015 SEASON: PLEASE DO THE FOLLOWING BEFORE JUNE 4, 2014: • Send me an email to icarlini@livonia public school • Write “2015 Season Livonia Warrior – Joe Smith” in the subject line (obviously write your name). • In the body of the email tell me what school you attend and what areas of robotics you think you might be interested in. This is the best way to double check your CORRECT email and establish our team email list. You will not receive team emails if you do not do this. I will not type emails from applications. There just simply are too many errors. Please do this as soon as possible and absolutely before June 4, 2014. I will formulate the 2015 Season Team Email List from the emails I receive – even if you already think I have your email. Thank you. Ms. C Revised 4/14 WARRIOR CAPPING CEREMONY CHECKLIST FRC 2832 -- 2015 Season Student Name: _________________________________________ DUE: SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 to Ms. Carlini COMMUNITY SERVICE: RECEIVED:______________________________ Community Service Mentor Signature _____I have served at least eight (8) hours of community service (if possible wearing my Livonia Warriors Shirt). I have prepared an 81/2 x 11 sheet of paper (similar to a scrapbook page) with a short letter describing my community service experience noting contact information. I did print on this page a photo (or glued to this page a photo) of me at my Community Service event. I gave this page to the Community Service Coordinator for our Competition Team Community Service Binder. LETTER WRITING CAMPAIGNS: RECEIVED: ___________________________ Letter Writing Campaign Mentor _____I have chosen five (5) businesses in which I have a relationship, contact or interest, and I will wrote them a letter and send it by mail. I will follow up with them by phone/visit/or email in hopes of a sponsorship for my team. _____I have conducted a personal letter writing campaign consisting of at least five (5) letters or emails to family members, friends, and/or other associates (teachers, employers, neighbors etc.) I have printed copies of both my business letters (5) and my friends and family letters/emails (5) and turned them into the Letter Writing Campaign Mentor for our Competition Letter Writing Campaign Binders. FIRST COMMUNITY IMPACT: RECEIVED: __________________________ Community Impact Mentor _____I have attended a minimum of 8 off season Community Impact Events. Three of the eight events MUST include occasions mentoring and/or working with The Holmes RoboHawks FTC 5559. I have completed my Community Impact Log and turned it in to the Community Impact Mentor for our Competition Community Impact Binder. SAFETY: RECEIVED: _________________________ Team Safety Captain or Mentor _____I have signed my Safety Pledge as a Livonia Warrior and filed this form with a team safety captain. This form and a copy of my safety test (with any test corrections) will become a part of the Competition Safety Binder. BEHAVIOR: I have read and will honor the Warrior’s Code. CONFIRMED: ______________________ FRC 2832 -- Team Captain Warrior’s Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date: ________________ FUNDRAISING/TEAM EXPENSE and Final Check Out: The amount of my Livonia Warriors Bottle/Can Drive is $__________________ as a team fundraiser. (Optional) I also raised $___________________by ____________________________as a team fundraiser. ____I have given Ms. Carlini cash/check in the amount of $150.00 (including my bottle drive & other fundraising proceeds. ____I have completed all of the work required to earn each of the above signatures and Ms. Carlini’s signature as well. I understand I will be inducted in the Capping Ceremony on October 6, 2014, as a member of the FRC 2832 – 2015 Season. ___________________________________________________________ Isolina Carlini, Team Leader, LPS Sponsor, and Field Coach. Revised 4/14 FIRST COMMUNITY IMPACT LOG FRC 2832 -- 2015 Season Positively “Impacting” Communities as a team is an extremely important part of an effective FIRST Robotics Team. “Community Impact” is different than “Community Service.” Community Service is serving your community in ANY way that is generous and distinctly humanitarian. The Livonia Warriors require each Warrior to serve 8 hours of Community Service in an area of their choosing. Providing assistance to the elderly, the sick, the poor, etc. are all good places to start in community service. However, “Community Impact” a term used in FIRST Robotics is a question: “HOW HAS YOUR TEAM RAISED AWARENESS OF FIRST ROBOTICS IN YOUR COMMUNITY?” OR “HOW HAS YOUR TEAM IMPACTED YOUR COMMUNITY?” These are team efforts that are not necessarily related to a robot, a competition, an award, etc. These are team efforts that get FIRST ROBOTICS out into communities of people and shout: “FIRST IS HERE! IT IS GOOD! SPREAD THE WORD! In the past the Livonia Warriors have attempted to Impact OUR Community in many ways. Team Robot Demonstrations (Bushes Grocery Store, Livonia Boy Scouts, Randolph Technology Night, Livonia Little Tots, Holmes Soles for Souls Walk a thon, Livonia Civic Center Summer Reading Kickoff, The Hands on Museum), Team Safety Events, Team Community Service Events (cleaning parks, water runners at a triathlon, raking leaves, planting trees), Attending Sponsor Picnics, Presentations and Tours (Aisin, Denso, BAE Systems, 4M Industries, NYX Industries, HM White, Delta Gear, etc) , attending off season competitions, and mentoring children, FLL teams, and FTC teams in STEM, and mentoring rookie FRC teams – most recently The Knights. As a fulfillment of your pledge to Impact your community and surrounding area with FIRST Robotics Please complete a list of a minimum of 8 Community Impact Events you have attended in application to this team. TEAM COMMUNITY IMPACT EVENTS LOG: Location of Community Impact Event 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Your Last 3 Community Impact Events MUST take place working with the FTC 5559 Team as a mentor in an area of our interest. Date # of Hours Attended You may sign-up to help on the Wiki as opportunities come available. Unless you attend a competition or scrimmage to support this young team, you will have to attend three meetings on Wednesdays from 3:00-5:00. If this time is unavailable you may work with a group of RoboHawks on an Award Preparation or another project around your schedule. This you will clear with Ms. C 6.Mentoring/Working With FTC 5559 7.Mentoring/Working With FTC 5559 8 Mentoring/Working With FTC 5559 *This completed Log must be returned to the Community Impact Mentor. Can you help us? There will be a can and bottle drive pickup to support the Livonia Warriors Robotics Team. Please place your returnable cans and bottles on your porch on: _________________________________________, (before noon) and our team members will pick them up. We appreciate your support. The Livonia Warriors is a Livonia Public Schools high school robotics team registered with FIRST comprised of students from Churchill, Franklin, Stevenson and the Livonia Career and Technical Center. If you are interested in participating in robotics as either a student or a mentor or interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact Ms. Carlini at [email protected]. Can you help us? There will be a can and bottle drive pickup to support the Livonia Warriors Robotics Team. Please place your returnable cans and bottles on your porch on: _________________________________________, (before noon) and our team members will pick them up. We appreciate your support. The Livonia Warriors is a Livonia Public Schools high school robotics team registered with FIRST comprised of students from Churchill, Franklin, Stevenson and the Livonia Career and Technical Center. If you are interested in participating in robotics as either a student or a mentor or interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact Ms. Carlini at [email protected]. Friends and Family Sample Letter/Template – edit this to make it your own. (Current Date), 2014 Dear (Grandma, Aunt, teacher, friend etc): For the last several years, I have been very involved in our high school robotics team, the Livonia Warriors, a member of the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science & Technology) robotics league, and am writing to ask if you would help us and our teammates as we prepare for our 2015 competition season. Our FIRST team is made up students from all three high schools in Livonia, and adult mentors. Every year we design, build, and program large self-propelled robots that compete against other robots built by FIRST teams from across Michigan. Working in FIRST has given me valuable hands-on training in technology and teamwork skills that are valued in the workplace: project development, mechanical design & engineering, as well as entrepreneurial skills such as fundraising, budgeting, writing, and graphic design. Our work in FIRST can also give me an advantage in applying to colleges because their technical programs favor applicants who have had experience in competitive robotics. Even more, there are millions of dollars in college scholarships available to students who participate in FIRST robotics. The Livonia Warriors team is in its seventh season. We have worked incredibly hard in establishing our team and even building a community practice field in Livonia to share with other community school systems. In our seven years of competition and we actually made it all the way to the State of Michigan FIRST Championship for three years and won many awards! Our goal this season will be to make State Championship again and, of course, bring home a few awards as well! So this is why I’m asking for your help: the Livonia Warriors does not receive any funding from Livonia schools or the city. The costs of the parts & equipment to build our robots and the competition entry fees amount to several thousand dollars, and are paid entirely by funds that we raise in the community, so individual donations from families and friends are essential so that we can stay competitive. If you could send a check to Holmes Middle School, 16200 Newburgh Road, Livonia, Michigan 48154 and make it payable to Livonia Public Schools, it would be appreciated. Also put my name and “Robotics” on the memo line of the check. This is a tax deductible donation. Our team and we personally would be most grateful for any donation that you can offer. I will send you a thank you note with some photos of our robots. Thanks again for anyway you can help. Sincerely yours, (Your Name) Business Letter -- Sample Letter/Template – edit this to make it your own. Date June 23, 2014 XYZ Engineering Company 1234 Plymouth Road Livonia, Michigan 48154 Dear Ms (or Mr.) ______________, I am a student at _____________High School in Livonia, and a member of the Livonia Warriors Robotics Team. Our team is comprised of students from the high schools Stevenson, Churchill and Franklin in Livonia. Every season we design, build, and program a robot to participate in the FIRST Robotics Competitions. We also work hard to establish entrepreneurial skills and a sound business plan. Currently, we and our mentors are preparing for our fifth season as a team. Each season we raise all of the funding needed to run our team. We pay for our sizable competition registration fees ($5000 for Districts, $4000 for State, and should we qualify for nationals and additional $4000.) In addition to these registration fees we must purchases additional tools and materials to build our unique robot according to each new season’s game. Other expenses related to running our team, also require funds. I am writing to ask if you would consider supporting our team with a cash donation or a gift in kind of materials or mentoring. I encourage you to consider the various levels of sponsorship noted on our website. Please note that all donations are made directly to the Livonia Public Schools and may be taxductible. We appreciate any assistance possible — inkind gifts, monetary or mentoring. I also invite you to visit our team website at www.livoniawarriors.com for additional information.. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Anna Carlini (Your Name) Graphic Design and Team Writer (Your Squad or Interest) Livonia Warriors Robotics Team FIRST Robotics Competition Team 2832 This is a word copy of team letterhead. Warriors are welcome to use it for any letter writing campaigns – of course delete this line. J Ms. C Team Contact: Isolina Carlini, Team Leader, Livonia Public Schools, 16200 Newburgh Road, Livonia, MI 48154 734-845-7961