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Welcome Capital Market Day November 27, 2006 Capital Market Day 2006 1 Welcome Tomas Franzén Main objectives of the CMD To present the strategic direction mid term for Eniro To present the key projects on which Eniro is strengthening and innovating its core business, as the driver for revenues and EBITDA growth in the years to come To familiarise the financial community with Eniro’s core businesses in particular the online business Capital Market Day 2006 3 AGENDA 13.00 - 13.15 Welcome 13.15 - 13.45 Group strategy update – Tomas Franzén, CEO 13.45 - 14.30 Nordic Online Overview – Cecilia Geijer, SVP Product & Market 14.30 - 15.00 Coffee Break 15.00 - 15.30 Sweden – Tomas Franzén - Offline 15.30 - 16.15 - Online – Christer Pettersson, Nordic Online manager - Din Del – Stefan Östlund, Marketing manager Din Del 16.15 - 16.45 Norway – Wenche Holen, President Eniro Norway - Offline – Birgitte Horve, Marketing director BU Print Norway 16.45 - 17.00 Break 17.00 - 17.45 - Online – Hans Petter Terning, SVP Eniro Norway 17.45 - 18.15 WLW – Andrew Pylyp, Managing director WLW 18.15 - 18.30 Wrap-up – Tomas Franzén Capital Market Day 2006 4 Group strategy update Tomas Franzén Agenda 1 2 3 Situation assessment Positioning statement Strategy and plan going forward Capital Market Day 2006 6 Ambition for Eniro Objectives Revenue growth of 3-5 percent Good, sustainable margins and cash flow Capital Market Day 2006 Dividends to shareholders 75 percent of net income An efficient capital structure 7 The overall challenge SEK M 7 000 % 40 EBITDA marg 6 000 Voice 30 5 000 Online 4 000 20 3 000 2 000 10 Offline 1 000 0 2004* 2005 2005 pro forma** Oct-Sept 2005/06*** 0 * Voice in Finland reported as online ** Pro forma including Findexa *** Rolling 12 months Oct-Sep 2005-2006 pro forma including Findexa Capital Market Day 2006 8 Offline revenue development SEK M 4 500 4 051 4 000 3 961**** Poland Denmark Finland 3 500 3 000 Germany 2 704 2 621 2 500 Norway 2 000 Sweden – on its way to stabilization Norway – stabilization journey just begun Finland – on its way to stabilization 1 500 1 000 Sweden Denmark – stable 500 0 * ** *** **** Poland – stable 2004 2005* 2005 pro forma** OctSept 2005/06*** Including Findexa from Dec 5, 2006 Pro forma including Findexa 2005 Rolling 12 months pro forma including Findexa 2005 Moved publication in Norway from Q3 to Q4 (SEK 78 M) added back Capital Market Day 2006 9 Online revenue development SEK M 2 000 1 887 1 800 1 600 1 693 1 422 Germany Poland Denmark Finland 1 422 1 400 1 200 1 000 Norway Sweden and Germany – need to accelerate growth Norway, Finland, Denmark and Poland – stable good growth 800 600 400 Sweden 200 0 2004* * ** *** **** 2005** 2005 pro forma*** OctSept 2005/06**** Finland includes Voice revenues Including Findexa from Dec 5, 2006 Pro forma including Findexa 2005 Rolling 12 months pro forma including Findexa 2005 Capital Market Day 2006 10 Voice revenue development SEK M 1 000 884 900 784 800 700 Finland Sweden and Norway – stable voice revenues Norway Finland – growing voice revenues 894 619 600 500 400 Sweden 300 200 100 0 2004* * ** *** **** 2005** 2005 pro forma*** OctSept 2005/06**** Finland Voice revenues excluded Including Findexa from Dec 5, 2006 Pro forma including Findexa 2005 Rolling 12 months pro forma including Findexa 2005 Capital Market Day 2006 11 EBITDA margin development 2004 % 2005 pro forma* Oct-Sept 2005/06** Sweden and Norway – high sustainable margins Finland, Denmark and Germany – potential for improvement Poland – stable margins 50 40 30 20 10 0 Sweden Finland incl. Voice incl. Voice Denmark Poland Germany Group incl. Voice Norway incl. Voice *Pro forma including Findexa 2005 and excluding non-recurring costs **Rolling 12 months pro forma including Findexa 2005 Capital Market Day 2006 12 Cash flow and dividend development Good, stable cash flow development SEK M Cash flow from operating activities 2004 2005* Oct/Sep 2005-06* 1 016 1 007 1 248 Net debt/EBITDA, times 2.1 5.0** 4.4** Dividend policy 75% of net income SEK M 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Dividend 101 123 247 301 345 398 Redemption of shares n/a n/a 703 795 n/a n/a Repurchase of shares n/a n/a n/a 100 193 n/a Total transfer to shareholders 101 123 950 1,196 538 398 * Findexa consolidated as of December 5, 2005 ** In relation to EBITDA pro forma for the new Eniro Group and excluding non-recurring costs of SEK 113 M attributable to the acquisition of Findexa Capital Market Day 2006 13 Nordics yellow pages/local search advertising market MUSD 1 500 CAGR = 4.5% 1 000 543 611 Online* Print 335 376 422 474 774 770 764 775 766 758 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 500 0 * Online directories and sponsored links Source: The Kelsey Group Capital Market Day 2006 14 Agenda 1 2 3 Situation assessment Positioning statement Strategy and plan going forward Capital Market Day 2006 15 Position statement 2004 Eniro is the leading search company in the Nordic media market For active users, Eniro makes it easy to find people, businesses and products 2004 Eniro provides deep, local, quality assured information, ever present in channels preferred by the users – and thereby moves users closer to transaction Capital Market Day 2006 16 Position statement 2006 Eniro is the leading search company in the Nordic media market For users searching for a business, person, place, product or service, Eniro provides relevant, local, high-quality information – easy to find and evaluate, accessible wherever the need arises 2006 For advertisers aiming at customers close to the transaction, Eniro provides effective salesgenerating advertising solutions – easy to manage and measure, customised to advertiser needs in multiple channels With a commitment to innovative search services, Eniro is the helper that makes everyone a finder Capital Market Day 2006 17 Agenda 1 2 3 Situation assessment Positioning statement Strategy and plan going forward Capital Market Day 2006 18 Position statement and its strategic consequences Eniro is the leading search company in the Nordic media market Focus on product development and marketing – in search 2006 Geographical focus – synergy potential between Nordic countries Capital Market Day 2006 19 Position statement and its strategic consequences For users searching for a business, person, place, product or service, Eniro provides relevant, local, high-quality information – easy to find and evaluate, accessible wherever the need arises Continuously develop services for users searching for commercial information 2006 Better understanding of user needs Develop our systems for quality assessment State-of-the-art knowledge in user friendliness Monitor preferred user trends and behaviors Adapt channel portfolio accordingly Capital Market Day 2006 20 Position statement and its strategic consequences For advertisers aiming at customers close to the transaction, Eniro provides effective salesgenerating advertising solutions – easy to manage and measure, customised to advertiser needs in multiple channels 2006 Continuously develop our ability to deliver hot leads Better demonstrate the real value of our services Develop better segmentation, targeting and pricing Better tools and services for advertiser interaction Capital Market Day 2006 21 Position statement and its strategic consequences With a commitment to innovative search services, Eniro is the helper that makes everyone a finder Develop employer branding, both internally and on the talent market 2006 Implementation of the committed mindset in the organisation With a commitment to innovative search services, Eniro is the helper that makes everyone a finder Capital Market Day 2006 22 Core challenges 2007 Stabilize print Accelerate online growth Finland – Road to 20% margin Cost savings Last year in the three year program Eniro-Findexa synergies Realizing group synergies Capital Market Day 2006 23 Nordic Online Overview Cecilia Geijer Agenda 1 2 3 4 5 Key Online and Advertising Trends Eniro position Eniro Online Strategy and offerings What happened 2006 Going forward Capital Market Day 2006 25 Key online industry trends Convergence of directories, search and classifieds “Visualization” of online directories Shift in focus from tight bundling to product portfolios – explosive growth in search marketing Expansion of vertical search options – jobs, cars, music Partnerships – compete – cooperate - coexist Source: Kelsey Group 0806, Eniro Analysis Capital Market Day 2006 26 Key online industry trends More focus on creating tools for SME’s to create and manage search campaigns Social Search – user generated content and user interactivity ”Web 2.0” is here: new technology, incl. more open interfaces Product development strongly technology-driven Mobile Internet – the next driver of usage and revenue Source: Kelsey Group 0806, Eniro Analysis Capital Market Day 2006 27 Nordic region maintains broadband lead Bandwidth critical for developing certain services Higher speed positive/necessary for the development of …user-generated content e.g. pictures, video etc. …map services and other visualizations Over 50% of all households in Sweden have access to broadband (73% of households with Internet access ) and 57% of all households in Norway “Large increase of number of households with broadband” Source: Forrester March 2006, Stelacon March 2006, NPTA Capital Market Day 2006 28 50% of mobile users will use mobile internet services by 2010 Western Europe M 350 Mobile subscriber penetration (82%) Internet-enabled phone penetration (100%) 300 250 200 Mobile Internet user penetration (50%) 150 100 50 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Source: Forrester Dec 2005 Capital Market Day 2006 29 Total Advertising in the Nordics MSEK 25 000 Sweden Internet CAGR 34% MNOK 20 000 20 000 Norway Internet CAGR 30% 15 000 15 000 10 000 10 000 5 000 5 000 0 0 2005 2006 Internet advertising Denmark MDKK 2005 2007 2007 Traditional media advertising + directory advertising Finland MEUR 15 000 12 500 2006 1 750 Internet CAGR 28% 1 500 10 000 1 250 7 500 1 000 Internet CAGR 24% 750 5 000 500 2 500 250 0 0 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 Source: IRM, WARC Eniro estimates Capital Market Day 2006 30 Internet advertising in Sweden IRM Forecast June 2006 (SEK M) 2005 2006 2007 Advertising/alliances 789 1,007 1,258 Online directories/classifieds 738 828 911 Paid search advertising 150 579 840 27 1,703 39 2,453 48 3,057 E-mail advertising Total Internet advertising Online directories/classifieds to grow by 12 percent in 2006 and 10 percent in 2007 Paid search advertising growth is explosive Capital Market Day 2006 31 Agenda 1 2 3 4 5 Overall Eniro position Eniro Online Strategy and offerings What happened 2006 Going forward Capital Market Day 2006 32 Eniro’s Nordic online market situation Rapid changes Competitors entering different market segments with similar products to Eniro’s services Schibsted launched – no real success in Norway so far usage growing strongly – revenue still at a low level New and old directory players EDSA Google’s usage position strong Sites for shopping and classifieds gaining ground – eBay enters via Tradera Global/Local search players Google MSN Sesam One-stop-shop for search Classifieds Blocket/FINN eBay/Tradera Shopping sites Kelkoo Pricerunner Blocket continues to do well EDSA acquires Torget to get usage and access to shopping Increased competition grows the markets Eniro – One-stop-shop for search Capital Market Day 2006 33 Eniro Nordic online search & classifieds position Estimated number of Unique Browsers during Q3, 2006 (weekly average) (SWE, NO, FIN, DK) GOOGLE SCHIBSTED CLASSIFIEDS AND SEARCH ENIRO CLASSIFIEDS AND SEARCH MSN SEARCH YAHOO SEARCH INCL ALTAVISTA & KELKOO TELENOR ( WIKIPEDIA KRAK EBAY / TRADERA EDSA LYCOS SEARCH SANOMA WSOY QXL 0 2 000 000 4 000 000 6 000 000 8 000 000 10 000 000 12 000 0 Source: Alexa, TNS Metrix, Nielsen SiteCensus, Eniro Analysis, Weekly average SWE, NO, FIN, DK Capital Market Day 2006 34 Eniro Nordic online search & classifieds position Estimated number of Unique Browsers during Q3, 2006 (weekly average) (SWEDEN) Estimated number of Unique Browsers during Q3, 2006 (weekly average) (NORWAY) GOOGLE GOOGLE SCHIBSTED CLASSIFIEDS AND SEARCH TELENOR ENIRO CLASSIFIEDS AND SEARCH ENIRO SEARCH & CLASSIFIEDS MSN SEARCH SCHIBSTED SEARCH & CLASSIFIEDS YAHOO SEARCH INCL ALTAVISTA & KELKOO MSN SEARCH EBAY / TRADERA YAHOO SEARCH INCL ALTAVISTA & KELKOO Sweden WIKIPEDIA Norway START NETWORK AS WIKIPEDIA VALUE CLICK / PRICERUNNER NETTKATALOGEN LYCOS SEARCH QXL LETA 0 0 500 000 1 000 000 1 500 000 2 000 000 2 500 000 3 000 000 3 500 000 200 000 400 000 600 000 800 000 1 000 000 1 200 000 1 400 000 1 600 000 1 800 0 4 000 0 Estimated number of Unique Browsers during Q3, 2006 (weekly average) (DENMARK) Estimated number of Unique Browsers during Q3, 2006 (weekly average) (FINLAND) GOOGLE GOOGLE KRAK MSN SEARCH MSN SANOMA WSOY (Huuto, Oikotie, Keltainen Pörssi) ENIRO ENIRO SEARCH EDSA - (De Gule Sider A/S) Finland YAHOO SEARCH INCL ALTAVISTA & KELKOO Denmark YAHOO SEARCH INCL ALTAVISTA & KELKOO DEN BLÅ AVIS A/S NETTIX WIKIPEDIA WIKIPEDIA LYCOS (JUBII) EDSA - (Fonecta) QXL 0 500 000 1 000 000 1 500 000 2 000 000 2 500 0 0 500 000 1 000 000 1 500 000 2 000 000 2 500 0 Source: Alexa, TNS Metrix, Nielsen SiteCensus, Eniro Analysis, Weekly average SWE, NO, FIN, DK Capital Market Day 2006 35 Nordic Eniro.xx usage User sessions monthly 20 000 000 25 000 000 + 20 000 000 15 000 000 15 000 000 10 000 000 10 000 000 5 000 000 0 5 000 000 0 -05 maj-03 jul-03 sep-03 nov-03 jan-04 -06 mar-04 maj-04 jul-04 sep-04 nov-04 feb-05 05 mar- apr- maj- jun05 05 05 05 jul- aug- sep- okt- nov- dec- -06 jan- feb- mar- apr- maj- jun05 05 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 06 06 jul- aug- sep- okt06 06 06 06 20 000 000 4 500 000 4 000 000 jan-05 18 000 000 16 000 000 3 500 000 14 000 000 3 000 000 12 000 000 2 500 000 10 000 000 2 000 000 8 000 000 1 500 000 6 000 000 1 000 000 4 000 000 500 000 2 000 000 0 0 -06 fe bm 05 ar ap 05 r-0 m 5 aj -0 jun 5 -0 j ul 5 au -0 5 gse 0 5 p0 ok 5 t- 0 no 5 v de -0 5 c0 j an 5 -0 fe 6 bm 06 ar ap 06 r-0 m 6 aj -0 jun 6 -0 j ul 6 au 0 6 gse 0 6 p0 ok 6 t- 0 6 -05 feb- mar- apr05 05 05 -05 maj05 jun05 jul05 aug- sep05 05 okt05 nov- dec05 05 jan06 -06 feb- mar- apr06 06 06 maj06 jun06 jul06 aug- sep06 06 okt06 Source: TNS Metrix, Nielsen SiteCensus, N.B. Minor differences in definitions of user session yielding slightly higher results in No, Dk and Fi Capital Market Day 2006 36 Agenda 1 2 3 4 5 Overall Eniro position Eniro Online Strategy and offerings What happened 2006 Going forward Capital Market Day 2006 37 Eniro Nordic Online Strategy Products and Services Eniro’s innovative local online search services and products will be perceived as best in class for connecting buyers and sellers. Users Users will perceive Eniro as the most user-friendly local online search service, encouraging them to contribute with their own content. Advertisers By providing the highest quality leads and competitive ROI to our advertisers, we will be perceived as the best in class and most knowledgeable partner in online search advertising. Market Be perceived as the first mover on the local Nordic search market by actively responding to market trends, advertiser and user needs. Capital Market Day 2006 38 Eniro Nordic Online Strategy Content We will leverage our unique local knowledge and presence in order to provide relevant and qualitative local content. Advertising & content distribution We will continuously improve and expand our distribution network for content and advertising. Channels We will offer our core services whenever and wherever user needs arise. Technology By closely following and monitoring technology trends, we will use leading-edge technology when relevant. Capital Market Day 2006 39 Product Vision eniro.xx Whenever I have a search need, I always find the best local information via eniro.xx. They understand what I am searching for, and I always get relevant results, especially when it comes to businesses, products and services, people and maps. Eniro truly helps me to “Find It Easy” Capital Market Day 2006 40 Core services - searches for businesses, products and services, people and maps Supporting Images Video Company Shopping Local news Residential Core Buy and sell Linkguide Maps Web Portals Job search Online As-Is Analysis Capital Market Day 2006 41 Today we have a more complete local offering to users Service Web search Company Residential Maps Linkguide Local news Classifieds Shopping Municipal Info Image search Video search Eniro.xx* a a a a a a a a a a Next to come a a a TV search Weather search Job search Blog search a** a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a * used as example ** even more services offered at than shown here Capital Market Day 2006 42 A complete offering to advertisers Banner Info pages Sponsored links Product PPC Info pages Banners Eniro.xx* a a a a a (YSM) a a a a a * used as example, YSM – Yahoo Search Marketing Capital Market Day 2006 43 Agenda 1 2 3 4 5 Overall Eniro position Eniro Online Strategy and offerings What happened 2006 Going forward Capital Market Day 2006 44 Achieved during 2006 – Search Launch of improved map service e.g. dynamic maps, traffic information and aerial photos (Sweden, Norway and Denmark) Launch of the new tab in Sweden, “Shopping” Launch of full PPC platform in Sweden Full launch of PPC backfill from Google Updated news search service to secure Eniro’s position in local news search Launch of blog to support more structured user interaction Launch of integrated features with Swedish community Lunarstorm Launch of “product search” – deeper yellow information Launch of user reviews Launch of Click to call functionality Launch of Restaurant table reservation possibility Launch of new online ROI-tool Split of sales force online/print Launch of new eniro.xx Capital Market Day 2006 45 Launch of aerial photos Capital Market Day 2006 Launch in May 25% Traffic increase 46 Launch of real time information Traffic information Improved road directions Road cameras Launch Jan 2006 Capital Market Day 2006 47 Launch of a new service – Shopping Capital Market Day 2006 Integration of Din Pris 180 e-shops ytd 210.000 products ytd 48 Launch of “deeper” Yellow Search “Deep yellow” (“product search”) 122 000 structured words to chose from According to survey, 2/3 of all persons who have tried are satisfied or very satisfied Capital Market Day 2006 49 Launch of User Ratings & Reviews User reviews Launched in February 32 000 reviews ytd Well received by users Capital Market Day 2006 50 Launch of Click-to-call Click to call Launched in February 87 000 calls ytd Capital Market Day 2006 51 Launch of Restaurant table reservation Restaurant table reservation Launched in February Partnership ~200 restaurants Capital Market Day 2006 52 Customer Specific Reports No of exposures on Result Page Click to Info Page Click to Web Page Sent Emails No of exposures on Maps Click to Route planning Capital Market Day 2006 53 Launch of eniro.xx Demo later by Product Manager Christer Pettersson Capital Market Day 2006 54 Achieved during 2006 – Classifieds Launched a new technical platform “As a site Eniro Köp & Sälj plays in its own league…..add a few functions and it will be market leader in a couple of years “ Internetworld 7/06 Launched car Partnership with dealer Sweden's stock lists leading 1.0 on IYP community, Lunarstorm Capital Market Day 2006 RSS-feed for ad monitoring and to open up interface for users (part of web 2.0) 55 Achieved during 2006 – Mobile Improved Mobile Index and Site search Send to Friend functionality Aerial Photos launched First banner sold Banner Sold 2.5% clickthrough rate! 2006 Unified hit list. Same look in all countries Usability update – Classifieds easier to use and more relevant results MEGO 2.0 Complete platform rewrite which will allow for faster development, shorter time to market and greater flexibility Banner Sold helper inaugurated Capital Market Day 2006 56 Achieved during 2006 – community Portal Æ Community – repositioning Launch of Passagen Alias, personal profile pages, platform for social network The releases have focused on consumer generated content: Blog, Chat, Dating and Skype integration Internal cooperation between Search and Community Eniro Blog, EM blog and Eniro Podcast launch on Passagen Rating & review on Passagen and Eniro Gula Sidorna Capital Market Day 2006 57 Agenda 1 2 3 4 5 Overall Eniro position Eniro Online Strategy and offerings What happened 2006 Going forward Capital Market Day 2006 58 Going forward - Mobile Drive traffic and increase usage. Lay the foundation for… Commercialization! 02 03 04 05 06 07 Capital Market Day 2006 59 Going forward - Mobile 1. In place today General Hit List MEGO Top page SE Classic media banner could be followed later by banner tailored to user’s previous search history Ad: Best Pizza! Banner Yellow Pages Hits (x) 1. Company (SOLNA) More hits… 2. Next in Line Sponsored link or banner triggered by search word Clear What/Who/Number Where (place or address) White Pages Hits (x) 1. Person (DANDERYD) More hits… Classifieds Hits (x) 1. Classified More hits… Search Maps Route plans All search services Show About © Eniro Sverige AB Map Hits (x) 1. Address (DANDERYD) More hits… Mobile Internet Hits (x) 1. Eniro (SOLNA) More hits… startsida Capital Market Day 2006 60 Going forward - Search 1) Increasing local competition More and more fragmented marketplace Faster online product development 2) Visualization of local search Maps in focus for local search More content integrated in maps Leverage video for advertisers and users (uploads) 3) Web 2.0 is here More open interfaces to enable mashups, packaging of content and services User participation and interactivity resulting in strong growth of content upload. 4) Google, MSN and other global search engines closing deals for data provisioning and partnerships with local directories. 5) Eniro will continuously deepen the yellow content Capital Market Day 2006 61 Going forward - Search 6. Leverage the advantages with One-Stop-Shop for search Blending of search results Integrate – IYP/Maps Monetize all search traffic, by implementing IYP/Classifieds PPC advertising to a much higher degree IYP/Shopping Capital Market Day 2006 62 Going forward - Search Eniro needs to monetize online better and leverage the explosive growth in search advertising better 1) Increased transparency + ROI (delivery of high value as our users are ready to buy!) 2) Monetize all services (i.e. maps) 3) Moving towards more flexible business models Fixed price complemented with pay for searchability, pay for ranking, pay for features, pay for presentations, pay for calls, pay for transactions Capital Market Day 2006 63 Capital Market Day 2006 64
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