MBA doble titulacion
MBA doble titulacion
Our MBA program meets high-quality global standards This statement is accredited by the AMBA (Association of MBAs), an institution established in London in 1967 as an international authority that provides accreditation services to MBA programs with high-quality global standards. GLOBAL MBA Dual-degree: SNIES-2004 Magister en Administración, Universidad Icesi Master of Management at Tulane University MBA Informes Universidad Icesi, Calle 18 No. 122 -135 Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Económicas Teléfono: 555 2334 Ext.: 8247, 8221, 8014 Email: [email protected] Cali-Colombia Magister en Administración, Universidad Icesi Leadership+Ethics+Strategy+Innovation+Communication There are only three AMBA-accredited MBA programs in Colombia, 32 in Latin America, and 180 worldwide. Mission THE MISSION OF THE MBA AT ICESI UNIVERSITY IS TO EDUCATE MANAGER S WHO S TAND OUT FOR THEIR LEAD ERSH IP, S TRATEGIC TH INKING, GLOBAL VISION, AND E FFECTIVE COMMUNICATION SKILLS, AS WELL AS FOR THEIR A BILITY TO RECOGNIZE THE ETHICAL AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY I M P L I C A T I O N S O F T H E I R D E C I S I O N S . DUAL-DEGREE PROGRAM Master of Management from Tulane University Magister en Administración de la Universidad Icesi Universidad Icesi in association with the A.B. Freeman School of Business at Tulane University offer a program that combines on-campus courses and three international study-abroad experiences in the United States, Europe, and Asia. This is an innovative program in Colombia, and one of the best programs of its kind in Latin America. It provides professionals with an opportunity not only to earn both Icesi's and Tulane's masters degrees, while they continue to perform their work duties at their organizations, but also to acquire solid advanced knowledge of current management practices. • • • • • 50% of the courses are taught by international professors in the English language. Students attend 20% of the courses in New Orleans, Paris, and Beijing. 80% of the courses are taught by professors who hold a doctoral degree. Classes meet on Fridays every two weeks after noon and on Saturdays until 4:00 p.m. The MBA program at Icesi University is accredited by the London-based Association of MBAs (AMBA), which has certified that our program meets the highest global standards applicable to graduate management training. • The Master's program at Tulane University is accredited by AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), an organization that accredits the top business schools from around the world. • This program is offered in Cali and Bogota. Cost versus benefit, clearly your best choice for an MBA in Colombia! The A.B. Freeman School of Business at Tulane University was established in 1914 in New Orleans. It is a founding member of AACSB, the premier accrediting body for collegiate schools of business. Today, Freeman is a leading, internationally recognized business school with more than 2,000 students in programs spanning three continents. The Freeman School is consistently listed among the nation's best business schools by publications including U.S. News & World Report, BusinessWeek, Forbes, Financial Times and America Economia. In its Essential Science Indicators index, Thomson Scientific ranks the Freeman School in the top 1 percent of institutions based on citations in business and economics between January 2000 and April 2010. Through innovative offerings such as the nationally acclaimed Burkenroad Reports equities research program, the Darwin Fenner student-managed fund, the Tulane Business Plan Competition, the Tulane Energy Trading Competition, and the Global MBA program, Freeman combines a rigorous academic grounding with practical real-world experience. Universidad Icesi is a private university founded in 1979 by local business leaders who are still today supporting the university in multiple ways. Prestigious leaders from the region are members of the Board of Trustees and Board of Directors at the University. The business school has established an extensive network of contacts with other prestigious institutions and universities from around the globe. The University is, for example, a member of the Business Association for Latin American Studies (BALAS), the International Association of Universities (NAFSA), the Latin American Council of Administration Schools (CLADEA). In addition to the above, the School is now in the process of securing the international accreditation status with the AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), an organization that accredits the best business schools in the world. We redesigned our MBA program In order to maintain our leading position in Colombia, and continue offering a world-class program that can be projected into the future, we redesigned our MBA. To this end, we visited the business schools at the universities of Yale, Stanford and Harvard, among others, and attended several international events. Through these activities, we gained first-hand insights into the most important innovations that are taking place amongst world-class business schools. Thus, in redesigning the MBA, we adapted current best practices from around the world to our local environment and built a uniquely innovative program for Colombian business leaders. The redesigned MBA focuses on four components: Manager, Global Environment, Organisation, and Business. The MBA main objective is to educate Managers recognized by society for being: leaders, who effectively lead and work with others in teams; ethical, who weigh ethical issues when making decisions and recognize the impact of their actions on society; strategists, who propose integral solutions to organizational problems; good communicators, who communicate effectively relevant information for making business decisions; and innovators, who develop new processes, structures and products that create value for their organisations. Such a manager should know and use the analytical tools required to run an Organisation (statistics, accounting, economics), develop the skills related to the functional areas of Business (finance, marketing, operations and human resources), and acquire a thorough understanding of the Global Environment (economic and political environment, legal and social responsibility, international experience) where they perform. Components Manager Leader Ethical Strategist Communicator Innovator Accounting Statistics Economics Finance Marketing Human Resource Operations An innovative curriculum Semester I Stattistics applied to business Accounting and costs Strategy and competitiveness Managerial Communications Strategic human resource management Semester II Managerial Economics Marketing Management Financial Strategy I Leadership and Teamwork Summer in New Orleans (Tulane University) International Business New Venture Creation Credits Hours Component 3 2 2 2 2 11 36 24 30 18 24 132 Organization Organización Business The Manager The Manager 2 4 2 3 11 24 48 24 36 132 Organización Business The Manager Business 3 3 6 36 36 72 Global Environment The Manager Semester III Design and Innovation Economic and political context Financial Strategy II Ethics and social responsibility Decision Making Final graduation project I Semester IV Operations and supply chain mananagement Organizational capabilities Organizational's legal context Strategic Management (Capstone) Final graduation project II Summer in Paris and Beijing (Tulane University) Global Strategic Analysis Global Finance TOTAL Credits Hours 2 3 2 2 2 1 12 24 36 24 30 18 Component The Manager Global Environment Business Global Environment The Manager 132 2 1 2 3 3 11 24 12 24 36 96 3 3 6 36 36 72 57 636 Business The Manager Global Environment The Manager The Manager Business Academic experience in three continents Studies at Tulane University in New Orleans, United States At the end of their first year, our students spend two weeks in New Orleans, United States, where they attend Global Strategies and Entrepreneurship courses taught by Tulane University professors. They also make visits to companies and attend lectures on various topics. Studies in France and China At the end of their second year, students travel to Paris for two weeks and China for one week to attend courses on International Finance and Global Strategies taught by Tulane University professors. Besides attending these courses, students visit companies, institutions, and diplomatic delegations of Colombia abroad. New Orleans Paris Students are responsible for taking care of their visa application procedures. Icesi University provides assistance with the visa application procedures, but it cannot guarantee that the appropriate visas will be granted. Beijing Why should you pursue an MBA Undertaking an MBA is important because professionals need to be prepared to face the challenges of the surrounding environment. Today the world moves faster and has fewer barriers than ever before. There are a large number of opportunities for organizations to sell their products and services in other markets, find different supply sources, and have access to a wide range of options to establish alliances. An increasingly larger number of organizations are looking for qualified managers with an MBA degree. There are more and more professionals with a great potential for executive development who are interested in complementing their undergraduate education with a top-notch Master in Business Administration program such as the one being offered by Icesi University. Rigorous selection of colleagues Our rigorous admission process makes it possible for students to be in a class with peers of a suitable profile and level to ensure the success of a top quality program. Thanks to a careful selection process, the participants in the MBA dual-degree program are individuals of a great potential, serving at management positions at regional or multinational companies. Given the characteristics of this program offered by Icesi and Tulane universities, students must be proficient in English and have the necessary financial resources to travel to the United States (New Orleans), Europe (France), and Asia (China) where part of the program is carried out. A Master in Business Administration, usually known as an MBA, is a program that trains professionals to take on positions of managerial responsibility. An MBA offers students general knowledge of the different areas of an organization and a global strategic vision. State-of -the-art facilities The classroom for the MBA program is designed to guarantee effective learning. It is equipped with modern audiovisual aids and Internet connections that provide broad-band access and facilitate networking. The technical support staff at our University sets up our students' lab top computers with the necessary software programs for various applications. Our students have remote access to multiple databases that provide them with access to the best scientific publications and journals worldwide. They can also access the physical resources available at our recently renewed library. The courses in the MBA curriculum are aimed at providing a balance between knowing (theories and facts), doing (skills and competencies), and being (values and attitudes). AMBA accreditation: global standard of high quality The MBA at Icesi University was accredited by AMBA (Association of MBAs) in February 2010. This means that our graduate program meets global standards of high quality. In a saturated market offering a plethora of graduate programs, being accredited by the AMBA is a guarantee not only of quality, but also of the return on investment for students who will see a better compensation for their skills in the labor market. For our graduates this accreditation represents the possibility of being a part of the largest global network of MBA professionals from top-tier universities from around the world. The website of the AMBA ( provides outstanding opportunities for networking, seeking employment at job banks, and finding opportunities for continuous education. Employers who are looking for the best managers and directors for their companies are aware that graduates from AMBA-accredited programs have received education of the highest quality. Applied Graduation Project Students have the choice to conduct an applied research study aiming at resolving an organizational problem, building a case study, or developing a business plan. At the beginning of the third semester, students are assigned a professor who will guide them through their research. The business plan is prepared with the guidance of the CDEE (Center for the Development of Entrepreneurial Spirit), which is internationally well-known for providing top-quality coaching to new entrepreneurs. This Center has received numerous distinguished awards and recognitions such as the The Best Educational Program in Entrepreneurship Outside of United States awarded by The Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship in the USA. Through case studies, simulations, and class preparation, students are constantly encouraged to play an active role in their learning process. Courses in Cali and Bogota Students who live in Bogota will take classes with local professors in this city. For classes given in Colombia by professors from Tulane University and other foreign universities, they will have to travel to the campus of Icesi University in Cali. The cost of the airfare for traveling from Bogota to Cali on approximately three weekends per semester is included in the tuition fee. Students must bear their own boarding, lodging, and local transportation expenses in Cali. Classes in Cali: Meet every 15 days, on Fridays from 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm and Saturdays from 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. Classes in Bogota: Meet every 15 days, on Fridays from 2:00 pm to 9:00 pm and Saturdays from 8:00 to 3:00 pm. Faculty In redesigning our MBA program, we made a major effort to assemble an excellent team of locally and internationally reputed professors with a high level of academic education and business experience. The MBA program relies on a team of Colombian and foreign professors who possess a sterling academic background and vast experience as business consultants and managers. ALAIN DUMONT ALFREDO RINCÓN HEC Paris Graduate School of Management. Master of Arts at Paris Sorbonne. Professor of HEC of Strategy and Business Policy. Magister en Administración, Universidad de los Andes, Especialista en Mercados, Universidad Javeriana. Ingeniero Civil, Universidad del los Andes. ENRIQUE RAMÍREZ R. Ph.D. in Business (Organizational Behavior), Tulane University. Master in International Business, University of North London. Master en Estudios Políticos, Universidad Javeriana. Economista, Universidad Javeriana. HÉCTOR OCHOA Ph.D. in Economics, Syracuse University. MBA Finanzas y Contabilidad, Syracuse University. Economía, Universidad de Antioquia. GERMÁN CASTELLANOS Ph.D. in Business (Consumer Behavior), Tulane University. Master in Business Administration, Syracuse University. Ingeniero Mecánico, Universidad de los Andes. HERNANDO MURILLO Ph.D. en Gestión de Recursos Humanos (en curso). Atlantic International University. Magister en Administración de Empresas, Universidad del Valle. Psicólogo, Universidad del Valle. CHRISTOPHER ROBERT MCCUSKER Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Psychology, Industrial-Organizational Program, B.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. GONZALO ULLOA Ph.D. en Ciencias Técnicas de la Escuela Politécnica Federal de Lausanne (EPFL) Suiza. Espec. Ciclo de Informática Técnica, Escuela Politécnica Federal de Lausanne (EPFL) Suiza. Ingeniería Eléctrica de la Universidad del Valle. EDUARDO PABLO Ph.D of Finance - Tulane University, A.B. Freeman School of Business Master of Arts, Economics, Tulane University, A.B. Freeman School of Business. GUILLERMO BUENAVENTURA Ph.D. Candidato en Administración y Dirección de Empresas, Universidad de Salamanca, USAL, España. Magíster en Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad del Valle. Maestría en Administración de Empresas, Universidad EAFIT. Especialista en Finanzas, Universidad del Valle. Ingeniero Químico, Universidad del Valle. JAMES H. BITEMAN JERÓNIMO BOTERO DBA. Business Administration Harvard University. MF Indiana University B.S. Chemical Engineering Purdue University. Graduate Study in Polymer Chemistry, Western Reserve University Cleveland OH. Ph.D. en Filosofía (en curso) Universidad de Barcelona. Magíster en Filosofía, Universidad del Valle. Especialista en Ética y Derechos Humanos, Universidad del Valle. Licenciado en Filosofía, Universidad del Valle. JHON JAMES MORA Ph.D. en Economía, Universidad Alcalá de Henares, UAH, España. Maestría DEA en Economía, UAH. Maestría en Paisaje Territorio y Recursos Ambientales, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid UAM, España. Economista, Universidad del Valle. Jefe JUAN PABLO MILANESE Ph.D. en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. Magister en Relaciones Internacionales: Europa-América Latina, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Bologna, Italia. Licenciado en Ciencia Política. Universidad de Buenos Aires. MAURICIO GONZÁLEZ Ph.D. in Business, Tulane University. Master of International Management from Thunderbird and Bachelor of Marketing from Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico. JOSÉ ROBERTO CONCHA Ph.D. in Business (Marketing) y Master in Management Science, Tulane University. Ingeniero Químico, Universidad del Valle. Jefe del Departamento de Mercadeo y Negocios Internacionales, Universidad Icesi. JUANITA CAJIAO Ph.D. in Business (Organizational Behavior), Tulane University. Magister en Administración, Universidad Icesi. Especialista en Administración del Talento Humano, Universidad del Valle. Psicóloga, Universidad del Valle. JUAN MANUEL GONZÁLEZ Ph.D. (in course) in Business, Tulane University. Master in Business Administration (Entrepreneurship & Family Business), Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya EAE Barcelona. Especialista en Mercados, Universidad Icesi. Administrador de Empresas, Universidad Icesi. JULIÁN BENAVIDES JULIO CÉSAR ALONSO LARRY CRUMP Ph.D. in Business (Finance). Master in Management Science, Tulane University. Especialización en Administración, Universidad Icesi. Especialización en Finanzas, Universidad Icesi. Ingeniero Eléctrico, Universidad de los Andes. Ph.D. in Economics, Iowa State University, ISU, USA. M.Sc in Statistics, ISU. M.Sc. in Economics, ISU. Economía, Universidad del Valle. Ph.D. Griffith University, School of Law. Master of Social Work. University of Utah, School of Social Work. Bachelor of Science, Sociology and Psychology. MAURICIO LENIS MELQUICEDEC LOZANO MERCEDES FAJARDO Ph.D. en Sociología Jurídica de la Universidad Externado de Colombia. Especialista en Derecho Empresarial, Universidad de Bucaramanga. Abogado, Universidad de Medellín. Ph.D. en creación, Estrategia y Dirección de Empresas, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Máster en Iniciación a la Investigación, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Magíster en Economía Aplicada, Universidad del Valle. Ingeniero Industrial, Universidad del Valle. Ph.D. (en curso) en Dirección de Empresas: Estrategia y Organización, Universidad de Valencia - España. Master en Finanzas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. D.U. en Ciencias de la Gestión, Universidad de Rouen. Contadora Pública, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali. Administradora de Empresas, Universidad Santiago de Cali. MICHAEL J. BURKE OSCAR LEÓN GARCÍA RAQUEL PUENTE RODOLFO AGUILAR Ph.D in Psychology, Illinois Institute of Technology, M.S. in Industrial Psychology, Purdue University, Bachelor of Arts, University of Notre Dame. MBA Arthur D. Little, School of Managem ent, Cambridge, USA. Especialista en Finanzas, Universidad Eafit. Administrador Empresas, Universidad Eafit. PhD., Marketing Tulane University, A.B. Freeman School of Business. Master of Management , Tulane University, A.B. Freeman School of Business. MBA, IESA, Caracas. Especialización de Mercadeo, IESA, Caracas. Ingeniero Civil, Universidad Central de Venezuela. Ph.D. Civil Engineering, North Carolina State University, MBA. Master of Business Administration, A.B. Freeman, Tulane University. B.S. Architecture Engeneering, Louisiana State University. ROBERTO LUNA AROCAS Ph.D. en Psicología Social. Facultad de Psicologia. Universitat de Valencia. Mastee en Marketing de la Distribución Comercial Universitat de Valencia ADEIT - Especialización en Psicología Económica IAREP Summer School, Universidad de Linz, Austria. WILLIAM A. REESE Ph.D. Finance and Economics, University of Arizona. MBA, Finance, Virginia Tech. B.A. Chemistry, the College of Wooster. Associate Professor A.B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University. RODRIGO VARELA Ph.D. en Ingeniería Química y Refinamiento de Petróles de Colorado School of Mines. Máster Chemical and Petroleum Refining Engineer, Colorado School of Mines. Ingeniero Químico, Universidad del Valle. SILVIO BORRERO Ph.D. in Business (Organizational Behavior), Tulane University. Magister en Administración, Universidad Icesi. Especialización en Sistemas Gerenciales de Ingeniería, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Ingeniero Industrial, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Admission Requirements • Registration: Duly completed application form. It can be downloaded from the following website address:, and it is also available at Icesi's Registration Office. • Application fee payment receipt. The application fee is Col$305,000 which can be paid either at the cash register's office at Icesi University or at any of the branches of BANCOLOMBIA following the instructions provided at the following website address: Applicants must attach a copy of the deposit slip. • Undergraduate degree: Applicants must submit a copy of their diploma or certificate of graduation from an undergraduate program. If available, they must also provide copies of their diplomas or certificates of graduation from any other graduate programs. • • No less than three years professional and working experience. • • • • Transcripts of undergraduate studies: If applicants have completed graduate studies, they must also submit copies of their graduate transcripts. If applicants are alumni from Icesi they do not need to submit their transcripts. Current CV. Three (3) color ID size photos. A copy of the applicant's personal identity card or identification document. Essay written in English addressing the following question: How are you going to make use of your master studies in your professional career? (300 words) • PAEP admission test A description of the test, including practice exercises, can be found at the following website address: The minimum score requirement is 500. • Result of an English language proficiency exam administered by the University. If applicants have the recent results of an internationally recognized English language proficiency exam (taken within the last three years), such as the TOEFL or the Michigan test, they can submit their test results. According to the European Union standards, the minimum level of English proficiency required for admission to a program is B2 (Higher Intermediate Level). The scale ranges from A1 to C2. Cost of Investment The cost of the semester tuition fee can be found at the following website: Dual degree After successful completion of all requirements at Icesi University, students are awarded the degree of Magister en Administración. At the same time, Tulane University will bestow the degree of Master of Management to those students who have successfully met the requirements of Icesi University and earned the required number of credits at Tulane University. Other requirements to be eligible for graduation in this dual-degree program are to have completed the research project and to have engaged in the international experience abroad. Calendar You can check the most important dates at the following website: Our Mission and Vision of the Future Our Mission at Icesi University is embodied in four fundamental concepts: our purpose, core values, vision of the future, and our strategic institutional objectives. Core purpose: We learn to know and take actions to build a better world. Core values: Acknowledgement of the dignity of all individuals Passion for learning Commitment to the wellbeing of society Vision of the future: “By the year 2022, the University will be recognized, by the Colombian society, national organizations, and international and national academic peers, for being a model of excellence in teaching, for the increasing visibility of its research results, and for the positive impact of its social intervention with the region and the country”. Foco en desarrollo de competencias de un GERENTE Líder, Estratega, Innovador, ético y Buen Comunicador. Notes Notes
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