- doctorado en diseño + creación
- doctorado en diseño + creación
FACULTY: ARTS AND HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT: VISUAL DESIGN NAME OF THE PROGRAM: Ph.D. In Design and Creation PROGRAM APROVAL: Agreement 06 minute 04 of April 3, 2009 of the Superior Council QUALIFIED REGISTER RESOLUTION: 10087 of December 11, 2009 - MEN IT TAKES PLACE AT: University of Caldas, Manizales. Colombia. DURATION OF THE PROGRAM: Eight (8) semesters MODALITY: ON CAMPUS NUMBER OF CREDITS: 96 NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 12 DEGREE: Ph.D. in Design and Creation ADMISSIONS: Annual INFORMATION: [email protected] Presentation The Ph.D. program in Design and Creation aims to study the nature and practice of the design and creation, through the investigation and the interdisciplinary processes that are coordinated from the design, the art, the sciences and the technologies. The investigation groups that remain at the University of Caldas are supported by experimental processes that have developed other national and international academic institutions through original researches. The Program emerged from groups of investigation of the Visual Design Department; it joins to other investigation groups belonging to the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. It aims to develop interdisciplinary processes that lead the arts, social and human science, the environment and computer science, the education, the engineering and the entrepreneurship. The proposal of the Ph.D. in Design and Creation receives support from COLCIENCIAS and the MINISTRY OF EDUCATION in the national call of support to the creation of doctorates, based on the master’s degrees consolidated in 2007. Curriculum STAGES SEMESTER Preliminary I -Advanced topics in design and creation (6) -Network, interfaces and technologies (4) -Aesthetic research and design seminar (2) II -Thematic Seminars in Design (6) -Thematic Seminars in Creation (6) 12 III -Interrelation Design, Art, Science and Technology I (4) -Elective Seminar I (4) -Candidates Assessment (4) 12 IV - Interrelation Design, Art, Science and Technology II (4) -Research Seminar I (4) -Elective Seminar II (4) 12 V -Research Seminar II (12) 12 VI -Research Seminar III (12) 12 VII -Research Seminar IV (12) 12 VIII -Research Seminar V (12) 12 Specific Training Dissertation ACTIVITY CREDITS Total Credits: 12 96 Methodological Strategie The academic program of the Ph.D. is divided into three phases of academic training: preliminary, specific and dissertation. The preliminary phase includes training seminars in Advanced Topics in Design and Creation; networks, interfaces and technologies; Research Seminars in Esthetics and Design; and Thematic seminars in design and creation. These seminars can be approved if the student who joins to the Ph.D. comes from the Master’s Degree in Design and Interactive Creation. The specific phase requires a year of seminars that should be focused on researches, elective subjects which study in depth the most important aspects of researches on Design and Creation and the online Latin American postgraduate courses which are given in consensus with the University of Chile, the National University of Córdoba, Argentina and the University of Caldas, Colombia. The dissertation requires two years of research, creative production and development, depending on the nature of the research problem. The first year of the dissertation phase consists of internships, university teaching processes in undergraduate programs and dynamics of investigation that emphasize the themes of the thesis; and the next year the development and the synthesis of the thesis. Research Lines The Ph.D. proposes four lines of research based on the developed projects, these are: - Interaction Design, Art, Science and Technology. Design and development of interactive products. Knowledge-management and knowledge-brokering. Sustainability, art, society and environment. The lines of investigation determine the Program’s courses of the fundamental credits and the elective seminars. The research seminars are epistemologically based on design and creation projects. The Visual Design Department of the University of Caldas has two investigation groups recognized by Colciencias: DICOVI (Diseño y Cognición en Entornos Visuales y Virtuales - Design and Cognition in Visual and Virtual Environments) and a group of Investigaciones Estéticas y Sociales en Diseño (Aesthetic and Social investigations in Design). Furthermore the doctorate is built on the following investigation groups: - DICOVI. Diseño y Cognición en Entornos Visuales y Virtuales. (Design and Cognition in Visual and Virtual Environments). Category B - Investigaciones Estéticas y Sociales en Diseño (Aesthetic and Social investigations in Design). Category C - PENSAMIENTO AMBIENTAL. Estéticas y Poéticas del habitar Contemporáneo. (ENVIRONMENTAL THOUGHT. Aesthetics and Poetics of Contemporary living). National University - University of Caldas. Category B - ARTESCULTURA. (ARTSCULPTURE) Category C - INNOV-ACCIÓN EDUCATIVA. (EDUCATIONAL INNOV-ACTION) Category A - TÁNTALO. (TANTALUS). Category B - COGNICIÓN Y EDUCACIÓN. (COGNITION AND EDUCATION). Category B - TERRITORIALIDADES. (TERRITORIALITIES). Category B - FILOSOFÍA DE LA CULTURA. (PHILOSOPHY OF CULTURE). Category D Cooperation Agreements for the Ph.D The cooperation agreements and institutional contacts of the Ph.D. Supports are: - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba en Argentina. - Universidad de Chile. - Universidad de la Plata. Doctorado en Artes. Argentina. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. FADU. Argentina. - LARA. Universidad Le Tolouse Le Mirail. Francia. - University of LJUBLJANA. Eslovenia. - GRACMON, Grup de Recerca en Història de l’Art i del Disseny Contemporanis. Universidad de Barcelona. - Doctorado en Ingeniería Multimedia de la Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya. Barcelona. - Laboratorio de Aplicaciones Multimedia LAM. UPC. Barcelona. - Doctorado en Sostenibilidad, Tecnología y Humanismo. Cátedra UNESCO de Sostenibilidad. Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya. - Escuela Superior de Diseño EsDi. MECAD Centro de Arte y Diseño. Universitat Ramon Llull. Barcelona. - Orquesta del Caos. SONOSCOP, Archivos de Arte Sonoro. Barcelona. - Doctorado en Ciencias de la Información. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. - UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Madrid. - Universidad del País Vasco. España. - Institute Illinois of Technology. PhD Diseño. USA. International Scientific Committee International Dra. Margarita Schultz. Universidad de Chile. Dr. Eduardo Russo. Universidad de La Plata. Argentina. Dra. Anna Calvera. Universidad de Barcelona. España. Dr. Josep M. Monguet. U. Politécnica de Cataluña. España. Dr. Patxi Araujo. Universidad del País Vasco. España. Dra. Gloria Gomez, University of Otago - New Zealand. Dr. Isidro Moreno. U. Complutense de Madrid. España. Dr. Adrian Cangi. Universidad del Cine. Argentina. Dr. Guy Julier. University of Brighton. Inglaterra. Dr. Ricardo Dal Farra. Concordia University y UNTREF. Canadá - Argentina. Marco María Gazzano. Universidad Roma III. Italia. Valentina Valentini. Università La Sapienza Roma. Italia. National Dr. Armando Silva. Universidad Externado de Colombia. Dr. Aurelio Horta. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Dr. Jaime A. Rodríguez. Universidad Javeriana. Colombia. Dr. Jaime Pardo Gibson. Universidad Javeriana. Colombia. Dr. Juan Alberto Castillo Martínez. Universidad del Rosario. Colombia. Dr. Pedro Uriel Sánchez. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Dr. Luis B. Sanabria R. U. Pedagógica Nacional. Colombia. Dr. Adolfo León Grisales. Universidad de Caldas. Dra. Adriana Gómez Álzate. Universidad de Caldas. Dr. Oscar Eugenio Tamayo. Universidad de Caldas. Dr. Felipe Cesar Londoño López. Universidad de Caldas. Advisors Dr. Richard Buchanan. USA Dr. Víctor Margolin. University of Illinois. Chicago. USA. Dr. Maurice Benayoun. Francia. Dra. Rosángela Renno. Brasil Dra. Rejane Cantoni. Universidad de Sao Paulo. Brasil. Dra. Ana García Angulo. España Dr. Wolgang Jonas. Alemania. Dr. Arlindo Machado Dr. Patricio Rivas. Chile Dra. Susana Sulic. Argentina. Dra. Cristina Venegas. UCLA. USA. Dr. Oliver Vodeb. Universidad de Eslovênia. Dr. Teemu Leinonen. Media Lab, Helsinki. Finlandia. Dr. Miguel Mallol. Universidad de Barcelona. España. Dr. Xavier Puig. Universidad del País Vasco. España. Online teachers/ Media Arts Rodrigo Alonso. Argentina Lucas Bambozzi. Brasil Gonzalo Biffarella. Argentina Claudia Gianetti. España José-Carlos Mariategui. Perús Iván Marino. Argentina -España José Manuel Berenguer. España Margarita Schultz. Chile Isidro Moreno. España Rejane Cantoni. Brasil Felipe C. Londoño. Colombia Ph.D. Support Programs Visual Design Program The Design program aims to study the articulation and implementation of formal and functional variables of the objects, spaces and messages; and specific media contexts. It considers the discipline as a projectual and systematic activity which provides and verifies the interaction of the individuals with the product of design. www.disenovisual.com Master’s Degree in Design and Interactive Creation The Master’s Degree in Design and Interactive Creation aims to study the knowledge in designing through the conceptual reflection, the practice and the communication research with interactive and audiovisual media. It deepens into the elements that are part of the development of products and processes which use methodologies and creative projectual tools that involve social individuals as active members. www.maestriaendiseno.com Events International Image Festival It is a meeting and debate space on issues related to electronic arts, digital audiovisual creation, digital and electroacoustic sound, and growing relationships among art, design, science and technology. The International Image Festival, held since 1997, is considered an event of international importance, due to the fact that it is the only one in Latin America that encourages the construction of debate environments in the areas of digital creation by integrating art, design, science and technology through personal encounters, scientific and specialized seminars, national and international invitations, discussion forums, concerts, workshops, exhibitions and webcasts, among other activities. Academic forum on Design Media Art Monographic Show www.festivaldelaimagen.com Encounters on Theoretical Studies in Design The group of Aesthetic and Social investigations in Visual Design of the University of Caldas, holds the Encounter on Theoretical Studies in design which aims to establish a scene of theoretical analysis concerning to inherent thematics of the discipline. Spaces and Parallel Programs Vive Lab This is an interactive working scenario, in which are developed educational training processes and elaboration of collaborative projects that allow strengthening the human talent and the development of micro and small enterprises of the Digital Content sector, promoting the massive adoption of the TIC and its connection to the internet. Media Lab Virtual Environments Laboratory (Media Lab). It is an interdisciplinary space oriented to the production, research, and dissemination of the design and the art within a digital culture and its relation to science, technology and society. The Media Lab supports the research programs of the Master’s Degree in Design and Interactive Creation and the Ph.D. in Design and Creation through workshops, specialized seminars and interaction workgroups and projects presentations. www.medialabmanizales.com Imagoteca This is specialized information unit in design and image, created to provide support through the different means of information aimed at teachers and students of the different academic programs. This is a space where there are stored, preserved and available to be consulted, necessary documents about teaching and investigation processes, with a very efficient administrative service and appropriate conditions related to the space and technology. Digital Scenarios A program created by the University of Caldas and the Manizales Mayor’s Office, it consists of a space that houses networked computers and permanent actions with local communities which aim to create new social interactions, dynamic processes of digital literacy and stimulation to new productive proposals based in new media. Design Advisory It is a special program assigned to the University Vice-Rectory of Projection; it was created in response to a clear need of consultancy and provision of services in design at a local and university sphere of Manizales city. The advisory works with a professional design team, graduates and students of the Visual Design Program in order to strengthen the extension of the Department with actions that connect the academy with the solution to informative and communicative problems in regional and local environment. www.disenovisual.com/consultorio Incubator for Cultural Enterprises Organization orientated to the support of ideas and initiatives with the purpose of providing knowledge and technology to the entrepreneurs and companies in development and which are framed within the cultural or creative services and some related services. From the University of Caldas, the Incubator offers the support needed for transforming the above-mentioned ideas in products or feasible cultural services, promoting this way the cultural, economic and social development of the region. www.incubadoracultural.org Publications Kepes Magazine Indexed journal by COLCIENCIAS, Category C, it publishes articles connected to investigation, reflection or analysis products, in fields related to the Design and the Creation. Editorial Collection in Visual Design Its objective is to disseminate knowledge around the relationships between technical images and audiovisual languages, the intersection of media history, supports and technology and finally the practices of the design and creation through audiovisual media. The final purpose is the democratic diffusion of the knowledge in design, art and new media in the Colombian context, where the publishing production in this field is limited. - El Medio es el Diseño Audiovisual. (Media is the Audiovisual Design) Compiler Jorge La Ferla. (Publication 2007) - Muntadas en Latinoamérica. (Muntadas in Latin America) Compiler Paulina Varas. (Publication 2008) - Eduardo Kac. El creador de seres Imposibles. Eduardo Kac. (Creator of Impossible Beings) Compiler Andrés Burbano. (Publication 2010) Inscription’s Requirements - Diploma, academic degree, transcript (academic records in arithmetic average). - Certificate in English reading comprehension endorsed by the Modern Languages Department of the University of Caldas - Personal Portfolio - Protocol according to the format - CV Lac COLCIENCIAS. This can be filled out in: www.colciencias.gov.co Teaching and research experiences. Academic distinctions. Publications and Lectures presented in scientific events. Postgraduate Degrees. NOTE: All the documentation must be submitted in digital format and printed within the time established by the program. Admission Requirements The program is aimed to professionals that hold an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in areas related to design, communication, social and human sciences, basic sciences, engineering, health sciences, and agricultural sciences, among others. The assessment process will be based on: - Research skills - Personal conditions to act as part of a team not only to guide it, but also to be guided by others. - English reading comprehension (endorsed by the Modern Languages Department of the University of Caldas) - Theoretical proficiency in the area. - CV Lac - Portfolio - Research protocol according to the guide. Guide for Protocol Design The research protocol is a project’s navigation map that will be developed by the students during their Ph.D. studies. The protocol is an essay, conceived as a flexible document that, in the case of the Ph.D. in Design and Creation admits multiple formats (textual, audiovisual, sonorous or digital), according to the purpose of the research project. The protocol clearly states each one of its components, not only for the researcher but also for the other readers (advisors, funders, collaborators, etc.) The aspects taken into account for the protocol assessment are: - Clear and accurate sense of the textual, visual or audio drafts. - Ability to develop argumentative and well-structured texts. - Capacity for critical analysis. - A well founded presentation based on the main problems found in the research. - Meet the requirements according to the format design for the protocol. The research protocol must include the following information: - The name of the candidate. - Ph.D. in Design and Creation research line - The name of the project. 1. Presentation: A brief description with the main issues related to the research. 2. Summary: A maximum of 600 characters. 3. Justification: Main reason for the research, utility of the proposal and researcher’s ability to carry it out. 4. Objectives: Level results to be achieved within the research. 5. Current status of the problem: An initial approximation to the art theme or problem. It is necessary to indicate the local, regional or national policies in which the project is framed. It should be also indicated other writers and researches related to the theme. 6. Problem statement or hypothesis: Research questions derived from previous analysis. 7. Theoretical Aspects: Theories, precedents and definition of basic concepts to help delineating areas of knowledge. 8. Methodological indications: Inquiry process. General procedure to achieve, in a precise way, the object of the research. 9. Bibliography: It should be basic, reference database and websites. 10. The Curriculum of the candidate. Note: All the requirements of the protocol are mandatory Price Enrollement: 35% S.M.L.V. (US$100) Registration: 12.5 S.M.L.V. per semester. (US$ 3.500) Info [email protected] www.ucaldas.edu.co www.doctoradoendiseno.com www.maestriaendiseno.com www.disenovisual.com www.festivaldelaimagen.com www.incubadoracultural.org www.medialabmanizales.com www.disenovisual.com/consultorio