Mar 1974_3_1 - The American Lhasa Apso Club
Mar 1974_3_1 - The American Lhasa Apso Club
THE MARCH 1974 LHASA MEIN ENGLISH CH. CHESKA ALEXANDER OF STERNROC FIRST LHASA APSO TO WIN BEST IN SHOW AT AN ENGLISH ALL-BREEDS CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Owners: Pamela Cross-Stern & Frances Sefton PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB COVER STORY.... BEST IN SHOW TRIUMPH FOR FOR ENGLISH LHASA For the first time ever in Britain, a Lhasa Apso has achieved Best In Show at an English All-Breeds Championship Show. The honor goes to ENG. CH. CHESKA ALEXANDER OF STERNROC, co-owned by Pamela Cross-Stern (who handles him) and Frances Sefton of Australia (who bred him). Alexander moved majestically and triumphantly to top place over 8,074 other dogs at the prestige two-day Ladies Kennel Association Show at Olympia, London in October last. Breed judge was specialist Mrs. Vivan Riley, Group judge was Mr. Joe Cartledge, and BIS judge was Miss Enid Nicholls. Alexander is possibly the greatest winner the breed has seen in England, having won 20 C.C.s, an all-time record for the breed. ENG. CH. CHESKA ALEXANDER OF STERN ROC Born 2 May 1969 Sire: Eng. Ch. Tayung of Coburg Dam: Eng. Ch. Cheska Bobette Best in Show — LKA All Breeds Championship Show, London, 1973 Best in Show — Lhasa Apso Club Specialty Championship Show 1973 Two Group I BOB Crufts 1972 and 1973 Winner 20 C.C.s Kennel Club Junior Warrant Bred by Mrs. Frances Sefton, Cheska Lhasa Apsos Co-owned by Mrs. Sefton & Mrs. Pamela Cross-Stern ENG. CH. CHESKA BOBETTE PHOTO COMPLIMENTS OF LOUISE DAVIDSON ew9o2f) (5 " CH. RONDELAY SHAY-NA POON-UM Sire: Ch. Sengtri Tashaling Dam: Ch. Rondelay Lhamo Kutra Jenny is shown winning a 3 point major and BOW under Mrs. Mildred Heald at the Ramapo Kennel Club on Novermber 18, 1973. Jenny delivered a litter of six puppies on December 9, 1972, and exactly one year later on December 9:1973, finished her championship with three majors, taking BOW with each major. Jenny was exclusively owner-handled by: Gordon P. Joines Steve Wolfson 67-38 108th Street Forest Hills, New York 11375 212-544-9723 1 AN ENGLISH "ONE WEEKER" My husband and I were lucky enough to find that our "one weeker" trip to England last spring coincided with the Lhasa Club show in Oxford, England. We had been to many shows in England the year we spent there when we first became interested in dogs in general and Lhasas in particular. We had always found the English Lhasa people very friendly and helpful and this time was no exception. There was a record entry of 124 Lhasas (46 dogs and 78 bitches) at the fifth open show of the Lhasa Club of Great Britain. This particular show has been held in Oxford each year since 1969 and is always a popular one with members. Oxford being geographically central makes it an ideal location and dogs come from as far as Glasgow in Scotland and from all parts of England. The club was pleased to welcome back Monsieur Andre Clement-Cuny of Paris as judge. He, incidentally, was the judge for the first open show in 1969 and club members were pleased to see him this year. Judging began at noon and Mr. Clement-Cuny went over all the dogs thoroughly and lost no time making his decisions. He worked consistently and finished twenty classes by 4:30. It was a long and tiring day for many exhibitors and dogs and so he deserved top marks for a job done so efficiently. My friend, Desmond Goode, who lives in Cambridge, was on hand and he thought that the enormous puppy classes seemed to be stabilizing more to the standard, more compact and with shorter backs. He thought the adult dogs were still more mixed. A rather interesting side light to this show was that Dorothy Cordon who lives in Oxford, England, who helped me with this report by tracking down the judges report and the pictures, was at the show but I didn't know her then. It was only a week later that I was back in Princeton, New Jersey, when she phoned me,* and said that she found my name in the list of members of the Lhasa Apso Club of Great Britain. It was incredible that I was then able to take her with us to the A LAC Match here in New Jersey. She was thrilled with the Lhasas she saw and found everyone so friendly and helpful. It's very interesting to see the differences in the Lhasa in England and here. I heartily recommend a "one weeker" to England at "show" time. Most shows are close enough to London to make a visit worthwhile. Then there is all that sightseeing, theaters, restaurants, etc. *She was in Princeton for a month while her husband was a visitor at Princeton University. Ltuist Dcuidsts4t 2 Ch. Rgyal Spiti Bo-Tashi of Takster "photo by Howie Croninger" Robert D. Sharp handling, the TASH finished in fine style at Ramapo K.C. on November 18, 1973, under Judge Mildred Heald. The TASH is an apricotgold with a straight, hard coat, and quoting Bob Sharp, "his movement is sound and beautiful." The TASH has intelligence, charm, abundant good health, and a loving disposition. He has also sired two litters of sound healthy Lhasa Apso puppies that share his vitality. At Takster we're proud of the Tash. Owned by Mary R. Croninger 8 Briarcliff Road Chappaqua, N.Y. 10514 914-238-9001 LHASAS OF TAKSTER 2 THE LHATik BULLETIN Vol.3 No. 1 March 1974 Published by: THE AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB Norman L. Herbel, Editor 1862 West Maple Ave. Langhorne, Pa. 19047 (215) 757-7627 Pat Chenoweth Mary Croninger Jeanne Hope, Advertising Manager Landmark Apts. Apt. 1615-1 Cherry Hill, N.J. 08034 (609) 795-4387 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Keke Blumberg Phyllis Marcy Jean Stang Jeanne Clawson Edmund Sledzik OFFICERS President First Vice-President Second Vice-President Treasurer Secretary Corresponding Secretary Mr. Robert D. Sharp Mrs. Grace Licos Mrs. Ruth Smith Mrs. Dorothy Benitez Mrs. Carolyn A. Herbel Mrs. Ann M. Griffing ADVERTISING RATES: 1. Inside front cover: $40.00 2. Back cover: $40.00 3. Inside back cover: $30.00 4. All other full pages: $20.00 5. Any one-half page (except pages 1, 2, and 3): $10.00 6. All cuts (pictures) $5.00 in addition to the regular rate regardless of size: ISSUES AND DEADLINE: March issue. ... Deadline Feb. 21 June Issue . . . . Deadline May 21 September issue. Deadline August 21 December issue . Deadline Nov. 21 "Any claims or statements of the writers or advertisers in this publication represent their own opinions and are not necessarily those of the editor of the Bulletin or of the officers and directors of the American Lhasa Apso Club. Do not reprint without permission." 4 President's Message A most successful evening!!! That was our meeting and Second Annual Awards Dinner held at Luchow's Restaurant in New York City. Our thanks go to Raena Wilks and her hospitality committee for a beautiful and well run evening. To Steve Campbell, who did a superb job as our new head of the awards committee — and of course to all the members who attended. The meeting was to the point, free from arguments and animosities, which enabled us all to get our business at hand done and on to a very sociable cocktail party and dinner attended by Mr. & Mrs. William Schmick of the AKC. We had in attendance members representing most of our local clubs including Hawaii. As many of you may know, we have heard favorably from the American Kennel Club, and we will be first published in the March AKC Gazette. If all goes as expected we should receive our official and final acceptance in June of 1974. Our work is cut out for us when we are accepted, as the next year will be our organizational year. We will be setting up our official acceptance of member or regional clubs. The Board of Directors strongly suggests that each member club strive to obtain 100% membership in the parent club. Also if there are regions or areas not covered — do something now. Should you need help let me know and I will send you a sample Constitution and By-Laws as a guideline. The 1973 year was a great one for ALAC. We closed the year with our greatest membership, largest bank balance, all due to the untiring and ceaseless efforts of the various committees and very efficient Secretary, Carolyn Herbel and Treasurer, Dorothy Benitez. Norman Herbel has done a tremendous and outstanding job as Futurity Chairman and Editor of our "Lhasa Bulletin." A new committee has been formed, an Educational committee, details will soon be forthcoming. Raena Wilks is our new Membership chairman, Pat Chenoweth and Mary Croninger are our new Historians. Marjorie and Murray Teitelbaum are our Western Specialty show chairmen and Jeanne and John Hope are our Eastern Specialty show chairmen. These coupled with our already standing committee chairmen assure us of an even better 1974. Our nominating committee had nominated Alfred Likewise as our delegate to the AKC, but this nomination had to be withdrawn due to our acceptance in June rather than May. This will be acted upon after acceptance. Again on behalf of the Board, Committees and Officers, I thank you all for our greatest year. Sincerely, Rebe4 D.Skop 5 CH. SHARPETTE'S BOBETTE Sire: Ch. Chen Korum Ti Dam: Ch. Sharp's Bee Gee AT STUD: CH. SHARPETTE'S GALAHAD (Ch. Kham of Norbulingka ex Ch. Agra's lmprecious) FOR SALE: One year old Galahad show bitch. Light gold, Kham and Sparky blood lines. XANADU LHASAS David & Elizabeth Goldfarb 75 Fort Pl. Island, N.Y. 10301 Staten Phone: 212-727-0487 6 KING OF HEARTS Ch. Tabu's King of Hearts pictured winning another Group I at the Cape Cod Kennel Club, January 20, 1974, under noted judge Dr. David Doane. King is handled by Robert D. Sharp. King is owned by Rimar Lhasa Apsos Stephen G.C. Campbell 64 Wilburtha Rd. West Trenton, N.J. 08628 609-883-7010 King is at Stud with handler: Robert D. Sharp Friar Tuck Road Ancramdale, N.Y. 12503 518-329-1321 7 A DAY WITH THE AKC By now most of you have heard that the Symposium held by the AKC at Atlantic City, New Jersey on December 2, 1973, was a success. I am not going to get into everything that went on that day, but I will try and generalize and be specific where the happenings effect the Lhasa Apso. The crowd was large (1,100) and the program was extensive. The morning was devoted to helping you understand how the AKC functions. The afternoon was devoted to new programs and ideas that the AKC is interested in implementing.The goal of the Symposium was to develop a more effective means of communication with the dog show fancier. Mr. John Lafore, Jr., spoke to us about the need to communicate with the AKC. The organization does not want you to feel that the AKC is distant or removed from any aspect of the sport of dogs. He asked that we communicate with them and that they can answer your questions or complaints only after they hear from you. In order to do this, the field staff has been expanded so now a representative is at almost every all breed show and at 60% of the independent specialty shows. In addition, the AKC is expanding its series of leaflets and pamphlets and is producing films on special subjects. Dr. Priscilla Stockner, AKC consultant on research support, outlined 3 projects that are being funded by the AKC. (1) Biopsy diagnosis of rabies. (2) A study of canine semen and its long-term preservation; and (3) The control and treatment of heartworm. She indicated that they are pleased with the progress in these research areas. Mr. Roy Carlberg was introduced in the afternoon and he talked about mass merchandising. He stated that there was widespread misconception between the terms "Pure Bred" and "quality" dogs. He stated that the AKC is taking steps to control the Pet Shops. Although there is no control by the AKC under State law, it can prevent some abuses by disciplining the Pet Shops. A constant check of the practices used by the Pet Shops in selling and buying their stock could lead to refusal to register the dogs if abuses are found. Mr. Carlberg suggested that the Pet Shops are not alone here. We must ferrit out those breeders who also abuse the dignity of pure bred dogs. He suggested that the local breed clubs provide services that make the buying of dogs safer and wiser. The AKC must be clever enough to catch the eye of the purchaser. The AKC showed a film that I recommend to you. It is a segment of a new film to be released in 1974 that concerns itself about what happens at a dog show. The part we saw was about the right and wrong way to judge a dog show. The situations were funny and I hope exaggerated. The program was concluded by Mr. Feldman, chairman of the Board. He informed us that the AKC is considering the following: (1) The giving of minor points to reserve winner when the winner received a major. (2) Allow two or more breed Clubs to show in same site on the same weekend, but on separate days; (3) Give the juniors the right to judge junior handling once they attain the age of 18; (4) Require judges, who want new breeds, to judge this breed 3 times on a provisional basis. (5) Require the Best in Show judge to be an all rounder. Edmund R. trutzik. 8 ANOTHER BREED FOR GROUP WINNER CH. ON-BA KHABHUL KHAN OF SHARBO Judge: Iris de la Torre Buena Owner-Handled By Dorothy O'Connor 150 Mt. Arlington Landing, N.J. 07850 9 ENGLISH LHASA APSO BREED STANDARD revised 1973 by Kennel Club, England Characteristics — The Apso should give the appearance of a well-balanced solid dog. Gay and assertive, but chary of strangers. Free and jaunty in movement. Head and Skull — Heavy head furnishings with good fall over the eyes, good whiskers and beard. Skull moderately narrow, falling away behind the eyes in a marked degree; not quite flat, but not domed or apple-shaped. Straight foreface, with medium stop. Nose black. Muzzle about 11/2 inches long, but not square; the length from tip of nose to be roughly one-third the total length from nose to back of skull. Eyes — Dark. Medium sized eyes to be frontally placed, not large or full, or small and sunk. No white showing at base or top of eye. Ears — Pendant, heavily feathered. Dark tips an asset. Mouth — Upper incisors should close just inside the lower, i.e., a reverse scissor bite. Incisors should be nearly in a straight line. Full dentition is desirable. Neck — strong, well covered with a dense mane which is more pronounced in dogs than in bitches. Forequarters — Shoulders should be well laid back. Forelegs straight, heavily furnished with hair. Body —The length from point of shoulders to point of buttocks greater than height at withers. Well ribbed up. Level top-line. Strong loin. Well balanced and compact. Hindquarters — Well developed with good muscle. Good angulation. Heavily furnished. The hocks when viewed from behind should be parallel and not too close together. Feet — Round and cat-like, with good pads. Well feathered. Tail — High set, carried well over back and not like a pot-hook. There is often a kink at the end. Well feathered. Coat — Top coat heavy, straight and hard, not wooly or silky, of good length. Dense under-coat. Colours — Golden, sandy, honey, dark grizzle, slate, smoke, particolour, black, white or brown. Size: Ideal height: — 10 inches at shoulder for dogs; bitches slightly smaller. Note: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. FRANCES SEFTON comments — The Kennel Club in England has recently approved a revision of the standard of the Lhasa Apso. The revision was made at the request of the United Kingdom Lhasa Apso Club, and was the result of discussion lasting over two years, involving circularising every member,discussion in committee and at full club meetings. Basically, it is an attempt to clarify ambiguous phrases, also however making one or two amendments. An unexpected amendment is the deletion of all references to the "true Tibetan Lion dog" and the preference for golden or Jion-like colours. No doubt golden shades will continue to be favourite, for they do have glamor, no one can deny! However, the (Continued next page) 10 Frances Sefton (Cont'd.) removal of a written color preference will be greeted with sighs of relief by many breeders and exhibitors. It could have a good influence for the better if the judges will acquaint themselves with it, as well as the breeders and exhibitors; general overall quality must benefit if dogs are more frequently selected or discarded on the basis of quality rather than on color. A further alteration is in the reference to size. The omission of the lower limit of 9" which appeared in the previous standard brings the English standard more in line with the American. The latitude (and there is latitude for the term "ideal" is used) becomes approximately in the region of 91 / 2 " to 101 / 2 " instead of the former 81/2" to 101 / 2 . No weight recommendations have been added however. This rationalization of the height is probably in keeping with the continuing attempts over the years by English breeders and exhibitors to describe the breed as strong and sturdy, and prevent a degeneration into flimsiness or "toyishness." All through the standard there is an emphasis on strength and well-developed muscle. In the first paragraph under Characteristics the descriptive word "solid" has been introduced. The use of the word was discussed at length when the English breed Club was first considering requesting revisions to the standard, and was first suggested by a French breeder. It was inserted with the dictionary definition in mind, meaning — 'of stable shape .. . . sound and reliable.' The character of the breed still appears at "Gay and assertive .. free and jaunty in movement." Therefore, although "solid" the dog is not required to be chunky or heavyset. A major amendment is in the description of the Mouth. The bite is now described in precise detail; the ambiguous "level" is omitted, and the previous question as to whether this permitted the normal canine bite — the scissor, or the pincer bite, where the incisors meet edge to edge, is made quite clear. Neither of these bites is correct; the correct bite is officially slightly undershot. The Lhasa Apso standard also becomes one of the few to call for the desirability of full dentition. We hope this won't set all the judges busily counting pre-molars, but they most certainly, soon, should start counting incisors, so breeders will have to watch that jaws don't get too narrow. Other alterations are relatively minor — deletion of the reference to "beard . . . . should be dark;" inclusion of the phrases "medium stop" and "medium sized eyes to be frontally placed" — these are merely clarifying descriptions of head type. References are also made to basic sound conformation, such as well laid back shoulders, straight forelegs, good angulation in hindquarters, parallel hocks . . . . i.e. again emphasis on soundness, as is continuing reference to hindquarters being well developed with good muscle, and the body being strong in loin and well balanced and compact. There is also a note that a male dog should be entire. One phrase which may cause some confusion is in the Tail: — "High set, carried well over the back and not like a pot hook . ." This means that the root of the tail is not set low on a falling croup, and that it is not carried straight up in the air, gaily, but should curl over the back! There are several small points that the individual breeder may not entirely agree with as truly describing our Lhasa. Personally I am not entirely happy with the introduction of the word "solid," as I feel that although those who chose to insert it know what they mean by it, its true meaning over the years could be obscured and judges and breeders may look for coarse, heavy set dogs, heavy in bone and substance and without the proud free light and jaunty movement which is so typical of our breed. It would be a pity to see our Lhasas become 'cloddy' dogs. And I too have never been happy with the use of the words "feathered" and "feathering." To me they have a gundog, or spanielly overtone and mean something different from what we have in the Lhasa. I myself prefer the term "well furnished." FRANCES SEFTON 11 a,e)e3 - X‘ 7 e€52~ . 4nt.8-Ca4t.Ck. Pot& Ktio, UK UK ROM X<I,e(ip "YUMMY" Shown Winning BOB at the Westminster Kennel Club under Judge Melbourne Downing. "YUMMY" is the dam of 5 champions. One is Multiple Group winning "CH. POTALA KEKE'S TOMBA TU" Handled by Carolyn Herbel Breeder/Owner Keke Blumberg 848 Winter Rd. Rydal, Pa. 19046 12 MAGESTIC LHASA APSOS IS DELIGHTED TO ANNOUNCE THE CHAMPIONSHIP OF KARMA RUS-TIMALA "RUSTI" is pictured finishing her championship under judge Mrs. Lehmann, her handler is Marvin R. Cates, and the show was the Kennel Club of Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California. "RUSTI" started her show career on the East Coast picking up 2 Pts. and Best of Winners the first time in the ring. "RUSTI" then moved to California and gathered 14 more points in heavy West Coast competition, being BOW and BOS several times."RUSTI" is not only a lovely specimen of the Lhasa Apso breed, but has proven herself in a more important way as she is the dam of the following champion offspring along with some very promising grandchildren: Ch. Potala Keke's Pum-Kin, Ch. Potala Keke's Sharabara, Ch. Potala Keke's Gladiator and Ch. Ruffway Narikela. "RUSTI" will be bred in the Spring to Am., Can., Mex., Ch. Magestic Gyad-Po and we are anticipating another litter of lovely puppies. Owned by Lois M. Magette 1812 Knoxville Avenue Long Beach, California 90815 13 LHASAS IN OBEDIENCE I have some more Lhasas with degrees to report. Florence Dickerson's bitch "Sheng Las Tashi Tamina" earned her degree in three consecutive 1 2, and 185. Bob and Sally Borcherding earned shows with scores of 194, 193/ both an American title (1841/2, 186, and 181%) and a Canadian title (187, 1 2, and 182) on their dog "Singtuk Meringue Mischief." They are both 173/ now working toward their C.D.X. degree. A word about our Lhasa Apso Specialties — From now on Lhasa Apso obedience title holders will be eligible for the Parade of Champions and will receive a rosette with their dogs name and title printed on it. Entry in this Parade is subject to the same rules that allow a champion to participate. So let's get our obedience Lhasas in the ring and honor them for their months of work in classes and those 6:30 AM training sessions when you were both asleep. Somehow something clicked and we were rewarded by that happy little Lhasa who comes dashing to you in a recall. We mustshow that we are proud. I hope to see many of you at Trenton. Chok's Jelly Bean, C.D. and Rgyal Bo-Jangles, C.D. will be there. signed Battbantt hitut 15 West 84th St. N.Y.C., N.Y. 10024 WESTERN ALAC SPECIALTY IN BEVERLY HILLS Anyone interested in advertising in the Beverly Hills catalog or participating on the Booster Page please contact Marjorie Teitelbaum. There will be a hospitality room and a no-host bar Saturday night and coffee and donuts the day of the show. Marjorie Teitelbaum 632 N. Almont Drive Los Angeles, Ca. 90069 For further information contact: 14 1974 FLORIDA VAGA-T-1-01ST CIRCUIT My deepest appreciation and thanks to Mr. Phil Marsh who judged me at Sara-Bay K.C. & Mrs. Ramona Van Court who gave me a major at Palm Beach County K.C. for a 5 pt. total in the four shows I entered. Luv, Andromeda ANDROMEDA P.S. ERRARE! ERRARE! OWNER-HANDLER Deepest apologies to my breeder, cohort and friend who made me possible, for having omitted her name in the last Bulletin. I am proud to be bred by Keke Blumberg. Jeanne Hope Landmark 1615-1 Cherry Hill, N.J. 08034 Respectfully submitted, 15 A SECRETARY'S REPORT The time has come for all ALAC Members to pay the 1974 (April 1 to March 31) club dues. These dues are payable on or before April 1, 1974 and Mrs. Benitez, Treasurer, has sent a bill to each of you. If you do not wish to renew your membership please notify either Mrs. Benitez or myself so that your name may be removed from the membership list. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. I would like to thank Marion Banga for her willing typing ability as she is so kind as to help me out by typing the labels that you find on your correspondence from the secretary. It's a big job and we THANK YOU Marion. PLEASE MAKE THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONS AND CHANGES TO YOUR ROSTER: New Members Eric M.Siegel Teri Richards 716 Monell N.E. 26871 La Sierra Dr. Mrs. Dennis Bourgeois Albuquerque, N.M.87123 Mission Viejo, Ca.92675 #1 Laux Manor Drive Metairie, La. 70003 Ruth & Charles H. Young Mrs. Gayle Fristad 14 Summit View Drive 9326 Goblin Lane Joanne Carletta Swampscott, Ma. 01907 Everett, WH 98204 Nelson Blvd. Brewster, N.Y. 10509 Diane L. Dawson Genevieve Moore 4830 Cote Ste. Catherine Rd. 1610 Napa Rd. Beth Munday Apt. #14, Montreal 252 Sonoma,Ca.95476 100 Maywood Road Quebec, Canada New Rochelle, N.Y. 10804 Elaine K. Hedy Miss Norma L. West Rt. 4 Box 536H Mrs. Thelma G. Hartmann 200 Indian Trail Albany, Oregon 97321 36 Mohican Hill Road Bristol, Ct. 06010 Fairfield, Ct.06430 Susan Kay Gehr Mrs. M. Georgette Pouliot 417 Mayfair Ave. Mrs. Loren Larington Hagerstown, Md. 21740 46W. Greenwood St. RR #1 Amesbury, Ma. 01913 McCook, Ne.69001 Wendy Swaim Levine Box 258 A Rona & Marvin Clare RR 1 Gayle Goldberg 6252 Tapia Dr. Kapaa, HI 96746 850 Moore Street Malibu, Ca. Woodmere, N.Y. 11598 Mrs. Lorraine B. Mullecker George W. Carrington Sunrise Parkway 159 Ann-Marie Adderley 2560 Hidden Valley Road Mountainside, NJ.07092 32 Ballantyne Ave., North Beverly Hills, Ca. 90210 Montreal West, P.Q. Mrs. Jeanette Goodway Canada H4X 268 Mrs. Karen Darby 1430 Adkins P.O. Box 256 Houston, Tx. 77055 Barbara Chevalier Mt. Kisco, N.Y. 10549 12 Rosemount Avenue Mrs. Timothy P. Sheridan Westmount, Quebec John Ford 2801 Slide Rd. Apt. #1, Mgr. Canada H3Y 3G7 21 Arnold St. Lubbock, Tx. Rugby, England Janet C. Noble Mrs. Beverly E. Volent 5747 Dover Ct. Dolores Karlson 64 Edgewater Ave. Worthington, Ohio RD 1 Shrewsbury, Ma.01545 Stockton, N.J. 08559 Mrs. Phyllis R. Owen Robert A. Mitten, Jr. 237 St. Cloud Drive Beth Ann Lamping 1170 Pleasant St. Alvin, Tx.77511 W227 N2912 Duplainville Rd. Worcester, Mass. 01602 Waukesha WI 53186 Shirley & Charles Ruth Roberta Richardson 3212 Edmonton Budd & Correll Lamping 15231 Clydelle Ave. Pasadena, Tx.77503 W227 N2912 Duplainville Rd. San Jose, Ca.95124 Waukesha WI 53186 Mrs. Lois Magette George Harris 1812 Knoxville Ave. Dr. & Mrs. John W. Lang 216 Redfern Ave. Apt. #5 Long Beach, Ca.90815 9480 Franlo Road Montreal, Quebec, Eden Prairie, Minn. 55343 Canada H3Z2G3 Mrs. Florence C. Nixon 1928 Galena Barbara Pew Linda M.Jarosz Aurora,Co.80010 11018 Bishop Rd., Rt. 3 24510 Chicago Lansing, Mi. 48910 Dearborn, Mi. 48124 Mr.& Mrs. Howard Merritt 1110 Main St. Arrell Frank J. Schank Tincia Phoenix, N.Y. 1030 12th Ave. West 209 Luxury Lane Dickinson, N.D. 58601 Reno, Nevada 89502 Donald K. Runner 7906 Gulfton Valerie I. Viets Janet & Marvin Whitman Houston,Tx. 77036 224 N. Buena Vista 23 Great Oaks Drive Burbank, Ca.91505 Spring Valley, N.Y. 10977 Carole Sardelis 23459 McAllister Southfield, Mich.48075 16 SECRETARY'S REPORT (Continued) Change of Address Robert & Sally Borcherding 4259 Cherrywood Lane Brown Deer, Wisconsin 53209 Robert H. Black 7058 E. Hurlbut Avenue Sebastopol, Ca.95472 Mrs. Robert Rosenberger 1916 Kedron Drive Ft. Collins, Co.80521 Mrs. Marion Lyons Pocatello Hts., Apt. 2F Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Mr. & Mrs. William C. Perna 11820 Gainsborough Rd. Potomac, Md. 20854 Change of address and name spelling Gloria Zimmermann Luke Hill Road Bethany, Ct.06526 Joyce Garman 822A Sutton Hill Rd. Nashville, Tenn. 37204 Correction in Spelling Mr. & Mrs. Robert Damberg P.O. Box 216 Pawprint Lane Boring,Oregon 97009 Mary Gilhausen 4500 Live Oak Canyon Rd. LaVerne, Ca.91750' Mrs. Patricia A. MalaneY Seneca St. Norfolk, Ma.02056 Betty Young Rt. 1, Box 447 Springdale, Ark.72764 Mrs. Florence S. Morris 90 Clent Rd. Russell Gardens Great Neck, N.Y. 11021 Lorraine Martinson 11715 S.60 St. Papillion NE 68046 Dr. Howard Lieb 412 Fuller Street West Newton, Mass. 02165 Jacqueline M. Walsh 5016-1 North Convent La. Philadelphia, Pa. 19114 Marion Knowlton 721 Old Grove Manor Jacksonville, Fla. 32207 Mr.& Mrs. Earle K. Laver 2117 Bryn Mawr Pl. Ardmore, Pa. 19003 Paul E. Decker, Jr. Am Con. Gen.(Buch) APO New York 09757 Mrs. Wendy Harper 1482 Shasta Ave. San Jose, Ca. 95126 Change Name Susan Burgess (formerly Smedley) Mrs. Lila L. Kaiser (formerly Mrs. James) Tom Paseka 937 Cedar St. North Lansing, Mi. 48906 Additions to address Ellen Saunders 40 Daley Place Apt. 212 Lynbrook, N.Y. 11563 Renewed members Mrs. Libby M. Bush 2444 Clubhouse Dr. #205 Sarasota, Fla. 33580 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Puro 122 Cedar Ct. Closter, N.J. 07624 Mr. & Mrs. Miles J. Felton 39 Schoolhouse Lane Great Neck, L.I., N.Y. 11021 Mrs. Charles J. Haverly 4425 Jacksonville Road Bethlehem, Pa. 18017 Change Name & Address Formerly Mr. & Mrs. Allan Chertkow Ms. Lynn Lowy P.O. Box 5498 Beverly Hills, Ca. 90210 Resigned Members Marilyn Sorci Ruth Doty Leona Bay David L. Elsner Alice Banoff James & Barbara McAloon Mrs. Dorothy Corden Deceased Mr. Arthur Williams Dr. Alen Castellion RD 3 Box 84A Bradley Hill Road Oxford, N.Y. 13830 New Addresses Nancy Rowe Lee 3408 Caruth Dallas, Tx. 75225 Dorothy H. Kramer 124 Glen Hollow Drive Port Jefferson Station, N.Y. 11776 Mrs. Evelyn Freedman 415 Plymouth Road West Palm Beach, Fla. 33405 Respectfully submitted, &Opt A.tietbef DON'T FORGET TO PAY YOUR 1974 DUES!! 17 WHAT IS AN ODDI ODDI? CH. PON GO'S ODDI ODDI Shown going Best of Breed at the Hatboro Kennel Club Show under Judge Keke Blumberg. Owner - Handler - Breeder Edmund R. Sled zik Carolyn G. Sledzik Co-Owner Mary Slaby Edmund R. Sled zik 1704 Shagbark Circle Reston, Virginia 22090 (703) 471-7584 18 CH. YETI'S PAPER TIGER "YETI" is shown here going BOW for a 4 pt. Major under Judge Henry Stoecker at the Kennel Club of Philadelphia Show, handled by Carolyn Herbel. "YETI" finished with another Major the following weekend at the Worcestor K.C. Show. "YETI" is sired by Ch. Kyi Chu Chaos and his dam Ginger Lee Ruby. "YETI" is owned by: Clark & Patricia Pritchett 10834 Henderson Road Fairfax Station, Va. 22039 19 COOL- 511 1/01111 XPSOS CH. ZIJUH DON-NA TSAMTEN To have this lovely dog jump into your arms and kiss you, even on your very first meeting, is to love him completely. And that is exactly what happened to me at Santa Barbara almost two years ago. A year later, and after several requests, I was offered Ch. Zijuh Don-Na Tsamten by his breeder, Bea Loob. As I watch him and all his little "Sams" and "Samanthas," I know how fortunate Dolsa Kennsls is to have him as their foundation dog. Multiple group placing Sam is of pure Hamilton bloodlines and is OFA certified normal. Jean Kausch 3658 Mountain View Avenue Los Angeles, California 90066 20 NEW CHAMPION Ch. Tai Alice of Kar-La is shown finishing her title at the Albany KC Show under Judge James Trullinger. This lovely golden girl's proud owners are: Mr. & Mrs. Charles Steele 2 Vine Street Amesbury, Mass. 01913 "AN AFTER THE AWARDS DINNER THOUGHT" There was no shortage of good will and good cheer in these days of crisis and more crisis, therefore I give you Bravos and a standing ovation for your participation at our 1974 Awards Dinner. . Much Love, Rama 21 AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB — SECOND ANNUAL AWARDS DINNER German Cuisine, touched by Hawaiian color, warmth and beauty, was the setting in which the Golden Lhasa's Family reigned. The event was the ALAC's Second Annual Awards Dinner, February 10, 1974 at Luchows. Three Golden Lhasas "The Family" proudly stood watching all the action. Who do you think stole the show, of course, puppy! These master pieces of handcraft, were designed and made by LACOW'S charming Joan Gantz. Our Lovely Hostess & Organizer, Bob Sharp and his warm wife Jeanette, MISS RAENA WI LKS chaired the awards and dinner with the ease and grace that only they can radiate. The evening was kept most delightful and exciting. The German Food was exquisite. We noticed many a-folk making second and third trips back to the table. Quite a tribute to the chef, if we may say so! A very special surprise from Gail Noblissa of Hawaii, were the lovely orchids. Beautifully arranged on each table, yellow, white, and purple, could be seen everywhere. Then came the cheers, smiles and applause, as Stephen G.C. Campbell and Ann Griffing gave out award after award. We saw breeders, owners, and handlers with their tails high and proud, (Wonder who taught them?) as the happy folks of ALAC accepted each award. One hundred and sixty years of fine Tibetian Thread honored us in the presence of a Monks Robe. Betty-Jo Kass is the very proud owner of this robe. Betty-Jo willingly told all of the robe's origin, so vividly, you were easily transported to Tibet. Our hostess and organizer of the entire affair, Raena Wilks, was seen in a few unguarded moments, catching two and a half winks. Her unrelenting time, organization and work did not go unnoticed. For as far as we could see, all went smoothly and with Love. We are looking forward to the Third Annual Dinner next year, with the same excitement and enthusiasm that we felt this year. Will You be There? Signed, Sandy Del lano Marie Belluscio JOAN GANTZ, Creator and Designer of the Golden Tinsel Lhasa Family 22 AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB 1973 ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS CHAMPIONSHIP & OBEDIENCE AWARDS CH. TABU'S KISS ME KATE — CHOK'S JELLYBEAN C.D. — SINGTUK MERINGUE MISCHIEF C.D. — CH. KO CHING'S TAMIKO — CH. CHEN KAMALA NOR — CH. HY-LAN CHE-BA — CH. PANDAN CAN-SA STERLING — CH. PANDAN TSAR BA TJIM — CH. PON GO'S ODDI ODDI — CH. ANNIE'S GOLDEN FLUFF — SHENG LA'S TASHI TAMIMA C.D. — CH.SHENG LA'S CHUNG KING CH. KINDERLAND'S L'00-KY— CH. PON GO'S GUN-KHA — CH. TN HI BUD DHI BOI — CH. ZAMPO CHUBA — CH. MARVVARD'S TIL LEJO — CH. TAL HI PRET TI CELESTE — CH. SHARPETTE'S CICERO — CH. RGYAL KHETSA PO — CH. CHEN HY-LAN JAMPAL CH.SHYR LYZ MIEH BAH BIEH TU — CH. KARMA KA-SHA — CH. TABU'S DOUBLE OR NUTHIN CH. LENLO LHA VIKI — CH. MAJOMAS SUM SUNDAE CH. TYBA KAI NI — CH.SHYR LYZ MISA CUN TIA KAI LEI — CH. RIMAR'S TIPIT — CH. ARBORHILL'S LHO-LHA OF RIMAR — CH. PEKAY'S POGO — Norman & Carolyn Herbel Carol Kuendel Sally Borcherding Doris Effinger Wendy & Ron Harper John & Midge Hylton Kathy Calloway & Onnie Martin Onnie Martin & Patricia Barton Mary Slaby & Raymond & Carolyn Sledzik Elizabeth Moseley Florence & Terry Dickerson Florence & Terry Dickerson Faith Kirk & Ellen Lonigro Jeanne Clawson Joyce Hadden Joyce & Les Hadden M. Patzer & Lee Bakuckas Julie Hamlin & Ann Hoffman Jeanette Sharp Brenda O'Donnell & Barbara Wood John Hylton & Patricia Chenoweth Phyllis Spindell Joan & Burt Pettit Carolyn Herbel & Connie Tompkins Lois Fellows John & Mary Mahan Laura Shein & Paula Lieberman Shirley Scott Stephen Campbell Stephen Campbell & Sharon Binkovvski William & Phyllis Farrow 23 BREEDER REGISTER OF MERIT AWARD: Presented to a Club Member who has bred a total of 10 or more Lhasa Apso Champions. The member will receive an award the year the 10th Champion is confirmed in the AKC Gazette. To qualify to receive this award the breeder must submit to the Awards Chairman a list of the Champions he has bred along with the month and year of the AKC Gazette said Championships were confirmed. 1 2 3 4 5 POTALA LHASA APSOS CHEN LHASA APSOS KINDERLAND KENNELS PANDAN LHASA APSOS NORBULINGKA KENNELS Keke Blumberg Patricia & Tom Chenoweth Ellen Lonigro Onnie Martin Phyllis Marcy 24 31 Champions 23 Champions 19 Champions 16 Champions 10 Champions STUD REGISTER OF MERIT AWARD: Presented to a Club Member whose Lhasa Apso Stud has sired 5 or more Champions. The member will receive an award the year the 5th Champion is confirmed in the AKC Gazette. The Stud need not be living to qualify for a ROM award. To qualify to receive this award the owner of the Stud must submit to the Awards Chairman the name of the Stud Dog along with a list of his Champion offspring and the month and year of the AKC Gazette said offspring's Championships were confirmed. DAM REGISTER OF MERIT AWARD: Presented to a Club Member whose Lhasa Apso Dam has produced 3 or more Champions. The member will receive an award the year the 3rd Champion is confirmed in the AKC Gazette. The Dam need not be living to qualify for a ROM award. To qualify to receive this award the owner of the Dam must submit to the Awards Chairman the name of the Dam along with a list of her Champion offspring and the month and year of the AKC Gazette said offspring's Championships were confirmed. TOP 20 REGISTER OF MERIT STUD AND DAM LISTING: There will be a Top 20 ROM listing whereby each year the Top 20 ROM Studs and the Top 20 ROM Dams will be listed. To qualify to be listed on the Top 20 ROM list the owner of the Stud or Dam must submit to the Awards Chairman the name of the Stud or Dam along with a list of all of their Champion offspring and the month and year of the AKC Gazette said offspring's Championships were confirmed.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CH. KHAM OF NORBULINGKA CH. TIBET OF CORNWALLIS CH.CHEN NYUN TI CH. ZIJUH SENG-TRU CH. KYI-CHU FRIAR TUCK CH. LARRMAR DE-TSEN CH. CHEN KORUM-TI CH. HAMILTON NAMSA CH. KYI-CHU KIMMI AMERICAL'S LHASA CH. LICOS NAMNI-LA CH.POTALA PANDANS APOLLO Phyllis Marcy Norman & Carolyn Herbel Patricia Chenoweth Onnie Martin Robert Sharp Ellen Lonigro Patricia Chenoweth Dorothy Benitez Marion Lyons & Patricia Chenoweth Dorothy Benitez Raena Wilks Onnie Martin & Midge Hylton 25 20 Champions 18 Champions 17 Champions 17 Champions 13 Champions 10 Champions 10 Champions 9 Champions 7 Champions 6 Champions 6 Champions 6 Champions AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB REGISTER OF MERIT 1973 TOP 20 DAM LISTING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CH. KINDERLAND'S SANG-P0 CH. KYI-CHU KARA NOR CH. KYI-CHU SHARA CH. KEKE'S BAMBOO CH. POTALA KEKE'S YUM YUM CH. NAN TANDO OF PANDAN C.D. CH. SHENJI'S MISS KACHIKA OF CHEN CHEN HIMALAYAN HANAH NOR CH.PANDA REA-PO-CE CH. GINDY OF NORBULINGKA CH. LINGA-DROG-PO CH. JOSETTE'S MAI-LI SHIR-LA CH. KEKE'S T'CHIN TING T'CHIN CH. KARMA KAN-SA CH. POTALA KEKE'S ZIN-ZIN SHING THUN SACHS-ON C.D. Ellen Lonigro Patricia & Tom Chenoweth Keke Blumberg Keke Blumberg Keke Blumberg Lynn Martin Marion Lyons & Patricia Chenoweth Patricia & Tom Chenoweth Lynn Martin Norman & Carolyn Herbel Anna Griffing Shirley Scott Keke Blumberg Keke Blumberg Keke Blumberg Raymond & Carolyn Sledzik 26 9 CHS. 7 CHS. 6 CHS. 5 CHS. 5 CHS. 4 CHS. 4 CHS. 3 CHS. 3 CHS. 3 CHS. 3 CHS. 3 CHS. 3 CHS. 3 CHS. 3 CHS. 3 CHS. GROUP PLACEMENT AWARD: Separate awards for the dog and bitch owned by Club Members receiving the most Group Placements for the year. BEST IN SHOW AWARD: One award presented to the dog or bitch owned by a Club Member winning the most Best in Shows for the year. CH BAR CONS THE AVENGER CH. KINDERLAND'S TONKA Barry Tompkins & Dorothy Kendall Norman & Carolyn Herbel (Dog) (Bitch) The two Lhasa Apsos above each won the most groups for their respective sexes. They tied for the BIS Award, each having won 3 Best in Shows for the tabulating period. EDITOR'S NOTE: Many thanks to Sandy & Marie for their excellent photography which records this event so well. Awards are tabulated on a yearly basis from the January thru December issues of the American Kennel Club Gazette. To qualify for an award the respective information must have been published in a Gazette of the year for which the Award is received. The Awards Chairman must be notified by January 1 of each year in order to have the Award available for presentation at the Annual Awards Dinner. Stephen Campbell, Awards Chairman 64 Wilburtha Road West Trenton, N.J. 08628 (609) 883-7010 27 KIDNEY RESEARCH REPORT The latest report from Dr. David Gribble now in charge of the Research into Hereditary Kidney Disease of Lhasa Apsos, along with an explanation of what has been done and what they propose to do at Davis is now available. All donations to this fund will be accepted by and a copy of the report may be obtained from: Mrs. Rowenna Kenney P.O. Box '119 Woodland, California 95695 This project urgently needs support if it is to continue. Money, of course, is needed very badly. Also if anyone has or knows of an affected dog or bitch available for breeding they should contact: David Gribble D.V.M., Ph.D. Ass't. Professor of Pathology Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital University of California Davis, California 95616 CANINE KIDNEY DISEASE RESEARCH Dr. Delmar Finco is conducting an extensive research on canine kidney malfunctions. Dr. Finco has for sometime been working with a colony of Norwegian Elkhounds and is now working with the Lhasa Apso as well. He is in the process of establishing a colony of Lhasa Apsos. Dr. Finco is in need of funds as well as young animals affected with kidney malfunctions. If you wish to aid Dr. Finco in his research you may contact him at the following address: Dr. Delmar Finco Department of Small Animal Medicine & Surgery College of Veterinarian Medicine University of Georgia Athens, Georgia 30602 28 NORBULINGKA-HOME OF: CH. KHAM OF NORBULINGKA ROM 461 REGISTER OF MERIT SIRE (ALAC ROM LISTING) Sire of 20 Champion Offspring and • Group Winning CH. LINGKHOR BHU OF NORBULINGKA Phyllis Marcy 59 Central St. Franklin, N.H.03235 (603) 934-3809 29 30 TABU IS PROUD of its ROMs and their offspring: BEST IN SHOW CH. TIBET OF CORNWALLIS ROM CH. GINDY OF NORBULINGKA ROM SIRE OF: DAM OF: CH. KEKE'S GEORGIE GIRL CH. KEKE'S BAMBOO ROM CH. KEKE'S PETRUCHIO CH. KEKE'S ZORRO CH.SMEDLEY'S SEEOU BOO CH. KINDER LAND'S TONKA CH.PEKAY'S HA-LEE KARA-LA CH. TAG LHA DUNI CHO CH. POTALA PANDAN'S APOLLO ROM CH. KASHA'S NYIMA ZU NAM CHE CH.TAGLHA MUNI CH. TABU'S RHAPSODY IN RED CH.POTALA KEKE'S GLADIATOR CH. TABU'S RAQUEL CH. TABU'S DOUBLE OR NUTHIN CH. POTALA KEKE'S TOPAZ CH. PEKAY'S POGO CH. PON GO'S ODD! ODDI CH. MOR-KNOLL'S ALEX-A-HENTE CH. TABU'S RHAPSODY IN RED CH. TABU'S RAQUEL CH. TABU'S DOUBLE OR NUTHIN CH. TABU'S CHUBBY CHECKERS TABU'S RAGS TO RICHES (11 pts. 1 Major) TABU'S CHECKMATE (1973 Futurity Class Winner) TABU'S CHEROKEE (Puppy Class Winner) TABU'S DRESDEN DOLL (Puppy Class Winner) TABU'S CHESSMAN (Match Show Winner) TABU'S ANNIE APPLESEED (Match Breed Winner) #2 ROM SIRE (ALAC LISTING) Shown by Carmen Herbel 49(TIED) ROM DAM (ALAC LISTING) Shown by Carolyn Herbel AND THE TABU YOUNG **STARS** TABU'S PACESETTER Ch. Shangri La Sho George Ch. Kham Te-Ran Rinpoche Ron-Si Rinpoche Merna's Rusti George BIS Ch. Kham of Norbulingka ROM Kinderland's Kimmi Kinderland's Buddha Karma Tharpa BIS Ch. Tibet of Cornwallis ROM Ch. Licos Cheti La Tabu's Gold Galaxy Ch. Zijuh Seng Tru ROM Ch. Tabu's Kiss Me Kate BIS Ch. Kinderland's Tonka 31 TABU'S CABARET BIS Ch. Karma Frosty Knight O'Everglo Ch. Everglo Zijuh Tomba Kambu of Everglo Ch. Potala Keke's Tomba Tu Ch. Zijuh Seng Tru ROM Ch. Potala Keke's Yum Yum ROM Ch. Keke's Bamboo ROM Karma Tharpa BIS Ch. Tibet of Cornwallis ROM Ch. Licos Cheti La Tabu's Gold Digger Ch. Zijuh Seng Tru ROM Ch. Tabu's Kiss Me Kate BIS Ch. Kinderland's Tonka TABU LHASA APSOS Norman & Carolyn Herbel 1862 West Maple Avenue, Langhorne, Pa. 19047 (215) 757-7627 CHEN TI-SARA NOR ON HER WAY UP 10 mos. old Match BOB under breeder/ judge Onnie Martin 41/2 mos. old Best in Match LACNC under breeder/judge Marianne Nixon (entry 105) On to another Group One Watch for apricot red/gold Ti-Sara in AKC Spring Shows Sired by Ch. Chen Nyun-Ti ex Chen Apsara Nor (Tibet granddaughter) Owners/Breeders Pat & Tom Chenoweth Chen Lhasa Apsos 12510 Quito Rd. Saratoga, Ca. 95070 32 SPECIALTY CLUBS BALTIMORE AREA LHASA APSO CLUB Diane Pickett, Secretary 11910 Tarragon Rd., Apt. I Reiterstown, Md. 21136 LHASA APSO CLUB OF HAWAII Ruth Green, Secretary 1240 Laukahi St. Honolulu, Hi. 96821 CASCADE LHASA APSO FANCIERS OF GREATER SEATTLE Ann Lanterman, Secretary 17220 Ashworth Pl. N. Seattle, Wa. 98133 LHASA APSO CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Roberta Richardson, Secretary 15231 Clydelle Ave. San Jose, California 95124 GREATER COLUMBUS LHASA APSO CLUB Carrot Riddle, Secretary 1004 Hazel Ave. Englewood, Ohio 45322 LHASA APSO CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Lois Magette, Secretary 1812 Knoxville Ave. Long Beach, Ca. 90815 GREATER DETROIT LHASA APSO CLUB Carole Dean, Secretary 7241 Anthony Dearborn, Michigan 48126 KENTUCKIANA LHASA APSO CLUB Richard L. Huntington, Secretary 102 Evangeline Ave. Louisville, Kentucky 40214 LHASA APSO CLUB OF WESTCHESTER,INC. Leona Bay, Secretary 2264 Creston Ave. New York, New York 10453 MERRIMACK LHASA APSO CLUB Joanne Egan, Secretary 169 Linden Drive LHASA APSO CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTON Cohasset, Massachusetts 02025 Nancy Benavides, Secretary 6510 Jackwood NATIONAL CAPITAL AREA LHASA APSO CLUB Houston, Texas 77036 Carol Kuendel, Secretary 9113 Tandom Dr. LHASA APSO CLUB OF GREATER Oxon Hill, Md. 20022 NEW YORK NORTH TEXAS LHASA APSO CLUB For Information Contact: Raena Wilks Mrs. Nancy Rowe Lee, Secretary 350 W. 55th St. 5546 Sto negate Dallas, Texas 75209 New York, N.Y. 10019 THE NORTH TEXAS LHASA APSO CLUB FUN MATCH December 16, 1973 Judge: Betty Dwyer Best of Match PON GO LARAN MA LA BHU Best of Opposite Sex LURLINE'S HALO OF MILAREPA Lurline Jackson Nancy & Ray Benavides KENTUCKIANA LHASA APSO CLUB SANCTIONED "B" MATCH February 23, 1974 Judge: Carolyn Herbel Best in Match DUNKLEHAVEN SUKI TU Elsie Dunkle (Bitch) Best of Opposite Puppy SHYR'LYZ KUNG FOO Shirley M. Scott (Dog) Best Adult in Match KO CHING'S GOLDEN TAF Fl TA Jacqueline J. Duke (Bitch) Best of Opposite Adult ON-BA-LHO-BH0-0'JOYMARC Winifred & Eugene Graye (Dog) 1974 WESTMINSTER WINNERS — Judge: Mr. Melbourne T.L. Downing Best of Breed: CH. POTALA KEKE'S YUM YUM,owned by Keke Blumberg. Best of Opposite: CH. BAR CON'S THE AVENGER, owned by Barry M. Tompkins & Dorothy J. Kendall. Winners Dog: QUICKSTEP FLORIAN ZENNACKER, owned by Gary Gerthoffer & Diane Teel. Winners Bitch & Best of Winners: KALYPRI SHAMPAGNE, owned by Ellen Lonigro. Reserve Winners Dog: ON BA LHOBO O'JOYMARC,owned by Winifred & Eugene Graye Reserve Winners Bitch: SHARPETTE'S TASHIA, owned by Emily Schumm Mr. Downing comments: "I enjoyed judging the Lhasas at Westminster and appreciated the fine entry. The quality was higher than in any other breed I judged. The Specials Class was exceptional and I feel both my Best of Breed Bitch and my Best of Opposite Dog are among the best Lhasas currently being shown. I was disappointed my Best of Breed did not place in the Group. 1974 AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB, INC., SPECIALTY DINNER ANNUAL MEETING Just a reminder that money for reservations (812.50 per person) must be received no later than April 15, 1974. The dinner is being held at the Cock & Bull Restaurant located in Peddlar's Village just a few miles south of New Hope, Pa. on Route #202. Dinner will begin as close to 7:00 p.m. as possible, dependent on the Bucks County K.C. judging schedule. PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB, INC. and mail to: Jeanne Hope, Specialty Show Chairwoman Landmark Apts. Apt. 1615-1 Cherry Hill, N.J. 08034 (609) 795-4387 OFFICIAL NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The 1974 Annual Meeting of the American Lhasa Apso Club will be held at the Cock & Bull Restaurant on May 4, 1974 immediately following the dinner to commence at 7:00 p.m. Carolyn A. Herbel, Secretary
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