I·Metrix Powered by Checkpoint® User`s Guide


I·Metrix Powered by Checkpoint® User`s Guide
Powered by Checkpoint®
User’s Guide
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Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Installation .......................................................................................................................................... 1
I·Metrix Menu Item (Excel 2002/XP, & 2003) ....................................................................................... 4
The I·Metrix Ribbon (Excel 2007) .......................................................................................................... 5
Market Data Wizard............................................................................................................................23
I·Metrix Function Calls........................................................................................................................30
Function Builder ............................................................................................................................36
Model Library .................................................................................................................................45
Work Offline ...................................................................................................................................46
Open XBRL Instance Document..................................................................................................47
Advanced Options .........................................................................................................................51
Working with Results ..........................................................................................................................55
Sharing Spreadsheets ........................................................................................................................57
Appendix A – Earnings Estimates Data................................................................................................58
Appendix B –Non Linkbase Fieldnames ..............................................................................................67
Appendix C – Intraday Fieldnames......................................................................................................68
Appendix D –Referencing Linkbase Attributes.....................................................................................69
Index .................................................................................................................................................71
Copyright 2008, Thomson
1 Reuters. All rights reserved.
Overview of I-Metrix powered by Checkpoint®
I·Metrix powered by Checkpoint® delivers powerful data sets and analytical capabilities directly to Microsoft®
Office Excel™ improving data analysis workflow.
This tool provides a simple, streamlined method for users to integrate financial datasets into their workflow
saving hours of traditional “cut and paste” spreadsheet work while increasing confidence in the accuracy of
information. Through a seamless and simple interface, users can easily access data by launching a series of
dialog boxes that facilitate a connection to the world's most complete database of XBRL-tagged (eXtensible
Business Reporting Language) financial statement information. Users can drill down to source documents
and access original filings on Checkpoint with a click of a mouse.
I-Metrix powered by Checkpoint®, combined with our XML based XBRL fundamental datasets, gives users an
unparalleled view of company financials and a better understanding of financial performance and future trends.
Making sure your system is ready!
To run I-Metrix powered by Checkpoint®, you must be using one of the following operating systems:
Microsoft Windows 2000 Workstation
Microsoft Windows XP (SP2)
It is recommended that you have Microsoft Excel 2007, 2003 (SP2), 2002/XP (SP3) installed.
The recommended total physical memory requirement is 2 GB.
You should also have Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803) or higher and the Microsoft .NET 2.0 Framework
Redistributable Package.
Installing I·Metrix powered by Checkpoint®
To install I·Metrix powered by Checkpoint®, perform the following steps:
1. Close all Microsoft Office programs.
2. Access Checkpoint at http://checkpoint.riag.com/.
3. Log in and click the Tools tab.
4. Select I-Metrix in the left frame to find the most recent version to download.
5. Click the Install my I-Metrix button.
6. Double-click Download now.
7. Click Run on the following screen:
8. Click Next and follow the directions in the installation program. (It is recommended that you select the
default options.)
9. Click Finish to exit the wizard.
You are now ready to use I·Metrix powered by Checkpoint®!
I·Metrix Menu Item (Excel 2002/XP, & 2003)
Once I·Metrix powered by Checkpoint® has been successfully installed, users of versions of Microsoft Excel
prior to 2007 will notice a new menu item, I·Metrix, when accessing Microsoft Excel. Notice that the icons on
the drop down menu can also appear in your toolbar.
This menu provides access to the following I·Metrix powered by Checkpoint® options:
Sheet Properties – modify the properties of previously requested data, or select new data
Function Builder– easily create spreadsheets using fundamental data
Fundamental Data Wizard – a mechanism for retrieving data from Checkpoint
Market Data Wizard – retrieves stock pricing data and places it into a spreadsheet
Model Library – access I-Metrix models and templates directly from the menu
Work Offline - work with cached data without an internet connection
Open XBRL Instance Document – opens an XBRL instance document stored on your computer or
network and enables it to be rendered in Excel
Refresh – updates spreadsheet with most recent data
Options - settings for advanced file management and connection set up
About – provides the version number of the release
The I·Metrix Ribbon (Excel 2007)
Once I·Metrix powered by Checkpoint® has been successfully installed Office 2007 users will notice a new
menu item, I·Metrix, and ribbon when accessing Microsoft Excel.
This ribbon will provide you with access to all of the functionality that I·Metrix powered by Checkpoint® provides.
Options include:
Sheet Properties – modify the properties of previously requested data, or select new data
Fundamental Data – a mechanism for retrieving data from Checkpoint
Market Data – retrieves stock pricing data and places it into a spreadsheet
Open XBRL Document – opens an XBRL instance document stored on your computer or network
and renders it with Excel
Function Builder– easily create spreadsheets using fundamental data
Model Library – access I·Metrix models directly from the ribbon
Options - settings for advanced file management and connection set up
Online - allows the user to move between online and offline mode
Refresh – updates spreadsheet with most recent data
Fundamental Data Wizard
I·Metrix powered by Checkpoint® provides several methods for the retrieval of data into Microsoft Excel. One
of these methods is the Fundamental Data Wizard.
Accessing the Fundamental Data Wizard
To access the Fundamental Data Wizard, select the I·Metrix menu and select Fundamental Data Wizard.
Excel 2007 users will select the Fundamental Data icon from the I·Metrix ribbon.
Selecting this icon will launch the Fundamental Data Wizard, which consists of four screens.
Fundamental Data Wizard – Step 1
The first step in the Fundamental Data Wizard allows the user to load an existing saved query or to create a
new query. If there are no saved queries the only option will be to create a new query.
After you have made a selection, click Next to continue.
Fundamental Data Wizard – Step 2
The second screen in the Fundamental Data Wizard is the primary interface for requesting data.
This screen has several sections that will guide you through the data request.
Dataset Selection
The dataset selection component allows the user to specify the data set which they would like to retrieve.
Available datasets include:
Standardized – Standardized XBRL Dataset with data mapped to the associated XBRL taxonomy
Summary – A summarized version of the Standardized dataset
Company Selection
The company selection component of the screen allows the user to enter a company ticker symbol, I·Metrix
Code (IMC), Central Index Key (CIK), search for a company by name, create a list of companies based on
filter criteria or load a comma separated file of company tickers.
To request a company by symbol the user has several options:
1. Enter a list of company symbols, CIKs or IMCs separated by spaces in the company symbol input
box, and click the Add button.
2. Enter a list of company symbols separated by space in the selection text box.
3. Click the Lookup button to look up company ticker symbols by company name, exchange, industry
or sector.
This step will launch the company search screen.
To perform a company lookup, select what you want to search for: Name, CIK, CUSIP, ID or Symbol, enter
part of a company name or number in the Value text box on the top of the screen and click the Search button
to execute the search.
The system will display all companies that matched the query.
From the list of Company Names, you can select those companies that you would like to include in your data
Or, if you don’t have a specific company in mind, you can create a list of companies based on screening
Simply click on the Advanced Search button and then the
button for a list of filter criteria options: you can
filter by Exchange, Industry, Sector, SIC code and/or modified date.
For example, to screen by Industry, select Industry and click OK. A list of industries appears on the bottom
of the pop-up box. You can select more than one industry for a query.
When you have finished selecting industries, select OK to return to the company selection screen.
Once you are satisfied with your choices, select the Search button to return the list of Company Names
for the filter criteria.
You can base your search on more than one criterion. For example, you can research advertising firms that
are listed on the NYSE:
To add the companies to your query, highlight the companies by clicking on them (use the control key to
select more than one company) and the click OK.
The symbols for the companies selected will appear in the data retrieval box.
Period Selection
The period selection component of the screen allows the user to identify the type of data they would like to
retrieve from Checkpoint.
Annual Data Tab
Previous – allows the user to request the last x number of years of annual data.
The system will return data only for years for which data exists. So if a user requests four years worth
of data and only two years worth of data have been filed, only those two years will be displayed.
Fiscal Years – allows the user to request annual data based upon fiscal years.
The system will return data only for years for which data exists. So if a user requests 2004 - 2000 and
only 2002 and 2004 data have been filed, only those two years will be displayed.
Include Quarterly Data – Checking this box will retrieve the quarterly data associated with the annual
data that has been selected.
Quarterly Data Tab
Quarterly – allows the user to request quarterly data that has been filed between two calendar dates.
Previous – allows the user to request the last x quarters of quarterly data. Note that the company’s
fourth quarter data will also be returned.
Fiscal Quarters – allows the user to request data between two fiscal quarters.
Calendar Dates – allows the user to request data for quarters that occurred between two dates.
Include Annual Data – checking this box will retrieve annual data that may have been filed between
the selected quarters.
Other Data Tab
Other – Allows the user to request data for year to date and trailing twelve month periods.
Quarter Selectors:
• Previous Fiscal Quarter – allows the user to select the most recent fiscal quarters
• Fiscal Quarter – allows the user to select a specific fiscal quarter
• Quarter by Date – allows the user to select a specific quarter by dates
Date Types:
• YTD – allows the user to request consolidated data for the current fiscal year
• TTM – allows the user to request data for the trailing twelve months (the sum of the last four quarters)
• Include Quarterly Data – will retrieve quarterly data for the selected period
Calculation Filter:
Calculation Filter:
The user can select what type of data is returned:
None – only return values for elements that have been provided by the reporting company
Enhanced – return values for elements that have been provided by the reporting company or have been
rolled up (calculated) as per U.S. GAAP by I-Metrix powered by Checkpoint
Preferred – return values for elements based upon U.S. GAAP accounting rules, company provided rollups will be overwritten. This presents a U.S. GAAP representation of a company’s financials
Most Recent Financial Results Option
By default, the system always returns the most recent data available for a company, and the most
recent financial results option will enable the user to modify this action.
Selecting the Place sections in multiple worksheets check box will return each section (IS, BS, CF, etc.) in a
separate Excel worksheet tab.
Click Change to display the Retrieval Options menu:
This menu will allow the user to the source and types of data to include in the results.
Retrieval Options include:
Primary Options:
Most Recent Data – returns the most recent data available
o Amendments – include data filed in a 10K/A or 10Q/A in the result
o Restatements – include data from a restated 8K, 10K or 10Q in the result
o Preliminary Results – include preliminary fundamental data derived from 8K earnings
releases in the result
Preliminary Results Only – only include preliminary fundamental data derived from 8K
earnings releases in the result
Original Data Only – only return originally filed 10K or 10Q in the result
All versions of the Data - return all types of data including original, amended, restated and
Secondary Options:
• Retrieve Analyst Estimates – include Analyst Earnings Estimates and Recommendations in
the result
Retrieve Ratios and Industry Benchmarks – include standard ratios and industry ratios.
By default all of these options will be selected, meaning the user would like to include Earning Release and
Amended/Restated data, Estimates and Ratios data in the results.
Once you make your selections, clicking the OK button will save your selections for this and for all future queries.
Advanced Display Options
The user can select the advanced display options button to personalize the way content will be displayed
within Excel.
Options include settings relevant for this query only and setting relevant for this query and all future queries:
• Display status window – a dialog box appears while the query is running detailing the status of
the inquiry. (Default - selected)
• Force Presentation Rebuild – retrieves all data from servers (not memory) and re-loads again.
(Default – not selected)
• Output to outline control – will return results in Excel outline display mode allowing parent
elements to be collapsed and child elements to be expanded. (Default – not selected)
• Show XBRL Fields – will show the XBRL tagging next to the returned value. (Default – not selected)
• Combine contexts with common periods – combines data for a period into a single column.
(Default - selected)
• Sort dates in ascending order – if the user selects this option columns will be displayed in
ascending order. By default, columns will be in descending order with the most recent column
displayed in the first column on the left. (Default – not selected)
• Output functions with cell references – if the user has not selected return values only, this
option improves performance by using cell references within the function calls (default – not
• Return Values Only – populates data elements with values and not the I·Metrix function call
referenced in a later section (default – not selected).
• Show function calls for empty values – if no data is returned, the macro will still be able to be
viewed when the cell is selected (default – not selected).
Click Set as Default to apply the selections to all future results.
Once the user has selected their advanced options, clicking OK will save their selections and close the
After all selections have been made, click Next to continue.
Fundamental Data Wizard – Step 3
The third screen in the Fundamental Data Wizard allows the user to specify where they would like the results
to be displayed.
The user may select to place the results in a new worksheet, or an existing worksheet. If the user selects an
existing worksheet I·Metrix powered by Checkpoint® will overwrite the contents of the worksheet with the
results of the query.
Fundamental Data Wizard – Step 4
With the final screen in the Fundamental Data Wizard, you can save the query and run it again in the future.
If you do not want to save the query, you can click the Run Query button to run the query. If you want to save
the query, select the Yes check box and type a name in the text box. After you enter the information, click
the Save As File and Run Query buttons to save and run the query. The information will automatically
populate into Excel.
Sheet Properties
The properties option on the I·Metrix menu bar is used to view the I·Metrix properties of the worksheet that is
currently being displayed. This can be used to make a new request or to view/update a request that was
previously made.
To use the properties option, select Sheet Properties from the Checkpoint I·Metrix menu.
Excel 2007 users will select the Sheet Properties icon from the I·Metrix ribbon.
You will notice that the Sheet Properties window looks similar to the second screen of the Fundamental Data
Through the properties screen you can modify or make selections exactly as specified for Screen 2 of the
Data Wizard. Once you are comfortable with your selections click the Run Query button to retrieve the
results into the active worksheet. Any contents found in the active worksheet will be over-written.
Market Data Wizard
I·Metrix powered by Checkpoint® provides several methods for the retrieval of data into Microsoft Excel. One
of these methods is the Market Data Wizard.
Accessing the Market Data Wizard
To access the Market Data Wizard the user should select the I·Metrix menu item and select Market Data
Excel 2007 users will select the Market Data icon from the I·Metrix ribbon.
This will launch the Market Data Wizard which consists of four screens.
Market Data Wizard – Step 1
The first step in the Market Data Wizard allows the user to load an existing saved query or to create a new query.
If there are no saved queries the only option will be to create a new query.
Once a selection has been made, click Next to continue.
Market Data Wizard – Step 2
The second screen in the Market Data Wizard is the primary interface for requesting market data.
This screen has several sections that will guide you through the data request.
Company Selection
The company selection component of the screen allows the user to enter a company ticker symbol, search
for a company by name, or load a comma separated file of company tickers. This area works the same way
as selecting a company in the Fundamental Data Wizard.
For more detailed instructions on the Company Selection box, please refer to the Fundamental Data Wizard
section. Click here to go to the Fundamental Data Wizard section.
Market Data Type Selection
The market data type tabs on the screen allow the user to select historical or intraday data, with historical
being the default
Historical Data Selection
The historical selection Component of the screen allows the user to identify the type of data to retrieve from
Data Options include the following:
1. Available Fields – Type of data available
a. Open – Opening stock price
b. Close – Closing stock price
c. High – Highest stock price
d. Low – Lowest stock price
e. Volume – Amount of shares traded
2. Click a field to add it to the requested data
3. Highlighting a field and clicking the < button removes it from the list of requested data
4. Clicking >> or << adds or removes the entire list of available fields
5. Most Recent Data – requests the most recent pricing information
6. Year to Date – requests the highest stock price listed by day for the year to date
7. Dates – request the stock pricing for a specific time period
8. Periods – select from preset time frames: last week, last month, last 3 months, last 6 months, last
year, last 3 years, last 5 years, last 10 years
The system will only return data for periods for which data exists. So if a user requests four years worth
of data and only two years worth of data have been filed, only those two years will be displayed.
Intraday Data Selection
The intraday selection Component of the screen allows the user to identify the type of data to retrieve from
Data Options include the following:
Available Fields – A full list of available fields is available in Appendix C.
Click a field to add it to the requested data.
Highlighting a field and clicking the < button removes it from the list of requested data.
Clicking >> or << adds or removes the entire list of available fields.
Intervals – Selecting intervals allows you to retrieve data since market open in specific intervals
including every: 1, 5, 30, and 60 minutes.
When selecting intervals the system will only return time, last trade price, and volume.
Once you have selected the interval you are interested in select a start and end time for which you want to
retrieve data between.
Advanced Query Display Options
The user can select the advanced display options button to personalize the way content will be displayed
within Excel.
Options include settings for this query and settings for all future queries:
Display Status Window – Default is set to display the status of the query so you can see it in
process. If unselected, you will not see the status of the query; the spreadsheet will just be
created automatically when the query is done.
Sort Dates in Ascending Order – if the user selects this option dates will be displayed in
ascending order. By default dates will be in ascending order with the least recent date
displayed in the first column on the left.
Return Values Only – populates data elements with values and not the I·Metrix function call
referenced in a later chapter.
When you have finished selecting Advanced Query Display Options click the “OK” button to return to the
Market Data Wizard and continue setting up the query.
After you make all of your selections, click Next to continue.
Market Data Wizard – Step 3
The third screen in the Fundamental Data Wizard allows the user to specify where they would like the results
to be displayed.
You can place the results into a new worksheet or an existing worksheet. If you select an existing worksheet,
I·Metrix powered by Checkpoint® will overwrite the contents of the worksheet with the results of the query.
Market Data Wizard – Step 4
The final screen in the Market Data Wizard allows the user to save the query so that it can be run again in
the future.
If the user does not want to save the query they can click the Run Query button to run the query. To save
the query, select the Yes check box, name the query, and click Save as File.
After you enter the information, click the Save and Run buttons to save and run the query.
I·Metrix Function Calls
I·Metrix powered by Checkpoint® provides several methods for the retrieval of data into Microsoft Excel.
One of these methods is the I·Metrix function call.
The I-Metrix function call allows users to select a specific field and place it in a selected cell, thereby
enabling users to create robust templates and models that leverage data.
There are several ways for the user to add an I·Metrix function call to a cell:
• Directly by typing the function name and parameters
• Using a function builder to retrieve data
The I·Metrix function call can be used to retrieve both fundamental and market data.
Writing a function call to retrieve fundamental data
When retrieving fundamental data, the I-Metrix function call will take the following required and optional
I-Metrix(Symbol,Dataset,Field,Type,Year,Quarter,Filter,Eligible Reports)
Symbol – The ticker symbol of the company you would like to retrieve data for.
Dataset – The dataset you would like to retrieve date from, datasets include:
- Standardized XBRL Dataset with data mapped to the associated XBRL taxonomy
SUMSTD - A summary version of the standardized dataset
Field – The XBRL field you would like to retrieve from the selected dataset.
Type – The type of data you would like to retrieve, options include:
Year – The fiscal year you would like to retrieve data for. The user has the option of specifying a specific
year, or selecting from several mnemonics:
- Annual
- Quarterly
- Trailing Twelve Months
- Year To Date
- Last Fiscal Year
- Last Fiscal Year - 1
- Last Fiscal Year - 2
- Last Fiscal Year - 3
- Last Fiscal Year - 4
Quarter– The fiscal quarter you would like to retrieve data for. The user has the option of specifying a
specific quarter:
1 – Fiscal Quarter 1
2 – Fiscal Quarter 2
3 – Fiscal Quarter 3
4 – Fiscal Quarter 4
Or I-Metrix will select from several mnemonics:
- Last Fiscal Quarter
- Last Fiscal Quarter - 1
- Last Fiscal Quarter - 2
- Last Fiscal Quarter - 3
The Fiscal Quarter parameter is required if the user sets the Type = “Q,” “T,” or “Y.” If the user sets Type =
“A” they do not have to provide a Quarter parameter.
Filter – The calculation view you would like to apply to the results. Options include:
A – None
C – Enhanced
P – Preferred
If the user does not specify a filter the system will default to “C”
Eligible Reports – By default the system will return the most recent data available for the specified
period. The eligible report parameter allows the user to specify the type of information to include in
the result.
Options Include:
RCNT – the default if not provided, returns the most recent report for the selected period.
PRELIM – include preliminary results (8K earnings releases) in the result.
ORIG – include original filed results for the selected period in the result.
AMEND – include amendments for the selected period in the result.
RESTATE – include restated information for the selected period in the result.
AUDIT – only include audited information for the selected period in the result.
EST – include analyst earnings estimates and recommendations
To specify more than one option separate them by a comma
If the user does not specify a filter the system will default to “RCNT”
Each of the flags has three states:
Include -
do not use the flag in generating the results
This is the default option, to specify this option the user does not specify the flag
Positive –
only return results that match the flag
To return results that match the flag, specify this option in the eligible reports parameter
Negative – never return results that match the flag.
To return results that do not match the flag, specify this option in the
eligible reports parameter prefaced with an exclamation point “!”
If the user wanted to only request audited results they would set the eligible reports
parameter to “AUDIT.”
If the user does not want to retrieve preliminary information they would set the filter to
If they would like to retrieve only preliminary information they would set the filter to
If they would only like to retrieve restated information they would set the filter to “!ORIG,
If they would only like to retrieve estimates data, then would set the filter to !AMEND,
!RESTATE as in this example:
=I-Metrix("IBM,” "STD,” "eol-est:MeanEarningsEstimate,” "A,” 2005, , , "!AMEND, !RESTATE, EST")
The reason the user would select “!ORIG, !AMEND” is that they do not want to ignore the ORIG
and AMEND flags but rather only include values where neither are true.
If the user would like to type the function call directly into the cell, they should follow these steps:
1. Go to the cell where the function call should be added
2. Type the name of the function call followed by values in parenthesis, for example if you wanted to
retrieve Operating Revenue for Microsoft for the 3rd Quarter of 2003 you would enter the following
information into the Excel cell:
=I-Metrix(“MSFT,” “STD,” “usfr-pte:OperatingRevenue,” “Q,” 2003, 3,”C”)
3. Once you have entered the function call you should click Return to retrieve the data and populate
the cell with the value
* If no value is returned and your internet connection is active the company has not filed a value for the
requested field.
Writing a function call to retrieve market data
When retrieving market data the I-Metrix function call will take the following required and optional parameters.
Symbol – The ticker symbol of the company you would like to retrieve data for.
Dataset – The dataset you would like to retrieve date from, datasets include:
- Historical Dataset
- Intraday Dataset
Field – The field you would like to retrieve, fields include:
Historical Dataset
OPEN - Opening Price
CLOSE - Closing Price
HIGH - Daily High
- Daily Low
VOLUME- Daily Volume
Intraday Dataset
Date –An optional parameter specifying the date associated with the data you would like to retrieve,
format should be MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM
If the user would like to type the function call directly into the cell, they should follow these steps:
1. Go to the cell where the function call should be added
2. Type the name of the function call followed by values in parenthesis, for example if you wanted to
retrieve Open price for Microsoft for April 28, 2005, you would enter the following information into
the Excel cell:
=I-Metrix(“MSFT,” “HIST,” “OPEN,” “4/28/2005”)
If you wanted to retrieve today’s open price:
=I-Metrix(“MSFT,” ”INTRA,” ”Open”)
3. Once you have entered the function call you should click Return to retrieve the data and populate
the cell with the value
* If no value is returned and your internet connection is active the company has not filed a value for the
requested field.
Using Cell References
In addition to including direct values as the parameters to the I·Metrix function call, you can reference other
cells in the spreadsheet.
For example, if you had the following spreadsheet:
You could populate column B7 with the following I·Metrix function call to get annual data:
=I-Metrix(B1, B2, B3, “A,” B4)
It will return a value of $36,835,000,000.00.
Notice that the cell is populated with =I-Metrix(B1,B2,B3,”A,”B4)
Imbedding the function call can be used to create new and update existing templates and models that have
been created for Microsoft Excel.
Function Builder
Using the Function Builder to retrieve fundamental data
The Function Builder guides the user through the process of creating function calls and placing them in cells.
This enables users to quickly and easily retrieve individual data elements and include them in custom
templates and models.
Accessing the Function Builder
To access the Function Builder the user should select the I·Metrix menu item and select Function Builder.
Excel 2007 users will select the Function Builder icon from the I·Metrix ribbon.
You will launch the Function Builder, which consists of one screen.
The Function Builder includes several sections which help the user to retrieve the data they are interested in.
Data Set – This section of the wizard allows the user to select the data set that they would like to retrieve
the data from.
Available datasets include:
• Standardized –Standardized XBRL Dataset with data mapped to the associated XBRL taxonomy
• Summary – A summarized version of the Standardized dataset
Load Data Sets – Allows you to load the data sets associated with the company you want to build function
calls for.
Within the Company text box, enter a company’s Ticker Symbol, or a Cell Reference to an Excel Cell that
contains a Symbol or IMC.
If you are analyzing multiple companies select one of the companies to use. Once you have entered the
company’s ticker symbol, IMC, or a cell reference, select the load data elements button to load the data
elements available for this company.
Data Element – On the left side of the screen, under the company name, is a drop- down menu from which
you can select key filing sections to pull the data items:
After a section has been selected, use the + signs next elements to expand the tree and display the
elements children.
In the example above, “Cash, Cash Equivalents and Short-Term Investments” has been selected. In the box
to the right, “Cash, Cash Equivalents and Short-Term Investments” can be further expanded into “Cash and
Cash Equivalents,” “Short-Term Investments- Cost” or “Cash, Cash Equivalents and Short-Term
Investments.” Clicking on the + next to “Cash and Cash Equivalents,” “Short-Term Investments- Cost” will
expand the options further.
Data and Metadata
In the center of the screen above the Data Element appears the Data and Metadata radio buttons. Clicking
on Metadata will allow you to insert Company Information, Context Information and Period Information into
your spreadsheet.
Time Period
On the right hand side is the area to select the time period for the data element.
The Period settings allow the user to specify the period and options. Specific options include:
Duration – the duration of data you are interested in, including:
Annual – retrieve data annual data
Quarterly – retrieve quarterly data
Trailing Twelve Months – retrieve trailing twelve month (TTM) data
Year to Date – retrieve Year To Date (YTD) data
Quarter – the fiscal quarter you would like to retrieve data for. The user can select a specific
quarter, select the last fiscal quarter or any of the previous fiscal quarters from the current fiscal
quarter from a drop-down list.
Only required when period = Quarterly, TTM, or YTD
Year – the fiscal year you would like to retrieve data for, the user can select a specific year, or select
the last fiscal year from the drop down list
Linkbase Attributes
Clicking on Linkbase Attributes allows the user to select the type of information about the element which they
would like to retrieve through the function call. This information includes the full label for the data element, the
type of balance (debit or credit) and the financial definition of the data element.
Options include:
Instance Document – the default option, will allow the user to select:
<value> - the default, will return the value associated with the element
Context Reference – will return the context identifier associated with the element
Precision – will return the precision that should be applied to the value
Unit Reference – returns the units the value is being displayed in (i.e. USD, JPY, …)
Taxonomy – allows the user to select attributes associated with the taxonomy
Calculation Linkbase – allows the user to select attributes that define how information has been calculated.
Label Linkbase – allows the user to select attributes that describe the field (such as labels as descriptions)
Presentation Linkbase – allows the user to select attributes that describe how elements relate to each
other (parents, children)
Reference Linkbase – allows the user to select attributes that provide reference information about the data
Filter –The calculation filter you would like to apply to the result. Only valid when the attribute = <value>.
None – only return values for elements that have been provided by the reporting company
Enhanced –return values for elements that have been provided by the reporting company or
have been rolled up (calculated) as per U.S. GAAP by Checkpoint.
Preferred – return values for elements based upon US GAAP accounting rules, company
provided roll-ups will be overwritten. This presents a US GAAP representation of a company’s
Function box – displays the I-Metrix function that will be placed in the selected cell.
Write Function – the write function button writes an I·Metrix function call to the currently highlighted cell. If
no cell is highlighted, the user should select a cell and then click the Write Function button. Once selected,
the results will be displayed in the selected cell.
Drag and Drop – In addition to selecting a cell and clicking the Write Function button, you can also select
the element you are interested in and drag it to any cell. This will place the I·Metrix function in that cell and
retrieve the value.
Using the Function Builder to retrieve market data
From the drop down box containing key filing elements, select Market Data.
Function Builder displays market data for the company you have selected:
1. Dataset – The dataset you would like to retrieve date from, datasets include:
- Historical Dataset
- Intraday Dataset
2. Field – The field you would like to retrieve, fields include:
Historical Dataset
OPEN - Opening Price
CLOSE - Closing Price
HIGH - Daily High
- Daily Low
VOLUME- Daily Volume
Intraday Dataset
2. Field (Continued) Open
3. Select the Date (only when the dataset = historical). Clearing the Relative box will give
you specific dates to choose from.
4. Click Write Macro to place the data into the selected cell.
The wizard creates a function call in the cell to retrieve the data for the stock price.
Model Library
The Model Library allows you to access I·Metrix models directly from the pull down menu.
Select a category on the left and the models available for that category will appear in the middle section.
Information on the model will appear in the section on the right. Highlight a model and then choose to Save
Model to your hard drive or Open Model to use without saving.
Work Offline
The Work Offline area of the menu allows the user to work without being connected to the I·Metrix server.
When Work Offline is selected, a dialog box will open, asking for confirmation that you want to go offline.
Switching to Offline will allow the user to work with data that has been cached on their hard drive,
eliminating the need for an internet connection.
When you are working on the offline mode, the drop down menu will now show the option “Work Online” to
return to online mode.
Open XBRL Instance Document
With this option, you can open XBRL instance documents residing on your local machine, corporate network
or on the Internet. You can navigate to the directory-based instance document (.xml file) and render it in
Excel using the XBRL instance document inherent presentation formatting information.
Select this option to display the following screen:
Selecting Refresh will update all formulas and documents currently in use.
Selecting Options provides several settings that you can change.
Clear Cache
I-Metrix provides an easy way to manage hard drive storage and eliminate any potential problems with low
memory from the Options menu.
Simply click on the “Clear Cache” option to erase all the saved files that have been downloaded through
I-Metrix. This will not delete any Excel files, just the data downloaded that has been cached to the hard
The dialog responds with the message: “Are you sure you want to clear the local cache?,” and the button
is disabled until which time a new query is executed.
Selecting Logoff will log you off the I·Metrix service. A dialog box will open to confirm that you want to be
logged out.
Once you have chosen to log off, the I·Metrix drop down menu will toggle from “Work Offline” to “Work Online.”
Select Work Online and follow the prompts to log back in to I·Metrix to resume working online again.
View Log
I·Metrix also provides a diagnostic option giving you the ability to view any anomalies that take place. The log
tracks all the steps the application performs while it is being used and saves this information in an excel file
that can be viewed to help troubleshoot any problems you may be experiencing.
A read-only excel spreadsheet will open detailing the steps performed since the log was turned on. Logs are
very helpful in troubleshooting problems.
Clear Log
This option will clear out the current log. If you are experiencing problems, the best thing to do is clear out
your log, perform the task you are having problems with again, and then view the new log to help
troubleshoot the problem.
Diagnostic Logging
This option will turn on diagnostic logging. Diagnostic logging fills the I·Metrix log with informative messages
associated with the transfer of data with the I·Metrix Web services and the presentation of data in the Excel
Advanced Options
When using the Wizard or Function Builder, oftentimes a company does not report all the numbers they
could possibly report. This can be handled in two different ways: display the result as Null or put a zero
in the field. The default selection is to Display as Null.
Web Service
The Web Service option is where the service points to retrieve data.
By default, the Web service URL’s will be pre-populated. Modifications to these values should only be done
after speaking with a Checkpoint representative.
Connection Timeout - this setting, by default maintains a one minute connection to the I·Metrix server, from
the submission time of a query. During this connection limit (e.g. one minute), the client machine will
connect to the host server and attempt the request for fundamental data. When the allocated time limit is
reached, if the data is not completely returned, the query will fail to produce a report of the data. The user
may want to increase the Connection Timeout (maximum is 480 seconds). If the query does not complete in
the allotted time, please contact your Checkpoint representative.
The Proxy tab in advanced options allows users to specify a proxy server and any related authentication
Selecting a proxy server to connect to I-Metrix will allow the user to specify a proxy server, where I·Metrix
powered by Checkpoint® should rout all traffic. If not selected, I·Metrix will leverage the internet connections
settings from Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Specifying a Proxy Server:
To specify a proxy server enter the IP address or DNS name of the proxy server and an associated port.
* I·Metrix powered by Checkpoint® does not allow the user to specify a proxy script. If your environment
leverages a proxy script your IT department should provide the URL and port for a proxy server or proxy
server farm.
Proxy Authentication:
If your proxy server requires a username and password to access the internet select enable proxy authentication
and enter your proxy user and password.
If you would like the system to save this proxy user and password select save password.
* Users should not attempt to adjust these settings without first speaking with their IT departments.
Working with Results
Once you have made a request via the Data Wizard, Properties Screen, or function call I·Metrix provides you
with a variety of features to work with the data.
Linkbacks/Source Verification
Cells that are populated with data retrieved from I·Metrix allow the user to link from the value being displayed
back to the filing on Checkpoint. This source verification function allows users to see the document that was
filed with the SEC. To activate link back, simply right-click in the cell and select Go To Source Document, which
will launch a browser window that displays the number selected in Checkpoint.
For Example, if you had created a spreadsheet that displays Cash and Cash Equivalents and short term
investments for Microsoft for 2007:
The System returns the result $23,411,000.00.
To see that data point in the 10-Q or K that was filed with the SEC, right-click on the selected field and
select Go to source document.
The system opens a browser window that displays the reported filing:
Notice that the line containing the value $23,411,000.00 has been highlighted and italicized in blue.
Click the View Full Filing on Checkpoint link (see arrow above) to access this filing on Checkpoint:
XML Awareness
If you are using Microsoft Excel 2003, XML Awareness will ensure that XML schema associated with the cell
travels with the data as it is cut and pasted to other cells.
Sharing Spreadsheets
I·Metrix was developed to support the sharing of spreadsheets and data between colleagues who are I·Metrix
customers and those that are not.
If you would like to share a Excel spreadsheet that includes I·Metrix function calls with a colleague, all you
will need to do is to save the spreadsheet as a Microsoft Excel File (.xls) and send it to your colleague via email or another medium.
Sharing with I·Metrix Customers
Once your colleague has received the file, it can be opened with Microsoft Excel. If the file contains Macros
the system may ask if the document is safe, select Enable Macros.
Once the document has been successfully opened I·Metrix will automatically download the data being
displayed in the spreadsheet to the users computer, improving future performance.
They can now use work with the spreadsheet as they see fit.
Sharing with Non I·Metrix Customers
When Excel documents that reference the I·Metrix function are shared with users who do not have I·Metrix on
their computer the system will display return values only, and linkback functionality will no longer work.
Appendix A – Earnings Estimates Data
Data Definitions - Names and Descriptions
Data Provided by ZACKS Investment Research, Inc., www.zacks.com.
Earnings Estimates Data is presented in I-Metrix powered by Checkpoint® in several logical sections. The high order
groupings include:
Historical – Data in this grouping is associated to the Period End Date for the current quarter or annual
under scrutiny. This data is available for the last quarterly as well as the annual filing for a company.
Current Quarter – The data in this grouping is associated with the upcoming quarter for the company.
(see example below)
Next Quarter – This data grouping contains estimate information for one quarter following the next
(upcoming) quarter. (see example below)
Current Year – This data grouping includes estimate data for the upcoming fiscal year end for the
Next Year – This data grouping includes estimate-related data for one full year following the upcoming
fiscal year end for the company
An example of the above groupings is expressed this scenario: A company files their 2nd quarter (10-Q) on July
26, 2007. The ‘Historical’ data grouping contains estimate data that was culled from consensus estimates
shortly prior to the period end date which was June 30, 2007. ‘Current Quarter’ estimate data relates to the next
upcoming quarter which would have a period end date of Sept 30, 2007. ‘Next Quarter’ estimates data relates
to the quarter immediately following the upcoming quarter which would have a period end date of December 31,
2007. Earnings Per Share information would be aligned on a quarterly basis. The ‘Current Year’ estimate data
relates to the upcoming fiscal year end. In this example, again this is December 31, 2007. Earnings Per Share
information would be represented on an annual basis. Finally, the ‘Next Year’ data, also presented on an annual
basis for those EPS and actual numbers, will be shown for the fiscal year following the upcoming fiscal year end,
in this example, December 31, 2008
Note: All estimates and actual values are for “Diluted EPS Before Extraordinaries and Non-Recurring Items.”
Approximately 250 brokers contribute to the Zack’s Consensus Estimates.
As of this I·Metrix release, coverage includes:
4215 Companies, with a breakdown of:
o 1442 of the S&P 1500
o 80% of Russell 3000.
The following table describes each of the Earnings Estimates display names, their definitions, derivations, and
miscellaneous notations:
Display Names
Historical Earnings
Historical Mean Earnings Estimate
The arithmetic mean of all EPS (earnings per share)
estimates received from analysts for the last historical period
(annual or quarterly). All estimates are for diluted EPS from
continuing operations, and have been cumulatively adjusted
to reflect splits
The lowest value received from analysts for EPS for the
historical period
The highest value received from analysts for EPS for the
historical period
The number of analysts in the consensus for this historical
period (last quarterly or annual).
The EPS difference from the estimate to the actual for this
historical period
The percentage difference from the estimate to the actual for
this historical period
Historical Low Earnings Estimate
Historical High Earnings Estimate
Historical Number of Earnings Estimates
Historical Difference
Historical Earnings Surprise
Historical Historical Growth
Historical Earnings Growth Over Last Year
The year over year percentage difference for this specific last
quarter or annual
The arithmetic mean of all growth estimates for a 3 to 5 year
projected time period. This percentage is tied to the last
quarterly or annual period.
The low estimated growth for the projected 3-5 year future.
This percentage data point is tied to this latest quarterly or
annual filing.
The high estimated growth for the projected 3-5 year future.
This percentage data point is tied to this latest quarterly or
annual filing.
Number of participant analysts in the long term, 3-5 year
consensus. This data point is tied to the latest quarterly or
annual filing under context.
Historical Mean Long Term Growth Estimate
Historical Low Long Term Growth Estimate
Historical High Long Term Growth Estimate
Historical Number of Long Term Growth Estimates
Current Quarter
Current Quarter Earnings
Current Quarter Mean Earnings Estimate
The arithmetic mean of all EPS (earnings per share) estimates
received from analysts for the stated time period (for time
period, see Current Quarter Period End Date)
The lowest value received from analysts for EPS.
Current Quarter Low Earnings Estimate
Current Quarter High Earnings Estimate
Current Quarter Number of Earnings Estimates
The highest value received from analysts for EPS.
The number of analysts making up EPS estimates for this
Current Quarter Growth
Current Quarter Earnings Growth Over Last Year
The percentage growth over last year where the last year’s
period end date is one year prior to the Current Quarter Period
End Date (see next item)
The period end date for the upcoming quarter.
Current Quarter Period End Date
Consensus EPS Trend Current Quarter
Current Quarter Mean Earnings Estimate - 7 Days Ago
The arithmetic mean of earnings per share estimates at
a period of time 7 days prior the most recent data provided.
For all Consensus EPS Trend data, all estimates are for
diluted EPS from continuing operations, and have been
cumulatively adjusted to reflect splits.
Current Quarter Mean Earnings Estimate - 30 Days Ago
The arithmetic mean of earnings per share estimates at a
period of time 1 month prior the most recent data provided.
Display Names
Current Quarter Mean Earnings Estimate - 60 Days Ago
The arithmetic mean of earnings per share estimates at
a period of 2 months prior the most recent data provided.
Current Quarter Mean Earnings Estimate - 90 Days Ago
The arithmetic mean of earnings per share estimates at a
period of 3 months prior the most recent data provided.
Current Quarter Mean Earnings Estimate - Current
The arithmetic mean of all EPS (earnings per share) estimates
received from analysts for the stated time period (for time
period, see Current Quarter Period End Date below)
Extended EPS Perspective Current Quarter
Current Quarter Mean of 3 most recent estimates
For the three most recent analyst estimates, an arithmetic
mean is presented
This population may be more or less than 3 estimates and is
defined as follows:
Current Quarter 3 Most Recent Estimates # of Days
Rank all the estimates in the consensus by most recent
estimate record that represents a change, or "change
Identify the estimate ranked third most recent in the
above ranking.
Save this date as the "3 most recent date.”
Subtract the "3 most recent date" from most recent data
provider date to get "3 most recent number of days.”
Current Quarter # Ests. Added to Cons. Last 7 Days
The number of new analyst estimates added to the
Statistics showing changes in number of brokers included in
the consensus population, between a prior comparison period
(e.g., 7 days ago or 30 days ago) and most recent provider’s
Current Quarter # Ests.Removed From Cons. Last 7 Days
The number of analyst estimated removed from the
Current Quarter # Ests. Unchanged Last 7 Days
Current Quarter 30-day Consensus Mean
Current Quarter 30-day Consensus # of Estimates
Current Quarter # Ests. Added to Cons. Last 30 Days
The EPS estimate taken one month ago from the latest date of
information provided by the data provider.
The population for this subset is all estimates in the consensus
which have been newly-initiated or changed within the last
thirty days.
Number of analysts contributing to the EPS estimate one
month ago from the latest date of information provided by
the data provider.
See above
Current Quarter # Ests. Removed From Cons. Last 30 Days
See above
Current Quarter # Ests. Unchanged Last 30 Days
To determine all the ‘added’, ‘removed’, and ‘unchanged’
values for any company/fiscal period Z, this procedure is
Get population of brokers with current non-N/A estimates
for Z. Call this population "CURRENT"
Get population of brokers with non-N/A estimates for Z
as of prior comparison period. Call this population
Initialize 3 tally counters with value of zero for each:
"added,” "removed,” and "unchanged.”
For every broker in population CURRENT:
if broker is NOT in population PREVIOUS, then add
Display Names
1 to "added" tally and go to next broker in CURRENT.
If broker IS in population PREVIOUS, then:
(a) If value of estimate in PREVIOUS is the same
as value of estimate in CURRENT,
then add 1 to "unchanged" tally and go to next
broker in CURRENT.
(b) If value of estimate in PREVIOUS is different
than value in CURRENT, go to next broker in CURRENT.
For every broker in population PREVIOUS:
if broker is NOT in population CURRENT, then add
1 to "removed" tally and go to next broker in PREVIOUS.
ii. if broker IS in population CURRENT, then go to next
broker in PREVIOUS.
After having examined estimates in CURRENT and
PREVIOUS and added to tally counters,
assign the following values:
For company/fiscal period Z, "# of estimates added
to consensus last N days" is number in "added" tally counter;
For company/fiscal period Z, "# of estimates
removed from consensus last N days" is number in "removed"
tally counter;
For company/fiscal period Z, "# of estimates
unchanged last N days" is number in "unchanged" tally
Next Quarter
Next Quarter Earnings
Next Quarter Mean Earnings Estimate
Next Quarter Low Earnings Estimate
The arithmetic mean of all EPS (earnings per share) estimates
received from analysts for the stated time period (for time
period, see Next Quarter Period End Date below)
See above
Next Quarter High Earnings Estimate
See above
Next Quarter Number of Earnings Estimates
See above
See above
Next Quarter Growth
Next Quarter Earnings Growth Over Last Year
The percentage growth over last year where the last year’s
period end date is one year prior to the Next Quarter Period
End Date (see next item)
Next Quarter Period End Date
Consensus EPS Trend Next Quarter
Next Quarter Mean Earnings Estimate - 7 Days Ago
See above
Next Quarter Mean Earnings Estimate - 30 Days Ago
See above
Next Quarter Mean Earnings Estimate - 60 Days Ago
See above
Next Quarter Mean Earnings Estimate - 90 Days Ago
See above
Next Quarter Mean Earnings Estimate - Current
The arithmetic average EPS estimate for the upcoming quarter
Extended EPS Perspective Next Quarter
Next Quarter Mean of 3 Most Recent Estimates
See above
Next Quarter 3 Most Recent Estimates # of Days
See above
Next Quarter # Ests. Added to Cons. Last 7 Days
See above
Next Quarter # Ests. Removed from Cons. Last 7 Days
See above
Next Quarter # Ests. Unchanged Last 7 Days
See above
Next Quarter 30-day Consensus Mean
See above
Display Names
Next Quarter 30-day Consensus # of Estimates
See above
Next Quarter # Ests. Added to Cons. Last 30 Days
See above
Next Quarter # Ests. Removed Cons. Last 30 Days
See above
Next Quarter # Ests. Unchanged Last 30 Days
See above
Next Quarter Mean (6 Months Ago)
See above
Current Year
Current Year Earnings
Current Year Mean Earnings Estimate
Current Year Low Earnings Estimate
Current year refers to the period that is the upcoming fiscal
year end.
See above
Current Year High Earnings Estimate
See above
Current Year Number of Earnings Estimates
See above
Current Year Growth
Current Year Earnings Growth Over Last Year
See above
Current Year Period End Date
The period end date for fiscal year end that is upcoming.
Consensus EPS Trend Current Year
Current Year Mean Earnings Estimate - 7 Days Ago
See above
Current Year Mean Earnings Estimate - 30 Days Ago
See above
Current Year Mean Earnings Estimate - 60 Days Ago
See above
Current Year Mean Earnings Estimate - 90 Days Ago
See above
Current Year Mean Earnings Estimate - Current
Extended EPS Perspective Current Year
Current Year Mean of 3 Most Recent Estimates
See above
Current Year 3 Most Recent Estimates # of Days
See above
Current Year # Ests. Added to Cons. Last 7 Days
See above
Current Year # Ests. Removed from Cons. Last 7 Days
See above
Current Year # ests. Unchanged Last 7 days
See above
Current Year 30-day Consensus Mean
See above
Current Year 30-day Consensus # of Estimates
See above
Current Year # Ests. Added to Cons. Last 30 Days
See above
Current Year # Ests. Removed Cons. Last 30 Days
See above
Current Year # Ests. unchanged last 30 Days
See above
Current Year Mean (6 Months Ago)
See above
Next Year
Next Year Earnings
Next Year Mean Earnings Estimate
Next Year Low Earnings Estimate
Next year refers to the period that is one year after the
upcoming fiscal year end.
See above
Next Year High Earnings Estimate
See above
Next Year Number of Earnings Estimates
See above
Next Year Growth
Next Year Earnings Growth Over Last Year
See above
Next Year Period End Date
The period end date of the period that is one year after the
upcoming fiscal year end.
Consensus EPS Trend Next Year
Next Year Mean Earnings Estimate - 7 Days Ago
See above
Next Year Mean Earnings Estimate - 30 Days Ago
See above
Next Year Mean Earnings Estimate - 60 Days Ago
See above
Display Names
Next Year Mean Earnings Estimate - 90 Days Ago
See above
Next Year Mean Earnings Estimate - Current
See above
Extended EPS Perspective Next Year
Next Year Mean of 3 Most Recent Estimates
See above
Next Year 3 most Recent Estimates # of Days
See above
Next Year # ests. Added to Cons. Last 7 Days
See above
Next Year # ests. Removed from Cons. Last 7 Days
See above
Next Year # ests. Unchanged last 7 days
See above
Next Year 30-day Consensus Mean
See above
Next Year 30-day Consensus # of Estimates
See above
Next Year # ests. Added to Cons. Last 30 Days
See above
Next Year # ests. Added to Cons. Last 30 Days
See above
Next Year # ests. Unchanged Last 30 Days
See above
Next Year mean (6 Months Ago)
The analyst’s mean estimate that was provided 6 months ago
from the most recent provider information. This mean is for
the period that follows one year after the upcoming fiscal year
Long Term Growth
Consensus EPS Trend Long Term Growth
Long Term Growth Mean Earnings Estimate - 7 Days Ago
See above
Long Term Growth Mean Earnings Estimate - 30 Days Ago
See above
Long Term Growth Mean Earnings Estimate - 60 Days Ago
See above
Long Term Growth Mean Earnings Estimate - 90 Days Ago
See above
Long Term Growth Mean Earnings Estimate - Current
See above
Extended EPS Perspective Long Term Growth
Long Term Growth Mean of 3 Most Recent Estimates
See above
Long Term Growth 3 Most Recent Estimates # of Days
See above
Long Term Growth # ests. Added to cons. Last 7 Days
See above
Long Term Growth # ests. Removed from Cons. Last 7 Days
See above
Long Term Growth # ests. Unchanged last 7 Days
See above
Long Term Growth 30-day Consensus Mean
See above
Long Term Growth 30-day Consensus # of Estimates
See above
Long Term Growth # ests. Added to Cons. Last 30 Days
See above
Long Term Growth # ests. Added to Cons. Last 30 Days
See above
Long Term Growth # ests. Unchanged Last 30 Days
See above
Long Term Growth Mean (6 Months Ago)
See above
Earnings Growth Rates
Industry Name
Name of the industry. This string is provided by the estimates
data provider. Example: “SOAP&CLNG PREPS“
Industry fiscal year end is a standardized fiscal year end. It is
currently set to December except during Jan-Feb, when it is
the most recent fiscal year end.
The mean of all analysts' current recommendations for the
company's industry.
Analyst's 3-5 Year Growth Estimate Mean for Industry
Mean Recommendation for Industry
Mean recommendation values are expressed the provider’s
Standardized Ratings Equivalents, on a scale of 1.0 to 5.0,
Display Names
1.00 = Strong buy (or followed by firm and also on
recommended list)
1.01 - 2.00 = Moderate buy
2.01 - 3.00 = Hold
3.01 - 4.00 = Moderate sell
4.01 - 5.00 = Strong sell
Analyst's 3-5 Year Growth Estimate Mean for S & P 500
Mean Recommendation for S & P 500
See above for scale
Five year Historic EPS growth for Company (last 5 years)
Five year Historic EPS growth for Industry (last 5 years)
Five year Historic EPS growth for S & P 500 (last 5 years)
Actual EPS for Industry 3 Quarters Ago
Industry current quarter is the nearest December cycle quarter
to the current quarter for the company; industry next quarter is
the quarter after industry current quarter.
[For December cycle companies, industry current quarter =
company current quarter. For January cycle companies,
industry current quarter = (company current quarter-1 month).
For February cycle companies, industry current quarter =
(company current quarter+1 month).]
Determination of industry aggregate earnings values:
for each company:
value to be used is BNRI income (restated
else reported) from DOWJONES,
or equivalent thereto (per estimates);
for reported periods, use BNRI
for estimated periods, use
(actual quarter’s shares * consensus estimate for period)
add company value to industry population
sum (and to sector population sum)
for ALL following periods:
Q-4; Q-3; Q-2; Q0 (actual), Q1 (Current
Quarter), Q2 (next quarter);
F-1; F0; F1 (current year); F2 (next year);
for each company, show appropriate
industry values per QR & FZ mappings.
show result values as Billions of dollars earnings
Current Quarter Earnings Growth Rates
Current Quarter Earnings Estimate for Industry
Industry EPS estimate for the upcoming quarter report (next to
Next Quarter Earnings Growth Rates
Next Quarter Earnings Estimate for Industry
Industry EPS estimate for the quarter that follows the
upcoming quarter report (next to report).
Current Year Earnings Growth Rates
Current Year S & P 500 Estimated EPS
The aggregate earnings estimate for the S & P 500 for the
upcoming fiscal year – the fiscal year that is next to report.
Note: Cash dividends are paid in US or Canadian dollars
(excluding return of capital and liquidation dividends).
Expected Dividends
Expected Dividends Current Period
Current Period Expected Dividends End Date
This date conforms to the historical last period (quarterly or
annual) that is within the current context
Display Names
Current Period Ex-Dividend Date
This Ex-Date aligns to the historical last period (quarterly or
When a company declares a dividend, it sets a record date
when you must be on the company's books as a shareholder
to receive the dividend. Companies also use this date to
determine who is sent proxy statements, financial reports, and
other information.*
* source – SEC.
Dividend rate in dollars.
Cash dividends paid in US or Canadian dollars (excluding
return of capital and liquidation dividends).
Population: all stocks which have either announced dividends
within last the 14 days, or which have ex-dividend dates
within the next 14 days
Current Period Dividend Rate Per Share
Current Period Dividend Type Code
Current Period Dividend Payment date
The date on which a dividend payment is made or scheduled
to be made. Also called distribution date.
The ex-dividend date is normally set for stocks two business
days before the record date.
The date on which a company's directors meet to announce
the date and amount of the next dividend payment. Also called
announcement date.
Current Period Dividend Record Date
Current Period Dividend Announcement date
Expected Dividends Most Recent
Most Recent Expected Dividends Date
Most Recent Ex-dividend date
This date conforms to the latest information available about
dividends available from the provider. The “Most Recent”
information is not tied to a quarterly or annual context
See above
Most Recent Dividend Rate Per Share
See above
Most Recent Dividend Type Code
See above
Most Recent Payment date
See above
Most Recent Record date
See above
Most Recent Announcement Date
See above
Mean recommendation values are expressed as the provider’s
Standardized Ratings Equivalents, on a scale of 1.0 to 5.0,
Recommendation History
1.00 = Strong buy (or followed by firm and also on
recommended list)
1.01 - 2.00 = Moderate buy
2.01 - 3.00 = Hold
3.01 - 4.00 = Moderate sell
4.01 - 5.00 = Strong sell
For any observation period, a mean recommendation of 0.00,
accompanied by zero values for all five recommendation
categories, indicates no recommendations for the stock.
Recommendation - Current
Recommendation Current Date
The most recent date for which recommendation information is
available. This recommendation information is updated from
the provider every business day.
The number of brokers contributing consensus
recommendations that meet the scale criteria for a Strong Buy.
Number of Strong Buys - Current
Number of Moderate Buys - Current
Number of Holds - Current
Number of Moderate Sells - Current
Number of Strong Sells - Current
Mean Recommendation - Current
Display Names
Recommendation History - 1 Month Ago
Number of Strong Buys - 1 Month Ago
Number of Moderate Buys - 1 Month ago
Number of Holds - 1 Month Ago
Number of Moderate Sells - 1 Month Ago
Number of Strong Sells - 1 Month Ago
Mean Recommendation - 1 Month Ago
Recommendation History - 2 Months Ago
Number of Strong Buys - 2 Month Ago
Number of Moderate Buys - 2 Months Ago
Number of Holds - 2 Months Ago
Number of Moderate Sells - 2 Months Ago
Number of Strong Sells - 2 Months Ago
Mean Recommendation - 2 Months Ago
Recommendation History - 3 Months Ago
Number of Strong Buys - 3 Months Ago
Number of Moderate Buys - 3 Months Ago
Number of Holds - 3 Months Ago
Number of Moderate sells - 3 Months Ago
Number of Strong Sells - 3 Months Ago
Mean Recommendation - 3 Months Ago
Sales Consensus
Sales Consensus Current Period
Current Period Sales Estimate End Date
Current Period's Period Type
This Sale Data date conforms to the historical last period
(quarterly or annual) that is within the current context
A= annual Q = quarter
Current Period High Sales Estimate
Sales data is shown as the actual value (non-scaled)
Current Period Low Sales Estimate
Current Period Mean Sales Estimate
Current Period Standard Deviation
Current Period Number of estimates in Sales Consensus
Sales Consensus Most Recent
Most Recent Sales Estimate Date
Most Recent Period Type
This date conforms to the latest information available about
Sales Estimates available from the provider. The “Most
Recent” information is not tied to a quarterly or annual context
A= annual Q = quarter
Most Recent High Sales Estimate
Sales data is shown as the actual value (non-scaled)
Most Recent Low Sales Estimate
Most Recent Mean Sales Estimate
Most Recent Standard Deviation
Most Recent Number of estimates in consensus
Appendix B –Non Linkbase Fieldnames
There are several items which are available through the I·Metrix function call but do not have references in any
of the standard linkbases these include items such as period end & begin date, fiscal quarter, and fiscal year.
To accommodate for these items, the system allows users to retrieve the following information from the
function call:
Example Value(s)
The end date associated with the selected period. This
The time between the end date and begin date
represents the duration of a period.
The end date associated with the selected period. This
The time between the end date and begin date
represents the duration of a period.
The fiscal year associated with the selected period.
The fiscal quarter associated with the selected period.
Linkbase, Cross Calculated
If the value was calculated, how it was calculated
The date the most recent information included in the
result was received by Checkpoint.
Appendix C – Intraday Fieldnames
Intraday Field Names and Descriptions
The table describes each intra-day day point available for a snapshot request related to U.S. equities:
Example Value(s)
N, O, OS, OB, A, MF, PK
Up, Down, No Change
6/23/2005 10:05:00 AM
O = Nasdaq National Mkt
OS = Nasdaq Smallcap Mkt
OB = OTC Bulletin Board - An electronic
quotation system for unlisted, non-Nasdaq,
over-the-counter securities.
A = American Stock Exchange LLC
MF = Mutual Fund
PK = Pink sheets
Type of security for the current quote data.
Last price (usually delayed by 20 minutes)
The difference between the current value and the previous day’s
close value.
Percent difference between the current value and the previous day’s
close value.
Indicator of activity based on comparing the last trade to the trade
before it.
Date or Time of last trade. If no trades have been recorded for the
current day, then the date of the previous trade will shown.
Time of last recoded trade or transaction.
Current price at which the issue is offered for sale.
Current bid price for the issue.
Highest trading price for the current day.
Lowest trading price for the current day.
Price or value of the issue at the start of the current trading day.
Current volume of the issue for the current trading day.
Highest recorded selling price during the last 365 days.
Lowest recorded selling price during the last 365 days.
Annualized dividend disbursements.
Earnings Per Share. This is computed by taking the net earnings for the l
quarters and dividing that value by the shares outstanding.
Last trading day’s closing issue price
Price Earnings Ratio. Computed by taking market price and divided by e
per share.
For stock and indexes: Dividend return as a percentage. Calculated by d
divided by latest price.
Delay time for the current quotes in minutes.
Indicator for trading halt.
Indicator of how a stock’s weekly change compares to the weekly
change of the S&P 500.
Total Shares Outstanding.
Indicator of the current issues of Market Capitalization.
Appendix D –Referencing Linkbase Attributes
This section describes how a user can leverage the I-Metrix function call to retrieve linkbase attributes in addition to the value
of a specific field. The fundamental data function builder provides an easy to use mechanism to retrieve this information
through a dialog box, this section describes how to do it directly through the function call.
The I·Metrix function takes the following parameters:
to enable the user to retrieve this information the field name parameter can be extended as follows:
where linkbase_mnemonic is one of the following:
Linkbase Mnemonic
Instance Document
Taxonomy schema
Presentation linkbase
Label linkbase
Reference linkbase
Calculation linkbase
Fields associated with each of the linkbases are as follows:
Instance Document (inst)
The reference number of the context associated with this period
The precision associated with the value of the field
The units the value is represented in, such as:
USD – US Dollars
JPY – Japanese Yen
Taxonomy Schema (tax)
Credit or Debit
Provides the URL to the description of this field in the taxonomy
Can the field contain a nill value?
Duration or Instant
Monetary, String, …
Presentation Linkbase (pres)
Any children associated with the field
If the field has a parent, the order by which it should be presented in re
other children
The fields parent field name
Label linkbase (label)
Description of the field
Primary label
Tersely Label for the field
If the field is a total field, the label for the field
Reference Linkbase (ref)
Calculation Linkbase (calc)
For instance if you wanted to retrieve the label associated with the field usfr-pte:GrossProfit the function call would look as
=I-Metrix(Symbol, Dataset, “usfr-pte:GrossProfit/label.label”,”A”,YEAR)
or if you wanted to retrieve the field’s parent:
=I-Metrix(Symbol, Dataset, “usfr-pte:GrossProfit/pres.parent”,”A”,YEAR)
Advanced Display Options....................................- 17 Annual Data Tab .....................................................- 14 Calculation Filter..........................................- 15 -, - 42 Dataset............. - 8 -, - 9 -, - 30 -, - 33 -, - 37 -, - 43 -, - 70 Other Data Tab........................................................- 15 Quarterly Data tab..................................................- 15 -
About ........................................................................- 4 Advanced Display Options ................................- 17 Advanced Query Display Options ....................- 27 Annual ..............................................- 14 -, - 30 -, - 40 Annual Data Tab .................................................- 14 -
Historical Data................................- 25 -, - 33 -, - 43 -
Calculation Filter................................................- 15 Connection Management
Freeing up Space ........................................................ - 53 Proxy Settings .............................................. - 53 -, - 54 -
I·Metrix Menu ............................................................- 4 Intraday Data ..................................- 26 -, - 33 -, - 43 -
Data Element ............................................- 38 -, - 39 Data Retrieval Wizard - 6 -, - 7 -, - 8 -, - 19 -, - 20 -, - 23 -, 24 -, - 28 -, - 29 -, - 30 -, - 33 -, - 36 Dataset.........- 8 -, - 9 -, - 30 -, - 33 -, - 37 -, - 43 -, - 70 Durations
Linkbacks................................................................- 55 -
Annual.................................................. - 14 -, - 30 -, - 40 Quarterly............................. - 14 -, - 15 -, - 17 -, - 30 -, - 40 TTM ........................................................ - 15 -, - 30 -, - 40 YTD- 15 -, - 25 -, - 40 -
Macro Settings ...................................................- 42 Market Data Wizard....- 4 -, - 5 -, - 23 -, - 24 -, - 27 -, 28 -, - 29 -, - 36 -, - 42 Advanced Query Display Options ........................- 27 Historical Data....................................- 25 -, - 33 -, - 43 Intraday Data ......................................- 26 -, - 33 -, - 43 -
Menu Item.........................................................- 4 -, - 5 Microsoft.. - 1 -, - 2 -, - 4 -, - 5 -, - 6 -, - 23 -, - 30 -, - 32 -, 34 -, - 35 -, - 53 -, - 55 -, - 56 -, - 57 -
Excel - 1 -, - 2 -, - 4 -, - 5 -, - 6 -, - 17 -, - 20 -, - 23 -, - 27 -,
- 30 -, - 32 -, - 34 -, - 35 -, - 56 -, - 57 Excel 2003......................................................- 2 -, - 56 -
Excel .. - 1 -, - 2 -, - 4 -, - 5 -, - 6 -, - 17 -, - 20 -, - 23 -, - 27 -, 30 -, - 32 -, - 34 -, - 35 -, - 37 -, - 56 -, - 57 Excel 2003..........................................................- 2 -, - 56 Office ............................................................................- 2 Windows 2000 ..............................................................- 2 Windows XP...................................................................- 2 -
Microsoft Excel .............. - 2 -, - 4 -, - 5 -, - 6 -, - 23 -, - 30 Microsoft Office.........................................................- 2 Microsoft Windows XP................................................- 2 Microsoft Windows® 2000 Workstation.....................- 2 -
Fieldnames .........................................- 58 -, - 67 -, - 68 Freeing up Space.....................................................- 53 Function Calls..........................................................- 30 Using Cell References .......................................... - 34 -
Writing a function call ...............................- 30 -, - 33 Fundamental Data Function Builder ....- 36 -, - 37 Calculation Filter ......................................... - 15 -, - 42 Data Element................................................ - 38 -, - 39 Macro Settings....................................................... - 42 -
Other Data Tab....................................................- 15 -
Fundamental Data Wizard- 4 -, - 5 -, - 6 -, - 7 -, - 8 -, 19 -, - 20 -, - 22 -, - 28 -
Quarterly ...................................- 14 -, - 15 -, - 30 -, - 40 Quarterly Data Tab .............................................- 15 -
Windows 2000 ..........................................................- 2 Windows XP...............................................................- 2 Working with results
Linkback .....................................................................- 55 XML Awareness ...........................................................- 56 -
Writing a function call ....................................- 30 -, - 33 -
Sharing ...................................................................- 57 Sharing I·Metrix Spreadsheets .................................- 57 Sheet Properties.......................- 4 -, - 5 -, - 21 -, - 22 System Requirements .........................................- 2 -
XBRL ...............................................................- 1 -, - 30 XML Awareness .......................................................- 56 -
Table of Contents...........................................................0
TTM ...............................................................- 15 -, - 40 -
YTD ...............................................................- 15 -, - 40 -
Using Cell References.......................................- 34 -