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(_A, »¢»,, T WHLL5 CUNTEMPUHHHV HHT5 EE - er f I 'u'i')I"" rr. 'T ~, _,Y ~~.-tk '.'r_.' _ _(_. NON-PROFIT ORG. LL w A L |. s §§ff§i§1§__ei@at»e_rvtPeonAnY ARTS csroren mein U S POSTAGE PAID IIITEHNHTIIINHL Buffalo NY eraser aurmo, NY 14202 PERMIT NO. 73| SIIIIIIIIV IIIILTIIIIIIL IIIIIIIIIIV TUESIIIIII IIEIIIIESIIIIV ee@»» ¢~ , bf, IIHLENIIHH HT H ELHNEE 3 ff# \ Q 1;§'@VZv12fé»' _,pf .¢5_ , ~' See inside for prrces program notes 8. other information or call 854 5828 ; as se,,_,i_, Q ,s ,_ w`1's 16' nee? ' < af§§*f' l Ai* eye; r' '?='"`irf#'i_:' ac , A ,_,_ " rxntatrronsreetrefyt Gttes onthe Edge _U g IZ I -»-»= _ I _ I»'l"'»7"'i ,,AAA.A__ man & it 5 .,_, M _ ._ (3 'ae e ra A ` " FILM (NW) P _,~-r. V I5"<#"- _. ' ,,,, o,' -_ ,,,_, ' ., _ wi/_,= ey _,_===_ ;. _ Damned ' if T" _=2¢==&s,_¢- ' I ,V_, _ -- V J ,, @f_ __. (IW to Eden-5 P M Black to Promised Land the USA -1 P- M "Yau Bend" (lose Io 7 30 P M __ 7 30 llII1\m¢l°tl¢¥ H°I|¢-9 45 P M J yso *s seegc~ se Il SERIES IIFIIIIIEPEIIIIENI FILM BIIIIIEU EHIIII HIIIIIIIIII THE IIIIHLII JUNE I2 .IIILV l7TH ' July I-3, Woldm n Theater ` f:"l- I. If Qs _X as oc _, ____ __ [src Insta: ron comrccrc omits] 27 e ~______ _ - ,_ Macldin 5 ____ _ rnnouen Jucr te EARLY JUNE PERFORMANCE EVENTS F|LM(NW) The Leader 5PM Olcoge-7 ; 30 P M | ren oIFate -: 945PM __ _ chris _ ON 11-rs EDGE ,fan erchibition of artists from Buffalo, Rochester, 8. Toronto VVORST '|'|'°'|URSDAY2 '},'¢ f _(hid .. '~ * _ Hallwalls' 3rd annual celebration of bud art, Thursday, June 3, B p.m., The Vault '_§,,,Mtty¢ll jluly IB, T993 c _ S `f`_, r s I (lr ll ((alumet) ~ Lester Boone-B PM FILM (IIW) A egrammes ___ 930 PM VIDEO (HW) 7 30 PM _ __ Eastern 7 30 P M Europe TV _:H Olanick (Toronto) 24 26 FILM (HW) Chddren of Fate-5 P M The Leader 7 30 PM Okoge-5 P M I VIDEO (IIWl I ' Children of Fate-7 30 P M The Leader 945 P M JAZZ (Troll) Delleayo Marsalis-8 P M ~ ' ° Eastern 730 P M Europe TV_¢ _ Sex L Locomotives ffese A . ' ' PM _ into " __ I I '_ JAZZ (Allen Hall) AI Tinney-8 PM 7 30 8. 9 45 PM _ okege-9 45 _ I ~ I aw ec ®""'"'" 30 vtaco cttw) nur (nw) Eastern Zero ttour `| JULY 2 3 nur rw) s Azz 200-Elementary School _ ___,»» 7 30 PM Europe TV -__ FILM (W) lrto B. Me-7 PM IIa|L 8. ll Etars Une Fats-: 7 30 PM Life an a Stnng-9 1~45 P M 6 7 FILM (HW) Bhodr_ Dharma 9 45 PM (areIul I. Comb-II _ 30 PM .. _ (W) _ 9 I5 PM ' :_ 8 7- ll-_ 30 P M (ah de Vaca _ . _ 9 . _ Io _ (Library) AI Tinney-6 30 P M FILM (W) (ab do Vaca-7 PM Hem School-9 I5 P M Barroco-II _ 30 P M\ Oarroco-9 I5 PM ' Tlla B. Me-9 : 45 P M _ (W) Masala 7 P M II 30P M ;_,_ __ _ Bhodt'- Dharma-I I : 30 P M FILM 7 P M Careful L Comb-7 PM __ _ 4 ___ _ 700-II o IDharma B00-Geo Garrone Allen) 915-(oreful I. (om I0~_ 00 G Gar1ane((alumel) Il 30 lorograd 30-M_os:_r FILM (W) _ The (ountess-8 3~ 30 PM Masala _ 25 FILM (NW) :_ _ JAZZ (Allen Nall) Joe Ford-B PM JAZZ ((aIumet) Joe Ford-I 0 P M VIDEO (NW) South ofthe Border-8 P M _ ` Grotesque Display of Self-Inllicted Wounds 8. Self-Conscious Savogery. Saturday, June 5, 7 p.m. to midnight, The Vault $6 general admission/S5 members Sl off if you show your tattoo or piercing. A _,_ oylltochesterl 'V l JAZZ Lester Bowre-I0 P M ~ I _.__ ,_ ' U fyontsch (Buffalo) "Il 'I if l _(gl )(]°aronto) Q (lrl/rll gif1l_ `II 1_,;Tj};_ Qtgltlltltfon-a "Premiere" designed 'mlfllllr i yttrsltyofGames-»is the and J ` _ c FILM TATTCQ YOU I TOO! l,)_"L §grp,en4r,pe;revr¢(sufferer ll( 19 730 P M _ ' A ' Elem School _Manning (Rochester) \ OPENS-7 P M, woman Bda, M,_ Marquis with ,`,,_ Zeragrad ;;_§6.MMaIcIn (Buffalo) ' I8 VIDEO (IIW) Eastem Europe TV JAZZ (Allen Hall) TOKYO 4 JAZZ $5 general admission/S4 students/S3 members , 'figl ittcrlie I7 I6 FILM (IIW) »._f_` e __ TP _,_,_,,, __ JAZZ IA K) l°"" Z°'"_7 P M §il|,ttFfH£ ern noon GALLERY Bladcla Promised Land-9:45 - 23 I /_A== I I I `* "" _ FJ : 1' /if § e 3 » I ~ _ Eden ~ 945 P M Don Pullen-8 PM tn _ FILM (HW) .ff ~ _veme ea » _ _ r e OJ? Pl*.»», ' "="' Itrmmel oder Ilolle _ Illmmel oder Ifolle-5 P M (lose to Eden-7 _ 30 P M ' I2 8.13 ____ _ f' J ii''r L* Lglts July FILM (IIW) JAZZ (Troll) R F FILM (IIW) FILM (IIW) Black to Promised Land 5 '| 2 1 I OFF TNE TRACK OPENS III Nothern ' 7 P M I 2 MID _ ' 14 13 PERFORMANCE (HW) Tattoo You Tool (Allen Nall) AI Tinney B PM "»'~ 7` 'E .,».,=.r _ has to be hrs own savrour Tuesday through Saturday Through July I B , __ _ SERIES OPENS JAZZ I 0 ecvii __ ses W. PERFORMANCE (HW) Worst Thursday-LI P M We "I"' _ 8. » _ 5 ¢ § ww* s use ,,,§/W, vc* Z SIITIIIIIIIIV .JAZZ I. BLUES ,,,,,, þÿ ¬?`}`= fc FHIIIIIV JUNE3 *f < ~,»»Q__~,_;~-, PIIIIITHHIIIIING THIIHSIIHV If , _ FESTIVIIL Sex K Loco nr otrves J une 23 - JAZZ (A I() Bobby Mllttellcr-2 PM VIDEO (HW) VIDEO (FLW) JAZZ Northern Wsrons-8 P M Northern Vrsrons-8 PM AI Tinney-6 30 P M (Library) VIDEO (NW) VIDEO (HW) African Vrdeo-8 P M African Video-8 P M _ I J; ~ J I _ event of the International Cultural Festival to give visitors and local residents alike I j ~ J , < . _Slsome l\r_r_r;,;_`: '- r:f i''IIN 1'§"_ri _ Ilztlrese dties clustered '_ . amazingly diverse visual art being superb . near the western end of Lake Ontario and the . . . . ,: 'ri 'trkeirte shore. Admrssran to the gallery rs free and World Games vrsrtors __ 3|[ 'ry _ _ _ clltants are welcome, I T I 4| A Benefit for the Western Regional Office ol the New York Gvil Liberties Union DAMNED IN THE USA A film by Paul Yule U.l(., I99I, 68 min., lbmm. Thursday, June IO, 7:00 P.M, SI5 (includes reception) All proceeds benefit the NYCLU I8 JAZZTAKI Billy Holtday _ _. wc L _ E if '. I s ,___ , BLUES (Theater Place) All day fest I 9 PM 0; _ I Qw ZPM '*\ Q* QA Protect Room Installation by candio. ,___ 'I S 1993 I Etrndio. Is a Buffalo-based artist best known for her mural adorning the Village Green Bookstore on Elmwood Avenue. This new, room-sized painting is an epic narrative symbolizing the artist's vision of mankind reinvented and the pursuit of ,enlightenment in the postmodern age _ Produced for the "Banned Series" on Britain's Channel 4, this documentary film takes a fresh look at the recent resurgence of censorship in U.S, culture, featuring such figures from politics, the arts, and entertainment as Jesse Helms, Donald Widmon, Robert Manplethorpe, Andres Serrano, 2 Live Crew, and Madonna. " _ , : (HW) Hallwalls Vault (2nd Floor) (W) Waldman Theater GALLERY HOURS Tu Fri Tl A M 5 P M . 0 i me c 0 O Sat T2 NOON 4 PM 1 . ____ Cbz deVca JuIy7K8 HAS TO as r-rrs owN SAVIOUR. _,May 8? July 18, \ n A* Le( Q WIA sg ,m _ I I Q ' SL||V\lV\ER . l 4"§rq |` ,_ O 7 8 s z o __ '5 ¢ == jr E T3 é 6~ 2 Masala, July 3, 6, 7 UFE ON 'A STRING (bel Kaige, 1991, Oline las errmteoeo, nnrttoeoonoot are the bedcdtop lar this lltehorslt but breathtaking rentnd Gtinese lable lnuitirlreblirrdmasterrrlroliasdevotediosliletonvtsicosapothte.` htgltertnrtlr rotcee-on o young student lornhrantrarsitis a sensual celebration, ol the hero and new. Hallvralls. Wednesday, June 30, 9:45 Hn. HIMMEL-ODER HOLL! (Heaven or Hell) Wolfgang lnumberger, 1990, Aunria 75nirc,16rnm., E.B.S.'Produ¢tions. _ 'lf you die rrhde playitg-covltoyt and indians, you can count te e hundred and youlbtle trillsturtagaln' lnltlsllfstlettntrallm, ltelttstriartrtrlter/itedor exploresyouthtulleelingsolinenortcdity actodeutonthesieselhis oem childrood ploy his lothefs odd! cinema, his unde's sloudtterhouse, and Ire nawby lields vdiere he played cavdtays I. 1rnIcars.Hallerdls. Saturday, June 12, 5:00 p.n|.; Sunday, .luao 13, 7:30 pn.; lenday, June 14, Tbe lolloveieg evontsheld at Waldman 11soa1er, llortoo Hall, surtvse nent coroarr TITO AND ME Geri llcrbevlr, 1992, Frrnre/Yugoslavia 104 trirc, 35rrln, Kim lntanotlomtl. CLOSE TO EDEN Nlclta lllbltdbev, 1991,lAongolia/l1tnsia/France 118rrin_,1lrrnm., Films, lnr. A1992 Aradtrry Avrordnenrineetorjhst Faragr _ - language Film, Genre Madelebte All, 1991, ILS,/Israel 95 ein.. lbnaa., First llun Features ' In a Zen monastery In the remote lorests olmadem Korlrraryoung mordc and on orphaned boy learn the lessons and rituds ol non-attachment to lilo md dottllt lrom an old muster determined to bring tltom both to £n1ightenment_ Walden. Thursday, July 1, 9:45 p.m.; friday, July 7, 11:30 p.m.; Iasrhoterg documentary by Madeleine Alt, an Afrirmdacerirm convert to Judaism, about a group el blacbteooagers hom alridr sdtool lor 'problem kids' ln 8roolclyn'c llerI~5tuy who spent tm vreelcs lvingmd vrorlrirgon tm lsroeb Icbuttz. Original score by lranlord ldorsrdlrc lflullvudls. Saturday, lone 12, 9:45 p.re.; Saorlrry, Jane 13, 5:00 p.m.; Monday, June 14, THE WOMAN BEFORE ME Henrietta Fiulror, 1992, Austria 73 llrrrtrtt, E.ll.$. Tl'0t9lK9l0|I/~|$ll`il1 Cldhlrd lmtitute I T|'|E COMB OF SLEEP) ren |._r=so HL rrovrrernrovtacomrr lqtes by 1990, slllll G 1 SEX AND LOCOMOTTVES Jolm Ml'9ll1l'M0|llll|Il, 1992, Culllilll 13 nor, 16rnnc.Art e reentry/ruth ternary Lui. _ _ Friday, July- 2, 7:00 pan.; Saturrbry, July 3, 9:15 pero. Sverulc, 1991, (zecltoslavrdcia tor asm for rrteesrq. _ ZEROGRAD (CITY Keren Slraltltnozuov, 19911, llussia 102 nin., 35rnm., Kite Intemationd. ' ' llrirty years age Robert Young I. lltclrael ileemer mode rt selling dorumartory about the severepoverry and serial aomllions bc (ert1le'(asrlr|o,a dumin Pdermo. Curious about vdiat had happeaodto the hetiy loanuod in the oralior Ima with Iris son ard douglner-in woclc, Tllllll retumedto Sicily luv/ to rlaonide the cltildren's fate. lldvralle. FrHay, June 25, 5:00 pan.; ` 11:30 p.re. I Tueolay. ' 7:00 p.m. MASNA srnaver lessee mt, more "A bladc oomody obotttllrolllltite Right' lshorrrdso iectordesrribes ries doo.~mentory aboutiltls ottorratsto iatervirrr Eugene ierrellenrlie, the leader ol the nee-Iasdst AWB Alflhlllif 11°fN_in South Africa ltallvrolls. Friday, June Masala ' _ OKOGE Talseltlra llabairaa, 1991, Jgtmt 120 min., lbmm., _UnoV'ata W """""" My,'7_;é ' ' V' " lkelad/USA/loam) by Juae17tlaaud1Jidy17,1993 `_'0nirierr.in1lrr2odlloorVw1rohott_lro»r aw W _ l11'["lW|0°V|ll5l0l|l|Fl7|1flllW. 010111111lu" l"'°lll_l'°°d' llmnl' uwlll' the lanunosol Indians, slaves, gourd r|1d|maga_ Fel a vnrrg rornsrnsl adttls, nlhllw' ll" mm Mm md M ol ll" mmm' "ylnglh .mlm Playa, 1992, Syracuse. ll.l¢ li:'n;;°lT_"|' ' _ 1 ' hot! E". "_ conroeanee ttorirorrr "gm .I N" amtds. trtd vudmnous dereqpg gt _ ratitetnavrasoneoldye "'>'"*"'"'"'°'f°'"r*°°v¥'l1"""¢'l P**l°""°""ll'°' """"l- - looong or ol eue orare, me en more ot spears nero. camera" are arrratrtrr ill-trend erin-yeoerrearrn one Arnlicas in 1513 (qmred and enslaved by a shaman, del/are sloelly learns his mmter's magical prwrers, becoming o shranon in his atm right andearreag _,Mmm_ mm W M_mm_ M mm," bwmmy ,,,,b__ cansutnmote resped for icdgenous cultures md spirituality. Waldman. Wodneedayrlely 7, 11:30 p.ro. l Thursday, July 8, 7:00 pan. _ gm l mmmmmyymm My, _ ll [1015 UNE 7015 (Ulm-Upatl I Tho) Dena (aloe, 1993,l1roolclyt\,llV_ ta term., dual proireor, tions Three oxperimattal 'travrloguesf' by llevr Yorlc State artists lore lloerrorars WWII propagmda leotege eriinally used to selltvar bonds. lla] is_'att errperirnentd erlmogroplcy that ercplares aspects ollurlcisltanrl Kurds): vromerrs lives vrithin a genda-segregated md potrlmlsd culture' In Il trot: Une fois, Cameron applies her paper emulsion college tedtntque to French comic boalcsiront the50s llelvvallr. Wednesday, June 30. ' yi SM" |_ wud' voeotteeeoqenoerooeortuoorarn I "W" "lu" °°"' _ u W ___ ' ' - __ onrraroroenr _ _ __ °'l"'l""°" _ are oeoterrn ` _ ' l could cost you as much as 9135, members poy only $30,savings l$51overoualre dylowme berdsticl etprice,makingthecostlarme berswithpos e 1 savings nl $51 I just 51 1 1 per eventl Il you're I inshod, forget the pass, do see E good ' HALLWALLS CONTEMPORARY ARTS CENTER 700 MAIN STREET BUFFALO, NY "ll lf" (716) 854-5828 M99 ll' ll' `l oavants. ot's i en events, `ust rc $50 e rn ,o c rvt l cz ass tic etprrca cr a -MY 715 not od lor l sac I _ $40, savings al S68 Hnllvvalls you $851 Student/seniors passes low memberds ticlcet price, making the cost lar members with posses already are save over our o already a member ol Hallwulls & don'1 want lu commit to a a series pass, become a member nr video szreaning lor lust SJ, cs savings 0140"/e every single time. (Plus, membership is events() Or became o member, then bay a pass ot the member price. You corr't lose. any lilm whole your ol llollwolls M 1 I I l | ' 'OFF THE TRACK SERIES PASS ORDER FORM l "M l l n L I _ F g i E l ' < | _ _ . Sm rv Q room into our ll" Q verse sto Q sneer/one Servos error. areal.) ul- llhssswull alll 9' Mi lloulumnulu -_ up as noereet sea y y oereassa ' me : t _' r ' y _ EQ A _ All lims in the 011 the Traclc series were curated by lleni Broussard. lor I ' ' vi A pass could : { Sign ____ _ F ries im l HM. _ _ ' cb.: _E _ ______ mm; mission too 1 MM, ' _ mg cl eorfar'rorprnrrerr_etiterrosraeysr rtretru 1119* l'1'9'!"lY 'Wt ' _ __ _ _w*°mu,k"i|,"|m_ _ P' nz ran 3$rr|n_ ' ad ,'"w|wd",°,,y,iw "mg um, tee meteo, momma mer oneettrteta t. We dteir nerr md apitiorzs on r vortery al ninety ree one note cd llolvrals lormoreistlermatiortorrddlylocuionsellhehdeobootlc mW"mnmma;"s#nn,mrnrmrr°n.» I _Mas :::;:;:';mor;" _ w°"'°"9°'lf-l"lY 71 Gelro Dcatnenbarlr, 1992, llovr Yorlc, 11.1. Z0 non, lbnan., 0rllt Distribution 7:30 PM. _ CABBI* DE vA£A 1llcolas{clreverrla199ll nero. contre, ne. rtre xtraant) ' - _ (myers Gternl ' 'pd' A _ ' Mm ul ""` mlm' 4"l""'°l - _ 391990 f°"¢'Y7° |9"°\'° at '"w"Y°ll'ml" hmllm Mm ll" ' l' l nm~m~~~ _ l'l|t\ll¢Ml1l9tlsllllO§,lvlh|0*w0lW9'tl||Vl\0\5S|llS __________________________ ___________________ _____ _ ________ I 1 sim" l"l'm"ll°"d lllmomil' ;f;°;*l°'l*. _ 7=°9 "9 _ _ » ZERO HOUR _ Ireiorelestivdeventsorbyqrpeintnrent . or disastrous relationships with men ll! lim has bolt auhdmod lor its rerdlstic depiction ollelcyo gay lilo lltdlvrdle. Friday, Juee 25, 9:45 p.n.; Saturday, June 26, 5:00 pang Sunday, June 17, 7:30 pn. Saturday, Jely 17, crrhlemhor first (ar instead): "Q_ _ S" M'"lml'P _ ~ (ultt|alFesttvcd.lr||evril11aot||eos|iesolpragn|reproducodby ronuraoreerrrs.eot.rer»n.rrrrt.rere1rrrr.nr.1ay'r prograrertingvrdlleaneeirrtervimvnhlecrdresidarbmrdiewrrreiend tene rm-reenter arent poaoaeyoareaeerar 1 Upeeing metre. nursery, Jo. tr, _ relotlonslttpbetvreenagayrncarcltd aslroi¢\lvrot'r|at,botholvrhornhavel\ad _ Sreire-voeatre ' _ 2: Program 0lr||eeeNad|rbyYawFieQoagledyelGhmo)em¢anadssionedbyle1msIhpbi\s Wodneerle yere\rllgr,10:30F.M.oaT(IGutdl| mtaaeoeemernn one ionrrrwrvcs or oem rreoonerrrg rdalod to me Worbl urrverny Games t tnternaiarnd . ,,.,,,,,,¢,,,,,,| gr., |,,,r,,g¢;,,,, 1 reolledor,trsr,soon/rose nut _ . I ma mln" THE CONTTNENI ' - "0lcoge" "lag hog' andtbescum or residue thot stldcs to tbo sidesol lhe pat altortlte riceis raobed. The lllm is o partrdt ol the f NG __ _ umnoco is theiapanese slang lor both byll h|||lGlllll$9lUI9M'Y0ll*a(1dl'l\l$llG(d90(lDMll9Nl\l\U prolesiorrand marrying ltemratsheloves, Thetilerharacta ol Nerla by Gedvvh lauren: llindedreel is a recently vrldovred vrorntll vdre entered lrlo a modln mcariago but nletl li# her irtlavrs Idle, trmtivrled by good, ('lill'ftlE1lM\d rites Galaxie Ie lore is m mimaian by Vlrtorhe `ls|§¢l|rUltllE1l\i°plal (Irma), NEVV VIDEO FROM lq|iyerh|r||"||pe|||||'rqy1ql»tp_ i . ._ _ " ' '°"' CROSSING THE CONTINENTZ Profil 1: Friday, Jrdy1b,|:00 P.h\. lhls evarirg olvldeo focuses prlmariy upon vromerrslssues oidelncantenporray Alrlaer society. Hera tine.1ltepovma1poptdra_|nomoryisstrilcirjyitvobedostheyrelatetsiigtlteauiligsirrpertcasoete » °°°' _ _ l1urlcinoFese, |»1irrdobae,netdrolvrlid\ ltasnever lreensoeeneditlre lleitedieates, ltexorntnestlre srrugglovrintrrarenarrpororytltirotorloetgoeoettiond onrorraondlreielsronreortlieneedrolmoderrr society. ¢reoeh| the (errrteent foams animation, dowrnartay, l doma, celebrating lla range of mode arrrerly bearg produced In Alriac ` _ I "R°;__';l°"'_:'_m'I"'°;';( "IS T; Mmwéu _gsghm .l,. M ,ml *L_* l' wfilso "f__""'_,"°"m'f,"__" lM P'LT New Vldoa from Africa 4 lu meooingospicycorrdriootionelelonontslisa- Mamtudtvlxrgrwr °lE°=1»Io¢l=ltl1|"\s°";=S_____°{'tl l ~;"'\ gpm Sunday, June 27, (!lSlh| llte (enllnent: llris 2-pon progam was curated by Glace Latrvrutce, a Tororttebased llm I. vldeernalcer who has traveled extensively throumtout |lrira_ lavrmce has constructed a proyam ol recast video from Ghona, 0rivuatyl1omsesmhdebmownumrbngmrrvedltiendor\dlhan1inHarvnto1ll by lltlawlnrilldttltolexpusesboththeltighnsoncdiyreteolyurrrgwonrarvrborrndergobodcroern dtMiw5l9nI||#hnirnir|ahadnb|HaayolU|muptyumgHtm\danpcehhlbmndby |e|tlkmadnrcelh(orrdaMa|llbyFr||talej||llaae(l|rlci|aF|soliso|ben|arioutaltrrn _i_ _ ~ Ill. NORTHERN Vl$|0N5, Frogcan 1: Monday, July 11. |:00 PM. lbe titledcarader ul lmy Pattcaiguyrdde Super Slraraoa (211 mit., 1990) h me Itnt bculc Superhero. llllt tlldotrltq comedy ssies broadcast In the North by the Inuit Ilraadrast (orperatton received a vricle lolawinga spanned a oenic boob. t'Iel|ig(l0 min, 1992) produced by the lcalagd Wonon's Video Workshop. Merrhers ol the lllorlcxbop re-mocttheritual ol tbe quidig (sotdeil lillvl lrt reid 1ll5|ld|l_,;5lll\-,s§W\dRd00§flQ~ °"' _ Vidomonllndhissuosdlxtiglhkmlmlstodayrqrodrdwniesllarilyplunhg le. THE DRlVER'$~VlIlFE llldr lroemlielrl, 1990, ll,K/South Alrlra asian., term courtesy ol rturtrrrnetre. W, populu 1V in latin America altar bmrliare as a faam lor sedd, cdrand, and pobtlcd concerns. llis program leatures: Music video from Panama: Algo 0| ll by lets Frrarro lr Sevglo (unbelott, spodcsto thehoeror ol living under amibtary rule; lie Apperltloe by Lots Pieeee It llurde Kendo! paysadnrte to Aho-(gairbean roots; (erreesel by Ecbude ltrbor is a ldlo rdtasl sedrdlortlorrrity. lelevisiutt from Cuba: lu Abuobl 5| leboltl ('1ho lirrltbcents Ilebel') is o popctlor'1\I series rrltidr drarnotites the problem ol presart cloy (alta economic stress, housing shortages, lr1slngIonily_tomlorts;(ulabadta('lrd1aby')pluys ridrtly at |100 I. 5:30 an Cubcar 1V in a hinlto rhiltberr md avnarring to pleats before violorl prague. Ptdrlic Service Announcunarts lrom lbudeates YM. honored by tv Nina, these 50-second roen L t;5tt Inuit: liberty rl vldealtters were rired daring stntioa breolcs, as expressions al rosislmre to Portugese dornlricliorc Alalerirl ,murray Karen Itonurci Dee Dee llollerlc, I Stealren Vrrielo. NUNAVET ZERO) July 6, tlcehamor, dine I sfldlmlil,l"3ll0llt|¢'lihldl"Jil|lll[¢1t]l'l|¢.09EllQl&(Dt'll\ill Seotritjy isolated in the llttthrnmostrayore al the world, Inuit produrers have uoatd car canning body ol rrcirlcvilidt presravesrt. celebrates thai crdture lndrued vrithaseuse olhumor L an aulhentktdly Inuit oesthetistensibtlity, these tmos ue o must-see for those vdtose only lcneviledge al llerthun rulntre ramos horn lltinoolc ofthe North. This program features vrorlcs by Inuit urteu, larhcalos Kunub, whose drtltll have dgwted mdbtces throudtotrt the vrerld. All videos it lrrulrdtub oil! fnglslt subtitles. gone hayvnre, A young businessman, reporting lor o meetbrg in lerogrod, is greeted by o nudeseaetay, o diet who "lmriesh1m,' md o didn readterr that rmlces lrinso rmrder suspect. Waldman. Saturday, July 3, Saturday, lane 25, 7:30 p.nt.§ Sunday, Jane 27, 9:95 pea. ' cidturrdanhunicirythmlmvebosurnossodrledrdthdlolhuedfsprodxtiua ll. NORIHERN V|S|ONS: letllglrtlorre, this lilm Istlte dtsurdtale olabusiresslrip Asort el Soviet _ llrdllce~|lS. Ayoungbaylrt rhe 'worst class in allot Prague," ldollres his new teodrer, a CHILDREN OF FATE: UF! 'ls DEATH. IN A SICIIJAN FAMILY Andrew Young ¢_Susan Tori, 1992,l1l&/italy 87~n'dn, lbltm, First Run features _ NORTHERN VISIONS, Praycan 1: Tuesday, July 13, l:00 Hn. lacltlldt Kuala saga ol Inuit lilo in the 1930s continues tlis evening UM lvre productions t1\ot,lllce 1991) or 'gtdag iloggig vrae prorbrnd vrlththo assistcarce ol thelglooilc (GIIIYIHETY. Nanaqpa(5B hlantI,F Iethecadttorrsarnlrtorhurelarrrztbaumeattoloatlrelorrgvrimer. ilrerecartlyrarrploted no Pre rrreoy,.1oty 9, s Ierherous retired amy olllcer who has been Iciclced out ol rvay ollrer school tn lheiountry. Ihe boys father leels threatened and begins to compete Iac the boy'r adonrtionin this block comedy nominated lor the Academy Award 1or lest Foreign lrarguoge Film Wolrbnaa. Saturday, July S, 1:00 pat.; Tuesday, July 6, 9:15 p.m.;11rarsday, .lulyB, 9:15 p.m; Imprehed by ldoolilc conmriry members under the drestion of lacllrllae rrr.c,a.,,r,rse ren, may detdls home no at no nerr daring tl\e1930s_ rrrrrmpor rbsatdcana, he story revolves raocnd o yormg mm in love with a local vrotnan, I the mrrutd occur it the oonlrnmol idea. lhei survlvd. POPU 3 Jtlr _ , _ |. SOLJTH OF '|'|'|E BORDER: LA CULTURA THE ELENENTARY SCHOOL altar with speed md locomotion, llallvrallo: Wednesday, Juno 13. 'I 7:30 p.rrt. It 9:45 pmt. lrrln _ _ Drgmized by laura |lrGeu¢| _ p.nr.; _ imprisoned lot' ltlttqtltilty inthe lostdlo in 1789, 'lho 1dtttQ1ls,' an lrlstoaatlc cantne, findsen unasucd cdlrnate teargagein pltilusopltisal debates about art, politis, and sexual freedom. Mlxlng live action, maslcs, md puppets (but dellrtitdy lor adults), this ribold hit ol tlte lnlemational lestivtd clrutl llnelly makes lt to Buflalo. With Sort and locomotives, ea invontlve, hldrly stylized short based on Frerldt/Arnoricon industrial designer Raymond loevry's love 30 ' GIDBAI; Millld is u Sprague series fearing an video lr television from 3 vastly di70fl'1l'l!l19tH1 oltbe 9ll1HZ>"l0>ll§1l1W0$l90TI'll09i|50l{ll1l|l90_l*l1Ul0ll, latir America, 2 Africa Some products use video as o medium ol _ctdturd preservation, others as e lerum lor politicd protest or sodd zooenentory. Together, the program dunanstrate the er|t|ecsllatu1>t`liryof video, which can beused, adapted,-8. lI`G'Y5T0f|ll|0 by cornrnunities as a unique lonn ol ruhurd expression. lil0l1ALMEl`Jltlleamres virhtos rrlirit artertcin, rholenge, 8 advocate, cursing us to pause lr utestion the conventions ol ll,S. oorrenerciol maria THE MU$EUMS_ (FROM » Dlll _ ` ELUHHL I'1EI]Ill Careful is a bizarre comedy filmed entirely bt Winnipeg, but ser ln tire Swiss Alot, tltdsltot in the 1imItd~tit'r1od styleol the earlyvtlvocolac lechnicoloc process, about anlncestuaus community Kring in constant lem and caution. (rs vn1ttarby'1l\rlfaIa's own George Telex the libnts at outrageously iumv and trristed lilrn with n style all Its own. The Comb is an intricate puppet animation exploring are suhcansdous world al steep, based an the short story 1 by Austrian writer Robert Walser. Woldrnrar. Thursday, July 1, 1 I :30 %a hi beatms. 5:00 p.rrt. 1. refered by near. se. ol'Social llirdogue, recognized to haw played a mrior role it the politircd llotttmrlon 6itahs'_Group reform ol 19119. The lratherl Ouay,_l_99l, Great lrilritt 17 ssorn, legen rare. M.ARQU|$ 9:55 p.n\.; ' ' rmzrns' - Saturday, luoo 26, ' _ '_ 7:30 |t,m. East (oust Frenvbra 25, 7:30 p.m.; 4: TUESDAY, JUNE 29 ron-t. treo r.|\. A111 0- POI.lI1(5 lll THE [A5T.(lrltad by Kdha Si. tvorlc-address startlmg polltlad charges during he period 1999-93. 'lapas indude 1tlE(0)lA by Gcdsoy laral lasllo Laszlo Revesz (Ilungary), 101Al.|1Al1IA1l Z0llE by Vaclav Kuteru lfllflll, ta\d1llE PE1lAI.'{0I1EWA§ tctnnca by vor arr9o._vrrar (Romania). PII ll. WW PM. THE (OIIHTESS, Peter Popzlatev (lulgaria, 1989). A young, tough, urban (Sofia) vratnan asserts ltorindependertce in the Iropehd md racbcd you ol 1968 against dreauthority ol ber Iather, herpeers' expedollore, md the state. Sho ls sent to rm isolated vilago lor reallocation, to aprtsan camp lor discipline, md to a montrd horpnrd lar dug rdtdriliation. Popzlatev bottled vrith oensors it 1989 to produce this _ llrroujrdoiyrltuals, a young vromaebeiesto tiscover istteliitggtrates other recently eroeoe more in reset. netware vreemeey, :lone re, LEADER, HIS DRIVER, ~ A CAREFUL any tnertantttz, (mode 9brv\i1s.,35rre|c,ZeHge1stFilcte 7:30 pun. Foundation md llaé lox ltd. (llungtay), Group ol Sodcd lltdogue (l1omania), 0rIQnal Video Journrd ilomter (zerhoslovdcia). MIIMITKURNIS' VIDEO l|ddlYf|$f, .lrtlllt Klpplf Ir 'Ill Predttdlanl (llttngary, 1992). Seleatons from the 1V/vtdeo crdrive wlidr Korris, one ol 1lungay's loadhg writers, has been comiing since 1936, as a way ol praeuvbrg listory. _ 2: FRIDAY, JUNE 1 8 7:00 p.|n. Saturday, .luly 30, PROGRAM 3: THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 7:30 P.M. cnrzms' uovcrnrrrt recom, port 2. cornea ey rea. sea. Gtizans' gaups, vrarltiog indqendently using camcordas, were tile to broadcast and circtdate videotapes olpoltriccd events, danos, cmd isrussion to lelorrr citizens. llris progran features rrorlc from Blrulc Box 'I 1 THURSDAY, JUNE 1 7, 7:30 P.M. CULTURHS) & CUL`|'URE(5) PE`[l1 VRANA, Vl§lTlllG ARTIST lflqtlt) lu saeatt his lqttts PERUMUS IUOMBSI llld D051 l0l.0ll lfllUllf~lll$ ElIOUGllI_ _l9|9-mf IU! MWF! OF W, GUSITIU lltlttas (Hungary, 1939), Uihle bis grmrbnotber mrdces saw! ond watches 1V aovecoge of raolrontational poinrrd everns it Romania, Urine, md East Germany, llomos ollers insighlson bovrtba events ae_construr.ted by the Hungarian maria eumrra rv nrrmruerru, oar ice," e no Prerlurttonr (llungtly/Lltbeanla, mm. rv stationsjinducing on undugourrd ratio md W brtnlcar, were sites ofstnnojc strugde in litl|umia's 1991 indapendmoa lsemtlta (armor IJSSI1, RFGUMR WMRMS 7929-92, dell llopper Ir Fri! (Huagcry/Fourier 115911, 1992).-Fin and video spectades ol state lunorcds, Irom the idedism af lerin's1brougltl1te aelebroion al the Brezlarevgeronlorrory _ (Gerrnaay/Romania, Romanian tdevision. EASTERN TV WHY HAS BHOD|~DHARN\A LEFT FOR THE EAST? he Yong-Kyun, 1989, South Korea 13§ndn., 3Smrn, Milestone. A 11-'IE lhis lilm cnnstruas the Decondser 1989 uprisirg in limisoaa, Romania, and events ot tbe W station uskig aanrorderdoarrnartatiorr shot by loud perticizonts in well as some ol the 170 non-stop hours broadcast by VIDEOGMMIIES-I |fY0l.lm09l , lltaun ftncbl lr Andrei Ullsa 1993) ` gets much more rlron he borgrinedlor. Waldman Theater. Thursday, July 1, 7:00 p.m., I. Friday, July 2, 9:45 p.m. THE PROMISED IAND lbrnm, lla|cta|s_lince1999.Keilco Sol, a .lapmesebom independent video curator who has lived in Budapest md Frqua since 1988, has selected rrorlc by citizens' movemann cmd media artists. Judt Ilopper's remialroltle programs made lor Iiunguien W explore vritlrgreor insight TV cultures heretoloro media mdierues Utlrer progrreos document the strategic targeting of 1V by in'Uihuo\tia's 1991 independence struggle, reconstruct the 1989 Ilamanicar coup through oamrorder footage cmd record the emorgetrceol youth movements atdgonder consciousness it Bulgraia Series orauizod by (lurk till. _ tn 1954, ri luyoorald boy has a mod auth on 11»yearoldJosna. ttis rlval' lar Josna's ollections islrer itlel, Comrade Tito. ihe boyenters anossay contest on 'Why I love 1ito'!' to vrin lcorrollectiorrs, butvrhon he wins the contest, ho Sunday, Jane 13, 9:45 pun.; Monday, .lane 19, 5:00 pan. B5 M., PII ll. 9:30 PJI. _ Eden explores lheceallid bentreoa traditionmdprogressnseadtodtodin a young llongolim couple, tltti close-lcrtlt ltanily, and n group el stranded Russian construction vrorlrers. ltallvvtdls. Satavday, Joao 12, 7:30 p.n|.; Henri lltis 9-pcrt ntinisaries ollers rn exrraorcbnray opportunity to examine the inlmection between lelevlsual (movie lim, video (l\1t'A'tfhfS,1v tr ratio trostsrnntlsl md the polnicd events eyiarts, access which have racially reslrqsed llongory, Ratrtrtnict, larmet fledtoslovalcia, formor East Germany, I.itbuania, md the _ 9:45 pre, BLACK EHSIEHN EUHUPE- IV HNI] PIILITIES ` _ _ Student/Senior sza S*- lm M' hdmés Q rent,/eoet soo E Q 1 1 _E I = Ni r I A FRIDAY AL `l1NNEY QUINTEI' T 9 SATU RDAY LESTER BOVVIE VVI'I'H MUL'I1-JAZZ DIMENSIONS 8:00 P.M., Allen Hall, 3435 Main Street (SUNYA8 South Campus) S5 General/$3 Hallwalls 8 WBFO Members LIVE BROADCAST DN WBFO, FM-88,7 T0:00 c, P.M., Calumet Arts Cafe, 54 W. Chippewa Street S5 General/S3 Hallwalls 8. WBFO Members 'f 8 THURSDAY THE AL '|1NNEY QUINTEI' 6:30 P.M., Buffalo 8. Erie County Public library, Lafayette Square FREE 9 Al T'inney, Buffalo's Dean of Jazz 8. designated Ambassador of Jazz 8. Blues to the World University Games, will perform with his quintet on four separate occasions during the Games' lnternational Cultural Festival, including two free concerts at the downtovm branch library and two live broadcasts on WBFO, As leader of the house band at Monroe's Uptown House in Harlem in the early 40s, Tinney helped launch Be-Bop. His career as both leader and sideman has induded associations with Charlie Parker, Ben Webster, Jimmy Blanton, Don Bias, Max Roach, Benny Carter, Dizzy Gdlespie, Terry Gibbs, Charlie Christian, and Buddy DeFranco. ln I969, Tinney settled in Buffalo where he became mentor to many young iazz artists who have gone induding Joe Ford, active as an College, to establish themselves on the international scene, Abade, Jay Beckenstein, and Jeremy Wall. Tinney has also been educator with appointments at the University at Buffalo, Buffalo State the Center for Positive years he was on Nasar an Thought, and Masten Park Secure Center, whore for many therapy program for youthful offenders. instructor in the music 25 FRIDAY ALTINNEY QUINTET 8:00 P.M., Allen Hall (Live Broadcast on WBFO) FRIDAY DON PULLEN & 11-IE AFRICAN-BRAZIUAN CONNECTION 8:00 P.M., The Marquee at the Tralf, T00 Theater Place STO advance/ST2 day of show/S8 Hallwalls Members Don Pollen, of bassist Charles Mingus's I970s band, has made decade as co-founder of the Don Pullen/George Adams past Duartet and leader of the inventive Don Pullen Trio. His music has always stretched boundaries and the African-Brazilian Connection introduces an entirely new set of musical a waves veteran legendary in the ingredients into Pul|en's musical cookbook. The collaboration unites live of today's strongest personalities at the peaks of their careers, and rhythm is the key. In addition to Pullen's own unusually percussive piano playing, the ensemble is driven by Senegalese master drummer Mor Thiam, a fiery performer and band leader in his own right, and Guillrermo Franco, an innovative Brazilian multi-percussionist who originated several of popular drumming techniques in use today. Bassist Nilson Malta, also from Brazil, holds the rhythmic fury together with creative agility and sensibility. Finally, well-traveled Panama native Carlos Ward brings to the group his fluid and provocative saxophone and flute playing and the unique perspective he has gained as an andioring member of groups led by iazz and world music straddlers Abdullah lbrahim and Don Cherry. T 8 the most a Buffalo native Joe Ford will 26 SATU R DAY DELFEAYO MARSALIS QUINTET 8:00 P.M., The Marquee at the Tralf $8 advance/ STO day of show/$6 Hallwalls Members will lead his touring quintet, fresh from the release of Pontius lTlale's Decision, a startling recording of musical interpretations of Biblical themes. Marsalis has produced recordings for Harry Connidc Jr., Courtney Pine, Kenny Kirkland, the Terrence Blanchard-Donald Harrison Quintet, and Marcus Roberts, in Composer/trombonist Delfeayo Marsalis addition to brothers Wynton and Branford and father Ellis. Marsdis has toured as a trombonist with Ray Charles, Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers, Abdullah lbrahin, and Fats Domino. 2 7 S U N D AY JOHN ZORN'S MODERN GAMES Performed by THE NEW JAZZ ORCHESTRA OF 2:00 P.M., Albright-Knox Art Gallery Auditorium FREE Composer/trumpeter He is a founding member original iazz today. legendary Art Ensemble of Chicago and leader of Brass Fantasy. His music is performed by musicians worldwide and he has been commissioned to write themes for both the World University Games and the T994 Winter Olympics in Norway, With BuffaIo's Multi-Jazz Dimensions (Chu Nero, saxophonist; John Hasselback Jr., trombonist; Greg Millar, guitarist; Duncan Hopkins, bassist and John Bacon Jr., drummer), Bowie wil perform both his own original compositions and those of band members. of the T5 THURSDAY THE AL TINNEY QUINTET 6:30 P.M., Buffalo 8. Erie County Public Library FREE CONTRIBUTORS The New Jazz Orchestra of Buffalo will perform a program of music by composer John Zorn aptly entitled John Zorn's Modern Games The New Jazz Orchestra of All Buffalo is Hallwalls' resident new iazz ensemble and one of the few iazz ensembles in the country with a full compliment of strings. Zorn's music vnll be "prompted" by Stephen Drury, and the composer will be present at the performance. JULY T T BOBBY MILITELLO QUINTET JULY JULY 3 S A T U R D AY Composer/saxophonist George Garzone, founding member of the 20-year-old Fringe, will join the Greg Piontek Trio (Marvin Jolly, drummer; Greg Piontek, bassist, and Bobby Jones, pianist) to perform music by Garzone, Piontek, and others. Garzone has performed and toured with the George Russel Orchestra, the Gill ensemble The of the most SATURDAY JOE FORD\NITH BBKS T0:00 P.M., Calumet Arts Cafe S5 General/S3 Hallwalls 8. WBFO Members THE BUFFALO NEVVS SUMMER JAZZ SERIES P.M., Allen Hall (Live Broadcast on WBFO) S5 General/ S3 Hallwalls 8. WBFO Members S5 General/S3 Hallwalls 8. WBFO Members one TO to Sundays, 2:00 concerts P.M., Albright-Knox Gallery Steps (Delaware Park side) free. T8 AN ALL-VVOMAN TRIBUTE TO BILLY HOLIDAY A Production of Just Buffalo Literary Center 8:00 LESTER BOVVIE \NI11-I MULTI-JAZZ DIMENSIONS 8:00 P.M., Allen Hall (live Broadcast on WBFO) Lester Bowie is home perform with BBKS (Tony`Gloster, saxophone; Greg Millar, guitar; Jerry Livingston, bass; Abdul-Rahman Qarlir, drums). During the Mid 70s, saxophonist/composer Ford was a founding member of Buffalo's premiere iazz ensemble Birthright. He left Buffalo to tour and record with pianist McCoy Tyner, and has since performed with Kenny Kirkland, Larry Willis, Ronny Barrage, Wynton Marsalis, Branford Marsalis, and others. He is currently touring with the Grammy Award winning McCoy Tyner Big Band. return BUFFALO GEORGE GARZONE VVITH THE GREG PIONTEK TRIO F RIDAY SECRET) $5 General/S3HalIwalls and WBFO Members recent T T F R I D AY JOE FORD VVITH BBKS CBUFFALO' S BEST KEPT 8:00 P.M., Allen Hall (Live Broadcast on WBFO) $5 General/$3 Hallwalls 8. WBFO Members trumpeters in Evans 0rchestra, Dave liebman, Bob Moses, Bill Stewart, Joe lavano, Cedle McBee, and Miroslav Vitous. 3 S AT U R D A Y GEORGE GARZONE VVITI'| TI'IE GREG PIONTEK TRIO T0:00 P.M., Calumet Arts Cafe S5 General/$3 Hallwalls 8. WBFO Members ALSO ON SUNDAY, JULY T81 THE BLUES SOCIETY OF VV.N.Y.'S FIRST ANNUAL BLUES FESTIVAL T:00 to 9:00 P.M., Theater Place (Pearl Street side) All tidrets $7.00 advance (ST 0 day of show), from Tidretron Closing the Jazz 8. Blues Series is an all day outdoor festival of national blues acts, induding Mitch Wood 8. His Rocket 88, Paul Mark 8. the Van Dorens, lynn August 8. the Hot August Nights, 8. more. Presented by the Blues Society of W.N.Y. in cooperation with Hallwalls. Hallwalls' presentations for the lnternational Cultural Festival were possible with special grants from the World University Games, Buffalo '93. Additional program funds for music, media, 8. visual arts made provided by the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal &the New York State Council on the Arts. Hallwalls' programs agency, in the contemporary arts also receive general operating support from the County of Erie 8. the City ol Buffalo, 8. from our corporate donors: Independent Health, Key Bank of New York, Servotronics, and the Anderson Gallery. The Jazz 8. Blues series has been produced with are artist lee support from the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation Trallamadore Jazz Institute, in cooperation with The Marquee the the WBFO-FM the Buffalo News Summer Jazz Series, the Trolf, 88.7, Blues Society of W. N.Y., Just Buffalo Literary Center, the Calumet Arts Cafe, the Buffalo 8. Erie County Public Library, & the AlbrightKnox Art Gallery. Equipment for Tokyo 4 was provided by Armin Heurirh & the U.B. Dept. of Media Study. The Film program wishes to give special thanks to Jessica at Kino Int., Matt and Howard at U.U.A.B., the Austrian Cultural Institute, and Michael at E.B.S. Productions for their generous support in the organization of this & at least, we thank all ol our members 8. individual donors whose generous support has made this entire program. Last but not season possible.